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A17706 Sermons of M. Iohn Caluine vpon the Epistle of Saincte Paule to the Galathians; Sermons de M. Jean Calvin sur l'Epistre S. Paul apostre aux Galates. English Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. 1574 (1574) STC 4449; ESTC S122190 610,760 704

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fashion Let vs go forward with the whole processe VVe see that without faith there should be no bond to knit any Church togither nor any assurance whereby to know which is the seede of Abraham or to discerne it from the rest of the world but by resorting to the head that is too wit to our Lord Iesus Christ Ye see then that the vnion of the body dependeth vpon the head that is to wit vppon the Redeemer Seeing it doth so not without cause doth Sainct Paule say that it was not spoken of many seedes but that wee must come too one man if we will haue the spirituall people that is to say if wee will haue the Churche of God our Lorde Iesus Christ must bee the marke that we must begin to looke at and wee must bee gathered vnto him and those that are of his body and cleaue vntoo him by fayth are the folke that are reckened for Gods children and houshold and are verily the seede of Abraham as he discourseth more at large in the Epistle to the Romanes where he sayth that all they which come of the seede of Israell after the flesh are not therefore Israelites And why For there was but one promised chylde which was Isaac So then wee must come to our Lorde Iesus Christe in whome all Gods promises are Yea and Amen and in whome they haue theyr substance For without him there is nothing else but soattering And therefore it is said in the first Chapter to the Colossians that our Lorde Iesus Christs office is to gather togither all things that were scattered as well in heauen as in earthe and that without him al should go to wrecke But now we see more cleerely how Sainct Paules meening is that before the law was published to the world wherevp●● was put and added this condition that it behoued vs to fulfill all that is conteined therein God had yeelded a record of his will before hand whiche was that bycause hee saw mankind damned and forlorne he intēded to draw out a chosen sort to hymselfe and to be mercifull to them And that was not for one linage alone but for all nations as the scripture expresseth And there of the foundation was layd in our Lord Iesus Christ For asmuch then as our Lord Iesus Christe was already in the tyme of Abraham ordeyned to be a mediator to make attonemēt betweene God and vs so that if we go in his name to seeke fauour it is ready for vs and we cannot be disappointed of our hope seeing it is so stablished there is no chaunge but wee must assure ourselues that God accepteth vs at this day so we rest wholly vpō our Lord Iesus Christ knowing that it was no vncerteine couenant whiche was so ratifyed in his name but that it shall endure for euer and be always of force Ye see then that we may come freely before God and call vpon him as our father bycause he hath adopted vs for his chidrē whiche thing he hath not done in respect of any worthinesse that was in vs but of his owne meere mercie and bycause we bee made one with our Lord Iesus Christ by faith And by the way like as we must reiect all opinion and imagination of obteyning fauour at Gods hand by our owne deseruings and of assuring our owne saluation so must we looke wel to that which is told vs heere namely that we cannot be partakers of such a benefite but by faith Now as I haue sayd afore faith importeth an imbracing of Gods mercy whiche thing cannot bee done except wee bee touched earnestly with our own wretchednesse for it is not for naught that our Lord Iesus Christ setteth our cursednesse before vs as it were in a glasse by taking vpon him to be accursed for vs. Faith therefore cannot be without repentance for it is vnpossible that we shoulde seeke our welfare in God or desire mercie at his hand till miserie touch vs to the quicke and make vs to mislike of it And so these skoffers whiche mocke God weltring still in their vyces and beeing as it were sotted in them must not looke that euer Iesus Christ shoulde recken them in the number of hys for they cannot by any meanes come at him nother doth he call any other than suche as are so ouerloden and forweeryed as they can no longer hold out and lye groning vnder the burthen of their sinnes Thus ye see how it behoueth vs to resort to our Lord Iesus Christe and that although we cannot bring any desert vnto him and that all the Ceremonies of the law and all the profers that we can make vnto him do nothing at all further our saluation yet we must be prepared to suche lowlinesse as we may perceiue our state to be right miserable till God haue taken vs to his mercy and we must be so beaten downe in ourselues as wee may feele the curse that should light vpon vs if we were not raunsomed with so high and excellent a price as I haue declared heeretofore Yee see then that by faythe wee receiue the promis of the spirite and thereby are linked to oure Lord Iesus Christ and too the spirituall seede of Abraham For although we be not borne of his linage yet is it ynough that wee be made atone with him by faith For then are wee begotten againe of that incorruptible seed wherof S. Peter speaketh that is to wit of Gods word such as it is conteyned in the Gospell And beeing so begotten agayne we know that God auoweth vs too be of the body of his only sonne And although wee come of the Gentiles yet fayle we not for all that to be ioyned to the Church whervntoo there needeth no more but only fayth and as for all merites and vertues of men they must vtterly ceasse in that behalfe and men must acknowledge that they cannot bring any thing but confusion so as they must be faine to seeke all at Gods hande and that by the meanes whiche hee hymselfe hath appointed Now sith it is so let vs learne to leaue our wandering heere and there as we see lightheaded men do whiche are neuer contented with that which God telleth them but are euer adding somewhat of theyr owne deuice Let vs beware of such mingling as shall be treated of more at large after dinner by Gods will And let Iesus Chryste alone suffise vs seeyng that our welfare dependeth wholly vppon hym alone and wee shall want nothing if wee bee partakers of hym as we see how Sainct Paule bringeth vs backe too that poynte Furthermore let vs learne also too holde vs too Gods truth assuring ourselues that hee cannot abyde too haue any adding vntoo it bycause that were a marring reuersing and falsifying of his couenant wherein oure welfare consisteth But when we haue once imbraced our Lorde Iesus Christ let vs abyde fast in him and let hym suffise vs for all and then maye wee call vppon GOD with full mouth
shadowes bicause that nowe a dayes wee haue the body and the substaunce Seeing it is so if a man should set foorth the ceremonies of the Lawe he should separate them frō our Lord Iesus Christ and what should they be then They would be of no force For as I sayd afore if a man separate them for our Lorde Iesus Christ surely they shall bee but pelting trash Therefore when men kept the ceremonies so as they were applied to their lawful vse they were good exercises and the old fathers mispente not their time bicause they were confirmed by them in the hope of their saluation and they were vntoo them a warrante of Gods fatherly loue towardes them and they led them to oure Lorde Iesus Christe the fountayne of all welfare But if men busie themselues in keeping the ceremonies without knowing why or wherfore surely it is but flat mockerie For the Heathen men dyd make sacrifice also and some of them had no Idols thinking that they offered too God the maker of heauen earth and yet whereto did al their Sacrifises serue them but to their condemnation For they had ouerthrowen Gods order bycause they amēd not at our Lord Iesus Christ Now then Sainct Paul doth not without cause say that when the Ceremonies of the law tend not to the seeking of all our welfare in our Lorde Iesus Christe they are but beggerly Ceremonies that is to saye corruptible thinges of this world and consequently things of no force and vnprofitable bycause that Iesus Christ who is the quickner of all things is not ther. And this is yet so much the better to be marked to the ende we be not beguiled It is said that in old time all men offered Sacrifise and thought they worshipped God and yet notwithstanding that the seruis of all such as had not their beleefe settled in Iesus Christ was reiected For the Apostle in the eleuenth to the Hebrues saith that the only thing that made Abels Sacrifise acceptable was faith Now then for asmuch as the heathen men did in their sacrifising imagin God to be fleshly and that they could make their attonemēt with him by such meanes they buzied themselues about outwarde things and considered not that in asmuch as we be faultie it standeth vs on hand to haue an excellenter raunsome than we cā bring any If we had a hundred worlds to giue they were not ynough too redeeme any one misdeede that we haue done against God Therfore the Sacrifise that should answer for all our sinnes must of necessitie be heauenly The heathen men cōsidered not this but stood poring vpon the shadow of it as the Turkes and Iewes do yet still at this day who by their often washing of themselues both euen and morne and at noone and by theyr other Ceremonies confesse themselues to be defyled and to haue neede to be clenzed by some others and yet do renounce our Lord Iesus Christ who is the very cleannesse whereby we must be made cleane according also as in very deede it is he that hath wiped away all our spottes Seeing it a so then all they that keepe any Ceremonies in hope to get any fauour at Gods hand by them do not only beguile and martir themselues in vayne without any profit but also do certeinly prouoke Gods wrath still more and more Now we on our side are taughte that our Lord Iesus Christ hath shed his bloud too wash our soules withall Then if we seeke any other ●●nzing or purgatory besides surely it is an intollerable trecherie And if Sainct Paule spake so of the Ceremonies of the lawe what shall wee say of all the toyes and gewgawes that are nowadayes in poperie For beholde the Papists weene to win much by taking of holywater by babling this and that by keeping of holidayes by tyring themselues in gadding on some pilgrimage by setting vp a waxcandle before some puppet by chaunting masse by note and by saying of thus many or thus many tymes their beads ouer I say they hope well to make attonement with God by such meanes But it is certeine that they plunge themselues the deeper in hell and cast themselues further intoo Satans snares by it as though they had confederated themselues with him to their owne destruction To bee shorte all the Ceremonies of poperie are vtter renouncings of our Lorde Iesus Christ and of the pure truth which hee hath purchaced for vs by his death and resurrection and of the grace that is offered vs at this day in the Gospell For they may well bring what shrowding-sheetes they list but they cannot disproue the holie Ghost who hath vttered the sayd sentence by the mouth of Sainct Paule Then do we see in effect what is shewed vs heere Now as touching the particular whiche Sainct Paule alledgeth heere concerning dayes mooneths and yeeres he meeneth not the seasons of winter and sommer nor the discerning of one day from another nor that men shoulde not recken yeeres and mooneths but hee speaketh of the feasts that were commaunded in the Lawe and which those deceiuers would needes haue to bee kept still euen as of necessitie In which cace there was a kind of binding and thraldome and it was an abolishing of the fredome that was purchaced for vs by our Lord Iesus Christ Lo heere the cause why Sainct Paule vseth such vehementnesse howbeit that hee did it also in respect of the foresayde falshood for it was requisite that our Lord Iesus Christ should haue bin knowen in all those figures and that men should haue amed at that marke But they that had beguiled the Galathians had bound them to the cleane contrary seeing that by holding still the feast of Passeouer and other feastes they intended to bring them backe agayne to the olde forworne figures which ought to be abolished In olde time when men kept 〈◊〉 Easter day vnder the lawe it was to the end that the people beeing put in minde of their deliuerance out of the thraldome of Egypt should looke for the great redemption that was promised them And for that cause Sainct Paule saith that our Easter lamb that is to wit Iesus Christe is offered vp already He sheweth that the thing which had bin figured by the pascall lamb that was offered in the law was now fulfilled in the person of our mediator In like cace was it with the feast of Tabernacls or Tents whereby God did put the Iewes in rememberance that they had dwelled in the wildernesse where there was nother house nor building and yet had continued there a long time traueling too and fro And that was also a warning too them that thys lyfe is but a wayfaring where through we must passe in hast As muche is too be sayde of the firstlings when men came to offer vp theyr firste frutes vntoo God Agayne when the Iewes made solemne confession of their sinnes it was a figure to leade them too Iesus Christe whych was promised to them But
a man of a hundred yeeres old his wife also pricked much about the same age who had bin barrein all the foretime of hir life was full fourscore ten yeres old or thereabouts ere she might conceiue be with child in somuch that euē she hir selfe also thought it to be but a tale and a laughing matter when the message was brought him by the Angels Yee see then that Isaac was borne by promise For in that cace God wroughte by miracle too the ende it might bee knowen that our Lord Iesus should bee sent into the worlde not after the common order of nature but as proceeding of Gods goodnesse and woonderfull forepurpose But howsoeuer the cace stande yee see heere in the house of Abraham who is as it were a figure and image of the Churche two women with their two children borne of eyther of them one Now as t●●ching Agar S. Paule sayth that shee representeth mount Sinay where the Lawe is giuen and he calleth it a mountayne of Arabie to shewe that it was not in the holy land which God had appoynted to be the inheritāce of his people Also Sara representeth Ierusalem not the Ierusalem sayth he which is now standing for that was corrupted and gone away from the lawe and pure doctrine of God I say from the lawe not after the maner that S. Paule taketh it heere to engender vnto bondage but according to the couenant that God had made with his people in the name of our Lorde Iesus Christ For as muche then as the Ierusalem which was in S. Paules time had forsaken Iesus Christ and by that meanes disanulled Gods couenaunt S. Paule sayth that it must be coupled with Agar or mount Sinay It is to no purpose sayth he that the Iewes make their brags vnder colour of their Temple Sacrifices and such other things that they bee Gods chosen and peculiar people for notwithstanding all that geere yet are they as good as banished and rooted out of the holy land and haue no more but a vayne title of the law For let a man looke vpō the state of Ierusalem as it is now to be seene and it differeth nothing at all from Sinay But there is a Ierusalem from aboue saith he ▪ that is to wit the Church which breedeth vs before God and shee hauing the incorruptible seede of the Gospel beareth children that are free and vnbounde and she is the mother of all the faythfull according as it is written Reioyce thou poore barein woman And Esay speaketh not to any one woman but termeth Gods Churche so by a similitude which Church should for a time be greatly scattered His saying then is very well thou shalt be an ofcast and there shal be as it were a kinde of diuorce betweene God and thee but in the ende he will multiplie thee agayne and thou shalt haue mo childrē than if thou haddest flourished of all the while in prosperitie and that came to passe when the Gospell was preached openly too the world For then the Church had not only the childrē of Abraham or some one certayne people but through the heauenly seede of the Gospell shee brought foorth infinite children vnto God of all Nations and Countreys farre and wide according to the power which God vttered through the whole world Lo heere in effecte the substance of the texte which I 〈◊〉 rehearsed But first of all wee haue to marke that whereas S. Paule sayth that these things are spoken by an Allegorie he ment not too impeache the naturall sense of the holy Scripture as wee see howe some haue doone who through their foolish curiositie of seeking fonde speculations in the holy Scripture haue turmoyled and disordered all things esteeming the literall sense to be nothing worth This was the cause that all things were falsified and peruerted and there hath not bin a more diuelishe deuice than these allegories whiche haue borne such sway in the world and as yet still delight many men so much that they bee as it were bewitched with them bicause they be very fauourable and plausible O noble exposition saye they And why so Bicause that when as it toucheth neyther heauen nor earth the sillie people are rauished at it and it is an easie matter too hang in suspence and mamering at it But Sainct Paule mente not that the things whiche Moyses reporteth of Isaac and Ismaell shoulde onely serue for suche curious speculations but he sheweth that in that storie wee see in effecte the state of the Churche bicause that at that time there was no Churche in the worlde gouerned by God but onely the house of Abraham There was as yet Salem where Melchisedeck was kyng Howe be it for as much as the same wente still too decaye God gathered a people in the person of Abraham whereby he gaue an incling that he woulde bee called vpon by those whome he had sholed out from the rest of the worlde Therefore wee muste not reade this storie of Moyses coldly without looking any further that is too say without consideration of the things that happened in that house wherin the state of the Church is shewed vs. Marke that for one poynt But nowe too come too the principall let vs marke that whereas Sainct Paule likeneth Agar Abrahams bonde woman vntoo mounte Sinay and vntoo the Lawe that was published there he meeneth not the Lawe with the whole contentes and substance of it For in the Law there are promises of saluation which wee must hope for by our Lorde Iesus Christ as Sainct Paule declareth in dyuers places and as wee our selues haue seene Then if we could take the Lawe in hys ryghte and lawfull vse it is certayne that wee shoulde haue there the● corruptible seede of lyfe and God would bee our father and we should be set free by him The lawe in deede hath ingendred vntoo bondage as in outward respect as hath bin declared heretofore Although the fathers of olde time were Gods children and heyres of the kingdome of heauen as well as we yet were they vnder tutors and gouerners For they were as yet like little children and the perfection of things was reserued to the cōming of our Lord Iesus Christ and the Ceremonies were as brydles and thongs so that they which kept them had not the full freedome that God graunteth vs to inioy now adayes as it is purchaced for vs by our Lord Iesus Christe Yet notwithstanding S. Paule speaking heere of the Lawe that ingendereth vnto bondage taketh it for the false opinion which they had against whom he disputeth For he will adde anon that all such as are so ingendred shall in the end be banished and driuen out of Gods house and heritage Now although the fathers were ingendred in outward bōdage as is sayd of them in the viij to the Romanes yet were they free by the spirit of faith which ouer ruled the bondage or else they had bin cut of from all hope of saluation To
Lorde Iesus Christe is expresly set downe in this place Now let vs fal downe before the Maiestie of our good God with acknowledgment of our faultes praying him to voutchsafe to make vs too feele them that he may draw vs too repentance the better and that we may alwayes hope that if we be once renewed by him we shall throughly perceyue that it is he which ruleth vs by his holy spirit so as hauing that record imprinted in our hartes wee may boast without hipocrisie that we be not tied to this world although we bee in it and that wee dwell in it but as pilgrims and straungers bycause we haue a better dwelling place in heauen where our heritage is throughly assured vnto vs by fayth although wee possesse it not presently That it may please him to graunt this grace not only to vs but also to all people and nacions of the earth c. The. 2 Sermon vpon the first Chapter 3. Grace bee vnto you and peace from God the father and from our Lord Iesus Christe 4. VVho gaue himselfe for our sinnes to deliuer vs from this euill vvorlde according too the vvill of God our father 5. To vvhom be glorie for euermore Amen THere is no man but he desireth his owne welfare and wee bee inclyned thereto by nature Neuerthelesse wee be very farre ouerseene in that behalf know not which is the fountaine from whence all welfare springeth and muche lesse what is the true cause of our happinesse namely that God loueth vs that we be sure that he holdeth vs for his children For without that al the prosperitie of the worlde is nothing nay rather it shall alwayes turne to our harme bicause that vntill such time as God receyue vs into his fauour we be all of vs accursed and the goods that we receyue at his hand shall cost vs right deerely for they belong not too vs till wee bee of the felowship of his children Therfore wee must aboue all things seeke to be in the fauour of our God and too bee well assured in our selues that he admitteth vs too be of his household and Churche And that is the cause why that after the Prophete hath rebuked mens worldly desires in that one would haue abundance of wyne another abundance of corne and euery man hath an eye to his owne ease it is sayd in the Psalme that nothing is better nor more too bee desired than that God shoulde shewe vs the light of his countenance that is too say than that wee might take holde of his fauour not doubting but he will acknowledge vs for his children as I tolde you afore And that also is the cause why in the hundred and sixth Psalme the Prophete craueth aboue all thinges that God should bee mindefull of him with the fauour that he beareth towardes his people Hee knew well ynough that he wanted many things and yet he ouerpassed all the rest bycause his heart caried and haled him the other way namely too desire too bee comprehended in the number of Gods chozen and therefore hee sayeth purposely according to the Loue whiche thou bearest towards thy people True it is that God giueth oftentimes some signe of his loue too all men in generall but yet is all Adams ofspring cutte off from him till wee bee greffed in agayne by Iesus Christ Therfore there is one kinde of loue whiche God beareth towardes all men for that he hath created them after his owne image in which respect he maketh the Sunne too shyne vppon all men nurrishing them and hauing a care of their life But all this is nothing in respect of the speciall goodnesse whiche he keepeth in store for his chozen and for those that are of his flocke howbeit not for any woorthinesse which hee findeth in them but for bycause it pleaseth him too accept them for his owne And so yee see why S. Paule in all his Epistles bringeth vs backe too the grace of God and too the loue which he beareth towardes the faythfull saying Grace and peace bee vntoo you Vnder the woorde Peace as I haue sayd heretofore he comprehendeth all prosperitie as if he should beseech God too prouide vs of all things which he knoweth too bee expedient for vs too poure out his Riches vppon vs and too shewe himselfe so bountifull towardes vs as we may haue cause too magnifie his goodnesse Yet notwithstanding for asmuche as all the goods of the worlde cannot but turne too our harme vntill wee be in Gods fauour therefore Sainct Paule keepeth this order of setting downe continually Gods grace or free fauour before the benefites which he bestoweth vppon vs. Although then that wee must desire God to make vs feele his goodnesse in all things which he knoweth to be meete for vs yet must wee not forget the principall poynt that is too wit that he should take vs into his Church and assure vs in our hartes that he beareth vs good will VVhen we once see that light let it suffyze vs as it is sayd in the Psalme and let the same content vs. But yet for all that although God giue vs leaue too wishe whatsoeuer is good for vs yet muste wee brydle our selues in suche wise that if he liste too smyte vs with many miseries we neuerthelesse muste make such account of his fauour as too content our selues with that alone though all the rest be taken quite and cleane from vs. I haue told you already that although wee liued at our ease in all pleasures and delights yet should we bee vnhappie vntill such time as we be fully assured in our consciences that God loueth vs and that we be in his fauour Yee see then that wee ought not too haue a minde too any worldly goodes except Gods loue go before them But on the contrarie part if God loue vs and yet in the meane whyle list too trie our patience by suffering vs too linger in this worlde and by putting vs vnder many afflictions wee muste still make suche account of his fauour as to beare all things patiently not withstanding that they seeme to be vtterly against vs. And it standeth vs so much the more on hand too beare this lesson in mind bycause wee see men wander away after their own lustes For most men are become so brutish that they desire nothing but to haue the things that nature teacheth them too like of They haue no regard at all of God One desires to eate another to drinke and the third to haue apparell and these are desires that houer in the ayre But the poynt whereat we ought to begin is too know that God is the founder of all our welfare and that all the commodities which we haue in this world and all the aydes which wee haue too help vs with are benefits proceeding from his hand Then if wee cannot apply our desires vnto God it is too vntoward yea and too beastly a thing and yet for all that the
lowlinesse seeke the mercie that is profered them in Iesus Christ and by his meanes bee able to receyue it and inioy it And heerevpon Saint Paule addeth that the Lawe was ordeyned or deliuered by the hande of Angelles and in the hande of a Mediator Here he authoriseth the Lawe too shewe that it ought to bee receyued with all reuerence but yet not be applyed too any other ende than God hath appoynted For proofe hereof he speaketh of the Angels as if he had sayd that God had witnesses ynow to giue authoritie to his Law and therewithall shewed how it ought to be taken herd But the cheefest matter is in his setting downe of the Mediator that is to wit our Lord Iesus Christ True it is that many men haue taken this saying to be ment of Moyses as though he had bin called the Mediator betwene God and men as in respect of doctrine but that can by no meanes stande For Paule dooth first set downe the Angels and afterward addeth the Mediator as cheefe and he is here in higher degree than they which cannot bee verified of the person of Moyses Moreouer we see what Saint Paule discourseth He sheweth that there was no diuersitie betweene the Lawe and the Gospell in the free promise of saluation For the confirming thereof he bringeth in our Lorde Iesus Christ and sayeth that when the Lawe was gyuen it was done by his hande and direction Truely this woorde Hande in the holy Scripture dooth oftentymes import force power or strength but heere wee see howe Saint Paule maketh comparison betweene Iesus Christ and the Angelles He setteth downe the Angels that were assembled there to make his Law to bee heard among men and too bee receyued of them wythout gainsaying Therefore they were as witnesses of Gods Maiestie but hee setteth downe the Mediator as the greater The hande therefore importeth direction as if he had sayde that hee had highest place and was cheefe Commissioner in setting out the Lawe And we must not thinke this strauuge for when the Angell appered vntoo Moyses hee sayde I am the Euerlasting There hee is named an Angell Therefore is hee Gods messenger as the worde betokeneth and yet notwithstanding hee sayeth I am the Euerlasting that haue my beeing of my selfe which saying could not be verified of any creature and as for the Angels they were made of nothing as well as we Then had it bin highe treason for an Angell too haue taken vppon him the tytle that agreeth to none but God alone Therefore must wee conclude that that Angell was Iesus Christ who executed the office of Mediator aforehande accordingly as Saint Paule treateth thereof in the first too the Corinthians where he speaketh of the Iewes rebelliousnesse and of their prouoking of God to displeasure by their murmuring and wicked lusts He sayeth that they tempted Iesus Christ which led them and guided thē through the wildernesse No doubt therfore but that our Lord Iesus Christ was euen thē the Mediator yea euen to reconcile men to God his father after diuerse maners And heere ye see why the Apostle in the Epistle too the Hebrewes sayeth that the same Iesus Christ whiche is too day was yesterday and shall bee still tomorrowe euen too the worldes ende too the intent that men shoulde holde themselues too him and not wander any more in straunge doctrines But nowe hee addeth Iesus Christ then hathe bin a meane betwixt God and men to the intent that poore sinners might find some releefe and that although they had some hartbytings by beeing troubled with Gods iudgements yet neuerthelesse they might also be cōforted seing that God offered thē a Mediator by whom they might obteyne grace to come vnto him Howbeeit Iesus Christ is our Mediator after another fashion also which is that by him God hath alwayes communicated himselfe to men For there is suche a distance betwixt God and vs so long as wee bee estraunged from him by sinne that wee cannot come at hym And hee will not come downe too vs for his part except it bee by the Mediator according also as it is shewed in Iacobs vision in Genesis For there it is sayde that Iacob sawe a Ladder vpon the toppe whereof sate God in his Maiestie and the Angels went vp and downe vpon that ladder And no doubt but that in that figure or Image our Lord Iesus Christ was represented vnto Iacob to shewe that men are banished from Gods kingdome till there be a meane that reacheth vp from beneath as our Lorde Iesus Christ doth who being on the one side God manifested dooth surmount all the heauens and on the other side being ioyned vnto vs in that hee is clothed with our nature and is become a man yea euen a frayle and mortall man sinne excepted hath taken vpon him and borne our infirmities though he himselfe were without spot So then ye see howe the lawe was giuen long ago by the hande of our Lorde Iesus Christ VVherevpon it followeth that there is no contrarietie betwene the Lawe and the Gospell For Iesus Christ is alwayes one without any variablenesse Nowe let vs see what Saint Paule addeth namely that the Mediator is not of one but that God is one In saying that the Mediator is not of one he meeneth that our Lorde Iesus Christ came too gather toogither againe all things that were scattered bothe in heauen and earth accordingly also as hee speaketh of it in the first too the Collossians Truely some haue taken the meening of this text to bee that Iesus Christ was of mo natures than one or that although hee were the Mediator betweene God men yet did it not follow that there was diuersitie betwene the Lawe and the Gospell But doubtlesse Saint Paules meening heere is to gather againe the Iewes and the Gentiles as if hee had sayde Iesus Christ was the Mediator in giuing of the Lawe as the partie by whose meanes god ment to humble men that they might be partakers of his grace Howbeit let vs marke that our Lorde Iesus Christ who was the continuall Mediator in giuing the Lawe too the Iewes had therewithall a Commission that stretched yet further that is to wit to gather and knit togither againe the Gentiles which were estraunged from God For although God did for a time preferre the lynage of Abraham before all the rest of the worlde yet notwithstanding in the ende our Lorde made vs parttakers of the saluation wherevnto we were straungers and it behoued vs that were farre off to be gathered togither againe as those that had bin neere neighbours afore And therefore Saint Paule in another text calling Iesus Christ our peace sayth that he hath ioyned and knit vs vnto God euen vs that had bin neere him before as well the Iewes which had the Lawe as those that had bin vtterly deuided from them They that earst had none acquayntance with God were in the ende gathered togither agayne into the body
a mutual agreement melodie betwene God and vs then hath baptisme the effect whereof S. Paule treateth and discourseth in this text And so the thing that maketh vs Gods children and clothed vs with Iesus Christ is that God draweth vs out of the corruption wherin we were by nature and will haue Iesus Christ to be our head and vs ingraffed into him to be parttakers of his goods Therfore looke when we receiue that then is all accōplished that is figured by baptisme If hypocrites brag of their baptisme S. Paule sheweth them that it is but vanitie and illusion saying that the circumcision of the letter is nothing that is to say if we loke no further but to the outward and visible Sacrament it is all of no value Euen so is it with baptisme it shall stand them in no sted which with their mouthes vaunt themselues to be Christians and great pillers of the Church forasmuch as they defile the thing which God had dedicated to so excellent an vse as I haue told you before Then let vs marke well that S. Paule speaketh this sentence not to all without exception which beare the signe and mark of baptisme outwardly but to such as fare the better by their baptisme Againe S. Paule meeneth not that baptisme that is to say the water hath the power to chaunge vs in such wise that we should be clothed with our Lord Iesus Christ for by that meanes God should be robbed of the prayse that is due to himself alone But he sheweth here the meane whereby we be certified that we be the members of our Lord Iesus Christs bodie I haue tolde you alredie that we must not seeke any other cause of it than Gods mere goodnesse for if we fetch windlasses one wher or other it is like as if a mā were a thirst and would turne his back to the fountaine to seeke water Therfore let vs learne that it is only God which knitteth vs to our Lord Iesus Christ of his own mere goodnesse that he doth it by the secrete power of his holy spirit and yet notwithstanding ceasseth not too woorke by baptisme as by an inferiour instrument according as wee see how all light cōmeth of him in somuch that there was light in the world euen before there was eyther Sunne or Moone And yet neuerthelesse God hath stablished the Sunne whereby we haue light heere bylowe euen vnto this day But yet doth not the Sunne serue too diminish the power that is in God alone Againe it is sayd that man liueth not by bread onely but by euery woord that procedeth out of Gods mouth And in good sooth the bread it selfe is a dead thing VVho giueth it vs It is God that inspireth life into vs for wee liue in him as S. Paule sayeth in the .xvij. of the Actes And yet notwithstanding it is his will too doo it by bread and he applieth it dayly too our vse too the intent we should bee fed with it So then there is none inconuenience that wee should bee clothed with our Lord Iesus Christ by baptisme and yet notwithstanding that the same should proceede of Gods meere grace and that it shoulde bee done by the secrete working of the holy Ghost surmounting the whole order of nature whereof baptisme dothe certifie vs bycause we bee rude and earthly God therefore is fayne too drawe by little and little by reason of our infirmitie too make vs too conceyue the things that otherwise are too high for vs. For where are our wings too stie with aboue the heauens VVee haue much a doo to creepe heere beneath vpon the earth and therefore God is fayne too come downe to vs which thing he doth by his Sacramentes Thus are we clothed with our Lord Iesus Christe by baptisme according also as S. Paule she weth by another similitude in the sixth to the Romanes For he sayeth that we bee greffed into the death and passion of our Lord Iesus Christ too the end also to bee made partakers of his resurrection and life This similitude of greffyng is as fit as the other of clothing For take mee the syen of a tree and cut mee of the head or some bough of another tree and greffe mee that little syen into it that was taken from another and yee see they growe bothe into one so as they become bothe one substance and the roote yeeldeth his sap too the little sprig that was taken from another tree Euen after the same maner are wee greffed intoo our Lord Iesus Christe sayeth S. Paule and that is too the end that our old man should be crucified in him and we be raysed vp againe in newnesse of life But heere wee haue first too marke howe gratious and bountifull God hath and still doth shew himselfe towardes vs in that it pleaseth him too vnite vs too his owne sonne for that passeth all the benefites whiche wee can conceyue in our imaginacion And therefore also doth S. Paule proue that all things which God hath do belong vnto vs and that we haue the inioying of them whē we once possesse his Sonne Seing sayeth hee that God hath not spared his owne Sonne how should he not giue vs all things with him Too be short God coulde not haue vttered the infinite treasures better than by ioyning vs after that maner to his only Sonne It is more than if he had giuen vs heauen and earth For surely if wee compare Iesus Christ with all the goodes of the worlde yea and all the goodes that are aboue the earthly world he farre surmounteth them all Marke that for one poynt Furthermore let vs vnderstand that God hath so vnited vs to our Lord Iesus Christ as wee must be fayne to haue all our lyfe in him And it serueth to humble vs the better and to make vs perceyue how horrible a thing it is to bee wrapped in the cursednesse of Adam For if the holy Scripture told vs not that wee muste be vnited to our Lord Iesus Christ before wee can bee in Gods fauour wee should not feele sufficiently the wretchednesse wherein we be hild by nature nother should wee hate our sinnes so much as we ought to do But now that it is tolde vs how it is impossible yea though all the Angels should come to our ayde that all the world shoulde helpe forward the matter and too bee short that although nothing wanted yet it were impossible for vs to come neere vntoo God or that he should looke vpō vs with a fatherly coūtenance yea or that he should acknowledge vs for his creatures til we be clothed with our Lord Iesus Christ This were ynough to make vs abhorre our selues And needes must it be that we be worse than lothely seing there is none other meanes to appease Gods wrath towards vs and to set vs againe in his fauour than by his couering of our sinnes by his clenzing of vs frō al our filthinesse infection by
shaped and fashioned as were to be desired Thus yee see breefly howe Sainct Paule mitigateth the rigoure that myght haue bin too great and haue wounded the Galathians too sore when hee sayde vnto them VVhat Yee bee as it were borne before your time I thought I had cōceiued you bred you borne you and brought you vp in Iesus Christ and I see now there is no life in you at leastwise no spirituall life and that all is slipped and vanished away If Sainct Paule had stayed there surely those wretched people had bin driuen to confusion and vtter despaire Therefore to giue them courage to returne againe he sayth Go too truly ye haue profited very ill hitherto but enter new againe into the right way and let that which seemeth to be starke dead bring foorth new frute againe and let it be perceiued that your protesting too walke according to the Gospell heeretofore hath not bin vayne For like as if a tree bee as good as dead and seeme to be vtterly withered it wil spring againe if a man put new earth to the roote of it and cherish it so will it fall out that a man which is quite strayed away from the Gospell shall not only bee as it were eftsoones begotten new againe if hee bee brought backe agayne into the way but also the thing that hee had receiued afore shal do him good as is to be seene wheresoeuer God giueth the grace too bring those backe againe intoo the right way which were strayed from it But surely that happeneth not too all men and therefore let vs beware that wee abuse not Gods goodnesse as many of these skoffers do whiche turne away as though they had confederated themselues with Satan whereof we see examples in these folke that defyle and vnhalow themselues and deface Gods truth to the vttermost of their power And if any man turne away through vnconstancie it seemeth that all is marred and some will say what shall a man win by teaching of them behold he is but a lost child and so they will conclude that there is not one drop of good knowledge in them But if God call them agayne as there are many such examples to be seene a man shall find that the thing which was as good as choked ouerwhelmed before sprouteth againe like as if dung were cast vpon a well tilled grounde or as if dust and such other things were strowed vpon it that which is vnderneath it shoulde lye hid for a time but afterward it woulde shoote vp againe This in effect is the thing that Sainct Paule ment to tell vs heere But by the we way we haue to marke that whereas hee saith that Iesus Christ shall be fashioned in them new agayne it is meant condicionally that they returne vnder his obeysance Surely thys saying might seeme somewhat harsh at the first sight for we be rather fashioned in Iesus Christ than he in vs. For proofe whereof beholde Iesus Christ is our full and whole perfection Now too say that he is nurrished in vs as a little babe or that he groweth or is furthered is not seemely for hys persone Neuerthelesse Sainct Paule saith so howbeit that is but too shew the vnion that is betwixt vs and Iesus Christ our head Although then that Iesus Christ can neither increace nor diminish in himselfe yet doth hee take all our faultes and infirmities vppon him I haue told you already that we are then borne in him when we bee called too the hope of saluation by the doctrine of the Gospell for wee bee all dead and damned in Adam There is but one meane of lyfe whych is to be made one with our Lorde Iesus Christ who is the fountaine that hath all fulnesse in it and whereoutof it behoueth vs too drawe Then we are borne in Iesus Christ as I sayd afore so doth hee suckle vs with the doctrine of his Gospell till we bee able too receiue perfecter learning and till our faith be so farre forward that wee resemble little babes no more but increace still in profiting more and more till we be come to mans age as Sainct Paule sayth in the fourth to the Ephesians Furthermore to the end wee may know that oure Lorde Iesus Christ intendeth not to bee separated from vs but that he and we be all one hee sayth that hee taketh our faultes vppon him and becommeth as a little babe in vs. How so Can Iesus Christ be weake No not in respect of hymselfe but for asmuch as we bee members of his body hee sayth he is little in vs in respect of the little knowledge of hym whiche wee haue And for asmuch as we proceede still further and further he saith also that hee groweth and is increased in vs. Lo heere a record of excellent goodnesse yea of the infinite goodnesse of Gods sonne in that it pleaseth him so to abace himselfe as not onely too haue compassion and pitie of our infirmities too releeue them and remedie them but also transformeth himselfe and is contented too say that he is as it were vnperfect and as a little babe and that hee groweth greater and greater according too the continuall increasing of our fayth And heere ye see also why in another place Sainct Paule calleth the Churche the fulnesse of God and of his sonne our Lord Iesus Christe But surely if we imagine that God is not throughly full and perfect in himselfe but that he hath neede too borrow of vs it is ranke trayterousnesse for what are wee able to gyue vnto him VVhen hee shall haue gathered vs all before him what can he find in vs but vtter miserie For we bee plunged yea and vtterly saped in it Yet notwithstanding he telleth vs by the mouth of Sainct Paule that we be his accomplishment and that in that respect he is after a sort imperfect Not that he could not bee without vs. for he hath bin always euerlastingly before he had created the world And although there were nother heauen nor earth could not God be satisfyed with himselfe VVere hee nor riche ynough of his owne glory Yes surely but he will not be perfect nor fully satisfyed til he haue vs knit in one with him Thus ye see what we haue to marke vpon this text And by this word Fashion we be warned that it not ynough for vs to haue some slight knowledge of our Lord Iesus Christ but that he must be so liuely shaped in vs to the full as we may haue suche a print of his power of all his graces and of all his benefytes grauen in our harts as may neuer bee blotted out or defaced againe He sayd heeretofore that when the Gospell is preached with suche efficacie as belongs vnto it Iesus Christ is after a sort crucifyed among vs in somuch that wee not only see him peinted liuely afore vs but it is asmuch as if wee saw him vpon the Crosse with his bloud streaming downe as though he were presently offering vp
maiestie dishonored in mens mouthes aught we to suffer and not to be moued to choler and anger Euen for that cause also it is sayde that the zeale of Gods house ought to eate vs vp so as wee must not only bee wel-minded and sory for the defacing of the maiestie of our God and for the corrupting of the doctrine of saluation and for the disordering of his Church but these things must also bite vs at the hart According heerevnto it is sayd heere that Ismaell persecuted Isaac If a man demaunde what had he neyther torture fyre nor sword to cut his throte No none of all these but he scoffed at the promise that had bin made concerning Isaac For it was sayd expresly Ismaell shall liue but yet is he not therfore heire of the promise Isaac is he in whom they shall bee blissed Yee see then that Iesus Christ and consequently all hope of saluation was closed vp in the person of Isaac VVhen Ismaell did so disdayne and scorne the souerein welfare and happinesse that mockage of his wounded all the children of adoption all the faythfull yea euen with a deadly stripe Nowe then wee see what S. Paule mente and howe wee ought to put this doctrine in vre which is that wee must prepare our selues to inwarde battels knowing that not onely the Turkes and Paynims shall bee aduersaries of the Gospell but also the hypocrites who too the vttermost of their power doo deface the doctrine of grace that is offered them in our Lorde Iesus Christe to abolishe all the dignitie and reuerence which wee ought to giue vnto it in magnifying the mere bounteous goodnesse of God and in acknowledging that all our whole welfare lyeth there Let vs bee ready I say too abide suche battels at the hands of our housholde enimies whiche boast them●●●ues too bee Gods children which are aduaunced euen aboue vs which outface vs with their eldership as who shuld say that vnder the colour of that we ought too bee vtterly borne downe and ouerwhelmed But there is yet more that is to wit that we must be touched too the quicke and sorie at the harte to see Gods doctrine so corrupted True it is that naturally wee shunne the harmes that come agaynst vs as bodily persecutions and suche other But yet for all that wee must not be so wedded to this world as not to preferre the heauenly heritage before all things that we esteeme most worthy to be desired And therfore when soeuer Gods name is blasphemed when men labour to abolishe the doctrine of life let vs in those cases set suche greef to our hart as we can not beare with it or at leastwise as if we were persecuted in our bodies For he that should cut our throte yea put vs to all the torments that were possible as wee see the enimies of the Gospel do whose rage against their poore brethren can not now a dayes be stanched with racking burning cutting out of their tungs and such other like torments all this aught not to greue vs so much as to see Gods name torne in peeces scorned by the wicked For the very same is such a cutting of our throtes as not only bereeueth vs of this flightfull and transitorie life but also bereth vs quite out of the kingdome of heauen For whē Gods doctrine is corrupted then is foode turned into poyson lyfe into death and light into darknesse So then let this texte of S. Paules warne and exhort vs not to be so giuen too the earth and too the world but that we may alwayes haue our minds vnderstandings lifted vp to the inestimable benefite that is offered vs by the Gospell and fight more earnestly for that quarell than for our owne life For truely a whole million of such liues as wee haue here beneath can not be comparable to the endlesse life that is promised vs in our Lord Iesus Christ Thus yee see wherin it behoueth vs to exercise our selues and we can not exceede measure in beeing too angry when we see wicked men blaspheme God after that sorte labour by their wiles and pollicies to ouerthrowe and to falsifie the onely doctrine whereby wee liue spiritually Furthermore let vs marke also how S. Paule addeth in the ende for a conclusion that all they which now a dayes ● boast themselues so highly to be the Church and specially those that haue the title of eldership shall be driuē out as bastard children Therfore let vs not be beguyled with al the pompes that are among those which fight agaynst Gods pure truth to maynteine them selues in their tyrannie by force persecutions braggings such other like things but let vs tarie the ende which is that they shal be cut off for they be none inheritors VVel may they dwell in the house as it is sayd of Antichrist that he shall sit in the Temple of God but yet must they needes be swept out of it as filth and vnclennesse And although this bee not so before men but that it is hidden from vs for a time yet let vs wayte tyll God shewe his truthe more full and vntill our Lord Iesus Christ confound his enimies with the breath of his mouth and by the power of his worde Thus yee see how wee ought to be setled in inuincible constancie And although we be now despised scorned yet let vs not ceasse to holde out in the holy calling of our God knowing that we shall not be disappoynted if we be grounded vpō the doctrine of the Gospell and rest wholly thervpon till God discouer the things that are nowe hidden that wee be throughly gathered vnto him and finde that it was not in vayne that we were trayned vp in his pure worde giuing ouer all the fancies of men not seeking life elsewhere than in the seede wherby wee were begotten agayne and in the foode whereby wee bee susteyned and nourished to the ende Nowe let vs fall downe before the maiestie of our good God with acknowledgemēt of our sinnes praying him to make vs feele them in such wise as it may leade vs to true repentance that wee may mourne continually before his maiestie and bee so abashed in our selues as yet notwithstanding wee may not doubt but that he accepteth vs for our Lord Iesus Christs sake that we shal always obteine sure forgiuenesse of our sinnes if we seeke it in true fayth without swaruing to the right hād or to the left but only folowing the path which he hath shewed vs as in deede we can neuer go amisse when we haue the day sunne of righteousnesse shining vpon vs. That it may please him to graunt this grace not only to vs but also to all people and nations of the earth ▪ c. The .xxxj. Sermon which is the first vpon the fifth Chapter STaude fast therfore in the libertie vvhervvith Christ hath made vs free and put not your selues agayn vnder the yoke of bondage 2
yet for all that for asmuch as our Lorde Iesus Christe appeared vntoo vs in the shape of man and was conuersant in this world and there despized yea and abaced euen too a most shamefull death wherein he receyued all the curses that were due vnto vs therefore it is sayd that if wee giue not eare too the Sonne of God the father is preiudiced therby accordyng also as our Lord Iesus himself declareth in that he sayeth He that despizeth you despizeth mee and he that reiecteth mee reiecteth the liuing God that sent mee Marke then whervnto the order tendeth which S. Paule keepeth namely that if we do not willingly honour our Lord Iesus Christ by accepting his doctrine for certain and infallible God is set at naught and we cannot say that our intent is too woorship him for he will reiect all our doyngs And why For as I sayd afore it is ynough too proue vs rebelles if wee separate the Sonne from his Father And S. Paule addeth expresly that Iesus Christe was rayzed from the dead too the end that his Apostleship should not be the lesse esteemed and also that men should match him with the number companie of the other Apostles according also as he was added too them after that Iesus Christe ceassed too bee any more vpon earth For as I haue touched already the thing wherwith the false Apostles which came too ouerthrowe all vpbrayded him was this How now sayd they He hath not bin the Disciple of the Sonne of God as Peter and Iohn were he is a thing borne out of seazon And how cā he shew that he hath receyued his doctrine of Iesus Christ S. Paule declareth that if they will needes inquyre of the authoritie of our Lord Iesus Christe his ryzing againe ought not too haue diminished it Surely though our Lord Iesus Christ were brought lowe whyle he had the veyle of mans nature vppon him whereby his glory was after a sorte hidden yet was he not abaced in himselfe For wee knowe that the Angelles acknowledged him for their souerayne king and although he were borne in a stable and layd vpon the ground as a creature destitute of all help yet we see that the Starres of the skie bare record of him To bee short the maiestie of our Lord Iesus Christe was alwayes sufficiently auouched as long as he was in this world But yet for all that there was a muche excellenter glory in his resurrection accordyng as it is sayd in the first too the Romanes that then he was shewed too bee the Sonne of God And wee also haue seene in the second Epistle to the Corinthians that as he suffered vnder weakenesse of the fleshe so he was rayzed againe through the wonderfull power of Gods spirite So then S. Paule sheweth that although our Lorde Iesus Christ bee not conuersant with vs nowadayes yet muste not his Maiestie therefore bee diminished nor defaced that we should not yeelde him his due and deserued obedience and receyue his woorde reuerently without all gaynesaying This warning is verie behooffull for vs. For what a number of lightheaded persones doo wee see which woulde haue Iesus Christe too be heere in visible shape Their saying is that they would fayne see Iesus Christ conuersant heere beneathe and that then they would at the first push accept what soeuer he spake to thē so as there should neede but one woord of his mouth to rauish them and there should neede none other teaching nor any other man to be much with vs. Yea but the Sonne of God which came downe hath performed his charge whiche was committed to him of God his father that is to say he hath preached the Gospell and sufficiently confirmed it by his death and passion Afterward beyng rizen againe he sent foorth his Apostles And nowe that he hath all soueraine dominion so as the Angelles bow their knees before him and that he hath suche a maiestie as surmounteth all glory both in heauen and earth ought not all that which he hath done to suffize vs throughly VVhen it pleaseth him too send vs mortall men and too send forth the message and inestimable treasure of his Gospell in brittle vesselles and yet notwithstanding will haue vs to receyue them is it not a mockerie to say that if Iesus Christ were with vs and in our companie we would obey him For if heauen and earth muste bee fayne too quake vnder him and his Maiestie bee knowen euen to the Diuels of hell and yet for all that wee continue blockish and pretend that he is to farre of from vs yet notwithstanding our Lord Iesus sheweth sufficiently that he hath not forsaken vs seing we haue the Gospell preached vnto vs And that although he dwell not with vs here by lowe in visible shape yet notwithstanding we shal bee continually ioyned with him and that forasmuche as he is our head hee will gouerne his bodie and there shal be one vnseparable bond betwixt him and vs. Now seing it is so we ought of right to yeeld him obedience and his resurrection ought to touch vs to the quicke to worke suche a reuerent awefulnesse in vs that whensoeuer the name of our Lord Iesus Christe is spoken of we may be sure that it is the name whereof the Prophet speaketh wherby all men ought to sweare and whereat they ought to bow their knees Thus ye see in effect that the thing which we haue to beare in minde is that we should not measure the Gospell after the respect and reputation of those that speake vnto vs for why they be frayle men Nother is that the thing whereon we ought to stay for that were as muche too say as we should settle our saluation vpon the credite of men which might cause vs too rest vppon the world but wee must vnderstand that it is Iesus Christ which speaketh And howe In the Maiestie that is giuen him by God his father for the power of the holy Ghost was then shewed too the full when he was raysed from the dead Then seyng our Lord Iesus Christ hath obteyned such authoritie when he was lifted vp into heauen as too haue superioritie ouer all creatures let vs learne too submit our selues too him and let the same serue to hold vs in awe that his woord may be receyued of vs and we assure ourselues that he gouerneth vs and that it becommeth vs too suffer our selues too be taught in his name and too vnderstand that although the woorde which is preached vnto vs proceede out of the mouth of men yet notwithstanding it is by the authoritie of God our saluation must be grounded thervpon as well as though heauen opened an hundred thousand tymes too shew vs the glory of God Lo say I how it behoueth vs to be taught in this world vntill God haue gathered vs into his euerlasting heritage And that is the thing which we haue to beare in minde concernyng that the glorie of our
teeth with theyr lewdnesse in that they had so much the lesse excuse of their shrinking aside after that sort considering the goodnesse that God had shewed vpon them For if God call vs although it were too summon vs too our confusion yet ought wee too obey him bycause we bee his creatures It becommeth vs to bee subiect too his authoritie and howsoeuer hee dispose of vs it is alwayes our duetie too say beholde Lorde I am at thy pleasure so that too vse any shrinking away when God calleth vs is an vtter peruerting of all order Much more when God not onely calleth vs vntoo him but also setteth all the treasures of his goodnesse before vs in our Lord Iesus Christ and sheweth that hee seeketh nothing else but too make vs his owne by gyuing himselfe so wyllingly vntoo vs when God I say vseth such bountifulnesse towardes vs as ought too rauishe all our wittes vntoo woondering muste wee not needes bee too too lazie if wee shrinke backe Moreouer if wee fortune too wander too and fro after wee bee once come vntoo him wee shall haue so much the lesse excuce and feele the sorer and horribler condemnation as I haue touched alreadie Nowe then wee see what is imported in thys saying where Saint Paule maketh mention of the grace that the Galathians had bin called too And out of doubt wee in these dayes are muche more blame woorthie than the fathers that liued vnder the lawe if wee continue not in the pure doctrine of the Gospell without turning asyde from the things that are conteyned therein For albeeit that God called the Fathers too saluation vnder the lawe as well as vs now yet was not that calling with so open and abundant vtteraunce of the ryches of his mercie as wee haue it in our Lorde Iesus Christ Therefore let vs looke well about vs and seeing hee hath alreadie made vs too feele his grace let the same stirre vs vp and inflame vs too bee the bolder too haue an inuincible courage too continue in the same calling vntill wee bee come too the place wherevntoo God allureth vs. So then if wee compare our selues with the great number of misbeleeuing and ignorant soules it is certain that our vnthankfulnesse wil be so much the greater as Gods grace hath shewed it selfe larger and deepelier vnto vs. VVee shall see many sillie soules straying heere and there and yet ceasse they not for all that too be subiect too damnation For he that hath offended without lawe shall perish without Lawe Now for asmuch as God hath declared his will so freendly vnto vs and that togither with the vse of discretion wee haue also the doctrine of his Gospell which as I haue sayd heretofore serueth too shew vs that our damnation shall be more horrible if wee labour not too dedicate ourselues wholly vnto him by meanes whereof our bonde becommeth so muche the streighter S. Paule addeth another circumstance whiche is that it came too passe very hastely For certesse it was a horrible thing that the Galathians hauing bin taught by the holy Apostles own mouth should bee so corrupted as long as he was alyue Yee see then how it was the more too their blame that within three or foure dayes after their receyuing of the Gospell they were fleeted away and had mingled many false opinions with the truthe of God But although they had continued in the truthe some good whyle after Paules decease yet dothe it not followe that their so doyng might haue bin a sufficient discharge for them if they had fallen away afterward For as the truth wherevppon our fayth resteth is euerlasting although bothe heauen and earth doo passe away so must our fayth hold out too the end and not hang eyther vppon the lyfe or vpon the death of any man but haue hir ankerhold fastened in heauen Therfore if wee chaunge at any tyme whither it bee to day or too morrow wee shall bee the more too blame and our vnthankfulnesse shal be so much the shamefuller And truely the thing that S. Paule setteth downe heere in the persone of the Galathians is seene nowe adayes too much For such as haue gotten some smattering of the Gospell will bee wearie of it within a twoo or three yeares if there come no new chaunge in the meane tyme. For they haue itchyng eares and wee see many fantasticall persones become backesliders and bycause the truth of the Gospell liketh them not they would alwayes be fleeting haue I wote not what new stuffe brougtht in too feede them in their fond speculations VVe see othersome greeued bycause they perceyue that the Gospell aduauntageth them not too the worldward yea and there are some that turne away bicause they see it is an occasion too make them too be persecuted and too purchace them many enemies or else they starue as they thinke whyles other men prosper and fare well Thus yee see howe Iesus Christe is forsaken of many howbeit not from the father too the sonne but by reason that such as haue shewed him a fayre countenance are suddainely chaunged and fleete away from him within a twoo or three yeares or at leastwyze within halfe a score yeares after So muche the more then ought wee too marke well this doctrine bycause it is spoken too vs and also too thinke vppon the reproche which Ieremie layd vnto the Iewes Go your wayes intoo farre Countries sayeth he runne beyond sea see what other people doo euery man keepes him too his owne Idolles and yet there is no Godhead in them Satan beguyles them vnder colour of deuotion and they be so settled in the same as they cannot by any meanes bee turned away from it Now at leastwyze bee you as constant as they seyng that God hath shewed himselfe too you and you know his will fully and certainly Let vs beware that the lyke bee not sayd too vs now adayes for wee see the ouerearnestnesse of the Turkes in their Religion And although the Iewes bee no better than vncleane Dogges yet are they stiffe still in maynteyning the authoritie of their Lawe As for the Papistes they haue nothyng but dotages so beastly as it is horrible too see euen children are able too iudge of them and yet for all that wee see howe they burne with furious zeale too maynteyne their treacheries But as for vs the Diuell doth no sooner holde vp his finger but by and by wee gad after him it shoulde seeme that euery of vs watcheth too spie if there come any newe toy and the least occasion in the worlde will by and by shake vs and scare vs out of our way and thereof wee fee too many examples euen here without goyng any further So much the more therefore doth it behoue vs too marke the blame that is layd heere by the mouth of Sainct Paule agaynst the vnconstancie of suche as turne away from God specially so soone after he had called them to the grace of our Lord Iesus
openeth vs the gate of Heauen too shewe vs that he holdeth vs all for his children and that he is our father and when our Lord Iesus Christ is so knit vnto vs that by his meanes wee bee already made sure of the endlesse lyfe Can we say that we haue any thing of our owne when God maketh vs parttakers of suche a treasure Yee see then that the thing which wee haue too gather vppon this streyne is that God hath so reserued too himselfe the dispozing of mans lyfe that it is his peculiar office to guyde our steppes and he knoweth wherevntoo he hath ordeyned vs. And therefore it becommeth vs too magnifie his mercie in that he hath vouchsafed too inlighten vs by beleeuing his Gospell too the intent wee might knowe him too bee our father and rest vppon him and pray vnto him with full trust Let vs assure our selues that the hauing of this commeth not of our owne freewill but of his touching of vs too the quicke by his holy spirite For our Lord Iesus Christe who hath all wisedome in him cannot bee knowen of vs except he bee reueled according as he himselfe auoucheth that noman commeth vnto him except the father drawe him Beholde Iesus Christ was conuersant in the worlde at that time he preached the Gospell and published it with open mouth and yet notwithstanding he sayeth that noman shall come vnto him that is too say noman shall frame himselfe too his obedience except the father haue wrought in his hart by the power of his holy spirit Now that Iesus Christ is separated from vs as in respect of distance of place and as in respect of humane nature so as wee see him not heere beneath too haue any visible knowledge of him how shall wee come vntoo him if wee bee not drawen by the grace that is spoken of heere And if fayth bee a speciall gifte of God and wee cannot come too our Lorde Iesus Christe except we bee led vnto him by the hande of God his father howe can they that should drawe others doo it of their owne abilitie Needes then muste God vtter yet a second woorking And that is the cause why Sainct Paule setteth downe bothe twayne of them that is too wit firste that he had bin inlightened himself and secondly that he had bin ordeyned and stablished as a Mayster and teacher too drawe othermen to the good way of Saluation wherein God had set him VVherefore let vs assure our selues that God graunteth a singular grace too such as haue charge too preache the Gospell when he voutchsafeth too apply them therevnto And that is not onely too the end that wee which are in that state and office should walke in the feare of God and not chalendge aught too our selues but also too the intent that euery man should in that behalf haue a record of the loue that God beareth too his Churche If men should thrust in thēselues on their owne heads it might be sayd that wee were taught at all aduenture But when as we know that nomā is of sufficient abilitie too open his mouth to speake of Iesus Christ as he ought too be spoken of but that it is Gods doyng to send forth those of whom it behoueth vs to be taught thereby wee perceyue the care that he hath of vs finde much better that he is our father and hath not forgotten vs. And moreouer this serueth to ingraue the truth of the Gospell in our hartes to the end wee may know how it is not a doctrine that proceedeth of men but as of Gods sendyng And that although he be serued by his creatures yet notwithstāding he maketh them as instruments of his spirit and it is he himself that gouerneth them Yee see in effect how we may make our profite of this doctrine But yet doo wee vnderstand Gods grace the better in that it is sayd that he hath chozen vs and kept vs too himself euen from our moothers wombe And yet is this no let but that he hath also moreouer reserued vs from before the creation of the worlde according as Sainct Paule speaketh in other textes howbeeit it is ynough that in this place he excludeth all that euer commeth of men VVhen a childe commeth out of his moothers wombe what bringeth he with him VVhat woorthinesse hath he Surely he is a poore carkesse full of filth and vncleannesse Now then if God marke vs out at the time when there is nothing in vs woorthie too bee accepted of him or whiche deserueth any loue or lyking wee may perceyue thereby that if he apply vs too any honorable seruis afterwarde it is by reason of his owne mercie accordingly as they whome God gathereth too bee of his flocke are called instruments of his goodnesse Thus yee see that the cause why Sainct Paule speaketh purposely of his birthe is too shewe that there was no preparation on his owne behalfe when God drewe him but that God had respect too his owne eternall election the which he continued in that it was his will that the same creature shoulde come into the worlde and had alwayes guyded it too that ende Then let vs assure our selues that when soeuer God bestoweth any of his benefites vppon vs wee muste alwayes come backe too this principle namely too mount vp too his euerlastyng purpose Not that wee bee able too comprehende howe or why hee hath chozen vs for that passeth all capacitie of man But for that wee muste conclude that Gods preferring of vs before those whom he leaueth as of castes is not for that hee findeth vs woorthie or capable of suche a benefite but bycause hee had so ordeyned before he had created vs and put vs intoo the worlde yea and euen before there was eyther heauen or earth And that is the cause why it is sayd that it behoueth vs to be giuen to our Lord Iesus Christ before we can come vnto him And who is it that maketh that gift It is not euery mans offering of himself of his owne meere motion True it is that wee ought to do so for our fayth importeth obedience sacrifize so as it becōmeth vs to dedicate our selues to God willingly to make a present bothe of our bodies and of our soules vnto our Lord Iesus Christ as to him that hath bought vs. Neuerthelesse this as I sayd is not of our owne meere motion but God must be fayne to bowe vs therevnto And why so Euen bycause wee were his afore And how belong wee too him not by inheritance nor by any title that wee can alledge on our owne behalf but only bycause he choze vs. Now then wee see what this texte importeth But let vs come backe ●oo the cheefe poynt that Sainct Paule treateth of heere For the things that I haue discoursed hithertoo are but too shewe that our adoption serueth not too bereeue God of his glorie whiche thing they doo that bragge of their owne free will vertues and merites
things should goe to hauocke and confusion in the world than to abyde that Gods woord being so precious and holy a thing as it is should in any wise be peruerted yea it were better that heauen and earth should be confounded together than that that should bee suffered So then lette vs consyder well this doctrine howe it maye serue our turne and doe vs good not onely to beate backe all the assaultes that shall bee put too vs by the enimies of Gods truth but also too frame vs too all lowlynesse and modestie so as oure whole desire maye bee too bee guyded and gouerned by Gods woorde and by the doctrine of our Lorde Iesus Chryste Howbeeit therewithall lette vs bee so stoute hearted as not to bee turned awaye by men neyther for theyr credite and authoritie nor for their threatenyngs nor for all the pryde and statelinesse of the worlde but that wee maye alwayes sticke stedfastly to our Lorde Iesus Chryste And if any bodie come and laye any newe thing afore vs lette vs e●ermore haue a good eye too the ende wherevntoo they woulde leade vs and consyder that lyke as Satan hathe many wiles and policies so also haue his vnderlings too And therfore let vs on our side haue the skil to loke to our selues in such wyse as we may always know our Lord Iesus Christ and be guyded thither so as he may be our only marke and shoote anker and we vnderstande that hee hath all fulnesse of welfare in him to the ende that wee should seeke our wantes in him and all things be put away that might hinder vs from comming vnto him And nowe lette vs fall downe before the maiestie of our good God with acknowledgemente of oure faultes praying him too make vs feele them in suche wise as wee may craue forgiuenesse of them at hys hande wyth true repentance and profyte after suche sorte more and more in hys worde as it may make vs too forsake oure selues and leane vntoo hym and hys power that he may hold vs vp in our fraylenesse till he haue brought vs to the perfection wherevnto he calleth vs at thys daye And so let vs all say Almighty God our heauenly father c. The ninth Sermon which is the third vpon the second Chapter 6. But as for those that are in estimation I passe not vvhat they haue bin in time past for God regardeth not the outvvard apparance of man surely those that vvere in estimation did adde nothyng vnto me 7 ▪ But cōtraryvvise vvhē they savv that the preaching of the Gospell to the vncircumcised vvas cōmitted vnto me as the preaching to the circumcysed vvas committed vnto Peter 8 For he that vvas of povver in Peters Apostleship tovvardes the Circumcizion was of povver in mee also tovvardes the Gentiles WE saw this morning that when mē mingle their owne fancies with Gods truth ther is nothing but corruption and by that meanes the Gospel is falsified VVhich thing ought to holde vs in such awe as no man shoulde presume to adde aught at all to the things that we haue from aboue For God hath taught vs so perfectly as we can not put too any thing without great blasphemie forasmuch as it were a couert accusing of him of vnaduisednesse or els of nigardship as who shuld say he were loth too bestow things vpon vs which would be for our welfare Seeing then that the doctrine of the Gospel is sufficient for vs let vs abide in it And if any man step vp to bring in some addition of his own let vs abhor it yea though the thing seme to haue neuer so great reason in it as oftentimes the diuell vseth to shroude himself vnder this couert that we must not stick at light slender points But surely God must be hearkned too in al points and al respects ▪ according as it is to be demed by S. Paules dooing who could easyly haue let slip the circumcizing of Titus as a smal thing yet notwithstanding would not bēd in that behalf the reason wherof was least the Gentiles shoulde be made subiect to such necessitie as was intended to be layde vpon thē Yet we read that he sticked not to circumcise Timothie Neuerthelesse the matter seemed to be all one and that S. Paule vsed inconstancie and variablenesse in that behalfe Beholde there were twoo Heathen men which had not bin nourished and instructed in the law of Moyses from their birth And the Iewes would neuer haue receyued any man that had not ben circumcized For they deemed all men to be vncleane whiche bare not that warrant about them Now S. Paule circumcyseth the one and will not doe the lyke to the other who will thinke that he kept an euen hande If wee consider all thyngs well wee shall see why he refuzed to circumcyse Titus and yet had circumcysed Timothie Circumcision was at that tyme lawfull of it selfe It was not lyke the Idolatries that are in Papistrie nowadayes If ye aske what holywater is it is an vnhallowing of baptisme For in baptim wee haue a washing that ought to suffice vs both in lyfe and death and God will not haue vs too haue anie other warrant of the spirituall clenzing that was obteyned for vs by the blud of our Lord Iesus Christ but we must be contented with it But as for the Holywater of the Papists what else is it than an endlesse baptysing of our selues As touching the Masse it is so vilanous and outrageous a trecherie that noman can come at it but he must defyle himself by renouncing the death of our Lord Iesus Christ But Circumcision stoode not in the like case for it was profitable for the tyme that it lasted True it is that it was abolished at the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ but yet for all that the Iewes myght keepe it still till they were fully instructed in the libertie of the Gospel Saint Paule therfore had circumcised Timothie and the reason why was for that hee sawe manye weaklings whiche woulde haue bene offended bycause they were not yet throughly confirmed in the knowledge of the Gospell but thought that it behoued them to keepe still the ceremonies of the Lawe And it is sayd that wee must yeeld one to an other for charitie byndeth vs thervnto Euery man must not do what he him self thinks good to the trubbling of his neybours but we must so fashyon our selues one too an other as none maye bee offended through our faulte S ▪ Paule then forbare in hauing respect too the poore Ignorant weaklings who not withstanding myghte bee brought to knowledge in tyme. And as concerning the persone of Titus he sawe how men went about to lay a yoke of bondage vpon the Gentiles and that the same wold be a holding of the Iewes alwayes vnder the Lawe whiche was then but superstition For it was for them to haue known that the law had serued out his time and that the ceremonies should not continue for euer If thys
adde that it is but partely But that glose marreth all For heere it is proued that wee can not bee founde righteous before God but by the meanes of our Lorde Iesus Christe and by resting vpon the saluation which he hathe purchased for vs. The Papists see this well inough and therefore for fashion sake they say we be iustified by fayth but not by fayth onely they will none of that That is the thing that they fighte agaynst and it is the chiefe poynte that is in controuersie betwixte them and vs. But S. Paule bewrayeth heere their beastlynesse when he sayth but by beleefe For that word betokeneth that all that euer men presume to bring vnto God to winne his fauour with is quite cut off Yee see then that the doore is shut agaynst all deseruing when S. Paule auoucheth that there is none other meane than by fayth VVee shall see more playnly hereafter why fayth is so compared with the law as a thing ful but agaynst it For the lawe presupposeth that if wee haue once fulfilled Gods commaundements we shall be taken for good seruants and that he wil pay vs the wages which he hath promised and faith presupposeth vs to be wretched dāned forlorne folke and that we must be fayne to seeke the things that we wante in Iesus Christ As for example There are two men that desire to bee boorded and lodged whereof the one bringeth money with him and lookes to be wel interteined for his wel paying and both of them require meate drinke howsoeuer the cace standeth but the second man is poore hath neither penny nor pennies worth and he desireth almes Thus do both twayne of them matche iuste in one poynt for they desire foode as the thing whereof they haue bothe neede But the first hath money to content his host and lyke as he shall haue fared well and bin well and curteously interteyned so shall his hoste receyue money of him and holde him selfe contented with it and not thinke his guest beholden or bounde vnto him For why he is recompenced yea and he hathe gayned by him But as for the poore man that craueth almes he thinks him selfe beholden for his life to him that fedde him and lodged him for he bringeth him nothing but a charge So then if wee will bee iustified before God by the Lawe we must deserue it so as he may receyue of vs and we of him and there may be as it were an interchaunge betwixte vs. And is that possible No as wee shall see more at large heereafter Therefore wee must conclude that wee bee excluded from the righteousnesse of the Lawe and that if wee thinke to bring any thing to binde God withall we doo but prouoke his wrath Then is there none other shifte but to go to hym like poore beggers and so to be iustified by fayth not as by a vertue that is of our selues but bicause we confesse with all lowlinesse that we can not obteyne saluation but by his free gifte ▪ Thus yee see howe the lawe is set heere full but agaynst fayth as if S. Paule should tell vs that all they which go about to winne Gods fauour by their owne merites forsake the grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ as shall be declared more at length hereafter ▪ But now if any man say that the lawe was giuen of God so as it can not haue any contrarietie agaynst fayth whereof God is the author also the answere therevnto is easie For God made bothe day and nighte fire and water colde and heate Now it is certayne that the day is not contrarie to the night but we see the wonderfull order of Gods goodnesse and wisdome in that men haue the lighte of the sunne to doo then worke in by day and the darknesse as it were a couert to rest in by night So then although the day differ from the night yet is there no contrarietie betwixte them neither is there any betweene fire and water so eche creature bee put to his owne proper vse but wee see that God hathe very well agreed the fire and the water and yet notwithstanding if 〈◊〉 beholde them fighting togither then is there greate contrarietie Euen so is it betweene the lawe and the Gospell And if any bodie will haue a man to be iustified bothe by the lawe and by the Gospell to he doth but turmoyle and mingle things togither and it is all one as if he should set heauen and earth togither by the eares To be short it were much easier too mingle fire and water togither than too say that wee can purchace any grace at Gods hand by our own deseruings and therwithall also haue neede to bee succored by our Lord Iesus Christe But if a man consider what the lawe is and too what purpose it was giuen he shall find that it is not whit at all repugnant too the Gospell nor consequently vntoo fayth but that they agree very well Thus ye see how this difficultie is dispatched so that if it be alledged that fayth commeth of God as well as the Law it is true Neuerthelesse it is to be considered as wee shall say hereafter to what end God gaue as well the one as the other But let vs returne too that which S. Paule sayeth He sayeth that wee bee not iustified but by the fayth of our Lord Iesus Christe VVhen he speaketh of beyng iustified lette vs marke that it is all one with beyng reckened or taken for rightuous before God And that woorde had neede too bee well vnderstoode for the cace standeth vppon knowing after what maner wee bee saued But are wee not wretched caytifes if after wee haue liued long in the world a man aske vs whiche is the meane too bee saued and wee cannot tell him VVee shall see many beastly wretches whiche haue deuoured Gods breade and yet notwithstanding cannot tell howe they shoulde offer themselues before him And therefore it behoueth vs to take so much the better heede to the things which are taught vs here by S. Paule He sayeth that we be iustified and how Is it that wee bee rightuous and that there is nothing amisse in vs No but it is for that God accepteth vs. Then is the woorde Rightuousnesse put for the fauour whiche God sheweth vs in that he voutchsafeth too bee our father and too take vs for his children If a man demaunde why the Scripture vseth the woorde Iustifie sith it seemeth too make nothing to the purpose for it might well be sayd God loueth vs God pitieth vs God vouchsafeth to become our father and Sauiour and therfore why should not men rather vse that maner of speach than say that he vouchsafeth to iustifie vs I answer it is not without cause that the scripture speaketh so For if we take the woord Saluation rawly say no more but that we be saued by the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ we shall not well perceyue what our owne state is nor how
heauenly life that is prepared for vs and that although we do but glide away here below and be as straungers yet there is an euerlasting heritage which cānot fayle vs. According as the outward man decayeth saith S. Paule so the inward man renueth For the more that the faithfull see themselues decay the more are they warned and prouoked to looke vpward For we know that such as are strong and lusty do besot and forget themselues and therefore our Lorde is faine to tame vs in such wise as we may renue by decaying I say in such wise as we may be as ye wold say new cast in a mould again to the end that the hope of the heauenly life may be stablished in vs and we haue our sight cleered to behold the thyng which otherwise would be wrapped vp frō vs. Marke how gold and siluer do greatly wast when men make them to passe the furnace VVhē it is cast into the fire it is a great masse of metall but whē it is takē out again ther is but a small quantitie of it And yet the gold if it were not so fined would neuer serue to any purpose no more would siluer nother Euen so is it with vs we could neuer be renued to come to the kingdome of heauen except we dyed first VVe must euer go forward to that vtter defacement and not rest by the way vpon any thing that we see with our eyes For this earthly life is but a shadow and a smoke that slideth and vanisheth away yet neuerthelesse we be renued thereby within Not that all men haue that benefit For the faithlesse do well ynough finde their owne weaknesse and are inforced to feele the summonings of death specially when they be growen old for then they perceiue that any little blast is ynough to cast thē downe and therevpon they fall to storming and could find in their harts to fall out with God nature Howsoeuer the world go though they rotte yet are they not renued For one graine of corne may well rotte and yet not take roote to spring againe and to bring foorth frute and another grain shal rot likewise howbeit for asmuch as it is in good earth hathe takē roote it will bring foorth frute in seasonable time So thē the faithful come to decay and the rewithal are renued and gather new force and why For they rot in this world to the end to be restored and renued againe in the heauēly heritage The faithlesse also do go away to they rot likewise they slip aside they vanish quite away but they haue no vauntage by it bycause they be not restored to eternall life So then let vs marke well that whereas S. Paul sayth we liue by the faith of Iesus Christ it is to wakē vs so as nothing in the world may keepe vs from resting cōtinually vpon Gods promises VVhen we looke vpon al the things that are about vs there is nothing but death But what for that God hath giuē vs his word that being dead in our own nature we haue our life elsewhere namely in our Lord Iesus Christ in asmuch as he was purposely sent to bring vs from death to life Seing then that we haue that promise of god ye see how he may be honored at our hands And for asmuch as the cace standeth so that only saying ought to suffise vs. And if wee setle and resolue ourselues fully therevpon it is a token that we set our handes to Gods truth as faithfull witnesses thereof as sayeth Sainct Iohn Contrariwise when we doubt or be in a mamering then hath Gods word no authoritie nor reuerence among vs. For if we looke no further than to the things that are before vs and to the things that are neare at hand we cannot acknowldge that God is faithfull and that the things which God hath vttered wyth his owne mouth are vnfallible Moreouer in so doing we turne away from our Lord Iesus Christ who notwithstāding is the pledge of all that is conteined in Gods word Seeing we haue the worde we must no more aske as Moses saith who shall climb vp aboue the Cloudes or who shall go downe into the deepe or who shall go ouer the Sea The word sayth he is in thy mouth and in thy hart and we must content ourselues with it And moreouer seeing that we haue our Lord Iesus Christ for a larger confirmation we know that he went downe into the hells that is to saye bare the curse that was due to vs for our sinnes and answered as our pledge and suretie before the iudgement seate of his father and afterward went vp into heauen and in our behalfe tooke possession of the heritage that he had purchaced for vs. For he was exalted vp in our flesh and nature Seeing that we haue such an assurance must wee not needes be tootoo wretched if we cannot hold ourselues too it Agayne the matter willeth vs to looke still backe to that whych hath bin said namely that we hope not for thinges that are open and manifest but for the thinges that are vnknowen to worldly perceiuerance Then sith it is so let vs learne to liue by the faith of Iesus Christ that is to say although we be miserable in this worlde and be faine to indure neuer so many hartbitings greefes anguishes troubles and distresses yet notwithstanding let vs continue in this constancie of beleeuing that there is nothing but singular happinesse in all our miseries bycause God blisseth and halloweth them for our Lord Iesus Christs sake and all is turned to our helpe and welfare as it is said in the .viij. to the Rom. Therfore as we haue seene in another text God must vtter the perfectnesse of his strēgth in our weakenesse and we suffer him to make vs to stoupe in such sort as this world may not keepe vs backe from hauing the promises of the Gospell throughly printed in our heartes nor hinder vs to be glad and cheerfull in the mids of our miseries and afflictions nor boldly too dispyze all the slaunderings and mockages of the faythlesse when they offer vs reproch saying Godes you silly wretches thinke your selues to be princes when you beleeue the Gospell But alack poore soules where is the ioy and happinesse which you say is promised you of God VVhere is the inestimable benefit which you make so great account of For ye haue no more than those whō you call Gods enimies reprobates and cursed kaytifs But as I sayde all this geere must not thrust vs out of the way for we must come backe vntoo fayth Although then that heere beneath we perceiue not the things that are promised vs in the Gospell yet let vs assure our selues of them out of all doubt For as sayth S. Paule our life is hidden and the time of the discouerie thereof is not yet come And where is our life but in our Lorde Iesus Christ Now the
kingdome of our Lord Iesus Christ is apparant inough howbeeit that is but in part we haue but a tast of it and things are so troubled disordered in this world that if we will iudge of our saluation by the outwarde apparance what would become of it Therfore let vs suffer our life to be hid till our Lord Iesus Christ come and then shall we perceiue that we haue not bin beguiled in putting our trust in him and in admitting the doctrine of his Gospell Yee see then after what maner we must liue by fayth that is to say wee must not be so nyce as to seeke a quiet life heere and too haue all our commodities and ease here For in so doing we should forgo the thing that God hath promised vs we shoulde forget him and it woulde be an vtter destruction of our fayth But let vs take the myrrour of Gods worde and there looke vpon the things that furmount all our wit and are set far out of this world and are vtterly inuisible and let vs lift vp our eies thither not so far forth as our own reason skill shal be able to guide vs for that is not inough but so as we may climbe aboue the world and forsake the present things to the end to holde our selues fast in Gods promises and to be pacient in all afflictions and miseries wherby we shal be exercized and against which we must befain to fight till we receyue the frute of our victorie whē we be cōueyed vp into the rest of heauen Thus ye see what haue we to gather vpon this saying of S. Paule which might seme darke at the first sight but whē we haue on the one side marked wel what our state is while we bee in this worlde and on the other side considered what the nature of fayth is we shall easily perceyue that there is no darknesse at all in it And now Saint Paule addeth expressely that Iesus Christ loued him and gaue himselfe to the death for him This is an exposition of that which we sawe erewhiles For men do oftentimes misconster the woorde Fayth bycause they consider not what the pithe of of it is And in deede euerie man will bee called faythfull and yet euen among those that make profession of Christianitie yee shall scarce finde one of a hundred that hathe so muche as one droppe of fayth For as I sayde afore it is neuer sought what is ment by fayth The worde is verie short but it draweth a long tayle after it as wee see by the addition that is set downe heere For Saint Paule declareth that hee liueth by fayth bycause Iesus Christ had loued him and deliuered himselfe to death for him As much must we do For inasmuch as wee see that the Sonne of God the Lorde of glorie the heade of the Angels hee by whome all things were made and by whome all things are still mainteyned yeeldeth himselfe to death yea and too so vile a death that hee tooke our curse vppon him and not onely was hanged vpon a Crosse which was an yrksome thing to all the worlde but also was pronounced accursed by Gods owne mouth seeing say I that wee haue such a price to raunsome vs from death and too purchase vs life and saluation haue we not cause if we thinke well vppon it to ouerleape all the lettes that Satan can cast in our wayes to make vs turne head or to retyre backe that wee might not continue in the certaintie of our fayth Surely the victorie will bee easie ynough for vs agaynst all remptations if we can consider of what value the death and passion of our Lorde Iesus Christ is and what it importeth So then S. Paule armeth vs heere too the ende wee might holde out wyth inuincible constancie agaynst all the stoppes that Satan laboureth too lay afore vs to hinder vs from keeping on our course VVhen the faythfull are pinched with hunger or thirst they bee troubled with looking heere and there for the promise that they shall be heyres of the worlde and in the meane while do well neare starue for famin and penurie But if they looke to our Lorde Iesus Christ that will dispatche them of all their trouble and sweeten all the bitternesse that might haue put the promises of saluation out of tast with them Therefore whensoeuer the faythfull are in any perill or bee persecuted so as they haue many wrongs and iniuries done them and yet are not succoured of all that while they might thinke thus with themselues VVhere is God Hee hath promised to dwell in vs to keepe vs as the Apple of his eie and to be our sheeld and fortresse and yet in the meane while wee bee cast vp too the spoyle wherefore it is certaine that we shall be vndone at euery blow But when we come to the death and passion of our Lorde Iesus Christ wee must conclude that the Sonne of God was not offered vp in vaine Seeing then that our Lorde Iesus Christ spared not himself but abaced himselfe so farre as too suffer so slaunderous yea and cursed a death and afterwarde also the paynes of Hell howbeeit but for a while too the ende too set vs free and cleare and too purchace vs grace before the iudgement seate of God his father should that dooing of his bee vnauaylable Is it possible that it shoulde bee No For if Heauen and earth were turned vpsyde downe it were not so great a confusion as too imagine that the Sonne of God hath suffered in vaine Then see wee nowe why Saint Paule telleth vs that hee liued by fayth For it behoueth vs to be settled vppon the death and passion of our Lorde Iesus Christ assuring our selues that it is able ynough too drawe vs out of the dungeons of death And furthermore it behoueth vs ▪ too looke vppon our Lorde Iesus Christ not onely as deade in the infirmitie of his fleshe but also as ryzen againe through his diuine and heauenly power as is saide of him in another Text. And therefore when there is any speaking of the death of our Lorde Iesus Christ it standeth vs on hande too consider what the same importeth that is too wit that it is a sacryfice to make an attonement of Recōciliation betwene God man an obedience too couer all the naughtinesse that is in vs and a washing too scoure away all our vnclennesse and filthinesse For asmuch then as wee knowe that there is such power in the death and passion of the sonne of God and that therevpon wee marche further that is to wit too the glorie wherevntoo it leadeth vs let vs not any more imagine that man ought hereafter to continue still in hys owne nature but that hee ought too liue in the fayth of the Gospell assuring himselfe that he shall not be disappoynted in resting vppon the promises that are conteyned there Thus ye see in effect wherevnto we should referre this saying where Saint Paule telleth
that haue our eares beaten with it and are prouoked without end or ceassing to come vntoo God wee bee muche more faultie than they Beholde the Turkes beleeue that they woorship the God that made heauen and earth how beit for asmuch as they refuze our Lord Iesus Christe they haue but an Idoll The Papistes also are deceyued in theyr fond deuotions And yet for all that they bee not a whit the lesse giltie before God But what for that If wee that knowe the way of saluation whiche heare Gods voyce ringing continually in our eares which are inlightened with the sunne of rightuousnesse euen with our Lord Iesus Christ If wee I say become as good as brute beastes and discerne not betweene good and euill must it not needes bee that we are as ye would say bewitched For seing that God is so gratious vntoo vs as too come to vs and to teach vs so familiarly surely he hath iust cause to complayne of vs as he also dothe My people sayeth he by his Prophet Micheas what can I doo more for thee than I haue done Then if God pleade agaynst vs and charge vs with all the meanes whiche he hath giuen vs to make vs wholly his that he might inioy vs without gaynsaying and we on our side cast a stoppe in his way and are loth to bow downe our neckes to receyue his yoke or else be fickleminded and fleeting too forsake all agayne too day or too morrow and had leuer too bee beguyled by the craftes and illusions of Satan than to bee guyded by the truth which is certaine must it not needes be that we are as monsters that is to say folke that make vtter defiance too nature Therfore let vs learne to looke better vpon our selues heere for looke what was once sayd too the Galathians is spoken still at this day vntoo vs. For it was not for that peoples sake alone that S. Paule wrate but the holy Ghost quickeneth vs vp still now and telleth vs that if wee haue once receyued the doctrine of the Gospell and afterward start away from it so as if a man trace vs he shall find no constancie nor stedinesse of fayth in vs we be so much the more damnable and cannot sheeld our selues with any thing for when we shall haue taken all the couerts in the world we shall abide conuicted of such leudnesse as in the end we must needes haue our mouthes stopped and God muste set vs foorth as an example of all vnthankfulnesse in somuch that wee shall become odious both too men and Angels bicause we made no better account of the doctrine of saluation which is so precious a seede as wee see that the Scripture speaketh of it Yee see then that the thing which we haue too beare in minde is not that the onely Galathians are rebuked heere by S. Paule but that we be taught in their persones to walke in feare and awe when God shall haue bin so gracious too vs as too call vs vnto him and too shewe vs what his will is And it is not for nought that he vseth so sharp and rigorous woordes as too call them fooles and witlesse and consequently too say who hath bewitched you But we heare how that in the fourth too the Ephesians concerning the vsing of the Gospell he sayeth that when wee haue once bin taught it we must not be as little babes that are led too and fro and made to beleeue that the Crow is white but we must be so settled in it that although the Diuell stirre vp neuer so many troubles false opinions and lies yet we may still hold our owne and keepe on our pace assuring ourselues that Gods truth is infallible Thus ye see that the end whereto the Gospell ought to serue vs is not only to shew vs what is good for vs but also to arme and fence vs agaynst all incounters and against all Satans slights so that if there rise vp any heresies or other corruptions we may still mainteine the battel valiantly and get the vpper hand by our faith and not be pyped any more into the fowlers snare according to the similitude whych S. Paule vseth Now then seing it is so it must needes be that we be bewitched and possessed with the Diuell if suche a remedie suffise vs not after that God hath manifested himselfe vnto vs and wee knowe yea euen fully and assuredly that it is he which speaketh If we be not moued by his authoritie what will become of it Againe whereas we haue our Lord Iesus Christ shyning vpon vs as it were at high none days must it not needes be that we are at defyance with nature as I sayde afore if wee seeke heere and there for by ways when the right way is layd before our eyes So then it is not without cause that Sainct Paule speaketh so roughly too that people which had chaunged the doctrine after that God had granted them the grace to haue his truth shewd vnto them But we must call to mind also how God vpbraideth his people of olde tyme by hys Prophet Ieremy Go your wayes ouer the sea saythe hee and into the Iles and into farre countries and ye shall see euery nation worship his owne Idolls without chaunging And wherefore then are you so variable As for those they know not wherevppon they be grounded They haue but a certayne opinion which carieth them away and beguileth them and yet notwithstanding they hold on still without turning aside and sticke wholly to it and why then should you which know what God ye obey be so fleeting Nowe therfore let vs marke well that if we be lightly turned and thrust aside from the doctrine of the Gospel there shall neede none other witnesse against vs at the last day than the wretched vnbeleeuers which follow their owne superstitions for we see they be wedded to them Looke vpon the Turkes and Painims looke vpō the Iewes and Papists They wote not what God they worship they haue but a weening in sted of fayth and yet not withstanding a mā cannot plucke them from theyr false fancies and they bee so giuen vnto them as a man can neuer remoue thē Then if wee on our side knowing that it is the liuing God which calleth teacheth vs dayly and that the thing which is vttered by men commeth of him and of his holy spirit and hauing record of the law the Gospel which cannot fayle if we I say hauing such a resting stock for our faith be afterward vnconstāt so as our eares itch to receiue euery new toy and men make vs to alter our mind in lesse than the turning of a hand what else betokeneth it but that we wilfully refuse Goddes grace as if we wold shet the gate against him that he might not com in vnto vs Or else if after we haue once knowen that he offereth vs so in estimable a benefite in his Gospell wee cast it downe and trample it
all the faithfull to all his children But yet doth he graunt vs other speciall graces besides as when he giueth vs men that teach vs his woord faythfully or that gouerne the common welth wisely or whiche haue other giftes for in so doing he giueth vs certayne tokens that he dwelleth among vs and thereby also he bindeth vs so much the more vntoo him Let vs marke the reason that S. Paule setteth downe heere He blameth the vnthankfulnesse of the Galathians for that they considered not how it came vnto them by the preachyng of the Gospell And he sayeth it purposely bicause men will alwayes make fayre protestations ynow that they meene not to reiect Gods grace and yet doo shew the cleane contrarie in their dooyngs As howe They that are loth too suffer themselues too be taught and would driue away all the ministers of Gods woord if they could they which through enuie spitefulnesse could find in their harts to abolish the remēbrance of al those whom God hath stablished too maynteyne the welfare of his people they say I doo shew well ynough that they would haue God too holde himselfe a farre off from them and that they bee loth to come at him For he setteth before them the meanes to come too him and they voutchsafe not too take it but do thrust it from them So then whereas S. Paule findeth fault with the Galathiās it was not for that they protested openly with full mouth that they woulde none of Gods spirit or that they hild skorne of his giftes but too shewe them that they had very ill regarded Gods vttering of the giftes of his spirite in their Churche VVhat ought wee then too gather vppon this Text. That if God giue vs meanes too come vntoo him wee must take them awoorth euen by fashioning of our selues vnto them For if the Gospell bee preached among vs and wee wilfully forget what is told vs it is all one as if wee reiected God and turned our backe vppon him of purpose too stray away from him VVherefore if wee intend that God should continue his grace towardes vs let vs hold vs too the meanes that he hath ordeyned for vs that is to say let vs suffer our selues to be taught by such as he sendeth vnto vs let euery of vs exercyze himself alone also in reading the holy scripture let such as haue done good in edifying the Church haue roome place among vs and let vs not shet the gate against the holy Ghost This in effect is the thing that wee haue to beare in minde Furthermore for asmuch as S. Paules intent here is to bring backe the faithfull to the Gospell let vs assure our selues that if we swarue neuer so litle from it we be streyght in the high way to destruction And so there is none other knitting of God vnto mē than by meanes of the Gospell which must go as a chayne that cannot bee broken betwixt thē And Paule doth purposely once againe call it the preaching of faith to shewe vs how great neede wee haue that God should preuent vs. For vntil such time as he haue reached vs his hand in our Lord Iesus Christe and drawne vs out of the gulfe of confusion wherein wee bee by nature what are wee Moreouer wee see howe bountifull he sheweth himselfe towardes vs in that he giueth himselfe fully to vs in the persone of his only Sonne surely it is much more than if he gaue vs heauen and earth and all the goodes that are in them For what are all other things in cōparison of our Lord Iesus Christ VVherfore let vs marke that seing that God hauing declared vntoo vs that wee bee vtterly vnfurnished of all goodnesse addeth that he will not keepe backe any thing from vs nor shew himselfe a nigard towards vs if wee seeke too him for all things that wee want wee must be contented with it and if wee swarue neuer so little one way or other we deserue well to bee vtterly bereft and dispossessed euen of that which wee haue receyued alreadie And therevppon S. Paule bringeth vs backe too the example of Abraham bycause he is the father of all the faythfull and moreouer bycause that in his person it pleazed god to shew how we may become rightuous to be saued for there is none other way to bring vs to the kingdome of heauen than the same that he went There is but onely one way and that is set foorth too vs in the example of Abraham S. Paule therefore sayeth that Abraham beleeued God and the same was reckened too him for rightuousnesse and therefore that if we will be Abrahams children wee must beleeue Heere we haue too call too rememberance the thing that hath bin declared alreadie heretofore that is too say what this woorde fayth or be●eefe importeth It is not a single beleeuing that there is but one God which gouerneth the worlde but an assuring of our selues that he taketh vs for his children and that wee may fully and freely call vppon him as our father bycause he accepteth vs for our Lord Iesus Christes sake Then if wee bee sure of the fauour and fatherly loue of our God and take suche warrantize of it by his promises that wee haue our looke wholly fastened vppon our Lord Iesus Christe in whom wee finde meanes too come vnto God and too go freely vntoo him that is the very thing whiche S. Paule ment by that woord Fayth And so when he sayeth that too bee Ahrahams children wee must bee faythfull it is all one as if he sayd that wee cannot bee faythfull Christians nor members of the Church but by fayth that is to say except we be bereft of all opiniō of our owne deseruings moreouer so beaten downe and dismayed in our selues as we may not wote where too become nor seeke any other meanes of saluatiō than in the free goodnesse which God offereth vs when he telleth vs that wee be fordone damned in our sinnes and yet notwithstanding that we must not ceasse to haue full hope and trust of saluation in Iesus Christ Thus yee see what it is for a man to bee a Christian that is too wit to be vtterly out of hart in himself in cōsideration that he bringeth nothing with him but sin and cursednesse and yet vpon the feeling of himself to be so vtterly voyde of all well deseruing to come vnto God to be clothed with the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ For it is not ynough for vs to be out of hart in our selues as we see that Cain was who beyng as it were vpon the racke confesseth his fault howbeit that was but through despayre and so consequently there was nothing in him but murmuring and blasphemie against God in like cace is it with all reprobates or cast awayes but wee must so taste of the loue of our God as wee may be able to settle our selues vpon it and be out of all doubt that he will
God with his owne mouth sayd determinately that who soeuer hung vppon tree should be accursed and yet for all that that it was his will therewithall that his owne Sonne should bee hanged on tree And why so Too the end he shoulde beare our burthen according as he is our pledge ordeyned to be the principall detter in our behalf To the end then that wee might bee set free from the curse of the Lawe Iesus Christe became accursed Nowe at the first fight it might seeme hard and straunge that the Lord of glorie he that hath all soueraine dominion and before whose maiestie the verie Angelles of heauen do tremble and are abashed should be subiect too cursing But wee muste go backe too that whiche S. Paule hath treated of in the first to the Corinthians namely that the doctrine of the Gospell is foolishnesse too mankind yea euen too the wyzest of them and that it was Gods will too humble vs after that maner bycause of our vnthankfulnesse For we should haue a good instruction to leade vs vnto God yea euen in wisedome if we could profite our selues by the things that are shewed vs in the whole order of heauen earth But for asmuch as men are blinde and shet their eyes agaynst this wisedome that God setteth afore them therfore he is fayne too take a new way to the woode and too draw them to him as it were by folie So then let vs not iudge after our owne mother wit of the thing that is declared heere which is that the sonne of God was put vnder the curse but rather let vs bee rauished at such a secrete and giue the glorie vntoo our God seyng he hath so loued our soules as too pay so inestimable a pryce for the raunsoming of them And so little ought this thing to imbace the maiestie of our Lord Iesus Christ or to deface that which is giuen him in the holy Scripture as wee rather haue cause too glorifie him the more for it And for proofe thereof our Lord Iesus Christe as sayeth S. Paule committed no robberie when he shewed himselfe in his infinite glorie And yet notwithstanding he abaced himselfe willing and not onely clothed himself with our nature and became a passible mā but also submitted himself to a death that was both shamefull before men yea and accursed before God Then must it needes bee that we were very deere vnto him seing he yeelded himself too such extremitie for our redemption If wee could taste the meening hereof surely wee would giue our selues wholly too the magnifying of that grace which cānot be sufficiently expressed by woordes and surpasseth all wisedome of man Seyng therefore that wee comprehend it not nor can vtter the hundredth part of it let vs yet be as it were astonished at it in considering so much of it as we be able too comprehend But heere we see still the leudnesse and frowardnesse of men in that whereas S. Paule sayeth that our Lorde Iesus Christ became accursed for vs it passeth and slippeth away from vs. Yea and there are some so leud that they take occasiō of stumbling and of flinging out of the way and of estraunging themselues quite and cleane from the Churche when they heare this maner of our reedeming set afore vs. VVhat say they was it of necessitie that the sonne of God who is the fountayne of all goodnesse and ought too make vs all holy should be cursed It seemeth too them that God in so doyng ment too peruert all order and reason But as I haue declared alreadie it is certaine that God condemneth mens vnkindnesse by bringing them to such a kinde of foolishnesse bycause they came not too him by wisedome when he shewed them that way Neuerthe later howsoeuer the cace stande needes muste our wittes shrinke and our reason bee vtterly confounded so as wee may honour Gods secretes and wonder at them though they bee hidden from vs. And againe whensoeuer it is sayd vnto vs that the sonne of God became accursed for vs it would become vs to enter into the examinacion of our sinnes In so doing we shall perceyue how lothly wee be before God till our sinnes and offences bee washed away by the bloud of our Lord Iesus Christ Had all the Angelles of heauen vndertaken for vs it had bin no sufficient bayle Then was there none other satisfaction than the persone of our Lord Iesus Christe And he came not into the world too discharge vs of the bonde of euerlasting death wherein we were bound by his diuine and heauenly power How then By weakenesse And not onely so but also he was fayne to bee counted accursed or else we should haue lien still ouerwhelmed with the burthen and haue perished all of vs in that gulf Therefore when wee see that the sonne of God who not only is the vnspotted Lambe and the mirrour of all rightuousnesse holinesse and perfection but also the very welspring thereof was hilde accursed for vs ought wee not at the sight thereof to conceyue such a terrour for our sinnes that wee should be as good as swallowed vp with despayre till we be plucked backe againe by the infinite grace and goodnesse of our God So then let vs marke well that when it is tolde vs that wee were raunsomed from the curse of the Lawe God intendeth thereby to bryng vs to true humilitie But that cannot bee vnlesse men be vtterly cōfounded in themselues so as they be ashamed too loke vpon themselues and therewithall also afrayd and dismayed knowing that Gods wrath wayteth readie for them till our Lord Iesus Christe doo remedie the matter Thus yee see that all our whole lyfe is lothsome before God and there is no way for vs too come too attonement with him till our Lord Iesus Christ take vpon him the cursednesse that is in vs and beare it in his owne persone And therefore as oft as wee reade this text let euery of vs awake and set himselfe before Gods iudgement seate that wee may feele there as it were a gulf to swallow vs vp quyte and cleane and thereat bee abashed for very shame of our selues and on the other side so much the more magnifie the grace that is purchaced for vs in the persone of the sonne of God and keepe our selues warely from diminishing his dignitie in that he is sayd to be accursed and rather thereby be the more prouoked to yeeld him his due and deserued prayse for that he hath shewed himself to esteeme our welfare so highly ▪ Furthermore let vs make our profit of that pledge of our saluation and of the loue that God beareth vs so as we doubt not but that God liketh well of vs when we come to him seyng he hath bought vs so deere that as S. Peter telleth vs in his first canonicall Epistle it was nother golde nor siluer nor any corruptible thing but it was our Lord Iesus Christ himself that was payd for our raunsome Therefore
that the free promis was giuen afore the law and therefore it followeth that the law came not in to diminish or alter any whit of it but that it continueth still in his owne fulnesse nature and force True it is that our Lord Iesus Christ had not yet shewed himselfe to the worlde when the free promis was made to our father Abraham neuerthelesse it suffiseth that he was ordeyned to be our mediator that by hys meanes men might be reconciled to God Now if any man alledge that it should seeme then that the law was more than needed or else that there was some change and variablenesse in Gods purpose seeing the law came in Sainct Paule discusseth the same in place conuenient and wee must not huddle vp thynges togyther for all cannot be vttered at once nother in an houre nor in a day Therefore it is ynough for vs at this tyme too haue thys poynt made playne and cleere that the promis whereby God hath chosen vs intoo the number of his chyldren was before the lawe and also that the same promis had not any respect to our deseruings nor too any woorthinesse that was in our persons but too Gods meere goodnesse and mercie whych moued hym therevnto without looking for any thing in vs bycause hee saw welynough there was nothyng in vs but vtter miserie And finallye that the sayde promis was grounded in our Lorde Iesus Chryste who had alreadye done the ●●ffice of a mediator to make vs way vnto God his father This being graunted wee must needes conclude that the promis hath abidden and shall abyde for euer euen to the worlds end And that is sayd expresly bycause the Iewes gloried of their auncetrie But Sainct Paule telleth them that their father Abraham had not the lawe but was contented though he vsed sacrifises and such other like thinges And although he was circumcised in the end yet when he receiued the promis there was not as yet thē any law writtē no nor any circumcision at all For Abraham was vncircumcised when he receiued the promis and yet neuerthelesse was iustifyed before he was circumcised and all that was by fayth Sainct Paule therefore sheweth that the Iewes were greatly ouerseene too shole out themselues after that manner from the rest of the whole wo●ld and to rest continually vpon the figures of the law seeing that Abraham their father and the cheefe patriarch of the Church was iustifyed the sefsame way that we must be at this day that is to saye by Gods meere mercie bycause hee knew himselfe to be a wretched sinner and therefore accursed and damned in Adam and that there was no blissednesse to be hoped for other than that which was promised hym for our Lord Iesus Christs sake Thus yee see what wee haue too beare in mind And for the same cause Sainct Paule exhorteth vs heere too wey well these words when it was sayd vnto Abraham that all nations of the earth should be blissed in his seede Now there are heere two principall poyntes The one is that the blissednesse is promised not only to Abrahams fleshly ofspring as I haue told you already but also to all the world in generall VVe therefore are made partakers thereof wee I say that are issued of the Gentiles that is to say of suche as were heathenfolke and banished from the kingdome of heauen Although then that we were not of that holy linage whiche God had chosen at the beginning yet notwithstanding it behoued saluation to be extended vnto vs. And why so ▪ For it had hin promised before that all Nations shoulde be blissed Seeing it is so shall we say that God hath cut off the greatest parte of his bounteousnesse and will haue no more but the sayde linage of Abraham considering that hee hath alreadye tolde vs that he woulde bee the sauiour of the whole worlde and shewe himselfe a father in time conuenient Yee see then howe the firste poynt is that the making of the sayde promis vnto Abraham was not for his linage alone but for all men howbeit that it were not fulfilled at the first dash For the time of fulnesse was not yet come as we shall see in the Chapter following The second point is that the blissednesse which was promised to Abraham was for his seedes sake For Sainct Paule sayth that God spake not of seedes in the plurall number as of mo than one but of one onely seede whiche must be concluded to be Iesus Christ Heere it myght be supposed that Sainct Paule buzied his head about a needelesse matter For the word Seede importeth a linage or ofspring that is to witte not some one man or ten or fortie but a whole people Therefore the Seede of Abraham is the people that came of hym whyche were so many in number that it was iustly sayde of them that they shoulde bee as it were twelue Nations For when mention is made of a people it will bee thought ynough to haue a hundred thousand of them togither and there were many mo in the onely tribe of Iuda So then it should seeme that Sainct Paule dyd not sufficiently consider what God meant by the word seede when he sayd that it is but one only man But wee must wey well the thyngs that Sainct Paule presupposeth heere as fully certaine and resolute and then shall wee perceyue his argumentes to be vtterly infallible Abraham had not one sonne alone but after Ismaell he had Isaac also And what became of his eldest sonne Hee was cut off from hys house as we shall see within a whyle that is to say in the Chapter following Beholde then Ismaell whiche had the birthright in Abrahams house is neuerthelesse put out and made an vtter straunger yea and as a rotten member in somuch that it is sayd of hym Cast out the sonne of the handseruante for hee shall not inherit in my house Afterwarde Abraham had other children but euery of them had their portions giuen vnto them and were sent away Thus was onely Isaac left at home vntoo hym Anon after Isaac had a cupple of children and they were twinnes of one wombe Esau the firstborne whiche ought too haue hadde the prefermente was lykewise cast off so as hee was not counted for the linage of Abraham nor yet was made partaker of the promised blissing There was no mo left but Iacob Yea and although the father blissed his sonne Iacob through ignorance and mistaking yet he declareth that it was not in him to reuoke or chaunge the thing that hee had vttered with his mouth bycause he was the instrument of the holy Ghost Now then if we take the seede of Abraham for all those that came of his race The Ismaelites or Agarenes as they be called and such other lyke and moreouer the Edomites also should be of his houshold But the heritage is taken quite and cleane from them Therefore the seede of Abraham must be considered after a peculiar
knowing well that although wee bee of the race of cursed Adam yet notwithstanding for asmuch as wee bee blissed agayne in Iesus Chryste hee acknowledgeth vs alwayes for his Children bycause wee be grounded vppon the free adoption whiche not without cause he willed too bee published through the whole worlde to the intent we might haue the gate opened and the way made easie for vs to come vnto him But now let vs fal downe before the maiestie of our good God with acknowledgement of our faultes praying him to make vs perceiue them more and more that we may in suche wise mislike of them as we may labour and indeuer ourselues to honor and serue him in true obedience all our life long and whereas we cannot do it to the full for that is vnpossible considering our frailtie that hee will hold vs vp till he haue rid vs of al the corruptions of our flesh and clothed vs againe with his owne rightuousnesse the whiche he beginneth in vs already as now and giueth vs certayne firstfrutes of it to assure vs that he will performe the thing that he hathe begonne And so let vs all say Almightie God heauenly father c. The .xx. Sermon which is the sixth vpon the third Chapter 15. Brethrē I speake after the maner of men Although it be but a mans Testament yet if it be proued no man breaketh it or putteth aught to it 16. Novv the promises vvere spoken to Abraham and his seede He sayth not and to the seedes as speaking of manie but as of one and in thy seede vvhiche is Christe 17. This is it that I say as touching the couenant that vvas confirmed before by God in Christe the lavv vvhich came foure hundred and thirtie yeeres after cannot impeach or abolish the promis 11. For if the inheritāce come by the lavv then commeth it not of promis but God gaue it to Abraham by promis IT were great shame for vs if God should beare no more sway with vs than mortall creatures For what comparison is there betwixt his maiestie and the state of men which are but a fading shadow And yet notwithstanding it is an ordinarie matter with men too preferre themselues before God which is so ougly a thyng that if the Sunne were matched with the darknesse of hell it were not so great a confusion as to exalt men aboue him to whome all honor belongeth But howsoeuer the cace stande it is a vice as I sayd which hath euermore reigned and stil reigneth at this day too much in the world For looke what man speaketh it shall strayghtways be beleeued and if folke be loth to do it of their owne good will yet must they be fayne to hold them to it in all matters that are allowed by law Behold God speaketh yea and that right substantially so as he ouerslippeth not any thing that may giue credite and assurednesse to his word and yet notwithstanding we bee always in a mamering or else we fall to flat reasoning against hym Must it not needes be then that we be out of our wittes when wee diminish Gods authoritie after that fashion and yeeld more credit to creatures than to him that made both heauen and earth wyth his only word and mainteyneth all things by the same That is the cause why S. Paule in this text vseth this preface I speake sayth he after the manner of men For if hee had sayd no more but thys Couenantes shall bee kept heere bylow without breaking or repealing and therefore needes must Gods promis bee euerlasting that had bin true but yet had he spoken too coldly of Gods maiestie in raunging him so in aray among earthly creatures But whereas hee sayth that hee speaketh after the manner of men it is all one as if he had sayd that he vseth not such maner of stile and speech as might beseeme to treate of the maiestie of God For both the Sunne and Moone ought too forgo their brightnesse when Gods glory commeth in presence All of it must needes bee darkened what shall then become of those that are but as flyes frogges crauling vpon the earth For make men neuer so much of their painted sheath yet are they lesse than naught worthe before God Now when wee heere this wee should bee the more restreyned that wee vse no replying but with all reuerence take in good worth the thing that is tolde vs heere that is too wit that if God haue voutsafed too giue them full assurednesse of their saluation which receiue the promise that is preached vntoo them wee must not take vpon vs to reason against him For when a deede is passed among men if it bee entered of record it shall be receyued and go for good euidence and what then shall bee done when God shall haue opened his holy mouth to beare vs recorde of his good will Is there any solemnitie among men that commeth neere too the glory of God who will haue vs too sticke too that which he hath spoken and vttered True it is as I haue touched alreadie that we ought to fight agaynst the lewdnesse which is rooted in vs too yeelde credite vnto God for wee bee so bent to mistrustfulnesse that not one worde of the things whiche God hathe vttered shall euer haue setling in our harts except wee haue fought agaynst the vice wherein wee bee so sore intangled So then euery of vs when he commeth too bee taught in Gods worde must examine what is in himselfe and when he seeth him selfe subiect still too many distrustes and doubts he must mislike of it and pray God to touch all his senses in suche wise too the quicke that he may rest wholly vpon the thing which he heareth at his hande according also as it is the office of the holy Ghost to seale in our hearts the truthe which is certayne inough of it selfe howbeeit that it bee not certayne vnto vs till it be assured too vs from aboue For if wee were of our owne mouing inclined to beleeue God the holy Ghoste should not neede to worke in that behalfe But it is sayde that he is the very Seale wherewith God marketh vs and whereby ▪ he imprinteth and ingraueth in our harts the ●●ings whiche else should neuer be receyued Yea and wee must also marke well that Sainct Paule setteth downe heere two wordes namely that no man diminisheth or disanulleth the thing that is authorized among men by lawfull and orderly meanes nor also addeth any thing too it For althoughe wee bee not alwayes vtter rebels yet are our wittes stil tickling vs too make some additions and gloses to Gods worde and we can not abide to holde vs to the simplicitie that is conteyned there Then if wee consider well what wee bee without selfe soothing euery of vs shall finde two vices in vs. The one is that when God hath spoken vnto vs wee can not throughly consent to say Amen vnfaynedly or to accept his promises or to bee
Yee see then that wee cannot inioy any thing at all vnlesse wee bee Gods children And for the same cause also Sainct Paule in the fourth too the Romanes thinkes it not ynough too set downe the heauenly lyfe and euerlasting saluation but also nameth the heritage of the worlde and sayeth that Abraham was made heire of the worlde and that the same was not for that man alone but for all menne in generall Therefore whereas God adopteth vs and telleth vs that he will be gracious vntoo vs it is too the end that while wee liue heere beneath wee should bee fedde by his hand and he in giuing vs foode make vs too taste aforehand of the loue whiche he beareth vs and of the care that he hath ouer vs. Too bee shorte wee may and ought also too beholde Gods fatherly goodnesse in all his creatures Doo wee open our eyes and looke vpon the light of the Sunne Euen there dooth God shewe himselfe a father towardes vs. VVhen wee eate and receyue our sustenance God reacheth out his hande too shewe that wee bee alreadie fedde by him as his owne children Too bee shorte in all things and by all meanes he maketh vs too taste his fatherly loue aforehand too the intent wee shoulde bee confirmed in the things that he sheweth vs in the Gospell that is too wit that he hath reserued a better heritage for vs as for his children whom he hath adopted Then must all creatures direct vs vntoo heauenward But surely wee doo the cleane contrarie for wee apply Gods creatures to our owne lustes so as wee behilde downe still by them heere To bee shorte looke how many helpes God hath giuen vs too drawe vs too him so many lettes haue wee too holde vs backe in the worlde For wee neuer passe too knowe howe wee should bee reckened for Gods children so wee may liue at our ease in this worlde that is ynough for vs. But yet for all that it standeth vs greatly on hande too perceyue that God dooth alreadie in this worlde shewe himselfe a father towardes vs and intendeth too doo vs too wit what a care he hath of vs too the ende wee shoulde learne too referre our selues wholly vntoo him and there too reste Yee see then that by this woorde Heritage or Inheritance God sheweth firste that whatsoeuer he offereth vs is of his owne meere free bounteousnesse and secondly that wee bee so cursed that wee haue no righte too any thing no not euen too a droppe of water excepte God make vs his heyres and that muste bee done all onely for our Lorde Iesus Christes sake And therefore we must once againe call to rememberance how wee haue heretofore seene that the promis was made too Iesus Christe Then is not Abraham the stay and shoote anker thereof And for that cause also is our Lord Iesus named the heyre of all things and looke what he hath peculiar too himselfe that doothe he communicate too vs as too the members of his bodie In that respect also doth S. Paule say that the saying whiche is written in the seuenth verse of the eyght Psalme whiche is that he is made Lord of all things ought too bee applied first of all to his persone True it is that the sayd text is spoken of all men according as wee see how God hath put all beastes of the earth in subiection to man so as they bee fayne too die too giue vs sustenance and too clothe vs and keepe vs warme Againe we see how the earth yeeldeth vs frutes Therefore the lordship of the worlde is giuen vntoo vs how beit that is but by the meanes of our Lorde Iesus Christe For as I haue touched alreadie if wee bee separated from him wee bee forthwith so cut of from Gods house that the inheritance of them belongeth no more vntoo vs than too the furthest straungers in the worlde But nowe let vs come too the chiefe poynt that is contayned heere S. Paule sayeth that this heritage commeth not of the Lawe but of Fayth VVhereas he vseth these twoo speaches and cuppleth them toogither they bee things flat contrarie as I haue tolde you heretofore Not that the lawe is contrarie too fayth but bycause that too bee iustified before God and too obtayne fauour and mercie at his hand cannot come too passe by the Lawe The Lawe was not giuen too that end as we shall see in the next Sermon but too the cleane contrarie So then seyng that the heritage commeth by fayth we must conclude that our woorkes can doo nothing and that wee must bee fayne too come to God vtterly emptie as poore beggers too craue too bee filled by him bicause wee haue not one drop of goodnesse in our selues Yee see then whereat S. Paule ameth when he sayeth that the inheritance cōmeth of fayth and not of the lawe according also as God gaue it vntoo Abraham in respect of fayth And let vs marke that if wee bee not able too deserue any nurrishment in this worlde what shall wee bee able too doo towardes the possessing of the kingdome of heauen VVhen there is any talking of corruptible sustenance it is nothing in comparison of the heauenly glorie For it is sayde that wee shall bee made parttakers of the glorie of our God and that then wee shall bee all in all things But as now wee cannot deserue so much as one bit of bread for the inheritance cōmeth of fayth that is to say all that euer God hath promised men is of his owne meere free goodnesse And howe can wee then purchace the Realme of Paradice what a pryde is it for men to presume to come to it by their own strength must it not needes be that they are caried away with a terrible rage Moreouer in saying that God gaue all things to our father Abraham in respect of his fayth S. Paule doth yet better expresse and shewe that which I haue told you alreadie namely that man is able to deserue nothing of himself and that he must bee fayne too haue all of free gift He had sayd afore as we haue seene already that the promises were made and vttered but here he vseth the woord Giuing As if he should say here is not a bargayne betweene partie partie too say I will do this and thou shalt do that I wil sell and thou shalt buy but God doth freely giue and man doth but onely receiue Seing then that we must come vnto God to receyue that which he offereth vs and that we haue not any other title to the things that we looke for at his hand than only by free gift let vs forget all the worthinesse which we imagine to be in our selues and acknowledge that we be nothing And surely S. Paule vseth one other maner of speach which serueth to expresse better the thing that is ment here which is that if the heritage came by the Law the promis were disanulled and so consequently faith Therefore to be
with the Law And wherefore was it giuen To proue men double giltie before God that their hypocrisie might not stand them in any more stead nor they haue occasion to flatter themselues any more or too shrowde themselues vnder their vayne excuces as they haue bin wont too doo And that is the cause why S. Paule in the fourth too the Romanes reasoneth that a man cannot bee iustified by the Law For sayeth he the Lawe bringeth nothing but wrath And by the woord wrath he meeneth Gods vengeance Lyfe and death cannot come both of the Lawe but in sundry respectes Now the Lawe is deathfull vntoo all of vs so that it condemneth vs and sheweth vs that wee bee all cursed and abhominable before God and therfore what a fōdnesse is it to seeke rightuousnesse by it as who should say that God ought to take vs into his fauour for the keeping of it But he declareth this mater more familiarly in the .vii. to the Romanes when hee sayth that by the Lawe sinne becommeth out of measure sinfull For there is ynough to condemne vs though there were no lawe at all according as it is sayde that they which sinne without lawe shall perish without lawe that is to wit although the heathen folke had no instruction whereby to be rebuked yet had they a recorde ingrauen in their consciences which did find them guiltie Ye see then that men are sufficiently worthy to be condemned though God go not vp into his iudgement seate nor cyte them nor examin them howbeeit that such as sinne and offende agaynst God charge not themselues with their faults For we be so giuē to selfsoothing that euerie of vs weltereth and sleepeth in his owne filth insomuch that till the lawe touch vs too the quicke our consciences are as it were benummed and to be short euerie man dispenseth with himselfe and taketh leaue too doo euill But when the Lawe steppeth forth then is sinne knowne and euerie man spite of his teeth must be faine to stoupe before God or else gnashe his teeth at him as a rebell Neuerthelesse God gathereth vs too him by the lawe by bringing vs to the knowledge of our cursednesse To be short it is al one as if a man had his face all berayed euery man might mocke at him but he himselfe should not see it But if one bring him a glasse he is ashamed of himselfe and hydes his face and goes his way too wash his face when hee sees it so disfigured with filthinesse Or if a man be so yll fauoured that he maketh folke afrayd with his looke he thinketh not that that fault commeth of his owne person till he haue a looking glasse set before him Euen so is it with vs. For though all of vs be saped in wickednesse and sinne insomuch that heauen and earth are ashamed of vs and God prepareth horrible condemnation for vs yet ceasse we not too keepe on our race and to be retchlesse still And why so For our sinfulnesse is vnknowne to vs and hypocrisie doth so blindfolde our eyes that we perceyue not our owne cursednesse But the Lawe sheweth vs what we bee and therewithall setteth Gods iudgemēt before vs. For on the one side it sayth ye shall do all these things vnder payne of cursing And what maner of things are they it is not ynough for vs to absteyne onely in respect of our feete handes eyes and eares but we must be pure and clere from all lusting there must be such an vncorruptnesse in vs that all our senses thoughts and affections must ame at God so as no inticements of this worlde may holde vs backe And where is this to be founde Besydes thys beholde God beeing sette as a Iudge in his seate hathe alreadie gyuen sentence of cursednesse vppon vs as soone as wee bee founde too bee transgressers as wee bee Yee see then that mankynde is in miserable taking And that is it that Saint Paule ment in this Text when hee sayde that the Lawe was added for transgression It is true that the Lawe serueth too other purposes also namely first of all too shewe vs the waye too serue God But wee knowe that hee will bee honoured wyth obedience and not haue euery of vs too behaue himselfe after his owne lyking The Lawe therefore gyueth vs the difference betweene good and euill For what is the reasonable seruice which wee owe vnto God It is too submit our selues too his wyll sayeth Sainct Paule Seeing it is so yee perceyue that the Lawe serueth to excellent good purpose namely that whereas wee labour in vayne too serue God after our owne imagination it sheweth vs the waye in suche wyse as wee cannot mysse and gyueth vs the rule whiche wee ought too keepe by Furthermore when Sainct Paule sayd that the Lawe was gyuen bycause of transgression it came not in his minde to rehearse all the frute and profite which the Lawe bringeth with it for as I haue sayde alreadie it serueth also for our instruction that wee might learne too discerne betweene good and euill and againe it quickeneth vs vp as thoughe God shoulde gyue vs strokes with the spurre too make vs apply our selues the more diligently vnto hym But hee spake according too this present matter and according too the grounde of the text that he treateth of Now then he sheweth that the Lawe is not superfluous and yet that it serueth not to bring vs too rightuousnesse but in stead thereof caryeth vs to such confusion that we must needes be founde to be double sinners and are more condemned and lesse excusable than before so as there is nothing before vs but a bottomlesse goulfe Lo to what end the Law was giuen vs. But hee sayeth that it was added too the promise whereby wee bee done too vnderstand that the adding of it was not for that the promise was weake of it self and vnable to bring men to saluation so as there shoulde neede some other incomme it was nothing so sayeth Saint Paule but it was added too make menne knowe that God had rightfully condemned them all and that they coulde not haue any releefe but shoulde bee continually tormented with such vnquietnesse that they shoulde bee alwayes in dispayre till they rested themselues vpon the sayde promise Nowe if it be alledged that the promise might haue serued that turne afore the answere and solution is verie easie For although God in offering himselfe to be our Sauiour do thereby shewe that we bee all damned in our selues till he haue pitie vpon vs yet can we not be helped as were requisite vntill suche tyme as hee scare vs. By hys promyse hee calleth vs gently and after a fatherly maner and no doubt but the same ought to make vs perceyue our miseryes and to bee sorie for them but we bee so fast asleepe in our sinnes that we neuer thinke on them except we be compelled Although then that vpon Gods making of the promise men had cause
of the Church at the comming of the anoynted and so were they also which had heretofore bin separated a great way off not only from God but also one from another Now wee see S. Paules meaning Howbeit that we may profite the better by this text let vs marke that as God hath giuen vs his Lawe by the Angels so shall they beare witnesse agaynst vs if the Lawe beare no sway with vs and that wee make none account of it but doo as it were treade it vnder our feete Then shall the Angels bee armed too aske vengeance at Gods hande agaynst our wickednesse and rebellion For it was no babes play when God willed his Angels too bee present and assisting at the publishing of his Lawe Therefore it was to the ende it should bee receyued with all reuerence Nowe it is true that wee can not perfourme all that the Lawe commaundeth and if wee should stande vpon that poynt wee should bee plunged into euerlasting death and vtterly ouerwhelmed in dispayre But first of all seeing that God is so gracious too vs as too teache vs his will too the ende wee should discerne betweene good and euill let vs bowe downe our neckes and receyue the yoke that God layeth vpon vs to make vs subiect vnto him Let that serue for one point And for as muche as the Lawe dooth quicken vs and cheare vs vp when wee bee hartfrosen and when there is suche slouth and slownesse in vs as wee can not come vnto God Let euery of vs looke well too him selfe and early and late call too minde Gods commaundements to reproue our selues withall Then let vs bethinke our selues better seeing that the Angels keepe watch and warde about vs will not now after that God hath giuen them in charge to authorise his Lawe suffer vs to despise it and misuse it as if it were a thing of nothing Furthermore as touching that the Lawe curseth vs let vs assure our selues that although men commende vs and clap their hands at vs for ioy yet shall we be put to shame before the Angels of heauen Then if 〈◊〉 whole world fauour vs it is nothing For to what ende was it Gods will that all his Angels should appeare togither at the publishing of his law but to teach vs to be ashamed of our sinnes and therby to humble vs in good earnest that wee might seeke all our welfare in our Lord Iesus Christ And moreouer where as it is sayd that our Lorde Iesus Christ was the mediator of the Lawe let vs assure our selues that if we resort wholly to his grace wee shall not neede to feare that the law shall haue any more power to condemne vs yea or to reigne ouer our sinne For we must beare in minde howe S. Paule in the first to the Corinthians sayth that the law is the strength of sinne and doth so sharpen sinne as it woundeth vs deadly Seeing it is so then surely if we had not the thing that is shewed vs heere for our comfort we should be striken with such feare as wee could not bee sure of our saluation though the promises were offered vs in our Lorde Iesus Christ For wee would alwayes matche the contrarie things agaynst them and lay the Lawe in balance with them saying VVhat was not the Lawe giuen of God But God condemneth vs by it Therefore although our Lorde Iesus Christ steppe in too helpe the matter yet doothe it not seeme that wee bee escaped So shall wee alwayes bee in trouble But if we consider howe our Lorde Iesus was the mediator in the publishing of the lawe it sheweth vnto vs that if he bee our aduocate at this day it will bee a good and sufficient discharge for vs in so muche that although God haue pronounced his sentence of cursing agaynst vs yet wee must not be dismayde at it nor so ouerpressed with hartgreefe and anguishe of mynde as though the mishiefe were incurable but assure our selues that our Lorde Iesus Christ wyll very well agree too doo bothe twayne that is too wit bothe make vs ashamed that wee may learne humilitie and therewithall also make vs sure of our saluation And therefore let vs learne that whensoeuer wee bee beaten downe there is none other meanes too rayse vs vp a●gayne but too know that the selfe same person which was ordeyned to bee the mediator for the publishing of the lawe is now manifested vnto vs at this day with the same commission and will make vs too perceyue it by experience Further let vs marke that he is not a mediator for 〈◊〉 one nation alone but for al the whole worlde in as muche as all of vs are the creatures of God True it is that wee were after a sorte cut off from him by the sinne of Adam But our Lorde Iesus Christ is come too make vp the breache agayne that was both in heauen and in earth as I haue alledged already out of the first chapter to the Colossians Seeing it is so then let vs not doubt but that God accepteth vs as heires of his promise in asmuch as he acknowledgeth vs for the spiritual children of Abraham And although there bee great diuersitie betweene our dayes and the time of the ceremonies whiche serued too separate the one from the other yet let not that hinder vs from comming vnto God For why God is one Although then that there bee bothe Iewes and Gentiles although there bee many diuers Nations among men although their languages bee diuers their maners and trades of liuing contrarie and euery of vs hath so muche varietie and inconstancie in himselfe that we haue no holde of our selues yet let vs rest vpon God for he is alwayes one He hath giuen vs his law he hath giuen vs his Gospell and let not vs think that there is any contrarietie in that cace but that all agreeth very well Only let vs suffer our selues to be ruled by him that we may come to our Lorde Iesus Christ And howe may that bee doone By beeing cleane ridde from all pride by beeing abashed and ashamed by misliking of our selues and by perceiuing that there is nothing in vs but death Then shall wee come too our Lorde Iesus Christ knowing that God the father accepteth vs if we holde that way VVhy so For he is alwayes one and his giuing of the lawe was not too disanull or impeache the promise that he had made afore Likewise his reuealing of his grace more fully vnto vs in his Gospell was not for that he wist not how to make his law of force towards vs and to put it to the right vse and purpose of it that we might haue a rule wherby to liue well but that whereas wee were accursed by it wee might knowe howe there is none other remedie for vs but by beeing blissed agayne in the seede that was promised from time to time in whose hande our welfare was stablished that is to wit by comming to our Lord Iesus
they be fearsly counted worthie to dwell vpon earth Furthermore let vs haue the skill to profite our selues hereby Truely the chiefe poynt is that we go foreward and trauell still to the inheritance of the heauēly kingdome and that our studies thoughtes and desires be chiefly applied therevnto But yet therewithall wee muste also in passing through this world haue regard of the degrees which our Lord hath set too be kept And when any are to be chozen to the state of gouernment to weeld Gods swoord and too sit in the seate of Iustice let euery man bethinke himself well and pray to God for such as are too bee chozen that they may be found to be good and faithful Magistrates and imploy themselues too doo their duetie And let vs on our side walke peaceably in their obediēce and subiection let vs feele there as it were the first frutes of the kingdome of heauen and let vs cōsider that our Lord Iesus Christ doth by that signe shew vs aforehād that he hath a care of vs and ouerlooketh vs and watcheth ouer vs vntill we may feele it to the full when he shall haue gathered vs vp to himself And to the intent we may the more cherefully and with the better courage beare the yoke which he hath appoynted let vs vnderstand that it is acceptable too him and a sacrifize whiche he liketh well of when wee walke according to the order which he hath stablished and when wee proceede to liue not onely without doing any man wrong or without offering any violence or deceyt but also doo walke in all godlinesse and honestie as S. Paule sayeth that is to say when we first feare and reuerence God aboue all thyngs and labour to dedicate ourselues wholly vnto him and secondlye liue after such a sober manner as we do well shewe that we be not giuen to the world though we dwell in it but that we take it as a straunge countrie through the which wee trauell continually towards the heauenly rest till we see the thing in very deede whyche is taught vs heere that is to wit that we haue not bin knit vnto our Lord Iesus Christ in vaine And now let vs fal downe before the maiestie of our good God with acknowledgement of our sinnes praying him to make vs so to perceiue them as we may continually seeke him euen with as earnest zele as may possibly be and giue ourselues wholly to oure Lord Iesus Christ to the ende that being ioyned to him wee may giue ouer all the cares of this worlde and still more and more go forward to the felicitie of the heauenly kingdome till we be fully come thither And so let vs all say Almightye God heauenly father c. The .xxiiij. Sermon which is the first vpon the fourth Chapter 1 I say that vvhyle the heire is a chyld he differeth nothing from a seruant although he be the Lord of all things 2 But is vnder Tutors and gouerners till the tyme appoynted by the father 3 VVe also lykewyse vvhen vve vvere children vvere kept in bondage vnder the ordinaunces of the vvorld 4 But vvhen the accomplishment of tyme vvas come God sent his Sonne made of vvoman and made vnder the Lavve IT is out of all doubt that there was neuer yet any mo meanes than one whereby men might atteine too saluation And whereas many men beare thēselues in hand that they shall by their owne merites obteine the thing that they hope for it is but a mockerie and a beguiling of thēselues For as hath bin shewed heeretofore we are all of vs reiected of God cursed and the children of wrath On our owne part we be not able to recouer that which wee haue lost in Adam but God must of his infinite goodnesse be fayne to worke in that behalfe for all other helps are vayne and vnauaylable But now hath God stablished one only meane whereby men may get out of the dungeon of cursednesse wherein we be all hild Therfore it must needes be that the fathers of old time were saued by Gods meere grace euen as we be which hope for the like at this day For it is too be seene in the second Epistle to the Corinthians that all the promises which God hath giuen in al ages were grounded vppon our Lord Iesus Christ and that he is the pledge of them which maketh them auaylable and giueth them effect and force towards vs. Then to be short it must needes be that there is but one saluation common to all the faithfull both whiche are at this day and which haue liued at any time since the beginning of the world and it must needes be also that God hath gathered vs togither in one accord to the intent we should be reconciled to him by the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ and by that meane be counted rightuous and enioy the inheritance of heauen Yet notwithstanding wee see great difference betweene the Church that is now adayes and the Church that was vnder the law For the fathers were subiect to many Ceremonies They were circumcised from their childhoode Besides this they had their Sacrifises washings and such other lyke things At this day all those things are abolished and none of them is in vse How then shall we say that the substance of faith is all one among vs and the fathers and yet that the gouernment was diuers and that God hathe vtterly chaunged it If it bee alledged that this diuersity proceedeth of God it would seme that he is variable And if it bee sayd that it commeth of men then must we conclude that we hold two sundry ways and that there was great oddes betwene them and vs. I haue answered already too the firste obiection that may be made namely that there is no variablenesse in God though he haue altered the order of gouernment in his Church For when he sendeth faire wether or foule heate or colde and disposeth the seasons of the yeere diuersly shall we say therefore that he chaungeth his mind and that he is mutable in himselfe No but contrariwise we must say that he hath ordeyned the things that were conuenient for mankind and yet notwithstāding doth by those changes and turnings warne vs that wee must not seeke our rest heere beneath but passe away as wayfarers and as they that vndertake a long iourney to come to the kingdome of heauen As touching the seconde obiection Sainct Paule sheweth that if there be any difference betwixt vs and the fathers that liued vnder the Lawe it is not in that our religion is not all one it is not in that wee haue not all one God it is not for that the promises which we receyue belong not to vs nowadayes or for that our Lorde Iesus Christ hath not at all times had the power to make attonement among al men euen from Abell to those which shal be found in the last end of the world but he sayth that the diuersitie is in the
How soeuer the cace stand let vs marke well that he which was Lord of heauen and earth tooke that subiection vpō him to set vs free from it For we see how our Lord Iesus Christ was circumcyzed and when he came to mans age he kept diligently all that belonged too the lawe of Moyses not that he was bound to do it but to put away the bondage and to breake the bond wherewith wee were as it were pinched and fettered Therefore as oft as the Gospell speaketh to vs of libertie whereof S. Paule doth also treate in this text let vs come backe to our Lord Iesus Christ assuring our selues that he became not bonde after that fashion for nothing Now there is nothing in him which cōteyneth not the performance of our saluation Then must we needes conclude that wee be not any more subiect to the bondage of the lawe or else it would turne too the dishonour of our Lord Iesus Christe For what a thing were it if after his yeelding of himself to subiectiō for our sakes we should still hold scorne of libertie It were more conuenient that heauen and earth should chaunge their nature than too say that the sonne of God is come downe here bylow and hath abaced himselfe in maner aforesayd and yet that we should esteeme it but as a play or trifling thing For what a dealing were that Now thē let vs learn that we may now serue our God freely and come directly vnto him without being hild any more so streitly vnder the yoke of the law as the auncient fathers were bicause Iesus Christ is come hath set vs free I haue told you already heretofore in what wise we be deliuered from the law It is not for that it remayneth not still as a rule to frame our life by so as God may gouerne vs haue all superioritie ouer vs. For what a thing were it if we should be worse thē the Heathen folke vnbeleeuers But it is certaine that they haue the law ingraued in their hartes as sayeth S. Paule He that neuer went too schoole ne hath had any teaching at all nor euer hath herd or red any thing may notwithstāding discerne betweene good euill Not that he hath a perfect skill but bicause that howsoeuer the world go with him God to take away all excuce of ignorance would that men should haue that euidence printed in their hartes that theft whoredome extortion deceyt periurie drunkennesse and such other like things are vices to be condemned Also it was his will to haue men know that to blaspheme his name is an irksome thing The Heathen folke knew all this without any teaching Now then if we should be lawlesse vnder pretence that our lord Iesus Christ reigneth ouer vs and hath set vs at libertie what a thing were it There woulde bee greater cōfusion in the Church than there is where Satan hath made a minglemangle and put al things out of order so as there is no bridle at all But whereas it is sayd that we be no more vnder the lawe it is in the same respect whereof mention hath bin made heretofore namely that the Lawe shall not execute any more this sharpnesse and rigour vppon vs too say vnto vs cursed shall he bee that fulfilleth not all things For so long as the threatening remayneth and standeth in force we must needes be as men out of their wittes and as folke vpon the racke ready to be torne in peeces To be short we can haue no rest except the sentence of the law be abolished which is that they which performe not all that is cōtayned in the law shall be accursed But cōtrarywise let our consciences beare vs record that God pitieth vs and beareth with our infirmities as a father doth towardes his children and passeth not vpō the vyces that are in vs but hideth burieth them so as our seruis is acceptable to him though there be many things amisse in it then are we no more subiect to the law Not that we should be quite without rule nor that the commaundements ought not to be preached continually vnto vs to the end we may know what God hath ordeyned be hild in awe by it but that we should not be out of hart if we fall or halt or make any false steppes or that if we cannot discharge our selues of al things so perfectly as were requisite yet we should not bee vtterly dismayed knowing well that God will alwayes hold vs vp by the hand not enter into accoūt with vs to sift our life rigorously moreouer bycause the Ceremonies that were before the cōming of our Lord Iesus Christe are no more in vse as they were towardes the fathers of old time who were trayned by them as in their childhood For whē the brute beasts were offered in sacrifize euery mā behild there his owne death as though the bottomlesse gulfe of hell had bin opened too swallow vp the whole world At this day wee knowe that the Sonne of God hath by his offering vp of himselfe in sacrifize and by his sheading of his bloud for vs purcha●●d vs euer lasting redēptiō so that we come with our heads vpright before God not doubting but that we obteyne life by the death of him that was not subiect too it but of his owne good will made himself subiect too it as our suretie to the end that we might be quit and discharged by his death passion Thus ye see that at this day the law is abolished towardes vs that we be deliuered frō it euen to obtayne the adoption Howbeit in speaking so S. Paule meeneth not that the Patriarkes Kings Prophets and other faythfull folkes that liued vnder the old Testamēt were not the children of God as well as wee or that they knew not themselues to be adopted by fayth as well as wee but that the sayd adoption was not yet so reueled as it is now adayes For as we haue seene the lawe was a Tutor too rule little children But we be come to the age of men bicause the sonne of God hath shewed himselfe and brought vs all perfectnesse by his comming Then seing it is so wee do now inioy the adoption which the fathers did but as it were taste of afore bicause the tyme was not yet come Not that God wrought not in them with such measure of his spirite as he thought good but bicause the cace cōcerneth the order of gouernment that God hild not the persones themselues as I haue sayd already For in those dayes there were shadowes and figures so that it was as a chayne of bondage but now that our Lord Iesus Christ calleth vs to him and that the veyle of the temple is rent asunder he hath prepared vs a Sanctuarie not buylded with mans hand but of a heauēly making whereinto wee may boldly enter in asmuch as he is gone in thither before vs. Ye see then that we be receyued fully into
why For he beareth with vs as a father with his childrē That therfore is the freedom wherein we must stand except we wil be separated frō our lord Iesus Christ For as I haue sayd alreadie if we beleeue not assuredly that God loueth vs though we be vnworthie of it and that his louing of vs is bycause our sinnes are buryed by the death and passion of oure Lord Iesus Christ what will become of vs what shal Iesus Christe boote vs Ageyn if we be in doubt and vnquietnesse not knowing whether God accept our seruice or no and therwithall be bounde to the keeping of this or that at mennes appoyntment the intangling of our selues in so many debatyngs will neuer suffer vs too haue any rest Neyther is it without cause that Saint Paule hauing exhorted the faythfull to continue in the freedome that was purchased them so dearly addeth that Iesus Christe shall not profite them at all vnlesse they know the thing that he hath purchased for them and suffer not themselues to be in any wise bereft of it by men Nowe we see heere that the freedome which Sainct Paule speaketh of is not to giue vs leaue to doo what we our selues thinke good as though he layd the reynes of the brydle vpon our necke and that will he also protest in place conuenient Then intendeth he none other thing than that we might serue God quietly without greef of mind without constreint and without any continuall tormenting of our selues with diuersitie of debatings doubtfull scruples as wee see the vnbeleeuers do namely such as haue not their trust wholly settled vpon our Lord Iesus Christ Therfore besides that which hath bin sayd alredie we haue to mark further that the end of that freedome is too bee able too carie a cheerfull and quiet minde before God For without that wee shall neuer haue the hart to obey him but wee shall alwayes bee in trouble and not bee able too call vppon hym which is the cheefe seruice that he demaundeth and alloweth of VVe see thē that this matter concerneth the cheef point of oure welfare if it bee well vnderstoode VVhen wee speake now a dayes of Christen libertie the Papistes say wee go aboute too abolishe all the ordinances and traditions of the Churche and that we passe not what commeth 〈◊〉 so euery man may liue as he listeth to eate flesh on all dayes alike without let and to despise all other such ordinances But their saying so is bycause they neuer knew that it is no obeying of God vnlesse it be done with an vnconstreyned will For let the Papistes be throughly sifted all the packe of them yea euen the deuoutest of them and it is certayne that they chafe vppon the bitte when they tyre and ouerlabour themselues most to serue God For all that euer they do is but vnwillingly and if they could plucke their heads out of the collar they would full fayne do it Furthermore when they haue toyled after that fashion in their fond deuotions they beare themselues in hand that God ought to like well of it And if a man tell them that they cannot do any thyng that God shoulde accept and furthermore that although their works were good yet they deserue not aught before hym ye shall see them spew out their poyson as they do and fall to blaspheming of God vnlesse yee beleeue them that they be able to worke wonders by their owne merites Howsoeuer the cace stand they are neuer able to know and to tast what it is to obey God For why they vnderstand not what it is too bee quiet namely that it is an vnconstreyned offering of their dooings vnto God with a free hart and an assuring of themselues that he accepteth the same euen bycause he handleth them gently and beareth with them as with his children The Papists know not this and therefore it is not too be wondered at though they thinke it straunge that we should striue for that freedome for they wote not what it meeneth But yet doth not Sainct Paule speake it without cause and by those words we see how precious that libertie is and that it is not a thing to be despised For Iesus Christ did not iest in hys death and passion when he offered vp himselfe vnto God hys father but wrought a worke that in excellencie and worthinesse passeth the creation of heauen and earth Now if Sainct Paule bring in this libertie for an excellent frute purchaced to vs by the death and passion of our Lord Iesus Christ it must needes followe that it is a high and precious thyng And to the intent wee may conceyue what the nature and power of it is wee must learne too gather in ourselues vnto God when wee bee spoken to of it As for example if we be commanded or enioyned of necessitie too do such a thing or such a thing very well the doing thereof too the worldward hindereth not our freedome before God for the thynges that concerne common policie may bee bidden or forbidden bycause that otherwise they might turne too the hurt of the common weale or else such things may be expedient and thē must one of vs serue anothers turne in common Therefore let vs haue a regard of the things that concerne the policie bycause it behoueth vs to be knit and vnited togither and to haue suche an onement among vs that euery of vs serue his neighbours turne and none of vs be addicted to himselfe But when the cace concerneth the spirituall libertie then must euery of vs draw home into himselfe too consider the nature and propertie thereof Euery of vs say I must draw home himselfe as it were before God For our account is too be made to the heauenly iudge and therefore it behoueth vs too enter into ourselues to say thus How may I present my self before Gods iudgement seate If my life come to be tried by the lawe wo worth me For I am giltie after so many sorts yea euen withoute number that if I should suffer a Million of deaths it were too little for the offences that I haue committed Neuerthelesse God will be fauourable to me and take me to mercy for our Lord Iesus Christs sake and when I resort to him I may come with my head bolt vpright as hauing my quits est and cleere discharge which was gyuen me in the sacrifise that he offered vp for vs bycause that therein hee hath made full satisfaction for me and set me at full libertie Marke this for one point that I must serue God and it is good reason that I should dedicate my life vnto him But at which end shall I begin I cannot bring such perfection as is requisite no nor the hundreth part of it Yet for all that God beareth with me and ceasseth not to take the things in good worth which are vnperfect and weake yea sinful too And why doth he so Bycause he admitteth me as one of his children for our Lord
that the world knew not God in true wisedome and therfore he was fayne to vse another fashion of teaching which is by foolishnesse For were wee throughly wise as wee woulde bee taken too bee wee haue as good an instruction as can bee in beholding the skies and the earth VVe see there a mirrour wherin god sheweth vs his infinit goodnesse power rightuousnesse mercie and wisedome And so wee see there the great treasures of Gods wisdome which ought 〈◊〉 rauish our wittes to wonder at it But who fareth the better by it Nay contrarywise wee see men cobble vp Gods benefites and fill their panches with them without any thinking vppon him at all and not onely that but also to kicke agaynst him that hath pampered them And when they weene too do God seruice they plucke away the honor that belongeth to him and set vp Idols after their owne fancie Seing then that the world hath not knowne God in true wisedome and by the order of nature God was fayne to trie another way as he did For if we iudge after our naturall wit it is a kind of starke folly to say that the sonne of God the heade of the Angelles the Lorde of glorie the welspring of life the persone to whome all maiestie belongeth was not onely made a mortall man and clothed with our state but also vtterly abased as Sainct Paule sayth in the seconde too the Philippians yea and became subiect too our curse and bare the name of sinne which is more VVhen a man speaketh to vs in such phraze of speech it must needes seeme straunge to vs as it is in deed But we must submit our selues with al lowlinesse and consider that forasmuch as we haue not profited by the things that god hath shewed vs from the beginning both in heauen and earth we must bee fayne to come to this other schole Thus much concerning this streyne where Saint Paule sayth then is the stumblingblocke of the Crosse put away But to be short we must gather vpon this Text that if there be any absurditie in the Gospel according to our vnderstanding the same must not make it out of taste with vs but we must cōsider that God intendeth to trie our obedience by sending vs to the death of of our Lorde Iesus Christ and that there we see as it were the gulfe of hell seeing that the sonne of God is there to beare our condemnation and is become our suretie there to pay all our dettes Againe let vs consider further that from death there was a goodly passage vnto glorie which appeared in his resurrection For the Sonne of God hauing suffered through infirmitie that is to say according to the ordinance of God his father and according to his owne good will also wherby he consented to submit himselfe to such bondage and hauing suffered in such wise that hee ouercame death by the power of his holy spirite he obteyned such a victorie as all knees must nowe bow before him and he hath a name aboue all names and men muste knowe that all the Maiestie of God appeared and shone forth in his person Thus yee see that wee neede not to bee ashamed of the Gospell And aboue all things let vs holde faste that which Saint Paule in the first to the Romaines calleth the power of God to the saluation of all beleeuers Then as for the worldlings and such as are swolne with pryde and ouerweening like Toades let them despize the Gospell as much as they list and let them perish in their owne cursednesse and in the meane while let vs with all humblenesse of fayth imbrace the sonne of God who offereth himselfe to vs of purpose to lift vs vp to the glorie of the kingdom of heauen But heere is yet more namely that Saint Paule matcheth Stumbling and the preaching of the Gospel togither as things inseparable It is true that wee must eschue all stumblingblockes as much as is possible for wo be to him by whom stumblingblockes come But yet muste Iesus Christ raigne and haue his full scope though all the whole worlde shoulde stumble at him The woorde Stumblingblocke importeth a stoppe hinderance or let as if there were a rough and stonie way that had some thornes and bushes or some other comberances in it the same were a meanes too make men stumble Nowe it were to be wished that Iesus Christ might go on freely and that all the worlde would receyue him and that nothing might stoppe the preaching of the Gospell from the one ende of the worlde to the other I say we ought to wishe it as much as in vs is Howbeeit let vs learne that God intendeth to trye the obedientnesse of our fayth by giuing Satan the brydle who casteth many stumblingblockes and cumberances in our wayes Too bee short our Lorde Iesus Christ is not without cause called a stone to stumble at and a stoppe for all men too dashe agaynst and by that meanes too breake their neckes And in the ende as it is sayde in Saint Luke they must be crushed by that stone for it is to hard for their stubbornnesse And this is verie much for our behoofe For we see many men so nice that if men agree not to the Gospell out of hande they thinke themselues quite and cleane discharged and set free before God from mainteining the quarel or cace any longer If all Kings and Princes had caused it to be proclaimed by the sound of a trumpet that there shoulde 〈◊〉 no more fighting agaynst Gods truth euerie man woulde make countenance too bee of the same minde But nowadayes ye shall see great crueltie tyrannie spytefulnesse manacing and such other like things Again ye shall see that the most part of the enemies are as greedie woolues that desire to deuour all and seeke to shed innocent bloud to the intent that they may haue their goodes Othersome haue a frentike zeale insomuch that they woulde fayne haue the name of God cleane wyped out and the doctrine of the Gospell vtterly quenched VVhen men see this ô say they I will not meddle with it VVhat Shall I bring all the world in my toppe Is it not manifest that they which haue tasted this doctrine are but a handfull of men and that all others are enemies too them or else they doo reiect them or laugh them to scorne or at leastwyse beare a poysoned and malicious heart agaynst them Yee see then that verie fewe are so strong as too beare out the stumblingblockes of the Gospell when they see as it were logges cast in theyr way and that Iesus Christ is hyndered by Satan and by the practises of his vnderlings O say they wee muste needes backe againe Yea and what a number are too bee seene at thys day whiche will say that this doctrine bringeth store of stumblingblockes Againe see I praye you what diuersitie of opinions it hathe say they Beholde such a one speaketh thus and such a one
Thus yee see what they esteeme to bee purenesse in the seruice of God But we know that the cheefseruice which God requireth is that we should wholly drawe to his Lure that we should glorifie him both in weale and wo that wee should walk euery man in his owne calling and that there bee neither pride vainglorie nor enuie in vs. Those are the things that God alloweth But according to the Papists definition they that behaue themselues so are of the worlde And where are the popishe Angells in this while In some Cloyster VVhen these shamelesse hypocrites haue glutted themselues too the full and made lustie cheere they wote not whereaboutes to occupie themselues but eyther in gaming or else in all manner of wickednesse for it is well knowen that all the Couentes of the Popedome are starke brothelhouses And woulde God they were not woorfe than brothelhouses ▪ for there are committed so outrageous and beastly deedes as would 〈◊〉 mannes heare too stand vp stiffe vppon hys head too heere them spoken off Too bee shorte that state of theirs is horrible And yet for all that they be Angells in respect of the poore soules that behaue themselues after the manner aforesaid And why Bycause they sing mattins very deuoutly chaunt masse by note and are separated frō the rest of the world so as they be not put to digging of the earth nor meddle not with shoomakers craft or tailers craft nor with any trade else but giue themselues ye may be sure to a contemplatiue life and to the state of perfection Is it not apparant that the world hath bin vtterly sotted with them But such people as haue so transformed God into puppets are well worthy to be plundged in so grosse vnreasonable errors But for our part let vs assure our selues that we haue a God which is a spirit will be serued spiritually as he sheweth vs by his word Therfore let vs be afrayd too bee vnder the fond fancies wherwith those miserable wretches are bewitched let vs cōsider that Gods cōmunicating of himself vnto vs is to the end that we should repaire vnto him in al holinesse rightuousnesse and faithfulnesse and therwithall examine our liues by his law not by our owne opinion or by the opinion of the world Agein let vs also haue an eye to that which he alloweth or forbiddeth for it is he to whom we must yeeld vp our account and we shal haue none other iudge but him alone Therefore let vs looke to all these things exercise ourselues in them knowing that we shal not loze our labour in being so occupied and let vs let the Papistes alone which breake both their legges their necks know not what they do sauing that they grieue God and prouoke him more more To the end then that we trauel not in vain nor wander heere there after opinions without hauing any certen mark to ame at Let vs exercise ourselues in the thing that S. Paule teacheth vs in this texte then shal we not be condemned for buzying of our heads about things of nothing which God blameth and misliketh and also auoweth to be but trifles Nowe let vs cast our selues downe before the Maiestie of our good God with acknowledgment of our faultes praying him too make vs so to feele them as it may beate vs 〈…〉 that we being condemned in our selues 〈…〉 vnto him knowing that he is alwayes ready to succor 〈◊〉 thirst after his grace and long for it vnfeynedly and that forasmuch as he hath giuen vs too our Lord Iesus Christ Christ hath taken vs into his keeping it may please him too poure out the treasures and giftes of his holy spirit vpon vs too make vs partakers therof and too increase his grace more and more in vs that wee may be so fenced with it as wee may obteine victorie ageinst all Satans assaultes and ageinst the world and our owne flesh That it may please him to graunt this grace not only to vs but also to all people c. The. 37. Sermon which is the seuenth vpon the fifth Chapter 22 But the fruite of the spirit are loue ioy peace pacientnesse gentlenesse goodnesse faith 23 Meekenesse temperance against such things there is no Lavve 24 Novve they that are of Christ haue crucifyed the flesh vvith the affections and lustes therof 25 If vvee liue after the spirit let vs also vvalke after the spirit 26 Let vs not be desirous of vainglory prouoking one another and enuying one another WEe haue seen heretofore that if we be willing too serue God wee shall find ynough wherewith too occupie ourselues in chastizing our vices if euery of vs cōsider to how much corruption sinfulnesse he is subiect And sainct Paule hath purposely set afore vs the sinnes that reigne in vs by nature too the intent we might know whervpon to set our minds to frame ourselues aright to the obeying of God For we see how mē busie themselues about trifling things in shewing themselues willing too serue God they trudge 〈…〉 measure Howbeit all is but vaine vnprofitable labor according 〈◊〉 we see in the Popedome where mē giue the name of Gods seruis to a sort of toyes that they haue deuised of their own brayn And yet in al those things though they like neuer so wel of them and glorie in them neuer so much there is nought else but vanitie and in the mean while they neuer passe of cōming to the principal for the world doth alway seeke windlasses But God setteth the ryght way before vs in his lawe and if we intend to go foreward to the true perfection vnfeynedly wee must begin at the forsaking of ourselues bycause there is no wisdome in vs that is not cursed no thought that is not wicked nor no desyre that is not froward corrupted For this cause S. Paul told vs before that if men be minded to order their life well firste they shall finde inough to occupy thēselues withal if euery man cōsider what a number of intāgled and wicked lusts he hath in him to be cut vp which thing wil not be done out of hād And also S. Paul spake these words purposely to such as buzied thēselues about the Ceremonies of the lawe For although they said generally that the things which God had commaunded were to be fulfilled yet the cheefe thinges that they made account of were Circumcision the Ceremonies Now herevpon S. Paule telleth vs that God wil haue vs occupied about greater matters that is to wit he wil haue vs to fight māfully ageinst the gret number of things that turne vs aside from the right way And now he addeth on the contrary parte that the frutes of the spirite are louingnesse meeldnesse gentlenesse mekenesse stayednesse and suche other lyke thyngs and that when all thyngs are thus well ruled the lawe hath no more power ouer vs for wee be set free from it bycause our Lorde Iesus Christ
that which S. Paule tolde vs heretofore that is to wit to beware that wee deceyue not our selues wilfully when we would shew our selues hardie and bolde in correcting rebuking and amending one man or other Let vs not bee so foolish as to iustifie our selues by comparison as who should say that God ought to hold himselfe contented with our rebuking of others after that maner and for that there is some shewe of vertue in vs. Let vs not stay vpon any of these things as is told vs vs heere but let vs marke also by the way that whereas it is sayde that euery man shal beare his own burthen we haue right great need of our Lord Iesus Christs helpe and that he should take all our burthens vpon him according as in very deed hee hath borne all our sinnes vpon the crosse as sayth S. Peter in his first Epistle True it is that the matter which S. Paule handleth here is none other than the same that I haue declared alreadie that is to wit that we must not imagin that men are able to warrant vs for the rightuousest man aliue is combered ynough with himself And furthermore that if our Lord had not regard to hold vs vp wee shoulde be oppressed vnder our burthen Yet notwithstanding euery man must answer for himselfe and Gods word must haue the maistrie as I said afore Thus ye see what S. Paule intended to tell vs. But yet further let vs thinke a little vpon our selues If euery man should be faine to beare his own burthen who were able to indure it VVe should needes be borne downe For if a man had but some one sinne in him behold hel were readie too swallowe him vp Surely the weight of one sinne is heauier than a stone that were able to crush all our limmes and bones a peeces Nowe it is no talking of any one nor of a hundred the multitude of them is infinite How then shall we stande in iudgement before God when he bringeth vs to account VVho can say that hee commeth franke and free To be short we see that if there were not a remedie in the matter that S. Paule telleth vs heere we shou●● 〈…〉 we must repayre to our Lorde Iesus Christ for it is hee that hath borne all our burthens as I haue alledged alreadie Truly the redeeming of vs did cost him deere and if we seeke heauen and earth throughout for the price of a ransome we shall not finde any other than him that is able too pacifie God Then had we neuer bin sanctified except the sonne of God had giuen himselfe for vs. And in very deed the prophete Esay sheweth how hee bare our burthens Namely that he felt the paynes of death and that the father was faine to wreake himselfe vpon him as though hee had bin an offender and giltie of all the sinnes of the worlde Now therefore we must resort vnto him according also as he allureth vs to him And by the way if any man alledge that here seemeth to be some contrarietie considering how Saint Paule saith that euery man shall beare his owne burthen the answere thereto is easie VVhen the Scripture speaketh too vs of Gods iustice it sayth that euery man shall bee recompenced according to his owne workes After which maner Saint Paule speaketh in the .xiiij. to the Romanes According as euerie man shall haue walked in his conuersation in this world sayeth he and according as hee shall haue wrought in his bodie so must he receyue his rewarde That is the order which the scripture keepeth in speaking of Gods iustice Yea but in the meane while it excludeth not the remedie that is giuen vs in our Lorde Iesus Christ whereby men are succoured Lo how God succoureth his elect and such as hee hath reserued too saluation that is to wit after he hath chastized them he reacheth them his hande and lyfteth them vp againe when hee hathe cast them downe And truly we shoulde not knowe of what value the grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ is neyther coulde wee taste of it neyther coulde wee euer bee partakers of it vnlesse wee were vtterly confounded in our selues Therefore let vs learne to feele our burthen in such wise as too bowe vnder it as hathe bin declared this morning and let the same leade vs too true humilitie And afterwarde when wee haue felt the burthen more than wee are able too beare let vs repayre too oure Lorde Iesus Christ who promiseth too ease vs so wee seeke oure whole rest in hym So then wee see that Gods grace is not excluded when hys iustice is spoken of For it standeth vs in 〈…〉 ●●ayes too his mercie VVhereas it is sayde that hee whiche shall haue beene a cruell and mercilesse persone shall haue iustice withoute mercie thereby Saint Iames dooth vs too vnderstande that oure Lorde hath his iudgement against the wicked and the reprobates to recompende them according to their misdeedes and againe that he measureth his owne otherwise that is to wit that after he hath condemned them in themselues and made them to feele their diseases thereby to bring them to true lowlinesse then he setteth them vp againe Then must we first be striken downe with Gods hande and afterwarde be lifted vp againe by his gracious promises in that hee telleth vs that in our Lorde Iesus Christ wee shall find all that wee want Thus ye see in summe after what maner we must practize this text namely that in admonishing our neighbours with a gentle and meeld spirit and being also humble m●ke our selues without presuming any thing vpon our selues wee must examin well our owne liues so as we may dayly bewayle our sinnes and be sorie for them to the ende that we be no more deceyued with hipocrisie but labor to withdraw our selues from the worlde to the intent we surmize not that we shall scape Gods iudgement by our shiftes So then let vs beare all these things in minde that we may submit our selues to the pure worde of God And whatsoeuer men do to turne vs away from it let vs not suffer our selues too be seduced And for the bringing hereof to passe let vs flee to our Lorde Iesus Christ knowing that howe desirous so euer we bee to giue our selues wholly to the seruing of God yet wee be so ouerloden with sinnes and imperfections that they were able to sinke vs downe to the bottome of hell if wee had not one to holde vs backe that is to wit our Lorde Iesus Christ who hath borne all our sinnes and set vs vtterly free from them too the intent wee might hereafter come before God with our faces vpright Now let vs acknowledge our sinnes with such humilitie as euerie of vs may confesse yea euen vnfeynedly that we are all forlorne and paste hope except this oure good God haue pitie vppon vs praying him neuerthelesse too make the fruite and vertue of the death and passion of our Lorde Iesus Christ
that poynt certaynely as I tolde you before wee shall indeuer too doo good to all men so as wee can not finde in our harts to breake the indissoluble bonde whereby God hath knit and vnited vs togither Therefore the furthest straungers in the worlde are neighbours neere inough vntoo vs though they bee neyther our parents our kinsfolke nor our acquayntaunce And why For wee bee all of one fleshe and wee beare all one marke which ought too persuade vs too doo what wee can possible one for another But how soeuer the cace stande Sainct Paule commendeth vnto vs cheefly the housholde folke of fayth And he vseth the worde Housholde folke too touche vs more to the quicke by that similitude For although nature teache vs that wee oughte too succour suche as are in necessitie ▪ yet notwithstanding they that are of one housholde are more inclined and willing to doo good one to another Yee see heere what degrees are among men how all knowe that there is a certayne mutuall bonde so as if they forsake euen the furthest straungers of the worlde therein they forget them selues yet notwithstanding forasmuche as it is harde for a man to reache out him selfe so farre and wide therefore men are not so muche inclined to doo good to vnknowen persons except it be in extreme necessitie For then howe hard harted so euer wee bee euery of vs is moued to put to his helping hande to succour a man when we see him in imminent daunger Yea and this pitifulnesse is so ingrauen in vs that it wyll extende it selfe euen to the brute beastes and therefore muche more reason it is that it shoulde extende to those that are created after Gods image as well as our selues But as I sayde if a man be in extreme necessitie then are we 〈◊〉 more earnest to helpe 〈◊〉 neede And when wee be of one countrey and language then wee see our selues somewhat neerer one another and that increaseth the affection whiche otherwise in generall woulde bee but colde But when there befalleth any freendlynesse and familiaritie of neiborhood that is yet more according as wee see that they whiche bee of one Countrey will say Seeing that God hath broughte vs thus neere togither let vs at leastwise indeuer too serue one anothers turne Agayne wee see that the neighbours whiche dwell in one selfe same streete and communicate familiarly togither are as kinsfolke and neere of alyance Nowe then it is muche more reason that they whiche are all of one house and are gathered as it were into one little corporation or bodie shoulde bee hilde as it were faste linked togither by God and that he shoulde imbrace them as if a father shoulde holde all his children about him For as muche then as wee oughte too bee so muche the more moued too imploy our selues with the better courage seeing that God hathe so knitte vs togither and brought vs so familiarly neere one another Sainct Paule sayth that all the faythfull all those that professe the same Gospell which wee doo are as housholde folke of one selfe same house And in very deede the Church is called Gods house and hee sitteth ouer in the middest of vs. VVhen the Scripture speaketh so it meaneth not that our vniting togither muste bee in suche a materiall Churche or Temple as thys is but that althoughe euery man bee at home in hys owne house yet God hathe in suche wyfe gathered vs togither too him selfe that wee bee as it were housholde fellowes one with another and wee bee not onely Countreymen of one Realme or kingdome but there is yet a certayne neerer alyance whiche oughte to holde vs more close togither Too bee shorte when as it is sayde that suche as intende too bee Gods children muste dwell all togither in one house it is too shewe that there is as it were one common brotherhood among vs. And althoughe earthly brethren go asunder one from another and euery man gettes him away by him selfe yet must wee alwayes continue in the vnitie whiche God hathe set among vs. Sithe wee heere this muste wee not 〈◊〉 bee worsse than 〈…〉 and crueller than the brute and wilde beastes if wee bee not moued too bestowe Gods giftes too the releefe of our neighbours I meane of the faythfull Nowe then wee see that Sainct Paules meaning in effecte is that seeing God hathe bounde vs too doo good too all men because they bee our owne fleshe no malice oughte too hinder any of vs from indeuering too discharge him selfe generally towardes all suche as God offereth too him and in whome it is hys wyll too trye our kindnesse And yet notwithstanding that for as muche as he hathe gathered vs into his flocke and knit vs togither in hys name and wee call vppon him as our father wyth one mouthe it behoueth vs of dutie too bee as brothers one too another So that if wee minde that he shoulde allowe vs for his children wee must so aduaunce the adoption whereby he hath chosen vs as wee maye declare vnfaynedly by oure dooings that wee mynde too shewe that wee take them for our brothers whome God hath so gathered into his house and Churche Thus yee see what we haue too remember vpon this Texte VVherefore let vs no more vse these fonde excuses too say I wote not who he is I know him not But he is not knowen of God yes and yet notwithstanding thou disdaynest too open thine eyes to looke vppon him that is thine owne image yea and whom God taketh for one of his children Thou knowest not him and yet beholde how God voutsafeth to cast his eye vpon vs which are most miserable yea euen he whiche hath so high and terrible a maiestie that the very Angels of heauen doo tremble before him with all humilitie Yee see then that God our soueraigne Lorde looketh downe vpon vs that are but wretched wormes of the earth filthinesse yea and he not only voutsafeth to say I know you but also protesteth I haue adopted you for my children yee be my workmanship yee be mine heires yee be after a sorte my members God voutsafeth too speake after that fashion and wee be so full of pride and statelynesse that wee despise suche as are as good as our selues and moste commonly muche better So then who can beare with such pride To be short they that are so straunge in withdrawing them selues from their brethren and will not in ony wise cōmunicate with them deserue well to bee wiped out of the boo●…●f life so as God shoulde ●…we and scrape them quite out and deliuer them into the possessio● of the Diuell who is their sire for he was a murtherer and full of crueltie from the beginning Thus yee see in effect what wee haue too beare in minde and how it behoueth vs too practize this lesson wherein the household folke of faith are chiefly commended vntoo vs. And so seing that God hath vouchsafed too call vs too him let vs shewe
should recouer their saluation according as we know that we be blessed of God for our Lord Iesus Christs sake And therefore Circumcision serued too humble the Iewes and too make them mislyke of themselues and to be ashamed when they sawe there was nothing but cursednesse in their nature That say I was the true and lawfull vse of circumcision Nowe what do they agaynst whom S. Paule speaketh They knowe that Circumcizion is no longer in vse that is to witte that Baptisme suffizeth euer since the comming of our Lorde Iesus Christ but bicause the Iewes called all them Apostates or backsliders which were not circumcized therefore these rascalles will needes hold still the signe without the truth or substance VVe see then that they were verie falsaries and wrested the doctrine cleane contrarie too Gods meening when he ordeyned that spirituall Sacrament bicause their desire was nothing else but to please the worlde As much is done at this day And they that labour to ouerthrowe Gods truth are much worse than Saint Paules aduersaries For they had yet some cloke of honestie mainteyne Circumcizion and the figures of the Law bicause they were al ordeyned and stablished by God But as for these hypocrites which crie out vpō vs nowadayes with full throte saying ye must keepe the olde custome without chaunging of any thing whereon are they grounded They cannot say that God is Author of any of their stuffe Men haue contriued them after their owne fancie or rather Satan hath blowne them into their eares so that at a word all that is termed Gods seruice in Poperie is nothing else but a confuzed maze all is but dreames of mens setting forth and the diuell is euer the cheefe Authour of them And yet these naughtipacks say that nothing must be taken from them And wherevnto haue they respect Truly they will alledge that men muste purchase Gods grace by them and that they stirre folke vp to greater deuotion Againe they giue the title of Sacrament too all the foolish deuices of their owne heades saying such a thing must bee kept for it is a Sacrament But when all is iustly reckened a man shall see that theyr intent is to please the worlde and to mainteyne themselues stil For they be inforced spite of their teeth to confesse that it maketh neyther here nor there as in respect of God and that he passeth not for their kinde of seruice but vtterly dislyketh it bicause he will be serued with obedience But what There will bee horrible confusion say they if men cut off all after that fashion and speake plainly of things See I pray you how they woulde faine disguise themselues and in suche wise corrupt and falsifie religion as there shoulde bee made a mingled confusion of all or else that there shoulde no more be taken away but the grossest and fondest things and in the meane while such Ceremonies be let alone as may be any whit sufferable It is certaine say I that all they whiche speake so desire nothing else but to haue fayre winde and weather to the worldwarde Seing it is so let vs take warning at the holy Ghostes hande to flee suche plagues And although we cannot triumph in this worlde although we be nothing set by although men rayle vpon vs with opē mouth yet let vs not ceasse too holde oure owne for Gods truth and let it suffice vs to be allowed of the heauenly iudge though all the world abhorre vs. Although then that we see all these things yet let vs be pacient and tarie till our Lorde Iesus Christ shewe himselfe to bee our warrant and therewithall giue 〈◊〉 victorie in the behalfe of his truth so that all his enemies may bee put to shame and haue they● mouthes stopped vp Nowe let vs fall downe before the maiestie of our good God with acknowledgement of our faults praying him too touche vs with suche true repentance by his holy spirite that beeing vtterly cast downe in ourselues and quite cleane rid of all presumption we may be hartily sory for them and that moreouer it may please him so to increase the giftes of his holy spirite in vs as wee may no more be giuen to our flesh and the world to be hindred and hilde downe by them but that we may go forwarde to serue him and indeuer that his name may be glorified more and more and we beare suche a marke of his adoption as wee may bee so confirmed with it in our selues that other men may haue occasion to glorifie the name of this our good God for working so in vs. That it may please him to graunt this grace not only to vs but also to all people and nations of the earth c. 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Sermon which is the sixth and last vpon the sixth and last Chapter 14 God forbid that euer I should glory in any thing sauing in the Crosse of our Lorde Iesus Christ vvhereby the vvorld is crvcified vnto mee and I vnto the vvorld 15 For in Iesus Christ neither Circumcision nor Vncircumcision auayleth any thyng but the nevv creature 16 And as many as vvalke according to this rule peace bee vpon them and mercy and vpon Israell that perteyneth to God 17 From hencefoorth let no man put mee to payne for I beare in my body the markes of the Lorde Iesu 18 Brethren the grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ bee vvith your spirite Amen WE haue seene heeretofore howe Sainct Paule condemned such as sought altogither to row betweene two streames thereby too please the worlde and in the meane while to eschue persecution And that made them to disguise the Gospell whereof wee see too many examples yet still at this day For suche as see that the pure doctrine and truth of God can not be brucked of the world but that the wicked sort doo rage agaynst it they I say would fayne finde some meane way that they might not bee hated nor incurre any displeasure And that it is so if nowe a dayes yee aske it of such as haue but some little vnderstanding ye shal scarse finde one of them among a hundred whiche will not graunte that there are many abuses in Poperie but yet they will say that all must not be cut off by the quicke but that it is inoughe if some of the ouergrosse and excessiue superstitions bee taken away and so they would fayne still nourishe a great sorte of infections And why For as I haue sayde they woulde fayne bee in credite and estimation and it is no matter at all with them to betray the purenesse of the Gospell so they may saue themselues from persecutiō yea and euen among vs a man shall finde inowe that woulde haue bothe And what moueth them but that they would aduance them selues and get some reputation Forasmuche then as wee see that the Diuell which raysed those broyles in the time of Sainct Paule continueth the same vnto this day we ought to be armed with this doctrine And the
deede wee muste not bee separated from him This in effect is it that wee haue too consider vppon this text Now herevpon S. Paule cōcludeth that there is nother Greeke nor Iew bond nor free male nor female but that Iesus Christ is one in vs all and all wee are one in him And by this sentence S. Paule ment to expresse yet better that only fayth ought to suffyze vs and that we must exclude all other meanes for else it were a derogacion as well to the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ as to the working of his holy spirite If any man alledge that circumcision was alwayes a recorde too the fathers of the same thing that wee haue at this day in baptisme the doubte is assoyled in the second too the Colossians where S. Paule sayeth that in being baptized wee bee circumcized howbeit not with mans hand nor with visible circumcision but that it ought to suffize vs that God acknowledgeth vs to bee partakers of the spirituall circumcision namely for somuch as baptisme is ordeyned too the same end now adayes And let vs marke that circumcizion serued to put a difference betweene the Iewes and the Gentiles It was as the Scripture termeth it a wall betwixt them too fence in the Iewes as the people whom God had chozen But nowe the blissing is published euerywhere so as there is no more diuersitie Now then baptisme being in these dayes succeeded in the place of circumcisiō supplieth the want of that old signe which was a figure and shadowe of things too come And that should not needed too haue bin if our Lord Iesus Christ had not bin away But nowe that he is manifested vnto vs ▪ we haue baptisme ordeyned in steade of it Notwithstanding let vs marke as I haue sayd already that we cā bring nothing of our owne wherwith to purchace fauour before God all that we can do is but simply to confesse our sinne which were ynough too drowne vs in despayre Furthermore wee haue fayth whereby wee recouer that whiche is requisite for our saluation I say wee recouer it by seeking it in our Lord Iesus Christ Nowe then if wee say yea but wee bee weake and rude wee cannot mount so high as too the secretes of heauen let vs looke vpon the baptisme that is giuen vs as though God reached out his hande too vs. There he sheweth vs to eyesight after what maner he plucketh vs out of the curse wherin we were plundged and couereth vs with our Lord Iesus Christe to the end that all our misdeedes should be buried by the perfection of his rightuousnesse For wee knowe he yeelded suche obedience too God his father that if wee come grounded therevppon we cannot but finde fauour at his hand Thus yee see how that on the one side God wil haue vs to rest vpon him and on our Lord Iesus Christ his sonne to the end we should draw out of the fulnesse of that foūtayne and yeelde the whole prayse of our saluation to the woorking of his holy spirite and on the otherside giueth vs baptisme as a help of our rudenesse and infirmitie Seyng wee haue all this what seeke we any more Is it not a wilfull robbing of God if wee will needes haue other helpes and put too other opinions and fancies as they come in our heades VVhereto serueth all this But suche minglings are Diuelish corruptions Therefore S. Paule telleth vs that wee must be so vnited too our Lord Iesus Christ as none of vs must aduaunce himself as though he were better worth than his fellowes but acknowledge our selues beholden too Gods meere grace for all things and bothe great and small muste indeuer the same togither and with one cōmon consent confesse that in our Lord Iesus Christ they haue all that is to be wished for and therefore giue ouer all the inuentions and deuices that can come in their owne brayne Yet not withstanding S. Paule ment not too say that there is no diuersitie of degrees as in respect of worldly policie For wee knowe there are maysters and seruants Magistrates and subiectes in a householde there is the good man which is the head and the good wyfe whiche ought to bee subiect VVee know then that this order is inuiolable and our Lord Iesus Christ is not come into the worlde to make such confusion as to abolish that which was stablished by God his father But when S. Paule sayeth that there is nother mayster nor seruant man nor woman he meeneth that too bee sure of their saluation men muste not set vp theyr tayles lyke Peacockes and stand gazing vppon their owne fethers but looke what woorthinesse so euer we weene too bee in our selues wee muste wipe it away and cast it vnder foote and acknowledge all to bee but hinderances that turne vs aside from comming to our Lord Iesus Christ Therefore when both great and small doo acknowledge that they cannot bryng aught of thēselues but must receyue all things of Gods only free goodnesse Then is our Lord Iesus Christ himselfe alone is all in all in vs that is to say we wil not go about to adde aught to the grace that he hath purchaced for vs and which he offereth vs dayly by his Gospell too the end wee should be partakers of it and inioy it too our saluation Thus yee see in effect that on the one side wee must keepe the ciuill orders of this world Let such as are great men and men of authoritie aboue others knowe that God intendeth too be serued by them in that state As for example let the Magistrates consider that they be so much the more bound to do their duetie seyng that God hath done them the honour too aduaunce them after that fashion aboue others Agayne they that are priuate persones and ought too obey the Magistrates must looke that they submit thēselues vnlesse they purpose to striue with God and to make warre against him Yee see then that S. Paule holdeth vs in sobrietie and modestie and vnder a bridle which was not deuized by men but dedicated of God too our vse bycause mankind could not continue without it And truely we ought too honour and reuerence the state of gouernance as a thing ordeyned of the Lord. And yet for all that when wee come too the heauenly life let vs assure our selues that all worldly things passe and vanish away as the world and the fashion thereof passeth sayeth Sainct Paule but the kingdome of God indureth for euer Then as touching our being children vntoo God and as touching our beyng his heires we come not to it by riches noblenesse or dignitie or by any power or vertue of our owne How then By Gods meere grace and goodnesse For the great ones must be fayne to stoupe and to humble themselues and the little ones muste needes wonder at the sight of Gods so inestimable goodnesse who hath vouchsaued to lift them vp after that forte aboue the heauens whereas