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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17583 Perth assembly Containing 1 The proceedings thereof. 2 The proofe of the nullitie thereof. 2 [sic] Reasons presented thereto against the receiving the fiue new articles imposed. 4 The oppositenesse of it to the proceedings and oath of the whole state of the land. An. 1581. 5 Proofes of the unlawfulnesse of the said fiue articles, viz. 1. Kneeling in the act of receiving the Lords Supper. 2. Holy daies. 3. Bishopping. 4. Private baptisme. 5. Private Communion. Calderwood, David, 1575-1650. 1619 (1619) STC 4360; ESTC S107472 90,652 110

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prayer to blesse our body and soule The body of our Lord Iesus Christ which was given for thee preserue thy body and soule unto everlasting life The Papist in this poynt goeth neerer to the institution for hee giveth not the Eucharist except the host be first consecrated at some Masse with these words This is my body This prayer inserted betwixt the thanksgiving and the distribution and repeated to every communicant is idle battalogie The use of the prayer and thanksgiving for the use of the elements indureth all the time of the action Christs words in the institution containe partly a command partly a promise partly institution Christs promise is contained in their definitiue words This is my body that is given for you This is my bloud which is shed for the remission of the sins of many When the forme of the words is altered the promise is obscured It is not enough to rehearse the words of the institution in the prayer immediatly preceding the action but in the action every rite and ceremony should haue the words of the institution concurring Let the word be ioyned with the element and so it shall be a sacrament saith Augustine The sixt breach of the institution made by kneeling is the taking away of the distribution that ought to be amongst the communicants When Christ said Take yee eate yee he insinuates that they should take and divide amongst themselues The word Edoke● he gaue doth not import that he gaue immediatly The Disciples in setting the bread before the fiue thousand Mark 6.41 gaue the bread to the fiue thousand Math. 14.19 the fiue thousand distributed among themselues Cajetanus uppon Math. 26. acknowledgeth that the Disciples were in so great distance from Christ that their hands could not meet with his hands Beza sayth that howbeit Christ had sitten in the midst as Painters make him to sit yet in respect of the manner of their sitting it behoved either Christ to rise and come to them that were farre distant or them to come to him if he had given the elements to every one in their own hands Tossaus sayth that Christ gaue to the two neerest and they reached to them who were further off In the first booke of Discipline penned Anno. 1560. it is ordained that the Minister breake the bread and distribute the same to those that be next him commanding the rest every one with reverence and sobriety to break with other because it is neerest to Christs action Further we haue a plain precept Luk. 22.17 Divide it amongst you speaking of the communion Cup and not of the Paschall The Evangelists make mention of foure things belonging to the communion cup. 1. Thankesgiving 2. Distribution 3. Assertion that it is his blood 4. A protestation that he will not drink of the Vine untill the kingdom of God shall come the assertion that it is his blood is set down afterward by Luk. v. 20. the other 3 are set down in this 17. vers It is therfore the same cup. Next if it had not been the cōmunion cup and consequently the last the communion cup behoued to haue come after but that cannot agree with the protestation for how could Christ protest of the Paschal cup that he would drink no more of the fruit of the wine If he drank after it of the Euangelicall cup. The paschal canon interdyted to eat or drinke after the cup of thanksgiuing or praise the cup of praise in the end of the paschall Supper was changed as I haue said into the Eucharistical cup was all one with it and the protestation of not drinking more agreeth with the Canon made of the last Paschal cup all one with the Evangelical This cup was caried about from hand to hand and diuided amongst them by them selues The two Evangelists doe not so much as mention the cup of the Passeouer and yet make mention of this protestation of not drinking more of the fruite of the Vine The verses immediatly proceeding the protestation make mention only of the cup of the Lords Supper Math. 26.28 Mark 14.24 Fulk saith the demonstratiue pronomen this Math. 26.29 declareth that be spake of the ●ine in his hand that is of the communion cup. If there was two cups then either the words of the protestation were repeated or set downe by Mathew and Mark out of the owne place and wrongfully applyed but none of these two is to be admitted Thirdly Luke omitteth the mention of thanksgiving and the commandement to drink of this cup verse 20. howbeit both be expresly set downe by other Evangelists and the analogy with the actiones concerning the bread requireth the same Whairfore rhen did he omit them even because speaking before of the same cup verse 17. he had made mention of these two points he eschueth to repeat them as already mentioned And wherefore made he mention of the cup verse 17. even that the protestation of not drinking more verse 17 mig●t be ioyned with the protestation of not eating more verse 16. he maketh mention of the assertion of his blood verse 20. because it was not yet spoken of The other 3. points are omitted as alreadie spoken of verse 17. this inversion of order and making mention of the cup of the communion before the order of Institution was observed long since be Augustine and Euthymius and is acknowledged not only by our own diuines but also by Barradius Ians●nius and other learned papistes Theobaldus Meushius obserueth a constant continuall inuersion of the order in this chapter of Luke Operae pretium est in his advertere hysteron proteron Lucae contrarium Augustine sayth anti●ipavit ut so●●t There is a cleare instance verse 21. after the words of the Institution it is said Behold the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me at the table Now it is cleare that Iudus went out immediatly after hee receaued the Soppe Zacharias Chrisopolitanus obserued herein a recapitulation of some things pretermitted before Quod post calicem datum traditorem commemorat pretermissa recapitulare videtur Beza in his annotationes conjectureth that the verses are transposed and that the 19. and 20. verses should be subjoyned to the 16. and that the 17. verse should be subjoyned to the 19. and 20. Bilson and Iewel against Harding and many other diuines disputing against the priuate masse exponeth the words Luk 22.17 diuide it amongst yo● of the cōmunion cup. That w ch is spoken of the cup should be meant also of the bread for as Christ said Take yee drink ye so said he Take ye eate ye Tindal in his tractate of restoring the L. Supper requireth that euery man break reach forth to his neighbour This distribution amongst the communicants was commanded no doubt to nourish loue and to be a bond of vnion amongst the communicants and agreeth best with the nature of a feast where signes and tokens of amitie are interchanged Clemens