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B11226 Here beginneth a lytel treatyse the whiche speketh of the xv. tokens the whiche shullen bee shewed afore ye drefull daye of judgement And who that our lorde shalt after chenyng of euery body of his wordis, workis and thoughtes. And who oure lorde wyll shewe us other in tokens. of his pasion, to theym that been deyeth in dedely synne.; Art de bien vivre et de bien mourir. English. Doesborch, Jan van, d. 1536. 1505 (1505) STC 793.3; ESTC S103663 18,452 96

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be a fore the dry ful daye of dome of our lord Ihū xp̄i But wee knowe not yff these xv tokēs shullen be shewed one after on other or yf ther ony other token shal be shewed betwene Therof sayde saint hyroniꝭ none certen nor none doctour but they putte it in the wyl of oure lord but our lord maye ther wyth do hys wyll but hy is almyghty ¶ Here folowen the .xv. principael tokens the whiche shulen be shewed a fore the grete ordeel of Iugemēt of oure lorde Ihū ¶ Of that fyrste tokē That fyrste tokē the wiche shal goo afore the comen Iugement shal be that the see shal aryse xi cubitꝭ aboue all hylles there worlde shal so stande in a token of a miracle wthout rēnyng ouer or goyng done and noo more in one place thā in another shal stand stylle in hier one place for that thei wordes of psalmi sholde be true like he sayde Mirabilis elatioēs maris Merueylous is the see of her oprysynge and this shal god suffer for the punisshe the whiche haue be prowde like the wyse mā sayde in his ꝓuerbe xiij chaptre Cor superbiq̄ū mare feruens ꝙquescit The herte of pride is like the bernende zee the whiche none reste en hath not others desired than discord and warre The whiche is comen of pride like Salomō sayde in his ꝓuerb Int̄ suꝑbos sꝑ iurgia sunt Discorde twyst is euer amonge the prowde folke the prowde will also be in the heyest plase and of a lityl thinge that whiche he hath done wyl he be worshipped honoured neuer is he fulle of worship euer wolde haue more And god shal this done for to punysshe the proude the whithe them self so enhaūcen wyl be beter than on other hy shal take of theȳ there lādes goede And also that they sholde knowe there synnes torne them to penaūce For our lord is so full of mercy that hy wil that none soule sholde be loste but hy gyueth vs knowelge token of trybulation and other pouerte that we sholde knowe hem and do penaūce like the apostel sayde Nō dimittitur ꝑctm̄ nisi restituatur ablatū that is to saye The synnes en been not relest nor forgyuen but hy doo satisfaction therfore ¶ Of that seconde token THat seconde token that whiche shal goo afore that comen Iugement shal bee that the see shall good one in to the erth lyke yf the sonne it had dreyeth awaye Lyke as the prophete Naum sayde in his fyrst chaptre ¶ Increpans mare et exsiccans illud ¶ That is to saye that the maker of alle the worlde shal the see done gone in to the dypte of the erth lyke yf she had bee dreyed oute in a grete token of impossibilite or of in meruelyosite And betokeut that the proude and lecherous folke ful of flesly luste and haue foloweth the resynne And haue laboured for to gete greate richesses and bildinges as houses and other castels And haue not byldeth in heuen by our lord Ihesu and haue not byldeth gostely for ther soule helthe And lyke as the haue putte done they pouer and haue not succured them wyth there good as god hath sente you in this worlde But in the daye as the see shal hem hyde in to the erthe Lyke as it is sayde afore and that shal be done for suche folke as it is spokē of afore they shullen be ashamed of there synnes and shullen be dampned for suche synnes Lyke saint lucas shewed in his xiiij chaptre ¶ Quise exalt at humiliabit̄ And in his prouerbe xxix Superbum sequitur humilitas ¶ Of that thirde token THat thirde token shal be that al beestis and fisshes shullen monstren and in the see thei shullen come to gyder make a grete complaynt and cryeng merueylously that it shal be herde in heuen and god shal this vnderstonde allone Of this sayde Iob in his xij chaptre ¶ Loquere terre et ānunciabit tibi Et enarrabūt pisces marꝭ That is to saye Speke to the erth and she shal saye you all the ylle of the men shen And the fysshes of the see shullen speke to you of the euyll of the folke ¶ God shal suffer this to one token to the people tho that haue lyued in that water of Ioye and lustenes of the fleshe And they that hauē be mery in daunsyng pyping and in synging more than to the cōmaundementis of oure blyssed lorde Ihesu xpē And their myrthe shal be chaunged in grete heuynesse Lyke vs lucas declared in his vi chaptre Ve vobis qui nūc ridetꝭ quia lugetis That is to saye Sorowe shullen they haue they that lawhen For ye shullen wepe in bitter teeres in that daye of Iugement And they that hauen done penaunce in this worlde they moen wel be mery As our lorde sayde / Beati qui nunc fletis 〈◊〉 ridebitꝭ / That is as moche to saye / ¶ Blyssed be all tho that wepe in this worlde sufferen / For they shullē be mery in euerlastinge glorie / And the fisshes and beestes of the see shullē speke of one maner or cryeng and cōplayn ouer the menshen for thir grete synnes for whiche synnes they sufferē grete peayn in the see ¶ Of that forthe token That forthe token shal be that the see and all other waters and ryuers shullen bernen of the fyre that whiche shall Come oute of heuē and shal punysshe theym that haue lyued lecherously in this worlde after there lustisnes of the fleshe And haue lyued ayenst the commaundement of our lorde Ihū And suche folke shal berne in the fyre made of brymstone Lyke ye fynde in Apocalipsi in his xxi chaptre ¶ Erit pars eorum in igne et sulphure And also for there plesure the whiche they haue hadden in there lecherousnes shullen haue a sonder peyne in euerlastyng fyre Lyke ye fynde in apocalipsi in his xviij chaptre Quantum in delicijs fuit tantum date tormentum et luctum Gyue theym payne after that they haue deserued the whiche haue lyued lecherously and hauen kepte other mennes wyues hauen lyued after there owne plesure and flesely luste Therfore shall this token bee shewed that the see and alle Ryuers shullen bernen as ye here maye see portred c. ¶ Of that fyfte token THat fyfte token shal be that alle herbes trees forestis and boskasyen shullen swete droppes lyke blode As Sybilla writted And Iohel in his secunde chaptre Spekende in the person of god ¶ In diebus illis dabo prodigia in celoet in terra sanguinē et vaporem fumi That is to saye ¶ In those dayes shal I gyue tokens in heuē and in erth of smelling or sauoring Also in that same daye shullen come to gyder all byrthes they shullen cryen and wypen And they shullen not bee wyllyng to ete nor to drinke in noo maner wyse ¶ Thyse forsayde sauour and bloet that the trees and
not And certeynly this forsaide fyre shal burne all bodyes of the people yf they bee dede or alyue good or bad but there shal be difference it shal gyue peyne to the badde and none to the goode But it fyndeth noothinge there to purge No more than it dydde to the thre children the whiche waren put in a forncyse As daniel sayde in his iij. chaptre ¶ And certeynly all this is not others than as god it wyl haue no man knoweth it but god alone of this tookens afore sayde and yf they shullen bee shewed one after an other And yf there more than one shal bee vp one daye but this same is vncerten vnknowen And therfore it is possyble that that fyre ther purgacien shal come op that same houre as the peple shullen bee slaen and than they shullen be burned to esshes to pouder and dust ¶ And therfore shal men not saye for certeyn that they forsayde tokens shullen bee vpon xv dayes one after an other ¶ Lyke Iheronimus hath fonden in the Hebrewshe Cronicle For hy hemselfe is there of vncertaeyn But the moste parte of thise forsayde tokens maye ye wel belyue for the be geapprobiert with the holy gospels that the worlde shal burne and purge the elementis And also that the hooly bodyes shullen aryse And that same fyre shal goo aboute after the Iugement and shal take all corrupcien wyth hem and shal goo wyth a grete hette to helle and ther wyth to punysshe the badde And alle those that of suttylnes is in this same fyre and off good workes shal abeyde aboue in euerlastīg glorie And this is knowen that this same fyre shall goo afore that dreful daye of Iugement ¶ Here endeth the xv tokens ¶ And here foloweth who our lord shal 〈◊〉 shal come to Iugement ALle cristē peple be of very doute to knowe by the simbol of the belyue That is oure Credo lyke the symple peple saye whiche euery body ought to knowe or to haue penaunce the euerlastinge dampnacion of his soule ¶ And oure lorde shal come at that same daye to Iuge the that be alyue and tho that be dede and good and badde In whiche Iugement hy shal gyue euery body after that they haue serued And this shal be done lyke it is sayde afore But as oure lorde shal come with grete myght in tyme of Iusticie ī whiche tyme shal be noon mercy After that vision of saīt Iohan in appocalipsi in his x. chaptre sayde One angel comyng oute of heuen puttyng hys right fote op the see and his lyfter fote vpon the erth makyng his othe by our lorde the whiche is alyue in heuen That that same tyme sholde be no more Glosa the tyme of mercy But the tyme of Iugement and ther Iusticien And sayde that ther spake to hem vij donre claps and there by shullē we vnderstande that ther shullen fallen vij peryllosshe thinges The whiche shullen fallen vpon they tho that bee dampned ¶ And tho that bee sauyd shullen haue vij myrthee in that same daye of Iugement by that first donre clape shal ye vnderstande the arysing of the ded bodyes men and wymmen But after the purgacie of the fyre in erth shal out lord be redy to come to Iugement and his angels shullen blowe the trompettis making a grete noise and they shullen brynge to gyder all frindes of oure lorde the whiche that haue be tourned in to esshes in all foure corners of the worlde Lyke matheus sayde in his xxiiij chaptre ¶ Mittit angelos suos cū tuba And this same blowyng shall be herde of good and badde and shullen aryse vpon that same daye As the apostle sayde ad Corintheos ¶ Oēs quidem resurgemus And they trompettis shullen gyue a meruelyous noyse Wherof saint Iheronimus sayde ¶ Siue dormio siue vigilo c. That is to saye Slepe I wake I ete I drinke I. or what that I do euer my semeth that I here the laste trompettis of that drefull Iugemēt Sayng stand op ne deed and cometh to Iugement Lyke one doctour sayde op that booke of sapiens The noyse of thyse trompettis shullen gyue a fylynge sowne the whiche shal cōmaunde that cōmaundement of our lorde ihū xpī by whiche commaundement all deed bodyes shullen aryse As Chrisostomus sayd That is one meruelyous sowne of the crompettis that it makith the elementis subgette and also parted the stones And doth open the yate of helle and brecte the yate of Aren and the gate of helle made of yron and brecte the bādes of the ded people And shal gyue euery body his soule ayen and shullen be pulled out of the depnes And eueribody shal than haue his soule open And that same sowne shal not bee herde allone in heuen butt also in erthe And adam shal come fyrst wyth alle his progenie the whiche that haue serued our lord Abraham shal come wyth alle holy patriarchen Isay as wyth all holy prophetes Dauid wyth all good kynges Saint peter wyth all apostles euangelistes and disciples Saint stephen and Saint Laurens wyth all tho that haue shedde there blode for the loue of crist Saint nicolaus and Martimis wyth alle his confessours Saint katherin with all holy virgins Saint elisabeth wyth alle holy sage wymmen weduwes Saint Anna wyth all wymmen that haue not broken there wedlocke And the quene of heuen shal come wyth alle relygious persones the whiche that hauē serued and worshipped her And lyke wyse shal the noyse bee herde in helle As Crisostimus sayde ¶ And than shullen comen Lucifer Asmodeꝭ Sathanas belsebuck astaroch and other capiteyns and wyth all that in helle is And this forsayd blowyng shal bee herde in all corners of the worlde ¶ And than shall come Cayin the whiche slewe his brother shal goo wyth the forsayd deuyls and also al mordenars Iudas wyth all traytours Pylatus with al vntrewe iewes Herodes wyth all fals kynges princes Barrabas wyth alle theues Lamech with alle tho that haue not kepte there wedlock Nemroch wyth all vserers Yezy wyth all fals marchans Symon maguo wyth alle nygromantiers Athalya wyth all tho that haue kylled there children Isabel wyth all harlottls and lecherous wymmen Like saint Iohan sayde in his v. chaptre Procedent qui bona fecerūt in resurrectiōem vite qui vero male egerint in resurrectōem iudicij And ye shal vnderstande by the secunde donre clap Wherof that the euangeliste sayde in apocalipst That all tho that shal be to gyder in the Iugemēt shullen bee departed in foure The first company shullen sytte by the Iugement of oure lorde As oure blyssed lady the moder of our lorde Ihū The apppostles discipules marters Confessours patriarches and prophetes ¶ And this same compasy shal stande there besyde not for to gyue sentence But for to approbere the sentence of oure lorde Ihesu Criste ¶ And in this forsayde Company Alle tho that haue lefte there
herbes shullen swete that shall god suffer for to punysshe the manquellers and mordenars in a peayne tho that haue kylled theym that neuer was gylty Lyke as Seneū sayde in his iiij chapitre Spekyng in the person of god to Cayin that blode of thy broder Abel cryed to me of the erth into heuen ¶ And that wepyng and cryeng of thise byrdes shullen not wylling bee to ete nor to drynke And shal be done in a peayne and in a token of they dronkarts tho that be euermore dronken in this worlde and so lyue in moche etyng and drynkyng but they shullen be punisshed in helle of the honger ther deed Lyke salistinus sayde ¶ Mors depassed eos And so they shullen be punysshed with dyuers tormentes ¶ Of that vi token THat vi token shalke that alle townes Castels tours houses and other byldynges shullen falle downe Lyke saint Lucas Matheꝭ saydē in xxiiij chaptre ¶ Nō relinquet̄ lapis suꝑ lapidem qui non destruatur That is to saye ¶ There shal not one stone abeyde by that other And that shal god suffer for they in that haue laboured for to make grete castels and fayr houses for theyr pleasur Than to make one fondacien or to bylde in the worship of oure lorde for to fynde a house in heuen Lyke saint Iohan sayde in his xxiiij chaptre ¶ In domo patris mei mansiones multe sunt ¶ That sayde oure lorde In my faders house bee many wonyng places For they soules shullē haue that the deserued for one shal haue more thā the oder Therfor ther bee many wonyng places thereof sayde Ysayas ¶ Ve qui coniungitis domum ad domum et agrum agro copulatis O wee ye ryche ye make houses by houses wyth begylynge make grete your lande and fyldes and one acker by that other the whiche ye haue taken of the power folke knowelyng by force or stronge hande And they that haue noo myght ayenst you O ye riche loke on your worldely houses the whiche ye haue byldeth wyth grete labour And wylt not ones saye to your owne self O good lorde hadde I made one house in heuen for my soule helt wyth so greate labour as I haue done in erthe I hadde done wysely for my soule c. Of that vij token That vij toke shal be that one stone shal bete that other and shullen fyghte in them self they shullen springe asonder and so fighting thei shullen gyue and maken a grete noyse of cryeng And that shal noo man vnderstande but god allone Lyke it was done as our lorde was Crucified As matheus sayd ī his xxvij chaptre Petre scisse sūt And that shal be done for to fere thē tho that ben harder than stones for they haue noo feere of our lorde they maye not be made tendre for no prechīg of the peyne of helle nor of his Iugement nor of his passion but they stones hauen hadd cōpassion of our lorde in his passion in maner of speking But they synner is so harde that they wyl not shryue thē nor do noo penaunce for their synnes But late vs praye to our lord Ihū that hy wyll make our hertes tendre that we maye besory for our synnes ¶ Of that viij token THat viij token shal be that ther shal be a general erth shakyng and contrary ther erth And shal be shewed ouer all the worlde so perilous that nor man nor wyf nor beeste shal mowe stande vpright but shullen fallen done the gronde Like it speketh in apocaliꝓsi xvi chatre Et fcūs ēterremotꝭ magnus q̄lis nō fuit ex quo hoīes eē ceperūt That is to saye Afore our lord shal come to Iugement shal be also greate an erthquauyng as euer hath ben sith our lorde the worlde made this shal be done for to fere them tho that ben yet in erthe And shal be a token that the erth shal bere noo more the synners but shal them leue our lord shal do ouer them Iusticie shal theym gyue they maledictie in the pytts of helle wyth Lucifer And the people synners shullē seke places holes for them to hyde ther in And there shal be shewed the greate vnmerciful that our lorde hath to the sȳners For the that wolde not leue there sȳnes for all they tokens that they myght see here afore ¶ Of that ix token THat ix token shal be that all hilles and valeyes shullē be plaen this shal be as Ysay as in his xl chaptre shewed ¶ Oīs vallis īplebit̄ et oīs mōs et collis huīliabit̄ that is to saye That all hylles shullē be leyde done that shal god shewe for to feere al princes tho that make moche of thē self haue put done they pouer for all kynges lordes prīces bē all like the pouer For they be alle made of one substans haue all had one fader and god shal suche kinges lordes gyue wages like they haue deserued Like matheꝭ sayd ī his xvi chaptre Filiꝭ hoīo reddā vnicuique scdʒ oꝑa sua Wythout ony taken out as wel the mayster as the seruaūt Like psal sayde Cū accepero tēpus ego iusticias iudicabo that is to saye As I shal take the daye the houre shal I Iuge the goode the badde workes of the people as wel the one as the other of what state or cōdycien that thy be ¶ Of that x. token That x. tokē shal be that al mē wȳmē they that had hydde them in the erth shullē come ayen out of ther holes like as madde folke And shullē so sore bee aferde / that one shal not mowe speke to that other And this shall god shewe in one token that whan god shall gyue Iugement ouer the good and badde Shal hy no man excuse whiche Iugement them is shewed wyth many tokens yf they wolde nott torne theym fro their synnes and doo penaunce And god shal also shewe this token to the people that shal lyue than in erth That Maria the moder of our lorde Ihū aduocatrice to all synners that in the houre / of Iugement shal she not cōne helpe no mānor none saint of heuē but ther owne good dedes ¶ Of that xi token THat xi token shal be that all graues thombes shullen stande open fro the vprysing of the sonne and goyng done ayen And also alle bones of the bodyes the whiche that bee deth fro the begynning of the world to that same daye to shullen aryse by and by ¶ Lyke Ezechiel sayde in his xxxvij chaptre Erce ego aperiā tumulos vestros This same tokē shal god shewe to one tokē to alle tho that hath bee hydde secretely Lyke synnes that haue nott bee confessyd nor shryuen therof And they that haue done sinnes secretly and haue not shriuen them therof nor hauē done no penaūce and all they shullen be dampned Lyke euangelista sayde Nihil oꝑtum ꝙ nō reueletur nec abscōditum quod sciatur
That is to saye None things so secretely kepte but oure lorde shall haue therof knowlege in the daye of Iugement and no thing so vnbeknowen but it shal be knowen in cōmun of euery man in tho dayes c. ¶ Of that xij token THat xij token shal be that sterres shullē fallen out of heuen for al planetes the whiche that goo aboute wyth the cours of the elementis and also they that stande stylle be called in latyn planete or stelle errancie Shullen fallen and casten oute grete cometes with longe tayles lyke a burning spere that whiche shal bee sore fertfull on to see And shullen all beestes come to gyder and makīg a grete noyse wythout mete or drynke Lyke matheus writted of the sterres in his xiiij chaptre ¶ Stelle cadent de celo et virtutes celorum mouebuntur Of this maye ye vnderstande that the peple shal see no more lyke yf they had be caste out of heuen Lyke ye maye vnderstande of saint ambrosius Iheronimus and beda As the sonne and mone and alle othe bryghtenes of heuen shullen chaunge ther brightnes into derkenes nott that they shullen lese there bryghtnes To vnderstand as our lord shal come to Iustice than shal be suche a brightnes that the sonne and mone shullen lese their brightnes Here of sayde the prophete Iohel in his iij. chaptre ¶ Sol conuertetur in tenebras et luna insanguinem antequam veniat dies dn̄i magnus et horribilis That is to saye Afore oure lorde Ihū shal come tho Iugement shal the sonne lese her bryghtnes and the mone shal tourne her in to blode Lyke in apocalipst is shewed ¶ Sol factus est niger quasi factus cilicinus et luna fctā est quasi sanguinis et stelle cadent super terram That is to saye In tho dayes shal be a meruelyos token as that the sonne shal be like a sacke caste with esshes and the mone shal be redde like the blodde And this is to vnderstande that alle creatures off heuen syeng the eynde of the worlde Wherfor that they ware made to gyue bryghtenes in token off soroufulnes Lyke whan the mayster is deth thā the seruaunt putt on hem blacke clothes in token of mornyng And not that the sterres shullen fallē done to the erth but they shullen abeyde aboue in the ayer and makyng a grete noyse of lyghtning and they shullen not be wasted but shullen abeyde in that loweste parte of the ayer and the peple shal wene that they fallen to the erth And verely as men sayd the myght of heuē ys lyke angels goostes and the workes of heuen shullen peruerten tremblem in the daye of Iugement Not that thei haue feere of dampnacion but the tremble for the reuerencie that they shullen done but whan thei shullen seen they grete myght of our lorde comȳg to Iugement wyth alle his Empire and myght lokyng so ferthfully ayenst they that be dampned and than the angels shullen humbli bowe them Lyke yf they sholden suffer the euerlasting payne And ye maye also vnderstande of the peruerten of the angels and goostes that she hem peruerten for to fulfylle the wyl of oure lorde And this shall god suffer that the sterres shullen fallen for to feere theym tho that bee fallen fro their belyue and for theym that haue not meyntened oure belyue and tho that haue kepte it a backe c. ¶ Of that xiij token THat xiij token shal be that all men wȳ mē and children they than bee alyue op the worlde shullē deye wythout ony remedy And hy shall this done for that they shullen aryse ayenst the day of dome wyth them that haue ben dede in the begynning of the worlde to that daye to aforesayde ¶ And certeynly this shal bee a pytuosly worke that all people tho that ben alyue goyng sytting standing liggyng etyng or drynking shullen be hurt so shortly wyth the lancie of deth sudenly ¶ O ye wretched people ye wene to lyue euer but thinke that ye shal deye you knowe nor daye nor houre And also you thinke not on your synnes ¶ O ye men and wymmen what shal ye do whan ye haue none tyme for to amende your synnes ¶ Of that xiiij token THat xiiij token shal be that heuen and erth and alle elementen shullen bernen and specially alle thinges that whiche is operthe And the bodyes of men and wymmen shullen be burneth in to esshes Lyke Genesi sayde in his iij. chaptre ¶ Puluis es et in puluerem reuerteris And of the same resolucien of heuen and the et the sayde Matheꝭ in his xiiij chaptre Celuin et terra transibūt And of this same fyre sayde Psalmista ¶ Ignis ante ipsum precedet That fyre shal goo afore that comun Iugement Whiche fyre shal be very grete by the myght of oure lorde Not allone that fyre ī hem self but all fyres in erth and shullē come aboue to gyder for to for burne alle the worlde And the doctours saye that this fyre shal haue thre maner of myght As the myght of the fyre of erth for too take and to burne all to thinges that ye maye fyle Lyke trees herbes and in general all tho thinges that ben in erth For that same fyre shal tourne in to esshes As all bodyes of men and wȳmen And it shal haue the myght of the fyre of the elementis and shal purgyren the ayer and elementes And this same fyre shal goo aboute alle the worlde and make clene all the elementes of the Infectie of the people And this same fyre shal goo also hyghe as the Infectie is gone of the synful people for to purge all that same Lyke our lorde sayde that heuen and erth shal be burned and fergo not that the be wastable na the substancie for the be Incorruptible or wastable and that same fyre shal goo aboue all hylles xv cubytes lyke the dyluuye dydde for too purge that opperste parte of the ayer the whiche that the synful people hadde be smytted wyth there grete synnes And in this maner shal the heuē bee purget But the thinges of heuen shullen not bee wasted in noo maner of wyse Lyke propheta sayde ¶ Ipī ꝑibunt tu aūt permanes That is to saye That the heuē shal fergo after somme disposicie and chaunge lyke it now is And the shal not bee wasted to saye after ther corruptibilier substācien And than it shal not bee nedeful c. ¶ Of that xv token and of that laste THat xv token shal be that heuen and erthe shal be chaunged and made newe Lyke it is sayde asore And all people shullen aryse too the Iugement Lyke saint Thomas sayde That the elements shullen be made newe And the erth shal be bryght and that water like the cristal and the ayer lyke heuen and that fyre lyke the bryghtnes of heuen and I shal see noo thynge in the ayer aboue but shal stande stylle and remeue
goode here in erth for the loue of oure Lorde And hauen gyuen it to the pouer folke and to the Religious people And to tho that haue kepte the commaundement of oure lorde Lyke matheus sayde in his xix chaptre ¶ Vos qui reliquistis omnia et cetera ¶ And also in the secunde company shullen bee in that same Iugement all tho that haue ben good people And haue also done synne and haue done penaunce therfore gladly for there synne and haue also done the workes of mercy And oure lorde shal saye to theym Come ye that haue done my wyl and commaundement in euerlasting Ioye shal saye ¶ Esurrui dedisti mibi manducare c. ¶ I haue hadde honger and you haue gyuen me mete I haue be dorsty I haue been a pylgrym I haue ben naked and you haue hulpen me in alle my nede and haue ben merciful To them shal saye our lorde Comet ye in that richdome of my fader whiche I haue made redy for you in the beginnyng of the worlde ¶ The thirde company they that shullen come to Iugement shullen bee the badde cristē people tho that haue not kepte nor fulfylled the commaundementis of our lorde nor the workes of mercy And our lord shal saye to theym As matheꝭ sayde in his xxv chaptre ¶ Esuriui ec nō dedistis mihi māducare c. I haue hadde hongre and ye hauen gyuen me noon mete nor drynke I haue desyred the goodnes of your soule and ye haue cared not thinge for me And ye haue not loget me nor herborwed nor haue me take oute off pryson nor ye haue me not clothed And tho that ben dampned shullen saye wee haue you not seene naked Lyke yf they wolden saye we haue you not seene in erth And our lorde shal saye ayen ¶ Quod vni ex minimis fecistis c. That ye haue giuen the leiste or the lowest of pouer people in this worlde that haue ye gyuen me and that ye haue gyuen not / that haue ye denyed me And therfor our lord shal saye / Gaet ye that bee dampned in that euerlastinge fyre of helle that neuer shal haue eynde ¶ Whe fourth company shullē be Iewes turkes and heyden folke the that belyue of our lorde not hauen kepte And thyse company shullen bee gyuen to the deuyls of helle wythout of ony mercy Wythout ony Iugement to doo ouer them For al suche folcke is dampned afore they parte oute off this worlde Lyke saint Iohā sayde in his iij. chaptre Qui non credit iam iudicatus est And as matheus sayde in his xiij chaptre The angels shullē gader then goode oute of they badde and shullen they sende in that burnynge furneys and fyre off helle There euer shal be wepyng and mornynge wythout eynde euermore and euerlastynge c. ¶ And ye maye well vnderstande that the badde shullen be Iuged afore the good in the daye of Iugement of the rightwys Iuge oure lorde Ihū xpī And shal receyue mercyfully the good and shal saye to theym Comet ye blyssed myns faders and receyued that whiche is made redy for you in eúlastynge Ioye of heuen And as the wyse man sayde soo shullen the badde not see the myrthe of our lorde ¶ Tolletur ipsius ne vide at gloriam dei That is to saye Take aweye the badde that they not see the glorie of oure lorde Ihesu ¶ And here foloweth who that oure lorde shall shewe the blyssed tokens of his passyon to theym tho that be dampned to grete payne / and to them that bee saued to grete myrthe and glorie ANd by the thirde donre clap Lyke saynt Iohan in Apocalipsi writted shullen we vnderstande they blyssed tokens there passyon of oure lorde Ihū the whiche hy shal bringe with hem to Iugement for hy shal shewe theym to all rede ly creaturs the that be shapen of the begynning of that worlde to that daye to of Iugemēt the tokens of his passyon shullen bee brighter than the raynes of the sonne or sterres And our lorde shal saye to theym tho that bee dampned Loke here that tresoure of my blode that whiche I haue giuen for you Where is that seruice or gifte the whiche ye hauen gyuen me for that costely tresour of my blode And than shullen alle nacion of the erthe complaen ouer them self And principaly the turkes Iewes and heyden folke They shullen them self gyue discomfort for that they haue ben ayenst oure lorde And the fals kristen people shullen complaeyn that they haue done so moche ylle for they good workes the oure lorde Ihesu hath done for vs c. ¶ Who that oure lorde shal speke to the synners mysdoers of his passien ANd also in that daye of Iugement shall oure lorde saye to them tho that be dampned Loke here that body that whiche ye haue putte on the Crosse Loke here youre Iuge the whiche is god and menshe ¶ Loke here the wondes the whiche ye haue made hem loke here the syde the whiche ye haue wonded and dore passed wyth aspere loke here my handes the whiche bee thorugh nayled for your sake on the crosse the whiche I haue put oute for to receyue you hadde it plesed you And for that case that ye haue cared not for my And I haue called and cryed after you and ye haue sette not thinge be me Therfore goo ye in that euerlasting fyre wyth the deuyls of helle wyth all thir company For one good body shal hem haste for to doo penaunce the whyle that hy is alyue for that hy maye bee bocht wyth that tresour his blots And so that we not be of the iiij company of Iugement tho that bee dampnad AT the fyrst so shal oure lorde shewe the Colūme to all them that haue not bee mercyfully ther hi so pleniuosly shedde his bloode wherof that we shullen thanke our lorde Lyke ambrosius sayd Plus enim debio tuis iniurijs ¶ O good lorde I am more boūden to the for thy bitter passyon the thou suffredest for me and all mankinde and ther thorugh I am bought than I am boūde to the might of almighty for to be made and shapen sholde not haue profyted hadde I not bee bought As Bernardus sayd There is noothinge soo profytelyck for to he le the woundes of the soule than many tymes to remēbre the passyon of oure lorde ¶ Atte the secunde tyme shal oure lorde shewe his precyous Crowne of thorne the hy bare vpon his hedde to theym that haue bee prowde And haue sette vpon ther hedde that whiche they haue plesed the worlde and haue cared nott thynge of hym nor of the crowne the whiche hi bare vpon his hedde for our sake ¶ Att the thyrde tyme soo shal oure lorde shewe the lancie of his passie to them that haue bee angry and haue not loued there euyn cristen menshē and haue hadde plesur of their mysfortune Of this sayde Seneca I wolde that they hatyge menshen hadden
there was C. and xxx betwine the waye soo mocked they Iewes our lorde xxx tymes in his blyssed face and gauen hem xl grete strokes in his necke And they fals Iewes axed oure lorde in Cayphas hous yf hy were the sonne of godde and hy sayde ye ¶ And in continent they gaue Iugement ouer hem that hy was worthy to deye do they mocked hē at secūde tyme in his visage xlij tymes and gauen hem also xl greate strokes in his necke the secunde tyme. ¶ And also there wenten they Iewes in Cayphas hous too gyder they scryben and pharyseen and accorded to gyder who that they wolde deye oure lorde ihū And there was lxvi of one counseyll of they greatest in that same nyght ¶ Item hondred and lxxx sores hadde oure lorde the whiche hy suffcedeth specially in the tyme of hys passyon c. ANd also in the mornīg erly broghten the Iewes oure lorde wyth CCCC seruauntes in pylatus house and ther fote steppes was M And Pylatus sende oure lorde to He rodes house and there fote steppes was C. and. l. And pylatus wolde please the Iewes and badde that they sholde shurge hem for to content ther fals Iewes wyl And oure lorde Ihesu receyued there vi C. strokes and also they woundes they oure lorde there toke they were not well nommerably ¶ Item the crowne the our lord was put vpon his blyssed hed hadde lxxij tackes and the tackes haue been forsquer and the tackes wente īto his Blyssed hedde and the Crowne was putte twyes vpon his hedde So our lorde receyued many woūdes for our sake And there wondes they our lord ther receyued of the crowne haue ben onnōmerably Alsp yf there bee ony that wyl worshippe thyse wondes the shal saye euery daye xv pater noster a yere longe c. ALso oure lorde was beten xxx tymes doo hy bare his Crosse And oure lorde felle done to the groūde v. tymes wyth his crosse vpon his sholder And fro Iherusalem to the hille of caluarye there fote steppes was lxxij Itē fro the hylle benethe to aboue hath ben fote steppes M. Item the largenes aboue vpon the hylle thee oure lorde was crucifyed haue ben xl fote steppes ¶ Item doo oure lorde was nayled on that Crosse an bode handes haue ben xl strokes wyth the / hamer c. / And tho token the fals Iewes a rope made of here and pulled his fete to the hole of the crosse for it was made to longe for his fete myght not reche it and tho they nayled hem his fete / there strokes haue been lxxxliij c. ALso oure Lorde was hangynge on that Crosse iij. houres alyue and. iij. houres deed and also l. teeres wepte oure lorde on that crosse and hondred fote steppes was oure lorde boren fro the crosse to his sepulture or graue ¶ After that same tyme that oure lorde was arosen out of his graue was hy in erth xl dayes Also yf there bee ony man or woman that wyl worshyppe they bloddroppes of oure lorde Ihū the whi che he hath spyldeth for vs here in erth wyth one pater noster for hy moste saye euery daye an hoole yere longe C. pater noster and than sholde bee worshypped euery droppel blots wyth one pater noster Also they that wolde do this hy shall haue of oure lorde a special grace And yf ther were ony man or woman that hadde begonne this and deyed in the fyrst yere he sholde bee waged of the hole tyme of xv yere c. ¶ Our lorde Ihesus do hy was croscifyed had hy his blyssed vysage to vs westward Therfore torne we our visage estward whan we doo praye to oure lorde hanging on the crosse ¶ As oure lorde Ihesus cristꝭ wente to heuen had hy his blyssed vysage estward and prayed his fader of heuen for vs. and therfore praye we also in that este And therfor late vs praye estward that hy wyl gyue vs after this wretched lyf euerlastīg lyff Amen ¶ Emprinted by me Iohan fro doesborch dwellīge at Anwerpe by the Iron ballaunce c.