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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B09165 A French prophecy, or, An admonition to the English, concerning their near approaching danger and the means to escape it. Being a prediction of a gentleman of quality in Languedoc, concerning the downfall of the French king, and several other things relating to England. / Translated from the French copy.; Avis pour les fidelles d'Angleterre. English. Ussher, James, 1581-1656. Prediction concerning a coming persecution of Protestants. 1690 (1690) Wing F2195; ESTC R177269 12,649 16

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of souls ye masters of ships and all ye mariners whoever you be that trade upon the sea of this beastial monarchy and all you who love it and bear affection to it ye will do well I say to stand at a distance from it and venture not to approach when you shall see her condemnation and the day of God's vengeance which shall come suddenly upon her If you chuse not to join with the Lamb and those in heaven and earth who sing Hallelujah for judging the great whore at least come not near keep at a distance for fear of her torments when you shall see the dunghill deities her gods created by the blowing of their breath her gods of bread and graven images are but vanity and abomination O ye Romanists this sentence is sure The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth shall perish Thy wisdom and knowledge shall perish He hath turned your counsels into foolishness he will break your bars and your arms and will put his sword into the hand of his delegates A lamentation shall be taken up over the multitude of thy people and the daughters of magnificent nations the kings of the earth shall weep and lament saying Alas alas Babylon the great city the city so powerful They shall convey thee to the grave with those who descend into the pit saying Go down daughter of spiritual Egypt and be with the uncircumcised The mighty shall speak to thee out of the midst of the grave and say Alas the great and powerful city Thou also art become weak as we thy pomp is brought down to the grave * L'Armaged p. 138 c. The Apocalyptic Babylon the Romish church hath oppressed the church of Christ she hath brought it into a harder and longer bondage than the Chaldean Like ancient Babel she hath instructed her young captives in the science of her mythology and mateology her scholastic babblings missals c. having abolished the language of Canaan She hath likewise set up statues of gold silver wood and stone all the false gods they adore especially that grand idol the Mass the great Diana of Italy the goddess of papal Rome She hath commanded all people nations and languages to fall down before it and worship it It is she that hath kindled a burning furnace in all her provinces commanding those who would not fall down to worship the idol to be cast into it But the Lord hath marvelously preserved his church as he did the three young men in the furnace in the midst of her most bloody persecutions that furnace seven times hotter than that of Nebuchadnezzar in all the kingdoms where there was any resistance made to her idolatry The Son of God hath walked with them in the midst of the flames They overcame by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony for they loved not their lives even to the death Now they are clothed in white robes and live and reign with him while many have been raised up with the same spirit to maintain and justify their cause before their enemies But the flame of their fiery furnace hath killed those who at the commandment of that beast cast the children of God into it witness the violent and miserable death of such as were the executioners of that bloody beast and the instruments of her butcheries committed on the professors of the truth These examples are yet fresh in our eyes and ears But the king of Babylon in the west is worse and more obstinate than the Chaldean for the latter upon seeing the wonderful deliverance approached and called upon the servants of the Lord to come forth confessing the true God and made an edict that none should speak a word against the God of Shadrach c. and he promoted them in the province of Babylon But do the great deliverances of the servants of God astonish our Roman Babylon Does she hastily arise call out assemble her counsellors governors c. Does she strive to convince them that their fires swords treachery imprisonments butcheries are of no avail Do they confess the true and living God Do their kings and governors dread the cruel orders or publish contrary edicts Quite the reverse They cease not to heap fire to fire and to inflame the furnace still more And though they had seen the flame devour their mighty and valiant men who had cast the children of God into it at their urgent command yet the dragon the beast and false prophet having collected all their force and deceits into one desist not from sending unclean spirits out of their mouth to gather together the kings of the earth in battle against the Lamb and those who follow him for which cause that great tree of the papacy that has become so strong and high shall not only have its branches hewed down and scattered but the trunk also shall be cut up and plucked out of the land of the living This is the decree of the Almighty that shall come upon the king and his kingdom when the word shall yet be in his mouth Is not this great Babylon that I have built c. The voice from heaven shall cry O bloody beast O Romish Babylon thy kingdom is departed from thee When the seventh angel shall pour out his vial in the air a great voice from the temple shall proclaim It is done and then the great city shall be divided into three parts c. A grievous vision is declared against thee the treacherous dealer dealeth treacherously the spoiler spoileth Go up ye Elamites besiege ye Medes ye kings and princes who have departed from Babylon go up and besiege O Belshazar king of Romish Babylon make a great feast to thousands of thy lords and great men drink proclaim your solemn festivals praise your gods of gold silver brass wood stone and flour Make good cheer But mark the decree of the Most High See the fingers of the man's hand gone forth writing on the wall of thy royal palace a writing that shall make thy countenance change and thy joints to shake a writing which none of thy astrologers or divines can read or interpret That writing shall be the destruction of all thy grandees thy prelates princes cardinals thy red hats and servants Hear the writing that is written Mene c. God hath brought thy kingdom to an end he hath divided it and given it to whom to these ten kings who shall hate thee and burn thee with fire even to all the birds that fly in the midst of heaven who shall eat thy flesh and the flesh of thy kings captains of great and small thy patrimony and the revenues of thy cardinals which are like kings of thy archbishops and also of thy bishops and of thy abbeys and the flesh of all thy monasteries colleges and societies both of the small and of the great Arise then ye captains and princes and anoint your shields for thus saith the Lord Babylon is fallen
is fallen and all the graven images of her gods are broken and cast to the ground The watch is set and prophecy is added to prophecy to confirm the vision See the chariot of men with a couple of horsemen that come against thee thy defence shall forsake thee thy great river Euphrates is dried up thy friends shall be turned another way and thy first-born Spain shall keep at a distance and not dare to approach thee to help thee those who love thee shall mourn for thee but they will not draw near thee to afford thee help Lo I have declared unto you what I have heard from the Lord of hosts So we believe and therefore we speak It is he who performs the word of his messengers that saith to Jerusalem and to the temple thou shalt be built again even in the midst of thee O Italy Hear then ye kings who are anointed of the Lord thus he speaks to you I hold your right-hand he shall subdue the nations before you he shall loose the reins of kings who take part with the beast They shall open the doors and the gates of cities shall not be shut against you He shall go before you make rough places plain break in pieces the gates of brass and will give you the hidden treasures riches hoarded there with the utmost secrecy that you may know that the Lord is the God of the reformed churches who hath called you by your names for the love he bears to his chosen who serve him Be of good courage and let not your hearts fail you It is he who formed the earth and created man upon it who stretched out the heavens and gives law to all their host it is he who hath raised you up in righteousness and who directs all your designs against her * L'Argamed p. 199-207 Rev. xviii 1 2 4. One angel proclaims Babylon the great is fallen c. and another voice from heaven says Come out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her sins and that ye receive not of her plagues The former voice is a prediction of her ruin the latter is a command pointing out the duty of the children of God to withdraw from her both are heavenly and divine The first obliges our consciences to believe the second to obey He who believes not the Lord foretelling and denouncing her ruin will not obey the Lord charging men to depart from her Infidelity is the cause of disobedience You obey not the divine order Come out of her because you believe not the divine oracle Babylon is fallen Believe and then you will obey that voice from heaven Depart from her my people Purge your hearts of infidelity and you would not rebel against the voice of the Lord. If the world believed the ruin and fall of Babylon men would not remain one hour in her communion What have you to do O kings and princes small or great with that disgraced and wasted harlot grown old in her whoredoms You have neither part nor lot with her retire therefore to your tents retire to the tabernacles of Zion What madness what frenzy to be found exposed to the avenging hand of God in the arms of this whore when become the habitation of devils and the haunt of every unclean spirit What infatuation to be found on the side of the beast and of the false prophet whose ornaments are employed to make war against him who sitteth on the white horse having on his vesture and thigh the name written King of kings and Lord of lords He shall gather the vintage of the earth for her grapes are ripe and he shall tread the wine-press of Divine wrath without the city And the beast shall be taken c. chap. xiv and xix Wherefore withdraw from her for this is her end this her condemnation and fixed doom for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her † L'Argamed p. 269 c. What fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness What communion hath light with darkness What concord hath Christ with Belial Or what agreement hath the temple of God with idols Therefore come ye out from among them and be ye separated saith the Lord God 2 Cor. vi 17 c. Be ye separated in respect of her doctrine which is a lie the seduction of iniquity it is the mouth of the dragon the doctrine of devils the efficacy of error it subverts and overthrows completely the foundation of our salvation it is spiritual adultery that dissolves the conjugal bond of the spiritual marriage with Jesus Christ He therefore that would be in covenant with God and who would not drink of the wine of his wrath eternally must have no communion with her doctrine or her religion In respect of her religious services and idolatrous assemblies I would not said the Apostle that you should be partakers with devils for such is the service of idols 1 Cor. x. Also in respect of alliances for mutual aid and protection with them Why shouldst thou help the ungodly said the Prophet to Jehosaphat and love them that hate the Lord therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord. 2 Chron. ix 2. Wo to them that go down into Egypt for help c. Isa xxxi Depart ye thence and touch not any unclean thing Take heed to the interdict for fear lest you fall under the curse and bring the camp of Israel under an interdict and thereby trouble it Covet not these Babylonish garments these ceremonies and ornaments nor the wedge of gold Keep yourselves from the accursed thing for none may take any stone from that cursed city for a corner nor a stone for a foundation otherwise the curse would fall on the takers and the whole camp of Israel so that they could not stand but would turn their backs before their enemies Go forth then be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord. Go forth and be ye as the he-goats before the flock for Italian Chaldea in the west shall be delivered up to pillage and all those who spoil her shall be satiated and the arrows of those whom the Lord shall raise up against her shall be as those of a mighty man skilfull to destroy for they shall not return empty Ye therefore who have escaped march halt not although you be already far off Remember the Lord and let Jerusalem come into your mind Come forth and deliver every man his own soul from the heat of the Lord's anger for she shall become a heap c. Go forth in body and soul Have no communion with her either in her doctrines or idolatrous assemblies nor in her ceremonies nor in her ecclesiastical hierarchy and episcopal government nor in her religious customs and modes nor in her iniquities nor in any unequal yoke with these who belong to her nor finally in aid and mutual protection Go forth yourselves and go with all your household leave not a hoof behind and go thence never more to return * L'Argamed p. 274 c. Be not partakers of her sins Obey not those who would command you or constrain you to this or who would entice and counsel you Should even your father or brother your wife or husband your companion or your master your lord your prince or your king should your minister or even an apostle or angel command or counsel you to do so hearken not to them Gal. i. 5. Away with all authority human or angelic in the matter of religion in the matter of our faith and religious obedience Ye princes and kings ye fathers and magistrates command not constrain not entice not nor draw away others to communication with or participation in your own iniquities or those of others especially to a participation of the iniquities of Babylon for they are great and shall certainly be punished both in those who commit them and on those who are or shall be partakers of them L'Argamed p. 274 c. FINIS
a thing is it to fall into the hands of the living God! * L'Armaged ch v. §. 13. In Egypt the first-born and the chief of their strength were smitten So in the Romish church which spiritually is Sodom and Egypt Rev. ii 8. many of their first-born and chief of their strength have been smitten in many kingdoms and are dead yea the very posterity and memory of them are rooted out of the earth as in Germany France Flanders Scotland England and several other kingdoms The deliverance of the churches of God was accomplished by a strong hand and stretched out arm with signs and wonders Et quand le premier ne qui est assis sur ce throne tenebreux de Pharao occidental sera frappe lors la delivrance sera accomplie And when the first-born who is seated upon that darkened throne of the western Pharoah shall be smitten then the deliverance shall be completed † Ibid. ch x. §. 3. As those who departed out of Egypt were for the most part rebellious and fell thro' their unbelief in the wilderness so shall it befall those still who having left this Egypt rebel against the Lord in order to return thither Not even the king himself the higher powers ordained of God to whom all persons ought to be subject can again bring back the Lord 's redeemed seeing he hath said ye shall never again return this way For we must render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and unto God the things that are God's We must obey God God rather than men Wo unto them that go down into Egypt for help and rely upon their great number of horses chariots and horsemen but they look not to the Holy One of Israel for they are men and not God The Lord shall stretch forth his hand and he who helpeth shall fall and he who is holpen shall stumble and they all shall fall together And if ye will return he will bring upon you all the sicknesses of that land and make them cleave to you he will make your plagues and the plagues of your children wonderful even great plagues and of long continuance Betake not yourselves to the shadow of Egypt for that shall be your confusion seeing it is a people that shall not profit you at all their help shall be in vain and to no purpose but ' your strength is to sit still and to stay yourselves entirely upon the Lord for it is a land of trouble and anguish from whence come the old and young lion to devour the viper and the fiery flying serpent to bite and to sting Let every one cast away his idols of silver and of gold for your fortresses shall pass away for fear and your princes and captains shall be afraid of the ensign saith the Lord whose fire is in Zion and his furnace in Jerusalem Isa xxxi Ye pastors of the Romish church who feed your flocks with the wind of traditions the commandments and ordinances of men even doctrines of devils howl and cry and ye magnificent cardinals archbishops and bishops roll yourselves in the dust for the days of your slaughter and of your dispersions are accomplished and ye shall fall like a pleasant vessel your peaceable habitations are cut down because of the fierce anger of the Lord. He shall kindle a fire in the houses of yours Gods and shall burn them and break the statues of your gods in pieces Doth not the Lord remember the incense you have burnt to them in all the cities and in all the streets of that great city you and your fathers your kings the chief men among you and your people Is not all this come into his heart so as no longer to endure your wicked and abominable deeds Order ye the buckler and shield and draw near to battle harness the horses and get up ye horsemen and stand forth with your helmets furbish the spears and put on the brigandines Wherefore are they dismayed and turned away back The swift cannot flee away nor the mighty man escape they shall stumble and fall towards the north for out of the north cometh destruction Jer. xlvi 3 4 c. Go up to Gilead and take balm O daughter of Egypt in vain shalt thou use many medicines for thou shalt not be cured Declare ye this in Italy and publish it in Naples publish it in Milan and in Rome and in all the strongest cities thereof all thy plains shall be ravaged and the strong shall fall upon the strong and both shall fall down together O inhabitress of Italy prepare thyself for removing Thy military men thy cardinals bishops canons monks Jesuits and all thy troop of locusts maintained by thee are as fatted calves they shall turn their backs and fly together they shall not stand their ground because the day of their calamity the time of their punishment is come upon them for thine adversaries shall march with power and come against thee with an ax as fellers they shall cut down thy forest although the trees thereof cannot be numbered Pharaoh thy king with his triple crown is but a sound and the noise of thy frogs and locusts shall pass like the hissing of a serpent All the fowls of the air are called to the banquet of the great God they shall all be assembled to eat the flesh of those who take part with the beast and then you shall know that the Lord is the God and Reedemer of the reformed churches Many kings and princes have served and made their subjects perform great services against the Turks c. without receiving their wages See then O kings and princes and ye who follow him who rides on the white horse Behold the land of Italy behold the great city that hath enriched her merchants with her wealth and made them princes in the earth lo they are given you for the recompence of your service ye shall gather the booty thereof and seize upon her spoil this shall be your pay and the wages of your armies inasmuch as ye have wrought for me saith the Lord. Howl ye gentlemen Messieurs of the Romish church and cry Alas alas wo worth the day for the day of the Lord is near thy foundations shall be overthrown thy primacy that thou hast laid as the foundation of thy reign thy wicked hierarchy thy diabolical doctrine superstitions and the burden of thy commandments which thou hast bound upon the shoulders of the nations And not only thou but those who shall support thee shall fall thy strength shall be brought low and those who shall give thee aid shall be broken for the armies gathered together and the kings that are with the beast to make war with him who sits on the white horse shall be killed Rev. xix 19 20 21. Those who shall afford thee aid shall be broken It will be your great wisdom then O ye kings and princes of the earth who have committed whoredom with her you her merchants in the sale