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A08229 Here begynneth the treatys of Nycodemus gospell; Gospel of Nicodemus. English. 1507 (1507) STC 18565; ESTC S121063 29,726 44

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hardy to crucyfy hym thou arte the cause that he is ētred ī to our regyon And wote thou what thou hast do I saye to the thou hast all forlorne we wreches shal dwell in turmentrye that euer shall laste as hell And as Satā spake thus togyder came the kynge of blys and thus he sayd to hell Thou prynce Satā thy power shall be endlesly to dwel here in stede of Adam and his chyldren and all my ryghtful peple And than our blessyd lorde spred forth his ryght hande sayd come to me my holy and all that haue myne ymage my lykenesse whiche were dampned to the deth by the frute of the appyll and by the deuyll and now may ye well se that the deuyll is dampned by the tre and by the crosse And anone all the sayntes assembled them togyder vnder our lordes hande Than oure lorde toke Adam by the ryght hande and sayd thus to hym my pease be with the and all my ryghtfull chyldren and all my holy sayntes and than our forme fader fyll downe on his knees afore our blessyd lorde wepȳge for Ioye ād thus he sayd Exaltabo te dn̄e quoniam suscepisti me non delecrasti inimicos meos suꝑ me Dn̄e deꝰ meꝰ clamaui ad te sanasti me deduxisti ab inferis aīam meā sanasti me a descendentibus ī lacū This is to say My lorde I shall enhaunce the for that thou hast take me for thou ne hast suffred myne enmyes to be abone me My lorde god I haue cryed to the thou hast made me hole thou hast brought my soule owte of hell and hast saued me fro them that are fal in depnesse of the lake thā all the sayntes fylle downe to our lordꝭ fete sayenge all with one voyce to our lor god thou arte cōe to vs. Byer of the worlde blessyd be thy name as thou shewdest to vs by thy holy lawes and by thy holy prophetes thou bought vs agayne by thy holy crosse and thou arte cōe downe to vs by thy holy vertue for to drawe vs fro deth and fro the horryble paynes of hel And than our blessyd lorde lyfted vp his hande made the fygne of the holy crosse on Adam on his holy sayntes And so he toke Adam by the ryghe honde and styed out of hell vp in to the eyre al the sayntes folowed hym Than kynge Dauyd sayd with an hyghe voyce Cantate dn̄o canticū nouū quia mirabilia fecit That is to saye Syngeth to oure lorde god a newe songe for he hath wrought merueyllys Et hec est gloria oībus icantis eius That is to saye blessyd be god for this grete Ioye to alle his sayntys Than after dauyd sayd Mycheas Quis deus sicut tu dn̄e auferens iniquitatem transgrediens pccā nūc continens in testīo irā tuam c̄ That is to saye Who is suche a lorde as our lorde god is puttynge awaye all euyllys of synne and after hym sayd Abacuk the prophet Thou comyst out with helthe to thy peple for to delyuer all thy frendys fro all sorowes dyszezys thā after hym sayd all the sayntes Blessyd mot thou be that comyste in the name of god for thou arte Ioye and blyssyd to all thy peple Allia And than all the prophetes pronowncyd alle ther prophyces that they had shewed in erth with grete plesynge to to our lorde god And than all the sayntes sayd this is oure lorde god that shalle gouerne vs withoute ende Allia ¶ How our lorde led all his holy sayntes in to the Ioyes of paradyse of the thre men that they mette ANd thā our blessyd lorde toke Adam our forme fader by the hande and led hym in to paradyce and al his holy sayntes with hym and them he delyuered to Mychaell his archaungyl and he led them in to paradyce where is endles Ioye / And whan they were entred in to paradise there came ageȳste them .ii. men of grete age And the sayntes asked thē what they were ād how it myght be that they were there so bodyly and had not be with them in hell Than one of thē answered ād sayd I am Emoke that by the worde of god I am translated heder and he that is with me here is Elyas tesbytes whiche was brought hyder in a brennynge chare ād yet suffred we no deth but we are kepte to the commynge of Antecryst to fyght with hym with wordes and tokyns of oure lorde god and of hym we snall be slayne in the cyte of Iherusalem And .ii. dayes and a halfe after we shall ryse fro deth to lyfe and betake vp in the skyes and as Emoke tolde this to the sayntes there came to them a man berynge on hym the sygne of the holy crosse And whan al the sayntes sawe hym they sayd to hym what man may thou be that hast here the lykenes of a thefe And why beryst thou the sygne of the holy crosse And than this man answered to them and sayd forsoth ye saye truly that I was a thefe and many cursyd ded is and fals dyde I in erth And therfore the Iewes crucyfyed me with our lorde Ihesu And whan I sawe the sterȳges of the Elemētꝭ ī hꝭ passyō I byleued that he was sauyour of the worlde maker of al creaturs kȳge al myghty thā sayd I to hȳ lorde haue mercy on me And haue me in mynde whan thou comyst in to thy kyngedome And anone that blessyd lorde toke my prayer and sayd to me forsoth this daye shalte thou be with me in paradyce And than he toke me the sygne of the holy crosse and sayd to me Bere this sygne with the and go to paradyse and yf the aungell that is keper of paradyse wyl not suffer the to entre in shewe hym the sygne of the crosse saye to hym that Ihesu cryst whiche that was nowe crucyfyed sente me to the And whan I had sayd this to the Aūgel anone he vndyd the gatys and led me in to Paradyce And set me on the ryght syde sayenge thus to me Suffre and holde the here a lytell whyle For Adam that is fader of all man kynde with all his chyldren and all the frendys of god shalle come hyder by the vertue of Ihesu crystys passyon And whan the holy sayntes as patryarkys prophetys herde thyse wordes of this thefe than they sayd al with one voyce Blessyd be our lorde god almyghty endles fader of mercy that suche grace hath youen to synners and brought vs to the Ioy of paradyse and in to the pasture of delyte to endles Ioye Amen THese are the holy secretys of the deuynyte that we haue sene I Garyus ād my brod Leuycyus but our lorde god wyl suffer vs no lenger to telle and shewe vnto you the secrettys of his deuynyte for saynte Mychaell the archaungell sayd to vs Ryse go in to the cyte of Iherusasem and be there in prayers / and gloryfye
ageȳst thꝭ ryghtfull mā for I haue this nyght be hugely dremyde for hym And be that I wote well that he is a ryghtfull man And whā that Pylat had red this letter he sayd to all the Iewz ¶ Syrs ye knowe wel that my wyfe is a paynym And ye wose well that she hath edyfyed meny of youre Synagoges she sendyth vnto you that she knoweth this man for a ryghtfull man For mykell trybulacyon and dysease she hath suffred this nyght for nym Than sayd the Iewys to Pylat haue we not sayd vnto the that he is ā euyll man And werketh by deuylls crafte For by deuylls hath he thꝰ tysed thy wyfe Than clepyd Pylat our lorde to hȳ and sayd thus Seest thou not that alle the Iewes bere wytnesse ageȳst the And thou gyuest no maner of answere than sayd our lorde Ihesu vnto Pylat euery man hath power to speke with his mouth be it good oryll and so shall ye well se than the Iewes sayd vnto our lorde Ihesu what shal we se We all knowe well that thou were begoten in fornycacy on And for thy byrth dyde herowde sle all the chyloren ī bed leem and in the countrey aboute that were within .ii. yere a halfe of age And Iosepe mary went in to Egypt for drede of herowde And whā herowde was dede they came ageyne into the cyte of Nazareth And whan Pylat herde this he sayd vnto the Iewes Than is that Ihesu that herowde dede seke for to sle And the Iewes answeryd and sayd that it was he Than doubted Pylat moche more than he dyd to fore And so there were .xii. Iewes that drewe them by themselfe And thus they sayd to Pylat Syr we knowe well that this man is not borne in fornycacyon for we knowe wel that Iosepe wedyd marye his moder And so he is not borne in fornycacyon it semyth that your wordes be not trewe / for For Iosepe wedyd marye as they saye that be of your own folke Than sayd Annas and Cayphas and other Iewes that had sayd that Ihesu our lorde was borne in fornycacyon and that he was an euyll werker And that his dyscyplis were fled and proselyty Than clepyde Pylat Annas and Cayphas and askyd them what was proselyty And they sayd that proselyty was paynemys chyldren and so be his dyscyples And for that they say that he is not borne ī fornycacyon thā answered these .xii. men whos names be these Lazarus Asstorius Antonius Iacob Serius Gamaliel Isaak Fynees Azarius Agrippa Amenus Iudas We saye that wene are proselyty but we be Iewes chyldren and we saye trou the. that we were there that Iosepe wedyd marye Than clepyd Pylat these .xii. men that sayd thus And he coniured them by the hyght of holy Cezare Yf that he were borne in fornycatyon that ye bere wytnesse and suerce And othe byfore all this peple And these .xii. men answeryd to Pylat and sayd we haue by oure lawe that we ne oughte to swere for that is sȳ but we wyll swere by holy Cezare yf it be not as we saye we wyll be culpable of deth We se well that thyse .xii. men that Ihesu is not borne in fornycacyon to be byleued by her worde And we saye all that he is borne in fornycacyon and that he is an euyll werker And thus he sayth that he is goddis sō and therto a kȳge And yet thou wylte not beleue vs that haue the lawe to kepe Than cōmaunded Pylat that all sholde go out of the pareloure saue these xii men that sayde that oure lorde was not borne in fornycacyon And also he cōmaunded that our lorde Ihesu sholde be ledde oute vnto that one syde of the pareloure Than sayd pylat to these .xii. men For what cause is that they wyll brynge Ihesu to deth And they answered ād sayd that the masters of the lawe had hym ī hate for that he helyd maladyes and sekenesse vpon the Sabot Than sayd Pylat A I se well for his gode werkes they wyll sle hym Than wence Pylat oute of the pareloure ful of heuynes and sayd vnto all the Iewes I haue wytnesse that I can fynde in this man no poynte of deth The Iewes answered yf hene had be an euyll doer wene had a delyuered hym to the Thā sayd Pylat to the Iewes / what sayd god that there sholde no man be slayne but of me than entred Pylat ī to the pareloure ageyne clepyd our lorde Ihesu to hym and sayd Thou arte kynge of Iewes Oure lorde Ihesu answered ageyne / thou sayest that of thy selfe or ellys other haue sayd that to the of me Than sayde Pylat to oure lorde Ihesu Thou wotest well that I am no Iewe but of thyne owne nacyon as Bysshoppys and prynces haue delyuered the to me but I neuer what euyll thou hast do them yf thou be kȳge Iewes answere to me Oure lorde answered to hym My kyngdome is not in this worlde for yf my kyngdome were in this worlde my mynysters wolde not be ageynst me that I sholde not haue be delyuered to the but my kyngdome is not nowe here Than answered Pylat than I se well thou arte a kynge than answeryd oure lorde Ihesu thou sayest that I am a kȳge and to that I was borne and for to declare to the worlde that who so be of crowth wyll here my worde Thā sayd Pylat what is trouth be thy worde there is but lytyll trouth ī erth Our lorde sayd to Pylat vnderstonde trouth how that it is Iugged in erthe of them that dwell there in And thus sayd Pylat to the Iewes I haue wytnes both in heuen and in erthe sonne and mone that I can fynde no cause of deth in thꝭ man ¶ Than answeryd the Iewes is not this a grete cause that he sayth of oure Temple That he myghte stroye it reyse it ageyne in .iii. dayes than sayd Pylat what temple is that / that ye speke of And the Iewes answered that it was the Salamō temple whiche was in edyfyēge .xlvii. yere And this Ihesus sayd that he sholde dystroye it and rayse it ageyne in .iii. dayes I am without gylte of spyllynge of this mannys blode And that shall ye well see what wyll ye do with hym the Iewes that were full of enuy cryed all with one voyce the shedynge of his blode be vpon vs and vpon our chyldren ¶ Howe Pylate toke of the moost Auncyent men of the lawe as bysshoppes other maysters to counsell Pylate toke of the moost Auncyent men as bysshoppes and maysters of the lawe Syrs do not ageynste this symple man for I do you to wyt that he is not worthy to be dede Is not he more worthy that hath helyd maladyes than he had broke the saboth Than sayd the Iewes A good Iuge taketh entent yf any man hath do a forfet ageynste Cezare were he not worthy to be dede And Pylate sayd yes Than sayd the Iewes moche more is he worthy that
forfettyth ageȳst god for he sayd hym selfe that he is goddys son For whan we counioured hȳ that he sholde tell vs yf he were the sone of god And he denyed it not And yet he sayd we sholde se the son of man syttȳge vpō the ryght hande of the godhede comynge oute of the skyes of heuyn And whan that Pylat herde this he ledde our lorde Ihesu on that other parte of the pareloure sayd to our lorde Man I ne wat what I maye do with the. ¶ Than sayd our lorde Ihesu to Pylate Moyses and the prophetys here byfore they prechyd of my passyon and of my resurreccyon Whan that Pylate herde this he pronowced all the wordes of our lorde to the Iewes And anone the Iewes sayd to Pylat what woldest thou here more of his fals sclaūder Than sayd Pylate take hym in to your synagoge And deme there on hym your lawe the Iewes answered / our lawe cōmaundeth that yf any man syn or trespasse ayēst any mā he shall withdrawe hym .xlii. dayes out of the Temple And he that sȳned or tresspassed ageȳst god by sclaūders Our lawe byddeth that he shal be stonyd to deth And for asmoche as Ihesꝰ sayeth that he shall syt ī heuȳ vpō the ryght syde of the deuyne maieste And that he shall cōe fro heuȳ ī to the skyes For this sclaūder we wyll that he be crucyfyed Thā sayd Pylat that is not good that ye cast you for to do And than Pylat by helde aboute hȳ sawe meny mē wymē that sore wepce And helde ther coūtenaūce vpō hȳ thā sayd pylat to the bysshoppys maysters of the lawe I se well the mekyll of the peple they wyl not that thꝭ mā dye Thā sayd the maysters of the lawe Good Iuge we se well that he must be deed And for drede of deth worse he maye not leue Than sayd Pylate / what is the cause that he sholde be deed for thā sayd the Iewes for that he sayeth that he is goddys sone ād therto a kȳge ¶ Howe Nychodemꝰ spake to Pylate for Ihesu Pylatte Nychodemꝰ the worthye Prynce / was that tȳe afore Pylat thꝰ he sayd I haue ofte tymes spoke to the masters of the lawe ād to al the Iewes thꝰ I haue sayd vnto thē that vngodely vntrewly they do a mysse ayēst Ihesu For many gloryous sygnes tokȳs hathe he wrought amōge vs / that neuer none of oure forfaders wrought afore vs therfore I coūsell you let hȳ go do hȳ no more harme For yf the tokyns the myracles be of god that he hath wrought it shall endlesly endure after his dayes yf it be not of god but by ēchaūtemēte or by sōe charme yt shalle not endure ¶ For moyses that was of god he shewed meny tokens in Egypt whiche that god bad hym do afore kynge Pharao than were there two men Iames. and zambres whiche that were Gogolers ād wyches that deceyued the peple they made the same tokyns that Moyses made And the Egypcyons helde the tokȳs of god And for they were not of god they perysshed And all that euer helde withall And therfore I saye let this mā go And do hym no more harme for I saye forsoth he is not worthy to be dede And parauenture this Ihesus maye be a prophet sente to vs as Moyses sayd to our forfaders that our lorde god sholde chese and sende a prophet of our owne nacyon And that we sholde here byleue hym as god his owneselfe And parauenture thꝭ maye be the same man that god sayd thus of And this Ihesus be the same man sente of god he is come to the saluacyon of them that byleue truly And to the dampnacyon of them that beleue not ryght as our lorde god sayd vnto Moyses that yf any man refuse the prophet And wyll not here what he shall say in my name he shall be put out of my people All this haue I sayd vnto the Prynces and Bysshoppes of the lawe whan that the Iewes herde this that Nycodemus sayd afore Pylat they sayd thus we se well that thou arte a dyscyple of Ihesu ād therfore thou spekyst for hym Than sayd Nycodemus to the Iewes a than is not thys lorde Pylat here a dyscyple of Ihesu that hath spoke thus for hym is not he the hyghe Iustyce vnder Cezare the Emperour whā the Iewes herde this thā they sayd to Nycodemus ye take thou the trouth of Ihesu And more thou haue thy dwellynge place with hym Than lyfted vp Nycodemus hys handys to heuen and sayd God graunt that I maye haue parte of the trouthe of Ihesu And a dwellynge place more I haue with hym god graūte it as ye haue sayd so more it be ¶ Howe certayne Iewes shewed to Pylate the myracles that Cyrste had done ANd anone there sterte forth a Iewe afore Pylate And thus he sayd My lorde Pylate I laye bedredde in my bedde .xxxviii. yere And all the dayes for the moste parte in ꝑyll of deth And so it befell that my lorde Ihesu came by me had pyte on me And than he had me take my bedde and go home into my howe 's And anone with his wordes / I was made hole And anone after came another Iewe afore Pylate and thus he sayd My lorde Pylate I was pore blȳde And as my lorde Ihesu passed afore me I cryed vnto hȳ And sayd Ihesu the son of Dauyd haue mercy on me And he had mercy ō me And he put his hande to myn eyen and than I sawe ¶ And thā another Iewe that stode afore Pylate sayd Syr I was a mezell and my lorde Ihesu made me hole with his worde ¶ After that came an agyd woman afore Pylate ād thus she sayd My lorde Pylate I was desezed with the red flyx .iii. yere and more And I dede not but touchyd the hem of the vesture of my lorde Ihesu And anone I was made hole of my maladye and therfore my lorde Pylate haue marcy on hym and do hym not to deth And whan that Pylate herde this / he feryd / And anone a grete cōpanye of Iewes whyche that our lorde Ihesu had helyd they cryed al with on voyce A grete Sauyour of the peple is our lorde Ihesu Whan Pylate herde this he sayd vnto Cayphas and Amyas And other maysters of the lawe I merueyl why that your forme faders and prynces and Bysshoppys of the lawe helyd not men of theyr Infyrmytees as this man doth And they answered no worde therto And these men that our lorde had helyd cryed with one voyce Oure blysshyd Lorde Ihesu hath wrought many deuyne myracles as he that reysed Lazare / fro deth to lyfe Whyche that had layne dede foure dayes in the erth And our lorde Ihesu by the vertu of his worde he reysed hym oute of the mōment and brought hym alyue amonge vs his sustres And dyde hym syt wyth hym at hys table / And whan that Pylate herde this he
that our strength be not take fro vs and we to be put to end les sorowe And whan the sayntes herde this they sayd with an hyghe voyce to the deuyll and to the prynce of tormentri Wreches vndo your gatys and lete the kȳge of glorye come in Than sayd dauyd / Prophyced I not whan I was lyuȳge in erthe and sayd thus Quia hec est dies quā fecit dn̄s exultemus et letemur in ea That is to saye this is the day that god made therin we maye be blyth and glad and after hym sadd I saye to all the sayntes sayd I not whan I was leuynge that the deed sholde be lyfte vp and the bodyes that lye in grauys shall be reysed vp fro deth to lyfe and that they that be in erth shall be full of Ioye and yet I say now more ye kaytyfes of deth hell where is nowe your pryce where is nowe your vyctory whan the sayntes herde I saye say these wordys They sayd alle at onys to the prynces of hell Undo your gatys wrechys for ye be but take and bounde maye not helpe your selfe Than came the voyce the seconde tyme sayenge thus Accollite portas vr̄as And whan that hell herde thꝭ uoyce come .ii. tymes he answered vnaduysedly thus Quis est iste rex glie That is to saye what is the kynge of blys and than answered dauyd sayenge thꝰ I knowe well that voyce by his wordes of the holy goost for I prophecyd it afore and nowe I saye to the hell Dn̄s deus fortꝭ et potens dn̄s potens in prelio / ip̄e est rex glie That is for to saye Our lorde god stronge and myghty myghty ī batayle he is kynge of glorye Et ip̄e de celo in terrā aspexit ut audiret gemitus compeditorū vt solueret filios interemptorum That is to saye that blyssyd lorde byhelde fro heuyn to erth to here the waymentynges of them that are in bondys and that he sholde vnhynde the chyldren that were broughte to the deth to be slayne And therfore thou velayne stynkynge hole vndo thy gatys that the kynge of blysse maye come in ANd as Dauyd had sayd this to hell vpon them came the gloryous desyred kȳge of glorye ī fourme of man and enlyghted all the derkenesse of hell with the gloryous bryghtnesse of his gloryous face And all the gatys and shetynges with Iron barrys and boltys all to brest in his holy comynge ād all the fell fyndes made hym space and waye And whan the sayntes sawe Ihesu our sauyour come with aūgels they were abasshed of the grete Ioye that they ne durst speke but with grete and softe herte sayenge thus Our lorde god and oure sauyour thou arte come to vs kynge of glorye to delyuer vs out of the bondys fro these fals felons And blessyd be thy name for now shall we be made hole Than came our lorde Ihesu and braste all the bondys that we were bounde with and cōmaūded that we sholde be delyuerd of all anguyshes from that tyme forwarde and whan the pyrnce of hell with al his fell seriauntes saw the grete bryghtnesse they had than huge sorowe and drede than .x. prynces of hell rose vp of theyr setys with huge rorynge cryenge ād sayd thus with grete wemētȳge O Ihesu how we be ouercōe by the what mā arte thou that reysyst thy requeste ageynst god vnknowynge vs what arte thou that brekyst all our poure what arte thou that arte so grete and apredyst so lytel in erth What arte thou that were soo meke lowly in erth and now arte thou a prȳcelly fyghter in forme of man And now kynge of glory that were dede and nowe thou leuyst now all creturs tremylle quake by thy crosse by thy deth were buryed ī a Sepulcre and arte descended downe to vs all quyke creatures tremyll quake by thy deth all the foure elementys / shewyd ther tokyns And now hast thou delyuered all that were dede dystroblyd put to myschefe alle our foull fell mynysters What arte thou that haste delyuered theym that were dystrayned here amonge vs for ther synne and hast clepyd thē agayne to theyr fyrste fraunchyse what arte thou that yeuyst lystght to them that are blynde by the bryghtenesse of thy godhede than all that were in hell cryed with one voyce and sayd A what arte thou that arte so myghty a man ād so clere in maiest shynȳge wythout blame and clene of erthly synne what arte thou that entryst in to our regyō contreys without drede and dowteste no poynte of turmentynge but hast fro vs all tho that were streyned in our bodyes parauēture thou arte that Ihesu that our prynce Satā sayd to our prynces that thou sholdest take to the alle the powere of the worlde by thy deth of the crosse Than our lorde Ihesu cryst toke Satan bonde hym and delyuerd hym in to hell to the prynce of turmentrye sorowe Than byhelde satan sayenge thus to hym A thou prȳce of perdycyon Belsabub with thy thre hedes lyer vpon the Aungels of god why haste thou do this falce dede A whiche a dyspoylynge thou behyghteste vs whan thou let hym fal to suche a dede what harme to vs thou dede whan thou let the kynge of glory be crucyfyed A thou fals sathan thou ne wotest neuer what thou hast do for this Ihesu hath Illumyned all the darkenesse of deth with the clernesse of his deuynyte hath nowe broke al the gatys of our depe presons and vnbounde all that were therin / ād them that were in our turmentreys they scorne vs. And by ther prayers we shall euer after be ouercome that neuer afore durst saye one worde ayenst vs. And nowe shall neuer none of mankȳde come amonge vs but euer shall lede vs where they wyll that neuer afore durste do ageynst vs And nowe are they fylled full of meruellous ioye by the preysȳge of ther lorde god A thou prynce of all shrewednesse and fader of all felonys why hast thou do thus / howe durst thou do suche a lorde to be crucyfyed for nowe be all tho that were in dyspeyer fro the begynnynge in to this tyme nowe in helth ād in endles lyfe And we shall neuer here of ther crowchynge gronynge nor wepynge A thou fell satan all the ryches that thou haddest conquered by thy appyll in paradyse thou hast nowe loste by the tre of thy crosse and alle thy Ioye is perysshed whyle that thou haste crucyfyed hym that was ageȳst the and were thou wel that thou shalte suffer tormentry endlesly in my orryble preson A. O thou fals and cursyd Satā auctor of deth and fader of pryde thou sholdest fyrste enquyred his cause and yf he had be worthy deth And yf thou hadest founde no cause of deth in hym thou sholdest haue lefte hȳ on lyue but thou fonde no fawte nor cause to crucyfye hȳ for thou were so