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A14448 Here begynneth the lyf of saint katherin of senis the blessid virgin; Vita di S. Catarina da Siena. English Raymond, of Capua, 1330-1399.; Elizabeth, of Hungary, Saint, 1207-1231, attributed name.; Elizabeth, of Toess, Saint, 1297-1338, attributed name. 1500 (1500) STC 24766.3; ESTC S109658 218,906 188

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on longe that one of Elysabeth felowes passed forthe where she prayde whome saint Elysabeth gretely blamynge sayde full sharpely to her Wherto gooste thou now hyther and thider this tyme before my face And began as it were to menace her wyth wordes and sygnes Thenne whan she was passed our lady the blessyd mayde sayde to Elysabeth Crysty● seruaunt ¶ O doughter loo who that thou art pet a foole and vndescrete that ●plyest thy●● herte to ony worldely thynges whyle thou ha●t me presente with ye. ¶ Therfore vse nowe my presence this nyghtfor o● specy all grace I am sentefro my sonne to the that thou aske sekerly what the lyketh And I wolde answere instedfastenesse to the all thyng that thou askest ¶ Neueryelesse for thou applyed thyne herte to the de de of thy ●olowed reproued here vndiscely I wold gyue to the penaunce that ▪ in no wyse thou go agayn to thy bed this nyght ne I thynke not to shewe the somme thyng now the whiche I wolde haue sayd yf thou hadde not offended my presence whan that nyght was passed and. daye was come Elysabeth began to make moche sorowe and gretely to be tormēted for the offence she hadde done in the nyght afore to the mageste of the glory ouse virgyne as it is sayd aboue ¶ And she drede gretely lest she myght neuer after recouer suche a grace and so grete a comforte To whos preuy thougt the blessyd mayde answeryd aperyng to hyr ef●sones and sayd Drede the not doughter ne tormente the not wyth foly doubtyng for wantyng of me for thy trespas that is passyd for why thy trespas is nowe for gyueng to the by thy penaunce and I am now come to the that thou aske what the lyketh for I am redy to gyue the answere of althynges as I bydde the ¶ To whome Saynt Elysabeth sayd I praye you lady that ye say me what steryd you forto aske of our lord that he wold lette you of hys specyall grace seen that mayde borne of the whiche hys ●one sholde be borne ¶ And she answerd on a day whan I hadde comforte of god so wonderfull that vnto that tyme ▪ I was not experte of none suche and came agayne to myself I beganne to thynke and desyre wyth wyll full brennyng herte yf I myght doo onythyng or haue in me for the whiche god wolde lette me neuer parte from hym And whan I thought thus I rose vp and went to a book and beganne to rede in it And the fyrst o●enyng of the booke came before my syght the worde of Esaye the prophete Ecce virgo concip●et et pariet ●●●●um ct ¶ That is Loo a mayden shall conceyue and bere a sonne c● And as I bethought me thynkyng that maydenhode pleased moche to god Sythe he wolde hys sonne sholde be borin of a mayde thenne I purposed in my herte for the reuerence of hym to kepe maydenhode yf it befyll me to see hy● for to serue hy● in maydenhede all my lyf tyme. And yf it nedyd for to goo wyth her through a● the worlde After this the nexte nyght folowyng whyles I prayed wyth deuocyon of soules besought god that he wold let me see the mayde before or I deyede sodeȳly whan I was in derkenes soo moche bryghtenesse appered to me before my syght that in comparyson of it the sonne was as nought and fro that shynnge I herde a voyce clereli seyeng to me mayden of Dauyd kyured thou shalt bere my ●onne ¶ And he added therto wote thou certaynly that the same worshyp and reuerēce that thou desyred for to do to another mayden shall be done to the afore other I wyll for sothe that thou be that mayden the whiche shall here my sonne And the whiche not onely thou shal● haue hym by thy selfe ne in thy self but by lawe of matrymonye thou shalt may gyue hym to whome the lyketh and he shal not haue my grace ne my loue ne he shall ▪ not entre the kyngdome of my sonne that wyll not loue the and trowe the the moder of my sonns that shall take flesshe of ▪ the for helthe of mankynde And thou all one shalte may graunte to other of hys grace the whiche thou shalt receyue of me ¶ And whanne I herde thys wordes I was rauysshed of my selfe for moche drede and wonderyng and I fylle doun prostrate on my face as dede for I myghte not holde vp my selfe but sodeynly the Aungels of god stood by me reysyng me fro the erthe and comforted me and sayd● ¶ Drede the not for why thou arte blyssed aboue alle wommen and in the restyth goddes grace by the whyche all maye lyghtly be fullfylled that be sayde to the of oure lorde ¶ For that tyme forwarde I cessyd not to gyue louynges to my creature daye and nyght wyth herte mouthe and werke wyth stable and certayne trouthe abydynge the daye and the houre whan tho thynges sholde be fullfylled that were shewed to me of our lorde I sayd also oft sythtes wythin my selfe ¶ O mooste benygne lorde sythen yt lyketh the for to gyue soo grete grace to thyne vnworthy hādmayden ¶ I beseche the that thou gyue me the spyryte of wysdom that I mai worthely conceyue thy sonne maker of heuen and erthe and serue hym to pay ¶ The spyryte of vnderstondyng by the whiche I may wyth lyghtned soule fulfyll hys mekenes in as moche as is possyble in this worlde ¶ The spyryte of counseyll by the whyche I may kepe and gouerne hym as it besemeth whyle he is in hys chyldehode and wepyng of mannes Infyrmyte and not yet formyng wordes in spekyng ¶ The spyryte of strenthe by the whyche che I may wyth manly herte bere mynde the name of hys worthynesse and stedfastely cleue vnto hym ¶ The spyryte of conyng by the whyche I may enfourme all thoos that shalle haue to do wyth hym and that wyll folowe hym ¶ The spyryte of pyte by the whiche I may haue compassyon of hys swete man hede and of hys tender compleccion as it semeth for to haue ¶ And the spyryte of drede of god by whiche I may serue him wyth a meke soule and dewe reuerence ¶ All this thinges my dere doughter the whiche I asked were graunted to me as thou mayst vnderstonde by the Angellys salutacyon whiche I was haylled of Gabryell the Angell ¶ Another tyme as Elisabeth Cristys seruaunte stode in prayer and thought how moche grace god hadd done to the glorious vyrgyn mary ¶ She apperyd to hir and sayd my doughter thou thynkest that I hadde so moche grace wythout traueylle of my creatour but it is not soo out take the grace of halowynge in my mods wombe ¶ All other grace I hadde wyth moche trauell of soule and body contynually prayeng daye and nyght wyth fulle brennyng desyre and wepyng wyth full bytter mornyng and euer thynkyng spekyng and workyng that I trowed were moste plesyng to my creatour Eschewing wyth souerayne kepyng me fro
all offenses of hym ye were it neuer so lytyll and. thenne she sayd haue thou for certayne doughter that noo moystour of pleasyng deuocyon or gyfte of grace or vertu descēdyth ꝑfytely from god in to mannes herte but by deuoute prayer of soule and sharpe bodely traueyll ¶ For after that a mā perfytely offereth to god two mytes the whiche he hath that is his soule and his body and ordeyneth hym to his seruyse and honoure oure lorde god of hys hyghe graces begynneth to gladde that mannes sowle in soo moche that he n ay not bere it but for swetnes and for wondryng it fareth as it were in hit self as a man that were dronke of swete wyne and myghty putte out of hym selfe that may not bere it for feblynes of hede And thenne that soule knowed that she hath noo thyng doun pleasyng to god for to haue soo grete comforte before And she holdeth more vnder vyle and more worthy dyspyte thenne euer she helde hyr before but afterwarde whanne suche a soule torneth ageyne to hyr self she yeldeth thankynges and louynges to god wyth deuocyon and affeccyon of wyll and woldeth hir vnworthy of grace And wyth moche drede storeth hyr selfe as vnkynde ageynste soo greate a benefactour And god seyeng hyr euer waxe more meke thorught the gyftes that she receyueth he took more hede to gyue hyr moogyftes of grace in soo moche that as it were that he fulfylled hyr desyre in this worlde Soo that hyr thynketh that hyr dwellyng is in heuen wyth god and not in erthe wyth men here and thynked also that she hath paradyse in hyr self Soo I knowleche that it befyll wyth me whyle I lyued in erthe and whanne I was alle brennyng in goddes loue and felyd soo moche swetenes in hym that for hym alle the worlde was vyle to me Ones whan I was a lone wyth deuocyon in my preuy chambre Loo sodeynly the Aungell Gabryell stood by me and as the Gospell seyth sheylled me and sayde Aue gracia plena c. Off the whiche salutacyon whanne I herde it fyrst I was fer●e but afterwarde that I was comfor●ed wyth hys holy and swete speche and made seker not doubtyng thyse thynges to be sothe that he shewed I fyll to the erthe and knelynge wyth my hondes ioynde I honoured and sayde Ecce ancilla domini fiat michi secundum verbum tuum That is to saye Loo here the seruaunt of god be it done to me after thy worde The whiche worde sayd anone I was rauysshed and in soo grete fulnesse of goddes grace enbasshed me that I neuer felte soo moche swetenesse and comforte in my soule And in that rauysshyng goddes sonne took flesshe of my puryst blood wyth oute ony wem of me or 〈◊〉 delyte The cause why god dede this grace to me was feyth and mekenes wyth whiche I troweth in fulfeyth the Aungellys wordes and meked me and dressed me all to goddes wyll And therfore he wouchesaue to gyue me soo moche grace And soo thou my doughter in alle thynges that god heteth or dothe to the haue thou not in mistrowyng ne yenstōd hym not seyeng lord why doest thou this to me But by exsample of me saye Ecce ancilla domini c. And ony tyme be not fulfylled as it is hyght to the or ellys it is taken fro the that was gyuen to the of god Blame thy owne self and thynke that thou hast done somme trespas before the syghte of goddes mageste for the whiche goddes sentence is chaunged for he hath wyll to purchace the lyf wythouten ende he nedeth to be buxom of herte to the commaundementes and loue hym self to god by veray mekenesse and obedyence for the contrayous of tho synnes pryde and Inobedyence of our fore faders Adam and Eue for the whiche they lost the grace and the dygnyte that they were made in ¶ Ouer that thenne in another tyme on the vygyle of the natyuyte of oure lorde whan Elysabeth Crystys seruannt was duryng in longe prayer and asked mekely of god wyth moche de●ocyon and fallyng of terys that he wolde gyue hyr grace by the whiche ●he myght loue hym wyth all hyr herte The blyssed mayden was besyde and sayd to hyr who is he that loueth god wyth all hys herte whe●e it be the Elysabeth And whan she d●ede to af●erme and sayd that she loued god wyth all hyr herte And therfore she was styll and answerd noo thyng thenne the blessyd mayde sayd to hyr wolde thou that I say who loueth god perfytly For certeyn Bartholomew thapostle loued hym well Laurence the ma●tyr Johan the Euan gelyst and other apostles and martyrs And therto she sayd woldest thou for the loue of hym ben slayn rostyd or drynk venym And whan she durst not afferme ne denye that she wolde suff●e this thynges for the name of cryst Thenne the blyssed mayden sayd In stedfastnesse I say the doughter yf thou wold for loue of god be spoyled of all worldly thynges and garmentes of thy now mynde or wyll soo that thou wyll noo thyng haue ne ●oueyte in this world I wyll procure to the of my sonne the mede that Bartholomew hath for his fleyeng and yf thou be●● paciently wronges and reproues and all maner of wronges born of the thou shalte haue the mede that Laurence had for the rostyng of his body And whan thou art reproued soorned and se●●● at nought of other yf thou be●e it gladly and mekely thou shalt haue the mede that Johan the Euangelyst had for the drynkyng of venyme And yf thou wolde be t●ewe to me and be buxom to me I wolde be nyghe to the to fulfyll all that is sayd before I wold be wyth the euer helpyng the whan it is spedfull to the. Ouer that another tyme as saynt Elysabeth prayed and in hir prayeng she thought wyth deuocyon of sowle and in what wyse the blyssed mayde prayed as she had shewed hyr as it is sayde before The blyssed mayde answerd hyr In prayeng doughter I dyde as he that wyll newe make a fayre well fyrst he gothe to the roote of the hyll vnder whiche the water spryngeth and herken●th besyly vn● what syde the veynes of water gothe whan he sought hym by herkynge thenne he begynneth to delue in that syde of the hyll tyll he fynde an able begynnyng of a welstede fro the spryngyng veynes and afterward he dressyth water in to the well stede the whiche he maketh large and fayre and clene After that he maketh a wall all about the well and in the myddes of the well a stone pylar fastned in it pypes all aboute thorugh the whiche the water may passe out of eche half more prop●●tably to the vse of men This dyd I ghostely for thenne wente I to the hyll where I besyly herkened and lerned the lawe of moyses and all the x commandementes Thenne fonde I the veyne of water whan I lerned in redyng thynkyng and prayeng that the wellhede begynnynge
and counseyll And whan that she came to seuen yere age she took grete auysemente as though she hadde be of sadnesse of xx yere of age and contynuelly she prayed our lady quene of aungels and virgynes that she wolde wouchesauf to helpe hyr and gete hyr of our lord a parfyte waye to the techynge of the holy ghoost where by she myght doo that were moost plesynge to god and moste spedefulle for helthe of hyr sowle And in eche prayer euer she shewed hyr desyre to our lady how sore she desyred to lyue an aungelslyf and in the lyf of virgynytee And in alle thys tyme the loue of the euerlastyng spouse was more feruent fro day to day in thys maydens herte whyche loue steryd alle hyr sowle wyth oute ony cessyng vnto an heuenly liuynge And whan thys wyse mayde sawe how feruent her spyryte was in that desyre by cause she wolde not quenche the spiryte whiche that freely and gracyously hadde graunted that she asked by a hote kyndelyng of desyre Vpon a day thanne she chose hyr a preuy place where noo body myght here hyr and where she myght speke alle a lowde wyth a hygh voys what euer she wolde saye there wyth all lownesse of body and sowle Thus spak she to our lady and sayde O moost blyssedfull Lady and moost holy vitgyne whyche fyrste amonge alle wymmen thou halowedest for euer thy virgynytee to our lord wyth makyng to hym a vowe of whome thou were made moder of hys onely sone Thy pyte whyche may not be spoke ne tolde of tongue lowely I beseche and praye that be none of my merytes notwythstondyng myn vnworthynesse wouches auf gracyous lady to do me so moche grace that thou me spouse to hym onely whome I desyred wyth all the strengthes of my sowle and that is thyn holy sone my lord Ihesu cryste and here I make to hym to the fulle promysse that I shall neuer take other spouse and I shall kepe to hym my virgynyte vndefowled after my myghte poure Loo maydens that rede thys Loo vere ye may se how ordynatly alle the yeftes and vertuous werkyng and dedys of thys holy mayde were dysposed and ordeyned by that euerlastyng wysdome whyche myghtely dysposeth alle thynges in softnes In the age of syy yere she sawe hir spouse wyth hyr bodely eye and took of hym hys blyssynge In the age of seuen yere she made a vowe of virgynyte Taketh hede also by what auysement and what ordre she kepte in makyng hyr auowe ¶ Fyrste she desyred and askyd to haue hym to hyr spouse whome hyr sowle louyd After that desyre and askyng she forsoke euery maner spouse behotyng to hym trouth and feyth for euer lastynge Thys petycyon myght not be denyed Taketh hede also whome she prayeth and for whom she prayed and how she prayeth Fyrste she prayeth that lady whyche hath properly inacte the lyberalytee and the fredome of alle graces and can not but euer graunte and yeue grace Be a man neuer so fowle for synne she holdeth hyr selfe dettour to alle bothe to wyse and to vnwyse She despyseth none she opened her hande to eche man that hath nede and stretched out hyr pawmes to eche poure man and sheweth out hyr self to all folke as a well that neuer faylled How sholde that gracyous lady not here that lytell mayde so Innocent and feruent whyche puttyth not awaye from hyr grace synfull men and women of elder age How sholde not our gloryous lady receyue the purpose of virgynyte of that holy mayde whyche gracyously fyrste amonge men founde out the holy clene lif of virgynytee How sholde our mercyfull and pyteuous lady denye thys lytell mayde hyr sone whyche drewe hym from heuen to the erthe for he sholde be gyue to alle that belyued on hym Now ye haue seen whom thys mayde prayed Sithe now I praye thou for whom she prayed She askyd that same whiche he him self taughte for to aske whyche is asked She sought that same whyche he byddeth alle men to seke that shall be sought And he hym self that shalle be sought may not put awaye ne put of And the petycyon of suche a thynge must nedys haue graūte after our lordes promyse where he sayde Askyth and ye shall haue Speketh and ye shall fynde He sayde also in another place Fyrste sekyth the kyngdome of god and hys ryghtwysnesse Therefore whanne thys mayde and so besely sought soo tymely in so tender chyldys age the sone of god whyche is hym selfe the kyngdome of god How or what manere myght it be but that she sholde fynde what she soughte or haue that she askyd Ferthermore now seeth in what manere she prayed or asked that she desyred and ye shalle clerely see that hyr prayer myghte not be doon awaye ne voydyd She dysposed hyr selfe to receyue that she askyd not onely for the tyme that now is but for alle the tyme that is to come She remeuyd alle hyr obstacles she clothed hyr wyth a plesable clothynge of pouerte to hym for euer of whome she askyd hyr desyre She bonde hyrself and oblysshed hyr wyth a solempne vowe as to fore god And soo straytely restrayned hyr selfe that neuer the world ne the fende sholde lette hyr dysposycyon In alle thys tyme ther faylled hyr no condycyons whyche a prayer sholde haue but that prayer muste nede be herde that she asked for hyr self she asked fulle mekely that was helthefull that was alle helthe feythfully she stood and stedfastely and to represente hyr perseueraūce She made a perpetuell vowe where by she remeuyd alle that shold be obstacle for hyr petycyon Here may ye sekerly conclude that nedys she moste be herde of our lord thynketh thenne sekerly that as she asked soo she resceyued of our lorde And took hyr lorde and hyr loue for hyr euerlastyng spouse of hys blysfulle moder as she desyred and bi helpe of that gloryous lady she was coupled for euer to hyr dere sone by a perpetuell vowe of virgynyte as it shall be proued wyth the helpe of our lord by a clere token in the last chapytre of this fyrst partye But now ferthyrmore ye shall knowe that after thys vowe thys mayde began euery day to wexe more holy and holy And in that tender age she began to take batayll wyth hyr flesshe whyche as yet began neuer to be rebell But for all that she purposed to take a waye from hyr flesshe all flesshly mete as moche as she myghte Wherfore whanne flesshe was leyde to hyr as it fylle ofte eyther she leyde it to Stephen hyr brothyr or preuely lytyll and lytyll she voyded it that no body sholde perceyue it She contynued alwaye hyr dysplyens of whyche I spake a fore and encresed hem more sharpely eyther allone by hyr self or wyth other yonge maydens Also a grete wele of othyr sowles helthe began to be kyndelyd in hyr and that was wonderfull in suche a chyldes herte and syngulerly she loued
thynges of your self it shall make you pacient in aduersyt● and temperate in prosperyte And sette you namely in all honeste of vertue And it shall also make you loued ●oi●●e god and man ¶ A a now is that a paynfull sowle and full of woo that hath not this blysse For where that suche holy hate is not ther is moche vnordynate loue the whyche is the stynkyng thorroke and canell of all synne and the cause and the rote of all euill concupyscence Al suche and lyke wordes this hooly Mayde comyned daye by daye wyth suche drede in commendyng of holy hate of synne and in despysyng of vnordynate loue ¶ But whan euer she perceyued that ony defaute of synne or of synne ī many creature that comyned with her or in ony other Anon she wolde be styred to compassyon and sayde Loo brethern loo susteren the cause of this tr●spaas and this synne is nothyng ellys but an vnordynate loue of your self The whiche vnordynate loue is norysshed of pride and of all vices ¶ Doth all your besynes for the loue of god to put●e awaye suche vnordynate loue of your owne self oute of your owne hertes And planteth therin holy hate of synne for certeyn that is the ryght waye of perfection and amendement off all synne ¶ Loo maydens how well thys hooly maydes doctryne accordeth to the wordes of Saynt Poule where he sayd thus Quod virtus ī infirmitate perficitur That is vertu is made parfyghtly ī sekenes and febylnes and that was whā he prayed to our lord to remeue awaye his temptacions To whome oure lorde answerd and sayde thus ¶ Sufficit tibi paule gracia mea That is it is Inow to the paule myn grace that is for to hate synne and wythstonde it Thenne brake out saynt Paule and saide ¶ Libenter gloriabor in infirmitatibus meis vt inhabitet in me virtus cristi That is I shal gladly be Joyefull in minsekenes and febylnes by laborynge in hatyng and vnderstondyng of synne that the vertu and the grace therof maye be inhabyted in myn sowle See ye not now how thyse holsom doctrynes of this holi mayde ben grounded vpon a stedfast stone of trouthe the whiche stone is Cryst In as moche as they acorden wyth holy wrytynges of doctours Thus endeth this Chapytre ▪ but I praye you al that shall rede it or here it that they mekely consydere the meryte and the deserte of this holy mayde whan oure lorde vou chesaf to enforme her in vertu by his owne proper persone ▪ And also that wolde gyue credence wythouten ony othe to her wordes For he was a faythfull doctour that taught her And thus I make an ende of this chapytre ¶ Of the merueylous victorye of temptacions by another maner doctryne gyue vnto our lord and of a famylyaryte and holynes whiche she hadde wyth oure lorde whiche hath not be herde to fore Capitulum xi IFynde wryten that whan kynge Salamon hadde doon make and reysed vp a toure for to kepe the Cyte of Jherusalem fro enemyes The kynge of Babylone was wood wyth all and reysed vp an host for to destroye that toure yf he myght Assone as kinge Salamon perceyued that he wold come wyth an hoste for to destroye that toure He ordeyned to be made merueyllous stronge wallys rounde aboute the toure so myghtely and soo myghty walles that whan euer they came to assayle it wyth ony maner of shotte their dartes sholde merueylously turne agayn and wounde or slee the hoste ¶ Ryght soo the kynge of Babylone that is the kynge of pryde and enemye of peas the fende of ghostely enemye consyderyng that kynge Salamon auctor and conseruatour or keper of peas hadde reysed vp an hyghe vertuous toure the whiche was this holy mayde Katheryn to the defens of Jherusalem that is holy chyrche dredyng therby feste she sholde be cause of many creatures helthe as she was in dede both by good ensamples of lyuyng and also by her holy doctryne he waxed wood wyth her and tourned to her wyth all the spyryte of hys malyce for to destroye her wyth many thousande whyles But almyghty god that mercyable and peasyble lord suffred that to be done for to encrece the victoryous blessed endeles crowne of his spouse therto he strengthed her ouer all wyth myghty ghostely armour for to ouercome hym so that she wan̄ more of vertue in tyme off her batayle by ouercomynge of the temptacyons Thenne she dyde in tyme off peas whylys she was wythout temptacions and soo all the fende whyles tourned agayn shamefully to hym self Oure lord enspyred her to aske him bi prayers for to haue the vertu of ghostely strengthe wherfore she prayed many dayes and longe tyme At the laste after suche longe and deuoute prayer our lorde vocheūsaufe to here her Gracyously and taught her in this wyse sey●ng thus Doughter yf thou wilt gete the vertu of ghostely strengthe thou muste folowe me all be it that I myght by myn goodly vertu ouercome all the power of the fendes by many maner wayes of ouercomyng ¶ Yet for to gyue you ensample by my manhede I wolde not ouercome hym but only by takyng of dethe vppon the crosse that ye myght be taught therby yf ye wolde ouercome your ghostely enemyes for to take the crosse as I dide the whiche crosse shall be to you a grete refresshyng in all your temptacyons yf ye haue mynde of the paynes that I suffred there vpon of temptacyons And certeyne the paynes of the crosse may well be called refresshyng of temptacion For the more payne ye suffre for myn loue the more lyke ye bee to me in passyon nedes ye muste be lyke to me in Joye ¶ Therfore for myn loue doughter suffre pacyētly bytter thynges and none swete thynges And doughter in none wise for thou shalt be stronge enough● for to suffre alle thynges pacyently ▪ ¶ Whan this holy mayde hadde herde this holy lesson she foryate it nought but bare it euer quykly in her mynd And euer afterward hadde Joye and delyte in trybulacions soo ferforthe that there was noo thynge in erthe soo grete refresshyng to her as was passiōs and trybulacyons For by swete sufferaunces of trybulacions she wyste well that her crowne encresyd in the blesse of heuen ¶ After tyme that kynge Salamon oure lorde Jhesu Cryste kynge of heuen ande of erthe hadde armed hys blessyd toure this maydes sowle by swete myghty and holsom doctrynes he suffred enemyes to come and preue that toure yf they myght by ony waye or wyse destroye it ¶ The kynge of Babylone oure ghostely enmye the fende wyth alle hys cursyd companye come and byseged thys blessyd toure thorugh the sufferaunce of god rounde aboute wyth many wretchid temptacions ¶ But fyrst he began to assayle this mayde by flesshely temptacions whom not oonly he tempted by thoughtes withinforthe ne by yllusyons and fantasyes in her slepe but by opyn vysyons wakynge bothe in seyeng and herynge and seyng ¶ He tempted her
of Sene toke leue of her confessour as as chylde of obedyens and wente to that monastery there she laye whom folowed her susters and Mayster Reymoūd for to see what myracle our lord and almyghty god wolde shewe in metyng to gyder of peas two gloryous vyrgyns maydens and his chosen spouses Whan she was come to the monastery she wente to the same place there she laye knelyd doune and began to bowe her hede for to kysse that holy vyrgyns feet wyth that bowyng doun the holy vyrgyns body off gloryous Agnes lyfte vp by myracle her owne foote as hye that the holy mayde katheryn of Sene shold kysse it wythout ony bowyng of her body or hede This myracle sawe all the susters of the same monasteryeland also the susters off penaunce wyth this holy mayde katheryne of Sene. Whan the holy mayde katheryne of Sene perceyued this she was the more meke and bowed the lower And than this holy mayde and vyrgyn saint Agnes drewe doune her legge agayn her fete and layde it as it was fyrste Another tyme this holy mayde katherin of Sene came agayn to vysyte the swete holy body of this holy mayde saynt Agnes and brought wyth her two cosyns of here 's yonge mayde chyldren for to make thē●usters in that monastery there for to serue oure lord almyghty god And whan she was come ▪ to the monasterye She went there the swete holy body lay of gloryous saint Agnes and knelyd not at the feet as she dyde the fyrst tyme but at the holy hede eschewyng mekely as it semed the eleuacion of her holy feet as it was doo fyrst And as she knelyd at her hede she layde her cheke to the swete cheke of this holy mayde gloryous Agnes lōge tymes to gyders But whā she had so longe taryed she tourned her to her cosyn Lysa the whiche came wyth her and other moo of her susters and saide in this wyse Lysa why perceyue ye not the gyfte off our reuerende lord almyghty god hath gyue to vs out of heuene why bee ye soo vnkynd wyth that Lysa and other susters of heres loked vp and sawe manna reyne doun out of heuen couerynge both gloryous saynt Agnes and the holy mayde katheryn of Sene And also other that stode aboute Soo that Lysa fylled her hondes wyth that same whyte seed of manna ¶ This myracle appieryd not wythout●n cause For gloryous saynt Agnes whan she lyued in erthe was wounte to haue that token out of heuen whan she prayed to our reuerend lorde almyghty god Soo that somme of her susters sawe ●er mantell alle whyte whan she wos vp fro her prayer and vnknowyng what it myght be and wold haue shake it awaye from her mantyll and she forbode it theym full esely And also it was doo for another mystery ▪ Glorious saynt Agnes knewe well that this holy mayde katheryne of Sene sholde be felawe wyth her in heuen And therfore she began to felyshyppe wyth her in erthe and worshyppe her also wyth that token that was wonte to appe re to her whan she lyued in her body By that manna is vnderstonde puryte and mekenes for by wytnes of that manna is vnderstonde puryte and clennes of maydenhede by the lytelnesse of greyne of that man̄a is vnderstonde of the mekenes of maydens that they sholde haue That puryte and that mekenesse was ryght haboundaunt in thyse two maydens saynt Agnes and this holy mayde Katheryne off Sene As for that wytnesse of the myracles I shewed in this chapytre was Lysa aud other susters of hers and also susters of the same monasterye where thyse myracles weren shewed Ouermore as for wytnesse touchyng the myracles off the hooly sacrament of the aulter was mayster Reymond her confessour and another mayster of dyuynyte the whiche was called Berthylmewe and other mo many moo myracles our glorious lord almyghty god shewed by his holy mayde katheryne and by this holy mayde saynt Agnes whyles they lyued here in erthe the whiche ben not writen in this boke but that is wryten herinne is wryten to the worshyppe of our gloryous lord god and helthe of soulys And thus I make an ende of this chapytre of this hooly legende of this holy mayde glorious saint Katheryne of Seene to the honour worshyppe and glorye of all the gloryous trinyte Cui referantur laudes honor et gloria in secula seculorum Amen ¶ Explicit secunda pars gloriosissime vite gloriosissime virginis Katerine de Seene ¶ Here begynneth thr thyrde boke and party wherin is rehersed the deyenge off this holy mayde gloryous saynt katheryne of Sene and of her myracles that were shewed after her dethe And fyrst of all of the wytnesse whiche were presēt at her passyng and enformed the auctor of this boke whiche and what they were Capitulum Primum WHan this hooly mayde katherine of Sene was sente to the Cyte of Florens by our holy Fader Gregory xj the whiche was that tyme pope off Rome as it is rehersed afore in the seconde party for to make peas betwyne oure hooly fader the pope and his children of Florence she founde theym vnobedyent rebell where amonges whom she suffred moche persecucion in soo moche that one of them drewe his swerde wolde haue smyten of her hede so woode he was wyth her all be it thought he were letted by the vertu of our glorious lord almighti god And yet notwythstondyng suche persecucion she wolde neuer goo thens vnto the tyme that peas was cryed thorugh out all the Cyte of Florence And that was not by pope gregorys dayes for he dyed in the mene tyme ▪ but it was by pope vrbans tyme dayes the whiche was pope after hym in whos tyme the peas was made And after tyme the pope was made she went home agayne to the Cyte off Seene And bylefte in her owne hous ful dylygently aboute the making of a certayn boke the whiche the swte gloryous holy ghoste endyted by her mouth in her owne langage She prayed her wryters the whiche wrote the boke that thei sholde consydere besely that she telleth thē in tyme of her rauysshyng soo she bad theym wryte Thenne she wente and prayed and sone after she was rauysshed from her bodely wyttes and in that rauisshyng she spake many swehe wordes the whiche wordes the wryters wrote as she spake and soo compyled a boke full off profytable sentence as our swete gloryous for almyghty god tolde her In the whiche endytyng one special thynge and a merueylous was shewed And alle that was comprehended and wryten in the boke was endyted by her by dyuerse times in tyme of her rauysshyng and neuer ellys soo that in that same tyme that she was soo rauysshed she sawe none bodely syght wyth her eyen ne herde wyth her eeres ne swellyd wyth her nose ne none of her bodely wyttes neyther hadde her bodely workynge for that tyme that she was in that rauysshyng By this ye may
shall neuer cesse vnto the tyme thou arte oute of thys ●yf Thys she sente by letter to mayster Reymond and soo she contynued in that payne from the sondaye of septuagesme vnto the last daye of Apryll saue one day the whiche day she passed out of this world In the whiche tyme a meruaylloꝰ thyng happed hyr as she sayd wrote to mayster Reymond Cuery daye it befyll hyr of custome that she hadde the passyon on the syde that is callyd ●lyca passio and other moo vnto none tyme wherfore ofte tymes she desyred heryng of hyr masse and therfore euery daye by the morowe or thenne that the payne came vpon hyr she wente to Saynt Peters chyrche thorugh oute alle the lenten And soo herde hyr masse and abode there tyll euensong and thenne came home ageyne and laye hyr doune in hyr bedde In the whiche bedde whos hadde seen hyr he wolde haue sworne that she myghte neuer remeue hyr thens Yet on the next● mo●we she wse vp and wente eftsonys f●● a place that is called via pape in to Saynt Peters chirche soo fast that hyr Journey sholde haue made an hole man wery Thys she contynued all the lenten and wythin a fewe dayes after she laye styll in hyr bedd● and myght not remeue hyr thens for feblenes And at last oure lorde called hyr and she passyd out of thys worlde ¶ In the same daye that is rehersed afore aboute none dayes that is the nyne and twenty daye of Apryll the whiche was vpon a sondaye The yere of our lord a thousand thre hondred and foure s●ore In the whyche daye the feste of Saynt Peter the martyr of the ordre of the frece prechours was and is solempnysed in holy chyrche ¶ Many notable thynges were wroughte thenne in hyr passyng the whyche I lefte of in this chapytre for they shall be declared openly ynough by the helpe of god in the next chapytre thus endeth this chapytre ¶ How this mayde desyred for to be vnbounde fro the body and be wyth Cryste and that is prouyd by a deuote prayer that she made and is putte in the ende of another book whiche she mayde and what is in that book generally and short●ly is wryten in this book wyth the same oryson Capitulum ●ij WHanne the ende of the bodely lyf of this blyssed mayde Katheryn drewe faste vpon hyr oure lorde shewed a ioye to hyr in hyr passyng by dyuers tokens by the whiche ioy● and glorye he purposed to rewarde hys spouse after hyr labour and sykenes in heue● answeryng to the gyftes of grace that she receyued in erthe Among all other tokens by the whiche he shewed the perfeccyon of hyr ●owl● to all thoo that wolde consydere it was this That he quy● kened hyr desyr● euery daye more and more for to desyre to be●● vnbounde from the body and be wyth Cryst And for this skylle it was that she myght clerely and openly beholde in blysse ▪ That t●●uthe the whiche she sawe in this lyfe by a myrour of feyth The whiche desyre soo moche the more it encrecyth in hy● herte in as moche as the lyght aboue kynde shyned in hyr herde from heuen And therfore aboute a yere and a halfe afore or thenne she passyd out of this worlde Oure lorde shewed to hyr suche a cle●e knowyng of t●●uthe that she was constreyned to shewe it openly oute by wrytyng That was the cause why she prayed wryters as it is rehersed afore that whan they sawe hyr in rauysshyng they sholde be ●●dy to wryte that the whiche she sholde speke by the mouthe for that tyme and soo in a lytell tyme she compyled a book that conteyneth a maner of a dyaloge bytwene a soule axynge of oure lorde foure petycyons And oure lorde Ihesu Cryst answeryng to the same soule and enformyng it of many profytable trouthys In the last ende of whiche book two thynges ben sette that me semeth is nedefull for to reherse here as well for the grete profyte that rederys sholde fynde therin as for to declare this blyssed maydens desyre that she hadde soo perfyt●ly in hyr soule ¶ Neuerthelesse by cause noo body sholde mysdeme me wenyng that I wolde translate it other wyse thenne she sayd in hyr owne language therfore I purpose to translate it none other wyse thenne she sayde it worde by worde Tho two thynges by these Fyrst the recapytulacyon of the same book I sette in the ende the whiche rehersed shortly all tho thynges that ben dyffusely sette in the book afore The seconde is a prayer the whiche this holy mayde made whanne she hadde endyd hyr book by the whyche prayer is openly shewed what desyre she hadd● to be vnbounde and loosyd oute of hyr body and be wyth Cryst Afore the recapytulacyon thys holy mayde reherseth in the ende of the same ●oke that almyghty god the fader of oure lorde Ihesu Cryst spekyth to a soule atte ●●e ende of the dyaloges after tyme he hadde long tyme spoke afore of obedyence of perfyte folke in this wyse ¶ Now my welbeloued and dere doughter I haue made a sythe to thy desyre ●ro the begynnyng to the laste ende the whiche I haue made spekyng of obedyence For yf thou haue good mynde in the begynnyng thou axest me wyth a grete desyre of herte as I made the to axe that I sholde encrece the fyre of my charyte in thy soule Thou axest also foure petycyons of the whyche one was for thy selfe To the whiche petycyon I made a sethe to the by Illumynyng the whiche the lyght of my trouthe and shewyng to the alle the maner by the whiche maner by medytacyon of the lyght of feyth wyth knowele chyng of thy self and of me thou comes●e to the knoweleche of the trouthe The secounde petycyon that thou axest that I sholde to mercy wyth the worlde The thrydde petycion was for my mystery all body that is of my spouse holy chirche prayng me that I sholde wythdrawe all derkenesse of perfeccyon from hyr that she suffreth And thou axest that I sholde punysshe the wyckydnes of them vpon the. Therfore it was that I declared to the that no paynes fynyte or gyuen in tyme fynyte of it selfe allone maye make satysfaccyon for trespas doone ageynste me the whiche am god infynyte but it maketh a seeth well yf it be oned wyth contrycion of herte and desyre of ●oule The maner how it maketh dewe satysfacciō I declared to the yet euermore I answere to the that I wyll do mercy to the worlde shewyng to the that mercy is appropryd to me wherfore for the grete mercy and the vnestimable loue that I hadde to mankynde I sente myn only begoten sone for to declare more openly to the I lykenyd to a brydge that stretchy●● atteyneth from heuen to erthe and that is from the hede the whiche is made in hym by dyuyne nature and mankinde Also for to make the more clere by the lyght of my trouthe I shewed the how
haste gyue gyftes and make satysfactyon for thyn gyftes and answer for theym gyuyng to me a lyght of grace that thou maye yelde thankynge to the wyth the same lyght of grace Clothe me an make me that I maye bee arayed wythe thyn endeles trouthe that I maye renne this dedely waye wyth very obediens and wythg the lyght of the moost holyest teytn Loo maydens as nere as I myght and coude I haue translated worde for worde the wordes of the booke And prayer that this holy mayde of the whiche gyfte ye besely take hede ye maye wors●ippe the excellence of thys blessyd mayde not only as for her maner of ●yuyng but also for the doctryne of trouthe the whyche is ryght meruelous I sayde and namely of a woman ¶ Furthermore ye maye perceyue by thy se wordes that she desyred gretely to bee vnbounde of the body and be with cryste for she knewe and vnderstoode well that it was moche beter to be wyth cryst than to lyue in this lyf And therfore her desire euer encrecyd vnto the tyme she had fulli her desire and her full weddyng oned off the swete gloryous holy ghost the whiche was promytted vnto her in her yonge age whan she receyued of our gloryous lorde almyghty god the rynge of spousa●le as it is rehersyd afore in the laste chapytre of the fyrst party for in the nexte chapytre shall be declared how this holy mayde and virgyn passyd out of this world ¶ Of the tyme whan this h●oly mayde passed out of this world and of a sermen that she made to her ghoostely dy●●yples and susteren to ●ore ●er passyng ¶ ●nd how she enformed them in generall and. enspecyall how they sholde gouerne they whan she was goo ¶ And or a vy●y●n whiche was shewed to a matrone in the houre of passyng Capitu●um v WHanne this holy mayde perceyued and vnderstode by the reu●lacy●n that the houre or her dethe drewe nygh She drewe to her a● her ghostely dyscyples to whom she spa●e generally a longe notable sermon of exortacion to the encrece of vertu In the whyche exortacyon she expressyd somme certayn notabylytes the whiche I purpos to wryte in this boke ¶ The ●y●●te notable doctryne that she taughte was thys That whatso euer he bet at cometh to the seruyce of god Yf he wyll haue good t●e●ely it is nede●ull for hym that he make his herte naked from all sensyble loue not out of certayn persones but of euery creature what that euer he be than he hold stretche vp his soule to our reuerend lord maker symply wyth alle his desyre o●● his herte for an herte may not holy be yeuen to god but it be fre fro all other loue opyn symple wythout doub●lnesse soo she affermed of her selfe that it was alle her● principall labour besynes fro her yong age vnto the tyme euer for to come to that ꝑfection also she sayd she knewe well that to suche a state of ꝑfectiō in the whiche al the herte is gyue to our gloryous lord almyghty god a soule may not come ꝑfyghly whyles she answerd other whyles she smyled as though she hadde soorned the wordes that she herde of hyr enemyes other whyles she was enflammed in loue of the holy ghost but one worde they marked well that herde hyr whan she spak in this ghoostly batayll After tyme she had be styll a cert●yn tyme hering as it semed the wordes that were put ageynst hyr of hyr enemyes wyth a gladde chere she answerd thus Mayne glorye neuer but ve ray trowe glorye honour of my forde Jhesu cryst it was These wordes by the dysposycyon of oure forde were not sayde wythout cause for ther were many ghoostly men wymmen wened that for the grete graces that our lord had gyuen hir she had sought praysyng of the peple or ellys that she had som maner dylectacyon there Inne therfore they sayd she desyred to be conuersaunt among men in so moche that som wold saye to mayster Reymond hir confessour thus why ●enneth this womman thus about yf she desyre to serue god Why abydeth she not at home in hyr celle herto it may be answeryd as she answeryth afore to hyr ghoostly enemyes in hir passyng thus vayne glory neuer but ve ray trewe glory of my lord Ihesu cryst it was as though she myght answere thus I ranne not aboute ne dyde none other maner ghostly werke for vayne glorye but for the honour glory of my lord Ihesu crystis name That it was so the mayster Reymond bereth recorde of treuthe that herde hyr confessyon bothe generall specyall wherfore he recordeth for a sothe that all that euer she dyd hit was done for the worthyp of god and not for praysyng of men in so moche that she thou●t on noo man as for the tyme but whan she prayed for them so ordeyned for theyr bodely nede So that it myght be veryfyed of hyr the wordes of the apostle where he seyth thus Nostra conuersatio in celis est That is oure conuersacyon is in heuen so she what that euer she dyd in erthe hyr con●sacion was in heuen After tyme thenne she had long contynued in that long ghostely batayll wyth hyr enemyes she resorted ageyne to hyr self made a generall confessyon openly the whiche is callyd the confytro● axyng forgyuenes eftsonys ●o lowyng of doctryne exsample of saynt Martyne Saynt Jerom Saynt Austyn that shewed bothe in hyr dedys in hyr wordes that be a man neuer so excellent in vertue in this lyf he shold not passe out of this world wythout waylyng hertely penaunce for hys synnes In token here of Saynt Austyn in hys last ende whan he shold passe out of this worlde he ordeyned for to wryte to hym the seuen psalmes of penaunce for to be sette vpon the wall that he myght see tho psalmys as he laye in hys bedde The whiche psalmes he radde ofte wepte plenteuously in seyeng of them Also Saynt Jerom whan he sholde be dede he made a generall an open confessyon of hys synnes and defautes Saynt Martyne also in his laste ende taught hys dyseyples that a crysten man shold not deye but in asshys in heyre in token of meke hertety penaunce whom this holy mayde folowed in all maner of tokenes by shewyng of hertely penaunce axyng mekely many tymes oft absolucyon bothe of hyr synnes and paynes Thenne soone after she beganne to wexe more febler and febler but yette she cessed neuer of holy exhortacyon to all hyr dysciples bothe to them that were presente and to them that were absent And specyally that same tyme she charged all hyr dysciples to axe counseyll of mayster Reymond what doubte that euer they hadde And furthermore she had them saye to him whan he came home that he faylle not ne be not aferde for noo thyng that shall falle but euer contynue vertuously for she sayd that she
whan he herde of the myraclis that was wrought by this hooly mayde and vyrgyn This Anthony was enfected soo that he myght not be cured wyth none natural mede●in he bethought hī of this hooly maide virgin deuoutly he made a vowe to her he had not so sone made his a vowe that he ne felte his body and his lym̄es as stronge as euer they were Thenne he came to this holy mayde aud vyrgyn thanked our reuerend lord almighty god and her of his recoueryng ¶ Also ther was a deuoute matrone that was welknowe wyth this hooly mayde and virgyn whan she lyued in erthe for ofte tymes whan she came to her place she and many of her dysciples were herberowed wyth her the whiche matrone she called Paula In the same tyme whā this holy mayde vyrgyne passyd out of this world This pau●a was seke and hadde lay seke iiij monethes afore vpon a sekenes that is called podagra and vppon another sekenes on her syde that is called Ilycapassio And by cause the remedyes of thoo two sykenesses ben contrary eche to other for the tone sekenesse requyred openenyng and the other closinge therfore this matrone was moche more vexed ▪ soo that other whyles she was nere deed ●han t●is matrone herde saie that this holy made virgyn was ●passyd She asked for charyte that she might hau● som̄e maner of clothe that her swete holi body was coueryd with or touched as she desyred soo she hadde that same nyght at euen she leyde that clothe vpon her as she laye in her bedde all nyghte On the morowe she roos vp all hole and walked on her fete as though she hadde neuer that sekenesse Suche myrac●es many moo oure reuerend lord almyghty god wrought in that blessyd mayde and holy vyrgyn or than it was buryed Yet oure reuerend ●lorde almyghty● god cecyd not for to worke helthe to seke folke For in werkyng it rather encresyd than dymynused ¶ There was a womā that was callyd ●one whiche had a lytyll chylde that myght not stonde ryght vp on his fetene goo This ●one herde how our reuerende lorde almyghty god wrought many fayr my ra●●ys by this holy mayde and vyrgyne gloryous saint katheryne she made auowe to our reuerend lord almyghty god to here for the ●elthe of her chylde After tyme she hadde made her a vowe she toke hyr chylde with her and came to the graue where the hooly mayde vyrgyn was buryed And she layde hyr chylde vpon the graue And anone the chylde began to stonde ryght vp and go as though he hadde had neuer sekenesse in his legges ¶ Also there was a man of Tose that was also callyd Johan the whiche had an horryble sekenes in hys eyen so the wormes bredde in his eye this ●ohn made a vowe deuoutly to oure reue●●nde lord almyghty god to this holy mayde vyrgyn gloryous saint Katheryne off Sene anone he was delyuerd of hys sekenes wh●n he was so delyueryd he came to the sepulcre of that blessid mayde virgin set●● vp a tokē of waxe as the maner is in sygne tokē of delyu●ra●ce than he tolde to all folke that wolde h●re it the merueyle of our reuerend lord almyghty god shewed by this hooly mayde virgyn Also there was a woman pylgryme of duchelond whos name was not wryton bicause it was foryete of neglygence the whiche pylgryme had desuche a sekenesse in both her eyen that she had almost lost her syghte Th● pylgrym made a vowe deuoutly to oure reuerende lord almyghty god to this holy mayde and vyrgyn gloryous saynt Katheryn of sene And wythin a lytyll tyme after she had clere ● yght hyr sekenesse was gon whan she was to hyr sepulcre for to thanke our reuerende lord almyghty god and hyr She sawe as clerly as eue● she dyde ¶ Also there was a lady of Rome that was called Mary● the whiche the whiche hadde in her hede a greuous sekenes that notwithstondyng many sondry medecyns the whiche she vsed she myght neuer be holpe therby but lost her eyen Wherfore for sorowe and shame that she hadde therof she wold neuer passe her hous after ne appere in the syght of men This lady herde speke of the gteate myraclis that our reuerend lord almighty god wrought by that holy mayde and vyrgyn gloryous saynt katherin she made auowe to our reuerend lord almyghty god and to her deuoutly After tyme her vowe was made the next nyght sueing this holy mayde and vyrgyn apperyd to the seruaunt of this lady in her slepe and bad her sey to her lady that she sholde doo nomore medecyns to her sight but euery daye in the morowe she shold goo to chirche here the seruyce of our reuerend lorde almyghty god and thēne she shall be hole Whan this seruaunt had tolde her lady thus she dede soo and at the laste by lytil lytyll she began to see wyth that blynde eye and was fully restoryd to helthe Loo dere susters by this myracle ye may consydere that this holy mayde and vyrgyn folowed the dedes of our lord almyghty god swete Ihesu Cryst For whan oure reuerend lorde almyghty god swete Jhesu Cryste was sought whiles he was in erthe here for the helthe of body Hym thought it was not ynow for hym to he le only the body but yf he helyd the soule Whan he sayde to one that came to hym for to be helyd in body thus Fili remittuntur tibi peccata That is to saye thyn synnes be forgyuen Ryght soo this holy mayde virgyn there she was asked of helthe She gaue also helthe of soule in that she badde her here her dyuyne seruyce The whiche is helthe and comforte to thesoule ¶ Also there was a yonge man the whiche was called James the sone of a Romane that was called Peers the whiche was in a tyme so seke in body that none leche myght hele hym But alegates he drewe faste to deth Thenne was there a deuote woman that was called Ceccola The whiche woman sawe this yong mā in poynt of deth and made avowe for hi to this holy mayde and vyrgyn gloryoꝰ saynt katheryn She hadde not soo soone made her vowe but that the yonge man began to recouere and was fully delyuered from his sekenes ¶ Also there was a woman callyd gallya that was sore seke and myght not be helped by none lechecrafte So that lechee sayde by cours of naturall kynde that she sholde be dede wythin a short tyme thenne this woman Gallya thought vppon saynt gloryous katheryne of Seene and recommended her lyff to her She had not so soone do soo but that she felte comforte and amendement And so lytyll and lytyll she was restoryd to helthe ¶ Also there was a deuoute lady that was called dame Jone the whiche knewe well this holy mayde virgyn gloryous saint katheryn whyles she lyued And she counseyled seke folke whan she spake wyth them to