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A64956 The conversion of the soul, or, A discourse explaining the nature of that conversion which is sincere and directing and perswading all to cease their loving sin and death, and to turn to God and live / by Nathanael Vincent ... Vincent, Nathanael, 1639?-1697.; White, Robert, 1645-1703. 1688 (1688) Wing V403; ESTC R38014 195,915 409

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was Sacrificed for us the Destroyer has power over them and they fall into eternal Predition In the third place I am to vindicate the Righteousness of God in thus dealing with and eternally punishing them that will not turn to Him And here 1. Let the Majesty and greatness of God be consider'd against whom all Sin is committed How much greater a Crime is it to strike a Prince upon the Throne than to strike a Peasant How much is Sin greatned being committed against the Highest Majesty of all who is infinitely Superiour to all other Powers Psal 104. 1. O Lord my God thou art very great thou art Cloathed with Honour and with Majesty Psal 145. Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised and his greatness is unsearchable Sin is a Transgression of a Law enacted by the King of Heaven and is indeed a disowning of his Soveraign Authority as if he had no right to rule the Sinner Think of the infinite distance between the God who is offended and Man that is the Offender and how much Sin offends for it disowns his Government and strikes at his very Being for the Sinner wishes there were no God to be subject to I say think of all this and you will perceive that Sin deserves everlasting Punishment The carnal Mind thinks Hell too much for a Sinner to feel because it measures God by it self and thinks too little of the Glorious Jehovah 2. Sinners can never by all that they suffer themselves satisfie for their Iniquities therefore their punishment in Hell is justly endless No meer Creature can make satisfaction for Sin. If Christ the Mediatour had not been over all God blessed for ever by his Death and all his Sufferings he would never have made Peace His God-head put a real and infinite value upon the price he paid and made it sufficient for our Redemption The Damned in Hell cannot satisfie the Justice of God for their Transgressions therefore they justly are kept eternal Prisoners there It is above five Thousand Years ago that the Evil Angels were cast down to Hell by the punishment they have undergone have they made any Satisfaction for their offences No no still they have continued in their Enmity and deserved more punishment And from Satans utte● alienation from God and all goodness we may infer that Hell is not a place to mend any but Sin is hight'ned those that were bad on Earth become worse in Hell and are unalterably confirm'd in Evil. 3. The punishment of Sin in Hell is justly Eternal because Sin is insatiable Suppose a Sinner could live in this World to Eternity there is corruption enough in his Nature to make him an Offender of God unto Eternity If he were an everlasting Liver upon Earth he would be an everlasting Transgressour If the Carnal Heart would but speak out that would be its Language I would desire no other no greater happiness than that I might live here for ever that I might Sin here for ever This insatiable Nature of Sin this inclination and desire of the Sinner is known to the Heart-searcher therefore the punishment he inflicts is very Righteous tho 't is everlasting 4. For the Vindication of the Righteousness of God take notice what has been offered unto Sinners and rejected Christ is offered his justifying Righteousness his unsearchable Riches all his Fulness all the Benefits which he has purchased at so dear a Price and yet the offer is made light of How much is contemn'd when Christ is Contemn'd and how much of Sin is there in the Contempt The blessed God in the Glorious Gospel does call to Sinners to turn to him and what does he offer His own all-sufficient-self I my self am yours if you will turn to me and become sincerely mine I will be a God to you all my attributes shall be for you I will be your Shield and your exceeding great Reward and your Portion for ever Now for a Sinner to turn a Deaf Ear to all this is such a Sin as does deserve the Eternal loss of what is offer'd and the feeling of everlasting Wrath is just since such infinite and everlasting Goodness has been despised I might also add that the Sinner is told of this Eternal Punishment before-hand therefore if his Lusts are so dear that he will venture to be Damned rather than part with them when those Lusts that War against his Soul have quite undone him and brought him down to Hell indeed he cannot charge God with Injustice but he must blame himself because when warned of Hell and Wrath he would not fear and Flee from it I come now to the Applacation I begin with some Inferences that may be drawn from the Doctrine 1. If Sinners that will not turn shall be brought down to Hell certainly Sin is another kind of thing than is commonly imagined Oh Sin how much art thou mistaken Thou art very little understood on Earth In Heaven thou art better understood by Saints and full glad they are they are quite rid of thee In Hell thou art better understood by Sinners and they must Groan for ever under the weight of thee O all of you Study Hell more if you would know Sin more fully Gods severity towards Man for Sin argues it a very vast Evil. I am perswaded that all the Men upon Earth that all the Saints and Angels in Heaven since they cannot comprehend the greatness and goodness of God neither can they comprehend all the Evil that is in Sin And if God alone does fully understand how Evil Sin is he alone is the competent Judge what Punishment is due to it O exceeding sinful Sin Rom. 7. 13. thou canst not be called by so bad a Name as thy own is 2. Learn from hence the Misery of unconverted Sinners Are there none unconverted here I wish there were not Are there not many unconverted in this place I fear there are Seriously consider in what State you are You walk upon the Brink of Hell you Eat and Drink upon the Brink of Hell in your Shops at the Exchange you are still upon the Brink of Hell when you lye down at Night you Sleep upon the Brink of Hell. Oh what Hearts are yours that you can Sleep securely Is such a perilous State to be rested in In such danger and depths of Misery how should you cry to the Lord for mercy Psal 130. 1. Davids words are proper for a Sinner to make use of Psal 51. 1. Have mercy upon me O Lord according to thy loving kindness and according to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my Transgressions 3. Hence I infer That they who refuse to turn to God are certainly besides themselves else the broken Cisterns would not draw them away from the Fountain of living waters and a little gain and pleasure would not make them venture to lye in Flames unquenchable God sayes Turn ye turn ye Will you turn or will ye not If you will you shall live if
mock at that glorious Redemption which Believers at Christs second appearing do expect and they laugh at till they feel the Flaming Vengeance that is to be executed upon themselves But the Word shews the Worlds end and how 't is reserved unto fire against the day of Judgment and Perdition of ungodly men 2 Pet. 3. 7. The day of the Lord will come as a Thief in the Night sadly surprizing the most of men in which the Heavens shall pass away with a great noise the Elements shall melt with fervent heat the Earth also and the Works therein shall be burnt up Oh dreadful spectacle to behold the whole World in a Flame the serious and believing consideration of this conduces very much to Repentance Conversion and amendment of our wayes 'T is the Apostles own inference Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved what manner of Persons ought ye to be in all Holy Conversation and Godliness 2 Pet. 3. 10 11. 3. The Word is an Hammer to break the Heart Contrition and brokenness of Heart is one constant Ingredient in Conversion No less than Salvation is Promised to the contrite ones Psal 34. 18. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken Heart and saveth such as be of a contrite Spirit Now the Word is the Hammer which breaks the Stony the Rocky Heart to pieces Those Hearers who derided the Miraculous Gift of Tongues the Apostle Peters Sermon reached and pierced their very Hearts and made them cry out Men and brethren what shall we do Act. 2. 37. Now Sin was set in order before their eyes and charged home upon their Consciencos now they tremble and are afraid of deserved Wrath now their stubborn spirits begin to yield unto God. They desire to know upon what terms they might be saved being willing to consent to any terms rather than miss of Salvation and perish everlastingly 4. The Word is a Fire to melt and purifie and so a proper means of Conversion which is indeed a turning from Sin to Holiness 'T is the Nature of Fire to separate the Mettal and the Dross Gold and Silver are refined by being put into the Furnace Thus the Word also separates between the Heart and its vicious and evil Habits and Qualities it separates between the Soul and its fleshly and worldly Lusts Now are ye clean says Christ through the Word which I have spoken unto you Joh. 15. 3. This Word is very Pure in it self and Pure in its Operation and Effects It severely forbids all filthiness of the Flesh and Spirit and in this Word we find as a Precept concerning Holiness that 't is our Duty to perfect Holiness in the fear of God so a Promise wherein God has said he will work this Holiness in them that seek unto him and desire it Ezek. 36. 25. Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you and you shall be clean from all your filthiness and from all your Idols will I cleanse you The Word is a Fire to Melt and Purge the Soul and then 't is a Mould also into which the Soul is as it were cast so that it has another an excellent form being conformed to the holy Nature and Will of God himself 5. The Word is as Seed of which the New Creature is begotten God himself is he who does regenerate all that are Converted and he does it of his own meer good Will and Pleasure but the Word is the Seed by which he does it Jam. 1. 18. Of his own VVill beg at he us with the VVord of Truth that we should be a kind of First-fruits of his Creatures So 1 Pet. 1. 23. Being born again not of corruptible Seed but of incorruptible by the VVord of God which liveth and abideth for ever From this Seed comes the New Man which after God is created in Righteousness and true Holiness This Word is quick and powerful 't is powerful to quicken and enliven so that the Soul has a new Life and lives to God which before was dead in trespasses This Seed is effectual to a new formation of the Souls faculties and powers New Eyes there are in the Mind a new Disposition and Inclination in the Will the Affections also are new and of low and carnal they become high and holy and heavenly The Preachers of the Gospel are the sowers of this Seed of the Word and how should they be in travel till a New Creature comes on 't till Christ be formed in them that receive it Gal. 4. 19. My little Children of whom I travel in birth again till Christ be formed in you 6. The Word is a proper Means of Conversion for 't is the unerring Rule which shews both good and evil Evil that there may be an Aversion from it Good that there may be a Conversion to it The Scripture calls things by their deserved Names what that pronounces bad will be found by the most Unbelieving to be bad indeed and what that affirms to be good is really good at present and proves best at last Here are the Commandments in conformity to which true Goodness lies and Sin is defined 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a transgression of them heark to the Prophet Mic. 6. 8. He hath shewed thee O Man what is good and what does the Lord thy God require of thee but to do j●stly to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God All this is good in its own Nature pleasing to God profitable and pleasant unto Man The better this is understood the more likely 't is that evil and dangerous wayes should be forsaken and those Paths chosen and turn'd into that are safe and holy The Word shews what God approves and what he abhorrs It shews Mans Duty which is his Priviledge and that Sin is Mans Prejudice and Plague And he is a good Scholar indeed who has learnt to do well and ceased to do evil 7. The Word is a fit means of Conversion because it is the Ministration of the Spirit 2 Cor. 3. 8. How shall not the Ministration of the Spirit be rather glorious The Word of God is of the Spirits Inspiration and his own Word he is pleased to accompany he moves and breaths and acts in it so that Miracles of Grace are wrought thereby He says to the blind Mind Receive thy sight and know the things that concern thy Peace to the Deaf the Spirit says Hear my Voice and yield Obedience to the Dead he says Arise out of thy Sins and from the Earth in which thou hast layn so long buried and live the Life of God from which thou hast been so long alienated And as the Spirit thus speaks so he speaks with efficacy He can work so that none shall hinder O blessed Word in which we find that exceeding great and precious Promise of the Spirit 't is but asking him and having him and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty 2 Cor. 3. 17. The Captive Sinner is freed from the
were the Amanuenses of the Spirit and whatever they wrote they wrote what was by him dictated Holy Men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost 2 Pet. 1. ult And they have given us a Testimony of the Will of God upon record a full and compleat Declaration of his Mind Now concerning this Perfection of the Word of God I shall speak 1. By way of Negation 2. By way of Position 1. I am to speak by way of Negation and that in these following particulars 1. You must not understand that the Word is so perfect as that by it self without the concurrence of the Spirit it can give either Grace or Life to any The most saithful and skilful Preachers of the Word as to success have many times laboured in vain That Evangelical Prophet Isaiah who spake so much and so plainly concerning Christ you have him crying out Lord who hath believed our report Isa 53. 1. Weeping Jeremiah you may hear him complaining after this manner Jer. 6. 10. To whom shall I speak and give warning that they may hear Behold their ears are uncircumcised and they can't hearken the Word of the Lord is a reproach to them and they have no delight in it The Word of God in the mouth of the Apostle Paul that great Preacher of the Gospel it found ay and it left many a hearer in their Infidelity The hearers of the Apostle Paul it is said that divers of them believed not Acts 28. 24. Nay our Lord Jesus Christ himself the Prince of Preachers the greatest that ever was that ever will be he thunders out a Wo against Corazin and Bethsaida and Capernaum because the Word that sounded from his lips did not perswade them unto Repentance So that the Word alone is not so perfect as to give Grace as to give Life to any There is need that the Spirit of God should work along with it until He doth open the eyes of the understanding the Soul still remains under darkness till he doth renew the Heart the Will will never yield nor submit to God till he doth put the Laws of God in the mind and write them in the Heart they will never be believed they will never be liked nor obeyed 2. You must not think that the Word is so perfect as to give a knowledge here on Earth as is equal to the knowledge that is in Heaven The Apostle Paul himself professes we know but in part and we prophesie in part but when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shall be done away 1 Cor. 13. 9. And in 12. ver of the same Chapter he says We see through a glass darkly The Greek word it is remarkable We see through a Glass in a Riddle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Truly Heaven is but a Riddle at present unto the best of Saints here on Earth They are no more able to comprehend the joys the Glory that is there they are no more able to comprehend what it is to see God face to face than an Infant in the womb can imagine what Light is than an Infant in the womb can comprehend what Philosophy is or the mysteries of State policy here is no Theologia meridiana visionis perfect day here is no beatifical vision I grant indeed the Saints are sometimes brought into the Suburbs of Heaven and when they are there Oh! what do they see They see and tast that in God that does make the greatest sweetness of earthly Enjoyments despicable and that doth obscure all Worldly Glory but yet the Suburbs are not the Heavenly City but infinitely below it Hark to the Apostle 1 John 3. 2. Beloved now are we the Sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is Wicked Men think nothing of what the Saints shall be and truly the Saints themselves when their minds are most elevated and raised and enabled to to see most they apprehend but little what themselves shall be hereafter That Glory is too great a thing for such minds as ours at present to take in It hath not entred into the Heart of Man to conceive what God hath prepared for them that love him 1 Cor. 2. 9. 3. You must not think that the VVord is so perfect as that the hearing of that is enough and is to exclude all other Ordinances Indeed those Ceremonial Ordinances that were imposed only for a time that are called Carnal and that were to last only till the evangelical Reformation as the Apostle speaks Heb. 9. 10. these Ceremonial Ordinances are abolished under the Gospel Administration Col. 2. 20 21. If you be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the World why as though living in the World are ye subject to Ordinances touch not tast not handle not which all are to perish with the useing after the Commandments and doctrines of Men. But though these Ceremonial Ordinances are abolished there are other Ordinances that God hath Instituted that are still standing and will remain and be in force till our Lords second coming These Ordinances have a warrant from this perfect Word it self and there is a Promise made of a divine special powerful gracious presence with them As you are to have an Ear to hear the VVord so you are to have a Tongue to pray to God and praise him and your Hearts and Tongues should joyn together in supplications and thanksgivings Ay and you are to have an Eye to behold the Seals of the Covenant that so your Hearts may be more affected and your Faith by things sensible may be strengthned in God who hath made and confirmed this Covenant and will keep it everlastingly Zachary and Elizabeth were a noble Pair indeed excellent patterns of uprightness before God for they walked in all the Commands and in all the Ordinances of the Lord blameless Luke 1. 6. It is a great Affront unto the Authority of Christ the Law-giver when we shall give our selves a Dispensation as to some Ordinances that he hath appointed There is no Ordinance of God to be neglected and I am sure if any of the Ordinances are neglected through the prevalency of Temptation the inward Man by its weakness and by its trouble will quickly find the want of these Ordinances O! prize the Ordinances of God that you may still enjoy them these are the vehicles of Grace Spiritual strength and spiritual comforts are conveyed in the use of them And those that are the most experienced Saints do perceive most reason to esteem them 4. You must not think that the explaining of the Scripture by it self is excluded by the perfection of it but rather included Expounding of Scripture is not an Argument of Scriptures imperfection for Scripture if rightly expounded is expounded by it self To impose that as Gods which is none of his to say this and that is the mind of God
the righteous he is a Buckler to them that walk uprightly 3. You that live under the New Testament Dispensation be very thankful that the written Word is so very copious and so large To have such a compleat Declaration of the Mind of God by his own Son was a Priviledge which the Old Testament Believers wisht for but did not enjoy What Moles are they who are onely busie and working in the Earth and for Earthly things and regard not the clear shining of the Sun of Righteousness To be deaf and regardless when God speaks so much to us not to understand when he speaks so fully and so plainly is inexcusable but to have Knowledg and to sin against it and to detain the truth in unrighteousness is inexcusable much more here is Ingratitude and Presumption together and the more stripes are threatned and deserved Luke 12. 47. And that Servant that kn●w his Lords will and prepared not himself neither did according to his will shall be beat●● 〈◊〉 many stripes Search the VVord of God be much that you may be mighty in the Scriptures By this weapon you may defend your selves against the subtilest Enemies of the truth nay against the old subtle Serpent himself It was not an unwritten but a written word that Christ produced when he was assaulted by the Tempter Mat. 4. 4 7 10. It was an Injunction of our Lord himself Joh. 5. 39. Search the Scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal Life It was a right thought that the Scriptures direct unto Life Eternal but it was a presumptuous thought in the Pharisees to imagine Eternal Life was theirs since instead of building upon the Foundation Stone in Sion they stumbled at it But the Injunction it self is of great Moment The Scriptures are Gods own Books and the onely Books he has in the World. Longâ assi●uâ meditatione Scripturaram pr●tus suun fecerat Bibliothicam Chri●●● Hyeronym de Nepotiano Every ones Breast should be like Nepotian's Bibliotheca Christi A Library in which these Books should be kept safely To be acquainted more intimately with the Word is the way to be better acquainted with God and the consequent of this acquaintance is Peace Job 22. 21. Acquaint now thy self with him and be at peace thereby good shall come to thee By Searching of the Scriptures the Understanding is improved the Heart is purified the Life is regulated This Book is indeed the thankful Glass that mends the Eyes of all that rightly look into it It was an honest Distich of one Ex aliis paleae viles hinc grana leguntur Aurea tu paleas linquito grana lege Which another thus Englishes Mens Books with worthless chaff are stor'd Gods Scripture Golden grains afford Reject the chaff and spend thy pains In gleaning up these golden Grains 5. Pray for the Spirit who endited the Word that he may interpret it and lead you into the understanding of it He is called the Spirit of wisdom and Revelation Eph. 1. 17. He reveals the Gospel he enlightens the eyes of the Understanding True Wisdom is the special Gift of the Holy Ghost It is an encouragement in Prayer that the best things may be asked with the greatest confidence The Gift of the Spirit comprehends the best things of all doubt not of Gods willingness to bestow it Luk. 11. 13. If ye then being evil know how to give good gifts to your Children how much more shall your heavenly Father gave the holy Spirit unto them that ask him It is not a notional Knowledge which many Hypocrites excell in that you should content your selves with Such Knowledge being alone puffs up him that has it 1 Cor. 8. 1. and disturbing Strife and contention follows upon Pride and High-mindedness such Knowledge aggravates Sin in the careless and carnal Professor and will exceedingly inflame his Reckoning in the day he must give account of himself to God. It is true wisdom a Spiritual understanding of the Scriptures that you should cry for When the Spirit of God discovers a truth to you with what Satisfaction will your Mind receive it When the Spirit shews you your Duty how Righteous how reasonable and what a Priviledge does it appear The Spirits Light and Strength go together so that the Will is inclined to a compliance when the enlightned Soul does understand the Will of God. When the Spirit applies a Promise to you how will your Faith be confirmed how will you abound in Hope and how full of sweetest peace will your hearts be while you securely rest on the God of Truth whose VVord will endure when Heaven and Earth shall pass away Isa 26. 3 4. Thou wilt keep him in perfect Peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusteth in thee Trust ye in the Lord for ever for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting Strength 6. Let your Knowledge of the Word of God be more perfect Alas how little do we know of what may be known and what we do know how much better may we know it Though the Children of God are Children of Light and Children of the Day yet there are great remainders of darkness in some of them and some remainders in all This remaining Ignorance is both their Sin and Misery by reason of which Satan their subtle enemy has many times great advantage against them Labour after a more perfect Knowledge of God his Son his Truth his Will his Word informs you of all If the Happiness of Heaven lies so much in a beatifical seeing Oh use all possible intention of mind that you may see more and more even while you are here on Earth True Knowledge will debase the idolized World and make it nothing in your eyes and it wil humble you and make you perceive that really you are worse than nothing How does a clearer Knowledge of God make holy Job much more humble than ever Job 42. 5 6. I have heard of thee by the hearing of the Ear but now mine Eye seeth thee wherefore I abhorr my self and repent in Dust and Ashes The better you know the Lord the more you will Love and Fear and Praise him The better you know his Christ you cannot chuse but still more highly prize him and your Hearts will cleave to him with the fuller purpose The 〈…〉 er you know his Commands the more they 〈◊〉 be your Counsellours your longing your delight and your Songs in the house of your Pilgrimage The better you know the Cross of Christ you will be the less offended 〈…〉 heaviest Afflictions will be made light of 〈◊〉 compared with a far more exceeding and eternal weight of Glory 2 Cor. 4. 17. 7. Let your Love be greater and more perfect to this perfect VVord of God. The World indeed hates this VVord because it testifies against them that their works are evil and will have an ill end True love to it will argue spiritual Life by it and that it has been effectual to turn and
and their Lord in the heighth of Glory at the head of them He will be revealed also with his mighty Angels these excellent Spirits at his Command ministred unto his Members on Earth and they will wait upon the Head at the day of his appearing and his Kingdom There is much Work for the Angels to do at the Worlds end they are compared to Reapers that are safely to gather the Wheat and to bind the Tares in bundles for the fire Mat. 13. 41 42. The Son of Ma● shall send forth his Angels and they shall gather ou● of his Kingdom all things that offend and them which do iniquity and shall cast them into a furnace of fire there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth The greatest Train of Nobility and Courtiers that attend at the Coronation of the highest Emperour on Earth are but a poor shew to an ●●●●merable Company of Angels for all in Heaven will be with Christ at Judgment to do him honour who is indoed the Head of all Principality and Power Thus of the Judge In the second Place I am to speak of the Persons that are to be judged The Text takes in All therefore none shall be exempted and none in a vain and foolish imagination should exempt themselves It will be a general Assize at which all the Sons and Daughters of Adam shall appear 1. The highest and greatest of Men will be brought to Judgment Death makes bold with them as well as others and enters the stateliest Palaces the strongest Forts as well as the Cottages of the meanest The Rulers and Conquerors of the World that caused Terror in the land of the living yet they are made to bear the shame of their Weakness and Mortality they are brought down to the Pit their Swords are laid under their Heads their Hands being able to hold them no longer Ezek. 32. 27. And if Death is not afraid to seize them surely Christ will not be afraid to Judge them This mighty Lord regards not the persons of Princes nor the rich more than the poor Job 34. 19. I have said ye are Gods speaking to the great Ones of the World but ye shall dye like Men Psal 82. 7. Princes are greater Worms other Men are lesser but all must call Corruption Father and when they come to stand before Christ●●ar foregoing earthly Dignity will be insignificant all must stand upon even ground And truly those great Ones of the World that have abused their Power and by a bad example drawn many to Sin and to Hell after them their greatness will but Increase their Account and Misery 2. As the greatest so the Meanest must be brought ● Judgment though there is never so vast a mul●tude God takes notice of them all now and ●on● of them must think to escape in a crowd then The Apostle speaks plainly of Individual●●●● Rom. 14. 12. So then every one of us shall give ●●count of himself to God Those that live most private and retired are under Gods continual Inspection they that are of the lowest rank and quality whom there are that disdain so much as to look upon yet God sees them The S●● shines upon a Mole-hill as well as upon a Mountain upon a Shrub as well as upon a Cedar upon a Fly as well as upon an Emperor and truly the All-seeing Eye of God beholds the ●o●● well as the high and there is not any one of them all but shall be made to render an account ● all his doings 3. Righteous Ones must stand before Christs Judgment-seat All his Members must appear before Him their Head but shall be dealt with after different manner from others Grace and L●● makes a difference now but how highly magnified will the Grace of Christ be in the differen● it makes at that Day to sind Mercy of the L●● in that day which the Apostle Prays Onesiph●● might find 2 Tim. 1. 18. when the greatest ●●● of the World shall with a strong hand the ●● being deaf to all their cryes be turned into everlasting fire this is great Mercy indeed great the Heaven is high above the Earth The Righteous shall appear but they shall be set at th● Lords right hand to shew his peculiar Favour● them and they shall joyfully own what ●● Hand has done for them Christs Appearing ●● be glorious and so will be the appearing of ●● Saints then 't will be understood what ' t●●● be a Saint Col. 3. 4. When Christ who is our ● shall appear than shall ye also appear with him i● Glory A Question is here started by some Whether the Sins of the Righteous shall be then made known The Scripture plainly tells us That when the Sins of such come to be sought for there shall be none and that they shall not be found none of them shall be imputed or laid to their charge none shall be so discover'd in Judgment as to rise up in Judgment against them to Condemn them But since there will such a light shine at that day that will make all things manifest both good and evil suppose the Iniquities of the Righteous should be made known to the whole Creation such will be their Purity such will be their Blessedness and Joy that there will not be the least room for shame or sorrow at the discovery But when all the Sins that have been Forgiven and Purged shall be revealed others as well as themselves will be filled with Wonder at the Blood of Jesus and the powerful Grace of God. 4 As the Righteous so the Wicked must stand before Christs Bar they would fain not come ●●ither but there is an irresistible Power to force them The Malefactor who is Condemned for Murther Rape or Treason would fain decline ●he Judges View he is Self-condemn'd and therefore fears the Judges Sentence but the ●aoler the Officers compel him to the Bar where ●udgment is given against him to take away his ●ife Wicked Men will be horribly afraid to ●ake their Appearance before the Lord Jesus ●hose Salvation they have slighted whose Kingdom and Government they would by no means submit unto they will wish that their Bodies might sleep eternally in their Graves and never have such a Resurrection which will be only to Damnation they will wish rather to be turned into Nothing than to be turned into Hell they will call to the Rocks and the Mountains to fall upon them to hide them from the Face of him that sits upon the Throne and from the Wrath of the Lamb Rev. 6. 16. But will they nill they they must appear at his Seat and see him Eye to Eye though his Eye will be as a flame of Fire to terrifie them That just Indignation that sparkles from Christs looks how will it amaze them Rev. 1. 7. Behold he cometh with Clouds and every eye shall see him and all the kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him even so Amen the thing is certain 5. They that never heard Christs Gospel
Opera Dei s● pius Considerator advertat perhibent testimonium Creatori quid autem borum est quod non sit mirabile si unumquodque ratione metiamur Augustin Euarrat in Psal 118. The Heavens Preach to Men on Earth and plainly Declare their Creators Glory they utter a Voice which all of all Languages may understand here are such lines in which every Eye may read the eternal Power and Godhead of Him of whom and through whom and to whom are all things and who is to be glorifified for evermore Among the other Works of God the Psalmist takes special notice of the Sun in the Firmament whose light and influence is so great and beneficial and then makes a transition to the Law and Word of God whose Light in a sense obscures that glorious Luminary giving such a clear manifestation and affecting knowledge to Man concerning his Maker as turns his Heart to him though naturally blind and foolish alienated and estranged from Him. The Law of the Lord is perfect Converting the Soul. This weighty Argument of Conversion I begin to insist on this day Conversion to God is the Epitome of Religion it is the Summe of Law and Gospel in a few Syllables it is fallen Man's recovery and rising again and the new making of that which Sin had marr'd and spoyled it is the shutting of Hell and is exceedingly opposed by the evil Angels that are there it is the opening of the gate of Heaven There is no Flaming Sword to keep the true Convert from the Tree of Life he shall have entrance into the Paradise of God and be crown'd with Righteousness and Immortality But is not the Tongue of an Angel fitter to be employed in calling to Conversion than that of a mortal Man Is there not need of the loudest Thunder or such an amazing sound as was heard when the Law was delivered on Mount Sinai of old How unlikely alas how unlikely are humane endeavours to be successful since where Conversion is the Power of Satan must be vanquisht the Dominion of Sin unto which the whole World almost is subject must be thrown down the Deaf must be made to hear the Blind must be made to see and the Dead must be raised to the highest Life in this World and that is Life Spiritual and Nature it self must be changed and of Old become New. Lord what is Man that he should be employed in such a work as this the earthen Vessel is weak or rather nothing the Treasure is the Word of God and the Excellency of its Power is of the Lord himself The Law of Lord is perfect Converting the Soul. In the Text there are four things observable 1. The Word of God is called the Law of the Lord. The Law comprehends not only the Preceptive part but also the whole Doctrine revealed in the Holy Scriptures The very Gospel it self is styled the Law of Faith Well may the Word of God be called a Law since its Author is the great Law-giver who has Power to save and to destroy and considering the deep Obligation it layes Man under A principal part of the Word are the Commands of it the Promises and Threatnings are Appendices to the Precepts and the Examples in which both Promises and Threatnings are in some measure fulfilled may strongly excite unto Obedience 2. Here is an excellent Property of this Word of God 't is Perfect though some most impiously make bold with it and eke it out with their own Traditions which they make to be of equal Authority with it yet the Word of God is perfect sufficient as a Means to attain the End whereunto 't is designed turning Sinners to God and making them wise unto Salvation He does most truly consult his own Eternal Peace and Safety and is indeed the wisest Man who refuses 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to be wise above what is written 3. Here is a notable Effect of the Word of God and that is Conversion The Hebrew has it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and signifies redire faciens making to return some Interpreters referr this to the restoring and comforting Power of the Word of God which brings as it were the Man to life again who was ready to dye away and to sink under the burthen of Sin and Misery But this Consolation supposes Conversion and Repentance and it seems unlikely that the Psalmist enumerating the more remarkable effects of the Word of God should omit this of Conversion which is one of the chiefest among them all 4. The Sincerity of Conversion is signified when the Soul is said to be Converted The Soul is sometimes taken for the Person for the whole Man The whole Man is by Sin corrupted and depraved and strongly inclined to depart from God there is need that the whole should be renewed and reduced Sometimes the Soul is taken for the spiritual and immortal part of Man and when this is enlightned and inclined and turned to God then the very Heart which he so often calls for is given him and the Change that is wrought is inward real saving I raise four Doctrines from the Text. First Conversion to God is of absolute necessity and the great thing he requires of Man. Secondly Conversion to God is then sincere when the Soul is Converted to him Thirdly The Word of God is the great Means of Conversion Fourthly In the Word of God which is the Means of Conversion there is a Perfection and Sufficiency Doct. I. I begin with the first of these Conversion to God is of absolute necessity and the great thing he requires of Man 'T is spoken of in the Text as that which is Man's Duty Man's Benefit and that which is inexpressibly for Mans Interest Converting the Soul is really Saving it and without Conversion there can be no Salvation He that turns from his evil wayes shall live he that is resolved against turning is in effect resolved to ruine himself Death he wills Death he chuses and 't is a strange choice that the Will makes Ezek. 33. 11. As I live saith the Lord God I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked should turn from his way and live Turn ye turn ye from your evil wayes for why will you dye O house of Israel In the handling of this Doctrine I shall First Speak of the preparative Antecedents of Conversion Secondly Explain the Nature of Conversion Thirdly Tell you what are the Properties of Conversion Fourthly Demonstrate the necessity of Conversion and the reason why God does so much require it Fifthly Answer the Arguments which the carnal minds of Men object against Conversion the body of Sin may be more and more destroyed 4. In Conversion there is a turning from the power of Satan Unconverted ones are of their Father the Devil and the lusts of their Father they will do but Converts are no longer at his beck they are not led Captive by him at his will
the Sanctuary and he writes Tekel upon them all because being weighed they are found wanting 5. The Convert uses this World as not abusing it He calls himself bruitish because of his former affecting it because it made him such a Fool such a Slave but now he recovers his Dominion over the Creatures which was lost by the fall Earth is now under foot which is its proper place and the things of it he improves for God. He lives as a Stranger and Pilgrim and he puts the Mammon of unrighteousness to holy and gracious uses and doing good with the World he scapes the evil of it and becomes more and more meet for the heavenly Inheritance And are Converts thus indeed turn'd from Sin do they thus come out from the World Lord how few will be saved for how small is the number of those who are thus Converted You see what Conversion is with reference to the World. Thirdly Conversion may be considered with reference to the Sinner himself and so it includes that great Christian Duty of Self-denyal What a strange Creature has Sin turn'd Man into that he must beware of himself especially as one that is false and a Foe to himself he is to flye from Sin he is to resist Satan and from Self how unconceivable is his danger Where shall Man find his greatest Enemy not among his most malicious Neighbours not among the evil Angels though these as so many roaring Lions go about seeking whom they may devour but Man must look into his own Breast and ransack his own Heart and there he will find the most deadly Foe his Destruction is of himself he procures evil to himself Jer. 2. 17. He treasures up unto himself Wrath against the day of wrath Rom. 2. 5. Our Lord very well knew how pernicious and foolish Man 's own Counsels are how hurtful his own Lusts and Inclinations therefore he presses Self-denyal upon all his followers Luk. 9. 23. He said unto them all If any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his Cross daily and follow me The true Convert does thus for he apprehends what a Party there is within him that is indeed against him 1. He that is Converted mortifies Self-love The Apostle makes it a great part of the Sin and a great reason of the perillousness of the latter dayes that Men shall be lovers of their own selves 2 Tim. 3. 1 2. There is an holy Self-love which is a Love to the Soul and that 's a Duty and in this sense only true Saints are true Self-lovers and God loves them not the less but the more for being so There is a carnal Self-love when the Flesh is loved and gratified when the Flesh is the pondus weight that sets all wheels a going when the Flesh is the center in which all lines meet This Self-love excludes the Love of God of the Soul and of the Brother and is a great and fruitful root from whence innumerable other Sins do grow The Converts mortifie this Love of their Flesh considering they have Souls that deserve and need their Love and Care and whose Interest ought mainly to be minded 2. He that is Converted is not a Self-flatterer The wicked man flatters himself in his own eyes until the Punishment inflicted upon him proves his Iniquity is hateful in the eyes of God Psal 36. 2. He loves those that flatter him he sayes to the Seers see not to the Prophets prophesie not unto me right things prophesie unto me smooth things though you prophesie Deceits The Convert is truly willing to know himself and the worst of himself he can't endure Dawbers the Word that searches most is most acceptable He comes to the Light that what is good in him may be discovered and that God who has wrought that good may have the Glory Joh. 3. 21. and that all remaining evil may be manifest that it may be mortified 3. He that is Converted is not a Self-pleaser To be all for pleasing his external senses he accounts bruitish to please his sancy he esteems below reason and contrary to Grace and that 't is the highest madness for the sake of sinful and sensual Pleasures to incurr the Displeasure and Indignation of the Almighty and venture the enduring of eternal Vengeance Moses shewed the truth of his Conversion in undervaluing the Pleasures of Sin that were but for a season Heb. 11. 25. He contemn'd the Delight of Pharaoh's Court the Honour of being the Son of Pharaoh ' s Daughter and chose Affliction with the People of God that he might find a truer an higher a better Delight in God himself 4. He that is Converted is not a Self-seeker He is not taken as once he was with secular honour and temporal gain such things sway not with him when the Honour of God and his own Salvation lye at stake In different respects he is the greatest Self-seeker and the least No man minds his truest Interest durable Riches and everlasting Glory but himself and such as are like-minded and yet he can bear the scorn of Men and the spoyling of his Goods and if Christ be but magnified he can lye in the dust contentedly He seeks not great things for himself on Earth the Praise of Men he looks upon as empty and dangerous breath without Gods approbation and the gaining of the whole World nothing if God be not reconciled and enjoyed How far were the Apostles from being Self-seekers when that they might make Christ known in the World and perswade the World to receive him and be saved by him they were contented to be made a spectacle to Angels and Men to be hungry thirsty naked ●uffeted and without any certain dwelling-place ●ay to be esteemed the very filth of the World and the off-scouring of all things 1 Cor. 4. 9 13. 5. He that is Converted is not Self-confident He dares not glory in his own Wisdom for God has made foolish the wisdom of this World 1 Cor. 1 20. He dares not trust to his Strength for God gives Power to the faint and that perceive they have none of their own to help themselves Isa 40. 29. He dares not think that his righteousness is sati●factory to divine Justice or meritorious of divine Favour but cryes out with David Enter not into Judgment with thy servant for in thy sight shall no man living be justified Psal 143. 2. He that places his Confidence in himself plainly discovers great Ignorance of himself and also of Gods design in the Gospel which is that his Grace in Christ may be All and that no Flesh may glory in the Lords Presence 6. He that is Converted is engaged in a Combat with himself his Heart is a Field where many a Battel is fought between him and his proud Self between him and his lustful Self between him and his worldly Self between him and his unbelieving Self 'T is easier to resist the very Prince of the Devils and to withstand the
importunity and solicitations of Satans Instruments but for a Man to be at defiance with himself to be continually almost chiding loathing crossing and opposing himself in this lies the most difficult part of the Christian warfare Within the Converts own Breast is the very heat of the Battel Oh what striving is there against Self-exalting Imaginations what struggling against Self-will and selfish affections and designs And with good reason is Self thus opposed by the Convert since Self does so much oppose the Converts Salvation And if turning be thus Self-denying the prevalency of carnal Interest and the power of Self among Professors of Religion proves that though they are externally Called yet there are few sincere Converts among them How tender are they in point of Gain and Honour and Reputation every person and thing that here stands in their way is a great eye-sore Religion shall stoop to worldly Interest this shall be secured though Faith and Conscience be cast over-board Thus have I consider'd Conversion with reference to the Sinner himself Fourthly Conversion may be consider'd with reference to God The Sinner forsakes him and rebels against him the Convert ●eturns and submits to him 'T is God that ●alls to Conversion and 't is Conversion to ●imself that he calls for Zech. 1. 3. Turn ●e unto me saith the Lord of Hosts and I ●ill turn unto you saith the Lord of Hosts 1. Conversion is a turning to the living ●nd true God 1 Thes 1. 9 10. Ye turned to God from Idols to serve the living and true God and to wait for his Son from Heaven ●ven Jesus who delivered us from the Wrath ●o come The glorious and gracious Jeho●ah who made Heaven and Earth and ●reserves and governs all things who promised a Seed to Adam that should bruise ●he Serpents Head who renewed his Cove●ant with Abraham who spake from Mount Sinai to Israel who has deliver'd lively Ora●les by the Prophets and Apostles in the Ho●y Scriptures and who is the God and Fa●her of Jesus Christ and has sent him to ●e a Propitiation and Saviour this Jeho●ah is the only living and true God and ●s such is known and acknowledged by ●very true Convert 2. Conversion is a turning to God for Himself Jer. 4. 1. If thou wilt return O Is●ael saith the Lord return unto me q. d. 〈◊〉 Israel expect all safety protection all manner of Benefits and Blessings from my hand but place thy principal happiness in my self The Hypocrite seems to turn and seek unto God but 't is for the Creatures sake his Security or advantage is in his Eye The Convert by the Creatures is led unto God and though he should receive never so many temporal Mercies he would look upon himself as miserable unless with the Mercies he enjoyed the Father of them 3. Conversion is a choosing of God before all things such a choice is wise and rational Moses saw Him that is Invisible and saw so much in him that the Egyptian Crown and Throne were esteemed trifles in comparison of Communion with the God of Israel The Psalmist though he had just had a sight of worldly Mens Prosperity and was ready to envy them their happiness yet going into the Sanctuary he did discern that in God which eclips'd and obscured the whole World with all its Wealth and Dignity and made it look but like a great and empty Bubble and he cries out Psal 73. 25. Whom have 〈◊〉 in Heaven but Thee and there is none o● Earth that I desire besides Thee The Convert chuses God for his Portion and accounts no other heritage so goodly He had rather have the Lord to be his God his own God as the Phrase is Psal 67. 6. and ●o enjoy the light of his countenance than ●o have the greatest abundance of Corn and Wine and whatsoever on Earth is call'd desirable There is a twofold enjoyment of God on Earth and in Heaven On Earth God is known but in part and Sin remaining in the very best is still a bar unto compleat Communion with him which shall be the priviledge of all that come to Heaven The Convert values fellowship with God in his Ordinances but principally ●ongs for the Vision of God face to face in his Kingdom he begs to be kept in the path of Life and to be brought at last to that heavenly City which has eternal foundations in which God does for ever vouchsafe his glorious Presence where God himself is All in All where there is fulness of Joy and Pleasures forevermore Psal 16. ●ult 4. Conversion is a devoting the whole Man to God. 'T is said of the Macedonians that most willingly they gave of their substance to a good use and they gave their own selves unto the Lord 2 Cor. 8. 5. Whos 's I am says the Apostle and whom I serve Act. 27. 23. 'T is the very Language of a Convert and he speaks it from his Heart The Convert is sensible he is not a Debtor to the flesh to live after the flesh Fleshly Lusts do war against the Soul and he that lives after the flesh shall dye Neither is he a Debtor to the World the World is not worthy of his Heart which can neither be a sufficient Price for Mans Redemption nor affords him any true Contentment But the Convert reckons himself a Debtor to God as his Creator Preserver Owner Redeemer and to be under innumerable Obligations to be subject to Him and active and zealous in his Service Well may Religion be styled Righteousness for all the acts of it which the Lord calls for he justly claims as due to him And since those bonds which Converts are under are bonds of Love and Kindness as well as Duty 't is most unreasonable for any to say as Psal 2. 3. Let us break these bands asunder and cast away these cords from us 5. Conversion to God is a transformation into his Image and Likeness 2 Cor. 3. 17 18. VVhere the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty and we all with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord are changed into the same image from glory to glory The Apostle intimates that the Image of God is Mans glory and that his glory is the greater the more fully this Image is instampt upon him and that all that are Converted are changed into this Image Not a true Convert but partakes of the divine Nature and escapes the Corruption that is in the World. This Image of God consists in Knowledge Righteousness Holiness and Dominion over the Creatures All these things were lost by Adam's defection all are recovered in Conversion and the recovery is more compleat as Conversion is progressive The Convert is called out of Darkness into marvellous Light his Heart is made pure and clean his Works are righteous and the Creatures no longer Lord it over him but he makes them subservient to the religious designs he is carrying on Converts are in a sense the
7. whom before he led captive at his pleasure this must needs be a very great grief and vexation especially since his malice also is disappointed for so many Souls as are converted so many Souls he is hindred from devouring and destroying How many are the wiles and devices of Satan to hinder mans Conversion and Salvation Sin is the work of the Devil 1 Joh. 3. 8. Conversion● from it is his Envy and his Torments He can patiently enough behold his Subjects growing wealthy and great in the World let their Bags be never so ful● of Gold nay let there be Crowns upon their Heads and Scepters in their Hands 〈◊〉 his envy is not stirr'd at such poor things as these as long as there is no true sa●ing Grace in their Hearts But when any are about to be translated into the Kingdom of Christ and to turn to God Ah! now they become friends to themselves indeed and therefore this Enemy is so much troubled Yet I must add that the greatest opposition is from the Convert himself and from his own carnal Heart How strongly does carnal reason argue against the mystery of God and of the Father and of Christ Col. 2. 2. How does it plead for things that are seen because present and in actual possession It saies a World in hand is a great deal better than a World in hope which no man alive ever saw It thinks of what on Earth is most desirable and layes it before the Sinners eyes that still earthly things may take his Heart and represents Religion as a sad and sour thing whose strictness is a meer Purgatory if not an Hell and the sufferings that attend it as intolerable And if carnal reason disswade from Conversion the stubborn will the corrupt and inordinate affections the violent and unruly passions swell like the troubled Sea and who but He that made and rules the Ocean can asswage them The Sinners brow is represented as brass Isa 48. 4. What can make him blush His Neck as an Iron sinew what can make him yield his Heart as an Adamant stone what can make him sensible O Convert be confounded because thou thy self didst most oppose thy own Conversion and admire victorious Grace that both conquer'd and chang'd corrupted Nature 3. Conversion is not to be wrought but by the mighty Power of God. Conversion implies a New Creation and a Creating Power is no less than that of God. David cryes out Create in me a clean Heart Psal 51. 10. q. d. O Lord thou who madest Heaven and Earth out of nothing produce purity in my Heart of which there is nothing by nature and so little left since my fall nay so much of sin which is quite contrary Conversion implies a Resurrection who can raise the dead at the last day but God only And who can quicken the dead in Trespasses and Sins but himself alone Eph. 2. 1. and v. 4. 5 6. But God who is rich in mercy for the great love wherewith he loved us even when we were dead in Sins hath quickned us together with Christ by Grace ye are saved and hath raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus The a●●●st Preacher must say Power to convert is not in me Ordinances must say This Power is not in us The Word it self plainly signifies that without Gods Co-operation it works not to Conversion and Life but to blinding hardening and death The Axe builds not the house the Pencil makes not the Picture nor the Preacher or Sermon the Convert but the Grace of God is and does all 4. Conversion is by Grace that is irresistible Not that there is Coaction or Compulsion in the ca●e you must not imagine that a man is converted by force his Will still remaining against it But v●l●e resistere sublatum est A Will to resist is taken away A W●ll to resist there can be no longer when God works the will to yield Some do say that God takes not away purum 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 posse nolle absolutely a Power of being unwilling but effectually cures actual unwillingness healing the Sinners corrupt disposition to resistance It may justly be question'd whether ever any one that perisht resisted so much Grace as was sufficient and effectual to the Conversion of any one that was saved Augustine uses three Adverbs to express the manner of Gods turning the Heart Omnipotentèr indecli●●bilitèr insuperabilitèr he does it Omnipotently insuperably so that when he purposes to work Conversion the Sinner shall not have an Heart to decline it Heark what our Lord sayes Joh. 6. 37. All that the Father giveth me shall come to me and him that comes to me I will in no wise cast out In the first Creation the mighty God was not withstood but at his powerful Word of command came all the Creatures out nothing from the smallest Atome to the highest Angel. In the preserving and governing of his Church he works and none can hinder and surely he works irresistibly in the gathering of his Church also In the work of new Creation there 〈◊〉 exceeding greatness of mighty Power shewn● forth as the Apostle emphatically expresses it Eph. 1. 19. and this Power changes and makes the Heart a new one and a new Heart will certainly act like i● self turn to God and incline to obey and follow him 5. Conversion does not exclude the Converts agency but causes him to act aright Man is passive before he is active in Conversion God does work on him and i● him and sets him a working Facti su●● opus Dei we are first the workmanship o● God Eph. 2. 10. afterwards facimus oper● Dei we do those works which are good and which God commands us Conversion is a rectifying Man's activity making him active in a good sense who was before active in a bad one The Understanding is active to apprehend and to propound what is good the Will is active to chuse and embrace it the Affections move towards it but if you ask from whence is this activity the true Answer is all is from the powerfully quickening Grace of God 1 Cor. 15. 10. By the Grace of God I am what I am and I labour'd abundantly yet not I but the Grace of God that was with me Repenting Believing Turning are Mans acts but they are done by a Power beyond his own 'T is both absurd and dangerous to say that Christ repented and turned for us but 't is a great truth to affirm that he strengthens to Turn and to Repent and 't is through him that repenting and returning Sinners are accepted 6. Conversion that is true is Present Delaying to turn is indeed a denying to turn and that with this aggravation that there is an endeavour deceitfully to hide a present unwillingness to turn with a seeming willingness hereafter to do it The Apostle tells us Behold now is the accepted time behold now is the day of Salvation 2 Cor. 6.
God is meer madness 't is disobedience to the highest Soveraign 't is base ingratitude against the highest Kindness 't is in effect the charging the God of Grace and Truth with falshood and ill-will 't is a rejecting the best and safest Counsel and 't is the way to engage the great Jehovah to be much more an enemy by refusing to turn and be reconciled to Him. 4. Consider what the Lords design is in requiring you to become Converts He could glorifie his Truth and Righteousness and make his Power known in executing vengeance and in punishing you with everlasting Destruction but he chuses rather to magnifie his Mercy and Grace therefore he waits to be Gracious Isa 30. 18. and if he be exalted that he may shew Mercy his Mercy will be exceeding plenteous and glorious in the blessed Effects of it if you forsake your evil wayes and thoughts and turn to him In turning you to himself the Lord designs to demonstrate that his Grace can superabound where Sin never so much abounds he designs to shew forth the merit of his Sons blood and the Power of his Spirit he designs to new make what sin had marr'd and to produce Vessels of honour out of the corrupt masse of defiled Clay In short he does design to form you for himself that you may be most blessed for ever in himself and both here and eternally shew forth his Praises And what colour or shadow of Reason is there that you should walk contrary to such a God that you should thwart and oppose such gracious Designs by refusing to return 5. Turn ye Why wo'nt you Live Is Alsufficiency to be lookt upon as empty the chiefest good become evil in your Eyes Are you fallen out with the truest felicity as if it were not at all desirable Is the perfection of Happiness fear'd as if 't were Misery Is Heaven shunn'd as if 't were Hell and do you avoid the Path that leads to it that you may be sure never to come thither These are strange Interrogatories but they serve for Conviction that those who will not turn may be sensible they wrong their own Souls Prov. 8. 36. in contemning the tender of Eternal Life and Salvation 6. Turn ye Why will ye Dye Is the Guilt of Sin become a light matter the Wrath of the Almighty easie to be born do you make a mock of that which makes the whole Creation groan and travel in pain together Rom. 8. 22. Is it no longer fearful to fall into the hands of the Living God and has the second Death ceased to be terrible Are the Tears of the Damned dryed up Is their Sorrow turned into Joy Is the never-dying Worm to be hugg'd in your bosoms and everlasting Fire a thing to be play'd with Oh! What do you mean who will not turn Why do ye love Death Prov. 8. ult Why have ye the greatest hand in your own ruine Why are ye Devils to your selves Why do ye desperately rush on in Sin and in the end throw your selves down into everlasting Burnings 7. To perswade you to turn Consider Conversion is a thing that never was that never will be Repented of The Prophane in the other World at farthest repent they did not turn at all the Hypocrites repent they did not turn in truth but sincere Converts are glad they are so and see good reason still to continue so The Apostle tells us that the Gifts and Calling of God are without Repentance Rom. 11. 29. when he effectually Calls any and gives Converting Grace to them it is such a Gift that God never repents of bestowing neither ever does he take it quite away again It is such a Gift as Man never repents he has received but has good cause to desire that God would perfect what concerns him and not forsake the work of his own hand Psal 138. ult 8. Conversion will make you great Blessings in the places where you live Converts are the Horse-men and Chariots of Israel because as so many Princes they have power with the God of Israel Solomon tells us that Righteousness exalts a Nation Prov. 14. 34. The more Converts to Righteousness there are the more the Nation is beholding to them but Obstinate Sinners are not only their own but the Nations greatest Enemies When Gods Anger has been exceedingly provoked so that he has doom'd a Nation to Destruction Conversion even in this Case will do a kindness Jer. 18. 7 8. At what instant I speak concerning a Nation and concerning a Kingdom to pluck up and to pull down and to destroy it If that Nation against whom I have pronounced turn from their evil way I will repent of the evil that I thought to do to them Though England at this day has many Enemies whose Power and Policy is engaged against it yet it is chiefly endanger'd by its sins and wickedness A speedy and general Conversion to God would certainly be Englands security and establishment 9. If you are Converts in truth the News of it will be heard and known in Heaven and occasion Joy there Luk. 15. 10. I say unto you there is Joy in the presence of the Angels of God over one Sinner that repenteth The Angels did Sing at the Birth of a Saviour Glory be to God in the highest on Earth peace good Will towards Men and they rejoyce at the New-birth of all that are saved 10. Consider the vast difference that is between the End of Converts and those that dye Vnconverted They that are wise look not only at the begininng but to the end of things and they cannot think well of that which must needs end ill And Vnconverted Sinner dying is one of the saddest spectacles in the World he is leaving all his good things all his Consolation behind him he and his hopes dye together and whither does Death send him to the Bar of an Holy and Righteous God. 'T is a terrible Clause in the Statute of Dying After this the Judgment Heb. 9. 27. And how can the wicked Man who would live and did dye in his Sins be able to stand in Judgment Death comes to the Unconverted armed with a Sting with a Sting did I say nay the Stings are thousands and millions for every one of his Sins is a Sting in his Death and his Sins being more in number than the Stars of Heaven when Death seizes him how many Stings will pierce him and put him to Pain which will be Eternal If he dyes stupid 't is so much the worse for Hell being not fear'd or thought of when felt will be the more woful If he dyes in horrour alas the greatest Despair and Anguish on a Death-bed is no more to be compared with the Agonies of the Damned Spirits than a Whisper is to be compared with Thunder or the smallest Spark of fire is to be compared with those devouring Flames that in -66 did burn down London But on the other side how ends the Convert Death is a fall
Majesty and Holiness of God especially considering he is alwaies by you and tryes your very Hearts and Reins The greatness of that God with whom you have to do should make you afriad to dally and trifle with him If you think he will be mock't you will find to your cost that you deceive your selves Oh stoop with the most profound Submission to this glorious Sovereign of Heaven and Earth 'T is the heighth of Madness for you that are so infinitely below Him and so wholly under his Power to refuse subjection to Him. He is Glorious in Holiness Exod. 15. 11. He can as soon cease to be himself as cease to be an Hater of the workers of Iniquity A fuller Perswasion of Gods Holiness and that his Holiness is his Glory will make you more sensible of the Necessity of turning from Sin and that Holiness will be your Glory and Perfection He that is changed and made a Convert is made a Glorious Creature and as this change is carried on there is still a Progression from Glory to Glory by the Spirit of the Lord 2 Cor. 3. 18. Gods Nature is pure every Word of God is pure He is Righteous in all his wayes and Holy in all his Works Psal 145. 17. Oh cry incessantly that you may partake of a nev of the Divine Nature that a clean heart may be created in you that your Lips may be Pure your Words true and Gracious and that you may be Holy in all manner of Conversation Are not Gods eyes upon your wayes does not he hear all your words does not he weigh your very Spirits your whole man is under his Observation let there be a turning to God with your whole man. Sincerity in Conversion and hypocrisie are both known and only Sincerity has Gods love and liking 7. When you turn to God behold him as he is in Christ else there is no access to him nor acceptance with him After Adams fall the Mediator is presently revealed the Seed of the Woman that was to break the Serpents head Gen. 3. 15. The old Serpent by Sin had made a Rupture and breach between God and Man Now Christ the Mediatour is He that makes up the breach again and so destroyes the work and frustrates the design of Satan If God be lookt upon in Christ there is all manner of Encouragement to return to him He is a Rewarder of them that diligently seek him Heb. 11. 6. He is good and ready to forgive and plenteous in Mercy to all that call upon him Psal 86. 5. The Prodigals Father was not more forward who ran to embrace his returning Son than God is to receive returning Sinners If you would return to God indeed you must take Calva●y in your way you must know Jesus Christ and him Crucified 1 Cor. 2. 2. The Saints of old that were in Heaven before the Son of God was manifested in the Flesh as well as those that went thither afterward were all brought nigh to God by the Blood of his Cross Col. 1. 20. You cannot know and turn to the only true God so as to be received by him unless you know and receive Jesus Christ whom he has sent But if you behold God in Christ unbelief appears unreasonable despair is a monstrous absurdity You may perceive Love in the Lords looks his Justice fully satisfied his Anger all gone his Repentings kindled his Bowels yearning and you cannot so much desire Mercy as He delights in shewing it The true Convert to God must be a Believer in Jusus who is the way to the Father As God will not draw nigh to Man so Man cannot draw nigh to God any other way 8. With great earnestness implore the Spirits aid Be sure to grieve that you have grieved Him and acknowledge 't is just that for your grieving him he should leave you to your selves but beg his presence and his assistance that he would help you and make you truly constantly willing to be helped Adams Body was formed of the Dust of the Ground but was a lifeless Corps till God breathed into it the Breath of Life Till the Spirit of Life enters into you you are without Life or Motion towards God therefore with all seriousness ask the Spirit You come to God through the Son as the Mediator that procures access and opens the way but 't is by the Spirit as by Him who both inclines and strengthens you to come to Him Eph. 2. 18. The Promise of the Spirit is of ancient date implied in the Promise of the Messiah and very frequently expressed Under the New Testament Dispensation a more plentiful effusion of the Spirit is Promised Parents that are evil if their Children ask bread will not give them a stone to hurt them nor instead of a Fish a Serpent to sting them And if they give good gifts to their Children much more will the Father in Heaven give his Spirit to them that ask him There is hardly a more encouraging Word to Sinners in the whole Bible if they are inclined or would be inclined to have the Spirit given them And if the Holy Spirit be given you you will have Light and Life and Liberty Conviction antecedent to Conversion Conversion it self and Consolation afterwards are all of them the Works of the Spirit And be sure to observe the Accesses of the Spirit Sometimes the Wind blows fair and strong for Heaven now hoise up thy Sail that thou mayest receive the Gale sometimes by his Convictions motions strivings you may perceive the Spirit is very near you by a clearer and more affecting Light he shews you that turning to God is your Duty and Advantage and he very much presses you to it Nunc sunt Mollissima fandi Tempora Now is the time to speak and speed in your Supplications for the Spirit that he may thoroughly Convert you and consecrate you to the Lord and abide in you for ever 9. Would you be Converts in Truth give your whole Hearts to God and never be satisfied till you feel you love him above all Let the Lord have your Hearts to search them that all even the most secret evils there may be detected and being detected may be detested and abhorr'd Sin sometimes may be restrained from breaking out in the Life and yet then may be regarded and reign in the Heart Be willing to know the most inward spiritual wickedness that lies quite out of the sight of others and being acquainted with it consent to have it purged away Give your Hearts to God that he may possess employ and rule them at his Pleasure Tell the Lord that the very Throne is for him and that your Souls and all that is within you are ready to be at his command and that you consent every Lust should be slain because it would not that he He should reign over you In what a safe hand is the Heart when 't is in Gods how pure and excellent is it made with what Beauty does it
I will keep thy Word this was a Converts Language Psal 119. 57. So Lam. 3. 24. The Lord is my Portion saith my Soul therefore will I hope in him A Converted Soul cannot be satiated with Vanity no sufficiency is enough for it but Gods Alsufficiency 2. Converts chuse Christ for their Ruler rather than Sin they are weary of Sins Dominion as well as afraid of its Damnation and they consent that Sin should no longer reign in them but they are willing to be the Lords in the day of his Power Psal 110. 3. they yield hearty Obedience to his Commands and are sorry they can't and wish they could yield better When God Commanded to have his Precepts kept diligently 't was the Heart of a Convert that eccho'd to his Voice Oh that my wayes were directed to keep thy Statutes Psal 119. 4 5. 3. Converts chuse Saints for their Companions rather than the VVicked David though a King counted the Saints the most excellent ones upon Earth Psal 16. 3. and his Delight being in them it argued he himself was sanctified and that he was good as well as great But know 't is one thing to love a Saint because good Natur'd because Learned because Prudent and Ingenious because of our Perswasion because serviceable to our Carnal Interest and another thing to love and like the Holiness and Image of God in him If thus we do we shall be glad of the Grace in him though 't is more than in our selves and the more faithfully he reproves us for our Sin and endeavours to promote Holiness ●n us we shall still like him so much ●he better 4. Converts chuse good Works and Duties ●or their employment rather than the unfruit●ul VVorks of darkness and they had ra●her have a Treasure in Heaven than the greatest riches of this World they pre●rr Heaven not only before Hell but be●re Earth and all the Wealth Pleasure ●nd Glory of it and sowe not to the Flesh ●ut to the Spirit that of the Spirit they ●ay reap Life everlasting Gal. 6. 8. These in short are the Characters of Converts the Grounds of their Comfort ●re these 1. When any are truly Converted God eternal good will and purpose of Grace brea●● forth and he is savingly wrought on wh● was chosen in Christ before the foundation of the VVorld that he should be holy Eph. 1. 4. The Apostle speaking of those that are effectually Called and Converted he looks both into the Eternity before the World and into the Eternity after it and concludes that these Called ones they were predestinated to Life and Salvation from everlasting and to everlasting they will be glorified Rom. 8. 30. Converts in time have been in Gods thoughts from Eternity and in Conversion his Electing Love breaks forth which was in his Heart ever o● old before the World began And Converts may conclude that a Love which from an whole Eternity was thus fixt and settled upon them in time shall never change Though the dispensations of his Providence may vary some being more sweet and some more smarting like Checquer-work black and white in the same Table yet God and his Love are still the same Though there is a vicissitude between Day and Night between Summer and Winter yet the God of Nature changes not and the God of Grace is Immutable and his Heart is still on Converts though they sometimes walk in Darkness and see not the Light of his blessed Countenance 2. Converts are wise Builders for they have a sure foundation and shall never be confounded The Blood of Jesus which is the Blood of God and the riches of the Grace of God in him are the foundation of their Faith and Hope Christ is the Rock upon which the Church and every true Member of it is built and those who while Militant are thus fortified and secured shall certainly at last triumph over the World and Sin and the gates of Hell The Convert has cast anchor within the Vail Heb. 6. 19. Christ is his Hope 1 Tim. 1. 1. His Hope of Pardon and sufficient Grace and future Glory If Christ were not or were not his he would be all Despair but Christ having done and suffer'd and Purchased both him and so much for him he does abound in Hope by the Power of the Holy Ghost The Converts Hope distinguishes it self from the presumptuous Expectation of the Hypocrite for when he Hopes for Salvation he keeps the Commands of God Psal 119. 166. In this sense he is a wise Builder for his Faith is effectual to good Works his Hope makes him patiently continue in well doing Those words are very encouraging to the obedient Convert Mat. 7. 24 25. Whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and doth them I will liken him to a wise man who built his House upon a rock and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it self not sor it was founded upon a rock They build well and wisely indeed who lay up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come that they may lay hold on eternal Life 1 Tim. 6. 19. 3. Converts are made better by the good things of this World and the evils they meet with work together for their good Rom. 8. 28. If they have the Creatures in some Plenty and abundance they have God with them if they are deprived of them they have God without them and so are still well and have enough in him No dispensations fall wrong to the Convert he can fly with any wings he can fail with any wind nay under water he can live and dive and swim towards Heaven which is indeed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Fair Haven The more of this Worlds goods he has the more good he is forward to do and if these are taken away the more Grace and Peace from God he is desirous and being desirous he is sure to receive 4. Converts have the Ordinances of God and the means of Grace blessed to them The Word is the savour of Life unto Life unto them 2 Cor. 2. 16. The Prayers they send to Heaven come back agian with rich returns of Mercy and Grace Sacrament dayes are dayes of Strength and oftentimes of Solace and not only Christ and his Present Benefits are exhibited to them but an Eternal Inheritance is also made over under the broad Seal of Heaven and themselves are Sealed by the Spirit unto the day of Redemption Eph. 5. 30. David that reaped Benefit by Ordinances pronounces the Tabernacles of God amiable Psal 84. 1. A day in his Courts better than a thousand It was the one thing he desired that he might dwell in the House of the Lord all the dayes of his Life that he might see his Beauty Power and Glory and taste his goodness there That Noble Marquess Galeaceus Caracciolus need not have been present at a false worship he might have had the Liberty of Religion in his Closet yet
fiercer indignation Compassionate these Counsel these Pray for these and endeavour though they are and will be without the Word to win them by a wisely expressed Love and by a well-ordered Conversation 1 Pet. 3. 1. Let not your Bowels be straitned but Pray for the Worlds Conversion to God that he would return to this Earth which for Sin he has so justly forsaken and that he would turn the VVorld into a New One wherein may dwell Righteousness 5. Be sure to Love all true Converts Love them all because God loves them and love what you see of God in them The Image of God is so excellent that in whomsoever it shines it ought with pure affection to be owned and respected Converts I grant may differ in many things but they agree in the main all of them believe in Jesus all of them turn to God all of them endeavour to Glorifie him here on Earth and all of them are bound for Heaven And Vniversal Agreement thus far is a strong reason for Catholick and Vniversal Charity All Converts of what Perswasion soever of what Nation soever of what Rank and Condition soever in this World they are all adopted by one Father all redeemed by one Christ Jesus all espoused to one Husband all members of one Body all enlivened by one Spirit and shall all meet at last in one Heaven where they shall perfectly be joyned together in Union and in Love and this should strongly move and perswade unto Unity and Love at present 6. Lastly and so I conclude this Doctrine you that are Coverts see that you abide with God and be stedfast in his Covenant they that totally and finally depart from God never were totally and fully turned to him Let your Perseverance be an evident Demonstration to prove the truth of your Conversation let not the hardest labour the hottest service that you may be put upon the greatest sufferings that you may be exposed to in the least discourage you for God doth not require that you should do or that you should suffer any thing for him but only by the strength that he himself hath promised and doth intend to give All you Converts have done well in turning to God do better in following hard after him and best of all in finishing your course that you may get the Crown of Righteousness To conclude Let your Faith be firm like to the Rock it is founded upon let your hope be stedfast Be rooted and grounded in your love and let your hearts be so united to fear the name of God Psal 86. 11. that it may be as possible to hinder the Sun from rising as to hinder you from shining like lights in the World. That it may be as possible to cause the Moon and Stars to cease their wonted courses as to turn you out of the way of Truth and Holiness That it may be as possible to alter the Ordinances of Heaven as to make you neglect Heaven and become again earthly-minded Thus have I done with the first Doctrine that I raised from the words which I have been large upon That Conversion is of absolute necessity and the great thing that God requires of Man. Doct. 2. I proceed unto the second Doctrine that I raised from the words and that is this Conversion is then sincere when the soul is Converted The Soul of Man is the chief subject of Sin. It is the Soul that uses or rather abuses the members of the Body as Instruments of Unrighteousness The Beasts that have no rational Soul are not capable of committing Iniquity and as the Soul is the chief subject of Sin so it is the chief subject of Converting Grace if this be not turned really there is no true turning unto God. God is a Spirit and he weighs the Spirits of Men and he doth chiefly require the Heart and Spirit Prov. 23. 26. and accordingly the Convert with David sayes Psal 25. 1. Vnto thee O Lord do I lift up my Soul. And Psal 119. 129. Thy Testimonies are wonderful therefore doth my Soul keep them In the handling this Doctrine 1. I am to shew you when the Soul may be said to be Converted 2. To prove that till the Soul is Converted Conversion is not sincere 3. To demonstrate the necessity of turning to God with the very Soul. And then in the last place to make application 1. I am to tell you when the Soul may be said truly to be Converted the opening of this is the chief thing that I design in this Doctrine 1. When the Soul is Converted there is a marvellous Light that shines into the Mind The Tree of Knowledge was so called because it was a Tree of Tryal whether Man would persevere in goodness or whether he would be tempted and drawn away to evil but when this Tree was once tasted Man presently fell under the power of darkness The eyes of all understandings are blind till enlightned by the Spirit of wisdom and revelation Eph. 1. 17 18. All the Stars that are in the Firmament cannot make day without the Sun and all the works that God hath wrought all the words that he hath spoken cannot of themselves enlighten the mind of Man without the Spirit of God. It is He that takes off the Vail and causes the Light to shine upon and into the very Soul. This Light makes things manifest Eph. 5. 13. For all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light for whatsoever doth make manifest is light This Light that shines into a Converted Soul doth discover Sin it shews the filth the spots the sting the poyson the death the wrath the Hell that is in Sin or is annexed to it It doth discover the deceitfulness of Sin in hiding its own bad nature and the dreadful consequences that follow upon it And as this Light doth make sin manifest so it doth discover Christ too the sufficiency of his justifying Righteousness the excellency of his sanctifying Grace and how to turn to God is of miserable to become truly blessed This Light also is directing It directs what Converts must do that they may be saved It shews them the End and the proper Means for the attaining of that End. It leads them out of the broad way and from all the snares and stumbling-blocks and the precipices that are there and it leads them into the way that is everlasting Psal 139. ult Finally This Light that shines into the Converted Soul hath Heat and Influence like the Light of the Sun in the Spring-season that causeth the Trees and Plants to be flourishing and to be fruitful The Light of the Converts hath a mighty influence upon them The things that are freely given of God are so seen as that the heart is taken with them as the principal things of all and undervalues other things in comparison of those Thus the wise Merchant that sought goodly Pearls when he had found one Pearl of great price he went and sold all that he
Will of God and in this harmony that is between the Humane and the Divine Will there is a great deal of Sweetness there is really that inward Peace in comparison of which all the delights of Sence are but inconsiderable 3. The Converts Will submits unto Correction and the Cross Where is there a School without a Rod The Saints do stand in need of Discipline and it is well they have it Afflictions wean us from this VVorld they help forward the work of Mortification they quicken us in our seeking after God and the more we 〈…〉 the more we find Luther said Cr 〈…〉 est nostra Theologia That the Cross alone is 〈◊〉 Divinity To improve Christs Cross and our own is the way to be truly wise The Convert sees reason for submission for Gods Corrections are all streams that issue from the Fountain of Love that is in him and they do end in the Souls greater Holiness which is its greatest Profit and they cause the peaceable fruits of Righteousness to be brought forth in greater plenty and abundance I grant indeed That Converts may have Temptations to and not only Temptations to but also great fits of Impatience but they do strive and they are helped in striving to allay the Storm and to be calmed into a submission to the will of God. The Converted Soul may sometimes be too much blinded by the prevalency of Passion and forgetting it self may complain after such a manner as this Though my daies are few on Earth yet how are they filled with trouble and sorrow No sooner have I got my head from under one wave but another Billow is just ready to overwhelm me Affliction seems to be my Lot and Portion and while the wicked of the VVorld prosper and increase in Wealth and have more than Heart can wish all the day long have I been plagued and chastened every Morning If I set my heart upon any temporal injoyment presently it is struck at and like the Gourd of Jonah withers away And if I am full of Expectation from the Creature my Expectation is ever frustrated and that which I expected comfort from proves Vanity and Vexation of Spirit VVhich way soever I look I see things visible enough to cast me down nothing visible to support me O wretched Life to be always thus under the Cross to be troubled and bowed down greatly and to go mourning all the day Thus the Converted Soul in its sits of impatience is ready to complain But unto these ravings I call them no other the Lord is pleased in a still Voice thus to answer Vnreasonable and silly Soul dost thou well to be angry and by thy needless and excessive sorrow to help forward thine own Affliction hast thou been a Learner so long in my School and dost thou not understand the Method that I use in training up my Children I give thee little in the World but it is that thou mayest not dye of a surfeit as thousands and millions do I cross thee in thy expectation from the Creatures that from my self thou mayest expect and receive the more Thou talkest of trouble but am not I thy present help Thou art in the waves but these waters shall not drown thee they shall only wash and cleanse thee and out of them thou shalt come forth much more purified Soul Cease thy discomposure I command the Tempest to be still Whatever my Wisdom and my Love sees convenient for thee thou shalt not want and to give thee more than is convenient would be to injure thee Thò all visible supports fail I the invisible and eternal God am always by thee and ready to shew my self strong on thy behalf My Care shall protect thee and provide for thee and this may be enough and enough to suffice Hereupon the Converted Soul is quieted it is satisfied and as to its Complaints silenced and it replys in Job's language Behold I am vile what shall I answer thee I will lay my hand upon my mouth Once have I spoken but I won't answer yea twice but I will proceed no further Now I see more fully who and what thou art and that my impatience and distrust in such a God was only the effect of my ignorance unbelief and ●olly from henceforth Lord I will see with 〈…〉 ●ther Eyes but thine and what thou seest to be best as best shall always be acknowledged My VVill I renounce and whatever thy VVill is I willingly assent unto I am satisfied that thy Goodness and VVisdom will order all things for me the very best and wisest way Thus the Will of the Convert is brought to a submission to the Will of God and as the Convert does speak thus to God so he speaks likewise unto his own Soul Psal 43. ult Why art thou cast down O my Soul and why art thou disquieted within me hope in God for I shall yet praise him who is the health of my Countenance and my God. So much for the fifth particular When the Soul is Converted there is a conformity in the Will of Man unto the Will of God. The Will chuses what God propounds as most eligible is subject unto Gods Commands submits to Correction and the Cross 6. When the Soul is Converted those Affections that have evil for their object do spend themselves on sin which is of all the greatest evil Here I shall instance in four Affections that have evil for their Object and when the Soul is indeed turned these Affections spend themselves on Sin. 1. Sin is the Converted Souls Sorrow Tears here are very well bestowed God hath a bottle to put them in whereas Tears that flow from worldly sorrow are but as common water The Unconverted Sinner is never more merry than when doing evil When thou dost evil then thou rejoycest O how glad is he of an opportunity to commit a pleasing and gainful Transgression but the Convert hath been made so sensible of the evil that is in Sin that he can never make light of it more he hath been made so sensible of the evil that is in Sin that he is really inwardly afflicted because so guilty and defiled Sin doth provoke divine Anger and the Wrath of the Almighty is terrible Sin breaks the Law of God and the Curse hereby deserved is intolerable Sin causes the only Saviour to be neglected and the Spirit of God to be resisted who strives to draw the Children of men to this Redeemer Sin does weaken and wound the Soul makes it exceeding vile doth it an inexpressible mischief and therefore well may Sin be sorrowed for Take notice how David doth pour out his sorrow here Psal 38. 4 6. My Iniquities are gone over my head as an heavy burthen they are too heavy for me I am troubled I am bowed down greatly I go mourning all the day long 2. As Sin is the Converted Souls Sorrow so it is his Fear too the Convert is afraid of contracting fresh Guilt and being overcome by new
and his former offences and affronts be they what they will shall not be an Impediment nay the former refusing to turn though it was never so long shall be past by The proclaiming of thi● accepted time should be lookt upon as glad tidings indeed 2 Cor. 6. 1 2. We then 〈◊〉 workers together with Him beseech you also that ye receive not the Grace of God in vain for he saith I have heard thee in a time accepted in a day of Salvation I have succoured thee Christ himself in the days of his flesh was heard was succoured was carried by the power of his Godhead through the whole work of Mans Redemption Behold now is the accepted time behold now is the day of Salvation This day of Salvation is the fruit of a Saviours Obedience and Sufferings in his day Now those that have sold themselves to commit Iniquity and are under the bondage of Corruption may recover their liberty those that had lost the incorruptible and undefiled Inheritance may be re-instated and again possessed of it Now the Lord is neer to them that seek him and ready to be found and if the wicked forsake their ways and thoughts and return to Him he assures them he will have mercy and pardon so abundantly as shall exceed their conceptions and the manner and wayes of mens shewing Mercy one to another as the Heaven is high above the Earth Isa 55. 6 7 8. 5. In the Word of God there are Instances and Examples of very great Sinners who have been converted and saved How great are the Acts of Grace which have been done by the God of all Grace and comfort Stand forth O David guilty of Adultery and Murther first defiling the Wife and then killing the Husband afterwards Stand forth O thou great Apostle Peter who wast so confident in thy self that thou shouldest abide the sorest Trial but didst so basely shrink and once twice thrice and with Cursing and Swearing didst deny thy Lord Stand forth ye Corinthian Saints who were Fornicators Idolaters Adulterers effeminate abusers of your selves with Mankind who were thieves covetous drunkards revilers extortioners 1 Cor. 6. 9 10 11. And all of you proclaim That the Grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with Faith and love which is in Christ Jesus as the Apostle Paul speaks who himself had obtained Mercy although he had been a blasphemer a persecutor and injurious 1 Tim. 1. 13 14. Setting aside the unpardonable Sin against the Holy Ghost and final Impenitency and Unbelief for ought I know Heaven can shew as great Sinners as Hell who notwithstanding all their guilt and filthiness were washed sanctified justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God and now their Holiness is perfected in Glory This is an encouragement to the worst of men to hope if they return to God they shall not be rejected Nay suppose there should be now a greater Transgressour than ever yet obtained Mercy it would not be impossible for such an One to obtain Mercy for Divine Grace and Mercy have not yet done their very uttermost 6. The Word of God discovers Sinners weakness and where that Strength is without which turning to God will never be That Grace which brings Man to God to Heaven must come from the God of Heaven Can man arise from the Dead till the Voice of the Lord which is powerful say Awake thou that sleepest Can any come to God but by his Son Jesus can any come to Christ but those whom the Father drawes Joh. 6. 44. God Works to Will He Works to do and he does the one and the other freely of his own good Pleasure Phil. 2. 13. Sinners are then encouraged to seek unto God to do both for them And He can easily take away the Heart of Stone and give a new Heart and a new Spirit and cause those who before neglected now to turn into the way of Salvation and to work out their own Salvation with fear and trembling 7. I might also add that the Word of God shuts the Kingdom of Heaven against ●hose that are resolved to continue Vnconvert●d Nothing but Indignation and Wrath Tribulation and Anguish is thundred out ●gainst them that will continue in their evil doing that will not be gathered by a Saviour that will not be made clean by his Sanctifying Spirit Nay the Word concludes them under greater misery and ●ooms them to a severer Damnation who are called to turn and yet refuse Mat. 11. 23. Thou Capernaum that are exalted unto Heaven who hast Heaven offer'd and such advantages of getting thither 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 shall not only go to Hell but be brought down with force and fury to one of the hottest and lowest places there It ●hall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomor●ah in the day of Judgment than for Thee Such kind of threats may help to cure the spiritual Lethargy and to make Sinners ●fraid of remaining Unconverted You see what it is in the Word that has a tendency to Conversion In the second Place I am to demonstrate the Aptitude and fitness of the Word to be such a means of Conversion What has been spoken already is in part a Demonstration of it but this fitness of the Word may be further made evident 1. The Word is a Light which shines in a dark place 2 Pet. 1. 19. and therefore 't is a proper means to turn men from darkness to Light and from the Power of Satan unto God. The Word discovers what the Prince of darkness studiously endeavours to conceal Ignorance and Infidelity are the Pillars of Satans Kingdom he takes much pains to blind the Minds of the Unbelievers that the Light of the glorious Gospel of Christ who is the Image of God may not shine into them 2 Cor. 4. 4. This light gives a true and faithful representation of Sin as the most hateful and hurtful thing in the whole World of Satan also as the most subtle false envious malicious Deceiver and Murtherer of the Sons nay of the very Souls of men The Word reveals the Devils grand secret that the Broad way is the high Road to Ruine which has been trod by all the Damned Hell at the end of this way becomes naked by the Word of God which the Lying Spirit would not have at all to be credited or so much as thought on till Sinners find themselves thrown into it and there without any hope of Release and Remedy 2. The Word is a Perspective glass which brings things afar off near to the eye that so the Heart may be the more affected It shews that the whole of Time from the very first to the very last is but short if compared with Eternity and how the end of all things is at hand 1 Pet. 4. 7. and the Oath will at length be sworn That there shall be time no longer Scoffers indeed who walk after their own lusts do say Where is the Promise of our Lords coming They
let them hear them And after 't is answered further If they hear not Moses and the Prophets neither will they be perswaded though one rose from the dead Luk. 16. 27 -31 A Sinner whose Heart is all Adamant and Sermon-proof the terrours of the Lord don't affright him the inestimable Treasures of the Gospel don't take him the Mediatours Vengeance for neglecting great Salvation is not at all dreaded Suppose a command should be given to unlock the gates of Hell and a damned Spirit that has been for some time tortur'd in the slames there and was once well known to this stupid Sinner should at Midnight appear to him and the Curtains being drawn aside and that Soul out of the midst of fire with a ghastly horrour in its looks should thus speak to Him Awake hard-hearted Wretch awake awake What sleep and lye secure in Sin that art in danger of dying in Sin every moment VVhat take thine ease who art so near to endless pain and Torment Thy time has both Feet and VVings and is with great haste both running and flying away from thee and as thy time in Sin and folly spends so thou daily and hourly approache● nearer to a miserable Eternity Thy Judgment lingers not thy Damnation does not slumber while thou refusest to awake to Righteousness Once I made a mock of Sin as much as thou dost was mad to destroy my self as thou art I made a meer Jest of Hell but now I know I feel and wo wo is me I shall to my Sorrow feel for ever what 't is to be damn'd in earnest Sin 's thy worst Enemy Oh cast it away before it undoe thee past remedy Divine wrath and jealousie is in the other World found a hotter and heavier thing than ever could be conceived in this 'T is really a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. But I have leave to stay no longer be sure to take this warning I have given thee I must again to the Lake that burns with fire and brimstone where there are no such things as Help or Hope or Happiness but Pain and Misery are extream and endless Suppose I say a damned Soul should speak such language to a Sinner that has all along been deaf to the call of the Word and resisted the Spirit of the Lord he might perhaps be exceedingly amazed and possibly be frighted out of his VVits but he would not be scared out of his Sins nor ever by such an Apparition alone be turned unto God. If Gods own Word will not make thee a Convert O Sinner thy disease is obstinate against the likeliest remedy and what means will 5. The Word is a Means which Thousands and Millions in the VVorld never were so much Priviledg'd as to enjoy An Hallelujah is justly deserved and expected from the People of God of old because he shewed his Word unto Jacob his Statutes and Judgments to the Children of Israel whereas He had not dealt so with any Nation and as for his Judgments they had not known them Psal 147. 19 20. How great a part of the World is Satans Common how little comparatively is so much as the visible Inclosure of our Lord Jesus It is the observation of a Learned man that if the World were divided into thirty parts Nineteen would be found still Pagan six Mahometan and but five Christian take in all of all Perswasions But alas how much darkness is there even in Nations that are called Christian Ignorance is affected the Word of God and the Knowledg of it is taken away though the Scripture says that for lack of it people are destroyed Hos 4. 6. How Happy would you be that in this City enjoy the light of the Word of Truth if you would but thankfully and fruitfully improve it It is as it were Noon day with you whereas in other places it is but a dark down and in most parts of the Earth a black midnight In the fourth place I am to tell you whence this Means the Word of God comes to be effectual to Conversion 'T is made effectual by the Power of God and this Power he exerts by his own Spirit 1 Thes 1. 5. Our Gospel came not unto you in word only but in Power also and in the Holy Ghost and in much Assurance the wonderful effects of Divine Power wrought by the Holy Ghost in the Preaching of the Gospel was an Evidence and Assurance that this Gospel is not the Word of Man but of God Himself Now the manner of the Spirits working when he makes the Word effectual to Conversion I shall declare in these particulars 1. The Spirit impresses upon the Sinners Heart the Divine Authority of this Word 'T is indeed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 given by inspiration of God 2 Tim. 3. 16. When the Lord Himself is eyed and own'd in his Word then it shews it self mighty If the Messengers and Publishers of the Word only are regarded and there is not a looking beyond them they being but earthen vessels the Word though a Treasure will be trampled under foot But when Sinners are Converted the Spirit makes it evident that the Word is really of God. The demonstration of this is styled the demonstration of the Spirit He does demonstrate the Words divine Authority several wayes By Signs and VVonders wrought for its Confirmation Heb. 2. 4. God also bearing them witness both with signs and wonders and divers miracles and gifts of the holy Ghost according to his own will. That these Miracles were done 't is plain for the Word of God pretending to Miracles done so openly so often by and upon so many persons in the midst of cunning and malicious Adversaries who were watchful enough to have espied the deceit if there had been any if such Miracles really had never been wrought this Word and the Religion it teaches would never have been received Our Lord Jesus though the Son of God when upon Earth was humbled in the form of a Servant yet affirms himself to be the Saviour of the VVorld preaches a Doctrine contrary to Flesh and Blood tells all that will be his Disciples they must deny themselves and forsake all that is dear to them in this World whenever they are called to it for the sake of a Treasure and Kingdom in Heaven And often he appeals to his working Miracles as a Confirmation of his Doctrine that it was from Heaven Now if such Miracles had never been wrought the Imposture would have been so apparent that the Christian Faith would never have been embraced by any of common sense and understanding And 't is evident also that these Miracles were done by the power of God. Wonders indeed were wrought by the Egyptian Magicians but outvied by greater Wonders effected by Moses Gods Servant These Miracles were beyond the Power and Ability of second Causes Who could make the blind to see and the deaf to hear and the lame to walk but that God who formed the Eye
planted the Ear and curiously fashioned the other Members Who would raise the Dead but the Lord of of Life himself The Spirit further also demonstrates the Words Authority from the accomplishment of Scripture Prophesies as concerning Cyrus building of the Temple Isa 44. 28. The King of Grecia his ruining the Persian Monarchy which was verified in Alexander the Great Dan. 8. 21. The calling of the Gentiles Isa 42. 4. Zeph. 2. 11. How many false Gods do we find famished and the Lord Jehovah worshipped in the Isles of the Heathen It was also fulfill'd which our Lord spake concerning his Death that after his being lift up from the Earth he would draw all men to him which was rather likely to drive all men from him He also said he would have a Church to the end of the VVorld Mat. 28. ult and notwithstanding all that Earth and Hell can do he has had one to this very day The Spirit also shews the divine Matter of the Word the admirable consent and agreement of all its parts and the design of the whole which is to give Glory to God and to represent him as most worthy of Admiration Praise Faith Fear and Love and Service Its Precepts are so excellent and pure that if the Professors of Religion would but live according to them the World might quickly be convinced of the unreasonableness of Infidility A thorow perswasion of the Words Authority is from the Spirit and has a mighty force to startle the Conscience and awe the heart of a Sinner And to make it stoop unto God which was before rebellious 2. The Spirit causes the Word most firmly to be believed as that which is of most certain verity and truth this follows upon the former If it be the Word of God who cannot lye there is nothing false or uncertain in it Ever since Man first harkned to the Father of lies he is very prone to embrace falshood He is not to be trusted as a Guide any further than God guides him because so apt himself to err and mistake But let God be true saies the Apostle though it follows and every Man a Lyar Rom. 3. 4. God cannot be deceived because he is Omniscient and his understanding is Infinite Psal 147. 5. And he will not deceive any because he is the God of Truth Whatever has proceeded out of his Mouth its certainty is not to be doubted of Faith therefore which believes whatsoever God speaks and because he speaks is indeed the highth and very ●lower of Reason We read of a Door of Faith Act. 14. 27. They rehearsed all things that God had done with them and how he had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles The Word of God has entrance by Faith as by a Door into the Heart and Faith as a Door shuts it in then how powerful is it in working The Commands being lookt upon as indeed the Commands of God will no longer presumptuously be broken the Promises being believed ●● be the Promises of God who keeps Tru●● for ever will be embraced A firm belief of the Words truth is at the bottom of all true Conversion to God and 't is Infidelity that is the great reason of departing from him 3. The Spirit powerfully convinces the Sinner how evil a thing Sin is which the Word of God so severely and strictly forbids Sin is that which of all things in the World is most of all mistaken If it were rightly known by all not one in the World could love or like it But most are ignorant what 't is and whither it tends and securely and unconcernedly remain under its guilt and power Mens lusts are styled 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 deceitful lusts Eph. 4. 22. they seem to consult their gain and pleasure but indeed war against their Souls and yet this War is so carried on that 't is not perceived Souls are kept stupified and intoxicated till they are utterly lost and ruined 'T is the work of the Spirit to discover what Sin is He shews how contrary 't is to God how evil and provoking in the eyes of his Holiness and his Glory how contrary 't is to the Law of God which is most exexcellent all whose Precepts are most profitable and pleasant to those that love and keep them He shews likewise how contrary Sin is to Man himself It loads him with Curses of various sorts it makes every thing he has to be cursed to him It does defile debase and wound him and unless he turn from it it will for ever destroy and damn him 'T is one thing to be told of all this by Man and another to have a powerfull discovery and Conviction of all this by the Spirit He shews the Vanity of all sins excuses pretences and promises of Impunity Peace and Safety The Spirit speaks very home to the Conscience and particularly and causes the Sinner to whom he speaks to hear and heed and tremble Thou art the Man that hast offended God! Thou art the Soul that hast sinn'd and dost deserve to dye Thou art the Fool-hardy Wretch that hast engaged the Almighty to be thine Enemy Against thy ungodliness and unrighteousness in particular his wrath is certainly revealed from Heaven And how soon if thou refusest to forsake thy impious and unrighteous ways may this wrath fall upon thee and sink thee into the bottomless pit of Wo. If thou resolvest still to go on in thy trespasses thy very next step may take hold of Hell 4. The Spirit reveals Christ in the Word and draws the Sinner to him The Holy Ghost does testifie concerning the Lord Jesus Joh. 15. 26. The Spirit of truth which proceedeth from the Father he shall testifie of me And what a Glorious Testimony does he give him Christ is the summe and substance of all Supernatural Revelation All the lines both of the Old Testament and of the New do meet in this Center The design of the Old Testament was to forshew him as the Peace-maker between God and Man who was to be wounded for transgression to make his Soul an offering for Sin to bring in everlasting righteousness and to be the Author of pl●nteous and eternal Redemption and Salvation The New Testament which is the accomplishment of the Old does more fully declare Christ Here the Spirit more plainly tells us of his Godhead of his fulness of his Manhood of his Mercifulness what power he has to save what Bowels of Pity towards them that see they are lost without him And in shewing all this how does the Spirit shew himself a Comforter And as the Spirit discovers Christ so he draws the Sinner to him he causes the Word to reach the Heart and to subdue it so that the Heart gladly surrenders and freely opens to receive Jesus which before by ignorance prejudice and unbelief was very fast Bolted and Barr'd against him There can be no turning to God but as he is in Christ for how can guilty and defiled Man draw
near to the Holy and Righteous Jehovah without a Mediator And if he be considered in this Mediator there is all possible Encouragement to turn to him 5. The Spirit as by the Word he works Faith in Christ so by the same Word he causes the Sinner to yield himself to God He that was before stout-hearted and far from Righteousness now throws down his Weapons of Rebellion and submitting cries for Mercy he dares not still rush on in Sin as the Horse into the Battel he is made sensible that there is no contending with the Almighty that none ever hardned themselves against him and prosper'd Job 9. 4. Therefore he bows and yields least he be broke and ruin'd And as the Power of Gods anger makes the Sinner afraid of remaining Unconverted so he is most strongly induced to turn by the Spirits effectual discovery of Gods Alsufficiency Mercy Loving-kindness He sees plainly it can never be well with him while at a distance from God and that in Him and in his Favour is really his Life and Happiness Thus the poor Prodigal was afraid of continuing in the far Country least he should there perish for hunger and he came hom● to his Fathers house because there was bread enough and to spare Luke 15. 17. I come in the last place to the Application I begin with some Inferences that may be drawn from this Doctrine 1. If the Word of God be the great means of Conversion hence I infer that this Word is a great Priviledge The giving us the Light and Influence of the Sun and Moon and Stars is acknowleged to be the needful Bounty of the God of Heaven but the vouchsafing of the Word speaks a more peculiar favour and is a means to convey a far greater benefit In this Word of God there is a general Proclamation a Proclamation of a general pardon of all offenders against the highest Majesty and that upon the most equal terms that they prize this favour make use of his Sons mediation to obtain it and consent by Sin willingly to wrong their own Souls no more This Word carries in it a Proclamation to open the prison-doors to unloose the bonds and fetters to grant liberty unto all those that are weary of the bondage of corruption and that are willing to become the Lords Free men this Word is an Invitation to all sensible Souls that perceive they have spent their labour for that which is not bread to come for the bread of God which comes down from Heaven and which giveth life unto the World Joh. 6. 33. O the tender mercy of God in vouchsafing his Word to any When the Light of this Word shines it finds Sinners in Darkness imployed in the works of darkness hastning towards the blackness of darkness for ever and it doth give them the knowledge of Salvation by the remission of Sin and guide their feet into the way of peace Luke 1. 77 78 79. Those are glorious times indeed that is indeed a Golden age when the Word of God is heard by every ear when Labourers are many and Faithful and are hard at work for God for Christ for Souls when saving Knowledge doth fill all the corners of a Land Happy happy is that People that is in such a case if they do but rightly improve their priviledge for this Word doth direct them to walk in the Light of Gods Countenance 2. Hence I inferr how inexcusable they are that remain Vnconverted still under the Word of God which is the great Means of Conversion The Light of Nature leaves those that glorisie not God as God without excuse Rom. 1. 21. But the Light of the Word doth much more take away all Apology from them that neglect it They that are not Converted to God when they hear this Word neglect to trade with one of the choicest Talents that any of the Children of Men can be entrusted with To pass over the whole Volume and Book of Nature to take no notice of God in it though every Creature be designed as a Remembrancer of Him to pass by the works of Providence and not hereby to be brought to the Fear of and Faith in God who exerciseth loving kindness and Judgment in the Earth Nothing can be said to defend it But for a Sinner a lost Sinner a miserable Sinner that is ready every Moment to fall into Hell for this Man to hear the Gospel of Christ to have Pardon so fully and freely offered to him and yet to be deaf to the offer to refuse to turn to the Lord though hereby he will live for ever this doth argue a far more exceeding and excessive madness What can the Unconverted Sinner plead for himself that he doth not turn Can he say that he hath not been warned to flee from the wrath to come Alas the Almightys anger and indignation hath often been pealed in his ear How often hath he heard Wo to the wicked it shall be ill with him for the reward of his hands shall be given to him Isa 3 11. Can he say that he hath not been called to turn No such matter Wisdom hath cried aloud cryed vehemently How long ye simple ones will ye love simplicity and the scorners delight in their scorning and fools hate knowledge turn ye at my reproof Prov. 1. 22 23. Again can the Sinner plead that he hath not had encouragement to turn to God No no the God of Heaven the God of Truth hath solemnly protested by his own Life that he hath no pleasure in the Sinners death but had rather that he should turn and live Hear O Heaven Hearken O Earth and judge whether the Sinner that is called to turn to God and won't does not deserve to dy in his iniquities 3. If the Word of God is the great means of Conversion hence I inferr that the Removal of the VVord is a very sore Judgment How sore I wish that England may never feel by sad experience A Famine of Bread is affirmed to be worse than the Plague of Pestilence worse than the Sword of VVar though Plague and Sword are very terrible but a Famine of the VVord of God is the worst sort of Famine and it is threatned as a punishment which is an indication of far greater wrath Amos 8. 11. It shall come to pass in those days saith the Lord God that I will send a Famine in the land not a Famine of Bread nor a thirst for water but a Famine of hearing the VVord of the Lord. The Antithesis here between these two Famines doth heighten the severity of the punishment A Famine of the VVord is a punishment that is Spiritual so much the more hurtful because it reaches the Spirits of Men so much the more hurtful by how much the Soul is more precious than the Body Ay but may some one say what great harm is there if there should come such a Famine I will tell you To have the VVord of God removed it is to have
will he guide in Judgment and the meek will he teach his way And while Christians are using the Word of God if they cry to the Father of Lights that gives wisdom liberally without upbraiding they shall have a Heart to know him that he is the Lord Jer. 24. 7. and they shall return to him with the whole Heart 9. Hence I inferr That we should be such lovers of Mankind as to wish the whole World did enjoy the Word of God the great means of Conversion It should be a sadning thought to our Hearts that though all mankind have sinned and are in a lost estate the Word of God that informs concerning the only Saviour is known to so very few The Jewish Church of old for hundreds of years did put up that Prayer and at length it was answered in the Vocation and calling of the Gentiles Psal 67. 〈◊〉 That thy way may be known upon the Earth and thy saving health among all Nations Christians should Pray in the same strain that this Petition may be heard further Christians should be compassionate Intercessours for the poor World that lyes in darkness and wickedness that the Light of the Gospel may come wherever the Sun in the Firmament shines that so whole Kingdoms and Nations by thousands and by millions may not thus throng the way to Hell for want of Saving Knowledge and Converting Grace And as we should pity and pray for the Infidel VVorld so we should pity and pray for poor Posterity that they when they come to be born into England may find this a Land of Light for if we should leave them without the glorious Gospel of the blessed God we should leave them under Sathans Power and in the Con●l●es of Hell O let us put on Bowels and pray hard that those that shall be born twenty forty a hundred years hence and more may find England the Land of Immanuel and may be priviledged with the Word of God that may be a means of their being regenerate and born again 10. Lastly Hence I inferr How inexcusable those are that turn the VVord of God the great means of Conversion and Salvation into a deadly savour to themselves O the evil Nature of that Sin of unbelief the evil Heart of unbelief doth make the greatest Blessings to become Curses To grow more blind under the Light to grow more deaf and disobedient the louder God calls to grow more barren and unfruitful notwithstanding all advantages to make you thrive in Grace and Goodness what excuse can be brought for this To receive the Grace of God in vain is a very great folly but to turn the Grace of God into wantonness to Sin because Grace doth abound this is to turn the very Remedy and Antidote into Poyson and to perish the more certainly the more fearfully The Apostle Paul 2 Cor. 2. 16. telleth us that his Ministry was a savour of death unto death to some they grew more dead more estranged from God and Holiness even while they heard the Gospel that is a Doctrine according to Godliness preached to them and growing more dead 〈◊〉 a spiritual sence eternal Death did prove the sorer to them That man that under the Word of God grows worse and worse comes daily to hear but goes away more vain more filthy more wedded to his will and to his hateful and hurtful lusts this Man is indeed desparately wicked this man doth fix himself under the Laws Curse he pulls down upon his own Head the Mediators Vengeance and after his hardness and impenitent Heart treasures up unto himself wrath against the day of wrath and the Revelation of the righteous Judgment of God. The second Use is by way of Reproof If the Word be the great means of Conversion several sorts of Persons are sharply to be reprehended 1. Those that dislike and hate the VVord of God these are Fools in the worst and most dangerous sence that hate Instruction and cast the Laws of God behind their backs Psal 50. 17. These are bruitish that can't endure to be reproved for doing harm to themselves they are certainly bewitched that will not obey the Truth Gal. 3. 1. As Christ says For which of my good works do ye stone me so say I For which of the good Effects of the VVord of God do you hate it It is Light in darkness a means of conveying Life to the dead Food to the hungry a Cordial to the fainting a Sword to secure you against and to conquer your spiritual Enemies And therefore if you dislike this Word of God you are even unto sottishness without understanding It is a Scripture phrase Jer. 4. 22. My people are foolish they have not known me they are sottish Children and without understanding they are wise to do evil but to do good they have no knowledge 2. Those are sharply to be reproved who endeavour to hinder the Efficacy of the VVord of God upon others this they do by ill Counsel and by worse Example This they do by being Contentious against the Truth and by pleading for unrighteousness This they do by promoting prejudices against the Word of God as if the embracing of it were the way to Melancholick sadness sorrow and scorn which is indeed the way to the truest Gain and the surest Peace They that are troubled to see others minding Heaven are strangely degenerate and are become Factors for Hell and discover a most diabolical Disposition But whatsoever Persons speak against Grace and Holiness whatever they say for the continuance in a wicked way all their words are but vain words and every ea● should be deaf to them Eph. 5. 6. Let no man deceive you with vain words for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the Children of disobedience 3. Loose Professours of Religion are to be reproved who are indeed a discredit to the Word of God they come and hear the Word of God but what are they in their Families what are they in their Closets what are they in the whole course of their Lives Filthiness greediness after Gain excessive Drinking Impurity Covetousness these things indeed they can shew but too much of But any thing of true Holiness of Humility of Strictness of Contempt of this World of Delight in minding another World they are utter Strangers to Will you remember one Truth The Conversion of the prophane is very much hindred by the licentiousness of the Hypocrites the former won't be prevailed with to turn into the way of Truth because the latter by their evil Courses do make this way of Truth to be evil spoken of 2 Pet. 2. 2. I shall conclude with a Vse of Direction How may the Word of God be heard so as that it may be effectual to the Conversion of the hearers 1. Consent that all the Impediments of the Words efficacy should be removed Be unwilling that your hearts should be like the high-way ground utterly careless grossly Ignorant of the Truths you hear My
for the prize of the high calling of God. Here is an allusion to them that run in a race who do not look back to see how much they have already run but still look and run forward that they may not miss the prize Things behind may take in earthly things which the Apostle had totally cast behind his back so as never principally to regard them any more Things behind may also take in his past obedience which he does not consider and remember so as to rest in it and leave off running and labouring And as the Word requires us to abide and walk with God so it informs us how we may be sure to do it It tells us of his own right hand which is ready to uphold us that we may follow hard after God Psal 63. 8. It tells us that the Lord is of Power to establish us and to keep us from falling and that if He does hold us up we shall be safe and shall have respect unto his precepts continually Psal 119. 117. The Word directs us to be strong in the Grace that is in Christ Jesus 2 Tim. 2. 1. who is the Author and Finisher of our Faith the same yesterday and to day and for ever The Word of God shews a greater security than Adam found in Paradice or many of the Angels found in Heaven it self There is a New Covenant made and is to be laid hold upon This Covenant is everlasting sure and admirably well ordered 't is established by the Death and Blood of Christ the Mediator of it 't is confirmed by the Oath of God and by the Sacraments which are as it were two broad Seals of Heaven annexed to it The faithful God will keep Covenant on his part and he engages for his People that they on their part shall keep his Covenant and his Testimonies Jer. 32. 40. I will not turn away from them to do them good and I will put my fear in their Hearts that they shall not depart from me 7. The Word of God is so perfect as to guide and bring us safe to Glory Psal 73. 23 24. Nevertheless I am continually with thee thou hast holden me by my right hand thou shalt guide me with thy Counsel and afterwards receive to Glory This Word shews the path of Life the way Everlasting that leads unto the Lords glorious Presence where there is fulness of Joy and Pleasures for evermore None ever miscarried that follow'd this Words conduct It came from Heaven and it guides safely thither All flesh is grass and all the Glory of man as the flower of the Field but the Word of God is incorruptible and abides for ever 't is by this that Believers are wrought upon and raised and fitted for a blessed Immortality Their Treasure Hearts and Conversations are in Heaven now while themselves are here on Earth and they are growing more meet to be partakers of the Inheritance of the Saints in Light. Admirable is the Perfection of the Word that will infallibly bring all that Believe and Love and walk according to it unto that blessed place and State where there will be a Perfection of Light and of Delight a perfection of Righteousness and Holiness a perfection of Happiness and Joy and all this will last in the highest perfection to Eternity The Apostle commends those of Ephesus of whom he takes his last leave unto the Grace and to the Word of God he knew very well that this was the way to be built up to Glory Act. 20. 32. And now Brethren I commend you to God and to the Word of his Grace which is able to build you up and to give you an Inheritance among all them that are sanctified You see in what sense the Word of God is perfect In the second place I am to prove by Arguments the Perfection and Sufficiency of this Word of God. 1. The Perfection of the Word is very plainly asserted in Scripture and if God himself affirms his Word to be perfect that Man must needs be very bold and a great Lyar who shall charge it with imperfection my Text is an evident Testimony The Law of the Lord is perfect it makes the simple wise and Converts sinful Souls to God. The Psalmist tells us He had seen an end of all Perfection and then adds but thy Commandment is exceeding broad Psal 119. 96. The greatness of the Greatest the riches of the Richest the wisdom of the Wisest he had lookt through and lookt beyond but the perfect Word of God was a Direction a Support and a Satisfaction to Him when every thing else failed In this Word there is Wisdom and Mercy and Grace without bounds or limits It cleanses the Hearts and Hands of Sinners and is useful to Saints to the very end of their days and makes their end Peace Nay 't is the Churches Heritage which she lives Holily and well upon in all Generations The Apostle calls the VVord of God a perfect Law of Liberty Jam. 1. 25. But whoso looketh into this perfect Law of Liberty and continueth therein he being not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the Work this man shall be blessed in his deed 'T is called a Law of Liberty because the commands of the Word so far as they are obeyed do make the Obedient free from sin whose service is indeed slavery and being free from sins servitude they are no longer under guilt the curse or wrath but they have the liberty the Priviledges of the Children of God. 'T is called a perfect Law of Liberty because the Doer of it that perseveres in his Obedience shall certainly be blessed in his deed This Law does not only command but Grace and Strength from the Spirit goes along with it which causes it to be kept and the fruit being unto Holiness the End will be Life eternal 2. By the Perfection of the Word in the Scriptures the end of committing it to writing is obtained I grant there was a Church and the Word of God in it before there was a Scripture and then the Lord conveyed his Mind from Father to Son by Tradition and this was more easie to be done when men were so very long lived as to continue upon Earth very near a thousand years Methuselah lived in the days of Adam Shem in the days of Methuselah and Isaac is observed to have been born and grown up to be a man before Shem was taken out of the World. But afterwards it pleased the Lord that Tradition should be no longer trusted but to prevent Corruption in Religion we have a written Word which all are to give diligent heed to The Word was written that God might not be forgotten the Scripture being consulted is the means to keep up the remembrance of him in all ages The Apostle Peter tells us he therefore set Pen to Paper that after his decease the things of God might be had always in remembrance 2 Pet. 1. 15. The Word was written that Men might
Detestation and abhorrency I was upright before thee says David and I kept my self from mine iniquity Psal 18. 23. possibly he may mean revenge upon Saul which he had again and again opportunity to take which not only those that were with him but Corruption of Nature might prompt him to but the true Grace which was in him was peremptory against 4. Let your Hearts be perfect in being sound in Gods Statutes Let them all be approved for all are the Lords and all are worthy This argues a rectified Judgment indeed when every Precept is lookt on as right and that the keeping of it is not only a Duty but a kindness to him that keeps it I esteem all thy Commandments says the Psalmist concerning all things to be right and I hate every false way Psal 119. 128. Though there be an Election of some yet if there be a Reprobation of other Commandments the Heart is not sound It cannot have a right respect to any unless it have a general respect to all The Apostle tells us that par●i●● obedience will not pass Jam. 2. 10. VVhosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offend in one point he is guilty of all An allowed neglect o● one command argues that none are kept because they are Gods and that he may be pleased because he has been pleased to injoyn one as well as another 5. Let your Hearts be perfect in consenting to the Sanctification of all your Faculties and Powers Desire that your whole Souls should be renewed by the Grace of God and highly value every Grace of the Spirit Every Power i● you needs Renovation and every Grace of th● Holy Ghost excells in worth all things that ar● Temporal Faith Love Fear Hope Meekness Patience Temperance Humility and the rest how much better are they than the best thing● of this present evil VVorld And when any new degrees are added to the Grace you have conclude that you are very highly favoured 6. Let your Hearts be perfect in havin● right designs and making God your end He 〈◊〉 his own end and with good reason for the● is nothing so good so high as He. Let hi● be your end in all you do Still let your H●a● designing to extol him by more high a● suitable apprehensions by more enlarged 〈◊〉 raised affections by a more profound Submi●sion to him Design that others may be broug● to Honour him and desire his Name may be ●lowed all the Earth over and that his Kingdom may be advanced above all other Monarchies whatsoever Thus your hearts should be perfect 2. I exhort you to walk in a perfect way Walk not according to the course of this World after the Prince of the Power of the Air the Spirit that works in the Children of disobedience Eph. 2. 2. Walk not as those Professors did of whom the Apostle speaks with Weeping Phil. 3. 18 19. Many walk of whom I have told you often and now tell you even Weeping that they are the Enemies of the Cross of Christ whose end is destruction whose God is their belly whose glory is in their shame and who mind earthly things But do you take heed of imitating such patterns be sure to shun their pernicious paths Follow better examples walk in a perfect way Thus to walk implys three things 1. Walk humbly with God break not the first Table of the Law let not onely the Lord himself but his Worship his Ordinances his Name his Sabbaths be dear unto you Neglect not publick Ordinances in the Sanctuary private in the Family secret in the Closet Perform every Duty as before God Perform every Duty as to Him. 2. Make great Conscience also of doing your Duty towards Men. Be perfectly true and just in all your dealings with all To defraud to deceive to over-reach any way to be unjust to your Neighbour is to injure and engage the Justice of God against you ●e very merciful to those that are in distress and ●isery and if your Souls are drawn out towards ●hem indeed to compassionate their case purses and ●ands will be open for their relief Especially pr●y those that are in Sin as well as Misery and are ●n the worse condition because neither Sin nor Mi●ery are perceived I beseech you also be very exact in doing the Duties of your places and relations that you may glorifie the Perfect Word of God the perfect rule you walk by in being Parents Children Subjects Husbands Wives Masters Servants with a Non●-such none that are without the Word being in any of these relations comparable to you 3. Do not injury but your duty towards your selves Employ not your Eyes your Tongues your Hands or any of your Members to your own hurt and defiling Do not by uncleanness sin against your own bodies 1 Cor. 6. 18. Do not by Surfeiting and Drunkenness load them with diseases and hasten them to the Grave Let not Covetousness and carking care make you to ●ise up early and sit up late and eat the Bread of sorrows nor cause you to be uncharitable to the needy and to grudg what is convenient to your selves Thus walk in a perfect way 3. In the third and last place I exhort you to stand perfect and compleat in all the Will of God Col. 4. 12. His Perfect Word should alwaies be heeded The good and honest Heart receives this Word understands it and how safe 't is to be guided by it eve● unto death and therefore brings forth fruit with patience Luke 8. 15. Why with patience Because patience is very requisite to overcome both the difficulty of duty and trouble and Persecution upon the account of duty Heb 10. 36. Ye have need of patience that after ye have do● the Will of God ye might receive the Promise Persever● in the Perfect Word in the good the acceptable the perfect Will and Work of God unto th● end hereby manifest you are Disciples and Servants indeed And an happy Eternity will satisfie you that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. VSE IV. Of Consolation The Perfection of the Word of God serves for much comfort to the Church of Christ and all Converts the true Members of it The Grounds of Consolation are these 1. Wherever this Church is this perfect Word of God shall certainly be The Word may sometimes be Eclipsed in a Church but never quite extinguished Indeed when a Church is unchurched the Word goes When the Candlestick is removed the light in that place is put out But suppose a Church to remain there will be the Word by which 't was gather'd and which is a means also to govern and preserve it in spight of all opposite Policy and Power Spiritual hunger is a blessed thing it never ends in Starving but in Satisfaction Mat. 5. 6. The sincere Members of the true Church have this hunger therefore they shall more or less have the food of the Word to sustain and strengthen them The Great and Good Shepherd will some way
I done with all the Doctrines but yet I have not done with you Words of instruction Solomon compares to Nayls Eccles 12. 11. I shall add a few strokes more to drive them home How can I with patience see any of you secure in Sin still fast asleep Under Satans power and upon the bottomless pits brink And every moment in danger of tumbling down into it Though some of you make light of Hell and more light of Sin that does deserve it yet I foresee how you will change your minds when once you feel what 't is to be there and I would fain prevent your going thither What shall I say how shall I do to prevail with you to become willing to a sincere Conversion and so escape eternal Misery and Confusion Once more I cry as loud and earnestly as I am able T●rn ye Turn ye O ye youngest that are here turn to God Your whole time is short enough to provide for Eternity begin early to redeem it Can you be too soon safe and happy safe in being under the Wing of Christ happy in having the Lord to be your God and Father Oh ye Children become Converts Christ is ready to embrace you in his Arms and bless you I should not at all fear the Gospels going if I could behold much of the Work of Regeneration among the young generation O ye oldest Sin●rs Turn to God the door of Mercy is not quite shut though you have lived so long in Sin 'till you have one foot in the Grave Admirable Mystery and Miracle of Grace when those are in a spiritual sense New Born who were old both in Years and Wickedness Turn ye O you that have most Righteousness of your own for your Righteousness is filthy raggs and you have Sin enough to ruine you Turn ye O you that have been guilty of the greatest Transgressions for in the Lord is superab●ndant Grace enough and enough to save you If you will not Turn you gratifie the evil One the Enemy of your Salvation you Consent to be his Slavis and Prey and chuse rather to dwell with him in Torment than with the Lord in Glory If you will not turn you are S●l●-haters not Accessari●s only but Principals in the Murthering of your own Souls It was a true saying of Salvian Nemo nobis Cr●●●●ior nobis none more Cruel none so cruel to sinful Man as he is to himself The very Prince of the Devils has not so great an hand in his Destruction If you will not turn immediately this very day hour moment it may quickly be too late Abused Mercy may go away for ever and God may now at last foreit who has long waited to be gracious The Axe before another Sabbath may be laid to the root of the Tree which bears nothing but the Grapes of Sodom and the Clust●s of Gomorrah A Sentence may be pronounced from Heaven H●w down such a strange and degenerate Plant and cast it into fi●e unquenchable But if at last you see with with your Eyes and hear with your ea●s and understand with your hearts and turn to the Lord the Father will receive you with open arms of love and kindness his tenderest Bowels will be troubled for you and sure Mercies shall be yours T● Lord Jesus will see of the travel of his Soul to his Satisfaction rejoycing that Children of Regeneration are born into his Church wh● shall be Heirs of Glory The Comforter who was grieved and vexed at your resistance will be much pleased to see you yield and will delight to dwell in you and to fill you both with Grace and Peace Converting Grace whenever wrought on Earth causes a Ne● Triumph above in Glory The Thrones Dominions the Cherubim the Seraphim that are there will sing a New Song of Prai● they will give glory to God in the Highest when more Sinners are begotten again to a lively Hope they will ascribe Blessing and Honour to the Lamb when more Souls are redeemed by his Blood. Have I been speaking unto Stocks and Stones or unto those who have Senses Souls and Reason If you will not turn that you may be saved I must confess 't were well if you had no Souls to lose for ever It was a Custom among the Ancient Romans to keep dead Bodies above ground several dayes and often to cry in their ears with a loud Voice to see if they were dead indeed And these were called Corpora conclamata Bodies that had been cryed unto in vain and then they were carried to their Burial May not your Souls O unconverted Sinners be called Animae conclamatae Souls that have been often cryed unto to turn and live But if you still refuse 't is a sign you are very dead indeed and you may quickly be buried in the fiery Tophet out of which you shall never rise more But alas all Pleadings Intreaties Arguments will be to little purpose unless there come a convincing Light a converting Power from above Cachedram habet in coelo qui corda docet in terrâ He has his Chair in Heaven who teaches hearts on Earth Oh that the glorious Spirit would come and breath upon the dead dry bones and inspire a Life that may never end That he would cause All even the most hardned and dead in sin to become Alive to God and have their fruit unto holiness that the end may be everlasting Life Let God arise and let his enemies be scatter'd Let Sin Satan and Mammon be forced to flee before Him that all Hearts possest by them may now submit to Him When the tongues of Men and Angels cannot prevail one powerful word from God can convert a multitude of Souls though they have been never so disobedient and gainsaying If the Lord will fill his Sanctuary with his Glory it will be to all unconverted Ones that are here the place of their new Birth and the very Gate of Heaven FINIS A WARNING GIVEN TO Secure Sinners TO Prepare for Judgment TO Flee from Wrath to Come AND Turn from All Sin BUT Especially the Sin which does most easily beset them By NATHANAEL VINCENT M. A. Minister of the Gospel Ezek. 33. 7. O Son of Man I have set thee a Watchman unto the house of Israel therefore thou shalt hear the Word at my Mouth and warn them from Me. LICENSED March 17th 1688. LONDON Printed by J. Astwood for Tho. Parkhurst at the Bible and three Crowns at the lower end of Cheap-side near Mercers-Chappel 1688. THE Epistle to the READER Reader WHen I Preached these following Sermons I had not the least thought of Publishing them They were taken from my Mouth by a dexterous and nimble hand that wrote almost every Word I utter'd I was very much sollicited to Print them and the Notes being written out fair and brought to me I have look'd them over and now they are presented to thee with a sincere Design that they may be beneficial to thee and not without Hope they will be so
themselves unto God. This Doctrine concerning Judgment was Preached early in the World we find 't was Published before the Flood of Noah as you may see Jude v. 14 15. where you have the summe of a Sermon but a very terrible one Preached by Enoch the seventh 〈◊〉 Adam Behold the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his Saints to execute Judgment upon all 〈◊〉 to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed and of all the hard speeches which ungodly Sinners have spoken against him Under the Mosaical Dispensation the Children of Israel heard the same Doctrine That great Prince and Preacher Solomon thus concludes his Book of Ecclesiastes having displayed the Creatures Vanity having taught Man his Interest and Duty To fear God and to keep his Commandments he closes with these words Chap. 12. ult God will bring every wor● into Judgment with every secret thing whether it be good or whether it be evil And how plainly does the Apostle Paul speak to the same purpose 2 Cor. 5. 10 11. For we must all appear before the Judgment-seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad knowing therefore the terrour of the Lord we perswade Men. In the handling of this Doctrine this is the Method I shall observe First I shall Discourse concerning Him that is to be the Judge Secondly I shall speak concerning the Persons that are to be judged Thirdly Concerning the things that shall be brought into Judgment Fourthly I shall demonstrate the Certainty of this Judgment And then in the lest Place make Application In the first Place I am to Discourse concerning the Judge and the Text plainly tells us that the Judge is Christ The Father I grant is said to judge 1 Pe● 1. 17. If ye call on the Father who without respect of persons judgeth according to every mans work pass the time of your s●journing here in fear Yet it is said in another place The Father judgeth no man but hath committed all judgment to the Son Joh. 5. 22. How shall these Scriptures ●e reconciled The reconciliation is easie thus the Father judges because the Authority of Judging belongs to him because he does Consent unto the Sons Judgment and has ordained him to Judge the World in Righteousness the truth is the Father Judges all but 't is mediately by Jesus Christ And yet in another sense the Father judges not because Christ the Son the second Person in the Godhead alone was incar●ate and manifested in the Flesh and He alone will visibly Judge the World at the great approaching Day These four things may be observed concerning Christ the Judge He is a Saviour to the uttermost He is the Only Saviour He is Lord of all And as such a Lord he will come with a ●●st glorious Attendance 1. Christ the Judge is a Saviour to the uttermost and really at the Judgment-day he will compleat the Churches Salvation he began it here in this World and still is carrying it on but the last day will be the day in which he will put his last Hand to this Work and make it perfect Heb. ● 28. Christ w●● 〈◊〉 offered 〈◊〉 t●●ear the sins of many and unto them that l●●k 〈◊〉 him shall he appear the second time without sin 〈◊〉 Salvation then Salvation shall be cons 〈…〉 the whole of it shall be wrought nothing o● Sin or the sad effects of it shall remain nothing that shall cause the least frown in the Face 〈◊〉 God to eternity Death will be swallowed 〈◊〉 in Victory the whole Man will be glorious an● immortal Christ will then have compleated his whole Design upon all his Saints and Members he will have made them as holy and happy a● he did intend to make them he will indeed pr●sent his Church a glorious Church not having s● or wrinkle or any such thing but it shall be all holy and its Beauty without the least 〈◊〉 Eph. 5. 27. 2. Christ the Judge is the Only Saviour therefore those that are Condemn'd by Him 〈…〉 vain for them to expect Salvation from any 〈◊〉 Christ is the only Foundation-stone on which all that build shall stand other Builders are foolish and build upon the sand and what they build will fall and great will be the fall of it They that are not interested in the Lord Jesus by Faith that are not Justified by his Blood who besides can save them from Wrath those whose Iniquities are not done away by his offering up o● himself without spot to God there can be found no other Sacrifice for their sins but a certain fearful looking for of Judgment and fiery indignatio● that shall devour the Adversaries And how dreadful will it be to be Sentenced to Death and 〈…〉 by the only Author of Salvation and Life they that by his Mouth shall be doom'd ●o eternal Destruction that Destruction will be made ten thousand times the sorer by eternal Desperation Alas what Hope can be left when the Lamb of God who alone can take away Sin shall ●e so full of Wrath as for ever to reject and cast away the Sinner 3. Christ the Judge is Lord of all this is a truth that the Tongue of an Angel did Proclaim Luk. 2. 11. a truth that every Tongue should confess Phil. 2. 11. that every Heart ought to believe and which the most unbelieving and obsti●a●● at last shall be made to know Christ hath on his Vesture and on his Thigh this Name written King of Kings and Lord of Lords Rev. 19. 1● He has all Power in his hand things in Heaven and Earth and under the Earth are sub●ect to him Those that are wise do willingly ●ow before him and they who will not bow ●e can easily break and dash them to pieces A mighty Lord Christ is at whose Command Death shall deliver again all that for so many years he had imprisoned in the Grave he has indeed the Key of Death and Hell too Rev. 1. 1● both are under his Power at his Command also the Heavens shall pass away with a great noise the Elements shall melt with fervent heat the Eart●●lso and the works therein shall be burnt up There is no dealing with this Judge by way of resistance it concerns us all to be diligent that ●e may be sound of him in peace without spot and blameless ● Pet. 3. 10 14. 4. Christ the Judge will come with a 〈◊〉 glorious Attendance How awakening to the Wor● will the Voice of the Arch-Angel and the Tr●mp of God be Christ will appear with a light s●● above the brightness of the Sun not a Member of his but shall shine like that glorious Luminary Mat. 13. 43. Then shall the righteous sh●●● as the Sun in the Kingdom of their Father And what a spectacle will all the Saints together be as so many millions of Suns shining at Once
be espoused to Christ This Sin stands up and forbids the Banes. We read of a young man in the Gospel soberly inclined he saw the necessity of eternal Life and the value of it he comes to Jesus and says Good Master What shall I do that I may inherit eternal Life Our Lord tells him of the commands the young man is glad of this for as to the letter of the second-Table-precepts he had been a strict observer of them all from his Youth up At length our Lord who knew Love to the World was his Master Sin bids him to go and sell all that he had on Earth and follow him and he should have a more enduring and better Treasure in Heaven But his Love to the World hindred his Believing and Conversion he goes away very sorrowful for he was very rich Mat. 19. 21 22. His Riches were very unreasonably and excessively loved he cleaves to Mammon and leaves the only Saviour 6. That is a Master Sin which pretends most highly to consult the Sinners safety gain and pleasure To be safe to be advantaged and delighted are things very taking to Humane Nature pretences this way are prevalent but all Sins pretences are vain When our Lord commands that the right eye should be pluckt out the right hand cut off the meaning is not that Christianity binds us cruelly to dismember our selves Indeed the abuse of our members is severely forbidden but our members themselves are not to be parted with but employed after an holy manner That therefore which our Lord intends is this either that we should be as without an eye to behold vanity and tempting Objects as without an hand to work that which is evil Or that though Sin be naturally as dear to us as our right eye as seemingly necessary as our right hand yet we must part with it and not spare it to the hazard and ruine of our selves for ever Mat. 5. 29 30. I might also add that Sinners are apt above all to wish that the Master Sin were no Sin at all And because the Law forbids it they hate the Law and the motions of their wicked Hearts towards it are more strong and violent And here is a notable difference between an unsanctified and a sanctified Heart The unsanctified Heart wishes that the Law were less Holy that Sins were no Sins but the Heart that is sanctified does not desire the Law were less strict and pure but that it self were more pure and more conformed unto a Law that is so good and excellent it does not desire a Liberty to commit Sin but that all the remaining lustings of the Flesh that way were more throughly mortified In the third place I am to produce the Reasons why this Master Sin ought especially to be abandoned 1. Because this is Gods Principal Enemy All Sin is against him but this is a special Provocation in the the eyes of his Holiness and Glory The Apostle tells us that Love is the greatest Grace and Christ himself says that Love is the first and great Commandment The Master Sin which is most beloved which takes away the affection of the Heart which God chiefly requires must needs provoke Him unto great Jealousie This is the Presumptuous Sin 't is greatly offensive for deservedly 't is called the great Transgression ●●al 19. 13. 2. The Master Sin should be abandon'd because in a special manner it separates between God and the Soul that is guilty of it Sin has many bad effects but a worse can't be named than this Isa 59. 2. Your iniquities have separated between you and your God and your sins have hid his face from you that he will not hear Let the Saints in Heaven speak what 't is to see the Face of God● Oh the evil that is in Sin which causes the Face of God to be hid from the Sinner Every Sin may be compared to a cloud but the Sin which does most easily beset us is the blackest the darkest cloud of all which does most totally deprive us of the Light of Gods Countenance 3. If the Master-Sin be not abandon'd no other Sin whatsoever can be truly repented of A man may indeed abstain from some Sins but he does not abstain from them as Sins and because they are displeasing to God because contrary to his will and because they hinder Communion with God if he did then certainly he would keep himself from the beloved Sin which is principally hateful to God and the grand obstruction of fellowship with Him. 4. The Master Sin should be abandon'd because this is so great a grief unto the Holy Spirit of God. How often does he tell the false Professour of his lying Tongue and the unjust Professour of his unrighteous dealing The good Spirit vouchsafes to strive with very wicked men and moves them to hate the Sin which they unreasonably Love to their own ruine But if Sin be loved still the Spirit is grieved and vexed And is it safe to grieve and vex the Sanctifier the Comforter No. Read what follows upon vexing the Spirit Isa 63. 10. But they rebelled and vexed his Holy Spirit therefore he was turned to be their Enemy and he fought against them 5. The Master Sin should be abandon'd because 't is this chiefly that keeps the Lord Jesus out of the Throne Why do so many say in their Hearts we will not have Christ to Reign over us The reason is because they are resolved their fleshly and their wordly Lusts shall rule there still And if Christ rule not 't is in vain to expect he will save for he is the Author of Eternal Salvation unto them that obey him Heb. 5. 9. Nay as he will not save them that will not be subject to him so he has threatned to slay them As for those mine Enemies that would not I should reign over them bring them forth and slay them before me Luk. 19. 27. I come in the last place to the Application and the Vses are these three VSE I. By way of Examination Try your selves whether you are willing to abandon the Sin that does so easily beset you and for you your help in this matter I would ask you 1. Are you willing to have this Sin whatever it be discover'd Are you willing that God should signifie to you what 't is in you that most of all displeases him Job professes that he cover'd not his Transgression as Adam by hiding his Iniquity in his Bosom Job 31. 33. He that hides Sin loves it he that pleads for Sin is a Servant a Slave to it The defence of Sin is worse than the Offence it self Can you come to God and say Lord I open my Heart to Thee Search Ransack here Let no sin lye concealed Let not so much as one be spared but especially discover the Master-sin which is my greatest Enemy as well as thine 2. Are you willing to hear all the Evil the Word does speak against the Master-sin If so this would argue that
shall be brought to Judgment He is to Judge the Church and the whole World in Righteousness The State of those that are without the Gospel is set forth as very sad in Scripture they are said to be without Christ being aliens from the Common-wealth of Israel and strangers to the Covenants of Promise having no hope and without God in the World Eph. 2. 12. Yet it seems to me an unwarrantable boldness to pronounce them all lost since for ought we know God may help some of them to be faithful in that little he has given them but however be it or be it not so their Case is so dangerous that we should be concerned very much for them at present and Pray that God would make known his saving health among them The Apostle tells us what will 〈◊〉 the Rule of Christ's proceedings with the Heathen that never heard of the glad-tydings of Salvation they shall be judged according to the Law and Light of Nature Rom. 2. 12. As many as have sinned without Law shall also perish without Law and as many as have sinned in the Law shall be judged by the Law for not the hearers of the Law are just before God but the doers of the Law shall be justified 6. They that have enjoyed the Gospel and the means of Grace shall be brought to Judgment and of all persons that are to be judged these have largest account to give and the most Talents to answer for A poor Heathen he has but one Talent the dim Light of nature but thou that enjoyest the Gospel hast two if not five Talents to improve And where much is given will not much also be required you that hear Christ Preached had need to look to it that you sincerely obey him now and that you may stand before him at last for if you fall in Judgment you will fall very low Damnation will be great and extraordinary where great Salvation has been neglected Heb. 2. 3. Our Lord Jesus plainly intimates that there are degrees of Torment in the place of future punishment there is a blacker Darkness and a Darkness not quite so dimal there is a cooler and an hotter Hell. Who are those that shall be thrown into the hottest Hell of all Truly those who heard the Gospel and were called to repent and believe but would do neither Mat. 11. 21 ●2 23 24. Woe unto thee Chorazin woe unto thee ●ethsaida for if the mighty works that were done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon they would have Repented long ago in Sack-cloath and Ashes but I say to you it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the day of Judgment than for you And thou Capernaum that art exalted unto Heaven shalt be cast down to Hell for if the mighty works which have been done in thee had been done in Sodom it would have remained to this day But I say to you it shall be more tolerable for the Land of Sodom in the Day of Judgment than for Thee In the third place I am to speak of the things which will be brought into Judgment and that both with respect to the Righteous and with respect to the Wicked I begin with the Righteous and concerning these you must know 1. Their Sincerity at the day of Judgment will be made apparent All the Sincerity that has been on Earth will then be own'd and approved every one shall have an Euge a Commendation that has been a good and faithful Servant Mat. 25. 21 23. The Apostle prays for the Philippians Ch● 1. 10. that they might be Sincere and without offenc● till the day of Christ Sincerity will signifie much in that Day None will pass for sincere but those that are so Not one that has been sincere but shall be accepted and rewarded Faithful ones may now possibly he loaded with Reproaches from without and with Censures from within th● Church but at the great Day all will be wipe● off 1 Cor. 4. 5. Judge nothing before the time unt● the Lord do come who both will bring to light t● hidden things of darkness and make manifest the Counsels of the Hearts and then shall every Man ha● praise of God. How many that have been high● esteemed among Men will be discovered then to have been unsound at Heart and that the World and Self did act and rule them tho their Tongues did speak for God and tho they made a Splendid Profession that they were his Servants And how many that have been hardly thought of by Men will Christ at that day confess before his Father and the Angels their Censurers at the same time being ashamed and confounded 2. There will Cognizance be taken of all the good works of the Righteous These will follow them into another World Rev. 14. 13. The Apostle that he might encourage Believers unto diligence tells them Heb. 6. 10. God is not unrighteous to forget your Work and Labour of love which ye have shewed towards his Name Good works are rewardable tho they are not Meritorious there is no proportion between the work and the reward but the reward infinitely exceeds for God himself is the reward of the Saints and All in all that are in Heaven There is no intrinsick worth in good works to deserve Heaven but God has promised Heaven and eternal Life and is Righteous in bestowing it but still it must be acknowledged his free Gift and given through Jesus Christ Indeed Mat. 25. 35 40. mention is made only of works of Charity and Mercy I was an Hungred and ye gave me Meat Thirsty and ye gave me Drink I was a Stranger and ye took me in I was Naked and ye cloathed me Sick and ye visited me I was in Prison and ye came to me From hence you are to learn how acceptable such works as these are and you should be stirr'd up to abound in them but other works are not excluded for afterwards our Lord does only mention the mercilesness and uncharitable Omissions of the wicked and yet 't is plain from other Scriptures that their other Sins will be punished their not knowing God their disobedience to the Gospel of Christ 2 Thess 1. 8. 3. The Sentence which will be past upon them will be a Sentence of Absolution they shall be absolved and acquitted openly before Men and Angels All their Sins will be forgotten and buried there will be an eternal deliverance from the Curse With what Admiration Joy and Triumph will they hear Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the Foundation of the World Mat. 25. 34. What a Kingdom is that that never shall be moved What a Crown is that that is incorruptible What gladness will fill their Hearts when the Crown of Life is put upon their Heads The Sentence being pronounced presently 't will be done according to this Sentence possession will be taken of the glorious Inheritance they shall enter into life Eternal Mat. 25. 46.