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A13630 The triall of truth Containing a plaine and short discovery of the chiefest pointes of the doctrine of the great Antichrist, and of his adherentes the false teachers and heretikes of these last times. Terry, John, 1555?-1625. 1600 (1600) STC 23913; ESTC S101270 292,240 350

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The Philosopher could say that nothing in this world is made by God rashly or vainely not hauing an ende wherevnto it is created and meanes to bring it to the same end For there is no wise worke-master here among men that will goe about anything but that he will first determine with himselfe concerning the end of his worke and the meanes wherby it may be brought therevnto Which of you saith our Saviour Luc. 4. 28. Christ minding to build a tower sitteth not downe before counteth the cost whether he be sufficient to performe it c. Wherfore it cānot be but meere madnes yea open blasphemy to avouch that the most wise mighty creator should appoint to make many that should m●r●e themselues and not to appointe the end wherevnto they should come and the meanes whereby they should be brought to the same For to say that God ordained them to life but altered his purpose vpon their alteration i● to robbe God of his vnchaungeable goodnes and of his wisedome and foreknowledge also to say that God disposed not of them neither this waie nor that way but left them onely at their owne disposition is to say that the ordering of the clay is in it selfe and not in the potter that fashioneth the same or to say that God meerly permitteth their eternall destruction and their sins wherby they are brought therevnto neither willing nor nilling the same neither in●…ning to the one nor yet to the other is to make the Lord a newter in the ordering and governing of this present world and to open a gappe to flat Epicurisme Div. 6. That God hath not committed the protection of his church to the Saintes departed out of this life THe same power that made al things is only able to sustaine Maker of heaven ea●th Col. 1 17. Psal 36. 6. 104. 1. all things and so it doth And therefore God is not only called the maker but also the preseruer both of man and beast The eies of all waite vpon him and hee giveth them their meate in due season he watreth the hils from aboue the earth is full of the fruit of his workes For God is not as many vnnatural parents which send their children abroad into the wide world leauing them to themselues either to sinke or to swimme nor as the Ostrich who after shee hath laid her egges in the dust cleane forsaketh them caring nothing at all what becommeth of them but hee keepeth as it were continuall watch and warde ouer all his creatures cloathing the Lillies feeding the Fowles and not suffering so much as a Mat 6 ●0 10. 29. Sparrow to fall to the ground without his will and therfore much more over his elect and chosen children guarding them with his fatherly protection and environing them with his as●isting power 1. Pet. 5. 7. Iob. 1. 10. as with a most strong and ●…incible wall not suff●ing so much as an haire of their heads to fall to the ground without his providence He rideth vpon the heavens for their helpe and vpon the Deu. 33. 26. clowdes in his glory his eies are bent vpon them continually so that they never go out of his sight Yea behold he that keepeth Israell Psal 121. 4. doth neither slumber nor sleepe the Lord himselfe is their keeper he is their defence vpon their right hand and their preserver from all evill Iob. 34. 13. Hee hath not passed over this his authority to the saintes nor ioyned any of them with himselfe in commission hee hath not made them our patrons defenders let our Rh●mistes say wh●t Rhem. in c. 2 ●p 1 ad Tim Apoc c 2. they list to the contrary as Saint George for England S. Denis for Fr●…nce S. Andrevve for Scotland The saintes whil●st they liued were Gods instrumentes here in this worlde for the good of his church and they served their times as it is saide of David Now they Act. 13 36. 2. Sa. 12 23. are departed hence they are not sent backe againe to be regentes over countries or to be disburlets of these the Lords earthly and temporall blessings For they rest from all such labours being alwaies before the throne of God seruing and praising him there Apoc 7. 5. 13. 14. for ever and therefore well may they contente themselues to leaue the affaires of this world to such as still liue in this world and not to haue any more portion for ever in all that is done vnder the Eccl 9. 6. sunne seeing that they haue so liberall plētifull a portion in the things that are aboue the sunne Surely king David while he liued Psa 73 25. here in this worlde knewe no patron besides the Lord himselfe Est 14. 3. Is 6. 16. Whōe haue I in heavē but the● Nor yet did Queene Ester know any other Lord helpe thou me which haue no helper besides thee For Abraham knewe the●… not and Israell had forgotten them Chap. 4. Div. 1. That our Saviour Christ according vnto his divine nature is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 one and the same God vvith the Father THe godhead deity or the divine nature is of none but of it selfe being the originall cause and fountaine of all being and subsisting vnto all as these names Iah and In Iesu● Ch●ist his onely son● Iehovah do also insinuate And the divine nature of our glorious God Lord Iesus Christ is the same divine nature which is in the father and he himselfe is one and the same God with the father and therefore 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and of himselfe howsoever the wicked brood of the great Antichrist the graūd enemy of Christ doth charg this doctrin with wicked blasphemy Christ as God is of himselfe as God the sone is of Rhemist in Ioh. cap. 1. Campian Rat. 8. the father begottē after an vnspeakable maner of his divine nature substāce before al worlds And so speaketh an ancient father Christ to himselfe is God but in the re●…tiō to his father is the sone so begottē of the father Div. 2. That our Saviour Christ was incarnate by the holy Ghost and tooke his humane nature only of the seede of man and not of the seede of any graine by having it transubstantiated into his bodie IF the doctrine of transubstantiation bee true as it is determined Incarnate by the holy Ghost borne of the virgin Mary Se●… 3. sub Iulio 3. cā 4 cap. 2. and concluded by the councel of Trent that by the consecr●tion of bread and wine the vvhole substaunce of breade and vvine is turned into the very substance of the body and blood of Christ And if the vvordes of the institution of this holy sacrament this is my bodie be to be vnderstoode li●terally really substantially then our Saviour CHRIST tooke not flesh onely of the blessed Virgin Marie but also of material bread that becomming really and substantially his very
34. sepulchet might be knowne that so he might be worshipped even so that it 〈◊〉 the selfe-same spirite that hath stroven so earnestly to bl●ze ab●oade the incredible vvonders of the Romish Saintes that so the people might bee mooued to vvorshippe them and to place their hope and trust in them For the spirit of CHRIST as it proceedeth from him so it teacheth that doctrine which he taught and seeketh to glorifie him by setting Ioh. 16. 14. forth his greatnesse that so the faithfull might trust perfectly in his grace and rest themselues only vppon his sufficiencie and it teacheth the chiefest among the saintes to account it their greatest honour to honour their Lorde Christ and to giue testimony Apoc 19. 10. vnto him for to giue testimony to Christ is a sure note of the spirite of a true prophet that so they may bee honoured of him with a roome among the residue of his servauntes And verily if vvee will rightly worshippe the saintes vvee must learne by Aug in psa ●… their appointment not to vvorshippe them but to vvorshippe him that ma●e heauen and earth the sea and all that is therein Yea vvee m●st endevour to vvorshippe God as they haue giuen vs an example by follovving Apoc. 19. 10. ●2 9. Act. 10. 26. 14. 15. them in the steppes of their sounde and christian faith of their ho ly and godly life and this is the greatest honor that we can do vnto them which is most grateful and acceptable to them and most b●n●ficial vnto our selues And as for those strange legendary wonders let vs leaue them to him and his adherents who vvas to come vvith great signes and lying vvonders and to be discerned Mat. ●… 24. Chrys●… in Mat hom 49. Aug. de vni●…●…l ca. 16. in part by this meanes Neither neede vve being thus forewarned by Christ himselfe greatly be astonished and amazed thereat or esteeme better of many of them then Austine did of the Donatistes miracles the vvhich he esteemed to be either flat forgeries of seducing men or else delusions of lying spirits Div. 4. That we may not pray to the saintes departed nor seeke to them that by their mediation we may come vnto God and by their meanes obtaine our petitions VPon the question of faith in the saints dependeth the quest●ō I beleeue in God I beleeue the church of their invocatiō For if we must only beleeue in God then vve must also pray only only vnto him and if we cannot trust in the Saints not hope to be holpen by their means to what end should we make our praiers vnto them and seeke vnto them in our necessities How shall they call vpon him saith the Apostle in Rom. 10. 14. whom they haue not beleeued Surely that vvere to begge at a wrong do●… and as it vvere to seeke to sucke water out of a s●…nt Wherfore if vve vvill haue our praiers to take effect vve must make thē to him that is able to heare also to fulfil accōplish the same But God only is omnipotent filling al places vvith his maiesty povver searching the very secrets of our harts and reines and beholding euen with what affection we conceiue our supplicatiōs he also is only omnipotent able to accomplish our desires the which properties are so peculiar to God as he is God that no vvay they cā agree to any creature The saints are neither present in many places to heare al the praiers that are made vnto thē neither are they able to looke into the hart to see whether such praiers are made in hypocrisie or else with an holy godly sincerity If the soules of the departed could bee heere present in this world my godly Aug. de cura ●ro mort ca. 13. mother saith S. Austine would never leaue me but true it is that the Psalmist saith when my father my mother for sooke me c. But if our parents be not present vvith vs what are other that they should know our estate Thou art our father saith Esay for Abraham knoweth vs not and I s●aell h●th forgotten vs. Now if ●o great Patriarkes did not know the estate of their owne posterity How should others know and be helpers vnto theirs Wherefore we doe no wrong to the Aug. li. de pastore c. 8. holy mountaines that is to the saints when we say our helpe is not from the mountaines but frō the Lord that made heaven earth the mountaines themselues do teach the same will not only not be offended with thee for it but will loue thee for the same favour thee the more but if th●… pu● thy hope in them they will be sorry The truth is that the Lord cōmandeth vs in all our wantes and necessities to seeke vnto him who is our only saviour and deliverer the only fountaine and wel-spring of al good things Call vpon mee in the day of thy trouble and I will del●ver Psa 50. 15. thee and thou shalt glorifie me Come vnto me saith our Saviour all Mat 11. 28. yee that are laden and grievously oppressed and I will ease you The name of the Lord saith Salomon is an impregnable tower the righteous shall ●…e Pro. 18. 10. vnto it and shall be delivered He then that speaketh vnto God for succour getteth himselfe as it were into an invincible fort where he is sure to be free from all danger and he that maketh his suite vnto the Lord commeth not to a beggarly benefactor but vnto a rich and a bountiful Founder who is rich not to some but to all that call vpon him Neither needest thou doubt of his render affection towardes thee his goodnes is infinite and so is his compassion farre greater then the kindnesse of any father or mother or then is the compassion of any of the saints the more thou feelest thy selfe burdened with the weight of thy sins the readier is he to ease and refresh thee and the more vnworthy thou art in thine ovvne e●es the worthier thou art in his sight the more humbled thou art in thy selfe the nearer thou art to be exalted by him Come thy selfe vnto him take no associate but only a faithful a penitent heart and thou shalt alwaies haue free accesse Our Saviour Christ whē he would not heare his own disciples on the behoose of the womā of Canaan gaue audience vnto her at her own suite granted her her petition and request Tel me saith Chrysostome Chr●s hom 12. de Cana●…a entreating of this woman how durst thou come vnto Christ where as thou art a wicked sinfull wretch I know saith shee what to do Behold saith he the wisedome of this woman Shee praieth not Iames Ioh or Peter or any of the company of the rest of the Apostles shee seeketh no mediatour for her selfe but for all these taketh repentance for her associate in steed of a mediatour and goeth directly to
blessed Virgin shee vvas not annointed nor yet appointed to bee thy Saviour The vniversall company of all those that are made partakers of the kingdome of heaven doe take their crovvnes of glorie from their ovvne heades and cast them dovvne at the Lambes feete acknowledging thereby of vvhome they holde them giuing the glorie of their salvation onely to GOD and the Lambe saying Salvation is of GOD that sitteth vppon the throne and from the lambe VVith the vvhich catholike consent of all the holy Apoc. 4. 10 saintes vvee may content our selues and satisfie our consciences sufficiently hovve many and hovve mightie soever they be here in this vvorlde that vvill not subscribe to this holy and heavenlie confession And verely vvee being built vppon CHRIST our immoueable rocke vvee neede not seeke for the stay and strength of any other foundation being possessed vvith the maintenance of this most bountifull Founder vvee neede not begge for an exhibition of any other benefactor being furthered in all our suites by his mediation vve neede no other letters of commendation hauing re●aued from him our satisfecit and quiet●… est vvee neede not greatly care for the Popes indulgence and pardon being clensed from all our sinnes by his blood vve neede not make any reckoning of our purging in purgatory being cloathed with the most odoriferous garmentes of his obedience we neede not adde thereto the patches and ragges of our ovvne righteousnesse being enriched vvith his treasures vve neede not make much account of our ovvne trash and hauing his sufferinges and death for the warrant of our right to the kingdome of heaven we neede not seeke for any further assurance or for any other title to that happy and heavenly inheritance Neither indeede doth the true church the spouse of CHRIST seeke for the same to any other then to her kinde and louing bride-grome shee contenteth her selfe vvith his loue and satisfieth her selfe vvith his sufficiency it is enough to her that shee is flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone even the bodie and fulnes of him that filleth all in all VVherefore if Iesus Christ be our whole entire only and sufficient Saviour if there be no other name power where by we may be saued as the greatnes of that raunsome which he only gaue for our redēption doth sufficiently declare if the death of Gods dearest saintes come shorte of that price the vvhich being endured for the confession of the faith of CHRIST is the very crowne of all their vvorkes if they vvere not vvorthy of the least of the LORDES mercies but were made partakers of them all most frankely and freely in CHRIST IESVS if through him they vvere not onely at the first reconciled vnto GOD and receaued into favour but also preserued in the same and brought to their full and finall glorification lastly if their vvorkes vvere rewarded vvith eternal glory not for the merite and worthines of the same in that the best of them examined in iustice deserued a curse rather then a blessing but for the mere mercy of him vvho so vvell accepteth of them and of their doinges in his vvel-beloued sonne then vvee may conclude that not the best vvorkes of the LORDES dearest saintes but the obedience and death of his dearly beloued sonne is the onely meritorious cause of eternall salvation And therefore that the church of Rome by ioyning the saintes to CHRIST in the vvorke of our saluation and by making them by their owne merites their owne Saviours in parte and others also and so by robbing of him vnto vvhome all is due of the vvhole and entire glorie thereof is iustly by all the faithfull members of CHRIST dispossessed of the name of the true church and rightly charged to be the verie throne of that enimy of Christ the great Antichrist Div. 8. That Christes soule descended not into Limbus Patrum to deliver the Fathers THere vvas one place for all the faithfull after their death vvhich departed before the coming of Christ in the flesh He descended into hell 2. Reg. 2. 11. Luc. 16. 22. But Elias at his departure was carried vp into heaven and not downe into Limbus and Lazarus was carried into Abrahams bosome which can be no part nor region of hell as it may appeare by these circumstances First these two places where Lazarus the rich man were are said to be farre off one from the other to haue an huge distance set betweene them which is not so likely to be betweene two places which both as they say are situated vnder the earth Secondly it is saide that there is no passage from the one place to the other whereas the devils themselues passe higher even to those that liue here vpon earth Thirdly it is called a place of comforte where Lazarus vvas refreshed and comforted wheras in all likely-hoode there is verie colde comforte in any coast or region of hel Moreover CHRIST vvas in the ●ore knowledge of GOD alambe slaine from the beginning of the vvorlde Apoc. 13. 18 his death vvas then as effectuall to the Fathers to open to them the kingdome of heaven as it is novve to vs seeing hee is yesterday and today and the selfe same for ever and therefore Heb. 13. 8. the selfe same Saviour and opener of heaven to them as to vs they receauing the same end of their faith as vvee 1. Pet. 19. doe even the salvation of their soules For the Fathers vvere the children of God by faith in Christ as wel as the faithfull since the ascension of Christ and therefore heauen as their inheritance was due vnto them at their departure out of this life and therefore they vvere not debarred from the same And vvhat shal we say that they vvalked in the broad way that leadeth to hell or in the narrovv way that leadeth to heauen And therefore at the ende of their life being the end of their vvalke vvere they not placed in rest in that their long longed for and desired countrey which was prepared for them of God And vvas not this present life to them Heb. 11. 16. as it is to vs a time of sowing and a place of warfare and fight and the next life a time of reaping and haruest and a place of crowning and triumphing Now there is no reaping nor triumphing out of heauen and therefore the fathers after their seede time and vva●fare ended here in this life were doubtles brought to heauen being the place appointed for their ioyfull harvest and glorious triumph And certainely as all those vvhom Christ hath novv reconciled are either in heauen or in earth as the Apostle testifieth euen so they were also in the first ages of the church Col. 1. 20. vnder the fathers and therefore as there are none now in purgatory fire so there were none then in Limbus Patrum So Saint Aust hypog lib. 5. Austine the first place the catholike faith by the warrant of divine scripture beleeveth to
Marc. 1. 15. one is occasioned by the due consideration of our owne most manifold and greavous corruptions the other by the apprehension of the Lordes most singular and endles goodnes And therefore the scope of the whole Scripture tēding to teach repētāce faith tēdeth likewise to these two ends on the one side to display lay open the incomparable excellencies perfectiōs that be in God that by the beauty therof we may be most earnestly stirred vp to desire reconciliatiō fellowship with him to place our whole hope confidēce in him to ascribe vnto him al honour glory on the other side to discover the infirmities corruptions of man that therby he may be induced al selfe loue set aside to distrust deny renoūce himselfe to hāg down the head being cōfoūded in himselfe cast downe to the bottomles pitte of hell So the Prophet I say setting downe the mighty working of the gospell at the coming of the Messias testifieth that thereby the high lookes shall be humbled and the Isa 2. 17. 24. 23. loftines of man shall be abated and the Lord onely shall be exalted in that day yea that the Moone shal be abashed and the Sunne ashamed whē the Lord shal appeare that is that such things as in our selues seeme beautiful as the Sūne shal be covered with darknes dashed over as with a coa●e in respect of the brightnes of Gods most admirable goodnes shining in the face of the glorious Messias And wha● else also meaneth the Prophet ●zechiell in saying that when Ezech. 16. the Lord hath confirmed his everlasting Covenant with vs is pacified towards vs thē we shal remēber our waies be ashamed neuer open our mouthes any more in respect of our shame Wherefore if we will bee partakers of the fruite of the gospell we must be moued thereby to looke throughly into our own corruptiōs to cast down our eies as it were vpō our own fowle feete that so we may haue our part in that shāe which is the path way to worship honor We Eccl. 4. 21. must not be gazing vpon our peacockes tailes nor beholding the Sūne when he shineth nor the Moone walking in her Iob. 31. 26. brightnes that is we must not admire ourselues no not in respect of our tēporal or spiritual gifts lest our owne harts do flatter vs in secret so induce vs to kisse our own hāds Surely this is an iniquity to be cōdēned seing it is a denial Hab. 2. 4. of the Lord aboue For he that lifteth vp himselfe his hart is not vpright for the iust shal liue by faith which teacheth vs not to admire ourselues or to trust in our selues but to go out of our selues and to trust in God and to place our whole hope in the riches of his grace in the fulnes of his goodnes And in truth we can hardly detract to much from man in whose flesh dwelleth no good thing al the imaginatiōs Rom. 7 18. Gen. 6. 5. of whose hart are only evil cōtinually that so he may be brought to cast away al selfe loue pride cōfidence in himselfe take to himselfe his due deserved cōfu●ion and shame be vnfainedly hūbled as he ought to be As on the cōtrary side we cā as hardly ascribe to much to Gods goodnes or be overlavish in extolling the hight lēgth bredth depth of the loue of Christ that passeth knowledge that so the pledges of his endles favour may raise vs vp to a true liuely faith to giue him that glory that is due to him And why should mire that lieth in the streete be so gready to be seasōed with sugar spice a vile peece of a rotten post to be gilded over with fine gold why should wretched sinful man be desirous to enlarg his own estimatiō by advaūcing lifting vp himselfe prepare a way to a most dāgerous downfall So God be glorified we ought not greatly regard what becometh of vs seing all is due to him nothing to vs. And verely the most blessed servants saints of God being purged and clensed from all corruptions being admitted to the vision of God and to bebold not his hinder partes but even to see him face to face and so to behold his vnspeakable glory as farre forth as the creature is capable of the same albeit they are so highly advaūced yet they take their crownes from their owne heades and cast them downe before the throne saying Apoc. 4 10. 11. Thou art worthy O Lord to receaue honour glorie power for thou hast created all thinges for thy willes sake they were are created never ceasing day nor night to sing holy holy holy Lord God Apoc. 15. 4. almighty who shal not feare thee glorify thy name for thou only art holy Yea our most glorious Lord Saviour Christ Iesus himselfe who was annointed with the oile of gladnes aboue his fellowes and endued vvith the spirite vvith out measure vvho is advaunced to the right hand of GOD and hath all power in heaven and earth giuen vnto him is appointed iudge of quicke deade when he shall haue finished the worke of his Mediator-shippe and shall haue placed al the elect of God in the peaceable possessiō of that most glorious kingdome which he hath purchased for thē with his owne blood thē as he is man he shal deliver vp his kingdome to God be subiect to him that to this end that God may be all in all all glorie honour power 1. Co. 15. 28 praise being worthely ascribed only to him Whereby it is evident that God can never be sufficiently magnified in respect of his incomprehensible goodnes glory as on the contrary side man can never be sufficiently hūbled abased especially in comparison had vnto God And yet the members of the Church of Rome fearing belike that Gods great grace should be to highly magnified that to much should be yeelded therevnto being loath as it seemeth that man should take to himselfe that due deserued shāe that belōgeth vnto him wil haue neither Conc. Trid. sess 6. cap. 1. Can. 7. al our workes before our cōversatiō being dōe without faith to be condemned for sinne nor all our good workes after our Cap. ●… con 25. Cap. 2. can 4. conversion to be stained so much as with any ●ental sinne neither all our very sinnes to be damnable and mortall nor yet our conversion it selfe to be wrought only by the spirit of regeneration but also by the power of our owne free wil neither our salvation to be ascribed to the only death of our all sufficient Saviour but also to our owne merites and desertes The Prophet Cap. 11. can 32. Psal 115. 1. David was of another spi●…e Not vnto vs O Lorde saith he not vnto vs but vnto
people to beleeue in grosse and blindefully as the church beleeueth but that they ought to vnderstand the seuerall pointes of their faith IN the Lords praier we are taught to call 〈◊〉 in 〈…〉 al●…tie ●…er of heaven earth c. God not my father but our father to teach vs in charity to presume such to bee Gods children which cal vpon one common father togither vvith vs in the name of our Lorde Iesus Christ our sole and onely mediatour But in our creede we are taught to saye not vvee beleeue but I beleeue to teach vs that it is not the faith of any other but everie one 's owne particular faith vvhich ioyneth him vnto the house-holde of faith and causeth him to be admitted amonge the members of the faithfull For as by beleeving that such a one or such a one taketh a verie good course to make cloth or to manure the grounde maketh not an other man a good cloth maker or husband-man vnlesse hee knovve the like courses himselfe and bee able also to practise the same even so it maketh not a faithfull christian to beleeue as such or such a faithfull man beleeueth except hee himselfe holde a right faith For an others faith can make mee no more faithfull then an other mans charitie can make me charitable or an other mans patience can make me patient The iust shall liue by his owne faith and Hab 2. 4. not by the faith of any other And so we are taught by the general cōfession of all the articles of our christian faith which is to be made of every faithfull christian that the true christian catholike faith is not to beleeue in grosse and blindfully as the church beleeveth but distinctly and particularly both concerning God that he is one in substance and essence distinguished into three persons the father the sonne and the holy ghost and also concerning his workes that he made vs and not we our selues that he redeemed vs and not we our selues and that he sanctified vs and not we our selues Where vnto agreeth the creede of Atha●asius Wherin it is most perēptorely avouched that not not only the learned but the vnlearned also even whosoever will be saued not as in the last place but before all thinges neither as a matter only convenient but as a thing most necessary must holde the catholike faith and that he must beleeue and confesse the mistery of the vnity in trinity and of the trinity in vnity with that other great missery of godlines also God manifested in the flesh For as with the hart man Rom 10 10 beleeveth vnto righteousnes so with the mouth he confesseth to salvation So that the true faith both instructeth the harte with knowledge and directeth also the tongue in the confession of the same For as Ierome faith of the scripture that it consisteth not in the reading but Advers Lucif in the vnderstanding so we may say that the catholike faith consisteth not in the wordes wherein it is expresse but in the catholyke sence and meaning and therefore not the bare reciting of the wordes of the creede but the right vnderstanding of the of the sence and meaning thereof maketh a sonnde and a catholike christian This is everlasting life saith our Saviour Christ to Ioh. 17. 3. knowe the true God and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ The which knowledge vvhen the Apostles were to preach to other they are saide to haue receaued the keyes of the kingdome of heaven and the same knowledge when they vvere endued withall themselues it vvas a token and signe vnto them that they vvere then receiued among the number of the faithfull Vnto you saith our Saviour Christ vnto his disciples it is giuen Mark 4. 11. to knowe the misteries of the kingdome of heaven but vnto them vvhich are without all thinges are done in parables that seeing they may see and not discerne and hearing they may heare and not vnderstand least at any time they shoulde bee converted and their sinnes shoulde bee forgiuen them A manifest distinction betweene the children of light and the children of darknes vnto the one is giuen the key of knowledge which openeth the dore into the kingdome of Luke 11. 52. heauen the other are left in their blindnes and darkenesse to fall thereby into the pit of eternall destruction For the father of light bringeth his children of light by the light of his word to the kingdome of light and the prince of darkenes bringeth his children of darkenes through the darkenes of ignorance to his kingdome of darkenes Wherefore well may it agree to the Idolatrous Athenians to haue an altar dedicated to an vnknowne God and Act. 17. 23. to professe a blinde kinde of service of God And well may it beseeme the schismaticall Samaritans to worshippe as their fathers worshipped Ioh. 4. 20. and to beleeue as their progenitors beleeued and in truth to beleeue and worshippe they wo●e not what Surely the faithfull servants of the true God know what they worshippe having for the warrant thereof the infallible word of the everliving Lord and therefore salvation is from them For the true christian saving faith is a wise intelligent and an vnderstanding perswasion it is not a blind blockish and a brutish fancy a blind faith is no faith and a blinde confession is no confession Be not saith the prophet David like the horse and mule in whom there is no vnderstanding Psal 32. 9 1. Cor. 14. 20. Beloved saith the Apostle be not children in vnderstanding but in malice be yee children in vnderstanding bee yee of perfect age And againe be not vnwise but vnderstande what the will of the Lord is If thou Eph. 5. 15. 1. Cor. 14. 16. praiest saith the same Apostle in an vnknowne tongue how can the vnlearned say Amen and ratifie it with his consent euen so if any professing themselues members of the visible church know not the particular points of the christian faith held and taught in the same church how can they faithfully beleeue the same or how cā they rightly consent thervnto Surely as the seed that falleth on the high way is devoured vp of the fowles of the aire can never giue hope of Math. 13 4. any good harvest so the word of God the seede of faith not vnderstoode can never make vs fruitfull vnto the Lord. Wherefore it was a most godly wish of Moses the man of God O that all the Num. 11. 29 Lordes people could prophecy and that the Lord would put his spirit vpon them And good cause had the childrē of the captivitie after their returne to their owne coūtrey greatly to reioyce before the Lord not onely for that the law of God was distinctly read soundly and sincerely expounded vnto them but especially for that the Lord had opened their eies and had caused them to vnderstād the same For all such as the Lord will haue to
into the vvhole vvorlde and preach Mar. 16. 15. the gospell to everie creature hee that shall beleeue and bee baptized shall bee saved hee that shall not beleeue shall bee condemned And this graunt being thus proclaimed he signed it as it vvere vvith his ovvne hand by giuing testimony thereto by diverse strange signes and vvonders vvhich coulde not bee vvroughte but by his ovvne singer and further ratified the same by his holy Sacramentes as it vvere with his owne sacred seale ●dding therenuto the blood of all his holy Martyrs and vvitnesses vvhich they most willingly shedde for the full confirmation of the trueth of the same Neither wanteth it also the testimony of the sonne of God giuen after a sorte vppon his solemne oath Verily verily I say vnto you hee that heareth my Ioh. 5. 24. vvorde and beleeueth in him that sent mee hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but hath passed from death to life vnto all which testimonies wee may adde also the vvitnesse that hath beene giuen thereto euen by all the prophets For to Christ giue all the prophets witnesse that through his name all that beleeue Act. 10. 43. in him shall receaue remission of sinnes Now then seeing this doctrine of the gospell of Christ is ratified vnto vs by so many witnesses we ought not only to be fully perswaded of the truth thereof in generall that whosoever beleeveth shall be saued but also in particular that I and thou and he which beleeue shall assuredly also bee partakers of eternall salvation For the generall is no otherwise true then it may bee verified in all the particulars And if I and thou and hee which beleeue cannot bee assured of our saluation then it cannot bee true that vvhosoeuer beleeueth shall be saued seeing the drift and purpose of the generall was to containe vnder it al the particulars If a Prince in the time of a ●utiny or rebellion shoulde cause a generall pardon to be proclaymed to all that woulde submit themselues and accepte of mercy who is so simple that doeth nor vnderstande that the scope of the generall pardon is to assure every one of the rebels in particular that he may enioy the benefite thereof if that hee will submit himselfe and accept of mercy The most mighty Lorde of heauen and earth hath caused to be proclaimed a great Iubile the acceptable yeere an yeare of release and pardon euen to all disloyal and rebellious sinners whoseuer they bee and vvhatsoeuer their offences haue beene if that they will accepte and faithfully embrace his mercy offered vnto them in Christ Iesus ought not then euery particular christian to whom the Lord hath giuen grace faithfully to embrace mercy in CHRIST assuredly perswade himselfe of the remission of his owne sins and of life euerlasting It is vvritten saieth Cyprian the iust shall liue by faith there is the generall Nowe saith he if thou bee iust and livest by faith and if thou rightly beleeuest in GOD why doest thou not vvillingly embrace death vvhereas thou art to bee vvith CHRIST and oughtest to be SVRE of the promise therein there is the vse and benefite which every faithfull christian ought to embrace and to apply particularly to his owne conscience Doth God saith he Cyp serm 4. de mortalitate promise vnto THEE at thy departure out of this life eternall life and doest thou vvauer and doubte of the same in which wordes we may perceaue that the generall promise doeth belong to every faithful mā in particular as well as if his own name had bin set down in the same that he ought in no case to doubt but assuredly to perswade himselfe of the benefit therof for to be doubtful not fully assured were to be vtterly saith he ignorāt of God to offend Christ the teacher of faith with the sin of infidelity for one which hath a place in the church not to haue faith in the house of faith Wherefore it is not a falling a way by presumption but a● standing by faith for every faithfull christian to striue to assure himselfe particularely of the remission of his owne sinnes and of life everlasting Otherwise why did the Apostle assure the Iaylor in particular of his eternall salvation if he did faithfully embrace the glad ●idings of the gospell Beleeue than in the Lord Iesus and thou shalt be saued thy house holde Act. 16. 31. And why else did our Saviour himselfe th● teache giver of faith seeing their faith which brought vnto him the man sicke of the paulsy with the faith no doubt of the sicke party himselfe assure the sicke party in particular of the remission of his owne sinnes man thy sinnes are forgiuen thee So likew●se to the penitent Luc. 5. 20. Luc. 7. 48. woman thy sinnes are forgiuen thee thy faith hath saued thee goe in peace As also to the faithfull and penitent the se to day shal● Luc. 23. 43. thou be with mee in Paradise And why e●se ●…cheth the church of Rome her selfe that her preists in hearing auricular confession can Conc. trid de part fructu poenit c. 3. and doe by the authoritie of the keyes committed vnto them in their sacrament of penance vpon the view● belike of that faith and repentance of such as open their sinnes vnto them giue vnto them the remission of their sinnes in particular assuring them thereof to the great consolation of their spirites and to the peace and quietnes of their consciences For if other men which cannot looke into my heart and conscience so well as my selfe can vpon the view of my repentance and faith remi●te vnto me my sinnes or at the least but assure me thereof vnto the peace o● my conscience and consolation of my spirite then no doubt but my selfe which can farre better looke into mine owne conscience and behold mine owne faith and repentance then any other especially when Ih●u●receaued instruction of such a● know how to minister a word● in due season may thereby assure my selfe of the remission of mine owne sinnes and of my deliverance from eternall Hebr. 2. 4. Mark 16. 20. condemnation And why did the Lord himselfe with signes and wonders and with ●…vers miracles and giftes of the holy ghost giue testimonie vnto the gospell when it was first preached and confirme this ioyfull ●idings of salvation in Christ sent to all that beleeue but that every faithfull man thereby might vndoubtedly be assured of the remission of his owne sinnes and of his iust title to the inheritance of the kingdome of heaven What shall we thinke that the divine power of God would as it were subscribe to that doctrine which was not heavenly and divine or that the truth it selfe would warrant a lie and that with such strange signes and wonders Neither hath the Lord onely confirmed this doctrine of the gospell of his sonne with straunge wonders wrought by his owne hande but also
the very fountaine it selfe For therefore saith shee he descended and tooke our flesh vpon him and became man that I might be bold to speake vnto him himselfe For as Ambrose also teacheth wee neede not make friends to come vnto God as a Amb. in ep ad rom ca. 1. man must doe that will come vnto a Prince we neede not a spokes-man to procure Gods favour who knoweth right well every ones good deeds but we must bring vnto him a devout minde Where his meaning is that the faithful who are reconciled vnto God by Christ haue no need of any other mediatour to procure thē Gods favor not that they do not still stand in neede of Christ to be their mediatour be they neuer so righteous or never so holy For as he himselfe else where testifieth Amb. lib. de Isaac anim●… Christ is our mouth still whereby we speake to the father our eie by the which we see the father cur right hand which presenteth vs vnto the father without whose intercessiō neither we nor any of the saints haue any communion with God So saith Cyrill also none commeth to the father Cyrill in Ioh. ca. 16. but by the sonne by who● we are brought to the father by the spirite therefore he calleth himselfe a dore and a way and saith none commeth to the father but by me For as there is but one God so there is but one 1. Tim. 2. 5. mediatour betweene God and man even the man Iesus Christ therefore if any man sin we haue not Peter or Paul or the glorious virgin but we haue Iesus Christ our advocate and hee is the propitiation for our 1 Ioh. 2 1. Heb. 7. 27. sins For it is he that hath an eternall priesthoode alwaies living to make intercession for vs and it is he that is ascended into heaven there to appeare on our behoofe before God to be as it were our Lawyer in that celestial court to preferre our petitions to sollicite our suits continually Yea it is he that is that Angell of the covenaunt th●… Apoc. 8. 3. doth put the sweete odours of his obedience vnto our praiers whereby they are accepted before God and made a sacrifice of a sweet savour vnto his divine maiesty And verily in whom should we be accepted before God but in his dearely beloved son in whom hee is well Mat. 3. 17. pleased And for whom should our Saviour make intercession but for them whose redemption he hath wrought by his own blood vvho surely vvill not novv post them of to any other advocate not cōmend their suites to any other sollicitour therfore thrice wretched vvere they if they vvould seeke to any other then only to him vvho hath taken their causes into his owne hands Wherefore if vve looke for a good effect in all our praiers and an happy successe in all our affaires we must commend vs and ours only to God and that in the name of our only mediatour and not in the mediation of any other Div. 5. That it would be an impeachment to the Lordes omnipotency if sin●… shoulde be done himselfe in no respect willing but altogeather nillinge the sam●e THe almighty creator and governour of heaven and earth Almighty Iob 9. 12. Ma h. 8. 8. Eccl. 3. 14. Esa 14 24. Gen. 50 20. Rom. 8. 28. whose wil hath his forth in al things whatsoever whose decrees cannot be reversed no● his power resisted who is even in that selfe same thing most singularly good wherein man is most notoriously evil who can drawlight out of darkenes and turne evill into good hath made sinne it selfe that proceedeth not from himselfe but from the devill not only an occasion to destroy Aug. co●… Pet. l. 3. c. 13 pride and to plant humility in the heartes of his saints but also a way for the manifestation of his most severe iustice in the punishment thereof and of his endles mercy in pardoning the same and of his infinite wisedome in appointing such a meanes for mans delivery from sinne whereby he sheweth himselfe both perfectly merciful and perfectly iust And in these respectes it may be saide that God willeth albeit he never iust●fieth sinne but disalloweth hateth and interdicteth the same and that vpon the Aug. Ench. ad Laur. c. 100. paine of eternall damnation Greate are th● workes of the LORD saith S. Austine and most exquisite in regard of the * in omnes voluntates ●ius manifolde respectes of his will so that by a straunge and vnspeakable manner that is not done BESIDES which is done AGAINST his vvill because it should not be done if he did not suffer it neither doth he suffer it nilling but willing And yet the church of Rome teacheth that God in no respect willeth sinne but that the sinner performeth the same wholy and altogether against his will Contrary to the iudgmēt of the wiseman How might any thing endure if it were not thy vvill Wisd 11. 22. Rom. 9. 19. Aug. Ench. ad La●… c. 96. Contrary to the Apostle who hath resisted his will and greatly preiudicing thereby the Lordes omnipotency according vnto the plaine and direct censure of S. Austine in this very case It is not to be doubted saith he but that God doth well in suffering whatsoever is done evill in that he doth not suffer it but in his iustice now verely that which is iust is good Wherefore albeit these thinges which are evill in that they are evill are not good yet notwithstanding it is a good thing that not only good but that evill should BE also For vnlesse it were good that e● should BE it should not be permitted to BE of the omnipotent good to whō without all doubt as it is an easie matter to doe whatsoever hee will so it is as easye a matter to stay whatsoever he will not The which thinge vnlesse vve firmely beleeue the very first foundation of our christian faith will be greatly shaken wherein we make profession that we beleeue in GOD the father almighty Neither is he for any other cause truely called omnipotent or almighty but for that hee is able to to doe whatsoever he will and the effect of his will is not hindred by the will of any other creature whatsoever So then God willeth the actions of the wicked for he could stay them if he willed them not and had not appointed to draw good out of them by making them a meanes to manifest his iustice in the authors destruction And so the Apostle teacheth in plaine wordes that the wicked and reprobate which are hardened in their sinnes by the malice of Satan and by the corruption of their owne nature are not hardened by the bare permission onely but also by the will and appointment of God He hath mercy saith the Apostle Rom. 9. 18. Nihil si● fr●s●ra Frustra fi● quod fine car●t on whome he WILL and whome he WILL he hardeneth
greate A●…rist who haue solde themselues to deface the incomparable dignity and the most ample sufficiencie of the mos● precious ●…ath of our almighty and sufficient Saviour haue not onely vveighed in the same ballance the vvorks of the saintes and ma●ched them in meriting vvith the workes of Christ albe●t they haue g●uen them as it were for manners sake the vpper hande but also they haue denied such excellency to rest in his obedience and sufferings Rh●m in c. 8. ep ad●rom that in themselues they should be meritorious of eternall glorie or any whit comparable therevnto Div. 7. That CHRISTES obedience and sufferings are the onely meritorious cause of eternall glorie THe Apostle to shewe that we haue perfect reconciliation with God forg●uenesse of sinne and full redemption by Suffered Col. 1. 15. by the blood of Christ setteth downe the excellency of this our most glorious Saviour who spared not to shedde his blood for vs as that he is the image of the invisible GOD the fi●st begotten of all creatures that by him all things were created in heaven earth whether they be thrones domi●…ōs or powers yea that it pleased the father that in him all fulnes should dwell So the Heb. 1. 1. apostle to the Hebrew to shew that Christ is the perfect purgatiō of our sins setteth down the excellēcy of his persō that he who is he●re of al things by whom also the world vvas made being the brightnes of his fathers glory the engravē forme of his person sustaining all thinges by the might of his power hath by himselfe purged our sinnes In respect of the greatenes of the which price that vvas giuen for the raunsome of our soules Saint Peter saith 1. Pet. 1. 18. that vvee are not redeemed vvith corruptable thinges as vvith silver and golde but vvith the pretious bloode of CHRIST as of a lambe vndefiled and vvithout spotte So then our redemption was not valued at gold and silver it vvas not set at solowe a rate neither vvas it purchased vvith so small a price but he that vvas The greatnes of the sacrifice that was offred for sinne the onely begotten SONNE OF GOD the second person in the glorious TRINITIE of the same substance might maiesty with the father hauing taken vpon him our humane nature and ioyned it in one person with his divine and hauing sanctified ●t aboue measure by the infinite purity and perfection thereof and in it hauing fulfilled all righteousnes not onely by doing but also by suffering vvhatsoever vvas ansvvereable to the most exact and severe iustice of GOD for all our sinnes this even this so singular a person thus and thus qualified hath by himselfe purged our sinnes and giuen himselfe a ransome for our soules Behold then here the greatnes of that satisfaction that was made for our sinnes the summe of that raunsome that was paide for our soules the quantity of the price that vvas given for the purchase of the kingdome of glory In respect of the inestimable 2. Cor. 6. 20 value wherof the Apostle saith Ye are bought with a price with a price with a witnesse vvith such and so great a price that all the holines of all saintes and angels is no way matchable or comparable thereto How is it then that sinfull and wretched man should cōceaue so high an opinion of the worth of his owne workes that he should so much as but imagine that he himselfe could make satisfaction for those sinnes purchase that kingdome that was valued at so high a rate and purchased with so great a price Surely if it be meere madnes to imagine that here in this world we may purchase for an halfepeny that which is iustly valued at ten thousande poundes then it is as great madnes to imagine that vve are able by our ovvne vvorkes to purchase heaven for the which vvas giuen the Sonne of GOD himselfe seeing all our best works are not as an halfepenny to ten thousād pound in respect of Christ and his righteousnes Therfore no marvaile though the Apostle S. Paul who had laboured more painefully in the Lords vineyarde and endured more crosses for the Gospell of Christ thē any of the rest of his fellovve Apostles yet dareth not thrust himselfe in as a party in this vvorke but vtterly disclaymeth and renounceth it saying Was Paule crucified for you Surely no but a 1. Cor. 1. 13 person of farre greater estate excellency worthines dignity and perfection For albeit pretious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Leo epist 8● ad Palastinos saintes yet the slaying of no innocent person is the propitiation of the world the iust haue themselues receiued not giuen crownes the manhood of the faithfull hath beene patterns of patience and not endowmentes of righteousnes their deathes indeede haue beene rare and singular but yet none of them therevvithall hath discharged anothers debt whereas there is one LORD CHRIST in vvhome all are deade crucified and raysed vp againe And Augustine saith CHRIST is for me a Aug. in Ioh. Tract 47. dore vnto you for yee are his sheepe purchased by his bloode beholde your price which is not giuen by mee but is de●lared and preached by me And in truth no man can deliver his brother no not so much as from Psal 49. 7. bodily death nor make atonement vnto God for him For it cost more to redeeme SOVLES For vvhat recompence can a man giue for his Mat. 16. 26. ●vvne soule much lesse for the soule of any other VVherefore farre be it from the humility of al true and faithful christians that they shoulde so highly esteeme of their ovvne holines as if thereby they coulde make satisfaction for SINNE or merite the crovvne of eternall GLORIE vvhereas the cheifest amongst the SAINTES duely and truely vveighing their ovvne vvorth haue iudged themselues vnvvorthy of the very least of the LORDES mercies O GOD saith Iacob of my Gen. 32. ● father Abraham and God of my father I saak which sa●dst vnto me returne vnto thy countrey and vnto thy kin●ed and I will doe thee good I am not worthy of the least of thy mercies Likewise Iohn the Baptist Ioh. 1 27. confesseth of himselfe that he is no●worthy to loose so much as the very ●atche● of Christes shoe and the Centurion that he is not worthy so much as to receaue CHRIST vnder his roof● Nowe if these Luc. 7. 6. men so holy and high in favou● vvith GOD who haue wrestled prevailed with the Lord himselfe being as greate as any borne of vvomen of so rare singular a faith as hath not beene foūd no not in Israell if these I say did truely acknovvledge themselues not vvorthy of the Lords meanest blessings no doubt thē but they did also acknowledge with the prodiga●…on themselues not worthy to be called Gods sons nor vvorthy of remission of sins eternal glory And verily
workes but of his meere mercy grace and favour And so our Saviour himselfe teacheth vs in the parable of the husbandman that went and sent labourers into Math. 20. 1. his vineyard whereof some vvere hired at the beginning some at the middle and some at the end of the day and yet each of them receaued the same wages the same hire Vpon occasiō of which parable Saint Ambrose saith that such as were hired at the latter end Amb de vocat Gen● l 1. c. 5 of the day do represent vnto vs those which are called to the Lords service at the end and vpshotte of their liues whom he hath chosen without works and vpon whome he doth rather powre forth the riches of his grace then yeelde a rewarde vnto their labours that they also who haue laboured swette the whole day and continued their whole life in the service of God and yet receaue but their penny with the other may thereby vnderstand that they also rather receiue a gift of grace then wages o● h●r● due to their workes For there is but one wa● to li●e for all th●… are saued and therefore if any of the faithfull be saued by meere mer●y 〈…〉 without the merite of their owne workes then no d●ubt but all are saued after the same manner And verely it would goe verie harde even with the best if they should be put to w●…e the g●rlande of glory by the●… owne worthines before they should wea●e i● Loose it in deede we could easily and that in the s●…te of our greatest innocency and perfection but recover it againe we never could but onely by the meanes of our powerfull Redeemer VVhen Fabitu Maximus had wonne the city Tarentum which Cicero d● senec●…te Salinator before had lost being forced by the enemy to hide his head in the castle Salinator mette him and saide vnto him By my help● Fabi●… thou hast wonne Tarentum True quoth Fabius smiling For if thou hadst not lost it I could not haue recovered it and even so may it be replied to the proude and vaine glorious Papists that are not ashamed to boast that by the meanes and merite of their owne workes Christ hath restored to them againe the kingdome of he●ven that in verie deede vnlesse we by our own workes had lost the same he should haue had no neede to haue recovered it A certaine noble mans sonne as it is reported comming to his father for maintenance was sent by him to demise certaine landes to such whose estates were now expired who comming to the place appointed and sitting in court demised to each one his estate for a penny Now might these men iustly boast of the fruite of their penny or of the kindenes of that noble gentleman who lette them renewe their coppies for so small a sine Surely he h●d beene a verie vngratefull tenante that would haue done so and altogether vnworthy of so great a favour VVe had all in Adam forfeited our estates in the kingdome of heauen whatsoever the best of vs can giue towardes the renewing of the same it is but as a penny to a good coppy-hold Seeing then our most gratious God hath so tenderly loued vs that he hath giuen vs his onely begotten sonne who hath purchased it againe for vs by his owne death and so hath renewed againe our estates therein wilwilling vs that we should earnestly endeavour to shew our selues dutifull and thankefull vnto him that hath beene so mercifull and gracious to vs telling vs also againe and againe that this our labour shall not be in vaine in the LORD and that it shall not be lost which we employ in his service but that he will crown it with eternall glory shall we nowe ascribe this crowne of glorye to our simple endevours vvhich vve employ in his service or to his infinite and endles goodnes vvho hath purchased it for vs vvith his ovvne blood Verely he vvere too too vnthankfull a vvretch vvho vvoulde ascribe it to the merite of his owne vvorkes and not to the meere mercy of his gracious redeemer The Apostle Saint Paul who if any had to glorie in the merite of his owne vvorkes yet disclaymeth them all in the matter of salvation saying GOD forbid that I shoulde glorie in any thing saue in the crosse of ●ESUS CHRIST For hee Gal. 6. 14. knewe that GOD had made him vnto vs vvisedome righteousnes 1. Cor. 1. 30 sanctification and redemption that hee vvhich glorieth should glory in the LORD He knevve that there vvas no other fo●dation of his salvation to bee laide then Iesus CHRIST and him 1 Cor. 3. 11. crucified and that there vvas no other name giuen vnder heaven vvhereby vvee might bee saued but onely the name of our blessed Act. 4. 12. Saviour Not the name of our owne or other mens workes o● Masses Dirigesses Pardons or the like seeing if it might haue beene vvrought by any such meanes CHRIST had died in vaine he might then haue spared all his paines and avoided Gal. 2. 21. all those most grievous torments vvhich hee endured for mans redemption Especially if it be true vvich they teach that the good vvorkes of the regenerate if not in themselues yet in respect of the spirite vvhose fruites they are are of infinite price satisfactorie for sinne vvhich is infinitely heinous and aunsvvereable to the ioyes of the kingedome of heaven then it had beene sufficient for our Saviour CHRIST to haue bestovved his spirite vpon the faithfull by vvhose infinite purity their vvorkes being sanctified they might haue beene thus enabled to saue themselues and so his ovvne death had beene but superfluous for the vvorking out of mans salvation But if it bee a most heinous impietie to avouch Christes death to be superfluous and that he died in vaine then let vs all which looke for any benefite by his death ascribe the glorie of eternall life onely to him vvho is therefore called Ioh. 6 35. Apoc. 22. 2 1 Ioh. 5. 20. Col. 33. the bread of life the tree of life autor of life yea life it selfe for that our life resteth onely in him that is our onely iust title to eternall life Take hold then of CHRIST take hold of life reach forth thine hand to any other thing and thou reachest it to vanitie and takest holde as it vvere of thornes and of fire Looke not for life but vvhere it dwelleth Our life is hidde in CHRIST vvith GOD death reigneth in the vvhole vvorlde beside and leadeth every creature to the bondage of corruption If thou looke vp into heaven vvithout this reconciler there vvill appeare nothing but displeasure and vvrath if thou cast dovvne thine eyes vppon the earth there thou shalt see nothinge but fearefull confusion If thou call to Abraham hee knovveth thee not if to the wise virgines their oile is not sufficient for themselues and for thee also if to Saint Paule hee vvas not crucified for thee if to the most
be the kingdome of heaven the second hell where every apostata and infidell is tormented And as for any thirde place vvee are vtterly ignorant thereof neither doe vvee finde any such in holie scripture Div. 9. That our Saviours resurrection is as strong an argument against his bodilie presence in many places as in all BEllarmine vseth this argument of Christes rising and leauing He arose againe from ●he dead the sepulcher against the Vbiquitaries vvho affirme Christes body to be present in all places whereas it may as well bee vrged against him and his fellowes vvho teach that his body is in tenne thousande places at one time euen vvheresoeuer there is any 〈…〉 seeing that nature which may be in so many places at once may as well be truely in all places And if it cannot stande vvith the verity of CHRISTES bodie being a creature finite and limited to bee euery vvhere neither canne it stande vvith the trueth thereof to bee in many places at one time Div. 10. That Christ needeth not to descende bodily to vs seeing wee must ascend by faith vnto him that so we may be partakers of him and of his passion AS our Sauiour Christ vsed this argument of his ascension to He ascended into heauen Ioh. 6. 62. teach his disciples which murmured at his doctrine that it was not a grosse carnall and bodily eating of his flesh that he vrged as necessary to eternal life but a spiritual partaking therof by faith that at his ascensiō they should see that he would take away his flesh from them place it in heauen at the right hand of God and not leaue it here to be grosly devoured with their mouthes and swallowed downe into their stomakes euen so may wee now vse the selfe same argument against the church of Rome which teacheth the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist Christ hath by his ascension taken vp his flesh into heauen hath placed it at the right hand of God and therfore it is not to be sought for here on earth as if it might be either carnally touched with our hands or really receiued into our stomakes For so doth Austine and Athanasius vse this argument of Christes ascension When yee shall see the sonne of man saith Austine ascending thither where he was Aug. in Ioh. tract 27. also before then surely yee shall see that he giueth not forth his body after that manner as yee take it yea then shall yee perceiue that the grace of Christ is not consumed with morsels So Athanasius Therefore doth Athan. in illud Evangelii Quicunque dixeri● verbum in filium hominis our Saviour Christ mention his ascension into heauen to drawe from them their carnall cogitations and that they might learne that the flesh whereof hee spake was a celestiall foode from heaven a spirituall nourishmente vvhich hee himselfe giveth The vvhich argumente these learned fathers vvoulde neuer haue vsed if they had knowne or beleeued the doctrine of the church of Rome which teacheth that our Saviour hauing by his ascension taken away his bodily presence from vs yet continually causeth his body to be made of bread in the sacrament of his supper that so it may be carnally albeit invisibly received But this invisible presence they did not see nor beleeue and therefore they condemned all carnall eating with the mouth and allowed of the spirituall receaving thereof onely by faith By faith saith S. Ambrose Christ Amb. in Luc li. 6. ca. 8. de filia princ Synag resuscitata li. 10. cap. 24. de hora dominicae resurrectionis is touched by faith he is seene hee is not touched with our body nor seene with our eies And againe We touch not Christ by corporall handling but by faith therefore neither on the earth nor in the earth nor after the flesh ought we to seeke Christ if we will finde him I am the bread of life saith our Saviour Christ Ioh 6. 35. that came downe from heaven He that commeth to me shall never hunger and he that beleeveth in me not he that seeketh to eate my flesh and drinke my blood with his mouth shall never thirst So then to come to Christ by faith and to beleeue in him is so effectuall a manner of eating of his flesh that thereby it becommeth to the faithfull receiuer an incorruptible foode the vertue whereof is neuer consumed How saith Austine shall I possesse Aug. in Ioh. tract 50. 25. Christ being now absent how shall I sende vp my hande to heaven to take holde of him sitting there Sende vp thy faith and thou haste possessed him And againe Why preparest thou thy teeth and thy belly Beleeue and thou hast eaten He must flie on high saith Chrysostome that wil come Chrysost in 1. Cor. hom 24. to this body yea to heaven it selfe or rather aboue the heavens for where the body is there the Eagles be And this was the iudgement of the vvhole church in purer ages when at the receiuing of these holy mysteries the people were vvarned to lift vp their hearts and they Sursum corda were to answere we lift them vp vnto the Lord. Whereby they were admonished even at the receiuing of this holy sacrament not to seeke Christs body here below on earth vpon the Lordes table vnder the shewes of bread and wine but to lift vp their hearts to heauen to the Lord of life that so they might possesse him which is life it selfe Div. 11. That Christ being placed at the right hand of God is made Lorde of heaven and earth and protectour of his church and not any saint or saintes departed CHristes sitting at the right hand of God is the dignity and He sitteth at the right hand of God Ma● 28. 18. Phil. 2. 11. Act. 2. 36. Apo. 19. 16. authority whereunto he is advanced to be as it were Lord gouernour of heauen and earth as himselfe testifieth All power is giuen to me in heauen and in earth In respect whereof everie knee must bow to him and euery tongue cōfesse that Iesus is the Lord yea the Lord of Lords and king of kings Whereby it is evident that he is patron and protectour of his church to rule it by his spirit to direct it by his word to instruct it by his ministers to enrich it by his graces and in the end to giue it a full and final cōquest over all her enemies For it is he that ascending vp on high ledde captiuity captiue and gaue giftes vnto men and declared himselfe Lord of heauen it selfe by powring downe the heauenly treasures of his holy spirite in the shape of fiery tongues vppon his Apostles whereby they were not only endued with all celestiall Act. 2. 1. wisedome and with the knowledge of all tongues but also furnished with all other giftes meete for the discharge of so weighty an office Neither hath this great state of states dispossessed himselfe of the seate of
his kingdome and giuen ouer the regency of heauen and earth he hath not resigned his office to any of his servants nor surrendred his right to any of the saints nor so much as granted to any of thē the advousen or gift of any of his blessings but he holdeth the scepter still in his owne hand reserving all his graces in his owne gift and keeping them all at his owne disposition For it is he that still hath the keies of David that openeth Apoc. 1. 13. no man shutteth and shutteth and no man openeth He walketh in the midst of the seauen golden candlestickes and holdeth the seuen starres in his own right hand ordering all things as it liketh him best and as it seemeth good to his heauenly wise dome Against the which royall and soveraigne authority of this our one only Lord the church of Rome offendeth in that shee ioyneth the blessed Virgin vvith the rest of the Saintes partners vvith him in these regalityes by making them protectours of his church disposers of his graces and defenders of the faithfull against their mightie enimies For vnto the blessed virgin thus they pray Thou art the sure hope of the miserable the In prosa missae de conceptione mother of the orphanes the releife of the oppressed the helper of the diseased yea all in all vnto all Neither doe they most iniuriously make her CHRISTES mate and fellovve onely as her their Ladie as vvell as him their LORDE and her Queene of heaven as vvell as him King but also in other of their prayers they place her most blasphemously a commander aboue him in this his regall and princely autority O happy In prosa quae incipit Mariae praeconie Roga patrē Iube natū childe-vvife purging our sinnes by thy motherly autoritye commande the Redeemer And againe beseech the Father commande the sonne Div. 12. That Christs seconde coming in the flesh is not secret n●… privy but shall bee open and manifest to al mankinde THere are two cominges of CHRIST in the flesh mentioned in holy scripture the first whereof was in humility From thence he shall come to iudge both the quicke the deade Zach 9 9. Heb 9. 28. that by his offringes and death he might worke out our redemption fore-told by the prophet Beholde the kinge cometh vnto the meeke c. The second shall be in glorie to iudge all flesh This second coming of CHRIST in the flesh is put out of his place by the doctrine of the church of Rome in that she teacheth that in his bodily presence he cometh to them continually in the dayly sacrifice of their Masse and that to be eaten and devoured of the very wicked and vngodly that I may say no more And this coming of CHRIST they vvill haue to be close secret and invisible that the prophesie of our saviour might be fulfilled in them There shall bee Math. 23 24. saith he false Christes and false prophetes which shall shew signes and vvonders so that if it were possible they shall deceiue the very elect beholde I haue tolde you before vvherefore if they say vnto you beholde hee is in the desert goe not forth beholde hee is in the secrete places beleeue it not For as the lightning cometh out of the East and s●…neth into the West so shall the coming of the sonne of man be In which words of our Saviour we may obserue these two thinges First that the haeretickes of these last times shall avouch a close and secret coming of Christ saying Lee hee is here Loe hee is there Loe he is really present vnder the shewes of bread and wine secretly and covertly here in this corner where this Masse is saide and there in that whereas Christ cometh not secretly and covertly now in his flesh but his second coming shall be as the lightning which shineth from one end of heaven to the other Secondly they shall come with straunge signes and lying wonders to confirme thereby as it is likely their strange and false doctrine Now what heretikes of those last times haue maintained a secrete and an impossible coming of Christ in the flesh and haue sought also to confirme the same See Actes and Monumēts Vol. 2. Fol. 1●48 with such strange signes and lying wonders but onely the deare children of the church of Rome VVherefore howsoever these men condemne for Heretikes all such as doe any way withstand their corrupt doctrine yet we may iustly charge them to be the heretikes of these last times and that by the iudgment Aug. de vnitate ecclesi● c. 11. of that learned Father Austine After Christ had spoken these wordes saith he hee presently ascended into heaven thereby fore-arming vs against the heretikes vvhich in succeeding ages should arise say Loe he is there whome he hath thus warned vs not to beleeue Neither is there any excuse remaining for vs if vve beleeue them against the fore-warning of Christ so cleare plaine and manifest that there is none so slowe and dull of hearte that can iustly say I vnderstoode it not CHAP. 5. That our free will worketh not togither with Gods spirite in our c●…version vnlesse it be to hinder and crosse the same WE are al of vs originally shapen in wickednes I beleeue in t●e holy Ghost Psa 51. 5. Eph 2. 3. Ioh. 3 5. and conceaved in sinne by nature the children of wrath inheritors of eternall destruction in so much that vnlesse we be borne againe of water and of the spirit we cannot see the kingdome of God And this our first estate and condition wherein we are all naturally borne being tearmed Gen. 6 5. Ron. 7. 18. the flesh and the old man is so wholy euil voide of al good that it is not so much in some part to be amended as to be cleane cast of mortified and killed and our second estate being called a second birth and a new creature signifieth not Col. 3. 5. Eph 4 22. some altering of the corrupt qualities of the soule but after a sort a ful changing renewing of the same In which worke of our deliuerance we are so farre of by our free wil to haue any inclination or readines thereto that we hate the light whereby we should be Ioh 3. 20. 6. 44. directed and wil not come to our deliuerer except we be drawen the flesh that is our corrupt nature no way furthering but hindering this vvorke For it lusteth against the spirit and the law of the Gal 5. 17. Rom. 7 23. members euē after it is in part subdued in the regenerate stil shiueth against the law of the minde the very wisdome of the flesh being enmity with God and condemning his heauenly doctrine Rom. 8 7. 1. Cor 1. 23 Liberta●sine gratia non est libertas seac●tum●cia Aug. ●p 89. Iob 21 14. P●al 8 4. Aug. ad ●…nifac li. 1. ca. 19. of extreame folly Moreouer we are
thēselues for that their erroures are in them reproved and adding also vnto them their vnwritten verities and their wilworshippes of their owne devising IN doubts cōtroversies of Christian religiō the spirit of God sendeth vs neither to the Bishop of Rome neither to any other Bishop or Bishops nor yet to Councels nor to any inter pretou●s to rest our faith vpon their resolutions but rather willeth vs to try the spirites whether they bee of God or no and no further 1. Ioh. 4. 1. Aug cont ●rescon l 2. cap 31. to beleeue them then they bring warrant for their doctrine out of the holy Canonicall scripture For not vvithout cause as Austine saith was the ecclesiasticali Canon ordained with most holesome vigilancy vnto the which certaine bookes of the prophets and Apostles doe appertaine vvhome in no case vvee dare to iudge and by vvhome vvee may freely iudge of the other vvritinges of beleeuers and infidels For shoulde not a people enquire of their GOD To the lavve Isa 8 19 o● Opta l. 5. ad Par●… saith Esay and to the testimonie In earth saith Optatus there can bee no iudgment of this matter vvee must seek● for a iudge from heaven but vvhy knocke vvee at heaven vvhen vvee haue his vvill here in the Gospell Then the Pope by the iudgement of Optatus is no competent iudge nor any other Bishoppe or Bishoppes here on earth for that either they bee ignorant in the cause or else partiall or giuen to sides but only GOD himselfe in his Canonicall scriptures And verely for such as vvill not admitte of GOD to be their iudge where shall vve finde a competent iudge Surely our Saviour Christ when controversie vvas betweene him and the Pharisees cōcerning the truth of his doctrine appealeth not to any interpreter but to the iudgment and sentence of God in the scriptures Search Ioh. 5. 39. the scriptures saith he for in them yee thinke to haue life and they are they vvhich testifie of mee Let the divine scripture saith Basile be asked Bas in ep ●a Eust concerning these thinges and let the decision of truth proceede altogeather from it I beseech you saith Chrysostome let vs set aside what seemeth Chrys hom 13. in 1. Ep. ad Cor. to him or to him and let vs seeke for all these thinges out of the scriptures The writinges saith Constantine of the Evangelistes and Apostles and the oracles of the auncient prophets do instruct vs plainely what Trip. hist l. 2. Cap. 5. we ought to vnderstande and beleeue of Gods pleasure And therefore all contention set apart let vs seeke the solution of these thinges that be propounded out of the scripiures of God When yee shall see saith the autor Op. imper● in Math. hom 49. of the imperfect worke vpon Matthew wicked heresie which is the army of Antichrist standing in the holy places of the church then they that are in Iury let them fly to the mountaines that is they which are in christianity let them betake themselues to the scriptures And a litle after Why doth hee commande all christians to betake themselues then to the scriptures Because since the time that heresies haue possessed the churches there can be no proofe of sound christianity nor any other refuge of Christians that vvoulde knowe the true faith but the divine scriptures And againe The LORDE knovving that in the last daies there vvould bee such a confusion of thinges did therefore command that the christians then liuing being desirous to holde the sinceritie of the true faith should retire to nothing but to the scriptures For otherwise saith he if they rest on any thinge else they shall stumble and perish and not come to knowe the true church but shall fall into the abomination of desolation vvhich standeth in the holy places of the church And so verely hath this prophesie beene fulfilled in all the members of the church of Rome who are now fallen into the abominatiō of desolation stāding in the holy places of the church embracing Antichrist in steede of Christ for that they refused to to be directed onely by the divine scriptures which are onely able to stay vs vpright and to preserue vs from all errours heresies 2. Tim. 3. 15. and from all the power of the kingdome of darkenes As on the other side the sincere embracers of the Gospell of Christ haue hereby beene preserued from the snares of Antichrist in that according to the prophesie of S. Ierome they haue fled to the mountaines of the scriptures haue made them their place of refuge Hi●…onymus in Nahum Cap. 3. Before saith he the coming of the Messias c. the people shal be ra●sed vp and shall prophesie vvho before vnder their masters vvere lulled asleepe and they shall goe to the mountaines of the scriptures and shall finde there Moses and Iosuah the sonne of Nun the moūtaines the prophetes the mountaines the Apostles and Evangelistes and when any slieth to these mountaines and is occupied in the read●ng of the same albeit hee finde none to teach him yet his care shall bee approved ●hr that hee did flie vnto the mountaines Contrarily as Chrysostome Op. imp in Matt. hom 44. Luc. 11. 52. saith Hareticall Priestes shutte vp the gates of truth taking away with the Pharesies the key of knowledge for they are assured if truth bee once knovven their church vvill soone be forsaken and themselues throwen downe from their priestly dignity In evangelio regni ca. 23. 33. Scriptura rij to be esteemed no better of then other men Henry Nicholas master of the family of Loue glorieth in the name of Vnlearned in a scoffe termeth the learned in the scriptures scripture-vvise or scripture-men warning his scholers to be ware of such whereas he and his like should soone haue beene descried in former ages Lucifugae scripturarū Tert. de resur and noted in their faces with a blacke coale if it had once appeared that they shunned the light of the sacred scripture For it is not the conference of the scriptures that is the path-vvaie to haeresie but the ignorance of those holie vvritinges Yee err ●aith our Saviour the teacher of truth to the seduced Sadduces not knovving the scriptures out of vvhome there most sufficiently Mat. 22. 29. Chry. hom 3 de Lazaro he confuteth their heresie So Chrysostome the ignorance of the scripture hath bredde haeresies and hath brought in a corrupt life and hath turned all vpside dovvne And therefore they are impudent and shamles haeretikes vvho vvhen they are reproved out of the scriptures sette themselues as Irenaeus saith to Iren. l. 3. cap. 2. reproue the scriptures as if they vvere not right and that they are vttered ambiguously and that the truth cannot be learned out of them by such as knovve not tradition For if GOD be faithfull Bas in asce● serm de fi●e in all his vvorkes as Basill saith then it
was onely able to giue a sufficient price for that heavenly purchase as al the faithfull from the begining of the worlde haue vndoubtedly beleeved Apoc. 19. 10 so that it is a sure token of the spirit of a true prophet to giue testimony therevnto Wee haue saith Austine Iesus Christ our Aug. in Epi. Ioh. tract 1. advocate and he is the propitiation for our sinnes he that holdeth this holdeth no heresie he that holdeth this maketh no schisme And if the very Apostle Saint Iohn had saide saith the same Father If any man sinne Aug cont Epist●l Pa●… l 2. Cap. ● yee haue me for your advocate and I obtaine pardon for your si●…es What faithfull person woulde haue endured him VVho woulde haue taken him for an Apostle of Christ and not for a very Antichrist And yet the church of Rome the lesse catholike and the more haereticall schismaticall and Antichristian is she teacheth vs not to rest vpon the mediation and merite of Christs passion as the onely propitiation and satisfaction for sinne and the onely meritorious cause of our saluation but also to trust●n our owne merites in the workes of supererogation performed by the saintes and in their praiers and intercessions Opposit 15. The sincere professors of the catholike faith acknowledge Christ to be nowe onely in heaven according to the flesh whither he is ascended and from whence they looke for him to come to iudgement wheras seduced and seducing heretikes * See fol. vvill needes haue him to be here also now in earth albeit he be seated aboue the highest heavens THe flesh of CHRIST when it was on earth surely it was not in heaven and nowe because it is in heaven certainly Vigil contr Eut l. 4 Cap. 4. it is not in the earth Yea so farre is it from being in earth that vvee looke for Christ after the flesh to come from heaven whome as he is GOD the Word vve beleeue to be vvith vs on earth Then by your opinion either the word is comprised in a place as vvell as the flesh or else the flesh is every where togeather with the vvord seeing one nature doth not receiue in it selfe any different or contrary estate Now to be contained in a place and to be present every where be thinges diverse and very dislike and for so much as the Word is every where and the flesh of CHRIST is not everie where it is cleare that one and the same CHRIST is of both natures that is every where according vnto the nature of his Deity and contained in a place according vnto the nature of the humanity This is the catholike faith confession which the Apostles delivered the martyrs cōfirmed and the faithfull persist in to this day And therefore whereas the church of Rome teacheth that the flesh of Christ is in heaven and in earth togeather at one time confoundeth the distinction of the properties of the tvvo natures of CHRIST by teaching him according to the property of his humane nature so to be contained in a place that he is also in ten thousand thousand places at one time What doth she thereby but condemne the catholike faith and confession delivered by the Apostles confirmed by the martires and continued among the faithfull vnto the time of Vigilius Opposit 16. The catholike faith by the warrant of the word of God acknowledgeth but two places after this life and the contrarie opinion proceedeth from See Aug. ●uch ad L●… Cap. 6. 7. a blinde albeit it seemeth a kind affection LAstly to omitte other thinges which might be alleaged to this purpos● for there are so many oppositions betweene the doctrine of Christ and Antichrist as there are maine groundes of our christian profession as it may appeare throughout al the partes and parcels of this treatise the catholike faith teacheth that there are but two places after this life So Austine Aug. H●…pog Lib. 5. The first place the catholike faith builded vpō ●iuin autority beleueth to be the kingdome of heaven the second to bee hell where every apostata and infidell is tormented And as for any third place we are vtterly ignorant thereof neither doe we finde any such in the scriptures And what shall the church of Rome be still esteemed to be catholike which will not allow of this pointe of the faith neither which yet S. Austin● allowed to be catholike Div. 2. That the church of Christ is not alwaies visible OVr creede teacheth vs to say I beleeue and not I see the I beleeue the holy catholike church catholike church that is hovvsoever the members of the true church are not alvvaies visible nor their companies conspicuous yet I beleeue that GOD hath his church and congreg●tion in some place or other which rightly and sincerely worshipeth him in spirit truth And therfore this church as it is sometimes likened to the Moone in her full brightnes so it is sometimes compared to the same greatly obscured and after a sort loosing her vvhole light And as it is sometimes resembled to a city built vpon a hill vvhich is admirable for her exceeding beautie and glorie so it is sometimes also compared to a cottage in a vineyarde and to a lodge in a garden of cucumbers and to a besieged c●…ty defaced and wasted with extreame misery and to a countrey over●… and after a sorte dispeopled by the sworde of the enemy As it came to passe not onely amonge the Israelites in the time of Elias but also in the kingdome of Iudah in the time of Isayas who complaineth that al māner of corruptions in al estates of mē were so grievous had made so great havocke that had not the Lord reserved vnto himselfe a small re●nant they had beene made as So●oma and like vnto Gomortha And 〈…〉 29. how stoode the case with the church in the beginning of the Apostles times vvas it not such that it gaue iust occasion to Saint Paul to renevv againe the same complainte Yea this remnaunt vvas so smal at our Saviours death that it hath beene deemed by some that the church was only then in the blessed Virgin and in Davids and Ieremies time this company also was so inconspicuous that one of them crieth out 〈…〉 1. Helpe Lord for there is not one godly man left and the other is willed by the Lorde himselfe to runne to and fro through the streetes of Ierusalem and to inquire if there were one that executed iudgement and embraced truth and hee would spare all for ones sake Div. 3. That hypocrites and vngodly persons are not the true members of the holy catholicke church of Christ which is the congregation of the predestinate THe true church is holy and so are al the true members therof for that they are vnited and ioyned togither by the bands of one holy and pure spirit 〈…〉 1. For if the vngodly were members of this church shee were to be called vnholy
in respect of them for that their number is alwaies the greater ●as shee is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 holy in respect of the godly for that they are the better part Wherfore all vngodly and faithlesse dissembling hypocrites as they seeme onely to be holy and are not so they seeme also but are not in deed the true members of the holy catholike church For how can they haue the church to be their mother which are not begotten againe of the immortal seede of the word of God which liueth and lasteth for euer How can I say those bee members of the holy catholicke church and haue her for their mother vvho haue not God for their father who as they honour not God as a father neither endevour to resemble his image so he doth not acknowledge them for his sonnes nor accept them as inheritours of his heavenly kingdome And doth not our creede reach vs also that this holy catholike church of Christ is a commun●on of saintes who haue in this life remission of sinnes and shall attaine in the life to come to a glorious resurrection and to l●e everlasting But the wicked vngodly dissembling hypocrites the sonnes of the bond woman which are base-borne and bastarde brethren they haue no part nor portiō in these blessings of God with the sonnes Gal. 4. 30. of the free woman which are the elect chosen children of God and the true members of the holy catholicke church of Christ Wherefore the church of Rome greatly disgraceth this holy catholike church of Christ in that shee would allowe an interest in her to impu●e and vngodly dissembling hypocrites as on other respectes shee advaunceth her to high in assigning her that priviledge that shee cannot erre and graunting that ability vnto her children whereby they may perfectly fulfill the law of God Div. 4. That the church may erre in matters of faith THe Apostles prophets had their doctrine from God not onely mediately by instruction but also immediatly by revelation Holy but revelations are now ceased and the church hath her doctrine now mediatly onely by instruction out of the divine and sacred scriptures and therefore the church may erre albeit the Apostles and Prophets were free from errour For in learning out of the scriptures the dulnesse and blindnes of our capacity oftentimes misseth of the true sence and meaning thereof which is no impediment when as the spirite of God by revelation vseth not the blockishnesse of our vnderstanding to bring vs to the knovvledge of God but doth immediately by his power sh●dde it in our heartes or else teacheth vs by such as are instructed immediately 〈…〉 2. Div. 3. That every member of the church breaketh the law and doeth not perfectly fulfill the same NO man loveth the Lorde with all his heart power and strength so that all his ●ffections cogitations thoughts are only employed in the Lords service and in obedience to his commandementes and therefore no man perfectly fulfilleth the whole law For our loue doth so follow ou● knowledge that no man can perfectly loue God that perfectly knoweth not his loue and goodnes towardes vs but in this life wee knowe but in 〈◊〉 13. 9 parte vvee vnderstande but in parte wee see as through a glasse and in a darke speaking and so our loue also is but in parte it is no wise so perfect as it ought to be VVherefore that perfect loue beeing not in any which the lawe requireth that which wanteth thereof is sinne ●…p 29. and a breach of the lawe and commaundementes of God For to loue the Lorde withall our hearte soule and strength is not a point of perfection counselled onely in the gospell aboue the lawe but a necessary duety commaunded in the lavve and therefore our Saviour calleth it in sl●tte tearmes not onely a commaundement 〈◊〉 ●…2 38. but also the first of the commaundementes VVherefore all being guilty of the breach of this commaundement there is none that is able to fulfill the vvhole lawe much lesse to doe any worke of supererogation more then is commaunded in the law of God Many prowde debtours hauing not as yet wasted their whole stockes but beeing only declining and ready to fall conceaue so well of themselues and of their owne ability that when they looke but vpon the particular billes of their debt they conceaue some hope to recover and to bee able in time to discharge all but vvhen they cast them all togither and so take a viewe of the totall summe that appeareth by and by to bee so great that thereby they are cleane dismaide and discouraged and vtterly excluded from all hope But the pride of our Romish banke-ruptes is in a farre higher degree in that the summe of all the commandements contayning the summe of our vvhole debte bee it neuer so great and neuer so huge yet it doeth not mooue them to acknowledge their inhabilitie but they still imagine themselues to be able to fulfil the whole lavve and so to discharge their vvhole debte yea and more also vvith the surplussage vvhereof beeing due vnto them The meanest in the church of Rome are taught that they may fulfil al the commandementes whereas the very best in the church of Christ more or lesse faile in all vppon a reckoning and an accountes they thinke themselues able to helpe tovvardes the dischardge of the debtes of others also VVhereas in trueth if vvee vvoulde duely looke into the greatnesse of the duety that is required at our handes in any one of the commaundementes wee should perceiue the very debte of every one of these particular billes to amounte and grovve to so great a summe that as long as vvee liue heere in this life such is our spirituall penury and beggary vvee are neuer able to discharge the same 1. Cōmand For vvho is there euen amonge the most perfecte and iust that neuer preferreth profite or pleasure or the satisfying of one affection or other before iustice and righteousnesse and before his loue and obedience to God thereby placing them after a sort in Gods throne 2 who alvvaies so highly conceiveth of the incomprehensible maiesty of the almighty Iehovah as hee ought to doe and of his incomparable and vnmatchable glory that cannot be resembled by any similitude without great impeachment and derogation to the same 3 Who conceiveth so reverently of the infinite power of the most mighty creator of heaven earth that hee neuer taketh his glorious and dreadfull name in vaine but euer vseth it with such reverence and feare as is due vnto it 4 VVho sanctifieth on that manner the Sabaoth day that ceasing altogither from satisfying his owne vvill hee suffereth the Lord by his holy spirite and sacred vvorde vvholy to vvo●ke in himselfe and so employeth himselfe only in his service Yea who is it that keepeth a perpetuall Sabaoth vnto the LORDE 5 VVho is it that so honoureth his p●rentes and the rest of his
and that for mine ow●e take And therefore Ber●… ●…aking to the faithfull Isa 43 25. saith if thou beleeuest that 〈…〉 but by 〈…〉 Bern. serm ● De Annuntiatione whō● alone thou hast ●…ed 〈…〉 well For as no mā cā forgiue an other mans 〈◊〉 〈…〉 offence committed against another so none can forgiue sinne as it is sin for that so it is an offence only against God making vs debtours vnto him and offenders against his sacred maiesty Yea as it is high treason for any subiect to take vpon him to remit the offences which are committed against the common weale for that it is an intrusion vpon the princes right and after a sort an vsurpation of the dignity royall so no doubt but that it is high treason against the king of heauen and earth for any creature to take vpō him to forgiue sinne as it is sinne for that it is an intrusion vppon the Lordes right and an vsurpation of his dignity royall Who can 〈◊〉 2. 7. forgiue sinne but God only So said the Pharisies when our Saviour tooke vpon him not only to cure the sicknesses of the body but also to pardon the sinnes of the soule But what replied our Saviour to this demande Whether is it easier to say thy sinnes are forgiven thee or to say arise take vp thy b●doe and walke In which words he doth not confute their opinion as Chrysostome H●la●y reach 〈◊〉 in ●… hom but reproueth them for charging him with blasphemy in that by healing all diseases by his word he declared himselfe to bee true God and therefore that he had authority also to forgiue sinne albeit 〈…〉 Mat. such authority belongeth only vnto God His reason is this It belongeth to the selfe-same authority as wel by his owne power to forgiue sinne as to cure the diseases and sicknesses of the body but saith our Saviour yee might perceiue that by mine owne power I cure the sickenesses of the body the vvhich ●hing being done by the ministery of the Apostles vvas not done by their owne povver but by the power of 〈…〉 12. Christ for so God only vvorketh the same as al other miraculous things also because he onlie is omnipotent therefore yee might also 〈◊〉 136. 4. acknowledge in me vnlesse yee were wilfully blinded the divine povver of God and that I doe not blaspheme in taking vpon mee to forgiue sinne For as for that authority of forgiving sinnes given to the ministers of the 〈◊〉 in Mat ●…6 gospell it is after the same manner as the preists vnder the law had authority given them to make cleane or vncleane now they were not enabled to make cleane or vncleane leapers or no leapers but they had knowledge given them to discerne and authority to pronounce who were such and such and vpon their sentence so the parties were to be taken of all the residue of the Lords people Even so the Ministers of the gospell are to discerne whose sinnes are remitted and whose retained to assure the penitent soule the broken and contrite spirite that his sinnes are forgiuen him even of the Lordes as on the other side to denounce against the carelesse and impenitent sinner the Lordes most heavy but iust vengeance Div. 9. That the faithfull obtaine the release of their sinnes by free forgiuenesse through the death of Christ and not through their owne satisfactions THe Lord of the mannour is not said to forgiue the trespasse The forgiuenes of sinnes that taketh the amercement set vpon the head of the trespasser neither may the creditour bee saide to forgiue the debtour that exacteth the debt or casteth the debtour in prison vntill he make satisfaction No more could God be saide to forgiue vs our sinnes and to remitte on ●…sses and debtes if hee did either here in this life require satisfaction for thē at our hands by the workes of pennance or after 〈…〉 vs into the prison of purgatory there to make satisfaction But wee beleeue the remission of our sinnes and the free ●…giuenesse of our debtes and trespasses and so the whose gospell teacheth that they are freely forgiuen in respect of ourselues but not freely to our Saviour Christ who paide full deare for the release of them euen that inestimable price of his owne blood It is he that bare our sinne● in his owne body on the tree the chasttiement of our peace was 〈◊〉 vpon him 1. Pet 2 24. Isa 53 5. H●… 9. 12. 10. 14. 7 25 Heb. 1. 3. 1. Ioh. 1. 7. he gaue his soule ●n offering for sinne hee gaue himselfe 〈◊〉 some for many by one ob●ation of himselfe once made hee hath founde eternall redemption and made perf●ct for ever them that ●ee ●…fied hee hath purged our sinnes by himselfe and not by v● by his owne blood and not by our satisfactiōs And verily it is this blood of the 〈◊〉 wherwithall our garments are throughly cl●nsed from all spots and are made perfectly pure white it is this blood that is the soveraigne Apoc. 7. 14. salue for all our sores and the onely effectuall medicine which is able to cure all our spirituall and ghostly maladies And if vvee take any thing else we take quid proquo we take that which vvill not ease but will in the end increase our griefe And therefore i● we will finde ease indeed we must provide to haue alwaies this physicke in a readines that whensoeuer we are wounded by our ghostly enemy we may apply to our selues a speedy remedy If as of● saith Saint Ambrose as this bloode is shedde it is shedde for remission 〈◊〉 sa●… ca 6. of sinnes I ought alwaies to receiue it that my sinnes alwaies may bee remitted vnto mee yea I which alwaies sinne ought alwaies to haue this me●…icine His meaning is that Christs blood is the onely remedy against sinne and the sacrament thereof a meanes to strengthen our faith and so to vnite vs more and more vnto Christ and to apply this physicke to our soules and therefore that we ought to haue continual recourse therto that so not by the outward signe but by the invisible grace that is by the bloode of Christ it selfe we may be continually cured and made perfectly hol● And if 〈◊〉 ●…ri●… p●…●… c. 2. after our baptisme we be after a sort driven from this ship bord by the stormes tēpests of our own corruptions we must not catch after a second table of penance to take hold therof that so we may be preserued by the power thereof from sinking downe in the sea of our sins but we must recouer our selues to our former stay or els we shall be drowned in the bottomles gulfe of our iniquities The Angell of the church of Sardis after that hee had beene called to the estate of salvation in Christ and confirmed therein by the sacrament of baptisme had fallen into the sea of most daungerous sins now how was he to be recouered
to keepe the Lordes day holy vnto the Lord. Contrarily the church of Rome depriveth the people of the benefite of publike pra●er and of the worde of GOD by locking them vp from them in a strange tongue and so taketh avvay the meanes whereby that day should be sanctified and in steed thereof hath brought in such abuses as vvhereby it cannot be but greately prophamed For the practise of her greate Masters in former times hath beene to solemnize the greate feast of the Lordes Nativity vvith a LORD of misrule as if our Saviour had come in the flesh to deliver vs from obedience to all good lawes and to procure a dispensation for all disorder as also to celebrate that other greate feast of VVhitsuntide at vvhat time our LORD and Saviour CHRIST Iesus to make manifest his great power that hee had in heaven and earth sent downe in forme of cloven tongues his holy sp●rite vpon his Apostles with a freer vse of all such exercises as kindle the coales of vncleane lustes and blow the bellowes to al filthy communication which are things well-pleasing to the vncleane spirite but most offensiue to the holy Ghost and no way tending to the sanctification but rather to the prophanation of the Lords day VVhereas the purpose of the church of Christ in forbidding Marriages about the times of the three great solemnities of Christians was lest by the more free vse of these earthly pleasures and delightes which abound most commonly at marriage feastes the peoples mindes should bee somewhat hindered from the carefull preparation to receaue the holy sacrament which was most vsually celebrated at those times and from the thankefull commemoration of those great benefites which are then also especially to be most religiously remembred Moreouer whereas the Lord in this commaundement giveth a speciall charge to all his people that in no vvise they forget but carefully remember to obserue and keepe holy the Sabboth day by frequenting the publike assemblies and by ioyning vvith the congregation in praier and in hearing the word of God and in causing those of their families to do the like as also on the other sixe da●es to vvalke paine●ullie in their severall callings to his honour and the good of his people vvhat shall vvee thinke of the Monkes Eremites and An●chorists of the church of Rome which are had in so high reputation for their extraordinary and as it is thought Angelicall holines vvhich liue in the open and manifest breach of both the partes of this commaundement For they both forsake the publike assemblies contrarie to the Apostles 〈◊〉 10. 15. commandement on the Lords day and do not performe on the other sixe daies the painefull vvorke of any profitable calling to the Lords church and yet they are put in great hope by their holy mother the church of Rome that by omitting these so necessary dueties so straitly enioined by the Lord himselfe for the better perfourming of their ovvne vvill-vvorshippes they are in the readiest way to the greatest perfection CHAP. 9. 5 That the Pope cannot exempt the cleargy from secular iurisdiction nor licence any Princes subiectes to withdraw their loyalty obedience and to take armes against their soveraignes 6 That the Pope cannot make it lawfu●l much lesse meritorious to lay violent handes on the Lordes Annointed 7 That the Pope cannot authorise stewes and incestuous marriages disallowed by God 8 That the Pope cannot make good the sale of Masses and Pardons but that it shall be condemned for the●t before God 9 That the Pope cannot licence any to conceale the truth or to avouch any thing contrary thereto especially vvhen they are commanded by the Magistrate and that vpon their oath to open the same nor yet to breake faith and promise made no not to heretikes 10 That concupiscence entertained and liked for a while albeit it get not our full and setled consent is sinne COncerning the commaundementes of the second table which lay downe our duety tovvardes our neighbour and belong to the preservation of humane society the church of Rome is an o●…ender also against the same neither can she being charged therevvith iustly and truely pleade not guilty 5 For against the fift commandement shee offendeth by exempting ecclesiasticall persons from secular iurisdiction and by discharging as shee thinketh it expedient all manner of subiectes from their oath of obedience made vnto their naturall Princes and in exciting them also to take vp armes against them and so to stande out in open rebellion For this is not to honour the parentes of our countries Rom. 13. 1. and to yeeld subiection to higher powers albeit they be heathenish and persecuting Idolaters 6 See Cardinal de Como his letter to Will Parry Against the sixth commaundement she offendeth in teaching it to bee not onely commendable but also meritorious to murder even the Lordes Annointed the vvhich outragious villany many other murders also are like to follovve all true subiectes especially such as by speciall oath hand and promise of association are bound more precisely thereto being ready to adventure their liues and liuings for the avenging of the death of their leige and loving Soveraignes But this heard hearted steppe-dame little regardeth the liues of many beeing ready at all assayes to embrue her selfe over with blood so that shee may bring to passe her plots and purposes 7 〈◊〉 lu●…d tur●… est ●…dor ex ●…alibet Against the seventh shee offendeth in allowing or at the least in tolerating of open stewes for her great revennew shee receaveth by them and in dispensing with incestuous and vnlawfull marriages belike vpon the former respect 8 And albeit shee hath no colour nor shevve to allovve of theft done by violence yet shee her selfe vvaxeth vvonderfull rich by that vvhich is done by fraude and deceite in that she perswadeth the Laity to pay vvell for her Masses and Pardons thereby robbing them of their landes and goods for certainely this is no better then cunning cousonage yea then statte thefte before God If anie Priest saith Saint Augustine ●…e verb ●…ecun●… Math. 19 ●0 47. not contented vvith the wages which hee hath by the commaundement of Go● for his service at the altar doth play the merchaunt and set to sale his praiers and to readie to receiue the very vviddovves rewardes such an one is to bee accounted rather a merchandizer then a Clerke Neither may vvee alleadge No man can charge vs vvith invasion no man can accuse vs of violence as if oftentimes flattery did not gette a greater boo●y from vviddowes then force And it skilleth not before God vvhether by force or subtlety thou gettest the goods of others so thou enioy them by either 9 Novve hovve this painted Babylonish harlot vvhich boasteth 〈◊〉 tract 〈◊〉 con 1. ●…6 ●…se po●…s this ●…ee 〈◊〉 hearte 〈◊〉 suffi●… so much of fidelity and truth liketh in deede of true and faithfull dealing betweene man and man hovv farre shee is of from
liuing GOD saying giue me a man that we may fight togither After the like maner marched forth this other prowde champion with his most stately furniture as he himselfe thought and armour of proofe even vvith a most goodly and glorious shevve of all Antiquity and Novelty Law and Custome Fathers and Councels Histories and all Monuments Reasons naturall and morall togither with the vvhole armies and hostes of heauen and earth and the bandes and companies of all the creatures great and small in confidence hereof he was bold to blaspheme the truth of the gospell and to revile the professors thereof even all the Lordes armies and to provoke them all to an open combate Now there was sent forth against this Gyant little David with a staffe as it were a s●ing and a fevve Guilielmus Whitakerus small stones taken out of the cleere streames of the sacred scriptures and so with this armour of the Lordes he overthrewe this vaine glorious Go●ah the sonne of pride and child of Antichrist and with his owne sword of Fathers Councels c. he cut of his head and gaue his carcase to be meate for the birds of the aire and the beasts of the field and made it manifest to all indifferent persons that this prowde vaunt was nothing else but a glorious shew of vaine words and a puffing blast of a swelling spirit The Apostle S. Peter by the spirit of prophesie foreseeing the great corruptions of these last and most dangerous daies setteth downe these notes and markes of the false prophets and Antichristes which shall seduce the most part of the Christian world 1 as first in generall tearmes 2. Pet. 2. 1. that they shall prively and vnder the vizard of truth bring in damnable heresies Satan in them turning himselfe into an Angell of light and not shewing himselfe openly as hee is but shaddowing his false-hood vnder the cloake of truth For with ●ei●edwordes saith he shall they make merchandize of the people that is vnder the pretence as it were of the Catholike faith the Holy Church the consent of Fathers Christs V●car Peters successor Antiquity Vnity Vniversality they shall sell many ●oules to the Devill when they which be deceaved by such meanes shall perswade themselues that they ga●e God 2 Secondly the Apostle setteth downe in particular what shal be the principal of these damnable and privy heresies even this that they shall deny the Lora●ha● bought them that is they shall deny the great vertue sufficiency of our redemption wrought by Christ Quicquid eiu● negaris ipsum negavit Aug. in Joh. tract 66. vvhich is in effect a ●…at deniall of Christ himselfe For as Austine teacheth whosoeuer denieth any thing belonging to Christ denieth Christ 3 Th●…dly they shal come with so strong delusion that they shal make drunke with the cuppe of their spirituall fo●nication many of the countries and kingdomes of the earth whereby there shall fall out a great Apostasie from the faith the multitude following their damnable waies 4 Fourthly they shall speake evill of the way of truth charging both the profession thereof with error and heresie and the professours of the same with many most heinous and grievous crimes 5 Lastly Apo. 18. 13. through covetousnes they shall make merchandize of people and set out to sale even their soules for gaine Nowe doe not all these cognisaunces and badges of these heretikes and Antichrists of the last times agree most apparantly to the Pope and his Ministers of whome we may say that they seeme to be friends but indeed Omnes a● ici omnes inimici servi Christi serv●un● Antichrist● Bern. in c̄atserm 33. are enemies In shew they serue Christ but in truth Antichrist For howsoeuer in outvvard shevv they seeme to esteeme of the Lord that bought them and of the redemption vvrought by his death yet in effect they cleane overthrovv the vertue and validity thereof in that they teach that vve must seeke for a second iustificatiō by our ovvne deeds and not content our selues vvith our first iustification by Christ that vve must make satisfaction by the works of Pennance or else in Purgatory for our ovvne sins as if Christes satisfaction vvere not sufficient and that vve must deserue heaven by our ovvne merites as if Christ had not fully bought it vvith his blood Novv what other thing saith S. Austine doe vve Aug. de verb ●om secund ●oh ser 45. fearein Antichrist but that he shall honour his ow●e name and cont̄e●e Christs And what else doth he when he ●aith I iustifie For to seek to establish our ovvne righteousnes is to derogate from the vertue of Christs righteousnes and to seeke iustification by our ovvne vvorks is to disalovv the fulnes of our iustification by Christ and is not this to honor our selues with the dishonour of Christ which is a marke of a very Antichrist For as our Messias Saviour vvas an all-sufficient God that so he might be an al-sufficient Saviour so he vvil be acknovvledged an al-sufficient Savior or no Savior an entire perfect and only Redeemer or no Redeemer And therefore in that the Bishoppe of Rome and his adherents do deny our Saviour Christ to be an entire perfect only and all-sufficient Saviour they do in effect deny him to be their Savior at al according vnto the prophecie of the Apostle S. Peter And yet haue they set such a gloze vpon this their most wicked doctrine and deliuered forth their poison in such a golden cup that a great nūber haue beene deceiued and led into error by them and many haue followed their damnable waies in so much that whosoeuer neuer so little opposed himselfe against them he was strait waies an Horetike and a Lollarde for his labour a fire and a fagot was to good for him and whatsoeuer mischiefe they could do him either in word or deed all was thought to little And did they not with feined words deceiue the world whiles they taught that this doctrine of meriting of saluation by our owne workes was both a magnifying of the vertue of Gods most holy spirit by whose power and efficacy they are wrought and a great provocatiō to piety godlines in that thereby we should deserue our own salvatiō yea did they not through couetousnes make merchandize of the people whiles they taught that they had power to remit sinnes that they had the keies of the kingdome of heauē that they could by their masles and pardons deliuer any soule whatsoeuer out of Purgatory if that they were well hired and pa●de for their paines And did they not by their thus merchandiz●ng of mens soules so well profit gaine that they had gotten into their own hands many of the goodliest possessions in Christendome vvith great aboundance of riches treasures and had still at cōmande as they thought good the purses liuely hoods of all Christians Wherefore seeing that all these markes of the he●et●kes and
lay vp in the store-houses of your harts all manner of spiritual graine that when yee be called abroad to be the ●ords husbandmen yee may bee able to sow the Lordes fielde with plentifull store of all good seede Verely the harvest is great and the Matth. 9. 37 labourers are ●ewe and ye may well perceive by experience in your selues what a labour it is to bring into tillage the vntidy soile of one soule to cause it to yeelde but a meane harvest for vndoubtedly in this kind of husbandry especiallie is the proverbe best verified A great harvest and a little corne And therefore also my brethren while ye are so neere the Lords a●mo●… ●ay fitte your selues with weapons of all sortes offensiue and defensiue furnish your selues nowe with all manner of munition against the time that yee are to be sent to any speciall kind of service by any of the Lordes chiefest captaines commanders Ye haue in place of your Honorable Founder the right reverend Father in God the Bishop of Winchester one that hath bin of your owne society a famous and renowned Coronell who hath most couragiously fought the Lordes battels and hath fitted for you many notable weapons whereby yee may be able not onely to encounter but also to subdue and vanquish the enimie who hath already called some of you and is readie to cal other of you also and to place you over no meane bandes O most reverend and renowned Bilson thou hast best deserved among al our companie to haue the preheminēce for that thy sword hath hewen cleane a sunder manie of the strōgest greatest Pillars of the VVesterne Babilon O lift it vp stil against the common enemie and let it be as the bowe of Ionathan as the sword of Saule which never returned emptie 2. Sam. l. 22. from the blood of the slaine and from the fatte of the mightie And so as all the sheves of Iosephes brethren did stand about Iosephes sheife Gen. 37. 7. and did obeysance vnto it so shal al our swordes stoupe lowe to thy sword and shal be marshalled at thine appointment But to turne to you my brethren which are nowe as it were the Lordes trained souldiers and out of whose companie manie captaines are to be chosen for the guiding and leading of many severall bandes ye may behould and looke vpon the ensamples of your owne predecessors even of such as haue beene of your owne society And withal yee may somewhat respect your pay which no doubt may bee good here if that you endevour faithfully to performe your service but especially you may assure your selues that you shall receiue a large allowance when ye come to appeare before the great Lord of all hostes and the high generall of all armies Then if yee haue fought the good fight and kept the faith and finished your course there remaineth for you a crowne of righteousnes and if this be given to every good souldier what a large portion may every captaine expect But here by the way I would willingly put you in minde of this one thing which is that many famous captaines and couragious souldiers both in the bodelie and ghostlie fightes haue beene brought to vtter ruine and decay by leaving the pursuite of the vanquished enemie and by turning too hastelie greedelie after the pray Wa● not Hanniball and his armie made weake and effeminate by the spoiles of Capua which could not bee daunted by all those hard labours that they patientlie endured in passing over the vnpassable Alpes And how els was the large and ample Empire of the city of Rome and of manie other great kingdōes and coūtries overthrowne But to omitte these great commanders in bodilie Religio peper●t divitias filia devoravit matrem warres haue not the most famous captaines in spirituall services come to ruine by the same meanes What made the high Priestes Elders among the Iewes to destroy Christ and to treade vnder their feete his heavenlie doctrine but that they might retaine the favour of the Romane Emperour so might preserue their earthlie estate And did not the latter Bishops of Rome neglect the true gift of gifts given vnto their predecessors by Constantines Lord while they laide all their plottes howe they might most firmelie ●ease themselues and their successors of the pre●ended donation of the Emperour Constantine And what made them giue over the carefull seeking of that glorious inheritance that St. Peter enioyeth in the highest heavens but their deepe devising how they might make the counterfeite and forged evidences of St. Peters patrimonie to goe for currant and good And whereof also did it proceede that they clouted and patched togither but with all manner of worldly pollecie and cunning such an earthly religion as they nowe professe but that they saw it to bee most fitte for the better maintenāce of their earthly kingdome And was not all this most significantly shadowed drawen out vnto vs Apocal. 9. by a starre falling from heaven to earth who giuing over the care of heavenly matters and fastening his heart wholy vppon earthlie became the heade of the blacke and darke kingdome of Antichrist which can agree to none so fitly as to the Papacy wherof a Bishop is the cheife prince who is stil accoūted as a most principall starre aboue al other by many that thinke themselues to bee the onely Christians And not onelie this starre is fallen by this meanes but also Apocal. 12. the dragon is said with this his taile of ambition covetousnes to throw down evē the third part of the stars of heaven to cast them to the earth Which he bringeth to passe when hee perswadeth them to vse all vnlawfull meanes to bring them to their earthly preferments commodities also whē he causeth them to giue over all their former laboures in setting forth and promoting the kingdome of God that so they may haue more leasure to seeke their owne by neglecting the things that are Iesus Christs Wherfore worthy of most Mr. Foxe in his third consideration given to the professors of the Gospel honourable commendation commemoration is that sinceritie that was in Wickeleife others of those times who went about bare-foote and very meanely cladde preaching the ioyfull and glad tydings of the Gospel thinking it to be a sufficient reward to haue liberty freely to publish the same albeit it were without all earthly reward But here I pray you mistake me not for I thinke it no way to be vnlawful for the ministers of the Gospell to enioy temporall possessions honours seeing they are best worthie of them that know how to vse them best and are thereby made more careful to amēd their worke as they perceive their wages to be amended but these things are spoken to this end that al such as seeke after earthly vanities by al sinister meanes are moued therby to giue over their labours in preaching and publishing
the Gospell of Christ may be cōvicted in their own cōsciences brought to acknowledge and to bewaile their wretched estate and that other also seeing their fall may thereby bee made more watchfull and warie least they bee taken in the same trappe the which thing is so much the more carefully to bee obserued by vs all seeing wee bee fallen into those times wherin Christ and his Apostles haue plainely foretold vs that the danger wherevnto Math. 24 38 Luk. 17. 28. 2. Tim. 3. 4. 2. Pet. 2. 3. Apoc. 12. 4. al shal generally be subiect and particularly such as be of the Ministery is this even the loue of the earth that shall draw away the most part of men from the loue of heaven and shall make many of Demas his place and giftes to forsake Paule and to embrace this present world and with Iudas to sell Christ and that for a matter of no great gai●e The faithfull indeede are the right heires even of all the blessings of their heavenly father but yet so that they must not be their owne carvers but seeke for them by such meanes as hee hath ordained being resolved to be wholy at his dispositiō and to content themselues with such a portion as he best knoweth to be most meete for them And what neede haue they too greedily to seeke after the temporal and transitory goods of this world seeing their portion is fallen vnto them in a very good ground and they haue a very goodly heritage seeing God is their Father and Christ their brother and the holy Ghost their comforter and faith their freehold and truth their treasure and godlines their gaine and goodnes their goods and righteousnes their riches piet● their portion and the kingdome of God their ●…heritāce heaven the haven of their eternall rest blessednes and the gracious promises of the gospell written in their harts the authenticall evidences for their title and right vnto these and all other blessings of God But these things are sufficiently knowne vnto you therfore I cease any farther to trouble you most hartely beseeching the most blessed God so to water you al with the plētiful streames of his heavenly graces that when yee haue beene as good trees bearing much fruit in the dry wildernes of this barren world ye may be transplanted by his gracious hand and set in his celestial and heavenly paradise Your VVorships most assured in the Lord JOHN TERRY To the Christian Reader OF many stūbling blocks good Christian Reader that are cast in the way by the servants of Antichrist to keep the people that they do not so much as turne their eies to behold much lesse settle their affectiōs to embrace the glorious lighte of the gospell of Christ this is not the least that they are not ashamed to charge not only some principal and eminent persons but generally all the professours thereof with an huge sea of outragious sins and a great drought of godlines and vertue yea many points of the most holy doctrine it selfe they avouch to tende directly to the corruption of good maners in all states But to omit their particula● slāders raised vp against particular persons which haue bin fully answered by others our severe cēsors of Rhemes Rhem. in e. 7. Math. The professers of the gospel most vniustly charged by the adversary to bee sacrilegious prophan● incestuous men of in●…tiable si● beside many grievous crimes which they avouch to be cōmon with vs and al other heretickes charge vs particularly with sacriledge against God and the prophanation of all holy things and incestuous marriages and these with the other abominatiōs they would haue the world beleeue to be in so high a degree among vs as they are likely to be among all such as are men of insatiable sin Now if the pulling downe of Idols and the destroying of Idolatry the removing of the superstitious worship of creatures the restoring of the pure worship of one almighty and alsufficient God in spirit and truth according vnto the prescription of his owne most holy word be sacriledge the prophanation of all holy things and if the abolishing of the common stewes and the disanulling of the vow of single life which was indeed the cause of abominable pollutions and of vnnatural and monstrous murders and the restitution 1. Cor. 7. 3. of holy matrimony according vnto the direct cōmandement of God by the penne of the Apostle be incestuous pollutions and if these and the like make vs men of insatiable sin then we must be content to vndergoe this slander seeing herein we are made but conformable to our Master Ioh. 6. 48. Christ who was charged to haue beene in league with the Devil whereas his comming was to destroy the workes of Mat. 11. 19. the devil and to haue beene a friend to Publicanes sinners being in truth the greatest enemy to sin that ever was borne of flesh blood But what manner of men are these themselues which lay to our charge so grievous crimes yea what are their most holy and most godly Fathers the Sāctissimi pijssimi Lyr. in Mat. c. 16 Platina in Rom. c. 1. ●drian Papa In nomine domini incipit omne malum Bern. in Cant. serm 33. The most corrupt abominable liues of the chiefest enemies of the Gospel of Christ Popes vnto whose very becke they owe all obedience Is it not recorded by principal men among them that many of them haue beene apostataes from the faith and very monsters and mishapen creatures such as succeeded not Peter in feeding but Romulus in manquelling that they pretended the name of God and the service of Christ but vnder that name wrought all maner of mischiefe and did service vnto Antichrist Neither did this spirituall contagion stay in their greatest personages but spread it selfe abroad in al states and callings And no mervaile seeing the whole world doeth frame it selfe to the likenes and liking of such as be in greatest power authority especially where the vow of obedience without gaine-saying yea without inquiring whether it be lawfull or no is esteemed as one of the highest steppes to the greatest perfection Whereby it came to passe that Rome it selfe the chiefe city of this Empire became the mother of all abominations and grew to ●uch ripenes and perfection in sin that shee deserved the name of the westerne Babilon where the whore of whores evē the great Antichrist of these last times should sit who was to make drunke all the kings of the earth with the cup of his spiritual fornications adulteries Vnto the which place whosoeuer should haue his recourse first he should see and then he should be acquainted with and the thirde time hee himselfe should become a wicked person For there is liberty of all other thinges saue only of true pietie Romae omnia cum liceant non licet esse pium Māt and godlines So outragious and abominable
them saying if it seeme evill in your eies to serue the Lorde then chuse ye this day Ios 24. 15. vvhome yee vvill serue c. I and mine house vvill serue the Lorde VVhere vnto they answere as it were with one voice God ●orbid that vvee shoulde forsake the Lorde to serue other Gods for the Lorde our God hath brought vs and our Fathers out of the lande of Aegypt and out of the house of bondage and hee did those greate miracles in our sighte and preserved vs in all the vvaie that vvee vvent and amonge all the people through vvhome vvee came And the LORDE did cast out before vs all the people even the Amorites vvhich dvvelte in the lande therefore vvill vvee also serue the Lorde for hee is our GOD. In vvhich wordes it is evident howe these faithfull servauntes of GOD vvell vveighing vvith themselues that the Lorde vvas their good and gracious God who had ●atified his loue towardes them by his manifolde blessings doe take themselues thereby to bee most straightlye bounde to his service and therevpon doe make a most solemne promise and vow to continue his loyall and obedient people The which promise and vowe beeing made by them vpon so iust and sufficient cause they as faithfully and truely kept and perfourmed For it is re●orded of them not only in the same Chapter but also Iudges the second to their eternall glory and renowne that they served the Lorde all the daies of Iosuah and all the daies of the elders that everlived Iud. 2. 7. Iosuah vvhich had seene all the greate vvorkes that the LORD had As the religious remēbrance of the Lordes mer●ies is the cause of all sincere obedience so the wretchlesse forgetfulnes therof is the cause of al rebellious vngodlines ver 10. done for Israell The cause then that kepte this people sound and vprighte in the service of GOD vvas for that they religiouslie kept an holy remembraunce of the Lordes manifold and greate mercies Now on the contrary side if wee will beholde and see vvhy the bad children of so good parentes revolted and fell away so quickely from the GOD of their fathers and continued not in his service and feare see vvhat followeth in the same Chapter VVhen Iosuah was deade and all that generation vvas gathered to their fathers then there arose another generation after them which neither knevve the Lorde nor yet the vvorkes that hee had done for Israell then they did vvickedlie and served Baalim and forsooke the God of their Fathers vvhich had broughte them out of the lande of Aegypt So in the dayes of the Prophet Ieremie the cause also why the badde posteritie of this backeslyding people departed likewise from the Lorde and vvalked after vanitye and became vaine is this for that none saide in their heartes vvhere is the Lord that broughte vs out of the lande of Aegypt that sedde vs through the Ier. 2. 6. vvildernesse through a des●rte and vvaste lande and through the shadd●vve of death and broughte vs into a good and plentifull land and made vs eate of the fruite thereof So likewise Psalme 78. and the hundred and sixt a like revolte of the same nation and namely of the Ephraemites who descended from holy Ioseph being mētioned the same cause is added of their revolte They forgate God Psal 78. 106. 21. their Saviour vvho had done so greate thinges for them vvonderfull thinges in the lande of Ham and fearefull thinges by the redde sea For as it fared vvith the children of Ioseph and the residue of the Israelites vvhen there arose a nevve king in Aegypt which Exod. 1. 8. knevve not Ioseph nor did remember those greate commodities vvhich all Aegypte enioyed by his meanes then they dealte most vnkindly vvith them and vsed them with all extremitie even so dealte the vngracious and vnthankefull posterity of Ioseph with the GOD of Ioseph who had advaunced him to bee a father to Pharaoh and the greatest state in all his kingdome vvhen th●y forgate the greate mercies of GOD both tovvardes him and tovvardes themselues also then they started aside from his service and fell away from his feare Yea Hos 2. 5. vvhen they ascribed their Corne and VVine and VVooll to B●alim and the fruites of the earth to the hoast of heaven and their deliveraunce from their bodyly enemies to Ashur and Aegypte and their greate plentye to their ovvne pollicie then they forsooke God and followed Baalim and vvorshipped the host of heaven and sente giftes to Ashur and Aegypte and burnt incense to their owne yarne highly magnifying and extolling themselues and leaving of to magnifie God of whom they had not only received all these thinges but thēselues also The which thing also vvhen it vvas forgotten by the wicked Sap. 2. Cap. When they did not beleeue that GOD was their creator that al māner of cōmodities which they enioied were his giftes but imagined that they were borne at al adventure and left to their owne hands to shift for themselues then like filthy swine they trod vnder foote all feare of God gaue themselues over to wallowe in the mire of their owne sensual and vncleane lusts Come said they l●t vs enioie the pleasures that are present Sap. 2. 6. let vs cheerefully vse the creatures as in youth let vs fill our selues with costly wine and ointment and let not the flower of our life passe from vs let vs crowne our selues with rose buds before they be withered and let vs leaue some token of our wantonnes in every place for this is our portiō and this is our lot So daungerous a thing it is either to forget the Lords mercies or not to beleeue him to be the only fountaine of al good things but to ascribe ' thē either to our selues or to chāce fortune or to the dispositiō of any creature for it causeth God to withdraw his favour wholy from vs and to giue vs cleane over to a reprobate sense and to suffer vs vtterly to fall away from his feare Yea it not only maketh the Lord to be most grievously offended with such an abominable sinne but after a sort to be vtterly astonished and amased for that there coulde come to passe any such impiety O yee heavens be astonished at this be afraide and vtterly confounded saith the Lord For my people haue committed two evilles Ier. 2. 12. they haue forsaken mee the founetaine of living waters to digge to themselues pits even broken pits that can hold no water And in the very beginning of Isay Heare O heavens and harken O earth for the Lorde Isa 1. 1. hath spoken I haue nourished and brought vp children and they haue rebelled against me The oxe knoweth his owner the asse his masters crib but my people hath not knowne Israell hath not vnderstoode The oxe the asse albeit they be voide of al reason yet haue so much sense as to be serviceable to them by whom
God for those his so wel known and manifest mercies Exod. 20. 2. no good but needs must be without al fruite And especially he vvill not enter into covenant and league vvith any to become their gracious God in Christ and to accept them for his peculiar people to giue them remission of sins e●ernal life and the first fruits of the spirit as the pledge of their caelestial heavenly inheritance but that he will make knowen vnto them this his gracious league and covenant vvith the articles and conditions belonging to the same for othervvise hovve can they performe the conditions And if they knowe not that they haue such and such giftes from God howe can they be thankefull to God for them and employ them to their owne good If they beleeue not that God is their God how can they honour him as their God If they bee not perswaded that they are beloued of God how can they be stirred vp to loue God If they be not assured that God hath accepted of them as of his trusty faithful servants what encouragement can they haue to demean● themselues as his trusty and faithfull servants Surely the spirit of God which knoweth the deepest misteries of the Lords own most privy secret counsels therfore much more searcheth the harts raines of al men and vnderstandeth all their thoughtes taketh it as a thing well knowen acknowledged of all the faithsul servants of God that God lou●th them and hath manifested the same vnto them by his manifold giftes and that he hath declared himselfe to be their God and hath taken them to be his people and therevpon inferreth that they should honour him a● their God and walke worthy of their high and heavenly calling that they should loue him be thankfull vnto him and bee ready continually to testifie the same by their duetifull regard vnto his service and by their humble obedience to all his commaundementes I am the Lord thy God saith God himselfe vnto his true and faithfull servantes among the whole natiō of Israel That brought you out of the land of Aegyp●… out of the house of bo●dage and therevpon requireth to bee accepted of them as their onely GOD and to haue humble obedience yeelded to all his commaundementes And so the holie posterity of these faithfull servants of God doe in most pl●ine wordes acknowledge los 24. Even that God is their God and hath done thus thus for them therfore that they are bound to se●ue him alone to honour him as their only God The same mo●iue God vrgeth to Abraham the father of the faithfull I am Gen. 17. 1. thy God alsufficient walke before me and be thou perfect that is I am ●ntred into covenant with th●e to be thy God I haue and vvill supply all thy wantes and haue wilsticke vnto thee in all thy necessities the●fore see that thou throughly sticke vnto me and cleaue perfectly vnto my service The Apostle St. Paule writing to the saints at Ephesus that is to the faithfull in Christ Iesus Eph. 3 1. beginneth with Blessed bee God the Father of our Lorde Iesus Christ and presently annexeth the cause thereof which vvas The blessing of them vvith all sperituall blessinges in CHRIST Iesus their election predestination redēption the revelation of the mysteries of the will of God vnto them their hope faith and their sealing with the spirit of promise these blessings he remembreth not as things doubtfull and vncertaine but as things most manifest well knowen vnto thē Likwise he exhorteth the Theslalonians to keepe their vesselles in holines honor not to defraud 1. Thess 4. 2 or oppresle one another because they knew what commandements were given vnto them in Christ and that they were not called to vncleanes but to holinesse So to the Co●…nthians havin● rem●mbred 1. Cor. 6. 11. them what they were before their calling even such as were desiled with most filthie and abhominable sinnes then hee addeth as a thing vvell knovven and acknovvledged by them all but yee are vvashed but yee are senct●fied but yee are iustified in the name of our LORDE Iesus and by the spir●te of our GOD and therevpon farther vrgeth as thinges also fullie knovven and confessed both the fruite and the benefite of this formes grace and the duetie also that is to bee performed ●or the same Knovve yee not saith hee that your bodies are the mēbers of Christ Shal I then Ver. 15. take the members of Christ make them the members of an harlette GOD forbidde Yea Ver. 19. Know yee not that your bodies are the temples of the holy Ghost which is in you whom ye haue of God and that ye are not your owne but are bought with a price Therefore glorifie God in your bodie your spirit which are Gods So likewise to the Romanes chiefly considering the season saith the Apostle and knowing that the night is passed and the day is nigh therefore let vs cast away the works of 〈◊〉 13. 11. darknes and let vs put on the armour of light let vs walke honestly as in the day time And againe to the faithful among the Thessalonians Yee are all the children of the light and of the day we are not of the night Thes 5. 5. neither of darknes Therfore let vs not sleepe as other ●o but let vs watch be sober For they that sleepe sleepe in the night and they that are drūken are drunken in the night but let vs which are of the day be sober putting on the brestplate of faith and loue and the hope of salvation as an helmet For God hath not appointed vs to wrath but to obtaine salvation in Christ Iesus who died for vs that whether wee wake or sleepe wee shoulde liue togither with him Wherefore comfort your selues togither and edifie one another even as yee doe And in deed what greater comfort can there come to the faithfull then to be assured that they are not the children of the night neither of darknes but the children of the light and of the day And what more availeable for edification in godlines then to knowe that they are not appoin●ed to wrath but to salvation and therefore that they ought to bee employed wholy in all such dueties as do concerne all such as are to be saved Neither is this argument proper to S. Paule alone but cōmon with him to al the Prophets Apostles who tasted with him of the sweete blessings of the same Saviour and were made partakers of the same comfortable spirit Beholde saith Moses the heaven 〈◊〉 10. 14. and the heaven of heavens is the Lords the earth also and all that is therein Notwithstanding he hath set his delight on vs and hath loved vs and hath chosen vs to be his people and hath preferred vs before many other nations that are farre greater and mightier then we that we also might learne to make
east them into an holie extasie and carried them after a sorte out of themselues and made them to haue little regard Cyrill in haec verb● sanguis ●ius sit super noset filios nostros of this present vvorlde and of the pompe and glorie thereof vvhich yet are so glorious in earthly mens eies To vvhat ende saith Cyrill shoulde I have vvealth and hope for the inheritance of the goodes of this vvorlds seeing alreadie I am made heire of thy most precious bloode and redeemed vvith thy most glorious death Why should I not verie much esteeme of my selfe seeing thou hast shedde as much bloode for mee alone as thou hast done for all the vvorld So Bernard O good Iesus O the loue of my soule vvho Bern. in haec verbai desiderio desideravi c. amongest mortall men doth so desire to make his life perpetuall as thou didst desire to loose thine for mine What pleasure vvilte thou take on the vvorld to come vvith thine elect seeing heere vppon earth thon didest call that day vvherein thou didest suffer Easter that is a great and solemne feastivall daie And againe O good Iesus O the redeemer of my soule doe I not happely owe thee as much as all the vvorlde ovveth thee seeing I have cost thee as much bloode as all the vvorlde hath done By the which testimonies of these holie men it is evident and plaine that an holie assurance of the great loue of CHRIST vvho hath died for our sinnes in particular and rose againe for our iustification is the strongest purgation to cleanse our soules from deade workes and to quicken them vp to an heavenly life and to strengthen vs in the ready preformance of all such duties as are most gratefull and acceptable to God And verely all manner of good vertuous works seeme they never so glorious in the eies of mortall men are most vile and base in the sight of God vnlesse the loue of Christ be the worker of them al and vnlesse they are performed as well deserved dueties for his sundry and manifold vndeserved mercies How then can there bee any true devotion at al in any of the children of the Church of Rome if they followe the doctrine ●f the assurance of the loue of God in Christ be the strongest band to binde vs to God then the doubtting therof must needs lette vs loose to runne a stray at random out of the Lordes waies as if we were at our owne liberty to liue as wee list The base borne bastardes of the church of Rome condemne in the legitimate children of God the holy assurance of his fauour and loue as Sap. 2. their former brethrren the elder sons of Satan haue done before thē Eph. 3. 18. of their mother who teacheth them to bee still in doubt of the loue of Christ in particular towards themselues of their effectuall calling into the state of grace and of the remission of their sins and eternall glory seeing the faithfull apprehension sence assurāce of Christs loue the fruits therof is the only effectuall worker of all true devotion Howe can either the church of Rome be the faithful spouse of Christ seeing shee stil standeth in doubt of the loue of her bridegrome or her children bee the children of God our heavenly father seeing they are and must be still in doubt whether he beareth a fatherly affection towards them Surely a faithful spoufe cannot still stand in doubt of the loue of her most kind and carefull husband neither can the naturall and kinde childe alwaies feare whether his natural kind father beareth a louing and a fatherly affection towards him seeing hee hath testified the same by his manifold blessinges And therfore the church of Rome cānot be the true spouse of Christ seeing shee knoweth not assuredly whether shee is his beloued neither can her children be the true children of God our heavēly father seeing they are and must be stil vncertaine and doubtfull of his kind and fatherly loue of the most principal effectes thereof Nay in that they condemne the true children of God of pride presūption for that they are not abashed to make a bold confession of their knowledge of God and of their assurance of his loue and to glory that he is their father and they his sonnes heereby they declare themselues to belong to the congregatiō of them alignant yea that they are the children of the devil himselfe in that after the very selfesame manner they condemne the holy faith of the children of God as their elder brethren haue done before thē in the second chapter of the booke of wisdome VVherfore all ye our deere brethren which are as yet covered with the blacke and darke doctrine of the church of Rome which came out of the bottomles pitte from the very prince of darkenes himselfe even as many of you as belong to the number of Gods elect defraud not your selues any longer of the comfort and fruit of Christs loue by continuing still doubtful of the same with the children of vnbeleife but rather labour with al saints that yee may comprehend what is the bredth depth length heigth to knovv the loue of Christ that passeth knowledge that so yee māy be filled with all fulnes of God Be ye not desirous to continue any longer doubtful of the remission of your sins of your election to eternal life according vnto the doctrine of the teacher of infidelity which yet boasteth himselfe to be the successour of St. Peter but striue yee 2. Pet. 1. 10 rather to make your election sure by your workes according vnto the most holy doctrine of St. Peter himselfe And as I doubt not but that yee vnfainedly desire to bee fruitful and plentifull in all good workes so labour yee by al meanes possible to comprehēd the loue of Christ and to feele in your harts the cōfortable fruits thereof which are the strongest motiues not onely to perswade but after a sort to constraine force vnto the ready persormāce of al good workes Be ye not so foolish still to imagine that your workes which are the fruites of the loue of Christ the effectes of your election and iustification bee the causes of the loue of Christ of your election iustification Especially whereas it is God that worketh in you the wil and the deede and that of his owne meere mercy and good wil in Christ and thereby maketh you more endebtted vnto him by the continuance encrease of his blessings take yee heede of that grievous and intollerable pride wherwith the Devill the defacer of the grace and glorie of Christ hath hitherto beguiled you by making you thinke that God is endebtted vnto you by meanes of your good workes and that by them you merite at his hands remission of sins eternal glory For verely if the kissing of our owne handes that is the ascribing The ascribing to our owne witte industry
holy pure perfect gratefull and acceptable to himselfe also for that it is his will vnto whō I am ten thousand times boūd to yeeld al dutiful submissiō obedience both in respect of his soveraigne auctority that he only hath to rule over my conscience soule also in regard of his infinite blessings which he of his owne vnspeakeable goodnes in Christ hath most freely fully bestowed vpon me And verely our obedience performed to the vvill of God in these respectes is a sweete incense and a most acceptable sacrifice to God wherwith we after a sort gratifie God and grieve the Devill are as an heaven to all holy Angels and a very hell vnto al vncleane spirits So like wise when we are tempted to any wicked worke wee must thus reason with ourselues and say this worke ought in no wise to be done by me no not the least desire to accomplish the same ought once to haue any entrance into my hart because it is contrary to the holy pure perfect will of God agreeable vnto the impure will of the Devill because it is most offensiue grievous to God most gratefull acceptable vnto the Devill because it is a great dishonour to him to whō all honour is double due both in respect of his soveraigne auctority over me and also in regard of his manifolde mercies collated vpon me and it is a great honour vnto that most cruell and infamous tyrant the Devill who presseth vpon me thereby to take me captive to the vtter destruction both of my body and soule We are debters as saith the Apostle yea very great debters as great as great may be but not to the flesh nor to our selues nor Rom. 8. 12. to the devil vnles it be that we owe to these al māner of evils miseries whatsoever but we are debtters to God that for the loue of a thousand talents for the gift of ten thousand more yet if we haue but a sincere desire to discharge this our debt our most gracious creditour will not onely straitwaies forgiue it all but also wil giue vnto vs ten thousand times more Yea the sincere desire of being obedient to the will of God vpon the former respects and the true care according as God hath enabled vs in some measure to discharge this our debt is a very great mercy a very gracious favour wherby we are more and more endebtted vnto him And verely this is al the discharge of our debt that hee requireth at our hands that we willingly gladly acknowledge him of whō we haue received all that we so highly esteeme of his giftes and presume of his good will that we are stil desirous to been debtted vnto him more more by al relligious hearing reading and meditating vpon his holy and sacred word by all servent and devout praier bee continually begging and craving for more and after a sort extorting it out of his handes For his desire is not to be benifited by vs but that we should still more and more bee benefited by him and hee vvould haue vs to acknowledge his loue and to grovve into a stedfast assurance therof that therby we might be more effectually stirred vp to reioyce in his goodnes to be thankful vnto him for his manifold mercies especially he would haue vs most midfully to record that vnmatchable blessing of our redemption wrought by Christ his inestimable loue made manifest therin that therby our hearts might be renewed our affections sāctified dying to our selues living to God employing our selues to every good worke And hereof it is that the spirit of God especially in the bookes of the new testament doth so often make mention of Christ and of our redemption wrought by him and of his great loue manifested therein as being the matter and subiect of those bookes a ●āst vvhereof I vvill giue vnto thee in some sentences of one of those bookes penned by Saint Iohn as they be pointed vnto by that learned preacher of the vvord Mr. Robert Rolloc in his commentaries vpon the same booke No man hath soone God at any time the onely begotten sonne of God vvho is in the bosome of the father hee hath revealed him Ioh 1. 18. The Philosophers in all ages haue most painfully searched after truth in their Physikes Ethikes Mathematikes and the rest But the knowledge of the Father in the Sonne doth only deserue the name of truth For to what purpose is it to comprehend in minde heaven and earth and all other thinges if a sinner doth not knowe God in Christ the redeemer That is vnlesse he feele God favourable vnto him and forgiving him all his sinnes in Christ which only doeth pacifie the troubled conscience hee can haue little true comfort in all his knovveledge of all other things be it never so great and smal courage to come vnto God and to rest in him and so to take hold of everlasting blessednes Therefore our Saviour himselfe after that he had said no man knoweth the father but the sonne and hee to whom the sonne hath revealed him Math. 11. 28. immediately addeth Come vnto mee all yee that are wearie and heavy laden and I will refresh you VVhereby hee signifieth that God being revealed in Christ there doeth follovve peace of conscience and vnspeakeable ioy in all those that doe cast their sinnes vpon him The nexte daie Iohn stoode and tvvo of his disciples and beholding Iesus vvalking hee saide beholde that lambe of GOD. Iohn 1. Chap. verse 36. As Iohn oftentimes gaue witnesse to Christ so it is no lesse necessarie at this time that the sacrifice and death of Christ be repeated and reiterated againe and againe For as the Iewes were ignoraunt that Christ the lambe of God shoulde bee offered vppe in sacrifice so vvee after a sort haue forgotten that hee hath beene sacrificed and hath already suffered for our sinnes For vvhat meane these sinnes which so every where abound adulteries murders rapines sacriledges even so many sinnes of all sortes vvhat say I doe they meane but that wee haue forgotten that our Saviour Christ hath suffered for vs● For ifit did come into our mindes that vvee vvere once boughte with so greate a price vvoulde vvee so sell our selues and become captiues to so manye sinnes If vvee did remember that vvee vvere washed with the most precious bloodof CHRIST vvoulde vvee againe so defile our selues vvith the filthy mire of this vncleane vvorlde After that Saint Peter had commended vnto the faithfull certaine necessary vertues 2. Peter 1. 9. Hee that hath not these saieth hee is bloude and seeth nothing a farre of but hath forgotten that hee vvas purged from his olde sinnes For let all bee sure of this that who edomes murders and the like to them that make profession of the faith of Christ are not therefore sinnes onely for that they are contrary to the lawe of God