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A10675 The Bible and Holy Scriptures conteyned in the Olde and Newe Testament. Translated according to the Ebrue and Greke, and conferred with the best translations in diuers languges. VVith moste profitable annotations vpon all the hard places, and other things of great importance as may appeare in the epistle to the reader; Bible. English. Geneva. Whittingham, William, d. 1579.; Gilby, Anthony, ca. 1510-1585.; Sampson, Thomas, 1517?-1589. 1561 (1561) STC 2095; ESTC S121352 3,423,415 1,153

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reuerence thou him 12 And the daughter of Tyrus with the riche of the people shal do homage before thy face with presents 13 The Kings daughter is all glorious within her clothing is of broydered golde 14 She shal be broght vnto the King in raiment of nedle worke the virgins that fol low after her and her companions shal be broght vnto thee 15 Withioye and gladnes shal thei be broght and shal enter into the Kings palace 16 In steade of thy fathers shal thy children be thou shalt make then princes through all the earth 17 I wil make thy Name to be remembred through all generations therefore shal the people giue thankes vnto thee worlde without end PSAL. XLVI 1 A song of trumpeth or thankes giuing for the deliuerance of Ierusalém after Sennaherib with his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 awaie or some other like sudden and maruelous 〈◊〉 by the 〈◊〉 hand of God 8 Whereby the Pro phet commending this great benefite doeth exhorte the faithful to giue them selues wholly into the hand of God douting nothing but that vnder his protection 〈◊〉 shal be safe against all the 〈◊〉 of their enemies because this is his delite to asswage the rage of the 〈◊〉 when 〈◊〉 are moste busie against the iust ¶ To him that excelleth vpon Alamoth a song committed to the sonnes of Korah 1 GOd is our hope and strength helpe in troubles readie to be found 2 Therefore wil not we feare thogh the earth be moued and thogh the mountaines fall into the middes of the sea 3 Thogh the waters thereof rage and be troubled the mountaines shake at the surges of the same Sélah 4 Yet there is a Riuer whose streames shal make glad the Gitie of God euen the San ctuarie of the Tabernacles of the moste High 5 God is in the middes of it therefore shal it not be moued God shal helpe it verie early 6 When the nations raged the kingdomes were moued God thundred the earth melted 7 The Lord of hostes is with vs the God of Iaakób is our refuge Sélah 8 Come beholde the workes of the Lord k what desolations he hathe made in the earth 6 He maketh warres to cease vnto the ends of the worlde he breaketh the bowe and cutteth the speare and burneth the chariots with fyre 10 Be stil and knowe that I am God I wil be exalted among the heathen I wil be exalted in the earth 11 The Lord of hostes is with vs the God of 〈◊〉 our refuge Sélah PSAL. XLVIII 2 The prophet exhorteth all people to the worship of the true and euerliuing God cūmeading the mercie of God toward the posteritie of Iaakób 9 And after prophecieth of the kingdome of christ in this time of the Gospel ¶ To him that excelleth A Psalme committed to the sonnes of Kórah 1 〈◊〉 people clap your hands sing loude vnto God with a ioyful voice 2 For the Lord is high terrible a great King ouer all the earth 3 He hathe subdued the people vnder vs and the nations vnder our fete 4 He hathe chosen our inheritance for vs euen the glorie of Iaakób whome he loued Sélah 5 God is gone vp with triumph euen the Lord with the sounde of the trumpet 6 Sing praises to God sing praises sing prai ses vnto our King sing praises 7 For Godis the King of all the earth sing praises euerie one that hathe e vnderstāding 8 God reigne th ouer the heathē God sitteth vpon his holie throne 9 The princes of the people are gathered vnto the people of the God of Abraham for the shields of the worldes belong to God he f is greatly to be exalted PSAL. XLVIII 1 A notable deliuerance of Ierusalem from the hand of ma nie Kings is ment ioned for the which thankes are 〈◊〉 to God and the state of that citie is praised that hathe God so presently at all times readie to defend the. The 〈◊〉 semeth to be made in the time of Aház Ioshaphát Asá or 〈◊〉 for in their times chiefly was 〈◊〉 citie by foren princes assalted ¶ a A song or Psalme committed to the sonnes of Kōrah 1 GReat is the Lord greatly to be praised in the b Citie of our God euen vpon his holie Mountaine 2 Mount Zion lying Northward is faire in situation it is the c ioye of the whole 〈◊〉 and the citie of the great King 3 In the palaces theere of God is knowen for a d refuge 4 For lo the Kings were e gathered went together 5 When thei sawe f it thei marueiled thei we re astonied suddenly driuen backe 6 Feare came there vpon them and sorowe as vpon a woman in trauaile 7 As with an East winde thou breakest the shippes g of Tarshish so were they destroyed 8 As we haue h heard so haue we sene in the Citie of the Lord of hostes in the Citie of our God God wilstablish it for euer Selah 9 We waite for thy louing kindenes ō God in the middes of thy Temple 10 O God according vnto thy Name so is thy praise vnto the i worldes end thy right hād is ful of righteousnes 11 Let mount Zion reioyce the daughters of Iudáh be glad because of thy iudgements 12 Compasse about Zión and go rounde about it tel the towres thereof 13 Marke wel the wall thereof be holde her towres that ye maie tel your posteritie 14 For this God is our God for euer euer he shal be our guide vnto the death PSAL. XLIX 1 The holie God calleth all men to the consideration of mans life 7 Shewing them not to be moste blessed that are moste wealthie and therefore not to be feared but contrary wise he 〈◊〉 vp our mindes to consider how all things are ruled by God prouidēce 14 Who as he iudgeth these worldelie misers to euerlasting torments 15. So doeth he 〈◊〉 his and wil rewarde them inthe day of the resurrection 2 These 1. 〈◊〉 ¶ To him that excelleth A Psalme committed to the sonnes of Kórah 1 HEare this all ye people gine eare all ye that dwel in the worlde 2 Aswel lowe as hie bothe riche and poore 3 My mouth shal speake of wisdome and the meditacion of mine heart is of knowled ge 4 I wil incline mine eare to a parable and vtter my graue matter vpon 〈◊〉 harpe 5 Wherefore shulde I feare in the euil daies when iniquitie shal compasse me about as at mine heles 6 They trust in their goods and boast thē selues in the multitude of their riches 7 Yet a man can by no meanes redeme his brother he can not giue his ran some to God 8 So precious is the redemption of their soules and the continuance for euer 9 That he may liue stil for euer not se the the
aloude vnto the rocke of our saluacion 2 Let vs come before his face with prayse let vs sing loude vnto him with psalmes 3 For the Lord is a great God and a greate King 〈◊〉 all gods 4 In whose hand are the depe places of the earth and the heights of the mountaines are his 5 To whome the sea belongeth for he made it and hys handes formed the drye land 6 Come let vs worship and fall downe and 〈◊〉 before the Lord our maker 7 For he is our God and we are the people of his pasture and the shepe of his hand to daie if ye wil heare his voice 8 Harden not your heart as in 〈◊〉 and as in the daye of Massáh in the wildernes 9 Where your fathers tempted me proued me thogh thei had sene my worke 10 Fortie yeres haue I contended with this generacion and said Thei are a people that erre in heart for thei haue not knowē my wayes 11 Wherefore I sware in my wrath saying Surely they shal not enter into my rest PSAL. XCVI 1 An exhortation bothe to the Iewes and Gētiles to praise God for his mercie And this specially ought to be referred to the kingdome of Christ. 1 SIng vnto the Lord a newe song sing vnto the Lord all the earth 2 〈◊〉 vnto the Lord and praise his Name declare his saluacion from daie to daie 3 Declare his glorie among all nations his wonders among all people 4 For the Lord is great and muche to be praised he is to be feared aboue all gods 5 For all the gods of the people are idols but the Lord made the heauen 6 Strength and glorye are before hym power and beautie are in his Sanctuarie 7 Giue vnto the Lord ye families of the people giue vnto the Lord glorie and power 8 Giue vnto the Lord the glorie of his name bring an offring and entre into his courtes 9 Worship the Lord in the glorious Sāctuarie tremble before him all the earth 10 Saie among the nations The Lord reigneth surely the worlde shal be stable and not moue and he shal iudge the people in righteousnes 11 Let the heauens reioyce and let the earth be glad let the sea roare and all that therein is 12 Let the field be ioyful and all that is in it let all the trees of the wood then reioyce 13 Before the Lorde for he commeth for he commeth to iudge the earth he wil iudge the worlde with right cousnes the people in his trueth PSAL. XCVII 1 The Prophet exhorteth all to reioyce for the comming of the kingdome of Christ. 7 Dreadful to the rebels and idolaters 8 And ioyful to the iust whome he exhorteth to innocencie 12 To reioycing and thankesgiuing 1 THe Lord reigneth let the earth reioy ce let the multitude of theyles be glad 2 Cloudes and darkenes are round about him righteousnes and iudgemēt are the fundation of his throne 3 There shall go a fyer before him burne vp his enemies round about 4 His lightnings gaue light vnto the world the earth sawe it and was afraid 5 The mountaines melted like waxe at the presence of the Lord at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth 6 The heauens declare his righteousnes all the people se his glorie 7 Confounded be all thei that serue grauē images and that glorie in idoles worship him allye gods 8 Zión heard of it and was glad and the daughters of Iudáh reioyced because of thy iudgements ô Lord. 9 For thou Lord arte moste high aboue all the earth thou art muche exalted aboue all gods 10 Ye that loue the Lord hate euil he preserueth the soules of his Saints he will deliuer them from the hand of the wicked 11 Light is sowen for the righteous ioye for the vpright in heart 12 Reioyce ye righteous in the Lord giue thankes for his holie remembrance PSAL. XCVIII 1 An earnest exhortation to all creatures to praise the Lord for his power mercie and fidelitie in his promes by Christ 10 By whome he hathe communicated his saluaciō to all nations ¶ A Psalme 1 SIng vnto the Lord a new song for he hath done maruelous things * his right hand and his holie arme haue gottē him the victorie 2 The Lord declared his saluatiō his righteousnes hathe he reueiled in the sight of the nations 3 He hathe remembred his mercie and hys trueth towarde the house of Israél all the ends of the earth haue sene the saluation of our God 4 All the earth singye loude vnto the Lord crye out and reioyce and sing praises 5 Sing praise to the Lord vpon the harpe euen vpō the harpe with a singing voice 6 With shalmes and sounde of trumpets sing loude before the Lord the King 7 Let the sea roare all that the rein is the worlde and thei that dwell therein 8 Let the floods clap their hands let the mountaines reioyce together 9 Before the Lord for he is come to iudge the earth with righteousnes shal he iudge the worlde and the people with equitie PSAL. XCIX 1 He commandeth the power equitie and excellēcie of the kingdome of God by Christ ouer the Iewes and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And prouoketh them to magnifie the same and to serue the Lord 6 Following the 〈◊〉 of the ancient Fathers Mosés Aarón Samuél who calling vpon God were heard 〈◊〉 their praiers 1 THe Lord reigneth let the people trēble he sitteth betwene the * Cherubims let the earth be moued 2 The Lord is greate in Zión and he is high aboue all the people 3 Thei shal praise thy greate and fearefull Name for it is holie 4 And the Kings power that loueth iudgemēt for thou hast prepared equitie thou hast execute diudgement and iustice in Iaakōb 5 Exalt the Lord our God and fall downe before his fotestole for he is holie 6 Mosés and Aarón were among his Priests and Samuél among suche as call vpon his Name these called vpon the Lord and he heard them 7 He spake vnto them in the cloudie piller thei kept his testimonies and the Lawe that he gaue them 8 Thou heardest them ô Lord our God thou wast a fauourable God vnto them thogh thou didest take vengeance for theyr inuentions 9 Exalt the Lord our GOD and fall downe before his holie Mountaine for the Lord our God is holie PSAL. C. 1 He exhorteth all to serue the Lord. 3 who hathe chosen vs and preserued vs. 4 And to entre into his assemblies to praise his Name ¶ A Psalme of praise 1 SIng ye loude vnto the Lord all the earth 2 Serue the Lord with gladnes come before him with ioyfulnes 3 Knowe ye that euen the Lord is GOD he hathe made vs and not we our selues we are his
glorious maiestie and thy wonderful workes 6 and they shal speake of the power of thy feareful Actes and I wil declare thy greatnes 7 They shal breake out into the mention of thy great goodnes and shal sing aloude of thy righteousnes 8 * The Lord is gratious and merciful slowe to angre and of great mercie 9 The Lord is good to all and his mercies are ouer all his workes 10 All thy workes praise thee ô Lord and thy Saints blesse thee 11 They shewe the glorie of thy kingdome and speake of thy power 12 To cause his power to be knowen to the sonnes of men and the glourious renome of his kingdome 13 Thy * kindome is an euerlasting kingdome and thy dominion endureth throughout all ages 14 The Lord vpholdeth all that fall and lifteth vp all that are readie to fall 15 The eyes of all waite vpon thee and thou giuest them their meat in due season 16 Thou opene st thine hand fillest all things liuing of thy good pleasure 17 The Lord is righteous in all his waies and holie in all his workes 18 The Lord is nere vnto all that call vpon him yea to al that call vpon him in trueth 19 He wil fulfil the desire of them that feare him he also wil heare their crye and wil saue them 20 The Lord preserueth all them that loue him but he wil destroye all the wicked 21 My mouth shal speake the praise of the Lord and all flesh shal blesse his holie Name for euer and euer PSAL. CXLVI 1 Dauid declareth his great zeale that he hathe to praise God 3 And teacheth not to trust in man but onely in God almightie 7 VVhich deliuereth the afflicted 9 Defendeth the strangers comforteth the fatherles and the windowes 10 And reigneth for euer ¶ Praise ye the Lord. 1 PRaise thou the Lord ô my soule 2 I wil praise the Lord during my life as long as I haue anie being I wil sing vnto my God 3 Put not your trust in princes nor in the sonne of mā for there is none helpe in him 4 His breath departeth and he returneth to his earth then his thoghts perish 5 Blessed is he that hathe the God of Iaakób for his helpe whose hope is in the Lord his God 6 Which made heauen and earth the sea and al that therein is which kepeth his fidelitie foreuer 7 Which executeth iustice for the oppressed which giueth bread to the hungrie the Lord looseth the prisoners 8 The Lord giueth sight to the blinde the Lord raise thvp the croked the Lord loueth the righteous 9 The Lord kepeth the strangers he relieueth the fatherles and widowe but he ouer thro weth the way of the wicked 10 The Lord shal reigne for euer ô Zión thy God endureth from generacion to generacion Pray se ye the Lord. PSAL. CXLVII 1 The Prophet praiseth the bountie wisdome power iustice and prouidence of God vpon all his creatures 2 But specially vpon his Church which he gathereth together after their dispersion 19 Declaring his worde and iudgements so vnto them as he hathe done to none other people 1 PRaise ye the Lord for it is good to sing vnto our God for it is a pleasāt thing and praise is comelie 2 The Lord doeth buyld vp Ierusalém gather together the dispersed of Israél 3 He healeth those that are brokē in heart and bindeth vp their sores 4 He counteth the nomber of the starres and calleth them all by their names 5 Great is our Lord great is his power his wisdome is infinite 6 The 〈◊〉 releueth the meke abaseth the wicked to the grounde 7 Sing vnto the Lord with praise sing vpō the harpe vnto our God 8 Which couereth the heauē with cloudes and prepareth raine for the earthe maketh the grasse to growe vpon the mountaines 9 Which giueth to beastes their fode and to the yong rauens that crye 10 He hathe not pleasure in the strēgth of an horse nether deliteth he in the legges of man 11 But the Lord deliteth in them that feare him and attend vpon his mercie 12 〈◊〉 the Lord ô Ierusalém praise thy God ô Zión 13 For he hathe made the barres of thy gates strong hathe blessed thy childrē within thee 14 He setteth peace in thy borders satisfieth thee with the floure of wheat 15 He sendeth forthe his commandement vpon earth and his worde runneth verie swiftly 16 He giueth snow like wool scattereth the hoare frost like ashes 17 He casteth forthe his 〈◊〉 like morsels who can abide the colde thereof 18 He sendeth his worde and melteth them he causeth his 〈◊〉 to blowe and the waters flowe 19 He sheweth his worde vnto Iaakób his statutes and his iudgements vnto Israél 20 He hathe nor dealt so with euerie nacion nether haue they knowen his iudgements Praise ye the Lord. PSAL. CXLVIII 1 He prouoketh all creatures to praise the Lord in heauen and earth and all places 14 Specially his Church for the power that he hathe giuen to the same after that he had chosen them and ioyned them vnto him ¶ Praise ye the Lord. 1 PRaise ye the Lord from the heauē praise ye him in the high places 2 Praise ye him all ye his Angels praise him all his armie 3 Praise ye him sunne and moone praise ye him all bright starres 4 Praise ye hym heauens of heauens and waters that be aboue the heauens 5 Let them praise the Name of the Lord for he commanded and they were created 6 And he hathe established them for euer euer he hathe made an ordinance whiche shal not passe 7 Praise ye the Lord frō the earth ye dragons and all depths 8 Fyre and haile snowe and vapors stormie winde which execute his worde 9 Mountaines and all hilles frutefull trees and all cedres 10 〈◊〉 and all cattel creaping things feathered foules 11 Kings of the earth and all people princes and all iudges of the worlde 12 Yong men and maidens also olde men 〈◊〉 13 Let them praise the Name of the Lord for his Name onely is to be exalted and hys praise aboue the earth and the heauens 14 For he hathe exalted the horne of hys people which is a praise for al his Saintes euen for the children of Israél a people that is nere vnto him Praise ye the Lord. PSAL. CXLIX 1 An exhortation to the Church to praise the Lord for his victorie and conquest that he giueth his Saints agaynste all mans 〈◊〉 ¶ Praise ye the Lord. 1 SIng ye vnto the Lord a new song let his praise be heard in the 〈◊〉 of Saints 2 Let Israél reioyce in him that made him and let the childrē of Zión reioyce in 〈◊〉 King 3 Let them praise his Name with the flute let
brasse was about in measure as the sea 4 He 〈◊〉 care for his people that they shulde not fall fortified the citié against the siege 5 How honorable was his conuersation among the people and when he came out of the house couered with the vaile 6 He was as the morning starre in the middes of a cloude and as the moone when it is ful 7 And as the sunne shining vpon the Temple of the moste High as the rainebowe that is bright in the faire cloudes 8 And as the floure of the roses in the spring of the yere and as lilies by the springs of waters and as the branches of the frankē censetre in the time of somer 9 As a fyre and incense in the censer and as 〈◊〉 a vessel of massie golde set with all maner of precious stones 10 And as a faire oliue tre that is fruteful and as a cypressetre which groweth vp to the cloudes 11 When ' he put on the garment of honour and was clothed with all beautie he went vp to the holy altar and made the garmēt of holines honorable 12 When he toke the porcions out of the Priests hands he him self stoode by the herth of the altar compassed with his bre thren rounde about as the brāches do the cedre tre in Libanus and thei compassed him as the branches of the palme trees 13 So were all the sonnes of Aaron in their glorie the oblacions of the Lord in their hāds before all the congregaciō of Israél 14 And that he might accōplish his ministerie vpon the altar and garnish the offring of the moste High and almightie 15 He stretched out his hand to the drinke offring powred of the blood of the grape and he powred at the fote of the altar a perfume of good sauour vnto the moste high King of all 16 Then showted the sonnes of Aaron and blowed with brasen trumpets and made a great noyce to be heard for a remēbrance before the moste High 17 Then all the people together hasted and fell downe to the earth vpō their faces to worship their Lord God almightie and moste high 18 The singers also sang with their voyces so that the sounde was great and the melodie swete 19 And the people prayed vnto the Lord moste high with prayer before him that is merciful til the honour of the Lord were performed and they had accomplished his seruice 20 Then went he downe and stretched out his hands ouer the whole congregacion of the children of Israél that they shulde giue praise with their lippes vnto the Lord and reioyce in his Name 21 He begā againe to worship that the might receiue the blessing of the moste High 22 Now therefore giue praise all ye vnto God that worketh great things euerie where which hathe increased our dayes from the wombe and delte with vs according to his mercie 23 That he wolde giue vs ioyfulnes of heart peace in our dayes in Israél as in olde time 24 That he wolde confirme his mercie with vs and deliuer vs at his time 25 ¶ There be two maner of people that mine heart ab horreth and the third is no people 26 They that sit vpon the mountaine of Samaria the Philistims and the foolish people that dwell in Sicinus 27 ¶ Iesus the sonne of Sirach the sonne of Eleazarus of Ierusalém hathe writen the doctrine of vnder standing and knowledge in this boke 〈◊〉 powred out the wisdome of his heart 28 Blessed is he that exerciseth him self therein he that layeth vp these in his heart shal be wise 29 For if he do these things he shal be strong in all things for he setteth his steppes in the light of the Lord which giueth wisdome to the godlie The Lord be praised for euer more so be it so be it CHAP. LI. A prayer of Iesus the sonne of 〈◊〉 1 I Wil confesse thee ô Lord and King and praise thee ó God my Sauiour I giue thankes vnto thy Name 2 For thou art my defender and helper and hast preserued my bodie from destruction and from the snare of the sclanderouston gue and from the lippes that are occupied with lies thou hast holpen me against mine aduersaries 3 And hast deliuered me according to the multitude of thy mercie and for thy Names sake from the roaring of them that were readie to deuoure me and out of the hands of suche as soght after my life and from the manifolde affliction which I had 4 And from the fyre that choked me rounde about and from the middes of the fyrethat I burned not 5 And from the botome of the belie of hel from an vncleane tongue from lying wor des from false accusation to the King frō the sclander of an vn righteous tongue 6 My soule shal praise the lord vnto death for my soule drewe nere vnto death my life was nere to the hel beneth 7 They compassed me on euerie side there was no man to helpe me I loked for the succour of men but there was none 8 Then thoght I vpon thy mercie ô Lord vpon thine actes of olde how thou deliue rest suche as waite for thee and sauest thē out of the hands of the enemies 9 Then lift I vp my prayer from the earth and praied for deliuerance from death 10 I called vpon the Lord the father of my Lord that he wold not leauemein the daye of my trouble and in the time of the proude without helpe 11 I wil praise thy Name continually and wil sing praise with thankes giuing and my prayer was heard 12 Thou sauedst me from destruction and deliueredst me from the euil time therefore wil I giue thankes and praise thee blesse the Name of the Lord. 13 When I was yet yong or euer I wēt abroad I desired wisdome openly in my prayer 14 I praied for her before the Temple and soght after her vnto farre countreis and she was as a grape that waxeth ripe out of the floure 15 Mine heart reioyced in her my foote walked in the right way and from my youth vp soght I after her 16 I bowed some what downe mine eare and receiued her and gate me muche wisdome 17 And I profited by her therefore wil I ascribe the glorie vnto him that giueth me wis dome 18 For I am aduised to do thereafter I wil be ielous of that that is good so shal I not be confounded 19 My soule hathe wresteled with her and I haue examined my workes I lifted vp mine hands on hye and considered the ignoran ces thereof 20 I directed my soule vnto her an I founde her in purenes I haue had mine heart ioyned with her from the beginning therefo re shal I not be forsaken 21 My bowels are troubled in seking her therefore haue I gotten a good possession 22 The Lord hathe giuen me a tongue for my rewarde where with I wil praise him 23 Drawe nere vn to me ye vn lerned
childrē of Israél done so there was very great ioye 18 And he red in the boke of the Law of God euerie day from the first day vnto the last daye And thei kept the feast seuen dayes and on the eight day a solemne 〈◊〉 according vnto the maner CHAP. IX 1 The people 〈◊〉 and forsake their strange wiues 5 The Leuites exhorte them to praise God 6 Declarynge hys wonders 26 And their ingratitude 30 And Gods 〈◊〉 mercies toward them 1 IN the foure and twentieth daye of thys moneth the children of Israél were assembled with * fasting with sackecloth and earth vpon them 2 And they that were of the sede of Israél were separated from all the strangers they stode and confessed their sinnes and the iniquities of their fathers 3 And they stode vp in theyr place and red in the boke of the Law of the LORD their God foure times on the day and thei cōfessed and worshiped the Lord their GOD foure times 4 Then stode vp vpon the staires of the Leuites Ieshûa and Bani Kadmiél Shebaniah Bunni Sherebiah Bani and 〈◊〉 cryed with a lowde voyce vnto the Lord their God 5 And the Leuites said euen Ieshûa Kadmiél Bani Hashabniah Sherebiah Hodiiah Shebaniah and Pethahiah Stand vp and praise the Lord your God for euer euer let thē praise thy glorious name ô God which excelleth aboue all thankesgiuing and praise 6 Thou art Lord alone thou hast made heauen and the heauen of all heauens wyth all their hoste the earth and all things that are therein the seas all that are in thē and thou preseruest them all the hoste of the heauen worshipeth thee 7 Thou art ó Lord the God that hast chosé Abram and broghtest him out of * Vrin Caldea * and madest his Name Abraham 8 And foundest hys hearte faithfull before thee * and madest a couenant with him to giue vnto his sede the land of the Canaanites Hittites Amorites and Perizzites Iebusites and Girgashites and hast performed thy wordes because thou art iust 9 * Thou hast also cōsidered the affliction of our fathers in Egypte and heard their crye by the red Sea 10 And shewed tokens and wonders vppon Pharaoh and on all his seruants and on all the people of his lande for thou knewest that thei dealt proudely against thē therfore thou madest thee a Name as appeareth this day 11 * For thou did est breake vp the Sea before them and they went through the middes of the Sea on drye land and those that pursued thē hast thou cast into the bottoms as a stone in the mightie waters 12 And * leddest them in the daye with a piller of a cloude and in the night with a piller of fyre to giue them light in the waye that they went 13 * Thou camest downe also vpon mount Sinái and spakest vnto them from heauē and gauest them right iudgements and true lawes ordinances good cōmandements 14 And declared st vnto them thine holy Sabbath and commandedst them precepts ordinances and Lawes by the hād of Mosés thy seruant 15 * And gauest them bread from heauen for their hungre * broghtest forth water for them out of the rocke for their thirst and * promisedst thē that thei shulde goin and take possesion of the land for the which thou haddest lift vp thine hand for to giue them 16 But thei and our fathers behaued thē selues proudely and hardened their neckes so that they hearkened not vnto thy commandements 17 But refused to obey and wolde not remēber thy maruelous workes that thou hadst done for them but hardened their neckes and had in their heades to returne to their bondage by their rebellion but thou ô God of mercies gracious and full of compassion of long suffring and of great mercie yet forsokest them not 18 Moreouer when they made them a moltē calfe said This is thy God that broght thee vp out of the land of Egypt committed great blasphemies 19 Ye thou for thy greatemercies forsokest them not in the wildernes * the piller of the cloude departed not from them by day to lead them the way nether the piller of fyre by night to shewe them light and the way whereby they shulde go 20 Thus gauest also thy good Spirite to instruct them with heldest not thy MAN from their mouth and gauest them water for their thirst 21 Thou didest also fede them fourtye yeres in the wildernes they lacked nothing * their clothes waxed not old and their fete swelled not 22 And thou gauest them kingdomes people and scatteredst them into corners so they possessed * the lande of Sihōn and the lande of the Kyng of Heshbōn and the land of Og King of Bashān 23 And thou didest multiplie their children like the starres of the heauen and broghtest them into the land whereof thou hadst spoken vnto their fathers that thei shuld go and possesse it 24 So the children went in and possessed the land and thou subduedst before thē the inhabitants of the land euen the Canaanites gauest thē into their hāds with their Kings the people of the land that they might do with them what they wolde 25 And they toke their strong cities and the fat lande and possessed houses full of all goods cisternes digged out vineyardes and oliues and trees for fode in abundāce and they did eat and were filled and became fat and liued in pleasure through thy great goodnes 26 Yet they were disobedient and rebelled against thee and cast thy Law behind their backes and slewe thy Prophetes whiche protested among thē to turne them vnto thee and committed great blasphemies 27 Therefore thou deliueredst them into the hand of their enemies that vexed thē yetin the tyme of theyr affliction when they cryed vnto thee thou heardest them from the heauen and through thy greate mercies thou gauest them sauiours who saued them out of the hand of their aduersaries 28 But when they had rest they returned to do euill before thee therefore leftest thou them in the hand of their enemies so that they had the dominion ouer them yet whē they conuerted and cryed vnto thee thou heardest them from heauen deliueredst them according to thy great mercies many times 29 And protestedst amonge them that thou mightest bring thē againe vnto thy Lawe but they behaued themselues proudely hearkened not vnto thy commandemēts but sinned against thy iudgemēts * which a man shuld do and liue in them and pulled away the shuldre and were stifnecked and wolde not heare 30 Yet thou didest forbeare them many yeres and prote stedst amonge them by thy Spirit euē by the hand of thy Prophetes but they wolde not heare therfore gauest thou them into the hand of the people of the lands 31 Yet for thy great mercyes thou hast
into the lowest partes of the earth 10 They shall cast hym downe with the edge of the sworde and they shall be a portion for foxes 11 But the Kyng shall reioyce in God and al that sweare by him shal reioyce in him for the mouth of them that speake lies shall be stopped PSAL. LXIIII. 1 Dauid prayeth against the furie and false reportes of hys enemies 7 He declareth their punishemē and destructiō 10 To the comfort of the iust and the glorie of God ¶ To him that excelleth A Psalme of Dauid 1 HEare my voice o God in my prayer pre serue my life from feare of the enemie 2 Hide me from the conspiracie of the wicked and from the rage of the workers of iniquitie 3 Whyche haue whet theyr tongue lyke a sworde and shot for their arrowes bitter wordes 4 To 〈◊〉 at the vpright in secret they shote at him suddenly and feare not 5 They encourage them selues in a wicked purpose they commune together to 〈◊〉 sna res priuely and saie Who shal se them 6 They haue 〈◊〉 out iniquities and haue accomplished that whiche they soght out euen euerie one his secret thoghts and the depth of his heart 7 But God will shote an arrowe at them suddenly their strokes shal be at once 8 They shall cause their owne tongue to fall vpon them and whosoeuer shall se them shal flee awaie 9 And all men shal se it and declare the worke of God and they shal vnderstand what he hathe wroght 10 But the ryghteous shall be glad in the Lorde and trust in hym and all that are vpright of heart shal reioyce PSAL. LXV 1 A praise and thankes giuing vnto God by the faythfull who are signified by Zion 4 For the chusing 〈◊〉 and gouernance of them 9 And 〈◊〉 the plentyfull blessings powred forthe vpon all the earth but specially toward his Church ¶ To him that excelleth A Psalme or songe of Dauid 1 O God prayse waiteth for thee in Zión and vnto thee shall the vowe be performed 1 Because thou hearest the prayer vnto thee shall all flesh come 3 Wycked dedes haue preuailed agaynste me but thou wilt be mercifull vnto our trās gressions 4 〈◊〉 is he whome thou chusest and causest to come to thee he shall dwell in thy courts and we shall be satisfied with the pleasures of thine House euen of thine holie Temple 5 O God of our saluaciō thou wilt answer vs with feareful signes in thy righteousnes o thou the hope of al the ends of the earth and of them that are farre of in the sea 6 He stablisheth the moūtaines by his power and is girded about with strength 7 He appeaseth the noise of the seas and the 〈◊〉 of the waues thereof and the tumultes of the people 8 They also that dwell in the vttermost partes of the earth shal be afrayed of thy signes thou shalte make the East and the West to reioyce 9 〈◊〉 visitest the earth ād waterest it thou makest it very riche the Riuer of God is ful of water thou preparest them corne for so thou appointest it 10 Thou waterest abundantly the forrowes thereof thou causest the raine to descende into the valle is thereof thou makest it softe with showres ād blessed the bud thereof 11 Thou crownest the yere with thy goodnes and thy steps drop fatnes 12 They drop vpō the pastures of the wilder nes the hils shal be cōpassed with gladnes 13 The pastures are clad with shepe the valleis also shal be couered with corne therefore they sho wte for ioye and sing PSAL. LXVI 1 He prouoked all men to praise the Lord and to consider his workes 6 He setteth forthe the power of God to affray the rebels 10 And sheweth how God hathe deliuered Israel frome greate bondage and afflictions 13 He promiseth to giue sacrifice 16 And prouoketh all men to heare what God hathe done for hym and to prayse hys Name ¶ To him that excelleth A song or Psalme 1 REioyce in God all ye inhabitantes of the earth 2 Sing for the the glorie of his Name make his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 3 Say vnto God how terrible art thou in thy workes through the greatnes of thy power shal thine enemies be in subiectiō vnto thee 4 All the worlde shal worship thee sing vnto thee euen sing of thy Name Sélah 5 Come and beholde the workes of God he is terrible in his doing toward the sonnes of men 6 He hathe turned the Sea into drie land they passe through the riuer on fote there did we reioyce in him 7 He ruleth the world with his power his eies beholde the nations the rebeilious shal not exalt them selues Sélah 8 Praise our God ye people and make the voy ce of his praise to be heard 9 Whiche holdeth our soules in life and suffereth not our fete to slippe 10 For thou ô God hast proued vs thou haste tryed vs as siluer is tryed 11 Thou hast broght vs into the snare and laied a strait chaine vpon our loines 12 Thou hast caused men to ride ouer our heades we went into fyre and into water but thou broghtest vs out into a wealthie place 13 I will go into thine House with burnt offrings and wil paie thee my vowes 14 Whiche my lippes haue promised and my mouth hathe spoken in mine affliction 15 I will offer vnto thee the burnt offrings of fat rams with in cense I will prepare bullockes and goates Sélah 16 Come and hearken al ye that feare God and I wil tel you what he hathe done to my soule 17 I called vnto him with my mouth and he was exalted with my tongue 18 If I regarde wickednes in mine heart the Lord wil not heare me 19 But God hathe heard me and considered the voice of my prayer 20 Praised be God which hath not put backe my prayer nor his mercie from me PSAL. LXVII 1 A prayer of the Church to obteine the fauour of God to be lightened with his countenauce 2 To the end that his waye iudgemēts maye be knowen throughout the earth 7 And finally is declareth the kingdome of God which shulde be vniuersally erected at the comming of Christ. ¶ To him that excelleth on Neginóth A Psal. or song 1 GOd be merciful vnto vs blesse vs cause his face to shine among vs. Sélah 2 That they maie know thy waie vpon earth and thy sauing health among all nations 3 Let the people praise thee ô God let all the people praise thee 4 Let the people be glad reioyce for thou shalt iudge the people righteously gouer ne the nations vpon the earth Sélah 5 Let the people praise thee ô God let all the people praise thee 6 Thē shal the earth bring for the her increa se and
multitude of thy 〈◊〉 o God heare me in the trueth of thy saluacion 14 Deliuer me out of the myre that I sinke not let me be deliuered from them that hate me and out of the depe waters 15 Let not the waterflood drowne me nether let the depe swallowe me vp and let not the pit shut her mouth vpon me 16 Heare me o Lord for thy louing kindenes is good turne vnto me according to the mul titude of thy tendre mercies 17 And hide not thy face from thy seruāt for I am in trouble make hast and heare me 18 Drawe nere vnto my soule and redeme it deliuer me because of mine enemies 19 Thou hast knowen my reprofe my shame my 〈◊〉 all mine aduersaries are before thee 20 Rebuke hathe broken mine heart and I am ful of heauines and I loked for some to ha ue pitie on me but there was none and for comforters but I founde none 21 For they gaue me gall in my meat and in my thirst they gaue me vinegre to drinke 22 Let their table be a snare before them and their prosperitie their ruine 23 Let their eyes be blinded that they se not make their loynes alwaye to tremble 24 Powre out thine angre vpon them and let thy wrathful displeasure take them 25 Let their habitacion be voide let none dwell in their tentes 26 For they persecute him whome thou hast smiten and they adde vnto the soro we of thē whome thou hast wounded 27 Lay iniquitie vpon their iniquitie and let them not come into thy righteousnes 28 Let them be put out of the boke of life ne ther let them be writen with the righteous 29 When I am poore and in heauines thine helpe o God shal exalt me 30 I wil praise the Name of God with a song and magnifie him with thankesgiuing 31 This also shal please the Lord better then a yong bullocke that hathe hornes and houses 32 The humble shal se this they that seke God shal be glad and your heart shal liue 33 For the Lord heareth the poore and despiseth not his prisoners 34 Let heauen earth praise him the seas and all that moueth in them 35 For God wil saue Ziōn and buylde the cities of Iudáh that men maye dwell there and ha ue it in possession 36 The sede also of his seruants shal inherit it and they that loue his Name shal dwel therein PSAL. LXX 1 He prayeth to be ryght spedely deliuered 2 He desireth the shame of his enemies 4 And the ioyfull comfort of all those that seke the Lord. ¶ To him that excelleth A Psalme of Dauid to put in remembrance 1 O * God hast thee to deliuer me make haste to helpe me ô Lord. 2 Let them be confounded ād put to shame that seke my soule let them be turned back ward ād put to rebuke that desire mine hurt 3 Let them be turned backe for a rewarde of their shame whiche said Aha aha 4 But let all those that seke thee be ioyful ād glad in thee and let all that loue thy saluacion saie alwayes God be praised 5 Nowe I am poore and nedie ô God make haste to me thou art mine helper and my delinerer ô Lord make no tarying PSAL. LXXI 1 He prayeth in fayth established by the worde of the promes 5 And confirmed by the 〈◊〉 of God from hys youth 10 He complaineth of the crueltie of the ennemies 17 And desireth GOD to continue hys graces towarde hym 12 Promising to be mindefull and thanke full for the same 1 IN * thee ô Lorde I trust let me neuer be ashamed 2 Rescue me and deliuer me in thy righteous nes incline thine eare vnto me and 〈◊〉 me 3 Be thou my strong rocke whereunto I may alwaye resorte thou haste giuen commandement to saue me for thou art my rocke and my fortresse 4 Deliuer me ô my GOD out of the hande of the wicked out of the hand of the euill and cruel man 5 For thou art mine hope o Lord God euen my trust from my youth 6 Vppon thee haue I bene stayed frome the wombe thou art he that toke me out of my mothers bowels my prayse shal be alwayes of thee 7 I am become as it were a monstre vnto manie but thou art my sure trust 8 Let my mouth be filled with thy praise ād with thy glorie euerie day 9 Cast me not of in the time of age forsake me not when my strength faileth 10 For mine enemies speake of me and they that laie waite for my 〈◊〉 take their coun sel together 11 Saying God hath forsaken him pursue ād take him for their is none to deliuer him 12 Go not farre from me ô God my God hast thee to helpe me 13 Letthē be confoūd ed and consumed that are against my soule let thē be couered with reprofe and confusion that seke mine hurt 14 But I wil waite continually and wil prayse thee more and more 15 My mouthe shall daily rehearse thy righteousnes and thy saluacion for I knowe not the nomber 16 I will go forwarde in the strength of the Lorde God and will make mention of thy righteousnes euen of thine onely 17 O GOD thou hast taught me frome my youth euen vntil nowe therefore wil I tell of thy wonderous workes 18 Yea euen vnto mine olde age and graye head ô God forsake me not vntill I haue de clared thine arme vnto this generatiō ād thy power to all them that shal come 19 And thy ryghteousnes ô God I will exalt on high forthou hast done great things ô God who is like vnto thee 20 Whiche hast shewed me great troubles and aduersities but thou wilt returne and reuiue me and wilt come againe and take me vp 〈◊〉 the depth of the earth 21 Thou wilt increase mine honour and retur ne and comfort me 22 Therefore wil I praise thee for thy faith fulnes o God vpon instrument and viole vnto thee will sing vpon the harpe o holie one of Israél 23 My lips wil reioyce when I sing vnto thee and my soule which thou hast deliuered 24 My tongue also shal talke of thy righteousnes daily for they are confounded and broght vnto shame that seke mine hurt PSAL. LXXII 1 He prayeth for the prosperous estate of the kingdome of Salomon who was the figure of Christ. 4 Vnderwhome shal be 〈◊〉 peace and 〈◊〉 10 Vnto whome all Kings and all nations shall do 〈◊〉 17 Whos 's name and power shall indure for euer and in whome all nations shal be blessed ¶ A Psalme of Salomon 1 GIue thy iudgementes to the Kynge o God and thy righteousnes to the Kings sonne 2 Then shal he iudge thy people in righteous nes and thy poore with equitie 3 The mountaines and
hostes ye his ser uants that do his pleasure 22 Praise the Lord allye his workes in all pla ces of his dominion my soule praise thou the lord PSAL. CIIII. 1 An excellent Psalme to praise God for the creation of the worlde and the gouernance of the same by his maruelous prouidence 35 wherein the Prophet praieth against the wicked who are occasions that God diminished his blessings ¶ A Psalme of Dauid 1 MY soule praise thou the Lord ô Lord my God thou are exceding great thou art clothed with glorie and honour 2 Which couereth him self with light as with a garment and spreadeth the heauens like a curtaine 3 Which laieth the beames of his chābers in the waters and maketh the cloudes his chariot and walketh vpon the wings of the winde 4 Which maketh the spirits his messengers and a flaming fyre his ministers 5 He set the earth vpon her fundations so that it shal neuer moue 6 Thou coueredst it with the deepe as with a garment the waters wolde stand aboue the mountaines 7 But at thy rebuke thei flee at the voice of thy thunder thei haste awaie 8 And the mountaines ascend and the valleis descend to the place which thou hast established for them 9 But thou hast set thē a bonde which thei shal not passe thei shal not returne to co uer the earth 10 He sendeth the springs into the valleis which runne betwene the mountaines 11 Thei shal giue drinke to all the beastes of the field and the wilde asses shal quenche their thirst 12 By these springs shal the foules of the hea uen dwell and sing among the branches 13 He watereth the mountaines from his chambers and the earth is filled with the frute of thy workes 14 He causeth grasse to growe for the cattel and herbe for the vse of mā that he maie bring forthe bread out of the earth 15 And wine that maketh glad the heart of man and oyle to make the face to shine and bread that strengtheneth mans heart 16 The high trees are satisfied euē the cedres of Lebanón which he hathe planted 17 That the bordes maie make their nestes there the 〈◊〉 dwelleth in the firre trees 18 The high mountaines are for the goates the rockes are are fuge for the conies 19 He 〈◊〉 the moone for certeine sea soo the sunne knoweth his going downe 20 Thou makest darkenes and it is night wherein all the beastes of the forest crepe forthe 21 The lions roare after their praie and seke their meate at God 22 When the sunne riseth they retire and couche in their dennes 23 Then goeth man forthe to his worke to his labour vntil the euening 24 O Lord how manifolde are thy workes in wisdome hast thou made them all the earth is ful of thy riches 25 So is this sea great and wide for therein are things creping innumerable bothe smale beastes and great 26 There go the shippes yea that Liuiathan whome thou hast made to plaie therein 27 All these waite vpon thee that thou maiest giue them fode in due season 28 Thou giuest it to them and thei gather it thou openest thine hād and thei are filled with good things 29 But if thou hide thy face thei are troubled if thou take awaie their breath they dye and returne to their dust 30 Againe if thou send forthe thy spirit thei are created and thou renuest the face of the earth 31 Glorie be to the Lord for euer let the Lord reioyce in his workes 32 He loketh on the earth and it trembleth he toucheth the mountaines thei smoke 33 I wil sing vnto the Lord all my life I wil praise my God while I liue 34 Let my wordes be acceptable vnto him I wil reioyce in the Lord. 35 Let the sinners be consumed out of the earth and the wicked til there be nomore ômy soule praise thou the Lord. Praise ye the Lord. PSAL. CV 1 He praiseth the singular grace of God who hathe of all the people of the worde chosen a peculiar people to him self and hauing chosen them neuer ceaseth to do them good euen for his promes sake 1 PRaise the Lord and call vpon his Name declare his workes among the people 2 Sing vnto him sing praise vnto him and talke of all his wonderous workes 3 Reioyce in his holie Name let the heart of them that seke the Lord reioyce 4 Seke the Lord and his strength seke his face continually 5 Remembre his maruelous workes that he hathe done his wonders and the iudgements of his mouth 6 Ye sede of Abrahám his seruant ye children of Iaakōb which are his elect 7 He is the Lord our God his iudgemēts are through all the earth 8 He hathe alwaie remembred his couenant and promes that he made to a thousand generacions 9 Euen that which he made with Abrahā and his othe vnto Izhák 10 And since hathe confirmedit to Iaakōb for a law and to Israél for an euerlasting couenant 11 Saying Vnto thee wil I giue the land of Canáan the lot of your inheritance 12 Albeit thei were fewe in nomber yea verie fewe and strangersin the land 13 And walked about from nacion to nacion from one kingdome to another people 14 Yet suffred he no man to do them wrong but reproued Kings for their sakes saying 15 Touche not mine anointed and do my Prophetes no harme 16 Moreouer he called a famine vpon the lād and vtterly brake the staf of bread 17 But he sent a man before them Ioséph was solde for a slaue 18 Theihelde his fete in the stockes and he was laied in yrons 19 Vntil his appointed time came and the counsel of the Lord had tryed him 20 The King sent and losed him euen the Ru ler of the people deliuered him 21 He made him Lord of his house and ruler of all his substance 22 That he shulde binde his princes vnto his wil and teache his Ancients wisdome 23 Then Israél came to Egypt and Iaakob was a stranger in the land of Ham 24 And he increased his people excedingly made them stronger then their oppressers 25 He turned their heart to hate his people and to deale craftely with his seruants 26 Then sent he Mosés his seruant and Aarón whome he had chosen 27 Thei shewed among them the message of his signes and wonders in the land of Ham 28 He sent darkenes and made it darke and thei were not disobedient vnto his commission 29 * He turned their waters into blood and slewe their fish 30 * Their land broght forthe frogs euen in their Kings chambers 31 He spake and there came swarmes of flies and lice in all their quarters 32 He gaue them haile for raine and flames of fyer in their land 33 He smote their vines also and
song of the Lord in a strange land 5 If I forget thee ô Ierusalém let my right hand forget to play 6 If I do not remembre thee let my tōgue clea ue to the rofe of my mouth yea if I preferre not Ierusalém to my chiefioye 7 Remember the children of Edom ô Lord in the daye of Ierusalém which said Rase it rase it to the fundacion thereof 8 O daughter of Babél worthie to be destroied blessed shal he be that re wardeth thee as thou hast serued vs. 9 Blessed shal he be that taketh and dasheth thy children against the stones PSAL. CXXXVIII 1 Dauid with great courage praiseth the goodnes of God toward him the which is so great 2 That it is knowen to forren princes who shal praise the Lord together with him 6 And he is assured to haue like comfort of God in the time following as he hathe had hereto fore ¶ A Psalme of Dauid 1 I Wil praise thee with my whole heart euē before the gods wil I praise thee 2 I wil worship toward thine holie Temple and praise thy Name because of thy louing kindenes and for thy trueth for thou hast magnified thy Name aboue all things by thy worde 3 When I called then thou heardest me and hast increased strength in my soule 4 All the Kings of the earth shal praise thee ô Lord for they haue heard the wordes of thy mouth 5 And thei shal sing of the wayes of the Lord because the glorie of the Lord is great 6 For the Lord is high yet he beholdeth the lowely but the proud he knoweth a farreof 7 Thogh I walke in the middes of trouble yet wilt thou reuiue me thou wilt stretch forthe thine hand vpon the wrath of mine enemies and thy right hand shal saue me 8 The Lord wil performe his worke toward me ô Lord thy mercie endureth for euer forsake not the workes of thine hands PSAL. CXXXIX 1 Dauid to cleanse his heart from all hypocrisie sheweth that there is nothing so hid whiche GOD seeth not 13 which he consirmeth by the creation of man 14 〈◊〉 declaring his zeale and feare of God he protesteth to be enemie to all them that contemne God ¶ To him that excelleth A Psalme of Dauid 1 O Lord thou hast tryed me knowē me 2 Thou knowest my sitting my rising thou vnderstandest my thoght a farreof 3 Thou compassest my paths and my lying downe and art accustomed to all my waies 4 For there is not a worde in my tōgue but lo thou knowest it wholly ô Lord. 5 Thou holdest me strait behinde and before and laiest thine hand vpon me 6 Thy knowledge is to wonderful for me it is so high that I can not atteine vnto it 7 Whether shal I go from thy Spirit or whe ther shal I flee from thy presence 8 If I ascend into heauē thou art there if I lie downe in hel thou art there 9 Let me take the wings of the morning dwell in the vttermost partes of the sea 10 Yet thether shal thine hand lead me and thy right hand holde me 11 If I saie Yet the darkenes shal hide me euē the night shal be light about me 12 Yea the darkenes hideth not from thee but the night shineth as the daie the darknes light are bothe a like 13 For thou hast possessed my reines thou hast couered me in my mothers wombe 14 I wil praise thee for I am fearfully wonderously made maruelous are thy workes an my soule knoweth it wel 15 My bones are not hid from thee 〈◊〉 I was made in a secret place and facioned beneth in the earth 16 Thine eyes did se me when I was with out forme for in thy boke were all things writen which in continuance were facioned when there was none of them before 17 How dere therefore are thy thoghts vnto me ô God! how great is the summe of thē 18 If I shulde counte them they are me then the sand when I wake I am stil with thee 19 Oh that thou woldest slay ô God the wicked and bloodie men to whome I saie Departe ye from me 20 Which speake wickedly of thee and being thine enemies are lifted vp in vaine 21 Do not I hate them ô Lord that hate thee and do not I earnestly contend with those that rise vp against thee 22 I hate thē with an vnfained hatred as they were mine vtter enemies 23 Trye me ô God and knowe mine heart proue me and knowe my thoghts 24 And consider if there be anie waie of wic kednes in me and lead me in the waie for euer PSAL. CXL 1 Danid complaineth of the crueltie falsehode and iniuries of his ennemies 8 Against the which he praieth vnto the Lord and assureth him self of his helpe and succour 12 Wherefore he prouoketh the iust to praise the Lord and to assure them selues of his tuition ¶ To him that excelleth A Psalme of Dauid 1 DEliuer me ô Lord from the euil man pre serue me from the cruel man 2 Which imagine euil things in their heart and make warre continually 3 They haue sharpened their tongues like a serpent adders poyson is vnder their lippes Sélah 4 Kepe me ô Lord from the hands of the wic ked preserue me from the cruel man which purposeth to cause my steppes to slide 5 The proude haue laid a snare for me spred a net with cordes in my path waye set gren nes for me Sélah 6 Therefore I said vnto the Lord Thou art my God heare ô Lord the voyce of my pray ers 7 O Lord God the strength of my saluacion thou hast couered mine head in the daie of battel 8 Let not the wicked haue his desire ô Lord performe not his wicked thoght lest they be proude Sélah 9 As for the chief of them that compasse me about let the mischief of their ownelippes come vpon them 10 Let coles fall vpon them let him cast them into the fyre and into the depe pittes that they rise not 11 For the backebiters shal not be established vpon the earth euil shal hunt the cruel man to destruction 12 I knowe that the Lord wil auenge the afflicted and iudge the poore 13 Surely the righteous shal praise thy Name and the iust shal dwell in thy presence PSAL. CXLI 1 Dauid being grieuously persecuted vnder Saúl onely 〈◊〉 voto God to haue succour 3 Desiring 〈◊〉 to bridle his affections that he maye paciently abide til God ta ke ven geance of his enemies ¶ A Psalme of Dauid 1 OLord I call vpō thee haste thee vnto me heare my voyce when I crye vnto thee 2 Let my prayer be directed in thy sight as in cense and the lifting vp of mine hand as an euening sacrifice 3 Set a watche ô Lord before my
Thou shalt fanne them the winde shal carye them a way and the whirl winde shal scater them and thou shalt reioyce in the Lord and shalt glorie in the holy one of Israél 17 When the poore and the nedie seke wa ter and there is none their tongue faileth for thust I the Lord wil heare them I the God of Israél wil not forsake them 18 I wil open riuers in the toppes of the hilles and fountaines in the middes of the val leis I wil make the wildernes as a poole of water and the waste land as springs of water 19 I wil set in the wildernes the cedre the shit tah tre and the myrre tre and the pine tre I wil set in the wildernes the fyrre tre the elme and the boxe tree together 20 Therefore let them se and knowe and let thē consider and vnderstand together that the hād of the Lord hathe done this the holie one of Israél hathe created it 21 Stand to your cause saith the Lord bring forthe your strong reasons saith the King of laakôb 22 Let them bring them forthe let themtel vs what shal come let them shewe the former things what thei be that we maie con sider them and knowe the later end of thē ether declare vs things for to come 23 Shewe the things that are to come hereafter that we may know that you are gods yea do good or do euil that we may decla re it and beholde it together 24 Beholde ye are of no value and your making is of naught man hathe chosē an a bomination by them 25 ¶ I haue raised vp from the North and he shal come from the East sunne shal he call vpon my Name and shal come vpon princes as vpon claye and as the potter treadeth myre vnder the fote 26 Who hathe declared from the beginning that we may knowe or before time that we may say He is righteous Surely there is none that sheweth surely there is none that declareth surely there is none that heareth your wordes 27 I am the first that saith to Ziôn Beholde beholde them and I wil giue to Ierusalém one that shal bring good tidings 28 But when I behelde there was none when I enquired of them there was no counsel our and when I demanded of them thei answered not aworde 29 Beholde they are all vanitie their worke is of nothing their images are winde and confusion CHAP. XLII 1 The obedience and humilitie of Christ 6 why he was sent into the worlde 11 The vocation of the Gentiles 1 BEholde my seruant I wil stay vpon him mine elect in whome my soule deliteth I haue put my Spirit vpon him he shal bring forthe iudgement to the Gen tiles 2 He shal not crye nor lift vp nor cause his voyce to be heard in the strete 3 A bruised rede shal he not breake and the smokings flax shal he not quenche he shal bring forthe iudgement in trueth 4 He shal not faile nor be discouraged til he haue set iudgement in the earth and the yles shal wait for his law 5 Thus saith God the Lord he that created the heauens and spred them abrode he that stretched forthe the earth and the buddes thereof he that giueth breth vnto the people vpon it and spirit to them that walke therein 6 I the Lord haue called thee in righteous nes and wil holde thine hand and I wil kepe thee and giue thee for a couenant of the people and for a light of the Genti les 7 That thou maiest open the eies of the blin de and bring out prisonners from the pri son and them that sit in darkenes out of the prison house 8 I am the Lord this in my Name and my glorie wil I not giue to another nether my praise to grauen images 9 Beholde the former things are come to passe and newe things do I declare before they come forthe I tel you of them 10 Sing vnto the Lord a newe song and his praise from the end of the earth ye that go downe to the sea and all that is therein the yles and the inhabitants thereof 11 Let the wildernes and the cities there of lift vp their voice the townes that Kedár doeth inhabite let inhabitants of the roches sing let them shoute from the top of the mountaines 12 Let them giue glorie vnto the Lord and declare his praisein the ylands 13 The Lord shal go forthe as a gyant he shal stirre vp his courage like a man of warre he shal shoute and crye and shal preuaile against his enemies 14 I haue a long time holden my peace I haue bene stil and refrained my self now wil I crye like a trauailing woman I wil destroye and deuoure at once 15 I wil make waste mountaines and hilles drye vp all their herbes and I wil make the floods ylandes and I wil drye vp the pooles 16 ¶ And I wil bring the blinde by a way that they knew not and leade by paths that they haue knowen I wil make darke nes light before them and croked things streight These things wil I do vnto them and not for sake them 17 They shal be turned backe they shal be greatly ashamed that trust in graue images and say to the molten images Ye are our gods 18 ¶ Heare ye deafe and ye blinde regarde that ye may se 19 Who is blinde but my seruant or deafe as my messenger that I sent who is blinde as the perfite and blinde as the Lords ser uant 20 Seing manie things but thou kepest them not opening the eares but he heareth not 21 The Lord is willing for his righteousnes sake that he may magnifie the Law and exalt it 22 But this people is robbed and spoiled shal be all snared in dongeons and they shal be hid in prison houses thei shal be for a pray and none shal deliuer a spoile and none shal say Restore 23 Who among you shal hearkento to 〈◊〉 this take hede and heare for afterwardes 24 Who gaue Iaakôb for a spoile and Israél to the robbers Did not the Lord because we haue sinned against him for they wolde not walke in his wayes nether be obediēt vnto his Law 25 Therefore he hathe powred vpon him his fierce wrath and the strength of battel it sethim on fyre round about he knewe not and it burned him vp yet he considered not CHAP. XLIII 1 The Lord comforteth his people He promiseth deliueranceto the Iewes 11 There is no God but one alone 1 BVt now thus saith the Lord that created thee ô Iaak ób and he that formed thee ô Israél Feare not for I haue redemed thee I haue called thee by thy name thou art mine 2 When thou passest through the
remnant of Israél shal do none iniqui tie nor speake lies nether shal a deceitful tongue be founde in their mouth for they shal be fed and lie downe and none shal ma ke them afraid 14 Reioyce ô daughter Zión be ye ioyful ô Israél be glad and reioyce with all thine heart ô daughter Ierusalém 15 The Lord hathe taken a way thy iudgements he hathe cast out thine enemie the King of Israél euen the Lord is in the middes of thee thou shalt se no more euil 16 In that day it shal be said to Ierusalém Feare thou not ô Zión let not thine hands be faint 17 The Lord thy God in the middes of thee is mightie he wil saue he wil reioyce ouer thee with ioye he wil quiet him self in his Ioue he wil reioyce ouer thee with ioye 18 After a certeine time wil I gather the afflicted that were of thee and them that bare the reproche for it 19 Beholde at that time I wil bruise all that afflict thee I wil saue her that halteth and gather her that was cast out and I wil get them praise and fame in all the lands of their shame 20 At that time wil I bring you againe and then wil I gather you for I wil giue you a name and a praise amōg all people of the earth when I turne backe your captiuitie before your eyes saith the Lord. HAGGAI THE ARGVMENT WHen the time of the seuentie yeres captiuitie prophecied by Ieremiáh was expired God raised vp Haggai Zechariah and Malachi to comforte the Iewes and to exhorte them to the buylding of the Temple which was a figure of the spiritual Temple and Church of God whose perfection and excellencie stode in Christ. And because that all were gi uen to their owne pleasures and commodities he declareth that that plague of famine which God sent then among them was a iuste rewarde of their ingratitude in that they contemned Gods honour who had deliuered them Yet he comforteth them if they wil returne to the Lord with the promes of greater felicitie for asmuche as the Lord wil finish the worde that he hathe begonne and send Christ whome he had promised and by whome they shulde atteine to perfite ioy and glorie CHAP. I. 1 The time of the prophecie of Haggái 8 An exhortation to buylde the Temple againe 1 IN the second yere of King Darius in the sixt moneth the first day of the moneth came the worde of the Lord by the ministerie of the Prophet Haggái vnto Zerubbabél the sonne of Shealtiél a prince of Iudáh and to Iehoshúa the sonne of Iehozadák the hie Priest saying 2 Thus speaketh the Lord of hostes saying This people say The time is not yet come that the Lords House shulde be buylded 3 Then came the worde of the Lord by the ministerie of the Prophet Haggái saying 4 Is it time for your selues to dwell in your filled houses and this House lie wast 5 Now therefore thus saith the Lord of hostes Consider your owne waies in your hearts 6 Ye haue sowen muche and bring in litle ye eat but ye haue not ynough ye drinke but ye are not filled ye clothe you but ye be not warme and he that earneth wages putteth the wages into a broken bagge 7 Thus saith the Lord of hostes Consider your owne waies in your hearts 8 Go vp to the mountaine bring wood and buylde this House and I wil be fauo-rable in it and I wil be glorified saith the Lord. 9 Ye loked for muche and lo it came to litle and when ye broght it home I did blowe vpon it And why saith the Lord of hostes Because of mine House that is waste and ye returne euery man vnto his owne house 10 Therefore the heauen ouer you staied it self from dewe and the earth staied her frute 11 And I called for a drought vpon the land and vpon the mountaines and vpon the corne and vpon the wine and vpon the oyle vpon all that the grounde bringeth forthe bothe vpon men and vpon cattel and vpon all the labour of the hands 12 When Zerubbabél the sonne of Shealtiél and Iehoshúa the sonne of Iehozadák the hie Priest with all the remnāt of the people heard the voyce of the Lord their God and the wordes of the Prophet Haggái as the Lord their God had sent him then the people did feare before the Lord. 13 Then spake Haggái the Lords messenger in the Lords message vnto the people saying I am with you saith the Lord. 14 And the Lord stirred vp the spirit of Zerubbabél the sonne of Shealtié a prince of Iudáh and the spirit of Iehoshúa the sō ne of Iehozadák the hie Priest the spirit of all the remnant of the people and they came did the worke in the House of the Lord of hostes their God CHAP. II. He sheweth 〈◊〉 the glorie of the 〈◊〉 Temple shal 〈◊〉 the first 1 IN the foure and twentieth daye of the sixt moneth in the secōde yere of King Darius 2 In the seuenth 〈◊〉 in the one twen tieth day of the moneth came the worde of the lord by the ministere of the prophet Haggái saying 3 Speake now to Zerubbabél the sonne of Shealtiél prince of Iudáh and to Iehoshúa the sonne of Iehozadák the hie Priest and to the residue of the people saying 4 Who is left among hou that sawe this House in her first glorie and now do you se it now Is it not in your eyes in compari son of it as nothing 5 Yet now be of good courage ô 〈◊〉 él saith the Lord be of good comfort ô Iehoshúa sonne of Iehozadák the 〈◊〉 Priest and be strong all ye people of the land saith the Lord and do it for I am with you saith the Lord of hostes 6 According to the worde that I couenāted with you whē ye came out of Egypt so my Spirit shal remaine amōg you feare ye not 7 For thus saith the Lord of hostes Yet a litle while and I wil shake the heauen and the earth and the 〈◊〉 and the drye land 8 And I wil moue all nacions and the desire of all nacions shal come and I wil fil this House with glorie saith the Lord of hostes 9 The siluer is mine and the golde is mine saith the Lord of hostes 10 The glorie of this last House shal be greater then the first saith the Lord of hostes and in this place wil I giue peace saith the Lord of hostes 11 ¶ In the foure and twentieth day of the ninth moneth in the seconde yere of Darius came the worde of the Lord vnto the Prophet Haggài saying 12 Thus saith the Lord of hostes Aske now the Priests concerning the Law and say 13 If one beare holy flesh in the 〈◊〉 of his garment and with his skirt do touche the bread or the potage or
Israéllift vp their eyes and beholde the Egyptians marched after them and they were sore afrayed wherefore the children of Israél cryed vnto the Lord. In this figure foure chiefes points are to be considered first that the Churche of God is euer subiect in this worlde to the Crosse and to be afflicted after one sorte or other The second that the ministers of God followyng their vocation shal be euill spoken of and murmured agaynste euen of them that pretend the same cause and Religion that they do The third that God deliuereth not hys Churche incontinently out of dangers but to exercise their fayth and pacience continueth theyr troubles yea and often 〈◊〉 augmenteth them as the Israelites were nowe 〈◊〉 lesse hope of theyr lyues then when they were in 〈◊〉 The fourth point is that when the dangers are moste great then Gods helpe is moste ready to succour for the Israelites had on ether side them huge rockes and mountaines before them the Sea behind them most cruel ennemies so that there was no way left to escape to mans iudgement 11 And they sayde vnto Moses Haste thou broght vs to dye in the wildernes because there were no graues in Egypte wherefore haste thou serued vs thus to cary vs out of Egypte 12 Did not we tel thee thys thyng in Egypte saying Let vs be in reste that we may serue the Egyptians for it had bene better for vs to serue the Egyptians then that we shulde dye in the wildernes 13 Then Mosés sayde to the people Feare ye not stande still and beholde the saluacion of the LORDE whiche wyll shewe to you thys daye For the Egyptians whome ye haue sene thys daye ye shall neuer se them agayne 14 The Lorde shall fight for you therefore holde you your peace 15 ¶ And the Lorde sayd vnto Mosés Wherefore cryest thou vnto me speake vnto the chyldren of Israéll that they go forwarde 16 Andlyft thou vp thy rod and stretche vp thyne hand vpon the Sea and deuide it and let the children of Israél go on drye grounde through the middes of the Sea 17 Andl beholde I wyll harden the hearte of the Egyptians that they may followe them and I wyll get me honour vpon Pharaóh and vpon all his hoste vpon his charets and vppon his horsemen 18 Then the Egyptians shall knowe that I am the Lorde when I haue gotten me honour vpon Pharaōh vpon his charets and vpon his horsemen 19 And the Angell of God whiche went before the hoste of Israél remoued and went behinde them also the piller of the cloude went from before them and stode behinde them 20 And came 〈◊〉 the campe of the Egyptians and the campe of Israél it was bothe a cloude and darckenes yet gaue it lyght by nyght so that all the nyght long the one came not at the other 21 And Mosés stretched forthe his hand vpon the Sea and the LORD caused the Sea to runne backe by a stronge East winde all the nyght and made the Seadrye lande for the waters were * deuided 22 Then the * chyldren of Israél went throughe the middes of the Sea vppon the drye grounde and the waters were a wall vnto them on the ryght hande and on 〈◊〉 hande 23 And the Egyptians pursued and wente after them to the middes of the Sea euen all Pharaohs horses hys charetes and hys horsemen 24 No we in the mornynge watche when the LORDE loked vnto the hoste of the 〈◊〉 out of the firy and cloudy pyller he stroke the hoste of the Egyptians wyth feare 25 For he toke of their charet wheles and they draue them with muche a do so that the Egyptians euerie one said I wil flee 〈◊〉 the face of Israél for the Lorde fighteth for them against the Egyptians 26 ¶ Then the Lorde sayd to Mosés Stretche thine hande vpon the Sea that the waters may returne vpon the Egyptians vpon their 〈◊〉 and vpon their horsemen 27 Then Mosés stretched forthe his hand vppon the Sea and the Sea returned to his force early in the mornyng and the Egyptians fled against it but the Lord ouerthrew the Egyptians in the middes of the Sea 28 So the water returned and couered the charets and the horsemen euen all the hoste of Pharaóh that came into the Sea after them there remained not one of them 29 But the chyldren of Israél walked vppon drye lande through the myddes of the Sea and the waters were a wall vnto them on their right hand and on their left 30 Thus the LORDE saued Israél the same 〈◊〉 out of the hande of the Egyptians and Israél sawe the Egyptians dead vpon the Sea bancke 31 And Israél sawe the myghty power which the Lord shewed vpon the Egyptians so the people feared the Lordād beleued the Lord and his seruant Mosés CHAP. XV. 1. 20. Mosés with the men and women sing prayses vnto God for their deliurance 23 The people murmure 25 At the prayer of Mosés the bitter waters are swete 26 God 〈◊〉 the people 〈◊〉 1 THen sang * Mosés and the chyldren of Israél this song vnto the Lorde and sayd in thys maner I will sing vnto the Lorde for he hathe triumphed gloriously the horse and him that rode vpon him hathe he ouerthrowen in the Sea 2 The Lord is my strength and praise and he is become my saluacion He is my God and I wil prepare him a tabernacle he is my fa ther 's God and I wil exalt him 3 The Lord is a man of warre his Name is Iehouáh 4 Pharaohs charets and his hoste hathe he cast into the Sea his chosen captaines also were drowned in the red Sea 5 The depths haue couered them they sancke to the bothome as a stone 6 Thy ryght hand Lord is glorious in power thy ryght hande LORD hathe bruised the ennemie 7 And in thy greate glorye thou haste ouerthrowen them that rose 〈◊〉 thee thou sentest forthe thy wrath whiche consumed them as the stubble 8 And by the blaste of thy nostrels the waters were gathered the floodes stode styll as an heape the depths congeled together in the heart of the Sea 9 The ennemie sayd I will pursue I wil ouertake them I wil deuide the spoile my luste shal be satisfied vpon them I wyll drawe my sworde mine hand shal destroy them 10 Thou blewest with thy winde the Sea couered them they sancke as lead in the mightye waters 11 Who is lyke vnto thee ô LORD among the Gods who is lyke thee so glorious in holynes fearefull in prayses shewynge wonders 12 Thou stretchedst out thy ryght hande the earth swalowed them 13 Thou wilt by thy mercie carye thys people which thou deliueredst thou wilbring thē in thy strength vnto thine holy habitacion 14 The people shal heare and be afraied soro we shal come vpon the inhabitants of Palestina 15 Then the dukes of
dwelt in Haro shéth of the Gētiles 3 Then the children of Israél cryed vnto the Lord for he had nine hundreth charets of yron twentie yeres he had vexed the children of Israél very sore 4 ¶ And at that time Deboráh a Prophetesse the wife of Lapidôth iudged Israél 5 And this Deboráh dwelt vnder a palme tre betwene Ramáh Beth-él in mount Ephráim and the children of Israél came vp to her foriudgement 6 Then she sent and called Baráh the sonne of Abinóam out of Kédesh of Naphtali ād said vnto him Hathe not the Lord God of Israél commanded saying Go drawe toward moūt Tabor and take with thee ten thousād men of the children of Naphtali and of children of Zebulún 7 And I wil drawe vnto thee to the * riuer Kishón Siserá the captaine of Iabins armie with his charets and his multitude and wil deliuer him into thine hand 8 And Barák said vnto her If thou wilt go with me I wil go but if thou wilt not go with me I wil not go 9 Then she answered I wil surely go with thee but this iourney that thou takest shal not be for thine honour for the Lord shal sel Siserá into the hand of a woman And Deboráh arose and went with Barák to Kédesh 10 ¶ And Barák called Zebulún and Naphtali to Kédesh and he went vp on his fete with ten thousand men and Deboráh went vp with him 11 Now Héber the Kenite which was of the children of * Hobáb the father in law of Mosés was departed from the Kenites and pitched his tent vntil the plaine of Zaanaim which is by Kédesh 12 Thē they she wed Siserá that Barák the sōne of Abinóam was gone vp to mount Tabór 13 And Siserá called for all is charets euen nine hundreth charets of yron and all the people that were with him frō Haroshéth of the Gentiles vnto the riuer Kishôn 14 Then Deboráh said vnto Barák Vp for this is the day that the Lord hathe deliuered Sisera into thine hand Is not the Lord gone out before thee so Barák went downe from mount Tabôr and ten thousand men after him 15 And the Lord destroyed Siserá and all his charets and all his hoste with the edge of the sworde before Barák so that Siserá ligh ted downe of his charet and fled away on his fete 16 But * Barák pursued after the charets and after the hoste vnto Haroshéth of the Gentiles al the host of Siseráfel vpon the edge of the sworde there was not a man left 17 Howbeit Siserá fled away on his fete to the tent of laél the wife of Hebér the Kenite for peace was betwene Iabin the King of Hazór and betwene the house of Hebér the Kenite 18 And Iaél went out to mete Sisera and said vnto him Turne in my Lord turne into me feare not And when he had turned in vnto her into her tent she couered him with a mantel 19 And he said vnto her Giue me I pray thee a litle water to drinke for I am thirsty And she opened * a bottle of milke and gaue him drink e and couered him 20 Againe he said vnto her Stande in the dore of the tent and when anie man doeth come and enquire of thee saying Is anie man here thou shalt say Nay 21 Then Iaél Hebers wife toke a nayle of the tent and toke an hammer in her hand and went so ftly vnto him and smote the naile into his temples and fastened it into the groun de for he was fast a slepe and wearie and so he dyed 22 And beholde as Barák pursued after Siserá Iaél came out to mete him and said vnto him Come and I wil she we thee the man whome thou sekest and when he came into her tent beholde Siserá lay dead and the naile in his temples 23 So God broght downe Iabin the King of Canáan that day before the childrē of Israél 24 And the hand of the children of Israél pro spered and preuailed against Iabin the King of Canáan vntil they had destroyed Iabin King of Canáan CHAP. V. 1 The song and thankesgiuing of Deborab and Barak after the victorie 1 THen sang Deboráh and Barák the sonne of Abinóam the same day saying 2 Praiseye the Lord for the auenging of Israél and for the people that offred them selues willingly 3 Heare ye Kings heark en ye princes I euē I wil sing vnto the Lord I wil sing praise vnto the Lord God of Israél 4 Lord * whē thou wentest out of Seir when thou departedst out of the field of * Edóm the earth trembled and the heauens rained the cloudes also dropped water 5 * The mountaines melted before the Lord * as did that Sinâi before the Lord God of Israél 6 In the dayes of * Shamgár the sonne of Anáth in the dayes of* Iaél the hye waye were vnoccupied and the trauelers walked through by wayes 7 The to wnes were not inhabited they decayed I say in Israél vntil I Deboráh came vp whiche rose vp a mother in Israél 8 They chosene we gods then was warre in the gates Was there a shilde or speare sene among fourtie thousand of Israél 9 Mine heart is set on the gouerners of Israél and on them that are willing among the people praise ye the Lord. 10 Speake ye that ride on white asses ye that dwel by Midin that walke by the waye 11 For the noyse of the archers appaised amōg the drawers of water there shal they rehearse the righteousnes of the Lorde his righteousnes of his to wnes in Israél thē did the people of the Lord go down to the gates 12 Vp Deboráh vp arise and sing a song arise Barák and lead thy captiuitie captiue thou sonne of Abinóam 13 For they that remaine haue dominiō ouer the mightie of the people the Lorde hathe giuen me dominion ouer the strong 14 Of Ephráim their roote arose against Amalék after thee Ben-iamin shal fight against thy people ô Amalek of Machir came rulers and of Zebulún they that hādle the penne of the writer 15 And the Princes of Issachár were with Deboráh Issachár also Barák he was set on his fete in the valley for the diuisions of Reubén were great thoghtes of heart 16 Why abodest thou amōg the shepe foldes to heare the bleatings of the flockes for the diuisions of Reubén were great thogh tes of heart 17 Gileádabode beyonde Iordén and why doeth Dan remaine in shippes Ashér sate on the seashore and taried in his decayed places 18 But the people of Zebulún and Naphtali haue ieoparde their liues vnto the deathe in the hye places of the field 19 The Kings came and fought thē fought the Kings of Canáan in Taanách by the waters of Megiddó they receiued no gaine of
Dauid and of the princes for the buylding of the Temple 10 Dauid gyueth thankes to the Lord. 20 He exhorteth the people to do the same 22 Salomón is created King 28 Dauid dyeth and Salomó his sonne reigneth in his steade 1 MOreouer Dauid the Kynge said vnto all the Congregacion God hath chosen Salomón mine onelie sonne yong and tēdre the worke is great for this house is not for man but for the Lord God 2 Now I haue prepared with all my power for the house of my God golde for vessels of golde and siluer for them of siluer and brasse for things of brasse yrō for things of yron and wood for things of wood onix stones stones to be set carbuncle stones and of diuers colour all precious stones and marble stones in abundance 3 Moreouer because I haue delite in the house of my GOD I haue of myne owne golde and siluer whiche I haue giuē to the house of my God beside all that I haue prepared for the house of the Sanctuarie 4 Euen thre thousand talents of golde of the golde of Ophir and seuen thousande talents of fined siluer to ouerlay the walles of the houses 5 The golde for the thinges of golde and the siluer for things of siluer and for all the worke by the hands of artificers and who is willing to fill hys hande to daye vnto the Lord 6 So the Princes of the families the princes of the tribes of Israél and the captaines of thousands of hundreths with the rulers of the Kings work offred willingly 7 And they gaue for the seruice of the house of GOD fiue thousande talents of golde and ten thousand pieces and ten thousand talents of siluer and eyghtene thousande talents of brasse and one hundreth thousand talents of yron 8 And they with whome precious stones were founde gaue them to the treasure of the house of the Lord by the hād of Iehiél the Gershunnite 9 And the people reioyced when thei offred willingly for they offred willingly vnto the Lord with a perfite heart And Dauid the King also reioyced with great ioye 10 Therefore Dauid blessed the Lord before all the Congregacion Dauid said Blessed be thou ô Lord GOD of Israél our father for euer and euer 11 Thine ô Lord is greatnes and power glorie and victorie and praise for all that is in heauen and in earth is thine thyne is the kingdome ô Lord and thou excellest as head ouer all 12 Bothe riches and honour come of thee and thou reygnest ouer all and in thyne hand is power and strength and in thyne hand it is to make great to giue strenght vnto all 13 Now therefore our God we thanke thee and praise thy glorious Name 14 But who am I and what is my people that we shulde be able to offer willingly after this sorte for all things come of thee and of thine owne hand we haue giuen thee 15 For we are strangers before thee and soiourners like all our fathers our dayes are like the shadowe vpon the earth and there is none abiding 16 O Lord our God all this abundance that we haue prepared to buylde thee an house for thine holy Name is of thine hand and all is thine 17 I knowe also my GOD that thou * tryest the hearte and hast pleasure in righteousnes I haue offred willingly in the vprightnes of myne hearte all these thyngs now also haue I sene thy people whyche are founde here to offer vnto thee willingly with ioye 18 O Lord God of Abrahám Izhák and Israél our fathers kepe this for euer in the purpose and the thoghts of the heart of thy people prepare their hearts vnto thee 19 And giue vnto Salomôn my sonne a perfit heart to kepe thy commandemēts thy testimonies and thy statutes and to do all thinges and to buylde the house whiche I haue prepared 20 ¶ And Dauid said to all the Congregaciō Now blesse the Lord your God And all the Congregacion blessed the LORD GOD of their fathers and bowed downe theyr heades and worshipped the Lord and the King 21 And they offred sacrifices vnto the Lord and on the morow after that day they offred burnt offrings vnto the Lord euen a thousande yonge bullockes a thousande rammes a thousand sheepe with theyr drinke offrings and sacrifices in abundance for all Israél 22 And they did eat and drynke before the Lord the same daye with greate ioye and they made Salomón the sonne of Dauid King the seconde time and anointed him prince before the Lord and Zadok for the hie Priest 23 So Salomón sate on the throne of the Lord as King in steade of Dauid his father and prospered and all Israél obeyed hym 24 And all the princes and men of power and all the sonnes of King Dauid submitted them selues vnder King Salomón 25 And the Lord magnified Salomón in dignitie in the sight of all Israél and gaue him so glorious a kingdome as no Kynge had before him in Israél 26 ¶ * Thus Dauid the sonne of Ishái reigned ouer all Israél 27 And the space that he reigned ouer Israél was fourtie yere seuen yere reigned he in Hebrón and thre and thirtie yere reygued he in Ierusalém 28 And he dyed in a good age full of dayes riches and honour and Salomón his sonne reignéd in his steade 29 Concerning the actes of Dauid the King first and last beholde they are writen in the boke of Samuél the Seer and in the boke of Nathán the Prophete and in the boke of Gad the Seer 30 With all his reigne and his power and times that went ouer him and ouer Israél and ouer all the kingdomes of the earth THE SECONDE BOKE of the Chronicles THE ARGVMENT THis seconde boke conteineth briefely in effect that whiche is comprehended in the two bokes of the Kinges that is from the reigne of Salomón to the destruction of Ierusalém and the carying awaye of the people captiue into Babylón In this storie are certeine things declared and set forthe more copiously then in the bokes of the Kinges and therfore serue greatly to the vnderstanding of the Prophetes But thre thinges are here chiefly to be considered Firste that the godlie Kings when they sawe the plagues of God prepared against their countrey for sinne had recourse to the Lord and by earnest prayer were heard and the plagues remoued The seconde how it is a thing that greatly offendeth GOD that suche as feare him and professe his religion shulde ioyne in amitie with the wicked And thirdelye how the good rulers euer loued the Prophetes of God and were very zealous to set forthe his religion throughout all their dominions and cōtrarie wise the wicked hated his ministers deposed them and for the true religion and worde of God set vp idolatrie and serued God according to the fantasie of men Thus
dayes but I wil trust in thee PSAL. LVI 1 Dauid being broght to Achish the King of Gath. 2 Sam. 21 12 〈◊〉 of his enemies demandeth succour 3 putteth his 〈◊〉 in God and in his promises 12 And pro miseth to performe his vowes which he had taken vpon him w ere of this was the effect to praise to God him in his charge ¶ To him that excelleth A Psalme of Dauid on Michtám concerning the dūme dooue in a farre countrei when the Philistimstoke him īn Gath. 1 BE merciful vnto me 〈◊〉 God for man wolde swallow me vp he fighteth continnally and vexeth me 2 Mine enemies wolde daiely swallow me vp for manie fight against me ô thou moste High 3 When I was afraied I trusted in thee 4 I wil reioyce in God because of his wordes I trust in GOD and wil not feare what flesh can do vnto me 5 Mine owne wordes grieue me daily all their thoghts are against me to do me hurt 6 They gather together and kepe them selues close thei marke my steppes becau se they waite for my soule 7 They thinke they shal escape by iniquitie ô God cast these people downe in thi ne angre 8 Thou hast counted my wandrings put my teares into thy bottel are they not in thy registre 9 When I crye then mine enemies shal turne backe this I know for God is with me 10 I wil reioyce in God because of his worde in the Lord wil I reioyce because of his worde 11 In God do I trust I wil not be afraied what man can do vnto me 12 Thy vowes are vpon me ô God I wil ren dre praises vnto thee 13 For thou hast deliuered my soule from death and also my fete from falling that I maye walke before God in the light of the liuing PSAL. LVII 1 Dauid being in the 〈◊〉 of Ziph where the inhabitāts did betraýe him and at 〈◊〉 in the same 〈◊〉 with Saúl 2 Calleth moste earnestly vnto God with sul considence that he wil performe his promes and take his cau se in hand 5 Also that he wil shew his glorie in the heauē and earth against the cruel enemies 9 Therefore doeth he rendre laude and praise ¶ To him that excelleth Destroye not A Psalme of Dauid on Michtám * When he flex from Saúl in the caue 1 HAue mercie vpon me ô God haue mercie vpon me for my soule trusteth in thee and in the shadow of thy wings wil I trust til these afflictions ouerpasse 2 I wil call vnto the moste high God euen to the God that performeth his promes toward me 3 He wil send from heauen and saue me frō the reprofe of him that wolde swallow me Selah GOD wil send his mercie and his trueth 4 My soule is among lions I lie among the children of mé that are set on fyre whose teeth are speares and arrowes and their tongue a sharpe sworde 5 Exalte thy self ô God aboue the heauen and let thy glorie be vpon all the earth 6 They haue leyed a net for my steppes my soule is pressed downe they haue digged a pit before me and are fallen into the mid des of it Seláh 7 Mine heart is prepared ô God mine heart is prepared I wil sing and giue praise 8 A wake my tongue awake viole and har pe I wil awake early 9 I wil praise thee ô Lord among the people and I wil sing vnto thee among the nations 10 For thy mercie is great vnto the heauens and thy trueth vnto the cloudes 11 Exalt thy self ô God aboue the heauens and let thy glorie be vpon al the earth PSAL. LVIII 1 He describeth the malice of his enemies the slatterers of Saúl who bothe secretly and openly soght his destruction from home he appealeth to Gods iudgement 10 Shew ing that the iuste shal reioyce when they se the punishement of the wicked to the glorie of God ¶ To him that excelleth Destroye not A Psal. of Dauid on Michtám 1 IS it true ô Congregacion speake ye iustly o sonnes of men iudge ye vp righ tly 2 Yea rather ye imagine mischiefin your heart your hands execute crueltie vpon the earth 3 The wicked are strangers from the wom be euen from the belly haue they erred and speake lies 4 Their poison is euen like the poison of a serpent like the deafe adder that stoppeth his eare 5 VVhich heareth not the voyce of the in chā ter thogh he be moste expert in charming 6 Breake their teeth ó God in their mouther breake the iawes of the yong lions ô Lord. 7 Let them melt like the waters let them passe away when he shooteth his arrowes let them be as broken 8 Let him consume like a snaile that melteth and like the vntiemelic frute of a womā that hathe not sene the sunne 9 As rawe flesh before your pottes fele the fyre of thornes so let him carie thē away a whirle winde in his wrath 10 The righteous shal reioyce when he seeth the vengeance he shal wash his fete in the blood of the wicked 11 And men shalsay Verely there is frute for the righteous doutles there is a God that iudgeth in the earth PLAL LIX 1 〈◊〉 being in great danger of Saúl who sent to slay him in his bed praverb vnto God 3 Declareth his innocencie and their furie 5 Desiring God to destroye all those that sinne of malicious wickednes 1. Whome thogh he kepe aliue for a time to 〈◊〉 his people yet in the end he wil consume them in his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 That he maye be knowen to be the God of Iaakób to the end of the worlde 16 For this he singeth praises to God assured of his mercies ¶ To him that excelleth Destroye not A Psal. of 〈◊〉 on Michtam * When Saul sent and they did watche the house to kil him 1 O My God deliuer me from mine enemies defend me from them that rise vp against me 2 Deliuer me from the wicked doers and saue me from the blooddie men 3 For lo they haue layed waite for my soule the mightie men are gathered against me not for mine offense not for my sinne ô Lord. 4 They runne prepare thē selnes without a faute on my parte arise therefore to assist me and beholde 5 Euen thou ô Lord God of hostes ô God of Israél awake to visite all the heathē be not merciful vnto all that transgresse maliciously Sélah 6 They go to and fro in the euening they barke like dogs and go about the citie 7 Beholde they brag in their talke and swordes are in their lippes for VVho say they doeth heare 8 But thou ô Lord shalt haue them in derision and thou shalt laugh at all the heathen 9 He is strong but I wil waite vpon thee for God is my defence 10
My merciful God wil preuent me God wil let me se my desire vpon mine enemies 11 Slay them not lest my people forget it but scater them abroad by thy power put them downe ô Lord our shield 12 For the sinne of their mouth the wordes of their lippes and let them be taken in their pride euen for their periurie and lies that thei spake 13 Consume them in thy wrath consume them that thei be no more and let them know that God ruleth in Iaakób euē vnto the ends of the worlde Seláh 14 And in the euening they shal go to and fro and barcke like dogs and go about the citie 15 Thei shal runne here and there for meat surely they shal not be satisfied thogh thei tarie all night 16 But I wil sing of thy power and wil praise thy mercie in the morning for thou hast bene my defence and resuge in the day of my trouble 17 Vnto thee ô my Strength wil I sing for God is my defence and my merciful God PSAL. LX Dauid being now King ouer Iudáh and hauing had ma nie victories sheweth by euident signes that God elected him King assuring the people that God wil prosper them if they approue the same 11 After he prayeth vnto God to finish that that he hathe begonne ¶ To him that excelleth vpō Shushan Eduth or Michtám A psal of Dauid to teache * When he soght against Aram Nabaraim and against Arám Zobáh when Ioab retur ned and slew twelue thousand Edomites in the salt vallei 1 O God thou hast castvs out thou hast scatered vs thou hast bene angrie tur ne againe vnto vs. 2 Thus hast made the land to tremble and hast made it to gape heale the breaches thereof for it is shaken 3 Thou hast shewed thy people heauie things thou hast made vs to drinke the wine of gidines 4 But now thou hast giuen a banner to thē that feare thee that it maie be displaied because of thy trueth Sélah 5 That thy beloued maye be deliuered helpe with thy right hand and heate me 6 God hathe spoken in his holines therefore I wil reioyce I shall deuide Shechém and measure the valley of Succóth 7 Gilead shal be mine and Manasseh shal be myne Ephraim also shal be the strength of mine head Iudah is my law giuer 8 Moáb shal be my washe pot ouer Edom wil I cast out my 〈◊〉 Palestina shewe thy self joyful for me 9 Who will lead me into the stronge citie who wil bring me vnto Edóm 10 Wilt not thou o God whiche hadest cast vs of and didest not go forthe o God with our armies 11 Giue vs helpe againste trouble for vain cis the helpe of man 12 Through God we shall do valiantly for he shal treade downe our enemies PSAL. LXI 1 Whether that he were in danger of the Ammonites or being pursued of Absalom here he cryeth to be heard ād deliuered 8 And confirmed in his kingdome 1 He promiseth perpetual praises ¶ To hym that excelleth on Neginóth A Psalme of Dauid 1 HEare my crye ô God giue eare vnto my prayer 2 From the ends of the earth wil I crye vnto thee when mine heart is opprest bring me vpon the rocke that is highter then I. 3 For thou hast bene mine hope and a strong tower against the enemie 4 I will dwel in thy Tabernacle foreuer and my trust shall be vnder the 〈◊〉 of thy wings Sélah 5 For thou o God hast heard my desires thou hast giuen an heritage vnto those that feare thy Name 6 Thou shalt giue the Kyng a longlyfe his yeres shal be as manie ages 7 He shal dwell before God for euer prepare mercie and faithfulnes that they may preserue him 8 So wil I alway sing praise vnto thy Name in performing daiely my vowes PSAL. LXII This Psalme 〈◊〉 conteineth meditations whereby Dauid incourageth hym selfe to trust in God againste the assalts of tentations And because our mindes are easely drawen from God by the allurementes of the worlde he sharpely reproueth this vanitie to the intent he myght cleaue fast to the Lord. ¶ To the excellent musician * Ieduthun A Psalme of Dauid 1 YEt my soule kepeth silence vnto God of him cometh my saluacion 2 Yet he is my strength and my saluaciō ād my defence therefore I shall not muche be moued 3 How long will ye imagine mischief against a man ye shal be all slaine ye shal be as a bowed wall or as a wall shaken 4 Yet they consulte to cast hym downe from his dignitie their delite is in lies they blesse with their mouthes but curse with their hearts Sélah 5 Yet my soule kepe thou silence vnto God for mine hope is in him 6 Yet is he my strength and my saluation ād my defence therfore I shall not be moued 7 In God is my saluacion and my glorie the rocke of my strength in God is my trust 8 Trust in hym alwaye ye people powre out your hearts before hym for GOD is our hope Sélah 9 Yet the children of men are vanitie the chief men are lies to lay them vpon a balan ce they are altogether lighter then vanitie 10 Trust not in oppression nor in roberie be not vayne if riches increase set not your heart thereon 11 God spake once or twise I haue heard it that power belongeth vnto God 12 And to thee ó Lorde mercie for thou rewardest euerie one according to his worke PSAL. LXIII 1 Dauid after he had bene in greate danger by Saulin the deserte of Ziph made this Psalme 3 Wherein he giueth thankes to God for his wonderful deliuerance in whose mercies he trusted euen in the middes of his miseries 9 Prophecying the destructiō of Gods enemies 11 And cō 〈◊〉 happines to all them that trust in the Lord. ¶ A Psalme of Dauid when he was in the wildernes of Iudah 1 O God thou art my God early will I seke thee my soule thirsteth for thee my fleshe longeth greatly aster thee in a baren and drye land without water 2 Thus I beholde thee as in the Sanctuarie when I beholde thy power and thy glorie 3 For thy louing kindenes is better then life therefore my lippes shal praise thee 4 Thus will I magnifie thee all my life and lift vp mine hands in thy Name 5 My soule shal be satisfied as with maro we and fatnes and my mouth shal praise thee with ioyful lippes 6 When I remember thee on my bed and when I thinke vpon thee in the night wat ches 7 Because thou hast bene mine helper therefore vnder the shadow of thy wings wil I reioyce 8 My soule cleaneth vnto thee for thy right hand vpholdeth me 9 Therfore they that seke my soule to destroy it they shall go
God euen our God shal blesse vs. 7 God shal blesse vs and all the ends of the earth shal feare him PSAL. LXVIII 1 In this psalme Dauid setteth forthe as in a glasse the wōderful mercies of God towarde his people 5 who by all meanes moste strange sortes declared him self to thē 15 And therefore Gods Church by reason of his promises graces and victories doeth excel without comparison all worldlie things 34 He exhorteth therefore all men to praise God for euer ¶ To him that excelleth A psalme or song of 〈◊〉 1 GOd wil arise and his enemies shal be scattered they also that hate him shal flee before him 2 As the smoke vanisheth so 〈◊〉 thou driue them awaye and as waxe melteth before the fyre so shal the wicked perish at the presence of God 3 But the righteous shal be glad reioyce before God yea they shal leape for ioye 4 Sing vnto God and sing praises vnto his Name exalt him that rideth vpon the heauēs in his Name Iah and reioyce before him 5 He is a Father of the 〈◊〉 and a Iudge of the widowes euen God in his holie habitation 6 God maketh the solitarie to dwell in families and deliuereth them that were prisoners in stockes but the rebellious shal dwel in a drye land 7 O God when thow wentest forthe before thy people when thou wentest through the wildernes Sélah 8 The earth 〈◊〉 and the heauens dropped at the presence of his God euen Sinái was moued at the presence of God euen the God of Israél 9 Thou ô God sendest a gracious raine vpon thine inheritance and thou didest refresh it when it was wearie 10 Thy Congregacion dwelled therein for thou ö God hast of thy goodnes prepared it for the poore 11 The Lord gaue matter to the women to tel of the great armie 12 Kings of the armies did flee thei did flee and she that remained in the house deuided the spoile 13 Thogh ye haue lien among pots yet shal ye be as the wings of a dooue that is couered with siluer whose fethers are like yelowe golde 14 When the Almightie scatered Kings in it it was white as the snow in Zalmōn 15 The mountaine of God is like the moun taine of Bashán it is an high Mountaine as mount Basháu 16 Why leape ye ye high mountaines as for this Mountaine God deliteth to dwell in it yea the Lord wil dwell in it for euer 17 The charets of God are twentie thousand thousands Angels and the Lord is among them as in the Sanctuarie of Sinái 18 Thou art gone vp on high thou hast led captiuitie captiue and receiued giftes for men yea euen the rebellious hast thou led thtthe Lord God might dwell there 19 Praised be the Lord euen the God of our saluacion which ladeth vs daiely with benefites Sélah 20 This is our God euen the God that saueth vs and to the Lord God belong the issues of death 21 Surely God wil wound the head of his enemies and the heerie pate of him that walketh in his sinnes 22 The Lord hathe said I wil bring my people againe from Bashán I wil bring them againe from the depths of the Sea 23 That thy foote maye be dipped in blood the tongue of thy dogges in the blood of the enemies euen in it 24 They haue sene ô God thy goings the goings of my God my King which art in the Sanctuarie 25 The singers went before the plaiers of instruments after in the middes were the mai des playing with timbrels 26 Praise ye God in the assemblies and the Lord ye that are of the foūtaine of Israél 27 There was litle Beniamin with their ruler and the princes of Iudáh with their assemblie the princes of Zebulūn and the princes of Nephtali 28 Thy God hathe appointed thy strength stablish ô GOD that whiche thou hast wroght in vs. 29 Out of thy Temple vpon Ierusalém Kings shal bring presents vnto thee 30 Destroye the companie of the spearemen and multitude of the mightie bulles with the calues of the people that tread vnder fete pieces of siluer scater the people that delite in warre 31 Then shal the princes come out of Egypt Ethiopia shal haste to stretch her hands vnto God 32 Sing vnto God ô ye kingdomes of the earth sing praise vnto the Lord Séláh 33 To him that rideth vpon the moste high hea uens which were from the beginning beholde he wil send out by his voyce a mightie sounde 34 Ascribe the power to God for his maiestie is vpon Israél and his strength is in the cloudes 35 O God thou art terrible out of thine holie places the God of Israēl is he that giueth strength and power vnto the people praised be God PSAL. LXIX 1 The cōplaints prayers feruent zeale great anguish of Dauid is set forthe as a figure of Christ all his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The malicious crueltie of the enemies 22 And their punishement also 26 Where Iudas suche traitors are accursed 30 He gathereth courage in his affliction of 〈◊〉 praises vnto God 32 Which are more acceptable thē all sacrifices whereof all the afflicted maye take comfort 35 Finally he doeth prouoke all creatures to praises 〈◊〉 of the kingdome of Christ the preseruacion of the Church where all the 〈◊〉 37 And their sede shal dwel for euer ¶ To him that excelleth vpon Shoshannim A Psalme of Dauid 1 SAue me ô God for the waters are entred euen to my soule 2 I sticke fast in the depe myre where no staie is I am come into depe waters the strea mes runne ouer me 3 I am wearie of crying my throte is drye mine eyes faile whiles I waite for my God 4 They that hate me without a cause are mo thē the heere 's of mine head they that wolde destroye me and are mine enemies falsely are mightie so that I restored that whiche I toke not 5 O God thou knowest my foolishnes my fautes are not hid from thee 6 Let not them that trust in thee ô Lord God of hostes be ashamed for me let not those that seke thee be confounded through me o God of Israél 7 For thy sake haue I suffred reprofe shame hathe couered my face 8 I am become a stranger vnto my brethren euen an aliant vnto my mothers sonnes 9 For the zeale of thine house hathe eaten me and the rebukes of them that rebuked thee are fallen vpon me 10 I wept and my soule fasted but that was to my reprofe 11 I put on a sacke also and I because a prouer be vnto them 12 They that sate in the gate spake of me and the drunkards sang of me 13 But Lord I make my prayer vnto thee in an acceptable time euē in the
brakest the heades of the dragons in the waters 14 Thou brakest the head of Liuiathán in pie ces and gauest him to be meat for the peo ple in wildernes 15 Thou brakest vp the fountaine and riuer thou dryedst vp mightie riuers 16 The daye is thine and the night is thine thou hast prepared the light and the sunne 17 Thou hast set all the borders of the earth thou hast made somer and winter 18 Remember this that the enemie hathe reproched the Lord and the foolish people hathe blasphemed thy Name 19 Giue not the soule of thy turtle dooue vnto the beast forget not the Congregaciō of thy poore for euer 20 Consider thy couenant for the darke pla ces of the earth are ful of the habitacions of the cruel 21 Oh let not the oppressed returne ashamed but let the poore nedie praise thy Name 22 Arise ô God mainteine thine owne cause remember thy dailie reproche by the foolish man 23 Forget not the voyce of thine enemies for the tumulte of thē that rise against thee ascendeth continually PSAL. LXXV 1 The faithful do praise the Name of the Lord 2 Whiche shal come to iudge at the time appointed 8 When the wicked shal be put to confusion and drinke of the cup of his wrath 10 Their pride shal be abated and the righteous shal be exalted to honour ¶ To him that excelleth Destroye not A Psalme or song committed to Asáph 1 WE wil praise thee ô God we wil praise thee forthy Name is nere therefo re they wil declare thy wonderous workes 2 When I shal take a conuenient time I wil iudge righteously 3 The earth and all the inhabitans there of are dissolued but I wil establish the pillers of it Selah 4 I said vnto the foolish Be not so foolish and to the wicked Lift not vp the horne 5 Lift not vp your horne on high nether speake with a stiffe necke 6 For to come to preferment is nether from the East nor from the West nor from the South 7 But God is the iudge he maketh low and he maketh hie 8 For in the hand of the Lord is a cup and the wine is red it is ful mixt and he powreth out of the same surely all the wicked of the earth shall wring out and drinke the dregs thereof 9 But I wil declare for euer and sing praises vnto the God of Iaakób 10 All the hornes of the wicked also wil I brea ke but the hornes of the righteous shal be exalted PSAL. LXXVI 1 This Psalme 〈◊〉 forthe the power of God and care for the defence of his people in Ierusalem inthe destruction of the armie of Saneherib 〈◊〉 And exhorteth the faithful to be thankeful for the same ¶ To him that excelleth on Neginōth A Psalme or song committed to Asáph 1 GOd is knowen in Iudáh his Name is great in Israél 2 For in Shalém is his Tabernacle and his dwelling in Zión 3 There brake he the arrowes of the bowe the shield and the sworde the battel Sélah 4 Thou art more bright and puissant then the mountaines of pray 5 The stoute harted are spoiled they haue slept their slepe and all the men of strength haue not founde their hands 6 At thy rebuke ô God of Iaakób bothe the chariot and horse are cast a slepe 7 Thou euē thou art to be feared who shal stand in thy sight when thou art angrie 8 Thou didest cause thy iudgement to be heard from heauē therefore the earth feared and was stil 9 When thou ô God arose to iudgement to helpe all the meke of the earth Sélah 10 Surely the rage of man shal turne to thy praise the remnant of the rage shalt thou restraine 11 Vowe and performe vnto the Lord your God all ye that be rounde about him let them bring presents vnto him that ought to be feared 12 He shal cut of the spirit of princes he is terrible to the Kings of the earth PSAL. LXXVII 1 The Prophet in the name of the Church rehearserh the greatnes of his affliction and his grieuous tentations 6 whereby he was driuē to this end to consider his former conuersation 11 And the continual course of Gods workes in the preseruation of his seruants so he cōfirmeth his faith against these tentations ¶ For the excellent musician * Ieduthún A Psasme committed to Asáph 1 MY voyce came to God when I cryed my voyce came to God and he heard me 2 In the day of my trouble I soght the Lord my sore ranne and ceased not in the night my soule refused comfort 3 I did thinke vpon God and was troubled I prayed and my spirit was ful of anguish Sélah 4 Thou kepest mine eyes waking I was asto nied and colde not speake 5 Then I considered the dayes of olde and the yeres of ancient time 6 I called to remembrance my song in the night I communed with mine owne heart my spirit searched diligently 7 Wil the Lord absent him self for euer wil he she we no more fauour 8 Is his mercie cleane gone for euer doeth his promes faile for euer more 9 Hathe God forgotten to be merciful hathe he shut vp his tender mercies in displeasure Sélah 10 And I said This is my death yet I remem bred the yeres of the right hand of the must High 11 I remembred the workes of the Lord certeinly I remembred thy wonders of olde 12 I did also meditate all thy workes did deuise of thine Actes saying 13 Thy waye ö God is in the Sanctuarie who is so great a God as our God! 14 Thou art the God that doest wonders thou hast declared thy power among the people 15 Thou hastredemed thy people with thine arme euen the sonnes of laakób and Ioséph Sélah 16 The waters sawe thee ô God the waters sawe thee were afrayed yea the depths trembled 17 The cloudes powred out water the heauēs gaue a sounde yea thine arrowes went abroad 18 The voice of thy thundre was round about the lightenings lightened the worlde the earth trembled and shoke 19 Thy waye is in the Sea and thy paths in the great waters and thy fotesteps are not knowen 20 Thou didest leade thy people like shepe by the hand of Mosés and Aarón PSAL. LXXVIII 1 He sheweth how God of his mercie chose his Church of the posteritie of Abrahám 8 Reproching the stubburne rebellion of their fathers that the children might not one ly vnderstand 11 That God of his fre mercie made his coueuant with their ancetours 17 But also seing them so malicious and peruerse might be ashamed and so turne wholly to God In this Psalme the holie Gost hathe comprehended as it were the summe of all Gods benefites to the intent the ignorant grosse
citie of vanitie is brokē downe euerie house is shut vp that no man may come in 11 There is a 〈◊〉 for wine in the stretes all ioye is darkened the mirth of the worlde is gone away 12 In the citie is left desolacion and the gate is smitten with destruction 13 ¶ Surely thus shal it be in the middes of the earth among the people as the shaking of an oliue tre and as the grapes when the vintage is ended 14 They shal lift vp their voyce thei shal shou te for the magnificence of the Lord they shal reioyce from the sea 15 Wherefore praise ye the Lord in the valleis euen the Name of the Lord God of Israél in the yles of the sea 16 From the vttermost parte of the earth we haue heard praises euen glorie to the Iuste and I said My leanenes my leanenes wo is me the 〈◊〉 haue offended yea the transgressors haue grieuously offended 17 Feare and the pit and the snare are vpon thee ô inhabitant of the earth 18 And he that fleeth from the noise of the fea re shal fall into the pit and he that commeth vp out of the pit shal be taken in the snare for the windowes from on high are open and the fundacions of the earth do shake 19 The earth is 〈◊〉 brokē downe the earth is 〈◊〉 dissolued the earth is moued excedingly 20 The earth shal rele to and fro like a dronken man and shal be remoued like a tent the iniquitie thereof shal be heauie vpon it so that it shal fall and rise no more 21 ¶ And in that day shal the Lord visite the hoste aboue that is on hie euen the Kings of the worlde that are vpon the earth 22 And 〈◊〉 shal be gathered together as the prisoners in the pit and thei shal be shut vp in the prison and after manie daies shal thei be visited 23 Then the moone shal be abasshed and the sunne 〈◊〉 whē the Lord of hostes shal reigne in mount Zión and in Ierusalém and glorie shal be before his ancient men CHAP. XXV A thankesgiuing to God in that that he sheweth him self iudge of the worlde by punishing the wicked and 〈◊〉 the godlie 1 O Lord thou art my God I wil exalte thee I wil praise thy Name for thou hast done wonderful things according to the counsels of olde with a stable trueth 2 For thou hast made of a citie an heap of a strōg citie a ruine euē the palace of stran gers of a citie it shal neuer be buylt 3 Therefore shal the mightie people giue glorie vnto thee the citie of the strong nacions shal feare thee 4 For thou hast bene a strēgth vnto the poore euen a strength to the nedie in his trouble a refuge against the tempest a shadowe against the heate for the blast of the mightie is like a storme against the wall 5 Thou shalt bring downe the noise of the strangers as the heat in a drye place he wil bring downe the song of the mightie as the heat in the shadowe of a cloude 6 And in this mountaine shal the Lord of ho stes make vnto all people a feast of fat things euen a feast of fined wines of fat things ful of marowe of wines fined and purified 7 And he wil destroye in this mountaine the couering that couereth all people and the vaile that is spred vpon all nacions 8 He wil destroye death for euer and the Lord God wil wipe away the teares from all faces and the rebuke of his people wil he take away out of all the earth for the Lord hathe spoken it 9 And in that day shal men say Lo this is our God we haue waited for him and he wil saue vs. This is the Lord we haue waited for him we wil reioyce and be ioyful in his saluacion 10 For in this mountaine shal the hand of the Lord rest and Moàb shal be threshed vnder him euen as strawe is threshed in Madmenáh 11 And he shal stretch out his hand in the middes of them as he that swimmeth stretcheth them out to swimme and with the strēgth of his hands shal he bring downe their pride 12 The defense also of the height of thy walles shal he bring downe and lay lowe and cast them to the grounde euen vnto the dust CHAP. XXVI A song of the faithful wherein is declared in what consisteth the saluaciō of the Church and wherein they ought to trust 1 IN that day shal this song be sung in the land of Iudàh We haue a strong citie saluacion shal God set for walles and bul warkes 2 Open ye the gates that the righteous naciō which kepeth the trueth may entre in 3 By an assured purpose wilt thou preserue perfite peace because thei trusted in thee 4 Trust in the Lord for euer for in the Lord God is strength for euer more 5 For he wil bring downe them that dwell on hie the hie citie he wil abase euen vnto the grounde wil he cast it downe and bring it vnto dust 6 The fote shal treade it downe euē the fete of the poore and the steps of the nedie 7 The way of the iuste is righteousnes thou wilt make equal the righteous path of the iust 8 Also we ô Lord haue waited for thee in the way of thy iudgements the desire of our soule is to thy Name and to the remēbrance of thee 9 With my soule haue I desired thee in the night and with my spirit within me wil I seke thee in the morning for seing thy iudgements are in the earth the inhabitāts of the worlde shal learne righteousnes 10 Let mercie be shewed to the wicked yet he wil not learne righteousnes in the land of vprightnes wil he do wickedly and wil not beholde the maiestie of the Lord. 11 O Lord they wil not beholde thine hie hand but thei shal se it and be confounded with the zeale of the people and the fyre of thine enemies shal deuoure them 12 Lord vnto vs thou wilt ordeine peace for thou also hast wroght all our workes for vs. 13 O Lord our God other lords beside thee haue ruled vs but we wil remember thee onely and thy Name 14 The dead shal not liue nether shal the dead arise because thou hastvisited and scattered them and destroyed all their memorie 15 Thou hast encreased the nacion ô Lord thou hast encreased the nacion thou art made glorious thou hast enlarged all the coastes of the earth 16 Lord in trouble haue thei visited thee they powred out a prayer when thy chastening was vpon them 17 Like as a woman with childe that draweth nere to the trauail is in sorow and cryeth in her peines so haue we bene in thy sight ô Lord. 18 We haue conceiued
we haue 〈◊〉 in peine as thogh we shulde haue broght forthe win de there was no helpe in the earth nether did the inhabitants of the worlde fall 19 ¶ Thy dead men shal liue euen with my bodie shal thei rise A wake and sing ye that dwell in dust for thy dewe is as the dewe of herbes the earth shal cast out the dead 20 Come my people entre thou into thy chā bers ād shutte thy dores after thee hide thy self for a very litle while vntil the indignacion passe ouer 21 For lo the Lord cometh out of his place to visite the iniquitie of the inhabitants of the earth vpon them and the earth shal disclose her blood shal no more hide her slayne CHAP. XXVII A prophecie against the kingdome of Satán 2 And of the ioye of the Church for their deliuerance 1 IN that day the Lord with his sore and great and mightie sworde shal visite Liuiathán that percing serpent euen Liuiathā that croked serpent and he shal slay the dragon that is in the sea 2 In that day sing of the vineyarde of red wine 3 i the Lord do kepe it I wil watter it euery moment lest anie assaile it I wil kepe it night and day 4 Angre is not in me who wolde set the briers and the thornes against me in battel I wolde go through them I wolde burne them together 5 Or wil he fele my strength that he may ma ke peace with me and be at one with me 6 Here after Iaakôb shal take rote Israél shal florish and growe and the worlde shal be filled with frute 7 Hathe he smittē him as he smote these that smote him or is he flayne according to the slaughter of them that were slayne by him 8 In measure in the branches thereof wilt thou cōtēd with it whē he bloweth with his rough winde in the day of the East winde 9 By this therefore shal the iniquitie of Iaakôb be purged and this is all the frute the taking away of his sinne when he shal make all the stones of the altars as chalke stones broken in pieces that the groues and images may not stand vp 10 Yet the defensed citie shal be desolate and the habitacion shal be forsaken left like a wildernes Therē shal the calfe fede and there shal he lie and consume the branches thereof 11 When the boughs of it are drye they shal be broken the women come and set them on fyre for it is a people of none vnderstanding therefore he that made them shal not haue compassion of them he that formed them shal haue no mercie on them 12 And in that day shal the Lord thresh from the chanel of the Riuer vnto the riuer of Egypt and ye shal be gathered one by one ô children of Israél 13 In that day also shal the great trumpe be blowen and they shal come which perished in the land of Asshúr and they that were cha sed into the land of Egypt and they shal wor ship the Lord in the holy mount at Ierusalém CHAP. XXVIII Against the pride and dronkennes of Israél 9 The vntowardnes of them that shulde learne the worde of God 24 God doeth all things in time and place 1 WO to the crowne of pride the dronkards of Ephrim for his glorious beautie shal be a fading floure which is vpō the head of the valley of them that be fat and are ouercome with wine 2 Beholde the Lord hathe a mightie strōg hoste like a tempest of haile and a whirlwinde that ouerthroweth like a tempest of mightie waters that ouerflowe which throwe to the grounde mightely 3 They shal be troden vnderfote euen the crowne and the pride of the dronkards of Ephráim 4 For his glorious beautie shal be a fading flou re which is vpon the head of the vallei of them that be fat and as the hastie frute afore sommer which whē he that loketh vpō it seeth it while it is in his hand he eateth it 5 In that day shal the Lord of hostes be for a crowne of glorie and for a diademe of beautie vnto the residue of his people 6 And for a spirit of iudgement to him that sit teth in iudgemēt and for strength vnto thē that turne away the battel to the gate 7 But thei haue erred because of wine and are out of the way by strōg drinke the Priest and the Prophet haue erred by strong drinke they are swallowed vp with wine they haue gone astray through strong drinke thei faile in vision thei stomble in iudgement 8 For all their tables are ful of filth yvomiting no place is cleane 9 Whome shal be teache knowledge and whome shal be make to vnderstād the things that he heareth them that are weined from the milke and drawen from the breasts 10 For precept must be vpon precept precept vpon precept line vnto line line vnto line there a litle and there a litle 11 For with a stammering tongue and with a strange language shal he speake vnto this people 12 Vnto whome he said This is the rest giue rest to him that is wearie and this is the refreshing but thei wolde not heare 13 Therefore shal the worde of the Lord be vnto them precept vpon precept precept vpon precept line vnto line line vnto line there a litle and there a litle that they may go and fall backewarde and be broken and be snared and be taken 14 Wherefore heare the worde of the Lord ye scorneful men that rule this people which is at Ierusalém 15 Because ye haue said we haue made a couenant with death and with hell are we at agrement thogh a scourge runne ouer and passe through it shal not come at vs for we haue made falshode our refuge and vnder vanitie are we hid 16 Therefore thus saith the Lord God Be holde I wil lay in Ziôn a stone a tryed stone a precious corner stone a sure fund acion He that beleueth shal not make haste 17 Iudgement also wil I laye to the rule righ teousnes to the balance and the haile shal swepe away the vaine confidence and the waters shal ouerflowe the secret place 18 And your couenant with death shal be disanulled and your agrement with hel shal not stand when a scourge shal runne ouer passe through then shall ye be trodde downe by it 19 When it passeth ouer it shall take you away for it shal passe through euerie morning in the day and in the night there shal be onelye feare to make you to vnderstand the hearing 20 For the bed is 〈◊〉 that it can not suffise and the couering naro we that one cā not wrap him self 21 For the Lord shall stand as in mount Perazim he
all my soule 42 For thus saith the LORD Like as I haue broght all this great plague vpō this peo ple so wil I bring vpon them all the good that I haue promised them 43 And the fields shal be possessed in this lād whereof ye say It is desolate without man or beast and shal be giuen into the hand of the Caldeans 44 Men shal bye fields for siluer and make writings and seale them and take witnesses in the land of Beniamin round about Ierusalém and in the cities of Iudah and in the cities of the mountaines and in the cities of the plaine and in the cities of the South for I wil cause their captiuitie to re turne saith the Lord. CHAP. XXXIII The Prophet is monished of the Lord to 〈◊〉 for the deliuerance of the people which the Lord Promised 8 God for giueth sinnes for his owne glorie 15 Of the birth of Christ. 20 The kingdome of Christ in the Church shal neuer be ended 1 MOreouer the worde of the Lord came vnto Ieremiah the seconde time while was yet shut vp in the court of the prison saying 2 Thus saith the Lord the maker thereof the Lord that formed it and established is the Lord is his Name 3 Call vnto me and I wil answer thee and she we thee great mightie things which thou knowest not 4 For thus saith the Lord God of Israél con cerning the houses of the Kings of Iudáh which are destroyed by the mountes and by the sworde 5 Thei come to fight with the Caldeans but it is to fil thē selues with the dead bodies of men whome I haue slaine in mine angre and in my wrath for I haue hid my face from this citie because of all their wickednes 6 ¶ Beholde I wil giue it helth and amendement for I wil cure them and wil reueile vnto them the abundance of peace and trueth 7 And I wil cause the captiuitie of Iudah the captiuitie of Israél to returne and wil buylde them as at the first 8 And I wil 〈◊〉 them from all their iniquitie whereby they haue sinned against me yea I wil pardone all their iniquities whereby thei haue sinned against me and whereby thei haue rebelled against me 9 And it shal be to me a name a ioy a praise and an honour before all the nacions of the earth which shal heare all the good that I do vnto them and their shal feare and tremble for all the goodnes for all the welth that I shewe vnto this citie 10 Thus saith the Lord Againe there shal be heard in this place which ye say shal be desolate without man and without beast euen in the cities of Iudáh and in the stre tes of Ierusalém that are desolate without man and without in habitant and without beast 11 The voyce of ioye and the voyce of gladnes the voice of the bridegrome and the voyce of the bride the voyce of them that shal say Praise the Lord of hostes because the Lord is good for his mercie endureth for euer and of them that offre the sacri fice of praise in the House of the Lord for I wil cause to returne the captiuitie of the land as at the first saith the Lord. 12 Thus saith the LORD of hostes Againe in this place which is desolate with out man and with out beast and in all the cities the reof there shal be dwelling for shepherdes to rest their flockes 13 In the cities of the mountaines in the cities in the plaine and in the cities of the South and in the land of Beniamin and about Ierusalém and in the cities of Iudáh shal the shepe passe againe vnder the hand of him that telleth them saith the Lord. 14 Beholde the dayes come saith the LORD that I wil performe that good thing which I haue promised vnto the house of Israél and to the house of Iudáh 15 In those daies and at that time wil I cause the branche of righteousnes to growe vp vnto Dauid and he shal execute iudgemēt and righteousnes in the land 16 In those dayes shal Iudah be saued and Ierusalém shal dwell safely and he that shal call her is the Lord our righteousnes 17 For thus saith the Lord Dauid shal neuer want a man to sit vpon the throne of the house of Israél 18 Nether shal the Priests and Leuites want a man before me to offer a burnt offrings to offer meat offrings and to do sacrifice continually 19 ¶ And the worde of the Lord came vnto Ie remiáh saying 20 Thus saith the Lord If you can break emy couenant of the day and my couenant of the night that there shulde not be day and night in their season 21 Then may my couenant be broken with Dauid my seruant that he shulde not haue a sonne to reigne vpō his throne and with the Leuites and Priests my ministers 22 As the armie of heauē can not be nombred nether the sand of the sea measured so wil I multiplie the sede of Dauid my seruant and the Leuites that minister vnto me 23 ¶ Moreouer the worde of the Lord came to Ieremiáh saying 24 Considerest thou not what this people haue spokē saying The two families which the Lord hathe chosen he hathe euen cast them of thus they haue despised my people that they shulde be nomore a nacion before them 25 Thus saith the Lord If my couenant be not with day and night and if I haue not appointed the ordre of heauen and earth 26 Then wil I cast away the sede of Iaakób and Dauid my seruant and not take of his sede to be rulers ouer the sede of Abrahám Izhák and Iaakób for I wil cause their captiuitie to returne and haue compassion on them CHAP. XXXIIII 2 He threateneth that the citie and the King Zedekiáh shal be giuen into the hands of the King of Babylon 〈◊〉 He rebucketh their cruelitie towarde their seruants 1 THe worde which came vnto Ieremiáh from the Lord when Nebuchad-nezzár King of Babél and all his hoste and all the Kingdomes of the earth that were vnder the power of his hand and all people foght against Ierusalém and against all the cities thereof saying 2 Thus saith the Lord God of Israél Go and speake to Zedekiáh King of Iudáh and tel him Thus saith the Lord Behold * I wil giue this citie in to the hand of the King of Babél and he shal burne it with fyre 3 And thou shalt not escape out of his hand but shalt surely be taken and deliuered into his hād and thine eies shal beholde the face of the King of Babél and he shal speake with thee mouthe to mouthe and thou shalt go to Babél 4 Yet heare the worde of the Lord ô Zedekiáh King of Iudáh thus saith the Lord of thee Thou shalt not dye by the sworde 5 But thou shalt dye in peace and
in the land in the citie vnto all that dwell therein 9 Ho he that coueteth an euil couetousnes to his house that he may set his nest on hie to escape from the power of euil 10 Thou hast consulted shame to thine owne house by destroying manie people and hast sinned against thine owne soule 11 For the stone shall crye out of the wall the beame out of the timber shal answer it 12 Wo vnto him that buyldeth a towne with blood and erecteth a citie by iniquitie 13 Beholde is it not of the Lord of hostes that the people shal labour in the very fire the people shall euen wearye them selues for very vanitie 14 For the earth shal be filled with the know ledge of the glorie of the Lord as the waters couer the sea 15 Wo vnto him that giueth hys neyghbour drinke thou ioynest thine heate makest him drunken also that thou maist se their priuities 16 Thou arte filled with shame for glorye drinke thou also and be made naked the cuppe of the Lords right hād shal be turned vnto thee and shameful spuing shal be for thy glorie 17 For the crueltie of Lebanón shall couer thee so shal the spoile of the beastes which made them afraide because of mēs blood and for the wrong done in the land in the citie and vnto all that dwell therein 18 What profiteth the image for the maker there of hathe made it an image and a teacher of lies thogh he that made it truste therein when he maketh dumme idoles 19 Wo vnto him that saith to the wood Awake to the dūme stone Rise vp it shal teach thee be holde it is laide ouer with golde and siluer and there is no breath in it 20 But the Lord is in his holie Tēple let all the earth kepe silence before him CHAP. III. 2 A praier for the faithful 1 A Praier of Habakkúk the Prophet for the ignorances 2 O Lord I haue heard thy voyce and was afraide ô LORD reuiue thy worke in the middes of the people in the middes of the yeres make it knowen in wrath remember mercie 3 God commeth from Temán and the holie one from mounte Parán Seláh His glorie couereth the heauens and the earthe is ful of his praise 4 And his brightnes was as the light he had hornes coming out of his hands and there was the hiding of his power 5 Before him went the pestilence and burning coles went for the before his fete 6 He stode and measured the earthe he be helde and dissolued the nacions and the euerlasting moūtaines were brokē the ancient hilles did bowe his wayes are euerlasting 7 For his iniquitie I sawe the tentes of Cu sháh and the curtaines of the land of Midiān did tremble 8 Was the Lord angrie against the riuers was thine angrie against the floods or was thy wrath against the ssa thou didest ride vpon thine horses thy charettes broght saluacion 9 Thy bowe was manifestely reueiled and the othes of the tribe were asure worde Séláh thou didest cleaue the earth with riuers 10 The mountaines sawe thee they trēbled the streame of the water passed by the de pe made a noise and lift vp his hand on hie 11 The sunne and moonestood stil in their habitacion at the light of thine arrowes thei wét and at the bright shining of thy speares 12 Thou trodest downe the land in angre didest thresh the heathen in displeasure 13 Thou wentest for the for the saluacion of thy people euen for saluation with thine Anointed thou hast wounded the head of the house of the wicked and discoueredst the fundations vnto the necke Séláh 14 Thou didest stricke thorowe with his one owne staues the heades of his villages they came out as a whirlewinde to scatter me their reioycing was as to deuoure the poore secretly 15 Thou didest walke in the sea with thine hor ses vpon the heape of great waters 16 When I heard my belie trembled my lippes shoke at the voyce rottennes entred into my bones and I trembled in my selfe that I might rest ī the day of trouble for when he cometh vp vnto the people he shal destroy them 17 For the figtre shal not florish nether shal frute be in the vines the labour of the oli ue shal faile and the fieldes shal yelde no meat the shepe shal be cut of fró the folde and there shal be no bullocke in the stalles 18 But I wil reioyce in the Lord I wil ioy in the God of my saluation 19 The Lord God is my strength he wil make my fete like hindes fete and he wil ma ke me to walke vpon mine hie places To the chief singer on Neginothái ZEPHANIAH THE ARGVMENT SEing the great rebellion of the people and that there was now no hope of amendement he denounceth the great iudgement of God which was at hand shewing that their countrei shulde be vtterly destroied and they caried away 〈◊〉 by the Babylonians Yet for the comfort of the faithful he prophecied of Gods vengeance against their enemies as the Philistims Moabites Assyrians and others to assure them that God a continnal care ouer them And as the wicked shulde be punished for their sinnes and transgressions so he exhorteth the godlie to pacience and to trust to finde mercie by reason of the fre promes of God made vnto Abraham and therefore quietly to abyde til God shewe them the effect of that grace whereby in the end they shulde be gathered vnto him and counted as his people and children CHAP. I. 4 Threatnings against Iudàh and Ierusalém because of their idolatrie 1 THe worde of the Lord. which came vnto Zephaniáh the sonne of Cushi the sonne of Gedaliáh the sonne of Amariáh the sonne of Hizkiah in the daies of * Iosiáh the sonne of * Ammón King of Iudáh 2 I wil surely destroy all things from of the Iand saith the Lord. 3 I wil destroy man and beast I wil destroy the foules of the heauen and the fish of the sea and ruines shal be to the wicked I wil cut of man from of the land saith the Lord. 4 I wil also stretche out mine hand vpō Iudah and vpon all the inhabitants of Ierusalém and I wil cut of the remnant of Báal from this place and the names of the Che marins with the Priestes 5 And thē that worship the hoste of heauen vpon the house toppes thē that worship and sweare by the Lord and by Malchám 6 And them that are turned backe from the Lord and those that haue not soght the Lord not inquired for him 7 Be stil at the presence of the Lord God for the day of the Lord is at hand for the Lord hathe prepared a sacrifice and hathe sanctified his ghestes 8 And it shal be
there are hid yet greater things then these be we haue sene but a fewe of hys workes 33 For the Lord hathe made all things and giuen wisdome to suche as feare God CHAP. XLIIII The praise of certein holie men Enoch Noe Abraham Isaac and Iacob 1 LEt vs now commende the famous men and our fathers of whome we are begotten 2 The Lord hathe gotten great glorie by them and that through his great power from the beginning 3 Thei haue borne rule in their kingdomes and were renoumed for their power and were wise in counsel and declared prophecies 4 * They gouerned the people by counsel by the knowledge of learning mete for the people in whose doctrine were wise sē tences 5 They inuented the melodie of musicke expounded the verses that were writen 6 They were riche and mightie in power liued quietly at home 7 All these were honorable men in their generacions and were wel reported of their times 8 There are of them that haue left a name behinde them so that their praise shal be spoken of 9 There are some also which haue no memo rial * and are perished as thogh they had neuer bene and are become as thogh they had neuer bene borne and their children after them 10 But the former were merciful men whose righteousnes hathe not bene forgotten 11 For whose posteritie a good inheritance is reserued and their sede is conteined in the couenant 12 Their stocke is conteined in the couenant and their posteritie after them 13 Their sede shal remaine for euer their praise shal neuer be taken away 14 Their bodies are buryed in peace but their name liueth for euer more 15 * The people speake of their wisdome the congregacion talke of their praise 16 * Enoch pleased the Lord God therefore was he translated for an example of repentance to the generacions 17 * 〈◊〉 was founde perfite and in the time of wrath he had a rewarde therefore was he left as a remnant vnto the earth when the flood came 18 An euerlasting couenant was made with him that all flesh shulde * perish no more by the flood 19 Abrahā was a * great father of maniepeo ple in glorie was there none like vnto him 20 He kepeth the Law of the moste High was in couenant with him and he set couenant * in his flesh and in tentation he was founde faithful 21 Therefore he assured him an * othe that he wolde blesse the nacions in his sede and that he wolde multiplie him as the dust of the earth exalte his sede as the starres cause them to inheritāce from sea to sea frō the Riuer vnto the end of the worlde 22 * With Isaac did he cōfirme likewise for Abraham his fathers sake the blessing of all men and the couenant 23 And caused it to rest vpon the head of Iacob and made him selfe knowen by * hys blessings and gaue him an heritage and deuided his porcions * and parted them among the twelue tribes 24 And he broght out of him a mercifull man whiche founde fauour in the sight of all flesh CHAP. XLV The praise of Moyses Aaron and Phinees 1 ANd Moyses the * beloued of God men broght forthe whose remembrance is blessed 2 He made him like to the glorious Saints and magnified him by the feare of his enemies 3 By his wordes he caused the wonders to cease and he made him * glorious in the sight of Kings and gaue him commandements for his people and shewed him hys glorie 4 * He sanctified him with faithfulnes and mekenes and chose him out of all men 5 He caused him to heare his voyce and broght him into the darke cloude * and there he gaue him the commaundements before his face euen the Lawe of life and knowledge that he might teache Iacob the couenant and Israel his iudgements 6 He exalted Aaron an holie man like vnto him euē his * brother of the tribe of Leui. 7 An euerlasting couenant made he with him and gaue him the Priesthode amōg the people and made him blessed through his comelie ornament clothed him with the garment of honour 8 He put perfite ioye vpon him and gyrded him with ornaments of strength as with breches and a tunicle and an ephod 9 He compassed hym aboute with belles of golde and with manie belles round about * that when he went in the sound might be heard and might make a 〈◊〉 in the Sanctuarie for a remembrance to the children of Israel his people 10 And with an holie garment with golde also and blewe silke and purple diuers kindes of workes and with a brestlappe of iudgemēt with the signes of trueth 11 And with worke of skarlet conningly wroght and with precious stones grauen like seales and set in golde by gold smithes worke for a memorial with a writing grauen after the nōber of the tribes of Israel 12 And with a crowne of golde vpon the mitre hearing the forme and marke of holines an ornamēt of honour a noble worke garnished and pleasant to loke vpon 13 Before him were there no suche faire ornaments there might no stranger put thē on but onely his children and his childrēs children perpetually 14 Their sacrifices were wholy consumed eue rie day twise continually 15 * Moses filled his hands and anointed him with holie oyle this was appointed vnto him by an euerlasting couenant and to his sede so long as the heauens shulde remaine that he shulde minister before him and also to execute the office of the priesthode and blesse his people in his name 16 Before all men liuing the Lord chose him that he shulde present offrings before him and a swete sauour for a remembrance to make reconciliation for his people 17 * He gaue him also his commandements autoritie according to the Lawes appointed that he shulde teache Iacob the testimonies and giue light vnto Israél by his Law 18 * Strangers stode vp against him and enuied him in the wildernes euen the men 〈◊〉 toke 〈◊〉 and Abirams parte and the companie of Core in furie and rage 19 This the Lord sake and it displeased him and in his wrathful indignaciō were they consumed he did wonders vpon them and consumed them with the syrie flame 20 * But he made Aaron more honorable and gaue him an heritage and parted the first frutes of the first 〈◊〉 vnto him vnto him specially he appointed bread in abundance 21 For the Priests did eat of sacrifices of the Lord which he gaue vnto him and to his sede 22 * Els had he none heritage in the land of his people nether had he any porcion among the people for the Lord is the porcion of his inheritance 23 The third in glorie is * Phinees the sonne of Eleazar because
able to saue and to destroye * Who art thou that iud gest another man 13 Go to no we ye that saye To daye or to morowe we wyll go into suche a citie and continue there a yere and bye and sel and get gaine 14 And yet ye can not tell what shal be to moro we For what is your lyfe It is euen a vapour that appeareth for a litle time and af ter warde vanisheth away 15 For that ye ought to say * If the Lord wyll and If we liue we wil do this or that 16 But no we ye reioyce in your boastyngs all suche reioycing is euil 17 Therefore to him that knoweth howe to do wel and doeth it not to him it is sinne CHAP. V. 2 He threateneth the wicked riche men 7 Exhoiteth vnto pacience 12 To beware of swearyng 16 One to knowledge his fautes to another 20 And one to labour to bring another to the trueth 1 GO to nowe ye ryche men wepe and howle for your miseries that shall come vpon you 2 Your riches are corrupt and your garments are moth eaten 3 Your Golde and Siluer is cankred and the rust of them shal be a wytnes agaynste you and shall eat your fleshe as it were fyre * Ye haue heaped vp treasure for the last dayes 4 Beholde the hyre of the laborers which haue reaped your fields whiche is of you kept backe by fraude cryeth and the cryes of them which haue reaped are entred into the eares of the Lord of hostes 5 Ye haue liued in pleasure on the earthe and in wantōnes Ye haue nourished your hearts as in a day of slaughter 6 Ye haue condemned and haue killed the iuste and he hathe not resisted you 7 Be pacient therefore brethren vnto the commyng of the Lorde Beholde the housband man waiteth for the precious frute of the earth and hathe longe pacience for it vntill he receiue the former and the latter rayne 8 Be ye also pacient therefore and setle your hearts for the commyng of the Lord draweth nere 9 Grudge not one against another brethren lest ye be condemned beholde the iudge standeth before the dore 10 Take my brethren the Prophetes for an ensample of suffering aduersitie and of long pacience whiche haue spoken in the Name of the Lord. 11 Beholde we count them blessed whiche endure Ye haue heard of the pacience of Iob 〈◊〉 haue knowen what end the Lord made For the Lord is verie pitiful and mercifull 12 But before all thyngs my brethren * sweare not nether by heauen nor by earth nor by anie other othe but let your yea be yea and your naye naye lest ye fall into condemnation 13 Is anie among you afflicted Let him pray Is anie merie Let him sing 14 Is anie sicke among you Let hym call for the Elders of the Churche and let them praye for him and anoint hym with * oyle in the Name of the Lord. 15 And the prayer of fayth shal saue the sicke and the LORDE shall rayse him vp and if he haue committed sinne it shal be forgiuen hym 16 Acknowledge your fautes one to another and pray one for another that ye may be hea led for the prayer of a ryghteous man auaileth muche if it be feruent 17 * Helias was a man subiect to lyke passions as we are and he prayed earnestlye that it myght not rayne and it rained not on the earth for thre yeres and six moneths 18 And he prayed agayne and the heauen gaue rayne and the earth broght forthe her frute 19 Brethren if anye of you hathe erred frome the trueth and some man hathe conuerted hym 20 Let him knowe that he whiche hathe conuerted the sinner from goyng astraye out of his way shal saue a soule from death ād shal hide a multitude of sinnes THE FIRST EPISTLE general of Peter THE ARGVMENT HE exhorteth the faithful to denie them selues and to contemne the worlde that being deliuered from all carnal affections and impediments they may more spedely atteine to the heauēlie kingdome of Christ whereunto we are called by the grace of God reueiled to vs in his Sonne and haue already receiued it by faith possessed it by hope and are therein confirmed by holines of life And to the intent this faith shulde not faint seing Christ contemned and reiected almost of the whole worlde he declareth that this is nothyng els but the accomplishyng of the Scriptures whiche testifie that he shulde be the stombling stone to the reprobate and the sure fundation of saluation to the faithfull therefore he exhorteth them courageously to go forwarde considering what they were and to what dignitie God hathe called them After he entreateth particular points teaching subiects how to obey their gouernours and seruants their masters how maried folkes ought to behaue them selues And because it is appointed for all that are godlie to suffre persecutions he sheweth them what good yssue their asflictions shal haue and contrariewise what punishment God reserueth for the wicked Last of all he teacheth how the ministers ought to behaue them selues forbidding them to vsurpe autoritie o 〈◊〉 the Churche also that yong men ought to be modest and apt to learne and so endeth with an exhortation CHAP. I. 2 He sheweth that through the abundant mercie of God we are elect and regenerate to a liuelie hope 7 And how faith must be tried 10 That the saluation in Christ is no newes but a thing prophecied of olde 13 He exhorteth them to a godlie conuersation forasmuche as they are now borne a newe by the worde of God 1 PETER an Apostle of Iesus Christ to the strangers that dwel here and there throughout Pontus Galacia Cappadocia Asia Bithynia 2 Elect according to the fore knowledge of God the Father vnto sanctificatió of the spirit through obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Iesus Christ Grace and peace be multiplied vnto you 3 * Blessed be God euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ whiche accordyng to his abundant mercie hathe begotten vs againe vnto a liuelie hope by the resurrection of Iesus Christ from the dead 4 To an inheritance immortall and vndefiled and that fadeth not away reserued in heauen for you 5 Whiche are kept by the power of GOD through faith vnto saluation whiche is prepared to be shewed in the last time 6 Wherein ye reioyce thogh now for a ceason if nede require ye are in heauines through manifolde tentations 7 That the triall of your faith being muche more precious then golde that perisheth thogh it be tried with fyre might be foūde vnto your praise and honour and glorie at the appearing of Iesus Christ. 8 Whome ye haue not sene and yet loue him in whome now thogh ye se him not yet do you beleue and reioyce with ioye vnspeakeable and glorious 9 Receiuing the
nether vnder the earth was able to open the Boke nether to loke thereon 4 Then I wept muche because no man was founde worthie to open and to reade the Bo ke nether to loke thereon 5 And one of the elders said vnto me Wepe not beholde the * lion which is of the tribe of Iuda the rote of Dauid hathe obteined to open the Boke and to lose the seuen seales thereof 6 Then I behelde and lo in the middes of the throne and of the foure beasts and in the middes of the elders stode a Lābe as thogh he had bene killed which had seuen hornes and seuen eyes which are the seuen spirits of God sent into all the worlde 7 And he came and toke the Boke out of the right hand of him that sate vpon the throne 8 And when he had taken the Boke the foure beasts and the foure and twentie elders fell downe before the Lambe hauing euerie one harpes golden viales full of odours which are the prayers of the Saintes 9 And they sung a new song saying Thou art worthie to take the Boke and to open the seales thereof because thou wast killed and hast redemed vs to God by thy blood out of euerie kinred and tongue and people nation 10 And hast made vs vnto our God * Kings and Priests and we shal reigne on the earth 11 Then I behelde and I heard the voyce of manie Angels rounde about the throne and about the beasts and the elders and there were * thousand thousands 12 Saying with a loude voyce Worthie is the * Lambe that was killed to receiue power riches and wisdome and strength honour and glorie and praise 13 And all the creatures which are in heauen and on the earth and vnder the earth and in the sea and all that are in them heard I saying Praise and honour and glorie and power be vnto him that sitteth vpon the throne vnto the Lambe for euermore 14 And the foure beasts said Amen and the foure and twentie Elders fell downe and worshipped him that liueth for euer more CHAP. VI. The Lambe openeth the sixe seales and manie things follow the opening thereof so that this conteineth a general prophecie to the end of the worlde 1 AFter I behelde when the Lambe had opened one of the seales ād I heard one of the foure beasts say as it were the noyce of thunder Come and se. 2 Therefore I behelde and lo there was a white horse and he that sate on hym had a bowe and a crowne was giuen vnto hym he went for the conquering that he might ouercome 3 And when he had opened the seconde seale I heard the seconde beast say Come and se. 4 And there wēt out another horse that was red and power was giuen to him that sate thereon to take peace from the earth and that they shulde kill one another and there was giuen vnto him a great sworde 5 And when he had opened the thirde seale I heard the third beast say Come and se. Then I behelde and lo a blacke horse he that sate on him had balances in his hand 6 And I heard a voyce in the middes of the foure beasts say A measure of wheat for a penie ād thre measures of barlie for a penie and oyle and wine hurt thou not 7 And when he had opened the fourth seale I heard the voyce of the fourth beast say Come and se. 8 And I loked and beholde a pale horse his name that sate on him was Death and Hel followed after him and power was giuē vnto thē ouer the fourth parte of the earth to kill with sworde and with honger and with death and with the beasts of the earth 9 And when he had opened the fift seale I sawe vnder the altar the soules of thē that were killed for the worde of God and for the testimonie whiche they mainteined 10 And they cryed with a lowde voyce saying How long Lorde holie and true do est not thou iudge and auenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth 11 And long white robes were giuen vnto eue rie one and it was said vnto them that they shulde rest for a litel ceason vntil their felow seruants and their brethren that shulde be killed euen as they were were fulfilled 12 And I behelde when he had opened the sixt seale and lo there was a greate earthquake the sunne was as blacke as sackcloth of heere the moone was like blood 13 And the starres of heauē fel vnto the earth as a figge tre casteth her grene figges when it is shaken of a mightie winde 14 And heauen departed away as a scrole when it is rolled and euerie mountaine and yle were moued out of their places 15 And the Kings of the earth and the greate men the riche men the chief captaines and the mightie men and euerie bondman euerie fre man hid them selues in dennes and among the rockes of the mountaines 16 And said to the mountaines and rockes Fal on vs and hide vs from the presence of him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the Lambe 17 For the great day of his wrath is come and who can stand CHAP. VII 4. 9. He seeth the seruants of God sealed in their forheades out of all nations and people 15 whiche thogh they suffer trouble yet the Lābe fedeth them leadeth them to the fountaines of liuing water 17 And God shal wipe awaye all teares from their eyes 1 ANd after that I sawe foure Angels stand on the foure corners of the earth holding the foure windes of the earth that the windes shulde not blowe on the earth nether on the sea nether on anie tre 2 And I saw another Angel comevp from the East which had the seale of the liuing God and he cryed with a loude voyce to the foure Angels to whome power was giuen to hurt the earth and the sea saying Hurt ye not the earth nether the sea nether the trees til we haue sealed the seruants of our God in their foreheades 4 And I heard the nomber of them which were sealed and there were sealed an hundreth and foure fortie thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel 5 Of the tribe of Iuda were sealed twelue thou sand Of the tribe of Ruben were sealed twel ue thousand Of the tribe of 〈◊〉 were sealed twelue thousand 6 Of the tribe of Aser were sealed twelue thou sand Of the tribe of Nepthali were sealed twelue thousand Of the tribe of Manasses were sealed twelue thousand 7 Of the tribe of Simeon were sealed twelue thousand Of the tribe of Leui were sealed twelue thousand Of the tribe of Issachar were sealed twelue thousand Of the