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A85452 America painted to the life. A true history of the originall undertakings of the advancement of plantations into those parts, with a perfect relation of our English discoveries ... 1628. to 1658. declaring the forms of their government, policies, religions, manners, customes, military disciplines, warres with the Indians, the commodities of their countries, a description of their townes, and havens, the increase of their trading with the names of their governours and magistrates. More especially an absolute narrative of the north parts of America, and of the discoveries and plantations of our English in New-England. Written by Sir Ferdinando Gorges .... Publisht ... by his grand-child Ferdinando Gorges Esquire, who hath much enlarged it and added severall accurate descriptions of his owne. Gorges, Ferdinando, Sir, 1556?-1647.; Gorges, Ferdinando, 1629-1718. 1658 (1658) Wing G1300; Thomason E969_3 181,058 245

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with Fish it being a branch of that large River of Morrimeck Allwifes and Shad in their season come up to this Towne but Salmon and Daice cannot come up by reason of the Rocky salles which causeth their Meddowes to lie much covered with water the which these people together with their Neigbour Towne have severall times assayed to cut through but cannot yet it may be turned another way with an hundred pound charge as it appeared this Towne was more populated once then now it is some faint-hearted Souldiers among them fearing the Land would prove barren sold their possessions for little and removed to a new Plantation which have most commonly a great prize set on them the number of Families at present are about 50. their buildings are conveniently placed chiefly in one straite streame under a sunny-banke in a low levell their heard of great Cattell are about 300. the Church of Christ here consists of about seventy soules their teaching Elders were Mr. Buckly and Mr. Jones who removed from them with that part of the people who went away so that onely the reverend grave and godly Mr. Buckly remaines RIches and honours Buckly layes aside To please his Christ for whom he now doth war Why Buckly thou hast Riches that will bide And honours that exceeds Earths honour far Thy bodies worne and dayes in Desert spent To feede a few of Christs poore scattered sheepe Like Christ's bright body thy poore body rent With Saints and Angells company shall keepe Thy Tongue and Pen doth to the World declare Christs covenant with his flock shall firmly stand When Heavens and Earth by him dissolved are Then who can hold from this his worke at hand Two Bucklies more Christ by his grace hath taken And sent abroad to mannage his great wars I'ts Buklies joy that Christ his sons new making Hath placest in 's churches for to shine as Stare This holy and sincere servant of Christ was put upon the greater tryall by reason he and his were tenderly brought up and now by the provident hand of Christ were carried far into this desart-land where they met with some hardships for a long time till the place was well peopled they lived barely CHAP. XXXVI Of the laborious worke Chrsts people have in planting this wildernesse set forth in the building the Towne of Concord being the first in-land Towne NOw because it is one of the admirable acts of Christ Providence in leading his people forth into these Westerne Fields in his providing of Huts for them to desend them from the bitter stormes this place is subject unto therefore here is a short Epitome of the manner how they placed downe their dwellings in this Desart Wildernesse the Lord being pleased to hide from the Eyes of his people the difficulties they are to encounter withall in a new Plantation that they might not thereby be hindered from taking the worke in hand upon some inquiry of the Indians who lived to the North-west of the Bay one Captaine Simon Willard being acquainted with them by reason of his Trade became a chiefe instrument in erecting this Town the land they purchase of the Indians and with much difficulties traveling through unknowne woods and through watery scrampes they discover the fitnesse of the place sometimes passing through the Thickets where their hands are forced to make way for their bodies passage and their feete clambering over the crossed Trees which when they missed they sunke into an uncertaine bottome in water and wade up to the knees tumbling sometimes higher and sometimes lower wearied with this toile they at end of this meete with a scorching plaine yet not so plaine but that the ragged Bushes scratch their legs fouly even to wearing their stockings to their bare skin in two or three houres if they be not otherwise well defended with Bootes or Bu●kings their flesh will be torne that some being forced to passe on without further provision have had the bloud trickle downe at every step and in the time of Summer the Sun casts such a reflecting heate from the sweet Ferne whose scent is very strong so that some herewith have beene very nere fainting although very able bodies to undergoe much travell and this not to be indured for one day but for many and verily did not the Lord incourage their naturall parts with hopes of a new and strange discovery expecting every houre to see some rare sight never seene before they were never able to hold out and breake through but above all the thirsting desires these servants of Christ have had to Plant his Churches among whom the forenamed Mr. Jones shall not be forgotten IN Desart's depth where Wolves and Beares abide There Jones sits down a wary watch to keepe O're Christs deare flock who now are wandered wide But not from him whose eyes ne're close with sleepe Surely it sutes thy melancholly minde Thus solitary for to spend thy dayes Much mo●e thy soule in Christ content doth finde To worke for him who thee to joy will raise Leading thy son to Land yet more remote To feede his flock upon this Westerne wast Exhort him then Christs Kingdome to promote That he with thee of lasting joyes may tast Yet farther to tell of the hard labours this people found in Planting this Wildernesse after some dayes spent in search toyling in the day time as formerly is said like true Jacob it s they rest them one the Rocks where the night takes them their short repast is some small pittance of Bread if it hold out but as for Drinke they have plenty the Countrey being well watered in all places that yet are found out their farther hardship is to travell sometimes they know not whether bewildred indeed without sight of Sun their compasse miscarrying in crouding through the Bushes they sadly search up and down for a known way the Indians paths being not above one foot broad so that a man may travell many dayes and never find one But to be sure the directing Providence of Christ hath beene better unto them than many paths as might here be inserted did not hast call my Pen away to more waighty matters yet by the way a touch thus it befell with a servant maide who was travelling about three or foure miles from one Towne to another loosing her selfe in the Woods had very diligent search made after her for the space of three dayes and could not possible be found then being given over as quite lost after three dayes and nights the Lord was pleased to bring her feeble body to her own home in safety to the great admiration of all that heard of it This intricate worke no whit daunted these resolved servants of Christ to goe on with the worke in hand but lying in the open aire while the watery Clouds poure down all the night season and sometimes the driving Snow dissolving on their backs they keep their wee cloathes warme with a continued fire till the renewed morning give fresh
divulging of this Proclamation by his Herralds at Armes Many although otherwise willing for this service began to object as followeth Can it possible be the mind of Christ who formerly inabled so many Souldiers of his to keepe their station unto the death here that now so many brave Souldiers disciplined by Christ himselfe the Captaine of our salvation should turne their backs to the disheartning of their Fellow-Souldiers and losse of further opportunity in gaining a greater number of Subjects to Christs Kingdome Notwithstanding this Objection It was further proclaimed as followeth What Creature wilt not know that Christ thy King crusheth with a rod of Iron the Pompe and Price of man and must he like man cast and contrive to take his enemies at advantage No of purpose hee causeth such instruments to retreate as he hath made strong for himselfe that so his adversaries glorying in the pride of their power insulting over the little remnan● remaining Christ causeth them to be cast downe suddenly forever and wee find in stories reported Earths Princes have passio● their Armies at need over Seas and deepe Torrents Could Caesar so suddenly fetch over fresh forces from Europe to Asia Pompy to foyle How much more shall Christ who createth all power c●ll over this 900. league Ocean at his pleasure such instruments as he thinks meete to make use of in this place from whence you are now to depart but further that you may not delay the Voyage intended for your full satisfaction know this is the place where the Lord will create a new Heaven and a new Earth in new Churches and a new Common-wealth together Wherefore CHAP. II. The Commission of the People of Christ shipped for New England and first of their gathering into Churches ATtend to your Commission all you that are or shall hereafter be shipped for this service yee are with all possible speed to imbarque your selves and as for all such Worthies who are hunted after as David was by Saul and his Courtiers you may change your habit and ship you with what secrecy you can carrying all things most needfull for the Voyage and service you are to be imployed in after your landing But as soone as you shall be exposed to danger of tempestious Seas you shall forthwith shew whose servants you are by calling on the Name of your God sometimes by extraordinary seeking his pleasing Face in times of deepe distresse and publishing your Masters will and pleasure to all that Voyage with you and that is his minde to have purity in Religion preferred above all dignity in the world your Christ hath commanded the Seas they shall not swallow you nor Pyrates imprison your persons or possesse your goods At your landing see you observe the Rule of his Word for neither larger nor stricter Commission can hee give by any and therefore at first filling the Land whither you are sent with diligence search out the mind of God both in planting and continuing Church and civill Government but be sure they be distinct yet agreeing and helping the one to the other Let the matter and forme of your Churches be such as were in the Primitive Times before Antichrists Kingdome prevailed plainly poynted out by Christ and his Apostles in most of their Epistles to be neither Nationall nor Provinciall but gathered together in Covenant of such a number as might ordinarily meete together in one place and built of such living stones as outwardly appeare Saints by calling You are also to ordaine Elders in every Church make you use of such as Christ hath indued with the best gifts for that end their call to Office shall be mediate from you but their authority and commission shall be immediate from Christ revealed in his word which if you shall slight d●spise or contemne hee will soone frustrate your call by taking the most able among you to honour with an everlasting Crown whom you neglected to honour on Earth double as their due or he will carry them remote from you to more infant Churches You are not to put them upon anxious Cares for their daily Bread for assuredly although it may now seeme strange you shall be fed in this Wildernesse whither you are to goe with the flower of Wheate and Wine shall be plentifull among you but be sure you abuse it not these Doctrines delivered from the Word of God imbrace and let not Satan delude you by perswading their learned skill is unnecessary soone then will the Word of God be fl●ghted as tra●slated by such and you shall be left wildred with strange Revelations of every phantastick brain which to prevent here are to be shipped among you many both Godly Juditious and Learned who CHAP. III. Of the Demeanor of their Church Officers BEing called to Office are in all humility to feed the flock of Christ and not for lucre to admit mostly of such sheepe whose faire fleeces allure much nor yet for filling the flocks to crowd in infections sheepe or rather wolves in sheepes cloathing assuredly it will prove bitternesse in the end neither shall you for feare your allowance will fall short hinder the increase of Churches that so your fellow brethren indued with like gifts fa●l short of all But above all beware of any love selfe-conceited Opinion stopping your eares from hearing the Counsell of an Orthodox Synod but by daily communication one with another impart Christs minde each to other that you may all speake one and the same things heale not lightly the wounds that Wolves make lest from their festering Teeth a Gangrin grow and further for compleating the Churches of Christ as well in matters as in Doctrine there are ancient experienced godly Christians shipped among you but be sure you make choise of such for feare they be despised and let them not be led by favor or affection as naturally men are to Administer in your Office partially for unworthy the name of a Ruling Elder is hee who loses his Lyon-like courage when the sound and wholesome Doctrines delivered by Pastor or Teacher are spoken against by any unseemly behaviour and sleepy hearing by private exhortation prevent if possible lest publick example in open professors stumb●e some and hinder the operation of his word especially in the hearts of those who have bin long time led away with the inventions of man in the worsh●p of God Be sure you contradict not but confirme with trienall love the Doctrines of Christ delivered by your Teaching Elders which will be a great meanes to make it prevaile for a three-fold cord is not easily broken trust not to your own gifts for preventing error but use all helpes that Christ may blesse his own meanes cast not away as incorrigible such as at first receive not the word in all points but wait with patience if at any time the Lord will be pleased to give them a heart to turne unto him Beware of a proud censorious spirit and shou●d Christ be pleased to place in his
to flight see then you stand upon your watch continually in the strength of Christ for assuredly instead of casting downe the enemies of Christ thissin will cast down you utterly disinable you for striking one stroke in the cause of Christ and whereas he hath purposely pickt ou● this People for a patterne of purity and soundnesse of Doctrine as well as Discipline that all such may finde a refuge among you and let not any Merchants Inkeepers Taverners and men of Trade in hope of gaine fling open the gates so wide as that by letting in all sorts you mar the worke of Christ intended neither shall such labourers as hee hath pickt out to be Pyoneers in this Campe of his drinke up like Spunges such meanes as hee hath sent to maintaine both Officers and private Souldiers Lastly let not such as fight set foote on Land to compose Townes for Habitations take up large accommodations for sale to inrich themselves with others goods who are to follow them but freely as you have received so give out to others for so soone as you shall seeke to ingrosse the Lords wast into your hands he will ease you of your burden by making stay of any farther resort unto you and then be sure you shall have wast Land enough To this Commission was added a strong motive to this work as followeth Namely the great enmity betweene that on● truth as it is in Jesus and all other unsound and undeceiveable Doctrines together with the persons that hold them insomuch that they cannot stand in one Common-wealth long together as sixteene hundred yeares experience will testifie the which Moses layes down as one maine reason why he might not admit of a toleration to worship God in Egypt And therefore all you that believe the Scripture which so plainly prophecy the destruction of Antichrist and all Antichristian Doctrines Pray pray pray pray continually with that valiant worthy Joshua that the Sun may stand still in Gibeon and the Moone in the vally of Aijalon for assuredly although some small battailes may be fought against the enemies of Christ yet the great day of their finall overthrow shall not come till the bright Sonne of that one cleare truth of Christ stand still in the Gentile Churches that those who fight the Lords Battells may plainly discerne his enemies in all places where they finde them as also such as will continue fighting must have the World kept low in their eyes as the Moon in the valley of Aijalon CHAP. VII Of the goodnesse of God in helping his People to a large liberty in Spirituall things under the hopes of gaine in Earthly things THis Proclamation being audibly published through the I le of Great Brittaine by sundry Herraulds which Christ had prepared for that end the rumour ran through Cities Townes and Villages when those that were opposites heard it some cried one thing and some another much like the ●umult in the Town hall at Ephesus some said let them goe others cryed sweare them first others said let no Subsidy men passe others would have strict search made for non-conformants and that none of the late silenced Ministers might passe into the Ships Amidst this great hurry the sincere servants of Christ humbly seeke the Lords assistance in days of Humiliation taking up some serious cogitations how to begin this worthy worke upon which it was thought meete a patterne should be procured comprised after the manner of a Corporation-company or Brotherhood with as large liberty for government of this Association as could be got under the Broad Seale of England which accordingly was done by advise of one Mr. White an honest Counsellor at Law as also furthered by the honoured Mr. Richard Belinham and under the name of many worthy personages as Governour Dep. Gov. Assistant and Freemen c. Granted Ingrossed and Sealed as holding of the manner of East Greenwitch yeelding by way of homage the sixth part of all such Ore of Gold or Silver as might for after time be found within the Limits of the said Grant bounded on the North with the most Northerly part of the pleasant River of Merimech one mile beyond and on the South with the most Southern part of that oft frequented River commonly called Charles one mile beyond with power to rule and govern in all those parts both by Sea and Land To ●lect and set up all sorts of Officers as well Superior as In●erior to point out their power and places to defend and maintaine the said Land and Inhabitants thereof with all their lawfull liberties against all such as at any time should Invade Molest or Disturbe the same as well by offensive as defensive War as also to constitute and ordaine Lawes c. Thus these Souldiers of Jesus Christ prepared to advance his Kingly Government much like Samuel when he went to annoynt David took up another errant withall that the Malignant spirit of Saul might not hinder the worke so those Worthies of Christ joyning themselves with Merchants and others who had an eye at a profitable Plantation who had not herein been deceived would they have stayed their time but surely such mist not their marke whose ayme was at the durable interest unlesse the fault were their owne neither let any man thinke Christ will not recompence those one way or other who have been any way helpfull to his people in this his work amongst whom the Author will not misse that good Gentleman Matthew Craddock by the way of thankfullnesse to him Mr. Goff and others this Verse is tendred For richest Jems and gainfull things most Merchants wisely venter Deride not then New England men this Corporation ●nter Christ calls for Trade shall never fade come Craddock factors send Let May●ew go and other more spare not thy coyne to spend Suck Trades advance did never chance in all thy Trading yet Though some deride thy losse abide her 's gaine beyond mans wit CHAP. VIII Of the wonderfull Preparation the Lord Christ by his Providence wrought for his peoples abode in this Western world NOw let all men know the admirable Acts of Christ for his Churches and chosen are universally over the whole Earth at one and the same time but sorry man cannot so discourse of them And therefore let us leave our English Nation in way of preparation for this Voyage intended and tell of the marvelous doings of Christ preparing for his peoples arrivall in the Western World whereas the Indians report they beheld to their great wonderment that perspicuous bright bl●zing Comet which was so famously noted in Europe anon after Sun set it appeared as they say in the South-west about three houres continuing in their Horizon for the space of thirty sleepes for so they reckon their dayes after which uncouth sight they expected some strange things to follow and the rather because not long before the whole Nation of the Mattachusets were so affrighted with a Ship that arrived in their Bay having never seene
advantagious both to you and yours then all that Rocky Wildernesse whither you are going to run the hazard of your life Have you not here your Tables filled with great variety of Foode your Coffers filled with Coyne your Houses beautifully built and filled with all rich Furniture or otherwise have you not such a gainfull Trade as none the like in the Towne where you live Are you not inriched daily Are not your Children very well provided for as they come to years nay may you not here as pithily practise the two chiefe Duties of a Christian if Christ give strength namely Mortification and Sanct fication as in any place of the World What helps can you have there that you must not carry from hence With bold resolvednesse these stout Souldiers of Christ reply as Death the King of terror with all his dreadfull attendance inhumane and barbarous tortures doubled and trebled by all the infernall furies have appeared but light and momentany to the Souldiers of Christ Iesus so also the Pleasure Profits and Honours of this World set forth in their most glorious splend or and magnitude by the alluring Lady of Delight proffering pleasant embraces cannot intice with her Syren Songs such Souldiers of Christ whose aymes are elevated by him many Millions above that brave Warrier Vlysses Now seeing all can be said will but barely set forth the immoveable Resolutions that Christ continued in these men Passe on and attend with teares if thou hast any the following discourse while these Men Women and Children are taking their last farwell of their Native Country Kindred Friends and Acquaintance while the Ships attend them Many make choise of some solitary place to eccho out their bowell-breaking affections in bidding their Friends farwell deare friends sayes one as neare as my owne soule doth thy love lodge in my brest with thought of the heart burning Ravishments that thy Heavenly speeches have wrought my melting soule is poured out at present with these words both of them had their farther speach strangled from the depth of their inward dolor with breast-breaking sobs till leaning their heads each on others shoulders they let fall the salt-dropping dews of vehement affection striving to exceede one another much like the departure of David and Jonathan having a little eased their hearts with the still streames of Teares they recovered speech againe Ah! my much honoured friend hath Christ given thee so great a charge as to be Leader of his People into that far remote and vast Wildernesse I oh and alas thou must die there and never shall I see thy Face in the flesh againe wert thou called to so great a taske as to passe the pretious Ocean and hazard thy person in Battell against thousands of Malignant Enemies there there were hopes of thy return with triumph but now after two three or foure moneths spent with daily expectation of swallowing Waves and cruell Pirates you are to be Landed among barbarous Indians famous for nothing but cruelty where you are like to spend your days in a famishing condition for a long space Scarce had he uttered this but presently hee lockes his friend fast in his armes holding each other thus for some space of time they weepe againe But as Paul to his beloved flock the other replies what doe you weeping and breaking my heart I am now prest for the service of our Lord Christ to re-build the most glorious Edifice of Mount Sion in a Wildernesse and as John Baptist I must cry prepare yee the way of the Lord make his paths strait for behold hee is comming againe hee is comming to destroy Antichrist and give the whore double to drinke the very dregs of his wrath Then my deare friend unfold thy hands for thou and I have much worke to doe I and all Christian Souldiers the World throughout then hand in hand they leade each other to the Sandy-banks of the brinish Ocean when clenching their hands fast they unloose not til inforced to wipe their watery-eyes whose constant streames forced a watery-path upon their Cheekes which to hide from the eyes of others they shun society for a time but being called by occasion whose bauld back-part none can lay hold one They thrust in among the throng now ready to take Ship where they beheld the like affections with their own among divers Relations Husbands and Wives with mutuall consent are now purposed to part for a time 900 Leagues asunder since some providence at present will not suffer them to goe together they resolve their tender affections shall not hinder this worke of Christ the new Married and betrothed man exempt by the Law of God from war now will not claime their priviledge but being constrained by the Love of Christ lock up their naturall affections for a time till the Lord shall be pleased to give them a meeting in this Westerne World sweetly mixing it with spirituall love in the meane time many Fathers now take their yong Samuells and give them to this service of Christ all their Lives Brethren Sisters Unkles Nephewes Neeces together with all Kindred of bloud that binds the bowells of affection in a true Lovers knot can now take their last farewell each of other although naturall affection will still claime her right and manifest her selfe to bee in the body by looking out at the Windowes in a mournefull manner among this company thus disposed doth many Reverend and godly Pastors of Christ present themselves some in a Seamans Habit and their scattered sheepe comming as a poore Convoy loftily take their leave of them as followeth what dolefull dayes are these when the best choise our Orthodox Ministers can make is to take up a perpetuall banishment from their native soile together with their Waves and Children wee their poore sheepe they may not feede but by stoledred should they abide here Lord Christ here they are at thy command they go this is the doore thou hast opened upon our earnest request and we hope it shall never be shut for Englands sake they are going from England to pray without ceasing for England O England thou shalt finde New England prayers prevailing with their God for thee but now woe alas what great hardship must these our indeared Pastors indure for a long season with these words they life up their voyces and wept adding many drops of sale liquor to the ebbing Ocean Then shaking hands they bid adue with much cordiall affection to all their Brethren and Sisters in Christ yet now the Scorne and Derifion of those times and for this their great enterprise counted as so many crackt braines but Christ will make all the Earth know the wisdome he hath indued them with shall over-top all the humane policy in the World as the sequell wee hope will shew Thus much shall suffice in generall to speak of their peoples farewell they tooke from time to time of their Country and Friends CHAP. XIII Of the charges expended by this poore
enterance which sure it would have been by many had not the Lord prevented by a troublesom passage At forty dayes end or thereabout they cast to sound the Seas depth and find them sixty fadom by which they deem the bankes of New sound Land are near where they being provided with Cod-line and Hooke hale up some store of fish to their no small refreshing and within some space of time after they approach the Cost of New England where they are againe provided with Mackarell and that which was their greater rejoycing they discover Land at sight thereof they blessed the Lord. But before the Author proceed any further in this Discourse take here a short survay of all the Voyages by Sea in the transportation of these Armies of the great Jehova for fifteene years space to the year 1643. about which time England began to indeavour after Reformation and the Souldiers of Christ were set at liberty to bide his battells at home for whose assistance some of the chiefe worthies of Christ returned back the number of Ships that transported passengers in this space of time as is supposed is 298. Men Women and Children passing over this wide Ocean as near as at present can be gathered is also supposed to be 21200. or thereabout CHAP. XV. An Exhortation to all People Nations and Languages to indeavour the advancing of the Kingdome of Christ in the purity of his Ordinances seeing he hath done such admirable Acts for these poore shrubs ANd now all you whose affections are taken with wonderfull matters Attend and you that thinke Christ hath forgotten his poore despised people Behold and all you that hopefully long for Christs appearing to confound Antichrist Consider and rejoyce all yee his Churches the World throughout for the Lambe is preparing his Bride and oh ● yee the antient Beloved of Christ whom he of old led by the hand from Egypt to Canaan through that great and terrible Wildernesse looke here behold him whom you have peirced preparing to peirce your hearts with his Wonder-working Providence and to provoke you by this little handfull of his people to looke on him and mourne Yet let no man think these few weake Wormes would restraine the wnoderfull Workes of Christ as onely to themselves but the quite contrary these but the Porch of his glorious building in hand and if hee have shewed such admirable acts of his providence toward these what will he doe when the whole Nation of English shall set upon like Reformation according to the direct Rule of his Word Assured confidence there is also for all Nations from the undoubted promise of Christ himselfe The Winter is past the Raine is changed and gone come out of the holes of the secret places feare not because your number is but small gather into Churches and let Christ be your King yee Presbytery Lord it not over them or any Churches but feed every one that one flock over which Christ hath made you over-seers and yee people of Christ give your Presbytery double honours that they with you may keepe the watch of the Lord over his Churches Yee Dutch come out of your hods-podge the great mingle mangle of Religion among you hath caused the Churches of Christ to increase so little with you standing at ● stay like Corne among Weeds Oh yee French feare not the great swarmes of Locusts nor the croking Frogs in your Land Christ is reaching out the hand to you look what hee hath done for these English and sure hee is no Respecter of Persons c. yee Germanes that have had such a bloudy bickering Christ is now comming to your aide then cast off your loose and carelesse kinde of Reformation gather into Churches and keepe them pure that Christ may delight to dwell among you oh Italy The Seat and Center of the Beast Christ will now pick out a People from among you for himselfe see here what wonders hee workes in little time Oh! yee Spaniards and Portugalls Christ will shew you the abominarions of that beastly Whore who hath made your Nations drunke with the Wine of her Fornication Dread not that cruell murtherous Inquisition for Christ is now making Inquisicion for them and behold here how hee hath rewarded them who deale cruelly with these his people Finally oh all yee Nations of the World behold great is the worke the glorious King of Heaven and Earth hath in hand beware of neglecting the call of Christ and you the Seed of Israel both lesse and more the ratling of your dead bones together i● at hand Sinewes Flesh and Life at the Word of Christ it comes Counsellers and Judges you shall have as at the begining to fight for you as Gidion Bareck Jeptha Samson c. then sure your deliverance shall be sudden and wonderfull if Christ have done such great things for these low Shrubs what will his most Admirable Excellent and wonderfull Worke for you be but as the Resurrection from the dead when all the miraculous acts of his wonderfull power shewed upon Pharoah for your fore-Fathers deliverance shall be swallowed up with those far greater workes that Christ shall shew for your deliverance upon the whole World by Fiers and Bloud destroying both Pope and Turke when you shall see great smoake and flames ascending up on high of that great Whore Revel 14 11. verse and the 17. 16. verse and the 18. the 8. and 18. vers Then oh you People of Israel gather together as one Man and grow together as one Tree Ezek. 37. 23. For Christ the great King of all the Earth is now going forth in his great Wrath and terrible Indignation to avenge the bloud of his Saints Ezek 38 19. vers and now for the great and bloudy Battell of Gog and Magog Rivers of bloud and up to the Horse-bridles even the bloud of those have drunke bloud so long oh I dreadfull day when the patience and long-suffering of Christ that hath lasted so many hundreds of yeares shall end what wonderous workes are now suddenly to be wrought for the accomplishment of these things Then judge all you whom the Lord Christ hath given a discerning spirit whether these poore New England People be not the fore runners of Christs Army and the marvelous providences which you shall now heare be not the very Finger of God and whether the Lord hath not sent this people to Preach in this Wildernesse and to proclaime to all Nations the neere approach of the most wonderfull workes that ever the Sonnes of men saw Will not you believe that a Nation can be borne in a day here is a worke come very neare it but if you will believe you shall see far greater things than these and that in very little time and in the meane time looke on the following Discourse CHAP. XVI Of the admirable Acts of Christs Providence in delivering this his people in their Voyages by Sea from many foule dangers YOu have heard of
of its dead Mother seeking to draw living nourishment from her dead breast Their dead they left oft-times unburied wherefore the English were forced to dig holes and drag their stinking corps into them Thus did the Lord allay their quarrelsome spirits and made roome for the following part of his Army This yeare came over more supplies to forward the worke of Christ CHAP. XXVI Of the gratious provisions the Lord made for his people THe yeare 1632. John Winthrope Esquire was chosen Governour againe and the antient Thomas Dudly Esquire was Deputy Governour a man of a sound judgement in matters of Religion and well read bestowing much labour that way of whom as followeth The honoured aged stable and sincere servant of Christ zealous for his truth Thomas Dudly Esq foure times Governour of the English Nation in the Mattacusets and first Major Generall of the Millitary Forces WHat Thomas now believe dost thou that riches men may gaine In this poore Plot Christ doth allot his people to sustaine Rich Truth thou 'lt buy and sell not why no richer Jem can be Truths Champion in campion Christ's grace hath placed thee With civill Sword at Christs Word early cut off wilt thou Those Wolvish sheep amongst flocks do creep and damned doctrine low To trembling age thou valiant sage one foot wilt not give ground Christs Enemies from thy face flies his truth thou savest sound Thy lengthened dayes to Christs praise continued are by him To set by thee his people free from foes that raging bin Wearied with yeares it plaine appeares Dudly not long can last It matters not Christ Crown thee got it s now at hand hold fast This yeare was the first choise of Migistrates by free-men whose number was now increased fifty three or thereabout to declare the manner of their Government is by the Author deferred till the year 1637. where the Reader may behold Government both in Churches and Common-wealth to be an institution of the Lord and much availeable through his blessing for the accomplshment of his promises to his people This year these fore-runners of the following Army of Christ after the sight of many of the admirable Acts of his providence for them begun to take up steddy resolution through the helpe of him to wade through the Ocean they were farther like to meete withall and therefore began to plant the yet untilled Earth having as yet no other meanes to teare up the bushy lands but their hands and howe 's their bodies being in very ill temper by reason of the Scurvy a Disease in those dayes very frequent to undergoe such extremity but being prick'd on with hungers sharpe gode they keepe doing according to their weake abilities and yet produce but little food for a long season but being perswaded that Christ will rather raine bread from Heaven then his people should want being fully perswaded they were set on the worke at his command Wherefore they followed on with all hands and the Lord who hath the Cattell of thousand Hills and the Corne of ten thousand Vallies the whole Earth and fulnesse of it did now raise up fresh supplies to be added to these both of men and provision of food men no lesse valiane in Faith then them the former amongst whom was the Reverend Mr. Welds and Mr. James who was welcomed by the people of Christ at Charles Towne and by them called to the Office of a Pastor where hee continued for some yeares and from thence removed to New haven upon some seed of prejudice sowne by the enemies of this worke But good Reader doe thou behold and remember him farther in the following Liues THy Native soile Oh James did thee approve Gods people there in Lincolnesh●●e commend Thy courteous speech and worke of Christian love Till Christ through Seas did thee on Message send With learned skill his mind for to unsold His people in New England thou must feed But one sad breach did cut that band should hold Then part wilt thou least farther jars should breed Yet part thou wilt not with Christs Truth thy crowne But my Muse waile that any souldier should In fighting slip why James thou fallest not downe Back thou retreats their valiant fighting hold Fast on thy Christ who thine may raise with thee His bands increase when leaders he provides Thy Son young student may such blessing be Thy losse repayre and Christ thee crown besides Although the great straites this Wildernesse people were in for want of food was heard of among the godly people in England yet would they not decline the worke but men of Estates sold their possessions and bought plenty of food for the Voyage which some of them sent before hand by which meanes they were provided for as also the Lord put it into the hearts of such as were Masters and Undertakers of Ships to store their Vessells so well that they had to spare for this peoples need and further Christ caused abundance of very good Fish to come to their Nots and Hookes and as for such as were unprovided with these meanes they caught them with their hands and so with F●sh wild Onions and other Herbs were sweetly satisfied till other provisions came in here must labouring men a little be minded how ill they recompenced those persons whose estates helpe them to food before they could reape any from the Earth that forgetting those courtesies they soon by excessive prises took for their worke made many File-leaders fall back to the next Ranke advancing themselves in the meane time About this time the Church of Christ at Roxbury being a diligent people early prevented their Brethren in other Churches by calling the Reverend Mr. Welds to be their Pastor of whom you may see somewhat farther in the following lines TO worke oh Welds in wildernesse betime Christ thee commands that thou his folke should's follow And feede his flock in Covenant bandcombine With them through him his glorious name to hallow Seven yeares thou stoutly didst wade through with toile These desare caros back by advice againe Thou didst returne unto thy native soile There to advance Christs Kingdome now remeine In Pulpit and with Pen thou hast the truth Maintained and clear'd from scandalous reproach Christs churches here and shew'd their lasting Ruth That dare ' gainst Christ their own inventions broach Then sage in age continue such to be Till Christ thee crowne his gifts to thee are free This yeare of sad distresses was ended with a terrible cold Winter with weekly Snowes and fierce Frosts betweene while congealing Charles River as well from the Towne to Sea ward as above insomuch that men might frequently passe from one Island to another upon the Ice Here Reader thou must be minded of an other admirable Act of Christ for this yeare in changing the very nature of the seasons moderating the Winters cold of late very much which some impute to the cutting downe the woods and breaking up the Land But Christ have the
note for the place being out of the Mattacusets Patten they erected another Government called by the Indian name Canectico being farther incouraged by two honourable personages the Lord Say and Lord Brookes who built a Forrest at the mouth of the River and called it Say-brook Forrest passing up the River they began to build a Towne which they called Hartford where this Church of Christ sat down their station there went to these parts also the Reverend Mr. Wareham and divers from the Towne of Dorchester The place of setling themselves and erecting a Towne was far upon the River the part next the Sea being very Rocky but on the banke of this River they planted the good Towne of Hartford and established civill Government of their gathering into a Church you have formerly heard Onely here minde the gratious servant of Christ Mr. Wareham whose long labours in this worke are exprest WIth length of dayes Christ crowned hath thy head In Wildernesse to mannage his great War 'Gainst Antichrist by strength of him art lead With steady hand to sling thy stone from far That groveling in his gore may lie smit downe This mighty Monster that the Earth hath taken With 's poysons sweet in cup of Gold drunke down Dead drunke those lie whom Christ doth not awaken But Wareham thou by him art sent to save With 's word of truth Christ to their soules apply That deadly sin hath laid in rotting Grave Dead live in Christ here and Eternally CHAP. XXXIV Of Cambridge second Church being the 11. of Christ gathered in the Mattacusets and of further supply for Salem Church THese people and Church of Christ being thus departed from New-towne the godly people who came in their roomes gathered the eleaventh Church of Christ and called to the Office of a Pastor that gratious sweete Heavenly minded and soule-ravishing Minister Mr. Thomas Shepheard in whose soule the Lord shed abroad his love so abundantly that thousands of souls have cause to blesse God for him even at this very day who are the Seale of his Ministrey and hee a man of a thousand indued with abundance of true saving knowledge for himselfe and others yet his naturall Parts were weake but spent to the full as solloweth NO loungr Hawke poore Patridge to devoure More eager is then Prelates Nimrod power Thomas to hunt my Shephard sweet pursue To seas brinke but Christ saves his soule for you Sending thee Shepheard safe through Seas awaie To feede his stock unto thy ending day Where sheepe seek Wolves thy bosome lambs would catch But night and day thou ceasest not to watch And Warne with teares thy flock of cheaters vile Who in sheepes cloathing would the weak beguile With dropping dewes from thy lips Christ hath made Thy hearers eyes oft water springing blade With pierced hearts they cry aloud and say Shew us sweet Shepheard our salvations way Thy lovely speech such ravishment doth bring Christ gives thee power to heale as well as sting Thou gates sets ope for Christ thy King to enter In hearts of many spirits joy to center But mourne my Muse hang downe thy head with woe With teares sighs sobs lament thy Shepheard so Why hee 's in Heaven but I one Earth am left More Earthly ' cause of him I am bereft Oh Christ why dost thou Shepheard take away In erring times when sheepe most apt to stray The many Souldiers and Officers of Christ that came over this yeare moved some wonder in the mindes of those whom he had beene pleased to give a great measure of discerning yet here they fell abundantly short deeming almost an impossibility of improving their Talents in this Wildernesse the Indian-people being uncapable of understanding their Language the English congregations that were already set downe being fully furnished with Teaching Elders and that which was most strange they were perswaded they should meet with no enemies to oppose them as if Christ would lead them forth into the Field in vaine But Christ Iesus having the hearts of all Men opened before him soon shewed them their worke and withall made roome for them to set downe I and many more beside yea and beyond expectation made this poore barren Wildernesse become a fruitfull Land unto them that waited on him for the accompl●shing thereof feeding them with the flower of Wheat as in its time and place God willing shall be shewed although it pleased him this yeare to visit them and try them againe with a great scarcity of Bread by reason of the multitude that came brought somewhat shorter Provisions then ordinary which caused them to be in some straites But their Lord Christ gives cut a Word of command to those who occupy their businesse in the great deepe to furnish from Ireland some Ships laden with food for his people Also hee commands the Winds and the Seas to beare up these Ships and blow them forth on their way till they arrive among his people in New England whose appetities were now sharpe-set for Bread One poore man among others deeming hee had found out some forsaken Barnes of the Indians whose manner it to lay up their Corne in the Earth lighteh one a grave where finding bones of the dead instead of Corne hee was taken with feare of this as a sad omen that hee should then die for want of food but in this hee proved no true Prophet for the Lord was pleased to bring in seasonable supply and the man is living at this very day This yeere came over the Famous servant of Christ M. Hugh Peters whose courage was not inferiour to any of these transported servants of Christ but because his native Soile hath had the greatest share of his labours the lesse will be said of him here hee was called to Office by the Church of Christ at Salem their former Pastor the Reverend M. Higging son having cnded his labours resting with the Lord. WIth courage bold Peters a Souldier stout In Wildernesse for Christ begins to war Much worke he finds mongst people yet hold out With fluent tongue he stops phantastickjar Swife Torrent stayes of liberties large vent Through crooked wayes of error daily flowing Shiloes soft streames to bath in would all bent Should he while they in Christian freedome growing But back thou must thy Talents Christs will have Improved for him his glory is thy crowne And thou base dust till he thee honour gave It matters not though the world on thee do frown CHAP. XXXV Of the Twelfth Church of Christ gathered at Concord YEt further at this time entered the Field two more valiant Leaders of Christs Souldiers holy men of God Mr. Buckly and M. Jones penetrating further into this Wildernesse then any formerly had done with divers other servants of Christ they build an Inland Towne which they called Concord named from the occasion of the present time as you shall after heare this Towne is seated upon a faire fresh River whose Rivulets are filled with fresh Marsh and her streames
by him prepared fit To help it on among our English Nation CHAP. XV. Of further supply for the Church of Christ at Waterton And a sad acceidnt fell out in Boston Towne THe Lord intending to strengthen his poore Churches here and after the overthrow of these damnable Errors to trample Satan under their feet he manifesteth his mindefulness of them in sending over fresh suplpyes againe and againe although weak and sory men in themselves yet strong in the Lord and the power of his might the last that this yeare is to be named is the reverend judicious and godly-affected Mr John Knowles who was desired of the Church of Christ at Waterton to be a two-fold cord unto them in the office of a teaching Elder with the reverend Mr. Phillips of whom you have heard in the former Book WIth courage bold and arguments of strength Knowles doth apply Gods word his stock unto Christ furnisht hath to shew his bountyes length Thee with rich gifts that thou his work mayst do New England is too scant for thy desire Inkindled is Christs truths abroad to spread Virginia may his grace to them admire That thee through Seas for their instruction led Thy labours Knowles are great far greater hee Not onely thee but all his valiant made Forth sinfull dust his Saints and Warriers be He thee upheld thy strength shall never fade John come thou forth behold what Christ hath wrought In these thy dayes great works are yet behinde Then toyle it out till all to passe be brought Christ crowne will thee thou then his glory minde To end this yeare 1639. the Lord was pleased to a send a very sharp winter and more especially in strong storms of weekly snows with very bitter blasts And here the Reader may take notice of the sad hand of the Lord against two persons who were taken in a storme of snow as they were passing from Boston to Roxbury it being much about a mile distant and a very plaine way One of Roxbury sending to Boston his servant maid for a Barber Chirurgion to draw his tooth they lost their way in their passage between and were not found till many dayes after and then the maid was fonnd in one place and the man in another both of them frozen to death in which sad accident this was taken into consideration by divers people that this Barber was more then ordinary laborious to draw men to those sinfull Errors that were formerly so frequent and now newly overthrowne by the blessing of the Lord upon the endeavour of his faithfull servants with the word of truth he having a fit opportunity by reason of his trade so soone as any were set downe in his chaire he would commonly be cutting of their haire and the truth together notwithstanding some report better of the man the example is for the living the dead is judged of the Lord alone CHAP. XVI The great supply of godly Ministers for the good of his People in New England FOr to govern and rule this little Common wealth was this year chosen the valiant Champion for the advance of Christs truh Thomas Dudly Esq and Richard Bellingham Esq Deputy Governour the freemen added to the former were about 192. this yeare the reverend Mr. Burr a holy heavenly-minded man and able gifted to preach the Word of God was exercised therein for some space of time in the Church of Christ at Dorchester where they were about calling him to the office of a teaching Elder but in a very littie time after his coming over he departed this life yet minde him you may in the following Meetre WEll didst thou minde thy Work Which caus'd thee vonter Through Ocean large thy Christ in 's Word to preach Exhorting all their faith on him to center Soules ravisht are by him in thy sweet speech Thy speech bewrayes thy heart for heaven doth look Christ to enjoy Burr from the earth is taken Thy words remaine though thou hast us forsook In dust sleep sound till Christ thy body waken There are divers others of the faithfull Ministers of Christ that came over for to further this his work somewhat before this time as the godly and reverend Mr. Rayner who was called to office in the Church of Christ at Plimoth and there remaines preaching the Word instantly with great paines and care over that flock as also the reverend and faithfull servant of Christ Jesus Mr. William Hook who was for some space of time at the Church in Taunton but now remaines called to office in the Church of Christ at Newhaven a man who hath received of Christ many gracious gifts fit for so high a calling with very amiable and gracious speech labouring in the Lord and here also the Reader may minde how the Lord was pleased to reach out his large hand of bounty toward his N. England people in supplying them abundantly with Teachers able and powerfull to break the bread of life unto them so long as their desires continued hot and zealous but after here grew a fulnesse in some even to slight if not loath the honey comb many returned for England and the Lord was pleased to take away others by death although very few considering the number but let N. England beware of an after-clap provoke the Lord no longer But seeing this yeare proved the last of the yeares of transportation of Gods people only for enjoyment of exercising the Ordinances of Christ and enlargement of his Kingdome there being hopes of great good opportunity that way at home it will be expediene onely to name some others in the Southwest parts among the lesser Colonyes and so passe on to the story And first not to forget the reverend Mr. Eaton a man of love and peace and yet godly zealous he came over with those who planted the Colony of Newhaven spending his labours in the Lord with them in Plimoth Plantation also here is to be minded the reverend Mr. Chancie a very able Preacher both learned and judicious as also the reverend able and pious M. Huet who came over this year or rather as I suppose the yeare before who did spend his time and labour with a people that came over with him at length the greatest part of them they settled downe in the Government of Canecticoe where they planted the Towne of Windsor and Church of Christ there where this gracious servant of Christ continued in his labours till the Lord laid him in his bed of rest somewhat before this time came over the reverend Mr. Smith being another of that name beside the former he laboured in the Word and Doctrine with a people at Withersfield in those parts also Mr. Henry Whitefield another Minister of the Gospel of Christ of reverend respect who being returned for England the latter of his labours the Lord assisting will sufficiently testifie his sincerity for the truth and labours of love in the Lord here may also be named the reverend Mr. Peck Mr. Saxton
live and as for her part shee had attained it already a company of legall Professors quoth she lie poring on the Law which Christ hath abolished and when you breake it then you breake your joy and now no way will serve your turne but a deepe sorrow These and divers other expressions intimate unto men that here I shall finde little increase in the Graces of Christ through the hearing of his word Preached and other of his blessed Ordinances Oh cunning Devill the Lord Christ rebuke thee that under pretence of a free and ample Gospell shuts out the Soule from partaking with the Divine Nature of Christ in that mysticall Union of his Blessed Spirit creating and continuing his Graces in the Soule my deare Christ it was thy worke that moved me hither to come hoping to finde thy powerfull presence in the Preaching of the Word although administred by sorry men subject to like infirmities with others of Gods people and also by the glasse of the Law to have my sinfull corrupt nature discovered daily more and more and my utter inabillity of any thing that is good magnifying hereby the free grace of Christ who of his good will and pleasure worketh in us to will and to doe working all our works in us and for us But here they tell me of a naked Christ what is the whole life of a Christian upon this Earth But through the power of Christ to die to sinne and live to holinesse and righteousnesse and for that end to be diligent in the use of meanes at the uttering of this word he starts up from the greene bed of his complaint with resolution to hear some one of these able Ministers Preach whom report had so valued before his will should make choyce of any one principle though of crossing the broade Seas back againe then turning his face to the Sun he steered his course toward the next Town and after some small travel ●●ee came to a large plaine no sooner was hee entred thereon but hearing the found of a Drum he was directed toward it by a broade b●aten way following this rode he demands of the next man he met what the signall of the Drum ment the reply was made they had as yet no Bell to call men to meeting and therefore made use of a Drum who is it quoth hee Lectures at this Towne The other replies I see you are a stranger new come over seeing you know not the man it is one Mr. Shepheard verily quoth the other you hit the right I am new come over indeed and have been told since I came most of your Ministers are legall Preachers onely if I mistake not they told me this man Preached a finer covenant of workes then the other but however I shall make what hast I can to heare him Fare you well then hasting thither hee croudeth through the thickest where having stayed while the glasse was turned up twice the man was metamorphosed and was faine to hang down the head often least his watry eyes should blab abroad the secret conjunction of his affections his heart crying loud to the Lords ecchoing answer to his blessed spirit that caused the Speech of a poore weake pale complectioned man to take such impression in his soule at present by applying the word so aptly as if hee had beene his Privy Counseller cleering Christs worke of grace in the soule from all those false Doctrines which the erronious party had afrighted him withall and now he resolves the Lord willing to live and die with the Ministers of New England whom hee now saw the Lord had not onely made zealous to stand for the truth of his Discipline but also of the Doctrine and not to give ground one inch CHAP. XLIIII The Congregationall Churches of Christ are neither favourers of sinfull opinions nor the Lords over any or many Churches or mens Consciences ANd here Christian Reader the Author according to his former practice must minde thee of the admirable providence of Christ toward his New England Churches in preserving them from these erronious spirits that have hitherto in all places dog'd the sincere servants of Christ when ever they have set upon a through Reformation as stories doe abundantly testify which thing the reverend Calvine and divers others have declared But seeing the boasting Prelates in these times are ready to say their Lordly power kept these errours under its plaine otherwise for Satan saw while people were under their yoake of humane inventions they were far enough from exalting the Kingdome of Christ And therefore he reserved these errours for his last shifts and further you shall see in the following story that the Lord Christ reserved this honour for those whose love hee had inlarged to follow him in a dezart wildernesse even with the sharpe sword of the Word timely to cut off the heads of this Hidra but yet there are two sorts of persons in our Native Country whom the Elders and Brethren here do highly honour in Christ and prefer before themselves namely the godly Prebyterian party and the Congregationall sincere servants of Christ both which the Author could wish that with bowells of compassion sweet simpathising affection of Brethren knit together in that transcendent love of Christ which couples all his distanced flockes together they would seriously ponder this History which through the Authors weakenesse wants much of measure but nothing of the truth of things so far as a shallow capacity can reach Of the first sort named I could wish the Reverend Mr. Ruterford Mr. Bayle Mr. Rathbone Mr. Paget Mr. Ball c. would but informe themselves further by the truth of this History supposing they cannot chuse but in a good measure be satisfied already with the pacificatory and meeke answers of as many Reverend and godly Elders of ours Now that I would they should take notice of is that the Churches of Christ in New England and their Officers have hitherto been so far from imbracing the erronious Doctrines of these times that through the powers of Christ they have valiantly defended the truth and cut down all deceiveable Doctrine the like hath not been done for many ages heretofore Reverend and beloved in Christ could your eyes but behold the efficacy of loving counsell in the Communion of congregationall Churches and the reverend respect honour and love given to all Teaching Elders charity commands me to thinke you would never stand for Classicall injunctions any more neither Diocesan nor Provinciall authority can possible reach so far as this royall Law of love in communion of Churches verily its more universall then the Papall power and assuredly the dayes are at hand wherein both Jew and Gentile Churches shall exercise this old Modell of Church Government and send their Church salutations and admonitions from one end of the World unto another when the Kingdomes of the Earth are become our Lord Christs Then shall the exhortation of one Church to another prevaile more to Reformation then
all the thundering Bulls excomunicating Lordly censures and shamefull penalties of all the Lording Churches in the World and such shall be and is the efficacy of this intire love one to another that the withdrawing of any one Church of Christ according to the Rule of the word from those that walke inordinatly will be more terrible to the Church or Churches so forsaken then an Army with Banners yea and it may be added because civill Government is like to turne nurse in more places then one this royall Law of love shall become the Law of Nations and none will suffer their subjects to rebell against it but to our beloved brethren in England on the other hand the Reverend Mr. Burroughs Mr. Goodwin c. This seemeth you have apprehended our Churches and civill Government to be too strict in dealing with persons for their sinfull opinions I wish the offenders be none of your intelligencers who to be sure will make the worst of things I know you are in charity with us And therefore a few words will satisfie which I hope you want not from your good friends our Reverend Elders who could wish you as much happinesse as our selves to expell error before it grew to that height to cry downe the sound and wholesome truths casting durt on our Orthodox and godly Ministery I wish you open your mouths wide enough to be filled with this blessing the Lord hath done great and unexpected things for you and why not this one and twenty yeares experience hath taught us that Errors and Heresies are not broached and held out here by tender consciences such as are weak in the Faith but by such as think them Scholers of the upper forme such as would teach the most ablest Christian among us another Gospell and further we finde our Erronist wanting a common enemy to contend withall as you have fallen foule of our godly Magistrates and Ministers and will not suffer us quietly to injoy the Ordinance of Christ for which wee hither cam● buzzing our people in the eare with a thing they call liberty which when any have tasted a smack of they can no more indure to hear of a Synod or gathering together of able and Orthodox Christians nor yet of communion of Churches but would be independant to purpose and as for civill Government they deem Religion to be a thing beyond their Sphere CHAP. XLV Of the civill Government in N. England and their nurture of the people upon their tender knees THe vernall of the yeare 1637. being now in his prime and as the season of the yeare grew hotter so the minds of many were hot in the eager pursuite of their selfe conceited opinions and verily had not authority stept in it was much to be doubted they would have proceeded from words to blowes great hold and keepe there was about choice of Magistrates this yeare the choyce being retarded by a paper call'd a Petition but indeed a meere device to hinder the election till the erronious party were strengthened their number increasing daily but the Lord Christ gratiously providing for the peace of his people toward the end of the day the honoured John Winthrope Esquire was chosen Governour and Thomas Dudly Esq Deputy Governor the number of free-men added this year was about 1 25. Here according to promise the Reader shall have an accoumpt of the civill Government of this little Common-wealth as their whole aime in their removall from their Native Country was to injoy the liberties of the Gospell of Christ so in serving up civill Government they daily direct their choice to make use of such men as mostly indeavour to keepe the truths of Christ pure and unpsotted and assuredly they can digest any wrongs or injuries done them in their estates or trade better then the wresting of their right in the freedome of the Gospell out of their hands and this the Erronist knowing right well to save their heads whole perswade men it is not for civill Government to meddle with matters of Religion and also to helpe out with their damnable Doctrines they report it in all places where they be come that New England Government doth persecute the people and Churches of Christ which to speake truth they have hitherto beene so far from that they have indeavoured to expell all such beasts of prey who will not be reclaimed that here might be none left to hurt or destroy in all Gods holy Mountaine and therefore are ready to put the Churches of Christ in minde of their duty herein yea and sometimes going before them in their civill censures that they may not onely professe the truth but also hate every false way not that they would compell men to believe by the power of the Sword but to indeavour all may answer their profession whether in Courch Covenant or otherwise by knowing they beare not the Sword in vaine Neither doe they exercise civill power to bring all under their obedience to a uniformity in every poyne of Religion but to keepe them in the unity of the spirit and the bond of peace nor yet have they ever mixed their civill powers with the authority peculiarly given by Christ to his Churches and Officers of them but from time to time have laboured to uphold their priviledges and only communion one with another The chiefe Court or supreame power of this little Common-wealth consists of a mixt company part Aristocracy and part Democracy of Magistrates that are yearly chosen by the major Vote of the whole body of the Free-men throughout the Country and Deputies chosen by the severall Townes they have hitherto had about 12. or 13. Magistrates in the Colony of the Mattacusets the other Colonies have not above five or six they have hitherto beene Volunteers governing without pay from the people onely the Governor of the Mattacusets hath some yeares 100 l. allowed him and some years lesse many of the Magistrates are already remembred yet with some of the first came hither Mr. Simon Brodestreet in this short Meeter is he remembred NOw Simon yong step in among these worthies take thy place All day to toile in vinyard while Christ thee upholds with grace Thee wisdom grave betime he gave and tongue to utter it That thou mightst be a blessing free and for this calling fit Thy counsell well advis'd dost tell with words ordered compleat Thy memory doth amplifie meeting with matters great Broad liberty do thou deny Brodstreet Christ would thee have For 's truth contend strong reason spend it from aspersion save He furnish't thee with these gifts free to last he must them make Still adding more to thy old store till he thee to him take The Lord was pleased to furnish these his people with some able instruments in most of their Townes that were skill'd in Common-wealth work out of which they chose their Deputies whose number was ordinarily between 30. and 40. some of them there will be occasion to speake of among their Military