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A65942 To King William and Queen Mary, grace and peace The widow Whitrow's humble thanksgiving to the Lord of Hosts, the king of eternal glory, the God of all our mercies, unto whom be glory, glory, and praise for the king's safe return to England. Whitrowe, Joan. 1692 (1692) Wing W2036; ESTC R217355 13,739 18

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TO King William AND Queen Mary GRACE and PEACE THE Widow Whitrow's Humble Thanksgiving to the LORD of Hosts the King of Eternal Glory the GOD of all our Mercies unto whom be Glory Glory and Praise for the King 's safe Return to England And Jabes called on the GOD of Israel saying If thou wilt bless me indeed and inlarge my Coast and that thine Hand be with me to keep me from Evil. And GOD granted him that which he requested In the Margent Then would he perform his Vow which he had Vowed 1 Chr. 4.10 Printed And Sold by most Book-sellers in London and Westminster 1692 1. To King William and Queen Mary GRace Mercy and Peace from GOD the Father and His beloved Son our blessed LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ who hath been a Tower of Salvation to the KING and QUEEN Glory be to Him forever unto HIM who hath Delivered the KING from many Deaths praises forever Give Thanks unto the LORD with me and let us Exalt his Name together who doth wonderful things for His Mercy endureth forever O LORD who shall declare thy mighty Acts neither can the Heaven of Heavens selebrate Thy Praise how much less we poor Mortals that are but Dust before THEE before THEE the Eternal One who art infinitly Better and boundless beyond all thanksgiving and praise yet of Thy Holy elemency and unspeakable goodness hath vouchsafed Sinners to Approach unto THEE Therefore Oh come let us fall down before the LORD our Greator the Mighty GOD and worship Him at His foot-stool with Rended Souls with broken and contrite Hearts that our Cries may pierce the Heavens to the Throne of His Grace to move His Glorious Majesty to send forth his Light and Truth that may break through the thick clouds of Ignorance and gross Darkness that hath covered the Hearts of the People of these Nations together with his invincible Power to break down root up and destroy with an utter Destruction that Spirit of Atheism which hath Corrupted both Priests and People of these Nations O GOD Race it Race it I beseech Thee to the Foundation thereof together with that Accursed thing the Spirit of Covetousness Hypocrisie Malice and Deceit that Thy Throne may be Established to a thousand Generations Thou Creator of all things from Everlasting to Everlasting take Thy Dominion and Rule by Thy Eternal Power till Thou hast made All Thy Enemies Thy foot-stool for why LORD should they Rob Thee of thy Right and Give Thy praise to their Idols their horrible Lusts and cursed Pleasures O GOD Arise O God Arise that Thy Enemies may be scattered that all that hate Thee may fly before Thee which way Thou pleasest LORD But if it be for Thy Glory save the Creature and destroy the Iniquity that there may be no End of Thy Praise For what Great things hath the LORD done for us who hath delivered poor Afflicted distressed Freland from the hurtful Sword and thrice brought the King safe to England again And preserved this Nation in safety in the King's Absence Glory be to GOD on high and on the Earth peace and good-will to Men in Thee Oh England Oh England England that thou didst know in this thy Day the things that belong to thy Everlasting Peace but they are hid from thy Eyes yet for the sake of some in Thee am I thus concerned And seeing the LORD hath done such Great things what remains on the KING and QUEEN's part and of thy Inhabitants Oh Land But to walk in Holiness and Righteousness before His Holy Divine MAJESTY all the days of your Lives for so his HOLINESS commands saying Be ye Holy for I the LORD your GOD am Holy Therefore Hear Oh Kings and Give Ear ye Judges of the Earth Serve the LORD with Fear and Rejoyce before Him the LORD of Hosts the Mighty GOD with trembling and not as the Atheistical Heathen Christians do who rejoyce not as the Angels of Light but as the Angels of Darkness or of the bottomless Pit For whom is the blackness of darkness Reserved A Just Recompence of Reward for such prophane Rejoycing who were as if they would tear His Majesty out of His Throne to come in Flames of Fire as He did in Sodom to Execute Vengeance on such Offences on such horrible Offenders Oh the Hellish Noises the Outragious Cries Prophane Swearing Cursing Drunkenness and Whoredom Fighting and threatning to Murder one another Destroying the good Creatures consuming them upon their Lusts whilst their Neighbours want Bread and these are the Swearers by the Blood of the Immaculate Lamb of GOD that takes away the Sins of the World who cries Rot and Damn them whose Damnation is Just seeing nothing less will serve their turns These are some of the crying Sins of this Nation which will bring swift Destruction and Provoke the High GOD to turn the fruitful Land into a barren Wilderness for the Sins of them that live therein For be it known to the KING the Night before he came to London which was October 18. I being in my Bed in the dear injoyment of GOD's heavenly Life and Divine love and in this sweet heavenly Repose falling asleep a dreadful Apparition appeared Horrible and fearful Astonishing and Ama●ing insomuch that my Heart failed Fearfulness took hold on me for the Night of my pleasure had He turned into Mourning Sorrows took hold on me yea the Sorrows of a travailing Woman but crying vehemently to the LORD I was delivered The Vision I must not declare till the Appointed time But thus far I have liberty to call all to prepare to meet the LORD whose Day is come wherein He will Appear in Flames of Fire to Execute Vengeance on the Wicked and Ungodly to Give them the Reward of their wicked and ungodly Works But Oh! that the KING and QUEEN might live forever in that Life which the Judgment is not to For Said the LORD to the Angel that was clothed in Linnen who had the Writers Inkhorn by his side Go through the midst of the City even through Jerusalem and set a Mark upon the Foreheads of them that Mourn and Cry for all the Abominations that be done in the midst thereof And said He to the other Angels Go ye after him through the City and smire let your Eye spare none neither have pity Destroy utterly the Old and Young the Maids Women and Children But touch none upon whom is the Mark and begin at my Sanctuary Then they began at the Antient Men that were before the House And so goes on Ezek. 9. Now you may see if your Eyes were opened who they are that shall be hid in the Day of the LORD's Wrath not the Wise and Prudent of this World although they may have a whole Library of the Serpent's Wisdom nor the Antient in a profession of any Religion whatsoever for the older they are in a Profession of any Worship and do not live the Life of what they know the greater is their
and from this there 's no man can hinder thee And further this Excellent man Without relation to GOD saith he thou shalt never perform aright any thing humane nor on the other side any thing Divine at what time soever thou wilt it is in thy power to retire into thy self and to be at Rest For a man cannot retire any whither for to be more at rest and freer from all business then to his own Soul Afford then thy self this Retiring continually and thereby refresh and renew thy self D Doble Drince worthy of double Honour And then Exhorting That whatsoever they did might be Just and Holy Neither saith he must he use himself to cut off Actions only but Thoughts and Imaginations also that are unnecessary for so will unnecessary consequent Actions the better be prevented and cut off He is poor that stands in need of another and hath not in himself all things needful for this Life Consider well whether Magnanimity rather and true Liberty and true Simplicity Equanimity and Holiness whether these be not most kind and natural And farther this blessed Prince Let thy GOD that is in thee to rule over thee find by thee that he hath to do with an Aged man a Sociable man a Roman a Prince one that hath ordered his Life as one that expecteth as it were nothing but the sound of the Trumpet sounding a retreat to depart out of this Life with all readiness What is it saith he thou dost stay for an Extinction or a Translation for either of them with a propitious and contented mind but till that time comes what will content thee What else but to Worship and Praise GOD and to do good unto men Here is a President for Kings Queens and Potentates of the Earth to square their Lives by This worthy Prince was more Philosopher than Emperor his Dominions were greater within then without and by his Holy Life and Vertuous Principles was fit to govern the whole World Solon a noble Philosopher and Law-giver to the Athenians was so humble that he refused to be Prince of that People And being asked by Cresus King of Lydia when seated on his Throne Richly clothed and magnificently attended If he had ever seen any thing more Glorious He answered Cocks Peacocks and Pheasants by how much their Beauty is Natural Fly Pleasures saith he for they bring Sorrow Converse not with wicked Persons but meditate on serious things That it was the perfection of a man to fore-see and prevent Mischief That they that would govern a State well must govern their Families well That we ought not to flatter Great men lest we exalt them above their merits and station A Prince saith he must not take up his time about transitory and mortal things Eternal and Immortal are fittest for him O noble PRINCE and PRINCESS I humbly beg of you Observe these Heavenly Maxims Periander Prince and Philosopher would say That Pleasures are Mortal but Vertues Immortal Punish the guilty saith he and restrain men from Sin That Common-wealth is best ordered saith he where the Wicked have no command Therefore most Honoured and most endeared PRINCE and PRINCESS for so you are in my Heart because of the Greatness of GOD's Love which I have received and delivered to you above all before you in my time and shall be so if you receive the Love of GOD administred and put into Practice these His Commands and Precepts first in your own Example and then Executing the Power GOD hath given you which may easily be done by turning out those that will not Obey your just and lawful Commands and put in such in their room that will That the KING and QUEEN may not be guilty of that Iniquity as Saul was guilty of to save alive that which GOD commanded to kill which was the Cause that the Kingdom was rent from him and given to one more worthy that is which did the will of GOD And is the very cause why your Predecessors were turned out before you and you brought in their room to try whether you will do His Will and perform all His good Pleasure which if you do GOD will make you the Glory of Nations For this know O KING QUEEN and that from the LORD the day is come that GOD will have His Will done in Earth as it is in Heaven and that which stands in opposition to it will He overturn and throw the Earth upside-down And all the Monarchs in it will he break to pieces as a Potters-Vessel for the bringing in of His Dominion which is an Everlasting dominion and He shall Reign for evermore Amen And this I humbly Supplicate to the LORD if it may be for the Glory of His Holy Name That the KING and QUEEN may be the worthy Instruments thereof and that they may not be guilty of Saul's Transgression who feared the People and so caused him to break the Commandment of the LORD which proved to his destruction So he paid dear for his fearing the People and the People paid dear for his Rebellion against the Command of GOD for it cost him his Life and thousands more of theirs For here lay the case the command was to slay All but the People counselled him to save the best of the Oxen and Sheep and the chiefest of the things which should have been destroyed to offer to the LORD thy GOD as Saul confessed to Samuel saying I have sinned for I have transgressed the Commandment of the Lord and thy Words because I feared the People and obeyed their Voice The writing of this Confession makes my Heart melt and breaks me into Tears the consideration thereof how dangerous a thing it is for any to transgress much more PRINCES the Commands of the LORD in ever so little a thing And Saul's repeating over again the reason why they saved them alive that should have been destroyed was To offer a Sacrifice to the LORD But alas all Coverings will be to short but that which is covered with the Spirit of the LORD in the Day of Account when the Iniquity is brought before the Judgment-seat which must there stand the Tryal to be Arragined and Condemned by the JUDGE of all the Earth No pretence will serve them be it never so specious by the art and cunning of men for indeed what higher could be then pretence of Worshipping GOD to offer Sacrifice to the LORD But what was the LORD's answer Hath the LORD more delight in Sacrifice and Offering then in Obeying the Voice of the LORD To Obey is better than Sacrifice and to hearken to the Voice of the LORD then the Fat of Rams For Rebellion is as the Sin of Witchcraft and Transgression is Wickedness and Idolatry Because thou hast cast away the Word of the LORD therefore hath He cast away thee from being King A heavy sentence and worse recompence of reward for his Life went for theirs Here we may see we need not go to Rome for Idolatry for whosoever
Iniquity and then the greater must their Judgment be Therefore to you O ye Judges Justices and Officers of all sorts that do not fulfill the Will of GOD nor Execute the QUEEN's pious Commands which is to suppress Swearing Drunkenness and Whoredom with all the rest of the Abominations with which the Land swarms Horribly and speedily will He come upon you and give you the Reward of your Evil works who mind your Earthly Honours your Profits and Pleasures with all the rest of your Self-interests and so takes up your Rest in these enjoyments but neglects your Duty in the weighty matters of the Law to Execute Justice and Judgment Is this the Thanks you return to the LORD for all His wonderful Mercies for the deliverance of the Nations and the giving you your Lives and Liberties to turn his gracious Goodness into wantonness consuming his Excellent Creatures which he of his bountifulness hath bestowed on you for that end for you to serve Him and his Creation in all holy Reverance and humble Thanks-giving to his Divine MAJESTIE And not to spend them wastfully upon your vain pleasurs and sinful delights How many poor destressed Families both in City and Country would be glad and rejoyce to have that Firing to warm and refresh them and theirs in cold and bitter Weather that was spent in waste when the KING came home to gratifie the humors of an ungodly Crew who one day cries Hosana Hosana and the next day with a louder Vote Crucifie Crucifie so unstable as waters is this Viperous Generation as hath been evedently seen upon all occasions as there Interest serves therefore what Trust or Considence can be put in the Arm of Flesh But in the Living GOD who alone can carry on His Work without the help of Mortals or make choice of whom He pleases even the meanest and most contemptable in the eyes of Flesh to carry on His great Work His wonderful Work for the destruction of Babilon and all the graven Images of Her Gods will HE throw to the Ground yea into the bottomless Pit for Ever where she shall never rise more Amen Halalujahs to the LORD our GOD for Ever Then will the LORD Return to the People a pure Language Holiness to the LORD yea upon every door of the LORD's House shall be writ Holiness and upon all the Vessels therein for the Knowledg of His Virtuous Life and Heavenly Power shall cover the Earth as the Waters cover the Sea Glory be to our GOD and to the LAMB for Ever And to the KING and QUEEN Grace and Peace be multiplied the Eternal GOD be there Refuge that under His Arms they may be preserved forever that by loving the LORD their GOD by obeying His Voice and by cleaving unto HIM there days may be prolonged in the Land which the LORD their GOD hath given them For what great things hath the LORD done for you Oh! That the Greatness of His Love may draw you forth into a holy admiration of His goodness For who is like unto Thee O LORD May the KING and QUEEN say among the GODS who is like unto Thee Glorious in Holiness fearful in Praises doing Wonders the LORD is a man of War JEHOVAH is His Name the right Hand of the LORD hath done valiantly the Right Hand of the LORD is Glorious in Power which hath subdued the Nations and Brought the KING home in Peace Oh admirable Goodness the Archers have shot sore at him and hated him on every side but his Bow hath been maid strong through the HAND of the Mighty GOD. The right Hand of the LORD hath done Valiently the right Hand of the LORD is Glorious in Power who hath bound up the King's Life in the bundle of Life with the LORD that the Everlasting GOD may be feared loved obeyed and Exalted above all forever and the KING and QUEEN humbled at HIS Feet casting there Crowns at the Feet of the LAMB for wherewithal else should they come before the LORD and bow themselves before the High GOD but with broken and contrite Hearts Worshipping and Adoring HIM in the innermost part of their Souls and there Sacrificing their Pleasures and Honours withal the Intrests of a perishing World and desiring nothing but that the Will of GOD may be done in your Earth as it is in Heaven And that you may be the Instruments to bring it forth in the World that as GOD hath honoured you and done great things for you and for the Nations so you may make it your whole study and business to Exalt the Name of GOD in the Earth by your holy humble and self-denying Lives And that you the Magistrates of the HIGHEST may not bear the Sword of the LORD in vain but make use of your Power which GOD hath given you who are His Vice Gerents here on Earth to Execute Justice on such as rebel against His divine MAJESTY Begining at your own Court first and there to suppress every appearance of Evil and this is but your reasonable service and no more then what your Greatness requires that your Subjects yield Obedience to you in all things And whatsoever is less then this is to offer the Blind the Lame and the Sick And offer this to thy Prince saith the LORD and see if he will be content with Thee or Except thy person Malachi 1.8 And in vain is all your Praying Praising Preaching and Hearing if this Work be not done Search the Scriptures I beseech you and see if you can find that ever any thing was Acceptable to GOD but a Holy and Righteous Life and there you may find plentifully that GOD rejects all their outward dutys both of Jews Pharisees and Christians although He HIMSELF instituted them and throws them quite away saying Bring no more your vain Oblations And so goes on But wash you saith He make you Clean c. Then to the Pharisees Ye Hypocrites make clean the inside first To the Christians Thou hast a Name that thou livest but thou art dead Rev 3. So that it s not the Name of any sort whatsoever but the Life Therefore O KING and QUEEN for the Glory of GOD and honour of His Most Holy and Glorious NAME And your prosperity in this World And your Everlasting Happiness in that which is to come Be not negligent in this Great Work which all your Happiness and the Nations depends upon Therefore O KING be Valiant for the Truth upon Earth and come Thou forth to help the LORD against the Mighty for His contorversie is with the man of sin and He will plead with all Flesh It is written Curse ye Meroz Curse him bitterly because he came not forth to help the LORD against the Mighty But that the KING may be Blest with an everlasting Blessing let Him joyn with the LORD in this great Work with all His strength and with all His might to destroy Sin and Iniquity in his Dominions and to bring in and set up Everlasting Righteousness
to Reign And in this Work he shall be more then a Conquerer through the Power of CHRIST which shall certainly be with Him if He sets about it Coragiously and Manfully not fearing man nor trusting in the Arm of Flesh And this will bring more Glory to GOD and Honour to the KING then if he conquered Nations by the Sword For that destroys but this saves mens Lives and destroys the Iniquity And in this WORK he shall be Greater then William the Conquerer or all the Monarchs of the World and his Fame shall go to the furthermost parts of the Earth And in this Work shall the most HIGH rejoyce And all His Heavenly Host for saith CHRIST There is more Joy in Heaven for one sinner that repents and turns from the Evil of his wayes then in Ninety and Nine Just persons that needs no Repentance And if the KING is faithful to GOD in this Work he shall conquer and overcome all his Enemies for if their Sins be overcome then they are overcome because it is their Sins that causes them to Rebel For from whence comes Wars saith the Apostle come they not from your Lusts Then it seems take away the lusts and Wars will cease so here 's great necesity for the KING to be fervently fixed in this Work to take away the Cause that the Disease may cease And this let the KING know that whomsoever he is made an instrument to in this Work to overcome their Vices their hearts shall be knit to Him as Jonathan's was to David who loved him as his own Soul And that blessed Prophesie of Daniel shall be fulfilled on the KING which saith Blessed are those that turns many to Righteousness for they shall shine as the Stars in the Firmament of GOD'S Power forever And here the KING shall be a Nursing-Father and the QUEEN a a Nursing Mother then more shall be the Children of the desolate then of the married Wife And GOD will bring their Sons from far and their Daughters from the furthermost parts of the Earth yea many People Kingdoms and Nations shall say Come let us go up to the Mountain of the LORD and He will shew us His Ways and we will walk in His Paths Then Endless Praises and Everlasting Halalujahs shall be to GOD on HIGH and on the Earth Peace and Good-will to men But if this Work be not Done there is no Peace to the Wicked saith the LORD But we must expect Wars and Rumours of Wars as CHRIST said and the End not to be yet till the Cause is removed nor can it be Expected that the KING should conquer and overcome his Enemies Abroad whilst his strong and most Potent Enemies Reign at Home And indeed it is unreasonable that the KING should Require that of his LORD and SOVERAIGN the LORD of all MAJESTY to fight his Battels abroad when the KING doth not Execute the Power GOD hath put into his hand at home for the Suppressing That which HIS Righteous Soul abhors And further the Command of GOD is When thou goest out to War with thine Enemies then take heed saith the LORD that there be no wicked thing in Thee Mark that O KING no wicked thing that is not only no Wickedness in the Cause nor no Self-intrest nor Self-honour But no personal Impieties in the Persons that carries it on not only gross Impieties as Drunkenness Whoredom Swearing and the like But all manner of vain and foolish Talking Joaking and Jesting are things not allowed to Christians for if Christians are not allowed to think their own Thoughts how much less Vain Words But Let your Words be few saith CHRIST seasoned with Salt that they may administer Grace to the Hearers And David saith Set a watch before my Mouth and be Thou LORD the Door-keeper of my Lips And saith he I said I will look to my Ways that I offend not with my Tongue Oh! how intent was he saying O GOD my Heart is fixed I will sing c. His mind was staid upon the LORD here was no room for vain words light airy and frothy discourses he abhorred all such Impieties his mind was set on divine things his Affections were set on things Above and not on Earthly things His converse was with GOD and his communion with the HOLY ONE and here he was here on after GOD's own Heart He enjoyed Heaven whilst he was here on Earth for where the presence of the LORD is there is Heaven he loved the LORD dearly and therefore took delight to do His Will and keep His Commandments And by doing this said he Thou hast made me wiser then all my Teachers yea saith he I have more Wisdom then the Ancients And why was it so because GOD was his Teacher O GOD saith he Thou hast taught me from my Youth even until now therefore will I tell of all thy Wonderous Works And because of David's love and faithfulness to GoD the LORD made a Covenant with him and with his Seed for ever That is with the Faithful that loves the LORD and walks in His Ways as David Abraham Isaac and Jacob did And these Holy Ones made a Covenant with the LORD to serve Him all the days of their Lives They did not make a Covenant with Death and Hell as this Generation doth to serve their horrible Lusts and vain wicked Pleasures No no but quite contrary O how I love thy Law saith David it s my Meditation all the day I will wait continually and will praise THEE more and more my Mouth shall daily rehearse thy Righteousness and Thy Sabvation for I know not the sum of them No for they were beyond number Be THOU my strong Rock whereunto I may always resort THOU hast given Commandment to save me for THOV art my Rock and my Fortrest Take notice of that O KING and of what follows viz. Deliver me O my GOD out of the hands of the Wicked out of the hands of Evil and Cruel men for THOU art my Hope O LORD even my Trust from my Youth upon THEE have I been staid from the Womb my Praise shall be always of THEE And THY Righteousness O GOD will I Exalt for THOU hast done great things who is like unto THEE THOV wilt increase mine Honour therefore will I praise THEE for THY faithfulness Vpon the Vial unto THEE will I sing O HOLY ONE of Israel for my Soul hast THOU delivered c. Oh! how David was filled with the living sence of the Goodness of GOD and the ALMIGHTY Exalted in his Soul But What hath the Wicked to do to take My NAME into their Mouths saith GOD seeing they hate My Holy Spirit to inform them They hated all my Counsel and would have none of my Reproof Yet the Atheistical Christians in their unclean Lives and Idolatrous ways sings to the Vial and invents to themselves Instruments of Musick like David although they hate and abhor his Holy Suffering and Self-denying Life by which he obtained the