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A44524 The great law of consideration: or a discourse, wherein the nature, usefulness, and absolute necessity of consideration, in order to a truly serious and religious life, is laid open: By Anthony Horneck, preacher at the Savoy. Horneck, Anthony, 1641-1697. 1677 (1677) Wing H2833; ESTC R220111 198,374 451

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Man or can I spend too much time in commemorating so glorious a Favour when God allows me six dayes in the week to follow the business of my lawful Calling cannot I allow one day entire for his service Are the concerns of my Soul so trivial that they do not deserve one day in the week or is Salvation so easy a thing that to spend much time in the contrivance of it is altogether needless I can allow a whole day sometimes two or three for the recreation of my Body and must my Soul have none to feast it self upon God and endless Glory Alas how little do those flashes of contemplating God in the week days which are so often interrupted by worldly businesses warm the Soul how little are mens affections wrought upon by those sits of Devotion except they take a whole day to warm their Souls at the beams of the Sun of Righteousness Alas How little seriousness doe I see in those Families where this day is not Religiously spent where every person is permitted to use their liberty and where the publick Exercises in the Church are not seconded by private Discourses and Prayers and Celebrations of the goodness of God where is my self-denial if I cannot deny my self in my worldly discourses or thoughts one day how can I hope my Spiritual wants and necessities should ever be discover'd to me except I do in my closet apply what I have heard in the House of God and water the incorruptible Seed that is sown in my Heart by self-examination that it may grow and sprout and bear Fruit O the joy the comfort the satisfaction I might reap from the sincere sanctification of this day how quietly might I lye down at night after so sweet a converse with God all day how soft would my rest be having worked in God's Vineyard so many hours how joyfully might I rise next morning and comfort my self with the happy remembrance of the blessings my Soul hath receiv'd the day before Thus to observe and to improve this day would be a Prologue to my everlasting rest a Preface to my Eternal repose in Abraham's bosom a Presage that I should e'r long rest from all Tears and sorrow and pain and anguish and from all the temptations of the World the Flesh and the Devil and be admitted into the Quire of Angels to praise him day and night who lives for ever and ever In this manner all other Duties may be compass'd the Beauty Glory usefulness of them thus spread before the Understanding Will and Affections are apt to work upon these Faculties and they being prevail'd upon the Eyes the Ears the Hands the Feet will quickly do their part and shew their readiness to obey the commands of their superior Officers II. It helps men to improve external objects into very comfortable contemplations When I take a view of the Sun and Moon and Stars or reflect on the Air Fire Earth and Water Consideration may furnish me with very excellent Truths and the noblest Lessons of Religion Consideration can metamorphose objects and spiritualize them and find out the secret designs of the Almighty in those Creatures which the sensual man looks upon and like a Beast passes by without any admiration for after this manner it may argue Take wings O my Soul fly up to yonder Heaven where the Almighty hath set a Tabernacle for the Sun which is as a Bridegroom coming out of his Chamber and rejoyces as a Giant to run his race Behold how this glorious Planet when he rises revives every living thing with his kindly beams and will not the increated Sun from whom this bright star borrows his shining rays when he shall rise unto the Spirits of Men made perfect in the last day fill them all with unspeakable joy and gladness and as a dismal uncomfortable darkness succeds when this created Sun doth leave our Hemisphere so think how dreadful how full of horror and disconsolateness that darkness must be which must unavoidably fall on wretched impenitent sinners that would take no warning when the increated Sun shall withdraw from them his beatifical Presence for ever behold this created Sun how many thousand kindnesses it bestowes upon Mankind and doth not this put thee in mind of the Father of Lights from whom every good and perfect Gift descends how much bigger is this shining Body than the whole Earrh and dost not thou remember how before thy God all Mankind are as Grashoppers or rather as the dust of the Ballance nay lighter than nothing and vanity The Sun that he may enlighten the whole World is forced to go from one place to another but thy God at one and the same time without moving his station can fill Heaven and Earth with his Glory Behold O my Soul the next great Light the Moon which the nearer it approaches the Sun the brighter it grows in that part which looks toward Heaven though it becomes darker in that part which looks towards the Earth and when it is opposite to the Sun looses all that brightness it had in its conjunction with the Sun and is only clouded in that part which respects this lower World and dost not thou see a very lively emblem of a converted and an unconverted sinner in this luminary Behold the nearer thou approachest the Sun of Righteousness in purity and holiness the greater luster and the greater happiness thou receivest the Inhabitants of Heaven behold thy brightness and Innocence and applaud it though sensual Men may be think thee all darkness all obscurity because thou dost not wallow in Works of darkness with them they may be look upon thee as mad and distracted because thou art so busy so earnest so zealous to please thy God and spendest so much time in praising and magnifying and glorifying of him but those that dwell in yonder Region of Light and Bliss know that then and not till then thou art master of thy Reason and dost act like a person that 's capable of being made partaker of the Divine Nature On the other side when thou turnest thy back upon God walk'st opposite and contrary to him whatever respect and credit thou may'st have from the World God and his Holy Angels look upon thee as darkness thy understanding which is that part which properly looks towards Heaven looses all its brightness and no marvel for God alone can satisfy it and he being gone that part must needs be perfect night and no marvel if upon this darkness thy love runs altogether for the world and thy affections are altogether carried out after the dross and Dung of this transitory Earth if thy thoughts are all engaged about the World all thy Speeches employ'd about the World and thou becom'st Wise for the World and loosest all thy wisdom for God and for Salvation O my Soul canst thou look upon the Sun and Moon and not remember how differently God deals with Triumphing Saints in Heaven and his militant Church here on
and the wit of Man can use against it This sure makes it more than probable that it is a Plant which God himself hath planted in the Soul Would he consider with himself I believe there is a God and I cannot but allow that God impartial justice To deny him this is to deny him Perfection and consequently to deny his Being for the notion of a God implies absolute perfection If this God be just how shall I judge of his Justice I have no other rule to go by but that justice which all Mankind believes to be justice If God be our Governour as certainly none hath greater right to it because in him we live and breathe and have our being he cannot but be a righteous Governour and how can he be a Righteous Governour without distributive justice without making a just difference by rewards and punishments between the obedient and disobedient and When I see God makes no just difference in this life by rewards and punishments between those that serve him and those that despise and contemn his Will what can I conclude but that he intends to make it in the life to come or after this life is ended Which way he intends to do it is not material for me to know as long as I am assur'd that this Soul I carry within me will be the principal subject of these joyes or miseries He is most certainly able to preserve that Soul which he hath made capable of being govern'd by moral Laws and Precepts and to be wrought upon by moral perswasions into obedience to his Laws he is most certainly able I say to keep our Souls in being even when they leave the Earthly Tabernacle of their Bodies and to punish or reward them according to their Works these Souls being the principal Agents in good or evil and he that was able to create the Body is certainly able to raise it again and unite it to the Soul that so both may participate of the same fate Nay the necessity of these after-rewards and punishments enforce a necessity at least of Gods preserving the Soul for these rewards and punishments and what way soever God hath to preserve our intellectual part after death it s enough to me or to any rational man that according to the notion and apprehension we have of justice he cannot be just without he doth preserve it either for reward or punishment For that God doth not sufficiently reward and punish Men in this life daily experience gives me sufficient testimonies The wickedest of Men are very often the greatest in the World and those that oppress such as truly fear God swim in all manner of plenty and ease and riches and honour And though its true that such men have sicknesses and dye yet those are things common to good and bad and can be thought no just differencing retributions Those that make it their business to observe Gods Laws labour to approve themselves his most obedient Subjects and his most faithful Servants ordinarily suffer great injuries are unjustly arraign'd condemn'd executed undergo tortures of cruel mockings of scourgings of bonds of imprisonments And their Accusers or Judges may be have all that heart can wish their Eyes stand out with fatness neither are they plagued like other Men or if they be sometimes afflicted the affliction is not at all answerable to the horridness of the crimes they commit How gently do many of these Monsters dye upon their Beds no Lamp expires more leisurely than their breath while the other that meditates in Gods Law day and night dies with disgrace and shame or is most barbarously murther'd and butcher'd Can I look upon all these passages and occurrencies and not conclude another world I must eiher conclude there is no Governour of the World or if there be one that Governour will certainly find a time if not here yet hereafter to manifest his Justice to reward the Innocent and to punish those that bid defiance to Heaven Either Man is a nobler Creature than a Beast or he is not if he be not what means his Reason his Speech his Power to express his Mind and to examine the nature manner ends causes and designes of all things his dominion over all the Beasts of Earth c. If he be we must not affirm that of him which will certainly declare him more miserable than the Beasts whose spirit goes downwards If there be no other World no Judgement to come no after-retribution why is man possessed with the fear of it This fear is a thing of that consequence and hath so great an influence upon Mens Lives that from that fear according as Creatures are either possest with it or want it they may justly be call'd either happy or miserable Beasts I see are not capable of these fears and consequently cannot be disturb'd with the apprehension of such things and therefore must necessarily be more happy and nobler Creatures than Men who are not only capable of such apprehensions but by a natural instinct feed and cherish such thoughts as these And can there be any thing more absurd than to call an Ox or Lion or Elephant a nobler Creature than Man and yet this must necessarily follow if there be no other world Man would be the most miserable Creature in the world being so apt to be tormented with those fears if he did dye into annihilation and he might justly wish himself a Beast and lament that God had put such a clog to all his delights and merriments and accuse his Maker of Injustice or Cruelty for frighting or possessing him with fears of that which never was nor is nor will be Such considerations would most certainly satisfy any rational impartial Man and deliver him from halting between two opinions and convince him that he doth not cease to be when he dies that there is a just Judge and that he will in a short time find it by woful experience if a serious return to God prevent it not that when the jolly sinner banishes all thoughts and contemplations of this Nature from his Mind he turns Monster Changeling Devil nay worse than Devil for the Devils believe a world to come and tremble and it s meerly want of consideration makes him so 3. The same defect makes him wonder at the malapertness and impertinence of Divines that in every Sermon almost pronounce Eternal Flames to be a due and just punishment for Temporal sins Let the vain man but call his thoughts together and summon his understanding to take a view of such Topicks as these Why should I think it incongruous to Gods justice to punish sins committed here with an Eternity of pain and anguish Hath not he power to do with his own what he pleaseth May not he affright stubborn sinners with what punishment he hath a mind to Had I a Servant to whom I were as kind as to my own Child whom I had rais'd out of the Dust and heap'd innumerable Favours upon
Soul Is this giving all diligence to make my calling and election sure when I am infinitely more concerned how to secure a small sum of Money than I am to secure those Treasures which fade not away Will God give a reward to Men that stand yawning and stretching themselves in his Vineyard unresolv'd whether they shall work or no A reward indeed they shall have but such a reward as hypocrites receive a reward from which Good Lord deliver us And am I so stupified that nothing of all this can move me neither the Glory of God nor the interest of my Soul nor all that can be said against my want of Zeal and fervency of Spirit Were these reason laid home by serious consideration it would rowze the Soul from her slumber and make her see how dangerous her rest is and how deer that sleep will cost her she is for the present lull'd in if it be not suddenly dispell'd and scatter'd but want of consideration makes the careless sinner fancy God such a one as himself one that is pleas'd with his indifferency in Religion as well as himself this is it makes him entertain very gross absurd and unreasonable conceits concerning that all Wise most Excellent and most lovely Being despise a Treasure of infinite value trample on the pearl of price and forget what the hope of God's calling is and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance is in the Saints Had the Covetous but a Heart to think with himself vain foolish man How loath am I to confess my self guilty of this vice How do I deceive my self with the fair names of good Husbandry and Frugality but will these delusions stand the fire Will these Paper Walls be proof against everlasting burnings if there be such a sin as covetousness and that sin so odious to God and his Holy Angels as Christ and his Apostles make it and so great an impediment to everlasting happiness as the Scripture represents it it must needs be worth knowing whether I am infected with this plague especially since my behaviour and actions look as if I were why should the Apostle call this sin Idolatry but because it makes men set their affections on the World more than upon that which is to come and more on their Riches Estate or Incomes than upon God and everlasting Glory whereby God is robb'd of his Honor and that high Esteem and Love which is God's due as he is God is given to be creature which in Gods sight is Lighter than nothing and vanity and is not this my case How is my Soul fix'd upon this World How close doth my heart stick to the profits and advantages it affords How is my Soul bound up with my Corn and Wine and Oyl How do I fancy that all my happiness is gone when these outward comforts are gone Did sin ever grieve me a quarter so much as a temporal loss Did offending a Gracious God ever cost me the tenth part of the Tears I shed for being deprived of a little shining Clay How hearty is my joy under the blessings of Gods left hand How little am I affected with the blessings of his right How far greater satisfaction doth my thriving in the world give me than my thriving in Grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ How loath am I to honour God with my substance How unwillingly how grudgingly do I part with any thing considerable for Charitable uses How loath am I to part with any of this worlds Goods for Gods service How happy do I count my self when Religion doth cost me nothing How loath am I to be any at charges for Heaven How doth it grieve me when I spend any thing upon Religion How do I dote upon these sublunary vanities How far greater pains do I take to be rich than to be happy for ever How can I dispense with a sin for profits sake How little of my desires and breathings hath God and a bleeding Saviour How dull am I under the most lively descriptions of the joys of Heaven How dull under the stupendous offers of Grace and Mercy How dead under the joyful message of pardon How dull when tempted by all the ravishing arguments of Gods love to love him above all What means my unwillingness to take God for my greatest portion What means that quickness sagacity and wisdom when my Riches Plenty or worldly prosperity is concerned and that strange dumpishness when God courts and beseeches my Soul to lay hold on Eternal Life Are not these evident signs that the World draws and attracts my Heart most powerfully God sees my Heart is not upright with him he sees I am afraid to take up with him alone he sees how covetousness hath possess'd my Soul and can I cherish this root of an evil in my Breast and not tremble at the danger my Soul is in Am I by the Apostles verdict an Idolater and do I make light of so great a guilt if no Idolater must expect a Crown of Glory alas what can I look for but Eternal Darkness when I read that it 's easier for a Camel to enter through the eye of a Needle than for a rich man who sets his heart on his Riches to enter into Heaven am not I frighted with the expression I find how this sin deprives me of a Holy communion with God and shall I loose my greatest comfort and support and satisfaction for it If any man love the World the love of the Father is not in him and can I be contented without the love of God if God be not my friend what doth the friendship of the whole World signify When my Soul must leave this Tabernacle and appear before Gods Barr O God I shall have so many witnesses against me that I shall not know what to say or whether to betake my self for refuge the Poor will accuse me because I have not open'd my Hand and Heart to them my own Conscience will accuse me because I have not been a good Steward of the means God gave me the Ministers of God will accuse me because whatever was laid out upon my Pride and Lust was thought too little and the least kindness I shew'd to those that wait at Gods Altar too much The Devils will accuse me because having a Soul so great so noble so precious I did employ it chiefly in scraping a little Dross and Dung together nay the Lord Jesus will accuse me because his example of contentedness and Heavenly mindedness would not allure me into imitation God will accuse me because having furnish'd me with all the motives and encouragements imaginable to mind Heaven more than Earth I preferr'd this Earth before all the joyes of Heaven and how shall I bear up under all this weight Would the poor deluded Worldling but let such thoughts sink into his Heart what a damp would it strike on his strong desires after the World and how would it make his immoderate love
Love and consequently of being too Religious art thou afraid of being too much enamoured with this Jesus art thou afraid that the sight of his broken Body will break thy Heart too much art thou afraid that the sight of his effused Bloud will make thee pour out too many Tears and Prayers and Praises of his Love considering how dull how dead thou art thou hadst need come frequently to the Cross to have thy Affections suppled and softned with this precious Bloud how frail is thy memory and hadst not thou need of refreshing it often with the sight of Christs incomprehensible love art thou afraid of renewing thy Repentance thy Faith thy Hope thy Charity too often The oftner thou dost resort to this blessed communion the greater will be thy acquaintance with thy best of friends the greater sense thou wilt get of the need and want of him the greater encouragement thou wilt find to imitate him in his Holiness Meekness Patience and Humility and the greater assurance thou wilt get of his Love and Favour and Pardon and everlasting Mercy and are these Blessings to be scorn'd and undervalu'd thou pretendest want of preparation but whose fault is it that thou art not prepar'd what can hinder thee from preparation but love to sin and shall love to a sensual careless life hinder thee from laying hold of the greatest Treasure will this Plea hold when thou shalt appear before the great Tribunal O my Soul this is to excuse sin by sin and to despise God's Ordinance because thou despisest his commands and how will this aggravate thy folly one day and fill thee with shame and horror O play not with everlasting mercy let not business hinder thee from advancing thy Spiritual and Eternal interest Remember what became of the men that pretended they had Farms to see and Oxen to try and Wives to marry when they were invited to the Supper of the Lamb canst thou think of the protestation of the Master of the Feast against these stubborn wretches and not conclude thy fate by their being excluded from Gods Favour forever if it be a sense of thy own vileness and unworthiness that keeps thee away thou mistakest and misrepresentest the goodness of thy Lord and Master No persons more welcome at this Table than the humble and broken-hearted none meet with a more favourable reception than the poor in Spirit these the Crucified Jesus prays for on his Cross Father forgive them and the everlasting Father hears and saith to them Be of good chear your sins are forgiven you V. It prepares a man for an Angelical life here on Earth for he that frequently considers and contemplates the Joyes the Triumphs the Scepters the Crowns the Diadems of yonder Kingdom the everlasting Love and Peace and Satisfaction which Angels and glorified Saints enjoy cannot but think himself during that consideration in Heaven and participating of that content and happiness which is possessed by the general Assembly of the First-born which are written in Heaven Indeed this is to make Earth a Heaven and to change this Wilderness into a Paradise a Closet into the Seat of Glory and a Desart into those Regions of Bliss and Happiness How like an Angel may that Man live that is often engaged in such considerations as these Heaven what do I hear Heaven the harbor of all laden and wearied Souls Heaven the end of all my sorrow and miseries Heaven the Port I have been sailing to these many years Heaven the inheritance of those that keep themselves uspotted from the World Heaven the rest of Gods Servants and the habitation of the Mourners in Sion Heaven the great mark of my Desires the anchor of my Hope the foundation of my Confidence Heaven the University where we shall know even as we are known how undisturb'd how quiet do all the Inhabitants of those blessed Mansions live there rest those Saints who were made as the filth of the World and as the off-scouring of all things how different are the thoughts of God from those of the World these men the world regarded not behold God remembers them and when he makes up his Jewels spares them as a man would spare his own Son that serves him There rests that Mary Magdalen that stood behind Christ at his feet weeping and washed his Feet with her Tears and did wipe them with the hair of her Head and kiss'd them and anointed his Head with ointment There rests that Lazarus who desired to be fed with the crumbs that fell from the rich mans Table There rest that David that made his Bed to swim and water'd his Couch with his Tears There rests all the Prophets of old who through Faith subdued Kingdoms wrought Righteousness obtain'd Promises stopp'd the mouths of Lions quench'd the violence of the Fire escap'd the edge of the Sword out of weakness were made strong wax'd valiant in fight turn'd to slight the Arms of the Aliens There rest all those Souls that look'd for the blessed hope and the glorious appearance of their Saviour Jesus Christ. There rests all those Martyrs and Confessors that were ready not only to suffer but to dye also for the name of the Lord Jesus There they rest encircled with an Eternal calm There they rest incompass'd with an innumerable company of Angels There they rest surrounded with the Gracious Presence of a merciful God There they rest from all the calumnies and slanders of this poor envious world There they rest from all Darkness in Eternal Light and in the beams of the Sun of Righteousness forever Awake O my Soul awake advance into yonder regions of Glory retire into yonder Paradise leave this world and goe higher let thy thoughts transcend the Sun and Moon and Stars get before the Throne of God take a view of the still waters whereof the vast Armies of Glorified Spirits drink where they are there are no Wolves no Tygers no Bears no Lions as in this barren wilderness in those happy shades is no noise but that of Halelujahs no discontent no War no dissentions inhabit there there all agree there Ephraim is no more against Manasse nor Manasse against Ephraim nor they both against Juda but all are delighted with the everlasting Glory and Love of God there they hunger and thirst no more Wonderful change Here O my Saul thou art ever thirsting after God as the dry Land thirsteth after water there thou shalt be satisfied with him to all Eternity here thou longest after the hidden Manna there it will never be taken from thee here like Solomons Bride by night on thy Bed thou seekest him who is altogether lovely there his Beauty and Presence will ravish thee for ever Here though thy desires after the Blessings of Gods left hand be subordinate to thy desires after spiritual Mercies and thy esteem of God preponderates and is higher than thy esteem of any outward felicities yet while so nearly allied to Sense thou canst not so abandon Nature as to
Hosts my Soul longeth yea even fainteth for the Courts of the Lord my Heart and my Flesh cryeth out for the living God when shall I come to appear before thee when shall I shake off this clogg of the flesh and praise thee day and night in thy Temple when shall I be freed from this Earth and Dross and do thy Will O my God without Lett or Interruption O my Soul dost thou believe such a Heaven where no good shall be absent and canst thou be hunting after the husks and empty shells of sensual pleasure how little do the Inhabitants of that New Jerusalem mind the pomp and grandeur of this world they have nobler objects to mind and more delightful employments to take up their minds and thoughts didst thou live more in this Heaven O my Soul how wouldst thou look down upon this Earth as an inconsiderable trifle how little wouldst thou regard what man can do unto thee how contentedly mightst thou part with all that the world counts dear and precious for Christ his sake as knowing that there is laid up for thee the Crown of Righteousness which the Righteous Judge will give to thee one day and not only to thee but to all those that love his appearance Look upon the Primitive Martyrs O my Soul they broyled in Flames but loo'kd upon that Heaven and smiled St. Stephen hath a thousand Stones flying about his Ears but looks upon that Heaven and the Glory of God appears upon his face Abraham sojourns in the Land of Promise as in a strange Countrey dwelling in Tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob but looks for a City which hath foundation and goes on triumphing Moses suffers affiiction with the people of God but hath respect unto the recompence of reward and esteems the reproach of Christ greater riches than all the Treasures of Egypt The Apostles are scourged and beaten for the testimony of Jesus but look upon this Heaven and depart from the Council rejoycing because they were counted worthy to suffer for the Name of the Lord Jesus St. Paul five times of the Jews receives forty stripes save one thrice is he beaten with rods once he is stoned thrice he suffers shipwrack a night and a day he is in the deep in journeyings often in cold and nakedness but what ails the Man he sings his heart dances for joy under all these troubles O my Soul he saw he saw that his light affliction which was but for a moment would work for him a far more exceeding and eternal weight of Glory O my God give me but my portion in this Heaven and I desire no more Come what will come Sword Fire Imprisonment Hunger Thirst Nakedness Disgrace Reproach Perils by Sea and Perils by Land Enemies Devils Friends Poverty Sickness Exile c. Here is a Jewel will counterballance all O give me but a room in that great House made without hands Eternal in the Heavens and then cut burn torture and afflict let storms and tempests come I 'll fight against them with my Title to that Inheritance which fades not away this shall quench all the fiery Darts of the Devil this shall bear up my Head above water this shall hush all my discontented thoughts this shall be my refuge in a storm my hiding place in flames my portion in poverty my pillow in great anguish my liberty in prison my cordial in temptations my Elixir in a swound my prop when I stumble my Laurel when it thunders my Rock in persecution my Safeguard in destruction my Light in the midst of darkness my Goshen in this Egypt my Ship under the fiercest Billows my Shield when I am assaulted my Helmet when I am in danger my encouragement when I do resist my Crown when I conquer my Manna in the Wilderness my Food in the Desart my Rose to smell to in a Dungeon my Guide in my journey my Pole-Star in my voyage my Staff in my Pilgrimage my Song in my misery my All when Death and Hell conspire unto my ruine VI. It makes a man prudent and discreet in secular affairs and businesses Consideration as it is a very great improvement of Mans Reason so it cannot but be very useful to him in governing his secular affairs with discretion Consideration makes a man master of his Reason and that man must needs act more wisely that hath his reason at command than he that makes it a slave to every flattering passion and since it is confessed that the fear of God hath that influence upon all humane affairs that it disposes a man to a wise and prudential management of them Consideration must of necessity be of the same Virtue and Efficacy for this fear of God is the immediate product of Consideration I deny not but men wise in Spiritual are not always so in Temporal concerns for either their scrupulous Consciences or fear of having their hearts carried out too much after the world or their giving themselves wholly to Heavenly employments may make them careless and unmindful of things belonging to this world but still in its nature and tendency this circumspection in things which concern a Christians Soul is able to shed wisdom and discretion into his carriage and behaviour to things which appertain to this present life hence from a man who seriously considers he hath a Soul to be saved you may expect great order in his Family a prudent foresight of dangers and a moderate care to shun them great temper in discourse and exact justice in his dealings and rendring to all their Dues Tribute to whom Tribute is due Custom to whom Custom Fear to whom Fear Honor to whom Honor as the Apostle's phrase is Rom. 13. 7. In all probability it was the attentive consideration of his Spiritual concerns that made David both valiant and prudent in matters as he is call'd 1 Sam. 16. 18. and to what can we ascribe Joseph's and Daniel's discreet Government of themselves and their secular affairs but to that Piety and Goodness which by long and serious consideration they had setled in their Breasts When 〈◊〉 mans wayes please the Lord he makes even his very enemies to be at peace with him i. e. He doth not only by an extraordinary providence turn their hearts towards him but infuses wisdom and discretion into his Soul so to behave himself towards his enemies that they cannot but bury their hatred and return to their former friendship and civility Prov. 16. 7. He that considers his ways with reference to his Eternal state and condition his ways cannot but please the Lord and such wisdom if he stand not in his own light will surely fall to his share and hereof we need no other proof but common experience The man who truly minds his everlasting interest and so considers the account he must give to God when this life is ended as to provide for that great and dreadful Audit thinks himself obliged to use what cautiousness he can that he may not wrong
they trudge from Lawyer to Lawyer to advise about the Evidences that relate to it And by this we guess that they are willing to be satisfied To scoff at a Notion of weight and moment before examination is a great sign of indiscretion and folly in those that do it whil'st the prudent man that desires to know the truth of it enquires what solidity there is in it whether any wise men were ever of that opinion what reason they had to think so and what enticed or moved them to embrace it he is so far from exclaiming against it at the first hearing or arraigning those that receive it as too facile and credulous that he 'll consult with men whom he may rationally suppose to be at least as wise and learned as himself and see what Arguments they can alledge for it and whether those arguments be satisfactory or no Nor would I require more pains or industry in the case in question than such an application of prudence to be satisfied in the truth of a future state and he that would thus proceed must be strangely stupid if he be not convinced of the verity and rationality of it But when I speak of enquiring into the truth of the Notion before us I do not mean a slight or superficial survey of it not a flash of conception which like Lightning to ufe Plutarch's phrase dies as soon as born but a serious weighing and pondering the matter for it would seem a strange effect of arrogance and self conceitedness to undertake at first sight to comprehend and refute all the reasons of a Point wherein very wise men have employ'd the contemplation and study of many hours In all disputes there are Topicks of greater or lesser weight and if some of these pregnant Wits find themselves able to refel some of the waekest arguments it 's ill Lugick to infer that threfore they can as easily answer the strongest and most judicious And yet this is the usual method whereby these vain men discipline themselves into unbelief They are careful to pick out such additional proofs which men of Reason super add to their weightiest observations and these they take the boldness to cavil at whilest they avoid those more material evidences which would stagger their understandings and write a Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin upon their Lusts and Passions which careless disposition I can ascribe to nothing so much as want of CONSIDERATION And indeed it 's lamentable to see men endued with Reason sink so much beheath it and live in the reverse of those Principles which the Supreme Architect of Heaven and Earth hath engraven on their Consciences To reduce such and other sinful men to a serious Consideration of their spiritual Concerns is the chief design of this Work and all I shall request of your Grace is that you will be pleas'd to peruse it sometimes at your hours of leisure not that I pretend to have writ more or better on this Subject than far more Learned Authors have done before me but as the mighty Artaxerxes accepted of a cup of water from the hand of a Peasant so your Grace will let the World see how great a Master you are in the Art of Condescension by countenancing the poor Present of MY LORD YOUR GRACES Most faithful and most obedient Servant and Chaplain Anthony Horneck THE Preface THe great Foes of Religion which have in all Ages oppos'd its progress and undermin'd its glory are Hypocrisie and Prophaness Between these two Thieves the Jewel hangs as its great Master on the Cross and they both revile it the one under the character of a familiar Friend the other under that of an open Enemy which of these doth the greatest harm is something difficult to determine Hypocrisie commonly ushers in Prophaness and as a Lad thrust in at a Window opens the door to the greater Monster for there is nothing more common than for men who are not very discerning to contemn all Piety when they see the blackest Crimes prosecuted under that silken Mantle and men with the Temple of the Lord in their mouths abuse both the Temple and the God that dwells in 't People whose understandings are weak observing men to carry Daggers under their Bibles and to make use of the noblest means for the worst and basest ends are apt to think they may with authority laugh at all that 's sacred and fancy they are excused from all devotion when they find the greatest pretenders make it only a trick to cheat the world Whether that Prophaness which hath too much of late incroach'd upon this Western World do not owe its original to such Religious pretences of men who under the name of justice and sanctity have dared to do that which Heathens would have trembled at I leave to wiser men than myself to judge Only I cannot but take notice of a strange effect which our Sermons have accidentally as the Sun doth Snakes and Serpents when shining upon unclean Dunghils produced in the Lives of too many of whom we might justly have expected better returns in Religion for while we have been discouraging them from Hypocrisie they have run out into Debauchery and while we have endeavor'd to clear our Church from such as have but a form of Godliness they have made our attempt an opportunity to indulge themselves in their Lusts and thought that the way to approve themselves true members of our Church was to drink and swear and be lewd and to commit those sins openly which the other may be did in secret Excellent Sons of the Church that Viper-like tear up her bowels and by their gallantry fetch'd from Hell rail at their Mother more than Shimei did at David I may be bold to affirm That there is no Church this day in all the Christian World that in her Doctrine doth either encourage real goodness more or strives more to keep the balance even that God may have the things which are Gods and man the things which are mans than that we live in yet to our sorrow we find that while we have given People leave to laugh at Religious dissimulations they have laught themselves into Licentiousness and while they have taken liberty to cavil at a false Religion they have at last learn'd to be averse from all that looks like Holiness This hath made me some time admire what these men do with their reason and they that do not presently forswear buying any more Pearls because some there are that sell counterfeit ones for true strange They should to avoid one extreme run into another and to shun deceptions in Religion run as far from it as the Devil can mislead them How soon might the folly of both extremes be discover'd if men were but willing to think more than they do But while they go on in a road of a few outward duties and consider not how unworthy of that Church and Gospel they live whose Friends they profess themselves to be no
Body A Soul that can build it's Nest among the Stars of Heaven walk through yonder Mansions and taste of the Rivers which make glad the City of God A Soul which can wing it self into the Clouds and survey the Crowns and Scepters laid up for those that dare despise the World and have their Conversation in Heaven A Soul which can enjoy a Paradise while the Body is in trouble and rejoice in him who is All in All while the fierce Winds are whistling about her ears The vast reach of these Souls we have their fitness to receive Divine illumination their strong desires after Immortality their secret actings without the help of a Body their hopes of Heaven their fears of Hell all proclaim the certainty of an eternal state or condition they are intended for This eternal state imprinted on our Natures discover'd to the Gentiles proclaim'd by the Son of God preach'd by Angels confirm'd by Apostles reveal'd to Christians believ'd in the World as it relates either to Bliss or Misery to Joy or Torment to Honor or Dishonor so how to enjoy the one and avoid the other must in all probability be the great object which God design'd Mens Souls should be chiefly employ'd about For as there cannot be a thing of greater moment than Eternity so he must be a Sot a Beast that can imagine that God who ever intends the noblest Creatures for the noblest Ends will give Men leave to busie themselves altogether about picking of straws and pleasing a few sensual Lufts when he hath given them Souls capable not only of labouring and seeking after but obtaining a Kingdom which fades not away And when we sweat and toyle and labour to make provision for twenty thirty forty years what do we do but proclaim our obligation to be infinitely more concern'd how to provide for that state which must never have an end And as it was the goodness and wisdom of God to make us capable of an everlasting duration so we should be injurious to both if we did not suppose that God hath order'd and appointed means whereby it 's possible to save our selves from the wrath to come He that takes a view of Gods proceedings and dealings with Men ever since the Creation of the World cannot but stand amaz'd at the cost and labour and pains and means and motives and arguments God hath us'd to make Men sensible of their everlasting interest and to engage them to a serious preparation for that World they must live for ever in This serious preparation must necessarily be a holy blameless spotless life for the means must ever be sutable and agreeable to the nature of the end And Heaven being a holy place perlect holiness reigning there it 's not to be imagin'd how perfection of holiness can be enter'd upon without a considerable progress in holiness here no man reaching the highest step of a Ladder without the lowermost and one might as well flatter himself that his Trade by such a time will bring him in Ten thousand pounds when he is so far from minding his Trade that he contrives only how to run with others into excess of Riot And indeed to plant this holiness in Men the means have been so various so numerous so potent before the Law under the Law and under the Gospel that one may justly admire the whole World doth not stand candidate for Heaven and all the Inhabitants of the Earth do not take the Kingdom of God by violence Before the Law the continual pleadings of the long-liv'd Patriarchs with sinful Men to improve the light of Nature that Primar of Divinity the many Visions Revelations Dreams Signs Wonders Voices from Heaven the Ministry of Angels Gods Patience Forbearance Long-suffering and sometimes Exemplary Justice the Examples of holy Men Gods love to those that honour'd him the signal blessings he bestow'd on those that made him their highest and chiefest good what were all these but so many calls and entreaties that Men would by holiness prepare for a future happiness Under the Law God was so far from being weary of using means and taking pains with Men in order to this end that he seem'd to have reserv'd those Ages for larger and fuller Demonstrations of his Power and Munificence and if the people of Lystra had any ground for their exclamation the Jews had far greater reason to cry out That God was come down to them in the likeness of men For while other Countries were left in darkness and like Moles suffer'd to wander in the shadow and vally of death they as if they had been made of purer Clay seem'd to be the Darlings of Providence and the Favourites of Heaven Heaven bow'd to them and under its protection they went as under a Canopy of State and might with greater reason than the Sultan have challeng'd that lofty Title The shadow of God And with that Persian Emperor stiled themselves Kinsmen of the Stars Their eyes saw Miracles almost every day and with their daily Bread they receiv'd daily Prodigies and in the midst of their Rebellion God like the Sun when smiling through a Cloud shew'd them a merciful Face not that he approv'd of their Impiety but because by these Beams he would warm their hearts into obedience Their Blessings came down upon them not in drops but in showers and their Prosperity like the Cinnamon Tree was so fragrant that strangers might smell it a great way off before they saw it The Waters of Life were continually flowing into their Bosomes and though God now and then frown'd upon them what Father would not sometimes chide his Son yet his Indignation which like Flints sent out Fire upon their penitential Tears strait way return'd to its former coldness The Rocks poured them out Rivers of Oyl they wash'd their Feet in Butter and one might say of their Land as he of the Isle of Rhodes They were bless'd with a continual Sunshine Their Prophets what mighty what powerful Men were they Men that like Lamps consum'd their own Oyl to light their Auditors to Heaven or like Silkworms spun out their own Bowels to deck their Hearers with Garments of Righteousness Where words could not prevail Tears were the means to supple and affect them and it seems there is not stronger Rhetorick in the World than these Here one Prophet spoke like an Orator there another like a Logician Here one endeavour'd by Eloquence to charm them there another by clear Reason to convince them Here one threatned there another promis'd Here one wooed there another thundred Here one came with a Scepter of Love there another with a Trumpet of War Here one offer'd his hand to save them there another made bare his arm of revenge Here one offer'd an Ark to those that desired mercy there another rain'd down floods of Curses to drown the obstinate Here one represented God with his Sword drawn a smoke going up out of his nostrils and devouring fire out of
his mouth there another follow'd sinners to the very gates of Hell with offers of mercy in his hand and while Vengeance was knocking at the door and the Sword was at their heatts call'd to them Turn ye Turn ye why will ye dye And what was all this but to lay invincible obligations on Men to Reform and by Reformation of their Lives to arrive at last to that Harbor of Bliss and Immortality which the great preserver of Men hath prepar'd for those that fear him Under the Gospel as if beyond this there were no other remedy to engage Men to holiness the Son of God himself comes down from Heaven and turns Preacher He that commands all the powers of Light and Darkness appears in a Pulpit He by whom the Worlds were made leaves the brightness of his Fathers glory to tell Men what a Monster Sin is how odious how loathsom in the eyes of God how lovely how amiable how beautiful the wayes of God are confirms the sayings of all the Prophets of old assures Men and certainly he could not tell a lye that all those Messengers of old were in the right when they profess'd That Iniquity would be Mens ruine and that at yonder gate no unclean thing should enter and that God must be prefer'd before all the Riches Honours and Pleasures of this World a favour for which we want expression and which we must draw a vail over as Timantes the Painter did over the face of Iphigenia's Father because we cannot reach it with our colours If a King should send a Messenger with a Pardon to a Malefactor that 's ready to be turn'd off of the Ladder there is no Man but a stranger to pity and compassion but would speak in commendation of the Royal mercy but should the King himself approach the place of Execution and absolve him it 's like the unexpected bounty would cast the Malefactor into a Swoon And then when the great God of Heaven and Earth made his favor exstatical went out of the common road of mercy stept beyond all precedents and examples encreas'd his kindness into perfect miracles miracles which the Ages before cannot parallel and the Son of God made his way through all the Clouds of Heaven to tell Men how God long'd for their society and happiness we cannot suppose a possibility of greater condescention And that which still encreases the Wonder this Son of God entreats wooes and beseeches Men to bethink themselves and dress up their Souls for the next Worlds glory He that might have come as one day most certainly he will with flames of fire and taken vengeance on the obstinate and terrified and startled them into seriousness and might without a Metaphor as it is Psal. 45.3 girded his Sword upon his Thigh and look'd stern on the Rebels that would not have him reign over them and frown'd them into Hell That this Son of God this Sovereign Prince whom all the Elements serve at whose command the Waters drown and the Fire burns and the Earth swallows up that he should come and draw near the City and instead of consuming weep over it as if he meant to quench the fire of Gods indignation against it and instead of dooming it outright to eternal vengeance wish O that thou hadst known in this thy day what belongs unto thy peace Call like a tender compassionate Father How often would I have gather'd you as a Hen doth gather her Chickens under her wings and ye would not That he should bear affronts and in the midst of those injuries entreat Men to be reconcil'd to him and seek for a Pardon That he should conjure Mankind by Tears and Wounds and his own Blood by those very Torments and Agonies he endured for them to have mercy on themselves to take a view of the burning Lake beneath and run away to look upon the joyes above and be ravish'd with the sight That he should court them by the sweetest invitations and the kindest calls by the greatest offers and the softest promises promises of assistance and of his holy Spirit of peace and joy in the Holy Ghost and seal his strong desires and longings after their holiness with his own death and after his death being risen again sends Apostles and whole Armies of Confessors and Martyrs to establish those desires ordain a Function of Men that might preach those Desires in Mens ears to the Worlds end this indeed is a condescention which the great ministring Spirits in Heaven stand amaz'd at and may justly be look'd upon to be one of those things the Angels desire to pry into By such astonishing means hath the great immortal God endeavour'd to effect that holiness in Men that Seriousness that Piety that Heavenly-mindedness which he hath appointed to be the only way to endless bliss Glorious means indeed But then they are no more but Pearls thrown before Swine where Men consider not how far they are concern'd in the heavenly Call And what can be the meaning of all these arts and stratagems of Divine compassion and what should make God thus sollicitous and careful to procure mans happiness and how dreadful it must be to neglect so great a salvation To lay all this labour and industry and indefatigable pains of God before their eyes where they will not fix their contemplations on the Remedies intended for their recovery what is it but to make a learned Oration to a flock of sheep to talk to a blind Man of Colours to discourse Mathematicks to one in a Fever and to prepare Elixirs and Cordials for Men depriv'd of life and sense Without Consideration we have little but shape and speech left us to distinguish us from Beasts and God clearly loses the virtue of his exhortations and entreaties except Consideration sets them home digests and applies them to the Soul and the inward thoughts like Sun-beams in a burning Glass unite and continue so long upon these spiritual objects till they set the heart on fire CHAP. II. Consideration no transitory view of spiritual things imports laying the heart and mind close unto spiritual Concerns resembles magnifying Glasses which discover things imperceptible by the naked eye The great Ingredients of it Self-Examination Expostulation and strong Resolution HOW Consideration Thinking Pondering Meditation Contemplation do differ is not material to enquire Consideration includes all these and is nothing but exercising and improving that rational Faculty the great Architect hath bestowed on us to the glory of God and the felicity of our immortal Souls The character St. Bernard gives of it may help to illustrate this Description It distinguishes saith he things confus'd collecteth such as lie dispers'd searches and dives into such as are conceal'd and hid examines probabilities reflects upon what is done resolves what to do and presses towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus The Schoolmen are in the right when they call it employing the whole understanding about a thing
How hast thou prompted me to call my Pride Decency my Covetousness Frugality my Drunkenness Good Fellowship my Revenge Vindication of my Honour my Uncleanness and Lasciviousness impossibility of resisting the Dictates of Nature my slandering of others saying but what I hear as if God did not see my inside as well as outside or could be deceiv'd with shadow and varnish and were not resolv'd to wash away these curious Colours with Rivers of flaming Brimstone How often hast thou bid me call my greater enormities little sins and made me look on them as men do on objects through the wrong end of a Perspective Glass as if God were altogether such an one as my self and would therefore be contented to call my Favourite Vices Peccadillo's because my self was loth to call them by another name How often hast thou flatter'd me with deceitful riches if I would but give my self that liberty my irreligious Neighbors use How often hast thou tempted me with the famous examples of prosperous men that have been strangers to Seriousness and Heavenly-mindedness How hast thou disparaged Piety to me as a sneaking qualification and represented Sin as the Royal way to Credit and Reputation Away with these Fables I 'll be trepann'd and sooth'd no more tell Children of such bables I know too much to be ravish'd with these borrow'd glories How often hast thou promis'd me long life and ease and plenty if I would stream out my golden years in vanity and brutish delight as if my youth had been too good for God and God when he woo'd me to obedience came but to torment me like that evil spirit in the Gospel before my time as if I were the great disposer of my time and could command my age to flourish at fourscore How hast thou bid me delay my Repentance and Seriousness and given me hopes that I should find a convenient time hereafter when I could keep Sin and the World no longer as if Repentance were in my own hands and I could command it to attend me at my pleasure and as if it were a work to be dispatch'd with a sigh or groan How hast thou tempted me to sin under a pretence that none should see it or if the Sin could not be kept secret none should know that I had a hand in 't as if God did not see by night as well as by day and a private corner could keep out Omnipotence or as if God sate like an idle Pilot in Heaven without regarding how the great ship of this World is governed How hast thou under the colour of a single sin involv'd me into a necessity of adding another and been restless till I have added more to support the rest And how treacherously hast thou bid me walk in the counsel of the ungodly when it was but to engage me to stand in the way of sinners and then to make me sit down in the seat of the scornful How hast thou prompted me to palliate my Offences and to lay them at other mens doors How hast thou bid me trust to broken Reeds and lean on props which were rotten and decay'd I have seen enough of thy falshood and inconstancy I 'll be held no longer I 'll stay no longer in Sodom These flowry meadows this enamel'd grass shall make me lie down no more I see there is Death in the Pot and the great day will be upon me for all the seeming delay before this poor besotted World is aware of I come Lord I 'll stand out against thy calls no longer I do hear thy voice and I 'll harden my heart no more O my God wilt thou receive a Wretch that hath sin'd thus long and trampled on thy Laws and played with the bread which should have nourish'd him for ever Wilt thou take him into thy bosome that hath been a Rebel a Traytor against thee these many years I know the World will laugh at me for this resolution But I 'll give them leave to mock if I can but get into yonder blessed and everlasting Mansions laugh on ye mad men I have a God will honour me If there be a future judgment and men shall be rewarded according to their works and God will be so severe against stubborn sinners as he hath threatned and indeed he cannot be God without it God and not be true to his word implies a contradiction then sure I am the rich the voluptuous the carnal men of this world that make such provision for the flesh to fulfill the Lusts thereof must certainly be in a more miserable condition than I. Methinks I see how they tremble before the Throne They thought it below them here on earth to make Religion their business methinks I see how asham'd they are of their folly how the wretches blush to see that God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise Methinks I hear them cry out to Rocks and Mountains Fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sits on the Throne and from the wrath of the Lamb. O how their thoughts at that time will all be changed and all their Triumphs be turn'd into Funerals I 'll be wise before it be too late I will not hazard my Soul as most men do O how I blame my self for serving Sin and the World thus long Had God snatcht me away in that dismal service how dreadful would my wages have been Blessed be God who hath been thus patient with me I 'll trespass no longer upon his Long-suffering Come ye Ministers of the Gospel teach me what I must do to be saved lead me direct me I 'll follow and neither Men nor Devils shall draw me away I have done with these stolen waters I see no felicity that rises from bathing in those dangerous streams they may lull and harden for a while but leave the Soul empty If any Man had reason to find satisfaction in them Solomon had who had Riches and Power and Lust enough to range where he pleas'd yet when he had walk'd through the whole Garden of sensual Pleasures cropt the choicest Flowers fed upon the most luscious Fruits left nothing unattempted to know the utmost reach of that Fools Paradise search'd all the by-places and corners where they said the treasures of satisfaction lay unravel'd all the secret Intrigues of sin ransack'd all the hidden mysteries of it when he had thus wander'd up and down and almost lost himself in that unhappy Labyrinth the Verdict he gives of all is this Vanity of Vanities mighty Nothings perfect Trouble and Vexation of Spirit and then protects that the only satisfaction that 's solid and like to last lies in fearing God and keeping his Commandments That 's it I see Men are forc'd to confess at last and too often when it is too late I see most Men are of another mind when they come to dye to what they were in the time of their strength and health and liberty and that
our sins Hab. 2.15 and all because these will help Consideration throughly to weigh a sinners spiritual condition and to lay it in the balances together as Job expresses himself Job 6.2 Nay of that Necessity doth the Holy Ghost make this Consideration that it seems God such a Lover he is of the happiness of Mankind is not at ease without it He is forc'd as it were to take humane passions upon him to express his displeasure against the neglect of this sovereign medicine He seems disconsolate if men slight this balm this water of life this eye-falve He calls to Heaven and Earth to mourn with him because his people will not consider what they are a doing and whither they are going and what will become of them Es. 1.3 He seems griev'd and dejected because they consider not the operations of his hands and what noble Beings he hath given them how he hath made them but a little lower than the Angels crown'd them with glory and honour and infus'd Souls into them capable of living for ever under the beatifical vision and presence of Almighty God Es. 5.12 He seems to droop and he that is eternally happy in himself takes on as if his happiness his joy his satisfaction were interrupted because men consider not that he remembers all their impieties that he sits on the Battlements of Heaven and beholds all that there is not any creature that is not manifest in his sight and that all things are naked and open unto the eyes of him with whom they have to do Hos. 7.2 Indeed God is resolved to deal with us as with rational Creatures not as with Brutes and Engines as with free Agents not as with Machines and works of mens hands and that 's the reason why he is so earnest for this Duty Without all peradventure God could force men into seriousness and he that commanded light out of darkness might take the sinner up in his arms and carry him even against his will into that banquetting house the banner whereof is Love and might set mens Souls as the Workman doth his Clock that they should not fail of running the Race which is set before them But then what would our reason signifie why should he make us capable of being wrought upon by arguments and moral persuasions why hath he given us faculties to discourse pro and con of things and to argue and debate the case with our selves why hath he given us a rule to try our actions by and power to judge what is good and what is evil what can be said for the one and what can be pleaded for the other which Arguments are stronger and which are weaker which are ponderous and which are of no value If God doth do nothing in vain what can we imagine that this power of Consideration is given for He that makes a curious Vessel of gold doth not intend it for a Trough or Washing Tub. He that enamels a Ring doth not intend to throw it upon a Dunghil He that builds a house doth not intend it for a habitation of Owls and Ravens and Birds of prey He that plants a rich and kindly Fruit Tree doth not intend it for Timber in a Hogs-stie He that makes a rich Carpet doth not intend it for Dish-clouts And shall I think God more imprudent than man Shall I imagine that God hath less foresight with him than dust and ashes Shall he plant in me an ability and power of Consideration and intend it for no higher use than to teach and instruct me how to rake a little dung together how to feed a poor corruptible body for the grave and how to wallow with the Swine in the mire He that can have such low thoughts of God deserves to be banish'd from all humane society and to dwell with Beasts of the Wilderness God could not bestow this power on me in vain and if not in vain it ought most certainly to be employ'd on things of the greatest concernment And what things are there of greater concernment than turning from the power of Satan unto God and laying up treasures there where the Moth cannot corrupt and where Thieves cannot break through and steal Nay why should God assure the sinner that his impenitence shall be punish'd with everlasting destruction but that he would have him make use of his reason and consider the truth and importance of this threatning the uncertainty of his own life and how sin will certainly harden him if he doth not turn with all speed and how soon ruine and destruction may seize on him and how dear his pleasures may cost him and how fearful it will be to fall into the hands of an angry God whose patience hath been abused whose words have been scorn'd whose thunderbolts have been laught at and whose compassion hath been lookt upon only as a shift or trick to ensnare men into rigorous severity Lord God! I am not bereft of my reason when I hear the Supreme Governor of Heaven and Earth threaten me when I hear him who sits on the circle of the Earth denounce wrath and indignation against me I have a tongue in my head and can enquire of men wiser than my self whether this be really the threatning of God or no and whether the great Creator when he threatens thus be in good earnest or no I have eyes to read whether there be a mistake in such Comminations or no I have reason to argue and comprehend what Arguments are solid and weighty and what are frivolous and impertinent whether the reasons for my turning from my evil wayes be stronger than those which would dissuade me from it I have reason to ponder how many thousands have with shifts and excuses and delayes been the cause of their own ruine and I have power to reflect how that if I am guilty of the same folly I shall shortly be wrapt up in the same calamity with them and what poor what inconsiderable comfort it will be to find those men companions in eternal misery and calamity that have been formerly companions to me in sin and offending God I have reason and power seriously to debate whether there be a future judgment or no and with very little trouble may satisfie my self that things are so as the Gospel represents them and that there is no jesting with edg'd tools I have power to reflect that if there were no more but a possibility of eternal torments if we could strain the Notion no higher than to a may be it would become a wise man to prepare for the worst and to endeavor to be on the sure side of the hedge And having reason to consider all this power to weigh and ponder all this and so to ponder it that my understanding thus possess'd may prevail with my will and affections to resolve for contempt of sin and of the world I must necessarily conclude that God expects I should proceed and come to that spiritual life this way And let no
man tell me here that this is to make man independent from God and to assert that men may convert themselves and change their own hearts and give themselves that repentance and faith which the Scripture everywhere asserts to be the gift of God For Gods power and glory is so far from receiving any prejudice by this Doctrine that I know nothing can advance and promote it more than this way It 's confess'd that Conversion is the work of God but then he expects I should do my part and work according to the power he hath given me and improve the Talents he hath already bestow'd upon me and trade with them and make use of the faculties I have and exercise them as much as I can in order to a serious change of life and in the use of such means God will be found as we see in Cornelius Acts 10.4 And his holy Spirit shall come down and make the work effectual and bless those honest endeavors with grace and mercy and make the wheels go merrily which went but heavy before and turn that piety which proceeded from fear of Hell before into a sincere love to God and to the beauty of holiness and make that obedience universal which was but partial and by halves before and that 's a kindly Conversion To indulge our selves in laziness and idleness and weariness of Gods service upon pretence that we must wait Gods time and stay till God is pleased to work upon our hearts is no better than mocking of God For God who hath protested that he 'll cast out none that will but come to him and never left himself without witness and is engag'd by promise to be a rewarder to them that diligently seek him hath no where in his Word promis'd to work upon our hearts except we will use such means as he hath given us power to make use of in order to Conversion and he that lets the power God hath given him for this use lie dead doth but imbezle the gift of God and with that unprofitable servant layes up his pound in a Napkin and consequently can expect no other answer than was return'd to him Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee thou wicked servant thou knewest that I was an austere man taking up that I laid not down and reaping that I did not sowe Wherefore then gavest not thou my money into the bank that at my coming I might have required mine own with usury Therefore take from him the pound and give it to him that hath ten pounds And as for those mine enemies that would not that I should reign over them and it seems such are all those that will not improve those powers God hath given them especially this of Consideration in order to be reclaim'd from the errors of their wayes bring them hither and slay them before me Luke 19.22 28. And indeed he that can sit down and consider what losses may befall him what mischief may happen to him if he keeps company with a turbulent quarrelsome man and thereupon shuns his society will find in the last day that he might as well have sate down and consider'd what evil a sinful life would bring upon him His reason to be sure is capable of taking the one into Consideration as well as the other and he that believes he hath a Soul must be supposed able to think of dangers that may befall his Soul and since Consideration is that which represents all dangers in very lively colours and by that means affects and makes impressions upon the whole man there is no person but may safely expect Gods blessing upon such Considerations not upon the account of merit but because God hath most freely and most graciously promis'd his assistance where men shew their willingness to work in his Vineyard And that 's the reason why Conversion in Scripture is sometimes attributed to man and sometimes to the Father of lights from whom every good and perfect gift descends and why we read in the same Prophet Make your selves a new heart and a new spirit Ezek. 18.31 And I the Lord will give you a new heart and a new spirit will I put within you Ezek. 36.26 Because God expects the sinner should take his ways and preposterous actions and the danger which hangs over his head into serious Consideration represent the odiousness and disingenuity and unseasonableness of his sin to his mind and muse upon that endless happiness he may arrive to weigh the comforts and consolations he may enjoy on this side Heaven and God will encourage him gather the Lambs with his Arms and carry them in his bosome i. e. prosper those sincere endeavors and water them with the dew of his benediction till the byas of the Soul is chang'd and turned towards Heaven Consideration is the Bed where the incorruptible Seed is sown and on the ground thus prepared the Sun of Righteousness doth shine and by his warmth produces in the Soul all manner of pleasant fruits Cant. 7.13 Consideration like the Pool of Bethesda draws the great Angel of the Covenant down who stirs the Pool and gives it a healing virtue and immediately the blind receive their sight and the lame walk and the Lepers are cleansed and the dead are rais'd up Matth. 11.5 That God hath sometimes by miraculous means converted and turn'd men from their irreligiousness and contempt of holiness we do not deny but though these miracles might be the occasion of their Reformation it was still Consideration that digested these miraculous Providences and engaged these men to enquire what they meant and for what end they were sent and how they should escape if they neglected so great a salvation It was this made them argue that as these Calls were great and full of wonder so they challeng'd entertainment and submission answerable to so great a mercy It was this made them see the love of God and wonder whence it should be that God should overlook so many thousands and knock at their gates pass by Palaces and be content to take up his rest in their poor habitations It was this made them ponder that after such Admonitions and Exhortations from Heaven there was no standing still and that contempt of such extraordinary Providences must needs fall very heavy on the Soul one day and sink it into the nethermost Hell upon which Considerations and Expostulations they resolv'd to close with Christ and with the terms of the Gospel But all this will more fully appear if we can prove That without Consideration Conversion or Reformation of life cannot but be counterfeit Conversion being a change of the whole man and loving God better than the world or minding Heaven more than earth an immortal Soul more than a frail dying body there can nothing be imagin'd under God more likely to prevent our being deceiv'd with a form of godliness than Consideration That the Devil very ordinarily transforms himself into an Angel of light and imposes
dearest and tenderest love Doth it work by charity too by good works And doth it make me cast my bread upon the water give away freely and chearfully though I have no prospect and see no probability of a recompence here on earth Doth it make me despise the World and overcome it and use it only as my Servant while God alone is my Master Doth it make me resist the Devil and grapple with powers and principalities with the Rulers of darkness and with spiritual wickednesses in high places Eph. 6.12 Doth it make me pray with fervency and importunity Doth it transport my Soul into ravishments upon the sight of yonder glorious things God hath laid up and prepared for those that love him Doth it make me rejoyce in that Saviour I have not seen with joy unspeakable and full of glory Does it make me trust God in Adversity even then when the Fig-tree doth not blossom when there is no fruit in the vines when the labour of the Olive fails and the Field does yield no meat when the flock is cut off from the fold and when there are no herds in the stalls Hab. 3.17 Doth it make me take notice of Gods gracious Dealings and Providences and admire Gods wisdom and greatness and power and goodness in all Doth it make me prize the promises of the Gospel above all riches and doth it make me willing to suffer for Christ Rejoyce O my Soul if Faith hath thus warm'd thy heart and if thou findest these footsteps of God within thee These are ornaments sit for thee to appear in before the great Tribunal On the other side what ease what quiet canst thou enjoy if thy faith be dead and dull and unactive if it doth not touch thy tongue with a Coal from the Altar and doth not make thee break forth into celebrations and admiration of the height and breadth and length and depth of the love of God If thou feelest no holy force in thy Soul to shake off every weight and every sin which doth so easily beset thee If thy faith does not make thee stand upon thy watch and break through all discouragements and oppositions to obtain the end of thy faith even thy salvation If it doth not make thy corruptions abate and thy extravagant desires and passions fall If it doth not chase Discontent in a great measure from thy thoughts and doth not give thee bowels of compassion to Ministers to the Servants of God to Christs distressed members If it doth not drive thee into Heaven into contemplations of a glorious Eternity which shall make amends for all the losses troubles perils miseries and difficulties thou undergoest here If it doth not make thee prefer Christs honour and will before the vain allurements of flesh and blood and the society of those who delight in God before familiarity with the richest and greatest who cast Gods Laws behind them If it works no patience in Afflictions no humility no self-denial no meekness under curses and injuries and persecutions no courage to stand up for God and for his glory no delight in the Word and wayes of God no sincere endeavors to practise what thou hearest no relish in spiritual things no holy revenge upon thy corruptions no indignation against thy former sins no carefulness to please God no vehement desires after him who is fairer than the children of men Faith thus consider'd if it be but a painted fire will quickly betray it self and this Consideration will soon give an item to the sinner that this is no good foundation to build eternal salvation on In this manner we are obliged to proceed in our prayers and supplications Consideration must acquaint us whether it be the desires of our hearts or the desires of our lips only that we offer unto God whether it be a deep sense of our spiritual wants and necessities and of the Greatness Majesty Purity Holiness Mercy and Goodness of God that makes us pray or Custom and Education and Civility to our unruly Consciences So in our Distributions to the Necessities of others Consideration must acquaint us whether we give enough or no whether we fulfill those Rules Christ and his Apostles have deliver'd concerning it and whether it be vain glory and the applause of men that makes us both liberal and speak of our liberality or an honest design to advance the glory of God and the good of our Neighbour So in Fasting Consideration must acquaint us whether it be the outward performance we do regard more than the inward frame of the Soul whether it be a real sincere resolution to mortifie sin that engages us to this severity or an intent of giving God satisfaction for the affronts we have offer'd him and whether the austerity makes sin truly bitter to us and works an eternal detestation of it in our hearts or whether it disposes us to fall on afresh and tempts us upon the credit of that piece of Mortification to venture into new sins and enormities So in our zeal for God Consideration must acquaint us whether we are more passionate in things which concern the honour of God than in promoting of our own interest whether it be a zeal according unto knowledge and kindled by the Sun of Righteousness or furious and lighted by the flames of the burning Lake and whether we are zealous for the greater as well as for the lesser matters of the Law for Judgment Faith and Mercy as well as for paying tythe of Mint and Cummin and Anise Without Consideration our Souls must necessarily remain under very great darkness and mistakes and consequently run the hazard of being cheated in the work of Conversion How should these Cheats be discover'd but by our reason How shall our reason judge of them but by Consideration For Consideration calls them to an account layes them open examines their rise and progress discovers them to be dross and spies out the danger they involve the Soul in and by that means works it into a faithful resolution to take another course CHAP. IV Of the various impediments and remora's of Consideration Men fancy greater difficulty in 't that there is indeed Are continually employ'd about sensual objects Loth to part with their sins Ignorant of the pleasure of Consideration Reflect upon the danger of losing their unlawful gain Fear they shall fall into melancholy or go distracted with so much seriousness Are of opinion that Conversion in that sense the Scripture speaks of it is needless Mistake the nature of Consideration Are discouraged by evil company Neglect consulting with Ministers about this necessary work Delude themselves with the Notion of Christ's dying for the sins of the world COnsideration a Duty so great so noble so necessary one would think should find sutable entertainment with all men that pretend to reason or wisdom or discretion the Guest being so beneficial who can imagine to the contrary but every man will spread open his doors and let it in How Lock
world takes up their hearts and engrosses their affections when we see how all their Plots Designs Contrivances Desires are for the world and when they mind onely fleshly things as the Apostles phrase is Phil. 3.19 What I mean by the world none can be ignorant of that hath either read what wise men have written concerning it or hath heard the Word of the Gospel sounding in his ears For indeed it 's not the least part of our Commission to dehort and dissuade men from fixing their Affections on these sublunary objects and but that continual inculcating of the same thing would make our Auditors nauseate the most wholsom Lessons we could not do them greater service than by making such Dehortations the perpetual Subject of our Sermons All that is in the world is the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life saith the great Divine 1 Joh. 2.16 Whatever outward object serves to gratifie sense whatever here below is most commonly desired and lusted after whatever makes for satisfaction of the flesh or of our sensual appetite all is comprehended under this name And indeed it is with these worldly comforts as it was with the garden of Eden some are for food some for tryal some to keep our bodies serviceable to our souls some to prove our souls whether they 'll rest on these broken Reeds or seek their rest and acquiescence in him that is the Creator of all And accordingly the Almighty thought fit to limit the use of these terrestrial felicities and to signifie in his Word that his intent in giving them was that they should be our servants not our masters that he design'd them as advantages to us not hinderances in admiring and adoring the immense goodness and bounty of God and that he appointed them for our use no farther than they would serve to promote his glory and the eternal felicity of our immortal souls But here we find men generally live the reverse of Gods designs and intentions and instead of using these visible comforts in order to a greater end make that their home which was intended only for their Inn and are for erecting Tabernacles to dwell there which God design'd only as a thorow-fare And to this unhappiness preposterous education which most men are subject to doth very much contribute For whereas we should be educated into Reason and a right apprehension of things we are usually educated into sense and deceptions and those that have the care of us and should teach us self-denial in these outward things and by that means engage our souls to fix on nobler objects do commonly present us with nothing but sensual satisfactions All their Discourses to us are of the World and of the magnificence greatness splendor and ravishing aspects of these outward gayeties and the first principles they teach us are how to please sense and to pamper our appetite and though now and then they teach us some little Notions of Divinity yet it is in such a sensual way that it amounts to no more than a formality and divertisement and being a thing that 's taught by the by it makes little or no impression upon our affections But whatever disadvantages men lie under upon the account of their sensual education one would think when they come to the full use of their reason and are capable of understanding the vanity emptiness unconstancy of these lower objects and of apprehending that they were only intended as Ladders to raise us into contemplations of our great Benefactor in heaven when they arrive to this ripeness of understanding come out of their apprenticeship set up for themselves become as it were their own masters and enter upon the possession of that estate which before was managed by others one would think I say they should then begin as there is commonly an alteration of our temper upon the alteration of our fortunes to rectifie those sensual principles which their Nurses and Tutors have shed into them and wash away the stains those fond Masters as indeed men may be kill'd by kindnesses and like that Olympian Victor be stifled with Posies have unluckily imprinted on their souls But alas there are so very few that having gone thus far stop and attempt to captivate their appetites to the obedience of Reason and Religion or seek to elevate their souls above the dung and trouble of the World according to the intent of their Maker that most men sink deeper and deeper into the gulf of sensual desires open the gates wider make the door larger for sensual satisfaction to enter in nay if it be modest and loth to enter compel it to come in and to give their spirits an infusion of carnality to water and keep warm the seed of worldly inclinations and find out wayes to encrease their Thirst to add heat to their Fever to provoke their sensual appetite to enlarge it self as Hell and fearing they have not been sufficiently or faithfully enough instructed in the enjoyment of these worldly felicities they try experiments and conclusions to find out new satisfactions and thus plunge themselves into the main Sea being charmed by the Sunbeams playing and glittering upon the water and the curling of the waves And the impressions which were made on the wax when soft and tractable remain when it 's grown harder by a continual hurry of worldly cares and businesses which they are content to admit of they make their souls the least object of their solicitude and were they ask'd as that profane Duke What they think of Heaven it's like they would answer in his language or think so or at least act as if they thought so That they have so much business on earth that they cannot think of Heaven Thus their very spirits become flesh and their souls turn to earth as well as their bodies Whence it comes to pass that their minds being altogether sensual impregnated with worldly cares and satisfactions and all their faculties employ'd in contriving how to get a greater share of earth than they have already or at least to keep and preserve what they have there is no room for this Consideration of their spiritual estate or condition They hearken to nothing with any zeal or attention or life that doth not carry either some worldly profit or pleasure with it and that which charms or wins them must be the musick of temporal interest Consideration how they shall be saved hereafter there is no Lands to be bought with it no Mannors to be purchas'd no Houses to be built no Countries to be conquer'd no Honours to be got by it It brings in no Riches it fills not their Coffers with gold and silver it doth not give them respect and credit with Princes and Men of Quality it doth not cover their Tables with dainties and delicacies it doth not furnish them with portions for their children It doth not feed their bellies nor put them into a condition to lie on beds of
ivory or to be clad like Dives with silk and purple It doth not maintain their great Retinue nor present them with soft Airs It doth not provide for their Families nor keep up their pomp and grandeur were it such a powerful thing as the Philosophers Stone is fabled to be and did it enable them to turn their Iron into Gold and did it make their Trade to flourish and did it make their garners full affording all manner of store and cause such fruitfulness among their flocks that their sheep might bring forth thousands and ten thousands in their streets Did it raise them to the power of Senacherib to the magnificence of Nebuchadnezar to the pleasures of Solomon Did it promise a Kingdom and whisper in their ears that they should enjoy ease and plenty without all peradventure nothing should have so much of their care or hearts as Consideration of their wayes But having none of these baits and their hearts being fix'd on the world they can find no time for this exercise Cannot did I say They will not allow themselves time to retire and consider that they have such things as souls or that these souls are capable of punishment and glory when they shake hands with their old companions their bodies They think that time mispent that is bestow'd upon Consideration of another world and what minutes or hours are taken from their fleshly satisfactions or from prosecuting their worldly concerns they look upon as flung away By worldly concerns I do not only mean businesses which an Estate or Trade or Family or office or sensual pleasures cause but business of study and learning too and one may be as much taken up with his study as another is with his Trade and consequently be very loth to allow any time for this Consideration we speak of To be studious and yet inconsiderate implies no contradiction and a man may contemplate God and Heaven and the whole Creation and yet not contemplate them in order to a holy preparation for another life or with an intent to mortifie his sins and corruptions and to imitate God in holiness without which it cannot be Consideration and the best name we can give it is an empty Speculation so that a spiritual Meditation may be but a worldly business if that which puts me upon it be my profession whereby I get a livelihood if that which makes me study and meditate be temporal profit or honour or applause if it be not undertaken with an intent to edifie my own soul as well as the souls of others if it be done either to please the fancy or to please the gentle Reader by publishing it to the world And indeed where worldly concerns fill all the channels of the soul there can be but very little employment for serious Consideration A continunl hurry of business sheds darkness upon the soul thrusts out that eye whereby it should reflect upon it self and makes it intent only on things which tickle and please the flesh and like Felix when any motions to serious Consideration arise replies Go thy way for this time and when I have a convenient season I will call for thee Acts 24.25 It fares much with Consideration as with that Princes invitation Luc. 14.16 worldly cares and businesses like those guests when the soul feels any suggestions or invitations to Consideration are presently ready with excuses and a thousand things are pretended why they cannot come or stoop to the gracious message or vocation and these bryars and thorns choak the good seed that 's thrown among them Thus earth keeps out Heaven and the world like shutters of a window excludes the light that would irradiate the room not but that the business of our worldly callings may lawfully be performed and follow'd and men ought to work with labour and travel night and day rather than be chargeable to others 2 Thess. 3.8 But where the World is made God and fills mens minds as well as their hands and all the time that can be got is spent in embracing and grasping of it it 's impossible Consideration should find entertainment there it 's like a heartless prayer may for that can be hudled up and requires not much time and leaves them as worldly as it finds them and doth not hinder or cross them in their fondness to the world which they are afraid Consideration will do And indeed they guess aright for Consideration would shake their love make them unquiet in their amours and unsettle their affections pull down that high esteem they have of the world and make them see that there is not that beauty that glory or that happiness in things below which their sickly fancy dream'd of before it would shew them that all these Gaudes are but a Pit cover'd with curious flowers where people may irrecoverably perish if taken with the treacherous flowers they smell on them and admire their odour and fragrancy It would shew them the vanity of heaping up riches when they know not who shall inherit them and represent unto them ●he folly of flattering their souls with an Ede Bibe Lude Soul take thine ease eat drink and be merry thou hast much goods laid up for many years It would shew them how false how perishable all these outward comforts are and that they have something more than this deceitful world to look after Consideration like a faithful Counsellor would undeceive them in their fond opinions of this treacherous friend discover to them his base designs the mischiefs he drives at under all his smiles the Serpent that lies under those green herbs and bid them beware of him But such is the love they bear to the world that they are jealous of all things that would subvert their love and hate Consideration as an enemy because they are afraid it will discompose those embraces and break the league between them and these earthly satisfactions and put their hearts that lie close to the world out of their place dispossess them of their earthly mindedness and prompt them to lay up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come and lay hold on eternal life A strange fondness this which doth not only marry the heart unto the world and makes them two one flesh but sends out Spies to watch against all the endeavors of this faithful Monitor viz. Consideration that it may not break the match or dissolve the bond or make the heart sensible of its adulteries O God! How is thy similitude in Man defaced How is that glorious Image thou didst once shed into his breast blotted and defiled Is this the Man that receiv'd a Soul to mind Heaven most Is this the Man over whom thou didst spread thy skirts whose nakedness thou didst cover and with whom thou didst enter into an everlasting Covenant whom thou dost draw by cords of love whose soul thou didst betroth unto thee for ever in righteousness and in judgment and in loving kindness and in
mercies Hos. 2.19 False treacherous Man Is the world become his Master Is his servant become his Sovereign And is that which was intended for his footstool become his Throne whereon he braves all the messages of grace and pardon Shall so great a Soul be married to so mean a slave So great a Spirit join'd to so pitiful a vassal And shall that which was design'd for him to trample on and despise domineer and use him like a Prisoner put fetters about his feet and shackle his Soul that it may not return to that husband to whom it hath sworn fidelity and promised allegiance and subjection How art thou fallen from Heaven O Lucifer son of the morning and thou who hadst once power given thee to ascend into Heaven and without a metaphor to exalt thy Throne above the stars of God to ascend above the heights of the clouds and to be like unto the most High How art thou brought down to Hell to the sides of the Pit How art thou cut down to the ground How is thy pomp brought down to the grave Isa. 14.11 12 13. III. Impediment III. Vnwillingness to part with their sins This certainly is the greatest Impediment of Consideration and the chief cause of Mens neglecting this most useful work Their consciences or their hearts give them that Consideration will discover the deformity and odiousness of their vices and will put them upon forsaking their darling lusts they are afraid it will raise doubts and jealousies in their heads about their present condition disturb them in their slumber discompose them in their golden dreams drive them from their softs and ease and make their Candle burn dim and blew which for the present gives a very delightful shine and therefore they are loth to apply themselves to it I have heard of some rude and savage Indians who being decently cloathed by our Merchants for in their own Countrey it seems they knew no other ornaments but dung and guts of Beasts about their naked bodies and brought over into England with an intent to civilize them and make them instruments upon their return to teach their own Nation modesty and decency as they were walking about the streets of London and beholding the stately houses that adorn'd that goodly City they were observed to sigh and groan and to look very melancholy those that took notice of them charitably believ'd that their dejected looks were no other but characters of their mourning at their unhappy Countreymen who were strangers to such Edifices such Pomp such Glory such Plenty such Magnificence and Gallantry But being sent over into their own Countrey again they quickly betray'd the reason of their sighs and soon discovered that their melancholy was caused by their being delivered from their nastiness and beastly way of living For they were no sooner come to shore but they tore off their cloaths with indignation fell about the necks of their Countreymen with joy and betook themselves to their dung and guts again and in these ornaments they came triumphing to the English There cannot certainly be a fitter emblem of Sin where Men are enamor'd with it They delight in their Plague-sores rejoyce in their wounds and bruises wounds not bound up nor mollified with oyntment They are afraid of Plaisters and do so desire to be let alone in their misery that they are jealous of a Cure and dread a Physitian Their filth is so pleasing to them their itch so amiable that he that offers to free them from it attempts tearing of their bowels from them and that 's it makes them afraid of Consideration For indeed Consideration would anatomize their sin shew them the venome that 's spread through every part shew them who that God is who professes himself offended at it shew them that he who is provok'd by it is that God who breath'd into their Nostrils the breath of life and gives them the meat they eat the drink they drink and the cloaths they put on that hath the same power over them which the Potter hath over his Vessel and can create and destroy them at his pleasure that sits on the circle of the earth and before whom all Nations are as a drop of a Bucket and are counted as the small dust of the ballance before whom they are as nothing yea less than nothing and vanity from whom all their spiritual and temporal mercies do descend without whom they could not be one moment out of Hell who is their best their greatest and most constant Benefactor who lets his Sun shine upon them and his Rain drop down on their fields and pastures who sends his holy Angels to watch their steps and to keep them in their wayes who hears the Heavens for them and makes the Heavens hear the earth and the earth to hear the Corn the Wine and the Oyl and commands all these to relieve them who preserves them from danger prevents their being hurt and charges all the elements to spare them who keeps them by his Providence supports them by his Wisdom protects them by his Power and thinks nothing too good for them if they will but approve themselves obedient children and live like persons who are sensible of the obligations of the Highest Consideration would let them see that this God who could undo them wooes them to Repentance and that there is nothing in the world God hates more than sin and that this is it his Soul abhors being holiness it self and of infinite purity Consideration would let them see that their sin controlls the will and wisdom of that God who feeds them sets up Laws of its own making in opposition to those commands which the holy Angels dare not mention without trembling This would let them see the majesty and glory of that God whom they do affront a God who charges his Angels with folly and on whose brightness those blessed Ministers cannot look without covering their faces with their wings and crying out in amazement Holy Holy Holy Lord God of Hosts Consideration would represent to them the various mercies and opportunities they do slight and how hard it will be for them to kick against the pricks this would shew them what resisting their own mercies means and what fighting against their own happiness imports how blessings slighted will turn to a curse and mercies abus'd will aggravate their g●ilt how stubbornness makes God weary of shewing mercy and how refusing to come in while the gates are open provokes the Master of the house to protest That the invited Guests shall neuer taste of his Supper how opportunities of being serious if neglected may be snatcht away and the Scepter of grace if look'd upon with contempt and scorn may never be stretcht forth again Consideration would let them see what grief their sins do cause in Heaven how they make the eternal God complain how loathsom how abominable they make them in the sight of God and how they treasure up unto the owners wrath against
the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God This would shew them Christ Jesus on the Cross this would bespeak them in the language of the Prophet Who is this that comes from Edom with died garments from Bozrah Wherefore is he red in his apparel and his garments like him that treads in the Wine-fat Isa. 63.1 2. This would shew them that the blood which trickled down from that sacred head trickled down upon the account of their follies and transgressions that their oaths and curses and blasphemies were the thorns that prickt his head that their lasciviousness and fornications and adulteries were the spears that open'd his side that their boldness in sinning their resolutions to be damn'd made the tears gush from his eyes that their hatred their malice their envy their revengeful desires were the hands that did buffet him that their covetousness and worldly-mindedness and neglect of their duty towards God and man were the Rods that smote him that their evil thoughts and idle words and extravagant actions were the furies that spit into his face that their perfidiousness their treacheries their hypocrisies were the nails that were struck through his hands and feet that their labouring after Hell their endeavors to be miserable their contempt of the goodness of God made him sweat drops of blood in the garden of Gethsemane that their delight in abusing God and in trampling on his Laws was that which made him shreek out to the amazement of Heaven and Earth My God my God why hast thou forsaken me that the heat of their lusts was the cause of his drought and proved the gall and vinegar that was given him to drink that their sinful lives kill'd him and their deadness in duty murther'd him that their impatience and unbelief haled him to the Cross and their impenitence was the cause of that purple flood which the Angels for the rarity and strangeness of it descended from Heaven to behold Consideration would lay before them all the curses of the Law the terror the consumption the sorrow of heart that anguish that attends sin in the end the troubles of Conscience it will raise ere long the frights the disquiet it will produce This would represent to them the flames that Dives felt and made the Wretch cry out for a drop of water to cool his burning tongue This would shew them what blackness sin doth cast on their understandings and that their being baptized into the Christian Faith doth signifie little except they leave their sins and that they do name the Name of Christ in vain without they depart form iniquity This would shew them their error in flattering themselves with the hopes of Gods mercy and demonstrate to them how ridiculous it is to believe that God will pardon them because they pardon themselves or that he will forgive them because they are loth to suffer This would shew them that God sees and hears them and will judge them and set their transgressions in order before them for all the seeming delay of his vengeance Consideration would discover to them the pardon and reconciliation they must go without if they do not speedily return the blessings they deprive themselves of the comforts they bid defiance to the light the favor of God and the mercy of Christ Jesus they must for ever want and be destitute of if they flie not into his arms with the greatest expedition and alacrity This would aggravate their sins make them appear in their proper colours and shew that they are no better than Cockatrices Eggs and Spiders Webs Have not you seen the crafty Spider weave a Net and then lie close in an ambush till the silly Fly dazled perhaps with the curiosity of the Net hastens to those unhappy Labyrinths but while she is sporting her self in those chambers of death out comes the Murtherer and leads the Captive wretch in triumph home Consideration would shew them that thus it is with sin that with much fair speech as that Harlot Prov. 7.21 22 23. it causes the sinner to yield with the flattering of her lips she forces him He goes after her straightway as an Oxe goes to the slaughter or a fool to the correction of the stocks till a dart strike through his liver as a Bird hastes to the snare not knowing that it is for life This kindness Consideration would do them Thus and thus it would tell them and this is it men are afraid of and therefore care not for entertaining it Their sins afford them present satisfaction and the pleasure they promise is brisk and lusty on their fancies their body feels it their eyes see it their ears hear it their tongue tastes it it tickles all their senses it makes them merry and jovial and makes their blood frisk and dance in their veins It makes them forget their sorrows and puts the evil day far from them Frequent converse and long acquaintance hath made their friendship with sin inviolable And though it is really the greatest evil and the cause of all evils in the World though it murthers while it laughs and poysons while it smiles and cringes though it is so merciless that not contented to kill the body it attempts the soul too yet having like the Prophets Ewe Lamb 2 Sam. 12.3 been nourish'd and kept by its owners for many years and being grown up together with them and having eaten of their meat and drank of their Cup and lay'n in their bosoms and been to them as a Child the fondness is grown so great that nothing can make them willing to part with it Hence it is That Consideration is look'd upon as a sawcy ill-bred unmannerly Messenger that would part the dearest friends divide sin from their souls and cause a civil War in their bowels destroy the reigning power of Vice attempt its strong holds and storm its fortifications They lie encircled in its arms and though they hang all this while over Hell-fire by a twin'd Thread though God all this while shakes his Rod over them and while they hug the sin is preparing the instruments of death and whetting his Sword and bending his Bowe and making it ready yet it seems such is the present hearts-ease sin affords so sweet is the sleep it yields that men care not for being awak'd by Consideration We should wonder to see a man that 's ready to starve for want of food refuse the bread or meat which we offer him and wonder to see a person that 's ready to perish with cold reject the fire and cloathing we have prepared for him and wonder to see one who is blind scorn the help of him that would certainly restore him to his sight and wonder to see one who is fallen among Thieves and Robbers make light of the assistance of a Prince who offers to rescue him out of their hands And dost not thou wonder O my soul at the insufferable stupidity of sinful men that entic'd with the
I believe it for when in their riper years they reflect what time they have lost and how they have spent that age which was fittest for pleasure in retired devotion they cannot but turn profane out of despight and strive to redeem the time they have mispent in following the advice of melancholy Scholars Religion is a thing fit only for those who are either discontented or grown weary of the World for men who can sin no more and whom age hath mortified into forsaking of their Vices shall I forbear my mirth and amorous Songs and witty Talk my Railleries and modish Accomplishments for I know not what The men in black speak for their own interest and God sure is kinder to men than to give them an appetite to sensual satisfactions and then forbid them to use it what needs this haste and why should I apply my self to a religious life so early when I have some forty fifty threescore years before me and can shake off my follies any time hereafter Thus the weak Youngster pleads and embraces these motions as Cordials for his sickly passions as Elixirs for his heated blood Consideration would let him see that these Temptations are Messengers of the Devil Threads to lead him into darkness into captivity into perfect slavery and none but a mad man could forbear rejoycing at so happy a discovery When the gray and hoary head from his great age infers the greatness of his graces and from the multitude of his years concludes the multitude of his virtues flatters himself that God loves him because he hath had little or no affliction in the world and from his impunity here draws an argument to prove his impunity hereafter and sooths himself with Gods favour upon this account chiefly because he never discover'd his anger in signal judgments and bids his Soul trust to it that he stands fair in the good opinion and esteem of God because his labours in the world have been crown'd with success and because he hath a Garden of Eden here securely promises himself a Paradise hereafter and will not be persuaded to the contrary but that his plenty here is but an earnest of a fuller Vintage and richer Granary intended for him in the Land of Canaan and that his long life on earth is a pledge of his eternal Life in Heaven What are these but Temptations which Consideration would discover to be Impostures and consequently shed both light and joy into the Soul When the poor from their outward conclude their spiritual poverty and will needs think that they are in a state of grace because they are in a state of want and fancy they may securely pilfer because God hath made no other provision for them and that they shall receive their good things in the next world because they received their evil things in this that they shall be rich in Heaven because they were destitute of conveniences here on earth that they must necessarily be Lords hereafter because they were Beggars here and shall certainly rejoyce in the nex life because they mourn'd in this valley of Tears and cannot but be blessed for ever because they had a very large measure of misery here When the rich from their prerogative on earth conclude their prerogative in Heaven and because they are advanc'd above other men think they may use greater liberty in offending God than others and because they have greater estates than the meaner sort may therefore sin more boldly and more considently than they When from their power they infer the lawfulness of their extravigances and because they can stand it out and brave the World fancy they may oppress the poorer sort and may swear and curse more boldly than their Tenants and resent and affront and revenge injuries with greater justice than Clowns and Peasants when from the custom of the age they infer their priviledge of being more sensual than other men and because persons of the same quality are not argue that they need not be so cautious and circumspect in their words and ways as other men When the gentiler sort of people feel inclinations in themselves to be ashamed of the Gospel and to forbear professing any zeal or fervency for Religion in company where Christs blood and wounds are abus'd where God and Heaven are rallied where the precepts of the Almighty are laught at and the Gospel turn'd into ridicule when they find an unwillingness seize upon their spirits to reprove either their equals or inferiors for some notorious impiety they commit When they think it is below them to pray with their Families to exhort their Servants to seriousness and to shew a good example to those that are under their charge when they find a disposition to comply with lewd society to laugh and smile and consent to their frothy speeches and abusive reflections and to conceal the truth where it ought to be professed and spoken When the Tradesman thinks of putting off his naughty Commodities to the ignorant Chapman and of circumventing and deceiving his Neighbor where his Neighbor understands not what he buys when he is willing to put off his devotion upon every trivial worldly business that comes in his way and to create business rather than obey the checks of his Conscience that chides him for not minding his spiritual Concerns more When he is loth to do acts of Charity because he hath a Wife and Family to maintain and is afraid he may want himself When he thinks that Piety may procure Poverty and strictness of life may lose him his Customers and following the ways of God may make his acquaintance leave him and that to be idle in his shop is better than reading or meditating or employing his mind in contemplations of Gods goodness and mercy and the various blessings he hath bestow'd upon him When Parents are unwilling to correct and admonish their Children are persuaded to let them take their course abuse others despise those they have a grudge against When they are loth to instruct them in the fear of God loth to initiate them in the love of their faithful Creator are apt to be more angry with their Children and Servants for neglecting their commands than the service of God and apt to be delighted more with their industry and pains in Temporal concerns than with their attempts in the affairs of their everlasting salvation apter to teach them how to maintain the punctilio's of their honour than assert the glory of God and apter to encourage them in vindicating their credit and reputation than in securing their everlasting Treasures or making their Calling and Election sure When Children provided they are able are loth to relieve their Parents loth to administer unto them necessaries if in want unwilling to obey those wholsome counsels which their Parents guided and encourag'd by the Word of God impart to them unwilling to imitate them in their seriousness and heavenly-mindedness are apt to obey their Parents more than God and
for them riches flow insensibly upon them and every thing they undertake doth prosper insomuch that themselves cannot but wonder at their increase This would convince them that many men who during their ungodly Conversation could not thrive have signally prospered in the world as soon as they have applied themselves to a serious life and that a serious man is best qualified for getting profit and encreasing an Estate and that the generality of men had rather deal with a conscientious man than with a person who is careless of all things but his own interest as knowing that being conscientious he dares not cheat or deceive them but will think himself obliged to deal justly and honestly with them and do by them as he would have others do by him and that this is the great misfortune of ungodliness and the glory of a serious life in that one wicked man dares not trust another but both good and bad dare trust him who stands in awe of God and makes it his great care and study how to please him This would shew them that the serious man in being charitable takes the readiest way to prosper in his secular Concerns and that as great a Paradox as it may seem to sensual men there is not a greater truth in the world than that which Solomon speaks of Prov. 11.24 There is he that scattereth and yet encreases This would lay before them the Examples of men who by consecrating a great part of their Estate and Incomes to pious and charitable uses have enlarged their fortunes and by casting their bread upon the water have found it again with interest after many dayes who have denied themselves in their superfluities and yet are grown rich given away and gotten more than they had in times past This would lead them into the pleasant field of Gods Providence and shew them how that wise and gracious God wheels and turns things about for the good of those that dare trust him for a recompence and makes that money which was laid out for the use of the Needy return with advantage and usury Consideration would let them see how various Gods temporal blessings are which very often light on the head of a serious religious man and though he hath no Trade which stands in need of augmentation but a standing revenue how yet God may watch over him so that he shall lose little and all he undertakes shall prosper that his houses shall be preserv'd from fire and his Cattle from decay that his fields shall bring forth plentifully and his lands be as the garden of the Lord that he shall see his posterity advance in wealth and honour and his childrens children grow as the lillies and spread their branches as the Cedars in Lebanon Consideration would let them see how a whole Kingdom thrives where seriousness and the fear of God is encourag'd with vigor and sincerity What a darling a serious Prince is to his Subjects how well they love him how highly they esteem him and how plentifully and contentedly they live under his shadow This would refresh their memories how upon a publick humiliation God hath been entreated and the judgments under which a Nation groan'd have been averted and the Heavens which before were turn'd into brass have visited the Earth again with showers and the former scarcity hath been transform'd into plenty and abundance and how God hath seen their works that they turn'd from their evil ways and hath repented himself of the evil he had said he would do unto them and hath not done it Consideration would let them see that though a serious man should decay in the world and his conscientiousness be the cause of his ruine yet he would have more to support him under his losses than another man and it could not but be a very great satisfaction to him that it was not any vice of licentiousness that broke him but a good Conscience which is its own reward and the best preservative against murmuring repining and despair and very often a presage That God will set him up again and as it was in Job's case make the latter part of his life more prosperous than the former By such representations as these Consideration would scatter this suggestion of the Devil That a sinful life is the onely gainful and advantageous life But what argument can prevail against Experience and where men have found already that their sins have prov'd profitable and that their carelesness of Religion hath procur'd them no small advantages Their great care and study now must be that they do not put themselves into a way of losing them and therefore exhort them to consider what the end of these things will be and whether this be a likely course to get a title to the inheritance incorruptible reserv'd in Heaven for Believers they 'll be ready to reply What part with my livelihood Quit that which must support my Family Would you have me starve and perish Will your Religiousness give me bread Would you have me precipitate my self into ruine Will nothing less serve the turn than leaving all and following Christ Why should I despair when God blesses me and think ill of my way of living when God by prospering my endeavors declares his approbation of my deportment My gain is his mercy and if he did not allow of what I did he would with-hold his benediction His giving success to what I do shews his love and I have reason to believe he is not angry with me for taking this course because he never cross'd it by his thunders God would have me live in the World and since I have no other way to thrive but this I must suppose it 's that which God hath call'd me to My industry is in obedience to his command and why should I fright my self with his indignation when my prosperous fortunes speak his smiles and sun-shine Consideration would let them see that God doth not bless them for their sins but doth it to invite them to amendment Nay this would suggest to them that it may not be God that blesses them but the Devil and that he that is permitted to shew them all the Kingdoms of the world and the glories of them in a moment hath power also to reward iniquity and that prosperity which is acquir'd by sin cannot be of Gods making but is an effect of the Devils bounty who never gives but with an intent to murther and makes Presents for no other end but to make the Soul a prey to his fury who gives like the Grecians onely to overcome and seems kind onely to get an interest in the sinner and to take advantage against him when there shall be occasion who blesses with a design to curse and rewards to harden men in their contempt of the Almighty who lets men reap profit that they may venture confidently on sin and is contented they should have something for their pains that they may dedicate themselves more entirely to
and be healed But what is worse than all this the death of the Son of God which thus instead of mortifying makes sin reign in your mortal bodies will be the greatest witness against you in the last day The stone shall cry out of the wall and the beam out of the timber shall answer against the oppressor saith the Prophet Hab. 2.11 And then sure blood hath a louder voice the blood of a crucified Saviour Hebr. 12.24 will be one day the greatest evidence against you This like oyl will increase your flames and prove the brimstone that shall make the fire blaze the more That Jesus whose Cross thou despisest now will be thy Accuser then and woe to that man that hath the Judge himself for his enemy That dreadful spectacle the Crucifixion of the Lord of Life which cannot engage thy Soul to consider and look upon him whom thou hast pierc'd will be the great Argument then that shall cover thy face with everlasting confusion When thou shalt see in that day the spirits of men made perfect the men in white who have wash'd their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb when thou shalt reflect on their happiness a happiness which thou mightst have had as well as they if that blood could have persuaded thee to cleanse thy self from all filthiness both of flesh and spirit how will thine eyes flow with tears to think what strong delusions thou hast lay'n under in thinking that this blood was only spilt that thou mightest wallow more freely in the mire The Lamb which was slain from the foundation of the world and came to take away thy sins as well as thy Neighbors only thou wouldst not be clean That Lamb I say as harmless as its looks are now will then change his aspect and thou that now thinkst a Lamb can be nothing but kind wilt then find by woful experience that there is such a thing as the indignation and wrath of the Lamb. CHAP. V Of the various Mischief's arising from Neglect of Consideration The want of it prov'd to be the Cause of most Sins Some Instances are giuen in Atheism Vnbelief Swearing Pride Carelesness in Gods Service Lukewarmness Couetousness c. FRom what hath been said we may safely draw this Conclusion That want of Consideration is the unhappy spring from which most of the miseries and calamities of Mankind flow Indeed God Isa. 5.12 13. makes this the great reason Why his people were gone into Captiuity why their honourable men were famish'd and their multitude dryed up with thirst why Hell had enlarged herself and open'd her mouth without measure and their glory and their multitude and their pomp descended into it It 's the want of it which in all Ages hath procur'd Gods judgments which by Consideration might have been stopt and prevented Had Adam improv'd his solitariness in the Garden of Eden into serious Consideration of the Nature of the Precept his Master gave him and reflected on the wisdom of the Supreme Law-giver that made it on the immense bounty his great Benefactor had crown'd him withall on the abominable ingratitude he would make himself guilty of by breaking so reasonable an Injunction Had he but recollected himself when tempted to eat of the dangerous fruit under a pretence that it would open his eyes and make him wise as God and thought that the Creator of Heaven and Earth knew best what degree of wisdom and knowledge became a creature of his quality and condition and that he that was all love and beauty and kindness would not have interdicted him that fruit if the food might have any way advanc'd his happiness and that therefore there must be some cheat in the Temptation That the Angels which were lately thrown down from their glory could not but envy the felicity he enjoyed and for that reason would appear in all manner of shapes and try a thousand wayes to weaken the favor of God towards him and that it was without all peradventure the safest way to prefer an express command before an uncertain suggestion Had his mind taken a view of such Arguments as these of the uninterrupted prosperity and immortality he was promis'd upon his obedience it 's not the Charms or Rhetorick or soft language of a Wife nor the subtilty of a Serpent nor the pretended Omniscience the Devil flatter'd him withall would have made him leave that happy state which the infinite goodness of Heaven had plac'd him in But while he suffers the pleasure of a Garden to transport his Soul and to blind it fears no ill no mischief no danger among the Roses and Flowers of Paradice embraces the deceitful suggestion without examining the cause the manner or the end of it swallows the fatal bait without chewing believes a Wife and a Beast without considering the consequence of the fact and inquires not how God may resent his curiosity he falls into death and misery and drags all his Posterity after him Had the Inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah reflected like rational Men on the Reproofs and Admonitions of righteous Lot consider'd the kindness of the Almighty in sending them such a Preacher and thought with themselves That sure it could not be the Preachers interest to set himself against their Vices That except Conscience and a Divine Commission had prompted him to attempt their Reformation it was not probable he would enrage a debauched City against himself and make himself obnoxious to the fury of the People That the righteous Man spake nothing but reason and sought nothing but their good That Gods patience would certainly be tired ere long and his long-suffering turn into vengeance That the fire of their Lust would shortly pull down other fire and the heat of their unclean desires break into more consuming flames That God would not alwayes put up affronts nor suffer his methods to reclaim them to be baffled everlastingly That they could not hope to escape Gods indignation no more than the men of the first world and when their sins were equal Gods judgments would overtake them as well as they did their Brethren That God could intend them no harm by calling them to Repentance and being the great Preserver of Men could not but design their interest and happiness Had they suffered their thoughts to dwell on such truths as these made such Considerations familiar to their Souls they would have melted and humbled themselves and kept back that fire and brimstone which afterwards consumed them Want of Consideration made them secure in sin and that security prepared for their devastation Indeed there is no sin almost but is committed for want of Consideration Men consider not what sin is nor how loathsom it is to that God who carries them on his wings as the Eagle doth her young nor what injury they do to their own Souls nor what the dreadful effects and consequences of it are and that makes them supine and negligent of their duty To
give a few instances Did the Atheist but look up to Heaven Did his swinish and brutish appetite but give him leave to contemplate that glorious Fabrick the orderly Position of the Stars the regular Motion of those Celestial Lamps and the Mathematical contrivance of that curious Globe how is it possible but he must spy a most wise most perfect and most powerful Architect even that God who commanded them into being and still preserves them from decay and ruine Would he but consider how things that have a beginning could not make themselves unless they were before they were which implies a contradiction and therefore must certainly be made and produced at first by some supreme cause that is eternal and omnipotent Would he but reflect on the universal consent of Mankind how not only the civiliz'd but the most barbarous Nations in all Ages have had a sense of a Deity and how improbable it is that all Mankind should conspire into such a Cheat if there were no Supreme power how rational it is that when Men of different Constitutions Complexions Principles Desires Interests Opinions do all or most of them agree in one thing there must necessarily be something more than ordinary in 't and the Notion must be supposed either imprinted by God on the hearts of all men or carefully deliver'd to Posterity by the first Planters of the world which in all probability they would not have done except they had had very good ground and reason for it Would the Fool I say but think seriously on these familiar Arguments how could he say in his heart There is no God How could the wretch deny a Providence if he did but take notice how all things are preserved in those stations spheres and tendencies they were at first created in How things contrary to one another are kept from destroying one another How every thing prosecutes the end for which it was produced How the Sea that 's higher than the Earth is yet kept from over-running and drowning it How Kingdoms Empires and Commonwealths are continued and conserved in the world How one Countrey is made a scourge to the other for their sin and how the soberer Nation many times conquers the more debauched and vicious till the formers Sobriety dying proves a presage of the funeral of their happiness How men are suffered to tyrannize and to rage that their fall afterward may be more grievous and terrible How sin is punished with sin and with what measure we mete with the same other men mete to us again How strangely Murther is found out and secret Villanies discovered arraigned and condemned How Caligula that bids defiance to Heaven and threatens Jupiter to chastise him if he sent rain that day his Players were to Act how the poor miserable creature hides his head in a Feather-bed when it thunders and how the stoutest sinners tremble even then when no man pursues them How light is frequently produced out of darkness the greatest felicity from the greatest misery and even sin itself so ordered that it proves an occasion of the greatest good How miraculously men are preserved and how prodigiously rescued from dangers that hang over their heads and threaten their destruction How one man is punished by prosperity another favored by wanting of it How one mans blessings are turn'd into curses and another mans curses into blessings How men perish that they may not perish and are suffer'd to grow poor that they may be rich and are deprived of all that they may arrive to far greater plenty How strangely many times men are preserved from sin and something comes in and crosses their sinful attempts and intentions that they are not able to put their purposes in execution How men are fitted for several employments and no office or business so mean and fordid but some men have a genius or inclination to it How beasts which are stronger than men are yet kept from hurting men and men themselves that intend mischief to their Neighbors are prevented in their designs and in the Net they spread for others their foot is taken How by very inconsiderable means very great things are effected and sometimes without means very signal changes and alterations are produced How the greatest Enemy sometimes becomes the greatest Friend and he that hated another unto death is on a sudden convinc'd of his folly and loves him as his own Soul How kindly the Heavens dispense their former and latter rain and how upon solemn Prayers and Supplications some great Judgment is averted and men restored to their former peace and tranquility How even in things fortuitous Justice is executed and the Arrow which such a man shot at random is yet so guided as to hit the person guilty of some heinous Crime How such a mans ruine proves anothers instruction and he whom Education could not engage to Prudence learns to be wise by anothers fall How men ignorantly contrive their Neighbors good and while they least intend the happiness of others take the readiest course to make their labours successful and prosperous How a word that drops sometimes from the Preachers mouth in a Sermon shall make that impression on the Hearers heart as to change it and work him into another man He that would take such passages as these into serious Consideration how were it possible for him to question a Providence that orders and rules and governs all and extends its care even to the least most minute and most abject and contemptible creature How could he forbear to admire God as the most wise most knowing most lovely most perfect most holy and most beautiful Being whose eyes run to and fro to shew himself strong in the behalf of those whose heart is upright towards him The Unbeliever that doth not believe the Scripture to be the Word of God and fancies there is no other World no Judgment after Death and thinks it irrational That temporal sin should be punish'd with an eternity of torments it 's want of Consideration makes him continue Infidel For I. As for the Scripture which contains the Sum and Substance of the Christian Religion would he but take a walk in the Field or in his Garden or in his Chamber and weigh the Arguments which make for the Divinity of this Book and consider what he can object against it and whether his objections be equal in strength and weight with the reasons that fetch its pedigree from Heaven he would soon be of another mind and pity the weakness and sauciness of those Youngsters that play upon the Oracles of God in Ale-houses or Taverns or Theatres He need only dispute with himself in this manner I see the whole Christian world for so many Centuries together hath embraced these sacred Volumes as a Treasure of Gods Will and Ordinances as a Directory dropt down from Heaven to teach them how God will be worship'd what Notions they are to entertain of God and what they are to do to save
a heart that hath any sense of Religion or Honesty nor do I see that people believe me any whit the more for swearing but I render my self ridiculous and make people think me dishonest unfaithful and treacherous who make so little conscience of what I say How can any man trust me that hears me abuse the best and deerest friend I have or what credit can any man give to me that sees me so treacherous to God to whom I owe all I have Can there be greater ingratitude in the World than I am guilty of by this sin the Air I breathe in the Earth I tread upon the Ground which nourishes me the Fire that warms me are all the Gift of God and is this the return I make to take his Name in vain that supports and maintains me Do I make nothing of God's threatenings How often doth he manifest his displeasure against this sin in his Word and can I think I am not concern'd in the commination what hope can I have that Christ's Bloud will save me when I swear it away and thrust it from me with both Arms how justly may God damn me that do so often wish for it and is there any thing in nature so barbarous to it self as I am in praying to God as it were to deliver me up into the clutches of the Devil No Devil would wish himself so ill as I do my own Soul and is there nothing in the inhumanity and horror of the sin to discourage and terrify me from it Did the Swearer but ruminate on these disswasive arguments how would it cool his courage but neglecting that he neglects his restorative and speaks as if he would be revenged on his Maker for giving him a Tongue How soon would the bladder of Pride break did the proud man but consider that he is Dust and what a wretched sinful creature he is and how much worse than other men and how much he forgets the Humiliation of the Son of God who being in the Form of God thought it no robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation becoming obedient to the death of the Cross how odious this lofty Spirit is in the sight of God how amiable Humility how God detests the one and embraces the other how pride keeps out the operations and influences of God's Spirit and how the Holy Ghost refuses to come and lodge in that Soul that swells with vain conceits of its own worth how pride keeps him a stranger to himself how it makes his neighbor hate him raises him enemies and makes him an object of contempt and scorn how all the gifts and blessings and priviledges he enjoyes are but the effects of God's charity how the stately Fabrick which his Soul doth animate must shortly return to the earth from which it was taken what condescension God uses towards him how God who commands Heaven and Earth becomes an humble suitor to his Creatures and instead of consuming courts them to yield to his requests and injunctions how noble and generous it is to imitate him who is eternally happy in himself how in the Grave all distinctions dye how unfit that person is to be a Christian that is a stranger to meekness and humility how those that have domineer'd in this World and trampled upon Men and have thought it their interest and glory to despise their equals and inferiors are now roaring in the burning Lake and how they would now be contented to be the poorest meanest and most contemptible creatures in the World provided that they might be but freed from that never-dying Worm that gnaws their Souls and how shortly this pride and haughtiness if not seriously and timely repented of will end in weeping and gnashing of Teeth Were but these things rightly and seriously ponder'd it would cause a very strange alteration in the lofty censorious Man's designes and resolutions but while these observables are passed by as things out of his element no marvel if he idolizes himself and like a Hedgehog wraps himself up in his own soft Down and turns the Prickles to all the world besides Let the Soul that 's careless of God's service and lukewarm neither hot nor cold but try it and reflect Lord And is this a service fit for him that is of purer Eyes than to behold iniquity Is this slovenly Devotion a sit Present for him who searches the Hearts and the Reins should my Servants serve me as I do God how ill should I resent it and dare I offer the blind and the lame to God which I would scorn to accept of from my Slaves and Vassals I would have my Prayers heard and answer'd but how can I hope they 'l pass for acceptable sacrifices in Heaven when they want the fire of the Sanctuary to give them Flame will God mind a Supplication in which I do not mind his Greatness Majesty and Holiness or can I think God is so fond of answering my requests that he matters not with what frame of Heart I approach his Throne when the Primitive Christians that certainly knew best what was to be done in order to Salvation as having converse with the Disciples and Apostles of our Lord when they consecrated that time when their spirits were most lively to pious exercises and look'd upon that Religion as dead that had not fervency for its ingredient shall I hope to come off at a cheaper Rate Is the King immortal invisible blessed for evermore to be put off with the chips and shavings of Devotion should not I give him the cream and marrow of my endeavours that hath greater power over me than my Master my Father or my Prince so great a God and so mean a Sacrifice so infinite a Majesty and so pittiful a Present How deliberate how circumspect am I in my addresses to my King and is not God a greater Prince than he what is my careless devotion but mocking of God and my drowzy Prayer what is it but playing with him at whose Presence the Mountains tremble Am not I afraid of vengeance or can I think God will suffer a wretch that lives upon his mercy and makes no better return go unpunished How justly may he deny me his Grace and assistance who do not seek it more earnestly How justly may he say Depart from me I know thee not who am so indifferent whether I enjoy the light of his countenance or no How justly may he refuse to be found by me who seek him as if his favour deserved no pains or trouble Strive as it were for your lives to enter in at the strait Gate saith the Great Redeemer of Man and is this taking the Kingdom of Heaven by force when I look upon it as a thing that may be had at any time upon a Lord have mercy upon me Is this wrestling and striving when I suffer any outward worldly concern though never so slight and trivial to take me off from minding the great concern of my
Gifts or Abilities I have they are thy Gifts and Characters of thy Compassion Thou order'st my steps thou art about my bed and about my paths and dost preserve me in all my ways many a time should I have stumbled and fallen and perish'd irrcoverably but that thou hast supported me and given charge to thy Holy Angels to be my Guardians O my God! how often have I deserv'd thine anger and yet in the midst of thy wrath thou thinkest upon mercy What judgements mightst not thou have inflicted on me for my wilful sins but thou hast sent none as yet and all to magnify thy mercy every morning thy mercies are renew'd upon me and with the natural there rises upon me the Sun of righteousness with healing under his wings Thou prosper'st my endeavours givest success to all my lawful undertakings thou preserv'st me from those disasters which befall other men How wisely dost thou order my affairs How often dost thou bring light out of darkness and turnest my affliction into the greatest joy How wonderufl are thy Providences to me and mine How often have I fear'd such an accident would be my ruine and God hath turn'd it into the greatest good How wisely hast thou many times denied me temporal mercies because thou hadst a mind to enrich me with spiritual Blessings in Heavenly places What Friends what Benefactors hast thou rais'd me How miraculously hast thou turn'd the hearts of Men many times into mercy and compassion for my good How often hast thou heard my Prayer and granted me the request of my Lips When I have been in the greatest straits how hast thou shewn me a way to escape How strangely hast thou wheel'd things about for my deliverance How hast thou allur'd me by the various tokens of thy Love to love thee better than the World How great hath been thy care of my temporal concerns but how far greater thy care of the weighty concerns of my Soul How strong have been the convictions thou hast vouchsafed me How great the light thou hast imparted to me How bright that knowledge thou hast revealed to me How numerous the checks of my own conscience which thou hast sent me How frequent the motions of thy spirit thou hast shed into my Soul How often hast thou reason'd the case and expostulated with me and as the Angel did to Balaam stood in a narrow way where there was no turning neither to the right nor to the left and all because thou wouldst not have me stand out any longer against thy most Gracious offers of Salvation How hast thou adjur'd me by the bowels of Jesus by the wounds and agonies of the Son of God to dye unto sin and to live unto righteousness How strange hath been thy condescension and doth not all this deserve my love Is not here enough to warm my affections towards thee False stubborn heart What canst thou plead for thy averseness from God after such a prospect of his favours Notwithstanding my long contempt of these loving kindnesses of the Lord I am alive yet and on this side Hell How may I stand amazed at this prodigious long suffering of my God Had any man but shewn me the ten thousandth part of that love which God hath manifested to me how should I love him how should I adore his Name How should I study to please him What pains should I take to manifest my gratitude How should I revere his memory How should I speak of his favours How should I praise his munificence Can mans kindnesses be so prevalent and shall not the goodness of God fire my Soul into a practical love to his Name Can I do less than love him to whom I owe all I have To love him is my happiness my interest my greatest felicity O my God shall I love a little shining Clay a little Dust a little Earth and not love thee who art worth more than ten thousand worlds Shall I love Father and Mother and not love thee who hast been better to me than my Parents and when my Father and Mother have forsaken me hast taken me up and with everlasting kindness visited me Shall I love my Friend and shall not I love thee my Joy my Treasure my Hiding-place But how can I love thee except I keep thy Commandments How can I be thy Friend except I doe whatsoever thou commandest me Shall I love thee in words only who hast loved me in Deeds Shall I flatter thee with my Lips and hate thee in my Heart Shall I Judas like kiss thee and betray thee love thee and love my sins which are thy greatest enemies did I but love thee as I do a dear friend how easy would all thy Precepts seem How little reason should I have to complain of the tediousness of thy Yoak What great what noble what generous actions would thy love put me upon Should I pretend to love my Prince and affront his Law how soon would my love be accused of a lye How can I be said to love thee while I hate to conform my self to thy Will and Pleasure How vain will my love appear in the last day if it hath been a stranger to obedience here The Angels love thee and they have no other way to demonstrate their Love but by running at thy commands Doe I hope to be like unto the Angels of God hereafter and shall not I take pattern by their obediential love while I sojourn here O my God thou art the proper object of my love I rob thee of thy Honour and commit Sacriledge if I love any thing here below better than thee I am married to thee and I must love nothing above thee When no eye pittied me to have compassion upon me when I was cast into the open field to the loathing of my Person Ezek. 16.5 6 7 8. thou didst pass by me and sawest me polluted in mine own Bloud and saidst unto me when I was in my Bloud Live thou didst cause me to multiply as the bud of the field and when it was the time of Love thou didst spread thy skirt over me and coveredst my nakedness and swearest unto me and entredst into a Covenant with me and I became thine and shall my Soul be married to so great a Prince and play the Harlot O my Lord hast thou united me so close unto thee and shall I defile my self by setting my love on trifles What Man what Devil can hurt me while I love thee without whose command no creature dares stir or move What should discourage me from loving thee when I have all the promises of the Bible to prompt me to it If I loose in this World by loving thee hast not thou Treasures enough to recompence my losses If men despise me for loving thee hast not thou Honour and Glory enough to crown me withal If I do not thrive in outward Riches by loving thee hast not thou who art rich in mercy a pearl of price to bestow upon me
when this life is ended I 'll trust thee O my God and when my lusts invite me to act like a Beast I 'll obey thee and strive to be perfect as thou art perfect when Men entice me to sin I 'll hearken to thee and venture the disgrace or injury they can inflict upon me when the World tempts me to be careless of my Salvation I 'll follow thee and work out my Salvation with fear and with trembling Thus I 'll manifest to the World that thou art dearer to me than all that 's great or rich or glorious in the World Delight in God is a Duty as necessary as the former but how is it possible I should ever arrive to it without I summon my Soul by consideration to take a view of the Glory and Beauty which sparkles in that amiable Being I shall quickly feel my Heart in another temper than ordinarily I do if I bespeak it in such language as this Delight in God! O my Soul canst thou name that charming name of God and feel no joy no gladness in thy affections Is God so dull an object that it cannot stirr or rouze thee from thy Lethargy where dost thou see a more lovely Being survey the World where is there so ravishing an object Can there be a lovelier Being than he from whom whatever is beautiful in Men or Angels flowes How beautiful must he be to whom all these inferior Beauties owe their Being If the streams be so lovely what must the water in the Fountain be Alas what is the Sun but a dark Lanthorn in comparison of God What is all the light our Eyes behold but a rush Candle to him that is the Father of Lights Truly the light is sweet and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the Sun Eccl. 11.7 Indeed whatever is rich and to be admired in objects would signify nothing to us without light and if created light be so delightful O God how amiable must thou be who dwellest in a Light inaccessible If the Sun and Moon and Stars deserve my delight how more justly may the Great Creator of all these challenge it whose Glory doth infinitely transcend all the little twinklings and radiations which shine in sublunary objects O my God were thy Beauty view'd as it shines in the works of Creation as it sparkles in thy wise ordering and management of the World as it blazes in the redemption of Mankind as it glisters in Regeneration of the Soul as it dazles the eye in the glorification of a sinner how lovely wouldst thou appear And since neither thy Being nor thy Works are in vain since what thou art and what thou doest must needs be for some certain end what can I conclude but that thou discover'st so much Beauty and Splendor and Glory to poor Mortals because we should rejoyce and delight in thee and be ravished with thee O my Soul without this delight in God thou canst never be happy God is thy adequate Object and thy Center and he alone can give thee rest and except he fills and satisfyeth thy powers they 'l be forced like Noah's Dove to flutter and flye up and down wander in a desart and loose themselves in a barren Wilderness When thou delight'st in God thou art at rest and thy rest declares thy happiness How canst thou hope thy Religious exercises will be accepted in Heaven while thou know'st not what this Holy delight doth mean The Heathens guess'd at the acceptance of their Sacrifices by the chearful burning of the Fire upon the Altar The greater thy delight is in God the stronger Argument thou hast that thy Devotion meets with applause and approbation in Heaven Variety is strangely delightful to thee here on Earth and why then hath God so little of thy delight though God be but one yet in that one God are so many pleasant objects that wert thou to live here a thousand years in this one God thou might'st every day meet with fresh objects of delight with this God thou art to be ravish'd to all eternity and then sure there is variety enough in him to revive and recreate thee for a few years in this present World Survey all his blessed Attributes his Holiness his Omnipresence his Omniscience his Immutability his Immensity his Wisdom and Eternity survey his Goodness to Mankind his Perfection his All sufficiency his Willingness to advance Man to the enjoyment of that Glory which the blessed Angels do possess survey his Revelations his Manifestations of himself to this dark ignorant World his Statutes and Judgements and Laws and the Reasonableness and Equity of them all survey his various Dispensations under the Old and New Testament his Methods of converting Men and the various degrees whereby he hath proceeded in the reformation of the wretched Progeny of Adam survey his wonderful love in Christ Jesus and his pitty and compassion to Rebels to Traitors to his greatest Enemies survey the benefits and advantages which arise from Christs Passion Resurrection Ascension Intercession Survey his Promises and Threat'nings his mercy to the penitent his justice to the unbelieving sinner Survey his mercies both publique and private both Spiritual and Temporal and his various favours to all Mankind to thy fellow Christians to thy Relations and thy self Survey the priviledges he allows to those that fear him how he gives them leave to call upon him answers them when they call permits them to call themselves his Children his Darlings his Favourites his Jewels his Friends and the apple of his Eye Survey the Glory which God receives from all his creatures in that all conspire to fulfil his Will Survey the Joy the Glory the Happiness the Triumph the Songs the Halelujah's which he hath designed for his Servants whereof they have a taste here and which e're long they shall enter upon to their Eternal content and satisfaction O my Soul who can express all the pleasing objects which are in this Glorious God thou dost adore Vast Ocean of Delight How can my Soul be weary of Delighting in thee where every object is of a multiplying Nature and the farther I goe the more charms I meet withal every Beam every Ray that darts from thy Throne every work of thy Power and Oh how infinite is the number of them administers Delight And sure he deserves to be starv'd that may come to those Waters of Life and is invited to participatte of this Milk and Honey and to delight his Soul in fatness preferrs the stolen waters of sin before these living Waters which like those in the Aesculapian Well are not capable of putrifaction Look O my Soul look with pity on the poor distracted World that delights in things hellish and sinful worldly mean and trivial they dream they eat and drink and are at a great Feast but in the morning when they wake they find themselves empty A rational complacency in God is Angels food this is the meat thou must live upon for ever
own Bloud to this end thou eatest of his Bread and drinkest of his Wine and thus thou sealest the Covenant Dost not thou remember O my Soul how the world Was lost by eating of the forbidden Tree Behold by eating of this Tree of Life thou shalt be saved for ever in the breaking of the consecrated Bread thou seest how Christs Body was broke for thee in pouring out of the Hallow'd Wine thou seest how Christs Bloud was spilt for thee when the Holy Bread is reach'd out to thee thou seest Christ reaching out his crucified Body to thee that thou mayest see in his hands the print of the nails and put thy finger into the print of his nails and thrust thine hand into his side and shelter thy self under that wounded and mangled Body against the wrath and indignation of God When the sacred Wine is given thee thou seest how Christ offers thee his Bloud for the remission of thy sins canst thou behold so great a love and not loose thy reason in the admiration of its greatness when thou seest such condescension such kindness such compassion O canst thou forbear crying out O my Lord what do I see what mean these longings of Almighty God after my happiness what means this industry of that incomprehensible Being to be at all this charge and pains to make me blessed God that might sport himself with my everlasting groans what need he have cared whether I were saved or no God Who can be happy without company and needs no society but his own whence is it that this mighty God humbles himself thus to dust and ashes layes aside his Robes of Glory and wooes me to be content to lye for ever in his Arms and Bosom would no other remedy serve turn to recover me but the death of the Son of God God on whose Laws I have trampled Whose Authority I have slighted whose promises and threatenings I have undervalued that he should be thus concern'd for my welfare and contrive how to advance me unto Glory and contrive it by such stupendious means too will God suffer that I may not will the Eternal dye that I may not fall a prey to the second Death will God be crown'd with Thorns that I may wear an incorruptible Crown of Glory will God be affronted abus'd and scorn'd that I may inherit Glory and Honor and immortality what manner of love is this where is the spring of it what 's the impulsive cause of it how full of miracles is every circumstance here how pleasant is this contemplation What! God love a little slime and earth O my God! how wonderful is thy love it is all Ocean here is no shore to set my feet on be astonish'd at it O ye Heavens and tremble O thou Earth the Eternal the Immense Creator of Heaven and Earth stoops to a miserable creature the God who fills Heaven and Earth with his Presence bows down to a poor inconsiderable worm he that sits on the circle of the Earth and before whom all the Inhabitants of the Earth are as Grashoppers humbles himself to take notice of a poor forlorn wretch Here is love indeed Stay me with flaggons comfort me with apples my Head grows giddy with the Precipice here is an abyss of Love which I cannot fathom my head swims at the sight of it Sense can furnish me with nothing like it I am silenc'd here is a love answers all arguments that are brought for going on in sin Help me O thou blessed Spirit Help me O thou who art fairer than the Children of Men Help me thou who art all Love and Life Help me to admire thy Love In this Love are a thousand charms in this Love are omnipotent enforcives to love God above all the world Run O my Soul run into this Banqueting-house the Banner whereof is Love Is it so and must thou have perish'd and been undone for ever if the Son of God had not come in the Flesh and expiated thy crimes and doth not that Almighty love deserve thy Love see how the ambitious love the applause of men and wilt not thou love him who is brighter than the Sun see how the rich man is enamour'd with his stately Pallace and canst not thou love him who hath done that for thee which no Friend no Money no Gold no Silver could have purchas'd viz. reconciled thee to an offended God wilt thou slight this Love and hope to go unpunish'd wilt thou make this Love a refuge for wilful sins and hope for the light of Christs countenance will not he who loved thee beyond all presidents and examples double and treble his indignation upon thee if this Love cannot melt thee into a truly Spiritual life could the Devils but have such an offer of being partakers of the love of Christ how would they rejoyce and triumph and Love and Honour and Obey their God again as once they did when they were inhabitants of Heaven and wilt thou beworse than a Devil and spurn at that Love which Angels stand astonish'd at were it thine own case O my Sou wouldst not thou revenge such ingratitude with all the severity imaginable and doom the wretch that should affront such condescension to the direst Flames Be wise O my Soul and provoke not that God to swear in his wrath that thou shalt never enter into his rest who flees unto thee on the wings of mercy to embrace thee thou canst never have a more glorious sight of Gods love on this side Heaven than is discovered to thee in this Sacrament and if ever thou wouldst be perswaded to resign thy self entirely to thy Blessed Redeemer make his Will thy Will and desire what he desires and hate what he hates and love what he loves O come hither to the cross and see the Son of God weeping for thy sins come hither and see him sweat drops of Bloud for thy iniquities and offering thee pardon and reconciliation and peace with God and access to the Throne of Grace and union and communion with him and if this be not enough a title to Eternal Happiness or a right to that Throne himself doth sit on But why so backward O my Soul to come to the Table of thy Lord where thou mayst drink Wine and Milk without Money and without Price where thou mayst be satisfied as with marrow and fatness and eat of the living Bread whereof whoever eats shall live for ever hast thou forgot the peremptory command of Christ Do this in remembrance of me Is this remembring thy dearest friend to think of him solemnly but once or twice a year shouldst not thou remember him as often as thou hast an opportunity should thy Saviour remember thee no oftner than thou dost his death and passion how fearful would thy condition be canst thou represent his Love too often to thy mind and affections canst thou remember thy sins that brought him to the Cross too often art thou afraid of thinking too much of this
his God his Soul and his Neighbor and this cautiousness cannot but make him prudent in his Secular Vocation hence such a man hath commonly his Wife Children and Servants in better order than other men and mingles that sweetness and kindness with his gravity or severity that they may have encouragement to love him and dread offending a far greater Master in Heaven there is not that discontent that emulation that ill language that backbiting that luxury that extravagance that tumult in such a mans Family as is to be observed in Houses where little of God and Eternity is regarded Such a person spends in his house no more but what is decent and convenient and so provides for those of his own Houshold as not to forget doing good to the Levite and to the Widow and to the Fatherless his Speech is commonly with Grace seasoned with Salt full of meekness and gravity and therefore less offensive and he takes heed that it may not be laid to his charge that he hath bestow'd more to feed his pride and luxury than Christs distressed members and in publick affairs or places of great Trust such a man as minds first Heaven and then Earth usually discovers far greater wisdom in management of State affairs than those who first mind Earth and Heaven when they have nothing else to do for his Principles lead him so to carry himself to man as not to affront his God and to advise his King to nothing but what is truly great and glorious and beneficial for the Realm he governs and as a Prince may confide in such a person more than in a sensual Man so he hath reason to believe that all things will prosper better in his hand than in the others because he first seeks the Honour of God and then the happiness of his King and the Honour of that Nation he is a member of which is a thing so pleasing to God that there is nothing more frequent with him than to bless such honest endeavours and to crown them with success and prosperity And certainly he that can consider how to keep himself from the everlasting evil may with greater ease prevent temporal mischief and danger which depend upon the imprudence of his actions he that can row against the Stream may with greater facility row with it he that can chearfully goe up the Hill will find no great difficulty in going down he that can do that which his Nature hath more than ordinary aversion from may more easily doe that which his nature hath a strong byass and inclination to and he whose mind will serve him to turn away the ever-burning wrath of Almighty God cannot want judgement and prudence to prevent the wrath and anger of those men he converses withal and he that can by serious consideration make sure of a Seat in Heaven cannot want power to consider how to manage the Estate God hath given him in this world to Gods Glory and his neighbors good and though men that are very considerate in their Soul concerns doe not always use that prudence we have mention'd in the concerns of this present world yet it is sufficient that if they will make use of that light and those arguments which their reason thus improved by consideration doth furnish them withal they may most certainly arrive to this wisdom and discretion in secular concerns and businesses which we have been speaking of Indeed it 's very rational that he that exercises his reason much and examines the nature ends causes circumstances and consequences of things as he must do that seriously considers the things that belong unto his everlasting peace should arrive to more than ordinary wisdom in other things and that he that 's prudent in the greater should be able to proceed prudentially in lesser matters that he who is faithful in much should be faithful in a little also and that he who is just in the true Riches should be very just in the Mammon of unrighteousness too as we read Luk. 16. 10 11. CHAP. VII A pathetical Exhortation to men who are yet strangers to a serious religious life to consider their ways wilfulness of their neglect how dangerous it is How inexcusable they are how inhumane to God and their own Souls How reasonable God's requests are and how justly God may turn that power of consideration he hath given them into blindness and hardness of heart since they make so ill a use of it c. ANd now Reader whoever thou art that doest yet wallow or allow thy self in any known sin and art not sincerely resolved to close with the terms of Christs Eternal Gospel let me adjure thee by the mercies of God not to reject or superciliously to despise what here we have propos'd As thou art a man and owest civility to all creatures that have the signature of man upon them be but so kind and civil to this Discourse as to allow it some serious thoughts Either thou hast a rational Soul or thou hast not if thou hast let me entreat thee by the Bowels of Jesus to consider whether this present world be all the Sphere that God intended it should move in If it be not and if how to secure the happiness of the world to come be the chief thing this thy Soul is designed for why wilt thou frustrate God in his expectation why wilt thou goe contrary to all creatures and not prosecute the end for which thy Soul was made and shed into thy Body That there is such a thing as a life to come and an Eternity of joy and torment the one promised to a strict and Heavenly conversation the other threaten'd to a loose and careless or sensual life cannot be call'd into question by him that shall impartially reflect upon the premisses it 's certain the things which concern that other life are not discover'd by our sences and therefore thou canst not hope to be affected with them that way It 's thy reason only that can and must apprehend that future state and so apprehend it as to work upon thy affections But which way is it possible thy reason should so apprehend it as to fright thee from thy evil courses except it be improv'd by consideration Sinner I do here in the presence of God conjure thee by all that 's Good and Holy by the interest and welfare of thine own Soul by all the Laws of self-interest by the Revelations of the Son of God by all that God ever did for Mankind by that love which transcends the understandings of Men and Angels by the groans of those miserable Souls which are now in Hell by all the joys of Paradice by the testimony of thine own conscience by all the motions of God's Spirit in thy Heart by all the mercies thou dost receive from Heaven by that allegiance thou owest to God by that Faithfulness thou owest to thine own Soul I do most seriously conjure thee to tell me whether thou art not able to
consider the evil of thy courses the beauty of Gods ways and the sad consequences of sensuality thou deniest thy own Being deniest Gods Favour to thy Soul deniest the Glory of thy Creation deniest the most visible and the most apparent thing in the world if thou deniest thy ability in this point and if thou art able to consider so much what injustice can it be in God to demand an account of this consideration wherein doth he do thee an injury if he doth ask what thou hast done with this power wert thou in Gods stead wouldst not thou require the same account of thy servant on whom thou hadst bestow'd such a Talent if thou art able and wilt not take thy faithfulness into serious consideration can there be any thing more just in the world than thy damnation how easy were it for thee to lay home the danger thou art in and seeing it is so easy how just is it with God to let thee perish in that danger thou art resolv'd in despight of all Gods endeavours to the contrary to fall and sink into O Christian how dreadful will it be for thee when Christ shall depart from thee with this doleful exclamation How often would I have gathered thee as a Hen doth gather her Chickens under her wings and thou wouldst not wouldst not This is it that makes thy everlasting torments just O Sinner that God should invite thee to Heaven and thou put him off with this answer I will not that God should carress thee to become his Darling and thou voluntarily and freely list thy self in the Catalogue of the Devils favourites and votaries that God should leave no means untried to melt thy stuborn heart and thou desperately fight against his Heaven and when he would thrust thee into it violently to break loose from him and lay force upon damnation How inexcusable will this make thee What Man what Angel can or dares plead for thee after such horrid wilfulness by it thou shutst up all mens compassion against thee were thy error an infirmity or had invincible ignorance caused thy folly some or other possibly might be moved to speak in favour of thy concerns but that thou knowing the will of God and having power to think what the end of thy courses will be and power to avoid the danger and power to pray for help a gracious God to encourage thee a glorious reward to entice thee Eternity to fright thee the everlasting gulph to startle thee shouldst in despight of all these motives wilfully and maliciously shun thine own cure this is a malady which no creature can justly shed a Tear or frame an apology for Be astonish'd O ye Heavens and tremble O thou Earth ye Angels that rejoyce at a sinners conversion here on Earth O all ye that pass by behold and see whether there be a sorrow as such a sinners sorrow is We have read of men that have eaten their enemies of Monsters that have devour'd their own Children but here is one devours himself inhumane to a prodigy one that contrives how to shut himself out of Heaven plots how to undermine his everlasting Salvation and studies how to sink into the dungeon of desperation Sirs what is it that we are exhorting you unto is it to dig down Mountains is it to exhaust the Sea is it to pull down the Sun from his Orb is it to reverse the course of Nature is it to work miracles is it to unhinge the Earth or to stop the flux and reflux of the Ocean one would think by the earnestness and vehemency of expressions we are forced to use that it must be something beyond the power of man but no all that we keep this stir for is only that you would consent to be happy contrive how to inherit an incorruptible Crown and think seriously how to escape your own torment and needs there any intreaty for this one would think you should run to us break down the doors of our Habitations pull us out of our studies interrupt us though we were never so busy and importune us as that Widdow did the Judge and follow us day and night to be satisfied the thing is of that importance And O did you but believe an Eternity you would do so Believe why what should hinder you from believing it what arguments can you desire that you have not can there be any thing surer than the word of God can there be a greater witness than the Son of God God cannot deceive you he cannot impose upon you he cannot delude you dare to believe him though you have not look'd into Hell yet certainly there 's one though you have not seen the joys above yet such joys there are and to consider to study to ponder how to arrive to them is the great thing we press upon you as being sensible of your danger sensible that death will arrest you before you are aware of it sensible that many thousands are for ever miserable for neglecting such exhortations O Sirs we do not envy your worldly happiness we dare assure you that it is not any grugde we have against your prosperity that makes us put you in mind of these unwelcome Lessons we have a God calling upon us to stop you in your earnestness for the world woe to us if we give you no warning woe to you if you take no warning If making provision for the Flesh to fulfil the lusts thereof would make you happy if rioting and drunkenness chambering and wantonness and rouling in all the pleasures that your flesh does promise and your fancy pay could contribute any thing to your felicity if solacing your selves in the wanton streams of sensual delights would lead you into Paradise we promise you we would not molest or disturb you in your ways nay if you had not Souls to be saved did your Spirits dye with your Bodies we would not stint you in your jollities But oh can we read how the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of Men and see you fall a prey to that indignation Can we read how tribulation and anguish shall certainly fall upon every Soul that doth evil and not speak to you to prevent it Can we read how the Lord Jesus will e'r long come from Heaven in flames of Fire to take vengeance of those who have continued to disobey his Gospel and to punish them with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the Glory of his power and not call to you Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand Can we read how the unprofitable Servant that made no use of his Talent but buried it under ground and would not watch or make himself ready to meet his Master shall be thrown into outward darkness where there is howling and gnashing of Teeth and not beg of you to trim your Lamps and arise from the dead that Christ may give you Light Can we remember how many
thou putst upon thine own Soul and is thy Soul so inconsiderable a thing that thou makest nothing of deluding and circumventing it What thinkest thou Sinner suppose thou didst see a Senate or Parliament made up of very grave wise sober judicious men who should unanimously give their verdict in a Cause and determine it and while these men after serious deliberation give their judgement in the case propos'd to them in comes the malefactor against whom they have given sentence accuses the Decree of the Senate of injustice charges their Vote with a lye and takes a great deal of pains to make the world believe a tale of his own making whom wouldst thou believe that grave wise judicious Senate or the Malefactor the Senate sure and then when God Angels and Men the wisest the gravest the learnedst of them do all unanimously determine that without a serious consideration of thy Spiritual concerns thou canst not arrive to any sincere reformation of life canst never know the danger thou art in or what thou must do to escape unquenchable fire and that without it thou art a truly miserable man and dost take the way that leads to destruction hast thou the impudence to oppose thy sickly opinion which arises from a distemper'd ed head and a more distemper'd conscience to the grave sound and orthodox judgement of Men infinitely wiser than thy self when all with one consent affirm that thou art sick to death and nothing but consideration can recover thee wilt thou cancel their verdict by prescribing to thy self medicines of thine own making all cry out against thy inconsiderate course of life God doth not justify it Angels do condemn it the Preachers of the Gospel confute it Philosophers arreign it thy Reason hath arguments against it thy Conscience chides thee for it thy sober neighbors reprove it and wilt not thou subscribe to their sentence what insolence is it to think thy self more knowing than he that knows all things Behold sinner here lies the way to Heaven God is intreating thee to walk in it the Devil is busy to discourage thee from it God saith Here I will be found the Devil suggests that the Sons of Anack dwell there God wishes thou wouldst yield and live the Devil that thou wouldst stand out and dye God seeks to crown thee the Devil to rob thee of thy Diadem God assures thee that this is the Garden where thy Graces must grow the Devil argues that nothing but Weeds and Thistles grow there All the dispute is who shall have thy Soul God or the Devil think sinner for God's sake think who is the Rewarder and who is the Tormenter who is the King that can save thee and who is the Executioner that studies only to ruine thee shall not God prevail wilt not thou give him thy heart and shall Satan goe away with thy Soul shall he possess that Treasure which Angels are ambitious of for shame let not God goe away empty think what a condescension it is in God to be willing to accept of so inconsiderable a Present as thy Heart what is thy Soul to him what benefit doth he receive by offering thee his bosom if thou hast such a mind to be the Devils slave what need God take pains to rescue thee from that bondage dost thou think he cannot live without thee dost thou think thy being in his Heaven doth add any thing to his felicity cannot he as well be glorified in thy Torments as he can in thy Salvation cannot he make his Justice triumph over such a stubborn wretch as thou art wherein doth his advantage lye may not he be God and Great and Glorious and admired by Angels while thou friest in Hell thou hast very highly obliged him indeed that he need be at all this trouble to make thee in love with his ways shouldst not thou stand amazed at his Favour shouldst not thou wonder that this immense and infinite Majesty will vouchsafe a gracious look to so vile a worm as thou art and canst thou see a God court thee and grow coy doth God offer to kiss thee with the kisses of his Lips and dost thou scorn his embraces canst thou see him carress thee and turn away thy face wilt thou prefer the motions of a lying Devil before the Oracles of the Great God of Heaven hadst thou rather goe along with him that will murther thee than accompany him that will encircle thy Head with a Crown of Glory shall God magnify his Mercy upon thee and wilt thou fall in love with his enemy doth God intend by making love to thy Soul to give a character to the world of his infinite goodness and compassion and darest thou be so bold as to lessen that character by thy contempt and ingratitude Behold sinner God is willing to lay aside his Flaming Sword thou shalt hear of him no more in the Earthquake or in the Storm or in the mighty Wind that breaks the Rocks in pieces but in the still small voice the voice of Boanerges shall sound no more in thy ears he 'll blow his Trumpet of War no more all his frowns shall be done away he 'll fright thee no more with Hell-fire if his Grace his Mercy his Compassion can but allure thee to bethink thy self and close with him and so to consider the concerns of thy Soul as to resign thy self altogether to his guidance and direction his Aspect shall be kind his Countenance shall be nothing but smiles his Face shall be a perpetual Sunshine if by consideration of thy ways thou wilt become sensible of thy former folly and throw it away and take up with him alone if his kindly Beams can thaw thy frozen Heart if his calm can win thee and make thee prostrate thy self before the Lion of the Tribe of Judah Heaven and Earth shall be no longer in conspiration against thee and thou shalt not need to look any more for Thunders and Lightnings from that Heaven stand still sinner and see the Salvation of God behold Grace and Mercy lies weeping at thy Feet the free the soveraign the extensive the attractive Grace of God comes wooing to thy Soul and doth bespeak thee in this manner Hold Hold thou poor besotted creature whither dost thou run Hear hear I bring thee the joyfullest tidings that ever were brought to the ears of Men God will be thy Father the Lord Jesus thy Saviour the Holy Ghost thy Comforter the Angels thy Companions thy Life shall be a perpetual Holyday thou shalt be a friend of God an Heir of Heaven and Coheir with Christ thy sins shall all be done away thy iniquities shall be remembred no more all the promises of the Gospel shall be thine God will vouchsafe to live with thee the Holy Ghost will make thy Soul his Temple thou shalt have strength to overcome Hell and Devils Flames and Swords and be more than a Conqueror through him that loved thee the Lord Jesus Christ ask a Heaven and
pull'd out betimes How shall I be crown'd if I strive not How shall I strive if I have no temptation I cannot strive without an enemy and without striving there can be no victory the Workman doth not pull the Gold out of the fire till sufficiently refined and shall I murmur that God lets the Fiery Trials continue upon me when it is certain that my Gold is not yet fit to be receiv'd into the Sanctuary I am full of dangers but my greatest danger is security Men fear and quake and tremble if they are in the midst of an hundred enemies I have all the Devils in Hell against me and a whole Army of Lusts bent to ruine me and am not afraid And when there is nothing can rouze me from my security but affliction ought not I to kiss the rod In the greatest troubles I may be assured that God loves me and that it is not his Anger but his Love that follows me with chastisements and why should I fret under the yoak especially when fretting and strugling to shake it off before Gods time doth but make my neck more sore and the yoak far more uneasy I brought the cause of suffering with me into the world which is sin and how can I expect I shall be freed from suffering till I am freed from sin God might have placed me in Heaven immediately upon my coming into the world without any of these outward troubles he could as easily produce Bread out of the Earth as he doth the Ears of Corn but that man may sweat and labour and relish his bread the better he causes only the Ears of Corn to spring and of them Bread must be made so by labour and suffering God leads me unto Glory that I may the better relish his bounty and liberality and my rest may be the sweeter after my toil and tempests here Affliction I know cannot hurt me for my Saviour hath been my taster there can be no bitterness in these herbs when my God hath season'd them Why should I love God less than dogs do their Masters These poor brutes are beaten and struck and chid and pelted with stones and yet the more they are beaten the more they love their owners and cringe and bow and humble themselves before them shall I be worse than a beast and shall I carry a rational Soul in my Breast and kick against those pricks which God hath set to guard me from Eternal Flames All my sorrows and bitterness will shortly be poured out into an ocean of sweetness and how little of it shall I perceive then it will then be all lost in a Sea of Glory and I shall forget that I was poor and wretched and naked and miserable when I shall be Eternally enriched with God bounty enamoured with his perfection decked with his Majestick Robes comforted with his Consolation delighted with his love enriched by his wisdom and satisfied with his beauty in whose Presence there is fulness of joy and pleasure at his right hand for evermore These are some descants upon that Picture of Retirement with such consolations can he that retires refresh himself while the man that wearies himself with the vanities of this world finds no solid peace and when he comes to dye must look back upon his former life with horror and anxiety But II. Another great help to Consideration is Prayer this is the Ambassador that must goe to Heaven and fetch the assistance of Gods Spirit from thence Consideration shews me my danger and my happiness but it 's the Spirit of God must blow upon my affections that they may actually shun the one and reach after the other and this Spirit must be had by Prayer not by Lip-labour not by Prayer unto which the heart is a stranger and knows not what the tongue means in making such a noise but by Prayer which expresses the real desires of the heart by Prayer that flows from a deep sense of the absolute necessity of the grace of God and hath Fire and Flames enough to bear it up into Heaven For if you which are evil can give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your Heavenly Father give his Holy Spirit to them that ask him saith Christ Luc. 11.13 and what kind of asking this is appears from the parable immediately preceding for which of you saith Christ v. 5. shall have a friend and shall goe to him at midnight and say unto him Friend lend me three loaves for a friend of mine in his journey is come unto me and I have nothing to set before him and he from within shall answer and say Trouble me not for the door is now shut and my children are with me in bed I cannot rise and give thee I say unto you though he will not rise and give him because he is his friend yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him as many as he needs And then it follows immediately Ask and it shall be given you i. e. Ask for Gods Holy Spirit with the same importunity with the same fervency and earnestness that this man did the Loaves follow God with incessant cryes resolve not to be denied and it shall most certainly be given you The truth is importunate and fervent Prayer shews a man is in good earnest and that he doth not come to God out of formality or meerly to satisfy the motions of a fearful Conscience but that a great sense of the goodness and mercy of God and of his Spiritual wants and necessities puts him upon Prayer and such Prayers God cannot despise because he hath promised to hear them and of this the Evangelist gives us a very illustrious example in the woman of Canaan crying unto Christ Lord help me the answer is rough It is not meet to take the Childrens bread and give it unto dogs yet this doth not terrify her she doubles her cryes and seems to catch our Saviour in his own words Truth Lord yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their Masters Table and now God can hold no longer but from his mouth drops the joyful word O Woman great is thy Faith be it unto thee even as thou wilt Matth. 15.25 26 27. Prayer sanctifies Consideration and where the Soul begs hard of God that God would set home the reflexions she hath had and work her into a willingness to close with his Will that he would increase that light which Consideration hath given her give that light fire too to warm as well as cleer her and drive and force those Convictions Consideration hath afforded her into a serious conversion terrify her so with that sight of sin which Consideration hath darted into her that she may remain no longer in the suburbs of Hell but come out of Sodom and so allure her with that beauty of Holiness which Consideration hath let her have a view of that she may not be able to resist the splendor but submit to the power
in the mire and pit thou didst advance me into thy Fathers bosom I lay trembling under the jaws of the hellish Dragon thou gavest me a place in the heart of God I was unworthy of thy gracious Aspect and thou hast made me capable of being embraced by the Great and Terrible God I lay in a Dungeon thou didst promote me to a Throne thou hast done that for me which I durst not have hoped or wish'd for it had been enough to have deliver'd me from Hell but that would not content thee except I were raised above the Heavens and above Angels too it had been favour enough when my condition was so desperate if thou hadst parchas'd for me a suspension or forbearance of thy Fathers Anger but thou didst go further and didst purchase me a Pardon too and not satisfied with that thou didst incline thy Fathers love to me and as if that had not been enough thou didst procure me Gifts and Blessings too and not only Blessings in general but the greatest Blessing imaginable even thine own Kingdom and thine own Heritage How unworthy have I lived of this incomprehensible Love O that I might not be able to reflect upon my life without indignation Thou art the way the truth and the life direct me and I 'll strive to enter in at the strait Gate purify my Spirit wash my Soul with thy Bloud that 's the Eye-salve which will make me see that 's the Medicine which will cure my blindness O cleanse me and I shall be whiter than Snow O thou inexhausted Fountain of Goodness let me not goe away dry from thee let the light of thy countenance always shine about me and by that light let me discover not only my grosser sins but my more secret corruptions Draw me after thee and I shall run hide me in thy wounds be my Advocate and plead my Cause thou spreadest open thy Arms to all that desire Rest behold I come receive me Graciously love me Freely teach me to relye on thee My Joy my Treasure my Sovereign Comfort cause all the fruits of the Spirit to grow in my Soul O help me or else I perish O assist me or else I faint my Conscience terrifies me O do thou speak peace unto it the roaring Lion threatens to devour me O shew thy gliterring Sword and drive him away Gods anger burns against me O throw some drops of thy Bloud into that fire and it will goe out Let me be content to sell all for thee let me not scruple to part even with the best things I have for thy service set me as a seal upon thy Heart stream down the waters of Life upon me I 'll open my mouth wide O do thou fill it I will live to my self no more possess all my faculties and unite them to thee make me truly acquainted with my self let those joys thou hast promised to thy Saints support me in all my tribulations Come Lord Jesus come quickly O Thou Blessed and Eternal Spirit vouchsafe to breath upon me blow upon my Garden that the Spices may flow move powerfully upon my Soul that it may bring forth fruits meet for Repentance Let me be truly afraid to resist thy suggestions Sanctify and give success to all my attempts to make my Calling and Election sure when my stubborn heart would baffile thy designs to save me let thy Grace overcome and conquer me represent the love of God to me in that Glory that I may instantly throw down all I have at the feet of Christ O let my Soul be so dazled with its beams that I may desire and breathe after nothing so much as after a Glorious enjoyment of God Break the chains of my sins command the Fetters I have been bound in to fly asunder whatever good thoughts I have of God increase them enlarge my Soul that I may truly delight in thinking of thee let me feel the sweetness of Holiness let me taste those joys which thou dost vouchsafe to those that improve thy motions tempt me by a foretaste of Heavens Glory to lay force upon it Give me a glimpse of yonder Paradise that I may not faint in my journey give me arguments against my self that I may be deliver'd from my self Fill all the channels of my Soul with thy gifts while I sojourn here on Earth let my heart be in Heaven let not self-love in me hinder me from loving thee Take my heart away and give me thy self be thou my heart and all my delight wherever I am be thou my Director let thy word be my rule and enable me to live according to that rule O Holy Blessed and Glorious Trinity one God thou immense Sea of happiness make me to know what it is to be one with thee O thou everlasting Goodness O thou everlasting Wisdom O thou everlasting Sweetness grant I may see thee seeing may love thee loving may admire thee admiring may imitate thee and imitating thee may enjoy thee enjoying thee may never be separated from thee but live in thy Light and Love and Glory to all Eternity FINIS Acts 14.11 * Aen. Sylvius Psal. 18.8 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hagg. 1.5 7. 1 Sam. 15.14 * Tertullian Apolog. c. 50. * Id. Ibid. * Tertull. lib de patientia c. 14. Erumpentes bestiolas in eosdem specus pastus foraminosae carnis ludendo revocibat 1 Pet. 5.8 Matth. 4.3 Eph. 6 12. Sucton in Calig vid. Euseb. Nierem de ador lib. 1. c. 〈◊〉 seq
Earth they enjoy a perpetual Sun-shine we are allow'd no more but Moon-light we see as it were through a Glass darkly they face to face their light like that of the Sun never lessens ours like that of the Moon is sometimes greater sometimes less and sometimes we have none at all How often doth the afflicted Beleever walk in darkness God hides the Light of his countenance from him and he is troubled sometime he is all joy by and by all darkness again sometimes he is like St. Paul wrapt up into the third Heaven sometimes like Men that see God's wonders in the deep he goes down again to the depths and his Soul melts because of trouble how cleer are the apprehensions sometimes he hath of the love and mercy of God! and he seems to be able to comprehend with all Saints what is the depth and breadth of the love of God how often on the other side is a vail drawn over all these bright Conceptions and he groveling in the dust What flouds of Consolation doth God sometimes pour out upon his Soul whereas at other times those comforts come down in drops which use to come in showers how great sometimes is his strength against temptations how weak his courage at another how chearfully sometime can he cry out I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me how mournfully is he forced to express himself at another I see a Law in my Members warring against the Law of my Mind and bringing me into captivity to the Law of Sin Behold O my Soul the vast number of the Stars and Lamps of Heaven how wise how powerful is that God that made them who can look upon those curious Lights without admiring their Creator Behold they rise and goe down at his command and do not fail one minute of their appointed time how should this teach thee obedience how chearfully shouldst thou run at the command of thy God these glorious Stars though their number be vastly great yet they never clash or disagree one with another how should this engage thee to unfeigned charity and peaceableness how should this put thee upon promoting peace and concord and agreement among thy neighbors and doe not these Stars put thee in mind how e're long thou shalt shine as the Stars in the firmament for ever Happy hour Blessed day when thou shalt be cloathed with splendor and immortatity when thou shalt see night no more and shalt need no candle neither light of the Sun but the Lord shall give thee light and thou shalt reign with him for ever Come down lower O my Soul I have not done yet with Gods wonderful Works reflect upon the Air in which all sensitive Creatures breathe without this Air the whole Creation would dye it 's this that keeps Men and Beasts and all Plants and Herbs alive and is not the Holy Spirit of God O my Soul the very same to thee that the Air is to all creatures without this spirit of God to enlighten to move and to direct thee thou hast the name that thou livest but thou art dead it 's this spirit must give thee life it 's he that must warm thee into a practical Love to God it 's he must teach thee how to pray it 's he must help thy infirmities and bear witness with thy Spirit that thou art a Child of God beg this rich gift at the hands of God and thou shalt have it seek it and thou shalt find it knock at Heaven Gate for it and God will open and grant thee thy hearts desire Behold O my Soul how vain and foolish these men are that will not believe the Being of Angels or of Spirits because they never saw any can they see the Air and why do not they question whether there be such a thing as Air or no this Air supports all Creatures so doth thy God much more The Eyes of all do wait upon him and he gives them their meat in due season he opens his hand and fills the desire of every living thing Psal. 145.15 16. When this Air yields to all gross Bodies and lets them pass without opposition how doth it read to thee Lectures of Patience and Humility in that flexibility thou mayst see the sinfulness of thy inexorable temper the odiousness of thy revengeful desires and reviling again when thou art reviled and giving the offender as good as he brings the Air reproves thee when thou art deaf to all entreaties to be reconciled to him that hath injured thee when thou wilt not yield to the humble supplication of distressed creatures and when thou opposest thy own humour to all the rational perswasions of wiser men than thy self Look upon the Fire 0 my Soul and behold how differently it acts upon Bodies it meets withal how it consumes the Hay and Stubble and cleanseth and purifies Gold and Silver doest thou not see here as in a Glass how thy God destroys the workers of iniquity and advances and encreases and purifies the desires and affections of a devout and religious Soul thou seest how hard and black Iron is when it is not near the Fire and how bright and tractable it becomes in the fire and is not this the true picture of a sinner while he is a stranger to the Law of God he hardens his heart as Flint and Adamant no threatenings pierce him no promises prevail with him no judgements fright him no providences move him no mercies melt him he feeds upon Gods Blessings as Swine do upon Acorns without minding the hand that throws them down he hears Sermons but they awake him not he is intreated and he slights the invitation he is reproved and laughs at the reprehension but when that Holy Fire the love of God enters into his heart how flexible how tractable doth he grow how doth the love of God constrain him to avoid sin and to bid defiance to all the works of Darkness he that before scorn'd to hear the glad tidings of the Gospel how doth he now submit to Christs easy yoak he that before thought such a duty unfit and improper for a person of his quality how cheerfully doth he now bow and yield to it he that before had a thousand excuses why he could not do what Christ enjoyns him how doth he now lay all those idle apologies by he that before was churlish becomes now affable and courteous he that before was apt to be very angry at the least affront now bears it more quietly he that before put off the Eternal God with the meanest of his endeavours now is willing to give him the fat and strength of his affections he that before could hear Ministers call to him and call again without effect now cries out Sirs what must I do to be saved he that before could not be perswaded to walk in the strait way now runs in the way of God's Commandments Blessed Fire which consumes not but illuminates never suffers the heart to be harden'd