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A02638 The chronicle of Ihon Hardyng in metre, fro[m] the first begynnyng of Engla[n]de, vnto ye reigne of Edwarde ye fourth where he made an end of his chronicle. And from yt time is added with a co[n]tinuacion of the storie in prose to this our tyme, now first emprinted, gathered out of diuerse and sondrie autours of moste certain knowelage [et] substanciall credit, yt either in latin orels in our mother toungue haue writen of ye affaires of Englande. Hardyng, John, 1378-1465?; Grafton, Richard, d. 1572? 1543 (1543) STC 12766.7; ESTC S103772 402,679 836

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said Rychard might haue his assistaūce and helpe of hym in all maner of aduersitie that should chaūce either by battaill or other wise and that he did after that kyng Edward the soonne of the same Rychard had made hym erle of Esser tothend that bothe the father the soōne might at all tymes bee a sure fortresse and defēce for hym And he had begotten of this Elizabeth in laufull mariage foure menne children that is to saie Wyllyam Thomas Iohn and Henry and one doughter called Isabell the whiche liued but a shorte space the whiche soonnes vsed greate diligence in bryngyng matters to passe in weightie affaires and busynes very laborious in aduentures and ieoperdies manly and bold and in forseyng thynges very circumspect but specially Wyllyam the eldest had all these qualities This Wylliam maried Anne a mayden discēdyng of high parentage and of moost pure virginitie the doughter of Iames Lussheburne erle of sainct Paule by whome he had Henry nowe erle of Essex also Cicile and Isabell doughters the whiche Isabell died before she was ripe to mariage and that other was maried to Walter Ferryse But to come to that I spake in the begynnyng When all thynges chaunsed thus luckely to Edward and that all was as he would haue it Henry the duke of Somerset fearyng that kyng Henry should goo to wracke and take the woorse fled to kyng Edward of whome he was after the moost gentle sorte intertayned but sone after it repented hym of his deede for in the meane season kyng Henry had gotte a greate power of Scotish menne vnwittyng to Edward gat Duresme the whiche thyng after hearde the duke of Somerset fled priuely to hym with a greate compaign●e of that kyng his frēdes folowyng after and so many for desire of lucre and vaūtage did turne to hym that Henry was thought to haue as greate an armie as his enemie had The whiche armie he made menne thynke to bee the greater for that he did spoile and destroye townes and feldes where soeuer he came so by long burnyng and wastyng he came to a village called Exham where as he buckeled with Iohn marques Montacute whome he mette there and there fightyng very sharpely as often tymes it had chaunsed before was putte to flight losyng the greatest noūbre of his hoost he hymself with a fewe ino went in all the hast to Scotland and the residue fled some one waye and some an other to saue their liues Ther was taken there prisoners Henry duke of Somerset Robert duke of Hungerforde and Thomas Rosse the whiche duke of Somerset was putte to death by and by for that he had chaunged his mynde so sone and went to the other partie the other were had to Newe castell and ther beyng for a season were putte to death in like maner wherby other should haue no trust of any victorie when their capitaines were dedde gone Albeit kyng Edward nowe might thynke all thynges to be wel and him selfe strong enough agaynst the power of hys enemy for that he had gotte suche a vyctorye yet dyd he wyth all dylygence prouyde that Margarete kynge Henrye the .vi. hys wife shulde at no hande be let into Englande for feare of wynnynge mennes hartes to her Wherefore he made bulwarkes sure for tresses on euerye parte and coastes of hys realme that there myghte be no landynge and dyd wryte to all theim of the southe partes that they shulde in nowyse take in anye woman or helpe anye for yf anye so dyd he shulde be taken as an enemye an hyghe traytoure to the crowne as they were agaynste whome he dyd fyghte And of that parte that is nygh to the Scotish bancke he layed watches that none shoulde goo oute of the realme to kynge Henrye But kynge Henrye hym selfe was neuer in anye greate feare whatsoeuer chaunced in so muche that he came in to England in a dysguysed apparel and then beinge knowen and taken of certayne spyes sone after he had come in was caried to London to king Edwarde and there layde in holde After whose attachynge and imprysonmente the realme was set in more quyetnes Wherfore Edwarde nowe beynge oute of all feare and daunger of hys enemyes dyd wholy set hym selfe the foure yeres after ensuynge to the reformatyon and redressynge of hys publyke weale and to the recompensynge of hys souldyers for their paynes did deuyde and geue the landes of theim that were wyth kynge Henrye to hys owne and so wyth geuynge large and ample rewardes dyd get the fauoure of all hys people as well the laye as the nobles and vsynge suche vrbanyte and clemencye to all kinde of men that he had throughlye wonne the hartes of all men the whyche gentylnes and fryndely famyliaritee he dyd euer after vse Also as for the lawes of the realme he dyd alter and mend some and some he made newe besydes that he coyned monye as wel golde as syluer the whyche at this daye is currante The whyche golde was royals and nobles and the syluer was grotes so that in hys tyme thys kinde of coyne came vp And after that hys realme was in thys state he made a proclamation that yf anye manne beyng a traytoure or rebellyon hertofore to hys grace wyllyng to submyt hym selfe wholy to hym shuld haue his pardon and other that wolde not shuld die and suffer according to the lawes The which kyndnes and natyue loue dyd cause hym to haue the good wyl and herte of his commons so much that it is euydent he was al the dayes of hys lyfe a conqueroure through the helpe and ayde of thē in so much that hys enemyes were euer shamefully put to wrack as it shal be shewed more playnly hereafter And also not contented wyth the frendshyppe of hys owne countree menne dyd wynne and procure the loue of foren and straunge prynces and made theim to bee of kynred wyth hym whereby that they myghte yf nede shoulde so requyre ayde and socour him or at the least not bee iniurious or noysome to hym So that he maried hys syster lady Margarete to Charles the sonne of Phylyppe duke of Burgoyne throughe which maryage he had greate helpe at the insurrection that chaunsed in thys his natiue countree and after that sente Rycharde the erle of Warwyke embassadoure into Fraunce the whyche shoulde desyre for hym to wyfe a mayden called Bona the syster of Carlotta the quene of Fraunce and the doughter of Lewes duke of Sauoye whyche after dyd marye Iohn Galeot duke of Mylayne the whyche busynes dyd cause cyuile battayle to bee For in the meane tyme that the earle wente in to Fraunce and had spoken wyth Lewes the kynge wyth whom the ladie Bona was and wayted vpon the quene her syster Edwarde chaungynge hys mynde maryed ladye Elyzabeth the doughter of Rycharde the earle of Ryuers which was maryed before to syr Iohn Gray knyght by whome she had two chyldren Thomas and Rycharde of the whyche
desiring him to folow his coūcel that he should not think this to be done of any rashnes shewed hym how warely through his pollicie all his matters were wroughte desired him that he would cast with him selfe how to bring such a weyghtie matter to passe wherby al thinges may be prouided before hand to whom after many great promises he offered his daughter then of ripe age to be maried to him The duke throughe the councell and greate desieryng of therle of Warwike was contented to dooe all thynges as he would haue hym After that therle had this communicacion with the duke he purposed to goo to Caleis of the whiche toune he was then chief capitain and wher his wife and doughters wer then inhabityng but to th end that this sedicion might bee the soner begonne where with all Englād was sore troubled a greate tyme he had apoin●ted that sone after he was gone to Caleis his brother tharchebishop the lord marques should make an insurreccion in Yorke wherby the battaill might bee begonne while he was so farre frome theim When all these thynges were prepared for and his counsaill well alowed and taken he went streight with that duke of Clarence to Caleys And ther after that the duke had promised by an othe that he would euer bee true he maried lady Isabell the erles eldest doughter that whiche whē it was dooen thei bothe consulted together that more spedily for that that insurreccion was made in Yorke as it was commaunded and appoincted The whiche cōpaignie begōne first to spoile with out all mercie or respect of any thyng For ther was at Yorke an old and a riche hospitall of sainct Leonard where the poore and impotent persones wer harboured the sicke menne comforted and this hous was founde of that charitee of the coūtree whiche did geue yerely certain of wheate as that first fruites of all their corne to the sustenaunce and mainteynyng of theim to the whiche noumbre of grayne certain housband menne of the countree did refuse to gyue any part through the counsaill of therle of Warwikes compaignie saiyng plainly that the poore and sickely people had it not but thei that had that rule and gouernaunce of the hous and after that the procters of the hospitall claimyng it as dewe vnto theim sought for their right And for that cause greate tumulte was and muche conspiracie made so that within fewe dayes there was gathered aboute a fiftene thousand whiche compaignie came towardes Yorke But after that it was knowne in the citee that suche a compaignie of menne had risen the citizens watchyng euer for feare was in doubte whether thei should mete theim and trie it in open felde or tary in the citee and kepe theim frome the walles But the lord Marques chief of that coūtre did put theim streight out of all feare and doubte the whiche takyng good deliberacion and aduisement metre theim cūmyng at the gates of that citee where after a sharpe cōflicte he tooke Robert Hulderne duke and by and by chopped of his hedde the whiche whē he had dooen he receiued into the citee at the midde night all his souldiours that wer there The people beyng nothyng abashed at the death of their capitain but rather the more eger fearce consideryng that thei could not ouercome Yorke without ordinaunce whiche thei lacked wēt streight forth to London And as for that the lord marques putte to death that duke and capitain of that cōmons beyng also one of his cōspiracie did it for this intent that either he would not bee aknowen faultie of this cōmocion or els that he had vtterly determined to holde with kyng Edward of whom as it dooeth after appere he did get perfect amitie but after the kyng knewe the mynd and purpose bothe of therle of Warwike and the duke of Clarence his owne brother also certefied by dyuerse mēnes letters that the armie was drawyng nigh to London he sent by and by Wyllyam Harberte whome he made twoo yeres before duke with a greate power of Walshe menne commaundyng hym if he could conueniently bydde battaill to his enemies The erle makyng hast towardes Northampton hard saie that the Northrenmenne had gotte it where also he sette his tentes and the next daye folowyng fought with theim in the whiche battaill he was putte to flight in a momēt and cleane discomfited The Yorkeshire menne beyng glad of this victorie wer streight couled went no ferder but hauyng their handes full of spoyles prayes went backe ward again lookyng when the erle of Warwike would come the whiche shortely after came from Calais with the duke of Clarence his soonne in lawe to the hoost commēdyng highly the capitaines and reioisyng gladly that thei had the victorie did spedyly prepare an other armie Yet kyng Edward beeyng nothyng abashed that therle of Pēbruch had so eiuill sped sēt hym forth again with a greater armie whiche he had readie at all tymes what so euer should chaunce he hym self he did folowe with a small cōpaignie and that he might bee readier for all thynges in his iourneye did encrease his armie with many that came to hym of his secte saiyng that his entent was to destroie that route of misliuers and flagicious persones and then therle of Warwike perceauyng that his aduersaries came vpon hym sent in all the hast to the duke of Clarence whiche was nigh by hym with an hoost that he would bryng his armie in all the hast to hym meanyng that bataill was at hand The duke when he hard it came streight to ther●e So thei bothe commyng together went to Banberie where thei perceaued their enemyes tētes wer pitched there buckelyng together tooke the erle o● Penbruch prisoner and killed and discomfited all his menne and emonges other of his nobles the● was killed Rychard the erle of Ryuers the father of Elizabeth the quene his soonne Iohn Woduile And towardes euenyng kyng Edward drewe nigh and heryng of the death and soden betyng doune of his menne taried at a toune fiue myle frome that place Th erle of Warwike went to his chief toune with all his hoost and there within twoo dayes caused therle of Pēbruch with certain other states taken at that tyme to bee behedded In the meane season there begonne awaie to bee foūd for peace for the whiche letters wer wrytten too and fro herauldes sent from the kyng to therle and frome the erle to the kyng again wherby the kyng trustyng verely that all was pacified was lesse ware of hym self and feared lesse his aduersaries the whiche thyng when it was knowen and shewed to the erle by certain spies he went furth in a night as priuely as he could with a strong power to the kyng his tentes ther killyng theim that kepte watche tooke the kyng vnware brought hym to Warwike and to the entent the kyng his frendes might not knowe wher he was conueighed hym priuely from thens in the night to a toune
fled away and made the beste shifte euery manne for hym selfe that he could to escape his hādes sauyng that kyng Hēry taryed poste alone in the bishoppes paleyce besyde Powles where standynge lyke a desperate manne and not knowynge what to dooe was taken of kyng Edward and cast into pryson agayn in the towre This Edward came into London the .xi. day of Apryll halfe a yere after that he hadde sayled into Flaunders and callyng his councel together did highly commende the citezens for that faythfulnesse that they bare to hym and in especiall the Aldermen that they caused the people to do their obeysaūce to hym also sharpelye rebuked other of the cytie whom he knewe to haue lent monye to kyng Henry And for that cause woulde haue made theim paye mony to the preparyng of an hoste for hym but at the last he bad theim bee without all feare promysyng theim their pardon safetie of life thorowe the whiche gentlenesse he gatte the fauoure of the cōmen people wonderfully The erle consideryng that battayll should be shortelye folowed his enemyes in great haste to the entente that yf his enemies had any stoppe or lette by that waye he myght fight buckel with theim before they came to Lōdō But now after that he had pursued theim long and came a good waye of his iourney worde was brought that Edwarde had gottē London imprisoned the kyng The earle then perceauyng that the victorie ende of fightyng should be tryed in this one batayle rested at saynt Albones partely to refreshe his men and partely to take some counsayl In this hoste there was the duke of Excester the earle of Oxenforde the duke of Somerset and the lorde Mountacute Marques brother to the earle whom the earle perceaued to bee very vnwyllyng to fight and that agaynst kyng Edward and therfore he had no trust to hym yet the loue that betwixte brother and brother diminished the suspicion but whatsoeuer he thought eyther of hym or of other he hymselfe was euer out of feare and daunger And so came from saynt Albones to a toune that is halfe waye betwyxte London and that aboute a tenne myle frome London called Barnet and this toune standeth on a hyll where there is a goodlye playne and here the earle entended to pitche his battayle And Edward hearyng of this prepared his armye and adioyned a greate power of young menne to theim and so with bowes bylles speares and arowes and all maner instrumentes apperteynyng to warre he had so furnysshed his menne that he thought to make riddaūce of theim at that tyme for all and fynishe battayle that was so longe holden And so came with this his armye to mete his enemies and that he might bee the redier to fight with theim wheresoeuer he mette theim he had foure wynges that they could escape hym at no hand And he brought with hym to battayle also Henry then prisoner to the entente that his aduersaries might bee the more discouraged at the sight of hym or els if fortune fauoured hym not he might neuerthelesse bee saued by him After the noone he pytched his tentes at the fore named Barnet nighe to hys enemyes but that he myghte not fyghte that daye he defended hys tentes veraye strongelye for the longer he taryed the better it was by reason of the daylye concourse of noble men and commen people to hym and the woorse for the earle for that he was farre from his frendes There they lodged that night and by breake of day the earle of Warwike begā to araye his armye of this sorte Fyrste the lorde Marques and the earle of Oxenforde was set on the lefte syde wyth certayn horssemen and he hymselfe with the duke of Exceter on the ryght syde In the myddeste betwixte theim bothe he setteth the duke of Somerset with all the archers And thus araiyng theim to this battayl beganne to exhorte theim that thei would fight lustely and lyke hardye meune reuengyng the quarell of their countree for that he had moste falsely possessed that croune In like maner did kyng Edward whiche after that he had set theim in ordre encouraged theim to fight lykewyse and to remembre that thei inuaded rebelles traytours and sedicious persons whiche entended nothynge but the vtter destruccion and losse of theyr countree When daye came the trompettes beganne to blowe on bothe sydes as the tokens and lignes of the battayle And firste the bowe men shot then drawynge nere tryed it with sweorde Edwarde trustyng thorowe the multitude of his mē to haue the better hād did stāde stiffely to theim enbouldenyng his souldiours in all that he coulde Whose power the erle moste manfully resisted And so by long cōtinuaunce of battail many men wer slayne in whose places succeded euer fresher fresher At the length the erle perceauyng his mē to bee ouerthrowen by the kyng his great power drewe nigh with his foreward constreyned the kyng to geue backe a litle Then Edward seeyng that brought freshe men to aide the other so that thother mē wer beten downe very sore to the groūde And Edwarde beeyng werye of this longe fyghtynge for they fought from mornyng to none caused theim that wer without the battayl then standyng for the defēce of Edward yf such nede should be to fall vpō their enemies beare theim downe with their great power The erle then seyng freshe mē to come vpō theim was nothing afeard but trusting loking surely for the victorye dyd comforte encourage his menne then almoste discomfited moost manfully desiring theim to beare oute this laste brunt lustely and the victorie should redounde to theim but they being weryed with longe continuaunce were nothing moued at his wordes Then he him self moste valiauntly came among the myddest of his enemyes and there kylled and slewe many of theim where he hym selfe at the laste was striken downe and his brother lorde Marques then folowing hym after whose deathe all the other fled so were taken moste parte of theim And this was the ende of the earle whose stoutenesse of stomack made hym bee in lyke peryll and leopardye at many other times at dyuerse and sundrye suche conflictes and warres There was killed of both partes more then ten thousande menne and so many taken prisoners that they could not be noumbred The duke of Somerset and the earle of Oxforde entendyng to take their waye to Scotlande dyd chaunge their mindes bicause it was so farre frō theim and fledde streight to Wales to the earle of Penbrucke and so euery man to saue their liues fledde some one way and some an other The erle of Exeter skaping very hardely tooke the sentuarye at Westminster and there remayned When Edward had gotte this victorye he went to London after the moost triumphyng fassion hauyng Henry with hym as prisoner The deed corps also of the earle and the lorde Marques were brought to Poules and there laye for the space of .ii. dayes that euery manne might see theim to bee
no faile And rayned bloodde the same .iii. dayes also Greate people dyed the lande to mykell woo ¶ Gurgustyus his sonne so reygned then In mykill ioye and worldly celynesse Kepyng his landes from enemyes as a manne But drunken he was echedaye expresse Vnaccordynge to a prince of worthynesse Out of drunkennesse succedeth euery vice Whiche all men shuld eschewe if thei wer wise ¶ Scicilius his sonne then did succede In whose tyme echeman did other oppresse The lawe and peace was exiled so in dede That ciuill warres and slaughter of men expresse Was in euery parte of the lande without redresse And murderers foule through all his lande dayly Without redres or any other remedy ¶ Iago succeded and kyng was of this lande As eiuill as was the kyng of Scicilus The same vices as I vnderstand Orels wourse and more malicious Wherfore our lorde toke vengeaūce of hym thus He smote theim bothe in suche aletargie That sone thei dyed for marrid with frenesie ¶ Kymar his soonne had then the diademe And kyng then was with all kyndes of royalte Kepyng his lande as well did so hym seme In lawe and peace with greate felicite The common weale and their vtilite He did prefer euer in vniuersall Whiche to a prince is a vertu principall ¶ First if he kepe not lawe nor peace certein His people will nothyng dred ne doubt Than stande he moost in parell to bee slaine Orels putte doune right by his vnderlout No better is he bee he neuer so stout Then is his subiect or another wight That with rebell vnlawfull kill hym might ¶ Gorbonyan that was his soonne and heire Was kyng who had that tyme but soonnes twoo The eldre hight Ferrex that was full faire The younger hight Porrex whiche discordid so That either of theim was alwaye others foo For that the father sent Ferrex into Fraunce To kyng Syward that was of greate puisaunce ¶ But after long when he had reigned .xi. yeres Dyed awaye frome all royalte Leuyng his lande by his good rule inclere In sufficiente and all prosperite Ferrex heryng of his mortalite With power strong came to this lande againe And with Porrex faught sore wher he was slaine ¶ For sorow of whiche ther mother that Iudō hight To Ferrex came with hir maydens all in ire Slepyng in bed slew hym vpon the night And smote hym all on peces sette a fyre Loo this cruell mother sett on fyre With suche rancor that she could not ceas Whiche for passyng ire was mercyles The .xxxi. Chapiter ¶ Clotane Pynner Ruddan Stater reigned with barōs warres .xl. yere howe this Isle of Brytaine was departed in foure parties stood departed .xl. yere in barōs warres CLotane that then was duke of Cornwaile Next heire then was by all succession But Pinner thē had Logres ī gouernaile And kyng ther of was by wrong ingression Ruddan had Cambre in his possession And Stater was then kyng of Albany Thus was this Isle then lede by tirannye ¶ Thus Brytain was to foure kynges deuided Echeon of theim warryng on other The barons also on warre were so prouided That all the people to wast father and mother Thei spared none all wer thei sister or brother And eche citee on other bothe towne and tour And eche tyranne was a conquerour ¶ And lordes faine subiectes then to been The poore menne that afore that warre wer desolate Of all honour and worship that was seen Through their manhode with people congregate Lordeship conquered and roose to high astate Laddes and boyes the ladeis tho did wedde Their kynne afore nether lande ne hous hadde ¶ Fourty wynter thus duryng barons warre This Isle so stoode in sorowe and in strife In faute of might the weaker had the wer And suffered wrong that was then their life For who that might aught gette with spere or knife He helde it furth as for his heritage And waxid a lorde that a fore was a page ¶ Defaute of peace lawe sette theim on hight To ouer runne lordes and bee victorious As worthy was for of their wrongfull might The lordes were cause that thei were rygurous That would not so their wronges malicious At first with stande and punishe trespassoures But suffer theim endure in their erroures The .xxx. Chapiter ¶ The conseipt of the maker of this booke touchyng barrons warres in defaute of peace and lawe DEfaut of lawe was cause of this mischief Wronges susteined by mastry by might And peace laied downe that should haue been the chief Through whiche debates folowed all vnright Wherfore vnto a prince accordeth right The peace and lawe euen with equite Within his realme to saue his dignite ¶ What is a kyng without lawe and peace Within his realme sufficiently conserued The porest of his maye so encrease By iniury and force of menne preserued Till he his kyng so with strēgth haue ouerthrowed And sette hym self in royall maieste As tratour Cade made suche an iuoperte ¶ O ye my lorde of Yorke and veraie heire Of Englande so this matter well impresse Deipe in your breste lette it synke softe and feire And suche defautes sette you aye to represse At the begynnyng lette your high noblenes The trespassoures to chastes and to restreine And lette theim not lawe ne peace disobeine ¶ O ye lordes that been in high estate Kepe well the lawe with peace and gouernaunce Lest your hurtes you hurte and depreciate Whiche been as able with wrongfull ordynaunce To reigne as ye and haue also greate puisaunce For lawe and iustices in lordes vnpreserued Causeth many of theim to bee ouerthrowed The .xxxi. Chapiter ¶ Dunwallo Moluncyus kyng of Cornewayle conquerid Logers Lambry and Albanie as right heire of Brytayne he gaue fraunchises to the temple plough merkettes feyres and hie wayes so that none should disturbe by lawe nor by wrong he made sixe temples in Logers Cambre Albanie and also many Flāynes to rule theim of estate as bishoppes nowe dooen KYng Clotein died that reigned in Cornewaile Wherfore his soōne Dūwallo Molūcius Was kyng of all his realme without faile A mannly prince in armes full cuorageous Assembled his hoost and came full vigorous Of kyng Pynner in Logres intrusour And sleugh hym ther as wrongfull gouernour ¶ Kyng Ruddan and kyng Stater Of Albanie with hoostes strong and wyght Gaue hym battaill with mighty power Where Ruddan Stater wer slain downe right With all their hoostes and their greate might And Dunwallo had the victory With muche ioye and manhod mightely ¶ Dunwallo so called Moluncius At Troynouaunt with royall diademe Of gold crouned moost riche and precious Vpon his hede as did hym well besene The first he was as chronicles expreme That in this Isle of Brytein had croune of golde For all afore copre and gilt was to beholde ¶ He graunted pardon vnto all trespasoures Of whiche thei were full glad and ioyus Amendyng all their faultes and errours With all their hertes full beneuolous
woulde haue amēde Hir cōnyng might therto in no wise extēde ¶ Of whiche beautee and of her goodlyhede The kyng with loue so greatly was oppressed It chaunged all his corage and manhede In kalendes of eschaunge he was so impressed For whiche the duke with hir then home adressed Perceauynge well the kynges fykelnesse Was set for loue on her womanlynesse ¶ In Tyntagell his castel strong he her set Hymselfe then laye in castell Dymyoke Wher then the kyng hym sieged her to get But Merlyne then from it hym did reuoke And by his councell subtelly dyd prouoke Knowyng his loue he had to dame Igrene By coniurisons made in haste full yerne ¶ He made the kyng vnto duke Gorloys like Hymselfe like to Brethel in all semblaunce That then was the dukes preuy myke And Vlfyn lyke by all kyns gouernaunce Vnto Iordan in all maner conysaunce That moste knewe of the dukes preuytee By whiche he brought to Igrene all three ¶ Thus laye the kyng hir by euer whē he would She trustyng then that he had been hir lorde But euer his siege he made sadly to been holde His people assautyng the castell by one accorde But Gerloys men then pleynly did recorde Theyr lorde was slayn and Vter had the felde Of which she merueyled then fast hym behelde ¶ There gatte he then on hir a sonne full fayre And fro hir went vnto his hooste agayn The duke was slayne with all his moste repayre Of whiche the kyng glad is not to layne To Tyntagell with all his hoste full fayne He came anone and had it at his wyll He comforted hir and bad her holde it styll ¶ But then betwene theim two he did discure The priuetee in all as it was wrought And sette his daye to wed hir and to cure Of heuynes that she was then in brought Her lordes death so muche was in hir thought For hir so slayne hir wyfehode also defouled Afore that tyme that euer was kept vnfouled ¶ And at the daye he wedded hir and cround And she ferforth with childe was then begonne To comforte her he sette the table rounde At Wynchester of worthiest knightes alone Approued best in knighthode of their foone Whiche table rounde Ioseph of Arimathie For brether made of the seynt Grall onely ¶ In whiche he made the seege pereleous Where none shulde sytte without great mischiefe But one that shuld be moste religious Of knightes all of the rounde table chiefe The saynt Graal that shuld recouer and acheue By aduenture of his fortunitee And at his death a virgyne shulde bee ¶ But at hir tyme the quene had borne a soonne That Arthure hight and was of statur fayre More large of lymme and wysest vnder sunne Of his age then to bee his fathers heyre Of all his lymmes right comly stronge fayre But Occa then and Oysa that afore Stale home were come warred in Britayn sore ¶ The kyng sent forth syr Loth of Lowthian A worthy prince hardy and bounteous His doughter had wedded that hight thē dame Anne A manly manne and right cheualrous The first knight that was electe right fortunous Of the table round that ofte with theim did fight That ofte preuayled and sometyme put to flight ¶ For whiche the kyng ordeyned a horse litter To beare hym so then vnto the verolame Wher Occa laye and Oysa also in feer That saynt Albones nowe hight of noble fame Bet downe the walles but to hym forth they came Wher in battayll Occa and Oysa were slayne The felde he had and therof was full fayne ¶ There was a well whiche his enemyes espied That he vsed the water ofte to alaye His drynkes all his sores to be medifyed Whiche they venomyd with poyson on a daye Of whiche he dyed and went to blisse for aye In the carole besyde his brother dere As to suche a prynce it dyd ryght well affere ¶ He reygned had then ix and thyrtye yere And in the yere of Chrystes natiuyte Fyue hundreth and syxtene then was full clere The realme he lefte in good felicyte Arthure his sonne to haue the royalte To reygne and rule the realme that then was able That of his age was none so cōmendable The .lxxiii. Chapiter ¶ Arthure kyng of Britayne reygned .xxvi. yere Howe the kynge bare syxe banners in his warre and howe he renewed and increased the table rounde and helde vp royally the rule of it and howe he conquered Irelande and Denmarks with all the ysles of theim ARthure his sōne vp growen then peerlesse Throughout that world approued of his age Of wyt and strength beawte and largesse Of persone hye aboue his Baronage And other all of Brytons vasselage By his shoulders exceded in longitude Of all membres full fayre in latytude ¶ At Circestre then of .xv. yere of age When Dubryk archbishoppe of Carilyon With all estates within his herytage Assembled there Duke earle lorde and baron And commentye of all the regyon Vpon his hedde did sett the dyademe In royall wyse as wele hym dyd beseme ¶ The yere of Christes byrth .v. C. and syxtene Was whan he was crowned all with golde Where than he made a vowe for to sustene The chrysten fayth the churche also to vpholde The peace and lawes mawgre who so other wold The Saxons also to warre and destroye That of longe tyme had done vs greate anoy ¶ King Arthure sought that Saxons in Scotland His chiefe baner of goules was to see An ymage of our Lady of golde enthronde Crowned of golde as freshe as it myght be His other banner was of the Trynite Of golde and goulis of saynt george was that third The .iiii. was Brutus armes knowen and kyd ¶ The fyfte baner of goulis .iii. crownes of gold The syxte of Goulis a dragon of golde fyne With hoost full great of Britons that were holde On Douglas water the Saxons he did vntwine Colgrim that was their capitayne fled fro thyne To Yorke anon and it with people helde His men then slayne the kyng had so the felde ▪ ¶ Cheldrik Baldoffe two dukes of Germanie With hostes great then landed in Britayne To Colgrym came and brent that lande in hye But to Arthure kyng Howell came full fayne With hoost great his systers sonne certayne Of lesse Britayne that with his vncle went Against Colgrym to fyght in his entent ¶ Cador the duke that tyme of Cornewayle The kynges brother of his mothers syde Came to the kyng with people that might auayle So dyd all other of all Britayne full wyde With their enemies then met of mikell pryde And vaynqueshed theim at Lyncolne then seging For whiche they fled full faste that syege leauing ¶ To Calidon wood nere vnto the sea Where the kynges two theim seged sore about That for famishment fought they swore to be The kynges men and their lande throughoute For to voide their people of all the land out out Colgrym Baldolffe and also duke Cheldryk That chieftayns were
sufficience Of people stronge at Orwell with her lande Where lordes many her mette I vnderstande ¶ To London then she hir sonne tho wrote The councellours and traitours for to take That ruled had in mykell mysryote The kyng Edwarde her lorde also hir make And in prieson to kepe theim for hir sake Wherfore they voyded out of the citee then The quenes enemyes echone ay when when ¶ The kyng then fled into the west countree She and the prince full sore hym then pursued And at Bristowe she headed as men might see Syr Hugh Spenser the father that was renewed And syr Hugh his sonne that was transumed In hye estate and erle had be create Of Wynchester wher he stode all mate ¶ Syr Hugh Spēser his sonne at Herforde take Was headed then and vnto London sente So was Edmond there headed for hyr sake That was erle of Arondel there present His hed smote of for treason so was shent Theyr hedes set vp in dyuerse sere place In recompence of all theyr great trespasse ¶ And at London they heded the Chaunceler With dyuers other whiche they founde vntrewe So dyd they also the kynges tresourer And there set they a parlyament all newe But fyrste they put the kyng as all men knewe In Killyngworth there to be holde in warde To tyme they se howe lordes wolde awarde ¶ At which parlyamēt .iii. bishoppes erles thre Thre Barons also thre Banarettes electe To Kyllyngworth to ryde with the cominalte All homage leege by parliament hole directe To surrender vp without any reiecte The which they dyd for his mysgouernaunce With heuy chere and mournyng countenaunce ¶ The kyng full sad with wordes well auysed Thanked them all knowynge his hye trespasse And that he was of rule not well prouysed To the pleasure of God whiles he had space Ne cōmon wele to kepe in-euery case Ne to his wyfe had bene a trewe husbande But falsly had her exyled oute of lande ¶ Mekely he prayed the lordes at parlyament His sonne to admytte vnto the regyon Syth he vnable was to the regyment And foule had ruled the lande withoute reason He them besought for gylte of his caryon His sonne were not refused ne chastyzed But set in rule by councell well aduyzed ¶ These lordes twelue with heuy countenaunce Reported vnto the quene and lordes all The sorowfull chere and wordes with repentaunce Of kyng Edwarde as then it was befall His prayer meke and his desyre fynall Of whiche the lordes in that same parlyament Reioysed were of his noble agrement The C .lxxvii. Chapiter ¶ Edwarde the thyrde kynge of Englande and of Fraunce beganne to reygne the yere a thousand thre hundreth twentye and syxe and dyed the yere a thousande thre hundreth thre score and seuentene and of his reygne one and fyftye yere EDward his sonne that prince of wales was In tender age that time of .xiii. yere Was crowned on saint Brice day begā than The yere of Christ was then accompted clere A thousande hole thre C. and syxe and .xx. were Whose father then had reygned .xix. yere oute And in his twenty yere withouten doute ¶ From the third daye of Iuly by computacyon Of the yere vnto sayncte Brycez daye So muche in his twenty by relacyon He reygned had then put downe for aye From Kyllingworth to the castell of Berkeley By nyght he was caryed and translate From wyfe and chylde forsake and repudyate Where he was slayne with an hote brenning spyt Through his towayle vp to his herte within In September his bowelles brent for hete That deed he was without noyse or dyn On saynt Mathewes daye so they dyd hym bre● The fyrste yere was it then accompted wonne Of kyng Edward the third that was his sonne ¶ At Gloucester entombed fayre and buryed Where some say god shewed for him great grace Sith that tyme with miracles laudifyed Ofte tymes in dyuerse many case As is wryten there in that same place For whiche kyng Richard called the seconde To translate hym was purposed hole and sounde ¶ Sir Iames Douglas in Englād with an hoste Destroyed the lande wherfore the kyng Edward With Frenche henauldes Englysh for that moste In myghty hoste great then came northward The seconde yere of his reygne to regarde Whome in Stanhope parke he besieged then That compted were of Scottes ten M. menn● ¶ By .xv. dayes that syege there endured He helde them in they myght not passe oute But through a mosse that all men trowed was sured So depe of myre and brode it was aboute No siege was layde for there they had no doute By which that Scottes cast them what so betyde To escape awaye in the nyghtes tyde But Iames Douglas their flekes fell dyd make Whiche ouer the mosse echeone at others ende He layde anon with fagottes fell ouer the lake There gate awaye and passage to pretende On whiche by nyght they led their horse vnkend And home they went to Scotlande harmelesse Wherof the kyng was heuy there doutlesse ¶ When they were ouer that quaking mosse mire They drewe the flekes ay after as they went That Englyshe should not them sue ne conquere This was a poynt of warre full sapyent But on our syde there was by consequent But lytell wytte that lefte the myre vnwatched And by good watch that Scottes myght haue be cached ¶ And in the yere a thousande ●ompted clere Quene Isabell her doughter maryed Dame Iane of the towre to Dauid Bruis her pere Kyng Robertes sonne and heyre hole notifyed At Berwyk towne the seconde daye signifyed Of Iuill and of kyng Edwarde then was thre By cause of whiche the kynge in pryuite The C .lxxviii. Chapiter ¶ Of the relesse that kynge Edwarde made in his tender age to kynge Robert of his seruyce of Scotlande whiche Iohn Hardinge delyuered to kyng Edwarde the .iiii. at Leycester with a patent by which the earle of Dunbar bound him and his heyres to holde his landes of that kinges of Englande BY councel of his mother the Mortymer were Relesed there the hole soueraynte And seruyce dewe that to the crowne then ●t Berwike then without autorite Or any parlyament in especialte In tender age and youthes intelligence In his third yere so of his hie regence ¶ He sent 〈…〉 th then to Henauld for a wife A bishop 〈…〉 other lordes temporall Wher in chaumbre preuy and secretife At discouerit dischenely also in all As semyng was to estate virginall Emong theim selfes our lordes for hie prudence Of the bishop asked counsaill and sentence ¶ Whiche doughter of fiue should bee the quene Who counsailled thus with sad auisement Wee will haue hir with good hippis I mene For she will bere good soonnes at myne entent To whiche thei all accorded by one assent And chase Philip that was full feminine As the bishop moost wise did determyne ¶ But then emōg theim selfes thei laugh fast ay The lordes then saied the bishop
our lande Floure and mele of whete and rye he solde The market he so amended manyfolde ¶ And wood he had and other marchaundise Woll and hide and yron great quantitee Woll skynnes cloth of golde and spyceries Iewelles in chestes and stones of precioustee And other marchauntes in specioustee And prisoners also and mykell flaxe Wynes swete and mykell poleyn waxe The CC .viii. Chapiter ¶ Howe syr Robert Vmfreuile brent Pebles on there market daye and made his men to mete their clothe with speres bowes and after the Scottes called hym Robyne Mendmarket and his neuewe brente Iedworth and Teuidale sone after AT Pebles long afore that tyme .iiii. yere He brent the toune vpon their market daye And met theyr cloth with speres bowes sere By his biddyng without any naye Wherfore the Scottes from thence forthward ay Called hym Robyn mendmarket in certayn For his measures were so large and playn ¶ His neuewe Gilbert and he the .xi. yere Of kyng Henry vpon the water of Calme than And also on Roule and Iedworth forest clere Forrayed full sore with many a manly man His banner first there was displayed then When he was clerely but .xiiii. yere nomore When his vncle had battled hym so sore The CC .ix. Chapiter ¶ Howe the prince Henry of Wales sent power to the duke of Burgoyn to helpe hym the two Vmfreuiles syr Iohn Graye with other where Vmfreuile with the Englyshe men helde the felde for he would not kyll the prysoners as the duke of Burgoyn had ordeyned THe prince Henry to duke Philip then sent That of Burgoyn was so both syr lorde Syr Gilbert Vmfreuile his vncle veramēt His cousyn also syr Ihō Gray as mē recorde With many other worthy with speare sweorde Willyam Porter agayn the duke of Orleaunce And his armynakes with men of great defence ¶ At S 〈…〉 ncle then again the duke of Orleaūce And the duke of Burbon by all a daye Thenglyshe faught with great sufficience And wanne the brydge with battayll bet awaye Tharmynakes with many sore affraye Where Vmfreuile proclaymed was erle of Kyme Cheiften was of all Englyshe that tyme. ¶ At Durdan also and at Etham agayn They faught all newe where then they had that feld And prisoners many they did opteyne The which the duke of Burgoyn wold haue weld Because to hym they were so vnbelde Theim to haue slayn he cōmaunded then eche capitayn His prisoners to kyll then in certeyn ¶ To whiche Gilbert Vmfreuile erle of Kyme Aunswered for all his felowes and there men They shuld all die together at a tyme Or theyr prisoners so shulde be slayn then And with that toke the felde as folke did ken With all theyr men and all theyr prisoners To die with theim as worship it requyers ¶ He said they wer not come thyther as bouchers To kyll the folke in market or in feire Ne theim to sell but as armes requiers Theim to gouerne without any dispeyre As prysoners owe home agayn repeire For fyne paying as lawe of armes wyll And not on stockes nor in market theim to sell ¶ With whō syr Iohn Graye as his cousyn dere And all Englyshe with many other of Fraunce With their prysoners full familier Batayled in felde with full strong ordinaunce More like to fight then to make obeysaunce And helde therle of kyme for theyr cheiftayn To lyue and dye vnder his baner certayne ¶ The duke Philyppe full of sapyence Sawe his manhode and his knightly courage Lothe was to lese his noble aduenture By treaty and by other tender message Of prisoners graunt them to do auauntage And hym withhelde with all his feloship As Earle of Kyme proclaymed of great worshyp ¶ Then after sone oure Englishemen anone Came home agayne with great and hye rewarde Whome then the duke by letter cōmende alone In writyng specifyed with herte inwarde Vnto the prynce that sent them to hymwarde And thanked them greatly of his seruyce In his warres shewed agayne his enemies ¶ The king discharged that prince fro his coūsayle And set my lorde syr Thomas in his stede Chief of counsayle for the kynges more auayle For whiche the prynce of wrath and wilfull hede Agayne hym made debate and frowardhede With whom the kyng toke parte helde the felde To tyme the prince vnto the king him yelde ¶ The king then made his sōne duke of Clarēce My lorde Thomas and sent hym into Fraūce To helpe the duke Lewys of Orlyaunce Agayne the duke of Burgoyne at instaunce Of my lorde Thomas againe that prince suraunce Whiche was the cause also of theyr heuynesse So to refuse duke Philyppes loue causelles ¶ But then the duke of Clarence with power Came to the duke Lowes of Orlyaunce Kīg Charles brother who made hym noble chere And hym receyued with full hye reuerence They two warryed with mighty suffycience Vpon the duke of Burgoyne and hym outrayed That he went into Burgoyne all formayed ¶ Then rode the duke of Clarence into Guien Through Fraunce with hoste then full royall And kepte that lande with helpe of duke Lewis thē In whiche meane while kyng Henry gan fall In great syknesse that his strength did pall With contryte herte and humble yelden chere He sayde O lorde thy me 〈…〉 I requyre The CC .x. Chapiter ¶ The wordes that the Kynge sayde at hys deathe of hyghe complaynt but nought of repentaūce of vsurpement of the realme ne of the restorement of ryght heyres to the crowne O Lorde he sayde O God omnipotent Nowe se I well thy godhede loueth me That suffred neuer my foes to haue theyr entent Of myne persone in myne aduersrte Ne in myne sycknesse ne in myne infyrmyte But ay haste kepte it fro theyr maleuolence And chastysed me by thy beneuolence ¶ Lorde I thanke the with all my herte With all my soule and my spirytes clere This wormes mete this caryon full vnquerte That some tyme thought in worlde it had no pere This face so foule that leprous doth apere That here afore I haue had suche a pryde To purtraye ofte in many place full wyde ¶ Of which ryght nowe that porest of this lande Except only of theyr benignyte Wolde loth to looke vpon I vnderstande Of whiche good lorde that thou so visyte me A thousande tymes the lorde in trinyte With all my herte I thanke the and cōmende Into thyne handes my soule withouten ende ¶ And dyed so in fayth and hole creaunce At Cauntorbury buryed with greate reuerence As a kyng shulde be with all kynde of circumstaūce According vnto his hye magnifycence Besyde the prynce Edward with great expence Of Christ was then a. M. yere full oute Four hundreth eke and thirtene oute of doubte ¶ O very God what torment had this kyng To remember in bryef and shorte entent Some in his sherte put ofte tyme venemyng And some in meate and drinke great poysonment Some in his hose by great ymagenement Some in bedstraw yrōs sharpe
armie Then the Duke of Burgoyne not contented that the earle shoulde bee holpen of the king of Fraūce agaynst king Edward prepared a great nauye of shippes aboute the costes of Normandye that he might take hym cōming towardes Englande yet neuerthelesse the Earle escaped all daungers and landed safe he and all his menne at Dartmouth frome the whiche place he sayled to Fraunce halfe a yere before After that the Earle came to lande he made a proclamacion in king Henry the .vi. name that all they that were of lawfull age shoulde make battayle agaynst Edwarde duke of Yorke whiche agaynste all ryghte and lawe at that tyme had the crowne The whiche when it was doon it cannot be spoken howe soone it went aboute all the realme that he was come and had made this proclamacy on at the whiche also is not to be expressed howe many thousandes of menne came to hym The Earle hauing all this power greate armie went streyght to London whome when Edwarde perceyued to drawe nighe he fledde for the tyme trustyng to haue hym at some vauntage but at the laste he was dryuen to that ende that he had no mynde to get any hoste to resyst his enemies but beyng in greate daunger of his owne lyfe fled with the duke of Gloucestre his brother vnto a towne night the sea called Lye and there taking shippe sayled into Flaunders to Charles the Duke of Burgoyne with greate daunger and parell of his lyfe by the reason of the boisterouse cruel winde Elizabeth his wyfe beyng then greate ●●th childe dyd take sentuarye at Westmynster where she was broughte in bedde with a m●n chylde whose name was Edward After that the earl 〈…〉 newe of the going awaye of kyng Edward he made haste to London and hearing of the tumulte and busynesse that was in Kente and that all the villages and suburbes there were spoyled piteously a lytel before the going awaye of that kyng pacified theim and sette all thinges in good ordre agayne by the doing of the whiche benefyte he was the more louingly accepted of theim all and that doon came to the towre there deliuered kyng Henry the .vi. out of prisone geuing hym his robe of maies●ye broughte hym to Poules the people reioysing on euery syde and there thanked God for that it had chaunsed as they wolde desired And this was the yere of our Lorde a. M .iiii. C. foure score and one that kyng Henry beganne to reigne So that king Henry so often vanquyshed began to reigne nowe likely shortely after to faule againe The which fortune chaunsed to hym by many mennes opinions because he was a very simple and innocent man and that he had rather in godlinesse vertue excell other then in honoure and rule so that for the loue that he had to religion he loked for no dignitee or honoure whiche chaunseth to fewe that wil not seke for it or regard kepe it when they haue it But his enemies saide he was a coward had not the herte or manlynesse to bee a kyng or meete for that offyce So that who soeuer despiseth that the cōmune people alloweth maruaileth at is accompted for a mad man contrariwyse he that doeth agree to theim and in their tale he is a wise man where in dede suche wisdom as it is comēly saide is foolishnesse before God Also some saide it was the will of God that it should so bee for his graundfather Henry the fourth gotte it by violencye and force of armes so that it coulde not bee longe enioyed of hym but that faute of the graundesire did redounde on the nephewes But nowe to that matter After this king Henry held his parlyament at Westmynster the .xxvi. daye of Nouembre in the whiche Edwarde is declared openly tray toure to his coūtree bycause he had taken that crowne to him and all his goodes geuen away in like maner al theirs that did take his parte and so iudgement was geuen on theim to dye Furthermore all that decrees statutes and actes of that forenamed Edward were broken of none effecte And then that earle of Warwike as a man that had deserued much of his coūtre was made gouernoure ouer all that realme to whō he did take the duke of Clarence as felowe to hym So by that meanes that realme was brought to a new state cleane transformed altered To this parliament came the lorde Marques Mountacute the which excusing his treason that he did take kyng Edward his parte saing it was for feare of death had his pardone ▪ Truely yf this man had taken kyng Edwardes part had stand to his side manly he had not been so sore an enemie and hurted so much his frendes as he was being a false fained and coloured frende for those thinges that we be ware of and knewe before to bee pernicious dooe lesse hurte vs. But nowe quene Margarete being in Fraunce prayed euery daye from that time the Earle went into England for the victorie the whiche when she knewe was obteined by the king his letters that came to her shortely after did take shyppe towardes England but thorowe that sharpnesse of the wether and greate tempestes she was constrayned to lande and to differre her iourney to an other tyme. At the same tyme Gaspar the earle of Penbruch went to Wales to his Earledome where he founde lorde Henry the Earle of Richemonde his brothers sonne a chylde of ten yere olde there kepte prysoner but lyke a noble man of the erle willyam Harberte his wyfe whome we spake of before that Edwarde had made hym erle and then after taken in batayl was behedded at the cōmaundement of the earle of Warwike This is that Henry the whiche when Richard the thirde brother to Edward was ouercome and vanquished had the gouernaunce of the realme of whome this is to bee beleued that after that he came to his kingdō sent as one by god to quench and put awaye the greate sedicion and stryfe that was betwixte Henry and Edwarde seyng that he minded nothyng so muche as that whome lady Margarete the onely doughter of Iohn the fyrste Duke of Somerset dyd bryng for the beyng but fourtene yeres of age the whiche althoughe she was maryed after to Henry the duke of Bucking ham his sonne and after that to the earle of Derby yet she neuer broughte for the chylde after as thought she had doone her parte when she hadde borne a manne chylde and the same a kynge of a realme Gasper the earle of Penbruch tooke thys chylde Henrye from the earle Harberte hys wife and brought hym soone after to London to king Henry the syxte whome when the kynge had beeholded longe holding hys peace and maruailing at the goodlye wytte of the chylde sayde in thys wyse to the nobles that were at that tyme present Loo thys is he thys is he I saye to whome both wee and oure aduersaries shall geue place to in possession And by
thys he prophecied that the self same Henry shuld in tyme to come as it chaunsed in dede haue the kyngedome and rule of all the realme And nowe Edwarde althoughe he was oute of his countree yet dyd he not dyspayre but that he shulde haue mattre and redy occasion to recouer his kingdome for the duke of Burgoyne partlye had promised hym both greate ayde and socoure and partly the priuy frendes that he had in Englande dyd councell hym by letters sente from tyme to time that he would hasten his iournay homward and incontin●tly after very many fled to hym oute of Englande eyther for feare of the lawes that they had offended or elles for sorowe that the worlde was so turned that they could not haue theyr wyll as they had before in accomplyshynge theyr couetouse myndes and desyres and caused hym to make the more haste homewarde And kynge Edwarde beynge rauished with their golden promises thoughte nothyng more payneful or wretched then to tary one daye lenger and nothyng more pleasaunt thē to go of his iourney and so takynge no moo wyth them then two thou sande harnesed menne at the sprynge of the yeare sayled into Englande landynge in the coastes of Yorkeshyre at an hauen towne called Rauinsport And there settynge for the all hys menne dyd reason wyth hys captaynes and consulte to what place they shoulde fyrste goo For it was ieoperdious consydering the small companie that he had to take anye waye for the. But after longe delyberation they were all agryed that some certayne knightes and horsemen of that smal compaignie shuld bee sent one to euerie quarter to the townes that wer nyghe to the intente that they myghte drawe the hartes myndes of the people to king Edwardes syde But it is not lykelye that kynge Edwarde beyng a wyse manne durst be bolde or would in any wyse come into England with such a small power excepte he had knowen surely that he should haue had great helpe at hys commyng the whych is a plain token that the duke of Clarence and the lorde Marques had procured hys fauoure promysinge him all their helpe that they coulde make for the tryall of the whych ther was manifest tokens that dysclosed and bewrayed all their falshed For they priuilie wēt about to know mennes mindes and to what parte they would declyne and the nexte day after came to kinge Edwarde and shewed him that the common people dyd stande stiflye of kynge Henrye his syde and woulde defende hys quarell as ryghte and iuste at al times and that they had nomore nede nowe to make anye tumulte in so much that no manne would althoughe eftsons desired and prayed go to king Edward yea and that noman woulde for feare of the earle of Warwike heare anye thinge spoken of that matter whose myndes after that kinge Edwarde had throughlye serched and knowen he chaunged his mynd and purpose wher as before he claymed the crowne then he publyrshed abrode that he woulde haue but hys ryghte that was his landes and heritage of Yorke shyre And ●t that worde it cannot be well spoken howe redily mē wer willinge to helpe him consideringe that he claymed nothinge but hys ryghte in somuch y● very pytie dyd moue manye althoughe they woulde not helpe hym yet at no hande to resyste him And kynge Edwarde reconsilyng him selfe to the common people by these meanes toke hys iournye towarde Yorke and wente to Beuer lay The earle then beinge at Warwik after that he knew that king Edward was landed about York streyght sent a post to his brother lord Mōtacute then liyng that winter at Pomfreit with a great army to shewe him what daunger mighte ensue yf king Edward got that towne of york bed theim yf his enemies drewe nigh ether to mete with thē in plain felde or elles to bete theim from the towne vnto such tyme that he came wyth a greater host which he prepared then in all the hast he coulde And because he knew not surely which way his enemies wolde come he fyrst sent to euery towne in york shyre and to yorke it selfe certayne postes to bid euery man be in his harnesse ready and that that citezins should shut the gates surelye that kynge Edward myght haue no accesse In the meane tyme king Edward came peaceably and wythoute the resistaunce of anye man towardes the towne of Yorke of whose commyng when the citezens were certified they made sure the gates and standynge in harnesse for the defence of it dyd sende twoo of the aldermen to warne the kyng the comming nyghe that he dooe not enterpryse to farre or put hym selfe in ieopardie for they were mynded to dryue him and all hys awaye wyth all the power they myghte When Edwarde had heard theyr myndes he was in so greate feare agonie that he could not tell what to dooe for yf he shuld haue goone back he feared that the common people as men gredye of a praye woulde persue him and yf he should goo forth he was in daunger of the Yorke shyre men leaste they shoulde sodenlye faull vpon hym and take hym and therefore seeyng that he was not able to match them in battayle thought to mollyfie theim with fayre wordes and so beganne to entreat after the most lowlye and gentle maner the messaungers that they woulde in hys name shewe the cytezyns that he came not to clayme the crowne but hys herytage and ryghte of Yorke shyre and therfore that they woulde helpe theyr lorde and duke of Yorke and yf that he myghte be receaued through theyr meanes he wolde requyte theyr kindenes and remember theyr benifyte as longe as he lyued And by suche fayre speaking and flatterie he dimissed thē and folowed straighte after to the gates with his companie The citezins beynge somwhat moued wyth thys answer for that he entended no harme agaynst kyng Henrie they spake wyth hym from the wall and badde hym to go frome thence and if he would go quickely he should take no harme But he speakyng veraye gentely to euerye one of theim callyng some by name moost gentely did desire theim that he might come into his owne toune And so passyng all the daye in that cōmunicacion at that length the citezens partely ouer come with his moost gētle speakyng large promises made fell to this poincte that if Edward would swere to handle his citezens after a gentle sorte hereafter bee obedient to kyng Henry his cōmaundement thei would receiue hym in to that citee and helpe hym with all that power that thei might Edward beyng glad to here this the next daye after early a masse was said at the gates wher he receiuyng the sacrament promised feithfully vpon his othe that he would obserue bothe the thyngēs afore named so was receiued in to the citee Neuerthelesse it was so ferre vnlike that he would obserue one of theim that he minded none other thyng then that he might depriue the kyng of his croune as here after shall
appere more euidēt So that oftē tymes we se noble men aswell as the laye people thorowe ambicion filthy couetousnes thei forgettyng god all godlynes dooe swere greate othes in promisyng thynges the whiche entendyng before thei make their othe to breake it shortely after Yet suche persons oftymes haue their rewardes of God at one or other tyme as this Edward had so that some tyme the punishment falleth on the nephewes for the offence that the vncle had cōmitted But of this thyng I will speake more in Rychard the third in a place wher a manne maye see that the progenie of Edward wer punished for this offence when Edward had thus framed his matters he forgettyng the othe that he had made did se that the citee was strōgly kepte and gettyng hym an army together thought he wold not lynger his busines bycause he harde his enemies made no greate preparaūce or haste but tooke his iourney towarde London in his goyng did purposely goo out of his waye that led hym to Pomfret wher the lord marques was toke on that right hand within lesse thē .iiii. miles of his enemies And whē he perceiued that thei made no skyrmishe nor mocion came in to the right waie again when he was past theim wēt to Notynghame But this greued the Yorke shire mēne that he should deceiue theim so vnhonestly otherwise then did become a kyng or noble manne After that it was knowen that kyng Edward came with out all daunger of his enemies to Notyngham then came there to hym many noble mēne vpon this consideracion that the lord Moūtacute either would not entre vpō his enemies as though he had agreed with theim or els durst not come out of his tentes for that he was not able to matche with theim Therfore menne thought better to take Edwardes part consideryng that his power was so greate then to hold with kyng Henry and hee in daunger of their liues and losse of all their goodes landes Edward reioysyng at this went to Lecestre hearyng that therle was at his toune of Warwicke therle of Oxenford with hym hauyng a greate armie and that thei bothe entended to bryng hym to theim preuentyng their purpose wet awaye with his hoost either wyllyng to fight or els ioyne in frendeship and loue with his brother duke of Clarence with whome then commyng frō London with an hoost of mēne he thought to speake before that he came to therle his cōpaignie fearyng leste that he would not stand to that promise that he made for that he was variable incōstāt In the meane tyme therle of Warwike was very heuie sore moued with the lord marques because he would neither kepe the kyng from Yorke as he was bed nor yet when thei came before his nose would not proffer theim ones to fight therfore cōsideryng that his enemies multiplied more more in his gooyng towardes hym made an hoost sent for that duke of Clarence to come to hym then hauyng an hoost at London Whō whē he perceiued to linger as a man doubtyng whether he should kepe battaill or peace to haue no mind of settyng forth his mē mistrusting also that he was by some traine allured to folowe his brethren and take their partes tooke his waye to Couētrie to th ende that there he might meete his enemies Then Edward came to Warwike and frome thens to the erle and pitched his tentes by hym and the next daie after bad battaill to therle the whiche erle durst not come oute for feare that the duke of Clarence whome he thought had deceaued hym which duke in deede came as it was shewed after with a greate power of menne The whiche when Edward perceaued he made towardes hym that it should not bee thought to bee a made guyle sette his hoost in araye as though he would fight and so did the duke But when thei came in sight Richard duke of Gloucestre as one that should take vp this matter firste spake with the duke priuely in his eare and then came to Edward and did the same to hym and at the laste peace was proclaimed wherby euery manne puttyng doune their weapons Edward his brethrē enbraced louyngly one an other After this Edward made it bee proclaimed that that duke with all theim that came with hym should bee perpetuall frendes that thei three should loue like thre brethren as thei wer in brotherly loue for euer Neuer thelesse God dooeth not seme to haue forgiuē this Edward his offēce of periury although euē nowe fortune fauored hym for yer it were long he was again vexed with werre beside that plage distruciō of his children after his death When thei wer thus come together thei minded to proue if that erle wold come to theim also hold with theim to whō the duke of Clarēce sēt certain of his frendes that whiche first shuld excuse that he had done thē desire hym if that he would to bee at one with kyng Edward Whose mynde whē therle heard he vtterly detested hym with muche cursyng cryed oute of hym that he had contrary to his feith othe made fled to kyng Edward And to his cōmaūdemēt biddyng that he sēt he made none other aunswer but this that he had rather bee like hym self thē like a false periured duke So that he appoincted vtterly neuer to leaue battaill before that either he wer killed and ded or his enemies ouercomed After this Edward hauyng suche a strong power of mēne went boldely to London wher after that it was knowen that the duke of Clarence had taken his parte and that all the brethren were come in to one knot the citezens were in suche a feare that thei could not tell what to dooe but at the lengthe they were dryuen for feare to take kyng Edward his parte At thesame tyme there came letters from the earle to kyng Henry to that duke of Somerset to that archbyshop of Yorke and other of the kyng his counsel that they should kepe the citee from their enemies handes for the space of .ij. or .iij. dayes he would come streyght with a great armye of mēne They defended the citee as strongely as they coulde but it was to no purpose for the citezens cōsyderyng the kyng Henry was no greate warryer and that he had but small policie in the feates of thesame and contrary wise that kyng Edwarde was a man that of hym selfe coulde rule a realme maruelous well and suche a man that woulde not onelye preserue hym selfe and all his but also defende theim from all maner of iniuryes and harmes that shoulde chaunce thought best to leane on his syde And at his commyng to London the people coulde by no thretenyng or strayt cōmaundement be otherwyse kepte backe but that they would mete hym then comyng salute hym altogether as kyng ruler of the realme At whose commynge in the duke of Somerset and certayn other
that dede being very sore moued therwith wēt to the dukes place coming before his grace stode lyke a man strykē with some sodeyn dysease very pale holding his head downe the duke maruayling at hym enquyred what the matter was To whom he sayde O moost noble duke my time is at hande thys palenes betokeneth death without remidy That I would God yt had come before this day then it should not haue greued me so much And thys all cometh to me through a deed that you haue done of late which wil ether cause me to lose my life or els to lyue in moost miserie wretchednes as one wery of thys present lyfe The noble actes that you haue doone moost noble prynce haue enhaunsed your fame glory to the fardest part of the world but this one thing me thynke I praye you pardōme what I saye is a great blemyshe to your dygnitee that forgetting the promyse that you made so faythfully haue geuen the innocēt erle of Richmounte to be destroyed pitefully killed emonge wretched knau es hangmen Wherfore they that loue you of whom I am one cannot but lamente ●o see you dyshonored by this great fault of periury Whē he had sayd the duke answered hold thy peace man I praye the ther is no such harme shal chaunce to him Edwarde the kinge woulde haue him to mary his daughter Then sayd Iohn Beleue me mooste excellente and redoubted prynce this Henry is nowe almoste famyshed and loste yf he once goo out of your countree he is but cast awaye and paste all recouerye At these wordes the duke was persuaded through the whych he commaūded one Peter Lādoson hys receauer to take the same Henry frō the ambassadours The sayd receauer pursued the Englyshe ambassadours to Maclonium and there holdyng theim wyth long cōmunication made him to be conueyed into a sētuary whych was then almost ded through that feuer and thought whych he was caste in And so after that he was emended broughte hym to the duke The ambassadours then beyng spoiled and deceaued both of theyr pread and mony that they brought desyred that same receauer that they might not goo home in that wyse whyche receauer promised that he woulde eyther kepe hym in sentuary or eles cause hym to be imprisoned at the duke his place so that they should neuer neede to feare hym In all thys tyme Edwarde beynge desyreous to knowe what became of the Earle was enfourmed that he was taken prysoner but after that escaped they re handes where at the kinge was verye angrye but when he knewe that he should bee kepte in holde was well pleased then dyd take no thought And liued after that most welthy sparing no expēses nor cost in kepyng his house neuertheles he dyd fall into one great offence in this time For sodēly he cōmaunded his brother the duke of Clarence to be killed drowned in an hogshhed of malmesey And the cause of hys death was as men report through a certaine prophecie which sayd the after kyng Edwarde one shuld reigne whose name begā wyth a. G. which prophecye some sayde was completed fulfilled when the duke of Glouceter the after hym had the kingdome dyd reigne Some holdeth another opinion of this his death saiyng that at what time the olde malice dyd breke out bewixt thē both the duke through his sisters councel woulde haue maried lady Mary that duke of Burgoyn his only daughter which mariage the kyng did infringe stoppe as one enuiyng of his brothers felicitee or good chaunce After that they both beryng in theyr mindes mortall hatred one of the sayde duke hys seruauntes was accused of wichcraft charming for which offence he was put to death The duke 〈…〉 g that could not but speake resist againste the 〈…〉 g his cōmaundement and therfore was com 〈…〉 ted to prison ther beyng was killed and procla 〈…〉 d after as a traytour to the kyng for whose 〈…〉 that the king was verye sory and whan any 〈…〉 kneled to hym and asked pardon 〈…〉 der he would saye O infortunate bro 〈…〉 that noman would aske thy pardon And this duke had .ii. children one lady Margarete that was after maried to Richard Pole an other Edward whome the kyng made earle of Warwyke but this childe folowyng the fate and destenie of his father was after putte in prisone there priuely put to death And these thinges were doone in the yere of oure Lorde a thousand foure hundreth and foure score and the .xix. yere of the reigne of kyng Edward And two yeres then after folowing the kyng died before the whiche yeres he beganne to bee very harde and couetouse in getting monye and also very diligent in marking attaching his lordes that did offend In this time the kyng of Scottes willed his soōne Iamy to be maried to the kynges doughter lady Cicile which was the yonger that should haue been maried to Charles the kyng his soonne of Fraunce But it chaunced not thorow Lewes the kyng that brake his promise bothe in geuing his seruice and payeng his raunsome the laste yere of his reigne Likewise the kyng of Scottes seing that Lewes the kyng was false of his promise he thoughte he might bee so bolde too and so breaking league of amite sette vpon the Englishe men At the which Edward was sore vexed and entended batayl against hym yet after that he knewe the it was not by his wyll but thorowe the councell and euell disposed mindes of his lordes woulde haue borne it in good worthe had not kyng Iames owne brother streight vpon that prouoked hym to fighte Furthermore suche was the nature of the Scottishe kyng that when he had sette his minde vpon a thing no manne coulde turne hym and because that no manne mighte reproue hym in any thing he promoted laye people menne of basse bloude to his counsell putting to deathe or banishyng euermore the nobilitee Emong whom this duke of Albanie his brother consydering the condicyons of the king fled to the kyng of Englād at what time he was sent into Fraūce ther counsailed the kyng to fight against hym The king willing to reuēge his olde iniuries vpon many consideraciōs gathered entēded no lesse by the helpe of the saied duke of Albany then to kepe open warre So that he did send the duke of Gloucestre the erle of Northumberlād syr Thomas Stanley this duke of Albany with a great power of men against the Scottes The king knowing of their cōming went to Barwyke with his army to kepe theim from the borders but perceiuing that he was not hable so resist their great power fled backe in the night to Edinbrough ther taryed for his enemies And the duke of Gloucestre folowing burned and spoyled all the way when he was somewhat nighe his enemies perceiuing also that none of the Scottishe lordes came to the duke of Albanye mistrusted that some deceyte or crafte was
of you beyng of my blod that other of my alies eche of you with other either of kynred or affinite whiche is that very spirituall affinitie kynred in christ as all ꝑtakers of that sacamentes of christes churche The weight of whiche cōsanguynite if we did beare as would to god we did then should we more be moued to spirituall charite then to fleshly cōsanguinyte Our lord forbid that you loue that woorse together for y● self same cause that you ought to loue y● better yet that oftē happeneth for no wher fynd we so dedly as emōgest theim whiche by nature lawe moost ought to agre together Suche a serpent is ambiciō desire of vanyne glory souere ingtie whiche emōgest estates when he is once entered he crepith foorth so ferre till with deuision varyaunce he turneth all to mischief First longyng to bee next to that best afterward egall with the beest at the last chief aboue that beest Of whiche immoderate appetite of woorship the debate discencion that grewe there by what losse what sorowe what trouble hath win these fewe yeres growen with in this realme I praye God as well to forget as we well remēbre whiche thyng if I could aswell haue forsene as I haue with my more pane thē pleasure proued by god des blessed lady that was his commō othe I would neuer haue wonne the curtesyes of mennes knees with the losse of so many heddes But sith thynges passed can not be called agayn muche more ought we to bee ware by what occasion we haue taken so great hurte before that we eftsones fall not into that occasion again Nowe bee these greues passed and all is quiet thanked bee God likely well to prosper in welthfull peace vnder your cousins my children if God send theim life and you loue and cōcord Of whiche .ii. thynges that lesse losse wer thei by whō all though God did his pleasure yet should this realme alwayes fynd kynges ꝑaduētur as good kynges as thei But if you emōgest your selfes in a childes reigne fall at debate many a good manne shall innocently perishe happely he you also or it is long fynd peace quiet again wherfore in these last woordes that euer I looke to speake to you I exhort and require you all for the loue that you haue borne to me and for that loue that I haue borne to you for the loue that our lord bereth to vs all Frō this tyme forward all greues forgottē eche of you loue other which I verely trust you wyll yf you any thyng regarde God or your kynges affinitee or kynred this realme your owne coūtre or your owne suretie wealthe And there with al the kyng for fayntnes no longer endurynge to syt vp layde hym downe on his right side his face toward theim And ther was none presente that could forbeare wepyng but that lordes cōfortynge hym with as good woordes as thei could answeryng for that tyme as they thought should stande with his pleasure And there in his presence as by theyr wordes appeared eche forgaue other and ioyned theyr hādes together when as it after appeared by theyr dedes there hartes were farre asōder And so with in a fewe dayes thys noble prynce dysceased at Westmynster the .ix. daye of Apryll in the yere of our Lorde a. M CCCC .lxxxiii. after that he had reygned .xxii. yeres one moneth and .viii. dayes was with great funeral pompe conueyed to Wyndsore leuyng behynd hym .ii. soonnes Edwarde the prynce of whom this story entreateth a chylde of xiii yeres of age Richarde duke of Yorke .ii. yeres yonger then the prince and fiue doughters Elizabeth which by goddes grace was maryed to kyng Henry the .vii. and mother to kyng Hēry the eyght Cycile not so fortunate as fayre fyrst wedded to the vycoūt Welles after to one Kyne and lyued not in great wealth Brydget professed her selfe a close nonne of Syon Anne was maryed to lorde Thomas Hauwarde after erle of Surrey and duke of Norffolke Katheryne that yōgest doughter was maryed to lorde Willyā Courtney sonne to that earle of Deuōshire which lōgtyme tossed in other fortune somtyme in welth after in aduersitee tyl that benignitee of her nephewe kyng Hērye the .viii. brought he● into a sure estate accordyng to her degre ꝓgeny This kyng Edward was suche a prince of gouernaunce and behaueour in the tyme of peace for in tyme of warre eche must be others enemye that ther was neuer any kyng in this realme in attaynyng the croune by warre and battayle so hartely beloued with the more substaunce of his people nor he hym selfe so specially fauoured in any parte of his life as at that tyme of his death whiche fauoure and affeccion yet after his death by the crueltie myschiefe trouble of the tempesteous world that folowed highlye towardes hym more encreased At suche time as he died the displeasure of those that bare hym grudge for kyng Henry that .vi. sake whō he deposed was wel assuaged in effect quenched within that space of .xxii. yeres which is a great part of a mans life and some wer reconsiled growen into his fauour of y● which he was neuer straūge when it was with true harte demaunded He was goodly of personage princely to beholde of hert couragious politike in councell and in aduersitee nothyng abashed in prosperitee rather ioyful then proude in peace iuste mercyfull in warre sharpe and fearce in the felde bold and hardie yet neuer thelesse no farther then reason and policie woulde aduenture whose warres whosoeuer circumspectly 〈◊〉 aduisedly considereth he shal no lesse cōmend his wisdome policie where he auoyded theim then his manhode where he vanquished theim He was of visage full faced louelie of bodie mightie stronge cleane made with ouer lyberall and wātō dyet he waxed somewhat corpulēt bourly but neuerthelesse not vncomely He was of youth greatly geuen to fleshely wantōnes from that which health of bodie in great prosperitee fortune with out an especiall grace hardlye refrayneth Thys faulte litle greued his people for neyther coulde any one mannes pleasure stretche or extende to the displeasure of veraye many nor a multitude bee greued by a priuate mannes fantesie or volupteousnesse whē it was doē wtout violēce And in his latter dayes he left al wild daliaūce fel to grauitee so that he brought his realme into a wealthie ꝓsperous estate al feare of outwarde enemies were clerely extinguished no warre was in hande nor none toward but suche as no mā looked for The people wer toward their prince not in a cōstrayned feare but in a true louyng and wylfull obedience emongest theimselfe and the commons wer in good peace The lordes whome he knewe at variaunce he in his death bed as he thought he brought to good concord loue and amytee And a lytle before his death he left gatheryng of mony of his subiectes