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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A95810 Unpremeditated thoughts of the knowledge of God, whom to know, is life eternal. With some discoveries of the mysteries of creation, in the six days work, and the seventh days rest. : To which is added, a short discourse concerning those two great principles of natural philosophy, matter and motion. / Humbly offered to consideration, by one of the Philadelphia Society, who calls her self Irena. Institut de recherches européennes sur les noblesses et aristocraties. 1697 (1697) Wing U92A; ESTC R185871 42,220 173

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Love of Money is the root of all Evil now let all Christians especially such as profess to be Prophets desire that the Ax may be laid to this Root of the Tree I greatly Value the Sage Advice Counsel Blessing of such a Person I expect their Blessing should convey fome real Advantage as the Patriarchs of old did if such should deliver a Person up to Satan he may expect to feel the Effects of it but when Sentence is pronounced by such as have Word without Power upon a mistaken ground a Person against whom such a Sentence is pronounced feels not the sad Effect but it may be the contrary more of the Spirit of God then ever But if I am overtaken with a fault I hope one that is Spiritual may Restore me again in the Spirit of Meekness if a Spiritual Man who hath a Discerning desire me to Speak or Write it hath a great Authority with me if such an one say to me forbear it hath great Power however I have not Consulted any in the begining of these Writings nor had either Counsel or Assistance of any Man yet when I have written I submit them to the Judgment of such if such a one gives me a piece of Bread a Cup of Wine or of Cold Water I believe he will have a Disciples Reward and I a Disciples Blessing if such an one goes about to instruct me in Sacred Mysteries I hearken with great Attention knowing he hath a deep sight into the Wonders of God manifested in the Creatures for by the things that are made are seen his Eternal Power and Godhead Such Persons live not in this World so full of Wisdom and Beauty only to look on the outsides of things and only to reason about them why this is so and that so this Hot and that Cold only for Discourse sake no they Live in the World as Priests in a Temple and Praise God for the things that are as Hermes speaks they have an Eye opened by the Spirit of God by which they have an Intellectual Sight into the Creatures and thereby have a power given also to alter and change them and to turn their Insides Out to make the Light which was hid in the Center appear through its outward Shell the dark Vail and Shadowy Covering it hath upon it and thereby regain the Honourable Authority Man had given him at first of Subjecting the Creatures to his Rule and making them serve his Necessities tho at present Persons thus Highly Endowed with Wisdom Divine Natural if I may use that distinction at all both coming from one root are obscure and not much known in the World yet I firmly believe the time is very near when the World shall be Blest with the knowledge of their Persons and the opening the Treasures Wisdom hath furnished them with Now to the Honourable Fathers and Worthy Brothers of this Happy Society who are thus Led and Taught wherever you are through the whole World I send greeting you are all my Fathers you are all my Masters and Brothers particularly my Master T. S. I humbly desire to be received by you as a Pupil as a Servant to Wash your feet however suffer this Word of Exhortation from me at present let us all sing the Hymn of Silence within our selves till we are permitted to utter the Praise of the Great Jehovah in the Great Congregation so that our Voice may be heard through the whole earth for the whole World is our Temple our Church and we desire to joyn with every Creature things in Heaven things on Earth and under the Earth to praise the All-glorious GOD that created all things by whom and through whom are all things To whom be all Glory World without End Amen My Soul shall sing Jehovah's Praise Let that Great Name my Spirit raise That I may with the Angels joyn To sing a Hymn that is Divine That I may reach the Seraphick Quire Being quickned with the same pure Fire That makes them sing and makes them love In their Harmonious Orbs above Let such high Praise in Heaven abound May make Earth eccho to the sound That all the Creatures her below The Mighty Power of Love may know Good Will to Man so doth appear As makes him know his GOD is near To save poor Mankind'd fallen Race And bring him to his Native Place The Second Part. SOME Discoveries of the Mysteries of the Creation in the Six Days Work and the Seventh Days Rest O Eternal Father of Life and Power how sweet a Sabbath hast thou made this to me in giving my Soul Rest and Repose in thy self Blessed God of Sabaoth I find Rest in thee is sweet since thou hast made that blessed Promise good to such as are weary and heavy laden that in coming to thee they find rest to their Souls Dear and blessed JESUS thou Shepherd and Bishop of my Soul lead me in thy green Pastures by the still Waters of Quietness till thou dost make me to know where thou makest thy Flocks to rest at Noon that the hottest Affliction the most fiery Tryal may not interrupt my sweet Repose in thee Let me no more seek Rest and Satisfaction in the Creature where it is not to be had let me no more seek the Living amongst the Dead but as the World is crucified unto me let me be crucified unto the World Lord help me to dye daily to live continually in holy Resignation that when thou shalt call me to lay down this house of Clay this Earthly Tabernacle I may be enabled to say with my blessed Saviour No man takes away my Life if it is by the hand of Man or whatever other way I may freely lay down my Life and be willing to be Uncloathed that I may be Cloathed upon with my House from Heaven that being Cloathed upon I may not be found Naked but may be ready to enter into the Rest that remains for the People of God into that good Land the heavenly Canaan where sorrow and sighing shall flee away where I may sing the Song of Moses and of the Lamb who is worthy of Praise and Adoration for ever The 29th of July 1688. I may say with the holy St. John I was in the Spirit on the Sabbath Day on the Lords Day he was pleased to show me as before I had seen how Stillness and Rest is the true ground of Motion in God himself and of all true good regular Motion of the Creature so all such Motion is in order to Rest God himself after the six Days Work rested on the Seventh Day so the Lord blessed the Seventh Day And it is a blessed thing indeed when we come in any degree to this perfect Number Seven The Number of the Beast is Six hundred Sixty Six and if you add more Sixes it is but the Number of the Beast or at most but the Number of a Man it cannot be a perfect Number no it is the Number Seven is the perfect
heavy laden Soul to feel something of it in himself when we die in the Lord and rest from our Labours When we die into the Lord out of all things besides we shall know what it is to Rest and to rejoyce with Joy unspeakable and glorious To rest from our Labours and to have our Works follow us this is not a working for Life by Legal Performances it is rather a working from a Principle of Life where the Works follow and go not before the Life But there is something more than this there is a State of Rest and Joy wherein the Works of the Spirit that are wrought in us when the Lord works in us to Will and to Do follow us and are set before us to cause in us Joy and Rejoycing To look back upon our own Works which are performed from a Legal Selfish Princiciple causeth no true Joy nor Rest but rather lifting up in Pride and Self-will But in the true Work of the Spirit tho' we may go forth weeping bearing precious seed we shall return rejoycing bringing our Sheaves with us These Fruits of the Spirit Love Joy Peace follow such a Soul into the Rest and sweet Repose it attains here and also into the Rest which remains for the People of God Lord Let me know such a lasting permanent sixt Rest as may not have Evening nor Morning but may be a Day without a Cloud that I may have thy Light shining in me brighter and brighter to the perfect Day when thou wilt be my Light for ever The Wise Men whom God himself hath Enlightned are the only Wise Men and the most Happy having the inward Repose which the World cannot give nor take away Wisdom enables them to work and when their Work is come to the Seventh Day of Perfection they rest from their Labours their Work which was bulky and laborious comes to be easily portable pleasant Employment which they account rather Rest than Labour and the effects of their Works and the Work it self follows them where-ever they go and so mighty Works shew forth themselves in them as in their glorious Lord and Master who promised that the Works that he did they should do also Now these Works shew forth themselves in them more in their Patience Stillness and Rest than in all their busie Working 'T is but little Man hath to do in inward or outward Working when he hath committed himself and all his ways to the Lord. Now it is a blessed thing to feel any beginnings of this sweet Day this holy happy state of Rest within tho' it may not be brought forth thro' the whole Person But the Lord is the Rock and his Work is perfect He will perfect what concerns those that trust in him Wait patiently on the Lord O my Soul for he will give thee Rest for the Days wherein he hath afflicted thee O that the Peace of God that passeth all Vnderstanding may guard my Heart and Mind that no Storm nor Tempest may break in that I could retire into my strong Hold as a Prisoner of Hope waiting for the Redemption of my Body and not mine only but of the whole groaning Creation that the Year of Jubilee may be known to them when there shall be proclaimed Liberty for the Captives that the Creation may be brought forth into the glorious Liberty of the Sons of God O happy time when Jerusalem shall become the Praise of the whole Earth when the Lord shall set his King upon the holy Hill of Sion when our King shall be exalted by and upon a People who are as a barren Mountain nothing in themselves that so our King and our God the blessed JESUS may Reign to whom all Power in Heaven and Earth is given and of whose Dominion there is no End To whom be Glory and Honour and Blessing and Praise for ever and for ever Amen Hallelujah Great Lord of Lords and King of Kings Thou mak'st my dry and thirsty Earth to sing And in the Desart causeth a New Spring Awake my Soul and sing Jehovah's Praise Who giveth Life and from the Dead doth raise Mercy and Goodness are in all his Ways Hymns IN lowly Meekness I will dwell The Lilly of the Vale is sweet Ofttimes the loftiest Cedars fall And then alas their fall is great The Sp'rit that in the Myrtles moved Is a pure breath of holy Air Sometimes these Shrubs are visited Whilst higher Trees neglected are Come my Beloved o're Mountain top Come skipping o're the highest Hill Let thy Winds on my Garden blow Do thou with sweets my Spices fill When thou bright Sun vouchsaf'st to shine On my Beloved Sharon Rose It hath its sweetness all from thee And with thee takes a sweet Repose It opens as the Morning fair When thou bright Sun art pleas'd to appear Then shuts up all its hidden store Till thy Sight does again draw near Thus I 'm a Garden clos'd to all A Fountain seal'd to all but thee Lest little Foxes should spoil my Vine The tender Grape planted by thee And lest the Silver-running Stream That is pure as it comes from thee Should mingle with the muddy Earth Partake of its impurity Hymns OH how shall I the praises sing Of our great God and glorious King Vnless his Spirit doth indite What I should sing what I should write His Spirit doth Secrets Reveal He opens the Mystick seventh Seal The seventh Seal the seventh Thunder Opens in me a sacred Wonder He leads me to the Centre deep Where Spirits dark their Prison keep Yet in this doleful Night does dwell A Light that Conquers Death and Hell For from the dark and hidden Ground The Light arising may be found I have seen a darksome gloomy shade Aweful and Majestick made But at Sun-rising with his light Hath been more pleasing to the sight With the sweet and lovely Green Guilded with the Sun between So have I seen a Picture fair Made by Artists Hand more rare When from darkest shades I see The Light arising to a degree Most perfect pleasing and most sweet Made from Variety so great So have I heard a pleasing sound Arising from deep Gamuts ground But Oh my spirits how they fail When I in this vast Ocean sail Now I 've a deep and hidden sense From the Centre to the Circumference Most holy Spirit keep me still I may be guided by thy will Oh how can I describe the fall My self so great a Criminal Darker than night darker than shade Or all things else that have been made More sad than Musicks deepest ground I must my Lamentation sound And from this doleful dismal Cry I would call all the standers by To see this sad and tragi●k sight Which may the hardest Spirits fright Here you may see a Lamb lye slain With the deepest sharpest pain There you see Spirits Captive led Sure they are free amongst the dead Here are Spirits led in Chains Vnder cruel torturing pains There lye dry and ghastly Bones With hearts more
thee shall be called the Son of God This answer Mary could only receive by Faith and Intellectual Light And to strengthen her Faith he further tells her With God all things are possible What our Belief commonly called the Apostles Creed saith of this Mystery is very Excellent that he was conceived by the Power of the holy Ghost in the Womb of the Virgin Mary Doubtless the Substance of the Virgins own Body was the purer for her being a Virgin and a holy Woman yet it was much purer when the holy Ghost came upon her the Spirit of the living and Eternal God the Virgin Wisdom the true Virgin Mother did not as in the Birth of the World produce the Substance purely from her self this would have been Creation but the holy Ghost did penetrate the Substance of the Virgin and did purify and rarisy it that it was a holy Thing indeed that was born of her It was a great Honour and Priviledge the Virgin Mary was made Partaker of and doubtless a good measure of the Spirit of God did abide upon her but this power of the Spirit did not rest upon her but it did abide upon that holy thing which was born of her our blessed Lord Jesus Now this miraculous Work the Conception of our Lord is the second time the Spirit of God the holy Ghost performed the Office of a Mother in such an immediate and extraordinary manner and as the Conception was wonderful so doubtless the Thing conceived was extraordinary the Body of our Lord was a very pure and in a great measure a spiritual Body and yet a true Body for no Substance is the less true but the more so for being Spiritual The World and all things in it as it came immediately from the Spirit of God in its first Creation was very good and therefore true and substantial for nothing can be Good but what is True And now I see how Truth Being and Goodness are One Words I have before heard but never understood till now After the Fall Man and the whole Creation sunk more deep into Materiality but thereby did not become a more real and substantial Being but a more shadowy one as it went farther from the Light Now Matter when it is most dark shadowy and at a distance is capable of being reduc'd to a spiritual state by the Power of God through the Merits of Christ by the Operation of his Spirit for he shall change our vile Bodies and make them like his glorious Body Wonderful changes do pass upon Matter in this lower World by Natural Productions and Alterations and also by Artificial ways As I my self have seen and handled Matter changed from putrified vile stinking to beautiful sweet and in a degree rarified and refined and I believe far greater things of this kind may be performed than I have yet seen And I know Substances freed in any degree from the clogs of Materiality may perform extraordinary things How much more might the Body of our Saviour that never was so strongly fettered perform Wonders while he was on Earth in the Body after his Resurrection and now since his Ascension especially being in all these various states united to his Divinity The Body of our blessed Saviour is now in the blessed State of Glorification and I will not dispute what he can do but I do not at all believe he will change this most glorious bright shining Body of his into Flesh Blood and Bone and give it us to eat and to drink raw whole with I know not how many Absurdities that some profest Christians dare to mention but I hope this is far from any to believe there is no need of this the Flesh profits nothing the Spirit quickens and except we do eat the Spiritual Flesh and drink the Spiritual Blood of Christ we have no part in him Not Flesh and Blood in a more gross sence than our Saviour ever had to give us but in such a sence as a spiritual Man by a spiritual Discerning may receive Lord evermore give me this Bread not only two or three times a year once a month or once a week or only in a piece of Bread so qualified and blest do I desire it but that it may be my daily Food that I may live upon it I can no more spiritually live without it a day than I can live without my daily Bread I desire continually to feed upon the hidden Manna and to drink the Wine of the Kingdom and to feel more of that blessed Promise made good in me that our blessed Jesus gave forth to those that believe on him That out of their Bellies shall flow Fountains of Living Waters I would have my spiritual Sences always exercised about spiritual Objects my Eye stedfastly fix'd on my blessed Jesus Here I must set down a Love-Desire and Breathing after Him Ah blessed Jesus Let me see thy Face Let me draw near to thy most Holy Place With Wings of Eagles let me mount on High There to behold thy Bright Divinity Tho' I am here encompassed with Clay Let me behold the Dawning of thy Day Shine forth O Lord from the Center of my Heart Let Light Divine fill me in every part O fill my Soul with thy Celestial Fire With thy pure Spirit do thou me now inspire That I may sing and bless thy Holy Name And may return to thee thy own pure Flame I will return to thee my Love my All Be always ready to obey thy Call Write in my Heart the Royal Law of Love That whilst Below I may be like those Above Whose blest Employment is to love and sing Hallelujahs to their Heavenly King Now I will joyn with this most blessed Quire With them I 'll Praise with them I will Admire O Holy Holy is the Lord for he Gives Life from Death he sets the Pris'ner free Vnbind my fetter'd Soul that it may be Above the Earth and Materiality c. Let all the People praise thee O God let all the People praise thee thy Saints shall bless thee While I have a being my Soul shall magnify thy Name thou hast done for me great things and that my Soul knows right well Tho' I am nothing nor can do nothing nor know nothing but in thee and by thee I cannot praise thee without thee thou art my Life thou hast begotten me again to a lively hope and through the Riches and free Grace of my God to a poor sinful Creature a worthless Worm to me is this Grace given to become the Child of God and to know this third and last Work of the Spirit of God in performing the Office of a Mother in making me partaker of the New Birth and to know what it is to be born again not of Water nor of Blood but of the Spirit of the living and true God Words are empty things and perish in their own sound but it is a blessed thing to be enabled with the holy Apostles to say What we