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A57582 The Christian-Quaker distinguished from the apostate & innovator in five parts, wherein religious differences amongst the people termed in derision Quakers, are treated on : George Fox one (at least, if not the chief) reputed author thereof, is deducted : doctrines of truth owned by the children of light (and cleared from objections) are laid down according to Holy Scriptures and revelation of the Spirit / by William Rogers, on behalf of himself and other friends in truth concerned. Rogers, William, d. ca. 1709. 1680 (1680) Wing R1858; ESTC R17833 416,424 648

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understood the most pertinent Arguments might be produced to prove Church-Government or a Government in some Member or Members over the rest Mat. 18.15 16 17. We find Christ thus saying Moreover if thy Brother shall trespass against thee go tell him his Fault if he will not hear thee take with thee one or two and if he shall neglect to hear them tell it to the Church but if he neglect to hear the Church let him be unto thee as an heathen man Verily I say unto you whatsoever ye shall bind in Earth shall be bound in Heaven Comparing this Scripture touching the Trespass of one Brother against another with what Paul Writes 1 Cor. 2.4 Dare any of you having a matter against another go to Law before the unjust do ye not know that the Saints shall Judge the World if then ye have Judgment of things pertaining to this Life set them to Judge who are least esteemed in the Church we reasonably conclude that the words of Christ and of the Apostle only hinted at either Personal Offences or Differences touching Worldly Matters and that therein the Duty of the Church was only to exhort to submit to their Counsel which If they did not they might Justly be esteemed as Heathen Men but this is nothing to the purpose of those who have approved a Plea for such a Church-Government as Claimes a Power of Deciding Matters relating to Conscience and outward things also on the occasion of Differences raised touching Worldly Estate and that others ought to obey such Decisions which in its natural Consequence hath as we take it no Less Tendency than to claim Power over our Properties as well as Consciences We are now sensible that many Friends who have not been acquainted with the secret Cause of all the Differences amongst Friends will be even startled at this and be ready to query Are there any such amongst the People called Quakers We Answer Yes Verily and that those who may be accounted Christians too viz. those who approved in the Second Dayes Meeting at London the before-cited Book of R. B. relating to Government in the Church We shall begin first with the Matter of Conscience the Title of the sixth Section thereof runs thus How far this Government doth extend in matters Spiritual and purely Conscientious and then treating thereon the Author thus saith in which the great Question is How far in such Cases the Church may give Positive Orders or Rules and so proceeds to ask this question viz. Whether the Church of Christ have Power in any Cases that are Matters of Conscience to give a Positive sentence or Decision which may be Obligatory upon Believers and then goes on thus answering viz. I answer affirmatively She hath which being compared with what he writes Page 68. of his said Book on this wise viz. that their De facto giving a Positive Sentence in such Cases will not import Tyranny and Usurpation neither will the pretences of any contradicting them or refusing to submit on the account they see it not excuse them of being guilty of Disobeying God clearly shewes to us his meaning to be That in some Cases the Consciences of Believers ought to be bound by the Positive Sentence of Others without leaving any Liberty for a Believer to refuse to submit on account of not seeing it his Duty to submit This Meaning and Government over the Consciences of Believers we take to be contrary to the Principle of Truth and Liberty we have in Christ Jesus for that no Outward Sentence or Matter whatsoever can obliege the Conscience to be approving this or that Exercise or Practice or to be in the Belief of this or that Judgment Sentence or Decree until such time that the Conscience thorough the inshining of Christ's Light therein comes to be satisfied and thereby to be bound and obleiged and though we find the Author to the Hebrewes Chap. 13. Vers 7. saying on this wise Remember them which have the Rule over you yet he doth not say Such who had the Rule were the Church but discribes them in the next following words to be such who had Spoken unto them the Word of God so that if any Authority be given to any to Rule as Members of Christ's Body it appears from the Scriptures of Truth to be unto such who had Spoken the Word of God unto them over whom they had the Rule and therefore can be no President or Proof that mixt and uncertain Assemblies as to Number and Qualification may call themselvs the Church and under that Notion give forth Orders Rules and Sentences telling the rest of those whom they may account their Fellow-Members 'T is your Duty to Obey though you pretend YOU SEE IT NOT. Besides it doth not appear that those who spoke the Word of God did give forth any Sentence by vertue of their Authority that might become a Bond on the Conscience before Conviction by the Grace of God and Why Because it is by that Grace that the heart comes to be Established according as the Author to the Hebrews writes Vers 9. of the same Chapter For 't is a good thing that the Heart be established with Grace But Perhaps some may quote Paul 2 Thes 3.6 Who thus saith Now we Command you Brethren in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ that you with-draw your selves from every Brother that walketh disorderly and not after the Tradition which he received of us To this we say Paul in the following Verse gives the Reaon for the Urging Obedience to his Precept viz. For ye your selves know how ye ought to follow us hence we may conclude that their Hearts were so established in the Grace of God as that the Knowledge of their Duty became a greater Obligation upon them then Paul's Command Verse the 14th of the same Chap. Paul saith If any Man obey not our Word by this Epistle note that Man and have no Company with him that he may be ashamed This may some say seems very positive to imply that God hath given Authority to some to Rule in the Church Our Answer to this is Paul's words related to such of whom Vers 11 12 13. of the same Chapter he saith We heard that there were some amongst you that walked Inordinately and work not at all but are Busy-Bodyes therefore them that are such we Command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ that they work with quietness and eat their own bread and ye Brethren be not weary in well-doing and then he exhorts Vers 14th If any man obey not our Word by this Epistle note that Man and have no company with him This clearly shewes what the Apostle had relation unto viz. to that necessary and commandable Duty mentioned in Vers the 11th that such who were Busie-Bodies walking inordinately might not in their busie inordinate Spirit eat the Bread of others but work that they might eat their own Bread were this Command of the Apostle obeyed by many of those who run
of the Eternal God who was with the Father before the Foundation of the World was laid is become the Horn of their Salvation and hath brought Immortality to Light in them and revealed that Teacher that can never be moved into a corner and therefore these cannot depend any longer on the teachings of man nor yet on outward Canonical Articles Creeds Directories or Church-Faiths prescribed by man but on the teachings of Christ alone by his Light and Spiritual appearance in themselves to lead and guide unto the Father of life The sound of this Alarm as many can yet witness became a joyful sound to that soul which was hungring after the Lord though piercing as a Dart through the liver to the man of sin so that astonishment and amazement seemed to take hold on many whereby they became a By-word a Mock and a Taunt unto such whose dependencies were on their outward Teachers c. as aforesaid I say again Oh Friends let the Remembrance of this Day come before you and consider further what was the voice of the Eternal Power unto such who were struck with amazement after they believed the appearance of that power whereby they were so struck to be the appearance of the Power of God I well remember the voice was on this wise To your own To your own To your own Meaning thereby that they should turn in their minds to the Light of Christ in their consciences which was declared to be that teacher which could never be removed into a corner that so they might witness the fulfilling of that loud voice uttered by the Angel flying through the midst of Heaven Having the everlasting Gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the Earth c. Fear God and give glory to him for the Hour of his judgment is come and worship him that made Heaven and Earth c. For no doubt but the Spirit of the Lord revealed unto those first labourers in the Gospel that there was a pronenesse in the Sons and Daughters of Men to admire to depend upon and sometimes through an affectionate part or blind Zeal to worship such are were instruments to give forth outward Directories or Church-Faiths For we find that the Apostle tells us of worshipping Angels which are Messengers whom God hath sent by him that intrudes into things which he hath not seen therefore I am perswaded that the voice of Truth through them was not only thus viz. To your own which being observed leads into an independency upon others but also frequently on this wise We preach not our selves look not unto us In the Consideration of these things I cannot but cry aloud in the aforesaid words of the Angel that had the everlasting Gospel to Preach Fear God and give Glory to him And then no doubt but every such one that hath concerned himself to condemn his Brother on no better ground than from the example and prescription of another will come to see that therein he hath not kept to his own and so hath been led into a By and Erring Path. Oh Friends let therefore this cry pass through every heart To our Own To our Own To our Own That is to say to every one 's own measure of Christ's Light or Grace of God Received which the Apostle saith is sufficient with this secret breathing of Spirit unto the God of our lives that all may be thereto retired For if that Counsel might but take place it seems to me that there could then be no room for any to impose or press the observation of other mens Lines upon any which no doubt is one great occasion of the religious differences treated on and not only so but it would mould all who retain the name of Christianity into the very nature thereof and so consequently a reconciliation in the everlasting Truth might quickly ensue For if that Door be but once shut through which variance and disunion entred there may then arise a hope of cessation to such contention and strife as is out of the Truth but if not I may then say how can the effect cease whilst the cause remains I well Remember and many with me that whil'st friends kept to their Own and concerned not themselves to promote a zealous observation of other mens Lines made ready to their hands we then heard not of so much contention strife and debate both publick and private as of late years hath been but since the promotion thereof Confusion Disorder Emulation Malice and Envy hath been its Offspring which hath been manifested by publick unjust revilings against some when zealously contending for the Faith of Gods Elect and though these are of that number that prefer obedience to their own measures of Grace received before obedience to the measures of others yet other some there are who have endeavoured to bring Friends into conformity to the pretended Dictates of the Spirit through others or at best through that one man G. F. before spoken of and that under the penalty of being accounted guilty of Corah's sin for scrupling to conform and thus the variance is like to continue unless the God of Heaven for his Names sake by the Arm of his own Power shall put a stop thereto And forasmuch as I could not but say in all seriousness of Spirit for the clearing of my conscience Let the remembrance of the dayes that are past come before you wherein the Servants of the living God sounded by his trumpet an Alarm to the Nations and that the Servant of the Lord Edward Burrough many years deceased is honourably spoken of by some if not by all of both parties of the People called Quakers at variance one that had the Trumpet of the Lord to sound and hath therewith sounded as a Son of thunder as well as of consolation many Alarm unto the Nations I shall conclude with the citation of a part of an Epistle written by him in the Year 1658. to the Friends of the City of London and so leave the consideration thereof to the Impartial Reader to savour whether according to the sense of his counsel we ought not to know the Spirit of God in our selves to be the ground of all our actions and if so then to practise from other mens Lines without an inward conviction by the Spirit in our selves can be no more accepted as indeed it is not than the offering of the halt and the blind for a Sacrifice under the first Covenant was Here follows the citation out of Edward Burrough's aforesaid Epistle YEa it is peace to the Soul and gladness to the Heart and refreshment to the Life to feel and witness the teaching of the Spirit of the Father leading into all Truth and preserving out of all transgressions wherefore I beseech you all let this be your whole desire and the full practice in your life and then shall the Countenance of the Lord shine upon you and his face shall make you glad if in all things you look unto
by the same Rule He that savours the things of God may easily perceive that the meaning of the Spirit through Paul unto those Philippians was that those who were come to a state of Perfection should walk by that Rule whereunto they had attained but those who had not attained so far and were otherwise-minded were to wait for the Revelation of the Son And now to conclude as to this Objection we have this further to add that we do know many of our Opposers or at least such who are not at Unity with us have very confidently made use of such Discourse as is contained in the last recited Objection to induce us to follow outward Prescriptions and Orders though not convinced of its service which occasions us to be Jealous that in process of time the enemy may so enter in at this Door as that Darkness may more generally overshadow again than it yet doth though our Hope in God is that he will lay such a constraint on many of those whose Eyes are open beholding the approached Apostacy as that they may be raised in a sense of Gods Indignation and appear as Lyons on the behalf of the Lyon of the Tribe of Juda to oppose every appearance of that Spirit which would be exalting Self or any Form Observation Prescription or Order to be as a Bond on the Members of Christs Body when by the Light of Christ their alone Lawgiver they are not fully perswaded thereof in their own Consciences which undoubtedly was the meaning of the Spirit through Paul when he writ unto the Romans Chap. 14. Vers 5 23. Let every man be fully perswaded in his own mind For whatsoever is not of Faith is Sin And to come a little closer to the matter in hand 't is too too evident that Non-conformity to Outward Prescriptions is taken as a mark of Apostacy even amongst those who have Been under the profession of Truth of which many instances too too Large here to insert might be produced which is now forborn because we suppose there are very few amongst the People called Quakers for whose sakes this is chiefly written who are ignorant of the Truth hereof Besides it hath been an Observation of late that these Questions or Questions to the like import have been frequently askt by such with whom we cannot be at Unity in all things viz. Are you for Womens Meetings Meaning distinct Womens Meetings from Men amongst whom Under Pretence of taking care of the Poor another thing seems to be more chiefly aimed at as anon will be made appear Are you for Recording Condemnations Meaning thereby whether the Partyes who have Condemned their Failings and through the Mercies of the Lord have been restored and their Officence blotted out and forgiven by him assent thereto or no. Are you for settled Monethly and Quarterly Meetings touching Outward Business since those who would have Meetings as occasion offers are accounted Designers to through down all Meetings for Outward Business relating to the Affairs of Truth And when these or such like Questions have been a skt of Friends in Truth that could not Answer thereto Yea we are sensible that it hath been taken by many as a sufficient token of a Dark Leavened Rending Dividing Spirit and meerly as we take it form an apprehension that the Form they stand for is thereby struck at though the Services would be effectually performed in another method as experience in the Counties of Westmoreland and Wilts hath of late testified for were it not so that great stress is laid upon the Outward Form of things prescribed to be practised how comes it to pass that J. S. was articled against by Robert Barrow and twenty six Persons more in the north on this wise viz. J. S. speaking amongst many Friends of the Danger of Forms because of the Consequences that might follow said that amongst the Christians of Old the Differences that did arise was about Forms which could not be seasonable words when we were establishing the Churches in the Holy Order of Truth Much more might be collected from the Articles being forty four in number exhibited by Robert Barrow and twenty six Persons as aforesaid to shew how earnestly and zealously the very Outward Form of things are contended for which occasions us in all seriousness of Spirit thus to say May the Lord God of Heaven and Earth so preserve his People that they may not be ensnared by those who have raised so great Contention about the Outward Forms of things prescribed to be practised amongst the Professors of Truth lest they with them prove to be Boasters proud Blasphemers false Accusers Despisers of those that are Good which are the very Marks and Tokens of those who had a Form of Godliness but denied the Power thereof from whom the Apostle Exhorts to turn away and how far these Marks rest upon many of those who so earnestly contend for their Outward Forms we leave to the Impartial Reader with the Light of Christ to Judge when he hath thorowly informed himself of their Fruits Oh Friends the serious Consideration of these things bows us before the Lord and in a Sense of his Mercies to us we can no longer keep silent but in his Fear declare that our Consciences are concerned for the Cause of God and his Truth and since it is so that an ill use is made of that Spirit of Forbearance and Condescension which we are sensible hath been used by many of our Brethren it is now become our Portion to unburthen our selves of that which hath been our Burthen believing that the Lord is not only arisen but will yet more and more arise against that Spirit that would exalt it self over the Heritage of God endeavouring to rule over their Consciences whenas Christ alone is Lord thereof It may now be worthy our Observation to consider whether any Encouragement was given by our Lord and Master Christ Jesus whilest on Earth unto his Disciples to become Rulers one over another We find that he Exhorts his Disciples Judge not that ye be not Judged be not ye called Rabbi for one is your Master even Christ And all ye are Brethren but he that is greatest amongst you shall be your Servant and whosoever shall exalthimself shall be abased and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted Here is no ground to believe that Christ Intended that when he was departed his Disciples should be exalting themselves one over another as Governours and Rulers and if we consult the Scriptures of Truth we shall find that though his Disciples had a Dependency upon him whilest in his Bodily Appearance to be their Leader yet he tells them John 16.7.13 It is expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away the Comforter will not come unto you but if I depart I will send him unto you and he will guide you into all Truth for he shall not speak of himself Had it been so that Christ Jesus intended the
9th and 5th As long as I am in the World I am the Light of the World And Chap. 12.35 Yet a little while is the Light with you walk while you have the Light And ver the 36. While ye have the Light believe in the Light that ye may be the Children of the Light To this may be answered That these last recited Scriptures do in the most favourable construction on the objectors part intimate that Christ the Son of God while he was in the World was the Light of the World but doth not say that he is or would be no longer the light of the world Such a saying or sense would limit the Appearance of Light to that Body only and dispensation of time wherein the said Body appeared on Earth which is contradictory to the very words of the Evangelist before quoted viz. That was the true Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the World Which Scripture sentence relating to every man is so universal that it cannot but extend to those who never beheld the face of Jesus in his fleshly and Bodily Appearance nor yet came to be informed by any outward Instrument of his Doctrine though Partakers of his Light which therefore may properly be termed by such his Light within that is the Appearance of Christ by his Light shining in their hearts agreeable whereunto in effect we take the Testimonies of the Apostle to be viz. That which may be known of God Rom. 1.19 is manifest in them For God hath shewed it unto them Seeing you seek a proof of Christ speaking in me 2 Cor. 13.3 which Riches is Christ in you Col. 1.27 the hope of Glory Who shall descend into the deep that is Rom. 10.7 8. to bring Christ again from the dead but what saith it the Word is near thee even in thy mouth and in thy heart this is the word of faith which we preach And all this appears agreeable unto what the Prophet Isaiah hinted at who speaking of what should be in the last daies signified Isa 1.2 3 5. That the God of Jacob will teach us of his Ways and therefore said Oh house of Jacob come ye let us walk in the Light of the Lord which being compared with what the same Prophet said in relation to a people Isa 5● ● In whose hearts was the law of the Lord and with what the Prophet Jeremiah saith I will put my law in their Inward Parts Jer. 31.33 34. and write it in their Hearts and they shall teach no more every man his Neighbour and every man his Brother saying Know the Lord for they shall all know me from the least of them to the greatest 'T is evident to us that this written Law in the Heart is that Light Within whereof the faithful Messengers of the Lord in our day have born witness unto and whereof the same Prophet gave testimony when he said as before O house of Jacob come ye let us walk in the Light of the Lord. Besides such a limitation as aforesaid would have a tendency to make void the virtue and efficacy of the blood of Christ who was offered up a sacrifice to take away the sins of many and on this score doth the author to the Hebrews testify Heb. 9.28 that unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without Sin unto Salvation which is a clear Evidence unto us that the benefit of the blood of Christ is not witnessed effectually in this our day but by those who having looked for his second appearance have received him in his Appearance this Appearance we take to be his Appearance by his light and spirit in the hearts of those who through faith in his blood have known their Consciences purified from Dead Works and so come to serve the living God in Truth and righteousness 'T is now to be considered Whether these words Turn in your Minds be agreeable to truth for that this kind of objection may be raised Objection Doth not this put the Creature upon Action in his own Self-will when as the Will of Man cannot bring forth that Birth unto which power is given to become the Sons of God For answer hereto 't is necessary to consider that the faithful Labourers in the Gospel of Christ commended their Exhortations and testimonies to the Consciences of the Hearers in the Sight of God and the reason doubtless was because there is a Capacity in Man which through the assistance of the Grace of God renders Man capable to do the will of God in righteousness unto life and those who are so acted cannot be said to be acted in the Self-will of Man And on the contrary the same Capacity letting in Tempration and joyning thereto renders Man a servant of Sin unto Death and being once so dead in Sin no redemption comes to be obtained but through Christ as the Apostle testifies Ephes 2.1 You hath he quickned that were dead in Trespasses and Sins These things considered 't is evident that through the Appearance of Christ those who have cast off the Old Man are become renewed in the Spirit of their Minds unto God and so have put on the New Man which after God is created in Righteousness and true holiness and therefore since there is such a capacity in man as aforesaid 't is agreeable to Truth to exhort the sons of men to turn in their Minds unto the appearance of Christ by his Light that through the Assistance thereof the will of God may be done in their earthen vessels The next thing to be considered is whether there is any weight in this objection Do you not think that the Jews who crucified Christ acted not from the light within since some of them at least thought they did God good service therein To this may be answered That the friends of Truth never preached up the Light Within but with respect to the Appearance of Christ by his Spirit as that Light Within intended by them and since Christ cannot be divided to act against himself therefore the Jews did not therein act from that Light Within unto which we have been directed From what then may the objector say did those of them act who verily thought they did God good service therein Ans Phil. 3.6 From Zeal without knowledge not having their Minds staid and ordered according to that universal Principle of Truth Acts 26.9 11. which if hearkned unto would teach all men to do as they would be done by in which zeal Paul verily thought in himself that he ought to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus and in that Self-thought being exceeding mad persecuted the Church of God consented to the death of the Saints and compelled them to Blaspheme but when the Lord was pleased to appear unto him and to make him a Minister of his everlasting Gospel he was sent unto the Gentiles to open their eyes that they might turn from
Spirit Neither did we dare to give any other than Plain Language to any single Person not only because it was according to the Propriety of Speech but because we were sensible that there was a Will in Man which was ready to hold the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ with respect of Persons and that this VVill is to be crossed that so a Spirit of Pride and Partiality might not be nourished in any And on the same ground that we have been led into the use of Plain Language and Plain Habit have we also been led not to use the word Master unless unto such as are really Masters and unto whom as Masters Obedience was or is due from such as have or may use that Title though some may have ignorantly thought that the words of Christ unto his Disciples viz. neither be ye called Masters was our only ground Obj. Do you place Religion in Thee and Thou and Not putting off your Hat and calling men by their proper Names without adjoining the word Master and going plainer in your Apparel than some others may Ans To this we answer VVe place Religion in keeping our Consciences void of Offence towards God and if thy Conscience be convinced by the Light of Christ that the words Thee or Thou to a single person is not only more proper than You but that which on the aforesaid consideration thou oughtest to use and that thou oughtest not to use the word Master according to the custom of the world unto such an one as is not thy Master then it becomes thee to bridle thy Tongue and express thy self according to such a Conviction else thou mayest only seem to be religious when thy Religion is vain and so likewise may we say that if thou hast the like conviction with relation to the Putting off thy Nat and going in Plain Apparel thou oughtest so to do lest the contrary become Sin unto thee since thou canst not pretend after such a Conviction that Freedom therein which may stand with the Faith that is in our Lord Jesus Christ Obj. We have observed that your Friends have in many particular respects behaved themselves so cross unto the Customs and Fashions of all others as that they have appeared not only Rude but as if their Ignorance were so great as to conclude that the taking up the Cross of Christ doth consist in acting a Cross unto all other Societies of People whatsoever To this we answer If any have given just Occasion for this Objection 't is to be lamented because the great sign of taking up the Cross is to deny Self according to the words of Christ If any man will come after me Mat 16.24 let him deny himself and take up his Cross and follow me Besides we do testifie the principle of Truth leads none to be Rude either in Word or Action nor yet to cross the Customs and Fashions of other Societies which in themselves are Comely Decent and of Good Report The Apostle tells us That the Preaching of the Cross is to them that perish 1 Cor. 1.18 foolishness but unto us which are saved it is the power of God An Earthly-Spirited man may become singular and cross unto all others and yet not denying himself through the Operation of the Power of God may therein be an enemy to the Cross of Christ Another man may be made Partaker of the Power of God unto Salvation and yet not led by his Spirit to act cross unto all others though through the denial of Self he may be truly exercised in the Cross of Christ and therein acting many things which some through Envy or want of right Understanding may term the Fruit of Rudeness and Ignorance when not so in itself To conclude therefore we say 't is Good for every one in all things to mind the inward divine and spiritual Teacher that so none may run before that Guide and then doubtless such will be led to take up the Cross in denial of Self and not be active in any thing that may justly be termed Rude or Ignorant but in those things that are Comely Decent and of Good Report CHP. VII Touching Swearing THose unto whom the Lord hath given a divine understanding have declared that under the Dispensation of the Gospel of Christ 't is not agreeable to the truth to Swear in any Case whatsoever This position is justifiable according to the Scriptures of Truth and is not disagreeable to the light within Matth. 5.33 34 35 36 37. 'T is thus said by Christ Again ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time Thou shalt not forswear thy self but shalt perform unto the Lord thine Oaths But I say unto you Swear not at all neither by Heaven for it is God's Throne nor by the Earth for it is his Footstool neither by Jerusalem for it is the City of the great King Neither shalt thou swear by thy head because thou caust not make one Hair white or black But let your Communication be yea yea nay nay for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil These words of Christ are in themselves a positive prohibition not only of vain Oaths but of all other whatsoever which were accounted lawful and though some have objected that vain Oaths were only forbidden by Christ Heb. 6.16 because the Author to the Hebrews thus writeth For men verily Swear by the Greater and an Oath for Confirmation is to them an End of all Strife thence inferring that under the Gospel-Dispensation Oaths by way of testimony for ending of Controversie were lawful yet these words will not bear any such inserence for the words in themselves do only signifie what was practised by men but nothing is said in justification of that Practice and if we peruse the 13th and 17th verses of the same Chapter 't will thence appear that the Occasion whereon these words are written was by way of Illustration or Comparison in relation to the promise which God made unto Abraham and confirmed by an Oath Moreover 't is evident that Christ intended the Prohibition of something which was lawful which could not be if nothing be prohibited save Vain Oaths because such the Law allowed not Obj. On this Subject some may readily thus object Do you believe that the Light Within would have directed you to have denyed the taking of an Oath before a Magistrate on any Occasion whatsoever had the Scriptures been silent in this case Ans The Matter of Swearing especially the Form thereof as it relates to the practice of the People of England is but an Humane Political Institution not justifiable by any Testimony given in the Scriptures of Truth either under the first or second Covenant and introduced on this score as supposing a greater Dread might lie on the Consciences of Mankind to Speak the Truth and Perform a Covenant when sworn so to do than when not But those who are guided by the light of Christ Jesus do know
that by this Light which speaks Condemnation and Judgment unto all False Witnesses and Covenant-Breakers when in truth they have covenanted their Consciences are bound to speak the Truth and to keep their Covenant beyond what is possible by Thousands of Oaths and therefore from the Light of Christ within they have a Testimony against such Formal Proceedings whereby the Credit of their Yea and Nay seems to be called in question having this sense that Oaths were originally introduced not to be a bond on the Children of Light who being restored out of the fall do keep their Place and Habitation in the Unchangeable Truth and Light of Righteousness but rather for those who being defiled have or may make Shipwrack of Faith and of a good Conscience which seems clearly agreeing with the Testimony of Chrisostome Juramentum intravit cum malum accresceret cum homines fraudes suas exercerent cum omnia fundamenta aversa essent Juramentum originem suam accepit ex defectu Veritatis An Oath entred when Evil increased when men uttered their deceits when all foundations were overturned An Oath took its beginning from the Failing of Truth And though t is clearly manifested that a Denial to swear in any case is agreeable unto the Manifestation of Christ's Light within as other Truths held forth are yet I cannot but testifie that those whose Understandings have been so enlightned have always had a regard unto every Instrument through which the Conscience hath been awakened to close with that Appearance in themselves And doubtless the Scriptures of Truth have been in this case so instrumental unto many as that a diligent enquiry at God's Witness or Light Within hath through waiting upon the Lord been made in this matter and so the answer from Christ's Light in the Conscience hath been agreeable to the express Doctrine of Christ which is so strictly laid down as that no room is left for the least Objection as is evident in these very words Swear not at all which doctrine by the Apostle James is thus testified unto But above all things my Brethren Swear not neither by Heaven neither by the Earth neither by any other Oath Jam. 5.12 but let your Yea be Yea and your Nay Nay lest ye fall into Condemnation CHAP. VIII Touching Tythes THe payment of Tythes as a maintenance to that Priesthood which we were led to testifie against at our first Convincement of the Truth was generally denied as that which in Truth could not be owned though the Claimers thereof have pretended thereto sometimes by Divine Right and sometimes by Humane Institution and sometimes by both As to a claim by Divine Right though they were so due under the first Covenant yet that cannot be convincingly urged from the Scriptures of Truth under a Gospel-dispensation for the Author to the Hebrews thus informs us They that are of the Sons of Levi who receive the Office of the Priesthood have a Commandment to take Tythes of the People according to the Law Heb. 7.5 But verse 12. he thus saith The Priesthood being changed there is made of necessity a Change also of the Law And verse the 18th of the same Chapter he thus saith There is verily a disannulling of the Commandment going before Which clearly evidences that since the Law is changed and the Commandment disannulled by which Tythes were paid the payment thereof by vertue of that Law ceaseth and so all claim thereto by Divine Right since no Gospel-institution can be quoted ceaseth also Moreover we find that Tertullian who lived about two hundred years after Christ doth thus write 1 Apologetic cap. 39. Neque pretio ulla res Dei constat etiam siquod arcae genus est non de oneraria summâ quasi redemptae religionis congregatur modicum unusquisque stipem menstruâ die vel cum velit si modo velit si modo possit opponit nam nemo compellitur sed sponte confert haec quasi deposita pietatis sunt That is Neither is any thing of God purchased with a Price Also if there be any kind of Treasury it is not gathered by a collection that is chargeable or that may be imposed as if it were the Price of a Ransomed Religion every one laieth by a moderate stipend Monthly or when he will and if so be it please him and if so be he can for no body is compelled but bestows of his own accord these are as it were things committed in trust for Pious Vses Selden that great Antiquary of his time also informs us in these words In the mean time further to justifie what I affirm take this of Epiphanius Bishop of Constance in Cyprus that about the year CCCLXXX wrote against the Heresies of the Primitive Times when he tells us of the Tessaresdecatitae or those which thought the holy Easter must be kept on the fourteenth Moon according to the Law given to the Jews for their Passcover and that because they apprehended that the keeping it otherwise was subject to the Curse of the Law he says that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 That is They do all things or agree generally with the Church saving that they were too much herein addicted to the Jewish Custom and in his Argument against them he shews that the Curse hath not reference only to the Passeover but also to Circumcision to Tythes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to Offerings wherefore as he goes on if they escape one Curse by keeping their Easter according to their Law of the Passeover they thrust them into many other for saith he they shall find them also cursed that are not Circumcised and them cursed that pay not Tythes and them cursed that offer not at Jerusalem Let any man now consider if this Bishop that was least unacquainted with the Customs of the Christian Church understood not clearly that no Necessity or known use of payment was amongst Christians in that time of Tythes no more than of Circumcision or Offering at Jerusalem Doth he not plainly reckon it as a thing not only not in Christian use but even equals it with what was certainly abrogated Is not his Objection shortly thus Why do you not observe Circumcision and Tything and Offerings also at Jerusalem which are all subject to the like curse And because some kind of Offerings indeed were in use among Christians therefore in the Objection he providently ties them to Jerusalem but of Tything he speaks as general as of Circumcision observe his own Context which I here give that the able Reader 's judgment may be free 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is So that if they avoid one Curse they shall fall under many other for such shall be also found Accursed as are Vncircumcised such Accursed as Tythe not and they are also Accursed in the Old Law that offer not at Jerusalem I now come to examine Whether a Claim by Humane Institution be warrantable as a reward to a Gospel-Minister To run through the many Institutions
Subjection to Christ the Head to whom all Power is given in and over his Church who are Fellow-Members and Fellow-Servants of and in his Body whose Power and Prevalency with the Lord is better demonstrated by coveting to Wash each others Feet according to the Example of Christ their Lord and Master than to be in the Exercise of Outward Jurisdiction as Lords and Masters over each other For that agrees not with the Testimony of Paul Rom. 14.10 who thus said Why dost thou Judge thy Brother why dost thou despise thy Brother for we shall all appear before the Judgment-Seat of Christ for it is written saith the Lord every Knee shall bow to me and all Tongues shall Confess unto God so then every one of us shall give an account of himself to God let us not therefore Judge one another any more The consideration of these things puts me in mind that there are some who in their buisy minds are apt to be considering What sort of Joyes Heaven Yields to the Faithful after this life whenas their time would undoubtedly be much better spent in contemplating how to come thither or if they have assurance thereof to be demonstrating the Way to others if call'd thereto To this sort may such be likened who will needs give themselves the trouble to treat how far Christ's Government extends though of its encrease there is no end and in what Cases that are matters of Conscience the Church hath Power to give forth Positive Sentences that may obliege Believers though nothing can be an acceptable Bond upon the Conscience until by the Light convinc'd and that in such Cases greater Controversies may arise whether such as give forth such Sentences are the Church or no than were before concerning the Matters whereof they assume Jurisdiction and therefore of such it may be truly said That their Time might be much better spent in the Exercise of their Minds unto God that if they are not Subjects of Christ's Kingdom and under his Government they may attain thereto and be subject to his Power to whom all Power both in Heaven and Earth is given and that being thereunto attain'd may be preserved therein unto the End and be demonstrating unto others how to attain the same if call'd thereunto Concerning the Power of decision R. B. Page 66. saith as on another occasion is already quoted The only proper Judge of Controversy in the Church is the Spirit of God and is not necessarily annexed to any Persons or Person or Place whatsoever c. That is to say that any have ground to reason thus Because I am or have been such on eminent Member therefore my Judgment is infallible or because we are the Greatest Number or that we live in such a noted or famous Place though some of these reasons may and ought to have their true weight in Case of Contradictory Assertions Here I cannot but query That if the Spirit of God be the only proper Judge of Controversy in the Church as the aforesaid Author saith it is how then can there be any weight in any other thing else beside the Spirit And whether these his words viz. Some of these reasons ought to have their true weight in Case of Contradictory Assertions when relative to that which he himself concludes is unalterably seated in the Spirit of God seem not a contradiction in common sense And whether under this very Notion those who are but weak in the Faith or of a Temporizing Spirit may not have an eye to some Eminent Member or the Greatest Number or the Brethren in some noted or famous place more than to the Spirit of God and measure of his Grace in themsevles I leave to the Judicious Reader to consider Besides why are not the Meanest of the Flock the Lesser Number and some Inconsiderable Ignoble Place mentioned and that some of these also may and ought to have their true weight since the testimony of Truth hath been that God hath chosen the Foolish Weak and vile despised things of the World to confound the Wise and Mighty R. B. Further saith Page 68. First That there never will nor can be wanting in Case of Controversy the Spirit of God to give Judgment thorough some or other in the Church of Christ so long as any Assembly can properly or in any tollerable supposition be so term'd Secondly That God ordinarily hath imployed such whom he hath made use of in gathering his Church though not excluding others Thirdly That their de facto giving a positive Judgment in such Cases will not import Tyranny and Usurpation neither will the pretences of any Contradicting them or refusing to submit on the account they see it not excuse them of being guilty of Disobeying God But of these three Assertions may be collected without the least abuse of the Authors words this short ensuing sentence That a person 's not submitting to the positive Judgment touching Controversy given by any Assembly or at least by some or other of them which may in any tolerable supposition be term'd the Church of Christ is Disobedience to God though the persons refusing pretend they refuse to submit on the account they see it not By this sort of Language every one must not only now believe as the Church believes of which that I may not be misunderstood I refer the Reader to what shall be written thereon in what hereafter followes but also must believe as any Assembly or some or other of them doth which in any tolerable supposition may be term'd the Church of Christ or at least submit to such though the persons refusing shall pretend they see it not He that runs may read a body of darkness and confusion herein what a long step at once is here from under Christ's Government that now submission must be to any Assembly or some or other of them that in any tollerable supposition may be term'd Christ's Church Nay if the want of sight being laid for an excuse shall not excuse Submission may I not farther say What a long step at once is this to magnify that Devotion whereof Ignorance is the Mother and that zeal which is without knowledge Is here any room left to see and savour for our selves And if this be not an apparent mark of an Imposing Usurping Spirit and an evident Abuse to the profession of Truth and the antient Labourers therein whose Testimonies were We preach not our selves nor yet that you should be Followers of us otherwise than as you have an Inward Sense in your selves that we are Followers of Christ let God's Witness in all Judge To the same witness I cannot but yet appeal whether the submission that seems to be aimed at is not one of the greatest steps to an Apostacy that hath appeared in our Age or since the Truth hath in these latter years been publish't amongst us for I do know having been a witness of the primitive gathering and testimonies amongst us in these latter ages that one
part of the Glory of that Administration under which Thousands in these Nations were gathered unto God did consist in this that after they had been wandering from Mountain to Hill from under one form and outward Church-fellowship into another they came to be turned to the sure guide in themselves Christ's Light and warned not to look out neither to be in the Lo here 's and the Lo there 's but to be faithful to their Own Measures for that according to Pauls Testimony God's Grace was given to every one according to the Measure of the Gift of Christ But to return Let us examine how he proves his first Assertion viz. That there never will nor can be wanting in Case of Controversie the Spirit of God to give Judgment through some or other in the Church of God so long as any Assembly can properly or in any tolerable Supposition be so termed His Proof is on this wise For the first saith he To those who believe the Scriptures there will need no other Probation than that of the 28th of Matthew and the 20th And lo I am with you alway unto the End of the World And Vers 18. And the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it How this proves the Matter to me appears not for these Scriptures do neither expresly nor by any natural Consequence say That any Assembly is the Church of Christ which may in any tolerable supposition be so termed nor yet speak any thing of Controversies arising amongst the Members of the Church of Christ Had he brought the first Scripture to prove that Christ would be with such whom he at this day makes use of to Teach all Nations as he did his Disciples at that day whilst they should teach to Observe the things that Christ to whom all Power is given commands not the Commands of Assemblies which may in any tolerable Supposition be termed the Church of Christ but the things that Christ Commands he had exactly hit the Mark But as to the Matter the aforesaid Author seems by his Words to drive at 't is far from being to the purpose And as to the second Scripture had he brought it to prove That the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against that Church which is built on the Rock Christ 't would have answered the End But alas 't is far remote from proving that God's Spirit will appear to decide Controversies in every Assembly that in any tolerable supposition can be termed Christs Church And so I cannot but conclude that these and several other Scriptures which he hath quoted as Proof of his Assertions seem rather strain'd to Vindicate what he asserts than that his Assertions are according to it on which hand he saith in his Epistle to the Reader That both Papists and Protestants have greatly gone aside which might have been a Caution to him not to have Erred in the same Path as now he hath done Let us a little further examine his Words Tolerable Supposition When we are not certain of the Truth of any thing and yet are apt to think it is or may be so we commonly say My Supposition is that it is or may be so and though the aforesaid Author adjoyns to the word Supposition Tolerable yet that ascertains nothing it only imports such a Supposition may be sufferable that is may be suffered to be a Supposition not a thing that 's Certain There are Assemblies Obvious to every Eye that knows any thing of Christianity which cannot on any Terms be supposed the Church of Christ There are other Assemblies which have several Marks and Tokens of the Church of Christ so far as several things outward profest and acted may be such and yet notwithstanding not owned by the Lord as the Church of Christ The present Age as well as Ages past yields many Presidents to prove the same for that 't is Obvious there have been many Assemblies under various Forms who profess Faith in Christ Works of Righteousness and divers Truths owned by the true Church of Christ Now whether such things profest and owned may not be ground for a tolerable supposition that such Assemblies are the Church of Christ I leave to the Judgment of the impartial and Judicious reader having this further Testimony to add that the World hath too much been troubled with the Sentences Decrees and Decisive Judgments of too many Assemblies supposed to be the Church of Christ or that on tolerable Supposition have been so termed who have rather increased than ended Controversies as History doth at large manifest And since R. B. undertakes by Reason to evidence the same I shall according to the Line of Right Reason and Truth take upon me further to discover the Fallacy of his so confident Assertion The Qualifications of a Member of Christ's Body is Sanctification through the Spirit Wheresoever any number of Persons so qualified are Assembled in Christs Name there is the Church of Christ though they are of that number who are of the lowest Degree or Rank in the Body Now an Assembly of such Members may be as Insensible and void of Understanding in many Divine Matters and Mysteries relating to the Kingdom of God as the Ear of the natural Body may be Insensible of what the Eye doth see and so may have Cases of Controversies brought before them whereof they are no more competent Judges not being Gifted thereunto by the Spirit than the Eye of the natural Body is capable to distinguish between the Diversities of Voices and Sounds or the Ear of Diversities of Colours and yet may be all Faithful in their Places walking according to their respective Measures of Grace which God hath given them so that none can in Truth say such an Assembly may not properly be called the Church of Christ being built upon him their Rock and having perfect Fellowship each with other in the Life of Righteousness Obj. And whereas some may be ready to Object and say Why dost thou seem to reflect on this Sort of Language We must Believe as the Church Believes * Note This Question is stated in a Printed Book and publish't by one called a Quaker whose name is omitted for the reason mentioned in the Preface to the First Part. Is not the true Church in the true Faith and must we not either Believe thus as the true Church Believes or else do we not manifest both Folly and Hypocrisy to profess ourselves Members thereof Answer To this Objection having in my foregoing Lines used such an Expression I thus say The General Assembly and Church of the First Born are written in Heaven Heb. 12.23 But I do not find that this General Assembly set forth their Creed recorded on Earth by that I thus mean I do not find any certain number of Articles of Faith written in the Scriptures of Truth which every Member of this General Assembly did Believe and which every one who should come to be gathered into the Fellowship of Christs Body
the Truth those who refuse so to Assent may be subject to an Excommunication by G. E. and his Adherents from the Meetings of the Men. Besides it hath been an Observation of late That these Questions or Questions to the like Import have been frequently ask't by such with whom we cannot be at Unity in all things viz. Are you for Womens-Meetings Meaning distinct Womens-Meetings from Men Amongst whom under Pretence of Taking Care of the Poor another thing seems to be more chiefly aimed at as anon will be made appear Are you for Recording Condemnations Meaning thereby whether the Parties who have Condemned their Failings and through the Mercies of the Lord have been Restored and their Offences blotted out and forgiven by him Assent thereto or no Are you for Settled Mouthly and Quarterly-Meetings touching Outward Business since those who would have Meetings as occasion offers are accounted Designers to throw down all Meetings for Outward Business relating to the Affairs of Truth And when these or such like Questions have been askt of Friends in Truth that could not answer thereto Yea we are sensible that it hath been taken by many Adherents to G. F. as a sufficient token of a Dark Leavened Rending Dividing Spirit and meerly as we take it from an Apprehension that the Form they stand for is thereby struck at though the Services would be effectually performed in another Method as Experience in the Counties of Westmoreland and Wilts have of late testified for were it not so that great Stress is laid upon the Outward Form of Things prescribed to be practised How comes it to pass that John Story is Articled against by Robert Barrow of Kendal and Twenty-Six other Persons as in the Second Part of this ‖ Meaning the afore-said Historical Manuscript Treatise Section the Fourth appears on this wise in the Fifth Article viz. John Story speaking amongst many Friends of the Danger of Forms because of the Consequences that might follow said That amongst the Christians of old the Differences that did arise were about Forms which could not be seasonable Words when we were Establishing the Churches in the Holy Order of Truth Much more might be Collected from the Articles being Forty-Four in Number Exhibited by the afore-said Robert Barrow c. to shew How Earnestly and Zealously the very Outward Form of Things is contended for Which occasions us in all Seriousness of Spirit thus to say May the Lord God of Heaven and Earth so Preserve his People that they may not be ensnared by those who have raised so great Contention about the Outward Forms of Things prescribed to be Practised amongst the Professors of Truth lest they with them prove to be Boasters Proud Blasphemous False Accusers Despisers of those that are Good which are the very Marks and Tokens of those who had a Form of Godliness but denyed the Power thereof From whom the Apostle exhorts to turn away And how far these Marks rest upon many of those who so earnestly contend for their Outward Forms we leave to the Impartial Reader with the Light of Christ to Judge when he hath throughly perused this † Meaning the afore-said Historical Manuscript Treatise especially the Second Part. Oh Friends The serious Consideration of these things bows us before the Lord and in a Sense of his Mercies to us we can no longer keep Silence but in his Fear declare unto all That our Consciences are concerned for the Cause of God and his Truth And since it is so that an ill Use is made of that Spirit of Forbearance and Condescension which we are sensible hath been used by many of our Brethren it is now become our Portion to unburthen our selves of that which hath been our Burthen believing that the Lord is not only Arisen but will yet more and more Arise Against that Spirit that would Exalt it self over the Heritage of God endeavouring to Rule over their Consciences whenas Christ alone is Lord thereof It may be now worthy our Observation to consider whether any Encouragement was given by our Lord and Master Christ Jesus whilst on Earth unto his Disciples to become Rulers one over another We find that he Exhorts his Disciples Judge not that ye be not Judged Be not ye called Rabbi Matth. 7.1 23.8 for one is your Master even Christ and all ye are Brethren But he that is Greatest amongst you shall be your Servant and whosoever shall Exalt himself shall be Abased and he that shall Humble himself shall be Exalted Here 's no good ground to believe that Christ intended that when he was departed his Disciples should be Exalting themselves one over another as Governours and Rulers And if we consult the Scriptures of Truth we shall find that though his Disciples had a Dependency upon him whilst in his Bodily Appearance to be their Leader yet he tells them John 16.7 13. It is expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away the Comforter will not come unto you But if I depart I will send him unto you And he will guide you into all Truth for he shall not speak of himself Had it been so that Christ Jesus intended the Exaltation of one of his Disciples as an Head or Supreme unto whom the rest ought to have had an Eye in a more particular Manner than ordinary he would have undoubtedly signified so much But doubtless he saw that their Eye and Dependency was too much on his Outward and Bodily Appearance and therefore signified 'T is expedient I go hence that the Comforter come Agreeable to which are the Apostles Words Though we have known Christ after the Flesh yet hence-forth know we Him no more that is to say After the Flesh no more All which doth clearly demonstrate unto us It 's not according to the Will of God that under this Administration we should have our Eyes out unto Man but that our great Dependency should be on that Comforter the Spirit of Truth which Christ testified The Father would send in his Name to teach us all Things and that this Comforter should be In us And therefore on this Occasion 't is with us to give this further Testimony That every Member of the Body of Christ is through the Death of Christ made Dead unto any other Law save the Law of the Spirit of Life manifested through the Arising of Christ by his Appearance in every such Member and so as particular Members are become Marryed unto him And having all Fellowship each with other in the Spirit those who are such ought to demean themselves each towards other full of Love Charity Bowels of Compassion Long-suffering Forbearance Meekness Humility Patience Gentleness and of all other Virtues that are the Fruit of the Spirit of God But as to Obedience every Member owes that unto Christ his Head unto whom 2 Cor. 10.5 Every Thought according to the Testimony of the Apostle Paul ought to be brought into Obedience Thus
a Greater thing to give up the Life and Soul and to dye for the Lord Jesus than to give up the Goods and Estates and suffering the Spoil of the Goods for Christ's sake and Worshiping of God and whether or no they that cannot suffer the Spoiling of their Goods for God and Christ's sake Worship's sake can give up their Lives and suffer for Christ who hath dyed and suffered for you And whether or no they that make away their Estates to the VVorld lest they should lose them for the Worship of God do not they distrust God of keeping them whose they are indeed and have more belief and trust in the World than they have in God And whether this Spirit that doth so is not the Spirit of the World that doth lust to Envy and not the Spirit of God and his VVisdom but that which is Earthly Sensual and Devilish that would have its Liberty and not the wisdom that is above that is Pure Peaceable and easie to be entreated And whether he that will save his Life and not lose it for Christ's sake doth not he think to be his own Saviour and not Christ And whether he that will save his Estate and not lose it for Christ's sake and the Worship of God by making it away to the VVorld in time of sufferings shall not lose it And so whether it 's safer in this case to make away your Estates to the World that cannot save its own or to make or commend it into the hands of God Creator of all and Jesus Christ by whom all things were made who upholds all things by his VVord and Power and the Great Lord of Heaven and Earth and all things therein and which out of his hand a Sparrow shall not fall without the VVill of him that made them George Fox Read this amongst Friends and send a Copy of it to Naylsworth The aforesaid Paper being read in the Mens-Meeting of Friends in the City of Bristol VVilliam Rogers bore testimony against it in the meeting at the same time as that which reached not his Conscience coming from G. F. and had therefore a Concern upon him to write an Answer thereto which follows GEorge Fox having by his Paper dated London the 4th Month 1678. proposed many Queryes and caused them to be read in our Mens-Meeting of Friends in the City of Bristol it is now with me being present in the said Meeting at the reading thereof to write something in Answer thereto to be read in the said Mens-Meeting and as his was ordered to be sent to Naylsworth I desir that this also may be sent thither to be read amongst Friends and also sent to G. F. that so he may Answer the Queryes I now propose The above-recited Paper I take to be wholly made up of Queryes to all those who do make away their Estates for fear of the Spoilers in time of Persecution excepting this one sentence of Exhortation viz. Do not distrust and despair of God Almighty his protecting and delivering you with his Almighty Power The queries being contracted amounts to thus much Are you sensible the Earth is the Lords and that he giveth the Encrease and that how he may try you whether your Minds are in the Creatures or with the Creator and whether it is not a greater thing to give up the Life and to dye for the Lord Iesus than to give up Goods and Estates whether those that cannot suffer Spoiling of Goods for Christ's sake can give up their Lives whether those that make away their Estates lest they should lose them for the worship of God do not distrust God of keeping them and haue mo●● Belief and Trust in the World than God and whether this Spirit that doth so is not the Spirit of the World that doth lust to Envy and not the Spirit of God and his Wisdom but that which is below which is Earthly Sensual and Devilish that would have its Liberty Ans To the Exhortation I say 't is in itself good but would have much better become the Mouth of G. F. if when the Persecutors came up one pair of Stairs in our Meeting-Room in Broadmead whilst he was speaking he had not been of such a Spirit which some may term Distrustful and Despairing as on a sudden to step down and hasten out of the Meeting at a Back pair of Stairs which he once did and of which my Eyes with many more were witnesses Besides I query of G. F. whether he doth not remember that when the Souldiers or some other Persecutors came to a Meeting in or near London at a certain time when he was there he did not go out of the Meeting and betook himself to an upper Room or Cock-loft For so have I been informed he did and that by a person of known Credit and Repute then present at the Meeting who as he said had discoursed with him at that time and place near half an hour and if Report be true this is but very little of what might at large be manifested to prove him one of the greatest Fleers and Shifters in time of Persecution that ever I knew professing the Truth and esteemed by others a faithful Friend As to the queries I have this to say that the Earth is the Lord's that he giveth the Encrease that 't is a nearer thing to part with Life than Estate that 't is the Duty of a Christian to offer up both Life and Estate rather than to depart from his Testimony for the Truth when the Lord calls for it I am also sensible there is a Spirit that lusteth to Envy dwelling in such that would lay heavy Burthens on others but not touch them with their little Fingers themselves and that this is not the Spirit of God nor his Wisdom but that which is Earthly Sensual and that would have its Liberty I am also sensible that this very Spirit hath lately and yet doth dwell in G. F. if God hath not given him Repentance And therefore if any of you unto whom these Lines may come may think that this my sense of G. F. be not true I desire such for the Truths sake to use their Endeavour that G. F. may Answer these following Queries viz. Queries to GEORGE FOX I. Art not thou the man that hast taken Liberty to stay almost a Quarter of a year from Meetings or at least a considerable time though held in the very House of thy stesidence or if thou didst at any time come within the aforesaid space whether it was not so seldom that it became matter of Exercise to other Friends for thy sake and did not John Blaykling by Name manifest his Burthen and Exercise of Spirit on thine and the Truths behalf for thy so doing and didst thou not after he had so done a little amend in that Case II. Wouldst thou not have accounted this in another to be the Fruit of a Careless Slothful Negligent Libertine or Dark Spirit that was either departed
Men on the Part of our Opposers in publick Meetings for Worship of God have frequently been Cause of Stumbling to some so that 't is to be doubted that Jealousies have been ready to enter many that though the Name of Christianity is retained amongst the People called Quakers yet that the Nature Life and Doctrine thereof hath suffered Shipwrack amongst them if all under that Name ought at this Day to be measured by the Deportment and Doctrine of some The particular Instances of such Deportments and Doctrines whereof I have been Eye and Ear-Witness might fill a large Volumn And therefore if this be granted it cannot but by every Considerate and Impartial Reader be thought needful enough that a Testimony unto the Principles of Truth antiently held forth amongst them might once more be Revived and Committed to Posterity on behalf of that Party amongst them who account themselves Persecuted Reviled and evilly Intreated when they know no other Cause thereof than in their stedfast Adhering to and Persevering in the Way of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus and having begun in the Spirit cannot be in Unity with such as to them seem to expect Perfection through a zealous Exalting of other Mens Lines made ready to their Hands And thus the Generations to come as well as at this Day may know that though some Lovers of Preheminence Innovators and Unskilful Preachers that know not how to divide the Word aright have been pleased to stigmatize others with these Terms viz. Dark Leavened Rending Dividing Separate Spirits yet it hath been manifest that 't is because such others cannot in a Temporizing Spirit change their Way and depart from their Antient Path which by the Spirit of God they have been led into and wherein they have had Fellowship with their Antient Brethren whom the Lord Anointed to publish his Everlasting Gospel and to gather others from the Lo here 's and the Lo there 's to take heed unto the Holy Unction in themselves as a Sufficient Guide unto the Father of Life Quer. 3. Whether thy Publishing this Treatise in Print may not in probability give unto others a Knowledge of the Differences amongst us and so obstruct the Encrease of our Meetings and the gathering of some yet walking in the Broad Way into the True Faith and cause many already gathered thereunto to stumble and fall Answ Nay The Considerations inducing me so to Answer are these Though this Treatise declares that there are Divisions amongst the People called Quakers yet that 's no more than what to my Knowledge is publickly known both to Professor and Prophane and that from Observations of such in the Publick Meetings for Worship for many Moneths if not Years past as are not reputed to be of the People called Quakers The Occasion of such Observations in some Meetings hath been so frequently given as that it seems to me to be as impossible to cover the Knowledge thereof as that which hath been Proclaimed by a common Bell-Man and the Instruments which for the most part have been the Proclaimers hereof have been such as under the Notion of Preachers in God's Name though in a Reality but idle ignorant Praters in the Will of Man by their Declarations run against the Friends of Truth sometimes by Name and other times not so particular though intelligible enough and yet incapable to detect such as is Evil either in Conversation or Doctrine Which being considered and compared with many Imaginary Discourses in Publick Meetings for Worship of God whereby the Publishers thereof appear Unlearned in the School of Christ 't is irrational to expect that any Person Conscientiously seeking after the Way of Truth should be gathered to such as are at Variance each with other and whose Publick Assemblies have been at some times the very Stages of Contention and if they should 't is most certain they would not therein be gathered unto such as are in an Heavenly Fellowship each with other but if on the contrary such as are seeking after the way of Truth amongst the People called Quakers have been disaffected with them in general from a certain Knowledge of their divisions and the unsound Doctrines held forth by some and yet shall but seriously ponder this Treatise it may become a means unto such to eschew the Evil and embrace the Good by inclining their hearts unto the Principles of Truth herein held forth and not suffering the offence given by such amongst them as have retained the Name but not the Nature nor yet in some respects the Doctrine of Christianity so to enter as to hinder their Perseverance and Growth in the true Faith untill at length they may come into Union and Fellowship with the faithful Friends thereof Moreover to me it seems impossible that the seasonable asserting the Truth and pleading for it can occasion any to stumble and fall from it but rather the Contrary However I must confess 't is probable enough that it may occasion many to disregard such kind of Preachers or rather Praters whose Doctrines and Practices have not only caused the Name of the Lord to be evil spoken of but whose Necessities have seemed to be a Bait unto them to Follow for the Loaves and no marvel if these instead of Gathering to God Gather to themselves and as a proper expedient to obtain such a gathering publish in the open Meetings for Worship of God such like Doctrines as these according as I have already hinted and which I am a witness from the hearing of my ear have in publick meetings for worship been publisht viz. Have your Eye to the Brethren meaning thereby Publick Preachers If you do not see your selves follow us that do see And frequently exhort to shut out the reasoning the Wisdom and the Iealousy without distinction which being compared with these primitive and wholesome Exhortations and Doctrines Wisdom is Iustified of her Children look not unto us but unto the Lord take heed unto the Light of Christ in your own consciences Draw water out of your own Wells let it be your own and not anothers it seems to me more like the Language of those Shepherds who as the Prophet said Sought for their gain from their Quarters than the Language of such whom the Lord hath anointed to cherish and feed his Sheep To Conclude this Preface 't is with me to say unto every one through the Nations called by the name Quaker on this wise Let the remembrance of the dayes that are past come before you wherein the Servants of the Living God Labourers in the Gospel in the beginning of the latter Day of the Ministration of Light sounded by his trumpet an Alarm to the Nations And what said the voice of the Eternal Power through them It spoke to this effect unto the inhabitants of the Earth Awake Awake from the sleep of Death that the Lord may give unto you Life He that was and is and is to come is arisen in a remnant and Christ the Son