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A68474 Appello Cæsarem A iust appeale from two vniust informers· / By Richard Mountagu. Montagu, Richard, 1577-1641. 1625 (1625) STC 18031; ESTC S112844 144,688 352

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that point And these honest well-meaning Informers if they had imagined indeed that I did so acquit them rather should have challenged mee of contradiction than of Popery For it seemeth as much Popery to accuse the Fathers of Errors as to excuse them of Erring seeing those three IESUITES than whom scarce were ever three more eminent in the Society doe not excuse or acquit them but accuse them rather for going so farre in applauding of Free-will In this point it is plaine my meaning was that their Vnderstandings were not so darkened as their words at first apprehension may seeme to import to erre so grossely in the point as they seeme to doe nor did then and in that particular those worthie Lights of the Church of GOD faile in discerning of the Truth of GOD in that particular as to use the words of the forenamed learned Bishop they inclined contrary to Scripture unto Pelagianisme For things must bee taken and considered as they are spoken and upon what occasion and ground they are spoken If you were not so acute to conceive this indeed so honest to expresse it yet your dullest Readers would have observed it had there beene in you so much ingenuity as to have added that which ensueth in M. MOUNTAGU thus That they being to deale against fatall Necessity urged by many PATNIMS Philosophers in those dayes as also against the execrable impiety of the MANICHEES they extended the power of FREE-WILL unto the uttermost and set it upon the Tenters especially having then no cause to fear anyenemy at home unto the contrary ante mota certamina PELAGIANA There being yet no PELAGIANS sprung up in the world enemies to Grace advancers of Nature and Naturall powers beyond degree of Power and of Possibility In effect M. MOUNTAGU as touching freewill heer in this case hath said the same and no more but the same that before him Bishop MORTON did in his Appeale pag. CCII. THE occasion of this difference we learne to have beene a whirlwind of contrary Heresies wherewith in those dayes the Church of GOD was miserably afflicted Then the MANICHEES and before them the STOICALL CHRISTIANS had taught an absolute fatall Necessity of every mans Actions thereby taking from man the guilt of sinne For the overthrow of which pestilent Heresie as is confessed concerning S. CHRYSOSTOME some FATHERS did contrarily yeeld too much unto the power of will This was the occasion of their by-sliding who notwithstanding did often recover their footing and in their more intimate meditations gave direct acknowledgement of our Orthodoxall Defence Iust to an haire up and downe the same Popery that M. MOUNTAGU hath Delivered That Bishop and my poor self say one and the same thing and yet will even the Informers I dare say acquit Him of Popery why not Me as well in the selfe same case with him CHAP. IV. Private and publick doctrine differenced In what sense the Church is said to be alwaies visible The Author acquitted from Popery againe by others learned Divines Of the Church of Rome INFORMERS HE calleth the doctrine of the INVISIBILITY of the Church a private opinion no doctrinall decision nor to bee imputed unto the resolved doctrine of the Protestants Nusquam est saith hee quod nun quam videtur CHAP. V. pag. XLVIII And againe pag. L. Moderate men on both sides doe confesse that this controversie may cease MOUNTAGU MY words were onely these It may be some private opinions have run upon Invisibility of the Church But since you put me to it if there bee any such doctrine as you speak of it is a private opinion and I will now say expressely I hold that doctrine a PRIVATE opinion yet then and there I did not ponere that any had so said in terminis or runne that way but onely with restriction by a May-be of concession that some men singular from the doctrine of the Church in their owne private opinions had fallen upon and supported an Invisibilitie Now every man but your selves knowes that the doctrine of a Church Publick and Authorized is one thing and your doctrine or my doctrine and private opinion is another thing For such doctrine as you talk of I know none I acknowledge none but that of Libertines and Brownists with whom if you have any commerce intercourse or confarreation look unto it the Church of England as it detesteth them so is it for and of another straine ARTIC XIX touching the Church thus we read The VISIBLE CHURCH of CHRIST is a congregation of faithfull men in the which the pure word of GOD is preached and the Sacraments be duely ministred c. Where Church and Visible are convertible tearmes That doctrine then to which you should and would seeme to have subscribed talketh of no invisible but a visible Church tendreth no Invisibility And it is a Position drawne out from thence and published that there is a Church of CHRIST not onely invisible but also visible Though for invisible it is more than that Article specifieth yet is it most true that there is a Church also invisible which was never denied or thought upon to be denied Secondly it is also concluded thence that the visible Church is a Catholick Church So the Church is visible and the Church is invisible both which I beleeve and professe distinctly taken and as it ought to bee understood For these though seeming are not contradictory Propositions The Church is invisible in her more noble parts the Saints both regnant in heaven and militant in earth such as be secreti and occultè intus such as bee 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the secret hidden the reserved Ones of GOD Psal LXXXIII IV. as Iewels of price of value of account I doe also beleeve and professe a visibility of the Church on earth necessarily toto sui though not totâ se in some part or other at all times though in all parts of the world or it selfe intire at no one time Nothing visible in the amplest maner that can be is so visible that there is nothing in it or of it but is visible It never was it never shall be it is wholly impossible to bee that at some time or other there could not be found in any one part or corner of the world not any part visible of that Church Catholick The Divell never did nor ever shall so farre and fully prevaile against GOD and GOD'S Kingdome as to effect or procure such an absolute desolation And so is it true for of this onely restrainedly I spake Non est quod nusquam videtur not generally true I grant and without limitation There ever was and will bee ever upon earth a visible Church some where or other with visible cognisances marks and signes to be discerned by such as be assigned by the XIX Article to which men may repaire to heare GOD'S Word where Sacraments are ministred and may be received unto salvation where Priesthood and Ordination is and may be had according to CHRIST'S
all hostilitie calling themselves interim Musulmans that is the right Beleevers so that religion is openly pretended for hostilitie Furthermore yet MAOMET personally as a private man and a false Prophet was truely and indeed a man of Sinne not only for his morall parts in his loose licentiousnesse lewd carriage abominable life impietie improbity and impuritie every way unto the highest but in his ALCORAN that execrable Law of his damned Sect he commendeth and tendreth unto not only alloweth and tolerateth in his Sectaries all filthie carnall pleasures and prostitutions and in reward of such a life a semblable recompence also after death in a Paradise of that uaure abounding withall beast-like brothelries Seventhly hee directly and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 without more ado thrusteth himselfe into the roome place state and office of CHRIST He exalteth himselfe above CHRIST above the Prophets Apostles all holy men all holy things and his Successors in State arrogate and challenge unto themselves absolute supreme independent power over the Kings and Monarchs of the earth calling themselves in their high-swelling stiles Lords of Lords GOD of the earth c. as is to bee seen in the Letters of SOLYMAN AMURATH and others challenging absolute irresistable incontrouleable power to set up pull downe order alter and dispose the world and all things in the world at pleasure That wretch MAOMET like ANTICHRIST indeed commandeth his ALCORAN and most abominable Law to bee received of all as the Message of GOD beeing nothing but a TYROTARICHON and hotch-potch of errors fables lies impieties impurities blasphemies derived from and made up out of Iewish Paganish Manichean Arian heresies religion and superstition He commendeth it unto his Followers as comming downe from heaven by the ministery of his familiar and old acquaintance the Angell GABRIEL He preferreth it before the Law the Gospell all or any Word of GOD. Hee threatneth torments eternall unto the despisers of it and unto the observers promiseth his carnall Paradise abounding with all sensuall delights and carnall pleasures and to conclude as in effect in despight of GOD conculcating and trampling under foot whatsoever is named GOD advanceth his owne blasphemous reprobate and forlorne miscreant as he is divine power and authority forsooth in the Divels name above all things whatsoever in heaven and earth If these be not certain signes and remonstrances of ANTICHRIST I cannot tell what are or may be thought to be Eightthly the TURK is and hath been long possessed of Ierusalem and the Land of promise that pleasant Land and holy City HOMAR the successor of MAOMET took it and since it hath been a neast of uncleane birds in the hands of those barbarous blasphemous miscreants except for some few yeers under the French The Iewes when MAOMET first declared himselfe came flocking unto him as unto their MESSIAS the sooner and rather because he was circumcised as bee all of his Sect at this day receiving in their flesh the marke stamp and character of the Beast They greatly advanced and propagated his impiety They paid him tribute to the intent to incite him against CHRIST and Christians and having prevailed and instigated him thereunto assisted him readily in that enterprize Ninthly the TURK fitteth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it is verified in him take the meaning for either IN the Church or AGAINST the Church in both which senses it is expounded Take Templum materially or formally or figuratively any way that note will also fit him At Mechae was he buried in the Church there HOMAR his Successor enshrined him there appointed an Obit and Anniversary for him there made it meritorious to visit his Sepulchre to undertake Pilgrimages unto his Reliques which religion and custome continueth yet unto this day And yet more The same HOMAR having after two yeares siege taken in Ierusalem Templum exquisivit as writeth THEOPHANES cited by BARONIUS quod SALOMON extruxerat ad Blasphemiae suae Oratorium constituendum Which being done and his Oratory erected in place of the Iewish Temple SOPHRONIUS the then Patriarch of Ierusalem took up this saying as having reference unto ANTICHRIST In veritate ista est abominatio desolationis quae dicta est à DANIELE Prophetâ stans in loco sancto And yet farther MAOMET the Great having taken Constantinople and ruined the Empire of the Greekes sate him downe and made his Palace in the Cathedrall Church of SAN SOPHIA and in the Close and Cloisters the Bishops and Priests lodgings thereabout where is his Seraglia unto this day Part of that large and admirablest piece of worke one of the wonders of the world the Church of SAN SOPHIA namely the Chancell of that Church where stood the High Altar or Communion-Table and Patriarchall Throne is now made and so used as a Turkish Moschie whither the GRAUND SIGNIOR also himselfe goeth often a Procession unto their Service or blasphemous Rites and Ceremonies of their Religion Spiritually figuratively he sitteth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 against or upon the living Temples of GOD the Church of the Redeemed by the bloud of IESUS because hee hath demolished ruined and brought unto confusion very many famous and renowned Christian Churches in Syria Palestina Egypt Persia Armenia Arabia Africa and Asia the Lesse and the More Graecia Thracia and many other Countries Those Churches all but one to which Saint PAUL wrote Those in the Revelation hee hath removed put out cast off their Candle and Candlestick bereft them of their spirituall life in CHRIST of the power of his Kingdome in preaching the Gospell hath set the marke of the Beast upon them circumcised them in their flesh taught them to blaspheme and to open their mouthes against the GOD of heaven He maketh and ever hath made warre against the Saints that is against the Christians called according to the calling of grace unto a profession holy and sanctified eo nomine alone because they professe the Name and Faith of CHRIST that they acknowledge the Onely true GOD and Him whom GOD hath sent CHRIST IESUS the Saviour and Redeemer of all mankinde and because they detest those execrable blasphemies of that false Prophet and man of sinne against GOD against CHRIST and true Religion seeking by all meanes to make them as they speake Musulmans that is to deny CHRIST IESUS and to goe to hell And for this cause one amongst many hee extremely tyrannizeth upon their bodies and temporall states a note of ANTICHRIST to doe so but in more cruell and wretched sort upon their soules especially in that his barbarous and unheard of Tribute of CHRISTIANS children every third year or as occasion serveth oftner or seldomer to be violently rest away from their Parents from their GOD Redeemer Religion hope of Salvation and everlasting life to become the Eunuchs in his Seraglia worse than those in the Court of the King of Babylon his Ianisaries Spahies Beglerbegs and Bashaes the publick meanes and instruments of his Tyranny and insolences against GOD and his Church Tenthly
you may strongly sent that which is but weak Now who can help this Touching this point I beeleeve because Iusee the experience such as your selves can not relish nor savour any thing but only GOD'S secrets For you and men of your Company are never at quiet with GOD'S Arcana Imperij can never let his eternall Predestination alone The most ordinarie Theame of your as I am given to understand and their popular Preachings is touching that comfortable Doctrine of Election and Reprobation M. MOUNTAGU rubbed somewhat upon this sore thus That Men in Curiosity have presumed farre upon and waded deepe into the hidden secrets of the Almighty And you amongst others being galled as guilty have winched at it and hence it is that He seemeth so strongly to SAVOR of Arminianisme who would not have you meddle beyond your Modell but keepe and containe your selves within the bounds of Christian sobriety and moderation and savor of S. PAUL'S counsell Sapere ad sobrietatem He savoreth of Arminianisme but how ARMINIUS savoureth we shall smell it if we can and find it at leasure For having but named Him you fall hote upon Lutheranisme and of M. MOUNTAGU'S consent with Them as if Arminianisme Lutheranisme were two words of one signification or in this point Lutherans and Arminians were divided or as if in your heate you rambled up and downe and could not well resolve what to fasten on Will you have the Imputation runne thus The XXI chap. savoreth strongly of Arminianisme and He declareth himselfe therein to consent with the Lutherans two severall acts upon different objects Or shall it be that He savoreth so of Arminianisme because he declareth himselfe to consent with the Lutherans If Lutheranisme and Arminianisme be distinct heer is an Error committed by these Informers against Error that I am not presented upon point of Lutheranisme in the Title as well as upon point of Arminianisme If not different but the same Lutherans were in being and in name when ARMINIUS was not hatched nor in the shell And if it be an Error of ARMINIUS which was the Positive Doctrine of Lutherans and LUTHER before ARMINIUS was born why is ARMINIUS entituled unto that which is none of his but M. LUTHER'S Why is M. MOUNTAGU accused of Arminianisme said to savor of Arminianisme rather than of Lutheranisme both in this being one and the same thing There lyeth heer a padd in the straw I can ghesse at the cause a tricke of your Brotherly charity Because LUTHER'S opinions were not Dangerous but ARMINIUS errors are Dangerous For we are told in their Insinuations that THIS Arminianisme hath infested and had brought into great perill the STATES of the Vnited Provinces if the KINGS MAIESTY by his gracious care and providence had not helped to quench the fire Scilicet as of old the Pagan Idolaters accused Christianity of all those calamities which befell mankinde Postquam esse in mundo Christiana gens cepit as ARNOBIUS speaketh Blessed bee the PEACE-MAKER amongst men the Generation of that faithfull One shall be ever blessed And blessed be that MAN of PEACE in ISRAEL for ever The reward of the righteous rest upon his Royall Person and Posterity and the faithfull promise of that GRAND-PEACEMAKER betwixt Heaven and Earth be sevenfold returned into his bosome whose Princely care and providence is not confined within the surroundry of the foure Seas but enlarged ultra unto his neighbours those Vnited Provinces primarily and before all But for this particular Sirs Informers can you speake upon knowledge for I must confesse my ignorance and small intelligence in matters of this kinde both for action and speculation that there was no other Snake lurking in covert nothing else but the simple difference about these School-points of Predestination Freewill Finall Perseverance which had so almost indangered the state of those Vnited Provinces Did no craftie Interloper are you sure of that put in his Stocke among those brawling Bankers Did no wiser men or man worke upon perhaps exasperated mindes or exasperate minds to worke upon as it hath hapned elsewhere in points of controverted Divinitie called into question or maintained on foote that Religion may serve for a stalking horse to catch fooles and be pretended to serve turnes Surely those very points being Scholasticall speculations meerly and as farre from State-businesses as Theorie is from Practice are not of themselves aptae natae to breed dangers Those so dangerous opinions in the Netherlands have beene as freely quarrelled and as fiercely pursued in the Vpperlands of as long time without all danger but of Tongue-tryall And why should they be so dangerous heer Those Classicall projects Consistoriall practices Conventuall designes and Propheticall speculations of the Zealous Brethren in this Land doe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 aime at Anarchy popular confusion Dangerous indeed to Prince and people State Civill and Ecclesiasticall may well come under this Information as being active in Front and not onely upon the Reare Why informe you not against the Fomenters of them Would you not take it ill if your selves were traduced as Dangerous indeed who do more than upon the Bye incline unto them But I am loth to touch heer or to meddle beyond my slipper The State is not the Subject of my Profession I pray for the prosperitie of Prince and Polity but let their courses alone to whom they concerne I excuse not ARMINIUS or Arminians in any misdemeanor onely let not Innocency in different Opinions bee calumniously traduced without cause M. MOUNTAGU in his owne particular is knowne hee giveth GOD the praise therefore to better than your selves or any of your Sect be they who they will bee to foment neyther Faction in State whereof he is incapable nor Schisme in Church whereto he is not inclinable having all his Studies addressed and Prayers directed to one end to make up if it were possible the rents in the Garment of CHRIST IESUS the breaches and ruines in the CHURCH for which cause it is apparant They cannot endure Him Quibus quietamoveri magna merces and live well fare full and fatt by Fishing in troubled waters There is One GOD One Faith One Hope One Baptisme not dividing but composing Christ in his Members and Profession Comparisons are odious yet sometime necessary Gall and Vineger are corrosive but must sometime bee used There is never a Saint-seeming and Bible-bearing hypocriticall Puritan in the Packe a better Patriot everie way than the man that hath Delivered such dangerous Errors Your goodly glozings and time-serving colludings with the State are but like Water-men upon the Thames looking one way rowing another way Your Holy cause you see will not succeed by opposition therefore you come up and seeme to cloze with the Church of England in her Discipline to use the Crosse and weare the Clothes but for her Doctrine you wave it preach against it teach contrary to that which you have subscribed that so through FORRAINE DOCTRINE being infused secretly
by the Informers and for Arminianisme or Popery or I knowe not what I shall as I can briefly and plainly without scholasticall obscurities set downe what I conceive of this Act of GOD setting by all execution of purpose or Decree of Predestination Take it as I conceive it and so shall professe it untill I am informed and ascertained that the Church of England whereof I am a member beleeveth and teacheth all otherwise than I conceive of it First whatsoever GOD willeth cometh to passe in Heaven and in Earth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is possible with him If it bee 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 once or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it is also 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or shall bee in due time For accordingly as he willeth things should so doe they come to passe And as they do come to passe in due time so he would have them before all times so come to passe The one is Originall of the other and the one is Evidence of the other GOD'S Decrees are eternall from everlasting as all his purposes are as himselfe is like himselfe who is Tota simul perfecta possessio sui So as in Him considered there is nor prius nor posterius of his decrees but considered in effects and quoad Nos one thing may be said to be first second or third in nature time and being before or after another GOD being sibi solus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from everlasting alone himselfe and beside himselfe nothing the first thing he did or possibly and conceiveably could doe was to determine to communicate himself and did so accordingly primò primùm communicate himself out of his Alonenesse everlasting unto somewhat else For Communication is an Act of Goodnes the prime attribute of God respectively as even the Heathen man could say Deus est optimus maximus quidem prius optimus quàm maximus All communication is and needs must bee conceived to bee at least betwixt two being an effluxe emanation issuing from and motion betwixt tearms GOD alone could not communicaie se sua or de suis but by producing an Object communicable to whom or which hee might impart as and what he pleased Which when nothing was at all but himselfe must and doth put us upon another purpose and Act of his to Create which is framing of something out of meer nothing nor can possibly any other Act or resolution and counsell prevent this much lesse that of Predestination yet unheard of As is the Cause such is the Effect especially a Totall Sufficient Immediate Cause The Created was then and could not be but so like the Creator that is good and accordingly wee have that Elogium Creaturae ALL things were exceeding good But Good is and must be of a double alloy Changeably or else unchangeably good Thus good is onely GOD without beginning not to have end without change or shadow of change Man thus made by GOD good as otherwise than so he could not be was yet made by him changeably good in as much as that being created otherwise than so hee must not nor could bee Good he was but Bad he might be Righteous out of the hands of GOD but left unto himself in the hands of his owne counsell unrighteous That changing state of Being if haply he should change his alteration might be his owne Act imputable to himselfe not his Maker his endowments must be such as unlesse himselfe would none else could hurt or annoy him And such indeed they were so sufficient in themselves able to hold out against opposition and assault unlesse basely and cowardly hee would betray the Fort upon summons of a Foe Thus he did so he served himselfe Using his freedome of will not well as he ought he lost his freedome undid himselfe and his whole race then in his loins EVE took up sinne from the divell upon lone ADAM by Consent acknowledged the band usura crevit Posteritas For being the root and originall of all mankinde hee received what he had for himselfe and his and lost what he forfeited for them all Falling thus from GOD hee fell not alone his posterity were together with him plunged into one bottomlesse pit of perdition and masse of damnation through their owne fault Thither they fell not there were they put GOD made not man unto destruction much lesse did he make him to destroy him As GOD'S Acts are in Production so were they formerly in Intention But Creation was before Fall or Restoring therefore so was it also in GOD'S purpose Thus farre we have gone and not a word of Predestination for how could it bee in a Parity There must needs first be a disproportion before there can bee conceived Election or Dereliction unto which we are now comne in the masse of perdition as they call it Wherein all alike beeing plunged actually GOD passeth by looketh on considereth intuitively once at once singulos generum genera singulorum in that very wofull plight Hee had compassion on them so EZECH phraseth it XVI When he saw them in their bloud and out of his mercy in his love motu mero not otherwise stretched out to them deliverance in a Mediatour the Man IESUS CHRIST and drew them out that took hold of mercy leaving them there that would none of him There whither they had fallen of Themselves not whereinto Hee had throwne them headlong out of his meer irrespecting will because hee would through his absolute power because he could with the irresistable necessitie of an inevitable Decree creating them to perish everlastingly This is enough absolutely to free and to acquit GOD from being AuTHOR of SINNE which hee so detesteth or Author of death which hee made not to which he is an enemy as being Life and from being Author of destruction which is meerly of our selves he being Pater misericordiarum and wholly freely and desiredly giving occasioning procuring effecting our salvation day by day If this bee Arminianisme esto I must professe it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 For unlesse it be so and that not according to unchangeable necessity there is not any thing in our power at all saith IUSTIN MARTYR in his Apol. Nay 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 If it be absolutely determined that one should bee good another bad the one cannot be approved nor the other rejected For justitia non erit justa saith FULGENTIUS si puniendum reum non invenisse sed fecisse dicatur DEUS But praescivit peccaturos non praedestinavit ad peccatum The reason is irrefragable stante the Nature of our GOD Nunquam ad hoc hominem potuit praedestinare quod ipse disposuerat praecepto prohibere misericordiâ diluere justitiâ punire 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 But that inevitable necessity which wee have heard of is that they who make choice of the better part have allotted them their portions according to their deserts and semblably those that go on to do ill have proportioned
he is seated in Constantinople that is also in Rome For Constantinople is known to have been called New Rome was so named by CONSTANTINE himselfe the Founder had in Church and Common-wealth in both States 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 every way equalled priviledges with the elder Rome Senators and one of the yearely Consuls The adjacent country was then called Romania and is so corruptly termed by the Turks at this day Rumilio or Rum-ili that is the Roman Country It was the Emperiall Citie then when MAOMET that false Prophet and Antichrist arose as well as Rome indeed rather then Rome since the time that CONSTANTINE to the great advantage of barbarous nations enemies unto the Roman State translated the state of the Empire thither And lastly this great and Emperiall CITY bearing rule over the Kings of the earth is likewise as well as ROME seated upon seven hills at or neere unto the Sea indeed in a Foreland or Landstreight where two Seas meet the only Seat in the world for an Emperiall See For which cause it is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by NICETAS The City with seven tops Vrbs septicollis by PAULUS DIACONUS so acknowledged by IANUS DOUZA a Gentleman of the Netherlands in his Iournall and by M. RICHARD KNOLLS in his Turkish History with others Now upon these premised considerations of the Marks of that Antichrist so fitting the Turkish State and Tyranny every way it may seeme probable that MAOMET the false Prophet and the Turkish State as the Beast may at least be assumed into association with the Pope and Papacy in making up that Antichrist and Antichristian Kingdome or State opposite unto the State and Kingdome of CHRIST and Christians which respectu finis may be accounted one in opposition against GOD and CHRIST though the meanes of effecting it be many different and diverse Turcisme one way may oppose CHRIST as it doth vi apertâ by fiery force and Ropery bee ad oppositum another way fraude and insidijs as it is In which respect as DANIEL may well tell us of one horn so S. IOHN remembreth a Beast with two Hornes MAOMET in the East the POPE in the West both Hornes pushing fiercely against the Saints yet so also that it may be probable which ZANCHIUS hath Miscellan lib. III. and LAMBERT also upon the Apocalypse that beside these two after these both it is not unlikely out of both these impious opposite States one notorious singular mischievous Antichrist may arise towards the finall consummation of the world who in fradulent colluding malicious craftinesse in impious execrable and transcendent wickednesse through hereticall impostures and lying miracles shall goe beyond all other that ever lived in the world and bee fitted with all signes and markes of Antichrist unto the full so as no exception can bee taken against any in any one point Surely if the Generall of the Iesuites Order should once come to be Pope sit in PETERS chaire as they call it I would vehemently suspect him to bee the party designed for out of what nest that accursed bird should rather come abroad than out of that Seraphicall Society I cannot ghesse and but ghesse For in resolution I say with that IEWELL of England in pag. CCCXCIII I will not say the POPE is ANTICHRIST GOD will reveale him in his time and he shall be knowne yet is it probable hee may be of that rank I will not say the TURKE is Antichrist though it bee probable that Antichrist may come from thence the Turkes power being increased and inlarged by the Popes policy as the same B. IEWELL hath observed it well that it may not seem strange two opposite in State may conspire in opposing Piety For all these and whatsoever is beside these in this particular denoted being all prophecies and predictions of things to come obscurely and mystically delivered are but opinions and conjectures not intended not to be received as finall resolutions For my part I desire not to contest with any man about them nor would I willingly have mens mindes or the peace of the Church disquieted with them It is an evill disease in the world among Divines in things of indifferency they cannot endure dissentients He is not my friend I will hold no correspondency with him that will not per omniae and in omnibus bee of my minde There is a Rule of faith we acknowledge it commend it and have recourse unto it Things that are straight and direct and according to that Rule confessedly need not application are not commonly brought to be applied to that Rule but things of different or doubtfull standing these need application and are applied confessedly by the perpetuall practice and tradition of the Catholick Church in consent of Fathers Wee apply things doubtfull unto Scripture our Norma and exact and absolute Rule of faith and manners We consent and agree it is Antichristian to dissent from to reject that Rule and him an Antichrist that doth so or proposeth any thing as Credendum against that Rule The Pope doth this Let him then be an Antichrist in S. IOHN'S acceptance There are many Antichrists But whether hee bee THAT Antichrist or not I dare not presume to determine without speciall warrant in such a case If you have any speciall illumination or assurance by divine revelation or rather strong perswasion through affection much good may it do you keepe it to YOUR selves presse it not on others that in such cases desire sapere ad sobrietatem rather than resolve without good warrant CHAP. VI. Touching IUSTIFICATION The state of a meere naturall man who to please GOD must become a new creature That newnes cannot be wrought without a reall change of a sinner in his qualities In what sense it may be said that there is an Accesse of justification both by daily receiving remission of new sins and by increase of grace in joyning vertuous and good deeds unto Faith INFORMERS TOuching Iustification thus hee writeth A sinner is then iustified when hee is made iust that is translated from the state of nature to the state of grace as COLOS. I. XIII which Act is motion as they speak betwixt two terms and consisteth in forgivenesse of sinnes primarily and grace infused secondarily CHAP. XVIII pag. CXLII MOUNTAGU AND this all this in generall in particular is our Informers Popery Strange Popery Of what religion are you M. Informers YATES and WARD For in Christian Religion a man is and may be considered two waies as I also have considered him according unto a twofold state The state of nature to which hee was formed and the state of grace to which he is reformed as hee was in ADAM depraved and lost as hee is in CHRIST IESUS sought out found and healed of his maladies In his Being Subsisting and Constitution every man is first a naturall man in that state standing hee pleaseth not GOD. He can doe nothing saith CALVIN that can please him or be accepted of him His
non dicitur Qui potest facere faciat sed Omnis arbor quae non facit fructum bonum exscindetur in ignem mittetur Consilium qui libenter audierit fecerit majorem habebit gloriam Praeceptum verò qui non impleverit nisi subvenerit poenitentia poenam evadere non poterit You cannot denie this constant resolution of Antiquity Change therefore your manners or your minds Be Papists with me or Rebells without me As for mee you are like to be alone I hold it no obligation you doe therefore you are tyed to obey That commandement Matth. v. you will not denie Be you perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect Now if this be a Precept If thou wilt be perfect go sell all thou hast and give it to the poore it is a part of that perfection being named in either place But I leave you to bethinke your selves better I conclude with S. CHRYSOSTOME 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Had this beene a Law and Commandement it should have beene tendred unto him at the first it ought to have beene digested in forme of a commandement and law and not have beene brought in as it is by way of counsaile and advice For where he saith Possesse nor Silver nor Gold this speech runneth in commanding forme But when hee saith If thou wilt be perfect go and sell he speaketh it as counsailing and advising only Now to Counsaile and Command are not one and the same thing he that commandeth will have the thing commanded observed upon any hand he that counselleth and adviseth leaving it to choice and election of a man to doe or not doe it maketh him Lord and Ruler of his owne actions Thus and much more to purpose S. CHRYSOSTOME in that place if you view him If he and his fellow Ancients be Papists be it so I am content to be so accounted For I meane to be a Papist with them rather than a Noveller with you And so I proceed CHAP. XVIII Touching LIMBUS PATRUM The Dreames of Papists about Limbus Patrum related and rejected The state of mens soules after death The Place proportioned to their state The soules of the blessed Fathers before CHRISTS ascension in heavenly Palaces yet not in the third and highest heavens nor in that fulnes of joy which they have now and more of which they shall have heereafter The opinion of old and new Writers Our Canons not to be transgressed The Doctrine and Faith of the Church of England concerning the Article of CHRIST'S descent into Hell The disadvantage we are at with our Adversaries Everie Novellers Fancie printed and thrust upon us for the generall Tenet of our Church The plaine and easie Articles of our CREED disturbed and obscured by the wild dreames of little lesse than blasphemous men by new Models of Divinity by Dry-fats of severall Catechismes The Beleefe of Antiquitie The Authour and It farre from POPERY INFORMERS HOwsoever in words he denyeth Limbus Patrum yet thus he writeth The Patriarchs Prophets and Fathers that lived and died before CHRIST the Scripture resolveth that they were not there where now they are in the highest heavens and glorious there where the glorified body of CHRIST is now residing at the right hand of GOD. CHAP. XLI pag. 277. MOUNTAGU THUS hee writeth And what if he write so Why then hee upholdeth Limbus Patrum His Words and Opinion are farre asunder So said your LIMBOMASTIX concerning the Descent into Hell As CHRIST was buried so also it is to be beleeved that CHRIST went into Hell saith the Church of England Therefore hee went thither saith that Ignoránte according to this opinion to fetch up the soules of the Fathers that were not there Iust as you will have it with M. MOUNTAGU in his opinion But good Master Informers bethinke your selves go into your Studies again and look better upon your books You understand not the state and condition of Limbus Patrum nor yet the Descent of CHRIST into Hell To assure you I am for my opinion dreame you what you will otherwise and what you please absolutely of the mind of all Antiquity that the soules of the Blessed Dead separated from their bodies and Gathered as the Scriptures speake unto their Fathers before CHRISTS Resurrection from Death to Life and his Ascension into Heaven that departed hence in the hope and assurance of GODS promises and in the expectation of better things to come were not yet then in Coelo propriè dicto summo illo glorioso whereas now they are in companie of all the holy Angels with the glorified bodie of our SAVIOUR farre above all things in heaven and earth And yet for all this I am not for him that thereupon ignorantly and maliciously inferreth I hold with beleeve or conceit anie such Limbus Patrum as the Church of Rome hath fancied unto her selfe and tendred unto her Profelites drawne and derived out of that negative opinion of Antiquity ill understood and ill applyed As if because they were not so in heaven per omnia as now they are they must needs be so in hell as they conceive them to be the state whereof is imagined this LIMBUS Patrum is so called by the Papists à subjecto contento which they doe imagine to be the uppermost Fringe as the word signifieth or the Verge of Hell For as if some of their Masters had beene sent thither to take a survay thereof they doe quarter out that infernall Clime into foure Regions all agreeing in the particulars though with some difference about the quartering and confining That the Regions are foure they all agree Hell properly so called of the Damned Purgatory Limbus puerorum and Limbus patrum For the uppermost and lowermost they all agree but differ about the site of Purgatory and Limbus puerorum they cannot resolve which is the uppermost of these two In Hell of the Damned they imagine and rightly eternall losse of happinesse in exclusion from GOD as also most insufferable eternall paine In Purgatory there is some question whether the losse be partiall or not for they are conceited to have at least somtimes the intervening society of holy Angels who cannot but impart unto them some glimmering of heavenly consolation and yet the pain though not eternal but only temporary is set down to bee equall unto Hell torments Unto the Limbus Infantum they have fastned eternall losse and deprivation of GOD without sensible paine in Limbus patrum temporarie losse but no paine Limbus puerorum and Hell of the Damned in their opinions endure for ever Purgatory shall cease and be no more at the day of judgement but for Limbus patrum the date thereof is and was long since expired Now there is no such mansion or habitation of soules they are resolved but what is become of it or how imployed they are not resolved Some imagine it now all one with that Limbus Infantum And peradventure there was need to have the roome
enlarged the inhabitants increasing and growing on so fast more than they did in the dayes of old as in popular Cities the multitude groweth greater every day and greater So that Limbus puerorum in their opinion hath and out of conveniency it was necessary it should swallow up Limbus Patrum ANTE adventum CHRISTI saith one sancti Patres descendebant eò Nunc verò pueri qui absque Baptismo discedunt sine poenâ sensibili detinentur Others do conceive of it as inane vacuum and this is the commonly received opinion of the Romane Schooles In effect therefore the Popery of Limbus Patrum is this That in regard of state the Fathers who died before CHRIST were quoad locum in a part of HELL in the uppermost Region of Hell and quoad statum without all paine as also without all joy without fruition or seeing of GOD That at CHRIST'S descent into Hell which was locally only into this part of Hell but virtually and powerfully into all places and regions of Hell they were drawn out thence led forth in triumph and translated into Heaven in regard of place unto seeing enjoying and fruition of GOD in respect of state But this is not the Tenet of Antiquity A man may deny their being in Heaven and yet not inferre they were thus in Hell Now to come to the point The question is concerning their soules onely for their bodies it is confessed in ordinarie dispensation doe sleep in the dust It is confessed on both sides which is most materiall concerning them That being immortall in their better Part after dissolution and separation they still have a Being and are subsisting in aliquo ubi for though the nature of a soule is not to be circumscriptively in place as TERTULLIAN fancied as M. YATES and M. WARD are when they are in their Pulpits yet are they confined in their proper ubi definitively and indistanter as they speake that is they have not nor can have an ubique-subsistence but a determined and defined Being heere at that instant they are not there for omnipresence is the absolute Peculiar of the ALMIGHTY Truely then and indeed they must and doe subsist in place or rather ubi though where and how who can tell For the Scripture content with their state and beeing is silent for particular touching their place And accordingly the best learned of all times and places have if not declined quaestionem loci yet not beene curious nor resolved for it So heere is a maine difference at the first betwixt the Papistry of Rome and M. MOUNTAGU'S Popery They de fide resolving the place to have been thus He returning Ignoramus we are not ascertained we cannot tell AGAIN in that their Vbi wheresoever subsisting as they had Being and Subsistence so did they also performe actions of life and motion congruous and convenient unto their nature and kind And though they are said to be at rest yet is it qualified with In what sort They rest from their Labours saith the SPIRIT where the latter word Labors giveth species unto and determineth the former word Rest For all maner rest is not predicated of them not such as that rest of the bodie in the grave They rest not as in a sleepe out of minde without motion as not in action at all as the frame of Nature did in the dayes of IOSUA or as ADAM in that deepe sleepe wherein EVA was framed out of his side Thus to rest is contrary to their nature and condition intellectuall though it hath beene the opinion of some Popes they say and is of some Anabaptists at this day such as against whom M. CALVIN wrote his Psychopannychia But being now separated from the bodie they live move exercise performe and put in practice acts naturall and coïncident unto their proper kindes understanding conceiving willing judging loving rejoycing and such like proper acts of naturall rationall intellectuall creatures Next inasmuch as there are and have beene alway in this life two sorts amongst the sonnes of men Beleevers in CHRIST for their profession Holy in course for their life and conversation then Misbeleevers and faithlesse in regard of GOD Wicked mis-agents in respect of living so proportionably there are and have beene ever two states and conditions of the soules of men in their separation after death some rewarded with happinesse in their being for ever with GOD some condemned unto woe and wretchednesse for ever estranged from GOD. All men when they dye as sooner or later all do and shall in regard of that unchangeable Law of kinde Thou shalt Dye the Death are said in SCRIPTURE To goe the way of all flesh or of All the Earth for never man had a priviledge of absolute or totall exemption And in regard of their being or subsisting after their death are said To sleepe with their Fathers touching their bodies 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and to be gathered to their Fathers or their People in respective of their soules were they good or bad For all are a society a collective people eyther in happy or in a miserable state The good goe to enjoying of happinesse without end the wicked to enduring of torments everlasting Thus is their state diversified to their deserving and herein the Scripture speaketh plaine and evident But now for Place we are not resolved so particularly Certaine it is in common course of kinde Place is ever fitted disposed proportioned to state and condition of the therein placed And therefore when this mortall shall have put on immortality when those that have won many unto righteousnesse shall shine as the Sunne and be clothed with glory and immortality in the day of the resurrection of the just then we reade of a fitted Place a new heaven and a new earth Now fitting unto this two-fold state and condition of soules after death I beleeve and professe that evermore there was is and shall be two severall different distinct proportionable Places or Vbies for them knowne ever commonly by that generall name of Hell and Heaven I beleeve also and professe that the soules of the Fathers Kings Prophets Priests Patriarchs righteous and good men that lived and dyed before CHRIST came in the flesh in eandem communem spem nobiscum venerunt expectantes CHRISTUM as IGNATIUS speaketh and so when they were gathered unto their people went not into Hell locally in respect of Place because not to Hell interpretatively that is into wretchednesse in regard of state They went to Heaven locally as to their proper Vbi they went to Heaven figuratively that is into happinesse and health into joy in heavenly palaces unto GOD into the presence of GOD the Tabernacles of peace into Paradise ABRAHAMS bosome Eadem est fides nostra quae fuit illorum Hoc nos credimus esse factum quod illi crediderunt faciendum They hoped to be saved in through and by him in whom we doe hope They lived by that faith as well as we though not
in that evidence and fulnesse as we They dyed in that CHRIST in whom we though not incarnate and already come as do we But this their being their living their dying so will not inferre that Place to have received them then wherein now with us they bee and where one day all GOD'S chosen ones shall be For the same faith hath not ever the same measure nor proportion in all nor the same dispensation at all times The same hope is more eminent in some than in others The same persons inlarged in their Indowments or Atchievements are likewise enhansed and ennobled in their Accruments Temporall or Eternall Personall or Originall Their bodies are not as yet reunited unto their soules yet shall they be raised up out of the dust and bee made conformable in their Resurrection unto life to the now-glorified body of CHRIST our Saviour Their soules then departing and at Rest in Peace in Happines and Blisse in the hands of GOD yet were not in that degree of state as now they bee in had not that fulnesse of joy which now they have nor have as yet that measure and proportion that they shall have heerafter They were then in Heaven as they be now in Heaven though not as now nor yet where as now for particular place not in Hell or any part of Hell as the word and meaning is in Scripture This is sufficient against that dream of their Limbus Patrum in the Roman Church which is conceived and dreamed to have beene a Part and Region of Hell far distant and removed from Heaven Not then in that Heaven where they are now in that Part that Site that Region those Mansions of Heaven in which now they are For Heaven so spacious extended so capacious as we both conceive and see is not nor hath beene so narrowed or streightned in roomth that there cannot bee diverse Designations Regions Habitations Mansions or Quarterings there to speak after the phrase and language of men remote neer different distinct one from or to another fitted applied disposed proportioned and accommodated unto the severall states measures times qualities habitudes and indowments of men that were to bee carried and translated thither before and since the comming of CHRIST in the time of Promise and of accomplishment and performance of Promise in the time of veiles types shadowes and that other of Substance Revealing and Consummation They were in happinesse therefore not in any part of Hell for no part of Hell is capable thereof or fitted for any no not the least degree or participation of joy and happinesse I absolutely subscribe unto TERTULLIAN Aliud Inferi aliud sinus ABRAHAE and that which S. AUGUSTINE Tom. 11. Epist LVII spake somewhat doubtingly Non facilè alicubi Scripturarum Inferorum nomen positum reperitur in bono that which Tom. III. de Gen ad literam lib. XII cap. XXXII hee is peremptory in Nondum inveni adhuc quaero nec mihi occurrit Inferos alicubi in bono posuisse Scripturam duntaxat Canonicam The Fathers then were not in the Popish LIMBUS Patrum For their Limbus is though the verge and uppermost region yet a region and part of Hell Whosoever either commeth or ever yet came within the fringe and confines of Hell except the humane soule of our SAVIOUR who finished all suffrings and penalties upon his cross came thither to suffer torment and paine whosoever came thither except him alone who only was liber inter mortuos returned not out any more from thence but sedet aeternumque sedebit infelix Between LAZARUS in ABRAHAM'S bosome which was the Rest of the Righteous before CHRIST and DIVES in Hell a place of woe and torment was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a vast void gulfe immeasurable and that also 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as saith the holy Text so seated fixed fastned for ever that it was not removeable at any time They cannot come thence saith Father ABRAHAM it is impossible that they should and he speaks it before that imagined harrowing of Hell by our SAVIOUR intimating sufficiently that they were not in Hell But as they were not there so were not they likewise in Heaven STRICTLY taken for the THIRD Heaven that receptacle of the righteous now together with the glorified body of our SAVIOUR For that place was not then stantibus ut tunc fitting or accruing to them Such a royall habitation the None-such of GOD did not befit their then inferiour states and conditions But then you will aske me If neither in Heaven above nor in Earth beneath nor in Hell where possibly could they consist or were they disposed A being they had therefore an ubi for their subsisting To which first I answer They had both and in generall tearms the Scripture speaketh they had that subsistence in the hands of GOD with GOD in his holy Hill in the Tabernacles of Peace in Paradise in ABRAHAM'S bosome with LAZARUS with ABRAHAM ISAAC and IACOB in the Kingdome of Heaven and of GOD. Why then they were in Heaven at least Doubtlesse yes in a more generall notion The word is ambiguous as I have declared against the Gagger put forth for condition alone place alone or place and condition together In regard of state and condition they were in Heaven that is happie and blessed as then was convenient In regard of ubi also they were in Heaven in a more generall and enlarged sense in some part of Heaven where GOD disposed them You will aske in particular Where was that I must and doe answer negatively I cannot tell I dare not define I have no warrant for resolution I answer positively You should not ask nor curiously enquire but be content to be ignorant of that which GOD hath not revealed And then farther It is not profitable to knowe for GOD else would not have concealed it So that to enquire it pressingly is but curiosity to determine it resolvedly is but presumption at the best Therefore M. CALVIN and other Protestant Divines that I could name content themselves onely with the state in speciall of joy and rest with the ubi in generall to be Heaven but presume not to descend unto particular where seeing GOD hath not been pleased to discover it It is enough to knowe they were not in Hell as the Papists meane it and it is more than probable they were not in Heaven as you conceit it For first no Scripture affirmeth it expresly that the Rest of those Righteous was there where now it is Secondly it is not that I could ever reade or understand collected out of any place of Scripture by any one Orthodox Writer for fifteene hundred yeeres after CHRIST Thirdly no Writer of any one confession hath demonstrated it to be so intended in any Scripture Fourthly no Article or Determination of our Church concludeth it or so tendreth it to bee conceived and embraced and therefore whatsoever my private opinion otherwise might bee I am tyed not to preach or