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A00789 Here after ensueth two fruytfull sermons, made [and] compyled by the ryght Reuerende father in god Iohn̄ Fyssher, Doctour of Dyuynyte and Bysshop of Rochester Fisher, John, Saint, 1469-1535. 1532 (1532) STC 10909; ESTC S105624 29,461 60

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and charytable dedes Of the which bycause I haue spokē vnto you in other yeres past I shall nat nede now to reherce the same agayne THe fyfte consyderacyon is for that our owne profyte and our owne welth han geth therby ¶ who that wyll haue mercy of god must shew mercy fyrst into other yf thou wylt that almyghty god shall haue pytye on the begyn thou haue pyte of other which haue nede and be in that necessytye than almyghty god wyll haue pytye vpon the. Our sauyour cryste sayth in the Gospell Eadem mensura qua mensi fueritis remecietur vobis In lyke measure as ye haue pytyed other so shall pyty be measured vnto you Shew your charyte vpon these prysoners of god take some pytye and compassyon vpon them study to releue them in theyr necessytye by your prayers or other good workes and than almyghty god shal haue pytye of you agayne and els it shall be sayd vnto euery of vs that wyll haue no pyty that that is wryten in a parable Serue neque nonne oportuit te misereri conserui tui sicut et ego tui misertus sum SEcōdly y u shalt be rewarded of these blessyd soules for whom thou prayest For whā they shall be delyueryd out of that paynfull pryson set aboue in the kyngdome of heuyn they shal there agayn be as myndefull of the a meane for thy delyueraūce eyther fro the lust of synne in this present lyfe or els from Purgatory yf peraduc̄ture thou shalt com thyder Scrypture tellyth that Joseph was benefycyall to one beynge Sargeant of the Celler to kyng Pharo the sayd Sergeant he were in prysō as it chaūced after the sergeant was delyuered restored vnto his offyce agayn he so delyuered wolde nat forget the gentylnes of Joseph but was so myndefull of hym that by his wysdome he gate hym also delyuered out of pryson ¶ Do thou lykewyse be thou now benefycyall vnto these blessed soules in this tyme of theyr moost nede whyles they be in this pryson of Purgatory and they in the same wyse shall be benyfycyall agayne to releue the whan thou shalt peraduenture be there THyrdly thou shalt hereby do a great ple asure vnto theyr good aungels that be appoynted there to gyue theyr attendaūce vpō these blessyd soules in Purgatory For these good aūgels neuer leue them y t shalbe sauyd frō the fyrst houre of theyr byrth into this worlde tyll they brynge them before the face of almygh ty god aboue in heuyn Therfore whā these sou les be delyuered out of that pryson it is to theyr aungels a great Joy conforte And so by the same benefyte which y u doost exhybyt vnto any blessed soule there thou byndest his good aūgell to haue the the rather in remembraunce lyke wyse to pray for the at thy necessyte ¶ Now whā we haue spoken fyrst of the ioyes that the gloryouse holy saintes haue aboue in the kyngdom of heuyn that we may Joy with them in this feestfull day secōdly of the soules beyng in the myserable pryson of Purgatory which so desyrously loke after y e confort of our prayers let vs nat forget our owne soules as yet lyuynge in this wretchyd worlde but speke also somwhat concernyng the profyte of them ¶ The remembraunce of these two places sholde greatly moue and styre our hartes and myndes that one to withdraw our appetytes from this worlde wherby we dayly gather the dust at the leest of venyall synnes and to make vs to couyte and desyre that ioyfull kyngdom of heuyn where is all conforte and pleasure That other shold quycken vs to lyue so for this lytle whyle that we haue to abyde i this world that we be nat taryed nor arested by the way and so peraduenture cast into that ferefull pryson of Purgafory tyll tyme we haue payd euery ferthynge of our dettys which hange as yet vpon our hedes for our synnes past FYrst here I say that the remembraunce of the Joyes of Heuyn sholde greately styre vs to forsake the false pleasures of this lyfe and to desyre to be there where be the very sure abydynge pleasures ¶ whiche of vs wolde nat gladly be in that place where is neuer werynesse nor lothsomnesse ne fastydyousnes where there is no pouertye no sykenes no feare of dethe no maner of trouble no enuy no malice no hatred no pryde no couertise but true peace and perfyte rest where there is no intertupcyon of pleasures neyther by hetes nor coldes neyther by dustes ne by raynes neyther by wyndes ne by tempeslys neyther by nyght ne by darknes but euer a fayre bryght clere ayre euer a styll goodly calme euer a swete pleasaūt attemperaunce where the pleasures vanysshe nat away as do the shadowes the smokes the blases the dremes other fantasyes but euer styll abyde a lyke fresshe a lyke new a lyke confortable where be no countrefeyt ymagys or dysguysynge for a tyme but the very thynges the true ioyes the sure pleasures the very glory that euer shall indure and neuer shall ende where we shall se face to face nat hym that is a kynge but for a few yeres and vppon a Realme that is subiect vnto many myseryes But hym that is the kynge of all kynges the lorde of all realmes the Emperour of heuyn and of erthe the gouernour of all the worlde ¶ Halas what meane we Oh myserable dulnesse of our hartes Crysten men what do we what thynke we Oh hartes so sore congelyd in the frosty colde of synne that can nat warme nor delyte in the remembraunce of these moost cōfortable Joyes Oh Jesus we can take paynes we can take labours to get the transytory pleasures of this lyfe whiche we be nat sure to kepe the space of halfe an houre and tho Joyes and pleasures that be so excellent and that euer shall endure and abyde that also which with moche lesse paynes and labours myght be goten we nothynge study for to get ¶ Halas what cursed blyndenes is this how be men thus deceyued ye thus wretchyd thus inchaunted and charmed with subtyll craftes of the deuyll that they clene forget theyr owne moste welthe which they myght attayne vnto with moche lesse labour and payne than they now take And yet they wery them selfe toylynge and labourynge with moche care trouble and study for the wretchyd pleasures vanytes of this transytory worlde that nat only wyll nat abyde with them but also lede theym to euerlastynge werynesse and to perpetuall trauayle and labour in the moste extreme paynes of hell which euer shall endure SEcondly the remembraunce of Purgatory sholde make vs so to lyue here that whan we depart hence we be nat taryed by the waye and be arested for our dettes so be cast into that paynfull pryson from the whiche no man shall be delyueryd tyll tyme he haue payd the vttermost ferthynge ¶ Marke well what Saynt Austyn sayth of this fyre that
Take away the glysteryng garmentꝭ take away the cloth of golde take away the precyouse stones the other rychesse of apparell what dyfference is betwyxt an Emperour and another pore man Take from the ladyes theyr gaye clothes cheynes and other Juels what dyfference of theym as concernynge this outwarde glory of a pore woman The Actes of the Apostels tellyth of Kyng Herode that he in ryche apparell shewed hym selfe vpon a tyme vnto the people they for his glysteryng apparell goodly ornacyon magnyfyed praysed hym soueraynly as though he had bē a god but bycause he referred nat that honour due vnto god but toke it vnto hym selfe almyghty god forthwith stroke hym with a soore sykenesse wherupon he dyed and so dyenge he sayd En ego deus vester morior Loo sayde he I your god must dye ¶ Kynges Emperours all be but men all be but mortall All the golde all the precyouse stones of this worlde can nat make them but mortall men All the ryche apparell that can be deuysed can nat take from theym the condycyon of mortalyty They be in them selfe but erth asshes to erthe they must retourne all theyr glorye well consydered beholdē with ryghtiyen is but very myserable ¶ But the gloryous apparell of the blessyd aungels and of the blessed sayntes is nat after this maner for theyr glory is so annext so adioyned vnto thē it is so fastened vnto theyr substaunce that it can not be taken away they neuerley it aparte they neuer put it of nor they nede nat for it neuer fadeth nor widereth nor may in no wyse enpayre It is the garment of gloryous immortalytye more bryght than the sonne In the which also shall be clad all the bodyes of them that shall be sauyd O what maruelous Joy shall it be to se that gloryous syght of that court where the leest grome is clad soo rychely aboue all the Kynges and Prynces of this worlde than to se so great a multytude of them to se so many orders of aungels and in euery order such innumerable companyes nat a seuen or eyght thousandes but many hūdred thousandes ye many thousandes thousandes And than to se so many dyuers orders of other blessyd sayntes Patryarkes Prophetes Apostels Martyres Confessours vyrgyns wydowes and such as haue trewly kept theyr bonde of matrymony To se there our speciall frendes and acquayntaunce which we had here before in this lyfe to se the other sayntes whiche we dyd chuse for our aduowrers and patrons here in erthe and whom specyally we dyd worshyp in this worlde To se our owne good aungels that were our guyders in this lyfe Specyally to se the gloryouse vyrgyn Mary the mother of Chryste and the Quene of that moost gloryouse kyngedome But aboue all other thynges to se that glory that worthynesse that excellency of that gloryouse Trynytyte the Father the Son and the holy Goost ¶ The father which is the father of all mercyes and his most blessed son our sauyour Chryst Jesu and the holy spyryte whiche is the fountayne of all graces ¶ These thre though they be thre dyuers persons yet they be but one god perfytely knyt to gyder in a perfyte amytye in one loue in one wyll in one wysdō in one power inseperably ¶ Tho thre Prynces of whome we spake of before were nat so but they had dyuers wylles dyuers councels no perdurable amyty as after that dyd well appere These Prynces were mortall and mutable and so theyr wylles dyd chaūge nat abyde But in the gloryous Trynyty ▪ amonge tho thre moost excellent persons hath bē is euer shalbe a very stabylnes a sure cōcorde perfyte theyr realme gouernaūce euer ꝑdurable wherfore in theyr kyngdome be the gloryous sightes y t make a mā blessed to beholde thē And all the other syghtes worldly be but as coūtrefeyt ymages in cōparison of these as ye wolde say mydsomer games Chrystmas games playes In these syghtes is the very trew Joye the moost blessed excellent glory that neuer shal haue ende ¶ Thus moche than we haue spoken as concernyng the kyngdom of heuyn wherby ye may cōceyue som lytle glymyryng of the ioyes pleasures y t the blessyd saintes beynge delyueryd from the myseryes of this worlde be now most plētyously refreshed with SEcondly I sayd y t I wolde also speke of the other blessed soules which lykewyse be departed out of this myserable worlde but they for theyr dettes lye now deteyned in the pryson of Purgatory let as it were to com vnto the presence of the gloryouse Trynytye and to be made parteners of the Joyes and pleasures inestymable of that most noble kyngdom And therfore our mother holy chyrche as this nyght and tomorow remembrynge theyr greuous paynes maketh specyall intercessyon vnto almyghty god for theyr delyueraunce out of that paynfull place And truely many consyderacyons shold moue vs effectually to remember them but in especyall fyue FYrst the nighnes which they haue to vs we to thē by manyfold bōdꝭ we haue all one father almyghty god the which made vs them after the lykenes and ymage of hymselfe They be his reasonable creatures and chyldren as we be and our spyrytuall bretheren in hym He hathe prouysyon and cure of theym lyke as he hath of vs for theym our Sauyour Cryste Jesu shed his moost precyous blood vppon the crosse lyke as he dyd for vs. They be of the same fayth hope and charyte that we be of They haue ben made parteners of the same sacramentes Wherfore whan there is so great a lykenes betwene vs and them and in so many qualyties this shold moue styre vs greatly to haue some tender compassyon vpon them ¶ we may se the vnreasonable creatures how soon they be moued to haue ruthe pytie compassyon of theyr resēblaunce of suche as be lyke vnto them in nature onely The hogge whiche is but a very churlysshe beest yet whan one of theyr kynde cryeth all the resydew nygh there about gader to the relief of the same whan one Sparow or other byrde is taken in a gylder or with a lyme twygge all the other nere about gadereth about her to saue socour her lyfe And yf this the vnreasonable beestes fowles do for the lykenes onely of nature and kynde how moche rather sholde we beynge reasonable creatures be moued to haue pytye styred to take compassyon of the blessed soules which nat onely be lyke vs in nature but also by soo many spyrytualll bondes be Joyned vnto vs. This is the fyrst consyderacyon THe seconde consideracyon that which peraduēture ye wyll the more regarde is this Euery one of vs hath som of his frendes and kynsfolke there eyther father or mother syster or brother neuew or nece or some of his nygh acquayntaunce There is non here but he hath there sum of his kynrede or som of his alyaunce or