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A13159 A briefe replie to a certaine odious and slanderous libel, lately published by a seditious Iesuite, calling himselfe N.D. in defence both of publike enemies, and disloyall subiects, and entitled A temperate wardword, to Sir Francis Hastings turbulent Watchword wherein not only the honest, and religious intention, and zeale of that good knight is defended, but also the cause of true catholike religion, and the iustice of her Maiesties proceedings against popish malcontents and traitors, from diuers malitious imputations and slanders cleered, and our aduersaries glorious declamation answered, and refuted by O.E. defendant in the challenge, and encounters of N.D. Hereunto is also added a certaine new challenge made to N.D. in fiue encounters, concerning the fundamentall pointes of his former whole discourse: together with a briefe refutation of a certaine caluminous relation of the conference of Monsieur Plessis and Monsieur d'Eureux before the French king ... Sutcliffe, Matthew, 1550?-1629. 1600 (1600) STC 23453; ESTC S117866 358,520 534

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subiect to lawes and not lawes to mens fancies as it is in the popes gouernement where all matters are referred to his determination Further he had dealt more wisely if he had passed ouer in silence this ordination by the holy ghost and succession from the apostles For if bishops appointed by the holy ghost and that haue right of succession from the apostles be to gouerne the church of God then must the popes of Rome lay handes off of this gouernement For neither can they shew commission from the holy ghost nor right of succession and truth of doctrine from the apostles Nay it appeareth they are rather wolues then true bishops and pastors and succéede Nero rather in killing and murdering then Peter in feeding and cherishing Christes lambes Neither is it sufficient for them to alledge that they sit at Rome For the Turkish priests sit at Hierusalem Antioche and Cesarea yet are they neither successors of Iames nor Peter that sometime taught in those places His third reason as he saith is drawne from the light of nature For because among the prelates of the church Christ would haue some subordination for auoyding schisme and confusion and because all philosophers held without controuersie that the monarchie was the best among all regiments he saith it is very probable euen by reason it selfe that Christ instituted a monarchicall gouernement in his church But first it is no small error in matters of spirituall gouernement to draw a patterne from humane reason that in spirituall matters is so blind and from philosophers that vnderstood nothing and to ground faith vpon probabilities and likelyhoods a Lib 2. de pontif R●m Bellarmine hath hitherto borne vs in hand that Christ instituted the papacy But this wise Noddy layeth the foundation of it vpon probability and humane reason Secondly it is absurd to thinke that the same gouernement is best both for church and common wealth For the church is Christes mysticall body and hath her head in heauen and is gouerned by diuine lawes The common wealth is a politicall body and hath her gouernors present with her here in earth and is gouerned by lawes of men There all commaund commeth from heauen here the most part commeth from men Thirdly albeit Christ would haue a subordination of officers in church gouernement yet maketh that nothing for the popes extrauagant power but rather against it For when Christ made his subordination b Ephes 4. 1. Cor. 12. set out the list of the officers of the church he gaue apostles prophets euangelistes pastors and doctors not so much as mentioning the popes holinesse which could not haue béene doone if the pope had bin constituted chiefe gouernor of Christ his church Lastly it is a bould and impudent vntruth to say that all philosophers held a monarchie to be the best forme of gouernment This simple hoddy Noddie hath neither read all nor many and therefore cannot tell But his fellowes could haue told him and their writings declare that Plato Cicero Philo Iosephus diuers others condemne monarchical gouernment and that Aristotle preferreth an aristocratical gouernment before a monarchicall Nay Bellarmine himselfe aboue all gouernments commendeth a forme mixed of diuers states and formes of common-welthes His fourth reason is very celestiall for Because God made Lucifer first head of the angels and afterward head of all diuels he beléeueth That one pope must necessarily be head of the catholike church So his first reason for the papacie was from man and humane reason the second is from the diuell of hell and his authoritie Is it not likely to prooue a braue gouernment that hath so strange a precedent Beside it is very vncertaine whether God established any such gouernment among angels as is supposed Nay it is not likely seeing Christ Iesus is head of angels and present with them that they haue any head but him In the 40. of Iob and 14. of Isay there is no such matter to bée founde as our aduersary pretendeth nor doth Saint Austin or any other father teach any such doctrine Mention is made of Michael and his angels Apocal. 12. But that hée is head of all angels cannot out of those words be prooued As for our aduersaries themselues it is very vnlikely they shoulde know the oeconomy and gouernment of angels in heauen that will not sée what God hath ordeined concerning his church on earth Fiftly he affirmeth That God established a monarchicall gouernment in the church of the Iewes giuing them a high priest to direct all other priests and al synagogues in the world Wherein he bewraieth his great ignorance in matters of the people of God For in that state the chéefe authoritie for matters both ecclesiasticall and ciuill was in the councell of state which they called Sanedrin which was appointed by God himselfe Deut. 17. and iudged all causes and persons yea the high priest himselfe Afterward the chéefe commaund was in princes both concerning priestes and other church matters Salomon deposed one high priest and placed another all which maketh against the supposed gouernment of the chéefe priest They that list to sée these matters prooued out of Scriptures writers of the histories of that people let them read M. Sutcliffes treatise De Pontifice Rom. lib. 1. c. 5. 6. 7. 8. His sixt reason is drawne from the similitude of riuers trées and all creatures But he is much deceiued if he thinke all creatures to haue liked of monarchicall gouernement All birdes haue not one head no nor all beasts nor all trées Could he shew me who is the head gouernour of all owles or woodcockes he should worke a wondrous feat for the establishing of his holy fathers monarchie If not then his similitudes will shew him to be a Noddy and a woodcocke Which also appeareth in this that there is great difference in things naturall and politicall and that the papall gouernement is not like to those naturall things which he mentioneth His seuenth reason standeth vpon this ground That without a monarchie in the church schisme and diuision cannot be auoyded But that is but a point of his folly and ignorance For no doubt but God prouided against schisme when he gaue chiefe authority to the councell of state Deut. 17. And Christ prouided for the same likewise when he chose not one but twelue apostles and sent them abroade into the world with one and the same commission As for the humane deuises of popes they were neuer so sufficient remedies against this supposed mischiefe of schisme but that there hath fallen out among the popes some 22. or more schismes and infinite sects and diuisions among the members of the Romish synagogue Last of all he saith The church is compared to a well ordered army that must necessarily haue a knowne generall likewise to a house a sheepefould a ship the arke of Noe all which things haue one head gouernour But nothing is more preiudiciall to so great a gouernment then that
e Matth. 28. gaue them in charge To teach what he had commaunded them The f Gal. 1. apostle pronounceth him Accursed that should teach otherwise then the Galatians had receiued By the law of Moses the Sanedrin or chiefe tribunal in Hierusalem had soueraigne authority in iudgement yet might not those iudges pronounce sentence g Deut. 17. But according to the law of God The which doth argue that popish religion is built vpon groundes most absurd and contrarie to religion Finally some do stand much vpon ancient fathers and councelles and the first churches practise and haue not doubted to attribute much vnto them But now finding by experience that these do not much make for them and that the fathers themselues do wholy relie vpon the scriptures they flie wholie to the authority of the pope and to the late church of Rome and perceiue that vnlesse they may sit iudges in their owne cause the same cannot stand But héerein it may plainly appeare that they are no catholikes For ancient catholikes attributed most to scriptures and vsed the testimony of fathers and of the ancient church to declare the true sence and meaning of scriptures But a S●ss 4. conci● Tr●d these admit no sence But that of holy church as they call it which is nothing but the priuate fancy of so●e foolish pope Fourthly as in the foundations of Christian religion so likewise in diuers points of faith the papists do plainly declare themselues to bée no catholikes For first in the obiect of faith they mainly differ true catholikes beléeue in God onely Faith saith the b Rom. 10. apostle is by hearing and hearing by the worde of God c De diuin nomin c. 7. Dionyse saith That faith hath for his obiect the most pure and alwaies being truth that is God And euery Christian rehearsing his faith confesseth That he beleeueth in God the father the sonne and the holy ghost and in no creature But the papists beléeue in angels and in saints and call vpon them For as the d Rom. 10. apostle saith How shall they call on him on whom they haue not beleeued To them also they make confession of their sinnes and from them they looke for helpe and all things necessary as may bée shewed by infinite particulars Further they beléeue the determinations of the pope to be true and trust in him as in the rocke of the church e In opusc contra error Graecor Thomas Aquinas saith that it is a matter of faith to beleeue the determination of the pope Ad fidem pertinet saith he inhaerere determinationi pontificis summi in his quae sunt fidei imò in his quae spectant ad bonos more 's And this is also the opinion of f Summa Siluest in verb. fides Siluester Prierius They beléeue also whatsoeuer is taught by the church of Rome Ad fidem pertinent omnia quae sunt in doctrina ecclesiae saith g Ibidem Siluester Prierius and hée gathereth the same out of h 2.2 q. 5. art 3. Thomas Aquinas and that is their common opinion holding the traditions of the church in equal estimation with the worde of God all which can neuer bée prooued to haue béene beléeued by true catholikes For neither can it bée shewed that in publike liturgies they haue called on saints and on angels as the church of Rome teacheth or confessed their sinnes to them or beléeued in the pope or church of Rome Againe true catholikes beléeue that Christ Iesus was true man and had a body like to ours in height bredth thicknesse and that he filled the place where hée was as do our bodies We must beleeue saith a De essentia diuinitatis Augustine that the sonne of God according to his deitie is inuisible incorporeall and incircumscriptible but according to his humane nature that he is visible corporeall and locall b Contra Eutych lib. 4. c. 4. Vigilius saith That Christ is contained in a place according to his humane nature and that this is the catholike faith Illud corpus saith c Dialog 2. Theodoret habet priorem formā figuram circumscriptionē vt semel dicam corporis substantiam So likewise saith d Ad Thrasimund li. 2. c. 5. Fulgentius Siverū est corpus Christi loco potest vtique contineri But the papists do assigne him a body inuisible impalpable and such a one as is incircum scriptible and without the dimensions of height bredth depth A bodie that may be conteined in infinite places at once yet not continued to it selfe as is the nature of Continua quantitas Finally a mans whole body that is without all qualities of a body may be contained in euery little part of a consecrate hoste increasing and diminishing at the priestes pleasure Further euery catholike Christian beléeueth that our Sauiour Christes true body is ascended into heauen and there remaineth e Ioan. 16. Hée tolde his disciples before his passion That he must leaue the worlde and go to the father And in another place f Iohn 12. That they should not alwaies haue him with thē In the first of the Acts we learne That hee is taken vp from vs into heauen And the apostle S. g Act. 3. Peter doth plainely declare That the heauens must conteine him vntill the time that all things be restored And this also the fathers plainely teach vs According to his diuine nature saith h In Matth. tractat 33. Origen he is not absent frō vs but he is absent according to the dispensatiō of his body which he tooke i Lib. 10. super Luc. 24. S. Ambrose saith That neither on the earth nor in the earth nor after the flesh we ought to seeke Christ if we will finde him Saint Augustine saith k Tractat. 50. in Ioan. Hee hath caried his bodie into heauen although he hath not withdawne his maiestie from the worlde l Homil. 21. in euangel Gregory the first doth plainly affirme That Christ is not heere by the presence of his flesh The flesh of Christ saith Vigilius writing against Eutyches lib. 4. c. 4. when it was in earth surely was not in heauen and now because it is in heauen certainly it is not in earth Neither did euer any ancient father teach otherwise But the papists do teach that Christes true body and flesh is both in heauen and earth and vpon euery altar at one time and that hee is touched and receiued not of men onely but also of mise and dogs and other beasts which to true catholikes séemeth not onely absurd but also abominable All true catholikes firmely beléeue that th●●r sinnes are forgiuen them for Christ his sake and that they shall atteine eternall life according to these two articles of the créed which euery one professeth saying Credo remissionem peccatorum vitam aeternam God he Hath promised and sworne as the a Heb. 6.
of papists and telleth what monuments of learning they haue left behinde them and what vniuersities they haue built All which maketh nothing to the purpose For albeit there bée many learned men among them yet their common people may be very vnlearned and ignorant notwithstanding which is that whereabout we contend Againe if their learning be so great the greater shall bée their condemnation which in the knowledge of Christ Iesus are so ignorant themselues and suffer also the people to liue in ignorance Lastly albeit we will not deny them to be learned yet we doubt not but to match them with men of our profession and if we compare them with the ancient fathers they will be ouermatched But whatsoeuer their learning is good it were for them if they would vse it not to their owne but to Gods glory Likewise they teach That lay men may not meddle with matters of religion that is that Princes haue no power to reforme the church nor to make ecclesiasticall lawes And our aduersary confesseth That onely priests haue authority to define and determine matters of religion What reason then hath hée to quarrell with sir Francis Hastings séeing in effect he confesseth as much as hée laieth to his charge Forsooth saith he Because these words To meddle with matters of religion may haue a double sence But what if they might receiue a treble sence if the papists doe so remooue lay men from gouerment in ecclesiasticall causes that they néede not to care how God is serued then are they not wronged by him For hée doth not meane care in their owne behalfe but in respect of others And therefore his example of ministers wiues is very impertinent Neither hath hee reason to condemne lawfull mariage when he and his consorts wallow in all filthinesse to condemne I say the apostles doctrine which alloweth a bishop To be the husband of one wife when hée teacheth the doctrine of diuels that forbiddeth to marrie Finally Parsons the Iesuite hath no reason to condemne priests wiues when his true father as they say was a parson of a parish his mother also had béene more honest if shee had béene maried to the parson his father These iestes therefore if hée looke no better to his businesse may prooue him to bée irregular and vncapable of priesthood But what is that may hée say when a bastard maketh as good a Iesuite as hée that is well borne Where wée say that the papists stande more on externall complements and ceremonies then inwarde faith and other vertues onely requiring an outward profession and outward obseruations of going to masse to shrift and such like hee is much displeased with the matter and saith That his aduersary hath neither eies nor witte And yet this is the doctrine of the Romish church Vt aliquis absolutè dici possit pars verae ecclesiae saith a Lib. de ecclesia c. 3. Bellar. non putamus requiri vllam internam virtutem sed tantùm externam professionem fidei sacramentorum communionem quae sensu ipso percipitur And albeit he shoulde not so say yet it is apparent that those are accompted good Cacolickes that liue in obedience to the pope and obserue his lawes whatsoeuer they are otherwise Nay of late time they haue canonized murtherers traitors and rebels as for example Iames Clement that murthred Henry the thirde of France diuers of the rebels that rose with the Earles of Northumberland and Westmerland in the north and such trecherous priests as came from the pope to betraie their countrey to strangers In times past also Thomas Becket was canonized for a saint albeit he was a traitor to his prince and countrey stirring vp forreine enimies against them moouing the pope to depriue his prince of his crowne running to professed enimies and consulting with them to the hurt of his prince causing the land to be enterdited and giuen as a spoile to forreine enimies which neither Iohn Baptist nor the holie fathers Athanasius Ambrose Hilary or Chrysostome either did or allowed to bée done And therefore as these examples fit not Thomas Beckets cause so Thomas Beckets example doth fitly shewe how loose men and disobedient subiects are enterteined by the pope and made saints in heauen albeit they deserue not to liue on earth Lipomanus and Surius and others I know tell many goodly tales of this saint but wée must remember that all the grounde they haue is their lying Legend and percase the popes sentence grounded vpon hearesaie Sir Francis saith further that Albeit the pope and his clergie commanded blasphemies and disloialties yet blind papists were made beleeue that the pope must be obeied vpon paine of damnation And his meaning is most true For although popes command matters impious against God and disloiall against princes yet their friers and flatterers do cōmend them for glorious merits woorthie of celestiall glorie Iames Clement the Dominican frier that murdred king Henry the third of France is estéemed a martyr of the popish synagogue Pope a The oration of Sixtus quint. la fulminante Sixtus quintus in the consistory of Cardinals commended this detestable act as A worke of God a miracle a rare exploit of Gods prouidence and compareth it to The most excellent mysteries of Christ his incarnation and resurrection Cardinall Como in his letter to Parry that went about to murder her Maiestie calleth the worke Meritorious Sanders doth greatly commend the rebels of the north that vpon the popes commandement went about to depriue their liege Souereigne of her crowne and kingdome And what hath either Parsons the Iesuite or this personate Noddy be hée what hée will to obiect against vs in this point Hée saith it is a shamelesse slander to say The pope commandeth either blasphemies against God or disloialties against princes And for the rest hée telleth vs That obedience to the pope is a commendation to catolike religion But the first is prooued by his decretales legends missals portuisses and other rituall bookes full of blasphemies The second is manifest by their practise There hath no such treason almost béene wrought against princes of late time but the same hath procéeded from the pope and béen managed by Iesuits and other friers and priests All the rebellions in England against Henrie the eight Edward the sixt Elizabeth now reigning had no other cause nor originall The late league or rather late rebellion of France against Henry the third and Henrie the fourth was made by the pope and enflamed by the vermine of friers his agents The Iesuites professe obedience to the pope as to Christ Boniface the eight maketh subiection to the pope to be a matter of saluation a De eccles milit c. 2. Bellarmine maketh it an essentiall part of a Cacolike or true member of the popes church And such trust haue papists in his iudgements concerning matters of faith that they thinke hée cannot be deceiued Nay if hée once either command or determine
all saintes Nay sometimes they flie to their images and reliques Neither can the distinction of mediators of intercession helpe them For the true church in her liturgyes neuer vsed to call vpon any mediator or intercessor beside Christ Iesus Beside that the Romish church crauing of saints all thinges necessary and attributing to saintes the merite of remission of sinnes do make them more then mediators of intercession 36. In the church of Christ we neuer heard nor read that christians did vse to scourge themselues before crucifixes and other images But the priestes of Baal were woont to launce themselues before their idols And the priestes of Cybele in honour of their goddesse were woont to cut themselues So likewise the papists do scourge thēselues and punish their bodies and are thereby declared to more bée like to Pagans heathen then to the people of God 37. The true church is a societie of faithfull people vnder lawfull pastors For a Ephes 4. Christ Iesus hath giuen them for The worke of the ministerie and for the edification of the bodie of Christ vntill wee all meete togither in the vnitie of faith and acknowledging of the sonne of God vnto a perfect man b Lib. 4. epist 9. Cyprian saith That the church is a people vnited to their bishop and a flocke adhering to their pastor Est ecclesia saith hée plebs episcopo adunata pastori suo grex adhaerens So likewise saith c In Dial. aduers Lucifer Hierome Ecclesia non est quae non habet sacerdotes That is there is not the church where there are no priestes or bishops But the church of Rome hath long wanted true priestes and bishops For the Romish bishops haue no authoritie nor mission but from the pope to whom they also d C. ego N. de ureiurando sweare fealtie But he hath no authoritie to sende them or ordeine them being himselfe no bishop Secondly the Romish bishops neither teach nor féede nor do the worke of a bishop Neither do the priestes of that synagogue obserue their commission in teaching that which Christ hath commaunded Thirdly in ordination of bishops and priestes they neither kéepe the apostles rules 1. Tim. 3. and Tit. 1. nor the ancient canons but ordeine boies and men vnlearned and infamous and vnable to teach and neither duly examine them nor orderly choose them nor canonically ordaine them Fourthly they do not ordaine priestes to teach and gouerne their flocks but e Machab. in lib. de missis episcopor pro ordinib confe rendis To offer sacrifices and to say masses for quicke and dead Which forme neither did either Christ or his apostles prescribe or the ancient church euer practise or know Fiftly they are ordeined simoniacally and by excommunicate persons and by apostataes from Christes true faith Lastly they are all f C. ego N. de iureiurando sworne to antichrist and therefore no ministers of Christ Iesus nor true pastors That the pope hath no authoritie to sende foorth pastors to féede Christes flocke it is appa●ent for that hée is a hireling or rather a woolfe and no successor of Peter or of the apostles varying so much from their doctrine and liuing nor true bishop doing not the function of a bishop nor teaching of Christes flocke That he is antichrist and of the temple of God hath made a denne of idolatrie and théeuery is prooued in the former discourse Most apparant therefore it is that the bishops of the Romish synagogue are no true bishops nor pastors Which is also prooued by their manners and doctrine For they murder Christes lambes and féede them not if they teach at all or if their priests and fryers teach it is not Christe faith but heresie which they teach 38 The true church of Christ cannot adhere to antichrist Our sauiour Christ speaking of his shéepe a Ioan. 10. saith they will not follow a stranger but will fly frō him But the church of Rome doth manifestly adhere to antichrist that exalteth himselfe aboue all that is called God and that sitteth in mens consciences that persecuteth all true Christians and yet pretendeth that he is Christs vicar That the Papists adhere to the pope they will not denie for they b C. Vnam ext de ma. obed make it a matter necessarie to saluation to be subiect to him That the pope is antichrist his pride his crueltie his doctrine the time of his rising the place of his kingdome and many arguments declare which we haue touched in the former discourse 39 As the true Church is figured by Ierusalem which was the holy citie of God so the malignant church is signified partly by Babylon Apocal. 18. and partly by the purple whore Apocal. 17. that had a cup of gold in her hand full of abomination and filthinesse If then the state of Rome vnder the popes be represented by this purple harlot then must it necessarily follow that the Church of Rome is not the citie of God but rather the city of Babylon and synagogue of Satan adhering to antichrist But that the state of new Rome as it is subiect to the pope and is the fountaine and metropolitane church of all idolatrie and heresie is meant by the purple whore and by Babylon Apocal. 17. 18. diuers arguments do teach vs. First the order of Saint Iohns historie doth shew it For after that in the 12. chapter and in the beginning of the thirtéenth he had described the state of olde Rome vnder the emperors and the decay of that empire it is not likely that he should returne againe to describe the flourishing state of the empire in the seuentéenth chapter and so to relate the same things confusedly Secondly he representeth vnto vs the rising of antichrist out of the earth and vpon the decay of the Romane empire in the end of the thirtéenth chapter and therefore whatsoeuer followeth may séeme better to belong to antichrists kingdome and new Rome than old Rome Thirdly after the destruction of the purple whore and of Babylon the Apostle describeth the end of the world and last iudgement as if the one were to follow the other But the end of the world doth not follow presently vpon the destruction of the empire but rather after the ouerthrow of Antichristes kingdome Fourthly the beast which Iohn saw and vpon which the purple whore did sit was not then as she should be Non adhuc erat a saith Saint Iohn ex abysso ascensura erat Apoc. 17. But the empire then did most flourish And therfore that beast must signifie another empire which in Rome was to be erected after the Romane empires decay Fiftly those tenne kinges which were signified by tenne hornes did not arise during the time of the olde empire but vpon the rising of antichrist neidid they giue their power to the Romane empire but to the pope and therefore this must néeds be a figure of the papacie and not of
absurd positions and principles in their religion TO recount and declare all the absurdities and heresies of the popish faction woulde require both time and labour they are so many and so intricate In number they passe the sande they are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as saith a I'iad 1. Homer And no maruell séeing they are builte on the pope which albeit he be b Sanders rocke reputed as a rocke yet is nothing but a banke of sande whereon the papists haue wracked their faith But of the rest I shall haue time to speake héereafter Now I will onely mention those which sir Francis Hastings doth obiect and which his aduersarie goeth about to remooue I say therefore that it is most true which he doth obiect diz That the papists hould ignorance to be the mother of deuotion D. Cole a man of no obscure note among the papists in a certaine disputation at Westminster did openly affirme it I tell you saith he ignorance is the mother of deuotion neither is he singular in this point a Aduers proleg Brent l. 2. f. 71. Hosius saith that ignorance is not onely woorthy pardon but reward also The same b Ibidem l. 3. fol. 146. man also commendeth the Coliars faith which vnderstanding nothing said he beleeued as the catholicke church and being further demaunded what the church beleeued said as he beleeued and so persisted in that circle And in another c Confess Petricou de fid symb f. 17. place he affirmeth that Nihil scire est omnia scire and that it is sufficient for a man to beleeue that which the catholicke church beleeueth albeit he be not able to shew what it beléeueth And that the synagogue of Rome holdeth this opinion albeit not in plaine termes it appeareth by their practise For they do not willingly suffer the scriptures to be translated into vulgar toongs nor permit lay men to read them without licence which is not easily obteined Further their publike praiers and liturgies are all set foorth in vnknowne toonges The people vnderstandeth neither what they pray nor what they beléeue The priests for the most part are blind and so is the people and so the blind is set to leade the blinde Paule the second did so hate knowledge that he pronounced them heretikes which should once mention the word Academie Paulus haereticos eos pronuntiauit saith d In Paulo 2. Platina qui nomen academiae vel seriò vel ioco deinceps commemorarent Likewise they hold that princes are not to meddle with the externall gouernment of the church nor to make lawes for the establishment of faith and manners e Lib. 5. de pont Rom. cap. 7. Bellarmine doth distinguish ecclesiastical gouernment from ciuill gouernment whereby it may appéere that he woulde not haue the temporall magistrate to meddle with the church And in another place he directly f Lib. 1. de pont Rom. c. 7. saith That the gouernment of the church was committed to bishops and priests and not to princes and that princes ought not to determine a cause of the church Generally they all holde that the prince is not to reforme abuses in doctrine but the councell of priests which is a position very absurd For first wée sée that vnder the law kings reformed abuses and established orders in the church as appeareth by the example of Hezekiah Iosia Dauid and others Likewise among christians Constantine Valentinian Gratianus Theodosius and other princes did not onely reform abuses and condemne heresies but a Cod. de sum Trin. fide cath titulis sequentib establish orders and promulge the articles of christian faith Nay some there are that thinke it a matter vndecent and vnnecessary either to vnderstand or to argue of matters of religion Charles the fift as Meteranus in his story testifieth commaunded that no lay man should dispute of religion and many were executed for that cause onely The Italians say that it is matter for fryers to reason of religion E cósa da frati c. They hold and teach further that the pope determining matters of faith is to be beléeued vnder paine of damnation and this is that which Sir Francis meant and which both Bellarmine and all the popish crew writeth and beléeueth And yet we find that he approoueth many damnable heresies as that of the Angelickes Collyridians Staurolatrians Manichées in ministring the communion vnder one kinde the Pelagians in extolling the merits and force of works and diuers others Boniface the eight holdeth that none can be saued but such as be subiect to the pope And Bellarmine b Lib. 2. de Pontif. Rom. c. 12. cōcludeth that it is a point of faith to hold that the bishop of Rome hath succeeded Peter in the vniuersall regiment of the church So that whatsoeuer he commandeth that must bée beléeued Neither may priuate men dispute of the popes power For that they say is sacriledge and no lesse then To open a mans mouth against heauen And yet his determinations wée finde to be hereticall and his commandements wicked and vnlawfull Lastly they teach that the pope hath power to pardon all sinnes And that is so true that it cannot bée denied For they giue him all Christes power in earth And in the taxe of penances there is set downe a taxe for indulgences for all sinne yea for Iudaisme apostasie Turcisme Maranie Paricide Sodomie and whatsoeuer heinous sinne else And albeit the more learned distinguish betwéene mortall and veniall sinne betwéene culpam and poenam yet if ●he pope can forgiue all the punishment then sure can he forgiue any sinne and the rude papists vnderstand no such subtilties If then sir Francis hath auouched any such matter against the papists hée hath done them no wrong Neither hath this Noddy any sufficient skill to shift off the matter Much be braggeth and faceth but what shoulde wée respect wordes when we sée no truth in his meaning To acknowledge Gods fauour towards vs in deliuering vs both out of the spirituall thraldome of Antichrist and the temporall slauerie of strangers and accumulating vpon the people of this land diuers other both spirituall and temporall blessings hée estéemeth to bée but flatterie and faire glosing and to charge the papists with ignorance and strange opinions hée counteth no better then cogging and lying mixing a number of wordes borrowed partly of cheating companions with whom it should séeme hée hath much conuersed and partly of railing sophisters among whom hée hath long triumphed But as I haue wiped away the accusation of flatterie so I doubt not but I shall easily answer this cogging mates brabling about lying and cogging Hée taketh in great scorne that it shoulde bée saide That a darke and mistie cloud of ignorance did couer the lande in Queene Maries time and saith That it was as wise and learned as Italy or Spaine is at this day where our teachers if they shoulde appeere dare not open their mouthes
sparing their holy God of the altar Deteriores sunt Iuda saith Christ in Saint a Onus ecclesiae c. 23. Brigits reuelations qui pro solis denarijsme vendidit illi autem pro omni mercimonio She speaketh of priests that trucke and barter masses for all manner of commodities yea to whoores for a nights lodging With the Angelicks they worship angels with the Staurolatrians they worship the crosse crucifixe giuing to the same diuine worship With the Collyridians they worship the virgin Marie With the Manichees they bring in halfe communions or communion in one kinde With the Carpocratians and Simonians and heathen idolaters they fall downe and offer incense and worship dumbe images With the Pelagians they beléeue merits and iustification by workes And almost out of euery heresie haue taken a peece as hath béene lately they say iustified against Giffords treatise intituled Caluinoturcismus Well therefore may it be saide that popish doctrine is full of poison and vnaduised was our aduersarie to charge vs with heresie or to mention any such matter séeing the blame must needes redounde vpon himselfe and vpon his consorts of the Romish synagogue Secondly he telleth vs That ecclesiasticall supremacy ouer all Christian nations is proper and essentiall to the popes office and that to his apostolicall authority is annexed the office of preaching But that should more properly and substantially haue béene prooued This beeing graunted doth shew that the pope doth faile in his apostolicall or rather apostaticall office For if preaching and féeding Christes flocke belong to the popes office why doth he not preach Why doth he not féede Nay why doth he famish Christes flocke by murdering all true preachers that come within his danger He answereth that The pope is obliged to preach by himselfe or by others But Saint Peter a farre greater apostle and greater man in apostolicall gouernment then the pope preached by himselfe and put not ouer his charge as the pope doth to Iesuites and Friers that preach more heresie and sedition then true doctrine The old bishops of Rome also which were honester men then these late popes put not ouer their charge but preached themselues and in their owne person executed all bishoplie functions Yea and saint Paule telleth vs that the office of a bishop is a good worke and not as the popish bishops make it a naked bare title To conclude this is also the iudgement of a In 1. Tim. 3. Ambrose Chrysostome Theodoret and all that write on the third of the first to Timothie from whence our authoritie is drawne He procéedeth notwithstanding further and professeth openly That when the pope leaueth his supremacy and embraceth that religion that is preached in England he ceaseth to be pope Which I do in part also confesse to be most true For antichrist shall in the church of God exalt himselfe and clayme not onely supreme but also diuine power He shall also defend manifold heresies and abhorre all true doctrine that may concerne his supreme title And if he should not so do he should not shew himselfe to be antichrist Herein therefore the Iesuites and he may be conioyned and march together hand in hand For all of them haue shut their eies and hardened their hartes against Christes true doctrine although it be to their shame in this life among all godly Christians and if they repent not shall be to their euerlasting confusion in the life to come Yet this hard faced Sycophant sticketh not to glory in his shame and to reioice that the pope and his children the Iesuites are matched togither At the length our aduersarie hauing highly extolled the father of heretikes and traitors the pope he descendeth to discourse of the popes darlinges begotten by him now in his declining state and decrepit age the Iesuites and saith They haue many enimies A matter true and by vs confessed and by them well deserued being a sect new vpstart and openly professing obedience to antichrist and enmitie to Apostolike and true catholike religion a societie conspiring mischiefe against al such as they hate practising diuision in priuate houses sedition and trouble in common-wealthes treason against godly princes and leauing the markes of their abominations and wicked actions behinde them wheresoeuer they come A generation stirred vp by Sathan to disturbe the peace of Christendome and to scourge all those that are not thankefull for the reformation of Gods church nor studious in sea●ching the truth nor zealous in rooting out of heresies and planting true religion What maruell then if they haue many enimies among those especially that beare good mindes either to true religion or to the state where they liue As for the example of Christian religion and of the first Christians and Christes disciples the holy apostles which were euery where spoken against and persecuted which the discourser our party pretendeth and alleageth to iustifie the generall opposition of al sorts of men against the Iesuits it fitteth his purpose nothing The example likewise of godly men that are often put to their trials is excéedingly euil applied to this sect of vngodly fellowes most absurdly doth he compare these Antijesuites to Christ Iesus that was as it were a marke set vp to be contradicted and was hated and persecuted of those that were of most eminent authoritie among his nation borrowing as it shoulde séeme a péece of some olde declamation vttered in the college of Iesuites or else where in praise of this sect and thrusting it in héere His defence I say is absurd and his comparisons most odious First Christ Iesus that I may beginne with him that is the beginning and fountaine of all spirituall graces and whom these Antijesuites do seeme in some things to counterfait and yet in most things oppugne came from God and did teach no doctrine but which he had receiued from his father humane traditions and pharisaicall boasting of workes of the law he disallowed and condemned These Antijesuites that I say no worse of them come from the pope and teach his decretalles and doctrine grounding themselues vpon mens traditions and vainely bragging of their owne merits and workes Christ Iesus loued his owne and was beloued of his owne These vsurpers of the name of Iesus loue none but thēselues and were charged by their owne friends and were accused of heresie schisme and many grieuous crimes as witnesseth Ribadineira that wrote the legend of his father Ignatius Our sauiour ●or determining controuersies and finding out the truth sent vs to the law and the prophets these destroyers of soules send vs to the pope and his tribunall and most vaine decretalles Iesus Christ though Lord of heauen and earth taught obedience to Caesar and earthly princes these fellowes albeit neither lordes nor princes yet teach disobedience to princes and dissolue the bond of obedience that tyeth subiectes to their superiors Christ Iesus was the true shepheard and sought the saluation of his flocke and albeit iniuriously apprehended and
Christianlike baptized Nay they beléeue that as many as are regenerate are without sinne and albeit examined by the law yet are to be reputed iust The Iacobites and Armenians were condemned for heretickes For that they made the images of God the father and God the holy ghost imagines saith c Lib. hist 18. c. 52. Nicephorus patris spiritus sancti effigiant quod est perquam absurdum Yet this absurdity is a high point of popish religion The worshippers of the crosse which were called Chazinzartj and Staurolatrae were therefore estéemed heretickes Crucem saith d Ibid. c. 54. Nicephorus adorare colere dicuntur Which is a plaine conuiction of the heresies of papistes who worship the crosse with diuine worship which percase those heretickes did neuer The Collyridian heretickes were condemned for worshipping the virgin Mary and that worthily For as saith e Haeres 78. Epiphanius she was a virgin and honorable but not to be adored Non dominabitur nobis antiquus error saith f Ibidem he vt relinquamus viuentem adoremus ea quae ab ipso facta sunt But the papistes not onely adore her but also giue vnto her 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is an honor aboue the common sort Nay they deuise masses and offices in her honor and Bonauenture hath shamefully falsified the psalmes of Dauid to draw them to her honour and superlatiue worship The worshippers of images of saintes by a certaine g Hist Miscell Pauli diac lib. 21. councell of Constantinople whose actes are inserted in the sixt action of the second Nicene councell were noted as idolators and condemned by the fathers as heretickes or worse The synode of a In lib. Caroli magni contra synod in partib Graeciae pro imaginib adorand Francford did condemne the second Nicene councell that allowed the worship of images Non nos imagines in basilicis positas say they idola nuncupamus sed ne idola nuncupentur adorare colere eas recusamus b Haeres 79. Epiphanius saith That by worishipping images the minde is turned from one onely God to commit fornication with images All which notwithstanding the papistes kisse them bow to them worship them and burne incense to them The bare footed brethren c Augustin de haeres c. 68. were condemned for their hereticall singularity in going barefoote Yet the papists account this a part of their frierlike perfection and beléeue that it is meritorious to goe barefoote in pilgrimages and processions The Apostolikes notwithstanding their arrogant presumption in taking on them the name and profession of the apostles followers were condemned of heresie for that they receiued none into their communion that vsed wiues or possessed any thing in priuate Apostolici qui se isto nomine arrogantissimè vocauerunt saith saint d De haeres c. 40. Augustine eo quod non reciperent in suam communionem vtentes coniugibus res proprias possidentes quales habet ecclesia catholica monachos clericos plurimos Where note that Augustine saith that monkes and clergy men had wiues and goodes in property The papistes do notwithstanding receiue this heresie condemning all monkes and friers that possesse any goods in property and both monkes and priests that match themselues in mariage The Heraclites as saith e Orig. lib. 8. c. de haeres Isidorus were heretikes that receiued onely monkes and condemned married folkes Monachos tantum recipiunt saith f he coniugia respuunt They also do not beléeue that children dying yoong shall possesse the kingdome of heauen So the papistes do beléeue that onely monkes and friers are in the state of perfection and do not suffer either them or priests to marry They beléeue not also that any child dying before baptisme can be saued albeit the parentes be christians and vse all meanes to haue their childe baptized But such children they place betweene heauen and hell in Limbo puerorum or at least in hell without sensible paine The Priscillianists disioyne maried folkes for religion sake Coniuges saith a Augustin haeres 70. Saint Augustine speaking of Priscillian quibus hoc malum potuerit persuadere disiungens For hiding their wickednesse filthinesse they b Ibidem made no account to forsweare themselues Propter occultandas contaminationes turpitudines suas habēt in suis dogmatibus haec verba Iura periura secretum prodere noli The papists likewise separate maried folkes that vowe religion before mariage consummate they holde that either partie may enter into a monasticall religion They séeme also to make small reckoning of oathes If thou be put to an oath say the c In annot in act 23. resolut quorundam casuum nationis Anglicanae Rhemistes to accuse catholikes for seruing God as they ought to do or to vtter any man to Gods enimies and his thou oughtest first to refuse such vnlawfull oathes but if thou haue not constancy and courage so to do yet know thou that such oathes binde not in conscience and law of God but may and must be broken vnder paine of damnation Now by catholikes these good fellowes vnderstand such as come with an intention to murder their dread souereigne and to raise rebellion or at least such as embrace all popish heresies which are no lesse damnable then the wicked opinions of the Priscillianistes The Helcesaites make Christ in heauen to differ from Christ in earth Christum saith d Haeret. fabul lib. 2. de Helcesaeis Theodoret non vnum dicunt sed hunc quidem infernè illum verò supernè eum olim in multis habitasse One Christ they make dwelling in heauen and another in earth So likewise the papists beléeue teach that Christ in heauen is visible and palpable and hath the dimensions and iust proportion of a mans body but their Christ on the altar and in the Sacrament they beléeue and teach to bée neither visible nor palpable nor that hee hath any iust proportion or dimensions of a true naturall and humane body The Eutychianistes denie that Christ after the vnion of the two natures had a true body but as e De ieiunio 7. mensis ser 6. Leo signifieth A body without shape dimensions or circumscription They saide also that Christ was whole both in heauen and earth against whom f Lib. 4. cont Eutych c. 4. Vigilius disputing saith That the flesh of Christ when it was in earth was not in heauen and nowe being in heauen is not on earth And their chiefe ground as appéereth by g Dialog 2. Theodoret was That Christs humane nature was abolished euen as in the sacrament after consecration the signes are changed into an other nature Who then doth not plainly sée that the papists by their transubstantiation do bring in Eutychianisme holding that Christes bodie in the sacrament is without shape and true dimensions and that his body is both in heauen and in earth and as many seuerall
tamen haereticus potest appellari But whosoeuer listeth to read either the popes decretals or the popish factions writings shall finde that they do interpret Scriptures not onely otherwise then the holie Ghost meant but quite contrarie to his meaning Which is euident by many particulars but wée will content our selues with some fewe for a taste The e Isai c. 28. 8. prophets f Rom. 9. 1. Pet. 2. apostles by the corner stone placed in the foundation of the church and stone of offence do vnderstande Christ Iesus but g In praef in lib. de Pontif. Rom. Bellarmine will haue the pope to bée vnderstoode by these wordes Hée will also z haue the wordes of Christ Super hanc Petram aedificabo ecclesiam meam to bée ment of the pope Where our Saui●ur saith h Ibidem Pasce oues meas these wordes the papists do appropriate to the pope These words Drinke yée all of this they interpret as if Christ had saide drinke not all of this Where the apostle saith Mariage is honorable among al men and vnderstandeth it of such as may marrie by the lawes of God they say mariage is not honorable for priests or monks Where our Sauiour Christ saith Scruta mini scripturas they say Search not the Scriptures Where hée saith that Those do in vaine worship him that teach doctrines of men these teach quite contrarie and place the speciall worship of God in humane traditions Where the spirite of God commandeth That praiers be made for princes and willeth subiects to obey the Magistrate these antichristian papists curse princes and teach subiects to rebell and say that it is meritorious to kill them Ecce duo gladij hîc ergo saith pope Boniface the pope hath two swordes and with these swordes de facto the popes do destroy mens soules and kill their bodies It were infinite to rehearse all their wicked and false interpretations of Scriptures and in this place it is not necessarie séeing by these which wée haue alreadie alleaged it may sufficiently appéere that the papists are heretikes at least if Isidorus saie true As the a Damascen de haeres Herodians gaue the name and honor of Christ to Herode so the papists do giue the names of Christ to the pope allowing these words of Bernard to Eugenius vnctione Christus es They call him the foundation and rocke of the church the head and spouse of the church and such like They teach that he and Christ make but one seate of iudgement and b Lib. caerem. say That all power is giuen to the pope in heauen and earth If then the Herodians deserue for honoring Herode with Christ his titles to be reputed heretikes why should not the papists likewise be reputed heretikes that do as impudently and wickedly giue Christes honor to the pope c De haeresib c. Heicetae Damascene numbreth those monkes and nunnes among heretikes that méeting vsed to dance togither in the praise of God yet do not the popish fort leaue their piping and dancing processions nor do monkes and nunnes cease to celebrate their comedicall dancing masses skipping and hopping about the altar like apes that are taught to leape for their masters aduantage d Ibidem c. Gnosimachi Gnosimachi were certaine heretikes that would not that vulgar Christians should study the scriptures Omni christianorum cognitioni ac scientiae ita aduersantur saith Damascene vt vanum minus necessarium laborem esse dicant eorum qui in diuinis scripturis aliquam exquirunt scientiam Neque enim deum aliud à Christiano postulare quam bonas praeclarasque actiones Itaque aliquem simplici rudique animo institutū suum perse qui melius est vt aiont quàm multam curam in cognoscendis de cretis sententijs ponere The which now is iust the opinion of the papists that hold it to be mortall sinne for lay men to dispute of matters of religion and thinke the colliars faith to be sufficient albeit he knoweth nothing but onely answereth That he beleeueth as the church beleeueth a De le●●t indi●● lib. ● Hosius writing against Brentius doth commend ignorance and doth greatly allow this saying Fides te saluum fecit non exercitatio scripturarum b Lib. 3. de auth scriptur He saith also That nothing is more pernitious then with scriptures to enter combat with satan Generally they allow an implicit faith in the rude sort and dehort them from knowledge of scriptures which is the flat heresie of the Gnosimachians The c Damascen d● haeres c. ●thnop●ronis Ethnophronians were condemned for obseruing diuers heathenish customes and holy daies Which notwithstanding pope Boniface the eight instituted the Iubiley euery hundred yéeres in imitation of the playes called by the Romaines Ludi seculares The papists also haue their censinges and expiations with holy water like the Gentiles They kéepe the Carneuall as the Romaines did their Lupercalia They canonize saintes as the heathen did canonize their benefactors for Gods They offer sacrifices for the soules of the departed as did the Gentiles They vse their lots and coniurations and lash themselues before their idoles and haue diuers other fashions of the Gentiles d As the Montanistes a De haeres c. christiano-categori so likewise do papists mislike second marriages denying to blesse them and not accounting those marriages so holy a sacrament as the first Damascene accounteth them also heretikes That worshipped the images of our Sauiour of the blessed virgin and the saintes as the Gentiles did their Gods Which is iust the case of papists For both of them bowe to them pray to them burne incense to them offer sacrifice before them And both of them denye that they worship stockes or stones but rather those persons that are represented by them Finally the very nature and properties of heretikes do argue and conuince the papists to be such The apostle when hée had warned the Romaines to beware of those that caused diuisions and scandales Rom. 16. hée e addeth also Against that doctrine which they had receiued so that by the apostles iudgement those séeme to bée heretikes that cause sects diuisions and scandales contrary to apostolicall doctrine Hée also is an heretike That a 1. Tim. 6. teacheth other doctrine and resteth not in the holesome wordes of our Lord Iesus Christ The apostle Peter where hée saith b 2. Pet. 2. that There shall rise vp false teachers which shall priuily bring in heresies and damnable sects doth shew them to bee heretikes that teach false doctrine ouerthrowing the mysterie of our redemption through Christ c De praescrip aduers haeret Tertullian doth oppose heretikes to the apostles and their doctrine to apostolicall doctrine Vnde extranei inimici apostolis haeretici saith hée nisi ex diuersitate doctrinae quam vnusquisque de suo arbitrio aduersus apostolos aut protulit aut recepit Haeresis
Ephes 2. apostle Is the head of the church and hee is the sauiour of his body Neither can anie thing be deuised more deformed and prodigious then one bodie with two heads d Lib. 4. epist 38. ad Joan. Constant Gregory the first could not endure that Peter shoulde bée called the head of the whole church Peter the apostle saith hée is the first member of the holy catholike church and Paule Andrew and Iohn what are they but heads of diuers parishes and yet all are members of the church vnder one head Neither coulde hée suffer any to bée called the vniuersall bishop of the church Saint e De agon Christ in Psal 9. Augustine saith that Christ Iesus that is the mediator betwixt God and man is the head of the church But the Romish church doth allow acknowledge the pope to bée her head And the canonist f In gloss in c. vnam ●xtr de maior obed Bertrand blasphemously saith That Christ had not bin discreet if he had not left a vicar generall behinde him And this doth a In praefat in lib. de p●ntif R m. lib. 2. de pont●f R●m c. 31. Bellarmine teach and all papists beléeue and professe or else they are not perfect papists Oh strange church that liueth vnder such a head oh miserable people that endure this Babilonish slauerie 12. The true church is Christes faithfull spouse Sponsabo te mihi b Oseae 2. saith God to his church in fide c De vnitate eccles Cyprian saith that shée cannot bée drawne to like of an adulterer being incorrupt and chaste Adulterari non potest Christi sponsa incorrupta est pudica Shée harkeneth onely to the voice of her spouse En dilectus meus saith the church Cantic c. 2. loquitur mihi surge propera amica mea columba mea formosa mea veni But the church of Rome doth e Turr●●rem sum lib. 2. c. 28. Thom. Aq. in 4. sent d●st 3. 8. acknowledge the pope to bée her spouse And f Lib. 2. de pontif Rom. c. 31. Bellarmine doth defend that the pope is iustly entituled the spouse of the church Nay the pope g Canter corsoralia de tra●st episc c. qu●niam de imm●nitate eccles doth so call himselfe and therefore the papists must take héede that they do not hencefoorth denie him to bée the spouse of their c●colike church Who then is so blinde as not to sée that shée is rather that purple harlot of whom mention is made Apoc. 17. of whose cup the nations of the earth haue drunken so manie abominations then Christes vndefiled spouse 13. The true church is a communion of saints For so wée professe when wée say we beléeue The holy catholike church the communion of Saints The h 1. Cor. 1. apostle doth describe the church of Corinth To bee a societie of saints calling on the name of the Lord Iesus So that to bée a true member of this church it is requisite that a man haue faith in Christ and that hee shew his faith by his workes But the Romish church is a societie of such as professe the faith and receiue the sacraments of the Romish church And i Lib. de eccles milit c. 2. 3. Bellarmine confesseth That to be a member of the Romish church there is neither inward faith nor charitie nor any inward vertue required Nay k Ibid. c. 10. 11. he saith That such as be inwardly atheistes and heretikes and most heinous sinners may be true members of that church which is a most euident argument that they are not the true church 14. The true church is not necessarily tied to the obedience of the bishop of Rome nor neuer was The spirituall Ierusalem Which is the mother of l Galath 4. vs all is free and acknowledgeth no Lorde but one which is Lord of all For so the apostle a Ephes 4. saith There is one Lorde one faith one baptisme But the church of Rome beside this Lorde doth acknowledge herselfe subiect to the pope her Lord and God in earth b C. vnam ext de ma. obed Boniface the 8. determineth that none can bée saued in the Romish arke but they that are subiect to the pope And c De eccles milit c. 2. Bellarmine doth exclude all from the church of Rome that liue not vnder the obedience of the pope Finally this is the common opinion of the d Ibidem c. 5. aduersaries that exclude out of their church al schismatikes and account all to bee so that are not subiect to the pope 15. The true church doth professe the catholike faith Which vnlesse a man keepe intier and inuiolate he shall perish euerlastingly as e In symbolo Athanasius teacheth vs and we publikely professe Now the catholike faith concerning Iesus Christs incarnation and ascension f Ibidem is this That I●sus Christ is perfect man as he is perfect God and that he tooke mans flesh and yet is but one Christ and that in his humanity he is ascended into heauen We beléeue also That we are g Rom. 4. iustified by faith in Christ Iesus and not by the workes of the law as the apostle teacheth vs and that Beeing h Rom. 5. iustified by faith we haue peace with God We beléeue also i Rom. 6. That the reward of sinne is death and that eternall life is the gift of God We beléeue that Christs institution is to be obserued in the sacraments and that in baptisme we are to vse cleane water and that in the supper of the Lord al that are present are to communicate and to receiue the cup as well as the sacrament of the Lordes body according to k Matth. 26. Christs words Take eate and Drinke yee all of this We beléeue also that Christ is to be worshipped as he hath appointed and not according to the inuentions of men Finally we beléeue That l Ephes 4. Christ ascending to his father gaue some Apostles some Prophets some Euangelistes some Pastors and teachers and that these are sufficiēt for the building of the church and the bringing togither of the saints And this all belongeth to the catholike faith But this false and adulterous synagogue of Rome hath violated these points of catholike faith For it beleeueth not that Christ is perfect man but that he hath a body neither visible nor palpable that is conteined vnder the formes of bread no bigger then a counter It beléeueth not that he tooke other flesh then that which may be in heauen and in earth and in as many places as the sacrament is at one time But a Contr. Eutychen lib. 4. c. 4. Vigilius saith That the flesh of Christ that is in heauen is not in earth Fulgentius writing to Thrasimundus saith That the body of Christ now hath the properties of a true body It beléeueth also that Christ is not so
f Iames 4. saith hée that is able to saue and to destroy But in the church of Rome the pope beareth himselfe as a soueraigne monarke and hée taketh on him power to bind and loose in heauen earth and purgatorie And his agents say That his lawes binde in conscience and that hée hath power to saue and destroy The Romish church is gouerned by his lawes and acknowledgeth him to bée the supreme iudge of controuersies 29. The true church of Christ contenteth herselfe with the religion first taught by the apostles For as g Lib. 4. contr Marcion Tertullian saith Id verius quod prius id prius quod ab apostolis And as h Aduers haeres c. 26. Vincentius Lirinens●● saith it is the propertie of heretikes Not to content themselues with the ancient rule of faith but to seeke nouelties from day to day and to desire to adde to change to take away But the church of Rome doth not content herselfe with the doctrine of the apostles nor with the ancient rule of faith but is still adding changing taking away as may appéere by the popes decretals 30. The true church is dispersed euery where For our Sauiour f commanded his apostles To teach all nations i Matth. 28. And wée beléeue not a particular church but The catholike church that is the societie of Christians of all times and places but the Romish church neither conteineth the Gréekes nor Africans nor men of Asia that haue for many ages béene diuided frō that church Nor doth it reach to the people before Christ but onely a Bellar. de eccles milit c. 2. conteineth such as liue in obedience to the pope How then can the church of Rome bee the catholike church Shall the church of that citie bée as great as the church of the whole worlde 31. The true church of Christ conteineth neither lyons nor tygres nor woolues but consisteth onely of shéepe and lambes Nay it maketh milde Christians of sauage and wilde atheistes and miscreantes and as Paule of a fierce persecutor by christianity was made a constant professor so the mildenesse of this our christian mother the church changeth mens cruell natures They shall not hurt nor kill saith b Isai 11. God by his prophet in all my holy mountain The wolf shall dwel with the lambe and the Pard shall ly with the Kid. c De incarnat verbi Athanasius saith that nothing but Christes faith caused barbarous nations to become peaceable Quis coegit barbaros gentesque alias in suis sedibus saith he immanitatem deponere pacifica meditari nisi Christi fides crucis signaculum d Lib. 2. contr Parmen Optatus speaking of catholikes Which of vs saith he hath persequuted any man Can you shew or prooue that any of you hath beene persequuted by vs But the church of Rome hath of late yéeres and yet doth murder infinite numbers of men that would not adhere to her Romish faith Their e Extr. de haeret per tot lawes are bloody and cruell their executions are more cruell In the time of Charles the emperor the fift of that name it is found in f Meteran de Belgicis tumultibus record That aboue fiftie thousand persons were by sentence of iudges executed to death for the profession of their faith in the low countries In France as their owne stories report at one g Anno 1572. time thrée score thousand Christians without order of law were most shamefully massacred Circiter sexaginta hominum millia saith h Lib. 23. p. 508. Natalis Comes speaking of the massacre varijs in locis per illud tempus trucidata fuisse dicta sunt in Gallia And so extraordinary was the furie of papists that they spared neither age sexe nor qualitie Vel puberes vel impuberes saith i Ibid. p. 507. he trucidati sunt neque vllius sexus vel aetatis vel dignitatis habita est ratio Neither may wée thinke that they haue shewed lesse crueltie against Christians in Spaine Italie Germany England and other nations The Romish church hath died her garments in the blood of saints and the prelates haue shewed themselues leaders to the people in these barbarous executions Well therefore may that bée applied to them which a Lib. 2. con Parmen Optatus spoke of the cruell Donatistes Lacerati sunt viri tractatae sunt matronae infantes necati abacti partus ecce vestra ecclesia episcopis ducibus cruentis morsibus pasta est Men haue béene tormented women haue béene abused infants haue béene murdred women forced to loose their children behold your church is fedde with crueltie and your prelates haue béene captaines to the vulgar sort in their cruell executions 32. The catholike church neuer shewed more fauour to the Iewes and Infidels then to Christians that disliked the bishops of Rome The Christian emperors b L. hac valitura Cod. de Iudaeis Caelieolis excluded the Iewes from all gouernment and authoritie in the common-wealth and c Ibidem restreined their insolencies with diuers sharpe lawes The like course they d Cod. de Paganis sacrif templ tooke also with Pagans and Infidels shutting their temples and forbidding their sacrifices and Idolatries But the Romish synagogue doth indure the impieties of Iewes in the midst of Rome albeit they denie and blaspheme Christ Iesus tormenting and killing christians that shall but once offer to speake against the pope Likewise e Onuphr in Alexandro 6. Alexander the sixt receiued Turkes and Maranes into Rome being erpelled out of Spaine and the popes are content that their subiects shall trade with Turkes albeit they cannot endure any christian that shall mislike the popes authoritie 33. The true church of God neuer sought by forging and falsifying of mens writings and by lying and slandering to aduance Christes religion For truth is strong enough of it selfe and néedeth not to bée supported with falshood f Prouerb 12. and a Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord. False witnesses and slanderers in ancient time were so farre from beeing estéemed in the church that they were b excluded out of the church g Concil Agath c. 27. Concil El●bert c. 73. 74. But the church of Rome perceiuing that she cannot otherwise preuaile goeth to worke by plaine forging and falsifying leauing nothing sound that once passeth her fingers h Canones apostolor constiutione● Somewhat she commendeth vnder the name of the a apostles and many thinges vnder the name of ancient fathers There is no ancient father but she hath ascribed vnto him many children which were neuer begotten by him as the workes of Cyprian Origen Athanasius Hierome Augustine Chrysostome Gregory and others do plainely testifie For who séeth not how many vnlearned and vnsound treatises are dayly published vnder the names of ancient fathers Nay the Romanistes are much offended with Erasmus and other learned mens censures that haue gone about
to make a distinction betwixt truth and falshood betwéene bookes counterfeited and that are truely belonging to the authors whose name they carry The church of Rome vnder the names of Clement Anacletus Alexander and other ancient bishops of that citty hath published diuers vaine and insolent letters conteining plaine and euident notes of falshood The same hath not onely corrupted diuers actes and canons of councels but hath supposed diuers counterfeit councels of which in ancient records there is neither euident proofe nor any probable coniecture Of late time she hath caused a formulary to be drawne in what places the recordes of stories and fathers are to be corrupted It is intitled Index expurgatorius And dayly do the Iesuites deuise more and more what is to be cut out added or altered to shape ancient writers fit for their shamelesse and abominable practise and superstition I will onely giue you a tast in one that you may estéeme of the boldenesse of the rest a Select bibliothec lib. 1. c. 19. Posseuin a shamelesse Iebusite censuring the fathers saith Ex libro 2. Hermetis col 16. deleatur rectè audisti Et paulò post qui enim crediderunt aut credituri sunt In transitu sanctae Mariae quifalsò ascribitur B. Melitoni deleantur illa verba in solatium ferendum angustijs quae superuenturae sunt mihi Deleatur etiam à capite octauo vsque in finem tractatus Ex libro Nicolai Cabasilae deleantur capita 29. 30. In quaestionibus Anastasij qu. 87. scribatur in margine haec intelligenda sunt de gloria corporis Out of the tract of Antonius Abbas he taketh what he pleaseth and the like he doth in diuers authors workes And this authority béeing giuen to Iesuites by a bull of Gregory the thirtéenth it is not vnlike that they will corrupt all antiquity if order be not taken In late writers they take liberty to put in and put out at pleasure Out of Guicciardins Italian historie they haue taken out whatsoeuer he wrote concerning the popes primacy and vniuersall authority and the originall and procéeding thereof I haue by me Didacus Stellaes commentaries vpon Luke taken out of the Iesuites library in the sacke of Cadiz wherein not onely diuers sentences but also whole pages are blotted out The like practise they vse in all late writers Caesar Baronius of late hath most impudently set out Legendes and lies for true stories and gone about to corrupt the historie of the church with most fabulous toies for which he can vouch no author but Simeon Metaphrastes Iacobus de Voragine and such legendaries Others to helpe where forgerie will not preuaile do bring a large supplie of prodigious lies and most ridiculous and notorious fables a Select bibliothec lib. 8. Posseuin is not ashamed to write that we deny the articles of the faith Of Beza some gaue out he had recanted his religion and was turned papist b Eccles Anglic trophaea Others tel how in England certeine priests or papistes were bayted in beares skinnes and make long discourses of crosses that were séene in c Cop. dialog Wales and at d Ciacon de cruce Norwiche and e A certaine popish pamphlet how the countesse of Arundell dyed for gréefe to sée her husbandes hard vsage matters deuoide of all truth They haue also published infinite slanders not onely against Caluin Luther Peter Martyr Iuel and such like woorthie men but also against Christian princes and shame not to say any thing against vs that may bring our cause into hatred albeit neuer so vntrue And of this the writinges of Sanders Genebrard Surius Cochlaeus Stapleton Allen Ribadineira Bellarmine Posseuin Caesar Baronius and others of that side giue sufficient testimony 34 That cannot be the true Church that offereth sacrifice to other gods then the true God or that cōmunicateth Gods honor to creatures Qui f Exod 22. sacrificat dijs eradicabitur praeterquam Domino soli That is he that offereth to other gods saue to the Lord alone shall be destroyed Saint g Lib 10. de ciuit dei c. 4. Augustine saith that God only is to be serued with sacrifices of praises and thankesgiuing and to haue the worship which he calleth latriam done to him and most apparant it is that Angels doe not suffer such worship to be done to them But the papists doe offer the sacrifices of incense of prayers and prayses to Angels to the virgin Marie and to saints They also erect churches and altars vnto them which sheweth that they meane there to honour them And albeit they say that the masses made in honor of angels saints and of our Lady are directed to God yet in all these masses they call vpon saints and offer to them incense and the sacrifice of their lips Of their Agnus Dei they a Caerem lib. 1. it 7. say Peccatum frangit vt Christi sanguis angit When they consecrate a crosse they pray That as the world was deliuered from the guilt of sinne by the crosse of Christ so those that offer to the new made crosse by the merite of the same may be acquited from all sinne They offer Latrian to the images of God the father of the sonne and the holy ghost nay to crosses of mettall or stone or other matter Finally they call the virgin Mary the Quéene of heauen 35. The true church neuer vsed the mediation of other then of the Lord Christ Iesus redéemer of mankinde The b 1. Tim. 2. apostle teacheth vs That there is but one mediatour betwixt God and man the man Christ Iesus And him he c Heb. 9. 12. calleth The mediator of the new testament Saint d Lib. 2. contr Parm. c. 8. Augustine saith that Christ is the true and onely mediator Hic vnus verusque mediator est Neither did the primitiue church beléeue that any other mediator was necessary To obteine Gods fauour saith saint e In Rom. 1. Ambrose we neede no spokesman but a deuout minde f De paenit homil 4. Homines saith Chrysostome vtuntur atriensibus in deo nihil est tale Sine mediatore exorabilis est Againe he g De profectu euangelij saith Nihil tibi patronis opus est apud deum Neque enim tam facilè deus audit si alij pro nobis orent quam si ipsi oremus etsi pleni simus omnibus malis But the papistes beside Christ Iesus haue infinite mediators First they call the blessed virgin the mediatrix betwixt God man and h Histor p. 3. tit 23. c. 3. Antoninus saith that on a time Christ sitting at the right hand of his father rose vp in fury purposing to destroy all sinners from the earth but that he was intreated by his mother to stay vntill such time as she had sent foorth Dominike and Francis to preach in the world Secondly they beséech all angels to pray for them Thirdly they flie to