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A33332 The lives of two and twenty English divines eminent in their generations for learning, piety, and painfulnesse in the work of the ministry, and for their sufferings in the cause of Christ : whereunto are annexed the lives of Gaspar Coligni, that famous admirall of France, slain in the Parisian massacre, and of Joane Queen of Navarr, who died a little before / by Samuel Clarke ... Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682. 1660 (1660) Wing C4540; ESTC R36026 335,009 323

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who suffer most in such Warres But they could get nothing at Court but scoffs and scorns whereby they perceived their lives to be in great danger which caused them to withdraw and to consult about the preservation of themselves and the Reformed Churches and hereunto they were earnestly solicited by many of the Nobility and by multitudes of honest Citizens who complained that they could no longer bear the manifold injuries wherewith they were daily oppressed by the Magistrates in every place These things being so the Prince of Conde and the Admirall knowing of how great Authority the Kings Name was through all France which caused the Guises in the former Warres to get him into their power communicating their counsels but with a few they resolved to go privately to the Court to see if by any means they could get the King away from the Guises and Queen Mother that so by removing him from his evil Counsellours they might the better establish peace but being betrayed by one of their Society this design was wholly frustrated whereby they were forced openly to prepare for War The Prince with five hundred Horse went to St. Denis where some others arriving in few daies made up the number of two thousand Horse and four thousand Shot and the Prince considering that the Parisians were not accustomed to fast hoped that if he could take their victuals from them he should either force them to fight or draw his enemies to a more assured peace Whereupon he sent Andelot with five hundred Horse to Poissy and Pontois to seize upon the passages of the Seine beneath Paris and other Troops to seize upon such passages as were above the Town Some others he sent to joyn with the Forces that were coming out of Guinne himself and the Admirall with about eight hundred Horse and a thousand two hundred Harquebushiers kept St. Denis to curb Paris on that side But the Constable who was the Kings Lieutenant Generall hearing that the Prince had thus divided his Forces issued out of Paris with about a thousand six hundred Foot and two thousand Lances and well furnished with Artillery and having chosen a commodious place for the Battell the next day he gives the Prince Battell wherein the Constable was wounded of which he died within a few daies after In this Battell the Admirall had wonderfull experience of Gods goodnesse in his preservation for riding upon a very fierce and head-strong Horse the curb of his Bridle being broken his Horse ran away with him and carried him twice through his enemies Army yet did not the Admirall receive any one wound though many Pistols were discharged at him and whenas his Horse had one Bullot shot into him he suffered himself to be easily reduced into his own Troop In this Battell many fell on both sides especially on the Prince of Conde's yet was the Kings Army routed and driven into Paris whereupon the Prince and Admirall thought best to retreat into Lorraine to meet those Horse which were sent for their assistance from divers of the Germane Princes for they again thought fit to oppose Forreigners against Forreigners In their march thitherwards they were eagerly pursued by their adversaries especially by Henry Duke of Anjou the Kings Brother afterwards King first of Poland then of France who taking all advantages to presse upon their rear put them to many inconveniencies When they came into Lorraine and met the Germans who were commanded by D. Cassimire the Son of the Elector Palatine they met with new troubles for the Germans began to mutiny for their arrears and to cry Gelt gelt according to their usuall custom but how to satisfie them or to raise the least part of that Money the Prince and Admirall knew not Yet in this strait our Admirall found out this remedy He advised that a certain Tax should be imposed upon every man in their own Army according to the rank and place which he held and for example himself disbursed five hundred Crowns and the Treasurers going through all the Regiments collected the Tribute Besides whatsoever Monies the Prince Admirall Andelot or others had was all put into the Treasurers hands so that in all they collected eighty thousand pounds which was given to the Lanceknets by which prudent advice of our Admirall they were extricated out of that great strait These Forces being thus united their adversaries hastily retired and by long journeys returned to Paris which the D. of Anjou looked upon as a great dishonour to him But the Prince of Conde's Army being much encouraged hereby went presently and besieged Caen. and having battered the Wals and made a sufficient breach just as Monsieur Andelot was ready with his Brigade to have given the assault the Kings Trumpeters came upon the spur and proclaimed that Peace was concluded for the effecting whereof Commissioners had been sent from both parties a few daies before to Paris whereupon the siege was raised and the Prince of Conde dismissed his Army But some daies before this word was brought to the Admirall that his Wife who together with her Children in the beginning of the War had betaken themselves to Orleance was taken with a violent disease whereupon he presently posted to Orleance and sending for the best Physicians he could get he performed the Office of a dear and loving husband to her yet it pleased God that she died This was a very great affliction to him and when many of his Friends came to comfort him being overwhelmed with sighs and tears he said Oh my God wherein have I sinned and offended thee that thou correctest me so bitterly and loadest me with so many calamities O that I could live more holily and be more exemplary in my life then I have been Most holy Father look upon me with the eyes of tender mercy and ease me of these pressures Then being comforted by his Friends he commanded his Children to be called to him and told them that by this losse of their dear Mother they might see the instability of all earthly comforts and that there was nothing here below which they could confide in and that Houses and Castles though never so strong were not given them for habitations but as Inns and that therefore they ought not to trust in any of these frail and fading things but only in the mercy and goodnesse of God and then they need not doubt but that they should find him alwaies ready at hand for their comfort and so two daies after calling Monsieur Grelleus his Sons Tutor he told him that he must needs return back to the Camp where he knew not what might befall him and therefore he required him to have a special care of his Sons and as he had often requested him to be carefull to bring them up in true Religion and the fear of God as well as to instruct them in other Arts and Learning His Wife had been
alwaies very studious of the Reformed Religion of an admirable courage and constancy in bearing the manifold afflictions which befell both her self and Husband and amongst her other excellent qualities and vertues she was alwaies very pitifull towards poor people and sick persons to whom she was very liberall in relieving and assisting of them and whereas many sick and wounded Souldiers were daily sent from the Camp to Orleance she frequently visited them so that the Physicians judged her disease to proceed from the stench of them Peace being proclaimed as is before specified in many places by the Kings Trumpeters the Admirall had scarce been three daies at his own house before Letters and Messengers came to him from many of his Friends signifying that instead of peace his enemies made great preparations for a more dangerous Warre for they observed that in every place such provision of War was made that if the Prince of Conde himself and the other associates did not timely prevent it they would be circumvented by their cruel enemies before they were aware and this they gathered from the Garrisons put into Orleance Altissiodore Blesa and other Cities surrendred to them as also by the Adversaries possessing themselves of all the Bridges and Passes over the Rivers keeping the Horse together in the heart of France and continuing two Regiments neer Paris under a pretence of a guard for the King Our Admirall finding these things to be true thought it most for his safety to retire into Tanlian to his Brother Andelot and from thence he shortly after removed to Nuceria a strong City under the Prince of Conde's Government whither formerly upon the like occasion he had carried his Wife and Family In his passage thither there fell out this memorable accident Near to the Town of Molinius there is a great Lake in the passage to Altissiodore when our Admirall came near it there was in his company an old man called Gripperius that had been a great traveller by sea and one that loved the Admirall very dearly this man observing a black cloud coming towards them carried with a violent wind he called to the Admirall desiring him to gallop to the next Town so fast as he could lest he should be oppressed with the violence of the storm approaching the Admirall hearkening to his counsell spurred on his Horse but before he had passed the narrow passages of the Lake there suddainly came such a violent tempest accompanied with a Whirlwind that many Horses and men were quite overthrown many were wounded with the great hailstones and almost quite slain The wind took off the Admirals hat which afterwards could never be found and one of his followers lent him his hat but herein the great mercy of God did appear that the Admirall scaped unhurt by the hail only one hailstone hit and hurt him about the ankle and had this storm taken him and his company a little sooner whilst they were upon the Lakes bank in all probability it had made an utter end of them The tempest being over our Admirall comforted his attendants and lifting up his eyes to Heaven he said O Almighty God I thank thee from whom I know this storm proceeds to warn us of the tempest of danger that is approaching by which we shall be sorely pressed but not oppressed When they were met together at Nuceria they sent divers Messengers with Letters to the King signifying that they had daily intelligence of the snares that were laid for their lives and therefore they beseeched his Majesty to pity his Kingdom wasted already with two Civil Warres and that he would not ruine his Kingdom but rather by his clemency and wisdom quench that fire that is kindled by the Guises Our Admirall also wrote to Margaret Daughter of King Francis and new Dutchesse of Savoy whom he believed to have great power with the Queen Mother intreating her to improve all her Authority and interest for the diverting of the storm that was approaching to the ruine of her Native Countrey But when he perceived that no arguments nor intreaty could prevail for peace and understood that Tavannius who was a little after made Marshall of the Kingdom was secretly drawing his Forces towards Nuceria there to compasse them in he advised the Prince of Conde that they should presently depart from thence and make all the hast that possibly they could to Rochel which by reason of their ancient priviledges had never hitherto admitted of any Garrison By the way they were to passe over the River Liger and in the train there was the Prince of Conde's Wife and six little Children whereof one was but a year old and two daies after followed the Admirall and Monsieur Andelots Children whom the Admirall had sent for to come to them At which time this strange Providence fell out When the Prince of Conde thought to transport his company in two or three little Ships privately over the River neer unto Sancerra it pleased God that a Foard was found whereby fifty Horsemen that were of the Princes train rode over and in the mean time the Ladies Women and Children were ferried over in Boats and no sooner were they gotten all over but though the day was fair the River suddainly rose so high that the Inhabitants of Sancerra took notice of the wonderfull Providence of God praying heartily for the safety and welfare of those little ones who had escaped such a danger The King hearing of this their going to Rochel by the advice of his Courtiers presently commanded all his Horse especially those that were in the Countries of Xantone and Poicters to hasten to Rochel He sent also his Brother Henry the Duke of Anjou to raise all the Forces he could and presently to march thitherwards In the mean time those of the Religion who relying upon the Kings promise and Proclamation of peace staied in their own Cities were every where basely murthered About this time Joane Queen of Navarr who in the former troubles had kept here own house abhorring such abominable treachery and perfidiousnesse after peace so often renewed getting what Forces she could together advanced with them to Rochel carrying with her her Son Henry who after her death was King of Navarr and her only Daughter These things being thus setled the Admirall drew some great Guns out of Rochel intending to besiege Niort and within a few daies had it surrendred to him Then he led his Forces to Engolisme which stands upon an high and steep hill having only one passage to it and therefore the enemies had a little before strongly fortified it but the Admirall planting his Ordinance on that side where it was saultable within a few daies space had it surrendred to him Presently after the Van of each Army met at Jasenullius and fought together the Admirall commanded that of the Protestants who charged the enemy so gallantly that they were presently broken
that thereupon the Queen Mother commanded the Prince of Conde to be set at liberty And a few daies after the Admirall assaulted Boience and at last took the Town though with some losse of his men About this very time the Admirals eldest Son called Gaspar being a youth of nine years old but of admirable towardnesse fell sick and died at Orleance which was an exceeding great grief to his Father In the mean time the Guises perceiving that they were forsaken by the greatest part of France which now adheared to and assisted Conde they resolved to call in forraign helps and thereupon sending much Money into Swisserland and Germany they hired from the former Foot and from the latter Horse to come in to their aid which the Admirall used often to say was a plain demonstration of their treacherous and hostile minds against France and therefore that he might not be wanting to himself and Friends who had committed so great a trust to him he resolved to oppose Forraign by Forraign forces And for this end he sent his Brother Andelot to the Protestant Princes in Germany of whose good will to the French Churches he had good assurance requesting aid from them who accordingly within three moneths space sent him three thousand Horse and six thousand Foot into France Whilst these things were transacting intelligence was given to the Admirall that some Cannons and a great quantity of Gunpowder was carrying to the Duke of Guise who now besieged Biturg guarded with six Troops of Horse and some Foot Hereupon the Admirall taking some Horse with him by long journeys hastened to meet the Convoy and coming up to them they scarce stood the first shock but throwing away their Arms fled and left the Booty to the Admirall who wanting Horses to draw them away by over-charging the Guns brake them and blew up the Gunpowder and so returned to his Camp Andelot returning out of Germany brought with him three thousand Horse and six thousand Foot so that the Prince of Conde having a good Army of French and Germans hasted to Paris which the Guises hearing of intended to meet him having gotten a Regiment of Swissers in whom they put most confidence and so the two Armies meeting a Battell was fought but with a doubtfull event for on the one side the Constable was taken prisoner by one Will. Steward a valiant Scots man and on the other side the Prince of Conde was taken prisoner which made many of his Foot to throw away their Arms and fly But the Admirall rallying the Horse and encouraging them to prefer their Religion Country and honour befor their lives he valiantly charged the Guisians in which medly he slew Marshall St. Andrew a potent man at Court and Prossaeus Collonel to the Duke of Guise and divers other Noble men The fight being ended the Admirall carried the Constable to Orleance where he made his abode for a while But shortly after came the Duke of Guise to besiege the City whereupon the Admirall leaving his Brother Andelot for the defence of it flies into Normandy and there besieged the Castle of Cadonius where the Marquesse of Elboeve one of the D. of Lorrains Brothers was and within a few daies had it with all the Arms and Ammunition surrendred to him About this time there was one John Poltrot a young man of a Noble Family in the Army of the Duke of Guise who having embraced the Reformed Religion and served for some moneths under the Prince of Conde took up privately with himself a resolution to kill the D. of Guise as a publique enemy to his Countrey and a cause of all the present calamities And said he If I had been bound to him by any oaths I must not have been perfidious but being free why should I not venture as Scaevola did for my Countries safety With this resolution he went to the Duke of Guises Camp and watching his opportunity shot him into the shoulder of which wound he died within a few daies after The very same day in the morning the Duke of Guise being ready to give an assault to Orleance wrote to the Queen Mother that within twenty four hours he would send her word of the taking of that City and that he would make the day very memorable by sparing neither sex nor age and that after he had kept his Shrovetide there he would extinguish the memory of the Town by utter subverting of it But man knows not his destiny nor what shall happen to him for that the same evening he was slain as you heard before Presently after which a Peace was concluded and the Edict renued for the free exercise of the Reformed Religion through all France as formerly Not many moneths after the Admirall being sent for to Court by the Queen Mother the Widow of the Duke of Guise comes in and falls down at the Kings feet crying out with many tears for revenge for her Husbands death charging the Admirall as the contriver and author of it The Admirall apprehending that this was but the device of others which set her on to seek his destruction by fraud which they could not effect by War before the King and all the Councel he clears himself shewing that Poltrot had at his death professed that he was set on by none but God neither did he doubt but that he had done God good service in it and freed his Countrey from a Tyrant that raged and thirsted after Christian blood and therefore he was not sorry for what he had done c. He also desired that if they questioned the death of the Duke of Guise he might have leave also to put in a Charge against him for that he doubted not but that he could easily prove the Duke of Guise guilty of murthering wickedly the Kings Subjects and of violating all the sacred Laws and Decrees of the King of taking up arms of his own head without Authority and thereby making himself guilty of Treason and of kindling those flames in France which had continued about thirteen moneths Notwithstanding this resolute speech of the Admirall his enemies ceased not for some years still to call upon the King for justice against him whereupon the King at last appointed a Convention of all the Peers of the Kingdom at the City of Molincum whither also he called his chiefest Senators and Counsellours commanding the Cardinall of Lorraine and the Widow of the Duke of Guise to produce what proofs they could and the Admirall to defend himself against them When both parties had pleaded their Cause the King told them that he had referred the judgment to his Counsellors and therefore asked them if they had any exceptions against any of them they answered No. Then he asked them if they would refer the determination of their Cause to him and would stand to his judgment They answered that they would willingly so do Whereupon Jan. 29. Anno
that by this means the City was relieved with much provision and three hundred fresh Souldiers which encouraged them to make divers sallies The King also wrote to them to hold out promising speedy aid which animated them valiently to defend themselves But it was evident that if the Lord had not laid that affliction upon the Admirall the City had been theirs About this time there was one of the Admirals Servants called Dominicus Albio who having been taken prisoner by the Kings party and stayed some moneths with them returned to his Master where after a while he was suspected by reason of some words that fell from him and therefore being strictly examined he brought forth a box of poyson which one Riverius a chief man about the Duke of Anjou had given him together with one of his Secretaries both of them promising him two thousand Crowns if he would poyson his Master Upon this his confession he was condemned to death and though some would have had him tormented yet the Admirall caused him only to be hanged for the terrour of orhers The Admiral being not yet fully recovered of his Disease news was brought him that Castelheraut being about seven miles off was besieged by the enemies whereupon in his Horselitter he presently advanced thitherward and having relieved the place with fresh men he easily raised the siege and drave away his enemies killed many especially of the Italians neither gave he over the pursuit till they had passed the River which for the depth of it is called Creusa In the mean time the young Duke of Guise who was Governour of Poictiers in the night time removed out of the City with a great company putting a fresh Garrison into it and the Duke of Anjou having recruted his Army with many French Germans and Swissers came to Chinon whereas the Admirals Army was tired out with the long siege of Poictiers and much wasted with want of provision and with great tempests and of those which remained there were very many sick especially of the Germans and most of those of Xantone were gone home to refresh themselves Many also were gone to La Charity and Sancerre which were in the Protestants hands For which causes the Admirall judging it best to protract time restrained the eager mindes of his Souldiers from fighting yet both Captains and common Souldiers would not be satisfied threatning to go home and provide for their own safety They also judged it farre more fit to fight there in their own Countrey where they might be supplied with necessaries then in their enemies especially considering that they had divers strong Towns in Aquitane the Delphinate and Leige into which they might retreat and from whence they might make excursions for the depopulating of their enemies Countries The Germanes also cried out that having wanted their pay for divers moneths it were better for them to fight then to be so long from their own Countrey and relations Thus it being resolved that they should come to a Battell both Armies advanced to Monconture striving which should possesse the place and the Van being led by the Admirall was suddainly set upon by the enemy the Admirall seeking for his Armour-bearer could not find him yet unarmed as he was he rushed into the midst of his enemies Count Mansfelt seconded him so that they forced them to give ground Hard by there was a rivolet which the enemies contended earnestly to passe over whereupon the Admirall taking some Harquebushiers with him hastened to the Rivers bank to oppose them where he continued all that evening ●n the mean time the enemy continually shot at him both with great and small shot who if they could have gotten the passage might have brought great detriment to the Army for the enemies exceeded the Protestant Army by a third part besides they were fresh and in good plight the other were weary and harrassed out but this holp them only for two daies space for on the third day six hundred Germans set upon the Admirall who had only two hundred French horse with him and in the fight the Admirall being often shot at at last received a wound on his face by the right side of his nose the bullet piercing into his mouth which wound bled so fast that he could not spit out the blood his sword also by many blows fell out of his hand and the buckles of his Breast-plate were so broken that it hung by very little but in this extremity by the assistance and faithfull help of one ●lorinerius a young Norman whom he had brought up from a Child in his Family he was rescued and conveyed out of the crowd and his Forces being overthrown he was by his Friends conveyed to Parthenaeus Here we might wonder at his constancy and magnanimity for whereas in this great calamity most men gave way to despondency he laboured to comfort and confirm each of them he also caused his Secretaries presently to write into all the parts of France to the Protestants that were in arms not to be discouraged or to think that he had received so great a blow which might not be repaired within a few daies The very next day he removed to Niort where having setled his affairs he went into Xantone and there stayed seven daies for the cure of his wound which could not be perfectly healed in lesse then twenty five daies space Being thus tos●ed up and down with various afflictions word was brought him that the Parliament of Paris Sept. 13. 1569. had made a Decree wherein they had declared him guilty of treason and had proposed a reward of fifty thousand Crowns to any one that would bring him alive to the King At the same time he had intelligence that one Martinengus an Italian banished his own Countrey for treason being made by the King Commander of some Troops of horse had been at Castellion and surprized his Castle and plundered it of all his rich Furniture which for divers ages had remained there the value whereof was not lesse worth then one hundred thousand Crowns besides he had so burned the whole Town adjoyning to the Castle that there was scarce any footsteps remaining of it which sad tidings were so farre from causing any dejectednesse in him or disfitting him for his employments that he did not so much as shew the least change in his countenance And whenas his Friends and kindred flocked to him to comfort him he told them That through Gods grace he had this frame of spirit given him that for those things which are usually called Goods he possessed them and not they him and that his Fortunes were subjected to him not he to them And whereas in those Civil Warres Princes Peers Nobles Knights Horsemen and Footmen had large allowances from the King whereby they maintained themselves he on the contrary was alwaies carefull to discharge his quarters both for himself and Family whereby
these tossings to and fro he should thus light upon his feet yet would not meddle for the present but wait occasions Those that were well-affected were glad he was engaged against the Court and Bishops and did presage he might be instrumental to their downfall and every body laboured to ingage him more and more against them The Spanish match was then the common talk and great unwillingnesse appeared in the people generally and Doctor Willet had presumed to offer Arguments unto the King against matching with Idolaters The King was greatly vext at this adventure and took great paines to perswade the Doctor that a Papist was not an Idolater Sed non persuadebat etiamsi persuaserat The people were unsatisfied and there being then a Parliament a very Honourable and able Member of the House of Lords prevailed with Master Preston to write some Arguments against it And though there were severe Edicts and Proclamations against scandalous Papers and intermedling with Mysteries of State yet he promised it should be scattered and divulged unto fit persons and none should know from whence or from whom it came accordingly when it was finished and written fair one gave it to a Porter whom he met in Holborne and bad him leave it according to the direction The next day a great Lord comes unto him that had perswaded Master Preston unto the service and tels him that he had met with such a piece against the Spanish match as he never saw and protested he was convinced that he must speak against it in the House what ever came of it The other asked him who made it and where he had it he assured him he knew not but it was left at his lodging by he knew not whom The Lord desired he might see it and so it was copied out and spread among those of the Parliament they thought fit but the Authour of it never known King James had something alwayes in his Writings and Speeches against the Puritans which was ill taken for that it was apparent those meant thereby were godly conscientious persons The House of Commons was the only mote in King James his eye the Remora as he conceived unto his absolute dominion for he knew not how for to engaged them as he did the Lawyers and Divines but if he stopped one mouth with preferment this Parliament there would be others open the next against him There were some now that adventured to apologize for Puritans and to say in Parliament that honest men were wounded under that name and to propose that godly Ministers might not be silenced and thrown out of their Free-holds for trifles and Ceremonies But King James would none of that stuff breaks up the Parliament and sets out Proclamations Sed quid prodest totius regionis silentium si affectus fremant People love not to be enforced unto duty Homines duci volunt non cogi The Chaplains that attended monethly at the Court were not ambitious of preaching over-often and so a Combination was agreed on for Preachers before the King when ever he should lie within twelve miles of Cambridge The King did not despair of making Scholars his and therefore used all endeavours to oblige them especially Cambridge men where a seed of Puritans had been a long time and though the Plains about Royston and New-market afforded better Winter-game then elsewhere yet Scholars he conceived might be catcht sometimes as well as Hares and so was willing they should preach before him Young men he knew would preach themselves Omnis oratio docet aut rem aut animum dicentis He should learn either things or persons By this means it came to Master Prestons turn to preach before the King at Royston he was so muffled at Court in Doctor Newcombs businesse that he knew not what to do could not decline it altogether for that would have exposed him unto too much observation and yet he greatly feared what might befall him in the doing of it therefore he changed his course with one that was to preach a little after and did it very privately that if his enemies should have designes they might be disappointed and so it was not much known When he was to preach it fell out that his course came upon a Tuesday when the King did lie at Finching brook the Court was very thin and the Prince and Duke of Buckingham were both abroad and the King himself was for an hunting match that day and gave order that the Sermon should begin at eight of the clock Master Preston had some at the Court that were solicitous as well as he and they told him it would give very great content if he would take some occasion in the Sermon to shew his judgment as he had done before about Se● Formes Doctor Young Deane of Winchester of whom we spake before did then attend and when the King came in and sate down in the chair he told him who it was that preached and said he hoped he would give content I pray God he do said the King The Sermon is in print upon John 1.16 which he so clearly opened and applied that the King sate all the while as quiet as could be and never stirred nor spake to any body but by his looks discovered he was pleased when all was done he came unto him as the manner was to kisse his hand and the King asked him of what Preston he was descended he answered of that in Lancashire Then said the King you have many of your name and kindred very eminent and Preston the Priest although a Papist is a very learned man Great haste was made to bring in dinner and the King was very pleasant all the time had his eye continually upon Master Preston and spake of divers passages in the Sermon with much content especially that of the Arminians putting God into the same extreamity that Darius was put in Dan. 6. when he would have saved Daniel but could not but as soon as ever he was retired the Marquesse Hamilton kneeled down and besought him that he might commend the Preacher to him for his Chaplain protested he did not so much as know him but that he was moved by the weight and strength of that he had delivered told him he spake no pen and ink-horn language but as one that comprehended what he said and that he could not but have substance and matter in him The King acknowledged all but said it was too early remembred New-market businesse and was reserved Sir Ralph Freeman one of the Masters of Requests had married a Kinswoman of the Duke of Buckhinghams and was a Kinsman unto Master Preston he makes relation of the businesse unto the Duke and told him if now he would appear in favour of his Cousin Preston he might oblige the Puritans and lay a ground-work for his own security if tempests should arise assured him that Master Preston was ingenuous and might be made that the King and all the Court were taken
and scattered flying to Lusinian for safety leaving all their bag and baggage behind them so that the booty which the Admirall gat was estimated to be more worth then fifty thousand Crowns Two daies after they intercepted Letters from Fizius the Kings Secretary to the Queen-Mother much bewailing that losse Presently after the Admirall going to the Town of Jarnac fell into great danger and without a speciall providence had become a prey to his enemies For the enemy understanding that he purposed to transport his Forces over the River in that place by a bridge of boats they secretly laid an ambush on the other side and observing the Admirall where he was they let fly all their Harquebushes at him and others endeavoured to break the bridge of the Admirals side there was one Harquibushier that had often shot at the enemies and at last was by a bullet slain whereupon twelve more ran to his aid so that a tumult arising the Admirall ran with his naked Sword not having time to put on his arms and endeavoured to cut in sunder the cords wherewith the boats were fastened all which time the enemies ceased not continually to shoot at him yet God wonderfully preserved him and from that time forwards he resolved never to be without a Lifeguard for his assistance in such suddain accidents Two daies after the enemies having passed over the River Charenton the Prince of Conde feared lest they would compasse him about having lately joyned to them three thousand German horse and six thousand Swissers yet being of a very resolute and couragious mind he resolved to stop their course yet withall if possible to avoid a set Battell In the mean time word was brought to the Admirall that some of his Forces which were quartered in a neighbour village were circumvented by their enemies and yet valiantly defended themselves our Admirall hastened therefore upon the spur to their succour with some horse whom as soon as the enemies espied they compassed round about which being told to the Prince of Conde being more valiant then advised he brake into the midst of them where being oppressed with the multitude and his horse killed under him which also fell upon him he lifting up his beavour rendred himself to some of the Kings Captains who gave him their faith for his safety but presently after came Montisquius Captain of the Duke of Guise his guard not without the secret command of his Master as it was believed and setting upon Conde behinde his back as he was talking with the Captains dispatched him with a dagg shot into his neck He was a Prince inferiour to none that lived in that age for courage and courtesie he was eloquent in speech liberall affable to all and a most excellent Commander in Warre After his death his body was basely abused and at last in scorn laid upon a Shee-Asse and carried to Jarnac The Admirall being exceedingly grieved with this great losse and suspecting the issue made a retreat together with his Brother Andelot into the Town of St. Jan de Angeli and whereas he might have revenged the indignities done to the body of the Prince by shewing the like to the bodies of many of his great adversaries whom he had slain yet he would not do it but afforded them decent buriall which thing he also did during all the time of the Warres The Queen of Navarr being at Rochell and hearing of this great losse hastened to the Camp comforted the Captains and exhorted all the Souldiers not to be disheartned nor to forget their former valour telling them that she had brought her only Son Henry that was to succeed her in the Kingdom to be their Generall professing that she preferred the safety of the Army before the life of her Son To him was also Henry Prince of Conde Brother to Lewis that was lately slain adjoyned in this honour but the whole care for managing the Warre by the joynt consent of all the Commanders and Officers was wholly divolved upon the Admirall none having the like credit or authority amongst those of the Religion as he For it was well known that besides his singular skill in military affairs his justice and temperance there was none amongst all the Peers of France that had so openly embraced and professed the Religion as he He was the first that reformed his Family according to the Rule of Gods Word He was the man that presumed to prefer their Petition to King Francis the second that was nearly allied to the Guises by affinity He gave the first example to the Nobility of France of Piety who were grown extream loose by reason of the dissolutenesse of the Court and after he had once embraced the Reformed Religion he never gave the least occasion of scandall to the Churches And whereas many Delegates repaired often to him from the Churches he alwaies gave them wholsome and prudent counsell He first took up arms not to fight against the King as some misreported but at the request and Prayers of the Queen Mother Neither yet did he it either by his own private counsell or of the Queen Mother but by the Authority of the Parliament of Orleance the King being not yet twelve years old As also after the Kings Edict for Peace established and promulgated by the advice and consent of all the States of France because it was so notoriously violated by the Guises to the utter undoing of many honest Families and almost the ruine of many flourishing Cities and to the losse of the lives of many famous Captains to the great prejudice of the whole Kingdom and to the oppression of many flourishing Churches dispersed almost in every Town of France By all which that poor Kingdom was laid open to be a prey to any forreign Prince that should invade it After these things a grievous affliction befell the Admirall by the death of his Brother Andelot who in the City of Xantone died of a violent disease suddainly not without suspition of poison and the rather because it was a usuall saying of Biraguus shortly after made Chancellour That the War was not to be finished with so much hazard by armed men but rather by Cooks and Kitchin boyes Upon this occasion the Admirall wrote a Letter to his own and his Brother Andelot's sons who were with their Tutor at Rochel for comforting of them the tenour whereof was this Although I believe that the death of my Brother Andelot is very grievous unto you yet I thought fit to admonish you that you have great cause to rejoyce that you had so good a Father and Uncle of whom I dare affirm that he was truly Religious and eminent for his valour and skill in military affairs the remembrance of which vertues ought to be dear unto you that as much as may be you may be imitators of them yea I believe I may boldly affirm this of him that there is none in all
if she were a stranger but it redounded to the great hurt of France and was the cause of many Civil broils When the day of the publique Convention of the States came he which made the Speech in the behalf of the Nobility about the end of his Oration presented the King with a Supplication that they of the Reformed Religion might have publique places allowed them for the exercise of the service of God in To this one Quintin a Doctor of the Civil Law and Professor of Paris opposed himself and made a long Oration in the name of the Clergy which he rather read then pronounced by heart wherein he took the boldnesse to affirm That all they that moved for publique places for those of the Religion were guilty of Treason against the King and Kingdom the authors of sedition and bringers in of a new Religion and therefore ought severely to be punished Of which when the Admirall in the Kings Councel afterwards complained Quintin to excuse himself professed that he had spoken nothing of his own head but only had pronounced that Oration which was penned and put into his hand by the Clergy and that he was ready again in the Convention of States before the King and all the company to avow that in all that he had said he had no thoughts of hurt to the Admirall In conclusion there was an Edict sent forth in the Kings Name commanding and requiring all the Judges and Magistrates through France to release all those of the Religion that were in prison and it was forbidden them upon great penalties hereafter to meddle with or to trouble any for their Religion sake As for the businesse of allowing them publique places for worship that was put off to the next Generall meeting of the States which was appointed but held not to be at Ponthoise in Piccardy January following there was a meeting of all the Princes and Nobles of France appointed to be held at St. Germans whither also repaired the Deputies from all the Parliaments and there it was decreed that Churches should be allowed to the Protestants in the Suburbs belonging to each City Upon the publishing of which Edict the Peace of the Kingdom seemed to be setled and in the Suburbs of all the greater Cities yea of Paris it self those of the Religion met publiquely and had Sermons preached without the least disturbance But presently after was news brought that the D. of Guise in Campania had basely murthered about two hundred persons who were met together at Vassiac to hear a Sermon according to the power given them by the Kings Edict in a barn and it was conceived that the D. of Guise took this boldnesse relying upon the friendship of the K. of Navarr whose weak mind he had bowed and bound to himself by promising him the Kingdom of Sardinia and other favours and upon this confidence adjoyning his other Brethren to him with a great Army he went to the Court and there seized upon King and Queen Mother who seemed with many tears to bewail the violence profered to to them and carried them away to Paris Hereupon the Queen Mother sent divers messengers to the Admirall and writ with her own hand to the Prince of Conde requesting them to help her and to deliver the King out of this captivity This caused the Prince of Conde with many of the Nobility upon deliberation to resolve to raise an Army for the rescue of the King and to curb the insolency of the Guises often saying that he ought not to be deterred with reports as if he intended to propagate his Religion by arms or to offer violence to the Person of the young King For said he After such a publique Decree made by the King and all the States in favour of those of the Religion What had the D. of Guise who is a Lorrainer by extraction to do in France Or by what confidence doth he exercise such cruelty against the Kings faithfull Subjects And therefore he saw that there was no way left but to repell force with force and that he was not the author of the War but by War defended those that were unjustly oppressed by War There was also a publique report that the D. of Nemours had endeavoured by flatteries to perswade the young Prince Henry the Kings Brother who was afterwards chosen King of Poland to go with him out of the bounds of France which the young youth had declared to his Mother There was much speech also of the Massacre at Vassiac and of their leading the King and Queen Mother as their captives to Paris where they had a powerfull faction They had also sent to the German Princes desiring to be admitted into the league of the Protestants The Cardinall of Lorraine had also sent to Christopher Duke of Wirtzberge a prudent and valiant Prince pretending that both he and his Brethren would embrace the Protestant Religion and desired to be enrolled in the number of the Protestant Princes These things being publiquely divulged the resolution of the Prince of Conde to take Arms was generally approved of and in a few daies many Cities sided with and assisted him as Orleans Biturg Roan Lions Vienna Valentia Mont-alban c. And whereas by the common consent of all the Protestants in France the Prince of Conde was chosen Generall he prevailed so far with them that the managing of the War was conferred upon our Admirall to whom he also delegated his own power and interest for the opinion which he had of his excellent justice gravity and prudence This being generally taken notice of the Queen Mother interposeth as a Mediatrix for peace and sends for the Prince of Conde to come to their tents intreating him that for the convenient situation of it he would deliver up into their hands for a few daies as the fittest place for the Treaty the City of Boience where there is a bridge that passeth over the River Loir which bridge she affirmed to be the fittest of all other places for the Parlee The Prince of Conde upon the perswasions of his Brother the King of Navarr and of the Queen Mother and upon their faithfull promise that the Town should be delivered back to him again and that his person should be in safety during the Treaty without taking any further pledges delivers up Boience to them only desiring that whilst the Treaty lasted the Constable Guise and Saint Andrew who were called the Triumvirate for the ruine of France might be commanded to withdraw from the Camp When these things were done the Queen Mother and the Guises put a garrison into the Town of Bogener fortifie it strongly and keep the Prince of Conde prisoner The Admirall being justly incensed by this perfidiousnesse and resolving not to be wanting in his aid to the Prince of Conde he presently with all his Cavalry sets upon the enemies Camp which brought such a terrour amongst them