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A09833 The history of Polybius the Megalopolitan The fiue first bookes entire: with all the parcels of the subsequent bookes vnto the eighteenth, according to the Greeke originall. Also the manner of the Romane encamping, extracted from the discription of Polybius. Translated into English by Edward Grimeston, sergeant at armes.; Historiae. English Polybius.; Grimeston, Edward. 1633 (1633) STC 20098; ESTC S116050 541,758 529

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the Romans in Italy Asdrubal brother to Hannibal slaine The Celts slaine sleeping The number of the dead An accord betwixt the Romans and the Etoliens Phylopemen makes Warre against Machanides Tyrant of Lacedemon The order of Philopomens Battaile The order of Machanides Army The safety of Monarches Machanides slaine Anaxidamus slaine Tegea taken The exellency of Hannibal Diuers Nations vnder the leading of Hannibal Asdrubal camps neere to Elinge Publius Scipio drawes his Army together Asdrubal chargeth the Romans A suddaine charge of the Romans against the Carthaginians The double policy of Scipio Scipio puts his men in battaile Asdrubal puts his men in Battaile A disorder by the Elephants A defect in the Text. A good Comparison The wisedome of Scipio Publius Scipio assembles his Army Three causes of the peoples mutiny against Princes The inconstancy of the people A punishment of the Mutines Scipio's Speech to his Army Scipio layes a baite for the Enemy The Spaniards put themselues in Battaile The order of Scipio's Battaile A defeate of the Spaniards The manner of the Lybians liuing The Iland of Cyruon not well knowne by Tymeus The manner of breeding Swine in Italy The City of the Locrines The Collony of the Locrines according vnto Aristotle A defect in the Text. Two kinds of vntruth Tymeus reprehensible Agathocles cruell A parcell corrupted Zaleucus the Law-giuer Cosmopole A seuere sentence A wit●●nswer of a Young man Of the Voyage of Alexander against Darius Gal●sthenes The reprehension of Calisthenes An excuse of Alexander vpon Calisthenes The Warre like vnto a Disease The Acheins free from fraud Heraclides malicious The vices of Heraclides The force of truth Nabis Tyrant of the Lacedemonians Apege the Wife of Nabis Vtica besieged by Scipio Pedisca the wife of Syphax The Campe of Asdrubal of 30000. Foote and 3000. Horse The Campe of Syphax of 10000 Horse and 50000. Foote A custome of the Romans during their repast Massanissa Scipio drawes to the Enemies Campe. Lelius assailes Syphax his Campe by fire Scipio sets Asdrubals Campe on fire The flight of Asdrubal The Carthaginian Senate ho●●●● Councell Scipio attends the Siege of Bysarthe 4000. Celtiberians come to succour the Carthaginians Scipio drawes towards the Enemy The order of Battaile of the Romans Army The order which Syphax and Asdrubal held The beginning of the Battaile The defeate of the Celtiberians Syphax retires in safety The adulec of the Romans The pursuit of the Romans after Syphax Diuers opinions of the Carthaginians concerning their Warre Tunie taken by Scipio Lucius Ser uinus Lucius Citinus and Lucius Fabius sent Em●●ssadour● to Carthage A remonstrance of the Roman Embassadours to the Carthaginians A Conspiracy of the Carthaginians against the Roman Embassadors Hannibal sends to Tycheus Athia Lieutenant at Sea for Scipio The Carthaginian Embassadours stayed by Ethias The Carthaginians pre●●e Hannibal The Clemency of Scipio vnto Hannibals spies The comming of Massanissa to Scipio's Camp The enterview of Hannibal and Scipio Hannibals Speech to Scipio Scipio's answer to Hannibal Articles comprehended in the Accords past betwixt Scipio and the Carthaginians The order of Scipio's Battaile Scipio's Speech to his Army The order of Hannibal his Battaile The beginning of the Battaile by the Elephants The strength of the Battaile The great fury of the fight The victory of the Romans against the Carthaginians Hannibal flies to Adrumetum Hannibal vanquished by fortune A defect of the 〈◊〉 Zachantia spoiled by the Carthaginians The Articles of Accord propounded by Scipio to the Carthaginians Hanibal forceth a Citizen A good comparison Embassadours wronged by Philip. The Rhodiens declared Enemies to Philip. Danae a prisoner Moeragena saues himselfe naked Oenanthe sad A mutiny of the people Ag●thoclea shewes her Papps vnto the Macedonians Phylon slaine Agathocles slaine Nicon and Agathoclea slaine The Egyptians cruell The cruelty of Virgins Agathocles and Denis Sicilians The saying of Scipio Two ends in Histories Attalus chargeth Philips Army at Sea The number of Philips ships and of his Enemies Democrates Captaine Generall to Philip sunkt Erythee a town in Asia The Pollicy of Attalus his Souldiers The losse of ships which Philip made The causes why Philip challenges the Victory to himselfe The death of Theophiliscus Prinasse besieged by Philip. The Gulfe of Neptune The City of Miletum built The Image of Diana Syphax King of the Masaisylins A man may be commended and blamed according to the diuersity of his Actions Of the profit of Abydos and Sestes A comparison of the streight of Abydos with that of Gibeltar The City of the Abydeins The Abydeins besieged by Phil●p The course which the Abydeins take in despaire The prowesse of the Abydeins Marcus Emilius s●nt to Philip. The braue answere of Philip to Marcus Emilius The cruelty of the Abydeins to themselues The forme of Philopomenes Letters to the Cities A sally out of Pelene vpon the Acheins Philips Company The wise answere of Philip. The Articles which Dionisodorus demanded of Philip. Asesymbrotes demands for the Rhodiens The demands of the Acheins and Etoliens Alexander against Philip. Philips answer A strange Custome of the Etoliens Philip lands The Articles agreed on by Philip. Another assembly a● Thronye Philips cause sent to Rome Embassadours sent to Rome by Titus the Etolien● Acheins and Athenians Philips Embassadors reiected Warre declared against Philip. The Commendation of Titus The Grecians delicate of their Bodies A difference betwixt the Romans Stakes and the Grecians Titus plants his Campeneare to Pherees An encounter of the foretunne●s The Romans charged by the Macedonians The Nature of the Etoliens as well on force as Horsebacke Titus puts his Army in Battaile A Battaile betwixt the Romans and Philip of Macedony The signe which the Macedonians giue when they yeild The victory of the Romans Number of the dead on either side The Romans haue bin Vanquished by the pollicy of Hannibal Order of the Romans Armes For what cause the Romans Vanquish Philips retreate into Macedony Antiochus makes an assembly at Lysmachia Antiochus answere to the Romans Scope pu● to death by poyson Altars set vp by Dicear●hus to cruelty and iniquiry
of innouation whensoeuer they sent their Souldiers and Commanders out of the Countrey and that Leptine was a man of great reputation and of more credit then any other of the Cittizens and that he was very pleasing vnto the Multitude he held it fit to make an alliance with him to the end he might leaue some report in the Citty for him whensoeuer he should goe to the VVarre and lead an Army out of the Countrey Hauing therefore taken the Daughter of Leptine to VVife knowing well that the old band of forraigne Souldiers were changeable and subiect to mutinies he led his Army of set purpose against the Barbarians who held the Citty of Messina And hauing seated his Campe neere to Centoripe and put his men in battell close vpon the Riuer of Ciamossure he stayed in a place apart all the Horse and Foote of his owne Nation as if he meant to charge the Enemy on the other side suffering the forraigne Souldiers to be defeated by the Barbarians and whilest the others fled he makes his retreate safely with all the Saragossins to the Citty When he had by this pollicy brought his designe vnto an end and had freed his Army of all the Mutines hee makes a great leuy of Souldiers Soone after when as all things were settled in good order Hieron seeing that the Barbarians were growne too audacious and proud of their late Victory he parts from the Citty with an Army of his Countrey souldiers well trained and disciplined and making dilligence he came to Myle where along the Bankes of the Riuer of Longane he fought with them with all his forces Hauing vanquished them and taken their Captaines seeing their pride much abated by this Victory he returnes 〈◊〉 Saragosse with his Army and was by the generall fauour and consent of all the Cittizens saluted King by the Allies The Mamertins as we haue sayd being depriued of the succours of of the Romane Legion and hauing lost so great a Battell their hearts being broken they retire for the most part vnto the Carthaginians and yeeld themselues and their Fort The rest sent vnto the Romans deliuering their Towne vnto them and requiring succours as to those that were of the same Nation The Romans were long in suspence what to doe For they found it strange hauing lately punished their Cittizens so seuerely for violating their faith with the Rhegins to send succours now vnto the Mamertins who were guilty of the like crime They were not ignorant of all these things Yet considering that the Carthaginians had not onely drawne Affricke vnder their obedience by force of Armes but also many places in Spaine and moreouer all the Islands of the Sea of Sardinia and Italy they doubted that their Neighbour-hood would be dangerous if they made themselues Lords of the rest of Sicily They likewise vnderstood that it would be easie to effect if the Mamertins were not relieued And there was no doubt that if Messina had beene deliuered vnto them they would presently haue recouered Saragosse for that they held all the rest of Sicily And as the Romans considered these things they were of opinion that it was necessary not to abandon Messina nor to suffer the Carthaginians to make vnto themselues as it were a Bridge to passe into Italy at their pleasure This was long in debate yet it was not concluded in that assembly for it seemed vnto them as vnreasonable as profitable to relieue the Mamertins But as the Commons much weakned with their former War●es seemed to haue need of rest so the Captaines shewing the great profit that might ensue they resolued to succour the Mamertins This Opinion being confirmed by the Commons presently they appointed Appius Claudius one of the Consuls to passe the Army into Sicily and to relieue the Mamertins who had put out of their Towne aswell by threats as pollicy the Captaine of the Carthaginians which as we haue sayd held the Fort. And they called vnto them Appius Claudius deliuering the Citty into his hands The Carthaginians hung him on a Crosse which had had the Guard supposing that he had yeelded it basely for feare and want of Courage Then suddainly they drew their Sea-army neere vnto Pellore and that at land about the Countrey called Sene holding by this meanes Messina streightly besieged In the meane time Hieron thinking to haue found a good opportunity to chase the Barbarians which held Messina out of Sicily followed the Carthaginians party And going from Saragosse he takes his way to the Towne and layes his Siege on the other side neere vnto Mount Calshidique By this meanes he tooke from the Townesmen all meanes to sally forth on that side But the Consull passing the Sea by night with great danger in the end he arriued at Messina where seeing the Enemy round about it and that this Siege was as dishonourable vnto him as dangerous for that the Enemies were the stronger both by Land and Sea he desired first to try by Embassies sent to both Camps if it might be possible to pacifie things so as the Mamertins might be freed But the Enemies not vouchsafing to heare them he was in the end forced to vndergoe the hazard and resolued first to giue battell to the Saragossins He therefore causeth his Army to march and put it in battell to the which the King likewise came speedily But after that Appius had fought long in the end he preuailed ouer his Enimies pursuing them into their Fort. The Consull after the spoile of the dead retires into the Citty and Hieron being frustrate of all hope recouered Saragosse speedily the Night following The next day Appius Claudius aduertised of the flight of the Saragossins and hauing resumed courage and confidence he had no will to stay but to goe and fight with the Carthaginians Wherefore he commanded his men to be ready and the next day he past early and chargeth his Enimies whereof some were slaine and the rest forced to saue themselues in the neighbour-townes By this meanes the Siege being rai●ed he rauaged and spoyled the Countrey to Saragosse and their Allies without danger And after that he had ruined all in the end he besieged Saragosse Behold then for the causes aboue mentioned the first Voyage which the Romane Army made out of Italy And for that we haue held it fit for the entrance of our designe we haue made it our beginning in looking somewhat backe to the times past to the end we may not leaue any occasion of doubt vpon the causes we shall yeeld And in truth I haue held it necessary to declare first at what time and by what meanes the Romans being in extreame danger to lose their Countrey began to grow fortunate And when likewise after they had subdued Italy they began to conquer other Countries to the end that the greatnesse of their Empire which was since may seeme more likely in knowing the beginnings No man must
drawes his Army out of Heracleum and causeth the Numidian Horse-men to march before giuing them charge to skirmish and to doe all their indeauours to draw the Romane Horse-men to fight vpon whose charge they should turne head and not cease to flye vntill they were returned vnto him The Numidians failed not to execute the Command of their Captaine nor to skirmish with one of the Camps to draw them to fight Presently the Romane Horse-men charge them and pursue them indiscreetly But the Numidians obseruing the Commandment flye backe to Hanno and re-charging the Enemy againe slew many chasing the rest vnto their Campe. After these things the Carthaginians marched and planted themselues vpon Mount Tor● which was not tenne Furlongs from the Enemies Campe. Continuing in this manner for the space of two Moneths they attempted not any thing but skirmished daily with their Arrowes and Darts In the meane time Haniball made fires often in the Night and sent men to Hanno to aduertise him that the Army could endure hunger no longer and that many of his men were retired to the Enemy for want of Victuals Finally Hanno moued by these reasons put his men in Battell wherein the Consull vsed no lesse dilligence in regard of their necessities Either Army drew forth in Battell into an equall place Then they came to combate whereas they charged one another with great fury The Battell was long and cruell Finally the Romans brake the Vanguard and forced them to fly among the Elephants who being terrified opened the rankes of the Carthaginians The Captaines of Hundreds following the Route of the Elephants forced the Enemies to turne head By this meanes the Carthaginians hauing lost the Battell and part of them shine the rest retired to Heracleum and the Romans after the taking of most of the Elephants and all the baggage of the Carthaginians retired to their Campe. But for that they were negligent to keepe a good Guard the night following aswell for the great ioy which men vsually haue for their good fortune as for the toyle of the Battell past Haniball being frustrate of all hope thought this a fit and conuenient time to saue himselfe and his Army for the reason aboue mentioned Wherefore he drew all his forces out of Agragas and passed thorough the Enemies Trenches filling them with straw By this meanes he escaped without any losse and without their priuity At the breake of day when as the Romans 〈◊〉 advertised of this Retreat they followed the Enemy a little but returning soone to take the Towne they gaue an assault vnto the Gates where they found no resistance The whole Army entred and spoyled It was a rich Towne where as the Souldiers tooke many Slaues and got great Wealth When as the newes came to Rome of the taking of Agragas after the defeate of the Carthaginians the Romans lifted vp their Heads and beganne to conceiue greater Designes They did no longer insist vpon the reasons for the which they were first mooued neyther were they satisfied for that they had preserued the Mamertins and Messina or to haue much weakned the Carthaginians in Silily But hoping for greater Matters they desired to chase them away wholly which done they had a great Hope and opinion to inlarge their Empire much They were therefore very attentiue to this businesse and had no thoughts but of Sicily knowing well that they were vndoubtedly the stronger at land After the taking then of Agragas Lucius Valerius and Titus Octacilius being chosen Consulls they were sent into Sicily with a great Army Thus the Warre was in a manner equall for that the Carthaginians were Maisters of the Sea without contradiction whereof this is the reason for after the taking of Agragas most of the Townes which were in the heart of Sicily yeelded to the Romans fearing their Army at Land But when as the Carthaginians Army by Sea was arriued many more Sea-townes yeelded for feare to their Obedience Thus their forces were equall Many times also the Sea coasts of Italy were spoyled by the courses of their Army at Sea the which Affricke did not suffer The Romans considering carefully of these things resolued to fight with their Enemies by Sea This is the thing which hath mooued me most to Write this present Warre more at large to the end the Reader may not be ignorant of this beginning that is to say in what manner and for what causes and in what time the people of Rome were induced to put an Army to Sea and to fight with their Enemy Seeing then that there was no probabillity that the Warre should be otherwise ended the Romans speedily made sixe score Vessels for the Sea whereof a Hundred were Quinqueremes or of fiue bankes and the rest were Triremes It is true that the Quinqueremes were more difficult to make for that they had neuer vsed any such Vessels in Italy vntill that time Wherein the excellency and great courage of the Romans is worthy of admiration considering they had neuer beene inclined to actions by Sea neyther had they euer thought of it vntill that day yet they aduentured it with such courage and resolution as they had sooner fought with the Carthaginians then made triall of the dangers of the Sea Although the others held at that time in that circuite of the World the principallity and commaund of the Sea as formerly gotten by their Predecessours and left it vnto them as an hereditary right which is a singular testimony of the things which we haue Written of the Romans boldnesse and courage Beleeue me when they first aduentured to passe their Army to Messina they were only a Hundred ships of War and moreouer they had not one Galley nor one Briggandine It is true when they vndertooke the Voyage of Sicily with an Army they made vse of the Quinqueremes and Triremes of the Tarrentines Locreins and Neapolitans At that time many Carthaginian Ships scoured the Seas about Sicily whereof a Quinquereme straying farre from the rest was broken by casualty and afterwards taken by the Romans which afterwards serued them for a patterne to make the like so as all their ships were made in that manner Wherefore if this had not hapned they would haue ●ound themselues much troubled in their enterprise Whilest these were a making they did practise a number of men to the Oare after this manner They did set bankes in order vpon the Sand vpon the which the men that were to Rowe were placed being attentiue to the voice of the Patron or Gouernour who was in the middest of them where as they did learne to stretch foorth and pull backe their armes altogether and did draw their Oares in the Sand finally they beganne and ended altogether according to the Patrons whistle By this meanes hauing learned the Arte to Rowe and their ships finished they put to Sea and within few dayes after made a Tryall And when as the Consull Cornelius lately appointed
Commaunder of the Sea Army had giuen charge to the Sea Captaines to draw vnto the Port assoone as the Vessels should be ready he went directly to Messina with seauenteene ships and left the rest vpon the Italian shore whereas hauing made prouision of things necessary for the equipage of his ships he sailes vpon necessity directly to Lipparo sooner then was needfull At that time Haniball Commaunder of the Carthaginians kept his Sea Army at Palermo who being aduertised of the Consuls comming sent one Boodes a Senator of Carthage with twenty ships to draw into that Quarter Who arriuing by night found the Roman ships and besieged them in the Port so as at the breake of day the multitude got to Land But Gneius Cornelius thus vnfortunately surprised could finde no other meanes but to yeild himselfe vnto the Enemy The Carthaginians after this prise returned to Haniball soone after this apparent and new defeate of Cornelius Haniball to whom Fortune was at that time gracious receiued as great a losse He had intelligence that the Romanes Army at Sea which coasted about Italy was not farre from Sicily Wherefore desiring wonderfully to see their number and their order and the manner of the trimming of their ships he takes fifty Vessells and sailes into Italy But for that he had a contrary VVind the which was fauourable to the Romanes by the reason of the Coast of Italy he fell vnaduisedly into their Army which was in order and in Battell where he was suddainly charged so as he lost in a manner all his ships and saued himselfe with very few contrary to his Hope and the opinion of all the VVorld The Romanes after this defeate approached neerer vnto Sicily and being aduertised by the Prisoners of the Consuls ouer-throw they sent speedily to Caius Duellius Consull hauing at that time the charge of the Army by Land Where hauing attended some space and receiued newes that the Enemies Army at Sea was not farre off they all prepared to battell They planted vpon euery one of their ships for that they were ill built and heauy a kind of Engine which was afterwards called a Rauen behold the fashion of this Engine They did set a Pillar or Mast of foure fathome long and nine inches thicke vppon the Prowe the which had also a pulley on the top and one the side was made an assent of boards all along the which was foure foot broade and foure fathome long the passage was turning about the pillar in the two first fathomes of the assent About the which were barres of eyther side to the height of a mans knee and they had set at the end of it an Iron like vnto a pestell which went vp streight the which had on the top of it a King so as altogether seemed as an Engine wherewith they pound things To this Ring was fastned a cord by meanes whereof at the encounter of the ships they fastned the Rauens by the pulley and let them fall vpon their Enemies ships Sometimes at the Prowe sometimes on the side in turning when as they could not assaile them by the flanke and after that the Rauens were fastned within the bands of the ships and that the Vessels were grapled and fast if they found themselues vpon the side they entred it of all sides And if it were by the Prowe they marcht by the bridge two and two to the Combate whereof the first couered their bodies with their Targets and they which followed defended the flankes and held their Targets euen with the bars When as this Equipage at Sea was ready they attended a conuenient time for the battell When as Caius Duelius had beene suddainly aduertised of the mis-fortune of the Commaunder at Sea he left that at Land to the Tribunes of the men of Warre and makes hast to that at Sea And being aduertised that the Carthaginians spoyl'd the Country of Myles hee drew thither with his whole Army But when the Enemy was certayne of his comming they were in great hope thinking the Romanes vnderstood not any thing in Sea-fights Wherefore they drew out to Sea with an Equipage of sixe score and ten Vessels thinking this War not worthy of any order of battell as if they had gone to a certaine booty Whereof this Haniball who as wee sayd retyred his Army by night and past ouer the Enemies Trenches was Commaunder He had a Vessell of seauen bankes which did sometimes belong to Pyrrhus King of the Epirotes When as the two Armies beganne to approach and that their Engines called Rauens were discouered the Carthaginians were a time in suspence for the nouelty Finally whatsoeuer it were without any further reckoning they charge with great fury The ships ioyn'd and grapled so as the Romane souldiers by meanes of their Engines called Rauens entred their enemies ships where there was a great slaughter made of the Carthaginians The rest being amazed at this kind of Engines yeilded you would haue sayd it had beene a battell at Land where the danger is not lesse The thirty Vessells of the Carthaginians which gaue the first Charge were taken among the which was that of the Captayne which we haue sayd had belonged vnto King Pyrrhus Haniball whose Fortune was otherwise then he expected saued himselfe in a little Skiffe The rest of the Carthaginian Army came with great fury agaynst their Enemies as the former had done but when they were aduertised that their first ships had beene taken by the meanes of the Engines they did not charge in Front thinking to auoyde them but came vpon their flanke trusting to the lightnesse of their Vessels thinking by this meanes to auoyde the violence of their Engines but they were made in such sort as of what side soeuer the Enemy approached they could easily grapple with them Wherefore the Carthaginians amazed with the strangenesse of these Engines in the end fled after the losse of fifty of their ships The Romans being now become masters of the Sea contrary vnto their Hope sayl'd about the Sea towards Segestane and raysed the siege which lay before the Towne Then parting from thence they tooke the Towne of Macelle by assault After this battell at Sea when as Amilcar being then Captayne Generall in Sicily of the Army by Land was aduertised remayning at Panorme that there was a great quarrell betwixt the Romanes and their-Allies touching the prowesse and glory of the Combate and that the Allies after they had beene beaten were retired apart betwixt Prope and Termine hee marcht with all speed to the Allies Campe and slew foure thousand by surprize Haniball after all these Fortunes retyred to Carthage with those few ships which he had remaining at the battell Within few dayes after he was dispatch to goe with an Army into Sardinia with some excellent Sea Captaines but he was soone inclos'd in a Port by the Romans and in a manner lost his whole Army And as he had escaped the
Captaynes had held a Councell concerning the Affayres of the War they were of opinion that it was necessary to relieue the Prouince and not to indure so 〈◊〉 a pillage and spoyle of the Country Marcus Attilius some few dayes before marching into the Country razed the weaker Castles and besieged the stronger But when he was come to the Citty of Adis which was worthy of a siege he plants himselfe before it and indeauours to force it The Carthaginians●●uertised ●●uertised hereof made hast to succour it desiring to Raise the siege And therefore they march with all their power against the Romans Recouering a little Hill to the preiudice of their Enemies and very commodious for themselues Whereon planting their Camp they hoped for an absolute Victory by the meanes of their Horse and Elephants Leauing therefore the playne they drew 〈◊〉 high and vneuen places as if they would aduertise the Enemy what they had to doe the which vndoubtedly they effected For when the Romanes had considered the little vse of Elephants for they were in a Mountainous and Hilly Country in the which the Enemies had setled their chiefe hope as of great effect and terrible they aduised not to attend their Descent into the playne Wherefore vsing the opportunity of the time they shut them vp at the breake of day in the Mountayne of all sides By this meanes their Cauallery and their Elephants were altogether vnprofitable Their aduenturers onely did their duties in ●ighting on the top and had already forced the Roman Leginaries to giue backe a little when as suddainly the rest which had gayned the top of the Mountayne sh●wed themselues The Carthaginians seeing themselues inclosed of all sides abandoned their Fort and fled into the deserts of the Mountaines The Elephants and Horses recouered the Playne and saued themselues without danger The Romans made some little pursuite after the footemen then they spoyled the Campe and ouer-ran the whole Country wasting all and ruining the Towne Some few dayes after they besieged Tunes which they tooke by assault where they planted their Campe for that the place seemed conuenient vnto them to mannage the Warre being a frontier to Carthage and to the whole Prouince The Carthaginians hauing a little before beene defeated at Sea and now by Land not by the cowardize of their Souldiers but by the basenesse of the Commanders they fell into a miserable and desperate estate For after their last defeate and flight by the Romans a great Troupe of Numidians gaping after spoyle fell vpon them doing them in a manner as great harme as the Romans It is a wandering and vagabone Nation and great theeues carrying away all they finde The Carthaginians terrified by the Numidians abandoned the Country and retired to Carthage where they suffered much aswell by famine as for their owne cowardize and moreouer the multitude being great they feared a long siege And although that Marcus Attillius was perswaded that the Carthaginians were wonderfully weakned aswell by Land as Sea being in hope that the City would be in short time deliuered vnto him yet fearing that the new Consull whom they expected soone in Affricke would reape the honour of his prowesse and valour he began to treate of a peace with them whereunto they willingly 〈…〉 Wherefore they sent the chiefe of their City in Embassie to the Consull to make this treaty But when as they were arriued they were so farre from agreeing as they could hardly without choller heare the vnreasonable things that were enioyn'd them Make your account that Marcus Attilius did hope that his offer would bee accepted as a thing of grace for that he had preuayled in all his affaires The Carthaginians on the other side thought that when as fortune should reduce them to extremity the Consull could not make them a more bitter answere Their Embassadours therefore returned not onely without any agreement but d●●●ting wonderfully the Consuls answere as to hard and proud The which being heard by the Senate of the Carthaginians they entered into so great an indignation vpon the Consuls demaund and resumed such courage that although formerly they were out of hope yet then they resolued to attend all extremities and rather to trye their fortune and to attend the time then to suffer so ignominious a thing and vnworthy of their valour It happened a● the same time that some one of those which had beene sent into Greece in the beginning of the warre to Leuie Men returned and brought with them a good number of Souldiers among the which there was one Xantippus a Lacedemonian a man of Iudgement and practised in the warre who after that hee had heard a relation of the defeat of the Carthaginians and the manner the place and that what time it happened hauing also considered the equipage of the Carthaginians with the number of their Horses and Elephants he returned suddainly to his Companions saying that the ignorance of the Captaines not the Romans had defeated the Carthaginians This speech ran presently thoroughout the whole Citty and came vnto the Princes The Carthaginians caused him to be called and resolued to vse his Councell who in their presence deliuered plainly the Reasons of his speech and the cause of their Defeate and if they would follow his Councell and hereafter keepe the Plaines leauing the hilly Country and there plant their battell hee would teach them how their Army should be out of danger and their Enemies Vanquished The Captaines mooued with the words of Xantippus presently Resigned vnto him the Conduct of all this Warre and now there ranne a bruite throughout the whole Campe of Xantippus speech with great Hope and Ioy. But after that all the Companies of the Army were drawne into the field and that hee had put them is order there was so great a difference betwixt his and that of the other Captaines who vnderstood not the Art of Warre that presently the common cry demanded nothing but to fight so much they were assured vnder the leading of Xantippus This done the Carthaginian Captaines seeing the courage of their Men exhorted them a little according to the opportunity of the time and within few dayes after they marched to find out the Enemy There were in the Carthaginians Army aboue twelue thousand foote foure thousand Horse and neere a hundred Elephants When as Marcus Attilius heard of the comming of the Enemy and that the Carthaginians kept their Horses vpon an euen Country camping contrary vnto their custome on the plaines hee wondred as at a new accident Yet hee marcht directly to them desiring battell and lodged within twelue hundred paces of their Campe. Three dayes after the Carthaginian Captaines held a Councell what was to be done But the multitude desiring the combate turned towards Xantippus calling him by his name with a countenance see●●ing to be willing and ready to vndergo all dangers and intreated him to lead them speedily vnto the battell When as the Carthaginian
Captaines saw their Men thus resolute and desirous to fight and that Xantippus sayd the time was ●itting and conuenient they suffred them to prepare to battell and gaue him leaue to do all at his pleasure Who after he had taken charge of the Captaines hee orders the battell before the whole Army hee sets the Elephants one after another After which hee causeth a Legion of Carthaginians to march with some distance and placeth the strangers vpon the Wings Then he ordereth the brauest among his foote to fight of eyther side betwixt the Wings of the Horse-men The Romans seeing the Carthaginians in battell stayed not to doe the like yet fearing the Violence of the Elephants they set in Front the most actiue of their men re-inforcing their Reare with many Ensignes and diuiding their Horse-men vpon the Wings Their Ordonance was lesse then formerly but more close for feare least the Elephants should open them But as the Romans had set a good order against the Elephants so they had neglected to keepe themselues from inclosing For as the Carthaginians had a greater number of Horse so the close Ordonance gaue them an easie meanes to breake and seperate them The two Armies being in battell either attending who should first Charge suddainly Xantippus causeth the Elephants to beginne the Charge and breake the Enemies rankes and that the Horse-men of both Wings should withall charge furiously The Romanes cause their Trumpets to sound after the manner of the Country and charge where the Enemies forces were greatest It is true that the Roman Horse-men terrified with the multitude of their Enemies abandoned the two Wings And the Foote-men of the lest Wing wauing from the Fury of the Elephants and making no account of the forreigne Souldiers charged the right Wing of the Carthaginians with great fury and put it to flight pursuing them vnto their Fort. On the other side they which indured the charge of the Elephants were broken and trodden vnder their feete by heapes It is true that the whole Ordnance continued for a time in battell for that their supplies beeing in the Reare were very close But after that the Romane Legions set in the Reareward and compassed in of all sides by the Carthaginian Horse-men were forced to make resistance there and that they who as wee haue sayd were appointed to make head against the Elephants were by them repulsed into the thickest of the enemies Battalion where they were defeated and slaine ● then the Romans beeing assaulted on all sides some were beaten downe and slaine by the intollerable fury of the Elephants and others by the Horse-men in the same place where they had their first posture giuen them some few of them seeing no more hope sought their safety by flight of which considering that the Country was very plaine some were defeated by the Elephants and the rest by the Horse-men And some flying with Marcus Attilius were taken to the number of fiue hundred The Carthaginians lost that day but fiue hundred Aduenturers strangers whom the left Wing of the Romanes had defeated But of all the Romane Army there escaped but two thousand with their Ensignes who as we haue sayd pursued a troupe of enemies into their Fort. All the rest were cut in pieces except Marcus Attilius and a few Men which fled with him in regard of those Ensignes which beyond all hope escaped they came vnto Aspis Finally the Carthaginians after the spoile of the Dead retired to Carthage with the Consull and other Prisoners making great ioy and tryumph If we shall duely consider this we shall finde many things profitable for the conduct of Man First Marcus Attilius serues for a faire example to all the World that it is a great folly and indiscretion to put his Hope in Fortune vnder the colour of good successe and enterprises brought to an end according to our desire Who of late after so many tryumphant Victories had not any compassion of the Carthaginians being reduced to extremity refusing to grant them peace which they craued with so much humility hath beene presently after reduced to that constraint as to make the like request Moreouer that which Euripides hath formerly spoken so well that the good Councell of one man alone doth vanquish a great Army hath beene this day verified by that which hath happened In truth one man alone and the Councell of one man hath vanquished and defeated an Army formerly invincible raising and restoring a Towne lost and the hearts of so many desolate men Beleeue mee I haue thought good to relate these actions for the benefit and instruction of the Readers of these Commentaries For as there are two meanes easily to correct and amend our errours whereof the one is his owne Misfortune and the other the example of another mans Miseries there is no doubt but the first hath greater efficacy but it is not without the losse and preiudice of him to whom it happens And although the second be not of so great force yet it is the better for that they are out of danger and therefore no man imbraceth the first meanes willingly for that they cannot helpe it without their owne trouble and losse As for the second euer man followes it willingly For wee may see by him without any hazard or losse what wee ought to follow for the best Wherefore if wee consider it well we shall finde that experience by the remembrance of another mans faults seemes to be a very good doctrine of a true life Without doubt it is that alone which makes the good Iudges of reason without any losse But wee haue discoursed sufficiently of this Subiect The Carthaginians hauing ended their affaires happily and to their content they reioyced in many sorts both in giuing thankes vnto God and sacrificing after their manner or in vsing amongst themselues a mutuall beneuolence and courtesie Soone after that Xantippus had raised the hearts of the Carthaginians hee returned into his Countrey as a man well aduised For the Prowesse and Valour of men and their Vertues are many times the cause of great enuy and detraction Against the which Cittizens that are well allied and haue many Friends make easie resistance But strangers which haue not that support are easily ruined and defeated They say hee went away for some other reason which wee will deliuer when it shall be fitting After that beyond all hope the Romans had receiued Newes of the defeate of their Army in Affricke and the taking of the Consull And that the remainder of their men was besieged in Aspis consulting presently of the safety of those which were remaining in Affricke they appointed an Army to bee raised to goe thither with all speede In the meane time the Carthagaginians besieged Aspis striuing to force it with hope soone to haue this remainder of the Battell But the Vertue and Courage of the Romans which defended it was so great as all the Enemies attempts could not
againe Maisters of the Sea with out contradiction seeing the Romans had no more any Fleete at Sea Moreouer they had great confidence in their Army at Land and not without cause For after that the report of the battell giuen in Affricke came to Rome and that they vnderstood that the defeate of their men hapned by the force and fury of the Elephants for that they had broken the Rankes and opened the battalions and that they had made a wonderfull slaughter of them Their feare of the Elephants from that day was so great as for two yeares after they neuer durst charge the Carthaginians although they made many incounters in Affricke and in the Country of Selinuntia nor Campe in the Plaines within fiue or sixe furlongs of them keeping alwayes the Mountaynes and hilly Countries to saue themselues from the Elephants so as they only forced Theruce and Lipara Wherefore the Romanes knowing the feare their Army had resolued againe to put a Fleete to Sea At that time the Romane people being assembled they chose vnto the Consulship Caius Attilius and Lucius Manlius They also made fifty new ships and Rigg'd out the olde the which they furnished with Souldiers proportionably When as Asdruball Generall of the Carthaginians knowing well the feare of the Romans had beene aduertised by the Fugitiues that one of the Consuls was returned vnto Rome with halfe the Army and Cecilius remayned alone at Palermo with the other he parts from Lylibeum when as Haruest approached with his Army to spoile and falls vpon the Territory of Palermo planting his Campe vpon the Mountaines Cecilius hauing newes of their comming and knowing that Asdruball desired nothing but a battell kept his Army within the Towne By this meanes Asdruball growing very confident conceiuing that Cecilius kept himselfe close for feare he causeth his Army to March to Palermo hauing ruined and burnt all the Champion Countries The Consull was alwaies of opinion not to go to field vntill that his enemy was drawne to passe the Riuer which runnes neere vnto the Towne Walls But when he saw that the Campe and the Elephants approached he caused a ●ally to be made by the nimblest and most actiue men of his Army commaunding them to skirmish with the enemy vntill their whole Campes should be forced to come to the combats And afterwards considering that matters had succeeded as he desired he ordaines the lightest and most actiue to plant themselues beyond the Towne ditch giuing them charge to cast Pertuisans Darts and Spits a farre off at the Elephants And if they came running vpon them with fury and violence they should slip into the Ditch and from thence cast their Darts at them He also commaunded the Archers of the Marker place to go out of the Towne and to fight at the foote of the wall In the meane time he issued foorth with all the E●signes by another side of the Towne right against the enemies left Wing and sent many to those which fought with Darts Presently after the skirmish beganne the Maister of the Elephants who with a desire of glory would haue the honour of the Victory incensed them against the enemies not attending Asdrubals pleasure The Romans obseruing the Consuls commaundment turned head presently and when as the Elephants pursued them with fury they slipt into the Ditch the Elephants being vppon the side of it they were suddainly charged with Darts and Pertuisans aswell by the Townesmen which were vpon the Walls as from the Souldiers which lay in the Ditch And when as they could passe no further they turned head being necessarily forced to fall vpon their owne battallions with great slaughter In the meane time Cecilius goes suddainly to field hauing his whole Army entire and in good order by another gate and chargeth his enemies furiously who being already broken by the Elephants and charged againe by the Consuls Troupes were easily defeated A part of them were slaine the rest saued themselues by flight There were ten Elephants taken with their Indian Maisters 〈…〉 after the battell their Gouernours being cast downe This Victory purchased great honour to Cecilius as the Man who by the report of all the whole World had beene the cause that the Romanes after that time resuming courage camped in the Plaines When the Romanes had newes of this Victory it is not credible the ioy which they conceiued not so much for the taking of the Elephants whereby the Carthaginians power was much decreased as for that their men seemed to be grown● more hardy in the Warre for that they had conquered them Wherefore they Prepared an Army at Sea as they had formerly resolued and sent the Consuls into Sicily with two hundred Vessells desiring to make an end of that Warre Whither they past hauing made prouision of Victualls and other things necessary This was the foureteeneth yeare since the beginning of the Warre The Consuls being arriued and receiuing the Bands of Souldiers that were there they go and lay siege to Lylibeum hoping after the taking thereof they might easily transport the Warre into Affricke But the Carthaginians mooued with the like considerations resolued by all meanes to keepe it knowing well that after the losse of Lylibeum they had nothing else remaining in Sicily The Romans in truth held in a manner the whole Iland except Trepanum But to the end that what wee speake of Sicily may not seeme obscure to some one by reason of the ignorance of places we will deliuer the Scituation in few words All Sicily hath its Scituation in regard of Italy and the limits thereof like vnto Morea in respect of Greece and its bounds It is true ●here is some difference for that there is a little Sea betwixt this and Italy Whereas Morea is ioyned vnto Greece by a little slip of Land for they may goe on dry foote from Morea vnto Greece and not from Sicily into Italy without shipping Sicily is of a Triangular forme and so many Angles as it hath so many Capes or Promontories there are vpon the Sea shore Among the which that whereon the Sicilian Sea doth beate is called Pachinus and lookes towards the South that which tends towards the North where the Sea doth end and is not aboue a mile and a halfe from Italy is called Pelorus The third which hath his Aspect towards Affricke and towards the Winterly West and which is right against Carthage from the which vnto the Affricke shore there is not aboue one hundred twenty and seuen miles is called Lylibeum diuiding the Sea of Sardinia and Sicily There is a Towne on this Cape which carries the same name the which the Romans besieged at that time The which is strong with Walls and Ditches and moreouer with Marshes and Pooles by the which lyes the passage for ships into the Port but the entry is difficult and not accessible but by expert Marriners The Romans then to besiege it throughly made round about it Trenches
long in suspence what he should doe but suddainly he resolued that if his men came to fight during the storme he should haue nothing to doe but with Hanno and his Army at Sea and with ships that were laden and incumbred But if he should delay the fight vntill the Sea were calme he should haue to deale with ships that were light and very swift and with the choice of the Land souldiers and moreouer with the courage of Amilcar who was then held to be very terrible Finally he resolued to fight with the Enemy notwithstanding the storme and the contrary Winde The Carthaginians comming with full sayle he put himselfe before them with his Army ready and in battell When the Carthaginians saw their course to bee hindered by the Enemy and their ships in battell they strooke saile and prepared to fight where they charged of either side with great courage But for that things were mannaged in another manner than when they were defeated at the battell of Trepanum it was no wonder if that their Affaires had another successe In regard of the Romans their ships were very light and free from all incombrance but of that which was necessary for the Warre Their Rowers had beene long practised and were therefore eager and ready to fight They had also made choice of the best men in their Army at Land the which fell out contrary with the Carthaginians Their ships were laden and therefore vnfit to fight Their Rowers and Marriners were men gathered together by chance and not accustomed to the War their Souldiers were also new and had not seene any thing for they had no more care for the affaires at Sea imagining that the Romans would not attempt any thing more at Sea And therefore as soone as the Battell began the Romans had the Victory whereas fifty of the Carthaginians ships were broken or sunke and three score and ten others that were laden taken The rest set sayle and got the Winde and recouered Hieronese with incredible swiftnesse by a suddaine change of the Winde After the Battell the Consull retired to Lylibeum with his whole Army whereas the booty and Prisoners were deuided amongst the Souldiers For besides the dead there were aboue ten thousand men taken The Carthaginians amazed at this heauy and great defeate found themselues troubled for many reasons although their minds were alwayes inclin'd to Warres First they had no meanes to victuall those that were in Sicily after the defeate of their Army at Sea Considering that their Enemies were Maisters of all the Sea Moreouer they imagined that it would be a Traiterous act to suffer their Generall and the Souldiers which had serued their Common-wealth to be lost In regard of continuing the War they had neither Men nor Captaines to mannage it wherefore they sent a Man to Amilcar and gaue him full power and Authority to doe what he should thinke fitting for the good of the Common-weale Amilcar performed the duty of a good and wise Captaine For whilest there was any hope in the Carthaginians affaires he neuer complained of his paines nor auoided perill but being a man of great industry and courage he thrust himselfe continually into all dangers to vanquish aswell as any of the other Captaines But when as he saw there was no more hope in the Carthaginians affaires hee sent Embassadours to the Consull to treate vpon an accord yeelding wisely and discreetly vnto the time For wee must know that the duty of a good Captaine consists aswell in considering of the time not onely to vanquish but also to strike sayle Whereunto Luctatius did willingly giue care knowing well the necessities which the people of Rome endured by this tedious War Finally a peace was thus concluded that the Romans and Carthaginians should line in amity and friendship if the people of Rome would consent vnto it And that the Carthaginians should leaue all Sicily Neither should they hereafter make War against Hieron nor against the Saragossins or their Allies and that they should restore all the Prisoners without ransome And moreouer they should pay thirteene hundred and twenty thousand Crownes within twenty yeares These Articles were sent to Rome which the people notwithstanding would not yeeld vnto but committed ten men with power from them who were sent into Sicily Being arriued they altered nothing of the treaty of peace but the time of payment which they shortned augmenting the summe with 600000. Crownes more Moreouer they did articulate that they should not onely dislodge out of Sicily but also out of all the Islands which are betwixt it and Italy Behold the end of the first Warre betwixt the Romans and Carthaginians for Sicily It continued foure and twenty whole yeares and hath beene the longest and the greatest that was euer heard spoken of During the which I omit other things worthy of memory they haue fought at one instant with aboue fiue hundred Quinqueremes on both sides Afterwards with not much lesse then seauen hundred The Romans haue lost seauen hundred Quinqueremes besides those which at sundry times the torments haue sunke and the Carthaginians about fiue hundred Wherefore they which formerly haue admired Armies aswell by Land as Sea and the Combats at Sea of Antigonus Ptolomey and Demetrius haue reason to cease considering the great deeds of the Romans and Carthaginians But if they will consider how great a difference there is betwixt the Quinqueremes and Triremes whereof the Persians made vse against the Grecians and which the Athenians and Lacedemonians vsed in their Warre they shall vndoubtedly see that there was neuer seene such great forces fight at Sea wherefore that appeares plainely which we haue propounded in the beginning that the Romans haue not onely indeauoured to conquer the vniuersall Empire by vallour but they haue also accomplished their desire not by good Fortune as some Grecians suppose nor by chance but by a wonderfull experience and practice in such great affaires Although that some may demaund how it happeneth that the Romans who are at this day farre greater Lords both at Land and Sea considering that they held in a manner the Empire of the whole world cannot draw together so many Vessels nor rayse so great an Army at Sea at one instant The reason will be easie when they shall let them vnderstand what the Romane Common-wealth was what their Lawes and their manner of liuing although it will not be profitable neither for vs nor for the Readers of our Workes to make mention of things which concerne not our purpose Without doubt the Reasons are great the which notwithstanding in my Opinion no man hath knowne vnto this day by the errour of Historiographers Whereof some knew not what they wrote and if others vnderstood them they haue made them obscure and vnprofitable If they would duely consider this War they shall finde that the courage and power of these two great Citties were equall First their desire was alike they had the same
the Arezins fought neere vnto the Towne and lost the Battell with the Consull Lucius In whose place they did choose Marcus Curio who presently sent an Embassie into Gaule to retire the prisoners who at his comming was slaine by them contrary to the Law of Nations The Romanes incensed at so wicked an Act made a new Leuy of men and resolued to enter the Gaules Countrey But they had not done any great matter when as the Senogallois went to incounter them whom the Romanes charged and slew the greatest part and those few which remained were chased out of the Country They recouered the whole Country and re-peopled the Towne againe calling it Senogallia as it had beene formerly when it was first inhabited by the Gaules This Towne as we haue ●ayd is scituated vpon the Adriaticke shore where as the points of Italy do end When the Bolonians saw the Senogallois chased by the Romanes from their Countrey they raysed an Army to make Warre against them calling all the Tuscans to their ayde fearing least the Romanes should doe the like vnto them Presently after they fought where most of the Tuscans were ●laine and a few of the Bolonians saued themselues by flight Yet they fainted not for this defeate but the yeare following drew together all the Forces they could make and all the Youth that could beare Armes and marcht against the Romanes where they were defeated and slaine so as they were in a manner vtterly ruined Wherefore their pride abated they made an agreement with them by Embassadours These things hapned three yeares after the descent of Pyrrhus into Italy and fiue yeares after the Gaules had beene defeated in Delphos Behold how in that time Fortune as a mortall plague among the Gaules persecuted them in all places But the Romanes made a double profit by the battels which we haue formerly related For being accustomed to fight with the Gaules who had beene held very fierce and fearefull they became good Souldiers against Pyrrhus Thus by little and little they abated the pride of the Gaules so as afterwards they were much more assured first to fight with Pyrrhus for Italy and afterwards against the Carthaginians for the Soueraignty of Sicily The Gaules weakned by the meanes of the former Battels liued in peace forty fiue yeares without any breach of the accord made with the Romanes But after that the old men who had vndergone the dangers and felt so many losses were dead the Youth who were of a harsh and bad disposition and had not felt the miseries of former times grew insolent These as it is willingly the nature of men began presently to vndertake the Warre and to bee enemies to the Romanes whatsoeuer should succeed and moreouer to send to craue succours from the Transalpins It is true that in the beginning the Princes did mannage the affaires without the consent of the people So as it hapned that when as the Transalpins were come to Rimeni the common people of Bolonia being ignorant of this enterprize and fearing this desscent mutined against their Commaunders and put to death Etas and Gallus their Kings then they fought with the Transalpins The Romanes likewise amazed at this descent of the Transalpins drew their Men to field but when they were aduertised of the other defeate of the Gaules they retyred to their Houses Fiue yeares after Marcus Lepidus being Consull Caeius Flaminius made a Law for the people by the which that Region of Gaule which they call the Marquisate of Ancona vnto Rimeni from whence the Senogallois had beene chased should be deuided amongst the ●omane Souldiers For which cause there suddainly grew a new Warre For most part of the Gaules especially the Bolonians who were neighbours vnto the Romanes were much incensed therewith thinking that the Romanes did not fight for principallity or Glory but for pillage and their ruine Wherefore the Millannois and Bolonians consenting together sent suddainly to the other Gaules which dwell beyond the Mountaines along the Riuer of Rhone whom they call Gessates for that they fight for pay for so the word imports offering to their Kings Congolitan and Aneroeste a great summe of present money They acquaint them with the great felicity of the Romanes and what a benefit it would be if they could vanquish them By this meanes they mooue them to make War against the Romans the which was easie to perswade considering the former Reason They promise them also to make them Companions in this Warre reducing to their memory the prowesse of their Predecessors who had not only defeated the Romanes in battell but after the Victory had taken the Citty of Rome with wonderfull celerity Where they had taken great spoiles and after they had beene masters thereof seauen moneths they restored them the Empire willingly and returned into their Countrey safe with all their booty In propounding these things brauely vnto them they incouraged these Kings and the Gaules so as there was neuer descent made out of that Country of a greater Army nor more valliant men nor better furnished When the newes thereof came to Rome the Citty was so amazed as they presently made a new Leuy of men and began to make prouision of Victualls leading their Army sometimes vnto their Frontiers as if the Gaules had beene there present who notwithstanding were not yet come out of their Country These things were very beneficiall to the Carthaginians to augment their Empi●e in Spaine But the Be●●anes considering that these affaires were more pressing for that these people were too neere enemies they were forced to lay aside the affaires of Spaine vntill they had pacified Italy And therefore in renewing the accord with Asdrubal Lieutenant Generall for the Carthaginians they wholly attended the Warre against the Gaules studying only how they might resist their fury When as the Gessates had drawne a great number of men together neere vnto the Rhone they passed the Mountaines and entred the plaine neere vnto the Poe Where as the other Gaules eight yeares after the yeilding of that Region and in like manner the Millannois and Bolonians ioyned presently with a great multitude But the Venetians and Cenomans pacified by an Embassie from the Romanes preferred their friendship before the Alliance of the Gaules Wherefore the Kings for feare of them left a part of their Army in Millannois to guard the Countrey and marcht with the rest into Tuscany being about fifty thousand Foote and twenty thousand Cars and Horse-men When as the Romans had newes that the Gaules had past the Alpes they sent Lucius Emilius the Consull with an Army to Rimeni that being there before the Enemy hee should stay their passage They also caused one of the Pretors to march into Tuscany for the other Consull Caius Attilius had in the beginning of his Consulship past into Sardinia with an Army at Sea The City of Rome was heauy and much troubled and did not attend this great
day drew forth their Ensignes before the breake of day returning into Gaule along the Sea-shore laden with all sorts of pillage When as Lucius Emilius had retired those which had fled to the Hill he pursued the Gaules with his Army Yet he did not hold it fit to present battell to so great a multitude but rather resolued to attend some opportunity either of time or place where hee might amaze the Enemy or make them abandon the booty in some sort At the same time Caius Attilius tbe other Consull who was lately arriued at ●●sa from Sardinia landed with his whole Army and marched directly to Rome by the Sea-shore before the Gaules They were not farre from Telamona a Towne of Tuscany when as some of their scouts fell by surprize into the Romans hands who discouered vnto the Consull that the Gaules were not farre off and that Lucius Emilius pursued them These things being vnderstood Caius Attilius wondering at this fortune and hoping partly of the Victory for that Fortune seemed to haue deliuered the Enemy betwixt their two Campes he gaue the Legions to the Tribunes of the Souldiers and gaue them charge to march against the Enemy as much as the opportunity of place would giue them leaue In the meane ttme seeing a little Hill vpon the way very commodious for their Warre to the which the Gaules seemed to tend hee tooke the Horse-men and resolued to get it before them and to vndergoe the danger hoping that if the Romans had the Victory by this meanes they would attribute the honour vnto him The Gaules ignorant in the beginning of the Consuls comming and doubting by the things which they saw that Lucius ●milius had past before night with his horsmen to gaine the Countrey which was aduantagious for the Warre they presently sent all their Horse and some of their most actiue men to recouer this Hill But when they were aduertised by the Prisoners that Attilius held it they presently caused their Foot-men to march and order their battell in the Reare as in the Front for that they saw Emilius followed them in the taile and that the other attended them in front as they had learned by the Prisoners and by the things which had happened They which were with Emilius were not yet confident although it were a common b●uite that the Army of Sardinta was arriued at Pisa. But they were assured when as they saw the combat at the Hill for the Enemies were very neere and therefore the Emilian Horse reioyced much and tooke a way by the side of the neerest Hill to goe and succour those which defended it Emilius in the meane time marcht after the Gaules in the same order hee had beene accustomed When the Gaules saw themselues thus inuolued by the Enemies they put vpon the Reare the G●ssates and Milannois against Emilius who followed them and vpon the Front the P●emontois and those which inhabite along the Poe appointing the Bolonians and the Ca●s with all the baggage apart without the two Battalions and all the pillage vpon a 〈◊〉 Hill with some Horse-men to guard it When they had thus ordained their Battell with two fronts it seemed not onely terrible to b●hold but also of a wonderfull efficacy for the combat The Bolonians and Millannois made choice of such as had Breeches and were most at ease in their apparrell But the Gessates for the great courage and wonderfull desire of glory which they had stript themselues and put themselues before the Battalion naked on●ly with their Armes hauing a conceit that by this meanes they should be more actiue and disposed to fight For the Bushes which were thicke there would stay them by their Clothes and hinder their fighting First the Combate which was at the Hill was in the sight of both A●mies whereas the Horse men charged one another and fought valiantly There Cai●s Attilius was slaine fighting too rashly whose Head was presently carried to the Kings of the Gaules Yet the Romane cauallery fainted not but were the more incensed to fight so as in the end they not onely defended the Hill but defeated all the Gaules Horse-men In the meane time the Foot men approach and the combate began the which was not onely horrible and wonderfull to behold for those that were present but likewise for those which shall heare it spoken of First co●sidering that the battell was of three Armies euery man may imagine that the sight was not onely new and fearefull to the assistants but also their manner of fighting Moreouer who will doubt but the Gaules had the worst being chargd as well in the Reare as in the Front Or it may be the better for that they fought altogether against the two Armies and that the two sides repulsed their Enemies so as at the same instant they defended one another And that moreouer they could not passe on not hope for flight backe ward There is no doubt but a Battell with two Fronts hath the benefit that the Souldiers haue no meanes to flye In regard of the Romanes they had hope of Victory for that they saw their Enemies inclosed as it were deliuered into their hands On the other side they feared the fury and order of their Army the sound of Trumpets and Clairons was terrible with the which all the Troope made a great cry and shoute so as there was an incredible noise They could not heare the Trumpets and Souldiers and moreouer the neighbour places seemed to ecchoe forth their cries It was a terrible thing to see the forlorne hope march naked Beleeue me these great naked bodies with their motions vnder their Bucklers were maruelous and fearefull The beauty and riches of their Apparrell gaue also a great luster For the whole Army shined with chaines of Gold and Silkes wouen with purple The which the Romanes obseruing they were partly amazed and partly encouraged with the hope of spoile Finally the taile of the Army which was armed was not gauld by the Roman Archers who doe vsually march before the Battalion But the forlorne hope which fought naked before their Troopes were contrary to all hope much annoyed For they could not couer their great naked bodies with their French Bucklers And therefore the Arrowes fell easily vpon them Finally when they saw themselues thus beaten and could not bee reuenged of the Archers by reason of the distance and for the multitude of Arrowes which flew from all parts they cast themselues like desperate mad-men some vpon their Enemies where they were slaine others retired vpon their owne Troopes who being all bloody daunted the courage of the rest and put them in disorder By this meanes the fiercenesse of the Gessates which made the forlorne hope was abated Then the Milannois the Bolonians and the Turinois maintained the burthen of the battell where they did not fight a fatre off with their Arrowes and Darts as formerly but hand to hand with their Speeres and Swords and
long and tedious and farre from Italy It hapned at that time that when as Demetrius King of the Sclauonians forgat the many fauours which the Romanes had done him for that hee saw them prest on the one side with the feare of the Gaules and on the ther by the Carthaginians and that all his hope was in the King of Macedon for that hee had bin a pertaker of that Warre which Antigonus made against Cleomenes ruining the Townes of the Sclauonians which were subiect to the Romanes forcing the Citty and exceeding the bounds limitted in the Treaty The like hee did to most parts of the Iland of Cyclades So as he ruined all like a Tempest beeing accompanied with fifty strong Vessels Whereof the Romanes being aduertised seeing at that time the Principallity of Macedon to Triumph they laboured with all their present meanes to pacifie the affaires of Sclauonia hoping it would prooue easie And that soone after they should punish the basenesse of the Sclauonians and the ingratitude of Demetrius But matters past otherwise then they expected For whilest they imploy their time therein Hannibal takes Sagont much sooner then they conceiued So as the Warre grew hot not in Spaine but against the Citty of Rome and thoroughout all Italy Yet the Romanes pursuing their enterprize sent Lucius Emilius into Sclauonia the first yeare of the hundred and fifteth Olympiade with a very great Army to keep that Prouince in peace and from future danger Hannibal parting from Carthagena with his whole Army goes to Sagont a Towne scituated beyond the Riuer of Ebro at the foote of the Mountaine which deuides Spaine from the Celtiberiens about a mile distant from the Sea The people of this Countrey exceede all the rest of Spaine in abundance of fruites and in multitudes of men and they are the most Warlike Hannibal entring into these limits with his Army and hauing ruined all the Countrey he besiedged it with all manner of Engines conceiuing that the taking thereof would prooue wonderfull commodious for his present Affaires First he considered that he should depriue the Romanes of all hope to make Warre in Spaine and that moreouer he should strike a great terrour into the rest and that by this meanes the Townes of Spaine reduced already vnder his obedience would keepe their faith the better Besides it was likely that they which desired to liue still in their liberty would soone yeild And that thirdly he immagined that he might then confidently pursue the Remainder leauing no enemy behind him He hoped more ouer to gather much Treasure for the intertainement of his War and that he should gaine the hearts of the Souldiers for the booty that euery one should get at the sacke of the Towne and that finally he should purchase the loue of the Cittizens remayning in Carthage with presents that he will send them of the spoiles Beeing mooued with these reasons he wholy attends the siege of this Towne and inflames the hearts of the Souldiers spurring them on sometimes with rage against the Enemy sometimes with hope of Recompence and sometimes he serues them for an example aswell in making the Engines and approaching them to the Wals as in going sometimes to those places which were most dangerous Finally hee performed all things so extraordinary well as if hee had beene but a simple Souldier And when he had toyl'd his Body and minde herein for the space of eight moneths in the end he forced Sagont Whereas after he had made a great booty of gold and siluer and taken many men he kept the money for the charges of the War as he had formerly resolued deuiding the Prisoners among the Souldiers according vnto their seuerall dignities and set the rest of the spoile vnto Carthage After these things hee was not deceiued in his hope so as things succeeded according to his desire for his Souldiers were much more ready to vndergoe all dangers and the Carthaginians much more ready to please him Moreouer this booty of money was a great meanes for the enterprize he had in hand During these actions Demetrius King of the Sclauonians discouering the enterprize and preparation of the Romans hee presently caused the Towne of Dimale to bee carefully furnished with men and victuals and as for the other Townes of Sclauonia hee chased away those that were of a contrary faction suffering none but such as held his party Then hee made choice of sixe thousand old Souldiers out of his Army and put himselfe into Phare In the meane time the Consull Emilius arriues safely in Sclauonia with his Army where being aduertised that the Enemies were confident and resolute for that they were in hope that the descent of the Romans should not preuaile against them relying much in the scituation and munition of Dimale hee thought good before all things to doe his vttermost endeauour to take it thinking as it afterwards happened that this being taken all the rest amazed with feare would easily yeeld vnto the Romans And after that hee had made some speeches vnto the Souldiers hee planted his Engines of Battery against the Towne and besieged it which being forced on the seauenth day did so much amaze the Enemies as presently Embassies came from all the rest of Sclauonia yeelding vnto the Romans The which being receiued into Friendship and hauing treated with euery one according to their condition hee causeth his Army to march directly to Phare whereas the King of the Sclauonians made his abode But for that hee found this Towne strong by scituation and mann'd with the choise of the Army and moreouer well furnished with Victuals and all kinds of munition hee feared the siege would bee long and difficult Finally being long in supence he takes this counsell Hee vseth all diligence and labour to gaine the Iland in the Night and doth lodge a great part of his Army in the thickest of the Forrest as for himselfe at the breake of day hee gaines the neerest Port vnto the Towne with twenty shipps The Sclauonians seeing the Enemies shipps and making no accompt of their number they goe forth with a great Fleete to hinder the landing of the Romans where they charg'd them and for a time the Combate was very furious there comming still Succours vnto them from the Towne by files so as in the end all the Citty was drawne thither Then the Romans who had layne all night in Ambush in the Forrest hearing the noise ranne with all speed by couered places and gaining a little Hill which was strong by nature within the Towne and Port they tooke from their Enemies all meanes of returne The which the Sclauonians well perceiuing they leaue their first enterprize to repulse the Enemy and drawing together in one troupe they encourage one another as men resolued to go and fight against those which held the Hill On the other side the Romans seeing the Sclauonians approach put themselues in battell and charg'd
from returning Finally the whole Army was in great trouble and paine and they languished the more for that they had watch'd foure daies and three nights going through the Waters But amongst all the rest the Gaules were most tormented Most part of their carriage Horses falling into the Mire dyed seruing the tyred Souldiers to rest themselues vpon and the baggage lying downe vpon them in the Water so as they tooke their necessary rest some part of the night Many Horses also lost their hoofes by their continuall going in the mire Hannibal could hardly escape the moares but that he was carried vpon an Elephant which was onely remaining Who by a great paine in his eyes which had hapned by the bad condition of the Ayre in the end hee lost an eie for that he had neither time nor place to prevent it After that he had past the Moares contrary to the opinion of all the World and was aduertised by his Spies that Flaminius was about the Wals of Aretzo he planted himselfe neere vnto the Marishes partly to refresh his army being tyred with so great toyle and likewise to learne the Resolution and forces of the Enemy with the scituation of the Country and Wayes But being aduertised that among the Regions of Italy that was very fertile and that the Champaigne betwixt Aretzo and Fesula was very rich in Corne and all other things necessary and that moreouer the Consull was a proud man affecting the applause of the people but without experience of Warre and relying much vpon Fortune he thought it fit that in leauing the enemy on the left hand he should drawe towards Fesula to spoyle the Country of Tuscany being conceited that the Consull for the naturall desire he had to purchase the fauor the people would neuer suffer the Country to bee spoi'd Nor attend his Companion as desiring him not in things well done But contrariwise would follow him wheresoeuer he went without feare hauing a desire to fight By this meanes he foresawe good opportunities to giue Battaile making therin a wise and politique discourse of future things Beleeue mee he is deceiued that thinkes any duty greater in a Captaine then to discouer the opinion and Nature of the enemy For as you must obserue in a Combate betwixt man and man the place where you meane to strike and consider diligently where he lies open and discouered So in a great War●e you must seeke the Enemy not so much to vnderstand where the the parts of the body are naked but by what meanes you may discouer the Nature and proceedings of the Generall There are many which not onely forget the publicke Affaires by a dulnesse and negligence but also many times those which concerne their priuate Liues Others subiect to Wine cannot rest vntill they be drunke and some giuen too much to women not only ruine Townes and Common-weales but also their Liues with infamy Moreouer Cowardize and feare in priuate men is full of Reproach and disgrace but in a Commaunder it is sometimes the cause of great losse Ouerweening rashnesse Choller and vaine bragging is preiudiciall and profitable to the Enemy Beleeue me such kind of men doe easily fall into the Snares and Ambushes of their Enemies And therefore if any one hauing discouered the Vices of the Enemy findes some occasion whereby he may circumvent the Generall he may easily preuaile ouer the rest For as an Enemy doth easily boord a Shippe when it is without a Gouernour So if any one during the Warre defeates a Commaunder by his Iudgement and good aduice hee will soone be master of the rest of the Army As Hannibal had made this Discourse of the Roman Consull so he was not deceiued in his opinion for parting with all speede thorough the Fesulans Countrey leauing the Enemy behind he began to put all Tuscany to fire and Sword The Consull inflamed herewith thinking that the Enemy made no account of him holding it a great dishonour to suffer the Goods of their Allies to bee thus spoil'd a●d carried away before his face could not take any rest And therefore although that many aduised him not to pursue Hannibal nor to fight with him but to keepe his Horse and foote entire vntill the comming of his Companion to the end that both Armies being ioyned they might mannage the Warre by a common Councell hee would not doe any thing giuing them no other answere but that they should consider what the people of Rome would say seeing the Enemy Camp'd in the middest of Italy and march directly to Rome without resistance they sleeping in Tuscany at his backe Hauing vsed this Speech he began to pursue the Enemy after that he had suddainly drawne his Troupes together without consideration either of time or places desiring onely to fight as if the Victory had beene certaine He had put his whole Army in hope of winning the Battaile so as there were more which charged themselues with chaines and fetters and such like things then with armes to fight Hannibal marching directly to Rome spoil'd all the Champaigne Country which lies betwixt the Towne of Cortone and the Lake of Perouze vsing all manner of cruelty to draw the enemy to fight But when he had newes of Flaminius pursuite with his Army seeing the place conuenient to lay his Ambushes hee began to prepare himselfe for a battaile There was a large plaine enuironed round about with high Mountaines ioyned together hauing within it a lesser Hill which was painfull and difficult and behind lies the Lake of Perouze betwixt the which and the Mountaines there is a narrow passage whereby they enter into the plaine Hannibal gaines these first Hils planting his Campe there and lodgeth with the Spaniards and Affricans laying behind the Mountaines the Souldiers of Maiorque and Minorque with others that were lightly armed He doth also place in the streight the Horse-men with the Gaules to the end that as soone as the Romans should be entred they should be wholy inuironed by the Lake and Mountaines opposing the Horse-men in Front And hauing thus disposed of his men in the night he went to take his rest Flaminius pursuing his enemy with great heate came vnto the Lake before the Sun setting and the next day early began to lead his Army through the streight The day was thicke and misty by reason of a Fogge which came from the Lake and the Neighbour mountaines When as Hannibal saw the greatest part of the Army entred into the Plaine and that the fore-most approached neere vnto him hee then gaue his men a signe of battaile Which done they fall vpon them that were neerest The Romans were amazed at this suddaine surprize for that the mist hindred their sight and with all the Enemies charg'd them on all sides at one instant so as they could not put themselues into battaile nor make vse of their Armes nor scarce know what had beene done being assailed by some in front by
preparation for war Wherefore after hee had prepared an Army at Sea of fiue and thirty Vessels he made choise of the ablest men of his whole Army and most actiue to fight at Sea The which being imbarqued he set saile to encounter the enemy and three dayes after hee had sail'd from Tarracona to places neere vnto Ebro hee comes vnto a Hauen ten miles distant from the Enemy From thence hee sends two Vessels of Marceilles being very swift to discouer This was a people which had a great League with the Romans and had held their party during the time of the second Punique Warre But as soone as these Scouts had made Relation that the enemies Army at Sea was in the mouth of the Riuer of Ebro he weighes Anchor and sayles towards them being desirous to surprize them vnprouided Asdrubal had beene aduertised of the comming of the Roman army by a signe which was giuen him from a Beacon or watch-Tower and therefore after he had ordred his Army by Land along the shore and and caused his Rowers to imbarque hee puts all into armes When the Romans not onely approacht but also put their shippes in battaile they gaue warning to fight The Carthaginians assayling them resolutely had for a time some shew of Victory But afterwards Fortune began to turne for they which were vpon the shore gaue not so much courage to their men to fight as hope of safety for those that would flye And therefore the Carthaginians got to Land after that two of their ships had bi● taken and foure sunke But when as the Romans pursued them with all their forces the Carthaginians fled to shore abandoning their ships and retired to their Army which was there in Battaile Finally hauing followed them with great speede they towed away with Ropes all the Vessels which floated And after they had vanquished their Enemies they parted ioyfully as being masters of the Sea and of the forty shippes they tooke fiue and twenty Being therefore proud of this Victory they were afterwards more carefull of the affaires of Spaine The Carthaginians aduertised of this mis-fortune sent three-score and ten Vessels Rigg'd sooner then they could imagine vnderstanding well of what consequence it was to be masters of the Sea Who sail'd first to Sardinia and afterwards to Pisa in Italy to the end they might ioyne with Hannibal if it were possible But when as the Romans were aduertised of the comming of the Carthaginian Army they so terrified them with sixe score Quinqueremes which they sent as they presently returned to Sardinia and from thence to Carthage Cue●s Seruilius Commaunder of the Army at Sea had them long in chase but when as he heard there was no hope to ouer-take them he came vnto Lylibeum with his Fleete From thence soone after he sailes vnto the Iland of Cercinetes where taking siluer of the Inhabitants not to ruine the Country he turnes backe and takes the Iland of Cossyron in passing Where after he had put a Garrison into the Towne he returned to Lylibeum where lodging his Vessels in the Port within few dayes after he went to the Army at Land In the meane time the Senate hauing newes of Cneus Scipio his Victory at Sea in the mouth of Ebr● they not only held it fit but also necessary to pursue the War in Spaine and to annoy the Carthaginians with all their power both by Sea and Land And therefore they presently prepared twenty shipps of War and sent them to Publius Scipio in Spaine continuing his authority after his Consulship was ended to the end that being ioyned with his brother Cneus Scipio all the affaires might be mannaged by their common Councell For the thing which the Romans feared most was that the Carthaginians preuailing in Spaine would be masters of the Sea So as afterwards they might Saile into Italy and furnish and supply Hannibal easily with men and Treasure Publius Scipio going into Spaine ioyned with his brother after which the War was gouerned by their common Councell Wherfore presently they past the Riuer of Ebro the which before they neuer durst attempt Then Fortune began to smile on the Romans And after they had made subiect those which dwelt in the passage of Ebro finding no resistance they came to Sagont Where being within fiue miles of Cape Decrux they camped in a place safe from the Enemy and conuenient to draw Victuals from the Sea Soone after that their Army at Sea arriued whereas this accident hapned You must vnderstand that Hannibal at his going into Italy had taken the Children of the noblest Families in Spaine and had left them in guard at Sagont For that the place was strong and they which kept it confident to the Carthaginians There was at time within the Towne a certaine Spaniard whom they called Acedux of a noble house and as honest a man as any other Spaniard and among the rest very loyall to the Carthaginians But at that time after the manner of most of the Barbarians hee changed his faith together with his Fortune This Spaniard seeing the Romans to prosper in Spaine had a desire to deliuer the Hostages hauing a conceite that it would be a great meanes to purchase their fauour When he had well considered of all the meanes to bring his enterprize to an end he goes to Bostar Chiefe of the Carthaginians Asdrubal had sent him into Spaine to keepe the Romans from passing the Riuer The which not daring to attempt he seated his Campe beyond Sagont vpon the Bankes of the Riuer He was a mild man and contrary to the nature of the Affricans not very politicke He drawes him a part as a man which held his faith assured to the Carthaginians and lets him vnderstand the estate of the affaires The Carthaginians sayd he haue held vnder their obedience vnto this day the people of Spaine by cruelty for that the Romans were a far off But now the Enemies Campe hath passed Ebro so as euery man hath thereby occasion of a new enterprize And therefore it is necessary to bind those by benefits and fauours whom they could not retaine by feare Moreouer that the Romans were neere vnto Sagont in Armes and furnished with Armies both by Sea and Land so as the Towne was in danger For this cause he was of opinion that hee should send backe all the Hostages to their Townes The which if hee did hee should first of all frustrate the Romans of their hope for that they did chiefly besiedge Sagont to haue them And that moreouer he should purchase the loue and fauour of the Spaniards to the Carthaginians He likewise thought that it would be for the safety of the Hostages and that if hee would giue him the charge to carry them backe hee would do him no small seruice to winne their loues and that he should not only bind their hearts by the sending backe of the Children vnto their Parents but he should set
before their eies how much the kindnesse and Clemency of the Carthaginians was to be esteemed Moreouer he propounded vnto him the expectance hee should haue of their gifts and presents to whom he had sent the Children and that there was not any man would forget so great a benefit After he had held this kind of Speech and others to the same end he returned to Sagont as soone as he had perswaded Bostar to that which he desired appointing a day when hee should ioyne with those which should carry backe the Hostages The night following he goes to the Enemies watch and hauing spoken to some Spanish Souldiers of the Allies they lead him vnto the Captaines Where hauing vsed much speech what profit it would be for the affaires of Spaine if the Hostages fell into their hands in the end hee promiseth to deliuer them The Romans giuing a willing eare vnto him weighing the greatnes of the action take his faith promise him theirs with great rewards And after they had aduised of the place and day when they should attend to receiue the Hostages he returnes Afterwards he takes with him such as seemed fit for this businesse and goes to Bostar Where receiuing the Hostages he goes out of Sagont as it were to flie the enemies Watch But hauing past their Campe a little hee leads them all into an Ambush which they had prepared as not knowing any thing The Romans gaue great rewards to Acedux and made vse of him to carry backe the Hostages to their Townes as he had resolued with Bostar sending men with him to make them fauourable Acedux went with them and by this perswasions caused many to enter into League with the Romans by the meanes of these hostages laying before their eyes their mildnesse and great courage and detesting the iealousies and cruelty of the Carthaginians propounding himselfe for an example Bostar after the losse of the hostages by the aduice of a Childe repented too late And then the season of the yeare forced both Armies to goe and winter after that fortune had fauoured the Romans in this enterprize of the hostages Behold the present estate of the affaires of Spaine Hannibal being aduertised by his Spies of the great prouision of Corne within Lucerna and Geryona and that moreouer Geryona was a very good place hee resolued to winter his Army there And passing the Mountaine of Lyburna hee drawes to those places Being come to Geryona fiue and twenty miles from Lucerna hee began first to summon the Inhabitants to yeeld vsing faire promises and assuring them of his faith But losing his time hee besieged the Towne the which hee tooke presently and slew all the Inhabitants preseruing the greatest part of the houses to serue him for Garners then hee planted his Campe close vnto the Towne being well ditched and pallisadoed This done hee sends two parts of his Army to gather in the Corne and continued in battaile with the third part as well to guard the Campe as to preuent all oppression of those which gathered in the Corne. They brought in dayly a wonderfull quantity for that the Region was very large and the number of the people in a manner infinite and haruest was now at hand But Marcus Minucius Commander of the Romans in the beginning followed the Carthaginians by the Mountaines hoping hee should sometimes encounter the Enemy in some bad passage But being aduertised that they gathered in the Corne after the taking of Geryona and had seated their Campe neare vnto it hee goes into the plaine and recouers a high Hill vpon the way where hee planted his Campe and there hee studied by what policy hee might fall vpon those which were in battaile But when as Hannibal found the Romans to bee so neare hee sent onely the third part of his Army for Corne and kept the two other parts in the Campe. After which hee plants himselfe nearer vnto the Enemy about two miles from Geryona to the end hee might seeme to bee carefull to defend those which gathered the Corne if they made any attempt against them In the meane time there was a little Hill betwixt the two Campes which was very fit and conuenient for the Carthaginians if they could take it and dangerous for the Romans Hannibal sent Numidians thither in the Night who tooke it But when as Minucins at the breake of day saw that they held it hee puts forth those that were lightly armed and giues an assault vnto the Hill The Combate for a time was very fierce and cruell but in the end the Romans had the best successe for they wonne the Hill by force whither presently the whole Army retired Hannibal continued for some dayes within his Campe for that the Romans were still in front But soone after necessity forced him to send some to feed the Horses for the Baggage and others to the Haruest to the end that as hee had resolued he might not consume that which hee had gotten but might draw together some great quantity of Corne to Winter hauing alwayes a great care the Army should not haue neede of any thing in that time especially the Horses and sumpters for that all his hope and confidence was in the Cauallery Minucius seeing the Enemies dispersed and wandring vp and downe hee drawes his men to field and marching directly against their Campe puts them in battaile and sends the Horse-men with the best Foote-men against the Forragers giuing them charge to kill all and not to receiue any to mercy Hannibal surprized with this suddaine accident durst not put his men in battaile neither could hee succour those that were disperced The Roman Horse-men with those that were lightly armed made a great slaughter of their Enemies thus scattred They likewise which were with Minucius grew so resolute and couragious as they durst in a manner force the Enemies Fort and besiege them Hannibal finding himselfe destitute of counsell and helpe kept himselfe within his Fort which hee guarded with great difficulty when as Asdrubal gathering the Souldiers together which fled to the place where their Campe had formerly beene neere vnto the Walles of Geryona came to succour him with about foure thousand men Then resuming a little courage he comes out of his Fort sauing his Army from that present danger with great difficulty Minucius hauing made a great slaughter before the Emies Fort and not much lesse in the field he retired with a wonderfull hope for the future And three dayes after hee lodged in the Campe abandoned by the Enemies For Hannibal fearing left the Romans by night should lodge in the Campe which he had left neere vnto Geryona and so get all the spoiles he returned thither with speed with his whole Army After this defeate the Carthaginians were more wary how to forrage and goe for Corne and contrariwise the Romans more hardy to vndergoe dangers In the meane time the newes of the victory was according to the vsuall manner
seeing that the hope of Victory consisted in the Footemen hee thrust into the hottest of the Battaile whee in fighting hee gaue courage to the Horsemen the which Hannibal did in like manner In the meane time the Numidians of the left wing with all their Horse-men falling vpon the right wing of the Romans they neither did nor suffred any thing that was worthy of memory so equall were the two Troupes both in force and courage yet they made the Romans vnprofitable scattering them heere and there In the meane time Asdrubal went to aide and succour the Affricans with the Horse-men of the left wing The which the Horse-men of the Roman Allies perceiuing they presently turned head Asdrubal seeing this performed the duty of a wise and discreet Captaine and sent the Numidians whom he knew were more in number and terrible to make a chase to pursue them that fled and went himselfe speedily with the Footmen to succour the Affricains where assailing the Romans in the Reare he fortified his owne Men making a great slaughter of the Enemie Lucius Emilius hauing receiued many wounds died in this Battaile Hee was a Man who vnto his death had done good seruice vnto the Common-wealth They write that Caius Lentulus a Tribune leading an empty horse in his hand as hee fled saw Paulus the Consull sitting on a stone all couered with blood to whom he said Lucius Emili●s whom the Gods should hold innocent of this cruell slaughter take this horse whilest any strength remaines within and I being thy friend will lift thee vp and keepe thee on lest thou make this Battaile dolefull thorough the death of a Consull without the which there is cause enough of mourning and weeping Whereunto the Consull answered Caius Cornelius increase thou in vertue but beware lest whilest thou doest bewaile this accident thou finde little time to escape thy selfe Goe therefore and bid the Senate make strong the walls of Rome and to fortifie it with Succours before the Conquerour come and tell Quintus Fabius secretly that Lucius Emilius Paulus doth constantly remember his precepts liueth in them and will die in them And I pray thee suffer me to passe this life among these my dead Knights lest by longer liuing I become an accuser of my fellowe defending my innocencie by the trespasse of another and yet at length dye being held guilty of this action The Romans holding still good in so long and furious a Battaile were in the end all slaine Among the which died the Consuls of the precedent yeare Marcus Attilius and Cneius Seruilius braue men and worthy of the Roman name At the same time the Numidians ouertooke the horsemen which fled whereof they slew a great number and dismounted the rest Some retired to Venusium among the which was the Consull Varro whose life was base and his command vnprofitable for his Country Behold the end of the Battaile of Cannas so famous as well for the victors as the vanquished whereof the reason is for that of sixe thousand Roman horse there escaped but threescore and tenne to Venusium with Varro and of the Allies about three hundred scattered here and there who fled to the Neighbour Townes And as for the Bands of Foote the Enemie tooke about tenne thousand aliue so as there hardly escaped three thousand The rest to the number of threescore and tenne thousand were slaine in the Battaile The Carthaginians got not the victory without losse There were slaine about foure thousand Gaules fifteene hundred Affricains and Spaniards and two hundred horse The Romans which were taken aliue were not in the Battaile for Varro had left tenne thousand Men in the Campe to the end that if Haniball led forth all his Army to fight that in assailing the Enemies Campe whilest they were otherwise busie they might spoile the Carthaginians Munition And if Haniball left a sufficient Garrison for the Campe then his Forces would be the lesse for the Romans were stronger in numbers of Men. Behold the manner how they were taken Haniball had left a sufficient Garrison in his Campe to guard it But when as the Romans saw the Battaile grow hot they go vnto the Campe as they had resolued to besiege it The Carthaginians defended themselues But for that the Romans charged them furiously they were forced to abandon the place In the meane time Hannibal hauing gotten an absolute victory falls vpon those which assailed his Campe and put them to flight shutting them vp within their Forts of whom hee slewe two thousand and tooke the rest The Numidians on the other side brought vnto Hannibal the Roman horsemen who flying were dispierced in the Fields Thus after the Battaile ended neither of them were deceiued in their expectation for presently the Carthaginians were Masters of the Prouince which they call great Greece so as Tarent Capua and Naples came vnder their obedience and all the Townes wauered for Hannibal neither was he out of hope to take Rome speedily Finally the Romans wholy dispairing of the Empire of Italy were in feare not onely of their owne ruine but also of the whole Country expecting hourely their cruell Enemie at the walls of Rome The Citie being thus troubled Newes to the end the measure of their miseries might be full came from Gaule of the Defeat of Lucius Postumus the Pretor with his Army by an Ambush Yet the Senate inuolued in so many miseries made a good shew aduising the people to fortifie the Citie with Men and to consider of their affaires with courage and constancie The which the things which succeeded afterwards did verifie for being now vanquished by the Carthaginians and seeming to acquit vnto them the glory of Armes within short time after by the constancie of the Common-wealth and by the Councell and wisdome of the Senate they came after they had vanquished and ruined the Carthaginians to be Lords not onely of Italy but also of the whole world And therefore we will conclude this booke and likewise the actions of Spaine and Italy which were during the hundreth and fortieth Olimpiade And when we shall come to those of Greece during the same Olimpiade we will speake more at large of the Roman Common-wealth For I hold it not onely necessary for the Reader for the knowledge of the History but also profitable to correct and gouerne a Common-wealth The end of the Third Booke of Polybius THE FOVRTH BOOKE of the History of POLYBIVS WEE haue in my opinion sufficiently shewed the causes of the second punique warre in this last Booke and then the descent of Hannibal into Italy Wee haue also related many Combats betwixt the Romans and the Carthaginians vnto the Battaile which was fought neere vnto the Riuer of Fante and the Towne of Cannes Now wee will pursue the warres of Greece of the same time deliuering in few words the things mentioned by vs in the second Booke of the preparation of our
Letters from Molon and when hee affirmed no the other was confident that he would finde some Wherefore entring into the House to search he found the Letters and taking this occasion slew him These things happening thus the King thought that hee was iustly slaine And although the rest of the Court and of his friends were much grieued at this suddaine disaster yet they dissembled their sorrow for feare When as Antiochus was come vnto Euphrates he marcht with his army vnto Antiochia and stayed at Michdionia about the midst of Dec●mber desiring to passe the ●oughnesse of the Winter there where staying about forty dayes hee went vnto Liba where hee called a Councell And when as they consulted of the way which they should hold to find Molon and from whence and how they might recouer Victuals for at that time hee made his abode in Babylon Hermes was of opinion that they should keepe their way vppon this side the Riuer of Tygris and along the Bankes doubting and not a little fearing the Riuers of Luque and Capre Zeuxis was of another opinion but hee durst not speake nor declare his minde plainely remembring still the death of Epigene But when as the ignorance of Hermes seemed apparent to all the assistants hee with some difficulty deliuered his aduice that they must passe Tygris aswell for many other difficulties which are on this side as for that they must of necessity after they had past certaine places in marching sixe daies iourney by a Desart Country came vnto a Region which they call Diorex where the passage was not safe for that the enemy had seized thereon And that moreouer the returne would be dangerous especially for want of victuals If the King likewise did passe Tygris all the people of Appolonia transported with ioy would come vnto him who at this day obeyed Molon not for any affection but through necessity and feare And withall they should haue abundance of victuals by reason of the fertility of the Countrey and the passage of Media would be shut vp for Molon so as of necessity he should be forced to come and fight Or if hee fled his Troupes would soone yeild vnto the King When the aduice of Zeuxis had beene allowed in Councell they presently past the whole Army with the baggage in three places And marching from thence vnto D●re they raised the siege for one of Molons Captaines had some few dayes before besieged it and afterwards continuing on their way and hauing past the Mountaines which they of the Countrey call Orie in eight daies they came into Apolonia At the same time Molon hauing newes of the Kings comming and not holding himselfe assured of the S●sians and Babilonians beeing lately made subiect vnto him and by surprize fearing moreouer that the passage of Media was stopt hee afterwards resolued to passe by the Riuer Tygris speedily with his whole Army making haste to gaine the Woodes which bend towards the playnes of Apolonia for that he had great confidence in his Slingers whom they call Cyrtles When hee approached neere these places from the which the King parting with his Army from Apolonia was not farre it happened that the forerunners of eyther side lightly armed met vppon a Hill where they skirmished But vpon the approach of both Armies they began to retire and the two Campes lodged within forty furlongs one of another When night came Molon considering that a battaile by day with the King would bee dangerous for him not relying much vppon his men he resolued to assaile Antiochus at mid-night Wherefore hee made choise of the ablest men of his whole Army and takes his way by vnknowne places resoluing to charge the enemy from the higher part But being aduertised vppon the way that ten of his Souldiers had stollen away in the night and retired vnto Antiochus hee gaue ouer his enterprize So as taking another way hee returned to the Campe at the breake of day the which was the chiefe cause of great trouble in his Army For they awaking with this suddaine and short returne of their Companions they were so terrified and amazed as they were in a manner ready to flie and abandon their Campe. Molon when the trueth was knowne and well perceiued pacified this terrour and amazement what hee could in so short a space although it in some part increased still The King being ready to fight drawes his Army to fielde at the breake of day and on the right Wing hee sets the Launces vnder the Commaund of Ardis a man of great experience in the Warre To whom hee gaue for a supply the Candyots his Allies and after them the Gaules and Rhigosages who were followed by the Souldiers of Greece and finally by a great battalion of Foote-men In regard of the left Wing he gaue it to the Allies which were all on horse-backe Hee likewise set the Elephants in Front betwixt the two Wings beeing ten in number In regard of the supplies of Horse and Foote distributed on eyther Wing hee giues them charge to wheele about and to compasse in the enemy as soone as the Battaile should beginne to charge After all this hee encourageth the Souldiers telling them in few words what was necessary for the present And he giues to Hermes and Zeuxis the leading of the left Wing and takes the right vnto himselfe On the other side Molon drawes his Army to Field with great difficulty and puts it but ill in Battaile by reason of the disorder which had happened in the night Yet hee diuided his Horse-men in two wings thinking the enemy had done the like placing the Targetteers and the Gaules with others that were of most apt courage great experience and best Armed in the middest of the Horse-men putting the Archers and Slingers vppon the two Wings without the Troupe of Horse-men and in Front were placed all the Carriages and Bill-men He gaue the leading of the left Wing vnto his brother Neolaus and him selfe takes the right This done the two Armies marcht Molons right Wing was loyall and faithfull vnto him charging Zeuxi● with great Courage and fury But when as the left Wing drew somewhat neere vnto the King it retired to the enemy This happening Molons Troupes fainted suddainely And the Kings Army grew more sto● and couragious But when as Molon saw and well perceiued himselfe thus betrayed and inuironed by the enemy thinking and immagining of the Torments which hee must indure if hee fell aliue into their hands hee slew himselfe The like the rest did which had beene Traytors vnto the King who recouering their Houses by flight slew themselues When as Neolaus had escaped from the Battaile and was retired vnto Alexander Brother to Molon in Persis hee slew the mother of Molon and his Children After whose death he slew himselfe perswading Alexander to doe the like When as the King had spoiled the enemies Campe hee commaunded that the body of Molon should be hanged vpon a Crosse in the
and opprest the Subiects hee affected the Warre with an assured courage hauing no confidence in Fortune but in wise Councell When he arriued in Spaine he moued them all and hauing enquired of the Enemies actions he vnderstood that the Carthaginians Armies were diuided into three and that Mago made his abode within the Pillars of Hercules at certaine places called Conies And that Asdrubal the Sonne of Scone was neare the mouth of a Riuer by Portugale the other Asdrubal in the Carpentins Countrey held a City besieged Either of which places were many dayes iourney distant from the City of the Ceneteins Studying then whether he should resolue to giue Battaile vnto the Enemy if it were against all their forces he should be in danger to be defeated as well in regard of that which had befalne his Predecessors as for that their Armies were great If likewise he labourd to fight with the one it was to be feared that in flying the Battaile the other Armies would come and by this meanes hee should be inclosed falling into the like Disasters whereunto his Vncle Caius and his Father Publius had beene subiect Wherefore leauing this aduice when he vnderstood that Carthage was a great ease vnto the Enemies and would be a great annoyance to him in this Warre he considere of euery thing wintring among the Eilotes When he was aduertised in the beginning that it had Ports which might containe all the Sea-army of Spaine hauing likewise a Maritine scituation spacious and commodious for the Carthaginians for the Nauigation which comes from Lybia and likewise for that the Treasure and Baggage for the Army with all the hostages of Spaine were kept there adding thereunto the great aduantage for that the Fort had not aboue a thousand Souldiers in Garrison for that they neuer suspected that any man would presume to besiege it the Carthaginians being in a manner Maisters of all Spaine and that finally the rest of the people are in great number yet they were Artizans Mech annickes and Fishermen who had no great experience in the Warre He imagined that his comming to this City would be vnexpected with amazement He was not ignorant of the scituation of the Towne nor of its fortification nor likewise of the disposition of the Poole which things he had learned from Fishermen which had frequented the place This Poole was generally muddy and yet wadeable for the most part and withall the water retired daily about Sun-setting Wherefore concluding that if he preuailed in his Enterprize he should not onely annoy the Enemy but it would bee a great benefit for the Warre And if his aduice and councell succeeded well hee might preserue his Subiects as Maister of the Sea if he might once fortifie and strengthen his Army The which was easie for that the Enemies were far off Leauing therefore all other resolutions hee attends this during Winter And when he had once resolued being of the age we haue mentioned he concealed his resolution from all the World except to Caius Lelyus vntill he thought it fit to manifest it Although that Historiographers giue testimony of this resolution yet when they come to the end of the action they attribute this excellent worke to the Gods and to Fortune and not to him nor his wisedome without any probable arguments and the testimony of those which liued with him for that Scipio himselfe declares plainely in an Epistle which he had written to Philip that making vse of the aduice which wee haue mentioned he had vndertaken the Warre of Spaine and the siege of Carthage Moreouer commanding Lelyus secretly touching the Army at Sea he gaue him charge to saile aboue the City Hee alone was priuy to his designe as I haue sayd Himselfe taking the Troupes of Foote-men marcht speedily There were in the Army at Land about fiue and twenty thousand Foote and two thousand fiue hundred Horse Being come vnto the City on the seuenth Day hee planted his Campe on the North part and fortified it without with a double Rampire and Ditches from one Sea vnto the other without doing any thing towards the City The Nature of the place had fortification enough To vnderstand well how this City hath beene besieged and taken I hold it necessary in some sort to describe the neighbour Countries and its scituation It is seated in Spaine about the middle of the Maritine Region in the Gulfe which hath its aspect towards Affricke whose depth is about twenty furlongs and the breadth at the entrance about ten All this Gulfe makes a kind of Port where there lies an I and at the mouth of it leauing on either side a little entrance And when the Sea is troubled with any torment then all the Gulfe is calme but when the Westerne Winds of the Winter Solstice beating vpon the two entrances cause the storme But as for other Winds it is not troubled by reason of the firme Land which enuirons it Behinde the Gulfe there rises a Cape whereon the City is scituated enuironed with the Sea towards the East and South and with a Lake vpon the West and North so as the space which remaines from one Sea to another by the which the City is ioyned to the firme Land is not aboue two Furlongs In regard of the City one moiety of it is concaue and towards the South it hath the approach of the full Sea Finally it is full of Hills whereof two are rough and difficult the other three are very lowe but strong and hard to passe whereof the highest bends towards the East aduancing to the Sea There the Temple of Asclepie is built Right against the which is another of the same scituation whereon stands a sumptuous royall Pallace the which some say had beene built by Asdrubal affecting a Regall power The rest of the lesser Hills haue their tops towards the North. That of the three which lookes directly towards the East is called Phoste to the which is ioyned that of Alete It seemes that Pheste hath beene the inuentor of Siluer mettals and for this cause purchased diuine honours The third is called Croue In regard of the Lake ioyning to the Sea it hath taken its course by the worke of man for the benefit of Fisher-men and others trafficking by Sea But at the breach of the Banke by the which the Lake and Sea are diuided they haue made a Bridge to the end that Sumpters and Carts might bring things necessary from the Countrey This was the scituation of those places the Romans Campe was fortified in Front without any prouision as well by the Lake as Sea on either side In regard of the space which ioynes the City to the firme Land he did not fortifie it for that it was in the midst of his Campe to the end he might amaze the Citizens and make vse of it for Skirmishes and to sally forth and retire to his Campe. The Walles in the beginning had not aboue twenty Furlongs Although
and ioyfull hearts Andobale had before sent vnto Publius but when he approached neere vnto this Country he came vnto him accompanied with his friends Where after he had spoken vnto him hee concluded the League of friendship which he formerly had with the Carthaginians giuing him to vnderstand what seruice and loyalty hee had obserued towards him and finally he exposeth the outrages and iniuries which hee and his had suffered intreating him to be the Iudge of that which he sayd And if he seemed to accuse the Carthaginians vniustly hee might certainly know that he would neuer keepe his faith to the Romans If being forced for the necessary respect of many iuiuries hee had desisted from his affection yet he had good hope that ioyning to the Romans to keep his faith firme with them After he had vsed many such Speeches he made an end To whom Publius answering sayd that he beliued it and had vnderstood the outrages of the Carthaginians which they had vsed to other Spaniards and their lasciuiousnesse towards their Wiues and daughters Of whom notwithstanding he hauing taken many reduced rather into the estate of Captives and slaues then Hostages hee hath kept them with such honesty as the Parents themselues could not haue done And when as Andobale and his Company confest it and making an obeisance vnto him they saluted him as King the assistants obserued those words Publius blushing commands them to be of good hope promising them they should finde curtesie and fauour with the Romans and presently deliuers them their Daughters and the day following makes an accord with them The principall Articles of their Accord was that they should follow the Roman Princes and obey them willingly These things thus concluded they returne vnto their Campe and come with their Army to that of Publius and making Warre with the Romans they march with them against Asdrubal The Commaunder of the Carthaginians staying neere to Catol●gne fast by the City of Babylis and neere vnto the Mines of Gold and Siluer he changed his Campe when he was aduertised of the comming of the Romans so as he had the riuer at his backe in manner of a Rampire and in front and on the sides a Pallisadoe with a sufficient depth for the Fortification there was finally a length in the Vallies sufficient to put them in battaile And as for the side of the Hill there were vsually men When as Publius approacht he was ready to hazard the Combate although hee were in doubt seeing the aduantage and force of the places where the Enemy lay in Campe. But when he had contained himselfe two daies and was in feare that Mago and Asdrubal the sonne of Gescon comming he might be inuironed round he resolued to fight and to hazard a battaile Making therefore another Army he labours to gaine the Pallisado In regard of those that were lightly armed and the choise footmen he sends them to the side of a Hill giuing them charge to assaile and to view the Enemies forces And when that this was done with great Courage the Commander of the Carthaginians attends the euent from the beginning But when he saw his men prest and in danger by the courage of the Romans he drawes his Army into the field and plants in neere the side of the Hill relying vpon the opportunitie of the place At the same time Publius sends his brauest men to succour those that were in danger and stayed the rest ready He takes the one halfe and assailes the Hill vpon the left side of the Enemy fighting against the Carthaginians And deliuers the rest to Lelyus giuing him charge to assaile the Enemy on the right hand When this was done Asdrubal drawes his Army out of the Fort. He had hitherto kept it relying vpon the fortified places hauing an opinion that the Enemies durst not assaile him But for that this charge of the Romans came vnexpected hee puts his Army into Battaile later then was needfull The Romans vndergoing the danger of the fight whilest that the Enemies were not yet vpon the Wings they not only assailed the Hill without danger but in approaching slew those which crost them whilest that the Enemies made ready their battaile forcing those to turne which prepared themselues and made head against them When as Asdrubal according to his first resolution saw his Army giue backe and shamefully repuls'd hee had no will to fight vnto the last gaspe Taking therefore the Treasure and the Elephants and all those hee could draw together in the flight he retires to the Riuer of Tagus and to the Hills of the Perinee Mountaines and to the Gaules inhabiting there Scipio held it not fit to pursue the Victorie suddainly doubting the comming of the other Commaunders Finally he gaue the bootie of the Fort to the Souldiers The day following he drawes together all the Prisoners whereof there were ten Thousand foote and two Thousand horse to dispose of them All the Spaniards of that Countrey which were allied vnto the Carthaginians come and submit themselues to the fauour of the Romans And when he had giuen them audience they saluted Scipio as King The which Edecon beganne when he did his obeisance and after him Andobale with his friends Scipio at that time regarded not their words but was silent But when after the Battaile all saluted him as King he was mooued therewith so as hee forbad it Drawing all the Spaniards together he told them that he would be truely Royall and so held but hee would not be called a King by no man liuing This done hee ordained they should call him Chiefe or Commaunder It is not without cause that we may iustly commend the magnanimity of this man By the which being yet young hauing the fauour of Fortune such as all the Subiects had him in so great esteeme as they saluted him by so excellent a name yet hee was alwaies so continent as hee would not accept of this will and humour of the Subiects But he will wonder much more at the excellency of his magnanimitie if hee lookes to the last daies of his life when besides the valiant exploits which hee hath done in Spaine hee hath ruined the Carthaginians and made subiect vnto the Romans many good Countries in Lybia from the Philenin Altars to the pillars of Hercules Hee hath also ruined Asia and the Assirian Kings Finally hee hath reduced to the obedience of the Romans the best and greatest part of the World And therefore if hee had pleased hee might well haue imbraced the opportunity to vsurpe a royall power in these Countries which hee hath inuaded and taken The disdaine of such things as Scipio hath wisely done surpasseth not onely humane nature but a diuine This magnanimity doth so much excell other men as no man would demaund of the Gods a greater fauour I meane then a Crowne the which hee hath so often refused being deliuered vnto him by fortune and hath had
the most part they are methodicall Sciences Wherefore it is a very profitable portion of a well composed History Of Antiochus THe Aspasiens dwell betwixt Oxus and Tanais Of which Riuers the one fals into the Hyrcanian Sea and Tanais into the Lake of Meotis They are Nauigable for their greatnesse So it seemes wonderfull how the Tartarians passing Oxus aswell by foote as Horse-backe come into Hyrcania There are two opinions conceiued The one is credible the other strange although possible Oxus drawes his Springs from Mount Coucasus but augmented much in Bactria by the descent of smaller Riuers it passeth by a violent Course by the Country of Ped●a There it fals into a Desart and runs with a violent streame thorough certaine Rockes and Pits for the great number and vehement beating of the places lying vnder it so as its violence ouer-flowes the Rocke in the lower Countries aboue a Furlong By this place neere vnto the Rocke the Aspasiens as they say passing the Riuer both on Foot and Horse-backe descend into Hyrcania The other opinion hath a more propable reason saying that for that place hath great Ditches into the which this Riuer fals with its force shee makes hollow and opens the bottome by the violence of her Course And by this meanes the Riuer takes its course vnder ground for a small space and then riseth againe The Barbarians hauing experience hereof passe there on Horse-backe into Hyrcania When as Antiochus was aduertised that Euthideme was about Tagure with an Army and that a thousand Horse kept the passage of the Riuer of Aria hee proceedes and resolues to besiege it hauing no more confidence in his resolution And when he was within three daies iourney of the Riuer he marcht the two first slowly And on the third hauing fed his men hee causes his Campe to march at the breake of day Then taking the Horse-men and his strongest souldiers with a thousand Targetteers he makes hast in the night Hee had vnderstood that the enemies Cauallery was at the guard of the Riuer in the day time but at night they retired to a City some twenty Furlongs off When hee had performed the rest of the way in the night for those Countries were conuenient for Horsemen he past the Riuer at the break of day with the greatest part of his Army The Bactrian Horse-men being aduertised by their Scouts crie out and fight with the Enemy vpon the way The King seeing that hee was to maintaine their first Charge giues Courage to those which had beene accustomed to accompany him in such encounters which were two thousand Horse and commands the rest to cast themselues betwixt both with their Troupes put into battaile as of custome Finally hee fights with the Bactrian Horse which presented themselues Antiochus seemed in this danger to haue fought more valiantly then his men so as many perished on either side Yet the Kings men defeated the first troupe of Horse But when the second and the third charged them they were repuls'd turning their heads basely But when as Etole had giuen charge to the great power of the Horse to march in Battaile he freed the King and his Company terrifying the Bactrians who were in disorder and put them to flight Wherefore when they were charged by all the Etoliens they ceased not to flie vntill hauing make a great losse they were ioyned vnto Euthideme And when as the Kings Horse-men had made a great slaughter and taken many in the Citty they presently retired and planted their Campe neere the Riuer It happened that in this same Combate Menippe was wounded and dyed loosing some of his Teeth with a blow Finally hee purchased a renowne of Valour After this Comba●e Euthideme retired with his Army to Zariaspe a Citty of the Bactrians A PARCELL OF the Eleuenth Booke of the History of POLYBIVS ASdrubal did not allow of any of these things But seeing the Enemies march in Battaile when as matters changed not hee caused the Spaniards and Gaules that were with him to fight Setting the Elephants in Front beeing ten in number and after hee had ioyned the Battalions close vnited and in length and had put all the Army in battaile in a short time casting himselfe in the middest of the Ordonance neere to the Elephants hee assailes the Enemy vpon the left flancke hauing resolued to die in that battaile The Lybian presents himselfe with great Courage to the enemy and in charging fights valiantly with his troupes Claudius Nero one of the Consuls appointed for the right side could not ioyne with the enemy nor yet inclose them for the vneuennesse of the ground wherein Asdrubal trusting he had charged the enemy on the left hand Wherefore as he was perplexed and in doubt for that he lost time hee learned what he had to doe Taking therefore the Souldiers of the right wing he goes beyond his Campe neere vnto a passage behind the Battaile and on the left hand and giues a charge vnto the Carthaginians neere vnto the wing where the Elephants had their station At that time the Victory wauered For in truth the danger was equall of both sides considering that neither Romans Spaniards nor Carthaginians had any hope of safety remaining if they were frustrated of their intention Finally the Elephants were of vse to both of them in the fight For when they were inclosed in the middest and assailed with Darts they aswell brake the rankes of the Spaniards as of the Romans But when as Claudius Troupe had charged the enemy in the reare the Combate was vnequall for the charge giuen vnto the Spaniards both in Front and behind So as it happened that in the beginning of the Combate there was a great laughter made of Spaniards So likewise there were sixe Elephants su●ine by the force of the men they carried the other foure brake their● r●nckes being alone and destitute of their Indians they were taken And when as Asdrubal had beene formerly and vnto his ende an able man hee lost in fighting valiantly his life worthy to be commended Hee was brother to Hannibal who vndertaking the Voyage of Italy gaue him the Conduct of the Warres of Spaine And afterwards being practised by many encounters against the Romans hee hath indured many and variable Fortunes And in this also that the Carthaginians sent Commaunders to succeede him hee alwaies carried himselfe like a man worthy of his Father Barca bearing vnto the ende like a man of Courage all disgraces and losses Wee haue declared these things in regard of the precedent But now we will decide the last Combats in that which seemes worthy of Consideration Seeing before our eyes many Kings and Commanders which hauing great Combates concerning their whole estates haue alwayes cast their eyes vpon the most excellent Actions and of Consequence and who often enquire and Discourse how they shall helpe themselues in euery good Fortune And who moreouer care not for mischances not consider of the meanes nor that
all amazed and terrified by these accidents The Authors of these mischiefes being whipt and slaine and drawne through the midst of them the rest were assured in common by the Commander and Princes that no man hereafter should be punished by any man for the remembrance of this fact Wherefore they came all to the Milleniers and sweare absolutely to obey the Commandments of the Princes and not to consent to any thing against the City of Rome When as Scipio had corrected the Mischiefe newly growne hee settles his Army in its former estate Then suddainly drawing it together within Carthage he made his complaints of the rashnesse and wickednesse of Andobale towards them and after he had made a long speech of his disloyalty he incensed the hearts of many against the sayd Potentate Finally he put them in minde of their encounters against the Spaniards and Carthaginians whilest they were vnder the Carthaginian Commanders Of whom as they had beene alwayes victorious there was no cause he sayd to be in doubt or feare but that comming againe to fight with the Spaniards vnder Andobale they would be defeated Wherefore he sayd he would make no more vse of the Spaniards to fight and that hee would vndergoe the danger with the Romans alone to the end it may be manifest to all the world that wee haue not chased the Carthaginians out of Spaine with the helpe of Spaniards but by a Roman vertue and that by our owne dexterity wee haue vanquished them with the Celtiberians This Speech being ended hee perswaded them to liue in Concord and that they would vndertake this present danger if euer they vndertooke any with great assurance In regard of the meanes of the victory he assures them that with the helpe of the Gods he will take order The Commons conceiued so great a courage and confidence as all of them carryed a countenance like vnto those which behold their Enemies and prepare to fight His words being ended hee sent backe the assembly The next day hee raiseth his Campe and marcheth and being come on the tenth day to a Riuer he passeth it foure dayes after then he plants himselfe before the Enemies hauing recouered a certaine Plaine betwixt his Campe and theirs The day following he sent forth towards the Enemy vpon the Plaine some Cattell which followed the Army and commands Caius to keepe certaine Horse-men in a readinesse and to the Chiefe of the Milleniers to prepare Archers and Slingers When the Spaniards had fallen suddainly vpon the Cattell he sent certaine Souldiers that were Archers The Combat beginning and the Souldiers running vnto it on either side in good numbers there grew a great Skirmish of Foot-men neare vnto the Plaine When a fit occasion was offred to assaile the Enemy and that Caius had his Horse-men ready as he had commanded him he chargeth the Foot-men and repulseth them from the Plaine to the places neare vnto the Mountaines to the end they might be scattred and slaine in great numbers When this happened the Barbarians were moued fearing that being vanquished in skirmish before they came to the Battaile they should seeme to haue fainted wherefore at the Sun-rising they drew their Army in good order to Field preparing for the Battaile Publius Scipio was ready to giue it But when hee saw the Spaniards descend without reason into the Plaine and not onely to put their Hors-men in order but also their Foot he stayed to the end that a greater number might assemble in this order of Battaile hauing confidence in his Cauallery and much more in his Foot-men for that they should come to an equall Combat and fight hand to hand and that the Armes and men which he had were more excellent then the Spaniards But for that it seemes necessity prest him he directed his Army against those which were in Battaile against the Mountaine drawing foure Cohorts out of the Campe towards those that were descended into the Plaine Finally Caius Lelyus led his Horse-men against the Enemy by the Hils which come from the Campe vnto the Plaine and chargeth the Spaniards Horse in the Reare and in fighting stayes them to the end they should not succour their Foot The Enemies Foot being destitute of the helpe of their Cauallery in whom hauing put their trust they had descended into the Plaine were forced and annoyed in the Combate the which likewise happened to the Horse-men For when as inclosed in the streight they could not fight at ease their defeate was greater then that of the Enemy for that their Foot-men were on the side and their Enemies in Front and their Horse-men were charged in the Reare The Combat being after this manner they which descended were in a manner all defeated They which were ioyning vnto the Mountaine fled They were the most valiant and the third part of the Army with whom Andobale escaped recouering a certaine Fort. Scipio hauing ended the Warres of Spaine drew to Tarracona to carry a great triumph of ioy and a glorious Victory to his Countrey Desiring them to be present at the Creation of Consuls hee sayles to Rome being accompanied by Caius deliuering the Army to Iunius and Marcus hauing giuen order for all the affaires of Spaine Of King Antiochus IT was in truth Ewthydemes Magnes to whom he answered saying that Antiochus laboured to chase him out of his Kingdome vniustly and that he had not rebelled to the end he might enioy the Principality of the Bactrians And when he had vsed a long speech tending to that end hee intreated Teleus that by his meanes he might obtaine a truce and that he would informe Antiochus that hee did not enuy his royall Name For that if he did not yeeld to his accords neither of them should liue in safety For there was a great descent of Tartariens which would be dangerous to either of them and if they entred the Region it would vndoubtedly be reduced vnder the subiection of Barbarians These words being ended hee sends Teleus to King Antiochus When the King had long ruminated to what end this businesse would tend he heard the proposition which was made by Teleus concerning a truce When Teleus was returned going and comming often from the one to the other Euthydemes in the end sent his Sonne Demetrius to confirme the Accord Whom when the King had receiued graciously and holding the Young man worthy to reigne as well for his outward shew as for his excellent dexterity of Eloquence hee first promiseth to giue him one of his Daughters and to his Father the Name of King Finally after hee had past in writing the Pactions and Accords sworne he raiseth his Campe and sends Victuals freely to his Army When hee had receiued the Elephants which Euthydemes had sent hee passeth Mount Caucasus and after that hee came into India he renewed the League with Sophasine King of the Indies where after he had receiued an hundred and fifty Elephants and had againe giuen Victuals
Alexander tooke his course towards Syria hee followed him and when he approached vnto the streights hee Camped neare vnto the Riuer of Pyre Finally that the compasse of that place was not aboue foureteene Furlongs from thence and from the Sea vnto the hilly Countreyes and that the sayd Riuer falls into the Sea trauersing the said places First by the sides of the Mountaine ending at the Plaine and then by the Field hauing his Banks rough and not easie to come vnto These things supposed he sayd that when as Alexander turning head came neare vnto Darius his aduice and that of his Princes was to order his Battaile within his Campe as hee had formerly done and to helpe himselfe with this Riuer as with a Rampire for that it ran neare vnto his Campe. Finally he ordred his Horse-men vpon the Sea-shoare and vpon their Reare the Mercenaries so as neare vnto the Riuer they were ioyned in one and the Targetteers were placed in the Mountaines It is a difficult thing to consider how hee ordred these before the Battalion seeing that the Riuer past neare vnto the Campe the multitude likewise being so great They were as Calisthenes sayth thirty thousand Horse and as many Mercenaries It is an easie thing to know what space will containe these For they order their Rankes according to the true vse of eight in a great Troupe of Horse euery one requiring a space in Front to the end they may turne easily To eight hundred of which a Furlong sufficeth and ten to eight Thousand and foure to three Thousand fiue hundred So as this space of foureteene furlongs is fill'd with twelue Thousand Horse If then he hath ordred all this Troupe of Horse in Battaile it wants not much but being tripled the order hath beene made without any space betwixt In what place then hath he ordered the multitude of Souldiers but in the Reare of the Horse-men But hee will say no and that they fought with the Macedonians at their first comming Of necessitie there must be an vniting made seeing that the order of the Horse-men held the moiety of the place towards the Sea the other towards the Mountaines being kept by the Mercenaries Hereby we may inferre how close the Horse men were vnited and what space there must be from the Riuer vnto the Campe. Then hee sayth that when the Enemies approached Darius being in the midst of his Armie called vnto him the Mercenaries and their Wing But we may doubt how this is spoken For it is necessarie that the Horse-men and Mercenaries should be ioyned about the middest of this same place When as Darius was in the middest of his Mercenaries how hath he call'd them Finally hee sayth that the Horse-men of the right Wing fought with Alexander at his first comming and that hee receiued them valliantly and fought with them in front and that the Combate of eyther side was very furious In regard of that which was spoken by him that the Riuer was in the middest as a little before we haue deliuered hee hath forgotten himselfe Finally he writes things of Alexander like vnto these He saith that hee past into Asia accompanied with fortie Thousand foot and foure Thousand fiue hundred Horse And as he would haue aduanced there came vnto him out of Macedony other fiue Thousand foote and eight hundred Horse And although that for the affaires of his long absence he had left three thousand foote and three hundred Horse yet he had fortie two thousand remaining These things presupposed hee sayth that Alexander was aduertised of Darius descent into Sicilia so hee was not aboue a hundred furlongs from him and that he had alreadie past the streights of the Countrie and for this cause turning head he repast them againe putting the great Battalion in Front then the Horse-men and after all the rest of the baggage of the Army And when he came afterwards into the plaine that all the baggage being packt vp hee commaunded that being mingled with the Battalion they should make their rankes containing first about two and thirtie in number then of sixteene and of eight neere the Enemy These Speeches haue lesse reason then the former For as the furlong containes in these spaces sixteene hundred men when a rancke is of eighteene men so as they be euery one separated a Fathome it is manifest and doth plainly appeare that the ten will containe sixteene Thousand men and twentie double the number The which may easily appeare for that when as Alexander ordred his Army by sixeteene men in a rancke it was very necessary that the place should bee of twenty Furlongs and yet all the Cauallerie remained and ten thousand Foote Finally hee saith that hee led his whole Army in Front against the Enemies being yet forty Furlongs off But that is so strange as wee can hardly imagine any thing more insensible Where shall wee finde such spaces in the Champion Countrey euen in Cilicia that a Battaile set in order holding twenty Furlongs in breadth and forty in length may march in the Front There are so many hinderances to order this forme of Battaile as they can hardly be numbred Moreouer ●he sayings of Calisthenes giue no sufficient arguments to purchase credite For hee sayth that the Torrents which fall from the Mountaines make so many and such great Moores and Fenns as he assures vs that a great number of Persians perished there in the flight But would Darius suddainly shew himselfe against the Enemy Is there nothing more easie then a Battalion broken and scattred in Front But how much more easie is it to order a Battaile in a conuenient passage then to leade an Army directly to fight being broken and scattred in woody and crooked places And therefore it were better to leade in Army close and vnited and double rather then Quadruple By this meanes it would not be impossible to finde the meanes to passe and to put the Battaile in order and with ease if hee might by his Scouts discouer the comming of the Enemy But Calisthenes besides the rest orders not the Horse men in Battaile when he led the Army in Field being in Front ordring the Foote-men equally It is also a strange thing when hee saith that Alexander being neare the Enemy comprehended the order of his Battalion of eight for a Ranke So it is manifest that necessarily the length of this Battalion contained the space of about forty Furlongs But if they haue beene as the Poet said close together so as they haue beene ioyned one to another Yet it would be necessary that the place should containe Twenty Furlongs And yet he saith there were but foureteene and that in such sort as one part was towards the Sea and a moiety of the Army vpon the right hand and that moreouer all the armed men had place sufficient on the side of the Mountaines to the end they might not bee supprest by the Enemy holding the borders of the Hills Wee know well
sends those which were vnder the charge of Archidamus and of the Eupolemus and two Tribunes with fiue hundred Horse and two thousand Foote At whose comming they which in the beginning did but skirmish resuming courage presently put on another kind of Combate The Romans relying vpon their Succours double their forces for the fight And although the Macedonians defended themselues brauely yet they sent vnto the King being prest and annoyed by their Armes and for their refuge recouered the tops of the Mountaines And when as Philip had no hope but that they should be able that day to giue Battaile with all their Forces for the fore-sayd Causes hee had sent many of his men to forrage But when he was aduertised of that which happened by those which hee had sent and that the mist was past hee sent Heraclides the Gyrtonien Chiefe of the Thessalian Horse and Leon Commander of the Macedonian Cauallery Hee likewise sent Athenagórus with all the Mercenaries exept the Thracians Who being come to the Ambush and the Macedonians much re-inforced they made head against the Enemy and repuls'd the Romans from the Hills The Dexterity of the Etolien Horse did much hinder the Enemies from turning head They fought in truth with great courage and confidence The Etoliens in regard of the Foote-men are faint both in their Armes and Ordonance for a Combat in Field But their Horse-men are excellent aboue all the other Grecians in particular and separated Combats Wherefore it happened that for that they had stayed the violence and fury of the Enemy they could not so soone recouer the Plaine but stayed for a time in Battaile But when as Titus saw not onely the most valiant and his Horse-men retire but also his whole Troupes to bee dismayed hee drawes his whole Army to Field and puts them in order vpon the Hills At the same instant they which were in Guard ran hastily one after another to Philip crying out vnto him Sir the Enemies flye lose not this occasion The Barbarians seeke vs not This day is yours imbrace the time and by this meanes they ●n●ire and stirre vp Philip to Battaile although the scituation of the place did not content and please him For the sayd Hills which they call Dogs-head are rough difficult of all sides and high Wherefore when as Philip had formerly fore-seene the vnequalnesse of the places hee had not in the beginning made any preparation vnto Battaile But beeing then prouoked by the great confidence of the aduertisements hee drawes his Army with all speede out of the Fort. In regard of Titus hee orders his Troupes and Bands for the Battaile and followes them close which began the Skirmish making remonstrances vnto the Battalions as hee turned His Speech was short plaine and intelligible to the Hearers Propounding then the cause hee sayd vnto his Souldiers Are not these O Companions the same Macedonians who formerly holding in Macedony the top of the Mountaines towards Heordia you haue forced with Sulpicius and chased from thence with the defeate of the greatest part of them Are not these the same Macedonians who being seazed vpon the difficult places of Epirus and leauing no hope of approach you haue chased by your prowesse and forced to flye into Macedony abandoning their Armes What reason is there then that you should feare the same men with whom you are to enter into an equall Combate To what end doe we propound vnto you precedent actions to consider on but that in regard of them you should fight more confidently Wherefore Companions attend the Battaile with resolution giuing courage one to another I hold for certaine that with the good pleasure of the Gods the end of this Battaile will soone bee the conclusion of the precedent When Titus had vsed these Speeches hee commands the right Wing of his Army not to budge setting the Elephants before them And assailes the Enemy with great courage with the left Wing being accompanied by the most valiant They which among the Romans had began the Fight shewing their courage prest the Enemies hauing beene relieued by some Troupes of Foot-men And when as at the same time Philip saw that the greatest part of his Army was in order of Battaile before the Pallisadoe hee marcheth taking the Targetteers and the Battalion of the right Wing and ascends the Hills with speede giuing charge to Nicanor whom hee called Elephant to command the rest of the Army to follow close As soone as the first had recouered the top hee defends the Battalion setting the Targets before and seazed vpon the higher Countrey And when as the Macedonians prest the Romans much vpon the two flankes of the Hills he discouered the tops to bee abandoned As he fortified the right Wing of his Army it happened that the Souldiers were much annoyed by the Enemy For when they they which were best armed were ioyned vnto the most valiant of the Romans and succoured them in this fight they prest the Enemies much and flew many As the King was there in the beginning and saw the Combat of the valiant men not to be farre from the Campe hee reioyced againe when hee saw them decline and to haue neede of Succours hee was forced to send them and at that instant to hazard a Battaile although that many of the Troupes of his Army were yet vpon the way and approached to the Hills And in taking the Souldiers hee rankes them all as well on foote as Horsebacke on the right Wing commanding the beares of Burthe●s and the Battalions to double the Front of their Rankes and to stand close vpon the right hand This being done when as the Enemies ioyned with them hee commanded the Battalion that bending downe their Iauelings they should match in order and mingle with the strongest At the same instant when as Titus had retired those which had bagunne the Fight to the spaces which were betwixt the Ensignes he chargeth the Enemy The Combat beginning on eyther side with great fury and clamour all crying together yet those which were without the fight crying vnto the rest the Battaile was made very horrible and cruell and it shewed the force of the Combat Philips right Wing carryed it selfe valiantly in this Battaile charging the Enemy from aboue hauing an aduantage in their order which finally for the present fight was much more commodions in regard of the diuersity and seuerall sorts of Armes In regard of the rest of the Army some were ioyned vnto the Enemy fighting a farre off others shewed themselues vpon the left hand hauing gotten the toppes of the Hils When as Tytus saw and did well perceiue that his men could not indure the force of the Enemies battallion and those of the right wing to be repuls'd and some seaine and others to retire by degrees and that all his hope of safety consisted in the right Wing hee goes speedily vnto them and considers the Enemies order When hee saw some succeed in their places
assembles his Army 398 Punishment of the Mutiniers 400 Partell corrupted 407 Pedisca the W●fe of Syphax 417 Pursuite of the Romans after Syphax 423 Phylon slaine 453 Policy of Attalus his Eouldiers 449 Prinassa besieged by Philip. 45● Queene ●uca 61 Quintus Fabius chosen Dictator 153 R. Rhegium besieged by the Romans 5 Riuer of Ciamosure 6 Romans resolue to succour the Mamertins 7 Retreate of Hannibal from Agregas 13 Romans inuention to inure their men to the Oare 14 Romans Army by Sea 17 Rhodien taken with his ship 34 Romans surprised by Arthal● 37 Romans Fleete broken at Sea 38 Riuer of Mechera 50 Reconciliation of Amilcar and Hann● 58 Rome taken by the Gaules 70 Retreate of the Ga●les 75 Reuolte of Aripote of Argos 90 Reuolte of the Mantiniens 93 Ri●er of Tagus 110 Roman Embassadors sent to Carthage 115 Remonstrances of the Gaulish Kings vnto the Carthaginian Campe. 128 Roman Embassadors signifie Warre vnto the Carthaginians 121 Reuolte of the Bolonians 125 Romans aduertised by Hannibal 138 Retreate of Scipi● ibid. Riuer of Trebia 142 Romans feare for the losse of the Battaile 147 Romans defeated and surprised 151 Riuer of Vantoure 156 Romans Army at Sea 158 Romans Victory at Sea ibid. Romans great Army at Sea 159 Riuer of Fenne 168 Romans Army of foure score thousand Foote and 6000 Horse 170 Romans lose the Battaile 172 Rhodie●s succour the Synopenses 205 Retreate of the Dardariens without doing anything 211 Retreate of Euripides from Stymphalia 212 Riuer of Eremanthea 213 Reuolte of the Leapreates against the Etoliens 218 Riuer of Acheloe 227 Riuer of Erota 235 Retreate of Molon 248 Reasons of the warre propounded by Antiochus 259 Rabatamassana yeelded to Antiochus 262 Romans 288 Roman Cauallery armed after the Greeke manner 295 Romans manner in giuing the word 299 Roman Common-weale more excellent then the Lacedemonian 308 Riuer of Lisson 313 Race of Acheus 328 Ri●er of Erota 334 Romans in Field 339 Remonstrance of Publius Scipio vnto his Army 359 Royall City of the Persians 369 Remonstrance of Edecon to Publius 374 Reprehension of Calistenes 408 Remonstrance of the Roman Embassadors to the Carthaginians 425 Rhodiens declar●d Enemies to Philip. 438 S. Succours required from the Romans by the Mamertins 6 Supplies which the Carthaginians put into Agragas 11 Scuerity of the Romans towards their Souldiers 11 Sixscore Vessels made ready for the Sea by the Romans 14 Spendius 46 Surprize of the Carthaginians Campe. 49 Sephira 50 Supplies of Numidians come to Spendius 51 Succours from Sclauonia to the Midionians 60 Scerd●lade 62 Some Gauies banisht their Countrey for their disloyalty 63 Sparia or Lacedemon 101 Sardinia abandoned by the Carthaginians 108 Sagont forced by Hannibal 112 Scipio his speech to his men 141 Sempronius puts his men into Battaile 146 Scipio arriues at Empories and conquers vnto Ebro 147 Sixe thousand Romans taken in a Burrowe by composition 162 Supplies sent from Rome into Spaine 159 Scerdilade and Demetrius 183 Scope chosen Head of the Etoliens 190 Scituation of Constantinople 196 Shelfes in the sea 198 Scituation of Synop. 205 Scituation of Egire 206 Scituation of Ambrachia 208 Scope makes an incursion into Macedony 208 Scituation of Sophia 212 Sally of the Elienses vpon the Macedonians 213 Succours sent to the Elienses by Dorimache 216 Scituation of Triphalia and its Townes 216 Scituation of Alphira 217 Slander of Appelles 220 Scituation of Sephasenia 225 Scituation of Amycle 234 Speech of Hermes against Epigene 245 Scituation of Media 247 Scituation of Silucin 255 Selutia assaulted 256 Seleucus his present 271 Scituation of Thebes 275 Speech of Agelaus 277 Succours sent by the Romans to Scerdilade 281 Six kinds of gouernments● 283 Spanish sword 294 Septier is two Mines and a Mine is two London Bushels 302 Signe of the Sardens negligence 315 Sally made by them of Lisse 324 Strong Fort yeelded vnto Antiochus 328 Skirmish betwixt the Romans and Carthage 334 Superstition of the Roman Dames 339 Scituation of Carthage 361 Second assault giuen to Carthage by the Romans 363 Scipio ass ailes the Fort. 364 Souldiers Oathes touching the Pillage 365 Scipio's prouidence concerning the Pris●ers 3●6 Syringe besieged by Antiochus 372 Syringe taken by Antiochus ibid Spaniards ioyne with the Romans 376 Scipio saluted King of the Spaniards 377 Skirmish of the Bactreans with Antiochus 3●4 Safety of Monarchies 391 Suddaine Charge of the Romans against the Carthagin●ans 395 Scipio p●●s his men in Battaile ibid. Scipio's speech to his Army 400 Scipio layes a baite for the Enemy 401 Spania●ds put themselues in Battaile ibid. Scip●e drawes to the Enemies Campe. 419 Scipio sets Asdruba●● Campe on fire 420 Scipio ●t●ends the siege of Bysarthe 421 Scipio drawes towards the Enemy 422 Syphax returnes in safty 423 Sc●pio's Answer to Hannibal 429 Scipio's speech to his Army 431 Strength of a Battaile 432 Saying of Scipio 444 Syphax King of the Masaisylins 452 T. The Persians 2 The Lacedemonians ibid. The Maccdonians ibid. The Romans ibid. Timer us an Historiographer 4 Taking of Messina by some Campanois 5 Taking of Rhegium by the Romans ibid. The punishment of Traytors ibid. The Campanois holding Messina are called Mamertins ibid. The Mamertins deliuer their Towne and Fort to the Carthaginians 6 The M●mertins recouer the Fort from the Captaine of the Carthaginians 7 The order of the Roman Armies and the number of men in a Legion 10 Tunes taken by the Romans by an assault 2● The Numidians great Robbers ibid. The leading of the Carthaginians Army giuen to Xantippus 23 The policy of Cecilius to defeate the Elephants 28 Tree principall Promontories in Sicily 30 To●ne of Erix taken from the Romans by Amilcar 40 The Canspiracy of the Women of Affricke 48 The Victory of Amilcar 51 The Victory of the Carthaginians against Spendius 52 Townes of Hippona and Bysarthe reuolte from the Carthaginians 55 The extreme necessity that prest the strangers Campe. 56 The Victory of the Sclauonians against the Epirotes 62 The Romans Embassy to Teuca Queene of Sclauonia 63 The Turinois and Agoniens 68 The Genouois 68 The Poe. 68 The Venetians come from Paphlagonia 69 The number of the Gaules Army 73 The preparations which the Romans made for Warre ibid. The number of Souldiers that was raised in Italy 73 Tuscany ruiued by the Gaules 74 The aduice of Anero●ste 75 The Armes which the Gaules did vse 77 Taking of King Congolli●ane ibid. The Army of Millanois 78 The vneasinesse of the Gaules Swords 79 The Pythagorians burnt in Italy 82 The Lacedemonians and Thebanes 83 The alliance of twelue Citties 84 The enuy of the Etoliens against the Acheins 86 The Nature of Kings● 87 Tages yeelded vnto Antigonus 91 The great Villany committed by the Mantiniens 93 The Mantiniens sold. 94 The cruelty of Aristomachus ibid. The great fidelity of the Megalopolitains 95 Third part of the Booty is due to the Generall 96 The Number of the Nations that were in Antigon●● Army 97 The Warres which Antiochus and Philip
THE HISTORY OF POLYBIVS THE MEGALOPOLITAN The fiue first BOOKES entire With all the parcels of the subsequent Bookes vnto the eighteenth according to the GREEKE ORIGINALL Also the manner of the Romane encamping extracted from the discription of POLYBIVS Translated into English by Edward Grimeston Sergeant at Armes LONDON Printed by Nicholas Okes for Simon Waterson 1633. TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE WILLIAM LORD CRAVIN BARON OF HAMSTEEDMARSHALL c. MOST WORTHY LORD PArdon I beseech you if being a stanger and vnknowne vnto you I haue presumed to inscribe your title on the Frontespiece of this Booke 〈◊〉 to publish it to the world vnder your Lo fauourable protection I confesse my disability might well haue deterred me But the reason which induced me to this presumption was your noble and generous inclination to Armes being the subiect of this History wherein you haue carried your selfe so worthily in many great and dangerous exploits in forraine parts vnder two of the greatest Commanders of Christendome as you haue done great honour to your Country and won vnto your selfe perpetuall fame and reputation This Consideration hath made me confident that during your vacancy from Military actions your Lordship will vouchsafe to cast your eye vpon this History written by Polybius who in the opinion of most men of Iudgement hath beene held to be very sincere and free from malice affection or passion And to iustifie the truth thereof he protests that he was present at many of the actions and receiued the rest from confident persons who were eye-witnesses It is a generall History of his time of all the warres which past in Asia Greece and the Romane State against the Gaules and Carthaginians which two Citties contended for the Empiry of the world which warre was of longer continuance and had more cruell and variable encounters and battailes than any that hath beene written of For the first Punique warre where they fought for the Conquest of Sicily lasted foure and twenty yeeres and the second in Italy vnder Hannibal Generall for the Carthaginians continued seuenteene yeeres to the subuersion in a manner of the Romane State had not Scipio forced Hannibal to returne home to defend his owne Carthage where in Battell he lost the glory of all his former Victories and brought his Countrey into the subiection of the Romanes This worke I present vnto your Lordships fauourable Censure humbly praying that you will be pleased to beare with my harsh and vnpolished stile and to pardon the errors committed at the presse during my absence for which fauour I shall hold my selfe much bound vnto your Lordship and will alwaies rem●ine Your LordPs. most humbly deuoted to doe you seruice EDW. GRIMESTON Levves Maigret a Lionnois to the FRENCH Nobility GEntlemen wee are all borne by nature to so much pouerty and inuolu'd in so many miseries as there is no worke of Man how small soeuer which giuing order to his meanest actions doth not minister occasion of some Esteeme So as whereas his diligence guided by reason shall finde it selfe crost I know not by what power which commonly fortune vsurpes ouer the iudgement and consideration of Man wee may as we thinke iustly blame it in excusing with compassion the workeman and his misfortune And if on the other side to shew her great magnificence and bounty she imparts her fauours 〈…〉 ●rder or faire course seekes to bring some Enterprize to an end so as that notwithstanding his ouer-weaning and folly shee makes it perfect Then we hold her prodigall detesting her vnreasonable and inconsiderate bounty grieuing at her benefits so ill imployed Behold how I know not by what law receiued among men wee commend or blame euery one in his profession and workes so farre forth as they see his industry and diligence imployed or defectiue If wee haue reason then in so great Esteeme as wee seeke it in all our actions and in matters of the smallest consequence blaming him that neglects it How infamous wee hold the carelesnesse and neglect of a man in the order and conduct of affaires wherein not onely the ruine of his estate life and honour but also that of his Countrey Parents and Friends and finally of his Prince and Soueraigne is many times brought into great danger But if there be no Enterprize among those which Men pursue wherin such things ought to bee drawne into Consideration as proper and ordinary vn-him and without the danger whereof hee can reape no benefit I am of opinion that that of warre ought in reason to bee preferred before all others Although there bee many which cannot alwaies be brought to a good end without the hazard and danger of those which pursue them In truth it is a profession which experience hath taught in all Nations to bee so rough and fierce and finally so difficult to mannage as neuer man could carry himselfe so discreetly nor with so great fortune nor recouered such rich spoiles nor obtained such Triumphant victories but they haue purchased him new causes of Care and feare not onely of great Enuie and of new Enemies but also losse and ruine I will not speake of the irreparable defeate of the brauest Men in an Armie which a Victory worthy of renowne requires as it were by aduance when as the Enemies performe the Duties of good souldiers The Carthagians thrusting an Army into Sicily at their first entry obtained some Conquests so soone after they prouoked hatred of the Romanes which was but the beginning and prefage of a future ruine But when as the fortune of the warres beganne to smile vpon Hanibal and to giue him a full Gale so as his exploits were so great in Spaine as afterward hee presumed to force Nations Mountaines and riuers and in the end to fight with the Extremity of the weather for the Conquest of Italy Then as it were fearing her owne power to bee in a manner vanquished shee beganne to practize and forge meanes not onely to ruine her so much fauoured Hanibal but the whole Carthaginian Empire And therefore it is credible that I know not by what inconstancy or rather extrauagant and sauage Nature shee makes friends of Enemies and enemies of her owne friends so much shee feares as I imagine the ease and rest of those whom shee fauours It is true that traffique by Sea is not without great terrour amazement and hazard for the danger of the waues Tempests and stormes with a thousand other accidents But if warre once set vp her sailes being accompanied with rage fury and many other disasters which the malice of Men haue inuented to make vse of beleeue mee that these other furies which the winds procure at Sea and in the Aire which many times are more fearefull than mortall will not seeme in regard of those of warre but a light amazement and as it were a false allarum What torment at ●●ea or violence of the winds hath euer beene so soddaine which the long experience of a wise Pilot could not by
a thousand signes and tokens foresee deuising sufficient remedier to auoid it But when a warre is mannaged by Iudgement and discretion as it is requisite the shewes are commonly contrarie to that which they pursue Wherefore the more an Enterprize is dissembled and keept secret the more easie it is to put in execution Finally if wee will confesse the truth it is a profession which among all others requires the greatest vigilancie a continuall Care with an incredible diligence whereof a good Iudgement must haue the conduct that by coniecture drawne from things formerly practized or from a probability of that which hee sees hee may soone after iudge of the Enemies resolution and finally attempt and hope for a victory And although it hath beene alwaies held that Money is the sinewer of Warre yet I hold its force without Conduct like vnto that of a strong able Man opprest with a deepe sleepe whose senses haue made their retreate for his rest So there is nothing so strong nor so quicke in this world as the sense of man Nor any thing so powerfull and terrible which the vnderstanding doth not master and subdue And therefore wee say commonly in France that wit is better than force Yet I know that Courage is a great aduantage and necessary for a souldier but especially for a Generall But I feare that for want of Iudgement and a good consideration it makes them not sometimes ouer-weening and carelesse of danger So as many times it giues occasion to a weake and cowardlie Enemie to vndertake a Victory and to performe the Act of a valiant man Wherefore courage without conduct and vigilancie is alwayes subiect to Ambushes and shamefull flights which are inconuentenees whereof a Coward is alwaies warie for that feare makes a Man vigilant and carefull But was there euer Nation more hardie nor more warre-like nor that more carefully obserued the ordinances of warre than the Romanes How then did Hannibal defeate them so often not onely in Encounters but in pitcht Battailes and in the open field by his great Iudgement and his subtile pollicies In what feare and with what admiration hath the fury of the Gaules beene held in old time by all Natio●s who parting from their owne Countrey and Townes to seeke new habitations haue conquered land in diuers Countries by Armes building Townes not onely in Italy their Neighbour but also in Germany and in the end in Greece and Asia Who hath defeated and quite ruinated them in a short time but their owne Consideration and an ouer-weaning confidence in their force and courage I hold for certaine which you know well that it is not sufficient for a Prince or Generall to haue his Armie compleate with foote and horsemen how resolute soeuer and with all necessary prouisions for a warre No more than for a Souldier to haue youth strong and actiue Members a daring courage and compleate furniture Hee must haue to vanquish the which many times the vanquished improperly call mis-fortune that piece of harnesse so well steeled which wee call Iudgement or a good conduct Beleeue mee that like vnto a horse when hee hath taken the ●it betwixt his teeth forcing his Master flies without feare thorow Woods Rockes and Precipices with the danger of his life bee hee neuer so nimble and couragious so a hardie and resolute souldier doth easily his owne ruine if hee wants conduct and Iudgement You must vnderstand that as the body requires Exercise to preserue in health and to make it actiue and hardened to indure labour and paine so the vnderstanding in like manner desires to bee exercised and imployed either by the consideration of things past or by those which are visible It is true that those which are seene by the eye haue a greater viuacitie and a stronger impression than those which are past For that liuing things are of greater force than dead Yet if we shall duely consider the length of time which the experience of a thousand kind of pollicies which warre requires before that a wise Man will dare to aduenture himselfe in a bold and hardie Enterprize wee shall finde that the knowledge of the antient warres which haue beene left vs in writing will bee of no small consequence vnto him For besides the assurance of danger hee may in a short time see by Historiographers the great and wonderfull exploits of the Antient in a manner since the Creation of the world to pleasure and contentment from them with some Encouragement to doe aswell or better hereafter You know well that the warre which is seene by the eye is not alwaies made betwixt warre-like people nor vnder resolute Commaunders that are skilfull in their profession so as it is a difficult thing vnder such to see any valiant exploits nor Enterprizes attempted with good inuention nor well executed Wee say commonly in France that the Combate is dangerous when as courage fights against courage So is it credible that when an Army consisting of warre-like men is vnder the leading of a wise and resolute Commander hauing in front an Enemy equall vnto him in all degrees there must needes bee valiant exploits performed with hardy Enterprizes wisely mannaged If there haue beene any warres attempted by fierce and warlike Nations and gouerned by wise and famous Captaines beleeue me this present Historiographer hath vsed great diligence to set them downe in writing Labouring only to mention the deedes and valour that was most worthy of Relation that with the pleasure and contentment which they may reape in reading them they may draw some instructions and meanes not to fall into the inconuiences of warre into the danger whereof many times both Captaine and souldiers may bee ingaged through want of experience good aduice and councell So as among others you shall see Enterprizes of the Romanes against the Carthaginians for the conquest of Sicily During the which there were many Encounters and cruell battailes as well by Sea as land You shall likewise reade the furious Combat of the Gaules against the Romanes And moreouer the warre betwixt Cleomenes and Antigonus for Morea the which Philip the Sonne of Demetrius tooke afterwards And besides many other notable exploites which at this present I will forbeare you shall see the Conquests which Hannibal made in Spaine with his incredible voiage into Italie performed in his younger yeeres and his victories gotten of the Romanes with such pollicie and wisedome as it is a difficult thing if wee shall consider the people and number of his Armie hauing regard to courage and power of those with whom hee had to deale to iudge truely whether there were euer Captaine in the memory of man that may with reason bee compared vnto him Finally my Masters I doe not promise you in this History those miraculous Battailes which exceed the apprehension of man performed in the Kingdome of Logres nor I know not what Quest of that barking Beast Make your accompt that you shall not finde any Tract or marke of
at the Consuls comming many Citties aswell of the Carthaginians as of the Saragossins yeelded to the Romans But when as Hieron saw that the Sicillians fainted and that the Roman Army was great and their forces increased he held it better to follow their party then that of the Carthaginians He therefore sends an Embassie to the Consuls to treate of Peace and Friendship The Romans seeing the Carthaginians Maisters of all the Sea fea●ing likewise that the passage for their Victuals might be interdicted for that their Armies which had formerly past had suffred great wants and necessities they found the friendship of Hieron to be of great consequence for them in this regard Wherefore they treated a peace with the Saragossins vnder these following Conditions First that the King should free the Roman Prisoners without Ransome and moreouer should pay a hundred Tallents of Siluer and that hereafter the Saragossins should terme themselues Allies and Friends to the Romans Afterwards Hieron who of his owne free will put himselfe vnder their protection succourd them with men and victuals when need required So as afterwards he past the Remainder of his life with as great happinesse and fortune that euer Grecian had done And in my Opinion this was an excellent man amongst others who had beene alwayes happy in good Councell aswell for the affaires of the Common-wealth as for his owne particular When as the newes of this Treaty came to Rome and that the people had confirmed it they did not thinke it necessary hereafter to send all their forces out of Italy Wherefore conceiuing that two Legions would suffice there with the alliance of King Hieron they made their reckoning that the Warre would be more easily mannaged and that by this meanes the Army would be the better supplied with all things necessary But when as the Carthaginians saw that Hieron was become their Enemy and that the Romans held the greatest part of Sicily they knew well that they must haue a greater power to resist them Wherefore they made a great leuy of Geneuois and Gaules likewise of Spaniards to fortifie them And after they had caused them to passe into Sicily and seeing the Towne of Agragas very fit for the preparation of this Warre and that it was a frontier place and strong towards the Enemy they put into it all the men they could draw together with store of Munition making vse of it against the Enemy as of a Fort for the Warre After the accord past by the Consuls with Hieron they left the Prouince in whose place Lucius Posthumus and Quintus Emilius newly chosen Consuls come into Sicily with an Army who after they had carefully considered of the Carthaginians Designes and their preparations for Warre made in the Towne of Agragas they were of opinion to mannage the affaires of Sicily with greater courage and resolution then the last Consuls had done Wherefore they drew together all their Army and besieged Agragas within eight Furlongs and so kept in the Enemy The time of Haruest was come eliery man made his reckoning that the Siege would be long wherefore the Souldiers straying from their Campe aduentured somewhat too farre in the gathering of Corne. When the Carthaginians saw their Enemies thus dispersed running here and there confidently throughout the Prouince they conceiued a great hope that they should one day be able to defeate them wherupon some of them assaulted the Campe with great fury and the rest charged those which gathered Corne. But the diuersity of the action saued the Romans for that day as it had done many times before they hauing a custome to put those to death which abandon the place which is appointed them during the fight or which flye from the Campe vpon any occasion whatsoeuer By this meanes although the Carthaginians were farre greater in number yet the Romans resisted them valliantly who with great losse of their men made a greater slaughter of their Enemies Finally they not onely repulsed them from their Campe but pursued them ●illing part of them and forcing the rest to retire in a thrung into the Towne Moreouer that day was so dangerous to both Armies as afterwards their feare was great so as the Carthaginians durst no more assault the Romans Campe inconsiderately nor the Romans suffer their men to gather Corne rashly But for that the Carthaginians made no more sallies but did onely fight a farre off with casting of Darts and Stones the Consuls deuided their Army in two whereof the one was planted on the side of Esculapius Temple and the other on that side which doth looke directly vnto Heracleum And that which remained betwixt the two Camps of either side of the Towne was rampered with a double ranke of Piles Then they made a Trench betwixt them and the Towne to guard themselues from the Enemies sallies and another without the Campe to hinder the succours which the Neighbour-townes doe vsually send to the besieged The places which were betwixt the Trenches and the Campe were well guarded Moreouer all the Allies vsed great dilligence to bring into the Towne of Erbese victuals and all things necessary for the Campe so as the Souldiers liued at more ease for it was not farre off The Romans and the Carthaginians were fiue Moneths in this estate fortune shewing herselfe no more fauorable to the one then to the other But what happened by their shooting and casting of Darts But when as hunger began to presse the Carthaginians by reason of the great multitude of Men which were coopt vp within the Towne they were in truth aboue fifty thousand Men Haniball who was Generall of the Army hauing no more hope sends speedily to Carthage to acquaint them with the Rampire and Pallisado made about the Towne and to demaund succours The Carthaginians moued at this Newes raised an Army with a great number of Elephants and sent them by Sea into Sicily to Hanno who was another Captaine Generall for them who after he had drawne together his whole Army marcht to the Citty of Heracleum and at the first after he had considered what was to be done he tooke the Towne of Erbese by Treason the which vntill that day had beene a Store-house to the Romans By this meanes he depriued them of Victuals and 〈◊〉 things necessary for their Campe wherefore the Romans were no lesse besieged then they that were besieged The want of Victuals did often force them in a manner to resolue to raise the Siege the which vndoubtedly they would haue done if Hieron King of Saragosse had not vsed great diligence to furnish the Army with Victuals and other necessaries But when that Hanno after all these things saw that the Romans were much opprest with diseases and want of all things without doubt the plague was great in their Campe and that his Men were fresh and resolute to fight he drew together aboue fifty Elephants And when as all the bands of Souldiers were assembled he
Enemy he was suddainly taken by the Carthaginians which had saued themselues and was crucofied Moreouer the Romans imployed all their care to seize vpon Sardinia being now Masters of the Sea The yeare following there was not any thing done worthy of Memory in Sicily by the Roman Army Caius Sulpicius and Aulus Rutilius were afterwards made Consuls and sent to Palermo for that the Carthaginians forces wintred there And after the Romans had past they put themselues in battell before the Towne But the Carthaginians being within it presented not themselues to battell The which the Romans seeing they left Palermo and went to Hippane the which soone after they tooke by assault The Towne of Mysistrate was taken likewise by the Consuls hauing held out sometime by reason of the scituation of the place And as they had besieged the Citty of the Camerins which had lately abandoned the Romans it was taken by force by the meanes of their Batteries and breaches Afterwards A●ta was carried by assault with many other Townes of the Carthaginians Lippare was also besieged The yeare following the Sea-army of the Romans lay in the Hauen of the Tindaretins vnder the charge of Aulus Rutilius who seeing the Carthaginian Army neere the shore he sent word vnto his ships to make haste to follow him In the meane time he put to Sea before the rest only with ten Vessels But when as the Carthaginians saw that some did but imbarque others began to set saile and the first were farre from their Fleet and neere vnto them they turned with incredible swiftnesse and compast them in so as most part of them were sunke and the Consuls ship had like to haue fallen into the Carthaginians hands with all that were within it He hardly escaped by the force of his Oares and lightnesse In the meane time the rest of the Romane Army which had gotten into the open sea encountred the Enemy whereof ten ships were taken and eight sunke and the rest recouered the Islands called Lipparees But howsoeuer either of them parted from this Combate with an Opinion to haue gotten the Victory Wherefore they were more eager to continue the War by Sea and were more attentiue to Marrine affaires As for their Armies at Land during this time they did nothing worthy of Note busying themselues about small things and of little esteeme But the Summer following hauing giuen order for their affaires as we haue said they prepared to Warre In regard of the Romans they made their assembly at Messina to the number of three hundred and thirty Vessels armed and sayling from thence leauing Sicily on the right hand and passing the Promontory of Pachina they sayled to Echnom●n whereas the Army by Land attended them The Carthaginians in li●e manner put to Sea with three hundred and fifty Sayle armed and stayed at Lilybeum and from thence went to Heracleum and so to Minoe The Romans intention was to passe into Affricke and there to make their chiefe War to the end the Carthaginians should not onely run the hazard of the War of Sicily but also haue it at their owne Houses On the otherside the Carthaginians considering how easily their descent would be into Lybia and what little defence the Countrey-men would make when they should be once entred they desired to fight presently with the Romans and by that meanes to hinder the descent into Affricke Wherefore the one being resolued to defend themselues and the other to assaile them considering the obstinacy of either party there was likely-hood of an vndoubted battell When as the Romans had giuen order for all things necessary for the equipage of their Sea-army and to make their descent into Affricke they made choice of the ablest men in all their Army at Land and imbark'd them and then deuided their Army into foure whereof either had two Names The first was called the first Battalion and the first Army So were the rest according to their order but the fourth and the third were called Triarij as in an Army at Land Al this Army at Sea amounted to aboue 140000. men Euery Vessell had three hundred Rowers and sixe score Leginaries In regard of the Carthaginians they were furnished onely with men accustomed with Sea-fights being in number aboue 150000. men according to the order of their Vessels Wherefore they that were present and saw the great danger and power of the two Armies the great charges the multitude of combatants and of ships they did not only wonder but they also who heard speake of it The Romans considering that vpon necessity they must goe vpon the side and that their Enemies sayl'd more lightly they imployed all their Art to make their battell strong and inuincible For the effecting whereof they set two Vessels in front of sixe Bankes in equall distance in the which were Marcus Attilius and Lucius Manlius After which march'd the first and second Battalion of either side their ships following one another so as the distance of the two Battalions did still inlarge themselues The stems of their ships looked outward By this meanes the Battalions drawne thus in length made the two parts of a Triangle to the which they added the third Battalion in the same fashion as a foundation so as the three Battalions made a perfect sigure of a Triangle After the third Battalion the ships which carried the Horses were ordered one after another seruing as a Rampie● to the third Battalion The Triarij followed after in their order making the fourth Battalion euery Vessell being ordered in such sort as they past the precedent on either side All the Romane Army was thus ordered whereof the first part that is to say the two sides of the point of the Triangle were empty in the midst but the sides following after the foundation were better supplied By this means their Army was firme and hard to breake In the meane time the Commaunders of the Carthaginians drew their Souldiers together and put courage into them letting them vnderstand that if they wone the battell there would be no more War but in Sicily But if the Romans had the Victory they must expect not to fight for Sicily but for their owne Countrey their Houses and their Children After this exhortation they make them imbarque the which they did resolutely and prepared to fight thinking of the time to come according to the discourse of their Captaines Who seeing the order of the Roman Army deuided theirs likewise into foure whereof three gayning the Sea making the Right-wing longer stayed as if they would inviron their Enemies against whom they turne their beake-heads and they make the Fort to looke towards the Land by a circuite of the Left wing of the whole Army Hanno and Amilcar were Commaunders of the Carthaginians Hanno who was defeated at the battell of Agragas had the leading of the Right wing with the lightest Vessels and Amilcar of the Left This is he who as
we haue sayd fought at Sea neere vnto Tyndaris who hazarding then the middest of his Army vsed this kind of Stratagem of War for the Combate The Romans seeing at the first charge that the Battalion of the Carthaginians was weake forc'd resolutely thorough them But the Carthaginians obseruing the Commaundment of Amilcar left the place presently making shew to flye to the end the Roman Army should separate it selfe whom the Romans followed with too great heate And therefore the first and second Battalion sayl'd with too great Courage after the Enemy but the third and fourth were stayed drawing after them the ships that were laden with Horses with whom the Triarij remained for their Guard When as the two first seemed to be farre from the others the Carthaginians 〈…〉 signe giuen them by Amilcar as he had instructed them turning the Prow suddainly they all assault the Roman Vessels which followed them The Combat was cruell It is true the Carthaginians had a great aduantage by their lightnesse and their pollicy in turning But when as they came to fight and that the Armies affronted one another the Romans had no lesse hope then the Carthaginians for the Force and Prowesse of their men and by the staying of their Ships and casting of their Engines and finally by the Combate of the two Commaunders and the hazard they were in their fight This was the estate of the Battell Presently after Hanno who as we haue sayd had the charge of the Right wing and did not budge before the first charge was giuen seeing the Battell begun with the Romans went to Sea and charged the Triarij where there was a great fight the which was long in suspence In the meane time the fourth Battalion of the Carthaginians which continued neere the shore turning the Prow vpon the Enemy assaulted the Battalion in front by the which the ships which carried the Horses were towed who suddainly slipt the Ropes and fought with great fury There they saw three parts of the Battell and three Combats at Sea at one instant in three diuers places and farre remote The Combate was equall for that the Ships of eyther● side were of the like number Without doubt euery man performed his Duty in fighting so as all was indifferent and equall Finally Amilcar was defeated and forced to flye with his Squadron And Lucius Manlius towed away the ships that were taken In the meane time Attilius seeing the Combate of the Triarij and of the ships wherein the Horses were came presently to succour them with the Vessels of the second Battalion which were yet whole and entire But when as the Triarij who had beene long and violently charged by Hanno so as they were in great danger saw the Consull come they resumed courage and recharged him resolutely And then then the Carthaginians being much discontented to haue an Enemy in front and behinde and to be inuested by succours contrary to their expectation gained the open Sea relying vpon the lightnesse of their Vessels and saued themselues by flight And Lucius Manlius in the meane time seeing the third Battalion prest neere the shore by the left wing of the Carthaginians and Marcus Attilius in like manner leauing the ships with the Horses and the Triarij in safety resolued both together to succour those that were in danger For they were in a manner besieged and almost at the last gaspe and had beene defeated if the Carthaginians had not feared to ioyne with them by reason of their Engines or Rauens Neither did they presse vpon them but onely to chase them to the shore Finally the Carthaginians were suddainly compast in by the Consuls whereof fifty of their ships were taken with the men Some being driuen vnto the shore saued themselues Behold the three seuerall Combats which the Romans and Carthaginians had in one day Yet the Romans in the end had the Victory of the whole Battell In the which 24 of their ships were broken and aboue thirty of the Carthaginians There was not one Roman Vessell taken whole by the Carthaginians with the men But the Romans tooke three score and foure of the Carthaginians with all the men Soone after this battell the Romans parted with an intent to sayle directly into Lybia after they had made prouision of Victuals and all other munition ioyning to their Army the ships taken being well repaired There is a place in Affricke which they call the Cape of Mercure running farre into the Sea and is directly against Sicily where the Romans arriuing and receiuing their Vessels repaired all Then passing this strond they sayled vnto the Citty of Aspis where they put their Army in Battell neere vnto the Towne and retired their ships rampering them with Ditches and Pallisadoes resoluing to besiege it for that they which held it would not yeeld to the Romans It is true that the Carthaginians who a little before had escaped from the Battell at sea and recouered Carthage by flight furnished the most necessary places belonging to their Citty with Horse and Foo● and with necessary shipping supposing that the Roman Army after the Victory would come directly vnto them But when they were aduertised of their descent and of the siege of Aspis they leuied men and regarding no more the landing of the Romans but hauing an eye aswell to forreigne affaires as to their owne Countrey they omitted nothing of that which was necessary for the Guard of the Citty and Prouince In the meane time the Consuls after they had taken Aspis by assault and put a Garrison into it and in the Country and had sent vnto Rome to aduertise the Senate of their successe to the end they might consider what was afterwards to be done they drew the whole Army into the Carthaginians Country where they found no Resistance spoyling and setting fire on their goodly and glorious buildings so as they carried away a booty of all sorts of Beasts with aboue twenty thousand Prisoners which were Embarked In the meane time they receiued newes from Rome by the which the Senate sent them word that one of the Consuls should remayne in Affricke with sufficient forces and that the other should Returne with the ships The pleasure of the Senate being knowne Marcus Attilius Regulus stayed in Affricke with forty ships fifteene thousand foote and fiue hundred Horse and Marcus Manlius set sayle with the rest of the ships and Army hauing the Prisoners with him and arriued first in Sicily and then at Rome without any mischance But the Carthaginians fore-seeing that the Romans War would be long they first made two Generall Captaynes in their Army which were Asdruball the sonne of Hanno and Bostar Moreouer they sent for Amilcar who was in Heracleum who Embarking presently with fiue thousand foote and fiue hundred Horse came to Carthage and was constituted the third Captayne of the Army taking the Conduct of the War with Asdruball and Bostar When as these
crossed and troubled for the reasons aboue mentioned the more beneficiall and fortunate it was for the Carthaginians For they might easily discouer the Enemies and all the Engines and if they they cast any thing against the Romans or their Engines the Winde draue it with great violence and made the blow more forcible Finally the fire was so great as the foundation whereon the Towers were set were burnt and the Heads of the Rammes consumed The Consuls after this had no more care to repaire their Engines resoluing to carry the Towne by a long siege in causing a great Trench with a Rampi●r to be cast vp round about it and there Campe with a resolution not to raise the Siege before they had taken it When as they of Lylibeum had rampired all places necessary they indured the Siege with great courage But after the Romans had receiued newes of this Disaster the Senate caused ten thousand men to bee raised which they sent into Sicily to refresh their Army for that many had died at this siege and their Army at Sea was bare of Men These faild first vnto the Port then they marcht by Land vnto the Campe before Lylibeum Appius Claudius being now Consuil and chiefe of the Army and the other Consuls vpon their returne to Rome seeing the Succours also arriued assembled the Captaines and let them know that in his Opinion it was time to sayle to Tripanum with all their forces by Sea to surprize Adherball the Generall of the Carthaginians nothing doubting of the Succours which were newly arriued into Sicily and would neuer conceiue that the Romane Army would put to Sea after so great a losse of men during the siege of Lylibeum When as this aduice was approued by the Captaines hee made choice of some out of the old and new Bands and furnished all his ships with the ablest men in the whole Army who imbarked most willingly for that the Voyage was short and the promises great Being then ready they parted at mid-night vnknowne to the Enemy and sayled directly vnto Tripanum But at the breake of day being neere the Towne and they discouering that they were Romane ships Adherball recouered his spirits and assured himselfe although tha● at the first hee was amazed at their ●uddaine arriuall resoluing to try the fortune of the fight and to vndergoe the hazard rather then to be besieged shamefully in the Port. Wherefore he presently caused their Oares to imbarke and caused the Trumpet to round to draw the Souldiers together shewing them in few words according to the necessity of the time that if they did their duties there was hope of Victory But if they refused to fight he layed them before the miseries of men besieged And when as the Souldiers made shew of resolution crying o●t that hee should make no stay to march against the Enemy then Adherball commending their forwardnesse causeth them all to imbarke giuing them charge to haue an eye vnto his ship and that they should follow with courage Presently after hee parts first our of the Port as he had said on the contrary side to the Romans But the Consull seeing the Enemies contrary to his hope not to abandon the place nor ready to flye but seeking the Combat with great heate hee called backe his shippes whereof some were already in the Port others at the entry following them neere And when as the first turned head according to the Consulls commaund and that the rest which followed farre off made hast to enter into the Port they fell foule one vpon another at the entry and at the comming foorth so as the Romans were in danger to haue lost all Finally after the Vessells had recouered the open Sea the Captaines Ranked themselues along the shore one after another turning their Prowe to the enemy But the Consull who from the beginning had alwayes followed the Army made the left Wing casting himselfe into the open Sea In the meane time Adherball hauing gotten aboue the left Wing of the Romans with fiue Vessells and turning the Prowe to the enemy he fortified himselfe by the Sea commaunding other foure which followed him to do the like When they were thus in Front against the enemy he giues them a signe to charge the Romanes whose ships as we haue sayd were Rank'd along the shore It is true they had done it to the end that the enemies Vessells which should part out of the Port might be incountred with more ease The battell was long and furious so as the danger seemed equall without doubt they were the choyce men of both the Armies at Land Yet the Carthaginians had alwayes the better for that their Vessells were lighter their men more expert in Rowing and moreouer they were in the open Sea where they might turne vp and downe at their pleasure If any one were neere prest by the Enemy he knew how to sau● himselfe suddainly by the lightnesse of his ship And if the Enemies pursued him many others turning presently together compassed and hemb'd them in by their lightnesse By this meanes they spoiled them much and sometimes sunke them And if any one of their companions were in danger they relieued him easily without perill sailing in the open Sea Contrariwise the shore neere vnto the Romanes did annoy them much for being forced in a streight they could not Retyre in necessity nor defend themselues nor succour them that were prest nor passe beyond the Enemies to charge them againe Which is a m●st requisite thing in fighting at Sea For that they were closed vp in a streight and their Vessells were heauy and their Marriners vnskilf●ll in Sea causes nor well practised to Rowe The Consull seeing that all went from ●ad to worse some of his ships being broken vpon the shore others sunke and finally being voide of all hope he flyes away first There were about thirty Vessells remayning of the whole Army which by chance were neere him and followed him all the rest to the number of fourescore and thirteene were taken by the Carthaginians Moreouer all the ●ands of men were taken except those which 〈◊〉 by the Wracke Adherball was in wonderfull great esteeme among the Carthaginians for this Victory hauing well mannaged the Affaires by his onely Wisdome and great Courage Whereas on the other side Appi●s Claudius was infamous and indured a thousand iniuries by the Romane people for that he had carried himselfe so indiscreetly and had drawne the Romane Common-wealth into so great danger Finally being Deposed from the Consulship he dyed by the hand of Iustice with great ignomy and shame And although the Romans were very sensible of this great Defeate yet like Men of great Courage and Resolution they suddainly prepare a Fleete at Sea with a new Leuy of Men and send Lucius Iunius the Consull into Sicily to whom they giue charge to Relieue the Campe before Lylibeum and to carry them Victualls and other necessary Munitions He sai●'d
directly to Messina with threescore Gallies and there drawes together all the Vessells with Beake-heads in Sicily out of Lylibeum and makes a Fleete of sixescore Men of Warre besides the Merchants and those which he had to carry the Victualls to the number of eight hundred of which he gaue in a manner the one halfe to the Questor with some that had Beake-heads to conduct the Victuals vnto the Campe. In the meane time he stayed at Sarragosse expecting the rest of the ships which came after him from Messina and the Corne which the Allies of the inland Country did furnish At the same time Adherbal sent the Prisoners and ships which he had taken at the battell to Carthage Then he dispatch'd Captaine Carth●l● with thirty Vessels to go and find the enemy whom he followed neere with threescore and ten others Moreouer he gaue charge to Carthalo to take what ships he could whole from the Enemy and to burne the rest When as Carthalo vsing dilligence to saile all night had surprized the Romane Fleete suddainly which was retired into the Port of Lylibeum and had burnt some and taken others hee drew the Romans into great danger for when as they which kept a Guard about the ships made great cryes and gaue an Allarum Imilcon hearing the noyse and seeing theirs comming at the breake of day he presently made a sally vpon the Enemy By this meanes the Romane Army being inuironed on all sides was in great danger After that Carthalo had taken and burnt some Romane ships he went to Heracleum to cut off the Victualls which came from thence to the Campe. And as he made the Voyage some Discouerers bring him newes that they had seene a great multitude of ships After which reives Cartha●o without making any shew for that hee did not much esteeme the Romanes in regard of the former Victories makes hast to meere them The Romanes were likewise aduertised that the Carthaginian Army approached But for that they did not hold themselues able to incounter them at Sea they cast themselues by Fortune vpon the ●●erestshore where there were some retreates and turnings Ouer the which did hang some Rocks whether the Romans retiring they repuls'd the Enemies ships with stones and slings And although at the first the Carthaginians were resolued to keepe them besieged vntill they had taken them Yet seeing that the place by Nature defended them and that Romans resistance was greater then they expected they sailed in the end after they had taken some Merchants vessels to a Riuer which lay neere vnto them to obserue the parting of the Romans In the meane time the Consull hauing dispatch'd the Affaires for the which he staied at Sarragosse he past the Cape of Pachinus to come vnto Lylibeum hauing no aduertisement of that which had hapned vnto his men some dayes before The Carthaginian Captayne hauing newes by his Scouts of the Consulls comming vsed all dilligence to incounter him farre from the other ships But when as Lucius Iunius saw the enemies Army a far off he was amazed at the great number so as he durst not fight neyther could he well flye being so neere vnto them Wherefore Retyring by dangerous and difficult places hee stayed in the first Port resoluing rather to indure all extremities then to suffer the Roman Army to fall into the enemies hands The which Carthalo Commaunder of the Carthaginians perceiuing he made no more pursuite but retyred into a Port betwixt the two Roman Armies hoping by this meanes to keepe both Armies from parting Some few dayes after there rose a great storm the which the Carthaginians perceiuing as Men which had great experience in Sea matters and knowledge of the places where they were informed Carthalo that in passing speedily beyond the Cape of Pachinum he should auoyde the violence of the storme whereby they preserued all his Fleet. But the Romans were so beaten with the storm for that the places where they were had no Ports that their ships were broken in such sort that there remayned not any thing whereof they could afterwards make vse By the meanes of these mis-fortunes at Sea the Carthaginians were afterwards the stronger The Romanes hauing lately made so great a losse at Tripanum and now agayne hauing lost all their Equipage abandoned the Sea relying only vpon the Land The Carthaginians on the other side were Maisters without contradiction neyther were they without hope at Land And therefore the Lords of the Senate and they which were at the siege at Lylibeum were of aduice to continue the siege although they had bin affllicted with the former mis-fortunes By this meanes the Romanes sent to the Campe at Lylibeum whatsoeuer they thought necessary and they of the Campe vsed all possible meanes to continue the siege Lucius Iunius after this great shipwrack● arriued at Lylibeum much discontented studding continually how he might performe some Act whereby he might in some sort R●payre his disgrace for the last losse Wherefore soone after he tooke by Treason without any great occasion Mount Erix the Temple of Venus and the Towne Erix is a Mountayne of Sicily which hath his Aspect vpon the Sea towards Italy betwixt Trypanum and Palerm● but neerest to Palerm● It is the greatest in all Sicily but Aetna It● hath a playne vpon the top where stands the Temple of Venus Ericina the which by the Report of all the World is the richest and most beautifull of all Sicily A little vnder the top of the Hill there is a Towne of the same name which is very long and hath the ac●esses very vneasy and difficult on all sides The Consull set a Garrison vpon the top of the Mountayne and at the foot vpon the approaches from Trypanum thinking by this meanes that he should be able to keep the Towne and all the Mountayne safely After the taking of Erix the Carthaginians made Amilcar surnamed Barca Captaine Generall of their Army at Sea This man falling vpon Italy with his Army spoyled all the coast it was then the eighteenth yeare since the beginning of the War and from thence after that he made great spoiles in the Countries of the Locrines and Calabria he returned into the Territory of Palermo with his whole Army where he planted himselfe in a Place betwixt Rhegium and Palermo the which lay high aboue the Sea and was fortified by nature and safe for his Campe. It is a Mountayne inuironed with caues and holes vpon the which there is a playne not lesse then twelue miles in compasse the which is commodious and fit for labour It hath moreouer all the Sea Winds and is not infected with any venomous Beast Moreouer it is inuironed both by Sea and Land with inaccessible Rockes in regard of the places which are betwixt both there is no great need of buildings It hath on the top a little Hill which serues for a Watch and Fortresse it hath likewise a very pleasant and commodious Port for such
as passe from Trypanum or Lylibcum into Italy and it hath store of Water There are but three wayes to go vnto this Mount which are difficult and vneasy two vpon the firme Land and the third towards the Sea Amilcar Planted his Campe there where there was no conuenient Towne but was lodged among his enemies whom he did not suffer to liue in rest For many times he went to Sea and spoyl'd the coast of Italy vnto Cumes and then he led his Army by Land vnto Palermo and besieged it within eight hundred Furlongs of the Romanes Campe where he staied neere three yeares performing many braue Acts which were difficult to relate in particular For euen as when excellent Combattants re-doubling their blowes with dexterity and force the prize of the Victory being propounded it is neyther possible for them nor for the standers by to yeild a reason of euery charge and blow taking in generall a sufficient knowledge of their Valour aswell by the Prowesse of the Men as by their mutuall indeauours and by their Experience and Virtue we must conceiue the like of the Commaunders of whom we now speake For if any one will Write the causes or manner how they lay Ambushes and intertayne skirmishes and incounters he should not be able to number them and would cause a great trouble without any profit to the Reader where we may better attayne to the knowledge of things past by a generall narration and by the end of the War They likewise cannot perceiue in this present War any thing by the History of the great pollicies nor by the time nor by the feeling of the present case by things done which haue bin decided with an ouer-weaning and violent boldnesse There are many causes for the which they could not discerne betwixt the two Campes for the Armies were equal and their Forts not easie to be approached vnto for that the space betwixt both was very strong and little so as there daily hapned particular combates Finally they performed nothing which concerned the end of the Warre For many times in incounters some were slayne and others turning away and escaping the danger assured themselues and fought againe where Fortune remayning like a good Distributer changing them from Front to Front hath inclosed them in a narrower compasse and a more dangerous fight in regard of the place and precedent Combat Whilst the Romans as we haue sayd kept the top and foote of the Mountayne of Erix Amilcar surprized the Towne which was betwixt the top of the Hill and the foote of it where the Roman garrison lay By this meanes the Romans which held the top were besieged by the Carthaginians with great danger The Carthaginians likewise were no lesse in the Towne seeing they were besieged from the top of the Mountayne and from the foote and hauing but one way they could hardly draw vnto them that which was necessary Thus either Party persisted one against another with extreame obstinacy Suffring great extremities and running into great dangers Finally they purchased a sacred Crowne not as Fabius sayth as Men weakned and tyred but constant and not vanquished For before that one party ouercame the other although the War continued two yeares yet beganne to haue an end by another meanes Finally the Affaires of Erix and the forces were in this estate You may imagine that these two Common-Weales did like vnto Rauening Birds fighting among themselues vnto the last gaspe For although that sometimes their flight fayled them for want of breath yet they repulse the assaults with great courage vntill that hiding themselues willingly they fled away easily this done some take their flight before the rest In like manner the Romanes and the Carthaginians tyred with toyle grew cold in their continuall combats abating their forces for the ordinary charges And although the Romanes had abandoned the combats at Sea almost for fifteene yeares aswell for their mis-fortunes as for that they did hope to make an end of this Warre by the Army at Land yet seeing their designe not successefull considering likewise the courage of Amilcar they conceiued a third hope in their Forces at Sea They aduised well that if their designe were successefull it would be a meanes to make an end of their Affaires the which in the end they effected First they left the Sea yeilding vnto their mis-fortunes And for the second time for that they had bin vanquished neere vnto Trypanum and finally at the third time they were of another humour by the which being Victors they cut off the Victuals from Erix and made an end of the Warre This attempt for the most part was like a Combate of great courage for the publicke Treasure vnable to furnish this charge But the Citizens contributing euery Man vnto his power many together built a Quinquereme supplying the necessary expences so much the peoples hearts were i●flamed to Armes and to augment the Romane Empire By this meanes they made a preparation of two hundred Quinqueremes after the patterne of the Rhodien the which as we haue sayd had beene taken before Lylibeum Wherefore they afterwards gaue the commaund vnto Lucius Luctatius Consull and sent him in the Spring against the Carthaginians who being suddainly arriued in Sicily with his Army tooke the Port of Trepanum at his entry and all the rest which were about Lylibeum In the meane time all the Carthaginians ships retired to their Captaine Afterwards hee indeauoured to take Trepanum with his Engins and other things necessary to force a Towne But for that the Carthaginians Army at Sea was not farre off they had a remembrance of things past and of what importance the knowledge of the Sea was he was not idle nor negligent causing his Rowers and Marriners to bee continually kept in practice not suffring any one to be idle By this meanes the Souldiers in a short time were inured to the Sea The Carthaginians contrary to their hope hauing newes of the Roman Army at Sea presently prepared their ships and rraighted them with Corne other Munition to the end the besieged within the Towne of Erix should not haue any want of things necessary Hanno had the charge of this Army who past first to the Island of Hieronesus and from thence he made haste to sayle aboue the Enemy to Amilcars Campe to discharge his ships and to victuall it But Luctatius being aduertised of their comming and doubting of their enterprize for it was not hard to coniecture made choice of the ablest men of the Army at Land and failed directly to the Island of Eguse which is not farre from Lylibeum Then hauing giuen courage to the Souldiers he makes a Proclamation that euery man should be ready the next day to fight Three daies after the Consull seeing at the breake of day that the wind was good and prosperous for the Enemy and contrary to his Army and that the Sea was much troubled with a storme he was
moreouer seeing they were all turned to their Ruine found themselues suddainly in great difficulties not knowing which way to turne them And they found them the more desperate for that they had hapned contrary to all opinion It is true they were in hope after they had beene tyred with the long Wars of Sicily and had in the end made a peace with the Romans that they might rest for a time and take breath but it succeeded otherwise Beleeue me this War suddainly kindled was more dangerous than the other For that in the first they did not fight with the Romans but for the Conquest of Sicily but in this they were forced to vndergoe the danger for themselues for their families and their Country Moreouer they were vnfurnished of Armes of a Fleete at Sea and of Equipage for shipping for that they had lost many in their battels at Sea They had no more hope of Tributes nor in the succours of their friends and Allies Finally they saw then what difference there was betwixt a Forraine and Transmarine War and the muti●y of a ciuill sedition of which mischiefe vndoubtedly they themselues were the cause For in their first War they did Lord it ouer the people of Affricke with too great Tyranny and co●etousnesse for that they were of opinion they had good cause so as they leuied a full moiety of all their fruites They also doubled the Tributes and did not pardon those which had offended through ignorance They gaue Offices not to such as were milde and gracious but to those which augmented the publicke Treasure although they had tyrannized the people like vnto Hanno of whom we haue spoken By this meanes it hapned that the people of Affricke seemed glad to Reuolte not onely at the perswasion of many but at a simple Messenger There is nothing more true that euen the Women of euery Towne conspired for that in former times they had seene their Husbands and Children led into seruitude for that they had not payed the Tribute so as they made no reseruation of their goods which they had remayning but moreouer they did contribute their Iewels a hard thing to belieue to supply the payment of the Souldiers By this meanes Matho and Spendius gathered together so great a quantity of siluer as it was not onely sufficient to satisfie the promises which they had made to the Souldiers from the beginning of the Conspiracy but they had more than was needfull to mannage the War Wherefore a wise man must not looke vnto the present time but also vnto the future And although the Carthaginians were enuironed on all sides with so many miseries yet they fainted not but gaue the conduct to Hanno for that formerly they held he had ended the Warre neere vnto Hecatontophylon of those Souldiers they could leuie in this necessity of time They also armed the young men of the Towne and caused their Horses to be practised They repaired the remainder of their ships and old Tri●emes and caused new to be made In the meane time Matho and Spendius to whom three score and ten thousand armed men of Affrica had ioyned after they had deuided their Army in two as wee haue said held Bisarthe and Hippona b●sieged yet not abandoned their Campe neere vnto Tunes By this meanes all Affricke was shut vp to the Carthaginians You must vnderstand that Carthage is seated vpon a Promontory which aduanceth into the Sea and is in forme of an Island but that it ioynes vnto Affricke by a little space of land In regard of the Citty it is enuiron●d of the one side by the Sea and on the other by Marishes The breadth of the Countrey whereby it is ioyned to Affricke containes not aboue three miles whereof the Towne of Bisarthe is not far off from that si●e which looks towards the Sea And that Tunes ioynes vpon the Marishes The Enemies hauing planted their Campes at Tunes and Bisarthe tooke from the Carthaginians the rest of Affricke and making courses sometimes by Day and sometimes by Night vnto the walles of the Citty they gaue them great Allarums and put them in feare In the meane time Hanno made preparation of all things necessary for the Warre Hee was a diligent man and well practised in such things although that soone after hee had gone to field to finde the Enemy he committed an act of little iudgement in not discerning the times You must vnderstand that assoone as he was sent to succour the besieged in Bisarthe he forced the Enemies at the first charge being terrified with the multitude of Elephants but afterwards his conduct was so bad as hee drew the besieged for whose succours hee was come into great danger and extreame misery For when he had brought grea● prouision of all sorts of Engins for battery and had lodged his Campe neere vnto the Towne-walles hee fought with the Enemy who could not endure the violence of the Elephants Wherefore they abandoned the Campe with great losse of their men and retired to a little Mountaine strong of it selfe and full of Groues But Hanno who had not beene accustomed to make Warre but against the Numidians who after they haue once taken a flight doe seldome stay vntill the third day had no care to pursue them supposing he had gotten an absolute victory but entred into Bisarthe not thinking of any thing but to make good cheere But the Enemies hauing made Warre in Sicily vnder Amilcar and beene accustomed many times to flye before the Enemy and suddainly to charge againe the same day hauing newes of Hanno's retreate into Bisarthe and that the Campe as Victors was secure they assayled it by surprize and slew part of them the r●st were forced to recouer the Towne to their great shame and ignominy All the equipage of Engins was taken without resistance It is true that this was not the onely misfortune which at that time did preiudice the Carthaginians by the folly of Hanno For some few dayes after when as the Enemies camped neere vnto Sorze and that an opportunity was offered to defeate him easily hauing beene twice in quarrell and twice in battell one against another as they are accustomed hee lost these two occasions by his folly and basenesse Wherefore the Carthaginians considering that Hanno did not mannage this War well they by a generall consent made Amilcar Captaine againe to whom they gaue three score and ten Elephants and all the Souldiers and Fugi●iues with some Horse-men and the young men of the Towne so as hee had about ten thousand Souldiers But assoone as he had marcht forth with his Army he presently by his admirable vertue brake the hearts of his Enemies and raised the siege of Bisarthe and then he shewed himselfe worthy of the glory which they had giuen him for his prowesse in times past and that hee was worthy of the hope which all men conceiued of him Behold wherein they first discouered his diferetion and
iudgement The Cape whereon Carthage stands is ioyned to Affricke like vnto a crooked backe and is very stony with Mountaines full of wood whereas the wayes are very vneasie and inaccessible they being most of them made by the hand of man And therefore Matho had seized vpon all the little Hills that were vpon the way and had planted good Garrisons Moreouer h●e passed the Riuer which they call Machera the which hath high banks and a very swift course and cannot be past but by a Bridge vpon the which stands the Towne of Sephyra the which Matho did likewise hold By this meanes the pa●●ages of Affricke were not onely shut vp from the Carthaginian Army but also from a priuate person The which Amilcar considering and trying all meanes to passe into Affricke in the end hee vsed this inuention Hee had obserued that sometimes the course of this Riuer was so stopt by the Winde as the mouth of it ouerflowed and made in a manner a great poole and at that time it had no great fall into the Sea Wherefore hee was of opinion that at this season they might passe it neere vnto the Sea Hee kept this secret and onely made necessary preparation for the Army to march Hee carefully attended the opportunity of the time and then appointed his Army to part secretly in the Night and to passe the Riuer But at the breake of day the Enemy and they that were in the Towne were wonderfully amazed at this passage In the meane time Amilcar march'd with his Army directly to those which held Sephyra When as Spendius had the news that Amilcars Campe had past he presently makes haste with his forces to succour his men Behold how the two Campes succoured one another There were 10000. men in Sephyra neere vnto the Bridge and about 15000 in Bisarthe These thinking they might easily compasse in the Carthaginians if they all marcht against them at one instant some in front and the other at their backes suddainly they tooke courage and marcht against Amilcar with all their Troopes who 〈…〉 the fore-ward then the Horse and the Souldiers that were lightly armed and vpon the Reare 〈…〉 But when hee saw the Enemies charge his men couragiously he presently changed the order of his Army and turned it quite contrary So as they which were in the fore-ward returned backe making shew of some fl●ght and they which were in the Reare taking another way marcht directly to the fore-ward The which the 〈◊〉 seeing who assailed the Carthaginians on eith●● side and thinking that the Enemies amazed at this 〈◊〉 had fled they began to pur●ue them without order and came suddainly to fight But when as they saw the Horse-men approach and the other Battalions to fall vpon them with great fury am●zed at this new manner of War they were soone broken and in the end flying away ●ome were defeated by the Legionaries who charged them vpon the 〈◊〉 with great slaughter others by the Elephants and Horse-men who entred after the Legionaries There were sixe thousand men slaine and about two thousand taken the rest saued themselues by flight some in the Towne of Sephyra the rest retired to the Campe before Bifarthe After this good fo●tune Amilcar pursued those which had gotten into Sephyra the which he tooke at his comming for the Souldiers that were within it fled presently to Tunes and from thence running ouer the Prouince he tooke diuers Townes whereof some were won by breach and assault By this meanes th● C●rthaginians who before were deiected and without hope tooke heart and recouered their ancient courage At that time Matho held Hippona besieged and had pe●swaded Spendius and Autarice Captaine of the Gaules to pursue the Enemy and that flying the Plaines by reason of the multitude of Elephants and Horse-men they should keepe the foote of the Mountaines and not to goe farre from them vpon any occasion that should be offered Moreouer he sends often to the Numidians and Lybians soliei●ing and intreating them to giue him succours and not to lose so great an opportunity to restore Affrick to liberty Spendius then hauing made choice of sixe thousand old Souldiers out of the Campe which was at Tunes lodged continually neere vnto the Enemy keeping the foote of the Mountaines Moreouer he had the Gaules with him which were vnder the charge of Autarice to the number of about two thousand men for the rest of their Troope which was in Sicily had retired to the Romans during the siege of Erix Whilest that Amilcar stayed with his Army in a Plain● wholly inuironed with Mountaines there came great supplies of Numidians and Affricans to Spendius By this meanes the Carthaginian Army was besieged with three Camps The Affricans were in front the Numidians vpon their taile and Spendius on the side Hannibal was long in suspence what counsell hee should take being thus beset There was at that time among the Numidians a certaine man called Naraue of a noble and aunci●nt extraction and of a Royall courage Hee had alwayes beene fauourable vnto the Carthaginians keeping his Fathers affection and who then had succoured them for that Amilcar was chosen their Captaine Thinking new to haue found a good opportunity to purchase their friendship he marched directly to the Campe accompanied with about an hundred Numidians being neere vnto it he makes a stand giuing them a signe with his hand that he would parley Amilcar wondring at his great boldnesse sends an Horse man vnto him to whom he sayd that he was come to speake with the Commaunder of the Army And as Amilcar stood still in doubt and could not beleeue him the Numidian leanes his Horse his Lance and his Company and goes directly vnto him without any feare for amazement The whole Army wondred and were ama●ed at this Numidians great confidence Finally being called to parley he told him that he had alwayes borne a great affection to the Carthaginians and that he had long desired the Friendship of Amilc●● Moreouer that he was come to doe him seruice and to put himselfe and his estate faithfully into his hands vpon all occasions Amilcar hearing this Speech was so ioyfull as well for the boldnesse of this young Man who had presented himselfe so confidently vnto him as for the plainenesse of his Speech that he not onely made him Companion of his fortunes but protested and vowed vnto him to giue him his Daughter in keeping his faith to the Carthaginians After this discourse Naraue retired to his men and within three dayes after returned to Amilcar with two thousand men which he had vnder his charge The Carthaginians being fortified with this troope Amilcar durst fight with the Enemy Spendius likewise supplied with Numidians and Affricans drawes his Army into the Plaine and without any long stay comes to the Combate which was cruell Finally the Carthaginians relying in the multitude of their Elephants and likewise Naraue performing his duty well
they had the Victory Autarice and Spendius hauing no more hope fled There were ten thousand men slaine and about foure thousand taken After this battell Amilcar freed those that would follow the Warre vnder him and armed them with the Enemies spoyles telling them that refused that they should no more carry Armes against the Carthaginians and for all that which they had formerly done they were pardoned Moreouer that it was lawfull for them to retire into their Countrey if they thought it good but if they were found heareafter attempting any enterprize their punishment was certaine At the same time the mercenary strangers which kept Sardinia assailed all the Carthaginians that were there after the example of Spendius and Matho and hauing shut vp Captaine Bos●are with his Company into a Fort they put him to death Hanno was afterwards sent with a new Army against whom the Strangers conspired with the old Souldiers and after they had committed great cruelties they hang'd him Then fearing to be punished for so great a villany they slew and strangled all the Garthaginians which inhabited Sardinia and tooke all the Townes and Forts ●nioying the I●●nd vntill that a sedition rising betwixt them and the Sardinians they chased them away and forced them to flye into Italy By this meanes the Carthaginians lost Sardinia a very great Island well peopled and abounding with all commodities It will not be needfull to relate those things which are apparent by that which others haue written Matho Spendius and Autarice Chiefe of the Gaules fearing that this clemency of Amilcar in f●eeing the Prisoners with pardon would gaine the Lybians and other Souldiers they laboured to commit some villanous act to estrange the hearts of their men wholly from the Carthaginians And therefore they assembled them together where soone after a Post comes with Letters as if hee had beene suddainly arriued from Sardinia the tenor whereof was that they should keepe Goscon and the other Prisoners carefully and that there were some in the Campe who to purchase grace and fauor with the Carthaginians would set them at liberty Spendius hauing found this occasion first aduised his Companions that they should not regard the deliuery of the Prisoners vnder the colour of Amilcars counterfeite clemency For hee had not freed them for any desire hee had to saue them but to the end that by this meanes hee might haue them all and afterwards punish them ing●nertall Moreouer he gaue them cha●ge to keepe Gescon with his Company carefully that they might not escape through negligence but if they did otherwise the Enemies would make no great accompt of them and withall they should haue great inconueniences in their Warre But who will doubt that so excellent a Captaine and of so great experience in the Warre will not suddainly become their mortall Enemy when he shall bee escaped by their negligence Whilest hee was thus speaking behold another M●ssenger comes from Tunes bringing Letters of the same Tenour the which being Re●d vnto the Assembly A●tarice Commaunder of the Gaules stood vp saying that he saw no meanes for their safety but by taking away all the hope they haue in the Carthaginians For as long as any one hath respect vnto their clemency he can neuer be a loyall Companion in the War And therefore we must beleeue heare and consent vnto the opinion of those which shall giue aduice to do the 〈◊〉 we can vnto the Carthaginians and to hold such as shall say the contrary for enemies and Traytors When he had made an end of this Speech hee aduised them to put Gescon and his company to some cruell death with all the Carthaginians which had bin since taken This Autarice had great credite in their Assemblies for that they all vnderstood him speaking the Punique Language which at that time was common among the whole Army by reason of the long War wherein he had serued vnder the Carthaginians and therefore his Aduice was easily allowed by the Army in regard of the fauour he had among the Souldiers And although many of euery Nation walking and conferring together did not thinke it fit to vse such cruelty especially agaynst Gescon who had done them so much good yet they heard nothing of that which they spake for that they talked among themselues in their Languages But when as they saw that they did not like of putting the Carthaginians to Death a seditious M●n who was by chance among them cryed out with a loud voice Charge At which word they were presently beaten downe with stones by the Multitude so as their Kinsmen carried them away soone after 〈◊〉 as if brute Be●sts had torne them in peeces This done they take Gescon and the other Prisoners which were to the number of seuen hundred and led them without the Rampiers and there beginning wi●h the head whom a little before they had chosen among all the Carthaginians as the Man which had intreated them best they cut off all their hands and Dismembred them and in breaking their Legs they east them thus liuing into a Ditch The Carthaginians aduertised of so great a cruelty done vnto their Citizens knew not what to do but that which was in them to be wonderfully incensed and to lament for the great ignominy of their Citty and the mise●y of their Citizens Finally they sent to Amilcar and Hanno which were the other Commaunders of the Army intreating them that so great a cruelty done vnto their Citizens should not remayne vnpunished Moreouer they sent an Embassie to these enemies to require the bodies to be interr'd Who not only refused them but also forbid th●m not to send hereafter any Treaters of Peace vnto them nor Emb●ssies and if they did it they must expect to indu●e the like paynes that Gescon had suff●ed and moreouer they had concluded that as many Carthaginians as fell into their hands should be cruelly slayne And as for their Allies they should lose their hands the which afterward they did carefully obserue Wherefore he that will duly consider these things may boldly say that the Bodies of Men and some of their Vice●s do not onely increase sometimes but also their hearts much more Beleeue that euen as V●cers are inflamed by Medicines and are impaired if they be applyed and if they make no reckoning of them they dilate and extend themselues of their nature and neuer cease vntill the Body be wholy corrupted and rotten so it many times fals out of the Vices and corruptions of mans minde so as there is no Beast so cruell or sauage as Man To whom if thou doest any gr●ce or remission of punishment or some other good he growes worse esteeming all this but Deceite and wil be more distrustfull of his Benefactors And if on the other side thou seekest to resist him there is nothing so vnreasonable so cruell nor so wicked but he will easily vndertake it glorifying himselfe in his presumption vntill his
proud Spirit hath past the bounds of Reason Of which things the beginning and the greatest part proceedes from the lewd life and bad breeding of Youth There are other things which adde much vnto it and namely the Couetousnes and cruelty of the Captaynes All which Vices were found at that time in this Army and especially in the Commaunders In the meane time Amilcar bearing the enemies outrages impatiently caused Hanno another Captayne Generall for the Carthaginians to come vnto him imagining that when the whole Army were together the Warre would be the more easily ended Finally he caused the enemies which were then taken or afterwards to bee cruelly slaine or deuoured by Beasts hoping that the Warre would then haue an end if he might put them all to Death As the Carthaginians seemed at that time to be in better hope Fortune suddainly changed so as their Affaires beganne to impaire and grow worse For as soone as these two Captaines were ioyned together they fell into such dissention as they not onely l●●t pursuing the enemy but gaue them great occasions of their owne defeate For which causes the Carthaginians being mooued they sent word that one of them should returne to the Citty and that hee which the Souldiers loued best should remayne in the Campe. They had also another inconuenience For their great shippes wherewith they brought Corne and other necessaries to the Campe were in a manner all broken in a storme Moreouer Sardinia from whence they were wont to draw great succours for the affaires of Warre was lost for them as we haue sayd And to the end their miseries should be full the Townes of Hippona and Bisarthe which alone among all the people of Affrick had kept their Faith inuiolable to the Carthaginians not only in this War but in that of Agathocles and in the time of the Romanes reuolted then not onely ignominiously from the Affricanes but also shewed them suddainly a wonderfull Affection and Loue And to the Carthaginians an implacable hatred casting into the Ditches all the Carthaginians with their Captaines which were there for their Guard to the number of fiue hundred after they had cruelly slayne them And they deliuered the Towne and would not render the Bodies to the Citizens of Carthage to interre them By this meanes Spendius and Matho grew more insolent and layed siege before Carthage Amilcar at that time had Hannibal●or ●or a companion in his charge whom the Carthaginians sent him when as the Souldiers left Hanno to whom during the dissention of the Captaines the people of Carthage left a power to retayne whom they pleased Amilcar accompanied by Hannibal and Naraue ouer-ran the whole Prouince cutting off the Victuals from the enemy wherein the Numidian Naraue did him great seruice This was the estate of their Campes The Carthaginians being thus opprest by their enemies were forced to craue succours from their Allies to whom at that time Hieron of Saragosse sent them great assistance supplying them with whatsoeuer they demaunded For he was of opinion that the preseruation of the Carthaginians was necessary for him as well for the safety of his estate as to entertayne the friendship of the Romanes to the end that after the ruine of Carthage they might easily do whatsoeuer they pleased without contradiction This was wisely considered of him For in truth no Man must seeme carelesse of such things neyther must they suffer any one to grow to so great a power as he shall haue cause euer after to feare a manifest iniustice The Romans also bound by the Articles of the peace did what they could possibly to relieue them It is true that in the beginning there was some dissention for th● causes which follow When the Carthaginians were first besieged they tooke about fiue hundred Men who ●ayling from Italy for gayne were taken and put in prison The people of Rome tooke this in ill part But when as soone after they had sent an Embassie for this cause the Carthaginians freed them and intreated them curteously This was so pleasing vnto the Romanes as presently they deliuered all the Prisoners which they had yet remayning since the Warres of Sicily without Ransome succouring them still whensoeuer they required it and suffered their Merchants to carry them Corne forbidding them to furnish the enemies Campe with any Victuals Moreouer at such times as the old Souldiers of Sardinia reuolted agaynst the Carthaginians they would not giue Audience to their Embassadours who were sent to deliuer them the Island A while after they would not receiue the Bisarthins who would in like manner haue giuen themselues vnto them For that they would not in any sort infringe the Articles of the Peace The Carthaginians thus relieued by the succours of their Allies indured the siege more easily Matho and Spendius were no lesse besieged than they did besiege For Amilcar had reduced them to such great want of all things as they were in the end forced to raise the siege Soone after they made choyse of the ablest Men of all their bands to the number of fifty Thousand and went presently to seeke out Amilcar Moreouer they kept not the plaines fearing the Elephants and the Horse men whereof Naraue had the Charge but striuing still to gaine the high and inaccessible places during the which although they were as strong and hardy as the Carthaginians yet they were often beaten for that they vnderstood not the practise of Warre Then they might easily iudge what difference there is betwixt the good conduct of a Captaine and the ouer-weaning of a Multitude He separated some and inclosed others by his industry being forced by their priuate necessity He also defeated many by Ambushes in full fight Som●times he terrified the enemies falling vppon them by surprize All such as were taken aliue were cast vnto the Beasts Finally he lodged about his enemies to their great disaduantage and to the benefit of the Carthaginians drawing them into such necessity as they neither durst come to fight for feare of the Elephants and Horsemen neyther could they safely flye for that they were enuironed with Ditches and Pallisadoes Finally hunger did so presse them as they did eate one another Behold the reuenge which the gods tooke of them for the cruelties they had committed against their Friends They came not to fight both for that the Carthaginians were assured of the Victory and their punishment was certayne They made no mention of any treaty of peace for that they knew well there was no hope of Mercy hauing committed such great cruelties Finally they indured all miseries expecting daily succours from Tunes But when they had cruelly eaten vp their Prisoners and their Seruants a kind of liuing which they had long vsed and that no succours came from Tunes they knew not what to resolue for the extremity of the Famine and the feare of punishment Finally Autarice Zarxe and Spendius resolued to parley with Amilcar By this
a great part of Spaine Where staying about nine yeares conquering many Townes by force and oth●rs by composition to haue their liues and goods safe hee dyed a Death worthy of his actions For when he had made Warre against couragious and powerfull people he dyed after hee had exposed himselfe to all dangers with great assurance and the admiration of all the World After this the Carthaginians made Asdrubal kinsman to Amilcar who had commaunded the Triremes Generall of their Army At which time the Romanes passed to Sclauonia and to that part of Europe with an Army They which desire to vnderstand truely our Discourse with the beginning and increase of the Romane power must diligently obserue it This Voyage by Sea was vndertaken for the causes which here follow Agron King of Sclauonia was the Sonne of Plurate This King drew to field more foote and Horse than any that had reigned before him in Sclauonia It is true that he was corrupted with money at the perswasion of Demetrius Father to Philip so as he succour'd the Midioniens whom the Etoliens held besieged You must vnderstand that when the Etoliens saw that they could not draw the Midioniens to liue according to their Lawes they began to make Warre against them laying siege to diuers places and doing what they possibly could to take the Citty And as in the meane time the day of the assembly was come wherein they were to chuse another Captaine of the Army and that the besieged were growne so weake as they seemed to haue no other thoughts but of yeilding he which at that time was Generall came vnto the Etoliens and let them vnderstand that it was reasonable that he who had indured so great paines and exposed himselfe to so many dangers during the Warre should haue the booty and spoile of the enemies if they were vanquished There were many euen of those which had any colour to attaine vnto that charge who discontented with this kind of demaund intreated the multitude not to determine any thing but to leaue the booty to him to whom Fortune should giue it Finally the Etoliens decreed that whosoeuer should winne the Towne he should share a moiety of all the Booty Riches and Armes with him who formerly had beene the Commaunder While matters stood on these termes and that within three dayes after the Assembly was to meete where according to the Custome of the Etoliens the last Commaunder was to be Deposed and a new choses there arriued in the night about a hundred ships neere to Midionia with ten thousand men of Sclauonia Who after they had recouered the Port and the day began to breake they landed in haste and by stealth and then they marched in battell after their manner against the Etoliens Army And although the Etoliens being aduertised of their comming were at the first amazed at this newes and the boldnesse of the Sclauonians Yet hauing great spirits and courage relying also in their Forces they drew out before their Campe the greatest part of their Horse and Armed men and placed vpon some passages which were not farre from the Camp some Horses and such as were lightly Armed The which were charged and broken by the Sclauonians as well by reason of the multitude of their Souldiers as for that the middest of their battell was strongly fortified In regard of the Horse-men they were forced to flye shamefully vnto their Campe From thence thorough the aduantage of the place they marcht speedily against those which kept the Plaine whom they charged and put presently to flight The Midionians sally forth and pursue them so as there was a great slaughter of the Etoliens and many Prisoners with the spoile of all their baggage hauing found no resistance When as the Sclauonians had performed their Kings Commaund and shipt all their baggage and booty they set sayle and retire to their houses The Midionians also being thus preserued contrary to their hope they assembled and held a Councell among themselues as well for other affaires as for the diuision of the booty taken from the Enemy and of their Armes to deuide them in common by an example taken of him who had beene Chiose of the Etoliens and of those which according to the decree of the Etoliens should succeed him as if Fortune had done it willingly to make the world know her force by the misfortune of the others In truth these in a short time made their Enemies to feele the miseries which they themselues expected suddainly The Etoliens after this misery serued for an example to the world not to hold future things as already done nor to put their hope in things which may succeed otherwise And that wee must alwayes reserue some part in things which may happen contrary to our hope as well as in all other actions seeing we are men as in the affaires of Warre When as the victorious ships were arriued King Agron transported with incredible ioy for the exploits of his men hauing vanquished the Etoliens relying much vpon their forces he gaue himselfe so to banqueting in the night and to a foolish delight of drinking and watching as hee fell into a Pleurisie the which grew so violent as hee died within few dayes after After whose death his Wife Teuca reigned gouerning the Realme by the counsell and aduice of her Friends But afterwards shee followed her womanish affections hauing no care but of this prosperity nor any regard to forreigne affaires suffering all those that would goe to Sea to spoile all passengers Shee also raised a great Army at Sea letting the Captaines vnderstand that the Countrey which was right against hers was Enemy vnto her Who at the first assailed the Elienses and Messen●ens whom the Sclauonians spoiled often But for that there is a large Sea and that the Townes of those Regions were all vpon the firme Land they could not easily preuent the Sclauonians courses and therefore they did spoile and ruine the Countrey without any obstacle And as at the same time they sayled to Epirus to fetch victuals they came to Phenice where there were about eight hundred Gaules entertained by the Epirotes to guard the Towne Heere they landed and parled with them to deliuer it whereunto they yeelded so as they tooke it and all that was within it by the helpe of the Gaules When the Epirotes had the newes they came presently to succour them with all their people and lodged vpon the banks of a neere Riuer Then they tooke away the planks of the Bridge to be free from the danger of those which kept the Towne In the meane time they were aduertised that Scerdilaide came by Land with fiue thousand men by the Streights of Antigonia Wherefore they deuided their Army in two whereof the one went to guard the passages of Antigonia and the other remained in the Campeidlely and negligently consuming what was in that Countrey without feare and
disdayning to keepe any watch or guard The Sclauonians within the Town aduertised of the separation of the Army and of the negligence of the Enemy goe forth at mid-night and lay planks vpon the Bridge So crossing the Riuer they gaine a place strong by Nature where they passe the remainder of the Night without any noise At the break of day either side were in battell and the fight began The Sclauonians got the Victory so as few Epirotes escaped the rest being taken or slaine The Epirotes seeing themselues inuolued with so many miseries and out of all hope they sent an Embassie to the Etoliens and Acheins crauing Succours from them who hauing compassion of their afflictions desiring to relieue them marcht to Heli●rane whither the Sclauonians who as we haue sayd had taken the Towne of Phenice being ioyned to Scerdilaide came and lodged neere vnto them desiring battell But the difficulty of the places kept them asunder together with their Queenes letters who comm●unded them to make no longer stay but to returne for that some Townes of Sclauonia had reuolted to the Dardaniens Wherefore after they had spoiled the whole Prouince they made a truce with the Epirofes by the which they yeelded the Citizens and the City but carried away all the slaues and pillage in their ships Thus one part retired by Sea and the other by Land by the streights of Antigonia leauing a wonderfull feare in the Sea-townes of Greece Without doubt when they considered that so strong and powerfull a Towne of the Epirotes had beene spoil'd contrary to all expectance they were not onely in feare as formerly for the Countrey but also for themselues and their Townes After that the Epirotes had ended their Affaires farre better than they expected they were so farre from taking reuenge of the wrongs which they had receiued or to thanke those which had assisted them as they presently sent an Embassie to Queene Teuca and made a league with the Arcanians and Sclauonians Wherefore following after that time the party of the Illiriens they became Enemies to the Acheins and Etoliens Wherein they were not only ingrate and vnthankefull to their Benefactors but also they had beene very ill counselled from the beginning of their affaires And where as many like men fal somtimes by the hazard of Fortune into great aduersities and miser●es it happens not so much by their owne fault as by that of Fortune or by such as are the procurers But when as men seeke their misfortune by their owne indiscre●ion their fault i● euident And therefore when we see some great disaster and aduersity be●all some men by Fortune we doe not onely pitty them but relieue them to our power whereas we blame condemne and hate those whom we know to haue beene the cause of their owne misfortunes by indiscretion and malice The which the Grecians might at that time do with reason vnto the Epirotes But what man is so confident which hauing no feare of the common fame of the Gaules inconstancy would haue dared to commit so noble a Citty vnto their charge who had so many reasons to doubt of their faith being banisht out of their Countrey for that they had falsified their faith with their owne Nation and who af●erwards being retired by the Carthaginians at such time as they had Warre with the Romans and hearing a bruite of the reuolte of mercenary Souldiers for pay which they had pretended was due vnto them beg●n first to spoile Agragas whereof they had the Guard being about a thousand men Afterwards they were put in Garrison into E●ix by the Carthaginians the which they would haue betrayed whilest the Romans besieged it The which not able to eff●ct they retired to the Romans who receiued them After which they spoyled the Temple of Venus Ericina When as the Romans saw the treachery and falsehood of these Barbarians hauing concluded a peace with the Carthaginians they dis●rmed them and shipped them away chasing them out of all Italy These are the men whom the Epirotes made the Guardians of their Lawes and Common●wealth to whom they intrusted ●o faire and rich a City Who will not then blame them Who will not say but they haue beene the cause of their owne miseries Without doubt it is a great folly and indiscretion to entertaine forces especially of barbarous men and to put them into a Towne where they may bee the stronger or more in number than the Cittizens But wee haue spoken sufficiently of the Epirotes folly The Sclauonians before and many times spoiled such as saild from Italy and Phenicia seeing that of late dayes they inhabited there who separating th●mselues sometimes from the Army at Sea spoiled many Italian Merchants or slew them They had also carried away a good number of Prisoners When this had beene often complained of to the Senate they made no accompt thereof Yet in the end they sent into Sc●auonia Ca●us and Lucius Coroncanus in Embassie when as the complaints of many came vnto them concerning the outrages of the Illi●ians VVhen the ships were returned from Phenicia in safety Teuca wondring at the beauty and greatnesse of the spoile had a great and longing desire to make Warre against the Grecians for in truth it was the richest Towne of all Epirus But for that her Countrey was then in Combustion shee could not attempt it Moreouer after shee had pacified Sclauonia and at such time as shee held 〈◊〉 besieged which had alwayes continued firme the Romans Embassie arriued who hauing a day of audience appointed them by the Queene they made knowne vnto her the outrages her men had done them The Queene gaue ●are vnto them with great 〈◊〉 and arroga●cy After they had deliuered their charge●he made answere that she would take order that her Subiects should not make open War against them but it was not the custome of Kings to prohibite their priuate subiects to make what profit they could at Sea At which words the yongest of the Embassadours made a bold and couragious answere but in bad season And therefore sayd he Madame it is the custome of the Romans to take a publicke reuenge for priuate wrongs and to relieue the a●flicted So as if it please God wee will take such order that her eafter you shall not be much troubled to reforme this kinde of royall customes The Queene an ouer-weening woman grew into such a rage as neglecting the right of Nations shee sent men at the returne of the Embassadours to kill the youngest who had vsed this Speech The Romans being aduertised of this great affront prepared presently to Warre leuied men and made a good number of Vessels Finally they prepared all things necessary to take reuenge of so great a crime In the meane time the Queene sent in the Spring a greater number of ships into Gre●ce than formerly whereof one part saild to Corfue and the other bent their course to the Port of Durazo Where
attempt of the Gaules without great feare They then remembred their former defeates and feared this Nation as the ruine of the City of Rome And therefore they had long before prepared a great Army they dayly made new leuies of men and they aduertised their Allies to bee ready and in Armes Moreouer they enioyned them to send vnto the Senate the Rolles of the Bands of their Youth desiring to know the number of Souldiers of all the Italian Army They likewise made provision of Corne and Armes and of all other things necessary in greater abundance than they had done in former times The other people of Italy were no lesse diligent they were so much amazed at the descent of the Gaules so as they did not thinke to fight for the Romans nor for their Empire but euery man for his owne safety for his City and for his Countrey Wherefore all the Italians did willingly obey the Romans in this Warre I will here set downe the preparations the Romans made for Warre and what number of men they had in those times to the end you may plainely see how great they were and what forces they had when as Hannibal presumed to assaile them and with what Troopes making Warre against the Romane power hee brought the Citty into so great danger First the Consuls went to field with foure Romare Legions whereof eyther consisted of fiue thousand two hundred Foote and two thousand Horse They had moreouer by reason of this arming of the Gaules raised other Troopes The Tuscans and Sabins had drawne together three score and ten thousand Foote and about foure thousand Horse As soone as the newes came that the Gaules past the Alpes of Bolonia these were sent into Tuscany vnder the command of the Prouost of the Citty After these the Vmbrians and Sarsenates inhabiting Mount Appenin were assembled to the number of twenty thousand men The Venetians also and Cenomans were about twenty thousand all which were appointed to keepe the Appenin Hils and to fall vpon the Bolonois when occasion should bee offered Behold the Troopes which at the first they sent against the Gaules There was moreouer another Army within Rome to guard the Citty and to attend the pleasure of the Senate vpon all occasions whereof there were twenty thousand foot Romans and fifteene hundred Horse and of their Allies thirty thousand Foote and two thousand Horse Moreouer they had the Roll of the Army of the Latins which consisted of foure score thousand Foote and fiue thousand Horse and of the Samnites of three score and ten thousand men and seuen thousand Horse Of the Lapiges and Mesapiens fifty thousand Foote and sixeteene thousand Horse of Marses Marruciens Ferrentins and Vestins twenty thousand Foote and foure thousand Horse Of the Lucains thirty thousand Foote and three thousand Horse There were moreouer at that time two Legions in Sicily and about Tarentum for the guard of the Countrey whereof either was of foure thousand two hundred Foote and two hundred Horse Moreouer the multitude of the Romans and Campanois was about two hundred and fifty thousand Foote and three and twenty thousand Horse By this meanes the number of the Troopes which were subiect to the Senate and people of Rome exceeded an hundred and fifty thousand Foote and about sixe thousand Horse But the whole force of Italy was generally of seauen hundred thousand Foote and three score and tenne thousand Horse Against the which Hannibal hauing but twenty thousand men durst enter into Italy But this shall bee for another time The Gaules finally passing the Appenin Hils entred into Tuscany without any resistance putting all to fire and sword Finally they marcht speedily to Rome Being come neere vnto a Towne which they call Cluse within three dayes iourney of Rome they had newes that the Roman Army which as wee haue sayd had beene sent to guard Tuscany was drawne together and followed them Wherefore they presently turned head furiously vpon them And when they were come neere vnto the other at the Sun-setting then they cam●t leauing some little space betwixt them Night being come the Gaules made fi●es in their Campes after their vsuall manner and left their Horse-men there giuing them charge to part at the breake of day and when they should be discouered by the Enemies to goe on their course In the meane time making shew of a f●●ght they part with all their Foote and march directly to Fesula of purpose to drawe on their Horse-men and to breake the Enemy which followed them The Romans seeing the Gaules Horse-men part at the breake of day with great noise thinking it was for feare hasted after them indiscreetly and drew neere vnto them W●o being ioyned the combate in the beginning was furious for that the Gaules did charge them on all sides according to their resolution Finally the Romans lost sixe thousand men for that the Gaules were more in number and of greater courage All the ●est of the Army fled whereof a great part retired to a little Hill strong by scituation and nature The Gaules began to besiege them But for that they were tired with watching the Night before and with the toyle of the day they returned to take their refection leauing a strength of Horse-men to keepe the Hill with a resolution to giue an assault with all their forces if they did not yeeld within three dayes At that time Lucius Emilius the Consull who as wee haue sayd was at Rimini with an Army hauing aduertisment that the Gaules had past Tuscany and marcht to Rome with all their forces he vsed all diligence to come and succour his companions When he had past the Appenin Hill and was lodged neere vnto the Enemy they which had retired to the Hill knowing the Consuls comming which they easily discouered by the fires in the Night they presently tooke courage and sent some of their men vnarmed vnto him by the Forrest to let him vnderstand how things had past The Consull seeing that all delayes in so great a danger of his companions were preiudiciall he gaue order to the Tribunes of the Souldiers to march at the breake of day with all the foote And in the meane time he takes his way towards the Hill with all the Horse-men The Commaunders of the Gaules doubting of the Consuls comming by the fires in the Night assembled to aduise what they had to doe Then King Aneroeste was of opinion that it was a folly to lose time with the Enemy and to bring their conquest in danger before they had put so great a spoile in safety they had in truth an infinite number of Prisoners and abundance of all other things and therefore they must first returne into their Countrey and there leaue all the baggage and then returne into Italy if they thinke it fit to the end the Souldiers might fight with their Enemies without any incumbrance The Gaules liked of this counsell and the next
the Combate was as furious as euer any was for euery man performed his duty It is true that their Targets and Swords were not equall For the Gaules Swords were heauy and blunt and their Targets weake The Romanes couered themselues with stronger Targets and carried short Swords and sharpe And therefore the Gaules were still defeated in what manner so euer they fought whether in troope or man to man Yet they stood firme in battell vntill that the Romane Cauellery came downe from the Hill in great fury Then they were broken and slaine here and there The Foot-men died in the place where they had their Stations appointed But the Horse-men fled The Gaules lost in this battell forty thousand men there were onely taken ten thousand with King Congollitane Aneroeste which was the other King of the Gaules fled with some few which followed him to a neighbour-place who some dayes after slew themselues After this defeate Lucius Emilius the Consull sent the Enemies spoyles to Rome and restored the booty to those to whom it did belong From thence he went thorough the Genouois Countrey into that of B●lonia making great spoyles And hauing in a short time inrich't his Army with all sorts of booty he brought it backe to Rome with the Armes chaines and bracelets of gold wherewith hee did adorne the Capitoll being a kind of ornament of gold which the Gaules are accustomed to carry about their wrists and neckes the rest of the spoyles and all the prisoners went before him in triumph Behold those great attempts of the Gaules which the Romans not onely feared but all Italy in like manner came to nothing The Romans hoping now to chase the Gaules out of Italy sent Quintus Fuluius and Titus Manlius late made Consuls with a great Army into Gaule Who at their entry forced the Bolonians to submit themselues to their obedience But they could not proceede in the warre but were forced to retire by reason of the continuall Raine and the Plague Afterwards Publius Furio and Caius Flaminius being created Consuls came againe into Gaule with an Army and after they had receiued the Ananes into friendship which are not farre from Marselles they marched directly into the Country of Milan with their Legions where as the Riuer Ada ioynes vnto the Poe. The Milannois had made a great leuie to repulse their enemyes By whom when the Romans had receiued great losse not onely at the passage of the Riuer but also in fortifying their Campe they parted thence and tooke their way to the Country of the Cenomans where after they had ioyned their Army to theirs for they were their Allies they made a new descent into the Milannois by the higher Country which lookes toward the Alpes ruining all where they past The Princes of Milan hearing the resolution of the Romans to bee immutable resolued to vndergoe the hazard and to fight with them Wherefore after they had drawne an Army together and taken the Ensignes of gold which they call vnmoueable out of Minerva's Temple made prouision of all other things necessary they marcht against them with great assurance planting their Campe ●ight against them to the number of fifty thousand Men. It is true the Romans finding themselues not strong enough were of aduice to call the Gaules to their aide with whom they were in league But for that they feared their reuolt they were to fight with men of the same Nation they held it dangerous to trust in such men in so great a danger and especially to put their safeties in their handsat such a time and in such an action Finally being neere the Riuer they call the Cenomans and cause them to passe When all were past they brake the Bridge depriuing them at one instant of the meanes to ioyne with their Enemies and leauing their Men no hope of safety but in the victory When this was done they put their men in order and off●● battell to the Milannois It seemes the Romanes had ordered this battell discreetly by the aduertisement of the Tribunes for the meanes to fight in troope or man to man For when as their men were in battell they tooke the Pikes from the Triarij and gaue them to such as were in the Front giuing them charge to entertaine the fury of the Gaules vntill their first heate of fighting were spent Which being done leauing their Pikes they should flye to their Swords ordayning it in this manner for that they had seene by the former Warres that the Gaules had a furious poynt and afterwards their hearts were faint and effeminate and that moreouer their Swords as we haue sayd were only fit to giue one blow but afterwards their length grew crooked and the edge turned by reason of the breadth So as if they did not suffer them to set the poynt to the ground and to make them straight againe with their Feete the second blow wrought no effect The Romanes following the Commaund of the Tribunes charge their enemies with great blowes vpon the brest with their Pikes The Gaules on the other side imploy all their fury to cut them Then the Romanes abandoning their Pikes fought hand to hand breaking by this meanes the fury of the Gaules And taking from them all meanes to steppe backe which these people are accustomed to vse in their Charge for that their Swords are blunt and vnprofitable by reason of their length but only to giue one blow a farre off But the Romans by meanes of their short Swords wherewith they did not strike like vnto them but thrust often through the bodies and throates of the Gaules so as they slew a great number Behold how the prouidence of the Tribunes preuailed much without doubt the Consull had not made choise of a place fit to fight Considering that in ordering the battell vpon the Riuer side hee had taken from the Romanes the meanes to march which is vsuall vnto them Wherefore if during the Combate they had beene forced to retyre they had all fallen into the Riuer by the errour of the Consull Yet they had a goodly Victory by their owne forces and retyred to Rome with a great multitude of Prisoners and spoyle The yeare following the Gaules weakned with so many battel 's lost sent an Embassie to the Romanes for a Peace making them goodly promises But Marcus Claudius and Caius Cornelius chosen Consuls vsed all diligence to draw their Army into their Country to the end the Senate should not yeild vnto it Wherefore the Gaules hauing no more hope of peace being as it were in despaire raysed a new Army and intertayned thirty thousand Gessates who as we haue sayd dwell on this side the Rhine hauing them all ready and in Armes attending the descent of the Romanes When as the Consuls were entred the Millannois Country in the Spring they besieged the Towne of Acorras which lyes betwixt the Poe and the Alpes And although it were
not in the power of the Millannois to succour the besieged for that the Romanes held the passages Yet their full intent being to raise the siege they cause a part of their Army to passe the Poe to whom they giue charge to besiege Clastidium a Towne belonging to the Allies of the Romanes hoping by this meanes the Consuls should be forced to rayse their siege But presently when they had the newes Marcus Claudius makes hast with the Horse-men and the most actiue of the foote to succour the besieged When the Gaules were aduertised of the Consuls comming they presently raysed the siege and went resolutely to encounter the Romanes offering them battell At the first the Gaules had the better for that the Romane Horsemen were surprized by theirs But being afterwards environed by the Romane Cauallery they were broken and defeated Many were drowned hauing cast themselues into the Riuer flying the Enemy The greatest part were slaine and the rest taken Prisoners But when they which were besieged in Acerras had notice of the defeate of their men neere vnto Clastidium they retired to Millan the Capitall Citty of the Countrey Then Cornelius hauing go●ten the Towne of Acerras well furnished with Corne and all other Munition hee pursued the Gaules and planted his Campe neere vnto Millan And for that the Milannois came not out to fight he drew backe his Army spoyling the Countrey Then the Milannois pursuing them began to charge them in the Reare and make a great sl●ughter whereof some fled vntill that Cornelius turning head against the Enemy with the Legions encouraged the whole Army to sight Who willingly obeying the Consuls commaundment fell with great fury vpon the Gaules who hauing lately beene so often beaten made no long resistance but presently turned head and recouered the Alpes Cornelius pursued them spoyling the whole Countrey and from thence hee marcht to Millan which he tooke by force and brought it vnder the Romans obedience After all these defeats the Princes of the Gaules seeing there was no more hope in their affaires submitted themselues to the will of the Romans Thus ended the Warre of the Gaules hauing neuer vnto this day heard speake nor read of a greater be it for the obstinacy of courage or the resolution of Souldiers or the cruelty of battels or the great slaughter of men or the greatnesse of Armies Although the counsell the enterprize and the daily aduice were vnprofitables For that the Gaules mannage their affaires by rage and fury not by reason Of whom we might haue considered in how short a time they haue beene chased out of their naturall Countrey by the Romans in leauing them a small portion within the Alpes wee haue thought it good to relate summarily their first attempts the successe of affaires and finally their last ruines For that I hold it fitting for a History to make such accidents knowne to those of future times to the end that our men for want of knowing them may not easily feare the rash descents which Barbarians doe often make and that they rather try their fortune than to omit any thing that is necessary nor to subiect themselues vnto them Certainly such people are easily and without difficulty broken and defeated if they resist their first fury I imagine that they which haue written the Gests of the Persians against the Grecians and of the Gaules against the Delphiens haue done a great fauour to the Grecians to fight for the liberty of the Countrey There is no doubt but a man will not be amazed for riches forces or the multitude of men if he fights for the defence of his Countrey if hee hath before his eyes the actions of those times and consider how many thousands of men what forces and what Armies the virtue of Souldiers with valour and reason hath vanquished broken and defeated The Grecians haue not onely beene ●errified by the Gaules in former times but also many times in our age which is the thing which hath mooued mee most to relate their actions summarily beginning with the Originall But to returne where we left after that Asdruball Generall of the Carthaginians had continued eight yeeres in Spaine hee was in the end traiterously slaine in the Night in his lodging by a Gaule by reason of some priuate hatred Hee was not onely excellent and expert in the Art of Warre but was so eloquent to moue the hearts of men as hee much augmented the Carthaginians Empire Then they gaue the charge of the Army which was in Spaine to Hannibal being then a young Man for that hee had a good beginning and a wonderfull great courage for his age Who at his comming made declaration that hee would bee an Enemy to the Romans the which fell out soone after From that time the Romans and the Carthaginians iealous of one another To speake the truth the Carthaginians grew laboured secretly to surprize them for that they had chased them out of Sicily On the other side the Romans knowing their intent gaue no greate credit vnto them so as it might easily bee conceiued the Warre would soone breake out At the same time the Achaiens with Phillip King of Macedon and their Allies made Warre against the Etoliens which they called the Warre of the Allies As wee haue related the Warre which the Romans made against the Carthaginians in Sicily and in Affricke and the things which followed and being now come according to the order of our preparation to the beginning of the Warre betwixt the Allies and to the second of the Carthaginians which they call the Warre of Hannibal seeing wee haue resolued to begin our course with those times it is reasonable wee should come to the Gests and Exploits of the Grecians to the end that making by this meanes a preparation of all parts wee may begin the History which wee haue resolued on when as wee shall come to the same end of all things As therefore wee haue not vndertaken to write the actions onely of one Nation or another as other Historiographers haue done as of the Grecians or Persians but of all the parts of the world together which are come to our knowledge for that this present time hath beene of great vse whereof we will speake more amply in another place it shall be fitting to make a summary mention of the most knowne Nations and Countries of the whole World before the beginning of our worke In regard of the actions of the Asians and Egyptians it shall bee sufficient to deliuer those of our time considering that many haue written the deeds of times past whereof no man is ignorant Neither is there any thing innouated which is not according to the Commentaries of Historiographers In regard of the people of Achaia and the house of Macedon it is fitting to search out the times past summarily As for that which concernes the Macedonians the proofe will bee easie And as for the Achaiens there hath beene made as wee
hinder him to haue the Victory seeing he hath a greater Troupe of men If he doth not abandon the Citty as it is fitting hee can carry backe his men without danger into his Countrey after that he hath ouer-runne the Champion Leauing a great amazement and terrour to his Enemies and assuring the hearts of his owne Souldiers The which succeeded according to his proiect For when the people saw the whole Prouince thus spoyled they began to blame Antigonus who notwithstanding discharging the Duty of a wise and discreet Captaine would not goe to field Cleomenes in the meane time ouer-ran their whole Countrey without feare By this meanes he returned safely into his Countrey after that hee had at pleasure ruined the Prouince and left a great amazement amongst the Argiues and made his owne men more hardy for the future VVarre But when the Spring came the Macedonians and the Acheins returning from wintering went to field Antigonus marcht to Laconice with his Army consisting of ten thousand Macedonians three thousand Archers three hundred Horse a thousand Bowmen and likewise as many of the Gaules Moreouer three thousand Foote which were Mercinaries with three hundred Horse and about a thousand Megalopolitains armed after the manner of the Macedonians whereof Cerci●es had the leading As for the Allies hee had two thousand Foote of Bau●ere and two hundred Horse a thousand Foote of the Epir●tes and fifty Horse and as many of the Acarnanians and besides all these a thousand and sixe hundred Sclanonians whereof Demetrius of Phare was Captaine Thus the whole Army consisted of twenty eight thousand Foote and twelue hundred Horse Cleomenes being aduertised by his Spies of the Enemies descent hee placed forces vpon the passages by the which they might enter into his Countrey fortifying them with Trenches and Trees cut downe And hee himselfe went with his Army to a passage which they call Sellasia thinking as it happened that the Enemy would take that way His Army was about twenty thousand men There were two Mountaines in this passage whereof the one is called Eua by the people of the Countrey and the other Olympus There is a way betwixt both which runs along a Riuer vnto Sparta When as Cleomenes had lodged himselfe in these two Mountaines and had carefully fortified them with Trenches and Pallisadoes hee put the Souldiers which were drawne together with the Allies into Eua whereof his Cozen Euclide had the Commaund and stayed himselfe in that of Olympus with the Lacedemon●ans and Mercenaries Moreouer hee placed his Horse-men in the Plaine with some of the Mercenaries vpon the two Bankes of the Riuer When as Antigonus was come into those places and finding the scituation of them and the wonderfull industry of Cleomenes to dispose of his Army hee was not resolued to fight at that time And therefore hee camped neere vnto him vpon the banke of the Riuer of Gorgile whereas staying some dayes hee turned about the Countrey and the Enemies Campe and sought to draw them to battell by skirmishes But when hee found nothing without defence for that the Prouidence of Cleomenes had carefully rampired all places hee gaue ouer his enterprize But in the end they resolued by a common consent to make an end of their Warre by a battell Behold how Fortune had drawne together two great Captaines equall in virtue Counsell and Wisedome Thus Antigonus opposed in Front to those which held the Mountaine of Eua the Macedonians with their Targets and the Scla●onians and hee put the Leginaries in diuers bands to succour the one and the other to whom hee gaue for Commaunder Alexander the Sonne of Ameta and Demetrius of Phare After these marcht the Acarnanians and they of Candy Finally he placed two thousand Acheins for a supply to succour them at need Then he set his Horse-men neere vnto the Riuer-side in Front of the Enemies Horse whereof Alexander had the charge with two thousand Foote-men As for Antigonus hee lodged neere vnto Mount Olympus with the bands of Aduenturers and the Macedonians where hee resolued to fight with Cleomenes VVhen hee had put the Mercenaries into battell hee caused the Battalion of the Mac●donians to march The place which was straight would not suffer them to doe otherwise They had giuen charge to the Sctauonians to begin the battell as soone as they should see a white cloth which should be aduanced neere vnto Mount Olimpus at the foote whereof they lodged at Night vnder the Riuer of Gorgile The Megalopolitains also with the Horse-men were to enter the combate as soone as they should see a purple Robe aduanced in the Aire from the Kings Quarter The houre of the battell was now come the Sclauonians had already discouered Antigonus signe They encourage their Companions according to the opportunity of the time making no doubt but they had the victory in their hands Then they endeauoured with wonderfull resolution to gaine the Mountaine But the Foote-men which were lightly armed whom Cleomenes as wee haue sayd left in the Plaine with the Horse-men seeing that the Bands of the Acheins had not the courage to second them charg'd them vpon the Reare so as they were in great danger For on the right hand and in Front Euclide had the better with his men and the Mercenaries on the left hand fighting obstinately made a great spoile vpon the Reare By this meanes they were suddainly enuironed with two Troopes of Enemies When Philopomene the Megalopolitaine saw this disorder hee suddainly gaue good aduice to the Captaines But for that hee was a young man and had neuer had charge they gaue no eare vnto him Wherefore addressing himselfe to those of his Nation Companions sayth hee the Victory is ours if you will follow mee And in charging the Enemies Horse they assailed them with great courage Wherefore the Aduenturers strangers who fought in the Reare of those which assail'd the Mountaine hearing a great noise and seeing the Combate of the Horse-men retired to aide and succour them whereunto they had beene at the first ordained The order of the Enemies being by this meanes broken the Sclauonians and Macedonians with others whom Antigonus had appointed fell vpon them with great violence and fury So as afterwards all the World was of opinion that the industry and courage of Philopomene had defeated Euclide at that time And therefore they say that when as Antigonus demaunded of Alexander why hee had sent the Horse-men against the Enemy before hee had seene the signe and that hee had answered it was not hee but a young Megalopolitaine which had done it without his priuity hee then replied that this young man had performed the duty of a good Captaine and Alexander that of a young foole But they which kept the toppe of the Mountaine with Eucelide shewed their basenesse seeing the Enemies ascend for they should not haue attended vntill they had gain'd the top with safety But relying vpon the aduantage
them fighting with great resolution and courage The other part of the Army at Sea landed march't and prest the enemy in the Reare Wherefore for as much as the Romans charg'd them on all sides and that the Sclauonians were prest before and behind the Combate was long and cruell Finally the Romans had the Victory The greatest part of the Sclauonians were most miserablely slaine some saued themselues within the Towne and the rest fled into the Desarts of the Iland Demetrius the Night following saued himselfe contrary to the opinion of all the World by meanes of certaine Vessels which hee had appointed in three places for his safety the case so happening and retired to Phillip King of Macedon with whom hee spent the Remainder of his dayes Hee was a man of great courage and ouerweening but of little iudgement in Martiall affaires And therefore hee ended according to the life which hee had formerly led For when as at Phillips desire hee had begunne to besiege the Towne of the Messenians hee was most shamefully slaine by the Enemy for his great and ouerweening boldnesse But wee will speake of these things more particularly when wee shall come vnto that time When as Emilius had so suddainly gotten Phare hee razed the Towne to the ground And hauing within few dayes reduced the rest of the Townes of Sclauonia to the Romane obedience and decided all the affaires of the Prouince as hee had resolued hee returnes to Rome in the beginning of Autumne where hee was receiued with wonderfull great glory triumph and good esteeme of all men to haue done not onely like a wise and discreete man but like a resolute But when in the meane time newes came to Rome of the razing of Sagont some haue written that the Lords of the Romane Councell were not of opinion to make Warre and they alledge causes and reasons which held them in suspence But what can bee spoken more vnreasonably How is it likely that they which the yeere before had signified Warre vnto the Carthaginians if they entred the Sagontins Countrey should now growe doubtfull whether after the taking of Sagont they should make Warre or not But is there any thing lesse worthy of credit to say that the Senate on the one side was wonderfully heauy and afflicted as if all had beene vtterly lost On the other side that the Fathers brought all their Children to the Senare so as they were aboue twelue yeeres of age and that being partakers of the Councell they neuer reuealed or made knowne the secrets to any Without doubt these things are neither true nor likely vnlesse the Romans haue that gift of nature to bee wise from their Cradles We haue discoursed sufficiently of these writings which are of Cherea and Solilus neither haue they so much shew of a History as of old wiues Tales and are like vnto those which they vsually tell in Barbers shops The Romans then after the newes of the taking of Sagont and the murther of their Allies sent presently an Embassie to Carthage to let them vnderstand two things whereof the one seemed to bee of consequence for ignomy and losse of the Carthaginions and the other had a shew to draw their Empire in hazard For they demaunded that they should either deliuer Hannibal to bee punished for the breach of the publique Faith or else they should hold themselues assured of Warre When as the Embassadours were come to Carthage and that the Senate had giuen them audience they deliuered their Commission which was not without the indignation of of the Carthaginians who made choice of Hanno to debate their Right who at the first made no accompt of Asdrubals treatie as hauing neuer beene made with the Romans and if it were so the Carthaginians were not bound vnto it for that Asdrubal had exceeded his Commission and had done it without the authority of the Senate or people of Carthage Whereunto hee alleadged in the like case that the Romans had beene of opinion that the accord made in Sicily by the Consull Luctatius should bee broken for that it had beene made without the authority of the people of Rome Finally hee insisted still vpon this accord whilest his Speech continued and reade it often saying that there was no mention made of Ebro and that the Allies of the one and of the other were onely reserued and that moreouer it did nothing concerne the Sagontins for that at the time of the accord they were not allied vnto the Romans The Embassadours repuls'd with great words this contention concerning the right of the accorde as a thing which concernes the honour of the people of Rome saying that the quarrels might bee decided if the Sagontins were in there entire But now that Sagont is razed and that the faith and accords are wickedly broken they should either deliuer the Authour of the Crime to the Romans to the end that all the World might know that Sagont hath not beene ouerthrowne and ruined with the consent of the Carthaginians Or if they will not but confesse that the Towne hath beene destroyed with their consent that they should prepare to Warre Thus ended their discourse which they held more amply and in generall I haue held it most necessary not to passe ouer this particular in silence to the end the truth may not bee hidden to those which deale in publique affaires or which haue cause to consider exactly of these things Or else haue a desire to know whether they erre being deceiued by the ignorance and sottishnesse of Historiographers for want of knowledge of the treaties which from the first Punique Warre vnto our times haue beene made betwixt the Romans and the Carthaginians The first then was made betwixt these two Nations immediately after that the name of King was chased out of Rome Lucius Iunius Brutus and Marcus Valerius being Consuls vnder whom also a Temple was dedicated to Iupiter Capitolinus eight and twenty yeeres before the first voyage of Xerxes into Greece the which wee haue interpreted with the greatest diligence wee could possibly Beleeue me the Romane tongue hath beene so changed since that time vnto our dayes as they which are the best instructed in Antiquities vnderstand not much of it but with great difficulty This accord containes in a manner thus much The people of Rome and the Carthaginians shall liue in Amity and Friendship The like shall their Allies doe The Romans and their Allies shall not saile beyond the Promontory of Beauty vnlesse they be forced by storme or the violence of their Enemies If any one takes Port for these causes hee shall not buy nor take anything but what necessity shall require for Sacrifices and for Ships And that within the fift day they shall set faile for their retreate They which shall arriue there for the trade of Merchandize shall be free except the duties which belong vnto the Register and to the Citty who shall giue
aswell for his priuate affaires as for the publicke And therefore I am of aduice that Historiographers and they which giue themselues to read Histories should not so much respect the Actions as their Consequence and that which goes before For if you take from a History which mentions but the deeds how nor wherefore it hapned and what the end was that which shall remaine will haue no instructions and will be but a kinde of Contention Although happily it may seeme at the first sight something pleasant but for the future they shall reape no profite It is true some will say that it is no easie thing to recouer such a History and that they cannot well finde it for the greatnesse and number of Bookes Beleeue me they doe not vnderstand how much more easie it is to haue and to read forty Bookes made with good order whereas the deedes and actions of Italy Sycily and Affricke from the voiage of Pyrrhus into Italy vnto the taking of Carthage are comprized And as for those of the other parts of the World from the flight of Cleomenes vnto the Warre which the Romans had against the Acheins neere vnto the Isthmus Then to make prouision or to reade so many Bookes of so many particular Histories For as they exceede ours in greatnesse and number so it is a difficult thing to comprehend any thing certaine First that all write not of the same things and omit those which haue beene done at the same time the which if they were conferr'd together would the better discouer the truth Finally they cannot attaine to that which is necessary to the History which are the things which precede the actions and concerne the causes For our part wee will consider the Warre of Antiochus as hauing taken its occasion from that of Phillip and that of Phillip from the Punique Warre and the Punique from that of Sicily Whereas all the accidents which haue happened in the meane time and may bee referred to one beginning are diligently obserued All which things may be easily vnderstood by him that hath written a generall History the which is impossible by them which speake of particular Warres as of the Persique or Phillippique vnlesse perchance some one holds opinion to be able to vnderstand a whole Warre by the knowledge of one Battell which is impossible And therefore our History ought to be more esteemed than that of particular Warres for that it is more excellent to haue learned some thing perfectly than to haue onely heard of it But to returne from whence wee strayed when the Roman Embassadours saw that the Carthaginians disguised matters they spake no more But the most ancient among them taking vp the skirt of his Roabe and shewing it to the Senate Behold saith hee wherein I bring you Warre or Peace take which you please Whereunto the Chiefe of the Carthaginians answered deliuer which you will And when he had spoken he deliuered them Warre many of the Senate cryed out that they accepted it Vpon this discourse the Embassadours and Senate retired Hannibal wintering at Carthage had giuen leaue to his Souldiers to returne into their Countrey if happily there were any that desired to see their Kinsfolkes and Friends To the end that hauing endured so much toile they might fortifie their bodies and mindes to endure new labour Moreouer he instructs his brother Asdrubal by what meanes if hee were forced to part out of the Prouince he should defend and gouerne Spaine against all the attempts of the Romans Then hee sends a great Garrison into Affricke of men which he drew out of Spaine for hee had caused Souldiers to come out of Affricke into Spaine making cunningly this diuision of his men to the end that the Affricans being there and the Spaniards in Affricke they should grow better by mutuall obligations They which past into Affricke were Thersites Mastianes Orites Spaniards and Olcades hauing appointed the number of them to be twelue hundred Horse and thirteene thousand eight hundred fifty Foot and besides these eight hundred and fifty Slingers of Maiorque and Minorque called Balleares with their Iland by reason of the vse of the Sling He commaunds they should lodge the greatest part in Affricke and that the rest should remaine at Carthage for its strength He doth also leauy foure thousand Foote the choice of the youth within the heart of Spaine the which hee causeth to march to Carthage not so much to fortifie it as to serue for Hostages Hee also left in Spaine to his Brother Asdrubal fifty Quinqueremes two Quadriremes fiue Triremes and among the Quinqueremes thirty two armed and furnished with the fiue Triremes Hee also left him about foure hundred and fifty Libyphentces which is a mixt Nation of Phenicians and Affricans and three hundred I●ergetois Eighteene hundred Numidians and Moores bordering vpon the great Sea Eleauen thousand eight hundred and fifty Foote Affricans Three hundred Geneuois Fiue hundred men of Maiorque and M●norque and one and twenty Elephants No man onght to wonder at our diligence in this description If I so obserue it in the affaires of Hannibal in Spaine that euen they which practised it could hardly obserue Nor blame vs for that after the manner of lyars we relate I know not what petty triuiall things the more easily to giue credit vnto our writing For when I had seene at Lauynium a Table of Copper which Hannibal had left there when as he ouer-ran Italy wherein this number was contained I thought sit to giue credit vnto it and therefore wee haue followed it heere When as Hannibal had prouided for Affricke and Spaine hee respected the returne of such as hee had sent to moue the Gaules by whose Country he was to passe his Army You must vnderstand that he had sent men to winne them by Presents and to view the passages of the Mountaine for that he was aduertised that this Region was very fertile and very well peopled with resolute men and good Souldiers and mortall Enemies to the Romans for the Warre which they made against the Gaules expecting that his Warre should be onely in Italy if hee might passe his Army safely by the streights of the Alpes with their helpe After the returne of his men and that he was aduertised of the expectance and desire of the Gaules and that the passages of the Hills were rough and painefull not altogether inaccessible he drew his Army together in the Spring It is true that the newes which at the same time hee receiued of that which happened at Carthage inflamed his cholle● the more against the Romans hauing thereby a confident hope of the fidelity and affection of his Nation When as all the Army was drawne together Hannibal made an Oration not to any one part but publickely to all the Souldiers by diuers meanes perswading them to imbrace the Warre against the Romans and how that hee and the other Captaines of Carthage had bene
go into Italy three thousand furlongs And from Carthage to Ebro two thousand sixe hundred furlongs From thence to the Empories sixteene hundred And from thence to the mouth of the Riuer of Rhone sixeteene hundred furlongs Behold the measure of those places which the Romanes haue made with great diligence From the passage of the Rhone following the Bankes towards the Spring vnto the passage of the Alpes into Italy thirteene hundred furlongs and the passage of the Mountayne is held to be twelue hundred After which they come into the Champion Countrey which is about Poe. And therefore Hannibal was to march nine thousand furlongs from Carthage vnto the entry of Italy And if we will obserue the way he had already past the one halfe But if we will consider the difficulty of the Country he had the most troublesome taske to performe Hannibal endeauoured by all meanes to passe the Perinee Mountaines not without some feare of the Gaules least knowing the passages they should interrupt his voyage into Italy In the meane time newes came to Rome of that which had beene spoken and done at Carthage by the Embassadours and that Hannibal had past the Riuer of Ebro with his Army much sooner then they expected making hast to go into Italy for the which the great men of Rome were not a little amazed Co●●iuing that hee would mooue the Nation of the Gaules against them being alwayes desirous of Warre Wherefore after the Election of the Consuls the diuided the Prouinces Whereof Spaine was for Publius Cornelius and Affricke with Sycily for Tytus Sempronius To whom they appointed sixe Legions for that yeare and as many Allies as they should thinke good and as great an Army at Sea as they could make Whilest they L●uied men at Rome and that the Army at Sea and Munitions were preparing and all the necessary Equipage for the Sea they laboured to people their Collonies which they had lately in Gaule neere vnto the Poe. There were Citties newly built and Cittizens enioyned to be there within thirty dayes to either Citty sixe thousand men whereof the one which was on this side the Poe was called Plaisance and the other on the further side Cremona The Boloniens discontented herewith and remembring the auncient quarrels abandoned the Roman party being aduertised of the Descent of the Carthaginians leauing the Hostages which they had giuen in the former Warre whereof we haue made mention in the last Booke And taking Armes suddainly they solicited the Milan●●is to do the like making a tumultuous hurly-burly in the Countrey assigned to the Collonies so as all the people terrified fled to Modena with the three Deputies which were come to diuide the Land Whom the Bolonieus pursued and besieged the Towne The siege continuing some time they made a shew to parley of Peace And when as the Princes of the Gaules had caused some Embassadours to come vnto them they staied them contrary to the Law of Nations refusing to send them backe if their Hostages were not deliuered When the newes of this accident was come vnto them Lucius Manlius the Pretor who was then present with an Army inflamed with Rage makes hast to succour the Besieged whereof the Boloniens being aduertised they layd an Ambush in the Forrest neere the way and surprizing their enemies at their comming they slew a great number of the Romans The rest with great difficulty recouering the fields saued themselues Where although the Souldiers assured themselues for a time yet finding that the Boloniens pursued them in the Reare they ●●ed to recouer the Towne of Cannet When the newes came vnto Rome the Romans fearing that their Army would be indangered by a long siege they appointed Attillius the Pretor to succour the Besieged with the Troupes prepared for the new Leuy of the Consull enioyning him moreouer to make a Leuy of others Behold the estate wherein the affaires of the Gaules stood vntill the comming of Hannibal In the meane time the Consulls hauing made ready all their necessary Equipage parted from Rome whereof Publius Cornelius bent his course to Spaine with threescore vessels of warre and Sempronius into Affricke with a hundred and three score Quiqueremes taking the Warre so to heart as he made so great a preparation at Lylibeum that it seemed he should presently besiege Carthage As for Cornelius he tooke his way by the Country of Tuscany and the Gene●●is and arriued on the fifth day at Marcelles and entred with his Army at the first mouth of Rhone for it passeth into the Sea by many mouthes And although he were aduertised that Hannibal past the Pyrenee mountaines yet he made his accompt that hee had a long way to go aswell for the difficulty of the Country as for the multitude of the Gaules those parts being very well peopled But Hannibal made hast daily to passe the Rhone with his Army neere vnto the shore of the Sardinian Sea with incredible diligence after that he had pacified the Gaules partly with gifts and partly by feare The which the Consull hearing and beleeuing but in part this suddaine arriuall desiring likewise to know the truth he Lands to refresh his Men wearied with a torment at Sea Then he acquaints the Tribunes with the places by the which they must go to encounter the Enemy and sends three hundred choise Horse before vnder the Conduct of Pronencials and some succours of the Gaules to discouer the Enemies enterprize Hannibal being now neere the Rhone with his Army and within foure daies iourney of the Sea makes hast to passe it with all possible speed And therefore he cals all the inhabitants thereabouts and wins them by Presents from whom he buies Skifs and small Boates which they ordinarily vse and whereof there were at that time a great number by reason of the Faires for the Trade of the Sea And he causeth others to be made in making hollow the bodies of Trees The which the Souldiers likewise did being mooued with the abundance of stuffe and the facility of the Worke So as in lesse then two daies there were so many Boates and Skifs as they were sufficient to passe Euery man striuing not to be at the mercy of his Companion or Comrade but to passe himselfe and his baggage into his owne Skiffe or Boate. In the meane time there were an infinite number of men drawne together vpon the further Banke of the Rhone to hinder the Carthaginians passage The which Hannibal perceiuing and knowing well that he could not passe the Riuer by force for that the Enemy held the other Banke nor stay there long but he should be inuironed by the people of the Country at the setting of the third Watch of the night the sends Hann● sonne to King Bomilcar with a part of his Army to whom he gaue some guides of the Country who mounted vp the Riuer two hundred furlongs staying aboue an Iland about the which the Rhone did runne Where
by reason of the Ford it seemed good for that the Riuer diuided it selfe in two They suddainly cut downe wood and made floates sufficient to passe the men and other things necessary By this meanes they past the Rhone without danger or impeachment Afterwards they recouered a place strong by nature where they refresht themselues a day for the toile which they had taken aswell for their march by night as for the paines they had indured being all attentiue to affect their enterprize in time Hannibal likewise made hast to do the like with the rest of the Army But he was troubled to passe the Elephants being thirty seauen in number The night following they which had past the Rhone marching along the Riuer side at the breake of day approached neere vnto the Barbarians who as we haue sayd were there assembled Hannibal on the other side hauing his men ready commaunds them all to be re●olute to passe and that they should put the Horse-men prepared for the Combat in Boates to the end that being past they might serue if necessity required And that the most actiue and nimblest foot-men should enter into the Skifs And to the end they might passe with more ease and safety and might the better breake the vehemency of the Waues he placed Boates aboue the Riuer to breake the Violent and swift course He also caused three or foure Horses to be tyed to the Poope to swim it ouer and there were two men set of either side of the Poope By this meanes the greatest part of the Horses had bin past in the first Voyage The which the Barbarians seeing they came out of their Fort and runne vnto the shore in a great throng and without order as if they should easily defeat the Enemies But after that Hannibal had stayd a little and seeing his men approach by the smoake that they cast according to his appointment he gaue a signe to his whole Army to passe the which the Carthaginians seeing they laboured with all their power to passe the Riuer with great cries and to breake the Violence of the streame so as euery one laboured to passe first When as the Carthaginians held the two Bankes and past the riuer with great noise the Gaules endeauouring with great fury to ressist them crying and singing after their manner The Charge was terrible for the time and the Combat horrible to see All the Gaules were run downe vnto the Riuer and had left their Tents Hanno arriues presently with his Troupe whereof one part fals vpon their Campe and the other Charges them in the reare The Gaules being amazed at this suddaine accident recouer a part of their Campe to keepe it from the Enemies the others were no lesse attentiue in the Combate When Hannibal saw his enterprize succeed so happily he incourageth his Souldiers putting them in minde of their auncient prowesse and perswading them to repulse the Enemies couragiously Whereupon they fall vpon them with great fury Finally the Gaules retired into their Villages with a shamefull flight for that they had begun the battell without order and had bin terrified by the surprize which Hanno made with his Legion When as Hannibal had at one instant vanquished the Riuer and his Enemies he causeth the rest of his Army to passe at leasure And being all past in a short time he planted his Campe without feare of the Gaules and spent the night in peace vpon the Riuer side Three dayes after he was aduertised of the entry of the Roman Consull with his Army at Sea into the mouthes of Rhone Wherefore he sent fiue hundred Numidians to discouer the Enemies to view their numbers and to learne what they resolued In the meane time he giues order vnto the maisters of the Elephants to be carefull to passe the Rhone And hauing drawne his men together he causeth the Kings to be called who were come vnto him from Gaule which lyes beyond the Poe. Who speaking vnto the whole Campe by an Interpreter aduised them to passe the Mountaines promising that both themselues and the rest of the inhabitants of Gaule should giue them both aide and assistance That the waies were safe and well furnished with all things necessary And that moreouer the mountaines were not very difficult to passe and they should finde the places where they were to goe abounding in all things Besides they should finde such Allies whose Courage in times past was not a little feared by the Romans After these or the like words the Kings presently retired Then Hannibal entring into the Assembly he shewes them first their Actions past wherein following his Councell and opinion they had bin alwaies Victorious And that Fortune had neuer bin auerse vnto them Moreouer he intreates them to be of good courage being assured that they had ended the greatest of their Labours hauing past so dangerous a Riuer considering the good affection of their Allies who were ready and prepared Finally that they should lay the burthen of affaires vpon him shewing only their Obedience where it should be needfull with a remembrance of his Vertue and Prowesse which he had performed with so great resolution His speech being ended seeing the ioyfull Countenance of his men carrying the shew of resolution he commended them all Then hauing made his prayers vnto the gods according to their manner he retired and sent them away to feed giuing them charge to be ready to part the next day The Company was scarce dismist when as the Numidians who as wee haue sayd had beene sent to discouer returned defeated and broken by the Enemy for as they encountred neere vnto their Campe the Roman Cauallery whom Scipio had sent for the same cause they charged one another with such fury as there were slaine seauen score Horse as well Romans as Gaules and aboue two hundred Numidians The Romans pursuing the Carthaginians vnto their Campe where hauing diligently obserued all they returned to the Consull and reported certaine newes of the Enemy and of the Combat they had with the Numidians Which things being heard Publius Cornelins seeing that his stay there would bee of no great moment imbarkes his Baggage and parting with all his Troupes along the Bankes of Rhone and makes haste as if hee would giue battell to the Enemy Three dayes after that Hannibal had made his Oration to the Souldiers at the breake of day hee sets all his Horsemen vpon the Sea-shore as it were for a guard and causeth the Foote-men to march a slow pace being parted from their Campe vsing the greatest diligence he could possible to passe the Elephants For the effecting whereof hee tooke this aduice Hee made prouision of many floats and tied two together from the Land vnto the Riuer being fifty foote broade to the which they added two others on the side of the Bankes The which they tied fast vnto Trees which were vpon the Bankes to the end they might swimme safely their length
a manner are inaccessible Where Hannibal being arriued hee found two Brothers in quarrell for the Kingdome and their Armies fronting one another But being called by the eldest and increased to restore him to his Fathers inheritance he obeyed him thinking it would assist him much in his Enterprize And when hee had chased away the younger and put him in possession of his Realme hee had not onely store of victuals and abundance of all things for a recompence But moreouer they were furnished with all sorts of Armes and other furniture whereof the roughnesse of the cold Mountaines forced him to make prouision His Army and himselfe were likewise conducted safely by the King and his forces through the Sauoyards Countrey vnto the Mountaines which was a great benefit to him When he in ten daies after his departure from the Rhone had march't labou● an hundred miles he began to ascend the Mountaine where he was in great danger It is true that whilest the Carthaginians past the Plaine the Lords of Sanuoy suffered them to goe on quietly partly fearing their Horse-men and partly the Gaules forces which did accompany them But when as they were retired to their houses and that the Carthaginians began to ascend the rough and steepe Mountaines then they drew together in great multitudes and seiz'd vpon the passages by the which Hannibal must of necessity goe And if they had layed seattering ambushes in the Valleyes and had charg'd them suddainly without doubt they had made a great slaughter of the Carthaginians But being discouered by Hannibal they did not so much annoy the Enemy as themselues For when he found that they held all the passages he causeth his Army to stay and lodging among the Rocks and hollow places he sent some no the Gaules that were with him to visite the places and to discouer the Enemies intention and and preparations Being aduertised by them that the Enemy stayed there onely in the day and that by night euery man retired to his house to a Towne which was neere by he vsed this inuention At the breake of day hee recouers the Hills with his whole Army as if he had an intent to force through the Enemy But when he was neere vnto them he setled his Campe and fortified himselfe And when hee found the Villains of the Mountaines had retired themselues from their Hills he makes many fires in his Campe leauing the greatest part of his Army there and steales through the streights with the best and ablest men of his Army staying vpon those Hills which the Enemy formerly held This done when the Villaines of the Mountaines saw it 〈◊〉 the breake of day they made a stand for a time But finding that the baggage and the multitude of Horse-men disordered the Army in the streights thinking likewise that the least amazement were sufficient to defeated them they charge them in diuers places by the inaccessible Rocks Then the Carthaginians were not so much annoyed by the Enemy as by the difficulty of the place for that the Horses and baggage made a great spoile of men and goods For as the streights were of either side sleepe and like a Gulfe many Horses fell with their burthens a wonderfull height The Horses being strucke or hurt were wonderfully troubled the way being narrow falling partly for feare and partly for the griefe of their hurts The which Hannibal seeing and thatthere was no hope in flight after the losse of his baggage he descends with great fury from the place where he had remained all night And although he gaue a great defeate to the Enemy yet he slew many of his owne For the motion increasing on either side many fell Finally after that the Sau. yards had beene slaine some in fighting and some in the route Hannibal past the rest of his Horse and baggage with great paine and trouble And hauing drawne together the rest of his Army hee marcht to the Citty from whence the Sauoyards had sallied the which he tooke without resistance finding no man in it It was a great reliefe vnto him for all things necessary not onely for the present but for the future for he carried away a great number of Horses and Prisoners and victualled his Army for three daies with Corne and Cattell Amazing the other Inhabitants of the mountaines who durst not make the like attempt Which was a thing more to be esteemed He staied there one day and parting with his Army he march't but little the two daies following and on the fourth he was againe in great danger He was come vnto a place among the Mountaines very well peopled with Inhabitants who altogether had Conspired to deceiue the Carthaginians Wherefore they go to meet Hannibal carrying Garlands of Flowers which is a signe of friendship and peace among the Barbarians like vnto the Caducei among the Grecians Hannibal did not thinke it fit to giue credit easily vnto them and inquires what their will and intent was Who answered that they did like well of the taking of the Towne and the defeate of the Gaules who were Enemies vnto them And as for themselues they would obey his will and would not do nor suffer any ourrage promising to giue him Hostages for the assurance of their promises And although that Hannibal was long in suspence what to do yet he considered that he might happily pacifie the Barbarians if he accepted these Conditions and if he refused them they would declare themselues his Enemies Wherefore in giuing them a gracious answer he makes shew to receiue their Alliance And when they had not only giuen him Hostages but furnished him with abundance of Victuals and put themselues into his hands Hannibal had so great Confidence in them as he made no doubt but to make vse of them for Guides in difficult places When they had marcht two daies and were come vnto a streight Valley hauing the Mountaine on one side the Carthaginians were in danger to be wholy defeated For that the Barbarians fallied from all sides out of their Ambushes If Hannibal who had not yet so great confidence in the Gaules and who fore-saw future things had not put the Elephants and Horse-men in the foreward and had followed in the Reare with the force of his foot-men hauing an Eie ouer all By this supply the losse proou'd the lesse yet it was great both of Men Horses and Baggage for the danger was so great as Hannibal was inforced to continue a whole night there with halfe his Army without his Cauallery of Baggage For that the Enemy held the top of the Mountaine which was very neere vnto them rolling downe pieces of the Rocke into the Army and sometimes casting stones The day following when the Gaules began to grow cold he recouered the Mountaine ioyning with his Horse and Baggage Then the Gaules presented themselues no more to Battell charging like Theeues sometimes in the foreward sometimes in the Reare as time and place gaue
them opportunity The Elephants were very vsefull to the Carthaginians for wheresoeuer they marcht the place was assured from Enemies for that they durst not approach neere them hauing not bin accustomed vnto them On the ninth day they came vnto the top of the Alpes and there they planted their Campe two daies partly to refresh the Souldiers which were weary with toile and partly to retire those that were straied During which time many Horses freed from their burthens and following the Rout of the Army recouered the Campe. Those places were then full of Snow for it was in Nouember Whereby the Souldiers grew in a manner into despaire being tired and vext with so many Crosses The which Hannibal perceiuing he draws them together resoluing to make a Speech vnto them For the effecting whereof he had but one occasion which was to shew them Italy so neere and the fertillity thereof In truth it is so neere the foot of the Mountaines as if it be well obserued the Hils seeme to serue as Rampiers to Italy And therefore he shewed it them from a high Hill from whence they might see the whole Extent The like he did of the plaines about Poe lying at the foot of the Mountains relating vnto them the friendship of the Gaules inhabiting those Countries and the Territory of Rome wherewith he reuiued their spirits Three dayes after he began to dislodge the Enemy making no attempt against them but after a Theeuing manner Yet he had no lesse losse at the descent of the Mountaines by reason of the bad Country and the coldnesse of the Snow then he had at the ascent by the attempt of his Enemies For they which did stumble in any sort fell presently into a Gulfe considering that the place was narrow and rough by nature And all the Country newly couered with Snow so as there was no shew of any path neither could they hold their footing It is true the men accustomed vnto so many miseries did easily indure this Trouble In the meane time they came to another Rocke where as neither the Elephants nor Horse could passe for a late fall of the ground had streightned the Way two hundred paces which had formerly bin as large Here againe the Army began to be troubled and tormented Hannibal in the beginning laboured to lead his Army by vncough and vnknowne places whereas neuer soule had bin But for that the Snow hindred them that they could not passe he desisted from his Enterprize There had Snow fallen newly this yeare vpon the old which was yet whole and entire vpon the which they had firme footing for that which was newly fallen was soft and not very thicke But after that it had bin trodden and beaten by so many men and horses no man could keep his footing As it happens to those which go vpon places which are slippery with durt where their footing failes them For that they marcht vpon the Ice and vpon the Snow that was moulten Moreouer the men which was more miserable falling back-wards for that they could not keep their footing in those slippery places tumbled downe into the Caues and hollow places where they laboured to rise vpon their Hands and Knees The Horses of burthen fell sometimes brake the Ice and could not stirre for that they were laden and could not retire their feete out of the Ice Then Hannibal frustrate of his former hope for that the men and Horses laboured in vaine planted his Campe vpon the top of the Mountaine hauing cleansed the place of great difficulty Then he Commaunded them all to leuile the way vnto the Rocke where they were to passe The which was done with much toile When as the way was made in one day for the Horses and Sumpters he caused them presently to passe seating his Campe in those places that were without Snow and there to feed In the meane time he giues charge to the Numidians to make a way for the Elephants The which was effected with great difficulty they being in a manner dead for hunger for the tops of the Mountaines are without Grasse or Trees for that they are continually couered with Snow It is true that the Vallies of either side of the Mountaines hauing goodly Pastures and Trees and places which are very well inhabited When as Hannibal had drawne all his Troupes together he began to pursue his course and hauing past the Rocke aboue mentioned in three daies he came vnto the Plaine hauing lost the greatest part of his Army aswell by the Enemy and Riuers in his way as by the roughnesse of the Mountaine in passing them and not only men but also Horses and Carriages Finally hauing recouered Italy in this manner fiue moneths after his departure from Carthage and past the mountaines in fifteene daies he enters boldly into the Countries about Poe and Millan hauing yet remaining about ten thousand two hundred foot Affricans eight thousand Spanriards and sixe thousand Horse at the most This he testifies in a pillar where the whole number of his Army is set downe at Lauynium At the same time Publius Cornelius Scipio the Consull hauing sent his brother into Spaine to make head against Asdrubal he sail'd to Pysa with few men taking his way through Tuscany where he receiued the Army of the Pretors Manlius and Attilius which they had against the Bullonois and marcht directly to the Riuer of Poe to fight with the Enemy before he had refresht himselfe Seeing we haue turn'd our Discourse to the Warre of Italy and to the Commaunders of these two people we haue thought it good to deliuer in few words some things which are not vnfitting for a Historiographer before we come to those which haue bin acted in that Prouince It may be some one will demaund of me how it happens that seeing we haue handled the Affaires of Lybia and Spaine at large yet we haue not spoken of Hercules Pillars nor of that Arme of the Sea which diuides Affricke from Europe nor in like manner of the great Sea or Ocean nor of those things which depend thereon nor of the Ilands of England Scotland nor likewise of the abundance of Tinne Gold and Siluer wherewith Spaine abounds It is certaine that the auncient Historiographers haue spoken many things and diuers being of contrary opinions It is true we haue not omitted them as thinking that they were not fitting for a History but we haue done it to the end that our Relation might not be diuided nor diuert the Readers often from the order of the History Being of opinion that these things should be deliuered with all possible truth in time and place and not out of season And therefore no man ought to maruaile if in the following Bookes we passe on when we shall come to these passages for we do it of purpose and for the reasons aboue mentioned If there be any one that desires to heare them at euery passage he may well be compared to
the Alpes hath lost two parts of his Forces And the rest is so tired and broken with toile hunger cold and pouerty as they can hardly support themselues and the remainder of his Horses if any be escaped are so worne with labour and the tedious wayes as they could not make vse of them Finally it sufficed the Romans onely to present themselues and that moreouer his presence should with reason make them more resolute seeing that he had not left the Army at Sea nor the affaires of Spaine nor had not transported himselfe thither with such speed going so great a circuite both by Sea and Land if he had not knowne it necessary for the Countrey and the victory to be certaine The Army being inflamed with this Speech and making shew of a resolution to fight Scipio commending their good will sent them away and gaue them charge to feed and to be ready and in Armes at the sound of the Trumpet and Drumme Three daies after the two Commaunders marcht with their Army along the Riuer on the side of the Mountaines The Romans had the left hand and the Carthaginians the right And when as the day following they were aduertised by their Spies of their approach one vnto another they stayed The third day after the two Commaunders fronted one another with all their Horse Scipio being moreouer accompanied with men that cast Darts chosen out of the bands of foot-men The which they did to discouer the number of the men and what they were But when they came to affront one another and the dust beginning to rise by reason of the Horses they presently prepared themselues to Battell Scipio puts in Front the Gaulish horse-men with those that Darts and appointed the rest to second them marching a slow pace In regard of Hannibal he makes his point of the strongest of his horse-men and presents it to the Enemy casting the Numidians vpon the Wings But when the two Armies began to enter the Combat furiously they had scarce begun the Crie but the Darters fled without any fight and passing through their supplies they recouered the Battell They were in truth amazed at the violent charge fearing to be ouerthrowne by the encounter of the Horse-men In the meane time the Combat was great betwixt the Horse-men for both the one and the other fought with great courage which made the Battell to continue long in suspence There was fighting both on horse-backe and on foot for that many had left their horses in the Battell And when as the Numidians in turning about had fallen vpon the reare of the Darters who in the beginning had fled from the fury of the Horse-men they were inuironed by them and defeated in great Troupes They also which fought with the Carthaginian Horse-men after they had receiued great losse of their men and slaine many of their Enemies in the end they gaue backe for that the Numidians charged in the reare Some were dispersed here and there others retired to the Campe in a throng sauing the Consull who was wounded in the middest of the Troupe from thence Scipio Commaunded his men to follow him without noise and marcheth with his Army to the Bridge which he had made vpon the Poe there to passe without tumult or danger but when he saw the fields about the Poe so great and spacious and that the Carthaginians were stronger in horses and being moreouer troubled with the Wound which he had receiued he held it the safest course to passe his Army before the Enemy should pursue him Hannibal made his account that the Romans would fight sometime with their foot-men but when he was aduertised of their flight and that abandoning their Fort they had past the Poe by a Bridge which they had made he pursues them with speed The end of the Bridge was already broken and the guard was yet remaining of the which he presently tooke about sixe hundred Hannibal aduertised that the rest of the Army was not farre off hee returnes to his Fort seeking carefully for a place fit to make a Bridge The which two daies after he found with great difficulty and then effected it ioyning many floats together Afterwards he gaue the Charge to Asdrubal to passe the Army whilst that he busied himselfe to heare the Embassie of the Gaules which were come vnto him from diuers neighbour Countries For as soone as it was bruted that the Romans had bin defeated by the Carthaginians all the neighbour Gaules made hast to ioyne with Hannibal as they had formerly resolued and to giue him succours and to go to the Warre After he had giuen them a good reception he past his Army beyond the Poe and takes his way along the Riuer hoping more easily to ouer-take the Enemy When as Scipio had led his Army to Plaisence which was a Roman Collony he had a care to cure those that were Wounded and thinke of a place whither he might lead his Army The third day after that Hannibal had past the Poe he puts his men in order before Plaisence in view of the Enemies and presented them Battell And when as no man offered himselfe he Camp'd hauing found a conuenient place within sixe miles of them The Gaules who had come to succour Scipio seeing better hopes with the Carthaginians resolued among themselues to abandon the Romans And when at mid-night they found all men asleep they being in Armes in their Tents they part and kill'd most of the Romans they met in their way cutting off some of their heads Finally they retired to the Carthaginians to the number of two thousand foot and two hundred Horse Being graciously receiued and inflamed with hope of good Hannibal sends them home to their Houses to the end they might make those things knowne and induce their Country to seeke the Alliance of the Carthaginians He saw plainly that of necessiy they would leaue the Roman party considering the foule crime which their men had committed Moreouer there was an Embassie come from the Bolonians deliuering vnto Hannibal the Triumviry who as wee haue formerly said had bin sent by the Romans to diuide the Lands being taken by Treason Hannibal commending their good affection makes an Alliance with them and restores vnto them the Triumviry to serue them as a meanes to retire their Hostages as they had formerly resolued Scipio being troubled not so much for the Treason of the Gaules and the slaughter of his men but for that he fore-saw that all the Gaules Country which had bin a long time Enemy vnto the Romans would reuolt which made him study how to giue order in time for his Affaires Wherefore the night following about the breake of day he dislodg'd without noise and seated his Campe neere vnto the Riuer of Trebia on the highest Hils of the Country relying vpon the scituation of the place and the multitude of their Allies inhabiting thereabouts Hannibal being aduertised of his Enemies flight he causeth the
Numidians to march first and then all the Cauallery and soone after he follows with the rest of his Army The Numidians turning to the Campe abandoned by their Enemies they set it on fire to the great benefit of the Romans For if they had not staied in the Campe they might haue pursued them in the Reare and haue made a great slaughter of the Roman Army But whilst they loose time in burning the lodging the greatest part of the Army past the Riuer in safety Some of the Reare-ward were surprized by the Carthaginians who were either slaine or taken Prisoners In the meane time Scipio made choise of the Hils which were neere vnto the Riuer for that they seemed fit to make a ●ort The which being inuironed with a Ditch and a Pallisado hee attended in this distresse the returne of his Companion Tyberius from Sycily with an Army causing his Wounds to be carefully looked vnto to the end that their assailes being in so great danger he might be a pertaker Hannibal seated his Campe within fiue miles of the Enemies Fort whom the Gaules did furnish abundantly not only with Victuals but with all other things necessary and were very ready to vndergoe any danger with the Carthaginians The newes came to Rome of the defeate of their men And although they would neuer haue thought it yet the Romans made no shew to be amazed therewith disguising the defeate of their Horse-men to haue hapned not so much by the Prow●sse of the Carthaginians as by the ouer-weening of the Commaunder and the Treason of the Gaules who had yeilded themselues to Hannibal Finally they were in good hope of their Warre seeing that the Bands of foot-men were yet entire Wherefore Sempronius being returned and passing by Rome they all perswaded him publickely to giue Battell to the Carthaginians Sempronius at his comming vnto Rimeny receiues all the Troupes which were come from Sycily according to his commaundment From thence marching to Trobia he ioynes with his Companion where he refresht his Army toil'd with the rediousnesse of the way hauing marcht forty daies together comming from Lylibeum to Rimeny He also vsed diligence to prouide all sorts of munition Moreouer he consulted with Scipio inquiring of the actions past and conferring of the future At the same time Hannibal tooke the Towne of Clastidium by Treason corrupting Brengusin the Captaine of the Garrison where as the Romans had lodged a great quantity of Corne whereof he made vse in his necessity and sent away the Souldiers in safety to the end that by the fame of his Clemency others might yeild more easily vnto the Carthaginians He extended his bounty also vnto him that betraide it And being aduertised that the Gaules inhabiting that little Country which lies betwixt Trebia and the Poe and had made an Alliance with him had sought the friendship of the Romans by Embassie To the end that during the trouble of these two powerfull Nations they might haue the grace of an vncertaine fauour He sends being mooued with rage and despight two thousand foote and about a thousand Numidian Horses with some Gaules intermixt to spoile the Country The which hauing performed and taken a great Booty the Inhabitants sent presently an Embassie to the Consull to 〈◊〉 succours S●mpronius presently imbracing this occasion to giue battell which hee had long desired sends a great part of his Cauallery with a thousand foote with Darts beyond the Riuer of Trebia who charging the Gaules and surprizing them in disorder for that they were in contention touching the diuision of the Booty they put them into a great confusion and forced them to retire killing and chasing them into their Fort Where by the sally of the Troupe which guarded the Campe the Gaules resuming Courage they were forced to turne head and to recouer their Campe. The which 〈◊〉 perceiuing he sent a simply of all his Horse with the Darters and forced the Gaules to retire into their Fort. But for that Hannibal was not then ready to giue battell he was not of aduice to vndertake it without great consideration nor to hazard all vpon all occasions And therefore like a well aduised Captaine he caused a Retreateto be sounded and retires his men into the Fort. And when as the Romans had skirmished with their enemies in vaine they returned to their Campe hauing lost few of their men and made great slaughter of the Carthaginians Sempronius growne ioyfull and proud of this good Fortune had a will to giue Battell onely for the desire of glory whilst that his Companion was weake and infirme And therefore he discouers himselfe to Scipio to whom the time did not seeme conuenient to do it but rather to deferre the Battell to the end that the Roman Souldiers being yet fresh and greene might gaine experience and that in Temporizing the Gaules as people light and without faith might abandon the Carthaginians and that finally he might be present for that his Wound at that time made him vnprofitable Although that Sempronius knew well that Scipio spake the truth yet mooued with ambition either that Scipio should not be present or that the Warre should not be prolonged vntill the comming of the other Consuls for that the time of the election was come he resolued to giue Battell alone Hannibal being of the like opinion with Scipio was carefull how to finde an occasion to fight whilst the Gaules faith was firme and the Enemies Souldiers of little experience and Scipio vnprofitable to vndergoe the danger But especially he feared to loose time For seeing he led an Army in a strange Country and had a great enterprize in hand there was no other meanes of safety then to keepe his Allies Wherefore seeing the desire of Sempronius he prepared himselfe willingly to Battell There was betwixt the two Armies a plaine Champaigne but very conuenient to lay an Ambush hauing a deepe Riuer with high Bankes and Thickets and Bushes round about it Which Hannibal hauing viewed he resolued to lay an Ambush It is true that the Romans fled the Forrests by reason of the Ambushes which the Gaules often layd for them trusting onely in a Champaigne Country Being ignorant that a plaine is more fitting then a Forrest for the couering of an Ambush For they may see the Enemy come farre off and haue sometimes fit meanes and opportunity to couer themselues so as when they finde a Riuer with low Bankes the Reedes Flagges of the Marishes Bushes and such like things doe couer the foote and many times the Horse-men if they bend downe their Helmets which are apparent Hannibal after he had acquainted his Brother Mago with his resolution to giue battel and being both of this aduice he caused him to be called whilst the Souldiers supp'd His brother Mago was a young man of a braue Spirit and Resolute and had bin alwaies bred vp in the Warre To whom he gaue a thousand Horse and as many Boote chosen out of the
whole Army whom he called vnto his Tent after supper and made a speech vnto them according to the opportunity of the time declaring vnto them what he had resolued Moreouer he giues euery one of them charge to choose out of all the Troupes nine others like themselues and that they should repaire to a certaine place in the Campe. These presently obeyed the commandment of their Generall Thus Mago accompanied with a thousand Horse and as many Foote and with a guide came to the place of his Ambush being well instructed by Hannibal what hee was to doe At the breake of day Hannibal calls the Numidian Horse-men able to beare labour to whom when he had made a speech and promised great rewards if they carried themselues like braue men hee discouers his Enterprize Hee giues them charge to passe the Riuer of Trebia and to runne vnto the Gates of the Enemies Campe and to draw them forth to fight with their Darts desiring much to surprize them in disorder and to fight with them before they had taken any repast the which he did much esteeme He also giues charge to all the other Captaines appointed for the Combate to feed their men and their horses and commands them to be ready armed attending the sound of the Trumpet But when as Sempronius saw the Enemy approach he first sent out all his Horse-men and after them sixe thousand Darters Finally he drawes all his Troupes to field as if hee meant that day to make an end of the Warre and who for the good fortune which two daies before hee had in fight together with the great number of his men was in hope to get the Victory It was by chance in Winter and did snow that day with a vehement cold Moreouer the Souldiers were come forth in confusion with the Horses and had no great heat neither had they fed And therefore although in the beginning they were ready and resolute yet being entred into the Riuer they came forth wet vnto the brest for that the show which had fallen in the night had made the Riuer swell so as they began to be so afflicted with cold and hunger that as the day came on they were scarce able to hold their Armes In the meane time the Carthaginians oyl'd and warm'd themselues at fires neere vnto their Tents hauing their Horses ready after they had fed well When as Hannibal who had an eye euery where saw that the Enemies had past the Riuer he sets before the Ensignes the stingers of Maiorque and Minorque and those that were lightly armed to the number of eight thousand men and puts the rest of his Army in Battalion When he had marcht about a Mile he sets vpon the wings twenty thousand Foote Spaniards Affricans and Gaules the like he did of his Horse-men who with the Allies that the neighbour Townes of Gaule had sent him were ten thousand men After them on either side were placed the Elephants Then Sempronius caused a retreate to be sounded to call backe the Horse-men lest pursuing the Nu●idians inconsiderately they might be suddainly inclosed by them for their custome is to flie here and there at the first charge and to stay suddainly when they thinke good recharging the Enemy with incredible courage and resolution Then hee ordered his Foote men after the manner of the Romans Among the which there were about sixteene thousand Romans and about twenty thousand Latins their Allies for when they were to vndergoe any great Warre and that the two Consuls were ioyned together the perfect number of their Army was of so many thousands Then hee placed three thousand Horse-men vpon the wings When he had thus disposed of his men he marcht in battaile a slow pace scarce mouing The two Armies being neere one vnto the other those that were lightly armed began the fight wherewith the Romans were suddainly opprest All things fore-told good vnto the Carthaginians for the bodies of the Roman Foote were growne feeble with hunger and wearinesse and numm'd with cold Being moreouer slaine by the multitude of Darts which the Numidians cast For their parts they had abandoned their Darts as vnprofitable by reason of the continuall humidity The Horse-men suffred the like with the whole Army Contrariwise the Carthaginians being in their force in good order and fresh were diligent and ready at need Wherefore when as they had made way for their forlorne hope to retire and that the Armies had charged one another the Carthaginian Horse-men fell vpon the Enemies wings and quite defeated them It is true the Romans were weake in their numbers of Horse and the Souldiers were tired with labour and hunger After the rout of the Horse-men the Foote resisted more with the equality of courage then of force But the Numidians besides the Ambush which the Army had past without discouering them shewing themselues vpon the Reare put them in a great amazement yet the Battallions stood firme for a time although they were inuolued with so many miseries But in the end when as the two wings were prest hauing the Elephants in front and that those which were lightly armed had compassed them in they fled directly to the neere Riuer This done when as the Romans which fought in the battell saw their supplies broken they were partly enuironed by them of the Ambush and partly defeated and slaine Others past through the Battalion of the Gaules where were many Affricans making a great slaughter of the Enemies But when as they could neither succour their men nor get to their Fort as well for the multitude of the Enemies Horse as for the swelling of the Riuer and the raine they recouered Plaisance to the number of ten thousand men the rest for the most part were slaine along the Riuer by the Elephants and Horse-men Some few Foote and Horse flying dispersed ouer the Fields drew to Plaisance following the route of the Army The Carthaginians hauing pursued them to the Riuer of Trebeia returned to the Campe for that they could not proceed any farther by reason of the raine being very ioyfull of the victory whereas the losse of Spaniards and Affricans was small and that of the Gaules great But they were so tormented with raine cold that all the Elephants except one and the greatest part of the carriage-horses with many men and horses died After this action Sempronius desirous to couer and conceale so great a losse sent men to Rome to let them vnderstand that the violence of the raine had depriued them of an absolute Victory the which the Romans did easily beleeue But when as within few dayes after they had newes that the Carthaginians held their Army in strength and that all the Gaules held for them abandoning their party and withall that their Army kept the Towne for that it was not well assured within its Fort and that they drew victuals from the Sea by the Riuer of Poe they grew into so great
a feare and amazement as they thought Hannibal would come a Conquerour to Rome Wherefore they leuied a new Army and sent supplies into Sicily and Sardinia fortifying Tarentum and the other Townes in Italy They likewise prepared an Army at Sea of fifty Quinqueremes Finally they were wholly attentiue to Warre At that time Cneus Seruilius and Caius Flami●●ius were chosen Consuls and a new leuie of men was made and succours required from the Allies One of them led his Troupes to Rimeni and the other into Tuscany They had resolued to lead their Armies into Gaule They had besides sent to Hieron to demaund succours who sent them fiue hundred Candiots and a thousand men which beare Targets Without doubt the Romans at that time drew all the F●rces they could possible against Hannibal for the feare was not onely generall but euery mans in particular During these accidents in Italy Cneus Cornelius Scipio who as we haue formerly said had beene left by his Brother in Gaule with an Army at Sea parting from the mouth of Rhone arriued at Empories And beginning there hee made all the Maritime Countrly vnto Ebro subiect to the Romans renewing the ancient leagues with some and making new with others When hee had pacifi●d the Sea-coasts aud had left Garrisons where neede required he led his Army vp into the firme land Hee had now drawne together some Companies of succours from the allied Townes By this meanes he takes some Townes some by Composition others by force The which Hanno perceiuing whom Hannibal had left for the defence of Spaine he resolued to encounter the Enemies and planted himselfe right against them neere vnto a Towne which the people of the Countrey call Cisse Scipio in like manner did not hold it fit to deferre the Battell And therefore after hee had gotten the Victory and taken the Enemies Fort hee recouered great store of Treasure For all they which went to the Warres of Italy vnder Hannibal had left all their wealth with these men lest the Baggage should bee tedious and troublesome vnto them Afterwards Scipio made a league with all the Inhabitants which were within the Riuer of Ebro and made them Allies and Friends There were two Commaunders taken aliue whereof the one was Hanno who had the leading of the Carthaginians and the other Andubal King of a Region which lies in the heart of Spaine who had alwayes held the party of the Carthaginians Asdrubal hearing the newes passeth Ebro marching with his Army against the Romans who vpon the way had newes that the Souldiers and Sea-men wandred the fields vp and downe being confident and carelesse with the ioy of their Victory Wherefore hee marches thither speedily with eight thousand foote and a thousand Horse where killing a great part he forced the rest to recouer their ships yet hee durst not stay long but repast the Riuer of Ebro And when hee had put Garrisons in necessary places hee went to winter at Carthage Cneus Scipio aduertised hereof drawes his men suddainly together and goes vnto his Sea-army punishing such as had beene the cause of the defeate after the manner of the Romans When hee had drawne his Army both by Sea and Land together he went to winter at Taracona where he diuided the spoile so as hee purchased the loue of them all making them more resolute for the future Warre Behold the estate of the affaires of Spaine In the beginning of the Spring Flaminius marching thorough Tuscany came to Aretzo As for Seruilius hee attended after hee had brought his Army to Rimeni when the Enemy would dislodge And whilest that Hannibal spent the Winter in Gaule hee kept the Romans that were Prisoners straightly fetter'd and poorely fed intreating the Allies courteously from the beginning and afterwards causing them to assemble he made many remonstrances vnto them telling them that he was not come to make Warre against them but to fight with the Romans for their liberty and therefore if they were wise they should imbrace the alliance and friendship of the Carthaginians and that he was there to set the people of Italy at liberty and to restore those whom the Romans had outragiously chased from their houses their Townes and Countries When hee had vsed these or the like speeches hee sent them all away without ransome desiring by this meanes to winne the hearts of all the people of Italy and to make them abandon the Romans party and to encourage those whom they had depriued of their Townes and Countrey It is true that whilest hee wintred he was many times in dangers by the Gaules the which he preuented by an Affrican tricke for that the Gaules discouered it as lightly vnto him as they had giuen their consent so as hee caused periwigges of diuers ages to bee made with great art the which he vsed changing his apparrell often so as he was not onely vnknowne to them which had neuer seene him but also to his familiars By this meanes he was in safety they not knowing whom to assault for Hannibal Moreouer when as the Gaules were discontented that their Countrey was made the seate of the Warre making a shew to be desirous to fight to the end it might be transported to some other part Hannibal resolued to goe the sooner to field and to lead his Army to the Warre which he desired The Spring time approached when calling vnto him those which knew the wayes he inquired of the passages which went into the Enemies Country And being aduertised that all the wayes were long and knowne to the enemy they discouered vnto him one that was shorter but troublesome which would leade him through the Marishes of Tuscany whereby he might passe his Army vnknowne vnto the enemy But when the newes came into the Campe of their Voyage by Marishes the apprehension discouraged them fearing the Quagmires and Pooles Yet he tooke this way with his whole Army causing the Spaniards and Affricans to march before with the ablest of his men and their Baggage to the end that if they were forced to plant a Campe they should not want things necessary It is true that before he had not resolued to carry any Baggage for that hee knew well that the Carthaginians should not want any thing if they were vanquished and if they won the Countrey they should not likewise want Next he causeth the Gaules to march and in the Reare the horse-men whereof he gaue the charge to his brother Mago to the end that by their helpe the Gaules by their basenesse should not turne head being discontented with the toile The Spaniards and Affricans marching through the Marishes came vnto the end without any great toile as inured to paines and accustomed to such miseries Contrariwise the Gaules went with great difficulty as men amazed falling into the Quagmires of the Moares and carrying this misery with griefe and discontent like men vnaccustomed to such calamities the Horse-men kept them
Maximus the which his family retaines vnto this day The Dictator differs from the Consull in this that the Consull hath but twelue Axes before him and the Dictator hath foure and twenty Moreouer the Co●sull must referre many things to the aduice of the Senate but this other hath a soueraigne and free power vnder whom all other Magistrates cease except the Tribunes But this shall be for a larger discourse Moreouer they gaue vnto the Dictator Marcus Minucius for a Constable or master of the Horse which is a Magistrate subiect to the Dictator and supplies his place when as the necessity of affaires forceth him to be absent In the meane time Hannibal marching along the Coast of the Adriatique Sea by small iournies fed his Army in a rich and fertile Prouince causing the Horse-feet to be washt with old Wine whereof there was great abundance the better to cure them of their Scabs Hee also caused the Souldiers which had beene wounded to bee carefully looked vnto and fortified the rest for future affaires Hauing past the Countries of Pretutian and Adrian hee ruined the Countrey of the Marrucins and Franqueuille Moreouer he bent his course towards Iapygia diuided into three whereof some are called Dauniens and the others Messapiens Hee first ouer-runnes Daunia beginning by Lucerna a Collony of the Romans thundring ouer all the Countrey Then setling his Campe at Ibonium he falls vpon the Artins and vtterly ruines all Daunia without any resistance At the same time Quintus Fabius hauing taken his charge of Dictator and performed the accustomed Sacrifices parts from Rome with the Master of the Horse and foure Legions leuied in haste And within few daies came to Appulia whereas receiuing the Army from the Consull Cneus Seruilius being come from Rimeni he sent him to Rome with some troups giuing him charge to raise an Army at Sea at Hostia and to defend the Coasts of Italy if the Carthaginians should attempt any thing by Sea Finally he marches with all his troups and plants himselfe in front of the Enemy neare vnto Aigues and within sixe miles of them Hanniball aduertised of the comming of Fabius and meaning to amaze them suddainly drawes his Army to Field and presents it in the Battaile before the Romans Fort But when he had stayed some time hee retired to his Campe seeing that no man came forth to fight You must vnderstand that Fabius had resolued from the beginning not to hazard any thing nor to fight thinking it would bee very beneficiall to the Romans if he might defend their Townes from the Enemy Hee was constant in his opinion so as at the end hee purchased the reputation of a slacke man and Coward as if hee fled from danger onely for feare But soone after hee forced the World to confesse that they could not make choice of a Captaine that was more constant nor wiser to mannage the Warre the which appeared soone after in their affaires Beleeue mee this wise Dictator vnderstood well what great difference there was betwixt the Carthaginians Army and that of the Romans Considering that the others had from their Youth frequented the Warre hauing a Commaunder which was bred with them in the Campe in the raine and winde and who from his very Cradle had learn'd the trade hauing gotten so many famous victories both in Spaine and Italy against the Romans and all their Allies and who moreouer distrusting in all things put their onely hope of safety in the Victory the which would proue contrary to the Romans Wherefore he was not resolued to fight fearing the Numidians for that hee was too weake in Horse so as retiring for his aduantage with good consideration he stayed and led away his Army The aduantages which the Romans had were abundance of munition and victuals and a great Army And therefore hee ledit alwaies by the hilly Countries following the Enemie neare yet giuing him no meanes to fight being alwaies well victualed and neuer suffring the Souldiers to goe forth but kept them alwaies close together By this meanes his men were alwaies in safety a●d beate the Enemy if at any time they went from the Army for pillage so as many times there were some taken and others slaine This he did to the end that by little and little hee might weaken their forces and encourage the Souldiers by these petty Victories being amazed with their former losses nor to distrust their Forces or Fortune Moreouer they could not perswade him to come to a Battaile But Marcus Minucius discontent with his temporizing blamed him of cowardise and feare Hee was a proud and rash man who found nothing more tedious and troublesome then to bee absent from a Battaile The Carthaginians after they had ruined the former Countries and had past the Appenine Hils they goe to Samnium which is a very fertile Countrey of Italy and which for a long time had not felt any Warre There they found so great abundance of all things as they could not consume the Bootie neither in vsing it moderately nor wastfully From thence they spoiled Bene●ent a Collony of the Romans They tooke the Towne of Telesia which had strong walles was well victualed and furnished with all things necessary the Romans followed the Enemies still within a daies iourney or two When as Hannibal saw that Fabius fled from all occasions of fighting and yet did not abandon the field but followed him still by the hilly Countrey hee resolued to goe speedily into the Countries of Capu● and Falerna thinking that of necessitie one of the two would happen either that the Romans would come to a Battaile or that the World would soone see that the Carthaginians camp't and that the Romans kept themselues within their Forts By this meanes he did hope that the Townes of the Prouince being tertified they would yeeld vnto the Carthaginians For vnto that day not any one had fallen vnto them although the Romans had lost two great Battailes and there were many to whom their perswasions were very vnpleasing Whereby wee may see of what authoritie and power the maiesty of the Roman Common-wealth was with their Succours and Allies Certainly Hannibals conceit was not idle for the Capuan is an excellent Countrey for abundance of wealth fertility of land and the beauty and pleasure of the place First it is seated along the Sea whither infinite number of people come from all parts of the World to Italy Moreouer the noblest Townes of Italy are scituated there for vpon the Borders of the Sea stand the Switzers the Cumans the Fozolois the Neop●litans and at the end the Nucerins And towards the North vpon the firme land are the Calleniens and Teanins towards the East and South are the Dauniens and Nolains and in the mid'st of the Region Capua stands the richest of them all whose Lands are famous amongst the fabulous Poets which they call Phlegrees and it is likely that the gods haue spoken
principally of them by reason of their wonderfull beauty and excellency Moreouer this scituation is strong by nature and in a manner impregnable For on the one side they are inclosed by the Sea and on the other they are wholly enuironed with Mountaines There are onely three entries which are narrow and painefull the one is at Samnium the second at Eriban and the third among the Arpins The Carthaginians made a shew to goe into these Countries as into a Theater to amaze them all and thereby to flye from the Enemy and then to campe alone Wherefore Hannibal moued with these reasons leades his Army by Samnium to the streights of Mount Eriban and plants his Campe neere vnto the Riuer of Vantour which diuides the said Champaigne from Rome Then the most pleasant Countrey of Italy was ouerrunne and the Villages put to fire and sword And although that these things were very troublesome to Fabius yet he continued constant in his resolution But Marcus Minucius and all the Tribunes of the Horse were of opinion not to temporize any longer but to fall vpon the Carthaginians with all their strength and forces not suffring the spoile of so goodly a Countrey in the view of the Roman Army Fabius dislodging more suddainly then he had beene accustomed seemed to make haste to preserue the Countrey of Capua from spoile But when hee came to Falerna hee did but shew his Army vpon the Mountaines lest the Allies should thinke he held not a Campe. Yet he would neuer drawe downe into the field fearing to fight with the Carthaginians as well for the reasons which wee haue formerly mentioned as for that he was the weaker in Cauallery When as Hannibal had often attempted in vaine to drawe the Enemy to fight in the end he studied of a place to winter in hauing ruined all parts of the Countrey and taken a wonderfull spoile hauing no intent to lose his Pillage but to transport it to some place where he might passe the Winter to the end his Army might not want any thing as well for the present as the future Fabius knowing well that the returne of his Enemy would be by the same streight by the which he had entred hee imagined that this passage would be beneficiall to the Romans and placeth about foure thousand men within these streights intreating them to carry themselues like braue and valiant men when occasion should require making vse of the aduantage of the place For his part hee recouered the next Mountaine with the rest of the Army looking earnestly about him what was to be done and from whence and by whom the Enemy should be Charged holding himselfe assured to defeate their whole Army or at the least to make them abandon the Booty which they carried But Hannibal saw that Fabius fought with his owne weapons and hauing duly considered thereon he disappointed his enterprize with an excellent stratagem causing many Faggots of dry stickes to be drawne together and bound to the hornes of Oxen and Bugles whereof he had to the number of two thousand and gaue charge to Asdrubal that in setting fire to the stickes at a certaine houre he should chase the Troupe to the next Mountaine which was betwixt the Camp and the streight they were to passe and that as soone as they should see a signe which he would giue they should force the Oxen against the Mountaine vntill they had gotten the top When as all things were ready he makes them to feed and to take some rest About mid-night hee causeth them to march which had the charge to tie the Torches to the hornes of the Oxen. This being suddainly done by reason of the multitude of assistants he giues order to kindle them all and to chase them to the top of the Mountaine Finally hee giues charge to them that were lightly Armed to follow them to a certaine place commaunding them that as soone as the Troupe should begin to runne furiously through the Mountaines they should recouer the places of aduantage whereby they might succour his men in passing and annoy the enemy if they encountred any In the meane time hee dislodgeth with his Army and marcheth directly to the streights ordring in Front the Souldiers that were best armed and after them the Horse-men then the Baggage and in the Reare the Gaules and Spaniards The Romans which had been appointed to guard these passages thinking that Hannibal came where they saw the fire on the toppe of the Mountaines abandoned their places retiring to the highest Hils And when at the first they encountred some of these Oxen seperated from the rest they made a stand seeing their heads on a flaming fire wondring as at a miracle But when the Souldiers were discouered they entertained one another with casting of Darts And when in the end the Oxen came on they all made a stand on the top of the mountaines expecting day with great desire to be more certainly informed of the businesse Fabius aduertised of this noise conceiuing it was some Ambush and flying the battaile as they resolued kept his men within the Fort. In the meane time Hannibal to whom matters succeeded according to his desire past his Army by the mountaine and carried away all his Spoiles without any obstacle Then seeing at the breake of day the Romans in front against his men and to bee stronger in number and in their kind of Armes he sent them a band of Spaniards to second them Who after they had slaine about a thousand at the first Charge they brought their men safe backe vnto the Campe. Hannibal being freed by this policy from the streights of Falerna from thenceforth he was more carefull to choose a safe place to Campe in seeking where he might Winter greatly terrifying the Townes and people of Italy During these actions many taxed the Dictator of Cowardize for that he had suffered the enemy to escape so easily being inclosed within the streights but hee continued still constant in his opinion Some few daies after he was called backe to Rome for the Sacrifices and left the Gouernment of the Army and all other affaires to the Constable giuing him charge that he should not study so much to offend the Enemy as to defend his owne men But Minucius whom the Dictator aduised in vaine had no other care but to fight During these actions in Italy Asdrubal hauing repaired thirty good ships which he had receiued from his brother Hannibal adding thereunto ten others parts from Carthage in the beginning of Summer and giues the charge to Imilcon who ran along the Coasts and Asdrubal led the Army by Land neere the shore hoping to meete at one instant at the mouth of the Riuer of Ebro with the Army by Sea Cneus Scipio aduertised that Asdrubal was gone to field hee was first of the same opinion but afterwards he resolued to fight rather by Sea then Land by reason of the bruite of their new succours and
made farre greater then it had beene so as all the World reioyced First for that they imagined that after so many losses this was the beginning of a better fortune and iudge thereby that the slacknesse and cowardize which had seemed to bee in their Army was not the fault of the Souldiers but of the Dictator And therefore all the World contemned Fabius and held him to bee dull and a Coward Contrariwise they did so highly extoll and praise Minucius as they gaue him equall power with the Dictator the which had not beene formerly seene hoping that hee would soone make an end of the Warres of Italy Thus there were two Dictators at one time and in one Army which was a new thing Minucius much more proud then it is credible as well for his good fortune as the peoples fauour grew so glorious as if the Enemies were already defeated and vanquished Fabius fainted not nor lost his courage for the iniury they had done vnto him but returned to the Campe alwaies constant in his opinion But when hee saw that his Companion was much troubled to finde an occasion of fighting fearing lest hee should commit some folly he gaue him the choice either that one of them should for a certaine time or euery other day or for a longer space haue the Gouernment of the Campe or else they should diuide the Legions betwixt them after the manner of the Consuls and that either of them should doe with his Army what hee pleased Wherefore they parted their Troupes and had their Campes separated about a Mile and an halfe distant one from another When as Hannibal was aduertised not onely by the Fugitiues but also of their actions of the hatred betwixt the Commaunders and of the ouerweening of Minucius thinking that this would further his intention he sought occasion to fight with him hoping hee should easily abate his fury and presumption There was a little Hill betwixt Minucius Campe and that of the Carthaginians whereon whosoeuer seazed it would proue very preiudiciall to the other And when as Hannibal made haste to get it being certaine that Minucius would come to preuent him as hee had other times done he vsed this stratagem First of all the whole Plaine betwixt them at the first sight seemed vnfit to lay an Ambush being void of woods and bushes Yet there were about it many turnings and hollow Rocks where they might easily hide Souldiers Hee sends by Night to these hollow places according to the capacity which hee knew to bee in them two hundred and three hundred and fiue hundred Horse together with fiue thousand Foote And to the end they should not bee discouered by the Fotragers hee send at the breake of day some that were lightly armed to take this Hill The which when Minucius perceiued contemning so small a number he marcht with his Army to repell the Enemy from thence First hee sent those that were lightly armed commaunding them to charge then the Horse-men Finally hee followes with those that were compleatly armed not changing the order which hee had held in other encounters The summe was now risen and all the World looked vpon this Hil. The Ambushes were couered Hannibal sent succours continually to his men and afterwards followed with all his Cauallery Finally the two Armies fought with all their Troupes and in the end the Roman Foote-men that were lightly armed were forced by the Horse-men to retire to their Companions that were better armed Then the Ambush brake forth and charged on all sides with great cries so as they not onely distressed and aflicted those that were lightly armed but likewise the whole Army The which Fabius perceiuing and fearing that the Roman Army might be wholy defeated parts from his Campe and succours his Companion At whose comming the Romans reioyced and retired presently to their Ensignes although they were broken and scattered here and there with the losse of many Souldiers that were lightly Armed and diuers others of the Legions Hannibal seeing the Enemies re-inforced with Succours and that they marcht directly towards him he caused a Retreat to be sounded Then all the Romans which were in the fight confessed publickly that the Vertue and Wisedome of Fabius had saued the Roman Empire which the ouer-weening of Minucius had lost and ruined When as the newes came to Rome all the World knew plainly what difference there is betwixt the ouer-weening and ignorance of Souldiers and the iudgement and aduice of a wise Captaine From that time the Romans contented themselues with one Campe and all obeyed Fabius The which I find related after this manner by another Author VVHen the two Armies were returned to their owne Campes Minucius hauing his Souldiers about him speake vnto them in this manner I haue often heard say louing Souldiers that hee is most Wise that can giue good Councell and tell what is to be done in his difficult Affaires And hee is next Wise that can obey him that giueth good councell but hee that can neyther giue good councell himselfe nor obey other mens councell is of all others most ignorant and foolish Seeing that Fortune hath denied ●s the first of these Gifts let vs keepe the second and whilst we learne to Rule let vs propound vnto our selues to obey them that be Wise. Wherefore let vs ioyne our Tents with Fabius and when as you shall hea●e me salute him as my Protector and Father you likewise shall salute his Souldiers as your noble Patrons by whose strength and resolution you are preserued this day Whereupon they presently remoued their Tents and went to Fabius Campe whereat he maruailed much There Minucius submitted himselfe and his men to the protection of Fabius resigning the authority of the Empire into his hands The Carthaginians thought to accōmodate a place to passe the Winter hauing inuironed it with Ditches betwixt the Hill and their Campe and fortified the top of the Hill with men and Pallisadoes In the meane time the day of the Election of Consuls was come where they deposed the Dictators and made choise for Consuls of Lucius Emilius and Caius Tarrentius Varro And when as Emilius had created for Pro-Consuls the Consuls of the precedent Army Cneus Seruilius and Marcus Attileus Regulus who had beene subbrogated in the place of Flaminius they tooke the charge of all the Troupes that were in the Campe mannaging all the Affaires of Warre The Consuls make a new Leuy of men to furnish their Army and giue charge vnto the Pro-Consuls that they should not dare to fight a Battaile with the Carthaginians but entertaine their Souldiers with light skirmishes and invre the Youth to hardnesse and labour for the time to come for that they imputed the defeats past vnto the ignorance and slacknesse of the Souldiers Lucius Postumus was created Praetor and sent into Gaule with an Army to do the like vnto those Gaules which were in Hannibals seruice They
also prouided Rowers for the Vessels which were at Lylibeum And they sent whatsoeuer was necessary to the Captaines that were in Spaine During these actions at Rome Cneus Seruilius and his Companion Attilius following the Commaundment of the Consuls did not any thing worthy of memory but make light skirmishes both by reason they were forbidden by the Consuls and for the roughnesse of the Weather Finally they mannaged the affaires wisely and with great policy By this meanes the two Armies wintred in view one of another Hannibal dislodged in the beginning of the Spring and leauing Geryona for that he had resolued so to presse the Romans as they should be forced to come to a battaile he takes the Fort of Naples well furnished with Corne and all other munition For the Romans had drawne thither a great quantity of Corne from Canusium and other neighbour Countries wherewith the Campe was vsually Victualed This done they were in great perplexity not so much for the losse of the munition as for that the whole Country was left in prey to the enemy They send men to Rome to acquaint the Senate therewith and that they might aduise what was to be done For that they had resolued to giue battaile if the Enemy approached Seeing there was no meanes of flight and that the whole Prouince was ruined and their Allies wauered The Senate sent them word that they should not attempt any thing but expect the comming of the Consuls whom they afterwards commaunded to depart All the World had their eyes fixed vpon Paulus Emilius They had their hope in him aswell for his Wisedome as for that he had in former times done great exploits against the Sclauonians BEing ready to depart I finde it Written that Fabius stayed him for a time speaking thus vnto him If thou good Lucius Emilius wert matcht with a Companion like vnto thy Selfe or if thou wert like vnto thy Fellow then were my Speech in vaine which I will now make for you both for being good Consuls you would worke effectually for the common wealth although I should be silent But if you were both bad then would you neither heare my words nor admit of my Councell But knowing thy integrity and the conditions of thy Companion I fore-see that thy goodnesse shall little auaile the Common-wealth through the folly of thy Companion So as the Common-wealth doth halt and is halfe same whereby euill Councell shall preuaile aswell as good Wherefore to Thee onely my Speech tends fore-telling Thee that Thou shalt haue as much Warre with thy fellow Tarentius as with Hannibal Neither doe I know which of them will be a more deadly enemy vnto thee For thou shalt not onely fight with Hannibal in the field but with thy fellow thou shalt haue continuall Warre in all places and at all times With Hannibal thou shalt fight with thy Horses and foote-men but Varro will assatle thee with thine owne men I pray thee remember Caius Flaminius who being Consull and hauing his men about him in his Campe beganne to grow mad This man before hee was made Consull and now being Consull euen in the Senate-house before hee sees his field or his enemy is already mad And hee that thus talketh among the Senators what thinke you will he doe when hee shal be in the field among a number of fresh young Souldiers where as one word speaking all the matter shal be decided But in case he make haste to fight as he ●aith he will either I know not what belongeth to the Warre or else we are like to suffer greater losses then we did at Trasimenum There is but one way to maintaine warre against Hannibal the which I haue fore-seene and none will be found so good to make him weary of Italy We are in our owne Country hauing Citties and faithfull Allies ready to assist vs at all times with Horse Harnesse Victualls and all other necessaries Hannibal is in a strange Country among his enemies farre from home he looketh for no peace both by Sea or Land Hee hath no Citties to receiue him he hath nothing but what he stealeth and taketh by rapine he hath scarcely the third part of his Army left which hee brought ouer Iberus more are dead by famine then with the Sword and heere hee can hardly feede those that are liuing Wherefore doubt not but in sitting still you shall vanquish such an Army which decreaseth daily in strength and cannot haue their wants supplied This is the onely meanes to dally and deceiue your enemy Varro desireth battaile and Hannibal hath the like desire Wherefore thou alone must wisely oppose thy selfe against them both and regard not what they speake of thee let not the vaine glory of thy Fellow nor the false aspertions which shal be cast vpon thee mooue thee to the contrary Suffer thy Selfe to be called fearefull slow and vnskilfull in the Warre It is better to be feared of thy wise enemy then to be praised of thy foolish company My meaning is not that thou shouldest do nothing but whatsoeuer thou shalt attempt do it soberly and according to reason not rashly trusting to Fortune follow not the occasions that the enemy will giue Thee And be not ouer hasty for haste is blind and worketh vnsafely To these and his other Words the Consull answered little saying onely that were more true then easie to be followed But hee would professe one thing that his desire should alwayes be to haue things succeede well But in case it should otherwise happen hee would rather expose himselfe to the danger of his enemies Weapons then to the exclamations of his angry Citizens With these words he parted out of the Citty and went to the Campe with his hasty Companion It was ordred that the Warres should be mannaged with eight Legions the which had neuer beene done and that euery Legion should consist of fiue thousand men The Romans as we haue sayd make a compleate Army of foure Legions euery Legion being foure thousand foote and two hundred Horse or else of fiue thousand foote and three hundred horse if there be any great necessity To the which they adde as many foote of theis Allies and thrice as many Horse All the Troupes are equally deuided betwixt the Consuls Most commonly one Consull giues battaile with two Legions and with the succours of their Allies They seldome fight with all their Troupes But the feare and amazement of the Romans was then so great of the Carthaginians as they thought it fit not to fight onely with foure but with eight Legions together And therefore after they had giuen faire admonitions to the Consuls and had laied before them the consequence of the affaires which way soeuer Fortune should turne they Commaunded them to goe vnto the Campe intreating them to doe the duties of good men in the administration of the Warre as the Roman Maiesty required After the comming of the Consuls to the Campe they mingled the new Bands
to the old Army and let many vnderstand the will of the Senate wishing the multitude to be of good Courage considering the season of the time Wherewith Emilius made an Oration whereof this in a manner is the Substance THat for losses lately made they should not faint like men amazed For the losses in former Battailes had not hapned for one or two causes but for many And if at this day they be Men of Courage and Resolution there was nothing could hinder but they should obtaine a goodly Victory That neuer vnto this houre the two Consuls had fought with all the Legions together nor with more warlike Men nor of greater Experience And if on the other side they haue made vse of young Men and little acquainted with the Art of warre and who moreouer were so ill aduertised of the Enemies enterprizes of the scituation of places and the nature of the Region so as many times they haue found themselues in danger when they had scarce seene the Enemy which was a matter of great consequence For they which were defeated in Gaule neere vnto the Riuer of Trebia came to fight without reason neuer inquiring of the enemies enterprize within three daies after their arriuall from Sicily and they which were neere vnto the Lake of Peronza were defeated before they could see the enemy by reason of a great Fogge. But now Companion saith he all things are for vs for wee are two Consuls vnited in one will and the same forces and we haue with vs those of the last yeare And for your part you haue not onely seene the daily combates the order which Souldiers obserue and the enemies Troupes But moreouer behold the second yeare wherein you haue had experience of all this in practising your selues and fighting continually Wherefore seeing that things are contrary to those which hapned in former Battailes it is not likely but the end should prooue otherwise It is not credible nay I say it is impossible seeing that in fighting with the enemy with an equall number in so many incounters you haue parted Victors that now you should be vanquished by them with all the Troupes seeing you haue a double Army Seeing then Companions that you haue the Victory in your owne hands you haue no more neede of our Counsell and care I might make you a longer Speech if I did hold it necessary for this must be expected from those which are mercenary or being drawne from the Allies are Commaunders of an Army to whom nothing is more troublesome then a day of Battaile In regard of those which are like vnto vs whose liues are not onely in danger but their Country Wiues and Children whose remembrances happily should be of more force then any remonstrance What man is he that would not eyther vanquish in fighting or die in the Combat then to liue in misery and attend so great a storme and pouerty Courage Companions consider with your selues what a difference there is betwixt vanquishing and to be vanquished and what followes the one and the other and prepare your selues to Battaile so as you will remember that it is not the Roman Army that is in danger but the Countrey and moreouer the head of the World What shall the Romans haue remaining after your defeat They haue put all their forces and power into your hands and all their hope is in you I intreate you for the honour of the immortall Gods that you would not frustrate their expectation Yeeld the thankes which you owe vnto your Countrey let all the world know that the losses formerly made were not by the prowesse of the Carthaginians more then by the Romans but for that the Roman Souldiers were at that time new and ignorant of the Warre After this Speech or the like Emilius dismist the Souldiers Three dayes after the Army marcht towards the Enemies Campe and on the third day they planted themselues neare vnto them But Emilius seeing that the Plaine was large hee was not of opinion to fight with the Enemy for that hee was stronger in Horse-men and that they must draw them into some place where the Foote-men might haue the aduantage Contrariwise Varro being of little experience in the Warre was of aduice not to deferre the battaile lest the Enemy should escape from them And therefore these two Consuls were in contention and debate which is the worst thing that can happen in a Campe. That day for they gouerne it by dayes Varro had the Commaund who dislodging from his Campe made ha●e to approach neare vnto the Enemy notwithstanding that Emilius opposed himselfe to the contrary Hannibal marcheth against them with his men lightly armed and his Horse-men and assaults them with a fight more likely to their fore-runners then to a pitcht Battaile The Romans receiued them valiantly Finally the Night parted them The Carthaginians hauing gotten little retired to their Campe. And when as three dayes after Lucius Emilius had resolued not to fight and could nor disswade the other hee diuides the Army into three and fortifies two parts on this side the Riuer of Fante which alone diuides the Appenine Hills and bending towards the Sea of Italy runnes into the Adriatique The other third part hee lodgeth on this side the Riuer about two Miles and an halfe distant from the other two and in a manner as much from the Enemies Campe. When as Hannibal had found out a conuenient place for his Horse-men to fight in and thinking that the Consuls would come to the Combat hee began to put his men in Battaile But fearing that the Army was amazed by reason of this last Fortune hee resolued to preach vnto them He drawes them together and commaunds them to looke vpon the Countrey which was about him demaunding of them what they could desire of the Gods more beneficiall and profitable then the offer of a battaile in those places where they might make vse of their Horse-men which were inuincible And when as all had confest it freely therefore saith hee giue thankes first vnto the immortall Gods for in preparing vs the Victory they haue brought the Enemy into this place of aduantage for vs and secondly to vs who by our industry and labour haue forced them to come to fight The Romans cannot flie nor auoide the Combate and therefore the battaile and victory is in your hands I hold it folly now to perswade you to performe the duties of braue men It had beene well spoken when you had no experience of the Roman Forces the which at this present time wee made knowne vnto you by words and example But what preaching can more inflame and encourage your hearts then the workes themselues seeing you haue obtained the Victory in three great seuerall battailes You haue beene Masters of the Field in the Combats past and haue had abundance of all things as wee haue promised you So as hitherto I haue neuer failed of my promise But the Combate at
this day is for Townes and treasure if you gaine this battell you shall be Lords of all Italy Finally after so many labours and dangers being deliuered by this alone you shall purchase the felicity of the Romans You shall bee the Head and Emperours of all the World For the effecting whereof there is not any neede of words but of effects By the will of the Gods before it be long you shall all see by experience that I am a man of my promise After these Remonstrances 〈◊〉 commended their resolution he planted his Campe vpon the Riuer-side where the Enemies greatest forces lay The day following hee commaunds them to treate themselues well and to prepare themselues to battaile for the day following And therefore at the third day he passed the Riuer at the Sunne-rising and put his men in battaile But Emilius seeing that his Forces were not equall in that place and knowing that Hannibal would dislodge for want of victuals came not out of his Fort. When as Hannibal had stayed some time there seeing that hee had in vaine called the Enemies forth to fight he retired the rest of his Army to the Campe and sent the Numidians to charge those which came from the Romans lesser Campe to water which they kept and detained from them pursuing them with great cries vnto the Fort. Whereat Varro disdaining much that the Roman Campe should bee annoyed by these men was the more inflamed and encouraged vnto battaile The whole multitude wished nor desired nothing more so much the expectance in all things is tedious And as in the meane time the newes were come to Rome that although the Armies were not lodged in a place to giue battaile yet they were one right against another and that there were dayly encounters all the World entred into great heauinesse and care Certainly the Romans hauing receiued lately wonderfull great losses feared much the future Euery man fore-casts with him selfe what the Romans fortune would bee after the defeate of this Army All the World poured out threats against the Sybils Bookes they saw nothing in the Temples and priuate houses but prodigies and strange signes And therefore the whole Citty was addicted to Prayers to sacrifices to the Gods and to Ceremonies for the Romans are great obseruers as well in publique as in priuate in the time of Warre neither doe they let passe any thing out of their rememberance which in reason they ought to doe Varro to whom the authority belonged the next day at the Sunne-rising drawes forth the Armies out of both the Campes without the priuity of his Companion And parting with those which were in the great Fort hee ioynes vnto them those that were in the lesser Then putting his men in Battaile hee places the Roman Horse-men vpon the right wing which was neerest vnto the Riuer Next to the which continuing the order hee disposeth of the Foote-men with the greatest number of Ensignes and the closest Bands and the Horse-men of the Allies were vpon the left wing and in Front those that were lightly armed They were with their Allies to the number of fourescore thousand Foote and about sixe thousand Horse Hannibal passing the Riuer at the same time sends them of Maiorque and Min●rque with those that were lightly armed before and passing the rest of the Army at two places hee plants himselfe before the Enemy ordring the Horse-men of Gaule and Spaine neere vnto the Riuer vpon the left wing against the Roman Horse-men After which he sets Foote-men in the midst of the Affricans who were armed to proofe and after them the Gaules and Spaniards and finally the rest of the Affricans and on the right wing he lodgeth his Numidian Horse-men When he had put his whole Army in order he placeth in the midst the Troupes of Gaules and Spaniards he ordered them in a crooked forme and a weake figure meaning that the Affricans should vndergoe the danger before them as a safegard to the Battaile The Affricans were armed in such sort as you would haue taken it for a Roman Battalion by reason of the Armes which they had gotten at Trebia and at the Lake of Perouza The Gaules and Spaniards carried the like Targets but their Swords differ'd For the Spaniards were short and therefore easie werewith they did both thrust and strike But the Gaules were long and without points It was a strange and terrible thing to see the Gaules naked aboue the waiste and the Spaniards attired in shirts of Linnen wrought with purple after the manner of their owne Countrey There were ten thousand Horse and aboue forty thousand Foote with the succours that came from Gaule Lucius Emilius led the right wing and Tarrentius Varro the left Marcus Attilius and Cneius Seruilius gouerned the Battalion in the midst And as for the Carthaginian Captaines Asdrubal led the left wing Hanno the right and Hannibal was in the middest with his Brother Mago The Romans looked towards the South and the Carthaginians to the North but neither of them were annoyed with the Sunne After they had giuen warning to battaile the encounters and skirmishes were for a time equall But when as the Gaules and Spaniards of the left wing had charged the Romans the Combate was fierce and cruell so as they did not charge and recharge but ioyning together they did fight Foote to Foote and man to man after they had left their Horses There the Carthaginians vanquished and slew most of the Romans fighting valiantly and with great courage In regard of the rest they slew them retiring neare the Riuer without any mercy or compassion And then the Foote-men receiued those that were aduantagiously armed charging one another The Spaniards and Gaules resisted the Romans valiantly for a short time but being forced they retired breaking their Lunary order Then the Roman Battalion pursuing with great courage did easily disorder the Enemies Rankes for that of the Gaules was weake as hauing fortified the hornes being in the midst of the danger Wherefore the hornes and the midst were not equall so as the midst of he Gaules Battalion aduanced farre vpon the hornes like an halfe Moone the crookednesse turning towards the Enemie Finally the Romans pursuing them marcht thorough without any resistance so as at their cōming they had vpon their Flancks the Affricans that were best armed who couering themselues with their Targets charg'd their Enemies vpon the sides thrusting with their swords So as by the prouidence of Hannibal the Romans were inclosed among the Lybians by the encounter which they had made against the Gaules They did not fight by Battalion but Man to Man or by troupes turning against those which charged them vpon the Flancks And although that Lucius Emilius who commaunded the right wing had beene in the Combat of the Horsemen Yet hee was safe and well meaning therefore that in giuing courage his deedes should bee answerable to his words
time very fearefull These are no strange things but vsuall and well knowne vnto those that doe obserue them Wee likewise see many men in hunting to bee wonderfull hardy against the cruellest sauage Beasts that can bee found whom if you leade to the Warre against the Enemy would be found Cowards and faint hearted You shall likewise finde many in the Warre which are resolute to fight man to man but in pitcht Battaile are of no esteeme It is certaine that the Horse-men of Thessaly being ioyned together are not to bee forc't in a Battaile but if you charge them by small Troupes it is easie to cut them in peeces the which is contrary in the Etoliens They of Candy are the most actiue men in the World as well for Combate at Sea and Land for Ambushes Robberies Rapines surprizes in the Night and for all manner of deceipts But in a pitcht Battaile they are faint-hearted Cowards and of no seruice To whom the Acheins and Macedonians are quite contrary I haue deliuered these things in few words to the end that no man should maruaile nor giue lesse credit to the History if sometimes wee shew that one and the same man hath carried himselfe diuersly in the like affaires Let vs now returne where wee left After the assembly had beene made at Megalapolis of able men for the Warre the Messeniens came againe to the Acheins intreating them to helpe and assist them being so apparently wronged by the Etoliens and desiring withall if it were their good pleasure to bee receiued into their league hereafter to beare the necessary charges for the preseruation thereof The cheife of the Acheins make answere that as for the alliance they could not hearken vnto it for that it was not in their power and ability to receiue or fauour any one without the consent of Philip and the other Allies For that the accord continued yet firme which had beene made in the time of the Cleomenique Warre vnder the command of Antigonus betwixt the Acheins Epirotes Phocenses Macedonians Beociens Arcadians and Thessalians And yet they would willingly giue them succours so as they will giue their Children for hostages vnto the Acheins promising neuer to make peace nor any accord with the Etoliens without the consent of the Acheins It is true the Lacedemonians had drawne downe an Army neere vnto Megalopolis not so much in regard of their Alliance as to see the euent of the Warre When as Arate had thus concluded with the Messeniens he sends an Embassie to the Etoliens signifying vnto them to retire their Army out of the Messeniens Countrey and that hereafter they should doe them no wrong nor touch the Acheins Countrey And if they did otherwise hee declared himselfe their Enemy Scope and Dorimache hauing heard the Embassadours charge and being aduertised of the preparation of the Acheins thought good to yeeld vnto Arate Wherefore they sent Letters presently into Cylene to Aristo chiefe of the Etoliens requiring shipping and two daies after they parted causing the Baggage to march before taking their way towards the Elienses a people which had beene alwayes faithfull to the Etoliens But Arate thinking simply they had gone away as they had resolued gaue leaue to all his Bands to retire vnto their houses and went directly to Patras accompanied onely with three thousand Foote and three hundred Horse which were vnder the charge and command of Taurion to cut off the Enemies retreate Dorimache being aduertised and fearing they should hinder the passage hee sent all the booty with a good Conuoy to the ships giuing charge to those which had the conduct that they should come and meete him at Rhie where he had resolued to imbarke When he had conducted the booty a little way hee presently turnes head and comes to Olympia Being there aduertised that Taurion was about Clitoria with his Troupes fearing that he should not be able to imbarke at Rhie without fighting or danger hee held it best to fight presently with Arate who had but small Troopes and was ignorant of his Enterprize Hee conceiued that hee should make his retreate safely that way which he had resolued if he defeated the Enemy in running the whole Prouince before the Acheins should make a new head and if they fled the Combate for feare hee should passe where hee pleased without danger Dorimache moued with these reasons seated his Campe neere vnto Methydrie which is not farre from Megalopolis The Acheins aduertised of the comming of the Etoliens made so little vse of those things which were visible as they forgot nothing that might augment and increase their folly First in leauing Clitoria they planted their Campe neere vnto Caphies And when as the Etoliens parting from Methydrie had pastat Orchomene the Acheins marcht by the Countrey of the Caphiens being inclosed with a Riuer as with a Rampier The Etoliens fearing to fight with the Enemy according to their first resolution as well for the difficulty of the places for there were before the Riuer Ditches and inaccessible places as for the comming of the Acheins They marcht vnto Olig●rte in good order being loath that any one should force them to runnne into danger When as the Bands of Horse-men followed them vpon a Plaine neere vnto them Arate sent the Foot-men that were lightly armed after the Horse-men vnder the conduct of Acarnane giuing them charge to fight with them and to trie the Fortune wherein hee committed a great errour for seeing hee had an intent to fight he should not haue charged them in the Reare for that they were not farre from the Mountaines but in front before they should haue gotten the top By this meanes the Battaile had beene in the Plaine Whereby vndoubtedly the Etoliens had beene defeated by reason of their kind of Armes and order Contrariwise Arate by bad aduice left vnto the Enemies the opportunity of the place and of time which was offred him When as the Etoliens saw the Acheins march they vsed all diligence to gaine the Mountaine making haste to ioyne with their Foote-men Arates men not duely considering what had beene done and being ignorant of the Enemies enterprize when they saw the Horse-men runne they sent those that were lightly armed of two wings thinking it had beene a flight and giue them charge to succour the Horse and Foote Then Arate marched with the rest much discontented making a long wing The Etolien Horse-men approaching to the Foote of the Mountaines began to march a slow pace and called downe their Foote-men with great cries who comming suddainly to succour them and seeing they were not fewer in number then the Enemy they turned head against the Achein Horse-men and charged them for that they had an aduantage in the number of men and the opportunity of the place The Combate was fierce on either side and the victory for a time was in suspence Finally the Achein Horse-men were repuls'd And when
decided Machate returnes into Etolia hauing effected nothing of that for which hee came The Heads of this Mutiny whereof wee haue spoken being discontented herewith began to plot a most cruell Enterprize Soone after the Youth were to assemble in Armes to performe a Sacrifice which was done yearely after the manner of the Countrey in Pallas Temple where the Gouernours of the Citty had the authority and continued some dayes in the Temple Wherefore they corrupted some of the Yong men which should be there in Armes with gifts who at a time appointed amongst them seeing the Gouernors busie at the Sacrifices should assaile them suddainly and kill them like Sheepe And although they were in the Temple the which the Lacedemonians honoured as a Sanctuary and where all malefactors although they were condemned to dye were in safety yet the insolence of men was growne to so great a cruelty as they slew all the Magistrates before the Altars and on the Tables of the Goddesse The like they did afterwards to the Senators which had followed the opinion of Herides Finally after they had chased out of their Citie those that were opposite to the Etoliens they created new Magistrates of their owne faction making a league with the Etoliens By this meanes they declared themselues at one instant Enemies to the Acheins and vnthankfull to the Macedonians They had a great hope in the loue of Cleomenes whose comming they expected with great affection Beleeue mee the mildnesse and courtesie of Princes hath so great power as it leaues in the hearts of men not onely by their presence but also by their absence a generall zeale of loue and good will towards them The Lacedemonians hauing the Gouernment of their Common-wealth almost for the space of three yeares after that Cleomenes had beene chased away they neuer thought of chusing a King But when they had newes of his death they had an humour to chuse one whereof the first Authors of this practise were the heads of the sedition who had made the league with the Etoliens Wherefore they elected according to their lawes and customes for one of their Kings one named Agesipoles being yet very young the sonne of Agesipoles who was sonne to Cleombrotus It happened that he raigned at such time as Leonides was deposed from the Magistracie for that hee was the neerest of that race And they gaue him for Tutor Cleomenes the sonne of Cleombrotus and brother to Agesip●les And although that Archidamus had two sonnes by the daughter of Hippomedon who was sonne to Eudemides and Hippomedon liuing still who was sonne to Agesilaus and Nephew to E●demides and that there were many others of the same blood yet they made choise for their King making no account of the rest nor of their race of Licurgus who was of another house and had no expectance to raigne In truth it was said that he was of the race of Hercules and created King of Sparta in giuing to euery one of the Magistrates sixe hundred Crownes Thus you see that all wicked things haue alwayes beene set to saile But it was not long but the heads of this crime suffered the punishment of their folly and ouer-weening Machate aduertised of that which had beene done at Lacedemon returnes againe to Sparta and perswades the Kings and Magistrates to make warre against the Acheins saying that by this meanes the ambition of those Lacedemonians which held the contrary party and fled the alliance of the Etoliens might be easily supprest When as the Kings and Magistrates were perswaded by his words he returned into Etolia hauing done what he desired by the folly of the Lacedemonians Afterwards Licurgus leuying mercenary men and assembling the people of the Citie enters into the limits of the Argiues whom he assailes vnprouided expecting no such vsage from the Lacedemonians And suddainly takes Polychne Parsie Le●ce Cyphas and some other of their Burroughes putting all the Countrey to fire and sword These things being done the Lacedemonians declared warre against the Acheins And in the meane time Mahbate went to the other neighbour Townes perswading them as he had done the Lacedemonians By this meanes the Etoliens to whom all things succeeded happily vndertooke the warre boldly Contrariwise all things were auerse to the Aecheins For King Philip in whom they chiefely relied did but then leuie men the Epirotes had not yet begun the warre with the Etoliens and the Messeniens liued in peace The Etoliens hauing drawne vnto them the Elienses and Lacedemonians prest the Acheins of all sides It happened that Arate had left the gouernment and his sonne Arate was chosen chiefe of the Acheins and that Scope was Captaine Generall of the Etolien Army but he was not to stay long in it for the Etoliens at that time made their election after the middest of September and the Acheins about the beginning of May. Summer being past when as young Arate had vndertaken the gouernment all the warres in a manner had one beginning For Hanibal prepared at that time for the siege of Sagont The Romans sent Lucius Emilius into Sclauonia against Demetrius of Phare Antiochus began the warre in Syria by the meanes of Ptolomais and Antyrus which were deliuered vnto him in treason by Theodotus and Ptolomy against Antiochus Licurgus to follow Cleomenes besieged Athence a Towne of the Megalopolitains The Acheins leuied both Horse and Foote Philip parted from Macedon with his Army hauing about tenne thousand Leginaries and fiue thousand men arm'd with Targets and about eight hundred Horse This was the preparation for warre at that time The Rhodiens made warre at the same time against the Constantinopolitains for some such causes The Constantinopolitains inhabit a City strong by scituation and wonderfull commodious to finde all things that may giue content vnto man For it is so well seated vpon the Gulfe of Pontus as no Marchant can enter nor goe forth but at the mercy of Constantinople And as the Pontique Sea brings any things necessary for man the Constantinopolitains are the Masters for the Countries there-abouts supplies them with great aboundance of Leather for their common vse and a great multitude of Stags and they send to vs honey for daintinesse wax flesh salted and such like things They draw also from vs other things which abound in our Countries as Oyles and all sorts of Wines Somtimes they furnish Wheat and we doe the like to them These are the things whereof the Grecians make vse or else the vent would bee vnprofitable vnto them whereas the Constantinopolitains should shew themselues malicious in allying themselues to the Gaules or to any other barbarous Neighbours So as the Grecians should be forced to abandon the Pontique Sea for the straightnesse of the places and the multitude of Barbarians Wherefore the Constantinopolitains haue great commodities by reason of their scituation transporting those things whereof they abound and drawing vnto them what they want without
Asia but likewise on the other drawing his Army to Land they did carefully fortifie that part which is inuironed by the Sea leauing a good Guard there to keep the Enemy from landing for the place is of a small Circuit and requires no great guard This is all which past at that time in Synope King Philip parting with his Army from Macedony for there wee left our former Discourse caused it to march by Thessaly and Epirus making hast to passe by those Regions into Etolia Alexander and Dorimache resolving at the same time to take Egirus hauing drawne together twelue hundred Etoliens at Oeanthy which is one of their Townes opposite vnto that whereof wee now speake and their shippes being ready to passe they only attended an opportunity to put their enterprize is Execution It happened that an Etolian hauing liued long at Egire and finding that the Guard at the Gate kept no good Watch by reason of their Drunkennesse hee acquaints Dorimache therewith soliciting him to take the Towne by night he being a man accustomed vnto such Actions Egire is a Towne of Morea scituated neere vnto the Gulfe of Corinthe betwixt Egia and Sicyon vpon a certaine Hill which is rough and difficult drawing towards Par●ase and about seauen Furlongs distant from the Sea When the time was come D●rimache hauing imbarqued his Army and prouided carefully for all things necessary he came before the breake of day to a Riuer which runs neere vnto the Hill whereon the Towne stands From thence he with Alexander and Archidamus the sonne of Pantaleon accompanied with a great number of Etoliens marcht directly vnto the Towne along the way which leads to Egia The Fugitiues was gone before with twenty of their best foote-men for the knowledge he had of the places And had gotten the Walls by Rockes which seemed inaccessible Where as entring the Towne by a sincke he found the Guards a sleepe Who being slaine and hauing broken the barres of the Gate without discouery they made way for the Etoliens who entred with great fury and carried themselues simply and without discretion which was an occasion of the Egirates Victory and of their defeate and shame For thinking that all had beene lost for the Egirates they suddainly Armed and put themselues in Battaile within the Towne where they staied for a certaine time But at the breake of day euery man thought of his owne priuate profit and gaine And dispersing themselues throughout the whole Towne they fell vppon the Burgesses houses and rifled their goods Finally they had no care at all but of spoile and Rapine The Egirates mooued at this strange accident some fled out of the Towne amazed with feare whose houses the Enemies had forced for that the Etoliens were apparently masters of the Towne But they who hearing the sound of the Trumpet were gone foorth with their seruants to aide and succour the City retired vnto the Fort Wherefore their number and force augmented continually and the Etoliens grew weaker For that the Egirates repaired still to the Fort and the others dispersed themselues in houses for spoile And although that Dorimache saw the apparent danger yet without any amazement he assaults the Fort with a wonderfull Resolution imagining that they which were retired into it being amazed at his comming would presently yeild vnto the Etoliens But the Egirates incouraging one another defended the Fort with incredible resolution and assurance By this meanes the Combat was furious of either side But for that the Fort was not inclosed with wals they fought man to man and the Combat for a time was furious and equall For that the one fought for their Country and children and the other for their liues But the Etoliens in the end beganto flie shamefully whom the Egirate growing more couragious pursued so as a great part of the Etoliens died in fallying out at the Gate oppressing one another in the throng Alexander was slaine fighting valliantly Dorimache striuing to get forth died in the presse The rest were presently slaine or kill'd themselues falling into Pits There were few saued who abandoned their Armes and fled to the ships By this meanes the Egirates by their incredible courage recoueted their Countrey in a manner lost by negligence At the same time Euripides who had beene sent by the Etoliens to be Chiefe of the Elienses who after he had ouer-run the Countries of the Dimenses Pharences and Tritenses tooke his way through the Elienses Countrey chasing before him a great Booty whereof Micchus of Dime being aduertised who by chance was at that time subrogated in the place of the Commander of the Acheins and following the Enemy vpon the retreate with the helpe of the Dimenses Pharenses and Tritenses fell vnaduisedly into their Ambushes and was defeated with the great losse of his men whereof there died forty Foot and there were two hundred taken Euripides glorious of this good fortune soone after went againe to Field and tooke a Castle from the Dimenses which was of consequence the which the people of the Countrey called Mure and they say that Hercules built it in old time making Warre against the Elienses to vse it as a Fort and retreate in the time of Warre The Dimenses Pharenses and Trite●ses hauing made this losse and fearing for the future by the taking of the Castle by Euripides they first sent Letters to the Chiefe of the Acheins to aduertise them of their misfortune and to demand succours against the Etoliens And afterwards they sent some of the Chiefe of their Towne in Embassie Arate could not raze any mercenary Souldiers for that during the Warre of Cleomenes the Acheins had payed them ill and withall hee mannaged the affaires fearefully and without consideration And therefore Lycurgu● tooke Athence a Towne of the Megalopolitains the like Euripides did besides the former prize to Gorgon and Telphusia The Dimenses Pharences and Tritenses being frustrate of the hope they had in the Chiefe of the Acheins resolued among themselues not to contribute any more money to supply the necessities of their Warre And that they would leuie at their owne charge about three hundred Foote and fifty Horse to defend their Countrey Whereby they seemed to haue taken good order for their priuate affaires but they had no great respect to the profit of a Comminalty For they haue giuen a very bad example to others to make a new enterprize vpon any occasion whereof the blame may well be layd vpon the Commander who by his sloth and negligence had frustrated his men of their expectance It is a common course that all they which are in danger hold that Friendship is to be entertained and kept so long as there is any hope to draw succours from them and when that ceaseth then they are to prouide for their owne affaires And therefore the Dimenses Pharenses and Tritenses are to be pardoned for that in the
the Gods had beene by the aduice of one of them It is true that this was done contrary to the course of Arates life during the which hee neuer did any thing rashly nor without consideration whereas Demetrius did alwayes the contrary There are likewise particular presumptions thereof whereof we will speake when it shall be fit Philip then returning to out discourse parts from Therme laden with all spoiles and returnes the same way he came causing the Baggage to goe before with those that were best armed and placing the Acarnaniens in Rearward with the Mercenaries he made haste to passe the streights He feared that the Enemies relying vpon the aduantage of the place might charge him in the Reare The which was presently put in practise for that the Etoliens hauing drawne together three thousand men neuer approaching neere vnto Philip whilest hee held the high Countrey made their Ambushes in scattred places vnder the command of Alexander But when the Rearward began to march they entred into Therme charging them vpon the Taile When as the allarum was giuen the Etoliens relying much vpon the aduantage of places pursued them with great courage But Philip hauing wisely prouided for the future had left the Sclauonians in Ambush vnder a certaine Hill with many others that were armed with Targets Who seeing the pursuite of the Etoliens they marcht against him with great fury and presently slew sixe or seauen score and tooke as many the rest saued themselues by infamous and shamefull flight The Acarnanians and Mercenaries after they had gotten the victory they presently set fire on Paphia and when they had past the streights with great speed they found the Macedonians Phillip seated his Campe neere vnto Methape staying for his men And parting from thence after he had razed it he comes to a Towne called Atres Then continuing his way for three dayes together hee wasted the whole Countrey The day following he planted his Campe neere vnto Conope where he stayed the next day After which hee march't at the breake of day towards Strate where hee past the Riuer of Acheloe and lodged within a Bowes shoote of the Towne drawing the Inhabitants often to skirmish For he had beene aduertised that there were three thousand Etolien foote within it and about foure hundred Horse with fiue hundred Candiots When as no man durst come forth hee raised his Campe againe and at the first tooke his way towards the Fenns to recouer his ships But when as the Reare of his Army began to passe the Towne a number of Etolien Horse-men make a sally and charge them They were presently followed by a Troupe of Candiots and many Etoliens came to succour their Horse-men the Acarnaniens being in danger turned head against the Enemy and the Combate began betwixt them The Victory was long in suspence Finally Philip sent the Sclanonians to succour the Mercenaries Wherefore the Etoliens being vanquished fled of all sides Those which the King had sent pursued the greatest part of them to the Gates and walls of the Towne whereof there were a hundred slaine in the chase the rest durst no more shew themselues in Field By this meanes the Kings Army retired without danger to their ships After which Philip planted his Campe and gaue thankes vnto the Gods for the good fortune which he had obtained according to his desire And making a Banquet he inuited all the Captaines It seemed true that he had past by dangerous places into the which no man before him durst lead an Army But he not onely past them but did what he would and returned without losse or danger Moreouer Megalee and Leonce discontented at the Kings good fortune hauing sworne to Appelles to hinder all his enterprizes which they could not effect for that all things succeeded happily to Philip were present at this Supper sad and pensiue so as they discouered easily vnto the King and to the other assistants what their hearts were But when the Tables were taken away and they were well inflamed with their free drinking they returned to their Tents seeking for Arate Whom when they met vpon the way they vsed many iniurious speeches against him and began to assault him with stones But for that much people came of either side to succour them there grew a great mutiny in the Campe. Philip hearing the Trumpet sent men to inquire and to pacifie this tumult To whom Arate declaring the businesse as it had past and referring himselfe to the testimony of those that were present hee returned presently vnto his Tent. Leonce retired secretly out of the presse Philip causeth Megalee and Crinon to be called with whom he was much offended And when as they answered him proudly that they would neuer cease vntill they had beene reuenged of Arate The King incensed therewith condemned them presently in twelue thousand Crownes and to bee committed to Prison Three dayes after he calls for Arate and intreates him not to care promising him to giue order for all things when as opportunity shall serue Leonce aduertised of the imprisonment of Megalee came with force to the Kings Tent immagining that Philip considering his youth would alter his sentence for feare Being come before the King he demanded what man was so hardy to lay hand on Megalee and who had committed him to Prison But when as the King answered boldly that hee had done it Leonce went away amazed and in a manner sighing Philip setting sayle with his Fleete came presently to Leucade where after he had appointed men to diuide the spoile he called all his friends to iudge Megalee There Arate laied before them the outrages of Leonce the great wrongs he suffred in the time of Antigonus the Conspiracy he made with Appelles and the hinderance he gaue at Palea To all which things he produced witnesses Whereunto when Megalee nor Crinon could not answere any thing they were condemned by all the assembly Whereupon Crinon remained a Prisoner But Megalee was deliuered vpon Leonces caution This was the estate of Appelles and his Confederates whose Fortune was not such as they expected For hoping to tertifie Arate and to doe what they would with the King and by this meanes to preuaile in their wills all things succeeded contrary In the meane time Licurgus retires out of the Messeniens Countrey hauing done nothing worthy of memory Afterwards parting from Lacedemon with an Army he tooke the Towne of Elea and besieged the Fort whereinto the Cittizens were retired where after hee had stayed there some time and seeing his labour lost he returned againe to Sparta And when as the Esienses ouer ran the Countrey of the Dimenses some Horse men which were in Ambush and come to succour them put them easily to flight and slew a good number of Gaules taking Prisoners those of the Townes of Polymede of Egia Agisipolis and Diode of Dime Dorimache was gone in the beginning with an Army onely
Asia and the Ilands And as for Thracia and Macedony the Princes of Enos and Maronia and of Townes that were more remote had alwayes an eye ouer them Wherefore imploying their forces to assaile forreine Princes farre from their Realmes they were not troubled for the Empire of Egypt Their chiefe care then was for the Warres of forreine Countries In regard of this King of whom wee speake there were many in a short time who for his infamous loues and ordinary excesse in drinking had an eye vpon him and his Realme Amongst the which Cleomenes of Lacedemon was the first He made no alteration whilest that the other King liued who was surnamed Benefactor as if he were perswaded that during his life he should want no meanes to reconquer his Realme But when as after his death the affaires required his presence Antigonus being also dead And that the Acheins with the Macedonians made Warre against the Lacedemonians which they maintaine according vnto that which hee had aduised them in the beginning being allied to the Etoliens Then hee was forced to thinke of his departure from Alexandria Wherefore hee first solicited the King to send them backe with an Army and sufficient munition And when as the King would not giue eare vnto it he intreated him at the least to suffer him to depart with his family for the time was now come when as great opportunities were offred to recouer his Fathers Realme The King neither considering the present nor fore-seeing the future for the causes aboue specified like an ouer-weening man and without iudgement neuer made any esteeme of Cleomenes But Sosibius who chiefely gouerned all the affaires of the Kingdome at that present holding a Councell with his Friends was not of aduice to suffer Cleomenes to goe with an Army at Sea and munition disdaining forreine affaires and holding this charge lost considering the death of Antigonus fearing likewise that this death being so fresh the way might be made easie to stirre vp some Warre And there being no man found to resist Cleomenes he would soone make himselfe Lord of all the Citties in Greece Finally they feared he would become their Enemy considering the present in regard of the Kings manner of life which was well knowne vnto them With this disaduantage that Sosibius saw the Prouinces of the Realme to lie one farre from another and to haue great opportunities of reuolte For there was neere vnto Samos a good number of Vessels and great Troupes of Souldiers neere vnto Ephesus Wherefore he did not hold it fit to send backe Cleomenes with an Army for the afore-sayd reasons But when they considered that it would not be profitable for their Common-wealth to let goe so great a personage who afterwards might proue their open Enemy there was no preuention but to retaine him by force The which notwithstanding the rest disliked conceiuing that there would be great danger to keepe the Lyon and Sheepe in one fold Sosibius was of the same opinion for that or the like cause At such time as they resolued to take Mega and Beronice and that they feared to bring their enterprize to a good end in regard of the fiercenesse of Beronice they were forced to drawe together all those which followed the Court and to make them great promises if they preuailed Then Sosibius knowing that Cleomenes wanted the Kings fuccours to recouer his fathers Realme and that he had found him by experience to be wise and politicke in great affaires he discouered his whole secrets vnto him propounding vnto him great hopes Cleomenes seeing him pensiue and fearing the strangers and Mercenaries perswaded him not to care promising him that the Souldiers should not trouble him and that moreouer they should giue him great assistance to bring his enterprize to an end And when as the other stood in admiration doest thou not see sayd Cleomenes that there are about three thousand men of Morea and a thousand Candyots all which will bring vs where we please Hauing these whom else doest thou feare What The Companions of the Warre of Syrria and Caria And when as Sosibius liked of his words hee entred more boldly into the Action And afterwards considering of the Kings soolery and negligence hee often called to minde this Speech and had alwayes before his eyes the Courage of Cleomenes and the affection the Souldiers bare him Wherefore considering this at the same time hee gaue the King and his other familiars to vnderstand that hee must seaze vpon him and keepe him close and priuate For the working and effecting whereof hee vsed this meanes There was one Nicagorus a Messenien a friend to the father of Archidamus King of the Lacedemonians betwixt whom there had formerly beene some friendship But at such time as Archidamus was chased from Sparta for feare of Cleomenes and fled to Messena hee not onely gaue him a good reception into his House with his friends at his first comming but hee alwayes liued with him afterwards during his flight so as there grew a great and strict familiarity betwixt them When as after these things Cleomenes made shewe of some hope of reconciliation with Archidamus Nicagorus beganne to treate of the Conditions of peace VVhen the accord had beene made and that Nicagorus had taken the faith of Cleomenes Archidamus returned to Sparta assuring himselfe of the conuentions of Nicagorus whom Cleomenes meeting vpon the way slew suffering Nicagorus and his company to passe away In regard of Nicagorus he carried the countenance of a very thankfull man for that he had saued his life But hee was vexed in his Soule and incensed for the deede for that hee seemed to haue giuen the occasion This Nicagorus had failed vnto Alexandria some little time before with Horses whereas going out of the ship hee met with Cleomenes Panthee and Hippite walking vpon the strande whom Cleomenes perceiuing saluted curteously demaunding what businesse had brought him thither To whom he answered that he had brought Horses I had rather sayd Cleomenes thou hadst brought Concubines and Bawds for these are the things wherein the King at this day takes his chiefe delight Then Nicagores held his peace smiling VVhen as within few dayes after he discoursed by chance with Sosibius by reason of the Horses he related vnto him that which Cleomenes had arrogantly spoken of the King And seeing Sosibius to heare him willingly he acquainted him with the cause of the ●pleene he bare him VVhen as Sosibius knew him to be wonderfully incensed against Cleomenes hee did him great curtesies for the present and promised him great fauours hereafter Finally hee wrought so that imbarquing he left Letters concerning Cleomenes which a seruant of his brought after his departure as sent from him The which Nicagorus performing the seruant vsed speed to go vnto the King assuring him that Nicagorus had giuen him the Letters to carry to Sosibius The Tenour whereof was That if Cleomenes were not soone dispatcht
in trueth hee seemed to be but he did not yet enioy the name of a King nor weare a Crowne for the enuy which Fortune procured him Antiochus giuing credite to these Letters resolued to make a descent into Syrria But whilest hee stayed in S●leucia and was carefull to bring his enterprize vnto a good end Diognet Chiefe of the Army at Sea arriued from Cappadocia which is ●eere vnto the Euxine Sea bringing with him Laodicea the Daughter of Methrid●●es who was promised to Antio●hus This is that Methridates who bragg'd that hee was descended from one of the seauen Wise men of Persia. She was receiued with royall pompe and Antiochus married her presently From thence he went to Antiochus leauing the Queene Regent of the Realme and applied himselfe wholy to rayse his Army At that time M●l●n seeing the people ready to doe what hee pleased aswell for the hope of the gaine which hee propounded vnto them as for that their Commaunders were terrified by the Kings false and counterfeite Letters Hauing also his brother Alexander for a Companion in this Warre After that hee had gotten all the neighbour Townes by the corruption of their Gouernours hee goes to field with a great Army and plants himselfe neere vnto the Campe of the Kings Lieutenants At whose comming Xenon and Theodote being terrified they retired to the next Townes Molon beeing Lord of all the plaine of Appolonia and running where he pleased the whole Prouince brought him great store of Victuals and munition Hee was before terrible in regard of his great power Neyther had he any will to loose the occasion for that that all the Kings Races for Horses were in Media with infinite store of Wheate and Cattle In regard of the force height and Wealth of that Region wee cannot speake sufficient Media lyes about the midst of a Asia It excels in greatnesse and height all the other Regions about it It is very powerfull in people being discouered towards the East by the Desart Countries which lye betwixt Persida and Parasia It ioynes and commands the Ports of the Caspien Sea So doth it in the Mountaines called Tapyreins which are not farre from the Hyrcanien Sea But as for the Southerne Regions it lookes to Messopotamia and Appolonia ioyning vnto Persida which lyes before Mount Sagre which hath a passage of a hundred Furlongs long The which hauing many inclosures is diuided by Vallies and certaine Plaines with the Cossees Corbrenes Carchins with diuers other Barbarous Nations inhabite being excellent in matters of War Finally it ioynes to the Satrapiens vpon the West who differ not much from those which inhabite Pontus Euxinus And as for the part towards the North it hath the Elimees Ariaraces then the Caddusiens and Mantianes Finally it is scituated aboue the Countries which neere vnto the Blacke Sea ioyne to Pontus It is separated from Nusia by a multitude of Mountaines vpon the West and yet there is a playne well furnished with Townes and Burroughes When as Molon was Lord of this Region hauing a kinde of a Realme and was terrible euen before this Rebellion in regard of the great power of the Countrey he shewed himselfe then more intollerable towards the Asiens For that at his arriuall the Kings Lieutenants had abandoned their Campe and that matters did not succeede in the beginning according to their hopes Wherefore in passing Tygris Molon indeauoured to besiege Seleucia But when as Zeux●● had stopt the Passage by staying all the Boates hee retyred The Army being at Ctesiphon hee made prouision of all things necessary to passe the winter The King aduertised of Molons Army and of the flight of his Lieutenants resolued to lead his Army against him leauing Ptolomy But Hermes remembring his enterprize sent Xenoete an Achaian with an Army against Molon saying that Lieutenants must fight with Rebels and the King with Kings in person Keeping the King thus in awe by reason of his Age hee went to Apamia where hee drew together an Army and from thence marcht suddainly to Laodicea From whence the King parting with all his Troupes and hauing past a Desart hee came into a place which the Inhabitants of the Countrey called Marsia seated betwixt the two Promontories of Liban and Antiliban which restrayne it and in the narrowest streight is miry and moorish where also grow the Arromaticall Canes Moreouer there ioynes to the one side of the sayd streights a Towne which they call Broches and on the other that of Gerre Betwixt the which there is a rough and difficult way The King marching for some dayes by these streights came in the end to Gerre Whereas when he saw that Theodote of Etolia had taken it and Broches and that hee had sortified all that part of the streights which were neere vnto the Fens with Ditches and Pallisadoes and men for the defence thereof hee laboured at the first to assayle them But when it seemed he lost more then hee got by reason of the disaduantage of the place and that Theodote made a shew to be of Ptolomies party hee gaue ouer the enterprize And when he had newes of the retreate of Xenoete and of the attempt of Molon he resolued to part from thence and to giue order for his owne affaires Xenoete being as wee haue sayd sent Generall against Molon hee had a greater power then was immagined and vsed his friends with great arrogancy and his enemies with too much cruelty When hee tooke his way to Seleucia with his Army calling vnto him Diogene Gouernour of the Countrey of Susian and Pythias of the red Sea hee marcht against the enemies and planted his Campe neere vnto theirs the Riuer of Tygris being betwixt them During the which there were many came swimming from Molons Campe aduertising him that the greatest part of his Army would yeild vnto him if he past the Riuer for that they hated him and loued and affected the King Xenoete perswaded by their words prepares himselfe to passe Tygris and making shew that hee would make his passage at a certaine place where as the Water makes an Iland hee made no shewe of any preparation Whereupon whilest that Molon made no account of his enterprize hee prepared Boates speedily and taking the best of his Horse-men and the Chiefe of all the Foot-men of his Army● he left Zeuxis and Pythias for the Guard of the Campe and past his Army safely in the night by Boate fourescore furlongs beneath Molons Campe During the which he seated his Campe in a safe place which was inuironed by the Riuer for the greatest part and the rest assured by Fens and Moores adioyning When as Molon was aduertised hereof hee sent his Horse-men before to hinder their passage or to defeate them that were past Who approaching neere to Xenoete they annoyed themselues more for that they knew not the places then they did the enemy For entring into those Moorish Fens they could doe no seruice and many
a●d preparat●on and to make an Army by Sea Apolophanes of whom wee haue spoken being borne in Seleucia stood vp and ouerthrew all the Opinions which had beene formerly giuen saying that it was a solly to drawe the Warre into base Syrria and to suffer ●●olomy to hold S●●encia for that it was the sourse and cause of their Principality That besides the disgrace hee should doe vnto his Reign● considering that the force of the Kings of Egypt had alwaies kept it it had moreouer great commodities for the mannaging of the Warre For whilest the Enemies shall hold it it would be very preiudiciall to all his Enterprizes For there must be no lesse care vsed to defend himselfe from this City then to assaile the Enemy And if hee held it he should not onely be able to preserue his owne with safety but also to vndertake some good action both by Sea and Land for the great opportunity of the place The whole Assembly allowed of Apoloph●●es aduice and resolued to take the Citty first for then S●l●ucia was held by the Kings of Egypt from the time that Pt●lomy reigned who was surnamed the B●nefactor Hee conquered it at such time that for the ruine of Beronic● and the rage he had concelued in his he●●t hee made a descent into base Syrria with an Army Antiochus after Apolophanes aduice was approued hee commanded Diogone Generall of the Army at Sea to fayle speedily to Seleuci● And in the meane time parting from Apamia with his Army he lodgeth within fiue Furlongs of Hippodrome Hee likewise sends away The●●ore Hermioly with a sufficient Army for Syrria to the end he might gaine the streights and prouide for the affaires of that Prouince This is the scituation of Seleucia and the places about it that as the Citty is seated vpon the Sea-shoare betwixt Cil●cia and Phenicia so it hath vnder i● a wonderful great Mountaine which they call Coryphes whose side towards the West is washed with the Sea which is betwixt Cipres and Phen●●ia and the other which lookes to the East ioynes to the Regions of the Antiochiens and Seleucen●es Seleucia scituated on the South and seperated by a deepe and inaccessible Valley which extends to the Sea being enuironed with great Rockes and Caues And on that side which lookes to the Sea it hath steps and Suburbs inclosed with walls The Citty also is fortified with a good wall and beautified with Temples and faire buildings It hath but one approach towards the sea the which is difficult and made by hand for they must ascend vnto it by Ladders The riuer of Or●nte enters into the Sea neere vnto it taking its sourse and beginning at Liban and Antiliban and passeth by Antiochia whereas running continually it carries away by its swift course all the filth of the people Finally it enters into the Sea neere vnto Seleucia Antiochus in the beginning sent to the Gouernours of the Citty off●ring them money with great hopes if without fighting they would deliuer it vnto him But when he could not winne them he corrupts some of the inferiour Captaines with whom hauing agreed he puts his men in Battaile as if he meant to assaile the Towne with his Army at Sea and at Land on that side which lookes towards Epirus Diuiding then his Army in three after that hee had inflamed the hearts of the Souldiers promising them great rewards hee appointed Zeuxi● with his Company to bee at the Gate which goes to Antiochia and he gaue to Hermogenes the places by which they goe to Dioscoria and giues charge to Ard●● and Diogene to assaile the Suburbs and Arsenall for it had beene so agreed with the Traytors that as soone as the Suburbs were taken they should deliuer him the Citty When as the King had giuen the ●igne for an assault they all did their indeauours But among the rest they which were with Ard●● and Diogene carried themselues valiantly For they could not assault no● scale the other places But in regard of the Arsenall and Suburbs they might assault and scale them Wherefore whilest that the Army at Sea fell vpon the Arsenall and Ardis Troupes vpon the Suburbs scaling the Walls and that they of the Towne could not succour them for that they were enuironed on all sides by the Enemy it fell out that the Suburbe was suddainly taken Which done the petty Captaines corrupted by the King ran to Leonce who at that time was Gouernour of the Citty perswading him to send to Antiochus before the City were forced And although that Leonce were ignorant of the Treason he sent presently to Antiochus being troubled with the amazement of his people to yeeld them the Citty vpon condition to haue the liues of all the Inhabitants saued The King accepting the condition promised to saue the liues of all Free-men which were about sixe thousand But when hee was entred he not onely pardoned the Burgesses but also called home the banished men of Seleucia and restored vnto them the gouernment of their publique affaires and all their goods and put a good Garrison into the Hauen and Port. Whilest Antiochus stayed at Seleucia hee receiued Letters from Theodote by the which he solicited him to goe speedily into base Syrria The King was long in suspence what councell he should take and was pensiue and troubled with the course he should take in this action you must vnderstand that Theodote borne in Etolia had done great seruices for the Realme of Ptolomy whereof wee haue formerly made mention and many times put his life in danger At such time as Antiochus made Warre against Molon hee tooke in person disdaining the King and distrusting his Courtiers Ptolemais and Tyrus by Paneteole and suddainly called in Antiochus The King hauing taken Acheus to heart and laying aside all other affaires he returnes with his Army the same way he came When he was come to a place which the Countrey people call Marsia hee camped neere the streights which are about Gerre which is not farre from the Fens lying in the midst of that Countrey There being aduertised that Nicholas Lieutenant Generall to Ptolomy held Ptolomais besieged in the which Theodote was hee left those that were best armed and gaue charge to besiege the Towne of Broches lying vpon the Fenns making haste to goe and raise the Siege Nicholas aduertised by his Spies of the Kings comming retired and sent Lagore of Candy and Dorimene of Etolia to gaine the streights which are neere vnto Beryta Where the King planted his Campe after that he had fought with them and put them to flight And when hee had drawne together the rest of his Army in the same place he makes an Oration to his Souldiers and marcheth away with great courage There Theodote and Paneteole met with him with their Friends to whom he gaue a good and gracious reception and he tooke Tyrus and Ptolemais with all their preparation of Warre There were in these Townes forty
King did not hold the outrage which he had done by open Warre in seazing vpon the places of base Syrria to bee vniust or vnreasonable and that he had done nothing but by a iust title For he sayd that Antigonus with one eye and Seleucus who first had conquered those places were the true and lawfull Lords Wherefore the Realme of base Syrria belonged vnto him as it were by right of inheritance and not to Ptolomy For that Ptolomy had fought against Antigonus not for his owne right but to conquer those Countries for Seleucus Moreouer he propounded the mutuall accord betwixt the Kings for at such time as Antigonus was defeated when as Cassander Lysimachus and Seleucus would diuide the Realme betwixt them they adiudged all Syrria to Seleucus This was all that Antiochus alledged Contrariwise Ptolomes Embassadours laboured to produce their reasons making this present outrage far greater then it had bin saying that the accord had bin broken as wel by the treason of Theodote as by the descent which Antiochus had made with an Army into Syrria Moreouer they pretended Ptolomes possession saying that he had made Warre with Seleucus against Antigonus to the end he might conquer all the Empire of Asia for Seleucus and make Syrria and Phenicea his owne These difficulties with diuers others were many times debated betwixt them but they could not conclude any thing although matters were solicited by their common Friends for that the party of Acheus bred a great controuersie and debate betwixt them For that Ptolomy sought to comprehend him in the accord and Antiochus would not heare him spoken of holding it a strange thing that Ptolomy should presume to make mention of those who through Treason abandoned their King Finally the Embassadours departed without any effect In the Spring Antiochus vseth all diligence to leuie men with an intent to assaile Syrria both by Sea and Land and to make subiect all the other Countries of that Prouince But Ptolomy did no lesse to re-enforce the Army of Nicholas so as hee sent him store of victuals out of the Countries neere vnto Gaza furnishing him moreouer with Souldiers both by Sea and Land with other things necessary By meanes whereof Nicholas resuming courage went boldly to Field with the helpe of Perigene Commander of the Army at Sea being sent by Ptolomy with thirty ships of Warre and about foure hundred Merchants Vessels This Nicholas was borne in Etolia as able and resolute a Souldier as any that serued Ptolomy who after he had formerly gotten with a part of his Army the streights which lie neere vnto Platane and marching with the rest to Porphirrion he shut vp the passage of the Prouince from the King with the helpe of the Sea-army Antiochus being come to Marache and Embassadours arriuing from the Arcadians to conferre of the conditions of their Alliance he not onely receiued them courteously but freed the discord which had beene long betwixt them in reconciling the Arcadians which dwelt in the Iland with those that liued in Epirus This done hee comes to Berite entring into the ●rouince by a place which the Countrey-men call the Face of God in passing hee tooke the Towne of Botre setting fire vpon Triere and Calame From thence he sent Nicarche and Theodote before giuing them charge to gaine the streights which are neere vnto the Riuer of Dyce And with the rest of his Army he plants himselfe neere vnto the Riuer of Damure from whence Diogene Chiefe of the Army at Sea was not farre Then againe he takes those that were lightly armed whom hee had sent before with Nicarche and Theodote and goes to discouer the streights which Nicholas had formerly taken so as after hee had well viewed the places hee returned to his Campe. Where the next day hee left those that were best armed vnder the charge of Nicarche and marched with the rest against the Enemy And for that Mount Liban doth much restraine those places towards the Sea-shoare the way must of necessity be narrow difficult and almost inaccessible leauing a streight and short passage towards the Sea Whereas Nicholas hauing then built his Fort hee did hope he should be well able to repulse Antiochus For that he had put him selfe into it with a good number of Souldiers and had also fortified it with Engines and other defences The King diuided his Army into three Troupes whereof hee gaue the leading of the one to Theodote giuing him charge to fall vpon the Enemies which defended the way of the Mountaine Hee gaue another to Menedemus whom hee commanded to striue to get vp th● Mountaine And the third he placed on the Sea-shoare vnder the leading of Diocles. Hee put himselfe among the Baggage to see all and to succour where neede should require At the same time Diogenet and Perigene began to fight at Sea approaching as neere to Land as possibly they could so as they might see the Combats by Land and Sea with one view The Trumpets sounding to the charge the fight was long equall at Sea so as the Victory inclined to neither side for that the two Armies were equall in number of men and preparation of Warre In regard of the fight at Land Nicholas had the better in the beginning for that hee had the aduantage of the place But when as they which were with Theodote came vpon them from the top of the Mountaine and charged them with great fury Nicholas and his men fled shamefully There were two thousand slaine in the chase the rest saued themselues in Sydon And although that Perigene in shew had good hope of the ●ight at Sea yet seeing the defeate of the Army at Land he retired Antiochus drew his men together and went and planted his Campe neare vnto Sydon yet hee did not hold it fit to attempt the taking thereof at that time as well for the abundance of munition and victuals that were in it as for the multitude of men as well Inhabitants as such as were retired into it after the Battaile Wherefore he dislodged and went to Philotere sending word to Diogenet Chiefe of the Army at Sea to sayle to Tyre You must vnderstand that Philotere is seated neare vnto a Fenne into the which the Riuer which they call Iordan passeth then takes its course by the Countrey of that Towne which is called Scithes After the suddaine taking of these two Townes he enters into great hope for the future for that their Fields were sufficient to furnish his Army with all kind of victuals and other munitions for the war There he placed sufficient Garrisons and passing the Mountaines he came to the Tow●e of Atabyre scituated vpon the Mountaine of Mastodia which hath fifteene Furlongs in ascent There laying an Ambush neare the Towne he began to draw the Inhabitants forth to fight who following his men who seemed to retire were in a manner all slaine they turning head And for that the Ambush charged them
either for themselues or their Countrey Wherefore they assembled the Counsell to resolue to send one of their Cittizens called Logbase in Embassie who had had great Friendship and familiarity with Antiochus which died in Thrace And moreouer he had bred vp Laodicea the wife of Acheus and his owne Daughter whom they had giuen him in her infancy to instruct They sent him therefore as their Embassadour thinking him sufficient for that businesse But being come to Garsyere he was so farre from doing that which hee had in charge and which the duty of a good Cittizen required that contrariwise he solicited him to write to Acheus that he promised to deliuer him the Towne Garsyere giuing a willing ●are vpon hope of taking it sent men to Acheus to solicite him and to let him vnderstand how matters had past Finally hee makes a truce with the Selgenses delaying still to make an absolute accord with him vnder colour that he would consider better thereon to the end that in the meane time hee might expect Acheus and giue Logbase opportunity to finish the Enterprize But whilest they in the meane time conf●rred together the Souldiers by a kind of familiarity went freely into the Towne to fetch Victuals which is many times the cause of a great Defeate So as in my opinion there is not any Creature amongst all the rest more simple then man or that hath lesse sense and iudgement whom notwithstanding the greatest part of the World hold for the wisest But how many Armies How many Forts How many and what Citties haue fallen into the Enemies hands thereby And although these be things which daily happen and that all the world sees yet wee shew our selues I know not how new and Apprentizes This happens for that wee doe not consider the fortunes which haue happened to our Ancestors in former times and that we busie ourselues with toile and charge to make prouision of Corne Siluer Fo●tifications and Armes Moreouer wee make no esteeme of that which is of great profit in great dangers but disdaine it although it be in our power to learne it in the time of peace by the Histories and Commentaries of former actions and as it were to practise them But to the end we may returne to the discourse from whence we parted Acheus came at the day appointed The S●lgenses going to meet him had great hope and confidence in his bounty In the meane time Logbase hauing drawne into his house a good number of those which came into the Citty for Victuals hee began to perswade the Cittizens not to lose any time and that considering the good-will which Acheus bare them they should thinke of their affaires and that in assembling the people they should consider of the conditions of peace These things being propounded they presently assembled to conferre of their present affaires calling those which were deputed for the guard of the Citty Logbase making a signe vnto the Enemy as he had promised suddainly armes all those which were in his house doing the like himselfe with his Children to vndergoe the danger On the other side Acheus came to the Towne with halfe the army Garsyere marcht with the rest to C●sbedia This is a Temple of Iupiter so well scituated aboue the Towne as it seemes like a Fort. When as by chance some one saw the Enemy approach hee ran suddainly to acquaint the Assembly whereupon there was so great an amazement among the peole as leauing the Company some ran to Cesbedia others to the places where they were set in Guard and the Commons ran to the house of Logbase where discouering the treason some in fury got to the house-top others forced the Gate and slew Logbase his Children and all the partners of the Conspiracy This done they proclamed liberty to al Bondmen by the sound of the Trumpet and encouraged one another to succour and defend the Citty running to all places necessary When Garsyere saw Cesbedia seazed on by the Burgesses he changed his resolution and Acheus seeking to force the Gates the Se●genses made a sally killing seauen hundred of his men and repuls'd the rest from the Towne This done Acheus and Garsyere returned to their Campe with shame and disgrace The Selgenses afterwards fearing the sedition of the Towne and the presence of the Enemy they sent their most ancient Cittizens to demand a peace Who being come to Acheus they agreed vpon these conditions that Acheus and the Selgenses should liue in peace and that they should pay vnto him presently two hundred and forty thousand Crownes That they should ●estore the Prisoners of the Pednelissenses and that at a certaine time prefixt they should pay moreouer nine score thousand Thus the Selgenses who by the Treason of Logbase were in danger of their Country and Liberties defended themselues valiantly and with great courage and neither lost their Liberties nor that honour which they deriued from the Lacedemonians When as Acheus had reduced vnder his obedience the Meliades and the greatest part of Pamphilia and had brought his Army to Sardis hee made Warre against Atta●us All the Inhabitants on this side Tauris feared him wonderfully At the same time when he made War against the Selgenses Attalus accompanied with the Eg●s●ges Galates ouer-ran Eolia and the neighbour Townes who for feare had yeelded to Acheus Whereof the greatest part submitted themselues willingly vnder his obedience the rest were forced Cyme Smirne and Phocea were the first that yeelded vnto him Afterwards the Egenses and Lemnites fearing a Siege yeelded in like manner There came likewise Embassadours from Th●ia and Colophon submitting themselues and their Townes vnto him Which being receiued according to the ancient accord and hostages taken he made great accompt of the Smirniens for that they had kept their faith best Afterwards continuing his course he past the Riuer of Lyce and went first to the Mysiens and then to the Carsees whom he terrified The like he did to the Guards of the double walls and tooke them and their Garrisons For that Themistocles whom Acheus had left there for Gouernour deliuered them vnto him And parting presently ruining the Countrey of Apia he past the Mountaine of Pelecas and planted himselfe neere vnto a great Riuer where the Moone falling into an Eclipse and the Galates discontented with the tediousnes of the way hauing a traine of women and children in their Wagons obseruing the Eclipse protested that they would passe no farther And although that King Attalus drew no seruice from them yet fearing that if he left them as it were in disdaine they would retire to Acheus and that thereby hee should purchase an ill fame as if through ingratitude he had abandoned those who with great affection had followed him into Asia he intreated them to endure a little toile of the way and that he would soone bring them to a good place where they should rest And withall hee would doe for them whatsoeuer they
should desire according to his power and as reason should require Attalus therefore gaue Hellespont to the Egosages for their abode and after he had intreated the Lampsacenes the Alexandrians and Ilienses courteously for that they had kept their faith he went to P●rg●mo with his Army In the beginning of the Spring when Antiochus and Ptolomy had made their preparations for the Warre they made haste to draw their Armies to Field Ptolomy parts from Alexandria with aboue three score and ten thousand Foote and fiue thousand Horse with three score and thirteene Elephants Antiochus hauing newes of their comming hee suddainly drawes his men together His Army consisted of fiue thousand Dains Carmaniens and Ciliciens lightly armed vnder the leading of Bittace a Macedonian and of twenty thousand men after the Macedonian manner whereof the greatest part were Argyraspides who were leuied throughout the Realme vnder the command of Theodote of Etolia who committed the Treason The number of the great Battaillion was about twenty thousand of whom Nicarchus and Theodote surnamed Hemiolia had the leading Moreouer there were two thousand Agreens and Persians Archers and Slingers with whom were a thousand Thracians ouer whom Menedemus Alabandeus was Captaine Moreouer fiue thousand Medians Cissiens Cadyssiens and Carmains which Accius the Sonne of Aspasian of Media had vnder his charge In regard of the Arabians and their neighbours they were vnder the command of Zabdibel to the number of ten thousand men or more On the other side Hippulochus of Thessaly had the leading of fiue thousand Grecians Mercenaries and Eurilochus of fifteene hundred Candyots Zelysgorgyne had a thousand Candyots newly leuied to the which were ioyned fiue hundred Lydiens with Slings Lysimachus the Gaule had a thousand Cardaces Finally the whole Cauallery amounted to sixe thousand Horse of which Antipater the Kings Nephew had the charge of foure thousand and Themison of the rest By this meanes Antiochus his Army consisted of three score and two thousand Foote sixe thousand Horse and a hundred and two Elephants Ptolomy taking his way by Damietta hee made that Towne subiect vnto him at his entrance From whence after a plentifull distribution of Corne among the Souldiers hee parted and passeth Cassia and Bathra comming by the desert Countries Being come to Gaza and hauing assembled his Army he marcht slowly in the Countrey planting himselfe on the fift day within fifty Furlongs of Raphia which is a Towne scituated behind Rhinococure and first of those of Syrria which looks towards Egypt At the same time Antiochus armed with his Army and passing that Towne by night he planted his Army within ten furlongs of his Enemy In the beginning they kept themselues distant so far one from another But some few daies after Antiochus desiring to get some place of aduantage and to giue courage to his men hee lodged neerer vnto the enemy so as there were but fiue Furlongs betwixt the two Campes So as going to forrage and to Water there were many encounters on the other side sometimes the Foote-men and sometimes the Horse-men skirmished betwixt the two Campes trying the Fortune of the Warre At the same time Theodote shewed the great courage of a true Etol●en For being by long experience acquainted with the Kings manner of liuing hee entred at the breake of day into the enemies Camp and could not be discouered by his Countenance for that it was yet darke Neither did hee differ much from them in his Apparrell for that they vsed diuers fashions of habits Hauing formerly obserued the place where the Kings Tent was planted for that they had fought often neere vnto the Campe hee went directly to it When hee had past vnknowne and was come secretly to the Tent in the which the King did vsually eate and drinke Where casting his lookes carefully about him he saw him not for he was lodged in a place retired behind it so as hee wounded two that were lodged there and killing Andrew the Kings Phisition hee retired without danger to his Campe bringing his enterprize to an end by his hardy courage But deceiued in his fore-sight for that hee had not well obserued the place where as Ptolomy did vsually lye When the Kings had continued in Campe fiue daies together one before the other they resolued in the end to giue Battaile Ptolomy beginning to draw his Army out of his Fort Antiochus suddainely did the like And they planted their two chiefe Battalions in Front one against the other armed after the Macedonian manner Behold the order which Ptolomy held for the two Wings Polycrates was in the right Wing with the Horse-men that were vnder his charge Betwixt the which and the great Battalion were the Candyots placed neere vnto the Horse-men After which was the Kings battalion and subsequently those that were armed with Targets whereof Socrates had the Commaund And finally the Lybians armed after the Macedonian manner Vppon the right Wing was Echecrates of Thessaly hauing with him his Troupe of Horses After which were appointed the Galates and Thracians and then Phoxide with the Mercenaries of Greece being followed by the great Battalion of the Egyptians Hee had also placed forty Elephants on the left Wing with the which Ptolomy were before the right Wing neere vnto the horse-men that were hired Antiochus on the other side placed on the right Wing with the which hee was resolued to fight in Battaile against Ptolomy threescore Elephants Of which his companion Philip had the Charge After these hee orders two thousand Horse vnder the leading of Antipater and sets the Candyots in Front neere vnto the Horse-men Then hee appoints the Mercenaries of Greec● and after then were fiue thousand men who armed after the Macedonian manner had Byttice for their Captaine As for the left Wing hee placed two thousand horses in Front vnder the Commaund of Temison Neere vnto which hee sets the Cardaces and Lydien Horse-men and after them three Thousand men lightly armed vnder the charge of Menedemus in whose Reare were the Cissiens Mediens and Carmaniens And after them the Arabians were ioyned to the great Battalion Finally hee sets before the left Wing the rest of the Elephants giuing them for their Guide one Myisce a Houshold seruant to the King The two Armies being thus in battaile the Kings beganne to encourage their Troupes being accompanied with their Captaines and friends commending the valour of the Souldiers both in generall and particular And hauing great hope of their Battalions they propounded great benefits which would redowne by the Victory Ptolomy had with him his sister Arsinoe with Andromachus and So●ibius who encouraged the Souldiers And Theodote and Nicarchus were with Antiochus for that of either side they were the Commaunders of the two great Battalions They were both of one humour to make Speeches vnto their men and yet neither of them had done any thing worthy of fame or praise to be propounded for that they were newly
come vnto their Principallities Wherefore they laboured to encourage their Troupes in reducing to their memory the glory and prowesse of their Ancestors And propounding moreouer a hope of themselues for the future they intreated and solicited the Captaines to fight and to vndergoe the danger resolutely and with courage These were the speeches or such like which they vsed in person or by their Interpreters This done the two Kings marcht one against the other a slow pace Ptolomy was in the left Wing and Antiochus in the right with his royal Battalion Then the Trumpets sounded to Battaile whereof the first Charge was made by the Elephants Few of Ptolomes held good against those of the Enemy whose Souldiers fought valliantly casting of Darts Pertwisans and plummets of lead wounding one another But the Elephants made a stronger Warre beating their Heads furiously together For such is the manner of their fight assailing one another with their teeth and standing firme they repulse one another with great Violence But if they once turne their sides they wound with their Teeth as Buls do with their Hornes But the greatest part of Ptolomes feared the Combate the which doth vsually happen to the Elephants of Lybia For they cannot indure the sent not heare the crye of those of India So as fearing as it seemes their greatnesse and force they flye them as it happened at that time for that flying suddainly they brake the rankes of their owne men and made a great slaughter in Ptolomes great Battallion The which Antiochus perceiuing hee presently chargeth Polycrates Horse-men with the Elephants The Grecians about his great Battallion fell vpon Ptolomes Targetteers Wherefore when the Elephants had broken them his left Wing beganne to turne head When Echecrates Commaunder of the right Wing expecting still the Combate of the sayd Wings saw the Dust rise in the Ayre and that his Elephants durst not charge the Enemies he sends to Phoxide Captaine of the Mercenaries to charge those which he had in Front The which he did likewise marching a slow pace with the Horse-men and the Elephants There the Combate was long and furious yet Echecrates being freed from the danger of the Elephants and making a great slaughter of the Horse-men and withall Phoxide pressing the Arabians and Medes In the end Antiochus his left wing was put to flight By this meanes Antiochus right wing vanquished and the left fled The two great Battalions stood firme and vntoucht being in doubt of the end And when as Ptolomy in the meane time had recouered his great Troupe by his speedy running and was in the middest of them hee amazed his Enemies and gaue great courage vnto his owne Captaines and Souldiers In the meane time King Antiochus being young and of small experience in the Warre seeing himselfe Victorious of the one side thought the like of the rest and pursued the Chase of the Enemy with great eagernesse But when as one of his old Souldiers cald him backe and shewed him the Dust which a great Troupe had raisde in his Fort hee then knew what it meant and turning head he laboured to recouer his Campe. But when hee found that all his Army was in Rout then wanting good Counsell he fled to Raphia immagining that it was not his fault hee had not obtained a glorious and Triumphant Victory and that the basenesse and sloath of his men had beene the cause of his defeate Ptolomy hauing the Victory by the meanes of his chiefe Battalion and hauing lost many of his Horse-men and Souldiers of the right Wing hee returned to his Campe and refresht his Army The next day he caused his men to be sought out among the Dead and buried From thence after they had stript the Enemies that were slaine hee marcht with his Army to Raphia And although that Antiochus gathering together his men that fled had a desire to keepe his Campe and to leaue the Towne yet he was forced to goe to Raphia For that the greatest part of his Souldiers were retired thither The next day earely in the morning he parts with that small Army which he had remaining after so great a defeate and went to Gaza Where planting his Campe he sent men to demaund the dead bodies and to interre them Antiochus lost aboue ten Thousand foote and three hundred Horse There were about foure thousand foote-men taken aliue In regard of the Elephants there were three slaine vpon the fielde and two wounded which dyed afterwards most of the rest were taken This was the ende of that famous battaile where as two powerfull and might Kings fought for the Empire of Syrria neere vnto Raphia When as Antiochus had buried the dead hee returned into his Countrey with his Army As for Ptolomy hee presently recouered Raphia with the other Citties so as the people contended who should preuent his neighbour in yeilding first vnto the King In such euents euery man striues to apply himselfe vnto the time It is true that the people of that Countrey are borne and inclined to imbrace the fa●●our of the present time But for asmuch as the people had a special deuotion to the Kings of Alexandria what they then did was held iust and reasonable The people of base Syrria haue alwaies affected this royall House And therefore they honoured Ptolomy with Flowers Sacrifices Altars and such like things When as Antiochus was come to the Citty which is called by his owne name he presently sent his Nephew Antipater with Theodote Hermioly in Embassi● to Ptolomy to demaund a peace of him For without doubt hee feared his forces neither did hee much relie vpon his owne souldiers considering the losse which hee had lately made Hee likewise doubted that Acheus might mooue Warre against him considering the opportunity of the time and occasion As for Ptolomy hee thought not of all this But beeing ioyfull of so great a Fortune which hee expected not holding himselfe happy to enioy all Syrria hee refused not the conditions of peace So as being lull'd a sleepe with this base kinde of life which hee had alwaies vsed his heart was much inclined thereunto When the Embassadours presented themselues vnto him he granted them a peace for a yearl after that hee vsed some proud speeches against Antiochus To whom he sent Sosibius with them to confirme the Accord And after hee had stayed about some three moneths in Syrria and Ph●nicea and had giuen order for the Citties leauing the charge of all those places to Andromachus Aspendius he returned with his sister and Friends to Alexandria On the other side Antiochus after hee had confirmed the Accord with Sosibius and pacified all things to his liking beganne to make preparation for Warre against Ache●s according to his first Resolution and determination This was the estate of Asia at that same present At the same time the Rhodiens taking their occasion from an Earthquake which a little before had befalne them in the
Countrey Finally he resolued to Guard Acheia with the Acheins and Mercenaries from the danger of the Elyences and Etoliens This done hee pacified the Discord which was growne among the Megalopolitains according vnto that which the Acheins had ordered For you must vnderstand that the Megalopolitains beeing a little before chased out of their owne Countrey by Cleomenes had neede of many things which were wanting And although they still maintained their authority yet they had neither victuals nor necessary expences either for the publique or priuate So as all was full of mutiny rage and malice The which doth vsuall fall out in Common-weales and among priuate persons when as victuals faile First they were in debate among themselues concerning the walls of the City some being of opinion that that they should not make the inclosure greater then their power would then beare and keepe it with so small a number of men considering it had bin the cause of their former danger for that it was greater and more spacious then the power of the Inhabitants was able to defend Moreouer they were of aduice that such as had Lands should contribute the third part to the end they might people the City Others said that they must not giue a lesse circuite to the City nor contribute the third part of their possession But their chiefest contention was concerning the Laws written by Pritanides an excellent man among the Peripatetiques whom Antigonus had giuen them for a Law-giuer The City being in these combustions Arate pacified them and quencht the quarrels which were inflamed among the Megalopolitains as well publique as priuate Finally they haue grauen the Articles agreed vpon on a Pillar seated in the Omarie at the Altar of Vesta After the reconciliation of the Megalopolitains Arate parting from thence retired presently to an Assembly of the Acheins leauing the Aduenturers with Selcuous of Phare The Elienses incensed against Pirrhie as if he had not discharged his duty they called Euripides from Etolia to be their Captaine Who considering that the Acheins held their Diet tooke sixe hundred Horse and two thousand Foote and went suddainly to Field where he spoild the whole Countrey vnto Egia And when he had taken a great booty he made haste to returne to Leonce Lyce hearing this went to meete them and encountred them suddainly when they came to fight hee slew foure hundred and tooke two hundred Prisoners Among the which were found Phissias Antanor Glearcus Euanorides Aristogites Nicasippus and Aspasias men of note and withall he had all their Armes and Baggage At the same time the Captaine of the Sea-army for the Acheins came to Molicria and parting thence suddainly he turned his way to Calcea where when as the Townes-men came out against him he tooke two Gallies armed and furnished with all things necessary with many other smaller vessels Moreouer he tooke great spoiles both by Sea and Land and drew victuals from thence with other munition wherewith hee made the Souldiers more hardy and resolute for the future On the other side the Cities were in better hope for that they were not forced to furnish victuals for the Souldiers In the meane time Scerdilaide holding himselfe wrong'd by the King for that he had not giuen him his full pay as he had articulated with Philip sent fifteene Vessels vnder a counterfeite shew of carrying Merchandizes the which at their first arriuall to Leucade were kindely entertained as Friends in regard of the League with the King And when they could doe no worse they too●e Agatin and Cassander of Corinthe who as Friends were entred into the same Port with foure ships Being thus taken with their Vessels they sent them presently to Scerdilaide This done they weighed Anchor from Leucade bending their course towards Maleu spoiling all the Merchants In the beginning of Summer when the Souldiers of Ta●rion were negligent in the guard of the said Cities Arate hauing with him the choise of the Army came into the Country of Argos to get victuals On the other side Euripides going to Field with a good number of Etoliens wasted the Country of the Tritenses Lyceus and Demodochus particular Captaines of the Acheins aduertised of the descent of the Etoliens drew together the Dimenses Patrenses and Pharenses with the Aduenturers and ouer-ran the Country of the Etoliens Being come to a place which they call Phixia they sent their Foot-men that were lightly armed with their Horse-men to ouer-run the Champaigne Country and log'd their men that were best armed in Ambush thereabouts When the Elienses came to charge them without order to succour their people passing the Ambush Lyceus Company fell vpon them whose fury they being vnable to resist fled so as there were about two hundred slaine and foure score taken Prisoners with all the Booty At the same time the Commander of the Acheins sea-Sea-army hauing sailed often to Calidon and Naupacte spoiled the whole Countrey and chased the Enemy twice He also tooke Cleonice of Naupacte who for that he was a friend to the Acheins had no harme but within few daies after was freed without ransome At the same time Agete Chiefe of the Etoliens assembled a Troupe of them putting the Country of the Acarnanians to fire and sword and spoiled the Country of Epirus This done he returnes home giuing leaue to the Souldiers to retire to their houses Afterwards the Acarnanians made a descent into the Country of Strate where being repuls'd by the Enemy they made a shamefull retreate yet without any losse for that the Stratenses durst not pursue them fearing an Ambush At the same time there was a Treason practised in the Country of the Phanotenses after this manner Alexander Gouernour of Phosis for Philip laide a plot for the Etoliens by a certaine man called Iason to whom he had giuen the gouernment of the Phanotenses He was sent to Agete Chiefe of the Etoliens promising to deliuer the Fortresse of Phanotenses vnto him whereupon they agree and sweare together When the day appointed was come Agete comes in the Night with the Etoliens when he had laid his Troupe in Ambush he made choise of a hundred men whom he sent to the Fort. Iason hauing Alexander ready with him with a sufficient number of Souldies receiues the companions into the Fortresse according to the accord whom Alexander charged with his Company and tooke all the Etoliens But when day was come Agete assured of the fact carried backe his Army into his Country hauing worthily deserued this deceipt for that he had many times practised the like At the same time Philip tooke Bylazon which is a great Towne in Peonia and in a good scituation for the entry from Dardania into Macedony By this meanes he freed them from all feare of the Dardanians who could not make any incursions into Macedony the entry being stopt by the taking of the said Towne whereas placing a good Garrison he sent Chrysagonus
vs except the Kings and Nations with whom we are in league Moreouer we will adde or diminish what we shall thinke good of this accord sworne by a common consent During these things Philip taking the Bowels of the Sacrifices the which according to the custome were brought vnto him and bending himselfe a little he presented them to Arate demanding of him what those Sacrifices signified and whether they would abandon that Fort or keepe it still Then Demetrius as the most aged said If thou hast the iudgment of a Soothsayer we wil leaue it suddainly but if the vnderstandiug of a warlike King we will keepe it And not to abandon it thou shalt consider of another necessary occasion For by this meanes in laying hold of the Oxes hornes thou shalt haue it wholy in thy subiection By the hornes he meant Isthomate and the Acrocorinthe and by the Oxe Morea Then Philip returning to Arate art thou of this aduice And when as Arate spake nothing he intreated him to deliuer his opinion who after he had considered thereon answered thou mayst keepe it if thou canst prouide in such sort that the accord with the Atheniens may not be infring'd If in taking it thou puts a Garrison thou shalt loose all the Fort and the Garrison it selfe meaning his fayth which thou hast receiued from Antigonus in giuing the Guards to the Allies Consider whether it be now better that in putting me forth thou loosest this fidelity and that by this meanes thou setlest Garrisons ouer the Messeniens and other Allies But Philip had a great desire to breake the accord the which his following actions made manifest And when hee had a little before beene sharpely reprehended by yong Arate for the defeate of some men and that the elder hauing spoke freely and with authority had intreated him not to giue an easie eare to such speeches as should be vsed vnto him shame restrained him and taking his right hand well sayd he let vs follow the same course In regard of the City of the Sardins there were continually combats and dangerous encounters For the souldiers of eyther side studied day and night to frustrate one anothers pollicies by new inuentions to write all which in particular would be no lesse vnprofitable then tedious And when as the siege had continued full two yeeres Lagoras of Candy a man well experienced in the art of warre hauing considered with himselfe that many times strong Cities fall easily into the Enemies hands by the negligence of the inhabitants who relying vpon their fortifications made as well by nature as art assure themselues and grow idle And knowing likewise how they are accustomed to set guards in strong places which might make heads against the Enemies attemps Seeing likewise according to his conceit the despaire of them all that they should not be able to take the Sardins Fort by this meanes and that want of victuals and munition remained for their last hope to take it The more he considers thereon and studies by what meanes he might finde some occasion to surprize the City And when as afterwards hee found that the courting of the place which they call Serie it is that which ioynes the City with the Fort was without guard it happened that according to his hope and opinion he discouered the negligence of the guard by his presumption This place was very rough and steepe hauing a valley neere vnto it into the which they of the City cast their dead carrion Whither reforted a great number of vulture and other rauening Birds When this man saw that these Birds after they were full gorg'd pearch daily vpon the top of the valley and on the wall he knew thereby that of necessity this courtine was abandoned and for the most part without guard Then approaching wisely in the night hee sought meanes to get vp And when he found that in a certaine place of the valley they might ascend he aduertised the King Who conceiuing a good hope perswaded Lagoras to continue his enterprize promising to doe what possibly hee could Lagoras intreats the King to giue him for companions Theodote the Etolien and Denis Captaine of his guard and that hee would command them to beare him company to lay this Ambush For they seemed to bee able men and sufficient for this enterprize And when the King had satisfyed his demand they agree together and by a common consent make choyse of a night when as part of the morning had no moone-light After which the day before at Sunne-setting they make choyce of fifteene strong and resolute men to mount vp the ladders with them and to gaine the wall who in this hardy enterprize should be their companions Then they chose thirty other to lye a little distant of in Ambush to the end that when they had recouered the wall they should fall vpon the next gate and striue to breake the hinges and ioynts and the others within the barres and lockes They also appoynt two thousand men in the reare of these who entring with them should recouer the place of the Theater The which was made so conueniently as it was opposite to the approaches of those of the Forts and those of the City Moreouer to auoyd the suspition of the truth in regard of the choyse of these men he gaue order that the Etoliens should giue an assault vnto the City by a certaine valley And therefore it was needfull that these should second them according to a signe which should be giuen them When as all things were ready and the Moone growne darke they which were Lagoras taking the ladders approacht closely to the top of the valley and hid themselues vnder the rocke When at the breake of day they had relieued the watch which was on that side and the King had sent as of custome others to second them and had appoynted a good number for a place where they runne their horses no man suspected any thing of the enterprize But when as the two ladders were set vp against the wall where Denis on the one and Lagoras on the other mounted first vnto the top their grew a great noyse and alteration in the Campe. It so fell out that they which mounted the ladders could not be discouered by them of the City nor by the rest which were in the Fort vnder Acheus by reason of the Rocke which aduanced ouer the valley But their courage which ascended the wall and assailed the City was apparant to the Army Wherefore some wondred at there incredible resolution others foreseeing the future and fearing remained partly amazed and partly ioyfull Wherefore the King seeing the alteration in his Campe desiring also to diuert this fancie as well from his owne men as from those of the City he led forth his Army and besieged the two Gates which they call Persides On the other side Acheus seeing the Enemies alteration more then of custome was in great doubt being ignorant of the present cause
forg'd and made being the Architect and Engineere And when as they approacht the City some of them as we haue sayd were slaine with their Arrowes and continually repuls'd from their app●oaches Others couered with Targets and therefore assailing with greater force were ouerthrowne and slaine with Stones and the bodies of Trees A good number likewise were slaine by the hands descending from the Engines as we haue sayd For they cast downe men being raised vp on high with their Armes Wherefore they of Appius Army retiring to their Campe and holding a Councell with the Captaines were all of one opinion and resolued to try all manner of hope to take Saragosse by siege the which in the end they did For when they had besieged this City for the space of eight Moneths they ceased not daily to make braue and valiant enterprizes of Warre But they neuer durst attempt to take it by force By this meanes a man with good fortune seemed to bring to an end great and admirable things when as they are fitly ioyned together in great affaires Finally the Romans hauing such great Armies both by Sea and Land attended to take the Towne speedily if they could get an old man out of Saragosse not daring to approach it whilst that Archimides were present and could defend it Wherefore conceiuing that Saragosse might be taken for want of victuals and munition considering the great multitude which was in the City they relyed vpon this hope and hindred by an Army at Sea that nothing might approach and by that at Land that no succours might come Moreouer the Commanders being loath to spend the time in vaine during the siege of Saragosse but withall to vndertake some good thing beside the siege they diuided their Army in such sort as two parts should remaine with Appius for the siege of the City And that Marcus with the third part should assaile the Carthaginians who sent an Army into Sicily Finally Philip hauing made the Messeniens his mortall Enemies could in nothing offend them that was worthy of fame Although hee had assailed their Countrey to torment them vsing great indignities to his best Friends For soone after hee caused old Arate to bee poisoned in Messene for that hee was discontented with his course of life The like hee did to Taurion who had serued him in Morea Wherefore these his Actions were presently divulged and made knowne to strangers His power ouer those whom hee then defeated was not new but long before vsed and practised by custome neither was Arate ignorant of this mischiefe the which was discouered by this meanes And as he had concealed it from all others yet he did not hide it from Cephalon one of his familiar Friends But declared vnto him his infirmity the which appeared by the bloudy spittle against the wall saying Behold Cephalon the recompence wee reape by Philips Friendship Truely Mediocrity is so great and honest as hee which suffers is more ashamed of the deed then he that hath committed it But such rewards they reape of Friendship that haue beene Companions in such great Actions and done seruice to Philip. Finally Arate after his death receiued sufficient honours both in his Countrey and the Common weale of the Acheins as well for the gouernment which hee had often in charge as for the many fauours he did vnto that Nation They decreed him Oblations and Heroyicke honours and finally all things which serue to perpetuate the memory so as if the Dead haue any sense it is likely he commends the acknowledgement done vnto him and the communication of affliction and dangers which haue happened in his life time As Philip had long deuised how to take Lisse and its Fort desiring to reduce those places vnder his obedience hee drew thither with his Army Hauing marcht two dayes and past the streights hee campt neare vnto the Riuer of Ardaxana neare vnto the Citty And when he had viewed the scituation of Lisse excellently well fortified both by nature and industry as well towards the Sea as Land And likewise the Fort ioyning neare vnto it the which in shew was impregnable to all the World by force as well for its extent vpwards as for the other fortification he despaired to take it yet he did not wholly despaire to take the Towne Considering therefore that the space betwixt the Towne the Mount of the Fort was reasonable to besiege the Towne he thought good to make a Skirmish there with his Archers which was then his manner of proceeding Suffring then the Macedovians to rest a day whom he aduertised of things necessary he layd an Ambush in the Night of a great part and the ablest of his men in certaine woody Valleys and neare vnto a Mediterranian place lying aboue the place wherof we haue spoken and retaining for the day following those that were armed with Targets and the rest of the nimblest Souldiers hee takes his way forthwith towards the Citty marching of either side towards the Sea When hee had past beyond it and had made a stand there it was apparent that hee meant to assaile the Citty in that place As this comming of Philip was not vnknowne so a great number out of Sclauonia were come into Lisse It is true that for the great confidence they had in the fortification of the Fortresse they sent but a meane Garrison Wherefore when the Macedonians approacht the Inhabitants presently made a sally relying in their multitude and the force of the place The King ordred the Targetteers in the plaine commanding the most actiue to recouer the hills and to fight valiantly with the Enemy The which they performing the danger seemed something equall But in the end Philips men retired for the difficulty of the place and the multitude of their Enemies And as they retired to them that were armed with Targets they of the City pursuing them with a kind of disdaine into the Plaine fought with the Targetteers They likewise whi●● had the guard of the Fort seeing Philip retire by little and little with his Troupes and imagining that he was going away came running couetely trusting in the nature of the place Then leauing few men within the Fort they came by vnknowne wayes into the Plaine as if they were to take the spoiles of their flying Enemies But in the meane time they which were in Ambush rise suddainly and gaue a furious charge with the Targetteers vpon the Enemies The multitude was herewith so amazed as the Lissiens retired for their safety to the City In regard of those which had abandoned the Fort their returne was cut off by the Ambush Whereby it happened that whereas before there was no hope now the Fort was presently taken and without danger and Lisse the next day by the valour of the Macedonians and by their rough and terrible assaults Philip hauing conquered the said places contrary to his hope he made all the Neighbours thereabouts subiect vnto him so as a
And to a ciuill man that wherein they Discourse of the Actions of Nations Citties and Potentates whereunto applying our selues plainly and disposing all our Treaty to these things wee direct and guide our selues by a certaine kinde of Discourse as wee haue formerly promised It is true wee direct most Readers to that which is not much pleasing and delightfull Finally wee haue at large deliuered the cause why in reproouing the other parts of a History wee will thus write the Actions There is no hinderance that for the better expressing and declaration wee should not briefly aduertise the Reader heereof But as many of these things are related in diuers manners of Genealogies Fables and Collonies and moreouer of Races Alliances and Possessions it will be necessary for him that would Write to speake consequently of strange things as proper which were an infamous thing Or if he will not hee must labour in vaine in promising publiquely to pursue and Comment of those things which haue bin sufficiently declared and deliuered to posterity by the ancient For this cause and for many others we haue left them receiuing a relation of Actions For that first that as many new things offer themselues often so it is very necessary to vse a new kinde of Discourse The which happens not in the beginning of the Relation so as we deliuer the subsequent Actions And secondly for that this kinde hath beene before and is most profitable by the which the experience of things and Policies haue so much preuailed with vs as they which haue a desire to know the Actions may helpe themselues by an easie way in all that which happens by the course of time Wherefore hauing no such regard to the pleasure and delight of those which shall reade and peruse our Commentaries as to the profit of the Hearers we haue leauing the other parts fixed vpon this Finally they which shall diligently consider of our Commentaries wil be more certaine witnesses When as Hannibal had inclosed the Campe of Appius Claudius being at the siege of Capoua at the first hee vsed skirmishes seeking to draw the Enemy to Battaile But when as no man presented himselfe in the end he besieged them which was an Enterprize wherein hee was frustrated aswell as of the first although the Horse-men of the Wings assailed them in Troupes casting Darts into their Campe with great cries And the foote-men charge them by Bands labouring to breake the Pallisado Yet they could not diuert the Romans from their former resolution repulsing those which assailed the Pallisadoe with great strength and Courage And being well armed they went not out of the Campe with their Ensignes Hannibal bearing these things impatiently and the rather for that the Romans could not any way bee annoyed from the Towne studied what order he might take for the present Affaires For my part I thinke that the case falling out thus seemes to haue made not onely the Carthaginians to doubt but all other men to whom the knowledge thereof hath come Who will not wonder hearing how the Romans haue often beene vanquished by the Carthaginians and durst not present themselues nor fight with them haue not abandoned their Fort beeing in the open field It is certaine that in times past they had alwayes Camped onely at the bottome or foote of Mountaines against the Enemies But now being in a faire Plaine and in the openest place of all Italy besieging a strong Towne they were assailed by them of all sides against whom they durst not once thinke or immagine to make head being so much disheartned And although the Carthaginians preuailed continually fighting yet they were no lesse annoyed by the vanquished Finally I hold this to be the cause that they consider the Enterprize one of another That is to say that the Troupes of Hannibals Horse-men purchased the Victory to the Carthaginians and a defeate to the Romans Wherefore the vanquished made suddaine sallies after the fight They also lodg'd their Troupes in such a place as the Horse-men could not annoy them The case falling out thus neere vnto Capoua was common to them both The Romans in trueth durst not come foorth to fight beeing terrified with the Enemies horse They kept themselues within their Fort knowing well that the Cauallery vanquishing them in fight they could not annoy them The Carthaginians likewise could not with reason stay long with so great a number of Horses For that the Romans had for that ●ause wasted the whole Countrey Neither could they giue order to haue Hay and Barley brought on Horse-backe so great a way vnto their Cauallery and Sumpters Neither durst the Carthaginians besiege the Enemy without Horse being fortified with Ditches and Pallisadoes Against the which in fighting without Winges vppon an equall danger they should hazard an vncertaine Fortune They feared likewise that the Roman Subiects would ioyne with them and succour them and that cutting of their necessary Victualls they would draw him into great distresse Hannibal considering these things hauing opinion that they could not raise the siege directly he takes another aduice Finally he makes his reckoning that if in stealing away suddainly he should shew himselfe about Rome he might do something that might be profitable for the Carthaginians affaires the inhabitants beeing amazed with such a new accident Or if that did not succeede hee should force Appius Army to raise the s●ege to succour and supply their Countrey or else foorth-with diuide themselues so as they which should succour the Country and they which remained at the siege would be easie to vanquish Considering these things hee sent a certaine Lybian messenger to Capoua perswading him to retire to the Romans and so into the Citty prouiding wisely by this meanes that his Letters might bee safely carried He feared much that the Capouans seeing his departure would yeilde following the Romans party as destitute of hope For this cause hee acquaints them with his intention by Letters for the which he sends the Lybian after the departure of his Army to the end that knowing his resolution and dislodging they should maintaine the siege couragiously When as they which besieged Capoua had intreated the people of Rome for assistance that Hannibal held them besieged they were all in great doubt and feare for that the present Affaires required a finall end and therefore they sought by frequent Embassies and attempts to assist that party concerning the Generall The Capouans on the other side after they had receiued the Letters by the Lybian and knowne the Carthaginians aduice hold good against the Enemy resoluing to aduenture and trie their Fortune Wherefore Hannibal hauing fedde his Army the fifth day after his comming and leauing fires burning he rais'd his Campe so as he was not discouered by the Enemy Taking then the difficult way by the Saunitide discouering gaining by his Cauallery the nearest places to his way he past the Riuer of Annion secretly whilest that the Inhabitants of Rome were
in suspence for Capoua and that Warre Approaching in such sort as he planted his Campe within forty Furlongs of Rome And as he assailed it by this meanes it happened that they of the City were troubled and dismayed with feare for that this accident came suddainly and contrary to their hope and that Hannibal had not formerly besieged the City so neare They had also a conceit that he approaching so neare the City their Army besieging Capoua must of necessity be defeated The men flye to the Walles and out of the City to places of aduantage The Women on the other side make professions about the Temples washing the pauement with their haire It was a thing they were accustomed to doe if at any time the Countrey were in great danger When as Hannibal was thus incampt thinking to assaile the City the day following there happened an admirable and casuall accident working for the preseruation of the Romans Caius and Publius had taken an Oath of the Souldiers which had beene leuied to come to Rome the the same day in Armes They also made another Leuie so as at a certaine time a great number of men of Warre transported themselues suddainly to Rome With the which the Captaines made a bold sally and planting their Campe before the City they restrained Hannibals fury The Carthaginians in truth at the first made such an attempt as they despaired not to take the City by assault But seeing the Enemies to hold a Campe and aduertised by a Prisoner of that which had happened they desisted from their Enterprize to take the Towne falling to spoile the Countrey and to fire their houses so as at the first they brought a wonderfull booty vnto their Campe as being come to this kind of hunting to the which neuer Enemy thought to attaine And when as afterwards the Consuls taking courage had planted themselues within Eleuen Furlongs of the Enemies Campe Hannibal lost all hope of taking the City notwithstanding the great spoiles which hee had made and which is more he parts at the breake of day with his Army keeping a good reckoning of dayes in the which according to his aduice taken from the beginning he was in hope that Appius aduertised of the danger of the City would wholly raise the siege and that he would succour Rome or leauing some portion of the Army and taking the greatest part he would make haste to succour his Countrey either of which happening his affaires would succeed well But Publius breaking the Bridges of the said Riuer forced him to passe his Army at a Fourde being alwayes in the taile of him and annoying him much It is true he could not defeate him for the great number of Horses and the dexterity of the Numidians fit for all purposes yet he retired to his Fort hauing recouered a great part of the booty and taken about three hundred men Afterwards imagining that the Carthaginians hastned their retreate for scare hee pursued them in the Reare by Skirmishes In the beginning Hannibal made haste pursuing his designe But when as on the fift day he had beene aduertised that Appius continued still at the siege of Capoua he stayed then suddainly receiuing those which pursued him he charg'd them in the Night making a great slaughter and chasing the rest out of their Fort. When as the day following he saw the Romans retired to a certaine Hill strong by scituation and rampred he despaires to take them Yet making his voyage by Daunia and Brette hee assailes the neighbour places to Rhegium so suddainly as he had in a manner taken the City yet he surprised all those that were stragling in the Fields with a great number of the Rheginois at his comming In my opinion we ought with reason to obserue at that time the vertue and enuy of the Romans and the Carthaginians in the conduct of the Warre For as all the World wonders at Epaminundas Generall of the Thebeins in this that when he was come with the Allies of the Warre to Tegee and was aduertised that the Lacedemonians were with their league at Mantinea assembling there to giue Battaile to the Thebeins hee gaue order to his Troupes to feede presently By this meanes hee causeth his Army to march in the Euening as it were to recouer some conuenient places to put them in Battaile VVhen he had drawne many into this conceite hee parts to assaile the City of Lacedemon VVhere entring about three houres in the Night contrary to all hope and finding it naked and destitute of helpe he tooke it and kept it on that side which was paued to the Riuer As this disaster happened with a great alteration and that a certaine Fugitiue flying to Mantinea had aduertised King Agesilaus of that which happened and that they of the league made haste to succour Lacedemon hee was out of hope to bee able to keepe it But when he had fed neare vnto the Riuer of Erota and had drawne his Army together after that he had suffered many miseries and dangers he returnes to Mantinea taking the same way with hope to finde it destitue and vnfurnished of Lacedemonians and their league as being gone to succour Lacedemon the which succeeded accordingly Wherefore giuing courage to the Thebeins and marching in the Night with great labour and toile hee arriued by noone at Mantinea being destitute and void of succours It is true that the Athenians who at that time held the party of the Lacedemonians against the Thebeins were come to their succours When the foreward of the Thebeins arriued at the Temple of Possidon standing seuen Furlongs from the Towne it happened as a thing fore-cast that at the same instant the Atheniens shewed themselues vpon a Hill neare to Mantinea who being discouered by them which remained in the Towne they went to the VValles taking courage to repulse the Thebeins attempts Historiographers therefore haue reason to complaine of the said actions saying that the Commander had done all that was fitting for a wiser and more excellent Captaine then the Enemies were and that Epaminundas was vanquished by Fortune Some others likewise may say with reason that the like hapned vnto Hannibal For who will not wonder at this Commander in obseruing that hee endeauoured to raise the siege in assailing the Enemy by Skirmishes And when hee was therein frustrated in his attempts hee assailed Rome it selfe And when this Enterprize did not succeed for the casuall euents hee againe endeauoured turning head with his Army to charge the Enemy and to try if hee might trouble those which besieged Capoua And when in the end he preuailed not in his Enterprize he resolued to annoy the Enemy in ruining them of Rhegium It is true that some one will happily iudge that at this day the Romans are to bee preferred before the Lacedemonians Who vpon the first aduertisment parting together deliuered Lacedemon yet losing Mantinea for their parts But the Romans
when as all the World slept hee dislodg'd before the time from Larisse with his Army and came too soone into the Meliteens Countrey For this cause as he could not stay fearing to be discouered by the Citizens nor yet steale away he gaue an assault to the City the Inhabitants being yet awake So as it was not in his power to get to the top of the Walles by his Ladders for that they were not of a iust length neither could hee enter by the Gate for that the Confederates which hee had in the City could not succour him being excluded by the time And as hee had incensed the Citizens and made a great losse of his men hee returned with shame and disgrace it being a warning and caueate vnto all others not to put any trust or confidence in him hereafter As likewise Nicias which was Chiefe of the Athenians might haue preserued the Army which hee had neare vnto Saragosse and had taken a fit occasion in the Night to lay an Ambush to the end hee might not bee discouered by the Enemy hee retired into a safe place Afterwards hee remooued not his Campe through superstition for that the Moone was Eclipsed as if shee had fore-told some ensuing danger and misfortune But it happened vnto all as ●ell to the Army as Captaines to fall into the hands of the Saragossins when as the Night following Nicias raised his Campe being discouered by the Enemies Notwithstanding hee might in such affaires haue beene made wise by such as haue had experience that the cōmodity of time ought not to be neglected for such things making the ignorance of the Enemy his comfort Ignorance in truth giues a great helpe to men of experience to bring their affaires to a good end Wee must then for the afore-said things haue recourse to Astrology in regard of the measure of ladders the manner is as followeth If any one of the Conspirators haue giuen the height of the Wall they may presently know of what length the ladder shall be As if the Wall bee ten foote high in some places the ladders must be twelue foote long Finally they must giue vnto the ladder good footing according to the proportion of the staues left burthening it too much it breake not easily by reason of the multitude and againe set vp straight it will be very dangerous vnto them If there be no meanes to take the measure nor to approach the Wall let them take the greatnesse of those things which are eleuated on the Plaine by the space of all the height which is a kinde of measure not onely possible but also easie for those which study to learne the Mathematiques Wherefore it is necessary for them that will aime truely in their resolutions of the course of Warre to know the vse of Geometry If not perfectly yet at the least that they haue the knowledge of proportions and consideration of Similitudes It is not onely necessary for this but also for the comprehension of Designes in the scituation of a Campe to the end that when as wee sometimes change its generall disposition we may obserue the same proportion of things which are there comprehended And if sometimes we retaine the same Designes of Camps we may extend the place comprehended by them or straighten it according to the reason of things before decreed or set apart the which we haue declared more exactly in our Commentaries for the ordring of Battailes I doe not beleeue there is any man that will be discontented with our study for that wee charge the profession of Warre with many things commanding those that loue it not to disdaine Astrology nor Geometry For my part I striue especially and with great desire to command things necessary as I doe reproue and blame the excesse of vaine and superfluous things in regard of the subtilties and dreames in euery Science So doe we those which are out of necessary vse It is strange thing that they which practise Dancing or playing of the Flute take the preparatiues which concernes the accords and Musicke And likewise Wrestling for that this kind of Art seemes behoouefull to bring this exercise to an end And yet they which terme themselues Souldiers are discontented if they must allow of any other Studies So as they which practise Mecanique Arts are more carefull and studious then those which challenge an Excellency in things which are of great honour and glory the which no man of Sence will deny But wee haue spoken enough of this Subiect Many coniecture the greatnesse of things by the Circui●e to whom notwithstanding it seemes incredible that although the City of Megalopolis bee contained within the Circuite of fifty Furlongs and that of Lacedemon within forty eight yet it is twice as great as that of Megalopolis And if any one meaning to make this doubt greater sayth it is possible that a City or the Pallisadoe of a Campe hauing the Circuite of forty Furlongs may bee more ample and compleate then that of a hundred this will seeme vnto them a mad and extrauagant speech the cause is for that wee remember not the things which inhumane Disciplines are deliuered vnto vs by Geometry This is the cause why I haue vndertaken this Discourse For that not onely many people but also some of those which gouerne the Common-weale and likewise Commanders and Captaines are amazed and wonder how it can be possible that the City of Lacedemon should be greater then that of Megalopolis seeing the circuite is lesse and that consequently they coniecture the number of men by the circuite of the Campe. There is another such like errour which they commit in the description of Townes For many conceiue that Cities containe more houses which are crooked and hilly then those which are in a flat Countrey But this is not true for that the houses are not of a good building in a declining Streete but in a plaine Countrey for the which it happens that the Hils yeeld the which may appeare by that which is apparent in a Plaine If thou doest consider the houses which are built high and set vpon the declining of a Hill so as they are all of an equall hight it is apparent that their tops being leuell the distance is equall as well of those which are built vnder the Hils as those which are seated on the Plaine neare vnto the foundations of the Wall It sufficeth at this time to haue spoken to those which desiring the preheminence ouer others and to gouerne Common-weales are ignorant of these things being amazed and wonder at this relation The City of Agragas is not onely more excellent among many other Cities but also for the force of its Rampire and for the grace and building It is built eighteene Furlongs from the Sea so as euery man may be partaker of her commodities the Walles are excellently fortified by their scituation and the industry of man The Wall is seated vpon a hard and
his defence and guard And when he saw his Father in danger and enuironed by the Enemy accompanied onely with two or three Horse hauining receiued a dangerous wound he began at the first to encourage his company to succour his Father But when they wauered for the great multitude of the Enemies hee cast himselfe desperafely as it seemes and charged them couragiously Afterwards when the rest were forced to fight the Enemies amazed with feare ceas'd the Combare Old Publius being thus preserued contrary to all hope hee was the first who in hearing of them all called him his Sauiour When by this action the fame of his prowesse and dexterity began he afterwards ingag'd himselfe in greater dangers whensoeuer the supreame hope of the Countrey required it by necessity This was not with a courage relying in Fortime but of a iudicious Captaine Afterwards Lucius his elder Brother aspiring to the Dignity of Edile the which among the Romans was the Noblest command of the Youth and that by custome they made choise of two Ediles among the Paricij and that there were many at that time which aim'd at it he was long before he durst demand it of his Brother When the Election grew neare and that he had made a coniecture by the humour of the multiude that his Brother would hardly obtaine it seeing himselfe on the other side in great fauour with the people and might attaine vnto his attempt if with their consent he vndertooke the cause he fell into this conceit When he saw his Mother visite the Temples and sacrifice vnto the Gods for his Brother and that she entertained a great hope of the future which she had in singular recommendation and that his Father being then Commander of the Army in the sayd War had sayled into Spaine he told his Mother that hee had one dreame twice and that it seemed vnto him that he returned being made Edile with his Brother from the place to goe vnto their house And that running vnto the doore shee had saluted them with imbracings When hee had ended this Speech the Mother being very passionate with an effeminate affection and answering I know not what shee added Oh that I might see that Day will you saies he that wee make a tryall Whereunto consenting for that she did not thinke he would dare to attempt so great a matter considering that he was very young shee required as it were in sport that he should presently prouide him a long Cloake For they which stand for gouernment are accustomed to be so attired In regard of his Mother shee had no eonfidence in his words Publius when he had this braue Robe went suddainly to the place his Mother being yet asleepe When the Multitude had receiued him with amazement as well for this nouelty contrary to all hope as for the loue and affection they had formerly borne him and afterwards drawing to the place appointed he was neare vnto his Brother many adiudg'd this gouernment not onely to Publius but also to his Brother for the loue of him and being both of them created Ediles in this manner they returned to their house When the Mother had receiued the newes she ran vnto the Gate and with affection and loue saluted them Wherefore although that Publius disdained Dreames yet it seemed by this action to all those which haue heard speake of it that he had speech with the Gods not only sleeping but much more in the day waking But for that he was bountifull and pleasing in his words and had well obserued the affection of the Commons towards him and had accommodated the time to the people and his Mother hee not onely perfected his Enterprize but also seemed to haue dispatcht in by some Diuine inspirarinn They without doubt which cannot duely consider the occasions nor the causes and dispositions of euery thing by the vice of Nature or ignorance and dulnesse referre vnto the Gods and Fortune the causes of things which are decided by industry and discreete reason These things I speake for the Readers to the end that falling through errour into the vulgar opinions of this man they should not leaue good and commendable graces that were in him that is to say his Dextity and Industry In regard of that which I speake of him it will appeare manifest by his actions Publius Scipio being then Generall of the Army in Spaine calling his Troupes together he aduised them not to be amazed for the aduentures and disgraces past For the Romans had neuer beene vanquished by the prowesse of the Carthaginians but by the treason of the Celtiberians And the rashnesse of the Commanders seperated one from another for that they trusted in them which are things he sayd were then among the Enemies For besides that they made Warre being farre distant one from another they offer'd outrages to their Allies and made them Enemies And that for this cause some were already sent home and the rest will speedily when they shall be assured come when you haue once past the Riuer not so much for the good will they beare you as to seeke a reuenge for the wrongs receiued by the Carthaginians But moreouer the Captaines are in dissention among themselues and will not willingly ioyne together to fight with you And being thus diuided they would be defeated and fall easily into their hands Wherefore he perswaded them that considering these things they should passe the Riuer boldly promising to giue good order for the rest When he had vsed this speech vnto the other Captaines he left his colleague Marcus vpon the passage of the Riuer accompanied with three thousand Foote and fiue hundred Horse to the end hee might succour his Companions being in the Riuer hee himselfe past with the rest of his Army holding his intention secret from all the World Hee resolued things which he did not impart to many men His resolution was to lay siege to the City of Carthage scitnate in Spaine by the way of course The which euery man might vnderstand and that it is an excellent presumption of his esteeme whereof of I haue formerly spoken For as hee was but seuen and twenty yeares old he gaue himselfe first to things which in the iudgement of the World seemed desperate for the great precedent dangers and misfortunes leauing all things that were vulgar and easie and resolued and attempted those which seemed impossible vnto the Enemie euery one of which required an exact wisedome knowledge and vnderstanding In the beginning being yet at Rome when hee had considered by himselfe and eniquired diligently of the treason of the Celtiberians and of the diuision in the Armies what might happen and what fortune had befalne his Father he was nothing amazed at the Carthaginians neither did he faint as many vsually doe But after that he vnderstood that the Allies on this side the Riuer of Ebro continued constant in their Friendship and that the Commanders of the Carthaginians were in discord
men and the Targeteers The Commanders whereof were Nicomedes of Chio and Nicolas the Etolien As these men march before it fell out that the roughnesse and streights of the passage were found more difficult then the King had conceiued All the length of the ascent was about three hundred Furlongs and for the most part by the deepe Fourd of a Torrent into the which were fallen from the high Rocks Stones and Trees which made the passage inaccessible To the which the Barbarians gaue great assistance casting continually Trees which were cut downe and gathered together great heapes of Stones and seazed keeping withall the length of all the Valley on the Hills of aduantage which might serue them for defence so as if they had not beene frustrated Antiochus had giuen ouer his Enterprize as destitute of his forces For as it was necessary for the Enemies to take their way and to ascend by that Valley they seazed on the sayd places and fortified them But they did not obserue that it was impossible for the Leginaries to passe there with their Baggage vntill the way were made for these could not approach or come neare the Confines of the Mountaines They that were lightly armed and the valiant men could not ascend the Leucopetres For this cause the Ordonance changed when they were ioyned vnto the first Guard of Diogenes Troupes who ascended out of the Torrent Suddainly the Combate began as the accident shewed Diogenes Troupe marching slowly through the Countrey gaue a rough charge to the Enemy And in throwing of Darts and Stones prest the Barbarians annoying them much with their Slings which they cast from their Pallisadoe Hauing chased the first and had taken their place they gaue charge to the Pyoners to make the passage euen the which was presently performed by reason of their great number By this meanes when the Slingers Archers and Darters had marcht to the higher places scattred here and there and sometimes together seazing on the most commodious places and the Targeteers held the lower Countrey marching in Battaile a flow pace along the Torrent The Barbarians stayed not but abandoning the place they drew together on the top of the Mountaines In regard of Antiochus Troupes it past the difficult passages safely after this manner But slowly and with great difficulty They could hardly eight in a Ranke recouer the top of the neare Mountaines And when the Barbarians were there assembled hauing an humour they should bee able to keepe the Enemies from gaining the top there fell out a braue Combate By these reasons the Enemies were repuls'd who revniting themselues fought against the Leginaries and made head against them with great courage and vallour In the Night the brauest of them turning about recouered the top and the places lying behind The which the Barbarians seeing and suddainly amazed they turned head The King is very carefull to restraine the fury of his Souldiers pursuing the Enemy causing a retreate to be sounded desiring they should enter into Hyrcania vnited and in good order This kinde of march being ordained according to his will hee comes to the City of Tambrace destitute of Walles yet hauing a royall and large Pallace where hee campt and besieged it B●t when as many as well Souldiers as of the Countrey had retired to the City of Syringe it was not farre from Tambrace and was as it were the Capitall of Hyrcania as well for its fortification as for its wealth hee resolued to ruine it by force Marching therefore with his power and planting his Campe about it he besieged the Citie The greatest part of his worke was to make platformes in the fashion of a Tortoise The Ditches were triple being about seuen Fathome and a halfe broad and foure deepe Vpon either banke there was a double Pallisadoe with a strong out-wall There were continuall Skirmishes whilest they wrought from whence they carried from either side men slaine and hurt for that they fought very valiantly not onely vpon the ground but also vnder it in the Mines But by reason of the multitude of Pyoners and the Kings diligence it happened that the Ditches were suddainly fill'd vp and the Walles fell being shaken with the Mines This done the Barbarians being confounded and much terrified and amazed with feare they kill the Grecians which were in the City and taking their richest stuffe retire by Night The King seeing this sends Hyparbase with the Mercenaries with whom the Barbarians fighting and in the end abandoning the Baggage retire againe into the City But when the Targeteers prest them valiantly not able to beare the burthen being so grieuous they presently yeeld hauing no more hope The Commanders of the Army being desirous to see the Enemies Troupes enuironed on the Hill they command those which were in the Pallisadoe not to budge in regard of themselues they goe to view the places being accompanied with two Troupes of Horse and some Footmen lightly armed with thirty executioners of Iustice. Certaine Numidians accustomed to Darts comming out of the Enemies Fort to lye in Ambush they had by chance stolne from the Hills who hauing notice giuen them by a Spye that some were on the top of the Hill higher then they they prepare themselues and march crosse the Hill and casting themselues betwixt them and their Campe they shut them in and take them Claudius Marcellus the Consull was at the first charge wounded and taken with some others forcing the rest being wounded to flye into Caues and Pits The which they of the Campe seeing they could not relieue them in this danger For whilest they cryed out and wondred at this accident and that some bridled their Horses and others arm'd themselues the Execution was ended The Sonne of Claudius saued himselfe with difficulty and contrary to all hope being wounded Finally Claudius fell into these dangers more through simplicity then by any true iudgement of a Captaine For my part I am forced to admonish the Reader of these kind of aduentures through the whole tract of our Worke where I see not onely ordinary Souldiers but euen Captaines themselues to haue erred by manifest ignorance What profit can a Prince or Commander reape which hath not the knowledge of dangers which hee must auoide lest the whole Army perish with him Who knowes not that if necessity doth force them to attempt a thing that a great part of the Troupes must perish before the Commanders feele it The tryall must be suddainly made not by the Commander That which they vsually say I did not thinke it and who would euer haue thought that should haue happened Seemes to be a great argument of ignorance and of a weake iudgement in the Commander For this cause I hold Hannibal among the good Captaines for many reasons and which may herein be commended who hath imployed much time in the profession of Armes and who making vse of iudgement in many and diuers occasions hath many times
by his industry frustrated the Enemies in particular encounters and was neuer circumuented in such great Battailes who as it appeares hath preserued himselfe with great prouidence And that with good reason For the Commander being safe although all the rest perish Fortune produceth many occasions by the which the damages receiued by those miserable accidents may be repaired But if he perish like vnto a Pilot in a ship there growes no profit although that Fortune giue the Victory to the rest against the Enemy For that the hope of all depends vpon the Commander I speake these things against those who by a glorious presumption or a youthfull humour or by stupidity or disdaine fall into this inconsideration One of the said things must of necessity be the cause of these misfortunes Of Publius Scipio and of the VVarre of the Romans against the Carthaginians AS Publius Scipio Generall of the Romans in Spaine being in the Region of Tarracona had first drawne the Spaniards to his Friendship and made them faithfull for that he had restored them their hostages he had in this action Edecon a powerfull Prince for a voluntary assistance who suddainly after the taking of Carthage and his Wife and Children reduced vnder the power of Publius considering the alteration of the Spaniards towards him he resolued in the beginning to be the Authour beleeuing confidently that by this meanes he might recouer his Wife and Children and that hee should seeme to ioyne vnto the Romans willingly and not through necessity The which succeeded accordingly For when the Army had beene newly sent to winter he came to Tarracona accompanied with his Friends Being admitted to the speech of Publius he sayd that he was wonderfully bound vnto the Gods that before all the Princes and Potentates of the Countrey he had retired himselfe vnto him and that of the rest some sent and depended on the Carthaginians and in the meane time they sued vnto the Romans with ioyned hands and that for his part he was come not onely to yeeld himselfe but also his Friends Wherefore if he receiued him into his Friendship and alliance he was confident that he should be able not onely for the present but also for the future to doe him great seruice For as soone as the Spaniards should see him admitted to his Friendship and to haue obtained his demands they will likewise come all to recouer their Friends and to purchase the alliance of the Romans and that for the future they would imploy themselues with emulation in his other affaires if their hearts were once possest with this honour and humanity He required to haue his Wife and Children and that being admitted into Friendship he might returne to his house where hauing found some good occasion hee might shew his affection and that of his Friends towards him and the Roman Common-weale This Speech being ended Edecon was silent As Publius had long expected this and considered of Edecons reasons he deliuered him his Wife and Children granting the alliance Moreouer during his presence he drawes the Spaniard by many meanes to his Deuotion and imprinted in his followers a great hope for the future sending him backe to his House When this accident was divulged all the Spaniards inhabiting within the Riuer being formerly no friends to the Romans followed their party in a manner with one accord These things fell out to the content of Publius Scipio After their departure hee sent backe the maritine Bands seeing no shewe of danger at Sea Yet he made choise of those that were most seruiceable and diuides them among the Ensignes to the end he might make the Bands of foot-men the more compleat Andomale and Mandonin men at that time of great power among the Spaniards attended a fit occasion hauing long carried a secret hatred in their hearts against the Carthaginians although they helde them for their trusty and confident friends For that Asdrubals men making shew to haue no great confidence in them they had exacted a great summe of money and their Wiues and Children for Hostages whereof wee haue formerly spoken When as then they immagined they had found a fit opportunity they retire their Bands from the Carthaginian Campe and in the Night recouered certaine places of great strength where they might remaine free from all danger This done many other Spaniards abandoned Asdrubal hauing beene long discontented with the pride of the Carthaginians Hauing recouered this first occasion to shew what friendship they bare them the which many others had done You must vnderstand that the Execution of great matters and a Victory gotten by force vpon the Enemy be of great consequence yet there is required great prudence and Wisedome to make good vse of things decided by Armes So as there are more that enioy Prerogatiues then they which vse them well The which happened to the Carthaginians For after they had defeated the Roman forces and sláine Publius and ●aius Scipio father and Vnckle of this Publius of whom we now Treat thinking that Spaine was then in no more danger of Warre they intreated the Inhabitants roughly For this cause in steed of friends and Allies their Subiects were incensed and deadly Enemies The which fell out iustly They had an humour that the meanes to Conquer Principallities diffred from that of preseruing them They were ignorant that they keepe their preheminence well which obserue the same will and humour wherewith principallities haue beene first Conquered It is manifest and obserued in many that men are of that Nature that whereas prosperity offers it selfe they shewe themselues kinde to their Neighbours promising hopefull things But when they haue attained to their desires then they deale wickedly and raigne ouer their Subiects as ouer flaues Wherefore not without reason the affections of Subiects change with the alteration of their Princes The which hapned to the Carthaginians Asdrubal takes much aduice vpon this accident for the euent of things The retreate of Andomale troubled him So did the hatred and abandoning of the other Commaunders Finally hee was discontented at the comming of Publius whom hee still expected to come against him with his Army When he saw himselfe abandoned by the Spaniards and that all in one League retired to the Romans he tooke this aduice He resolued that in making preparation of a good Army hee would fight with the Enemy If thorough the fauour of Fortune he had the Victory he would then consider safely and wisely of the rest but if it should be auerse vnto him in fighting hee would retire into Gaule with the remainders of the Battaile and from thence with a multitude of Barbarians draw into Italy and ioyne with his brother Hannibal vnder the same hope Asdrubal being of this aduise prepares himselfe Publius hauing receiued Caius Lelyus and vnderstood the decrees of the Senate marcheth hauing retired his Army out of the Garrisons To whom the Spaniards come at the passage and march with him with willing
his Country in more esteeme and his owne honour then the great command of a royall power Hee gaue leaue to all the Spaniards being set a part to returne into their Country without ransom except three hundred horse whereof hee gaue the choise to Andobale giuing the rest to those which had not any Finally being now seazed on the Carthaginians Campe hee stayed there in regard of the firtility of the Country expecting the Carthaginian Commanders which were remaining hee also sent forces to the topps of the Perenee Mountaines to watch Asdruball and then when the season was come hee retired to Tarracona to winter his Army there Hee returnes to the History of the Grecians AS the Etoliens lifted vp their hornes for the new hope and confidence they had in the Romans and the arriuall of Attalus they amazed all the world making Warre by Land as Attalus and Publius did by Sea for this cause the Acheins intreate Phillip to succour them for in truth they not onely feared the Etoliens but also Machains for that he had seaz'd vpon the Argiue Mountaines with an Army the Beocians fearing the enemies Army at Sea require a commander and succours The Negrepontins demanded instantly some provision against the enemy the like did the Acarnanians there was also an Embassadour from the Epirotes they said likewise that Scerdilaide and Plaurate assembled their Armies and that moreouer the Thracians who confine vpon Macedony would indeauour to assaile it if the King should retire from thence in regard of the Etoliens they had seazed vpon the straights of Thermopiles and fortified them with Ditches Pallisadoes and a great Garrison hoping they should be able to keep in Philip and wholy to stoppe vp the passage in succouring his Allies within Pyles These aduentures seemes worthy of Consideration and not without reason by the Readers in the which is the true Experience and practise of Princes according vnto their Corporall power For as in Hunting Beasts are mooued with their Forces and Power when they are ingaged in an apparent danger so it befals Princes the which they might then discouer in Philip. Hee dismisseth all the Embassadours promising them to doe what possibly hee could His whole inclination was the Warre expecting by what meanes and against whom hee should first beginne But when the forces of Attalus were come against him and had assailed the Iland of Peparethon hee sends men to guard the Citty And dispatcheth Polyphantes with a small Army towards Phocea and Beocia and Menippus to Chalcis and the other Negrepont with a thousand Targetteers and fiue hundred Agrians In regard of himselfe hee went to Scotuse whether he Commanded the Macedonians to repaire When he had newes that Attalus Army had taken the route of Nicea and that the Chiefe of the Etoliens assembled at Heraclea to conferre of the Affaires of the Warre hee parts from Scotuse with his Army and made hast to dissolue their Assembly Hee arriued too late yet hee wasted their Corne and after that hee had spoiled the Inhabitants about the Gulfe of Enee he returned leauing his Army at Scotuse and taking his way to the Demetriade With his ablest men and the royall Wing hee stayed there expecting the comming of the Enemy And to the end nothing should bee vnknowne vnto him hee sends to the Peparethiens and Phociens and likewise to the Negrepontins giuing them charge to make him a signe by fire of all things that should be done vpon the Tisee which is a Mountaine in Thessaly which in regard of the places is very commodiously scituated But as this manner of signe by fire is of great commodity for the Warre and hath formerly not beene vsed I doe not hold it good to passe it but in this passage to make some reasonable mention No man is ignorant that opportunity and occasion are the principall parts in all things But much more in the profession of Warre to bring enterprises to an end But among those things which are vsefull fires are of great efficacy They vse them at this day and are the cause of some opportunities to be able to aduertise him who hath the care of that which is done although it be three or foure dayes distant or more To the end that by the signe of fire they may suddainly giue succours vnto them that demaund it although that in former times they haue held it of small moment for that the most part knew not how to vse it But the vse ought to bee ordered and setled vppon certaine and determinate agreements But whereas things which they will signifie are not resolutely set downe they cannot make vse of these fires as those are whereof wee will speake If the Army at Sea were come to Orea or Peparethon or Chalcis they might signifie it to those with whom this hath beene resolued But if any of the Cittizens will turne their Coates or practise a Treason or Murther within the Citty or any such thing as hath vsually hapned and yet cannot be diuined matters which happen suddainly and vnlookt for haue neede according to the occasion of Counsell and aide yet it may be signified by fire For of those which consideration cannot preuent they cannot make any Conclusion Eneas seeking to correct this kinde of doubt and perplexitie hath in few words made the Commentaries of the institution of the heads And hath abundantly comprehended for the vnderstanding the summe of those things which are required the which may easily be discouered by this speech saying That they which will giue notice by the aduertisement of fire of any of great and pressing businesse must make prouision of pots of earth whose breadth and depth must be equall and they must haue three foote in depth and one and a halfe in breadth Then hee must make slender Corkes in the mouth of it in the middest whereof hee must tie them in equall parts of three fingers distant and in euery part a great Circumference in the which are also painted the most vulgar and generall things which happen in the profession of Warre As by the first that Horse-men are suddainly entred the Countrie In the second that foote-men armed in the third that men lightly armed And consequently in others that foote and Horse-men or an Army at Sea and that there is Corne. You must in this sort paint the things which do vsually happen in Regions according to the prouidence and time of the motions of Warre This being done hee Commaunds to obserue dilligently the pots of the one and the other so as the pipes may bee equall and runne equally And when the pots shal be full of Water they must put in the Corkes with stickes and then let the pipes runne together This hapning it is apparent that all being equall the Corkes of necessity abate as the Water runnes and the stickes hide themselues in the Vessells When these things are equally ordered and they are to vse them then they must transport them to the
take a better aduice hauing seene the euent of this Warre I intreate you and exhort you not to enuy your owne safety and liberty nor that of the rest of Greece And when by his Speech as he conceiued somewhat moued the opinions of many Philips Embassadour entred who leauing the things which might be spoken in particular he sayd that he had two points in charge That if the Etoliens brake the peace he was ready to appeale vnto the Gods and to the Grecian Embassadours there present that they were to be held for the Authors of those things which hereafter should fall vpon Greece and not Philip. Glory saith he doth much amaze the Enemy but a reasonable preparation of Armes is of greater seruice for necessity Then they should doe that which is necessry if they transferre the diligence and care which they haue at this day for their apparrell to the preparation of their Armes obseruing in their apparrell the ancient negligence For by this meanes they may giue order for their priuate course of life and preserue their Common-wealth And therefore saith he it is not needfull that he which giues himselfe to Armes and to the profession of Warre should looke when he puts on his Boots whether they be handsome and if his strops and pantables be braue nor whether his Cloake and Iacket be rich when he must put on a Head-peece Beleeue me the danger is manifest which they must expect which haue an exteriour shew in more recommendation then things necessary Finally it were fit they should consider that this curiosity in habits sauoured of a woman I meane that is not much chast where as the charges in Armes and seuerity restraine a good man desiring to preserue himselfe and his Countrey All the assistants found this Speech so good in wondring at the aduice of this remonstrance that after they were gone out of the Court they pointed at those that were richly clad forcing some to leaue the place and finally they prepared themselues to Armes and to make Warre accordingly Behold how one sole Oration pronounced by a man of esteeme and in season not onely retires men from great vices but also incites them to great Enterprizes But if he which giues good aduice leads a life answerable to his words it is necessary that his councell should purchase credit the which happened in this man He was sober and simple in his apparrell and liuing and in the vsage of his body Finally he was of a pleasing speech without enuy and rancour He studied wonderfully to be found veritable in all his life and therefore when he vsed any ordinary speech the Auditors gaue him great credit And as his life serued for an example in all things so the Auditors had no great neede of any long Discourse Wherefore he hath often in few words by his credit and knowledge in things ouerthrowne the long speeches which seemed to haue beene deliuered sufficiently by the Enemies When the Councell was ended euery man retired to his Countrey And in commending as well the man as his words they had a conceite that they could not doe amisse vnder his gouernment Finally Philopemen went speedily to the Cities to make preparation for the Warre Then he trained vp a multitude assembled and when he had not imployed eight Moneths in the preparation of these forces he leads his Army to Mantinea to fight with the Tyrant for the liberty of all Morea Machanides likewise taking courage and thinking to preuaile ouer the Acheins at his pleasure giues the Lacedemonians to vnderstand the things that were then necessary as soone as hee was aduertised of the assembly of the Tegeans at Mantinia Then suddainly the next day at Sun-rising hee takes his way towards Mantinia marching on the right wing with the Legionaries and placing the Mercenaries on the right and left going a slow pace in the beginning of his voyage He addes moreouer Chariots carrying a great abundance of instruments of Warre and Cros-bowes At the same time Philopomen hauing diuided his Army into three he caused the Sclauonians and Corslets to goe forth by the Gate which tends to the Temple of Neptune and withall the strangers and strong men then by that which lookes to the West the Legionaries and the Horse-men of the City by the next Moreouer he seazed with the best of his aduenturers of a little Hill lying right against the City the which extends vpon the way of strangers and the Temple of Neptune And ioyning the Corslets he lodgeth them on the South ordring the Sclauonians in a place neare vnto them Then casting the Legionaries behind them in a round he lodgeth them in the space neare the Ditch which drawes to Neptunes Temple by the midst of the Mantinians Plaine and ioynes vpon the Mountaines neare vnto Elisfasiens He orders moreouer vpon the right wing the Acheian Horsmen of which Aristonete of Dymce had the leading and vpon the hee had all the Strangers hauing their distinct Ordonance amongst them When the Enemies Army approacht he comes to the Legionaries admonishing them in few words but with the efficacy of the present danger But most part of his words were not heard for the multitude prest the cause so much for the affection they bare him and the impetuosity of the people that the Army as it were moued with a certaine diuine fury perswaded him to worke without feare Finally he endeauoured if time would haue permitted him to declare vnto them diligently how this present danger concerned some in regard of infamy and a base seruitude and others in regard of liberty alwayes memorable and glorious Moreouer Machanides instructs first the Battalion of the Legionaries which they call Orthie that it should fight with the right wing of the Enemies Then he marcheth and after he had gain'd a meane space makes the forme of a Snaile and drawes his Army in length putting his right wing in Front to the left of the Acheins In regard of the Targetteers he placeth them before the whole Army with some space Philopomen seeing his attempt who thought by the Targeteers to giue a Charge to the Legionary Bands which offended the Souldiers and caused a great alarum in the Army so as hee delayed no longer making vse in effect of the Tarrentins at the beginning of the Combate neare to Neptunes Temple vpon the Plaine which was commodious for Horse-men Machanides seeing this is forced to doe the like and to cause the Tarrentins which were with him to march Finally they fought valiantly in the beginning But when those that were lightly armed preuailed something ouer them that were weaker it fell out in a short time that the Combate began of either side betwixt the forreine Souldiers And when as they had ioyned together and had fought long like braue men the danger was equall so as the rest of the Armies expecting the issue of the Battaile could not fight there for that many times both the one and the other
in fighting exceeded their first station Yet the Tyrants souldiers had for a time the better considering their multitude and dexterity with their Armes and Experience The which did not happen without cause For as the multitude in Comminalties is more cheerefull in Combats in Warre then the Subiects which are Enemies to Tyrants so strange Souldiers taking pay of Monarches excell those of Common-weales And as some Subiects fight for liberty and some are in danger of seruitude some also of the Mercenaries fight for a certaine profit others for the defence of their Liues But a popular power puts not her liberty into the hands of Mercenaries after they haue defeated their Enemies Whereas a Tyrant the greater Enterprize he makes the more souldiers he hath need off For as he doth more outrages so he hath more watchers ouer his life The safety then of Monarches consists in the good affection and forces of his forreine Souldiers Wherefore then it hapned that the forreine Souldiers fought with such great Courage and Resolution as the Sclauonians and Horacites being in front of them could not indure their Charge flying all as repuls'd towards Mantinia seauen Furlongs distant Then that which some men held in doubt was made plaine and certaine It is manifest that many actions in Warre breed Experience of things so do they ignorance It is a great matter for him that hath purchased Authority in the beginning to extend it farther But it is a farre greater matter to fixe vpon him whose first attempts haue not beene successefull and to consider the indiscretion of the vnfortunate and to obserue their faults You shall oftentimes see that they which seeme to haue the better are within a short space frustrated of all in generall And againe they which at the first were beaten haue by their industry restored all the which appeared then betwixt these two Princes For when the bands of Souldiers which the Acheins had wauered and that the left wing was broken Machanides leauing his good Fortune and the Victory of those of the Wing and to assaile the others in Front and finally to attend the Victory he did nothing of all this but scattred with the Mercenaries without order like a young man he pursued the Chase as if feare had not beene able to pursue those which fled vnto the Gates The Chiefe of the Acheins imployed all his power to stay the Mercenaries with cries and perswasions calling to the rest of their Commaunders But when he saw them forcibly repuls'd he was not amazed if they turned head or despairing abandoned the place but he with-drew the Wing which charged and pursued them And when the place where the danger was was abandoned he sent presently to the first Legionaries that they should couer themselues with their Targets and in keeping order he went speedily before Being come suddainly to the place abandoned hee defeated the pursuers hauing great aduantage vpon the Enemies battailion Hee likewise perswaded the Legionaries to haue a good Courage and resolution and not to budge vntill hee gaue them order to march close in Battaile against the Enemy And as for Polybius the Megalopolitaine hauing gathered together the remainder of the Sclauonians which had turned Head with the armed men and the Strangers he enioynes him to haue a great care to keepe the Battallion in good order and to looke to those which were retired from the Chase. The Lacedemonians likewise resuming Courage and strength for that they were esteemed the most valiant charged the Enemies with their Iauelings without Commaund And as in this pursuite they were come vnto the brinke of the Ditch and had no more time to returne for that they were in the Enemies hands and that finally they forsooke and disdained the Ditch for that it had many descents and was drie and without Trees they ranne into it without any discretion As this occasion offers it selfe against the Enemy Phylopomen hauing fore-seene it long before he then Commaunded all the Legionaries to aduance with their Iauelings And when as all the Acheins with one resolution had cast themselues vpon the Enemies with horrible cries hauing formerly broken the battalion of the Lacedemonians descending into the Ditch they turne Head with great Courage against the Enemy which held the higher ground It is true that a great part was defeated aswell by the Acheins as their owne men That which I haue spoken happens not by chance but by the prouidence of the Commaunder who had suddainly made this Ditch Philopomen fled not from the Battaile as some had conceiued But considering and aduising dilligently like a good Commaunder of all things in particular that if Machanides should lead his Army thither it would happen that by ignorance of the Ditch he would fall into danger with his Battalion as it succeeded in Effect And if considering the difficulty of the Ditch hee should seeme to feare and turne Head hee should then be wonderfully frustrated of his Enterprize and Designe for that hee should haue the Victory without fight Machanides beeing defeated by a vnfortunate disaster It had happened to many which had vndertaken a Battaile that finding themselues insufficient to ioyne with the Enemy some in regard of the disaduantage of places others for the multitude and some for other causes and by this same meanes shewing and expressing themselues in their flight to bee of little Experience some hoping to be stronger vpon the Reare and others that they might escape the Enemy safely Among the which were these Commaunders But Philopomen was not deceiued in his fore-sight by whose endeauour it happened that the Lacedemonians made a speedy flight And when hee saw his Legions to vanquish hee laboured to bring that vnto an ende which remained of an absolute Victory Which was that Machanides should not escape and therefore knowing him to be at the pursuite of the Chase on that side of the Ditch which lay towards the City with his Mercenaries had not beene retired and with drawne he attends his comming But when as Machanides flying after the Chase saw his Army turne head and hearing that all hope was lost for him he laboured with his forreine Souldiers in turning head to escape thorough the Enemies dispersed and scattred in their Chase. Whereunto they likewise hauing regard stayed with him in the beginning feeding themselues with the same hope of safety But when as at their comming they saw the Acheins keepe the Bridge vpon the Ditch then all amazed they abandon him and fled euery man looking to his owne preseruation And when the Tyrant despaired of the passage of the Bridge he went directly to the Ditch and endeauours to finde a passage Philopomen knowing the Tyrant by his purple Robe and the caparrisson of his Horse leaues Polybius there and giues him charge to keepe the passage carefully not sparing any of the Mercenaries for that most commonly they fauour and support the Tyrant of Lacedemon In regard of himselfe he takes Polyene Cypariss●e and
Simie of whom he then made vse marching against the Tyrant and his Company on the other side of the Ditch Machanides had at that time two men with him that is to say Anaxidamus and a strange Souldier When hee prest his Horse to take a certaine commodious passage of the Ditch Philopomen doubling vpon him gaue him a mortall wound with a Iaueling and soone after another killing the Tyrant valiantly The like happened to Anaxidamus by the Horse-men which marcht with him The third man despairing of the passage escaped the danger by flight whilest they slew the other two After their death Simies Company stript them and brought away the Head and Armes of the Tyrant to make his death knowne vnto the Troupes whereby they might with more diligence pursue the Enemies into their City the which serued much to moue the Commons For by this meanes they reduced the City of Tegea vnder their obedience after which prize they camped neare vnto the Riuer of Erota after they had made themselues Maisters of the Champion Countrey And as they could not chase the Enemy out of their Countrey for a long time they then wasted all the Lacedemonian Prouinces without feare hauing lost few men in Battaile and the Lacedemonians aboue foure thousand besides many Prisoners and the taking of all their Baggage and Armes Of Hannibal and the Carthaginians ANd therefore who will not wonder at the gouernment vertue and power of this man in his valiant exploits of War decided in Field hauing regard to the length of time and knowing Hannibal as well in Battailes as encounters as in sieges of Townes alterations and euents of times and in the fulnesse of all the Enterprizes and resolutions according to the which hee hath made Warre in Italy against the Romans for the space of seuenteene yeares and hauing neuer broken vp his Campe but kept it still entire as vnder a good Leader and commanded so great a multitude either without mutiny towards him or among themselues although he did not imploy in his Army men of one Nation not of one Race He had vnder his command Lybians Spaniards Phenicians Italians and Grecians among the which the Lawes nor customes nor the Language had any thing common But the industry of the Commander made this great multitude of different Nations obedient to the Commandments of one man according to his desire although the Euents were not alwayes answerable but diuers and that many times Fortune smiled vpon him and was sometimes opposite These things considered you may safely say in wondring at the vertue of this Commander in that which concernes this point that if hee had first assailed the other Countries of the World and then the Romans he would haue preuailed in all that he had attempted But seeing at this day hee hath begun the Warre against those which hee should haue assailed last hee hath made both the beginning and the ending Asdrubal hauing drawne together the Souldiers from those places where they had wintred prepares for his voyage and campes neare vnto a City called Elinge building a Pallisadoe on the side of the Mountaine with plaine spaces before fit for skirmishes and encounters Hee had three score and ten thousand Foote foure thousand Horse and two and thirty Elephants Publius Scipio on the other side sends Marcus Iunius to Lochis to receiue the Bands which hee had leiued being three thousand Foote and fiue hundred Horse In regard of the other Allies he accompanies them taking his way to the place appointed When hee was come to Catalongne and to the places which were about Becyle and had ioyned his Army with Marcus and with the Troupes of Colichante he fell into a great perplexity for the apparent dangers For in truth he had not a sufficient Roman Army without the forces of the Allies to hazard a Battaile It seemed an vnsafe thing foolish and rash for those which put their hope in the forces of their Allies to hazard a Battaile But as he was for a time in suspence and that the affaires concluded that he must vse the Allies he came to fight with the Spaniards to the end that by this meanes he might make the Enemy imagine that hee fought with his whole Army This being resolu'd he marches with all his Troups being forty fiue thousand Foot and about three thousand Horse And when he was neare the Carthaginians so as he might well be discouered he camps about certaine little Hils right against the Enemy Asdrubal thinking to haue found a fit time to charge the Romans in Camping he fell vpon their Campe with the greatest part of his Horse-men and Massanissa with the Numades hauing a conceite to surprize Scipio suddainly But he hauing formerly fore-seene the future he layd an Ambush of Horse-men behinde a certaine Hill equall in number to those of the Carthaginians who charging by surprize many in the beginning turning head in regard of this vnexpected Charge of the Romans fell from their Horses others affronting the Enemies fought valiantly But for the dexterity of the Roman Horse-men in fighting the Carthaginians being troubled and discontented after some little resistance gaue backe retiring in the beginning in good order But when the Romans pursued them they tooke their flight vnder the Campe. This done the Romans assure themselues the more to vndergoe the danger and the Carthaginians did the contrary The dayes following they draw their Armies into the Plaine which lay betwixt them and making skirmishes as well of Horse-men as of their most valiant Foote and trying one another they resolued to Battaile It seemed then that Scipio had practised a double stratagem For when he saw Asdrubal slow in ordring of his forces and to put the Lybians in the midst and the Elephants vpon the two wings Then as hee was accustomed to obserue the opportunity of the time and to make head against the Lybians by Romans and to mingle the Spaniards vpon the wings on the day which hee resolued to fight hee doth now the contrary giuing by this meanes great comfort to his forces for the Victory and weakning the Enemy Presently at the Sunne-rising he giues all the Souldiers notice by men appointed that all they which were to fight armed should stand before the Pallisadoe This done when they had obeyed him cheerefully for the hope they had conceiued for the future he sends the Horse-men before and the ablest Souldiers giuing them charge to approach the Enemies Campe and that in skirmishing couragiously they should begin the Battaile For his part he marcheth at Sun-rising with the Footmen And being come into the midst of the field he drew his Army in Battaile after another forme then he had bin accustomed For he put the Spaniards in the midst and the Romans vpon the wings When as the Horse-men approacht the Pallisadoe and that the rest of the Army was in sight and ready the Carthaginians had scarce time
to arme Asdrubal being then forced to drawe the valiantest of his men to field against the Romans being yet fasting without preparation and in haste both the Foot-men and Horse-men and to plant his Army of Foot-men not farre from the Mountaines and the Ordonance in the Plaine as they had beene accustomed The Romans stayed some time but for that the day was well aduanced and that the Combat of either side was vncertaine and equall and that there was danger that they which should be prest turning head would retire vpon their Battalions then Scipio retiring the Skirmishers by the space betwixt the Ensignes he diuides them vpon the wings after those which had beene formerly appointed Then he giues order to assaile the Enemy in Front first to the Iauelings and then with Horse-men and being a Furlong from the Enemy he commands the Spaniards which were in Battaile to march in the same order and that they should turne the Ensignes vpon the right hand and they of the left doing the contrary And when he began on the right side Lacius Marcus and Marcus Iunius led three braue Troups of Horse-men on the left hand and before were those which were lightly armed and accustomed to the Warre with three Bands of Foot-men the Romans call a Band of Foot-men a Cohort to whom the Targetteers ioyned on the one side and the Archers on the other In this sort they marched against the Enemy making by this meanes an attempt with effect considering the continuall repaire of those which ioyned with them by files As by chance these men were not farre from the Enemy and that the Spaniards which were on the wing were farther off as they which matched a slow pace they make an attempt vpon the two Battalions of the Enemy drawne in length with the Roman forces according to that which had beene resolued in the beginning The following alterations by the meanes whereof it happened that they which followed ioyned with the former encountring the Enemies in a direct line had betwixt them diuers orders so as the right Battalion had on the left side the Foot-men mingled with the Horse For the Horse-men which were on the right wing mingling with the Iauelings of the Foot lightly armed laboured to inclose the Enemies The Foot-men on the other side couered themselues with their Targets They which on the left hand were in the Troups charged with their Iauelings and the Hors-men accompanied with the Archers with their full speed By this motion there was a left wing made of the right wing of the Horse-men and of the most valiant Souldiers of the two Battalions But the Commander made no great accompt being more carefull to vanquish the enemy with the other Battalion wherein he had good iudgement We must know things as they are done and vse a fit obseruation according to the occasion offered By the charge of these men the Elephants assailed by the Archers and the Horse-men with Darts and Iauelings and tormented of all sides were wounded making as great a spoile of their Friends as of their Enemies For they ran vp and downe and ouer-threw men of all sides breaking the Carthaginian Battalions In regard of that of the Lybians which held the middle part and was of great seruice it stood idle vnto the end For not able to succour those which on the wings abandoned the place by reason of the Spaniards charge nor remaining in their station doe that which necessity required for that the Enemies which they had in Front did not giue them Battaile It is true that the wings fought for a time valiantly Considering that all was in danger And as the heare was vehement the Carthaginians brake seeing that the end of the Combate succeeded not according to their desire and that their chiefest preparation was hindred The Romans on the other side had the aduantage both in force and courage and in that principally that by the prouidence of the Generall the best furnished among the Carthaginians were made vnprofitable Wherefore Asdrubal being thus prest retired in the beginning with a slow pace from the Battaile Then turning in Troupe he recouered the neighbour Mountaines And when as the Romans pursued them neare they posted to their Pallisadoe If some God had not preserued them they had suddainly lost their Fort. But for that the disposition of the Aire changed and the raine fell continually with violence the Romans could hardly recouer their Fort. And although that Publius Scipio had sufficient experience of the Warre yet he neuer fell into so great a doubt and perplexity the which happened not without reason For as wee may fore-see and preuent exteriour causes and discommodities of the Body as cold heate labour and wounds before they happen and cure them when they come being on the other side difficult to fore-see those which proceed from the Body and are hardly cureable when they happen we must iudge the same of policies and Armies It is true there is a speedy meanes and helpe to preuent the Warres and Ambushes of Strangers when they are contriued But against those which the Enemy doth practise in the State as seditions and mutinies the Phisicke is difficult and requires a great dexterity and singular industry in the gouernment of affaires But in my opinion one aduice is necessary for all Armies Cities and bodies politique which is that in that which concernes the things aboue mentioned they neuer suffer too much sloth and idlenesse especially in time of prosperity and the abundance of all things necessary Scipio as a man of excellent diligence and consequently industrious and actiue to mannage great affaires propounded a certaine course to decide the present combustions after he had assembled the Captaines of thousands He gaue order that they should promise vnto the Souldiers the restitution of the victuals and taxes and to giue credit to his promise they should leuie the ordinary taxes ordained in Cities diligently and openly for the reliefe of the whole Army to the end it might be apparent that this preparation was made for the institution of their Victuals And that moreouer the Milleniers should command the Commissaries of the Victuals and admonish them to haue a care and to take charge of the Victuals and that conferring among themselues they should make knowne if part of them or altogether would vndertake it He sayd that they must consider of that which was to be done The others thinking of the same things had a care of the Treasure And when as the Milleniers had made knowne the things which had beene ordayned Scipio being aduertised imparted vnto the Councell that which was to be done They concluded that they should resolue on the day when they were to appeare So as the people should be sent backe and the Authors seuerely punished who were to the number of fiue and thirty And when the Day was come and the Rebels there present as well to obtaine pardon as for their Victuals
which were Noble or Rich or had any honour from their Ancestors giuing their substance and Wiues to other Noble men and to Mercenaries Who were Murtherers Theeues Robbers and breakers of houses Finally this kind of men to whom the Country was forbidden in regard of their wickednesse and villanies were by him carefully drawne together from all the parts of the Earth of whom he held himselfe Prince and King He had Lanciers for the guarde of his Body by whom it plainely appeared that his wickednesse and power would be of long continuance Besides the said things hee was not satisfied with the banishmens of Citizens but moreouer he left not any place safe for Fugitiues not any certaine refuge He slue some vpon the way sending after them and kill'd others in their returne Finally in Cities where the Fugitiues did remaine he hired houses neare vnto them by men not suspected sending Candiots thither who making holes in the Wall slew them with Arrowes or at the Windowes the Fugitiues standing there or else being at their Meare in their houses so as these miserable Lacedemonians had no place of refuge nor time assured He hath by this meanes ruin'd many He drest vp an Engine if it may be so term'd It was the Image of a Woman richly attired the forme whereof was like vnto the Wife of Nabis and very well painted When he called any Citizens meaning to exact money from them at their first entrance he vsed courteous and milde speeches speaking of the feare of the Acheins neare vnto the City and Region He likewise declared the multitude of Souldiers which hee entertained for their safety and finally the charges hee was at for the Gods and the publique good of the Citty If by this Speech he perswaded them then he had them ready at his deuotion but if any one refusing would not giue care vnto him hee added these words peraduenture thou canst not perswade thy selfe Yet I thinke this Apege which was the Name of his Wife will doe it After this speech the Image was presented and when hee rise out of his Chaire hee imbraced it as his Wife and approacht it neare vnto his bosome This Image had the Elbowes and Hands full of Nailes vnder the garment and likewise neare the Papps and when he toucht the backe of the Image with his hand he extended it vnto the brest and led it by the handling of Instruments and by this meanes hee forced the Image in a short time to pronounce any kind of voyce Vpon this occasion hee ruined many of those which refuse to obey him A PARCELL OF the Fourteenth Booke of the History of POLYBIVS THe Consuls were carefull of these affaires Publius Scipio wintred in Affricke who being aduertised that the Carthaginians prepared an Army to Sea hee did the like yet omitting nothing concerning the Siege of Bysarthe neither did hee wholy despaire of Sophax or Syphax sending often vnto him for that their Armies were not farre distant perswading himselfe that hee might retire him from the alliance of the Carthaginians He despaired not but that hee was now glutted with Pedisca for whose sake he held the Carthaginians party and in like manner of the friendship which he had with the Phenicians as well for their naturall discontent against the Numidians as for their preuarication both against God and Men. Whilest hee ruminated of many things with a variable hope for the future for that hee feared a danger by Strangers knowing that the Enemy encreased much hee resolued in the end vpon this occasion Some of those which hee had sent to Syphax related vnto him that the Carthaginians besides their Winter-tents had their Lodgings made of Wood and Leaues and among the Numidians the Princes had them of Reeds and they of the Cities there assembled of Leaues Some being of the Ditch and Pallisadoe and others without Scipio hauing a conceire that if hee assailed their Campe by fire it would bee a surprize vnexpected by the Enemy and of great effect for him inclined vnto it In regard of Syphax hee intended by his Embassies which hee sent vnto Scipio to settle a Peace so as the Carthaginians should leaue Italy and the Romans Affricke and that either of them should enioy that which they held which things being formerly heard hee had not accepted but at that time hee aduertised the Numidian by an Embassie in few words that the proposition made by him was not impossible So as Syphax hauing great hope solicited a parley often This done there were many and frequent Embassies It happened that sometimes they met without Guards and Scipio alwayes sent men of great iudgement with his Embassadours for whom hee had prepared Military habits which were base poore and seruile to discouer and view the entries and issues of the two Campes There were in truth two the one of Asdrubal contayning thirty thousand Foote and three thousand Horse the other which was ten Furlongs off was of Numidians hauing ten thousand Horse and about fifty thousand Foote These had the approach more easie and the Lodgings more fit to burne for that the Numidians vsed no Timber nor Earth but onely Reeds and Canes to make their Lodgings And for that the Spring was come Scipio hauing inquired of all the preparations of the Enemy hee causeth his shippes to flote and puts Engines into them as it were to besiege Bysarthe by Sea Moreouer hee seazed vpon a Hill neare vnto the City with about two thousand Foote to the end hee might put a conceite into the Enemy that all this was done for the Siege Yet in truth hee made this Guard vntill hee might haue an opportunity to execute his Enterprize to the end that the Armies being out of their Camps the Garrison of the City should not dare to sally forth nor assaile the Pallisadoe being neare nor besiege those which were there in the Guard This preparation being ready hee sent to Syphax to demand of him if hee would conclude the Articles and whether the Carthaginians did like of them and that hee should propound nothing more concerning the accord giuing also charge to the Embassadours not to returne without answere vpon these Differences Being come vnto the Numidian their charge being heard hee consented for that Scipio was ready to conclude this Accord and withall the Embassadours told him that they would not depart before they carried backe an Answere from him But being in great feare and doubt that the Carthaginians would not giue consent hee sent with all speede vnto Asdrubal aduertising him of that which was treated with many perswasions to accept of the Peace Syphax was negligent and carelesse and suffered the Numidians which he had drawne together to lodge without the Campe. This Scipio did in shew but hee was carefull of the preparations And when as the Carthaginians had aduertised Syphax to conclude the accord reioycing thereat he signified it presently to the Embassadors who being returned to their
Campe acquainted Scipio with that which the King had done These things being heard hee presently sends backe an Embassie to Syphax to tell him that hee liked well of the accord and desired a peace but the Senate and Councell were not of that Opinion saying that they would pursue their Enterprize The Embassie came to Syphax and declared these things vnto him Scipio had sent these Embassadours to the end hee should not seeme to haue broken the accord if during a parley of Peace hee should attempt any Enterprize of an Enemy conceiuing that hauing signified this vnto the Enemy whatsoeuer he should doe would be blamelesse Syphax was much discontented with this newes considering the hope hee had of a Peace Hee goes to Asdrubal acquainting him with that which the Romans had signified vnto him whereupon doubting they consulted how they should carry themselues but they were farre from knowing the resolution and designe of the future accidents As for standing vpon their guard or to beleeue that any disaster or misfortune were at their Gates they had no thought thereof It is true their whole intent was to draw the Enemy into the Plaine Scipio gaue many presumptions by his preparation and summation that hee had some Enterprize against Bysarthe Finally about Noone he sends for the Captaines Milleniers whom hee held for his loyall Friends and acquaints them with his intent giuing them charge that an houre after Dinner they should put the Army in Battaile before the Pallisadoe when as all the Trumpets according to custome had giuen the Signe The Romans haue a custome that during the repast all the Trumpets and Clairons sound before the Generals Tent to the end that during that time they should set watches in conuenient places When hee had retired his Spies which hee had sent vnto the Enemies Campe hee conferres and examines the Reports of the Embassadours and considers of the approaches of the Campe making vse therein of the aduice and councell of Massanissa for the knowledge of the places And when as all things were ready for the Execution hee marcheth with his Army directly towards the Enemy the first Watch being changed leauing a sufficient number to guard the Campe. They were threescore Furlongs off And when they were come vnto them about the end of the third Watch he deliuers halfe the Army to Caius Lelyus with all the Numidians giuing them charge to assaile Syphax Campe and perswading them to carry themselues like braue men and not to attempt any thing rashly holding for certaine that the more their sight is hindred by darkenesse the more courage and confidence they should haue to finish Nocturnall assaults Finally hee assailes Asdrubal with the rest of the Army Yet his purpose and resolution was not to put it into execution before that Lelius had first set fire of the Enemies Being thus resolued hee marcheth a flow pace Lelius on the other side diuiding his Army in two assailes the Enemies suddainly But as the lodgings were built in such sort as if they had of purpose beene destinated for the fire where the first had cast the fire and consumed all the first Tents it fell out so as they could not succour this Disaster Both for that the lodgings stood close together and for the abundance of stuffe wherewith they were built Lelius stood still in Battaile But Massanissa knowing the Countrey placed Souldiers vpon the passages by the which they which fled from the fire must retire Not any of the Numidians vnderstood that which was done nor Syphax himselfe thinking this fire had beene accidentall Wherefore they goe rashly out of their lodgings and Tents some being yet asleepe and others drinking So as many were crusht in peeces by them at the sally of the Pallisadoe and and many were burnt In regard of those which fled the flames they were all slaine falling into the Enemies hands not knowing what should befall them nor what to doe When at the same time the Carthaginians saw this great fire and high flames thinking the Numidians Pallisadoe was on fire some went presently to helpe them all the rest ran out of the Campe without Armes standing before their Pallisadoe amazed they expected what the end would be When as things succeeded according to Scipio's intent he falls vpon those which were come out of the Campe and pursuing others into it hee presently sets fire on their lodgings The like happened to the Phenicians as well by fire as by other miseries and misfortunes where with the Numidans were afflicted But when as Asdrubal had discouered by the euent that this fire of the Numidians was not accidentall but by the policy and courage of the Enemy hee ceased suddainly from giuing Succours making haste to saue himselfe for that there was little hope remaining The fire suddainly wasted and consumed all There were no more passages for Horses Sumpters and men among the which some were halfe dead and burnt with the fire others were terrified and amazed so as they which made preparation to defend themselues valiantly were hindred neither was there any meanes of hope by reason of the trouble and confusion The like happened to Syphax and to the other Commanders But either of them escaped with some few Horses the rest of the Troups of Men Horses and Sumpters perished miserably by this fire Some were ignominiously slaine by the Enemy after they had fled the violence of the fire and defeated not onely without Armes but naked and without apparrell Finally all the place of these Campes was full of howling horrible cries feare and vnvsuall noise and moreouer with a violent flaming fire Either of the which had beene sufficient to amaze and terrifie humane Nature and the rather for that these things happened contrary vnto all hope Wherefore it is not possible for any man liuing to imagine this accident considering the greatnesse for that it hath exceeded the policy of all precedent actions And although that Scipio hath performed many deeds of prowesse and valour yet this seemes to be the most excellent and hardy of them all At the breake of day the Enemies being some defeated and others fled with amazement he gaue charge to the Commanders to pursue the Chase. The Chiefe of the Carthaginians budg'd not in the beginning although he were aduertised by many The which he did relying vpon the fortification of the City But when hee saw the Mutiny of the Inhabitants among themselues hee fled accompanied with those which had escaped with him fearing the comming of Scipio Hee had fiue hundred Horse and about two thousand Foote The Inhabitants being agreed yeelded themselues to the Romans Whom Scipio pardoned abandoning the spoile of two Neighbour Cities to the Souldiers These things being thus decided hee returned to his first Campe. The Carthaginians were discontented that the hope which they had conceiued in the beginning had succeeded so contrary They expected to haue besieged the Romans inclosed within the Fort
likewise should prepare that which concernes the ships And the rest for the safetie of the Citie hauing a daily care for particular things But when as the Roman Army was inricht with bootie and that no man made any resistance Scipio resolues to send the greatest part of the bootie to the first baggage And taking the ablest and most actiue Bands to seeke to force the Enemies pallisadoe He therefore hauing a good courage seated his Campe in view of the Carthaginians He had a conceite that by this meanes hee should amaze and terrifie them The Carthaginians hauing in few daies giuen order for all the Equipage Victualls and munition of their Shippes they meant to weigh Anchor and to execute their Resolution Scipio came to Tunis and although that they which had fled thither kept the approaches yet he tooke it Tunis is distant from Carthage sixe score Furlongs and is to be seene in a manner by all the Citie Moreouer it is strong aswell by Nature as by Art The Carthaginians imbarked and came to Bys●rthe Scipio seeing the Enemies Army at Sea was troubled fearing least his should fall into some inconnenience hauing not suspected it neyther was it ready nor prepared for that which might happen Wherefore turning head he raised his Campe seeking to giue order for his affaires When hee perceiued his couered shippes well prouided to carry the instruments and conueniently to raise the siege but ill appoynted for a Combate at Sea and that those of the Enemies had beene during the Winter instructed and prepared he was out of hope to make head against them and to come to fight Yet he prepared the couered Vessell and inuironed them with three or foure ranckes of Merchants ships The remainder is wanting A PARCELL OF the Fifteenth Booke of the History of POLYBIVS SCipio was impatient that the meanes to get Victualls was not only taken from him but there was plenty with the Enemy But he seemed to be much more grieued that the Carthaginians had broken their Oath and Accord making War againe Wherefore hee made choise for Embassadours of Lucius Servinus Lucius Citinus and Lucius Fabius and sent them to speake vnto the Carthaginians vpon this late Action and also to signifie vnto them that the people of Rome had confirmed their Accords for they had lately brought Letters vnto Scipio containing the said Articles When the Embassadours were come to Carthage they were first brought vnto the Senate and afterwards to many others where they discoursed freely of the present Affaires First they put them in minde how their Embassadours being arriued at Tunis and were come into the assembly of the Councell they had not only Sacrificed to the Gods in bending downe to the ground as other men are accustomed to do But moreouer prostrating themselues humbly they had kist their feete And when they were risen againe had acknowledged their faulte to haue broken the Accord concluded in the beginning with the Romains and that for this cause they confest that they were not ignorant that they were lustly tormented and that they intreated that by the Fortune of Humanes they might not be forced to suffer things that were not to be repaired and that by this meanes their indiscretion and rashnesse would make the Romains bounty Commendable The Embassadours say that at the repetition of these things the Chiefe and Councellors which were then present in Counsell were amazed and wondred with what impudence they forgot things that were then spoken and durst in manner breake the Couenants sworne It is in a manner manifest that vpon the confidence they had in Hannibal and his forces they had presumed to do these things but inconsiderately Finally it was apparent to all the World that flying the last yeare out of all Italy and being shut vp through their faintnesse in the Countrey of Lacinium and in a manner besieged they are fallen at this day to that as they are hardly in safety And although that as Victors they would present themselues and trie with vs the fortune of the Warre who haue vanquished you in two following Battailes yet they must not hold the future for certaine Nor yet thinke of the Victory but rather feare to be frustrated againe And if that hapned to what Gods would they make their prayers and vowes In what Language would they speake to mooue the Victors to a Commiseration of their calamitie Seeing that with reason all hope would be taken away aswell with the Gods as men These things thus propounded the Embassadours foorth-with depart Some of the Carthaginians were of opinion that the Accord should not be broken The greatest part aswell of Burgesses as Senators disliked that to the Accord there were some grieuances added and they were much discontented at the hard reprehension of the Embassadors Moreouer they could not restore the shippes which had beene broken nor repay the Charges They were likewise fed with no small hope of Hannibals Victory One part of them were of opinion to send away the Roman Embassadors without answere The Burgesses whose intention was howsoeuer to renew the Warne consulting among themselues practized in this manner We must said they giue order that the Embassadors may be safely sent backe to their Campe. Wherfore they presently prepare two Gallies for their returne But they aduertize Asdrubal Chiefe of their Army at Sea intreating him to keepe some vessells ready neere vnto the Romans Campe to the end that when the Marriners should abandon the Embassadors these other should board them and cast them into the Sea The Army at Sea had ioyned to the Romans vpon the flat neere vnto Bysarthe When they had acquainted Asdrubal with these things they dismisse the Romans And giue charge vnto the Marriners of the Gallies that when they had past the Riuer of Macre they should suffer the Romans to Saile towards the Mountaine for from thence they might visibly discouer the Enemies Campe. When the Marriners had Conducted the Embassadours and according to their charge had crost the Riuer they turne head hauing bid the Romans farewell Lucius in trueth suspected no harme but thinking to be thus left at Sea by the Marriners through disdaine he was much incensed Whilest they sailed alone the Carthaginians present themselues with three Gallies which assaile the Roman Quinquereme not able to annoy it nor board it through the great resistance which they made And that fighting in Front and vpon the flancke they annoyed the Souldiers with great slaughter of them vntill being seene by those which spoiling the Maritine Country came running from their Campe to the Sea shore they ranne the Galley a shore It is true many of the Company were slaine but the Embassadours escaped beyond all hope These things hapning the Warie was againe renewed with greater violence and cruelty then before The Romans intended with great Courage to vanquish the Carthaginians seeing the faith violated The Carthaginians likewise fearing themselues guilty of that which they
placed his Elephants before the whole Army being aboue foure score and then about twelue thousand Mercenaries which were Gen●uois Maiorquins Minorquins and Maurusiens After which hee placed the Inhabitants of Affricke and the Carthaginians After all which hee orders those which hee had brought our of Italy and feparates them from the rest aboue a Furlong Hee fortified the Wings with Horse-men ordring the Numidians on the right and the Carthaginians on the left Hee commanded euery Leader to encourage his Souldiers to the end they might put their trust in him and the Troupes which hee had brought out of Italy Hee likewise commands the Carthaginian Captaines to acquaint their men with the miseries which would befall their Wiues and Children if this Battaile succeeded otherwise then they desired The which they effected Hannibal likewise came to them which hee had brought with him and intreates them with a long speech to remember their mutuall and common life for the space of seuenteene Yeares That they should thinke of the many Battailes which they had fought with the Romans in the which they had beene alwayes Victors and had neuer left them any hope of Victory But hee intreated them chiefly that amidst the encounter they should set before their eyes the infinite prerogatiues Namely the Battaile which they gained fighting against the Father of this present Roman Commander neare vnto Trebia Then that which was against Flaminius and also towards Cannes against Emilius the which hee sayd were neither for the number and multitude of men nor according vnto their forces worthy to bee compared to the present danger When he had vsed this Speech hee commands them to looke vpon the Enemies in Battaile telling them that they were not onely fewer in number but they were scarce the least part of those which then fought against them and that they could not compare with them in forces And as the others were before inuincible they had fought cheerefully and stoutly and that of these some were the Children of men and the others the Reliques of such as had beene often defeated in Italy and had so many times shewed them their heeles Wherefore he was of aduice that they should not doe any thing to the preiudice of their glory and fame nor of their Commander But in fighting couragiously confirme the opinion which was conceiued of them to be inuincible Behold the Speeches or such like which they held vnto their Armies When as all things necessary were ready for the Combat and that the Numidian Horse-men had skirmished long Hannibal commanded those which were mounted vpon the Elephants to charge the Enemy But when the Trumpets and Clairons sounded some of them being amazed turn'd head and went violently against the Numidians which were come to succour the Carthaginians Finally the left Wing of the Carthaginians was left bare by Massanissa's Company The rest of the Elephants fighting with the Iauelings in the midst of the Battalions without doubt endured much so likewise they annoyed the Enemies vntill that being amazed some going forth by the spaces were taken as the Generall had giuen order Others flying on the right hand and wounded by the Horse-men passe in the end the place of the Battaile And when the Elephants were thus dismayed Lelyus charging the Carthaginian Horse-men repulseth them in such sort as they soone turned head the Chase being pursued by him The like did Massanissa Whilest these things are in action the two Battalions come to fight with a slow pace and wonderfull great courage except those which were come out of Italy who budge not out of their place When they came to affront one another the Romans crying after their Countrey manner and making their Targets sound with their Swords fought with their Enemies The Mercenaries of the Carthaginians cast forth diuers confused cries for it was not the same sound nor the same voyce but diuers languages for they were men drawne from diuers Countries And when as this Battaile was fought with great courage and man to man for that the Combattants could not helpe themselues with their Iauelings nor Swords the Mercenaries fought in the beginning with great courage and dexterity and wounded many Romans The Romans also trusting in their good order and Armes laboured much to goe on And when as they which were in the Reare of the Romans gaue courage to the first in following them and the Carthaginians not comming on to succour their Souldiers but staying behinde basely and for want of courage the Barbarians declined Wherefore when they saw themselues abandoned by their Companions in retiring they fell vpon those which stood still and slew them the which forced many Carthaginians to dye valiantly For when they were slaine by the Mercenaries they fought boldly as well against their owne men as against the Romans In which combat as they fought after a horrible manner like furious men they made no lesse slaughter of their owne then of the Enemies By this meanes they fell confusedly vpon the Troups that were lightly armed The Captaines of the Principals seeing this accident charg'd their Battalions The greatest part of the Carthaginians and Mercenaries were slaine aswell by them as by those that were lightly armed In regard of such as escaped and fled Hannibal would not suffer them to mingle with the Battalions commanding their Captaines to rank● them before and forbidding moreouer to receiue such as approacht wherefore they were forced to retire vpon the Wings and without them But for that the place betwixt the two Armies was full of bloud and dead bodies this put the Carthaginian Generall into great difficulty and was a great let for him to charge againe For the instability of the dead which were bloudy and falne vpon heapes with the confusion of Armes which were fallen among the dead they were to haue a troublesome passage which marcht in Battaile Yet the wounded being carried backe and a retreate being sounded by the Trumpets which followed those that were lightly armed hee puts his men before the fight in the midst of the Enemy In regard of the Principals and Triarij hee giues order that being closely ioyn'd they should march crosse the dead bodies vpon the two Wings When they were equall with those that were lightly armed the Battalions charged one another with great violence and courage It happened that for the multitude courage and equall Armes of either side the Combat was long doubtfull They that were slaine dyed euery man in his Ranke with a braue emulation vntill that Massanissa and Lelyus returning from the chase of the Horse-men had by good fortune rallied their men together with whom charging vpon the Reare of those which were with Hannibal a great number of them were defeated in Battaile and few of them escaped which fled For the Horse-men were dispersed of all sides and the Countrey was plaine and Champion There died aboue fifteene hundred Romans and twenty thousand Carthaginians The Prisoners were not much
neither could they gouerne nor turne her In the meane time two Quinqueremes charge her and bruising her in two places sinke her with the Souldiers Among the which was Democrites Captaine Generall at Sea for Philip. At the same instant Dionysodorus and Dynocrates brethren who were Commanders of the Army vnder Attalus giuing a charge found themselues in great danger in the fight So as Dynocrates gaue charge to a Vessel with seuen Oares and Dionisodorus to one of eight Dynocrates was broken aboue water and that of the Enemy vnder the water yet he could not free himselfe from them although hee had often attempted it in sawing Wherefore when as the Macedonians defended themselues valiantly he was in danger to be taken But for that Attalus came to succour him charging the Enemy and parting the two ships which were grapled Dynocrates saued himselfe by good fortune In regard of the Enemies they were all slaine fighting valiantly so as the Vessell being destitute of Souldiers was taken by Attalus And when as Dionisodorus sayl'd with great swiftnesse to fight hee could not ouertake any and passing through the Enemies he had the Pallisadoe on the right side disarmed and the Beames broken which carried the Tower This happening he was inuested round by the Enemy with great noise and cries All the Marriners perisht with the Ship and Dionisodorus swum away with two others vnto a Galliot which came to succour him In regard of the other Vessels the danger was equall For as the number of Philips Foists was greater so was that of Attalus in couer'd Vessels Finally the Combat was so carried vpon Philips right Wing as the Victory inclined to neither It is true that Attalus was in better hope for the future The Rhodiens in the beginning of the party separated themselues from the Enemies who hauing a great aduantage by the lightnesse of their Vessels fought against the Macedonians making the Reare-ward And when in the beginning they fell to flight they carried away all their defences charging them behinde and in poope But when as Philips Vessels began to turne head altogether giuing aide to those which were in danger and that the Reare of the Rhodiens were ioyned to Theophiliscus then they charged with great fury encouraging one another with great shouts and Trumpets And if the Macedonians had not mingled their Foists among their couered Vessels the Battaile had beene soone decided for they tooke from the Rhodien ships all commodity in diuers sorts For that when as by either side the order was broke they were all mingled Wherefore they could not easily enlarge themselues nor turne their Vessels nor assist themselues with those meanes whereof they were best prouided for that the Foists did continually charge them sometimes falling vpon the P●llisadoe so as they could make no vse of their Rowers and sometimes vpon the prow and poope to depriue them of their Pylot and Oares And when as they fought in a direct line they inuented a stratagem for abating the prowes they made their charge fruitlesse breaking the Enemies Vessels vnder water To preuent the which they could finde no remedy It is true this happens seldome for that all auoided the encounter for that the Macedonians fought valiantly hand to hand and most commonly in passing they razed the Pallisadoe making it vnprofitable Then suddainly casting about they assailed those that were in poope and likewise giuing charge to those which shewed themselues vpon the flankes or which turned aside they brake some and tooke the Equipage from others so as fighting after this manner they had sunke diuers of the Enemies Vessels There were three excellent Quinqueremes of the Rhodiens in danger whereof the Admirall was one in the which Theophiliscus commanded Then that whereof Philostrates was Captaine and the the third was gouerned by Antolice in the which Nycostrates remained It hapned that shee gaue a charge to one of the Enemies Vessels where she left her spurre so as it sunke with the Souldiers And Antolice's Company being inuested for that they tooke water at the prowe defended themselues valiantly But Antolice being wounded fell into the Sea with his Armes and died the rest fighting with great courage At what time Theophiliscus comming to succour them with three Quinqueremes he could not saue the ship being full of water After that he had broken two of the Enemies Vessels and cast the Souldiers into the Sea hee lost the greatest part of his men fighting resolutely for that he was suddainly inuested by many fregats and couerd Vessels It was hardly in his power to saue his ship being wounded in three places for that hee had aduentured himselfe too boldly But Philostrates came to succour him vndertaking the apparent danger with great courage But when hee was ioyned vnto these Vessels he rechargeth the Enemy furiously againe where he was seene weake of body by reason of his wounds but much more excellent and constant in courage then before It happened that there were two Combats at Sea very farre one from another For Philips right Wing coasting still along the shore neuer abandoned the Coast of Asia but the left Wing succouring the Reare-ward had fought with the Rhodiens for that they were not farre from Chios When as Attalus seemed to haue gloriously Vanquished Philips right Wing and that hee approached neere vnto the Iland where he Anchored expecting the end and conclusion of the Battaile he perceiued one of his Quinqueremes in danger to be sunke by a shippe of the Enemles and made hast to succour it with two other of his Quinqueremes When as the Enemies shippes turned away to recouer Land the more hee prest desiring to take it The which Philip perceiuing that Attalus strayed too boldly and aduenturously from his Company hee made hast being accompanied with foure Quinqueremes three Gall●otts and the neerest Frigats hoping hee should be able to take it as it fortunately happened forcing him to get vnto the neerest shore in great distresse Then leauing his Vessell there hee fled on foote with the Sea men to saue himselfe in Erythee Wherefore Philip recouered the sh●p and the Kings plate They which were with Attalus in this great danger bethought themselues of a pollicy in Warre and set the richest of the Kings plate vpon the Hatches Wherefore the first of the Macedonians approaching with their Frigats and seeing great store of plate with a purple Robe and other rich furniture lying there they gaue ouer the pursuite and attended the spoile so as Attalus retired vnto the Port of Erythree without any disturbance And although that Philip were absolutely the weaker in this Battaile at Sea yet he returned very ambitious and proud through Attalus mis-fortune making great haste to come vnto his Company Where after he had drawne and gathered together all his Vessells he perswaded them to be of good Courage and Resolution seeing hee had wonne the Battaile And in trueth such was the opinion of men as if Attalus had
was intended This course being continued no man knew to what end nor why this preparation was made nor whither they went out of the next City All being vncertaine and receiuing one another they marcht on But for that the Cities which were beyond had not an equall distance from Tegee hee did not send Letters to them all at the same time but particularly according to their order so as vnknowne to the Inhabitants and to those which arriued what should succeed all the Acheins entred in Armes by all the Gates Hee had without doubt resolued these things in his iudgement by a Military stratagem for for the multitude of Scouts and Spies which the Tyrant had The which the Tyrant had The same day that the multitude of the Acheins should assemble hee sent choise men who in the Night should passe the Selasia and at the breake of day runne into the Countrey of Lacedemon But if the Mercenaries by encounter did any way trouble them he giues them charge to recouer Scotite obeying Didascolonde the Candiot in all things For hee had giuen him the charge of all this enterprize These men went resolutely to the place appointed And when as Philopomene had commanded the Acheins●o ●o suppe earely hee goes with his Army out of Tegee and making good vse of the Night in his Voyage hee leads his Army to the place appointed neare vnto Scotite the mid-way betwixt Tegee and Lacedemon The Souldiers of Pelene the day following ran speedily as it is their custome and assailed the Enemy suddainly who were aduertised of their comming by their Scouts And when the Acheins according to the Commandment they had receiued retired they pursued them at their backes confidently and with courage But suddainly they fell into the Ambush where some of them were slaine by the Acheins and others taken A PARCELL OF the Seuenteenth Booke of the History of POLYBIVS Where they treate of the Peace betwixt Philip of Macedony and the other Grecians by the meanes of Titus a Roman THe time appointed being come Philip artiues by Sea from the Demetriade to the Gulfe of Meli●a accompanied with fiue Foists and one Galley wherein hee sayled He was attended on by Apolodorus and Demosthenes Macedonians his Chancellours There was also Brachylles of ●eocia and Chiliades the Achein a Fugitiue out of Morea for the causes aboue mentioned With the which were also King Saminandre and Dionisodorus sent by Attalus And as for the Cities and people Aristenetes and Xenophon were for the Acheins and Acesymbrotes and Nauarchus were for the Rhodiens and for the Etoliens came Phenee Chiefe of the Army with many other Citizens When they were approacht the Sea neare vnto Nicea Titus the Chiefe of the Romans stayed at the shoare Philip being almost at Land stayed in his Vessell And when as Titus perswaded him to Land he sayd standing vpright in his ship that hee would not Being likewise demanded by Titus what he feared he answered No man but the Gods but there were many there whom hee did not trust namely the Etoliens And when the Roman Commander wondred saying that the perill was equall vnto all and that time common Philip answering sayd that he vnderstood it not so For an inconuenience hapning to Phenee the Etoliens had Commaunders enough for the War But if Philip dyed there was no King of Macedony for the present In the beginning of his Speech he seemed importune to them all But Tytus aduised him to speake of the Affaires for which hee was come Philip answered him that it belonged to him and ●ot vnto himselfe For this cause hee required him to let him know what there was to be done to enioy a Peace The Roman Commaunder told him that hee must vse plaine and open words and aduised him to leaue all Greece restoring the Prisoners and Fugitiues which were in his power To yeild likewise vnto the Romans the places of Sclauonia which he had seazed on after the Accord made in Epirus That he should restore vnto Ptolomy all the Cities which he had taken since the Death of Ptolomeus Philopater When Tytus had spoken this he held his peace But turning to the rest hee willed euery man to deliuer his charge Dionisodorus being sent by Attalus beganne first saying that he should restore the shippes taken by him in the Battaile at Sea neere vnto Chio and likewise the Prisoners and re-edifie the Temple of Venus and the A●senall of the triumphes of Victories which hee had ruined After whom Asesymbrotes Chiefe of the Army at Sea for the Rhodiens required that Philip should leaue Perea which he had taken from them and finally retire the Garrisons which hee had at Iasse in the Vargylies and in the City of the Eromeens And moreouer restore the Perinthiens to the comminalty of the Constantinopolitains and to abandon Sestes Abydos and the Faiers of Asia After the Rhodiens the Acheins demanded Corinth and the City of the Argiues whole and safe After these the Etoliens required first as the Romans had done that hee should abandon all Greece and that afterwards hee should restore the Cities whole and entire which formerly had beene of the same Burgesse with the Etoliens When as Phenee Chiefe of the Etoliens had spoken thus Alexander following after whom they call Isie in shew a man of iudgement to mannage affaires and of great Eloquence said that Philip did not demand a peace roundly nor made Warre valiantly if it were to be done at any time and that in assemblies and treaties hee watcht carefully playing the part of an Enemy and that in the Warre hee carryed himselfe wickedly and not as a good man For when he should affront the Enemy it is manifest that hee flies the list and in the meane time burnes and ruines Cities and being thus vanquished by his will hee corrupts the rewards of the Victors although the ancient Kings of Macedony were neuer of that minde but quite contrary They haue fought often Battailes in the open field and haue seldome ruined any Cities The which is manifest to all the World as well by the Asian Warre of Alexander against Darius as by the difference of the Successors by the which they haue all made Warre against Antigonus for the Empire of Asia And their posterity hath beene of this humour vntill the time of ●yrrhus to fight valiantly with an Enemy in open Battaile Doing all that concerned a mutuall Combate of men furnished with Armes yet pardoning the Citties for that the Victors of them are vanquished and blamed by those which are subdued It is the part of a mad man to ruine that for which the Warre is made and then to leaue it The which he sayd Philip did at that time and that he had ruined more Cities in Thessaly being of the same friendship and League in Warre when as hee parted speedily from the streights of Epirus then euer any of those had done which made Warre against
although hee were yet but young for hee scarce past the Age of Thirty yeares He was the first which past into Greece with an Army A certaine Parcell MAn-kind which seemes to bee the most cunning and malicious of all the Creatures hath greater meanes to be more vicious The others seruing their corporall Desires are onely deceiued by them But Mankind sinnes no lesse by a desire of glory through negligence and inconsideration then by Nature More of Titus and the Grecians Actions ANd when as Titus could not learne where the Enemies Campe was seated and being assured that they were come through Thessaly he commands them all to cut stakes and to carry them with them to the end they may bee ready at necessity This without doubt seemes according to the custome of the Grecians impossible being easie to the Romans The Grecians in truth are no good Commanders of their Bodies in Marching and doe hardly endure toile But the Romans hauing their Targets hanging at their backes in a Belt of Leather and carrying their Head-peeces in their hands beare the stakes There was a great difference betwixt them The Grecians held a stake that had many branches at the foote very commodious But the Romans vse stakes with two or three or foure branches at the most so as they are easie to carry for a man carries two or three Faggots together There is also this difference For the Grecians stake planted before the Campe may be easily pull'd vp When that onely which is strong is fixed in the ground and hath many and great branches if two or three of them shew themselues and draw the stake vnto them it is easily pull'd vp And whereas this happens there is a breach easily made by reason of the greatnesse and then the ioyning of them is vndone by the shortnesse and mutuall height of this kinde of Pallisado The Romans doe otherwise They plant themright vp and interlace them in such sort as it is not easie for any one to discerne or know from which the of the stakes stucke in the ground the shootes take their growth nor from what stockes the branches come Finally it is not possible for him that seekes to pull them vp to put to his hand for that they are very thicke and intermixt together And if they bee carefully planted he that shall lay hold on them shall not be able to pull them vp easily for thatall their ioynts take their force from the Earth Secondly hee shall bee forced to transport many shootes together which shall lay hold of one branch in regard of their mutuall interla●ing Neither is it likely that two or three will seaze vpon one stake Yet if it happens that some one pulls vp one or two yet the space cannot be discouered Wherefore there is a great difference for that this kinde of stakes is easie to finde and easie to carry and the vse is more safe and firme So as it is apparent that if the Ramans haue not any thing touching the mannaging of the War which is worthy of imitation yet this kind of stakes at the least in my iudgement deserues it When as Titus had prepared all things ready to serue him at neede he marcheth a slow pace with his whole Army And when he came within fifty Furlongs of the City of Pherees hee camped there The day following at the breake of day hee sent forth Spies to seeke if they could by any meanes discouer where the Enemies were and what they did But when as Philip had receiued aduertisement that the Romans were at that time Camped neare vnto Thebes raising his Campe from Larissa hee prepares his way towards Pherees with his whole Army When he was within thirty Furlongs planting his Campe there hee commanded them to haue a care of their Victuals At the breake of Day awaking his Army hee sent forth those that were appoynted for Scouts giuing them charge to gaine the Hills aboue Pherees Then at the Sunne-rising hee parts with all his forces It happened soone after that the Scouts of both Armies met on the top of the Mountaines Knowing one another in the Darke they stayed a little distance off and aduertised their Commanders of that which had happened And when they required Directions what they should doe they were called backe The day following either of them sent forth Horse-men and about three hundred Souldiers to discouer with whom Titus sent two Bands of Etoliens for their experience of the places The which assailing one another neare vnto Pherees and Larissa they fought valiantly But when the Etoliens of Epoleme fought with great courage being also called the Italiques it happened that the Macedonians were prest But after they had skirmished some time they retired to their Campes And when as the day following the Plaine was displeasing to either of them for that it was full of Trees Hedges and Gardens they raise their Campes Philip tooke his way towards Scotusse making haste to the end hee might draw Victuals from the City and lodge his Army with more aduantage Titus coniecturing what would happen parts with his Army at the same instant making haste to spoile the Scotussiens Corne before the comming of Philip. But for that in the marching of the two Armies there was a great interposition of high Hills and Mountaines the Romans nor the Macedonians could not discouer one another in the direction of their way Wherefore that dayes iourney being ended Titus came vnto Eretria and Philip to the Riuer of Onchiste and presently planted their Campes there vnknowne to one another And when as the day following they had marched on Philip stayes at Melambie of the Seotusseins and Titus about the Thetidie of Pharsalia where they were againe vnknowne one to another And as there fell a Raine and the yearely Thunder it happened that the day following in the Morning there arise a great fogge the which falling they could not see what was before their feete Yet Philip making haste to dispatch that which was offred Campt wandring with his Army But being hindred by the troublesomenesse and difficulty of the way in regard of the fogge he aduanced little and pallisadoed his Campe. Finally he sent Phedria and giues him charge to gaine the tops of the Hills interposed Titus likewise being Camped about Thetidie and being doubtfull where the Enemies were he made choice of tenne Bands and about a thousand of the most valiant sending them before to search diligently and to enter the Countrey who marching to the tops of the Hill fell by indiscretion into an Ambush of the Enemies by reason of the darkenesse of the day Eyther of them at the first were somewhat troubled but soone after they charge one another They likewise send to informe their Commanders of this accident But when as the Romans in this Charge were prest and in danger by the Ambush of the Macedonians they sent vnto their Campe for Succours Titus commanding the Etoliens
those which are in the Reare and vpon the Flanckes As Homer teacheth when hee sayth the Target assures the Target the Head-peece the Head-peece and the Man the Man The Head-peeces adorned with Horses haire touch one another with their braue Crests tending that they should be ioyned together and close As these things are spoken with good reason and trueth it is apparently necessary that the Pikes should be charged according to those that go before passing betwixt them the length of ten foot and a halfe By this meanes they may visibly know of what force the preparation and order of a Battallion is hauing the length of sixteene Ranckes Whereof they which exceed the fifth cannot fight with their P●kes For this cause they cannot fight hand to hand nor man to man but they support them at their backes vntill they take breath to the end that the first ranke may hold a firme order repulsing all manner of force with their Pikes which passing the first might charge vpon the reare For in marching after this ●manner they presse the fore-most with the weight of their bodies to make a more violent charge For it is impossible for the fore-most to turne backe This being the order of a Macedonian Battalion aswell in particular as in generall wee must by way of comparison speake of the properties and differences of the Roman Armes and of their ordering of a Battaile The Romans haue three foote space with their Armes The which in fighting they mooue from man to man for that euery man couers his body with his Target the which they also vse when any occasion of Combate is offered They commonly fight with the Sword by transport and apart Wherefore it is manifest that these men haue betwixt them a Retreate and space of three foote at the least betwixt him that goes before and the other which followes to fight more at ease whereby it happens that a Roman standing still contaynes the space of two Macedonian Souldiers beeing in the first Ranke So as he must offer himselfe and fight against ten Pikes All which one cannot cut if hee would holding them in his hands Neyther can the following Forces any way assist the first Ranke neyther to assaile nor to mannage their Armes So as wee may easily coniecture that it is impossible for any man liuing to sustaine and defend the violence of a Macedonian Battallion in Front if as wee haue formerly sayd it retaynes its propriety and force for what cause then doe the Romans Vanquish Whence comes it that Macedonian Battallions are frustrated of their Hope of Victory It is for that the Roman Ordonance hath in Battaile infinite places and times commodious for the Combate and the Macedonians haue onely place and time when it may bee seruiceable and commodious And therefore if vpon some necessity the Aduersaries ●all suddainly vpon the Macedonian Battallions when they are to giue Battaile it is likely that they which make vse of it would be alwayes the Masters But if they can diuert or turne it which is an easie thing of what amazement and great terrour will this Ordonance be Moreouer it is very playne and manifest that a Macedonian Battallion hath neede of Plaines and Euen ground without any let or incumbance as Ditches Springs Vallies Hills and Water-courses for all these things may disturbe breake and make frustrate their desire and intention It is as a man may say in manner impossible to finde a Countrey of twenty Furlongs I speake of no more where none of the afore-mentioned things are found It is without any question or doubt a rare thing and which no reasonable man will deny Yet I will allow there are some found If the Enemies do not direct and guide themselues thether but passing on ruine the Townes Villages Cities and whole Regions of their Friends and Allies what profite then will grow by this kinde of Ordonance If it stayes in places of aduantage it cannot giue succours to its friends nor preserue it selfe For Victuals Munition and succours may bee very easily intercepted by an Enemy if without any opposition hee be master of the field If likewise in leauing places of aduantage a Macedonian Battalion seekes to execute some enterprize hee is in danger of the Enemy For although that some one goes to field and doth not at one time offer his Army to the fury of the Macedonian Battalion diuerting himselfe for a time during the fight wee may easily coniecture by that which the Romans doe at this day what will happen The coniecture of that which wee say must not bee taken from the effect They doe not present their Battalion in such an indifferent place as they must suddenly fight with all their forces in front One part fights the other stirres not Moreouer if at any time the Macedonians presse their Enemies eagerly and are afterward repuls'd by them the proper order of the Battalion is broken For they leaue the rest of the Army whether they pursue those that are retired or flye from those which charge them The which being done they leaue vnto the Enemy the place which they had held not to charge in front but to serue them vpon the flancke or in the reare to succour those of the Battalion Why it is not probable that it should bee easie for a Roman Battalion to obserue time and aduantage and not for a Macedonian seeing the differences are great according to the truth of the said things Moreouer it is necessary for those which make vse of the Macedonian Ordonance to passe through all sorts of Countries and to plant their Campe and finally to seaze vpon commodious places and to besieged and indure sieges and to present himselfe against the Enemy All these things are requirest in warre Sometimes also the generall moments which are great serue much for the victory all which are not easie for a Macedonian Ordonance yea sometimes they are vnprofitable for that the souldier can neyther serue in rancke nor man to man Whereas the Roman is fit and profitable for these things For euery Roman comming to fight with his Armes is actiue for all times and places and for all charges and hath generally one Ordonance whither he be to fight in Troupe with the whole Army or particularly Ensigne to Ensigne or Man to Man Wherefore as the commodity is most excellent so many times the end and conclusion of the Battaile is more prosperous and successefull vnto the Romans then to others I haue therefore thought it necessary and conuenient to vse a long Discourse concerning these things for that there are many Grecians at this day which hold it incredible that the Macedonians should be vanquished and ouercome being ignorant of the cause and meanes whereby a Macedonian Ordonance is vanquished by the Roman Armes When as Philip had vsed all possible meanes hee could in this Battaile and yet was preuented of the Victory hee foorth-with made great hast passing by Tempe to recouer
Antigonus and Ptolomy 360 Logbasse sent Embassadour by the S●lgenses 263 Logbasse and his children slaine 265 Lycurgus called home 272 Lyce defeated Eurip●des 273 Lacedemon●ans Common-weale 305 Lisse taken by Philip. 3●4 Laodicea the w●fe of Acheus 327 Lacedemon taken by Epaminu●das 340 Lelius assailes Syfax his Campe by fire 420 Lucius S●ruivus Lucius Citinus and Lucius Fabius sent Embassadours vnto Carthage 425 Losse of ships which Philip made 449 M. Marcus Valerius and Octatillius chosen Consuls 10 Marcelle taken by assault 16 Marcus Attillius taken with 500. Romans 24 Many Towers ruined by their Engines Mount Erix ●8 Mount Aetna ibid. Mutany of the common Souldiers 45 Matho punished 58 Megalopoly raized 91 Mount Taurus 103 Modena besieged by a great number of the Gaules 125 Misery very common among Souldiers 137 Magobrother to Hannibal 144 Marcus Manuttus Constable 154 Many Countries ruined by Hannibal ibid. Manuttus his Speech 164 Messenians seeke the Alliance of the Acheins 179 Musicke profitable to all the World 186 Messenians alwaies friends to the Arcadians and enemies vnto the Lacedemonians 192 Machate sent Embassador from the Etoliens to the Lacedemonians 149 Macha●e preuailes in his Enterprize 195 Metropolis taken and burnt 209 Mountaine of Appiare 212 Malicious policy of Appelles 216 Money and Corne deliuered to Philip by the Acheins 224 Methap taken by Philip. 228 Methape Razed by Philip. 231 Magalee Leonce do outrage to Arate 232 Magalee and Crinon condemned by the King in 12000. Crownes ibid. Mutiny against Philip and his men 237 M●sery of Courtiers 238 Magalee kils himselfe 239 Molen goes to fie●d with an Army 246 Muti●y in Antiochus his Campe. 250 Molen Crucified 253 Myne of Whea● about two of our Bushels waighing an hundred and ten pounds 263 Mutiny among the Megalopolitains 273 Mon●r●hall ●ouernment of one alone by feare 283 Mutuall knitting together of three Common-weales 290 Manner of Tribunes in the Choice of Legions 293 Manner of the Romans Camping 297 Manner how they punish such as faile in the Watch. 300 Manner of recompensing the Souldiers vallour 301 Mago deliu●rs the Fort. 364 Many riuers comes out of Tauris 370 Machenides sla●ne 393 Manner of Libias liuing 404 Manner of breeding Swine in Italy 405 Maegarena saues himselfe naked 440 Mutiny of the people 441 N Nara●e 51 Note the Iniustice of the Romans 58 Nicophanes Cercid●s 87 Neuer Commander did any thing worthy which was not pleasing vnto his Souldiers 109 Nature of Philip. 216 Nature of the Macedonians 224 Nicagores accuseth Cle●menes 243 Number of Scipio's Army at Land● 361 Number of Ships that were taken 366 Number of the Dead 387 Nabir Tyrant of the Lacedemonians 415 Ni●on and Agathocl●● slaine 443 Number of Philips Ships and of his Enemy 447 O Order of the Battaile of Zantippus 23 One hundred and fourteene Vessels of the Carthaginians taken by the Romans 26 One hundred and fifty of the Romans Vessels lost 28 Occasion ●o renue the War betweene the Romans and the Gaules 72 Order of the Gaules Battaile 76 Orcomene taken with other Townes 91 Order of Antigonus Battaile 98 Other Articles past betwixt the Romans and Carthaginians 107 Opinion of Polybius in the delight of an History 120 Order which Hannibal gaue for the defence of Spaine 121 Oration which Hannibal made to his Souldiers 122 Order which Hannibal held to put his men into Battaile 170 Occasion of the Ruines of Cynethenses● 186 Ocanthy 205 Order that Philip held to take to passe the Streights of Therme 228 Old Arate made Chiefe of the Acheins 240 Order required in all things ibid. Order of Molens Battaile 252 Order of Ptolomies Army in Battaile 267 Order of Antiochus his Battaile ibid. Ochtocracia is a gouernment of the Mutiny of the people 283 Olygarch●● 286 Office of the Co●suls 288 Order of the Watches 299 Order of two Campe in Marching 302 Order for the Engines of battery 320 Order of the Romans in the Diuision of the spoile of a Towne 365 Order of Philopom●ns Battaile 390 Order of Machanides Army ibid. Order of Scipio's Battaile 401 Of the voyage of Alexander against D●rius Calisthenes 408 Order of Battaile of the Romans Army 422 Order which Syphax and Asdrubal held ibid. Order of Scipio's Battaile 431 Order of ●annibal his Battaile ibid. O●nanthe sad 440 P ●unishment of Traytors 5 Policy of Hieron 6 Philin 9 Palermo besieged by the Romans and taken by assault 27 Policy of Cecilius to defeate the Elephants 28 Port of Trepanum taken by Luctati●● commander of the Roman Army 41 Policy of Amilcar 51 Prudence of Hieron 55 Phenice taken by the Sclanonians 61 Parthenia yeelded to the Romans 65 Pillage made by the Gaules vpon the Romans 70 Policy of the Gaules 74 Pursuite of Emilius 75 Pythagorians burnt in Italy 82 Port of Corinthe taken 85 Pillage of Mantinnia came to nine score 1000. Crownes 96 Polybius hath beene present at a great part of the things which he hath written 105 Philip. 106 Philiuus a Historiographer 118 Polybius hath made forty Bookes 120 Parting of the Roman Armies 126 Polybius his Remonstrance against Historiographers 130 Polybius visited the Alpes 131 Polybius his excuse 135 Polybius hath visited Affricke Spaine and the Gaules 137 Policy of Hannibal for an example to his Souldiers 138 Paulus Emilius spe●ch to the Souldiers 167 Policy of Hannibal 169 Polybius writes nothing but what hee hath seene or receiued from those which had seene them 175 Philip. ibid. Ptolomy Philopater ibid. Polymarches 184 Philip comes to Corinthe 187 Philips wise Answer 188 Phebidins 190 Philips Army 196 Pr●sias 201 Pl●tor Chiefe of the Sclauonians 205 Philips Army 208 Poetia taken by Composition 299 Peania taken by assault 210 Philip fortifies the Fort of the Eniades ibid. Psophis taken by assault 213 Philip giues forces to the Aeheins 214 Philip assaults Alphira 217 Phialenses yeeld to Philip. 218 Prudence of Antigonus towards the Lacedemonians 229 Practice of a Tyrant 230 Paphia burnt 231 Philip comes to Corinth 233 Philip sayles to Corinth 239 Ptolomy King of Aegypt 241 Ptolomy slaine by Cle●m●nes 244 Practice of Molen against Epige●● 250 Ptolomy the Benefactor 255 Policy of Agathocles and Sosibius 257 Pednelissenses besieged 262 Peace concluded betwixt Acheus and the Selgenses 265 P●olomyes Victory against Antiochus 269 Presents made to the Rhodiens by many Cities 270 Ptolomy his Present to the Rhodiens 271 Peace betwixt Philip and the Etoliens 277 Philips Enterprize against Sclanonia 280 Philip leaues his Enterprize for feare ibid. Prusias defeates the G●ules 281 Principality or Monarchy 284 Pay and entertainment of Foote and Horse 302 Platoes Common-weale is to be● reiected 306 ●ompe of the Romans to an honorable person 309 Philip causeth Arate to be poysoned 323 Philomene appointed for Hunting 329 Philip subdued by the Thessalonians 348 Publius Scipi● and his Brother Created Ediles 358 Publius Answer to Andobale 376 Philops men ●akes Warre against Machanides Tyrant of Lacedemon 389 Publius Scipi● drawes his Army together 394 Publius Scipio
Philip. Alexander the great Philips wise and ●w●re● Complaints of diuers people against the Etoliens Warre concluded against the Etoliens The Amphictions Scope chosen Head of the Etoliens Phebidius Enuy the cause of great mischiefe The difference betwixt a priuate and publique iniury The commendation of the Acarnanians Answeres to● Embassadours The blame of the Epirotes The Messeniens alwayes friends to the Arcadi●ns and Enemies to the Lacedemonians Aristocrates Machate sent Embassadour from the Etoliens to the Lacedemonians Carixene● Timee The murther of the Lacedemonian Gouernours by the young men A league made betweene the Lacedemonians and Etoliens The power of clemoncie in Princes Licurgus chosen King Marchate preuailes in his enterprize Townes taken in Argos by Licurgus Philips Army The scituation of Constantinople The circuit of the Pontique Sea Bosphorus Cimeriques Two causes why the black Sea and the Pontique run continually The Danowe The shelfes in the Sea King Darius The refuge of Europe The Country of the Oxe Chrysopolis The commodities of Constantinople by the Sea of Abydos and Sestes The continuall Warre of the Constantinopolitains with the Thracians Brennus Chiefe of the Gaules The Thracians vanquished by the Gaules An absolute defeate of the ●aules Empire A Tole imposed vpon those that failed into the Blacke Sea by Constantinople Mecatondore Olympiodore Prusias Attalus and Achens The meanes of Acheus raigne Acheus causeth himselfe to be called King Fanum taken by Prusias from the Constantinopolitains An Embassie sent by the Rhodiens to Ptolomy The Death of Thibete Canare King of the Gaules An accord betwixt the Constantinopotitans and the Rhodiens An accord made with Prusias Candy in a manner reduced all vnder the obedience of the Gnosiens and Gortiniens The Lyciens Towne razed and burnt Plator chiefe of the Sclauonians Mithridates The Rhodiens succour the Synopenses The Scituation of Synope Alexander Dorimache Egyrus Oeanthy The scituation of Egire Egire surprized by the Eto●●ens An assault giuen by Dorimache to the Fort of Egire The Etoliens defeated by the Egirates Alexander slaine Dorimache smothered Micchus defeated The Castle of Mure taken by Euripides Athence taken by Licurgus The scituation ●f Ambracia Scope makes an incursion into Mac●dony Ambracia taken by Philip. The Gulfe of Ambracia Poetia taken by Composition Fifteene hundred Etoliens defeated by● Philip. Metropolis taken and burnt An assembly of the ●rolient to keepe the passage of a Riuer Ithoria very strong Peania taken by assault Philip fortifios the Fort of the Eni●des The retreate of the Dard●●iant without doing any thing Dorimache chosen Generall of the Etoliens The retreate of Euripides from S●ymphall● The Mountaine of Ape●ure Thy flight of Euripides A defeate of the Etoliens Arate ioynes with Philip. The scituation of Psophis The Riuer of Erimanthe A sally of the Elienses vpon the Macedonians Psoph● taken by assault A composition made betweene the Citizens of Psophis and Philip. Philip giues forces to the Acheins L●ssion taken Straton Thalame Thalame yeelds Appelles Tutor to Philip. The malicious policy of Appelles The Nature of Philip. Succours sent to the Elienses by Dorimache The scituation of Triphalia and i●● Townes The scituation of Alphira The Image of Minerua Philip assailes Alphira The Typaneat●s yee le vnto Philip. The Phialences y●eld to Philip. The 〈◊〉 of the L●preates against the Etoiens 〈◊〉 yeelded to Philip. Townes which yeeld to Philip. Chylon The Lacedemonian Magistrat● slaine by C●ylon The Lacedemonians were vnfortunate after they had left the Lawes of Licurgus Appelles persists in his enterprize Eperate chosen chiefe of the Acheins The Castle of Mur yeilded to Philip. The slander of Appelles The accusation of Appelles against Arate the Acheins The Answere of Arate Taurion dispossest of the gouernment of Morea The conditions of Courtiers Alexande● Chamberlaine to King Antig●nus Eperate Chiefe of the Acheins and Dorimach● of the Etoliens Mony Corne deliuered to Philip by the Acheins The na●ure of the Macedonians The Conspiracy of Appelles and 〈◊〉 The forces which Philip left at Dyme The scituation of Cephalen●●a Leonce Tray●our to Philip. Embassadours sent to Philip from the Messeniens and Acarnaniens The Riuer of Acheloe Methape taken by Philip. The order which Philip held to passe the streights of Therme Therme spoyled by the Macedonians The prudence of Antigonus towards the Lacedemonians The ●urtesie of Philip the father of Alexander to the Athenians Alexander the Great The blame of Philip. The Lawes of Warre The practise of a Tyrant The Duty of a King To vanquish an enemy by mildnesse The Etoliens charge Philips Rearward Paphia burri● Methape razed by Philip. The Etoliens made a sally out of Strate Megalee and Leonce doe outrage to Arate Megalee and Crinon condemned by the King in 12000. Crownes The condemnation of Magalee and Crinon Licurgus takes the Towne of Elea. Philip comes to Corinthe Menelaie Amycle The great diligence of Philip. The scituation of Amycle The Temple of Apollo The Port of Gythia The Castle of Olympes The Messeniens surprized by Licurgus Philip parts from Elia spoiling all as hee passeth The Riuer of Erota The ●light of the Lacedemonians Embassadours from Rhodes to Chios A mutiny against philip and his men Leonce and his Faction retired to Appelles The misery of Courtiers The flight of Megalee The taking of Leonce Appelles taken Prisoner Megalee kills himselfe The death of Appelles and his Sonne Philip sailes to Corinthe The flight of Licurgus into Etolia The Mountain Panachaique Old Arate made Chiefe of the Acheins The Au●hou●s good intention An order required in all things Ptolomy King of Egypt The enterprize of Cleomenes vpon Ptolomy An Army neere vnto Ephesus Mega Beronice Archidamus●layne ●layne by Cleomenes Nicagorus 〈◊〉 seth Cleomenes Cleomenes taken Prisoner and put in Guard The bold enterprize of Cleomenes Ptolomy●layne ●layne by Cleomenes Thēodote Antiochus So● to Seleucus The Speech of Hermes against Epigene Antiochus marries L●●dicea Mol●n goes to field with an Army The Scituation of Media Liban Antili●ban The Towne of Br●ches● The Retreate of Molon Xenoete his Army defeated and spoyled A mutiny in Antiochus his Campe. The practise of Molon against ●pigene Antiochus puts his Army in Battaile The order of Molons battaile The death of Molon Molon Crus●c●fled Antiochus goes against Artabazanes Antiochus hath a So●ne Artabaza●es makes an accord with Antioch●● Apol●phanes aduice to Antiochus Apolophanes adui●● to ●n●iochus Ptolomy the B●nefactor The scituation of Se●euci● Antiochus corrupts the Captaines of Seleuoia Seleucia assaulted The Towne of Broc●es besieged Tyrus and pt●l●mais taken The policy of Agathocles and Sosibius An Army raised by Pto●omy The distribution of Ptolomes Army to his Captaines An Embassie sent from Antiochus to Ptolomy Reasons of the warre propounded by Antiochus Th● answer of Ptolomes Embassadours to Antiochus A leuie of Armies by Antiochus and Ptolomy Embass●dours from the Arcadi●ns to Antiochus Antiochus his Army diuided into three A Combat at Sea and Land Diuers Townes taken by Antioc●us
a Glutton that is inuited to a Feast for as tasting of all the meates as soone as he is set at the Table he shall receiue little pleasure or profit for the future considering that he hath no perfect taste and that all being put together into the Stomacke it hinders digestion They in like manner which do the like in reading of Histories hauenot pleasure for the present nor profit for the future It is apparent that a History among other things hath need to be corrected in this aswell for other reasons as for that the auncient Historiographers who haue laboured to describe Countries and the Nature of Regions to the remotest parts of the World haue in many places straied from the truth Finally we must speake against them not by hazard and rashly but with reason nor reprehend their ignorance but rather to commend them and correct them Who no doubt would haue repaired their errour if they had liued in these times For there are few men found among the Grecians which in former times could haue gone to search out the extremities of the World for the danger and tediousnes of the way For that there are many and in a manner innumerable dangers at Sea and if any through necessity or of his owne free will had gone to the extremities of the World he could not easily haue found out the scituation of places nor those things which are worthy to be sought after For that the greatest part was inhabited by Barbarous nations and some Desart and inhabitable Besides that for the diuersity of Tongues the enterprize was much more difficult for there was no meanes to inquire nor to learne for want of vnderstanding one another It was no lesse difficult to relate truly those things which they had seene for that euery man was giuen to augment and to make things seeme more admirable Seeing then it was not only difficult but in a manner impossible to haue a true History of these things before this time we must not blame the auncient Historiographers if they haue forgotten or committed some Errours but rather we ought to wonder and commend them that they haue bin able to make any search It wil be therefore necessary to make a true and diligent search of those things which our Predecessors knew not for that in our times all the passages are open aswell by Sea as Land by the meanes of Alexander of Macedon his Forces into Asia and of the Roman Empire ouer the rest of the World And likewise when as people were no more troubled with Warre nor with any desire or ambition of publicke Affaires So as they had great opportunity to search out the truth of these things For the effecting whereof we will striue by all meanes as soone as we shall find an opportunity There is nothing that was more pleasing vnto me then to know that they which desire to vnderstand these things come vnto the truth by our meanes and that wee haue not taken so much paines nor vndergone so great dangers to visite Affricke Spaine and the Gaules by the meanes of the Ocean but in repairing the errours of the ancient Historiographers make those Countries knowne to our men Let vs now returne to our Discourse of the Warres which are in Italy betwixt the Romans and the Carthaginians Wee haue formerly related the number of men which Hannibal had remaining after hee had past into Italy who planted his Campe at the foote of the Mountaines to refresh his Army for it was toiled and wearied not onely with the passage of the Mountains which was very difficult but also for want of victuals Besides it was continually afflicted with diseases misery and pouerty The greatest part were dead of famine and their insupportable toile for it was impossible to carry things necessary for so great an Army in a Countrey that was rough and difficult And if they carried any thing the greatest part was lost with the Horses By this meanes it fell out that although a little before hee had parted from the Riuer of Rhone with thirty eight thousand Foote and eight thousand Horse hee had scarce then halfe his Army entire and yet by the reason of their continuall labour and toile they were in a manner become wilde The which Hannibal perceiuing hee not onely laboured to cheere vp the bodies and hearts of the Souldiers but likewise to refresh their Horses After which hee marched with his Army and laboured by all meanes to procure the Friendship of the Turinois which was the neerest Nation and were at that time in Warre with the Millanois and seemed to haue no great trust and confidence in the Carthaginians Who seeming not much to regard him hee assaults one of their strongest Townes the which hee takes vpon the third day where putting all vnto the Sword that would not follow his party hee so terrified and amazed the Barbarians which inhabited there-abouts as presently they yeelded themselues into the hands of the Carthaginians It is true that the other Gaules inhabiting along the Riuer of Poe would willingly haue ioyned to Hannibal as they had resolued if attending an opportunitie to doe it the suddaine comming of the Consull had not preuented them So as they stirred not and some of them ioyned to the Roman Army The which Hannibal perceiuing he resolued to make no longer stay and that he must attempt some good enterprize to make the rest more bold to follow his partie Being carefull hereof he had newes that Publius Scipio had past the Poe and that he was not farre off the which at the first he seemed not to regard as a thing not likely For he remembred that hee had lately left him at the mouth of Rhone and vnderstood that the passage from Marseilles vnto Tuscany was long and inaccessible and the way from the Tuscan Sea which leades to the Alpas through Italy was rough where an Army could not passe But vpon diuers aduertisements of the certaine newes hee was amazed wondring much at the Consuls industry and diligence The Consull in like manner wondred no lesse For where as he thought that Hannibal would neuer presume to passe the Mountaines with an Army consisting of strange Nations And that if hee attempted it hee would dye by the way hee wondred much at his great courage and boldnesse when as hee found that hee had not onely past safely but had also forced some Townes of Italy At the same time the Romans were full of affaires It is true that the last newes they had receiued was of the taking of Sagont wherefore they called an assembly and made choice of two Consuls whereof the one was sent into Affricke to make Warre against Carthage and the other into Spaine against Hannibal But when they had suddaine newes of the comming of Hannibals Army and that he held some Townes of Italy besieged they were so amazed as they presently countermaunded Sempronius from Lybia aduertising him of the descent of the
Enemy into Italy and that leauing the affaires of the Prouince he should make hast to succour his Countrey After which newes Sempronius presently sends backe the Army by Sea giuing them charge to saile directly to Italy and he gaue the conduct of the Army by Land to the Tribunes appointing them a day when they should come to Rimeny It is a Towne seated vpon the Adriatique shore at the end of the Plaines which are about Poe towards the South By this meanes matters being altred and that all seemed to fall out contrary to the hope and opinion of the World euery man vsed diligence to prouide for the future The two Armies were now opposite one to another whereof the Commaunders for the time they had laboured to giue courage vnto their men But Hannibal striuing to encourage them vsed this meanes putting into the middest of the Army assembled together the Prisoners of the Mountaines who were in Chaines The which by their continuall toile and partly by his commaundment were growne leane and feeble for the better to attaine vnto his intention hee had caused them to haue great fetters and had in a manner starued them and finally had commaunded that they should bee cruelly beaten naked Hauing drawne them into the midst of his Army he caused armes to be laid before them after the manner of the Gaules and such as Captaines vse to arme themselues with when they fight single Combats he also gaue them Horses and Cassocks made with great Art Then he demaunded of the Prisoners which of them would fight man to man propounding to the Victor the afore said gifts and to the vanquished that by death he should be freed from his present miseries And as they all cried out that they were ready to fight Hannibal causeth Lots to be cast and makes two men to enter the list arm'd vpon whom the Lot had fallen The which the prisoners hearing they lifted vp their hands to Heauen praying vnto the gods that they would bee pleased to choose them for the Combate As soone as the Lot was cast they vpon whom it fell were wonderfully ioyfull and the rest remained sad and pensiue But when as the Combate was ended the other Prisoners did no lesse commend the fortune of him that was defeated then of the Conqueror Conceiuing that hee was freed from the great and many miseries wherewith they were tormented liuing The like thought the Carthaginians for in making comparison of the misery of the suruiuours and of those who fighting died valiantly they found the fortune of these men good and that of the others moued them to pitty When as Hannibal saw his Army moued to pitty at this spectacle he presently came into the midst of the assembly saying that hee presented it vnto them to the end they should make vse of the example of anothers mans fortune to consider of their owne for that they were to vndergoe the same Combate and that Fortune propounded vnto them the like time and the like rewards for they must of necessity liue or dye or fall into their Enemies hands aliue If they vanquished their spoile should bee more then a Horse or a Cassocke being the happiest men in the World after they had conquered the good fortune of the Romans And if in fighting they died like braue men they should end their liues with good hope free from all miseries and calamities But withall they must expect all miseries and pouerty if being vanquished they should flie with a desire of a longer life or with a resolution to seeke some other meanes to liue and that there is no man so voide of sence which thinkes if hee flies that his safe returne into his Countrey is possible if hee will remember the length of the way with the multitude of Combats which must bee maintained during the Voyage If hee likewise considers the narrow streights and so many troublesome Riuers which were to passe Wherefore it was needfull for them that in laying aside all hope of flight they should vse the like pitty to themselues in their affaires as they haue shewed lately in the example of other mens fortunes For as in the others they commended the fortune of the Victor and the vanquished and held those which remained miserable so they must iudge the like of themselues And therefore they must goe resolutely to the Combate to get an vnspeakable Victory or else to dye like braue men in battell if auerse fortune deny it them and that they must not expect that being vanquished they should finde any meanes of safety Finally if they march to the field with this resolution there is no doubt but the Victory and their safety is in their owne hands for there was neuer any man that haue fought with this intention or with a resolute courage or forced by necessity but hee hath preuailed ouer his Enemies And that this is very easie to doe when as all these things concurre together contrary vnto the Enemy as it happens this Day vnto the Romans For as their flight hath a manifest and an apparent safety in their houses which were neere them so the courage of desperate men will be found insupportable And when as after this Oration together with the example the Souldiers hearts were much inflamed to Warre and that their Generals comparison was pleasing vnto them Hannibal commending them sent them away and commaunded them to bee ready at the breake of day But after that the Consull Publiu●s Scipio hauing past the Poe had caused his Army to march to the Riuer of Tesin he commaunded a Bridge to be made by such as were skilfull and made a Speech vnto the assembly according to the opportunity of the time In the beginning he spake many things concerning the Maiesty of the people of Rome and the prowesse of their Ancestors But concerning the present affaires this was the substance They must of necessity sayd he hold the victory certaine although they had not yet tried their vallour with the Enemy But onely for that they were to fight with the Carthaginians Neither must they expect that they would dare to come to Battell against the Romans hauing in the last Warres so often beate them both by Sea and Land to whom they had also so long payed tribute and whose power they had so often tried And to the end I forbeare to speake of the times past why should men of iudgement doubt of the future seeing we haue some experience that they dare not looke vs in the face It is certaine that when lately the Roman Horse-men encountred the Carthaginians in Gaule on this side the Riuer of Rhone they not onely returned safe but they beate them backe into their Campe and that presently when as Hannibal and the Carthaginian Army found the Romans to be so neere they steale away in manner of a flight and passe the Mountaines otherwise then they had resolued in feare and amazement Now behold Hannibal who in passing
and Councell the King charged him a little Then Policrates newly arriued from Cypres and in the end Aristomenes The accusation was according to that which had beene spoken but they added moreouer that he had drawne his Friends together to consult and that being called by the King he would not obey For which things all they which were in the Assembly not onely condemned him but likewise the forreine Embassadors there assisting But when as Aristomenes came to accuse him he tooke many notable persons not onely of Greece but also of the Etolien Embassadors who were there for the accord Among the which was Dorimachus the Sonne of Nicostrates And when as these men had spoken Scope laboured to alledge some excuses But when as no man giue eare vnto him for the foulenesse of his Crimes hee was suddainly carryed to Prison with his Friends The Night following Aristomenes caused him to dye of poyson with all his Friends and Kinsfolkes In regard of Dicearchus hee put him to death hauing suffred great Torments hauing endured fit punishments for all the Grecians This was that Dicearchus whom Philip presuming to breake the accords with the Ilands of Cyclades and the Cities of Hellespont had made him Commander of all his Army at Sea and superintendant of the sayd businesse And when he was sent to a manifest execration hee did not hold it an vnreasonable and wicked act thinking he should be able to terrifie both Men and Gods by his rage Making haste to recouer the ships hee set vp two Altars the one to cruelty and the other to iniquity Vpon the which he sacrificed and prayed as vnto the Gods Wherefore it seemes hee was punished by a iust Death as well in the presence of Gods as Men. For as he led a life of a strange Nature so he ended by a strange Death Finally when as the other Etoliens were desirous to retire home the King suffred them to goe with all their Goods Scope in his life time had a wonderfull desire of riches Hee exceeded all other in auarice And after his death his houses were found abounding with Gold and rich moueables Whereas he had for assistant the ingratitude and drunkennesse of Charimorthe he had wholy corrupted the Realme When as the Priuy Councell had taken order for the Etoliens affaires they all inclined to giue power to the King to command Not in regard of the maturity of his age but for that they thought thereby that the estate of the Crowne would further the affaires and that if the King tooke vpon him a free power of the Realme it would be a beginning and aduancement to the better Making then a stately preparation they put it in execution with royall Magnificence Policrates seemed to haue assisted them much in this Enterprize For as this man was deare vnto his Father being yet young there was not a better Courtier in all the whole Court neither for that which concern'd his fidelity nor the affaires nor yet i● more fauour with the King When as Cypres with the reuenewes were deliuered vnto him vpon his faith and trust in that dangerous time subiect to many hazards he not only kept this Iland for the Infant but also gathered together great store of Treasure the which he then brought vnto the King deliuering the gouernment of Cypres to Ptolomy the Megalopolitaine And when vpon this occasion he had purchased a great power for the future in time he strayed and fell into a rash and wicked course of life Ptolomy Agesandre by the force of his Age fell into the like infamy Wherefore when opportunity shall serue it shall bee no great trouble to declare what great ignominy and reproach followed their gouernments To God onely be all Honour and Glory The Contents of the chiefest matters contayned in this History AN alliance made by Hieron with Leptine fol. 6 Accord betwixt Hieron and the Romans and what it containes 10 Agregas besieged by the Romans 11 Agregas spoiled by the Romans 13 A defeate of Hannibals ships for want of a good wind 15 An Engine inuented by the Romans called the Rauen. ib. A defeate of 4000. allied to the Romans by Amilcar 16 Army of 140000. Romans and more Carthaginians 18 A remonstrance made by the Carthaginian Captaines vnto the Souldiers of their Army 18 Amilcar vanquished 20 A victory of the Romans against the Carthaginians ibid. Aspis taken by the Romans ibid. Asdrubal Bostar and Amilcar Commanders of the Carthaginian army 21 A remonstance of Polybius 24 Aspis besieged by the Carthaginians 25 A great number of the Roman ships perished by a Tempest 26 Asdruball sent into Sicily by the Carthaginians 27 A new army at Sea prepared by the Romans 28 A defeat of Carthaginians by the Romans Army at Sea prepared by the Romans 29 A conspiracy of mercinary Souldiers seruing vnder the Carthaginians 30 Alexon ibid. A sally of the Carthaginians vpon the ●●omans Engines of battery 34 An enterprize of the Romans vpon Tri●anum 35 A Combate at Sea betwixt the Romans and the Carthaginians 36 Appius Claudius deposed from the Consullship and afterwards condemned to dye 37 Amilcar spoiles the Coasts of Italy 39 Amilcar ibid. A good comparison 40 Army at Sea prepared by the Carthaginians 41 A victory of the Romans against the Carthaginians 42 Amilcar Father vnto Hannibal 43 Amilcar 50 A mutiny of mercinary and oiher common Souldiers in Sardinia and Bostare slaine 52 A great inhumanity and wickednesse committed 54 A cruell resolution ibid. A defeate of the Carthaginians by Matho 57 Assignation of a battaile 58 Asdrubal chosen and made Generall of the army 60 Agron King of Sclauonia ibid. A defeat of Etoliens by the Slauonians 61 A reprehension of the Epirots 62 A bold answer of an Embassador 64 A Victory of the Slauonians against the Acheins 65 Apotonia yeilded to the Romans 65 Accord made with Tuto 6● A treaty made betwixt the Romans and the Carthaginians 67 A discription of Italy 67 A price had to be credited 68 A defeate and ruine of the Senogalloies by the Romans 71 A defeate of the Gaules in Delphos 71 Amazement of the Romans for the descent of the Gaules 72 A descent of the Transalpins into Italy 72 A victory of the Gaules against the Romans 74 A defeat of the Gaules army 77 A victory of the Romans against the Millannoys 79 Acerras besieged 79 A defeat of Gaules by the Romans 80 Acerras taken by Cornelius 80 Asdrubal slaine 81 All Morea reduced into a League 82 A League betwixt the Dymonsori●s and them of Patras 84 Aristomachus Xenon Cleomenes● 86 Antigones Tutor to Philips sonne 86 Athenes 86 A good consideration of rate 87 A good in●ention of a rate 87 Acrotorinth yeilded to Antigonus 90 Argos taken by the Acheins ib. Acrotorinth taken by Antigonus ibid. Aristomachus 94 Aristomachus strangled 95 Army leuied by Cleomenes● 97 Antigonus blamed ibid. Antigonus campe seated vpon the bankes of Gorgile 98 Attalus 103 Agesilaus 106 A
good comparison ibid. Antiochus an enemy vnto the Romans 108 Asdrabal son in Law to Hannibal 109 A good consideration and necessary for all Gouernours ibi Army of a hundred thousand men 110 An Embassie from the Romans vnto Hannibal 110 An other accord made betwixt the Romans and the Carthaginians 118 An other accord ibid. An other accord made with Asdrubal ib. A diuision of Prouinces to the Consul 125 A surprize made by the Bullo●ians vpon the Romans 126 A defeate of the Numidians by the Roman Cauallery 129 Army of Hannibal decreased 137 A combate of the horse betwixt Hannibal and Scipio 141 A● Embassie from the Bullonians to Hannibal 142 A plaine is sometimes an occasion of am ambush 144 Ambush layd by Hannibal for the Romans 145 A defeate of the Roman horsemen 146 Army leuied by the Romans both by Sea and Land 147 A defeat of some Romans by Asdrubal 148 Ambush laid by Hannibal 151 A defeate of the Roman horse-men by Maherbal 153 A Dictator created ibid. Asdrubals p●rting from Carthage to goe into Spaine 158 Army at Sea prepared suddainely by the Carthaginians 159 Acedux or Abilux ibid. Acedux conspires with the Romans 160 A combate betwixt the Romans and the Carthaginians 163 A legion of fiue thousand men and the manner how the Romans raise an army 166 A skirmish betwixt the Carthaginians and Romans 168 A great amazement at Rome 170 Asdrubal 171 Acheus Antiochus 175 Ariston 176 An Embassie sent from Arate to the Etotoliens 180 A Fight betwixt the Acheins and the Etoliens 181 A defeate of the Acheins 181 Arate blamed by the Acheins 182 Aduice of the Acheins touching the warre against the Etoliens 182 Amity amongst the Lacedemonians 187 Ambassadours sent from Lacedemonia to Philip 188 Alexander the Great 188 Amphixions restor'd to their Lawes 189 Answeres to Embassadors 192 Aristocrates 193 A league made betweene the Lacedemonians and Etoliens 195 An absolute Defeate of the Gaules Empire 200 Attalus and Acheins 201 Achate caused himselfe to bee called King ibid. Accord betwixt the Constantinopolitaines and the Rhodiens 203 Accord made with Prusias ibid. Alexander 205 Assault giuen by Dorimache to the Fort of Egire 206 Alexander slaine 207 Athens taken by Lycurgus ibid. Ambrachia taken by Philip. 208 An assembly of the Etoliens to keepe the passage of a Riuer 209 Arate ioynes with Philip. 212 Appelles Tutour to Philip. 216 Appelles persists in his Enterprize 219 Accusation of Appelles against Arate and and the Acheins 221 Answere of Arate ibid. Alexander Chamberlaine to King Antigonus ibid. Alexander the Great 229 Amycle 233 A multitude against Philip and his men 237 Appelles taken Prisoner 239 An Army neare to Ephesus 242 Archidamus slaine by Cleomenes 243 Antrochus Sonne to Seleucus 245 Antiochus marries with Laodicea 246 Antiochus puts his Army in Battaile 252 Antiochus goes against Artabazanes 253 Antiochus hath a Sonne ibid. Artabazanes makes an accord with Antiochus ibid. Apoliphanes aduice to Antiochus 254 Antiochus corrupts the Captaines of Seleucia 256 An Army rassed by Ptolomy 258 Answere of Ptolomies Embassadors to Antiochus 259 Aduice of Armies by Antiochus and Ptolomy 260 Antiochus his army diuided into three 261 Army of Ptolo●y 266 Army of Antiochus ibid. Andrew the Kings Phisitian slaine 267 Antiochus send Embassadors vnto Ptolomy 270 Accord made betwixt Ptolomy and Antiochus ibid. Arate prepared for the Warre 272 Again and Cassander taken by Scardilade 273 Athenians abandon Ptolomy 279 Antiochus passeth Mount Tourus ibid. Aduice of Gouernment 282 A true Monarchy 283 A true Aristocracy ibid. A Democracy ibid. A Royalty 284 Aristocratia 286 Authority of the people 289 Athenians 304 All things subiect to corruption 311 Accord made betwixt the Carthaginians Macedonians and Grecians 313 Ache●s taken brought to Antiochus 328 Accord made by the youth of Tarentum with the Carthaginians 331 Appius besieged by Hannibal 337 A w●se consideration of Hannibal 338 Amazement of the Romans 339 Alexander ruinated Thebes 348 Antipat●r ibid. Antigonus 349 Alexander the Epirote 352 Asdrubal abandoned my many Spaniards 375 Aduice of Asdrubal for the War 376 Andobale speakes to Publius S●ipio ibid Attalus against Philip by Sea 379 Aduertisement by fire ibi Aduice of E●eas touching signes by fire 380 An other kind of aduertisement by fire inuented by Cleomenes and Demotrites 381 Asdrubal brother to Hannibal slaine 386 Accord betwixt the Romans and the Etoliens 388 Anaxid●mus slaine 393 Asdrubals Campe neere to Elinge 394 Asdrubal chargeth the Romans 395 Asdrubal puts his men in battaile 396 Agathocles cruelty 407 Achiens free from fraud 414 Apege the wife of Nabis 416 Aduice of the Romans 423 Articles comprehended in the accords past betwixt Scipio and Carthaginians 430 Articles of accord propounded by Scipio to the Carthaginians 435 Agathocles shewed her paps to the Macedonians 442 Agathocles slaine 443 Attalus chargeth Philips army at Sea 446 A man may be commended and blamed according to the diuersity of his actions 453 Abideins besieged by Philip. 454 A course which the Abydeins take in despaire 455 Alexander against Philip. 460 Antiochus answer to the Romans 477 B. Beginning of the History 5 Blame of Philin and Fabius Historiogra 9 Battle at Sea betwixt the Carthaginians Romans 16 Battle at Sea betwixt the Romans and Carthaginians 19 Battaile giuen by the Romans to the Carthaginians 24 Battaile won by the Carthaginians 58 Boloniens defeated by the Romans 71 Battaile of the footmen 76 Boloniens Country spoiled Boloniens yeild vnto the Romans 78 Beginning of the League 81 Bostar Chiefe of the Carthaginians 160 Bremius chiefe of the Gaules 200 Blame of Philip 238 Bold enterprize of Cleomenes 244 Bataile betwixt Ptolomy Antiochus 268 Beginning of gouernments 284 Blame of Nomarche and Philomale 351 Beginning of the fight for Carthage 362 Battaile betwixt Asdrubal and the Romans in Italy 385 Battaile by the Elephants 432 Braue answere of Philip to Marcus Emilius 456 C. Carthaginians loose the Battaile 13 Carthaginians army 350. saile 17 Complaint of the Souldiers 45 Courtesie of Romans to the Carthaginis 56 Causes of Alexanders war in Persia. 106 Cause of the first war betwixt the Romans and the Carthaginians 108 Countries Conquered by Hannibal 110 Cruelty of Hannibal 153 Carthaginians defeated by the Romans vpon a Hill and then surprized 161 Course which Hannibal tooke in passing the streights kept by the Romans 162 Campe of Asdrubal of 30000. foote and 300. horse 418 Campe of Syphax of 10000. horse and 50000. foot ibid. Carthaginians Senate hold a Counsell 421 Conspiracy of the Carthaginians against the Roman Embassadour 426 Carthaginians presse Hannibal 428 Cruelty of Virgins 443 Causes why Philip challengeth the Victory to himselfe 450 Cruelty of the Abydeins to themselues 456 Courteous and wise answere of Philip. 459 Custome of the Etoliens very strange 461 Commendation of Tytus 465 Defeate of Hieron by Apius Defeate of the Carthaginians by Apius 8 Dissention betwixt Amilcar Hanno 55 Death of Amilcar 59 Death