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A60294 Sions groans for her distressed, or Sober endeavours to prevent innocent blood, and to stablish the nation in the best of settlements Grounded upon scripture, reason, and authority. Proving it the undoubted right of Christian liberty under different perswasions, in matters spiritual, to have equal protection as to their civil peace. Unto which is added the testimony of fifteen antients. Humbly offered to the Kings Majesty, Parliament and people, and left unto their serious view. By Tho. Monck, Joseph Wright, Fran. Stanley, &c.; Sions groans for her distressed. Monck, Thomas. aut; Wright, Joseph, 1623-1703. aut; Stanley, Fr. (Francis), d. 1696. aut; Hanson, Geo. aut; Reynolds, William, 1625-1698. aut; Jeffery, William, 1616-1693. aut 1661 (1661) Wing S3870; ESTC R220545 19,156 24

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therefore no reason why the World should persecute and hate his own Fifthly For Magistrates to inflict temporal punishments upon any of their Subjects for not conforming to their decrees that enjoyn any Spiritual Worship or Service is undoubtedly a breach of that Royal Law which sayes That whatsoever ye would that men should do to you do you even so to them for this is the Law and the Prophets and is a sure and standing rule by which all men if they would deal ingeniously by themselves might measure the justice of their proceedings towards others for who that was not a desperate enemy to himself would put out another mans eye if he were sure his own should be put out as soon as he had done as he was to be served by the Iudicial Law neither would those that are forward to persecute be very zealous in their proceedings if they were sure that those whom they persecute should have power on their sides to meet the same measure unto them and this is worthy of observation that this rule of doing as we would be done unto can be received and pleaded by all sorts of men whilst they are under affliction and persecution but who remembers it when they have power to afflict and persecute others the Papists themselves when out of power in this and other Nations can plead against persecution for their conscience as they did in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth procuring the Letters of the Emperour and other Princes to interceede for some places to be allowed where they may worship by themselves but in this they desired more than themselves would allow to others when in power so many of the Protestants where the Magistrate is different from them in Religion can be very well pleased with a tolleration and Martin Luther in his Sermon of the Good Shepheard engl●shed by W. G. in the year 1581. speaking of the Kingdom of Christ saith it is not governed at all by any force or power but by outward Preaching alone that is by the Gospel why therefore ●●nnot the Protestants who would seem to have an honourable Esteem of this man be of the same Spirit and the Papists be as much for Liberty in prosperity as in adversity seeing the Lord Jesus hath not directed at one time to the use of force and violence in the work of the Gospel and at another time if the civil sword be not to be procured then to use arguments and perswations no at all times the rule which his Disciples must take notice of sayes whatsoever ye would that men should do to you do you even so to them for with what measure ye meet it shall bemeasured to you again And because mystery Babylon hath not regarded these sayings but exerciseth all manner of cruelties and deaths upon such as cannot believe as she believes and practises therefore God will find out a way to retaliate upon her all the blood of his servants and in the cup which she hath filled shall it be filled to her double how much she hath glorified her self and lived deliciously so much torment and sorrow give her for she saith in her heart I sit a Queen and am no widdow and shall see no sorrow Therefore shall her plagues come in one day Death and Mourning and Famine and she shall be utterly burnt with fire for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her and the Kings of the earth who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her shall bewail and lament for her and her Merchants which are the great men of the earth who Traffique with her in things costly delicate and of esteem in the World and inslaves the souls of men or as by the margent it may be read bodies and souls of men these also shall mourn over her for no man buyeth their Merchandize any more and thus the fierceness of Gods wrath will over take her to the sinking of her like a Milstone into the bottome of the Sea because the great weight of innocent blood lyeth upon her for in her will be found the blood of Prophets and of Saints and all that were slain upon the earth he that therefore would not partake with her in any of her plagues let him flee from her and partake not with here in any of her sins one of the greatest being the persecution of men for keeping a good conscience for except the great God should cease to be what he is if men repent not of their deeds there will be as certainly punishment as there is sin and it shall not be the arm of flesh that wil be able to support this strumpet although many Kingdomes should ingage in her quarrell 〈◊〉 shall the wisdome and prudence of great states men be able to keep of her judgements for if men should cease to do any thing against her yet God will make the very Elements to fight against her and will contend with her by famine and Pestilence yea and Sword to although she feares it not for God will stire up the 10. Kings to do his will upon her and by his great works judgements that he will manifest in the Earth will he gain himself a name and great honour and glory even so Amen As it is no waies lawful from the word of God for Christian Magistrates in the daies of the Gospell to destroy and root out the contrary minded in religious matters although Idolaters so such proceedings may somtimes prove inconsistent with the very being of Nations for suppose any Nation were wholly Heathenish idolators and the word of God coming in amongst them should convert the cheife Magistrate and one twentieth part of the Nation more must he then with that twentieth part destroy all the other nineteen if they will not be converted but continue in their Heathenish Idolatry it cannot possibly be suposed to be warrantable and this reason holds good likewise against the rooting up and destroying Heriticks out of the world because if the Church proceeds against any of her members to Excomunication the Churches deportment towards him so cast out is to be the same as towards a Heathen so saith Christ himself If he neglect to hear the Church let him be unto thee as an Heathen man and a Publican who for the aforesaid reason is not to be destroyed because he is so and moreover seeing the Lord who is aboundantly Mercifull many times give repentance not only to the unbeleeving Idolater but also to the excomunicated person he therefore that destroyes the body of such a one doth as much as in him lyeth destroy his soul also for the Lord you see brings into his vineyard some at the third hour some at the sixth some at the ninth and others at the eleventh he therefore that shall destroy any at the third or sixth hour of the life hinders his conversion that possiblely may be called at the ninth or eleventh hour And so may be
Sions Groans for her Distressed OR Sober Endeavours to prevent Innocent Blood and to stablish the Nation in the best of SETTLEMENTS Grounded upon Scripture Reason and Authority Proving it the undoubted right of Christian Liberty under different perswasions in matters Spiritual to have equal Protection as to their Civil Peace Unto which is added the Testimony of fifteen ANTIENTS Humbly offered to the Kings Majesty Parliament and People And left unto their Serious View By Tho. Monck Ioseph Wright Fran. Stanley c. Matth. 7.12 Therefore all things whatsoever you would that men should do to you do you even so to them for this is the Law and the Prophets Mat. 13.28 29 30. The servants said unto him wilt thou then that we go and gather them up but he said nay lest while ye gather up the Tares ye root up also the Wheat with them let both grow together in the field the world until the Harvest which is the end of the world Act. 5.38 And now I say unto you refrain from these men and let them alone for if this Counsel or Work be of man it will come to nought but if it be of God ye cannot overthrow it lest haply ye be found to fight against God London Printed for the Authors and are to bee sold in London and at Westminster 1661. TO THE READER Courteous Reader WIth burthened hearts as once the two Disciples travelling unto Emaus spoke to Christ a supposed stranger so speak we unto thee Art thou a stranger in our Island and hast not known the things that have come to pass in these daies while the father hath been divided against the son and the son against the father three against two and two against three Even a mans foes they of his own houshold so great have been our Divisions like Reuben that no sooner light hath been by Gods grace manifested to the begetting Children of the Free-woman but presently they are persecuted by the Children of the Bond-woman and how unpleasing this is to Iesus Christ and how unlike his golden Rule that saith And all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you do ye even so to them for this is the Law and the Prophets We say how unpleasing this is to him judge upon thy serious perusal of this following Treatise which we commend to thy perusal in thy most retired consideration when thou canst read with thy thoughts least cumbred with other business our design in what we beg may be perused is general good in setting at liberty that which God made free even the Conscience Thou canst not bee ignorant of the great Contriversie that now is on foot as to uniformity in Worship to impose by violence where they cannot perswade under seeming pretence of Scripture warrant and antiquity the contrary to which is asserted in the words of truth and soberness by Scripture reason and practice of the Primitive times And lest violence and oppressing of conscience should run up to that height till it terminate in the blood of some who are dear and their blood precious in the eyes of the God of all the Earth therefore have we committed this unto the view of all men as part of the work of our Generation in singleness of heart and remain lovers and prayers for all men that we might live a peaceable and a quiet life in all godliness and honesty Farewel Tho. Monck Ioseph Wright Geo. Hamon Fran. Stanley Will. Reynolds Will. Ieffery The eight day of the 3 Month 1661. Sions Groans for her Distressed OR Sober Endeavours to prevent Innocent Blood and stablish the Nation in the best of Settlements AS all the holy Scriptures have been written afore-time for our learning and admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come So that particular Book of the Revelation is of such excellent worth That blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the words of this Prophesie and keep those things that are written therein for the time is at hand In which Book in no less than three several Texts it is testified that the Nations of the world and inhabiters of the Earth with their Kings would drink the wine of the fornication of that abominable Harlot that sitteth upon Peoples and Multitudes and Nations and Tongues and by her sorceries deceiveth all Nations until they become drunk and altogether uncapable in that condition to receive the pure waters of life tendred to them in the plain way of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus This with grief of heart we see too visible for the Doctrine and Traditions of Rome who is mystery Babylon and since her Apostacy the Mother of Harlots For the woman which thou sawest is that great City which reigneth over the Kings of the earth have so corrupted the earth and clouded the understandings of the sons of men that the great and most important truths of God cannot bee received or beleeved The reason why the Nations are so generally beguiled in the concernments of their souls is because the greatest part being carnal and unregenerate persons they are naturally inclined to such wayes of worship as are accompanied with external pomp and glory and therefore the Spirit of the Lord testifies that the great Harlot filleth her abominations and filthy fornications in a golden cup like the Physitian that guilds his bitter Pill that his Patient may the better swallow it Thus doth the Romish Church and her followers who to make their carnal Ordinances finde the better reception deliver them to the inhabitants of the earth by such as are honourable amongst men in worldly Sanctuaries most magnificently built and adorned endowed with Lordly Revenues accompanied with Musick and Voyces and Pontificial Vestments yea many Superstitions and Customes meerly earthly and sensual if not worse which we say so pleaseth the earthly and unregenerate man that he is ready to say This is the best Religion which is of most esteem in the Nations and accompanied with all earthly glory and delights altogether forgetting that strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life and few there be that finde it And that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God And if it had been the minde of the Lord Jesus that the Gospel should have been recommended unto the world and accompanied with these Ceremonies and Formalities that are practised in the worship of the Nations or were used amongst the Iews it is very strange we should not have one word for it in all the Scriptures of the New Testament when Christ was as faithful over his house as Moses was over his and is to be heard in all things as Moses himself commanded and there will be little encouragement to touch with the Gentile Nations in their superstitious Ceremonies when it shall be considered that the Rites and Ceremonies of the Mosaical law being once the appointments of God did far exceed in glory what
Ieroboam almost all the Kings of Israel that succeeded him that they would rather Act by corrupt Principles of State-Policy than by the Word which God had spoken and although God had rent 10 Tribes from Rehoboam and given them to him yet he wanted faith to believe his new Kingdom could any waies be secured to him or kept from going back to the Linage of David unless he devised some new way of Worship to keep the People in their own Land and for his so doing he thought he had much reason of State for what Prince now will conclude it good Pollicy to permit his People to go up yearly into his Enemies chief City to worship but will conclude it to be a notable way to alienate the affections of his Subjects from him to his great prejudice and detriment thus Ieroboam reasons as by his words appears take them at length And Ieroboam said in his heart Now shall the Kingdom return to the house of David if this people go up to do Sacrifice in the house of the Lord at Ierusalem then shall the heart of this People turn again unto their Lord even unto Rehoboam King of Iuda and they shall kill me whereupon the King took Councell and made two Calves of Gold and said to ●h●m it is too much for you to go up to Ierusalem behold thy God Oh Israel which brought thee out of the Land of Egypt which Pollicy of his procured this Event which God denounced against him saying I will bring evil upon the house of Ieroboam and will cut off from Ieroboam him that pisseth against the wall and him that is shut up and left in Israel and will take away the Remnant of the house of Ieroboam as a man taketh away dung till it be all gone And for the sin wherein he made Israel to sin is he Branded to all posterity but on the other hand had he permitted the people to go up to Ierusalem to worship and keep the appointments of God though seemingly against his present intrest then had the Promise of God been made good unto him which the Prophet Ahijah declared long before he came to the Kingdome Saying And it shall be if thou wilt harken unto all that I command thee and wilt walk in my waies and do that is right in my sight to keep my statutes and commandements as David my servant did that I will be with thee and build the a sure house as I built for David and will give Israel unto thee Which things were written for the example of such as should come after be wise now therefore O ye Kings be instructed ye Judges of the earth serve the Lord with fear and rejoyce with Trembling Kiss the Son least he be angry and ye perish from the way when his wrath is kindled but a little Blessed are all they that put their trust in him Rev. 14.8 Chap. 17.2 and 18.3 Chap. 17 18. Chap. 17.4 Mat. 7.14 Luke 16.15 Heb. 3.2 5 6. Deut. 18 18 19 Heb. 8. ● Chap. 10.9 Chap. 8 1●2 Act. ● 48 1 Cor. 1.26 27 28 29. 1 Thess. 2.16 Act. 13.51 Mat. 10.14 15. Rev. 17.6 Chap. 18.24 Joh. 16.2 See the Confession of faith printed in March 1659. and since reprinted and presented to his Majesty Rom. 14.12 Mat. 28.18 Let no man think of men above that which is written 1 Cor. 4 6. Acts 4.19.20 As Dioclesian Euseb. 8. Book 3. Chap. Luke 14.27 Rev 7.14 15. Jam. 1.12 Act. 14.32 2 Tim. 2.11.12 Rom. 14.12 Josh. 24.15 Act. 18.12 13 14 15 16. But in that he suffered So●thenes to be beaten he did not well it being a civil injury Luke 9.44 45 46. Mat. 10.14 Act. 13.51 As the dividing Inheritances c. Isa. 8.20 Mat. 20.25 1 Pet. 5.2 3. 2 Cor. 5.20 1 Cor. 4.12 13 2 Cor. 6. from 3. ● to the 10. Heb. 11.30 37 38. Mat. 13. J. T. Supplem p. 29. l. 32. Rom. 2.16 Rev. 20.12 So many as have lived where the word of the Gospel comes Mat. 13.29 Act. 3.17 In Europe As Ier. Taylor now Bishop of Down in his Liber of Proph. Sect. 6. at large proves Mat. 26.26 27. 1 Cor. 11.24 25. 1 Cor. 14.19 Benedict the Silvest 3. Gregory 6. Fo● Acts and Monuments vol Page 188. Acts 24.5 12. Chap. 17.6.7 Mat. 7.12 Annales of Eliz. written by Camden Pa●●●●k Page 20. As in France Pag. 81. of his Book Mat. 7.1 2. As at this day Rev. 18.6 7 8 9. vers 11.23 vers 13. vers 4. Mat. 18.17 Mat ●● 1 Kings 18.17 Chap. 22.6.17 * 400 False Prophets must eat bread at Iezebels table when Micaiah must have bread and water of afflict Ier. 8.4 5 6. As it hath been In our day 1 Thes. 1.9 2 Pet. 3.9 Acts 17.31 1 Cor. 4.5 1 King 12.16 ●7 21. 1 Kings 14.10.11 Chap. 11.38 Psal