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A17848 Remaines of a greater worke, concerning Britaine, the inhabitants thereof, their languages, names, surnames, empreses, wise speeches, poësies, and epitaphes; Remaines concerning Britain Camden, William, 1551-1623. 1605 (1605) STC 4521; ESTC S107408 169,674 306

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Pace had a sonne at his circumcision named Haly hee would be called Aven Pace concealing Haly but his sonne howsoever hee were named would be called Aven-Haly c. So Surnames passing from father to sonne and cōtinuing to their issue was not antiently in vse among any people in the world Yet to these single Names were adioyned oftentimes other names as Cognomina or Sobriquetts as the French call them and By-names or Nicke-names as we terme them if that word be indifferent to good and bad which still did die with the bearer and never descended to posteritie That we may not exemplifie in other nations which would afforde great plenty but in our own King Eadgar was called the Peaceable king Ethelred the Vnreadie king Edmund for his Valour Iron-side king Harold the Hare-foote Eadric the Streona that is the Getter or Streiner Siward the Degera that is the Valiant King William the first Bastard king William the second Rouse that is the Red king Henry the first Beauclarke that is Fine Scholler so in the house of Aniou which obtained the Crowne of England Geffrey the first Earle of Aniou was surnamed Grisogonel that is Grey-cloake Fulco his sonne Nerra his grand-childe Rechi● for his extortion Againe his grand-childe Plantagenet for that he ware commonly a broome-stalke in his bonnet His sonne Henry the second king of England Fitz-Empresse because his mother was Empresse his sonne king Richard had for surname Corde-Lion for his lion-like courage as Iohn was called Sans-terre that is Without land So that wheras these names were never taken vp by the sonne I knowe not why any should thinke Plantagenet to be the surname of the royall house of England albeit in late yeeres many have so accounted it Neither is it lesse strange why so many should thinke Theodore or Tydur as they contract it to be the surname of the Princes of this Realme since king Henry the seaventh For albeit Owen ap Mer●dith Tydur which married Katharine the daughter of Charles the sixth king of France was grandfather to king Henry the seventh yet that Tydur or Theodore was but the Christian name of Owens grandfather For Owens father was Meredith ap Tydur Ap Grone Ap Tydur who all without Surnames iterated Christian names after the olde manner of the Britaines and other nations heeretofore noted and so lineally deduced his pedegree from Cadwallader king of the Britans as was found by Commission directed to Griffin ap Lewellin Gitteu Owen Iohn King and other learned men both English and Welsh in the seaventh yeare of the said king Henry the seventh Likewise in the line Royall of Scotland Milcolme or Malcolme was surnamed Canmore that is Great head and his brother Donald Ban that is White Alexander the first the Prowde Malcolme the fourth the Virgine William his brother the Lion As amongest the Princes of Wales Brochvail Schitrauc that is Gaggtothed Gurind Barmbtruch that is Spade-bearded Elidir Coscorvaur that is Heliodor the Great house-keeper and so in Ireland Murough Duff that is Blacke 〈◊〉 Roo that is Red Nemoliah that is full of wounds Patric Ban that is White Gavelc● that is Fetters To seeke therefore the auntient Surnames of the royall and most antient families of Europe is to seeke that which never was And therefore greatly are they deceived which thinke Valoys to have beene the surname of the late French kings or Borbon of this present king or Habsburg or Austriac of the Spanish king or Steward of the late kings of Scotland and now of BRITAINE or Oldenburg of the Danish For as all know that have but sipped of Histories Valoys was but the Apponage and Earledome of Charles yonger sonne to Philip the second from whome the late kings descended so Borbon was the inheritance of Robert a yonger sonne to saint Lewes of whom this king is descended Habsburg and Austria were but the olde possessions of the Emperors and Spanish Kings progenitours Steward was but the name of office to Walter who was high Steward of Scotland the progenitour of Robert first King of Scots of that family and of the King our Soveraigne And Oldenburg was but the Erledome of Christian the first Danish king of this family elected about 1448. But yet Pl●●tagenet Steward Valois Borbon Habsburg c. by prescription of time have prevailed so farre as they are now accounted surnames But for surnames of Princes well said the learned Marcus Salon de Pace Reges cognomiue now vt●ntur q●●ia vt Regum familiae agnationes memoriae conserventur 〈◊〉 cognomina non sunt necessaria prout in alijs inferioribus quorum ipsa cognomina agnationum ac familiarum memori●● tutantur About the yeare of our Lord 1000. that we may not minute out the time surnames beganne to be taken vp in France and in England about the time of the Conquest or else a very little before vnder King Edward the Confessor who was all Frenchified And to this time doe the Scottishmen referre the antiquitie of their surnames although Buchanan supposeth that they were not in vse in Scotland many yeares after But in England certaine it is that as the better sort even from the Conquest by little and little tooke surnames so they were not setled among the common people fully vntill about the time of King Edward the second but still varied according to the fathers name as Richardson if his father were Richard Hodgeson if his father were Roger or in some other respect and from thenceforth beganne to be established some say by statute in their posteritie This will seeme strange to some Englishmen and Scotishmen which like the Arcadians thinke their surnames as ancient as the Moone or at the least to reach many an age beyond the Conquest But they which thinke it most strange I speake vnder correction I doubt they will hardly finde any surname which descended to posteritie before that time Neyther have they seene I feare any deede or donation before the Conquest but subsigned with crosses and single names without surnames in this manner in England Ego Eadredus confirmavi ✚ Ego Edmundus corroboravi ✚ Ego Sigarius conclusi ✚ Ego Olfstanus consolidavi c. Likewise for Scotland in an old booke of Duresme in the Charter whereby Edgare sonne of King Malcolme gave lands neere Coldingham to that Church in the yeare 1097. the Scottish Noblemen witnesses therevnto had no other surnames than the Christian names of their fathers For thus they signed S. ✚ Gulfi filij M●niani S ✚ Culverti filij Donecani S ✚ Olavi filij Oghe c. As for my selfe I never hitherto found any hereditarie Surname before the Conquest neither any that I know and yet both I my selfe and divers whom I know have pored and pusled vpon many an old Record and Evidence to satisfie our selves heerein and for my part I will acknowledge my selfe greatly indebted to them that wil cleare me this doubt But about the time of the Conquest I
Schollers who were bigge men Which when the Emperour sawe hee smiling saide In good faith Maister Iohn you are no indifferent divider Yes if it like your Highnesse verie indifferent saide he for heere poynting to himselfe and the two great fishes be two great ones and a little one and so yonder reaching his hand towardes the Schollers are two great ones and a little one Idem Wenefridus borne at Kirton in Devonshire after furnamed Boniface who converted Freesel and to Christianitie was wont to say In olde time there were golden Prelats and woodden Chalices but in his time woodden Prelates and golden Chalices Beatus Rhenanus libr. 2. rerum Germen●arum Ethelwold the Bishop of Winchester in the time of king Edgar in a great famine solde away all the sacred golde and silver vessells of all his church to releeve the hunger-starved poore people saying That there was no reason that the senselesse temples of God should abound in riches and living temples of the holy-ghost starve for hunger Whenas Kinnad King of Scot● a vassall to King Eadgar of England had saide at his Table That it stoode not with the honour of the Princes of this Isle to be subiect to that Dandiprat Eadgar who was indeede but of small stature yet full of courage He vnderstanding thereof withdrew Kinnad privately into a wood as though hee had to conferre with him of some important secret where he offered him the choice of two swords prepared for that purpose with these wordes Now we are alone you may try your manhood now may it appeare who should be subiect to the other retire not one foote backe It standeth not with the honour of Princes to brave it at the Table and not to dare it in the field But Kinad heere-at dismaied desired pardon by excuse and obtained it Malmesburiensis pag. 33. The same king Eadgar having brought into his subiection the aforesaid Kinnad king of Scottes Malcolm king of Cumberland Mac cuis the arch pirate lord of the Isles with Dufnall Griffith Howell Iacob Iudethil● Princes of Wales was rowed by them in triumphant manner in his barge vpon the river of Dee at Chester at which time it is reported he saide Then may my successours the Kings of England glorie when they shall doe the like Marianus Scotus Anno 973. When Hinguar of Denmarke came so sodainely vppon Edmund the king of the East-Angles that hee was forced to seeke his safetie by flight hee happened vnhappily on a troupe of Danes who fell to examining of him whether hee knew where the king of the East-Angles was whome Edmund thus answered Even now when I was in the palace he was there and when I went from thence he departed thence and whether he shall escape your handes or no onely God knoweth But so soone as they once heard him name God the godlesse infidells pittifully martired him Vita Sancti Edmundi When Brithwold a noble Saxon marching against the Danes encamped neare Maldon was invited by the Abbot of Elie to take his dinner with him he refusing answered Hee would not dine from his companies because hee could not fight without his companies Liber Eliensis King Canutus commonly called Knute walking on the sea sands neare to Southampton was extolled by some of his flattering followers and tolde that hee was a king of kings the mightiest that raigned farre and neare that both sea and land were at his commaund But this speach did put the godly King in mind of the infinite power of God by whome Kings have and enioy their power and therevpon hee made this demonstration to refell their flatterie He tooke off his cloake and wrapping it round together s●te downe vpon it neare to the sea that then beganne to slowe saying Sea I commaund thee that thou touch not my feete 〈◊〉 he had not so soone spoken the worde but the surg●ng wave dashed him He then rising vp and going backe saide Ye see now my Lorde what good cause you have to call me a King that am not able by my commaundement to stay one wave no morta●l man doubtlesse is woorthy of such an 〈◊〉 name no man hath such commaund but one King which ruleth all Let vs honour him let vs call him King of all kings and Lord of all nations Let vs not onely confesse bvt also pr●fesse him to be ruler of the heavens sea an● land Polydorus and others When Edric the extorte● was deprived by King C●ute of the government of Mercia hee impatient of the disgrace tolde him he had deserved better for that to pleasure him hee had first revolted from his Soveraigne king Edmund and also dispatched him Whereat C●ute all appalled answered And thou shalt die for thy desert when●● thou arte a traitour to God and me in killing thy king and my confederate brother His bloud be vpon thy head which hast layed handes vpon the Lordes annoynted Some reporte that he saide For his deserts he should be advaunced above all the Nobilitie of England which h● c●mmediately performed advauncing his head vpon the Tower of London Florilegus King Edward the Confessour one afternoone lying in his bedde with the curtaine drawne round about him a poore pilfering Courtier came into his chamber where finding the Kings Casket open which Hugoline his chamberlaine had forgotten to shut going foorth to pay money in haste hee tooke out so much money as hee could● well carry and went away But insatiable desire brought him againe and so the third time when the King who lay still all this while and would not seeme to see beganne to speake to him and bade him speedily be packing For he was well if hee coulde see for if Hugoline came and tooke him there he were not onely like to loose all that he had gotten but also stretch an halter The fellow was no sooner gone but Hugoline came in and finding the Casket open and much money taken away was greatly mooved But the King willed him not to he grieved For saide he he that hath it had more neede of it then wee have This at that time was adiudged Christian lenitie but I thinke in our age it will be accounted simplicitie in the woorst sense Vita Sancti Edwardi This Edward hasted out of Normandie whither his expelled father king Ethelred had fled with him with a great power to recover the kingdome of England from the Danes neere vnto whose forces hee was encamped ready to give them battell But when his Captaines promised him assured victorie and that they would not leave one Dane alive God forbid quoth Edward that the kingdome should be recovered for me one man by the death of so many thousand men It is better that I do leade a private and vnbloody life then be a King by such but chery And therewithall brake vp Campe and retyred into Normandy where he staied vntill God sent oportunitie to obtaine the kingdome without blood Paulus Aemilius Harold as hee waited on the cup of the said king Edward chanced
Burgundian that it wholy alienated his minde from the English to their great losse in all the French warres following Paulus Aemilius Lib. 10. Iohn Lorde Talbot first Earle of Shrewsbury of that familie supprised vppon the sodaine by the French army at Chastilion farre from cowardly f●are of death and fatherly affected to his sonne the Lorde ●isle who woulde not forsake him in that danger advised him to f●le saying My death in respect of my former exploites can not be but honourable and in respect of thy youth neither can it be honourable for thee to die nor dishonourable to f●ie But this yong Lord in height of courage nothing degenerating from so worthy a father lost his life with his father in the field and with them a base sonne and a sonne in lawe of the sayde Earles Paulus Aemilius Lib. 10. Commentarij Pij PP 2. Lib. 6. After this battell when the flames of inward warre beganne to flash out in England the martiall men of England were called home out of Fraunce to maintaine the factions heere at which time a French Captaine scoffingly asked an English-man when they woulde returne againe into Fraunce He answered feelingly and vpon a true ground When your sinnes shal be greater and more grievous in the sight of God than ours are now ¶ Vntill this time from the beginning of King Edward the first which was about an hundred and sixtie yeeres whosoever will with a marking eie consider the comportment of the English Nation the concurrent of martiall men their Councells military discipline designs actions and exploites not onely out of our owne Writers but also forraine Historians cannot but acknowledge that they were men of especiall worth and their prowesse both great and glorious Why afterward it should decay as all other professions which even like plants have their times of beginning or in-rooting their growing vp their flourishing their maturitie and than these fading were a disquisition for the learned Whether it proceedeth from celestiall influence or those Angelles which Plato makes or the Secundei which Trith●●●ius imagined to have the regiment of the world successively or from the degenerating of numbers into summes which I confesse I vnderstand not being an ignorant in abstruse learning Onely I have read in Paterculus that when either envie or admiration hath given m●n an edge to ascend to the highest and when they can ascend no higher after a while they must naturally descend Yet I relie vpon that of Eccclesiastes as I vnderstand it Cuncta fecit bona in tempore su● Deus mundum tradidit disputationi eorum vt non inveniat home quod operatus est Deus ab initio vsque ad finem But pardon mee I cannot tell how I have beene by admiration of our Progenitours diverted from my purpose In the yeere of our Lord 1416. when a fifteene hundred English vnder the cōduct of I Beaufort erle of Derset were encompassed betweene the sea and fifteen thousand French The Erle of Arminac generall of the French sent to the Earle advising him to yeelde himselfe but hee answered It is not the manner of the English to yeelde without blowes neither am I so heartlesse that I will deliver my selfe into their handes whom God ●ay deliver into mine And accordingly God gave him the honour of the day to the great confusion of the enemy Walsingham in Ypodigmate VVHen Elizabeth the widow of sir Iohn Gray was a suter vnto King Edward the fourth against whome her husband lost his life for her ioynture the kinde King became also a suter to her vnto her for a nights lodging But she wisely answered him when hee became importunate That as she did account her selfe too base to be his wife so shee did thinke her selfe too good to be his 〈◊〉 When love grew so hote in this K. Edward the fourth that hee would needes marry the saide Elizabeth widow of sir Iohn Grey to the great discontent of his Counsell but especially of his mother who alleaging many reasons to the contrary saide That onely widowhood might be sufficient to restraine him for that it was high disparagement to a King to be dishonoured with bigamy in his first marriage The King merrily aunswered In that shee is a widdow and hath already children by Gods blessed Lady I am a batcheller and have some too and so each of vs hath a proofe that neither of vs are like to be barren And therefore Madam I pray you be content I trust in God she shal bring you forth a yong Prince that shall please you And as for the bigamy let the Bishop hardly lay it in my way when I come to take Orders for I vnderstand it is forbidden to a Priest but I never wist it yet that it was forbidden to a Prince His note love neverthelesse was partable among three other of his Mistresses of whome hee was woont to say The one was the fairest the other the merriest and the third the holiest for she had wholy devoted her selfe to his bedde and her beades When Lewes the eleaventh French King entertained diverse Councellors of king Edward the fourth with large pensions to steede him in England hee sent Peter Cleret one of the maisters of his housholde vnto the Lorde Hastings the Kings Chamberlaine to present him with twoo thousand crownes Which when he had received Petre Cleret did pray him that for his discharge he would make him an acquittance The Lorde Chamberlaine made a great difficultie thereat Then Cleret dooth request him againe that hee would give vnto him onely a letter of three lines for his discharge to the King signifying that hee had received them The Lord Chamberlaine answered Sir that which you say is very reasonable but the gift comes from the goodwill of the King your Maister and not at my request at all If it please you that I shall have it you shall put it within the pocket of my sleeve and you shall have no other acquittance of me For I will never it shal be saide for mee that the Lorde Chamberlaine of the King of England had beene Pentioner to the King of Fraunce Nor that my acquittances shal be found in the Chamber of accompts in Fraunce The afores●id Cleret went away male-content but left his money with him and came to tell his message to his King who was very angry with him But thenceforth the Lord Chamberlaine of England was more esteemed with the French and alwayes payde without acquittance Philippe de Commines KIng Richard the third whose monstrous birth foreshewed his monstrous proceedings for he was born with all his teeth and haire to his shoulders albeit hee lived wickedly yet made good Lawes and when diverse shires of England offered him a benevolence hee refused it saying I know not in what sence I haa rather have your hearts than your money Ioannes Rossus Warwiceusis Iohn Morton then Bishoppe of Elie but afterward of Canterbury being solicited by the Duke of Buckingham then
Erro that is Wanderer But in a Norman name I rather beleeve the Norman Writer WOLSTAN Sax Comely decent as Decentius Dasipodius WVLPHER Sax Helper the Saxon name of a King of Middle England answering to the Greeke name Alexias or rather Epicurus The most famous of which name was a hurtefull man albeit he had a helpefull name Y YBELL Brit Contracted from Eubulus good Councellor YTHELL Brit Likewise contracted from Euthalius very flourishing Z ZACHARY Hebr The memorie of the Lord. Christian Names of Women Lest Women the most kinde sex should conceive vnkindenes if they were omitted somewhat of necessitie must bee saide of their names ABIGAEL Heb. The fathers ioy AGATHA Gr. Good Guth in old Saxon. AGNES Gr. Chaste the French write Ignatia but I know not why ALETHEIA Gre. Veritie or ●uth ALICE Ger. Abridged from Adesiz Noble See Ethelbert But the French make it defendresse turning it into Alexia ANNA Heb. Gracious or mercifull ARBELA Heb. God hath revenged as some translations have it Index Bibliorum ADELIN Ge. Noble or descending from nobles AVDRY Sax. It seemeth to be the same with Etheldred for the first foundresse of Ely church is so called in Latine histories but by the people in those parts S. Audry See Etheldred AMIE Fr. Beloved in Latine Amata the name of the ancient King Latinus wife It is written in the like sence Amicia in old Records ANCHORET Gr. for Anachoreta Solitarie live● which retyred her selfe from the world to serve God AVICE Some observe that as it is written now Avice so in former times Hawisia and in elder ages Helwisa where-vpon they thinke it detorted from Hildevig that is Lady-defence as Lewis is wrested from Lodovicus and Ludwig AVREOLA Lat. Pretty-little golden dame ANSTASE Gr. Anastasia and that from Anastasis as Anastasius given in remembrance of christs glorious resurrection ours in Christ B BARBARA Gr. Strange of vnknowne language but the name respected in honour of S. Barbara martyred for the true profession of Christian religion vnder the Tyranne Maximian BEATRICE Lat. From Beatrix Blessed BLANCH Fr. White or faire BRIGID Contracted into Bride an Irish name as it seemeth for that the ancient S. Brigid was of that Nation the other of Suetia was lately Canonized about 1400. Quaere BERTHA Ger. Bright and famous See Albert. BONA Lat. Good BENEDICTA Lat Blessed BENIGNA Lat Milde and gentle C CASSANDRA Gr. Inflaming men with love CATHERIN Gr Pure Chaste CHRISTIAN A name from our Christian profession which the Pagans most tyrannically persecuted hating as Tertullian writeth in his Apologetico a harmelesse name in harmelesse people CLARA Lat Bright the same with Berta Claricia in latter times CICELY From the Latine Caecilia Grey-eyed D DENIS See before among the name of men DIANA From the Greeke Di●s that is Iove as Iovina or Ioves daughter or Gods daughter DIONYE From Diana DIDO A Phaenician name signifying a manlike woman Servius Hon●ratus DOROTHYE Gr The gift of God or given of God DORCAS Gr A Roe-bucke Lu●retius lib. 4. noteth that by this name the Amorous Knights were wont to salute freckled wartie and wodden-faced wenches where he saith Caes●a Palladi●n naevosa ●ignea Dorcas DOVZE From the Latine Dulcia that is sweetewench DOVSABEL Fr Sweete and faire somewhat like Glycerium DOVGLAS of the Scottish surname taken from the river Douglas not long since made a Christian name in England as Iordan from the river of that name in the holy Land was made a Christian name for men E ETH●LDRED Noble advise See Audrey ELA See Alice ELEANOR Deduced from Helena Pittifull ELIZA Heb. God saveth ELIZABETH Heb. Peace of the Lord or Quiet rest of the Lord the which England hath found verified in the most honoured name of our late Soveraigne Mantuan playing with it maketh it Eliza-bella EADE Sax. Drawne from Eadith in which there is signification of happines In latter time it was writen Auda Ada Ida and by some Id●nea in Latine EMME Some wil have to be the same with Amie in Latine Amata Paulus Merula saith it signifieth a good nurse and so is the same with Eutrophime among the Greekes Rog Hoveden pag. 246. noteth that Emma daughter to Richard the first Duke of Normandie was called in Saxon Elfgiva that is as it seemeth Helpe-giver EMMET A diminitive from Emme EVA Heb. Giving life F FAITH FORTVNE The signification well knowne FREDISVVID Sax. Very free truely free FRANCIS See Francis before FAELICE Lat. Happy FORTITVD Lat. FLORENCE Lat. Flourishing G GERTRVD gr All true and amiable if German signifieth All-man as most learned consent and so Gerard may signifie All-hardy Althamerus GRACE the signification is well knowne GRISHILD Grey Lady as Caesia see Maud. GLADVSE Brit from Claudia GOODITH Sax Contracted from Goodwife as we now vse Goody by which name king Henry the first was nicked in contempt as William of Ma●nesbury noteth H HELENA gre Pittifull A name much vsed in the honour of Helena mother to Constantine the Great and native of this Isle● although one on ●he Authour ma●eth h●r a Bithini●n but Baronius and our Historian● will have her a Britaine HAVVIS See Avice J IANE See Ioane for 32. Eliz Reg●●a ●t was agreed by the court of the Kings Bench to be all one with Ioane IVDITH Hebr. Praising Confessing our auncestors turned it into Iuet IOYCE in Latine Ioco●a M●rry pleasant IAQVET Fr from Iacoba See Iames. IENET a diminitive from Ioan as litle and prettie Ihoan IOANE See Iohn In latter yeeres some of the better and nicer sorte misliking Ioane have mollified the name of Ioane into Iane as it may seeme for that Iane is never found in olde Recordes and as some will never before the time of king Henry the eight Lately in like sort some learned Iohns and Hanses beyond the sea have new christned themselves by the name of Ianus ISABELL The same with Elizabeth if the Spaniardes doe not mistake which alwayes translate Elizabeth into Isabel and the French into Isabeau IVLIAN from Iulius Gilian commonly yet our Lawyers libr. Assis 26. pa. 7. make them distinct names I doubt not but vppon some good ground K KATHARIN See Catharin KINBVRG Sax Strength and defence of her kinred as Kinulf help of her kinred L LETICE Lat Ioyfulnesse mirth LYDIA gre Borne in that region of Asia LORA Sax Discipline or Learning but I suppose rather it is corrupted from Laura that is Bay and is agreeable to the Greeke name Daphne LVCIA Lat Lightsome Bright A name given first to them that were borne when daie-light first appeared LVCRETIA Lat An honourable name in respect of the chaste Lady Lucretia if it as Lucretius doe not come from Lucrum gaine as a good huswife I leave it to Grammarians Lucris a wench in Plautus seemed to have hir name from thence when-as hee saieth it was Nomen omen quantivis pretij M MAEEI Some will have it to be a contraction of the Italians from Mabella that is my faire
Vale Vale Salue anima nos eo ordine quo natura iusserit sequemur With H. M. H. N. S for Hoc monumentum haeredes non sequitur When they would not haue their heires entombed therein with Rogo per Deos superos inferosque ossa nostra ne violes And most commonly with Sit tibi terra leuis in these notes S. T. T. L. And somtime with Quietem posteri non inuideant But omitting this discourse I will offer vnto your view a Century of choise Epitaphes of our nation for matter and conceit some good some bad that you may see how learning ebbed and flowed most of them recouered from the iniury of time by writers And will beginne with that at Rome as most auncient erected to the memory of a Britanne who after the maner of the time tooke a Romane name M. VLPIO IVSTO Q. SIG. AVG. MILITAVIT AN. XXV VIXIT XLV NATIONE BRITTO ●EC M. VLSIVS RESPECTVS VEH. AVG. AMICO OPTIMO DE SE BENE MERENTI Arthur the valerous vpholder of the ruinous state of Britaine against the Saxons about the yeare 500. was buried secretly at Glastenburie least the enimie should offer indignity to the dead body and about 700. yeares after when a graue was to be made in the Churchyard there a stone was found betweene two Pyramides deepe in the ground with a crosse of lead infixed into the lower part thereof and inscribed in the inner side of the crosse in rude Characters which the Italians now call Gotish letters HIC IACET SEPVLTVS INCLYTVS REX ARTVRIVS IN INSVLA AVALONIA Vnder which in a trough of Oke were found his bones which the Monkes translated into the church and honoured them with a tombe but dishonored him with these horne pipe verses Hic iacet ●rturus flos regum gloria regni Quem morum probitas commendat laude perenni Augustine the first Archbishop of Canterbury who first preached Christ to the English nation conuerted the Kentishmen reuiued Christianity in this Isle which flourished among the Britaines many years before his cōming was buried at Canterbury in S. Peters Porch with this Epitaph Hic requiescit dominus Augustinus Dorobernensis Archiepiscopus primus qui ●lim huc a beato Gregorio Remanae vrbis pontifice directus a Deo operatione miraculorum suffultus Aethelbertum regem ac gentem illius ab idolorum cultu ad Christi fidem perduxit completis in pace diebus officij sui defunctus est septimo Kalendas Iunias eodem rege regnante In the same place were interred the sixe succeeding Archbishops for whom and Augustin making the seauenth were these verses as cōmon to them all written on the wall with this title as I finde them in Geruasius Dorobernensis Septem primae ecclesiae Anglorum columnae Augustinus Laurentius Mellitus Iustus Honorius Deus-dedit Theodorus Septem sunt Anglis primates protopatres Septem rectores caelo septemque triones Septem cisternae vitae septemque lucernae Et septem palmae regni septemque coronae Septem sunt stellae quas haec tenet area cellae But Theodore the last of the 7. which first taught Greeke in England and died in the yeare 713. had this seuerally inscribed vpon his tombe Scandens alma nouae foelix consortia vitae Ciuibus Angelicis iunctus in arce poli Cedwall King of the West Saxons went to Rome in the yeare 689. there being Baptized renounced the world ended his life and lieth buried with this Epitaph Culmen opes sobolem pollentia regna triumphos Exuuias proceres mania castra lares Quaeque patrum virtus quae congesserat ipse Caedwal armipotens liquit amore Dei With some more which you may see in Paulus Diaconus and Beda King Eadgar surnamed the Peaceable the great patron and fauourer of Monkes deserued well for his foundation of so many Abbayes this Epitaph Autor opum vindex scelerum largitor honorum Sceptriger Eadgarus regna superna petit Hic alter Salomon legum pater orbita pacis Quòd caruit bellis claruit inde magis Templa Deo templis monachos monachis dedit agros Nequitiae lapsum iustitiaeque locum Nouit enim regno verum perquirere falso Immensum modico perpetuumque breui To the honor of King Alfred a godly wise and warlike prince and an especiall aduancer of learning was made this better then that time commonly afforded Nobilitas innata tibi probitatis honorem Armipotens Alfrede dedit probitasque laborem Perpetuumque labor nomen cui mixta dolori Gaudia semper erant spes semper mixta timori Si modò victor eras ad crastina bella pauebas Si modó victus eras in crastina bella parabas Cui vestes sudore iugi cui sica cruore Tincta iugi quantum sit onus regnare probarunt Non fuit immensi quisquam per climata mundi Cui tot in aduersis vel respirare liceret Nec tamen aut ferro contritus ponere ferrum Aut gladio potuit vitae finisse labores Iam post transactos vitae regnique labores Christus ei sit vera quies et vita perennis It is meruailous how immediately after this time learning decayed in this Kingdome for Iohn Erigena alias Scotus fauoured of Charles the Bald King of France and the forsaid King Alfred for his learning when he was stabbed by his schollers at Malmesbury was buried with this rude rough and vnlearned verse Clauditur in tumulo Sanctus Sophista Iohannes Qui ditatus erat iam viuens dogmate miro Martyrio tandem Christi conscendere regnum Quo meritis regnant sancti per secula cuncti And from this time learning so lowe ebbed in England that betweene Thames Trent there was scant one found which could vnderstand Latin and that you may perceiue when as Hugolin Treasurer to King Edward the Confessor had these most sillie verses in grauen vpon his monument in the olde Chapter house of Westminster Qui ruis iniustè capit hic Hugoline locus te Laude pia clares qnia martyribus nece clares But shortly after the Conquest learning reuiued as appeareth by these that follow which were cast in a more learned mould than the former King William surnamed the Conqueror for his conquest of England was buried at Caen in Normandie with this Epitaph discouered in the late ciuill warres of France but mentioned in Gemeticensis Qui rexit rigidos Normannos atque Britannos Audacter vicit fortiter obtinuit Et Caenomanenses virtute contudit enses Imperijque sui legibus applicuit Rex magnus parua iacet his Gulielmus in vrna Sufficit magno paruae domus domino Ter septem gradibus se voluerat atque duobus Virginis in gremio Phoebus et hic obijt Vpon Stigand Archbishop of Canterbury degraded for his corruptiō I finde this most viperous Epitaph in an olde Manuscript Hic iacet Herodes Herode ferocior huius Inquinat infernum spiritus ossa solum William the Valiant Earle
Thomas Earle of Surrey father to Thomas late Duke of Norfolk and the right honourable and nobly learned now Earle of Northampton in the time of King Henry the eight first refined our homly English Poesy among many other made this Epitaph comparable with the best for Thomas Clere Esquire his friend and follower buried at Lambeth .1545 Norfolk sprang thee Lambeth holds thee dead Clere of the County of Cleremont though high Within the wombe of Ormondes race thou bread And sawest thy cosin crowned in thy sight Shelton for loue Surrey for Lord thou chase Aye me while life did last that league was tender Tracing whose steps thou sawest Kelsall blaze Laundersey burnt battered Bullen render At Muttrell gates hopeles of all recure Thine Earle halfe dead gaue in thy hand his will Which cause did thee this pining death procure Ere summers seauen times seaven thou couldest fulfill Ah Clere if loue had booted care or cost Heauen had not wonn nor earth so timely lost The Duke of Suffolke and his brother sonnes of Charles Brandon which died of the sweat at Bugden were buried together with this Vna fides viuos coniunxit religio vna Ardor et in studijs vnus et vnus amor Abstulit hos simul vna dies duo corpora iungit Vna vrna ac mentes vnus Olympus habet The Earle of Deuonshire Edward Courtney honorably descended from one of the daughters of King Edward the fourth is buried at Saint Anthonies in Padua with this which I set downe more for his honor then the elegancy of the verse Anglia quem genuit fueratque habitura patronum Corteneum celsa haec continet ar●a Ducem Credita causa necis regni affectata cupido Reginae optatum tunc quoque connubium Cui regni proceres nou cosensere Philippo Reginam Regi iungere posse rati Europam vnde fuit iuuem peragrare necesse Ex quo mors misero contigit ante diem Anglia si plorat defuncto principe tanto Nil mirum Domino deficit illa pio Sed iam Corteneus caelo fruiturque beatis Cum doleant Angli cum sine fine gemant Cortenei probitas igitur praestantia nomen Dum stabit hoc templum viuanda semper erunt Angliaque hinc etiam stabit stabuntque Britanni Coniugij optati fama perennis eris Improba naturae leges Libitina rescindens Ex aequo iuuenes praecipitatque senes Walter Milles who died for the profession of his faith as some saye made this Epitaph for himselfe Non praua impietas aut actae crimina vitae Armarunt hostes in mea fata truces Sola fides Christi sacris signata libellis Quae vitae causa est est mihi causa necis This man was not so godly as he was impious as it seemeth who was buried in the night without any ceremony vnder the name of Menalcas with this Here lyeth Menalcas as dead as a logge That liued like a deuill died like a dogge Here doth he lye said I then saye I lye For from this place he parted by and by But here he made his discent into hell Without either booke candell or bell This may seeme too sharpe but happily it proceeded from some exulcerated minde as that of Don Petro of Toledo Viceroy of Naples wickedly detorted out of the Scriptures Hic est Qui propter nos nostram salutem descendit ad inferos A merry and wealthy Goldsmith of London in his life time prepared this for his Grauestone which is seene at S. Leonards neere Foster-lane When the Bells be merrilie runge And the Masse deuoutly songe And the meate merrily eaten Then is Robert Traps his wife and children quite forgetten Wherefore Ihesu that of Mary sprong Set their soules the Saints among Though it be vndeserued on their side Let them euermore thy mercy abide Doctor Caius a learned Phisition of Cambridge and a co-founder of Gunwell and Caius colledge hath onely on his monument there FVI CAIVS Which is as good as that great learned man of his profession Iulius Scaliger SCALIGERI QVOD RELIQVVM But that which Cardinall Pole appointed for himselfe is better than both Depositum Poli Cardinalis This ensuing for Sir N. Bacon Lord Keeper of the great Seale is worthy to be read both for the honour of the person who was a most wise Councellour and the rarenesse of Iambique verses in Epitaphes albeit this our age doth delight 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 But as he saith Malos Iambus enecat beat bonos Hic Nicolaum n● Baconum conditum Existima illum tam diu Britannici Regni secundum columen exitium malis Bonis asylum caeca quem non extulit Ad hunc honorem sors sed aequitas fides Doctrina pietas vnica prudentia Non morte raptum crede qui vnica Vita perennes emerit duas agit Vitam secundam caelites inter animos Fama implet orbem vita quae illi tertia est Hac positum in arca est corpus olim animi domus Ara dicata sempiternae memoriae W. Lambe a man which deserued well of the citie of London by diuerse charitable deeds framed this for himselfe As I was so be yee As I am yee shall be That I gaue that I haue That I spent that I had Thus I end all my cost That I left that I lost All which Claudius Secundus a Romane contained in these foure words HIC MECVM HABEO OMNIA Shorte and yet a sufficient commendation of M. Sandes was this Margareta Sandes Digna haec luce diuturniore Nisi quod luce meliore digna And answerable thereunto is this for a Gentleman of the same name Who would liue in others breath Fame deceaues the dead mans trust When our names do change by death Sands I was and now am dust Sir Philip Sidney to whose honour I will say no more but that which Maro saide of Marcellus nephew of Augustus Ostendunt terris hunc tantum fata nec vltra esse sinunt which also was answered by the Oracle to Claudius the 2. Emperour of his brother Quintilius hath this most happily imitated out of the French of Mons Boniuet made by Ioach. du Bellay as it was noted by Sir George Buc in his Poetica England Netherland the heauens and the arts The souldiers and the world hath made six parts Of noble Sidney for who will suppose That a small heape of stones can Sidney enclose England had his body for she it fed Netherland his bloud in her defence shed The heauens haue his soule the arts haue his fame The souldiers the griefe the world his good name Vpon the golden Lion rampaut in Gueles of the house of Albenye which the late Earle H. Fitz-Alan bare in his armes as receauing the Earledome of Arundel from the house of Albenye one composed this Epitaph Aureus ille leo reliqui trepidate leones Non in sanguineo nunc stat vt ante solo Nam leo de Iuda vicit victoque pepercit Et