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A59994 The true impartial history and wars of the Kingdom of Ireland its situation, division into provinces; shires &c., its ancient inhabitants, manners, customs and the state it was in at its being first invaded and conquer'd by the English in the reign of K. Henry II : with the several revolts and rebellions of the natives and by what means they have been reduced to obedience in the reign of our several kings and queens : but most particularly relating to all the memorable skirmishes, battels, sieges ... since the grand revolution under the reign of Their Present Majesties K. William and Q. Mary ... Shirley, James, 1596-1666. 1692 (1692) Wing S3489A; ESTC R30144 94,983 204

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having violated the Peace and undeniably begun the War in invading Ireland the King delayed not to denounce the War against them by a Declaration to that purport bearing Date the Seventh of May 1689. and great Preparations were made for passing over to Ireland Forces were Levied in all parts of England and Money prepared for defraying the Charge of the Expedition which was the more facilitated upon the Estates of Scotland submitting their Crown to King William and Queen Mary and taking of them upon their being owned and invested King and Queen of that Kingdom which they did by their Commissioners who waited upon Their Majesties to that purpose in the Banquetting-House at Whitehall And the Viscount of Dundee who had headed the Rebel Highlanders and others in that Kingdom being killed in a fatal Battel near St. Iohnstown things began to go better and the Success of the Scotch Affairs gave way to a more speedy prosecuting those in Ireland where the Inniskilling-men being abroad pierced the Enemies Quarters and got great Booties defeating divers Parties and making themselves terrible to the Enemy Upon News brought that Maccarty was in those Parts with a strong Party plundering and ravaging the Country Lieutenant-Colonel Berry with three Companies of Foot eight Troops of Horse and three of Dragoons marched towards them but upon their approach found they were made stronger than they were reported by another Party that had joyned them and were much superiour to him in number which obliged him before he found himself sufficiently strong to attack them to send to Colonel Woolsey at Inniskilling for a Re-inforcement which he no sooner obtained but he charged them with much bravery killing a considerable Number taking some Prisoners and putting the rest to flight but the Flyers in their way being greatly re-inforced rallied and came to second Encounter which for a time continued bloody and doubtful they by reason of their advantageous Post much galling our Horse with their Cannon but the Defiles or dirty narrow Passages being resolutely passed by our Foot and Dragoons they made themselves Masters of the Cannon which gave our Horse the advantage to charge the Enemies Horse who thereupon deserted the Foot and fled and the Foot after them a great many being killed and some taken Prisoners by which Defeat the Country was freed from great Incumbrances This part of the Enemies Army that had a long time lain heavy upon it being by this means and in this Battel fell of the Enemy by the Sword and those that were drowned in desperately throwing themselves into the Lough to escape the Pursuers about Three thousand There happened likewise divers other Rencounters of lesser note wherein the Protestants for the greatest part gained the advantage Whilst these things were doing the Irish Army with King Iames at the Head of it marched towards London-Derry promising themselves the Terrour of their Arms would oblige it to a Surrender upon their first approach but found they were extreamly mistaken for although Colonel Lundy the Governour and the two Regiments sent from England under the Colonels Cunningham and Richards had withdrawn and slighted it as a place not tenable against an Army of Forty thousand Men with a Train of Artillery and divers Mortars Providence so ordered it became the Bulwark of the sinking Nation and gave the Enemy their first considerable check for divers Troops that were abroad mostly composed of undisciplined Soldiers throwing themselves into it they together with those that were found there were Regimented even the multitude seizing the Keys and undertaking with great alacrity to defend it having chose Mr. George Walker Minister of an adjacent Village their Governour and Major Baker his Co-adjutor or Assitant-Governour during the Siege And now those in Arms in the Town consisted of 117 Companies and every Company contained sixty Men being in all 7020 Common Soldiers and 341 Officers The next thing taken in hand was to view the Stores and ordering their better Security from any Embezling as resolving to defend the place to the last extremity having already rejected the Offers the Enemy made them in case they would readily submit which consisted of much promised Favour and Protection but the hard dealings others had met with who had put themselves into their hands made them deaf to all Proposals and their great Guns being mounted on the Wall they fired upon the Advance-Guard of the Enemy who had been promised to be received with open Arms by Hamilton and others who undertook to bring over the besieged which much consternated King Iames then within the reach of their Cannon and obliged him to remove to a place of more safety However seeing fair Words and Promises could not gain it they resolved to reduce it by force beginning within a day or two after their appearance before it to break Ground and run their Trenches drawing up a Demi-culverine within a Furlong of the Town with which they battered the Market-House and did some damage to other Houses but the Cannon from the Town playing among them did considerable Execution and to hinder their nearer approach the Besieged sallied and beat them out of their Trenches killing about Two hundred Men amongst whom was the French General Mamow and others of Note with little loss on our side and of Note only Lieutenant Mac Phedris was killed The Besiegers finding this way little availed them drew four Demi-Culverine into an Orchard adjoyning to the Town and kept continual Firing which hurt many People in their Houses and made some Impressions in the Walls Nor was the damage left unrequited from the Cannon of the Town which killed them a great many Men and some considerable Officers and a sudden shot took off two Fryars in their Habits as they were exhorting the Besieged to press on the Siege And now to do their Work more effectually they placed two Mortar-pieces and threw in divers Bombs which did some damage to the Houses and People whereupon the Besieged sallied and killed several of the Enemy at Penburn-Hill losing only two of their own and eighteen wounded The same day a Shot from the Town broke and dismounted one of their Pieces on the Battery and killed the Gunner whereupon they drew a Trench a-cross Windmil-hill from the Bog to the River and there raised another Battery lining the Hedge with Dragoons but at the same time the Besieged sallied in a considerable number and dividing one part made them Masters of the Trenches and advantageous Ground killing about two hundred whilst the other Party beat the Dragoons from the Hedges Which reiterated Losses so enraged the Enemy that having Captain Cunningham and Lieutenant Douglass upon some Sallies they after Quarter given put them to the Sword which served to confirm the Besieged in the belief of the Mercy they were to expect if they fell into their hands and made them more obstinate in a resolute Defence and alluring the Governour out under pretence of Treaty they fired a hundred Shot
having been well tutored and of a graceful Carriage so well acted his part that not only the Lieutenant but a great many of the Irish Nobility sided with him raising considerable Forces to espouse his Quarrel Crowning him King in Dublin and not content to keep him there they brought him with a considerable Army into England landing in Lancashire and Proclaiming him But the King's Forces advancing they were in a Set-battel over-thrown and the Imposter taken Prisoner the Priest hanged c. They likewise in the King's Reign aided another called Perkin or Peter Warbeck who stiled himself Duke of York younger Son to Edward the Fourth but in this they had no better success than in the former a great many being killed the Impostor taken after several Attempts and bloody Encounters having engaged the Scots as well as Irish on his part marrying the Lady Catharine Gourdon Niece to that King he was first obliged to confess his Impostor how he was set on maintained and encouraged by the Dutchess of Burgundy Sister to Edward the Fourth and then being publickly punished was sent to the Tower from whence endeavouring to escape he was executed and with him the real Earl of Warwick who had been kept a Prisoner there a considerable time all that was alledged against him was that he attempted to make his Escape with Perkin to raise new Commotions In the Reign of Henry the Eighth great Commotions were stirred up which were at first suddenly appeased but the Earl of Kildare being Deputy the People exhibited their Complaints against him to the Court of England as the cause of many Disturbances by his severe using them and amongst other Articles they had this viz. All Ireland is not able to Rule this Earl Then said the King this Earl is the fittest Man to Rule all Ireland and thereupon he continued him Deputy it appeared this hatred against him proceeded only from the strict hand he had over them to keep them from rebelling And another was That he had caused to be burned the Cathedral Church of Cashal The Archbishop of that place being his chief Accuser and when every one would have denied it he humbly replied By Chreest I would never have done it had I not byen told the Archbishop was in it Which plain dealing made the King smile and the Archbishop storm and fret however the Earl was ordered to rebuild it at his own charge and so continued in his Deputyship but often fell into displeasure by reason of his plain downright dealing and Cardinal Wolsey now ruling all at Court for speaking too plain to him upon his Examination at the Council-Board where Wolsey sat as President he sent him to the Tower and ordered a Warrant for his Execution without the King's Knowledge of which the King having Notice by the Lieutenant was mightily incensed at Wolsey and that great Favourite soon after falling into Disgrace the Earl was released and sent to Ireland with one Sir William Sheington who was made Deputy however the O Moors fell into Rebellion but being opposed by Forces drawn out of Dublin they were dispersed and many of them killed and for that time the Tempest blown over however it lasted not long for the Earl of Kildare's Enemies having again upon many grievous Complaints prevail'd to have him sent for to England he was committed to the Tower whereupon his Son the Lord Thomas notwithstanding the Perswasions of the Chancellor to avert him from it fell into Rebellion and drew great Forces after him yet driven at last to extream Necessities he was perswaded by the Lord Grey then Deputy of the Kingdom to submit himself to King Henry's Mercy without hope of Pardon but some of his Followers having killed Alen Archbishop of Dublin he was upon his Arrival committed to the Tower and King Henry being informed That the Geraldine Family had vowed never to have Peace with him he sent for the Earl's five Brothers in Custody when one of them during their crossing the Seas demanded of the Master what the Name of the Ship was who replied The Cow Nay then said he looking on the rest with a dejected Countenance we are all lost Men for now a Prophecy comes into my head that says Five Brethren of an Earl should be carried into England in the Belly of a Cow and never come back again and I doubt not but all things hitting so pat we are they And indeed so it happen'd for being Accused of the late Rebellion though two of them were ignorant of it the Lord Thomas Son to the Earl was beheaded on Tower-hill and the five Brethren hang'd drawn and quartered at Tyburn and the Earl soon after died in the Tower of Grief which destroyed the Center of that Noble Family for although one Brother escaped yet travelling through many Countries he at last came to Naples and there died Childless Nor did the Lord Grey escape for being countermanded and accused of holding Correspondency with this Family though without any notable Proof he was Condemned for High-Treason and beheaded on Tower-hill The Kings of England the better to please the Natives of Ireland having been all this while only called Lords of Ireland the Parliament sitting at Westminster in the 33d year of Henry's Reign invested with the Title of King of Ireland whereupon the Earl of Tyrone and divers others rebelled but in some bloody Encounters being defeated the Earl was at last subdu'd and brought Prisoner for England yet upon his humble Submission released and sent over upon promise of keeping the Country in quiet which he pretty well observed during the short Reigns of King Edward the Sixth and Queen Mary only some petty Commotions happened that were soon quieted In the Year 1566. being the Seventh year of Queen Elizabeth's Reign one of the chief Lords of Ireland named Donald Mac Carti More upon some little stirs that happened came over and not only cleared himself to the Queen but delivered up to her all his Territories vowing perpetual Fealty but she in gratitude restored them again and made him Earl of Glencare giving him a considerable Sum to bear his Expences so that by his great Authority amongst the Natives it was thought the Kingdom would be kept quiet but it proved otherwise for after some private Conspiracies that never broke out were defeated the Earl of Desmond the Eleventh Earl of that Title who had great Territories and abundance of Followers broke into open Rebellion and did great damage to the English driving them out of many places killing divers Gentlemen in Revenge as he said of the Earl of Kildare and his Family being put to death and amongst others one with whom he had contracted a strict Friendship and usually called Father who when he saw him with his drawn Sword breaking into his Chamber and relying upon his former Friendship cried out What is the matter Desmon my Son to whom the bloody Earl sternly replied I am no longer thy Son nor thou my Father but
thou shalt surely die and thereupon they put him and all they found in the House to the Sword These Outrages allarmed the Lord Deputy who drawing out his Forces after divers Skirmishes put the Earl to the Rout who being forsaken of his Followers lurked for sometime in the Bogs and Mountains but miserable want driving him thence among the Cottages he was there found and slain by a private Souldier when his Head being conveyed to England was set upon London-Bridge and so fell this Eleventh Earl of Desm●nd But in his Grave the restless Spirits of the Irish were not buried for casting their Eyes on the Family of the Bourks they gave out they would have an eminent Person of that Family to be their King or Governour and many Tumults were raised but this prudent Queen notwithstanding some intestine Troubles at home took such care that she a long time by Policy and Force reduced the unruly Natives to their Obedience the former of which was particularly effected by driving away their Cattel and making them submit through extream necessity after they had been got together in the Woods about forty Days The Second was by the timely Notice the Deputy had of Two thousand Scotch Highlanders landing to joyn with the Irish and knowing nothing that they had laid down their Arms as to their greatest number they came on with such as fell in with them by the way in hopes to joyn the rest breaking into the Province of Connaught where indeed a great many of the Country Peasants took Arms on their part but the Lord-Deputy by speedy Marches towards them and finding they were got into Bogs and Fastnesses after he had encamped within sight a-while feigned a Retreat and they by reason of their over-numbring him supposing he had fled immediately followed but were no sooner trained on the firm ground e're the English fac'd about charged their Front and Flanks piercing the Array of their Battel and put them to utter rout and confusion so that not above eighteen of them escaped of upwards of Three thousand which crushed the Scots attempting to help them in their Rebellion These bad Successes shewing plainly the Hand of Heaven against them did not however make them sensible of their Misfortune in taking up Arms against a powerful Nation for perceiving themselves too weak to struggle in the Lyons Paws they began to tamper with other Nations alledging after the Reformation Religion as a ground to justifie their Rebellions though they were ever starting from their Allegiance when both Nations professed that of the Roman Catholick Communion but now taking this for a plausible pretext the Earl of Tyrone began und●r hand to deal with Philip the Second of Spain for Succours of Men and Ammunition promising to hold the Kingdom at his Devotion but this being about to be discovered by Hugh O Neale Tyrone in a rage clapped a Cord about his Neck and strangled him with his own hands Notwithstanding this it was known and he summoned to answe● it in the English Court and upon some assurance of Pardon he went submitting himself and making such plausible Protestations of Innocency that times running high by reason that the Spaniards were about to Invade England he was pardoned and sent over again but afterward proved Ingrateful and a very dangerous Enemy Much about this time one Mac Malcoon a leading Man among the Irish stirred up Commotions about paying Taxes for which he was taken tried and executed his Estate being given partly to his Family and partly to the English that living upon it they might curb and over-awe the rest Whereupon one Brian O Roch who had sided with him to prevent a present Punishment fell into an open Rebellion but upon the Rout that immediately was given him he fled into Scotland for Protection but the Queen's Influence was so great upon that Kingdom that she had him delivered up and being tried at Westminster he was there found Guilty and being carried to Tyburn he was there executed without being concerned at Death These things having been buzzed in the ears of the Multitude to have been done in an Arbitrary Way the Earl of Tyrone thought it a fit time to lay hold on their Discontents and raised all the Forces he could calling in the Spaniard and imploring the other Roman Catholick Nations to assist him as he pretended to prevent Heresies over-running that Kingdom nor was the Pope to whom he had sent one Ste●●ley an English Renagado as his Agent wanting to further his Design causing 600 Harquibussers to be levied in the Territories of the Church for the Service of Tyrone ● But S●ewkley who commanded them coming into the Port of Lisbon with them at what time King Don Sebastian was going to invade Africa he retained them for his Service when at the fatal Battel of Alcazaz against the Moors they were all cut to pieces However Tyrone being very much strengthned gave the English a great Overthrow and put all Connaught Vlster and Munster in Arms and the War after that went on with doubtful Success sometimes one Party prevailed and sometimes another Here the famous Earl of Essex the great Favourite of Queen Elizabeth commanded but whilst he was fighting in Ireland he was undermined by his Foes at the English Court and being called home and some Misdemeanours in this War and other things charged against him he was confined to his House where falling into Discontent he after having imprisoned the Privy Counsellors that were sent to him from the Queen he broke out into open Violence for which he lost his Head on Tower-hill The Fall of so brave a Souldier proving afterward to small cause of Grief to the Queen and his Loss was greatly regretted by the People whose Darling he was The Lord Norrice being Deputy of Ireland in the stead of the Earl of Essex he followed his business so close that giving Tyron● several Overthrows and beating out the Spaniards that came to his Assistance he at last was left by his Followers who cursing him for bringing them into such Troubles shifted as they could so that after he had lurked up and down some Months suffering extream Necessity he came and surrendred himself to the Lord-Deputy upon promise he should be sent over to England there to throw himself at the Queen's Feet for Mercy and according he was sent over and committed to the Tower but the Queen dying before he could be brought to Trial King Iames the Sixth of Scotland and First of England coming to the Crown he was by an Act of Indempnity pardoned and set at Liberty he and all his Adherents promising exact Obedience for the future and that wise King knowing how to settle a troublesome Nation as having been brought up in one himself he knew it was best to prevent and lay aside Animosities and therefore by his Proclamation of Pardon he utterly extinguished all Offences not only against the Crown but between Subject and Subject as to particular Trespasses
behind them and happy they thought themselves in that Condition if they could pass the Seas either to England or Scotland for although several of the Protestant N●bility and Gentry made Head in the North yet the Enemy having in their Posse●sion all the strong Towns they found themselves too weak to make any extraordinary Resistance against so mighty a Torrent as came roaring on however they gave several o● their Parties notable Overthrows fortifying London-Derry Slego and the ●●le of Inniskilling and such other Places and Difficulties of Access as they found Opportunity for by this time Tyrconnel had given Orders for s●opping the Ports and made many large and plausible Offers to bring them over to his Party but they prevailed on a very few The Prince and Princess being proclaimed King and Queen of England France and Ireland on the 14th of February 1688. upon the Humble Address of both Houses of Parliament great care was taken for the speedy succouring the oppressed Protestants of Ireland and that the Papists in Arms against them might be left without Excuse a Proclamation was sent over offering among other things a Pardon and Indempnity for all that should in Obedience to it lay down their Arms and retire to their respective places of Abode and there peaceably behave themselves as obedient Subjects ought to do upon which Condition they should in full Freedom enjoy their Estates according to Law and that the Roman Catholicks upon such a Consideration should have all the Favour that the Law allows for the private Exercise of their Religion with a further Promise That a Parliament should be speedily called in that Kingdom But upon refusing to comply with the Royal Mandate to be esteemed as Rebels and Traytors to the Crown of England c. their Lands and Possessions to be Forfeited and disposed of by way of Distribution among those that should be Aiding and Assisting in the Reducing the Kingdom to its Obedience This Royal Concession though Tyrconnel laboured what in him lay to hinder its being dispersed wrought some good Effects notwithstanding that Earl to counter-ballance it put forth a Paper which he termed his Declaration not only therein insinuating what great Advantage the Kingdom would reap by ●anding out But that their Fears might be dissipated he promised speedy Aids and Succours from France and that they should not want for either Money or Provision and moreover the better to encourage them gave hopes of King Iames's speedy landing there with a numerous Army And the better to secure himself and keep up the Courage of his Party he sent out Detachments to secure divers Protestant Gentlemen in the Country and make Garrisons of their Houses But the greatest part of them having timely notice made their Escapes by which the Protestants grew stronger in the North however their Goods and Possessions were destroyed and harassed The Priests being the greatest Incendiaries to stir up those that were actually in Arms to Spoil and Rapine as being sure of a share as likewise to Arm the madding Multitude so that one might see Droves of the latter some half naked others tattered and all in miserable Rags armed with Pitchforks Bills Staves and what other merciless Weapons they could get on the suddain running like so many Furies to spoil and plunder and in their greediness of Prey not many times distinguishing Papists from Protestants And it was strongly reported That there was a great Debate in the Council to which some Popish Bishops were admitted about a General Massacre as the best Expedient to clear the Country of Hereticks But Tyrconnel let it be to his praise had the Generosity to oppose and detest it and put a stop in some measure to the mischievous progress of the Rabble yet when some of the Chiefs who had got Protections from him made their Complaints That they were notwithstanding plundered He only shook his Head and told them It was Necessity that made his Men to do it and he could no ways help or restrain it These violent proceedings made those that thought upon the Earl's Protection they might have some confidence in their continuance as to safety begin to make away for the Sea-coast and although the Masters of Ships were commanded on pain of Death to transport none yet many escaped to England and Scotland where they were well received and Provision made for them by way of Publick Brief and Collection c. About the latter end of March the Abdicated King landed in Ireland with a great Train of Officers but very few Forces and was received at Dublin with a mixture of Joy and Sorrow bringing with him as his Supervisor Monsieur D'Avaux with some French Generals The Recorder of Dublin made a long Speech to him upon his Arrival extolling him for Courage Conduct and all the Heroick Vertues imaginable above the Skies and a general Joy spread in the faces of the Roman Catholicks thinking now the day was all their own and not doubting to carry every thing by force or submission and more Soldiers were Listed and Regimented under the French Officers that came over and care taken to lay up Stores Money was every where extorted and the plundered Cattel Corn and Hay brought in and sold at inconsiderable Rates insomuch that they soon gathered an Army of between Forty and Fifty Thousand Men. Whilst these things were doing at Land the English Navy being out at Sea with a strict Charge to hinder Correspondence between France and Ireland the Squadron under the Command of Admiral Herbert had Notice by their Scout Ships that part of the French Fleet was abroad and stood away to the Irish Coast Whereupon he made all the Sail he could after them and the next Day found they stood into Bantry Bay a very spacious bearing in of the Sea and though for fear of the Shallows and other Difficulties that might offer it proved a work of Difficulty to enter upon them for they seemed no ways willing to come out to an Engagement notwithstanding they were much superiour in number yet the Admiral drawing his Ships into a Line and lying upon the stretch battered them extreamly from Ten in the Morning till Five in the Afternoon at what time the French Admiral tacked from us and stood farther into the Bay We killed them a great many Men and some of our Men declare● they saw one of their great Ships go to the bottom On our side we lost Captain Aylmer of the Portland with a Lieutenant and about Three hundred Seamen killed and wounded and could our Fireships have entred upon them most of their Ships which were Forty four in number to about Twenty eight of ours might have been destroyed Our Fleet after this Engagement came back to Portsmouth and there refitted whether the King of England went to take a view of them and Dining aboard the Admiral created him Earl of Torrington c. and distributed about Six thousand pound among the Seamen And now the French
wounded yet they came not off without leaving the Marks of their Valour upon the Enemy But by this time the Army having the Elements to contend with as well as the Enemy by reason of the stormy Winds and incessant Rains which not only made the River over-flow but filled the Trenches knee-deep with Water and would in a short time in all probability have cut off the Communication and hindered the Forrage from coming in his Majesty upon mature deliberation thought fit to raise the Siege and refer it to a more seasonable opportunity So that on the 30th of August the heavy Cannon and Baggage were sent away and the next day the Army decamped and marched off in good Order strong Detachments being sent towards Cork and Kingsale And the King having appointed the Lord Viscount Sidney and Sir Thomas Conningsby Governour● of the Kingdom and setled the other Affairs as advantageously as might be sailed for England and landed at Bristol where as in other places he was received with a general Joy Upon the King's departure the Irish Garrisons thought themselves safe for the Winter at least but found in a short time they were deceived for other measures were taken The English Fleet had orders to stand away to the Coast of Ireland and soon arrived in Cork Harbour and upon notice of their Arrival the Land Forces drew down to joyn them upon their Landing Upon which the Duke of Berwick who stiled himself Lord General of Ireland drew off Lauzun and Tyrconnel being already gone to France Lieutenant-General Douglas followed after the Duke with a strong Party to fall upon his Rear but he Encamped so advantagiously behind the Bogs that it was not thought feasible to attempt the forcing his Camp A Battery of 8 Guns was raised to hinder the Landing of our Men but two or three armed Boats forcing ashoar those that were to manage and guard the Guns fled and our men dismounted them throwing the Carriages into the Sea so that on the 24th of September 5 or 6000 Seamen Gunners and Carpenters were detached to be employed in raising the Batteries and mounting the Cannon against the Town of Cork and divers Boats of arm●● Men were sent to assist the taking it by water so that upon the approach of the Army the Enemy set fire to the Suburbs and the Earl of Marlborough who commanded the King's Forces in chief having taken a view of its Scituation and finding the Enemy had quitted a Post called Cats-Fort sent a Detachment to take possession of it and then advanced his Camp within Musquet shot of the South-side of the Town which occasioned the Enemy to set fire to the Suburbs for fear our Soldiers should lodge themselves in it yet our Men advanced to the Ruins and played upon the Old Fort from two Batteries they had raised and the next day made a Breach in the Wall so wide that the Besieged fearing our Men would Enter by Storm and dreading the consequences of Delay they beat a Parly and sent out an Officer to Capitulate and Hostages were Exchanged but the besieged standing high upon Terms four Regiments under the Command of Brigadier Churchil were ordered to get into the Island near the Wall where the Breach was made which they performed by fording it to the middle the Granadiers commanded by the Lord Colchester leading the Van being exposed to all the Fire of the Enemy Amongst those that attempted this were a great many noble Voluntiers as the Duke of Grafton the Lord O Brian Colonel Granvil Captain Leighton Captain Cornwal Captain Nevel Captain Fairborn and others but it proved fatal to the Duke for by a shot he received he soon after died and his Body being carried for England was there honourably interred The Besieged finding that our Men would not enter as not being above 20 Paces from the Breach beat another Parley but could have no other Conditions than to be Prisoners of War to which with some difficulty they agreed and the Capitulation was signed which in the Articles was to this purpose viz. That upon the Garrisons being received as Prisoners of War no prejudice should be done to the Officers Soldiers or Inhabitants but that the General should make it his Endeavour to obtain his Majesty's Mercy and Favour towards them That the Old Fort should be delivered up within an hour and the two Gates the like by 8 in the Morning the next day That all the Arms of the Garrison and Inhabitants should be put into secure places and the Protestant Prisoners immediately released That a due Account should be given of the Magazines as well of Provision as Ammunition And the same Night 200 Men took possession of the Old Fort and the next Morning of the Town the Garrison between 4 and 5000 being made Prisoners of War and of note amongst them were the Earls of Clancarty and Tyrone Colonel Macgillicot the Governour and divers others This place thus taken and put into trusty hands the Army immediately marched towards Kingsale and took their Posts about the New Fort whilst Major General Teteau was Commanded with 800 Men to make an Attack upon the Old Fort whereupon passing the River in Boats he on the 3d of October gave an Assault and Entered it by Storm making at the same time to divert the Enemy a false Attaque and our Men at one and the same time giving the Bastions some Barrels of Powder took fire and destroyed about 50 of the Enemy and in the heat of Fury many were killed Those that Escaped some fled unto the Old Castle in the midst of the Fort and some endeavouring the New Fort by the help of a Boat the Tide being against them they were mostly killed by the shot of our Men from the shoar the Governour and several Officers were killed in defending the Ramparts and found dead in the places where they fell and the Soldiers got considerable Plunder The Old Fort thus Entirely won the General sent a Summons to the New Fort to demand its immediate Surrender but the Governour sent back word That it would be time enough to talk of that a Month after But the General not to be dallied caused the heavy Cannon to be mounted and two Attacks were ordered to be made by the English on the right and the Danes on the left and the more to amuse the Enemy a false Attack was made and on the 15th of October the Cannon played all the Morning and the Galleries were preparing to lay over the Ditch when about One of the Clock the Enemy beat a Parly proposing that Hostages might be Exchanged in order to a Treaty which done Articles were agreed on and signed about Midnight and pursuant thereto the middle Bastion was to be delivered up the next Morning and about 1200 men of which the Garrison consisted were to march out the day after And the principal of the Prisoners taken here and at Cork were shipped for England but some of them met with a
made many Attacks upon our Men to force them from their Strength yet they sustained their firings with little hurt but in returning it killed a great many of the Enemy who were commanded by Brigadier Carrol and Sir Iames Cotton which so discouraged them that after they had offered our Men Quarter upon Surrendring and it was refused that they marched off carrying away the wounded and most noted of those that were killed yet they left behind 3 Captains and 10 Troopers slain and Major Slingsby desperately wounded which they thought were too near our shot to be carried off and in all they had between 40 and 50 killed and wounded and of ours 10 were killed and 5 wounded and Major Slingsby was carried Prisoner to Cork And much about this time one Walter Brown who had been High Constable of the Barrony of Delwin being taken as a Spy was Executed and Captain Pallasor being abroad with a Party of our Men consisting of about 40 Firelocks of the Army and 20 of the Militia was by the subtil Insinuation and Treachery of one Terence Megral drawn into an Ambush of two of the Enemies Regiments of Foot and some Troops of Horse which in that Exigency made him betake to the Ruins of an old Castle where he caused his Men to fortifie and defend themselves which they did continually firing upon the Enemy till all their Powder was spent and then prayed for Quarter and having it granted them they were carried Prisoners to Nenagh yet the Militia and others under the Command of Col. Piper had good success in clearing the Country in dispersing the Rapparees and dispossessing the Enemies Regular Troops of such advantageous Posts from whence they might annoy By-Inroads the Countries under Their Majesties Obedience so that they began to shrink together into a narrower Circumference Now great Stores coming daily from England and a Recruit for our Army every day expected The time for Action drawing near the Lords Justices that nothing might be wanting that was conducing to Their Majesties Service caused their Proclamation to be published for the Armies better Accommodation the Substance being in the following manner viz. WHereas the Army is now to draw into the Field where it will be necessary that Provisions be brought in from time to time for its supply and that in order thereunto all due Encouragement be given to Sutlers and other Persons that shall repair thither for that purpose they do strictly Charge and Command all Officers Civil and Military and Soldiers of their Majesties Army not to disturb or molest any Sutler or other Person that shall have a Warrant from the Colonel of any Regiment or leave from the Lords Iustices or the Commander in chief of their Majesties Forces to follow the Camp for this Service that they do not presume to take any thing from them or use any Violence towards them upon pain of being proceeded against with the utmost Severities And all Colonels and other Officers in chief are to take care that the Officers and Soldiers ad pay for all such things as they shall be furnished with by the Sutler according to the Rates that shall from time to time be settled And that the Forces may be more plentifully supplied and and those unnecessary Persons prevented from following the Camp who are only an Incumbrance to it and it being found by experience that the Country has suffered extreamly by them they have not only robbed and plundered it themselves but have inticed the Soldiers to do the same for the preventing of it for the future and that the Quarters may be the better secured whilst the Army is in the field from Rapparees and other disaffected People the Lords Iustices do hereby order and direct all their Majesties Protestant Subjects as well as Papists to stay at or repair to their respective Habitations for the preservation and improvement of the same and that no person or persons whatsoever except such as come thither with Provisions for the use of the Army or upon some lawful occasion approved of by the Commanders in chief do follow the Camp upon pain of Death And that the People whom this War had scattered into divers places leaving many destitu●● of Habitations might again be settled anothe● Proclamation was issued out to this effect That all the Inhabitants of the Counties of W●terford and Tipperary do retire within Three da● to their respective Houses or Habitations or to som● adjacent Garrison if they could not go home wit● security And those belonging to the Counties of Cork L●●merick and Kerry are forthwith to repair eithe● to their own Houses or Habitations if they have a●● or else to some of the Garrisons there to be employ●● in the Militia for the defence of the Country wh● the Army is in the field according to such 〈◊〉 Orders as shall be given them for the Publick Se●●vice And Lieutenant-General Ginkle Command in chief of their Majesties Forces in Ireland 〈◊〉 to be behind or wanting in any thing exhibi● an Order to this effect viz. That all Officers and Soldiers and other Pers●●● whatsoever were strictly charged not to press 〈◊〉 Horse Carts or Carriages without Licence first 〈◊〉 from the Lords Iustices or himself in writing And whereas that the Militia being to be in Arms for the Defence of the Country whilst the Army remained in the field no Person should press any Horse actually listed in the said Militia under any pretence whatsoever About this time some other Transport ships arrived from England and brought a great quantity of all sorts of Military Provisions and about Twenty thousand Arms also Ordinance and Stores whilst the Enemies great expecta●ion of the like supply from France failed ●hem in great measure that King seeming now ●o grow weary of a War that proved so expensive to him without profit and expecting ●o be sharply pressed this Summer in Flanders by the Confederate Army under the Command of the King of England send indeed some Officers and a few Clothes and such like mat●ers but seemed frugal in husbanding his Troops for a shelter from a Storm he expected ●earer home which did not a litte discou●age the Irish and made them again to desert 〈◊〉 numbers and their falling off had been ●reater had not their Priests taken them to ●ask and insinuated how meritorous it was to ●●ght with and destroy the Hereticks While these things passed Captain White of ●●e Lord George Hamilton's Regiment detach'd 〈◊〉 hundred Men under the Command of Captain Iohnston who marched to Belnamona in Tings County and surprized by break of day ●wo Troops of Dragoons of Brigadier Clifford's and three Troops of Horse of the Lord Merriony's Regiment killing Lieutenant Archibald Quarter-Master Barnwell and 15 Dragoons took 2 Ensigns and 9 other Prisoners The Governour of Clonmel marching from that place with a Detachment of Horse and two Troops of the Militia Dragoons came by Night into the Enemies Quarters towards Michael's Town but not finding them
delighted Nations from the Storms of Discontent and Trouble From all which we may conclude That if Ireland ever was desirous to be in a prosperous state the time is come that puts that Opportunity into the hands of her Inhabitants to become a happy People When on the other hand had things succeeded as too many of them unadvisedly wished some few Months since they might instead of being at perfect Liberty been the Sons and Daughters of Slavery and the most severest of Bondages under the French Tyranny which how easie that Yoke is to bear the Subjects of France have fatally experienced in the Reigns of many of their former Kings but more especially under Lewis XIV to avoid which the more discerning part have undergone a voluntary Exile and become a scattered People over the Face of the Earth finding better usage in barbarous Nations This I hope may suffice to warn the Irish to consider where their Interest lies and to embrace their Majesties Protection as their true Asylum A TRUE and IMPARTIAL HISTORY OF THE Kingdom of Ireland DESCRIBING Its Situation Ancient Inhabitants Manners Customs and the State it was found in at the Time it was Invaded and Conquered by the English in the Reign of King Henry II. c. THE Kingdom of Ireland is of no mean Extent but rather very large and considerable It is an Island it is bounded on the East with England and Scotland on the West with the main Ocean on the South with part of France and Normandy and on the North with the Ducalidonian Sea It is as all other Islands sur●ounded with Water containing in Length 40● and in Breadth 200 Miles and is especially parted or divided into four Provinces viz. Munster which is again divided into the Counties of Limerick Kerrey Waterford Cork Desmon and the Holy Cross in Tipperary 2. The Province of Leinster divided into the Counties of the East and West Meaths Kilkenney Caterlough King's County Kildare Wexford Dublin and Wicklow 3. The Province of Conno●●●● divided into the Counties of Clare Thumond Majo Sligo Letarim and Roscomon 4. The Province of Vlster divided into the Counties of Tyrconnel Tyrone Cavan Coleraine Monaghan Antrim Down Armah and Lough and these are for the most part at this day replenished with many considerable Cities and Towns of which I shall have occasion to speak in the Series of this History as they shall fall in their proper places The Country is naturally very fruitful and seems by the Soil always to have been so though the Natives have not appear'd very active in improving it as being naturally given up to floath or to live by War and Rapine As for the first Peopling it after Noah's Flood it remains very much if not altogether in the dark the Natives having been imposed on by Monks and Bards a sort of Rimers and Fortune-Tellers with Fables for Reality though it is conjectured by the Learned that this Island was Peopled upon the Confusion of Tongues at Babel soon after the Flood and the Irish Historians of the best account tell us That one Bastolenus encouraged by the Example of Nim●od in Syria settled his Monarchy in the Western Islands and amongst others peopled this yet where he kept his head Residence no mention is made but that his three Sons ruling there had War with Giants that grew up in the Land and rebelled against them and that afterward divers Scythians roving to seek Adventures got footing there and so they go on in the doubtful Paths of Uncertainty a great way farther But true it is that according to our own Histories and those of other Nations the Irish began very early to rove abroad and in their Boats and such kind of Ships as they had coming frequently ashore in England and Scotland and other Places did great Mischief by Burning and Plundering but were frequently met withal and a great many of them killed Nor do we find that the Romans when they conquered Britain extended their Arms to Ireland It is held they were Converted to the Christian Religion by St. Iames the Apostle and some give large grounds for it but their Authors will have it done by one Pala●inus sent thither to that purpose by Pope Celestine but more especially perfected by St. Patrick to whom they ascribe a thousand Incredibilities But to leave these Conjectures that are not greatly pertinent to our Matter we now come nearer to that for which we have more Warrant and Certainty The first Acquaintance that the English had with the Irish as to any thing that is remarkable was in the Reign of Henry the Second of England their chief Communication being with France whether they sent several Bands of Soldiers to help them against the English who were Waring there under their King for the Recovery of his Right in the Provinces that were his Grand-father's which he having pretty well settled turned his Thoughts upon Ireland where he heard they were at Variance among themselves the whole Land being divided under many Petty Princes when it luckily happened a business fell out that gave him an easie Inlet to the Conquest of it for in the Year 1167. the Eastern Part of the Island along the Sea being possessed by Dormat Mac-mur King of Leinster his Cruelties had highly incensed his Subjects against him and what more raised their Fury was the Injury he did to Morice King of Meath by wheedling away his Queen and living with her in Adultery so that the inraged Husband seeking Reparation and Revenge invaded his Countries by the Assistance of Roderick O Conor King of Connaught at the Terror of whose Approach Dormat being detested by and forsaken of his Subjects was forced to flie to England and there implored Protection which upon taking an Oath of Fidelity and Obedience to the King was freely given him and Henry with a Sum of Money procured leave of Pope Adrian an English-man promoted to St. Peter's Chair that he might Conquer Ireland promising moreover throughly to establish the Christian Religion and bring it to an Acknowledgment of the See of Rome but whilst he was preparing to pass the Seas new Troubles arose in his French Territories that required his Presence yet by his Letters Patents he gave Leave with Encouragement to his Nobles and such others as were willing to go for Ireland Dormat impatient of his Exile mainly upon this Concession solicited Richard the King's Son promising not only his Daughter a very beautiful young Lady in Marriage but great Possessions in the Country when he should be restored and all his Territories after his Death The young Prince being of a Warlike Temper and thirsting after Glory resolved though his Father was absent to undertake this Expedition and early the next Spring sailed from Bristol with divers Ships on Board which were thirty Knights sixty Esquires and three hundred Archers the first English-men ever known to land in a Hostile-manner in Ireland and being met by Dormat with such Forces as he
going over a little before had raised they seized upon the Town of Wexford which was given to one Fitz-Stevens a Welch Gentleman according to Agreement upon his raising part of the Forces so that News of this and other Successes flying to England many Adventurers came over and although the Petty Kings joyned their Forces yet were they beat in divers bloody Battels and Dormat being restored had Dublin submitted to him inflicting grievous Punishments upon such of his Capital Enemies as he found there The Prince being now in Ireland greatly increasing in Strength that came over to him carried all before him which made King Henry who feared the Prince's aspiring upon such Successes and willing to have the honour of Conquering so large a Kingdom himself sent his Mandate to recall the English out of Ireland so that but a few being left with the Prince in Dublin and they reduced to a great streight by the Irish that had taken heart they nevertheless Sallied upon an Army of 30000 with not above 1500 Men and utterly routed them taking great Spoil and then coming for England he surrendered all the Cities and Forts he had taken into his Father's Hands for Dormat by this time was dead and in the Year 1172. King Henry landed with a Royal Army which brought such a Terrour upon Ireland that Roderick and most of the Petty Princes that were Independent or his Tributaries came witn their humble Supplications to intreat him That he would take the Government upon him as their Supream Prince and Lord So that at Christmas he made them a Noble Feast in Dublin and settled the Kingdom in Civil and Ecclesiastical Matters Reforming Abuses and Barbarities And soon after those that held out in Vlster were brought to submit from which time we may Date the Conquest of Ireland by the English under which Soveraignty it has ever since remained as a conquered Kingdom and now annexed to the Crown yet the Natives who are generally hot spirited uneasie and restless under Restraint have often strugled to break this Chain though to the Loss and Disadvantage mostly of themselves King Richard the First by reason of his Wars in the Holy Land his Imprisonment upon his Return in Austria and the Empire and other Disappointments he met with at home had no War with the Irish nor happened there any thing extraordinary but care and industry to settle the Government which was done with such tenderness that the Natives being more civilized began to think themselves happy in the change and that they were redeemed from perpetual War which when so many Princes governed as Absolute in their Dominions could not be avoided among so rough and stubborn a People But because King Edward the First had sent for Forces out of Ireland to help him against the Scots with whom he had mortal Wars the wilder sort of the Irish in Edward the Second's time invited them over and many of the leading Men of the Natives revolting ruining the Country but upon the English joyning Battel with them they were routed and about 11000 slain among whom was a King of Connought and one Okly a Lord of great Possessions but soon after the Lord Roger Mortimer being sent over as Lord Justice of Ireland he managed Matters so ill that the Scots were again called in under Edward Bruce Brother to the Scots King who taking several places by the Revolt of the Irish from the English Obedience caused himself to be Crowned King of Ireland But in a great Battel his Forces being routed and he labouring to restrain their flight was killed by one Morepass whom he likewise requited with Death before his Fall and the dead Bodies fell by that means on each other which happened in the Year 1320. However they were rather dispersed than broken doing considerable Mischief where they found an opportunity to fall upon the English that had settled themselves in the Towns and Villages near the Sea c. In the Year 1329. during the Reign of King Edward the Third the Irish in Leinster and Meath rebelled against whom the Earl of Ormond drew out what Forces he could but being over-poured in number was defeated and the Irish made great Spoils of the English Possessions and amongst other Barbarities burnt eighty of them in a Church where they had fled for Refuge but at last the English fortified themselves in Wexford and upon their approach to besiege it sallied out upon them with such Courage that Success crowned it and 4000 of the Irish were killed most of them that fled being hotly pursued were drowned in the River Slane which with some other Encounters where Victory declared on our side so quelled them that in this King's Reign they rebelled no more Anno 1398. in the Reign of King Richard the Second the Irish fell again into Rebellion and by Surprize fall upon the King's Lieutenant and divers Persons of Quality whom they slew which made the King with considerable Forces haste thither and Landing he put them in all parts to the Rout killing a great many and taking several of their Ring-leaders and keeping his Court of State at Dublin to him resorted the Nobility and chief of the Irish submitting and paying him Homage promising to keep the Country in quiet for the future but Troubles arising in England the King hastily left Ireland and was no sooner arrived in Wales but finding himself deserted he betook him to a Castle where he was seized by Henry Duke of Lancaster to whom he resign'd his Crown and was afterward inhumanly murthered Upon whose Death many Troubles and Contentions arose so that the English being embroyled at home Ireland was little minded the People there doing in a manner what they pleased But in the Reign of Henry the Fifth we being setled at home more care was taken to prevent the Outrages and Depradations of the Irish insomuch that several who had been formerly Offenders were punished and others fled amongst whom were divers of their great 0nes who notwithstanding the care of the Earl of Ormond then Lieu●enant of the Kingdom to repress them drew a great multitude of People into Rebellion but the Earl gave Battel at Redmore-Athy where the Irish under the Leading of O Moor stood stoutly to it as Men in despair but after a bloody Fight that coloured all the Ditches of the Fens with Blood the Battel swerved and the Irish were defeated with great slaughter Which quelled them in so terrible a manner that for a long time after they seemed out of Love with War So that nothing memorably occurs in History till the Reign of Henry the Seventh when the Earl of Kildare being Deputy one Richard Symons a Priest wheedled him into a belief that one Lambert a Youth whom he had brought up as his Scholar was really the Earl of Warwick Son to George Duke of Clarence Brother to King Edward the Fourth that had escaped out of the Tower and was come thither for protection and the young Spark
and the like to every one that at a set day would appear and claim the Benefit of his Pardon before the Justice of Assize and Publick Justice for that purpose being setled in every Country it abated much of the Tyranny their Petty Lords had over them and made the Vulgar sort of them sensible of the Goodness of the English Laws of which before they had purposely been kept in Ignorance Being now for the most part freed from their Servitude and in the King 's immediate Protection so that if their Lords had a mind to Rebel they could not compel their Tenants to Rise as they had formerly done and Ireland being now divided into Shires the Circuits were erected in every Province and the English had their Lands alotted and more particular Colonies established so that Trade began to flourish and several Corporations of the City of London having purchased large Proportions of Land built a strong Town for their Securi●y against the Incursions of the Irish that might happen very advantageously situate on the Bank of a River and Lough which made a wonderful Change to all appearance in the face of Things but what can hinder a People from being miserable that will make themselves so as may not improperly say in spight of Providence the chief of the Irish were displeased at these Proceedings finding the English Improvement rendred such Plenty in the Kingdom as made their Land of little value and therefore many of them spightfully let them lye neglected to be over-run with Thistles and Briars cursing their Posterity if ever they had any Communication with the English or so much as Ploughed or Sowed by which their irreconcileable Hatred to us may be measured The ordinary sort of People notwithstanding their Lords Di●●wasions finding they had not their former Power to compel perceiving Advantage to arise by this new Settlement inhabited very friendly with the English and by their Examples began to improve themselves in Industry and seemed averse to be stirred up as formerly upon every slight Occasion to Rebel insomuch that a long Peace ensued and that brought with it extraordinary Plenty but as nothing is certain or permanent upon Earth so in process of Time this golden Cord of Union between the two Nations was violently cut in sunder Troubles arising in the Year 1641. thro' a Mis-understanding and fomented Heats blown by secret Enemies and War being in prospect between England and Scotland several of the Native Irish Chiefs not finding the People prone to hearken to them incited the Popish Priests who by promising them Heaven for Obedience to their Commands and Damnation on the contrary with many other strange Stories and Things pushed them headlong on to one of the blackest Iniquities ●he Sun has for many Ages beheld and was too late discovered to be prevented for it happened that on the 23d of October the Irish headed by a great many of their Nobility and Gentry rose generally in Arms seizing upon divers strong Places Arms Ammunition and all that came to hand vowing the utter Destruction of all the English in Ireland to Extirpate them from the face of the Irish Earth both Root and Branch and this was discovered but one Night before it was to be executed by which Providence however Dublin and some other Places by the Imprisoning the Conspirators and Fortifying them with good Garisons were secured and became a Refuge to the Lives of many so that now one might every where behold Houses flaming the miserable People fly every where for their Lives whilst the Blood of many were mingled with Flames and the Earth made red by the Blood of those that were slaughtered in the Fields and Ways thousands were drowned in Rivers and Lakes till the Stream was glutted with the dead Bodies and they Bridged over the Waters many were ripped up alive and others tortured in a more cruel manner some were turned out into Snows and Frost and starved to death the Priests and Fryers going along with the Murtherers and beating them on to it with their Crucifixes telling them They were Hereticks and no longer to be suffered alive on the Earth and that it was so far from a sin to kill them that it was Meritorious and even Damnation it self to spare them giving the Sacrament to the more scrupulous of Conscience to confirm them in the Bloudy Enterprize so that in a short space before any Succour could come from England they destroyed by sundry barbarous ways 20000 Men Women and Children burnt most of their Houses and Villages killing their Cattel and suffering them to rot upon the Ground roo●ing up likewise their newly sprouted Corn as maliciously bent not only to destroy the People but in Hatred and utter Detestation all that appertained to them flattering themselves by the Inducement of old lying Prophesies to shake off the English Yoke and choose them a King from among their Country-men but Fate consented no● The King was at the beginning of this fatal Mischief in Ireland upon the Borders of Scotland labouring to compose the Differences recommending the Care of Ireland to his Parliament then sitting at Westminster who promised a speedy Relief and Assistance to the Protestants that were got together in Arms and stood upon their Defence Voting 50000 pound for to raise Forces and the Earl of Ormond was made Lieutenant-General of the Royal Forces in that Kingdom to joyn whom Sir Simon Harcourt was sent out of England with a Regiment So that the poor Remnant of the Protestants getting together made the Irish Papist that was so good at base and unmanly Murthers fly the Face of War But Troubles growing fast on in England by the Misunderstanding between King Charles the First and his Parliament and sprouting up into a miserable Civil War most of the guilty Persons at this time escaped unpunished But the small Force of the Prote●●ants that were left being once united forced the Irish out of their strong Hold and restored the Face of Government yet about eigh● Years after a Bloody Scene was acted for King Charles the First loosing his Kingdoms with his Life his Eldest Son Charles as his undoubted Right taking upon him the Kingly Dignity though in Exile England being cast as they termed it into a Model of a Free State or Republick the Marquess of Ormond Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland was commissioned to Labour the Securing that Country to the behoof of his Master King Charles the Second and finding no other Means to do it in that Imergency he closed his Interest with the Chief of the leading Irish concluding a Peace in the King's Name with the most considerable of them upon Submission and Obedience to his Majesty there being a Concession of certain Articles on the part of the Marquess to be performed when being joyned by the Marquess of Clanricard and the Lord Inchequeen the Earl of Castlehaven c. Trim and Tredah or Drogheda upon a Defeat they gave the Forces that came from England surrendered
out against a powerful Army backed by almost a whole Kingdom it may very well compare with the most famous Siege that ever was mentioned in History Major-General Kirk soon after these Succours got in came to London-Derry and was received with all the Demonstrations of Joy a People in so ruinous a Condition could bestow and having viewed the Walls and Fortifications blessed himself to think that such slight Works could ever have been defended so long against such an Army Things in London-Derry being settled as well as the shortness of time would permit it was agreed that Mr. Walker should go for England and present his Majesty with an Address in his own and the Names of the principal Persons that had been in the Town during the Siege where he was very graciously received and his Majesty as a Mark of his Favour for the signal Services he had done him ordered him 5000 pound and a Promise of his further Regard Whilst this Siege lasted the Inniskilling-Men and others of the Protestant Party abroad were not idle but a Detachment of 600 Men were sent under the Cammand of Colonel Stewart got into the Isle of Inch and hearing the Irish had fortified themselves in Tully he sent a commanded Party of sixty Musquetiers and beat them out when more Forces coming to him he and other Commanders raised some small Fortifications in the Island and there succoured a great many Protestants who fled from the Enemy with their Cattel and Substance and others that had been stripped of all and came naked beating divers Parties of the Irish that attempted to force him from his strength and the Duke of Berwick being sent this way with 1500 Horse attempted to force Ralfamulin where a small Party of our Men quartered but having timely notice getting to their Arms and Barrocading the Street the Enemy after a sharp Dispute drew off with the Loss of 240 Men and on our part only Lieutenant Coningham and a few private Soldiers and a Lieutenant wounded However very desirous to bring these Parts into Subjection nothing was omitted that Threats or Alurements could effect but neither of them prevailed against the stedfast Loyalty of the Protestants they too sadly remembred how often they had broke their words and how little they esteemed keeping it with those they termed Hereticks One fatal Instance of which take for many It happened that the Lord Galmoy being abroad with a Party took Captain Dixie prisoner by surprize in his Father's House which House he set on fire and with him brought away Cornet Charlton but hearing one Brian Mac King●or Mac Gurrie a Captain of the Irish Army had been taken by our Men and was Prisoner at Cran he sent to the Governor of the Castle to offer Captain Dixie in Exchange vowing upon his Honour so soon as Gurrie came Dixie should be sent them This was well accepted and Guerrie was sent but Galmoy thereupon ordered the two Young Gentlemen to be tried by a Council of War for receiving a Commission from England and being sentenced had orders to prepare to die the next day but in the mean time great Endeavours were used and Promises made them of Life and Preferment if they would turn Papists and adhere to King Iames. But they generously rejected the Offer and preferred their Religion before the saving their Lives and although Mac Gurrie interceded mainly for them and reproached the Lord Galmoy with the Stain of his Honour after his solemn Promise in Writing yet he would hear nothing on their behalf but caused them to be hanged upon one Russel's Sign Post whilst he made merry there and not content with their Lives he ordered their Heads to be cut off and tossed to the Soldiers to play at Foot-ball with which when they had misused for a time he caused to be set up on the Market-Cross at Belturbet This made I say the rest more cautious to trust their Mercy whereupon the French General Rosne resolute to subdue them came within the shot of their Cannon to encourage the Soldiers that were gathering in those parts against them but a shot had spoiled his Undertaking had it not fallen a little too short yet it beat up the Stones which wounded him in the Leg and his Horse in the Body and killed two Troopers insomuch that frighted with this Disaster he gave over the Attempt But greater Actions than these attended the Fate of Ireland the English Army so long expected was embarqued and came on with a fair Wind being discovered some Leagues at Sea by the longing People who watched for it on the shore and proclaimed its arrival by their loud Shouts and Acclamations of Joy and on the Thirteenth of August 1689. Duke Schombergh who commanded the Forces landed at Carickfurgus and after a short Enquiry into the state of the Kingdom he sent two Regiments to Belfast and having refreshed himself and that part of the Army that landed with him he directed his March to find out the Enemy being every where received by the Protestants with the greatest Expressions of joy imaginable At the Terrour of whose approach the Castle and Town of Antrim was deserted and our Men took possession of it leaving there a Garrison of fif●y Soldiers under the Command of Captain Ormsby and many other Places and Passes were secured But Carickfurgus refusing upon Summons to Surrender a part of the Army sate down before it and the next day the Cannon and Mortars were planted against it whilst the Trenches were opened and no sooner they heard the English speak to them in a Dialect of War from the mouths of their Cannon but they beat a Parley but the main import of their Request being to send to King Iames to have his leave to Surrender it was rejected and the Mortars and Cannon began to play against the Town very furiously they answering us with their Cannon in like manner especially anoying our Men with two Pieces advantageously planted in the Lord Dungale's House yet our Bombs did great Execution beating down and setting many Houses on fire Several of our Ships that lay in a Line played likewise their Cannon on the other side and no less indamaged the Besieged whereupon they again desired a Parley but insisting to March out with their Cloaths and Baggage the Duke would not agree to it only allowing them to be Prisoners of War and again the Batteries were renewed they again hung out a white Flag to Parley and upon submitting to a Surrender were allowed to be conducted to the next Irish Garrison whereupon Sir Henry Ingoldsby marched in with his Regiment and took posse●sion of the Place By this time fifty Sail of Ships came up the Lough on board which were a Regiment of Horse and four of Foot who joyning the Army the General marched towards Belfast and were two miles beyond Lisnoygarney on the 2d of September which made the Enemy retreat with much Precipitation yet they took so much time as to set
Pains and Hazard your Majesty does undergo in restoring us to our Religion Liberties and Properties and do not doubt but as God has made your Majesty miraculously Instrumental in re-establishing those Blessings in the Kingdom of England so he will in this distressed Country which that he may do and grant your Majesty a long and prosperous Reign over us is the hearty wish and prayer of Your Majesty's Faithful and most Obedient Subjects and Servants c. On this Occasion likewise the Clergy of the Churches in the Province of Ulster presented their Address as did the Presbyterians and those of their Perswasion in the North of the Kingdom The like from the Mayor Aldermen c. of London-Derry and another from the Soveraign Burgesses and Inhabitants of Belfast which created a high Satisfaction and more general Rejoycing And here it was that Mr. Walker that so bravely defended London-Derry accompanied with divers of the Clergy waited upon his Majesty and Congratulated his happy Arrival in the Kingdom And Parties were sent out to observe the Motions of the Enemy The King intent upon the great Affair he came about stayed not for many Ceremonies and Complements but being well refreshed went to Hilsbourgh and from thence to Newry where a great part of the Army that had been under the General lay of which he took a view and ordered all things to the best Advantage for carrying on the War nor was the Measures taken slow in Executing And now whilst this is doing let us turn a little towards Dublin and see how Affairs stand in the Metropolis of the Kingdom It was not to be doubted but upon the King 's landing with an Additional Army the Papists would have been more concerned than they were but I know not upon what false Topick they grounded their Hopes their Concern was not so great as might have been expected from so eminent a Danger whether it was to abate the Courage of the Protestants and startle them into a Mistake of some private Design they had against the King or that they had some old Prophesies which they too much relied upon for their Success or that they trusted to the number of their Army remains doubtful but however they kept up their Courage beyond expectation The Protestants in Dublin guessed it proceeded from the false News that 100000 men were ready to rise in England and recall King Iames or declare for a Common-wealth and that the French Fleet being very powerful at Sea would not fail to intercept the King of England's Return and so they fancied they had him as it were in a Trap. And indeed in this immergency the Affronts the Protestants every where received without any hope of Redress made them not know what to think of their Condition nor was it long e're the Chief of them were imprisoned and the rest were told They would be glad e're long to go to Mass in a short time And they were put into frequent frights of having their Houses fired about their Ears or at the least to be plundered of all they had And it seems it was debated That if it came to a Battel and the Irish were worsted the City should be set on fire if not the Protestants massacred But it is said King Iames opposed it and on the 16th of Iuly marched out of Dublin to joyn with about 5000 Foot sent from France and one Regiment of them being Dutch and mostly Protestants great care was taken to keep them from startling and the whole Irish Army was composed of about 40000 men besides 15000 that remained in Garrisons and 6000 of the Militia under the Command of Colonel Luttrel and Mac Gillicuddy who was ordered as his Assistant in the Government of the City And hereupon a hasty Order came out that all who walked the Streets without Bayonets or Swords should be seized And thereupon a great many Protestants who could not get such Weapons were taken up and many of them Imprisoned And another Order That upon pain of Death not above five Protestants besides the Family should meet together So that the Churches which had till this time been kept open were shut up and Dr. King Dean of St. Patrick's imprisoned Yet such was the Zeal of the Protestants in these dangerous times that they gathered considerable Contributions for the Maintenance of the dispos sest Clergy and for such as were Prisoners till they were forced to desist all the Goals and many of the Churches being crowded with Prisoners not only Citizens but such as had been brought from Galloway Kilmainham and other places many of them were stifled by crowding and wanting of Air and others almost famished for want of Sustenance It would be too tedious to enumerate all the particular Sufferings of the Protestants their frequent Allarms Fears and many other Disturbances Therefore let it suffice that though sorrow lasted for a night Joy came in the morning as by the Sequel will be Evident The two Armies being now in the Field the Irish however declined fighting all they could and it was given out That King Iames designed to lead them about the Banks of the River Boyne to weary out the English as thinking they could not pass that Stream if defended on the other side and after he had so done to cross the Country and go for Limerick However least the English should push on and give him Battel he resolved to provide for the worst and therefore ordered Sir Patrick Trant the first Commissioner of his Revenue to have shipping ready at Waterford to carry him off if things came to Extremity for at last he found unless he abandoned Dublin which was proposed to be defended he could not avoid fighting above ten days for the King of England impatient of delay possessed himself of almost all the Passes and Posts that were advantageous to bring the Enemy to a Battel and many Skirmishes happened between Parties abroad wherein our men gained the advantage The Enemy by this time being Encamped near Dundalk and strongly guarding a Pass call'd Four-mile-Bridge which was very difficult to force it was resolved that our Army should march to Market-hill and therefore to fall into the great Road that leads from Armagh to Dundalk whereupon Major Scravenmore was sent out with a Detachment of 300 Horse and 20 Dragoons to view the Road and Passes and find a convenient place to En●●mp in and discover if possible the posture of the Enemy which was so well performed that a small Party of theirs seeing this Detachment betimes in the Morning marching towards Market-hill supposed it to be the Vauntguard of the whole Army and therefore gave the Alarm to their Camp that our Army was almost upon them which without sending to know the certainty put them into such a fear that they fired their Camp and marched away which being certified to the King it appeared so strange that it could not presently gain credit But being in a short time confirmed from all
During these Transactions divers Parties were abroad who hindered the scattered Irish from getting together Reducing some Castles Forts and other advantageous Fortresses and Posts to their Majesties Obedience His Majesty now resolving as is said to besiege the strong Town of Lymerick scituate on the River Shannon under the shelter of which the greatest part of the Enemies rallied Forces were retired being about 25000 strong Lieutenant-Colonel Douglas who had for some time blocked up Athlone was ordered to draw off and to joyn the Royal Army on its way The Garrison was composed of a mixture of French and Irish they had various Disputes about Surrendring that important Place upon honourable Terms but at last were prevailed with by the Earl of Tyrconnel to stand upon their Defence Whilst the Army prepared to march towards Lymerick and his Majesty to be present at that Siege had put off his intended passing over from England 50 of our Dragoons approaching the Town of Youghall the place surrendred To bring it to which the Contrivance was in this manner The Garrison that marched from Waterford was conducted by those Dragoons under the command of Captain Pownal to Youghall who telling the Governour of the Place who was the same that Surrendered up Carickfergus the precedent Year the certain Ruin he would bring upon himself if he thought of holding out and thereupon advising him to a Surrender he after some further Debate only desired him to expect his Answer till Ten at night at which time he privately marched out with Three Companies of Foot giving the Captain an unexpected possession of the Town where he found 14 Guns mounted and 2 without Carriages 350 Barrels of Oats 215 stone of Wooll and several other sorts of Provisions but neither Powder nor Ball. The King being thus far on his March a Deserter came out of Lymerick to our Camp and gave Information That the French had marched out of the Town with eight Field-pieces and took their way towards Galloway there if urgency required it to be ready for Imbarcation to France and not only those in the Town were unsettled and discontented and that others displeased at Tyrconnel 's proceeding were retired to the Mountains of Kerry and such Fear the Approach of our Army brought upon the Enemy made them break down the Bridges to retard their March However that hindered but little for where they found them in that Condition they forded the Rivers and that the People might be still assured of his Majesty's Clemency towards them another Declaration was published and also that a Blessing might attend his Arms a Fast was proclaimed to be observed through all the Provinces of the Kingdom under their Majesty's Obedience on the 15th of August and to be observed constantly during the War on Friday in every Week which was Religiously kept as well out of a due sense of God's Mercies and Favours already extended towards the late languishing Kingdom in a wonderful Deliverance as what they further expected The Approach of our Forces was no sooner known to Tyrconnel and Lauzun but they retired further into the Country leaving Monsieur Boisteau Governour in the Town with a very good Garrison and store of Provision the French retiring under the Walls of Galloway but the Inhabitants not liking such unfriendly Guest who sought their Master's Interest more than the welfare of Ireland shut their Gates and denied them Entrance However at last being received into the Town at the Instance of Tyrconnel and others they shewed their Resentments by dealing very severely with the Inhabitants and we had an account that they hanged up two of those that were most active in opposing their Admittance The Army approaching Lymerick found the Enemy strongly posted about a Mile from the Town and that they had lined the Hedges from whence they fired upon our Men but were soon dislodged and obliged to fly to their Main-guard and the English passed the River Shannon without any considerable Resistance the Enemy that guarded the further shoar flying at their approach and for haste left behind them several Tents and other Materials and encamping within the reach of their great Guns they raised Works to secure them from the shot though some were killed by random Bullets The Army was no sooner Encamped and Entrenchers made some Advance but the King sent to Summon the Governour to Surrender withal offering him very good Conditions but he utterly refused it returning answer That he was resolved to defend the place to the last Extremity Upon which the Trenches were opened and the great Guns being on their way to the Camp Colonel Sarsfield with a strong Party taking a great Compass set upon those that had them in Charge and over-powering the Convoy killed divers of the Waggoners not sparing their Wives with their Children in their Arms burning some of the Waggons and Carriages of the Cannon Nailing up part of the great Guns and breaking others But upon the approach of Captain Coningham with a Party of the Inniskilling-men they made a hasty Retreat yet the Captain fell in with their Rear killed some took other Prisoners and recovered a considerable Booty So that these and other great Guns being brought to the Camp Clonmel a small Fort near Lymerick Surrendred upon Discretion and the Garrison made Prisoners of War And now the Batteries being raised the Cannons spoke English Language in Thunder against the Town and the Trenches were Advanced within 300 Paces of the Wall and two Redoubts taken the which and other Successes of the like nature made them Advance towards another Redoubt Whenas Colonel Douglas mounting the Guard and the sign appointed given by firing 8 Guns for Attacking it those that were Detached for the Service being 150 besides Officers fell on with extraordinary Bravery and Entering the Fort drove out the Enemy killing about 40 possessed themselves of it though the Enemy from the Town made a vigorous Sally with Horse and Foot and the new Batteries being levelled against the high Towers soon laid them in Rubbish also the Bombs and Carkasses thrown in set a great many Houses on fire So that under the favour of these Consternations the Enemy were put unto our Men made their Advances within Thirty Paces of the Ditch and the Cannon still playing not only widened the Breach but beat down part of the Counterscarp and Palisado's so that an Attack was made on the Counterscarp begun by a detached Party of Granadiers seconded by other Detachments who soon gained it as also a Fort the Enemy had under the Wall but instead of lodging themselves as they were commanded thinking Fortune was altogether now on their side they pushed on to enter the Breach in pursuit of the Irish that ran thither but the Cannon being turned upon them charged with Cartridge-shot the greater part of those that were Advanced were cut off and some blown up by the springing of a Mine in the Ditch so that by computation 100 Men were killed and
the other Town with great Resolution so that having battered it till the Walls and Castle were partly beat down and perceiving it saultable order was then given for the storming of the place On the 28th of Iune about Seven in the Morning much in the same order as the former Attack was made yet the Detachments were greater as being a stronger place but before our Men could be in a readiness a small part of the Enemy came and set fire to a close Gallery laid over the Arch of a Stone-bridge they had broken down but were many of them killed in the Attempt yet it deferred the Attack till the Thirtieth However the Cannon and Bombs ceased not to play and do terrible Execution setting the Houses on fire and beating down all before them About Six in the Afternoon the Signal was given to fall on by ringing the Church-Bell whereupon they entred the Ford below the Bridge and pressed with such vigour upon the Enemy that they forced them to quit the Trenches and within the space of half an hour made themselves Masters of all their Outworks and the Ruins of the Castle where they had fortified themselves with Sconces and Major-General Maxwell with 200 Soldiers and divers Officers of note were made Prisoners Yet in the Soldiers over-running the Town in the first fury a great many were killed insomuch 2000 are computed to be slain from the beginning of the Siege till the English were entire Masters of the Town The place was taken in the sight of the Irish Army who when too late were sending a Detachment to their Relief There were found only 6 Pieces of Brass Cannon and 2 Mortars but little store of Provision and Ammunition The Principal Officers kill'd of the Irish were Brigadier Mackellicuddy The Colonels Mac Mahon O Neal O Gard and Grace The Lieutenant-Colonels Mac Genis and Barnwell also Major Murray The Enemy had all the advantage imaginable to Relieve this important Place as lying with their whole Army on the other side but a little distance from it where we had no Forces or if any none capable of opposing them at that time yet so infatuated they were that relying on its strength they still had a confidence that the Town beyond the River would baffle the English Courage notwithstanding they saw the other Town was taken with a very little resistance Monsieur St. Ruth and other of their chief Commanders were reported to be often in it viewing its Works and Fortifications and assured themselves it would at least be a great part of the Summers Work to reduce it if they were not in the end obliged to draw off from before it and the rather because some part of our Army had been before it and gone off without any considerable Success or doing any great matters against the Place But their Imaginations answered not as it has appeared Their Expectations and those Supplies as is said that they sent came so unsonably late that all the advantage they had was to put a stop to our Mens pursuing too far such as got out of the Town and fled for shelter towards their Army This sensible Blow greatly damped the Courage and Resolution of the Enemy who before had promised to do great things and made them bethink themselves of taking new measures insomuch that some took the opportunity as they found occasion to desert The French seemed discontented with the weak Resistance of the Irish and every thing appeared more and more dreadful to this numerous Army When several Consultations were held what was best to be done whether to remove or expect the English in that Camp for they could not propose any thing less to themselves than that after this Success our Forces would give them a nearer Visit and attempt the dislodging them from a place so near a Town newly taken now very weak in it self by Battery And though they talked high yet in all their Debates it did not it seems appear they had any great mind to come to a fight but rather to delay our Army till the Season should advance to put a stop to any considerable opportunity or till they might find some great advantage to further their purpose Whilst the Enemies Considerations run to this purpose our Men were gathering the Plunder of the Place which was not so considerable as in so strong a Town might have been expected for besides what had been burnt in the Fires that had happened by throwing in of Bombs and destroyed in the beating down of Houses some of the chief Inhabitants early apprehending this Siege had removed what was valuable together with themselves to distant places where they thought them more secure though by the way part fell into the hands of the Rapparees who distinguished not between Friend or Foes where they found opportunity to get Booty But to come nearer The Enemy after several Debates perceiving our Men were absolute Masters of the Place which was in a manner laid in Rubbish by the throwing in 600 Bombs and the force of 1200 great Shot they came to a Result and it was concluded immediately to raise their Camp and march some Miles further which they did and to increase their number drew the Garrisons of Sligo Iames-Town and Lanesborough quitting them to those that would come and take possession As soon as the Walls of Athlone were a little repaired the General left a Garrison there under the Command of Colonel Lloyd and drew out to observe the Enemies motion The Enemy to amuze us gave out they were resolved to come to a Battel when for the supply of our Army divers Vessels with Ammunition and other Stores arrived from England and bringing over likewise the Earl of Portland's Regiment of Horse who soon joyned the Army It was now resolved to dislodge the Enemy or oblige them to fight Their Majesties Forces on the Tenth of Iuly passed the River the Foot over a Bridge of Boats below the Town and the Horse over a Stone-bridge that had been repaired for their more advantagious passage and marched to Ballinsloe a place on the River Sac. The Enemy lying three Miles distant very advantagiously encamped at a place called Aghrim a small Town stretching their Left towards Kilconnel-Abbey and their Right upon the Hills of Kilcomodon having two very difficult Bogs before them through which the Roads go to Galloway And on the Left was the Ruines of an old Castle where an Intrenchment was made and lined with Musquetiers and on the Right likewise were several Retrenchments for the Security of their Camp The English Army passed the River Sac the Foot and Artillery over a Stone-bridge and the Horse by two Fords forcing the Out-Guards to retreat whilst our Left Wing of Horse advanced beyond the Bog that covered the Enemies Right and made way for the Foot to come in between them and that Our Cannon fired upon the Enemies Guards at the end of the Defile or dirty Lane that leads to Aghrim dislodged
reputed Merchants that were beyond the Seas and had not born Arms since their Majesties Declaration of February 1689. were included and to have the same benefit if they returned within the space of Eight Months after the Date of the Articles As also were several Officers viz. Colonel Simon Lutterel Captain Rowland White Morice Eustace and others who were gone beyond the Seas upon the account of their Regiments remaining in Ireland upon their returning in the space of Eighth Months and taking the Oath above-mentioned and those comprised and so submitting to the Government to have General Pardons of all Attainders Treasons and other Crimes and Offences against the Government committed since the beginning of the Reign of King Iames the Second And that all things that have happened since the War whereby Troubles Suits or Vexations may arise should be passed over and indempnified to those comprised in the Articles to the Date thereof to be mutual and reciprocal on both sides Every Nobleman and Gentleman comprised is allowed to ride with a Sword and Case of Pistols and to have a Gun for the Defence of his House or for Recreation and that inhabited the City of Lymerick or other Garrisons might depart with their Goods Chattels and Provisions out of it without being sear●hed or paying any Duties and moreover not to be compelled to leave their Lodgings in six Weeks ensuing the Date of the Articles The Roman Catholicks that submit to take the Oath of Allegiance and no other And if any Person or Persons at any time break any of these Premisses he shall shall not cause any other not concerned in such Breach to forfeit the benefit of them and that such Persons as are included shall have the favour of the Lords Justices and General to use their Endeavours to have them protected from Arrests Execution Debts and Damages for the space of Eight Months That Provision be made to enable Colonel Iohn Brown by restoring so much of his Estate and Effects as were taken away to pay his Debts The Matter to be stated and agreed c. Thus things proceeded of this kind advantageous for the quieting of the Minds of the People and settling in Peace and Tranquility As for the Military Articles the Substance of them were That any Persons willing to leave the Kingdom might pass with their Goods and Families except into England Scotland and for the Officers and Soldiers and those called Rapparees that are minded to go Ships should be prepared to transport them and days and places appointed for those that were willing to go to declare their Minds to that purpose and be reduced under their Officers that are to conduct them And the English and Scotch Officers that serve in Ireland to be included in the Capitulation for the Security of their Estates and Effects in the Three Kingdoms if they are content to remain here or for passing freely into France or any other Country to serve and Land-carriage and Shipping to be furnished for those of all Conditions that are not Prisoners of War that have a mind to be Transported and they to be protected from all Wrongs and Injuries And the Ships that are to Transport them to be furnished with Neccesaries for Horse and Men to be paid for by those Transported upon their safe arrival in France and Hostages were to be left for the safe return of the Ships the danger of the Sea excepted and till their Embarkation Quarters to be assigned them they having Liberty to transport Gratis including those of their Officers Nine hundred Horse and for the Troops remaining behind to dispose of themselves as they thought convenient delivering up their Horse and Arms to such as the Generals should nominate to receive them Horse-Provender for those that were to be Transported to be bought at the King's Rate and all Necessaries to be had without molestation And all those Prisoners of War on both sides that were in the Kingdom of Ireland on the 28th of September to be set at Liberty the General promising his Endeavour for the Release of those likewise in England and Flanders And Medicines and other Necessaries be furnished for the sick and wounded And that Notice of these things upon signing be sent to France and those that are to pass thither not to be stopped upon the account of Debt or any other pretence And that French Ships for Transportation shall freely resort to any Parts and have Passports and upon the arrival of such Ships a free Communication shall be between it and the said Troops more especially for those who have Passes from the Fleet and Monsieur de Tumeron the Intendant in consideration of which the Town of Lymerick was to be put into the Hands of the General or whom he shall appoint viz. the Irish Town except the Magazine and Hospital upon the Day of signing But the English Town with the Island and free Passage to Thomond-Bridge to be in the Hands of the Irish Garrison or those that shall come from Clare Cork Kerry c. till a Conveniency offer to Transport them And that no Disorders might happen between the Garrisons the Irish Troopers were to remain in the English Town and Island until they should Embarque on the Fifty ships that should first go to France and to keep from any Injury on either side under pain of Punishment And when they are to march they may march out together or at sundry times as opportunity of Embarking requires with Arms Baggage Beat of Drum Lighted Match Bullet in Mouth Colours flying Six Brass Guns and Two Mortars with some Ammunition and other Stores and that an Inventory of the Ammunition shall be given to that end the Day after the signing The Magazines and Provisions to remain in the Hands of those appointed for their care for the subsistance of the Irish that are to pass for France and they to be further furnished if occasion required And a Cessation of Arms at Land and Sea to be had in respect to the Ships either English Dutch or French to be used in the Transportation until they are returned to their Harbours and that sufficient Passports shall be on both sides as to Ships and Men and that any violating the Cessation shall be punished and Satisfaction made for the wrong and that Persons should be sent to give the English and French Ships notice of this Cessation of Arms for the time and Hostages be given on both sides And if there happen any Change in the Government or Command of the Army before the Capitulation be fully Executed it shall yet stand in force This being briefly the Heads and Substance of these famous Articles I shall now proceed to what ensued upon so happy a Juncture in which the Nation had so great a Promise of Peace and Tranquility which has since raised its drooping Head from the Dust. About the time of this Agreement News came that divers French Men of War with Transport-Ships were on the Coast and endeavoured
there happened an Extraordinary Storm which did much Damage at Land but more by Sea The Adventure of London was cast away on the Coast and all her Men drowned A Vessel laden with Corn was driven from her Anchor in the Road and beaten to pieces but her Men saved and divers other Shipwracks were driven on shoar in the Ports of this Kingdom And now the Poor being very numerous by reason of Losses in the War care was ordered every where to be taken of them till they could better provide for themselves having conveni●●●● Houses appointed for their shelter And the Militia of the Country was reviewed to know in what Condition it stood And the Lords Justices issued out a Declaration Prohibiting any Officer Clark or other Person or Persons whatsoever depending upon their Majesties Treasury either by himself or any other to use in part or in whole directly or indirectly to buy any Arrears or Debenture ●ue to any Officer Soldier or any Person or Persons that have been Employed in their Majesties Service the preceding War upon pain of forfeiting the benefit of every Contract or Agreement for such Arrears which shall be paid to the Party to whom they are due when the same shall come to be paid as also upon communication of such a Fault be dismissed from his or their Employment and declared being uncapable of serving in the Treasury for the future This saved a great many Officers and Soldiers much Money who to supply presant need would have taken a small matter for what was after paid them to the full And now though it had been stipulated and agreed by several Articles made with the Garrison of Lymerick Galloway c. That all Arms were to be delivered up unless such of the Nobility and Gentry as were allowed them for Defence of their Houses c. And this not being punctually observed a Proclamation was issued out by the Lords Justices to command all Persons who had any to Surrender or cause to be Surrendered to the Sheriff of the City Town or County or to the next Justice of the Peace all their Fire-Arms Swords Pikes Half-Pikes Halbards Partisans Skenns Bayonets and all other Arms Offensive and Defensive And upon failure or contempt to be prosecuted to the utmost Severity of the Law a Reward of Ten shillings was likewise proposed to any Person who should after the Tenth of March discover any Arms and the Concealer to be prosecuted at the next Assizes as a Contemner of their Majesties Royal Authority to be looked upon as Disturbers of the Peace and to forfeit the Benefit of the said Articles This made a great many of the Papists bring in their Arms for fear of a Discovery which they had kept till now perhaps to so sinister an end so that by this means the Peace being better assured the Protestants found themselves out of danger the Husbandmen manured their Ground with cheerfulness as not doubting to reap the benefit of their Labours which they had been long debarr'd to the undoing of many Thousands The Artificers fell again to their respective Crafts with courage So that the Land casting off its bloody stain laboured to forget its sorrow and though the usual Trade with France was prohibited yet ●rom England Scotland and Spain 〈◊〉 Necessaries were brought tha● u●ually supplied the Kingdom from abroad And that they might yet be more easie some illegal Proceedings being represented to the Lords Justices they put forth a Proclamation for suppressing them running to this Tennor viz. THAT the Lords Iustices being informed that several Iustices of the Peace Sheri●ffs and other Magistrates presuming on their Power in the Countries have by colour of their Authority in a most Illegal and Arbitrary Manner contrary to the known Laws of the Kingdom dispossessed several of Their Majesties Subjects not only of their Goods and Chattels but of their Lands and Tenements They therefore Command and Require all Iustices of the Peace Mayors Sheriffs and other Magistrates to forbear such Illegal Proceedings and not to Intermeddle with the Right Property Title or Possession of the Estates Goods or Chattels of any of Their Majesties Subjects other than by due Course of Law they are required and as they shall be able to justifie This was thrice proclaimed in all the Market-Towns that every one might take notice of it and have Redress of their Grievances if any should afterward be committed upon them or their Possessions yet it extented not to the prohibiting the searching for and taking away of Arms. And the better to Confirm and Inform all sorts of People being Dutiful and Loyal in their Majesties good Intentions towards them their Majesties Proclamation was published in the following words viz. WHereas by an Act made in Our Parliament at Westminster in the first Year of our Reign Entituled An Act for the better Security and Relief of their Majesties Protestant Subjects of Ireland it was amongst other things Enacted That all and every Person and Persons whatsoever should be absolutely Discharged and Acquitted of any from the payment of all the Quit-Rents Composition-Rents Heart-money Twenti●th-parts Payments and other chief Rents arising or payable out of any Houses Lands Tenements Hereditaments Rectores Tythes or Church-Livings incurring or becoming due to us at any time after the Five and twentieth Day of December 1688. until the said Kingdom of Ireland should by Us be declared to be Reduced and the War and Rebellion there ended We have now pursuant to the said Act of Parliament thought fit by and with the Advice of our Privy Council to issue out this Our Royal Proclamation hereby declaring That the said Kingdom of Ireland is reduced to Our Obedience and the War and Rebellion there ended And We do hereby Will and Require that all and singular such Rents and Payments and all other Duties payable to the Crown which shall henceforth grow incur or become due be duly answered and paid unto Us in such manner and under such Penalties and Forfeitures as if the said Act had not been made Dated the 3d of March 1691 2. And to the end that none of the Irish might be ignorant of what was intended for the good of the Nation another Proclamation was published in all the chief Towns of the Kingdom To Ascertain a Day to those that should be distinguished to be comprehended within the Articles of Lymerick c. To shew their said Rights and Claims to the said Articles the Lands and other Matters they desire Restitution of with the Place of their Being and Situation and that they should have fair Hearings and favourable Constructions made on their Claims and Petitions The Days and Places of Hearing to that purpose be set and appointed that none might pretend any mistake on that account not to come provided with sufficient Proof and Testimony of such their Rights and Claims according to the Tennor of the Articles of Lymerick and Galloway c. And that seeing several Protestants did inhabit Galloway
there th● Rapparees upon his Return fired out of th● Wood which he immediately causing to be surrounded so ferreted them about that 30 o● them together with Casheen their Ring-Leade● or Captain were killed And 250 Foot and 20 Horse commanded by Lieutenant-Colone● Hodson marching from Mountmelick he posted them at Kilkapog by break of day where th● Foot entred the Woods and Bogs and th● Horse securing the skirts they hunted out and killed about 18 of the Enemy that lay lurking there to surprize such as passed that way an● indeed these sort of Enemies were more dangerous and cruel where they mastered tha● the Regular Troops but so cowardly witha● that they would not stand a Charge if the● perceived the Match was but any thing nea● equal an Instance of which may be observe● in this viz. A Party of Colonel Brewer's Men being upon their March towards Ki●negad a great Body of Rapparees lay in Ambush yet durst no● come out for fear of being worsted though ou● Men were much inferiour to them in number but let them pass when so it happened thoug● very unfortunately that a Serjeant and 4 Soldiers of this Party lagged behind a considerable way upon these the Rapparees seized and though on their knees they begged for Quarter yet they murthered them and not satisfied with their Deaths they bored out their Eyes and mangled their dead Bodies but the next day three of the Murtherers were taken and brought to Mullingar where one of them accused the other two of the Fact they were upon such Conviction immediately hanged up ●nd Captain Poyn soon after falling upon the whole Knot of them with a Party of 110 Men of the Garrison of Mullingar put to the rout and dispersed throughout the Country killing ●etween 40 and 50 of them And now since ●e have had occasion to speak so much of these Rapparees in the Series of this History some ●ay be inquisitive to know what manner of ●eople they are To which I answer They are a sort of Vagabonds and Thieves ●ot caring to Work or take any Employment ●pon them a mixture of Irish with other Na●ions who herding together take all opportu●ities where they are strongest to plunder ●urn and murther their hands being against ●ll and the hands of all against them to de●troy as Beasts of Prey They rejoyce at Wars ●od Troubles because then they have liberty ●hey think to do what they please Their Dwel●ings for the most part are Cabins or moveable Houses and their skulking places Bogs Woods ●nd Mountains They are not held as Soldi●rs nor included in the Articles of War but lie at the mercy of those that take them without their being obliged to give them any Quarter though they crave it Their Apparel unless they rig themselves by Plunder is so misserable that they go in a manner naked Yet these hopeful Sticks the Commanders of the Irish Army encourage and put Weapons into many of their hands to harress and destroy the Countries under their Majesties Obedience Yet they have been so often met with upon their Incursions that about 4000 of them have come short home since this War begun And furthermore to encourage the People to be vigilant and to discourage such Rakeshame● the Lords Justices and Council of Ireland pu● forth a Proclamation in these words or to thi● effect THat to prevent the Robberies wilf●● Burnings of Buildings Corn and Hay●● Murthers and Insurrection with which th● parts of the Kingdom under their Majestie● Obedience was threatned by the Rebels an● their Adherents during the time their Majesties Army should be upon their march t● the Frontiers or in the Quarters then po●sessed by the Rebels they have thought it n●cessary and do thereby publish and declare That the Popish Irish Inhabitants of the r●spective Baronies under their Majesties Ob●dience where any Rebels commonly call●● Rapparees shall commit any such Robberies Burnings or Murthers or where any such Insurrection shall happen if they do not immediately give Notice of such Rapparees and Insurrections respectively to the Iustice of Peace or chief Officer of the Militia next to their Habitations and assist him in the taking and destroying them and in the suppression of Insurrections that then they where such Fact shall be committed neglecting their Duties shall be deemed Confederates with the said Rebels and Enemies of their Majesties Government And by Order to be given by the Lords Iustices as occasion shall require shall be proceeded against with the utmost severity of Military Execution And they do further Order That no protectted Irish Papist shall be abroad out of his or their Dwelling-place of Abode after the hours of Nine at Night or before the hours of Four in the Morning under the Pain and Penalty of being put out of their Majesties Protection And if after the Thirtieth of May 1691. any Arms or Ammunition shall be found upon the persons or in the possession of any such Irish Papists he or they shall be looked upon as Rebels and punished accordingly And as they intend severely to punish all such as shall offend in the particulars above-mentioned so they do assure all those Irish Papists who live under their Majesties protection that they behaving themselves as becomes good Subjects shall have the benefit thereof These Proceedings made many of the Papists stir to prevent the mischief who before stood laughing in their sleeves at the Damages their Protestant Neighbours sustained though to curry favour in a dissembling manner they often shewed them a fair Countenance and seemed to pity their Losses And Major O Neal and some others came over from the Enemy and took the advantage of their Majesties Protection But whilst these things were transacting one Mark Baggot apparelling himself in Womens Clothes made it his business to spy into our Quarters and the manner of Affairs but his too much inquisitiveness discovering him he was seized and being sentenced by a Court Marshal he was executed at Dublin on the 20th of May. The Season thus far in a forwardness gave a favourable Invitation to the Army for their taking the field when a Party of the Irish Army consisting of 150 Men thinking to be early at it and do some notable Exploit to be talked on came to Castle-Lions and took thence a few of the poor peoples Cows but Colonel Donep with about 20 Danes and a like number of the Militia Dragoons pursued over-taking them at Ballyderdawn where a Lieutenant with 8 Danes and 6 Dragoons beat off 60 of them who had lined the Hedges in which Action the Lieutenant was killed but the Colonel coming up with his Party and being reinforced with 50 fresh Men he still pursued them killing about 50 of them of which 2 were Commission Officers took 40 Horses and his Men got indifferent store of Plunder This was followed with other Successes of the like nature nor could any great Actions be expected by reason the Armies were not as yet in the field our staying for the
arrival of more Ships from England and the Irish upon the like account from France And about the latter end of May 8 Ships with 500 Carriage-Horses and other Necessaries for the Army came to Dublin and Lieutenant-General Scravenmore Major-General Mackay and Major-General Ruvigny came likewise on Shoar And now the Train of Artillery consisted of 39 Pieces of Cannon 12 Field-pieces and 6 Mortars And in the mean while the French General St. Ruth proceeded to model the Irish Army and give Commissions in his Master's Name ordering things with an Absolute Power where their Troops drew together at Loghera in Connaught And in the beginning of Iune all things on our part was in a manner in a readiness the Soldiers by this time being well recruited of the hardships found many of them in their Winter Quarters and being often out in Parties The Army indeed lay still longer than the Irish expected which made them promise themselves more success than they were like to meet withal for the General intending to make a vigorous War and push on for speedy Victory and the reducing all places that yet held out and had refused to submit to their Majesties Obedience took care so effectually to provide for all things necessary for enterprizing so great an Undertaking that nothing might be wanting to retard in the least the progress of their Majesties Arms and because the Stores laid up the Year before as to Forrage and other things of that nature whereby the Army might subsist in its March it was prudently taken into Consideration that Nature should have time to do her part in furnishing the Earth with such a sufficiency as might supply what was wanting if any delays by cross Accidents should happen that so every thing that could be expected might contribute to the sudden and effectual reducing the Kingdom and putting an end to so chargeable a War whereby the Forces upon so happy a Conclusion as must be at leisure to oppose the grand Disturber of Europe in a more sensible manner seeing it was concluded his main Policy in assisting the Irish was only to divert those Troops he otherwise could not without reason expect would make him an unwelcome Visit upon his own Frontiers and joyntly labour to plant the Rightful Monarch in the Field of Golden Lilies These Considerations I say being of weight presaged the unparallel'd Success in a great measure that attended and crowned them to our wishes The Irish and the French in Confederacy with them held several strong Towns such as were not thought easily to be reduced as Bal●ymore the two Towns of Athlone Galloway and Lymerick besides a numerous Army that had already taken the field and promised to themselves great matters from their Valour and Conduct as now supporting themselves better disciplined than the Year before for they had amongst them a great many French Officers who laboured to exercise and train them up in the Arts and Methods used in the French Army And indeed had they had to do with any other Nation but the English they might have come off better than they did in the oppositions they made but the ancient British Valour revived in so short a War took again its insuperable vigour resolving to overcome all Difficulties and stick at no Danger but furiously press on where the least glimmering of Victor presented and so like a rapid Torrent forcing the opposing Dams carrying all before it and Crown their Monarchs with sprouting Laurels and Triumphs But not longer to detain the Reader from matter of Fact which is mainly the intended Scope of this History The Supplies expected from England being seasonably arrived and every thing that was thought necessary in a readiness there wanted but Orders to march which were not delayed for now as is said the Army being ready to take the field our Forces were commanded to Decamp and accordingly Decamped from Mullingar and the same day the Army was joyned by Lieutenant-General Douglas with the Northern Troops and on the Seventh of Iune came before Ballymore seizing upon all the Enemies Out-posts which they quitted upon the approach of our Men but being taken the Serjeant was hanged for firing after the Communication was then cut off between him and the Town In the Afternoon a Battery of four Field-pieces was bent against the Fort and five Batteries were raised the Night following from whence our Cannon rent the Walls and Curtains and the General sent to the Governour to let him know That if he and the Garrison would Surrender within two hours he would save their Lives and make them Prisoners of War if not they must expect no Quarter To which the Governour made no direct Answer but reply'd He hoped to get better Terms Our Cannon having made two great Breaches and four Boats brought from Mullingar put into the Water the fear of a present Storm made the Besieged hang out a white Flag and Colonel Bourk with several Officers came and submitted to the General at discretion So that Colonel Earl with 400 Men marched in and took possession of the place in which there was a Garrison of 780 Soldiers besides 259 Rapparees well armed and about 1000 Women and Children In this Action we had 8 Men killed and the Enemy above 150. This important place thus reduced and the Prince of Wirtemberg having joyned the Army with about 12000 Horse and Foot the March was directed towards Athlone On the Nineteenth our Men came before the place where they had put up the French Colours in four parts of the Town to make us believe there were a great many French ingarrisoned in it but this hindred not for by Ten in the Morning a Battery of Ten eighteen Pounders was finished and playing upon the Great Bastion in a short time the Face-flank and Curtain were laid in Rubbish and the General ordered the Assault to be made in this order First there advanced 300 detach'd Granadiers Then 50 Pioneers with more Faggots Then 200 Feusileers supported by two Regiments of Foot After them 200 Pioneers with more Faggots Then 20 Men with Axes to cut the Barrocades if any opposed So that about Six in the Evening on the Twentieth of Iune the Signal was given to fall on which was the Discharge of all the Cannon in Battery At first the Enemy seemed resolved to defend the Breacb but upon the first flight of the English Granadoes they scattered and fled in much confusion over the Bridge to the Irish Town on Connaught side some leaping into the Shannon for haste and there perished in the Waters Our Men immediately entred the English Town but lying somewhat open to the Enemies shot on the other side the River some few were killed and others wounded but the Engineers soon raised Blinds to shelter them On our part of note Lieutenant-Colonel Goar and Lieutenant-Colonel Kirk of Villier's Regiment were killed one entring the Breach and the other surveying the Town from a Hill The Siege was carried on against