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A83515 The third part of Gangræna. Or, A new and higher discovery of the errors, heresies, blasphemies, and insolent proceedings of the sectaries of these times; with some animadversions by way of confutation upon many of the errors and heresies named. ... Briefe animadversions on many of the sectaries late pamphlets, as Lilburnes and Overtons books against the House of Peeres, M. Peters his last report of the English warres, The Lord Mayors farewell from his office of maioralty, M. Goodwins thirty eight queres upon the ordinance against heresies and blasphemies, M. Burtons Conformities deformity, M. Dells sermon before the House of Commons; ... As also some few hints and briefe observations on divers pamphlets written lately against me and some of my books, ... / By Thomas Edvvards Minister of the Gospel.; Gangraena. Part 3 Edwards, Thomas, 1599-1647. 1646 (1646) Wing E237; Thomason E368_5; ESTC R201273 294,455 360

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as is evident by these words Neither shalt thou take a Wise to her Sister to vex her to uncover her nakednesse besides the other in her life time that is either thou shalt not take one wife to another marrying another wife having one or else marrie the sister of thy wife whether she be sister by mother or by the father Againe the holy Ghost in this Chapter forbids that which is unlawfull with some kind of persons and not with all and at some times and not at others therefore limits it to such a sort of persons such degrees of bloud but now fornication is unlawfull with all and at all times a man may not uncover the nakednesse that is commit fornication with those who are remotest in bloud or affinity and that it must be understood so is evident from the 19. verse Thou shalt not approach unto a woman to uncover ●er nakednesse as long as she is put apart for her uncleanesse that is every man was to abstaine from his own wife during the time of her monthly fluors which necessarily showes t is meant of a mans wife for from all other women a man must abstaine alwayes and t is never lawfull to approach to them but even from a mans owne wife over who●e body he hath power at other times he is then to abstaine Lastly the holy Ghost comes to speak of fornication verse 20. Thou shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbours wise There he forbids fornication but in the former part of the Chapter he for bad Incest and Incestuons marriages The other Scripture is in the New Testament Mark 6. 17 18. verses where John tell● Herod t is not lawfull for him to have his brother Philips wife and this cannot be evaded by saying John reproved Herod taking her by force or living in fornication with her but not barely for marriage with her For the text faith expresly he had married her and she was willing to it as appears by the story because she had a quarrell against John Baptist and would have killed him for preaching to Herod against it and afterwards watched her opportunity of revenge against John verse 19. 24 preferring his head before halfe of the Kingdome I have been the larger in this Animadversion because divers Sectaries a● guilty of Incestuous marriages I have the names of three Independents given me out of one County who have married incestuously 4. That our common food ordinary eating and drinking is a Sacrament of Christs death and a remembrance of his death till his coming againe 5. That the Souls of the Saints departed now in Heaven are on Earth everywhere present with their friends and with all the affairs of this world seeing and knowing them though in a spirituall manner and not in so grosse a way as when they were living upon earth for look as the Saints whilst they were on earth in their bodies yet were in Heaven in their Conversations So now though they ●e in He 〈…〉 yet they are on Earth with their friends and know their state and condition Doth not this Doctrine open a gap for prayer to the dead what bred and nourished prayer to Saints departed but this and is not this a great ground of it among the Papists at this day if this were true would it not put men upon praying to Saints whom they familiarly knew and were interrested in as their fathers mothers c. A godly and able Minister who was at this Sermon professed to me and another Minister discoursing of the Sermon That if he beleeved this Doctrine to be true he should pray to his Father to remember and pray for him and the Papists generally as Bellarmine and others urge this as an argument for Prayer to Saints because they know our affairs and the condition of things belowe unto which the Protestants generally Answer That the Saints departed know not our wants nor what is done in the earth and in Answer to that Argument The Saints on earth pray for one another Ergo much more we should desire the prayers of the Saints departed Among other Answers they still give this We may request the prayers of one another because we know our mutuall necessities but the Saints departed know not what things are done here upon earth neither are every where present to hear ou● prayers The holy Ghost tells us Isaiah 63 16. that Abraham is ignorant of us and Israel knows us not Upon which Augustine writes thus If so great Patriarck● were ignorant what became of the people which were borne of their loi●es how is it like that other dead can be present to understand and be helping to mens affairs So Job saith of them who are dead His sonnes come to honour and 〈◊〉 knoweth it not and they are brought lowe but be perceiveth it not Job 14. verse 21. But for confutation of this Popish opinion I referre the Reader to Willets Synopsis the much generall Controversie concerning the Saints departed quest 3. to Amesius his Bellar. E●ervatus Tom. 2 〈…〉 de Invocatione Sa●ctorum and to learned Rivers Catholicus Orthodoxus Tract 2. Quest 48. 6. The glorified Souls now in Heaven see in Christ as in a glasse the state of the whole Church on Earth all their joyes to rejoyce with them and all their griefs and troubles though not to greive with them This is B 〈…〉 nes opinion an brought by him as a ground for the Invocation of Saints became at once they see in God as in a glasse all things here belowe and so the prayers of the faithfull directed to them Of the manner how the Saints in Heaven know the prayers of the living Bellarmine sets down four opinons of the wayes how 1 Some say they know them by the relation of Angels 2 Others say the Souls of the Saints by their wonderfull celerity and agility are in a sort every where and so know 3 Many hold the Saints see at once in God as in aglasse all things which concerne them and so the prayers directed to them I astly others say they know them by speciall revelation from God when they are prayed as Elisha knew Ge●azies corruption and Samuel knew Sauls estate Now the Third the beholding in God as in a glasse the prayers of the living Bellarmine adheres to as the most probable so that this 6th Error and Bellarmines agrees fully but for confutation of this Error let the Reader read our Protestants in Answer to Bellarmine upon this question As Amesius Bellar. Enervat Willets Synopsis with many others 7 The glorified Souls who are in Heaven doe now with Christ govern and rule the Kingdomes of the Earth and all the affairs here belowe for proofe of which was brought these Texts as I remember Revelation 3. 21. To him that overcometh will I grant to ●it with me in my throne Rev. 2. 26. And he that overcometh to him will I give power over the nations This also is a Popish Errour
he had power and wisdom enough to hinder them and to make things otherwise and therefore if he saw not good to hinder them what should they trouble themselves about them 18. That Pigeons in Dove Houses are common for all men to take and eat them as well as those who are owners of those Dove Houses because Pigeons are fowls of the aire and so common to the sons of men 19. That 't is unlawfull to eat things strangled as fowls whose necks are broken and wrung about and not cut off 20. That there is no Predestination nor Election at all 21. That Gods eternall Election is of all men one as well as another 22. That many shall be actually saved who are not elected and they who preach none shall he saved but the elect and predestinate are notable lyars 23. There is a two-fold eternall life and salvation a more glorious salvation so as to make them instruments of salvation unto the whole Creation and that belongs to the elect and predestinate and a lesse glorious salvation which belongs to them who are not prede●tinate 24. That all the Heathen shall be saved because they are not guilty of unbelief never hearing of Christ 25. That God is in our flesh as much as in Christs flesh he is as much in the flesh of the members as in the Head 26. That all shall be saved at last both all men and devils Christ by suffering hath merited for the transgressions of his Creation Angels and Mankind and all immortall Spirits paying the price of our transgressions and the transgressions of all Angels Spirits and Mankind sealing the pardon of all with his bloud the reprobate condition of men and Angels shall be regained cursednesse shall be taken away death and hell shall be destroyed the grave shall deliver up the dead all shall be created anew to life and immortality The damned prisoners shall be sent forth out of the pit wherein there is no water by the power of the Holy Ghost who will maintain and make use of the bloud of Christ shewing it to be the holy Covenant of generall Redemption 27. They are the great Antichrist and deny the whole Christ God and their own salvation who deny the Covenant of generall Redemption of all men devils and the whole Creation 28. Christ descended into hell to break the bands of the damned preaching peace unto them and for the proving it these Scriptures are wrested 1 Pet. 3. 18. Ephes 4. 9. 10. Z●ch 9. 11. 29. The Devils for a time have damned themselves for not beleeving nor receiving this truth in obedience to the Gospel of Generall Redemption that God hath made all perfect to himself in Christ and paid a price for the sins of all being by Christ justly condemned for their unbelief and disobedience in not obeying the Gospel of peace righteousnesse and love to God and our fellow creatures 30. The true Christian working faith which the Holy Ghost commends so much unto all in Scripture and calls for at the hands of all in case of salvation receiving it or damnation in refusing it for the want of which millions of thousands were damned for a time though not damned to perish for ever for there is none can be damned totally is to beleeve the Covenant of Generall Redemption that all shall be eternally saved both men and devils and shall see feel and possesse the blessednesse of it to their everlasting salvation and comfort This is the true Christian working faith that removes the mountains of sins not only for our selves but for others and that faith which talks much of Christ and preaches that none can be saved but by faith and denyes this work of Generall Redemption is a formall faith is a very mystery of iniquity and proclaimes openly against Gods love and perfection unto his whole Creation in Christ 31. This true faith of beleeving the Covenant of Generall Redemption though it were but in a few in three persons onely in the world yet this faith in these persons should save all the rest of the Creation These beleevers are that seed of blessednesse unto all the Creation with them in them and by them they are made instrumentall meanes of God through Christ onely by beleeving and declaring his goodnesse and in their spirits contesting with God for his Jehovah mercies towards the rebellious they are made instruments of blessing unto the whole Creation although there should be but three in the earth This Christian faith is of power to bring all things to life If there were but three persons in the whole world that had it in possession it receiveth all things from God in Christ and works through God himselfe it is perfect unto all in Christ from God In due time the Lord will bring it unto its full birth to the breaking up of the gates of hell and meeting Christ in the generall resurrection shall receive life and power to immortalize all things 32. That Christ shed his bloud for kine and horses and all other creatures as well as for men for the proving of which that Scripture is miserably perverted Rom. 8. 19 20 21 22. Animadvers These Errors last set down from the 26. to 32. are not onely viz. some of them old Errours revived held formerly by those Hereticks call'd Origenistae and Adamantii who denyed the punishments of reprobate men and of devills to be eternall and that after a time they should all be saved of which the Reader may see more in Augustine de Haeresibus and in Danaeus Commentaries upon him nor only against some expresse Scriptures as Jude vers 6. 2 Pet. 2. 4. Mat. 25. 41. which unanswerably hold out these three things First that the devills have not all their punishment nor the greatest part whilst this world lasts but howsoever they are now in darknesse and in chains they are reserved to have their full doom at the day of judgement Secondly that doom and sentence at the day of judgement both upon devills and ungodly men is eternall and everlasting Thirdly that eternall cannot be taken for a long time or a time till such a period but for ever and ever without end and the last appears thus First because this sentence is something more and further then yet they have suffered 't is spoken of as reserved for it now the devills have suffered a long time many thousand years before the day of judgement comes almost six thousand years already besides what 's to come and if their doom were but for a long time after it would be but like that which is past a long time in both Secondly at the day of judgement that which is ●alled everlasting eternall must needs be properly so and not taken for a long time as sometimes 't is so taken for long times whilst this world stood because then the stage of this world is pull'd down and time in which things were measured shall be no
more no more night nor day summer nor winter 2 Pet. 3. 7 10 11 12. The heavens and the earth which are now are reserved unto fire against the day of judgement the heavens shall passe away the elements shall melt with fervent heat the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burnt up all these things shall be dissolved and whatever hath a being after the day of judgement is eternall and for ever so Revel 10. 6. there should be time no longer which some interpret there shall be no time because time shall be finished and this variety of dayes and nights moneths and years and an unchangeable eternity shall follow in the dayes of the seventh Angel but whether that be the meaning or no of the place this is certain that after the end of this world and the generall Judgement there will be an abolition of time and an eternity follow and therefore eternall fire and eternall chains both for devills and ungodly men cannot be meant of a long time but simply of eternall à parte post Thirdly there 's the same reason in every respect why eternall for judgement fire destruction should be taken in the same sense that eternall is when joyned to life kingdome c. but there 't is taken not for a long-lasting time but properly for everlasting and therefore must of necessity be so here and whatever colour glosse or evasion can be brought to evade that of hell torments damnation that they should not be eternall the same will lie as strong against the eternall life and kingdome given to the Saints but they overthrow the whole doctrine of faith break that golden chain of salvation in the eighth of the Romanes in all the links of it Election Vocation Justification Glorification nay further these Errors as they are laid down doe not onely crosse expresse Scriptures and Articles of our Faith but they deny salvation to all men who beleeve not those wicked doctrines making them the great Antichrist formall beleevers and putting the cause of all damnation to devills and men viz. for so long as they are damned upon the not-beleeving and receiving these wicked doctrines That all devills and men shall be saved and that Christ paid the price laying down his bloud for the pardon of all reprobated Men and Angels and that the beleeving of these doctrines is the only true Christian working faith commended so much by the Holy Ghost and of such an efficacy that this faith being but in two or three in the whole world shall yet save all the rest of the Creation then which Doctrines and Positions nothing can be more repugnant to the Christian faith and may properly be call'd doctrines of devills 33. The Trinity of Persons came downe in Christ to suffer Father Sonne and Holy Ghost suffered for their transgressing creature 34. There is a private Kingdom of Christs justice in which he sat Judge over the quick and dead to condemne and execute torments on the rebellious whom he held as prisoners for a time and there is Christs publick Kingdome to which the Private Kingdome must give place and as the Father hath given it to Christ to rule it for ever so Christ hath committed it to the Holy Ghost to enliven all things to bring up all to life and immortality and the Holy Ghost for the Father and the Son shall execute the judgement of love and mercies unto all for the destroying of death of hell 35. That t is unlawfull to pray unto God kneeling 36. That Organs are a sanctified adjunct in the service of God now under the Gospel and that if any man in the Church had a gift of making Hymner he might bring them in to be sung with Organs or other Instruments of musick In severall ages of the Church wanton men who could not be content with the simplicity of the Gospel have brought both into doctrines of Faith and Worship such opinions and practises still as have been most suitable to their genius and education to the principles of such Arts and Sciences in which they were versed as Origen and some others versed in Plato's Philosophy brought in opinions into the Church according to Plato's doctrine Some who have been much addicted to Painting and Imagery they have brought in Images into the Church and now some of our Independents having fancies in Musick singing taking great delight in that way they have pleaded for and brought into the Church Hymnes and Musick 37. That Adultery is no Sin and that Drunkenesse is none neither but a help to see Christ the better by it 38. Though consent of Parents unto Childrens marriage was commanded under the Law to them that lived then yet because that was but a ceremony t is now lawfull to marry without their consent because we live under the Gospel 39. Christs death and sufferings were endured for to be our example not to purchase heaven for us 40. That 't is not lawfull for Christians to take an oath no not when they are called before Authority and brought into Courts 41. That Christ would destroy not only unlawfull Government but lawfull Government not only the abuse of it but the use of it he was destroying both Monarchy and Aristocracy 42. That the Saints besides the spirituall Kingdome and Government of the Church of Christ must have an externall Kingdom to possesse that this is the time that the Kingdome viz. England Scotland and Ireland is to be taken from him who shall arise and subdue three Kingdoms thinking to change times and Lawes and shall be given to the Saints 43. Gracious Lords or Favourable Lords are titles that cannot be proper amongst Christians but are marks of Gentiles 44. 'T is an utter disfranchisement of the people and a meer vassalage for a man to Petition to Courts of Judicature as the House of Peers for his right and to have justice done him 't is no better then a branch of tyranny to force a man to turn Supplicant for his own and of self-robbery to submit thereto 'T is an inslaved and intolerable condition of this Nation that indeed they cannot have their own naturall Rights and Immunities but they must be actuall Petitioners as if their own were not their own of right but of favour 45. That for Crimes and Offences committed in a Common-wealth there should not be certain penalties appointed by Lawes to which the Governours and Magistrates should be tyed but it should be lest to the discretion and wisdome of the Magistrates to inflict what they thought fit in case of such and such Crimes and this liberty should be left that a Magistrate might exercise his gifts of Government which if he were kept strictly to the Law how should his wisdom and gifts be manifested 46. That Protestant States and Parliaments have no power nor liberty to confirm and enact by Law Worship and Church-Government
composed by Protestant Synods who have an eye to the Scripture in what they doe but the assuming of such a power so as to enact a Law to bind all to conformity 't is a falling under that in Esay Their fear towards God was taught by the precept of men 't is with Nebuchadnezzar to erect his golden Image with Jeroboam and his Councell to set up the golden Calves 't is a rejecting of Christ from being King an utter overthrowing of the Kingly Prerogative and Office of Christ and a destroying a foundation of faith 47. That all Power Places and Offices that are just in this Kingdom ought only to arise from the choise and election of the people and that all the power right any man hath in governing and ruling over those he rules stands wholy in the choice and election of those that are ruled and that men need not ought not to yeeld obedience and subjection to the Commands Summons Lawes c. of any but of those they have chosen and who are their Representers and to submit yeeld obedience to any others whom they have not chosen is inconsistent with the nature of just freedoms and to exercise any power not derived from choice is no lesse then usurpation and oppression 48. That all the Legall Supreame Soveraigne Regall Legislative power of this Kingdom is in the House of Commons the chosen Commons of England and in no other whatsoever there 's no other the Svpreame Court of Judicature of this Land but the House of Commons That all Majesty and Kingship inherently residing in the people or state universall the representation or derivation of it is formally and legally in the state Representative or elect and in none else The Supreame power only of right belonging to the House of Commons they only being chosen by the people 49. That the state universall the body of the common people is the Earthly Soveraign Lord King and Creator of the King Parliaments all Officers and Ministers of Justice Underived Majesty and Kingship inherently resides in the state universal and the King Parliaments c. are their own meer creatures to be accountable to them and disposed of by them at their pleasure the people may recall and re-assume their power question them and set others in their place 50. That whatever the Fundamentall Constitutions of Kingdomes and Common wealths have been by forefathers whatever agreements compacts have been of subjection and obedience of such a people for themselves and posterities to one as under Kingly government or to more yet the men of the present age following many hundred years after ought to be absolutely free from what their forefathers yeelded unto and freed from all kinds of exorbitancies molestations without exception or limitation either in respect of persons officers degrees or things and estated in their naturall and just Liberties agreeable to right reason 51. That the House of Commons cannot have any power nor exercise any power justly but what the people who chose them conferred upon them and the common people having given them no power to establish Religion as having no such power in themselves and therefore could not conferre that which they had not therefore the House of Commons cannot assume a power to controule Religion or a way of Church Government upon the people and although the Kings Writ for chusing Knights and Burgesses implies the establishment of Religion yet all implications in the Writs of the Establishment of Religion showeth that in that particular as many other we remain under the Norman yoak of an unlawfull power from which we ought to free ourselves and the House of Commons ought not to maintain upon us but to abrogate 52. That seeing all men are by nature the Sons of Adam and from him have legitimatly derived a naturall propriety right and freedom Therefore England and all other Nations and all particular persons in every Nation notwithstanding the difference of Lawes and Governments rancks and degrees ought to be alike free and estated in their naturall Liberties and to enjoy the just Rights and Prerogative of mankind whereunto they are Heirs apparent and thus the Commoners by right are equall with the Lords For by naturall birth all men are equally and alike born to like propriety liberty and freedom and as we are delivered of God by the hand of nature into this world every one with a naturall innate freedom and propriety even so are we to live every one equally and alike to enjoy his birth-right and priviledge 53. That the body of the people may do all that lawfully of themselves which their Deputies Trustees Representors chosen ones do for them only for greater conveniency they Depute them and they may go no further in any thing nor sit no longer nor dispose of any thing but according to their Commission and power received from the Represented I might here also annex to these Errours many strange and false Expositions of Scripture given by Sectaries in their Sermons and Discourses but I will only give two or three 1 That of Matthew 28. v. 18. Allpower is given to me in heaven and in earth By heaven there is meant the uncreated heaven there are the created heavens and the uncreated heaven here is meant the uncreated heaven the God-head so that the meaning of these words is all the uncreated power of the God-head is given to Jesus Christ 2 That of Genesis the ninth And surely your bloud of your lives will I require at the hand of every beast will I require it That by Beast there was meant a wicked man 3 That of Luke 24. To day shalt thou be with me in paradise that to day was to be referred to Christs saying so not to the time when he should be in Paradise of which the Reader may find more in some following pages 100. 101. In my First and Second Parts of Gangraena page 28. 29. of the First Part Third Edition and in page 1. and 117. of the Second Part Second Edition I have laid down some Tenets of the Sectaries destructive to Civill Government and humane Society but now in this Third Part among these Errors mentioned I have discovered much more of their Anarchicall and Antimagistraticall spirit many of these last Errors plainly showing they are enemies to all Government Order and Distinction and would bring all into a popular confusion and reduce all Common-wealths and Kingdoms into such a condtion as they were before they had Laws Customes of Nations Rulers over them and that as often as the weak judgements and humours of the giddy in constant multitude pleased and this spirit of Anarchy fully showes it self in many whole Books written on purpose some Sermons many Speeches and in many late practises of the Sectaries I have forborne quoting in the margine one or more particular Bookes with the Pages just against the Errours for proof as I have done in other Errors because not only one Book
Hells torments were not threatned to Adam nor due to him in case of his disobedience 3. That all the children of Adam that dye in their infancie whether they be children of Turks or Infidels are undobtedly saved as well as the children of Christians and would prove it out of John 1. 29. where by sinne he meant only Originall where he seems to crosse his first point 4. That Christs bloud did not purchase Heaven for any man And being asked how came the Saints to be in Heaven He answered Heaven is a gift given to the Saints as a reward of Christs righteousnesse without relation to his Death and Suffrings which were endured for to be our example not to purchase Heaven for us 5. That Christ shed his bloud for kine and horses and all other creatures as well as for men miserably perverting that Scripture in the eigth to the Romans 19 20 21 22. verses 6. That the Heavens and the Earth mentioned 2 Pet. 3. 7. shall not be set on fire nor are they reserved for the judgement and perdition of ungodly men And that there is no other fire in Hell then the Hell that is and shall be in mens consciences 7. That the souls of Divels and all other men are mortall as well as their bodies and that there was none immortall but God 8. That if the soul which was the breath of God were not mortal then the breath of God which is part of God should be eternally tormented in Hell 9. That those words to day or this day shalt thou be with me in Paradise is so to be understood 1 at the day of Resurrection when I come personally to reign upon earth a 1000 yeers at that day shalt thou be with me in my Kingdom for there is Gods Kingdom which Christ has now and there is Christs Kingdom which the Theifshall share in then 10. He a●firmed that place Revel 20. 6. to be meant of a personall reign of Christ in his body upon earth a 1000 yeers 11. He affirmed that place in Eccles 12. 7. is not to be understood as if the soul after death was really separated from the body for sayes he the souls of men rest in the grave with their bodies till the Resurrection and then Christ raises up both together the soul may return to God that gave it though it lay with the body in the grave for God is present every where and the soul went no more to God then the body did 12. It is injustice in God to punish the souls of the wicked in Hell while their bodies lay at rest in their graves for seeing both were sinners together both must be sufferers together if God should punish the soul of Cain in Hell sive or six thousand yeers before he punish the body of Cain he then would shew himself partiall in his distribution of justice 13. He said sinne was not conveyed ●o Adams posterity by Adams loynes He was askt how then came we to be sinners He answered only by Satan for Satan was the father and our hearts was the mother to receive Satans seed for the Devill is the father of all actuall sinnes in men and begets sinne in them as the Adulterer begets an Adulterous ●●ood upon the Adulteresse there can be but one father of one child so there can be but one father of sinne and that is the Devill for he is called the father of lyes 14. And he being told that the Devill was but a partiall not a totall cause in the production of sinne for the Devill he works sinne instigando by temptation and corrupt nature works sinne efficaciter agendo operando by begetting actuall sinnes James 1. 15. Lust it bringeth forth sinne And the law in Pauls members did bring me saies Paul into captivity to the law of sinne But he replyed saying The Devill was not only a partiall but a totall father in begetting sinne upon Adams pure soul for Adam had no corrupt nature to help him sinne the first sinne therefore it was wholly from Satan I told him the Devill could not by his temptation defile a pure soul that is not consenting to his temptation for then he would have defiled Jesus Christ when he was tempted by the Devill therefore I conceive the chief cause of Adams fall was the consent of Adams own will which could not be forced by Satan because he had power to stand against Satans temptations as well as power to fall But seeing there would be no end of dispute I desired the people present in the Boat to beware of his Errors But he said they were such as I that did deceive the people and we would not open our eyes to see the light our receiving of Tyths did blind us but he hoped shortly there would be no Tythes paid in England How then will you have the Ministers of the Gospel live of the Gospel 15. He answered they must take such as the people will give them and if their people will not maintain them they must work with their hands as Paul did 16. He further said our Ministers of the Church of England were Antichristian Ministers and our Parochiall Congregations were no Churches nor was there any Nationall Church now under the Gospel though I told him where ever there is a Nation professing the Gospel according to the Word there must needs be a Nationall Church under the Gospel But in England there is such a Nation professing the Gospel and to be ruled according to the Word of God witnesse our Nationall Covenant some corrupt members in the Nation do not hinder the being of a Nationall Church I askt him what he thought of the representative body of the Nation now assembled in Parliament and of the Clergy now assembled in the Synod He answered as for the Assembly of Divines they are as bad as other Ministers and that he hoped shortly they would be as contemptible as the Bishops are and that unlesse they could prove themselves to be guided by an infallible spirit the Parliament need not accept their advise though they have called them to give their advise in the things of Christs Kingdom but the Parliament I hope shortly will dismisse them sayes he and call others in a new Assembly that may advise them better then they do Sir I have hitherto told you a few things of those many that were in discourse between this William Bowling and my self hee wearied me and perplexed me so with his erroneous hereticall and wild disputation that when we came ashore at Billinsgate I was sorry that I forgate to have him apprehended here before the Committee of Examinations who would have sifted him to purpose I do hear that Master Williamson of Cranbrook hath heretofore had him before the Committee at Ailesford in Kent for some misdemeanors And I hear by others that the man doth Patrizare in some of his opinions but no wonder the world is full of such and the Church too and there must be
Commons the Knights and Burgesses assembled in Parliament by the voluntary choyce and free election of the people thereof with whom and in whose just defence I le live and die maugre the malice of the House of Lords and in page 18. he in way of de●ision calls the Lords House the Superlative House and speaking of the Lords laughing at his answers he saith of that House such carriage such a Court For indeed Comedies Tragedies Masks and Playes are more fit for such idle kind of men And above all other Demonstrations of the outragious insolencies of the Sectaries against the House of Peeres let the Reader peruse that Pamphlet entituled An Anatomy of the Lords tyranny and injustice exercised upon Lieutenant Colonel Lilburne which is throughout insolent both for matter and manner particularly page 12 13. Lilburne writes that he being in the painted Chamber desired Master Brisco one of his Keepers to go and tell the Lords from him that seeing they had the impudencie and boldnesse to tread the Lawes and Liberties of England under their feet and did so contemne and undervalue the authority of the Honorable House of Commons to whom he had appealed as yet to go on in their illegall courses with him with whom by Law they had nothing to doe that he must be forced in the highest nature he could to contemne and despise their proceedings and therefore was resolved not to come to their Bar without a forcible compulsion and to come in with his hat on his head and to stop his eares when they read his charge in detestation and bearing witnesse against their usurpations and injustice page 14 15. Lilburne writes he thus spake to the Lords And my Lords I tell you to your faces that by right the House of Commons are your Judges as well as mine in this case and I doe not doubt but to live to see the day that they will make you to know whether you will or no that they are so and of their justice and protection I doe not in the least doubt And therefore my Lords seeing you have dealt so illegally and tyrannically with me as you have done I now bid defiance to your power and malice to doe the worst you can And therefore my Lords I protest here before the God of Heaven and earth if you shall be so unworthy as to persevere in endeavouring the destruction of the fundamentall Lawes and Liberties of England as at present you doe I will venture my life and bloud against you to oppose you with as much zeale and courage as ever I did any of the Kings party that you set us together by the eares with page 21. Lilburne saith all his catriage and expressions before the House of Lords in the case now betwixt them to be as justifiable by the Law of this Kingdome and in the eyes of all understanding men as for a true and just man to draw his sword and cut the theif or rogue that sets upon him upon the high-way on purpose to rob him of his life and goods and in page 23. hee earnestly beseeches the Honorable Committee to remember the Commoners and improve all their interest to punish or at least effectually to curb the Lords House Thus the Sectaries in their Petitions and all their Pamphlets printed speaking of the Lords House and of their proceedings they give such kind of termes as these Barbarous Tyrannicall Arbitrary Illegall unjust dealings worse then the unjust Stat-chamber it selfe Insolent unheard of usurpations intrusions and many such like And in divers Pamphlets now of late the Parliament being spoken of is understood only the Commons of England they call'd the Parliament by way of exclusion of and opposition to the H. of Peers and Books written on purpose and dispersed given freely to stir up the people to adhere to the Comons as considered apart and distinct in interest power from the Lords with unworthy reflections upon the Lords as The last warning to all the Inhabitants of London p. 7. Mind your own good and cleave fast to the House of Commons let no sorcery or sophistry divide you from them the Lords are not to go before the Commons in determining what concerns the Nations their large answer to your last City Petition for Church-government and suppression of Conventicles insinuates they would allure you from the Commons therefore observe them watchfully and trust them accordingly So A word in season to all sorts of well-minded people in this distracted Nation with Answers to the City Remonstrance and divers other Pamphlets 4. The Sectaries have been guilty of and daily are of abusing contemning and taking away the power of the House of Commons given it by the Lawes Constitutions and Customes of this Kingdome and though in many Pamphlets especially this last yeere they cry up the House of Commons and seeme to give them not only their owne power but the power of the King and House of Lords making both them meere ciphers yet it will be found by many of their principles laid downe they have destroyed the House of Commons and doe break their Priviledges speak their pleasure of them both by words and writing as often as they please Many Pamphlets and whole Books have beene written by Sectaries against the House of Commons it selfe and not only against Committees or particular Members charging the House with tyranny injustice oppression horrible pride seeking of particular interests Arbitrary Governm 〈…〉 breaking of Magna Charta and going against the Liberties of the subject resembling them to the Star-chamber High Commission Court to Strafford and Canterbury refusing to answer any questions upon the command of the House scorning to Petition the Commons either to sue for their favour or to acknowledge their justice and after such favour shown as to release without petitioning yet taxing them with dishonesty and demanding reparations for imprisonment for the abundant proofe of which I referre the Reader to many Pamphlets written by Sectaries as Englands Birthright The Copie of a Letter from Lieutenant Colonel Lilburne to a friend Lilburnes Innocency and truth justified Englands lamentable slavery with other Letters printed about that time Another word to the wise written by M. John Musgrave A Pamphlet entituled An exact collection of the Parliaments Remonstrances Declarations c. A Remonstrance of many thousand Citizens and other free borne people of England to their owne House of Commons out of which I shall faithfully transcribe some passages that the insolencies of the Sectaries against the House of Commons may be observed Lilburn in his Letter to his freind writes thus page 1 2. That Master Corbit being in the chaire and telling him he was commanded by the House to demand a question of him Lilburn instead of answering him desired to know the cause of his commitment and M. Corbit replying the House was not bound to declare unto him the cause of his commitment thereupon Lilburne answered Then I have beene a long
the Inhabitants of London page 7. saith the Assembly are only to advise the House of Commons when they requi●r them and have not dealt fairely to side with the Scots or to sway with the City or to 〈…〉 ge the Parliament in the least Twelfthly the Sectaries have carried themselves wickedly and insolently toward the whole Ministry in this Kingdome and that both in City and Country reproaching them and 〈◊〉 against them in Pulpits Presses and in all places threatning them to send them packing to Rome that they will leave never a Preist in England distu●bing them in their owne Churches and Pulpits in giving them the lie calling them by disgracefull names as foole knave false Prophet Antichrist Frog in the Revelation pulling them out of the Pulpits keeping them by force from preaching invading their Pulpits against their wills drawing swords against them assaulting them in their houses with weapons of war and driving them from their habitations and laying their Churches wast A large book would not containe all the stories of the Sectaries misusing the godly Ministers in this kind I have many instances with the proofes by me of the Sectaries insolent carriages in these kinds in Oxfordshire Glostershire Summersetshire Wiltshire Bedfordshire Northamptonshire Warwickeshire Lestershire Devonshire it would be too much to particularize all the wicked facts done in this kind by Col. Heuson Major Axton Leiut Webb Capt. Paul Hobson and divers others as also to repeat all the wicked reproachfull names given the godly Ministers of the Kingdom in the printed pamphlets of the Sectaries as the Devils Agents The professed ●nemies of Christ The sworne enemies of Christ Persecuting Presbyters Croaking Fr●gs and twenty such names and worse Thirteenthly the Sectaries have spoken wickedly against all the Reformed Churches scoffing at their Synods Classes Ordination c. Let their books be looked into and they will be found to have written more scoffingly and reproachfully aganst those Churches then ever the Papists or Prelates did yea they have blasphemed those Churches the eminent servants of God among them and the truth of Christ taught in them What should I speak of the Arraignment of Persecution and his fellowes belching out blasphemies against the reformed Churches many other pamphlets besides that sort are extremely faulty as The compassionate S 〈…〉 ri●●ne Divine Light c. The Reformed Churches are ranged by some of the Sectaries with Papists and Turks and Calvin that worthy Instrument of Reformation and one of the Stars of the first magnitude is evill spoken of and ●ancked with the Romanists Fourteenthly The Sectaries have inveighed against inferior Magistrates Courts as Judges Justices of peace Majors of Cities Committees and all sorts of Officers of Justice and have offered severall affronts unto these and t is no wonder that they who with so high a hand dare affront heaven and earth God his truth Ministers and Ordinances the higher powers and the supremest Court of Judicature as I have showed the Sectaries have done should not be afraid of speaking against and carrying themselves uncivilly towards Magistrates in lower places The Courts of Justice in Westminster Hall and all their proceedings have been reviled by Lilburne and other Sectarian pamphlets All the Lawyers have beene cryed downe and reproached in Englands Birth-right and other pamphlets some of the Judges have beene affronted in their Circuits at the last Assizes by some Sectaries as at Hartford and other places Some Justices of Peace for executing Ordinances of Parliament upon Sectaries as that of Tyths and Committing upon blasphemies have beene arrested and sued by Sectaries as on Southwark ●ide as also abused and reproached to their faces and books written against them for discharge of their office besides Constables and Officers who have distrained and served their Warrants have beene molested and sued Majors of Cities Sheriffs Aldermen have beene branded for arbitrary tyrannicall prerogative Aldermen Sheriffs and miscalled at pleasure as in Lilburnes late pamphlets The Lord Majors farewell to his Maioralty Committees in the Countries have beene affronted by Sectaries putting on their hats when brought before them as in Bedfordshire and in one word all sorts of officers of Justice have one way or other by word or deed beene abused by Sectaries either by disobeying the Warrants they have brought or by miscalling them or by branding them in print as Lilburn hath done in severall pamphlets severall officers the Sergeant at Arms of the House of Commons the Keepers of Newgate he being more insolent and clomineering in prison over all kind of officers then his Keepers over him but above all the Sectaries insolencies towards that faithfull Gentleman Colonel Francis West and other officers under him appears by Lilburnes late libellous pamphlets and by the threatning speeches of some Sectaries comming to see Lilburn in the Tower who being by the Warders spoken unto to give their names and where they dwelt told them they should answer the prohibiting of them from going to Leiutenant Colonel Lilburne and that the time was at hand when they would come in whether the Leiutenant of the Tower would or no. And thus I have given a touch upon severall heads of the Sectaries tumultuous insolent unsufferable carriages but among all their wickednesses and abomiuable courses which may make them justly abhorred of all good men and of these Kingdomes the Reader may observe these following 1. That they make it their work and businesse to corrupt destroy and overthrow all Religion and godlinesse to lay all wast and to set open a wide gate to all error and licentiousnesse of living for the effecting of which they doe not only use all means and wayes for a Universall Toleration of all Heresies Blasphemies Atheisme which may happen to arise that there being such they may be tolerated go unpunished which Toleration alone would cause growth of Heresies fast enough and the ruine of Religion and godlinesse but they plot all wayes and take all courses under heaven that all Heresies and Errors may grow and increase that there may be both abundance of Errors and persons holding them and therefore they use all their power and interest to hinder all things which might prevent the growth of Heresies a●d Errors as the settling of Church-government and peace in Church and Common-wealth as the bringing in of Orthodox godly zealous Ministers into places with the establishing of maintenance upon them as the publishing of such Books as might keep men from Errors having suppressed some Books so which have come from New-England as a Tractate against Toleration c. And on the contrary doe any thing though never so unreasonable though never so much against their owne principles though never so wicked and abominable so it will but advance Errors hence they suffer many Emissaries to go from Country to Country from place to place to broach and vent among people all kinds of Errors and that by force of Arms against the will of the Ministers and people