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A11551 An other meditatio[n] of the same Hieronimus Sauanorola vpon the lxxx Psalme of Dauid Savonarola, Girolamo, 1452-1498. 1555 (1555) STC 21799.2; ESTC S2309 22,043 64

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yet rendred thankes vnto hym but they vanished awayne in theyr conceytes thoughtes theyr folysh hartes was darkned and blynded For they naming counting them selfe to be wyse men becamme very idyotes fooles So is it not with thy vineyarde o Lorde And why Mary The shadow of it hath couered the hilles the vynes therof hath ouerspred the Cedre trees of God Which is the shadowe The olde testament goyng afore the trouthe of the Gospel euen as our shadou goeth before our bodye when the sunne commeth after but whan the sunne commeth before our face thā dothe not the shadowe go afore but commeth after and we se it not Semblably the Law as it were a shadowe went before the trouthe and grace whyche is by Iesus Chryst because the sunne of ryghteousnes did then folow that he myght afterward come and apeare and shewe his face to vs. Wherfore he came and opened the trouthe and sette it before our eyes now lo the shadow foloweth and cōmeth after our back We therfore do flee awaye from it and do go towarde the sunne The shadowe of the Lawe and of sacrifyses is ouerpassed because the sunne of ryghtousnes Christe our God is come The shadowe of it therfore that is to saye the Lawe the darke teaching of the Prophetes couered the mowntaynes Who ar the mountaynes Men stedfaste in faythe high in parfectnes of iustice contemplacyon of heuenly thynges Certesse the Patriarches and Prophetes not the Philosophers and Oratours which ben the mountaynes of pryde This vineyarde than proceded from the vnsearchable heuenly lyghte of the Patriarches Prophetes And the shadowe herof hath couered the hylles that is to saye Bisshoppes Patriarches and prophetes which hauing plentieth of knowlege in the Lawe beyng replenyshed with spirit of Prophecye did couer thy vineyarde mayntayn it Thou diddest come Lord vnto thy tyllers of thys yard they killed that dyd cast the out of it Houbeit thou thē worthely destroyēg those naughty occupyars haste lette forthe thy vineyarde to be hyred of other husbandes which hathe done the frutes therof that is to saye hath turned the shadow of the Lawe into lyght The carnal sense haue they drawne vnto a spiritual vnderstandyng that when they be wery they might sytte vnder the shadow therof be cooled from feruent heate yea the shadow of it is becomme lyghte for that the very Lawe it selfe spiritually taken and vnderstanded is made the Gospel vnder whose shadowe which is the lyghte the wery soule resting thus doth singe and saye Vnder his shade haue I syt whome I lōged for his frute is swete and pleasaunt to my throte And agayne The breathe of our mouthe is Christe The Lorde was taken in our treaspace vnto whome we sayde In thy couerte shal we lyue among the gentiles Then did he multiplye the vinebraunches emōg the Heathen For the Gentiles camme to Christe to the tyller to the vinetre to the vineyarde the braunches wer multiplyed they did growe for the a greate nombre and not wythout a cause wer made euen as vyneyardes and the vines therof wer lifted vp on hygh Yea they couered the Cedre trees of God Which ar the Cedre trees of God Vndoutedly his Apostles his Euangelistes the teachers of his congregatiō Wherfore the chosen children out of the Gentiles camme to them they tooke them by the hande and sayde Wyth you will we go for we haue herd that God is with you Than wer the Cedre trees gladde they bowed downe themselues sayde Clyme vp clymme vp ouer vs take vs for we wil heare we wil holde you vp we wil lyfte you frō the grounde So the Gentiles wente vp by faythe and wer buylded vpon the foūdacion of the Apostles and Prophetes euen Christe Iesus hymselfe being the hygh corner fronne These vines therfore hath ouerspredde the Cedre trees of God O happie vineyarde o blessed braūches which haue not folowed the wysdome of folish Philosophers but that heuenly sapience of the mountaynes Cedre trees that is of the Prophetes Apostles the lyght vnspeakable the waye of trouthe that leadeth you truely vnto your ryght countrey But how large is this vineyarde Is it the lande of Iewry alone Is God onely the Iewes theyr God Doutelesse from the sunne rysyng vnto the sunne settyng Lorde greate is thy name emong the people The hathe streched out her braunches euen to the see her longe spreading reacheth vnto the ryuer The Cedre trees of Libane reioysed they cried lyfted vp theyr voyce Theyr sounde went forth in to al the worlde and theyr wordes vnto the vttermost borders of the whole worlde The see herde and swelled the earthe was troubled The floodes of the see roose Maruelous ar the surges of the see maruelons is the Lorde in high places Troubled wer the moūtaynes proude princes presses scrybes Pharises The kinges of the earthe stoode by the rulers camme to gyther agaynst the Lord agaynst his Christe But God thundered from heuen the hyghest gaue his voyce The voyce of the Lorde in a power the voyce of the Lorde in a magnificence Stones did listen and forthwyth trembled trees of the woodes the harde harted vnfruteful Heathens did lysten forthwith wer they turned into braunches of the vinetre The see behelde and ranne a waye Iordane the ryuer turned backeward agayne But the Gentiles euerywhere camme vnto the vine they fastened themselfe to it by faythe and loue they encreased greately euen to the ende of the worlde to the mountaynes the see wheras tyrauntes and frowarde people wer stryken caste downe into hel and ouerwhelmed wyth the sea Contrarywyse our vineyard hath spredde forthe her braūches euen vnto the see that is vnto the fardest parte of lande The see therfore compasseth thys vineyarde beateth vpon it but the whaues be broken agaynst it But what worthed of the countreye of Iewes It was hardened it was dryed vp it yelded no frute Thou haste cutte of therfore suche braunches oheuēly tyller haste throwne them in to the fyre Why ar al the braūches destroyed loste God for bidde For yet the leauinges bene saued Many braūches of Iewes accordyng to thy wyll and appoyntment hath continued in the vinetre hath yelded parfecte frute The vineyarde growed ane stretched forth her vynes euen vnto the ryuer What meaneth this Lorde vnto the ryuer Why is ther in al the worlde but one flode Is the worlde shutte vp or enclosed by some see or any ryuer No veryly but lyke as when the Prophete is named Dauid is mente therby for his excellence and Paule whan the Apostle is named so in this place wheras is mencioned a ryuer generally vnderstand thou it of Iordane whiche was hallowed and sanctifyed of my sonne for it alone hath that preemynence What meaneth then vnto the ryuer but vnto the ryuer Iordane That is vnto the people of the Hebrues did she spredde forthe her braunches Thynke not than the people of the Hebrues
churche Yet haste thou many seruauntes algates they be pryuye and secret in whose hartes thou haste confirmed thy Christe to thy glorye and let them when as the destroyers of the vineyarde ar dryuen out go forth to theyr worke euen vntyll nyght Comme therfore o Lord couple vs to thy tyllars whome thou haste prepared vnto thy worke We ar thy seruauntes And we do not departe from thee thou shalt quicken vs and vpon thy name wyll we call We can not be withoute the. For in the haue we our lyuing our mouyng and our beyng And therfore do not we departe from the seyng that thou haste the wordes of euerlasting lyffe To whom shal we go Ther is no God besyd the Lorde For who hath worked such wonderful maruayles as thou haste done Al thynges that thou lysted haste thou made in heauen in earth in the see and in al places be they neuer so depe or bottomlesse Although the worlde crie out men grudge and the wicked persecute vs although the elementes euery one make insurrection yea although hel wolde breake lose and be reysed agaynst vs yet departe we not from the no creature can sequestre vs frō the loue of God which is in Christe Iesus our Lorde We do not truste in our owne strenght we go not forth in our owne vertues but thou shalt make vslyuely Plenteously shalte thou graunte vs thy grace thou shalt gyue vs vertues in our trouble shalte thou sende vs a specyal ayde wherby we shal be prouoked to the feruentnesse of charyte And vpon thy name wil we cal Thy name is thy goodnesse For none is goode but God alone Thou alone therfore art goode to that alone this name doth wel accorde So then thy name that is to saye the matter of thy name the thyng sygnifyed by thy name thy goodnesse I meane and thy mercy shal we cal vpon that it maye helpe vs and socoure vs. Orels surely to cal vpon thy name is to frame and facyon in our mynde a conceyte or apprehensyon of thy goodnesse for it is a name onely conceyued in mynde so that the conceyuing of thy goodenesse is thy name Not euery cōceyt or thoucht is thy name which called vpō saueth a man as it is written Who so euer calleth vpon the name of the Lorde shal be saffe but the conceyuyng of thy goodnes which thorough fayeth brasteth forth in to loue and that by the gyfte of grace farre beyond the course of nature this I saye is thy name What is it then to cal vpon thy name but inwardlye by fayth to conceyue thy goodenesse and to loue it aboue al thinges For a name is a voyce sumwhat betokenyng What is it then to cal vpon any mans name but to pronounce a voyce that betokeneth hym So that to cal vpon the name of God with our lyppes and tounge is to bryng forth a voyce that sygnifieth hym Lykewyse where ther is also a name onely comprysed in mynd and vnderstandyng to cal vpon thy name with our hart and mynde is to frame a thought or conceyte representyng and layeng the before our eyes Yet not euery manner thynking of the is ynough but that apprehendyng of thee saueth which is formed by the vertue of fayth that worketh by loue Wherfore we wil cal vpon thy name with our hert we wil cal wyth our lippes and tunge that from thy bounteousnes called vpon the ayde maye descende vnto vs wel disposed and prepared which haue thorough thy grace inwardly receyued thy name Gyue vs therfore strenght and vertue wherby al earthly desyre vtterly layed awaye we maye be turned vnto the euen with al our very harte that in our troubles we fayle not for feblenesse God of myght conuerte vs and shewe thy face and we shal be saffe Certesse thou arte God of myght whiche haste chosen the vyle weake thynges of the world therwyth hast confounded all stoute stronge thynges For what is weaker thē the crosse What is more folysh What is more cursed Lo thorough thy infynyte powre myghte thys gretest infirmyte is made for vs the gretest strenght defence This most vnskylful folyshnes is made for menne moste profounds wysdome This hygh extreme cursyng is made for vs an heuenly blessyng moste parfecte iustyce O the wonderfull depenesse of the ryches of God his myght his wysdome his bonteousnes For that which is the weake thyng of God is stronger thā mē that which is the folysh thyng of God is wyser than men Make vs o Lorde to vnderstande thys thy infynyte powre thy vnsearchable wysdome thy in estymable goodnesse that we maye knowe ther is no other God besyde the Lorde and maye be turned vnto the. Conuerte vs God of myght shewe thy countenaunce Shewe thy Christe thy crucyfied by whome we haue knowne thy powre thy wysdome and thy bonyte What God hath at any tyme don such thynges as hath thy sonne our Lorde Iesus Christe crucified for vs He conquered the hole worlde wtout swerde he hath throwen downe al the other Goddes tyrauntes hath he destroyed euery where in heuen in earth hath he triumphed for vaynquissyng his enemys he hath lyghtened the worlde by his crosse he hath taughte how to lyue wel he hath gyuen and prescrybed the doctryne or waye to lyue verteously so as no better can be ymagyned He hath drawne to his loue al kyndes of men which renouncyng leauyng golde syluer al the vanytes of thys worlde yea and themselues to hath also gladly for hys sake and cherefully suffered kindes of tormentryes moste spytefully deuysed euen tyl they wer martyred and cruelly done to death Who euer herde of such thynges Or who hath seene the lyke In very dede Lorde Iesus thou arte a greate God the sonne of the hyest God the kynge of glory the God of myght and ther is no God but thou Lorde which with the father and holy goste arte one God blessed aboue al thinges Shewe vs therfore thy face In thy syghte was the earth moued in the syghte of the God of Iacob which turned a stonne in to a standyng poole and a rocke in to sprynges of waters Lorde shewe thy face and we shal be saffe For our fathers also were made saffe bicause thou diddest shewe them thy countenaunce wherfore they prayse the and saye Not vnto vs Lorde not vnto vs Lorde not vnto vs but vnto thy name gyue the glory for thy mercye and thy trouthes sake Shewe thy coūtenaunce therfore o Lorde that the reiected or wicked maye perysh for as much as death shal go before thy face Shewe thy countenaunce that thyne elected or chosen maye serue the in loue and thē shal we be saffe and whole then shal the worlde be renewed and adorned with vertues and with thy grace Thē shal the goode be gladde and reioyce excedyngly then shal thy people dwel in peas and continually daye and nyght gyue prayse vnto the. Which with thy sonne and the holy goste lyuest and reygnest blessed God for euer and euer worlde without ende Amen
he is ignoraunte in the sacramentes he vnderstandeth not his owne offyce he onely loueth dyrth he embraceth donge he is delyted with bloode Why then what hathe this boore done o Lorde God He hath rooted vp thy vineyarde he hath put it out of thy bondes out of thy preceptes and cōmandementes out of thy instructyons teachinges of the primatiue fathers out of thy lawes hath he set it he hath replenyshed it with dirthe and dōge with excessiue pleasures and vnclea nelynes with gluttonie dronckardye The tyllars hath he slayne the yonge children hath he killed the women hath he desloured the braunches hath he drawē to the grounde the vynes hath he plucked vp by the roote hath torne alto gyther wyth his tethe with his pride hath he trode the trees vnder his feete and caste them forthe of the vineyarde This boore comming out of the woode hath broken the bondes of it and a singulare wilde beaste hath deuoured it Lo what pryde is here He wil nedes be singular he wil haue no superior he wil haue no peas he loketh not to haue felowes but seruauntes subiectes he coueteth to possesse al singularly he seketh euermore to ascende he is delyted with a singularite he regardeth not Christe his charyte he wil not be a ministre nor sheparde nor father nor mother nor partaker of tribulacyon nor euery mannes seruaunte to the entente for to winne euery man but a lorde but a wolfe but a cruel a sturdye ruler to destroye the vineyarde to plucke vp the rootes vtterly to waste it holly to eate it bring it to noughte Is not also this wilde boore and syngulare beaste an euil Prince a proude tyraunte al togyther vncleane al togyther cruel Whiche commeth out of the wilde woode of beastes from ministers lyke himfelfe fylthye ryottous arrogāte cruel that ar beastes and no men Whiche hateth the worshypping of God banysheth holy men out of the cyte persecuteth the goode punysheth the wyse detesteth and can not abyde the trouthe reioyceth in lyes is delyted with flatering tales driueth awaye concorde norisheth debate breaketh matrimonie putteth vertues to exyle cōmendeth vrces chaseth awaye chastyte enhaunseth vngracious persones fynally causeth al noughtynes to be at the ful flynge He hath burste the bandes of the vineyarde for that he hath stande by euery waye that is not good hath not behated the contrary trade to vertue honestye Is not this boore percase singular wilde beaste also the deuil A fowle spyrite a cruel mankyller puffed vp with pryde that sayde Into heuen wil I clyme aboue the sterres of the firmament wil I exalte my scate I wil be lyke vnto the hyest He also hath fed de vpon the vineyarde hath eaten the braūches hath swalowed the vines hath incorporat it wyth hymselfe he is becōme the head of myschief they his membres and Christe his vineyarde is becomme the deuylls vineyard for that a syngular wyld beast hath deuoured it Alas alas alas Lorde God wher is the vineyarde whiche thou diddest translate out of Egypte out of which thou diddest caste the Heathen which thou diddest set with thyne owne handes whose iourney thou diddest guyde which replenished the earthe with vertues whose shadow couered the moūtaynes and the vines the cedre trees of God whiche did stretche oute her braunches euē vnto the see her spredding boughes vnto the riuer Where bene her vertues where are the gyftes of the holy goste where ar the graces frely bestowed where is her loue where is her hope where is her fayth Arte not thou God with whome ther is no chaunge Arte not thou he that is to saye God which did dest worke mercy with our fathers Ar not we the workemnashyp of thy handes Doth not Christe cōtinew for euermore Haste not thou also suffred for vs Haste thou forgotten vs o Lorde Thou Lorde arte our father and Abraham knewe vs not nor yet Israel Thou Lorde arte our father and our re demer thy name hath bene from the be gynnyng Wherfore then haste thou turned thy face from vs We haue synned we haue done amysse we haue cōmitted naughtynes Lorde deale not with vs after our synnes nother rewarde vs according to our iniquyties Lorde remembre not our olde fautes lette thy mercye preuente vs anonne for we ar very nedy poore No nor yet our fathers wer founde ryghteous but synners worshippers of idoles murderers cursers couetous proude hye mindes not obedient to theyr parētes folysh blasphemyng thy name Yet haste thou delte with them euen accordyng to thy greate mercye For they posseded not the earthe in theyr swerde nether theyr owne powre saued them but thy ryght hande thy powre the lyghtenyng of thy countenaunce bicause thou werte pleased in them Go to therfore deale with vs after thy greate mercy turne not awaye thy face from vs. God of myghte be thou turned loke backe from heuen and beholde visit this vinciarde God of powers that arte a pure acte a power infynyte the power of powers gouerning al thynges doyng al thynges quickening al thinges creating the poures of al thynges ges gyuyng them strength drawing them to theyr worke goyng afore them turne vs o Lorde vnto the we shal be turned go thou before vs drawe vs after the gyue strength to our vertues and make vs lyuely Why doest thou not loke vpon vs Why haste thou turned thy backe Shewe vs thy coūtenaunce Be turned God of poures vnto vs and then shal we be turned vnto the. For to be conuerted vnto the to thynke vpon the to loue the it is thy gyfte Loke backe from heuen for thou arte gone farre hense thou haste ascended euen vp in to heauen thou arte departed from vs yet loke vpon vs from heuen although thou wilte not comme doune to the earth although our synnes doth otherwyse deserue regarde vs sende vs thy lyght from aboue from the deserte of compassions from the Christe frō the place where as thy blessed sayntes prayeth for vs. See how we ar made desolate comfortles beholde take pyte vpon our shame and reproche our herytage is traunslated vnto straungers our houses vnto forynars Where is Hierusalem Where is the holy lande wherin thou diddest worke so many myracles Where is thy graue Ar thy not in the handes of infydels Beholde Lorde with the eyes of thy mercye the hole worlde the fulnesse therof not the fulnesse of graces but plentyeth of synnes plentieth of ignoraunce plentieth of wretchednes Beholde thy vineyarde thy churche the common welthe thy Christian people beholde and haue pyte vpon them And visyt this vineyarde For yet to hath it rootes yet ther lyueth some braūches it beganne from the begynnyng of the worlde neuer fayled nor neuer shal fayle For thou haste promysed Lo with you am I al dayes euen vnto the worldes ende Then wel maye it be diminyshed but vtterly fayle it can not Now this vineyarde is the selfe same that
thou diddest plante Ther is one spirit one fayth one baptime or fullenīg one God Lorde of all which is al togyther in al thinges Visyte therfore this vineyarde for thy visitatyon shal kepe her spyryte visyte herwith thy grace with thy presence with thy holy spyrite Visyte it also with thy wande and with thy staffe For thy wāde thy staffe shal comforte it Visyte it with a scourge that she may be chastised and purged for the season of pluckyng awaye thinges superfluous wil comme Throwe forthe the stones make fagottes of the wythered braunches and drie sticks to be burned Rayse her vp cutte of the refuse set vnder stayes proppes make the grounde ranke plētiful buylde the wal vysyte this vineyarde lyke as thou haste al redy visyted the earth and inebryate it Visyt her I saye And make her parfecte whome thy ryght hande hath planted and that vpon the sonne of man whome thou haste made stronge for thyself Do not onely visyt her but also make her parfecte For she is very vnparfecte She wolde luye wel but she nolde suffre euil She hath ensamples set before her eyes she hath the Prophetes the Apostles the Martyres al the saintes of God yea she hath the very onely begotten sonne them wolde she folowe wel wolde she do for to get theyr glory but aduersytes wold she not abyde She is very vnparfyte Make her parfecte o Lorde Sende for the thy spirite and then shal she be made parfecte Peter before the comming of the holy goste sayde yea if I muste nedes be put to death with the I will not denye the. Neuerthelesse for as moche as he was vnparfecte at the voyce of one poore mayde he denyed the Christe The holy Goste camme fulfylled him with grace then he feared not kynges of the earth for that thou madest hym parfecte thā did he bring forthe frute than did he turne an exceding sorte of people to the fayth than did he buylde churches and temples for the holy goste to dwel in Wherfore make her parfect and then wil she bryng forth frute and wil stretche out her braunches thorough the worlde For yet is she afrayde yet dare she not speake yet she feareth prynces rulers Make her parfecte whome thy ryght hande hath planted not her whō me thy lefte hande hath plāted For ther ar some Christianes as certayne pristes by name not in very dede vnto whome thou haste gyuen the ryches of this worlde and multiplyed theyr temporal goodes but of thy spiritual Goodes haue they none These therfore ar the vineyard which thy lefte hande hath planted I desyre the not to encrease this vineyarde or to make it parfecte but that whiche thy ryght hād hath planted which beareth braunches that is to saye the faythful to whome thou hast gyuen thy grace and thy gostly gyftes whych ar thyne elected Amonge whome euery one sayeth His lefte hande vnder my hedde and hys ryght hande shal embrace me Make therfore this vineyarde parfecte make her parfecte I saye vpon the sonne of man whome thou hast cōfirmed for thy selfe Who is this sonne of man For we ar the sonnes of men bicause we haue a father a mother here in the worlde But Christe is the sonne of mā for that he is the sonne of a mayde which in heauē hath a father with out a mother in earthe a mother without a father This sonne of man therfore haste thou made stedfaste in the hartes of mēne haste also confirmed hym for thyselfe that is to thy honour glory The lande of Iewrye fought agaynst hym and thou madest hym sure vnto the tyrauntes hath foughte agaynste hym thou madest hym sure vnto the heretykes hath foughte agaynst hym and thou madest hym sure vnto the Philosophers logitians the wyse me of this worlde hath foughte agaynste hym and thou made hym sure vnto the false bretherne hath foughte agaynst hym and thou madest hym sure vnto the the deuyl the hole worlde foughte agaynst hym preuayled not but thou haste made the sonne of mā faste sure in mēnes hartes to thy honour glory Therfore make parfecte this vineyard vpō hym so that she by faythe loue planted rooted vpō Christe maye cōme to parfectnesse out of that redde earthe out of that entyer zeale of Christe his charyte out of the merites of his passyon maye bringe forthe very good wyne rauyshyng mannes hartes Albeit for that she is vnparfecte for that she is fallen for that the worlde is agaynst her this semeth vnpossible in the eyes of menne yet Lorde nothyng is impossible nor nothyng harde vnto the. Thou openest thy hande fyllest euery lyuely creature with blessing Al thynges loketh that thou shouldest gyue them food in season When thou gyuest them they wil gather whē thou openest thy hand al thinges shal be fylled with goodnesse But whan thou turnest awaye thy coūtenaunce they shal be troubled thou shalte take awaye theyr spirite and they shal faynte and be retourned into theyr duste How moche more then whan thou rebukest shal al stoppes be taken awaye and al destroyers be destroyed They kyndled with fyre and dygged vp at the rebuke of thy countenaunce shal perysh For the kindled and halfe burned stycks and vynes dygged vp and vnfruteful trees disparsed thorough the vineyarde the younge braunches coūfounded doth marre the lyuyng vynes letteth them to bringe forthe frute Them therfore kindled and dygged vp rebuke with thy countenaunce with that countenaunce wherof is spoken But the Lordes countenaūce is ouer al euil doers and forthwith the vnfruteful trees shal perish they I meane which nether entereth themselfe in to the kingdome of heauen nor yet sufferet other to enter So that these kinled trees ar vncleane synners fyred with the heate of carnal luste turned in to coles walking in darkenesse knowing not whyther they go For the fyre hath sytte ouer them they haue not soene thy sonne This woode kindled with fyre ar couetouse men gredy in the desyre of monye inflamed with the inordinat fyre of auaryce which neuer sayeth ynough ynough or whoe whoe These trees kindled with fyre are men prowde desyrons of honour and enuious men which burneth lyke as fyre brandes ar incended with couetyng of al thinges This fyre hath wasted al vertues hath raysed al wanton lustes is the cause of al vngraciousnes For pryde is the foundacion of al naughtynes and vehement desyre of wilful appetite is the roote of al vnhappynes that for the turning awaye from God thys for the turning vnto creatures Now who ar the trees dygged vp but Hypocrites nohter hote nor colde which outwardly certesse semeth not to be burned with the fyre of luste or pryde or couetyse yet inwardely ar they drye bicause they ar dygged vp they haue no rootes in the earth of the lyung trees in the charite of Christe in the grace of God Wherfor euen as a tree if it hath