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A17384 A commentary: or, sermons vpon the second chapter of the first epistle of Saint Peter vvherein method, sense, doctrine, and vse, is, with great variety of matter, profitably handled; and sundry heads of diuinity largely discussed. By Nicholas Byfield, late preacher of God's Word at Isle-worth in Middlesex. Byfield, Nicholas, 1579-1622.; Gouge, William, 1578-1653. 1623 (1623) STC 4211; ESTC S107078 497,216 958

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first verse of this Chapter And he is well said to bee Head of the corner because vpon Christ meet as the two sides meete in the corner stone both Angels and men and amongst men both the Saints in heauen and the godly on earth and amongst men on earth both Iewes and Gentiles euen all the Elect of all nations ages and conditions in the world The vses of the exaltation of Christ briefely follow First It should teach vs to striue by all meanes to get into his seruice that is so powerfull and able to do so much for his seruants Secondly It shewes vs the end of the oppositions of all wicked men Christ shall increase and prosper and they shall bee confounded and perish Thirdly It should especially enforce the necessity of beleeuing in Christ we should lye vpon him with all our waight as the building doth on the foundation Fourthly It should comfort vs in all distresses considering what end God gaue to the sufferings of Christ and so it is vrged Hebr. 12.2 The consideration of the manner and the time followes Is become or is made He doth not tell how but leaues that as granted to bee effected without hands euen by the speciall prouidence of God which giues vs occasion to take notice of the truth that in things of the Kingdom of Iesus Christ God is pleased to make his worke or to worke sometimes without vsing any of the meanes which the world takes notice of he neglects all those meanes which fall within the expectation Psal. 118.20 21. as heere for the proclaiming of the Messias there was not any one order or rank of men eminent in the world which God made vse of But by a way altogether strange to the world erected the Christian Monarchie which should teach vs not to limit God to the meanes which is likeliest to vs but to liue in all things by faith where meanes seeme to faile then with Abraham aboue hope and vnder hope to giue glory to God and cast our selues and all our care vpon God Thus of the manner The time followes In that he said It is become Christ was Head of the corner according to the present time First if we consider the type of it Christ was become head of the corner in that Dauid was made King of Israel as a type of Christs Kingdome ouer the Church Secondly Christ was Head in that in the Apostles time hee had receiued power after his Ascension ouer all things though as yet the Gentiles were not so fully conuerted Thirdly that he is becom the head may be taken prophetically For the Prophets to express the certainty of a thing to come vtter it in the words of the present tense It is so because it shall as surely be so as if it were already done Verse 8. And a stone to stumble at and a rocke of offence euen to them which stumble at the Word being disobedient vnto the which thing they were euen ordained HItherto of the punishments vpon the builders The punishment vpon the whole body of vnbeleeuers is contained in this verse Wherein note first the kindes of punishment Christ is a rock of offence and a stone of stumbling Secondly the causes both in themselues and in God in the words that follow A rocke of offence and a stone of stumbling Since wicked men haue refused Christ and will not beleeue in him He that may not be a stone of foundation will proue a stone of stumbling and a rock for them to dash on till they be dashed to pieces which words import the fearefull iudgements of God spiritually inflicted vpon vnbeleeuers which is two-fold First they shall be giuen vp to scandall and then secondly to despaire Before I open the words particularly diuers things may be noted in generall First that the punishments that light vpon particular wicked men are to be accounted the punishments of the whole body of vnbeleeuers as here despaire and taking offence at Christ it may light vpon some particular offenders only yet they are punishments belonging to all 1. Because there is no iudgement but all wicked men haue deserued it 2. Because when God plagues some he meanes all he threatens all 3. Because no wicked man can be sure for the time to come that he shall not fall into them 4. Because the afflictions of this life are typical to wicked men as despair is a typicall hell and so all other iudgements are but little hels And this doctrine should much amaze impenitēt sinners if they consider that any fearfull iudgement they see fall vpon others may fall vpon them and that GOD is aswell displeased with their sins as with the sins of those he so plagued as Christ shewes Luke 13.1 to 6. Secondly that from one and the same cause may arise diuers and contrary effects as Christ that is a stone of foundation to the beleeuer is a stone of stumbling to the vnbeleeuer Thus in Luke 2. hee was appointed for the rising and falling of many in Israel Thus the Gospel of peace is to wicked men a fire a sword a fanne It is a sauour of life to the Godly and a sauour of death to the Wicked 2. Cor. 2. as the Sun melteth the wax and hardneth the clay This comes to pass by accident and by the corruption that is in the hearts of wicked men and by the fearfull iudgements of God Vse The vse should bee to teach vs therefore not to rest in the hauing of the meanes of saluation as the preaching of the Word c. For through thy corruption it may be a meanes of greater damnation Thirdly that of all iudgements in this life spirituall iudgements are the worst which appears from hence in this that when the LORD would declare his speciall displeasure vpon wicked men he threatens these in this place as the most fearfull Now for explication of this point All iudgements in this life are either spirituall or temporall By temporall iudgements I meane such as haue their proper effects on the outward man such as are pouerty disgrace sicknes imprisonment losses in mens estates and the like By spirituall iudgements I mean such as haue their proper effects vpon the soule as for example hardnes of heart the spirit of slumber dissertion or the absence of GOD the taking away of the gifts of the minde the with-holding of the Gospell the deliuering of men vp to the power of Satan or to the loue of lies terrours of despaire or taking of offense of which later in this place Now these spirituall iudgements are much worse than any of the former temporall crosses first because these iudgements light vpon the best part of man which is the soule and by how much the soule is better than the body by so much it is worse to be distressed in soule than in body Secondly because they with-hould from vs the best Good which is God or Christ now that which straightens vs in the best things
I were a better wife or seruant I should finde my husband or seruant better to mee Thus in the generall The first thing then the Apostle giues in charge concerns seruants from verse 18. to the end of this chapter where obserue First the proposition enioyning seruants to be subiect to their masters verse 18. Secondly the exposition shewing both how they should be subiect viz. with all feare and to what masters viz. not onely to the good but to the froward verse 18. Thirdly the confirmation of it by three reasons viz. from the consideration 1. Of the acceptation of such subiection with God verses 19.20 2. Of their calling verse 21. 3. Of the example of Christ which is vrged 1. For the vse of seruants verses 22.23 2. For the vse of all Christians by digression verses 24.25 First then of the proposition where we are to consider first the persons charged Seruants secondly the duty imposed be subiect thirdly the persons to whom they owe it to your Masters Seruants Two things are to bee inquired into about seruants First the originall of their estate and secondly the bond that ties them to this subiection There are seruants of God seruants of sinne seruants of men It is the seruants of men that are heere meant seruants of men are not all of one sort neither For first such as apply themselues to satisfy the vnreasonable humors of men are said to bee seruants of men and condemned 1. Cor. 7.23 Secondly such as make themselues beholding to other men through their pride are forst many times to become their seruants Thus the borrower is a seruant to the lender Prou. 22.7 Thirdly such as imploy their estates or bodies for the honour or preseruation of their superiors are said to be seruants thus subiects serue Princes 1. Sam. 8.17 Fourthly such as imploy their labours and spend themselues for the common good are said to bee seruants thus Ministers are the peoples seruants 2. Cor. 4.5 1. Cor. 9.19 But none of these are heere meant Those seruants are domesticall seruants such as are vnder the yoke of particular Masters in a family Those seruants in the Apostles time were of two sorts some were bond seruants such as were bought and sould in the markets ouer whom the Masters had absolute and perpetuall power some were hired seruants that did seruice by couenant and contract as seruants doe now for the most part with vs. Concerning these it may bee inquired how it comes to passe that men that by creation haue the same nature with other men should in their condition bee abased to so low and meane an estate as to serue them that are in nature alike to them This seemes to bee a grieuous inequality and therefore first to be searched into for the originall and causes of it It is out of doubt that before the Fall if man had staied in his Innocency there had beene no seruitude because all men had beene made after the Image of God both for holines and glory and so had beene on earth as the Saints shall bee in heauen The first cause then of subiection and seruitude was the confusion and sinne of our first parents brought vpon the world the earth being cursed for mans sake A necessity of toylesome labour lay vpon men and so from the aduantages or disaduantages of particular mens estates did arise the freer or harder condition of some men besides this sinne had so confounded the very dispositions of men that through the inequality of naturall temper or care of education some men are made more fit to gouern and others to be gouerned Secondly as a monument of Gods Iustice it is obserued that som whole nations of men haue bin in their very naturall inclination onely disposed to bondage being destitute of all gifts to rule or gouerne as it is noted by the Muscouites and some other nations who for the most part at this day are seruants yea slaues by nature Thirdly in other nations many men become seruants not by nature but by necessity as being taken in mercy and thus among the Latines came vp the name of seruants being serui because they were seruati preserued from slaughter in war and mancipia because they were manu capta things taken by force of armes Fourthly the horrible sinnes sometimes of the Ancestors brings beggery and so seruitude vpon their posterity as the sin of Cam made Canaan a seruant of seruants Gen. 9.25 So doth treason whoredome riotousnes and prodigality of many parents vndoe their whole posterity and leaue them in a necessity of seruing Fiftly wicked children for their disobedience to their parents are many times brought not onely to bee seruants but as was noted before of Cam to bee seruant of seruants Prou. 17.2 Sixtly many men are brought to a morsell of bread by their owne disorder and wickednes of life sometimes open sins sometimes secret sinnes bringing this curse of God vpon them For men became seruants onely to gayne by their seruice the knowledge or state of som science art or trade as many apprentices doe Seuenthly sometimes God by his hand doth abase some men onely as a triall if they fall into pouerty and so to the necessity of working for others by no sinfull courses of their owne but by the ineuitable hand of God as by pyracy shipwrack fire theeues or the like and these are so humbled either to warne others and shew the power of God or to bring them to repentance or else for triall of God's grace in them Eightthly some men are brought to this misery by the cruelty and vniust dealing of other men and so that power the Masters tooke ouer their bondmen to dispose of their very liues was not of God or nature but meerely an oppression For why shold they haue power to take away life that could not giue it And so many a man is brought to pouerty and seruitude by oppression and cruell Landlords or by the fraudulent dealings of other men that falsify their trust or coozen them in bargaining Now the seruants brought to this condition by any of these meanes must bee subiect to their Masters and this is of diuine institution For God him selfe hath bound them to it by the first commandement and so the subiection of seruants is a morall and perpetuall ordinance Vses The vse of all this may bee diuers For First it should teach all sorts of men the more to hate and flee from sinne which hath brought these miseries vpon such multitudes of men Secondly it should teach Masters to vse their seruants respectiuely For tho they be seruants yet they are men made after the Image of God and they are the best part of their possession For other things they possesse are without life and seruants are the liuing instruments of their commodities Thus wise and godly men in Scripture were wont to account it the best part of their possessions that they had men seruants or maid seruants Thirdly it should
come This would put all other proiects frō the world or the Diuell or the flesh because there can bee nothing in any degree comparable vnto the vnsearchable riches is to be had by Christ. Oh the preferment of a true Christian if he had studied the premises soundly If we could effectually think vpon the fauour of God the pardon of all sinnes the inhabitation of the H. Ghost the gifts of the Spirit and all other sorts of spiritual blessings if there were nothing else to bee had by Christ what can be equal in value to that immortall inheritance reserued for vs in heauen Thirdly we should much thinke of the dignity of the person of Christ of whom it is true that when God brought out his first begotten Sonne hee said Let all the Angels of heauen worship him As also of his transcendent preferment to be carried vp to heauen and there sit at the right hand of the Maiesty on high a King of all Kings euen such a King as all the Kings of the earth must cast downe their Crownes at his feet It is vnspeakeable stupidity that keepes vs from being fired with these things Fourthly we should often contemplate of our interest in Christ and the assurance that he is of God giuen to vs All things are ours because Christ is ours as the Apostle Paul speakes Question But how should we shew that wee do account Christ as deare and precious Answere I answere by diuers things First By longing for his comming againe to vs mourning for our owne absence from him Then wee did indeed soundly shew our loue to Christ when we did feel our hearts affectionately moued with a vehement desire after him It is a dull loue of Christ that can bee content with his absence Secondly while we are heer in this world we may shew the high account wee make of Christ by ioying in him that is by taking comfort in the means of his presence or in the thoughts of his loue to vs when wee can preferre our entertainment in the House of Christ aboue our greatest ioyes on earth Thirdly when in our conuersation we can be contented to shun all the baits of the world and Satan and in respect of Christ contemn all those sensuall pleasures profits or honours that intice vs to make shipwrack of faith and a good conscience Then wee loue Christ indeed when our credits friends riches yea life it self is not dear vnto vs for Christs sake and the Gospell Fourthly when wee can renounce our owne righteousnes and praises and seek onely to bee found clothed with his righteousnes Fiftly we signifie our respect of Christ by the very respect we shew to the members of Christ. He loues Christ with all his heart that loues and entertains Christians as the only excellent people of the world Hitherto of that part of the testimony which concerns Christ the other part that concernes Christians follows He that beleeueth on him shall not be confounded In which words the happinesse of the Christian which beleeueth in Christ is expressed There are many points of doctrine may bee obserued out of these words as First in generall it is faith that makes the difference among men before God men are iudged of before GOD by their faith or vnbelief GOD to finde out a worthy man doth not ask what money or land or birth or offices he hath but what faith he hath Gal. 5.6 Hee is rich and happy that beleeueth and he is miserable that beleeueth not whatsoeuer his outward estate be Which should cause vs more soundly to inform our selues and not to bee lifted vp in our selues for any outward things nor to be deiected if our faith prosper and it should be a great comfort to poor Christians in all their wants if the LORD haue made them rich in faith He is a great rich man that hath a strong faith And therefore also wee should learn to iudge of men not according to the flesh or these outward things but euer acknowledge more honour to a faithfull Christian than to any rich wicked man And it is a great signe of our owne vprightnes of heart when we can iudge of Christians as GOD iudgeth and without dissimulation account them the onely excellent Ones Secondly in particular we may heer obserue the necessity of faith in respect both of the fauour of God and the merits of Christ we cannot please God though we bee in Sion without beleeuing Heb. 11.6 and without faith wee see heer we are not built vpon the foundation and so haue no part as yet in Christ. And therefore we should euery one be throughly awakened to examine our selues whether we haue this precious faith or no 2. Cor. 13.5 and to keep our owne soules with so much attendance heerupon as to be sure the Tempter deceiue vs not in our faith 1. Thes. 3.4 And heer especially take heed that thou dash not thy soule vpon the rock either of ignorance or presumption of ignorance as many doo that to this day knowe not what a true faith is of presumption as many doo that entertain without all ground from Gods promises a hope to be saued which they call a strong faith in Christ and yet liue in their sinnes without repentance and heer neuer taste of the sweetnes of spirituall things nor shew the affections of godlinesse in God's seruice Thirdly note that he saith He that beleeueth indefinitely meaning any of what nature or condition or state of life soeuer And therefore when this Text is quoted Rom. 10.11 and 9.33 he saith in stead of He that Whosoeuer beleeueth which sheweth vs plainly that in matter of faith God is no accepter of persons No man can say hee is exempted A poor man a Gentile a Barbarian an vnlearned man a seruant c. may beleeue as well as the rich learned free c. There is no exception against any calling of life or any sex Faith will make any one a childe of GOD and a member of Christ. The seuerall sorts of men are all one in Christ Iesus Gal. 3.26 28. This is the large extent of God's loue to the world that whosoeuer beleeueth should be saued Iohn 3.16 Mark 16. The proclamation is to all that are athirst they may be possest of those treasures of gold without money Esay 55. Which should much embolden vs to go vnto God with a true heart in the assurance of faith Heb. 10.22 And withall it should cause vs to cast out of our hearts all the wauerings and doubts of vnbelief arising from our owne condition in vnworthinesse Fourthly wee may hence note that faith in Christ was euer required in all sorts of men It was required of them in the Prophet Esay's time and it is still heer required in the Apostles time Thus Paul Heb. 11. shewes that faith was the character of the Godly in all Ages before the Floud and after the Floud before the Law and after the Law and he proues it by an
or kinred They are the generation of vipers Mat. 3. Now there is another kinde of spirituall alliance and that is it whereby all Christians are a-kin one to another through the bloud of Christ as they all descend of the second Adam and of this it is that the Prophet speaketh Esay 53.8 when admiredly he saith of Christ Who can tell his generation And thus the Godly are begotten of the best bloud in the world because they are begotten of the bloud of Christ Iohn 1.13 The doctrine then is that Godly men are the happiest men in the world in respect of their kinred and alliance None come of so good a kinred as godly Christians which may appear by diuers reasons First because they descend of the best bloud being the generation of Christ the second Adam and so are better born than they that can tell of their great Nobility and Bloud both by the father's and mother's side Iohn 1.13 Secondly because they are a chosen picked children or kinred all the kinred culled out of all mankinde and so is no kinred in the world For in all other kinreds are all sorts of persons to bee found good and bad vertuous and vicious but of this kinred are none but good Thirdly because the whole kinred is royall they enioy all great preferments whereas there bee few kinreds in the world but there are some poor in it but this generation hath not one poor man in it all the kinred are Kings Fourthly because all are fit for imploiment all the kinred are Priests and can sacrifice which was not true of the very Tribe of Leui. There is not one Christian but he can perform the work of the Priesthood and doth in his order Fiftly because there are so many of the kinred The meanest Christian is a-kinne to all the Saints in heauen and to all the Godly in earth or on earth and there is no kinred in the flesh that can attain to the like number of kinsfolks in any degree of comparison worth the speaking of Sixtly because they are all accepted into high fauour with the King of kings Though a King on earth out of his loue to see one person would doo much for many of his kinred yet it is neuer seen that all the kinred vniuersally are preferred and entertained into speciall fauour with the King yet so it is with all the Godly it is true of all and of euery one that they are his peculiar treasure Seuenthly because all our kinred will doo for vs there is none of them but are able to pleasure vs whereas in carnal kinred one may be a-kinne to so great persons that they will doo nothing for them Eightly because other kinred may and wil dy and leaue vs but all this generation liues for euer Vses The consideration whereof may serue for diuers reasons First hence godly Christians may gather comfort against the best of their kinred in the flesh whether they bee lost by displeasure or by death for God heer makes a supply of better kinred It should not therefore bee grieuous to the Godly to forsake their fathers house Psal. 45. Secondly hence wee should learn how to esteem of godly Ministers for heerby is implied that they are the Fathers Princes of the Tribes in this holy Nation Thirdly it should teach vs many duties concerning the Godly to whom we are allied 1. To study our genealogie and gette the knowledge of as many of our kinred as wee can 2. To glory in our kinred to ioy in our happinesse heerin 3. To doo all good we can to our kinred euen to the houshold of faith for this very reason because they are our kinsmen in the Spirit and in particular we should be ready to doo all that for them which the law of kinred bindeth vs vnto viz. 1. Wee should acknowledge them and not hide our selues from any that is godly 2. We should receiue one another heartily and willingly without grudging or murmuring 3. Wee should defend one another and bee ready in all oppositions to stand for the godly 4. We should shew all bowels of mercy and tender kindnes and pity and sympathize in their necessities and miseries Fourthly we should hence learn to be prouident to preserue our owne reputation that we be no way a dishonour and shame to our kinred but learn of the wise steward by lawfull meanes to preserue our credits and prouide for our selues though he did it by vnlawfull for our Sauiour noted this defect when he said The children of this world are wiser in their generation than the children of the light Luke 16.8 Thus much of their kinred or generation A royall Priest-hood These words contain the two next prerogatiues which haue so much connexion one with another that they are ioyned together as inseparable The Apostle makes a comely and effectuall inuersion of the words recorded in Exodus 19 for there they are said to be a Kingdome of Priests which the Apostle more plainly expresses in the words A royall Priest-hood They are both Kings and Priests but both with difference from other men of either of those callings They are Kings not prophane or ciuill onely but sacred Kings they are Priests not common or typicall Priests but royall The one word tels their dignity to which they are ordained the other their office in respect of God These words with those that follow are in Exodus expounded or rather propounded indefinitely to the Israelites but in this place limited to the Elect onely which shewes that promises and priuiledges of right belong onely to the Elect and Chosen of God c. Royall Christians may be said to bee Royall in foure respects First comparatiuely with wicked men for whatsoeuer their condition be yet if their estate be compared with the miserable condition of all impenitent sinners it is a Royall estate they are like Kings in respect of them Secondly as they are vnited to his body who is the greatest King as members of Iesus Christ who is King of kings Reuel 19. Thirdly because they looke for a Kingdome It is their Fathers pleasure to giue them a Kingdome They shall one day raigne and therefore are Royall Fourthly because for the very present in this life they haue the state of Kings They haue the state of Kings in this life I say For first they appeare clad in purple The Romans knew who was King when they saw the man clad in purple Robes Christians haue royall Garments Garments of Saluation the righteousnesse of Christ doth couer them which so soone as they put on they are saluted for Kings in Heauen Secondly they haue the attendance of Kings a great traine and guard about them no King like any of them that is not one of them for they haue the Angels for their guard and as ministring Spirits to them Psalm 34. and 91. Hebr. 1.14 Thirdly they haue the dominion of kings and soueraignty and power of Kings and so first the
whole world is their kingdome in which they raigne they are heirs of the world Rom. 4. and so our Sauiour saith They inherit the earth Matthew 5. Fourthly their owne hearts are as a large Kingdom in which they sit and raign gouerning and ruling ouer the innumerable thoughts of their mindes and affections and passions of their harts among which they doo iustice by daily subduing their vnruly passions and wicked thoughts which like so many Rebels exalt themselues against the obedience should be yielded to Christ the supreme Lord and Emperor as also by promoting the weal of all those sauing graces which are placed in their hearts nourishing and lifting vp all good thoughts and cherishing all holy desires and good affections conscience beeing by commission the chief Iudge for their affairs of this whole Kingdome Fiftly it is something royal and which proues them to be Kings they haue a regall supremacy A King is he that iudgeth all and is iudged of none such a one also is euery spirituall man said to be 1. Cor. 2. vlt. Sixtly they prooue themselues Kings by the many conquests they make ouer the world and Satan sometimes in lesser skirmishes somtimes in some main and whole battels Ob. Might some one say Is this all the Kingdome of a Christian This is infinitely belowe the magnificence and honour of an earthly kingdome c. Sol. GOD hath done more for the naturall man or for the nature of men for prouiding means for this spirituall Kingdome than in opening a way for earthly Kingdomes which may appear by diuers differences For First none but great men and of great means can attain to the Kingdome of this world but heer the poor may haue a Kingdome as well as the rich Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdome of heauen Secondly while the father liues the little childe cannot raign whereas in this Kingdom little-ones attain to the Kingdome and safely hold it Mat. 18. Thirdly this kingdome is of heauen whereas the others are onely of the earth Fourthly these Kings are all iust there is none vnrighteous can possesse these thrones They are all washed iustified and sanctified There is not a drunkard a railer a buggerer an adulterer a murtherer or any the like amongst them which is no priuiledge belonging to the kingdome of this world Rom. 14.17 1 Cor. 6.9 10 11. Gal. 5.21 The godly are Kings such as Melchisedech was somewhat obscure in the world but they raign in righteousnes in peace none like them Heb. 7. Fiftly the godly haue receiued a kingdome that cannot be shaken Their kingdom is an euerlasting kingdome Heb. 12.28 But all the kingdomes of the world may be and haue beene shaken and will be ruined and end whereas the godly that set out in soueraignty ouer lesser dominions and with lesse pompe yet increase so fast till at length they attain the most glorious Kingdom in the new heauens and new earth The vse of all this may be diuers First for singular comfort to the godly what account soeuer the world makes of them yet heere they see what God hath ordained them vnto It matters not for the worlds neglect of them for Gods Kingdom comes not by obseruation and in particular it should comfort them in two causes First in matter of seruice when they come to stand before the Lord they must know that they are honourable in Gods sight He respects them as so many Kings in his presence Secondly in the mortification of vices they haue receiued power authority as Kings and therefore no rebellious conuersation can so exalt it selfe but it may be subdued The oyle of God is vpon them and what can the greatest Rebels doe against the power of the King But secondly withall heere is terror to wicked men For this is the priuiledge onely of the godly and it is certaine that wicked men are in Gods account as base as the godly are honourable they are thrust besides these thrones And so both sorts of wicked men For not onely openly profane men are to be smitten with this terror but also hypocrites It is true indeed that hypocrites act the parts of Kings but they are onely such Kings as Players are vpon a stage they speake of the words or the words of Kings but are not indeed For they are by the wiser and better sort accounted as Rogues and the scum of the people euen so are wicked men in Gods account neither will their outward shewes helpe them For the Kingdom of God is tried not by words but by the power of it 1. Cor. 4.20 And withall vnruly Christians may be hence checked such as will not be ruled by their teachers such were the Corinthians they raigned without Paul and their godly teachers But the Apostle wisheth they were indeed Kings or did indeed raigne Why bearest thou the name of a King and canst not rule thy passions Thirdly diuers vses for instructions may bee hence gathered for First we should hence learne to honour poore Christians They are spirituall Kings as well as the Kings of the earth and wee knowe what a stirre wee would make to entertaine the Kings of this world Iam. 2.5 Secondly wee should hence bee stirred vp in desire after this Kingdome to pray for it that it may come and that God would count vs worthy of such a Kingdom Math. 6. 2. Thes. 1.5 and to this end wee should looke to two things First that we seeke this kingdome first aboue all other things Mat. 6. Secondly that we should refuse no paines nor handship for the entertainment of true godlines This Kingdom of heauen should suffer violence and the violent only will take it by force It is an easy thing for Iohn to be a partner in the patience of the bretheren when he is a partner with them in the Kingdom of Iesus Christ Reuel 1.9 It is no great thing men can suffer if wee consider it is for a Kingdome and the want of outward things should the lesse trouble vs if God make vs so rich in spirituall things Thirdly wee should hence especially learne to liue in this world like Kings and this Christians should shew First by declaring their conquest ouer the passions and desires of their owne hearts It is a royall quality in a Christian to bee able to shew all meeknes of minde and temper and sobriety in being able to deny vnto himselfe what may not bee had without sinne or offence Hee that winnes the conquest ouer his owne heart is greater then hee that winnes a City Secondly putting on the Lord Iesus The righteousnes of Christ is the robe of a Christian and since all the life of a Christian is a high feast hee should alwaies put on his robe to distinguish him from all other men and this righteousnes is both the imputed righteousnes of Christ as also the inherent vertues of Christ. Thirdly by seruing the publick Kings are the common treasure of the subiects
other men But the maine point is that God's people are the only people in the World None worthy to be called a people in comparison of them No subiect in any gouernement so happy as Gods people vnder his gouernement in Christ and therefore to bee made the people of God here is reckoned as a condition beyond all comparison Now that Gods people excell all other Subiects in the World may appeare many waies First in respect of the loue of God that hee beares to his people which hath foure matchlesse prayses that no King on earth can afford to his Subiects For first it is an euerlasting Loue when all the fauor of the Princes on earth is both mutable and mortall Secondly it is a particular loue to each Subiect All the people are loued and by name Deut. 33.3 The Lord counteth when he reckons his people he was become their God Psal. 87.5 6. Thirdly it is a free loue There was no desert in vs whereas Princes looke at somewhat that may pleasure themselues euen where desert is lesse Fourthly it is a tender Loue and therefore Gods people are said to be married to their King and God Hosh. 2.19 and therefore God is said to account his People to be his Portion Deut. 32.9 Secondly they are an elect People which hath a twofold consideration in it For first they are elect from all eternity and so euery one of the People hath a particular act of Parliament to assure his right Rom. 11.2 And secondly they are elect in time that is they are separated and culled out of all the people of the World Thirdly all Gods People haue a generall pardon giuen them for all offences Ierem. 31.34 He saues his People from their sinnes and this pardon is grounded vpon a sufficient atonement made by a most faithfull high Priest for them Heb. 2.17 Who also sanctified all this People with his own blood Heb. 13.12 Christ is giuen for couenant he is their surety for them their witnes Esay 42.6 55.5 Who also redeemed them with his blood All a People of Purchase Fourthly all Gods People are qualified with new gifts aboue all the people in the World their natures be amended they are all washed and clensed from their filthinesse there is not one vile person amongst them Ezech. 36.25 37.23 c. He hath formed them for himselfe and his owne seruice Esay 43.22 Fiftly all Gods Subiects are adopted to bee Gods sonnes and so can no Prince on Earth say of his they are as it were the fruit of his womb Psal. 110.3 Sixtly the Lawes by which they are gouerned are the perfectest in the whole world For the Law of God is perfect Psal. 119.8 Seuenthly all Gods people liue in his presence and see his glory Exod. 33.16 Leuit. 26.11 12. Zach. 1.10 11. Psal. 95.7 Other Kings haue many subiects they neuer saw and few that haue that preferment to liue in the Kings presence or neere about him Eightthly God feasts all his subiects and that often and in his owne presence and with the best prouision of the world Esay 25.8 Esay 65.13 14. Ierem. 31.14 Kings would soone consume their treasure if they should doe it often or almost once c. Ninthly no people so graced of their King in hearing requests and receiuing petitions For all Gods people may cry and bee heard and at all times and in all suites which no King on earth can grant to all his subiects and seldome or neuer so much as to any one Esay 30.19 Iohn 14. Whatsoeuer they aske in the name of Christ shall bee granted vnto them Tenthly they are the longest liued of any people As the daies of a tree are the daies of my people saith the Lord They may endure many a storm but they are fast rooted still Mine Elect shall long enioy the works of their hands Esay 65.22 For first they onely haue the promise of a long life in this world and it is limited onely with that condition If it bee good for them And secondly if that God take away some of his people and that quickly out of this world yet that shortens not their life or dependance vpon God For when they dye a bodily death they are said to bee gathered to his people or their people and there receiue eternall life instead of it Death doth not put them out of seruice or depriue them of the Kings presence but remoueth them onely out of one roome into another whereas they stood below staires before they serue now aboue staires and are all of the Presence and Priuie-Chamber to God Eleuenthly they are the wealthiest people in the world none better prouided for For first for Spiritual gifts and rich fauours from the King of kings they are not destitute of any heauenly gifts 1. Cor. 1.5 Eph. 1.3 And for outward prouision God hath taken all the chief creatures and bound them to serue them with prouision in whatsoeuer they want The heauen the earth the corne c. all are bound for the supply of their wants Hos. 2.21 22 23. Twelfthly they excell for protection Whether we respect their preseruation or the reuenge is done vpon their enemies For their preseruation though the earth and the heauens should bee shaken yet God will be the hope of his people Ioel 3.16 and as the mountaines are about Ierusalem so is the Lord about them that feare him and therefore they cannot bee moued Psal. 125.1 2. and if the rod of the wicked doe enter vpon them yet it shall not rest vpon their lot v. 3. of the same Psalme And for vengeance It is certaine the Lord will auenge their quarrell vpon all their enemies though they be vnable to right their own wrongs and because God would haue it done throughly hee reserues the work of vengeance to himselfe to make the recompence Heb. 10.30 Rom. 12.20 Vses The vse may bee both for Consolation and Instruction For it should exceedingly comfort Gods children considering what singular happines they enioy by the gouernment of Iesus Christ. Oh! blessed are the people whose God is the Lord Psal. 33.12 and 144.15 Moses admires a little before his death the wonderfull felicity of the godly considered as they are God's people Israel is happy none like to God's people or this people nor is there any like vnto the God of Ierusalem For God rides vpon the heauen in their help the eternall God is their refuge and vnderneath are the euerlasting Armies He wil thrust out their enemies before them and say Destroy them Israel alone shal dwel in safety The Fountain of Iacob shal be vpon a land of corn and wine and his heauens shal drop down deaw They are a people saued by the Lord who is the shield of their help and the sword of their excellency Their enemies shal be found liers to them Deut. 33.26 to the end And this excellent estate is the more comfortable to be thought vpon 1. Because people of
5. That if he doo bring affliction vpon his people to humble them yet he will not consume them but will repent him of the euill Ioel 2.13 Deut. 32.36 Amos 7.36 6. That in shewing his loue hee is of great kindnes called the maruellous louing kindnesse Psalm 17.7 hence resembled to marriage-kindnes Hosh. 2.19 No husband can be so fond of his wife as God is of his people nor can any man deuise such waies to expresse kindnes as GOD doth to his people 7. That his mercy is without all grieuance to him Mercy pleaseth him Mic. 7.18 It breeds as it were an vnspeakable contentment in GOD himself when hee hath dealt mercifully with his seruants Secondly his mercy is immense vnmeasurable and this is exprest by diuers forms of speech in the Scripture Thus God is said to be plentious in mercy Psalm 86.5 aboundant in mercy 1. Pet. 1.3 rich in mercy Eph. 2.4 His mercy is great aboue the heauens Psal. 108.5 Gods Word heerin hath magnified his name aboue all things Psalm 138.2 Hee hath a multitude of mercies Psalm 51.1 manifold mercies Nehemie 9.19 They are vnsearchable high as the heauen is from the earth Psalm 103.11 His kindnes is said to be maruellous louing kindnes Psalm 17.7 Which must needs appear to be so because hee is a Father of mercies all mercies in the world flowe from him 2. Cor. 1.3 and all his paths are mercie and truth Whatsoeuer hee doth to his people is in mercy Psalm 25.6 And therefore the Prophet that could finde similitudes to expresse the faithfulnesse and iudgements of God by yet is fain to giue-ouer when he comes to his speciall mercy to his Chosen and vents himself by exclamation Oh how excellent is thy mercy Psalm 36.7.8 Thirdly this mercy is the more admirable in that it is free which appears diuers waies First in that it is shewed without deserts on our parts which the tearm gracious euery where giuen to God in Scripture doth import Secondly in that God is tied to no man nor to any posterity of men he hath mercy on whom he wil haue mercy Rom. 9. Thirdly because it is extended to all sorts of people If the rich mercy of God could haue been obtained onely by Kings or Apostles or the like it had been the lesse comfortable vnto vs but bond as well as the free the Barbarian as well as the Grecian the Gentile as well as the Iew the poor as well as the rich may be possessed heerof Hee doth not spend all his mercy on Abraham or Dauid but hee reserueth mercy for thousands Exod. 34.6 and will bestowe the true mercies of Dauid vpon meaner men Esay 55.4 His mercy is ouer all his works especially ouer all his spirituall works in Iesus Christ Psalm 145.9 Fourthly it appears to be free because it can be alone God can loue vs though no body else doo though Abraham knowe vs not yet GOD will bee a Father vnto vs and neuer leaue vs nor forsake vs Esay 63.15 16. Ob. But might some one say In the second Commandement it is plain that GOD shewes mercy ●o them that keep his Commandements It seemes then his mercy is not free but he hath respect to deserts in vs. Sol. First our keeping of the Commandements is not alleaged as the cause of mercy but as the signe of mercy The words shew to whom God will shew mercie not for what cause Secondly when he saith he will shew mercy it euidently excludes merit For it is mercy that God will bestow such great things vpon men for their works for there is no proportion betweene our works and the goodnesse wee receiue from God When we haue done all we should account our selues vnprofitable seruants Ob. But it seemes God's mercy is caused by merit for God shews vs mercy for the merits of Christ If Christ deserue it then it seemes it is not free Sol. First mercy excludes merit in vs though not in Christ. Secondly it was mercy that God gaue vs Christ to merit for vs. And thus of the third property of God's mercy Fourthly God's mercy is the more admirable yet in that it is eternall God will not change his word He keepeth his couenant and mercy with his seruants 1. King 8.23 God's mercies haue beene from all eternitie Psalme 25.6 and hee will not take away his mercy from his seruants Psalme 89.34 but his mercy and louing kindnesse shall follow them all the dayes of their life Psalme 23. vlt. His mercies are new euery morning he hath neuer done shewing of mercy Lament 3.23 Esay 33.3 He is still building vp his mercies and will neuer leaue till he haue finished them in an euerlasting frame of vnspeakeable glory Psalme 89.2 His mercy is euerlasting and endureth for euer Psalme 103.3 136. from euerlasting to euerlasting Psalme 103.17 God may forsake his people for a moment to their thinking and in a little wrath he may hide his face but with euerlasting mercies hee will receiue them As he hath sworn that the waters of Noah shall no more couer the Earth so hath hee sworn he wil no more be wroth with his people The hills may be remoued and the mountaines may depart but God's couenant of peace shall not be remoued saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee Isaiah 54.7 to 11. If God's couenant be not with day and night and if hee haue not appointed the ordinances of heauen and earth then may hee cast away his seruants and their seed Ierem. 33.25 26. But we see the course of nature is firme and therefore ought to bee more assured of the firmnesse of the couenant of God's mercy to his people The effects of mercy follow To obtaine mercy is to obtaine those benefits which God hath promised to his people as the fruits of his mercy Where God shews mercy First he will heare their prayers graciously this is promised Isaiah 30.18 19. and pleaded by Dauid Psalme 4.1 Secondly hee sanctifies all afflictions so as whatsoeuer befalls the godly proceedes from mercy and not iustice in God and shall worke for the best Rom. 8.28 It is God's loue that maketh him correct Heb. 12.6 7. Thirdly he heales their natures from the diseases of their mindes for to shew mercy is likewise to cure vs and sanctifie vs and God promiseth it Hosh. 14.3 Fourthly he multiplies pardon Isaiah 55.7 It is not grieuous to forgiue sinne daily when they seeke to him for forgiuenesse Fiftly he deliuers the soule absolutely from the pit they are free from condemnation Iob 33.27 Psal. 86.13 c. Sixtly In all dangers and weakenesses his mercy holds them vp euen when the godly say their foot slippeth Psal. 94.18 Seuenthly he guides them in all their waies He that hath mercy on them saith the Prophet shall leade them euen by the springs of water shall he guide them Isaiah 49.10 The World is like a wildernesse the wicked are like wilde beasts in a desart God's children are so
senselesse creatures as the Sunne Moon and Starres others of them but dead men and others of them such as of whom there was not the least colour or appearance of Diuinity Secondly the most notorious wickednes of life which did euery where abound in all the nations that were Pagans Rom. 1. Thirdly that they followed a religion that gaue them no hope of a better life after death nor could describe any estate worth the desiring Fourthly there was no agreement among them what should be the chief Good while they liued but men were carried according to the sensuall desires of their owne hearts On the other side for the Christian Religion they saw that the doctrine of it was euery where prooued by miracles and that their owne Oracles in euery place where the Gospel came were put to silence Besides they might obserue that the Christian Religion did teach the most absolute way for holinesse of life and that the Christians did liue the most vnrebukeably of all others yea did with gladnes dye in the defence of their Religion and further the Christian Religion did shew them the glory of heauen and discouered that certain estate of most blessed Immortality Quest. But may some one say What might be the motiues to the Gentiles to make them continue so obstinate Ans. There were chiefly fiue things which caused this obstinacy in the Gentiles The first was the tradition of their fathers forefathers they would not forsake that religion which for so many hundred yeers their Ancestors had professed 1. Pet. 1.18 Secondly the god of this world did mightily labour to blinde their eyes that they might not vnderstand the Gospell 2. Cor. 4.4 Thirdly they saw that the Christian Religion was persecuted in all places both by reproaches and martyrdome Fourthly they would not receiue the Christian Religion because there were but few that professed it and that their wise men and great men of the world for the most part did reiect it 1. Cor. 1. The last and chief reason was the loue of their sins which they saw they must forgoe if they embraced the Christian Religion It was true also that the wickednesse of some hypocrites that crept in among Christians did make the way of God euill spoken of and many Gentiles to blaspheme Rom. 2. I might adde that the doctrine of Christs Passion was a scandall vnto many Gentiles who accounted it as a foolish thing to beleeue him as a Sauiour that could not saue himselfe from so ignominious a death being willingly ignorant of the necessity of that oblation of Christ as the Surety and Sacrifice for our sinnes It is profitable to consider of the obstinacy of these Gentiles together with their motiues for first we may see that they stood vpon the same grounds in effect vpon which the Papists do rest at this day for the Papists maine allegations are the traditions of Fathers and Fore-fathers together with the multitudes of people that follow their Religion but especially the consideration of the wofull estate of forlorne men should teach vs with the more thankfulnesse to celebrate the prayse of Gods mercy to vs that did subdue our natures and draw vs out of blindnesse and wickednesse into the true Religion and into the kingdome of Iesus Christ And Ministers should hence learne with patience to doe their worke and not to be discouraged though multitudes of people bee not brought to the obedience of Christ they must not looke to speed better then the Apostles who in all places left thousands of people that would not regard them nor their Ministeries 2. Tim. 2.25 26. Lastly we should learne euen of wicked men how wee should entertaine the truth for if it bee so hard a matter to get men to change their minds when they hold grosse errors and falshoood how ought we to stick to the truth when wee haue receiued it and not receiue any other doctrine though an Angell from heauen should teach vs otherwise then is written in the Word of God Gal. 1.7 Doct. 2. Wee may hence also note that God is pleased to suffer his children in this life to liue amongst wicked men A godly man can liue no where but there are some wicked liuing there the tares will growe vp with the Wheate There may be diuers reasons assigned of this why God doth not gather his people altogether from the places where wicked men dwell as First God doth hereby try his people whether they will forsake the inticements of the wicked and cleaue to him and his truth the more by-waies there are the more prayse to him that keepes the right way Secondly God doth by the wicked many times refine and purifie his seruants by reason of the wicked he both keeps them cleane and if they gather any filth by them he washeth them wicked men are many times God's Laundresses to godly men for if God appoint them to chasten his seruants they will doe it throughly both by reproches and other waies Thirdly the Kingdome of Christ must bee set vp among wicked men because amongst them are many of God's Elect which are in due time to bee conuerted from their wickednesse Fourthly hereby the power of Christ is magnified that can set vp and maintaine his Scepter in the middest of his enemies Fiftly by this course God's patience is prolonged for God is pleased for the godlie's sakes to forbeare those destroying Iudgements which else would fall vpon the wicked The vse should be to teach vs to beare with patience the inconueniences which befall vs in our places and callings by reason of the neighbourhood of wicked men as knowing that it is the condition of all the Godly and hath alwaies beene so and is so in all places and therefore to resolue with our selues rather to learne how to carry our selues fairely and honestly among them then through impatience without calling to shift our places or without charity to make any schisme or rent in the Church Secondly since on Earth it will be no better with vs in respect of our habitation we should therefore learne the more to desire to be in heauen where all the people shall be righteous since there is so much vnrighteousnesse in this World we should long for these new heauens and new earth wherein dwelleth righteousnesse We should be the more thankful if God ease vs in any degree of the molestations of wicked men either ridding out manifest Idolaters Pagans or Papists or restrayning those that are with vs from vnquietnesse and tumult and daily sl●nder or comforting vs with a large fellowship of the Godly Fourthly It should teach vs circumspection seeing the dayes are euill both to hold forth our owne light in the midst of their darkenes to take heed that we trust not euery man nor beleeue euery thing a holy reseruednesse will become this Doctrine Fiftly the zeale of Gods House should the more ouercome vs to striue to winne men to God and prouoke them as wee haue
the duty of Superiours for in that new and tender world great care was to bee had that vnder pretense of Religion ciuill obedience either in the family or Common-wealth were not neglected And it is a truth to be known at all times that God would not haue inferiours too skilfull in the duty of Superiours that they might first learne to shew duty before they called for duty from their Superiours That may bee one reason why the duty of Masters is not heer handled and in other places of the Epistles but briefly for many times the description of the duty of Superiours is vsed but as a glasse by the Inferiours to pry into the faults of those that rule them and so growe carelesse and wilfully stubborne vnder pretence of the faults of their superiours But some one might say that by this meanes if the Magistrates did turne Christians they were left without rules of direction and so they should not know what to doe Answ. That inconuenience was long before preuented because the duety of Magistrates is fully taught in the old Testament which vnto a godly minde is of as great authority as the new Thus of the coherence and generall consideration of all the words The duty of Subiects followes to bee particularly considered of Submit Concerning Subiects here are fiue things to be considered of First the proposition of Doctrine in these words Submit your selues to euery ordinance of man for the Lords sake Secondly the exposition of it in one case and that is the Persons to whom they were to bee subiect to all sorts of Gouernors to Kings or any other Gouernours Thirdly the confirmation by reason Ver. 14 15. Fourthly the answer of an Obiection Vers. 16. Fiftly the conclusion Vers. 17. In the Proposition consider 1. The dutie to bee done Submit 2. The persons must doe it your selues 3. The things to which they must be subiect Ordinances where is a double extent viz to euery ordinance and though they be ordinances of men 4. The manner or motiue For the Lords sake Submit The duty is to submit vnto Magistrates Rom. 13.1 2. For Explication two things are to bee considered Why wee must submit and How we must submit For the first wee must submit 1. Because God is the Author of magistracy Gen. 9.6 Deut. 16.18 Prou. 8.15 Dan. 2.21 Ioh. 19.11 Rom. 13.1 4 6. Obiect The Diuell is said to bee the Prince of this world and hee claimeth all the kingdomes of the earth Ioh. 12.31 Mat. 4.8 9. Sol. Hee is the Prince of this world by malicious vsurpation not by any right 2. Hee is so in relation to wicked men hee is their king but not of others 3. Hee speakes like himselfe that is like the father of lyes when hee claimes all the kingdomes of the earth for no part of the world is his because The earth is the Lords and all that therein is Obiect But God was angry with the Israelites for their asking of a King and therefore it seemes it was not his ordinance that there should bee Kings Sol. Hee was not angry with them for desiring Gouernours for they had Gouernours before sent of God and the very king they had afterward God gaue them him Hos. 13.8 but hee was angry for the cause of their request Their faith and hope was in a manner spent and they conceiued more hope in a King then in God that had beene such a King to them so many yeares 2. Men must be subiect because God hath taken mens consciences bound to subiection Rom. 13. 3. Because kings are heads of the people and therfore as members it is agreeable that they should submit and bee ruled and guided 4. In respect of the benefit men receiue by Magistrates both in outward things and in matters of religion For outward things men enioy publike peace and quietnesse and protection by the helpe of the power of the Magistrate And for matters of Religion earthly Common-wealths are as it were Innes to lodge the Church in and Princes power affords protection so as Christians may more safely follow their calling and if they bee godly Kings they are the very nurses of Religion And thus of the reasons For the second this Submission hath in it sixe things the first is obedience to their lawes and commandements Tit. 3.1 The second is honour Rom. 13.7 for they are principalities and powers as the Angels shine in heauen so doe Princes on earth yea they are called Gods and so in two respects first as they are Gods Deputies and Viceroies God executes a part of his Kingdome by Kings Secondly as they beare the image of God and his authority and soueraignety Now we must performe this honour by reuerence and by feare of them and by iudging the best of them and their actions without conceiuing suspicious of them nor receiuing euill reports against them nor daring to speake euill of those dignities and Rulers of the people and by all thankefulnesse for the good wee receiue by them acknowledging to the full all their praises The third is Loyaltie by which we resolue and endeauour to the vttermost of our powers to maintaine and preserue the persons rights prerogatiues crowns and dignities of Princes If wee must lay downe our liues one for another then much more for our King and Countrey The fourth is Piety wee must pray for them with all manner of prayer wee must make supplications for Gods blessing vpon them and deprecations for the remouing euils from them and if they should sinne and God bee wroth with them wee should stand vp in the gap and make intercession for them and wee should giue thankes for all the mercies the Lord shewes vnto them 2. Tim. 2.1 The fift is Maintenance tribute must bee paide Rom. 13.7 Christ himselfe submitted herein The last is Subiection to their punishments Rom. 13.4 yea to their iniuries as Dauid Christ and the Apostles did submit themselues to the iniurious dealing of Saul Pilate and the Tyrants when perhaps they could haue made resistance Vse 1. The vse may be first for terrour to the seditious great hath beene the vengeance of God vpon Traytors the earth swallowed vp Corah Dathan and Abiram for their rebellion Absolon was hanged vp by the haire betweene heauen and earth as vnworthy both of heauen and earth The words of our Sauiour Christ are in an high degree true in this case He that taketh vp the sword shall perish by the sword And S. Paul saith They shall bee damned that resist the power Secondly it should much humble the better sort of men for diuers faults that are too common such as are the receiuing of euill reports and speaking euill with two frequent intemperancy grudging at the paiment of tribute and taxations euill surmises of the actions of Princes and the aptness to fauour thēselues in the liberty of doubting concerning obedience to them in things indifferent Thirdly all good Christians should bee perswaded to make conscience of this
taste of the comforts of a better life Why long wee not to enioy those pleasures for euermore Psal. 17. vlt. Yea we may know how good it is to bee in Heauen by the taste wee haue sometimes on Earth If it doe vs such vnspeakeable ease and ioy to feele of the sweetnes of God for a little moment Oh how great then is that goodnes God hath laied vp for them that feare him Psal. 31.19 The smaleness of the quantity and shortnes of the continuance of our tast of the graciousness of God on earth should make vs to vse the meanes of communion with God with so much the more feruency and frequency and humility Doct. 5. A fift doctrine is that many in the Churches of Christians neuer so much as tasted of the sweetness of Gods grace and word and that may bee a cause why the Apostle speakes with an If as knowing it was a great question whether many of them had had experience of the sweetnesse of the Word Question Now if any aske what should be the cause that many Christians haue so little sence of the sweetnesse of the word and Gods graciousness and goodness in the Word Answere I answere that it is First with many so because they want the ordinances of God in their power and life of them They want powerfull preaching some congregations haue no preaching at all and many that haue preaching haue it not in the life and power The spices of the word are not beaten to the smell as they should be 2. Cor. 2.15 16. Secondly In others because the taste of the pleasures and profits and lusts of the world are in their hearts when they come to the word and so by the cares of life all sence of sweetnes is beaten out Math. 13. Luke 14.24 Thirdly It is in the most because they consider not their misery in themselues nor remember their latter end A man neuer knowes the sweetnes of Christ crucified till he be pricked in his heart and afflicted for his sinnes and forlorne estate in himselfe by nature and till men know how to number their daies they will neuer apply their hearts to wisdome Psal. 90.12 Fourthly Some men are infected with superstition and the loue of a strange god They prepare a table for the troope and therefore are hungry when Gods seruants eat and vexed when they sing for ioy of heart They cannot feele the sweetnes of the Gospell their hearts are so poisoned with secret popery Esay 65.11 13. Fiftly Some men taste not of wisdoms banquet because they leaue not the way of the foolish All sense is extinguished by the euill company they keep Prou. 9.6 Sixtly Too many Christians are poisoned with some of the sinnes mentioned in the first verse of this Chapter that destroyes both taste and appetite in them Seuenthly Some are fearefully deliuered to a spirituall slumber the Iustice of God scourging their impenitency and disobedience that made no vse of his iudgements and the remorses they felt before And so are in the case of the Iewes Rom. 11. Eightthly Because God doth for the most part reserue these tastes as the onely portion of his owne people and therefore neuer wonder though the common multitude attain not to it Psalm 36.8.9 Lastly the best Christians are often much restrained in their taste of the sweetnes of Gods fauour and presence because they are not carefull enough to attend vpon God in his ordinances they doo not seek God and striue to finde Gods fauour and presence in the means they hear and pray loosely with too much slacknes and remisnes of zeal and attention The consideration heerof should serue much to humble and melt the hearts of such as feel this to be their case they should be afraid and tremble at the iudgements of God vpon them heerin and fear their owne case and by speedy repentance make their recourse to God in the Name of Christ to seek a remedy for their distresse And to this end 1. They should gather a Catalogue of all such sins as they knowe by themselues for which they might most fear Gods displeasure and then go in secret and humble themselues in confession of those sinnes striuing till the Lord be pleased to giue them a soft hart and sensible sorrows This course will both marre the relish of sin and besides it opens the fountain of grace and ioy in the heart of a man Hosh. 14.3.5 Mat. 5.6 2. They should there attend with all possible heed to the Word of the Lord hearing it as the Word of God and not of man with this sincere couenant of their hearts to do whatsoeuer the Lord commands and then the Lord wil not long with-hold himself Secondly the Godly that finde this sweetnes in the Word should be so much the more thankfull for the gracious entertainment GOD giues them in his House in that hee hath not nor doth deal so with thousands of Christians as he deals with them Doct. 6. The last doctrine is that it is a shame for such Christians as haue felt of the sweetnesse of the Word to lose their appetite or any way to abate of their company in resorting and constancy of desire after it or estimation of it This answers to the main scope because these words are brought-in as a reason to excite appetite The remembrance of the good we haue found in the House of God should make vs loue it stil though we doo not alwaies speed alike wee should beleeue that God will return though hee hide his face for a time Such Christians then must bear their shame that haue lost their first loue and repent lest God take away the Candle-stick from them Verse 4. To whom coming as to a liuing stone disallowed of men but chosen of God and precious HItherto of the exhortation as it concernes the Word of God The exhortation as it concerns the Sonne of God follows from verse 4. to verse 13 wherein it is the purpose of the Apostle to shew vnto them in the second place the principall means of holinesse euen the originall fountain it self and that is Christ to whom they must continually come to seek grace if euer they will prosper and growe in godlinesse In the exhortation as it concerns Christ three things may be obserued First the Proposition wherein hee tels them what they must doo verses 4 and 5. Secondly the Confirmation of it and that two waies First by testimony of Scripture shewing what Christ is which Scripture is both cited and expounded verse 6 7 8. Secondly by the consideration of their owne excellent estate in Christ which is set out positiuely verse 9. and comparatiuely verse 10 or thus it is confirmed by arguments taken from the praise first of Christ verses 6 7 8. secondly of Christians verses 9 10. Thirdly the Conclusion where hee shewes the vse they should make both in what they should auoid verse 11. and in what they should doo verse 12. That which in generall
may be obserued is that Christ is the main Fountain of all grace and holinesse It is he that fils all in all things Eph. 1. vlt. All the treasures of wisdome and grace be in him in whom the God-head dwels bodily Col. 2.3 9. It is he that is made vnto vs of God wisdome righteousnes sanctification and redemption 1. Cor. 10.30 He was long since acknowledged to be the Lord our righteousnes Ier. 23.6 The knowledge heerof may both inform instruct and comfort vs. First it may inform vs concerning the grieuousnes of our disease The nature of man is so farre past cure that vnlesse the Sonne of GOD sanctifie himself with vnspeakable holinesse we can neuer be sanctified Iohn 17.19 yea the Word it self is not auaileable without the grace of Christ as it appears in that seuenteenth of Iohn where both the Word and Christ are intreated of Secondly it may teach vs first to ascribe glory to Christ who in this respect is most worthy to be acknowledged the Head of all Principalities but especially the Head of the Church from whom commeth influence of all grace and goodnes Eph. 21 22.23 Secondly it should teach vs aboue all gettings to labor to get Christ crucified into our hearts It is Christ in vs that must be our riches and our hope of glory Col. 1. 27. yea this will bee vnsearchable riches to vs we should determine to knowe nothing saue Iesus Christ and him crucified 1. Cor. 2.2 Thirdly let him that glorieth glory in the Lord Iesus 1. Cor. 1.4 7. And therefore God forbid I should reioice in anything but the Crosse of Christ whereby I am crucified to the world and the world is crucified to me Gal. 6.14 Thirdly it should bee a great comfort to the Godly both in respect of their vnion with him in regard their Head is so infinite in holinesse as also in respect of that supply and help that they may continually haue from him against all their infirmities and defects and lastly in respect of the hope of the full confirmation of their holinesse in the day of Christ. And thus of the generall Doctrine The first thing in the exhortation to bee considered is the Proposition in which two things are to be marked First what Christ is secondly what the Christian must bee in respect of Christ. There are fiue things in the description of Christ. First he is a gracious Lord that is imported in the first word To whom that is which gracious Lord mentioned in the end of the former verse Whereby the Apostle applies that to Christ which was before spoken of God generally as hee that is God with the Father and as that person in whom the Lord shewes his graciousnes to men Secondly hee is a liuing stone Thirdly hee is in respect of the world and the base respect and vsage of him once disallowed of men Fourthly he is elect of God Fiftly he is precious Now that which Christians must be and doo that they may receiue holinesse from Christ is that first they must come vnto him Secondly they must bee liuely stones Thirdly they must be built vp in him Fourthly they must become a spirituall house Fiftly they must bee a holy priesthood to offer vp spirituall sacrifices vnto God such as may be acceptable in Iesus Christ. For it is to be noted that the word Are built vp may be rendred Be ye built vp howsoeuer it bee read The intent is to perswade them thereto Ye are built vp that is if you bee right that is a thing must not be wāting so the sense is the same First then of the description of Christ. And therein the first point of doctrine that offereth it self to our consideration is that Christ is a gracious Lord. He is a Lord and Master to all true Christians and such a Lord and Master as neuer men serued for wonderfull graciousnes That he is a Lord to the faithfull is euident by other Scriptures also 1. Cor. 1.2 He is said to bee a Lord to all that call vpon him in euery place Thus Dauid cals him My Lord Psalme 110.1 And great Apostles confesse themselues to bee his seruants Rom. 1.1 Iude 1. 2. Pet. 1.1 And that hee is most gracious the Apostle shewes when hee tels that all Ages haue cause to wonder at the maruellous kindnes that God hath shewed to men in Christ. The vse may be both for information instruction and consolation First we may hence be informed that Christ is God with the Father For the which the Prophet Dauid Psalme 34 whence the words of the former verse are borrowed Giue to God the Apostle applies heer vnto Christ and the reason of the application may in the second place inform vs that God is gracious to men onely by Iesus Christ. It is impossible euer to feel or taste of Gods graciousnes but in his Son And thirdly we are heer told as it were that Christ is God visible God is made visible and sensible to men by Iesus Christ This is that mystery of godlines God is manifested in the flesh Secondly Is Christ our Lord and Master then these things will follow 1. That we must liue and die vnto Christ Rom 14.7 8 9. we are not our owne men wee must liue to him that died for vs 2. Cor. 5. vlt. The loue of Christ must constrayne vs and all old things must be passed and all things must become new vnto vs. If Christ be our Lord where is his seruice he must rule vs and rule ouer vs. If we walke in the vanitie of our mindes according to the deceiueable lusts of our old conuersation we haue not yet learned Christ nor the truth that is in Iesus Eph. 4. And therefore let vs euery one looke to his waies as he that must one day giue account of himselfe vnto Christ which will bee Iudge both of quick and dead Rom. 14. 2. That euery knee must bow at the name of Christ and euery tongue must confesse his soueraignty to the glory of God Philip. 2.1 Rom. 14. We must all take notice of his supreme authority and forme in our hearts all possible reuerence toward him 3. We must not iudge one another For what haue we to doe to iudge another mans seruant He stands or falls to his owne Master Rom. 14.4 9. Thirdly it ought to be the singular ioy of our harts that wee serue so glorious a Master Neuer seruāts serued such a Lord as may appear by the enumeration of diuers particular differences As First other masters are not wont to die for their vassals Christ shed his blood for vs one drop of whose blood was more precious then all the bloods of all the men in the World and this he did onely to ransome and redeeme vs that wee might bee a peculiar people vnto him Titus 2.13 Secondly neuer Master had such power to prefer his seruants Christ hath all power in heauen and in earth Mat. 28. and all that to
the work of redemption the peruersnesse of men notwithstanding The vnbelief of men cannot make the faith or fidelity of God of none effect Rom. 3. Secondly that God doth not choose as men do The mean things of this world as the world accounts mean and the vile things of this world may be dear in God's sight For as it was in the calling of Christ so is it in the calling of Christians such as the world disallows may be dear to God 1. Cor. 1.27 28. Thirdly hence we may note the free grace of God in the sending and giuing his Sonne He is fain to chuse for vs wee did not choose Christ first Iohn 15.16 Fourthly that to choose Christ is with Marie to chuse the better part it is to imitate God and chuse like GOD to forsake the world and the wils and lusts and iudgements of the wicked men of this world and to cleaue onely to Christ as our all-sufficient portion and happinesse Fiftly that all the enemies of Christ shall bee subdued either by conuersion when they come into worship Christ or by confusion when they are broken by the power of Christ. Euen Kings shall submit themselues and worship him that is thus abhorred and despised of men c. Esay 49. verse 7. Sixtly that it is a singular happinesse to bee chosen of God it was the honor of Christ heer c. And therefore Blessed is the man whom God chooseth Happy is the Christian whom God electeth Psalm 65.4 Luke 10.20 Secondly it should teach vs diuers duties First to obserue and admire and acknowledge the Lord Iesus the Chosen of GOD we should with special regard confesse vnto the glory of God heerin which the word Behold importeth Esay 42.1 We should be Gods witnesses against the world and all the seruants of any strange god that this Iesus of Nazareth is that Sonne of God and Sauiour of the world Esay 43.10 It is one main end of the praises of Christ in this place To raise vp our dull and dead affections to the highest estimation and admiration of Christ and his glory with the Father c. Secondly wee should learn of God how to make our choice On the one side is offred vnto vs the pleasures and profits of the world and the inticements of sinne and Satan and the other in the Gospell of Christ is set forth and offred to vs as the means of our happinesse Now it is our part to take to Christ and renounce the world and forgo the pleasures of sinne which are but for a season wee should vtterly refuse the voice of sinne neuer to be the guests of such folly but rather to listen to the voice of wisdome Prouerbs 7. and 8. Thirdly Is Christ chosen of God that one of a thousand Then it learns the Church to bee in loue with him yea to bee sick of loue as is imported Canticles 5.8 9 10. An ordinary affection should not serue the turn our hearts should bee singularly inflamed with desire after such a match found out and chosen of God for vs. Fourthly we should not rest heer but when God hath declared his choice as hee did by a witnes from heauen euen his owne voice Math. 17.5 wee should then hear Christ and as the Prophet saith wait for his law Esay 42.4 Fiftly yea we should so kisse the Son whom God hath declared as King by doing our spirituall homage vnto him as that we resolued both high and lowe the greatest estate as well as the meanest to serue him with all fear and reioyce before him with trembling wee must expresse our thankfulnesse by all possible obedience of heart and life Psalm 2.11 Sixtly we should follow his Colours and take his part and contend for the truth against all the world and in particular against Antichrist that man of sin Reuel 17.14 Seuenthly wee should imitate the praises and vertues of this chosen One especially in two things to weet humility and constancy as the Prophet Esay sheweth 42.2 3 4. Lastly and specially this Chosen or rather this knowledge of this Chosen of God should teach vs to relie vpon Christ without wauering with all trust and confidence for our reconciliation with God for the obtaining of knowledge comfort deliuerance preseruation yea and saluation too for this is he whom God hath giuen for a couenant to all people and his soule delights in him And therefore also we may runne boldly to the Throne of grace and put vp our petitions by Christ. For wee are heer assured that God will deny him nothing as these places euidently shew Psalm 42.6 7 8 16. Psalm 49.6 8 9 10 11 12. Mat. 12.17 to 22. But then wee must look to it that wee obserue the seasons and opportunity of grace Esay 49.8 2. Cor. 6.2 Let vs therefore imbrace while God is to be found and offers vs Christ for we may seek when God will not bee found as Esau sought the blessing when it was too late Heb. 12.15 And further this may serue for singular terror to all vnbeleeuers that will not haue Christ to rule ouer them He is elected already of God and therefore will mightily pursue all the enemies of God and the Church and all those that disobey him whom God hath chosen hee will pursue them both with the terrors of his Word his mouth being made like a sharp sword and with the plagues of his hand beeing made like a polished shaft Esay 49.2 He will appear to wicked men in the day of wrath as a mighty man and as a man of warre though to his owne he be as a Lamb to them hee will bee as a Giant they shall not be able to resist and though he lift not vp his voice in the streets of his people yet hee will set vpon them with roaring and singular terrour euen with all the signes of furious displeasure and though for a time hee may seem to put vp the contempt of men that disallow him yet at the length he will not refrain and will destroy at once c. Esay 42.13 14 15. Besides this doctrine of Christs chosen or of Gods choice should notably check that vnbelief and fearfulnesse that is too often found euen in Sion in the dear seruants of God When God hath published his election of Christ for the seruice of our redemption why doth some say The Lord hath forsaken and his Lord hath forgotten him Can God forget his people or will he euer deny his Chosen Shall not Christ bee regarded in our behalf who is the person whom his soule loueth Esay 49.8 c. 13 14 15 16. Precious Christ is precious many waies First in respect of his nature he is the choicest substance in heauen and earth neuer such a man all the creatures in heauen and in earth are inferiour to him Secondly in respect of his gifts hee is qualified with all the treasures of wisdome and grace aboue all his fellows Col. 2.3 Psal. 45. Thirdly in respect of
all others in diuers respects First because these writings were inspired all of the holy Ghost 2. Tim. 3.17 2. Pet. 1.21 so were no other writings Secondly those writings containe a wisdome far aboue all that that can be had by the Princes and men of this world the platforme of the wisdome that is in God himselfe 1. Cor. 6.7 Thirdly they were penned by more excellent men then any other writings the greatest wisest holiest men Moses Dauid Salomon the Prophets Euangelists Apostles c. Fourthly they haue such properties as no other writings haue they are more perfect pure deep and immutable then any mans writings These can tame all things necessarie vnto faith and a good life 2. Tim. 3.17.18 These writings onely are pure without fault or error or any corruption in them and for depth and maiesty neuer any writings came neere them and for vnchangeablenes Heauen and earth must passe away but a iot of Gods Word shall not passe away Math. 5.24 1. Pet. 1.23 Fift If wee consider the effects that must bee acknowledged to the praise of the Scriptures which can bee true of no writings besides no writings can describe God so fully to vs no writings do so bring glory to God no Scripture but this can conuert a soule to God Heb. 4.12 13. Other writings may shew vs some faults to bee auoided but giue no power to subdue them Psal. 19.8 These writings onely can minister solid comfort to vs in aduersity and these onely can make vs wise to saluation and perfect to euery good word and worke The consideration whereof should work in vs a singular loue to this booke aboue all other bookes in the world yea aboue all the treasures in the world we should account them with Dauid more sweet then hony and more precious then Gold Psal. 19.11 Psal. 119.14 15 27. Thirdly the third thing may bee noted from hence is the harmony of all these bookes they all agree as if they were but one writing yea one sentence yea one word Though the bookes were written by diuers men yet they agree so perfectly that they all sound one thing for they were all inspired by the same Spirit of God which should teach vs when wee meete with doubts or obiections or see●ing contradictions to condemn our owne ignorance and to be fully resolued that there is a sweet harmony though wee doe not see it And secondly and especially it should knit our harts to the Scriptures wee should be affected as with the most delightfull musick of the world or in the world Fourthly the fourth thing concernes the vse of Scripture and so wee may note two things First that we must receiue no opinions but what can bee proued by Scripture To the law and to the testimony if they speak not according to these it is because there is no truth in them Isaiah 8. Secondly we may note hence that the best men must proue what they teach by Scripture If the Apostles did it who were men priuiledged from error then much more must other men wee must beleeue no man aboue what is written 1. Cor. 4.6 and he is accursed that teacheth other things then what is written Gal. 1.7 though he were an Angel from heauen Which should teach vs to get proofes into our heads for all that wee beleeue and to take heed of receiuing traditions euen from good men For there be traditions on the right hand as well as on the left Ioh. 5.39 Acts 17.1 Thes. 5.21 Secondly Thus of the place where this testimonie is The manner how it is there is in the word Contained It is contained in Scripture Contained 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 There is much adoe about the word heer rendred Contained among Interpreters The word sounds actiuely in the Originall as if it were rendred doth containe or he containeth But the Translators and many Interpreters think the actiue is put for the passiue He containeth for It is contained If we read it actiuely then the Name of God must bee supplied thus Hee that is God contained it in Scripture noting that as a singular treasure God hath placed this Testimonie in Scripture concerning Christ and faith in him and sure it is a great treasure that wee may haue places in the sure Word of God that so plainely testifie of Christ and our happines in him wee should take great notice of them and bee much thankfull to God for giuing vs such sentences so briefely and yet so plainely and fully to informe vs. Some supply the name of Christ and so they say Christ containeth that is excelleth as the word may signifie Hee is had fully and excellently in Scripture and in particular in this testimonie of Scripture The word rendred Contained signifies sometimes barely to bee had sometimes to bee possessed as Luke 5.9 They were possessed with fear And so we possesse a great treasure in Scripture when wee haue such Testimonies as these There is a Nowne deriued of this Verbe which is thought by the exactest Diuines to mean a speciall Section or portion and when it is applied to a place in Scripture it signifies such a Scripture as is diuided from the rest as a principall matter either to bee meditated of or expounded Such was that speciall portion of Scripture which the Eunuch had to meditate of and Philip expounded to him Acts 8.32 where the word is vsed And so whether the word bee vsed actiuely or passiuely it commends vnto vs this place of Scripture and withall shewes vs a way how to inrich our selues namely by singling out such choise places throughout the Scripture as may most fittingly furnish our thoughts for meditation in the maine matters of Religion Wee may heere note what cause we haue of thankfulnes to God for the helpes wee haue in teaching seeing wee haue the Chapter and verse quoted to vs which they had not in the Primitiue Church and withall wee may obserue that one may haue the profit of the scriptures though he cannot quote Chapter and verse And thus of the second thing concerning this testimonie Thirdly the third followes which is the matter testified which concernes either the giuing of Christ or the safety of the Christian in beleeuing in him In the words that describe the giuing of Christ obserue First the wonder of it in the word Behold Secondly the Author of it God I lay or put Thirdly the manner of it Hee laid him downe as the stone of a foundation in a building Fourthly the place where In Sion noting that this gift of Christ belongs onely to the Church Fiftly what Christ was vnto the Church viz. a chiefe corner stone elect and precious Behold This word is vsed in Scripture sometimes to note a thing that is vsually knowne or ought to bee knowne so Dauid saith Behold I was conceiued in sinne Psalme 51. Sometimes to note that some great wonder is spoken of and must bee much attended In this place it may note both For it is certaine
similitude that Christ is laid as the Mason laies the chief corner stone in the earth For it imports First The diuine nature of Christ that he was before he was incarnate as the corner-stone was before it was laid for a foundation Christ descended from heauen Eph. 4.7 9. Secondly The vnchangeablenes of Gods ordinances concerning the giuing of Christ. Hee hath laid him as a foundation that hee would not haue taken vp againe Thirdly the hiding of the glory of Christ and of his life He is of singular vse to the church and the Frame of God's work appeareth in his members but Christ himself is hid with God Col. 3.3 He is like the stone hidden in the earth hee is buried in the ground and therefore wee should be the more patient if our life be hid also with God Fourthly it may be by this tearm the mystery of the birth and conception of Christ is intimated God digged the ground of our natures in the womb of Christ that hee might lay Christ there c. Fiftly so it may likewise import the sanctification of the humane nature of Christ who was qualified as the stone is squared when it is laied down Thus of the manner The place follows In Sion Sion for certain was a Fort of the Iebusites built on a hill close to Ierusalem which was taken by Dauid and called the City of Dauid 2. Sam. 5 7 the Temple being afterwards built heer The Church of the Iewes was cald Sion because heer they assembled and so afterwards it was the title giuen to the Church of God both of Iewes and Gentiles that agree in one faith and true Religion Zach. 10.11 And in especiall by Sion is meant the place of the assembly of the Saints the Sanctuary In the twelfth to the Hebrews verse 22. it is thought to signifie the saints in heauen euen the Congregation of the first-born In this place it must needs mean the Christian Church in which GOD built the new world laying the foundation in Christ incarnate which began in Ierusalem euen at Sion in the Letter Now when the Lord cals his Church by this name of Sion it is to import diuers things partly to tell vs what we were by nature and partly to tell vs what we are by his grace and fauour By nature what were our assemblies but Forts of Iebusites in which multitudes of Iocusts swarmed we were Canaanites enemies to God and all true religion we were the halt and the blind mentioned Mic. 4.6 7 alluding to that in 2. Sam. 5.6 7. But being conquered by Dauid our King euen Christ the Sonne of Dauid we are new fortified for his vse and our estate is fitly resembled by Sion 1. The Church is like Mount Sion for visibility Christians are like a City on a hill they are such as all sorts of men easily take notice of not that the men of the world are in loue with Christians but many times out of the hatred of the truth set they eies and thoughts vpon them Matthew 5 c. Secondly the godly are like Mount Sion for vnremoueablenesse they that trust in the Lord are like a mountain men may as soon remooue a mountain as remoue them from God and happinesse in God Psal. 126.1 Thirdly the Church is like Sion in respect of Gods habitation there God dwels there hee keeps house there and in the assemblies thereof he feeds his people The Sanctuary is Gods foddering place it is the City of God the mountain of his holinesse the City of the great King the City of the Lord of Hostes God shines there Psalm 48.1 2 8. Psalm 50.2 He is known there familiarly because his dwelling place is there Psalm 76.1 2. He hath chosen his Church out of all the world it is the place only which he hath desired it is his rest for euer Psalm 132.73 14 15. It is the place of the Name of the Lord of hosts Esay 18.7 As Dauid by an excellency reckoned Sion to bee his City of residence so God doth account of the Church as all he hath as it were in the world Fourthly it may be that the Church is resembled to Sion for the littlenesse of it in comparison of the world euen in Sion that is so much despised will God lay his corner-stone Fiftly but the principall thing heer intended is To signifie to vs that God loues his Church aboue all the world and that he will giue Christ to none but to the Church Out of Sion there can be no saluation and in Sion there is all happinesse to be had The consideration heerof may serue vs for many vses Vses First we should hence inform our selues concerning the excellency of the Church of God aboue all other Assemblies of men in the world Wee should learn to think of the Assemblies of Christians as the Sion of God shee is the Mountain of his holinesse the ioy of the whole earth Psal. 48.1 2. the perfection of beauty where God shines more than in all the world besides Psal. 50.2 The Moon may be confounded and the Sunne ashamed when the Lord is pleased to shew himself to raign in Sion and before his Ancients gloriously Isaiah 24.23 yea the Church of God is an eternall excellency Isaiah 60.15 wheras all other glories will vanish And besides we should hence be informed concerning the necessitie of obtaining saluation in the Church For this text shewes vs that Christ is no where laid but in Sion and can no where be found but in the true Church In Sion onely hath God placed saluation for Israel his glorie Onely the godly are Gods Israel Onely in Israel doth God glorie and onely in Sion can Gods Israel finde saluation Isaiah 46. vlt. Secondly Hence wee should especially bee moued to an effectuall care to make it so since that wee are in the true Church and that we are true members of Sion and withall wee should striue aboue all things to procure for our selues the ordinances of God in Sion It is said of the godly distressed for want of meanes that going they went and weeping they did goe to seek the Lord in Sion with their faces thitherward and with a resolution to bind themselues by couenant to the Lord to bee any thing hee would haue them to be onely if they might finde fauor in his eies heerein Ierem. 50.5 Quest. Now if you aske mee how the true members of Sion may bee knowne Ans. I answer first generally that all that are in Sion are not of Sion and further that wee must not iudge of true Christians by their number For God many times takes one of a Tribe or one of a City and two of a Tribe to bring them to Sion Ierem. 3.14 But yet to answer more directly Thou must be a new creature or thou art no member of Gods true Sion For of euerie one in Sion it must bee said Hee was borne there Psal. 86.5 The gates of Sion are to bee opened onely that
a righteous nation may enter in Esay 26.1 2. Men may deceiue themselues but God will not be deceiued For he hath his fire in Sion and furnace in Ierusalem Hee will try euery man and make his count onely by righteousnes Esay 31.9 Rom. 9. and therefore the sinners in Sion haue reason to be afraid Esay 35.14 And if yet wee would haue signes more particular wee may trie our selues by these that follow First Sion is a Virgin and all the Godly are the Daughters of Sion and so the chiefe Daughter of a chiefe mother Now this is a true vertue of a true member of the Church that his loue is vndefiled towards Christ Hee is not enamored with other things Hee will haue no other God but one Hee accounts all things but drosse and dung in comparison of Christ Hee harbours no beloued sinne but denieth the inticements of it with detestation and griefe that hee should euer be so assaulted Secondly God knoweth his owne in Sion by this signe that they are they that mourn in Sion that are farre from making a mock of sinne The Lord himselfe is their witnes that their hearts are heauie by reason of their sinnes and they knowe no griefe like to the grief for their sinnes Esay 61.2 Thirdly thou maist knowe thy estate by thy subiection to Christ and his ordinances For God hath set his King in Sion Now if thy Soueraigne bee in Heauen and thou canst bee willing to be ruled by his ordinances this will bee a comfortable testimonie to thee as contrariwise if thou dislike his gouernment and wouldst faine cast his yoake from thee so as this man may not rule ouer thee thou art of the number of the people but not of Gods people Psal. 2.6 Thus of the second vse Thirdly wee should bee carefull to celebrate the praises of God yea and therefore carefull for all the goodnes he shewes vnto vs in Sion Praise should waite for him The Lord is great and greatly to bee praised in Sion the Cittie of our God Psal. 48.1 Psal. 147.12 Esay 51.16 All that serue the Lord in Sion and are refreshed with the comforts of his presence should get large hearts both for admiration and celebration of his goodnes Psal. 134. the whole Psalme Come say the godly Ierem. 31.10 let vs declare the worke of the Lord in Sion c. Fourthly since Sion is the place where the Lord keepes house and giues entertainment to all his followers wee should call one vpon another to goe vp to the Lord in Sion wee should run thither to the bountifulnes of the Lord and in all our wants shew our selues instructed in this point by making our recourse vnto Sion as the place where God is pleased most readily to declare his shining mercies Ierem. 31.6 12. Fiftly we should be stirred vp to much praier for the accomplishment of the building of God in Sion Our hearts should long to see this work prosper Oh that the saluation of Israel were come out of Sion Psal. 14.1 For Sions sake wee should not hould our peace Esay 62.1 but still beseech the Lord to doe good to Sion and build vp the walls of Ierusalem Psal. 51.20 Sixtly we should especially be greeued if we see that Sion prospers not Of all iudgements we should most lament the desolation of Sion The whole booke of Lamentations is spent vpon this subiect Wee should hang our harpes vpon the willowes if we remember that Sion lieth waste and there be none to build her vp Psal. 137. Seuenthly the especiall vse should be for consolation If the Lord doe vs good in Sion wee should account it a maruelous felicitie if the lord admit vs to be members of the true Church in places where Gods work prospers The Lord giues this promise in Esay to comfort them against all the miseries were outwardly to fall vpon them This work should make amends for all other troubles If God build vs vp in spirituall things hee giues vs double for all outward crosses we should striue with our owne hearts to be exceedingly affected with the happines of our owne condition on earth when we know our interest in Sion wee should liue without feare yea euerlasting ioy should bee vpon our heads and sorrow mourning should flee away Esay 31.10 and the rather if wee consider the prerogatiues of Sion aboue all the world besides for First the Lord dwells there It is the Palace of his residence on earth as hath beene shewed before Secondly the fauor of God shines there Hee delightes in his people and ioyes in all the members of Sion He reioiceth ouer them with ioy Zeph. 3.15 16 17. Psal. 86.2 Thirdly in Sion we are loosed from our fetters and bonds It is a place where the Captiues goe free The Lord turnes back the captiuitie of his people Psal. 14.7 Fourthly in her Palaces God is knowne for a refuge in all distresses Psal. 48.3 There is wonderfull safetie there The Lord doth mightily preserue and defend his people wee are safe if wee be members of the true Church and haue true grace the greatest aduersaries labour in vaine and seeking see and maruell and haste away Psal. 48.11 12. They shall certainly be confounded and turned back that hate Sion Psal. 129.5 Vpon euery place of mount Sion shall be defence Sion is a quiet habitation God hath his yeere of recompence for the controuersies of Sion and his day of Vengance Esay 34.8 Fiftly the Lawe comes out of Sion and the word of the Lord from Ierusalem There we haue directions for our life and for eternall life Esay 2.3 It is Gods foddering place there hee giues vs shepheards to feed vs Ierem. 3.14 Sixtly the inhabitants of Sion haue all remission of sinnes and the healing of their infirmities as the Prophet shews in these words excellently The inhabitant thereof shall not say I am sick the people that dwell therein shall bee forgiuen their iniquitie Esay 33.24 Seuenthly all the good newes is there to bee had we are naturally Athenians we loue to tell and heare newes if we were spiritually so Oh! how would we reioice in Sion whose spirituall glory is to bring good tidings Esay 40.9 and 41 27. and 52.7 c. Eightthly If the Lord bee displeased with Sion yet it is but for a moment hee will returne in euerlasting compassion It is a sure thing The Lord will yet haue mercy vpon Sion Psal. 102.14 Hee will againe comfort Sion and make his wildernes like Eden and his Desart like the garden of the Lord Esay 51.3 Lastly and specially we should reioice in Sion because the Redeemer comes to Sion and to them that turne from their transgressions in Iacob Esay 59.20 Yea saluation only comes out of Sion Psal. 14.7 In Sion onely hath God placed saluation for Israel his glory Esay 46. vlt. And therefore we should labour to walk worthie of so great mercies of God and liue with all contentment whatsoeuer our
and by the Gospell is offred to vs. Now that this point being of such singular waight may be cleerly vnderstood I will break it open into particulars or into particular parts or steppes of iudgement and practice in the beleeuer First he must acknowledge that by nature he stands bound to obserue all the morall Law Secondly he must see that he hath broken all those holy lawes of God and is therefore guilty before God of the curses of the Law and so of eternall condemnation Thirdly he must knowe that GOD sent his owne Son in the flesh to obey the Law and satisfie the iustice of God by making an expiation for mans sins Fourthly he must learn that God hath bound himself by promise that whosoeuer imbraceth the agreements in this new couenant in Christ shall be saued Fiftly that when a man doth in his owne particular discern this gracious offer of God in the Gospell and goeth to God and with his heart relieth vpon it then he doth truely beleeue and is iustified and shall be saued Quest. But many men are perswaded that God hath giuen Christ for them and yet it is euident that they do not beleeue because there is no appearance of any repentance or reformation in them many say they haue a strong faith and yet haue none How shall the perswasion of the godly man be distinguished from this vain presumption in wicked men Ans. That perswasion of Gods grace in Christ which is true and of the nature of true faith doth prooue it self to bee right by many infallible signes First by the renouation of the heart The knowledge of God's loue in Christ doth make the heart of man new it clenseth out the old drosse and makes a man hate his secret and most secret sinnes Faith purifieth the heart Acts 15. Secondly by the ioy and comforts of the holy Ghost with which the beleeuer's hart is refreshed from the presence of God 1. Pet. 1.9 Thirdly by the victory of the world For the true beleeuer is so satisfied with God's goodnes in Christ that he can deny his profits pleasures credit friends and the like for Christ's sake and the Gospell yea faith marres the taste of earthly things and makes a man able to forsake the loue of worldly things 1. Iohn 5.5 It will endure the triall of troubles of afflictions and temptations and persecutions for the Gospels sake 1. Pet. 1.7 without making haste to vse ill means in the euill day Quest. But how may faith bee discerned in such as say they are not perswaded that they haue faith which sometimes proues to be the case of diuers deere children of God Ans. Their faith may be discerned First by repentance which cannot be separated from it the sight hatred confession and sorrow for their sinnes is an argument of true faith because without faith no man can haue true repentance Secondly by their complaining of their vnbelief and desire of faith I beleeue Lord help my vnbelief was the voice of him that had true faith Thirdly by their daily renouncing of their owne merits begging fauour of God onely for the merits of Christ. Fourthly by the loue of the Godly for faith worketh by loue Galat. 5. Fiftly by other markes and signes of Gods children which can neuer bee had but faith is had also such as are loue of God and his Word and of their enemies and vprightnes of heart and the spirit of praier and the like Precious Christ is precious to them that beleeue not onely in their account but by effect and so both because hee is great riches vnto them as also because he is an honour vnto them Hee is great riches vnto them yea vnsearchable riches Eph. 3.6 All ages ought to wonder at the riches of Gods kindnes to the beleeuers in Iesus Christ Eph. 2.7 Christ in vs is our riches Col. 1.27 and thus he inricheth vs with the fauour of God his owne merits and righteousnes the grace of the Spirit and the promises of the Word and the hope of glory The Vses are many Vses First woe to the rich men of this world that are not rich in God Christ Luke 12.16.21 Let not the rich man glory in his riches Ierem. 9. 24. Secondly let the brother of lowe degree reioyce in that God hath thus exalted him Iames 1.9 For godly Christians are the richest men in the world for their possessions are greatest because they possesse Iesus Christ and his treasures Iames 2.5 For God is rich to al that cal vpon him Hee cannot bee a poore man that can pray Rom. 10.12 Christ makes amends to the poore Christian for all his wants Thirdly hence wee may gather another signe to try our faith by If Christ bee more precious to vs then all the world besides it is certaine we are true beleeuers For Christ is precious to none but beleeuers Phil. 3.9 8. Fourthly wee should striue with all thankfulnes to admire and praise the grace of God that hath bestowed such riches vpon vs in Christ Ephes. 1.7 Fiftly wee should hence learne to make more account of our faith which is therefore precious because it applies Christ vnto vs Hence poore Christians are said to bee rich because they haue faith and assurance of faith and hee calleth it all riches of full assurance Colos. 2.2 2. Pet. 1.4 Iam. 2.5 Sixtly we should liue securelesse Men would promise to liue at all hearts ease if they were rich enough why Christians are exceeding rich and possesse more treasure then all the world besides and therefore should liue henceforth by the faith of the Sonne of God which was giuen to them Gal. 2.20 Seuenthly looke to it that thou keepe Christ whatsoeuer thou losest resolue to lose father mother wife children friends house lands yea and life too rather then lose Christ who is so precious Eightly Wee should shew it that we account him our greatest riches and that wee shall doe first by esteeming the Gospell that brings vs daily tidings aboue gold and siluer Secondly by often receiuing of the Sacraments we should account the Word and Sacraments as Gods Exchequer whither we alwaies come to receiue more treasure Thirdly by making much of them that resemble his vertues Fourthly by longing for his appearing Thus as Christ is our riches Now secondly hee is precious in that hee is an honour vnto vs and so some translate it Christ then is a singular honor to euery beleeuer and hee is so both in heauen and in earth First in heauen hee is an honour to vs because he graceth vs before God and the Angels couering our nakednes with the rich garment of his owne imputed righteousnes and making daily intercession for vs to God and couering our imperfections and presenting our workes and praiers to God and giuing the Angels a charge to looke carefully to vs. Secondly And so hee is an honour to vs on earth both amongst the godly and amongst the wicked First Hee graceth vs amongst the
to couer them from the face of the Iudge 1. Thes. 5.3 Thirdly now the first degree of this despaire is felt by diuers wicked men in this life as it was by Cain and Iudas and of this hee speaketh heer And thus wicked men despair when they think their sins cannot be forgiuen and that they haue no benefit by Christ and shall certainly perish for euer And this is noted heer as a grieuous curse of God inflicted vpon vnbeleeuers Despair is one of God's most fearfull iudgements in this world which when God inflicteth hee may bee said to rain vpon them fire and brimstone and an horrible tempest Psal. 11.6 Most fearfull is their case when the wrathfull Arme of God takes hold of them and hee poures out his indignation vpon them this will make their loins to shake Psalm 69.23 24. They are then like the raging sea hauing no peace within them Esay 57. vlt. They are brought to the King of terrors and their confidence is rooted out Iob 18.11 14. There they were in great fear Psalm 14.5 They are said to blaspheme God and gnaw their tongues Reuel 16.9 10. While God's Saints sing for ioy of heart they howle for vexation of spirit Esay 65.14 They could bee glad to run into the holes of the rocks and into the caues of the earth for fear of the Lord and the glory of his Maiesty when hee comes thus terribly to shake the earth Esay 2.19 Surely such is the case of the Wicked and this is the portion of their cup that knowe not God And how terrible this torment is in the heart of a wicked man may appear if wee consider but what torment the very Godly suffer in their despair which is far easier than that of the wicked Dauid saith The paines of hell compassed him Psalm 18.5 6. and 116.3 and that God's terrours did cut him off and that he was ready to dy and that while he suffred God's terrors hee was distracted Psal. 88.15 16 14. As also it may appear by those torments which the very despaire for outward things hath put wicked men to which is farre lesse grieuous than this despair of God's mercy and eternall saluation and yet in that case their paines are compared to the paine of a woman in trauell Psalm 48.6 See more at large of the horrible plight wicked men haue been in in this respect in the description of the iudgements should fall vpon the forrain nations rendred by the Prophet Esay in many chapters Vses The vse may bee first for great amazement to wicked men that now perhappes laugh and sing in the iollity of their hearts O let them remember what God may doo to them What case will they bee in if God bring them once to despair And this is the por●ion of their Cup. Oh! if the terrour of a King be as the roaring of a Lion what then is their case if God shall reueal his wrath from heauen vpon them for their waighty sinnes And the more should they bee affrighted because despair is but as it were the beginning of euils They feel it for a short time on earth but shall feel it for euer in hell And therefore if it bee possible they should bee perswaded in time to repent that they may be deliuered from this great wrath to come Oh how easie in comparison might mens repentance be if they would be warned in time Secondly this doctrine may breed in vs a wonderfull awfulnesse and fear of God when we read of such iudgements in Scripture or behold any poor wretches tormented with this iudgement it should breed in vs not onely an infallible assurance that there is a God or that there shall be a hell of wofull torments or the like but it should especially make vs think of God with all reuerence and be afraid to displease him for dominion and fear are euer with him Iob 25.2 This doctrine should make vs resolute to go our waies and sinne no more the counsell of the Wicked should bee farre from vs seeing hee can thus put out their candle and make them drink of the wrath of the Almighty Iob 21.17 20. Thirdly it should work in all of vs a care to vse all means that we may be kept from despair Quest. What then should we doo that we fall not into despair Ans. Some things are to bee auoided some things are to be done If we would not fall into despair First wee must take heed of wilfull vnbelief such as was in the Iewes when men not onely neglect the assurance of saluation brought by Christ but contemn it and striue to put all such cares out of their heads Secondly we must take heed of stumbling If men feel their hearts to be insnared in respect of Christ and that they are tossed with vile obiections c. let them look to themselues and amend in time for if Christ be a stone of stumbling he may be a rock of offense Thirdly wee must take heed of security and contempt of the knowledge of God's waies Despair will work terribly when it lights vpon a minde that hath contemned knowledge and liued in all ease and security Iob 21.1 to 20. Fourthly we must take heed of apostasie from the profession of the loue of the truth for despair is many times a wofull scourge to such kind of creatures as the stories record and experience shewes Fiftly wee must in generall take heed of all grosse and presumptuous sinnes especially the sinnes against the third sixt and seuenth commandements for vsually these sins go before in the desparation such as are swearing and cursing and periury and murder and incest and whoredome c. The Wicked flee when none pursues them but the righteous are bold as a Lion Pro. 28.1 and 14.14 Now secondly there are other things which we must doo that we may auoid despair First we must not smother our doubts in matters of Religion especially in the cases of our conscience but take the pains to ask and seek resolution else that which is but doubting at the first may proue to bee despair in the end Those lesser sores in mens hearts may fester and rankle within vs till they prooue to this great disease Secondly wee must store our heads with the promises of the Gospell and those comfortable places of Scripture as may breed in vs a full perswasion of God's singular compassion and mercy towards all penitent sinners and withall do shew vs that plentifull redemption in Iesus Christ and the maruellous efficacy of his blood to clense vs from all our sins Thirdly wee should aboue all things put on the shield of faith I mean we should vse all diligence to get the assurance of GOD's fauour in Christ for assurance will preserue vs safe from despair For as vnbelief brings it so faith preserues vs from it Fourthly we should be carefull vpon all occasions to keep our assises and if we bee endangered by any sinne we should make haste to
to answer or obey reiect the counsell of God harden their hearts and are therefore extremely miserable for First they iudge themselues vnworthy of euerlasting life Acts 13.46 Secondly they are in danger to bee left and forsaken of God and haue the meanes taken from them Iohn 12.39 Thirdly God will prouoke them many times to ielousie by calling a people to himselfe whom they account foolish Rom. 10.19 especially when they haue rebelled against the means Ezech. 3.6 7. Fourthly God will laugh at the calamity of such men Prou. 1.26 Fiftly and they may bee taken away with sudden destruction Prou. 1.17 Sixtly if they call to God it may be hee will not answer heereafter Prou. 1.28 29 30. Seuenthly if they liue in prosperity that shall destroy them Prou. 1.31 Eightly the dust of the feet of Gods seruants shall witnesse against them in the day of Christ and then they shall bee fearefully punished Now there are another sort of wicked men that are called externally and in some respect internally too and yet are not right such as haue temporary grace doe obey their calling after a sort and for a time for they assent vnto a part of the Word of God which they receiue with ioy and this is called a taste of the good word of God they may also bee perswaded to leaue diuers sinnes as Herod was and may bee indued with diuers graces of the spirit which they had not before Heb. 6.4 5. Now this calling yet is not that effectuall inward calling which is in Gods Elect. For they receiue not the promise of grace in Christ to them in particular to rely vpon it nor are they perswaded to for sake all sinne nor haue they any one sauing grace which is in the godly Now these men are miserable because they are not truly called and the more first because they were neere the Kingdome of God and yet want it secondly because they will bee the hardlier drawne to see their miseries Harlots and Publicanes may enter into the Kingdome of heauen before them Hitherto of our calling and so of the positiue descriptiō of the happines of a Christian the cōparatiue followes in the last words of this verse the whole 10. v. where the Apostle intends to shew thē their happines now in Christ in cōparison of that miserable estate they liued in before so that hee compares the estate of a Christian in grace with the estate of a Christian in nature and this he doth first in metaphoricall termes in the end of this verse and then in plaine words verse 10. In this verse hee compares their misery to darknes and their happines to maruellous light Out of darknes From the generall consideration of all the words two things may bee obserued First that it is profitable euen for godly men to bee put in minde of the misery they were in by nature For the consideration heereof may 1. Keepe them humble to remember how vile they haue beene 2. Quicken them to the reformation of the sinne that yet hangs vpon them Col. 3.5 6 7 8. 3. Work compassion in them towards others that lye yet in their sins and teach them to deale meekely with them Tit. 3.2 3. 4. Make them more watchfull to look on a nature which hath beene so vile 5. Quicken them to redeem the time they haue spent in the seruice of sinne 1. Pet. 4.3 6. It should set the greater price vpon our happines in Christ and so is the consideration vsed heere Secondly that a mind that is truly cured of sinne can easily beare the remembrance of it as it is past A man that hath beene wounded in his arme will endure you to gripe him when hee is well healed A signe he is not well healed when hee cannot bee touched so is it with sinners Thus in Generall The first thing then to be considered of is the misery of men by nature expressed in the word darknes Darknesse The darknes that is in the world is not all of a sort For there is first darknes vpon the earth which is nothing but the absence of the light of the Sunne Secondly there is darknes vpon the outward estates of men in the world and that is the darknes of affliction Now afflictions are called darknes in diuers respects As first in respect of the cause when they fall vpon men by the anger of God The want of the light of Gods countenance is miserable darknes the absence of the Sunne cannot make a worse darknes Secondly in respect of the effects because afflictions darken the outward glory of mans estate and withall breed sorrow and anguish and the clouds and storms of discomfort and grief and for the time depriue the heart of lightsomnesse and ioy Of both these respects may the words of the Prophet Esay be vnderstood Esay 5.30 and 8.22 And so God creates darknes as a punishment vpon all occasions for sinne Esay 45.7 Afflictions may bee compared to darknes in respect of another effect and that is the amazement bred in the heart by which the afflicted is vnable to see a way out of distresse and vnresolued either how to take it or what means to vse for deliuerance Thus it is a curse vpon wicked men that their waies are made dark Psal. 35.6 Thirdly afflictions are called darknes when they are secret and hidden and fal vpon men at vnawares when they are not dreamed of Iob 20.26 And thus of darknes vpon mens estates Thirdly there is a darknes falls vpon the bodies and so it is either blindnes wanting the light of the Sun or else it is death and the graue Death and the graue is called darknes Iob 17.13 and 10.21 22. Psal. 88.13 Fourthly there is a darknes vpon the soules of men and that is spirituall blindnes when the soule liues without the knowledge of God and Iesus Christ especially As it respecteth the will of God in generall it is the darknes of ignorance and errour and as it respecteth the promise of grace in Iesus Christ it is the darknes of vnbelief Eph. 4. Lastly there is a darknes shall light vpon both soules and bodies of wicked men in hell and that is called vtter darknes Mat. 8.12 and 22.15 So that darknes as it comprehends in it the misery of wicked men is either temporall darknes vpon the estates or bodies of men or spiritual darknes vpon the soules of men or else eternall darknes in hell This darknes also may be considered in the degrees of it For besides the ordinary darknesse there is first obscure darknes called also the power of darknes and such was the darknesse of Gentilisme and such is that darknes threatned to such as curse father and mother Pro. 21.20 so was the darknes Ier. 2.1 2. and that our Sauiour Christ speaketh of Luke 22.53 Such also was that night brought vpon the Diuiners Mic. 3.6 7. Secondly there is vtter darknes or eternall darknes in hell which is the highest
any nation may be admitted to this estate and the Lord without respect of persons will blesse them with the blessing of his people as the Prophet excellently shewes Esay 2.19 and 19.24 25. The Gentiles haue come to reioice amongst his people Rom. 15.9 10 11. They were hard times when the Lord's dominion was in a manner confin'd in the Kingdome of Iudah and Israel 2. Because it is so great and glorious a work on God's part to make vs his people for hee doth as it were plant the heauens and lay the foundation of the earth that hee may say vnto Sion Thou art my people Esay 51. verse 16. 3. Because in the hardest times that can befall the godly the Lord will haue them plead this priuiledge and they may go to God and he will acknowledge them in all their distresses and sanctifie their afflictions and deliuer them at the voice of their cry Esay 64 9. Zach. 13.19 4. Because they shall yet enioy a farre more excellent estate in another world than now they haue Reu. 21. They are now but as the children of Israel in Goshen or in the wildernesse Vse 2. Secondly diuers things may bee hence obserued for instruction as 1. Such as liue in the Church and yet haue not the marks of God's people on them should awake and look about them and labour to get into the number of God's people These fooles among the people as the Prophet Dauid calleth them should vnderstand and these euill neighbours vnto Israel should bee perswaded to learn the waies of God's people and so they may bee built vp in the midst of Israel Ier. 12.16 And it should bee their daily praier vnto God to grant them this one request namely to blesse them with the fauour of his people Psal. 106.3 4. 2. The penitent sinner that feels his heart called by the voice of Christ should hence bee moued to enter into the couenant of God and speedily to take the oath of subiection alleageance binding himself with all his heart to God and his diuine seruice deu 29.10 11 12 13. Ier. 50.5 3. Such as haue taken the oath and are acknowledged for true Subiects should for the rest of their time study how to carry themselues as becomes the people of God and so In generall they should remember two things 1. To giue eare to God's Law and hearken what the Lord will say vnto them from time to time Psal. 78.1 Esay 51.4 2. To lead a holy life and conuersation for therefore hath God seuered them from all nations that they might bee holy to him Leuit. 20.26 All God's people are righteous Esay 59.21 and 62.12 And Christ hath redeemed them from all iniquity and purified them that they might be a peculiar people vnto him zealous of good works Tit. 2.14 They must therefore bee no more polluted with their transgressions nor bee fashioned to the lusts of their former ignorance Ezech. 14.11 and 36.25 c. In particular they should 1. Giue God thanks for euer for blessing them with the blessing of his people Psal. 79. vlt. 2. They should humble themselues to walk with their God Mic. 6.8 being humbled at his feet to receiue his Law Deut. 33.3 bowing down with all reuerence to worship him Psa. 95.7 For God is a great God aboue all gods and a great King aboue all kings 3. They must auoid needlesse society with the wicked 2. Cor. 6.16 and take heed that they learn not the manners of other nations Leuit 20.24 4. The Law of GOD must bee in their hearts For they should be a wise and vnderstanding people aboue all men and this is the signe of God's people Esay 51.7 Deut. 4.6 And it is God's couenant to write his Laws in their harts Ier. 31.33 5. They must auoid Idols and keep Gods Sabbath this God requires perpetually Leuit. 26.1 2 3 11 12. and graciously accepts when hee findes this care Esay 56. with protestation against those that will not keep his Sabbaths Ier. 17 c. 6. They must walk confidently in the trust vpon God's goodnes and couenant with them as the godly resolued Mic. 4.5 All people walk in the name of their god and therefore we will walk in the Name of the Lord our God for euer and euer resoluing to cleaue to God in a perpetuall couenant Ier. 50.4 5. 7. They should approoue themselues to bee God's people by their language their language should bee a pure language not speaking lies a deceitfull tongue should not bee found in their mouthes and their words should be gracious such as might minister grace to the hearers Zeph. 3.9 13. Eph. 4. Col. 4. 8. They should be patient in all aduersities as being of Moses minde that it is better to suffer affliction with God's people than to enioy the treasures of Egypt Heb. 11 25. 9. They should obey according to all that God commands them shewing a respect to all God's Commandements seeing they serue God and not men and that all dissimulation will bee open before his eies Ieremie 11. verse 4. And thus of the second way of comparison In the last words of the verse their estate is considered in relation from God to them And so in the state of nature they were not vnder mercy but in the state of grace they are now vnder mercy Not vnder mercy Doct. All the time that men liue without repentance for their sins and faith in Iesus Christ they liue without the mercy of God they are not vnder mercy God loues them not nor regards them they are children of wrath Eph. 2.3 and the wrath of God abideth on them Ioh. 3.36 Yea though the Lord be exceeding mercifull in himself and to the faithfull yet by no meanes will he cleer the guilty Exod. 34.6 Num. 14.18 Now this not beeing vnder mercy imports diuerse things First that their sinnes are not forgiuen or pardoned Secondly that their soules are not healed of their originall diseases but they liue still in their blood Thirdly that they are liable vnto all sorts of iudgements and those which are vpon them came from the wrath of GOD which hateth them c. Fourthly that they are in danger of eternall condemnation in generall that they liue and lie vnder the forfeiture of the couenant of works and haue no part in Christ or the couenant of grace Vse The vse should be therefore to teach wicked men to take heed how they presume of Gods mercy they may deceiue themselues but God will not be mocked Gal. 6.7 For such things as they are guilty of the wrath of God comes vpon the children of disobedience Eph. 5.5 They that liue after the flesh shall die Rom. 8.13 For the more distinct vnderstanding of this point foure things would be considered of First that wicked men are exceeding apt to plead Gods mercy thogh it belong not to them and doo not beleeue that God will deale so with them as they are threatned Secondly that God directly
of this life should be brought from their blessednes into misery againe which in most absurd Thirdly Others haue imagined that the Angels should beget our soules as our parents beget our bodies But this is extremely absurd 1. Because then our soules should bee in the Image of Angels whereas they were made in the Image of God 2. Because this was an heresy long since condemned and with hatred cast out of the Church Fourthly many Diuines both of antient and modern Writers haue declared themselues to be of the minde that the soule comes from the parents by generation per traducem and that the parents doo beget the whole man which consists of soule as well as body Now though it bee true that this opinion hath had and still hath great patrones and that it may not be denied but that it is defended with maruellous great appearance of reason and truth yet it is reiected and hath been by the greater part of sound Diuines and by reasons vnanswerable for if the soule come from the parents then it must come either from the body of the parents or from their soules Now it is apparant it cannot come from their bodies 1. Because a bodily substance cannot beget a spirituall substance because it cannot deriue from it self that which it hath not 2. Because the soule must consist of the foure elements of which the body is compounded but it is apparant there are no bodily humours in the soule for it is not hot nor cold nor moist nor dry 3. Because nothing that is mortall can beget a thing that is immortall such as the soule hath been proued to be Nor can the soule come from the soule of the parents First because if it did either the whole soule was deriued of the parents or but a part of it If the whole soule was deriued then the parents should die nor can a part of the soule bee deriueed because the soule is indiuisible there can be no partition in an essence which is simple and vncompounded Secondly wee knowe that the Angels produce not Angels nor can the soules of men produce soules because they are spirits as the Angels are Nor can the soule come from the whole man First because it is euident by experience that after the parents haue done the work of generation the first matter lies diuers daies in the womb in which the parts of the body are secretly formed before it haue life or a liuing and quickning soule which is an euident demonstration that from the parents comes nothing but the bodily substance which is fashioned by degrees to be a meet Tabernacle for the soule afterwards to bee infused into Secondly because if the parents did propagate the soule they must propagate such a soule as at that time they had which cannot bee for then godly parents should deriue a soule to their children which at the least in part was regenerate But this is euidently against all Scripture all confessing that the childe is born infected with originall sin Thirdly because it is contrary to the Scriptures which acknowledge that the soule was formed by God himself which was true both of our first parent Adam Gen. 2.7 and of the soules of all his posterity which are expresly said to bee made by GOD Esay 57. verse 16. Lastly it remains then that the soules come from God Now if the soules come from God then it must needs bee as GOD is the materiall cause or as he is the efficient cause It is true that some haue imagined that the soule of man was made of the substance of God because it is said GOD breathed into man the breath of life Gen. 2.7 as if hee infused into him somewhat from himself as a part of his diuine substance And the Apostle Paul saith Acts 17.18 We are the Progeny of God and Saint Peter saith We partake of the diuine Nature 2. Pet. 1.4 Now this opinion cannot bee true and was worthily condemned by the Fathers as hereticall for Then man should bee God For whatsoeuer God begets from himself is God and therefore we say Christ is God Then some part of God's nature should bee infected with sinne and ignorance and be damned in hell too which is wonderfull blasphemous to beleeue Now for the places alleaged That in Genes 2. must be vnderstood figuratiuely for God hath not properly breath but he meaneth that God after a wonderfull manner did infuse the soule into the body And for the place in the Acts we are said to be the progeny of God not in regard of substance but in respect of resemblance in gifts with which man's nature is adorned And for the place in Peter we are said to partake of the diuine nature in the same sense namely as we are qualified with gifts as wisdome goodnes holinesse in some kinde of likenes of God It remains then that we are of God effectually because God hath created our soules and formed them in vs. This then is the truth that God doth create the particular soule of euery man and inhere it to the body when it is formed and distinguished in the parts thereof This may bee proued diuersly First it is cleer it was so done with the soule of Adam for his body was already framed and then his soule breathed into him Now if the soule of Eue and of all others had another manner of beginning than the creation of GOD it would haue been mentioned in the Scriptures but that is no where mentioned Secondly Moses cals God the God of the spirits of all flesh Numb 16.22 and 27.16 Thirdly Dauid saith The Lord fashioneth the hearts of all men alike Psalm 33.15 It is GOD's work then to create the heart Fourthly Salomon saith Eccles. 12.7 The body returns to the dust and the soule to GOD that gaue it in the dissolution of all things they return to the first causes and matter As the body may be proued originally to bee of the earth because it returns to dust so must the soule bee of God because it returns to God which is said to haue giuen it Fiftly the Prophet Esay vseth this phrase concerning God and in his name The soules which I haue made Esay 57.16 Doo you ask how the soule comes into the body The Lord answers I made it Sixtly the Prophet Ezechiel shewing how man becoms a liuing creature speaks thus Thus saith the Lord to these bones I will cause a spirit to enter into them and they shall liue Ezech. 37.5 Seuenthly the words of the Prophet Zacharie are yet more cleer Thus saith the Lord The Lord which spreads out the heauens and foundeth the earth and formed the spirit of man in him Out of these words it may be proued that God created the soule of euery man and that it is his onely work For first he saith expresly God formed the spirit in man Secondly this work of God is compared to two other works viz. the spreading out of the heauens and
of the soule that ouercomes the former resolutions and wil obey and that it doth by making euil present when she should do good or by hindring and dulling of the affections of the heart or by casting in of other proiects of purpose to breed distractions in the time of dooing good duties Rom 7. 5. By lusting that is by bringing-in of contrary desires euill concupiscences longings after forbidden things and in these lusts vsually the flesh combines with the outward aduersaries of the soule the world and the diuell and kindles the fire of those inordinate desires by dalliance with the world or the diuel 's temptations And thus of the second point The third thing is a question Why GOD should suffer the soule to be thus annoyed by the flesh saying He could haue made man again in Christ as he made Adam in Paradise and so haue vtterly abolished the flesh For answer heerunto three things may be said First that we are bound with all thankfulness to praise God for that grace he hath giuen vs in Christ though it bee not full perfect and so ought not to reason with GOD why he gaue vs not more grace and the rather because wee look for a time when wee shall bee more happy in that respect than euer Adam was and besides though grace giuen vs bee imperfect in respect of degree and so lesse than Adam's was yet it is perfect in respect of continuance and so it is better than Adam's Thirdly there may be diuers reasons assigned why GOD did suffer the flesh to remain in vs after calling for a time that is while wee warre in this world for 1. It shewes the greatnes of God's power that can keep vs notwithstanding such continual danger we are in 2. By this conflict diuers graces of the Spirit are raised vp and exercised which else were of little vse as godly sorrow pouerty of spirit desire of death and faith also hath much imployment about this combate 3. By this combate all the graces of God's Spirit are proued to be right and not counterfet in the true Christians for no man can constantly beare armes against the flesh but hee is a new creature This combate then serues for the triall of the gifts and graces of Christians 4. By this combate wee are cured of the horrible disease of self-loue pride in our selues and made more to loue God and trust in him as knowing that we deserue no fauour at his hand nor can be strong in our owne might 5. It is equall we should war before we triumph that wee should fight in the battels on earth before we raign in heauen Lastly it makes heauen and grace more precious in our sight and breeds in vs a desire to bee dissolued and so warns from the loue of this present euill world In the fourth place we must consider by what means the soule may preserue it self against the treacheries and assaults of the flesh and so the means is to be vsed either before the conflict or in the conflict or after the conflict Before the conflict if wee would take a sound course to bee preserued against the danger of the flesh we must look to these things 1. We must stand vpon our guard and keep a daily watch ouer our hearts and waies and not be retchlesse to despise our owne waies or neuer take notice of our hearts hee liues dangerously that liues securely we must take a diligent view of our owne naturall dispositions to bee able to discerne distinctly what it is the flesh vsually is prone to or imployed in 2. We must bee sure to commit our selues to God and by faith lay hold vpon Iesus Christ and settle our selues in our assurance for that cuts off many of the maine aduantages of the flesh especially it quencheth all those hellish darts that arise from doubtings and despaire which is to discerne the flesh 3. Wee must quicken in vs our hope of a better life for that will shew vs so much glory to bee had in the seruice of Christ as all the motions of the flesh will seeme vaine in comparison wee are neuer allured by the lusts of the flesh but when wee haue forgotten heauen or are destitute of the liuely hope of it 4. We must bee sober in the vse of outward things 1. Pet. 1.13 and remoue from the flesh those things wee obserue the flesh to bee apt to dally withall if the flesh could be diuorced from the world there were little or no danger 5. Wee must with all readines vpon all occasions entertaine all good motions any way cast into vs by Gods Spirit for as those are set vp and nourished the flesh is subdued and kept vnder 6. Wee must daily commit our selues and our soules to God by prayer and beseech him to keepe vs and accordingly to begge strength to auoid those euils which by nature wee find our selues most prone to 2. Tim. 1.12 Now if the flesh notwithstanding doe on the sudden either prouoked by the world or entised by the deuill make assault and lust after euill things then in the conflict our armour must be 1. Contrary lustings Gal. 1.17 The Spirit must lust against the flesh by raising vp holy desires and loathing of those base affections of the flesh 2. Prayer we must crucifie them drag them before the Crosse of Christ and there accuse them shame them iudge them condemne them and begge vertue from the death of Christ to kill them 3. The Word of God For as Christ beat away the deuill by alleaging what was written so should wee get store of places of Scripture which wee might alleage to our owne hearts when wee are entised to any sinne and so the promises of the Gospell would bee as shooes to our feete that neither thorny care prick nor vaine pleasures defile vs and so those promises are because they both shew vs greater things then fleshly pleasures can bee and withall shew vs such treasure in Christ as may free vs from liuing in care Two rules are of excellent vse for this purpose 1. To silence the flesh When it assaults not to suffer it to plead much but presently resist it 2. To looke to the beginnings of any corruption not to dallie with it and giue it way vpon pretence of safety for it may strangely prouoke and beyond expectation if it bee not looked to at first After the conflict wee must remember two things 1. To giue thanks to God for the help of his presence as accounting it a singular fauour to be protected against so vile an enemy 2. To take heed of security so to consider of our present deliuerance as to looke for more conflicts In the fift place it is profitable considering what reasons Christians haue to bee carefull of themselues and attend their soules in respect of the flesh for 1. This combate is a dayly combate the warre is neuer at an end it is an aduersary that neuer takes so much as a day
affections vpon riches pleasures and fauour of men Some of them haue made their belly their god and some haue giuen their bodies to harlots Thirdly in opposing Gods glory they haue likewise offended grieuously they haue spoken euill of the good way of God they haue abused his seruants and so despised him they haue set themselues against his Sabbaths c. To omit that they haue opposed Gods glory in their hearts by setting vp Idols there and by allowing and striuing to maintaine Atheisticall conceits against God The second vse should be therefore to beget in vs a care to vse all meanes to dispose of and fit our selues that we might make God glorious and so amend and redresse our wayes herein and that we may the more effectually be wrought vpon herein I will consider of two things First I will briefly shew the reasons should stirre vs to all possible care and diligence heerin Secondly I would shew how we may distinctly attain to the glorifying of God in all the three waies before mentioned For the first Diuerse considerations should moue vs to the care of magnifying or glorifying of God by all the waies we can First it is a great honour that God doth vnto vs to account himself to receiue glory any way from our endeauours Shall the creature bee admitted in any sense to that glory to make his Creator to make him I say in his excellency or glory God doth account himself to receiue a new Being as it were by those inward conceptions of his glory and by those outward honours done vnto him Shall the King of glory vouchsafe to dwell in our hearts and shall we not be exceedingly desirous to entertain him Secondly Not to glorifie God is to sinne grieuously it is not arbitrarie but most dangerous to allow our selues either in inward neglects of God or in outward vnfruitfulnesse Shall wee attribute so much euery day to the creatures we deal with and shall we knowe or acknowledge so little of the Creator It cannot be safe to slight God Thirdly it is one of the first things that breaks out in the new Conuerts so soone as any of the Gentils are visited of God in the same day they glorifie him by conceiuing gloriously of him and by magnifying God in himselfe and his seruants and seruice c. And therefore without singular danger of losing our euidence of our calling wee must attend to this Doctrine how hard soeuer it seeme Fourthly wee are bought with a price and are God's and therefore now both in soule and body wee should be wholy deuoted to his glorie 1. Cor. 6. vlt. As God hath glorified vs in our creation and the many treasures hee hath giuen vs in Iesus Christ and wee hope the accomplishment of matchlesse glorie in heauen and shall we not bee zealous for the glorie of the Lord Many glorious things bee spoken of vs through his grace and shall wee thinke or speake meanely of God Fiftly the Lord our God exceedes all things in glorie and therefore we should extoll his praise aboue the heauens and the whole earth should shewe it selfe to be full of his glorie Sixtly he is our heauenly Father and can wee thinke too well of him or doe too much to winne him praise Mat. 5.16 Lastly thinke with our selues What make wee in Gods Vineyard or Orchard If wee be trees of his planting ought wee not to bee filled with the fruits of righteousnes that the Lord may bee glorified Esay 61.3 Thus of some motiues The maine care should bee to learne what to doo that GOD might bee made glorious by vs and so wee should distinctly consider how to make him glorious in our selues or in others In our selues wee should learne how to make him glorious first in our hearts by a glorious conception of him in our minds secondly in our words and works by acknowledgement The first question then is What should we doe that we might conceiue more gloriously of God For answer hereunto we must looke to our hearts in diuers particulars for that wee may conceiue of God according to his excellency we must proceed by these degrees 1. Wee must striue to bring God into our minds for naturally wee liue without God and wee may obserue that at the best we are wonderfull prone to forget God and therefore wee must learne how to bring our hearts to the meditation of God For not to think of God or forget him is a grieuous offence aswell as to think of him after a base manner 2. It is not enough to bring God into our thoughts but we must then bee wonderfull carefull that wee bring not in an Idole of our owne forming in stead of God wee must learne how to think of God as hee is described to vs in his Word for fearefull Idolatrie may bee committed in the heart of a man as well as in his outward adoration and therefore wee must learne soundly to conceiue aright of the nature of God 3. When we haue God there in his owne likenes we must inlarge his roome in our hearts For the true knowledge of God comes in but by sparkles and God will bee magnified Wee must make him great and inlarge the thoughts of God when wee conceiue of him This is that that is so often required in Scripture vnder the terme of magnifying God 4. When wee haue attained to this to thinke of God with an abilitie to make him great in our hearts then wee must yet proceed to the establishment of this conception of GOD for else the thoughts of God will passe thorow our heads like lightning and be gone and therefore we must be carefull to establish the thoughts of God in vs. 5. We must then labour to cloath the thoughts of God with glorie and maiesty this is that which is heere intended wee must not onely make him in our hearts and nourish the sparkles of his knowledge but wee must make him glorious also 6. Yea yet farther when God is conceiued of according to his excellencie we must loue the Lord thus conceiued of our hearts must cleaue vnto him esteeme him aboue all things So that heer are six distinct things to be heeded of such as will conceiue of God aright Now how these things may bee attained to by vs followeth to bee considered of Now for the first to bring God into our minds two things are of excellent vse First the inforcing of our selues to consider of Gods works and so to striue still to read in that great booke of the Creatures Secondly the exercising our selues daily in the Word of God Without these two helps carefully vsed experience shewes that GOD neuer comes into mens thoughts And by the way heere may be framed an answer to that sorrowfull complaint of many Christians that they cannot meditate Now if they would bee taught to meditate or would at any time haue their thoght set a work let them lay before them either of these bookes
of God either the great Book of the creatures or little booke of the Scriptures and so praying God to direct them take those things that easily offer them selues from thence The other way of meditating without booke as I knowe not whether it bee absolutely required so can it not bee so fruitfully performed nor so comfortably But to returne the viewing of GODs workman-ship in his creatures and of his wisedome rule in his Word will help vs in the first point which is to bring God into our minds For the second that wee may not mistake but conceiue of God aright wee must looke to diuers things carefully First wee must resist and subdue and no way harbour or fauour any atheisticall conceits against the doctrine of Gods nature or prouidence If wee find our minds intangled with any such wee must labour to get them cured for till our hearts bee whole of such diseases wee are disabled from any true conception of God Secondly wee must in thinking of God then cast out all likenesses wee must not conceiue of him in the likenes of any man or other creature but get aboue all similitudes and there rest in the adoration of him that is not like any of those things wee must haue no Images of God neither in our Churches nor in our heads Command 2. Esay 40. Thirdly we must learn distinctly the attributes of God's praises in the Scripture and conceiue of him as he is there commended to vs I mean wee should as wee are able when wee think of God thinke of him as he is omnipotent most wise most iust most mercifull c. It is an excellent prayse of the diligence of a Christian to accustome himselfe to conceiue of God according to descriptions made of him in his attributes in his Word Fourthly it may much helpe vs if we conceiue of God as dwelling in the humane nature of Christ for thereby it may somewhat arise in our mindes if we be prone to conceiue of likenesses Marke it carefully wee may not set before our mindes Christ-man and so worship without any more adoe but if we conceiue of the man-Christ and then worship that God-head that dwells in him we do right and besides attaine vnto a point farther which is to conceiue of God in Christ. Thus of the right conceiuing of God's nature The third thing which we must labour for is to magnifie God in our hearts to make him great to conceiue largely with full thoughts of God and to this I adde also to conceiue gloriously of him to clothe our thoughts of God with a shining excellency aboue any thing else wee thinke of Now that God may bee magnified and thought on after a glorious manner these things must bee done Wee must with all attendance and reuerence waite vpon the presence of God in his house for that is the place where his glory dwelleth Psalme 27.8 And God hath magnified his Word aboue all his name Psalme 138.2 And the vse of the Gospell is said to be the Gospel of the glory of the blessed God because it doth with the liuelyest impressions make a mans heart to discerne Gods excellency Mic. 5.4 1. Tim. 1.11 Secondly the meditation of the wonderfull works of God recorded in Scripture or obserued by experience is good to breed great and glorious thoughts of God for as the sight of the miracles of Christ wrought this in the hearts of the people Math. 15.31 Luke 7.16 so the contemplation of such great works may work the same effect in vs and the same effect also may the thought of the workes of God's speciall Iustice or Mercy haue Ezek. 38.23 Esay 13.13 especially the consideration of those works of fauour or deliuerance by which God hath declared his speciall goodnesse vnto vs Gen. 19.19 1. Chron. 17.24 Dauid also clotheth the thoughts of God with glory and greatnesse in his heart by thinking of the monuments of God's wonderfull Power and Wisedome in the heauens and earth seas c. Psalme 104.1 c. yea by thinking of his owne forming and making in the wombe Psalme 139.15 Thirdly we must pray earnestly to God with Moses and begge this of God that he would shew vs his glory Thus also of the third thing The next thing is to learne how to establish the thoughts of God's glory in vs and that is done especially two wayes First by striuing to set God alwayes before vs as Dauid did Psalme 16.8 Secondly by remembring God in all our wayes doing all our workes vnto the glorie of GOD 1. Cor. 10.31 Lastly to make vs in loue with God thus conceiued of according to his glory the thorow meditation of his mercies to vs are of singular vse to thinke eyther of the variety of them or of the speciall respect God hath had of vs aboue many others and the frequencie of his mercies that hee sheweth vs mercie daily but aboue all to consider that his mercies are free to think how vile we are vpon whom God looks with such grace and goodnes Thus the blessed Virgin taught her selfe to magnifie God and to loue his name Luke 1.46 48. Thus of making God glorious in our hearts by knowledge Now for the second which is to make him glorious by acknowledgement the particular wayes how that may be done haue been reckoned before in the explication of the doctrine onely wee must labor by praier to fashion our selues to that work that God in any of those particulars doth require of vs and that is the most speciall help which I knowe thereunto But by the way let mee warn thee to look to two things First that in any course of glorifying GOD which is to be done by thy words thou bee carefull to auoid hypocrisie and be sure that thy heart be lifted vp and affected according to the glory of God for the Lord abhorres to be glorified with thy lip if thy heart bee farre from him Esay 29.13 And the next is that thou presume not in any case to make the pretense of God's glory a couering for any wickednes as the Pharises that would hide their deuouring of widows houses vnder the praise of long prayer or those in the Prophet Esay's time that would persecute godly men and molest them with Church-censures and say Let the Lord bee glorified Esay 66.5 Thus of making God glorious in our selues Lastly that wee may make God glorious in the hearts of other men and cause them to speak of his praises we must carefully look to foure things 1. That when wee speak of God or his truth we doo it with all possible reuerence and fear that wee bee carefull in all our discourses of Religion instructions admonitions reproofs confutations or the like to treat of these things with all meeknes and reuerence God hath giuen vs a Commandement of purpose to restrain the taking-vp of his Name in vain 2. That wee striue by all means to liue vnspotted and in offensiue in
For the first It is not vnprofitable to consider how men came by degrees at length to subiect themselues to this gouernment of Kings First man by the instinct of God and by the nature giuen him tends to society of all creatures man is vnaptest to liue alone mans language shewes that he was made to society and mans disposition shews that it likes not any estate that must be remoued from the knowledge and conuersation of other men He that can liue without society is either better than a man as is GOD or worse than a man as is a beast The first kinde of society was oeconomicall a houshold society where was first a society between man and wife and thence by propagation grew the society to a full houshold by the comming-in of children and seruants And hence was the first form of gouernment where the father of the family was the Head and Ruler The second kinde of society was a Village or Town which contained in it the gouernment of diuerse houses or families and this was occasioned either by increase of posterity or for preuention of harms or out of necessity for supply of necessaries At the first a Village or Town contained as is thought onely the seuerall branches of the same family that is when men liued so long such as were descended of their bloud and were ruled by the chief and first of their bloud Afterwards strangers of other families that were fewer in number mingled with them to auoid the danger of wilde beasts or the iniuries of other men yea one of the words vsed for a village is deriued from a word that signifies a Fountain and so importeth that necessity drew men to dwel together that so they might enioy the benefit of nature for water which in the Countries first-planted was not vniuersally to be had but one Well must serue diuers housholds and so the Springs of water was one cause to bring men to this kinde of society and dwelling together The third kinde of society was a City which consisted of the people of many Villages and into this society men came both for commodity and necessity For commodity as namely for trades and the education of children and the exercise of Religion and the administration of iustice for necessity that so they might bee strengthened against their enemies and to this end they walled and ditched-about their Cities as also to keep-in offenders that they might not flee and to keep out such as were banished that they might not return and in this society first began the gouernment of Kings For from the beginning it is thought that euery City had a King as a Monarch to rule and defend it as appears in Genesis There was a King of Sodome and Gomorrah and so euery of the other Cities had their different Kings Fourthly when men increased so fast that one City could not hold the people which liued in it then beganne Countries and Prouinces and at length the whole Nation consisting of many Cities became subiect to one King and afterwards by conquest or marriage diuerse Nations yeelded obedience to one King Now the ends why humane societies became subiect to Kings and to superior Powers were the Common-weal and the benefit of the people so vnited for power was giuen to Kings that so men might be protected in the practice of vertue that peace might be preserued among the Inhabitants that the common priuiledges might be maintained that courses for raising of riches trades might bee held Each man did look to his owne wealth but the King was to look-to the Common-wealth And thus much of the Originall of Kings Their excellency aboue other men follows Secondly it must needs appear that Kings are of all men most excellent in respect of their outward condition and calling 1. Because God himself was a King and is delighted to rank himself among men of that degree 2. Because their creation is from God they are a speciall sort of men raised in a peculiar manner to their places by God who pleads it as his glory that Kings raign by him Pro. 8. Romans 13. 3. Because God hath communicated to kings the Image of his owne Maiesty and printed in the natures of men a naturall forme of Kings as the Vice-gerents to God himself 4. Because a diuine sentence is in the mouth of the King as Salomon saith their iudgement is God's iudgement and God would haue the people to beleeue that what they say in iudgement God himself saith it 5. Because they haue a power aboue all other men of which when I come to treat of the word Superiour 6. Because they take accounts of all other men but giue accounts onely to God 7. Because they haue the treasure of honor they giue all the honour which is possessed by any of their Subiects and so doo they all offices of honour and gouernment in their Dominions 8. Because they are the Basis or the foundation or stay of all their Subiects who are maintained in Religion Iustice and Peace by their means And thus of their excellency Thirdly it is to bee noted that the word is set down indefinitely and so it shewes that this honour belongeth to all Kings in the substance of it whether he be a King of one City or many whether he be a Iew or Gentile a Christian or Pagan Hereticall or Orthodoxall Caesar or Herod young or old vertuous or vitious Vse Fourthly the vse should be therefore from hence to inforce vpon our hearts an increase of care and conscience in acknowledging the honor and right of Kings and in loyall and sincere obseruance and obedience to their Lawes It should not seem grieuous to men to bee held vnder the yoke of obedience and to be subiect to others that are but men as well as themselues There are many things may encourage the harts of Subiects without grieuance to bear the superiority of Princes and not to be discontented for First Kings haue nothing but what they haue receiued Secondly if Kings doo wrong they must giue account to God for all the wrongs that they haue done Thirdly God hath charged Princes to be carefull of their Subiects hee hath giuen them lawes though they be Kings Fourthly Princes Subiects are first bound to God and therefore they are not tied to Princes in any thing contrary to God's Word Fiftly though the outward man be subiected to the power of Princes yet their consciences are free in spirit they are subiect onely to the God of spirits Sixtly the hearts of Kings are in the hands of the Lord and hee turneth them as hee pleaseth Prouerbs 21. Seuenthly though God hath set vp Kings yet he hath not put down himself but hee ruleth in all these things hee is King of heauen Daniel 4.34 and he is King of all the earth Psalm 47.8 He is a King immortall 1. Tim. 1.12 Eightthly whereas thousands of subiects cannot attaine to the fight of the King nor
obtaine any particular suite from him nor can the King prouide for them in particular yet may they goe to God and Iesus Christ who is King of righteousnes and peace they may get great suites in heauen and shall bee prouided for in all needfull things Psalme 23.1 and 5.3 and 48.15 and 74.12 and 80.2 Esay 49.10 Mat. 2.6 Reuel 7.17 Lastly though they bee subiects now in respect of earthly Princes yet in respect of God they are anointed to bee Kings themselues and shall receiue a Kingdome better then all the Kingdomes of the earth The Princes of this world are but mortall Kings but euery godly man is a King immortall hee partakes the title of God himselfe God is a King immortal by nature and he is a King immortall by adoption and grace and besides the poorest subiect that is a true Christian intertaineth the King of glory euery day Psal. 24.7 9. As superior 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The word signifieth one that hath aboue the hauings of other men and so the King hath more then all his subiects not onely in matter of maintenance but also in matter of authority and supremacy this his hauing in supremacy is heere meant That the King is supreme is so manifest by this text as it needs no proofe Princes are called therfore in the Old Testament Heads of the Tribes or of the people to signifie that they were not onely higher in place but had soueraigne and supreme authority ouer all the people This supremacy of Kings giues them authority in all causes both ecclesiasticall and ciuill and ouer all persons Churchm-en as well as Lay-men as hath beene proued at large before in the former parts of this verse The vse is therefore to confute the damnable pleadings of the Popes of Rome their adherents that claime to haue the right of supremacy aboue the Kings and Princes of the world There are diuers manifest arguments to ouerthrowe the supremacy of the Pope First this expresse text that acknowledgeth the King to bee superior this was the Doctrine in the Apostles times Secondly it is more to be noted that Peter himselfe who by the opinion of the Papists had the height of place in the church that euen Peter I say is so far from clayming this to himselfe that hee directs christians to acknowledge supremacy only as the right of Kings yea and flatly forbids dominion in the Clergy 1. Pet. 5.5 Thirdly our Sauiour Christ at large beates downe this primacy or supremacy in his Apostles and all churchmen shewing that they had not authority as the Kings of the earth had It must not bee so with them and much lesse had they authority ouer the Kings of the earth Mathew 20.25 Luke 22 25. Fourthly euery soule must bee subiect to the higher powers If euery soule then Churchmen if they haue soules must bee subiect and therefore may not rule Rom. 13.1 Fiftly Christ and the Apostles neuer claymed any such supremacy but shewed the contrary by their Doctrine and practice Sixtly it is made the expresse mark of that Man of sinne that he lifts vp himselfe aboue all that is called God that is aboue Magistrates 2. Thes. 2. This hath beene the constant Doctrine of the ancient Fathers Origen Homil. 7. in Isaiah saith Hee that is called to a Bishoprick is not called to principality but to the seruice of the Church Tertullian lib. ad Scapul saith We reuerence the Emperor as a man second to God and the onely one that is lesse then God and also Tertullian de Ido Capite 18. Nazianzen orat ad subdit et Imperat. All men must bee subiect to higher powers The expresse testimonies of Chrysostome and Bernard vpon Rom. 13. haue beene quoted before read Bernard de consid lib. 2. Capite 4. Hilar. ad Anx. Chrysost. homil 42. in Ioan Ambrose in 2. Tim. 2.4 Secondly this should confirme euery good subiect to acknowledge and maintaine the Kings supremacy and willingly to bind himselfe therevnto by oath For the oath of supremacy is the bond of this subiection and this oath men must take without equiuocation mentall euasion or secret reseruation yea it should bind in them the same resolution was in Saint Barnard who saith thus If all the world would conspire against mee to make mee complot any thing against the Kings Maiesty yet I would feare God and not dare to offend the King ordained of God Or vnto gouernours By gouernours he either meanes all other sorts of magistracy besides a Monarchy or else such Magistrates as in a Kingdome haue commission from the King to heare and determine causes or any way to rule and exercise any Lawes of the King and it is the Apostles meaning that Christians should bee subiect to all sorts of Magistrates of what forme or dignity soeuer from the highest to the lowest so as it should bee no more lawfull for them to disobey an inferior Magistrate then to disobey the King so far foorth as the inferior Magistrate hath authority and doth proceed according to his commission in lawfull things This point needes not to bee further handled hauing beene intreated of in the generall doctrine in submission to all Magistrates before And thus of the exposition the confirmation followes Verse 14. Or vnto gouernours as vnto them that are sent by him for the punishment of euill doers and for the praise of them that doe well THe Apostle in this verse and the next confirmeth the exhortation partly by reasons and partly by answering an Obiection the reasons are in this verse and the next and the prolepsis verse 16. The reasons may bee referred to two heads the one taken from the calling of Magistrates verse 14. and the other from the will of God verse 15. The calling of Magistrates is considered two waies First either in the author of it and so they are sent of God Secondly or in respect of the end of it which is partly the punishment of the wicked and partly the praise of them that doe well As they that are sent of him Of him either may be referred to the King or to the Lord If it bee referred to the King then it shewes that all inferior Magistrates receiue all their authority from the King they haue no more authority then other subiects but as it is bestowed vpon them by the King and withall it shewes a secret in all well gouerned Monarchies which is that the King reserues the giuing of honours and offices to himselfe which more obligeth the Vnder-officers and Magistrates to him and he is therby the better acquainted with the State of the Kingdome but I am rather of the minde of those Interpreters that refer it to the Lord. And so the sense and doctrine is that both the Kings and the gouernours are sent of God It is God that prefers them whatsoeuer the second causes bee Though election or succession seeme to make a King and Kings make gouernours yet haue wee beene taught that none of
these come to their places without the prouidence of God Prouerbes 8.15 Now God keepes this busines in his owne hands to see to the calling of Magistrates because of the seruice by them hee can execute For a great part of his Kingdome is managed by their deputation By them God scourgeth the sinnes of the wicked yea of the whole world either by suffering them to be publike miseries or by guiding thē to punish offenders by the sword of Iustice and by them he manie times brings many common blessings vpon worlds of people as the next words shew Vses The vses are diuers some particular some generall In particular it should teach vs First by praier to s●eke Magistrates of God subiects may get great blessings of this kind if they would pray hard for them For GOD it is that sends Magistrates Secondly with patience to beare the wrongs of euil Magistrates seeing there is a hand of God in it Thirdly with thankfulnes to giue the praise to God for good Magistrates seeing it was hee that sent them as a common blessing Fourthly in all suits about the liues or duties or successions of Magistrates to trust vnto God For though wee know not where to bee prouided in earth yet God can send one from heauen as it were The word sent importes that God can raise him vp beyond expectation In general it shold stir vs vp in al things done by outward meanes in this world to striue for the skill to finde out and acknowledge Gods hand and prouidence in it seeing in these things which are apparantly done by meanes for the most part yet Gods prouidence is in it Thus of the Authour of their calling the end followes For the punishment of euill doers Diuers things may bee noted from hence First that in all Common-wealths in the world there will be euill doers though there be a King gouernours and Gods commandements lye hard vpon mens consciences yet there will bee euill doers And the point shewes the horrible strength of the poison of naturall corruption which no Lawes of God nor man nor experience of euill nor example can restraine or dry vp and withall it shewes their folly and weakenes that will forsake Christian assemblies for the wickeds sakes whereas the Apostle improues that euen in Christian Common-wealths there will bee this part of a Magistrates vertue to punish the euill doers such as are knowne to bee so and therefore such curious persons must goe out of the world if they will goe from euill doers And withall it should breed in men a greater care to look to themselues that they bee not infected by them since there is no society of men in which this plague-sore of sinne runneth not we must redeeme the time because the daies are euill And further it should breed in vs a loathing of this wicked world of this present euill world and a desire of heauen since we shall neuer liue in a place where the people wil bee all righteous till we come to heauen And finally it confutes their folly that from the vitiousnes of some men conclude the faultinesse either of the doctrine lawes or gouernment Secondly that euill dooers must bee punished Rom. 15. and great reason for first euill dooers in any society are infectious many may bee defiled by them Secondly they work much disquietnes and trouble humane societies Thirdly if they escape without punishment they may bring down the iudgements of God vpon the place where they liue Vses Which may serue for terrour to other offenders First the very sight of Magistrates should affright them considering that God sent those very Magistrates to punish them It importeth that though they escape the hands of men they shall not escape the hands of God Secondly it should teach men if they would liue out of the danger of the Magistrates punishment to take heed they be not euill dooers Quest. Now if you aske who are euill doers Ans. I answer Such as liue in notorious offences such as are swearers drunkards whoremongers railers theeues idle persons murtherers Sabbath-breakers sowers of discord and the like The original word doth point at some speciall sort of offendors For naming euill doers such especially must not scape as 1. Inuent euill where it is not 2. Or sinne not out of ignorance but wilfully 3. Or are leaders of other men to euill 4. Or make a trade of offending by custome in sinne 5. Or studie how to doe mischiefe gathering together as things might further their euil courses All this may bee included in the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 3. Thirdly there are from hence many to bee blamed that speake euill of such as take any course to reforme abuses 4. Fourthly Magistrats must look to their calling and Gods commandement to see abuses amended or else they must account to God for it 3 The third doctrine which may bee noted from hence is That all euill doers are to be punished without respect of persons they are to looke vpon mens workes and not on their persons great men must bee punished if they bee euill doers as well as poore men many men as well as one man yea if good men do euill they must beare the punishment of their sinne Christians as well as Pagans 4. That euill doers are not accounted safe members of any society and therefore are distinguished from good subiects as not fit to bee of that order 5. That such as transgresse the lawes of men are accounted by the Apostle euill dooers as well as such as transgresse the Lawes of God for he heer speaks especially of such as are euil doers in respect of humane ordinances which may be a warning to such as securely liue in the transgression of the commandements of Christian Magistrates and withall it may impair the honour of their condition that liue in the breach of the lawes of God without repentance For if it be so hatefull a thing to bee a breaker of the lawes of men in what case are they in that haue so grosly broken the Laws of God 6 That punishment of euill doers is in the power of the Magistrate priuate men cannot reforme publicke abuses they may pray for reformation they are not to execute it but by authoritie 7 That there are diuers euils which men cannot punish for the Magistrate can onely punish euill doers that is such as offend in word or deed euill thinkers they cannot meddle withall Which may warne Magistrates to be wary how they punish men onely vpon suspition or presumption without proofe that they are euill doers and withall it shewes that God hath reserued the iudgement of mens workes also to himselfe For God hates the sinnes of the heart as well as the sinnes of life and therefore since for these euils men answer not to men they must prouide to answer before God 8. That a Magistrate that punisheth sinnes doth but execute the commission hee receiued from God hee was sent of God to
sinne and misery and the setting of it in the possession of that blessed immortality in heauen The liberty of the body is the freeing of it from the bonds of death and bowels of the earth by enduing it with a glorious resurrection part of which freedome they enioy euen in the graue For though they be buried yet they are not damned to hell there but rest in hope of their finall deliuerance and with this liberty of glory both soule and body are made heires of heauen Rom. 8.21 It is the liberty of grace is heere meant and that this part of the Christian happines may the better appeare I will consider First what hee is freed from and secondly what hee is freed to For the first there are diuers things hee is freed from as First from the rigour of the morall Law hee is deliuered from the most rigid seuere execution of absolute perfect obedience so as being now vnder grace he is not bound to fulfill the law perfectly but may be accepted of God if he obey it in the vprightnes and sincerity of his heart though he haue many frailties and infirmities God hath now tempred that rigour of exaction which hee iustly stood vpon in his first agreement with man in Paradise and did with terror againe proclaime in giuing his Law in Sinai so as now in Christ our yoke is easie and our burden light Math. 11.29 Rom. 6.14 Christ our surety hath fulfilled that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or exact righteousnes of the Law for vs Rom. 8.3 Galatians 4.24.26 Heb. 12.18 Rom. 7.6 c. Secondly from the execution and condemnation into which the Law for our sinnes had cast vs our expiation being made in the blood of Christ who was made 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a curse for vs that wee might be iustified from these things from which by the Law of Moses we could neuer bee absolued Rom. 8.1 Galatians 3.13 Thirdly from the tyranny and damnation of sin that dwels in vs the force of it being mortified by the Spirit of Christ and so weakned that though it may rebell yet it cannot rage and rule as it did before Rom. 6.14 Iohn 8.34 2 Cor. 3.17 Romanes 6.6 18. Fourthly from bondage vnder diuels those spirituall wickednesses that had their strong holds in the hearts of euery man by nature and ruled effectually in all the children of disobedience who had possession in our hearts and kept vs in their power as most cruell Iaylers Ephesians 2.2 4. by Christ they are thrown out of possession they may tempt still but the gates of hell shall neuer preuaile againe ouer the godly Colos. 2.15 Fiftly from the Lawes of Moses The ceremoniall and iudiciall Lawes which lawes were a yoke that neither the Iewes nor their fathers were euer able to beare Acts. 15.10 The ceremoniall lawes were a very seale of our condemnation a hand-writing against vs wherein men many waies acknowledge their guiltines besides they were extremely burthensome in respect of the rules of them and the strict obseruation required from them Our deliuerance from these lawes these places proue Acts 15.1 Cor. 9.1 19. 2. Cor. 3.17 Heb. 9.10 Colos. 2.17 There were foure respects which the ceremoniall Law had or foure vses First these ceremonies as I said before did signifie our sin-guiltines and were as an obligation and hand-writing against vs Colos. 2.14 Secondly they were a badge to distinguish the Iewes from all other nations Genes 17.13 14. Thirdly they were shadowes and typicall adumbrations of Christ and his benefits Heb. 9 9 10. 10.1.4 Fourthly they were as a tutor or Schoole-master to instruct and keepe them vnder in the minority of the Church Galat. 4.1 2. Now all these vses are abolished by Christ For our condemnation is taken away by Christ and so the hand-writing is cancelled Colos. 2.14 and the Gentiles and Iewes are made all one people Ephes 2.14 15. and Christ the substance and body is come and therefore the shadowes must vanish Col. 2.17 and the heir is as it were now at age therefore needs not Tutors and Gouernors Gal. 4.1 2 3. As for the freedome of Christians from the Iudiciall Lawes that must be vnderstood with a distinction for so many of the Iudicial Lawes as did agree with the common politicall law of Nature are in force only so much of the Iudicial law as did only concern the singular particular policy of the Iewes is abolished Where the reason of the Law is Vniuersal the Law binds all where the respect and reason of the Law is fitted onely to the condition of that people there the law is abolisht Sixtly from seruile feare vnto which wee are and were in bondage by Nature and so wee are freed from the seruile feares of the graue of men of death there was a spirit of bondage in vs by nature wee durst not come into Gods presence and legall terrors did lie at the doore of our hearts to driue vs to despayre of mercy or acceptation But when Faith came then the spirit of bondage went away and the hearts of Christians are emboldned with spirituall liberty and firme confidence taking delight in the Law of God in the inner man Rō 8.15 Luke 1.74 And there was likewise in vs by Nature a feare of the reproch and rage of men and the oppositions and scornes of the World from which God's children are so deliuered that many times they haue contemned the vttermost furie of Tyrants as Daniel and his companions and the Martyrs and the Patriarchs and Moses c. and from the feare of death We were all in bondage to it all our life but now Christ hath deliuered vs by destroying him that had the power of death Heb. 2.14 15. This of the first point what we are forced from Now for the second what we are free to and therein are diuers comfortable considerations First we are free to the fauor and fellowship of God the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost 1. Iohn 1.3 7. 1. Cor. 1.9 Iohn 17.21 2. Pet. 1.4 1. Ioh. 5.24 Secondly wee are free to the Communion of Saints we are fellow Citizens with the Saints we are written in the writing of the house of Israel acknowledged as members of the Congregation of the first borne This is an Article of our Faith Ephesians 2.20 3.6 4.4 5. Hebrewes 12.18 c. Thirdly wee are free to all the promises of Grace those rich and precious promises wee may safely imply they are ours 2. Pet. 1.4 Eph. 3.6 Fourthly we are free of God's chamber of Presence we may go in when we will and aske what we will and it shall bee done vnto vs we are free to put vp as many petitions and suits as we will we are free to the Throne of Grace Heb. 4.16 Eph. 3.12 and so in generall wee are free in the whole House of God euen to the vse of all his ordinances Iohn 6.36 Fiftly
at large from verse 21. to the end of the chapter Which doctrine of Christ's suffering is fitted partly to the case of seruants and partly to the vse of all Christians Concerning the Passion fiue things are in all these verses noted First who suffred Christ suffred verse 21. Secondly the end of his suffering viz. to leaue vs an example c. verse 21. Thirdly the manner how he suffred set out 1. Negatiuely and so he suffred first without sin verse 22. secondly without reuiling verse 23. 2. Affirmatiuely and so he commits himself to him that iudgeth righteously Fourthly the matter what he suffred viz. our sins in his owne body on the tree verse 24. Fiftly the effect of his sufferings 1. In respect of vs and so his suffrings serue To kill our sinnes Verse 24. To make vs aliue to righteousnes Verse 24. To heal our natures Verse 24. 2. In respect of himself and so they procured his exaltation to be Shepheard and Bishop of our soules verse 25. Thus of the order Euen Christ suffred The first thing to be considered in the Apostles description of the Passion of the person who suffered is that it is named heer with speciall Emphasis Euen Christ or Christ also Christ is the sir-name of our Sauiour as Iesus was his proper name Iesus is a name onely giuen him in the new Testament but Christ was his name in both Testaments and signifies Anointed being a Greek word as Messiah doth in the Hebrew And so it is a name importing his office of Mediator as being thereby proclaimed to bee the substance of the ceremoniall types euen the supreme Doctor or Prophet Priest and King of the Church for these three sorts of men were anointed in the old Testament and were types of Christ's anointing It is true that we doo not reade that our Sauiour was himself anointed with oile because his anointing consisted in the substance of that shadow For the shadow signifieth two things First ordination to the office secondly the pouring out of gifts by the holy Ghost for the exornation of the office Now whereas Christ is Mediator in both natures his anointing must bee distinguished according to his natures The whole person was anointed but yet differently in respect of his natures for gifts could not be poured out vpon his diuine nature yet as the Sonne of God the second person in Trinity he was anointed in respect of ordination to the office of Mediator and as the Sonne of man he was anointed in respect of the pouring out of the gifts of the holy Ghost vpon that nature in measure as the Psalmist saith aboue his fellows Psalm 45. The first doctrine about the Passion is heere briefly contained in these three words of the Apostle Euen Christ suffred which is a doctrine full of excellent vses for thence First wee may see how vile the errour was of those Hereticks they called Patri-passianus who taught that God the Father suffred whereas in this and other Scriptures we are taught that it was onely Christ the second Person in Trinity that suffred The ground of their error was that there was but one Person in the Deity which in heauen was called the Father in earth the Sonne in the powers of the creatures the holy Ghost and thence they affirm the same things of the Father they did of the Sonne that he was visible mortall and immortall passible and impassible passible on earth and impassible in heauen But we haue learned from the Prophets and Apostles to beleeue three Persons and so to acknowledge that the second Person suffered onely and that in his humane nature Secondly we may hence learne that Christ was subiect to the Law after a peculiar manner so as no other man was subiect For hee did not onely fulfill the Law by a most perfect obedience but hee suffered the malediction and curse of the Law also Some men are subiect to the malediction of the Law onely and so are all the wicked reprobates that obey it not Some men are subiect to the Commandements of the Law and not to the malediction and so our first parents were while they continued in their innocency because God did not require them to suffer so long as they obeyed the Law and so all godly men in Christ are vnder the Law in respect of obedience but not in respect of malediction onely Christ is subiect to the malediction and obedience of the Law as our surety Thirdly hence wee learne a plaine demonstration of the truth of the humane nature of Christ Hee had not a fantasticall body but a true body because he did verily suffer in the flesh as followes afterward Fourthly Hence wee may bee informed of the excessiuely vile disposition of the world in that it is so set on wickednes that the very Sauiour of the world if hee come into the world shall suffer from the world Fiftly wee may hence learne that Christ suffered willingly and of his owne accord For in that hee that is God suffered it shewes hee had power to preserue himselfe so as all the world could not haue forced him to suffer and therefore wee haue cause so much the more to admire his loue to vs that suffered for our sakes as the next point will shew Sixtly wee may hence learne to know how abominable sinne is that makes the Sonne of God suffer miserable things if hee become a surety for sinne Seuenthly wee may hence learne to know the ineuitable destruction and fearefull perdition of impenitent sinners For if God spared not his own Sonne that was but a surety for sinne and did none himselfe will hee euer spare them that are principals and monstrous offenders Eightly did euen Christ suffer then we should euermore arme our selues with the same minde and prouide to suffer in the flesh 1. Pet. 4.1 It is a shame for vs to expect or desire a life of ease and prosperity seeing the Prince of our saluation was consecrated through afflictions Heb. 2.10 and 12.3 And the more should wee bee confirmed to suffer in willingnes in this life because God hath predestinated vs to bee conformed to the image of his Sonne in sufferings Rom. 8.29 Lastly in that it was Christ that suffered wee may hence gather comfort to our selues in his passion all the daies of our life because his sufferings must needes bee of infinite merit being the sufferings of him that is God as well as man Thus of the Person suffering The persons for whom hee suffered follow For vs. The sufferings of Christ were not casuall such as befell him for no vse nor were they deserued by himselfe For hee neuer offended God nor did hee seeke his owne peculiar good in them but hee suffered all hee did for our sakes Esay 53 5. Hee was wounded for our transgressions the chasticement of our peace was laid vpon him and verse 8. Hee was plagued for the transgression of God's people and as the Apostle saith hee was deliuered to death for
suffring But committed himself to him that iudgeth righteously From these words diuers things may bee obserued Doct. 1. First that in case of wrongs from other men it is not alwaies needfull or conuenient to complain to the Magistrate for redresse Christ heer commits his cause to God but complaineth not nay though hee were wronged almost continually and with grieuous wrongs yet we read not that euer he complained against them that did him wrong Heer two things are to be enquired after First in what cases it is not fit to complaine to men Secondly in what cases it may bee lawfull and fitte In these cases following it is not fit to complain to the Magistrate First where redresse of the wrongs may be had by priuate and peacefull courses 1. Cor. 6. Secondly where the lawes of men doo not prouide punishment some wrongs are offenses and yet not punishable by mens lawes Thirdly where the offense is committed of meere frailty or ignorance Fourthly where the offense is grounded vpon meer surmises which in the iudgement of charity ought not to be conceiued .1 Cor. 13. Fiftly where the iniury is lesse and the party trespassing doth acknowledge the wrong in this case the rule of Christ holds If thy brother say It repenteth me thou must forgiue him Luke 17.4 Sixtly where by the suite Religion wil receiue greater dammage by the scandall then the party suffers by the wrong as in the case of the Corinthians where a brother went to law with a brother before Iudges that were Infidels Seuenthly where the Magistrates haue declared themselues to bee enemies to iustice and iust men as heer in the case of Christ it was bootlesse to complain because all the Rulers were his professed enemies Contrariwise in these and such like cases following men may lawfully seek iustice from men in authority First where the offense is grieuous and against the Lawes of God and men Secondly where the offender persists in euill-doing without repentance Thirdly where the offense is against God and Religion as well as against the party wronged Fourthly where such wrongs are vsually punishable Fiftly where the party complaining is bound to complain by his office either by charge or oath prouided that the party complaining first loue his enemies and secondly prosecute with continuall respect to God's glory and thirdly vse the benefit of the Law with charity and mercy without cruelty or extremity Thus of the first doctrine Doct. 2. The malice of wicked men against the godly is so great that when they begin to oppose them though it be but in their name they will neuer cease opposition if they haue power till they haue their liues too Thus I gather from hence that our Sauiour beeing reuiled doth not onely commit his cause to God but commits himself to God as expecting the increase of their oppositions till they haue put him to death This is the reason why God indites euery man that hates his brother of murder 1. Iohn 3.15 And Dauid so often complaines of his enemies that slandred him that they also sought his life yea his soule as if they were desirous not onely to kill his body but damne his soule also Doct. 3. Wee may heer also note that God is to be conceiued of according to the occasion seeing we cannot comprehend God wholly as he is wee ought to raise vp such conceptions in our hearts of the glory of God as may with honour answer the occasion that presently concernes vs as heer in the case of wrongs God is conceiued as a righteous Iudge In the case of death hee is called The God of the spirits of all flesh In the case of prayer he is called a God that delighteth to hear prayer in the case of infirmities a God that takes away iniquity and passeth by transgression and in cases of great difficulty he is conceiued of as Almighty and so forth Doct. 4. It is euident from hence that God is a Iudge and this point is both terrible to the wicked and comfortable to the godly It is terrible to the wicked many waies First because he is Iudge of all the world all must be iudged by him Gen. 18.25 Heb. 12.23 1. Sam. 2.10 Hee is not a Iudge of some one circuit as Iudges amongst men are Secondly because he is a Iudge that needs no euidence bee brought-in for hee knowes all causes and is witnes himself Ier. 29.23 and so Iudges among men are not Thirdly because hee iudgeth for all offenses he tries the hearts and the reines as well as the words and works of men Psalm 7.9 11. Earthly Iudges try malefactors but in one or some few cases Fourthly because hee hath Armies of Executioners he can call to the heauens or speak to the earth and haue hostes of seruants to doo his will and execute his iudgements Daniel 7.9 10. Psalm 50.4 22. so as none can deliuer out of his hands Fiftly because hee is Iudge himself Psa. 50.6 and 75.8 He doth not do iustice by Deputies but will hear all cases himself Sixtly because his iudgement is the last and highest iudgement and therefore there lieth no appeale from it Seuenthly because he can bring men to iudgement without any warning hee standeth before the doore and often seizeth vpon the offender without seruing any Writ or giuing him any summons Iames 5.9 And therefore wicked men do very foolishly that ruffle heer in the world and lift vp their horns so high and speak with such a stiffe neck and walk on in their sinnes and iniuries so securely Psalm 75.5 6 7 8. Again if God bee Iudge it is comfortable to penitent sinners First because repentance will alter the iudgement if it be after the fact and before the Sentence euen in such offenses as deserue euerlasting death as appeareth in the case of Dauid and the Niniuites and is notified to the world Acts 17.31 Whereas earthly Iudges must proceed in their iudgement whether the parties bee penitent or no. Again it is the more comfortable that God is Iudge because all parties wronged or grieued may haue accesse to God and put vp their supplications at any time he is ready to be found and willing to heare which is seldome true of earthly Iudges Thirdly because godly men know their sentence already God hath acquitted them by his Word and by his Son and by his Spirit and therefore they need not feare his last iudgement Doct. 5. God will iudge righteously God's iudgement is a most righteous iudgement Psal. 9.8 Rom. 2.5 2. Tim. 4.8 He is the righteous Iudge by an excellency because there is no Iudge but misseth it some way onely God's iudgment is alwaies righteous and it must needes bee so for many reasons First because hee iudgeth the high as well as the low Iob 21.22 Secondly because his iudgement extendeth to euery offender in the world Iude 15. Earthly Iudges may punish some malefactors but they leaue thousands of men that
euill Pro. 14.12 yea the Prophet Esay expounds it of euery turning after our owne waies for which we haue no warrant in the Word of God and in which men persist without repentance Esay 53.6 It is implied Psal. 119.110 For the second The misery of men liuing in their sinnes without repentance is very great I am tied to the consideration of it only so far forth as the similitude of a sheep going astray will import Euery wicked man then is like a lost sheep and that in diuers respects 1. Because hee is not within the compasse of God's speciall prouidence GOD doth not tend him nor look to him he is no part of his flock he is without God in the world and without Christ as the lost sheep is without the protection and keeping of the shepheard Wicked men haue no keeper they are left to the way of their owne harts which is a fearefull curse Esay 53.6 The wicked shall be as a sheep that no man takes vp Esay 13.14 2. Because hee hath no certain pasture The prouision for his life for soule and body is altogether vncertain Hee is like Cain a vagabond vpon the earth He is heer to day he knowes not where he shall be tomorrow God hath not giuen him any assurance of the keeping or getting of any thing he hath or desires He is like the stray sheep that hath all the world before him but knows not where to settle Mat. 9.36 3. Because in the midst of all the best possessions of this life they haue no peace Esay 57. vlt. The sound of feare is alwaies in their eares If a stray sheep get into a good pasture yet he is still in feare apt to bee frighted with euery sound ready to runne away vpon euery occasion so is it with them that are rich in the world and not rich with God 1. Tim. 6.10 4. Because hee is shut out from all comfortable society with the godly hee enioyes not the sound fruit of communion with Saints The stray sheep may sort with hogges or wilde beasts but from the sheep it is gone away Euill company is a miserable plague of a mans life to sort with such all a mans daies from whom he may haue a world of vanity and filthinesse but not any thing scarce worthy of the nature of men in an age Euery wicked man is an alien a stranger forainer from the Common-wealth of Israel Eph. 2.12 5. A sheep going astray is easily taken by a strange Lord it is driuen any whither by any body it is so silly And such is the fearfull estate of a man liuing in sinne strange Lords may easily surprize him false teachers may easily seduce him euill company may carry him to any wickednes a Prince may turn him to any religion a very Atheist or diuell incarnate may easily lead him captiue 6. A sheep is apt to be worried with dogs or deuoured with wolues or wilde beasts when there is no shepheard to tend him So is it with wicked men their soules their bodies their estates are all in danger to bee seized vpon by diuels by vniust and vnreasonable men especially as any of them are more simple so they are more liable to become a prey to the mighty Ones of the earth 7. Men that wander out of the way of vnderstanding shall remain in the congregation of the dead Psalm 49.15 Pro. 21.16 And therefore he that conuerts a man from the error of his way is said to saue a soule from death Iames 5. vlt. And this going astray of vnregenerate men is the more grieuous because they are liable to many aggrauations for First they go astray from the womb they were neuer yet in the right way Psalm 58.3 Secondly because they wander in euery work they doo as was said of Egypt Esay 19.14 All their works are abominable Psalm 14. All things are impure Thirdly because this is the curse of all vnregenerate men we are turned euery one to his owne way Esay 53.6 Fourthly because they delight to wander place their felicity in their sinnes and will not be reclaimed or aduised Fiftly because they may prouoke God so long that hee may sweare they shall neuer enter into his rest Psal. 95.10 11. The third point is the cause of their going astray and that is noted in the originall word They were deceiued Now then it is to bee considered distinctly who are the great deceiuers of the world that cause millions of soules to goe astray First the diuell is the Arch-deceiuer hee hath beene a lier and a murtherer from the beginning hee deceiued our first Parents and made them and all their posterity goe astray Iohn 8.44 1. Tim. 2.14 and by him are all wicked men drawne out of the way and led captiue at his will 2. Tim. 2.26 Secondly Antichrist is the next great deceiuer who by his sorceries made all nations in the time of the Gospel goe astray Eccles. 18.23 with his diuellish doctrine and by wicked sorceries hee deceiued the Christian world Thirdly a swarme of wicked ministers haue deceiued whole townes and countries and made the sheepe goe astray euen their whole flocks in many places some of them because they take the fleece and neuer feed the flock Ezech. 34.2 c. Iohn 10.12 Some of them by preaching lies and flattering the people with deuices of men and say Peace when there is no peace Ierem. 23.17 19 20 32. Fourthly the world is a mischieuous deceiuer and it deceiueth by euill example and euill company and euill report raysed against the godly and the good way and the inticements of profits and pleasures and vanities of all sorts and honours and the like Fiftly mans owne heart deceiueth him yea the heart of man is deceitfull aboue all things Ierem. 17.9 It will vse such carnall reasons pretend such vaine excuses intertaine such deceiuable hopes and ioyne it selfe to such swarmes of temptations and lusts as it cannot auoid wandring if there were no other deceiuers to goe withall The way of our owne hearts is alwaies to goe out of the way Sixtly ignorance of the Scripture is a chiefe cause of erring and going astray both in opinion and life Math. 22.29 Seuenthly the loue of some particular sinne doth vtterly vndoe many a man that will not bee warned of the deceitfulnes of sinne Heb. 3.12 Thus couetousnes made many a man to erre from the faith 1. Tim. 6.20 Eightthly God himselfe in a fearefull kind of Iustice many times not only consents but permits a very spirit of peruersnes and errour to seaze vp on some men that refused to bee guided or kept by God so as they are giuen ouer to eternall perdition and destruction by reason of it Fourthly the signes of a lost sheep follow and they are First he that refuseth reproofe is out of the way Men that cannot abide to bee told of their faults are not healed Prou. 10.17 as hee is in the way of life
are his sheepe Zach. 11.7 such as heare his voice and depend onely vpon it and will follow Christ Iohn 10.3 4 5 27. Lastly wee may hence gather how wofull the estate of such people is as either haue no shepheards or euill shepheards set ouer them Zach. 11.4 5. Ezech. 34.4 And Bishop of your soules The godly haue Christ to bee the Bishop of their soules That this point may be more distinctly and profitably conceiued of I would consider of foure things in the explication of it First the vse of the tearme Bishop heere giuen to Christ It was before the Apostles time a foren word much vsed in prophane writers For the originall word heere rendred a Bishop was a tearme giuen to watch-men and spies and ouer-seers of works and sometimes to any sort of Rulers In the Apostles time it seemes the tearme was impropriated and giuen onely to Ministers that had charge of soules For the Apostles appointing certaine men to looke to the bodies of Christians which they tearmed Deacons they appointed other eminent men to looke to the soules of Christians whom they tearmed Bishops as appeares Phi. 1.1 Acts 20.28 In the time of the Apostles the tearme suffered yet a more strict impropriation and was giuen to some especiall Ministers that had Charge not onely of the people but also of the Clergy and in time in some Churches vnto these choice men of the Ministery were added the titles of Barons iurisdiction and power of censures sole power of ordination and the like In this place the Apostle giues the tearme of Bishop to Christ as the first and principall Ouerseer of our soules to whom the charge of their originall doth belong Secondly we must note that Christ is not said to be a Bishop of our soules but The Bishop of our soules which imports that hee is such a Bishop as there is no other like vnto him That charge that Christ hath of our soules hee hath it alone There is no Bishop like to Christ our Bishop for 1. There is no good Bishop but hee For he died for the soules hee hath charge of and so doe not other Bishops and whereas other Bishops may bee vnrebukeable in respect of men sometimes he is vnrebukeable in respect of God and men too neuer any Bishop liued so well or did so much good or loued good men and promoted Gods cause so much as Hee 2. No other Bishop can instruct the flock as hee doth For hee can make his people profit because hee teacheth inwardly whereas they can teach onely outwardly and hee instructs all his flock and makes them all to knowe God from the greatest to the lowest of them which no other Bishop can doe 3. Hee is the onely Bishop because all other Bishops must giue accounts to him 1. Pet. 5.3 4. Hee is the vniuersall Bishop of all soules other Bishops haue their particular Charges or Churches but he hath the charge of all the flocks vnder heauen All Parishes are within his Charge 5. All other Bishops haue their ordination from him they haue no authority but what they receiue from him Acts 20.28 6. Because no other Bishop can take the absolute charge of our soules they are not able to keepe vs our soules haue many diseases which they cannot cure and are assaulted with many aduersaries which they cannot resist c. 7. Because he is a heauenly Bishop they are but earthly and diuers parts of his office hee executes in heauen whereas other Bishops can doe nothing for vs but on earth 8. Because hee is the onely Law-maker the onely Law-giuer to our soules other Bishops can make no lawes but by his authority Iam. 4.11 9. Because the other Bishops may require goodnes in their flocks but cannot make them good hee can make all his people righteous hee is the Lord and their very righteousnes Iere. 23.6 10. Other Bishops die and leaue their flocks vnprouided but he liues euer neuer forsakes his Church but is with them to the end of the world Thirdly who are the charge of Christ Not all that are found in the Charges of other Bishops hee will not stand to our diuision of Parishes he counts by Election and righteousnes All that the Father hath giuen him are his Charge and none else The coherence shewes they are onely penitent sinners Fourthly the happines of such as are vnder his charge which must needs be great O! it is a great comfort to a poor sinner to knowe that Christ hath a Charge of his soule for he shall be sure that Christ will feed his soule and nourish it vp by his Ordinances and will keep him to eternall life and vse him with all tendernesse and compassion A bruized Reed hee will not break and the smoking Flax he will not quench The particulars are metaphorically handled before in the consideration of the benefits wee receiue from Christ as a Shepheard Vses The vses follow and so First for information and so first wee may heer take occasion to think of the preciousnesse of our soules for as they are made of better stuffe than all this visible world being spirits and were redeemed with a greater price than would haue been laid down to redeem this whole world so it heer appeareth because God sets his owne Sonne to tend our soules which should make vs make more reckoning of them and not be so carelesse of them It were an ill bargain To winne the whole world and lose our owne soules Secondly in that he takes Charge of our soules it imports that his Kingdome is not of this world and that he leaueth our bodies and outward estates to the charge of the Kings and Rulers of the earth hee claimes himself chiefly the Charge of our soules Thirdly in spirituall things it is imported that we are to be subiected to such as haue the ouer-sight of vs onely so farre forth as they command vs in the Lord and not otherwise Other Bishops haue their power subordinate to Christ and must in all things see to it that they doo nothing against Christ. Wee are subiect first and originally to Christ the Charge of our soules properly belongs vnto him Fourthly we may heer see what need our soules haue of looking to if they were not in great danger and subiect to many diseases and necessities Christ had neuer taken such a peculiar Charge of them Fiftly it imports the abiect estate of all grosse offenders for if Christ bee the Bishop of soules they cannot belong to his charge For wise and godly men as much as lieth in them cast out notorious offenders and protest against them and therefore will Christ much more cast off and refuse all such seruants of the diuell and the world and Antichrist as will not beare his yoke Sixtly it imports that all Bishops must haue ordination from him and therfore such as cannot shew their calling from Iesus Christ are plants which he will root out Secondly for consolation to
the laying of the foundation of the earth Now it is euident that those two things hee did of himself of nothing without any means Lastly that place in Hebr. 12.9 is most cleer The words are these Wee haue had the fathers of our flesh which chastised vs and we reuerenced them how much more should wee bee subiect to the Father of our spirits and liue Where is a manifest antithesis between the flesh and the Spirit and the fathers of our flesh and God the Father of our spirit wee had our flesh from our parents and our spirit from God I might adde the reason taken from the manner of giuing of the soule of Christ for he was made in all things like to vs sin onely excepted Now it is euident that Christ's soule was not begot by carnall propagation and therefore it was created of God Obiect Now against this is strongly obiected that if the soule be created immediately of God then it is created either pure or sinfull if pure then how is it that the soule is guilty of originall sinne if impure then how can it be auoided but that God must be the Author of sin Answer This reason draue diuerse of the Fathers in the time of Hierome especially the Western Fathers to beleeue that the soule was propagated from the parents and Saint Augustine is doubtfull which opinion to take to the inconueniences of each opinion seemed so great But other Diuines answer this obiection in this manner First that the soule is created of God pure but ioined to a body conceiued in sinne which is no iniustice in God because hee deliuers the soule but into such an estate as man had cast himself into by his owne wilfull sinne bringing this corruption not onely vpon himself but vpon all his posterity who fell in him Hee by agreement with GOD being as the common sort of mankinde was with him to stand or fall in that generall respect Nor may it be doubted but that the body may work vpon the soule as we see by experience when the body is full of cholerick humours it inclines the soule to anger and so when the body is burdened with melancholy humours it euidently makes sadnes euen in the very minde c. Another answer may be this God creates the soule pure but yet that soule is guilty of owing though not of dooing debendi though not agendi it is charged with the debt of Adam as children may be charged with their fathers debts Now this is one part of originall sinne As for the other of corrupt inclination it is to answer modestly if we say we vnderstand not being assured of two things The one that God is the Father of spirits and the other that all men are infected with sinne from the womb Both are to bee beleeued though in this life we cannot explicate it and what hurt is it if wee bee ignorant how sinne entred into our natures seeing it concerns vs to knowe it is there and to learn how to get our natures recouered Obiection 2. Other liuing creatures beget the like to themselues both in body and in soule too and therefore by this doctrine men should bee more vnable and vnperfect than any liuing creature For if hee doo begette but onely the body he doth not beget one in specie like to himself Answer Though GOD create the soule yet it followes not but that it may bee truely said that man begets a man and that hee is not more vnperfect in generation than any other creature for First the Virgin Mary did bear Christ man in her womb and Christ man is said to bee of the seed of the Virgin and yet his soule was created of God as hath been shewed before Secondly though there bee some dissimilitude in the generation of man and of a beast yet it doth not follow that man is more vnperfect As for instance The beast begettes his young and brings him forth strong couered with a hide able to feed himselfe presently full of leaping and other actions But man brings foorth an Infant weak crying naked vnable to feede it selfe What is man therefore more vnperfect No. For the perfection of generation doth not consist of these things or in these things For heere man excels all other liuing creatures in the world in generation because hee is Gods instrument for the begetting of a body fit to be vnited to such a soule God also doth heereby commend the generation of man and dignify it that hee is pleased so to work in mans generation as he doth not in any other creature vouchsafing to giue vnto mans generation such an admirable soule to his body For therefore was the creation of the first man more excellent then the creation of other creatures because God hauing framed his body of the dust of the earth did infuse such a soule into him Obiect It is a peeuish obiection that some make thus If God create the soule in all men then when any is born of Adulterie God should cooperate with the adulterer and so be either the Author or the approuer of the sin that will giue the soule to such a wicked generation Solut. Some answer thus that God is not the author or approuer because out of euill he onely workes good for his owne glory Others answer That God onely cooperates with the action not with the sinne of the action or the euill of the action or the euill which is in the will of the agents But the best answer is theirs that answer by a similitude thus The earth hath receiued her nature and vigour from God to nourish and bring foorth the seed that is cast into it without difference whether the seed bee lawfully taken out of the barne or stolne by fraud The stolne graine doth not cease to growe in the earth nor is it to bee expected that nature should cast out such seed and yet the earth doth not iustifie the action of him that stole the grain so is it with God that works according to the grounds of nature and his owne decree and prouidence He is not to be blamed for the euill of the action when he works according to the rules of nature and will glorifie himselfe by raising a frame of good out of that which by men was ill done Obiect 4. Wee see that children resemble the vertues or vices of their parents and therefore as from the bodies of their parents they receiue a likenes to them in body so is it that from their soules they receiue this similitude of their vertues or vices Solut. Experience shewes that this is not alwaies true For many children haue no resemblance in them of their parents qualities Secondly where this is true it is not because their soules are deriued from the soules of their parents but they haue it from the bodies of their parents For the soule after suffers from the sympathy with the body as by reason of certaine humours in the bodies of parents that incite