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A14722 Anima'dversions of vvarre; or, A militarie magazine of the truest rules, and ablest instructions, for the managing of warre Composed, of the most refined discipline, and choice experiments that these late Netherlandish, and Swedish warres have produced. With divers new inventions, both of fortifications and stratagems. As also sundry collections taken out of the most approved authors, ancient and moderne, either in Greeke. Latine. Italian. French. Spanish. Dutch, or English. In two bookes. By Robert Ward, Gentleman and commander. Ward, Robert, fl. 1639.; Marshall, William, fl. 1617-1650, engraver. 1639 (1639) STC 25025; ESTC S118037 599,688 501

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Chap. 125. The Reason why wee retaine the custome of Ranking five deepe in File 314 Chap. 126. How the Cavalrie are to order and demeane themselves in proportionable Battels fit to be joyned with the Infantrie with their due order of fighting against the Enemies Foot-Troopes Likewise how they are to give and receive a Charge of the Enemies Cavalrie in Grosse as also in single Combats and assaults 316 SECT XIII A Discourse of Politique Stratagems Chap. 127. A perfect Demonstration of such Politique Stratagems as have beene plotted and and practised both by Ancient and Moderne Commanders 321 Chap. 128. How the Prince of Orange tooke in Grolle in Gelderland 322 Chap. 129. A Policie to deferre time when a Towne is beleaguered that reliefe may bee gained Ibid. Chap. 130. How Zophirus by a Politique Stratagem delivered a whole Armie into his Generalls hands Ibid. Chap. 131. How Philip Macedon and divers others by their Policie have gained Kingdomes by affording their aydes to distressed Princes 323 Chap. 132. A Policie to preserve Townes from revolting with a covert-way to banish such men as are held in suspition Ibid. Chap. 133. A Politique way to prevent an Enemie from stopping the March of part of an Army 324 Chap. 134. A Politique way for an Army that is fallen into danger to escape it by securing the one halfe by the hazarding the other Ibid. Chap. 135. A Policie whereby Scanderbeg in a Battell against the Great Turke overthrew his Troopes of Horses Ibid. Chap. 136. A Policie which the Duke de Alva used to fortifie his Army against the Prince of Orange his Horse 325 Chap. 137. A Policie to prevent rebellion of such in high Authority as are discontented or of a proud and haughty spirit Ibid. Chap. 138. How a Generall ought to demeane himselfe Politickly both in giving of Battell and in refusing it Ibid. Chap. 139. A Politicke observation of a Generall how hee should intreat a Peace 326 Chap. 140. A Policie to prevent the assistance of a forreigne friend Ibid. Chap. 141. How to gaine fortunate successe to an Army Ibid. Chap. 142. A Policie used by Marrius to trie the fidelity of the French which inhabi●ed Lombardy 325 Chap. 143. A policie to compell an Enemy out of a Land without hazarding an Army in Battell with him ibid. Chap. 144. How a Generall sbould use policie in letting an enemy passe without sight ib. Chap. 145. A policie to make Souldiers fight in a pitcht Battell and to prevent their running away 328 Chap. 146. A policie of a Genoys used to the Negotiator of Lodwick Sforza to cause him to know the nature of oppression ibid. Chap. 147. A policie to be used by a Generall to encourage Souldiers to worke in time of necessitie ibid. Chap. 148. A politicke way for a Generall to gaine a difficult passage with his Army ibid. Chap. 149. A policie to bee used by a Generall to further the assault made against a Towne 329 Chap. 150. A politicke Stratagem used by the Hollanders to take in the Towne of Breda ibid. Chap. 151. A policie which the Citie of Cassiline used to make Haniball raise his seige ibid. Chap. 152. Caesars policie in letting the Dutchmen flie that he might vanquish them 330 Chap. 153. How by a Stratagem the Guard of the Sconse at Zutphen was cut off and the Sconse taken and immediatly after the Towne ibid. Chap. 154. A policie used by the Romans to relieve such Townes as had Rivers running by or thorow them ibid. Chap. 155. How the Governour of Bergen-up-zone had like to have routed Spinola's Army at his first beseiging it 331 Chap. 156. A policie used by Mennon of Rhodes to draw his enemy out of his Trenches to give him Battell ibid. Chap. 157. How Marcellus by a politicke Stratagem cut off Haniballs Forces which came to assault the Towne of Nola. Ibid. Chap. 158. A Policie which Scipio used to weaken and dishearten the Army of Asdruball before he would give him Battell whereby he gayned the victory 332 Chap. 159. A Politicke Stratagem which Titus Didus made use of to prevent his enemy for encountring with his fresh supplies that were comming to assist him ib. Chap. 160. A Policie of Haniball to bring the Romans into jealousie of their Generall Fabius Maximus that thereby he might worke his owne ends 333 Chap. 161. A Politicke Stratagem whereby an Army hath beene disheartned in time of Battell ib. Chap. 162. A Politick Stratagem used by Labienus in France whereby he vanquished his enemies Army marching over a River ib. Chap. 163. A Policie whereby an Army may passe over a River when the Enemy attends the advantage to ruine them ibid. Chap. 164. An excellent Policie for a Generall to put off a people that he is in league with all and desires his assistance 334 Chap. 165. The Policie of Vigetius to conv●y foote-Troopes over a River that is passable so that the streame shall not offend them ib. Chap. 166. How by a Politicke device the Hollanders obtained a convenient peece of ground from their Enemy upon which they built the Sconce called Skinkes ibid. Chap. 167. Haniballs politicke observations in placing his Battells upon advantages 335 Chap. 168. A Policie used by Pyrrhus whereby he deluded the Lacedemonians ibid. Chap. 169. How Demetrius by a Politick Stratagem overthrew the Army of Ptolomie ibid. Chap. 170. A Politicke way to weaken an Enemies Army ibid. Chap. 171. A Politicke Stratagem used by Fulvius whereby he cut off the Sallies of the Cimbrians 336 Chap. 172. A policie whereby Alexander deceived the Illyrians by counterfeiting the Enemies Colours ibid. Chap. 173. A policie used by Tamirus and Tiberius Gracchus whereby they overthrew their enemies whole Army at once without losse or hazard to themselves ibid. Chap. 174. A politicke Stratagem used by Eumenes to cause his Souldiers to follow him upon a dangerous attempt ibid. Chap. 175. A policie to gaine a Towne whose fidelitie is doubtfull 337 Chap. 176. A policie used by Alexander to secure Thracia from rebellion ibid. Chap. 177. A policie to beguile an Enemie from opposing an Army that would march over a River ibid. Chap. 178. A politick Stratagem used by Duke Bernard of Saxon-Weymar whereby he surprised the strong towne of Manheim in the Pallatinate ibid. Chap. 179. A politicke Stratagem used by Alexander whereby he forced his Enemy from a passage which by strength he could not have gained 338 Chap. 180. How Scipio by his justice and chast carriage to a faire Lady which he had taken prisoner wonne the hearts of his Enemies ibid. Chap. 181. A politicke answer of Alexander unto certaine malicious enemies and his wise device to gaine their love ibid. Chap. 182. A politicke course used by Tamberline whereby he gained speedy conquests 339 Chap. 183. A policie used by Edward the fourth to suppresse his Rebells ibid. Chap. 184. A politicke device used by William Rufus to get moneys ibid. Chap. 185. A politicke course to keepe a new conquered people
had given him Battell for the French could have lost no more but their Army in that battell but if the victory had inclined to the French the Neopollitans had lost their Army and Kingdome with it for it is a maxime amongst the rules of Mars to delay an Enemy that is of greater Potency and farre from his Country to gaine reliefe whereby his Victualls and Amunition may bee wasted so that distractions and mutinies might breed in the Army the Souldiers being over-wearied in expecting the fatall day of losse or gayne so that the Natives may take at pleasure their best and safest occasion to give Battell so that victory may bee atchived The second reason why an Army may refuse to try their valours in a pitcht Battell and shall not bee imputed as cowardize unto them is when a Generall understands that his Enemies Army will bee broken and scattered without fight whereof the Emperour Charles the Fifth may bee example For when hee made Warre against the Protestants in Germany hee would never joyne in Battell with them for hee was credibly informed that their Army consisting of divers Nations could not long agree but be disperst without Battell Thirdly an Army may shun Battell and yet bee voyd of Cowardize if hee certainely knowes his power to bee inferiour by much to the Enemies so that hee can in no wise hope for victory In this case a Generall had better doe as once a famous Warriour was wont to say Hee would rather make his Enemy a Golden Bridge to March away then give Battell upon unequall tearmes for it is never good to assault an Enemy if hee bee perceived to make meanes to March quietly away without blowes for many times an Enemy having beene brought into a desperate case hath beene the onely thing which hath gayned them the victory as was well seene not onely by the blacke Prince in France but also by the Duke de Alva hee having beleaguered Aultmore in Holland having blockt up his Enemy in the Town would neither cappitulate of quarter nor suffer them to steale out of the Towne by flight this made the Townesmen and Souldiers resolute in regard they expected no favour and with their manly courages resisted the Duke and put him to the foyle who otherwise would have fled and left the Towne to the Conquerour For indeed it is a great indiscretion to detaine an Enemy that is flying to stoppe his passage for without question such valours are deprived of the sinteresis and light of naturall principles becomming equall to beasts managing their proceedings without feare or wit that will wilfully spill the precious bloud of man and may accomplish their ends without the hazard or losse of it This was the honourable observation of a famous Warriour who left it in Ryme for future Ages to consider of the words were these Spill not the bloud of man to winne that hold At which an Asse may enter at with gold A Souldiers honour shines as bright In politique Conquest as in bloudy fight Now it still remaines we should take some observations in the true discerning of Valour in an Army that Souldiers may not flatter themselves with a false glosse of Magnanimity and in the performance of this there are divers circumstances to bee considered First whether any suddaine newes or Alarums amazeth or feareth them Secondly in time of danger whether the currant of all mens opinions are level'd a like in their resolutions to encounter and withstand those stormes of perills to their utmost abilities Thirdly when danger hath invellop'd and surrounded them that nothing but Herculian blowes can free them whether then they manfully heaw out their safeties or basely yeild upon conditions farre baser Fourthly whether their great brags and high ostentations in time of safety and peace continues in the same straine of action in time of danger for Cowards are forwardest in words and backwardest in actions Fifthly when an Enemy shall have the better of some one Wing or division of the Army whereby they seeme to bee distressed and for their particular safety seeke to save themselves by flight or to desire quarter by which others may seeke to doe the like preferring their lives before their honours thus disheartning the rest that would sell their lives at the dearest rate such must bee branded for Cowards and are fit for no use but to make a Barricadoe for the Enemy to shoot against Sixthly when Victory is obtained if there be not clemency and mercy used as discretion shall see it meet without an insulting way over poore Captives for it is naturall and consonant to the disposition of a Coward to use all rigour and severity as hee is a conquerour that the World should take notice of him to be that which he is not Seventhly an Army being onely in a supposed danger and to eschew it run themselves into an eminent destruction for a Coward thinks the presentest danger greatest and will strive to preventit though a thousand times greater doth imediately by this occasion ensue Eightly if there bee disputes and detractions upon the point of service who shall give the onset for it is farre from a cowards temper to give an Assault but valour will strive to have the honour of the onset Now it remaines to shew how Warlike valour may bee begotten bred and cherisht in the brests of Souldiers The first is to bee conversant in reading such Histories as treate of Warlike actions this will beget a speculative knowledge of all actions honourably performed by valour and withall it will acquaint them with the events that have happened wherby dangers will bee made more familiar to them so that by this the least sparke of valour will be kindled in a kinde of emulation to bee possest of the same honours in performing the like victories or undergoing the like perills as we read of famous Tamberlin who made it his practise to read often the heroicke deeds of his Progenitors which did so inflame his virtues that hee proved the mirrour of the World For noble acts of Predecessors are as flaming Beacons that fame and time hath set on hills to call us to the like occasions Secondly the Theorie of Warre being truely understood the stomackes of the valiant will boyle with the conceit of the due honours and renownes that are therby to be attained and will force a man of courage to enter into the Lists of Mars to performe in action what before hee onely conceived incontemplation in which large field hee shall see all proceedings and events whereby his body and min●● will 〈◊〉 habituated unto it so that the very jawes of death cannot affright such a Souldier who will sooner choose to be bereaved of life then staine his honour Lastly for conclusion such valiant Souldiers as take delight in the rudiments of Warre will alwaies have the faculties of their minde busied in plotting and projecting all kindes of
and Foot caused those few troopes of Horse which he had to bee lined with certaine Foote who being charged by the Turke those Foote with a mighty shout brake out upon the Enemies troopes of Horse with such fury that they not onely rescued their owne but also brake and chased the Enemies Cavallry and contrary to all expectation won the Field CHAP. CXXXVI A Policie which the Duke De Alva used to fortifie his Army against the Prince of Orange his Horse THe Duke of Alva in the late Flemish Warres against the Prince of Orange most pollitiquely fortified himselfe with his Carts and Carriages chayned together casting up a small Trench of Earth beyond them did safeguard his Army being all Foot against the Prince of Orange who suddainly invaded him with a great power of Horse whereby he was never able to give him Battell and in the conclusion for want of Forrage and Victuals hee was driven to retire CHAP. CXXXVII A Policie to prevent rebellion of such in high authority as are discontented or of a proud and haughty Spirit MAny times Treacheries and deceits are practised against Generalls and happily by their owne disdainefull proud carriages to their inferiours For prevention thereof it is best to immitate Lewis the eleventh King of France who propounded to himselfe divers wayes to winde out of such troubles and to gaine the love and applause of his people wherefore he studyed to carry himselfe very loving and affable ready to heare complaints and to redresse them without delayes If he feared the fidelity of any one he would insinuate into him with milde and faire speeches free to them in gifts according to their degrees alwayes holding them in hopes of preferment and honour and freely tendring it as occasion offered He was loving to men of meane estate especially where any worth was cressant if by any mistake he had offered any injury he would in a fair way shew himselfe greeved and seeke to recover the parties love by large benefits CHAP. CXXXVIII How a Generall ought to demeane himselfe politiquely both in giving of Battell and in refusing it IF a Generall understand that his Enemy have new ayde and supply of men a comming unto him then ought he to seeke by all meanes to give him Battell before both his powers joyne or if his Victuals or Pay begin to faile then a Generall should never refuse Battell if any opportunity be offered Likewise on the contrary if a Generall expects a supply or if he understands his Enemies Victuals or moneys faile or that sicknesse increaseth amongst them then it behoveth him in policie to stand strongly upon his guard and by no meanes joyne Battell so long as he can conveniently avoyd it As the French did lately at the Isle of Ree onely dogging our English at the heeles and delaying to fight untill they saw a confusion in the Army by imbarking their men The like also in the Flemish Warres 1578 betweene the Estates and Do● John de Austria who understanding of the comming of Duke Cassimere with 5000 Horse and 6000 Foot offered the Army of the States Battell at Rymenant where they lay incamped and expected Duke Cassimers comming but Count Bossute then Generall of the States Armie being of sufficient strength to have fought with him would not but gave command that none of his Troopes should salley forth their Trenches but onely some Squadrons to guard Passages so that Don John finding himselfe and his expectations deceived and that he could not traine them forth to Battell was driven to march away and this temperance in the Count Bossute was no lesse Souldier-like than the couragious attempt of Don John to seeke Battell both being done with reason CHAP. CXXXIX A Politique observation of a Generall how he should intreat about a Peace WHen an Army of one side is driven to a streight so that conditions of Peace are to be intreated of a Generall must be curious and circumspect in making choise of discreet wise able men which understand themselves and the weightie service they are imployed in lest they should conclude some dishonourable Treaty or put the Generall in feare of their truth and fidelitie CHAP. CXL A Policie to prevent the Assistance of a Forraigne frieud LEwis King of France being distasted against the Duke of Normandy and Brittaine drawes his Army into the Dukes Territories the Duke understanding his proceedings obtaines assistance from the Duke of Burgundie the King presently conceived this policie in his head to indite a Letter as if it had come from the Duke of Normandy and sends it by a Herald to the Duke of Burgundy the Contents thereof were that whereas the King of France had offered him an Annuall summe of money to the value of 60000 Franks which he had accepted and considering divers circumstances and desiring not to hazard the event he had according to the Kings propositions surrendred to him the Dukedome of Normandie and the assessation of Armes was concluded upon The Duke of Burgundy being sensible of this and of the danger that might accrue to himselfe by their falling off yet hee was jealous that those Letters were counterfeited untill certaine other Letters were likewise invented as sent from other Friends to certifie him the truth which did confirme the former by this devise the King caused the Dukes Army to be disolved and according to his wished desires obtained a firme League CHAP. CXLI How to gaine fortunate successe to an Army THe best meanes a Generall can use to bring fortunate successe to an Army is to get true and frequent Intelligence from the Enemy which must be obtained from them by a trusty and secret Friend there resident or by some plaine wise Country man that vents victualls to an Army or by the Drummes that are sent for Prisoners or by some Prisoners taken Likewise some have used to send Ambassadours and with them in Servants apparell most expert men in Warre who having taken occasion to view the strength of the Enemies workes and of his Forces have by this meanes taken a sufficient opportunity to overcome them CHAP. CXLII A Policie used by Mar●i●● to try the fidelity of the French which inhabited Lombardy MArri●s in the Warres managed against the Cimbrie made use of a policie to try the fidelity of the French which inhabited Lombardy hee sent them certaine Letters open and sealed and in the open hee wrote that they should not open the Letters sealed untill a certaine time prefixed But before that time hee demanded of them to see those Letters againe wherehee found them opened by this hee knew their faith was not to bee trusted CHAP. CXLIII A Policie to compell an Enemy out of a Land without hazarding an Army in Battell with them A Kingdome being invaded by an Enemy if the Townes thereof be of any sufficient strength and ability to withstand the brunt of Warre the best way is not for an Army to goe meet them and give them Battell but for to enter
for it is commonly seene that quarrels mutines and horrible abuses arise by drunkennesse besides the neglect of their duties whereby an enemy takes his advantage to destroy a whole Campe. A Generall is to have speciall care that there be no quarrels or heart-burnings betweene his Officers but speedily to reconcile them before they goe upon any service lest a greater mischiefe insue as did upon the like difference betwixt Hanno and Bomilcar two famous Captaines of Carthage who being in fight against Agathocles and furiously charged by his troopes Bomilcar withdrew his divisions suffering Haenno and his souldiers to be hewen to peices If a Captaine or souldier transgresseth twice by his cowardlinesse or through negligence a Generall ought not to forgive as Hannibal a Commander in the first Punick warres lost his head for being through his cowardise vanquisht twice Non est bis in Bello peccare A Generall must avoid mutinies disorders and abuses in his Army by commanding every Regiment to be drawn in parrado and before the head of the troops some Officer to reade such lawes and edicts as are provided for the Army to be governed by wherby may not plead ignorance and if any dares offend wilfully against any of the Articles immediately to have the punishment inflicted without respect of persons He is to command divers false allarmes to be made whereby he shall see in what a readinesse his Army will be in if necessity required and if any base cowardlinesse should be found in any souldier that should not dare to answer the allarm with speed he should be brought before the head of the troops and his armes broken and banisht the Army If a Generall perceives that the enemy stops his releefe of Victualls and Ammunition that without hazard they cannot arrive then he must take notice what Townes or Forts intercept the passage of reliefe and give order for the taking of them in or strong Convoyes prepared to conduct the carriages for it is very dangerous to have an enemy in the Reare of an Army to hold any strong Townes or Forts for thereby they have advantage to stay and surprise all releefe that should sustaine the Campe. He must be truly informed by Intelligencers and Guides whose informations he must compare with the Map of that Countrey to see that no false wood be used how farre the enemies Townes lye from his Army he must not be ignorant of the Hills Vallyes Wayes Straights Passages Lakes Rivers and Bridges their number quality distance with every particular circumstance whereby he may know how the enemy may annoy him and the better he may know how to place his Fortifications and Guards for to prevent him The Prince of Orange was well seene in these affaires he knowing the situation of the seventeene Provinces in the Netherlands so exactly that he was able at one time to give directions how sundry parts and passages should be guarded what Straights fortifyed what Levells drowned either by sea or fresh water whereby hee avoyded present and eminent dangers Before a Generall intends to march with his Army the wayes are to be skowred by certaine horsemen for feare the enemy should lay any Ambuskadoes and also to give notice of the conveniency of the wayes for the Souldiers and Artillery to passe and also he is to have provided able sufficient Guides to conduct them the best and safest way A Generall is to see every Regiment as they march take their places according to their antiquities in the Field but when Companies are in Garrison that Company which first enters the Towne hath the priority during the time they stay also in a March the eldest Regiment is not continually to have the Vaward but the Regiment that marcht the first day in the Van the next day must march in the Reare and so proportionably every Regiment must take his turne if the march continues and in the morning before they dislodge a peece of Ordnance is to be discharged first whereby the Army takes notice they are to march at the second report of the Ordnance every Company is in armes ready to march and at the third report of the Cannon the first Regiment marcheth If divers Nations should be in an Army every particular Nation is to be quartered in a division by themselves and not to mixe Companies to avoyd quarrells moreover if the number be great of the Mercenary Nations it is best to divide them both in marching and imbattelling lest they should be treacherous or cowardly for there is no confidence nor trust can be reposed in them unlesse they be conveniently placed in the Battell so as they may be yoaked in and tyed to performe their best indeavours If an enemy should keepe a Straight to hinder the marching of the Army a Generall must draw out both Horse and Foote to charge them in either Flancke and then the residue to fight out their way in the Front of them Also a Generall must be very expert in distinguishing the severall seates of the Drum which is his voyce in the time of warre the souldiers are also to be taught the understanding of the same that they may accordingly demeane themselves as the beate of the Drumme commands A Generall is to give to the Serjeant-Major-Generall of the Army the watchword which is privately to be kept and returned to all inferiour Officers by which word they may passe the whole Army through this watchword is to be altered every night A Generall is to cause lots or billets to be made with the names of every particular guarde written in them those are to be rowled up and put into a hat by the Major and so every inferiour officer drawes his guard by this meanes disputes are prevented and the enemy cannot corrupt an officer to give over a guard because it is uncertaine who shall have that watch also to give order to the inferiour Officers for the due and orderly releeving of the watch morning and evening A Generall is to draw his whole Army into Battallia and to see them exercised in grosse changing them into divers formes of Battell the footemen are to be ordered in divers small Battallions whereof are framed the right Wing the Battell and the left Wing the Battell is to consist of as many more men as either of the Winges doth the Horsemen are to bee devided into divers Battallia's so as they may one releeve the other the one halfe of the horse are to be plac'd on the right Wing of the Army the other on the left unlesse one of the Wings and the reare of the battell may be secured by Rivers Bogges or Rockie ground so that the enemy may not take advantage with his horse then they are to be ranged only upon one Wing they are to be plac'd a sufficient distance from the foote lest by their disorderly retreate they annoy their owne foot-troopes divers foote and horse are to be ranged a good distance before the Army which are termed
are best horst or those that are nimblest of foote so that they may the safer retire upon all occasions moreover they must not stay over long behind the Army but so as they may soone recover it for otherwise they will be cut off by the enemy If a retreat be wisely carried the enemy that shall follow may receive more dammage then they that retreat But on the contrary side if you perceive the enemy doth provide to steale from you it is wisedome to anticipate such passages as they must passe thorow sending secretly certaine troopes to fortifie at the entrance of them likewise to barricado up the way with trees and to have your Army alwayes in a readinesse to set out after them following them at the heeles but in this case the Army must keepe a very strict order in their Battallia's and march up close together commanding your horse to charge the enemy in the Reare which will bee a meanes to stay the hindermost part of the Army and then the Vantguard of your enemies Army being come to the passages that are blockt up it will so discourage the enemy that your Army marching up to them in Battell aray they will bee easily overthrowne as there hath beene divers examples to verifie this The lightest Ordnance are the best to pursue the enemy withall for which purpose Grave Maurice the Prince Van Nasaw had fifty or sixty small field peeces cast which hee used to place between his Battallions which were of great service in the time of fight for two or three men could weild one of them as they pleased both in advancing it forwards and drawing backe as occasion served and it were very fit and of excellent use to have such small peeces cast here in England for his Majesties service which may bee imployed many waies I have observed the Hollanders how they made use of these small Ordnances to place them in little vessels which they provided to safeguard their great rivers as the river Issel and the Rhine one of these had thirty or forty souldiers to man her and eight or tenne of these peeces whereby they prevented the enemy from marching over the said rivers likewise they were safeguards to the Army when they were convayed by Boates up those rivers or when they lay intrencht neere any great river they safeguarded the Reare of the qnarters from treachery also they safe conducted such Boates as brought Victuals and Ammunition to the Army If occasion should bee in our land which God forbid it should be they could not doe us lesse service than by experience they have done them besides such small vessels being made for service were of more worth to offend an enemy that should dare saile up in any of our great rivers than the greatest Ship of burden for it were impossible for our great Ships to make a fight in the river Thames but they will be more ready to hurt themselves than the enemy whereas these small vessels will lye under the shot and glide up and downe by the great vessels sides and gall them In the next place it remaines how an Army should March neere an enemies Battery to secure themselves from the shot in this you must observe the situation of their Batteries how they are flancked by which you may come to perceive in what direct li●e e●ch peece of Ordnance shall make her true shot and so accordingly either to open the files and ranckes for the passage of the shot or else to fetch a circumference in your March so as the shot shall not touch the files but only a ranke but the securest way is to March secretly by the most obscurest places so as the Ordnance may not discover you Lastly for conclusion if the enemy should assault your troopes in in some narrow passages or high wayes you are to demeane your selfe as followeth First you are to fill the passage or high way with your pikes if the breadth of your troopes be not sufficient to performe it then double your rancks whereby the Wings will extend themselves to the filling up of the passage these then charging your enemies hande or foote your Musketiers being in the Reare the Battell being thus ordered let the first ranke of Musketiers which are those next the pikes face to the right hand and march forth file-wise close up by the right flanke of the pikes untill he that is leader of the said file be even with the Front of the Pikes then he is to face to the right hand and lead them quite crosse the Front of the Pikes untill he hath attained the further part of the Front to the left hand which being performed they are to make a stand and couch under the Pikes and give fire upon their knees so as the Pikes may not be hindred to charge then are they to march downe by the left flancke and place themselves in the Reare of the shot and the next files in order are to advance into the Front after the same manner and performe the same service by this meanes continuall fire shall be given upon the enemy whilst this skirmish is in action Let there be drawne out certaine Pikes and Musketiers into the best inclosed fields either on one or both sides of the way where they may secure themselves from the enemies horse and there charge the enemy on the flancks or at least keepe them from charging your owne troopes that are in skirmish to maintaine the passage view the figure following in the next page The figure of the Battell Front Left flancke Right flanke Reare In this figure the Character p shewes how the Pikes are plac't their Fronts being doubled the other represents the Musketiers as you may perceive them marching up the right flancke and so plac't under the Pikes in the Front ready to give fire upon the enemy you may likewise perceive certaine shot drawne out into two closes upon each side of the high way whose duty is to give fire upon the enemies flancks as they are charching the Front of the Battell or if the enemy should draw out any forces to charge your Flancks then these shot having Pikes to joyne with them shall be able to encounter with them and prevent them Thus I hope I have collected sufficient instructions which may give any reasonable man satisfaction concerning the ordering of their March only if you please I will referre you to divers Modern● Authors which have write of this subject viz. Ierosme Cattamo pag. 133. Machiavill pag. 67. Bellay pag. 151. Barrit pag. 132. Edmonds pag. 39. Garrits Arte of Warre pag. 245. In the next place we are to discourse of the incamping of an Army and how to order the Guards and the Intrenchments Thus ends the sixteenth Section RVLES TO BE OBSERVED IN QVARTERING OR INCAMPING AN ARMY SECT XVII CHAP. IIII. How a Generall is to quarter his Army with the election of places of greatest security what Redoubts are to be raised
King of Sweden who used to range his Battalia's but six men in depth so that with ten thousand well-exercised men he could extend the Front of his Army as broad as the enemy could with fourteen thousand and make his partie good with them in regard of his sundry Retreats which brings fresh hands to fight and weary out the enemy as also hee would not misse of places of advantage environed with water or marish grounds c. so that his Army should not be assaulted upon all sides Sebastian King of Portugal when he aided Mulehamet in the Wars of Barbary against Abdimelec King of Morocco ranged the Rear of his Battell against the River Maraga which was as a wall to defend them Moreover a Generall must take this for a Rule viz. to enlarge or strengthen the Front of his Battell according to the number of his Souldiers as also according to the force of his enemies Troops if the place where you are to imbattell in be narrow then of necessity you must straighten your Ranks and if the place be wide and open you must bee very carefull not to extend the Front of your Battell too wide except your Army bee of greater potencie than the enemies then by extending out the Wings of your Battell you may gain advantage by over-winging them whereby you may charge them both in Flank and Front at once But hee that shall adventure to charge an Army upon all sides either must have four times more men than the enemy or else he must be sure to perish for want of discretion Also there is great discretion to be used in ordering of Battels that they may not bee plac'd in low grounds neer any hill or high banks or upon the side of a hill because the lower grounds are subject to the enemies Ordnance if the enemy should have this advantage the best way to prevent it is to march out of distance from such places of advantage to cause them to come down to you But some fondly have maintained the lower ground to be of greatest advantage in regard the Muskets will doe more service in shooting upwards than downwards To this I answer it is but a simple opinion for it is double advantage to have the higher ground in regard both Horse and Foot will soon find to their costs that it is a double pains besides they come upon them with a great deal more power down hill than they can up hill and a bullet shot from a side-hill may shoot through two or three Ranks when as that which is shot upwards cannot shoot past through one as for their bullets rowling out they are simple men that charge them the mean time But this by the way Tenthly your Battell must bee so ordered and disposed that the enemy may bee brought into some stratagem or made to disorder his Troops which may be done many waies as by causing your Army orderly to retrait so that the enemy may disorder his Ranks in the pursuit and then to take the occasion to fall on again orderly and rout them The ancient Generals were very politick in this for when they knew that their enemies plac'd their greatest strength in any one Point or Wing of the Army then contrarily they would frame that Point or Wing weakest which was to encounter with them their ablest forces they commanded to stand firme and not seek to repulse the enemy but to resist them and the weakest Battalia's they caused to assault the enemy and then to retrait to their Battalia's behind them by this means they brought the enemy into two great disorders the first was the enemy had his best Souldiers inclosed betwixt their adversaries Battalia's the second was when the enemy thought they had gotten the victory their Bands would disorder themselves by pillaging as the like hapned at the Battell of Dreux in France where the Lord of Guise stood fast with his Battalia all the rest being fled from him but the valiant Switzers who opposed themselves against all the fury of the enemy In the mean time the Prince of Codee's Troops being confident of the victory some of them following the slaughter and others fell to pillaging thus being scattered abroad the Lord Guise finding his opportunity with those men he had hee marched up to them with a bold countenance and overthrew them before they could order themselves in any form to receive their charge Likewise Scipio plac'd his weakest Forces against Asdrubal's best souldiers which hee had plac'd in the midst of the Battell and upon each Flank Scipio had plac'd his ablest men So soon as Asdrubal charged Scipio's Battell they retraited only the two Flanks of his strongest souldiers stood firme Asdrubal's souldiers pursuing the retrait before they were aware were gotten between the two Divisions of the Flanks of Scipio as if they had been in an half-Moon they there being charged upon both sides by them his weakest men being there were soon vanquish'd and the rather because his chiefest Forces being plac'd in the midst of his Battell could not come to fight Eleventhly You must know how and when to make use of such instruments as may hinder the enemies Horse and disorder and annoy his Foot-troops and for this purpose the King of Sweden made use of an instrument which he termed a Swines Spike formerly used by one of our Kings whereby he gained a Conquest in France it was a peece of Ash four foot long at each end a speared pike of yron his Musketires stook this at their girdles and as they advanc'd forwards to give fire upon their enemy every man stook down his instrument aslope into the ground this hindred the Horse from charging them Also many have made use of the Caltrop it being a small peece of round wood with pikes sticking up every way each souldier having one or two of these about him may cast them before the Front and Flanks of the Army these will much annoy the enemies Horse Also your Powder-pots being plac'd in the earth and fire given unto them just as the enemy shall be approaching over them these will infinitely disorder and kill them Moreover it behooves a Generall to be of a very quick apprehension and to forecast with himself what stratagems will best sute with the condition of the enemy and the situation of the place and how and when to put them in execution that they may work their best effect In the framing of your Battell you must bee mindfull to order the Battalia's so as there may be a space left of two paces for the Musketires to march down by the sides of the Pikes after they have given fire upon the enemy for if the distance should bee lesse as divers would have it the motion of the Battalia's would presently close them up Also the distances between the Battels of the forlorn hopes and the front of the main Battel ought to be sixtie paces or according as the place will admit
from Innovations and Rebellions ibid. Chap. 186. A politick way to stay mutinies in an Army 340 Chap. 187. A policie used by King William to Malcolme King of Scotland ibid. Chap. 188. Politicke observations in a confederate War ibid. Chap. 189. A policie used by the Governour of Croizon to make his cowardly Souldiers fight 341 Chap. 190. A policie used by Generalls to beguile hunger in a streight besieged Towne ibid. Chap. 191. A politicke Stratagem practised by the Governour of Berghen against the Prince of Parma's Forces ibid. Chap. 192. A politicke observation for a Generall if he feares his enemies Battell to march from him by night 342 Chap. 193. A politicke Stratagem whereby the King of Naples regained the possession of a Citie and Castle formerly lost to the French ibid. Chap. 194. A politicke Stratagem used by Nauplius against the Graecians as they came for the Island of Euboea ibid. Chap. 195. An excellent policie used by Mahomet Bassa to conceale the death of Soliman from his Souldiers at Sigeth in Hungary ibid. Chap. 196. A politicke Stratagem used by Simon sonne of Miltiades whereby hee overthrew the Sea and Land-Forces of the Persians in one day 348 Chap. 197. A policie of the Duke of Burbon to cause his flying Souldiers to stand a Charge ibid. Chap. 198. A policie used by Henry the fift being overcharged with prisoners ibid. Chap. 199. A Stratagem whereby the Towne of Fast-Castle in Scotland was taken from the English ibid. Chap. 200. A notable policie whereby the Island of Sarke was taken from the French 344 Chap. 201. A politicke device used by Iugurth to helpe his Army in case it were overthrowne ibid. Chap. 202. A politicke Stratagem used by Count Pedro Navarese to beate his enemies from a Breach ibid. Chap. 203. A policie used by the Prince of Orange to drowne his enemy out of his Trenches and then to relieve the Towne by Boats 345 Chap. 204. A policie used by the Spaniards against the French to prevent the power of their Horse against their foote ibid. Chap. 205. A politicke Stratagem whereby the Lord Poynings gained a Castle at Samer-dubois there being no accesse to it with Ordnance ibid. Chap. 206. A policie used by Mounsieur Lautreck to make his forraigne assistance to fight ibid. Chap. 207. How Scipio by his policie defeated the Carthaginians of their designe 346 Chap. 208. A politicke Stratagem used by Philopaemen against Nabis ibid. Chap. 209. A politicke Stratagem to prevent an Enemy from entring the Ports being blowne open ibid. Chap. 210. A politicke Stratagem used by Maximilian whereby he took the Towne of Arras ibid. Chap. 211. A policie to prevent mischiefe when two great Princes meete to discourse 347 Chap. 212. A policie to conduct Troopes of Horse over Bogges c. ibid. Chap. 213. A policie used by the Citizens of Priennia which caused the enemie to leave his Seige ibid. Chap. 214. A politicke Stratagem whereby young Scipio brought Haniball into suspicion with Antiochus 348 Chap. 215. Politicke devises used by Archelaus Methridates to cause his Souldiers to fight ibid. Chap. 216. A politick Stratagem used by Flavius to bring Gracchus into an Ambush 349 Chap. 217. A policie whereby Haniball had like to have caused the Romans to have fled ibid. Chap. 218. A politicke Stratagem used by Marcius to make use of the Carthaginians securitie 350 Chap. 219. A politicke Stratagem whereby Asdruball delivered his Army out of a great strait from Nero. ibid. Chap. 220. How Haniball by using of a politick Stratagem in preventing his Horse Troopes gained a victory from Fulvius 315 Chap. 221. How by the wisedome of Crispinus the politicke Stratagem of Haniball was prevented 352 Chap. 222. A policie whereby Scipio had 300. Romans armed and instructed without the charge of the Generall ib. Chap. 223. A politicke Stratagem used by the French whereby they vanquished Lucius Post-humus and his army 353 Chap. 224. The policie of Cyrus how to gaine valiant and loyall Commanders in his service ibid. Chap. 225. A policie to stirre up emulation amongst Souldiers ibid. Chap. 226. A policie to be used at the entring of an E●nemies Towne c. 354 Chap. 227. A politick Stratagem whereby Fabius the Consull tooke the towne of Arpos ibid. Chap. 228. A politick Stratagem of Scipio in counterfeiting an intrenchment ibid. Chap. 229. A politick Stratagem whereby Haniball gained a Towne of great Consequence under the pretence of bringing in a Wilde Bore 355 Chap. 230. The policie of Zenophon in electing of Hostages 356 Chap. 231. A policie of Zenophon whereby he deluded his enimie with his small army causing them to thinke it to be of a mighty strength ibid. Chap. 232. A policie used by the Prince of Orange to delude an Enemie from succouring a towne 357 Chap. 233. An Imposture used by Sertorius whereby he confirmed his Souldiers valour ib. Chap. 234. How a Scottish King by an Imposture caused his souldiers to be valiant whereby he obtained a victory ibid. Chap. 235. A politicke Imposture used by Boniface whereby he gained the Papacie 358 Chap. 236. A Politcike Imposture whereby wonderfull things have beene atchieved ibid. Chap. 237. A Politicke Imposture used by Minos to bring in and establish his lawes ibid. Chap. 238. A Politicke Imposture used at the Interments of Emperours to make the pople believe they were highly honored of God 359 Chap. 239. A Politicke Imposture able to seduce multitudes by walking upon the water idid Chap. 240. Illusions whereby divers learned and Iudicious men have beene deceived ibid. Chap. 241. How Spinola at the siege of Breda gained intelligence of all the proceedings both in the Prince of Oranges Campe and in the Towne of Breda 360 Chap. 242. A Stratagem whereby the Prince of Orange had like to have gained Antwerpe Castle 361 SECT XIIII A Description of Engines and warlike Instruments Chap. 243. The description of such Engines and Warlike Instruments as are prevalent in the warres with the manner of using them and how to make them 362 Chap. 244. The use of Granadoes how they are made and charged with Powder and how they are to be discharged out of a Morter or throwen by the hand 363 Chap. 245. The use of Fire-balls with the manner of framing them 365 Chap. 246. The use of Lanthorns and Hollow Plates filled with stones and Bulletts for the defending of Breaches 366 Chap. 247. How to make a certaine stone to burne in the water or to kindle fire in raine ibid. Chap. 248. Of certaine earthen Bottels filled with a kinde of mixture to be fired and throwen among the Enemies 367 Chap. 249. How a Frame of Musquets are to be made and ordered ●68 Chap. 250. An instrument called a Flaile ibid. Chap. 251. The use of the Turne-Pike and how it is framed 369 Chap. 252. The use of Pallizadoes and how they are framed ibid. Chap. 253. The use of the Calthrope and of the Spiked Planke 370. Chap. 254. The use of the Bome or
Barricadoe 371. Chap. 255. Of a second kinde of Bonme or Barricadoe to lay over a River 372 Chap. 256. Duke Alberts invention for the staying the Hollanders Ships at Ostend that his Batteries might the easier discharge upō thē 373 Chap. 257. The manner of making a Battery to float upon the water 374 Chap 258. The manner of Framing the Engine called the Saulcisse 375 Chap. 259. How to stop up the passage of vessells and Boats in a Channell or to mend a breach in an arme of a Sea ibid. Chap. 260. The manner how to make a Bridge with Cordes to convey Souldiers over a Moate or River 376 Chap. 261. How to make a firme bridge over any River both for Horse and Men to passe over and transport their Ordnance 377 Chap. 262. The use of the Leatherne Boate and to how make it 379 Chap. 263. An easie and quicke way to cast water with great Scoopes 380 Chap. 264. How to make a Serve to winde up water with the use of it ibid. Chap. 265. The Description of an Engine whereby water may be drawen out of any place or depth or mount any River c. 382 Chap. 266. The description of an Engine to force water up to a high place usefull to quench fire c. 383 Chap. 267. The description of an Engine to cast up water 384 Chap. 268. How to make water at the foot of a Mountaine to ascend to the top of it 385 Chap. 269. How to make a Scaling-ladder of Cordes which may be carried in a Souldiers pocket Ibid. Chap. 270. Of Scaling-ladders framed of wood and how they are to bee used in the Wars 386. Chap. 271. The use of Gabions and Baskets for the defence of the Cannoniers and Musquetiers 387 Chap. 272. The use of Cru-wagons and Small Carts with the fashion of them Ibid. Chap. 273. The use of the Powder-pots in a pitcht Battell with the description of the forme of them 388 Chap. 274. How to make Torches and Candles to burne in any weather 389 Chap. 275. How to arme Pikes with Wild-fire and Pistols for to withstand a Breach Ibid. Chap. 276. A device to make a Musquet shoote with the same quantity of Powder halfe as farre againe as her uusall shot is 390 Chap. 277. Of the Bow-Pike and how it is best to bee used in the warres 391 Chap. 278. The description of an Engine whereby the diversitie of the strength of Powder may be knowne Ibid. Chap. 279. Of a Bridge made without Bates or Barrels Cordage or Timber-worke which transported 4000 men over a great River 292 Chap. 280. How Caesar made a Bridge over the Rhine and carryed his Army over into Germany Ibid. Chap. 281. The description of an Instrument invented by Henry the fift at the Battell of Agin-court and since used by the King of Sweden and by him called a Swines-Pike 393 Chap. 282. How a Case of Tinne is to be made to carry light Matches in that the Enemy may not discover them Ibid. Chap. 283. How the Venetians did order their Powder after their Arsnall was burnt 394 The Contents of the second Booke SECT XV. THe Office of a Generall with his Accomplishments Chap. 1. The Character of a Generall with such excellent properties both of body and mind which hee ought to be endued withall declared 1 Chap. 2. The things which a Generall is to give order for unto his sub-Officers with Rules and Precepts whereby the ablest Generals in former ages have stereed their Warlike course 2 SECT XVI Rules to be observed by a Generall in marching his Army Chap. 3. Divers Rules and Observations to bee used both in marching and retreiting from the Enemie whereby confusion may bee avoyded 21 SECT XVII Rules to be observed in Quartering or Incamping an Army Chap. 4. How a Generall is to quarter his Army with the el●ction of places of greatest securitie what Redouts are to bee raised upon the passages and how the Out-guards are to be placed with divers other observations thereunto belonging 29 Chap. 5. How the King of Sweden in the late Imperiall Warres used to incampe his Armie with Figures to explaine the same 36 Chap. 6. The Oath of all under-officers both of Horse and Foote to be given at the proclayming of the Articles following 41 SECT XVIII Articl●s and Militarie Lawes to bee observed in the Warres Chap. 7. Divers Articles and Martiall Lawes wherby an Army is to bee regulated and governed both in Campe and Garrison 42 SECT XIX Rules and Observations to bee used before Battell Chap. 8. Divers Premonitions and Observations for a Generall to take notice of before the pitching of a Battell 55 SECT XX. Rules and Observations to be used in time of Fight Chap. 9. Divers Observations which both Generalls and Officers must make use of in the time of fight or skirmish 61 SECT XXI Rules and Observations to bee used after fight Chap. 10. Divers Rules and Observations to bee used after a Battell is either wonne or lost 65 SECT XXII The manner of Framing of Battells Chap. 11. An Excellent strong forme of Imbattelling an Armie consisting of 26000 Foote and 4000 Horse 67 Chap. 12. A second Figure shewing a very strong Forme of Imbattelling and very apt for the drawing of an Enemie into a Stratagem 71 Chap. 14. A very strong Forme of Imbattelling 10000 Foote and 2000 Horse very proper to be used in the Champion the Enemy exceeding in strength both in Horse and Foote 73 Chap. 15. A fourth Figure of Imbattelling consisting of 20000 Foote and 2000 Horse 74 Chap. 16. A fifth way of Imbattelling an Army consisting of 12000 Foote and 4000 Horse c. 76 Chap. 17. Th● sixth way of Imbattelling an Armie consisting of 12000 Foote and 4000 Horse c. 78 Chap. 18. A seventh way of Imbattelling an Army consisting of 15000 Foote and 5000 Horse c. 79 Chap. 19. The eighth forme of Im●attelling an Army consisting of 5000 Foote and 1000 Horse c. 81 Chap. 20. A Description of the ninth Figure how to frame a Battell for Stratagem c. 83 Chap. 21. A tenth Forme of Imbattelling an Armie consisting of 12000 Foote and 4000 Horse used by Henry the fourth of France c. 84 Chap. 22. The eleventh Forme of Imbattelling an Armie of 30000 Foote and 6000 Horse c. 86 Chap. 23. The twelfth forme of Imbattelling of 12000 Foote and 3000. Horse partly imitating Mounsieur Bellay in his military discipline Chap. 24. A forme of Imbattelling of 15000 Foote and 2000. Horse c. Chap. 25. The use of Maniples of shot with a generall discourse of the Light-armed 92 Chap. 26. Divers observations of the Ancient Grecicians in framing of Battels 95 Chap. 27. The Order and Rules which are to be obser-served by Going-Paces to know any state or peece of ground how to embattell either Horse or Foote according to the proportion thereof 98 THE MVTABILITY OF FLOVRISHING KINGDOMES CHAP I. There is no Nation ever did or ever shall
hee comes at Massilla where hee left Brutus to subdue them which he did Caesar after a few incounters drives Petreius and Affranius to a composition and having tamed Spaine hee returnes for Italy where leaving all to the charge of Servillius Isauricus his fellow Consull hee prepares to goe into Macedonia against Pompey himselfe When hee came to Brundusium though hee wanted sufficiency of shipping with those hee had hee embarqued seven Legions and though it were in winter yet hee put out to Sea and landed the next day about the hills of Epirus and other dangerous places and forthwith sent his Navie backe to Brundusium for the residue which were left with Antonius which staying somewhat to long impatient of delay in such important affaires he embarqued himselfe at midnight in a Frigot and though the Seas went high yet would hee needes venter over The Master of the vessell perceiving how boysterous the Seas were grew fearefull and would have returned which Caesar perceiving presently starts up saying quid times Caesarem vebis When all his forces were come together hee hasted to Dirrachium with purpose to surprize it thither also come Pompey to defend it their Camps now being somewhat neere many skirmishes happened in one of which the valour of Scena was wondrous in whose shield was found sticking 140 darts Neverthelesse in the meane space some overtures of Peace were made by Caesar but none would bee granted by the Pompeyans For Labyenus cried out Definite ergo de compositione loqui nam nobis nisi Caesaris capite relato pax esse nulla potest Whereupon Caesar provoked his Adversaries to the battell but Pompey knowing Caesars wants and himselfe having the benefit of the Sea to relieve his Army chose rather to draw the Warre out in length and to waste his Adversary without putting his owne estate in hazard But this liked not his Associats the Souldiers blame lying idle the confederates crie out upon delay the great Lords taxe him with ambition so that contrary to his owne opinion hee is in a manner forced to give battell in the Champion field of Philippi After that both the Generalls had put their Armies in Aray Pompey gives these admonitions to his Souldiers that when the right Wing of Caesars battell drew neere they should assaile it on the Flancke so might they chase the disordered Army being oppressed in the reare before themselves came to cast a dart in the face of the enemie neither is this thing very hard to bee done saith hee cum tantum equitatu valeamus Caesar observing the order of his enemies Battels doubted that his right Wing might be oppressed with the multitude of the enemies horse wherefore from his 3. Battell he drew certaine choise companies which he opposed to the enemies horse shewing them what he had appointed them to doe affirming that the victory that day depended upon the valour of these Cohorts The signall of Battell being given in Caesars Armie Crastinus a man of tryed valour one that the yeare before had the leading of the Primipili in the tenth Legion was called forth to begin the fight He forthwith encourageth the appointed bands saying Follow me you that have beene my Maniples performe that duty to your Emperour that you have promised there onely remaines this one Battell which finished both he shall recover his dignity and we our liberty They looking upon Caesar he sayd Fac●am hodie Imperator ut aut vivo mihi aut mortuo gracias agas after which he marched against his enemies The charge being given all Pompey's horse according to his direction passed from his left wing and and forced Caesars Cavallery to quit the field and then begun the troopes to set upon his battels in the Flancke Which Caesar perceiving he made a signe to those selected Cohorts which for that purpose he had set apart from the other squadrons to charge upon the enemies Cavallery which they performed with such force and fury striking them according to Caesars directions no where but in the face which Pompey's horsemen unable to endure turned head and fled to the Mountaines Which service finished with the like force and fury these Cohorts invaded the reare of Pompey's left Wing also at the same time Caesar commanded his three Battalia's to charge which as yet had not moved so that Pompey's men being now with fresh Companies charged both in the front and reare were not able any longer to sustaine the Battell but all of them turned their backes and fled The victory being gotten in the Field Caesar followed Pompey to the Campe which he easily tooke and then Pompey fled for his life first to Larissa from thence to the shore of the Aegean Sea where finding a Merchants ship he sayled to Mitylene in the I●le of Lesbos where remained his Wife and family from thence he sayled into Egypt where he was murthered by the sword of Septimius his fugitive before the eyes of his Wife and Children This victorie being gotten and Pompey slaine the warre was not presently ended new troubles did arise in Africa thither many principall Romans which had escaped from the battell of Pharsalia resorted to wit Publius Cornelius Scipio Marcus Petreius Afranius Quintus Varus Marcus Portius Cato Labienus and Lucius Cornelius Faustus sonne to Silla the Dictator these had associated to them Juba King of Mauritania and altogether had raised a great Army whereof Scipio was made Generall Cato having refused that honour Caesar hearing of their preparations hastens into Italy and from thence waftes over into Africa lands about Adrumentum and from thence marcheth to the Citie Leptis where he is received and while he lyes thereabout Labienus comes against him with his multitude thinking to distresse Caesars small numbers Caesar perceiving his intents resolves to deale with him rather by cunning than force And first he chargeth his men not to stirre above foure foot from their standards which the horsemen of Labienus perceiving presently compassed them about so that Caesars people were compelled to fight as it were in a circle There Labienus shewes himselfe unto them having uncovered his face saying withall to one whom he saw most forward Why are you so arrogant O you fresh-water souldier I much pity your hard fortune for sure I am Caesar hath brought you into eminent danger To whom the souldier replyed I would thou shouldest know Labienus that I am no freshman but an old souldier of the tenth Legion and forthwith he threw at him his dart saying Decumanum militem qui te petit scito esse Caesar in the meane while seeing himselfe incompassed drawes out his Armie in length and divides the circle in the middle excluding the one part from the other on both sides charging with his horsemen on the inner part of the circle and with his footmen their darts being throwne he puts them to flight Caesar after this Battell perceiving the multitude of his enemies sends
have these two qualities in him Likelinesse and Ingenuitie to conceive the use of his Armes and then Activitie and Abilitie of body to put it in practice Thirdly some be admitted for their wealthes sake into Captaineships which neither have courage skill nor delight in Armes themselves nor discretion to command others but I hope of these not many yet if any it is too many for how can we hope to make our people souldiers when they bee under blinde and ignorant guides If the Blinde leade the Blinde the issue as our Saviour saith will be Ambo in foveam cadunt We will not commit the teaching of our children to a Dunse and what reason is there we should commit the leading of our souldiers to such a one wherefore this must be remedied also and I suppose it may easily be done by the honourable care of the Lord Lieutenant in every County Had wee but all these abuses well corrected me thinkes we might make our English trained Bands paralell the best souldiers in Europe Now because in times of danger it is requisite that the trained souldiers should be drawne to the Coasts to resist the Enemies landing it were fit that men should provide themselves of double Armour that we might also have an Army of the best men of the Kingdome to guard the heart of the Land and to keepe under dis-affected persons if any such be which Army as occasion served might give succour to the Trained Souldiers in case they should be in any danger for it is not safe to hazard all upon the fortune and successe of one Battell as King Harold did contrary to the advice of his brother Girthe by meanes of which he was defeated his people disheartned his Enemy Duke William animated and finally thereupon followed his owne and all his subjects confusion For upon his enemies marching forward after the Battell every man for his owne particular safetie reconciled himselfe to the Conquerour whereas if there had beene an Army in the heart of the Land to have seconded the other it would both have bridled the Enemie succoured the distressed Army and have kept the Natives from revolting For the better composing of such an Army in the heart of the Land it were well also if all our great Cities and Townes would imitate the famous Cities of London and Westminster which have instituted the two Artillery yards for the training up of their ablest Citizens in the use of their Armes from whence not onely good souldiers but also many good Leaders and Officers might be drawne for the conduction of our forces in the heart of the Kingdome Furthermore whereas divers Noblemen and Gentlemen keepe proper men to attend them if they would but take care to have such Servants well instructed in the use of their Armes both on Horse-backe and Foot what exceeding profit and honour might redound to his Majesty and his Kingdomes if he should have any suddaine imployments And those Servants thus souldier-like qualified were as easily maintained and kept and as fit for any other service as those brave swaggering fellowes who had rather be like Sardanapalus among light women than among Troopes of armed souldiers And truly such Noblemen and Gentlemen their bee in divers places who to doe their Prince Service are at great charges to keepe divers good and well ridden Horses and divers Gentlemen with good furniture to serve both on Foot and Horse-back Besides if every private man whether in the City or in the Country which keepes Coaches for their owne ease and reputation would but have furniture for the riding and managing of such Horses what an increase of strength would this bee in suddaine danger Lastly whereas divers Gentlemen of the lower ranke and rich Yeomen keepe very good Teames of Horses for their private use if such would but have furniture for one of their principle Horses which when they had leisure they might ride and manage for their recreation this would make his Majesty if occasion served equall if not superiour in Horse to any Prince in Europe neither would it bee any great charge to any man onely the purchase of the furniture and armes which once gotten would last to Generations We would easily be perswaded to these things had we but as great a care for the generall safety of the Kingdome as we have for our owne particular security which of us in there that is not at great cost and charges for provision of strong Gates doores and lockes without and of strong Closets and Chests within for the preseruation of our owne private wealth and substance but what will this private care availe us if we be negligent of the generall safety of the Kingdome Should we by our senselesse security suffer an Enemy to picke the lockes that are to keepe him out of the Realme What good would all our private Gates Doores Lockes Closets and Chests doe us for the preservation either of our Estates or Lives Wherefore let us be perswaded rather to respect the common good in keeping out an Enemy by provision of Armes and able souldiers than in looking to our owne private honour and security by building our houses strong and stately But some peradventure will thinke this provision of land-forces is altogether needlesse because no Enemy can make warre upon us we living in an Island but upon very difficult termes First in regard of our dangerous Seas and Harbours Secondly in regard of our Navie and shipping which upon intelligence will bee fitted to entertaine them Thirdly in regard of our strong Castles and Blockhouses which will be able to impeach their landing As for our Seas and Harbours true it is they are dangerous in regard of their high Tides which flow as Plinie sayth 80. Cubits in height yet for all this our owne and Neighbours shipping having good Pilots dayly frequent them without damage or danger and doubtlesse what Enemy soever assaulteth us will store himselfe with Pilots which knowes our Seas and Harbours as well as our selves as may appeare by the practice of the King of Spaine in the yeare 1588. Wherefore we may not be too secure upon conceit of our dangerous Seas and Harbours Secondly for our shipping true it is if we have sure intelligence we should bee provided and doubtlesse would quell an enemy that should dare to approach them But the Enemy to blinde our intelligence may carry his designes in the Clouds by making his preparation in divers parts and Ports of his Kingdome as if they were to be sent to sundry places and about sundry imployments and yet all these severall Heets after some time beating on the Seas may meet and joyne cutting a speedie passage through the waters to accomplish their designes By such courses as these our intelligence may be deceived and so our Ships unfurnished Yet suppose wee have sure knowledge of the enemies purpose and have our Navie in readinesse yet are there 32. points in the Compasse to sayle by
are devised as Horne-works Skonses Halfe-Moones Redouts Lines Crosse-Lines and the like which are to bee raised in the convenienst places beyond the Mote for defence of the Portes Mote and Wall whereby the Enemies appreaches shall bee hindered not forgetting if their bee any way by Water to relieve the Towne that then you raise such able Skonses that may beate off the Enemy from hindering the passage as was at the famous Siege of Bergin-up-Zone there were two Skonses which secured the Haven so that upon all occasions reliefe did enter For had Marquesse Spinolla gained those Skonses the Towne had beene famisht There are onely three wayes whereby Fortified Townes may bee gained The first is by Stratagem as Breda Skinkins Skense were unawares assaulted and taken The second is by Intrenchments and Batteries to prepare a Breach and so to make the assault as in this following Figure I have demonstrated The third is onely by Intrenching an Army about a Fort whereby all passages are Baricadoed up so that reliefe cannot possibly come to enter the Towne so that by meere hunger they are constrained to yeeld upon such conditions as they may Lastly for the defending of Workes or Breaches there must bee a speciall care had that all Warlike instruments bee in a readinesse for to beate off the Enemy as Granad●s to throw amongst them Wilde-fire Pitcht-Ropes Hoopes Frames of Muskets Flayles Stones Peeces of Timber to role downe and the like The Fire-balls will doe much good when the Enemy is wrought under the Walls so as the Shot cannot command them The most principall thing is to Fire the Galleries Likewise if you see you shall bee forcd to leave the point of the Bulworke or any Worke else whatsoever Then privily to make some Mine well planted with Powder the Traine being drawne into your Reintrenchment or Retreating place that so soone as the Enemy is entered Fire may bee given and blow them up Further observe when a Breach is made you may know when it is high time to make resistance by the Enemies leaving giving Fire to the Canons for when hee assaults hee cannot shoot towards the Breach for destroying his owne Men but bends his Ordnance against the Flankes and Bulworkes on either side of the Breaches to hinder them from shooting whereby their assault may bee safer and easier View the Figure following in the 78 Page where you shall see how it is defended and assaulted Note what is not here exprest in this Figure answerable to the discourse you shall finde by the Letters in the Precedent Figures plainely demonstrated CHAP. XXXII Divers observations Rules and Orders which all Generalls ought to observe in the Besieging and defending of Fortes HEe that will Be-Leager a Towne or Fortresse ought to have three things in his consideration First whether he can derive any right or true Title to it Secondly whether hee be of Power sufficient to manage the Siege viz all kinde of Provision as Meate Drinke Money Souldiers all kinde of Amunition Ordnance Peeces Armes Powder Bullets Match all Warlike Instruments Granadoes Morter-Peeces all kinde of Wilde-Fire and the like Thirdly hee must consider whether the profit hee shall gaine by it will countervaile the charge that must bee spent in the Siege Having thus well considered of all these precedent things then hee must get a true discription of the frame and fashion of the Fortresse with the Wayes and Paths the condition of the grounds about it and the number of Defendants in it Then sharpening his valour upon the Grindstone of Resolution let him leade his Army in good order against this Fortresse where hee must bee carefull to quarter his Men in the best and aptest places of security then having Invironed the Fort on all sides with Skonses and Redoubts so that there can bee no Recourse too nor from the Fort then hee must Fortifie against the face of the Canon to the end it may serve for an advantage as you may see by the Bulworke marked G. The other part of his Army are to bee plac't to keepe the passages least the Enemy should come in the Reare of them and beat them out of their Trenches Therefore strong Workes must bee raised well Pallizadoed to prevent them Next he must looke that his quarters bee well Intrencht with Crosse-Workes and defended by the Forts and Redouts raised for that purpose as you may see the Trenches C. are defended from the places R. and from the Redouts P. Hee ought likewise to make choice of a fit place for the Army to make it his Field for Battell as you may see by R. S. T. Next you must raise good and sufficient Batteries as neere to the Enemy as possible may be which must bee secured and faithfully Guarded by a sufficient number of Souldiers as the Battery A. is well Retrencht with the Bastions R. and beset with good Gabions filled with good earth having a great care their bee no Stones in it least the Canon shot from the Fort should beate them about and do more harme to the Souldiers then the Bullets themselves They ought also to doe the same on all sides as wee see by the Cavaliers A. D. E. Q. the which must bee raised at the same instant begining to make the Canons Play to batter the tops of the Works in the Fort with all fury without intermission to the end the Pioners may have time to make their Trenches and approaches in greater safety and more strongly for the Canons beating against the top of the Workes of the Fort with such fury that the Defendants have no leisure to discover the designe of the Assaylants and much lesse shall they know how to use meanes to prevent those blowes and batterings besides the great feares and terrours that the poore Souldiers will bee in all the while Wherefore there must bee great diligence used for feare they should lose that good and favourable time wherein they may make their Intrenchments without danger Those within the Fort in this case ought to have very experienst Souldiers and good Canoniers and likewise all the Platformes for the Artillery or Cavaliaries should use their best endeavours by continuall shooting to prevent the raising of the Enemies Batteries and Trenches and not to feare any colours being they are protected with a good Parapet from the dinte of the Shot Likewise oftentimes they ought to change the places of the Musquetiers those which were upon the Curtins shall bee plac't upon the face of the Bulworke and so to the Shoulders of it continually thus changing the Musquetiers from place to place as occasion shall bee offered this will much annoy the Enemy and the rather because they know not how to bend their Peeces against them because of the uncertainty of their places Moreover the Enemy having battered those places that hindered him most cannot helpe it but he must suffer your Souldiers to set every man his Basket being set close
hand then happily halfe Companies or whole Companies must watch in compleate Armes The Governours Drumme with the Captaine of the Watches are to beat about the Streets to gather the Souldiers together to cut the yce in Winter time the Burgers and Citizens doe the like every Company hath his just allowance to cut it is to be cut 16 or 18 foot wide that the Enemy may be hindered to passe to the Walles The Mayor is to deliver out Powder Match Bullets and all kinde of Tooles to the Serjeants for the use of the Souldiers the Tooles are to be returned safe againe this shall suffice at this time Next I will briefly discour●● of the dutie of Officers in the Field and also of Souldiers CHAP. LVII The duties of Officers and Souldiers in the Campe or Field THe duties of Officers and Souldiers in the Field or Campe doe not much differ from those in Garrison wherefore I shall bee very short in this and then I will proceed to discourse of the particular Office of each Commander beginning at the meanest and so proceed to the chiefest in Authority demonstrating every particular thing belonging to their Offices Now by the way observe that every Army consists of a Generall Lieutenant-Generall Field-Marshall Treasurer Master of the Ordnance Serjeant Major Generall These are the chiefe Officers of the Field and are ●mployed dayly in the Councell of Warre with their Prince about State-affaires then the Troopes are divided into Colonies both the Infantry and Cavalliary the chiefe whereof is the Colonell the the Lieutenant Colonell the Serjeant Major these are the chiefest in command in each Regiment Every Regiment is compounded of divers Companies the chiefe of them is the Captaine the Lieutenant Ensigne Serjeants and Corporal● These last are exposed to doe their duty in person with their Companies the other in higher authority for the most part leave it to their inferiour Officers unlesse it be in times and cases of Danger The Army being Encamped the Colonels Lieutenant of each Regiment who beares the titular name of Captaine takes place to be the first Captaine of the Watch then successively according to the antiquity of the Captaine Their watch is set after the same manner as it is in Garrison onely no drumme is to beate neither for the setting of the Watch at night nor for the releeving of the Guards in the Morning untill the Drum-Majors drum beates then all are to imitate him The Captaine of the Watch is to goe no further than the Limits of his owne quarters where he is to be attended with the Gentlemen of the round and to take the Word as before is shewed that Night his turne is to be Captaine of the Watch the whole Company is to watch upon some convenient place by the Brest-worke before their quarters The Serjeant-Major of each Regiment Colonell or Lieutenant Colonell may walke the limits of his owne Regiment The Serjeant-Major Generall of the Army may ride through all the quarters of the Army and take the Word If there be any Out-workes as Redouts to be guarded then the Serjeant-Major of each particular Regiment is to give Billets to every Captaine what guards they shall keepe then accordingly the whole Company is to march to those Redouts leaving their colours in the head of their quarters which is to bee guarded by certaine Senteries appointed out of the next Company whose duty is also to guard the quarters and Hutts that no abuses bee committed The Armes that the Captaine and Ensigne beares with them is a Pike and his Armour of proofe hee is to set out his Sentrye Perdues upon all passages and likewise a Sentery within the Redout these are to bee relieved by the Serjant or other Officers every houre or two at the most That Company which shall come to relieve the Watch must stand in their compleate Armes untill such times as their Senteryes bee plac't out and the Bridge drawne up least the Enemy should take an advantage to fall upon them when they are in a confusion To resist the Enemy in their worke they are to place betwixt each two Pikes a Musquet Any of the chiefest Officers in high authority may command a Guard from one Redout to another and visit them at any season of the day or night and are to take the Word from the Captaine himselfe Every Souldier must bee very carefull of giving a false Alarum because all the whole Army will bee disturbed and presently in Armes If the Enemy comes upon the Sentry perdue hee is to retreate to the next Sentry behind him then if the Enemy seeme many they are to retreate into the Worke and prepare to give them a Vallye Those Horses that watch must bee plac't to keepe some passage they must send out their Horse Centryes to stand upon some way which the Enemy must take their stations are to bee a quarter of a mile beyond the foot the whole Company must not move off their saddles untill they are relieved Those Perdues that are layed out against a besieged Towne are to lye flat on their bellies because of the Enemies neerenes and continuall shooting and this shall suffice and before I proceed any farther I will have a more particuler discourse of the obedience and vallours both of Souldiers and Subjects CHAP. LVIII Of the due obedience both Subjects Officers and Souldiers should beare to their Prince or Generall with a demonstration how Mutinies and Treasons have beene rewarded with infinite miseries NO Kingdome so Fortunate and happy as those where obedience flowes in a cleare streame so farre from the power of gusts and stormes that gentle calmes are perpetuated to times and all seasons are as Halcion dayes when Subjects of all conditions and in all respects simpathize with their Soveraigne in authority to his lawfull behests and commands as the shadow imitates the body or as the parts of the body are ready bent to observe and execute the pleasures and intents of the heart and faculties of the minde Obedience and loyalty are the Nerves and Sinewes which strengthen and unite the members of a body politicke to the head and the strongest Fortifications that Kingdomes can bee defended with These are they which are the onely conquerours in Warre and stedfast preservatives in Peace these are the precious jewells which make the Crowne and dignity of a King most splendent and glorious these are the most precious Diadems that a State can bee adorned with the commanding power thereof is so potent that in an excellent transcendency they daunt the puposes of an Enemy forfeiting his designes they so farre strengthen the body of authority that none of the members can possibly bee infected where these Cordialls are placed next the heart without these Kingdomes are falling into a consumption and nothing can be expected but ruine and destruction as may evidently be seene by taking a survey of such Histories which record the confusion of Empires and Kingdomes And first the
as may bee manifested by the overthrow of the Duke of Brunswickes Army who were knowne to bee very valiant and had so declared and manifested themselves in divers bloudy skirmishes and principally in a battell fought against Seignior Tilly where he had all the advantage both in force and place yet most valiantly the Duke forced a way thorow the enemies Army the greatest losse to himselfe was only the losse of his hand yet these brave Souldiers not long after were routed and ruined by a few base countrey Bores joyned with a few Souldiers which were privatly drawne out of the adjacent Townes to hinder the Enemies pillaging these in the dead time of the night found sufficient advantage to set their base mettall a worke the Brunswickians being confusedly quartered and their guards neglected upon a plaine neere Brafford in Gelderland so as the divisions could not have the priviledge to draw themselves into order of Battell to make their resistance for I dare then say those Grollians and Bores would have fled at the first charge like Sheepe from Wolves True valour is of the nature of perfect coyne which goes currant in all places without contradiction and dares indure the touchstone when as seeming hardinesse like base mettall will not indure the tryall nor passe currant in valuation yet happily it may to the view seeme very splendant as courage raised by the spirits of Wine may seeme more headstrong and violent as one truly tearmes it a madnesse or a worth out of the wits then the true valour which goes upon the feet of judgement and resolution yet it will be nipt in the bud and fall before the fruit be mature when as true hardy●Souldiers well exercised and acquainted with dangers feare them not Neglecto periculo iminentis mali opus ipsum quantumvis difficile agrediuntur They goe about the businesse it selfe how hard soever it be although they consider the danger with the mischiefe over their heads it may probably bring which would distract a Coward A Souldier must be so qualified that adversity must not lessen his courage nor prosperity his circumspection our English in former Ages have beene esteemed the best tempered mettals transcending other Nations of the world for true valour and expertnesse in the use of Armes whereby they have atchieved great victories as in the Battell of Poictiers where the French had all advantage against the Blacke-Prince both in number force shew Country and conceit with the chiefe strength of the Horse of his Kingdome which were esteemed the best in Europe assisted with the greatest and wisest Captaines of his Realme so that the French Army consisted of 40000. men well appointed and expert Warriours nothing wanting in them but the golden spirits of our English whose Army consisted but of 8000. men overthrew the French Army and tooke their King Prisoner The like difference of worth in Souldiers was manifestly seene at the Battaile fought by the Estates of the Netherlands and the Archdukes forces neare Newport in Flanders where our English did workes of Supererogation by the prudency and valour of the Veres with a handfull of disbanded men routed the Battalia's of the Enemy and redeemed the victory lost of their owne side snatching it out of their Enemies hands when in the judgement of all men it was lost And that incredible animosity and courage of a poore handfull of Souldiers which attended Charles King of France in his junenesse unto the Warres which he intended in Italy after the sacking of divers Townes there he marcht with his Army to the Gates of Rome and entering a breach in the Wall drove the inhabitants to such perplexities that the Pope gladly condiscended to any conditions which they should propound so as the World did admire their valour wondring to see that no opposition could withstand their warlike hands so that Kingdomes trembled to see with what facility they suodued in all places Alphonso understanding this Army approacht neere Naples feare so farre possest him that he crowned his Sonne Ferand thinking that he more valiantly would have defended his Country for his owne security he fled into Sicily being indeed toucht in his conscience for his abhominable wickednesse but no sooner were the French arrived at the Ports of Naples but the sheepish Neopolitans durst not once offer a repulse but yeelded themselves with their Kingdome to his mercy where he was crowned King of Naples By these examples we may see the wonderfull difference betwixt an inbred naturall valour and a forc'd made hardinesse As there is a vertue in the Load-stone to draw Iron or Steele to it the vertue not extending to other mettals of the same nature is Valour which in a valiant Commander will draw all his Captaines Officers and common-Souldiers to step the same paces to gaine honour and renowne so that they will follow him in all desperate attempts if they have the least graine of steele in them which being wanting all the policy in the world is in vaine to seduce or draw them to any performances but like Leade before other mettals when it comes to the fire of tryall will soonest melt and runne As much may be sayd of an Effeminate Commander whose mettall is no better than the Minerall which Saturne ingenders if he be infected with the Pestilent disease of Cowardise all his Souldiers under his command will soone be infected and participate in his running fore before his begin to rise Souldiers are very superstitious dreaming there is more worth and wisedome in a Commander than many times is found and when they perceive timerosity doubts and no apt performances in him they conceit some strange effects are approaching that may tend to their confusion and so like valiant Cravens bethinke themselves best how to be secured reposing more confidence in one paire of Wings than in two paire of clawes as was well observed by the Battell betweene Po●●bus Diazius a famous Leader of the Portugals and Alvara King of Congo who had in his Army 1200000. Souldiers who by the poore spirits of their Commanders were so astonisht not daring to maintaine the ground they stood on were utterly ruin'd by a handfull of Portugals Caesar one of our Schoole-masters in the Rudiments of Warre was not ignorant of the strange effects that the worth of a Commander begets in a Souldier and what poore Spirits and agast countenances are bred by the sickly courages of Commanders which made him haste to the Sea-coast understanding his Navie was assaulted by Achillis as it lay at Anchor by Pharas in Egipt over against Alexandria he being intercepted of his passage by the Egiptians was compelled to leape into the Sea swimming for his life divers times being constrained to dive into the water to preserve himselfe from their Darts with much difficulty and danger arrived at his ships whose presence with his valourous animating of his Souldiers got the victory which otherwise had beene doubtfull Likewise to confirme the base impression of
feare that a cowardly Commander stamps in his Souldiers dispositions and likewise to manifest the worth and courage which is wrought in poore imbellicke Creatures by the forwardnesse and bold hardy courage of some in chiefe you shall finde by the Story of Contarenus the Venetian Governour he having intelligence of the invasion of Vluz Ali with a Navie of 60 Gallyes was so stricken with a quaking agne so that by his cowardly and unmanly carriage caused all the Townesmen to runne after him leaving the strong Towne of Curzola to be defended by none but their silly wives the simple women perceiving eminent danger and destruction to approach plucke up their womanly spirits and defended the Walles with stones fire and such other weapons as they had beate the Enemy from the Walles and God being propitious to them in sending a suddaine violent Tempest which forc'd the Turkes Generall to remove his Galleyes to a place of more safety The like pusillanimity was found in King Etheldred who in the yeare 978. swayed the Scepter in this Kingdome being invaded by Swayne King of Denmarke with a Navie of 350 Sayle durst not withstand the storme but tooke his opportunity the speediest way into Normandy leaving his Subjects to the mercy of the Danish King who tyrannized over them untill his death In all the passages of Martiall Affaires I have onely observed three severall passages whereby valiant men have beene subdued The first may bee sayd miraculously as when God is seene plainely and manifestly to bee the Author of a Conquest by a secondary meanes of lesse worth and power used and that is most usually when God and his Glory is interressed in it as in sacred Scriptures the overthrow of Goliah a man of mighty strength and valour by David although valiant yet a Childe in comparison to the Gyant for valour and strength must have a cerrivall to make a man compleate Also the overthrow of King Saul and Ionathan who had ever beene victorious against their Enemies Yet the Almighty being at ods with them for their rebellions in not performing execution against Agag they were subdued by their Enemies yet David stiles them in his Lamentations for them valiant men Also Marcus Antonius the Emperour making Warre against the Quadi being a Warlicke people that inhabited Silesia who by their worthes and policies had gotten the Emperours Army in such a straight the mountaines invironing them on the one side and the Quadi ready to give battell in their teeth And as calamities seldome walke alone the season of the yeare was very hot and infinitely dry the Emperour being ready to compound his safety with his Enemy rather then hazard all feare had taken such possession of him and his Army being in this deepe agony a certaine Captaine presents himselfe letting the Emperour understand that hee had divers Millitents meaning Christians which by their prayers to their God could obtaine victory for whose sakes God was pleased to interest himselfe in this conquest by sending a miraculous Thunder and Haile which so beate in their Enemies faces that they with ease vanquisht them Secondly Valiant Commanders may bee foyled by their owne presumption it being a domesticke traytor which attends the ruine to valour and so neere allied to it that it 's hard to bee seperated and many times it doth trayne and usher forth valour upon extraordinary disadvantages or blindes it with a superstitious remissenesse and loosenesse in suggesting and acting such things as should bee requisite for safety abandoning all such rules and meanes as might tend to preservation and furtherance in their designes making meere naked valour the Rocke to ground their confidence upon as in the Battell betweene L. Silla and the Romans against Archelans Generall to Mithridates King of Pontus whose Army consisted of 120000 Souldiers these reposing their confidence in their valours and great multitudes of men having an over-weening presumption of their owne strengths and deserts caused them to neglect such courses and advantages as might have beene prevalent to a victorious conquest whereby L. Silla tooke an occasion to give them an overthrow with the losse but of fourteene of his owne men But Archelans paying for his presumption the lives of 2000 of his valiantest youths Thirdly as we have discovered Valour to be of too high a temper that is compounded with presumption so likewise when it is of too soft a temper being compounded with feare as in Instruments of Steele that which is absolutly Steele and of too high a temper is of hardnesse sufficient to file in peeces any Mettall of a softer temper only it is brittle and subject to breake through its owne hardnesse So that Sword that is partly Steele and partly Iron so farre as the Steele is in it and of a true temper it will indure the stroake and will give no more way but equally to that which is all Steele but when the Steele is chopt and hackt through to the Iron then that which is all Steele soone destroyes and cuts through the softer Mettall accordingly when two valours meet in opposition happily both sides indures the brunt a long time so farre as strength and worth will give way but being cut and worne to the quicke the tempered edge is taken off and a softer mettall appeares which is soone fretted asunder by the true tempered weapon that hath not that quantity of Iron in it to soften it So that that Army which indures the assault longest is most sure of the victory so that too hard is better then too soft but the golden meane betwixt them is the best temper of all which is tough and apt to indure any hardship that shall be opposed as that famous Battell fought for a Kingdome betweene King Harold and William the Conquerour their Mettals were so neere of a temper and so truly tempered that the victory was uncertaine which side it would favour untill the edge of the English valours was worne through by the ominous death of King Harold then their courages grew so soft and poore that the hardy Normans destroyed them like Grashoppers It was farre otherwise with the true mettalled Swedes although the Emperours Army had deeply worne into them by seeking to blunt their edges by the slaughter of the most valiant King Gustavus Yet in regard there was nothing but true tempered mettall remaining they indured the force of their Enemies opposition and induring their greatest onsets and assaults they were predominant over their enemies standing to their tackling untill they had consumed their foes Thus you see the two ill tempers as before I have said which attends fortitude is feare and rashnesse The golden meane betweene these two is only to be chosen by a Souldier this is a path so difficult to walke in that few there are but erres As one compares this meane to the roofe of a Church on whose top there is scarse roome to turne a foot upon but on either side a broad rode to
may be He is likewise to be skilfull and well experienced in the use of Mappes that thereby he may truely know how all the Roades and wayes lye with the Situation and distances betweene Towne and Towne He is to keepe a List of the Guards and is to visit them both day and night shewing the Allarme place to all the inferiour Quartermasters when they come to take the word of him When the Lord High Marshall takes a view of the ground whereon to Incampe the Armie he is to Summon all the inferiour Quartermasters belonging to every Regiment and those Quartermasters are to call together every Furrier and Harbenger and so are to attend the Lord Marshall to the intended Campe then the Chiefe Quartermaster is to stake out the forme of the Incampement or intrenchment and also the distances for each Regiment and then every particular Quartermaster is to allot out the distances for the alodgement of every private Company He is to give his due attendance to the Generall and to the Lord High Marshall to be imployed about such things as they shall give him in charge If any order for hast bee given him by word of mouth himselfe must goe and deliver it and not trust it to others the Inferiour Quartermasters are to assist him in all his affaires CHAP. C. The Office of the Captaine of the Cavallry THis Officer ought to be qualified with all those Noble parts which are to be expected in a foot Captaine and rather in a fuller measure in regard he is to governe man and beast He must bee a perfect and absolute Horseman teaching his Horse by the Motion of his hand legge and body to understand all things belonging to the Riders pleasure he must be carefull in making his whole Troope good Horsemen teaching them how to sit a horse in a comely posture carrying his body upright the right hand bearing his Pistoll or Carbine coucht upon his thigh the left hand with the bridle raines under the guard of the Pummell of the Saddle and his legges close and streight by the horses sides with his toes turned a little inwards his horse so well managed that he will stand constantly without rage or distemper then he is to be made sensible by yeelding the body or thrusting forwards the riders legges when to put himselfe forwards into a short or large trot then how by the even stroke of both is spu●res to passe into a swift Carrire then how to gallop the field either in large ringes midles or lesse rings either to turne with speede upon the one or the other hand then to put him into a gentle gallop right forth in an even line and suddenly to stop and upon the halfe stop to turne swiftly and roundly Then lastly how to retire backe or to make him flye sidewayes on the one or the other side according as the advantage of fight shall give him occasion he is likewise to see his Souldiers well horst with compleate armour their furniture sufficient their bridles well rayned and lyned with a wire chaine their Pistolls and Carbines strong and fixe and he must strive to make all his Souldiers as good Shot or markes men as himselfe or else all his labour will be to little purpose He must be wary of over slipping any opportunity which may be taken either in offending the Enemie or securing himselfe for not to adventure when he should is cowardize and not prudence and to dare when he should not is rashnesse and not valour wherefore he must frame his Counsells and actions upon the Mould of necessary circumstances He must further know that the weapons of Victory are formed on the forge of Discipline for it both Captaine and Souldiers have not this temper they will loose the edge of their valours in the tryall and turne the points into their owne Bowels Further there is nothing snatcheth victory out of the hand of the Conquerour so much as untimely falling to the spoyle upon such disorder fortune alwayes turnes her wheele and maketh victors of them that before were vanquished He must diligently observe the orders which shall be given him from his Superiours and not faile to be with his Troope at the time and place required Vpon all occasions he is to be first mounted on horse backe and is to have his Company full and compleate and what ill fortune so ever should seeme to befall him he must not discover any feare for upon his courage and countenance the souldiers depend wherefore he must have a good resolution attend him In a pitcht battell he must seldome or never seeke to charge the enemie in the Front especially if the two armies are neere joyning fearing least his horses wrong his foote troopes by a disorderly retreate than possibly he can offend the enemie wherefore the best and safest place to charge the enemie upon is the flankes and reare When the enemie shall charge you with one of his Troopes doe not you rush forth to meete them but if your ground be of advantage keepe it if not advance softly forwards untill the enemy be within 100. paces of you and then fall into your Careire by this meanes your horse will be in breath and good order when as the Enemie will be to seeke The Captaine of the Cuirassiers hath the Priority the next is the Captaine of the Harquinburies the Captaine of the Carbines hath the third place the Dragones are of the meanest account although many times they doe the best service And for conclusion let all noble Captaines that desire the honour of their King and welfare of the Countrie not suffer themselves to be gold and deluded by their Souldiers which bring them borrowed horses and furniture not of their owne and chopping and changing of their men and not appearances so that our Troopes are so deficient that if an enemie should aproach we shall be to seeke of halfe our Troopes and them not halfe exercised CHAP. CI. The Office of the Liefetenant of the Cavallry THis Officer is to beare the true Image of his Captaine for he is imployed upon many services by his Captaine more than any other inferiour Officers are as guarding some particular passages riding out upon parties to scowre the Country and to gaine intelligence from the Country people of the enemies proceedings He is many times sent out to command a certaine number of horse for the safeguard of the Forragers and for the intercepting and guarding of some Fords and passages He is to exercise and Drill his men wisely and orderly using his command over them that he may be more beloved than feared He commands in his Captaines absence soly he is to March in the reare of his Troope causing the Souldiers to follow their Captaine and Corner in good order not suffering any to straggle from the Troope When he is to passe upon any duty he is first to gaine the best instructions for the
powder and the Bullet when you are to use them you are to bite of the end of the Paper close to the powder and so put it into the Barrell of your Pistoll ramming it downe close so as the powder may take at the Touch-hole by this meanes a Souldier shall be farre readier in his postures you are also to observe that the armes of the Cuirassiers are Pistoll proofe wherefore that Souldier that incounters against them must bee sure not to shot untill he be within three or foure paces the Hollanders use to discharge their Pistols at the enemies eare as a place most certaine to speede them others at the lower part of the Belly or his arme Pits or about the necke or throate a Cuirassiere usually giveth this charge upon the trot and very seldome upon the Gallop if you misse the speeding of the man then you are to direct your next charge against the Horse where you shall be sure to speed him either upon the head or brest the sword is to be managed after you have done your indeavours with the Pistoll and the principall thing required is to disable your adversary by hacking a two the Raynes of his bridle or the Buckles of his Pouldrons whereby he shall be disabled from making any resistance The Cuirassire in fight is to strive to gaine the right side of his Enemie being most proper to discharge his Pistols against him The Harquebuziers and Carabines must contrarily strive to get the left side of of their Enemies because that in presenting hee is to rest his Carabine upon his Bridle hand placing the Butt end upon the right side of his brest neere his shoulder Our Moderne Generalls thinke it best to order the Cuirassiers in grosse Bodies by which meanes they are more powerfull and strong against the shocke of the enemie they are for the most part reserved to second the light armed so that when they are broken they may have shelter and time to reu●ite themselves behinde the Cuirassiers Note that in a pitcht Battell if the enemies Ordnance be planted upon some hill so advantagious that they may annoy the Horse troops then the horse are to be drawn into some place of security or into the Reare of your Battell of the Infantery untill such time as their Ordnance be intercepted by certaine disbanded Troopes both of Horse and Foote sent for that purpose as for the Postures of the Harquebuz and Carabine they may receive their instruction from the Cuirassiers yet in regard most of our peeces goe with English lockes which differ from firelockes you shall finde here underneath the order of handling them with the words of Command The Postures belonging to the Snaphane Carabine ut sequit 1. Order your Carabine 2. Sinke your Carabine into your Bridle hand 3. Bend your Cocke 4. Guard your Cocke 5. Prime 6. Shut your Pan. 7. Cast about your Carabine 8. Gage your Flaske 9. Lade your Carabine 10. Draw your Rammer 11. Shorten your Rammer 12. Lude with Bullet and Ramme 〈◊〉 13. Withdraw your Rammer 14. Shorten your Rammer 15. Returne your Rammer 16. Recover your Carabine 17. Order your Hammer 18. Free your Cocke 19. Present 20. Give Fire CHAP. CXVIII Of the Excellent Service which may be performed by the Dragoones here in our Island of England AS for the Dragoones their Service and use of armes doth so neerly corespond with the Postures of the Infantry to which postures I altogether referre them They were invented for speciall services to assist both the Cavalry and Infantry for there are many exploits which cannot be effected by the Cavalry alone The Musquetei●es are to exercise themselves to give fire on horsebacke in the same fashion as the Harquebuzirs ought to doe Being come to Guarde a passage or to doe any other the like Service they are to alight and demeane themselves as infantry as in diverse places in this booke you may read onely here by the way I will shew how necessary it were to breede and traine up certaine companies of them in this our Kingdome which being an Island and the chiefest of our Land forces farre remote from the Maritime places where an enemie may possibly land which will be troublesome and require much time to March to our Coast side with our foote troopes and when wee are arived with the strength of our Land thinking to encounter with them The Enemy may easily delude us by the advantage of a darke night or mistie day which may so favour them that by rebarking themselves and setting sayle by the next night they may be landed on the other side of the Kingdome which were a thing impossible to March to them with our Army to oppose them but these Dragoones may easily crosse the Kingdome and may suddenly arive in any place thereof to assist such Forces as that Coast shall be able to rayse And although we should admit of that Noble Gentlemans advice which was to divide the Forces of certaine adjacent Counties into three divisions making an entire armie of the one halfe of them intrenching them neere the place suspected for greatest danger for conveniencie of landing them as he exemplifies it by Fulke-stone in Kent where he would have lodged 6000. men then upon the right wing twelve miles distant from this body being the point of Nesse he would have 3000. men lodged and upon the left wing 12. miles distant being the Towne of Margate he would have 3000. more lodged and so accordingly to inguirt the whole Island by this they should mutually give helpe one to another so that if the body of this army being 6000. men should be distrest then the two wings were speedily to repaire to their succour or if any of the wings then the body of the army were to March speedily to their ayde Questionlesse this is a singular project and no reason can contradict it if we have men sufficient to inguirt the Island round but that cannot be expected in regard that his Majestie must of necessitie have a standing Armie in the Heart of the Kingdome composed of the Principall Gentry and Yeomandry to be in readinesse if the Enemie should give a repulse and overthrow those Maritime Forces or if any Domesticke enemie should trecherously draw a head to side wit● them this standing Armie will dishearten them and bee a meanes to corroberate our owne men which otherwise would be much dejected and happily many of them so base being overwhelmed with the present disasters that they would turne to the Enemie and compound their owne safeties as was well seene at the Landing of William the Conquerour after he had discomfited the Armie of King Herrald which was but a handfull of the Forces which might have beene afterwards raysed to have given the enemie a second Battell or otherwise have defended the Land by delaying the Enemie but feare had so wonderfully surprised the Natives that immediately they compounded their owne safeties which had there
seeme square viz. as deepe in Flanke as broad in Front so that thereby the enemy might be deluded and therefore sometimes they would order eight horse in Front and but 4. in Flanke which seemed as a square by reason a horse taketh up twice as much space in his length as in breadth whereupon finding the inconveniences of those kinde of squares they bethought them of a more perfect square lesse than which they durst not venture and more they could not for want of horse in regard their pollicie was to discourage the Enemy by making their Troopes shew more than indeede they were wherefore they framed their Troopes of 50. horse and ordered them tenne in Ranke and five in File which forme represents a square in regard the five horse take up as much ground in their length as the tenne doe in breadth and this proportion they held best for had there beene sixe seven or eight horse in a File they could not have done any good in regard of the shortnesse of their squares as Leo after confessed But our manner of charging the Enemy differs from theirs for wee are to give fire upon the Enemy by Rankes and so fall off into the Reare so that all the Rankes shall come up and give fire by degrees upon the Enemy whereas their Troopes gave a firme close charge and wheeled off together this was the use both of their Archers and Spearemen Now our moderne Captaines although they have abandoned the use of their Speares yet they have detained their forme of ordering their Troopes five deepe in file and because each horseman hath two Pistolls therefore they suppose that they may charge and discharge as well as the foote Troopes that are tenne deepe with one Musquet for their armes but let the ablest horseman of them all say what he please he shall finde it another businesse especially if both sides stand to their tackling untill all the Rankes have given fire for the small distance of time and the ordering of their unruly horses will make them fall short of their expectations but indeede our horse Troopes seldome stand so long in competition for the victory but that one side either retreates or doe worse for if they should it should be easily seene that that Troope whose Files were ordered sixe in deepth would soone weare through the adverse part whose extent is but five Wherefore I could wish that all our Troopes might be so ordered in regard it is a number so proper and apt either to be divided or to be doubled or to be drawne into any forme of Embattelling wherefore more than sixe are unprofitable and lesse than sixe are not so serviceable In former ages they were driven to their inconvenience in regard they were scanted of horse and so to make their fronts equall with the Enemies they in pollicie framed their Battalias but of five deepe whereas their Enemies were compounded of many more as 6. 8. or 10. many times but after they had found out their pollicy which was only to make the fronts of their Battells equall with theirs being constrained in regard of their thinnesse to line them with shot and to have stands of Pikes to rescue them to make them abler to resist their enemies streng Phalange they likewise ordered their Troopes after the same manner whereby they delated their Fronts farre witer than before and so over winged them whereby many times they gained victory Our Kingdome blessed be God shall not neede to be driven to that exegint to make such simple shifts In regard we have or may have more than sufficient to oppose the potentest Enemy that shall dare venture or indeede possibly can conveigh so many Troopes over but that we shall be not onely his equall but exceede him wherefore I have framed each Troope of 120. horse and the same to be divided into foure Corporallships viz. thirtie in each each Corporallship to march sixe in brest and sixe in depth and so I leave it to your best considerations CHAP. CXXVI How the Chavalry are to order and demeane themselves in proportionable Battells fit to be joyned with the Infantry with their due order of fighting against the Enemies foote Troopes Likewise how they are to give or receive a charge of the Enemies Cavalry in grose as also in single combats and assaults AS in ordering of the Infantry so in disposing of the Cavalry in Battalia for the well fighting of a pitch'd battell against the Enemy these Circumstances are to be considered First there are to be drawne out of sundry Troopes of Carabines a certaine number of horse which are to be joyned with a proportionable number of foote these are speedily without keeping any order or distances to runne upon the Enemies Ordnance and either to surprise them or to hold those of the Enemie that gaurd them in combustion so that their Ordnance shall be hindred from annoying your Troopes of horse who are farre more subject and liable to receive harme from the Ordnance in regard they are mounted high then the Infantry can possibly be wherefore the Cavallry many times have beene constrained to retire themselves into some place of advantage as a Vally or in the Reare of the foote Troopes to hide and secure themselves from the great shot untill such time as the Armies were drawne neare together so as they could not discharge for indamaging their owne Troopes In the next place there are certaine horse to be commanded out of divers Troopes of Carabines to assist and guard the forlorne Hopes of the Infantry and these are to towle out the Enemy to beginne light skirmishes the better to animate the maine Battell against they shall be ready to charge by seeing their valours and many times they have beene a meanes of disordering the Enemies grand Battalias The maine battell of the Cavalry is divided into there distinct divisions viz. the Vanguard the Battell and the Rearegaurd these three make one intire Front and are to be ordered at three foote distance when they are ready to charge This principle Battell is to stand in an even front with the Infantry viz either upon the right or left wing or upon both when there is no naturall strength as Rivers Quagmires Hedges or the like to secure one of the wings you are to place your Cavalry wide off the Empalement of the Flankes of the Battell of the Infantry a hundred paces at the least for feare of anoying your foote Troopes likewise there must be the space of 25 paces of ground in distance left betweene every company and 50. paces betwixt each Regiment The winges of the horse Battell next adjoyning to the Flankes of the foote are to be of Cuirassiers in regard they are rather to secure the Flanks of the Infantry by sustaining a charge then for to advance forwards to give the Enemie a charge unlesse upon some great occasion the residue of this maine Battell may be compounded Harquebuziers and
a greater number than you have wherefore your number being small all your horse must not Sally out of the Ambushcado at once but some 12. or 15. must remaine in the wood at the furthest part of it to favour the retreate of the rest and by their noyse to cause the Enemie to thinke there are a greater number behinde in the Wood. If the Enemy should retreate for his better safetie meeting your Troopes upon your march in the day time you must first send a Troope of Harquebuziers to charge him on the Reare viz. the Lievetenant shall first assault them with 25. horse charging the Enemy upon a full trot or gallop him shall the Captaine follow with the rest of the Troope these are to be seconded by a Company of Cuirassiers being most proper to sustaine the Enemy if he resist but if the wa● be narrow the said Cuirassiers shall follow immediatly after the first 25. Harquebuziers your other Troopes shall second these observing alwayes one hundred paces distance betwixt every Company If a single Troope should meete a Troope of the Enemy of equall number if the Enemie retreate send your Leivetenant with 20. horses to charge him in the Reare following him with fifty to the same effect closed as firme as may bee the residue of your Troope must follow at a good distance under a good Corporall who shall not engage himselfe to fight though the Enemie turne head unlesse he see his Officers in great danger but then he must charge them valiantly so that his Captaine may reunite his men againe Other circumstances belonging to the Cavalry you shall finde them discourst of either in the discourse of the Marching of the Infantry or else in the discourse of incamping an Army I will here conclude with a demonstrative figure to shew how the Shot should line the horse Troopes and how you should order your Battalias to succour one the other where note this represents one wing of the Horse that is to Flanker the Infantry and you must further observe so soone as the Enemie hath put the shot to retreate those Horse Battalias behinde are to advance up into their places the shot are but 36. in a Troope the Harquebuziers 120. and the Cuirassiers 200. by this proportion you may make as great Battalias as you please view the figure onely of the maine battell without the Battell of Succour The Horse Troopes being drawne in Battalia there must be 25. paces distance left betweene every Company and 50. at the least betweene every Regiment The end of the 12. Section A DISCOVRSE OF POLITIQVE STRATAGEMS SECT XIII CHAP. CXXVII A perfect demonstration of such Politicke Stratagems as have beene plotted and practised both by Ancient and Moderne Commanders SEeing that Politicke Stratagems have been the immediate means next under the providence of God to gaine victories enervating and weakning an enemy I have thought it most fit to collect out of the best Authors the most subtillest and most eminent as also my owne observations which I have gathered in the time I followed the wars which may prove of much worth to bee taken notice of in two respects first in seeking to evade them or prevent them when an enemy shall make use of them or finding a conveniency and fit occasion to make use of them our selves by putting them in practice against our Enemies And although it bee not in the power of Man to reade the thoughts and designes of a polictike Enemy yet when a Commander knowes the nature of all Stratagems hee may happily ghesse by an Enemies carriage demeanour and actions what hee intends And first because no Generall can ●●rry his designes so in the ayre but by some privy intelligence an Enemy is informed of it and so being fore-warned is fore-armed it is wisedome for a Generall privately to give out some speech of a designe in hand which he intends not to execute and in the interim to put in action some other project which may be prevalent in regard it is novelties to the enemy by this many Countries Cities and Garrison Townes have beene taken before the enemy could provide for to defend it as in the next chapter you shall see CHAP. CXXVIII How the Prince of Orange tooke in Grolle in Gelderland by pretending his Army should march before the Towne of Gelders THat wise and Politique Generall Prince Maurice knowing the strength of Grolle in regard of the Scituation of it especially if it were well manned and victualled he having laine with his Army once in former times before i● and was constrained to raise his Siege wherefore the second time he practised by policie to gaine that which formerly was denied to his strength wherefore hee countenanced his Designe and fitted his Army giving it out for another Towne called Gelders not farr in distance from the other The Enemy for the better securing of the Towne sent what Forces and Amunition they could spare out of other Townes to strengthen it but most especially from this Towne of Grolle which they thought secure whereby it was left destitute of any meanes for a long Siege this opportunity being suddenly taken by the Prince he drew his Army before it and beleaguered it round so that in a short time it yeelded which without this advantage would have beene impregnable CHAP. CXXIX A policie to deferre time when a Towne is beleaguered that reliefe may be gained or by it to get from an Enemy IN a Towne besieged it is policie for the Governour to parly upon some agreements in what kind hee shall surrender up the same and so make a Truce for certaine dayes in this kind of practice may be two advantages gained as namely first reliefe if it bee expected which without this plot happily cannot hold out untill it comes This was practised in Ost-end the Governour understanding by a Prisoner which was taken that the Enemy did intend to assault his workes generally upon all sides and in all places the next morne he thought it wisedome considering the weaknesse of the Towne to spend some time in a parley untill his Succours were arrived or at least to set those men in order and provide such necessaries for defence as could bee got whereupon Hostages being sent upon either side and Articles being discust upon but none agreed upon the releefe did arrive in the Towne and they were fitted for the assault Moreover these kind of Parleys makes an Enemy confident that meere distresse drives them unto it this causeth an enemy to be negligent in all his performances whereby great advantage may bee taken either in building or repairing workes which otherwise could not be done by this devise Silla that famous Commander being in a straight tooke advantage of the Enemies negligence in time of the Truce and suddenly beate thorow the Enemy and delivered himselfe the like did Asdruball being beleaguered in his running Campe by Claudius N●ro escaped him which otherwise must have yeelded upon
the Enemies Dominions ransacking pillaging and spoyling it whereby hee must be constrained to returne for to defend the safety of his owne Countrey this project hath taken many times good effect for that those Souldiers beginning to fill themselves with bootyes and confidence to overcome shall soone make the Enemies Souldiers to be afraid when they supposing themselves Conquerours shall understand to become losers CHAP. CXLIIII How a Generall should use policie in letting an Enemie to passe without fight IT is a thing most dangerous to stay an Enemy if be have an intent to flee either by cutting off his passages or by cooping him up for every Coward will fight when they are bereft of all hopes of safety as by the example of our Blacke Prince in France who with a handfull of Men overthrew a mighty Army But a wise Generall should rather make the Enemy a Bridge of gold to passe over then to indeavour to stay him Themistocles would not suffer the Grecians to breake downe the Bridge made over the Hellespont by Xerxes lest the Persians should have beene compelled to fight Charles the sixth of France lost his Army by intercepting Henry the fifth of England in his March to Callice CHAP. CXLV A Policie to make Souldiers fight in a pitch● Battell and to prevent their running away CHarles Martill in a wonderfull fight with the Sara●e●s placed in the Reare of his Army certaine troopes of his Horse commanding to kill all such as offered to flie hereby to informe his Souldiers that there was no safetie but what they purchased by valour Likewise William Duke of Normandy after the landing of his men upon our English Confines caused all his Vessels to be burned that no releefe might be expected which bred a resolution in his Souldiers to gaine a Conquest Aso Caesar did the like at his first approach against England that his Souldiers should not expect any safety by flight but to purchase their freedomes by the dint of the Sword CHAP. CXLVI A Policie of a Genoys used to the Negotiator of Lodwick Sforza to cause him to know the nature of oppression LOdwick Sforza having trenched too farre upon the patience of the people of Genoa His Negotiator that collected his Masses of money was by a Genoys invited to dinner and walking in his Garden hee shewed the Ambassadour the hearbe Basill he gently stroking it smelt it very sweet but squizing it hard as unsavoury a smell whereon this Genoys inferred if our Lord duke Lodwick will gently stroke the hand of his puisance over this City it will afford him a sweet savour of obedience but if hee oppresse it it may chance to prove as unsavoury by rebellion CHAP. CXLVII A Policie to bee used by a Generall to incourage Souldiers to worke in time of necessitie WHen the Capitoll of Rome was last built the Emperour Vespatian carried the first Basket of earth to the making of the Walls after him his Nobilitie did the like this did wonderfully incourage the people to be more forward in that service and that made them undergoe the taske without grumbling CHAP. CXLVIII A Politique way for a Generall to gaine a difficult passage with his Army FErand King of Naples understanding that Charles King of France approached neere his Territories hee to prevent his approaches and to make his safest and strongest resistance drew his Army to a certaine straight not farre from Naples having Hills and unpassable places on each side the French perceiving their defence was not to bee repelled divided his Army by night and sent halfe of them farre about to come by stealth upon the Reare of the Neapolitans they holding themselves secure in regard the French had intrencht themselves before their Campe and thus holding them in suspence untill the other part of their Army were arrived at the place hee desired they suddenly taking the opportunitie to assault on both sides routed the Neapolitans and in defeating their Army tooke their whole Countrey CHAP. CXLIX A policie to be used by a Generall to further the assault made against a Towne THe Prince of Orange drawing his Army before Gertrudenberge they lay intrencht upon land and strong by Shipping upon the water by chance taking of a Prisoner belonging to the Enemie they understood by him that the States and Gouernour of the Towne once aday went privately up the Steeple to view the Hollanders Trenches if that any advantage might bee gained by Sallyes or otherwise The Prince immediatly contrivrs with a Gentleman to runne to the Enemy under a pretence hee had killed a man and that hee fled for the safety of his life who by a private signe playing upon a Pipe discovered their being upon the Steeple The Hollanders Ordnance being ready planted upon a Battery they made a shotte at the Steeple and beate it quite downe killing the Governour with the rest then presently assaulting the Towne tooke it CHAP. CL. A politique Stratagem used by the Hollanders to take in the Towne of Breda by cutting off their Guards BReda a strong towne in Brabant was once by the Hollander surprized by a Stratagem of a Boate laden with Turffe in whose Keele was imbarqued very closely divers valiant Gentlemen the Boate being brought before the Towne according to its usuall wont and the Boates-man well knowne of the Souldiers was suffered to come upon the Guard where hee usually made them sport and bestowed drinke upon them untill hee had made drunke both Corporall and Sentinell and the rest of the Guard then seeing his fit time he conveyes these Gentlemen into the Towne who killed the Sentinels and cut off the Guards and having first obtained the Watchword they gave a privy signe by casting up a ball of Wilde-fire whereby certaine forres of the Estates lying in Ambush not farre off made their speedy approaches and blowing open the Ports entred the Towne and tooke possession of the Ordnance before any allarme was given Likewise by Carts laded with Corne and Hay having Souldiers layed in a hollow place the like projects have beene done For prevention of these things they are gaged with Iron spits made for that purpose before they are suffered to enter the Ports fearing lest treachery should be in them CHAP. CLI A Policy which the Citie of Cassiline used to make Haniball raise his Siege THe City of Cassiline being besieged by Hamball after they indured a long Siege and hard brunt they tooke occasion to plow up all their waste grounds within the walls and to digge for Corne and rootes Haniball perceiving they were sowing their seedes was verily perswaded they had sustenance sufficient to last them untill their seedes came to maturity which made him presently raise his Siege when indeed they could not have held the Towne one weeke longer for famishing CHAP. CLII. Caesars Policie in letting the Dutch men flee that he might vanquish them CAEsar having coopt up the Dutchmen that they could not flee he thought better to open them a way to
Scipio's Battell they had beene inclosed and so charged on every side By this Stratagem Scipio got the victorie CHAP. CLIX. A Politique Stratagem which Titus Didus made use of to prevent his Enemie from Encountring with his fresh Supplies that were comming to assist him TItus Didus having divers Forces marching towards his Campe to strengthen his Army whereof his Enemy being informed prepared to encounter them upon the way and to cut them off whereupon Titus Didus having certaine Prisoners of the Enemy he gave out in their presence that every man should be in a readinesse to give Battell the next morning to the Enemy and withall tooke an occasion to let the Prisoners goe to their quarters who declared that Didus had given order for a Battell the next morne whereupon the Enemy was afraid to diminish their forces and durst not goe to encounter the Souldiers of Titus by this policie they arrived at his Campe in safetie which otherwise could not possibly have beene without the losse of most of them CHAP. CLX A policie of Haniball to bring the Romans into jealousie of their Generall Fabius Maximus that thereby he might worke his owne ends HAniball having Pillaged and burned all the Fields about Rome he only caused to bee reserved safe the fields and goods of Fabius Maximus to cause a jealousie to arise that there was some frienship betwixt the Enemy and him by this meanes Fabius was not be trusted Also Metellus to having an Army against Iugurth all the Ambassadours that Iugurth sent him were required by Metellus give unto him their Generall prisoner and after to the very same men hee wrote Letters to the same effect which wrought them such discredit that in short time Iugurth had all his Councellours in suspition and put them to death The like was practised by the Romans upon Haniball when he fled to Antiochus their Orators wrote to him so frequently and familiarly that Antiochus suspected him and would not put confidence in his Councells CHAP. CLXI A Politique Stratagem whereby an Army hath beene disheartened in time of Battell which hath caused their overthrow AT Muscleborough-field there was a policie used to cause a rumour to bee spread in the Enemyes Battell that their Generall was slaine and some part of the Troopes defeated and put to flight at this the Enemy was so amazed in the middest of their fight that they gave way and brake their Rankes Titus Quintus did practice the like but this must be acted in that part of the Army where the Generall is not to bee seene CHAP. CLXII A Politique Stratagem used by Labienus in France whereby hee vanquished his Enemies Army marching over a River LAbienus in France seeing his Enemy desirous to passe a River to present him Battell he counterfeited that he feared their pote●●cy and feigned to March away yet leaving secret Ambushes which gave Labienus intelligence that a good part of the Enemies Army was past over the River hee suddenly returned and defeated them before the residue could get over to their rescue CHAP. CLXIII A Policie whereby an Army may passe over a River in safety when the Enemy attends the advantage to ruine them QVintus Lutatius in his Warres against Cimbry was close pursued even to the side of a River where either hee must passe or receive Battell wherefore hee setled his Army downe by the Rivers side and intrencht himselfe setting up some Tents and sending abroad for fortage as though hee meant indeed to stay by it The Enemy beleeving the same did in like manner incampe his Army and sent out his Souldiers likewise for Provision Lutatius making use of the Cimbryes negligence the night insuing suddenly passed the River with his Army before the Enemy could dis●odge and drew his men in order to give them Battell CHAP. CLXIIII An excellent Policie for a Generall to put off a people that hee is in league withall and desires his assistance THe Athenians and Lacedemonians desired assistance of Gelon the Son of Dinomenes he being Generall over the Siracusians against Xerxes who had past the Hellespont with his mighty Army unto which Gelon consented and under a colour of his willingnesse levied thirty thousand Souldiers and two hundred Shippes to doe them service conditionally that they should make him Generall of one of their Armies either by Sea or Land which they refused to doe But afterwards upon better consideration they yeelded to his proposition and to that purpose sent their Ambassadours to whom he returned this answer That May was past and the Spring withered CHAP. CLXV The policie of Vigetius to convey Foot-troopes over a River that is passable so that the streame shall not offend them VIgetius hath a rule in passing a River that is wadeable if the streame bee violent and swift to cause certaine Horse-men to crosse the River in two places leaving a Lane betweene them for the Souldiers to passe the one ranke of Horse are to breake the strength of the water and the other Ranke below are to sustaine the Souldiers CHAP. CLXVI How by a Politique device the Hollanders obtained a convenient peece of ground from their Enemy upon which they built the Skonce called Skinkes which could not bee gained by force of Armes TH● Hollanders having sound a certaine peece of ground very convenient to raise a Fort in it which might be made impregnable it being a point of ground lying betweene two mighty Rivers the Wale and the Leck they knowing not how to obtaine it in regard divers of the Enemies strong holds bordered upon it which would have beaten them off had they presumed to have entred it and besides they were loth the Enemy should take notice that the place was so convenient for that purpose as they knew it to bee for it cut off all releefe by water that all the adjacent Townes were accommodated with wherefore they plotted with a Countrey fellow named Skincke to hire that peece of land to feed Colts in it and for to keepe them from straying out hee was to raise a Wall with a great Ditch from one River to another which was about 400 Rodde this being finisht the Hollanders came sayling up the River by night with certaine Troopes which they landed there and by the strength of that Ditch and Rampart they beate off the Enemy for they had no other passage but thereby untill they had built the Skonce which is now called by the name Skinkes Skonce so samous for the late Siege CHAP. CLXVII Hanibals politique Observations in placing his Battels upon advantages HAniball against the Romans in the battell of Cannas had gotten the advantage from the Enemy both of Sunne and wind and had imbattelled his Army upon the higher ground these three things are to be principally considered as coadjutors in a victorious Skirmish the like did M●●rius against the Cimbrians by which he obtained an honourable Conquest CHAP. CLXVIII A Policie used by Pyrrhus whereby he deluded the Lacedemonians that his designe
men of quality and that the originall proceeds from discontents and that they have drawne a strong party to side with them whereby the Lawes of the Field cannot take place without running a hazard to the whole Army then the best way is to deale mildly with them using faire tearmes and promises willingly condescending to such requests as shall bee by them desired dealing privately with some particular men and sometimes with many together and eft-soone filling them with promises and hopes using pensive yet vehement words which may induce them to beleeve that they proceed not from any dissembling intents and so by degrees prevaile to cut off the principall heads and then the rest of the body will soone fall off of it selfe CHAP. CLXXXVII A Policy used by King William to Malcolme King of Scotland who had invaded this Land thinking to gaine his peace hee would have yeelded to any Conditions KIng William the Second having weakened his Army by his great Wars in France Malcolme King of Scotland perceiving what broyles and Contentions this poore King was hemmed in withall tooke his opportunity to make use of it and with his Army invades England considering the Premisses he thought to bring King William to what tearmes of Peace he should desire and that in regard of his great losses hee would be very moderate in demanding any Articles from the King of Scotland this Project being brought to the upshot King William shewed himselfe more resolute then ever ●efore in his prosperity affirming in high tearmes that hee scorned to yeeld to any difficulties Whereupon Malcolme conjecturing that such a high confidence could not bee without good grounds he consented to any Condition that King William did desire CHAP. CLXXXVIII Politique Observations in a Confederate Warre THat Army which intends to invade an Enemy the strength whereof consists of divers Confederates the Service which is to be expected must be speedily done for in a short time such an Army will fall into divers inconveniences as either a dissipation and dissolvement or else fall into a confusion in regard of great difficulties that will arise and Straites that they must bee exposed unto especially being farre remote from succour and releefe or hardly to be releeved whereas the Enemy being in his owne Land at hand may have speedy supplyes both of Men and Amunition as by the example of Robert Duke of Normandy eldest Brother to King William who with divers other Princes of Europe had surprized Ierusalem and divers other Cities yet soone ●ell at oddes and were dissipated CHAP. CLXXXIX A policie used by the Governour of Croizon to make his cowardly Soldiers fight CRoyzon being besieged by Generall Norrice the Governour of the Fort seeing his Souldiers faint in the defence thereof wherfore to prevent it all that did play the Cowards or that did speake of yeelding hee caused to bee chained to a post set in some breach with his weapons in his hand to defend himselfe and it By this device the rest of their fellow Souldiers would rather venture their persons honourably then to be compelled with a greater danger dishonourably CHAP. CXC A Policie used by Generals to beguile hunger in a straight besieged Towne THe People of Lydia were the first that invented Games as Dice Cardes Chesse and the like necessity and hunger forcing them unto it according to that of Persius Artis Magister ingenijque Largitor venter For being sorely vext with famine in the time of Atis one of the Progenitors of Omphale they used every second day by playing at these Games to beguile their hungry bellies thus for 22 yeares they continued playing and eating by turnes CHAP. CXC A politique Stratagem practised by the Governour of Berghen against the Prince of Parma's Forces by which he destroyed divers of them and preserved the Towne from surprizing THe Prince of Parma bringing a mighty Army before Berghen-opzome the Governour made choyce of two English men who in former time had beene the Dukes prisoners to steale to the Dukes Campe to let him understand that the strength of the Towne was most English and that for divers discontents they were ready to mutinie and that if it pleased him hee could infect some chiefe Captaines that should command the principall Guards to give way for his entrance into the Towne and that the Governour should not mistrust any treachery they would onely shoot pouder at them in their Ordnance and Musquets without Bullets and that at such a night hee should not faile of his enterprise and for the better assurance one of those English-men was to be left in hostage to be slaine if they did not really effect it whereupon the Prince gave them large gifts with great promises of future preferment The signe being given that the Duke should come with his Army the English Hostage was bound hand and foot and for their better security was carried in the Front of the Army that if any treason should be he might be the first should suffer so finding the Ports open and the Pieces discharged onely with powder made them come flocking upon the Bridge but so soone as the formost was entred with the English Gentleman that was their Hostage the Lord Willoughby let downe the Port-cullisses and being ready with the whole strength of the Towne gave them such a Volley both of great and small Shot that they slew and drowned many hundreds This Project caused Parma to raise his Siege from before Berghen CHAP. CXCII A Politique Observation for a Generall if he feares the strength of his Enemies Battell to march from him by night OVr famous Generals used this Observation in their Warres Si pauci necessario cum multitudine pugnare cogantur consilium est noctis tempore Bellifort●●●●tentare CHAP. CXCIII A Politique Stratagem whereby the King of Naples regained the possession of a City and Castle formerly lost to the King of France FErand King of Naples having lost his Kingdome to the King of France he understood the King of France had fought a great Battell with the Venetians and Milla●●ys at Fernon conjectured with himselfe how by a wile to repossesse himselfe of the Castle in the City of Naples to which end having got some few Troopes in armes march'd towards the Citie and sent a Nuntio to the Governour to let him understand that their King was slaine and the Army discomfited and if they would yeild up the possession of the Castle they should have good quarter but if they did withstand this faire pro●●er they should expect nothing but utter confusion whereupon they being at a stand and hearing of a truth that such a Battell was fought but no certaine newes of the event made them give credit to the King of Naples his report and fearing the worst yeelded the City and Castle which occasioned the losse of the Realme CHAP. CXCIV A Politike Stratagem used by Nauplius the Father of Palamedes whereby he destroyed 200 of the Graecians ships as they came for the Island
of Euboea IN the Island of Euboea Nauplius the Father of Palamedes understanding that his sonne was slaine by the hands of Paris wherefore he conceived such displeasure against the whole Hoste of the Graecians that hee intended their generall destruction to this end hee caused fires to bee made upon the top of the most dangerous and unaccessible Rockes in this whole Island and had removed all the Booyes and Sea-markes into dangerous shelves the Greekes taking this according to the custome of the times to have beene the markes of some safe Haven made thitherwards where they were miserably cast away there perishing 200 ships and many thousand men CHAP. CXCV. An excell●nt policie used by Mahomet Bassa to conceale the death of Solimon one of the Ottoman Emperours from his Souldiers at the Siege of Sigeth in Hungary fearing lest they should mutinie SOlimon one of the Ottoman Emperours dying at the Siege of Sigeth in Hungary which was cunningly concealed by Mahomet Bassa the space of twenty dayes before the Ianizaries knew of it who when any did inquire for him he would shew them divers times the Emperour ●itting in his Horse-litter as being troubled with the Gout causing his Physitians to go too and fro with their Phisicke as if they had him in cure but after the Souldiers suspected ill dealing they began to be mutinous whereupon he promised they should see him the next day wherefore they apparelled the Corpes in royall large Robes and placed it in a Chaire at the end of a long Gallery and a little Boy cunningly placed behinde him to move the Kings hand to his head as if he should stroake his Beard as his manner it seemes was which signe of life and strength the souldiers seeing were contented and so was his death concealed forty one dayes more untill the Siege was ended and a new Emperour establisht CHAP. CXCVI. A Politique Stratagem used by Simon Sonne of Miltiades being Captaine of the Athenians whereby he overthrew the Sea and Land-forces of the Persians in one day SImon the Sonne of Miltiades Captain Generall of the Athenians overthrew the Sea and Land-forces of the Persians in one day he tooke and sunke no fewer than forty ships and three hundred Gallies in the Sea fight which ended he furnished and mann'd the Persian ships with his owne best souldiers attyred in the Persians habilaments and waving the colours of the Persians upon their approach the Campe was opened where every man prepared to welcome their victorious Countrey-men as they thought But the Greekes no sooner entred but suddenly put them all to the sword and tooke twenty thousand of them Prisoners CHAP. CXCVII A Policie of the Duke of Burbon to cause his fleeing Souldiers to stand a charge AT the Battell of Agincourt Lewis of Burbon having suffered a defeat in his left wing weighing the dishonour gathered some scattered troops of Horse that stood doubtfull of the event proclaiming the English had the worst and if they would shew their valours he warranted them the victory the French being then all ready to flee he procures a Souldier to runne through the Army to crave supply protesting the English were yeilding for that King Henry the fifth had offered to yeeld his troops and to flee for refuge This device did wonderfully hearten the French to abide the other charge who would otherwise before have fled CHAP. CXCVIII. A Policie used by King Henry the fifth being overcharged with Prisoners if fresh Supplies should have assailed him AT the same Battell of Agincourt after the French were fled a world of Prisoners being taken in the pursuit in the interim certaine French fugitives seised upon the Kings Te●ts an Alarme being made by the Sutlers and those that guarded the Baggage the King fearing fresh supplies presently commands every Souldier to kill his Prisoner that they might make the safer resistance and not be hindred by them which in Skirmish might have done them treble damage CHAP. CXCIX A Stratagem whereby the Town of Fast-castle in Scotland was taken from the English IN Edward the sixths dayes our English Generall having taken in divers Towne in Scotland this Towne of Fast-castle being one the Governour thereof commands the neighbouring Hines to bring in their Contribution corne the Enemy making use of this opportunity sends divers souldiers habited like the Scottish Peasants with private Armes about them upon the day appointed with sackes of Corne upon horse-backe they being arrived at the Ports alighted and every man brought his sacke in upon his shoulder no sooner were they entred but they fell upon the Guard and cut them off making them masters of the Ports untill divers Troops that waited the opportunity came and succoured them and gained the Towne CHAP. CC. Anotable Stratagem whereby the Island of Sarke was taken from the French it being a place of it selfe impregnable SIR Walter Raleigh in his History of the World relateth an excellent Stratagem which a Gentleman of the Netherlands made use of for the regaining of the Island of Sarke which joynes to Gernesey from the French it being a place of it selfe impregnable having sufficient to sustaine themselves there growing and being every way inaccessible This Gentleman anchored in the Road with one ship of small burthen pretending the death of his Merchant he besought the French to bury him in hallowed ground offering them for a gratuity such things as they had aboord the French condescended to their requests upon condition they should come all disarmed whereupon they brought their Coffin upon land filled with all kinde of weapons and Ammunition in the meane time part of the French went to the ship to view their penniworths where they were detained the Coffin being brought into the Church and the doores shut close they armed themselves and fell upon the Guard and slew them By this device they obtained the Island which otherwise had beene impossible to have been entred CHAP. CCI. A Politique device used by Iugurth to helpe his Armie in case it were overthrowne IVgurth being invaded by the Romans deferred the fight in the day of Battell untill a good part of the day was spent knowing that if the Enemy did prevaile yet the night comming on them they should not be so able to pursue the victory and that they being in their owne Country and acquainted with all passages and places of strength being protected by the darknesse of the night might the better escape and make head againe upon the Romans and contrariwise if the invaders should be broken the night would be a meanes to cause their utter confusion they not knowing how to finde any place of refuge but must fall into the hands of the Natives This device stood Jugurth in great stead CHAP. CCII. A Politique Stratagem used by Count Pietro Navarese to beate his Enemies from a Breach whereby he rowted their Campe. COunt Pietro Navarese being besieged in a Towne where the Enemy had made a Breach in the Walles for his safety to repell
Grecians CHAP. CCXXXII A Policie used by the Prince of Orange to delude an Enemie from succouring a Towne THe Prince of Orange when hee intended to invade any Province or to beleaguer any towne he would plot his Designe so as the Enemy should take it in a contrary sense as once hee intended to take in Zutphen in Gelderland hee drew his men quite contrary before Gertrudenberge who so soone as the Enemy was stirring to releeve it hee reimbarqued his men and suddenly intrencht himselfe before Zutphen where hee found them secure and unprovided for such an assault whereby hee gained the Towne and indeed such Stratagems may easily bee effected where an Army may bee transported by water for an Enemy may expect them in one place over night and happily hee may bee fourty miles another way by next morne at the place which the Enemy never dreamt of CHAP. CCXXXIII An Imposture used by Sertorius whereby he confirmed his Souldiers valour SErtorius the Roman Chiefetaine used an Imposture to helpe himselfe by meanes of a white Hinde to stay his Souldiers from revolting this Hinde being made tame and used to be fed by Sertorius in a private place His Souldiers being weary of the Warres and ready to compose their peace with their Enemy Hee wisht them to be content untill he had drawne the Army in to Battalia and every man should pray to their Gods that they would be propitious to them and miraculously send them his pleasure how they should demeane themselves Sertorius having written in golden Letters how the Army should be disposed hung it about the Hindes necke which was secretly conveyed into his Tent and being put out shee came with the Revelation to Sertorius which being read that they should bee Conquerours c. confirmed the Souldiers valours and caused them to be victorious CHAP. CCXXXIV How a Scottis● King by an Imposture caused his Souldiers to bee valiant whereby he obtained a victory HEctor Boetius in his Annals of Scotland makes mention of a certaine Scottish King having lost a Battell against the Pictes found his people so discouraged that they were all out of love with the Warres the King being much grieved therewith did suborne certaine persons who being apparelled with bright shining Scales and Seales skins and having in their hands Truncheons of rotten shining wood which is commonly found in the body of old Ashes which will shine very gloriously in the darke these did appeare unto the Princes and chiefe Officers of the Army being in their dead sleepe and awaking them did admonish them to fight afresh against the Pictes and that they should not feare to assaile them for they were sent from God to tell them that they should undoubtedly obtaine the Victory This did so confirme the opinions of the Chiefetaines they having seene an Angell from heaven that God himselfe would fight for them and in this imagination they charged the Pictes with such magnanimity as they vanquisht them and drove them forth of their Countrey CHAP. CCXXXV A Politique Imposture used by Boniface whereby he disposest the Pope and gained the Papacie himselfe IT is reported that Boniface the Eight did climbe up unto the Papacie by an Imposture hee having intonniled his voyce in a long Cane or Trunke in a darke night putting it thorow a hole of the Wall into the Chamber of Celestine a simple holy man that was invested in the Sea Boniface fained himselfe that hee was an Angell sent from above to let him know the pleasure of the Almighty which was that the great God of Heaven had things of Importance to execute upon Earth whereof he had made choyce of Boniface to bee Pope to put them in execution and that Celestine should either presently resigne or else hee was to fetch his soule ere long this politique Imposture prevailed This Imposture hath beene used in divers Countreyes by the Enemies Complices to turne the mind of a Generall from his intended purpose as also to breed feare amongst chiefe Officers foretelling some sad events should ensue to dishearten an Army or to make them disloyall CHAP. CCXXXVI A Politique Imposture whereby wonderfull things have beene atcheived HOmer makes mention in his Hymno Mercurii that by the crawling of a Tortoice with a candles end fixed with Waxe unto his back divers have been deluded thinking it to be the Spirit of some Persons lately buried this thing having walked divers times in the Church-yard so that many have taken notice of it then they were next to agree with a subtill fellow to lye in a Coffin that should secretly be placed in a Grave and having a Pipe from it reaching to the top of the earth so that hee might draw breath and be heard speake thorow it these things being thus performed If a Generall have any businesse of consequence to settle upon his Army or to resolve it of any doubts or to establish any lawes then were the chiefe Officers brought to this place in the darke with common Souldiers where the Spirit hath spoken to them CHAP. CCXXXVII A Politique Imposture used by King Minos the Law-maker of Candy to bring in and esta●lish his Lawes KIng Minos the Law-maker of Candy at such times as hee had a purpose to bring in and establish Lawes in his Realme fained that Iupiter did daily speake unto him face to face and that hee was as Homer saith his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is his Familiar and one with whom hee had private speciall conference this gained him such speciall favour with the people that his name growing thereupon to bee famous hee gave such a countenance to his Lawes with so high authority that they were kept and observed longer then were any other amongst the Greekes Aristotle writeth the same of Licurgus that hee did helpe himselfe by this device for the establishing of those Lawes which hee made in his Common-wealth Numa Pompilius King of the Romans did likewise fayne that the Nymph Egeria had familiarity and acquaitance with him and did informe him of those Lawes which hee prescribed unto the people of Rome a Nation at that time very unapt to bee instructed and could very hardly by reason of their fiercenesse and Martiall courage be tamed and brought to civility hadit not beene by the only meanes and colour of Religion CHAP. CCXL A Politique Imposture used at the interments of Emperours to make the people believe they were highly honoured of God so that their lawes might be the better observed after their deaths AT the interment of the Roman Emperours they used this Imposture the Corpes of the said Emperours being laid in a Tabernacle framed of wood wherein were three partitions one above the other in the lower was the wood layd in the next above the Corps sumptuously apparrelled and in the uppermost was a live Eagle plac'd the fire being burning a window was secretly opened out of which this Eagle soared away in the ayre this they reported to be the Soule of the deceased
Emperour fled to Heaven as Herodian witnesseth And Iustin Martyr affirmeth that there was alwayes one deputed and ordained by the Successor of the dead Emperor who should upon his oath averre that hee had seene the Soule of the Emperour which was said to be deified to issue out from the pile of fire and to flee directly up into heaven the same doth Dion write who saith that Livia the wife of Augustus did give ten thousand crownes unto Numerus Atticus Pretor to have an Affidavid made that he saw Caesar Augustus mount up into Heaven CHAP. CCXLI. A Politique Imposture able to seduce multitudes by walking upon the water CArdan in lib. de varietate rerum reports how that by subtilty and artificiall skill men have walked upon the top of waters without sinking by meanes of Corke and bladders tyed to the soles of their feete Likewise Lucian writeth what strange Terror he was put in by the sight of those Phillopodes or corke-footed persons that walked upon the waves of the Sea what could not such an Imposture perswade men unto or disswade them from the strangenesse of the thing would make men beleeve they were divine CHAP. CCXLII. Illusions whereby divers learned judicious men have beene deceived through the faigned voyces of men expert in that qualitie THere have beene some men naturally disposed so subtill and ingenious that they were able to delude and deceive even the best advised their voyce hath beene so subtile and so divers that they would imitate the voyce of all living creatures likewise the organs of their voyce and their throats were so fine and small that being very neere to a man they will call him by his name or use other discourse yet it will seeme to the party called to bee some strange Angelicall voyce and that it is farre remote from him in the French History of Peter de Loir hee relates a story of a Merchant of Lyons who was exceeding rich both in Banque and in other goods and Possessions and being noted for a notable Vsurer hee went one day walking into the Countrey onely accompanied with his servant and as they were entred into a great Champion Field the Servant began his illusions speaking unto him and telling him that hee was an Angell which came unto him purposely from God to tell him that he should give and distribute part of his goods ill gotten unto the poore and that hee should liberally recompence his Servant that had of a long time served him without any reward or preferment at all received from him the Merchant being astonished and abused at the voyce demanded of his Servant if he heard nothing repeating unto him the strange voice himselfe had heard the servant counterfeiting a kinde of wonder and astonishment denyed that he heard any thing and immediately with a voice farre more stronger and subtill then the former hee repeated the same words againe and that with such admiration of the Merchant that he was brought into a full beliefe that it was an Angell from Heaven that spake unto him insomuch that being arrived in his lodging he gave unto his Servant a good and large recompence after the death of the Merchant this Servant discovered the Imposture Likewise Monsieur de la Cazedin having invited divers learned men the most excellent spirits then in Paris to a Banquet in the meane time a merry fellow that was his crafts-Master in these kind of Illusions was caused to bee there present by the said Monsieur for to provoke mirth at this feast in imitation of that of Xenophon or of the Emperour Iulian wherein there was a Silenus that kept company with the Gods etc. This fellow called one of the company by name a man well knowne for doctrine and eloquence this party hearing his name called arose imediately from the Table supposing some one without the doores had called him albeit it was no other but that same pleasant companion that was set at Table by him By these few instances we may learne what good or hurt may bee done to an Army they being deluded with these or the like Impostures may either bee animated to observe any Lawes or undertake any difficult atchievements or by the helpe of some trusty Complices in an Enemies Armie that are their crafts-Masters in this Art how they may dishearten the Army or divert the Generall from some intended designe which may be the occasion of their overthrow CHAP. CCXLIII How Marquesse Spinola at the Siege of Breda by the helpe of a wittie Peasant gained intilligence of all the proceedings both in the Prince of Oranges Campe and in the Towne of Breda by the discovering of their owne Letters MArquesse Spinola made use of a Countrey Peasant who was expert of all Places and passages there about and being forward to accomplish any thing he was commanded for a reward did undertake to carry Butter Tobacco and Cheese to the besieged Towne making shew of having narrowly and with great danger escaped the Enemies Sentinels and Guards and being arrived hee was to offer his service to the Governour to carry Letters from him to the Prince of Orange he being there arrived was much welcomed to the hungry Souldiers in regard of the provision hee brought and the Governour desirous to know particulars examined him about Spinola's Campe about the passage hee found into the Towne and what was the received opinion abroad of the state of their affaires the fellow being subtill related many true things and feigned as many of his owne head which begat a great beliefe in them of his honestie and trust at last being demanded whether he durst carry any Letters by that passage by which he escaped into the Towne hee shewed himselfe at first fearfull and doubtfull what to answer suffered them by promises to worke him to that to which of all things under pretence of backwardnesse hee desired to bee perswaded The Governour therefore trusted him with his Letters to the Prince of Orange promising him great rewards if he brought him an answer Hee promised to doe his best but in his returne he brought the Letter to Spinola to peruse Spinola having perused the Letters sealed them up againe fairely and dispatched this subtill fellow away with them to the Prince of Orange promising him a double reward if hee could bring an answere from the Prince The Prince of Orange beleeving that hee might confidently repose his trust in this fellow who had beene so carefull to bring him the Letters returned his answere by this Peasant giving him a large reward this craftie fellow brought the Letters to Spinola and was liberally rewarded by him also for his paines afterwards the Prince of Orange dying and his brother Count Henricke being in his place Spinola could gaine no newes of his proceedings wherefore he bethought him of his nimble-witted Peasant but he being not so well knowne to this Prince as he was to his Brother he contrived his acquaintance by this
Planke and to have a Touch-hole at the Bottome as O and that end of the Boxe where the hinge of the Lid is there must stand up from the Boxe a peece of Iron or Brasse in length answerable unto the Lid of the Boxe this peece of Iron must have a hole quite through it towards the top and a Spring as AG must be skrewed or rivited so that the one end may cover the said hole on the top of all this Iron or Brasse that stands up from the Boxe there must be jointed a peece of Iron made as you see in the Figure the hinder-part of which is bent downeward and entreth the hole that the Spring covereth the other part resteth upon the Lid of the Boxe open this Boxe Lid and put in a quantity of Powder then shut the Lid downe and put fire to the Touch-hole at the Bottome the Powder being fired will blow the Bo●e Lid up the notches more or lesse according to the strength of the Powder thus by firing the same quantity of divers kindes at severall times you may know which is strongest CHAP. CCLXXIX Of a Bridge made without Boates or Barrels Cordage or Timber-worke which transported 4000 men at once ouer a great River IN the Ascent of Cyrus the third Booke pag the 57. the Army being in great distresse invironed on one fide with high Mountaines and deepe broad Rivers on the otherside a Rhodian presented himselfe to the Generall and did undertake to transport 4000 at once over those Rivers without Boates or Barrels whereof indeed they were defective wherefore he provided all the raw Hides that he could possibly get and sowing them up very close blew them full of Winde then hee made use of such Cords and Ropes as the Army could affoord and tyed them together having stones upon them which went downe like Anchors these being plac'd upon the waters he threw Rice upon them and then earth which kept them from tottering making them lye stable every Bouget was able to convey two men by this meanes the Army was convayed well CHAP. CLXXX How Caesar made a Bridge upon the River Rhine and carried his Army over into Germanie CAesar holding scorne to transport his Army over the River Rhine by Boates into Germany he bethought himselfe to try what hee could doe to make an artificiall Bridge which should stand more for his honour and the terrour of his Enemies they conceiving it impossible to frame a Bridge over a water so deepe broad and swift wherefore he caused great store of Timber to be brought and at two foot distance he placed two Trees of a foot and halfe square sharpened at the lower end and cut answerable to the depth of the River these he let downe into the water with Engines and drove them in with Commanders not perpendicularly after the fashion of a Pile but G●blewise and bending with the force of the water opposite unto these he placed two other Trees joyned together after the same fashion being 40 foot distant from the former by the demension betweene their lower parts in the bottome of the water and reclining against the recourse of the River these two paire of Couples thus placed he joyned together with a Beame of two foot-square equall to the distance betweene the said Couples and fastned them at each end on eyther side of the Couples with Braces and Pins whereby the strength of the worke and the nature of the Frame was such that the greater the violence of the streame was and the faster it fell upon the Timber worke the stronger the Bridge was united together in the couplings and joynts In like manner he proceeded with Couples and Beames untill the Worke was brought unto the other side of the River then he layed straight plankes from Beame to Beame and covered them with hurdles and so hee made a floore to the Bridge Moreover on the Lower side of the Bridge he drove Supporters which being fastened to the Timber-worke did strengthen the Bridge against the force of the water and at the upper side of the Bridge at a reasonable distance he placed Piles to hinder the force of Trees or Boates or what else the Enemy might cast downe to damme up the water whereby the Bridge might have beene borne downe by the violence of the streame this worke was begun and finisht in ten dayes CHAP. CCLXXXI The Description of an Instrument invented by King Henry the fifth at the Battell of Agincourt and since used by the King of Sweden and by him called a Swines-Pike THis Instrument was first invented by King Henry the fifth at the Battell of Agincourt and did infinite service there and now of late dayes was used by that famous Generall the King of Sweden the manner of it is thus First the Instrument is made of a strong peece of Ash about foure foot in length biggest in the middest and shaved Taper-wise towards each end upon each end is fastened on an Iron Pike of an indifferent length with cheekes downe a pretty way the staffe to strengthen it this instrument every Masquetier carried one of them at his girdle when they were upon service as they advanc'd to give fire upon the Enemie they stucke down one of these somewhat sloping to the intent if the Enemies horse should charge them these Instruments would prevent them for they could not possibly shift them but they would pierce their Horses Breasts by this they were able to maintaine a skirmish against the potency of the Horse View the Figures of it CHAP. CCLXXXIII How a Case of Tinne is to be made to carry light Matches in that the Enemy may not discover them THe Prince of Orange when he intended to assault a Towne by night upon an On-slaught he invented an Instrument to carry the light matches in so that the sparkes of them might not be discovered from the walles by the Enemies Sentinels the manner of forming them wa● thus the●● was a peece of Tinne or Lattin made like an elder pipe about a foot long the hollownesse of it was of sufficient bignesse to hold the match within it it had also divers holes on eyther side like the holes of a Flute to let in the ayre to keepe the match from extinguishing the match being drawn in a good way into the Pipe it cannot be discovered for the winde can have no power to make the sparkles flye View the figure CHAP. CCLXXXIII How the Venetians did order their Powder after their Arsnall was burnt THe Venetians had their Magazine blowne up with Gun-powder two or three severall times and for a future prevention they sate in counsell a long time how they might prevent this danger which might come either by accident or treachery but they could in no wise contrive a way to their liking a poore man in Venice hearing of it had presently a device in his brains how to order the matter so that no damage might ensue eyther by fire to consume it or by
the forlorne hopes in regard they are first to charge the enemy these troopes being thus ordered are to be taught how to advance and retreat performing all actions as ample as if the enemy were encountring with them This kind of exercise will make them ready and orderly in their performances otherwise it may prove dangerous to bring them to the encounter A Generall is to animate his souldiers in time of need to take paines as the valiant Emperour Vespasian who was the first man that carried a Basket of earth to the Fortification that his souldiers might not thinke scorne to imitate him it is the sober obedient minde and the hard painefull body that makes the noble souldier A Generall must take away all hope of refuge from his souldiers in time of Battell as William the Conquerour and Julius Caesar did send away their shipping that there souldiers should hope for nothing but either victory or a grave and in many Battells troopes of horses have been placed in the reare of the Army to put to the sword all such as turne head to looke for refuge It is not sufficient for a Generall to get a victory but also to know how to use it for many times security and negligence after a conquest hath bred utter ruine as appeared by the history of Bayan Chinsan who was Generall to the Tartarian Emperour after he had vanquisht his enemy at Cinguinguy by their carelesnesse disorders and drunkennesse were set upon in the night by the remnant remaining who put them all to the sword It is very dangerous for a Generall to present battell to an enemy in such a difficult place that he is devoyd of all refuge or possibility to escape whereby urgent necessity may make an enemy desperate If a Generall sees his horse-troopes too weak to encounter with the Enemies then he must give order for divers shot to march up in file with the horse then seeing their advantage to breake out from them and gall the enemy these shot would be often exercised with the horse to make them apt to give an assault and also upon occasion to reunite themselves into a body to make a defence If a Generall drawes out any Winges of shot to charge and skirmish with the enemy any farre distance before the body of the Army then they ought to be backed with a guard of Pikes which are to rescue them from the charge of horse as also to aide them if they should joyne pell mell with the enemies forlorne hope but this is to be performed long before the bodyes of either Armyes can meet which kind of skirmishes are for divers good ends as first to discover and winne some ground of advantage or to give the souldiers courage by seeing how those loose bands doe valiantly foyle those of the enemy in which skirmishes some politicke stratageme is to be used to skare and affright the enemy for any unexpected accident will seeme strange to an Army although it be never so small and will be ready to disorder them he that commands these troopes must be very wise and circumspect left hee falles into the enemies stratagems which may discourage the Armie Also a Generall is not to trust to a seeming victory for many times good successe at the first in a battell occasioneth the overthrow of many great actions as we have the example of Theoderick Generall of the Germans his army being very potent had gotten the best of William Earle of Flanders at the first encounter which made the Germans confident and the rather secure in regard their strength exceeded the Flemmings but the Flemmings being rather desperate than resolute and by the valour of the Earle they had so reunited their broken troopes and with a furious charge did so shake and disorder the Germans that many of them were slaine and the rest put to flight If a Generall or some other great Commander or if any part of the Army should be cut off by the enemy it is best to keep it from the knowledge of the rest of the Army lest it dishearten them If an Army bee to march in the darke to avoyd confusion command must bee given that every souldier shall carry the end of his Leaders pike or weapons from making any noise and by that means they shall keep right in their ranks A Generall in time of battell must be very wise and discreet to give order when the skirmishers of the loose-banded Maniples shall make their recreat and to what place also when the Horse shall charge and what part of the enemies divisions they shall assault and to give order what foot-men shall be drawne out to succour them if occasion be also what Battalia's shall advance forwards and when to retreat likewise when the whole body of the Army shall charge and what divisions shall pursue the victory alwayes remembring to keep the maine Battell stedfast and not to move in pursuit after the vanquisht enemy also to have Officers in the time of fight to gather together such stragling souldiers as shall bee disrank't and in disorder and so make a body of them in the reare of the Army There are sundry opinions about the place of a Generall in the time of giving battell but questionlesse the best and securest place is before the battell of succour but at the first he may stand in the front of the maine battell untill such time as the forlorne hopes are beaten in he is to ride upon a small Palfrey having a guard of able gentlemen in like sort attending him the which he may send to and fro upon all occasions to give Officers intelligence of his pleasure If a Generall shall perceive fresh aids are approaching then let him use his best endeavours to give the enemy battell before they arrive and also to draw out a convenient force to meet those aids and give them battell in some place of greatest advantage If a Generals victuals amunition or pay begins to faile then let him endeavour to give his enemy battell if he suspect Supplies but if he knowes his enemy is in want either of victuals amunition c. or that sicknesse mutinies or the like are in his Army so that any hope be that his Army may of it selfe dissolve then a Generall must stand strongly upon his guard and by all meanes avoid joyning battell as was practised by the Prince of Orange about fourteene yeares since when Grave Hendrick Vandenberg marcht over the river Ysell in a great frost by the Towne of Duesburgh into the Vello with ten thousand men where his Excellency and the States of Holland might have given him battell with a great deale of conveniency but he rather suffered him to pillage the Dorpes and burne where he pleased because hee knew hee could not stay long nor march far from the river lest the frost should have broke and he disappointed of his returne If a Generall hath had victory triumphed on his side a little
perswasion will serve to cause the Souldiers to encounter a second time for as the proverbe saith victoria victoriam parat animumque victoribus anget adversariis anfert for questionlesse one victory begets another and puts great courage into those that have already had the better and it beats the edge of courage and spirit from those that have beene beaten wherefore a Generall must be very wise and carefull how hee brings on his men to fight after an overthrow once received unlesse it bee upon great advantages and firme hopes of a Conquest When a Generall intends to make a retreat from his enemy hee must bee very circumspect careful in his carriage and demeaning of his actions for his better safety and strengthning for feare his souldiers perceive any cause of feare should constraine him in regard of the nearnesse or potency of the enemies army but hee is to let his souldiers understand that his retreat is to draw the enemy after him to bee surprized in some ambushkado or rather if it may bee with conveniency for his better advantage to give the enemy battell for there are divers inconveniences attend a retrait if the enemie be in view for although a Generall may ayme at some place of better advantage yet unhappily there may bee divers ill passages and streights to hinder their quick passage besides these kinde of retraits breede a jealousie both in souldiers and their Officers for they know that hee that forsakes the field feares some danger so that the safest way is either to recreat before an enemy be at hand or being neare at hand secretly in the night for it is a Maxime to be observed Rather to retreat in the darke than be beaten in the light Si certamen quandoque dubium videatur tacitam miles arripiat fugam fuga enim aliquando lauda●da saith a learned Generall But indeed of all motions in the warre a safe retrait is the most difficult but that danger will ever attend as Monluc high Marshall of France once said Je ne trove poynt nul fait des armes choses si difficille qu ●ne retraite A Generall must have a jealous eye over an enemy that is revolted from his King and beware what confidence hee reposeth in him for divers respects as namely first they are not to be used in any great enterprizes neither are they to be trusted in any frontier Towne or Fort of any consequence for they may redeeme their reputations liberties and estates lost by surrendring up those Forts The French had experience of this when Don Pedro de Navarro being banisht Spaine was trusted with Fonterable and to gaine his former freedome he surrendred up this Towne anno 1523. A Generall may make use of a Treason but let him never trust the Traitor A Generall must take this for a Maxime If a Commander of any high authority hath wilfully transgrest either not to strike at all or else to strike home for he shall be sure afterwards to be rewarded to purpose A delinquent regaining liberty may endanger the estate of an army and the life of a Generall for high spirits will seeke revenge as by our late wofull experience of that treacherous Felton who spightfully murthered our noble Generall the Duke of Buckingham therefore there is but three wayes for a Generall to deale with such wilfull transgressors whose spirits cannot be subjected namely first to put them to present execution although it be a solemne thing yet it must be allowed where it cannot be helped but where with safety it may be helped it is to be disallowed The second is to keepe a delinquent close prisoner or confine him to the custody of some man in trust and in this there is a great caution to be used for our Histories report of Morton Bishop of Ely who was committed to the custody of Buckingham by King Richard the third he by his policie not onely gained his owne freedome but wrought the Duke to his owne faction The third and last is the more noble and gentile and in most cases surest and that is a free and gracious pardon both of life and for liberty which although of it selfe it may seem partly unsafe yet if the delinquent be of a noble disposition and have any spark of worth in him there is no better way to endeare him to his Superiour than by promising him promotions and honours or advancing him to some place of gaine or trust This was practised by Oth● who not onely pardoned Marius Celsus the chiefe man of Galba's faction but put him in a place of great command and honour in the Wars against Vtelius He yeelding this reason for it Ne hostis metum reconciliationis adhiberet a pardoned enemy is jealous of the breach making up The chiefest meanes whereby a souldier will bee drawne to love and honour his Generall is by receiving courteous carriage and carefull provision for those that are wounded and maymed in the Warres and by a strict command that the Officers do not wrongfully abuse them if any souldier should be taken prisoner order is presently to be taken for his ransome This will encourage souldiers to venture themselves upon all perilous dangers A Generall ought to be very carefull to prevent discontents and to appease mutinies which for the most part grow from the neglect of the due and well paying of the souldiers their weekly pay which drawes infinite dangers after it for usually they take the advantage to rebell when the most present and urgent occasion of service is to be performed as appeared at the siege of Ostend where Duke Albertus his forces would not be entreated to goe upon the service intended without they had first their present pay which he not being able to performe nor having the art to insinuate into their affection to gaine their patience and loves but rather trusting to his power to reduce them to his service by force of armes caused two thousand of his army to revolt to the enemy which might have been the ruine of his designe In such a desperate case there is no better way to prevent them than by making loving protestations and large promises and to satisfie so farre as ability will extend They that are the chiefest in the faction in a fit time and season are to bee privately apprehended and punished whereby the whole faction will be enervated and weakned by degrees and the inferiours seeing the chiefest in the rebellion to bee surprized will yeeld quietly of themselves so that they shall be brought under obedience without any hazzarding of the Generals person A Generall must conceive that advice may be given and taken to a mans owne destruction for it may as well bee the wise mans fall as the fooles advancement and is oftnest most dangerous in wounding when it stroakes with a silken hand for a base Polititian is indeed a devouring furie in the shape of friendship to advantage his deceit the more That Generall that is
to march before the Foot and before them certain Spies to discover for fear of the enemies Ambushes If marching from an enemy the Horse-Troops are to follow in the Rear of the Army to charge the enemy if he offers to pursue An Army marching through straight lanes must order their men into so many Files as may well march a Brest An Army being to march over Heaths or Plains then they must march by divisions as namely three or four Companies a Brest that they may the readier and more suddenly be drawn into Battalia An Army is commonly divided into three divisions viz. the Vant-guard Battell and Rear-guard every Colonell ought to march according to his antiquitie one before another after like manner every Captain of every Colonels Regiment is to doe the same That Regiment which marcheth in the Vant-guard the first day ought to come to their quarters very timely then the Battell must march forwards and be quartered beyond them then the Rear-ward is to march up beyond the Battell and there to bee quartered so that the next morne it may bee ready at the discharging of the warning peece to march Note that Regiment which marcheth the first day in the Van the day following is to march in the Rear and they are daily thus to take their turns if the March continues long We are further to observe whether we are to march in the day time or in the night and accordingly we are to demean our selves If by day The manner now in use is to send out before the Army by a sufficient trusty Guide which knows wel the passages of the Countrey certain Fire-locks Dragones and Musketires to discover the enemy and the Horse are to represse the enemies incursions these are likewise to surprize straight waies Bridges and Foords Next after these are the Pioners to march with a good guard to mend the waies and to cut through passages so as the Ordnance may be drawn safe and the Army march the best and neerest way The Foot of the Vant-guard or right Wing is in the next place to follow every Battalia thereof in their due order the one halfe of the Horse of the Army before them and all their baggage or carriage behind them in the Rear The Battalions of the Battell are in the next place to follow in the same equipage the former did viz. with all their baggage and carriage in the Rear Lastly the Battalions of the Rearward or left Wing are to follow in March with all their baggage and carriage behind them also and every one of these Battalions are to have their shot before and behind and the residue of the Horse are to bring up the Reare The Ordnance are to be distributed as the Carriage is viz. both behind the Vantguard the Battell and the Rear-ward the better to secure against all attempts But this kind of ordering the Horse the Ordnance and the Baggage is most commonly used when the enemy is not at hand As for the marching of an Army by night all the baggage and carriages are to bee sent before the Armie with a sufficient guard next after them your Pike-men then the Musketires and all the Horse in the Rear so that by break of day they may come all together to their Rendevou This way an Army in the night is best and easilyest kept together and is soonest espied if it faulters but this is also to bee used when the enemy is not neer Wee are to observe that in a March both Colonels Captains and other inferiour Officers are called from the leading of their own Regiments and Companies to command in another Regiment or Company which many times happens in regard the Generall will have the eldest Colonels by him to discourse and advise of things Materiall about the Warres So that a Lieutenant Colonell commands a Regiment and the eldest Captain the Colonels Company also a Lieutenant to command a private Company and these are thus ordered and disposed as it shall please the Serjeant-Major to give commandement An Army being thus orderly marcht to the place of their inquartering the Generall his field-Martiall and Serjeant-Major generall are to be very wise and circumspect in placing the Horse-guards outermost of all upon speciall passages where they must set out their Horse-sentinels a good distance from the guard that they may the better discover and give warning of the enemies approaches by making an Alarme by the discharge of their Pistols so that the whole Army may presently bee in armes The Foot-sentinels are to stand upon some passages neerer to the Quarters than the Horse are Upon Alarme given all the Companies of the Army are speedily to march into some convenient place appointed by the Generall over night where every Company is to be drawn into Battalia fit to charge the enemy And as before I have said how the Foot should march in divisions over a Heath or Plain after the same proportion the Horse-troops also are to march in divisions viz. two four or six Cornets in a division neither divisions of Horse nor Foot are to march in far distance one from the other but so as the whole Army suddainly may joyn in Battell if the enemy should approach At every stand the Army makes upon a Heath or Plain every single division is to march up and front with the next division before it upon the left hand of the same and if the stay bee long and the place dangerous then successively all the divisions are to bee drawne into a compleat Battell After this very manner the Army must be demeaned in marching off from a Heath or Plaine if the enemy chaseth them in the Reare thinking to take an advantage when the Army shall be drawne out by Companies to march through some narrow passages lanes or high-wayes the Horse are to be drawne in Battalia in the Reare of these Troopes to receive the charge of the enemy untill such time as all the Foot Troopes are marcht through those straights where having convenient ground they are to re-imbattell themselves to entertaine the enemies charge if he dares adventure to follow But the safest way is if an Army cannot eschue but must breake his aray to march from an enemy through a straight he being ready to take his advantage to charge them then to give them Battell if your Army be equivalent in strength is the safest way if not then to intrench the Army securely waiting an opportunity and making use of some pollicy to get safely from them If an Army be weaker in Horse than the enemies Army is it is very dangerous to march over the Plaines but rather take some hilly rockie way whereby the enemies horse shall be unprofitable The enemy being neere at hand the best way is to have the Artillery and Baggage to march on the contrary side from the enemy in all straights and in Champions to be plac'd in the midst of the Army In extremity of hot weather the
Sutlers belonging to every Company may march with their Waggons between the Companies whereby they may the sooner be relieved with meat and drink which otherwise they cannot come unto but once a day but this must be when there is no fear of the enemy It is requisite to have good Guides for direction of the best and safest way Likewise those Horse-men that are commanded to bee Vant-currers for the discovering of the enemy their dutie is also to view the passages and to take notice of the breadth of every straight way the Quarter-Masters are to doe the same and to give intelligence that the Army may march accordingly As for example suppose the way bee eighteene foote broad the Armie must bee commanded to march six men in Rank or Brest because every Foot-man will have three foot in breadth between File and File and six foot at the least between Rank and Rank so that twentie foure foot in breadth and foure Miles in length will but containe an Army marching of three or foure and twenty thousand When an Army is constrained to march thus in length the straight passages hindring from marching in divisions may prove very dangerous if extraordinary intelligence bee not hourely had of the enemies proceedings for should an enemy watch his opportunity to fall on the Front Flank or Rear of the Armie there could bee very little help expected for the Front were not able to succour the Rear no more than the Reare could the Front and being charged upon the Flank there could bee but a poor resistance made But the best and safest way in such an unexpected danger is either to draw as many Companies as may possibly bee gotten into such closes of ground as shall bee strongly fenced and there order them in Battalia where they shall bee able to make a good resistance untill the residue of the Army provides for its safety Or otherwise if the enemy chargeth upon any of the sides then it is best to file all the Musketires upon that Flank the enemy strives to charge so that every Souldier shall give fire over the hedge as hee marches and so passe along But if an enemy should chance to break into the high-way with their Horses bee it in the Front or Reare of the Army there is no way but to barricado up the way with Waggons or fell trees crosse the way or by fyring a great quantitie of feare-wood to hinder the enemies execution untill the Army be drawn out of the way into the fields where they may so order themselves that the enemy cannot possibly rout them if a few Troops should bee assaulted by the enemies Horse in their March the dimond Battell or the crosse Battell is of greatest strength otherwise if an Army opposeth another Army upon the plaines then a Battell so framed that most hands may be brought to fight and succours to releeve them is best alwayes having the advantage of Winde and Sunne with Woods Rocks Rivers Ponds or great Ditches either on Flanck or Reare or both It is a thing unsufferable for souldiers to ramble from their Colours to laze or pillage but to march orderly in their rancks for the Provost-Marshall by his Commission and authority ought to hang up such fellowes the next bough they come at for the whole Army to see and be warned by as they shall passe by them in their March for the inconveniences are many and dangerous to an Army The enemy by taking them gaineth intelligence of the state of the Army besides the mischiefe which such fellowes doe commit in robbing and pilfering whereby a friend-people will bee incenst and ready to be treache rous to an Army seeing themselves abused and bereft of their goods It is policy if an Army marches in an enemies countrey to ruine destroy and burne whatsoever may be advantagious to the enemies livelyhood providing alwayes sufficiently for your owne Army If there should be any suspition that the enemy strives to gaine some places of advantage to hinder the march it is convenientest to send speedily certaine Horse-Troopes likewise Shot and Pikes upon Bedees in manner of Dragons or tenne or twelve men in a waggon hurry them speedily to prevent the enemy from fortifying themselves in such places of advantage The Lord Montpezat in his march from Fossar was put to a dangerous plunge he being constrained to take his way through the Valley Pratgella the entrance into which was most difficult in regard the Hilles and Mountaines were held and possest with the enemy whereby hee lost divers of his men wherefore hee sent certaine Forces under the conduct of Monsieur Dambres to get the higher ground and force his enemy to a retreat which they did excellently performe by which policy hee marcht safe without the losse of a man The wedge-Battell is the absolutest forme to enter a straight for the Shot comes so fluent and peircing that the enemy cannot possibly resist unlesse the passage be Barricadoed up If any Enemy be farre stronger both in Foote and Horse then thy Army is provide that he assaults thee not on every side but be sure of some place of safeguard as Woods Bogges or Rivers for if the enemy be not three times as strong as thy Army is he shall shew himselfe of very poore judgement to divide his Army and weaken it for to assault thee in divers places which may purchase his owne overthrow Machiavill in his Art of Warre adviseth Generalls to accustome their souldiers to march and in marching to joyne in Battalia ready for fight and so draw out into a march againe then to face about into the Reare and draw up into Battalia againe the like also to performe on either Flanck so that upon all occasions suddenly they might understand to order themselves and range themselves into any forme of Battell but where there is no place of safeguard or advantage the quadrate forme of imbatttelling is safest for he durst not devide his forces to charge that kinde of forme upon all sides It were very commendable and very advantagious to the strengthning of our kingdome if every Lord Lieutenant might draw all the forces of the shire together unto some convenient place in the midst of it taking a convenient time of the yeere that neither Hay-time nor Harvest may hinder wheresuch troops may be drawn into all formes of Battell and learne to understand all advantages in march If an Army marches through the enemies land or farre from the water so that provision may not be conveyed by shipping the best way is to drive after the Army herdes of Beeves and Sheepe which being alive cannot much cumber the Army all other provision is to be conveyed by Waggon A Generall must be very vigilant and circumspect in his march to discover all Ambushes by which he may two wayes incurre danger viz. either by marching into them or through the enemies policy trained into them unawares For the avoyding of the first perill as before
Communion but if the doom be passed in any lower Court it shall be signified up unto the Generall in our absence who shall either pardon the fact or execute the sentence 165. No superiour Officer Colonell or Captain either of Horse or Foot shall sollicite for any man that is lawfully convicted by the Court either for any crime or for not observing of these Articles of Warre unlesse it be for his very neere kinsman for whom nature compells him to intercede otherwise the solliciter shall be held as odious as the delinquent and cashierd from his charge 166. Whosoever is minded to serve us in these Warres shall be obliged to the keep-in of these Articles If any out of presumption upon any Strength in any Leaguer in the field or upon any worke shall doe the contrary be he Native or be he Stranger Gentleman or other Processe shall be made out against him for every time so long as he serves us in these warres in the quality of a Souldier 167. These Articles of warre we have made and ordained for the welfare of our Native Countrey and doe command that they be read every moneth publickly before every Regiment to the end that no man shall pretend ignorance We further will and command all whatsoever Officers higher or lower and all our common souldiers and all others that come into our Leaguer amongst the souldiers that none presume to doe the contrary hereof upon paine of rebellion and the incurring of our highest displeasure For the firmer confirmation whereof we have hereunto set our hand and seale Signed in the Leaguer Royall RULES AND OBSERVATIONS TO BE VSED BEFORE BATTELL SECT XIX CHAP. VIII Divers promotions and observations for a Generall to take notice of before the pitching of a Battell IN framing and ordering of Battells there are divers circumstances of great importance to be had in consideration whereby such warlike actions may be crowned with Victory which being neglected shall give an advantage to the enemy to rout and ruine your Army wherefore I will indeavour to draw the particular circumstances to certaine heads and there being divers things of great moment to be handled I must crave your patience to be somewhat the larger in it and the rather because I intend to insert the best instructions that our ablest Generalls both ancient and moderne have left us examples for future ages Our ancient and best experienced Commanders found by their practicall experience that an Army consisting of fifty thousand men was of potency sufficient for any enterprise or designe and that thirty thousand men was the least Army they durst adventure to enter the enemies country withall I shall give you the formes of divers and severall Battells and of sundry proportions of numbers both of Horse and Foot as hereafter you shall see The things observable before the ranging of a Battell are these first the strength of your owne and of your enemies Army both in Foote and Horse with the conditions of souldiers whether they be old and expert or young novices Secondly the situation of the ground the advantages of strength in it as Hills Dales Rivers Hedges Woods Rocks Mores or the like Thirdly the extent of the place so that there may be convenient distances and proportionable for the imbattelling of your Army Fourthly according to the advantages situation smallnesse or vastnesse of the place accordingly you are to proportion and order your forme of imbattelling Fifthly according as your enemies Army shall consist most either in Horse or Foot the choise of your ground shall be thereafter taken for advantage viz. if your owne forces consist more of Foote and lesse in Horse and your enemies strength is chiefly in his Cavallary and weake in his Foot-forces then you must make choice of Fields inclosed or the advantage of hils ditches rivers woods moorish grounds and the like whereby the enemies Horse will bee barred from executing their service otherwise if the Army consisteth chiefly in Horse the plains and large fields are most convenient and proper to further their execution Sixthly the Sun and Wind are chiefly to be gained of our sides wherefore the Battalia's must be ranged at some rising with their backs toward it and give Battell before the Sun declines to be in their faces or if the enemy should have the advantage of the Sunne in the morning then to defer battell untill noon whereby you gain the advantage of it in the after-noon But of the two the Wind is principally to be had on your side for there is nothing that can trouble the enemy more than the dust and smoke of Ordnance and Muskets which blinds and choaks them so as they know not what they do nor can perceive how their adversary orders himselfe against them wherefore if you have but a side-wind bee sure you plant most Ordnance upon that side and make what smokie fires of Straw and Muck mingled with Brimstone and Pitch as possibly you can so that the Wind may convey the smoke full into the enemies teeth Finally if it cannot be eschewed but that the Wind must be against you then place your own Ordnance wide of the Flanks of your Army so that the smoke of them may not blind the Front of your Battell Seventhly get some convenient hils either Naturall or Artificiall for the planting of Ordnance to flanker the Army and annoy the enemy the which must be strongly guarded and intrencht if it possibly may be for it is the first thing the enemy will seek to surprize if he possibly may Eighthly the orderly disposing of the Carts Waggons and Carriages and all the impediments of the Army in the Rear so that the Battell may be strengthned and impaled with them or if there be any naturall strength as rivers woods hedges ditches and the like for to defend the Rear then to order and place those carriages and impediments on the Flanks whereby they shall bee impaled and strengthned but if no commodious place may bee found to safeguard your Army then raise intrenchments upon the Flanks and Rear and man them with Piks and Muskets or at least impale them with Pikes and Muskets Ninthly by dividing the Army into divers sundry Battalions or Divisions and so ordering them that one Division or Battalia may releeve the other being overcharged with the enemy for there is no greater danger can possibly betide an Army than to range it so as one Division cannot retire between the other Divisions for safety and strength Many have used to frame their Battels but of one intire Front so that being repulst they have no refuge but to be routed and vanquish'd but this is to be accounted madnesse for it is great wisdome and policie to range three severall Battels to retreat into but never to order lesse than two for if there bee Battels of succour for the main Battell to retrait into then the Files may be the thinner as we have formerly instanced the
Likewise the distances between the main Battell and the Battell of succour ought to be fifteen or twenty paces The like distance is to bee observed between the Battell of succour and the Rear-Battell That part of the Battell that cannot be secured by Rivers Moors Woods or the like must be impaled either by Intrenchments well man'd or double or treble Pallizado'd and wel man'd with Pikes and Muskets four Ranks of Pikes and three Ranks of Muskets wil be sufficient to make the impalement one Rank of Musketires may be drawn under the Pikes to give fire upon their knees the other two Ranks standing behind the Pikes may give fire over their heads as they stoop to charge to the Horse These ought not to give fire at random but just when the Troops are come almost within push of Pike and then but every second Musketire is to give fire so that they may without intermission maintain their volley of Shot These new invented Bow-Pikes are the properest to impale the Battel withall and it cannot be amisse to have a Rank or two of them in the Front of the Battalia's where they may do good service There must be a convenient space between the Wings of the Battell and the Impalements if in case the formost Battalia's should retrait into the Battell of succour c. There are divers small field-Peeces which are to bee plac'd before the Divisions of the Front which after once or twice discharging are to be drawn within the Divisions of the main Battell and are to bee plac'd before the Battell of succour so that if the formost Battell is driven to retrait into the spaces of the Battel of succour then are they ready to give fire upon the enemy at his next approaches these field-Peeces being there plac'd may bee drawn upon the Flanks ready to give fire upon the enemy when hee shall charge the Flanks either with Horse or Foot The forlorn Hopes when they are wearied and beaten back by the enemy are to retrait through the spaces left betwixt the Battalions and there they are to order themselves in a redinesse to issue out at the Flanks and assault the enemy when they are at push of Pike upon one of their Flanks There would bee divers appointed with Granado's and fire-Pots to cast them amongst the enemy There may bee divers Morter-Peeces so plac'd that they may shoot Granado's and fire-Balls from the space between the main Battell and the Battell of succour and convey them over the heads of your formost Battell amongst the enemies that are approaching to charge you In regard nothing can hinder the enemies Ordnance from annoying your Battalia's but either they must be out of distance or a strong wall betwixt you it being an evill not to be eschewed you are to make choice of the best and safest means of prevention the first is by ordering of your Files thin the second is to send with all speed a certain convenient number of Shot accompanied with Horse to seize upon the Ordnance with all celerity they are to performe this Service by which the enemy will be hindred from shooting more than once for they being in combustion for the gaining and defending their Ordnance will hinder their execution Those field-Peeces which I have formerly spoken of that they should be placed before the Battalia's may do as good service being plac'd behind those Battalia's if you cause those Troops before them to open a distance for the Shot and speedily to fall into their order againe No Army is to be ordered so that those Battalia's behind or in the Rear of the Battel cānot succour assist those that fight before for then the greatest part of the Army wil be unprofitable and if the enemy be potent it cannot possibly but suffer an overthrow The Front of the Battel ought to be entire only those spaces before spoken of for they are only to withstand the first brunt of the enemies Charge and there ought in this to be more care taken not to be strucken by the enemy than it importeth to strike them The second Battell called the Battell of succour is to receive the Divisions of the formost Battell upon occasion and ought therefore to be ordered with convenient spaces or distances for that purpose and ought alwaies to be of lesse Number than the first Battell for there can be no danger betide them in regard the enemy cannot come to fight with them unlesse the formost Battell be joyned with them and then the enemy will find the middle Battell far stronger than the formost The Battel in the Rear ought to have the widest spaces or distances of all because if the enemy should be too powerfull for the main Battell and the Battell of succour then these distances receive them and then with one power they assail the enemy with all the whole strength of the Army and now they must stand close and strongly to their tackling to gain victory and take this for an observation that souldiers will inlarge their Ranks and Files when fear maketh them think of flight and close then when valour and resolution maketh them stand firm to resist If the enemy forceth the main Battell to retrait into the Battel of succour those that impale the Flanks ought to keep their ground if possibly they may for thereby they shall have advantage to charge the enemy upon the Flanks as they follow the retrait of your main Battel but if they be compell'd to retrait they may doe it safely falling back and doubling their own Ranks from the midst downwards to the Rear and indeed it were very fitting an Army should be exercised in order of Battel to make them perfect And again no Generall ought to use one form of imbattelling alwaies for fear his enemy should prove too subtill for him and foil him in his own play The best way to save an Army from smal-shot that will much annoy you is to come speedily to the encounter The Officers of every Band being drawn into Battalia are to appoint trusty carefull men to fill the souldiers Bandilires and to deliver Bullets and March unto them that there may be no stay nor want nor any Powder miscarry If your Army be compounded of divers Nations so that some of them are not to bee trusted those whose loyalties are not to be trusted must alwaies be plac'd formost next the enemy and the faithfullest ablest men behind them next unto them so that having the enemy before and a strong Battalia behind them they must of necessity fight or perish The Romans used to place their assistants or strangers upon the out-Wings of the Battell But if your Army consists of divers Nations that you were confident of their valour and fidelity the best way were to order them all in one Front so that the jealousie of one anothers forwardnesse and valour might breed such an emulation in them that they would doe their best to exceed one
the other in prowesse The King of Sweden made use of this policie many times and it stood him in gread stead the same did Monsieur de Lautrec against the Emperors Army in the Kingdome of Naples his Army consisting of divers Nations as Italians Switzers French-men Gaescoins Almaignes because none of them should be disparaged hee plac'd them all in on Front for he knew of their great emulation that one Nation desired to be thought more valiant than the other Now it remains to speak of the Cavialry how they ought to be plac'd and in this a great care and circumspection is to be had first in ordering them into convenient Battalia's or proportionable Divisions that they bee neither too big nor too small these are to be ranged upon each Wing of the Foot-troops fifty or sixty paces distant from the Flanks of the Army lest by their unrulinesse and disorderly retraiting they presse upon your own Troops and dis-rank them Many times the Horse-troops are divided into six Battalia's viz. three plac'd upon one Wing and three upon the other the formost Battalia's are to consist of as many more as the second and the third is to be least of all As suppose the number of 4000. Horse the two formost Battels upon each Wing are to consist of 1100. the two second Battels of 500. apeece and the two third and last Battels of 400. in each there ought to be a good distance betwixt each of these Battalia's If your Horse-Troops should be too weak for the enemy you must line their Files with Shot and also have in a readinesse certain extraordinary Pikes to assist the Horse and Shot if they should be overcharged The Horse are to shelter themselves in the Rear of the Foot-Battalia's untill such time as the enemies Ordnance are surprized for the Horse are subject to more danger of the enemies Ordnance than the Foot possibly can be in regard they are lower and a ●annon-shot is subject to mount The Harquebuziers and Carbines many times are imployed to assault the enemy not having so much respect in keeping of their Ranks The Curassires are to bee ordered next the Flank of the Battell for the most part and the Harquebuziers and Carbines outmost of all for the Curassiers ought to stirre as little as possibly may be from the Wings of the Foot-Battalia's for most properly they are to resist and seldome to assaile The best and safest way both for Horse and Foot is to keep their ground untill the enemy be drawn very near unto your Battell and then to receive their charge The Cavalry being ordered as before into three severall Battels viz. the main Battel which is to consist of Carbines the Battel of succour is to consist of Harquebuziers and the Rear-Battell of Curassiers and many times the Troops of the Carbines and Harquebuziers are next in the formost Battel are to do the first execution upon the enemies troops the Curassiers are to finish what they have begun to ruine disorder The Battell of succour is to be in distance behind the main Battel forty or fifty paces and is to have spaces as the Foot hath for the Divisions to retrait into the like must the Rear-Battell have and it is to be ordered in distance twice as far behind the Battell of succour as the Battell of succour is from the main Battell viz. 80. or 100. foot or more or lesse according to the situation of the ground If the enemy should charge your Horses in the Rear in the time of the conflict then the Generall must send the Light-armed Horse to resist them and there must bee alwaies in a readinesse certain Maniples both of Pikes and Shot plac'd in the Rear of the Battel to draw out to assist either the Horse or Foot upon all occasions Lastly It remains to speak of the waies and means to encourage the souldiers and to breed Spirit in them making them undervalue their enemies and to charge them with a boldnesse and this is to be done by some pithy Oration and perswasive Speech which ancient Generals have found by experience to bee of great efficacie to induce them to wonderfull performances The Speech may be according as the Generall shall please or as if he should in the head of his Troops pronounce these words Right valiant Captains and fellow-souldiers I have here ordered you in forme of Battell ready to charge our enemies and doe require of you in the Name of the Lord of Hosts two things especially namely the utmost of your Valours and the truth of your Loves in obedience For what man soever doth not use his best indeavours to subdue his enemies is not only a murtherer of himselfe but of his dear friends and by disobedience may bee the means of the Armies overthrow for which there can be no plea before Gods Tribunal but his just sentence of condemnation besides the in supportable shame and intollerable servitude wee bring our selves that shall survive with our dear friends into which though it may seem as a green wound only to smart at first yet at last the reproach and disgrace will gnaw and fret to the bone Wherefore brave Souldiers let your golden Spirits shine and your steely mettalls hew out a Conquest for the glory of our great God and the honour of our gracious King and beloved Countrey God would have the Israelites fight valiantly as well as Moses to hold up his hands and pray or else no Conquest could be expected wherefore let us performe both that the great God of Hosts may bee propitious unto us according as hee hath promised to them that seek him Wherefore let us be confident of Victory and not seek our ruines by unbeliefe Let us call to mind our Ancestors what noble atchievements their magnanimous Spirits by Gods assistance effected whereby our Nation hath been not only the Mirrour but the ●errour to the world How did they in France at the Battell of Poyteirs with an handfull of men confound the mighty Army that would have swallowed them up The like at Agen court c. And how gracious was God to us in 88. to dissipate and destroy our invincible enemie by his prospering our poor endevours Wherfore now let us not despair of his help but with one joynt consent let us furiously assault our proud enemies that wee may enjoy their riches and eternize our memories to Posterity For my own part I am confident that if wee resist but three of their charges that they shall not dare to adventure the fourth but to their utter ruine Wherefore if there be any man timerous or faint-hearted let him depart weth his brand of infamy to be rewarded by his King and Countrey according to his demerits But let all Heroick Spirits ejaculate their petitions to heaven and say with me Let God arise and his enemies shall bee scattered RULES AND OBSERVATIONS TO BE VSED IN TIME OF FIGHT SECT XX. CHAP. IX Divers Observations
which both Generall and Officers must make use of in the time of fight or skirmish HAving collected the best Observations that my poor indevours could attain unto for the fitting of all thing requisite before the time of fight now it remains to discourse of such necessary principles as are convenient to be used in the time of fight so that there may bee nothing omitted which may bee an inducement or furtherance to a victory Wherefore presupposing that the Battell Standards are pitcht and the Army ranged accordingly as before is shewed the first thing that is to be done is to draw out a certain company of Horse and Foot to surprize the enemies Ordnance in which they are not bound to keep any array or order but to run disbanded and fall pell mell upon the enemy whereby his Ordnance will be disabled from shooting above once In the mean time the Forlorn Hopes and such disbanded Shot are to skirmish with the enemy partly to see if they can disorder any of their Divisions or gain some prisoners whereby the Generall may learn how they are imbattelled and what Stratagems they intend to use with the true number both of their Horse and Foot so as he may the better fit himself for them as also by their first onset to breed courage in his own men and to make them disdain their enemy The Forlorn Hope is duly to bee supplyed with men and munition either from the Wings of the main-Battel or else some Maniples appropriated for that purpose according as they prevail against the enemy so they are to be strengthned if the enemy bee too potent for them then they are to retrait behind the main-Battell and when the two Battels joyn these are to sally out and charge the enemies Flanks Some Stratagem or other ought to bee put in practice at the first encounter for a small matter if it comes unexpectedly will discourage an enemy If there be any Ambuscado's secretly laid for to charge the enemies in the Flanks or Rear let them execute their charge when the two Battels joyn in fight whereby they may be disheartned If in case the enemy take the charge and make a retrait those Officers that lead up the Forlorn Hopes to skirmish must not pursue the retrait nor suffer the souldiers to follow the enemy no further since that this skirmishing is to no other end than to breed a certain impression and good opinion in the minds of your own souldiers The absolutest way to disorder the enemies Troops is to charge their Battalia's either with your Horse or Foot both in Flank and Front * and then having certain Troops of Horse ready formed in manner of a wedge-Battell that shall indevour to enter the point of the Battell and so disorder their Ranks The Generall is to cause it to bee given out in the time of fight that hee hath a new supply of men comming unto him and may make a shew of some matters like a truth that may signifie his Succours to be neer at hand This may take effect to discourage them so that with little difficulty they may be vanquish'd Sulpitius put all the servants and labourers belonging to the Army upon beasts unfit for fight causing them to bee ranged in such sort that they seemed afar off to be a great number of Horse-men whom he sent up upon a mountain some what neer unto his enemies Army commanding them to keep themselves close untill the Battell was begun and that then they should shew themselves in many Troops like Horse-men faining to march down to charge the Rear of the enemies Army this put the enemy to flight But if the Countrey be plain so that no Ambush can be laid then there must be Trenches digged and men laid privily in them and covered over with green boughs Also such kind of Ditches may be digged and covered over slightly with boughs and earth laid slightly over and certain firme places bee left betwixt the Trenches with good marks for to find them at which places they may retire that are sent to charge the enemy faining to be afraid in their speedy retrait to cause the enemy to follow them the faster and so to fall into the snare Note that upon the disordering of the enemy the main-Battell is not to follow the pursuit but certain Troops of each Wings both of the Horse and Foot are to pursue the victory If any accident should happen unto the Generall during the Combat which might dismay his souldiers it is a point of great wisdome for to cover it and to make the best of it presently as Hostilius who seeing that his assistants which should have entred Battell with him went their waies without striking stroke hee knowing their departure would have greatly dismaid his souldiers caused it to be given out through all the Army that they went away through his commandement this did not only appease the people but did moreover incourage them that they were victorious Sylla having part of his Troop slain fearing lest his Army should be discouraged hee said he sent them of purpose to be slain in regard they conspired against him In the Battell of Flanders when the enemy had cut off the whole Regiment of Scots that were sent to guard a passage one only man brings the newes of it his Excellency caused him to be slain lest he should have frighted the Army by the report of so sudden an accident A Generals care must ever be to avoid confusion of fight which is to begin before your time which causeth such inconveniences as are cause oftentimes of losse Therefore in the beginning of your fight take great heed you invade not nor fight confusedly wheras every part of the Army hath his ordinary time to fight neither suffer any part of your Army to fight with your enemy in any other fashion than you appointed them At your first onset in charging the enemy the Army must give a mighty terrible shout to dishearten the enemy and then afterwards keep great silence that the sounds of the Drums and Trumpets may be heard and distinguished as also such commands as Officers shall give If your Horse-men be oppressed with your enemies Horse-men send for succour a supply of Musketires who may scattering and out of order as occasion shall serve shoot at the oppressors and upon occasion retire and returne very often to these you may send a guard of Pikes for rescue the better to bring them off safe But if you invade your enemy with Musketires with your guard of Pikes send some Horse so that both may defend them from invasion of the enemies Horse-men Likewise to give the enemie his hands full follow him with a Battalion resolutely to put all or one of his Battalions to rout and having discomfited any one of his Battels send only a small or convenient company to pursue the chase and with the rest invade quickly some part of his Army fighting with any one
of your Battells this must of necessity be done for sundry Victories have been lost upon this occasion that when one Battell hath overthrown his first encountred enemies Battell it hath immediately followed the chase and not holpen his own fellowes in danger Likewise in your first joyning of Battell if your Fore-ward gain the Victory joyne other Battels immediately whilst comfort is on your side and your enemies disheartned This got Bucoy the victory at Prague If your Foot-men be vehemently oppressed with your enemies Foot-men send your Horse-men to invade the Flanks of your enemies and with them some Shot to hold them play but if you can plant a Peece of Ordnance against their Flanks it will gall them shrewdly If your enemies main Battell doe urge very valiantly your Fore-ward and his other Battels be not ready to help or rescue cause both your other Battels one on the one side and the other on the other side freshly to invade your enemies main Battel and herein you shall do wisely imitating our brave English at Poytirs When the Generall perceiveth he hath a greater Army than his enemy minding to compasse him about before he be aware let the Front of the Battell be ranged equall to the Front of the enemies and so soon as the fight is begun let him make the Front by little and little to retire and the Wings to advance a little forwards and then charge the enemy upon the Flanks By this many Armies have been vanquish'd It hath been a thing of great importance whilst the fight continueth to give out the word that the Generall or some chief Commander of the enemies is slain or that one Wing or other of their Army is vanquish'd Also the Chivalry of the enemies is to be feared with some strange fights or by some fire-works by which they may bee made unserviceable Now if the enemy have any Peeces of Ordnance in the Rear of their Army if their Battalia's suddenly divide themselves you are to doe the like for bee sure they intend to discharge upon you If the enemy should endanger the taking of your Baggage by no means suffer any of your Troops either Horse or Foot confusedly to run to relieve the same but advisedly send a sufficient Strength to perform that Service when the enemy shall bee most busie in ransacking the Waggons whereby they may be easily vanquish'd Where the enemy comes most potently and furiously upon any part of your Army be sure there to discharge your Ordnance at the thickest of them and being thereby disperst let your Horse charge them taking the advantage of their disorder If the enemies Horse charge any of your Battalia's in the midst of it bee ready to give way to them by making a passage for them and as they passe through charge them upon either Flank by which means they will have the worst of it Lastly to end with Machiavils Rules of Warre which hee hath set down for Maximes to be observed by all Commanders as followeth 1 The same that helpeth the enemy hurteth thee and the same that helpeth thee hurteth the enemy 2 He that shall be in the War most vigilant to observe the devises of the enemy and shall take most pains to exercise his Army shall incur least perils and may hope most of the victory 3 Never conduct thy men to fight the field if first thou hast not confirm'd their minds and knowst them to be without fear and to be in good order for thou oughtst never to enterprize any thing of danger with thy souldiers but when thou seest they hope to overcome 4 It is better to conquer the enemy with famine than with yron in the victory of which fortune may doe much more than valour 5 No purpose is better than that which is hid from the enemy until thou hast executed it 6 To know in the Warre how to understand occasion and to take it helpeth more than any other thing 7 Nature breedeth very few strong men but industry and exercise maketh many 8 Discipline may doe more in Warre than fury 9 When any depart from the enemies side for to come to serve thee when they be faithfull they shall be unto thee alwaies great gains for that the power of the adversaries are more diminished with the losse of them that run away than of those that are slain although that the name of a Fugitive be to new friends suspected and to old odious 10 Better it is in pitching the field to reserve behind the first Front aid enough than to make the Front bigger to disperse the Souldiers 11 Hee is difficulty overcome which can know his own power and the same of the enemy 12 The valiantnesse of the souldiers availeth more than the multitude 13 Sometimes the situation helpeth more than the valiantnesse 14 New and sudden things make Armies afraid slow and accustomed things bee little regarded of them Therefore make thy Army to practise and to know with small fights a new enemy before thou come to fight the Field with him 15 He that with disorder followeth the enemy after that his Battalia's be broken will do no other than to become of a Conquerour a Loser 16 He that prepareth not necessary victuals to live upon is overcome without yron 17 Hee that trusteth more in Hors-men than in Foot-men or more in Foot-men than in Horse-men must accommodate himself with the situation 18 When thou shalt understand there is a Spie from the enemy come into the Camp cause every man to goe to his lodging 19 Change purpose when thou perceivest that the enemy hath fore-seen it 20 Consult with many of those things which thou oughtest to doe the same that thou wilt after doe conferre with few 21 Souldiers when they abide at home are maintained with fear and punishment after when they are led to the Wars with hope and reward 22 Good Captains come never to fight the Field except necessity constrains them and occasion calls them 23 Cause that the enemy know not how thou wilt order thy Army to fight and in whatsoever manner thou ordainest it make that the first Battell may be received of the second and the second of the third 24 In the fight never make use of the Battell to any other thing than to the same for which thou hast appointed it if thou wilt make no disorder 25 The sudden accidents with difficulty are removed or remedied those that are thought upon with facility 26 Men yron money and bread be the strength of the Warre but of these four the first two bee most necessary because men and yron find money and bread but bread and money find not men and yron 27 The unarmed rich man is a booty to the poor souldier 28 Accustome thy souldiers to despise delicate living and lascivious apparrell Thus much I thought good to collect concerning this subject which I hope will give any discreet Souldier content RULES AND OBSERVATIONS TO BE VSED AFTER FIGHT SECT XXI CHAP. X.
Divers Rules and Observations to be used after a Battell is either wonne or lost HAving in the precedent Chapter discourst of such things as are requisite to be done in the time of Skirmish in this Chapter I shal demonstrate what is to be done after a Conquest either gained or lost Wherefore the first thing to bee considered is how a General shal demean himself so that the Forces which are left may not be quite destroyed and so the overthrow to redound to his utter confusion Wherfore a General must order his affaires so that his enemies should not follow his men to overtake them in their flight from the Battell and for this purpose he must use some policy to hinder them as Sertorius practised Metellus having vanquisht his Army and knowing it was to no purpose for him to flie commanded his Officers to retire unto divers places as scatteringly and disperst as possibly they could knowing that the enemy would not make pursuit after such disbanded persons but rather such as went by Troops and having first advertised them where every man should come to his Rendevous and meet again this was the means of saving most of his men but if they should be pursued then every man must cast such treasure as he hath in the way as they flie that the enemy may stay to get it up King Mithridates made use of this policy to escape from Lucullus Likewise Frotho King of the Danes being landed in England deceived the Natives that pursued him they being laded with the Danish goods and jewels and scattered about here and there to gather them up were set upon again by the Danes with some of their forces they had rallyed together and vanquisht the English at their pleasure Many that have been overthrown in Battell by reason of Woods and other secure places have saved themselves and being come together have secretly returned in the night and charged the enemy who hath thought himselfe secure and have taken them so disorderly that they have routed them If the Conquerour have taken many prisoners and the vanquished should rally his forces againe thinking to have an advantage to assault the Conquerour then there is no way but every souldier must kill his prisoner lest they should take an opportunity to resist If a Battell should be fought and neither side be utterly vanquisht but the darknesse of the night cause them to give over the best way for him that hath lost most men in the fight to cause some of his Souldiers to steale away the bodies of their owne slaine men and privately bury them so that the enemy shall conceive that he had the worst of the fight in regard he sees most of his men slaine this will make him loth to encounter againe The victour after he hath discomfited his enemies army and scattered them about ought to send a sufficient number of Horse and Foot to lye upon some passages secretly in the night-time which leads to some Town or Fort of theirs of greatest strength and neerest at hand where they shall bee sure to entrap all such as shall seek by flight to save themselves Likewise when a Generall sees there is no way but to be routed let him send speedily certain Troops of Horse and Foot to the next straight passage which may so provide for themselves that they may defend the passage so as divers of their own souldiers may safely escape for an enemy will not divide his Army to weaken it to follow the chase of the subdued enemy much lesse to seek to gain a passage which is fortified to hinder their escapes for he that with disorder followeth the enemy after he is broken will doe no other than to become of a Conquerour a Loser Many things more you may expect should have been here inserted but I have been plentifull in setting down divers observations most proper to these Discourses in the Office of a Generall and in the Discourse of Marching and Retraiting from an enemy In the next place I shall endeavour to portray to your view sundry forms of Imbattellings which have been and now are in use and some newly invented with a demonstration of the manner of framing them and the true use of them THE MANNER OF FRAMING OF BATTELS SECT XXII CHAP. XI An excellent strong forme of imbattelling an Army consisting of twenty six thousand Foot and foure thousand Horse THE following Figure hath before the Front of the Battell foure Divisions marked A. which are termed Forlorn Hopes viz. one Division before the Front of the right Wing and the other before the Front of the left Wing of the main Battell In each of these Divisions of Forlorn Hopes are foure hundred and fiftie Souldiers Pikes and Musketires There are also two other Divisions of Forlorn Hopes plac'd in the midst before the Front of the main Battell containing likewise four hundred and fifty in each of them these Forlorn Hopes are advanc'd before the main Battell an hundred paces or as much more as the Generall pleaseth These are first to make loose skirmishes with the enemy to draw them within distance of the Ordnance they are gently and orderly to retrait the two Divisions of Forlorn Hopes next each Flank are to fall back and joyn with the same The two Forlorn Hopes in the midst are to fall back into the space in the midst of the main Battell But first the Ordnance after they have performed their duties are to bee drawn back through this broad distance or space and are to be plac'd before the Front of the Battell of succour The Forlorn Hopes are to have certain Troops of Carbines to be flankered twenty two paces or more side-waies from them viz. on either Wing two hundred and fiftie marked B. these are to make light skirmishes with the enemies Horse and likewise to view what advantages may be taken by the ill ordering of the enemies Array Before the Front of the main Battell are planted divers Field-Peeces marked C. there are two others on each side of the Forlorn Hopes marked D. these are to scowre the distances betwixt the Divisions A A. Likewise wide upon each Flank are planted divers Ordnance marked E. these are to have a sufficient Guard both of Horse and Foot and are to command and scowre the Plaines within distance of their Shot These are likewise to be drawn back upon the enemies approaching and to be plac'd at the point of the Flank of each Wing of the main Battell ten or twelve paces wide The main Battell consists often Maniples or Battalia's marked F. viz. five towards the right Flank and five towards the left In the midst is a broad space or distance of ground containing forty two paces for the Artilery to bee drawn to and fro as also for the two middle Divisions of the Forlorne Hopes to retrait through for their safety behind the main Battell Likewise through this distance or space divers loose Shot may sally out and give
the enemies Troopes and if it chance they make any breach into any of the Foot-Battalia's by charging them in Front and Flanke then the Curassiers are to second them and to breake into their Ranks We are to have certaine divisions of Pikes upon either Flanke of two hundred and fifty a peece to aide and rescue the Horse upon all occasions these may be plac'd in a square forme before the points of the Wings of the maine Battell as well to secure them from danger of having their Rancks broken as also upon occasion to rescue the Horse marked K. There is also eight hundred Musketiers to joyne with the Harquebuziers these are to stand ready by the Flanks to take the opportunity to fall upon the enemies Ordnance and are either to gaine them or hinder them from discharging these are marked with W. The residue of the Souldiers unplac'd are to guard the Carriages from the enemies assauls which are plac'd upon the Reare of the Army and to agitate such other services as the Generall shall see fit also those loose Shot or part of them with the Pikes of the Forlorne Hope after they are retreated may fall into the Reare and joyne with the 3665. Souldiers to guard the Reare if need be The rest of the Horse are to be ranged upon the Wings of the Army in three severall Battalia's some eighty paces wide of the Flanks for feare they should commit any disorder by their unruly retreatings in the formost Battalia is to be eight hundred Harquebuziers and these must stand fifty or sixty paces before the Front of the Battell but wide as is said before Next to them is another Battell of four hundred and fiftie Carbines standing even with the Front of the main-Battell but wide Next is the third Battell to bee plac'd fiftie or sixty paces behind the former which shall containe three hundred Curassiers these are marked with the letter L as you may see them plac'd upon either side or Wing of the Battell The residue of the Horse are thus to be disposed of first to guard the Ordnance there is one hundred on either Flanke there is two hundred and fifty Horse to Flanke the Forlorne Hopes on either side Lastly there is a hundred Horse to joyne with the Shot that is plac'd on either Wing to intercept the Ordnance from the enemy the figure of this discourse followeth CHAP. XII This second figure shewes a very strong forme of Imbattelling and very apt for the drawing an enemy into a stratageme IN this second figure following you may perceive a very strange forme of Imbattelling very apt for the drawing an enemy into a stratageme whereby of necessity they must be disordered and routed First the Forlorne Hopes consisting of 1500. Pikes and Musketiers in either grand division marked A and are advanc'd 200. paces before the first Battell which is plac'd for their succour these are first to skirmish with the enemy and then orderly to retreat even with the said Battell of succour when the enemies troopes are at push of Pike with them and eagerly pursuing them untill they are come within the distance of the first stratageme then fire is to be given to the traines and upon the disorder they are to advance forwards and furiously to charge the enemy in the Front and the Horse on either Flanke But if the enemies discomfiture be not so great but that they take heart of grace and stand so firmely to their tackling that they are too prevalent for you then the Forlorne Hopes and the Battell of succour are to retreat betweene the divisions of the maine Battell the enemy then pressing forwards within the distance of the second stratageme then fire being given to the traines the whole strength of the Army will be in a readinesse to take the advantage to charge the enemy in his disorders as before is specified and also then the Field-peeces shall have freedome immediately to play upon the enemies Troopes If the maine Battell should retreat except upon a wonderfull occasion of necessity it will be most dangerous for if any of the divisions of the two Wings or of the Body of the Battell be overcharged the divisions of the Reare-Battell are to advance forwards and joyne with the maine Battell and then manfully to encounter with the enemy or otherwise those Battalia's in the Reare are to be disposed of according as the wise Generall shall see occasion either of assistance or to charge the enemy upon any place of advantage But let me request you to observe how either of the Forlorne Hopes consists of a thousand men marked A the first Battell of succour being foure Battallia's marked B have in each of them 600. men The maine Battell marked C consists of eight Battells and each of them containes 1000. men The Reare-Battell consists of seven Battalia's marked D and in every one of them there is 500. men The Flanks are impaled with foure rancks of Pikes and three rancks of Muskets on either side is 490. viz on both sides is 980. 〈◊〉 marked E. The Impalement of the Reare is with the Carriages and there is two rancks of Pikes and two rancks of Muskets to defend them will amount to 4620. men in regard the Reare is 3450. Foot broad or 690. paces with the distances betwixt the Battallia's There is also plac'd on either Wing 550 Pikes and Shot to aide the Horse and to joyne with them upon all occasions if the enemy should be to strong for them so that upon both Wings there are 1100. men There are also 600. Shot which are to joyne with three hundred Carbines these are to surprize the enemines Ordnance as you may see marked at F and G viz. 300. Shot on each Wing with 150. Horse these are to use all celerity and diligence to surprise or at least to hinder the enemy from shooting with his Ordnance against your Troopes There is also 600. men to guard your owne Ordnance least the enemy surprise them and two hundred horse to assist them viz. on either wing are 300. Foot and a hundred Horse as you see marked H. The powder pots that are to be plac'd in the earth are marked I Thus you see a Battell consisting of 22000. Foot and 3000. Horse ordered ready to incounter the enemy the figure of this discourse followeth Note the Horses are ordered as followeth first upon either Wing are a thousand devided into three Battells in the first Battell there is 500. in the second Battell there is 300. and in the last Battell there are 200. upon both the Flanks are 2000. There are 200. Horse to guard the Ordnance viz. on each Flanke 100. There is also 500. Horse to Flanker the Forlorne Hopes viz. 250 in each There is 300. Horse to surprize the enemies Ordnance viz. 150. on either Wing before the Forlorne Hopes thus the 3000. Horse are ordered CHAP. XIIII A very strong forme of Imbattelling ten thousand Foot and two thousand Horse very
proper to be used in the Champion where there is no refuge either naturall or artificiall the enemy exceeding in strength both in Horse and Foot THE figure of the Battell following is invented for the safe retire of the Shot being over-powred and repulsed by the Horsemen of the enemy or otherwise who may at eight severall places retire into these Squadrons which stand in the proportion of a Fortresse There are thirty seven Maniples of Shot orderly plac'd the distance betwixt each are three paces in every Maniple are contained 130. Shot which amounts to in grosse 4810. the residue being 190. are equally plac'd to attend the Ordnance being 23. at each Platforme so there is only six remaines to be imployed upon messages or to guard the Powder These Maniples or Battalia's of Shot are Impaled with the Pikes which are thus ordered each Flanke hath 850. also the Front and Reare takes up 800. each corner takes up 425. these amount to 5000. Pikes being ordered ten deep in file In either corner of this Battell are two spaces for the Shot to sally out upon the enemy and to retreate in againe for their safety The Ordnance being discharged upon the enemies Troopes are to be drawne in at these spaces and plac'd within the Reare of the Pikes so that when the enemy chargeth the Pikes may close themselves into one maine Square by causing the Flanks to March up to the corners of the Squares which as occasion shall offer may disclose againe and let out the Shot to skirmish with the enemy The Squares of Pikes at each corner doth much strengthen the Battell especially if the enemy chargeth it on Front and Flanke at once it is all in all to strengthen the corners of any Battell whatsoever for in the corners lyes all the weaknesse Moreover if the enemy chargeth upon two sides at once yet those passages furthest from them may have Shot sally out and give fire upon them and safely retrait in againe There is no wise Generall will adventure to charge such a Battell as this is upon all foure sides at once except his Army were foure times stronger in men and horse If need be Shot may be drawne continually round under the Pikes which may give fire upon the enemy and so fall in againe and be continually releeved CHAP. XV. A fourth figure of Imbattelling an Army consisting of twenty thousand Foot and two thousand Horse IN Marshalling this Battell this course is to bee observed the Pikes consisting of 4000. must be ranged into eight Battalia's each Battalia hath 460. Pikes viz. 46 in ranke and 10. deep in file which amounts to in the whole summe 3680. so there remains 320. Pikes of the 4000. which are thus disposed of upon the right Sleeve in the Front is 120 Pikes which are either to guard the Ordnance or to assist the Horse as occasion shall serve likewise there is as many on the left Sleeve to be imployed as the former in the Reare are 80. more plac'd for the guarding of the Ordnance as you may see at each Platforme 40. In the next place the foure thousand Shot are thus to bee Marshalled each Flanke of the Pikes hath six hundred twenty foure Shot ranged eight in depth and seventy eight in Ranke or Brest that is one thousand two hundred forty eight upon both Sleeves for from the Front of the Pikes to the Reare is fifty two paces and the spaces or distances betwixt each Battalia is five paces and the three Battalia's occupieth forty two paces of ground viz. in each Battalia fourteene paces so that every souldier occupieth seven foot of ground betwixt Ranke and Ranke which makes fifty two paces In the next place there is thirty six Squadrons of Shot each Squadron containing seventy men in the Front there are twenty one Squadrons and in the Reare fifteene the whole number amounts unto two thousand five hundred and twenty Shot so their remaines still three hundred and twenty Shot of which are plac'd on each Sleeve or Wing above in the Front by the Pikes one hundred and twenty these are to joyne with those Squadrons of Pikes that attend the Ordnance and upon all occasions they may be drawne out to assist the Horse if the enemy should over-powre them also in the Reare each Platforme of Ordnance hath forty Shot to aide the Pikes for the securing of the same The two hundred Horse are plac'd upon each Flanke in three severall Battalia's the first Battell consists of three hundred the second being Curassiers hath foure hundred the third being Carbines hath as the first had three hundred so that in all there is two thousand the Horse are to charge the enemies Horse and being put to retreat by them those loose Shot and Pikes are to be in a readinesse to give fire upon them which being disordered by them the Horse are immediatly to recharge them if the enemy be still to strong then let the foure hundred Curassiers being fortified on each Flanke with the Harquebuziers and Carbines charge them all on brest these Horses being sufficiently lined with shot and in the meane time the Squadrons of Shot must disband themselves and give fire upon the enemy and if need be those Squadrons in the Reare may easily releeve them in the Front through those passages of the Pikes If all resistance be to no purpose but the Shot must retreat into those spaces and so to order themselves in the void space in the midst of the Battalions of the Pikes then after their retreat the Battalia's must close themselves making a firme Front every way and the Impalement or Wings of Shot must be drawne round under the Pikes which being so drawne will make just foure rankes they must discharge upon their knees and so safeguard themselves The Horse must secure themselves on the Flanks or in the Reare So soone as the enemy is driven to retreat then the Pikes are to open their divisions and let out the Shot to assaile them in the same manner as before This forme of Imbattelling hath beene used in former times and questionlesse it may be very prevalent in two necessities as in the night when a Generall knowes not in what kinde or manner the enemy will assaile him or if his Army should be weake in Horse and his Army should be suddenly set upon by them upon some spatious ground which should be advantagious for the enemies Horse to surprise them then this forme of Imbattelling may be very defensive From this forme of Imbattelling as also from all other if the Generall sees reason he may alter it into what order he pleaseth this very subject deserves a discourse by it selfe the which if I should here treat of it would be too tedious but any ingenious Souldier at the first view will conceive how to transmute any Battell decyphered into any other forme the condition of the Battell will best admit and thus much for this CHAP. XVI A fifth way of Imbattelling an
Army consisting of twelve thousand Foot and foure thousand Horse the Ordnance being plac'd covertly in the midst and also upon the Wings IN this first figure following you may perceive at the letter A foure hundred Shot upon either Flank before the maine Battell these are to surprise the enemies Ordnance which is to bee supposed are planted upon a Hill further you may observe sixteene Battalia's the Ordnance being planted in the maine Battell betweene the divisions thereof having foure hundred Musketiers ordered before them and by them obscured and as soone as the enemy is approacht within distance those Musketiers are to divide themselves on either hand so that the Shot may have free passage to disorder the enemies Troopes upon which advantage the other Battalia's are to advance forwards and furiously to charge the enemy in his disorders The Horse are oblique-wise plac'd upon either Flanck Note before the Horse gives their charge the Musketiers at A are to sally forth to surprise the Ordnance Likewise the Shot before every Battalia are to make their passage through the Intervalls downe the sides of the Battalia's into the Reare of all and from thence to charge upon the enemies Flanks if occasion offers otherwise aide their owne men in the skirmish all the Shot before the Battali'as are in number twelve hundred If according to the King of Swedes Discipline these Battalia's were ordered but six deepe in file then there would bee sufficient men spare to Impale this Battell whereby it would be of a farre greater strength besides there would be a quantity spare to line the Horse-Troopes which is a thing of great consequence and very prevalent as is formerly shewed and by this following figure you may see CHAP. XVII The sixt way of Imbattelling an Army consisting of twelve thousand Foot and foure thousand Horse with the Ordnance planted on the Hilles before the Battell as also on the Reare and Flankes being fit for all attempts IN this subsequent Battell which we are now to describe you may perceive fifteene Battalions of Foote ordered in Marshall array in the right Wing or Vantguard are three Battalions containing 500 in each of them Flankt with Musketiers before every one of which are also ranged ten files of Musketiers three in the right Angle three in the left and foure in the midst just before them every File containing ten men in depth these Shot are to make their way through the spaces of the Battalions in the Reare of all and so from thence to charge upon the enemies Flanks in the maine Battell are three Battalions containing three thousand men viz. in each a thousand these are Flankt with Musketiers and have also Musketiers before them in the same forme with the rest in the Reare-ward or left Wing of the Battell are likewise three Battalions containing 500. men a piece Imbattelled as the rest with Musketiers before them also behind these Battalia's are foure other Battalia's plac'd and have also in each of them 500. a piece with Musketiers advanc'd before them these are for seconds as you may perceive them Martialled just against the Intervalles or Spaces of their opposite Battallions these Spaces are 200. foote distance in breadth so that the said foure Battalions may passe through them these likewise have Shot before them in the same manner the former had These with the rest may March forth to skirmish with the enemy or stand firme to second them upon their retreat or remaining in the Reare they may sally out and charge the enemy upon the Flanks or if occasion be they may assist the Horse if they be too weake for the enemy The rest of the Battalions are but twelve foote distance one from the other and at three foot order The divisions of Musketiers are allowed six foot that they may the better fall through having given fire In the Reare of all are two Battallions of a thousand in either of them standing just behind the three Battalia's of the maine Battell About a Furlong wide of the Flanck of these are 800. Horse marked B viz. 400. in each placed oblique-wise the better to start forth and inviron the enemy in like manner are the Horse Marshalled in the outmost Flanks of therest but in greater numbers as by this following figure you may see By the Wings of these two Battalia's are two field-Peeces plac'd ready turned and bent to the Rear these are to discharge upon the enemy if he should with Horse or Foot give upon that part if not then may these Peeces with ease b●e brought to some other place which may be more apt to annoy the enemy The rest of the Ordnance are planted upon two hills opposite against the enemies Flanks these are to break their order and distresse them and for their better security there are seven hundred Musketires to guard them and if need be there must be a greater Force There should be a slight Trench raised before them or pallizado'd about the better to defend them from the enemies Horse and Foot These forms of imbattelling I found in the Prospective-glasse of Warre and have here inserted them for the benefit of the ingenious Souldier CHAP. XVIII A seventh forme of Imbattelling an Army consisting of fifteen thousand Foot and five thousand Horse impaled with Redouts and a Ditch of combustible stuffe to prevent the Horse from assaulting either the Flanks or Rear THis figure following represents to your view an excellent forme of imbattelling very strong and secure the principall Strength of the Armie are brought to fight at the first encounter Wherefore first observe the main-Battell to consist of five Battalia's in each of them are one thousand six hundred Pikes and Muskets the Muskets are orderly ranged before the Pikes each Battalia hath one hundred and sixty Files and ten deep which amounts unto in all the five Battalia's eight thousand men After the main-Battell is a second Battell plac'd which is termed the Battell of succour and that consists of four lesser Battalia's and hath in each of them seven hundred Pikes and Shot Betwixt the said Battalia's there is a convenient space or distance of ninety six paces for the main Battalia's to retrait into when they shall be overcharged with the enemy The manner of retraiting is thus all the first five Battalia's are evenly and easily to retrait with their face towards the enemy holding them play with their Shot upon the right and left Flank of the second Battell are the two outter most Battalia's of the first Battell to retrait on also the other three Battalia's are to enter into the spaces betwixt the four Battalia's of the second Battell and there to stand even with them in Front whereby there will be nine Battels to re-charge the enemy afresh for these two thousand eight hundred fresh men will bee a great heartning and strengthning of the rest which were wearied and discomfited in the first encounter But if it should so happen that the enemy should over-wing
your Battell at the first encounter then this second Battell of succour must advance up between the distances in the main Battell whereby the Front of it will be extended so much the wider But by the way you must not make your Front wider than the impalement of the Redouts and the Trenches of fire will permit for those that shall retrait beyond those Redouts and Trenches are but as lost men unlesse if occasion were they should joyn with the Horse-Troops to assist them Note if the main Battell bee advanc'd towards the enemy beyond the limits of the Redouts and if the Wings should stretch out wider than the impalement then if it be driven to retrait those out-parts of the Wings must first fall back and order themselves in the second Battell as they were before or otherwise some of them may be plac'd to secure the Flanks or the Rear or otherwise as the Generall shall think fit In the next place is the Battell in the Rear to be considered which consists only of three Battalia's and in each of them are foure hundred men they have also sufficient large spaces to receive the two former Battels and this is the last hopes the Army can expect Wherefore the Redouts must manfully bestir them to give continuall volleys of shot upon the enemies Flanks which will lie naked unto them The Ordnance after they have done their service must be with-drawn and plac'd before the Battalia's of succour where they may give fire once again upon the enemy after the main Battell shall be retraited into the second Battell and then they are to be with-drawn again into the Rear or else to bee plac'd upon the Flanks between the Redouts In each of the Redouts are two hundred men they are to secure the Flanks and the Rear of the Battell beyond these Redouts you may perceive two Ditches made the earth thrown up in way of a Brest-work towards the Flanks of our own Troops the breadth of them may be five or six foot these are to bee filled with Searwood Straw and other combustible stuffe the outmost next the enemy is first to bee set on fire The next Ditch is to bee made more neer to the Flanks of the Battell by eight or ten paces in all things like the first it is to be ordered this last is to bee fired a good while after the first so that they may indure burning the time of the fight But a principall respect is to be had to the Wind lest it should drive the smoke and fire upon your own Troops in a calme day it can doe no hurt to your selves but is very prevalent against the enemies Horse and will much strengthen the Redouts besides it will bee as a Pound to keep your own men from running away The Horse are ordered in five Battalia's upon either Wing along beyond the fiery Trenches being in each Battell five hundred Horse The first Battell being Harquebuziers are to charge the enemies Horse and the second are to releeve them or rescue them and so are the rest only the last Battell being Curassiers are to charge the enemies Flanks whilst their Horse are in action or if the enemies Horse flie then they are all of them to charge the Foot of the enemy and also to secure their own Foot-Troops from being charged In the Rear of these Horse-Troops are plac'd on either Wing five hundred Pikes and Muskets these are to aid the Horse and to line them with the Shot if need be or to be imployed in charging the enemies Flanks View the following Figure This kind of impaling with Redouts and firie Trenches is to be only practised when the enemy is farre stronger than your selfe so that your men cannot bee spared to impale your Battell neither is there any place of refuge to secure any part of the Battell for if there be then be sure to impale one of your Wings after this manner so that the Wind may convey the smoke sparks into the enemies teeth to their great annoyance CHAP. XIX The eighth form of imbattelling an Army the Flanks being impaled with Horse-Pallizado's and the Rear secured by a River it consists of five thousand Foot and one thousand Horse THis eighth forme of imbattelling is fittest and most proper if the enemy assails in such a place that the distance of ground is scant and the Rear of the Army fortifyed with some Moores Ponds Rivers or the like places of naturall strength The Flanks are Pallizado'd with Horse-Pallizado's or fortified with the Carriages or with some Hedges or Ditches so that a few men may bee able to secure them from the enemies Horse or Foot from taking any advantage You may perceive the Battell-Flags pitcht according as every Battalia is to bee ranged The two Forlorn Hopes are either of them consisting of 250 men and are advanc'd before the main Battell above an hundred paces they are flanked with 100 Horse Likewise the main Battell consists of 2880 Foot videlicet in each Battalia 180 men and sixteen Battalia's The Battell of succour is placed twenty paces behind the main Battell it consists of 1040 men there being eight severall Battalia's and each Battalia contains 130. The space or distance betwixt each of these Battalia's from Flank to Flank is twenty two paces being large enough for two of the Battalia's of the main Battell to retrait into View the Figure There is also allowed for the impalement of the Flanks to guard the Pallizado's 432 men it being 32 paces from the Front to the Rear and two Pikes and two Muskets in depth comes to no lesse to be placed upon both the Flanks There is also allowed 120 Shot to joyn with the Horse to aid them upon all occasions viz. on each Wing 60. To help Gunners and to defend the Ordnance which is placed upon such a place of advantage that the enemy cannot but with difficulty come at them there is 14 men at each Plat-forme or there may as many as you please be taken from the Battell of succour to guard the Ordnance and also a quantity of Horse to aid and assist them The thousand of Horse are thus disposed of first to Flanker the Forlorn Hopes there are 100. Next beyond the impalements upon either Flank are three Battels ranged the first hath 200. the second 150. and the third 100. Before the main Battell there are seven field-Peeces placed which are to scowre the distance betwixt the two Forlorn Hopes after they have wrought their effect they are to be drawn through the divisions of the main Battell and then placed before the Battell of succour and when the main Battell is retraited into the Battell of succour then they are to give fire again and immediately to be drawn in the Rear of all and there to be placed upon some hill so that the Battell stooping they may shoot over their heads to disorder the enemy or else the Battalia's must open suddenly whereby the Ordnance shall have freedome
to shoot The Rear of this Army is defended by a large River as by the foregoing Figure appeareth CHAP. XX. A description of the ninth Figure how to frame a Battell for Stratagem invironed with a Ditch being very prevalent in the Plains when the enemy predominates in Horse IN this following Figure you may first observe the Ditch marked A to bee six foot broad and three foot deep it hath on all four sides an entrance or way to sally in or out of twenty paces broad marked B and are so placed to allure the enemy to enter them You may likewise observe at every Passage five Battalia's of three hundred men in each Battalia there is a Peece of Ordnance placed behind every middle Battell when the enemy is ready to enter any of these passages then the middle Battell must open in the midst dividing either halfe on each side of the passage so as the Ordnance may play full in the face of the enemy then the 400 Horse are to issue out upon the enemy and to charge them in their disorders for the same purpose they are placed in the midst remote from the Foot being divided into four Squadrons in form of a Crosse standing ready faced towards the entrance of the passages being 400 in each Battalia The Foot are in all the Army only six thousand each Battalia hath particularly 300 men apeece If you have no Horse in the midst then divide them only into eight Troops placing them for Wings in an even Front or on the Angles in so doing the forme of the Battel will be hollow and the Battalia's that guard each passage will be but three apeece The Figure of this discourse followeth in the next Page The ninth Figure of the Battell for Stranagems This may bee a forme of imbatteling very prevalent to secure a weak Army that is compelled to fight and hath no place of advantage to help them but the open field and their own valours to trust unto CHAP. XXI A tenth forme of imbattelling an Army used by Henry the fourth of France against Duke Albertus of Austria at his approach to raise the siege of Amiens This Army consists of 12000 Foot and 4000 Horse THis following Figure demonstrates unto your view nine Battalions after this form marshalled first three of these Battalions were for the right Wing three other for the main Battell the other three for the left Wing The first three Battalions of the right Wing are each of them flanked with Musketires containing a thousand Foot in each before every of the said Battalions is placed nine Files of Musketires three in the right Angle three in the left and three in the midst before them every File contains ten men in depth The three Battalions for the main Battell are also flanked with Musketires having nine Files plac'd before them as the former had only these Battalions contain as many more men as the former did viz. two thousand in each The three Battalions for the left Wing are likewise imbattelled as the former Battels of the right Wing are with Musketires before them each Battalia contains a thousand men There are also twelve field-Peeces upon each Wing there are planted six viz. three fore-right and three Flank-wise to annoy the enemy both in Front and Flank The Horse are ranged without these upon either Wing somewhat oblique-wise to incompasse the enemy being in number four thousand and they are divided into three Battalia's the first contains five hundred the second three hundred and the last two hundred In the Rear of the Army was the Kings Trenches strongly fortified and guarded with three thousand Foot to defend him from the sallies of the Town in which respect he needed no Seconds View the Figure CHAP. XXII The eleventh forme of imbattelling an Armie consisting of 30000 Foot and 6000 Horse being a most excellent strong forme THis subsequent Figure represents unto your view a Battell formed with two Fronts or Faces the formost Battell is divided into eight principall Battalions each Battalia containing nine hundred men Pikes and Muskets which make ninety Files and ten deep in each In these eight formost Battalions are contained seven thousand and two hundred souldiers the spaces or distances betwixt each Battalia in the Front is four paces The second Front is divided into four great Battalia's containing one thousand and eight hundred Pikes and Muskets in each viz. one hundred and eighty Files and ten deep so that these foure last Battalia's containe seven thousand and two hundred souldiers as the formost Battell did the distance or spaces betwixt these four last Battalia's is twenty five paces Likewise the space or distance from the Front of the first Battell unto the Front of the Battell in the Rear is sixty paces In the time of fight the Generall is to take his place before the Front of the middle Battell in the Rear it being the place of greatest safety and most commodious for him to view the defects and to send his Commands about These Battalions are impaled upon both the Flanks with one thousand five hundred and forty Pikes viz. on each Flank seven hundred and seventy they standing one hundred and ten in Brest or Rank and seven deep The Rear of the Battalia's hath four thousand seven hundred and sixteen Pikes for its impalement they being plac'd but six deep in File Upon the outside of the Impalement you may observe plac'd upon either Flank or Wing twenty four Troops of Shot in little squares each Troop contains a hundred men so that in both the Wings being forty eight Troops of Shot and a hundred in each Troop amounts unto 4800. In the Front of all is plac'd eighteen Troops of Shot more in way of a Forlorn Hope each Troop also consists of an hundred Shot which amounts unto one thousand and eight hundred men these are to disband themselves and maintain skirmish with the enemy There are four hundred Shot and five hundred Pikes to guard the Ordnance There are also one thousand Pikes plac'd in each Wing five hundred in a Troop these are to aid the Horse or safe-guard the Shot either in the Wings or in the Forlorn Hope as occasion shall be offered Likewise there is allowed two hundred Shot and three hundred Pikes to guard the Carriages plac'd in the Rear Lastly there remains two hundred forty foure Pikes to bee imployed as occasion shall offer and necessity require Now wee are to observe that when the great Ordnance upon either side have discharged and that the enemy is approacht neer your Troops of Shot of the Forlorn Hope then those Maniples of Shot which stand before the Ordnance plac'd before the Battalia's in the Front are to divide themselves into the void spaces upon either hand so that the Ordnance may have free passage to play upon the enemies Troop and then the Shot may joyn together again The Forlorn Hope is continually to bee supplied with fresh Troops of Shot from the Flanks
or Wings and those Troops of the Forlorn Hope that have given fire are to retrait betwixt the Wings of the Battell and the Troops of Horse that are plac'd along by the Wings So maintaining alwaies the Flanks furnished by this means they may maintain skirmish continually with fresh men and the Battell never the lesse impaled But after the enemies Battell begins to approach neer your own forces then the Forlorn Hope must withdraw themselves and the formost Battell must bear the brunt The six field-Peeces placed amongst the Shot after they have done their service are to be drawn back into the space betwixt the two Battalia's or may be drawn into the Wings and there may be guarded with those Troops of Shot where they may performe excellent Service But if the first main Battell should miscarry in the first encounter so that their Battalia's be broken by the enemy yet there are ample spaces betwixt the Battalia's of the second Battell to retrait into and there to make head and freshly to re-charge the enemy again betwixt each Battalia in the Rear there must retrait two Battalia's of the Front and upon each Flank one The Troops of Horse are thus disposed upon each side there are an hundred Horse to guard the Ordnance which with the assistance of the Pikes and Shot they are to secure themselves Now there remains five thousand and eight hundred Horse which are to bee divided into severall Battalia's upon each Wing are to bee placed two thousand and nine hundred and they are again to be divided into three Battalia's at the least View the Figure following being the eleventh Figure CHAP. XXIII The twelfth forme of imbattelling an Armie consisting of 12000 Foot and 3000 Horse partly imitating Monsieur Bellay in his militarie Discipline Pag. 75. THis forme of imbattelling which followeth in this Discourse was chiefly invented to deceive the enemy for whereas it seemeth of narrow Front at the first view yet the formost Battell being retraited within the second Battell and the Impalements upon each Flank with the Forlorn Hopes being doubled one Rank into another makes the Front of a farre larger extent so that the enemy having framed his Battell answerable as he may suppose to encounter with this forme hee shall find it otherwise for this Battell will over-Wing his and the Forlorn Hope being strengthned with Shot and fortified with a competencie of Pikes will soon hemm in the enemies Battalia's on the Flanks before they bee aware of it which by the help of those Troops of Curassiers and seconded by the Carbines will endanger to rout them The order observed in Marshalling this Battell is in this manner first there is on each Wing before the Front of the main Battell two Battalia's of Horse each consisting of 252 which makes forty two Files being ranged six deep so that in the four Battels are contained 1008 Horse The next is the main Battell of Foot consisting of five Divisions which hath in each five hundred and ten Pikes and Shot in all the five Battalia's are contained 2550 men The distance betwixt each Battalia or Division is 5 paces in breadth and they have 51 in Rank or Brest and 10 deep in File the breadth of the whole Front from side to side of either impalement the distances being added betwixt each Division is 1560 paces broad Next are three Battalia's plac'd 25 paces behind the first main Battell these have contained in each of them 510 as the former had so that the three Battalia's have 1530 souldiers in them You may delude the enemy in making him beleeve your Forces are more than they are by causing your second Battalia's to open their Files to their open order and then they will seem as many men in the second Battell as is in the first The Rear-Battel is likewise ordered 25 paces behind the second Battell and that consists only of 2 Battalia's and are plac'd upon the Flank as by the Figure you may see having a broad space to receive the two former Battels if they should be constrained to retrait these two last consist of 1020 viz 510 souldiers in each these two Rear-Battels may open their Files to their double distance to make them seem farre more than they are but when they are ready to charge the enemy they must fall into their order of three foot The Impalements of each Flank of the Battell marked with the figures of 1 and 2 consist of 5 in Brest 153 in depth so that each Wing of Impalement hath 665 Pikes Likewise by the outside of the Pikes are the same quantity of Muskets ordered 5 in Brest and 153 in depth which amounts likewise to 665 Shot it is marked with the figure 2. This Division of Shot is to be plac'd 5 paces from the Pikes they must likewise open their Files very wide that they may seem to equall the Front of the Battell these must double one within another as the main Battell shall retrait Next this impalement the Forlorn Hope is plac'd along by the side of it marked with the figures 3 and 4 and these are to consist of Shot and Pikes as the figures 1 2 did and first the Shot hath 8 in Rank and 153 in depth so that each Wing takes up 1224 Shot the Pikes you are to suppose are ranked next the Shot the outside 5 paces from the Shot they are 5 in Front or Brest and 153 in depth which amounts to in each 665 these are to dilate their Files as the former Beyond the Forlorn Hope are plac'd 700 Curassiers ten paces from the former as you may see at the figure 5. These are to order themselves in convenient Troops down by the ●lanks of the former And 5 paces beyond these Curassiers are 300 Carbines which must orderly range themselves in convenient Troops as at the figure 6. In the Rear are foure strong Redouts well Pallizado'd with field-Peeces in them in each severall Redout there are one hundred and fiftie souldiers The Shot belonging to the main Battell are placed before the Pikes to shelter them and to hide the Ordnance amongst them When the enemy are within distance then those Files of Shot which stand before the Ordnance are to divide themselves upon either hand so that the Ordnance may suddenly give a volley upon the enemies Troops and when they have done their best they are to be drawn into the Rear of the Battell View the Figure following CHAP. XXIIII A forme of imbattelling containing 15000 Foot and 2000 Horse with twenty field-Peeces the Pikes girdled with two Ranks of Musketires round about the residue of the Shot are ordered in 188 Maniples IN this forme of imbattelling you may perceive the Pikes to be drawn into twentie four Divisions each Division or Battalia containing three hundred souldiers with convenient distances betwixt them They are first impaled or girdled round under the Pikes with one hundred and eighty Shot which makes two Ranks these are to give fire
and how to bring home your own men in safety and if a fore game cannot possibly be attained then the wise Gamesters seek by policie to disband their men so that they may bee hit which in the winding up many times turns the wheel of Fortune so that hee that had lost in all likelyhood hath now gained an after-game beyond releefe for as in this game there are two principall things which attend the winner viz. Cunning in handling his Dice and Judgment in placing his men so it is in a well fought Battell to atchieve the victory For I must compare Shot to the Dice which by their cunning and quick discharge and the multiplicitie of volleys that one side gives more than the other is for the most part a principall cause of victory Wherefore where most Shot are or may bee brought to fight there is the most likelyhood of successe What wonderfull effects hath Shot wrought by discovering of suspected places and by laying of Ambushcadoes there being two kinds of Ambushments as first those that are cunningly laid to endammage the enemies Battell in time of fight which are to be compounded both of Pikes and Shot and many times Horse are joyned with them These have fallen upon the Flanks or Rear of the enemies Troops and have much dismaid them Or such Ambushes as are laid in Woods Mountains Forrests Rocks Banks of Rivers Caves hollow Pits Hils deep Waies and the like these are usually either Muskets or Fire-locks and are fittest for that service because their quicknesse and expedition giveth them advantage to assail their enemies although the ground be never so unequall And lastly for the stopping guarding or securing any Passage which the enemy may take for his advantage if it bee of any far distance from the Army there are none so fit as the light-armed unlesse you have some Troops of Dragones for they may soon travell a long way riding behind the Horsemen which most usually are sent with them for their succour these may with far more speed and ease be conveyed than the Pikes in regard their Armes are more cumbersome and cannot but make great noise by their clattering whereby the designe may be discovered Wherefore let us conclude that Shot are the principall members as the armes are to the body of an Army if they bee wisely and advantagiously plac'd and made use of And to conclude this Chapter with the advice of Monsieur la Noüe those Battels saith he that dare stand the third charge of the enemy they shall never need to fear the rest for he that first flieth is surest to perish for then every cowardly Curre will run after and worrye a whole flock of Sheep which so long as they face him and keep their standings dares do nought but bark at them And as formerly I have said that at the famous Battell of Dreux a Battalia of valiant Switzers which stood to their tackling after all the rest of their Army was routed taking their opportunitie charged their enemy and gained the victory And thus much concerning this subject of the use and commodity of Maniples of Shot the next Chapter shall more largely treat of all kinds of Battels with such observations as the famous Generals in former ages observed as most advantagious CHAP. XXVI Divers and severall Observations of the ancient Grecians in framing of Battels with severall uses and circumstances belonging to them as also the order and rules by going paces to know any seat or peece of ground how to imbattell either Horse or Foot thereon according to the proportion thereof I Having formerly treated of divers things considerable both before and after Battell and having described both by Word and Figure severall Formes In this Chapter I intend to discourse more fully of the Nature of framing of Battels with severall uses and circumstances belonging unto them And by the way I shall touch such kind of Battels as the Ancients did frame for advantage to oppose one the other And although in this later age experience hath found out stranger weapons than former ages were acquainted with as the Musket and great Ordnance and wee have rejected the ancient Bowes and Bils whose forme to imbattell them was far different from ours yet wee must retain their policie in distinguishing which form of Battell is most prevalent to oppose any kind of Figure that shall be by the enemy marshalled against us Wherefore first take speciall observation that there is no kind of imbattelling but upon some speciall occasion may bee suddenly reduc'd and framed into another forme and so haply from one forme into divers Now the learned Generall is not to seek his principall skill when hee should make use of it and as before I have said if I should discourse of these severall wayes of reducing one forme into another it would deserve a Treatise by it selfe Wherefore let us be content to be as briefe as the subject shall permit in discoursing of the advantages one kind of forme of Imbattelling may have of another Now both reason and experience tels us that if a Battell be so framed that it may over-Front the enemies there is great advantage in it as Aelian in his Tacticks doth plainly shew and this may bee performed two wayes especially as first if the breadth of the formost or main Battell extends its Wings wider than the enemies then it is easie either for the body of the main Battell to retrait orderly and the two Wings to stand firme whereby the enemy may bee intrapt unawares or otherwise the Wings advancing forward and this likewise may be two wayes performed either by having the outmost Maniples of the Wings double the depth in File to the Body which being advanc'd forwards towards the Flanks of the enemy there will bee ten Ranks before the Body which may charge the enemy upon the Flanks or else being of an even depth with the Body the File-leader of the outmost File of each Wing is to advance a distance before the File-leader of the second File and so the second before third and the like of the rest of the Files inwards towards the Body of the Battell which causeth them to stand in apt form to charge the enemies Flanks So that reason shewes the charging an enemy in Front and Flank is ods two to one A second ods the Grecians found out by framing their Battel called Hyperkerasis and this only differs from the former in that they advance forwards only but one Wing which chargeth the enemy upon the Flank and this is thus performed in a double respect either because there is a want of men to extend the Front of the Battell in such breadth as that they may over-Front them on both the Wings or haply the situation will not permit them But this questionlesse is a great advantage and ought not to be neglected if it possibly may be put in execution These two are the only forms for advantage
and destroy ours what cause I pray you had there been for Darius first and now for Xerxes to make Warre on us but onely this wee would not forsake you Rebells when hee desired to chastise you but t is no matter doe you but onely this come from them to us or if that be too full of danger then when the Battell is begun doe but recoyle doe but slacken your Oares and ye may safely depart away But while these things were a working at Sea his Forces at Land sacked Plateae and Thespiae two famous Cities of Boeotia and Athens on the Sea-coast but all of them forsaken by their Inhabitants and behold his spleene quoniam ferro non poterat in homines in aedificia igne grassatur yea which was more as if hee had Warred not onely with the Greekes but their gods also Hee destroyed the Temple of Apollo at Delphos so famous through the World These things startled the Princes of those Cities which were joyned with the Athenians they knew not how soone their Cities might runne the same hazzard wherefore they began to consult of their departure for the defence of their owne Territories Which thing so soone as Themistocles perceived least their forces should bee diminished by the departure of their Associates he gives Xerxes to understand by a faithfull servant of his owne that now at this instant hee might easily intercept all the force and flower of Greece contracted into one place who if they were severed as presently they were like to do it would bee to his greater labour and cost to hunt after them in severall places and by this deceit hee necessitated the King to give the signall of Battell and the Grecians busied with the approaches of the King with their joynt forces entertayned the Skirmish While the Battell remained somewhat doubtfull the Ionians according to the advice of Themistocles withdrew themselves and their flight dashed the leaden courages of the Persians so that presently they turned their backs and fled Xerxes being at his wits end at this overthrow Mardonius his great Captaine and Counsellour adviseth him in his owne Person to hasten home least the fame of this unlucky battell move sedition there and tells him that if he will leave but 300000 of his choyce men with them hee will either tame Greece to his Masters glory or yeeld to the Adversary without his ignominie This advice did Xerxes like well enough wherefore hee delivered 300000 of his Souldiers to Mardonius and with the rest hee prepared to goe backe into his Kingdome Which the Grecians perceiving resolved to breake the bridge that hee had built at Abydo● that so his passage being cut off hee might perish with his Army or at least being driven to despaire might sue for peace But here againe did the wisedome of Themistocles appeare for fearing that the enemy when hee was cooped up and so necessitated to fight would turne his cowardize into valour adviseth the Greekes that they had enemies too many in the Countrey and it was not convenient to increase their number by stopping those that would bee gone but seeing hee could not prevaile with his advise hee sent his servant a second time to Xerxes to acquaint him with the resolution of the Greekes which when Xerxes knew in a shamefull afright with a few of his servants onely hee fled in all haste to Abydos commanding his Captaine speedily to March after him with their Troopes but comming to Hellesponte and finding the Bridge broken with the Tempests of the fore-passed Winter Hee ferried over alone in a poore Fi●herboate an admirable spectacle to behold he whose followers the earth groaned to beare but a yeare agoe is glad to flye now without one to attend him Cujus introitus in Greciam quam terribilis tam turpis ac foedus discessus fuit After that dishonourable flight of Xerxes Mardonius his Generall followed the warfare at land Olinthus was the first Towne hee sate downe before and it hee tooke by Assault After this hee laboured to reconcile the Athenians to the King his Master promising them restitution for the losse of their City which was burned but after hee perceived they would not part with their Liberty and freedome at any rate hee set fire to those buildings they had begun to reedifie and so Marched into Boeotia where the maine Army of the Greeks was inquartered consisting of a 100000 men there they came to blowes neere the City Plataeae which was not farre from Thebes Sed fortuna Regis cum duce mutata non est For Mardonius was there utterly overthrowne himselfe slaine by a common Souldier his Tents stuffed with the Kings Treasure seized on and finally Greece freed from the Persian Warre The Athenians would not loose the benefit of this victory but with their Sea forces sayled up the Hellesponte and by Assault tooke the Towne of Sestos from the Persians and sacked it After this they turned home built and fortified their City and joyning them with other Cities of Greece under the conduct of Pausanius and Aristides they tooke Cypria and Bizantium frym the Persian Thus you see this great Monarch who had so many Millions of men under his dominions could not live in Peace yea and for want of good order in his Army suffered many shamefull overthrows which together with some other iniquities of his owne brought him in contempt with his owne Subjects who before was a terror to other Nations and by and by after hee was slaine by his Lieutenant Artabanus His Successor was Artaxerxes who was also called Longimanus quia dextra longior fuit quam sinistra There is not any mention in History of any great trouble that happened in this Kings Reigne after that hee had put to death Artabanus and his sonnes who were the murtherers of his Predecessor Xerxes and had layd their plots also against him had it not beene in a fit time discovered by one Baccabassus a man well content with the present government This Prince having Reigned peaceably 37. yeares expired and left his Scepter to Darius Nothus his Sisters Husband who in like manner governed the Kingdome peaceably 19. yeares and then yeelded it up to his eldest Sonne Artaxerxes Mnemon whose Reigne was somwhat troublesome with the great Spirit of his younger Brother Cyrus to whom his Father had by will assigned the government of Lidia and Ionia where hee was in his Fathers dayes Lieutenant but without the title of King But this gave no content to the high spirit of Cyrus who aymed at farre greater matters wherefore he began first privately to make preparation against the King his Brother which being disclosed to the King hee sent for Cyrus who dissembled the matter and pleaded not guilty yet for all that the King bound him in golden fetters deprived him of liberty and had done so by his life also in matter prohibuisset But afterwards obtaining liberty hee was so much inraged against his Brother by this
disgrace as that hee began openly to threaten him with Warre And for that purpose hee gathered a great Army out of Asia the lesse and 10000 Auxiliaries also out of Greece with which hee marched against his Royall Brother beyond the River Euphrates Artaxerxes was not unmindfull of these affaires but like a wise and a valiant man prepared forces to bid his Brother battell When they came to blowes Cyrus wounded his Brother and forced part of his Army to give ground but being of a hot and haughty spirit and with weake Attendants beating to farre within his Brothers Troopes at last hee was slaine by his Brothers Guard Vpon the newes of his death the whole Army tooke the Route save onely the 10000 Greekes who in despight of Artaxerxes departed whole away and came safe into their owne Countrey After the death of Cyrus the faire Lady Alpasia was taken in his Tents on whom Artaxerxes when hee beheld her set his affections and this Lady was the cause of a new insurrection for being equally beloved of the Father and the Sonne the Sonne petitioned to his Father for her and had her granted But the Father afterwards condoling his owne losse tooke her away againe Whereupon the Sonne conspired with one Terebathus that they two with some armed Troopes should on a certaine day breake into the Kings Closet and slay him but this plot being discovered the King escaped the Treason Terebathus and his Troopes were slaine by the Kings Guard and Darius the Kings Sonne apprehended as a Traitour and adjudged to death by the Councell of Princes before whom his Father would have him stand for his tryall after his death also the King himself languished and died and appointed for his successor Othus the youngest of those three Sonnes that hee had by his lawfull Queene Othus Reigned about Twenty Sixe yeares more like a Tyrant then a King for hee filled his Royall Pallace with the bloud of Princes his owne kindred Nulla non sanguinis non sexus non aetatis misericordia perm tus and for his cruelty was slaine afterwards by the Prince Bagoas who thought to have seated himselfe in the Royall Chayre but having not power enough to effect that he Proclaimes Arsames Sonne of Othus King who hee also slew afterwards Metuens filium propter necem paternam And here was an end of all the Stocke of Cyrus and the end of this Monarchy followed about Sixe yeares after For when Arsames was slaine Bagoas the murtherer repaired to Codomamius who for his vertue and valour against the enemy was first made Ruler of Armenia and now King of Persia After the obtaining of which he changed his Name and is commonly knowne by the name of Darius Vltimus a Prince nothing inferiour to any of his Predecessors And yet in this King happened the subversion of this mighty Kingdome Against him first of all Philip King of Macedon being elected Generall of the Grecians tooke Arms and sent his Forces into Asia under the conduct of Farmenio Amynters and Attalus against them Darius tooke Armes and sent his Army over which hee placed Memnon of Rhodes an expert Souldier as Generall But while these Wars were managed abroad by their substitutes Philip himselfe was slaine at home by one Pausanias a Noble Macedonian upon this occasion Pausanias was abused in his tender age through the lust of Attalus which the young Man taking in ill part complained to Philip and craved justice against the offender but was put off in derision and the Malefactor honoured with a Generalls place in the Warres Whereupon Pausanius turnes his anger against Philip and as Iustin sayes Vltionem quam adversario non poterat ab iniquo judice exegit But the Persian Warre was not given over upon the Kings death for Alexander the great his Sonne and Heire after that hee had quieted the Cities of Greece which the Persians politickly had stirred up to rebell against him by that meanes hoping to divert the Warre out of Asia Having collected and shipped his Army goes in his owne Person into Asia and divides his Patrimony in Europe amongst his friends saying Sibi Asiam sufficere His Army consisting of 32000 foot and 4500 Horse hee wafted over in 182 Ships An admirable thing that hee durst attempt the conquest of the greatest Monarchy of the World with so small a number but marke who they were not yong striplings prim● flore aetatis but veterares plerosque old beaten Souldiers for the most part such as had borne Armes under his Father and Vncles they were through their long experience Non solum millites sed magistri militiae not onely Warriours but masters of the Warre there was never a Captaine which was lesse then Sixty yeares of age Vt si principia castrorum cerneres Senatum se alicujus priscae reipublicae vider diceres and they all resembled the King for courage for they minded nothing but victory and after that the enjoying the riches of the Orient Against these Darius led his Army into the field consisting of 600000 men in whose valour and fortitude hee had such confidence as that hee neglected to take any advantage which was by policy to bee acquired Affirmans suis occulta consilia victoriae furtivae non convenire and upon this conceipt hee refused to prevent his enemies landing but received them into the very heart of his Kingdome Gloriosius ratus repellere Bellum quam non admittere which thing though it shewed a magnanimous and great spirit yet it argues weakenesse of understanding for truely so victory may bee gained it stickes not whether it bee obtained by valour or policie the safest therfore for him had beene to have prevented their landing if possibly hee could for enemies are more easily repelled from the Coasts then expelled after they have got footing But this out of a Millitary bravery hee neglected and it cost him no lesse then the losse of the battell and afterwards of his life and Kingdome The first battell betweene the two Kings was in the field of Adrastia where the Persians were vanquished Non minus arte Alexandri quam virtute Macedonium After this Alexander fought another Battell with Rhaesaces and Spithradates two of Darius his Captaines at the River Granicus quos jam non tam armis quam terrore nominis sui vicit and in this encounter both the Persian Chiefetaynes were slaine Rhaesaces by Alexanders owne hand and Spithradates by the hand of Clytus After their overthrow having yet no more to doe in the Field hee fell to taking in of Cities Sardis Miletus Helicarnassus and all such places as bordered upon them were taken in and so comming through Pamphilia hee tamed the Inhabitants of of Pisidia and Phrigia At last hee tooke the City of Gordis which above all other hee desired to take not for the spoyle but because hee had heard that there in the Temple of Iupiter was kept the consecrated yoke of Gordians Waine whose
assured his Persians that if a strict accompt of his own and Adversaries number were taken he was ten for one On the contrary Alexander admonished the Macedonians that they should not be moved neither with the enemies multitude nor with their Gyantlike bodies no nor with the glittering of their Armour onely they should doe well to remember that twice before they had encountered them and doubtlesse in this third Battell they should not finde in them greater courages then at first for having already twice put them to flight and that with a great slaughter the sorrowfull remembrance thereof hee knew would much daunt them who had no overplus of courage before Furthermore hee assured them that though Darius had the most men yet had hee the greater forces wherefore there was nothing remained but that they should scorne those Bands that glittered in gold and silver among whom they should finde plus praedae quam periculi more treasure then danger since that victory was usually carried rather by the sharpnesse of the sword then the garnishing of the Armour After these encouraged on both sides the onset was given the Macedonians rush●p in upon the enemies weapons with much contempt because so often before they had beene conquered On the other side the Persians because they had been so often soyled wished rather to die then to lose the day In fine seldome was there more bloud spilt in any Battell both sides resolving to doe their utmost for gaining the victory But at last the Persians were overcome with the slaughter of Ninety thousand of their men Darius when he saw the Battell lost would needs dye upon the place but yet was compelled by those that were about him by flight to provide for his owne safety and some there were that advised him to breake the Bridge over the River Cydnus that so his flight might be secured from the enemies chase but Darius refused that counsell resolving not to provide for his owne safety by objecting so many thousands of his men as were yet ungotten over the River to the fury of his Adversary Debere aliis fugae vtam patere quae patuerit sibi This Battell finished the conquest of Persia and set the Diadem on Alexanders head for now the Cities yeilded on all sides the Persians patiently submitted their neckes under the yoake of the Macedonian servitude themselves having ruled the space of 200 yeares and upwards Darius in his flight was slaine by Bessus and Nabaczanes two of his neare kindred whose body was found by Polystratus one of Alexanders Souldiers lying in a Chariot after a squailed manner goared with many wounds and weltring in that Royall bloud that had issued out thereof Which woefull spectacle after that Alexander beheld he tooke it heavily first mourning and weeping for the Royall Corps then covering it with his owne cloake and lastly causing it to be buried in a most solemne and Princely manner neither did he ever cease till he had attached Bessus the murtherer and put him to a shamefull and ignominious death This was the end of this mighty Prince and also of this mighty Empire which was now brought out of Asia into Europe from Persia into Macedonia where the third Monarchie was setled on Alexander and his Successors CHAP. IIII. Of the Macedonian Monarchie and the Warres thereof AS the Persian Monarchie was infested with Warre so was the Macedonian for no sooner was Alexander estated in the government but presently hee received intelligence of the overthrow of Alexander King of Epirus his kinseman and Ally in Italy as also the destruction of Zopirion his Perfect in Pontus together with 30000 men in Scythia and lastly of the dangerous Warre that was moved against him in Greece For after hee had over-intangled himselfe in the Asiatique Warre almost all the Grecian Cities betooke themselves to Armes for the recovery of their liberty moved hereunto by the authority of Spartanes who neither regarded Philip nor Alexander his Sonne The Captaine of this Warre was Agis King of Lacedamonia But Antipater calling his forces together in good time quieted this commotion yet not without slaughter on both sides King Agis when hee saw his owne troopes turne their backes forthwith dismissed his Guard yet hee himselfe by his proper valour Vt Alexandro si non faelicitate par virtute non inferior videretur made great havocke amongst his enemies and at last though hee were overcome by their multitudes yet in glory hee overcame them all After this some time was spent in the Indian expidition and being arived in the confines Taxiles was the first that hee assaulted but hee like a wise Prince giving way to Alexanders good fortunes of his owne accord came into his presence telling him there needed bee no Warre betweene them two for as for himself he had rather contend with benefits then weapons Et si sit potentior se daturum esse munera Alexandro si inferior se gratum fore si beneficia ab ipso acceperit Alexander thought it not to stand with reason to exercise hostility against him who thus fairely yeilded himselfe wherefore hee dismissed him in peace after the exchange of some Princely gifts Next hee marched against Porus a Prince very famous both for courage and strength who resolved to make resistance before the battell Porus charged his men to assaile the Macedonians and hee himselfe would graple with their King neither did Alexander refuse the combate but in the first encounter his Horse being wounded hee fell head-long on the ground but was rescued by his Guard who both wounded and tooke King Porus prisoner of whom Alexander demanded what hee would have done with him if hee himselfe had got the victory to which Porus answered Pro utriusque regalis fastigij dignitate se fuisse facturum With the vertue and personall valour of this man Alexander was so well pleased as that hee sent him safely into his owne Territories Tantum pro Rege nominari jussit Satrapam After these victories Alexander grew very luxurious insolent and cruell hee slew old Parmenio and his Sonne Philatas and that incomparable Clytus three of his prime Commanders yea and Colisthenes that Philospher kinsman of his Master Aristotle whom hee had of purpose trained along with him for the writing of his Acts. All these and many more hee slew either for defending of the reputation of his Royall Father King Philip or else for refusing to adore and worship him as a god at his drunken banquers so that now it is hard to say Num armatus in acie vel in convivio sedens teribilior These things made many mutinies in the Campe and provoked the old Souldiers so much as that they reproached him to his very head Jubentes eum solum cum patre suo Hammone finere bella Yet this sedition was afterwards well quieted Yet Natheles Antipater who was now sent for out of Macedonia with a supply of
Goate is the King of Grecia and the great horne that is betwixt his eyes is the first King which was Alexander the Great Now that being broken whereas foure stood up for it Foure Kingdomes shall stand up out of the Nation but not in his power Now these Kingdomes are the foure I have last spoken of for however by the first composition they were to bee but Provinces and these Princes forenamed to rule in them onely as Lieutenants to Arideus yet afterward that agreement was rejected and every of these made themselves absolute Kings 1. Mac. 1. 9. And this was the first occasion Perdiccas to whom nothing fell in this division but the tuition of the weake King and the conduct of the best Army cast about how hee might make himselfe equall with the rest for this purpose hee set upon Ariarathes King of Capadocia in which Warre hee proved victorious yet gained little more then the bare and naked Kingdome for his enemies being overthrowne they fly to their chiefe City where they burnt themselves their houses and all that ever they had Vt nihil hostis victor suarum rearum preter incendii Spectacula frueretur This Kingdome hee left to the custody of his best betrusted friend Eumenes to bee a place of sure retreate upon any occasion but as for himselfe hee aspired after greater matters Power enough hee had in the Army hee conducted but hee wanted Royall authority to countenance his Power and Capadocia was to little to limit his high thoughts Now that hee had proved his strength to make himselfe equall with the other hee would try one cast more too for the superiority to this end hee secretly treated a match with Cleopatra the sister of great Alexander by whom hee hoped to attaine the Soverainty of all the rest but belike hee was jealous that Antipater in whose power the Lady was would crosse this marriage Wherefore to cover his intents hee fained love to Nicaea one of Antipaters Daughters hoping under that pretext to gaine the Lady before any were aware of it but the old Foxe quickly espied his drift Et dum duas eodem tempore uxores quaerit neutram obtinuit This plot of his being overthrowne by the cunning of Antipater hee sets his wits abroach againe upon another designe for the winning of the Lady and that was to transferre the Army into Europe under the pretence of bringing the King into Macedonia the seate of his Ancestors and head of the Empire whose presence hee knew would actually make voyd for the time the office of the Viceroyes and so Antipater with Craterus being once in case of private men and himselfe onely in authority the match with Cleopatra then might easily bee effected and so should his greatnesse meet with a good title and what obstacle then could there bee to debarre him from the Empire There are two men taken into consideration which hee thought might bee some hinderance to him in that accomplishment of this project And they were Antigonus Lieutenant of Phrigia and Ptolomie of Aegypt For the first hee caused to bee accused of certaine crimes which might very well have served to take away his life which Antigonus would not seeme to take notice of but prepared himselfe in shew to come to his Answer but in the meane while hee made an escape and came into Aetolia where Antipater and Craterus were with their Armies about the conquest of the Countrey These tydings which Antipater brought quickly finished the Aetolian Warre and caused both Antipater and Craterus to foresee their owne danger Ptolomy also being advertised of these passages apprehended them deepely and therfore was easily drawn to side with Antipater his Coleagues Craterus and Antigonus Being thus joyned in League they begin to prepare for defence And Perdiccas understanding by the flight of Antigonus and the League that now was betweene him and the aforesayd parties that all his drifts were discovered resolved to carry all before him by fine force having both the strongest Army and the Kings name to countenance all his actions But the thing that troubled him was against which of the Coleagues hee should first attempt This being propounded in Councell some advised hee should transferre the Warre into Macedonia where Olimpias the Mother of great Alexander then was whose presence and the peoples favour would much promote all their enterprises Others advised that they should first attempt on Ptolomy in Aegypt least while they were in Macedonia hee should invade Asia and this advice prevailed whereupon Eumenes is charged to have regard of Asia and to him were joyned Alcetus Brother of Perdiccas and Neoptolemus as assistants in case Antipater or Craterus should invade those parts Sic Macedonia in duas partes discurrentibus ducibus in sua viscera armatur ferrumque ab hostili bello in civilem sanguine vertit When as Perdiccas had wafted his Army into Aegypt like a wilfull man hee tyred his Souldiers in hard enterprizes without successe which brought their hatred upon him which Pithom perceiving called an hundred of the Captaines and some of the Horse unto him and so entred his Tent and slue him Thus qui primus inter duces bellum movit primus interfectus est sayes Caryon Eumenes who was left by Perdiccas for the defence of Asia when hee understood of the great preparation that was made by Antipater and Craterus for the invasion of those Provinces committed to his charge presently sent for Alcetus and Neoptolemus to come to his ayd letting them know that the Adversary had already passed his forces and the Hellesponte Alcetus flatly denied his assistance alledging the backwardnesse of his men to Beare Armes against so great a person as Antipater and a man so honoured as Craterus Neoptolemus was content to make a fayre show of ayding him but had secretly covenanted with Antipater to open for him a way to the conquest of Asia which thing Eumenes carefully espied and prepared in time to prevent his evill designes And this hee did in a fierce battell wherein hee put him to flight and received his Foot-forces from whom hee was fled for his owne safegard into his service Neoptolemus after his overthrow fled to Antipater and Craterus perswading them that if by great journyes they would hasten their march they might certainely take Eumenes napping being now joyfull of his late victory secure by reason of his flight This councell was put in execution but not with such successe as was hoped for because Eumenes was watchfull over their proceedings perceived all their intents wherefore they that thought to intrap him on the suddain were unexpectedly in the trap themselves being set upon while they were secure in their march and much wearied with night-watches In this battell both Craterus and Neoptolemus were slaine and their Army routed and overthrowne After the death of Craterus whom the Souldiers exceedingly loved they chose Antigonus their Generall against Eumenes whom earnestly they
desired to punish for the death of their beloved Captaine Eumenes perceiving how that by the Macedonians hee was adjudged an enemy and that their new Captaine Antigonus had decreed to make Warre upon him of his owne accord discovered these things to his Souldiers promising that if any were terrified with these newes hee would give him free leave to depart with which words they were so animated as that they promised him faithfully Rescissurus se ferro decreta Macedonum Antigonus understanding what a Souldier Eumenes was thought it a farre safer way to cut him off by policie then by force wherefore taking the advantage of Eumenes absence from his Army for hee was now visiting Cleopatra the sister of great Alexander at Sardis hee caused letters to bee spread through his Army wherein was promised great rewards to those who could bring Eumenes his head unto him Eumenes at his returne finding out the project called an assembly giving his Souldiers great thankes that amongst them all none was found that preferred the hope of a bloudy reward before the faith they had given to their Generall but withall politickly telling them Confictas a se has epistolas ad experiendos suorum animos esse And by this policie hee did not onely afright those that were wavering but also did provide against future times that if any such thing should afterwards happen the soldiers might suppose Se non ab hoste corrumpi sed a duce tentari Antigonus when he saw that hee could not entrap his Adversary by cunning then prepared to set upon him by force And Eumenes accordingly prepared to entertaine him but through the treachery of Apollonides generall of his Horse who in the heate of the battell fled to the Adverse part hee was overthrowne After which hee betooke himselfe to Nora a very strong Fort which hee manfully defended untill such time as Antigonus heard of the troubles in Macedonia which were raised by the seditions of Cassander and Polyperchon after the death of Antipater which comming to Antigonus his knowledge caused him labour to conclude a Peace with Eumenes knowing him to bee a man fit for his purposes if hee could winne him to his side both for his knowne faithfulnesse and excellent skill in Martiall affaires for of all Alexanders Captaines hee skarce had his fellow A Peace forthwith was concluded betweene them but long it continued not because not governed by the like mindes for Eumenes was most faithfull but the other treacherous to Alexanders kindred wherefore they fell againe to the Warres wherein after Eumenes had beene victorious in many battells at last by the mutinous Argyraspides he was betrayed to Antigonus who put him to death And now let us leave Antigonus a while and see how the affaires of the Empire were managed in other parts Euridice the Queene Wife of King Aridens so soone as shee knew of Polyperchons returne into Macedonia and that hee had sent for Olimpias the Mother of great Alexander grew full of envie and emulation wherefore shee writ letters in the King her husbands name to Polyperchon commanding him to deliver up the Army to Cassander whom shee knew to bee an enemy to Alexanders posterity For which courtesie Cassander was bound unto her and did many things according to her minde and afterwarde hee marcheth with his Forces into Greece making Warre upon divers of the Cities With whose destructions the Spartans terrified walled their City which in times past they had defended with Armes and not with Walls so much now did they degenerate from their Ancestors for in times past the vertue of the Citizens was the Wall of the City but now the Citizens thought not themselves safe unlesse they were enclosed with Walles But the troubles of Macedonia quickly called Cassander out of Greece for Olimpias comming towards Macedon Aeacides King of the Mollosians also following her they were forbidden to enter upon the borders by Arideus and Euridice Yet by meanes of the Macedonians who flocked to her apace shee got entrance and being entred by her Commandement both Euridice and the King were quickly slaine and shee her selfe ruled not long after For the Macedonians seeing what cruell massacres shee made amongst their Princes turned their love into hatred So when Cassander approached shee having no confidence in them retyred her selfe to Pydua a strong Citie where Cassander straightly besieged her and forced her by extreame famine to yeeld to his mercy yet hee shewed her but a little when shee came into his power for by the counsell of the Macedonians whose Children shee had slaine shee was without any respect to her former estate condemned to dye When the Executioners came to doe their office shee never shrunke for their swords neither shriked like a Woman for the smart of her wounds Vt Alexandrum posses etiam moriente matre conspicere and when shee was breathing her last gaspes shee covered her bodie decently with her haire and garments Ne quid posset in corpore ejus indecorum videri This was the end of this Royall Queene so famous through the World for being Wife to such a Husband and Mother to such a Sonne Perdiccas Alcetus Eumenes Commanders of the other faction being all slaine one would have thought the Warre should have ceased amongst Alexanders Successors but it fell out otherwise for the Victors fell at ods amongst themselves and this was the occasion of it Ptolomy Cassander and Lysimachus required that the Treasure and Provinces taken by Antigonus should be equally divided amongst them but this Antigonus denied Affirmans se non in ejus belli praedam socios admissurum in cujus periculum solus descenderat Hereupon Warre was decreed on both sides Antigonus feared them not onely hee wanted a faire pretext and colour for his Warre wherefore hee cavsed it to bee divulged that hee would revenge the death of Olimpias upon Cassander the murtherer and deliver Roxana and her Sonne out of the Tower of Amphipolis wherein the sayd Cassander had imprisoned them These things being once knowne abroad Ptolomy Cassander Lysimachus and S●leucus all joyne in League against him and so on all sides make their preparations both by Sea and Land The first battell was fought at Callamos betweene Demetrius Sonne of Antigonus and Ptolomy wherein Ptolomy got the day Afterwards these two Generalls fought at Sea and Demetrius got the victory and that a very great one which filled the heart of Antigonus so with pride as that hee commanded both himselfe and Sonne to bee styled Kings Ptolomy that hee might not seeme to have lesse authority amongst his men is graced also with the same Title and after their examples Cassander and Lysimachus did stile themselves also Kings Sic nona Regna ex Alexandri Monarchia orta sunt sicut Daniel predixerat After these private encounters with Ptolomy followes the generall Warre betweene Antigonus and his Sonne on the one side and Ptolomy Lysimachus Scleucus and Cassander on
Claudius and Quintus Iulius obtained the Consulship which was about 200 yeares after During which time they had many sharpe Warres as first with Tarquinius their expulsed King who was ayded by the Vrientines and Tarquiniences for the recovery of his Kingdom In the very first onset of this battell was Brutus the Consull and Aruus Tarquinius the Kings Sonne both Generalls of the Horse slaine one by the other for as Livy saith Adeoque infestis animis concurrerunt neutrum dum hostem vulneraret sui protegendi corporis memor ut contra●io ictu par parmam uterque transfixus The victory was very doubtfull for the right Winges of both the Armies overcame so that both sides feared the worst till the doubt were removed by a miracle a strange voice out of the Arsian wood which affirmed that the Romans had lost one lesse then their enemies The next Warre was against King Porsenuae who would have re-established Tarquinius and hee wanted but little of taking the Citie for hee had already surprized Mountaine Ianiculus on the other side of Tiber from whence hee had a faire way to the City over the Bridge called Sublicius where by good hap Horatius C●cles a valiant Roman was present who placed himselfe upon the Bridge and with his sole bodie defended the passage against all the Kings Army untill such time as the bridge behinde him was broken downe neither could they bee freed from the danger of this King untill Mutius Scaevola had made an attempt to slay him in his Campe of which neverthelesse hee fayled through his ignorance of the Kings person killing his Scribe instead of him for which fact being had in examination hee cried out sayes Livy Romanus sum Ci●is Quintus Mutium vocant hostis hostem occidere volui When they threatned him with punishment hee answered hee was as resolved to die as to have killed the King for sayes hee Facere pati fortiae Romanum est and forthwith hee thrust his hand into the fire untill it were past sense Vt sciat Rex sayes Florus quem virum effugerit Telling the King that there were 300 valiant young men of Rome had conspired his death with which the King was so terrified that he presently dissolved the siege and made peace with the Romans To bee breife besides this Warre they had also within the 200 yeares afore named warres with the Lattins Thuscans Ga●●es Sabines Sa●●ites and lastly with the Tarrentines and King Pyrrhus but all these within the confines of Italy which by this time they had mastered and made their owne yet were they so farre from the Monarchie as that they had never led their forces out of Italy and therefore I passe by these also The next Age of Rome Lucius Florus was from that time Apius Claudius and Quintus Fulvius were Con●ulls untill the time of Caesar Augustus which was 250 yeares about which time they obtained the Monarchie of the World Which before they could effect they endured many sharpe Warres as with Carthage three severall times In the second of which Punicke Warres Rome was in as much feare as ever since her walls were builded Livy saith adeo varia belli fortuna ut proprius periculo fuerint qui vicere Three overthrowes Haniball gave the Romans one after another the first at Tic●num now called Pavia where the Consull Publius Cornelius Scipio had beene slaine but that hee was rescued by his owne Sonne young Scipio afterwards called Affricanus The next was at the floud Trebia where hee overthrew the other Consull Titus Sempronius who was very eager to fight with Haniball before his fellows were healed of their hurts received in the former battel The third was at the Lake of Th●asimene Caius Flaminius being Consull who very rashly lost both Army and life The ill successe of which battell was foreshowen before it began for Titus Livius saith the Ensigne could not with all his strength remove his Colours which with some other ill signes put all the Army in afright which thing when it was told to the unadvised Consull hee sayd to the messenger Abi nuntia signum effodiant si ad conv●llendum manus prae metu obcorpuerint The newes of this overthrow made the Romans speedily nominate a Dictator and in good time they chose Quintus Fabius Maximus one that followed Haniball wheresoever hee went but with this purpose Vt cunctando non bellando inimicorum vires attereret sayth Plutarch Thus for a while hee wearied Haniball but his owne people also were wearied with this lingring Warre Minutius who was Magister equitum hee cried out in the Army Doe we come hither to behold the slaughter and destruction of our Confederates and Companions are wee not ashamed that those Citizens which our Fathers sent as Colonyes into S●ssa that this coast might be safe from our enemies the Samnits which now not our Neighbour Samnite but a Carthagenian stranger doth waste and spoyle having marched from the further parts of the World to this place by meanes of our delayes So farre ah the griefe doe wee degenerate from the vertues of our Ancestors that neere our Coast they thought it a dishonour to their Empire but to suffer the Carthagenians Navie to sayle the same wee now see repleate with the Numidians and Mores our enemies It is great folly to believe that wee are able to subdue our enemies with sitting still it behoves us to arme our troopes and bring them downe into the plaines and encounter them man to man Audendo agendoque res Romana crevit non his sensibus Consiliis neque timidi cauta vocant This trouble happening in the Campe and the like in the City causeth the Senate to joyne Minutius in equall authority with the Dictator but still the Warre is prolonged by Fabius his cunning Then does Bebius Herennius Tribune of the people declaime both against the Senate and Nobility for trayning Haniball into Italy and prolonging the Warre which might sooner have beene put to an end if a Plebean Consull had beene chosen Hereupon Quintus Terentius a Plebean is created Consull and Lucius Aemilius Paulus is his Colleague They follow the battell of Cannae by the rashnesse of Terentius Varro the Plebean Consull wherein the Romans were overthrowne and one of their Consulls slaine and with him twenty more of the order of Consulls and Praetors of Senators there were taken and slaine thirty of Noblemen to the number of 300 of Souldiers to the number of 40000 and 3500 gentlemen besides Haec est pugna Cannensi clade nobilitata saith Livy There had beene no doubt but that Rome then might easily have beene taken if Haniball as Maherbal sayd had but knowne how to use a victory as to get one But Hanibal quum victoria posset uti frui maluit And so leaving Rome hee hastens to Capua the pleasures of which towne utterly effeminated his whole Army and as Florus
sayes Capuam Hanibali Cannas fuisse for him that neither the snowy Alpes nor the Roman Armies could overcome who would believe it Campaniae soles tepentes fontibus Baiae subegerunt After this divers of the Roman Generalls durst meet Haniball in the field and first Cloudius Marcellus the Roman Praetor in the first yeare of this Warre raysed his siege from before Nola and slue of his men as some affirme 2300 himselfe losing onely one but Livy dares not affirme so much of his owne credit yet acknowledgeth a victory gotten of Haniball which hee accounts a very famous exploit if not the most famous that happened in all that Warre Non vinti enim ab Hanibale vincentibus difficilius fuit quam postca vincere At last it happened that Publius Cornelius Scipio was created Consull who chose Africa for his Province and had it granted contrary to the opinion of Fabius When hee was entred Africa hee overthrew the forces of Asdruball and King Siphax and forthwith besieged Carthage it selfe close up to the gates which so afrighted the Citizens that presently they sent for Haniball to come to the defence of his owne City but Haniballs Army which was effeminated before with the immoderate pleasures of Capua was now overthrowne before his owne Carthage Premiumque victoriae Africa fuit seguntus Africam statim terrarum orbis saith Florus Besides these Punicke Warres they had many other as in Macedonia with King Philip in Syria with Antiochus in Greece with the Aetolians Histrians Gallo-Greekes Illir●●ns and Achaians in Asia with Aristonicus and Mithridates in Africa with Iugurth and in Europe with divers which would bee to long for mee to nominate We will come therefore to those times wherein Rome had setled the fourth Monarchie by making her selfe the Lady and Mistris almost of the whole World which was about the time of Pompey the Great and Julias Caesar two the most famous Captaines that ever Rome had In their times sayes Lucius Florus Majus erat imperium Romanum quam ut ullis exterius viribus extingui posset Fortune therefore envying that people which was soveraigne of all other armed their owne selves to their owne destruction and this grew through the discord that was betweene Pompey and Caesar afore named But the ground of this controversie tooke first root from the civill Warres betweene Marius and Silla Pompey following Sillas faction and Caesar Marius whose kinseman hee was which could not but breed a mislike each of other and the rather because Silla had given his friend a caveat to beware of Caesar this dislike of each other was increased by both their ambitions Pompey would endure no equall nor Caesar superiour but hitherto their intents were smothered two obstacles being in the way first Pompey had married the Lady Julia Caesars Daughter and during her life friendship was preserved at least in shew Secondly Crassus through his inestimable riches Linage and eloquence was almost in as great reputation as either of the other and so long as hee lived the scales were equally ballanced through mutuall feare but Crassus being once slaughtered by the Parthians and Julia dead the spark of emulation that long had layd smothered as it were in ashes now quickly burst forth both of them being ambitious of honour and each of them jealous of the others authority but their emulation brake forth into open Warre upon this occasion Caesar having finished his Warres in Gaul sent his friends to Rome in his name to demand the Consulship himselfe staying behinde within his owne Province the reason why hee desired though absent to bee declared Consull was for feare of some enemies that had threatned to accuse him this honour was decreed him at the first by ten of the Tribunes with Pompeys good liking But some of Caesars enemies withstanding this decree Pompey quickly altered his opinion and then was Caesar againe denied that honour unlesse hee would lay downe his Armes and come in person to Rome to crave it after the accustomed manner this Caesar yeilded unto upon condition that Pompey also should give over his Army which he had in Spaine but Pompyes friends would not agree to that hereupon Caesar refuseth to dismisse his Army unlesse the Senate would make good their first decree Forthwith at Rome are Lentulus and Marcellus made Consulls and have charge to looke Ne quid respublica detrimenti caperet By and by a peremptory decreee is passed that Caesar must dismisse his Army by such a day and that hee should not therewith passe the River Rubicon that utmost bounds of his Province declaring him an enemy if hee dared to doe the contrary this decree being resisted by two of the Tribunes Lucius Antonius and Quintus Curio they were both abused and thrust out of the Senate after which they fled to Caesar Hereby Caesar perceived the intent of the Senate and therefore sent speedily for all his Legions marching with them to the River Rubicon hee stayed there a while considering with himselfe the danger that might ensue if hee should passe the River with his Troopes After consultation hee cried out The Lot is cast and giving his Horse the reine began to march and passe the River all his people following him and so was the civill Warre begunne The very next morning after hee had passed the River he seized on Arimanto and so upon all Townes and Castles that lay in his way which tydings troubled not onely Pompey but the whole Senate and people of Rome whereupon they all resolve to forsake the City Pompey went to Brundusium whither hee sent for the Consulls to passe thence to Dyrrachium a City by the Sea coast of Macedonia there to raise as great power as they were able being now out of all hope to resist him in Italy hee having now taken Corsin●o with Thirty of Pompeys Cohorts and brought them to his owne denomination Having once intelligence that Pompey made head against him in Brundusium thither he hasted and though Pompey had fortified the City against him yet was hee glad to flye for his safegard by night in a torne and almost naked Vessell over the Sea oh the shame which not long before hee had triumphantly passed Nor was Pompey sooner driven out of Italy then the Senate out of the City into which hee entred made himselfe Consull seized on the common treasury and then began to consult about his proceedings To follow Pompey into Greece he could not for want of Shipping neither would hee though hee could because of some enemies behinde who were needfull first to bee dealt with all Into Sicilia the Roman Granery hee sent Deputies to make all sure there and himselfe resolved for Spaine against Petreius and Affranius the Commanders of Pompeys choisest Legions Having therefore dispersed part of his forces throughout Italy to stop Pompeys returne and having charged Dolabella to provide shipping against his comming backe away hee goes and findes no resistance till
difficult will it be for any Nation to resist an Enemie invading if they prevent not his arrivall by their provisions People are discouraged by the suddainnesse of danger and rather studie how by flight to shift for their particular safetie than by making head to preserve their Countrie from the Enemie But if any be so vertuously minded as to make resistance how difficult will it be for them to draw together in such a Kingdome as ours where we have no fortified Townes to hold the enemy play The enemie shall no sooner heare of any assembly but presently he will be upon them with his horse to sever them before they can be able to make head against him unlesse they willl flye to the utmost limits of the Kingdome there to make up an Army in haste suffering in the meane time the Enemie to enrich himselfe with the spoyle of the Country and when such an Armie is composed what good can be expected from it seeing it must needs consist of raw and untrained people hastily gathered together and altogether unskilfull in the use of Armes When Caesar came against Pompey the Great into Italy Pompey and the Senate being unable to make resistance for want of timely provision they were glad to forsake not onely the other parts of Italy but Rome it selfe and flye into Greece before they could draw any competent numbers together to give the Enemie Battell Let Pompeys carelesnesse be condemned and let wi●e Estates imitate Augustus Caesar who at the first brute of Anthonies stirring provided himselfe and crossed over from brundu●um to give Warre the meeting thinking it more safe so to doe than to receive it within the limits and borders of his owne Italy By these precedent relations I hope any man may see That it is good in time of Peace to provide for Warre CHAP. VII Of the Things necessarily to be provided And first of Victuals THe things especially to be provided are Victnals Weapons Money Ships and Men all of them needfull for the maintenance of Warre and such as if they be not provided in time of Peace can hardly be procured the warre being begun And first for Victuals so needfull they are as that without them no Army can bee maintained neither by Sea nor Land nor any Towne how strong soever without them can be defended This want of victuals was the ●os●e of Ierusalem of San●erra of Paris and lately Rochel to the French King The like want of victuals and other necessaries hindered our Navie in 88. so that it could follow the Spaniards no further whereby we lost a faire advantage that God had given us of destroying that whole Fleet. If in the Field an Armie be pinched with want it must starve or fight bee the disadvantage never so great whereas that Army that is well provided can fight when it sees advantage and can forbeare till it have got it And by this meanes alone would Pompey have beaten Caesar out of Greece in despight of him had not the Senate in a manner against his will forced him to fight in the field of Philippi It is requisite therefore for a Prince when he is to use his forces eyther by Sea or Land to appoint not onely experienced but also faithfull mento be his Stewards to make his provisions for his Armies such as will faithfully lay out his Treasure according as the affaires in hand require and not imbeazell them in riotous courses nor hoord them up for their owne private gaine CHAP. VIII Of the preparation of Armour and Weapons LOoke how necessarie Victuals be for the maintenance of a Souldiers life so needfull is Armour for the defence of it Nature hath furnished us ●ut with a thin and weake defence against eyther shot of Musket or push of Pike Herein must be a supply of Natures defect good Armour and Weapons must be provided else we can neither defend our selves nor offend our foes as may appeare by the ancient Brittaines whose naked valour though as great as might be could not gainestand much lesse offend the Roman Armes Wherefore it were to bee wished that all men especially those who have the name of Souldiers would transferre the care of apparell which so much troubles this age of ours unto the studie of Armes and provision of Armour and that their former negligence of Armour might be transferred to apparell for so should they both provide for their owne particular safetie and for the generall safety of the Kingdome But because some private men will be negligent this way whatsoever be sayd to the contrary it were requisite therefore that those that have the over-sight of the Musters should be carefull to see all Companies full and be more diligent to certifie the defects in Armes to them that have power to punish and that they would have regard that all Muskets be of one bore and not of severall as now they are from whence a great confusion would arise in time of need if it be not amended which must bee by some strict order taken with the Gun-makers that the Kingdome be not so abused Also they must have regard that when a Trayning is done in one place Armour be not borrowed to shew in another for such errors as these may be very prejudiciall to a Kingdome in time of danger There must be care had also that the enemy have no oddes or advantage of us in weapons whether Musket or Pike if we looke for good successe in the Warre for oddes in this kinde will carry a victory both against valour and number as appeared in the Warres betweene Pope Alexander the sixt and the Orsini where Vitellozze having provided his souldiers of Pikes two foot longer than ordinary carried away the victory from the Ecclesiasticke souldiers who had the oddes of him both in courage and number CHAP. IX Of the Provision of Money IT sufficeth not to the strength of the Armes to have flesh bloud and bones unlesse they have also sinewes to stretch out and pull in for defence of the body so it sufficeth not in an Army to have Victuals for the maintenance of it Armour and Weapons for the defence of it unlesse it have Money also the sinewes of Warre which above all things beareth sway with the common souldier and causeth him to venture upon any danger which oftentimes for want of pay he will refuse Wherefore Vegetius gives this advice Antequam inchoetur bellum de copus expensisque solicitus debet esse tractatus I doe marvell not that she is called Regina pecunia seeing that all men yeeld obeysance to her she it is that traineth the souldiers to the Warres who otherwise would sleepe quietly at home The Bayliffe of Diion sent by the French King into Swisserland to hire souldiers could traine none along with him because his Masters coffers were known to be emptie but so soone as the Kings Exchequer was well filled with the mony
which he had of the Florentines for the restitution of Pisa and other cautionary Townes the Swissers came downe to his ayde in greater numbers than he required So when Rezin and Pekah Kings of Syria and Israel made warre upon Ahaz King of Iudah he with a present of Silver and Gold easily drew Tiglath-Pileser King of Assyria to his ayde and succour It is likewise Money and pay that keepes the Army in good order and makes it strictly to observe discipline the preserver of all Pay is the poore souldiers Aqua vitae which makes him comfortably undergoe the hardest command but want of it is such an Aqua fortis as eates through the iron doores of Discipline and causeth whole Armies to rush into disorders and ever when they are commanded upon any Servi●e their usuall fashion is to demand their Pay and refuse the imployment Furthermore Money is of such force as that it will not onely prevent an Enemies invasion but also beat him backe and cause him speedily to retyre when as Armes are no way able to doe it As may appeare by the example of Jugurth who having sorely incensed the Romans by the slaughter of Hiempsall yet neverthelesse prevailed so farre upon them with his money as that he drew even the Senate to take his part against Adherball his accuser Afterwards this same Jugurth was so hardy as to cashiere Adherball out of that part of Numidia which the Romans had estated him in then was Warre decreed in the Senate and Calpurnius Bestia the Consull sent into Numidia against him but the craftie King knowing that Gold could doe more against the Romans than steele bought his peace Now being assured that all things for money were to be bought and sold at Rome hee slew even within the walles of the Citie Massina grandchild to Massinissa his Competitor in the Kingdome Now had the Romans a third cause of warre against him which was likewise decreed and the managing of it was committed to Albinus but oh the shame Jugurth so bribed this Armie also that it voluntarily gave away and suffered him to take from them both the Victory and their Campe withall Neyther could the Romans ever have any hope to withstand the force of Jugurths money untill M●tellus came to deale with him of whom they expected very much especially Quod adversus divitias invictum animum gerebat The like example Philip de Comines reporteth of our Edward the fourth who by the solicitation of the Duke of Burgundy passed into France with greater forces than any of his Predecessors had ever done and yet this valourous Prince who had beene Conquerour in nine severall Battels before suffered the victory at this time to be taken from him with the payment of 72000. Crownes as Lewis of Brettailles one of King Edwards servants affirmed to Philip Commines for which wee were derided by the French as we well deserved To conclude money is of such matchlesse force as nothing almost but a free and liberall minde which few men have can withstand it there is no baite to the golden hooke nor weapon to the silver speare nor Fort be it never so strong that can hold out against the Mulet charged with Treasure It was the opinion of Jugurth as Salust reporteth that Rome it selfe even then when she was at her highest pitch was vendible and would quickly come to ruine had she but had a Chapman that would bid faire for her Wherefore seeing that money is such a reall advantage in the Warres we may conclude that whosoever prepareth for Warre must first be provided of Money the Sinewes thereof CHAP. X. Of the provision of Shipping SHipping is so necessarie in Maritine Countries especially in Island as this Kingdome is who on all sides coast it upon the Sea as that no Warre neyther offensive nor defensive can be well managed without it If we be on the offensive part our forces cannot be transported without Shipping and if we bee on the defensive part we cannot well keepe out an enemy without the same For though the Enemy may make his approaches in one place and endeavour to land there yet then will the strength of the Island be drawne thither to impeach his landing which the Enemy perceiving can easily put out to Sea againe and by next day be in another part of the Country where he may gaine landing peradventure with lesse hazard But suppose resistance be made there also yet can hee by putting to Sea againe finde out a third fourth or fifth place as convenient for his landing as eyther of the former and I am sure we cannot have an Armie in every Harbour to impeach him much lesse can wee with one Armie so speedily follow him as to prevent his gaining the shore because he can sayle farther in one night than we can march in divers dayes and if he hath gained our shore hee can eyther sufficiently intrench himselfe before we can possible come to impeach him or hee can pillage and waste the Country and be gone againe to another part of the Island when he perceives the approach of our Land forces and there also doe according to his owne discretion An example hereof we have in our owne Chronicles Canutus the Dane entring the Thames with a mighty Navie besieged the Citie of London but being unable to prevaile there he re-imbarkes his men and sailes into the West of England where at his pleasure he landed them againe in Dorcetshire there Edmond sirnamed Iron-side after a long and tedious march met with him which Canutus perceiveing shippes his men againe and enters the Severne causing Edmund to beate upon the hoofe to relieve Worcestershire which the Dane had much pillaged No sooner was Edmund arrived there but Canutus re-imbarked againe and came for London after him speeds Edmund and then the Danes repaire to their shippes and so returned for the Westerne parts Thus they tyred Edmund and his whole Armie with continuall marches ever wasting the Country before resistance could be made The like example we have in Maurice Earle of Nassaw who in the yeare 1590. shipped his forces with forty Canons pretending for Gertrudenberg and to make the Enemie beleeve so he sailed up the River so farre as Breda the Enemie presently thrust into Gertrudenberg such men and provision as was fit for resistance which the Grave understanding changed his course and sayled up the Rhine and thence into the River Yssell and so fell downe the streame before Zutphen which he surprized before the Arch-duke who was 80. miles from thence could come with his succours when the Arch-duke approached the Count retyres to his ships and changing his course arrives before Hulst in Brabant which he surprized ere the Spaniards well understood where he was when the Arch-duke approached neare Hulst Prince Maurice returnes to his Navie and presents it before Nimmegem in the Confines of Guilders which he also surprized before the tired
and our Island the Center in one of these 32. points must our Navie await the approaches of the Enemy and he to eschew their opposition and gaine our shore may sayle by 20. other Yea though he sayle upon the same point whereon our Ships doe lye yet may he without discovery escape them by the helpe of a Mist or night Or suppose our shippes discover and fight with them yet we know victory in every fight is doubtfull because no understanding Enemy will put out to Sea but with such a Fleet as he thinkes is proportionable to his adversaries whom he assayleth Therefore you see we must not relye upon our shipping Neyther may we relye too much upon our Block-houses and Forts for the sure keeping out of an Enemy for they are not very many I am sure we have them not upon every Harbour where the Enemy may land and those we have are not very strong not answerable to those Forts beyond the Seas But though they were yet experience teacheth us that upon swift currents they are of little use for in such streames if a Navie have but a merry Winde and Tide a hundred sayle may passe by one of them without having much damage as was seene in the three yeares siege of Ostend where the Arch-duke had planted two Batteries one on the West and the other on the East side of the Haven yet the shippes every day passed too and fro from the Towne and scarse one vessell touched when 70. shot had beene made at a Fleet and in the whole three yeares siege scant 50. Vessels were sunke when thousands passed too and againe every yeare Likewise in Queene Elizabeths time the King of Denmarke threatned to stop our Eastland Fleet at the Sound yet they passed by his Castles having one of the Queenes ships called the Minion to lead them and received no hurt this so provoked the King that he made the best provision he possible could to sinke them at their returne but the Queenes ship led the way backe againe and did not onely passe in safety but beate downe part of the Fort of Elsenore So in the siedge of Antwerp the Duke of Alva so planted his Ordnance that it was thought to be impossible for a Boate to passe them yet the Zealanders having faire Winde and Tide passed by daily without damage Wherefore you see notwithstanding all these colourable objections Land-forces must be provided if we will be in safety Now Land-forces being as is afore-sayd provided Mr. Edmunds in his observations upon Caesars Commentaries would have them thus ordered Those that are appointed for the guard of the Coasts he would ha●e divided into three divisions viz a Body and two Wings the Body to double the strength of the Wings and to be quartered in this manner the Body to attend the principle place supposed for the Enemies landing the two Wings to lye upon some other Haven where also is danger of landing being about ten miles distant on either hand of the Body If the Enemy shall assaile eyther of the Wings the Body being quartered betweene them both easily moves to eyther of their aydes Or if he assault the Body they from eyther side being alike distant as easily moves to its succour and so doing they may hold an Enemy play till the forces of the Country comes downe But in regard the Land is spacious and wide it were well that souldiers should learne to ride on Horse-backe with their compleat Armes for so might they move further if a suddaine Alarum should ●e given in one day than on foot they can march in two These are of great use in Germany where they want Vessels for the speedy conveying of their men which they call Dragons which both on horse-backe and on foot do very good service and here might they be brought in use as well as there wee being as well furnished with swift high-way Nagges as any Nation in Europe And for further indangering of an Enemy if there were good notice taken throughout all the Coasts of the Land of those Markes which serves for the direction of Shippes to recover their wished Harbour these in time of danger being removed unknowne to the Enemy might bring him in very great hazard of our dangerous Rockes and Sands and in regard our Sea-coasts are so large and our Harbours so many as that in every one of them we cannot have an Army to defend it it were well that in places of advantage such as winding waters be which are commonly slow and where at every turne they cannot have the helpe of the Winde some more Forts were built in such places they would indanger an Enemy if he should dare to approach them how ever they would secure the Coasts from rifling and robbing by Pyrates as often they be in times of Hostility THE MANNER OF FORTIFICATION SECT III. CHAP. XII The Abridgement of Geometrie so farre as belongs to the Art of Fortification BEfore we can enter into this discourse of Fortification we must first take a Survey of the Abridgement of Geometrie so farre as is necessarie to bee used in this Art Wherefore to begin with the first Proposition Proposition 1. To divide a Line equally in the middest as A B you must make two Arches C D placing your compasses at the extreames A and B closing them more than halfe of the Line your Arches being made draw your line of Intersection from C to D and this line shall equally divide in two parts the line A B. Proposition 2. To draw a perpendiculer upon a line viz. a line that falles in such sort upon another that it makes two equall Angles neither inclining to one side nor the other so that it falles plumb as the line A B upon the which you must raise a perpendiculer you must demeane your Compasses as in the first Proposition and the line C D shall be the perpendiculer so that it falles right upon the line A B making two equall Angles Proposition 3. A point given upon a line let fall a perpendiculer as the point given is C upon the line A B you must place your Compasse in the point C and draw the Arch D E then place your Compasse againe in F and make the Arch H and likewise in G making the Arch I lastly draw from the point C which shall answer to the point K. Proposition 4. To draw a perpendiculer at the end of a line viz. at the point A place your Compasses making the Arch C and D then place your Compasses in C making the Arch E and at the point E draw the Arch F G Lastly from the point G make the Arch H then draw the line I A and that shall be the perpendiculer upon the end of the line B A at the point A. Proposition 5. To make a line paralell by another viz. of equidistance so that if they be drawne never so long they shall never touch nor crosse one the other let there be a
together that they may put their Musquets betweene them and shoot continually for all the blowes of the Canons whose shottes are made very uncertaine above all things we must have an eye that the Musquetier discharges not by Vollyes but by degrees so that some may be alwayes giving fire whilest their fellow-Souldiers charge And likewise to take good ayme from betweene the Baskets which ought to be plac'd upon every Worke neere the Enemy after the manner deciphered in this Figure following A B are the Baskets filled with good Earth or Dung to cover the Musquetiers upon the Breach made in the Parapet C they are to put their Muskets betweene each Basket taking their levell to shoot wherefore there ought to be great store of these Baskets and Wheele-barrowes in the Fort to be used upon all occasions If these should be wanting they must have Sackes filled with good earth placeing them accordingly to shoot through The Enemy seeing such prepared resistance within the Fort will begin his Trenches the profoundlier to the end his Souldiers may be preserved for it is the duty of a good Captaine to have a speciall regard to the safety of his Souldiers For that is a practicall policy used alwayes by the Prince of Nassaw whereby they conceived he would not cause his men to run head-long to destruction which made them the more forward in Service and the valianter to execute what they were commanded by him this ought to be a thing remarkable for otherwise a world of Souldiers are lost and the Captaines are discomfited for not gaining an impossible victory The Enemy is to conduct his Trenches to the Counter-skarpe and make them so deepe that the Defendants within the Fort cannot possibly hurt them they being brought alwayes towards the point of the Bulworke as you may perceive by the Trench C C because they should not be so much molested by the Ordnance and the Musquets from the Workes of the Fort and when the Enemy hath gained the Counter-skarpe they shall make their Crosse-workes as you may see by the distance X X where they shall lodge a good number of Canons raising their Batteries or Cavalliaries more spacious although they serve for little or no purpose onely to batter against the Flankes and make them unprofitable during which time you ought to follow the speedy making of your Trenches and bring them to their halfe Moones and then by the assistance of your Pioners they raising a sufficient able high Traverse to shelter them from the force of the Cavalliaries and Bulworkes within the Fort which otherwise would command them and is most easie to be effected especially if the More or Ditch be not spacious and at the same instant your Souldiers are to make their assault be it by Scaling-ladder or otherwise The Generall must cause divers Peeces to be brought which shall be to discharge upon all parts of the Wall to hinder their annoying of the Assaylants who must enter the Breach with a brave resolution The roring of the Canons having so astonish those within the Halfe-Moone and battered their Parapets that they have no time to see if the Battery be finisht or not and they being not provided for the Assault it will wonderfully puzzle them the assault being followed with good order and resolution this being the time and place where men ought to purchase honour and these Assaults will discover which are the valiantest spirits The Officers at the Siedge of Rhineberg shewing their resolutions to their Souldiers threw their Colours into a Halfe-Moone from which they had beene repulsed three or foure times by the Musketiers and Pikes within the said Worke whereupon they ranne furiously to redeeme their honours upon the Pikes and Muskets rather chusing to dye with honour than to lose their Colours with disgrace this On-set did so revive the Souldiers they seeing the Noble resolution of their Leaders at one instant assaulted the Worke and discomfited the Enemy so as they gave way to their magnanimous resolutions Having gained this Halfe-moone Y Y the Defendants for their safety retreate into the Ditch behinde the Parapet of the Worke called the Cunette with short Cudgels and Flayles prepared for that purpose to defend the entring of the Enemy into the Ditch which will be a hard worke for them to enter and obtaine it before they can be in any hopes to winne the Fort by reason they cannot come to batter this worke it being so low in the Ditch with force of Canon Now for to hinder the defence of the Worke within the Ditch called the Cunette the best way is to stop their passages from comming upon it which may be effected if there be two peeces of Ordnance planted within the Ditch by the Halfe-moone M where they must batter downe the Earth right against the Sally-port or place they are to enter unto the Worke to defend it whereby their wayes may be discovered Their sallying out upon this worke being hindered there must be a Gallery ready prepared made upon Barrels or Hogsheads these must flote upon the water and from hence the Flanke that defends that side must be battered with all fury without giving space to the Defendants to get upon their Trenches which they will doe if there be any intermission wherefore immediately they must fa●l to intrenching and cast the Earth towards the side of the Flankes making the Traverse M during which time the Battery must shoot furiously on all sides then those which are upon the Counter-skarpe must be provided with good store of Granadoes which they must cast over into the workes called the Cunette to the end they may cause them to quit the Worke then the Traverse being made M M they shall have the better freedome to transport a great number of Souldiers over the Mote to make their Assaults and being arrived at the foot of the Bulworke they may presently undermine it if it happens that the Breach bee not sufficient for them to get over Now the Defendants within the Port have for their refuge the Bulworke to re-intrench in as you may perceive at V causing a sufficient Parapet to be made for the coverture of those that defend the re-intrenchment Having alwayes a sufficient company of Souldiers with all kinde of warlike instruments ready and in good order for to releeve them the Enemy being so neere them wrought that they are like to be surprized and beaten backe the best defence they can then have will bee the Granadoes and Artificiall Fire-workes which they must cast over into the Ditch or False-Bray for to annoy them that are undermining the Bulworkes But the Enemy standing upon his honour seeks all wayes to prevent the breakeing of the Granadoes and burning of the Fire-workes by choking them with water or raw Hides so as they fall to the ground so that they worke small effect Likewise the Defendants place great peeces of Timber upon the Walles to role downe upon the
Assailants as they are climbing the Bulworkes But when the Defendants have used all their indeavours to no purpose and the Enemy being got into the Worke then it is time to intreat and provide for a Composition yet for all they are reduc'd to these extremities they ought to make choise of such inconveniences as are least hurtfull to them The Composition is to be made according to the Forces they have and the hopes they have to releeve it and according as they are able to sustaine themselves if they should put it to the last brunt It is no dishonour for a Captaine to intreat with his Enemy in two respects the first is the conservation of their Armes and Baggage the second is the Pillage which may bee made within the Fort the which may possibly be regained againe by some stratagem from this Enemy in a short time after Now having the Fortresse surrendred upon composition the Generall must consider whether he be able to maintaine it and whether the profit of it will be answerable to the charge which if it be he must rase downe all the out-Trenches which the Enemy made and repaire the Breaches of it and then to draw his Army into convenient Garrisons that they may be fit for the next imployment of the Prince Thus taking Reason and Experience for his guide in all his enterprises which must be just and equitable will cause the Honour and glory of a Generall to shine Thus have we finisht the discourse of Fortification and in regard the use of great Artillery is the chiefest thing to be used in a Fort I have thought it fit to frame a discourse of the use of Artillery having taken the opinions and rules of the best Authors eyther ancient or moderne to steere my course by onely I shall shew you a Figure of a Fort beleaguered and of a Fort assaulted upon the Curtin View the Figures following ssss ppppppp ssss ssss ppppppp ssss ssss ppppppp ssss ssss ppppppp ssss ssss ppppppp ssss ssss ppppppp ssss ssss ppppppp ssss Here you perceive the breach made in the middest of the Curtin At the letter B is a Catte with Ordnance on it to batter against the Re-intrenchments and to 〈◊〉 it There is a Worke raised at C to prevent them I would wish you to peruse Jerome Cataneo by him you shall receive further instructions If the Breach may possible be made in the Point of the Bulworke it is farre better than the Curtin because the Defendants have farre the oddes in defending the Breach from either Flanke and from the Re-intrenchment besides the Gallery that shall be laid over the Mote will sooner be battered downe from the Flankes The next is the Paralellagram of a Fort beleaguered And then the use of Redouts And then after that the duties of Souldiers in Garrisons shall be plainly shewed CHAP. XXXIII A Triangular Skonse with directions for the best scituating of it THis kinde of Triangular Skonse must bee scituated in a place strong by Nature otherwise it is of poore resistance and little better than a Redout they were invented to be plac'd in some spot of ground naturally invironed with strength being a place that could not be capable of any other Figure in regard of the smalnesse of it Likewise it is a small charge to raise it and speedily done the place must not be of any great consequence where this Figure is scituated for it cannot withstand any great resistance it is formed with earth after the same manner the other be onely high and thicke to resist Ordnance CHAP. XXXIV The manner of framing a Triangle Redout ARedout is a kinde of sleight Fortification used for the defence of some few men And of these principally there are three kindes which are to be made use of according to the quantity of men you place in them and the consequence of the passage they are to bee raised in for they are not to be used but for Out-guardes to prevent the Enemy from making any suddaine surprises the greatest defence they can make is against the Horse to hinder them from passing by any Foord of Water or other Passage if the Passage bee thought convenient for the The Paralellagram of the discourse desiphering the manner and order observed in the Siege and defence of a Fort. Pla●e this Figure betwixt ●olio 84. and 85. Enemies approaches then place two of these Redouts a square on one side the way and this Triangle a little wide of the other on the other side of the way the Brest-worke of them is to be some foure or five foot thicke and eight foot high with a good broad foot-step and convenient height to stand on so as they may discharge over the Worke. The Pallizadoes are to be wrought in two foot from the top of the Worke the grea●ends to be laid downewards into the Worke so that the sharpe ends may rise upwards they are to lye three foot into the earth and as much out the outside of this worke ought to be good sollid earth being digged taperwise viz. sixe inches thicke at the end that should lye outmost and some two inches the end that lyes inward by this meanes they will not slip out and make the worke decay in the middest is your rubbish earth to be rammed downe the Ditch ought to bee sixe or eight foot wide with a Draw-bridge to enter into the Worke. CHAP. XXXV The manner of framing a Quadrangle Redout THis foure Square Redout is to hold a hundred or 150. Souldiers and these are to be raised where you conceive the Enemy hath most advantage to gaine a passage to come to annoy your Campe it serves also in the beleaguering of a Fort to place one or two of these Redouts betwixt two Forts that they may flanker it and so to Trench in the Fort round that no accesse may bee eyther to or from the Towne it must bee well Pallizadoed as you see by the Figure especially if it stands upon any passage of consequence The Prince of Orange made use of these Redouts to surround his Campe one to stand Musket-shot from the other so that the Enemy could not possibly passe but to the losse of his Men but however the Enemy could not possibly doe any designe upon his quarters but there would be a convenient alarum so as the whole Army would be at the Brest-worke of their Trenches to entertaine them In the discourse of Incamping we have taken occasion to speake of these kinde of Forts more fully CHAP. XXXVI The manner of framing a Quadrangle Skonse THis Foure-square Skonse is of greater strength than your Triangle and if it be favoured with a strong Scituation as great Rivers or upon a Rocke or where it may be flankered from the Bulworks of a Fort it will stand in great stead otherwise it is not to be taken for a strength of any moment The Bulworkes and Curtines are to be made very high thicke and strong that it may endure
Figures of 4. Forts more proportionable in strength to the first these had a Trench raised which ranne from one to another very strong and solid as before is shewed these Workes differed in forme but were of one and the same demention these were plac'd upon an eminent passage upon a little heath by which the Prince of Orange might possibly have conveyed provision to the waters side by which meanes the Towne might have beene releeved There were two Batteries raised at the entrance of each quarter with halfe Moones before the entrance upon the out side and divers Forts besides according to the different scituation and danger of the place the Figures of these Batteries I have likewise drawne for your better information There were three great Batteries raised in three severall places neare the Towne which battered against the Flankes of the Bulworkes of the Towne and those sides both of the Batteries Forts and Redouts which beheld the Towne were made Canon proofe 25. foot thicke The greatest of these Batteries was 160. foot long and 125. foot broad in the Reare and Flanke of it it had a Wall fifteene foot thicke it was made rising with a Walke and a Parrapet on the inside in the Front it was lined with two exteriour Angles the face of it rising with nine open Windowes for so many Peeces of Artillery to shoot out at each Window being a foot and a halfe wide opening more and more out wards by little and little On the inside a Groundfell was raised like a bed of Turfe and Fagots eight foot high and 35. foot broad covered over with Plankes for the speedy removing and recoyling of the Artillery Behinde this Groundfell was a place of Armes 130. foot long and 50. foot broad the out-side of the Wall under the Canon-windowes were pallizadoed and before the Battery was two halfe Moones guarded with Musquetiers and compassed with a Ditch and Counterskarpe and a Pallizado of Spiles upon the Counterskarp for the safety of the Battery the Ditch was 7. foot deepe and 48. foot broad at the bottome but 38. The two other Batteries were raised indifferent large the manner of framing them was much after the former saving that the least of the two became the largest by the Addition of a Fort the Figures will better informe you in the difference both of length breadth and Angles Spinola raised upon all Passages very strong Forts and upon the Causies where there was no passage on neither side of it he caused very strong Pallizadoes of yong Stadles droven into the earth and framed together 15. foot high Likewise crosse the waters that drowned the Medowes he made a double Pallizado to prevent the Boates from going to the Towne Also he blockt up the Rivers with a strong Bridge and a guard of Musquetiers upon it with sharpe peeces of timber lying pointing out of split their Boates. Also he had Boates lay at Anchor in the River to hinder the passage besides divers Boates bored through at the bottome which were to be sunke upon the sudden and divers other Boates of Combustible stuffe to burne the Enemies Fleet. Also within the River at foure severall places a good distance one from another there were strong Spiles of timber droven downe and coupled together with Crosse-beames in manner of Pallizadoes which made the River unpassable The Townes-men raised five great Horne-workes to secure their owne Counterscarpe and Mote before every Port of the Towne one and the rest in other convenient places the Levell-side of these Horne-workes were 210. foot long and 150. foot broad I have presented to your view the Figure of the largest Horne-worke which was raised before the Castle it is 240. paces long and 200. paces broad it was pallizadoed thicke round about to hinder the Enemies assault beyond this Horne-worke is a Halfe-moone fortified with a Counterscarpe a cubit high and invironed with another Ditch as the Figure thereof will better informe you these Out-workes were flanquered from the Towne walles there was a Trench drawne from one Worke to another to beate off the Enemy from the Counterscarpe The ordinary Carrison of this Towne which consisted but of 15. Bulworkes were 1600. Foot and five troopes of Horse but the brute of this Siege caused them to be re-inforced with 28. Companies more besides there were 1800. able Townes-men which were to manage the Walles The Governour sent away 3. troopes of his Horse because they could affoord them no service in the Siege The Provision layd in against winter for these Souldiers was 8200. measures of Wheate of Oates 2800. 3600. weight of Cheese and as much dryed Haberdine and every Townes-man was besides to furnish himselfe for a yeare And in regard Spinola could not have his Provision for his Army come by Water he was constrained to convey it by Land it being 12. houres march for the same purpose he had all his Provision brought to one of his owne Townes that lay neerest to the Campe named Lyre But the Prince of Orange his Campe lying at Ros●ndall they were constrained to march about and to fortifie divers Dorpes in the way for the resting and securing of the Convoyes and Provisions Count Henry Van den Bergh had the greatest part of the Horse and as I take it 4000. foot with him besides there was 1000. Horse more newly raised with these forces he was to conduct the Provision His manner of proceeding was this In the morning before day hee gave Commandement to put in order the disordered multitude of Carriages and Waggons then hee sent some Troopes of Horse before to discover Hee commanded them to March he placed Artillery both in the Van and in the Reare to give warning by their discharging of the Enemies approaches so that his men might gather together as he had given them order for to repaire to the place which stood most in need Hee guarded both sides of the Way neere where the Prince of Oranges Army lay with loose Wings of Horse and hee lined these Horse with Guards of Musquetiers and with the rest of the Horse he brought up the Reare Vpon occasion of feare hee made use of his Wagons instead of a Trench drawing his Foot-forces within them Hee had daily and hourely Spies to know the Hollanders intentions and proceedings He cut downe all Bridges that might afford the Hollander a Passage to come at him in his March By this meanes they sustained their Campe in despight of the Hollander And as Vanden Bergh was to make his Retreat hee fearing the Prince of Orange would have set upon his Troopes hee ordered his Forces accordingly by dividing them into three grand Squadrons and so Marched ready to receive any charge The Prince of Orange then having Incampt his Army at Mede a Dorpe 2 houres distant from Breda thinking to have relieved the Towne So soone as Spinola understood it he left all the Workes about the Towne well Manned unto the charge of Medina and Marched himselfe
with 7000 foot and 30 Troopes of Horse to a convenient place neere Osterhout where hee Incamped within three miles of the Enemy where he confronted the enemy and anticipated the place of great advantage for the Prince of Orange to have relieved the Towne by it After that the Prince of Orange did perceive their was no hopes of relieving the Towne hee provided for his safe Retreate to which end hee raised divers Workes to hinder Spinola from pursuing him As first upon a convenient passage hee raised a Fort to Retire his men into and to defend them from the sudden pursuite of the Enemy and upon the side next Spinolas Campe by which hee was to make his Retreate hee raised a Brest-worke along the Causie with a deepe Ditch to cover his men from the Enemies shot and also to obscure them in their Retreate Spinola fearing the Prince of Orange should have assaulted some of their Garrisons with his Army Hee commanded Grave Hendrick Vanden-Bergh to dog him with his Army to prevent his designes This Siege having lasted part of Summer all Winter and part of the Summer following which was a thing thought impossible to have bin done being eleven Months The Governour of Breda founded a Parley and was content to surrender the Towne they being almost famished if Spinola would agree to such Articles as hee should propound For the performance of which Articles there were sufficient Hostages from either side to confirme the Agreement I have set downe the Articles they being a most fit patterne for all Governours to shape their Agreements by The Articles follow First a Captaine of the Garrison of Breda brought Spinola two Copies of the Articles betwixt them that hee might first signe them both which done hee carried them backe to the Governour for him to signe one part of them was brought backe to Spinola Vpon the signing of these Covenants the Governour demanded 1200 Waggons and 60 Boats to carry away sicke and ma●med persons and others with their Carriages and Housholdstuffe which was by Spinola granted Imprimis It shall bee lawfull for the Governour of the Towne with the rest of the Officers and Souldies both of Horse and foot to March out of the Towne armed Souldier like viz. The Foot with flying Colours Drums beating compleatly Armed Bullet in mouth Match lighted at both ends their charges full of Powder and Shot The Horse with their Trumpets founding Standards displayed Armed in such sort as when they March towards the Enemy And that no Souldier shall bee of what Nation soever questioned or detained for any cause or pretext whatsoever not though he had formerly bin in the Enemies service All without exception having free liberty to march the best and most commodious way to their next Garrison without injurie hinderance or wrong done to their owne persons their Armes Horses or Baggage and this with all safety and assurance possible And further it shall bee lawfull for them to take their Wives Children Houshold Housholdstuffe Horses and Carts with the Armes of all Souldiers dead or hurt sicke or runne away without any search or inquiry made after them Item All Ministers or Preachers of the Word Commissaries of Musters Officers of Contribution with their Clerkes Ingineers Gentlemen of the Artillery the Auditor of the Souldiers Masters of Fire-workes Captaines of Pioners Canoners Surgions of Regiments and private Companies with all such as belong to the Traine of Artillery Marriners Notaries Overseers of Workes Provosts Pioners Carpenters Smithes Commissaries of the Victualls and all persons whatsoever any way belonging to the Artillery or Engines with their Wives Children and Servants Horse and Armes shall bee comprehended in the former Article and enjoy the same priviledges Item All Boats found about or in the Towne at this present as well those which arrived last with the Colonells as with any others shall be permitted with all their necessaries and tackling to returne to their next place of refuge guided by their own Pilots and Marriners in which it shall bee lawfull for them to Imbarke their Families and Housholdstuffe with the Armes and Baggage of the Colonells Captaines and other Officers of the Armie sicke persons with such as attend them and all others whosoever desire to passe by Water into their next safe Garrison And to this purpose the River shall bee open for them during the terme of twelve dayes and then within that space they may safely repaire to and joyne themselves with their other men of Warre and from thence take their journey to what place they please the Boats remaining still to their owne Masters and owners And during the sayd terme of twelve dayes no man shall dare to molest or hinder those Boats but shall permit them to passe freely with their Passengers without searching them for any cause or pretext whatsoever And if it chance that the passage of the River bee not yet freed and made Navigable againe by which their journey may bee any way hindered the time in which by that meanes the journey hath beene stayed shall not bee reckoned amongst those twelve dayes which terme they enjoy freely and withall assurance as well in the River it selfe as upon either shore of it where Marriner or any other Passengers shall have occasion to land for their commodity or affaires And if any of the Boats belong to any man who shall desire to reside still in the Towne of they shall bee tyed notwithstanding to helpe to transport Passengers and Baggage out of Breda and afterwards returne home to their Masters Item Spinola shall allow the Governour any reasonable and sufficient number of Waggons as hee shall demand to transport his owne the Colonell Captaines Officers and other mens Baggage of the Garrison to their next Garrison from whence they shall returne them safe and faithfully againe Item It shall bee lawfull for the Governour to carry out with his Garrison any foure Peeces of Artillery and two Morters hee shall make choice of with all their appurtinances and as much Powder and Ball as they will beare at sixe charges and it shall bee at his choice to transport them with their Carriages either by Water or by Lane And for this purpose the Marquesse Spin●la shall allow the Governour if hee shall demand it all Canon-Horses and others with their Waggons and Waggon-men as shall bee requisite for the transporting of these Peeces of Artillery and Morters with all their appurtenances Item What goods or Housholdstuffe belongs to the Prince of Orange it shall be lawfull for him or his Deputie to transport them to what place hee pleaseth within the time of sixe Moneths at which time a free passage shall bee given without any molestation or hinderance in the meane time the goods to bee safely preserved Item If it chance that any man comprehended in the two first Articles shall bee unable for his sicknesse to goe out of the Towne with the Garrison it shall be lawfull for such to remaine in the Towne
Religion Secondly wee are tyed in a strict bond of obedience to seeke gaine preserve and defend the honour of our King Thirdly we have all a share and reall interest in the defence of our Countrey our lives lands wives children goods which are as goades to prick us forwards to trample upon all miseries and to levell all oppositions that should seeke the ruine of our Land And fourthly for the better performance of the precedent principles every man of what degree and quality soever must and ought to be diligent and carefull to learne the art of Warre Whereby we may not only be equall in skill and judgement to our Adversaries but also to exceed and transcend them so that our Valour Obedience and Policy may bee antidotes sufficient to qualifie and reprocusse the venomous treacherie and subtill actions of the Enemie And to move people to be in love with this most necessary profession let them take notice how very meane men of birth have beene laded with Honours and Riches gained by their prowesse and valiant performances as Caius Mazzius Valentinan Maximinus Nicholas Pichinino and divers others that were of base birth In the first place let a Souldiers resolution be truly and sincerely to serve God keeping a quiet conscience within their breast which otherwise will gnaw at the rootes of vallour and undermine all resolutions wherefore a just and righteous conversation ought to be a Souldiers companion for his life is daily in danger And for our obedience to our King and Officers that are in authoritie under him we may learne even of the brutish Turke as Pietro Bizari hath recorded in his History the marvellous obedience that those enumerable Armies honour their God and King withall they being in their warfare so just and strict that they would not transgresse their Edicts in warre nor abuse one another when their Armies consisted of 400000 Souldiers yet not one of them durst transport a woman for his delight but contenting themselves with meane dyet as Alexanders Army did who in a Famine were constrained throughout their Army to eate bread made of Rootes and Herbes they banisht Wine or any delicasie that might effeminate them And this mighty Army of the Turkes were so well governed that no quarrells mutinies nor distractions was ever seene nor heard through the whole Army but low and soft speeches Alwayes both evening and morning recommending themselves their safeties and prosperous successe of their actions to their God The consideration of this should make us that are Christians if not surpasse yet equall them in such laudable actions In a Souldier is required six speciall vertues as namely obedience which is a duty both to God and to Kings duly to be administred and as a learned Gentleman hath demonstrated Authoritie in the resemblance of divers Pictures as the principall in authority whose commission from God is very large he is therefore pictured or portrayed amply and fully from the crowne of the head to the sole of the foot in token of his great Soveraigntie The next in authoritie is drawne but to the middle his Commission being but limited having but part of authority The last is portrayed but with a face only or visage of a man drawne to the neck his commission being of the meanest extent Yet all these though they have not the amplenesse that the principall Picture hath yet they beare the face of it and so ought to be honoured and obeyed So that Souldiers must be circumspect in obeying all those that have but the face of authority so farre as their Commission extends in as due and obsequious manner as those in higher authoritie for the meanest Officer in a private Band resembles the authority of the greatest Generall The next thing that is to be attributed to the honour of a Souldier is silence and that is to be taken in a very large sence but intending brevitie I will be concise First Souldiers are to be silent in the times of their exercise that the words of Command may be understood which are delivered by their Officers Secondly they are to be silent upon their Guards and Watches lest any Enemie discover any thing by them Thirdly they are to be silent in the execution of any assaults which are to be made in the night lest the Enemie discover the designe and prevent it Fourthly they are to be silent when Authority commands any one Regiment Division or private Company in the Army to give an assault or onset they are not to murmure and cavill as if they were the men appointed for the slaughter as the French-men did before the Citie of Antwerp whereby the whole enterprize was frustrated But Souldiers ought rather to take it as the greatest honour to be employed upon any onset for indeed no wise man can thinke the Generall doth it upon a spleene in regard every Regiment throwes the Dice upon the Drummes head and as his chance falls so he is to take his fortune Fifthly a Souldier is to bee silent in all adversitie as when penurie Famine wounds or if pay growes short if the Generall cannot helpe it these things hapning in an Army every man ought to lay his hand on his mouth and wisely to beare the affliction and crosse otherwise confusion would soone betide an Army as appeared by Duke Albert at the Siege of Ostend he being in some wants both of money and victuals some few foule-mouthed fellowes raised a Mutinie so that 2000 of his Souldiers fled to the Enemie and had like to have confounded his designes so that a Souldier in all his wayes and cariages must have that ornament of silence never wanting The next thing required in a Souldier is to be secret in all his wayes and actions fearing lest he should disclose any thing which might bee advantagious to the enemie as many times when Souldiers have beene taken prisoners by the enemie they have out of a base cowardly feare revealed what they knew concerning the state of their owne Army which many times hath proved obnoxious unto them The next thing required in a Souldier is Sobriety which is a vertue that makes a Souldiers honour to shine most bright and advanceth him into the stirrop of preferment for drunkennesse is such a Lethargy in a Souldier which brings present confusion and death to himselfe and utter ruine to a whole Army The next thing which should adorne a Souldier is Hardinesse and this is to be taken in a double sense viz. Hardy in manly carriages and performances and likewise hardy to indure and undergoe any misery or paines that accompanies the Warres Lastly every Souldier is to be guirt with Truth and Loyalty not onely to his Prince but to all in authority even to the meanest in Office this Truth is such a vertue and that it exceeds the capacity of man to discourse of it it is such a precious jewell that neither promises guifts affections nor hopes of preferment can undermine and
comfort of Age and Wit the grace of Strength and Vertue the guide of Wit in all Souldiers they are not to be allowed of eyther young or old for Stre●gth without Wit is dangerous Wit without Vertue hurtfull and pernicious so likewise Age without Strength is but tedious Therefore Commanders ought to be of a prime judgement in making choise of such Souldiers as are likely to prove serviceable And in regard our Weapons are of a divers Nature as Pike and Musquet it is to be observed that Nature hath framed men fit in stature and qualities to use them The tallest and ablest men ought to be trained up to manage the Pike the men of meaner stature are to serve in Musquets and to inable them the better every man from his youth should exercise themselves in manlike actions which might make them hardy setling their joynts and breeding strength so that in a short time their Armour and Weapons would seem very easie and light Likewise Souldiers must be very carefull to observe their Rankes and Files and especially in time of Battell taking notice that upon all occasions they must make their Leaders place good if he should chance to be slaine before him for if the Front of the Battell be not kept compleat the en●my will soone ruine it The consideration of which caused Manlius Torq●●tus for example to p●steritie to put his Sonne to death because contrary to command he observed not his Rankes Likewise no Officer nor Souldier ought to goe beyond his Commission although a Conquest might ensue the reason is because none may trench upon the jurisdiction of Authority and also in regard for the most part a thousand times more mischiefe may ensue than good possibly can which made Posthumu● 〈◊〉 use martiall Law against his Sonne Aulus Posthumus at his returne from his conquered Enemy If an Army be so fortunate as to gaine a Conquest so many as are appointed for the execution of the victory must be diligent in the execution and not to fall to pillaging whereby the Enemy may take an opportunity to rally his broken forces and overthrow you It were very good for Souldiers to practice all kinde of Weapons and to bee singuler in the use of them Likewise Souldiers must be very perfect in the divers beates of the Drumme they ought to be very expert in swimming by reason many exploits are to be atchieved by it and the lives of many Souldiers sav'd by it They should use themselves to carry heavie burthens that they may bee the fitter to carry provision in a March and to carry earth up the Trenches without wearisomnesse for a Souldier must looke to be exposed to all manner of toyle upon occasions of necessity In consideration whereof the worthy Commanders of ancient times 〈◊〉 choise of Country labouring fellowes to be their Souldiers because they could indure paines and hardinesse rather than out of Cities and Townes for such are fittest to be Horsemen Souldiers are further to take notice that in Garrison or in a setled Campe their duty is upon all occasions not making any delay at the sound of the Drumme to repaire to his Colours with his compleate Armes be it to answer an Alarum or to releeve the Watch where no Souldier of what birth or degree soever should not take it in scorne or hold it a disgrace to stand Sentinell untill such time as hee understands himselfe better and then being a Gentleman of a Company he must not refuse to be instructed and taught by the meanest Officer it must bee farre from any Souldier to disobey any of his Officers precepts and especially such as are given in charge by the higher Authority neyther to contemne or slight the Martiall lawes lost death be his reward Souldiers must be very wary how they undervalue their Officers especially their Generall or how they speake invectively or reproachfully of any service or designe that hath not taken effect Souldiers must rather choose death then cowardly to runne from their colou●s neither must they have any converse with the enemy either by speech sending or receiving of Letters were it from his dearest Friend without the Generalls Lycence A domesticke Traytour is a Monster amongst enemies and let such a one know that never any prospered For as Queene Elizabeth once said in the like case that shee would make use of the treason but never trust the Traytour Now lastly we must take notice of each Souldiers particular duty both in Garrison and in field as the next Chapter shall declare CHAP. LVI The duties both of Officers and Souldiers in Garrison EVery Fort or Garrison hath a Governour a Major and a Captaine of the Watch these are the principallest in authority Next there are divers other Captaines and Officers both of horse and foot with their Companies to each belonging of the duties of each I will discourse briefly of and I thought it fitting to place this discourse here rather then in the end of the tract of Fortification The duty of a Governour is to be vigilant and carefull that all Officers and Souldiers under his jurisdiction doe punctually performe their duties and where default is according as the offence is to punish he is to have daily intelligence of the enemies proceedings which he must procure either by sending out partyes of Foot or certaine Horse or else by the Countrey people hee is to see all the Workes and Fortifications about the Towne preserved and kept and what defences else hee in his wisdome shall thinke necessary to be raised the Garrison must indeavour to doe it what out-Watches either of Horse or Foot he sees sit to be placed upon places convenient for the prevention of the enemies secret approaches he must command it and his Major must see it executed he is the chiefe judge in place of judicature only assisted by the chiefe Officers who have each of them a voyce and the Governours stands for two by which meanes a Malefactour is according to his demerit punished or freed according as most voyces shall agree upon by his authority hee may commit the chiefest Officer for any misdemenour and cause him to be brought to his tryall By his care and wisedome all things are to be managed his Major is his eye mouth and hand His duty is to see the Watches set to see the Gentlemen of the round doe their duty the Sentenells stand at their postures the Ports well guarded hee is to receive no Troopes into the Fort but first hee must goe to them with a sufficient guard of Pikes and Musquets he is to receive the patent from the Captaine of those troopes which if he findes it to be the Princes hand and Seale he is immediatly to acquaint the Governour withall and by his permission to conduct them in if there be divers Companies that Company which first enters the Towne hath the preeminence the rest inccessively in order and so accordingly they are to take their turnes to watch
of every defect hee ought to rule over the Company and take a particular survey of every Souldier in his Captaines absence for then hee is in absolute authority and the Souldiers are bound to obey him as their cheife in all respects hee ought not to refuse to bee put upon any service by his Captaine or Colonell or any cheife Officer of the Field also he is not to bee sent upon any convoy or to guard any passage without a sufficient Troope of Souldiers fifty or sixty at least if lesse then the Ensigne is of sufficiency to command them hee is to view his Captaine thrice a day Morne Noone and Night but especially in the time of Warre to see what hee hath to command him hee is to take notice of what discords quarrels and debates arise amongst the Souldiers of his Band hee is to pacifie them if it may bee otherwise to commit them hee is to judge and determine such disputes with gravity and good speeches and where the fault is to make him acknowledge it and crave pardon of the party hee hath abused hee is duely to see the Watch set and to follow them to the Guard and see the Sentinells set out and give them their charge what they are to doe If hee be in the Field hee is to visit the Sentry Perdues very often hee is to command the Souldiers in a kinde of perswasory way to obey their Corporalls and Serjants wherefore hee ought to give good language in a discreet and wise manner to move and perswade them with 〈◊〉 reasons to the observation and obedience of Millitary discipline 〈◊〉 his Captaine of many ●oyles hee is to bee carefull that every Souldier have a sufficient lodging in Garrison and in the Field a Hut hee is also to take due care of the sicke and maymed that they perish not for want of means or looking unto he is also to take care that the Sutlers do not oppresse and rack the poore Souldiers in their victuals and drinke he is to see the Company provided with all kinde of Amunition with Axes Mattockes Spades and the like to build their Hutts withall these instruments are to have the marke of the Gallowse set on them in token of death to them that steale them Hee is in his Captaines absence to sit in the Christrade or Marshalls Court to define of the punishments which are to bee inflicted upon Delinquents and Malefactorus their punishment going by most voyces hee is to set a Guard at his Captaines Tent and likewise at the Cullours where hee ought to give order for a fitting place to hang up loose Armes His Hutt ought to bee in the head of the quarter upon the right hand and the Ensignes on the left and the Serjants at the Reare of the quarter hee is to bee alwaies in a readinesse to answer an Allarum and with all speed draw his men if they bee in Garrison to that Port or Guard his squadron hath the Watch at if in the Campe then to the Brest-worke before their quarters where hee is to place betwixt each Musquet a Pike for their better defence In Garrison hee is to bee Captaine of the Watch in his Captaines stead onely for the ease of his Captaine where he must bee very circumspect upon his Guard hee is to have his Ensigne and his Serjants to attend him hee is to goe the first round with a Serjant and two Gentlemen at the least to attend him where hee is to take the Word of every Corporall and to see that the Sentinells bee duely pla'ct out and to give them charge to bee very circumspect in their Watches that upon the sight of the Enemy or the seeing of their Matches sparkle or hearing their Armour clatter they presently informe the Corporalls so that an Allarum may bee given to the Towne but hee that shall give a false Alarum is to bee imprisoned The Lieuetenant is to go the Patroule with a sufficient Guard about all the Streets within the night to prevent treason in the Town or to discover fire or ill orders as quarrelling c. Hee is to March in the morning with the Major of the Garrison at the Drumme beating to the opening of the Ports hee is to bee guarded with all the Gentlemen of the round In Sommer time at Watch set he is to draw his men in Parrado in the Market place with all the rest of the Companies in the Towne their Companies being compleate If in the Field and to goe upon service hee ought to see prayers read in the head of the Troopes every night and every Sabbath all those Souldiers that have not the Guard hee is to compell them to goe to their Colonells Tent to heare Prayers and preaching hee is to bee religious valiant and wise his Armes is onely a Gorget and a Pattisen CHAP. LXVI The Office of a Captaine of a private Company and his duty both in Garrison and in the Field briefely declared THe Office of a Captaine being so honourable and a place of such great consequence that it ought not slightly to bee considered of wherefore they ought to bee men of excellent quallity and of undaunted valiant resolution hee should not bee inferiour in knowledge and skill in all the circumstances and actions belonging to Warre in as profound a manner as the chiefest Officer of the Field for hee hath a charge of great importance committed unto him hee being many times called to execute the Office of Serjant Major or Lieuetenant Collonell besides hee is exposed to all manner of danger in the Warres for no Captaine but must leade on his men in the face of the Enemy and charge them in the teeth which if hee bee not skilfull as well to leade them off as draw them on hee may bee the occasion of spilling of much bloud hee ought not to bee a man chosen altogether for Birth Meanes Personage favour or affection but for his wisedome civility valour and experience the unexpertnesse of a Captaine hath beene the ruine of Armies and destruction of Common-wealths In the time of peace every brave fellow desires to bee honoured with the name and charge of a Captaine but when Warre approacheth and the Enemy is at hand they quake their swords out of their scabberds and had rather make use in fight of their Wings then their tallents A Captaine ought to be well seene and read in all the Liberall Sciences to be acquainted with History and to have what speculative knowledge that may bee to joyne with their practice all kinde of Stratagems should be similiar with him and nothing should be wanting that might make him an accomplisht Souldier A Captaine ought to have regard to the due exercising of his Souldiers fitting them in all points for service hee ought to see his Souldiers furnished with all things needfull as Armes Munition and their Weekely pay duely at the appoynted times hee is to bee very conscionable in delivering them their off-reckonings and apparrell hee
may prejudice the proceedings of a waighty consequence therefore his Pen and Paper-booke must be ready to take the true notes from his Generall that he may not erre in delivering of his orders to the Majors of each Regiment Hee is to be at his Tent ready at a prefixt houre both morning and evening to deliver them such orders and instructions as are delivered unto him that so speedily they may be conveyed to each Officer in every particular Regiment throughout all the whole Army Hee must be very vigilant and circumspect to prie and dive into all passages that concernes the good or safety of the Army Above all other Officers the Major-Generall ought to bee a good Scholer and well indoctrinated in the Liberall Arts hee is to bee a good linguist hee is to bee well skilled in ordering and forming of Battels and in speedy reducing them from one forme into another as occasion shall offer Hee is to informe his Generall that such things as hee sees needfull and of consequence either for the safety or good of the Army may bee put in execution as the raising of Skonces Redouts c. for the fortifying of passages and securing of Bridges and guarding of shallow Fordes by which an Enemy shall bee impeached from taking an advantage to indanger an Army hee must take a serious view how every Officer both Colonels and Captaines performe their dutyes hee is at his convenient leisure to ride from guard to guard being conducted with a sufficient guard of Musquetiers to see such orders put in execution as was given the Captaines in charge and that their Guards bee not too slightly manned and where neglect shall bee hee is to punish the delinquents and to see those defects supplyed He is to be in his Generals presence as oft as his occasions will permit but especially morne noone and night either to informe the Generall of such newes and passages as are of consequence or to receive instructions from him which he is suddently to put in execution hee is by the Generalls command to call his Officers before him to sit in Councell upon such things as may seeme difficult so that the best advice may be taken Every Officer is to order and demeane his Troopes according as hee shall please to give them directions he is of himselfe warrant sufficient to order and dispose all Commanders and they are to obey him and execute what he is pleased to give them in charge Every Officer ought to relate unto him what wants and defects are to their knowledge in the Army whether Armes Amunition Victuals or the like that there may bee present order taken by the Generall to supply all wants and defects all the Serjeant-Majors of every Regiment in the Army are to attend the Major-Generall morning and night to receive the Word and Orders which they must take from his secretly and as secretly impart it to the inferiour Officers his command extends over all Regiments whatsoever and in time of Battell he may draw forth what divisions he pleaseth he may command what Officer he pleaseth to lead them to such services as hee shall in his wisedome thinke convenient either to assist the Wings that are in fight or to strengthen some one part of the Army that is most assaulted so that hee is to bee indued with all the properties that the Generall should be accomplisht with Hee is also in time of Battell to bee neere the Generall to advise in cases of extremity what is best and safest to be done also to goe from Regiment to Regiment to give Commanders such orders as are delivered to him hee is of power sufficient to command the Captaine of the Watch and if hee perceive any disorders or neglects in his duties hee may punish him The Serjeant Major ought to premeditate how to bring his men into order the easiest and most readiest way in time of Battell causing every Major of a Regiment to draw up their divisions into even squares or otherwise as hee shall please to thinke fittest hee is to give order to the Quarter-Masters how they shall pitch their Standerds that accordingly the Troopes may range themselves what distances betwixt the Forlorne hopes and the maine Battell and betwixt the maine Battell and the Battell of succour c. What distance betwixt the Horse and the Flankes of the foot and where the Ordnance are to be plac't most convenientest c. Hee is to draw out no Wings of shot to give fire upon the Enemy but must have a competency of Pikes to guard them from the fury of the Horse hee is lisiewise in time of Battell to appoynt every Colonell his place and every other chiefe Officer their places some in the Front of the mayne Battell others to command the Forlorne ●opes some in the Battell of succour others in the Reare Likewise in Marches in regard divers Officers i● high authority are not to March with their private Companies but are employed 〈◊〉 Generall upon other weighty affaires the Major may command such Officers as hee shall thinke fitting to leade such Troopes as hee shall command them and such Officers as he placeth are to command with as much Authority and the Souldiers bound to obey them with as much diligence and dutifulnesse as if they were their owne Officers also he may command any Colonel or Major of a Regiment to send out what Officer of his Regiment hee pleaseth and what forces hee shall thinke fitting either upon Convoyes or to the guarding of passages or the like And to conclude hee is to bee the eyes eares mouth hands and feet of the Generall CHAP. LXXI The Office of the Lord Marshall in the Warres and of his high jurisdiction and Command in the Army THe Lord Marshall of an Army above all other Officers ought to bee a most approved Scholler in regard his Office is to sit many times in the seate of Iudicature he is also to be a most approved Souldier for howsoever in the greatnesse of other great places in the Warres there may be a dispensation of skill yet in this Office it may not be so for above all others it hath the greatest place of action and direction in all the Army and hee Commands in a higher straine then any the fore mentioned Officers in the Army hee having them all at his command yet all of them cannot assist him to dispense or lessen the least duty belonging to his place or person for though the Generall or Lieuetenant Generall preceds him in place yet they ought not in knowledge and experience in regard both themselves and the whole Army both Horse and Foot are bound to move at his directions and though hee may not command his Generall yet he may in a directory way advise and say your Excellency ought to stand here in this place or order your Armies according to such rules Wherefore he must be a man of great performance accomplisht with Wisedome Temperance Valour and Vertue
It will bee hard for a Prince to finde a man fit and sutable for this imployment Next the Generall the Lord Marshall is sayd to have the supreame command of the whole Army wherefore usually his Trumpet is first in the morning to discharge the Watch and his Troope ought first of all to be mounted for it is an honour due to his place and allowed him by the Army by reason of the infinite paines which hee taketh in his owne particular person neither ought his Troope to Watch or Ward but are freed of that duty by reason of their more serious occasions After he and his Troope are mounted he ma●cheth to the out-m●st borders of the Campe and 〈…〉 his stand untill the whole Army are R●●ged neither ●●its his station untill the last man be Marcht away Hee is himselfe in all things both assistant and directive to the Generall of the Horse and the Serjeant Major Generall all the day long hee is tyed to no Battalion but at his pleasure may dispose of his owne Person sometimes accompanying the Generall and sometimes conducting his owne Troopes and indeed alwaies where the greatest occasion of necessity is and where the Enemy is most likelyest to assayle there hee should be to make resistance Also as his Person so is his Troope not tyed to any especiall or certaine place but may vary and alter as danger shall offer it selfe for them to oppose still supplying whatsoever is weakest and ever ready to entertaine the Enemy upon all his approaches upon all Retreats the Reare is his place which he is to bring up with safety and to defend it with courage When the Army is to bee Incamped he stayeth untill every man be dismounted and the whole Army lodged then he with his Troope dismounteth he taketh order for the Scouts he adviseth with the Serjeant Major for the Guards vieweth the strength of the Campe c. When the Army is to be Incamped in any new place the Serjeant Major Generall the Quarter Master Generall the Serjeant Major of Regiments the Scout-Master and all inferiour Quarter Masters with a sufficient Guard of the best Horsemen are to attend the Lord High Marshall and he out of his owne power with the discreet advise of the Serjeant Major Generall and the Scoute Master Generall shall assigne the Campe where the fittingest place is to pitch it in the manner forme and proportion it shall carry the bounds it shall containe and the distinction of every place and commodity advantage strength or discommodity which it shall please him to annex unto the same and according to his pleasure and demonstration so shall the Quarter Master Generall see it divided leaving the Intrenchments to the Trench-Master and the other inferiour divisions to the Serjeant Major Generall the Serjeant Major of Regiments and their Quarter Masters It is in the power of his Office also after the Army is Incamped having taken a survey of all the convenientest places for the Guards to appoint all the Regiments in what manner they shall place their Corps-du-guards the Scouts and Sentinell● so as no man may passe either in or out but to be continuall upon their discovery and likewise to provide for the raysing of all Out-workes as Skonses and Redouts upon all passages and Fordes for the safety of the whole Army And as in the constant settling of the Army so in the Marching and removing thereof the Lord Marshall is to have a speciall regard to his strength and ability to encounter with the Enemy and whether it be meet to enter into the face of Battell or no or whether the time bee mature and ripe for matters of execution or else to deferre and prevent all occasions of encounters in which if he find himselfe the weaker hee shall order his March through woody places and places inaccessible thereby to adde a naturall strength to his Army and to hinder the execution of the Enemies Horse he is to have the lighter sort of Horsemen to March so neere unto the Enemy that continually upon every alteration hee may have sudden intelligence of the Enemies designes But if the necessity of the March bee through the Champion and Plaines where the nature of the ground affordeth no assistance then the Lord Marshall must so order his Horse Troopes in such sort to make them shew great and innumerable for to a maze and distract the Enemy in his approaches Hee is to have a most speciall regard in removing his Campe whether it bee by night or by day it is very bold and audacious to remove a Campe in the day if the Enemy bee neere hand but to remove in the night it argues a weakenesse and di●ability in the Army for it is little better then a flight Wherefore there must be great licie used with silence and diligence and the March and good Array to bee held with all care and industry and therefore it requireth all the skill and Art of the Marshall and all the care and obedience that can bee required in a Souldier for it is a Rul● in Martiall Discipline that no remove by night can be absolutely secure It is the Office of the Lord Marshall to give order to the Master of the Ordnance both for his March and his passage both where when and which way all his Provision shall goe for the best advantage and safety And at the planting o● Artillery or making of Batteries the Marshall is to oversee the proceedings and to give directions upon any doubt or misse-adventure Hee is to give order unto the Victuall Master Wagon-master and all Officers of their natures both for their allodgements stores and all other necessary accommodations and against all violence and injuries which shall be offered them he is to see carefull and speedy reformation The Lord High-Marshall is the supreame and onely powerfull Iudge in all causes of life and death in criminall offences and controversies in the Army of all manner of natures and provideth for the due execution of all the Lawes Articles and Institutions which shall be appointed by the Generall to be observed and to see due punishment executed for any breach of the same Wherefore he ought to be exceedingly well read and learned in all Marshall Lawes the custome of Countries the degrees of Honour and the distribution of Blouds places and imployments and that he may the better proceed in these affaires he is to be assisted with divers learned and experienced Officers under him as the Iudge-Marshall and Provost-Marshall an Auditor and two Clerkes the under-Provost c. He is to have twenty or thirty Gentlemen for a continuall guard about him the Iudge-Marshall is to assist him in all difficult and curious interpretations of the Law and in deciding such controversies as shall happen in the taking of Prisoners c. He is to direct the Scout-master in all his proceedings and to receive from him all the intelligence and observations which he hath found out in his discoveries
and to deliver unto him any other instructions which had formerly beene neglected what the Lord Marshall is to doe about the restoring of Gentlemens honours which have beene maliciously disgrac'd and his deciding of all quarrels I have formerly intreated of in the Discourse of unjust valour but this will suffice to let the ingenuous souldier see a glimpse of this noble Office CHAP. LXXII Of the Councell of Warre and of their Office and duties in the time of Warre the Army being in Campe or otherwise THere is nothing in this sublunary World which requires more mature Consultations Deliberations and grave advise then the Subject of Warre in regard the welfare of Citties Countries and Kingdomes wholy depends upon it Wherefore above all other Marshall men those of the counsell of Warre are to bee best experienced and of most approved judgements And that Generall is happy that hath for his Counsellours grave wise skilfull experienced vertuous and painfull men for his assistance to expostulate all matters and occurrences which shall appertaine to the good and safety of the Army and to the weakning and ruining of the Enemy When a Generall is engaged in these great businesses of the Warres and hath for the government and ruling of his Army and the affaires thereunto belonging appointed his superiour Officers hee is then out of the whole and entire number to select an especiall company of the most religious valiant expert wise men whose yeeres and judgements are mature to bee of his Counsell as namely all Colonells and their equalls Yet it is to bee understood that from hence hath growne a distinguishment of Counsels and according to the variation of Marshall Courts so they have altered both in emminency and application some being Generall as in the tryall and judging of criminall offenders and to this all Captaines enrowled within the Generalls list may freely and by their owne right be admitted others are more especiall as where the debatement of provisions the Raysing of Taxes and the ordering of the publike affaires of the Campe are handled and to this all Colonells and Officers within their rancke are admitted and doe consult and conclude with the Generall for all the welfares and benefits which doe appertaine unto the Army But the last Councell of all is a great deale more private and the matters which are handled therein are of that consequence for secre●ie and ●ffect that it were unfit and not allowable so many should bee drawne thereunto ●or that all sorts of men should partake of every Stat● Negotiation or those powerfull stratagems which indeed should lodge in the strongest and safest bosomes for notwithstanding men of great experience and valour or men of high birth and Rancke may in a short space of time ascend to command a Colonells place in the field yet may Learning Iudgement Secre●ie and divers other vertues without which a priuy Councellour cannot subsist be so farre removed and distant from his nature that it were a great solicisme in State to admit such trust to his Bosome So on the other side men of meaner and lower advancement who are not capable of those high places in the Army may yet bee much apter to advise and have a better and stronger Fort wherein to keepe secrets from perishing then those of a higher calling and therefore not without good warrant are many times chosen and admitted to this noble place of trust and preferment Alexander tooke ●armenio Clytus and all the ouldest of his Father Philips Commanders to advise counsell and strengthen him in all his Warlike affaires Caesar likewise made choyse of Cato that by his advice he might ruine Pompey thus Antony prevayled during the life of Publicalo and Augustus held himselfe fortunate in the Councels of 〈◊〉 Likewise wee have moderne instances how Philip of Spaine gave to Don Iohn Duke of Austria that brave Souldier Don Lewis de Zuniga to counsell him in all Marshall occasions and our Edward the third did the like for the blacke Prince Hee made choyse for his Councellors the Earle of Warwicke Suffolke Salisbury and Oxford by the strength of whose advice in the Battell of Poicteirs hee not onely overthrew all the Flowers of France but also tooke Iohn their King and Philip his Sonne Prisoners Those Generalls that have runne in precipitate courses rejecting both Councellours and Councells have soone ruined themselves and their Armyes as Crassus when he brought himselfe and eleven Legions to bee rowted and massacred in Parthia and Tyberius Gracchus when he had his braines dasht out in the Capitoll After the same manner did Caius Gracchus who was made a bloudy sacrifice on the top of Mount Aventine for the much advised tempting of his fortunes By this we may see there is nothing more necessary than a sufficient Councell of Warre for their counsell and advice is more prevailent in Marshall-discipline than eyther Armour or Weapons and more brave exployts have beene atchieved by wisedome and policy than ever could be brought under by violence and daring To speake generally of this especiall and private Councell of Warre and who are to be supposed meetest to succeed and rise unto the same they are these especiall Officers following who by vertue of their first place are ever capable of the second because none of lesse merit and desert may or ought to assume unto the sway or command of this prime dignity Of these privie Councellors the Lieutenant-Generall of the Horse hath the first place the Lord Marshall hath the second the Master of the Ordnance hath the third the Treasurer of the Warre the fourth and the eldest Co●●●ell in the Field the fifth But if the number of Councellors arise to any great extent then they are chosen out of other great personages of eminency and worth at the discretion of the Generall these private Councell of Warre are to negotiate and deale in matters that are profound dangerous and difficult and are to argue and dispute them with sound understandings and deepe judgements And this shall suffice to conclude this discourse As for other Officers belonging to the Army I omit to discourse of their Offices in regard they have no charge of Souldiers under them as the Treasurer the foure Corporals of the Field the Quarter-masters the Muster-masters Scout-master Provost-marshall Victuall-master Forrage-master Wagon-master Trench-master Captaine of the Pioners c. Happily I shall take occasion to discourse afterwards of some of these Offices in the Treatise of Incamping the Army and in the Discourse of Framing of Battels where I shall more fitly give a touch of them We are in the next place to discourse of the Exercising of the Foot and Horse THE ART OF DRILLING OR EXERCISING A FOOTE COMPANY SECT XI CHAP. LXXIII The manner how every Officer should drill and exercise their Companyes of Foote in all their Postures and motions with the severall wayes of giving fire ALthough it bee a thing familiar to divers men to Drill and exercise a Foote Company
their right Flanke by division then the Reere halfe Files of the left Flanke are to face about to the right and then both the Front halfe Files and the Reere halfe Files are to march forthright untill they are cleere of that part of the body that stands then each division faceth that way they are to double which the Front halfe Files must doe to the right and the Reere halfe Files to the left and so march forth right untill the doubling be performed then the Reere division that doubled is to face to the Reere and the Front division is to face front proper and the right flanke that stood is to face to the right hand whereby they are fast ready to give fire three severall wayes at once the manner of firing is thus performed the formost Rankes of Musquetiers on each part having fired they wheele off to the right or to the right and left according as they shall bee commanded placing themselves in the Reere of their owne divisions the next Ranke in the meane time moving forwards into their Leaders ground there in like manner firing wheeling off and placing themselves as before the rest of the rankes performing the like successively for reducement face them all to their Front proper then command the halfe rankes that doubled to face to the left and so to march into their places the figure of this precedent discourse followeth in the next Page Front proper Serjeant Serjeant Front of the right Flanke Serjeant Front of the Reere There are divers other wayes of firings which I am forced to omit desiring you to turne into the excellent book of Millitary discipline composed by Lievetenant Barriff wherein you may be further instructed and see the Poligons or Figures belonging to most of these instructions which I have briefely discoursed of wishing you by all meanes not to omit any of them in your exercises if time and patience may give you leave and if you should passe by any let them be onely your divisionall Motions as for your intire motions eyther of doublings Counter-marches or wheelings c. you must be very circumspect and carefull to performe them all otherwise all your paines will be to no purpose Now for the marching out of the field your Company standing in a square forme viz. the shot upon each flanke of the Pikes the Lievetenant leads away the first division of shot with a Serjeant attending him the Drumme beating betweene the third and fourth ranke of the same division of shot the Ensigne is to march before the first division of Pikes following a pritty distance behind the first division of shot with the Drum placed as before The eldest Serjeant is to march before the second division of Pikes The second Serjeant marcheth before the last division of shot with the Captaine in the Reere of all and being marcht to the place where the Colours should be lodged let them as they march invert to the right and left viz. the rankes are to file to the right and left by division then all the Musquetiers are to face in opposition to cocke their matches guard their Pans and rest their Musquets the Pikemen in the meane time are to advance their Pikes and close their Rankes and Files to their order which being done the Drum beating a Troope at the head of the Pikes All the chiefe Officers in their due places are to passe through this guard into the appointed place for the Allodgement of the colours then the Serjeant is to cause all the Musquetiers to face about to the right and present and upon the first beate of the Drum they are all to give fire in one volley then the Drum beating a call and makes proclamation of silence the captaine is to deliver them such orders as he hath in charge to acquaint them with all eyther from the Lord Lievetenants or the Counsell which being done he is to dismisse them untill the next summons for their appearance In the next discourse I shall intreate about the exercising of Horse-Troopes and so make a generall discourse of all the parts belonging to the body of Warre THE DRILLING OR EXERCISING OF HORSE TROOPES SECT XII CHAP. XCVI Of the preheminency and dignitie of Officers for the avoiding of disputes with a short Declaration of the high Office of the Generall of the Horse HAving finished those instructions concerning the exercising of foote Companies by which meanes they may be fitted and prepared for Service And before we can come to intreate either of Marching Incamping or Imbattelling It is necessary wee should shew some briefe instructions for the Drilling and exercising of Horse troopes in regard no Army can be compleate in power and strength for the exercising of such things of Importance as the cause may require unlesse compounded of Foote and Horse otherwise it must of necessity hault and make use of the stilt of some peculiar place for advantage and safetie and not to looke the Enemy in the face in all places And in regard divers Nations are diversly opinionated some esteeming the Infantrie better than the Caualliary as our English hath done others esteeme the Cavalliarie better than the Infantry as the French yet according to the nature and situation of the country or place the Army is to be imployed in whether Inclosures or Champion accordingly it must be compounded of more or lesse of th' one or th' other But for the avoiding of disputes which may arise amongst the Officers of either part for place of preheminencie and dignitie you shall finde by this Aphorisme amplified with the authority of the Ancient Sages that in profession either Civill or Millitary those are more honourable which have greater charge or require greater knowledge as to rule a State is more noble than to governe a Cittie and this more eminent than to order a Family In which respect though the true end of Horse and foote be one and the same to defend aright and redresse a wrong and per case that of foote be generally more usefull yet this of Horse is the more honorable Service because his vertue and knowledge is exercised as well in Managing and defending of his Horse as of himselfe upon whose safegarde his life and honour depends as well as in immediate defence of his owne person thus much for the dignity of place As for the Officers of the Cauallrie I wil onely with all brevitie touch such things for instruction as are most naturall in every particular Office and then transferre them to the taking of a practicall Surveigh of what is commended to the Generall of the Army and to the rest of the Officers of the Infantrie for if it were possible there ought to be no difference in experience Wisedome and Valour amongst all Officers if they could attaine unto it The Generall of the Horse hath the eminent controule and commande of all the Cavalrie or Horse Regiments of what nature or composition whatsoever
and is respectively bound as other Captaines are to looke to the happie government of his owne Troope and so consequently to his owne Regiments which done hee is to have a Generall eye of Surveigh over all other Colonells of Horse their Regiments Officers and Souldiers for that part of the Army which consists of Horse are comprised within his charge wherefore it behoves him to see his Troopes fairely de●●e●●ed for what offence or disparagement happens amongst them the spot of it will staine his reputation wherefore not onely his eye but the eyes of every particular Officer ought continually to watch and guard over all their affaires The Generall ought to have delivered unto him by the Mustermaster generall and the Colonells and Captaines of the Cavalrie a true role containing the Catalogue or List of all his Commanders belonging to the Cavalrie with the distinction of the Armes they serve in as namely which are Harquebuziers Carbines Curassies or Dragoones by which hee shall the better know how to order them in Service He must be very politicke and wise to set his valour rightly on worke otherwise he is liable to doe more mischiefe to his owne foote Troopes by the misgoverning of his Horses then possibly hee can offend the Enemy by his well managing of them There is nothing so dangerous in a Campe as souldiers to contemne their Generall and there is nothing breedes it sooner than remissenesse and Lenitie for hee that suffereth one mischiefe passe unpunished inviteth another which brings his command into discredit and the service into despaire wherefore as in men of great ranke it is lesse blame worthy to be overstately and imperious than over-familiar and base So for a Generall it is a lesse fault to be over-rigorous than not to punish delinquents at all Likewise not forgetting to reward desert in a bountifull manner for hereby his Officers and Souldiers will be kept in an awfull readinesse to doe as they are Commanded for neither his maturitie of judgement to undertake nor his alacritie of spirit to execute availes in the perfecting of his resolved enterprise if he want a powerfull Majestie in his command likewise if he hath never such obedient and valiant souldiers fitted with all kinde of warlike habilliments yet all his strength is but lame and unable to move it selfe without money the sinnewes of warre CHAP. XCVII The office of the Linetenant Generall of the Cavalrie THe Lievetenant Generall of the Horse besides his excellent worth and knowledge in the Art of warre Is like wise to be the eye and hand of the Generall spying out all defects and a ready hand to demonstrate and point out what is to be performed The Generall for the most part is absent from the Troopes being with the Generall of the Army to assist him in his consultations and aiding his judgement in contriving what shall be best and fittest to be put in action for their owne safties and the defeite of the Enemy First it is his dutie to take notice how the Troopes are exercised and the Officers and Souldiers dem●ened next he is to imitate the noble Generall Pyrrhus whose daily course was to bethinke himselfe what wayes and courses or what advantages the Enemy may take to offend him as also to consider what places are most advantagious to hinder his proceedings he did alwayes premeditate how commodiously hee might assault the enemy when occasion was offered Hee had alwayes true and exact mappe of the place or country he was to goe puon execution whereby he did the better know whether and how farre to march alwayes providing commodius places to quarter his Armie in it behoves this Lievetenant Generall to doe the like and also to see the Campe well secured by setting out sufficient guardes and placing Sentinells he is to cause the wayes to be discovered by sending out parties of Horse before the Armie hee must have all kinde of stratagems and policies at his fingers ends the which wisely he is to put in execution And let this be a caution to him and to all in authority that they stand upon Glasse which by its slipperinesse and brittlenesse may cause them to faile at once for as to rise to preferment is craggie So to fall downewards is icie for the least aspersion will cause him slippe and betweene the heighest fortune and the lowest ebbe there is no stay CHAP. XCVIII Of the Sergeant Major Generall of the Cavalliary THis great officer is to walke the same path that the Sergeant Major Generall of the Infantry steppes in for he is not onely to be the eye and hand but also to be the eare and legges of the Generall and Lievetenant Generall for hee must be the Embassadour betweene the Generall and the inferiour Officers he is to attend the Generall thrice a day at the least both to bring newes of the Enemies proceedings and of the defects in the army as also to receive such Orders as shall be given him in charge from the Generall to deliver to the Colonells and the rest of the Officers Hee is likewise to take the watch word and secretly to deliver it to the Generall and to the Livetenant Generall of the Cavalrie and so to the Quarter-Master Generall that he may distribute it to the inferiour Officers He must be ware of doing ill Offices betweene the head and inferiour Officers He is never to report any newes from what others doe say but from his owne immediate knowledge or from some trustie friend that hath informed him likewise whatsoever he is truely possest with it is necessary he should truely relate although it be never so small an accident Likewise hee must be very carefull as he officiates his dutie in visiting the Guards and going about the quarters that hee gives no occasion of allarme to the souldiers nor take no alarme unlesse it be justly for it may breede much inconvenience When hee is to visite the outmost Guards hee is to have a sufficient guard of Horsemen to attend him for feare of being surprised by the enemie Such orders as hee shall receive from the Generall hee must not betrust his memory with but commit it presently to writing for a small mistake can pleade no excuse in the warres but is highly to be punished for by mistakings a world of mischiefe hath insued many times to the ruining of part or of the whole Army CHAP. XCIX Of the Quarter Master Generall of the Cavallry THis Office is of great respect and importance hee ought to be full of sound knowledge in Marshall discipline and well read in divers of the Liberall Sciences but especially in Arithmeticke and Geometry so that he is to have an insight in the Art of Surveighing and measuring of grounds being able upon the first view to take the best advantage thereof for any singular purpose especially for the Quartering or Incamping his Troopes in the best and safest manner that
three or foure Pistols to be discharged first a good distance off then neerer hand according as your horse beginneth to abide them during which time forget not to make much of him Likewise every morning before he is drest discharge a Musket or two and sound a Trumpet and beate a charge with your drumme and then when he is patient feede him and cherish him the Groome may sometime dresse him in bright armour hee may be used to eate his Oates from off the Drumme head you may ride him against an armour plac't upon a stake that he may overthrow it and trample it under his feete Every horseman that doth not observe these briefe observations and fit himselfe and his horse in all respects before hee come to be trayned they will prove both unfit for service neither would I wish any Captaine to approve either of man or horse that in some reasonable manner hath not attained to this perfection for an Oxe well Managed may in possibility doe better service than an ill ridden wresty horse neither can any security or reputation bee expected by any service they shall undertake if the Officers be not diligent to see their Troopes well ordered and demeaned Thus premising every Horseman is or will be in this nature qualified wee will proceede to the Exercising of private Troopes and breefely shew all their Postures and how they ought to be imbattelled but first it is necessary to give a touch about the severall kinde of arming both of Curassiers Harquebuzires Carabines and Dragoones as followeth CHAP. CVII How the horse Troopes ought to be devided and distinguished by their severall armes apt and fit for divers services and what proportion of Cavalry ought to be joyned with the Infantry WE are to understand how our Generalls of late ages have divided their horse Troopes into foure severall kindes proper for divers Services and accordingly their armings are sutable to their Offices as The arming of the C●irassier Harquebuzier Carbine Dragoone is chiefely Defensive Offensive Offensive and Defensive The light armed which are the Harquebuziers Carabines and Dragoones are imployed to begin a charge against the Infantry upon flanke and reare at once the Front is dangerous if the two armies of foote be ready to joyne then the heavie armed viz. the Cuirassiers shall take the advantage of such disorders as are procured by the light armed for their compleate arming is efficatious to defend their bodies from the push of pikes the better to thrust in amongst them The light armed are also more apt and fit to be sent upon services that require expedition which the heavie armed are unfit to performe for the Cuirassier is to be compleately armed Capapè with a good Buffe coate to preserve his body from the pinching of his pondrous armour his horse is to be fifteene hand high and upwards he is also to have his Bedee Nagge and a Boy to carry his Armes and Snapsacke and to get him forrage for his horses his Saddle and Bitte must be strong and good whereunto must be fixed upon each side of it a case of good Firelocke Pistolles the barrell being full eighteene inches long and the bore of twenty or twenty foure bullets in the pound with his Spanner and flaske boxes a good sword and a scarffe over his armes to distinguish him from the enemie His service in the warres is chiefely defensive As for the proportion which the horse should beare to the foote there are divers of sundry opinions but the Prince of Orange used to allow three to tenne or twelve at most viz. 3000. horse to 1000. or 12000. foote and every troope consisting of five score horse which are ordered twenty in ranke and five deepe in file the which custome they use the rather because of the scarsitie of their horse and againe they are opiniated that in regard each horse man hath two Pistolles they may perfect their fight as well as a Troope of Musquetiers that are tenne deepe in ●yle having but one Musquet apeece but from this hath proceeded many inconveniences as Captaine Beumount hath observed wherefore his advice was to have the horse Troopes consist of sixe score so they may be ranked twenty in breast and sixe deepe in file they being then more apt and proper to double their rankes whereby their front may be extended or if being in skirmish with the enemy any shot should be drawne out to give fire upon them in the reare then the two hindmost rankes of a horse may peckiere about and put them to retreate and the foure foremost rankes in the front may be the better able to prosecute their fight wherefore my discourse shall be to shew you how the Troopes consisting of 120. horse ranked twentie in brest and sixe deepe in file shall be exercised and fitted for the warres and leave it to the judicious Commander to take his choyse CHAP. CVIII How the Harquebuziers and the Carbines ought to demeane themselves THese kinde of horse men are to be armed with an open Caske Gorget backe and brest more than Pistoll proofe with good Buffe coate to preserve their bodies from bruising Their Harquebuzes are to be two foote and a halfe in length their bores of seventeene bullets to the pound about their neckes a strong leather Belt with a Swivell to hang the Ring of their peeces upon a Flaske and Touch boxe and Pistolls like to the Cuirassiers Their horses ought not to be under the size of fifteene hands in height when they passe by the Generall or Troope through the streetes of a towne they place the but end upon their right thigh and their right hand grasping the barrell towards the middest of it the locke towards their bodies otherwise in their march if the enemy be not neere they hang downe by their sides Likewise the Carbine requires a smaller horse a faire Buffe coate his Carabine twentie seven inches long the bore of twentie foure bullets to the pound and he is to demeane himselfe upon all points like the Harquebuze having his sword in a strong belt Flaske and touch boxe CHAP. CIX How the Dragoones ought to arme and demeane themselves THe Dragoones are no lesse than a foote company consisting of Pikes and Muskets only for their quicker expedition they are mounted upon horses they are of great use for the guarding of passages and fordes in regard of their swiftnesse they may prevent the enemies foote and gaine places of advantage to hinder their passage Their Pikes are to have thongs of leather about the middle of them for the easier carriage of them The Muskets are to have a broad strong belt fastened to the stocke of them well neere from one end to the other whereby he hangs it upon his backe when hee rideth holding his match and bridle in his left hand any horse if he be swif● will performe this service in regard they alight and doe their service a foote so that when tenne men alight the eleventh holdeth
base tearmes or have perisht by the Sword CHAP. CXXX How Zophirus by a politique Stratagem delivered a whole Army into his Generals hands ZOphirus one of Darius Captaines mangled his body and disfigured his face by cutting off his nose and eares fled to the Babilonians complaining of the tyranie of his King they crediting his words and knowing his prowesse committed the charge of the whole Army unto him as a man to whom such Barbarous usage had made him irreconciliable and deeming hee would have studied and used all his best indeavours to have beene revenged but hee taking his best opportunity delivered his Army into the hands of his Soveraigne with all the Townes and Forts in his possession CH●P CXXXI How Philip Macedon and divers others by their policie have gained Kingdomes by affording their aydes to distressea Princes FOraigne ayd is a surfet most uncurable for there is no Kingdome but by such a politique advantage hath beene conquered as appears by the example of Philip Macedon assisting the Thebanes in Greece against the Phocians by taking his advantage brought the Country under his own Command also the Romanes assisting the Sicilians against the Carthagenians possest themselves of the Iland likewise the Brittaines being ayded by the Saxons were by them thrust out of all The same Cup tasted the Irish they requesting the ayd of the English were by them dispossessed wherefore there is no confidence to bee put in forraigne assistance for they will not ingage themselves nor venter their lives when danger approcheth as by the example of Francis Sforza assisting the Millanois he revolted to the Florentines in expectation of higher preferment Likewise Gucapo Picinino assisting the King of Naples left him in his extremity of Battell the Switzers did the like to the French It is a thing most easie for a forreigne ayde if they be more potent to keepe possession in a Kingdome and by drawing in more forces to them to drive out the Natives or if they be lesse in power to side with the Enemy and so share the Kingdome betwixt them as the Burgundians did ayding the Romanes in Galacia against the Frankes and joyning with them overthrew the Romanes these brittle helpes makes the remedie worse then the disease so that they are least to be trusted and last to be tryed A politique Nation are ready to assist in three causes as first when some man in high authoritie upon discontent or desire of revenge openeth a way for them as Count Iulian did drawing the Saracens into Spaine to be revenged of Don Roderigo who had ravish'd his daughter Secondly when a weaker faction maketh way for them to overthrow or at least counterpoise a stronger as the Burgundians oppressed by the faction of the Orleans made way for Henry the fift to passe into France Likewise our English Barons being likely to have beene vanquish'd by King Iohn sent for Prince Lewis into England to assist them Thirdly when a Kingdome is over-burthened by a forraine foe whom he is neither able to repell nor resist he is constrained to make use of a forraine friend in this ease as one wisely saith plus a medico est quam a morbo mali CHAP. CXXXII A policie to preserve Townes from revolting with a covert-way to banish such men as are held in suspition IT was Maxime of State amonst the Romans not to suffer great men in authoritie whose birth was from great and noble Families because their revolt might indanger a Country or if a Generall were a Conqueror in a strange Land and yet having some few Townes standing in great suspition of revolt and divers men of note in them not to be trusted whereby a conquest is unperfect it is his best policie to command them to beate downe the walles of their Townes and banish some of their Citizens whom most doubt is to be made of and this must be so carried that no Towne so commanded might thinke that this charge concernes any other then themselves particularly in practising whereof the command must be given to all the Townes at one instant to the intent they might all immediately obey and have no respit to consult one with the other and as for those that are held in suspition for revolting the fairest way is to give them some commission to negotiate certaine affaires a-far off in such a place that they can worke to means of mischiefe this will stand in stead of a covert banishment CHAP. CXXXIII A politique way to prevent an Enemie from stopping the march of part of an Armie IF a Generall should be constrained to send part of his Forces upon some speciall and speedy Service he ought not to diminish the Huttes not lessen the bounds of his Camp only for his securitie fortifie strongly within the old workes because those forces left are too weake to maintaine the old the same fires are likewise to be kept and the same guards throughout the Campe that was before by which meanes an Enemy cannot take notice nor advantage either to prevent the passage of those troopes march'd away or to adventure to assault the Campe Claudius Nero put this in practice Likewise if new forces should come to assist an Army the way to prevent an Enemie from knowing it is neither to inlarge the guards nor the workes about the Campe this policie is to be performed when it is knowne the Enemie hath a purpose to assault your trenches because of the weaknesse of your forces The keeping of designes secret hath alwayes beene most prevalent this made Metellus say being with his Army in Hispania to one which asked him what he would do the next day made answer that if his shirt knew thereof he would burne it CHAP. CXXXIV A politique way for an Armie that is fallen into danger to escape it by securing the one halfe by the hazarding the other IF an Army bee in distresse either being beleaguered or coopt up in some place of disadvantage then the Generall is of two evils to make choyce of the least wherefore if his troopes bee farre inferiour to the Enemies his best policie is to divide his troopes and with one part of them assault the Enemie who being busie in making resistance the other part may escape safe this is onely to be practised when no other Project can helpe so that iminent ruine is like to ensue unlesse such a course be taken otherwise it were better to imitate Haniball who caused a strange Accident to happen that did dismay and distract his Enemy hee being disclosed by Fabius Maximus tooke the opportunitie of the night season to tie drie Kisks and Bavins betweene the hornes of many Oxen which being fired drove them with such fury that Fabius being astonished at the strangenesse of the same sight suffered him to passe without opposition CHAP. CXXXV A Policie whereby Scanderbeg in a Battell against the great Turke overthrew his troopes of horses SCanderbeg in a Battell against the great Turke being over-matched both with Horse
for the conquest of the Towne of Sparta might take effect THe mighty generall Pyrrhus having secretly levied an Army and had given out that his designe was against Antigonus he having conquered almost all the Countrey of Macedon by a fortunate Battell not long before whereupon they began to suspect their Towne of Sparta But Pirrhus in policie caused them to understand that he honoured the Towne so much for the noble discipline and good learning that he intended to send his two Sonnes thither to be educated thus deluding them by this colourable way hee sodainly tooke his opportunitie to enter with his Army upon Laconia where he presently demean'd himselfe an open Enemy conquering at his pleasure CHAP. CLXIX How Demetrius by a politique Stratagem overthrew the Army of Ptolomy which not long before had vanquishd him CIlles Lievtenant Generall to King Ptolomie was sent with an Army against Demetrius Sonne to Antigonus who not long before was overthrowne in Battell by Ptolomie Cilles rather thinking to find Demetrius fleeing then to hazard another Battell marched very indiscreetly and without all order as not fearing any to oppose him Demetrius understanding the order of his Troopes drew out certaine of his light armed men and marchd a whole night to meet him in his Campe where he found his Troopes lying confusedly and scattering not having any Guards or resistance placed to secure the Army whereupon he tooke his opportunity to fall into his Campe where he routed and put to flight Cilles Souldiers and tooke him likewise prisoner and overthrew his whole Army CHAP. CLXX A politique way to weaken an Enemies Armie THe ancient Worthies in Policy would oftentimes suffer an Enemy to take certaine of their meanest Townes to the intent that the Enemie should by degrees more and more weaken his Army by putting into them strong Garrisons when afterwards assaulting the much impaired residue of the Army have by this politique way at the length made meanes to overcome the adverse Partie CHAP. CLXXI. A politique Stratagem used by Fulvius whereby he cut off the sallyes of the Cimbrians FVlvius used this Policie against the Cimbrians caused his Horsemen to assault their Campe divers times the Cimbrians sallying out repeld them wherfore he set an ambush behind the Camp of the Cimbrians and causing their Campe to be againe assaulted by his Horse they issuing out of their Campe as formerly they had done to close them Fulvius his Soldiers lying in ambush got betweene them and home whereby they entred the Fort and sak'd it CHAP. CLXXII A Policie whereby Alexander deceived the Illyrians by counterfeiting the Enemies Colours did overthrow them IF an Army lies neere encamp'd to the Enemies it is great policie for the Generall to send part of his men with the Enemies Coulours a pillaging and to burne the Countrey whereby the Enemy may think they are men come to ayd them as Alexander did against the Illyrians and Le●tenus against the Carthagenians Alexanders Souldiers having counterfeited the Illyrians Colours and burning his owne Countrey made them faithfully beleeve that they were certaine of their own Forces sent to assist them whereupon divers of the Enemies Souldiers did run to meet them disorderly Alexanders men taking this opportunity fell upon the disordred troupes and overthrew them CHAP. CLXXIII A Policie used by Tamirus and Tiberius Gracchus whereby they overthrew their Enemies whole Armie at once without losse or hazard to themselves TAmirus in his warres against Cyrus and Tiberius Gracchus against the Spaniards faigning themselves to be afeard of the Enemy having sodainly abandoned their Campes and left them furnished with store of Wines and good cheere to the intent their Enemies might take their fills and wallow in their pleasures then sodainly they have returned with their Armies and assaulting them have found them like sots not fit to make a resistance whereby they have beene all destroyed Some have practised to poyson their wines and Beere with their victuals by which their Enemies have dyed like Rats CHAP. CLXXIV A politique Stratagem used by Eumenes to cause his Soldiers to follow him upon a dangerous attempt and how he stopt Antigonus proceedings and overcame him EVmenes perceiving that his Souldiers were much daunted at the sodaine newes of Antigonus his approach to assault his Campe and fearing the fidelitie of his Souldiers he being but newly chosen their Vindex thought it more safe to make use of some politique way to prevent Antigonus his comming wherefore he used good and beseeming speeches to his Souldiers desiring them to prepare immediately to follow him for his owne part be would undertake to stay Antigenus in his march whereupon hee hasted with certaine of his Friends to the top of divers hilles making sundry great fires that were seene into Antigonus his Campe who thinking that a very great Army was there in a readines and fearing his designe was discovered caused him to make a pause and to bethinke himselfe of his owne safety Eumenes Souldiers seeing this take good effect came all flocking unto him and there strongly fortified themselves so that Antigonus could not force him from his workes But Eumenes having laid an ambush of Horse at the foote of the hill charged Antigonus his Forces in the Reare as they came to assault the Campe and overthrew them CHAP. CLXXV A Policie to gaine a Towne whose fidelitie is doubtfull POmpey perceiving the Cattenensians were falling off from him and tha● if he should offer to stirre they would stand upon their owne defence he in policie sent unto them to desire them they would be content to receive certaine sicke men of his to which they condescended but Pompey under the habite of sicke persons sent most able valiant men who taking a fit opportunity let Pompeyes Army into the Towne CHAP. CLXXVI A Policie used by Alexander Magnus to secure Thracia which he had newly conquered from Rebellion ALexander Magnus desiring to assure himselfe of the Countrey of Thracia in regard he was to make warres in Asia he thought it best to take with him all the principall men of Thrace and he set over the common people men of meane birth and low degree to governe them untill his returne so giving those Princes he took with him places of great command in his Army with extraordinary pay he held them secure and quiet which had they beene left behinde they would soone have rebelled The like course did Philip King of Spaine use to be secured of England when he went to Saint Quinti●s CHAP. CLXXVII A Policie to beguile an Enemie from opposing an Army that would march over a River IF an Army be opposed by the Enemy from passing over a River without great disadvantage unto him after a few dayes march by the Rivers side if the Enemy followes on the other side to hinder them then the best way is to draw out of every Company certaine Souldiers who must secretly be conveyed unto the next Wood directing them that the next day after the
Army is departed they should come to the River and lay over their Bridges and strongly fortifie it the Enemy seeing the full number of Troopes and Colours will not mistrust any thing but will march on to prevent their going over as before they were accustomed those in ambush seeing the Coast cleere having finished their workes the Army hath stolne backe againe and marched over without danger or resistance CHAP. CLXXVIII A Politique Stratagem used by the Duke Bernhard of Saxon-Weymar whereby he surprised the strong Towne of Manheim in the Pallatinate DVke Bernhard of Saxon-Weymar by a Stratagem surprized the Towne of Manheim being the strongest in all the Pallatinate seated upon the River Rhine where the River Nekar flowes into it he marches towards the Towne with five hundred men ordering his men so that he might reach the Towne the next Morne an houre or two before day so soone as he approached sent word to the Governour that he was a Commander of a Towne of their side and named his name accordingly and that having beene out upon a Partee that night was by the Enemy beaten in thither for his refuge and that the Swedes were ready to fall upon the Reare of his Troopes hee earnestly desired to be let in with all expedition The Governor giving ●redence to his feigned tale opened the Ports and gave him free passage into the Towne whereby he tooke occasion to cut off the Guards and slew three hundred of the Garrison and tooke Maravelli the Governour and his Lieutenant Prisoners and injoyed the Towne which by force could not have beene taken without a long Siege CHAP. CLXXIX A Politique Stratagem used by Alexander whereby he forced his Enemy from a Passage which by strength he could not have ganed ALexander in the Warres against Darius was prevented by Bessius who had gotten the advantage of a streight Passage over a high Rocke which constrained Alexander to make use of a Stratagem he having the opportunity of a mighty windy day stackt upon a heape a huge pile or Wood and brush Fagots and setting it on fire the Winde carried the Coles Flame and Smoke so strongly in the face of the Enemy that they were glad to quit the place which otherwise would have beene impossible for his Army to have done in regard of the disadvantage of the place CHAP. CLXXX How Scipio by his Justice and chaste carriage towards a faire Lady which he had taken Prisoner wonne the hearts of his Enemies IVstice and Chastitie winnes the heart of an Enemy more than any policie else that may be devised as by the example of Scipio in Spaine where he rendred a young Lady very beautifull to her Father and Husband without offering her any discourtesie which made him winne more Cities and Townes in Spaine than formerly he could doe with his potent Army Likewise Caesar in his Warres in France caused the Timber and such necessaries to bee payed for which he used to make the Lists about his Army whereby he got such a name of Iustice that the Conquest of that Province was obtained with ease CHAP. CLXXXI A Politique answer of Alexander the Great unto certaine malicious Enemies and his wise devise to gaine their love ALexander the Great was solicited to take a strict revenge of Arcadian and Nicanor who had used evill speeches of Philip of Macedon father in Law to Alexander and that they conceived them for those affronts to be highly worthy of death to whom Alexander most politiquely and wisely answered that first it was to be considered whether the fault lay in them that used the abusive language or in King Philip Secondly that it lyes in the power of every man to be well spoken of if he will indeavour it which indeed proved so for after King Philip releeved their necessities there were none in the Kingdome did him more honour and truer service than they did in all the time of his Warres CHAP. CLXXXII A politique course used by Tamberlaine in his warres whereby hee gained speedy Conquests TAmberlaine the Great in all his Warres used his Enemies to three Banners the first day hee set up a white Flagge signifying favour and mercy if they yeelded immediatly The second day a Red Banner betokening bloud and losse of lives The third day a blacke Banner in token of the utter subversion of Cities or Townes burning them to as●es by this Policy hee made the world tremble to withstand his first Summons for hee never granted pardon after the first refusall whereby hee conquered with small paines or effu●ion of bloud CHAP. CLXXXIII A Policie used by King Edward the Fourth to suppresse his Rebels which otherwise had hazarded the ruine of his Kingdome THe Earle of Warwicke by the instigations of the Duke of Clarence who was Brother to King Edward the Fourth of England plotted a Rebellion in the North. The King perceiving the eminent danger that hee was like to hazard thought it great wisedome to grant his gracious Pardon to bee proclaimed unto all such as would lay downe their Armes and come in whereupon the Rebells considering the present danger they were in made the greatest part of them bethinke themselves that the safest course was to accept of this gracious offer and not to runne a double hazard whereupon they came in and acknowledged their hainous offences desiring to have his Majesties favour renewed CHAP. CLXXXIIII A Politique devise used by William Rufus to get Moneyes KIng Williaw Rufus had long wars in France which had much impoverished him and being brought into a great straite for lacke of Moneys he devised a Politique way to helpe himselfe by levying twenty thousand Souldiers being men of good ranke and fashion to be conducted into Normandy to ayde him against France who being in their March towards the Coasts side and ready to bee imbarqued it was signified unto them from the King that as well for their particular safeties as also for not disfurnishing the Realme of strength whosoever would pay ten shillings towards the levying of Souldiers in Normandy hee might be excused and stay at home the which favour they generally imbraced and willingly paid every man his stipend by this devise he gained 10000 pounds CHAP. CLXXXV A Politique course to keepe a new Conquered people from Innovations and Rebellions _●Here a Conquest hath newly beene either in a Kingdome City or Towne the best way to prevent the people from inventing Rebellions and Innovations is to impoverish them so as they shall have no leisure no● meanes to put any mischiefe in practise for busying themselves in getting their livelyhood CHAP. CLXXXVI A politique way to stay Mutines in an Army and to cut off the chiefe Author without running a hazard WHen Mutines are a broaching a Generall must bee wise and circumspect in applying himselfe to appeale them and first to sever the Confederates in dividing them and breaking their Faction whereby to defeat it for if the Authors of it bee of any great command or
them he caused certaine Counter-trenches and secret Mines to be made wherein he layed divers Firkings of Powder and other murthering fire-balles hee upon the assault given retyred himselfe suffering the Enemy in great number to enter onely maintaining the inward workes seeing his opportunity he gave fire to the Mines and made a mighty slaughter of the Enemy sallying out upon them in their disordered routes put them to flight and rai●ed their Siege This was practised also at Mastriche the last Siege but one CHAP. CCIII A Policie used by the Prince of Orange to drowne the Enemy out of his Trenches and then to releeve the Towne by Boates. THe Prince of Orange hath taken the opportunity to cut thorow certaine Bankes letting in the Sea which hath forced the Enemy to break up his Siege and for his safety retyre to such Hills as were neere and in the meane time he hath releeved the Towne by Boats with Men and Munition which otherwise must have yeelded to the Enemies mercy CHAP. CCIIII A Policie used by the Spaniards against the French to prevent the power of their Horses against their Foote THe Spaniards in a Battell against the French at Lyrignola finding themselves too weake in Horse-men thought it wisedome for them to retire themselves for their better safety among the Vines Groves and such like uneven ground whereby they prevented the execution of the Horse which otherwise would have freedome by this for the Foote in plaine grounds where they might have used their beene too hard devise they got the better of the French Some have made secret Trenches covering them with Hurdles and greene swardy Turfe CHAP. CCV A Politique Stratagem whereby the Lord Poynings gained a Castle at Samerduboys in France there being no accesse to it with Ordaance THe Lord Poynings at Samerduboys in France having summoned a Castle strongly Scituated upon a Hill environed with marish ground in such sort that it was thought impossible for to bring the Cannon to batter it and therefore the Captaine of the Castle refused to yeeld untill hee saw the Cannon wherefore the Lord Poynings caused secretly a Cannon to be made of wood artificially and coloured over placing hurdles on the Marish with divers Horses to draw the Carriages as though with great difficulty they had drawne a Cānon indeed then threatning that if he caused him to shoot according to the Law of Armes they should all be put to the Sword whereupon the Captaine abused by this policie delivered up the Castle by Composition which otherwise could not have beene gained ever since no Fort is to yeeld upon Composition unlesse the Cannon discharges twice or thrice CHAP. CCVI. A Policie used by Monsieur Lautreck in the Warres at Naples to make his Forraine assistance to fight MOnsieur Lautreck in the Warres at Naples having his Army composed of sundry Nations thought it wisedome to order every Nation separately into sundry Battalions placing in the Front of the Battell those Forraine aydes and in the time of fight hee caused it to be given out that such a Nation had the Victory whereby the rest inflamed did most valiantly fight and by this devise was victorious which otherwise happily would have left him in the suddes CHAP. CCVII. How Scipio by his policie defeated the Carthaginians of their Designe SCipio drew his Army to Tunis being within the prospect of Carthage the Carthaginians made out a great Fleete to incounter with Scipio in the Haven Scipio tooke his Shippes and Hulkes and fastned them together with the tackling belonging to them causing the Maste● to serve for Rafters to fasten them together whereupon hee placed his Souldiers to maintaine the Bridge Hee left certaine places open where small 〈◊〉 might swiftly sayle out and in to fight at pleasure by this device their enterprise was impeached CHAP. CCVIII A Politique Stratagem used by Philopoemen against Nabis whereby hee cut off divers of his Souldiers and after tooke his Campe and by a second Stratagem destroyed all his men PHilopoemen Generall of the Athenian Army being incountred with a mighty Army under the conduct of Nabis and fearing his owne strength tooke the advantage of a Forde where Nabis Forces were to March over to make their approches against his Campe Philopoemen layed privily an Ambush neere the water who taking the advantage of their disordered passage s●ue many of the Assaylants and losing no opportunity hee presently caused one of his Souldiers to runne to Nabis Campe who lay strongly intrencht as a Fugitive and told him that the Athenians had a purpose to get betweene him and Lacedemon whereby they would hinder his Retreite into the City and also that he had a sure plot to stirre up the Citizens to rebell whereby they might regaine their freedome Nabis beleeving this marched secretly away in the darke only leaving a few Companies behind to shew themselves upon the Ramp●●s making great lights in their quarters the better to conceale his March But Philopoemen assaulted the Campe and chased Nabis into the Woods where he expected the favour of the night Philopoemen dreaming they would steale into Lacedemon in the darke drew certaine of his fresh Souldiers laying them in Ambuscado upon two of the principall passages that conducted to the City and causing in his owne Campe store of great lights to be made whereby they thought all at rest they ventured to creepe home by small Troopes where most of them were slaine by Philopoemens Souldiers CHAP. CCIX. A politique Stratagem to prevent an Enemy from entring the Ports being blowne open THe Duke of Burgundy comming before Bevis in France had blowne open the Ports Yet being discovered the Souldiers of the Towne made a valiant resistance the whilst others above upon the Wall threw downe many fiery Fagots that burnt downe the Bridge whereupon hee speedily retreated CHAP. CCX A politique Stratagem used by Maximilian King of the Romans whereby he tooke in the Towne of Arras MAximilian King of the Romans having promised Henry King of England to assist him in the Warres of France meeting at Bulloigne a Peace was concluded with the French by King Henry whereby Maximilian lost his journey yet thinking to get something for his penny he came to the speech of a Smith that had a poore house built upon the Wall of the Towne called Arras and by gifts and large promises made him agree to liquor the Souldiers upon the Guard and as for the Governour he was no afternoone-man this project was cleanly performed and in their drunken security the Towne was surprized CHAP. CCXI. A Policie to prevent mischiefe when two great Princes 〈◊〉 to discourse IF great Princes should capitulate upon any Articles of peace it might prove very dangerous to hazard their Persons unlesse in wisedome they make choyce of some River betweene them and their two Armies where a Bridge is to bee made over with a grated Gate on the midst to keepe them a sunder and yet may discourse thorow it also on
either side a certaine Company of men to view the Carriages that no treason be put in action as the like was performed betweene the King of England and the King of France the King of Englands men went through the wicket of the grate to guard the King of France and the King of Frances men came to guard the King of England on either side there were locks and boults and but 20. men a piece to guard them By this meanes it could not possible be that any mischiefe could ensue CHAP. CCXII. A Policie to conduct troopes of Horse over Bogges Mores or deepe snowes XEnophon in his Ascent of Cyrus being troubled in his march with wonderfull deepe Snowes Mores and Bogges hee was taught by the Comarch or guide to binde bagges of Straw about their Horses foot-locks which would preserve them from danger of sinking without which necessary and experienced practise divers of them have beene proved with farre greater prejudice to sinke even up to the bellies CHAP. CCXIII. A Policie used by the Citizens of Priennia by which meanes they deluded their Enemie by a colour of plenty which caused him to leave his Siege THe City of Priennia being besieged by Aliattes made use of this Stratagem when their Towne could not hold out any longer their victuals being spent they turned out of their Citie divers fat Cattell as Horses and Mules into the Enemies Campe the Enemy perceiving this sends 〈◊〉 a Spie into the Towne to see whether they were so well provided as they made ●hew of Bias the Governour having intelligence of this Spie caused divers heapes of sand to be piled up together in the Streetes and Market-place and to be strewed over with Corne as Wheat Rie Pease and other Graine which made a wonderfull shew of plenty this Messenger being suffered to have recourse about the City did take a particular view of all things and returned into the Campe with this answer that he saw infinite plenty both of Corne and Victuals which made Aliates presently removed his Siege Had not this Policy taken effect the City could not have subsisted a weeke longer The like Policy Gracchus caused the Citizens of Cassilinum to use whereby Haniball was deluded the Citizens sowing Parsnip-seeds in the fields about the Towne and defending it from the Enemies spoiling it made Haniball thinke that there was store of plenty and that it was no policy for him to stay his Siege untill those Roots were growne wherefore he presently removed CHAP. CCXIV. A politique Stratagem whereby young Scipio brought Haniball into a mighty suspition with Antiochus YOung Scipio being sent by the Roman Senate to Antiochus who had by the instigation of Haniball prepared an Army against the Romans which should have beene conducted by that crafty Enemy Haniball for prevention he thus practised hee would often frequent the Company of Haniball falling into friendly conference about the Battels betwixt them fought before in Italy and Affrica feeding and pleasing the humour of Haniball lest he should leese his company and so faile of his intended purposes which was to bring Antiochus into a mistrust and iealousie of the fidelitie of Haniball so that the conduction of the moyetie of this Army might not be granted him which tooke effect for his secret comming to Scipio● lodging yet so that some of Antiochus friends might take notice of it also in the day having conference together if any approch'd neere Scipio would suddenly be silent and winde away from his company which actions of his wrought his desires for Antiochus durst not trust him fearing there was some plotted treachery betwixt them CHAP. CCXV Politique devises used by Archelaus Mithridates to cause his Souldiers to fight when they were both unwilling and fearefull ARchelaus Mithridates Lievtenant at Pir●a perceiving his Souldiers had small courage to fight he so wearied them with continuall labour that they were glad to desire him to fight that the warres might be ended the same did Cyrus King of Persia in the warres against Astyages King the Medes minding to stirre up the valour of his dejected Souldiers fiercely to give Battell to their Enemy he wearied them all one day with hewing downe of wood and on the morrow after hee made a plenteous feast for them demanding in the feast time which day liked them best they allowing of the pastime of that day present to whom he replyed this pleasure must be obtained by the other dayes paines for except yee first overcome the Medes yee can never live at freedome or in pleasure by this they tooke great courage to fight After the same manner Epaminondas being ready to give battell to the Lacedemonians hee perceiving his Souldiers hearts to faint frames a short Oration to instigate them to fight telling them how that the Lacedemonians had determined if they got the victory to slay all their men to make all their wives and children bond-slaues for ever and to beat downe the City of Thebes flat to the ground with these words the Thebans were so grieved and moved that at the first brunt they overcame their Enemies Agesilaus had pitcht not farre from Orchomeno a City that was in league with him hee perceiving that the chiefest part of his Army had their treasure in the Campe commanded the Townes-men to receive nothing into the Towne belonging to the Army to the intent his Souldiers might fight the more furiously knowing they should fight both for their lives and goods Also Gelon King of Syracuse entring warre against the Persians to make his Souldiers disdaine and undervalue the Enemy causeth divers of the poorest and most uncomliest weake persons of the Enemie to be stript starke naked and led them before all the divisions of the Army to perswade them that the Enemy was but silly poore wretches and scarse worth the fighting withall All these Projects have taken good effect in the ancient warres CHAP. CCXIV. A Politique Stratagem used by Flavius to bring Gracchus into an ambush whereby he and his Romans were s●aine TItus Gracchus being in the Country of the Lucans who were then divided divers Townes being rendred up to Haniball and certaine abode under the Romans jurisdiction of the which sort the chiefe Ruler that yeare was one Flavius a Lucan this Flavius on a suddain turned to Haniball and sending to Mago to speake with him he conspired to deliver Gracchus the Roman Generall unto him so as the Lucans might be received into amitie which being condescended unto he brought Mago to a great covert of Wood willing him to hide himselfe with a great company of men of Armes appointing him the time when he would bring the Roman Captaine into his hands Returning to Gracchus he gave him to understand that he had begun a great enterprise and that he must be the instrument to effect it which was that he had moved and perswaded all the Princes of the Lucans that were gone to the amity of Haniball to returne againe to the obedience of Rome I
saved his Army and his honour What vigilancy and circumspection should this teach a Generall to eschew the like deceite for although an Enemies countenance be never so faire yet his heart is treacherous Contrarily how should it animate a Commander to set his wits abroch when hee is in straights to wind out of them with safety and honour CHAP. CCXX How Haniball by using of a Politique Stratagem in parting of his Horse-troopes the one part falling upon the Reare of the Romans the other into their Campe gained a victory from Fulvius IN the Warres of Spaine betwixt Haniball and Cn. Fulvius the Proconsull whose Army lay before Herdonia Hanibal having intelligence useth scelerity and with his Horsemen and Light-footmen had made his approaches neere the Towne before the fame of his comming was knowne and to put the Romans in more feare hee appeared in good array of Battell most suddenly with his Colours displayed Fulvius prepares to oppose him in like manner and joyned Battell with him Hanibal setting his policies abroach commanded his Horsemen that after a signe or token to them made whilst the Romans were busie in Battell against the Foot-men of Haniball and every mans eye was occupied busily that that they should secretly coast the Field and a part of them set upon the backe of his Enemies the other part of them to invade the Enemies Campe and Tents with a great noyse and slaughter proclayming that they did not question to vanquish this Fulvius as they had done one of his name not long before so soone as the Horse-men assailed the Reare of the Romans which caused a great feare and slaughter Immediately from the Campe was heard a mighty cry and uprore which so terrified the Romans that some fled and many more were slaine among which the said Fulvius and twelve Tribunes with 13000 Romans and their Campe and stuffe taken This teacheth Generalls to make use of sceleritie the wings of Conquests and likewise it teacheth Souldiers not to be daunted by any Stratagem nor to take notice of uprores which will betray their valours but rather to stand firme to their tackling and fight manfully for their freedome for so long as a flocke of sheepe keepe intyre the Wolfe feares to seize on them but once severed by flight every bawling curre will destroy them CHAP. CCXXI How by the wisedome of Crispinus the Politique Stratagem of Haniball was prevented and a like Stratagem returned upon him by which the Towne of Salopia was freed and his owne men slaine MArcellus with divers of his Souldiers being slaine by Hanibals Ambushes hee findes Marcellus Ring with his Signet by this hee thought to put some exploit in action whereupon he causeth divers Letters to bee counterfeited in Marcellus name and sealed with his Signet the Contents were that the night following Marcellus would privily come to the Citie of Salopia wherefore hee commanded the Captaines and Souldiers to bee in a readinesse against his comming to know his further pleasure what was to bee done this Letter posted speedily to the Governour of Salopia But in the meane time Crispinns mistrusting this deceit sent post to all the Townes adjoyning that Marcellus was slaine and Haniball had his Signet for otherwise this project had taken effect Whereupon those of Salopia made use of the intelligence returning the Messenger with a gentle answer but in the meane time the Salopians provided for his comming upon the night prefixed keeping an extraordinary strong Watch they made no question but to pay Haniball with his owne coyne Not long before breake of day comes Haniball with his Troupes close to the Ports hee having appointed sixe hundred Romans which were fled to him and could speake the Language well to call to the Porter and to enter the Gates first The Watch opening the Ports and drawing up the Portcullis the said Romans entred as fast as they might but being entred the Guard let fall the Port●ullis with a great noyse The Salopians●●ue ●●ue them that were entred with small dificulty for they entred without feare bare their Armes hanging upon their shoulders dreaming of no such Banquet those without the Ports were likewise chased away Thus was Haniball taken in his owne Trappe This may informe Commanders in the first place when they have a fit opportunity to set a project afoot to make use of scelerity for had Haniball put this immediatly in execution before Crispinus had given them intelligence it had taken effect Secondly they must use all indeavours to prevent intelligence for had Haniball belayed the passages hee could not have mist of this Nuntio whereby hee might have beene the more confident that his Designe would have taken effect In the next place a Commander must make use of intelligence and accordingly to regulate his actions so that an Enemy may be wounded with his owne weapons This may be tearmed a golden Stratagem to extract from an Enemies pollicie his utter confusion CHAP. CCXXII A Policie whereby Scipio had 300 Romans armed and instructed without the charge of the Generall SCipio having obtained an Army to make warres in Africa many of the young men of Armes of Sicilia grudged to undertake this journey with him wherefore to secure himselfe hee spake thus If there bee any man here unwilling to venture his person in these honourable warres let him now speake and I will gladly heare for I had rather you should now confesse your unwillingnesse then you should be drawne forth against your wills and become unprofitable Souldiers unto me and to the Common-wealth Whereunto answer was made by some particular Souldiers that if it might bee in their choyce they would not venture themselves in those Warres Scipio replyed Since you have plainly without dissimulation declared your mindes I will appoint others in your places to whom you shall deliver your Horses Harnesse and other necessary instruments of warre whom you shall take home with you to your houses and there instruct teach and exercise them in the feates of warre untill I send for them the young Gallants were glad and joyfull delivering them their Armes By this device hee trained up 300. willing Souldiers without his charge CHAP. CCXXIII. A politique Stratagem used by the French whereby they vanquish'd Lucius Posthumus and all his Army as they marched through a Wood. LVcius Post-humus having wars with the French and they being to march through the passage of a wide wood called Littana the French provided against their comming cutting all their Timber-trees on both sides of the way so that being not moved they would stand firme but being moved they would presently fall all together Post-humus had 25000. in his Troopes the French-men had bestowed their Troopes round about the circumference of the wood and when the Army of the Romans was well entred the wood they cast downe the furthest part of the trees growing on the borders of the wood which being once moved fell one upon another through the wood having no stay throwing downe
and s●aying the Romans both Foot and Horses as they passed so that scarsly ten men escaped for those the trees spared were so amazed at the sudden accident that the French vanquish'd them imediately and slew their Generall Post-humus CHAP. CCXXIV. The Policie of Cyrus how to gaine valiant and loyall Commanders in his service IT is reported of Cyrus by Xenophon how infinitely hee would publikely confesse he loved and honoured meritorious Souldiers and when hee saw men willingly offer themselves to danger he prefer'd them to places of command and dignity and honoured them besides with other guifts whereby it appeared that valiant men were happiest and cowards accounted as their slaves By this devise many thrust themselves into eminent dangers especially if they thought or imagined that Cyrus should have notice thereof by this meanes he purchast both loyall and valiant commanders daring to present their bodies against most eminent perils and most difficult attempts CHAP. CCXXV. A Policie to stirre up emulation amongst Souldiers to make them enter the greatest difficulties and gaine impregnable things VBius a Captaine of the Company of the Pelignes being commanded upon a difficult peece of Service by Flavius Flaccus the Roman Consull his men being beaten from the Carthaginian trenches by Hanno he straight tooke his Banner in his hand and with force threw it over the ditch into the Campe of the Carthaginians speaking with a loud voyce Evill might I fare and my Company if my Enemies shall enjoy my Banner then by great force he lightly went over the ditch and scaled the walls of the Campe of his Enemy whom his Company boldly followed they being in fight with the Carthagenians another part cryed Valerius Flaccus what sluggish cowards are wee now growne shall the Pelignes win the honour of taking the Campe of our Enemies before us Romanes Whereuppon Titus Pedamius tooke his Colours from his Ensigne saying This will I beare into the Field of my Enemies follow mee brave Souldiers as many as would be loth of the losse thereof they presently being stirred with a valiant emulation obtained the Campe slaying sixe thousand and taking as many Prisoners this Policy to stirre up emulation was the onely meanes to obtaine this impregnable Campe from whence they had beene formerly repuls'd divers times CHAP. CCXXVI A policie to be used at the entring of an Enemies Towne to free the Souldiers from being anoyed with stones or Peeces from the Battlements of houses as also to prevent an Enemies fury in pursuing or retreate in a Fort or Towne XEnophon in his first book of the ascent of Cyrus relates how the Droylans having betaken themselves to their chiefe Fort to defend themselves against his Potent Army at last through much difficulty having scaled the Walls his men were forely wounded from the battlements of the houses and likewise there being a Citadell strongly made within the Fort they made a fierce salley out upon him that was irresistable by accident a house falling on fire upon one side of the way caused those that threw downe stones and weapons from the battlements to vanish away Xenophon perceiving this caused the house upon the other side to bee fired which wrought his Souldiers much safety Those from the Citadell charged his men so furiously that there was no retreating without a manifest losse and confusion wherefore he commanded every Souldier as hee was to come up to present his weapons and shotte against the Enemy to bring with him a quantity of Seare-wood and to place it betweene the Enemy and themselves and then to set fire on it by this policie he stayed the Enemies pursuite in their Retreite and busied them in quenching their fires CHAP. CCXXVII A politique Stratagem whereby Fabius the Consull tooke the Towne of Arpos by the helpe of a violent storme of Thunder wind and raine CLassius Aitinius repairing to young Fabius about the betraying of Arpos Fabius being arrived within a mile of the Towne about three a clocke in the morne hee appointed six hundred active Souldiers to beare Scaling-Ladders and so first to assay the scaling of the Walls Which done then on the inner part to breake open the Gates and being Masters of part of the Towne by the sound of a Horne to give him knowledge whereby he with the rest of the Troopes might approch to their succours as this was discussing there happened a wonderfull storme of wind raine and thunder whose vehemencie drove the Sentinells and Watchmen from the Walls into their Guards where abiding a good season not dreaming the Enemie would make his approches in such a stormy season they fell asleepe in the meane time the Romans making use of these stormes had quietly scalled the Walls and were quietly passing the streetes to the Ports where they broke them open whose noyse was not heard by the Watch so violent was the storme then blowing their Hornes the Consull made his approches about breake of day and entred the Towne CHAP. CCXXVI A politique Stratagem of Scipio in counterfeiting an intrenchment which amazed the Carthaginians and puzzled them to scale them SCipio in the Warres of Spaine being set upon with three Armies as hee lay upon a great Hill devised how to make some intrenchment to defend his Campe which could not be performed in regard the ground was so stony neither could hee get Bushes nor wood to make a defence about it wherefore hee made a show of a defence laying his packs and packsaddles and other grosse carriages one upon another round the Campe whereby he raised the Walles of his Campe of a good height the Carthaginians being come they were astonished at this and found it very difficult to enter onely their infinite number gained the conquest from Scipio This should put all Commanders in minde of impaling their Army although it be but with a Hedge or Hurdles for it is a great safetie as may be instanced by Captaine Swa●●e who after St●●ley and Yorke had treacherously given up Deventer to the Enemy his Company having got forth the Towne was to march over Amers-forth Heath to a Garrison there and being set upon by a Troope of Horse of the Enemies with certaine Foot with them he betooke his Company to a sheep-fold made of Hurdles whereby hee protected his Company and beate the Horse with their Foot-men causing them to retreit CHAP. CCXXIX A strange Politique Stratagem whereby Haniball gained a Towne of great consequence by the helpe of Nico and Philomenes under the pretence of bringing in a wilde Bore NIco and Philomenes being great Hunters and used to goe out the Citie of Tarrent by night a hunting they went towards the Army of Haniball to declare to him their intents and being brought before him by the Watch Haniball being sensible of the plot wisht them to drive back divers Cattell as if they had gotten them as a prey from the Enemies this course they often used so that it was thought marvaile that they so often enterprised such
feates and ever escaped unslaine the Porter and Mayor of the City they used very kindly giving unto them part of their prey for their courtesie and paines being so forward and vigilant to open the Ports for their going out and in the residue they bestowed upon the Governour for his love and leave the Porter was so accustomed that at their first whistle at all times of the night the Gates were opened unto them all things being brought to a good passe for the accomplishing of their project Hanibals Army lying within foure dayes journey from the Towne he feigned himselfe very sicke and that it was the onely reason he stayed there so long this was bruited abroad the night being appointed Haniball made choise of ten thousand Horse and Foot of the lightest armed and removed from his Campe in the night making speed untill he came within fifteene miles of the City of Tarrent where he secretly abode charging his men in no wise to breake their array and order but to be ready to performe what was commanded wherefore he first set forth to palliate his removing and to the intent that none of the Country should descrie his Army he sent fourescore Numidian horsemen to go before him commanding them to over-run the Country by which his Army should passe and those they overtooke to bring back and if they met with any they should kill them to the intent they should be taken by the Inhabitants for Robbers and Theeves and not men of Warre the fame of these Robbers came to the eares of the Governour of Tarrent who smally regarded it because he thought Haniball was sick and his Army so farre a distance from the Town He intended the next morne to send forth some men of Armes to drive back those Robbers the same night removed Haniball his Army to Tarrent having Philomenes with him for his guide being arrived neere the Towne it was appointed that Philomenes according to his custome should enter the Towne with a number of armed men he having awaked the Porter telling him hee had brought a mighty Bore which hee had slaine at the first call hee opened the Gates and two young men of his companions first went in then entred hee and other his servants plucking in the great Bore the Porter being glaring at his greatnesse Philomenes slue him with his Bore-speare and incontinent let in thirty other Souldiers armed who slue the other Watchmen at the same Port and without noyse let in the rest of the Army and secretly brought them into the Market-place where they abode without noyse in the meane time Haniball with a sufficient strength arrived at another Port and first having made a great fire afarre off which was the signe betwixt him and Nico who abode with other his accomplices ready within the Towne looking for his comming which so soone as Nico perceived hee answered him with another fire notice being taken on both sides the fire was put out and Haniball approacht to the Gates Nico also within the Citie came to the Ports guard and slue all the Watch and opened the Ports so as Haniball with his Army entred his Horse were commanded to remaine in Batalia without hee being arrived in the Market-place with Philomenes and his other company then had hee two thousand French-men which hee divided into three parts and sent them to divers parts of the City the residue he commanded to keepe the most accustomed streetes of the Towne and to slay the Roman Souldiers the Alarme being given they saw there was no way but death or yeelding wherefore the greatest number fled to a Castle in the Towne which was of great strength and upon all advantages they might Sallyed out into the Towne Wherefore Haniball had another Project at his fingers ends he caused his Men to raise a Wall to hemme them in and dreaming they would issue out of the Castle to hinder the worke hee placed an ambush in a secret and convenient place which should cut them off and disable them from anoying the Towne And accordingly it hapned for the worke-folkes gave suddenly back at their approch which heartened them to go on the further so as the Ambushment surprized the greatest part of them but suddenly there came Ships of Warre from Metapontus and entred the Haven and relieved the Castle and kept all provision from the Towne so as the Towne was like to indure want before their Enemies hee presently summoned a Councell it was found there was no way to hinder those Shippes but by a greater force of Shipping and that no shipping could enter the mouth of the Haven because they had fortified against them whereupon hee devised to hale their Shippes out of a creeke and by Engines and Wheeles to draw them thorow the spacious streetes and so convey them into the Haven which hee performed and made gimselfe Master both of Towne and Castle I have beene the more tedious in relating this Project because in it there is nothing but is of great consequence to be observed by a Souldier CHAP. CCXXX The Policie of Xenophon in electing of Hostages SEuthes having taken divers Hostages of the Thynes which were old and unserviceable men not respected of them which caused the Thynes not to regard their promise nor Hostages but layed a Camizado to take Seuthes and Xenophon and to destroy the Army the Thynes d●●ming those Hostages would have made Seuthes Army secure Wherefore they tooke opportunity of the night to fall upon their Guards and to fire their quarters but being manfully repulsed they besought afterwards to bee taken into favour againe Sayes Xenophon I would counsell the Seuthes hereafter in taking Hostages to take of the principallest and those that were ablest to doe you most harme and to leave the old men at home lest you be gulled in the like kind CHAP. CCXXXI A Policie used by Xenophon whereby he deluded his Enemy with his small Army causing them to thinke his Army to bee of a mighty strength which made them to leave their Siege and steale away by night THe Arcadians being besieged by the Thracians Xenophon intending to releeve them His Army being very weake hee commanded his Horsemen to disperse themselves and to set fire upon all things that were combustible as they went forwards that by the multiplying of flames the Enemy might thinke their Army was of great strength The Foot performed the like upon every Hill that might bee descryed to the Enemies quarters so that the whole Countrey seemed on a light fire and the Army to bee of a wonderfull extent and Potencie these fires were in the Evening commanded to be put out this did so amaze the Thracians that they verily thought the lights being out that Xenophon and his Army did march towards them and would suddenly fall upon their quarters this feare made them leave their Siege and abandon the place so they stole away in the night out of their quarters without the losse of any man to the
device he having laine secret in Spinola's Campe many dayes together hee perswaded his Wife to goe to the Prince of Orange and complaine of a sicknesse her husband had caught in carrying his Brothers Letters to Breda through the waters in the Winter season and she earnestly besought him to pay the remainder of the reward promised her husband the Prince taking hold of this occasion being over-joyed in finding out this trusty Messenger did undertake to pay him what was owing him with much more if he would now once againe adventure to carry one of his Letters to the Towne as he had convayed many of his Brothers heretofore the woman knowing her lesson objected the danger of the passage and the disease of her husband but in conclusion she suffered her selfe to be wonne to it and with a feigned unwillingnesse undertooke to perswade her husband whereupon she departed to fetch her husband to the Prince who returned with her counterfeiting a lamenesse as if his feet had beene frozen by the frost in the Winter the Prince agreed a price with him and rewarded him delivering his Letters of secret importance to him to be conveyed to the Governour of Breda the fellow came directly to Spinola with it whereby hee understood all their designes for this Spinola gave him a yeerely pension for ever CHAP. CCXXXIV A Stratagem whereby the Prince of Orange had like to have gained Antwerpe Castle THe Prince of Orange lying neere Breda which Spinola had besieged had a designe to take in Antwerpe Castle upon an onslaught to which purpose he kept the passages of his Campe very close and also the Garrisons out of which he was to draw his Souldiers out that no intelligence might be given to the Enemy to frustrate his designe the charge of his Expedition was given to Brochem Drossard of Bergen-up-zome who had 1000 foot and 200 horse the Souldiers themselves knew nothing whether they were to march but to contrary places Command was given that they should take off their Orange-tawny Scarffes and put on red which was the King of Spaines colours and they were to give out that they were the King of Spaines men and that they marched to Antwerpe for provision of Victuals for indeed it was reported Spinola's men were at that time to goe to Antwerpe for the same purpose their Waggo●s were also covered with Canvasse and marked with the Burgundian Crosse as Spinolaes were these things furthered their project and confirmed the Peasants in their beleefe that they were their owne men so that they arrived under the Walles of Antwerpe Castle being protected by the extremity of a darke night they had made themselves a passage to the Bridge and were ready to beate open the Ports but by the vigilancie of one Andreas Cea an old Souldier that stood Sentinell they were discovered and put to retreit A DESCRIPTION OF ENGINES AND WARLIKE INSTRVMENTS SECT XIIII CHAP. CCXLIII The description of such Engines and Warlike Instruments as are prevalent in the Warres with the manner of using them and how to make them IN regard the managing of Warlike affaires cannot bee well performed without the knowledge and true use of all kind of Instruments that are or may be invented it is therefore very necessary to describe the fashion and operation of such as have beene formerly and now are at this present day invented and also invent some that have not formerly beene knowne by these a Commander in chiefe may defend his Army and offend his Enemy for by the use of such Stratagemicall Instruments many times a Victory or Conquest hath beene easily obtained and upon more certainer tearmes then to trust only to the Valour and Potencie of an Army For the Nature of Policie and Politique Instruments are to accomplish such things that strength cannot performe their operation being in a double respect as the Commander that makes use of them shall order and dispose so accordingly is their operation viz. making all difficulties Easie and againe contrarily making all things easie difficult And by this twofold Vertue the wisedome and Ingenuity of an Enemie is often foyled I have formerly spoken of the use of all kind of Artillery as being the principall Engine Here I will onely speake of the Nature and Condition of the Petard by the force of which all substantiall massie bodyes are dissolved and fittered in peeces this Engine is of the fashion of a Leatherne Bucket usually made of Brasse the Verges even that it may lye patte upon the Port you intend to blow-open If the Port be accessible then it is to be hung up by a Ring upon a peece of Iron skrewed into the Port with a Forke to stay it close and to keepe it from reversing the manner of charging it and the use of it is more largely discoursed of in the Treatise of Artillerie Page 113. 114. But if the Port bee inaccessible then it must be placed upon an Engine which will conduct it to the Port as by the next Figure following you may see at C the fashion of the Petard at the Letter A. the Forke at the Letter B. CHAP. CCXLIIII The use of the Granadoes how they are made and charged with powder and how they are to be discharged out of a Morter or throwne by the hand AGrando is one of the necessariest Engines belonging to the Warres in regard it anoyes and spoyles the Enemie when no other Weapon nor Engine can there are two sorts of them one to shoote in a Morter-peece the other sort is to bee cast by the hand amongst the Enemies over their Walls and workes Those that are to bee shotte out of Morter-Peeces are to be cast in Brasse for the principall Service or made of Glasse or Earth and these are to batter downe Walls and Roofes of houses and to breake amongst the Enemies Horse or Foot-Troopes there is another sort made of Canvas and that is used properly to set fire upon Houses and Townes of these I will discourse in particular and demonstrate them by Figure Those of Brasse ought to bee of a foote-Diameter made somewhat long-wayes in thicknesse an inch one end thereof is to have a Snowt like a Bottle and at the other end a Hole at the which it is to be charged and the said hole is to bee skrewed then there is a strong Skrew-Tappe to be made to fill the skrew-hole and that is hollow wherein is put slow-burning-Powder made of Cannon-Powder beaten fine and moystned with the oyle of Peeter mingled with some Charcole then it is corded over with Cord halfe an inch in distance one from th' other every way acrosse to keepe it from splitting or breaking in the discharging it the manner how to charge them is shewed in the Discourse of the use of Artillery This Figure following in the meane time will give you some light for your better understanding In this Precedent Figure you see the parts of the Granado and how it is to bee
this Receit then strongly bound with pack-thread and coted with moulten pitch making therein but one vent of an inch deep wherein must be put fine powder to prime it bruised very small this being fired with a match after it hath burnt awhile ding it into any water it will rise and burne furiously upon the top this is very proper to set fire upon the Enemies floates or Galleries that are built upon the water there shall need no Figure to demonstrate this CHAP. CCXLVIII Of certaine earthen Bottels filled with a kinde of mixture to be fired which are thrown amongst the Enemie THere are certaine Earthen Bottels to be made of a round fashion being not halfe burnt are best for this use they are invented to disorder the Enemies Rankes or to astonish them being whirld out of the Souldiers hands amongst the Enemies will soone make them give ground the device is this having got as many of these Bottels as shall be thought requisite these must bee filled halfe full of Serpentine powder or somewhat more there is to be mixt with it a quantity of Hogges grease Oyle of Stone Brimstone Saltpeeter twice refined Aqua vitae Pitch these being stirred together over a soft fire in some earthen vessell this composition being put into the Bottell with fine powder bruised to cause it to fire suddainly the Bottell is to have a Cord to throw it by this hath wrought strange effects Also there is a kinde of Composition which is besmeared about Ropes ends and Hoopes which are to be throwne from a Wall upon the Enemy which will burne and disorder them wonderfully especially at the scaling of a Wall The Composition is this take Sulphre in meale sixe parts of Rozin in meale three parts these being melted in a Pan over a slow fire then taking Stone-pitch one part hard waxe one part of Towe halfe a quarter part of Aqua vitae halfe a quarter part of Camphire ⅛ parts these being also melted together there must bee stirred into it Saltpeeter-meale two parts and when it is taken off the fire there must be foure parts of bruised powder mixt with it these being oynted upon Hoopes and Ropes and set on fire wheresoever they light they cannot be quenched but will burne the Enemy to death View the Figures following CHAP. CCXLIX How a frame of Musquets are to be made and ord●red for the defence of a Breach or for the flanking of a Battalia of Pikes THe use of this frame of Musquets is very excellent both in the defence of Breaches Bridges Ports or to be plac'd before the Divisions of Pikes or flanking the Pikes in Battell whereby the Enemie will be wonderfully shaken and by the helpe of a few men which are to remove them too and fro and to give fire to the traines strange exploits may be performed The manner of it is thus A Frame is made of Boordes or Planke three Stories high one story halfe a foot above the other and a foot or more behinde one the other the lowermost tyre is to lye about three foot from the ground the next halfe a foot above that and so the third there are certain quilles or small spouts of Brasse to goe from one touch-hole to the other so that the traine being fired they shall one discharge after another beginning first with the uppermost tyre as the Enemy enters the Breach then the second and the lowermost last there is also a broad plate which shall be plac'd over the Breeches of the Musquets that no sparkles may fall downe into the Pans of the second nor the lowermost tyre each tyre is to hold twelve Musquets a breast one being plac'd a foot distance from the other there are certaine Ringles on each side to remove it by There is one in Germany that hath onely twelve Musquets which may be discharged eight and forty times according to the French new invention for Pistols This was practised at Ostend when Duke Albert made his potent assault by which he was wonderfully repuls'd View the Figure CHAP. CCL An Instrument called a Flaile used in the defending of a Breach or scaling of a Wall or when the Enemy is at handy blowes THis instrument is used in the Warres to defend breaches or when the Enemy is entered the streets of a Towne and are at close fight then these are the onely weapons for dispatch there being no defence for it it is made much after the fashion of a Flayle onely the Swingill is short and very thicke having divers Iron Pikes in it upon all parts of it that which way soever it falles it destroyes divers souldiers are appointed to attend the Enemies assaulting the Breach some standing at one end of the Breach the residue at the other and when the Enemy is come up at push of Pike so close that the Pikemen can make no use of their Pikes then these Flayles makes way through their Head-peeces and Armour View the Figure CHAP. CCLI The use of the Turne-pike and how it is framed and of the excellent defence it makes both against Horse and Foote upon all straights and passages THis Instrument is of great use to bee cast into straites breaches passages or high-wayes for which way soever it is rowled there bee sharpe pikes towards the Enemy to hinder his approches the manner of framing of it is after this manner First there is a round Beame of light wood as Firre or Sallow about twelve Inches in circumference and ten or twelve foot long at every halfe-footes length or under there must bee holes bored thorow every way a-crosse then there must bee Staves fitted for those holes of good seasoned Ash about a yard and a halfe long somewhat tapering towards each end the ends of these Staves must bee armed with Iron Pikes cheeked downe a good way that they may not bee hackt off with their Swords then being droven into the foresaid holes just halfe way of the Staffe it will bee defensive which way soever it bee turned the beame is to be so made that one may be fastned to the other by hookes at each end so that if need bee halfe a score of them may bee coupled together or otherwise as the breach or passage is in breadth the Musque●iers may shoot over them and the Pikes may defend them so that the Enemy shall not have the advantage to pull them asunder and so long as they lye neither Horse nor Foot can passe for them when they are to be transported by waggon then the Staves are to be knockt out that they may lye in closer roome View the Figure following CHAP. CCLII The use of the Pallizadoes to prevent both Horse and Foote from any sudden assault and how they are framed HIs Excellency the Prince of Orange had alwayes these Instruments carryed in his Army either by Water or by Land for wheresoever hee did incampe his Army for any time especially if the Enemy were quartered neere he alwayes gave directions to
any other meanes to decay the strength of the powder whereupon being brought before the Estates he wisht them not to compound the three ingredients that powder is made of together but to lay in one roome the Salt-peeter in another roome the Brimstone and in the third the Charcoale and so to compound it as they used it for none of these three being severall could easily be fired and if they were it could do no great harme before it should be discovered neither would it waste nor consume in the strength of it but being made into powder it would blow all up of a suddaine he being rewarded for his advice they made use of his counsell and doe observe it to this present day FINIS ANIMA'DVERSIONS OF VVARRE THE SECOND BOOKE By ROBERT WARD Gentleman and Commander I D PRINCEPS SVBDITORVM INCOLVMITATEM PROCVRANS LONDON Printed by Iohn Dawson 1639. THE OFFICE OF A GENERALL VVith his ACCOMPLISHMENTS L IB II. SECT XV. CHAP. I. The Character of a Generall with such excellent properties both of body and mind which he ought to be indued withall declared and also the chiefest circumstances belonging to his high and weighty Office A Generall over an Army must be ever trusty faithfull and dutifull to his Prince indued with excellent judgement reason and resolution well studied in the liberall Arts of a fierce disposition yet qualified with justice and clemency not rash in undertaking yet as free from cowardise as cruelty talke little and bragge lesse in speech ready and eloquent faithfull of his word constant and strong in the prosecution of his purposes bountifull and honouring due deserts of a good ability of body in his countenance a stately terror yet in private affable and pleasant naturally disposed to abhorre vice of a naturall strength and hardinesse to undergoe all extremities either in travell or want in armes expert and adventurous his invention subtill full of inward bravery and fiercenesse in his execution resolute alwayes forward but never dismayed in counsell sudden and wise of a piercing insight to foresee dangers ingenious decent and in performance a man or as Sr. R. Dallington specifies in his Aphorismes to be five things required in a Generall knowledge valour foresight authority and fortune he that is not renowned for all or most of these vertues is not to be reputed fit for this charge nor can this glory be purchast but onely by practice and proofe for the greatest Fencer is not alwayes the best Fighter nor the fairest Tilter the ablest Souldier nor the greatest Favourite in Court the fittest Commander in a Campe that Prince therefore is ill advised that conferres this charge upon his Minion either for his Courtship or what other respects neglecting those more requisite and more noble parts Wherefore a Generall ought to be excellently qualified in the reall knowledge of his Office and every circumstance belonging unto it before he shall adventure to take so weighty a charge upon him and farre be it from any man to undertake this honourable burthen having the speculative and practick part of his Office to learne when occasion calles for performance for many Armyes hath beene subdued by this onething for he that will be fortunate and desires to atchieve to honour must consider it hath a dangerous birth and that in like manner it must be nourished and fed with great circumspection and care he must be infinitely chary lest he be seduc'd by the traines of time and the preservation of his honour must be his chiefest aime next the love and feare he owes to God having an especiall care that the Christian Religion be had in due reverence in his Army causing such Ministers of Gods word as shall follow to instruct the Army to retaine their dignities and to be reverenc'd of his souldiers by this meanes an Army shall be kept in marveilous obedience and order and the Almighty Lord of Hostes will be ever assisting to worke him honourable victories causing his divine providence to attend him as he did to Gideon who had a miraculous signe of a Conquest by the strange effects of the Fleece Hezechiah had the like by the Sunnes retrograding tenne degrees Also in History we read of Alexander how he dreamed that he sported with Satyrs as he marcht to the siedge of Troy whereupon his diviners perceived some divine revelation in it and found the Anagram of it to be Tua Tyrus and so it hapned Likewise Constantine marching towards Maxentius and Licinius to give them Battell being sad and pensive casting up his eyes perceived a lightsome pillar in forme of a Crosse wherein he read ingraven these words In hoc vince the night following our Saviour appeared in a vision unto him commanding him to weare that Embleme in his Banner and he should be victorious this command he observed and was victorious and turned a faithfull Christian so that questionlesse where God loves and favours before he will see destruction to incompasse his chosen Army his destroying Angell shall devoure the enemy and never was Generall yet chosen to governe an Army which God did so favour but he gave him another heart as he did to Saul and fitted him with vertues fit to execute the place CHAP. II. The things which a Generall is to give order for unto his Sub-officers to be in a readinesse against he Marcheth with all manner of circumstances belonging to this Office as namely rules and precepts whereby the ablest Generalls in former ages have steered their warlike course THE things necessary to be thought upon by a Generall after his Army is leavied is provision necessary for the same as formerly hath been shewed namely Victualls Monies Powder Shot Artillery Engines Armes Spades Mattocks c. with the safest transporting of these either by land or water and how in time of want to be speedily relieved with these materials which war consists of the Army being composed of a competency both of horse and foot as the consequence of the designe shall be thought to require for the managing of this war there must be a convenient Navy if the service requires either to conduct or assist or both His care is to provide and declare good and wholsome lawes that souldiers may be governed by indeavouring to winne favour using justice with clemency and curtesie towards all taking away all occasions that may provoke his Officers or souldiers to transgresse before punishment be inflicted he must be very vigilant and carefull how and where hee lands his men strongly fortifying neere the shore that recourse may be had too and fro from their shippes he is seldome or never to re-imbarke his Army in the same place he landed them especiall if the enemy be at hand where he will have infinite advantage upon the disorderly re-imbarking if some fortification be not raised to defend them from the enemies assault He must be frugall of the blood and slaughter of his souldiers only in dangers not to
be eschewed or upon absolute advantages in such a case he is both to adventure his honour and his souldiers lives to the hazard of the mercilesse sword alwayes remembring that upon unadvisednesse and yeelding unto dishonourable termes though at first 〈◊〉 fares like a greene sore yet afterwards he shall finde paine enough for dishonour frecs to the bone Also there is great knowledge by reading and practice required in him whereby he may give advice for the sundry sorts of Imbattelling Encamping Fortifying and to use or prevent all kind of stratagems for by the reading of History a man may learne and conceive more in a yeere then he possibly can see practised in his life time by reason whereof the worthies of ancient times were portraited with a Booke in one hand and a Sword in the other And because there is no Generall but is limited by his Prince in his Commission he is therfore to observe literally every tittle of it not to exceed the limits of it although a victory might be attained in the like kinde all inferiour Officers are bound to obey their Generall in all things he shall please to command which obedience and observancy made King Philip of Spaine protest that the true observing of his Commission by his Generall the Count de Medina in 88. was farre more pleasing to him than the losse of his Invincible Navy caused griefe Generalls must be very circumspect in making choice of their Officers not electing them for their outward shew but for their vertuous conditions and approved experience for favour may be prejudiciall in these affaires and greatnesse of birth is not to be expected as the sole thing to qualifie a man and to beget in him the habit of a souldier Also a Generall is not to be unmindfull to honour and reward the vertuous and valiant as well as to be severe in punishing the vitious and imbellick persons for he that correcteth the offender and rewardeth not the well deserver will soone be disesteemed of Hythlodaeus in his Vtopia bitterly invayeth against such kinde of proceedings he holdeth it very unfitting for Commanders to make the sentence of death the guerdon for theft and mischiefe and doth not rather first carefully provide to prevent the occasions Cum multò potius providendum fuerit uti aliquis esset proventus vitae ne cuipiam sit tamen dira fur andi primùm deinde pereundi necessitas Also deserts of right ought to be gratified with gifts and advancements for it is the surest tie to knit a man to his superiour which being not performed breedes impatience discontents and heart-burnings and for the most part apt to breake forth into dangerous attemps Milites ditate reliquos omnes spernite A Generall ought to be very circumspect in Marching his Army in difficult wayes especially if the enemy be at hand for an enemy will waite his occasion and take the best opportunity to fall on for prevention whereof the horse-troopes are to March before which will discover the enemy and hold them play untill all the foote divisions are drawne into Battalia also in Marching over Plaines or Heathes at every stand the Companies must draw up into severall divisions which are as so many limmes ready to frame the body of the Army upon a sudden The danger of being pestered and troubled with carriages and luggage is very great and to be avoyded for it hath been the confusion of dive●s Armies as first of Malchome King of Scots likewise Sebastian King of Portugall in his warres against Abde●●elec King of Morocco Likewise a Generall is upon all occasions to call to counsell his chiefe Officers to debate of all affaires and designes taking every mans opinion at large onely reserving his resolution to himselfe in all secrefie that none or very few should be made partakers before the execution A Generall ought to know the situation of every countrey by his insight in the use of Maps and take a true survey of all such parts as his Army is to march thorow whether they be plaines or champions or woody and full of waters whether or not furnished with strong Townes and Forts so that accordingly he may proportion his Horse and Foot for in Champion Countries Horses are of greatest use if situated upon Straights and strong Forts the Army must consist most of Footmen He is also to gaine perfect intelligence how his enemy is appointed how and in what kinde his Army is demeaned for it is no pollicy to follow a light-footed enemy with an heavy Army Also a Generall must take notice if any matter of feare or muttering be in the Army upon the rumor of giving Battell Exercitum terrore plenum Dux ad pugnam non ducat also a further principle in warre must be observed Si Duces necessa●● cum multitudine pugnare cogantur Consilium ect noctis tempore Belli fortunam tentare A Generall ought also not onely to have expert Enginers and men of exquisite knowledge in the arte of fortification both of Forts Campes conducting of Mynes planting of Batteries and disposing of all kind of Trenches but also to have therein himselfe absolute judgement and knowledge otherwise he may be wondrous misled frustrating his designes which will redound to his great dishonour He is also to have a speciall consideration of the place he meaneth to incampe and continue his Army in first respecting the healthfulnesse of the ayre then the drynesse of the ground the conveniency of wood and water and that the enemy may have no advantage to intercept the releefe and provision that is to be conveyed to the Campe either by water or land that no hills be neere to annoy the Campe and that no waters be cut out to drowne it A Generall must cause his souldiers to take good rest and competent food before he presumes to give Battell for it is a principle in warre In pugna milites validius resistunt si cibo potuque referti fuerint Nam fames intrinsecus mag●● pugnat qu●● ferrum exteri●● Souldiers doe better stand to it in fight if they have their bellye 's full of meat and drinke for hunger within fights more eagerly than steele without Also he is to stirre up their drooping spirits with some brave Heroick Oration that shall inflame their spirits that like lightning they may consume where they goe A Generall is to command his Officers daily to exercise their Companies which will inable their bodies and preserve their healths and although the enemy should be far remote yet duly to observe watches guards and setting forth their Sentinells as carefully as if the enemy were neere at hand this will breed an habit and custome to their bodies so that it will not seeme grievous to them when as they shall performe those duties in earnest A Generall must be very circumspect in giving an expresse command to his Officers that no abusive drinking be used amongst his Officers nor Souldiers par vinonolentiam crudelitas sequitur
not truely wise and valiant soone loseth his Command and growes contemptible and by his owne folly or feares infects his troopes with cowardize It is reported of Caesar by Cicero That in all his command in War there was not found an It● but a Veni taking it as a great dishonour to himselfe to be any thing but the forwardest Leader in all his designes If any discontents and quarrels should arise in a Generalls Campe between Officers of great Authority and Command it is not safe for a Generall to take part of any side but rather to mediate peace betweene them for the contrary side that sees he is despised or neglected will study a revenge as by the example of the Earle of Warwick and the Duke of Somerset who falling out in Henry the fourth his Court Somersets part was chiefly taken whereupon Warwick rebelled and deadly Warres continued twenty nine yeares untill there was a generall confusion of both Houses so that the safest way if peace cannot be mediated is to confine them both untill they be glad to desire friendship of themselves A Generall ought in some kindes to participate in the wants and distresses of his Souldiers which makes them the more willing to undergoe it as Alexander did who marching with his Army through a dry barren Countrey where the Armie was almost famisht a Souldier brought him an helmet of water who courteously rewarded him and told him hee durst not drinke it unlesse there were sufficient for all his Souldiers and so cast it upon the ground testifying that he desired to fate no better than his Souldiers Also a Generall ought to take notice that his Honour and all his Actions are much subject to be dimmed and disgraced especially if hee seekes not to be beloved and honoured of his Army besides it is the policie of a subtill enemy to study and labour how to undervalue and disgrace Commanders so that their Souldiers may have a base and poore opinion of their worths whereby all enterprizes or designes taking no effect shall be censured and ambiguously construed Nihil est quod malè narrando non possit depravari A Generall is to consider that in all treaties of peace and friendship these circumstances are first to be cosidered In the first place either betweene the victor and the vanquished secondly betweene those that having warred together are upon equall termes of advantage thirdly betweene those that have lived alwayes in good agreement without any quarrell Unto the Victor the vanquished must yeeld and patiently endure the imposition of some strict Covenants which otherwise might seeme unreasonable Where Warre is made and no advantage gotten there it is usuall to demand and make restitution of things and places claimed gotten or lost according as both parties can best agree But betweene such Nations as never fell out there ought no conditions of establishing friendship to bee propounded since it seemes reasonable that each party should hold their owne and neither carry themselves as Superiours unto other in prescribing ought that may be troublesome Thus do I conclude this discourse with divers Aphorismes very proper and fit to be annexed to this subject which I have collected out of S. R. Dallington and fitted them for this purpose and moreover I would not that any man should thinke that I goe about to teach any Officer his dutie much lesse this high Officer whose perfections ought to be beyond my capacity to conceive of but these collections I have taken paines to gather from the best Authours as things of consequence to be taken notice of by a Generall Aphorisme I. EXample is of greater validity then precept therefore a Generall must principally bee an absolute Souldier and likewise a good Director that by his presence and personall performance his Souldiers may strive to imitate and be encouraged to undergoe any paines or meete with any danger for upon his noble performance depends the successe of the Service according to the Greek Proverb That an Armie of Sheep led by a Lyon was better than an Armie of Lyons led by a Sheep Aphorisme II. THe keenest Rasor will turne edge at a more solid substance but the tough and dull Axe is able to encounter the hard and sturdie Oke and over-power him So experience teacheth that hot and fierie spirits are apter to get a purchase than to keepe it Hee therefore that hath the fortune to get the victory but not the judgement to make use thereof stands upon slipperie yee and is subject to fall on either band Aphorisme III. A Generall is to command and advise but Souldiers are to execute with their swords what is commanded in this but one mans life is in danger but in that the hazzard of all Wherefore a Commander in chiefe ought to be covered with the seven-fold shield of Ajax and never expose his person to apparant perill but in case of a generall overthrow and manifest defeat Aphorisme IV. VErtue is a Gemme of such excellencie that even her shadow if it bee in a great Commander doth much good to particular Officers by imitation and to the publike Armie by participation Wherefore though simulation of what is good and dissimulation of what is evill are accounted vices in a private man yet in a publike person they are necessary evils for if hee bee overt in expressing his nature or prodigall in venting his purposes it breeds dangerous consequences for it harmes himselfe and armes his enemie with prevention Aphorisme V. HIde not from those of thy best and most private Councell the true state of thy cause and discover not to thy Armie or Enemie thy wants or feares for it encourageth the one and quite dismayeth the other But if confusion were at hand so eminent as if heaven and earth had conspired thy overthrow yet comfort thy selfe and Souldiers with hopefull words of assurance of some plottes and advantages thou hast against them though thy heart apprehends truely the danger as it is whereby thou maist make thy resistance the stronger or procure thy peace upon better termes Aphorisme VI. A Will to doe hurt is more dangerous in the close than a prosessed enemy because he that suspecteth least is soonest and easiest overthrown like the unskilfull Fencer who while he wardeth the head is hit at the heart which lay out of guard Aphorisme VII IN the Schoole of Art doubt begetteth knowledge so in the School of Policie shee is the mother of good successe for he that feareth the worst preventeth it soonest Man naturally interprets things according as he would have them and so doubts lesse than he should but hee that doubts most treads the safest path Aphorisme VIII A Businesse well begunne is halfe ended wherefore it much imports to the happie or disastrous issue of any affaires what manner of entrance and beginning he makes especially in that of War
will rest upon the Generall for her two only advocates Blindnesse and Ignorance which plead her innocencie will bee your chiefest accusers and prove you guilty of your owne ruine It behoves therefore every Commander to open the one eye of his providence upon the danger and fix the other of his knowledge upon the remedie Aphorisme XXVI THe law of Armes tolerates a professed enemie to attempt that by stratagem fraud or suborned treacherie which cannot bee atchieved by force without long endevouring uttermost danger and excessive charge But it is dangerous for a Generall to treate in such a practice and bee of the party if hee bee to ingage his person and trust his life in the hands of the suborned traytors lest whilst he seeks to buy other mens lives for money he sells his owne for nought Aphorisme XXVII THese which by our means and for our cause are brought in case not to help themselves by us ought carefully to bee tendered It is therefore a shamefull thing in a Generall to give Hostages for keeping of Articles capitulated and after by wilfull breaking of them to leave the lives of those pledges at the enemies mercy Aphorisme XXVIII BLoud flesh and bones are the least strengthning to the arme unlesse there bee sinewes to stretch out and pull in for the defence of the bodie So an Armie consisting of many valiant men and furnished with all other warlike habilements is but lame and uselesse and unable to move it selfe without money the sinewes of Warre Aphorisme XXIX IN unresistable tempests where shipwrack is threatned they disburden the Ship lest themselves and all should perish so it must fare with a wise Generall in the tempestuous stormes of Warre hee must adapt his consultations and actions to the necessitie of the times and not expose the main to a manifest losse by seeking to save the bye Wisedome therefore is more requisite in a Chiefe than Valour Aphorisme XXX IN humane actions small actions work great effects and especially in those of War for one word of command mis-understood many times overthrowes both the action and the Actors Wherefore a wise Generall should accustome his souldiers to the perfection of discipline never to take all arme or apprehension of suddain danger from what others doe or say but from his own immediate Officers or them in place about him Aphorisme XXXI THe greatest glory of a Commander is to drive out the nail of his enemies practice with a stronger of his own and to blow him up in his own mine Policie against force deserveth much and prevaileth often but by stratagem to prevail against policie is most excellent Aphorisme XXXII THe chiefest weapon to gain victory is good discipline for if Souldiers have not this true temper they lose their edge in their tryall and turn the point into their own bowels that use them Wherefore nothing is more necessary in a Martiall government than obedience both for the generall good of their affaires and safety of the Souldiers Aphorisme XXXIII IN the government of a prudent Commander rests the safety of the Army and the greatest weakning thereof is by disorder and want of discipline From want of pay springs up disorder money comforts more than aqua vitae but want is such an aqua fortis as will eat up the steel coat of discipline for hunger and penury will rout a well composed Army sooner than an over-potent enemy Aphorisme XXXIV TWo things are most requisite for a Generall to possesse and that is a sufficient treasure to discharge his Troops and an high reputation which begets a majestie in him and an awfull obedience in his Souldiers towards him by these hee shall preserve in health and safety the body of his Army If reputation bee lost neither his maturity of judgement to undertake nor his alacritie of spirit to execute will availe in the perfecting of his intended enterprize for where there is no powerfull majestie to command there is no awfull readinesse in Officers nor Souldiers to act what is commanded Aphorisme XXXV THe two famous Souldiers of Rome and Greece which shot like two thunderbolts into the West and East filling the whole world with the fame of their victories were renouwned for nothing more than their celeritie in doing and preventing the very report of their comming For there is nothing so excellent in a Chiefe as prevention it blesseth the action with successe and crowneth the Actor with glory Hee therefore that will arrive at the ports of Victory and by her gates enter the town of Fame must steer his course this way Aphorisme XXXVI IT is hard for a Generall so warily to walk in any condition of charge or service as that hee dash not his foot against the stone of offence hee being chiefe in command must use his authority sparingly if he intends to keep it long Wherefore that Generall which binds not himselfe within the limits of his Commission nor useth the advice of his Councell of Warre shall never want secret enemies amongst those bee hath neglected to urge his transgression and work his confusion Aphorisme XXXVII SHafts being bound together are not easily bowed but taken one by one may easily bee broken so fareth it with the forces of an Armie whose safety chiefly depends upon the unity and mutuall conjunction of the inferiours with the superiours and of these one with another Wherefore nothing is more dangerous in the service of Warre than discord and faction amongst the chiefe Officers of the Armie Aphorisme XXXVIII AS Seconds in single fight bee very circumspect that there bee no ods in the Combatants weapons but see them meet upon indifferent termes the like care should every Generall all have that the Arms and Armour of his Souldiers should be every way sufficient for many times this prevailes both against number and valour of the enemy for in a Battell where the fight is in a firme station and a greater desire is had of offending and killing others than of defending and saving themselves ods of the weapon is most advantagious Aphorisme XXXIX IN the prosecution of Warre there are often advantages met with-all by accident which reason and judgement could not possibly fore-think of much lesse direct for things give better counsell to men than men to the things therefore the rigour of punishment due for transgressing a Commandement in Warre is not so strictly to be forced if good successe approves it But he that hath once transgressed the limits of his Commission and thereby hath fair occasion offered to make an honourable amends and in ample sort to justifie his first transgression and wipe out the forfeit that man makes a double fault not to take it Aphorisme XL. THe Crocodile is slain by the Dolphins policie striking him in his soft and tender belly being unarmed with scales Experience
is sayd it is necessary to send before the Army certaine Troopes to discover which may be of strength to resist if occasion be and in this they must be very inquisitive of the country people whether they have seene any of the enemies troopes lately and how and which way they ordered their march Likewise the more woody and hilly the country is the willinger the enemy will lay his ambushes which being discovered they cannot be hurtfull but if not foreseen whereby the Army falls suddenly amongst them tenne to one but they ruine them It is easie to perceive where an enemy marcheth by the dust they raise and by the wondring of fowles and birds which will flye about and not light which is a great signe that an ambush lyes there Concerning the second case of the enemies trayning an Army into danger there must be great wisedome not suddenly to beleeve such things as in mans sense seeme not reasonable to be indeed as they shew for for under the bait lies the hook as for example if many of the enemies troopes be put to flight by a few of thy own men or if a few of the enemies troopes assaile a number of thine or by making a sudden flight without a charge in these cases there can nothing but deceit be expected for we are to note that to march through an enemies countrey is more dangerous then to fight a pitcht Battell wherefore in these cases a Generall must have a secret inward cautelousnesse and feare of surprizing which his souldiers must not take notice of lest they should be discouraged Likewise in the same predicament a Generall must use lofty scornefull words in way of undervaluing his enemy which will animate his Souldiers to fall on therefore for the better and safer conduct of an Army it is most necessary to have an exact Mappe of the countrey you intend to march through in which may be discovered all places of difficulty and danger that so they may bee the easilyer prevented also those Guides which are chosen for the conducting of the Army ought severally to be questioned withall whether there knowledge be good and compare their relation with the Mappes whereby the errors may be discovered and above all things secrefie is to be commended If in your march you light upon deepe and unpassible rivers and having no means to make Bridges to waft over the Army you are to march further to the heads of the rivers where you may passe at ease if the current be over big so that the Army cannot wade over you must cut out the same river in divers places and turne it into the land whereby you may the easier passe over Every Officer must cause his souldiers to march according to the beate of the drumme for if one part of the Army should march too fast and the other part too slow it may breed confusion We are further to observe if it should happen in a march that the enemy opposeth and seeke to give you Battell and you finding your selfe too weak for to joyne in Battell a principle point then is how to get safely off from the enemy without blowes of all the points of warre this is most dangerous to be practised by reason it hath a shew of undervaluing your owne potency and your enemy is puft up with a selfe conceit of transcendent worth and thereby is animated to stretch his valour to the uttermost period whereas the courages of your owne men fall away being surprised with feare which will make them tumble into confusion Therefore as formerly hath beene said a Generall must set a faire glosse causing his souldiers to beleeve that such retreates are for other advantages and to accomplish some other designe of further consequence and not that you retreat to avoyd the combate wherefore some reasons that favour of likely-hood must bee used to the Souldiers Sir Walter Rawlyes advice was to dislodge in the dead of the night in such a quiet still manner that the enemy should not perceive it Marquesse Spinola made use of this when he broke up his Leaguer before Bergen-up-zone when his Excellencies Army lay at Rossandell ready to have assaulted his trenches But the safest way of all is to retreat before the enemy be too neere for if the enemy be in view although you should march forwards to gaine some place of more security yet unhappily there may be some ill passages and straights to hinder your quicke passage whereby the enemy may take his advantage to rout you for it is farre greater honour to retreate in the darke than to bee beaten in the light And as Monsieur Bellay adviseth such as retreat by day must place there horsemen upon two sides like unto hedges leaving a way betwixt them through the which the footmē are to retreat by which meanes the enemy shall not perceive them they being shaddowed by the Horse and as every particular Battalia is passed the principall place of danger then they are immediately to intrench themselves or otherwise one Battalia is to stay for another they being past danger and the enemies sight untill they are all stolne away in safety but this must be understood that it must be performed in some plaines or covert places where the enemy hath not the advantage of a Hill to discover them but those that intend to retreat in the night first send strong Guards to defend the passages fearing the enemy should prevent them and then leaving sufficient fires in the quarters hanging out light matches and stuffing old cloathes with straw and setting them in the place of the Sentinells leaving Dogges howling Beastes lowing Horses neying Cockes crowing in the Quarters so that the enemy may not suspect your departure if your Ordnance cannot conveniently be drawne away it is best to dismount it from the Carriages and bury them secretly in the earth further saith he when an Army is reduc'd to this exigent of extremity it is much better for to be carefull in saving the men albeit that the Ordnance Baggage and other moveables should bee lost than to hazard men for a thing that may so easily afterwards bee regained If an Army be pollitickly stolne out from their Quarters they are to make no stay but to continue the march resting as little as may be but if it be so that of necessity they are constrained to stay upon the way then let them make choice of some place that is naturally fortified alwayes remembring to have certaine fleete horses to stay behind the Army to discover a farre of from some Hills whether the enemy pursues which if he doth the surest way for prevention is to barricado up the passages with trees It is likewise safe to quarter your Army in some wood felling the trees one over another round about it which will be an excellent safeguard both from the enemies horse and foote Likewise a Generall may lay ambushes upon places convenient which must be such souldiers as
upon the passages and how the out-Guardes are to be plac't with divers other observations thereunto belonging HAving formerly discourst of such rules and observations as are most requisite and pertinent for the Marching of an Army In this Chapter I finde it convenient that we should shew such rules and observations as are most usefull for the secure incamping of an Army wherein there is great wisedome and circumspection to be used in the well managing of the same wherefore first there are two things offered to our consideration viz. whether an Army is to be quartered but for a night or for to be incamped for a long season and from these two questions there is a third produc'd viz. whether the Army of your enemy be at hand or farre remote now in regard in the former discourse of marching I have toucht briefely the manner of quartering an Army for a night or two upon a March where most usually no enemy is neere it being then a matter of no such consequence as it is when an Army must pitch downe his quarters or entrenchments for a long season and perchance in the face of the enemy therefore I will bee sparing in the first and also be as briefe as the subject will permit in the second viz. the incamping an Army for some long time wherein also there are two things considerable viz. the strength of the enemies Forces and the neerenesse of his Camp for wee must observe that slight intrenchments are of sufficiency to safeguard an Army where the enemy is weake and his Camp farre remote In the next place we are to have a due respect to the situation and commodiousnesse of water wood forrage for the horses and a safe and convenient recourse for to convay victualls and necessaries to the Camp which must bee either by land or water these things being duely considered the Army being drawne to the place of incampment standing in Battalia the Quarter-master Generall being directed by the Lord Generall of the Army is to lot out the Stations of ground for every regiment to be quartered in then the Quarter-master of each particular Regiment is to line out every particular Companies Station in the Regiment beginning with the eldest Regiments and in every Regiment the eldest Company which are to be plac't at the right hand and so successively every Company according to his antiquitie and every Regiment according to theirs In the meane time the Earle Marshall the Serjeant Majors Scout-Masters are to take notice what passages and places of accesse are whereby the enemy may approach to this Campe and in the convenientest places of them they are to command double guards both of horse and foote to be plac't for the securing of the Army whilst the intrenchments are making Before the principall workes of the Campe are to bee raised there must bee Redouts speedily made upon all such passages to lodge those out-guards in and for the same purpose the Pioners and Souldiers are to make what speed possibly may bee These Redouts are to bee made in greatnesse as the place requires number of Souldiers to defend it viz. upon a small passage where the enemy is not to bee expected there a triangular Redout sufficient to containe thirty or forty men is requisite if the passage bee more dangerous then a foure-square Redout which may hold eighty or an hundred men but upon the chiefest passage of all either a Sconce is to bee built or otherwise two Redouts which may bee either foure-square or triangular one being raised upon one side of the way the other somewhat wide upon the other side of the way with the point or corner of the worke towards the enemies approaches by reason more hands may bee brought to give fire upon them from the two sides which make the angle or point In the meane time whilst this is in agitation the front of the Army is to bee pallizado'd with such stakes as is described in the discourse of warlike instruments which are to bee driven one within a foote of another these shall keepe off both the horse and the foote if they should breake through the guards Then as soone as conveniently may be the works are to be raised of the Quarters and as they finish the pallizadoes are to bee pulled up againe as hereafter in this discourse wee shall speake more plainely of The Prince of Orange used also many times to place Redouts more inward within Musket-shot one of another to secure the Campe the horse guards are within the outmost Redouts but their horse-Sentinels are set out perdue beyond the furthest works and also beyond the foot-Sentinels which are alwaies plac't a good distance from the works upon the passages that they may give the alarme upon all occasions and so to retreat into the worke No Souldier during the time of his watch in any of these Redouts is to have his Bandilires off from about him nor any Pike-man his Gorget from about his necke their Peeces must be likewise loaded with powder and shot in a continuall readinesse and a Sentinell standing duly upon the brest-worke to discover the enemies approaches at which time the Officer which commands the worke is to place betwixt each two Musketires a Pike-man to make the better defence Those Officers that guard in such Redouts seldome or never carry their Colours with them but leave them in their Quarters with a guard passing upon them Both the Captain and the Ensigne are to march with their Company with each of them a Pike These Redouts are to bee releeved every night before Sunne-set with fresh Companies from the main Campe where no Souldier is to pull off his Armour or set downe his Pike or Musket untill they bee all entred the worke and the Sentinels set out in their due places Every severall Redout hath a particular name to distinguish one from the other and the Officers must draw Billets who shall have the guard in them so that no Officer shall aforehand know his guard to avoyd trecherie These Redouts may bee pallizado'd to make the defence more strong against the enemy which is performed after this manner when the worke is raised neere the toppe then lay in some sharpe stakes of hard wood a yard into the ground and as much out of the ground three quarters of a foot asunder but these kind of workes are seldome pallizado'd unlesse they be very great and set in dangerous places for assaulting Now wee are to shew how the maine Quarters are to be fortified wherein wee are to dispose the forme of it according as the situation shall direct us but by the way wee must make sure that no hilly ground bee neere the Quarters fearing left the enemy take it for his advantage and so annoy the Campe with his Ordnance if such a place should bee either it must bee levelled or else a worke raised upon it to defend it If an Army may have such an advantage to be quartered neere
some great River that may bee of defence sufficient to protect the Reare of the said Quarters then the intrenchment will bee soone finisht and much the stronger in regard the whole power of the Army is but to make resistance one way But if an Army should happen to bee incamped upon a Plaine so as the enemy may approach upon any side of it the forme of it must be far otherwise and the strength of it the greater When an enemy can gaine no advantage but to come upon the face of the Quarters onely then a small ditch of eight or nine foote broad and six or seven foote deepe the Rampier or Breast-worke accordingly will serve for there shall need no better defence but to keepe off their Horse and to damp their Bullets your forces being more than sufficient to defend the workes from scaling the highest part of ground in the Campe is most fit to plant the Ordnance upon to scoure the Plaines before the Trenches Divers have fortified their Campe by lodging their Army in a Wood neer some great River and in stead of intrenching of it they have cut downe the timber trees and made a Barricado both against Horse and Foote being a very speedie and cheape way and wonderfull secure But in regard all places cannot possibly be found to have such advantages of naturall strength wee must learne to secure our Quarters by art as the ancient Romans used for they regarded not so much the strength of the place by nature so as they could conveniently fortifie it by art and for the most part they used one kind of intrenchment but in these moderne times wee use any forme as the situation of the place will permit viz sometimes crooked as his Excellencie did betwixt Cleave and Skinken-Sco●ce other times triangular as he did by Rayes sometimes round and sometimes square but these kind of intrenchments are not so good especially when wee are constrained to regulate our selves according to the situation or extent of the place for we shall faile in the uniformity that is requisite to be observed in the Quarters whereby the Campe will bee ordered so absurdly and grosly that almost nothing will have his due proportion for as a Fortresse serves to defend men against the assaults of their enemies so the well-ordering of a Campe within serves to distribute and place them so that every particular Company may know what place is proper and particular for them to defend without which order there had need bee Bulwarkes and large intrenchments about a Campe for indeed it were better to want this fortification than the proper defence that the souldiers may make within it who being duely ordered as they ought to be may for a need secure themselves with little or no defence their Quarters being alwaies so situated and placed in such an orderly ready way to resist all assaults But this is not the onely care that is to bee taken about the well disposing of a Campe but it is very requisite we should proceede further taking a survey how wee may have supplies of amunition victuals souldiers and the like to have a safe recourse to this Campe that they may not bee hindered or damnified by the enemie and as in the beginning of this discourse it must be either by water or land and so as the enemie may not possibly cut off the passage either for provision comming or the Armie retraiting for if such an oversight should happen an Army should be just brought into a trap or stratagem for its owne confusion Wherefore the enemy must not bee suffered to have any Forts or Garrisons behinde you to hinder you by land nor any Castle or Block-houses to spoile you by water but of necessity they must be taken in first and although the place should be never so commodious to transport either by water or land necessaries to the Campe yet if the place you intend to encampe in be not very fruitfull to accommodate you with wood victuals forrage for the present necessity both of man and beast or if the ayre be not healthfull or if the situation of your Campe be so low that it be subject to drowning if the enemy should cut out any waters you would find your selfe but in an ill taking for you shall bee sure to suffer before you can redresse these things Further a speciall care is to be had how to preserve the Souldiers in health which we may learn from that famous souldier Mounsieur Bellay who saith that sicknesse may be avoyded by taking good heed unto the excesse the Souldiers use and for their better healths there must be provision made that they may have warme and dry Hutes well thatched with straw reed or sedge shady trees to defend the heate of Summer or stormes in Winter their victuals sweet and good well boyled and salted Further if in the heat of Summer any of the Troops belonging to the Army should bee forc'd to travell they must take the early and cool morne so as they may bee returned to their Quarters by the chiefe heat of the day Likewise in Winter the Souldiers ought not to march through waters or over yce and snow unlesse the place they goe unto will affoord store of firing to relieve and dry them Neither must they bee suffered to drink ill waters or to bee ill clad for these are the originals of great sicknesses this care being had ties and unites the hearts of poor Souldiers to their superiour Officers more than any other way for should not this care be had a double losse of men would ensue as namely to be vanquished by sicknesse and slaine by the enemy now since exercise is a principall thing to keep the Army in health therefore duly thrice a week they ought to be exercised in their compleat Arms this will be a means to keep them from vicious courses as gaming drinking and the like which of it selfe is able to surfet and destroy an Army The Generall is alwaies to have one moneths provision in his Campe especially of Bread Cheese Bacon Fish c. with all kind of Provender for the Horse Also there must be good and wholsome Laws established and proclaimed and seen to bee put in execution for if Justice do not govern in an Army all things goe to ruine in the Camp For in the first place the unrulinesse of the Souldiers will cause Victuallers and the countrey people to refrain the Camp whereby a famine will soon ensue Secondly if the Souldiers bee suffered to pilfer and pillage the people abroad in the Countrey neer adjoyning those people will plot a revenge with the enemy and seek to betray you besides the quarrels that will arise amongst themselves whereby a confusion amongst themselves will be wrought if Justice should not prevent But now I shall come to that which all this while you have expected and that is to shew the best manner of incamping the which I shall endeavour to doe by
two severall demonstrations The first shall be as before is spoken of when the Rear of the Camp is secured by some great River or Arme of the Sea The second a square incampment upon the Champion where no naturall strength can afford us help For the first of these two when the place affords such naturall strength that the Rear of the Army may be secured by some River or Arme of the Sea provided alwayes that the enemy cannot come with shipping to annoy you the Front of this Camp must be towards the enemy where a certain Brest-work must bee raised four or five foot high upon the most eminent ground and about the same breadth the ditch about six foot broad and four foot deep this must run if the ground will give leave with some nooks and angles the better to flanker some part of this intrenchment as by the following figure you may perceive marked A. From this Brest-work inwards into the Camp must bee a space left sixty or eighty Paces broad if the conveniency of the ground will give way for the Souldiers to draw into Battalia or to Parado in marked O. In the next place marked B. every Captain and Colonell are to have their Hutes or Tents stand in an even Line viz. every Colonell before the head of his own Company being quartered upon the right hand of his Regiment and each Captain successively according to their antiquities In the next place there is a space eight paces broad marked with the letter C. this is for the chief street and runs in an even line from one side of the Quarter to the other From this chief street downwards towards the Rear of the Quarters are the inferiour Officers and Souldiers to be quartered as at the letter D. and in this are divers things to bee considered as first the street which goes down between the Hutes ought to bee ten foot broad and four hundred foot deep in regard each Hute is to bee eight foot square and in every Hute two Souldiers are to bee lodged so that upon each side of the way there is to bee fiftie Hutes built which are to hold an hundred Souldiers upon a side At the top of the street upon the right hand is the Lieutenants Cabbin who is to bee allowed twelve foot and upon the left hand is the Ensignes Cabbin of the same bignesse the Serjeants are to have upon each side their Cabbins in the Rear of the Quarters thus a Company of two hundred are conveniently quartered In the Reare of these Hutes is another street or space of ground which runneth from one side of the Quarters to the other marked E. being six paces wide upon the foremost side of which are the Sutlers Butchers and Shop-keepers behind these is a wast place next the water for the off all filth and draffe to be conveyed away as you may perceive at G. The space or distance of ground which is betwixt Regiment and Regiment ought to be twenty or thirty foot broad as you may see at H. The Generall ought to have his Tents in the midst of all the Quarters and the Colonells according to their dignity upon each hand of his Pavilions The Passages into the Campare to bee plac'd in the most convenient places and strong Ports made to open and shut at pleasure as you may perceive at I. Also if need requires there may bee posterne passages made in divers places of the Brest-work for single persons to goe in and out with a turne-pike to secure it as at K. The Ordnance is to bee plac'd in a halfe Moon made next the water-side in the most convenient place of the Camp the residue may bee plac'd either upon the Brest-work or else before the halfe-Moon as at L. View the figure following and at M. is the Bridge for the Army to passe over the River The other manner of fortifying a Camp is now to be discourst of The Lord high Marshall having made choice of a place convenient being attended by the Quarter-Master Generall and the inferiour Quarter-Masters about the midst of the ground where you intend to incamp set up the Generalls Standard and about the same stake out a square place of ground for the Generalls Pavilion fourty paces square directly from this towards the North runneth one main street fourty paces broad which divides the Horse-Camp from the Foot-Camp and on either side of the Generalls Tents runneth two other crosse wayes thirty paces in breadth which divide the armed Souldiers from the Pioners and Waggons these two wayes embrace two long squares of ground fourty paces broad and five hundred and fifty paces long apeece these may either of them bee divided into five Lodgings of an hundred paces in length and fourty in breadth leaving between them certain passages of ten paces in breadth so that the Souldiers upon every sudden alarme may the more readily repair to the place of Assembly One of the Lodgings next the Generalls Tent is appointed for the high Marshall and his retinue and the other on the other side for the Treasurer the rest may be assigned at the Marshals discretion to the other Officers of the field and for such Noblemen and Gentlemen Voluntires as follow the Warres at their own charge In the North-east Quarter of the Camp are the Horse-men lodged in the Northwest the Foot-men either of these Camps are divided into three parts by streets running East and West these streets are twenty paces in breadth and five hundred and eighty paces long in every of these three spaces of the Foot-Camp are lodged a Regiment of 10000. men and in the Hors-Camp the middlemost of them shall serve for 1500. Lances or Curassiers with their Beedets the North space for the Harquebuziers on the other side of this street are the Lodgings assigned for the Colonels of every Regiment and their Officers every space being thirty paces broad and one hundred and seaventy long By these Characters following you may understand the description of this Camp the better as in the figure following A. stands for the Captaines of the Harquebuziers B. for the Captaine of the Lances or Curassiers and C. for the residue of the Carbines and Dragones Likewise D E F. is the place for the Leaders of three principall Regiments of Foot-men the which are to be distingūished by their antiquities or by the usuall name of Vantguard Battell and Rear-ward the Vantguard lies next to the Generalls Tent and answers to the Harquebuziers the Battell answers to the Curassiers and the Rear-ward to the residue of the Carbines and Dragones Every of these principall Regiments you may if you please divide againe into five smaller Regiments by streets of ten paces broad running North and South So have you fifteen lesse Regiments in the Foot-Camp and five apeece in every of the Horse-Camps and every of these Regiments are one hundred paces broad and one hundred and seventy paces in length and shall contain every of
them in Foot-men 2000. of Curassiers 300. of Harquebuziers 400. the residue of the Carbines and Dragones 500. with their Colonels and their Officers The Colonels and Captains of the Cavalliary may be quartered at the head of their Regiments as you may behold in the figure of the Camp Those marked G. are for the Colonels of the Foot H. for the Captains of the light-Horse-men or Harquebuziers I. for the Captain of the Curassiers or Lances K. for the Captain of the residue of the Carbines and Dragones So there remaines Regiments of an hundred paces broad and one hundred and fifty paces long for the Souldiers to bee quartered in which may by small streets of five paces broad be divided into as many spaces as there are severall Bonds in every Regiment These last divisions of Bonds are omitted in the figure because in so small a plot it would breed confusion This must be observed that the shot bee lodged towards the outside of the Camp that they may bee in readinesse to answer the alarm the which may be done by dividing the utmost seven Regiments into halfe as you may see in the figure by the pricked lines leaving the seaven spaces marked with L. for 7000. Shot and the other with M. for 7000. Pikes all the other Regiments marked with N. are likewise for Pikes and Muskets to the number of 16000. Thus you see in the North moytie of this Camp is quartered all the Foot and Horse the other halfe of this Camp must serve for the quartering of the unarmed as Pioners Carters Carpenters Smiths Sutlers Butchers and all sorts of Mechanicall Artificers together with a large place of assembly for the Souldiers to retire unto to put themselves in order upon any alarm as also to exercise themselves in sundry sorts of activity You shall therefore from the South side of the Generall Pavilion six hundred paces Southward extend out your first main street of fourty paces broad and crosse it againe with another street running East and West three hundred and sixty paces distant from the South side of the Generalls Pavilion this street needs bee but thirty paces in breadth Againe extend the second narrow street that runs paralell to the first main street untill you come to this crosse street last made so have you O. your place of Assembly three hundred and thirty paces broad and five hundred and fourty paces long P. shall be appointed for the Munition and Officers attending upon the Artilery Q. is the Marke-place and round about this Market-place may bee lodged the Butchers Bakers Cooks and Victuallers of all sorts About the place of the Assembly may be the Tents of all such as furnish the Camp with things needfull for the Souldiers as Armourers Taylors Shoo-makers and the like There still remains two long squares of earth either of them 540. paces long and 190. paces broad here the Carts and Wagons with the horse and oxen for the Carriages themselves must alwaies impale that part of the Camp that is not fortified either by nature or art the Pioners likewise may be quartered in this Camp Lastly you shall line out 60. paces distant from all these Regiments and Quarters already set down and there raise the circumference of the intrenchment of the Camp making a good Trench eight or ten foot wide and raise a good Parapet or Brest-work of five or six foot thick and as high with a foot-bank to make the Souldiers of height sufficient to give fire over it your Ordnance is to be plac'd on the same But if the enemy be near and of greater force than your selfe then you must make your Trenches very large and deep with a Rampart and Brest-work of a great height and thicknesse with a Bulwark at each corner and in the midst of the Curtain View the figure following where the line the Ordnance is planted upon demonstrates the sleight Trench and Brest-work which is to be made the enemy being a far distance from you The outmost line with the Bulwarks is the figure of the strongest Intrenchment for security when the enemy is at hand For the Guards and manner of watching I have discoursed of in the beginning of this Discourse and more fully in the latter end of the Discourse of Fortification I intend in the next Chapter to shew you the manner of the Swedes Incampings which I rather affect than this CHAP. V. How the King of Sweden in the late Emperiall Warres used to incamp his Army with Figures to explaine the same THe Swedes in their late German Warres have been very curious in their Incampings in regard of the potency of their enemies and the multiplicity of their Armies and were able by their excellent order and good discipline to performe as great atchievements with their Army of 16000. Souldiers as their enemie could with 20000. For that famous Generall never filed his men above six deep and never above 126. in a Company besides the Officers and in a Regiment but eight Companies which he might the better doe in regard his Souldiers were no novices but admirable apt and pregnant in their exercisings and performances this was one reason of this his only and peculiar way of imbattelling and incamping Likewise the fewnesse of men in his Companies made the more Divisions and Cohorts and the more Officers which he found by experience stood him in great stead and lesse charge to maintain them His incampments were different both from the ancient Romans and our modern Hollanders as you may see by this discription following how he used to enquarter his Regiments of Foot as by the sequent figure you may perceive in the head of the Quarters nine large Square at the upper end of the figure marked with the letter A. all which are the due places for the Colonell and Captains to pitch their Tents upon where you see the word Colonell written and the Captains according to their degrees in seniority and dignity of Office as you may perceive by their Hutes or Tents marked each on the head of his owne Company The number over the Colonells Hutes or Tents shew it to be 48. foot broad viz. twice as broad as any of the Captains Cabbins which are marked with 24. at each end of these rowes of Squares you see the number 30. marked which shews how many foot long each of these great Hutes are Now whereas the King of Swedens discipline was usually to have but eight Companies to a Regiment so many Hutes you see on the top of the Quarter four on each side the Colonels And the reason why this famous Warriour had so few in a Regiment as 1008. and consequently so few in a private Company as 126. those 1008. being divided amongst eight Captains was that he might have the more places of preferment and the more Officers to command these few men This is a greater advantage than our Ancestours were aware of and it were happy if our English Companies were reduced into 126. men
entertainment of any other Colonell or Garrison or to ramble about the Countrey without he hath his Colonels Passe or his that is in his stead who so doth it shall bee lawfull for any man to apprehend him and to send him prisoner to the next Carrison of the Kings where he shall be examined and punished accordingly 108. Whosoever have any lawfull Passes ought by no means to abuse the benefit of them or practise any cheats under the pretence of them If any be found with any pilfery or to have taken any mans cattell or goods it shall be lawfull for the Countrey-people to lay hands upon them and to bring them to the next Garrison speciall care being had that if the prisoner hath any letters of moment about him they be speedily and safely delivered 109. Our Carriers or Posts though they have lawfull Passes to travell withall yet shall they not ride their Post-horses which they hire beyond the next Stage And if they shall take away any horse from one or other to tire out with hard riding and beyond reason they shall be bound to return the horse again or to make satisfaction for him The same order shall take place too when any Regiment or Troops of ours shall remove from one Quarter to another namely when they shall hire Postillions or baggage-Waggons for the carriage of their Valises Armes or Amunition 110. The houses of the Princes or Nobility which have no need to borrow our Guard to defend them from our enemy shall not be pressed with souldiers 111. Moreover under a great penaltie it is provided that neither Officers nor Souldiers shall make stay of or arrest the Princes Commissaries or Officers or any Gentlemen Councellors of State Senators or Burgers of any Cities or other countrey-people nor by any fact of violence shall offend them 112. Travellers or other passengers going about their businesse into any Garrisons or places of Muster shall by no means bee stayed injured or have contribution laid upon them 113. Our Commanders shall defend the countrey-people and Plough-men that follow their husbandry and shall suffer none to hinder them in it 114. No Commander or common souldier whatsoever either in Town of Garrison or place of Muster shall exact any thing upon Passengers nor shall lay any Custome or Toll upon any Merchandize imported or exported nor shall any bee a hindrance to the Lord of the place in receiving his due Customes or Toll-gathering but to further them 115. If any of our Officers having power of Command shall give the Word for any Remove or March to some other Quarter those souldiers either of Horse or Foot that privily lurk behind their fellows shall have no power to exact part of the contributions formerly allotted for their maintenance in that place but shall severally be punished rather for their lingring behind the Army 116. Whatsoever is not contained in these Articles and is repugnant to Military Discipline or whereby the miserable and innocent country may against all right and reason be burdened withall whatsoever offence finally shall be committed against these Orders that shall the severall Commanders make good or see severally punished unlesse themselves will stand bound to give further satisfaction for it 117. According to these Articles let every man governe his businesse and actions and learne by them to take heed in comming into lurch or danger 118. If any Souldier happens to get free-booty in any Castle City Towne Fort Strength or Leaguer and moreover whatsoever Ordnance Munition for Warre and victuals is found there shall be left for our use the rest shall be the Souldiers only the tenth part thereof shall they give to the sicke and maimed Souldiers in the Hospitalls All prisoners shall first be presented to us amongst which if there bee any man of note whom we desire to have unto our selves wee promise in lieu thereof honestly to recompence the taker of him according to the quality of the person other prisoners of inferiour ranke may the takers keep unto themselves whom by our leave or our Generalls they may put to their ransome and take it to themselves but without leave they may not ransome them upon paine of death 119. If any bee found drunken in the enemies Leaguer Castle or Towne before the enemy hath yeelded himselfe wholly up to our mercy and laid downe his Armes whosoever shall kill the said drunken Souldier shall be free for it alwayes provided that good proofe be brought that hee was drunken and if that Souldier escape for that time with his life and that it can appeare that some dammage or hinderance hath come unto our service by his drunkennesse then wheresoever he be apprehended he shall die for it but if no hurt ensued thereof yet shall he be put in irons for the space of one moneth living upon his pittance of Bread and Water 120. All our Souldiers shall duely repaire unto the generall musters upon the day and houre appointed nor shall any Colonell or Captaine either of Horse or Foot keepe backe his Souldiers from being mustered at the time when our Muster-masters shall desire to view them if any refuse he shall be taken for a Mutiner 121. No Colonell nor Captaine shall lend any of their Souldiers one to another upon the Muster-dayes for the making up of their numbers compleat he that thus makes a false Muster shall answer it at the Marshalls Court where being found guilty he shall be proclaimed Traitor after which being put out of the Quarter his Colours shall flie no more 122. If any Souldier hires out himselfe for money to runne the Gate-lope three severall times he shall be beheaded and if any Captaine shall so permit or counsell his Souldier to doe the same he shall be actually cashierd 123. If any Horse-man borrowes either Horse Armour Pistols Saddle Sword or Harnesse to passe Muster withall so much as is borrowed shall be escheated and himselfe after that turned out of the Leaguer as likewise he shall that lent it him the one halfe of the Armes forfeited shall goe to the Captaine and the other halfe unto the Parforce 124. If it can bee proved that any Horseman hath wilfully spoyled his Horse hee shall bee made Traitor lose his Horse and bee turned out of the Quarter 125. All Souldiers both of Horse and Foot shall be taken on at a free Muster but not by any private Captaine neither shall their pay goe on before they be mustred by our Muster-masters 126. No Souldier either of Horse or Foot shall be cashiered by his Colonell Captaine or other inferiour Officer nor shall they who being taken on at a free Muster have their men sworne to serve if it please God untill the next Muster except it be upon a free Muster at which time the Muster-masters and his Colonell may freely give him his Passe 127. If any forreine Souldier shall desire his passe in any Towne of Garrison after the enemy be retired he may have it
fire upon the enemies Battalia of Pikes Also divers Souldiers with fire-works and Granado's are to goe and come to cast them against the enemies Troops which will be a great annoyance unto them Furthermore under the Front of the Pikes are divers Fire-locks or Musketires to be placed that shall play upon the enemies Pikes when the enemy shall bee approacht within twenty of forty paces of your main Battell viz. five hundred Shot The Ordnance that before were drawn down from before the main Battel unto the Front of the Battell of succour are when the enemy is within twenty paces of your foremost Battels to be levelled right up this broad space or distance and having given fire in a right line upon the enemy those of the Forlorn Hope that retraited into that space being ordered and ranged 37. in Rank and ten deep in File and plac'd behind the Battalia upon the right side marked P. and 38. in Rank plac'd behind the middle Battalia on the left side at Q. viz. three hundred and seventy even behind the Maniple or Battalion of the right side of the said space and three hundred and eighty souldiers behind the Battalia of the left side so soon as the Shot is past the three hundred and seventy souldiers are to face to the left hand and the three hundred and eighty to the right and so advancing forwards into the midst of the space or division to their even distance they are again to face towards the Front of the main Battell and are speedily to march up and joyn with them whereby the whole body will be strong and firm to receive the enemies charge Likewise the severall distances betwixt every Maniple or Battalia of this main Battel is two paces and this is for the Shot after they have given fire to march down into the Rear Behind this main Battel is the Battell of succour consisting of six Divisions or Battalia's marked H. these are ranged in distance from the Rear of the main Battel twenty or thirty paces The space or distance of these Battalia's betwixt Flank and Flank from one to the other is one hundred twenty six paces and these are thus plac'd because if it happens the main Battell to be overcharged the Battalions thereof may retrait between these spaces and so be reinforc'd with fresh men Note each Battalia contains seven hundred men In the rear-Battell are four severall Battalia's twenty or thirty paces distant Behind the Battell of succour marked I. the space or distance of ground between these Maniples or Battalia's are three hundred thirtie six paces the reason is because if the enemy should still over-charge the former principall Battels then they are to make their last retrait betwixt these divisions or spaces viz. whereas before there retraited into the Battell of succour four Maniples or Battalia's and the first Battalia unto the Flank of the right Wing as also the other four Battalia's retraited into the spaces upon the left side of the Battell of succour and the fift Battalia upon the out-side of the Flank of the left Wing of the same so now there must retrait six Battalia's into the spaces between the Battalia's of the rear-Battell and two Battalia's upon the out-side of the Battalia of the right Wing and also the other six Battalia's retraiteth into the spaces upon the left side and two Battalia's upon the outside of the Battalia of the left Wing Likewise the middlemost Battalia is to retrait into the space in the midst so that by this means there shall bee brought two thousand four hundred fresh souldiers more to joyn with the rest to fight By this means the enemy will bee wearied and also over-winged by reason this Battell at the last retraiting is as broad again as it was at first Thus it will come to passe that the enemy shall be charged both in Front and Flank whereby hee shall surely be routed The Flanks of this Battell are to be impaled on either side with four hundred eighty five Pikes two hundred ninety one Musketires because the distance from the Front of the first Battell to the Rear of the last is fifty eight paces that is ninety seven souldiers in a Rank and five deep in File the Musketires are but three deep in File and equall to the Pikes in Rank or Brest they are to stand behind the Pikes the Pikes charging at the Horse the formost Rank is to give fire over the heads of the Pikes as they stoop and then falling back the ne●t Rank is to give fire in their place These new fashioned Pikes with Bowes annexed to them are the best for Impalement also they may doe much good to bee plac'd in the first and second Ranks of the main-Battell in the Front thereof to gall the enemies Horse This Impalement is to bee set a pretty distance from the Flanks that the Battalia's upon their retrait may have room to fall in betwixt the Flanks and the Impalement The Impalement in the Rear is to be made of the Carts and Carriages or some Intrenchments if occasion bee The Rear of this Battell extends it selfe seven hundred paces wide from the Flank of the right Wing to the left and without Intrenchments or Carriages Carts and Waggons fastned with chaines together it would take up a quarter of the Army to impale it so strongly as the Flanks are Wherefore it were very convenient that the Pioners being they are troubled with nothing but their Spade and Mattock and that but seldome they being most usually carried by Water or by Waggon these Pioners should have Bowes and Arrowes for their Armes which would be but little burthen to them and these would help to defend the Carriages in the Rear with the help of a small quantity of Pikes and Muskets so that if there bee two Pikes and three Musketires to guard the Reare it being 700. paces broad they would amount to 5830. Souldiers so the Flankes and the Reare would take up 7382. Note that when the maine Battell retreats into the Battell of succour the impalements of the Flankes are to stand firme if they can possibly and are to charge the enemy on the Flankes but if the two first Battells retreat into the Reare Battell they must of necessity then fall backe and halfe of them strengthen the Reare because the Front of the Battell then will extend it selfe so wide that the impalements of the Flanks must give way to the Battalia's that shall retreate and so they will be disjoyned from the impalement in the Reare which places bein not fortified by these Souldiers there will be an advantage for the enemy to breake in upon the Reare of the Battell with his Horse The residue of the Horse troopes are to be imbattelled in severall Battalia's downe by the Flankes of the wings of the Army and wide in distance from them sixty paces or more the Carbines or Harquebuziers are to maintaine skirmish with
upon which part they cast themselves out farthest and Heraclides and Sopolis with the Horse of Baeotia and Amphipolis the left hee having roughly charged them put the Tryballs to flight and vanquish'd them Moreover it is Leo his own advice if the Army hath light-armed men enough namely Shot let them saith he before the Army joyns send their Shot furiously at the enemy but after the fight of the armed is begunne then pay their Flanks with your missive weapons that at once both their Flanks may bee assaulted And indeed in all ages the Shot were the first that did begin the Battell and for the most part the chiefest meanes to gaine victory at last Further the nature of Shot is to wound afar off Wherefore a Generall if hee desires not to come neer to joyn Battell hee may annoy his enemy afar off without endangering his own forces as Livie makes mention of Cn. Manlius Volso he warring against the Gallo-Grecians that fled into the mountains attending the Romans comming and there defending themselves by the advantage of the place he prepared great plenty of Darters Archers and Slingers and leaving his Legionary souldiers behind led his light-armed against the enemy that possessed certain Straights by which his Army must of necessitie passe after a small skirmish the Gallo-Grecians being not sufficiently armed to defend the fury of their Shot the light-armed of the Romans forc'd the Passage and followed them to their Camp the Legionary souldiers being marcht unto them for their aid they wonne the Camp also Of how much more efficacie are our Muskets at this day to performe greater atchievements if they be skilfully marshalled wherefore upon many occasions our Shot may be dis-joyned from the armed Pikes and placed according to the wisedome of the Generall For as formerly I have said so long as the body of Pikes stands in array and remains stedfast in good order no victory can bee gotten against it but if the Pikes should bee dis-banded or dis-joynted from their proper place there is nought else but an overthrow to bee expected Wherefore it cannot chuse but bee very good to place Shot before the Battalia's of Pikes to shelter them as you may see the like in some of those Battels which I have described where the pricks stand for Musketires and certain field-Peeces placed amongst them to annoy the enemy But this is best to be done when the enemy is a good distance from you otherwise it may bee hurtfull for when the enemy is ready to come to handy blowes then the Battalia's of Pikes must stand and endure the showring Shot of the light-armed and the Shot must shelter themselves amongst the Pikes You may further observe the strange Conquests which have been atchieved by certain Maniples of Shot which have been imployed against the body of the Pikes as appeares by the example of the Aegyptians in Crassus his Battell who after the defait of part of his Army yet he would not yeeld to King Cyrus although in all likelyhood he had got the victory wherefore Cyrus was first constrained to charge the Rear of their Battalia's of Pikes with his Horse and being not able to break them he had no way to perfect his Conquest but by drawing his light-armed or Shot to direct their Volleys at them the Aegyptians being wounded and many souldiers lost they were constrained to yeeld themselves to the mercie of the enemy By this you see that Maniples of Shot are very prevalent But it may bee objected that light-armed as the Shot of themselves are not able to repulse the Horse but are subject to their furie unlesse they bee strengthned with Pikes or have some convenient place of retrait for their refuge and safetie as by the example of Crassus in Parthia how the light-armed were beaten in by the Parthian Horse and through their discomfiture the Battalias of Pikes were likewise disheartned And likewise Antonies retrait out of Persia his light-armed were constrained to shrowd themselves from the Persian Horse within the Phalange of the armed This Objection is true and undenyable for the Shot of themselves are too weak for to resist the Horse unlesse the wisdome of the Generall place them in such places of advantage in which they might secure themselves or as in former times they did use to line their Horse-Troops with Shot and then they wrought wonders for it is impossible the enemies Horse being so charged should resist both as an Historian reporteth of Caesar that hee having but a small number of Horse and his Foot-Troops as few was set upon by his enemy who had lined his Horse-Troops with light-armed Numidians when the souldiers of Caesar advanc'd forwards to charge them the enemies Horse gallop'd away and the Foot that lined them stood fast and gave their Volleyes at them untill their Horse with a full Career returned to their rescue this kind of fight did much perplex Caesar and would have confounded him had he not retraited to the next hils from the fury of the enemies Horse Certainly there is no absolute way to secure the body of Pikes but by impaling them with a quantitie of Shot for whereas in former ages they used Lances and then the Pikes could make their parties good with them But in these our dayes Pistols Carbines and Harquebuzes being in use the Horse-Troops may advance up to the Pikes and discharge upon them and so fall off again in safety were it not for the placing of Musketires about them It may bee further objected that the light-armed are not able to grapple with the armed Pikes but that they will soon come within their Shot and so confound them having spent their breath and powder To this I answer There is no fear of any dammage the Pikes can doe to the Shot of themselves without the aid of Horse because the light-armed are nimble and quick and seeking alwaies advantage by changing of ground whereby they cannot possibly bee forced by the armed Foot they being wearied and laden with their heavie Corslets and Pikes neither can they make any great speed to come up to handie-blowes with the Shot but they must run themselves into ruine by disorder Wherefore the Shot need fear nothing but the Horse to trouble them And by the way it is to be supposed the Horse are to bee imployed against their adversaries Troops and shall not be at all turns at freedome to attend the excursions and dis-bandings of the Shot but that the Shot will find time and fitting opportunity to work their effects either against the Foot or Horse of their enemies unlesse their own Troops serve them as Pompies did at the Battell of Pharsalia who fled before they received a charge from Caesars Troops I may well compare a pitcht Battell to a game at Irish each Gamester must have a speciall eye not only of his own but of the adverse Tables how he disposeth his men what hits may be given
halfe Files described The manner of doubling the Reere by the Front halfe-files described The manner of doubbling the Reare by Countermarch described It is at the discretion of the Commander to face the Companie which way he pleaseth eyther for motion or Reducement The manner of doubbling Flankes by way of Countermarch described The manner of doubling Halfe-files to the Right intire to accommodate the doubling of Halfe-rankes described How the Halfe-ranke of the Right are to double the left Flank is described The halfe files having doubled the Front to the Right intire causeth them to be 40 in Ranke or Brest before they were but 20. The difference betweene intire and divisionall doublings and of doubling halfe files intire described The manner of doubling the Front inward intire described The manner of doubling the Frong with halfe files by division described The manner of doubling the Reare with halfe-files by division described The manner of doubling the Reare intire by the Front halfe-files described The manner of doubling by half Ranks intire described The manner of doubling Flanks by division described The manner of doubling Ranks intire described The manner of doubling Files intire advancing described The manner of Files doubling their depth described Inversion This sort of inversion is called filing on sequ●nce Three kinds of Coūtermarches viz. the Chorean Lacedaemonian and Macedonian described by Ael●an in his Tac. pag. ● 125 cap. 28. The distance for Countermarch is 6 foot in Rank File Note when there is a Countermarch commanded without any other addition then it is alwaies intended a Chorean Countermarch Of countermarching to lose ground The Macedonian Countermarch to gain ground Of countermarching Ranks to maintain ground Of countermarching Ranks to lose ground Note that for countermarching Front Reor into the midst the Front half-Files are ever to turn off towards the right-hand the ●ear half-File to the 〈◊〉 which being truly ●bserved they 〈…〉 even in the midst of the Battell otherwise not Of bringing Front and Rear together in the midst of the Battel Countermarch Of countermarching to make a large Intervall between the first and last Ranks Of Countermarching to take the ground before the Flank Of Counter-marching to take the ground on the outside of the Flankes and to direct their aspects inwards Of taking the ground on the outside of the flankes not altering the aspect Of enterchanging ground by the Flanks and bringing the inmost Files of Pikes to become the outmost Rankes Of wheeling Anguler Of wheeling on the Center 〈◊〉 wheeling the 〈◊〉 inwards to the 〈…〉 Of bringing Flankes into the Front of the Battell Of wheeling the Reere into the midst of the Battell Note that if the length of your Battell be double the number of the depth as is shewed in this mo●●r then this wheeling of Front and Reere into the right or left flanke doth quadruple their forme in depth If the number be equall in length and depth then by this wheeling they will but double If the number of your length exceeds more then double your depth by so much the more will the extention of the depth be beyond quadruple Of wheeling the left flanke into the midst of the Battell Of Wheeling Front and Reere into the midst of the Battell Of wheeling the Flankes into the midst of the Battell The maner and use of firing described That Generall seekes his owne ruine if he assailes an Armie upon all qua●ters unlesse his power be fouretimes more then his adversaries Note the Shot are to prime and charge as they troope downe into the Reere to place themselves to the Flankes of the Pikes The shot are to give fire even with the front of Pikes when the enemies battell drawes neere * First blowing your cole set out your left Leg next opening your Pan set forth your right Leg lastly presenting set forth your left Leg againe At the Battells joyning the shot are to give fire even with the halfe Files of Pikes When the battell retreits then the shot ought neither to advance nor retreite but every ranke is to give fire upon the same ground he stands on so wheele off that the next may doe the like The severall wayes of firing belonging to the Demie-hearse Battell described The severall wayes of giving fire by Introduction discribed The severall wayes of bring belonging to the Diamond forme of Battell described The severall wayes of firing belonging to the semicircular forme of Battell described Of extraduction the severall uses firings reducements described A second way of giving fire by extraduction described The severall wayes of firings belonging to a broad fronted battell described * In giving fire to the Reere when you blow your Cole you must step forwards with your right foote opning your Pan stepping forwards with your lest foote Present to the Reere stepping forwards with your right foot ● A Second way of giving fire in the Reere described The second manner of giving fire to the Flanke described A third way of giving fire in Flanke described The fourth way of giving fire in Flanke described The fifth way of firing in Flanke and placing the shot in the midst of the battell of Pikes described A second way of firing in Front and Reere described Of firing to both Flankes Marching Of firing to both Flankes standing The word of command and direction that produceth this triple firing is Halfe Rankes of the left double your right flanke by division In omni praelio non iam multitudo virtus indocta quam ars exercitium solent prestare victoriam Veg. lib. 1. Montanis locis impeditis quasi nullus equorum usus ex quo intelligitur magis necessarios ped●tes qui possunt ubique prodesse Veg. lib. 2. Vbi bona composita millitia pedes prevalet apud rudes aut Barbaros contra Lip pol. l. 5. Ab equite pedite omne Bellicis negotijs proflu●t robur sine quibus quamvis egregia fint illa consillia sunt tamen invalida Tacit. lib. 1. Neque quisquam expraeciaris pe●sis usquam pedes incedere sua qui●em sponte videbatur Xeno Cy. lib 4. In equite apud antiquos omne Rubur quia ratio ordinandi militiam pedestrem illis in●●gnita suit Arist. pol. lib. 4. The Office of the Generall of the horse Quantò quis magis inficiatur vitium suum tantò magis in ipsum penetrat quanto magis intro fugies tantò magis in caupona e●is Pl●t prop. vic Austeri duces suis facies hostibus sunt utiles Apipan Corbuloni plsus molis adversus ignaviam militum quam contrà perfidiam hostium erat Tacit. An. 13. Gaudet tamen esse timo●i Tam magno po●●lu se net ●allet omari Lucan lib. 3. de Civ Amil. tibus imperator potiùs quam hostis metui debet quem admodum homines fine nervis ambulare nequeunt ita nec bellum usquam progre●i sine pecunia Lip pol lib. 5. Exereitus labore
Providendum ne cui qui insigni aliqua injuria affectus est demandetur provincia administrandi rem aliquam magni momenti Mac. dia. lib. 2. Tam est periculosum malitiosa p●tentiam quam furioso gladium dare Aeschin Securitati consulas ante quam vindictae Tacit. an lib. 11. Principibus seditionis securi percussis Mac. lib. 3. ca. 26. Arces extruuntur duplici de causa ad hostes arcendos ad subditos compescendos in officio continendos ad priorem usum non necessariae ad posteriorem inutiles noxiae Mac. lib. 2. dis 24. In omni prae●io non tam muttitudo virtus indocta quam ars exercitium soleut praestare victoriam Veg. lib. 1. Amplius potest locus saepe quam virtus Veg. Lib. 3. Vi Militum inferior locorum fraude prior Tac. an 12. Erectum fidentem animi te ipsum ostende Tac. an lib. 4. Al faut pl●yer plus tost que rompre se reserver à meilleur temps Am. plu Cic. Majestas non fracta malis Lucan 4. Decet virum verè generosum ferre tum bona tum mala si lapsus fuerit Menand A partie of Musketires or Fire locks are best to discover wades rocks hils and the like in regard the heavie armed cannot possibly effect it Note these divisions of the Army are not to be quartered too far asunder for fear of danger The Serjeant-Major is to acquaint every Officer where the place of imbattelling is and the waies made plain and ready for every Company to troop to it This caution would have a●ed a great deal of bloud at the 〈◊〉 or Rec. Observations about retreating from the enemy in a March A farre greater honour to retreat in the dark then to be beaten in the light This is to be done when the enemy knowes not of their departure An enemy may receive more damage then they that retreat What is to be done if you feare the enemy will steale from you The use of small vessels Note the Rancke of the cyphers o demōstrats the place where the Ranck of shot stood that is advanc'd forward Note after the shot have given fire they are to match downe the left flancke and place themselves in the Rear of the shot and the next rancke is to supply their places by which meanes they may continually give fire How the Redouts may bee pallizado'd How the maine Quarters are to be situated and intrencht The Christians being encamped about the River Nile Ann● 1221. were drowned out of their Trenches A Generall may tax the Towns about his Camp to bring in a certain quantity of corn victuals and he is to set the rates according to his pleasure The Lieutenants Cabin is to bee 12. foot long and 8. foot broad The Serjeants are there plac'd to keep the Company in good order A second way of fortifying a Camp described By these Lawes the King of Sweden governed his Army * Running the Gate-lope or Purgatory is when he that hath done the fault is to run between the Regiment standing halfe on one side and halfe on the other with whips or bastinadoes in their hands to lash and cudgel the offender which punishment many a shamelesse souldier will be hired to undergoe for drinke or money A small Army of old souldiers are able to encounter with a great Army of novices For the securing of the Reare or Flanck of the Army and to hide ambitions to dis●omfit the enemy This was observed by M●r●us against the ●imbres and King Pl●●●o August●● against the F●emings Epaminondas gained a victory by caus●●ng his Horse to stir the the dust into his enemies face The first figure of imbattelling hath three severall Battels viz. the main Battell the Battel of succour and the Rear-Battell This Battell was fought the 4. of August 1578 Two great disorders the enemy may bee brought into in th● time of Fight La Nowe pag. 381 The use of these instruments you may read in the discourse of Engines In the discourse of Stratagems you shall find variety for all conditions and places 〈◊〉 the Att●le●● should be plac'd in the s●aces●etaeen the Divisions the spaces must bee left very wide and then very dangerous if left the usuall distance then in stirring these spaces will close so soon that the Ordnance can have no place to play This must be done when the enemy is 100. yards from your Battell The 〈◊〉 punish with death those that are afraid of the Ordnance or ●hew any 〈…〉 There ●r-Battell is to consist or far lesse men than the Battell of succour Hannibal used this policy he plac'd his aids next the enemy and behind them his Carthaginians so as they could not fly but either vanquish or weary the Romans The Horse are equally to be divided and placed on each Wing of the Battell unlesse one Wing may be secured by 〈…〉 ground or hedg●s This is to be done when the ground is plain that the Ordnance may not 〈…〉 By this means they will be both in better order and breath Bellary would not have them put forwards untill the enemy were within 30. paces Vide Liv lib. 8. Lips de milit Rom l l4 Flank and Rear Note 〈…〉 in the 〈◊〉 of Cyrus shews 〈…〉 Grecians 〈…〉 a kind of 〈…〉 which 〈…〉 the Pean It is policy for a Generall not to divide his Army to follow the pursuit but rather let such small Troops depart quietly Neither is it good to let the souldiers know the place of meeting before-hand but only the chief Officers These Ordnance are on each Flank to be guarded with 300. Foot and 100 Horse Short Swords and Targets are excellent to line the Front of Pikes to cut off the enemies Pikes heads Note each Battalia of this main Battell contains 1000 souldiers * If the partition should be lesse than 2. paces they would close up in the motion of the Army * Note into each space 2. Battalions are to retreat and on each Flank 1. Battalia and the middle-most Battalia is to fall into the space in the midst By this means 6000. men more are brought to fight and the middle Battel made so much stronger than the first and again retraiting into the ●ear Battell makes them strongest of all The rear-Battel consists of 2000. souldiers viz. 500. in each Battalia Five Ranks of Pikes is the most that can doe any service against the enemy at once if there bee mor● Ranks they are out of distance to annoy the enemy with their Pikes The Impalement is marked with the letter G. Pioners having ●ow● for their weapons may do excellent service in wet wether when Peeces will not fire The whole Imp●lement Flanks and Rea● amounts to 7382. Souldiers These may be lined with Muskets Viz. 400 upon each Flank these are to joyn with 150. Horse Note there are foure od Files plac'd in the two middle Battels in the Front the●e being five od men in each Battel which makes these foure od Files Aelian pag 65 cap. 17. Xenoph. Cyro● lib. 7. cap. 188. Leo c. 14. sect 105. Henry the fifth at the Battell of Agencourt Leo cap. 14. sect 104. How the Shot ought to bee used in the time of giving Battel Liv. decad 4. lib. 8. 1●● Xenoph. Cyro ●● 7. 178. Plutarch in Crasso Hir●ius de Be●● Afr●● Lucans Pharsalia La No●e Pag. 380. Pag. 149. cap. 50. The over-Fronting Battell is termed by the Grecians Hyperphalanges The over-Winging Battell is termed of the Grecians Hyperkerasis The Battell called 〈…〉 The Battell termed Epicampios The Battell called Amphistomus The Battell called Antistomus The Battell termed Diphalange Antistomus The Battell termed Diaphalange Peristomus The Battell called Heterostomos used upon a March. The Battell called Coelembolos or hollow Wedge The Battell termed Triphalange The Battell called of the Greeks Phalagiophalange The use of this Table is described in the latter end of it