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A93576 The hidden things of Esau brought to light, and reproved in an answer to a book intituled A true relation of a dispute between Francis Fulwood, minister of West Alvington, in the county of Devon, and Thomas Salthouse, as it is said, of the county of Westmerland, before the congregation of them called Quakers, in the house of Henry Pollexpher Esquire, in the said parish of West. Published in the truth's defence, and sent abroad in the world, to pursue the unknown authors imperfect relation. By a follower of the Lamb in the war against the Beast and false prophet, known to the world by the name of Thomas Salthouse. Salthouse, Thomas, 1630-1691. 1657 (1657) Wing S473; Thomason E912_4; ESTC R204852 26,539 40

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being made subject to the higher power for Conscience sake And if thou smite me on the one Cheek I must rather turn the other then smite thee again And if any of those within the compass of thy quarter who are witnesses of the unchangable Priesthood out of Conscience refuse to pay thee Tithes thou hast this shelter to flie unto to wit the Law of the Land to sue them for their own Corn or Hay on which thou never bestowedst any labor But Friend look thou first unto the Royal Law and see if this be as thou wouldst be done by If thou profess thy self to be a Minister of God let the Law of God be thy rule and take counsel of him alone and let his Word be thy light and here thou wilt come to see thy pleading for Tithes to be onely for thy own carnal ends and not for the glory of God And if any one deny to pay Tithes out of coveteousness self-ends or a desire to save the Earth I am against that principle both in thee and them For the Earth is the Lords and the fulness thereof And if any man have this worlds goods and see his Brother have need and shut up his compassion against him how dwells the love of God in that man But that thou hast as much right to Tithes as the Gentleman thou makest mention of hath to his estate it lies upon thee to prove by Scripture Col. 2.14 for that Law is changed and the hand writing of Ordinances blotted out by which the Levitical Priesthood had right to their Tithes who had no inheritance in the Land of Canaan But thou canst not prove that the Evidences by which the Gentleman thou speakest of holds his estate is disannulled or made void And they who received Tithes Deut. 14.29 had also a commandment to pay Tithes And if thou plead for their order then the strangers the widows and fatherless have as much reason to plead for and right to receive Tithes as thou or any of thy Brethren hath And if thou plead for Melchisedecs order then if thou meet any coming from the slaughter of their enemies after they have conquered if thou have a blessing for them thou maist take the Tenth of the spoils if they be free to give it thee but if thou deny the figures and own and confess Jesus Christ to be come in the flesh and thy self to be one of his Ministers thou needst neither plead for Tithes nor take thought what to eat or drink or what to put on Matth. 6. For after these things do the Heathen seek who know not God Fulw. The Text saith he paid Tithes and if it be granted me That Tithes be lawful to be paid in the time of the Gospel I desire no more Answ The Text doth not say that Tithes was paid in the time of the Gospel not to any of the Ministers of the Gospel and if thou confess thy self to be one I demand of thee to what end thou desiredst it so earnestly If thou didst but take Christs counsel to seek first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness all other things would be added unto thee for God hath ordained that they that preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel and be content with food and rayment and the hand writing of Ordinances for taking Tithes is blotted out and the Commandment going before disannulled so that it cannot be granted to be lawful for Christs Ministers to take Tithes But what needest thou be afraid if thou be one of his If God took care for Oxen in the time of the Law and for the Levitical Priests who had no inheritance in the promised Land Matth. 6. Doth he not also take care for his children in these days seeing his mercy endures for ever O thou of little Faith is not thy life more then meat and thy body more then rayment If thou were but a Minister of Christ and didst watch onely for the soul the dispute about these carnal things would be soon at an end but by the children of light both your Call Ministry Maintenance and Ordinances are seen which stands onely in outside things and carnal washings are seen and judged What Scripture have you for sprinkling of Infants and so call it Baptism or an Ordinance of God Fulw. I never saw an Infant onely sprinkled Answ Whether it be dipping or sprinkling prove your Baptism of Infants by Scripture to be a lawful command of Christ or an Ordinance of God else I charge you to be usurpers of Authority Many are unsatisfied about this Ordiannce as you call it therefore it lieth upon you to make full proof of your Ministry and practise and wherein your manner of Baptising Infants differs in the ground of it from the Prelates Bishops and Papists whose doctrine and practise you pretend to deny And when your deeds is brought to the light to be proved then it will appear whether you or we have denied the Popish Tenants practise and principles Fulw. This is but to delude the people you know you deny all Baptism with water and that you are as much against the Anabaptists as against us Answ This is a false accusation for I with thousands more in this Nation whose union and fellowship is in the light do own and witness the Baptism which the Scripture speaks of which is by one Spirit into one Body 1 Cor. 12.13 but all Beggerly Elements Bodily Exercises Carnal Ordinances and Outside Services Imitations Likenesses and Shadows of Heavenly things we count as dung and dross in comparison of the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus the Substance and End of all Figures Types and Shadows in whom we are circumcised with the Circumcision made without hands in putting off the Body of the sins of the flesh buried with him in Baptism and raised together with him through the Faith of the operation of God who hath raised him from the dead and we are compleat in him who is the head of all principalities and powers Col. 2. who hath made a shew of them openly triumphing over them and so being dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world we are no more subject to its Ordinances knowing that they perish with the using and do not make the Comers thereunto perfect although they have a shew of wisdom and a will-worship in a voluntary humility by which the people are deluded and if the Anabaptists as thou callest them have an other Baptism then this we are not subject unto it And whereas thou chargest me with deluding the people its false and more then thou canst prove But I shall pass by it having learned of him who when he was reviled reviled not again And if thou hast any Scripture for the baptising Infants with water shew it for the peoples satisfaction Fulw. We are commanded to baptize all Nations but Infants are a great part of all Nations Therefore we are commanded to baptize Infants Answ
and the glory of the Lord is risen and arising and shall cover the face of the earth as the waters cover the Sea And now the sinners in Zion begin to tremble and fearfulness surprises the Hypocrites the voice of Babylons merchants is heard with a loud cry Rev. 18. Alas alas for none will buy our merchandise any longer Come say they let us smite with the tongue the hope of our gain is gone you know that by this craft we have got our wealth and if these mens doctrine be received not onely our craft is endangered but our Church and Ordinances which all the world worships in will be denied and our Tithes Augmentations Gifts and Rewards for Preaching will be taken away Report and we will report it let us call them Deceivers and Seducers for none dare contradict us When we are in the Pulpits the Law of the Land is our protection and by it we have liberty to imprison them if they disturb or interrupt us And thus you Parish-Teachers shelter your selves for a season but your covering is too narrow and your bed will be found shorter then a man can stretch himself upon it Your wickedness is manifest and reproved by the light and by a foolish people are you provoked to jealousie whom God hath chosen to confound the wisdom of the wise glory to his Name for ever who hath put an end to the first Covenant that made not the comers thereunto perfect as pertaining to the conscience and hath disannulled the Commandment going before by reason of the weakness and unprofitableness of it This is our God we have waited for him he alone is our Judge King and Law-giver to whom our soul is subject for he ever liveth and hath an unchangable Priesthood even him who is able to save to the uttermost all that come to God by him Which we now witness and deny and declare against the changable Priesthood that took Tithes and denied Christ to be come in the flesh Fulw. Tithes are lawful because not forbidden yea they seem to be encouraged by Christ himself ye Tithe Mint c. And ye do well therefore we do not ill to take them Answ Read thy portion among them to whom Christ spoke and if thou do well mayst thou not be accepted Wo unto you Scribes Pharisees Hypocrites for ye pay Tithe of Mint Mat. 23. Annise and Cummin and have omitted the weightier matters of the Law Judgment Mercy and Faith These you ought to have done and not to leave the other undone But he did not say You did well in so doing but called them fools and bl●nde And so may I truly call him who saith this is an encouragement to takes Tithes If thou or any of thy Brethren take them on this account for shame never profess your selves to be Ministers of the Gospel for Christ gave no command or encouragement to the Twelve Seventy or to any of his Disciples to take Tithes And besides those to whom Christ then spake did not believe in him nor confess him to be the end of the first Covenant in which Tithes was commanded and due to be paid to the Levitical Priesthood which were many Priests because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death But this man hath an unchangable Priesthood for he ever liveth to make intercession for his and is able to save to the uttermost all them that come to the Father by him who is made a Priest for ever not by the Law of a carnal command but by the power of an endless life and of the things which are spoken Heb. 8.1 both concerning Melchisedec and the Levitical Priesthood in that Declaration to the Hebrews This is the sum and substance Jesus Christ who is set on the right hand of the Throne of the Majestie in the Heavens a Minister of the Sanctuary and of the true Tabernacle which God hath pitched and not man For finding fault with the first Covenant Behold the days come saith the Lord that I will make with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah a new Covenant not according to the old which Covenant they brake Even this is the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel After those days saith the Lord I will put my Law in their mindes and write them in their hearts I will be unto them a God and they shall be my people And thus the Law and Priesthood being changed as is clear by Scripture neither thou nor thy Brethren have any right to take Tithes either by the Law of God or example of Christs Ministers nor no encouragement from his words nor from that of Abraham who freely gave Tithes to Melchisedec out of the spoils who blessed him when he returned from the Conquest but ye receive the tenth not of the spoils onely but out of poor mens labors and of them who receive no blessing from you and for whom you do no work In the time of the Law there were indeed many Priests and the Priests lips were to preserve the knowledge of the people and then they ought to have brought their Tithes into the storehouse And these Priests had a necessity daily to offer Sacrifice first for their own sin and then for the peoples But Christ being come the Everlasting High Priest of good things to come by a greater and a more perfect Tabernacle not made with hands as the figures and shadows of these good things was He hath obtained a more excellent Ministry in as much as he is the Mediator of a better Covenant established upon better promises And so the Priesthood being changed Heb. 7.12 there is made of necessity a change of the Law Fulw. I have two things to defend our taking of Tithes against his Verse one of which I am sure will hold The first is That we claim not Tithes by the Law of God as it were commanded there but by the Law of the Land whereby we have as clear a title to our Tithes as that Gentleman hath to his Estate The second thing that I have to say is That you cannot prove by this Text that the onely Law for Tithes in the Word of God is abolished Answ Even upon this ground hath thy generation whose hearts are exercised with coveteous practises in all ages caused the Saints and Servants of God of whom the world was not worthy to suffer Some the spoiling of their goods Heb. 11. and others the trials of cruel mockings yea moreover Bonds and Imprisonments for bearing witness against their deceit Here thou hast manifested thy self sufficiently to be out of Christs doctrine and command as before in this Relation is expressed to wit bound by man to Preach every Lords day and by the Law of man thou receivest thy reward And so if thou hast a minde to sue any of those that believe in Christ at the Law and take away their Coat thou maist have their Cloak also for they cannot resist thee
and upon his right eye ●ch 11.7 his right arm shall be quite dryed up and his right eye shall be utterly darkned for the Lord is arising in his glorious Majesty to shake terribly the Earth and to bring down the mighty from their seats and to exalt that of low degree The time is come that iniquity shall have an end the Crown shall be removed and the Diadem taken away the thrones of iniquity shall be cast down that the antient of days may sit to whom all judgement is committed the government must be upon his shoulders that he alone may rule and reign even the Captain of our Salvation and Prince of our Peace who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords God over all blessed for ever The flying Angel is gone forth with the Everlasting Gospel ●ev 14. to preach unto all Kinreds Tongues and Languages of the Nations and unto you hath the Call reached that long hath groaned under the dominion and oppression of the Prince of the air the hour cometh and now is in the which the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and he that heareth shall live Arise and shine for you light is come you that long have slept in the dust of the earth accept of deliverance Come forth of the prison houses shew your selves salvation and strength is come the Kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ the knowledge of the glory of God is arising that shall cover the face of the Earth as the waters cover the Sea Seek not ye the living among the dead for in vain is salvation hoped for or expected from the Mountains or from the Hills it is laid upon him that is mighty even able to save to the uttermost all those that come to the Father by him Therefore cease from man whose breath is in his nostrils and heap not up unto your selves Teachers believe not every spirit but try the spirits for many false Prophets are gone forth into the world in these last days and perilous times But God who at sundry times and divers manners spake to the Fathers by his servants the true Prophets hath in these last days spoken by his Son whom he hath appointed to be heir of all things by whom also he made the world whose day Abraham saw and rejoyced of whom he hath said Let all the Angels of God worship him And if the word spoken by Angels was stedfast and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward how can ye escape who neglect this great salvation O that you knew in this your day the things that belong unto your peace which so long have been hid from your eyes A Prophet hath God raised up unto you like unto Moses and Pastors hath he sent forth according to his own heart rising up early and sitting down late saying Turn ye turn ye why will you die He that hath an ear let him hear this is the day of Zions deliverance the Lord is gathering in the out-casts of Israel and the dispersed from among the Gentiles and out of the heaps of rubbish is he raising up living stones to build unto himself a Spiritual house and other Foundations can no man lay then that which is already laid Jesus Christ the Rock of Ages the same yesterday to day and for ever who is now come a light into the world and whosoever believeth on him shall never be ashamed This is our God we have waited for him who by his own arm hath brought Salvation and plenteous Redemption who came and preached peace to us that sometimes were afar off and hath shined into our hearts by the light of the glorious Gospel and hath made us nigh by the blood of the Everlasting Covenant To whom be glory and honor throughout all ages world without end Amen Tho. Salthouse IF Ja. Godfreys Queries to Geo. Pitt which is added to this Relation had been all answered then F. F. might have expected an answer to his Counter-queries but I shall leave them to him to whom they were directed That if he see any thing worth an answer he may write to it if he be free And seeing they are of so little weight arising onely from a busie minde 1 Tim. 6. I shall take the counsel of such a one as Paul the aged in this particular to shun prophane and vain bablings which genders strife and tends to more ungodliness not doting about questions and strife of words whereof cometh envies evil furmising and perverse disputing with men of corrupt mindes reprobate concerning the Faith and destitute of the truth who do suppose that gain is godliness But to me it is no advantage to fight with Beasts if the dead do not rise neither would I be found as one beating the air or boasting in another mans line or answering a fool in his folly But if any ask a reason of the hope that is in me I am and shall be ready with meekness and fear to give an answer as God gives a mouth and wisdom whose counsel and direction I still wait for And so unto him in weldoing I commit the keeping of my soul as unto a faithful Creator Tho. Salthouse FINIS