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A10405 The Byble in Englyshe that is to saye, the content of all the holye scrypture, bothe of the olde and newe Testament, truly translated after the veryte of the Hebrue and Greke textes, by the diligent studye of dyuers excellent lerned [men e]xperte in the fore[saide] tongues.; Bible. English. Great Bible. 1540 (1540) STC 2069; ESTC S121497 1,995,822 1,050

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had in division of them that are rounde about vs. Thou makest vs to be a by worde amonge the heithen and that the people shake their heades at vs. My confusion is daylye before me the shame of my face hath couered me For the voyce of the sclaūderer and blasphemer for the enemye and auenger And thoughe all this be come vpon vs yet do we not forgette the nor behaue our selues frowardly in thy couenaunt Our herte is not turned backe neyther our steppes gone out of thy waye No nat whan thou haste snuttē vs into the place of dragons and couered vs with the shadowe of deathe If we haue forgotten the name of oure God and holden vp our hādes to any straunge God Shal nat God search it out for he knoweth the very secretes of the herte For thy sake also are we kylled all the daye longe are coūted as shepe apointed to be slayne Up Lorde why slepest thou Awake and be nat absent from vs for euer Wherfore hydest thou thy face and forgettest our mysery and oure trouble For out soule is brought lowe euen vnto the dust our belye cieueth vnto the grounde Aryse and helpe vs and delyuer vs for thy mercy sake ¶ The. xlv Psalme ¶ To him that excell amonge the ●●●●es an instruccyon of the chyldren of Lorah a songe of loue MY herte is endytynge of a good mater I speake of the thiges whiche I haue made vnto the kynge My tong is the pēne of a redy wryter ⚜ Thou arte fayrer then the chyldren of men ful of grace are thy lyppes because God hath blessed the for euer Girde the with thy swerde vpon thy thigh O thou moste myghty accordynge to thy worshype and renowne Good lucke haue thou with thyne honour ryde on because of the worde of treuthe of mekenesse ryghteousnesse and thy ryght hande shall teach the rerrible thynges Thy arrowes are very sharpe and the people shal be subdued vnto the euen in the myddest amonge the kynges enemyes Thy seate O God endureth for euer the scepter of thy kyngdome is a ryght scepter Thou hast loued ryghteousnesse and hated iniquite wherfore God euen thy God hathe anoyted the with the oyle of gladnes aboue thy felowes All thy garmentes smell of myrre Aloes and Cassia out of the yuerye palaces wher by they haue made the glade Kynges daughters were amonge thy honorable wemen vpon thy ryght hande dyd stande the quene in a vesture of gold ⚜ wrought about with dyuerse colours Herken O daughter and consydre enclyne thyne eare forget also thine owne people thy fathers house So shal y c kynge haue pleasure in thy bewtye for he is thy Lorde ⚜ God and worshype thou hym And the daughter of Tire shall be there with a gyfte lyke as the ryche also amonge the people shall make theyr supplicacyon before the. The kynges daughter is all gloryous within her clothynge is of wrought golde She shal be brought vnto the kynge in raymente of nydle worke the virgins that be her felowes shall beare her company and shal be brought vnto the. With ioye and gladnesse shal they be brought and shal entre in to the kynges palace In steade of thy fathers thou shalt haue chyldren whom thou mayest make princes in all landes I wyll remembre thy name from one generacyon to another therfore shall the people geue thankes vnto the worlde without ende ¶ The. xlvi Psalme ¶ To the chaunter a songe for the chyldren of Lorath vpon ☞ Alamoth GOd is our hope and strēgth a very pre sente helpe in trouble Therfore wyl we nat feare though the earth be moued though the hylles be caryed in the myddest of the see Though y ● waters therof rage and swell though the mountaynes shake at the tempest of the same Sela. The ryuers of the floude therof shall make glad the cytie of God the holy place of the tabernacles of the moste hyest God is in the myddest of her therfore shall she nat be remoued God shall helpe her and that ryght early The Heithen make muche a do and the kyngdomes are moued but God hathe shewed his voyce and the earth shall melt awaye The Lorde of Hostes is with vs the God of Iacob is our refuge Sela. O come hyther and beholde the workes of the Lorde what destruccyons he hath brought vpon the earth He maketh warres to ceasse in all the worlde he breaketh the bow and knappeth y ● speare in sonder burneth the charettes in the fyre Be styll then and knowe that I am God I wyl be exalted amonge the Heythen I wyll be exalted in the earth The Lord of Hostes is with vs the God of Iacob is our defence Sela. ¶ The xlvij Psalme ¶ To the chaunter a Psalme for the children of Lor●h O Clappe your handes togyther all ye people O synge vnto God with the voyce of melody For y ● Lorde is hye to be feared he is the great kynge vpon al the earth He shall subdue the people vnder vs and the nacyons vnder oure fete He shall chose out an herytage for vs euen the worshippe of Iacob whō he loued Sela. God is gone vp with a mery noyse the Lorde with the sounde of the trompe O synge prayses synge prayses vnto ⚜ oure God O synge prayses synge prayses vnto our kynge For God is kynge of al y ● earth syng ye prayses with vnderstāding God raygneth ouer the heithen god sytteth vpō his holy seate The princes of y ● people are ioyned vnto y ● people of y ● God of Abraham for God whiche is very hye exalted dothe defende the earth as it were with a shylde ¶ The. xlviij Psalme ¶ ● song● of a Psalme of the chyldren of Lo●ah ⚜ in the seconde daye of oure Sabba●h GReate is the Lorde and hyghly to be praysed in the cytie of oure God euen vpon his holy hyll The hyll of Syon is a fayre place the ioye of the whole earthe vpon the north syde lyeth the cytye of the greate kynge God is well knowen in her palaces as a sure refuge For lo the kynges ⚜ of the earth are gathered gone by together They merueled to se such thinges they were astonyed and sodeynly caste downe Feare came there vpon them sorowe as vpon a woman in her trauayle Thou shalt breake the shyppes of the see thorowe the east wynde Lyke as we haue herd so haue we sene in the citye of the Lord of Hostes in the cytye of oure god God vpholdeth her for euer Sela. We wayte for thy louing kyndnesse O God in y ● myd dest of thy rēple O God according vnto thy name so is thy prayse vnto the worldes ende thy right hand is ful of righteous nes Let the mounte Sion reioyse and the daughters of Iuda be glad because of thy iudgemētes Walke about Sion and go round about her and tell the towres therof Marke well her bulwerkes set
the other Let Israel truste in the Lorde for with the Lorde there is mercy and with hym is plenteous redempcyon And he shall redeme Israel from all hys synnes ¶ The .cxxxi. Psalme ¶ A songe of the steares LORDE I am nat hye mynded I haue no proude lookes I do nat exercyse my selfe in greate matters whiche are to hye for me But I refrayne my soule and kepe it lowe lyke as a chylde that is weened from hys mother yee my soule is euen as a weened chylde Let Israel trust in the LORDE from this tyme forthe for euermore ¶ The .cxxxij. Psalme ¶ A songe of the steares ▪ LORDE remembre Dauyd and all hys trouble Howe he swore vnto the Lorde and vowed a vowe vnto the almyghtye God of Iacob I wyll nat come within the tabernacle of my house nor clyme vp in my bedde I wyll nat suffre myne eyes to slepe nor myne eye lyddes to slomber ⚜ Nether the temples of my heade to take anye reste Untyll I fynde out a place for the Lorde an habitacy on for the myghtye God of Iacob Lo we hearde ☞ of the same at Ephrata and founde it in the wood We wyll go in to hys tabernacle and fall downe before hys fote stole Aryse O Lorde into thy restynge place thou and the arcke of thy strengthe Let thy Preastes be clothed with ryghteousnesse and let thy saynctes reioyse For thy seruaunte Dauyds sake turne nat awaye the presence of thyne anoynted The Lorde hathe made a faythfull othe vnto Dauid and he shall nat shrynke from it Of the frute of thy body shal I set vpō thy seate If thy chyldren wyll kepe my couenaunt and my testimonies that I shal lerne them their chyldren also shall syt vpō thy seate for euermore For the Lorde hath chosen Syon to be an habytaciō for hīselfe hathe he chosen her ☞ Thys shal be my rest for euer here wyl I dwell for I haue a delyte therin I wyl blesse her vitayles w t increase and wyl satysfy her poore w t bred ☞ I wyll decke her Preastes with healthe and her saynctes shall reioyse and synge There shall I make ☞ the horne of Dauid to floryshe I haue ordened a lanterne for myne anoynted As for hys enemyes I shall clothe them with shame but vpon hymselfe shall his crowne floryshe ¶ The .cxxxiij. Psalme ¶ A songe of the steares of Dauid BEHOLDE howe good and ioyful a thynge it is brethren to dwell to gether in vnytye It is lyke the precyous oyntment vpon the heade that ranne downe vnto the beerd euen vnto Aarons beerd and wente downe to the skyrtes of hys clothynge Lyke the dewe of Harmon whiche fell vpon the hyl of Sion For there the Lorde promised hys blessyng and lyfe for euermore ¶ The .cxxxiiij. Psalme ¶ A songe of the steares BEholde ⚜ nowe prayse the Lorde al yee seruauntes of the Lorde yee that by nyght stande in the house of the Lorde ⚜ euen in the courte of the house of our God Lyfte vp youre hādes in the Sanctuary and prayse the Lorde The LORDE that made heauen and earthe blesse the out of Syon ¶ The .cxxxv. Psalme O Praise the name of the Lord prayse it O ye seruauntes of the Lorde Ye that stande in y ● house of the Lord in the courtes of the house of our God O prayse the Lorde for the Lorde is gracious O synge prayses vnto hys name for it is louely For why the Lorde hathe chosen Iacob vnto hym selfe and Israel for hys owne possessyon For I knowe that the Lorde is greate and that oure Lorde is aboue all goddes Whatsoeuer the Lorde pleased that dyd hem heauen and in earth in the see and in all deape places He dringeth forth the cloudes from the endes of the worlde ▪ and turneth the lyghtenynges vnto rayne brynging the wyndes out of theyr treasuryes He * smote the fyrste borne of Egypte bothe of man and of beast He hathe sente tokens and woūders into the myddest of the O thou lande of Egypte vpon Pharao and all hys seruauntes He smote dyuers nacyons and slewe mygtye Kynges Sehon Kynge of y ● Amorytes and Og the King of Basan and all the Kyngedomes of Canaam And gaue they re lande to be an heritage euen an heritage vnto Israell his people Thy name O Lorde endureth for euer so dothe thy memorial O lord from one generacyon to an other For the Lorde wyll auenge his people and be gracyous vnto his seruauntes As for the ymages of the Heathen they are but syluer and golde the worke of mens handes They haue mouthes and speake not eyes haue ▪ ●ey but they se not They haue eares and yet they heare not neyther is there any breth in theyr mouthes They that make them are lyke vnto them and so are al they that put theyr trust in them Prayse the Lorde ye house of Israell prayse the Lorde ye house of Aaron Prayse the Lorde ye house of Leuie ye y e feare the Lord prayse the Lorde Praysed be the Lorde out of Syon whiche dwelleth at Ierusalem ¶ The .cxxxvj. Psalme O Gyue thankes vnto the Lorde for he is gracyous and hys mercy endureth for euer O gyue thankes vnto the God of all Goddes for hys mercy endureth for euer O thanke the Lorde of al Lordes for his mercy endureth for euer Whiche onely dothe greate wonders for his mercy endureth for euer Whiche by his wysdome made the heauens for his mercy endureth for euer Whiche layed out the earth aboue the waters for his mercye endureth for euer Whiche hathe made greate lyghtes for his mercye endureth for euer The sonne to rule the day for his mercy endureth for euer The Moone and the Starres to gouerne the nyght for his mercye endureth for euer Whiche smote Egypte with theyr fyrste borne for his mercy endureth for euer And brought out Israel frome amonge them for his mercy endureth for euer With a myghtye hande and stretched out arme for his mercy endureth for euer Whiche deuyded the reed see into partes for his mercy endureth for euer And made Israell to go thorowe the myddest of it for hys mercye endureth for euer But as for Pharao and his hoste he ouerthrewe them in the reed see for hys mercy endureth for euer Whiche led his people thorow the wil dernes for his mercy endureth for euer Which smote great kingꝭ for his mercy endureth for euer Yea and slue myghtye Kynges for his mercy endureth for euer Sehon Kynge of the Amorites for his mercy endureth for euer And Og the Kynge of Basan for his mercy endureth for euer And gaue away theyr lande for an herytage for his mercye endureth for uer Euen for an heritage vnto Israell his seruaunte for his mercye endureth for euer Whiche remembred vs when we were in trouble for his mercy endureth for euer And hathe delyuered vs from
oure ennemyes for his mercy endureth for euer Whiche geueth fode vnto all flesshe for hys mercy endureth for euer O geue thankes vnto the God of Heauen for his mercy endureth for euer ¶ The .cxxxvij. Psalme ⚜ Of Ieremy BY the waters of Babylon we satte downe and wepte when we remembred ⚜ the O Syon As for our Harpes we hanged them vp vpon the trees that are therin For they that led vs awaye captyue requyred of vs then a songe and melody in our heuynesse synge vs one of the songes of Syon Howe shall we synge the Lordes songe in a straunge lande If I forget the O Ierusalem let my ryght hande be forgotten If I do not remembre the let my tonge cleue to the rofe of my mouth yee yf I preferre not Ierusalem in my myrth Remembre the chyldren of Edom O Lorde in the daye of Ierusalē howe they sayd downe with it downe with it euen to the grounde O ☞ daughter of Babylon thou shalt come to mysery thy selfe yea happy shall he be that rewardeth the as y ● haste serued vs. Blessed shall he be that taketh thy chyldrē and throweth them agaynst the stones ¶ The .cxxxviij. Psalme Of Dauyd I Wyl gyue thankes vnto the O Lorde with my whole herte euen ☞ before the Goddes wyll I synge prayse vnto the. I wyll worshyppe towarde thy holye temple and prayse thy name because of thy louyng kyndnesse and trueth for thou hast magnyfyed thy name and thy worde aboue al thynges When I called vpon the thou hardeste me and endewedst my soule with muche strength ☞ All the Kynges of the earthe shall prayse the O Lorde for they haue hearde the wordes of thy mouth Yea they shall synge in the wayes of the Lord y ● greate is the glorye of the Lorde For though the Lorde by hye yet hath he respect vnto the lowly as for the proude he beholdeth hym a farre of Thoughe I walke in the myddest of trouble yet shalte thou refreshe me thou shalte stretche forthe thyne hande vpon the furyousnes of myne eunemyes and thy ryght hande shall saue me The Lorde shal make good for me yea thy mercye O Lorde endureth for euer d espyse nat then the workes of thyne owne handes ¶ The. cxxxix Psalme ¶ To the chaunter a Psalme of Douyd O Lorde thou hast searched me out and knowen me Thou knoweste my downe syttynge and myne vprysynge thou vnderstandest my thoughte a farre of Thou arte aboute my path and about my bed and spyest out all my wayes For lo ▪ there is nat a worde in my tonge but thou O Lorde knowest it all together Thou haste fashyoned me behynde and before and layed thyne hande vpon me Suche knowledge is to wonderfull and excellent for me I can nat atteyne vnto it Whyther shall I go then frō thy spret● or wyther shall I go then from thy presence If I clymme vp into Heauen thou arte there yf I go downe to hell thou arte there also If I take the wynges of the mornynge and remayne in the vr●ermpste part of the see Euen there also shal thy hāde lede me and thy ryght hande shall holde me If I saye peraduenture the darckenes shall couer me then shall my nyght be turned to daye Yea the darckenesse is no darkenesse with the but the nyght is as clere as the daye the darkenesse and lyght are bothe a lyke For my reynes are thyne thou haste couered me in my mothers wombe I wyll gyue thankes vnto the for I am wonderously made maruelous are thy workes and that my soule knoweth ryght well My bones are not hyd from the though I be made secretely and fasshyoued beneth in the earthe Thyne eyes se myne vnpar fectnesse they stande al wrytten in thy boke my dayes were fashyoned when as yet ther was not one of them Howe deare are ⚜ thy councels vnto me O god O how great is the summe of them If I tell them they are me in nombre then the sande when I wake vp I am present with the. Wyite thou nat slaye the wycked Oh God departe frome me ye bloude thyrstye men For they speake vnryghtuouslye agaynste the and thyne ennemyes take thy name in vayne Do not I hate them O Lorde ▪ that hate the and am nat I greued with those that ryse vp agaynst the Yea I hate them ryght foore euen as thoughe they were myne enemyes Trye me O God and seke the grounde of myne herte proue me and examyne my thoughtes Loke well yf there be any waye of wyckednesse in me and leade me in the way euer lastynge ¶ The. cxl Psalme ¶ To the chaunter a Psalme of Dauyd DElyuer me O Lorde frome the euyll man and preserue me from the wycked man Whiche ymagyne myschefe in theyr hertes and stere vp stryfe all the daye longe They haue sharpened theyr tonges lyke a serpente adders poyson is vnder theyr lippes Sela. Kepe me O Lord frome the handes of the vngodly preserue me from the wycked men whiche are purposed to ouerthrowe my goynges The proude haue layed a snare for me and spred a net abrode with cordes yea and set trappes in my waye Sela. But my sayenge is vnto the Lord thou art my God heare the voyce of my prayers O Lorde O Lorde God thou strength of my health thou haste couered my heade in the daye of battayle Let not the vngodly haue his desyre O Lorde let hym nat haue his purpose least they be to proude Sela. Let the myschefe of theyr owne lyppes fal vpon the heade of them that compase me aboute Let hote burnynge coles fal vpon them let them be caste into the fyre and to the pyt that they neuer ryse vp agayne A man full of wordes shall not prospere vppon the earth a malycious and wycked person shal be hunted awaye and destroyed Sure I am that the Lorde wyll auenge the pore and mayntene the cause of the helpelesse The ryghtuous also shall gyue thanckes vnto thy name and the iuste shall continue in thy syght ¶ The. cxlj. Psalme ¶ A Psalme of Dauyd LORDE I call vpon the haste the vnto me and consydre my voyce when I crye vnto the. Let my prayer be sette forthe in thy syght as the incense and let the lyftyng vp of my handes be an euenyng sacryfyce Set a watch O Lord before my mouth yea a watch at the dore of my lippes O let not myne herte be enclyned to any euyll thynge to be mynded as the vngodly orwycked men ☞ lest I eate of suche thynges as please them Let the ryghteous rather smyte me frendly and reproue me so wyll I take it as though he had powred oyle vpō my heade it shal nat hurte my heade yee I wyl praye yet for theyr wyckednesse Let theyr iudges stomble in stony places that they maye heare my wordes for they are swete Oure bones lye scatered before the pytte lyke as when one graueth
shew theyr fathers house nor theyr seed and that they were of Israel The chyldren of Dalaiah the chyldren of Tobia and the chyldren of Nocoda syxe hundred two and fourtye And of the preestes the chyldren of Habaiah the chyldren of Hacos the chyldren of Bersilai whiche toke one of the doughters of Bersilai the Gileadite to wyfe was named after theyr name These sought theyr wrytyng in the register of theyr generacion but they were not founde therfore they were put from the preesthode And Hathirsata sayd vnto them that they shuld not eate of the moost holy tyll there came vp a preest whiche shulde weare Urim and Thumim And so the hole congregacyon togyther was two and fourtye thousande thre hundred thre score besyde theyr seruauntes and maydes of whom there were seuen thousand thre hundred and seuen and thyrty And they had two hundred and seuen and fourtie syngyng men and women Theyr horses seuen hūdred and syxe and thyrtye and theyr Mules two hundred and fyue and fourtie The camels foure hundred and fyue and thyrtye syxe thousande seuen hundred and twentye Asses And certayne of the auncient fathers gaue vnto the worke Hathirsatha gaue to the treasure a thousand peces of golde fyftye basens fyue hundred thyrtye preestes garmentes And some of the cheyfe fathers gaue vnto the treasure of the worke xx thousande peces of golde and two thousande two hundred pounde of syluer And the other people gaue twentye thousand peces of golde and two thousande pounde of syluer and thre score and seuen preestes garmentes And the preestes and Leuites the porters and the syngers and the other of the people and the Nethmims and all Israell dwelte in theyr cityes And the seuenth moneth came and the Chyldren of Israell were in theyr cityes ¶ Esdras gathereth the people togyther and redeth to them the Lawe They kepe the feast of Tabernacles or bothes CAPI VIII ANd ✚ all the people gathered them selues togyther as one mā in the strete that was before the water gate they sayde vnto Esdras the scribe that he shulde fetche the boke of the law of Moses which the Lorde cōmaunded to Israel And Esdras the Preest brought the lawe before the congregacyon bothe of men and women and all that coulde vnderstande dyd herken vnto it vpon the fyrste daye of the seuenth moneth and he red therin in the strete that was before the water gate from the mornynge vntyll the noone daye before men and women that dyd herken to it and the eares of all the people were enclyned vnto the boke of the lawe And Esdras the scribe stode vpon an hyghe pulpyt of wood which they had made for the preachynge besyde hym stode Mathathia Sema Anania Uriah Helkia and Maasia on his ryght hande and on his lefte hande stode Pedaia Misael Malchia Hasum Hasebadana Zachary and Mesulam And Esdras opened the boke before all the people for he stode aboue all the people And when he opened it all the people stode vp And Esdras praysed the Lorde the great God And all the people answered Amen Amen with theyr handꝭ vp and bowed themselues and worshypped the Lorde fallynge downe vpon theyr faces to the grounde And Iesua Baam Serabiah Iamin Acub Sebathai Hodaia Maasia Celita Azaria Iozabad Hanan Pelaia the Leuites caused the people to gyue hede vnto the lawe the people stode in theyr place And they red in the boke of the lawe of god distynctly and playnly so that men vnderstode the thynge that was red And Nehemiah whiche is Hathirsatha and Esdras the preest and scribe the Leuites that caused the people to take hede sayd vnto al the people this day is holy vnto the Lorde your God be not ye sory and wepe not For al the people wepte when they herde the wordes of the lawe And he sayd vnto them go your waye and eate the fat and drynke the swete sende parte vnto them also that haue not prepared them selues for this day is holy vnto the lord be not ye sory therfore for the ioy of the lorde is your strength ⊢ And the Leuites stylled all the people and sayd holde your peace for the day is holy vexe not ye your selues And al the people went theyr way to eate drynke and to sende parte vnto other and to make great myrth bycause they had vnderstande the wordes that was declared vnto them And on the nexte day were gathered togyther the cheyfe fathers amonge all the people and the preestes Leuites vnto Esdras the scribe that they myght vnderstande the wordes of the law And they founde wrytten in the law which the Lorde had cōmaunded by Moses that the chyldren of Israell shulde dwell in bothes in the feast of the seuenth moneth and that they shulde cause it to be declared proclamed in all theyr cityes and thorowout Ierusalem sayenge Go forth vnto the mount fetche Olyue braunches Pyne braunches Myrte braunches Palme braūches braunches of thicke trees to make bothes as it is wrytten And so the people went forth and fet them and made them bothes euery one vpon the rofe of his house and in theyr courtes and in the courtes of the house of god in the strete by the water gate and in the strete by porte Ephraim And all the congregacion of them that were come agayne out of the captiuyte made bothes and sat vnder the bothes For synce the tyme of Iosua the son of Nun vnto this day had not the chyldren of Israel done so and there was very great gladnesse And euery day from the fyrst day vnto the laste red Esdras in the boke of the lawe of God And seuen dayes helde they the feast and on the eyght day the gatheryng togyther accordynge vnto the maner ¶ The people repent forsake theyr straung wyues Esdras recyteth the benefytes of god and the synnes of the people CAPI IX IN the foure and twentye daye of this moneth came the chyldren of Israel togyther agayne with fastyng and sacke clothes and earth vpon them and they that were of the seede of Israell were separated from all the straunge chyldren and stode and knowledged theyr synnes and the wyckednesse of theyr fathers and stode vp in theyr place and red in the boke of the lawe of the Lorde theyr god foure tymes on the day and they knowledged and worshypped the Lorde theyr god iiii tymes on the day And the Leuites stode on hygh namely Iesua Bani Cadmiel Sabaniah Buni Sarebiah Bani Chanani and creyed loude vnto the Lorde theyr God And the Leuites Iesua and Cadmiel Bani and Hasabnia Serebia Hodia Sebania and Phathahia sayd stande vp and prayse the Lorde your God for euer and let thankes be gyuen vnto the name of thy glorye which excelleth all thankes gyuynge and prayse Thou arte Lorde alone thou hast made heuen and the heuen of all heuens with all theyr hoost the earth and all thyngs that are therin
foxes But y ● kynge shal reioyse in God all they also y ● swere by hym shal be cōmended for the mouth of them chat speake lyes shal be stopped ¶ The. lxiiij Psalme ¶ To the Chaunter a Psalme of Dauyd HEARE my voyce O God in my praer preserue my lyfe from fere of the enemy Hyde me from the gatherynge togyther of the frowarde from the insurrection of wicked doers Whiche haue whee theyr tonge lyke a swerde shote out theyr arrowes euen bytter wordes That they may pryu●●● shote at him whiche is perfect sodenly do they hyt him feare nat They courage them selues in mischeife and commune amonge them selues howe they may laye snares say that no man shal se them They ymagin wickednes and practyse it y t they kepe secrete among them selues euery man in y ● depe of his hert But god shall sodenly shote at them with a swifte arow y ● they shal be wounded Yee theyr owne tonges shall make them fall in so much y ● who so seeth them shall laugh them to scorne And all men that se it shall saye this hathe God done for they shall perceaue that it is hys worke The ryghteous shall reioyse in the Lorde put his trust in him and all they that are true of herte shal be glad ¶ The. lxv Psalme To the chaunter a Psalme and songe of Dauyd THou O God arte praysed in Syon vnto the shall the vowe be perfourmed ⚜ in Hierusalem Thou that hearest the prayer vnto the shall all fleshe come My mysdedes preuayle agaynste me Oh be thou mercyfull vnto oure synnes Blessed is y ● man whom thou chosest and receauest vnto the he shal dwel in thy court and shal be satysfyed with the pleasures of thy house euen of thy holy temple Thou shalt shewe vs wonderful thinges in ryghteousnesse O God of our saluacyon thou y ● arte the hope of all the endes of the earth and of thē y ● remayne in the broade see Which in his strength setteth fast the moūtaines and is gyrded aboute w t power Which stylleth the ragyng of the see the noyse of his waues and the madnesse of the people They also y ● dwell in the vttermoost partes of the erth shal be afrayed at thy tokēs thou that makest the ☞ out goynges of the mornyng and euenyng to prayse the. Thou visitest the earth and blessest it thou makest it very plenteous The ryuer of God is full of water thou preparest their corne for so thou prouydest for the earthe Thou waterest her forowes thou sendest rayne ī to the litle valleys therof thou makest it softe with the droppes of raine and blessest the increase of it Thou crownest the yere w t thy goodnesse thy cloudes droppe fatnesse They shal droppe vpon the dwellynges of y ● wyldernes and the lytle hylles shall reioyse on euery syde The foldes shal be full of shepe the valleys also shall stande so thycke with corne that they shal laugh and synge The. lxvi Psalme ¶ To the chaunter The songe of a Psalme O Be ioyfull in God all ye landes synge prayses vnto the honour of his name make hys prayse to be gloryous Saye vnto God O howe wonderfull arte thou in thy worckes thorowe the greatnesse of thy power shall thyne enemyes be founde lyers vnto the. For all the worlde shall worshyppe the syng of the and prayse thy name Sela. O come hyther and beholde the worckes of God how wonderful he is in his doyng towarde the chyldren of men He turned the see into drye lāde so that they wēt thorow the water on fote there dyd we reioyse therof He ruleth with his power for euer his eies behold y ● people and such as wyl nat beleue shal nat be able to exalte them selues Sela. O prayse oure God ye people and make the voice of his prayse to he heard Which holdeth our soule in lyfe suffreth nat our fete to slyp For thou O God haste proued vs thou also haste tryed vs lyke as syluer is tryed Thou broughtest vs into to the snare and layed trouble vpon our loynes Thou suffredest men to ryde ouer oure heades We went thorow fyre water and y ● broughtest vs out into a welthy place I wyll go in to thy house with brent offrynges and wyll paye the my vowes whiche I promysed with my lippes and spake with my mouth when I was in trouble I wyll offre vnto the fat brente sacryfyces with the meense of rammes I wil offre bullockes and goates Sela. O come hither and herken all ye y ● feare God and I wyl tel you what he hath done for my soule I called vnto him with my mouth and gaue hym prayses with my tonge If I enclyne vnto wyckednesse with my herte the Lorde wyl nat heare me But God hath hearde me and considred the voyce of my prayer Praysed be God which hath nat cast out my praier nor tourned his mercy fro me ¶ The. lxvii Psalme ¶ To the chaunter in melodies a Psalme and a songe GOd be mercyfull vnto vs and blesse vs and shewe vs the lyght of his coūtenaunce ⚜ and be mercyful vnto vs. ●ela That thy waye maye be knowen vpon earth thy sauing health among all naciōs Let the people prayse the O God yee let all people prayse the. O let the nacyōs reioyse and be glad For thou shalt iudge the folke righteously and gouerne the nacions vpon earth Sela. Let the people prayse y ● O God let all people prayse the. Then shal the erth bring furth hir increase God euen oure owne god shall geue vs his blessynge God shall blesse vs all the endes of the worlde shall feare him ¶ The ▪ lxviiꝭ Psalme ¶ To the chaunter a Psalme and songe of Dauid LEt God aryse and let his enemyes be scattered let them also that hate him flye fom his face Lyke as the smoke vanysheth so shalte thou dryue them awaye and lyke as waxe melteth at the fyre so let the vngodly perishe frō the precēre of God But let the ryghteous be glad reioyse in the syght of God let them also be mery ioyful Oh syng vnto God syng prayses vnto his name magnifye hym that rydeth vpon the heauens as it were vpon a horse prayse ye him ☞ īhys name ye and reioyse before hym He is a father of the fatherlesse and defendeth the cause of wydowes euen God in his holy habitacion He is the God that maketh men to be of one minde in a house he bryngeth the prisoners out of captiuite but letteth the rennagates conty nue in scarcenesse O God when thou wentest for the before the people when thou wētest thorowe the wyldernesse Sela. The earthe shoke and the heauens dropped at the presence of God euen as Sinai also was moued at y ● presēce of God which is the God of Israel Thou O God sendedst a
earely in the mornynge and of thy trueth in the nyght season Upon an instrumente of ten strynges and vpon the lute vpon a lowde instrument and vpon the harpe For thou Lorde haste made me glad tho rowe thy workes and I wyll reioyse in genynge prayse for the operacions of thy handes O Lorde howe glorious are thy workes thy thoughtes are very depe An v●wyse man doth nat well cōsydre this and a foole doth nat vnderstande it Whā the vngodly are grene as the grasse whā all the workers of wyckednes do florish thē shal they be destroyed for ●uer But y ● Lord arte the most hyest for euer more For lo thyne enemyes O Lorde lo thyne ennemies shall perishe and all the workers of wickednes shal be destroyed But my horne shal be exalted like the horne of an Unicorne for I am anointed with fresh oyle Myne eye also shall se his luste of myne enemyes and myne care shall heare his desyre of the wycked that ryse vp agaynst me The ryghtuous shall floryshe lyke a Palme tree and shall sprede abrode lyke a Cedre in Libanꝰ Suche as be planted in the house of the Lorde shall floryshe in the courtes ⚜ of the house of our god They shall also bryng for the more frute in their age shal be fat well lykinge That they may shewe how true the Lorde my strēgth is and that there is no vnryghtuousnesse in him ¶ The. xciij Psalme THE Lorde is kynge and hath put on glorious apparell the Lorde hath put on his apparell and gyrded him selfe with strength he hath made the roūde worlde so sure that it can nat be moued Euer syns the worlde beganne hath thy seate ben prepared thou arte from euerlastynge The floudes are rysen O Lorde the floudes haue lyfte vp theyr noyse the floudes lyfte vp the waues The waues of the see are myghtye and rage horrybly but yet the Lorde that dwelleth on hye is myghtyer Thy testymonyes O Lorde are very sure holynesse becommeth thyne house for euer ¶ The. xciiii Psalme O LORDE God to whome vengeaunce belongeth thou God to whom vengeaunce belongeth shewe thy selfe Aryse thou iudge of the worlde and rewarde the proude after theyr deseruynge Lorde howe long shal the vngodly how long shal the vngodly triūphe Howe longe shal all wicked doers speake so disdaifully make suche proude bostyng They smyte downe thy people O Lorde and trouble thyne herytage They murthur the wydowe and the straūger and put the fatherlesse to death And yet they say Tushe the Lorde shal not se nether shal y ● god of Iacob regard it Take hede ye vnwyse amonge y ● people O ye fooles when wyll ye vnderstande He y ● planted the care shall he not heare Or he y ● made the eye shall nat he se For he y ● nurtureth the Hethen it is he y ● techeth mā knowledge shal nat he punysh The Lorde knoweth y ● thoughtes of men y ● they are vayne Blessed is the man whome y ● chastenest O Lorde and teachest him in thy lawe That thou mayste geue him pacyence in tyme of aduersyte vntyll the pyt be dygged vp for the vngodly For the Lorde wyll nat fayle his people neither wyl he forsake hys inherytaunce Untyll ryghtuousnes turne agayne vnto iudgement al suche as be true of herte shall folowe it Who wyll ryse vp with me agaynst the wycked Or who wyl take my parte against the euyl doers If thou Lorde had nat helped me it had nat fayled but my soule had bene put to sylence But whan I sayde my fote hath slypped thy mercy O Lorde helde me vp In the multitude of the sorowes that I had in my herte thy comfortes haue refresshed my soule Wylte thou haue any thynge to do w t the stole of wyckednes whiche ymagineth myschefe as a lawe They gather them together agaynste the soule of the ryghtuous and condemne the innocent bloude But the Lorde is my refuge my god is the strēgth of my cōfidence He shal recompence them their wyckednes and destroye them in their owne malyce yee the Lorde our God shall destroye them ¶ The. xcv Psalme O COME let vs synge vnto y e Lorde let vs hertely reioise in the strength of our saluacion Let vs come before hys presēce with thanckesgeuynge shewe our selfe glad in him with psalmes For the Lorde is a greate God and a great kynge aboue al goddes In his hande are al the corners of the earth and the heightes of the hylles is his also The see is his he made it and his handes fourmed the dyre lande O come let vs worshyppe fall downe and knele before the Lorde our maker For he is ⚜ the Lorde our God and we are the people of his pasture and ☞ the shepe of hꝭ handes To day if ye wyl here his voice harden not your hertes as in the prouocacyon and as in the daye of tēptacyon in the wyldernesse Whē your fathers tempted me prouyd me sawe my worckes Forty yeares longe was I greued with that generacyon sayde it is a people that do erre in theyr hertes for they haue nat knowen my wayes Unto whō I sware in my wrath that they shulde nat entre into my rest ¶ The. xcvj Psalme O Synge vnto the Lorde a newe songe synge vnto the Lorde all the whole earthe Syng vnto the Lord and prayse his name be tellynge of his saluacion from daye to daye Declare his honour vnto the Heathen and his wonders vnto al people For the Lorde is great and can not worthelye be praysed he is more to be feared then all goddes As for all the Goddes of the Heathen they be but Idols but it is the Lorde that made the Heauens Glorye and worshyppe are before hym power and honour are in his Saynctuary Ascrybe vnto the Lorde O ye kynredes of the people ascrybe vnto the Lorde worshyppe and power Gyue vnto the LORDE the honoure due vnto his name brynge presentes and come into hys courtes O worshyppe the Lorde in the beautye of holynesse let the whole earth stande in awe of hym Tell it out amonge the Heathen that the Lorde is kynge and that it is he whiche hath made the roūde worlde so faste that it can nat be moued and howe that he shall iudge the people ryghtuously Let the heauens reioyse and let the earthe be glad let the see make a noyse and al that therin is Let the felde be ioyfull and all that is in it then shall all the trees of the wodde reioyse Before the Lorde for he commeth for he commeth to iudge the earth and with rightuousnesse to iudge the worlde and the people with his trueth ¶ The. xcvij. Psalme THE Lorde is kynge the earth may be glad therof yea the multytude of the Iles may be glad therof Cloudes and darckenesse are rounde aboute hym ryghtuousnesse and iudgement are the habytacyons of his seate
hym and toke vi hundred chosen charettes and al the charettes of Egipt and cap taynes vpon euery one of them And the lord hardened the herte of Pharao kynge of Egypt and he folowed after the chyldrē of Israell But the Chyldren of Israell went out with an hye hande and the Egyptians folowed after them al the horses and charettes of Pharao and his horsemen his hoste oueroke them abydynge by the see besyde Pi Hiroth before Baalzephon And when Pharao drew nye the chyldren of Israell lyfte vp theyr eyes beholde the Egyptians folowed after them they were sore afrayed the chyldren of Israell cryed out vnto the Lorde But they sayd vnto Moses bycause there were no graues in Egypt hast thou therfore brought vs awaye for to dye in the wyldernesse Wherfore haste thou serued vs thus for to carye vs out of Egipte Dyd not we tel the this in Egypt saynge let vs be in rest that we maye serue the Egyptians For it had ben better for vs to haue serued the Egiptians then for to dye in the wyl dernesse And Moses sayde vnto the people feare ye not stande styl beholde howe the Lorde shall saue you this daye For ye that haue sene the Egyptians this daye shall se them nomore for euer The Lorde shal fyght for you and ye shall holde your peace And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses wherfore cryest thou vnto me Speake vnto the chyldrē of Israel that they go forwarde But lyfte thou vp thy rod stretch out thy hande ouer the see deuyde it a sondre and let the chyldren of Israel go on drye groūde thorow the myddest of the see And beholde I wyll harden the herte of the Egyptians that they maye folow them And I wyl get me honour vpon Pharao and vpon all his hoost and vpon his charettes and vpon his horsemen And the Egyptians shal knowe that I am the Lorde when I haue gotten me honoure vpon Pharao vpon his charettes and vpon his horsemen And the Angell of god whiche went before the hoost of Israell remoued began to go behynde them And the clowden pyller that was before the face of them begā to stande behynde them and came bytwene the hoost of the Egyptians and the hoost of Israel It was ☞ also a darke clowde and gaue lyght by nyght and al the nyght longe the one came not at the other And Moses stretched forth his hande ouer the see and the Lorde caryed away the see by a very stronge East wynde all that nyght and made the see drye lande the waters were deuyded And the chyldren of Israel went in to the myddest of the see vpon the drye groūde And the waters were a walle vnto them on theyr ryght hande on theyr lefte hande And the Egiptians folowed and went in after them to the myddest of the see euen all Pharaos horses his charettes and his horsemen ✚ And in the mornyng watche the Lorde loked vnto the hoost of the Egyptians out of the fyrie clowdy pyller and troubled the hoost of the Egyptians toke of his charet wheles and caryed them away violently so that the Egyptians sayd Let vs f●e from the face of Israell for the Lorde fyghteth for thē agaynst the Egyptians And the lorde sayde vnto Moses stretche out thyne hande ouer the See that the waters may come agayne vpon the Egiptian vpon his charettes and vpon his horsemen And Moses stretched forth his hand ouer the see it came agayne to his course early in the mornynge the Egyptians fled agaynst it And the Lorde ouerthrew the Egyptians in the myddest of the see the water returned and couered the charettes the horsemen and all the hoost of Pharao that came in to the see after them so that there remayned not one of them But the children of Israel walked vpon drye lande thorowe the myddest of the see the waters were a walle vnto them on the ryght hande of them and on the lefte Thus the Lorde delyuered Israell the selfe same daye out of the hande of the Egyptians and Israell sawe the Egyptyans dead vpon the see syde And Israell sawe that myghtye power which the lorde shewed vpon the Egyptians and the people feared the Lorde byleued the lorde and his seruaunt Moses ¶ Moyses and the people with the women synge At the prayer of Moyses the bytter waters were swete God must be herde They come to Elim CAPI XV. THen Moses and the chyldren of Israel sange this songe vnto the lorde sayd I wyl syng vnto the lorde ⊢ for he hath triumphed gloriously the horse him that rode vpon hym hath he ouerthrowne in the see The Lorde is my strength prayse and he is become my saluacion He is my god and I wyll gloryfy hym my fahthers God and I wyll exalte hym The lorde is a man of war The lorde is his name Pharaos charettes his hoost hath he cast into the see His chosen captaynes also are drowned in the red See that deepe waters haue couered them they soncke to the botom as a stone Thy ryghthand lorde is become glorious in power thy ryghthande lorde hath all to dasshed the enemye And in thy greate glory thou hast ouerthrowne them that rose vp agaynst the thou sentest forth thy wrath which cōsumed them euen as stoble Thorow the wynd of thy nose thrylles the water gathered togyther the floodes stode styl as an heape the depe water cōgeled togyther in the ☞ herte of the see The enemye sayd I wyl folowe on them I wyl ouertake thē I wyl deuyde the spoyle I wyll satisfye my lust vppon them I wyll drawe my swerde myne hande shall destroye them Thou blewest with thy wynde the see couered thē they sanke as lead in the mighty waters Who is lyke vnto the o Lorde amonge Gods who is lyke the so gloryus in holynesse ☞ fearfull in prayses shewynge wondres Thou stretchedst out thy ryght hand the earth swalowed them Thou in thy mercye hast caryed this people whiche thou delyuereds● and haste brought them in thy strength vnto thy holy habytacyon The nacyons herde and were afrayed sorowe came vpon the Philistines Then the dukes of the Edomytes were amased and the myghtyest of the Moabites tremblynge came vppon them al the inhabyters of Canaan waxed faynt herted Let feare drede fal vpon them in the greatnesse of thyne arme let them be as styl as a stone tyl thy peple passe thorow o Lorde whyle this people passe thorowe whiche thou hast gotten Thou shalt brynge them in plante them in the mountayne of thyne enherytaunce the place Lorde which y u hast made for to twel in the saintuary o lord which thy handes haue prepared The lorde shall raygne ☞ euer alway For Pharaos horse went in with his charettes horsemen into the see the Lorde brought the waters of the see vpon them But the chyldrē
be our ryghtousnesse before the Lorde our god yf we take hede and kepe all these cōmaundementes as he hath cōmaunded vs. ¶ The Israelites may make no couenaunt with the Gentyles They must destroy theyr Idols Idolatrer● must be sleyne CAPI VII WHen the Lorde thy God hath brought the into the lande whyther thou goest to possesse it and hath cast out many nacions before the namely the Hethites the Gergesites the Amorites the Cananites the Pheresites the Heuytes the Iebusytes vii nacions greater and myghtyer then thou and when the Lorde thy god hath set them before the thou shalt smyte them vtterly destroye them make no couenaunte with them nor haue cōpassion on them Thou shalte make no maryages with them neyther gyue thy doughter vnto his son nor take his doughter vnto thy son For they wyll dysceyue thy son that he shulde not feare me they shall serue straūge goddꝭ then wyll the wrath of the lorde waxe hoote agaynst you destroye you shortly But thus ye shall deale w t them Ye shall ouerthrowe theyr aulters breake downe theyr pillers cut downe theyr groues burne theyr grauen ymages w t fyre For thou arte an holy nacyon vnto the Lorde thy God the Lorde thy God hath chosen the to be a seuerall people vnto hym selfe aboue all nacyons that are vpon the earth It was not bycause of the multitude of you aboue al nacions that the lord had lust vnto you chose you seynge ye were fewest of all nacions But bycause the lorde loued you and bycause he wolde kepe the othe whiche he had sworne vnto youre fathers therfore hath the Lorde brought you out thorowe a myghtye hande and delyuered you out of the house of bondage euen from the hande of Pharao kynge of Egypt Understande therfore that the lorde thy god he is god that a true god whiche kepeth poyntment and mercy vnto them that loue hym kepe his cōmaūdementes euen thorowout a thousande generacyons and rewardeth them that hate ☞ hym before his face so that he bryngeth them to nought doth not defar the tyme but rewardeth hym that hateth hym before his face Kepe thou therfore the cōmaundementes ordinaunces lawes which I cōmaund the this day that thou do them Yf ye herkē vnto these lawes obserue do them the lorde thy god also shal kepe to the the poyntment the mercy which he sware vnto thy fathers He wyll loue the blesse the and multiplye the he wyl also blesse the fruyt of thy wombe the fruyte of thy lande thy corne thy wyne and thyne oyle the encrease of thyne oxen and the flockꝭ of thy shepe in the lande which he sware vnto thy fathers to gyue the. Thou shalt be blessed aboue all nacions there shall be neyther man nor woman vnfruytfull amonge you nor any thynge vnfruytfull amonge your cattel Moreouer the lorde wyll take away frō the all maner infirmityes and wyll put none of the euyll diseases of Egypte whiche thou knowest vpon the but wyll sende them vpon all them that hate the. Thou shalt consume al the nacions whiche the Lorde thy God shall delyuer the thyne eye shall haue no pitye vpon them neyther shalte thou serue theyr Goddes for that shal be thy decaye If thou saye in thyne herte these nacions are ●o then I howe can I cast them out Thou shalt not feare them but remēbre what the lorde thy God dyd vnto Pharao vnto al Egypt the great temptacions which thyne eyes sawe the sygnes and wondres the myghtye hande stretched out arme where thorowe the Lorde thy god brought the out euen so shall the Lorde thy god do to all the nacyons of whom thouarte afrayde Moreouer the lorde thy god wyll sende hornettes amonge them vntyll they that are lefte hyde them selues frō the be destroyed Thou shalte not feare them for the Lorde thy god is amonge you a myghty god and a terrible for the lorde thy god wyll put out these nacyons before the by a lytle a lytle thou mayst not cōsume them at once leest the beastes of the felde encrease vpō the. But the Lorde thy God shall gyue them ouer before the and shall destroye them with a myghtye tempest vntyll he haue brought them to nought And he shall delyuer theyr kynges into thyne hande and thou shalt destroye theyr name from vnder heuen There shall no man he able to stande before the vntyll thou haue destroyed them The grauen ymages of theyr Goddes shalte thou burne with fyre and couet not the Golde syluer that is on them nor take it vnto the lest thou be snared therin For it is an abhominacyon before the lorde thy god Brynge not therfore abhominacyon in to thyne house lest thou be ☞ a dampned thyng as it is but vtterly defye it abhorre it for it is a dampned thyng ¶ Moses putteth the Israelytes in remembraunce what God hath done to them in the wyldernesse CAPI VIII ALl the cōmaundementes whiche I cōmaunde the this daye shall ye kepe for to do them that ye maye lyue and multyplye and go in possesse the lande which● the lorde sware vnto your fathers And thou shalte thynke on all the way which the lorde thy God led the this xl yeare in the wyldernesse for to humble the and to proue the and to wete what was in thyne herte whyther thou woldest kepe his commaundementes or no. He humbled the and suffered the to hungre and fed the with Manna whiche neyther thou nor thy Fathers knewe of to make the knowe that a man doth not lyue by breade onely but by euery ❀ vvorde that procedeth out of the mouth of the lorde doth a man lyue Thy rayment waxed not olde vpon the neyther dyd thy fote swell these xl yeares This also shalte thou consyder in thy herte that as a man nurtoureth his son euen so the Lorde thy god nurtoureth the. Therfore shalte thou kepe the commaundementes of the lorde thy god that thou walke in his wayes and feare hym For the Lorde thy God bryngeth the in to a good lande a lande in the whiche are ryuers of waters and foūtaynes and spryngꝭ that sprynge out of valeyes hylles a lande wherin is wheat and barly vyneyardes fyg trees and Pomgarnates a lande wherin is oyle olyue and honye a lande wherin thou shalte eate breade without scarcenesse neyther shalte thou lacke any thynge a lande whose stoones are yron and out of whose hylles thou shalte dygge brasse When thou hast eaten therfore and fylled thy selfe thou shalte blesse the Lorde thy God in that good lande whiche he hath gyuen the. Beware that thou forgette not the Lorde thy God that thou woldest not kepe his commaundementes his lawes and ordynaunces whiche I commaunde the this day yea and when thou hast eaten and fylled thy selfe and hast buylde goodly houses and
And by weyght ❀ he gaue golde for the tables of shew breade euen for euery table lykewyse syluer for the tables of syluer And golde for flesshe hokes cuppes drynkynge pottes And pure gold in weyght for basens euen for euery basen And lykewyse syluer by weyght for euery basen of syluer And for the aulter of insence pure golde by weyght And golde for the patron of the charet of the Cherubes that stretched out theyr wynges and couered the arke of the couenaūt of the lorde All was gyuen me by wrytyng of the hande of the Lorde which made me vnderstande al the workemanshyp of the patrone And Dauid sayde to Salomon his sonne Be strong and do manfully feare not nor be faynt herted For the Lorde God euen my God is with the and he shall not fayle the nor forsake the vntyll thou hast fynysshed al the worke that must serue for the house of the Lorde Beholde the preestes and Leuites are deuided in companyes for all maner of seruyce that perteyneth to the house of god they are with the for all maner of workmanshyp and so are all that excell in wysdome for any maner of seruyce Thou hast also the Lordes and all the people for euery thynge that thou hast nede of ¶ The offerynge of Dauid and of the prynces for the buyldynge of the Temple Dauid dyeth and Salomon his sonne reygneth in his steade CAPI XXIX ANd Dauid the kynge sayd vnto all the congregacyon God hath specially chosen Salomon my sonne whiche is yet yonge and tender and the worke is great for the house shall not be for man but for the lorde God Moreouer I haue prepared with all my myght for the house of God golde for vesselles of golde syluer for them of syluer brasse for thynges of brasse yron for thynges of yron and wood for thynges of wood and onyke stones and stones to be set glistrynge stones of dyuerse coloures and all maner of precious stones and marble stones in great haboundaunce And bycause I haue luste to the house of my God I haue of myne owne propre good of golde and syluer whiche I haue seuerally gyuen to the house of my god besyde all that I haue prepared for the holye house euen thre thousande talentes of golde of Ophir and seuen thousande talentes of tryed syluer to ouerlay the walles of the houses withall the golde for thynges of golde syluer for them of syluer and for al maner of worke by the handes of artificers And who soeuer is wyllynge may this day consecrate his hande vnto the lorde And so the auncient fathers and the lordes of the trybes of Israel the captaynes of thousandes and hundredes with the lordes that were rulers ouer the kyngꝭ worke were wyllynge gaue for the seruyce of the house of God fyue thousande talentes of golde ten thousande peces of golde and ten thousande talentes of syluer and. xviii thousand talentes of brasse and an hundred thousand talentes of yron And they with whom precious stones were foūde gaue them to the treasure of the house of the Lorde by the hande of Iehiel the Gersonite And the people reioysed when the were so wyllynge to gyue theyr goodes and with a perfyte herte they offered vnto the Lorde And Dauid the kynge reioysed with great gladnesse And Dauid blessed the Lorde before all the congregacion and sayde Blessed be thou lorde God of Israel our father from euer and foreuer Thyne O lorde is greatnesse and power glorie victorie and prayse for all that is in heuen and in earth is thyne and thyne is the kyngdome O lorde thou excellest aboue all euen as the heade of all And tychesse and honoure come of the and thou reygnest ouer all and in thyne hande is powre and strength and in thyne hande it is to make great and to gyue strength vnto al. And now our god we thanke the and prayse thy gloryous name But who am I● what is my people that we shulde enfor●● our selues to gyue these thynges so wyllyngly But all thynges come of the and of that whiche we receyue of thyne hande we haue gyuen the. For we be but straungers before the and soiourners as were all our fathers Oure dayes on the earthe also are but as a shadowe and there is none abydynge O lorde our God all this stuffe that we haue prepayred to buylde the an house for thy holy name cometh of thyne hande is all thyne I wote also my god that thou tryest the hertes and hast pleasure in vnfaynednesse And in the vnfaynednesse of myne herte I haue wyllyngly offred al these thynges And nowe haue I sene thy people which are foūde here to offre vnto the wyllynglye and with gladnes O lorde God of Abraham Isaac of Israell our fathers kepe this for euer as the begynnyng of the thoughtes of the herte of thy peple prepare theyr hertes vnto the. And gyue vnto Salomon my sonne ▪ a perfyte herte to kepe thy cōmaundements thy testymonyes and thy statutes and to do all and to buylde the house for the which I haue made prouisyon And Dauid sayde to all the congregacion ☞ Nowe blesse the lorde your god And al the cōgregacion blessed the lorde god of theyr fathers and bowed downe theyr heades worshypped the lorde the kynge And they offered offerynges vnto the Lorde And on the morowe after the sayde day they offered burntoffrynges vnto the Lorde euen a thousande yong oxen a thousand rammes a thousande shepe with theyr drynke offerynges Many sacrifices offered they for all Israell and dyd eate and drynke before the Lorde the same day with great gladnesse And they made Salomon the sonne of Dauid kynge the seconde tyme and annoynted hym prynce before the lorde and Zadocke to be the hygh preest And Salomon sat on the seate of the Lorde and was kyng in steade of Dauid his father and prospered and al they of Israell obeyed hym And all the lordes and men of power and all the sonnes of kynge Dauid submitted them selues and were vnder kyng Salomon And the lorde magnifyed Salomon in dignitye in the syght of all them of Israell and gaue hym so gloryouse a kyngdome as no kyng had before hym in Israell And so Dauid the sonne of Isai reygned ouer al Israel And the space that he reygued ouer Israel was xl yere seuen yere reygned he in Hebron xxxiii yere reygned he in Ierusalem And he dyed in a good age full of dayes ryches and honoure And Salomon his sonne reygned in his steade The actes of Dauid the kyng fyrst and last beholde they are wrytten in the boke of Samuel the sear and in the boke of Nathan the prophet and in the boke of Gad the sear with al his kyngdom and power and tymes that wente ouer hym and ouer all Israel ouer all the kyngdomes of the earth ❧ The ende of the fyrst boke of the Cronycles otherwyse called the fyrst boke of Paralipomenon
and saue me for thy mercyes sake Let me nat be confounded O Lorde for I haue called vpon the let the vngodly be put to confucion and be put to sylēce in the graue Let the lyenge lyppes be put to sylence whiche cruelly disdaynfully and despytfully speake agaynste the ryghtuous O howe plentyfull is thy goodnes whiche thou hast layed vp for them that feare the● and that thou hast prepayred for them that put theyr truste in the euen before the sonnes of men Thou shalte hyde them pryuely by thyne owne presence frome the prouokynges of al men thou shalte kepe them secretely in thy Tabernacle from the stryfe of tonges Thanked be the Lorde for he hathe shewed merueylous greate kyndenesse in a stronge cytie And when I made haste I saide I am caste out of thy sight of thyne eyes Neuertheles thou herdeste the voyce of my prayers when I cryed vnto the. O loue the Lorde al ye his sayntes for the Lorde preserueth thē that are faythfull plentuously rewardeth he the proude doer Be stronge he shal strength your herte all ye y t put your trust in the Lorde ¶ The. xxxii Psalme ¶ An instruccyon of Dauyd BLESSED is he whose vnrightuousnes is forgyuen and whose synne is couered Blessed is the man vnto whome the Lorde imputeth no synne and in whose sprete there is no gyle For whyle I helde my tonge my bones consumed awaye thorowe my daylye complaynynge For thy hande is heuy vpon me day and nyght and my moysture is lyke the drough in Sommer Sela. I wyll knoweledge my synne vnto the myne vnryghteousnesse haue I nat hyd I sayd I wyl cōfesse my sinnes vnto the Lorde so thou forgauest the wyckednesse of my synne Dela For this shall euery one that is godly make hys prayer vnto the ☞ in due season but in the greate water floudes they shall nat come nye hym Thou arte my defēce thou shalte preserue me frō trouble thou shalt cōpasse me about with sōges of delyueraūce Sela. I wyl enfourme the teach the i the way wherin y u shalt go I wyll gyde y ● with myne eye Ye shal nat be lyke a horse mule whiche haue no vnderstāding And whose mouthes must be holdē w t byt brydle leste they fall vpō y ● Great plages remayne for y ● vngodly but who so putteth his trust in y ● Lorde mercy embraceth hi on euery syde Be glad O ye righteous reioyse in y ● Lorde and be ioyfull all ye that are true of hrete ¶ The. xxxiii Psalme REioyce in the Lorde O ye ryghtuous for it becommeth well the iuste to be thankful Prayse the Lord with harpe synge Psalmes vnto him with the lute and instrument of ten strynges Synge vnto the Lorde a newe sōge synge prayses lustely ⚜ vnto hym with a good corage For the worde of the Lorde is true and all his workes are faythful He loueth ryghtuousnes and iudgement the earth is ful of the goodnesse of the Lorde By the worde of the Lorde were the heauens made and all the Hoostes of them by the breth of his mouth He gathereth the waters of the see togyther as it were vpon a heape and layeth vp the depe in secret Let al the earth feare the Lorde stande in awe of him all ye that dwell in the worlde For he spake and it was done he commaunded and it stode fast The Lorde bryngeth the councell of the Heithen to nought and maketh the deuices of the people to be of none effecte ⚜ and casteth out the councels of Prynces The councell of the Lorde shall endure for euer and the thoughtes of his hert from generacyon to generacyon Blessed is the people whose God is the Lorde Iehouah and blessed is the folke that haue chosen bē to be theyr inheritaunce The Lorde loked downe frome Heauen and behelde all the chyldren of men from the habitacion of his dwellyng he consydreth all them that dwel in the earthe He tashyoneth all the hertes of them and vnderstandeth all theyr workes There is no kynge that can be saued by the multitude of an hoste neyther is any myghty man delyuered by muche strength A horse is counted but a vayne thynge to saue a man neyther shal he delyuer any mā by his greate strength Beholde the eye of the Lorde is vpon them that feare him and vpon them that put theyr truste in his mercye To delyuer theyr soules from deathe and to fede thē in the tyme of dearth Our soule hath paciently taried for the Lorde for he is our helpe and our shylde For oure herte shall reioyce in hym because we haue hoped in his holy name Let thy mercyful kyndnesse O Lorde be vpon vs lyke as we haue put our trust in the. ¶ The. xxxiiij Psalme ¶ Of Dauyd when he chaunged his speache before Abimilech whiche droue him awaye and he departed I Wyll all waye gyue thankes vnto the Lorde hꝭ prayse shal euer be in my mouth My soule shal make her bost i the Lorde the humble shall here therof and be glad O prayse the Lorde with me and let vs magnyfye his name together I soughte the Lorde and he hearde me yee he delyuered me out of all my feare They had an eye vnto him and were lyghtened and theyr faces were nat ashamed Lo the poore cryeth and the Lorde heareth hym yee and saueth hym out of all hys troubles The Aungell of the Lorde tarieth rounde about them and feare hym and delyuereth them O taste and se howe gracious the Lorde is blessed is the man that trusteth in him O feare the Lorde ye that be his sayntes for they that feare him lacke nothyng The lyons do lacke suffre hunger but they whiche seke the Lorde shall wante no maner of thyng that is good Come ye children and herken vnto me I wyl teach you the feare of the Lorde What man is he that listeth to lyue and woloe fayne se good daies Kepe thy tonge from euell and thy lyppes that they speake no gyle Eschue cuyll and do good seke peace and ensue it The eyes of the Lorde are ouer the rightuous his eares are open vnto their prayers The countenaunce of the Lorde is agaynst them that do euyll to rote out the re membraunce of them from the earth The rightuous crye and the Lorde heareth thē and delyuereth them out of all theyr troubles The Lorde is nye vnto them that are of a contrayte herte and wyll saue suche as be of an humble sprete Greate are the troubles of the ryghteous but the Lorde delyuereth hym out of all He kepeth all his bones so that nat one of them can be broken Eut mysfourtune shal slaye the vngodly and they that hate the rightuous shal be desolate The Lorde delyuereth the soules of his seruauntes and all they y ● put theyr trust in him shal nat be destitute The ▪ xxxv
gracyous rayne vpon thyne enheritaunce and refresshedyst it whē it was werye Thy congregacyon shal dwell therin For thou O God haste of thy goodnesse prepared for the poore The lorde gaue the worde ☞ greate was the company of the preachers Kynges with theyr armyes dyd flye and were discomfited they of the housholde deuyded the spoyle ☞ Though ye haue lyen among y ● pottes yet shall ye be as y ● wynges of a doue that is couered with syluer wynges and hyr fethers lyke golde When the almyghtye scattred kynges for their sake then were they as whyte as snow in zalmon As the hyll of Basan so is Godys hyll euen a hye hyll as the hyll of Basan ▪ Why hoppe ye so ☞ ye hye hylles This is Godys hyl in the which it pleseth him to dwell yee the Lorde wyl abyde in it for euer The charettes of God are twentye thousande euen thousandes of angels and the Lorde is amonge them as in the holy place of Sinai Thou art gone by an hye thou hast led captiuyte captyue and receaued gyftes for men Yee euen for thyne enemyes that the Lorde God myght dwell amōge them Praysed be the Lorde dayly euen the God whiche helpeth vs poureth his benefytes vpon vs. Sela. He is oure God euē the God of whom commeth salua cyon God is the Lorde by whom we escape death God shall woūde the heade of hys enemies and the heary scalpe of such one as goth on styll ī his wyckednes The Lorde hath sayde I wyll bryng my people agayn as I dyd from Basan myne owne wyll I brynge agayne as I dyd somtyme from the depe of the see That thy fote may be dypped in the bloud of thyne enemyes and that the tonge of thy dogges may be red thorow the same It is well sene O God how y ● goest how thou my God and kyng goest in the Sanctuary The singers go before the mynstrels folowe after in the myddes are the damosels playeng w t the tymbrels Geue thankes O Israel vnto God y ● Lord in the congregacions from the grounde of the hart There is lytle Ben Iamin theyr ruler and the Prynces of Iuda their councell the Prices of zabulon and the Prynces of Nephthali Thy God hathe sent for the strength for the stablysh the thing O God that thou hast wrought in vs. From thy tēple in Ierusalem cometh forth thy strēgth and kynges shall bryng presentes vnto the ☞ whā the company of the speare men and multytude of y ● mighty are scatred abrode among the bestes of y ● people so that they hūbly bring peces of syluer and whan he hath scatred y ● people that delyte in warre Then shall the Prynces come out of Egypte the Moryās land shal soone stretch out her hādes vnto God Synge vnto god O ye kyngdomes of y ● erth O synge prayses vnto the Lorde Sela. Which sytteth in the heauens ouer al from the begynnynge Lo he doth sende out hys voyce yee and that a mightye voyce Ascrybe ye the power vnto god ouer Israel his worshippe stregth is in the cloudes O God wonderful art thou in thy holy places euen the God of Israell he geue the strengthe and power vnto his people Blessed be God ¶ The. lxix Psalme ¶ To the chaunter vpon ☞ Sosanim of Dauid SAue me O God for the waters are come in euen vnto my soule I stycke faste in the depe myre where no grounde is I am come into depe waters so that the floudes ronne ouer me I am werye of crying my throte is drye my syghte fayleth me for waytynge so longe vpon my God They that hate me without a cause are mo thē the heere 's of my head they that are myne enemyes and wolde destroye me giltlesse are mighty ☞ I payed them the thinges that I neuer toke God thou knowest my symplenesse and my fautes are nat hyd from the Let nat them that truste in the O Lorde God of Hoostes be ashamed for my cause let nat those that seke the beconfounded thorowe me O God of Israell And why for thy sake haue I suffred reprofe shame hath couered my face I am become a straunger vnto my brethren euen an aleaunt vnto my mothers chyldren For the zele of thyne house hathe euen eaten me and the rebukes of them that rebuked the are fallen vpon me I wepte and chastened my soule with fastynge and that was turned to my reprofe I put on a sacke cloth also and they iested vpon me They that sytte in the gate speake agaynste me and the dronckardes make songes vpon me But Lorde I make my prayer vnto the in an acceptable tyme. Heare me O God in the multitude of thy mercy euē in the truth of thy saluacion Take me out of the myre that I synke nat Oh let me be delyuered from them that hate me and out of the depe waters Let nat the water floude drowne me nether the depe swalowe me vp and let nat the pytte shute her mouth vpon me Heare me O Lorde for thy louyng kyndnesse is cōfortable turne the vnto me accordynge vnto the multitude of thy mercyes And hyde nat thy face from thy sernaūt for I am in trouble O haste the and here me Drawe nye vnto my soule and delyuer it Oh saue me because of myne enemyes ▪ Thou haste knowen my reprofe my shame and my dyshonour ▪ myne aduersaries are al ī thy fight The rebuke hath broken my hert I am full of heuynes I loked for some to haue pitye vpon me but there was no man nether foūde I any to conforte me They gaue me gall to eate when I was thyrsty they gaue me vineger to drynke Let theyr table be made a snare to take thē selues with all and let the thinges that shuld haue ben for theyr welth be vnto thē an occacyon of fallyng Let theyr eyes be blynded y ● they se nat and euer bowe y ● downe their backes Powre out thyne indignacion vpon thē and let thy wrathful displeasure take holde of them Let theyr habitacion be voyde and no man to dwell in theyr tentes For they persecute hym whom thou hast smytē they talke howe they may vexe thē whom thou hast wounded Let them fall frō one wyckednesse to another and nat come into thy ryghteousnesse Let them be wyped out of the boke of the lyuyng nat be written among the righteous As for me whā I am poore and in heuynesse thy helpe O God shall lyfte me vp I wyl prayse the name of God with a songe and magnyfye him w t thankes geuīge This also shal please god better then a bullocke that hathe hornes and hoofes The humble shall consydre this and be glad seke ye after god and youre foule shall lyue For the Lorde heareth the pore and despyseth nat ☞ his prisoners Let heauen and earth prayse hym the see and al that moueth therin For god wyll saue Sion and
buylde y ● cities of Iuda that men may dwel there and haue it in possession The posteriorite also of his seruauntes shal enherete it and they that loue his name shall dwell therin ¶ The. lxx Psalme ¶ To the chaunter of Dauid to brynge to remembraunce bycause the Lorde saued me HAste the O God to delyuer me make haste to helpe me O Lorde Let them be shamed and confounded that seke after my soule let them be turned backewarde and put to confusion that wyshe me euyll Let them for theyr rewarde be sone brought to shame that crye ouer me there there But let all those that seke the be ioyefull and glad in the and let al suche as delyte in thy saluacyon saye alwaye the Lorde be praysed As for me I am poore and in myserye haste the vnto me O God Thou arte my helpe and my redemer O LORDE make no longe taryenge ¶ The. lxxi Psalme IN the O Lorde haue I put my truste let me neuer be put to confusyon but ryd me and delyuer me in thy ryghteousnesse enclyne thyne eare vnto me and saue me Be thou my stronge holde whereunto I maye all waye resorte thou haste promysed to helpe me for thou art my house of defence and my castel Delyuer me O my God out of y ● hand of the vngodly out of the hande of the vnrighteous and cruel mā For thou O Lorde God art the thynge that I longe for thou art my hope euen fro my youth Thorowe the haue I bene holden vp euer sence I was borne thou art he that toke me out of my mothers wombe my prayse shal be all waye of the. I am become as it were a monster vnto many but my sure trust is in the. Oh let my derous workes declare When I receyue the congregacion I shall iudge accordyng vnto ryght The earthe is weake and all the ●habiters therof I beare vp y ● pillers of it Sela. I sayd vnto y ● foles dele nat so madly and to the vngodly set nat vp your horne Set nat vp your horne on hye and speake nat with a styfenecke For promocyon commeth neither from the east nor frō the west nor yet from y ● south And why God is the Iudge he putteth downe one and setteth vp another For in the hande of the Lorde there is ☞ acuppe and the wyne is red It is ful myxte and he poureth out of the same As for the dregges therof all the vngodly of the earthe shall dryncke them and suck them out But I wyl talke of the God of Iacob and prayse hym foreuer All the hornes of the vngodly also wyll I breake and the hornes of the ryghtuous shal be exalted ¶ The. lxxvj Psalme ¶ ●o the 〈◊〉 in inclo●●es a Psalme and songe of Asaph IN Iewrye is God knowen his name is greate in Israel At ☞ Schalem is his tabernacle and his dwellynge in Syon There brake he the arrowes of the bowe the shilde the swerde and the batayle Sela. Thou arte of more honoure and myght then the hylles of robbers The proud are robbed they haue slept their slepe and all the men ▪ whose handes were myghtye haue founde nothynge At thy rebuke O God of Iacob both the charet and hors is fallen Thou euē thou arte to be feared and who maye stande in thy syght when y ● arte angrye Thou dyddest cause thy iudgement to be herde from heauen the earthe trembled and was styll When God arose to iudgement and to helpe all the make vpon earth Sela. ☞ The fearsenesse of man shall turne to thy prayse and the fearsenesse of other shalt y ● refrayne Promyse vnto the Lorde your God and kepe it all ye that be rounde aboute hym brynge presentes vnto hym that ought to be feared He shall refrayne the sprete of Prynces and is wonderfull amonge the kynges of the earthe ¶ The. lxxvij Psalme ¶ To the ●haunter for I●duthun A Psalme of Dau●d I wyl crye vnto God with my voyce euē vnto God wyll I crye with my voyce he shall herken vnto me In the tyme of my trouble I sought the Lorde my sore ran and ceassed nat in the nyght ceasō my soule refused comforte When I am in heuynesse I wyll thynke vpon God when my herte is vex●d I wyll complayne Sela. Thou holdest myne eyes wakynge I am so feble that I can not speake I haue consydred the dayes of olde and the yeres that are paste I call to remembraunce my songe and in the nyght I cōmune with myne owne herte and searche out my spretes Wyll the Lorde absente hym selfe for euer And wyll he be no more intreated Is his mercy clene gone for euer And is his promyse come vtterly to an ende for euermore Hathe God forgoten to be gracyous And wyll he shutt vp his louynge kyndnesse in displeasure Sela. And I sayde It is myne owne infyrmyte But I wyll remembre the yeares of the right hāde of the moste hyest I wyll remembre the workes of the Lorde and call to mynde thy wonders of olde tyme. I wyll thynke also of all thy workes and my talkynge shal be of thy doynges ☞ Thy waye O God is holy who is so greate a God as ● our God Thou art the god that dothe wonders hast declared thy power amōge people Thou haste myghtely delyuered thy people euen the sonnes of Iacob Ioseph Sela. The waters sawe the O God the waters sawe the were afrayed y ● deapthes also were troubled The cloudes poured out water the ayer thondered thyne arowes wente abrode The voyce of thy thonder was hearde rounde aboute thy lyghteninges st one vpon the grounde the earthe was moued and shoke with all Thy waye is in the see and thy pathes in the greate waters and thy fotesteppes are nat knowen Thou leddest thy people lyke shepe by the hande of Moses and Aaron ¶ The. lxxviii Psalme ¶ An inst●uceyon of Asaph HEare my lawe O my people enclyne youre eares vnto the wordes of my mouth I wyll open my mouth in a parable I wyll declare harde se●●ēses of olde Whiche we haue harde and knowē and suche as oure fathers haue tolde vs. That we shulde nat hyde them from the chyldren of the generacyons to come but to shewe the honour of the Lord his might and wonderfull workes that he hath done He made a couenaunte with Iacob and gaue Israel a lawe whiche he commaunded oure forfathers to teache theyr childrē That theyr posterite myght knowe it and the chyldren whiche were yet vnborne To thintent that when they came vp they myght shewe their chyldren the same That they myght put theyr trust in God and nat to forget the workes of God but to kepe his commaundementes And not to be as their forfathers as a faithlesse and stubburne generacyon a generacyon that set nat their herte a ryght and whose sprete cleued nat stedfastly vnto God Lyke as ☞
habytacion for himselfe in a harde rocke Beholde O thou man the Lorde shal carye the away into captiuyte and shall surely couer the with confusyon The Lorde shall turne the ouer lyke a bal with hys handes ⚜ and shal sende the into a farre countre There shalte thou dye and there in steade of the charetes of thy pompe shall the house of thy Lorde haue confusion ☞ I wyll dryue the frō thy place out of thy dwellynge shall he ouerthrow the. And in that daye shall I call my seruaunt Eliakim the sonne of Helkia And ☞ with thy garmentes wyll I clothe him and with thy gyrdle wyll I strengthe hym thy power also wyll I yelde into hys hande and he shal be a father of such as dwel in Ierusalem and in the house of Iuda And the keye of the house of Dauyd wyll I lay vpon his shoulder so that he shal opē and no man shall shut He shall shut and no man shall open And I wyll fasten hym as a nayle in a sure place and he shal be the gloryous seate of hys fathers house to the iust O thou most ryghteous thou shalte ordre the path of hym that is ryghteous Yee ☞ in the waye of thy iudgementes O Lorde haue we put our trust in the Thy name also and the remembraunce of the reioyse the soule My soule hathe lōged for y ● all the nyght and with my sprete which is within me wyll I seke the early in the mornynge For whan thy iudgementes are i the earth the inhabytatours of the worlde shall lerne ryghteousnes Shall the vngodly man be fauoured which hathe nat lerned ryghteousnes but doth wyckedly in the earth where nothynge ought to be done but that whiche is ryghteous He shall nat se the glory of the Lorde Lorde whan thy hande is lyfte vp they se it nar but they shall se it and be confounded with the zele of the people and the fyre that consumeth thyne enemyes shal deuoure them Lorde vnto vs thou shalt prouyde peace for thou also haste wrought all oùre workes in vs. O Lorde oure God other Lordes besyde the hath subdued vs but we wyl be myndefull onely of the and of thy name ☞ The deed wyll nat lyue and they that be out of lyfe wyl nat ryse agayne therfore hast thou visyted and roted them out and destroyed all the memory of them Thou haste increased the people O Lorde thou hast increased the people and thou art pray sed thou hast sent them farre of vnto all the coastes of the earth Lorde in trouble haue they visited the they powred out their prayer whan thy chastenynge was vpon thē Lyke as a woman with chylde that draweth nye towarde hyr trauayle is sory and cryeth in hyr paynes euen so haue we bene in thy syght O Lorde We haue ben with chylde suffered payne ☞ as though we had brought forth wynde For there is no saluaciō in the earth neyther do the inhabitours of the worlde submitte themselues Thy deed men shal lyue euen with my body shal they ryse agayne Awake syng ye that dwell in dust For ☞ thy dewe is euen as the dewe of herbes and the earth shall caste out them that be vnder her Come my people entre thou into thy chambers and shute thy dores aboute the hyde thy selfe a lytle for a whyle vntyl the indygnacyon be ouerpaste Forlo the Lorde is commynge out of his place to vyset the wyckednesse of suche as dwell vpon earth The earth also shall disclose hyr owne bloude and shall nomore hyde them that are slayne in her ¶ A prophecye of the commynge of Chryste and destruccyon of Idolatrye CAPI XXVII IN that daye the lorde with his sore great and myghtie swerde shal visyte ☞ Leuiathan the fugityue serpent euen Leuiathan that croked serpent and he shall slaye the dragon that is in the see In that daye se that ye syng of the vyneyarde which bringeth forth the best wyne Euen I the Lorde do kepe it In due seasons shall I water it and lest the enemy do it any harme I wyll both nyght and daye preserue it There is no displeasure in me or els whan the vyneyarde bringeth me forth breers and thornes I wolde go thorowe it by war and burne it vp together Let it take holde of my strēgth and it shall be at one with me euen at one shall it be with me The dayes are cōming that Iacob shal take rote Israell shal be grene and floryshe and y ● worlde shal be fylled with frute Hath he smytten hym as sore as he dyd the other that smote hym Or is he slayne with so sore a slaughter as they that slewe hym In measure dothe he smyte hym whyle he sendeth vnto hym suche thynges wherby he commeth to his mynde agayne For in the daye that the east wynde bloweth sore it taketh awaye the frutes Thus therfore shall the iniquite of Iacob be reconcyled and here is all the frute of the takyng away of his synne yfhe make all the stones of the altare of Idoles as chalke stones that are beaten in sunder that theyr graues ymages ryse nat vp agayne Els shal the strōgcytie be desolate and the habytacyon forsaken and left lyke a wyldernes There shall the calfe fede there shall he lye eate vp the yonge springes therof ☞ Whan the braunches of it are drye they are broken of and the wemen come and set them on fyre For it is a people of no vnderstāding therfore he that made thē shal nat fauoure thē and he that created thē shal geue thē no grace And in that daye shall the Lorde make a thresshynge from the myddes of the ryuer Euphrates vnto the ryuer of Egypte and ye chyldren of Israel shal be gathered together one to another In that daye shal ☞ y ● great trōpe be blowen so y ● those which were lost in the lande of Assyria and they that were banysshed into y ● lande of Egypte shall come and worshyppe the Lorde in the holy mount at Ierusalem ¶ Agaynste the pryde of Ephraim and agaynste false prestes and preachers CAPI XXVIII WO BE vnto the crowne of pryce euen to the dronken people of Ephraim whose great pōpe is as afloure y ● faydeth away ☞ vpon the head of the valley of such as be in welth and are ouerladē with wyue Beholde there commeth a vehemēt and sore day from the Lord lyke an vnmeasurable hayle and perillous tempest euen lyke the force of myghtye and horrible waters that beareth downe at thiges The crowne of the pryde of the dronkē Ephraemites shal be trodē vnder fote so that the floure of his fairenesse and beautye whiche is in the heade of ☞ the valley of farnesse shall fade awaye as doth an vntymely rype fygge afore haruest Whiche whā a man sytteth he loketh vpon it and whyle it is yet in his hande he eateth it vp In
the beholders of starres come on nowe and delyuer the yea and let thē shew when these newe thynges shall come vpon the. Beholde they shal be lyke st●awe which yf it be kyndled with fyre no mā may rydde it for the vehemencye of the flame And yet it geueth no synders to warme a mā by nor cleare fyre to syt by Thus are they with whom thou hast weryed thy selfe and thus are thy marchauntes that haue bene with the from thy youth Euery one shall shewe the hys erroneous waye yet shall none of them defende the. ¶ The ypocryse of the Iewes is reproued The Lord alone wylbe worshypped which hathe chosen vs and whiche socoureth vs for hys owne sake ¶ CAPI XLVIII HEARE thys O thou house of Iacob ye that are called by the name of Israel and are come out of one stocke with Iuda whiche sweare by the name of the Lorde and beare wytnes by the God of Israel but nat with trueth and ryght whiche are called fre men of the holy cytie and are grounded vpon the God of Israel whose name is the Lorde of Hostes. The thynges that I shewed you euer sence the begynnynge Haue I nat brought them to passe immediatly as they came out of my mouth and declared them And they are come Howe be it I knowe that thou arte obstinate and that thy necke hathe an yron veyne and that thy browe is of brasse Neuerthelesse I haue euer sence the beginnynge shewed the of thynges for to come and declared thē vnto the or euer they come to passe that thou shuldest nat saye myne Idol hathe done it my carued or molten ymage hathe shewed it Heare and consyder al these thynges whether it was ye that prophecyed them But as for me I tolde the before at the begynnynge newe and secrete thynges y ● thou knowest nat of And some done nowe nat of olde tyme wherof thou neuer hardest before they were brought to that thou canst not saye Beholde I knewe of them Moreouer there be some wherof thou haste nether herde nor knowen nether haue they bene opened vnto thyne eares afore tyme. For I knewe that thou woldest malicyously offende therfore haue I called the a transgressour euen from thy mothers wombe Neuertheles for my names sake I haue with drawen my wrath for myne honours sake I haue ouersene the so that I haue not rooted the out Beholde I haue pourged the and not as syluer I haue chosen the in the fyre of affliccyon And that onely for myne owne sake yea euen for myne owne sake For I geue my honour to none other that thou shuldest not despyse me Herken vnto me O Iacob and Israell whome I haue called I am euen he that is I am the fyrste and the last My hande hath layde the foundacion of the earthe my ryght hande hath spanned ouer the heauens Assone as I call them they are there Gather you al together and herken which of yonder goddes hath declared this The Lorde hath a loue ☞ vnto him and he shal perfourme his wil agaynste Babell and declare his power agaynst the Caldees I my self alone euen I haue tolde you this before Yea I dyd call him and brynge him forth and he shall giue a prosperous iourney Come nye and heare this haue I spoken any thynge darckely sence the begynnyng when a thynge begynneth I am there Wherfore the Lorde God and his sprete hath sent me And thus sayeth the Lord god thy redemer the holy one of Israell I am the Lorde thy God whiche teacheth the profytable thinges leade the the waye that y ● shuldest go O that y ● haddest regarded my commaundementes then had thy welthynes bene as the water streame thy ryghtu ousnes as the waues flowynge in the See Thy sede also had be lyke as the sāde in the see the frute of thy body lyke the grauell stones therof Thy name shulde not be roted out nor destroyed before me Go away from Babylon flye from the Caldees with a mery voyce speke of this declare it abrode and go forth vnto the ende of the world say they The Lord hath redemed hys seruaunt Iacob that they suffred no thurst he led thē thorowe the wyldernesse and caused the waters to flowe out vnto them from out of the rocke He claue the rocke a sonder and the water gushed out As for the vngodly they haue no peace sayeth the Lorde ¶ Thryst shal gather together all nacyons be they neuer so fo farre of CAPI XLIX YE Iles harken vnto me take hede ye people from farre The Lorde hath called me fro my byrth and made mencyon of my name fro my mothers wombe ☜ he hath made my mouth like a sharpe swerde vnder the shadowe of his hande hath he defended me and hyd me in hys quyuer ☜ as a good arowe and saide vnto me Thou arte my seruaunte Israel I wyll be honoured in the. Then answered I I haue lost my laboure I haue spent my strength in vayne Neuertheles I wyll cōmytte my cause and my worke vnto the lorde my god And nowe sayth the Lorde euen he that fashyoned me from my mothers wombe to be his seruaunte that I maye brynge Iacob agayne vnto hym howbeit Israel wyl not be gathered vnto hym agayne In whose syght I am greate whiche also is my Lorde my God and my strength And he sayde It is but a small thynge that thou art my seruaunt to sette vp the kynreddes of Iacob and to restore the destruccyon of Israell For I haue made the the lyght of the Gen tyles that thou mayst be my helth vnto the ende of the worlde Moreouer thus sayth the Lorde the redemer and holy one of Israell because of the abhorrynge and despisynge amonge the Gentyles concernynge the seruaunt of all them that beare rule Kynges and Prynces shall se and aryse and worshyp because of the Lorde that is faythfull and because of the holy one of Israell whiche hath chosen the. And thus sayth the Lorde In the tyme accepted haue I hearde the and in the daye of saluaciō haue I helped the. I wyl preserue the and make the to be the attonement of the people that thou mayste helpe vp the earth agayne and chalenge agayne the scattered herytages That thou mayst saye to the prysoners go forth and to them that are in darknesse come into the lyght that ☞ they maye fede in the hye wayes and gette theyr liuynge in all hye places There shall neither hunger nor thurste heate nor sunne hurte them For he that fauoureth theym shall leade them and geue them drynke of the sprynge welles I wyll make wayes vpon al my mountaynes and my fote pathes shal be exalted And beholde they shall come from farre lo some from the north and west some from the south * Reioyce ye heauens and synge prayses y ● earthe Talke of ioy ye hilles for God hath comforted hys people
folowed not thy voyce and walked not in thy lawe but all that thou commaundedest them to do that haue they not done and therfore come all these plages vpon them Beholde there are bulwarkes made nowe agaynst the citie to take it and it shal be wonne of the Caldees that besege it with swearde with honger and deathe and loke what thou hast spoken that same shal come vpon them For lo all thynges are presente vnto the Yet sayest thou vnto me O Lorde God and cōmaundest me that I shall lowse a pece of lande vnto my selfe take wytnesses thereto and yet in the meane season the citie is delyuered into the power of the Caldees Then came the worde of the Lorde vnto me saying Beholde I am the Lord God of all flesshe is there any thynge then to harde for me Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde be holde I shal delyuer this cytie into y ● power of the Caldees and into the power of Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babylon they shall take it For the Caldees shall come and wynne this cytie and set fyre vpon it and burne it with the gorgyous houses in whose parlers they haue made sacryfyce vnto Baal and poured drynke offerynges vnto straunge Goddes to prouoke me vnto wrath For seying the children of Israel and the chyldren of Iuda haue wrought wickednes before me euer frō their youth vp what haue they els done but prouoked me with the workes of theyr owne handes sayeth y ● Lorde Or what hathe this cytie bene els but a prouokynge of my wrath euer ☜ sence the daye that they buylded it vnto this houre wherin I cast it out of my syght because of the great blasphemyes of the chyldren of Israel Iuda whiche they haue done to prouoke me yee they theyr kinges theyr prynces their Prestes their Prophetes the men of Iuda and the cytesyns of Ierusalem When I stode vp early and taught thē and instructed thē they turned theyr backes to me and not theyr faces They wolde not heare to be refourmed and correcte but set theyr Idoles in the house that is halowed vnto my name to defyle it They haue buylded hye places for Baal in the valley of the chyldren of Hennom to bowe theyr sonnes and daughters vnto Moloch whiche I neuer commaunded them neyther came it euer in my thought to make Iuda synne wyth suche abhominacion And nowe therfore thus hathe the Lorde God of Israel spoken concernynge thys citie whiche as ye your selues confesse shal be delyuered in to the hande of the kynge of Babylon whē it is wonne with the swerde with honger and with pestilence Beholde I wyl gather them together from al landes wherin I haue scatred them in my wrath in my fearefull and great displeasure and wyl brynge them agayne vnto this place where they shall dwel safely And they shall be my people and I wyll be theyr God And I wyll geue them one herte one waye that they maye feare me all the dayes of theyr lyfe that they and theyr chyldren after them may prospere And I wyll set vp an euerlastynge couenaunt with them Namely that I wyl neuer ceasse to do thē good and that I wyl put my feare in theyr hertes so that they shall not runne away from me Yee I wyll haue a luste and pleasure to do them good and faythfully to plant them in this lande with my whole herte with all my soule For thus sayeth the Lorde lyke as I haue brought al this great plage vpon thys people so wyll I also brynge vpon them all the good that I haue promised them And men shal haue their possessions in this lāde wherof ye say nowe that it shall neyther be inhabited of people nor of catel but be deliuered into the hādes of y ● Caldees Yee lande shal be bought for money and euydences made therupon and sealed before wytnesses in the coūtre of Ben Iamin and rounde about Ierusalem in the cities of Iuda in the cities y ● are vpon the mountaynes and in them that lye beneth yee and in the cities that are in the Southe For I wyll brynge theyr presoners hyther agayne sayeth the Lorde ¶ The Prophete is monyshed of the Lorde to pray for the delyueraunce of the people whiche the Lorde promyseth God forgeueth synnes and doth graciously to the people for his owne renowne Of the byrth of Christe The kyngdome of Christe in the Churche shall neuer be ended CAPI XXXIII MORE OVER the worde of the Lorde ●ame vnto Ieremye on this maner whē he was yet bounde in the courte of the preson Thus sayeth the Lorde whiche fulfylleth the thyng that he speaketh the Lorde whiche perfourmeth the thynge that he taketh in hande euen he whose name is the Lorde crye vnto me I wyl answere and shewe the greate and hye thynges whyche were vnknowen vnto the. Thus I saye spake the Lorde God of Israel concernyng the houses of this cytie and the houses of the kynges of Iuda that they shal be broken thorowe the ordinaunce and weapens when the Caldees come to besege them and they shal be fylled with the deed karcases of men whom I wyll steye in my wrath and dyspleasure when I turne my face from thys cytie because of all her wyckednes Beholde sayeth the Lorde I wyl heale theyr woundes and make them whole I wyll open thē the treasure of peace and trueth And I wyll returne the captyuyte of Iuda and Israell and wyll set them vp agayne as they were afore Frō all mysdedes wherin they haue offended agaynste me I wyll clense thē And al theyr blasphemies which they haue done against me when they regarded me nat I wyll forgeue them And thys shall get me a name a prayse and honoure amonge all people of the earth whiche shall heare all the good that I wyll shewe vnto them yee they shall be afrayed and a stonnyed at all the good dedes and benefytes that I wyl do for thē Moreouer thus sayeth the Lorde In thys place wherof ye saye that it shall be a wyldernesse wherin neyther people nor catell shall dwell in lyke maner in the cyties of Iuda and without Ierusalem whiche also shal be so voyde that nether people nor catell shall dwell there Shall the voyce of gladnesse be harde agayne the voyce of the Brydegrome and of the bryde the voyce of thē that shal synge Prayse y ● Lorde of Hostes for he is louynge and his mercy endureth for euer and the voyce of them that shall offer vp gyftes in the house of the Lorde For I wyll restore the captyuyte of thys lande as it was afore sayeth the Lorde Thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes It shall come yet therto that in thys lāde whiche is voyde from men and catell and in all the cyties of the lande there shall be sette vp shepherdes cotages in the cyties vpon the mountaynes and in the cyties that lye vpon the playne and in the
The Senatours of the daughter Syon syt vpon the grounde in sylence they haue strawed asthes vpon theyr heades and gyrded them selues with sacke cloth The maydens of Ierusalem hange downe theyr heades to the grounde Myne eyes be begyn to fayle me thorowe wepynge my body is disquyeted my lyuer is poured vpon the earth for the great hurt of my people seyng the chyldren and babes dyd swowne in the streates of the cytye Euen when they spake to theyr mothers where is meate and drynke for whyle they so sayde they fell downe in the stretes of the cytie lyke as they had bene wounded and some dyed in theyr mothers bosome What shall I saye of the O thou daughter Ierusalem to whom shall I lyken the To whom shal I cōpare the. O y u daughter Syon to comforte the withall Thy hurte is lyke a mayne see who may heale the Thy prophetes haue loked out vaine folysh thinges for the they haue not shewed the of thy wyckednes to kepe the from captiuite but haue ouerladen the and thorowe falshed scatred the abrode Al they that go by the clappe theyr handes at the hissing and waggyng their heades vpon the daughter Ierusalem and saye is this the cyte that men cal so fayre wherin the whole lande reioyseth All thyne enemyes gape vpon the whysperyng and bytyng theyr teth sayinge let vs deuoure for the tyme that we loked for is come we haue founde and sene it The Lorde hath fulfylled the thynge that he was purposed to do and ꝑfourmed that he had deuysed longe a go he hath destroyed and not spared He hath caused thin aduersary to triūp he ouer the and set vp the horne of thyne enemy Let thyne herte crye vnto the Lorde O y u cyte of the daughter Syon let thy teares runne downe lyke a ryuer daye and nyght rest not and let not the aple of thyne cye leaue of Stāde vp and make thy prater in the first watch of the nyght poure out thyne herte lyke water before the Lorde lyfte vp thyne handes for the lyues of thy yonge children that dye of honger in the stretes Beholde O Lorde and consydre why haste thou gathered me vp so cleane Shal the wemē then eate their owne frute euen chyldren of a spāne longe Shal the prestes and Prophetes be slayne thus in the Sayntuary of the Lorde Yong and olde lye behinde the stretes vpon the groūde my maydens and yong men are slayne with the swearde whome thou in the daye of thy wrathefull indignacyon hast put to deathe yee euen thou haste put them to death and not spared them My neighbours that are rounde aboute me haste thou called as it were to a feast daye so that in the daye of the Lordes wrathe none escaped neyther was any lefte behynde Those that I had brought vp and norished hath myne enemy destroyed CAPI 〈◊〉 IAM the man that thorowe the rodde of his wrath haue experience of mysery He droue me forth and led me yee into darkenesse but not in to lyght Agaynst me onely he turneth his hande and layeth it euer vpon me My slesshe and my skynne hath he made olde my bones hath he brused He hath buylded rounde about me and closed me in with gall and trauayle He hath set me in darckenes as they that be deade for euer He hathe so hedged me in that I can not get out and hath layed heuy lynckes vpon me Thoughe I crye and call pyteously yet heareth he not my prayer He hathe stopped vp my wayes with foure squared stones and made my pathes croked He layeth wayte for me lyke a Beare and as a lyon in a hole He hathe marred my waies and broken me in peces he hath laied me wast all together He hath bente hys bowe made me as it were a marke to shut at The arowes of his quyuer hath he shot euen into my reynes I am laughed to scorne of all my people they make songes vpon me all the daye longe He hath fylled me with bitternes and geuen me wormwod to drynke He hath smitten my teeth in peces rolled me in the dust He hathe put my soule out of reste I forget all good thynges I thought in my selfe I am vn done there is no hope for me in the Lorde O Remēbre yet my mysery and my trouble the wormwod and the gall Yee thou shalte remembre them for my soule melteth awaye in me Whyle I cōsidre these thinges in my herte I get a hope agayne Namely that the mercyes of the Lorde are not cleane gone and that his louynge kyndnesse ceasseth not Hys faythfulnes is greate and renueth it selfe as the mornynge The Lorde is my porcyon sayeth my soule therfore wyl I hope in hym O howe good is the Lord vnto thē that put theyr trust in him and to the soule that seketh after hym O howe good is it with stylnes to wayte and tary for the health of the Lorde O howe good is it for a man to take the yoke vpon hym from his youth vp He sytteth alone he holdeth hym styll and dwelleth quyetly by hym selfe He layeth his face vpon the earth yf percase there happen to be any hope He offereth his cheke to the smyter he wyll be content with reproues For the Lorde wyll not forsake for euer But thoughe he do cast of yet accordynge to the multytude of his mercyes he receaueth to grace agayne For he doth not plage and caste out the chyldren of men from his herte To treade all the prysoners of the earthe vnder his fete To moue the iudgement of man before the most highest To condempne a man in his cause The Lorde hath not pleasure in suche thynges What is he then that sayth there shulde somthynge be done without the Lordes commaundement Out of the mouth of the mooste hyghest goeth not euell and good Wherfore then murmureth the lyuinge man let hym murmure at his owne synne Let vs loke well vpon our owne wayes and remember our selues and turne agayne to the Lorde Let vs lyfte vp our hertes with our handes vnto the Lorde that is in heuen We haue bene dissemblers and haue offended wylt thou therfore not be intreated Thou haste couered vs in thy wrath and persecuted vs thou hast slayne vs without any fauoure Thou hast hyd thy selfe in a cloud that our prayer shulde not go thorow Thou hast made vs outcastes and to be despysed amonge the people All our enemyes gape vpon vs. Feare and snare is come vpon vs yee despite and destruccyon * who le ryuers of water gusshe out of myne eyes for the great hurte of my people Myne eyes runne and can not ceasse for there is no rest O Lorde when wylt thou loke downe from heauen and cousydre Myne eye breaketh my herte because of all the daughters of my cytie Myne enemyes hunted me out sharpely lyke a byrde yee and that without a cause They haue put downe my lyfe into a pytte and layed a
to God The wyckednesse of the Prestes CAPI VI. IN theyr aduersytye they shall seke me and saye come let vs turne agayne to the Lorde for he hath smyten vs and he shall heale vs He hath wounded vs he shall bynde vs vp agayne after two dayes shall he quycken vs in y ● thyrde day he shal rayse vs vp so that we shal lyue in his syght Then shall we haue vnderstandyng and endeuour our selues to knowe the Lorde He shall go forth as the sprynge of the day and come vnto vs as the euenynge and mornynge rayne vpon the earth O Ephraim what shall I do vnto the O Iuda howe shall I intreate the seynge youre loue is lyke a mornynge cloude and lyke a dewe that goeth earely awaye Therfore haue I cut downe the Prophetes and let theym be slayne for my wordes sake so that thy punyshemente shall come to lyght For I haue pleasure in louynge kyndnesse and not in offerynge yee in the knoweledge of God more then in burntsacryfyce But euē lyke as Adam dyd so haue they brokē my couenaunt and set me at nought ☞ Gilead is a cyte of wycked doers of malycyous people bloud shedders The multytude of the Prestes is lyke an heape of the ues murtherers bloudthurstye for they haue wrought abhomynacyon Horryble thynges haue I sene in the house of Israel there playeth Ephrai the harlot Israel is defyled but Iuda shall haue an haruest for hym selfe when I returne the captyuyte of my people ¶ Of the vyces and wantonnnes of the people CAPI VII WHen I vndertake to make Israel whole then the vngraciousnesse of Ephraim and the wyckednesse of Samaria cōmeth to lyght then go they aboute with lyes At home they be theues and without they fall to robbynge They consydre not in theyr hertes that I remembre all theyr wyckednes They go aboute with theyr owne inuencyons but I se them well ynough They make the kynge the prynces to haue pleasure in theyr wyckednes lyes All these burne in aduoutry as it were an ouen that the baker heateth whē he hath left kneadyng tyl the dowe be leuened Euen so goeth it thys daye with oure kynges and prynces for they begynne to be woode droncken thorowe wine they vse familiarite with such as disceaue them They with the ymaginacyon of their hart are like an ouen theyr slepe is all the nyght lyke the slepe of a baker in y ● mornynge is he as hote as the flame of fyre they are all together as hote as an ouen They haue deuoured theyr owne iudges all their kynges are fallen yet is there none of them that calleth vpon me ☞ Therfore must Ephraim be myxte amonge the Heathen Ephraim is become lyke a cake that no man turneth straungers haue deuoured his strength yet he regardeth it not he waxeth ful of gray heares yet wyl he not knowe it the pryde of Israell is cast downe before theyr face yet wyll they not turne to the Lorde theyr God nor seke him for all thys Ephraim is lyke a doue that is begyled and hath no harte Now cal they vpon the Egypcians nowe go they to the Assyrians but whyle they be goynge here and there I shal sprede my net ouer them drawe them downe as the foules of the ayre according as they haue bene warned so wyll I punyshe them Wo be vnto them for they haue forsaken me They muste be destroyed for they haue set me at naught I am he that haue redemed them and yet they dyssemble with me They call not vpon me wyth they re hertes but lye houlynge vpon their beddes Where as they come together it is but for meate and dryncke and me wyl they not obey I haue taught them and defended theyr arme yet do they ymagyn mischefe agaynst me They turne them selues but not a ryghte and are become as a broken bowe Their prynces shall be slayne wyth the swearde for the malyce of they re tunges such blasphemyes haue they lerned in the lande of Egypte ¶ The destruccyon of Iuda and Israel because of theyr Idolatrye CAPI VIII SET the horne to thy mouthe and blowe get the swyftely as an Aegle vnto the house of the Lorde for they haue broken my couenaunt and transgressed my lawe Israel can saye vnto me thou art my God we knowe the but he hath refused the thing that is good therfore shal the enemye folowe vpon hym They haue ordened kynges but not thorowe me they haue made prynces and I must not knowe of it ▪ Of their siluer and golde haue they made them Images to brynge them selues to destruccyon Thy calf O Samaria shal be taken awaye for my wrothful indignacion is gone forth against the. Howe long wyl it be or they can be clensed For the calfe came from Israel the worcke man made it therfore can it be no God but euen to a spyders webbe shal the calfe of Samaria be turned ☞ They haue sowen wynde therfore shall they reape a storme Theyr sede shall beare no corne there shall no meale be made of theyr increase though they reape yet shall straungers deuoure it vp Israell shall peryshe the Gentyles shal intreate him as a foule vessell Sence they went vp to the Assyryans they are become lyke a wylde asse in the deserte Ephraim geueth rewardes to get louers therfore are they scatred among the Heathē ther wyll I gather thē vp They shal soone be weery of y ● burthen of kynges prynces Ephraim hathe made many aulters to do wickednes therfore shall y ● aulters turne to his synne Though I shewe them my lawe neuer so muche they counte it but straunge doctrine Wher as they do sacrifice offering the flesshe and eatynge it the Lorde wyll haue no pleasure therin but wyl remembre theyr wyckednes and punishe their sinnes Israell turneth agayne into Egipte they haue forgotten hym y ● made thē they buylde churches Iuda maketh many strong cyties therfore wyll I sende a fyre into their cytyes and it shal consume theyr places ¶ Of the hunger and captyuyte of Israel CAPI IX DO ☞ not thou triumphe O Israel make no boastynge more then the Heathen for thou haste commytted aduoutry agaynste thy God straunge rewardes haste thou loued more then all the cornefloures Therfore shall they nomore enioy y ● corne floures and wyne presses and theyr swete wyne shall fayle them They wyll not dwell in the Lordes lande but Ephraim turneth agayne into Egipte and eateth vncleane thinges amonge the Assyryās They poure out no wyne for a drinckofferyng vnto the Lorde neyther geue they him theyr slayne offringes but they be vnto them as mourners meates wherin all they that eate them are defyled For the bred that they haue suche luste vnto shall not come into the house of the Lorde ☞ What wyll ye do then in the solempne dayes and in the feast of the
theyr net and do sacryfyee vnto theyr yarne because that thorowe it their poreyon is become so fat their meat so plenteous Wherfore they caste oute their net agayne and neuer cease to steye the people ¶ Of the vision of the prophete Against pollyng couetousnes and I●ol●●tye CAPI II. I STODE vpon my watche and set me vpon my bul worcke to loke and se what he wolde saye vnto me and what answere I shulde geue hym that reproued me But the Lorde answered me and sayde Wryte the vysyon playuely vpon thy tables that who so commeth by maye rede it for the vysyon is yet farre of for a tyme but at the laste it shal come to passe and not fayle And though he tary yet wayte thou for him for in very dede he wyll come not be slacke Beholde who so wyll not beleue his soule shall not prospere but y ● iust shal lyue by hys fayth Lyke as the wyne disceaueth the dronckarde euen so the proude shal fayle not endure He openeth hys desyre wyde vp as the hell and is as vnse●yable as death All Heathen gathereth he to him and heapeth vnto hym all people But shal not all these take vp a prouerbe agaynst him mocke him with a byworde saye Wo vnto him that heapeth vp other mens goodes How longe wyll he lade him selfe w t thicke claye O howe soddenly wyll they stāde vp that shall byte awake that shal teare y ● in peces yee thou shalt be their praye Seinge y ● hast spoyled many Heathen therfore shal the remnaunt of the people spoyle the because of mens bloude for the wrong done in the lande in the cyty and vnto all them that dwell therin Wo vnto hym that couetously gathereth euyl gotten goodes into his house that he maye set his neste an hye to escape from the power of mysfortune Thou hast deuysed the shame of thine owne house for y ● hast slayne to much people and hast wilfully offended so that the very stones of the wall shall crye out of it and the tymbre that lieth betwyxte the ioyntes of the buyldyng shall answere Wo vnto hym that buyldeth the towne with bloude maynteneth the cytye with vnryghtuousnes Shall not the Lord of hos●es bring this to passe that the laboures of the people shall be brent with a great fyre that the thyng wher vpon the people haue werted thē selues shal be lost For y ● earth shal be full of knowledge of y ● Lordes honoure lyke as the waters y ● couer the see Wo vnto hym that geueth his neyghboure dryncke to get him wrothful displeasure for his dronckennes that he may se his preuityes Therfore with shame shalt thou be filled in steade of honour Drinke thou also ty● thou slōber with all for the cuppe of the Lordes right hande shal cōpas the about shameful spewyng i steade of thy worshipe For the wronge y ● thou hast done in Lybanus shall ouerwhelme the the wylde beastes shall make the afrayed because of mens bloude for the wronge done in the lāde in the cyty and vnto al such as dwell therin What helpe then wyll the ymage do whō the worckmā hath fashioned Or the vayne cast ymage wherin because the craftesman putteth his trust therfore maketh he dōme Idols Wo vnto him that sayeth to a pece of wod aryse to a dōme stone stāde vp For what istruccion may such one giue Beholde it is layde ouer w t gold siluer there is no breth in it But the Lorde in his holy temple is he whom al the worlde shulde feare ¶ A prayer of the Prophete Aba●ue for the ignoraunt CAPI III. O Lord whē I herde speke of the I was afrayed The worke y ● thou hast taken in hāde shalte y u perfourme in his tyme O Lord when thy tyme cōmeth y u shalt declare it In thy very wrath y u thynckest vpon mercy God commeth from Theman the holy one frō the mount of Phatan Selah His glory couereth the heuens the earth is ful of his prayse His shine is as the sōne beames of lyght go out of his hādes there is power hyd Destruccion goeth before hī and burnyng cressettes go frō his fete He standeth and measureth the earth He loketh and the people cōsume away the moūtaines of the worlde fal downe to poulder and the hylles are fayne to bowe them selues for his goinges are euerlastynge and sure I sawe y e the pauilyons of the Morians and the tētes of the lāde of Madiā were vexed for werynesse Wast y u not angry O Lord in the waters was not thy wrath in the stoudes and thy displeasure in the see yes whē thou fattest vpon thyne horse and when thy chare●tꝭ had the victory Thou shewest thy how openly lyke as y ● haddest promysed with an othe vnto the trybes Selah Thou dydst deuyde y ● waters of y ● earth When the mountaynes sawe the they were afrayed the water streame went away the depe made a noyse at the lyftyng vp of thyn hande The Sūne and Moue remayned styl in their habitacion Thine arowes went out glisteryng and thy speares as the shyne of the lyghtnyng Thou trodest downe the lande in thyne angre and dydest thressh the Heathen in thy displeasure Thou camest forth to helpe thy people to helpe anoīted Thou smotest downe the heade of the house of the vngodly discoueredst hys foūdaciōs euen vnto the necke of hym Selah Thou cursest his septers the Captayne of his mē of warre whych come as a stormy wynde to scatre me abrode are glad when they may eat vp the pore secretly Thou makest away for thyne horses in the see euen in the mudde of great waters When I heare this my body is vexed my lyppes trible at the voyce therof my bones corrupte I am afrayed where I stāde O that I myght rest in the daye of trouble that I myght go vp vnto our people which are alredy prepared For the fyg trees shal not be grene the vynes shall beare no frute The labour of y ● olyue shal be 〈◊〉 lost the lande shall bring no corne th●●hepe shal be taken out of y ● fold and there shal be no catel in the stalles But as for me I wyll be glad in the Lorde and wyl reioyce in God my sauiour The Lord God is my strength he shall make my fete as the fete of hertes he whiche geueth the vyctory shal bryng me to my hye places syn gyng vpon my psalmes ¶ The ende of the Prophe eye of Abacue ❧ The Booke of the Prophet Sophony ¶ Thretnynges agaynst Iuda and 〈…〉 theyr Idolatrye CAPI I. THys is the worde of the Lorde whiche came vnto Sophony the sonne of Christ the sonne of Godoliah the sōne of Amar●ah the sonne of Hezekiah in y ● tyme of Iosiah the sōne of Amō kyng of
with her And in the first nyght rost the liuer of the fysh the deuel shal be dryuen awaye The secōde night shalt thou be receaued into the company of the holy patriarkes The thyrde night shalt thou optayne y ● blyssyng of God so that whole chyldren shal be borne of you After the thyrde nyght take the mayden in the feare of God and more for the desyre of chyldren then for any fleshly lust that in the sede of of Abraham thou mayest optaine the blessynge in chyldren ¶ Yonge Tobias and the Aungell come to the house of Raguell He requyieth Raguels daughter to wyfe and obtayneth her CAPI VII THen wente they into Raguell whiche receaued them ioyfully And when Raguel loked vpon Tobias he sayde vnto Anna hys wyfe Howe lyke is thys yong man vnto my systers sonne And when he had spoken thys he sayde whence be ye good brethren They sayde Of the trybe of Nephthaly out of the captyuyte of Nyniue Then sayde Raguel vnto them know ye my brother Tobias They sayde yee we knowe hym well And when he had spoken muche good of hym the Aungell sayde vnto Raguell Tobias of whome thou askest is thys yonge mans father Then Raguell bowed himselfe downe and wepte toke hym aboute the necke and kyssed hym and sayde Gods blessynge haue thou my sonne for thou arte the sonne of a good verteous man And Anna his wyfe Sara hys daughter wepte also Now whē they had talked together Raguel bad kyll a wether and to make a feste And when he prayed them to syt downe to dynner Tobias sayd I will nether eat nor dryncke here thys daye excepte thou fyrste graūt me my peticion promise me to geue me thy daughter Sara When Raguel herd thꝭ he was astonied for he knew what had happened vnto the other seuen men y e went in vnto her and he beganne to feare that it shulde chaūce vnto him also in lyke maner And whyle he stode so in doute and gaue the yonge man no answere the aungel saide vnto him Feare not to geue him thy daughter for vnto this man that feareth God belōgeth thy daughter to wife therfore might none other haue her Then sayde Raguell I doute not but God hathe accepted my prayers and teares in his sight I trust he caused you to come vnto me for y ● same intent that thys daughter of myne myghte be maryed in her owne kinred accordynge to the lawe of Moses And now dowte thou not but I wyll geue her vnto the So he toke the ryght hande of hys daughter and gaue her into the ryght hand of Tobias and saide The God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Iacob be with you ioyne you together and fulfyll hys blessyng in you And they toke a letter and made a wrytyng of the mariage And thē made they mery and praysed God And Raguell called Anna hys wyfe vnto hym and bad her prepare another chamber and thither he brought Sara his daughter and she wepte Then sayde be vnto her Be of good chere my daughter the Lord of heauen geue the ioye for the heuynes that thou hast suffred ¶ The Angel bindeth the deuyl Tobias exhorteth his wife to prater they pray thre dayes before they lye together CAPI VIII NOwe after that they had supped they brought the yong man into her Then thought Tobias vpon the wordes of the Aungell and toke out of hys bagge a pece of the lyuer of the fyshe and layed it vpon the hote coales So the Aungell Raphaell toke holde of the deuell and sente hym awaye and bounde hym in the wyldernes of the byer Egypt Then spake Tobias vnto the vyrgyn and sayde Up Sara let vs make oure prayer vnto God to day to morowe and ouermorowe for these thre nyghtes wyll we reconcyle ourselues with God and whan the thyrde nyght is past we shal ioyne together in dutye of maryage For we are the chyldren of holy men and we maye not come together as the Heathen that knowe not God Then stode they vp both together and besought God earnestly that he wolde preserue them And Tobias sayde O Lorde God of oure fathers praysed be thou of heauen and earth of the see welles floudes and of all thy creatures y ● be therin Thou madest Adam of the moulde of the earthe and gauest him Eua for an helper And now Lord thou knowest that it is not because of voluptuousnes y ● I take thꝭ syster of myne to wyfe but only for the loue of chyldren in whō thy name be blessed for euer And Sara sayde haue mercy vpon vs O Lorde haue mercy vpō vs and let vs both come whole and sounde together to a good age And aboute y ● cocke crowynge it happened that Raguel called his seruaūtes and they wente with hym to make a graue For he sayde it is chaunced now vnto hym peraduenture as it did vnto the other seuē mē that went in vnto her Now when they had made y ● graue Raguel came agayne to hys wyfe and sayde vnto her sende one of thy maydens to loke yf he be deed that I maye burye hym afore it be lyght daye So she sēt a mayden to se which when she came into y e chāber founde them whole and sounde slepyng together And so she came againe and brought good tydinges Then Raguel and Anna hys wyfe praysed the Lord and sayd Praysed be y ● O Lorde God of Israell for it is not happened vnto vs as we thought For thou haste dealte mercyfully with vs and put awaye frō vs the enemye that persecuted vs and hast shewed mercy vnto yōder two beloued O Lorde cause them to magnify the more perfectly and to offre the sacryfyce of thy prayse and of theyr health that all people may knowe that thou only arte God in all the earthe And immediatly Raguel commaunded hys seruauntes to fyll the graue that they had made with earth a fore it was lyght and bade hys wyfe prepare a feaste and to make redy all thynges that were necessary for meate to such as wente by the waye He caused two fat kyne also and foure wethers to be slayne and meates to be prepared for all his neyhbours and frendes And Raguel charged Tobias to remaine with hī two wekes As for all the good that he had he gaue Tobias the halfe of it made thys wrytynge that the halfe whiche remayned shulde fall vnto Tobias after theyr death ¶ The aungel goeth to Gabellus at the desyre of Tobias which desyuereth the letter and receaueth the ●uonye CAPI IX THEN Tobias called vnto hym the Aungell whome he thought to haue bene a man and sayde vnto hym Brother Azarias I praye the herken vnto my wordes Yf I shulde geue my selfe to be thy seruaunte I shal not deserue thy prouidence Neuerthelesse I beseche the that thou wylt take the beastes and the seruauntes and go vnto Gabelus in rages the cyte of Medes and deliuer hym his hand wrytyng
beastes and wha●fyshes Thorowe hym are all thynges set in good ordre and perfourmed and in hys worde all thynges endure I speake much but I can not sufficiently attayne vnto it for he hym selfe onely is the perfeccyon of all wordes We shulde prayse the Lorde after al our power for he is great in all hys worckes The Lorde is to be feared yee very greate is he and maruelous is hys power Prayse the Lorde and magnify him as much as ye maye yet doth he farre exceade all prayse O magnifye hym with all youre power and laboure earnestly yet are ye in no wyse able suffycyētly to prayse hym Who hath sene him y t he might tell vs Who cā magnifie hym so greatly as he is For there are hyd yet greater thinges then these be as for vs we haue sene but fewe of his worckes For the Lord hath made all thynges and geuen wysdome to suche as feare God CAPI XLIIII ¶ The prayse of certen holy men ▪ Hen●●● ▪ Noe Abr●ha● Isaac and Iacob LET VS commende the noble famous men and the generacyon of our fore elders and fathers Many more gloryous actes hath the Lorde done and shewed hys greate power euer sens the begynnynge The noble famous men raygned in theyr kyngdomes and bare excellente rule In theyr wysdome and vnderstandynge they folowed the councell shewed in the prophecyes They led the ●ol●ke thorow the councel wysdome of the Scribes of the people Wise sentēces are founde in they re instruccyon They soughte the swetenes melody of Musycke broughte forth the pleasaūt sōges in scripture They were ryche also and coulde cōforte and pacifye those that dwelt with them All these were very noble and honorable men ī theyr generacyōs and were well reported of in theyr tymes These haue lefte a name behynde thē so that theyr prayse shall alwaye be spoken of Afterwarde there were some whose remembraunce is gone They came to naughte peryshed as though they had neuer bene became as though they had neuer bene borne yee and theyr chyloren also with them Neuertheles these are louyng men whose ryghteousnesse shall neuer be forgotten but continue by their posterite Theyr chyldren are an holy good herytage Theyr sede endured fast in the couenaunt For their sakes shall theyr chyldren sede contynue for euer and they re prayse shall neuer be put downe Theyr bodyes are buryed in peace but their name liueth for euermore The people can speake of they re wysdome and the cōgregaciō cā talke of their prayse Enoch walked right acceptably before the Lorde therfore was he translated for an example of amēdement to the generaciōs Noe was a stedfast and righteous man and in y ● time of wrath he became a reconcylynge Therfore was he left a remnaunt vnto the earth when the floude came An euerlastīg couenaūt was made with him that all flesh shulde perishe nomore w t the water Abraham was a greate father of many people in glory was there none lyke vnto him He kepte the lawe of the Hyeste and came into a couenaunt with him He set the couenaūt in his fleshe and when he was proued he was founde faythfull Therfore swore god vnto him with an othe that he wolde blesse al people in his sede that he wolde multiply and increase him as the duste of the earth to exalt his sede as the starres yee and that his sede shuld haue the possessyō an inherytaunce of the lande from see to see and from the ryuer vnto the borders of the worlde With Isaac dyd he stablysh the same couenaunt for Abraham his fathers sake Yee that gracious blessing and health of al mē and couenaunt dyd he stablysh with Isaac and made it to reit vpon the head of Iacob He knewe him in that he prospered hym so wel and richely and gaue him an herytage and sundered his porcyon by it ●elfe parted it among the twelue tribes Mercyfull men brought he out of him which founde fauoure in the syght of all fleshe ¶ The prayse of Moses Aaton and Phinehes CAPI XLV MOses beloued of God men whose remembraunce is in Hye prayse hym that the Lorde made lyke in the glory of the saynctes and magnyfyed hym so that the enemyes stode in awe of hym thorowe his wordes he dyd greate wonders He made him greate in the syghte of kynges gaue hym commaundemente before hys people shewed him his glorious power He stablyshed hym with faythfulnes mekenes and chose hym out of all men For he herde his voyce ▪ and he led hym in the darcke cloude and there he gaue him y ● commaūdementes yee the lawe of lyfe and wysdome that he might teach Iacob hꝭ couenaūt and Israel his lawes He chose Aaron hys brother also oute of the trybe of Leui exalted hym made hym such lyke An euerlasting cauenaūt made he with hym and gaue hym the presthode in the people He made him glorious i bewtyfull araye and clothed hym with the garmēt of honoure He put perfecte ioye vpon him and gyrded him with strength He deckte hym with syde clothes a tunycle with an ouerbody cote also and a gyrdle Roūde about made he hym belles of golde and that many that when he went in the sounde myghte be herde that they myghte make a noyse in the Sanctuary geue the people warnynge The holy garment was wrought brodred with golde yalowe sylcke and purple And in the brestlappe there was a goodly worcke wherin was fastened lyght and perfectnesse Upō y ● same also there was a worcke fastened set wyth costly precyous stones all bounde with golde and thys he brought in hys mynistracyon The stones were fastened for a remembraunce after the nomber of the twelue trybes of Israell Upon hys mytre there was a plate of pure gold a grauen ymage of holynes a famous noble worcke garnyshed and pleasaūt to loke vpon Before hī were there sene no such faire ornametes these it behoued him alway to vse There might none other put thē on but onely his childrē his childers children per petually Dayly perfourmed he his offeriges two tymes Moses fylled hys handes and anoynted hym with holy oyle Thys was nowe confyrmed hym wyth an euerlastinge couenaunt and to his sede as the dayes of heauen namely that hys children shulde alway ministre before hym and perfourme the offyce of the presthode and wyshe the people good in his name Before all men lyuynge chose he him that he shulde offre incense before the Lorde and make odours for a swete sauoure and remembraunce that he shulde reconcyle the people of the Lord w t him againe He gaue him auctorite also in his cōmaundemētes in the couenaūt that he shulde teach Iacob the statutes and testymonyes and to enfour me Israell in hys lawe Therfore there stode vp certayne agaynst hym and had enuye at hym in
Sem were in great honoure amonge the people so was Adam aboue all the beastes whan he was created ¶ Of Symon the sonne of Onias CAPI L. SYmon the sōne of Onias the hye prest which in his lyfe set vp y ● house agayne and in his dayes made fast the temple The heygth of the temple also was founden of him the double buyldinge the hye walles of the tēple In his dayes the welles of water flowed out and were exceadynge full as the see He toke care for his people delyuered them frō destruccyon He kepte hys cytie made it stronge that it shulde not be beseged He dwelt in honoure worshyppe amonge his people enlarged the intraūce of the house the courte He gaue lyght as the mornynge starre in the myndest of the cloudes and as the moone whan it is full He shyned as the sunne in the tēple of God He is as bryght as the rayne bowe in the fayre cloudes and florysheth as the floures and roses in the sprynge of the yeare and as lylyes by the ryuers of water Lyke as the braunches vpon the mount Libanus in the tyme of sommer as a fyre incense that is kindled Lyke as an whole ornamēt of pure golde set with al maner of precious stones and as an Olyue tree that is frutefull and as a Cipres tree which groweth vp an hye When he put on the garment of honoure and was clothed with all bewtye when he went to the holy aulter to garnysh the coue rynge of the Sanctuarye when he toke the porcyons out of the Prestes hande he hym selfe stode by the herth of the aulter and his brethren rounde about in ordre As y ● braunches of Cedre tree vpon the moūt Libanus ●o stode they rounde about him And as the braunches of the Olyue tree so stode al the sones of Aaron in the glorye the oblatiōs of the Lorde in theyr handes before all the congregacion of Israel And that he myght suffycyently perfourme hys setuyce vpon y ● aulter and garnysh the offrynge of y ● hyest God he stretched out his hande and toke of the drynck offerynge and poured in of the wyne so he poured vpon the botome of the aulter a good smel vnto the hyest Prynce Then beganne the sonnes of Aaron to syng to blowe with trōpettes to make a great noyce for remembraunce and prayse vnto the Lorde Then were all the people afrayed fell downe to the earth vpō theyr faces to worshyppe the Lorde theyr God and to geue thankes to the almyghty God They sunge godly also with theyr voyces so that there was a pleasaunce noyse in the great house of the Lorde And the people in theyr prayer besought the Lorde the hyest that he wolde be mercyfull tyll the honour of the Lorde were perfourmed Thus ended they theyr mynistracyon and seruice Then went he downe and stretched out hys hādes ouer the whole multitude of the people of Israel that they shulde geue prayse thankes out of theyr lyppes vnto the Lorde and to reioyse in his name He beganne yet once also to praye that he myght openly shewe the thankesgeuynge before y ● Hyest namely thus O geue prayse and thankes pe al vnto the Lorde our God which hath euer done noble great thinges which hath increased oure dayes from our mothers wombe and dealt with vs accordynge to his mercy that he wyll geue vs the ioyfulnes of herte and peace for our tyme in Israel Which faythfully kepeth his mercy for vs euermore and alwaye delyuereth vs in due season There be two maner of people that I abhorre fro my hert as for the thyrde whom I hate it is no people They that syt vpon the moūtayne of Samaria the Phylystynes the foolysh people that dwell in Sichimis I Iesus the sonne of Sirach Eleazarus of Ierusalem haue tokened vp these informacyons and documentes of wysdome and vnderstandynge in thys boke poured out the wysdome of my herte Blessed is he that exercyseth hym selfe therin and who so taketh such to herte shal be wyse for euer Yf he do these thynges he shal be strōge in al. For the lyght of the Lorde leadeth hym ¶ The prayer of Iesus the ●ou●e of Sirach CAPI LI. I Wyll thanke the O Lorde and kynge and prayse the O God my sauyoure I wyll yelde prayse vnto thy name for thou arte my defender and helper and haste preserued my bodye from destruccyon from the snare of traytorous tonges and from the lyppes that are ocupyed with lyes Thou hast bene my helper from suche as stode vp agaynst me and hast delyuered me after the multytude of thy mercy and for thy holy names sake Thou bast delyuered me from the roarynge of them that prepared thēselues to deuoure me out of the handes of such as sought after my lyfe from the multitude of thē that troubled me and went about to set fyre vpō me on euery syde so that I am not brent in the myddest of the fyre Frō the depe of hell from an vnclene tonge from lyenge wordes from the wycked Kynge and from an vnryghteous tonge My soule shall prayse y ● Lord vnto death for my lyfe drewe nye vnto hell downwarde They cōpassed me round aboute on euery syde and there was no man to helpe me I loked aboute me yf there were any man that wolde socoure me but there was none Then thought I vpon thy mercy O Lorde and vpon thy actes that thou haste done euer of olde namely that thou delyuerest suche as put theyr trust in the and ryddest thē out of the handes of the Heathen Thus lyfte I vp my prayer from the earth and prayed for delyueraunce frō death I called vpon the Lorde the father of my Lorde that he wolde not leaue me without helpe in the daye of my trouble and in the tyme of the proude I wyl prayse thy name cōtynually yeldynge honour and thankes vnto it and so my prayer was herde Thou sauedest me from destruccion and deliueredest me from the vnryghteous tyme. Therfore wyll I a knowledge and prayse the and magnyfye thy name O Lorde When I was yet but yonge or euer I went astraye I desyred wysdome openly in my prayer I came therfore before the tēple and sought her vnto y ● laste Then floryshed she vnto me as a grape that is soone type My hert reioysed in her then went my tote the ryght waye yee from youth vp sought I after her I bowed downe myne eare and receaued her I founde me much my soome and prospered greatly in her Therfore wyl I ascrybe the glory vnto hym that geueth me wysdome for I am aduysed to do there after I wyll be gelous to cleue vnto the thynge that is good so shall I not be confounded My soule hache wrestled with her and I haue bene dilygent to be occupyed in her I lyfte vp myne handes an hye then was my soule lyghtened thorowe wisdome that I knowledged
trouble and prayeth God to make them stedfast in his spirits CAPI III. FOr thys ●ause I Paule am a prysoner of Iesus Christ for you Heythen If ye haue hearde of the ministracyon of the grace of God which is gyuen me to you ward for by reuelacyon shewed he the mystery vnto me as I wrote afore in fewe wordes wherby when ye reade ye may vnderstande my knowledge in the mystery of Christ whiche mistery in tymes passed was not opened vnto the sōnes of men as it is nowe declared vnto his holy Apostles and Prophetes by the spyrit that the Gentyls shulde be inheritours also of the same body partakers of his promes in Christ by the meanes of the Gospell wherof I am made a mynyster accordynge to the gyfte of the grace of God whiche is gyuen vnto me after the workyng of his power Unto me the least of al saynctes is this grace gyuen that I shulde preache amonge the Gentylles the vnsearcheable ryches of Chryste and to make al men se what felowshyppe of the mysterye is * whyche frome the begynnyng of the worlde hath bene hyd in God whych made al thynges thorow Iesus Chryste to the intente that nowe vnto the rulers and powers in heauenly thynges might be knowen by the congregacion the manyfold wysdome of God accordyng to the eternall purpose whiche he wrought in Christ Iesu our Lord by whom we haue boldnesse and entraūce with the confydence whiche is by the fayth of him ✚ Wherfore I desyre that ye faynt not because of my trybulaciōs that I suffre for your sakes whiche is youre prayse For this cause I bowe my knees vnto the father of our Lorde Iesus Christ whiche is father ouer all that is called father in Heauen and in earth that he wolde graunt you accordynge to the ryches of hys glorye that ye may be strengthed with myght by his spirite in the inner man that Christ may dwell in your hertes by fayth that ye beyng roted and groūded in loue myght be able to comprehende wyth all Saynctes what is that bredth and length deepth and heyth and to knowe the excellente loue of the knowledge of Christ that ye myght be fulfylled with al fulnes whiche commeth of God Unto hym that is able to do excedynge aboūdantly aboue al that we aske or thinke accordyng to the power that worketh in vs be prayse in the cōgregacyon by Iesꝰ Christ thoroweout all generacyons from tyme to tyme. Amen ¶ He exhorteth them vnto mekenes to laye asyde the olde conuersacyon of gredy lustes and to walcke in a newe lyfe CAPI IIII. I Therfore whyche am a prysonner of the Lordes exhorte you that ye walke worthy of the vocacyon wherwith ye are called with all lowlynes and mekenes wyth humblenes of mynde forbearynge one another thorowe loue and be diligent to kepe the vnite of the spirite thorow the bonde of peace beynge one body and one spirite euen as ye are called in one hope of your callynge Let there be but one Lorde one fayth one baptyme one God and father of all whyche is aboue al thorow al and in you all ⊢ ✚ Unto euery one of vs is gyuen grace accordynge to the measure of the gyfte of Christ. Wherfore he sayeth whan he went vp an hye he ledde captiuitye captyue and gaue gyftes vnto men That he ascended what meaneth it but that he also descended fyrste into the lowest partes of the earth He that descēded is euen the same also that ascended vp aboue all heauens to fulfyl al thynges And the very same made some Apostles some Prophetes some Euangelystes some Shepherdes and Teachers to the edifying of the saynctes to the worke and ministracyon euen to the edifying of the body of Chryst tyll we al come to the vnyte of fayth and knowledge of the sonne of God vnto a perfecte man vnto the measure of the full perfecte age of Chryste ⊢ That we hence forth shulde be no more chyldren waueryng and caried about with euery wynde of doctryne by the wylynes of men thorowe craftynes wherby they laye a wayte for vs to deceyue vs. But let vs folowe the trueth in loue and in all thynges growe in hym whiche is the heade euen Christ in whom yf all the body be coupled knet togyther thorowe out euery ioynt wherwith one mynistreth to another accordynge to the operacyon as euery parte hath his measure he increseth the body vnto the edifying of it self thorowe loue ✚ This I say therfore and testyfye thorow the Lord that ye hence forth walke not as other Gentylles walcke in vanyte of their mynde while they are blynded in their vnderstandyng beyng farre from a godly lyfe by the meanes of the ignorancy that is in them because of the blyndnes of theyr hertes whiche beyng past repentaunce haue gyuen them selues ouer vnto wantōnes to worke all maner of vnclennes euen with gredines But ye haue not so learned Christ If so be that ye haue hearde of him haue bene taught in him as the truth is in Iesu as concernynge the conuersacyon in tyme past to laye from you that olde man whych is corrupte accordynge to the deceauable lustes ⊢ ✚ To be renued also in the spirite of your mynde to put on that new man which after God is shapen in rightuousnes and true holynes Wherefore put awaye lyinge and speake euery man trueth vnto hys neyghboure for as muche as we are members one of another ☞ Be angrye and synne not let not the sōne go downe vpon your wrath neyther giue place vnto the backbiter Let hym that stole steale nomore but let him rather labour with his handes the thyng whiche is good that he may giue vnto him that nedeth ⊢ Let no fylthy communicacion procede out of your mouth but that whiche is good to edyfy withal as oft as nede is that it may mynyster grace vnto the hearers And greue not ye the holy spiryte of God by whom ye are sealed vnto the daye of redempcyon Let all bytternes and fearsnesse and wrath and rorynge and cursed speakyng be put awaye from you with all malycyousnes Be ye curteous one to another mercyful forgeuyng one another euen as God for Christes sake hath forgeuen you ¶ He exhorteth them vnto loue warneth them to be ware of al vnclennesse He teacheth howe women shuld obey their husbandes and howe louyngly men ought to intreate they● wyues CAPI V. BE ye therfore folowers of God as dere chyldren and walke in loue euen as Christe loued vs and gaue hym selfe for vs an offerynge and a sacrycye of a swete sauer to God As for fornicacyon and al vnclēnes or couetousnes let it not be once named amonge you as it becommeth sanctes or fylthynes or folyshe talkynge or testyng which are not comly but rather gyuynge of thankes For this ye know that no whoremonger ether vncleane person or couetous person which is
but geueth grace vnto the lowlye Submit your selues therfore to God but resyst y ● deuyll and he wyll flye from you Drawe nye to God he wyll drawenye to you Clēfe your hādes ye synners pourge your hettes ye wauerynge mynded Suffre affliccions and mourne wepe Let youre laughter be turned to mournyng and your ioye to heuynes Humble youre selues in y ● sight of y ● lorde he shal lyft you vp Backbyte not one another drethren He y ● backbyteth his brother he that iudgeth his brother backbyteth the lawe and iudgeth the lawe But and yf thou iudge the lawe thou are not an obseruer of the lawe but a iudge There is one lawe geuer and iudge whiche is able to saue and to destroye What art thou that iudgest another Go to nowe ye that saye todaye and tomorowe let vs go into such a cytie and contynue there a yeare bye sell and wynne yet cannot ye tell what shall happen on y e morowe For what thinge is your lyfe It is euen a vapour that apereth for a lytel time and then vanyssheth a waye For that ye ought to saye yf the Lord wyll and yf we lyue let vs do this or yt. But now ye reioyce in your boastynges All soch reioysynge ys euyll Therfore to hym y t knoweth how to do good and doth yt not to hym it is synne ¶ He threteneth the wycked ryche men exhorteth vnto pacyence to beware of swerynge One to knoweledge his ●autes to another one to praye for another and one to laboure to brynge another to the trueth CAPI V. GO to nowe ye ryche men Wepe and howle on youre wretchednes that shal come vpon you You re ryches is corrupte your garmentes are motheaten Your gold and syluer is cankered and the rust of them shal be a wytnes vnto you shall eat youre flesshe as it were fyre ye haue heaped treasuere to gether ⚜ euē wrath to your selues in youre last dayes Beholde the hyre of the labourers whiche haue reaped downe your feldes whiche hyre is of you kept backe by fraude cryeth and the cryes of them whyche haue reaped are entred into y e eares of the Lorde Sabbaoth Ye haue lyued in pleasure on the earthe and bene wantan Ye haue norysshed youre hertes as ☞ in a daye of slaughter ye haue cōdempned and kylled the iust and he hathe not resysted you ✚ Be paciēt therfore brethren vnto the cōmynge of the Lorde Beholde the husbāde man wayteth for the precyous frute of the earth and hathe longe pacyence ther vpon vntyll he receaue that early and the latter rayne Be ye also pacient therfore settle your hertes for the commynge of the Lorde draweth nye Grudge not one agaynst another brethren lest ye be damned Beholde the iudge stādeth before the dore Take my brethren the Prophetes for an ensample of sufferynge aduersytie of pacience whiche spake in the name of the Lorde ⊢ Beholde we counte them happy which endure Ye haue harde of the pacyence of Iob haue knowen what ende the Lorde made For the Lorde is very petyfull and mercyfull But aboue all thynges my brethren sweare not ▪ nether by heauē nether by erth nether any other othe Let your yee be yee and youre naye naye lest ye fall into ypocrisy If any of you be vexed let hym praye If any of you be mery let hym synge Psalmes If any be diseased amonge you let him call for the elders of the congregacyon and let them praye ouer him and anoynte him with oyle in the name of the Lorde and the prayer of fayth shall saue the sycke and the Lorde shal rayse him vp and yf he haue cōmytted synnes they shal be forgeuen him ✚ Knowledge youre fautes one to another and praye one for another that ye may be healed For the feruent prayer of a ryghteous man auayleth muche Helyas was a man mortall euen as we are and he prayed in his prayer that it myght not rayne and is rayned not on the earth by the space of thre yeares syx monethes And he prayed agayne and the heauen gaue rayne and the earth brought forth her frute Brethren yf any of you do erre from the trueth and another conuerte him let the same knowe that he whiche conuerteth the synner frō goynge a straye out of his waye shall saue a soule from deeth and shal hyde the multytude of synnes ¶ The ende of the epystle of Saynte Iames. ❧ The fyrst Epistle of Saynt Peter the Apostle ¶ He sheweth that thorowe the aboundaunt mercy of God we are begotten agayne to a lyuely hope and howe fayth muste be tryed howe the saluacyon in Chryst is no Newes ▪ but a thyng prophecyed of olde He exhorteth the to a godly conuersacyon for so muche as they are nowe borne a newe by the worde of God CAPI I. PEter an Apostle of Iesu Chryste to them that dwell here and there as straūgers thorowout Pontus Galacia Capadocya Asia and Bethynia electe according to the for knowledge of God the father thorowe the sanctifynge of the spirit vnto obedience and spryncklynge of the bloude of Iesus Chryste Grace be with you and peace be multiplyed Blessed be God the father of oure Lord Iesus Christ which accordyng to his aboundant mercy begat vs agayn vnto a lyuely hope by that that Iesus Christ rose agayne from death to an inherytaunce immortall and vndefyled and that peryssheth not reserued in heauen for you whyche are kepte by the power of God thorowe fayth vnto saluacion whyche is prepared alredy to be shewed in the last tyme in the whyche ye reioyse though now for a season yf nede requyre ye are in heuines thorow manifold temptacions that the trial of your fayth beyng much more precious then golde that perisheth risheth though it be tried with fyre might be founde vnto laude glory honour at the appearyng of Iesus Chryst whom ye haue not sene yet loue hym in whom euē nowe though ye se him not yet do you beleue and reioyce with ioy vnspeakable and gloryous receyuynge the ende of your fayth euen the saluacyon of your soules Of which saluacion haue the Prophetes enquyred and searched whyche Prophesyed of the grace that shuld come vnto you searchynge when or at what tyme the spirit of Christ whiche was in them shuld sygnyfye whiche spirit testyfyed before the passyons that shuld happen vnto Christ and the glory that shulde folowe after vnto whiche Prophetes it was also declared that not vn to them selues but vnto vs they shuld minister the thinges which are now shewed vn to you of thē which by the holy ghost sente downe frō heauen haue in the Gospell preached vnto you the thingꝭ which the angels defyre to beholde Wherfore gyrde vp the loynes of youre mide be sober trust perfectly on the grace that is brought vnto you by the declaryng of Iesus Christ as