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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A91661 A reply to Mr. VVilliam Prinne, his unsafe, uneasie, dangerous, &c. expedient, for the concord, unity, and settlement of these nations, by restoring the ancient nobility, part of the old decripit, decayed, and gray-headed tyranny, usurpation, and oppression upon the bodies, and consciences of every poor subject, who have been formerly as Balaams asse, being made slaves at their lusts and pleasures, but now have kicked their masters off. Together with a few directions to the persons now in authority, opening a door to peace, righteousnesse, and prosperity, by buillding upon that little stone, which hitherto hath been refused by the builders, but is chosen of God and precious. 1659 (1659) Wing R1061; Thomason E1010_8; ESTC R203487 5,533 11

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negotiorum arduitate periculis miminentibus cessante excusatione quacunque dictis die loco personaliter intersitis nobiscum cum Praeletis magnetibus Proceribus supradictis superdictis negotiis tractaturus vestrum consilium impersurus c. Which first clause Vobiscum cum Praeletis c. and in the close of the Writ Personaliter intersitis nobiscum cum Praeletis c. Which proveth they have no right thereto but joyntly with the King and Lords Spiritual if you as Mr. Prinne doth so earnestly desire go to the ancient Constitution and Frame of the Government of this Nation And now their Right if they have any may be properly said to be in abeysance or consideration of Law in nubibus vel in gremio terrae And seeing the King is the Primum mobile from whence all inferiour Orbs have their principle of vigour and motion and like the Sun that is Cor planetorum primum vivaeus ultimum moriens it doth follow that without the King such a Government will be but an Vtopian Idea formed by Mr. Prinns operative fantasie It is a Maxime in Phylosophy that nihil agit in seipsum and these that have been dead and buried for so many years should raise themselves or be again vivified by the generative and prolifick faculty of Mr. Prinns fruitful Pen but admitting they have a right in radice and in semine yet I humbly conceive that now there is no actual inter regnum as he doth suppose for there may properly be said to be two administrations of a Common-wealth the one is Military the other togata togata pacis spectat temporae militaris belli spectat tempora though there be rebellions and commotions like hot exhalations set on fire by their own motion amazing the common people who are usually surprized with a Spirit of fear and bondage yet If the Souldiers will be true to their principles we may find out the most righteous government that ever we were under And certainly there 's no Title more lawful and indubitible then that which is jure belli neither that which is elective successive jure connubiorum donative Or testamentary both by the Law of God and man They having got it upon the account of righteousness and liberty for the body and consciences of every individual person though I have cause to believe that they have since sought their own things and not the things of Jesus Christ But had it been an unjust and inoffensive quarrel then they had been Pyrats and Robbers as Lucan calleth Alexander M. orbis terrarum praedonem The other thing that I did observe in Mr. Prinns pamphlet was that after the Nobility were invested in their ancient right they should issue forth Writs unto all the places of this Common-wealth to chuse persons for every County Shiere City c. as may be every way qualified for the service of that Country to sit at Westminster on the third Monday in January next according to the common custome and usage of this Realme I cannot imagin what this Parliament should do but revest Charles Stuard in his ancient right for they would be altogether inservisable to settle us upon a firm and lasting Peace For all their Ordinances Acts and Statutes would be invalid and of none effect without the consent of King in Parliament they would be in Eodem Jure with a person who cannot grant an anuity c. without the consent of his Patron and Ordinary or Covent who neither can enfeoffe or enfeoffed no not in time of vocation as hath been resolved in all succession of ages And in my Lord Dyers reports 1 Reg. Maer 93. In the Duke of North his Case it was a great doubt among the Justices whether the King after a Bill passed by the Lords and Commons may Commissionate certain persons by his Letters Pattents regium suum assensuum consensuum eadam billae omnibus in eadem specificatis with a sciatis igitur that he doth thereby ratifie and confirm whatsoever they should do in his name So that now you see Mr. Prinns airy notions and plantasmes fall unto the ground Oh that such an eminent person for piety and godliness should turn as the dog to his vomiting and as the Sow that was washed to her wallowing in the Mire the Phylosopher saith that optimi corruptio est pessima Hypocrites Seducers shal wax worse and worse and bring upon themselves swift destruction Oh what shall we say to these things let them that stand take heed lest they fall Now that I may wind all in a sheet of Paper I would put the great ones in mind of performing their solemn promises and declarations to exalt Jesus Christ who is more glorious and excellent then the Mountains of prey Abraham who is the Father of the faithful as he came from the slaughter of the Kings having rescued his Brother out of their hands Melchisedech met him and blessed him you are the persons that have delivered Gods people and in former times Christ hath met you and blessed you as you have come from the slaughter of the King and the Nobles with all divine and spiritual blessings who is a Priest for ever after the order of Melchisedech But now I am afraid you are like Sompson your strength is departed from your honours have put out your eyes and now the House of this Common-wealth is like to fall upon your heads Therefore I pray hear one word I. Return unto the most high from whom you have departed And though you presume that God will not destroy you because you are a Bull-work and a defence to his People Oh I must tell you I rather believe they by the weapons of the Spirit have averted the Judgment that otherwise might have fell upon you Saul was a professor and prophesied among the Prophets yet after he came to be King he forgot that God called him from following his Fathers Asses as now some do not remember their pedigree nor their Fathers House and launched out into all sinful licentiousness and God dethroned him and set up his Servant David in his stead II. Secondly Make no peace with unrighteousness say not a confederacy with them that say a confederacy for you must be a Nation in the midst of a Nation how dear was it like to cost good Jehoshaphat for entering into a league with wicked Ahab saying I am as thou art and my people as thy people and we will be with thee in the warr III. Thirdly Endeavor the taking away the burdens that lie upon us both as Men and Christians as men you ought to impose your great taxes and impositions upon your enemies as Solomon that oppressed the Cananites and the Perinites c. that were enemies to his Kingdome and spared his natural born subjects as Christians how long shall we be villeins regardant to set out the persons Titles It is a strange thing you will not have the judicial Law to be in force which is not abolished and will have the ceremonial Law which is established to continue IV. Lastly and so I will conclude If you think to hold on your course Kisse the Son lest he be angry and you perish from the way Proclaim him to be both King of Saints and King of Nations It is the eternal purpose and Decree of God to make him above the Kings of the World for he is the Prince of the Kings of the Earth and all the holy Angels have done him fealty for only the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah is worthy to open the Books and loose the Seals thereof And therefore seeing you have kept Jesus Christ out of the Throne so long the Lord give you Repentance unto Salvation never to be Repented of And now I shall put you in mind of a few Scriptures among many In Dan 7. 13 14 27. and in Isa. 61. 23. and in Isa 63. 1 2. Who is this that cometh from Edom with dyed Garments from Bozar this that is glorious in his Apparrel travelling in the greatness of his strength I that speak in righteousness mighty to save Wherefore art thou red in thine Apparrel and thy Garments like him that treadeth the Winefat The Garments of Christ shall be dyed in the blood of his Enemies as the Garments of the Priests was dipped in Jordan THE END Luke 24. 25 26 27. Rom. 19. 21. Oed. the last Llb. 6. fol. 52 53. Cuntess of Rutlands cause 8. H. 6. 10 48. E. 3 30. 36. H. 6. 46. Plond 223. Cokes 1. 1. Inst. 16. b. 33. H. 6. 17. Tort. Cap. 18. P. 20. 4. H. 7. 18. 22. 53. 3. Br. Parl. 4. 42. 25. H. 6. 17. 15 E. 4. 2. 13. 4. H. 7. 18. F. H. 7 14. 7. H 7. 14. 16. 11. H. 7. 27. 1. H. 8. 18. 4. Co. 8. Rep. 15. 18 19 20 22 23 24. 25 26. 8. 34. 4. 37. H. 8. 19. to H. 7. 20. 2. H. 4. 3. Dyer 1. 31. ● Dyer 144. 6.
A REPLY TO Mr. VVilliam Prinne His Unsafe Uneasie Dangerous c. Expedient for the Concord Unity and Settlement of these Nations by restoring the ancient Nobility part of the old decripit decayed and gray-headed Tyranny Usurpation and Oppression upon the Bodies and Consciences of every poor Subject who have been formerly as Balaams Asse being made slaves at their lusts and pleasures but now have kicked their Masters off TOGETHER With a few Directions to the Persons now in Authority opening a door to Peace Righteousness and Prosperity by building upon that little Stone which hitherto hath been refused by the Builders but is chosen of God and precious And Joshua adjured them at that time saying Cursed be the man before the Lord that riseth up and buildeth the City Jericho for he shall lay the foundation thereof in his First-born and in his youngest Son shall be set up the gates of it Josh. 6. 26. LONDON Printed for Francis Smith and are to be sold at his Shop at the Elephant and Castle near Temple-Bar 1659. A REPLY TO Mr. VVilliam Prinn His Unsafe Uneasie Dangerous c. Expedient for the Concord Unity and Settlement of these Nations c. I Am between hope and fear fearing to displease God hoping to perswade and convince all impartial and unprejudiced persons that the proverb may be made true sepe desperatio spei causa est et ignaviam necessitas acuit I never had yet an opportunity put into my hands amongst the many unskillful and ungodly dissections of the good Old Cause to speak one word of bringing back the King Wherefore God hath been pleased to put it into my heart though an unworthy instrument as amicus patriae to oppose and contradict that wicked and filthy Spirit of making a Captain to return back again unto Egypt because it was better with them then than it is now which Spirit doth appear in the Priests and Lawyers of this Nation having set awork Mr. Prin that Engine of mischief and confusion who is a Spirit of a fiery exhalation as constant in affirming a bad Cause as suffering for a good one and likewise to tender to the persons now in Authority some few directions that may be as Land-marks to guide them to a firm durable and immoveable Settlement upon a foundation of righteousness and truth least they dash themselves against that little stone cut out of the little Mountain without hands on which their predecessours have been broken to pieces who to the ignorant and disobedient is a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence I am not so sorrowful but I am as much through the grace of God rejoyced when I hehold all these symtomes and characters of trouble and perplexity hanging over our heads when I consider and meditate on the holy Scriptures for Christ hath commanded then when these begin to come to pass then look up and lift up your heads for your redemption draweth neer And seeing there shall be signs in the Sun in the Moon and in the Stars and upon the earth distress of Nations with perplexity the Sea and the Waves roaring mens hearts failng them for fear and for looking after those things that are come nigh on them for the powers of Heaven shall be shaken and then shall they see the Son of man coming in a Cloude with power and great glory And in the mean time let all the faithful of the Lord be travelling and groaning together with the whole Creation for the manifestation of the Sons of God because the creature it selfe shall also be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberties of the Sons of God c. The generality of the poor ignorant and deceived people who are led by the Spirit of the Prince of the ayre that ruleth effectually in the Children of disobedience for whom I am sorry in my Soul when I consider the Son of man will come as a Thief in the night and as I fear will find them unprepared for receiving of the Bridegroom that cry out as the Children of Israel did of old against the glorious cause and interest of King Jesus and bring up an evil report of the good Land saying stone Caleb and Joshua with stones Oh these Sectaries these Seditious Persons that utter threatning words against Caesar against the Kings and Princes of the World That God the Father will make his Son above the Kings of the Earth O let them be crucified But why do I only speak of the flock is it not so with Shepheards and Doctors of the Chair Why do I mention the unlearned is it not so with the Pleader the Counsellor and the Judge Solomon saith that at the windows of my House I looked through my Casement and behold among the simple ones I discerned among the youths a young man voyd of understanding But I may say I looked among the wise men I discerned among the old men an old man voyd of understanding although it may be judged a great presumption in me to examine Mr. Prins safe and easie c. Direction to a Settlement now these destractive and destructive dispensations do appear Yet I make no question quasi penicillo adumbrare that every ingenuous Reader may see Mr. Prinns Reason is worse than Bedlam madness He doth first very pathetically endeavour the restoring of the antient Nobility that have not forfeited their lives and fortunes by engaging against the Rights and Liberties of the People of this Nation to their right and inheritance lineally descended unto them from their Ancestors for many hundred years and though as jus dormit nunquam moritur and though of late it hath been discontinued yet there is such an inherent right in them that may work a remitter Oh he is very desirous that though David be annointed King and is King de jure yet that Saul may keep the Throne no the House of Saul must grow weaker and weaker and the House of David stronger and stronger Christ must increase but Antichrist must decrease and he knows no reason why Esau being the elder Brother should not have the inheritance no Saviours shall come upon Mount Sion and judge the Mount of Esau and the Kingdome shall be the Lords I answer They have neither Jus in re nor Jus ad rem but as they are subordinate to the Kings and co-ordinate with the Lords Spiritual as doth appear by the words of the Writ Rex c. E. B. de c. Salutem Quia de advisamento assensu consilii nostri quibusdam arduos urgentibus negotiis statumet desensionem Regni nostri angliae c. Concernentibus quoddam Parliamentum apud civitatem Westminst. a 21. Oct. Prximo futuro teneri Ordinavimus ibidem vobiscum cum praeletis Magnetibus Prooceribus dicti Regni nostri Colloquium habere tractatum vobis in side legriencie quibus nobis tenemeni injeugendo mandamus quod considiratis dictorum