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A67067 The types unvailed, or, The gospel pick't out of the legal ceremonies whereby we may compare the substance with the shadow, written for the information of the ignorant, for their help in reading of the old testament / by Tho. Worden ... Worden, Thomas. 1664 (1664) Wing W3579; ESTC R1856 214,980 310

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our Wilderness-condition this was made the condition between God and the people for Canaan of old so reasons the Apostle Heb. 3. 11. So I swear in my wrath they should not enter into my rest so ver 18. And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest but to them which believed not so that the condition between God and the people made Canaan of old their reward for sticking close to God in a way of dependency during the time of all their Trials Temptations and Afflictions in the Wilderness so likewise doth the Apostle make the same qualifications a condition between God and his people touching this latter Canaan and applies the matter so Heb. 4. 1. Let us fear lest a promise being left us any of us should come short through unbelief Now by coming short of a Gospel Canaan through a spirit of unbelief the Apostle must mean I say by Canaan either the ultimate glory or else a Canaan or Kingdom of glory here below that it cannot be the ultimate glory for if we will maintain Election before time then none of those that were ever Elected to that Canaan can ever fall short of it more if Election be the fruit of the eternal purpose of God according to the counsel of his own will so saith the spirit of our being Predestinated or Elected Ephes 1. 11. In whom also we have obtained an Inheritance being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things according to his own will Now if this will of God admits of no change as the Scripture speaketh Malachi 3. 6. Rom. 11. 29. And that it is his will that all those he elected or chose to glory shall inherit John 6. 39. Then certainly its not of the ultimate glory which the Apostle intends in Heb. 4. 1. but of a rest much of this side that rest which the Apostle makes to agree with Canaan of old with respect to the conditions of it upon which they were to be enjoyed But if you understand by the rest that Christ will have a glorious Kingdom or Canaan in this world which he hath onely appointed for such as have or shall follow him with faithfulness in this life wheresoever he goeth as that none of all the Saints shall taste of it but suffering faithful ones then according to this notion the exhortation in Hebrewes 4. 1. will hold with election and predestination or else it will not for we say that the Scriptures which speaks of absolute election and predestination to a thing which election and predestination is an absolute fruit of Gods unchangeable councel and will and yet to say that the same thing is conditional as that if the conditions be not performed the thing may not be is to me so great a mystery which cannot be unridled But if we place it nere as it must be to reconcile the point that the ultimate Canaan of glory is a fruit of Gods absolute will which cannot be altered Therefore saith our Saviour those which are appointed unto it shall never perish Iohn 10. 28 And that there is a Canaan which the Saints that are faithful to Christ shall enjoy in this life as for the promise of which though the Elect cannot any one of them fall short of the promise of the ultimate glory yet they may of this This Doctrine will hold good in both ends without thwarting other foundation truths and that this Kingdom of Canaan promised the suffering faithful Saints must be as I have said here below I shall give you some Scriptures to prove it But first you are to note that our Saviour gives you to understand that there are two Kingdoms or Canaans which he makes to be distinct the one from the other one he calls his own that is its his by purchase and promise as he is a Mediator and undertook to bring about Salvation to the Elect as you may read in Isa 53. 11 12. with Psal 2. 6. with ver 8. I say our Saviour makes this Kingdom to be distinct from the fathers read that place in Rev. 3. 21. To him that overcometh I will grant to sit with me upon my Throne even as I also have overcome and am set down with my Father in his Throne so that you see here is the Son of mans Throne and the Fathers Throne so Mat. 19. 28. And he said Verily I say unto you that ye that have followed me in the Regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory Mark that when the Son of man shall sit in the Throne of his glory there is the Son of mans Kingdom of glory or Canaan of glory as well as the Fathers So in Rev. 20. There is by the Holy Ghost two Canaans or Kingdoms of glory spoken of in a distinct manner one from the other in ver 4. And I saw Thrones and they that sate upon them and judgment was given to them which answers to that in Matth. 19. 28. Which Canaan or Kingdom you see is given as the to reward the Saints for their sufferings for Christ therefore in the same verse it s said to be the portion of those which were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God and which had not worshipped the beast or his Image neither had received his mark upon their fore heads or in the hands and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years Now look you into the 11. ver of the same Chap. And you shall see the Fathers Canaan or Kingdom very distinct from the former which was Christs but by him given to the suffering Saints And I saw a great white throne and him that sate thereon from whose face the Earth and the Heavens fled away Secondly That this promised Canaan or Kingdom which is in Heb. 3. 11. is called a rest must be here on Earth and in this world which will appear if you examine the Scriptures which speak of it To instance in that of Mat. 19. 28. It s said there that in that Canaan Kingdom they shall sit upon twelve Thrones Judging the twelve tribes of Israel now how can this be applyed to the ultimate glory if the Saints must sit upon Thrones to Judge then it follows there must be some to be judged but if this be meant of Heaven pray who shall the Saints Judge there or who will there be in Heaven for them to Judge so Rev. 2 26 27. He that overcometh and keepeth my works unto the end I will give power over the Nations and he shall rule them with a rod of Iron and as the Vessels of a Potter shall they be broken to pieces Now pray observe how can this be applyed to the ultimate glory what Iron Rods of severity will there be in Heaven beside the Saints shall rule over the Nations what Nations will there be in Heaven for the Saints to rule over you read in Mat. 25 31 32. with 41. That when the Canaan
of ultimate glory comes to take place that all the Nations shall be gathered together before God and the Godly taken up into Heaven and the wicked at the same time sent away into eternal darkness Now if the wicked must go down into Hell at the same time that the Godly must be received up into Heaven where then will the Nations be for the Saints to Rule over with Iron Rods so in Luke 11. 2. You are bid to pray for a Kingdom saying when thou prayest say Thy Kingdom come Now this very Kingdom must be on Earth for is not the Kingdom of grace as the Kingdom of grace is commonly understood because the Kingdom of grace was then in being and had been in being all along in all ages of the world before But this Kingdom which Christ bids his Disciples to pray for was a Kingdom yet to come Thy Kingdom come Neither can it be the Kingdom of glory for that is not said to come to us but we are said to be carryed up to it 1 Thes 4. 17. Yea it s so far from being the Kingdom of ultimate glory that its a Kingdom which cometh down out of glory upon the Earth Rev. 20. 2 3. And I John saw the holy City new Jerusalem coming down from God out of Heaven prepared as a Bride adorned for her Husband and I heard a great voice out of Heaven saying behold the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himself will be with them and be their God This you see how Canaan of old and this Gospel Canaan which the Apostle calls a rest to the people of God do agree for matter of place Secondly They are made to agree for the conditions upon which the subjects were to enter each place faith was required as necessary to the entring of old Canaan Heb. 3. 18 19. The same is required as necessary to this Gospel Canaan Heb. 4. 1. Again a following of God fully was required as necessary to enter the old Canaan Numb 14. 21 22. 23 24. The same is required as necessary to the entring of this Kingdom Mat. 19. 28. Thirdly They do agree for priviledges only in the general Canaan of old was a very pleasant delightful good land which afforded aboundance of comfort wealth and safety a full reward for all their travels temptations and afflictions which they went under for the Lord so is it with this Kingdom or Canaan much more full of glory will this be found to have I shall briefly present you with some of the glory and excellency of it in some few particulars In the general it is set forth to you as a glorious thing or a great piece of glory Isa 60. 1. Arise for thy light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee But to be a little more particular about this Kingdom and here we must take notice of these First Something done or is to be done by Christ at the setting up of this Kingdom Secondly Then the priviledges of it But as to the first there will be a general and total destruction fall upon all the enemies of the Lord which shall be found in a way of hostile opposition against the setting of this kingdom for if you observe you may see how excellently well Israels coming into Canaan doth agree to this particular with respect to what the Scripture saith shall be done upon the wicked at the setting up of this kingdom for it is to be observed that just before their entering into the good Land the greatest slaughter that ever was made of the enemies of the Lord was at that time as you may see Josh 10. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. This was but a type of what shall be the portion of the wicked at the Saints entrance into their great Canaan priviledges Read Isa 43. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. So Isa 63. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Isa 66. 15 16. Joel 3. 2. with 14. Revelations 19. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21. Secondly when this is done and the great battle fought and the Lord Jesus hath strook through the loins of his enemies then will he take their kingdoms from them and give them unto the Saints in the whole world made up of both Jews and gentiles Dan. 2. 44. with Dan 7. 22. 27. Rev. 20 4. Matth. 19. 28. Rev. 2. 26 27. In which Kingdom it is clear that the Saints shall rule the Nations of the earth as the earth hath governed them for many years together in this world Psalm 45. 16 The Kingdom being delivered up into their hands then are they freed from the oppression and the oppressour which evil will never anoy the Saints more the Lord will so much restrain and moderate the rage of the wicked Isa 11. 6 7 8 9. Isa 35. 9. Isa 6. 18. Isa 54. 14. Secondly the Saints shall then in an eminent manner be a righteous holy people no hypocrite shall be there Isa 35. 8. Isa 60 21. Zach. 14. 20 21. Revelations 22. 15. Revelations 21. 17. Thirdly The Saints shall be then set wholly free from a timmerous and distracting fearful spirit in duty Zach. 12. 8. Isa 35. 4. Fourthly Their knowledge in all divine as well as in humane things will be wonderful to the administration of those which shall have to do with them yea so great shall the wisdom of the Saints be at that day that those persons who have been accounted the learned and wise of the times before shall be ashamed to acknowledge that ever they were such men Zach. 13. 4. 5. Isa 29. 24. Fifthly There shall so great a spirit of fear and dread drop from their countenances upon the wicked as that the very majesty of their presence will daunt them through the whole earth Cant. 6 10. Sixthly There shall be a mighty spirit of glory upon all the attempts and atchievements which the Saints shall bring forth at that day though now it be clothed with shame and disgrace in the eyes of the world yet then it shall seem otherwise Isaiah 54. 11 12. Isaiah 16. 14 15. Isaiah 66. 10 11 12. Seventhly This Canaan shall afford the Saints all manner of riches plenty and peace Isaiah 60. 78. with 12. 13. verses Zach. 14 14. Revel 21. 7. Revelations 22 2. Psalm 72. 6 7. Eighthly The very heavens and the earth shall receive their primitive excellency and first purities Ezek. 34. 27. Isa 65. 17. 2 Pet. 3. 13. Ninthly In this Canaan God will so bless the substance of it as that he will remove out of the way all these thorns and prickling briars which did any way render our comforts unpleasing to us or did any way imbitter them to our taste as the shortness of life God will take away that Isaiah 65. 20. with ver 22. As likewise God will remove all occasions of loss either as to goods or estate Isa 65. 21 22 23. Also
a Candlestick to maintain and hold up the light of his holy truth in the world is by pouring forth upon their hearts the grace of his Spirit that so they might be enabled to suffer for it The Saints suffering for truth doth wonderfully tend to the confirming of truth in the earth and to the making of it acceptable amongst men in this world insomuch that in the first three hundred years after Christ the Churches sufferings for the truth occasioned this proverb That the blood of Martyrs was the seed of the Church Hence it is that the suffering Saints are called Gods witnesses therefore St. Paul tells you that the truth got great ground by his sufferings Phil. 1. 14. Use 1. O then how should this teach the Lords people to bestir themselves in the way of their duty O remember ye are God Candlestick and appointed by God for this purpose to keep up truth in the world O then how should this encourage the Lords people to appear in the defence of that glorious light of truth which God hath put into your hands and not to suffer it to be trodden down with so much ease as it is now in the world I do not mean nor say that the Lords people should betake themselves to any weapon besides faith tears prayers and sound arguments together with a bold standing up in the visible practice of the wayes and truths of God against all that is contrary to this truth These be the weapons that I mean and this is the contending that I plead for and as to this way of contending for the Faith what cause hath God to complain of his people as once he did of Israel of old No man is valiant for the truth O what little contending is there amongst Saints for the faith that was once delivered to them O what silly heartless dove-like spirits are the Lords people surprized withal who can sit and hear the truths of the Gospel rended in pieces before their eyes and in their hearing and not a word spoken for it or in the defence of it but instead thereof they out of a slavish fear do but too much comply with the wicked in it O brethren the precious truths of Sion are more worth then so more worth then not to have one word spoken for them O remember the Church is to contend for the faith and know that God will deeply charge home the neglect of this duty one day close upon your souls O therefore as you would avoid that judgement spoken of in the third of the Revelations ver 16. I beseech you brethren to labour to give up your selves to a holy contending for the faith O earnestly contend for the faith there is great reason so to do for the name of God is upon the Faith the Blood of Christ was shed for this faith the blood of all the Martyrs in all ages in the world hath been shed for this faith O the faith that was once delivered to the Saints is worth the contending for O that God would stir up your hearts to an earnest contending for the faith O set a work a praying spirit and a believing spirit O set on work your parts your pens your purses every way as you are able if the way be warrantable do you contend for the faith which was once delivered to the Saints Jude 3. Thirdly This Candlestick was made of pure gold this was to teach the Saints what they should and ought to be namely pure gold that is very sincere to God ward void of a heart full of guile and hypocrisie therefore saith our Saviour Mat. 5. 48. ●e ye therefore perfect as your heavenly father is perfect Fourthly This Candlestick was made of beaten gold which was to shew or set forth the glory and the excellency of the Church for as gold exceeds for glory and excellency Iron Lead Tinne or Brass so do the Saints all other men and women in the world Therefore saith the Psalmist Psal 16. 3. The Saints are the excellent of the Earth Though the blind world see no worth or excellency in the Saints in this life yet they shall know as Solomon once said that the Righteous is more excellent then his Neighbour Prov. 12. 26. First The righteous is more excellent then his Neighbour for grace Secondly For their attendance for not gilded creatures but glorious Angels are the Saints servants Heb. 1. 14. Thirdly For the Saints food on which they live in respect of which all the dainties in the world or which the world lives upon are but husks and swines meat for the Saints live upon the Bloud and Flesh Word Spirit and promises of Christ John 6. 55. Fourthly The Saints are more excellent then others in point of inheritance for it s not an earthly Dunghil but an inheritance which is pure and undefiled which fadeth not away is the Saints birthright Pet. 1. 1 4. Fisthly The Saints are more excellent then others because they only can prevail upon the heart of God in prayer Prov. 15. 29. Sixthly It s so because its only amongst the Saints God delights to dwel 2 Cor. 6. 16. Psal 132 13 14. Use 1. O then what excellent Conversation should the Saints lead in this world what an engagement should this put upon the Saints to a strict holy walking that they should through grace be made of Gods pure golden Candlestick O therefore soul think with thy self when the Devil would at any time intice thee to sin against God or would draw away thy heart at any time from the Lord O say this to thy temptation O Satan I am one that belongs to Gods pure Candlesticks how should I dare to bespot my self with the least of impurities as Joseph answered his Mistress Gen. 39. 9. So do thou thy temptation How shall I do such a wickedness and sin against God Again As the Candlestick had three Bouls and Knops with their flowers upon it This was for Ornament to adorn the Candlestick that so it might the more appear in its glory and beauty to the beholder all which was to set forth the glory and beauty of the Church of God which by the righteousnesse of Christ and the Divine Graces of his Spirit is made more glorious then the gold of Ophir read Psal 45. 13 14. Isa 54. 11 12. Rev. 12. 1. The Churches glory is only discerned by an eye of believing a carnal understanding knows very little of this saith John 1. 3 1. The world knows us not certainly were not the glory of the Saints a hidden veiled up glory from the world its impossible but the Saints would be better intreated at the worlds hands then they are but however thou farest at the worlds hands let me advise thee to these two things First If the world shew thee and the rest of the Saints no favour yet pity them because they are held so much in a condition of darknesse as the Apostle speaks in 2 Cor. 4. 4. The God of
sins in his own bloud and not only for ours but for the sins of the whole world Sixthly The Priest was to interpose between Gods wrath and the people in a time of sin and by his intercession to endeavour to pacifie God again read Numb 16 46 47 48. This is proper to Christ also and it did but Type out Jesus Christ in the great work of reconciling God to the creature together with his present interceding work whereby he standeth to this hour between the Father and the Church this saith St. Paul of our Saviour to Timothy 1 Tim. 2. 5. There is but one God and one mediator between God and man the man Christ Jesus Therefore when ever sin and satan presents the with an angry God for sin labour to affect thy heart with the thoughts of it repent and be humbled about but be not out of hope look up to thy High Priest and there thou maist see him interposing between Gods anger and thy soul in order to pacification CHAP. 35. About the standing Sacrifice of the Lamb. THere was likewise an Ordinance of God instituted amongst the Jews which was this a standing sacrifice of two Lambs which were to be offered to the Lord Morning and Evening the one in the Morning and the other at Evening every day throughout the year Exod. 29. 38 39. This was to be done whether the people could be there at the sacrifice yea or no which teacheth these two things First The continual ground which God still hath in his eye for the continuing his reconciling love to the Church and that is the death of his Son which is called the Lamb of God John 1 29. Christ is called a Lamb as he was a sacrifice to God for him This sacrifice which did at first fully give the Father satisfaction for sin is always in the eye of God Christ presents himself to the Father under that consideration always Therefore is it said the mercy-seat was sprinkled wi●h the bloud of the sacrifice Levit. 16. 14 15. That when ever the Father had any thing to do with the mercy-seat there should he always see the bloud of the Lamb Christ which speaketh better things then that of Abel Heb 12. 24. Secondly It teacheth us this much family-duty is to be kept up and maintained as an ordinance of God by all professing Souls This standing sacrifice had a double respect First As it respected our Lord Jesus so it Typed out the constant voice of the bloud of Christ in the ears of God for everlasting Reconciliation with the Elect that as they were always sinning so here are two Lambs always sacrificing before God for them But secondly as it respected the people so it was as the performance of family-duty by them for they were as it were but one family and they had one head to it which was Moses but at morning and at evening this practice of the sacrificing of the Lambs must be kept up and performed throughout the year O so much is it a duty for families to offer God the Evening and Morning sacrifice at this day as it was then O methinks to consider how little God is honoured in this respect by the families of the earth it is a matter most lamentable Certainly mens not performing family-duty is a shutting out of God from being King in that family for God is known amongst the families of the Earth by prayer for God upon himself as having a special part of his Prerogative denied him in that family which denies him family prayer therefore is God styled a God of prayer and the God hearing prayer and one unto whom all flesh shall come and indeed the contrary is threatned with a dreadful stroke I mean the omission of the duty read Ier. 10. 25 Pour out thy wrath upon the heathen and the families which call not upon thy name Men little know what secret mischiefs they heap upon themselves and their families who live in the open neglect of this duty saith God in Deut. 32. 23. I will heap up mischiefs upon their heads I will spend mine arrows upon them And who so likely to be the persons upon whom God will heap mischief as prayerless persons if you compare this of Deut. 32. 23. with Ier. 10. 22. Into what flames have God turned some mens houses in one night over their heads turning them and theirs into ashes before the morning which judgment might have been prevented had they performed this duty the night before O think upon this you prayerless souls for fear least God rush out upon you and tear you in pieces and there be found none to deliver you out of his hands CHAP. 36. Of the good land of Canaan which the people were to enter into after their forty years travels in the Wilderness THis land was by St. Paul called their rest Heb. 3. 11. This land was the end of all their sore travels and weary journyings and great temptations a land of delights a land full of fatness abounding with all manner of ease and plenty a land flowing with milk and honey where there was not any want of any good thing Deut. 8. 7 8 9. This doth St. Paul in Heb. 3 11. express as a type of that Gospel Kingdom of rest and peace which all the true Israelites shall certainly rest and Centre in at last as the Psalmist speaketh Psal 58. 11. So that men shall say Verily there is a reward for the righteous so my Brethren there is a Canaan more glorious then Israels was for believers to enter into of which Canaan of old was the type and as all things typical under the Law did fall short in glory of the substance of that thing which it typed forth so also will it be in this case The Canaan in the Anti-type will infinitely excel for glory and brightness the Canaan in the type These two Canaans typed out one another for these things or in these respects First For place Secondly For condition upon which the Subjects were to enter each place Thirdly For the priviledges of it First For the place it self where this Canaan shall be into which all the faithful shall enter which St. Paul calls the people of Gods rest or a rest for the people of God and that is in this world upon this earth for so was Canaan of old it was in this world upon this earth I do not say that there is no other Canaan of glory for the Saints to enter but do believe there is and my hope is towards it but I say that rest spoken by St. Paul in Heb. 3. 11. which he makes to agree to Canaan of old as the Anti-type of it must be a rest in this world upon this earth and not any where else And this will appear if we consider the conditions upon which each Canaan is promised or tendred that of old and this by the Apostle in Heb. 3. And that was upon a faithful following of the Lord believingly in
all pains of body or decrepidness of limbs Isa 35. 5 6. Revel 21. 4. Revel 22. 3. Lastly And that which will crown all will be this they shall be under the constant shinings of Gods face of glorious love and mercy which will never admit of any withdrawings more Rev. 22. 4 5. Object But some may say doth not our Saviour say That my kingdom is not of this world 1 John 18. 36. and that the kingdom of heaven cometh not with observation Luke 17. 20. and that the kingdom of God is within you ver 21. How is it which you say the kingdom of Christ shall be on earth in this world To which I answer That there is a three-fold kingdom which is attributed to Jesus Christ 1. A kingdom of providence or his providential kingdom 2. And a kingdom of grace 3. A kingdom of glory here on earth As for his providential kingdom of that I shall say but little But there is his kingdom of grace in the heart This Kingdom cometh not with observation indeed and this is not of this world for nothing in the world can procure or effect it in the heart of any creature The strongest Caesar or wisest Philosopher or richest Nabal in the world should they put all their strength and parts and riches together can do nothing in this case without the mighty power of God This kingdom of grace is within in the heart indeed and it affords no signs or fore-running tokens of it in the least but as the winde bloweth where it listeth so is the spirits coming upon a soul at the time of its conversion you hear the sound of it but know not from whence it is so saith our Saviour John 3. 7 8. But thi●dly There is his glorious Kingdom or Kingdom of Glory and that is what is of this world and that which cometh with signs and tokens of observation that Christ is to have a Kingdom in this world a Kingdom of external glory hath been the business which we have proved already but for better satisfaction take this Scripture Revel 11. 15. And there were voices in heaven saying The kingdomes of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lords and of his Christs And that the coming of this kingdom is with observation that is it s attended with its fore-running signes and tokens there is nothing more clear read Mat. 24. from the 1. ver to the 30. You shall meet with little else but matter of observation touching the coming of this kingdome into the world ver 30. So that Christ saying My kingdom is not in this world and my kingdom cometh not with observation and my kingdom is within you doth not in the least fight against this truth if we consider the various administrations of the Kingdom I grant all this to be properly applied to the kingdom of his Grace but not to the Kingdom of his Glory which he shall have here as he is the Son of man Further Now the Jews Canaan was an inheritance which God gave the people freely Deut. 19. 1. So is it in this case to have a right to this Kingdom or Gospel Canaan of rest and peace it is the free gift of God without any desert on our part at all take the kingdom as it is of grace here in the heart or of glory in the Nations or of ultimate glory above to have a portion in it it s of free gift therefore saith Christ Luke 12. 32. Fear not little flock it is your fathers good pleasure to give you the kingdome Likewise Canaan it was an inheritance which was divided to the children of Israel proportionably to every one by lot Numb 26 54 55 56. So is it in this case of the Gospel Canaan every true Israelite shall have his portion of grace and glory in this kingdom none shall say then that his field shall yield no meat or that his flock be cut off the fold no no but rather with David to cry out Psalm 16. 5 6. The Lord is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup thou maintainest my lot the lines are fallen in a pleasant place yea I have a goodly heritage Again The Jews were to march in an armed state to their Canaan of old so should all the Saints get on about them their spiritual armour as the Apostle speaks in Ephes 6. 13 14 15 16 17 18. Wherefore take on thr whole armour of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and when you have done all to stand stand therefore having your loins girt about with ●ruth and having on the brest plate of righteousness and your feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace above all things take on the shield of faith wherewith ye shall be ab●e to quench the fiery darts of the wicked and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God praying alwayes with suppl●cation in the spirit watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all Saints Without this armour on about you never think to march safe to this good Land take it either for the kingdom of glory here on earth or the kingdom of glory above with the Father Your enemies are worse then those which stood in Israels way to their Canaan saith Paul Eph. 6. 12. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but aga●nst principalities and powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spirital wickedness got into high places Likewise the Jews were to fight for the good Land they were not onely to put on their armour but they were to use it Deut. 7. 19 20 21 22 23 24 So must Christians not onely put on their spiritual armour but they must use it against the Devil sin and temptation Armour signifies but little if a man make no use of it therefore saith Paul to Timothy 1 Tim. 6. 12. Fight the good fight of faith lay hold on eternal life whereunto thou art called Lastly They were to fight under their captain Joshua So this sheweth Christians under whose banner they should fight and who they should engage with them in the quarrel their spiritual Joshua in whose strength alone they are more then conquerors Rom. 8. 37. Nay in all these things we are more then conquerors through him that loved us Saints your enemies are great and politick and truly they contend with you for things of a very great concernment it s for your souls things of more worth then the world and in your selves you are poor weak things but Christ is the power of God yea the Lion of the Tribe of Judah be sure if you intend to overcome and prevail get under the shadow of Christs wing set Christ before you make him the captain and he will fight your battle for you and make the necks of your stout enemies to lie under your feet CHAP. 37. Of their Cities of Refuge THese Cities were six in number
therefore saith Job The heavens shall reveal his sin and the earth shall rise up against him Job 20. 27. Thus you see both the distress and the cause of it upon a poor soul under an awakened conscience and how it answers to the Jews distress at the red Sea 3. We may take notice of the next particular which is this That that means which proved a ground of relief to the Jews in their distress the peoyle were guided thereunto by Moses from whence we may note these things First That though man knows how to sin himself into trouble yet he knows not how to get himself out of it The Jews knew no way out of this trouble therefore begun to cry out for graves to bury themselves in the place so is it with the soul under the sence and sight of sin knows no way to escape out of that dreadful condition in which he seeth himself to be nothing but death on every hand wrath gone out from above against him hell beneath openeth its mouth to receive him and thus the soul is oftentimes put upon to seek out for his grave to bury himself in knows no other way to save himself but eternally to destroy himself both in soul and body like Judas Second If the soul have met with any relief in his distressed condition let him know it came not from himself but he was guided thereunto by a special hand of Christ The Jews were led to their means of refreshment by Moses who was a Type of Jesus Christ Hast thou met with comfort and refreshment from such a Sermon from such a Minister such a Christian Friend such a Meeting or in reading of such and such a Book consider thou wert led unto that means for comfort by the special hand of Christ and thou shouldst eye his hand in it that love and praise and obedience might be rendered him for it therefore saith Christ With loving kindeness have I drawn thee Jer 31. 3. Third If any soul wants relief in such a condition then let him make unto Jesus Christ for it for he is thy leader in this case as Moses was the Jews in the other Read Deut. 18. 15. A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you from among your Brethren like unto me him shall you hear Now where were the Jews to go in a time of danger bu● to Moses So soul if ever thou wouldst have ease and refreshment thou must go to Christ alone some run to creatures and think to finde comfort there others run to their duties and works of mercy and thinks to get it from thence again there be some that will send thee to thy inward quallifications or work of God within thee as they call it or the light within the soul I am not hereby undervaluing the works of grace as they are signs or evidences of our union with Christ but I send thee to thy true leader Christ who is at the right hand of God to make daily intercession for such as thou art Rom. 8. 24. O look out and look up to him by faith for this is the way to it Isaiah 45. 22. and chap. 44. 3 4. Fifthly The next particular is this Moses stretched out his hand over the waters and the waters divided Exod. 14. 21. This act in Moses leads to behold the necessariness of outward means contrary to the opinion of many in our dayes which because we read in the Scriptures of God his teachings within in the heart and of the holy anointing that shall teach them all things from hence they conclude against all outward teaching Question What was the reason that God had not caused the waters to go back without the stretching out of Moses hand Answer Not but that God could have done it but God thereby shews us thus much that it is his pleasure in the effecting of the greatest salvation and deliverance for his people ordinarily to bring it about to them by outward means Our Saviour was able to open the blinde mans eyes without clay and spittle a way more likely to put out a mans eyes then to recover any mans sight John 9. 6. But it is to shew his pleasure touching the use of outward means why could not God have thrown down the walls of Jericho without sounding of the Rams horn and why could not God have caused water to come out of the Rock without striking of it but to shew it is his pleasure ordinarily to use it in his administrations to the sons of men therefore it is our duty to wait upon God in it Now to the stretching out of Moses hand in this outward salvation answers the preaching of the Gospel by God his Ministers which is the outward means of the eternal salvation for therein is the arme of divine grace and love revealed and stretched out to poor sinners This Isaiah calleth the revealing of Gods arme Isaiah 53. 1. Lord who hath believed our report and to whom is the arme of the Lord revealed So that whatsoever some men say to the contrary yet God hath had a special regard in all ages to the outward means of teaching the word If God had been minded onely to have left men to the inward teachings of his Spirit why did he take so much care to supply the ages of the world with Prophets and Apostles was he not as well able to teach the world by those inward teachings onely as now why doth the Apostle say in Ephes 4. 8. with 12. 13. that he gave both gifts and Apostles Pastors and Teachers for the work of the Ministry until the Saints be perfected and come unto the measure of the fulness in Christ If God were not minded to teach his people that way why did God bid Philip joyn himself to the Eunuchs Chariot to instruct him Acts 8. 29. If God had been minded onely to have left men to the inward teachings was he not as well able to have taught the Eunuch by his Spirit onely Again could not God have taught Cornelius Acts 10. 3 4 5 6. onely by his Spirit and so have saved Peter a labour yet you see God would do nothing until Peter was come I do not plead for outward teaching without the inward but both must go together so that the stretching out of God his arme in the Gospel may well be compared to the stretching out of Moses hand over the red Sea for as the one was a means to let the Israeli●es through the red Sea for a temporal salvation so is the other a means to let a soul into the red Sea of Christs Blood for an eternal salvation which leadeth me to the next particular Fifthly The people go through the waters and are saved from their enemies Exodus 14 22. This leadeth us to the usefulness of the Blood of Jesus Christ through which all that are saved do p●ss by believing for as the Jews had perished without mercy by Pharaohs Army had they not passed through the
out O what manner of love is this that we should be called the Sons of God CHAP. 19. I shall in the next place speak of the Candlestick which was placed in the Tabernacle IN this Tabernacle there was placed a Candlestick which was made of pure Gold and the fashion of it was thus It parted from a foot high in the stem into six branches three of the branches going one way and three of the branches going another way there were three bowls made like unto three almonds with their knobs and their flowers to every branch but in the stem of the Cnadlestick below their parting were four bowls with their knobs and their flowers Exod. 27. 17. Exod 37. 18 19 20. By the Candlestick in this place we are to understand to be meant the Church of God which Church is made up of true Believers which truly and sincerely profess and own Christ and his Worship being redeemed by his Blood from all the earth Rev. 7. 14. This is the signification of the Candlestick the truth of which you may read Rev. 1. 20. where the seven Churches are compared to seven golden Candlesticks which answereth to the Candlestick in the Tabernacle for that was made of pure beaten Gold Ex. 27. 17. Now the Church of God may be compared to a Candlestick several manner of wayes First As a Candlestick is made to mount or hold up the light that all in a time of darkness may see so doth the Church and people of God they hold up the light of truth and the bright shinings of the word and Gospel that all that are in the dark world who sit in the Region and shadow of death might behold the face of God in Jesus Christ shining through the Saints gifts graces and holy conversations in upon their souls Isaiah 2. 3. The Law shall go forth out of Zion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem by which means Isa 9. 2. The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light and they that dwelled in the land of the shadow of death upon them hath the light shined Though this latter prophesie doth principally belong to Christ yet it is to be applied to his Church also for it s through them Christ shineth upon the dark world therefore saith our Saviour to his Dissciples Matth. 5. 14. Ye are the light of the world meaning they were the Candlestick prepared of God to hold up and hold out the light of truth to the dark blinde miserable world Use 1. This informs then what a deal of duty lieth upon the Church both Ministers as well as others First For Ministers what care should they take and what pains should they expose themselves unto in order to the keeping up and holding forth the light and word of the Gospel to the dark nations of the earth what care did Paul take to fulfil his ministry and to discharge his duty this way Acts 20. 24. He counted not his life dear unto himself so that he could fulfil his ministry with you which ministration he had received from the Lord Jesus and that he might be useful this way you may take notice of Pauls practice Acts 20. 20. I have kept back nothing which was profitable to you but have shewed you and taught you openly and throughout every house But O good God how few such house preaching lights doth the eart afford us in this our age but contrariwise instead of men that should make it their business with Paul and the rest of the Apostles to go from house to house to enlighten the dark fami●ies of the earth in the knowledge of God and his Son Jesus Christ they rather bend their forces parts wits and purses to darken and put out the light of truth and the knowledge of God in all the families they meet withal where they go like unto those teachers of old spoken of in Ezek. 34. 18 19. Seemeth it a small thing unto you to have eaten up the good pasture but ye must tread down with your feet the residue of your pastures and to have drunk of the deep waters but you must foul the residue with your feet and as for my flock they eat that which ye have trodden with your feet and they drink that which ye have fouled with your feet How far these or such as these are from being of the true Candlestick appointed to hold up and hold out the light of truth in the world let the reader judge But again this should teach all the Saints for they are a part of the Candlestick also to endeavour in their several places and callings to promote the glory of God in their generations to study godliness and which way they may be useful with their gifts and graces amongst their relations and neighbours and in their families in order to the bringing in of their souls to Jesus Christ therefore saith our Saviour Mat. 5 16. Let pour light so shine before men that they seeing your good works might glorifie your Father which is in heaven To this agreeth the words of Paul Phil. 2 16. with ch 15. ver 15. He exhorts all true Christians that they would labour to hold forth the word of life and that they would labour to live unblameable in their lives and spotless in their conversations and that they would keep themselves without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation amongst whom they were to shine as lights so verse 16. The reason of the former exhortation is given you viz. because they are to hold forth the word of life even as a Candlestick they are to hold up or hold forth the light of truth Secondly A candlestick is appointed to hold fast as wel as to hold up the light that it fall not down because the fall of which many times puts out the light so is the Church of God prepared and fitted to succour and keep up the light of Gods holy truth in the earth that it might not be thrown down by the malice of the devil and wicked men who labour night and day to put it out in the world There be two wayes by which God fitteth the Church as a Candlestick to keep up the light of truth in the world The first is by pouring forth upon them the gifts of the Spirit by vertue of which they are enabled to discover detect and finde out all errour and whatsoever may be contrary to sound doctrine as in Rev. 2. 2. Thou hast tried them which say they are Apostles and are not and hast found them lyars Hence it is that the adversaries of truth are said not to be able to resist the wisdom and spirit by which St. Stephen spake Acts 6. 10. The reason you may perceive lay in this the Church of which Stephen was a member had a very great measure of the gifts of the Spirit which came upon them but a little before read Acts 2. 1 2 3 4. Secondly God fits his Church as
the Spirit for the benefit of the Elect of God in several ages of the world that as the Lamps were never to go out in the Tabernacle so the Lord will never be wanting with the gifts of his Spirit upon his Ministers throughout all ages that he might by and through them keep up the light and truth of his holy will in the world in despight of all opposition whatsoever read Psalm 132. 15 16 17. I will abuudantly bless their provision I will satisfie their poor with bread I will cloath her Priests with salvation and their Saints shall shout for joy there will I make the horn of David to bud I have ordained a lamp for mine anointed This is the promise of God to the Candlestick is Church throughout all ages in the world giving them to understand that let men and devils do what they can yet certainly God will alwayes keep up the lamp light of truth to the end of the world You see the lamp was alwayes to burn in the Tabernacle so as certainly the light of truth shall and must alwayes burn in the world Hence you have it in the Psalms Psalm 132. 14. where God is speaking of the Candlestick his Church saith in these words This is my rest for ever here will I dwell for I have desired it for my habitation Use 1. This informs us then of the great folly and madness of the children of this world who labor night and day to extinguish and put out these lamp lights of Gospel truth which God hath set up in his Church Alas men do but strive against the stream in the thing you see how successess men have been in their attempts this way even from the beginning How did Pharaoh King of ●●y●t strive to root out the Lamp lights in his day so how did King ●●●●b●am lay out himself this way in his day by setting up the Calves by throwing out the good Ministers of the Lord and in putting into their rooms Priests made of the lowest and basest of the People 1 Kings 12. 31. so in Christs time what ado did King Herod make to finde out the Lamp of lamps viz. our Lord Jesus Christ that he might quite rid the world of his light Mat. 2. so in the Apostles dayes how did the Jews labour to fill the world with uproars against them that their lamp light of truth might be wholly put out of the earth so the heathen Emperours in the first three hundred years after the Apostles what bloody attempts did they in their times make against the lamps and so all along ever since their time for this fifteen hundred years what horrid cruel desperate attempts have the Antechristian party in the world made against these lamp lights of Gospel truth which Christ by his Apostles hath left for the good of his Church witness the slaughtering of the Waldenses Albingenses beside those many murthers which have been done upon the Christians in Germany whose case without doubt God is now a pleading by the Turks You may call to minde the many cruel murthers done in France and Ireland as also the many cruelties which have past upon the Lords people in England ever since Queen ●●ar●● time what endeavours what plots what secret treacheries have there been afoot to get down these divine lights which God in mercy hath caused to shine in the midst of us But alas alas let me tell such men that all their labour is but lost labour men do but kick against the p●icks and throw back their heels against sharp stakes that persist in a work of this nature O you persecutors of truth and such as think to extinguish the lamps of Gods truth to you I speak even to you of every nation in the world O Sirs lay down your weapons of contention push at the pikes no longer for you will certainly perish in the end know you that do what you can God will keep alive his lamp lights of truth in the world in despight of you all certainly you do but set the briars and thorns in battle aray against the everlasting burnings in rising up to resist the work of God in the earth God will have his work to go on O therefore stand not in his way God will make way for it though it be through your heart blood read Psalm 45. 4 5 6. Psal 36. 9. O therefore be wise ye judges of the earth and be ye instructed ye great ones serve the Lord with fear and come before him with trembling kiss the Son lest he be angry and ye perish in the mi● way when his wrath is kindled but a little therefore if you love your selves hearken to the advice of that learned Doctor Acts 5. 34. with 38 39. Then stood there up one in the councel a Pharisee named Gamaliel a doctor of the Law who said And now I say unto you Refrain your selves from these men and let them alone for if this counsel or this work be of men it will come to naught but if it be of God ye cannot overthrow it lest happily ye be found even to fight against God Lastly and I have done this Type It is to be noted that this Type viz. the Lamps was to burn before the Lord or in his sight which signifies Gods watchful eye over the lamps that so nothing might hinder or obstruct the burning of them you may fully see the care of God set out to you in this thing Isa 27 2 3. In that day saith God speaking of his Church sing ye unto her a vineyard of red Wine I the Lord do keep it I will water it every moment lest any hurt it I will keep it night and day Use 4. This should inform us then what a dangerous thing it is for men to endeavour to corrupt the pure Worship of God by mixing any thing of their humane inventions with Gods divine Institutions certainly there cannot be any thing added to the Doctrine or Worship of God but God will readily espy it for the lamps were to burn before the Lord where the eyes of his glory should be fixed upon them let it be in the most secret Chambers men can devise yet God will finde it out Ezek. 8. 12. You may see how dearly the two sons of Aaron paid for so bold an adventure Levit. 10. 1 2. Truly men cannot easily provoke God in any thing more then by endeavouring to eclipse the shining of his lamp lights of Gospel truth in the world for truth may be as much eclipsed by corrupting of it as any other way But good Lord what little conscience do men make of this crying sin at this day Alas how do the learned of the earth labour by their wits and parts to adulterate the worship of God and the pure oyl of truth in this our age so that the great evil is come upon the earth now which fell upon Israel of old Ezek. 34. 18. They eat the good pasture and tread wn the residue
with their feet they drink up the best water and foul the residue with their feet But truly though men may joyn hand in hand in this thing yet they shall not go unpunished Use 5. What an ingagement should the thoughts of this doctrine of the lamps burning alwayes before the Lord put upon the hearts of all Ministers of the Gospel to look to it that there doctrine be sound and that which will hold weight before the Lord if Ministers doctrine do at any time carry more of their own water in it then Gods Wine certainly God will discover it the Ministers are Gods Lamps appointed for the Tabernacle and they are to burn before the Lord that is they never act but Gods eye is upon what they do and preach in his Worship to observe what comes from them his eye is upon them in the studying of their matter while in the composing of it and his eye is upon them in the Pulpit while they are preaching of it if there be iron and tin mixed with Gods gold and silver surely the pure eyes of Gods glory will try it of what sort it is therefore saith Paul in 1 Cor. 3. 12 13 14 15. If any man build on this foundation gold silver precious stones hay wood or stubble every mans work shall be made manifest for the day shall declare it because it shall be revealed or fire and the fire shall try every mans work of what sort it is if any mans work abide which he hath built thereon he shall receive a reward but if any mans work shall be burnt he shall receive loss yet he himself shall be saved yet so as by fire O if men were well acquainted with the strict eye that God exerciseth always over his burning lamps the Ministers with respect to their doctrine surely men would be more careful then they are both in their studying and preaching of them and would tremble to bring forth such sad stuff for doctrine as some do amongst us Paul ●ells you of a doctrine of devils 1 Tim. 4 1. And sayes that some men which give heed to seducing spirits may be given unto therefore if men would be protected from being delivered up to the doctrine of seducing spirits let men labour faithfully to bring forth the doctrine of God Hence it is that Paul hath it in 1 Tim. 4. 16. Take heed unto thy self and to the doctrine continue in them for in so doing thou shalt both save thy self and them which hear thee CHAP. 22. I now come to speak of the Snuffers which did belong to the Lamps in the Tabernacle ANd there were Snuffers likewise made of pure gold which belonged to the Tabernacle as well as the Lamps and Candlestick Exod 37. 23. Now the use of that instrument you know it is to correct or to remove out of the way any thing that shall offend the burning of the light that so the light might shine with the more brightness and clearness Now if you observe the thing the snuffers are put together with the lamps Exod. 37. 23. And he made seven lamps and his snuffers with his dishes of pure gold which gives us to understand that the snuffers were appointed for the use of the Lamps which Lamps as I have said signifies the light of truth which through the pourings out of the gifts of the Spirit into the hearts of the gifted men of the Candlestick the Church God intends by them to keep up in all ages of the world Now by the adding the snuffers to the seven Lamps we the better come to understand their property which is as I have said to correct all those superfluities which in cleaving to the lights of the Lamps are apt to hinder its shining This shews us the great care which God doth and will take to the keeping up of the purity of truth in its glory and lustre in the Church do what men and devils will to the contrary it shews us likewise the great provision which God hath prepared to his peoples hands for the removing out of the way any thing that might tend to the darkening or hindering the light from burning in his Churches and that is it which we are to understand by the Snuffers which were added to the Lamps Now here two things are to be noted First What it is which hinders the light of truth from shining in the Churches of Christ Seeondly What that provision is which as the Snuffers is given forth by God on purpose to correct it and remove it out of the way For the first what it is which offends the light of truth in the Churches of Jesus Christ First It s all that corrupt doctrine and unsound opinions which false teachers labour to usher into the Church of God and of Christ by the cunning craftiness of men which handle the word of God deceitfully of such the Apostle speaks of in his time who laboured to bring in damnable errours into the Church of God Jude 4. For there are certain men crept in unawares who were before of old ordained unto condemnation ungodly men turning the grace of God into wantonness and denying the onely Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ Hence it is that Paul gives such a charge to the Elders of Ephesus Acts 20. 28 29 30. Take ●e●d brethren unto your selves and unto the flock over which the Holy Ghost hath made you over seers to feed the Church of God which he hath purchased with his own bloud for I know that after my departure shall grievous wolves enter in amongst you not staring the flock also of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away Disciples after them so likewise do the Apostle shew us that it will be the portion of the latter ages of the world to be pestered in the Churches of Christ by men of very base and corrupt principles to the eclipsing and darkning of the Lamp lights of truth in the midst of them these are S. Paul words unto Timothy 2 Tim 3. 1. with ver 8. This know that in the last days perilous times shall come for there shall arise men such as Jannes and Jambres who withstood Moses so shall these resist the truth Men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith so Rev. 9. 1 2 3 4. And the fifth Angel sounded and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit and he opened the bottomless pit and there arose as make out of the bottomless pit like the smoke of a furnace and the Sun and the Air was darkned by reason of the smoke of the pit By the Sun and the Air here spoken of I understand the Lamp light of truth which did once burn in the Romish Church before its falling away for it is the condition of the Church of Rome which the holy spirit intends in this Chapter who intimates to you that as smoke darkens the Air as that
the Body united to the Head and so he is to be understood as our interceeding High Priest praying to God for us against the evil of death So ver 10. This was done as he was called of God according to the Order of Melchisedeck That is as he is a High Priest for so was Melchisedeck Heb. 7. 1. whose work was to bless Abraham a Member of this Priesthood grace and mercy Gen. 14. therefore saith the Apostle Heb. 7. 25. Wherefore he is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him seeing he ever liveth to make Intercession for them therefore saith the Apostle ver 26. Such an High Priest became us And as Christ did pour out his crys and supplications with tears here on earth it was to give Believers a comfortable view and sight of what he is ever doing for them in heaven of which they may assure themselves to the utmost Therefore doth S. Paul so much comfort Believers against all fear of a total miscarriage for it cannot be because Christ as our great High Priest did not only interceed against it on earth by pouring out strong crys and supplications with tears Heb. 5. 7. but he is doing of the same work now he is in heaven with as much fervency of Spirit for us Rom. 8. ver 34. Who is he that condemneth it is Christ that died yea rather is risen again and sitteth at the right hand of God who also maketh Intercession for us Now that the Intecession Christ makes is a work of prayer which he poureth forth for his people to God evermore as that which the Golden Altar for Incense was a Type of will appear if we consider that place in Rev. 8. 2 3 4. 5. with chap. 1. 13. And I saw the seven Angels which stood before God and to them were given seven Trumpets and another Angel came and stood at the Altar which Angel was Christ having a golden Censer in his hand and there was given unto him much Incense that he should offer it with the prayers of all Saints upon the Golden Altar which was before the Throne and the smoak of the Incense which came up with the prayers of the Saints ascending up before God out of the Angels hand Now look into Rev. 1. 13. and you may see who this Angel was And in the midst of the seven golden Candlesticks one like unto the Son of men clothed with a garment down to the foot and girt about the paps with a golden girdle Here you have the Son of man representing himself to John after he ascends up into Glory standing in the garb of the High Priest for so the legal High Priest was attired when he was to administer before the Lord. That so we might understand for our great comfort that he is doing the great work of the Priesthood now in Heaven for his people that are yet without the Tabernacle as to their being in this life even for those that are not entred within the veil of blessed glory and immortality So that you see that Christ is an interceeding High Priest now in heaven pouring out his prevailing prayers to God for his And this is the matter of the work of Intercession Use 1. O then what cause have Believers to bless God for his mercy that there is an Intercessour provided for them that can and will prevaile on their behalf if loud crys and strong supplications attended with many tears will do it O my Brethren this is an inestimable blessed privilege to Believers that they have such an interceeding High Priest as Jesus is who is heard in all things and denied in nothing that he shall request the Father for on the behalf of Believers We use to say that man is happy that hath a Friend in Court to speak if need be on his behalf O but how much more happy are Believers that have a Christ a High Priest in heaven to agitate all their matters and concernments for them there Hence it is that the Psalmist doth affirm that there can be no want to them which fear God Psal 34. 10. And S. Peter wonders who can harm such as be followers of that which is good Pet. 1. 3. 13. And saith S. Paul who can lay any thing to the charge of such and who can condemn such or can separte such from the love of God Rom. 8. 33 34 35. the Reason of all is given you in the 34. ver For we have a High Priest at Gods right hand making Intercession for us Use 2. O then let this blessed Doctrine administer comfort to the people of God at all times in all conditions that they have a High Priest in Heaven interceding for them at Gods right hand O Brethren of whom should Believers be afraid that have such an interceding Priest as Christ is what if all the Tyrants in the world and Devils in hell should set themselves together against the poor Lambs of Christ O fear them not there cannot a hair of your heads fall to the ground O you Saints lift up your heads and be not so fearful of your Adversaries it is your High Priests work in heaven to pray you down deliverance from the hands of Men and Devils Read that comfortable place Exod. 17. 8 9 10 11 12. When Amaleck came out to fight against Israel it s said that all the while that Moses lifted up his hands to God in a way of Prayer and Intercession for Israel Israel prevailed over Amaleck O then shall the liftings up of the hands of a Moses so much prevail for Gods Israel in a time of danger and yet Moses was but a servant Heb. 3. 5 and shall we think that the lifting up of the interceding hands of Christ who is the Son shall not prevail over these Amalekites which Believers stand in doubt of here O Brethren do not dishonour the interceding Office of Jesus Christ your High Priest in giving way so much to your fears Remember what our Saviour spake in his own case the same he can and will do in the case of his people so far as it shall stand with his glory and a Believers good Matth. 26. 53. Think you not and I can pray to my Father and he can give me more then twelve Legions of Angels What work did that Angel make which Christ prayed down for the relief of his Church in the time of their distress Isa 37. 36. How did the Angel scatter in one night that proud Blasphemous Army and shall we think that Christs Prayers have lost their Efficacy through length of time No no he is the same yesterday to day and for ever Heb. 13. 8. And so in all other exigencies and straits whether in Famine Plague Pestilence or what ever the providence be which may occasion fear Here is a sufficient Balm for the soul in these conditions yea in a word if thou wert brought so low with thy distress as that thou couldst not put up one word
those that come to God by him Heb. 7. And to be a propitiation in his bloud for the sins of the whole world John 1. 2 2. That is there was so much Incense given this Angel by the Lord or so much vertue put into the death of Christ that although it was never intended for all the world yet there is a vertue or a sufficiency in his death able to save all the world at once And it s said the Angel offered Incense that is the Lord Jesus Christ was interceding at the Throne of grace for the Saints Now pray observe all this was done with the prayers of all Saints so that the Saints are set forth as a praying people as well as Christ is set forth as an interceding High Priest Christs prayers and his peoples prayers going up together before the Lord make up the great cloud of Incense which went up from the Altar Thus you see the point cleared that Christs interceding in Heaven at his Fathers right hand for Believers doth not give any liberty to the least neglect in prayer here on earth therefore doth our High Priest himself enjoyn prayer to be made by the Saints that live under his Priesthood Matth. 26 41. And farther says that men ought to pray always Luke 18. 1. So likewise the Apostles of Christ they tell you that the subjects of this Gospel Priesthood must pray James 5. 13. and that they must pray every where 1 Tim. 2. 8. and that without ceasing 1 Thes 5. 17 and that men should continue instant in it Rom. 12. 22. and that men should pray always night and day Eph 6. 18. Thes 2. 3 10. and for one another James 5. 16. with this advice that it must be in the Holy Ghost Jude 20. likewise this hath been made the Character of a good man Acts 9. 11 and on the contrary a prayerless heart is looked upon in Scripture to be a wicked heart Job 27. 10. Thirdly and lastly I come to speak of the end or main purpose of the work of the Incense Altar or of the work of Christs Intercession which he driveth on in Heaven for Believes Now the purpose of this glorious work of Christs Intercession it was to make Reconciliation for sin or amongst many other things one main● thing was this viz. the keeping up a constant peace between God and the Soul therefore it was called the office for atonement Exod. 30. 10. And Aaron shall make an atonement upon the horns of the Incense Altar once a year with the bloud of the sin offering of atonements once in the year shall he make atonement upon it throughout your Generations its most holy to the Lord. This the Apostle applies to Jesus Christ Heb. 2 17. where you have the Apostle speaking of Jesus Christ as our Gospel High Priest succeeding Aaron of old the Apostle hath this saying about it in Verse 17. Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his Brethren that he might be a merciful High Priest in things pertaining to God and that he might make Reconciliation for the sins of the people Note here That he might make Reconciliation for the sins of the people or an atonement which is all one so that this was the end or purpose of the High Priests atonement it was to keep peace between God and the people under the Law this you may see read Numb 16. 46 47 48. And Moses said to Aaron take the Censer and put fire therein off the Altar and put on Incense and go quickly unto the Congregation and make an atonement for them for there is wrath gone out from the Lord the Plague is begun And Aaron took as Moses commanded him and ran into the midst of the Congregation and behold the Plague was begun among the people and he put on Incense and made an atonement for the people and he stood between the dead and the living and the Plague was stayed Thus you see clearly what the purpose and end of the Priests interceding or making atonement for the people amounts unto it is to interpose between Gods wrath and the people or to keep God at peace with the people which is the proper work of Jesus Christ now in glory to make peace for the Saints and to interpose by his Intercession between the anger of God and their sinning souls who labours by those strong cries sighs and groans with many tears which cannot be uttered to prevail with God that he would be pleased for his own death and righteousness sake to pass by those many sins failings and infirmities which his people are apt to commit And as in the like case we read of Moses Exod. 32. 11 12 13. So doth Christ of whom in the work of Intercession Moses was the Type cast himself at the feet of God praying begging intreating that he would be pleased to pass by the sins and daily infirmities of his people and not remember their iniquities against them but that he would extend his Love Favour and Grace to their souls as afore-time and would lead them and conduct them by his special grace to the good land of Canaan the land of promise which was purchased for them by his own bloud upon the Cross at Jerusalem and begs his Father that he would be pleased to look more upon his bloud and righteousness for them and less upon their sins And doth confess as Moses did that the people are and ever have been a stiff-necked and rebellious people ever since he knew them but yet still crys good Father put up all the injuries done against thy glory by this people and let not thy wrath wax hot against the sheep of thy pasture O remember the promises which thou hast made to me concerning this people That a seed should serve me a Generation of men should call me blessed Psal 22. 30. and Psal 72. 17. And that I should see of the travel of my soul and be satisfied Isa 53. 11. and therefore prays that the Father would consider what loss it would be to him who was his Son should the people miscarry how all his sufferings would be lost the end of his coming in the flesh would be lost the fruit of all his Sermons works of Miracles and works of Righteousness would be lost therefore in John 17. 24. Prays saying Father I will that they whom thou hast given me may be with me where I am that they may behold ●y glory which thou hast given me for thou hase loved me before the Foundation of the world Use 4. O then soul thou seest where to fly under the guilt of sin O what comfort wlll this afford a poor doubting soul that shall well digest this truth into his soul that Jesus Christ is interceding for him now in Heaven how will the knowledge of this feed the hearts of Gods people in times of doubts O let not the Wolves catch any comfort from hence this is what belongs to the true
the Garments of Christs Righteousness But it s a glory veiled up from the eyes of the most of men there is a covering of Rams skins drawn over it which keeps the sight of this glory from men there is nothing but an eye of Faith can discern this therefore is the glory of the Church said to be a hidden glory from the world men as men see little into it or know little of it Psalm 45. 13. The Kings Daughter is all glorious within all her cloathing is of wrought Gold But however though in the account of men the Church of Christ seems to be poor and mean and worthless yet because of the Righteousness of Christ with which she is cloathed she is very beautiful and glorious and lovely in Gods eyes Cant. 1. 9 10. I have compared thee Oh my love to a company of Horses in Pharoahs Chariots thy cheeks are comely with rows of Ienels thy neck with chains of Gold So ver 15. Behold thou art fair my love behold thou art fair thou hast doves eyes So Isa 43 34. For I am the Lord thy God the holy one of Israel thy Saviour I gave Egypt for thy ransome Ethiopia and Sheba for thee since thou wast precious in my sight thou hast been honourable and I have loved thee therefore will I give men for thee and people for thy life And hence it is the Saints are Gods Jewels Mal. 3. 17. by all which you may perceive what great respects God hath for the Church because of that glorious Tabernacle covering of the Righteonsness of Christ which is put upon them Use 1. O then how should the thoughts of this wonderfully raise and comfort the hearts of the people of God especially in two seasons First in doubting seasons when a poor Soul lieth burthened under the sence of his personal vileness and pollutedness before God which oftentimes weakens the souls confidence in God and keeps the soul at a distance with God who thinks that as he seems in his own eyes so he doth in the eyes of God Oh soul remember the Tabernacle covering that glorious wrought piece which had the Cherubims wrought in it which Cherubims were the Emblems and Signs of mercy in which covering God looks upon all Believers not as they are in themselves but as they are and do appear before him in the righteousness of his Son which covering hides all thy filth and iniquity and infirmities Psal 32. 1. Blessed is the man whose transgression is forgiven whose sin is covered So that you see there is that which doth cover transgression and hide iniquity that it cannot appear before God to condemn the soul Rom. 8. 1. There is therefore now no condemnation to a soul in Christ Iesus The Robe of Christs Righteousness is such a covering for and to the Church as that it doth not only hide sin pollution and a thousand times ten thousand infirmities but also it presents the soul to God in its own dress and so draws forth the love of God and the delight of God to the creature as if the creature had never sinned Ephes 5. 26. 27. Husbands love your wives as Christ hath loved the Church and given himself for it that he might sanctifie and cleanse it by the washing of water and the word that he might present it to himself a glorious Church not having spot or wrinckle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish Therefore the Spouse in Cant. doth notably distinguish her condition in this case as she saw her self in her self and as by faith she saw her self in the Righteousness of Christ First as she saw her self in her self so she crys out she was black as the tents of Kedar which tents were made of black hair-cloth so black and worse was she in her own eyes by reason of sin and corruption which dwelt within her Cant 1. 5. Secondly but as she looked upon her self in Christ covered over with his Righteousness so she cryeth out she was as comely as the curtains of Solomon there she knew she was without spot or wrinkle in Gods sight and in the worst of times could go with boldness to the Throne of grace to ask grace and mercy to help in time of need as the Apostle speaks in Heb. 4. 16. here it was in his covering that Paul desired to be found in above any place or state in the world for justification Phil. 3. 9. To be found in him not having mine own righteousness which is of the La● but that which is through the faith of Christ the righteousness which is of God by faith Oh soul study this Tabernacle covering more and more and labour by faith to see thy self in it then thy the doubts and fears will begin to leave thee but not before Secondly this will administer great comfort to the soul in times of Persecution when the Church shall be buffeted and slandered and slighted and scorned and cast out as evil and accounted the dung of the times then may the people of God comfort themselves in this truth though men slight them yet God doth not though they see no beauty in us yet God doth and he saith in all the reproaches we meet with we are honourable and precious in his sight Isa 45 3 4. What if Councils and Parliaments Kings and Princes and Nations shall vomit us up out of the midst of them yet the Lord hath other thoughts of his people and so long it s well enough the world thinks we are not worthy to live with their dogs but God accounts one of his Saints worth a whole Nation of the wicked ones Use 2. Oh then how should this truth press upon men and women to get into this Tabernacle covering Oh Sirs whatever thoughts you may have of your selves it may be you are rich and honourable in this life you may have great names amongst your Neighbours for your Wealth Parts Wisdom or Valour but let me tell you if you be not within this Tabernacle covering of the Lord Jesus his Righteousness God accounts you more worthless then the dung of the streets Prov. 10. 20. The heart of a wicked man is little worth They are the scorn of Heaven Psal 2. 4. They are the burthen of the Earth Rom. 8. 22. and to say no more they are the delight and joy of hell This is thy condition soul while thou art out of Christ thou hast no Tabernacle covering about thee to present thee faultless to God but art under the Law and Curse a poor naked wretched soul Oh therefore my advice to thee is to endeavour to get into this Righteousness O flie to Christ give him no rest untill he hath put this glory upon thy soul that so thou mightst not be found naked when the great and notable day of the Lord shall come I come now to speak unto the outward coverings which covered or comprehended all the rest of coverings or things in the Tabernacle and this covering
in the opening of it in the Ordinances how have you been made to cry out with Peter Matth. 17. 4. Master it is good to be here what blessed heart-affecting discoveries doth there come out of the Tabernacle sometimes therefore doth David so much prize the Tabernacle or House and Church of God Psal 84. 1 2 4. Oh how amiable are thy Tabernables O Lord of hosts my soul longeth yea fainteth for the Courts of the Lord my heart and my flesh cryeth out for the living God blessed are all they that dwell in thy house for they will be still praising thee Why should those that live in the Tabernacle or house of God so much praise God Answer amongst many reasons so to do this is not a small one because of the exceeding glory God discovers to them in the Church Oh what glorious gifts are there what glorious Ordinances what glorious Ministers are there what a glorious Gospel what glorious discoveries are there made of this Gospel in the Church what a glorious Spirit is there in the Tabernacle of the Church Oh what glorious graces do there live in the hearts of the Materials of this Tabernacle besides the glorious name of God lives there and all this covered over with Rams skins dyed red and coverings made of Goats hair But however let Believers comfort themselves God will have a time to remove the covering made of Rams skins and Goats hair and then the world shall see and know the worth an● glory of the Tabernacle or Church There are many precious promises in the word of God about the removing of the Rams skin covering from the Church of God take a few for all one is in Psal 45. That where the Church of God because of her deformity on the out side hath been the scorn of the Earth yet the time shall come when God shall remove her Rams skin and Goats hair covering that the rich men of the Earth shall entreat the Churches favour as ver 12. of that 45. Psalm And the Daughter of Tyre shall be there with a gift even the rich among the people shall entreat thy favour Isa 60. 15. Whereas thou hast been forsaken and hated so that no man went through thee I will make thee an eternal excellency a joy of many Generations So Verse 14. The Sons of them that afflicted thee shall come bending to thee and all they that despised thee shall bow themselves down at the soles of thy feet and they shall call thee the City of the Lord the Zion of the holy one of Israel Verse 13. The glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee the Fir-tree the Pine-tree and the Box together to beautifie the place of my Sanctuary for I will make the place of my feet glorious So Verse 12. For the Nation and Kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish yea those Nations shall be utterly wasted So Verse 3. For the Gentiles shall come to thy light and Kings to the brightness of thy rising So Isa 54. 11 12. Oh thou afflicted and tossed with tempest and not comforted behold I will lay thy Stones with fair colours and lay thy Foundation with Saphires I will make thy windows of Aggates and thy gates of Carbuncles and all thy borders of pleasant Stones So Verse 13. 14. All thy Children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be the peace of thy Children in righteousness shalt thou be established thou shalt be far from oppression for thou shalt not fear and from terrour for it shall not come near thee But the Question wi●l be when shall these Prophesies be made good I Answer When Israel shall come to his good land then it shall be then shall God take away the Tabernacle covering made of Rams skins and Goats hair which was upon the Tabernacle all the while of its being in the wilderness and then will God shew the glory of the Tabernacle his Church to all the world Isa 60. 3. The Gentiles shall come to thy light and Kings to the brightness of thy rising Is a Metaphor taken from the rising Sun as that when the Sun riseth upon the earth all the earth is filled with the beams of its glorious light so shall the world with the glory of the Tabernacle You know this covering upon the Tabernacle lasted but during their abode in the wilderness for when they came into the land of promise and rest the covering was taken away in a great measure and the glory of it suffered more to appear then formerly as you may perceive when Solomon turned the Tabernacle into a most Magnificent Temple Now this land of rest or the end of the wilderness journey I find to be two ways held out in Scripture either for the ultimate glory above or for that Kingdom of glory which Christ calls his Kingdom as he is the Son of man which he so often promiseth his people as the reward of their sufferings for him for our Saviour makes a clear difference between the Kingdom of ultimate glory above and the Kingdom of glory which Christ hath promised to give his people for their Faith Love and Constancy to him in suffering-times pray read well and consider that passage of our Saviour Rev. 3. 21. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me on my Throne even as I have overcome and am set down with my Father on his Throne Mark that there is the Fathers Throne of glory and there is the Sons Throne of glory mine saith Christ and my Fathers now one of these Thrones or Kingdoms of glory hath Christ made the proper reward of the Saints sufferings and that is what he calls his Kingdom a Kingdom distinct from the Fathers Rev. 3. 21. I will grant him to sit with me upon my Throne which is promised the Saints so often in the word of truth Math. 19. 28. Rev. 2. 26 27. Rev. 20. 4. Rev. 21. 2 3. Now all these Scriptures relate to the Kingdom of Christ this none will deny Secondly That this Kingdom is held out to the Saints and promised them as the reward of their sufferings it must also be granted Thirdly That this Kingdom thus promised to the Saints as the reward of their sufferings cannot be applyed to the ultimate glory will appear if we look into each Scripture neither can men read these Scriptures so without being guilty of putting meer Nonsense upon the face of Scipture Pray let us look into these places Math. 19. 28. And Jesus said unto them Verily Verily I say unto you that ye which have followed me in the Regeneration when the Son of man shall sit upon the throne of his glory ye also shall sit upon 12. thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel Now this very promise is again handed out by our Saviour after his Ascension to John the Divine in the Isle of Patmos Rev. 3. 2. To him that overcometh I will grant to sit with me on my throne Look into Rev. 20 4.
Law in their inward parts and write it upon their hearts and will be their God and they shall be my people Now by that Law in the heart what can it be but the conveying of the sanctifying grace of the Covenant into the Souls of the Lords people at the hour and time of their Conversion Lastly There is grace in the state or that which we call a state of grace which is a souls being planted into Jesus Christ by faith from this men and women can never possibly fall away And for these three grounds First Because those that have been really planted into Jesus Christ they all receive from him eternal life and Christ saith that those which have received from him eternal life they shall never perish Iohn 10. 28. Now if some will assert such shall perish or may perish and Christ saith they shall not soul I leave thee to believe which of these two thou pleasest Secondly It cannot be they can fall from grace because they have Christs hand to defend them now Christ is God as well as man and all power in Heaven and Earth is given into his hand Math. 28. 18 Iohn 10 28. Thirdly It cannot be so because they are in the Fathers hand Iohn 10 29. They are in the Fathers hand by Electon and in the Sons by Redemption and Intercession and none can pluck them out of these infinite Divine hands how is it then that such a Doctrine can be true which says that true believers may fall from grace totally and finally But lastly this Qualification of faithfulness in Christ may afford a great deal of comfort in afflicting and persecuting seasons let the soul meet with never so great distress he may be sure to comfort himself in the faithfulness of Christ though friends may leave him and an estate may leave him saith Christ Isa 43 2. When thou passest thorow the waters I will be with thee and thorow the Rivers they shall not overflow thee when thou walkest thorow the fire thou shalt not be burnt neither shall the flame kindle upon thee This the Prophet David could experience to be true at sundry times who saith that Christ had been with him in six yea in seven troubles who doth instance in some of his troubles how he had found Christ with him in these troubles one was this when his Father and Mother left hm then the Lord took him up Psal 27. 10. Another was this when his friends and acquaintance had withdrawn from him and did look strange upon him the Lord stood by him Psal 31. 11. So St. Paul could say likewise when all men forsook him yet the Lord stood by him 2 Tim. 4. 16 17. And therefore would comfort the distressed Corinthians 1 Cor. 10 13. That though no temptation had hapned to them but what was common to Saints yet Christ was faithful who would not suffer them to be tempted above what they were able to bear and would with the temptation make away for their escape Now St. Paul could speak this by experience for he had found it so Oh therefore live upon the faithfulness of Christ in a Gaol in a Dungeon any where for he hath said he will never leave thee nor forsake thee if thou art sick he will make thy bed in thy sickness Psal 41. 3. If thou art poor he will stick closer to thee then a Brother Prov. 18 24. If thou art tempted it shall be in his arms Heb. 2. 18. For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted he is able to succour those which are tempted In a word he is so faithful as to bear a part with thee in all thy afflictions let them be what they will Isa 63. 9. In all their afflictions he is afflicted and the Angel of his presence saved them Oh therefore make him thy High Priest live upon him for thee and thine in all conditions whatsoever intrust him with thy soul with thy body with thy relations with thy estate with thy all for he is the faithful and true witness Rev. 3. 14. CHAP 30. The Consecrated Garments of the High Priest in which he was to Minister for the people THe High Preists garments were twofold there was what was proper to his body from the neck downward to the feet and secondly there was what was proper to the head of the High Priest from the neck upwards Now in the garments which were proper to the body of the High Priest from the neck downward there were these things considerable First The long Robe it self which covered the whole body of the High Priest from the neck down to the feet we find it to be a very glorious thing as it will appear if we consider the matter of which it was made which was of Gold blue Purple and Scarlet and fine Linen Exod 27 4 5. This shews us or sets forth to us the glorious Robe of Christs Righteousness in which Believers only stand justified before God The body of the High Priest when clothed with his Priestly garments held out two things to an eye of faith First The head with its Crown and Miter upon it that held out Christ as the head of his Church therefore that had the Miter and the Crown upon it Secondly The whole body of the Priest below the head that signified the whole Church of Christ over whom Christ is head Now as the body of the Priest was wholly covered over in all the parts of it with this glorious long Robe so it shews us how the whole body of the Elect stand covered over with Christs Righteousness before God in which alone they are in person and performance presented complete before God Therefore when the Apostle is speaking of the Elects meeting in Christ and covered over with this glorious Robe of Righteousness saith in Col. 2. 10. And ye are complete in him which is the head of all Principalities and Powers That is when Believers have by faith put on the Righteousness of Christ about them as the High Priest did put on his garments then are they complete in Gods sight and not till then Hence it is when the Apostle speaks of the work of making Christ ours he delivered himself in such phrases as hold analogy with the High Priests putting on his long Robe that you may know the one was a Type of the other As in Rom. 13. 14. But ye put on the Lord Jesus Christ so Eph. 4. 24. And that ye put on the new man which after God is created in Righteousness and true Holiness so Phil. 3. 9. And be found in him not having mine own Righteousness which is of the Law That is to put him on as a Robe or to be found in him or his righteousness wholly covered over with it by faith as with a garment Thus you see how the Scriptures make the High Priests garments and the Righteousness of Jesus Christ to agree and harmonize together Use 1. Then this shews us the usefulness of the
And upon this account we are bid to glorifie God with our bodies as well as with our souls 1 Cor. 6. 20. And we are exhorted to present God with our whole bodies as well as our souls in the Worship of God as living sacrifices which is but our resonable service Rom. 12. 1. Therefore saith David My tongue shall be as the Pen of a ready Writer Ps 45. 1. He would make use of his tongue in the Worship of God to praise him withall So Psal 71. 24. My tongue shall talk of thy righteousness all the day long Psal 27. 7. Ps 28 2. Obj. But some will say the Scripture saith that bodily exercise profiteth little I answer not bodily exercise used in the worship of God excluded but bodily exercise when the soul is excluded out of the worship of God this signisies but little in Gods account else why did the Apostle exhort the Romans to give up the body as well as the soul to God in his service Romans 12. 1. But secondly the gingling of Aarons Bells did signifie the laudable sound that the Priests Doctrine was to make in the ears of the people he was not to be a dumb silent Minister but to make his Doctrine to ring for God in the ears of the people you may see the Charge which is given in this case to Ministers Isa 58. 1. Cry aloud spare not lift up thy voice like a Trumpet and shew my people their transgressions and the house of Iacob their sins Use 3. O how few Aaronites can we see or hear now in the world how seldom can the poor people hear the ringing of the Bells of sound Doctrine in their ears in some Parishes not above once a moneth in so much that the poor people have almost forgot that kind of Musick and as for others when they do ring the Aaronite Bells of Doctrine to the people it s so much confounded with the sound of other mixt Bells which they have added to them that when the Minister rings them the people can hardly tell whether they be rung in England or in Rome Lastly The Bells of Aarons garment did signifie the readiness forwardness and aptness which there should be in the Priest to the work which God called him unto he was not to be hauld and dragged to his work he was to act readily from a principle of willingness you may conceive the Bells at the end of the long Robe would gingle with every little motion of the body so should Ministers readily freely and willingly give out the mind of God to the dark blind world this is so in a great measure found upon the Ministers of Christ that have the Aaronite Bells upon their garments read that noble passage of the Apostle in Acts 3. 6. Silver and Gold have I none but such as I have give I thee in the name of Iesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk Therefore saith our Saviour to his Disciples when he sent them forth to preach the Gospel to the world Math. 10. 8. Freely have you received therefore freely give God abhors a lazie idle Preacher they are the worst plants that stands in his Vineyard an idle Minister will quickly grow an ignorant Minister for so the Lord puts them together Isa 56. 10. His watch-men are blind they are all ignorant they are all dumb dogs they cannot bark sleeping lying down loving to slumber Therefore when the Apostle would give a true Character of an Aaronite indeed one that carryeth the Aaronite Bells to the hem of his garment he tells you in 2 Tim. 2 24. He should be apt to teach that is ready willing or forward in his work one that need not be puld to it with Cart-ropes that acts from a principle of love to and delight in his work saith St. Paul A Dispensation is committed to me and wo●am I if I preach not the Gospel 1 Cor. 9 16. Our Saviour tells you that the Gospel shall flow so freely from them that are his Ministers as water from a fountain Iohn 7 38. Use 4. Of Lamentation O how few of such Ministers do the Earth abound with at this time that are apt to teach the Gospel to the poor world yea they are so far from being apt to this work themselves that they labour to stop up the way against others who out of Conscience to their duty though at a low rate would do the work themselves but must stand by as useless and can do nothing The good Lord Judge between party and party in this matter if it be thy blessed will how many poor souls lies now a perishing through this dreadful evil is notorious known to many Countries though not so much laid to heart and bewailed before the Lord as the matter requireth Again There were Pomgranates likewise mixed with the Bells at the hem of the long Robe Now the Pomgranates with the Bells did set forth the glory of the doctrine of the Gospel for the colour of the Pomgranates was very glorious as you may see if you read their complexion in Exo. 28. 33. for they were to be made of sky colour Purple and of Scarlet but the Pomgranate alone did set forth to us the fatness and nourishment which the Gospel doth afford the souls of Believers that live upon the Gospel for so is the Pomgranate set forth in the Scripture to be a very pleasant feeding fruit Canticles 4 13. O so is the Gospel its fatness it self is called a feast of marrow and fat things of Wine well refined upon the Lees as you have it in Isa 25. 6. O this is the refreshing satisfying fatning good in the world O the Gospel what a choice thing is it to the souls of the Lords people which makes them cry out bread and the Gospel is good fare A gracious soul knows no such feasting as preaching no such fatness as the word of God brings forth to them the love of which have made some to throw up all their Estates and good things in this life to purchase it This made the Apostle kick up their fishing Trade and this made Matthew to leave his great place in the Custom-Office and Zacheus to throw up the half of his Estate to the poor O they saw by an eye of faith a better glory in the colour of the Pomgranate truth of the Tabernacle they had heard better Musick in the Bells of the Priesthood and had tasted more fatness in the juice of the Pomgranate Doctrine of grace and Reconciliation with the Father by the blood of Christ then in all the pleasant Musicks glories or rarest feeding dainties which this world could afford them could it give me ten thousand times as much again as its able O saith David whose Court abounded with all worldly pleasures and delights the greatest fatness lieth in the house of God Psal 36. 8. They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of thy house and thou shalt make them drink of the Rivers of
7. And that if he hath begun any thing of the work of grace upon the heart of any poor soul they should not doubt of the success for he will as certainly finish and complete it Phil. 1. 6. 8. And that in the mean while what corruptions shall remain in the soul although he will not promise wholly to out them of the soul here in this life yet the soul may assure himself of this they shall not Rule and Reign over the soul as before so writes St. Paul of him Rom. 6. 14. 9. And as for the power of temptation which may so violently seize the soul as that the soul may think it will at last for ever undoe him Christ will certainly bear up the soul under them as that they shall not totally sink the soul and will as undoubtedly deliver the soul at last out of the hands of them all so writes St. Paul 1 Cor. 10. 13. 10. And for what duty he shall require and expect at his peoples hands he will look for no more nor require of them any farther service then he shall give them strength to perform it so saith St. Paul of him Rom. 8. 26. 27. So 2 Cor. 8. 12. 11. And that what infirmities and weaknesses your duties shall be clothed withall Christ will certainly over-look them upon the souls hearty and humble acknowledgment of them to him so writes the Apostle Heb. 8 12. with Chapter 9. 14. 12. And what ever the sin be which may be acted and committed by any of his people they should not despair at the matter for upon their hearty acknowledgment of it and endeavour to amend about it he would certainly pardon it and it shall be no breach about it so writes ●oel and Micha of him Ioel 2. 13 14. Mich. 7. 18 19. 13. You may assure your selves if ever you have carefully endeavoured to get into a covenanted condition with him he will take that care that nothing in heaven earth or hell shall ever work you out again so writes St. Paul Rom. 34. 35 36 37 38 39. Ier. 31. 35 36. 14. And at any time if any of his people be called by him to adventure upon hard and difficult service they shall certainly have his company with them to assist comfort and refresh them foot by foot all along their work Matthew 28. 20 15. And if they shall be put upon sufferings at any time for him he will certainly be with them to help them and relieve them in that condition if it be with the three Children to march through the fire they shall not go one foot in the flames beyond or without Christ in their hand Isa 43 2. 16. And what charge they shall leave behind them in the storm to be cared for as Husband Wife Children Parents we need not doubt Christ will certainly take care for them in our room and better then we could had we staid amongst them so saith David Psal 37. ●5 The other consideration in the words to be observed is this Moses was faithful as a servant but Christ as son in his own house I shall say but little as to this you know what obligations with respect to interest do lay upon a Son beyond a servant to be faithful in his place Now if Moses a servant were faithful to the house and in the house then much more may this be expected from Christ I have only this to start about the High Priest girdle and I have done with it The last Use of the girdle it was to gird the Robes so securely about him as that they might not fall off his body no nor so much as hang loose to the body Thus do our Gospel High Priest deal by and with his Church he girds them all fast to himself by a girdle of Covenant that will never admit of their falling from him nor long hanging loose to Christ the people of God are very apt to hang loose to him and when they are awakened to it then they in the next place fear of falling wholly away from him for the one doth make way for the other if Satan can but get a soul a little loose from Christ he will quickly make the soul to call in question the whole of his condition and to think that now he is falling quite off from Jesus Christ but soul against such doubts look up to Christ thy High Priest and there thou shalt see thy self so fast bound to his loins by the girdle of an indisolvable covenant that thou canst never drop from him more thou maist be loose to him but fear not thou canst never fall finally unless Christ fall for thou art girded about his loins read these Scriptures for thy comfort Isa 11. 5. Ezek. 16. 8. Jer. 31. 3 4. Iohn 13. 1. Isa 54. 89 10. Rom. 8. 34 35 36 37 38 39 Rom. 11. 29. John 10. 28 29. And assure thy self if thou dost hang loose to Christ he will quickly be sensible of it and will tuck thee up and gird thee close to himself again as he did David and Peter But beware of that it may be such a gird as you may feel it in your bones many days after as David did in the like case read Psal 51. 8. I now come to speak of the Miter and the plate of Gold which was to be fastned on it before near upon the forehead As for the Miter it was to be put upon the Priests head when the holy garments were to be put on Exod. 39. 28 with Exod. 29. 6. Now this part of the Priests atire is what respected Christ as the Head of the body we have shewed you already how that the Robe it self with the things belonging to them were what did respect the Church the body of Christ And this atire viz. the Miter and Crown did more properly belong to Christ as the Head of the Church I shall begin with the Miter which was the Crown and glory if I may so express it of all the other attributes of Christ for if you look into the two first Chapters of the Revelations you shall find what ever comfort did run down upon the Saints thorow any Title given to God yet it did all Centre in the Priestly office of Christ to which the Miter belonged in Rev. 2 1. You have this Title given of Christ He h●ldeth the seven stars in his right hand ver 8. These things saith the first and last ver 12. The sword with two edges so Chap. 1. 5. The faithful and true witness the first begotten of the dead the Prince of the Kings of the earth ver 8. The Alpka and Omega Now do you but look into the 13. ver you may see the fountain of all these streams in the midst of the seven Golden Candlesticks I saw one like unto the Son of man clothed with a garment down to the foot and girt about the paps with a Golden girdle so that here it is from whence the Titles which are given
to Christ do arise they all flow from the Priestly office of Christ who wears the Priestly Miter the truth is it s from the Miter upon Christs Head that we draw all our comfort Alas Brethren what comfort could we take in God himself but through Christ and what comfort could we take in Christ but as he wears the Miter upon his Head as our High Priest whatsoever comfort we have in any other office of Christ namely as a King or Prophet it all originated in the Priestly office of Christ the truth is the Priestly office of Christ is an office of meer love and tender compassion set up on purpose for the succour and relief of poor sinners there is no mixture of terrour in this office of Christ there is a mixture of terrour in the other offices of Christ the Lord Christ is King and hath a Kingly office and by it Rules over his Church and Rules over all the world but all do not obtain mercy that he Rules over As for those mine enemies that would not that I should Rule over them bring them forth and slay them before me Luke 19 27. But there is not the least mixture of terrour in this of his Priestly office the Miter shews nothing but grace and love and wonderful compassion infinite bowels of tender love to the sinner a God reconciled in Christ by the sacrifice of himself which was slain for sinners the bloud of which speaks to you better things then the bloud of Abel for the bloud of Abel bespoke sin committed and a guilty soul and an angry God but Christs bloud bespeaks sin remitted and pardoned and a God recorcied again the bloud of Abel spakes for vengeance from under the ground but the bloud of Christ speaks for grace mercy pardon and reconciliation again from under the Altar Abels bloud bespake the sinner under the Curse but Christs bloud speaks him into the blessing again Acts 3. 26. Abels bloud spake the soul at a great distance with God but the bloud of Christ speaks him very nigh God again Eph. 2. 13. But now in Christ Jesus ye that were sometimes afar off are made nigh by the bloud of Christ Use 7. Then soul when ever thou hast to do with Christ view him in his Priestly atire having his Miter upon his Head O thou canst not look upon Christ under a more blessed consideration then this that can afford thee like succour as this will do for this will yield the soul blessed relief against all thy fears and temptations whatsoever the Miter was put upon the Head of Christ on purpose to be looked unto for relief and succour in a time of doubt and danger what was the great relief amongst the Jews against their sins the Jews you may observe they had many reliefs when they were in the wilderness if at any time they were stung with the fiery Serpents then they had their brazen Serpent to look unto as a relief against that distress when they wanted water they had their Rock to make at as a relief against that distress when they wanted bread they had their Manna from heaven as a relief against that distress and if they sinned whether they did go then they took a sacrifice and went unto the Priest and he was to offer for them so that the Priestly office then was the only relief they had against sin So now the Priestly office of Christ is the only relief and succour the people of God have against all temptations doubts and fears under heaven O make much use of the Miter in times of fear look unto it as the Jews were to look to their brazen Serpent upon the pole when stung with Serpents so when ever thou art stung with the Serpent of temptation and guilt and horour and terrour about guilt look up with an eye of faith to this Miter the Crown as I may call it of his Priestly office and thou shalt be healed and cured of all thy stingings so saith Christ himself Isa 45. 22. Look unto me and be ye saved all ye ends of the earth for I am God and there is none else Mark look unto me he doth not bid you to look to that unhollowed Bear the Pope who to deceive the poor miserable world of their Estates and Wealth hath feigned a Miter and puts him upon his Head and Bug-bears the world with it as if he were some great one which by the pretended power of his conjuring State and Cross-keys of hell afrights the poor ignorant world into an opinion of some more then ordinary Authority must reside in this Beast for his Cap sake when alas he nothing but Cheats the world by it both of their souls and treasure he is a Limb of the Devil to Cheat men of their souls because he keeps them in ignorance about the Priesthood of Christ and arrogates and assumes that Authority as proper to himself he saith he hath the Miter upon his Head and he is in the Priestly Chair and he can procure pardon with God for sins and he hath the keys of Hell and Death which the holy Ghost only attributes to Christ Rev. 1. 18. And he can open Purgatory and let out of torment and he hath the key of David which the holy Ghost gives only to Christ Rev. 3 7. And he can open heaven and let into glory O horrid Blasphemy What a beast is this and how much to be abandoned by all those that love Christ and their souls how doth he dis-throne and shut out Christ of his great office as a Priest and Saviour 2. He Cheats poor souls of their Estates here because he takes their money of them to save them from sin and to discharge them of some torment and to let them into heaven when he himself shall not escape the vengeance of Christ but shall be for his juggling and deceit tormented in fire and brimstone for ever and ever Rev. 19. 20 21 Where the whole Rabble of that gang shall eternally dwell together And as for others viz. the lesser sort of Popes that imitates the High Priest in his garments with respect to his Cap and Linen Ephod it s a clear denying of Christ to be come in the flesh and John saith these are Anti-christ 1 John 4. 3. For if these garments were Types of Christ then they were only to continue untill the coming of Christ so reasons the Apostle Heb. 10. 1. Who saith that these things were shadows of good things to come but not the very Image and therefore when these good things were come which was the substance then the shadow must give place as no longer of use so saith St. Paul to the Colossians chap. 2. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23. Well then if these Ceremonies were only the signs of Christ to come and to give place to him when he did come then what does their present use signifie but that he is not yet come and so as John speaks denyed