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A85701 Legis fluvius or, The fountain of the law opened. Shewing the manner method, and forms of proceedings, and pleas on all actions and informations, grounded on all the new and old penal statutes; and the statute it self quoted, upon which every action depends. With presidents for the most usual indictmens : [sic] applicable to all courts of record. Being useful for all atturneys, clerks, and informers. / By A.G. A. G. 1657 (1657) Wing G2; Thomason E1647_1; ESTC R209091 51,574 151

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of the now Lord the King And the said J. immediately after the said Felony and Robbery aforesaid committed at C. neer the said Hundreds of L. and C. did make Hue and Cry of the said Robbery and there did give notice to the Inhabitants of the said Town of C. of the Robbery aforesaid And after the said Robbery was committed and within twenty dayes before the day of the suing forth of this Original Writ by the said J. the said John before R. G. Esquire then one of the Justices of the Lord the King to keep the Peace in the said County of G. assigned within the Hundred of C. was examined upon his Corporal Oath according to the form of the Statute in the twenty seventh yeer of the reign of Elizabeth late Queen of England made and provided and the said John upon his Oath aforesaid did then say That he knew not the party which did the Robbery aforesaid And after the robbery aforesaid 40 days are now past And the said Inhabitants of the Hundred aforesaid satisfaction of the robbery aforesaid to the said John hitherto have not made neither have they taken the Body of the Felon Malefactor aforesaid nor for his Body hitherto have answered but the Felon aforesaid have permitted to escape in contempt of the said Lord the King and to the great damage of the said J. and against the form of the Statute of the thirteenth yeer of the reign of Edward the first aforesaid late King of England made and provided c. And whereupon the said John who as well c. by H. W. his Attorney complaineth That whereas a certain Malefactor to the said John unknown the 15 day of M. in the yeer c. with force and arms that is to say with Swords Staves and Knives in and upon the said J. at T. aforesaid in the Division of the Hundreds aforesaid did make an assault and three shillings and four pence of the money of the said J. in money numbred and one Gelding of the said J. of the price c. and other Goods and Chattels that is to say one Bridle c. there found feloniously from the said John did take and carry away against the peace c. And the said John immediately after the Felony and Robery aforesaid committed at C. neer the said Hundreds of L. and C. did make Hue and Cry of the Robbery aforesaid And notice of the Robbery aforesaid to the Inhabitants of the said Village did then give and after the said Robbery committed and within twenty days before the day of the suing forth of the Original Writ aforesaid that is to say the 26 day of Ianuary in the fourth yeer of the raign of our Lord the King c. the aforesaid J. before R. G. Esquire then one of the Justices assigned to keep the Peace c. inhabiting neer the aforesaid Hundreds of C. and L. to wit at B. in the aforesaid County of G. was examined upon his Corporal Oath according to the form of the Statute aforesaid in the twenty seventh yeer of the raign of the late Queen Elizabeth aforesaid made and provided And the said Iohn upon his Oath aforesaid then said That he knew not the party which did the Robbery aforesaid that forty days are past since the Robbery aforesaid Nevertheless the Inhabitants of the Hundreds aforesaid satisfaction for the Robbery aforesaid to the said Iohn have not made neither have they taken the body of the Felon and Malefactor aforesaid nor for his Body hitherto have not answered but the Felon and Robber aforesaid have permitted to escape in contempt of the said Lord c. and to the great damage of the said Iohn and against the form of the Statute in the thirteenth yeer aforesaid of the said late King Edward the first made and provided Whereby he saith That he is the worse and hath damage to the value of forty pounds and thereupon he brings his suit c. And the Inhabitants aforesaid by R. S. their Attorney come and defend the force and injury when c. and whatsoever c. and say That they are in nothing guilty of the Premises above imposed upon them against the form of the Statute aforesaid as the said Iohn who c. above complaineth against them and of this they put themselves upon the Country and the said Iohn likewise And hereupon the said Iohn saith That the Inhabitants in the aforesaid Hundreds of L. and C. aforesaid are the parties Defendants against whom the said Iohn who as well c. in form aforesaid above complaineth and for that cause he prayeth a Writ of the said Lord the King to the Sheriff of the County aforesaid to be directed to cause to come here twelve c. of the Visne of the Hundred of B. in the County aforesaid for that because the said Hundred of B. is the next Hundred in the County aforesaid adjacent to the aforesaid Hundreds of L. and C. to try the issue aforesaid above in the form aforesaid joyned and because the Inhabitants of the Hundreds of L. and C. aforesaid do not this contradict it is granted unto him c. Therefore it is commanded the Sheriff that he cause to come here from the day of the holy Trinity in three weeks twelve c. of the Visne of the aforesaid Hundred of B. by whom c. and who neither c. to recognize c. because as well c. at which day the Jurors between the parties aforesaid of the Plea aforesaid was respited between them here until this day to wit in eight dayes of St. Michael then next following unless the Justices of our Lord the King assigned to take the Assizes in the County aforesaid according to the form of the Statute on Monday the 20 day of Iuly next following at G. in the County aforesaid should first come And now here at this day came the aforesaid J. by his Attorney aforesaid and the said Justices of Assize before whom c. sent here their Record in these words Afterwards the day and yeer within contained before C. Y. Knight one of the Justices of the Lord the King assigned to hold Pleas before the said Lord the King and D. W. Knight another of the Justices of the said Lord the King assigned to hold Pleas before the said Lord the King Justices of the said Lord the King assigned to take the Assizes in the County of Gloucester according to the form of the Statute c. came as well the within named J. B. as the within written Inhabitants of the Hundreds of L. and C. in their proper persons and the Jurors of the Country within mentioned impanalled and called some of them that is to say N. F. of L. c. so naming all the Jurors that appeared came and are sworn upon that Jury And because the rest of the Jurors of that Jury did not appear therefore tales de circumstantibus c. who being called and sworn
to speak the Truth of the matter within contained say upon their Oaths That the said Inhabitants of L. and C. are guilty of the Premises within imposed upon them against the form of the Statute within written as the said J. B. hath within complained against them and they do assess Damages of the said J. by the occasion within written besides his Costs and Charges by him about his Suit in this behalf expended to ten pounds and ten shillings and for his Costs and Charges to six pence Therefore it is considered that the said Iohn shall recover against the aforesaid Inhabitants in the Hundreds aforesaid his Damages aforesaid to ten pounds ten shillings and six pence by the Jurors aforesaid in the form aforesaid assessed and also nine pounds nine shillings and six pence to the said J. who as well c. at his request for his Costs and Charges aforesaid by the Court here of Increase adjudged Which Damages in the whole do amount to twenty pound and the aforesaid Inhabitants in mercy c. Commit upon the Statute of Hue and Cry for a Robbery committed upon a Servant E. ss THe Inhabitants in the Hundred of B. in the County aforesaid were attached to answer as well unto the Lord the King as G. R. Esquire of a Plea c. And whereupon the said G. who as well c. by C. N. his Attorney complaineth That whereas certain Robbers that is to say six men unto the said G. unknown the 10 day of N. in the yeer c. at N. aforesaid in a place called c. within the aforesaid Hundred of B. with force and arms that is to say with Swords Staves Daggers and Knives in and upon the aforesaid H. P. Servant of the said G. did make an assault and twenty and five pounds in monies numbered of the monies of the said G. and one Gelding of the price of ten pounds of the Goods and Chattels of the said G. in the custody of the said H. P. then and there found feloniously from the said H. P. did spoil rob take and carry away against the Peace of c. And the aforesaid H. P. immediately after the Felony and Robbery aforesaid committed at the aforesaid Town of T. within the Hundred aforesaid which said Town of T. is and was a Town nigh the place aforesaid called the c. where the said Robbery aforesaid was committed did make Hue and Cry of the Robbery aforesaid and then and there did give notice to the said Inhabitants of the said Town of T. of the Robbery aforesaid And after the said Robbery done and committed and within twenty days next before the bringing of this Original VVrit of the said G. that is to say tali Die Anno at E. in the County aforesaid the said H P. before J. G. then one of the Justices c. was examined upon his Oath according to the form of the Statute aforesaid made at Westminster in the County of Middlesex in the twenty seventh yeer of the Reign of the late Queen Elizabeth made and provided And the said H. upon his Oath aforesaid then did say That he did not know the Parties which committed the Robbery aforesaid nor any one of them And after the said Robbery was committed so as aforesaid to wit on the day of the suing out of the said G. that is to say the thirteenth day of May in the yeer c. forty days are expired Nevertheless the said Inhabitants within the Hundred of B. aforesaid satisfaction for the Robbery aforesaid to the said G. hitherto have not made nor the Bodies of the Felons and Robbers aforesaid nor the Body of any one of them have not taken nor for the Bodies of them nor for the Body of any one of them have not answered but the Robbers and Felons aforesaid have permitted to escape in contempt of the said Lord the King and to the great Damage of the said G. and against the form of the Statute aforesaid VVhereupon he saith That he is the worse and hath Damage to the value of sixty pounds and thereupon he brings his Suit c. A Return of a Writ of Error The Record and Process of the Complaint whereof mention is made in this Writ in a Schedule hereunto annexed followeth in these words that is to say THe Court of Record The Town of Wokingam in the Counties of Berks and Wilts of the Keepers of the Liberty of England by Authority of Parliament there holden at the Town of Wokingham aforesaid the twentieth day of June in the yeer of our Lord God One Thousand Six Hundred Fifty and One by vertue of a Charter of our Soveraign Lord James of England late King thereof made c. before T. G. Gent. Alderman of the said Town J. H. Esquire Recorder or Under-Steward of the said Town A. B. Gent. J. S. Gent. and E. V. Gent. Capital Burgesses of the said Town At this Court came R. S. in his proper person and complaineth against R. M. Executor of F. H. deceased in a Plea of Trespass on the Case and did finde Pledges to prosecute the Plaint aforesaid that is to say J. D. and R. R. upon which the said R. S. demanded Process of the Court to be made against the aforesaid R. M. therefore Command was given unto R. P. Sergeant at Mace and Minister of the said Court That he arrest the aforesaid R. M. Executor of the said F. H. deceased and him safe keep c. and that he have his Body here before the Alderman and Burgesses aforesaid at the next Court there held that is to say on Friday the three and twentieth day of June next to answer to the said R. S. of the Plea aforesaid and the same day is given there unto the said R. S. c. At which day here at the same Court of the said Keepers c. at Wokingham aforesaid before T. G. Gent. Alderman J. H. Esquire Recorder R. B. A. B. and J. S. Gent. Capital Burgesses there in the Guild-hall there held came as well the aforesaid R. S. by G. H. his Attorney as the aforesaid R. M. in his proper person and the aforesaid R. P. Sergeant at Mace and Minister of the Court aforesaid did return that he did take the aforesaid R. M. whose Body he hath here to answer the aforesaid R. S. of the Plaint aforesaid as he was commanded and at the same Court the aforesaid R. S. by the aforesaid G. H. his Attorney did desire a day to declare until the next Court to be holden before the said Alderman and Burgesses that is to say Friday the fourth of July next following and it was granted him and at the next Court of the Keepers c. before the said Alderman and Burgesses held the said R. S. by ●he said G. H. his Attorney complaineth against the aforesaid R. M. of the aforesaid Plea in these words ss The Town of Wokingham in the Counties of Berks and Wilts R. S.
of which false Perjury the aforesaid A. is much damaged in his goods and hath been put to expence whereby an action hath accrued to the said A who c to have and receive of the said I. as well for the aforesaid c. as for himselfe the aforesaid 20 pound neverthelesse the aforesaid I. although often required the aforesaid 20 pound to the said A. who c. hath not rendred but the same to the said A. who c. hitherto to render hath refused and still doth refuse whereupon the said A. who c. saith that he is the worse and hath damage to the value of 20 pound and thereupon he brings his suit c. and the aforesaid I. by S. B. his Atturny commeth and defendeth the force and wrong when c. and faith that he did not commit willful Perjury against the form of the Statute aforesaid as the aforesaid A. who c. by his Declaration aforesaid above doth suppose and of this he puts himself upon the Country and the aforesaid A. who c. likewise Brewers Stat. Jac. Rex No Brewer shall sell Beer or Ale to any Vnlicensed Ale-House on pain of forfeiting six Shillings eight Pence for every Barrel Information To the Justices of the Common Bench. IT is to be remembred that James Roberts who as well for the poor of the Parish of Mary Matsellon otherwise White-Chappel in the County aforesaid as for himself in this behalf prosecutes comes here into Court the sixteenth day of April in the yeer of our Lord one thousand six hundred fifty six in his own person as well for the Poor of the said Parish as for himself he gives the Court here to understand and be informed That one J. W. of London Brewer between the first day of September last past and the day of exhibiting this Information at the Parish of Mary Matsellon otherwise White-Chappel aforesaid in the County aforesaid did sell and utter or cause to be sold and uttered to divers persons whose names to the said J. R. who c. as yet are unknown two hundred Barrels of Strong-Beer one hundred Barrels of Strong-Ale which said Beer and Ale and every parcel thereof was and were afterwards that is to say within the time aforesaid in the Parish aforesaid within the County aforesaid by them sold again as common Tiplers or Ale-House-keepers the said persons nor any of them having any lawful License then in force to sell Beer and Ale contrary to the form of a certain Statute of the third year of the Raign of King James late King of England c. in such cases made and provided By meanes whereof he the said J. W. hath forfeited to the Poor of the said Parish and to the said J. R. who c. the summe of one hundred pounds of good and lawful mony of England that is to say for every Barrel of the said Beer and Ale so by him in manner aforesaid and contrary to the form of the Statute aforesaid sold and uttered as aforesaid the summe of six Shillings and eight Pence the same in the whole amounting to the said summe of one hundred pounds Whereupon the said J. R. who c. as well for the Poor of the said Parish as for himself prayes the advice of the Court in the premises and that due process of Law may be awarded against him the said J. W. in this behalf and that he the said J. R. who c. may have the one moiety of the forfeitures aforesaid and the Poor of the said Parish may have the other moiety thereof according to the form of the Statute aforesaid and moreover that he the said J. may come here into Court to answer the premises M. ss The like Information for the same and the Poor of the Parish of St. Giles Cripplegate against Richard Dashwood of the same Parish and County Brewer Prohibited and sworn the day and year above written before me John Doo and Richard Roo Edw. Atkins Pledges c. An ACT for Discovering Convicting and Repressing of Popish RECVSANTS At the Parliament begun at Westminster the seventeenth day of September Anno. 1656. An Information upon the same Act. L. ss BE it Remembred that John Saubridge who as well for the now Lord Protector c. as for himself in this behalf prosecu●es came here into Court the three and twentieth day of this Terme in his own person as well for the ●aid Lord Protector as for himself gave the Court h●re to understand and be informed That whereas at the Parliament begun at Westminster the seventeenth day of September in the year of our Lord 1656. for the Repressing Convicting and Discovering of Popish Recusants it stands enacted by the same Parliament in a certain Act at the same Parliament made entituled An Act for the Discovering Convicting and Repressing of Popish Recusants made and provided Amongst other things in the same Act contained That it shall not be lawful for any Subject of this Commonwealth other then the household-servants that shall come over with any Ambassador or Agent at any time to be present at Masse at the house of any such Ambassador or Agent or any other place whatsoever upon pain and penalty of one hundred pounds and imprisonment by the space of six Months The one moyety of the said forfeiture to be to the use of his Highness the Lord Protector and his Successors and the other moyety to the Informer to be recovered by Action Bill Plaint Suit or Information in any Courr of Record in which no Essoign Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed Neverthelesse one A. B. late of London aforesaid Gent. the Act aforesaid nor the Penalties in the same regarding at London aforesaid that is to say Tali die loco did voluntarily repaire unto the place and house aforesaid and then and there was present and did hear one Popish Masse said or sung according to the manner and custome of the Church of Rome against the form of the said late Act of Parliament in this case made and provided by meanes whereof he the said A. B. hath forfeited to the said Lord Protector and I. S. who c. the summe of an hundred pounds of lawful money of England Whereupon the said I. S. as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself prayeth the advice of the Court here in the Premises and that due processe of Law may be awarded against the said A. B. in this behalf and that he the said I. S. who c. may have one moyety of the forfeiture aforesaid and that he the said A. B. may suffer imprisonment by the space of six Months according to the the form of the Act aforesaid and moreover that he come here into Court to answer the Premises c. These Books following are to be sold at the Lamb at the East end of St. Pauls neer the School THe Secretaries study A Piece of Elegant Letters in Fashion The Compleat Bone-Setter A rare Treatise of the Philosophers Salt both by Dr. Turner Two sober Paradoxes By Malvezzi Elementa Optica in Oct. Mr. Wentworth's Miscellania a Piece of School-Divinity There is in the Press Re-Printing with Additions and Amendments that most wanted Piece of Fawlconry By Mr. Latham FINIS
as aforesaid the sum of forty shillings in the whole amounting after that rate to the said forty pounds Whereupon the said I. S. aswel for the said Lord Protector as for hims●lf prayeth the advice of the Court here in the premises and that he the said I. S. may have one moyety of the said forfei●ures according to the form of the Statu●e aforesaid and that he the said G. S. may come here into Court to answer the prem●●e● c. By the same Statute every person using or haunting any such gaming-house shall forfeit 6s 8d for every day he shall use the same and every Artificer Journey-man or Water-man c. 2 s. These forfeitures to be divided ut supra Recusants Stat. 23. Eliz. 1. Every person of the Age of sixteen years and upwards shall every Lords day duly repair to their Parish Church or some other Parish Church on pain to forfeit for every moneth they shall make default twenty pounds to be divided into three equal parts one part to the Protector the other part to the poor of the Parish where the defendant dwells and another part to the Informer c. Information against Recusants BE it remembred that W. S. who as well for the now Lord Protector and the poor of the Parish of S. in the said County as for himself in this behalf prosecures came here into Court the fifteenth day of April in the year of our Lord 1657. in his own person and gave the Court here to understand and be Informed That one P. S. late of the Parish of S. in the said County of G. who the twenty ninth day of September in the year of our Lord 1656. was of the Age of sixteen years and more and abiding and inhabiting within the Common-wealth of England that is to say in the Parish of S. in the County aforesaid and from the aforesaid twenty ninth day of September in the year aforesaid unto the day of the Exhibiting this information That is to say by the space of six whole moneths or more did not repair nor m●ke his endeavour to repair un●o the Parish Church of S. aforesaid nor unto any other lawful or publike Church or Chappel for the hearing of Divine Service and Sermons according to the Laws and Ordinances of the Church and Commonwealth of England for the publike Worship and Service of God made and ordained and there remain orderly and nor go away during the time of publike Prayer and Preaching or other Doctrine and Services according to the Ordinances of the Commonwealth of England for the publike Service and Divine Worship of God made and ordained and there used and administred But for the whole time aforesaid at the Parish aforesaid in the County aforesaid having no lawful excuse did voluntarily and obstinately forbear the same against the form of the Statute in this Case made and provided Whereupon the said W. S. aswel for the said Lord Protector and the poor of the said Parish as for himself prays the advice of the Court here in the premises And that due proces of Law may be awarded against the said P. S. in this behalf And that the said P. S. may thereof be lawfully convicted and for his offence aforesaid may forf●it 120l of lawful money of England to wit 20 l. for each moneth of the said six whole mone●hs in which the aforesaid P. S. did not repair to the Church as aforesaid And that the said forfei●ure may be divided into three equal parts And that the aforesaid W. S. may have thereof his third part according to the form of the Statute aforesaid And moreover That the aforesaid P. S. may come here into Court to answer the premises c. Shooemakers Stat. 1. Jam. 22. Shoomakers shall make their Shooes and Boots c. of good and sufficient Stuff and sowe them well in pain to forfeit for every default or offence 3s 4d besides the full value of the Wares otherwise made or sold c. It were good if this were well looked after for it is a common practice now among Shoomakers to make the Rands of Shooes with Calves-leather so that assoon as it comes to the wet the sole rends from the upper Leather and can never be mended And to make the Heels of unlawful Leather is usual At this time I have a pair of Shooes on my feet sold to me for Neats-leather in Saint Martins-lane and the pieces of the heels are Horse-hide as those that deal in Leather inform me indeed if they did not look like Leather I should have imagined they had been Paper Information BE it remembred that John Saubrigde who as well for the Lord Protector or England Scotland and Ireland c. as for himself in this behalf prosecutes came here into Court the fifteenth day of June in the year of our Lord c. and gave the Court here to under●tand and be informed that one N. T. late of L. Cordwainer between the fir●t day of January last past and the day of the Exhibiting this Information at London aforesaid to wit in the Parish of ● and Ward c. at twenty several times or turns within the time aforesaid did sell and utter to divers and several persons whose names to the said I. S. who c. as yet are unknown twenty pair of Boots price of every pair thereof ten shillings twenty pair of Shooes price of every pair thereof three shillings four pence And the said I. S. as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself will verifie that the said twenty several pair of Boots and the said twenty several pair of Shooes were not made of good and sufficient Stuff but the R●nds thereof were made of Calves-leather And the said Boots and Shooes were sowed with unwrought and rotten thread mixed with Rozen and Brimstone contrary to the form of the Statute in this Case made and provided By means whereof the said N. T. hath forfeited to the said Lord Protector and the said I. S. who as well c. the sum of thirteen pounds six shillings and eight pence of lawful money of England That is to say the value of the said Boots and Shooes so by him of unlawful and unsufficient Stuff made and sold as aforesaid And also the sum of three pounds six shillings and eight pence That is to say for every offence of the aforesaid twenty several offences the sum of three shillings and four pence of like lawful money of England which said forfeitures do amount in the whole to the sum of sixteen pounds thirteen shillings four pence of lawful money of England Whereupon the said I. S. as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself prayeth the advice of the Court here in the premises and that due proces of Law may be awarded against him the said N. T. in this behalf And that he the said I. S. who c. may have one moyety of the said forfeitures according to the form of the Statute
of Cheap did by way of forestalling and unlawful ingrossing buy of several persons whose names to the said I who as well c. as yet are unknown at divers several times two hundred pound weight of Butter price of every pound thereof six pence two hundred pound weight of Cheese price of every pound thereof three pence four hundred Eggs price of every hundred thereof four shillings two hundred pound weight of Bacon price of every pound weight thereof four pence ten dozen of Pigeons price of every dozen thereof three shillings five dozen of Capons price of every dozen thereof one pound four shillings five dozen of Pullets price of every dozen thereof eighteen shillings five dozen of Turkeys price of every dozen forty shillings contrary to the form of the Statute in this Case made and provided by means whereof he the said E. D. hath forfeited to the said Lord Protector and the said I. S. who c. for this his first offence the sum of thirty and three pounds twelve shillings eight pence That is to say the value of the said goods and victuals so by him in manner and form aforesaid and against the form of the Statute aforesaid bought and forestalled Whereupon the said I. S. as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself prayeth the advice of the Court here in the premises And that due process c. And that he the said I. S. who c. may have one moyety of the said forfeitures according to the form of the Statute aforesaid And that he the said E. D. may be adjudged an unlawful forestaller and be thereof convicted and may also for his first offence suffer two moneths imprisonment of his body without bayl according to the form of the Statute aforesaid and moreover that he come here into Court to answer the premises c. Against Artificers using a Manual Occupation not being Apprentice thereunto Stat. 5. Eliz. 4. None who hath not served as an Apprentice seven years to any Art or Mystery now used shall use the same or set any others to work therein who hath not served out that time on pain to forfeit forty shillings for every moneth to be divided between the Queen and the prosecutor The Information for using a Trade not being an Apprentice L. ss BE it remembred that I. S. who as well for the now Lord Protector as for himself in this behalf prosecutes came here into Court the twenty third day of January in the year of Lord 1656. in his own person and as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself gave the Court here to understand and be informed that one L. M. late of London Yeoman the twentieth day of February last past and continually afterwards until the day of the Exhibiting this information to wit by the space of eleven whole moneths and more at London aforesaid to wit in the Parish of blessed Mary Bow and Ward of Cheap by himself and his servants for his proper use did use and exercise the Art Science Mystery and Occupation of a Combmaker being a Science Artifice Mystery Occupation and Art used and occupied within this Commonwealth of England the twelfth day of January in the first year of the Reign of our Lady Elizabeth late Queen of England Where in truth the said R. N. the said twelfth day of January in the said fifth year of the Reign of our said Lady Queen Elizabeth late Queen of England c. did not use exercise nor enjoy the said Science Art Mystery nor Occupation of a Combmaker nor any other Art Mystery nor Manual Ocbupation nor was at any time edified in the said Art Mystery or Manual Occupation of a Combmaker nor of any other Art Mystery or Manual Occupation as an Apprentice by the space of seven years Against the form of the Statute in the fifth year of our said Lady Elizabeth Queen of England c. in this Case made and provided Whereby the said R. N. hath forfeited to the said Lord Protector and to the said I. S. who as well c. twenty two pounds of good and lawful money of England viz. for every moneth of the said eleven moneths in which the said R. N. so as aforesaid the said Science Art Mystery or Manual Occupation of a Combmaker against the form of the said Statute did use occupy and exercise forty shillings of lawful money of England in the whole amounting after that rate to the said two and twenty pounds Whereupon the said I. S. who as well c. prayeth the advice of the Court here in the premises and that due process of Law may be awarded against the said R. N. in this behalf And that he the said I. S. who c. may have the moyety of the forfeitures aforesaid according to the form of the Statute aforesaid and that he the said R. N. may come here into Court to answer the premises c. An Information against Tallow-Chandlers in the City of London onely L. ss BE it remembred that A. B. who as well for the now Lord Protector as also for the Chamberlain of the City of London aforesaid as for himself in this behalf prosecutes came here into Court the twentieth day of November in the year of our Lord 1656. in his own person and gave the Court here to understand and be informed that one N. H. late of London Tallow-Chandler the twentieth day of December last past and continually afterwards till the day of the Exhibiting this Information That is to say by the space of ten whole moneths and more at London aforesaid to wit in the Parish of blessed Mary Bow and Ward of Cheap within the Liberties and Walls of London aforesaid did keep hold and maintain a common melting house for Tallow And in the said house the said twentieth day of November and nineteen other several days and times within the time aforesaid at the City of London aforesaid in the Parish and Ward aforesaid did melt Tallow to the great annoyance of the Parishioners of the Parish aforesaid against the form of the Statute in this Case made and provided and against the Customes Liberties and Priviledges of the City of London aforesaid Whereupon the said A. as well for the said Lord Protector as also for the Chamberlain of the City of London aforesaid as for himself prayeth the advice of the Court here in the premises And that due process of Law may be awarded against the said N. H. in this behalf And that the said N. H. may forfeit five pounds of lawful money of England for every day of the said twenty several days in which the said N. in his house aforesaid in the form aforesaid and against the form of the Statute aforesaid did melt Tallow aforesaid within the Walls and Liberties of the City of London aforesaid in the whole amounting after that rate to an hundred pounds of lawful money of England And that the said forfeitures may be divided into three
Legis Fluvius OR The FOUNTAIN Of the LAW OPENED Shewing the Manner Method and Forms of Proceedings and Pleas on all Actions and Informations grounded on all the new and old Penal Statutes and the Statute it self quoted upon which every Action depends With Presidents for the most usual Indictmens Applicable to all Courts of Record Being useful for all Atturneys Clerks and INFORMERS By A. G. THe best writing-Ink for Deeds and Records is made and sold by Tho. Rooks at the East-end of Pauls Church at the Sign of the Lambe neer the School London printed by J. C. for the said T. Rooks and are to be sold at the place aforesaid 1658. To the Reader IT is not to be supposed That ever Parliaments would spend so many long and serious Hours in the making Laws and not intend that they should be put in Execution yet none are looked upon for more despicable Creatures then the Prosecutors of the Penal Laws especially amongst the Ale-houses and Gaming-houses which are Joynt-tenants and dwell continually under one Roof but the High-way-Thief is by far the honester Man then the Gamester for By him whole Lordships have been swept away Credit clothes and all for one nights play But since the Law hath sufficiently provided a Remedy to suppress these Monsters I doubt not but there will be ingenious Persons to prosecute them And because these most useful Statutes seemed to lie obscure in a voluminous Bulk and no Presidents upon them are publickly extant for the ready ease both of the Informer and his Clerk I have set down each Penal Statute in brief and a particular Form of proceeding thereupon so that if this be duly observed and practised I hope the Caterpillers and Locusts of this Commonwealth as Forestallers Regradors Ingrossers c. will be shaken off from our Fruit-Trees for which purpose this was composed and hoping it will prove effectual I conclude Legis Fluvius Or the FOUNTAIN of the LAVV Opened A Body without a Spirit is dead and no more then an Image of no other use are the many wholesome Laws and Statutes by great Councils upon serious debate Instituted for the preservation and welfare of this Nation if life be not given unto them by putting them in Execution But indeed they being in great Volumes are not as they ought to be known by every one and to whom they are known are not Practised by for want of president or a Path to walk by Therefore I 'll briefly lay down Platforms of all Sorts for Example and direct you to the Statute it self for Encouragement Wine without License Statute 7. E. 6. 5. None shall sell or utter any Wines by retail c. without License on pain of ten pounds for every offence c. The President of an Information against such as sell wine without License L. M. BE it remembred that H. M. who as well for the Lord Protector of the Common wealth of England Scotland and Ireland c. as for himself in this behalf prosecutes came here into Court the 17 day of June in the year of our Lord 1657. in his own person and aswel for the said Lord Protector as for himself gave the Court here to understand and be informed that one I. F. late of c Victualer at sixty several times or turns between the first day of Aug. last past and the day of the Exhibiting this Information at c. in the said County did sell and utter by Retail to one certain person or to divers certain persons whose name● to the said H. M. who c. as yet are unknown twenty several Pints of Claret-wine wenty several Pints of White-wine and twenty several Pints of Sack that is to say one Pinte at every several time of the aforesaid sixty several times or turns within the time aforesaid to be drank and spent within the Mansion house of him the said I. F. situate in c. And the said sixty several Pints of the said several Wines aforesaid at the aforesaid several times or turns within the time aforesaid in the aforesaid Mansion house of the aforesaid I. F. were drank and spent by the aforesaid I on certain person or several certain persons to the said H. who c. unknown contrary to the form of the Statute in this case made and provided Whereby the said I hath forfeited six hundred pounds of Lawful money of England That is to say for every offence of the aforesaid sixty several offences so by him committed in manner and form aforesaid and against the form of the Statute aforesaid ten pounds in the whole amounting after that rate to the said six hundred pounds Whereupon the said H. aswel for the said Lord Protector as for himself prays the advice of the Court here in the premises and that he the said H. may have the moyety of the forfeitures aforesaid according to the form of the Statute aforesaid And also that he the said I. may come here into Court to answer the premises c. pledges c. Plays and Games Stat. 33. H. 8. 9. No person or persons shall keep hold or maintain either in his or their dwelling or mansion House Yard or Backside or any place any unlawful Games or shall suffer any persons to play at Tables Cards or Dice Tennis Coyts Clash Logga●s or any other unlawful Game on pain of forty shillings a day for every such offence one moyety to the Protector the other moyety to any person that will sue for the same in any Court of Record c. An Information against a Gaming-house L. M. BE it remembred that I. S. who aswel for the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth c. as for himself in this behalf prosecutes came here into Court the twelfth day of February in the year of our Lord 1656. in his own person and aswel for the said Lord Protector as for himself gave the Court here to understand and be informed that one G. S. late of London Victualler the 24 day of June last past and continually afterwards by the space of twenty days for the lucre and gain of the said G. S. by himself and his servants at L. aforesaid That is to say in the Parish of blessed Mary Bow and Ward of Cheap did keep hold and maintain a common gaming-house of and for Tables Cards and Dice Coyts Clash Tennis Loggats Bowls and Nine-pins and of and for another unlawful game called Shove-groat otherwise Slidethrift and at the same unlawful games every day by all the time aforesaid at L. aforesaid at his dwelling house aforesaid divers persons subjects of this Commonwealth to play did permit and suffer against the form of the Statute in this case made and provided By means whereof he the said G. hath forfeited to the said Lord Protector and the said I. S. who c. the sum of forty pounds of lawful money of England to wit for every day of the said twenty several days wherein he kept the said gaming-house
equal parts And that he the said A. may have one third part of the forfeitures aforesaid according to the form of the Statute aforesaid And that he the said N. H. may come here into Court to answer in and upon the premises c. Residence Stat. 21. H 8. 13. Every Spiritual person promoted to any Dignity or Benefice or being beneficed with any Personage or Vicarage that he be personally resident and abiding upon his said Dignity Prebendary Rectory Benefice or Vicarage or at one of them at least in pain to forfeit for not being so resident by the space of a moneth together the sum of ten pounds to be divided betwixt the King and the prosecutor An Information against a Minister for non-residency L. ss BE it remembred that I. S. who as well for the now Lord Protector as for himself in this behalf prosecutes came here into Court the three and twentieth day of Jan. this Term in his own person and as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself gave the Court here to understand and be informed that whereas by a certain Act of Parliament of King Henry the eighth held at Westminster in the County of Middlesex the third day of November the one and twentieth year of his Reign it stands enacted by the Authority of the same Parliament That after the Feast of Saint Michael the Arch-angel then next following no person Spiritual Secular nor Regular of whatsoever degree he or they were should from thence take to Farm to him or to any person or persons to his proper use of the Leafe or Grant of our Lord the King or of any other person or persons by Letters Patents Indenture or Writing or by Word or otherwise by any means any Mannors Lands or Tenements or other Hereditaments for term of life for term of years or at will under the pain of forfeiture of ten pounds for every moneth wherein be or any other to his use did occupy any such Farm the one moyety of such forfeiture to be to our said Lord the King and the other moyety thereof to be to any such person as should prosecute suit for the same in any of the Courts of Record of our said Lord the King In which Action and Suit no wager of Law was to be admitted for the Defendant And further it is enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all such Demises made or then thereafter to be made to any such Spiritual person or persons or to any others to their use for term of life years or at will of any Mannors Lands Tenements or Hereditaments of which they or any of them should take any profit or medling by themselves or by any other to their use after the same Feast of Saint Michael by colour of any Demise or Grant and by them not bargained granted and sold before the said Feast as is before limited should from thence be void and of no sorce as well against the Lessor and Lessors Grantor and Grantors their Heirs and Assigns and against any of them as against the Lessee and Lessees And their Executors and Assigns and every of them And lastly it is Enacted by the Authority of the same Parliament that as well every Spiritual Person then promoted to any Arch-deaconry Deaconry or Dignity in any Monastery or Cathedral Church or any Covent or Collegiate Church or being Beneficed with any Parsonage or Vicarage That all and singular Spiritual person or persons which from thence hereafter should be promoted unto any Place Dignities or Benefices with any Parsonage or Vicaridge from the Feast of Saint Michael the Arch-angel then next following should be personally resident and abiding at and upon their Dignities Prebendaries or Benefices or at one of them at least And in case any such Spiritual Person at any time after the same Feast should not keep residency at one of his Dignities Prebendaries or Benefices aforesaid but shall absent himself voluntarily by the space of one moneth at one time or by the space of two moneths to be numbred at several times in any one year And shall make his residence and habitation in any other place by such time aforesaid That then he or they shall forfeit for every such default ten pounds of lawful money of England Yet nevertheless A. W. lately of London aforesaid being a Spiritual Person and Rector of the Parish of Saint E. in London aforesaid very little weighing the Statute aforesaid nor in any manner fearing the punishment in the said Statute contained after the publishing of the Statute aforesaid and before the day of the Exhibiting this information to wit the tenth day of February last past and continually afterwards by the space of eleven whole moneths then next following did voluntarily absent himself from his Rectory aforesaid so that the aforesaid A. W. did in no wise make his abode or residency in at or upon his Rectory aforesaid by the time aforesaid against the form of the Statute in that Case made and provided as aforesaid By means whereof the said A. W. hath forfeited to the said Lord Protector and to the said I. S. who as well c the sum of an hundred and ten pounds of lawful money of England That is to say for each moneth of the aforesaid eleven moneths ten pounds in the whole amounting after that rate to the said sum of an hundred and ten pounds Whereupon the said I. S. as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself prayeth the advice of the Court here in the premises And that due process of Law may be awarded against him the said A. W. in this behalf And that he the said I. S. who c. may have one moyety of the said forfeitures according to the form of the Statute aforesaid And also that the said A. W. may come here into Court to answer in and upon the premises c. Dyers Statute No Dyer shall dye any Cloth with Logwood Orchel or Cork or other deceitful way or means on pain to forfeit the same or the value thereof An Information against Dyers using Logwood L. ss BE it remembred that I. B. who as well for the now Lord Protector as for himself in this behalf prosecutes came here into Court the sixth day of June in the year of our Lord 1657. in his own person and as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself gives the Court here to understand and be informed that one D. S. late of London Dyer between the first day of April last past and the day of the Exhibiting this Information at London That is to say in the Parish of blessed Mary Bow and Ward of Cheap using and exercising the Art and Mystery of a Dyer did use for the dying of broad Woollen-cloathes Kerseys and Bays a certain outlandish Wood called Logwood otherwise Blockwood with other deceitful means and within the time aforesaid at London aforesaid in the Parish and Ward aforesaid he the said D. S. ten broad Woollen-cloathes
price of every Cloth thereof ten pounds ten Kerseys price of every Kersey thereof five pounds ten pieces of Bays price of every piece thereof four pounds with the said Logwood otherwise Blockwood and other false and deceitful means as aforesaid did dye and colour contrary to the form of a certain Statute of the three and twentieth year of the Raign of Qu. Elizabeth late Queen of England c. in such Case made and provided by means whereof he the said D. S. hath forfeited to the said Lord Protector and to the said I. B. who c. the sum of an hundred fourscore and ten pounds of lawful money of England That is to say the value of the said Woollen-clothes Kerseys and Bays so by him in manner and form aforesaid and against the form of Statute aforesaid with the said Logwood otherwise Blockwood and other false and deceitful ways and means dyed and coloured as aforesaid Whereupon the said I. B. as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself prayeth the advice of the Court here in the premises And that he the said I. B. who c. may have one moyety of the said forfeitures according to the form of the Statute aforesaid And also that he the said D. S. may come here into Court to answer the premises c. Against selling Flour and Meal in shops An Information upon an Act of Parliament 1650. Middl. ss BE it remembred that H. M. who as well for the poor of the Parish of M. in the said County as for himself in this behalf prosecutes came here into Court the first day of February in the year of our Lord 1656. in his own person and as well for the poor of the said Parish as for himself gave the Court here to understand and be informed that one I. C. late of the Parish of M. aforesaid in the said County between the 29 of September last past and the day of the Exhibiting this Information at the Parish aforesaid in the County aforesaid did fell and utter or cause to be sold and uttered to divers persons whose names to the said H. M. who c. as yet are unknown at divers and several times and by divers and several parcels and quantities ten quarters of wheaten Meal price of every quarter thereof thirty shillings and ten quarters of wheaten Flour price of every quarter thereof forty shillings in the House or Shop of the said I. C. and not in any common or publike Market-place appointed for the selling of Meal and Flour contrary to the form of a certain Act of the late Sessions of Parliament holden at Westminster in the County of Middlesex Intituled An Act touching Corn and Meal made and provided By means whereof he the said I. C. hath forfeited to the poor of the said Parish and to the said H. M. who as well c. the sum of threescore and fifteen pounds of lawful money of England That is to say treble the value of the said Meal and Flour so by him in manner and form aforesaid and contrary to the form of the Act aforesaid sold and uttered as aforesaid Whereupon the said H. M. as well for the poor of the said Parish as for himself prayeth the advice of the Court here in the premises And that due process of Law may be awarded against him the said I. C. in this behalf And that he the said H. M. may have one moyety of the forfeitures aforesaid and that the poor of the said Parish may have the other moyety And that he the said I. C. may suffer imprisonment of his body for the space of one moneth according to the form of the Act aforesaid And moreover that he come into Court here to answer the premises c. Against Usury and Extortion An Act of Parliament was made the eighth day of August 1651. Intituled An Act prohibiting any person to take above the rate of six pounds for the Loan of one hundred pounds by year and after that rate for a greater or lesser sum or for a shorter or longer time An Information upon the Act against Usury Middl. ss BE it remembred that I. T. who as well for the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England Scotland and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging as for himself in this behalf prosecutes came here into Court the twenty fourth day of April 1657. in his own person and as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself gave the Court here to understand and be informed that one I. M. late of the Parish of T. in the said County Yeoman between the four and twentieth day of June last past and the day of the Exhibiting this Information at the Parish of T. aforesaid in the County aforesaid hath by way and means of corrupt bargain Loan Exchange Chivance and Shifts by deceitful ways and means and by Covin lent or put to Loan to several persons whose names to the said John who as well c. as yet are unknown divers and sundry sum and sums of money in the whole amounting to the sum of two hundred pounds of lawful money of England And the said I. T. as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself will verifie that the said I. M. hath indirectly for the forbearing or giving day of payment for the said sum of two hundred pounds for one whole year taken above the sum of six pounds for every hundred pounds thereof against the form of a certain Act of Parliament holden at Westminster in the County of Middlesex on Friday the eighth day of August 1651. Intituled An Act prohibiting any person to take above six pounds for Loan of one hundred pounds by the year and after that rate for a greater or lesser sum or for a longer or shorter time By means whereof the said I. M. hath forfeited to the said Lord Protector and to the said I. T. who as well c. six hundred pounds of lawful money of England That is to say treble the value of the said money so by him in form aforesaid and against the form of the Act aforesaid lent or put to Loan Whereupon the said I. T. as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself prayeth the advice of the Court here in the premises And that the said I. T. who as well c. may have the moyety of the said forfeitures according to the form of the Act aforesaid And also that the said I. M. may come here into Court to answer the premises c. Another form of an Information upon the same Act. L. ss BE it remembred that I. S. who as well for the now Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of Eng●●●● as for himself in this behalf prosecutes came here into Court the seventeenth day of April this Term in his own person and as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself gave the Court here to understand and be informed that one I. H. late of London Sadler between
the nine and twentieth day of September last past and the day of the Exhibiting this Information for the lucre and gain of the said I. H. at London aforesaid to wit in the Parish of blessed Mary Bow and Ward of Cheap did indirectly and by way of corrupt bargain and contract Lend upon Usury Loan and Interest at one sum or by divers and several sums and parcels and to one person or divers several persons whose names to the said I. S. who as well c. as yet are unknown fifty pounds of lawful money of England And the said I. H. the Act of Parliament aforesaid or the penalties in the same little regarding did corruptly and indirectly receive and take of the said one person or of the said several persons for the Use and Interest of every twenty shillings of the said fifty pounds for the Loan of the same for the space of twenty weeks the sum of two shillings In the whole amounting after that rate to the sum of five pounds for the Use and Interest of the said fifty pounds for the said twenty weeks And the said I. S. as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself will verifie that the said I. H. did also receive and take of the said one person or of several persons the said fifty pounds by one sum or several sums paid weekly so that the same was fully paid within the said twenty weeks contrary to the form of a certain Act of the late Sessions of Parliament holden at Westminster in the County of Middlesex on Friday the eighth day of August 1651. Intituled An Act prohibiting any person to take above the rate of six pounds for the forbearance of an hundred pounds for a whole year and so after that rate for a greater or lesser sum or for a longer or shorter time By means whereof the said I. H. hath forfeited to the said Lord Protector and to the said I. S. who as well c. the sum of an hundred and fifty pounds of lawful money of England That is to say treble the value of the money so by him lent upon corrupt Usury and Extortion in manner and form aforesaid and against the form of the Act aforesaid Whereupon the said I. S. as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself prayeth the advice of the Court here in the premises and that he the said I. S. who as well c. may have one moyety of the said forfeitures according to the form of the Act aforesaid And also that he the said I. H. may come here into Court to answer in and upon the premises c. Pledges of prosecuting c. John Doo and Richard Roo c. For the Brokers and Usurers sakes I will here lay down the form of a Declaration in an Action of Debt upon the said Statute L. ss G. S. late of London Gentlem. was summoned to answer unto I. T. who as well for the now Lord Protector c. as for himself in this behalf prosecutes of a Plea that he render unto the said Lord Protector and to the said I. T. who as well c. six hundred pounds of lawful money of England which unto the said Lord Protector and unto the said I. T. who as well c. he oweth and unju●tly detaineth c. And whereupon the said I. T. as well for the said L. Pr. as for himself by R. T. his Attorney saith That whereas in the Parliament holden at Westminster in the County of Middl. on Friday the eighth day of August in the year of our Lord 1651. It was Enacted Established and Ordained by the same Parliament and by the Authority thereof That no person or persons whatsoever should from and after the twenty ninth of September then next following directly or indirectly or by means of any corrupt bargain Loan Exchange Chivance or Shifts or by any deceitful ways or means whatsoever receive or take for the forbearance or giving day of payment for any sum or sums of money Goods Wares or Merchandize above the sum of six pounds for the forbearance or giving day of payment for the sum of one hundred pounds for one whole year and so after that rate for a greater or lesser sum or for a shorter or longer time on pain of the forfeiture of treble the value of the said Money Goods Wares or Merchandize lent or put to Loan contrary to the form and effect of the Act aforesaid one moyety of which forfeitures to be to the use of the then Keepers of the Liberty of England c. and their Successors the other moyety to any person that should sue for the same in any Court or Courts of Record wherein no Wager of Law Essoyn or other Protection is to be allowed And thereupon the said I. T. in fact saith That the said G. S. the Act of Parliament aforesaid or the penalties in the same little regarding hath since the publishing of the said Act of Parliament to wit the twenty fourth day of June in the year of our Lord 1656. at London aforesaid That is to say in the Parish of Saint Mary Bow and the Ward of Cheap by ways and means of Corrupt bargain Loan Exchange Chivance and Shifts by deceitful ways and means and by Covin Lent or put to Loan to several persons whose names to the said I. T. who as well c. as yet are unknown divers and sundry sum and sums of money in the whole amounting to the sum of two hundred pounds of lawful money of England And the said I. T. as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself will verifie that the said I. M. hath indirectly for the forbearing or giving day of payment for one whole year for the said sum of two hundred pounds taken above the sum of six pounds for every hundred pounds thereof against the form of the Act aforesaid in this Case made and provided Whereby an Action hath accrued to the said L. Protector and to the said I. T. who as well c. to have and receive of the said G. S. the sum of six hundred pounds of lawful money of England That is to say treble the value of the said money so by him in manner and form aforesaid and against the form of the Act aforesaid Lent or put to Loan yet the said G. S. though often required the said six hundred pounds to the said c. hath not paid c. to the damage c. Clothiers and Drapery Stat. 4. E 4. 1. None shall put into Cloth to be sold any Lambs-wooll Flocks or Cork in pain to forfeit twenty shillings for every Cloth or half Cloth so mingled to be divided betwixt the King and the prosecutor An Information against Clothiers for making Cloth of mingled stuff L. ss IT is to be remembred that I. B. who as well for the now Lord Protector of England Scotland and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging as for himself in this behalf doth prosecute
or to divers certain persons whose names to the said I. S. who as well c. as yet are unknown to sell the same again without License forty Barrels of strong Beer and forty Barrels of strong Ale to be sold again in the house or houses of the said person or persons having no License to Authorize them thereunto And the said I. S. as well for the said poor of the Parish of B. aforesaid as for himself will verifie That the said I. R. did wittingly and of his own knowledge sell and utter the said Beer and Ale to the said house or houses knowing the same was to be sold again and uttered by retail by the said person or persons without License And that the same Beer and Ale within the time aforesaid at the dwelling houses of the said person or persons was sold and uttered against the form of the Statute in this Case made and provided By means whereof he the said I. R. hath forfeited to the poor of the said Parish and to the said I. S. who as well c. the sum of six and twenty pounds thirteen shillings and four pence That is to say for every Barrel of the said Beer and Ale sold by him in manner and form aforesaid to unlicensed Alehouses aforesaid against the form of the Statute aforesaid sold and uttered the sum of six shillings and eight pence in the whole amounting after that rate to the said six and twenty pounds thirteen shillings and four pence whereupon the said I. S. as well for the poor of the said Parish as for himself prayeth the advice of the Court here in the premises and that due process of Law c. And that he the said I. S. who c. may have one moyety of the said forfeitures according to the form of the Statute aforesaid And also that he the said I. R. may come here into Court to answer the premises c. Butchers Statute 4. H. 7. 3. No Butcher shall kill any Flesh in his scalding house or within the Walls of London in pain to forfeit for every Ox so killed twelve pence and for every other beast eight pence to be divided between the King and the prosecutor An Information against Butchers for killing Flesh within the Walls of London L. ss BE it remembred that I. S. who as well for the now Lord Protector of England Scotland and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging as for himself in this behalf prosecutes came here into Court the seventeenth day of June in the year of our Lord 1657. in his own person and as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself gave the Court here to understand and be informed that one A. B. late of London Butcher between the twenty ninth day of Septemb. last past and the day of the Exhibiting this Information at London aforesaid to wit in the Parish of c. within the Walls and Liberties of the City of London aforesaid did keep a common Slaughter-house for the killing of Cattle and between the time aforesaid at London aforesaid in the Parish and Ward aforesaid within the Walls and Liberties of the City of London aforesaid did kill four hundred Oxen six hundred Sheep two hundred Prokers two hundred Calves and two hundred Lambs to the great annoyance of the Parishioners of the Parish aforesaid and against the form of the Statute in this Case made and provided By means whereof he the said A. B. hath forfeited to the said Lord Protector and to the said I. S. who as well c. the sum of threescore pounds of lawful money of England That is to say for every Ox of the said four hundred Oxen so by him in manner and form aforesaid and against the form of the Statute aforesaid killed the sum of twelve pence and for every other Beast aforesaid by him killed as aforesaid within the Walls of the City of London aforesaid contrary to the form of the Statute aforesaid the sum of eight pence of like lawful money of England in the whole amounting after that rate to the said threescore pounds Whereupon the said I. S. as well c. prayeth the advice c. and that due process of Law c. And that he the said I. S. who as well c. may have the moyety of the forfeitures aforesaid according to the form of the Statute aforesaid and that he the said A. B. may come here into Court to answer the premises c. Against Butchers for buying Cattle and selling them again alive Stat. 3. 4. E. 19. BE it remembred that I. S. who as well for the now L. Protector c. as for himself in this behalf prosecutes came here into Court the seventeenth day of June in the year of our Lord 1657. in his own person and as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself gave the Court here to understand and be informed that one I. R. late of London Butcher between the first day of August last past and the day of the Exhibiting this information at London aforesaid to wit in the Parish of Saint Mary Bow and Ward did buy of several persons whose names to the said I. S. c. as yet are unknown ten Oxen price of every Ox ten pounds twenty Sheep price of every Sheep twenty shillings twenty Calves price of every Calf thereof twenty shillings and twenty Lambs price of every Lamb ten shillings And the said I. R. afterwards between the time aforesaid at London aforesaid in the Parish and Ward aforesaid did sell the said several Cattle again alive to several persons whose names to the said I. S. who c. as yet are unknown against the form of the Statute in this Case made and provided By means whereof he the said I. R. hath forfeited to the said Lord Protector and to the said I. R. who c. the sum of an hundred and ten pounds of lawful money of England That is to say the value of the said Cattle so by him in manner and form aforesaid and against the form of the Statute aforesaid bought and sold again alive as aforesaid Whereupon the said I. S. as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself prayeth the advice of the Court here in the premises and that due process of Law may be awarded against him the said I. R. c. And that he the said I. S. who c. may have one moyety of the said forfeitures according to the form of the Statute aforesaid And moreover that he the said I. R. may come here into Court to answer in and upon the premises c. A Subpaena upon an Information OLIVER Lord Protector c. to I. B. and C. D. greeting We command you that all other occasions pretermitted and excuses whatsoever ceasing you appear in your own persons before our Justices of the Common Bench at Westminster on Fryday next after three weeks of Saint Michael to answer us of and concerning such things as
convey And the same R. W. then of and in the same with the appurtenances by a writing of Feosment did enfeoffe of which said Tenements neither the said S. nor any of her Ancestors nor he nor they by whom she claimeth the same Tenements were in the possession of the same nor in the possession of the reversion or the remainder thereof neither received the Rents and Profits thereof by the space of one whole year next before the said conveyance and Feofment aforesaid Nevertheless the said R. W. the premises well enough knowing the Statute aforesaid not regarding at G. aforesaid in the County aforesaid the eighteenth day of May in the year aforesaid the Feofment aforesaid of the said S. did receive to hold the said pretended Title of the said S. of and in the aforesaid Tenements to the same R. and his heirs for ever against the form of the Statute aforesaid By virtue whereof the said R. W. was seized of the said Messuage and all other the premises with the appurtenances to him and his heirs according to the Tenor of the Feofment aforesaid And the aforesaid T. W. saith in fact that the Title of the said S. to the aforesaid Messuages and all other the premises with the appurtenances at the time of the Feofment aforesaid thereof by the said R. W. aforesaid made and received was pretended And that the aforesaid Messuages and all other the premises with the appurtenances at that time were worth forty pounds of lawful money of England by which an Action hath accrued to the said Lady the Queen and to the same T. W. who as well for the said Lady the Queen as for himself in this behalf prosecutes to have and receive as well of the said S. A. forty pounds as of the said R. W. aforesaid forty pounds of lawful money of England for the value of the Messuages aforesaid and all other the premises with the appurtenances against the form of the Statute aforesaid taken granted and enfeoffed as aforesaid Whereupon the said T. W. prayeth one moyety according to the form of the same Statute and as well c. prayeth the advice of the Court in the premises and due process of Law to be awarded against the said S. A. and R. W. in this behalf to answer as well to the said Lady the Queen as to the said T. in the premises c. Whereby it was commanded the Sheriff that he omit not but that he attach them c. to answer c. And now to wit on Friday next after the morrow of Saint Martin this same Term before the Lady the Queen at Westminster came the said R. W. by I. M his Attorney and having heard the Information aforesaid saith That the said Lady the Queen or the said R. W. who as well c. ought not any further to trouble him the said R. by occasion of the Information aforesaid because by Protestation he saith That the said Messuages Barns Orchards forty Acres of Land twenty Acres of Meadow ten Acres of Pasture ten Acres of Wood and twelve pence and one half-peny rent with the appurtenances in the Information abovesaid specified were not of so much value as in the Information aforesaid above is supposed And for Plea the same R. saith That he did not accept of the said S. A. the Feofment aforesaid to have any pretended Right or Title of the said S. of and in the Tenements aforesaid in the Information aforesaid specified to the same R. and his Assigns for ever against the form of the Statute aforesaid in manner and form as by the Information aforesaid above against him it is supposed and of this he puts himself upon the Country And G. G. Esquire Attorney General of the Lady the Queen who for the same Lady the Queen in this behalf prosecutes saith That the said R. W. did take of the said S. A. the Feofment aforesaid to have the pretended Right and Title of the said S. of and in the Tenements aforesaid in the Information aforesaid specified in manner and form as by the Information aforesaid against him above it is supposed And this he prayeth may be inquired of by the Country and the said R. W. in like manner c. Therefore let there come a Jury thereof before the Lady the Queen in eight days of S. Hillary Wheresoever c. and who c. to recognize c. because as well c. the same day is given as well to G. G. who followeth c. as to the said R. W. c. Against an under-Sheriff for extortion Stat. 23. H. 6. cap. 10. Information Middl. ss BE it remembred that I. E. of London Haberdasher who as well for the Lady the Queen as for himself in this behalf follows in his own person came into the Court of the Lady the Queen before the same Lady the Queen at Westminster on Friday next after fifteen days of Saint Hillary to wit the first day of February in the year c. the same Term and as well c. gave the Court here to understand and be informed that whereas in a certain Statute in the Parliament holden at Westminster in the County of Middlesex the twenty fifth day of February in the twenty third year of the late King Henry the sixth then King of England amongst other things it was Enacted That no Sheriff under-Sheriff nor any of their Clerks Coroners Stewards of Franchises Bayliffs or Keepers of Prisons or any other Officers or Ministers by occasion or colour of their Office should take any thing by themselves nor by any other to their use profit or advantage of any person by them or any other arrested or attached nor of any person nor any other for the forbearance or hindrance of an arrest upon his body or of any other person by them or any one of them by virtue or colour of his Office to arrest or attach for a Fine Fee Prison-fee Manucaption letting to Bail or for shewing any assistance or favour to any such person arrested or to be arrested for his reward or profit otherwise then such as hereafter followeth That is to say for the Sheriff twenty pence for the Bayliff that makes the arrest four pence to the Gaoler if he be committed to prison to his custody four pence And that all Sheriffs under-Sheriffs Clerks of Sheriffs Stewards or Bayliffs of Liberties Sergeants or Bayliffs and Coroners shall not take any thing by colour of their Office by themselves or by any other person to their use of any person for making the return of any pannel and for the Coppy of a pannel four pence And that the aforesaid Sheriffs and all other Officers and Ministers aforesaid shall let go at Liberty all and all manner of persons by them or by any of them arrested or being in their custody by virtue of any Writ Bill or Warrant in any personal Action or by reason of any Indictment of trespass upon reasonable security of sufficient persons