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earth_n king_n lord_n see_v 5,758 5 3.8905 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02875 The general pardon geuen longe agone, and sythe newly confyrmed, by our almightie Father, with many large priuileges, grauntes, and bulles graunted for euer, as it is to be seen hereafter: drawne out of Frenche, into English. By VVyllyam Hayvvard. Hayward, William, fl. 1570-1576. 1570 (1570) STC 13012; ESTC S116534 6,407 26

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The General Pardon geuen longe agone and sythe newly confyrmed by our Almightie Father with many large Priuileges Grauntes and Bulles graunted for euer As it is to be seen hereafter Drawne out of Frenche into English By VVyllyam Hayvvard ¶ JMPRINTED at London by VVyllyam Hovv for VVyllyam Pickeringe The General Pardon Alpha omega Primus Nouissimus Pontifex Maximus IESVS our onely deare and welbeloued Sonne by our euerlastinge and heauenly wil Emperour of the heauens Kynge of all the Earthe Prince of the Seas Lorde and gouernour of Hell and all infernall and deepe places and generally of all the whole worlde seeyng and perceuyng the nomber of his people and subiectes to decrease day by day by through the continual Warres that he heretofore hath had at this present still hath aswell against the Turkes Painims ▪ and 〈◊〉 Iewes as also against the ●e … s Papists unfaithfull Idolators 〈◊〉 ●orgers of sundry sectes as Anabaptists Arians and Libertines with al the rest of the rotten rable of his ●●ste greate●● enemies bothe to 〈◊〉 Crowne● Law He consideryng his 〈◊〉 thus more more to decay if spedy and conuenient remedie were not had on his behalfe after that he had shewed forth with vnto vs this his busy affayres required vs here vpon to giue and graunt a greate and vniuersall generall full and free Pardon and remission to al such persons of what age state or condition so euer they be that will enroule enter them selues into his bande to serue him to cast forth of his landes and Territories all suche kinde of people as resist his lawes and Decrees as wel to conuince al such by the most sharpe and cutty sworde of liuely and forsible worde as also if neede requier by the helpe of our seculer arme and Minister our deputed liuetenant I mean the Magistrate Wee therefore consyderyng these thinges and wholy desyringe in our mindes the whole and entire augme●●●tion and enlargement of the Realmes of our dere wel beloued sonne Iesus and also to continew and holde sith the mutuall amite that was begon between vs before the beginnyng of the worlde And also more and more to encrease and further the same Haue opned all the tresury of our heuenly Palace to the furniture and setting forward of the same Geuyng ordaynyng suffering this our publike Pardon to be 〈◊〉 to euery estate and commaunde by these 〈◊〉 … s to 〈◊〉 and publi●● 〈◊〉 same through al the world according to the Bull by vs geuen hereafter folowyng Alpha Omega Esay 14. b. 44 b. Apoca. 1. b. 22. e. ¶ The fyrst and the last of this name to all faythfull Christians health and heauenly benediction Amen WEe knowing many great hainous misorders and abuses to haue been doone and yet dayly be done in the Territories Landes and Lordeships of our welbeloued sonne Iesus Infidels Idolatours and peruers sects of perdition vnder the shadow and sygne of Religion and holynesse to the greate breche of his holy lawes and statutes beside the infinitelesse and 〈◊〉 of his va … es 〈◊〉 ●ubiectes of ou● great power and ●●ctoritee and force pe … to the same as well in his owne Realms as generally through the whole worlde to cause to crie and Proclamation to be made to publishe to euery one this great and generall Bull and Pardon by force of these presentes whereto wee wil that no lesse faith therto be ioigned then such as is alowed by vs from the beginning Commaundynge further on payne of Excommunication and euerlastynge curse all Preachers to whom our letters shal be offered to reade the same and openlie to publishe and Preache our Decree amonge all people and euery nation Also to specifie to the hearers the great Priuileges pardons and Indulgences that wee haue graunted for euer to all suche as shall employ their labours to conuert others them selues to be apte vasicles of the same right dere and welbeloued Sonne Iesus of whiche Priueledges benefites and Pardons the true tenour foloweth ¶ Libertie to Reade the holy Bible in euery Language FIrst all euery person what estate soeuer he be which shall or will enrowle them or be of the bande of our beloued sonne shall and may lawfully haue in theyr houses cary abrode with them reade priuately or publikely by day by night and at all times a booke called the Byble conteyning the Olde and New Testament And to haue the same as well in Frenche Italian Spanish Hiealmayn Duch and English 〈…〉 as w … 〈…〉 or La●●n So that it shall be fitte for euery nation to haue the same in his vulgar tongue or in any other language whiche he best vnderstandes or wherein he hath most pleasure All a●●●●ery fonde and abu … 〈…〉 … ing to haue or reade the same heretofore notwithstanding For the forbiddynge to reade to haue or to keepe the same Booke in any vulgar language was doone by the diuelish deuise of diuers destroyers by the perswasion of haynous Hypocrites subtil seducers idel Idolaters and peruers Papistes as if wee should once haue willed onely to haue had our lawes red and defended forbiden to marke or vnderstand the same and therfore to signifie further wee geue full free Pardon of all syns remited or not remitted for seing that al such read not the holy booke in vayne but that they rule their life gouern themselues theirs to the vttermost of their powers accordyng to the rules auctorites comprised in this saide booke without bending either to the right hand or the leaft Casting apart all mens tradicions touching the rule of soules yea what aparans of holynes soeuer they haue as well by doing of mirackels as other wise for wee do vtterly abhorre all the same yet although our most cheefest seruan● 〈…〉 … sters medled there 〈…〉 ¶ Authoritie to 〈…〉 ALso euery pe … 〈…〉 truely and d … 〈…〉 shall admonish 〈…〉 the people to liue 〈…〉 tenor a●● onely 〈…〉 ●●stitutions and 〈…〉 conteined in the sa … 〈…〉 out aledging an … 〈…〉 in their prechyng 〈…〉 then such as by o … 〈…〉 … ment wil haue f … 〈…〉 … ten before the holy 〈…〉 … ture All suche sh … 〈…〉 vertue of these pre … 〈…〉 … ly and without ga … 〈…〉 contradiction go … 〈…〉 through the whol … 〈…〉 generall Pardon 〈…〉 Gospell of our we … 〈…〉 Iesus forbidding 〈…〉 〈…〉 estate or condition 〈…〉 … emperish or hynder 〈…〉 … is their busynesse 〈…〉 … ery of them wyll 〈…〉 vs at the day of 〈…〉 … s then and there 〈…〉 our heauy disple … 〈…〉 to fine for theyr 〈…〉 … al reward them 〈…〉 … sentes wee wyll 〈…〉 … e that in all places 〈…〉 shall so Preache 〈…〉 that they haue 〈…〉 to liue acordingly 〈…〉 … ose a Ghostly father 〈…〉 … se that heretofore 〈…〉 by these lawes 〈…〉 bounde constray … 〈…〉 … o confesse their sins