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A61706 De bello Belgico The history of the Low-Countrey warres / written in Latine by Famianus Strada ; in English by Sr. Rob. Stapylton. Strada, Famiano, 1572-1649.; Stapylton, Robert, Sir, d. 1669. 1650 (1650) Wing S5777; ESTC R24631 526,966 338

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in his returne to Bruxells by his eldest Son Federico Duke of Oscha great Commander of the Order of Calatrava who brought him from the King 2500 Foote and a good summe of money a necessary Supply against the Preparations of the prince of Orange For now the Prince of Orange was upon his March with a vast Army raised in Germany diverse of the hereticall Princes willingly associating in hatred to the Spanish House of Austria This League was advanced by by a generall indignation upon the newes of Count Egmont's and Count Horne's death the Envy to Alva thereupon increasing and much aggravated by a Booke against His Tyranny written and published by the Prince of Orange There was in his Army when he mustered it at Aquis-Grane 28000 men that is 16000 German Foot and 8000 Horse French and Low Dutch 2000 Horse and very neare as many Foot To the Germans the Prince Elector Count Palatine the Duke of Wirtemberg and the City of Strasburg had promised foure Months Pay to the French and the Low-countreymen a Spanish Merchant at Antwerp had ingaged for 1800 French Crownes a month during the said terme To maintaine the Horse was undertaken partly by the Prince of Orange and his Brother partly by the very Commanders of Horse Casimire Son to the Palsgraue Count Suarzemburg two of the Dukes of Saxony Count Hoc●strat and William Lumè one of the Counts de Marca the last of these a deadly Enemy to the Catholiques is said to have made such a barbarous Vow as once Cl. Civilis who likewise commanded the Hollanders that he would never cut his haire till he had revenged the Deaths of Egmont and Horne With these Forces the Prince of Orange sooner then could be imagined passed the Rhyne and incamping along the banke of the Mose not farre from Maestricht filled the Low Countries with strange Reports and Terrour Indeed the Duke of Alva in appearance extreamely slighted such Rumours being a notable Dissembler of military Dangers and one that feared nothing more then to be thought to feare So that when a Captaine with very much Trouble in his Face amplifyed the Newes and told him how many Princes and Kings had entred into League against Spaine among whom he numbered Denmarke and England the Duke answered merrily he knew what accompt to make of that League nor was such a conspiracy of Rebells any way formidable the King having more Princes that tooke part with him For with the King of Spaine was confederated the Kings of Naples Sicily and Sardinia the Duke of Millaine Prince of Burgundy and the Low-countreys besides the King 's of Peru Mexico and New Spaine but herein the Confederations differed that in theirs the dissimilitude of Nations and dispositions and if no other obstacle their severall Intersts must needs cause disagreement and in a little time dissolve the union Whereas in this what pleased one pleased all and consequently it would be eternall And truly Alva was not so jealous of a forreigne Enemy as of the Natives knowing himselfe hated by a great sort of them nor could he thinke the Prince of Orange durst ever have attempted to bring a Warre into the Lowcountreys if he had not beene invited and assisted by the Low-countreymen Especially when so many Robberies and Murthers had been done upon the high way by the banished Gheuses Which because they sheltred in the Forests were called Wood-Gheuses The common Terrour was increased by a fearfull apparition in the Aire of two Armyes in Battalia seen on a cleare night to brandish their glittering Pikes as if they were ready for a charge The Prodigy because seen in diverse places was beleived and therefore more such stories were dayly told which made Alva looke to himselfe So that fortifying the Froatier Townes and those he most doubted he hastened with his Army to Maestricht that from thence he might incounter the Prince of Orange's Designes and by keeping the banke of Mose hinder him from passing the River But the Prince's subtilty and boldnesse carryed it And this was his first Stratagem in the Low-countrey-Warre wherein he plainly shewed how great an Enemy declared himselfe against the King For his Horse finding the River foardable between Rurimond and Maestricht the Mose being then accidentally at a low Ebbe the Prince helped his Fortune with Art in this manner He tied his Horse together and made them stand crosse the River to breake the Streame as Iulius Caesar did when he passed Ligeris and Cicoris and some others of late time have done by this meanes the force of the Current being abated and repelled he commanded his Foote to wade over silently in the Evening and that night with inobserveable speed or rather by an incredible Attempt he deceived the Kings Guards and safely arrived on the father Shore with his Army which was so suddaine and unexpected newes to Alva that when Barlamont told him the Enemy was come over the Duke asked him if he thought them to be an Army of Birds that had flowne over the Mose But the Prince of Orange entring Brabant and confidently incamping within six Miles of the Spanish Army the next day drew out his men and with Drummes beating and Trumpets sounding faced and offered Battaile to the Duke of Alva whose Campe-Master Chiapino Vitelli was of opinion that the Enemy wet with the River and weary with their March should have beene fought before they had incamped nor did he as yet thinke the fight was wholly to be declined but that it concerned the Spaniards in point of honour to make some Attempt upon the now ins●lting Germans and let them know the Valour of the Royall Army But the Duke foreseeing that money could not long hold out to pay so great an Army which would therefore moulder away especially upon the approach of winter resolved with the least hazard to himselfe to elude the enemy His principall designe was to keep them from getting into any strong Towne lest they should make their Pay out of the Plunder of the Countrey yet scarce any day passed but as the Armies lay close tother they had some Skirmishes and Fights commonly about victuall the Prince of Orange's men being still the Challengers Which Fights how they were managed and with what daily successe I could particularize For Raphael Barberino Knight of Saint Steven an eminent Commander a very great Mathematician sent to Rome Diaries of all Actions in the Campe directed to his Brothers Francesco Barberino Proto-Notary Aposticall and Anthonio Barberino Father to Pope Vrban the Eight under which Prince no lesse supreame in Learning then Religion it is my happinesse to write this History But out of those Letters whereof I have Copies I hold it best to give you only some choice Passages omitting the rest that were either of the same kind or not so remarkable The third day after he had passed
the Mose the Prince of Orange advanced to Tongeren thither presently marched the Duke of Alva to defend the Towne neither incountring nor declining him only having an eye upon his Motion and Designes It fortuned that Vitelli with two Troopes of Horse about Sun-set going to discover the Enemy fell upon an Ambuscado and with a rout and the losse of some men returned safe to the Army only the Mare he rode upon had a slight hurt and because he loved her above all the Horse in his Stables she being an excellent galloper that night when he was set at Supper with his old Friend and Companion Raphael Barberino telling him with much vexation how fearefull he was to lose her he threatned if he liued one day longer to make the Enemy repent that ever they hurt his Mare Nor was it a vaine bragge for next morning by breake of day drawing out some horse most of them Spaniards and Burgundians when he observed the Prince's Rere to March at a distance from the Army dividing his Forces and giving halfe to Camillo Gonzaga Count de Novellaria he fell upon the Enemy with such a suddaine violence that he killed about 400. of their men lost only fifteene of his and tooke besides diverse Waggons loaden with Armes and Ammuniton 150. of their Horse and bringing in triumph to to the Duke of Alva said Looke you Sir how many Horses my Mare hath foaled Notwithstanding the Prince of Orange the very next day offered battaile to the Duke but he assuring himselfe the enemy would sooner want meate mony then confidence held it his safest course to break them with delaies which inraging the Prince sometimes with Crosse-Marches he turned upon the Duke sometimes to draw him on sounded a Retreate as if he were affrayd his men had gone too farre and a while after fired the Townes and Villages in sight of the Enemy to bring the demurring Spaniard to a battaile But this Hannibal found a Fabius Cunctator one that could be moved neither by the desperate fury of the Enemie nor by his own men's impatience and almost downe right Railing for this Dictator had likewise his Master of the Horse that was eager to fight nor lastly by the invitation of any prosperous fortune But as a prudent man looking upon the Future he preferred not Rumour before safety and would rather have the victory which he promised himselfe slow and secure then dubious and bloudy Especially after he had intelligence that shrew'd signes of discord appeared in the Prince of Orang's Army Nor was the Duke of Alva deceived in his conjecture For the Prince of Orange having but to no purpose sounded the affections of many Cities from whence he hoped for Money and Ammunition had not been a full Moneth in Brabant before his Souldiers mutined Captaine Malburg being slaine in a heate by his own Company and the Prince himselfe had a Pistoll discharged upon him but the bullet lighting upon the Scabberd of his Sword escaped the Danger The rage increased in the Campe and would not easily have found a stop but that newes of Succour out of France gave hope to the Prince of Orange and struck feare into the Mutineers His Army therefore moved with all possible speed to receive the French Forces conducted by Francis Hangest Lord of Ienlis consisting of 500. Horse and 3000. Foot In his March the Prince of Orange tooke Centron in the Territory of Liege where he found plenty of victuall besides the great summes of money for Fine and Ransome paid him by the Abbot of that Monastery and diverse other persons of quality From thence he went directly to Tienen to joyne with Ie●lis that was come within three miles of the place But because the River Geta ran between them to secure the passe he placed some light horse upon the banke mixt with Musketteers The Duke of Alva that never left the Enemy was at his back with an Army of neare upon 16000. Vitelli led the Van and finding the Prince of Orange his Designe sent Barberino on the spur to the Duke who brought up the Rere to let him know in what condition the Enemy was and how easily he might be routed as he passed the River The Duke commanded him not to fight till he had more certaine intelligence But the Enemie wading over with part of his Army was now possessed of the farther banke and had left behind under the command of Colonell Philip Marbet Lord of Lovervall two thousand Fire-locks and 500. Horse most of them Gascoignes and Wallons men chosen out of his whole Army to keep the King's men in play with continuall skirmishes till their fellowes were got to the other side the River Vitelli angry to see the Victory slip out of his hands by the Generall 's Delay with a great part of his men fell upon the Regiment lest commanding Barberino to gallop to the Duke and acquaint him with his Resolution The Duke of Alva disliked it not rather because it was already then that he wished to have it done and turning to his Son Federick said thou seest that Hill made good by their Horse thither thou must fire upon them from this opposite Hill with six Field-Peices and with some commanded men chosen out of that Wing of Spanish-Horse and Foot beat them from their Post. Federico did more than his Father bad him for he drave them from their Vantage-ground and joyning with Vitelli turned his Cannon upon them which very much contributed to the Victory For now they fought with like but not with equall Forces because such of the Princes men as had not yet passed the water terrified with the charge and fearing Alva had come on with his whole Army sometimes resolved to take the River and fly sometimes incouraged by better men returned and fought that between the irresolution of fighting and flying so many were slaine as Vitelli doubted not but if all the Spanish Army might passe the River the Enemy that day would be totally destroyed and therefore tooke great care to let the Duke of Alva know so much who standing on a higher ground very sparingly sent downe his men Nor was Barberino that of himselfe as well as on Vitelli's Command desired to fight lesse carefull to deliver his Message and use his best perswasions to the Duke for the taking of that opportunity He told him the valiantest of the Enemy were slaine and the rest apparently conquered for their hearts were gone therefore if the whole body of the Army advanced before they were reincouraged by joyning with the French no doubt they would be clearly routed But Alva angry at the hast made by Vitelli as if he meant to force him to a battile like one that loved his owne wayes and therefore brooked not another man's Advise said to him you will not then let me dispose of the Warre
courage and trust wrote to Don Iohn speedily to dispatch away relief for his men were grown so seditious he could hold ●ut no longer But the messenger either taken by Holach or else playing the knave was with his letters detained in the Leaguer till such time as they might think he had been with Don Iohn that a probable delay might give more credit to the jugling Then another in stead of the first was dispatched to the Town that excusing the stay of him they sent who he said was fallen sick brought a formall answer as from the hand of Don Iohn bidding them upon good conditions render the Town and that shortly when supplies came to him he would send but yet he could not forces to recover it The messenger and letter was believed and the Town yielded To the Colonell's errour was added the villany of his Souldiers which during the time of the Treaty either corrupted with money or discontent furiously laid hands upon him and perfidiously delivered him bound to Holach and Campin that made it one of their conditions In the interim whilst they march out finding themselves cheated by the enemy and seeing the supplies sent by Don Iohn at hand they repented both their haste and perjury The Diceran not so merrily on Holach's side at Ruremund which he with great forces going to assault found Garrison'd by Don Iohn with 4000 men commanded by Aegidius Barlamont Lord of Hierg and likewise by a Sally of Polvillerius Colonel of the Germans in the Town beaten from the Siege with the losse of his Carriages and many of his men he fled Yet the Treaty of Peace went on continual messengers posting from both sides as if it were out of hope and desire of successe and not rather to give words for words that one might seem to take up Arms justlier then the other Nothing else was intended by the Queen of England at that time moving Don Iohn for a Cessation of Arms save onely that upon the denyal of her request she would be thought in a manner necessitated to assist the Estates her Majesty threatning Don Iohn and the King to whom she sent an expresse Messenger that if they refused to do it she would never more pleasure them in any thing whatsover But her threats being understood she was desired by the King and Done Iohn to move the other side whom she might with a great deal more justice perswade to lay down Arms rendring obedience to their Prince Wherefore both parties with the conditions likewise rejecting the messengers that brought them all Treaties of Accomodation now cut off no hope was left of quieting the Low-countreys but by Arms. And about that time a blazing Star rose with such a fatall Aspect as Mathematicians laboured to demonstrate that a more horrid one never had appeared which mindes prone warr looked at as a Standard set up in heaven The first and memorable Battel was fought at Gemblac nine miles from Namure in the entry of Brabant both Armies being a wh●le before mustered the Catholick at Marcha a Town in the Province of Luxemburg the enemy at Temple a Village not far from Namure and those were found less these more then was supposed For it was reported that Don Iohn had 22000 Foot whereas upon the Musters appeared not 18000 as Alexander Farneze that was present with Don Iohn set down in his account On the contrary the States Mustered about 20000 that were a while before not thought to be 17000. For the number of these was daily increased by Souldiers of Fortune that came in hope of Pillage which they could not have from Don Iohn that raised men onely with money And yet his Army though fewer weaker in Horse as not full two thousand because they had the advantage of being the older and the better Souldiers were a great deal more desirous of a Battel The Catholick Souldiers were likewise much encouraged by the Letters of Gregory the thirteenth wishing happinesse to them and by the Christian custome freely granting them a general pardon of their sins Which the Commanders making use of the Army when they were all absolved with much more cheerfulnesse marched against the enemy The Spyes likewise brought in news which made Don Iohn e●spect no longer that Philip Count Lalin and Robert Melodune Viscount Gant this commanding the Horse he the Foot and Valentine Pardieu Generall of the Artillery were absent from the enemies Campe pretending an invitation to a Marriage celebrated with great Pompe in Bruxels but indeed as it was reported out of distaste taken at the Prince of Orange besides many others that could not away with the sharpnesse of the Winter being Summer Captaines had left the field and withdrawn into the City He that now commanded in chief for the Confederates was Anthony Goigny Lord of Vendege in the Wood an old Souldier trained up in his youth under Charles the fifth then a Captain of Lanceirs at the Battel of Saint Quintin afterwards Leivtenant General of the Auxiliaries sent by King Philip to Charles the ninth of France under the command of Count Aremberg But two years before the differences between the Spaniards and Low-countreymen had alienated his endeavours rather then affections from the Kings Service The enemy intended to surprise Don Iohn in Namure and to this purpose were now upon their march but understanding that he had a far stronger Army then was imagined and meant to draw out of Namure and give them Battel altering their determination they were retiring to Gemblac there upon certain knowledg of the enemies strength maturely to order their affaires The States Army quartered that night in the Village of St. Martin almost five miles distant from the Forces of Don Iohn lying at Namure Thence before break of day firing their Huts they retreated towards Gemblac in this manner First marched Emmanuel Montin and William Hese with their Regiments flanked with Carabines of the Colonels Villers and Fresnoi The main Battel consisting of the German and Wallon Regiments three of French thirteen of Scots and English was led by Maximilian He●●n Count of Boluc a while since revolted from the King and by Federick Perenot Lord of Campin The Rere in which was their strength of Horse being commanded by the Counts Philip Egmont son to Lamoral and Lamè a Marcha Marquesse of Havre Duke Arescot's Brother and the Camp-master Goigny Lievtenant-General of the Army riding up and down with some select wings of Horse In the Forlorn they had placed the Pioners and Workmen intermixed with a Company of Foot The Battel was enclosed with their Baggage and flanked with some Feild-pieces They had likewise secured their backs fearing the enemy would follow with their best Musketteirs and stoutest Souldiers Nor was Don Iohn less active but a good while before day moved from Namure sending before
Antonio Olivera and Ferdinando Acosta with some Horse and Foot to discover the Wood-land Countrey and possesse himself of advantageous places Part of his Army he left behind at the bank of Mose under Charles Mansfeldt the greater and stronger part followed him in this order In the Van where he had put the strength of his Cavalry first marched the Light-horse with Pistols then the Lanciers at a distance for defence to both came on the whole body of the Curaciers with their Officers in the head of every Troop some Vantcurrers advancing a little before the Army with small bodies of the fleetest Horse The main Battel was a Square consisting of two Regiments Musketteirs and Pikemen most them Spaniards and Germans their Colonels likewise leading up their men The Rere contained a Square Battalion of Wallons safely flanked with their Carriages and Baggage the Burgundian Carabines riding mingled with them The Van-guard was commanded by Octavio Gonzaga the Rere-guard by Ernest Count Mansfeldt this Camp-master he General of the Horse In the midst was the Generall himself Don Iohn of Austria with the Prince of Parma attended by the Life-guard whence appeared the Royall Standard in which Don Iohn as he had conceived an extraordinary confidence in the Divine Assistance under the triumphall Crosse of Christ had caused these words to be written In this signe I did vanquish the Turks and shall the Hereticks He had not marched farre but he came within sight of the enemy and learning the Confederates designe from a couple of Prisoners taken in some light skirmishes by Olivera presently drew out near six hundred horse Lanceirs and Carabines and intermixing with them one thousand foot Pikemen and Musketteers gave them in two divisions to Octavio Gonzaga and Christophero Mondragonio ordering Gonzaga to charge the enemy in the Rere but so as not to engage their whole Forces till he with the Prince of Parma and the rest of the Army were come up At first he obeyed and skirmishing onely galled their last Troops till Gonzaga saw Perotto of Sassofferrata who that day commanded the Troop of Camillo Montio so farre advanced that he feared the enemies whole Army would be rashly drawn upon him before Don Iohn could advance He therefore presently sent one upon the spur with command that Perotto should immediately retire without ingaging himself and his horse But he for the command was proudly delivered resenting it with indignation as if he were held a coward bad the man with his imperious importunity be gon and tell Gonzaga that Perotto never yet turned his back in a battell nor could now if he would There was upon the flank of the Forces wherewith they skirmished a high way deep in mine and water more like a Bog then a Road which the enemy declining march'd in a way that would receive fewer a breast Thither Prince Alexander had galloped up to see how things went for Don Iohn kept the Prince from fighting as if he had use of him to order the battell and to send in supplies and observing that the enemies horse either by reason of the ill way or out of their hast to reach Gemblac marched in no little disorder which he conjectured by the waving of their pikes tangling and crossing one another he resolved to exspect no longer but catching a Lance from the Gentleman of his horse and getting upon one of Camillo a Monte's charging-horses better managed then his own his eyes and face speaking the language of a Battel and looking upon the Gentlemen Go said he to the Generall and tell him that Alexander Farneze remembring the old Romane will cast himself into the gulph and hopes by Gods grace and the fortune of the House of Austria to bring out of it this day a certain and a glorious victorie Then shewing those about him how advantageous it would be if advancing a little they would plunge through and charge the enemie in the flank his fervour and example with the same violence drew along the valiantest Hors-commanders Bernardino Mendoza Giovanni Baptista Camillo a Monte Ferdinando Toledo Martinengo Viennius Mondragonio and many more And he himself riding among the Horse of Mutio Pagano Captain-Lieutenant to Mondragonio entred the bog followed by all those gallant Cavaleers and when a few of them yet tugging the rest had fortunately passed over and got field room to ease their horses encouraging one another they made a little stand till they ranked themselves in one equall front Then riding full speed Alexander Farneze in the head of them they charged the enemie so home with their Lances Gonzaga seconding with the rest of the Cavalry and Don Iohn still sending in fresh men that the Confederates Horse this division being amazed had presently wheeled off if their Commanders perswasions and threats and the example of their betters had not stop● them for a while But having once taken a thorow-fright their minds being conquered at last they turned their backs and flying precipitately fell foul upon their Foot that stood behind breaking their Ranks riding over some and leaving the rest to the furie of the sword So as their Foot forsaken by their Cavalry especially those in the middle that were first broke by the flight of their own men and the impression of the enemy charged in the Rere and Flanks by the Kings horse that fiercely now pursued their Victorie Goigny labouring but in vain to rally them were all miserably cut to pieces Seldome was known more bloud spilt and a battel sooner won by fewer men and with so little losse Seldome was better experience made how much the strength of either side consists in ho●se For by six hundred Horse they were no more that began and but twelve hundred when they won the battel full ten thousand Foot were part slain part taken prisoners and the rest of the Armie no lesse then eight thousand Horse in the space of an hour and an half with the losse of onely nine of the Kings men were routed thirty four Colours taken with their field-pieces and almost all their Carriages and Baggage Their Generall himself and some persons of qualitie came into the enemies power the rest with the greatest part of their Horse that ran at first got basely off flying so me to Gemblac most to Bruxels Nor secure at Gemblac though it was fortified upon the approach of the victorious Army diverse before the assault fled further into Brabant the rest promised to render upon certain conditions But Don Iohn refusing to give any they yielded themselves and the Town to mercy Nor was this a contemptible addition to the Victorie For the enemie determining to make Gemblac the seat of the Warre had vict●alled it for many moneths and laid in Arms and store of Ammunition which came all into the Conquerours hands The Town destined for a prey to the souldiers by a
by the thunder of the Cannon then by this slow and silent weapon of the Pioner whence souldiers have a Proverb that 't is the spade and pickax which build and destroy Forts Therefore after he had drawn a line about the town and brought his trenches near the ditch Don Iohn commanded the Pioners working under long and thick boards in the form of a Tortois covered with raw hides to secure them from Granadoes anciently called Vineyards and Galleries to enter the ditch and with their Pickaxes and Spades to undermine the foundation of the wall Which whilst they guarded by the souldiers strongly endeavoured the defendants sallying out and at the same time others from the walls pouring down stones and wild-fire they had divers bloudy encounters with great losse on both sides Don Iohn in the mean time omitting no duty either of a Generall or Gentleman so as at the works he both called upon and contended with the common souldier At last the hearts of the besieged no lesse shaken then their walls partly being divided among themselves so that first they imprisoned Florineus Governour of the Town for favouring the Royalists and afterwards released him partly upon news of the defeat of those forces which to relieve the Town the Prince of Orange sent for out of France they began a Treatie demanding indemnitie for the Citie and that so many of their souldiers as would serve the King might have three moneths pay then due to them from the States the rest to be suffered to depart with drums beating Colours flying and the wonted pomp of souldiers that carry out the funerall of a citie Their demands being granted almost five hundred of the Garrison changed their service As many with one Troop of Horse departed the Town reduced to the Kings obedience was continued under the Command of their old Governour Florineus The End of the ninth Book The Historie of the LOW-COVNTREY WARRES The tenth Book IN the meane time Don Iohn of Austria having by his daily and nightly Labour contracted a weaknesse of Stomacke and a Languishing of his whole Body whilst he went to Namure for his health left the Army to Prince Alexander But first holding a Councell of Warre about the besieging of Limburg which it was feared would otherwise do much hurt to the Province of Luxemburg he commended that Service to the Prince of Parma He willingly undertooke it and the rather because he hoped to fight with Iohn Casimir Brother to the Prince Elector Palatine who it was said would bring his Army that way into the Low-countreys thereby to vindicate as he told the great Commanders the honour of the Royall Army which in some men's Letters was aspersed as if they shunned the Enemy and durst not come to a Battaile with the States but that declining the Encounter they carryed the Warre up and downe only to bug-beare Townes and Villages Therefore Prince Alexander sending before Gabriell Nignio a valiant Spanish Colonell with seven Colours of Musketters and commanding Camillo a Monte should follow with the Horse to second Nignio when he stormed the Suburbs of Limburg hee himselfe about Midnight moved with the Spanish and Wallon Foote leaving Fronsberg's Regiment to conduct ten peice of Cannon that came after And Nignio beating the first Companyes that opposed him afterwards with some losse taking the Suburbs got a huge booty of Cattell and Victuall But as it was a worke of too much time to besiege the Towne so it seemed of too much difficulty presently to storme it For Limburg stands upon a high Rock the Valley about it being all craggy and therefore saue only by the higher ground towards the South inaccessible Besides it might be relieved by the River Vuest running through the Towne All this troubled not Prince Alexander who Viewing the Place chose a Hill whereon to plant his Cannon betweene which and the Towne was the smoothest part of the Valley From the Hill he commanded the Pioners to run a Trench sloping downe into the Valley and from thence to carry it within sight of the Towne thence turning againe obliquely to bring it to the Sconce at the very City gate whilst the rest of his Workmen on the other side undermined a Tower at some distance from the Castle shooting out like a promontory In both Works was more of Terrour then Danger to the Towne For they had scarce broke the Earth two foote deepe when they were hindred by Rock Yet making blindes of Boughs they defended their Trenches against the Shot from the Walls Prince Alexander himselfe hastening the men at worke sometimes visiting the Diggers sometimes the Miners He likewise used gracious Invitations to the Limburgers sending them Letters by a Trumpetter Wherein he forbare to reprove but rather admonished them as assured of the Victory and only carefull not to destroy the King's City and Subjects by the Sword They receiving the Letter from the Trumpetter at the Gate and reading it in publique bade him returne at the same houre next day But when he came they told him no Resolution could be Pitcht upon by reason of the difference betwixt the Townsmen and the Souldiers but if he would come yet once againe he should the day following have an absolute Answer Prince Alexander knowing that the Besieged used such trifling Delayes only to gaine time forbade the Messengers to go any more conceiving it below the Dignity of the King's Army and that it would show like a Confession of some Weaknesse but was more industrious in advancing towards the Towne his Trenches on the one side and his Mines upon the other Comes Caesius overseeing the Workes a bold and active man He himselfe fortifying the Hill with Trenches and Pallisadoes setting up Gabions to be filled with Earth and turfe and drawing Cannon upon their Cariages in sight of the Enemy that shot continually watched two nights both hideous ones that with raine from Heaven this with Thunder from the Walls But the Battery beginning at the breake of day with nine great Cannon from the Hill when the Limburgers saw their Walls shaken and a great Part thereof no lesse then thirtie Cubits beaten downe in foure houres space and likewise a Trench brought downe the hill a thing they held impossible by which the Souldiers marched under covert and were ready to assault the Port Instantly sending to Prince Alexander the Towne earnestly beseeched him a little while to respite the Assault and grant a Cessation of Armes but for an houre for their last consultation The Prince of Parma though it was a welcome Message because he well knew unlesse they yielded of themselves it would be a long Worke to force them Yet lest his facility in condescending might argue some diffidence in his Strength putting on a face of Terrour he angerly told the man there had beene now going and coming
men to defend our Remainder of the Low-countreys against the Conquerour But they will not be so much indangered by the losse of a Battaile For if that Army we march against be routed they can recruit assisted on the one part by Duke Alencon and his French-men on the other by Prince Casimir and the still increasing German Succours But in case which is to be hoped from God's goodnesse and our Souldiers Courage the Catholique Army shall with a better Cause likewise have the better Fortune with how much bloud with what exchange of Gold for Drosse must we buy the victory fighting before their Campe with their fresh and intire Forces But when we have thus weakned our selves by conquering if the French that watch all occasions fall upon us how I feare our Conquest will be followed with a farre greater misfortune we indeed shall have the Honour of the Day but others reape the profit In summe we may be victorious in the Battaile and vanquished in the Warre Wherefore since in this our voluntary expedition we may in reason feare almost the same Disaster whether conquered or conquering my opinion is that we should give off the attempt and at present check this Courage rather great then fruitfull Don Iohn thought this speech of the the Prince of Parma's more true then gallant and therefore besides Gabriel Serbellonio one that Don Iohn used to call Father and to preferre his judgement before the rest none of all the Councell of Warre was of Prince Alexander's mind And the Generall carried it for assaulting of the confederates Campe before they should be reinforced with new supplies Count Mansfeldt the Campe-master held it a point of Honour for the Royall Army to rouse the enemy within covert that trusted more to the place then either to their Armes or Valour The Generall of the Horse Octavio said the Souldiers Alacrity must be used before Delay had dulled it and that they were to follow the happy presage of victory expressed in their unanimous consent to fight and a successe was to be hoped especially at this time by reason of the enemi's Discord For Federick Perenot Lord of Campin by the Prince of Orange's Command was sent Prisoner to Gant and his House at Bruxells plundred because he was reported to be making his Peace with the King by meanes of his Brother Cardinall Granvell and indeed he was discontented that the Prince of Orange slighted him in Comparison of Aldegund The like was by the Prince of Orange attempted upon Hese and Glimè both which they say upon a rumour of the Prince of Oranges Murder Spread by his owne Ministers and Direction very ominously for himselfe only to try the faith of others expressed no dubious signes of Ioy. And therefore in imitation of the Battaile at Gemblac they having now intelligence of like divisions among the Confederates their Arm factious and destitute of these Commanders should be forthwith assaulted and no doubt but the like Successe would follow as Don Iohn concluded The Battaile therefore being now resolved on Mutio Pagano and Amator of Abadien Officers of Horse sent Spyes to discover the Enemyes Campe and to Chuse the ground where they should fight brought back word That the Confederates Army was intrenched not farre from Machlin the Rere guarded by the Village of Rimenant the Flanks with a Wood and a Fen their Front with a Trench and a Line drawne betweene both the Flanks Before that Trench was an open Plaine very commodious for drawing out the Enemy to Battaile but they found no Avenue to the Village but one neare the Wood on the left hand a way that would only hold six or seven men a breast Vpon this Discovery Don Iohn sending back some Companyes to garrison the Frontire-Townes for keeping out the French moved from Tienen and passing over his Army at Areschott-Bridge the second dayes March he came within sight of the Enemy and knowing the Plaine by the Description his Scouts had made he presently imbattailed his Army consisting of 12000 Foote and 5000 Horse Then the Prince of Parma whilst Don Iohn put his men into Battalia was a very earnest Suiter in case they fought that day that he might lead up the Spanish Infantry ordered to begin the Battaile to demonstrate as I conceive that his Courage to advance the Expedition was no lesse active then his Counsell formerly to retard it Don Iohn admiring the Greatnesse of his Spirit and Contempt of Danger at first put him off at length consented because he knew it would be of great Concernement under whose conduct that Battalion should march which must give the Omen to the Victory But till they joyned Battaile he would have Prince Alexander's Company to ride about the Field with him In the interim his Army was drawne out in the entrance of the Plaine and by the ordinary sound of Drums and Trumpets challenged the Enemy to fight Where expecting for three houres and the Enemy not moved with any kinde of Invitation to the Field still keeping within their Trenches Don Iohn called Alphonso Leva that commanded an extraordinary Regiment of Musketters said to him GoAlphonso put thy selfe and thy men into that narrow way betweene the Wood and Trench as if thou hadst a designe to enter the Village in despight of their Army no doubt but they will oppose thee when they come on do thou retire to draw them into the Field Withall he commands the Marquesse a Monte with three Troops of Curassiers and Lanciers to bend that way and be in the Rere of Leva's Foote The Enemyes whole Army under the Arch-duke and the States was commanded by Maximilian Hennin Count of Bolduc an experienced and wary Souldier He intending to frustrate Don Iohn's indeavours either by sitting still or acting with some Stratagem commanded Iohns Norreys an English Colonell who defended that Post to meete the Enemy but so as not to fight at too great a distance from the place The Battaile was therefore begun betwene the Spanish and English very gently at first for neither Leva nor Norreys meant to ingage very farre till to relieve the English because many of them were slaine Count Egmont coming in with his Reserve of Horse A Monte likewise immediately advanced with His. Against Robert Stuart also bringing up with him some Scotch Foote Don Iohn sent Ferdinando de Toledo with the rest of those active Foote under his Command and Camillo a Monte in the Rere of them with two Cornets of Horse he himselfe moving forward in Battalia with the whole Army in hope of a generall Battaile with the now irritated Enemy The Prince of Parma also leaping off his Horse tooke the place which he had so earnestly desired among the Spanish Infantry and appeared in in the head of them with his Pike in his hand And now the Forlornes of both Armyes fell on not like
Skirmishers but as if the Summe of Affaires were in dispute When Leva having happily lined the thickets with his Musketiers possessed himselfe of the Wood on the left hand and Toledo entring the Passe which had few left to defend it both with great Violence backed by the Horse assailed the Trenches at last beat the Enemy sometimes retiring somtimes facing about fighting even into the Village Nor did their Flight seeme to be ended there but forasmuch as they fired the Hutts they left behinde them it was undoubtedly believed they meant not only to leave their Campe but the Village too But then Toledo and A Monte sending Comes Caesio to Don Iohn beseeched him presently to dispatch away fresh men for the Victory was his own But Prince Alexander because he had observed that the Enemyes without much Dispute quitted their Campe fled orderly as if it were upon Designe began to suspect it was not done by Necessity but on Purpose He therefore instantly mett Don Iohn and finding him unresolved about sending in Supplies increased the Generalls Doubts professing his owne Opinion was that the Campe which the Enemy had so easily parted with and not formerly secured as the custome is with Field-Pieces was only chosen by way of Stratagem to deceive the Royall Army with vaine hopes of Victory and under colour of Flight to bring them into the danger of an Ambuscado Wherefore it would be good till the Place were discovered to call off his men that pursued the Enemy And Caesio went from Don Iohn with whom the Iealously wrought very much to command them to make a Stand. But they had already past the Towne chasing the Enemy that fled scatteringly were entred the Plaine towards Machlin hemmed in with the River Demera on the one side and on the other with a thick Wood and such a military heat transported them that being blinded with a Cloud of dust before they understood the Mys●ery they saw themselves come to the Enemye's true Campe lying between the River and the wood intrenched round and strongly guarded on the Front with Cannon There the Enemy had pitched being no fewer then 12000 Foote and 7000 Horse distributed into severall Divisions so as they reached as farr as Machlin All this daunted not the Royalists but making a Halt for Norreys now supplyed from the Neighbouring Campe had rallyed his flying men they put themselves as well they could in order suddainly imbattailed and with new Ardour began the fight These were 5000 Foote all Muskettiers and most of them Spaniards the Horse were Italians Spaniards and Low-countreymen about 600 armed with Lances and Pistols The Enemy was equall in Foote superiour in Cavalry Yet both Armyes fought with strength above their numbers and with Courage aboue their Strength those the Successe of their plott and nearenesse to their Campe these the shame of being cozned and a kind of Desperation precipitated to a Battaile and made them joyne with farre more animosity Some Companyes of Scots made themselves remarkable who either in bravery or not able to indure the heate of their Running and the Day the Sun putting the whole Sky into a Flame stript themselves contented only with their Shirts some casting off those too and tying them about their middles came on naked among the armed men Yet many of them were no lesse safe then others that wore Armes which made them unweldier not so nimble to avoid a hurt slower to rise when they were down last in a Retreate and often either slaine by the Enemy trod under their horses feete or taken Prisoners But the Enemy's Cannon often and safely thundering from their Trenches cruelly shattered the Kings men from which destruction not able to defend themselves because no part of the Plaine was free from the Shott they found but one Remedy which was with their last indeavours to assault their Trenches But those were likewise fortified and they themselves hardly could stand a Charge much lesse assaile others So that Caesio returning to Don Iohn with a true account of their Condition beseeched him since they could not retire without being pursued and ruined nor yet much longer sustaine the fury of the Cannon that he would send Ayde which might incourage them with assurance of Successe to invade the Postes of the Enemy Don Iohn transported with Griefe and Anger though he denyed to send so much as one man to those that ingaging beyond the limits of his expresse Command had brought themselves into those Straites and Intricacyes yet he was pleased briefely to heare the Iudgment of Alexander Farneze Octavio Gonzaga and Count Mansfeldt All which concurred in opinion that it was not safe to send others who rather would partake their danger then come to their reliefe yet that such men ought not to be deserted with so great a losse both of Souldiers and Reputation but that the place at a nearer distance should be viewed and a Resolution taken according to the present Exigence and Expedient This Charge was committed to Prince Alexanders Care who galloping thither and taking a strickt Survey both of the Danger of the party that fought and of all the Advantages of the Field for their Retreate observed that in the hollow of the Plaine betweene certaine hedges and well-planted Orchards lay a Passe by which he despaired not to bring off the Foote He advised about it with Don Iohn and Gonzaga not denying but it was a dubious and almost a rash Attempt yet he said that in acute Diseases somtimes desperate Remedyes are not unskilfully applyed by the Phisicians His designe being approved he himselfe undertooke it the rest easily giving way that he should fetch them off which he did in this manner At the Avenues of the hedges planting Muskettiers he ordered them with a suddaine haile of Shott to stop the Advance of the Enemy and commanded Gonzaga that rallying and animating the Horse he should bring them to guard the Rere whilst they retreated and when the Foote were safe among the hedges give the Enemy a hot Charge and by the way they first entred betwene the Village and the Wood narrow indeed but faire and commodious for horse retire to his Poste Nor with lesse care the Austrian Generall in the meane time riding about the Army exhorted the Colonells and Captaines that keeping their men firme in ranke and file they should receive their fellowes returning from the fight without Disorder which was destructive to the enemy at the battaile of Gemblac where their Horse fled scatteringly and routed their owne Foote which very misfortune might befall the Royall Army if upon the Approach of their fellowes amazed and distracted the Enemy animated by others Feare should then invade them Things thus disposed Prince Alexander before he called off those that fought commaned the foote partly as if they gave ground partly as if they meant to wheele
him refused The state of the Provinces Breda besieged by the Genera's of the Confederates Cardinal Granvels Brother A Messenger with a Letter to Don John Discovered Another counterfeit Letter was sent The Town rendred The Perfidiousness of the Garrison Ruremond holds out against the Conf●iderates Still the Treaty of Peace continues The Queen of England moves for a Cessation of Arms in a threatning way She is not listned to The hope of Peace vanisheth Aprodigious Comet In Novemb. Decemb. 1577. January 1578. Of the Battel of Gemblac Both Armies mustered January 20. Don John's is lesse The enemie's greater But his are better men And more confident for this respect 6. January Pardieu Lord de la Mot. Goigny Commander in chief for the Confederates from 18. 1567. 1576. The Order of his Army Goigny Lievtenant-General to the Arch-duke Matthias for this Expedition Scoutes sent out and an ambush laid by Don Iohn The Catholick Army thus marshalled The Standard Don Johns orders Parties of both sides first skirmish Perotto of Sassoferrata The place of battell Alex. Farneze's conjecture of the enemy His words to the Gentleman of his Horse Curtius He communicates his designe to the Officers about him Henr. Viennius Lord of Ceuravium And they following he first passeth over the Gulph They all together charge the enemies horse And rout them Execution done upon the Confederates army Ianuar. 31. The day won by the horse Christ. Assonv in Relatione sayes One Spaniard was too hard for ten Confederates How great the Victorie Mar. Delr sayes but two were slain Mich. ab Isselt Leo. Belg. Febr. 2. Gemblac besieged by the Conquerours Yielded Mercy shewed to the town And to the prisoners Don Iohn's words to General Goignie The Conquerours commended by Don Iohn Prince Alexander especially With some ad●●●ition Alex. Farneze's Answer His letter to the King in praise of Don Iohn F●br 5. The like Comm●ndations inserted in many other letters from Prince Alexander to Anton. Perez Marc. Almazar and Marc. Ayemont Feb. 15. Feb. 13. wherein he writes nothing of himself The Deputies of the Estates ignorant of the Victory sit in Councell Their trepidation when they heard the news The Arch-duke and the Prince of Orange flie Lord of Hierg Lovain yields to Don Iohn Feb. 5. And Iudoigne And Tienen Feb. 7. And Areschot Feb. 17. And Bovines Sichem summoned Refuseth to treat Alex. Farneze makes ready for an assault Febr. 21. Ordering his Forces In this manner The fight The Royalists The Sichemers Peter Henriquez and Baraiaz The Town is taken They that flie are cut to pieces The Town plundered The Castle holds out But Alex. Farneze batters down their works And raises new of his own The Castle rendred The Prisoners executed Diestem terrified Feb. 24. Submits And are gratiou●●y used The Garrison-souldiers take Pay of the King Levia reduced Febr. 27. C. Mansfeld attemps Nivel Is repulsed The Town treats with Don Iohn A mutinie in the Catholick Army Don Iohn severs the Mutineers Demands the Principall of them Makes them cast lots for their lives At last one is hanged March 11. The Nivellers render themselves The Garrison suffered to depart without their Arms which are bestowed upon the French A gift that ruins them Mar. Delr l. 5. Turb Belg. saith 200 were lost The like misfortune formerly happened to their Nation Anno 1552. Pont. Heuter l. 3. Thuan. lib. 10. The Frenchmen move for a discharge from the service Duke of Alen-Son Don Iohn easily grants their suit They return in arms against him Part of them slain by surprise Part retire to a Fort. And will take no conditions Towns surrendred to Don Iohn Binch 1554. Malbuge Reux Beanmont Soigniac Barlamont Cimace taken by Assault April 15. The Castle yields Philipvil besieged It 's site 'T is invaded As we read in Cesar Livie and others Don John performing the parts of a Generall and a common souldier It is rendred Upon these terms May 19. 1578. The expedition of Limburg by Don John in his sicknesse committed to Alexander Farneze Why he undertakes it Part of his Forces sent before Iune 7. The Suburbs taken The site of Limburg Vvest Wo●kes in order to an Assault Prince Alexanders Letter to the Limburgers They defer the sending of their Answer Whereat enraged He hastens the finishing his workes Comes Nicolaus Caesius And begins to batter from the hill A large Breach made The besiegers come up to the City gates A Messenger from the Towne to Prince Alexander His Answer He grants them an houres time to consider The women Supplicate from the walles Iune 16. The Towne is rendred Thought fortified And in a condition to hold out The Conquerours give God thanks P. Alexander summons Dalhem His Trumpet not admitted The Castle batterred To no purpose The Burgundians scale it And take both Castle and Towne by storme Iune 10. With a great Slaughter of the Citizens The sad fortune of a Maid Two Souldiers strive for her and in their struggle use their prisoner most inhumanely Who wounded and halfe dead Is taken from them But immediatly dies The benefit that followed the taking of Limburg Thanks sent to Alex. Farneze by the Princes whose Estates lay neare the Towne To the confederates great griefe at first afterwards to their great joy Vpon a Report that Prince Alexander with diverse more was slaine Coyned by the Prince of Orange Why such kind of newes is often forged What truth was in this Rumour A Miraculous Accident Iune 30. The Deaths of Count Barlamont Count Megen C. Barlamont's Encomion Aegidius Lancello● Charles Don John's prosperous fortune troubles the Enemy Amsterdam attempted by the P. of Orange 1577. November Beates out his men Mar. Del. l. 4. Turb Belg. For which the Women are to be commended February At last the Towne is rendered and deceived The Prince of Orange votes for a Truce March 10. Sellio in the Kings name Treates with the Deputies of the Estates But to no end The Prince of Orange will onely give eare to a Truce Which Prince Alexander likes not March 25. His Letter to his Father Octavio Duke of Parma Neither is it approved of by Don Iohn New Officers from Spaine Pedr. de To. ledo Lopez Figueroa Alphons-Leva Gabr. Serbellonio Iune 22. New supplies of money from the King to Don Iohn To Alexander Farneze To Octavio Gonzaga To Mondragonio To Verdugo To Ant. olivera To Count Mansfeldt New levies in Italy Vnder these Commanders Don Iohn troubled at it Stops their proceedings Three Armies of the Enemy The States Forces The Duke of Alencon's Iuly 19. ●ohn Casimir's Iuly 17. Don Iohn's Councell of Warre Alex. Farneze votes against fighting them August 18. Only Serbellonio concurres with Prince Alexander The rest viz. Gonzaga Mansfeldt Olivera Montin and Mondragonio were of Don John's opinion Especially hearing the Prince of Orange was falne out with Campin And with Hese and Glimè Mart. Delr l. 4 Turb Belg. Don Iohn resolve to fight The site of the Enemy's
get you back immediately to Vitelli and command him to stoppe his men upon the banke and no more send to me about fighting for thou or any man else that shall presume to advise me in this kind I sweare by the Kings head shall never returne alive Vpon this Answer Vitelli and Federico ordering their men to passe no further turned all their fury against such as stood strongly maintaining the Fight with Hochstrat nor was the face of the Enemy's battaile alike in all places here they were frighted and fled and both sorts being slaine despaire making them valiant they renewed the battaile and retarded the Victory Some of the prince of Orange's Men that followed Colonell Lovervall's Colours looking like fresh supplyes turne'd head and with the violence of dying persons desperately charge'd Vitelli with a strong Impression opening and shattering the Body of Horse that stood close about him Vitelli that neither stirred from his Resolution nor his ground charged Colonell Lovervall in the Head of his Men grievously wounding him then fell upon his Cornet and wresting the Colours out of his hand lifted them up adding fresh courage to his men and not only cryed Victory but won it they say when he brought the Cornet to the Duke of Alva the devise whereof was pillar a with his motto Valour cannot fall till Conquerd by a greater Valour the Duke before many great Commanders said truly Valour it selfe is this day conquer'd by the valour of Vitelli. In two hours were slaine no lesse then two thousand of the Enemy most of them by the Sword the common end of battailes Some men of quality were taken prisoners among whom was Colonel Lovervall hurt in three places afterwards put to death at Bruxells But he whose losse more troubled the Prince of Orange then all that fell that day was Anthony Lalin Count Hochstrat shot in the battaile and presently set upon a fresh horse who being carried off by his owne Souldiers not long after publiquely professing himselfe a Catholique dyed Of the King's men very many were wounded but it is sufficiently known that only fourescore were slaine A hundred and fifty of the Enemy still kept in a body possessed themselves of a house hard by resolved as if they had beene in the Fort at Antwerp not to yield but upon Treaty and Conditions And when the Royalists that were to march away could not get them out the Duke commanded them to make a Ring about the house and set fire upon it immediately two Souldiers drave to the doore a Cart loaded with hay under which they secured themselves and firing it with their Matches the house was easily burnt downe involving those within it in unavoydable Ruine It was a cruell and miserable Spectacle to see some stifled with the flame fall with the house whilest others striving to make their way ran furiously upon the Souldiers bended Pikes like wild Boars upon the Huntsmen Spears many reversed their Muskets and Swords shooting and killing themselves or one another to prevent the Spaniards Triumph or glory in their deaths In the meane time part of the beholders of this Gladiator-like madnesse pitied part hissed at them and laughing gave the Enemy thanks for saving them so much labour and losse of Powder and Bullet wishing all their Foes might die as gloriously Many of the Royall Army were of opinion that if their whole forces had fought as Vitelli proposed the Enemi's strength would have been broke in that one battaile But Alva besides that he was naturally selfe-opinioned doubting the situation of the place and faith of the Low-countrey-men resolved to play his game warily And now the Prince of Orange recruited with Succours out of France might probably have repaired his Losses if he had not found by immediate experience that his Souldiers were increased and likewise his misfortunes as being daily more and more straitned for want of Victuall Wherefore his hope failing which had perswaded him and his that if he could enter Brabant with an Army diverse Cities that favoured his quarrell would presently revolt nay finding those very Cities as well provoked as fortified against him after he had incamped himselfe nine and twenty severall times and still saw the Duke of Alva marching on his Flanke who being an old Souldier still got the advantage in ground and might at his owne pleasure hinder him from coming to any City but by no force nor policy could himselfe be drawn to hazard the fortune of a battaile advised by Ienlis and the rest of the French Commanders he resolved to joyne himselfe to the Prince of Condè at that time reviving the third Civill Warre of France Especially because Gerard Grosbeck Prince of Liege not only denyed him passage into Germany but commanding his souldiers to man the Walles discharge their Cannon frighted the Prince of Orange from the Suburbs Which Affront He barbarously revenged by firing certaine Monasteries and so marched with his Army into Hay nolt where he plundred with extraordinary cruelty the Villages and Houses of many Gentlemen that had signed the Covenant It was supposed he did it because they promised to serve in the Warre and came not But at Quesnoy fighting above the rate of his usuall Skirmishes with the Duke of Alva that constantly followed him ever cutting off some part of his Rere he routed some Companies of Spaniards and Germans and slew many of them Sancho de Avila Caesar Davilo that indeavoured to make them stand being themselves sore wounded This was some revenge for his former Losse● But at his entring into France by a threatning Message from King Charles delivered by Colonell Arthur Cossè who with his French Brigade guarded the Borders he was commanded not to come upon French ground with his Army Which notwithstanding he marched on but was constrained to alter his determination by a furious mutiny in his Campe his men refusing to beare Armes against the King of France and demanding pay of the Captaines with their Swords in their Hands The Prince afflicted with so many Miseries at once increased by the extraordinary sharpnesse of the Winter and considering his uncertaine condition that had neither any place of strength nor money to pay the Army as he had promised selling part and pawning the rest of his House-hold-stuffe and Ammunition which was all he had now left the Souldiers were by that meanes somewhat pacified and he with part of his Forces having disbanded the rest about the yeares end returned into Germany to waite a more auspicious time for renewing of the Warre Peter Ernest Count Mansfeldt Governour of Lucembure Campe-master at the Battaile of Gemblac Generall of the French Expedition But nothing so much incensed the Provinces against the Duke of Alva and the Spaniards as the new Taxes being the tenths of all commodities to be sold and the twentieth part of goods immoveable but the hundreth part of all
the thickest of those that fought his voice his hand and even his presence was very much conducing to the Victory though his wound festring upon the cold he tooke his recovery was despaired of and it had like to have cost his life Ienlis they say lost twelve hundred men the Spaniards no more but thirty Ienlis himselfe and six hundred of his Souldiers whereof about six score were Gentlemen coming into the Spaniards hands part were imprisoned in the Forts next adjoyning and the rest hanged up Such as fled out of that unfortunate battaile and hid themselves in the Woods were by the Countrey people whom they had cruelly used awhile before with like cruelty murdered But Federico whose name grew glorious from that Field returned with his Victorious Army to the next Village to give publique thankes to Saint Leocadia Patronesse of Toledo whose body at that time was there preserved spending the day in warlike pompe And to fill Spaine with the newes the Duke as haughty in Ostentation as in Action sent Captaine Bobadilla to the King to gratulate his Majesty for the victory won by his Majesties Armes and Influence In the meane time the Prince of Orange animated with fame and hope of the rebellious Provinces was the more confident to march the second time against the Duke of Alva and bringing into the Field 6000 Horse and 11000 Foote in the beginning of Iuly passed the Rhine and the Mose storming Ruremond in a cruell manner entred Brabant forcing a passage into Haynolt to relieve his Brother Lewis In the way he traversed his ground to Lovaine a City faithfull to the King but forbare to use violence against it upon the Receipt of 16000. Crownes Mechlin having a while before refused a Spanish Garison and therefore unable to make resistance yielded The same fate had Nivell Diest Sichem Thienen and other Townes that either out of Feare or Love submitted to the Rebells Bruxells constant to their Loyalty kept out the the Prince of Orange Dendermund and Oudenaerd were stormed and plundered Many Villages not strong enough to resist redeemed themselves with money And indeed the Lowcountreys if ever at this time were truly miserable being invaded by forren Armyes by Sea and land The Sea-coast was spoiled and harressed by Lumè The parts bordering upon France by Lewis of Nassau Those confining upon Germany by Count Bergen and the Inland-Countrey by the Prince of Orange Nor did they only take Townes kill such as made resistance and rob houses with the Licentiousnesse and Avarice of Souldiers but with barbarous Inhumanity spared no age nor modesty tyrannizing over the Rest and Monuments of the dead which they spleened as much as the Living especially holy things and Persons no money could buy the Lives of Priests but with exquisite and shamefull cruelty they were tortured to death Some Writers expressely describe this Priest-Shambles which the Gheuses and and Lumè of all the Gheuses the bloudyest Butcher set up in many Cityes with as much glory to the Sufferers as dishonour to the Iudges and Hangmen And though in some places the King's Army Sacrilege excepted used their Victory afterwards with greate Cruelty Yet because the Gheuses began to them at Brill and likewise contrary to their faith obliged by oath had plundred Amorsfort the severity of the Spaniard seemes to be somewhat more pardonable as done by Example I am sure for this very reason the Hereticks in their owne Annalls doe confesse the Prince of Orange's men were infamous in the Low-countreys and he himselfe that was thought at first to have taken armes for Protection of the Netherlands against the Tyranny of Alva now by making no distinction between Friend and Enemy grew to be generally hated the people complaining that they were fallen among a multitude of Tyrants But the Prince of Orange slighting the distaste of the Cities came into Haynolt within sight of the besieged in the month of August where he found the Towne straitned and as it was commonly thought not able to hold out long against the Spaniards He wondred much to see the fortification of the Leaguer no lesse strong for mastering and keeping in the Garison then inaccessible to the assaults of any that should come to their Reliefe Diverse pieces of Cannon played upon Bartimont-Port from a hill which with a worke running on the left hand and a line from thence almost inclosed the Towne many little Redoubts at convenient distance standing on the Bulwarks which flanked one another and secured the whole These Intrenchments whilst the Prince of Orange vainely endeavoured to passe being entertained with some pickeering for Alva was resolved not to venture a battaile he heard about evening in the Spanish Campe a great joy expressed by three Vollyes of Shot and the cheerfull sound of Drums and Trumpets the light of Bonefires shining through the Army whereat being very much troubled his Spyes brought intelligence that two dayes before by King Charles his Command the great Massacre of the Hugonots was executed at Paris which because it hapned at the Marriage of Henry King of Navarre afterwards King of France and Margaret Sister to King Charles upon Saint Bartholomew's-Eve the Massacre it selfe was called Bartholomews-Eve or the Parisian wedding A strange attempt it was indeed but a just punishment of Traitours conspiring against their King The Pope when he had the newes sent him from the Cardinall of Loraine set apart a day of publique Thanksgiving to God the just Revenger in the Church of Saint Lewis and published a Bull of extraordinary Indulgences to such as should pray for the heavenly assistance to the King and Kingdome of France The Prince of Orange amazed at the suddaine accident and doubting the Event of the Warre because the Admirall Coligny and the rest of the Hereticall Princes being murdered no Aydes from the King of France could now be hoped for by these of the adverse Faction held it his best course to try the fortune of a battaile with the Duke of Alva before the newes of the Massacre came to his Souldiers eares But Alva still cautelous kept himselfe within his Trenches and from thence safely battering the Towne the Prince of Orange when he saw he could neither make any impression into his Campe nor draw him out fearing lest the French Commanders the chiefe strength of his Army upon notice of the Massacre at Paris should change their mindes and leave him wrote to his Brother Lewis That hee should provide for himselfe and give way to his fate and so retired with his Army to Mechlin not without some losse received as it commonly happens in a Retreate For almost 200. commanded Spanish Foot and about 800. Horse all of them so habited as they might bee distinguished by one another in the darke broke into the enemies Campe in the night and killing their first Centrees fell
into the Tents that were next at hand with great Terrour and Slaughter and before the Enemy could bring their men together no lesse then foure hundred of them were slaine or burnt for they fired their huts that were thatched and with this victory retired Doubtlesse the Execution had been greater but that the fire which at first affrighted them presently after discovered the Stratagem whereupon many Spaniards as they were easie to be known being all in white were cut off some of which running before their Companions got as farre as the Prince of Orange's Tent who had a Dogge lying by him on the bed that never left barking and scratching him by the face till he awaked and rose in the meane time his men came in The rest of the night was spent in feare and care by breake of Day his Army moved and he by long Marches passing the Rhine came to Delph in Holland Not long after Lewis of Nassau who was the most astonished and stricken at the Admiralls Death because he had perswaded him to trust himselfe to the King upon his Royall word yielded up the Towne to Alva upon no contemptible Conditions and went to Dilemburg the chiefe Seate of the Counts of Nassau Alva having taken the Towne ere he had lyen three Months before it though at the same time whilst he besieged it he himselfe was besieged by the Prince of Orange it so much advanced his fame by conquering Enemyes on both sides him that he recovered all the Prince of Orange had gott in Flanders Brabant with more speed then Clemency fining some Townes sacking others Particularly Mechlin a very faire and rich City awhile before yielded to the Prince of Orange was exposed to the fury of the King's men that pillaged it for three dayes together But even that Calamity wanted no good Presidents The Souldiers carryed most of their Plunder to Antwerp and sold it according to their ordinary course dogg-cheape Whereupon a priest of the Society of Iesus exceedingly beloved by the Townsmen of Antwerp meeting some Factours his Friends told them of a greate bargaine to be had and fit for Christian Merchants if with their money they would redeeme the Plunder of Mechlin which the Souldiers had sold for little or nothing and returne it to the Owners at the Price they themselves paid for it for so the men in misery would be lesse sensible of their losse which if it came into the Brokers hands would cost dearer And in the meane time the Merchants should be no loosers in their money but great gainers in their fame even among men but with God no doubt this kind of Traffick was most advantageous These religious Merchants liked the Motion The greater part of the plundered Goods were bought for a small Summe not standing them in above 20000 Florens wheras they were prized at 100000. At the Rates which the Merchants paied the Owners had them againe only some few Parcells their Proprietaries not appearing were distributed among the poore Nay as there is a certaine pleasure in relieving the necessitous the same Merchants making a Purse upon the same Priest's Exhortation bought great store of Victuall and therewith lading a ●hip sent it to the Poore at Mechlin In that Ship which is more to be admired I finde the Souldiers perswaded by the same man besides other household stuffe laid aboard above a hundred rich Vestments which they freely presented to the religious men and Women But notwithstanding the Duke of Alva scaped not the Peoples Curse's for that Plunder Though by his Letters soone after published he laid the fault upon the perfidiousnesse of the Mechliners who to frame a pretence for yielding to the Prince of Orange had a while before refused a Garison from the King But in Gelderland Federick acted with no lesse Valour then Dispatch though with more Cruelty then his Father His storming and plundering of Zupthen brought such a Terrour upon the rest of those Provinces that Count Bergen before victorious within a month after flying all the Rebells Garrisons being mouldred away left him the whole Countrey This while in Zeland Colonell Mondragonio with 2000 commanded men chosen out of the whole Army passed his Foote over the Sea that was about fiue Miles broad and with admirable Courage raised the Siege before Tergoes at the Mouth of the Schelt and partly killing partly routing the Enemies Forces tooke the whole Island of Zuid-Beverland Which exploit is rendred much more gallant because Mondragonio doubled it with another of the same nature but of more danger passing his men to Schelt an Isle of Zeland the naming whereof shall serve instead of a further Relation of this great Attempt But the destruction of Nardem upon the Borders of Holland brought a farre contrary Successe to the victorious Federico For howsoever that Towne by reason of their foule Rebellion and ●iding with the Hereticks deserved to be made a singular example yet the Revenge exceeded their demerits for being all put to the Sword even the weake and innocent their houses fired and their Walles levelled with the ground it was not a Punishment but a Crime The newes of that Ruine augmented by the cunning of the Gheuses was told with so much not terrour but hatred of all the Hollanders never to be forgotten towards the Spaniard as their mindes being hardned with despaire they were resolved to suffer any thing rather then do what Alva would command them Particularly Harlem a noble City of Holland which Federico had attaqued invited by the convenience of the faithfull Towne of Amsterdam not onely with scorne rejected the pardon he offered them but receiving a new Garrison from the Enemy to cut off all hope of Reconciliation publiquely renouncing the old Religion breaking the holy Images violating and robbing the Churches they held out eight months Siege with equall contempt both of the enemie and their Lives In so much as Federick despairing of successe would have returned into Brabant but that Alva grievously offended at his Son's Irresolution wrote to him that if he thought of going he himselfe though he were carried in his bed would come or in case his Sicknesse so increased that he were not able to remove he would send for his Wife out of Spaine and give Her a Commission to be Generall instead of her Son But though the young Duke out of countenance with this Reproofe used all kindes of Stratagems to take the Towne yet they every day more bold and stubborne omitted nothing defensive or offensive dayly shewing their contempt by new reproachfull and insolent expressions Many times they hanged their Spanish Prisoners over the Walls in sight of the besiegers And when the Leaguer shot into the Towne a ma●'s head with this writ upon it the head of Philip Conin that came with 2000. men to relieve Harlem and afterwards another
ROBERTVS STAPYLJONVS EQVES AVRATVS IUVENALEM MUSAEUM STRADAM è PEREGRINIS ANGLOS SVOSque PLVSQVAM INTERPRES REDDIDIT R. R. W. Marshall fecit DE BELLO BELGICO THE HISTORY OF THE Low-Countrey WARRES Written in Latine by FAMIANVS STRADA In English by Sr. ROB. STAPYLTON Kt. Illustrated with divers Figures LONDON Printed for Humphrey Moseley and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Princes Arms in St. Pauls-Churchyard MDCL TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE MY VERY GOOD LORD HENRY Lord Marquesse of Dorchester Earl of Kingston Viscount Newark Lord Pierrepont c. MY LORD YOur Lordship the best judg of Writers will not I hope condemn me for inscribing your name to the History of Famianus Strada He is indeed a Modern Roman but in happiness and freedom of expression so like the Ancients Livy Sallust and Tacitus that 't is no injury to the past or present World to say their Age produced not his Superiour nor ours his Equal since those that have not arrived to his perfection may be good Historians those that have eminent The Fame of so great an Authour made me ambitious to interpret him to my Countrey not considering for I as willingly acknowledg my Errour as his Merit that I was to Copie a Principal comprehending new and various Narrations Princes Letters Speeches Debates and Results of Cabinets and Councel-tables Battells Descriptions of places Characters of Persons and very prudent Observations summed up in brief sentences Besides I found all these apparelled in the most captivating Figures of the Latine tongue not like the French Spanish or other Languages of Commerce easily reducible to those now spoken but hard to be rendred in any especially in English Yet after I had ingaged that I might play my game to the fairest I borrowed the invention of Alexander Farneze when he dissected Don John of Austria in the Low-countreys and had him shewed in Spain new-joynted skinned and almost spirited to Philip the second In imitation whereof I took to pieces the actions of Don John Alexander Farneze and the rest of their famous friends and enemies as they were described in Italy and present them here to your Lordship like the parts of Don John's body intire although not breathing For which I can make no Apologie but that 't is the fortune of this History to be dedicated to Princes And when the first Dedication was made to the Duke of Parma it concerned me to address the second to a person of like honour and my Genius directed me to such a one in whom Eminence of Dignity is joyned with Eminence of knowledg that affording me Patronage this reputation For what Ammianus Marcellinus reports of Physitians that they were held learned if they had once been at Alexandria we know to be true of Books if they come but to have your Lordships Approbation which is the highest aime of Your Lordships humble servant ROBERT STAPYLTON FAMIANVS STRADA to the Reader VVHo ever thou art that shalt vouchsafe to take my Book in thy hands before thou peruse it give me leave to preface a few things Thou hast here a History of mine which I cannot exspect should be either praised or pardoned for expedition being nine years old before I sent it to the Presse yet for that very procrastination I may hope another as great a favour from my Reader because it was out of my respect to him that I spun out time in polishing my work For albeit many years ago divers persons to whose Abilities no lesse then to their Honours none in Rome but yields having read the first part of my Annals gave them farre more then common approbation yet they could not perswade me that know how great the difference is betwixt Humanity and Judgement to hasten the publishing of them or now they are published not to be an earnest Suiter to my Reader for some favourable Regard due to my Modesty reverencing others judgements This Civilitie I the rather hope for that my fortune is somewhat better then ordinary Historians For I give thee Princes Letters most of them writ with their own hands I give thee Embassadours private instructions secret Councels of Warre Causes of Designes Notes brought in by Spies clandestine conspiracies of Towns and many other Particularities which either by Pieces or collected into Diaries have been discovered to me by the very men employed And were it not to trespasse upon the Readers Patience I could which many times I do to most of my Relations annex the copyes of the Letters produce the credit of the Originals themselves to prove matter of Fact as evidently as Deeds signed sealed and witnessed But all these as they have in a manner opened to me a Door to look into Councel-chambers and Cabinets So the divulging of them and especially explaining of Individualls without which Polybius thinks History but a mock-monument must needs be so much sweeter to the Readers longing by how much they comparing common Notions which they have read in others and therefore I forbear to mention out of them and me together will frame a more copious History This likewise is the cause that makes me sometimes give an Account of particular Accidents that the Low-countrey warre no lesse known from the mouth of Fame then penns of numerous Writers might be varied by such Additionals pleasing for newnesse and not inconsistent with a particular History This hath likewise made me that as I have passed over some things cursorily and unlesse some peculiar passage were to be added to others Relations almost quite omitted them so many times to bring higher deductions I thought would be more acceptable and not done without many great examples For among the Writers of the Romane Annals to say nothing of the Grecians Tacitus and Sallust how often do they piece out the smal threads of their work and cover them as it were with an embroiderie Tacitus in his Histories the five books omitting his Annals you may soon run over refutes those Authours that say the chief Officers of Otho's and Vitellius his Army deliberated Whether it were not better that they refusing to fight for wicked Princes should choose a good one and taking his hint from thence speaks at large Of mens old and inbred Ambition to compasse the Sovereigne power Of its Originall in the Citie of Rome Of the contentions between the Senatours and Plebeians Of Marius Sylla Pompey at length But sayes he the repetition of our ancient and present manners hath very farre transported me now I return to the course of my History Proceed Where he describes the burning of the Capitol by the Souldiers and subjoyns ●is own complaints upon it accurately setting down Who it was that vowed it who built it who dedicated it and who when it was destroyed repaired it though they were passages familiar to the people What of Serapis whose pedigree he draws and with a prolix Digression commemorates what opinions the Aegyptian Priests held of her not thinking
the one hand and on the other Elianor and Mary Queen Dowagers of France and Hungary with another Mary Queen of Bohemia and Christiern daughter to the King of Denmark Dutchesse of Lorrain First he created his sonne Philip master of the order of the Golden-fleece then he commanded Philibert Bruxellius one of the Lords of his great Councel to signifie his pleasure to the Estates of Flanders The summe of his speech was this That the Emperour being admonished by his dayly decay of health which had much broke and brought him low to settle his affairs in this world resolved to transferre that weight which he could no longer support as became his own and the Empires dignity ●pon his sonne both in vigour and wisdome able to bear so great a burthen Therefore Cesar wishing it may be for the happiness of himself and the Provinces resigned his Dominion of the Low-countreys and Burgundy released the People of their ●ath of Allegiance and voluntarily gave the right and possession of the Low-countreys and Burgundy to his sonne Philip King of England Whilest Philibert was gravely speaking this The Emperour rises on the sudden and leaning on the shoulders of William Prince of Orange interrupted his speech and out of a paper he brought to help his memory as the Register of the Empire he himself began to read in French What he had done from the seventeenth year of his age to that day nine expeditions into Germany six into Spain seven into Italy four into France ten into the Low-countreys two into England as many into Africa eleven Sea-voyages Warres Peace Leagues Victories and set forth the particulars rather magnificently then proudly Moreover That he had proposed to himself no other end of all these labours but the preservation of Religion the Empire Which hitherto whilest his health permitted he had by Gods assistance so performed that Charles the Emperours life and Reign could offend none but his enemies Now since his strength and almost life was spent he would not prefe● the love of Empire before the safety of his People In stead of an o●d Bed-rid man the greatest part of him already in the grave he would substitute a Prince in the spring of his youth of active strength and courage To him he desired the Provinces t● pay their obedience likewise to keep Peace among themselves and be constant to the Orthodox Religion Lastly That they would favourably pardon him if he had trespassed in his Government For his own part he would alwayes remember their fidelity and services in his prayers to God to whom alone he resolved to live for the short remainder of his dayes Then turning to his sonne he said If these Provinces had descended upon thee by my death I had yet deserved something at my sonnes hands for leaving him so rich and improved a patrimony Now since ●hine Inheri ance is not a necessitated but a voluntary act and that thy Father hath chosen to die before his time that he may antedate the benefit of his death all the interest thou owest me for it I assign it to thy Subjects and require thee to pay it in th● love and care to them Other Princes rejoyce they have given life to their sonnes and shall give Kingdoms I am resolved to prevent fate of this gasping and posthumous favour esteeming it a double joy if I may see thee not onely living but live ●o see thee reigning by my gift This example of mine few Princes will imitate for I my self in all antiquity could hardly find one to follow But sure they will commend my resolution when they see thee worthy to be made the first president Which thou wilt be if thou firmly retein the wisdome thou wert bred to the fear of the Almighty and which are the pillars of a Kingdome the patronage of Religion and the Laws One thing remains which thy Father makes his last wish That thou maist have a sonne grow up worthy to have thy Government transferred upon him but yet have no necessity to do it Having spoken this he embraced his sonne that was upon his knees striving to kiss his hand and piously and fatherly praying God to bless him his tears broke off his words and drew tears abundantly from the eyes of the beholders King Philip humbly kissing his Fathers hand then rising to the Estates excused his ignorance in the French tongue commanding Anthony Perenott Granvell Bishop of Arras to speak for him who in a most learned Oration interpreted the Kings mind as gratefull to his father so likewise affectionate to the Low-coutrey-men by his fathers precept and example Iames Masius an eloquent Civill Lawyer answered in the name of the three Estates Lastly Mary Queen of Hungary resigned the Government of the Low-countreys which she had managed five and twenty years for the Emperour her Brother So for that day the Session was adjourned Two moneths after in a farre greater Assembly for fame had further spread it self the Emperour gave to his sonne Philip at once the possession of all his Kingdomes Provinces and Islands aswell in our World as beyond the Line Finally not long after he sent the Crown and Scepter of the Empire all he had then left to his Brother Ferdinand created many years before King of the Romans by the hands of William Prince of Orange who they say at first declining the Ambassage told the Emperour in King Philips presence that he hoped better things from heaven then to see his Master take the Imperiall Crown from his own head and send it by him to another whether it was love to the Emperour of whose grace and bounty he had many proofs or flattery to King Philip whom he knew designed for the Empire by his father who often to that purpose had treated with his Brother Ferdinand For Cesar to confirm the Spanish power of the House of Austria by accession of the Empire had many times by Mary Queen of Hungary sounded his Brother Ferdinand if he would surrender the Kingdome of the Romanes to Philip among other proposals promising to share the Empire with his Brother that ever after there should be two Cesars of equall authority But all this moved not Ferdinand Charles the fifth from so great an Emperour now no body leaving the Court to the new Prince staid a while in a private house till the fleet was ready then losing from Zeland with his sisters Queen Elianor and Queen Mary he sailed with a prosperous wind into the port of Lared● in Biscany To follow him out of the Low-Countryes will not be I suppose to wander from the History since by continuing a relation of the last passages of a Prince of the Low-Countreys and the last Prince born a Low-Countrey-man I may appear to be in the Low-Countreys still However I presume the Reader will approve the bringing to light of this great retirement
against the Enemies or at home in private Tiltings and for shooting in a piece at marks an art of great account with that People second to none Besides he had a naturall affability and which is rare a Popularity consistent with Nobility But he was particularly famous for the late victory at S. Quintins a great part whereof the King acknowledged himself engaged for to Count Egmont and for a later day at Gravelin since when the Low-Countrey-men had not wiped the enemies bloud off their swords In which expedition asmuch as he transcended the other Lords that had command in the Army especially the Spaniards so much with all forreiners but them he gained glory to his Nation and to himself the favour of others by his own to them So that if a Governour for the Low-Countreys might have been voted by the souldiers love and the peoples consent no man should have been preferred before Count Egmont But on a deeper sea and with a more popular wind sailed the Prince of Orange The greatness of the House of Nassau equall fortunes the principality of Orange subject to none besides his other large possessions both in Germany and the Low-countreys and his powerfull alliance to most of the great families of the North his mother Iuliana being a woman of a miraculous fecundity for of her children whereof the greatest part were daughters she lived to see one hundred and fifty that asked her blessing Add to this his own merit his dexterity of wit and staiedness of judgement far riper then his years and his abilities both as an Ambassadour and a General Then the great opinion the Emperour Charles the fifth had of him who employed him in his weightiest affairs Upon these and such like considerations how could the Prince of Orange go less in his hopes then to be Governour of the Low-countreys a place which his cousen Engelbert Count of Nassau enjoyed about an hundred years before Yet doubting the Kings inclination he had divided his suit that if he himself should meet a repulse yet Christiern Dutchess of Lorain might prevail whose daughter he hoped to marry intending for that was his drift that his mother in law should have the Title but he himself the Power And indeed the Dutchess of Lorain was every way capable of the place as being daughter to Isabella sister to Charles the fifth and having merited the favour of her cousen-german the King by the Peace which she lately had concluded with the French upon conditions more advantagious to the Spaniard for which she was much honoured by the Low-countrey-men But whilest on such kind of considerations mens hopes and discourses were protracted and suspended behold upon the sudden came news That Margaret of Austria Dutchess of Parma was sent for out of Italy to govern the Low-countreys Which though it happened unexspectedly yet could be no wonder to such as rightly judged For on the one part it was in reason to be thought the King at that time would not easily trust the government of the Low-countreys in the hand of a Low-countrey-man Such as looked into it might see cause sufficient Particularly Count Egmont had a bar by the unhappy memory of Charles Egmont Duke of Gelder who being of the French faction and a professed enemie to the House of Austria Charles the fifth confiscated his Estate and forced his heir to render Gelderland and Zutfen And divers reports going of the Prince of Orange's Religion in which kind a suspicion onely was enough to quash his sute the King would be sure never to commit the Low-countreys to the faith of one gracious and powerfull with the Germane Hereticks both as a neighbour and a kinsman which might open them a pass into the seventeen Provinces Nay even to the Dutchess of Lorain the rumour of a Treaty of marriage betwixt her Daughter and the Prince of Orange was very disadvantagious in her pretension to the government though it made more against her that she had married her sonne Charles Duke of Lorain to the daughter of Henry King of France For they say Bishop Granvel advised the King to look to it lest if she were Governess the French coming in mixt with the Lorainers might pester the Low-countreys Perhaps he himself being a Burgundian gave his Majestie this counsel for fear the Burgundians should be subject to the Lorainers their ancient enemies Or rather finding the King inclined to the Dutchess of Parma he endeavoured to express his zeal in preferring her and so to predeserve her favour But to choose her there was a concurrence of many reasons Before I Particularize them let me speak a little of the Dutchess her self and give you an account of her birth and education together with her deportment before she came to govern the Low-countreys Since the best Historians use not onely to describe the Actions but likewise the Fame of Persons and are tied by the rules of History not to omit the Characters of their Lives and Manners Margaret eldest child to Charles the fifth born four years before he was married had a mother of the same name Margaret Vangest as long after it came to light daughter to Iohn Vangest and Mary Cocquamb of Aldenard persons of good quality in Flanders Both which dying of the sickness left Margaret then but five years old to her fathers dear friend Anthony Lalin Count Hochstrat who with his wife Elizabeth Culemberg bred her as their onely child When she was grown a woman not onely as a great Beauty but as one that consecrated her beauty with modestie she was pretended to by many noble Suiters But she dashed all their hopes with the rub of chastity intending within a few dayes to be a Nun. In the mean time being invited to a Wedding and dancing there among other young Ladies of her qualitie she found by too late experience that such as expose their beautie set to sale their chastity especially if a great Chapman be at hand For the Emperour Charles the fifth in his passage by Aldenard honouring this wedding with his presence Margaret that came along with the Countess of Hochstrat surpassing all the other Ladies in his eye was highly commended by his Imperial Majestie who while he commended seemed to long for her Insomuch as one of his followers of that ging of Courtiers that have no way to merit their Princes favour but by slavish arts catched her up in the dark and brought her to the Bed-chamber By her the Emperour had this Margaret we write of The Business was many years concealed by Cesars command especially because the same Courtier accidently had told him that he took a great deal of pains to perswade the Virgin but could not get her for his Imperial Majesty without force and threatning At which the Emperour was so moved that giving the man a sound check for it he vowed if he had known as much before
Low-Countreys The King therefore while he took care that Abbies should not be given in Commendum to Bishops which was the provis● of their Charter but annexed to their Bishopricks did not in truth violate their priviledges which he had sworn to maintain But what need more words when the case being put to the University of Lovain and studied by Doctors both of Divinity and of Civill Law it was definitively resolved that annexion of Livings and likewise the institution of new Bishopricks was neither repugnant to the Kings oath nor to the laws Again they ought to consider the difference that was then from other times and manners that while Religion was safe the King altered nothing but when it was endangered there can be no priviledges to tie the hands of Kings from supporting their dominions falling into ruine The number of pastours was the fittest remedy to defend the flock of Christ from wolves breaking in upon them and sure there is none so great an enemy to the King but must acknowledge and believe it Nor could their endowments be proportioned with less inconvenience then they were by prudent men to whom it was referred with the Kings approbation and the Popes command Nor was the Prince which some required bound to do it by the advice of his great Councel for he held himself obliged to it by no law and likewise his reason told him the States in a thing distastfull to many especially such as listened to hereticks their neighbours would easily dissent using the liberty which they took upon them in publick assemblies Whereby he should not onely expose his Prerogative and Majesty to the dispute but even to the contempt of his people and that he should vex their minds so much the more by following his design when they once declared their publick dislike and passed their votes against it But the King might have provided for the new Bishops or it upon a fuller survey he had found all other wayes more difficult yet he himself should have maintained them out of his own and not out of other mens estates without the trouble of his people without any mans prejudice As if it were not just that the Bishops which were to serve the Low-Countreys should be provided for out of the Low-Countreys Nor did the King spare his Exchequer allowing every Bishop yearly one thousand five hundred crowns in pension till sufficient maintenance should be raised elsewhere Albeit the King in giving them the Abbots goods did not directly bestow upon them other mens estates especially since he did it by authority of the Bishop of Rome who is the true Administratour of their goods To conclude this makes it plain that although the King had given perpetuall pensions to the Bishops it would not have satisfied these men that were not so much discontented with the translations or annexions of Church-livings as with the very number of the Bishops which there being no reason to condemn but indeed to welcome as a safe and ready help it plainly appears in case the Brabanters or other Low-Countreymen had took arms upon this ground to which side the beginning of those troubles was to be imputed Neither could this be the cause of rebellion The substituting of Bishops in place of Abbots when they should decease and annexing of their livings to the Bishopricks was but executed in very few Cities because of their continuall petitions which I shall in due place remember presented to the Pope and the King I am sure in Brabant which stood out the stiffest the King at last consenting there was nothing altered Yet I deny not but those agitations of diversly minded men lessened obedience and duty to the Prince which are the pillars of government and foreshewed in case they should be further moved the ruine of the whole For nothing is so pernicious to Monarchy as when the people are taught publickly to contest with their Prince and to dissent from him not onely with impunity but with advantage One thing most of all troubled and exasperated the Low-Countreymen at first a suspicion then an indeavour of setting up an inquisition against heresie to be confirmed by the Edict of the Emperour Charles the fifth Which in regard it is commonly thought to have opened a door of war in the Low-Countreys it will be worth my pains be what it may be to give you account of it Religion as it was ever highly reverenced by all as that which preserves the Worship of God and Concord of Men so the Christian Church hath been alwayes severe against the disturbers thereof This charge was first administred onely by the Bishops to whom it appe●tains by Law Afterwards perhaps because that sacred Office is ingaged in many cares or because they are sometimes inforced to be absent from their Diocese or lastly some of them may be negligent in the exercise of their authority and some happely ignorant it seemed the best course to delegate from the Apostolicall See Iudges extraordinary of approved learning and piety which should have commission to hear and determine against hereticks whereupon they were called the Apostolicall Inquisitours This I find begun by Pope Innocent the third who sent against the Albigenses the Founder of the preaching Fryars Saint Dominick that first executed the office of Inquisitour with much applause The custome was afterwards received almost in all that and the next Age in many Christian countreys there being created in every Province Censors of Faith that should legally take notice of the violation of religion Yet in all places were not the same Judicatories Some had temporary Inquisitours sent about heresie newly sprung up and when that was extinguished their commission ended In other parts a Tribunall was erected to which questions of faith were perpetually to be referred In other places the whole form of this judicature being rejected none but Bishops themselves were permitted to inquire of hereticks Nay at Rome the form was varied for sometimes all was done by the ordinary and Civill Magistrates no Inquisitour extraordinary sometimes many but then one or more of the Cardinals were of the Quorum Till Paul the fourth instituted a Colledge of Cardinals by whose suffrages these controversies were to be determined establishing this course for ever after in Rome by a more venerable and sacred Court of Justice And that it might more firmly continue fear the Beadle of the law terrified them from the beginning penalties and fines being imposed upon and exacted of the refractory more easie ones by the Cannon law and heavier by Imperiall Edicts For when the Emperours observed besides the worship of God that it concerns the publick Peace whose Guardian the Prince is that subjects should be limited by Religion and that they saw when Religion was endangered peace could not live upon the foul and rough waves of heresie they decreed that the punishment of traitours should be inflicted upon hereticks as enemies
out of fashion Truly that Religion was not much to be regarded when Authority was to be acquired or established are the words of his own letter to Alençon Brother to the French King part whereof in its due place I shall insert This it was thought he learned in the villanous school of Machiavel whose Books he seriously studied as Granvel affirms in his Letter from Spain directed to Alexander Prince of Parma William of Nassau furnished with these Arts how he imployed them in exasperating the minds of the Low-countrey men I shall now briefly open He was hostage as I have formerly said to Henry the second of France Hunting with the King they fell into that discourse which he speaks of in his Defence against his Proscription published by King Philip wherein he glories in the discovery which he made of the plot betwixt him and King Henry who letting fall some words of the grand Designe but abruptly and obscurely lest perhaps he might reveal it to one that was not of counsel with them the Prince of Orange as he himself sayes to wyer-draw the whole business out of the King takes upon him to have been long privy to the plot which the King easily believes thinking the Prince in great esteem with his Master and seeing him his hostage there He therefore freely tells him that by the Spanish Embassadour the Duke of Alva King Philip agreed with him to destroy all the families of the new Religion which he was to see done in France and King Philip in the Low-countreys in which he likewise had erected a constant Tribunal where matters of Faith should be tried which would be as good as his Forts to keep his people in obedience The Prince of Orange finding the designe which he knew to be King Philips return'd into the Low-countreys There when he saw the Dutchess of Parma made Governess and Granvel joyned with her the number of Bishops increased and Inquisitors of Faith to be brought in he conceived this to be the designe which King Henry had discovered to him And when he perceived that these new Decrees had filled the Cities with fears and jealousies and that no part of the State looked cheerfull he resolved to make use of the opportunity supposing that if he should feed the beginnings of these discontents on his part as many already corrupted with heresie would do on theirs that he should undoubtedly elude the designes of the Spanish And now that he had some little glimmering of an exspectation and began to form great plots to bring all his aims to their desired ends thus he set them a work The King at Gant called a Chapter of the Knights of the Golden Fleece in whose Creation because all authority was not in the King as Master of the Order but in the joynt-votes of his Companions that some might be chosen which hated the King I suppose Monting and Hochstrat the Prince of Orange took a great deal of pains solicited and prevailed with his Colleagues to promise him their severall suffrages And both these Lords now obliged he meant hereafter as purchased by this favour to make use of Besides when the Cities mutinied as I have told you because Spanish Garrisons were left upon the frontiers he privately inflamed their fury and argued with his friends of the pride of those forrein souldiers that under colour of defending the Borders laboured to put a yoke upon free Cities Withall he commended the loyaltie of the Low-countreymen which notwithstanding suffered for that strangers were preferred before them And put it in their heads that the Estates who were then to be summoned should with great earnestness petition the King that his Spanish souldiers might be disbanded by his Fathers example who never had any Garrisons in the Low-countreys but of Low-countrey men which accordingly the States were suiters for with great noise and clamour And at that time the King promised to satisfie them by word of mouth which afterward he really performed the Prince of Orange much glorying in it who in his Letters professed himself to have been the authour of sending away the Spaniards and that by this act which he accounted an eternal honour to him and his Colleagues he brought two things about the one that he freed his Countrey from slavery the other that he opened they are his own words the way to Religion Onely to his and their Crown of glory this was wanting that as they had turned the Spaniards out of the Low-countreys so they had not shut the door upon them locked it fast guarded the Passe and kept them from all hope of ever coming back again Yet he doubted not but as he had purged a great part of the Netherlands of them so as they could call nothing there their own but the bones and ashes of their Countreymen in like manner he should quickly bring to effect or at least endeavour it that they should all be banished out of the seventeen Provinces and being compelled to return to their own Countrey should at last suffer the Low Dutch to enjoy the liberty of their fortunes bodies and souls Nor was he less active against the designe of introducing new Bishops which by the spirit of Calvin he used to call hangmen brought in to flea and burn mankind And to that end he applied himself to the Abbots some of which instructed at private conferences and emboldened against the fear of any Magistrate were for a great while his principall instruments of discord But he had not better success in any thing then in defeating the Emperours Edicts and the Kings proclamations For as nothing more amazed the people then the name of the Inquisition so the Prince of Orange in that fright aggravating their fears and jealousies telling them of the breach of Priviledge the tyranny of the Spaniards the slavery of the Low-countrey men most of them vain surmizes but yet working in minds inclined to suspicion It is hardly credible what an odium he brought upon the Inquisition how he turned the Peoples hearts from the King and made them hate the Spaniards So that many being perswaded the freedome of their Nation would be lost if this went on would assoon have let into their cities the Enemies of their Countrey as the Inquisitours of Faith The Prince of Orange glad of this successe and being as I have said inraged at Granvels power absolutely resolved to joyn with the People and the Hereticks who he knew hated Granvel and he was glad they did so At length new and far more implacable tumults rising every where in the Low-countreyes when the Duke of Alva was Governour the bolder the people grew who then refused their pardons offered by some Governours of Cities and publickly renounced their allegiance the more high-hearted grew the Prince of Orange His hopes which hitherto were uncertain and farr off now came near and courted him So
that scorning the Court he looked for greater and quicker fortunes in the Warrs But the mischief daily encreasing seditious Citizens joyned with the Hereticks part necessitated to avoid punishment but the major part invited with hope of liberty That their pretences might shew more honest and promise more safety under some one Generall they looked upon the Prince of Orange whom they knew to be ambitious to command in chief and therefore an enemy to the Spaniards besides that he was seasoned with heresie at least ingaged by affinity with Hereticks whose service he made use of They likewise knew he had many strong towns of his own and that he would be supported by the counsels and wealths of forrein Princes And he himself was partly incouraged by his inclination to the Hereticks to favour which party he was at home perswaded by his wife his brother and his friends abroad by great Persons partly out of hatred first to Granvel afterwards to the Duke of Alva alwayes to the Spaniards especially because despairing of the Kings favour he hardly saw any place left for drawing back his hand when he had cast the Die partly by the opportunity of Command which from all quarters was offered to him Upon these motives he wholly revolted to them for whose defence he had the colour of protecting their Liberties with abundant matter of feeding his own hopes And thus what neither the Prince of Orange nor any Generall whatsoever could have done without a routiny of the People nor a mutiny of the People without a Generall was effected by a conspiracy of both a sudden flame of Rebellion breaking out which afterwards continued a long fire of Warr equally pernicious to the Conquerours and the conquered Wherefore to give you a full View of all at once it is very considerable whether Misfortunes succeed or meet And as by the conjunction of starrs ill winds they say are generated so questionless there is a conjuncture of evils in the destruction of Men and Kingdoms The sudden inundation of Heresie the peoples dislike of the Spanish souldiers the Multiplication of Bishops the Revival of the Emperours Edicts with the punishment of Delinquents the defeated hopes of the Nobility Granvels greatness at Court because they all happened together easily raised those tumults and troubles Nevertheless all were not of one Quality for many of them seemed honester Pretences then the rest but two of them did the business Heresie and Ambition though going under other Names borrowing elsewhere their occasions and beginnings For the Hereticks having made the People theirs pretended the Priviledges of the Low-countreys and lest the Dutchess of Parma their Governess should oppresse them they put themselves under the Protection of the Nobility These gudgeons were greedily swallowed by many some set on by Poverty more by their Repulses and Affronts most by the Power of Granvel Nothing could therefore advantage them but troubles wherein they should receive Pay from the Hereticks and Imployment from the Governess and by that means Granvels Power would decay for want of Action The peoples contumacy thus increasing with their strength they despised Government terrified the Cities with seditious tumults and immediately after in many places violated and robbed the Churches Lastly in some places were discovered evident signes of subjects intending a Revolt which was now set a foot And thus much I have discovered of the Originall of the Low-countrey Tumults which before the departure of the Dutchess of Parma out of the Netherlands being laid and almost extinguished revived again farre more fatally in the Government of the Duke of Alva whilst their Abettor the Prince of Orange took opportunity of the peoples falling into rebellion but not likely to hold out long without a General and upon their open defection from their Prince he long opposed the Spanish forces as their General Wherein how much the Spanish erred in pressing unseasonable remedies or the Low-countrey men in disobeying their Sovereigne I had rather you should gather out of the Narration of things themselves then out of the arguments and partiall disputes of an Historian The End of the second Book The Historie of the LOW-COUNTREY WARRES The third Book THe new Governess took care in the first place to send away the Spanish souldiers For the Provinces complained as I have shewed you that the four moneths were past wherein the King promised to free the Low-countreys of forrein souldiers and yet they were kept in Garrison but the Dutchess of Parma had put it off so long because she most confided in the valour and faith of the old souldiers if any troubles should arise at home by the contagious example of their neighbours that were together by the ears about Religion Which was the cause that when the Low-countreymen denyed their Pay she her self borrowed money to supply them But the Low-countreymens complaints dayly multiplying they alledged to the Governess that the King had obliged himself in honour and her husband Octavio Duke of Parma who never liked the stop of the Spanish army in the Netherlands at his departure into Italy perswading his wife to let them go she writ letters to the King for his assent And upon the receit of money from Spain together with the Kings Commission her Excellence drew out the Garrisons from the border-towns commanding them presently to march to Ulushen and to go abroad with the first fair wind for Spain But while shipping was prepared winter coming on the Governess received an Express from the King enjoyning her not yet to send away the Spanish Garrisons but as in her discretion she thought fit to spinne out time till the King sent his absolute determination And I believe his Majesty alwayes desired their stay in the Low-countreys yet perhaps he was more moved to it by new suspicions collected out of Granvels letters who having an eye upon the actions of the Nobility made an ill construction of their eagernesse to expell the Spaniards and perhaps penetrated further into the Prince of Oranges designes But the Dutchess could not at that time obey the King by reason the hatred and quarrell between the two Nations was then irreconciliable For the Spaniards were inraged because the Low-countreymen were so violent to have them gone And the Low-countreymen vexed with new grievances were the more fierce in urging their departure So as the Zelanders in whose islands the Spaniards had lyen for a wind being now grown desperate resolved to work no more upon the sea banks but though before their eyes the water bore them down in many places yet they said they had rather have their land drowned then plundered So long since the Generall of the Ancibarians vowed to do in the same place against the Romanes Nay they professed openly in the Spaniards hearing The sea should swallow them alive ere they would set foot out of doors to hinder it as long as forrein souldiers tread upon
distracted between two factions wavering and fearing the successe of either Things being in this condition whilst King Charles made all the friends and means he could to help himself King Philip was extraordinarily carefull to dispatch away succours to his kinsman Perhaps moved by zeal to Religion perhaps solicited by his wife who trembled at her brother Charles his danger perhaps jealous of the Low-countreys lest the arms or example of the French should there prejudice his affairs Therefore having raised three thousand foot in Italy and made Iohn Anguisciola their Colonel to be commanded in chief by Imbertus Platerius Bordillon Lieutenant Generall for the King of Spain in Piemont and dispatching as many more from Spain by the way of Navarre he writes to his sister Margaret Governess of the Low-countreys presently to choose two thousand horse out of the Low-countrey Militia to march against the French Rebells and if the Queen or the Guises shall desire more men to furnish them The Governess reading the Kings letters at the Counsel board observed that all the Lords were against sending assistance to the French The Prince of Orange and Count Egmont argued that the horse was maintained by the Provinces for a guard to the Low-countreys and to that end they were at first ordained Therefore to carry them out of the Low-countreys the Provinces must give their consent but that would be a work of time and exposed to much danger now especially when the Low-countreys wanted additionall forces and ought not to have their own taken from them But they had perhaps a higher Consideration For it was believed at the instigation of the Prince of Conde some German Princes had threatned their neighbours the Low-countreymen if they assisted the Guises enemies to the new Religion they in defence of the Cause would bring an armie into the Low-countreys Nor do I think it unlikely that both the Prince of Conde attempted it and the Germans undertook it For on the one part the Prince of Condes faction was much troubled about the raising of those forces in the Low-countreys as appears by a book then published and sent by the Spanish Embassadour Cantonet with letters to his brother Granvel wherein they give the Hereticks many reasons why the King of Spain should not assist the Catholicks in France On the other part the Governess by an Express to his Majestie informs him That the Low-countrey men either terrified by the Germans or out of some other cowardly considerations would hardly nay could by no means be drawn to give order for the horse to march into France and threatned mischief if they went In which letter she seems to touch what I have here mentioned the cause of their dissent And she her self either despairing that the Provinces would let them go or believing they could not be well spared from the Low-countreys equally endangered by a war from Germany and an Insurrection at home pressed the business more remissely at the Councel Table When on the sudden came an Express from the King wherein the Governess was not a little chid for her delay and commanded without further consultation immediately to send away the Horse She anxious how she might obey his Majesty in that particular by the advice of Granvel changed the name not substance of the Kings desires demanding money instead of men Which being granted she presently returned it into France to the Queen-wother and signified to King Philip the reason of her so doing Not onely because she knew money would be far welcomer then men to the Queen according as she her self formerly intimated and after the receit confirmed but likewise for fear the Governess should loose both her endeavours and authority in pressing the Low-countrey men to that which she found by experience was not to be obtained or if it were obtained would be disadvantageous That she feared the Low-countreys now their hearts were down and that in Tournay and Valencena were begun no inconsiderable stirrs about Religion and no doubt but they would encrease if the seditious once saw the Low-countreys left naked without defence of their Horse Lastly for that some by their Place were to conduct the Horse whose faith she might very well suspect it seemed to be no less dangerous to trust them with Arms then to shew a diffidence in them by choosing other officers The King received rather then approved the condition of the money which the States had granted and sending fifteen hundred horse out of Spain to the Queen-mother which the Governess was to pay he strengthened the Catholicks in Franc● But before these succours came the King of Navarre the Guise and Momorancy had taken Roan from the Prince of Condes men The King himself though dangerously shot lying upon his bed in a kind of Chariot was triumphantly brought into the Citie But a few dayes after his wounds bleeding afresh in the same sepulchre with himself he buried his hopes of the Kingdome of Sardinia which he had kept alive till his last gasp to the great good of the Catholicks Nor was the War prosecuted with lesse care Momorancy commanding in Chief both Armies exceedingly increasing For with the Kings forces were joyned 6000 foot sent from King Philip and the fifteen hundred Horse formerly mentioned And near to Dreux a Town in Normandy they fought a battel with great courage on both sides The Prince of Conde and Momorancy both the Generals were taken prisoners and above ten thousand men slain the Victory at last fell to the King but with more honour then joy Such fatall wars issued from the liberty given to the Hereticks and cherished by the ambition of the Lords But these miseries of the French which I have related for to that end I have related them brought the same mischief upon the Low-countreys as any man will easily perceive that hath leasure to compare the practises of Hereticks in both Nations and the differences of either Court the names of Hugonots and Gueses raised in their severall tumults The Cardinal of Lorain answering to Cardinal Granvel the Queen-mother of France to the Dutchess of Parma in the Low-countreys the like conspiracy of the Nobility the like Edicts of their Princes the plunder of Cities and Churches not to be distinguished all things in both Countreys almost the very same as springing from the self-same Causes save onely that the War was more suddenly begun by the French and more obstinately pursued by the Low-countrey men The first Low-countrey Towns that followed the example of the French were their next neighbours Tournay Lisle and Valencena which by their sudden motions plainly signified the subsequent ruine of the Netherlands For in October the year before two French Calvinist preachers in the same night the one at Valencena the other at Tournay openly before a great assembly in the Market-place delivered their new Gospel and when they had done
Philip whilst all the Nobility were in exspectation of the imployment the Dutchess made choice of Philip Croy Duke of Arescot not because he was bred up in Germany with Charles the fifth as she declared her self at the Consult and therefore was likely to be well received by his brother Ferdinand But because he was an enemie to the Prince of Orange his faction she honoured him with that Embassage that others might follow his example on like hopes of honour Yet the Prince of Orange resolved to be present at the Dyet as a private man pretending business with the Elector of Saxonie about his wifes portion and with the Emperour concerning his Estate And though the Governess would not without the Kings consent approve of his journey yet he departed in such hast as he would not tarry till his wife was brought a bed Who three dayes after was delivered of a daughter that was christened by her appointment with the ceremonies of the Church to the great satisfaction of the Governess Montiny having twice had audience of his Majestie prepared for his return and when he took leave the King whilst he commended to his care the state of the Low-countreys as it were upon occasion of discourse began to fift him and charged him by his faith and sinceritie virtues he had found in him to deal plainly what he thought was the cause of those Grievances and Heart-burnings of so many in the Low-countreys Montiny though he said he knew nothing whereof his Majesty had not been long since informed yet as farre as he could conjecture the reasons partly proceeded from the new Bishops put upon the Provinces without the consent or privity of their Governours therefore the people believed they intended to bring in the Spanish Inquisition partly out of the hatred conceived against Cardinall Granvel from the highest to the lowest so implacably that it was to be feared that at one time or other it would ingage the people in an insurrection The King replyed that all this was indeed known to him but that he admired the Low-countreymen could be moved with such vain rumours For seriously no other cause brought him to augment the number of the Bishops but onely the necessity of his people and the Councell of his father Charles the fifth And that was not concluded so secretly or suddenly as the Marquess of Bergen could tell him who had given his advice therein and commended his design when he waited on the King into England at his Marriage with Queen Mary And that for his own part it never entered into his mind by that adjunction of Bishops to impose the Spanish Inquisition upon the Low-countreys Nor had Cardinall Granvel ever perswaded him to do it or was so much as acquainted with that purpose of his Majesty till he sent Francis Sonnius his Embassadour to Rome He likewise assured him they were much deceived that hated the Cardinall as conceiving him by private information to asperse the Lords for he did never attempt it neither had his Majestie himself at any time discovered in Granvel any malicious inclinations which if he should hereafter find in him or any other of his ministers of State he never should indure them But howsoever he hoped shortly to be in the Low-countreys and then to satisfie both his own person and the Provinces desires Montiny thus dismissed by the King returned to Bruxels in December and reading to the Councel his letters which contained the Kings pleasure for settling the intricacies of the Exchecquer for assistance in future to be sent to Charles King of France and specially for defence of Religion he added of himself many arguments of the Kings affection towards the Low-countreys but to little purpose For in Montinies absence they had conceived still greater jealousies The Prince of Orange and some others reasoned against the promises made by the Embassadour for they rather trusted their own reall or to justifie their discontents pretended intelligence from their private friends in the Court of Spain then the professions made either by King Philip or his sister Their indignation was augmented because Montiny told them the French accounted them Patrons of the Hugonots About which scandall they passionately expostulated with the Governess affirming it was onely forged in the Cardinals work-house The Dutchess declared her self of a contrary opinion and shewed them it was rather invented by the French hereticks and rebells who to advance the authority of their faction would have the ignorant believe the Low-countrey Nobility were of the same sect To conclude they being more and more exasperated because the Governess would not displace their Competitour that feared not their plots or envie but proposing to himself onely the Kings favour respected this Iove alone despising the other petty Gods as if a man could be onely struck with a thunderbolt and could not be killed by the hand of a common souldier or that Ioves lightning were not fed by the baser elements the Prince of Orange and Count Egmont particularly agreed to write letters to the King against Granvel in the name of all though all were not consenting perhaps because the Governess had formerly scattered among them seeds of dissention perhaps some of the Lords therefore differed in opinion because they were not chief of the Conspiracy Indeed the Duke of Areschot pressed by Count Egmont as they were hunting to joyn with the rest denied to set his hand against the Cardinall or to prescribe the King how he ought to use his servants and it proceeded so farre that at last the Duke concluded he would receive the Law neither from Count Egmont nor the Prince of Orange to neither of which he thought himself or his family inferiour The Counts of Aremberg and Barlamont then present were much troubled at the accident and lest it might come to more then words turned the discourse to another subject Nor was there lesse heat between Count Aremberg and the Prince of Orange upon the same occasion Of both which passages the Governess certified the King But though by these Lords example and for private reasons many withdrew from the conspiracy Yet were letters directed to the King signed by Count Egmont the Prince of Orange and Count Horn a Copy whereof which the King afterwards sent to the Dutchess I give you verbatim out of the French Originall Sir We are infinitely sorry that we are at this present inforced to presse upon your Majesties great affairs but as well the account of our service which we ought to give as the mischief undoubtedly impending will not suffer us longer to be silent especially because we hope this our intimation as free from any passion will be received by your Majesty so graciously and with such remembrance of us as we your affectionate servants have indeavoured to deserve We likewise beseech your Majesties pardon if we write later then the exigence
I should not at last by making new examples punish their perfidiousnesse imboldened by my too much Lenity and by force of Armes which through your valour I may easily effect endeavour to destroy these Enemies and Rebells sometimes bringing in Heresie to raise Tumults sometimes plotting to take Armes and breaking into open Hostility Courage therefore Beavor for I have chosen thee to revenge this Treason to Majesty Divine and Humane And since it is necessary to be speedily at Ostervell take thy Commission and be gone fight with Tholouse whose tumultuary Forces without opposition plunder the Country terrible only to such as entertaine them Be sure that pitty move thee not to give them quarter upon any termes but those wicked men that have committed unpardonable Villanies do thou without pause or mercy destroy with fire and sword Having thus instructed the Generall her Excellence commanded him to take out of the Garrison of Bruxells 300. Musketteres and joyne to them the Flanders Horse lately called back from Wallacron under the command of Valentine Pardieu Lord of Mott with the Foot companies of the Counts Aremberge and Barlamont Besides she gave him many of her owne Life-Guard and enjoyned him with this Army to march against Tholouse The Prince of Orange that governed Antwerp imagining what the Governesse would doe had tooke order the day before Beavor came to Ostervell that the Bridge between that and Antwerp should be broken lest the Gheuses sallying out of Antwerp should help the Tholousians as he signified to the Governesse by Marius Carduin or more probably lest to succour Beavor the Bridge should give passage to the Catholiques whose cause he could not desert nor would defend Also by his command the next day all the ports of Antwerp were shut the Citizens wondring what should be his reason when on the suddaine hearing the thunder of Cannon hard by the Towne they ran to the wals and saw a Battaile fought at Ostervell They knew the Ensignes of both Armies displayed alongst the River side and almost heard the cryes both of those that charged and fell Nor did all the Towne behold that Martiall Scene with the same wishes but shouted according to their severall inclinations with divers kinds of clamour as if they had been upon a Stage sometimes chearefully incouraging their Partie sometimes doubtfull and crying shame upon them they shooke their hands and moved their bodies as if they themselves were really in the Feild striking or avoyding Blowes Till the routed Tholousians fled For Beavor had been so quick in his march that comming upon them before they could well arme themselves and repaire to their Colours they had scarce time to put their men in Order of Battaile Yet for a while they stood At first their number imboldened them and at last their Houses and Fortifications saved them But those being fired part of them were burnt in their owne dwellings some few slaine in the Field but the most forced to leap in the River and either drowned or as they swam shot in the backs Tholouse himselfe despairing of Releife or Pardon tooke a Barne and was there burnt There fell at this Battaile the first that was fought with the Low-country Rebells 1500. of the Gheuses About 300. were taken prisoners and all put to the Sword by Beavors command because it was conceived the Antwerpers would sally out and assist the Remainder of their conquered Friends And indeed when the Calvinists saw their Brethren routed and put to flight for it troubled not the Lutherans who hate Calvinists farre more then they doe Catholiques presently taking up Armes they marched directly to the Bridge to succour their distressed Party But when they found the Bridge broken downe and saw the Ports shut up they ran through the Streets as if they had been drunke and cryed Arme Arme. And in foure houres space 14000. men were come together having neither any certaine Generall nor resolution whether to make way through the Ports or turne their fury upon those that kept them in They say Tholouse his Wife in Antwerp helped forward this combustion For understanding the Defeate and Danger of her Husband his Death as yet she knew not almost out of her wits she ranne about the Towne howling and crying to the Calvinsts for Assistance or Revenge And now the Prince of Orange with Count Hochstrat meeting these furious Rebells doubted not by the Majesty of his presence and their great opinion of him easily ro quiet this Distemper and began to give them reasons why the Bridge was broke for feare the conquering Army having a Party within the Towne should make themselves Masters of it But the rest of his words were drowned with hideous cryes and Railings They called him Traytour to the Cause and then he found by experience that Majesty without strength is not safe among the incensed multitude Nay one of those Calvinisticall Rogues set a Pistoll to the Prince his brest as if he would give fire upon him so much dares the basest Rascall animated by his contagious Fellowes The Prince of Orange therefore thought it well for the present if he could get off for the number boldnesse of the Calvinists increased And now seizing upon the Merian Bridge and taking the Cannon out of the Magazine they drew them upon their carriages and planted them against the Court resolving to set up a new Magistrate madly and barbarously proclaiming that all the Clergie and Religious should be turned out of the Towne Nor lesse active on the other part was the Prince of Orange who taught by his late danger commanded sixe Companies of the Garrison Souldiers to guard the Pi●zza and the Mint and drawing after him a huge sort of Lutherans joyned them to the Catholiques whereof no lesse then 8000 had armed themselves The Catholiques and Lutherans formed into a Body with Colours flying marched to the Pallace of Justice and there made a Stand ready to defend it if the Calvinists should attempt any thing and these as if they would fight came on and presenting their Muskets seemed to expect the word When the Prince of Orange attended by all the Senate and a strong Guard of Souldiers came to the Calvinists and with a commanding countenance advised them to lay down Armes if they had any Demands to make they might be more easily obtained without Tumult if they did otherwise he swore he would be a perpetuall Enemy to the name of Calvin Whereat the Calvinists seeming to be dismayed submitted as if it were in Honour to the Prince when indeed they found themselves much too weak for the Catholique and Lutheran Forces to which the Italian and Spanish Merchants flocked in great numbers armed fearing they should finally be plundered by the Calvinists who had either to that end begun the Tumult or at least would so conclude Therefore Hostages being given and received on both sides the Calvinists upon
certaine conditions which both they and the Prince of Orange took their Oaths to see observed for the present laid downe Armes which notwithstanding were shortly taken up againe both by the Calvinists and Lutherans when they heard of the Siege and Danger of Valenciens occasioned in this manner Among the towns that after the Church Robberyes refused to submit unto authority one was Valenciens animated by a strong faction of Hereticks and by their owne nature being like the rest of the people of Haynolt impatient of Subiection insomuch as they have a proud Proverb that Haynolt is only subiect to God and the Sun And they were the freer because of their Vicinity to France which being considered the Valencenians were ever ruled with a gentler hand but with a more attentiue eye The Governesse was very fearefull lest the French if they stirred at that time might first lay hold vpon this key to the frontiers especially because they knew that one Grange of Narbon a Calvinist Minister by his French Lectures had now confounded all in Valenciens and much increased the commerce betweene the Valencenians and the French The Governesse having many times written to the Magistrate about it at last when she found her selfe strong enough she sent an expresse commanding him to receiue a Garrison into the Towne of those men commanded by Philip Norcarmius of St Aldegund Lieuetenant Governour of Haynolt for the Marquesse of Bergen then Ambassadour in Spaine And that by these Souldiers nothing was intended but the Authority of the Magistrate and Concord of the People Norcarmius coming to the Towne in the Evening was met by Commissioners from the Magistrate of Valenciens affirming they had ever beene and ever would be faithfull to the King and to the Governesse withall they demanded how many men he would quarter in in the towne desiring him to be contented with as few as might be But in the morning at the time when they had promised to receiue his Garrison new commissioners came from the Burghers and told him that by the industry of the Hereticks running all night from house to house the People had changed their minds were resolved not to admit the Garrison and to write their Reasons for it to the Governesse But Norcarmius terribly offended with that Inconstancy and affront departed threatning Ruine to the City Their Messengers he carried away Prisoners but because that was against the Law of Nations four dayes after he sent them back by command from the Governesse And indeed the Towne presented her Excellence their Reasons for not admitting a Garrison of Norcarmius his men as well because they feared he would Vse them cruelly and like Enemyes by reason of his different Religion as likewise they were perswaded that Garrison was to have come in without the consents of the Prince of Orange Count Egmont Horne and Hochstrate But if those foure Lords would ingage for the Security of the Towne it should immediately submit This touched Egmont to the quick who of the foure was only present when these Letters were read in Senate he therfore professed that he and his Collegues had greivous Iniury done them by these men But the Governesse thought her selfe most iniuried her Power being looked upon as inferiour to the Authority of these Lords Therefore implacably offended she resolved to revenge this Scorne and no longer expecting the kings Presence sent for Norcarmius and Cressonerius an excellent Engineere determining by their advise to lay speedy S●ege to Valenciens appointing Commanders and giving Order for all necessaryes By Norcarmius she sent a Letter writt in the Stile of Anger briefe and decretory to be delivered to the Magistrate before he should at●acque the Towne wherein she commanded the Valencenians in the Kings name immediately to receiue foure Troopes of Horse and as many companies of Foote yeilding Obedience to Norcarmius Governour of their province which if they refused to doe she declared them Enemies to their King and Country They obstinately stood out and therefore by the Kings Edict were proscribed and their Goods confiscated The Reasons of this Proceeding the Governesse wrote severally to the Provinces That she had often admonished the Valencenians not to suffer the Hereticks co●trary to her agreement with the Covenanters to possesse themselves of Catholique Churches and to preach within the City nor to protect the Heads of the Conspiracy especially Grange and his Companion five yeares before condemned at Tournay if they could not doe it of themselves then to receive a Garrison from Norcarmius to that end but they contemning both these Proposalls SHE in the King● name declared them Tratours and besieged them to bring downe their pride Commanding upon paine of death that no one either with Advise Armes money or otherwise should presume to assist them or goe armed within their Liberties or be present at any of their Meetings and that whosoever should doe the contrary did it against his King and Country This Newes troubled the whole Faction of the Gheuses and because it much concerned them to incourage their Friends in such an Exigent presently Letters were directed from the Consistories of diverse Cities to the Valencenians bidding them be resolute and fearelesse for shortly the besieged should be relieved and the besiegers called away to quench a fire kindled in another place Nor were these vaine Brags for a few dayes after not farre from Tournay 4000 of the Gheuses tooke the Field Vnder the command of Sorean Their Designe was to take L'isle the chiefe City of French Flanders They were put vpon it by certaine Consistorian Merchants great rich men and dwellers in that City The Plot was so laid that vpon a day when Maximilian Rassinghem Governour of L'isle must necessarily be out of Towne the calvinists should goe as they were accustomed to their Sermons in the Fields and in their Returne the Souldiers of Tournay should come in mingled among them the Merchants undertaking to have an eye upon the Citizens of L'isle that they did not in their Comming back shut the Gates against them In the meane time to keep Rassinghem away some Foote Companyes of the Towne of Armenter had Orders to plunder the Country about Lisle The Governesse having intelligence of the whole Designe writt in good time to Norcarmius Lying before Valenciens with part of his Forces to oppose the enemyes Practice first acquainting the Governour of Lisle with his advance Rassinghem had already heard of the Souldiers of Armenter and without further delay chusing out 150 Foot and about 50 Dragoones fought with them neare the Village of Waterloch The Armenterians were 300 and odd most of them fresh water Souldiers with a Captaine more ignorant then themselves one Cornelius a Calvinist Minister that from a Smith was become a Preacher and from a Preacher a Souldier Nor did he then
with any more skill handle his Armes then he used to do his Text. For at the very first Charge being frighted relinquishing his men this hare in a Helmet fled out of the Field Two hundred and thirty of his Disciples were slaine and presently stripped of their armes leaving Rassinghem Victorious without bloud Who with his Triumphant Souldiers laded with the Spoiles of the enemy entering into Lisle the newes of that sudden execution made the feare of the City greater then his honour by the Defeat of such an inconsiderable Enemy Their consistoriall Counsell was therefore now at their witts end and the Souldiers of Tournay hearing of the Armentarians Overthrow retreated from Lisle to Lanoy which shutting their Gates against them their Generall Sorean indeavouring to take the Towne gave Norcarmius time to overtake him But before Norcarmius came vp Rassinghem vnderstanding by the Armenterian Prisoners that the Gheuses of Tournay were marching towards him raising as many of the Country as he could upon the suddaine resolved instantly to fall upon them not imagining that Norcarmius besieging Valenciens had the same Designe And it fortuned that Rassinghem sending out some Scouts as the manner is to discover the strength and motion of the enemy they fell vpon the like number of Horse sent by Norcarmius to the same intent and as night and suspicion doses the mind either Partly mistaking their fellowes for the enemy fired upon one another and one or two being shot retired frighting and affrighted While this Accident held Rassinghem in suspense Norcarmius by other meanes understanding the Enemy to be neere Lanoy presently marched thither and going to order his men for a Bataille her perceiued the Gheuses too weake for the open Feild by little and little fell backe into the lanes trenched with Ditches and bulwarkt with Woods Wherefore he sent thither three Companyes of musketteers with some Pikes mixed among them which he him selfe followed with the Horse The Gheuses stood the first Charge indifferent stoutly and shot off some small Field-Pieces that guarded the mouth of the Lanes Nay thought many fel they filled vp their places with fresh men without much Difficulty taking the Advantage of those Straits beat back the Norcarmians But at last the Avenue being opened by the Pikes the Horse and Foote breaking in they gaue back were routed fled and in the Flight more Dangerous then in the Battaile were killed like sacrificed Beasts A few with their Generall Sorean but dividing themselues escaped through the woods Norcarmius with the Losse of only six men having taken nine of the Enemyes Colours twentie Field-Pieces and two Barrells of Powder though it best to follow the Opportunity and to march with his men now fleshed and desirous of Victory up to the Walls of Tournay and sending a Trumpet to the Towne commanded them in the name of the Governesse to receive a Garrison of his men if they denyed or paused he would use his Victorious Armes The Townsmen hearing by such as fled out of the Battaile that their Army was defeated being struck with the suddaine and armed Summons of Norcarmius the Conquerour at their Gates and Feare within their hearts depriving them both of time and reason for consulting they yielded to mercy He entered the Towne triumphantly and forthwith disarmed the people sending Souldiers from House to House which he did afterwards through all the Signiory of Tournay that tooke away their Armes and carryed them to the Magazine Then he imprisoned the Incendiaryes and restored the Bishop and Clergy to their Honour and Authority Lastly he put downe the Consistoryes and prohibited all such kind of Meetings the common Forges of Sedition thereby absolutely disinabling the Hereticall Faction in that City This done by Command from the Governesse he made Iohn Croy Count of Reuse Leiutenant-Governour of Tournay for Montiny who was yet in Spaine soe leaving eight Foot Companyes in the Towne besides 450 Garrison Souldiers in the Fort he returned to the Siege of Valenciens and was ready to storme it when the Governesse should command But she being to consult the King presently after the render of Tournay with the Newes of the Victory writt to his Maiesty her Resolution to take Valenciens by assault because the beseiged adding Obstinacy to Rebellion had made diverse Sallyes out of the Towne and beate vp the Quarters of his Maiestyes men as in Contempt of the King His Maiesty though he disliked not the Siege yet intimated that he should have better liked noe Siege now since it was gone soe farre it concerned his Honour to continue it but it likewise concerned his clemency and Affection to his Subjects to forbeare the Battery of the Towne a●d putting them to the Sword lest the fury of the Souldiers should destroy the Innocent together with the guilty The Governesse should therefore try all wayes to win the besieged to yield without fighting which was feizible witnesse the example of Tournay But if the Rebells stubbornesse could not be broken but only by Armes his Majesty would not have the Town stormed before his pleasure was known and two Regiments come out of Germany But these cautions were given to no purpose the besieged growing every day more obstinat Therfore the Governesse commanded Norcarmius to make his approches neerer to look more narrowly unto the cutting off all Victua●l and commerce and to present his Cannon and Army as prepared for a generall Assault so by frighting and wearying the Enemy to spinne out time till the German Regiments should arrive commanded by Oberstein and Scouwenberg She likewise writ to the King that Mercy was fruitlesse that she and the Senate thought it necessary before they were better fortified or relieved to take the Towne which Norcarmius was of Opinion might be effected in eight dayes and that Delay would be dangerous lest the Gheuses being inraged all over the Low-Countryes and upon the Borders of France might have time to raise an Army But all this moved not the KING who dispatched back his Adviso with more then ordinary speed that they should hold off and rather take the Towne by Feare then by the Sword perhaps starved and wearyed they might yield yet if there was no remedy but to force them which he must leave to their Iudgement that were upon the Place then he would have these commands principally observed First that raising their Batteries and planting their Cannon they should prove them with the●● Preparations and Fore-runners of a Storme leaving them in the meane time some space of Repentance Then if they yielded not they should storme the Towne and do the Duty of Souldiers but yet forbeare to do execution not only upon Children Old-men and Women but that no Citizen whatsoever should be killed in cold bloud The Governesse well weighing this letter though she knew it was more mercifull then
any man or plunder of any house though the Wealth of the Towne was a great Temptation their Contumacy meriting Destruction The Generall went to their Court and first according to his Instructions disarmed the Townsmen and tooke from the City their Cannon which were 50 and all the rest of their Munition Then he caused Inquiry to be made for the Boutefeu's and Ringleaders of the Rebellion with the Hereticall Preachers and immediately laid 36 Principall rebels by the Heels but could not take any one Minister for they were slipt out of the Towne though the Ports had presently been shut up or guarded with Souldiers but being apprehended at St Amands they were brought back and committed to prison Afterwards the Citisens were beheaded their Teachers and some of their Souldiers hanged Lastly the Magistrates and Treasures and all other publique Officers were removed from their places their Charter and Priviledges forfeited till the King pleased to restore them The Governesse writing all these Particulars to the King and annexing a List of the Commanders and Souldiers Names that had done most gallant Service in the Siege humbly craved Leave to remunerate their Valour and Fidelity out of Delinquents Estates that the Souldiers might reap the Fruit of their Victory and Modesty and others be taught their duty Valenciens being in this manner settled and all consecrated Places restored to their pious Vses the Bishop of Arras likewise sent for out of Artois and eight Companyes charged vpon the Towne that He might keep the people in the feare of God and they in Obedience to the King it was wonderfull to see what a glorious name Norcarmius had got and what an alteration it made among the Rebels and Hereticks of all degrees when they heard Valenciens was taken insomuch as it was commonly reported that in this one Town were found the keyes of all the other Cityes In the meane while her Excellence receiving a new expresse signifying that Ferdinand of Toledo Duke of Alva was to come a little before his Majesty Whilst in the Lowcountryes all went as well as she could wish she thought it best to press what she had long since designed a Protestation from the Magistrates and all Officers of Peace and Warre wherein they should sweare without exception to obey any that should bee appointed in the Kings name Which she did not to sound any ones mind for she could well distinguish the Kings Friends and Enemyes nor in hope to oblige the Vnfaithfull which she knew was not to be done by any Tye but that shee might with lesse envy displace such men as should refuse the Oath or put them to death if they broke their Faith by which meanes the King at his coming might finde all parts of the Lowcountryes pacifyed The Governesse set this afoote in the begining of the yeare and acquainting the Senate with it told them she would take it as a speciall Service if the Lords would give Example which the rest would easily follow The first that Voted for it and promised to take the Oath was Peter Ernest Count Mansfeldt then the Duke of Areschott and the Counts Egmont Mela and Barlamont who afterwards performed what they then promised But Henry Brederod whom the Governesse by expresse Messengers and afterwards by Letters vrged to take this Oath of Allegeance as he that was both the Kings Subject and a Commander under him of a 100 horse of those 1400 raised for the Saftety of the Provinces a great while kept off at last because he was commanded to lay downe his Commission complaining that he was unworthily and injuriously dealt with refused the Oath and sent back the Horse The Oath was likewise refused but with more Civility by the Counts Hochstrat and Horne because they said they had sworne their Allegeance some yeares before and that they hoped was sufficient Hochstrat was at Antwerp Lieutenant Governour there for the Prince of Orange who was then in Holland and from this City gave Orders for Machlin whereof he was Governour in his owne right Therefore her Excellence that had long had an eye upon Hotchstrat as a man not to be trusted gave away the Government of Machlin●o ●o the Lord Semer one that was sound in Religion and Fidelity and wrote to Hochstrat how she had provided for that City which the Gheuses having lately had a plott upon it required a Governour that should be there resident Hochstrat as if he Vnderstood not the Governesses Anger lest he should seeme likewise sensible of his owne Offence in his Answer gave her infinite thanks that she had then eased him of that burden only whether he should lay down his Commission before the Senate of Machlin or by Letter signify so much unto them he expected her Highnesses Commands and if she further pleased to substitute another at Antwerp in absence of the Prince of Orange he should take that also for a speciall Favour But writing to Count Mansfeldt he layd aside dissimulation For when the Governesse had returned that she better liked his writing to the Machliners about the Resignation of his Government that Count Mansfeldt at the same time wrote him a Letter to the same effect counselling Hochstrat as his Kinsman for they were married to two Sis●ers of the Momorancyes Hochstrat to Elionor and Mansfeldt to Mary by all meanes to pacify the Governesse he answered jeeringly That he was much bound to him who having so many Imployments whereby he much eased the Dutchesse in her Government could yet descend so farre as to thinke of his poor Kinsman and to Vouchsafe him his Advise which Advise notwithstanding he needed not knowing well enough what was to be done In the meane time he joyed him of those great Imployments which shortly would be increased beyond his ambition by the coming of so many Whelps out of Spaine and Italy The businesse with the Prince of Orange went slowlyer on and with more trouble For he refusing the Oath among other Passages wrote to the Governesse that she would please to appoint a Governour for Holland Zeland and Burgundy since he understood it was the King●s Pleasure that he should resigne This held the Governesse in Suspense because she was not willing he sould declare himselfe an Enemy before she had sufficient Forces to subdue him She therefore sent to Antwerp Iohn Baptista Bertius her Secretary that found the Prince of Orange onely imployed about his private Occasions and having presented his Letters of Credence from the Governesse He made it appeare by many Arguments that the Prince of Orange's determination to resigne his Commands could not be approved either by the Governesse or any of the Lords not only because it would be disadvantageous to the Lowcountryes and dishonourable to the Prince of Orange himselfe but likewise because such kind of Governements confer'd by the
but likewise from all the Calvinists of France as from a Plantation of Geneva especially from the Prince of Conde Head of the Faction Who g●ad of that Occasion to make Levies promised and sent Assistance to Geneva under the Command of Mombrune And the Prince himselfe with Gaspar Colligny began their publique Musters in France pretēding to King Charles a feare the Spaniards that accounted them as Enemies had a designe to take them unprepared Nay they would have perswaded the King to raise an Army and not let slip such an Opportunity as fairer could not be to revenge himselfe of a Nation that ever hated France It was true that the Spanish Army both for the Goodnesse of Souldiers and Noblenesse of Commanders was a most select and considerable one yet in their passage through the Straits and over the Mountaines on the one side by the French on the other by the Geneveses and Swisse they might easily be distressed and cut off And then all King Philip's Spanish and Italian Forces being overthrowne as it was not to be doubted but either a way might be opened to recover Millaine left naked of old Souldiers or it was but marching into the Lowcountreys and that people willingly would receiue the French to whose Armes they must acknowledge themselves obliged for their delivery from the Spanish But if neither of these Projects tooke effect yet certainely for many years a warre was not to be feared from those that having lost such an army could not in a long time recruite The Prince of Conde added that if it would please the King to raise forces for that warre he would bring his Maiesty 50000 men Thus under a specious colour for the publick safety they offered his Maiesty the Army which they had privately designed for their Rebellion like true Hugonots who call that the Kings Security which is indeed his Captivity But the French King knowing what they aymed at lest by provoking a Potent Prince he might at one time be ingaged in a Forreine and Civill Warre replyed it was neither agreable to the Honour nor Valour of the French to circumvent a King neare to him in Affinity and Freindship But to secure his Kingdome from the Spaniards in their March he would giue Order for the raising of a new Army Withall he signified to King Philip the Condition of his Civill Discords by reason whereof he could not promise Security to his Forces if they came And now the Duke of Alva transported in the Galleys of Andrea Doria and Cosmo Duke of Florence with his new Spanish Souldiers that were to supply the old Italian Garrisons arrived at Millaine where falling into a Feauer he was forced to remaine At which time upon notice of the Army which the Duke of Alva was to bring into the Lowcountryes and that the King himself would follow for so it was reported the Governesse endeavoured to disswade his Maiesty from coming in a Warlike manner which would be of no use but to imbroile the Provinces againe That the Lowcountreys were at present in a peaceable condition returned to their Religion and Obedience nor wanted they strength and Men by which as this Condition was acquired so it might be preserued and increased by the King's presence if he came alone but if he brought a new and mighty Army what would it import but great Expences to the King and noe lesse Poverty to the Lowcountryes Vpon the very Rumour of a forreine Army diverse Tradesmen and Merchants familyes were now departed and when they heard of the Armyes nearer Approcahes more would leave the Country because they knew there would be noe Trading in a time of Warre and yet they must pay Sessments and great Taxes for maintaining Souldiers Besides the Feare of the People that cannot but thinke these Forces to be their Executioners the indignation of the Nobility whose good Service in quieting the late Commotions would seeme to be slighted and the certaine Relapse of the Place into Heresy that would returne into the Lowcountreys with a Lutheran Army out of Germany and which out of the premisses she prophetically concluded it would cause by that inexpiable Hatred antipathy betweene the two Nations a bloudy Civill Warre for many Ages Wherefore she earnestly beseeched his Majesty that laying aside this unseasonable Designe of Armes he would come peaceably into the Provinces more like a father then a King and that by his presence and Wisdome he would add to these happy Beginnings what was only desirable Continuation This Letter the Governesse sent by an Extraordinary Gaspar Robley Lord of Bill and Governour of Philipvill that being presented by a person of Honour it might have more Authority with the King But it neuer moved him who replyed his Army should come into the Lowcountreys for no other End but to establish peace And this was writ to the Governesse in the King's name by Rui Gomez a Sylva Prince of Ebolo who likewise sent her Excellence Newes of the Marquesse of Bergen's Death which happened in the Kings Absence from Madrid Iohn Glimèe Marquesse of Bergen Op Zoom a City in the farthest part of Brabant was the last yeare sent from the Low-countreys into Spaine with Florence Momorancy Lord of Montin nor was his Embassy very well received the King being excessively inraged at the Violation of their Churches and Defection of their Cityes Therefore the Marquesse begging leave to returne very often but still in vaine because the Governesse had privately advised the King not let the Embassadours goe so long as the Troubles lasted when he had now sufficiently discovered the Plot upon him both by his Delayes at Court and his mock-hopes as if he should every day returne into the Low-countryes with the King weary of the Imployment and struck with the Duke of Alva's being chosen Generall he fell sick and despairing of his Recovery sent for the Prince of Ebolo his old Friend to whom they say he grievously complained of the King and prayed he would deliver to his Majesty these words from a dying man that should no more speake for himselfe That it much grieved him not only to have no value put upon the many painefull services hee had done but likewise to see himselfe suspected and looked upon as an Enemy yet he hoped that his Fidelity and the perfidiousnesse and calumn●es of his Maligners would once though too late appeare A while after having settled all worldly businesse on the one and twentieth of May he dyed some say poysoned as if no man frowned upon by his Prince could dye a naturall death For my part I meane not to affirme it otherwise then as a Conjecture He was equally beloved by Charles the fifth and his Son Philip from him he received the title of Marquesse this for his gallant Service at Saint Quintin chose him out of all the Low-countrey-Lords to go over with him into
fifth perceived when after the Resignment of his Kingdomes returning out of the Lowcountryes into Spaine he grieved exceedingly to see the Nature and Education of his Grandchild then but eleuen yeares old But King Philip having tryed many Remedyes at last made experience of the Vniversity of Alcala sending his Son Charles thither accompained with Don Iohn of Austria and Alexander Farneze Prince of Parma in hope that conversing with such a confluence of learned men as his body by the change of ayre so his mind might recover by the change of Company but Prince Charles being removed from his Father not from himselfe the sicknesse of his mind altered not with the Place but somewhat increased by an accident for falling form a high Ladder he pitched upon his Head and hurt his braine so dangerously as the Physicians despairing of his life they were ready to lay him out when the Body of the blessed Didacus being brought into his Chamber as he was a dying King Philip who had come post from Madrid vowed that if the already beatified Didacus recovered the Prince he would be an earnest Suiter to the Pope to give him the title of Saint Whereupon immediately beyond all expectation he was restored to life But this wrought no cure upon the Manners of the phantastique youth altogether differing from his Father Which made King Philip more harsh towards him and the Prince better pleased with any thing then his Fathers Sight This Aversenesse grew as the Prince did and the King dayly more offended and distrustfull of his Son from time to time put off the Match concluded beweene Prince Charles and the emperour Maximilian●s Daughter forbidding him to meddle with Affayres of State in that point of time when the Prince thought it but a modest Ambition for a youth of twentie two to expect the Crown From hence sprung his Hatred to his Father's Favourites and Counsellours which he thought were Spyes over him and told all he did to the King advising his Majesty to deferre the Match and to lay Commands upon him not to act in publique businesse for which hee somtimes threatened them with Revenge From hence likewise sprung his Favour and Patronage of such as hee knew had offended his Father and were by him deserted especially the Low-countrymen whose Embassadours the Marquesse of Bergen and the Lord Montiny were very gratious with him and often privately called into his Bedchamber and it is reported he defended their Cause more passionately then became him making them a Promise that he would himselfe goe into the Low-countreys to settle those Provinces And whereas the Governesse formerly complained to the King that many Letters of high concernement written to his Majesty in Spaine were returned into the Low-countreys to their hands against whom they were written I thinke it not improbable that it might proceed from that Familiarity betwene the Prince and the Low-country-Embassadours Sure I am when the Duke of Alva being to goe for the Low-countreys tooke his leaue at Court and came to kisse the Prince's Hand his Highnesse cast a terrible frown upon him and replyed No man should go thither but himselfe And when Alva said that he was sent before by the King to quiet the Tumults raised in the Lowcountreys where it was not safe to venture the Heire apparent to the Crowne The Prince in a rage drew his Dagger saying I will prevent thy Iourney The Duke hardly declined the Blow and when he saw the furious youth strike at him againe grasped him hard betwene his Armes in the posture of a suppliant kneeling and beseeching him not to offer Violence to an old and faithfull Servant but still notwithstanding his youth and fury the Duke held his Hands till the noise of their Strugling brought in the Waiters that were but on the other side the Hangings then the Prince withdrew From this time he resolved whether his Father would or no to passe into the Low-countreys and from thence to Germany to his Mistris acquainting his vncle Don Iohn of Austria and two others with his Resolution earnestly desiring them to go along Don Iohn shewing him how difficult it was and indeed impossible to be effected when he saw his perswasions wrought not and found the Prince obstinately bent upon the voiage imagining the King would know it by some other to whom the rash inconsiderate youth would impart his Counsell he himselfe ingaged the King by the Discovery fearing if he kept it secret he might be held accessary to the Princes Flight The King commending Don Iohn's Fidelity and being informed of his Son's Intention by many others and lastly by Raymont De Tassis his Majesty's Principall Secretary hearing that he had layed Horses at severall Stages for the Speeding of his Iourney remained in a sad suspence yet before he would fix his resolution his Majesty commanded Prayers and Supplcations to be made in all Churches of the Towne and desired the Advise of certaine great learned men well knowne unto him The Opinion of Martin Azpilcueta Doctour of Nav●rre the famous Casuist for this of all the rest I have only seene was briefely that the King could not without grievous sinne neglect the safety of his Kingdome but it would be neglected if he permitted the Prince to go away who afarre off and therefore more confidently and and publiquely handying against his Father would distract the Kingdome into Factions and Partyes just as it hapned to Charles the seventh of France upon the difference betweene him and his Son Lewis when he fled into Burgundy But the Father was put out of his doubts by his Sons hast who as Raymond brought word had appointed the next day for his Departure Therefore the King would no longer deliberate but taking a long the Prince of Ebora the Duke of Feria and two others about tewlve a clock at night entred his Son's Bedchamber who was fast asleepe and taking away his Sword which he had laid under his Pillow ba●e him rise immediately and blaming him that having frustrated so many gentle Remedies used by his Father he had forced him to a sharper course but more seasonable for his Son he opened his Cabinets and tooke out his papers discharged his old Servants and gave the Prince in custody to some of his owne chusing And now the unfortunate Prince who but a while since was continually waited on by the Lords and Grandees of Spaine striving to kisse his Hand seeing himselfe guarded by a few men and those Enemies that observed his words his looks and almost dived into his Thoughts after six Months when he found his Father not moved with Embassages in his behalfe from the Princes of Europe and Petitions presented from his own Kingdomes falling into a Sicknesse caused partly by an obstinate Refusall of his Meate partly by his sometimes intemperate eating and drinking Wine too much cooled in Snow
on to discover the Enemy that lay three miles from the Towne At his returne leaving the Duke of Brunswick to keep the City by day-breake for it was time to be quick he marched against the Enemy His Foot were almost 12000 his Horse 3000 most of his Captaines and Officers old Souldiers and Commanders Nassau had as many Foot but was weaker in Horse and hearing of the Duke's Approach had retreated six miles and intrenched himselfe with suddaine workes cast up in a watrish Ground The Duke followed him and commanded Gaspar Robbley Lord of Bill to take 1200 Spanish and Wallon Musketteers and Dragoones and fall upon the Campe at two severall Quarters not so much in hope to beate them out of their Trenches as to try their Strength and hold them play till Cressonerius brought up the Cannon But such was the Fury of the Musketteers or rather such was the Cowardice of the Enemy especially being puzzled with a Mutiny of the Germans that running away on both sides from their Cannon they stroue who should fly fastest The rest firing their Carriages retired and many while they retreated observing no Order nor Command either sunke with their Horses in the Bogges and ditches or basely casting away their Armes were trampled upon by such as followed the Chase. Above 300 of them were slaine of the King's men but nine and doubtlesse the Execution had been greater if the Duke had not sounded a Retreat fearing lest in that darke weather his Souldiers by an errour not to be repaired might be ingaged in blind cosening holes and pits which the Countrey was every where full of But five dayes after his Excellence compleated his Victory For commanding Caesar Davalo Brother to the Marquesse of Piscario and Curtius Comes Martinengo with some Horse to chase the Fugitives he himselfe with his Army returned to the Groine about one a clock at night and before it was day the Duke that could not sleepe out an opportunity marched againe into the Field and on the 21. of Iuly pursued the Enemy Nassau made a halt in the entrance of West Friezland at the Village of Geming between the Bay of Dullart and the River Ems at his back he had Embden a City that tooke part with him from whence by the River Ems he might expect provisions and his Brother the Prince of Orange coming out of Germany About him were many Marshes and the way so confused by reason of the water that it frighted the pursuers Only on his Front amidst the low and sinking mudd there was one passage upon the top of a strong Banke that over looked the swelling Billowes and ran directly into the Campe and Village which a venue was made inaccessible by ten pieces of Cannon planted in the mouth of it Thus had he chosen and guarded the place where he incamped But feare can never be sufficiently intrenched Their feare was increased by a second Mutiny of the Germans that began to be seditious before their former losse For when divers Companies of theirs because they were not payed came about Nassau's Tent railing and crying that some of their Countrey-men were ready to die for hunger having in two dayes space not eaten a bit of bread and therefore threatned to go over to the enemy Iustus Schouwenberg promising that next day they should have foure French-crownes a man the mutiny was quieted but this money the Duke as I said falling so suddainly upon them could not be paied the Souldiers therefore in their stand at Geming after their flight claimed promise and mutined more fiercely which the Duke understanding from the Prisoners taken and the newes being purposely divulged through the Army so inflamed the Souldiers courages that almost all the Captaines with great contest which Nation should be honoured with the Service begged leave to fall upon their Cannon the greatest danger of the Warre The Company of Lopez Figueroa that Marched on the Duke 's left hand when he led the Army along the River Banke was commanded to try their Fortune the most whereof were armed with those huge Muskets that hardly could be managed upon Rests which as we said formerly were first brought in use for Field-Service by the Duke of Alva And whilst the Duke made shew as if he would charge the Enemy in the Front covering his men from their Cannon with Gabions or baskets filled with earth in the meane time keeping them in play with some light Assaults they that were to attempt the Cannon falling upon their knees and powring out their prayers to God which they repeated after Figueroa remarkeable for his devotion to the Mother of God waded through the Mud and Water and came upon the Flane of the sleep hill where the Cannon was planted Few at first guarded the place as that which secured it selfe presently fresh men coming in to help their Fellowes after a sharpe conflict they tooke the Cannon and opened the only Avenue by which the Spanish Army could march up to Nassau This advantage being close followed by the Duke he sent men that not only tooke their Campe and beat them out of their Workes and Trenches but that in their Flight along the higher and lower grounds as farre as the River Ems for six houres together did execution upon them for as Hubert a Valle that was present at the Battaile wrote to Margaret of Austria never men fought either with greater Cowardice or stubbornesse if it were a Fight and not rather a meere Slaughter Many of the Germans throwing their Armes to the Ground as if they meant to strike were killed so much the sooner Many were swallowed in the Bogges and Fennes into which they crowded and thrust one another as they ran Many were cut to pieces offering their backs to the Sword as guilty slaves doe to the Whippe But the greatest part were drowned in the River Ems whereinto they leaped though they could not swim and were loaded with their Armes which immediately sunke them Onely a few good Swimmers made sport to the Spanish Army that from the banke-side shot them with their Muskets like so many Ducks They say those that accidentally sailed in the Bay of Dullart seeing such abundance of Montero's swimming downe the water for the Sea that ebbes and flowes at certaine houres when it was low water drew away from the River the Spoiles of the dead bodies knew that a Battaile had been fought and great execution done in the adjoyning Fields and by the fashion of the Montero's much differing from other mens hatts and worne by the German Souldiers instead of Helmets they supposed the Spaniard to be Master of the Field By which meanes when the messenger presently dispatched from the Duke of Alva came to the Groine beyond all expectation and Faith he found the Towne already acquainted with the newes the Merchants and Mariners having told them of the victory
thither in hope of plunder that within lesse then 4. Months in the Port of Vlushing lay a Fleete ready rigged and manned of a 100. 50. sayle which made diverse bold Attempts upon Townes and Shippes of the Spanish party wherewith in ten yeares space during which time they had many Sea-sights the Hollanders were but once overcome to be for ever after Conquerours as the Spanish Historians themselves affirme So that it seemes these were but prelusory Victoryes by which at this time the Hollanders Strength by Sea exceedingly increased Thus at last the water brought forth this new Common-wealth Ambition being the Mother Heresy the Midwife and Terrour like Thunder making her fall in Labour before her time Truly when this last Occasion of Rebellion was controverted the Bishop of Namure writing to Margaret Dutchesse of Parma concludes that the tenth and twentieth part was the price wherewith the Prince of Orange purchased the Maritime Provinces and his new Principality But in this so thick and suddaine a Defection of Cityes though the newes of losse upon losse extreamely vext the Duke of Alva for in Zupthen Overysell Gelderland and Friezland the Successe of the Prince of Oranges Kinsman William Count Bergen was no lesse fortunate the Cityes and Townes there being partly taken by storme partly submitting out of Affection or Feare Yet whilst the Duke of Alva only thought of keeping out the French and prepared against a Land-Winde not against a storm from Sea nothing more amazed him then to heart that Lewis of Nassau had taken Mons the chiefe City of Haynolt by the assistance of the French because he doubted this was the beginning of a war which it was cōmonly reported Charles K. of France perswaded by Lewis of Nassau and Gaspar Colligny had designed against the Low-countreys For King Charles having concluded a Peace with the Hugonots and received the greatest of their Faction into his Favour and Grace at Court suffered himselfe as it was said to be overruled by the Admirall Gaspar Coligny so farr as to send forces into the Low-countreys to assist the Nassaus And now the Drum was beat for them in France and because Colligny was to be Generall by the Kings appointment he invited to Paris the Flower of the Hereticall Nobility under pretence of doing honour to the King of Nauarre at his marriage with the King of France his Sister but indeed hoping to strengthen himselfe by the accesse of those Lords diverse of which and those the subtillest of the Faction were loth to trust themselves in the Kings power and wondered that Coligny who a few yeares before when the King sent for him to Court returned answer that in France there was no Count Egmonts should now with so much confidence come in person and be the Decoy to bring his fellowes to the Royall City and into the King's hands Notwithstanding the Admirall because he saw Mons taken by the French the Peace with Spaine broken and a Peace for that end concluded with the Queene of England not doubting but the designed warre would follow raised as many forces as he could possibly get among the German P. laboured to undermine the faith of the Low-countrey L. by a certaine Instrument of his tryed to corrupt Alva's Campe-Master Vitelli promising him the place of greatest honour and benefit in the French Army if he would in time come over and serve the King of France ready now to possesse himselfe of the Lowcountreys And And after his first Repulse when Coligny sent againe and shewed himselfe as impudent a Buyer of anothers faith as he was a Seller of his owne Vitelli inraged at the receipt of more Letters by the fame Messenger in his presence sealed as they were threw them into the fire and bad him get out of his sight and carry back that Action for an Answer to the Admirall his Master The Duke of Alva informed by Vitelli and advertised from the Spanish Embassadour in France of the Designes and hourely proceedings of the Hereticks at Paris though he could not at first believe the King of France to be an enemy being privy as some write to the King's Plot against the Hereticks yet hearing of the losse of Mons he thought it best to confide in the King no longer therefore neglecting the Warre from Sea he sent his Son Federico and Chiapino Vitelli with part of his forces before to besiege Mons he himselfe with the rest of his Army resolving immediately to follow When Federico came neare the Towne some commanded French Horse sallyed out lest the Spaniard should sit downe without resistance Indeed they conceived it a punctillo of honour to give the Enemy proofe of their valour before they be coopt up within Walles works Though in that skirmish Vitelli was shot in the left Thigh which was no little grief to the King's men yet they lodged the Army in the place he had appointed The next day after they had intrenched themselves they found in their quarters certaine Women of Mons that came under colour of selling herbes to discover the strength and resolutions of the Spaniards All which by Federico's Order had their petticoates cut off above the knee a military punishment wherewith the Spanish use to shame that Sex not unlike the old custome of the Ammonites and being first carried through the Campe and laught at they were with this Disgrace sent back to Mons. A while after the Monastery D'espine which was fortified by the Towne in regard of the neare distance was twice assaulted by the Spaniards who at last after hot dispute beate out the Garison and tooke it The Admirall this while omitted no endeavours to relieve the besieged listing Horse and Foot upon the Borders and appointing for their Commander in chiefe as he said by order from the King Iohn Hangest Lord of Ienlis Brother to Francis de Ienlis lately slaine Who though advised by a letter sent post from Lewis of Nassau not to fight till the Prince of Orange was joyned with him impatient of Delay and of a partner that must share the honour of delivering the Besieged and being incouraged by the cheerefulnesse of his Army consisting of six or seven thousand at St. Gislen not farre from the Towne besieged with more Valour then Discretion he gave Battaile to Duke Federico who omitting no duty of an Active Generall defated him with the losse of almost all his men That day the boldnesse of Vitelli was admired who not being as yet cured of his wound and neither able to go nor stand neverthelesse could not be perswaded to keep his Tent but made himselfe be carried upon a hand-barrow which he saw by chance and so sitting ordered the battaile with the Generall Federico planted the Ambuscadoes and did all that belonged to the Campe-Master's place Then appearing in the head of the Army among
they call the States till it should be otherwise ordered by the King who for some time doubted whether he should allow that form of Goverment or no. For Gregory the thirteenth who had mutually agreed with King Philip to assist the Queen of Scots then a Prisoner being to nominate a Generall for that expedition for it was undertaken in the Popes not the Kings name lest it might distast the Rivalls of the Spanish Greatnesse his Holinesse made choice of Don Iohn of Austria famous for Sea victories And therefore advised the King by Ormanetti who was trusted in the transaction of that businesse to send his Brother into the Low-countreys wanting at that time a Governour who would be in great esteem with the Low countrey men that honoured the memory of his Father Charles the fifth and might from thence passe with a Fleet into England where he if any man might exspect success He likewise articled with King Philip that the Queen of Scots if it pleased God they freed her from captivity should be married to Don Iohn with the Kingdome of England for her dowry which would be a fair title to the Island for the House of Austria to ground a Warre upon The King disliked it not though he more approved of the Expedition then of the Generall but instantly resolved and promised the Nuncio to send his brother into the Low-countreys But his Majestie thought it not amisse to protract his Brothers going for a while that he might see how the Low-countreymen would govern the Low-countreys moved hereunto by Ioachim Opper a Low-countrey man his Secretary for the Netherlands who delivered his opinion that the Low-countrey Lords would no doubt be infinitely carefull of the Common-wealth and would now themselves apply to the evill that remedie for which they had so often solicited the King Who by confiding in them would for ever oblige the hearts of the Low-countrey men Especially in that his Majestie well knew the Principall Senatours Duke Areschot the Counts Mansfeldt and Barlamont and the President of the Senate himself Viglius Zuichom were men of most undoubted Religion and Loyaltie But to govern by a Committee that I may not accuse the Kings prudence from the event was then unseasonable For in the most troubled State the most present remedy is for one man to rule Truly this indulgence of the Prince did more hurt to the Low-countreys then all his severity as appeared by the immediate ruine of the Provinces For the people freed from a Spanish Governour would not acknowledge a new one in the Senate or rather greatly feared not a power divided and diminished among many And the Lords despised the government of their Peers and easily deluded their discordant Votes and Orders Some enemies to the Spaniard desirous of revenge fomented this difference of the Lords especially the Burgesses for Brabant and Haynolt whom Requesenes had larely called to Bruxells For these as they were chosen under-hand by means of the Prince of Orange in regard of the Authority wherewith those Provinces intrusted them hugely distracted the Senate And though both parties pretended the Kings name and cause yet their Designes and Counsels were so different that some of them were vulgarly called Spaniards others Patriots or Protectours of their Countrey And as the word Countrey infinitely takes the People with a counterfeit and deceiving image of Libertie it was not to be doubted but in case of a Warre the major part of the Low-countrey-men would adhere unto this party Nor was occasion long wanting to mature the mischief For when they had taken Ziriczee after Requesenes his death the Germans and Spaniards clamouring for their pay for that Island had afforded very little money it was resolved on by the Senate for easing the Low-countreys of the burden of forrein Souldiers to pay and cashiere the regiment of Hannibal Count de Altempse because there having lately been a breach between him and the Governour of Antwerp Frederick Perenot Lord of Campin about the Garrison it was feared lest publick mischief might ensue In the mean time the Spaniards that took Ziriczee under Colonell Mondragonio when they saw themselves passed by and the many moneths pay which was promised them issued out to others interpreting not falsely as some said that it was done out of malice to their Nation and they thereby necessitated to an Insurrection First as if he looked not into their business they threatned Mondragonio then hearing of the complaints made in the Senate of Bruxels by Count Altempse who publickly affirmed that he was casheired not for any danger to the Town of Antwerp nor with relation to his fouldiers importunity for pay which he himself a fortnight longer was able to have satisfied but only by the subtilty spleen of the Lord Campin that excluded souldiers faithfull to the King and so weakning the Spanish partie intended to betray the citie to the Prince of Orange Whereupon the Spaniards troubled at the publick danger and the more exasperated by their private injury in regard they demanded but what was due to their extraordinary labours and unprendented courage in wading through the sea seized upon their Captains and chose themselves a Generall in Mondragonio's place Whereto they were animated by the example of the horse and recruited by the accession of Valdez his Regiment They sent letters therefore to the Senate at Bruxels threatningly petitioning for their money Nor did the Senate deny it the major part being Royallists But the Burgesfes of Hoynolt and Brabant long since bought as I said with the Prince of Oranges money interceded in the name of their Provinces pretending publick necessitie And whilst the Senate partly affrighted with their protestations partly intangled in crosse votes deferred their payment the Spaniards thinking their menaces contemned took up their Colours in furie crying Away for Brabant And having left Ziricze guarded with a few Wallons quitting Schelt and Duveland Islands they had conquered with so much glory to their Nation they ran up and down Brabant threatning but not resolved upon any determinate design the Cities generally trembling and in amazement exspecting where that storm would fall But having first rejected the conditions which Count Mansfeldt meeting them near Asc brought from the Senate then sending away Iuliano Romero who for the same cause came from the Spaniards without so much as hearing him speak afterward shaking their swords and presenting their muskets against Francisco Montesdocha they commanded him to come no nearer and lastly on a sudden possessed themselves of Aelst a town in Flanders not farre from Bruxels hanging the King Officer that opposed them before the Gates openly professing they meant to keep Aelst as a pledge till their Arrears were paid When this news came to Bruxels with addition but false that they had plundered the Town and put the People to the sword the minds
discharge of forreiners for the Obedience which they formerly shewed to the Dutchesse of Parma questionlesse they will not now deny to you and to the King himself But when the Spaniards shall be dismissed if there be danger the Low-countreymen solicited by the Prince of Orange may soon forget this Act of Grace shall we therefore conclude that we must necessarily be circumvented by their fraud and oppressed by their arms Are not the Loyall Provinces able to sustain the first charge of an insurrection till Forces can be sent for out of Burgundy had at hand and out of Germany not farre off And then we have so much more reason to look for good successe by how much we shall be assisted with a more powerfull armie sent from the King in defence of his own commands and we may with more justice punish the perfidious Rebels Wherefore in a word I deny not but the forrein souldiers whether retained or dismissed may somewhat indanger us but when I see on the one side a certain warre and the Kings certain displeasure no help and on the other that you are offered the possession of the Government hope of quieting the Low-countreys the Kings favour and assistance and consequently if a warre should break forth that which would much conduce to victorie I think in point of discretion this ought to be preferred before the contrarie Don Iohn though he was very unwilling to forgo his Spanish forces a greater secret then I have yet discovered won him to consent For if he by keeping them should have interrupted the peace of the Low-countreys which his Majestie had particularly recommended to him he might well suspect it would be whispered in the Kings ear open to such kind of jealousies that by laying the plot for a warre he was ambitious of new power and greater fortunes Besides he longed exceedingly for the voyage into England which if he were ingaged in the Low-countrey war he knew would slip out of his hands Withall he took it for granted that the Low-countreymens hearts alienated by the Warres and Taxes of former Governours might by contrary arts be reconciled Therefore according to mans nature thinking himself and his winning carriage would be more prevalent then any stratagem of the Enemie and coveting what others could not get in the Low-countreys the title of Peace-maker he resolved to allow the assembly at Gant and to sign their conditions Especially because he conceived that he should sufficiently provide for Religion and the Crown forasmuch as the league concluded in these words We the Delegates of the Estates whose names are under-written and by whose authority the Estates are now assembled have do promise for ever to maintain the League for the conservation of our most sacred faith and the Romane Catholick Religion for the perfecting of the pacification of Gant For the expulsion of the Spaniards and their Adherents due Obedience to the Kings Majestie being still and for ever rendered Notwithstanding he asked the opinions of the profoundest schollars whether by those heads which he gave them accurately to examine the orthodox faith or the Kings honour might receive any prejudice And when they resolved him no danger could accrue to either in case this clause were added That nothing in those Articles or any part thereof was established or decreed contrary to the Catholick Religion and the Kings Authority Don Iohn confirmed by their judgements sent their advice and the Bishops letters to the same effect unto his Majestie Who consenting and likewise the Emperour Rodolph Bishop of Liege and Duke of Cleveland by their Embassadours swearing to it a new Pacification called the perpetuall league was made at Marcha a Citie in the Province of Luxemburg Wherein by Don Iohns Agents the dismission of the Spaniards and the whole pacification of Gant was confirmed and by the Deputies of the Estates a caution for constancie to Religion and the Kings obedience which they had formerly sworn for ever to continue was again expressely inserted And now Don Iohn after he had caused the pacification to be proclaimed first at Bruxels then at Antwerp and in other Cities set forth from Luxemburg being met upon the way by the Low-countrey Lords with an infinite number of the Gentrie and at Lovain in the beginning of March he was saluted with a generall joy Governour of the Low-countreys There he thought fit to make some stay that he might from thence quicken the dull motion of the Spaniards departure For they held it a grievous injury to be upon a sudden at the pleasure of the Low-countreymen dispossessed of so many Forts and Garrison towns as they had in so long a time purchased with their bloud Moreover many of them having lived divers years in the Low-countreys being possessed of land and having married wives of that Nation by whom they had children were brought then by degrees to love the place like Natives Nor wa● ted they some Mutineirs that cryed out Was that cashiering a just reward for their labours and so much bloud as they had spent in Service must their gaping Soars their losse of Limbs and their crackt Sinews in stead of Rest and Accommodation be recompensed with their Countreymens ingratefull oblivion or neglect however with the publick hate and execration of the Dutch what would the French the Italians and other Nations say but that the Spanish Souldiers could be suffered to live no where Sixteen years ago the Governesse Margaret of Austria had turned them out of the Low-countreys and now this Governour Don John of Austria had again expelled them with so much the greater dishonour by how much there was then a fairer pretence for the Kings sending them into Africa to recrueit his Armie But now plainly by publick Edict they who alone in the Low-countreys had maintained the Kings Right were now forsooth declared Enemies to the King and the Low-countreys and by a common confederation of the Provinces expelled as if Peace and a Spaniard could not inhabite there together Thus they discoursed though discontentedly not threatningly yet furie as the custome is by meeting others and communicating their Grievances increased the nearer the day of their departure came grief making them still more sensible of their condition the more obstinate they shewed themselves especially at Antwerp where their number and late victory had so elevated them as there was little hope they would easily deliver up the Fort. But the care of the vigilant Commanders and Reverence to the Royall bloud among the loyall Regiments trained in the old Discipline prevailed so much that by degrees the love of Obedience returned and Iuan Escovedo a very prudent man sent post to Antwerp by Don Iohn appeased the Mutiniers with an apposite Oration For after he had read the Kings letters wherein the Spaniards were commanded to depart the Low-countreys beginning with
of terrour and therefore sufficiently formidable to that very day were now turned into these great Gunns that he might though absent for ever terrifie the Low-countreys The City of Gant with no lesse alacrity forthwith followed the example of Antwerp so did Utrecht Lisle Valenciens and other Towns which slighting their Forts as if they had shaken off the yoke of servitude kept the Festivall of their new recovered Libertie These actions because they tended to a Rebellion of the People and which more troubled some to the too high advancement of the Prince of Orange his power divers of the Lords yet loyall to the King especially Duke Areschott by reason of the old differences between him and the Prince of Orange spake of choosing a new Governour of the Low-countreys pretending it would strengthen the Estates by accession of greater forces but meaning when the Ruart was out of Commission whom the Nobility with much unwillingness obeyed to balance the Authority of their new Prince And when some named the Queen of England some Francis Hercules Duke of Alen●on Brother to the King of France others Matthias Arch-duke of Austria the Emperour Rodolph's brother the Catholicks excepted against Her as an heretick and one that would govern them by a Lieutenant The Duke of Alen●on ●on by reason of the constant enmity between the Low-countrey men and the French was not by many so much desired as the Archduke who being of the House of Austria would not so much offend King Philip unlesse some pitched upon the Archduke onely to engage the House of Austria in a Warr among themselves Embassadours to this purpose being sent to Vienna easily perswaded the young Archduke to what he longed for and stealing him away by night with a few in his train brought him sooner then could be imagined into Brabant without the privity of the Emperour Rodolph who as soon as he knew it sent post after him to stop his flight and afterwards wrote Letters to disswade him but in vain from his designe I have likewise heard from good hands that the Emperour was very angry with his brother Maximilian because he had not in time acquainted him of this Plot imparted unto him by the Archduke though Maximilian excused himself because his Brother made him take an Oath that he should not reveal the Secret that night discovered to him unto any man living till the next day at evening But for all this the Emperour escaped not the censure of some that made a farre other construction of the Arch-duke's flight Truly at that very time many men suspected the sending of this youth to govern the Netherlands to be designed that by occasion of this patronage the Low-countreys might come at last to be the Patrimony of the Germane House of Austria a point which Bartholameo Comes Portia the Popes Legate to the Emperour grounding his discourse upon this suspicion argued with some Germane Lords And Don Iohn himself seemed to doubt the Emperours intention For writing to Alexander Farneze Prince of Parma among other passages he sayes Yesterday one brought me Letters from the Emperour wherein he tells me of his brothers departure as he suspects for the Low-countreys without either his Privitie or Allowance Indeed it is a thing that troubles me not a little For though I am not ignorant that it was last year attempted by the Estates yet I could never perswade my self that either the Arch-duke would undertake it or that his Mother the Empresse and the Emperour his Brother would give their assents Howbeit I wonder not so much at the Empresse-Dowager who I believe knew nothing at all of the Designe but am rather grieved on her behalf and fear that her sonne 's levity will much afflict her What I should think of the Emperour I cannot yet resolve because when he knew there was such a businesse in agitation He was so far from preventing it that he never so m●ch as like a kinsman sent word of it to the King For mine own part as soon as ever I hear the Arch-duke sets his foot in the Low-countreys I will seriously desire him as I think it concerus both our interests not to joyn nor engage with the Estates If he refuse I shall justly repute him for an Enemie But the Arch-duke was now come into the Netherlands though not yet declared their Governour For the Estates and the Prince of Orange being not sufficiently consulted in the businesse purposely delayed it very busie about preparing conditions to be offered unto the Arch-duke and finally proposing no fewer then thirty one whereby they tied his hands and onely allowing him the honour of precedencie laid the foundation of such a popular Goverment as the Low-countrey men had of old when dividing the administration with their King they did govern and were governed To these conditions when both Catholicks and Hereticks being joyned in a new League had bound themselves by Oath the Arch-duke Matthias first at Antwerp afterwards at Bruxels with great publick joy Shows and Revels was saluted Governour of the Low-countreys And the Prince of Orange his party prevailed so farre that he was added to the Arch-duke not yet one and twenty years of age and a stranger to the Low-countrey affairs that under the name of his Lieutenant he might be indeed his Governour The first Act of the new Government was to purge the House of Lords and discharge all those Senatours that were held ill affected to the Estates choosing new ones in their places which immediately pronounced all Don Iohn of Austra's adherents enemies to their Countrey Soon after the same sentence passed against Don Iohn himself unlesse he departed the Low-countr●ys Lastly by the same Senate and the Deputies of the Estates an Oath was framed wherein both the Clergie and Laity should swear to obey the Arch-duke Matthias supream Governour of the Low-countreys and 〈◊〉 defend 〈◊〉 with their Lives and 〈◊〉 till another were created by the King and the Estates but to oppose Don John of Austria as an enemie This Law being passed and in some places in a manner forced entrapped many of the Nobilitie and ruin'd some At Antwerp they began with the Fathers of the Societie because their authoritie being great in the citie it was thought if they acknowledged the Arch duke others might be invited by their example or if they did not frighted by their punishment The Hereticks exceedingly pressed it not doubting but the Fathers whose constancie they had alwayes hated but now wished upon such an occasion which they commonly turned to their honour would in the mean time be banished the Low-countreys William Hese undertook it and meeting Father Baldwin ab Angelo Provinciall of the Iesuites in the Low-countreys advised him to take the Oath in the name of the Societie He who knew that Oath was formed by Hereticks against the
day having made divers breaches in the Castle he gave orders for an assault which proved the stronger by reason of the emulation between severall Nations The Germans under Count Megen he commanded to march in the middle right against the Port on the right hand the Spaniards on the left the Lovainers under the Colonells Mondragonio and Samblemont Some companies of Wallons were also ordered to bring scaling-ladders which they when the signe was given should fasten to the contrary part of the wall for diverting the enemie Then the word going about and the souldiers animated not so much with hope of glory or plunder great matters being never exspected from a little Town as with fury at their preposterous confidence and the shame it would be if the victorious Army were said to stick at Sichem both parties fought most gallantly and while these not daunted at the death of such as fell close by them ran up the walls those standing upon their ruins hindred them from climing by the interposition of their bodies the event for a while was dubious but the Spaniards having lost two Captains such furie and indignation possessed them to be so affronted that anger whetting their courage they made the Defendants turn their backs and from their quarter entred first the Town Likewise in other places the Townsmen being no longer able to resist and hearing the Wallons scaled the walls on the other side terrified with this rumour all at once quitted their Posts And the Town-souldiers laying down their Arms most of them yielded But some of the Garrison in the close of the evening they were about two hundred suddenly got into the Castle Others almost an hundred and fiftie stealing away in the night out at the breaches fell upon the Horse for that purpose placed by Alexander Farneze beyond the River and were all to a man cut off The Pillage of the Town as he threatned the enemy Prince Alexander gave his souldiers not permitting them to injure the women and preserving by his presence the Houses of consecrated Virgins He put the town to their choice of Mercie or the Sword according as they yielded or stood out Nothing now remained but the Castle secured onely by the stubbornness of the Defendants which stubbornness was fomented by a hope that the town-port being dammed up they could raise no Battery whereon to plant Cannon and consequently neither could the Castle be battered nor they themselves forced to surrender in so short a time but that Relief might come from Diestem The besieged were also favoured by the Spaniards want of Pioners and workmen to dig and bank But Prince Alexander's dexteritie overcame all difficulties For causing all the iron in the camp to be brought forth and looking upon the great Commanders round about him he himself first broke the earth presently by his example the noblest of them with emulous alacritie in conclusion the Captains and Common souldiers who at first seemed to disdain the work followed it with such eagerness as that verie night though wearied with the day's fight in four hours space they not onely levelled the earth-work on this side the Port but cast it up again within the Town planting upon it their battery against the Castle But the next morning when they in the Castle saw the new sconce and thereon the Cannon astonished with fear and admiration they presently yielded imploring the Conquerours mercy but in vain Because they were the first that would not stoop till broken and subdued and because most of them contrary to their oath taken at the battell of Gemblac were once more in arms against the King Prince Alexander pretermitting unseasonable mercie and resolving to punish them as traytours commanded the Governour of the Fort with the principall souldiers and Boutefeues to be hanged over the Castle-walls the rest about four hundred and seventy to be put to the sword by night and cast into the River that ran below Thus revenging hostile perjurie he taught Diestem what to do by others danger And they took warning by the example For being summoned though at first they refused to submit in hope of succours from Antwerp and Lyre Yet when the Kings Horse were quartered beyond the River and had fortified some Countrey-mens houses so as they saw the enemie possessed of those parts by which they hoped relief would come and on the other side the River Batteries raised and Cannon drawn thither with admirable celeritie by their neighbours misfortune admonished not to be wise too late they rendred upon Articles themselves and their Citie to the King And Alexander Farneze that he might put a difference between their Obedience and others Contumacy used these of Diastem with all humanitie protected them and theirs not suffering so much as one house to be plundred But the souldiers about three hundred most of them Wallons with their Arms and Baggage not their Colours marching out according to Conditions the Prince of Parma by their firm and well timbred bodies making an estimate of their military hearts made it he signified to them That they might if they would be received into the Kings Pay whereto they assented and taking a new Oath to serve his Majestie had their Colours delivered them and were disposed of in the Wallon-Regiment Levia ran the fortune of Diestem which Town lying between Tienen and Diestem Prince Alexander being commanded to reduce it was the same day he attaqued it yeilded upon conditions and taking away their Colours from an hundred of the Garrison he dismissed them but another hundred swearing to be faithfull to the King he honoured with the redelivery of their Colours and gave them entertainment These three Cities being rendred in seven dayes Alexander Farneze brought back the Victorious Army to Don Iohn and marched with him to Nivell a Town in the entrance of Haynolt seated upon the skirt of Brabant which Iustus Villiers with six Colours of Foot and two Cornets of Horse kept for the States Thither Don Iohn had sent Charles Count Mansfeldt with his French Tertia who both by Battery and Assault had tried his fortune but was twice beaten from the wals rather for want of luck then courage But Don Iohn and Prince Alexander coming up with the rest of the Army the Nivellers finding themselves too weak wrote Letters to the Generall excusing the delay of their Rendition not out of contumacy towards the King or the Kings brother but in hatred to the French unto whom in regard of the ancient enmitie between the Nations they held it a dishonour to submit Whilest they treat a tumult arose in the Leaguer caused by the Germans Some companies of them had for two moneths received no pay Whereupon the souldiers took an occasion to rant and sending a Messenger to Don Iohn unless for their arrears he would give them the pillage of the Town
enough nor was it necessary his Souldiers should purchase that by other mens Consultations which shortly would be their owne by the Law of Armes Howbeit to mix Clemency with Threats he bade him tell the Limburgers that he would not deny them an houre 's Deliberation but if they dallyed any longer he would come with a Mischiefe to them and breake off their Debate The Cannon scarce left playing when a Croud of Women appeared upon the Walls with their little ones in their armes their hands lifted up to the furious Assailants and begging Peace and Pardon on their bended knees In the very same houre the Limburg-Commissioners though the Governour would have hindred it securing the Lives and Fortunes of the Townsmen and Souldiers rendred the City and Castle to the Prince of Parma All the Garrison about 1000. taking the new Oath were entertained into the King's service Only the Governour infinitely detesting the basenesse of his men was suffered with his Wife to go for Aquisgrane But Prince Alexander entring the Towne and viewing the new Fortification defensive Bulwarkes and Sconces turfed and pallisadoed stronge as Castles with all that had been done upon the place by the ingenious Engineer besides 15 great Brasse-Cannon and many lesse as also no little Magazine of Armes and Ammunition then measuring the greatnesse of his Victory he himselfe gave thanks commanding the like should be solemnly done by the Army to God the God of battailes by whose Favour a Towne of that Strength not to be taken without much paines cost and losse as 't is usuall of the best Souldiers so easily and without bloud ignorant of its owne power had yielded to him The same day the Prince of Parma appointed his great Officers to attacque the remaining Cities of that Province some one some another And all within a few dayes obeyed his Summons except Dalhem that was stormed Thither Prince Alexander sent Camillo a Monte with a Letter exhorting the Towne to returne to the King's obedience But the Souldiers of Holland and Gelderland not above two hundred and fifty which held the Castle shot at the Messenger and would by no meanes suffer a Parley or the Delivery of his Letter Upon notice hereof the Prince of Parma wondring at so much confidence in so small a Towne calling to him Henry Viennius Lord of Ceuranium Go said he to Dalhem take Cannon and shoote me a Letter into the Towne He speedily carrying along six great Gunnes with his Regiment of Burgundians and foure Colours of Germans daunted the Towne and turning his Cannon upon the Castle into which Souldiers had retreated that would soone die then yield he began a fierce but fruitlesse battery for the Walls were as stubburne as the Men and easily bafled the Cannon Till the Burgundians undertaking the Scalado set Ladders to two sides and with incredible courage fighting hand to hand upon the Walls with various successe at last with the losle of ten though many more were wounded they stormed the Castle and the Towne with such a Slaughter of the Defendants of whom not one escaped and Towns-men that no age no sex was spared but the Army long affronted and kept off poured their fury like a Torrent equally on all Where an accident hapned as sacrilegious as barbarous Into a Church for Sanctuary with the rest of her weake Sex fled a maide of about 16. yeares old Daughter to the Governour slaine in the Assault and now to be registred among the Examples of unfortunate Beauty She handsome both in her person and her Dresse was taken notice of and immediately seized by a couple of Souldiers one a German the other a Burgundian who quarrelling about the prize tugged the poor Lady in vaine objecting the Reverence due to the place and crying out for succour which was all she could to God and his Saints But while they fought she being in the middle either by chance or by the malice of him that found himselfe the weaker receiving a cruell wound in her neck all bloudy she fell downe upon the floore the other was about to have revenged it when a great sort more coming in the man lest he might lose his prize and some other should enjoy her mad with Rage struck at the maide looking about her in hope to make an escape and holding up her hands to the rest whom she thought more mercifull and with his Sword gave her a deadly cut under the Eare ready to double his blow if the Company one of which was Signior Paulo Rinaldo a confident to Prince Alexander that lifted up his voyce and sword together had not in time frighted the villaine But the two Souldiers knowing Rinaldo's Intimacy with Prince Alexander in feare of his Authority ran away Rinaldo carrying her to her Father's House with much humanity tooke care of the Lady and instantly sent for Chirurgeons to dresse her but she past all cure was scarce laid upon her bed when she gave up the Ghost leaving indeed a foule blot upon the Catholique Army which notwithstanding would have been washed out with the bloud of both the Ruffians if they condemned with the generall execration and searched for to be executed had not prevented punishment by running quite away But the PrinceS of Parma in the space of twenty dayes losing just that number of his men with so little damage recovered for the King the whole Province of Limberg a very great Addition at this time to the Royall Party not so much for the greatnesse of the Province which is indeed but little compared unto the rest as for the opportunity of keeping out the enemy which might easily by that way have come from Germany Besides the private benefit likewise accruing to the neighbour-Neighbour-Princes particularly to the Bishop of Liege and the Duke of Iuliers both which by severall Embassies congratulated Prince Alexander for the happy course of his Victories either of them giving thanks in his owne behalfe especially for the destroying or removing the Garrisons of Limburg and Diestem that daily robbed their Subjects But the newes of this Victory awakened diverse Passions in the States at Antwerp Griefe at first when they heard Limburg was taken excessive Joy when it was rumoured through the Towne and a printed Pamphlet likewise published that the Castle of Limburg the Magazine being fired was shattered to the ground the Spanish Commanders miserably and deservedly blown up the Prince of Parma Mondragonio Heirg and the other great Field-Officers buried in the Ruines and that Don Iohn of Austria was run mad upon it and resolved to make his Retreat from the Low-countreys All this appeares to be forged by the Prince of Orange that he might the easier keepe up the people's hearts dejected with the Austrian victories by making a fained since he could not make a reall Slaughter and likewise that the rest of the money
granted to him long agoe by the Arch-Duke's procurement and command now by occasion of hastning the Army against Don Iohn who had lost all his Commanders might bee speedily collected An ordinary artifice practised at this day by many that give out the quite contrary to what hath hapned partly to defraud the adverse party of the first Heate and Spring of Joy which afterward will come more languishing and perhaps intermixed as all things humane are with some improsperous Successe partly to use that short time wherein they are believed to have got the better for ordering their Affaires by a fruitfull Anticipation slighting the future shame of the lie ballanced with their present profit Yet this invention of the Prince of Orange and his Faction had some little Truth in it Newes and Money being never so adulterate but they must have a mixture of right-Mettall For the Day after the Rendition of Limburg-Castle the powder that was kept in one of the Towers fired by chance or upon designe blowing up the Walles the Stones which fell againe beate downe a great part of the Tower killed foure and those only Common Souldiers hurting six or seven One passage among the rest Prince Alexander writes to his Mother for a Miracle He had left Christophero Mondragonio with a Company of Spaniards Governour of the Castle and Towne He himselfe by God's Providence that night returned to the Campe. The Powder in the meane time tooke fire and blew up the Tower with the building round about Mondragonio's Chamber by the fall of the upper Lodgings being beaten to the ground The Souldiers in the morning when all feare of the Enemy was past ran to behold their fellowe 's fortune lamenting the fate of their valiant and Noble Commander Mondragonio that lay next the Tower A strange Story and Spectacle they finde the Seeling and Walls of the roome broken downe but so much of the floore yet left as bore up Mondragonio's bed with a Trunke standing besides it The Souldiers at once trembling and rejoycing fetcht off their Colonell safe and unhurt the Trunke which I suppose Mondragonio himselfe had drawne out of the fire and Ruines they beheld full of Reliques and consecrated Church-Plate believing that to be the Cause why the fire out of reverence proved so innocent and that the very Preservation of those holy things opportunely saved the Pious preserver This while at Namure dyed Charles Count Barlamont and Lancelot his Son Count of Megen this fell sick at the Siege of Philipvill he was old and had lived out his time whose Funeralls Don Iohn celebrated with the Sorrow of all good men Indeed Count Charles as valiantly and constantly as any Low-countreyman whatsoever both at home and abroad fought for religion and his Prince teaching the same Arts to his Children whereof the Lord of Heirg was Generall of the Traine of Artillery and Colonell of the Wallons Megen Commander of the Germans Floio Heirge's Lieutenant Colonel Altapen Captaine of a Troop of Horse in their Father's life time and after his death the first of these succeeded him in the Governement of the Province of Namure and in the Treasurership Hitherto all went prosperously with Don Iohn which struck no little feare into the Archduke and the States openly taxed the Prince of Orange as taken up with other Affaires But he was founding his Empire on the Sea-Coast of Holland whence he might extend it over Brabant To this Designe when he saw the only Rubbe was Amsterdam the richest Towne of all Holland equally faithfull to Religion and their King all his Indeavours were bent to get it either forcibly or by Stratagem and to use Force was vaine for in the end of the last yeare this City being surprized by the Orangians and they advanced as far the Market-Place the Citisens taking Armes expelled those victorious Gheuses with a great Slaughter of the Enemy not without the memorable Assistance of some Women that privately carryed a very great Gun which they mounted and discharged killing a huge sort of the Gheuses Afterwards the Town blockt up with new Forces by Sea and Land held out a long Siege till the Prince of Orange promising them free Exercise of the Catholique Religion they at last surrendred Yet he when they upon this Capitulation thought themselves secure contrary to their Articles introduced a stronge Garrison and Promoters of Heresie who causing all holy things to be defaced their Priestes to be turned out and Heresy by consequence brought in a surer Guard then any Garrison to keepe Cityes from the Spaniard he secured Amsterdam and revenged the men lost a month before at Gemblac with a long-continued Slaughter here Then designing to bring Forces out of Germany he perswaded the Archduke and the States to make a Truce for some Months with Don Iohn of Austria For Iuan Sellio was returned from Spaine sent in the Kings name to use his utmost Indeavours for a Peace and delivering Letters of this Tenure to Don Iohn passed to Antwerp where to the Deputyes of the Estates he imparted secret Commands from the King promising largely to satisfy their desires and if so be they would resume their old Religion and Loyalty to their Prince he would call Don Iohn out of the Low-countreys and substitute in his Place either Alexander Farneze Prince of Parma or the Arch-duke Ferdinand Vncle to the Emperour or else confirme the Arch-duke Matthias yet proposing like a King many other Conditions But the great Lords had their eares now luted against the sound of Peace both with the once tasted sweetnesse of the Soveraigne Authority and by many mens Perswasions That no Peace was to be hoped from the incensed Spaniard Besides their Censor the Prince of Orange was busy cavilling at the King's Promises amplifying the Spanish Tyranny the Lowcountreymens Patience and their neare approaching Liberty So as he made them answer Sellio they would presume upon the Kings proffered benignity and therefore desired till the Provinces had consulted about that Election a Cessation of Armes Sellio before he communicated the Deputy's Answer to Don Iohn discovered to Prince Alexander the King's Resolution to create him Governour of the Low-countreys and he himselfe being to treate with Don Iohn for a Cessation of Armes was earnest with the Prince of Parma to use his Power with his uncle in advancing the King's designe for Peace But Alexander Farneze refused to meddle in it professing that any Truce at present would be disadvantageous both to Religion and the King Nay in his Letter to his Father he said He should not like to be Governour of the Low-countreys upon such Conditions as Don Iohn of Austria came to it and gave the Duke these Reasons For that were said he even to be delivered into these mens hands a fettered Prisoner and prescribed a life hatefull to my selfe idle inglorious and my
Genius considered most unhappy Indeed I that find the Impulse of Nature inclines me to seeke by the Glory of Armes the Immortality of my name cannot but hope the Divine Assistance will enable me in that profession above the Common sort of men And I stand upon it the more as conceiving how much it behoves the King to suite all his Ministers with fit Imployments Nor was Don Iohn otherwise opinioned of a Truce Which in behalfe of the States being afterwards earnestly pressed by Embassadours from the Emperour Don Iohn the more earnestly denyed conjecturing by the Requesters unusuall Endeavours their Necessity And his hope was advanced by the opportune Arrivall of many in the Campe. For at the same time beyond Expectation were come from Spaine Pedro de Toledo Son to Garcia Viceroy of Sicily Lopez Figueroa that commanded a Spanish Regiment which he brought with him out of the old Garrisons of Italy and Alphonso Leva Son to Sancho Viceroy of Navarre with a hundred selected Spanish Gentlemen to whom the Brother of Alphonso Sancho Leva was Lieutenant Diego Hurtado Mendoza Alphonso's Vncle Ensigne Not long before this Gabriell Serbellonio was released from Tunis by Gregory the thirteenth in Exchange for Prisoners kept in Hardrians Tower ever since the Battaile of Lepanto an eminent Commander that both in regard of his perfect yeares and judgment in military affaires was by Don Iohn and all the Royall Party highly esteemed especially having levyed by Don Iohn's Command 2000 Italians in the Province of Millaine and brought them along with him But nothing more incouraged the Army then the returne of the Lord Bill out of Spaine sent thither by Don Iohn after the battaile of Gemblac to move his Majesty for new Supplies which he obtained For the King made Don Iohn an Exhibition of 300000. Ducats a moneth to pay 30000. Foote and 6000. Horse letting him know this was the summe he could and would spare for the Low-countrey-Warre and cutting off all hope of an enlargment To the Prince of Parma his Majesty once more offered which he commanded him to accept a yearly pension of 10000. Crownes and 2000. for his Friends and servants sending him the Arreares thereof since the day of his coming into the Low-countreys He likewise confirmed Octavio Gonzaga Generall of the Horse with a stipend of 500. Crownes per Month. Christopher Mondragonio and Francesco Verdugo Spanish Colonells had an Assignation that of 800. Crownes this of 500. and Anthonio Olivera chiefe Commissary of the Horse was to have 300. yearely Besides he gave Charles Count Mansfeldt 16000. Crownes and distributed many Donatives to others But at the same time Don Iohn understood that by orders from the King new Forces were raised in Italy for the Low-countrey-service The Governour of Millane nominating for their Commanders Alphonso Count de Somai a Millanese Vincentio Carafa Prior of Hungary a Neapolitan Pyrrho Malvezzi a Bononian and Stephano Mutino all men of quality and able Souldiers Yet it stung Don Iohn to the quick that Officers of his Army should be chosen at the pleasure of the King's Ministers Therefore dispatching away Letters to the King after his humble thanks for the Money and Men sent into the Low-countreys by his Majesty he shewed him There would be no use of more Souldiers out of Italy because he had already ordered the Counts Altempse and Polvillerio old and faithfull Commanders to bring men from the nearest parts of Germany some of which were arrived his allowance being limited could hardly maintaine the Army now raised much less that to be raised So he stopt the Levies of Italy yet in the low-countrey-Low-countrey-Army still kept afoote the once believed Report of new Italian Recruits to discourage the enemy and to animate his own forces Indeed the King's men needed no lesse Incouragement considering what preparations were made against them For an Army raised in Germany for the States had passed the Mose and was now before Nimmenghen and Duke Alencon Brother to the King of France of whom we shall speake much hereafter was with a French Army come to Mons the chiefe City of Haynolt and Iohn Casimir with a very great strength marched towards Nimmenghen through Gelderland certaine intelligence whereof was brought from all parts to Don Iohn who calling a Councell of Warre resolved to fall upon some Quarter of the Enemy and immediatly inforce them to fight But either by his delay or the Enemies expedition it hapned that the German Auxiliaries joyned with the States Army neare Lyre and Mechlin before Don Iohn could bring his men to their Colours and muster them Yet hee had lost the opportunity not the Desire of fighting especially when at another Councell of Warre he saw all the rest of the Commanders desirous of a battaile onely the Prince of Parma dissented to the generall Admiration which he himselfe observing gave his reasons in this manner and almost in these very words which he wrote into Spaine to Samaniego I see Grandees of the Warre you wonder I should not concurre as one that many have taxed of Confidence none yet of Feare you may therefore imagine I am induced by some great considerations that contrary to my custome I thus decline a Battaile Which considerations though I am better at Action then Discourse I shall in short explaine We invade an Enemy strong in number safe in their ground and conveniences for reliefe intrenched and pallisadoed by the adjoyning woods If they when we come to face them knowing themselves secure and therefore slighting us shall keepe within their Trenches by what Force by what Art can we draw them out into the Field But if we only shew our Army and having given them a sight of us retire what shall we gaine by our troublesome March hither and the leaving our Garrisons naked and consequently exposed to the danger of the French Yet their backwardnesse to fight will make them appear the weaker why rather should not our frustrated indeavours and our Retreate shew them to be invincible Besides never without losse di●●aany Army fall off and give the Word for a Retreate though never so skilfully and Souldierly But suppose the Enemy as we wish draw out and give us Battaile of their owne accord Or say our valour force their Trenches shall we presently promise our selves the Victory Truly a wise Generall is concerned not only to consider his owne but likewise the Enemies strength and Inclination and industriously in his heart to cast up a just account of what benefit will result to himselfe what to the enemy by the fortunate or improsperous chance of Warre Indeed my opinion is that our condition and theirs at the present differs very much In the Royall Army here in the Field with us all our strength consists that being defeated which Omen God turne upon the Enemy where shall we raise
about and fight againe by degrees to fall back till they came to that part of the plaine which he had shewed to Alphonso Leva then hee gave a private Signe for the Retreate and Gonzaga with his Horse stopped the enemy by renewing of the Fight Don Iohn still sending in fresh supplies Toledo lining the hedges with his Musketeers in the meane time Leva's men gave back so happily that at first they were too quick for the eye of the confederates But when they found the Spanish Foote to be upon their Retreate then the Battaile if ever any was a fierce one and it appeared both what courage and what necessity could do The Royaalists and they were but a very few most of them Foote being now without the danger of pursuite had the Cannon turn'd upon them from the Campe and were shot at both afarre off and neare at hand Yet their valour more then the place befriending them 700. Horse alone commanded by Giovanni Baptista à Monte and his brother Camillo not only stood against many thousands that charged them but sometimes beate them back and fought in their Rankes so firmly as they forced Colonell Norreys the stoutest enemy they had that day after three horses had been killed under him to fight afoote the rest of the confederate Cavalry not too much presuming upon themselves and tired with a Fight so long doubtfull at first all the Spanish Infantry and at last the Horse in face of the Enemi's Cannon were brought safely off Among which Horse no doubt but that Troope of Camillo's merited most Commendations that was last in the field commanded by Captaine Perott being a Troope of Reformados namely Hanniball Gonzaga Flamino Delphino Giovanni Mauriquio Lepido de Romanis Laurentio Tuccio Nicolao Caesio and others only Souldiers here else where Commanders The memory of all which men for example sake should be with their names extended to posterity if I could as readily know their persons as I doe admire their valours These lest the enemy should breake in opposing themselves and crowding together like a bulwarke covered the rest of the Cavalry with such constancy and contempt of Death that when any of them fell as if a piece of a worke were beaten downe the place was presently made good by a fresh man that stood behind That which befell Lepido killed with a shot and Dolphino who going to assist him was taken prisoner could not yet deterre Caesio from taking Delphino's place either by feare of Death or of captivity till at length they themselves when all the Horse were safe left the Field last and like excellent Actors in the Tragedy of Mars came off with infinite Applause So Generall Bolduc sounding a Retreate for feare his men might fall into a Counter-Ambuscado the Battaile ended begun with farre greater preparation then it was followed by either side with Execution For in all not above 400. men miscarried the losse of both parts being in a manner equall only more of the King's Army were hurt and taken more of their's slaine And the Generalls that day merited a quite contrary censure For Don Iohn redeemed the rashnesse of fighting with his judgement in ordering the Battaile Bolduc was cautious in the beginning but losing the opportunity of pursuing with all his Forces spoyled the conclusion of his Victory Wherefore in regard of his greater prudence and valour the Prince of Parma was famed through all the Royall Army who by a miraculous foreknowledge of Events premonished them of all that concerned the expedition and when the Army was so dangerously ingaged and the rest easie to be involved in the same Ruine with like Judgement and courage fetcht them off Insomuch that truely Alexander Farneze who ever till then wrote very sparingly in his own Commendations could no longer containe himselfe but in his Letters to his Mother Margaret of Austria inserted How he could not but thinke he had that day deserved more then ordinarily of the King whose Army the nearer it was to destruction the more be merited that saved it Indeed the oldest Commanders seeing their danger that were catched in a Trappe by the Enemy openly gave them for lost so as not one would undertake to make good their Retreat whose condition they accounted desperate Therefore he held it a greater Honour to himselfe by whom it was so willingly and fortunately attempted But this only her excellence might please to looke upon as the glorying of a Souldier to his Mother and he could not but thinke it fit to give her an account of those generous Spirits she had infused into him This while Don Iohn marched with his recovered Forces towards Areschott prepared if the enemy should follow him in the Rere to fight But when the confederaces either astonished at the extraordinary confidence of the Royalists or fearing to be answered with a stratagem appeared not Don Iohn free from further care returned to Thienen having won more glory among others with taking their Townes and Campe then among his owne that had run a hazzard and well knew their danger While these things were acted in the Low-countreys at the same time the Portug●ses fought unfortunately upon the Coast of Africa The newes of which overthrow Prince Alexander first received from Spaine accompanied with a Relation of what exceeded the Losse of that whole Army the King of Portugal's death and therefore sending Fabio Farneze to Henry Cardinall of Briganze Uncle to King Sebastian he condoled with him out of the private interest of Affinity the publique Misfortune and withall congratulated his Succession to the Crowne presenting him a change of Affections as suddaine as that of Cloathes in a Play But now the States having recruited their Army out of Germany and France Don Iohn alter'd his opinion and hearing that Areschot was betraied the Governour whereof Mutio Pagano a valiant and faithfull man sick a-bed rose notwithstanding to quiet the Tumult and was slaine upon the place Camillo Schiaffinate a Lieutenant of an undaunted Spirit in vaine resisting He began to feare that many other Townes would be guilty of like Treason which he could not yet relieve without weakning himselfe by dividing of his Army He therefore thought it his best to dismantle some Castles slight some Garrisons and calling away the Souldiers to bring into one place all his Forces till such time as money came from the King and Recruits from Italy and Germany But instead of men and money Don Iohn receiving Letters from Spaine that commanded him to try all wayes and meanes for an Accommodation Commissioners on both sides being chosen the businesse of Peace was set a foot againe But when they had delivered to Don Iohn three Heads which the States insisted on That he should surrender the Government of the Low countreys to the Arch-duke Matthias upon the same conditions which they had formerly sworne That Duke
Government of the Low-countreys then designed him he would not so much as come to Court but went to the house of Anthonio Perez to linger there till he found whether the King would allow him place as a Prince-Infanta within the Cloth of State But the King that went out of Towne lest he might discontent his young Brother with the Assignation of his Place stayed on purpose in the Countrey receiving him more affectionately then magnificently at Villa Pardo And from thence exaggerating indeed not falsely the Necessity of the Provinces sent him presently into the Low-countreys His Majestie 's Suspicion also appeares by the Instructions he gave Don Iohn at his Departure The first and last whereof was that he should quiet the Provinces upon any Conditions whatsoever but a Warre so as he did it with a Salvo to Religion and Allegeance For though the King now weary of the infinite Expences of that Warre wished this might be the only Meanes of settling the Belgick Tumults yet howsoever I belieue his Majesty who thought nothing secure unlesse suspested would not have continued the Command of an Army to one person lest he should at last have established a Power irrevocable For the same reason when there was Necessity of a Warre Money to pay the Army came very sparingly from Spaine For this very reason the King's eares were open to the Low-countreymens Complaints accusing Don Iohn as longing to be in Armes Nay to confirme this Suspicion of the King 's I doubt not but the Prince of Oranges Designe was layed when he wrote Letters to a Friend in France which assured him that Don Iohn was to marry the Queene of England adding that for his perticular Service therein Don Iohn had given him hope of the free Exercise of Religion in the Low-countreys Which newes Vargas the Spanish Embassadour in France that carefully pried into all Occurrences privately sent post to King Philip. Whereupon followed the death of Iuan Escovedo as the man that put him upon it I cannot believe this of Don Iohn though sometimes troubled and crossed even to desperation Many Arguments rather induce me to thinke it a Finesse of the Prince of Orange to alienate the King from his Brother But the Causes of Escovedo's Death and the Tragedies insuing thereupon in Spaine as fitter for the Stage I leaue to Writers covetous of such Subiects Nor to any other end a newes which they heard in Spaine was the Principallity of the Low-countreys lately offered to Don Iohn For one of the Low-countrey Lords as an expedient for quieting the Provinces exhorted Don Iohn to take upon him Soveraigne Authority offering to serve him in it with the Nobility and ensuring the Event Which though it so highly displeased him that he drew his Stilletto not as once Germanicus Caesar did who turned the point upon himselfe but to have stabbed that perfidious and fraudulent man who with such impudent Counsell tempted his Loyalty Yet because this passed without Witnesses it was liable to the Censure of those that ever thinke the worst And some kinde of Suspicions no Innocence can absolutely cleare But I believe this bold and subtill Invitation was made not to bring the Lowcountreys into Don Iohn's Power but to fill the King's eares listning after such Rumours and to make him jealous that his Brother would not all wayes retaine that Modesty and that it therefore concerned the King in Wisdome to provide that what his Brother once modestly refused might never more be in the Power of his Acceptance Nor was King Philip now to be taught the Art of Iealousy being no lesse prudent in keeping then fortunate in amplifying his Dominions And Don Iohn daily found by new proofe how jealous the King was of him not satisfied by the compliance of the private life which he had so long indured Hearing likewise of Escovedo's death whom he had sent into Spaine to procure Money and other warlike Necessaryes for whose returne he had so often and so anxiously sollicited and every day finding himselfe in greater Straits deserted as he openly complained by the King and exposed to the Scorne of his Enemyes this Prince of great Spirit and hope too much remembring his bloud by the Father's side languished into a Consumption But whether besides his Griefe a poyson strong enough to kill him there might be another Dose given for they that saw his Corps found shrewd Signes of poyson I will make no Determination as in a thing commonly obnoxious to Presumptions of that Nature Though there wanted not some that watched to murther him as I am well assured by Alexander Farneze's Letters to his Father Duke Octavio And it was sufficiently evident two Englishmen being apprehended that had undertaken to kill him that very Month wherein he dyed which a while after examined and convicted of the Crime were by the Prince of Parma put to death But by what meanes soever his fate was brought about it was deplored with extraordinary Commiseration And seldome was it knowne that any Army with higher praises of his vertue mourned fo● their Generall There were that compared Don Iohn and Germanicus together For their Beauty for their Yeares being 33 for the many battells they had fought in Places neighbouring upon Holland For the Court-Iealousyes upon them and for the Rumour of their approaching Death Others paralleld him nearer with his Father Charles the fifth Both had the same Birth-day almost the same Day of Death and like Expeditions by Sea and Land against the Moores and Turkes The Kingdome of Tunis was conquered by them both King Muleasses was reestablished in his Throne and Barbarossa outed by Charles the fifth King Amida Son to Muleasses but the Deposer of his Father deposed himselfe and Mehemet crowned was by Don Iohn carryed away among his Spoiles and Prisoners The Father had ended more Warres for he had lived more Yeares The Son in one Navall Victory equalled all his Father's Triumphs And no doubt but if he had injoyed his Fathers Power and alone commanded Kingdomes and Armies he would have made his Fame as glorious They likewise added things for the most part triviall and obvious to all Comparers That both by like artificiall Courtesyes quickned their Followers Hopes but he by bestowing Titles of Honour much increased the Nobility this remunerated the merits of his Souldiers because he had no other Meanes of Satisfaction with magnificent Words somtimes with a suddaine Expression of Ioy giving his Hatt or Stilletto to a Souldier Indeed calling every common Souldier by his name his Memory served instead of a Reward Both of them brought up fashions that added to the handsomenesse of the Body especially of the Head Charles the fifth when he came into Italy to be crowned Emperour was the first that to ease himselfe of the head-ach cut off his haire the great Courtiers following
Brabant the principall Province of the Low-countreys l. 1. p. 15. l. 7. p. 46. extorts liberty of conscience l. 9. p. 41. its immunities and priviledges l. 2. p. 2. 29 30 31 32. l. 5. p. 98. the head of that Province ibid the towns there taken by the Prince of Orange reduced by the Duke of Alva l. 7. p. 77. their Deputies bought by the Prince of Orange l. 8. p. 17. are sent for to Bruxels by Requesenes l. 8. p. 18. its Governour l. 1. p. 17. Brabanters refuse the Inquisition l. 2. p. 32. and new Bishops l. 3. p. 65. send Agents privately to Rome and Spain p. 66. deny to obey the Governesse's Edict proposed unto them l. 5. p. 98. Create Prince of Orange Ruart of their Province l. 9. p. 36 Bracamonte vide Consalvo Brandenburg the Electour sends an Embassadour to the Governesse l. 6 p. 18 Breda l. 5. p. 142. besieged by the States forces l. 9. p. 48 sends a Messenger to Don Iohn who was discovered by the enemie ibid. it is rendered p. 49. the mutiny and perfidiousnesse of the souldiers ibid. Don Iohn sends forces to relieve it but in vain ibid. a Garrison of Spaniards put upon the town l. 7. p. 42 Brederod vide Henry Lancellot and Robert Bride l. 7. p. 54 Briganze vide Isabella and Mary Brill a Port town of Holland l. 7. p. 72 taken by the Gheuses ibid. upon the news whereof many Cities revolt ibid. the jeering clinch upon the name of Brill ibid. Brimè vide Charles Bruges affronts the Inquisitors l. 4 p. 84 Brunswick vide Erick Philip and Ernest Bruxets a capitall City of Brabant l. 5. p. 98. faithfull to the King l. 6. p. 31. their priviledges l. 5. p. 98. their contumacie against the Duke of Alva's imposing taxes l. 7. p. 70. they keep off the Prince of Orange l. 7. p. 75. they mutiny l. 8. p. 18 20. their fear after the battle at Gemblot l. 9. p. 53 Bucar l. 3. p. 55 Bura taken by assault l. 8. p. 8 Buran the Count l. 8. p. 19 Burgundie by Charles the fifth assigned to King Philip l. 1. p. 4. the Dukes of Burgundie p. 15. the Governour p. 17 Burgundians scale the fort at Dalhem and take it l. 10 p. 3 Burgundion Princes used in their funerall pomp to have a Crown set upon their heads l. 10. p. 22. vide Philip and Mary Bulduc or Bus one of the chief Cities of Brabant l. 5. p. 98. refuseth Count Megan l. 6. p. 2. a tumult in the town ibid. they force their Bishop to flie l. 5. 131. they detain the Governesse Embassadours l. 6. p. 2. they release and send them to her p. 16. they threaten to revolt from the King p. 2. they are declared enemies p. 16. they crave pardon and render themselves p. 17. they receive a Garrison ibid. Busta vide Pedro Butero a Prince l. 10. p. 23 Sentences in B. BENEFITS please like flowers while they are fresh l. 1. p. 14 Some mens natures are more obliged by receiving one then many BENEFITS l. 1. p. 24 When men fall from their hope whatsoever comes short of their wishes looseth the title of a BENEFIT l. 2. p. 38 A BENEFIT more easily obligeth particulars then a multitude l. 1. p. 22 A present BOUNTIE is the step to a future Rise l. 1. p. 24 CArcass of a girl eaten by her Parents l. 7. p. 80 Cahors the Bishop l. 2. p. 80 Caesar Davalo brother to the Marquesse of Pescara pursues the Nassavians l. 7. p. 55 Casius vide Nicolaus Caius Fabius his gallant attempt to passe through the enemies Camp l. 9. p. 40 Callice taken by the French l. 1. p. 11 Cooks and Scullions fire Antwerp l. 8. p. 22 Calvin tries how his books will take in France l. 3. p. 56. brings in heresie there ibid. is authour of the tumult at Ambois l. 3. p. 57 Calvinists imprisoned l. 3. p. 62. condemned ibid. rescued from the Executioner ibid carried back to prison l. 3. p. 63 taken out by force p. 64. executed p. 65. they plunder the Low-countrey Churches l. 5. p. 121. vide Image-breakers They and their books are designed to trouble Religion in Spain l. 5. p. 137. l. 7. p. 45. They have their Calvinisticall Suppers l. 5. p. 141. p. 143. they try to get out of Antwerp to Ostervel l. 6. p. 4. finding themselves shut up in the Town they rag● ibid. they are enemies to the Lutherans ibid. they make a mutiny in the Town ibid. they petition for liberty of Religion to the Arch-duke and the Estates l. 9. p. 41. which they extort and seiz upon the Catholick Churches ibid. One of them that je●red the Jesuits finds his own house infected with the plague l. 9. p. 41 Conbray the Bishop restores things consecrated at Antwerp l. 6. p. 18 〈◊〉 l. 1. p. 15 Cambrey the peace-making Citie l. 1. p. 12. honoured with the Prerogative of an Archbishoprick p. 18 Camillo Gonzaga Count de Novellaria l. 7. p. 60 Camillo a Mont● comes with the Duke of Alva into the Low-countreys l. 6. p. 30. his moderation at the sack of Antwerp l. 8. p. 24. he fights and defeats the French l. 9. p. 57. in the expedition of Limburg 1. 10. p. 1. he is beaten off at Dalhem l. 10. p. 3. commands Horse in the battel of Rimenant l. 10. p. 10. pursues and is drawn by the enemy to their camp ibid. the gallantry of his Troop in sustaining the charge of the enemie l. 10. p. 12. Camillo Chiaffinat● l. 10. p. 13 Campin vide Frederick Lord Perenatt Cannon l. 7. p. 76. six taken by the enemie that had their names from the first six elements of musick recovered l. 7. p. 56. nayled l. 8. p. 8. attempted and taken l. 7. p. 55. Master of the train of Artillery vide Gabriel Serbellonio Cress●●erio the Barlamonts Philip Staveley and Valentine Pardieu Captain Campin an Engineer l. 6. p. 21 Cantonet vide Thomas Capital besieged by the Gauls l. 9. p. 40. Caprius sent by the Deputies of the Estates with part of their forces to Antwerp l. 8. p. 22. taken by the Spaniard l. 8. p. 23. exchanged l. 9. p. 31 Carafa vide Marius Cardinal Alexandrino l. 7. p. 43. Borromeo vide St. Charles 〈◊〉 Odoardo Granvel vide Antonie Perenot L●rain vide Caroldo Pacicho vide Francisco Spinosa vide Didaco Cardinalists in the Low-countreys l. 4. p. 81 l. 5. p. 103 Carloi brother to Ressorius Nohot l. 7. p. 46 Centron vide St. Truden Charlotta Bourbon wife to the Prince of Orange l. 3. p. 54 Charles Altapen sonne to Count Barlamont Captain of a Troop of Horse l. 10. p. 5 Charles the fifth goes from Spain to Germany to be crowned Emperour and so into Italy l. 2. p. 27 33. l. 10. p. 21. his Military Expeditions l. 1. p. 4 8 9 15. l. 2. p. 34. l. 6. p. 30. l. 10. p. 14 21. he quiets the mutinie at Gant l. 5. p.
joyns with the King of Spain agianst his Low-countrey Rebels l. 5. p. 134. He denies the Spanish armie passage through the Territory of Lions l. 6. p. 26. is not perswaded by the Hugonots to fight with the Spaniards ibid. sends for auxiliaries into the Low-countreys l. 6. p. 34. which are granted ibid. fights at St. Denis l. 6. p. 35. sends Cosse Colonel of Horse to assist the Duke of Alva l. 7. p. 46. A rumour that he hath concluded a peace with the Hereticks and would send men into the Low-countreys in favour of the Prince of Orange l. 7. p. 73. he commands the Hugonots to be massacred l. 7. p. ●6 Charles Duke of Gelderland l. 7. p. 47 Charles Count Lalin l. 2. p. 41. l. 3. p. ●5 Carolo Largilla l. 8. p. 2 Charles Duke of Lorain l. 1. p. ●0 Charles Cardinal of Lorain l 3. p. 56. l. 3. p. 61 75. l. 7. p. ●6 Charles Mansfult son to Peter Ernest l. 4. p. 92. chidden by his father for joyning with the Covenanters l. 5. p. 103. he forsakes them l. 5. p. 119. besiegeth Valenciens l. 6. p. 10. is at the battel of G●mblat l. 9. p. 50. his Regiment at Bovines l. 9. p. 53. attempts Nivel and is beat off l. 9. p. 56. the King gives him money l. 10. p. 7 Charles the souldier or fighter l. 1. p. 15 Carolo Scotto a Count l. 9. p. 45 Charles Tisnac the Kings Procurator in Spain for business of the Low-countreys l. 3. p. 73 74 Casembrat vide Iohn Casimir brother to the Palsgrave vide Iohn Castaneo vide Giovanni Baptista Castile its Arms l. 4. p. 78. President of the Councel of Castile l. 4. p. 82. l. 6. p. 23 Castle in the water l. 8. p. 20 Catharine of Medices Queen-Mother of France desires assistance against the Hereticks from Philip the second of Spain l. 3. p. 57. the like from Margaret of Parma Governess of the Low-countreys l. 3. p. 60. she comes to the Conference at Baion l. 4. p. 87. the death of her sonne Hemy foretold her l. 1. p. 13 Catharine daughter to King Philip the second l. 4. p. 82 Catholicks and Luth●rans joyn against the Calvinists l. 6. p. 4. the Catholicks defeat the Hugonots at Moncoure l. 7. p. 64. what they think of the Duke of Alva's departure from the Low-countreys l. 7. p. 81. they consent to the Pacification of Gant l. 8. p. 21. they adhere to the Estates l. 9. p. ●7 they together with the Hereticks take the Oath of fidelity to the Arch-duke Matthias l. 9. p. 39. they are expelled the Low-countreys by the Hereticks l. 9. p. 41. their Churches possessed by the Calvinists ibid. C●ttey Governour of Vlussing l. 6. p. 2 Causes of the Low-countrey tumults vide Tumult Cessation of Arms l. 9. p. 49 Cetona a Town l. 8. p. 14 Chiapino Vitelli Marquess of Cetona marcheth with the Duke of Alva as his Camp-master into the Low-countreys l. 6. p. 30. defends Graninghen l. 7. p. 54. desirous to fight th' Enemie l. 7. p. 61 62. falls upon an Ambuscado l. 7. p. 60. encounters the enemie and worsts him ibid. prohihited by the Duke of Alva to move against the Prince of Orange l. 7. p. 61. falls upon a Battalion of the Prince of Orange's severed from the rest p. 61. fights upon the banks of Geta ibid. hurts Coll. Loverall p. 62. wrests the enemies Colours out of the Ensignes hand p. 62. his courage commended by the Duke of Alva ibid. sent by the Duke of Alva to the Queen of England l. 7. p. 66. sollicited to revolt by Coliny l. 7. p. 73. in a rage throws Coliny's letters into the fire p. 74 goes to besiege Mens l. 7. p. 79. is wounded ibid. his bold gallantry p. 79. he takes many towns in Holland l. 8. p. 8. is made Genrall of the Zeland expedition by Requesenes p. 9. besiegeth Ziritzee l. 8. p. 13. dicth ibid. his Funeralls l. 8. p. 14. his Corps carried into his Countrey ibid. his Encomion ibid. Christian King of Denmark l. 1. p. 13 Christierne daugthter to the King of Denmark Dutchesse of Lorain makes a Peace between Spain and France l. 1. p. 12. Hath the generall wishes to be Governess of the Low-Countreys l. 1. p. 19. what hinders her p. 20. Christi●rn King of Denmark l. 1. p. 13 Christopher Assonvill a Senatour l. 5. p. 99. l. 5. p. 137. l. 7. p. 52 57. imployed by the Duke of the Alva to the Queen of England p. 66. his relation l. 8. p. 19. 22. he is forcibly taken out of the Senate and committed Prisoner l. 8. p. 20 Christopher Bavier sonne to the Elector Palatine General at the battel of Mooch l. 8. p. 2 3 Christopher Fabritius Apostara executed l. 4. p. 84 Christopher Mandragonio Captain of a troop of Horse l. 6. p. 30. his gallant and bold attempt ibid. he attends the Queen with his Regiment into Spain l. 7. p. 69. Generall at the wading over the sea to Goes where he raised the siege l. 7. p. 77. he takes the Isle of Zuit-Beverland ibid. defends Middelburg against the Zelanders l. 8. p. 2. forced to render it by famine ibid. how much the enemie honoured him ibid. exchanged for Aldegund p. 2. Commands in chief at Sea in the Zeland Expedition l. 8. p. 9. sayls to the Isle of Philip-land l. 8. p. 9 10. thence to Duveland ibid. fo●rds the sea on foot to Sceldt l. 8. p. 13. the citie of Z●●●zee the Head of the Island rendred to him ibid. the mutinous souldiers choose another Generall in his place l. 8. p. 17. the courage of his wife in holding the Fort at Gant l. 9. p. 31. victorious at the battel of Gemblac l. 9. p. 51. storms Sichem l. 9. p. 54. is preserved from fire miraculously l. 10. p. 5. the King payes his pension l 10. p. 7 Chius The●dotus l. 9. p. 27 Churches how they came to be plundered in the Low-countreys l. 5. 121. when the sacriledge began ibid. how it continued p. 123. how great a losse in the principall Church of Antwerp l. 5. p. 126. restored to its use p. 130. l. 6. p. 18. destruction of Churches in Flanders l. 5. p. 126. Churches granted to Hereticks l. 5. p. 130. restored to Catholicks l. 6. p. 10. seized by Calvinists l. 9. p. 41 vide Ich●o●achy l. 5. p. 125 Ci●c●onio vide Pedro. Cimace the Prince l. 8. p. 19 Cimace the Town taken by assault l. 9. p. 57. the Fort rendred ibid. Cittadella a Captain and an Engineer released by the Spaniards l. 8. p. 2. vide Francesco Cities in the Low-countreys numbered l. 1. p. 14. Cities the principall of Brabant not the Nether-lands l. 5. p. 98. their immunities and priviledges l. 2. p. 28 29 30 31. They mutiny against the Spanish Garrisons l. 2. p. 28 29 30. they revolt from the King l. 7. p. 72. submit to the Prince of Orange ibid. are reduced l. 7. p. 77 Clo●a de
2. p. 32. vide Inquisition Or the punishment of Delinquents l. 2. p. 34 35. vide Heresie and punishment Or the alienation of the Nobility l. ● p. 37. Occasioned by Granvell l. 3. p. 75. by the Kings Letter l. 4. p. 96. by the Edicts proposed by the Governesse l. 5. p. 98. by the Duke of Alva l. 7. p. 39. by taxes l. 7. p. 75. by Mutineers vide Sedition and the Beginning of the Low-Countrey Tumults how it came l. 2. p. 46. l. 3. p. 61. a general Pardon for the Tumults l. 7. p. 67. vide Pardon Tumults in France l. 3. p. 55 57 58. vide Guises Conspiracy the French and Low-Countrey Tumults compared together l. 3. p. 55 61. Tumults of the Moores in Spain l. 7. p. 45 66. at 〈◊〉 against the Spaniards l. 8. p. 18. at Antwerp l. 5. p. 117. l. 6. p. 3. l. 8. p. 22. at Bolilue and Maestri●ht 1. 6. p. l. at ●●nt l. 5. p. 132. 1. 6. p. 24. at Valenciens l. 3. p. 63. Tunis the Royal Seat of Libia taken by assault l. 10. p. 19. the Expedition of Tunis l. 7. p. 69. l. 10. p. 21. Turks fire the Arcenal at Venice l. 5. p. 139. Turkish Fleet at Lepanto l. 9. p. 4● the Treasurer of their Army ibid. Turkish Garrison at Navarine Ibid. Tunius the Secretary sent by the Governesse to the Bishop of Lieg l. 6. p. 16. to Brederod l. 6. p. 19. by him retained ibid. sent away by night from Amsterdam ibid. imployed by the Duke of Alva to the Queen of England l. 7. p. 66. Tuscany l. 8. p. 14. Tw●ntieth part vide Taxes Sentences in T. SLander is a Shipwrack by a dry TEMPEST l. 3. p. ●7 THREATS proportioned to the greatest Spirits will at last humble them l. 4. p. 82. In a TROUBLED State the most present Remedy is for one Man to Rule l. 8. p. 17. V. VAbrince a Bishoprick in France l. 2. p. 31. Vadamont the Count l. 7. p. 53. Vahal a River l. 8. p. 9. Va●dersong appointed a Captain of Foot by the King l. 5. p. 132. Valdez vide Francisco Valenciens a City l. 6. p. 5. impatient of their Rulers ibid. the Tumults therein l. 3. p. 61 63. composed l. 3. p. 64. the state of the Town l. 6. p. 5. the Valencentians Commanded by the Governesse to receive a Garrison Ibid. after some tergiversation they refuse ibid. are pronounced Rebels l. 6. p. 6. besieged l. 6. p. 8. the King unwilling to have them stormed ibid. besieged yet more straightlie ibid. the Assault limited by the Kings Order l. 6. p. 9. they are invited to render by Count Egmont and Duke Areschot ibid. they Sally out by night l. 6. p. 10. the Site of the Town ibid. the battery ibid. the Valencenians Treat ibid. they yield to mercy ibid. and so escape storming Ibid. p. 11. the City is disarmed ibid. the Authors of the Rebellion Executed ibid. the State Sacred and Civil restored ibid. the Fort demolished l. 9. p. 38. Valentine Pardieu Lord de la Mott Commands the Forces of Flanders l. 6. p. 3. Master of that Ordinance l. 9. p. 50. carried out of the field wounded l. 7. p. 80. St. Valery stormed l. 7. p. 46. Vallidolid l. 1. p. 6. l. 10. p. 18 19. Valois vide Philip Duke of Burgundy Valois vide Margaret Van●●st vide Iohn Margaret Vargas vide Alphonso Francisco Iuan. Va●●●ination vide Presage Venice fired l. 5. p. 139. who was the plotter of it Ibid. Verdugo vide Francisco Venerus Ginnich Embassadour from the Duke of Iuliers l. 9. p. 36. Verse about half Moones worn in hats to expresse their hatred to the Roman Religion l. 8. p. 8. of Ovid. Sited upon the Death of Charles Prince of Spain l. 7. p. 45. Ves●●●●ch imployed from Antwerp to Spain l. 8. p. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Emperour l. 1. p. 2. Vestarho●● rais●●● Horse in Saxony l. 5. p. 138 Vienn● a Town of Holland l. 6. p. 1 20. Vibaldus Riperda General and Governour of Harlem dyes l. 7. p. 80. Victory of Actium l. 9. p. 46. at the River E●s l. 7. p. 56. at Calic● l. 1. p. 11. at the River Geta l. 7. p. 61. at Graveling l. 1. p. 11. at St. Gis●en l. 7. p. 74. at Gembla● l. 9. p. 52. at Limburg l. 10. p. 1. at Mons in Hayn●lt l. 7. p. 76. at Ostervell l. 6. p. 3. at St. Quintin l. 1. p. 11. in the Isle of Duveland l. 8. p. 13. at Mooch l. 8. p. 3. over the Armenterians and Tornois l. 6. p. 7. over the Hugo●ots l. 3. p. 62. l. 6. p. 34. l. 7. p. 64 74. over Mustapha's Galley l. 9. p. 46. in the War of Portugall l. 7. p. 82. by every 10. Spaniards over as many thousands of the Enemy l. 9. p. 31. the Sea-Victories of the Prince of Orange l. 8. p. 2. and of the Holl●nders frequent for ten yeares together l. 7. p. 73. thought to be a miracle l. 7. p. 57. moderation in Victory l. 10. p. 13. the newes of Victory strangely brought to the Groine l. 7. p. 56. the Victory of the Spaniards parallel'd with one of the Romans ibid. vide Expedition Vid. Caboce slain in a duel in the French Kings presence l. 1. p. 13. Vie●●lus vide Henry Viglius vide Ulricus Villa of Henry King of France l. 9. p. 57. Villapardo l. 10. p. 19. Villagarcia l. 10. p. 17. Villages fired l. 7. p. 57. Viller Commands the Covenanters Horse l. 6. p. 1. moves the Bishop of Lieg to suffer their meeting at Centron l. 5. p. 119. Villers a French Marquis joynes with Count Aremberg at Amiens l. 6. p. 35. Villers Commands the Carabines for the Estates l. 9. p. 50. defends Nivell l. 9. p. 56. vide Iustus Villers Villres General for the Covenanters l. 7. p. 49. is ordered by the Prince of Orange from Iuliers to passe the Moes l. 7. p. 46. routed and taken Prisoner ibid. 49. executed ibid. Villet Granvells Countrey-man undertakes his Murther l. 4. p. ●●0 Vilvord too late attempted by Gonzaga l. 9. p. ●3 Vilvord-Prison l. 5. p. 101. Vinglius one of the Covenanters infests Holland l. 6. p. 19. defeated ibid. executed ibid. Vincentio Carafa Prior of Hunga●y appointed Colonel of Italians l. 10. p. 7. Violaters of holy Images punished l. 6. p. 17 20. vide I●●nomachy Vervich l. 5. p. 1●0 Visurgis a River l 7. p. ●6 Vitelli vide Chiapin● Camillo Nicolao Paulo Viterlotio Vitelli. l. 8. p. 14. Ulloa vide Alphonso Iuan Osorio Magdalen Ulricus Viglius Zuitchem President of the Privy Co●ncel l. 1. p. 25. l. 3. p. 68. faithfull to Granvell Ibid l 4. p. 78. numbered among the Cardinallists ibid. 31. the Gheuses threaten him l. 5. p. 129. affectionate to his Religion and his King l. 8. p. 17. arrested in Senate and committed Prisoner l. 8. p. 20. Ulutial the Turkish Admiral l. 9. p. 46. Vlysses l. 3. p. 10.
Ambois Where and how the name of Hugonot came up Thuan. lib. 4. of his History Gil. Geneb lib. 4. of his Chronicle and others The Authours of the tumult at Ambois Succours sent from Spain Limosin Strange fortune King of Navar Prince of Condé The hereticks imboldened Granvels design Sancta Cruz endeavours to draw off the King of Navarre from the hereticks He is taken off and sends an Embassadour into Spain Rui gomez de Silva 4. Aprill 1562. By whom Granvel likewise writes Sardinia is offered in stead of Navarre Whether in carnest or no. A match between the King of Navarre and the Queen of Scots falsly rumoured Thuan. in his History l. 28. 1562. 1564. The King of Spains Letter concerning the Queen of Scotlands marriage Dat. 6. of August Alibrets indignation The Guises power revives And the Malice of their Rivals Either party prepares for war Katharine of Medices King Philip sends Foot out of Italy Spain May 2. And commands the Governess to dispatch away the Horse out of the Low-countreys The Belgick Lords oppose it Perhaps set on by the Prince of Conde 1562. April 4. Iune 30. The Governess cools in the business Iuly 1. She is checkt for it by the King Instead of men she sends money And writes her reasons to the King August 31. The King of Navarre enters Roan triiumphant and dies A memorable Battel Dreux The French Low-countrey tumults paralleld The first Belgick tumults occasioned by French Calvinists L●isle The insurrection at Tournay quieted Novem. 15. 1561. That at Valenciens inflamed by the Hereticks escape of punishment 1562. March 22. Which at last are condemned But rescued by the Commons And by the Magistrate carryed back to prison Davids Psalmes turned into French meeter The Authour Clement Marot Ex. Florim Hist. de ortu c. Haeres l. 8. His Manners Dubious Religion His Translation of the Psalter Forbid by his Majesty Marot flies his Countrey Dyes Beza finishes Marots Work of the Psalmes It is published but prohibited immediately by the Catholicks Retained by the hereticks The Valencenian Sedition renued They incourage one another either to rescue or revenge the Prisoners They forceably 〈◊〉 them out of the Iayl. Souldiers are brought into the Town by the Governesses Order A Councell is called about punishing the city The milder opinion carries it New souldiers put into the Town The seditious executed Valenciens quieted The Governesses vigilancy Her particular care of Religion in Frisland New Bishops brought in The Brabanters will have no Bishops The Popes Buls were delayed at Rome Pius IV. The Abbots exasperated the Brabanters The Brabanters send Agents publickly to Rome and privately into Spain Their Instructions Expedition money given them The Governess prevents them by Agents of her own that came before them to Rome And into Spain The Agents for the Estates rerurn from both places without Dispatches The Brabanters will not give it over thus Count Horn writes for them to his Maiestie Iune 2. Many Low-countrey Lords assist them Discontented at the King and at Granvel Their principall Abettours the Prince of Orange and Count Egmont Count Egmonts liberty of speech 4. Octob. 1559. Regnard sooths him in it Out of emulatition to Granvel begun when they were school-boyes Mart. Delrio lib. 1. Tumult Belg. Granvel Regnard Continued when they came to Court And there turnned into envy against his Superiour This made Regnard so active against Granvel The Governess therefore labours to have Regnard sent for out of the Low-countreys Which at last but too late was effected The Prince of Orange sets on the Brabanters His Ambition is checkt by Granvell Who put a kind of affront upon him Which occasioned the Prince of Orange and Count Egmonts first complaints to the King that they were neglected at the Councel-board That one ruled all And Granvell was the man But the Governess defends him in her letters to the King Decemb. 18. 1561. ●4 1561. The Governess denies her assent for summoning the Estates generall But gives way to a convention of the Knights of the Order Where the seeds were s●wn of a conspiracy against Granvel The result of the Convention Montiny sent into Spain The Governess dispatches a Messenger before him with this private letter Iune 14. What Grievances the Lords pretended How the Governess answered them The faith and freedome of Count Barlamont 27. Iuly The Governess is commanded to find out Some expedient for setting the Lords at difference among themselves What disparity betwixt Count Egmont and the Prince of Orange P. Orange C. Egmont C. Egmont P. Orange C. Egmont P. of Orange Which the Governess made use of to divide them and it ministred a double occasion The Princesse of Orange brought a bed of a Daughter Montinys Embassage out of the Kings letter to the Governess 23 Novem. His Conference with the King He imputes the generall discontent to the new Bishops and Granvel The King gives his reasons for increase of the Bishops Desends Granvel Possesses Montiny with his Resolution to go in person to the Low-countreys Montinies Relation in Senate 14 Day of Decemb. Which they credit not 1562. The Lords offended at Granvel upon new suspitions He despiseth his enemies His Rivals plot against him Some dissenting 22. March Letters writ against the Cardinall to the King by C. Egmont C. Horn. and the Prince of Orange 1562. Of these letters the Governess preadvertised the King March 9. How the Governess came by her intelligence causes a grievous falling out between Egmont and Aremberg May 5. The Kings answer to the Letters sent from the three Lords inviting one of them to Spain 1563. Iune 15. A private letter from his Majestie to Count Egmont But none of the three would go For which they give reasons to his Majestie Granvel grows out of date at Court Aloyfio Cantera lib. 9. in the life of King Philip. The Governess displeased with him for three reasons August 29. She sends Armenterius into Spain Who was to inform the King among other passages Of the Lords complaints against Granvel On the 25. Of Granvells danger Septem 13. The King at large hears him Who first suspends and then alters his Majesties resolutions The Belgick Lords leave the Court. 1564. 1564. A report raised that King Philip was murthered Which he himself was active to suppresse 4. Ianuary Scandalous Pamphlets posted up and handed through the Low-countreys 15. Iuly 1561. 10. August 1562. Emblematicall Cognizances given by the Lords-Conspiratours 29. Of March Invented at a feast In imitation of the Germans They throw the Dice who shall name the Livery Egmont chuses 29. Of March How the People interpret the Device The Governess gets them to leave off part of it Which the Lords supply with another Embleme As the King answered Egmont Prince of Orange in his Apollogy 1481. What many men conceived it to boad The King and Occasion puts an end to these Rebuses 20. Granvel sent for out of the Low-countreys Why the
death upon the Counts Egmont and Horne Iuly 1. Count Egmont Letter to his Majesty after Condemnation All night long Count Egmont prepares himselfe for death He is brought to execution the next day about noone Beheaded In the same place and manner died Count Horne Strange lamentation for C. Egmonts death Not without Threats And presages Confirmed by a portent from heaven as was commonly beleeved From hence sprang the hatred to Alva A saying of the French Embassadour Charles ix Count Egmont's Elogie The merits of Count Horne The Duke of Alva's Expedition against Lewis of Nassau Vitelli defends Groening Count Aremberg's Fanerall Alva's March Boldue He sends out his Scouts Their ridlculous mistake Occas●oning a military Proverbe Groningen The number of Alva's Army Lewis of Nassau's Forces His Trenches Assaulted by the Spanish The Nassavians run Many lost in their flight Iuly 21. The Battaile of Geming The Site of Lewis of Nassau's Campe Dicco Their Feare made the greater by a second mutiny of their Souldiers Which coming to the eare of the Spaniards Dicco Some make an appearance of charging the Nassavians in the front Others ●ss●ile them on the s●●ke And take their Cannon opening the way for their fellowes to doe execution Iuly 26. The greatest that ever was Equall to the Enemy's cowardice The newes of this Victory in a wonderfull manner comes to the Groine Bern. Mend. l. 3. Groningen Tit. liv 〈◊〉 1. The like hapned among the old Romans The number of the slaine The Spoile The subtill Flight of Lewis of Nassau Tacit. l. 2. Annals The Resemblance of this Victory over Nassau to that of Germanicus Caesar over Arminius in the very same place Of this Spanish Trophey you will read m●re in thi● booke and in the beginning of the eight This Victory attributed to the prayers of Pins v. Iuly 27. Who gives God thanks for it with great solemnity Whether it may be thought a Miracle The Piety of the Span●sh Souldiers The fury of the Sardinian Legion Revenging Count Aremberg's death with the firing of many Villages 1566. The Duke of Alva punishes this burning Brigade According to the old military forme Val. Max. l. 2. cap. 2. de Discipl milit How great a losse the Countrey hadby this fire Alva returnes victorious to Groningen Orders the affaires of that City The coming of Duke Alva's Son The Prince of Orange's Army raised by the joint assistance of the Princes of Germany How great this Army was How payed William Lumè's Vow The fame of this Army Which Alva seemes to contemne His answer to a souldier frighted at the number of Princes confederate against the King of Spaine 1565. Alva suspects the Lowcountrymen in generall Particularly the Wood-Gheuses Wonders in Heaven Christ. Asson vlt. Se. The D of Alva s●a●es at Maestricht to attend the Prince of Orange's Motion But the Prince of Orange passes the Mose With rare Artifice and celerity l. 7. bell Gall. l. 1. bell Civ Beyond the D. of Alva's imagination The Prince offers battaile to the Duke Vitelli holds it best for the D. to fight him The Duke is otherwise resolved And will go no higher then light Skirmishes How Strada comes to know the particularities of those little fights Two Troopes of Vitelli's horse intercepted Vitelli himself escapes Chafes at the mischiefe done to his Mare Threatens to be revenged for it And accordingly falls upon the Prince of Orange's Rere Does very great execution Takes 150. Horse His Merry saying to the Duke Still the P. of Orange uses all provocations to bring Alva to a Battaile Who is not moved but places the assurance of Victory in Delay Chiap Vitelli. The Orangians mutiny The Prince of Orang's danger Recruites sent him out of France Of the Fight 〈◊〉 the River Geta. The Prince of Orange having taken Centron or San Truyen intends to passe the River and joyne with the French Auxiliaries Thienen Alva commands Vitelli not to ingage The Prince passes the River leaving part of his Forces behind Which Vitelli charges Alva sends to his assistance his Son Duke Federico He takes the Hill The Fight Vitelli would gladly have pursued them beyond the River Barberino sent to signifie his desire to the D. of Alva Who orders the cont●ary very much offende The Fight renued upon the River-bank The Orangians cut to pieces Vitelli's valiant gallantry Highly commended by the Duke of Alva The number of the slaine Count Hochstrat's death The remainder of the routed Forces surrounded in a house Which the King's men fire Their severall kindes of death Some of them dispatch one another Opinions touching the Enemy●● being suffered to passe The Prince of Oranges Army growne greater and likewise his Necessities Strange to see how oft he changed his Quarters st●iving to take some Towne or to circumvent the Duke But all in vain He thinks of goi●g f●r France It kept out of ●●●ege ●lunders the Countrey about it And diverse Villages in Hayno●t Does some mischi fe to the D. of Alva Is prohibited to enter France And his hopes there f●iling returnes into Germany Of the Taxes he exacted The tenth The twentieth And 100. part The cause of these impositions The Estates de●●re him to remit the tenth part But Alva is not to be moved A contest between the D. of Alva and the Queen of England M. Isselt's Hist and Me●eran l. 3. Thuan l. 44. and Meurs l 5. and B. Adrian l. 20. Aloys Caberera l 8. Hier. Conest l. 3. Occasioned by her interception of his Moneys He seizes the goods and ships of the English in the Low-countreys So doth her Majesty the Low-countrey-men and Spaniards commodities in England The Queene will not admit of his Embassadour May. 20. 24 The Portugall-Fleete with their Indian Frieght taken by the English A new Embassage from the Duke The Queen's Answer Barberino's Relation The Originall Strada saies he hath by him Nothing is concluded The D. of Alva proceeds in exacting Tribute from the Low-countrey men Who refuse to pay Taxes Plutarch in Themestocles Feb. 1570. Whereat he inraged writes threatningly to the Provinces And proves as good as his word They yield to the Duke in some things for the rest they p●tition the King Iuly 16. Sent to him March 25. A generall Pardon long since desi●ed by Margaret of Parma Sent too late by the King to Alva And yet the Promulgation by him deferd The Fore n●one Ceremonies at the Promulgation Pra●ers Sermon in Low Dutch Ma●●e The Popes Letter read An Oration in French Interrupted The afternoone Pompe Out of Count Mansfeldts Letters to Marg of Parma 9. of August A stage in the Market-place The Duke upon a Throne The Cryer reades the K. Letters in Low-Dutch and French But so low that few heare him Out of the Letters of Christ. Assonv to Marg of Parma Iuly 17. And fewer like of what they heare Princesse Ann Espoused to K. Philip. August 11. Anne Daughter to the Empe●rour Ma●imilian and Isabella Daughter to King Henry The
Duke of Alva desirous to attend her Highnesse into Spaine and to leave his Governement of the Low-countryes 51 Septem The King assents And nominates his successour Who was long a comming In the interim Alva returnes to his Demands of the 10 and 20. parts An Inundation in the Low-Countries November 1 Greater then any in mans memory What a destruction is made See Pier. Winsen l. 2. Hist. A rare Accident This calamity drawes off the Duke from in●isting upon the Taxes Some perswade him to desist altogether Arh●n l. 3. Dipnos Others argue that it was just and Necessary And diverse meerely put a trick upon the Duke of Alva At length He qualifies the Edict and proposeth it the third time April The City of Bruxells refuse it with notorious contumacy Alva provides against them Forces and Halters See further in the Prince of Orange's Apology 1581. But suddaine Newes diverts him So that he is forced to leave the designe of Taxes Which had infinitely prejudiced the Duke and occasioned the Rev●ls of the Low-countreys farre more then all his cruelty The Hollanders anciently free from Tribute Taci●us de Moribus Germanorum Idem l. 4. Annal. The exaction whereof caused their Rebellion against the Romanes 1570. And now for the same reasons the P. of Orange sollicits their Defection Having often tryed other waies to bring them 〈◊〉 As last he compasses his desire The People being imboldned upon the newes of the Duke 's present departure The Duke of Alva's Losse at Sea The Water Gheuses Their Generall His Principall Officers They turne Pirates Are prohibited the Ports of England Vorna They take the Towne of Brill April 1. Destroy all things Sacred Beate the Spanish forces Gulielmus Blosius Treslong A wonderfull change followes Durdrecht or Dort revolts from the Spaniard And Vlushing John Treslong And Enchuysen And almost all Holland And a great part Zeland being now out of feare of the Duke of Alva and jeering him for the losse of Brill The revolted Townes put themselves into the Prince of Orange's power Their new Commonwealth The predatory Fleet very much increased and constantly victorious Bernard Mend. l. 16. Making the Taxes their Pretence Iuly 24. Anno 74. Many other Townes revolt Doesburg Zutphan Harderwick Oldden sal c. Lewis of Nassau takes the City of Mons assisted by the French May 25. With their Kings leave procured by Gaspar Coligny Who with too much confidence trusts himselfe to the King Endeavours to win the Low-Country Lords And makes high offers to Vitelli. The Marquesse Vitelli's noble carriage Of Mons recovered by the Duke of Alva J. B. Adrian l. 18. Thuan. l. 36. Duke Federico attacques the Towne The French bravery The Spaniards pitch their Tents Women-spies Punished Bern. Mend. l. 6. 2. Reg. c. 10. The Abbey D'espine taken by the Besiegers The Armyes sent by Coligny to relieve the Towne Gives battaile to Federico Is defeated Vitelli's bold venture Thuan. l. 54. Iohn Meu l. 7. Ber. Mend. reckons but twenty Prisoners put to death Those that escaped the ●ight knockt in the head by the Boores. The victorious Army full of ●olli●y The second expedition of the Prince of Orange from Germany into the Low-countreys to relieve his brother Lewis He takes Ruremond by storme Passeth by Lovaine for a summe of money Mechlin yields He takes other Townes in his March Bruxells holds out Guelm a Mar. Lud. Gulielm Foure Armies of the Enemy at one time harressing the Low countreys Pouring their fury upon things sacred and the Priests Gu●ie●m 〈◊〉 de crudeli●●●● In 21. Mart. Gorcom Sur. in com Arnold Havr l. 15. de erect Episc. Johann Meurs in Orang l. 7. and others This makes the Prince of Orange's Army illspoken of He hastens to Mons Admires at Alva's Trenches Tryes to breake through in vaine The Ioy in the Duk 's Campe For the Massacre at Paris Henry IV. Gregory XIII A Thanksgiving day upon the same occasion at Rome Which causeth the Prince of Orange his Despaire And retreate from Mons His Campe assaulted in the night by Spaniards in their 〈◊〉 Their confidence The Prince of Orange's danger Septem 19. Mons yielded to Alva His just commendations for that victory He recovers all the Prince of Orange had taken The sack of Mechlin Peter Trigose The charity of the Antwerp Merchants towards the Plundered Iohn Boter in vita Albani ex Hist. Societ Iesu Ann. 1572. The Souldiers piety Alva strives to cleare himselfe from the Infamy of Sacking Mechlin The Victory won by Duke Federico And Mondragonio Goes Octob. 20. Ann. 72. The destruction of Nardem Which make the Spaniard odious Mich. Isselt in Hist. sui temp Fran. Har. in Annal. Belg. a●● fere omnes Of the Siege of Harlem Federico despaires of taking it His Father chides him The Harlemers provoke the Spaniards with new Scorne The Spaniards jeere to the Towne Their Answer Their mocquery of holy things Not unpunished August 1. They yield to mercy Very many put to death Alva's Son The remarkeable Accidents hapning at this Siege Carrier-Pidgeons A Regiment of Women The wilfulnesse and cruelty of the Harlemers The Siege of Harlem and Sancerre 1573. Compared Thuan Hist. l. 55. How many Royalists were slaine and hurt at the siege of Harlem Roan 1562. How many Covenanters were killed Bern. Mend. Lumè discontented His Commission taken from him by the Prince of Orange He is imprisoned Banished the Low-countries Arnold Havensius l. 1. de nov Episcop An. Carner in Hist. Belg. l. 5 Fran-Harzus in Annal. He dyes D. Federico forced to raise his seige of Alcmar Count Bolduc Admirall of the Spanish Fleete beaten at Sea ●eute● apud Haraeum in An●l Gallantly fighting Aldegund the Prince of Orange's intimate friend taken prisoner Novemb. 17 The Duke of Alva resignes the Lowcountries to his successour Requesenes And goes aboard for Spaine The diverse senses touching his departures of the Hereticks The Prince of Orange And of the Catholickes Sextus Aurel. in his ●ife He is gratiously received in Spaine by the King But the Cour●iers thinke the King dissembles Wherein they were deceived The true cause of Alva's confinement His excellent temper of mind in that calamity How great an honour it was to him in the end He is called from banishment to be Generall against Portugall His words to the Messengers He conquers And dyes The King's expression Didaco Prince of Spaine Anne the Emp. Maximilian's Daughter Alva's Elogy His Father 1510. His Grandfather He himselfe greater then his Progenitors Alva and Annas Momorancy parallel'd The Duke of Alva a good Courtier Much affected by the King But rather inwardly then in shew How much the King relied upon his Faith What soyled his Fame 1574. Requesenes begins his Government of the Low-countreys The hopes conceived of him Mart. Delr l. 1. Belg. Turb He takes away the Duke of Alva's Statue To the great joy of the Low-countreymen The Zelanders besiege Middelburg Requesenes sends a Fleet to relieve
the town That is Hound Which is met Fought with Bergen op Zoom And defeated Middleburg rendered Feb. 18. The Fame of Mondragonio What strange confidence the enemy reposed in him Aldegund and three more exchanged for Mondragonio Jacob Simon John Pettin Franciso Citadella 1430. Largil to Marg. of Parma March 5. What the Prince of Orange made of Middelburg Largil to Margaret of Parma March 5. The first Mutiny of the Spaniards Out of the Bishop of Namure's letter to Marg. of Parma Iuly 24. Against Avila who detained their Pay The expostulation of the Mutineers Avila flies They march to Antwerp in hostile manner Despise Requesenes his messengers And onely demand money They enter Antwerp Their threats Their solemn Oath Their Edict against plunder They are paid And quieted The pious liberality of the mutineers How much the Franciscans●ad ●ad of them They invite the Jesuits Who refuse to come at them They send money to the Jesuites Colledge An exhortation made them by one of the Societie The fruits of it They give and restore very much to the Citizens Leyden A suspition that the souldiers plunder was Requesenes his designe Iuly 14. March 8. April 6. Iuly 24. A generall pardon proclaimed Of the siege of Leyden Valdez invites the Town to a Re●ndition They barbarously refuse He draws his line nearer Resolves upon a generall assault Why he puts off the day appointed The site of Leyden The fearfull designe of the neighbours to Leyden Who breaking down the banks let in the sea They sail over the woods And over the fields to Leyden How great a Navy came The besiegers besieged Their constancy Bern. Mend. l. 12. The like wonder of old Caesar. lib. 5. de bell Gall. Paul Oros. l. 6. Sprink Uloet The Spaniards retreat Not without losse Bern. Mend. l. 12. The exploit of Pedro Ciaconio A second mutiny of the Spaniards Against Valdez as if he had betrayed them at the siege They take him prisoner Utrecht He procures money and therewith pacifies them The Spaniards prosperous fortune Mich. ab Isselt Hist. of his Times Supplies brought by Altempse An old souldier of great abillties Clara Medices Jacob Medices His danger in his march The Elogie of Requesenes ex Annal. Arag Hier. Zuri His progenitour 1440. His maternall Ancestours famous Sea-Commanders 1480. His own Sea-services 1569. 1571. Ant. Maria Gratia de Bel. Cypr. l. 4. Thuan. l. 48. Hist. His Civill Offices 1564. 1573. His difference with St. Charls Boromaeo Carol. a Basil. S. Pet. l. 3. c. 2. Joan. Petr. Gussan l. 3. c. 3. Of whom be asks forgivenesse by his servant 1575. His Government of the Low-countreys not so unfortunate as many think His great Errour His souldiers much more to blame that mutined so often Their third sedition was the occasion of his death Out of the relation of Christop Assonvil Being near his end he names a successour for the Civil Government And a Generall for the Army But dying ere he had signed their Commissions March 5. of his Age fifty yeare The Government rested in the great Councell Which the King doubts to confirm The Pope proposing Don John of Austra Mary Queen of Scots Nich●lao Ormanetti Bishop of Padua For these reasons Notwithstanding the King lets the Senate govern Perswaded thereunto by Opper upon these grounds 1576. An unseasonable resolution destructive to the Lowcountreys The Belgick warre occasioned by the Peoples contempt of the Senate And their private differences As also by another mutinie of the Spaniards from the Relation of Christ. Assonvil Because the Germans were payed and not they An injury they very much resent Mart. Delr l. 1. Turb Belg. and others And are exasperated by the complaint of Count Altempse They demand their Pay of the Senate Which being craftily denied They march in hostile manner into Brabant They refuse conditions offered They take Aelst A tumult in in Bruxels Called Scriban by Francis Harve in his Annal Belg. A Spanish Senatou's servant slain The Senate declares the Spaniards Enemies to the State The Low-countreymen permitted to take arms against them Avila complains of the Senate The Senate laies the fault upon Avila out of Christ. Assonvill An Edict published by the Senate against the souldiers in Aelst Avila sends ammunition to his Countreymen in Aelst The Civill warre for a while put off by the Marquesse of Havres arrvall In the end of August Vasseur Lord of Moriemsart The Senates Letters to the King out of Christ. Assonvill The King commands Don John to take post for the Low-countreys In the interim the Prince of Orange makes use of the differences among the Royalists Solicits the Governours of Provinces Particularly Duke Areschot Mart. Delv. 1. Turb Belg. The Senatours opinions touching those of Aelst Some would have them destroyed by arms Others not to be provoked and these spake prophetically But their sense was rejected The People create a new Governour of Bruxels By his Orders the Senators that were held to be of the Spanish Faction were taken into Custody The authority of the Senate falls to nothing A new form of Government to Deputies of the Estates The beginning of the Association of Gant Four Provinces offer assistance against the Spaniards They crave succours from their neighbours in order to the Spaniards expulsion Their Agreement with the Prince of Orange Who assists them in the recovery of Gant Other Provinces associated with them The Convention at Gant Their wonderfull unanimity against the Spaniard The Kings party and the Ecclesiasticks joyning with the Consederates Septem 30. The like consent of old in expelling the Romanes Caes. l. 7. de Gal. Bel. The Confederates troubled at Glime's slight and losse Much more at the recovery of Maestricht by the Spaniards A military Invention Of the sack of Antwerp From the Emperours Court where he had remained since his fathers death The Deputies of the Estates send forces into Antwerp The Town raises a battery against the Castle The Spanish from all their Qu●iters come to Antwerp So do the Mutineers from Aelst Of Cannon and Powder All received into the Fort. Christ. Assonv in his Relation The fury of the Mutineers A sally from the Castle The City-forces beat out of their Trenches The Spaniards enter the Town The Garrison at odds among themselves Count Egmont would have made resistance But is taken prisoner The Citizens fight stoutly Neer the Palace of Iustice. Which the Spaniards fire and become Masters of Antwerp Novem. 4. Count Egmont Caprius Gogny The Deputies of the Estates advance the association of Gant Hearing Antwerp was lost they hasten the firm conclusion of their League And send a Messenger to acquaint the King with their proceedings The Spanish Commandrrs likewise send one to his Majestie Who informs the King of these particulars The Plunder of Antwerp made the Spaniards adi●us How miserable a pillage it was The principall Actors in it The moderation of Camillo a Monte. The wretched condition of rich men The good fortune of a
Campe described by the Kings Scoutes Don Iohn moves towards them Marshalls his Army The number of his forces Alex. Farneze sues for the honour to command the Van. Don Iohn of Austria challenges the Enemy to a Battaile They answer him not He sends one to anger and rouse them The flying Squadron Giovanni Baptista a Monte. The Generall for the confederates Vses the same artifice to deceive the Royalists The fight At first little increaseth more and more Alexander Farneze in the Head of the Foote The Kings men beate the 〈◊〉 Enemy Take their trenches and the village They send to Don Iohn for more men to make good the Chase. Co. Nicol. Caesio Alex. Farneze doubts a stratagem And perswades Don Iohn to call backe his men But first they were come to the Enemies true Campe. The site of the Enemies Campe. Their number The fight renewed What forces fought on both sides The Consede rates The Royalists The Scots fight naked August 1. The Royalists in a sad condition lying open to the Enemies Cannon They send to Don Iohn for Fresh men Who in his Anger at first denies them Then adviseth And resolves to have the place considered Alex. Farneze goes to view it and contrives a way to fetch off the men Which he executes Don Iohn exhorts his men to keepe their ranks Alex. Farneze makes the Foote give ground upon Designe And the Horse to make it good Who were sore put to it The rare valour of the King's Horse in their Retreate I. Norreys who commanded the English Particularly of Camillo à Monte's Troope The Names of the principall Horse-men All of one Resolution And one courage What losse on both sides The Generalls censured The Royall Army highly praise Alex. Farneze Who conceives that he merits no lesse commendations as appear●s by his L●t●er to his Mother August 7. Don Iohn very carefull in making his Retreate Newes of the death of Sebastian King of Portugal August 4. Whereupon Alex. Farneze sends a ceremonious Embassage into Portugal Septem 13. The Towne of Areschot lost by trechery Mutio Pagano slaine The Straites whereto Don Iohn was reduced A Treaty of Peace The conditions proposed by the States Farneze's opinion touching those Propos●ls Don Iohn makes some difficulty to approve of this Counsell but presently after followes it Writes to the King And fortifies his Campe August 19. The Emperour Charles the fifth 1554. With workes designed by Serbellonio And made by Campio Serbellonio falls sick Don Iohn brings his whole Army within the Workes and comes himselfe sick to them The Physitians opinions of Don Iohn and Serbellonio False in both Doctor Pennonio growes famous for his judgement Septem 21. Don Iohn declares Alexander Farneze Governour of the Lowcountreys Who cannot well resolve whether he should so burthen himselfe yet at length condescends And gives his Mother in Account of his resolution Octob. 6. And his Father disliking it satisfies him thus Octob. 6. Another reason that induced him And another Alexander Farneze's extraordinary care of Don Iohn Of ordering the Army And of certifying every particular accident of Don Iohn's sicknesse is the King By Doctor Ramir. Don Iohn past hope of life Septem 28. is prepared with the Sacraments Growes rageous Comes to himselfe at the names of Iesu Maria. And dyes religiously The summe of his life His Country St Matthew's day Feb. 24. 1545. His Mother He was conveyed into Spaine in his infancy by Aloysio Quisciada that only knew the secret of his birth Mag. Vlloa Quisciada's Wife Governesse to the child Nor knowes she who is Father to it The Infant in danger of fire Magdalen Vlloa her selfe made this relation Whereat Quisciada is much troubled The child was afterwards in like perill at Madrid His nature and garbe His manner of Play with the Boyes Herod l. 1. His love to Horseman-ship Wherein he was still victoous The Emperour designes him for a Priest But too late Charles the fifth on his death-bed reveals his Son John to King Philip. To whom he commends the Child The owning of Don John The King goes to bunt And bids Quisciada bring the Boy to him upon the field Quisciada shewes himself not to bee Father to Don Iohn by the new Title he gives him The Chills Astonishment The beholders Expectation The King questions the boy about his Father And imbraces him as his Brother Assigning him houshold-servants The hunters hallow out their joy The Kings expression Don Iohn brought to Court is bred up with Prince Charles and Alex. Farneze In the beginning of this yeare Prince Charles Don Iohn and Alex. Farneze compared His person His Manners The King offended with him for refusing to enter into holy Orders And for stealing away to go for Malta But he makes his peace with riding back post And with the discovery of Prince Charles his journey He commands in chiefe against the Moores Winnes the bat●aile at Lepanto Stormes Tunis And Biserta Takes the King prisoner King Phillip againe displeased And jealous Placeth new servants about Don Iohn Who expects to take place at an Infanta The Kings goes out of towne purposely to decline the Grant And would have him governe the Lowcountries without an Army Not assured of his temper The Prince of Orange●●●orts ●●●orts that Don Iohn is to marry Queene Elizabeth Al. Cabrera in Philip the 2d. l. 12. c. 3. Iuan Vargas Mexia The death of Escovedo Don Iohn tempted with an offer of all the 17. Provinces Ready to kill the adviser Tacius l. 1. Annals Al Cabera in Phil. 2. l. 11. c. 15. Sayes that Don Iohn did wound the man Why hee was thus courted His griefe upon the Kings displeasure And for Escovedo's death Breakes his heart If it were not broke by poyso● Mat. Delt l. 5. Turb Belg. August 20. Those that sought to murther hi● punished Decemb. The Armies Lamentation for his death Whom they parallel with Germanicus Caesar And with his Father Charles the Fifth In the day of their Nativities deaths la their Military expeditions In the intreating of their Souldiers Charles the 5. Don Iohn In wearing of their 〈◊〉 1529. In their desire to live a solitary life Don Iohns constant custome to cleare his Conscience Mag●alen ●●dy of Villa-Garcia Especially before a day of Battaile His Vertues as a Generall Not infer●our to any Severall Nations contend for precedency in carrying of his Corps Alex. Farneze contents them all The funerall Pompe Ex litteris Com. Masi● ad Picum from the Campe Octob. 6. Why a Crowne was set on his head Mar. Del. l. 5. Turb Belg. Colonels and Captaines are the Bearers Foure great commanders a● the foure corners of the Herse Souldiers march before Alex. Farneze followes A Sepuleher onely for the present His three last requests to the King Don Iohn Father of two daughters 1570. Anne Ioane Feb. 1630. Why he named them not upon his death bed Alex. Farneze to his Mother Marg. of Parma Octob. 6. Alex. Farneze writes to the King about Don Iohns Petitions Octob. 1. and somewhat concerning himselfe But very much touching the danger of the present State of Affaires He is not sure the King will confirme to him the Governement C. Masius ad Equ Blondum Octob. 6. Which some in Spaine disswade Novem. 5. Ranucio Yet the King sends him Commission Novem. 29. And answers to the particulars requested by Don Iohn For his Mother Who was indeed no more but his supposed Mother Card a Cueva Clara Eugenia Isabella In Mag. Vlloa and Blomberg For his brother Ia. 7. 1579. March 18. 1579. Don Iohn's body privately conveyed through France In. Vargas Mexia Being first taken to pieces Afterwards set together in Spaine and shewed to the King At last interred Alex. Farneze takes upon him the Government of the Lowcountries
description of other Generals by how much he will be oftner in the Readers eye filling up a great part of our future Annals Nor will it be unpleasing to know Alexander Farneze before his Low-countrey expedition and to compare him in his former life to Himself in the Government of the Low-countreys like Members of a great Bodie every where great Alexander Farneze Prince of Parma Piacenza Governour of the Low countreys But in the interim a nobler cause of war was offered him a generall peace being concluded among Christian Princes against the common enemie Divers considerations incited him to that voyage the ground of the Warre the confluence of noble persons that ingaged and above all the Generall Don Iohn of Austria equally near to him in love and bloud Nor was his Father unwilling to let him go in hope that his sons military inclination would produce great effects howsoever that his fiercenesse would be tamed But his Mother that was powerfull with her husband being against it the Duke said nothing could be done till they knew the pleasure of the King his Uncle In the mean time Margaret of Austria received Letters as she had ordered it from the King wherein he wished Prince Alexander should not go as yet But he beyond measure inflamed with Don Iohns invitation at last prevailing with his Mother and the King furnished himself for the Warrs as young souldiers ever do magnificently Fourty two Gentlemen of Parma and Piacenza followed him and he had three hundred that were a king of Pretorians for his Life-guard men chosen with more then ordinary care by Paulo Vitelli a great Commander most of them having been Captains Lieutenants or Ensignes or at least above the rank of common souldiers With this train Prince Alexander offered himself as a Volunteer to his Uncle the Generall Who then by chance being at the Musters of his Army affectionately embraced him and when he had with the Generalls leave selected four hundred sea-men of the Kings he put them in two Gallyes sent from the Common-wealth of Genoa to be commanded by Comes Carolo Scotto and Pedro Francisco Nicello he himself with his Lieutenant Vitelli and part of his Gentlemen and Souldiers going aboard the Admirall of Genoa Though in the voyage especially before the battel Don Iohn would never let him be out of the Imperiall Galley where he was himself which turned to the benefit of the whole Navie For a verie bitter difference ensuing between Don Iohn and Venerio the Admirall of Venice likely to embroyl the forces of Christendome in a Civil Warre when Don Iohn in his first heat was about to revenge the wrong offered to the Majestie of the Supream Admirall onely Prince Alexander though some failed not to bring fuell to the fire that burned sufficiently in the young Generalls nature had so much power with his Uncle that he kept him from striking the first stroke Till Mark Antonio Columna the Pope's Admiral and the Venetian Embassadour Augustino Barbaric● by their wisdom joyned to Prince Alexander's endeavours swifter then imagination dispersed this Tempest threatning destruction to the Fleet. For which service when Prince Alexander came next to Rome Pope Pius commended him before some of the Cardinalls acknowledging both himself and Christendom much obliged to him But when they were upon the place of Battel formerly famed for the victory of Actium won by Octavius Cesar and the ships on both sides put in Battalia Prince Alexander being aboard Columna's Gally in the midst of the Fleet passed into his own the two other Genoa-Gallyes lying to the wind-ward and after a●showr of Arrows and Bullets from afarr the ships encounting Alexander Farneze having an eye upon Mustapha Treasurer of the Turkish Fleet with all his force stem'd his Gally and grappling found her a great deal stronger then he imagined She carryed the money and therefore was manned with above three hundred Ianizaries all old and valient Souldiers When they had fought long upon equall termes sometimes one of them setting up their Colours sometimes another Prince Alexander at once inflamed with shame and anger flourishing as he used to do a huge great sword leaped into the Bashaw's Gally and laying about him on both sides like a mad-man by the flaughter of the enemy opened a way to his Souldiers that were so nettled with the example and danger of their General as now all the boldest Turkes being slain the rest would presently have yeiled if the Bashaw of Alexandria had not come in with a strong Gally whereby the Turks both strengthened and encouraged for a while renewed the fight But one of Alexander's Farneze's Gallyes sending in fresh supplies when the Turks could no longer stand the fury of the conquerours Mustapha being in many places run through the body the Bashaw of Alexandria hurt and soon after taken Prince Alexander made himselfe master not only of the Treasurer's Gally but likewise of the Auxiliary ship with so great pillage for his men that some of them got 2000 Sultanies it is a Coin of little lesse value then the Venetian Chechine of gold others 3000 onely out of this Gally of the Treasurers besides what his two other Gallies found in three of the enemies Galliouns and as many of their Galliasses They say that Don Iohn of Austria after the Battel when he heard his Nephew Alexander highly extolled received him with great expressions of joy and love yet praised him with this exception that he boarded the enemy with better successe then judgment they being yet in their full strength and able to have hindred his retreat Which fault he took for an honour and said the reason of his confidence was built upon the sanctitie of his wife by whose prayers to God for him he conceived himself protected and secured so merrily passing over his uncles reprehension Nor was the gallantry of Prince Alexander's minde lesse manifested the year following though with lesse fortune or rather lesse concord of the Christian Nations For the league being renewed and the Christian Fleet somewhat too late after the Battel of Lepanto returned to prosecute their victory in Pe●oponnesus the new Turkish Admiral Uluciall had now repaired his ships and to avoide the encounter of the League having many times changed his Road now lay at Anchor near the strong Port of Methone And whilst Don Iohn with many offers to fight endeavoured to draw the Turks into the Main he resolved to send Alexander Farneze to besiege Navarinum not far off by land Who with 6000 in two divisions began to batter the Fort with more industrie then successe For the place being all rock or craggy his men could hardly get earth to raise their batteries nor could their tubbs and Gabions filled with earth and stone opposed in stead of a curtain be defence sufficient against the enemies Cannon The Seige was neverthelesse continued
and the Navarines sallying out but with losse beat back were thought to be upon the point of yielding When the Turks either by the connivence or ignorance of Prince Alexander's Souldiers put in men by night and relieved the Garrison Besides the Turkish horse and foot coming from al quarters Prince Alexander fearing they would block up his retreat and not hoping to take the Castle thought it enough in his enemies sight to retire with his Cannon to the Fleet. And Don Iohn since the Turkish Navy shunning a general Battell could by no affront be provoked to sea contented to have struct a terrour into the enemy and forced them to confesse themselves not able to appear upon the Main the mindes as well as the Fleet of the Christians being divided he went to Sicily the rest to other places Thus was Alexander Farneze initiated in war which as it begat an opinion both among those great Souldiers and Princes absent specially the successour to Pope Pius Gregory and King Philip of Spain that he would prove a gallant General so afterward it moved the King of his own accord to call him where the war was most dangerous into the Low-countreys For his Majesty pressed with the Low-countrey-mens daily complaints against Don Iohn of Austria and very desirous to quiet the Netherlands without Arms that weaken even the Conquerour himself he resolved to satisfie the desires of the Provinces and in his Brothers place to substitute his Sister Margaret of Austria with her Son Alexander Farneze Hoping either by her prudence and power with the Low-countrey-men to find out some expedient towards the concluding of a Peace or by his valour if there was use of Arms strongly to pursue the war Therefore he ordered it that Cardinall Granvell then at Rome should perswade his sister of Parma to return into the Low-countreys The Cardinall taking a journey to Aquila found there very opportunely the Dutchesse and Prince Alexander and read his letters containing the Kings desires to both together Though his Majesty had likewise commanded the Marquesse of Ayamont Governour of Millaine to treat with Prince Alexander apart The Dutchesse answered doubtfully she would advise upon it either fearing as she pretended to displease Don Iohn or by that delay and seeming refusal aym to put a higher value upon her journey But Alexander Farneze without the least demurring said he would obey the King with all his heart if it so pleased his mother He made yet a plainer answer to two letters delivered him by Raphael Manrique from Ayamont that was sick and kept his bed together with his Majesties letter wherein after expression of his grief for the death of Princesse Mary wife to Prince Alexander he signifies his resolution to imploy him in the Low-countreyes I am certain they are the Kings words now you know it with a ready and undaunted mind you will satisfie my exspectation of you and my love which highly esteems you and your virtue most illustrious Prince But when the King altered his determination of substituting the Dutchesse in his Brothers place by reason of Matthias the Arch-dukes coming into the Low-countreyes it was doubted at Parma whether it would be handsome for Prince Alexander to go and fight in the Low-countreyes commanded by another which consideration he out of duty to the King and desire of glory in the wars easily contemned especially incouraged by some dark words of Granvell promising great matters Besides Gregory the thirteenth interposed his Authority and exhortation who informed of the design by Cardinal Farneze highly praised it and bad the Cardinal write to the Prince of Parma in his name that the expedition would be pleasing to God and therefore under so mighty protection and upon encouragement from his Holiness he should willingly and speedily undertake it The Pope I suppose did not thus commend the warre onely for the King of Spain's sake and the common cause of Religion but for some peculiar benefit that might result to the Pontifician Empire For the Prince of Parma being a Feudatary and Homager to the See Apostolick his Holinesse thought himself concerned in sending the Prince to a Forein warre whence he might return an able General to defend the Church of Rome Wherefore Alexander Farneze having within a few dayes received three letters from Don Iohn of Austria which invited him with great entreaties and no lesse promises to the society of warre and glory making ready with all possible speed the twelvth day after he left Parma arrived at Luxemburg and there met Don Iohn who with expressions of incredible contentment received Prince Alexander that stood amazed to see his uncle no lesse impaired in his health then in the presence and Majestie of the most fortunate Generall So true it is that they are most sensible of adverse fortune which have been in most felicity It is therefore probable that Don Iohn not against his will or onely by the Kings command sent for the Prince of Parma nor did with dissembled joy welcome him from whose long approved fidelitie and valour he might promise safety to the publick and a particular preservation to himself whose life was sought by so many plots At their first meeting Don Iohn imparted the Kings commands that he should acquaint Prince Alexander with all businesse of Warre and Peace and reserve for his use 1000 Crownes a moneth Both which conditions pleased him very much especially the later usually given by the King to none but Viceroyes Governours of Provinces or Generalls of Armies For some dayes the Prince of Parma took the money till the Kings high estimation of his merit was thereby divulged among the people afterwards writing his humble thanks to his Majesty he as one more ambitious of honour then profit refused the pay adding that it was not fit he should be so remunerated who had yet done no service and he needed no encouragement But Alexander Farneze acting nothing without order from Don Iohn wholly applyed his minde and endeavours to inform himself of affaires at home and abroad which he found to be in a very bad condition For the King had but two Provinces that continued loyall in the rest the few Forts that held for his Majestie daily revolted to the States Nay even in Holland Amsterdam it self began to waver And in Brabant Bergen op Zoom where the Souldiers basely betraying their Colonell Charles Fugger yeilded to the States But the Garrison of Breda a while before deceived by a stratagem of the enemy carryed themselves yet more basely towards their Colonell For the Generalls of the Sates Arrmy Philip Count Holach and Frederick Perenot Lord of Campin that besieged Breda they were gallantly opposed by George Fronsberg Colonel of the Germans that served Don Iohn but the Garrison because they were some payes behind daily growing to mutiny Fronsberg by a man of know