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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16282 The manners, lauues, and customes of all nations collected out of the best vvriters by Ioannes Boemus ... ; with many other things of the same argument, gathered out of the historie of Nicholas Damascen ; the like also out of the history of America, or Brasill, written by Iohn Lerius ; the faith, religion and manners of the Aethiopians, and the deploration of the people of Lappia, compiled by Damianus a ̀Goes ; with a short discourse of the Aethiopians, taken out of Ioseph Scaliger his seuenth booke de emendatione temporum ; written in Latin, and now newly translated into English, by Ed. Aston.; Omnium gentium mores, leges, et ritus. English. 1611 Boemus, Joannes, ca. 1485-1535.; Góis, Damião de, 1502-1574.; Nicolaus, of Damascus.; Léry, Jean de, 1534-1611. Histoire d'un voyage fait en la terre du Brésil.; Scaliger, Joseph Juste, 1540-1609. De emendatione temporum.; Aston, Edward, b. 1573 or 4. 1611 (1611) STC 3198.5; ESTC S102777 343,933 572

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of their bodyes they weare such garments as their abilities bee able to affoord them the richer sort of women goe in Purple and silke and their husbands likewise their coates bee of a very strange fashion for the slitte or hole whereby they put them off and on is vppon the left side and buttoned with foure or fiue buttons In the Summer they weare black garments and in Winter and rainy wether white and their clothes come downe no lower then their knees they weare garments also made of skinnes but not as wee doe with the hayrie side inwards but with the flesh sides towards their bodyes and the hayrie sides outwards shewing the hayre for comlinesse and decencie maides by their apparell can hardly bee discerned from marryed women nor the marryed women be distinguished from the men for there is no great difference betwixt them eyther in habite or behauiour for all weare breeches alike When they prepare themselues to the warres some of them couer their armes which otherwise bee naked with yron plates lincked together with Letherne thongs and some with diuerse foldes of Lether with which also they make defences for their heads shields they haue none and but few of them eyther launces or long swords yet they haue swords but not aboue the length of ones arme and made with an edge vpon the one side like back-swords wherwith when they fight they strike with that side which is sharpe they be very light and perfect horse-men and maruelous good archers and he is accounted of the greatest courage and valour which is most obedient vnto gouernment They serue in the warres without wages and bee very subtil and cunning both in the warres and other businesses and ready to take vpon them any charge or to vndergoe any matter of importance whatsoeuer the Captaines and gouernors enter not into the battell them-selues but standing aloofe incourrage exhort their souldiers diligently foreseeing and considering what is necessary to bee done and to the end their army may seeme the greater and more terrible to the enemy they bring their wiues and children into the army with them and sometimes the images of men set fast vpon horses nor do they thinke it a disgrace for them to fly if it bee either behouefull or necessary when they shoote they disarme their right armes and then their darts fly with such vehement forces as they will perce any kind of armor they begin the battell in order and keepe their aray in retyring euen then destroying and slaying with their darts their enimies which pursue them and if they perceiue the number of those which pursue them to bee but small they sodainly returne into the battell wounding with their darts both men and horse and euen then they get the greatest conquest when they were thought to haue beene conquered When they intend to inuade or make warre vpon any country they deuide their army into sundry companies and giue the assaulte on euery side so as they can hardly bee incountred or resisted nor any of the inhabitants escape and by this policie they haue alwaies the victory in their owne owne hands And they vse their victory very proudly and cruelly sparing neither old men women nor children but put all to the sword without difference artificers onely excepted which they reserue to worke for them They deuide them to bee slaine by the Centurions assigning to euery seruant for his part of the slaughter tenne or more or lesse as the number of the Captiues bee which when they haue butchered with Axes like Swine for a greater terror to others they take euery thousand Captiue and turning his head downe-wards hang him vp by the heeles vppon a stake made fast in the ground in the middle of those which bee slaine as if hee should then admonish and aduise his friends whilst the most of those murtherers approching to the slaine bodyes doe with their mouthes swill vp the bloud which springeth from their greene wounds They keepe their faith and promise with none how euer they bee obliged vnto them but rage towards their owne subiects in this manner and farre more greeuously It is lawfull for them to deflowre as many young Virgins as they will or can get and those which bee any thing beautifull bee carryed away with them and constrained to serue continually in extreame penurie of all things The Tartarians of all men be most incontinent for although they may marry as many wiues as they will or as they bee able to keepe and that they bee not forbidden mariage with any degree of affinitie or consanguinity mothers daughters and sisters onely excepted yet bee they exceedingly giuen to the sinne of Sodome accompanying both with their owne sex and with beasts as vilely as the Sarrasins without eyther difference or punishment They account not the woman which they marry for their wife nor yet receiue her dower before shee hath had a childe and if shee bee barren it is lawfull for them to put her a way and to marry another And this is strange that although many women haue but one husband yet they neuer fall out for him amongst them-selues although one bee preferred before another and hee sleepeth now with one and by and by with another and euery one of these wiues haue their abyding place by them-selues and euery one keepeth her owne family They liue most chast from other mens wiues for as well the men as women which bee taken in adultery suffer death by their lawe those men which bee not trayned vp in the warres keepe Cattell in the fields practise hunting and wrestling without doing any other domesticall businesse but commit all to women vpon whose care it resteth to prouide all things necessary both for victualls and clothing This nation obserueth many superstitions for to put a knife into the fire or at the least to let it touch the fire or to pull flesh out of a potte with a knife is held a great offence moreouer they cut nothing with a hatchet neere vnto the fire least they should hurt it any manner of way for they honour the fire most religiously perswading them-selues that there-with all things ought to bee purified and clensed They greatly abhore to lay either their body or armes when they sleepe or take their rest vpon a whippe where-with they driue their horses for spurres they vse none or to tuch their darts with a whip and yong men doe not onely auoyd the killing of birds but the taking of them also they will not beate a horse with his brydle nor breake one bone with an other nor yet spend ether meate or drinke out of measure and especially milke noe one dare pisse within his pauillion or mansion house for if any one doe it abstinately he is put to death without mercy but if necessity constraine one to doe it as oftentimes it happeneth then the tent or pauilion wherein it was done and all things within it ought to bee purged and clensed on
by certaine women asfigned to that businesse he answereth in the middle of the people and all men to whom he speaketh ought to listen vnto him kneeling vpon their knees when how long soeuer his speech be and so diligently to attend his words as they misconster not his meaning in any point for it is not lawfull for any to alter the Emperours words nor in any sort to contradict or gaine-say the sentence hee pronounceth hee neuer drinketh in any publick assembly nor yet any other Tartarian Prince vnlesse some doe sing and play vnto him vppon a harpe before hee drinke and men of great worth when they ride are shadowed with a certaine fanne or curtaine fastned to a long speare and caried before them which custome is said to be vsed also by the women And these were the customes and maner of liuing of the people of Tartary about two hundred yeares sithence The Georgiani whom the Tartarians ouercame much about that time were worshippers of Christ obseruing the custome of the Greeke Church they dwelt neere vnto the Persians and their dominion extended a length wayes from Palestine to the Caspian hilles they had eighteene Bishopricks and one Catholicke or vniuersall Bishop who was insteed of a Patriarch at the first they were subiect to the Patriarch of Antioch the men be very warlike their Priests heads bee shauen round and the lay-men foure square some of their women were trained vp in the warres and serued on horseback The Georgians hauing disposed their armies and entering into the battell were wonte to carouse a gourd as bigge as ones fist filled full of the best wine and then to set vpon their enimies with greater courage The Cleargie bee much addicted to vsury and symonie there was mutuall and perpetuall enmity betwixt the Armenians and them The Armenians were Christians also vntill the Tartarians after they had subdued the Georgians ouer-came them likewise but they disagreed in many things from the faith and approoued fashion of the true Church they knew not the day of our Lords natiuitie for they obserued no feasts nor no vigils nor yet the foure Ember weekes they feasted not vpon Easter Eue alledging that Christ rose from the dead about the euening of that day they would eate flesh vpon euery Friday betwixt the feasts of Easter and Penticost yet they fasted much beginning their fast so strictly and precisely in Lent as they would neither vse oyle wine nor fish vpon Fridayes and Wednesdayes throughout the whole Lent holding it a greater sinne to drinke wine on those dayes then to lye with a strumpet in a brothell house Vpon Mondayes they abstained wholy from all meates vpon Tuesdayes and Thursdayes they did eate once and receiued no sustenance at all vpon Wednesdayes and Fridayes but vpon Saterdayes and Sundayes they would eate flesh and refresh themselues well They would not celebrate the office of the Masse throughout all Lent but vpon Saterdaies and Sundaies nor vpon Fridayes throughout the whole yeare for thereby as they were of opinion they brake and violated their fasts Infants moreouer of the age of two months and all others whatsoeuer were indifferently admitted to their communion and they put no water into the Sacrifice In the vse of Hares Beares Choughes and such other like creatures they imitated the Iewes as well as the Greekes they celebrated their Masses in glasse and wodden Chalices and some hauing no paraments nor Priest-like vestiments at all some of them also wore Miters belonging to Deacons or Subdeacons both Clergie and Lay-men allowed of vsury and Symony as well as the Georgians the Priests exercised themselues in Diuinations and Negromancie they vsed more drinking then lay men and all of them had or might haue wiues but after the death of one wife as well lay-men as the clergy men were prohibited to marry againe the Bishops gaue liberty to any to put away their wiues that were sound in adultery and to marry an other they beleeued not that there is a purgatory and obstinately denyed that there was two natures in Christ The Georgians report that they erred in thirty articles from the right path and diameter of Christian religion Of Turcia and of all the manners lawes and ordinances of the Turkes CHAP. 11. THat country which is now called Turcia or Turkie hath vpon the East the greater Armenia and extendeth to the Cilicke sea vpon the North it is bounded with the Euxine sea Aitonus calleth it Turquia it consisteth of many Prouinces as Lycaonia wherein Iconium is the chiefe towne Cappadocia where Cesaria is chiefe citty of the Prouince Isauria where Seleucia is head Licia now called Briquia Ionia now called Quiscum wherein standeth the citty of Ephesus Paphlagonia where Germanopolis and Lenech where Trapezus be chiefe cities All this vast country which is now called Turcia is not inhabited by one onely people but by Turkes Greekes Armenians Sarrasins Iacobitans Nestorians Iewes Christians all of them for the most part liuing after the lawes and institutions which that false Prophet Mahomet a Sarrasin ordained for the people of Arabia in the yeare of our Sauiour Christ 631. This Mahomet some say was an Arabian some a Persian but whether he was it is doubtfull but his father was certainly a worshipper of euill spirits his mother an Ismaelite and therfore not ignorant in the true law now whilst his father and mother instructed him in both their lawes they distracted the boy and made him doubtfull and wauering betwixt both so as being trained vp in both religions when hee grew of mans estate he followed neither of them but being a very crasty fellow of a subtill wit and long conuersant with Christians he framed and inuented out of both those lawes a religion most dangerous and pernicious to all mankinde First he affirmed that the Iewes did very ill in denying that Christ should be borne of a Virgin seeing that the Prophets men of wonderfull sanctity and integrity of life indued with the spirit of God did long before prophesie and soreshew that it should be so and that hee was to bee expected on the other side he condemned the Christians folly in beleeuing that Iesus the deerest friend of God borne of a Virgin would suffer reproches punishments of the Iewes Martinus Segonius Nouomontanus hath written thus of the Sepulcher of Christ our King and Lord. The Sarrasins and Turkes saith he by the ancient preaching of Mahomet laugh the Christians to scorne which attribute any honor to that Sepulcher affirming that the great Prophet Christ proceeded from the spirit of God that he was voide of all earthly blot or sinne and that hee he shall come to be iudge of all people but that they may approach vnto his true Sepulcher they vtterly deny because his glorious body conceiued by the diuine spirit was altogether impassible thus much hath Segonius written more to the same purpose which the Mahometans are wont to
him at his pleasure but to the end that no one should be ouerthrowne or spoiled by anothers enuie or malice without cause there was this prouision made that the accused might challenge the single combat with one of his accusérs and if he ouercame the other he scaped free and forfeited nothing He that killed his Duke was killed himselfe and all his goods confiscate for euer without redemption and he that stirred vp sedition against him forfeited to the Duke 600. shillings When an armie was conducted into the enemies land the souldiers had no cause to fall out amongst thēselues for prouision for euery one might take what would serue his turn but he which wrangled without cause was forced either to yeeld himselfe to the law of armes in that case prouided or suffer fifty stripes with a truncheon before his Lieutenant And the Lieutenants and Gouernors were to haue a special care euery one with in his limits or county that the souldiers did not spoile prey vppon the enemie before they were commanded by the Duke for if any fault were committed through their negligence they were to make it good If a free-man damnified or wronged another he was constrained to make good as much as the party was hindred and was amerced besides at 40. shil but such offences were death in seruants and their master made restitution for them because they forbad them not the committing of such crimes If a seruant stole or purloyned any thing from the soldiers in the campe and was therof conuicted he lost his hand for that offence and his master notwithstanding restored the value of the goods stolne and a free-man for such a fault was mulcted at forty shillings ouer and aboue the due restitution of the thing stolne If any one were commanded by the king or duke to kill another and he did it the king or duke which commanded him ought for euer after to defend and protect him from danger if the king or duke which was his protector died his next successor did take vpon him the like warrantie and protection of that man If the Duke were so stubborn and rebellious as to contemne and despise the decrees of the king he was depriued of his Duke-dome and was vtterly void of all hope euer to recouer his former estate and dignity If the Duke had a son so froward foolish or arrogant as through the counsell and abetting of lewd and euil persons he went about to depose his father from his gouernment so that his father were yet well able to gouerne to conduct an armie to get vp vpon his horse and to carry armes and was neither deafe nor blind well able to performe the kings command he was dis-inherited and for euer after vncapable of the Dukedome or if his father pleased he was banished to perpetuall euile for offending his father in so high a degree against the law He that by rashnesse indiscretion or drunkennesse bred a scandall in the Dukes Court forfeited forty shillings and was for euer after lyable to make good the value of the inconuenience that arose of that ill example but a seruant for such a fault lost his hand If any thing were found in the Dukes Court and taken vp and concealed one night vnreuealed it was accounted theft and such an offendor forfeited into the Dukes Exchequer fifteene shillings because the Dukes house was accounted a publike house He that detracted or by his ill speeches depraued the Dukes gouernement was punished at fifteen shillings and forced to finish and make perfect all that he was commanded to do that all pleas or suites might be dispatched and ended euery fifteenth day in each seuerall Countie of the countrie for the doing wherof all the free-men assembled together and they which neglected the meeting forfeited fifteene shillings the Iudge to the end hee might do iustice and iudge vprightly had a booke of the law lying open before him which serued as a rule and pattern wherby to iudge of all controuersies And if the inditement were without partialitie and that he iudged vprightly without respect of persons or rewards hee then had and enioyed to himselfe the ninth part of the composition but if the iudgement were partiall or smelled of briberie he forfeited the double value of that which by his false sentence and corruption was payed and was fined moreouer at forty shillings He which killed the Duke payd either vnto his friends or vnto the king for composition 1460. shillings whereof his friends had six hundred And it was euer obserued that the composition for the death of the Duke was three times as much as for the death of any of his friends The Agilolsingi out of which family the Dukes be euer created had the fourth part of the composition and then the Huosi the Trozzi the Sagavi the Hahilingi and the Aennonni had the one halfe of that which remained Hee that killed a free-man payd either vnto the Duke or vnto his parents that was slaine 8. pounds hee that put out a free-mans eye or cut off his hand or foot payed 40. shillings he that lamed him payd 12. shillings and for a maim 20. shillings for a wound 3. shillings for striking out a cheeke tooth or grinding tooth 12. shillings and for euery other tooth 6. shillings They were very strictly forbidden to molest or hurt strangers in so much as he which iniured any of them payd vnto the party grieued the double value of the wrong sustained and besides forseited 8. pounds into the Dukes Exchequer he that slue a stranger forfeted an hundred pounds in gold If a seruant molested or sold a free-man were complained of to the Iudg he escaped not without some great punishment as the losse of hand or eye Libertines which had bin manumitted made free had more easie compositions by the one halfe then those which were free-born All incestuous mariages were there vtterly prohibited so as it was not lawful for any man to marry his first wiues mother his sonnes wife his daughter-in-law his step mother his brothers or sisters daughter his brothers wife or wiues sister and those which offended in any of these points all his goods were confiscate by the Iudge hee that prophaned the Lords day with any manner of worke after the first warning and admonition had fiftie lashes vpon the backe with a whip and if he offended againe the second time he forfeited the third part of all his goods and for the third offence he lost his libertie for it is fitting that he which will not be free vpon that day shold be a slaue for euer after A seruant for labouring vpon the Lords day was beaten but if he held on his course without amendement his right hand was cut off And a stranger for the like fault hauing beene warned aforehand paid 12. shillings He that detained a freeman against his will in seruitude and bondage or forcibly tooke away his inheritance or goods was forced to
cal Ale and Beare and they haue much wines brought them out of other countries There bee many villages borrowes and cities whereof London is the chiefest of the nation the Kings seat and the most famous for trafficke and trading These are their customes and manners they vse in this age which are much differing from their customes they vsed the time of Iulius Caesar for at that time it was not lawfull for them to eate Hare Hen or Goose and yet would they norish and keepe them for their pleasures The people that inhabited the middle part of the country liued for the most part vpon milke and flesh beeing vtterly destitute of corne and cloathed themselues with skinnes Their faces they would die with woad to the end that in battaile they might breed a great terror to their enemies They wore long haire hanging downe about their shoulders and shaued all parts of their bodies but their heads one woman would haue tenne or more husbands at one time and it was lawfull for the brother to enioy his brothers wife the father the sonnes and the sonne the fathers and the children were accounted children to them all Strabo dissenting from the opinion of Caesar saith that the English are farre taller then the Frenchmen and of a shorter haire Thicke woods serued them in steed of cities wherein they builded them cabbines and cottages harboring themselues and their cattaile vnder one roofe The country is more subiect to raine then snow and when the weather is faire the earth is couered sometimes with a blacke clowde that for the space of foure houres together you shall see no Sunne at high noone Scotland the vttermost part of Britan towards the North is deuided from the other part of the Island onely with a riuer or small arme of the sea Not farre distant from Scotland lieth Ireland the people whereof vse one kinde of habite in no point differing one from an other They speake all one language and vse the selfe same customes They haue nimble wits and are very apt to reuenge vsing great cruelty in the warres though otherwise they bee sober and can indure all manner of wants with great facility They are naturally faire but nothing curious in their apparel The Scots of whom I spake before as some are of opinion were so called of the paynting of their bodies for it was an vsual and auncient custome there and especially amongst the rudest and barbarous kinde of people to paint and die their bodies armes and legs with varnish or vermillion which custome if all bee true as is written by ancient authors was practised by the Britans especially in time of warre the more to terrifie the enemy as before is said Aeneas Siluius saith that the shortest day in winter there is not aboue three houres long and it is a thing worthy the noting to see how poore folkes there stand about the Temples of their gods begging stones of passengers for them to burne for the country affoordeth but small store of fuell and the stones which they craue and get together in this manner are of a fat and sulphery condition and wil burne like coles Aeneas saith that hee heard there was a tree in Scotland that in Antumne whē the leaues were withered they fell of the tree into a riuer by vertue of the water were turned into birds This tree he saith hee sought for in Scotland but could not find it and that lastly it was told him by some that knew the Country well that this strange miracle was to be seene in one of the Isles of Orcades And thus farre mine Author concerning the estate of this Island by which appeareth the little acquaintance both hee and those writers out of which hee frameth this collection had with it for else would they not so sleightly haue slipt ouer the commendation of so worthy a Country and therefore I thought it not amisse in this place to supply their defects with this short addition of mine owne wherein happely you may perceiue a more liuely description of this our Realme of Great Britany and the condition of the inhabitants then could well bee expected from meere strangers BRITANNIA sometimes called Albion the worthiest and renownedst Island of all the world is in compasse as is said before according to the opinion of the best writers about 1836. English miles It is sytuated in a most milde temperate clymate the ayre beeing neither too hot in Sommer nor too cold in winter through which temperature it aboundeth with all sorts of graine fruits and cattaile that be either necessary or behoueful for mans life for besides that the Country is wholesome pleasant and delightsome there bee such store of ponds riuers and running waters for fish and foule such aboundance of forrests and chases for timber and fuel such large fields champion grounds for corne and graine such pastures and meadowes for sheepe and cattaile such orchards and gardens for pleasure and profit such hunting and hawking in fields fluds and forrests such strong castles such stately buildings such goodly cities and walled townes such beautifull houses of the Nobility disperced in all parts of the country such large territories such renowned vniuersities for the aduancement of learning and good letters such practise of religiō such places for pleading such trafficke and trading such maintainance of Iustice such generous dispositions in the nobles such ciuility amongst citizens such intercourse amongst the commons in a word such is the pompe riches florishing state of this Realme vnder the gouernment of our most gratious Prince King Iames that England at this day is so amply stored with natures richest guifts that she is not onely furnished with things sufficient to serue her selfe but sendeth forth sundry of her superfluous commodities into other countries also and for al things may iustly bee compared if not preferred to any country in Christendome who were the first inhabitants of this Island and why it was so called I finde it so diuersly reported that I rather leaue euery man to his opinion then by setting downe mine owne incurre the censure of ignorance and indiscretion but howsoeuer although it hath bin inhabited by sundry nations and deuided into seuerall Kingdoms yet doe I not finde that euer it admitted any other forme of gouernment but the Kingly authority only no not when it was dismembered into many Kingdomes but that then euery King had a perfect and absolute command ouer his subiects nor that any King of England either then or since it grew into a Monarchy did euer receiue his authority from any other Prince as his supreme but that euery King within the limits of his Kingdome was next vnto God sole and absolute gouernor the idle example of King Iohn onely excepted who without consent of his commons or establishment by act of parliament forced therevnto by the rebellion of his Nobles aided by the Dolphin of France resigned his crowne to the Popes Legate
after for infamous persons which punishment as some thinke was imposed vpon the father of Euripydes who had his beginning from the people of Baeotia The Assiryans sell their virgins in the open market to any that desire to marry them and those which be most beautyfull bee first sould and then the rest but when they come to the most deformed they make proclamation by a common cryer how much mony any one will take to marry them and so by this meanes that which is gotten for the saile of the faire virgins is bestowed in placing the foule in like-manner they ioyne together those that in their manners bee most like for grauity and humanity With the Persians that which is esteemed dishonest to bee done is held vnfitting to bee spoken if any one kill his father they esteeme him a changeling and not a naturall childe if the King command any one to bee beaten or whipped hee is as thankefull as if he had receued a great benefit because the King remembred him they which haue many children are for that cause regarded of the King and they teach their children as well to speake the truth as to learne any art whatsoeue● Amongst the Indians when any one is deceiued or cozoned of that which hee lent or left in trust with an other he bringeth not his action against him that deceiued him but imputeth the fault to him selfe because he trusted him if any one cut of the hand or pull out the eye of an artificer hee is punished with death for it hee which is guilty of any haynous offence is by the Kings command shauen which is the greatest ignominy amongst them that may bee when an Indian man dyeth one of his wiues which hee most loued in his life time is layde on the pyle and burned with him And there is great controuersie and stryfe amongst them euery one hauing their friends to speake and plead for them who shall bee shee that shall bee burned with her deceased husband for each one desireth it The Lacedemonians thinke it not fitting nor honest to bestow themselues in learning any other arts then such as belong to the warres the men dyet all together in one place they reuerence all old men as their parents and as the men haue exercises proper to them-selues so haue the maides likewise to themselues It is not lawfull for strangers to dwell at Spatta nor for a Spartane to trauell into other countries they giue power and licence to their wiues to take the fairest men they can finde to beget children of them whether they be Cittizens or strangers It is vnseemly for a Spartane to make any gaine of any thing their money is made of Lether and if any man haue either gold or siluer found in his house hee dyeth for it They account it the greatest glory that may bee to shew themselues humble and obedient vnto Magistrates and farre more happy are they accounted amongst them that dye an honourable death then those which liue in great prosperity Their children by a certaine custome they vse are whipped round about a pillar till most of them bee runne away and those which tarry still vnder the whipps haue Garlands giuen them for a reward for they hold it vnhonest to take any dastard for their companions schoole-fellowes or friends Old men when they draw neere their deaths bee censured who of them haue liued well and who otherwise when an armie is conducted without the limitts of their country a certaine Priest which they call Pirphorus that is to say a fire-bearer maketh and kindleth a fire at the Altar of Iupiter their guide which fire he carieth before the King keeping it euer from going out The King when he goeth to the warres is attended with Prophets and Soothsayers Phisitions and Minstrils and they vse Pipes or Flutes in the warres in steed of trumpets and those which fight be adorned with garlands All men arise to the King to doe him reuerence but the officers called Ephori and the King is sworn before he enter into his Kingdome to gouerne according to the lawes of the common-wealth The Cretenses were the first of all the Grecians that obeyed the lawes ordained by King Minos who was first that obtained dominion of the sea This Minos when hee inuented and framed those lawes fained that hee learned them of Iupiter and therefore for the space of nine yeeres together he would vsually goe vnto a certaine hil wherein was a denne consecrated to Iupiter and euer when hee returned backe hee brought some new lawes to the Cretenses as though hee had beene their instructed by Iupiter Of this Minos and his fained conference with Iupiter Homer speaketh thus Amongst them saith hee is the City called Gnossus where Minos who had often conference with the great god Iupiter raigned nine yeeres The Cretensian children be broght vp altogether in one publike place and that very hardly and painefully for they be much accustomed to hunting when they bee yong and to run barefooted as also to goe armed to the Pirrichan vawting or leaping whereof Pyrrichicus Cydoniates a Cretensian born is said to be the inuentor which is a very laborious difficult exercise for youth The men in like maner eate together in one publike place by reason of their sustenance and prouision all things be indifferently ministred vnto them the gifts or presents which amongst them be in most request be weapons The Autariatae if any of there souldiors faint or sick by the way wil rather kil them then leaue them liuing in a strang place The Triballi set their army in foure squadrons or orders the first ranke consisteth of those which bee feeble and weake the next vnto it of such as bee stronge and lustie the third of horse-men and the last of women which when all the rest be put to flight sticke to their enemies still pestring and afflicting them with their reuilings and skoldings The Cusiani bewaile those which bee borne into the world and account them happy and blessed that depart out of this life The Cij whē they haue burned their dead bodies gather vp all their bones and beate them to poulder in a morter and then taking ship they lanch into the deepe where putting the poulder into a siue they scatter and disperce it in the winde till all be blowne away and consumed The Tauri a people of Scythia when their King is dead bury with his body such of his friends as hee loued best in his life time and on the other side the King when any of his friends die cutteth off part of the lap of his eare either more or lesse as his deceased friend was of deserts The Sindi when they bury any one looke how many enemies hee slew in his life time iust so many fishes doe they cast into his sepulcher with him The Colchi bury not their dead bodies in the ground but hang them
many languages into Portugale to King Emanuell and that his Embassage might carry more credit and authority she sent with him a noble yong man called Abesynus which two I haue often met in our Court and haue had familiar conference with them This Mathew came by diuers iournies to Goa vnto Alphonsus Albuquercus viceroy there of whome hee being receiued very curteously and dispached thence liberally rewarded he arriued in our nauy at Vlispone in the yeare of Christ 1513. who shewing to the King the cause of his Ambassage presented him with a crosse finely wrought made of that tree whereof our Sauiour Christ was Crucified which crosse I haue oftentimes seene and worshipped while my brother Fructus a Goes was the Kings chamberlaine and had it in his custody the Queenes letters which hee brought vnto King Emanuell purported thus much A letter of Helena the grand-mother of Dauid Precious Iohn Emperor of Aethiopia written vnto Emanuell King of Portugall in the yeare of our Lord. 1509. IN the name of God the Father the Sonne and Holy Ghost one God in three presons the health grace and benediction of our Lord and Redeemer Iesus Christ Sonne of the blessed Virgin Mary borne in Bethlem bee vpon our deere brother the most Christian King Emanuell gouernor of the sea and conqueror of the Barbarous and incredulous Moores Our Lord God prosper thee and giue thee victory ouer all thine enimies and that your Kingdomes and dominions by the deuout prayers of the Messengers of our Sauiour Christ to witte the foure Euangelists S. Iohn Luke Marke and Mathew whose sanctity and prayers be euer thy defence may extend and stretch them-selues wide and broad These are to certyfie you most deere brother that there came vnto vs from your great and famous Court two Messengers whereof one was called Iohn who affirmed him-selfe to be a Preest and the other Iohn Gomez and desired of vs souldiors and prouision for the warres wherefore wee haue sent vnto you our Embassador Mathew the Brother of our seruice with the lycence of Marke the Patriarch who giueth vs his benediction sending vs Preests from Ierusalem hee is our father and father of all our dominions the piller of the faith of Christ and of the Holy Trynitie hee at our request sent vnto your great Captaine and leader of those Souldiers which make warres in India for the faith of our Sauiour Iesus Christ to signifie vnto him that wee were ready and willing to send vnto him Souldiers and prouision for the warres if neede required and because wee haue heard it reported that the Prince of Caire hath sent forth a great Nauy against your Forces to be reuenged as we be well assured of the losses and dammages which hee hath often receiued of the Captaines of your Armie which you haue in India whom God of his great goodnesse vouchsafe to assist and so to prosper their proceedings euery day more and more that all those vnbeleeuers may once become subiect to your gouernment We therefore to withstand their assaults will forthwith send an Armie which shall stay at the sea of Mecha that is to say at Babel mendell or if you thinke it more fitting at the hauen of Inda or Thor that so you may destroy and roote out all those Moores and miscreant vnbeleeuers from the face of the earth so as the gifts and obiations which be brought and offered at the holy Sepulcher be no more deuoured of dogges for now is come that time promised which as is said Christ and his mother Mary foretold to wit that in the latter daies a King should arise from out some Christian Region that should abolish and bring to nought the vniuersall stocke of the Barbarians and Moores And now certainely is that time come which Christ promised to his blessed Mother Moreouer what euer our Embassador Mathew shall say vnto you accept it and giue credit vnto it as that which proceedeth from our owne person for he is one of the chiefest of our Court and therefore haue wee sent him vnto you Wee would haue committed these things vnto your Messengers which you sent hither but that wee were afraide lest our businesses might bee taken otherwise then wee intended We haue sent vnto you by this Mathew our Embassador a Crosse made vndoubtedly of a peece of that Tree whereupon our Sauiour Christ was crucified at Ierusalem Which peece of sacred wood was brought to vs from Ierusalem and thereof wee made two Crosses whereof one remaineth with vs the other we haue deliuered to our Embassador to be presenred to you the wood is of a blacke colour and hangeth at a little siluer ring Furthermore if it shall seeme good vnto you either to giue your daughters in marriage to our sonnes or that we shall giue oue our sonnes to your daughters it shall be very acceptable vnto me and profitable to vs both and the beginning of a brotherly league betwixt vs which coniunction of matrimony we shall euer desire to enter into with you as well hereafter as for the present time And thus wee end with our praier vnto God that the saluation and grace of our redeemer Iesus Christ and of our blessed Lady the Virgin Mary may extend and remaine both vpon you your sonnes and your daughters and all your family Amen Moreouer these are to certifie you that if wee would make warres and ioyne our Armies together wee should by Gods helpe be strong inough vtterly to destroy and root out all the enemies of the faith of Christ But our kingdomes and dominions are so scituated in the middle of the land as by no meanes wee can haue passage into the sea In the sea therefore wee haue no power wherein praise be giuen to God you bee the strongest of all Princes Iesus Christ bee your guide for your affaires which you haue done and atchieued heere in India seeme rather to bee done by miracle then by man but if you would furnish a Nauy of a thousand shippes we will giue you prouision and aboundantly minister vnto you all things necessary for such a Nauy This letter with some other Articles of the Faith religion manners and state of the Ethiopians which Mathew expressed before King Emanuell and his Councell I haue by the intreaty of Iohn Magnus Gothus Archbishop of Vpsalia in the kingdome of Suetia with whom I had extraordinary familiarity and frindship in Prussia translated out of the Portingall language wherein I found it written into Lattine which letter together with the said articles were afterwards imprinted at Antwerp without my priuity These things vnderstood from the Aethiopian Embassadors King Emanuell as he was exceeding wise and most desirous to encrease the Christian religion instituted an Embassage sufficiently furnished with very graue and reuerend men the chiefest whereof were Edward Galuanus a man well stricken in yeares and of great wisedome and experience And Francis Aluarez a Priest and of very renowned authority with the King who was also old
my Lord King and Father that when the report of my name was brought vnto you by Mathew our Embassador you assembled a great number of your Archbishops Bishops and Prelates to giue thankes vnto Christ our God for that Embassage and that the same Mathew was receiued very honorably and ioyfully which thing did exceedingly reioice mee and for which I in like manner and all my people with me praised God with great deuotion But it grieued mee when I vnderstood that Mathew was dead in the Monastery of Bisain in his returne home when hee should haue entred into the limits of our Countrie yet I my selfe sent him not because I was then a childe of eleuen yeares of age and had scarce taken vpon me the gouernment of my kingdome after the death of my father but Helena the Queene whom I did reuerence as my mother and who gouerned the kingdome for me she sent him That Mathew was a Marchant and his right name was Abraham but he called himselfe by another name that he might trauell more securely through the Moores yet notwithstanding he being knowne to be a Christian by the Moores in Dabull was there cast into prison which when hee had signified vnto the Praefect of your Armie the same praefect sent diuers valiant men to deliuer this Christian out of that vile prison which he did more willingly vnderstanding that he was my Embassador and when he had deliuered him from the hands of his enemies hee committed him to your ships to be brought vnto your presence That Mathew declared his message in my name vnto your King and writ vnto me that hee was honourably receiued and aboundantly rewarded with gifts of all sorts which is likewise affirmed by your messengers which Didacus Lupez de Sequeira chiefe Gouernour of your Fleete sent vnto vs who presented those letters vnto vs which Edward Galuanus that died in the Isle of Cameran should haue brought Vpon view of which letters I greatly reioyced and praised God conceiuing great pleasure when I beheld the breasts of your Messengers marked with Crosses and proued by enquiring of them that they obserued the Ceremonies of the Christian Religion which be most infallible true and I was exceedingly stirred vp with a singular deuotion when I vnderstood that they founde their way into Ethiopia by miracle for they told vs that the Captaine of the ship wandring long by the Arabicke sea and therefore dispairing to finde our hauen determined to leaue this busines vndispatched and to returne into India the rather for the cruell tempests wherewith they were tossed vpon the sea but in the same morning betimes that hee entended to retire a red Crosse appeared vnto him in heauen which when he had worshipped hee commanded the Mariners to turne the foredeckes of their shippes that way as the Crosse stood and so by Gods appointment was our hauen discouered and found out which thing I held to be miraculous And surely the Gouernor of that Nauy is beloued of God seeing he obteined so great felicity as no man before him had obtained of God This mutuall Embassage was formerly spoken of by the Prophet in the booke of the life and passion of S. Victor and in the bookes of the holy Fathers that a great Christian King should make peace with the King of Ethiopia yet did I not thinke that this would haue come to passe in my dayes but God knew the certainty that his name might bee extolled who directed the Messenger vnto me that I might send the like vnto you againe my Father and friend in Christ that wee may remaine in our Faith seeing I neuer had any Messenger nor certaine knowledge from any other Christian King Hitherto the Moores haue beene about mee the sonnes of Mahomet and Gentiles some of them bee slaues which know not God some others worship the fire and blockes some others adore the Sunne and some suppose Serpents to bee Gods With these I neuer had peace because they refuse to come vnto the truth and to these I preach the faith in vaine But now I am at quiet and God hath giuen mee rest with all mine enemies and yours for when I march in Armes against them in the boundes of my Countrie they turne their faces and flye from vs and our Captaines and Souldiers haue the conquest of them and their Campes neither is God angrie with me as the Psalmist saith and God fulfilleth the desires of those Kings which require iust things yet this belongeth not to our praise but the praises are to bee giuen vnto God for hee it is that hath giuen the world vnto you and hath granted vnto you the lands of the Gentiles for euer and the landes of other people from the limits of your owne Countrie euen to the entrance into Ethiopia Wherefore I giue incessant thankes vnto God and declare his great and incomprehensible power and maiesty conceiuing great hope that the sonnes of those people which come vnder your dominion shall vndoubtedly bee partakers of the truth of religion and therefore I praise God and hope that your sonnes and my selfe and you also shall exceedingly reioyce for the good successe of these things And you ought continually to pray vnto God vntill hee giue you his grace to obtaine the holy Temple in Ierusalem which is now in the power of the enemies of Christ the Moores Gentiles and Heretickes which if you bring to passe your estimation and renown shall be replenished with all praise But three of those Embassadors which came vnto mee with the said Mathew and the great Praefect of your Nauie came downe to Macua to commune with the King of Bernagaes who is subiect to our gouernment and forthwith sent Embassadors vnto me and great gifts which were most deere and acceptable vnto me but yet your fame and renowne was more deere and precious vnto me then all iewels and treasures whatsoeuer But let vs omit these things and conferre amongst our selues how wee may inuade and take the infidels Countries for which purpose I shal willingly giue one hundred thousand thousand drachmaes of gold as many fighting men timber yron and copper likewise for to build and furnish a Nauie besides great store of furniture and prouision for warres and wee will accord and agree friendly together and for because it is not my custome nor fitting for my dignitie to send embassadors to require peace and seeeing you your selfe haue formerly required it with great sincerity to confirme the sayings of our Sauiour Christ for it is written Blessed bee the Teet which bring peace therefore I my selfe am most ready to embrace it after the manner of the Apostles which were of one consent and of one heart O King and my Father Emanuell God who is only one the God of heauen and alwaies of one substance neuer waxing yonger or older preserue and keepe thee in safety He which brought the message from you vnto vs was called Rhodericus Lima hee was the head and chiefest
much as in me lyeth I may defend and protect my country-folkes against the bitter taunts and reprehensions of many who setting aside all reuerence will not stick to defame reuile that most potent Prince precious Iohn and vs his subiects with slanders and reproches calling vs Iewes and Mahometans because we obserue Circumcision and keepe holy the Sabbath day like vnto the Iewes and also for that like the Mahometans wee fast vntill the Sunne going downe which they alledge is vnfit for a Christian man to do and this they obiect against vs most bitterly that we allow and hold it as lawfull for Priests to marry as for lay people this also they omit not to speake against vs and that most nippingly for that we as it were distrusting in our first Baptisme be re-baptized once euery yeare that women be circumcised as well as men which custome was neuer vsed amongst the Iewes Furthermore because we hold that a difference of meats is most religiously to be obserued and last of all because we call those children halfe Christians which before Baptisme be wont to be called Pagans to which slanders and misreports I am inforced to say thus much that I may purge our people from such reproches and calumnies that I may make the Doctors of the holy Romane church more affable vnto vs by whom how holily I know not I haue bin forbidden to receiue the body of our Lord euer since I came into Portugall which is the space of 7. yeares and that which I speake with griefe and teares I am reputed amongst the Christian brethren as an Ethnicke and one accursed which he that quickeneth and refresheth all things may see and discerne to whose Iudgement I commit all these matters And I am not sent from my most mightie Lord the Emperour of Aethiopia vnto the Bishop of Rome and vnto Iohn the most renowned king of Portugall to mooue disputations and contentions But to begin friendship and felowship and not either to increase or diminish humane traditions but that I should inquire and diligently vnderstand touching the Heresies of Arrius Prince of Heretickes whether the Christians of Europe would meete with vs to ouerthrow the opinions of this man for the destroying of whose errors there was a Councell assembled together at Nicea vnder Pope Iulius consisting of three hundred and eighteene Bishops and withall that I might know whether that be obserued among the Christians of Europe which the Apostles teach in their bookes of Synods that is That a Councell should be celebrated in the church of Christ twise euery yeare to dispute of matters of faith the first of which Councels by the Apostles desire should be assembled at the feast of Penticost the other the tenth of October as also to vnderstand how we did agree together touching the errors of Macedonius for which cause there was a Councel of an hundred and fifty bishops assembled together at Constantinople vnder Pope Damasus and likewise of the errors of Nestorius for whome there was a Councell of two hundred Bishops assembled together in Ephesus vnder Pope Celestine Lastly that I might also know of the fourth Chalcedonian councel wherein for the errors of Eutiches were assembled 632. bishops at which time S. Leo was bishop of Rome from which Councell after many disputations and nothing concluded for the peace of the church the matter beeing left as it was they all departed home euery one remaining in his owne opinion The bookes of which Councels and of others which were celebrated afterwards our most mightie Lord the Emperour of Aethiopia hath in his keeping and of this cockle which the enemy of truth the diuel hath sowne amongst Christians my Lord is much grieued and all his subiects which beleeue in Christ Our countri-men euen from the beginning of the primitiue Church haue acknowledged the bishop of Rome to be the chiefe Bishop whome at this day wee obey as the Vicar of Christ In whose court we would often bee but that the iourney is ouer long and many kingdomes of the Mahometanes betwixt vs that may hinder our passage so as though you should enter into all those great dangers yet you can effect nothing although that most wise and inuincible King Emanuel of happie memorie who was the first that by his nauigations not without Gods celestiall assistance made passage into East India gaue great hope that it might afterwards be done more commodiously for he hauing ouercome the Ocean with his nauie brought the red sea into his subiection being no whit deterred with the greatnesse of the coast so as hee might increase the faith of Christ and as it were make a way open to make vse of our friendship And seeing that is now done and that each nation may receiue ayde from the other wee hope that in short time by the Portugals forces and our owne all the Mahometans and other vnbeleeuing Ethnickes shall be driuen and expelled from the whole Erithraean sea and from all Arabia Persis and India In like manner we trust by the power of Iesus Christ that it will come to passe that peace beeing established amongst all the Christians of Europe the enemies of the crosse shall bee expelled also from the mediterranean places Pontus and other Prouinces that according to the words of Christ There may be vpon earth one lawe one fold and one shepheard Of which thing we haue two Oracles or predictions one out of the Prophecy of S. Ficator the other of S. Synoda the Eremit who was borne in the vttermost rock of Egypt neither of which two differeth from other And since the time that my most mighty Lord receiued the ambassadors of the most famous king Emanuel the truth of these oracles doth seeme to hasten to an end for truly our Prince thinks of nothing more than of that meditating also both by his councell forces how he may root out all Mahometans from the face of the earth For these causes and for others which I haue layd open before the most famous King Iohn the sonne of Emanuel was I sent hither by my most mightie Lord as an Ambassadour and not for friuolous and vaine disputations And I pray with an vnfained heart that the great and mighty God may bring the decrees and indeauours of our Prince for which I was sent to a happie end and to his glorie Amen Hauing gone thus far I will now briefly expound somthing by the way of the state of our Patriarke and Emperour And first you must vnderstand that by a sollemne custome our Patriarke is created by the voyces of our Monkes of Hierusalem which remaine there about the sepulcher of our Lord his election creation is in this maner The Patriarke being dead our Emperour Prester Iohn ●endeth foorthwith a speedie messenger vnto Hierusalem vnto the Monkes there as is sayd who receiuing the message and the gifts which our Lord the Emperour sendeth vnto the holy Sepulcher they presenrly and with all possible expedition