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A09063 A Christian directorie guiding men to their saluation. Deuided into three bookes. The first vvherof apperteining to resolution, is only conteined in this volume, deuided into tvvo partes, and set forth novv againe vvith many corrections, and additions by th'authour him self, vvith reprofe of the corrupt and falsified edition of the same booke lately published by M. Edm. Buny. Ther is added also a methode for the vse of al; with two tables, and a preface to the reader, which is necessarie to be reade.; First booke of the Christian exercise. Parsons, Robert, 1546-1610. 1585 (1585) STC 19354.1; ESTC S114169 529,786 953

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sectaries for that they acknowledged not their true mother which is pride and singularitie After this his proud enterāce he beginneth his seely discourse and for methodes sake maketh many diuisions and subdiuisions euery thing running therin by couples wherin he is so fertile and abundant as by methode he confoundeth al memorie But yet as I may I wil here recite the cheef pointes therof First then he saith that ther is great reasō why we should ioine with them and none at al why they should yeld to vs. The first he proueth for that it becommeth the Church of God to be at vnitie in it self Which reason how far it proueth his purpose the reader can consider The second he declareth for that the gaine that they should receaue by comming to vs in his opinion should be very smal both touching matters of religion as also of state For in religion he maketh his accompt that they should haue nothing more thē now they haue except only certaine Sacramentes Images and ceremonies which he calleth representations al which he esteemeth of smale auaile In matters of state likewise he supposeth the commodities would be few and litle as namely to be deliuered from the Popes curse which he saieth they finde now by experience not to be so hurtful as hertofore it was esteemed which reason as you know may as wel serue against Godes curse also for that it doth not alwaies shew forth presently his sensible effect Next after this he declareth how that by yelding to vs they should not only not receaue gaine but also great hurtes that in double maner First in religion wherin among other things they should be bounde to coafession penance which thinges saith he are burdensome and abhorring from mans nature Then in state for that by this meane they should come vnder the gouernement of the Byshope of Rome which he estemeth intolerable adding further that this only reason of state holdeth many of their side from comming to vs who otherwise in conscience would-haue no scrupule at al which is such a confessiō as I meruail that euer my Lord Archebishope would let it passe in print For howsoeuer this poore Minister to terrifie the common people deuiseth bugges vpō the Ecclesiastical authoritie of the bishope of Rome if it should be restored in England againe yet euery man of reason can consider with him self that the Emperour the kinges of Spaine France Polonia and other Princes admitting the-same authoritie doe finde no such incōueniēces as neither our Princes of Englād euer did for so many ages together when they were more potent and glorious then they haue bene since the suppression therof Wherfore if this reason only doe stay so many from vs as M. Buny affirmeth it is very like we shal haue the greater part shortly when God shal open their vnderstanding in a matter that in it self is so plaine and palpable This being done he commeth to shew the cōmodities that we should receaue by ioining with them and thos also after his maner he maketh of two sortes First in religion and thē in our ciuil state In religiō saith he we should first receaue the free vse of holie seriptures as though amōg vs now ther were no vse therof and then also we should be deliuered from the burden of confession and penance as also from al vowes of chastitie pouertie and obedience And finally we should so cleaue to Christ alone saith he as vve should abandon al other helpes both in heauen and earth of Angels Saintes other men as also our ovvne Which saith he were a great aduantage And then he maketh a solemne protestation in thes wordes If any people can be found in the vvorld that doe more abādone al other meanes in heauen earth then vve doe then vve must pronounce against our selues that in this respect they are nerer to this aduantage then vve art Vnto which protestation notwithstanding I doubt M. Buny if he should be wel vrged would be very much ashamed to stand and cleaue For albeit I confesse that he and his felowes doe very litle in deede wherby to helpe them selues by their workes yet by this reason they should doe far better ī doing nothing at al. For he that should neuer pray nor desire other men to pray for him he that should neuer fast or doe other good deede but should rather defie the same and lay al vpon Christes passiō he should more abandone al other helpes and meanes both in heauen and earth besides Christ then many of the best protestantes doe Next in our ciuil state he saith that we should greatly be bettered by ioyning with them being made partakers of the blessednes of England which is greater as he saith at this time then euer it vvas since the lande vvas first inhabited Wherof he seemeth to alleage two reasons or causes First for that Protestantes in thes temporal affaires are alwaies prosperous for saith he how soeuer it goe with others that are not frindes to the ghospel yet shal the fauorers therof alwaies prosper howsoeuer it be with the residue of the children of Israel yet the tribe of Iuda shal alwaies florish The other places the people are going vnder their burdens but in England al is mirth and saftie The second cause of this blessednes of England is for that England saith he is gouerned by a Prince of their owne countrie one that dealeth mildly with them one that sendeth not ther pleas abrod to other cōsistories one that drieth them not vp with exactions And when conuenient collections are made the mony that is exacted of subiectes is not sent saith he out of the realme to the maintenance of forraine powers but is imployed at home to their honour and defence Wherin notwithstanding it seemeth that this good man talketh rather by meditation or fiction then by any great intelligence he hath in such affaires After al this he goeth about to remoue certaine graue impedimentes which he imagineth doe let many Catholiques from coming vnto their side For which cause he sheweth first that we Catholiques should not leese altogether our credites by making vs Protestantes or at least wise we should not leeso the same with them that be good and of their side or if we did somewhat impare the same yet patiēce were to be vsed for the Ghospels sake In like maner he sheweth that the holie saintes of heauen would not be angrie with vs as we seeme to doubt for leauīg their patronage Also that keruers kandlemakers belcasters organistes and other such like who might feare to want by following the Ghospel albeit in truth they should leese no smale part of their gaine yet might the matter be eased and they comforted otherwise Thus discourseth this wise man in very great sadues And after al this he hādleth diuers other pointes both of controuersies in religion of the harde dealings
cōming the Prophete Malachies wordes are Beholde our Lord shal come and vvho shal be able to abide the daie of his comming And the Prophete Esaie addeth further touching the same cōming that the verie mountaines shalmelt at that daie before his face And yet further he describeth the same in an other place thus Beholde our Lord shal come in strength and sortitude as a storme of haile and as avvhyrle vvinde breaking and throvving doune vvhat soeuer standeth in his vvaie as a rage of many vvaters that ouer-stovve and rushe together c. Wherunto the Prophet Dauid annexeth that burning fire shal runne before his face and on euery side of him a violent tempest This terrible Iudge then being set and al creatures of the world conuented before him the Scripture laieth doune vnto vs the order of that iudgment described by Daniel in thes wordes I stoode saieth he vvith attention and I savve certaine seates placed and the Auncient of yeares sate doune in iudgment Thousand thousands vvere attendant to serue him and ten hundreth thousand thousands stood vvaiting before him The iudgment vvas settled and the bookes vvere opened Thus much was reueyled to Daniel without declaration what bookes thos were But to S. Iohn the same were made manifest who expoundeth the matter thus I savve saieth he a great bright throne and one that sate vpon the same before vvhos face both heauē and earth did tremble c. And I savve al thos that vvere dead both great and smal standing before the throne And the bookes vvere ther opened and al thos that vvere dead had their iudgemēt according to the thinges vvhich vvere vvriten in thos bookes euery one according to his vvorkes By which wordes we are gyué to vnderstand that the books which at that daie shal be opened and wherby our cause must be discerned shal be the euidences of our deedes and actions in this life recorded in the testimonie of our owne consciences and in the infallible memorie of Gods inscrutable wisdome Wherūto shal gyue witnes in that place against the reprobate both heauen and earth which were created for them the Sunne and Moone with all the starres and planetes which from the beginning of the world haue serued them the elements and other creatures inordinately loued and abused by them their compagnions ther present with whom they sinned their brethern whom they afflicted the preachers and other Saints of God whom they contemned and aboue al other thinges the ensigne and standard of their redemption I meane the triumphant Crosse of Christ which shal at that daie be erected in the sight of all the world Al thes I saye with infinite other thinges shal thē beare witnes against the wicked and condemne them of intollerable ingratitude in that they offended so gratious and bountiful a Lord as by so manifold benefites allured them to loue and serue him At this daie saieth the Scripture shal the iust stand in great constancie against thos by whom they were afflicted and oppressed in this life And the wicked seeing this shal be surprised with a horrible feare and shal saie vnto the hilles fal vpō vs and hide vs from the face of him that fitteth vpon the throne and from the indignatiō of the Lambe for that the great daie of wrath is now come O merciful Lord how great a daie of wrath shal this be how truly said thy Prophete in his meditation of this daie vvho can conceyue the povver of thy vvrath or vvho is able for very scare to recount the greatnes of thine indignatiō This is that daie of thine wherof thy seruant said so long before that thy zeale and surie should spare none in this daie of reuenge nether should yeeld or be moued vvith any mans supplication nor should admit revvards for the deliuery of any man This is that most dreadful daie of thine wherof thy holy Prophete admonished vs when he said Behold the daie of our Lord shal come a cruel daie ful of indignation vvrath and surie to bring the earth into a vvildernes and to crushe in peeces the sinners therof And an other Prophete of the self same daie behold the daie of our Lord dot bcome a daie of darknes and dimnes a daie of cloudes and stormes a most terrible daie and such an one as vvas neuer from the beginning of the vvorld nor shal be after in al eternitic This is thy daie ô Lord and so properly thou wilt haue it called like as it pleaseth thy goodnes to terme the course of this present life the daie of man For that as in the time of this present world thou art content to holde thy peace and be patient and suffer sinners to doe their wil euen so at this last daie thou wilt rise vp pleade for thine owne glorie and wilt make thy self knowen to the terrour of thine enimies according as thy seruant Dauid foretold of the when he said Cognescetur Dominus iudicia faciens God wil be knowé when he shal come to doe iudgment Good God what a maruailous daie shal this be when we shal see al the children of Adam gathered together from al corners and quarters of the earth when as S. Iohn saieth the sea and land shal yeeld their dead bodies and both hel and heauenshal restore the soules which they possesse to be vnited to thos bodies What a wonderful meeting wil this be deare Christian how ioyful to the good and how lamentable doleful and terrible to the wicked The godlie and righteous being to receyue the bodies wherin they liued into the league felowship of their eternal blisse shal embrase them with al possible swetnes and delight singing with the prophet Behold hovv good pleasant a thing it is for brethern or parteners to dvvel together in unitie But the miserable damned spirites beholding the carcaies which were the instruments and occasiós of their sinne wel knowing that their inspeakable tormentes shal be encreated by their mutual coniunction and association shal abhorre and vtterly derest the same curse the daic that euer they were acquainted together inueighing most bitterly against all the partes and semes therof as against the eies for whos curious delighte so many vanities were seught the eares for whos pleasure and daliance so great varietie of sweet sounds and melodie was procured the mouth and taste for whos contentemēt and fond satisfaction so innumerable delicacies were deuised And to be short the backe and belly with other sensual partes for contentatió of whos riotous volupteoulnes both sea and land were sifted and turmoiled This shal be the most sorowful condition of thes infortunate soules at that daie but this sorowe shal not auaile them For the iudgment must passe on And then saieth the Scripture shal christ separate the sheepe frō the goates shal place his sheepe on the right hand and the goates on the lest
by name from his mercie Oh that worldlie men would consider but this one point onelie they would not I think liue so voide of feare as they doe Can any man maruaile now why S. Paul crieth so carefully vnto vs nolite conformari huic saeculo cōforme not your selues to this world againe that we should renounce vtterly al secular desires Can any man maruaile why S. Iohn which was most priuie aboue al others to Christs holy meaning herein saieth to vs in such earnest sorte Nolite diligere mundum nequè ea quae in mundo sunt doe not loue the world nor any thing that is in the world If we may nether loue it nor so much as conforme our selues vnto it vnder so great paines as are before rehearsed of the enimitie of God and of our eternal damnation what shal become of thos mē that doe not onely cōforme them selues vnto it and to the vanities therof but also doe folowe it seeke after it rest in it and doe bestow al their labours and trauailes vpon it If you aske me the cause why Christ so hateth and abhorreth this world Saint Iohn telleth you Quia mundus totus in maligno positus est for that al the whole world is set on noughtines for that it hath a spirite contrarie to the spirite of Christ as hath bene shewed for that it teacheth pride vainglorie ambition enuie reuēge malice with pleasures of the flesh and al kinde of vanities And Christ on the contrarie side preacheth al humilitie meekenes perdoning of enemies abstinence chastitie sufferance mortification bearing the Crosse with cōtempt of al earthlie pleasures for the kingdome of heauen Christ hateth it for that it persecuteth the good aduanceth the euil for that it rooteth out vertue and planteth al vice And finalie for that it shutteth the doores against Christ when he knocketh and strangleth the hart that once it possesseth Wherfore to conclude this part seing this world is such a thing as it is so vaine so deceitful so troublesome so dangerous seing it is a professed enemie to Christ excommmunicated and damned to the pit of hel seing it is as one father saieth an arcke of trauaile a schole of vanities a marcket of deceite a laberinthe of errour seing it is nothing els but a barraine wildernes a stonie field a dirtie stie a tempestuous sea seing it is a groue ful of thornes a medowe ful of scorpions a flourishing garden without fruite a caue ful of poisoned and deadlie basiliskes seing it is finallie as I haue shewed a fountaine of miseries a riuer of teares a faigned fable a delectable frensie seing as Saint Austen saieth the ioy of this world hath nothing els but false delite true asperitie certaine sorowe vncertaine pleasure trauailsome labour fearful rest greeuous miserie vaine hope of felicitie seing it hath nothing in it as S. Chrisostome saith but teares shame repentāce reproche sadnes negligences labours terrours sicknes sinne and death it self seing the worlds repose is ful of anguish his securitie without foundation his feare without cause his trauailes without fruite his sorowe without profit his desires without successe his hope without rewarde his mirthe without continuance his miseries without remedies seing thes and a thousande euils more are in it no one good thing can be had from it who wil be deceiued with this visard or allured with this vanitie hereafter who wil be staied from the noble seruice of God by the loue of so fond a trifle as is this world And this to a reasonable man may be sufficiēt to declare the insufficiencie of this third impediment The. 6. point of this chapter BVT YET NOVV for satisfying my promisse in the beginuing of this chapter I haue to adde a word or two in this place how we may auoide the foresaid daungers of this world as also vse it vnto our gaine and commoditie And for the first to auoide the daungers seing there are so many snares and trappes as hath bene declared there is no other waie but onelie to vse the refuge of birdes in auoiding the dangerous snares of fowlers that is to mounte vp into the ayer and so to flie ouer them al. Frustra tacitur rete ante oculos pennatorum saith the wise man that is the net is laide in vaine before the eies of such as haue winges and can flie The spies of Hierico though many snares were laide for them by their enemies yet they escaped al for that they walked by hilles saieth the scripture Which place Origen expounding saieth that there is no waye to auoide the daungers of this world but to walke vpon hilles and to imitate Dauid that saied Leuaui oculos meos ad montes vnde ve 〈◊〉 auxiliū mihi I lifted vp mine eies vnto the hilles frō whence al mine aide and assistāce came for auoiding the snares of this world And then shal we saie with the same Dauid Anima nostra sieut passer erepta est de laqueo venantium Our soule is deliuered as a sparo we from the snare of the fowlers We must saie with S. Paul Our conuersation is in heauen and then shal we litle feare al thes deceites and daungers vpon earth For as the fouler hath no hope to catch the birde except he can allure her to pitch and to come doune by some meanes so hath the deuil no way to entangle vs but to say as he did to Christ mitte te deorsum throw thy self doune that is pitch doune vpon the baites which I haue laid eate and deuour them enamour thy self with them tie thine appetite vnto them and the like Which grosse and open temptation he that wil auoide by contemning the alluremēt of thes baites by flying ouer them by placing his loue and cogitations in the mountaines of heauenly ioyes eternitie he shal easily escape al daungers and perils King Dauid was past them al when he saied to God VVhat is there for me in heauen or vvhat doe I desire besides thee vpon earth my flesh and my harte haue fainted for desire of thee Thou art the God of my hart and my portion ô Lord for euer Saint Paul also was past ouer thes daungers when he saied that now he was crucified to the world and the world vnto him and that he esteemed al the wealth of this world as meere dung and that albeit he liued in flesh yet liued he not according to the flesh Which glorious example if wee would folow in contemning and despising the vanities of this world and fixing our mindes on the noble riches of Gods eternal kingdome to come the snares of the deuil would preuaile nothing at al against vs in this life Touching the second point how to vse the riches and commodities of this world to our aduantage Christ hath laied doune plainly the meanes Facite vobis amicos de Māmonainiquitatis Make vnto you freendes of
Iuda as no one iote of gouernment dignitie or principallitie remained therin And when he had donne all this then was Iesus of the same house and line borne in Bethleē the proper Cittie of Dauid which Dauid was the founder and first authour of Regalitie in Iuda Now then consider the prophetie of Iacob concerning the particuler tyme of Christes appearāce almost two thousand years before thes thinges fell out Come hyther my childrē said he that I may tell you the thinges vvhich are to happē in the later dayes c. The scepter shall not be taken from Iuda untill he come vvho is to be sent and he shall be th' expectation of Nations Which prophetie that it was fulfilled now at Christes Natiuitie when Herod had extinguished all gouernment in Iuda no man can denie that will acknowledge the thinges sett downe before which are recorded by writers both of that tyme and of the Iuishe Nation and religion And that it neuer was fulfilled from Dauids dayes who began the gouernment to the house of Iuda vntil this time appeareth plainlie by all histories and recordes both Diuine and Prophane For that frō Dauid who was the first kinge vnto Zedechias that was the last and died in the Captiuitie of Babylon the Scripture sheweth how all kinges descended of the house of Iuda And during the tyme of the captiuitie in Babylon which was 70 yeares the Iewes were alwayes permitted to chuse to them selues a gouernour of the house of Iuda whom they called RESCHGALVTA And after their deliuerie from Babylon Zorobabel was their Captaine of the same tribe and so others after hym vntill ye come to the Machabies who were both Captaines priests for that they were by the mothers side of the tribe of Iuda by the fathers side of the tribe of Leui as Rabbi kimhi holdeth And from thes men downe to Hyrcanus and Aristobulus whom Herod slew there continued stil the same line as Iosephus declareth So that by this prophetie it is euident that Iesus was borne at the propper tyme appointed for the Messias whē there was neither king nor Captaine nor highe prieste nor Councelour nor anie one gouernour of the house and tribe of Iuda left in Iurie An other prophetie ther is no lesse euident then the former wherin it is affirmed that the Messias shall come before the secōd Temple of Ierusalem that was builded by Zorobabel after the Iewes returne from their captiuitie in Babylon should be destroyed by the Romans For better vnderstanding wherof it is to be noted that the Temple of Ierusalem was builded twise first by Salomon which lasted about 442. yeares and then it was burned and destroyed by Nabuchodonosor kinge of Babylon Wherfore aboute seuētie yeares after it was builded againe by Zorobabel who reduced the Iewes frō Babylon and so it continued vntill it was destroyed the second tyme by Titus sonne to Ve pasian the Roman Emperour about fortie yeares after Christs Ascension At what tyme it had lasted from Zorobabel almost six hundred yeares And from Salomon aboue a thousande And as in tyme of the second building the people of Israel were poore and much afflicted in respecte of their late longe banishement though much assisted to this worke by the liberalitie and munificēcie of Darius kinge of Babylon so was the building and workeman hippe of this seconde temple nothing comparable for excellēcie to the first building of Salomō when the Iewes were in the flower of their glorie and riches This testifieth Aggaeus the Prophet who was one of the builders and he testified the same to Zorobabel and to the rest of thos that were with hym by Gods owne appointement in thes wordes The vvorde of God vvas made to Aggeus the Prophet Tell Zorobabel the sonne of Salathiel Captaine of Juda and Iesus the sonne of Iosedec highe prieste and the rest of the people VVho is there leste of you that savv this temple in his first glorie before our transinigration vvhat say you to this vvhich Novv vve see is it not in our eyes as though it vvere not at all that is is it not as though it were a thinge of nothing in cōparison of the former temple which Salomon builded Thus said Aggaeus by Gods commissiō of the material building of this second Temple And yet to comfort the Iewes withall he was commaunded presentelie in the sane chapter to say thus Comfort thie self Zorobabel and comfort thie self Iesu sonne of Iosedec high priest and comfort your selues all ye people of the earth saith the Lord God of hostes doe ye the thinges vvhich I couenanted vvith you vvhen ye came foorth of the land of Egypt and feare not for that my spirit shall be among you Thus sayeth the Lord of hostes a litle time yet remaineth vvhen I vvill moue both heauen and earth both sea and lande vvith all countries in the vvorld And then shall come the DESIRED OF ALL NATIONS and I will fill this hovvse or temple vvith glorie sayeth the Lord of hostes Siluer is mine and gold is mine sayeth the Lord of hostes great shal be the glorie of this ast hovvse or temple more then of the first sayeth the Lord God of hostes Hytherto are the wordes of God by Aggaeus and the often repetition of the Lord God of hostes is to signifie the certaintie great weight of the matter promissed Now consider then that wher as God had said immediatelie before that this second temple was nothing in respect of the first for pompe and riches of the material building which the olde men in the booke of Esdras did testifie by their weeping when then they saw this seconde remembred the first yet now God saith that Gold and seluer is his ovvne as though he made no accompt of th' abundāce therof in the former temple or of the want of the same in this and that not withstanding the pouertie of this second building yet shall it be filled and replenished vvith glorie and that in such sorte as it shall farre passe in glorie the former and that shall bee as both here is expressed and other where most plainlie by the comming of Christ into the second temple which shal be a greater dignitie then anie dignitie what soeuer was found in the first building of Salomons temple Concerning which point it is to be cōsidered that the learned Iewes besides the material difference of building before mentioned doe note fiue thinges of great importance to haue bene wanting in the seconde temple which were in the first To witt the fire sent from heauen to burne the Holocaustes The glorie of God or Angels appearing among the images of Cherubins that stoode in the temple The manifeste inspiration of Gods spirit vpon Prophetes for that prophetie fayled in the second temple The presence of the Arcke And last of all the Vrim and Thumim All which great wantes and differences not
skore witnesses at the leaste in whose presence he ascended from the toppe of the mount Oliuet after 40 dayes space which he had spent with them frō the tyme of his resurrection He alleageth also the appearing of two Angels among all the people for testimonie therof He nameth the day and place when wher it happened He recompteth the verie wordes that Iesus spake at his Ascension He telleth the maner how he ascended and how a cloude came downe and receiued hym into it He declareth what the multitude did whether they went and in what place they remained after their departure thence And finallie he setteth downe so manie particulers as it had bene th' easiest matter in the world for his enimies to haue refuted his narration if all had not bene true Neither was ther any to receyue more dōmage by the falsehood therof then hym self and thos of his profession if the matter had bene feigned Wherfore to conclude at length this treatise of the Birth Life Doctrine Actiōs Death Resurrection and Ascenciō of Iesus seing nothing hath happened in the same which was not fortolde by the prophets of God nor any thing forshewed by the same prophetes concerninge the Messias whiche was not fulfilled most exactly within the compase and course of Iesus abode vpon earth we may most certainly assure our selues that as God can neither foretell an vntruth nor yelde testimonie to the same so can it not bee but that thes things which we haue shewed to haue bene so manifestly fore-prophesied and so euidently accomplished must needs a-certaine vs that Iesus was the true Messias Whiche thing shal vet more particulerly appeare by that which ensewed by his power and vertue after his Ascention which shal be the argumēt of the section that foloweth Hovv Iesus proued his Deitie after his departure to heauen Sect. 3. AS BY THE DEEDES AND Actions of Iesus while he was vpon earth compared with the predictions of Gods prophetes from time to time he hath bene declared in the former sections to be the true Messias and Sauiour of the world so in this that now we take in hand shal the same be shewed by such thinges as ensued after his Ascention and departure from this world Wherin his power and Deitie appeared more manifestly if it may be then in other his workes which he wrought in this life In which kinde albeit I might treate of many and almost infinite branches yet for order and breuities sake I meane only to take in consideration thes fewe that ensue Wherin not only the power of Iesus but also his loue his care his prouidence and most perfect accomplishment of all his promisses and finallie the iustificatiō of all his speeches prophesies and doctrines vpon earth haue bene declared And to reduce what is to be said herein to some order and methode it is to be noted that in the first place shal be considered the sustentation protection encrease and continuation of Iesus litle Church and kingdome that him self first planted and left vpon earth The second consideration shal be of his Apostles and their actions The third of his Euangelistes The fourth of his witnesses Martyres throughout the worlde The fifte shal treate of the kingdome of infernal powers beaten doune by his vertue The sixt of the punishment and inst reuenge that lighted vpon his enimies who most impugned his diuine person in this world The seuenth last shall declare the fulfilling of all such propheties and predictions as proceeded from his diuine mouth while he was conuersant vpon earth NOVV THEN for the first it is to be considered that at Iesus departure out of this world from the Moūt Olieut S. Luke reporteth that al the multitude of his folowers which there had beheld his Ascention into heauen returned backe together into the Citie of Ierusalem and there remained in one house together cōtinuing in praier and expectatiō what should become of them The whole Citie was bent against them them selues were poore and simple people and diuers of them womē Lands or Reuenues they had not to mainteine them nor friends in Court to gyue them countenance against their enimies The name of Iesus was most odious and who soeuer did fauour him was accompted a Traitour ennemie to the state There wanted not perhaps among them who considering the great multitude would imagine with themselues what should become of them wher they should finde to maintaine sustaine them what should be the ende of that feeble congregation For abrode they durst not goe for feare of persecution continue long together they might not for want of necessaries Besides that euery houre they expected to be molested and drawē forth by Catchpoles Officiers And albeit in thes distresses the freshe memorie of Iesus and his sweet promisses made vnto them at his departure as also the delectable presence of his blessed mother and her often evhortations and encouragements vnto them did comfort them greately as wel may be supposed yet to him that by humane reason should ponder and weigh their present state and condition it could not chuse but seme hard and no waies durable But be hold vpō the sudaine when they had continued now ten daies together and might by al probabilitie finde them selues in very high degree of temporal distresses Iesus performed his promise of sending them a COMFORTER which was the Holy-Ghost By whos comming besides the internal ioye and incredible alacritie and exultation of minde they receyued also fortitude and audacitie to goe forth into the world They receyued the gift of tongues enabling them to conuerse and deale with al sortes of people They receyued wisdome and learning with most wonderfull illuminatiō in highest mysteries wherby to preach to teach and conuince their aduersaries They receyued the gift of prophetie to foretell thinges to come together with the power of Working Signes Miracles wherby the whole world remained astonished And for a taste or earnest-penie of that which should ensue concerning th' infinite encrease of that litle congregation they sawe three thousand of their aduersaries conuerted to them in one day by a sermon of S. Peter Which encrease went on so fast for the time that ensued that within fortie yeares after the Gentiles them selues cōfesse that the branches of this congregation were spread ouer al the world and beganne to put in feare the verie Emperours them selues Whereof not long after a man as learned as euer was any conuerted from paganisme to Christianitie beareth recorde in his defense to an Emperour and his officers who according to the nature of persecutours accōpted Christians for Traitours to his state and dignitie Which vulgar obiection this forsaid learned man refuteth in thes wordes If we were enemies to your estate you might well seeke new Cities Coūtries wherof to beare gouernment for that you should haue in your Empire more ennemies then Citizens We haue filled your Townes your
what maruelous and dreadful maiestie feare terrour thunder and sound of trumpets the ten commandements of God which containe the perfect forme of a vertuous life were pronounced by Angels vnto the people of Israel Which terrour and maiestie S. Paul applieth expressie to this meaning that we should greatly tremble to violate or transgresse this law which was deliuered with such circumstance of dread and horrour seing that the lawes of great princes potentates are exacted commonly and executed vpon the offendours with much more terrour then they were proclaimed Secondly the same in part may be conceyued if we consider what Iudge or Auditour we shal haue in this accompt Which S. Paul declareth plainly in thes words VVe must al be sommoned before the tribunal seate of Christ and euerie man receyue either good or euil according as he hath behaued him self vvbiles he liued vpon earth Which thing Christ hym self confirmeth in diuers parables when he promiseth to take accompt of al his talents lent vnto his seruants in this world And in S. Mathews Ghospel he expresseth the particuler maner of that accompt saing The Sonne of man shal come vvith his Angels in the glorie of his Father to take an accompt and then shal he giue vnto euerie man according to his vvorkes And yet more particularly and seuerely of the same matter and daie I saie vnto you that euerie idle vvord that men shal speake they shal giue accompt therof in the daie of iudgment By which speech of our Saueour we are admonished not only that we shal giue an accompt of our doinges but also that we shal yeeld the same to him self who saieth in an other place Ego sum Iudex testis I am both Iudge and witnes in this accompt We are instructed also that this accompt shal be most exact and exquisite not omitting the least errours and offenses that haue passed in our life That particuler reward or punishment shal be assigned to eche mā cōfourme to the qualitie of his accompt And finally that this accompt or day of reconning for declaration of the terrour maiestie that shal be vsed therin is called here by Christ a iudgment and tribunal wherin sentence of life or death is to be pronounced Of which iudgmente or accompting daye the scripture noteth vnto vs two kindes The first wherof is called a particuler iudgment for that it is exercised vpon euerie soule immediately after her departure from the bodie according to the wordes of holie S. Paul It is appointed for euery man once to die and after that to haue his iudgment The second is called a general iudgment for that it shal be executed vpō al the world together at the last daie when mankinde shal be translated from this terrestrial habitation And of this iudgement are to be vnderstood aswel thos former wordes of Christ touching his cōming in glorie as also infinite other places and passages of Scripture which doe forewarne and admonish vs of this most dreadful daie And albeit in the first particuler iudgment eche soule that departeth hence receyueth an irrevocable sentence either of life or death eternal as may appeare by the examples of Lazarus and of the riche glutton wherof the one was determined to euerlasting repose and the other to eternal torments immediatly vpon their separation from this world yet are ther alleaged by the holie Saintes of God diuers most cleare facile and euident reasons why his diuine wisdome besides that first priuate and particuler daie of trial hath ordained also this second which shal be publicke manifest and vniuersal The first wherof is that the bodie of man rising from his sepulcher at that daie may be partaker of eternal punishment or glorie with the soule euen as in this life it was participant of the vertues or vices which the soule did exercise The second reason is for that as Christ was contemptible in this world and dishonoured publiquily and put to confusion with his Saints after him in the sight of al men so was it conuenient that once in this world he should shewe his power and maiestie and that in the sight of al his creatures together but especially of his wicked enimies who after that daie are neuer to see or beholde him more The third is that both wicked sinners blessed Saītes of God might receyue their rewardes and final paimentes openly in the sight and hearing of eche other to the more hart breake and confusion of the impious and triumphāt ioye of the vertuous who commonly in this world were contemned ouerborne and troden doune by the other The fourth and last is for that men when they die doe not commonly cary with them al the good or euil which they haue wrought hauing left behinde them diuers thinges which may encrease their merite or demerite after their deathes as are their examples their instructions gyuen to other their temporal faculties or abilities bookes preachings exhortatiōs other like meanes wherby good or euil may proceede after their departure The reward wherof can not so conueniently be assigned vnto thē whiles this world endureth for that their ioyes or punishmentes in the places wher they are may daily be augmented by the hurt or good that may be wrought in the world by thos meanes which they left behind them So diuines doe holde for examples sake that the glorie of S. Paul is encreased daily in heauen and shal be vnto the worlds ende by reason of them that daily doe profite by his writing and rare examplar life vpon earth as also on the contrarie part that the tormentes of Arrius Sabellius and other wicked heretiques are continually augmented by the numbers of thē who frō time to time are corrupted with their seditious and pestilent writiges The like they holde of dissolute Poets and other loose writers which haue left behind them lasciuious wantō and carnal deuises as also of negligent parents maisters or teachers who by their rechelesnes and euil examples gaue occasion to corrupte the children cholers or seruants committed to their gouerment and instruction But after this general daie of iudgment once past their shal be no more place of meriting either good or euil for that the world then and ther shal receyue an ende and a final sentence be pronounced of what soeuer hath passed from the first foundation and establishment therof Of this last and general iudgment then which containeth a confirmation or ratefying of the particuler going before as also a final conclusion clearing and knitting vp of al accomptes and reckonings with mākinde for his trafique stewardship in this worldlie pilgrimage The holie Scripture of God amoni heth vs most carefully to haue continual remembrance and consideration as of the greatest and most important busines that euer we shal deale in and as the forceblest means to restraine vs from sinne that possiblie may be deuised among 〈◊〉
men in this life For of this were vttered thos wordes especiallie beare in minde the last end of all thinges and thon shalt iot synne euerlastinglie Which holie Dauid seemed to haue experienced in hym self when he wrote as foloweth I haue obserued the vvayes of my Lord neither haue I committed vvickedness against my God for that his iudgements vvere alvvaye in my sight and his iustice I haue not cast out of my mynd And by thes meanes I shal be vnspotted in his presence and vvill keepe my self from committing iniquitie Hence it is that the blessed Prophet Moyses when he saw the people of Israel careles in committing synne cried out in zeale ō foolishe Nation vvithout vvisdom or councel vvould God they had vvitt and vnderstanding and vvould forsee the end of thinges to come As who would say if they had so much witt as to consider this and what accompt they must gyue to God at the last day of their doinges they would not offend hym as they doe But as the scripture saith in an other place for that this day of reconing is disterred and for that Gods iudgment is not pronounced presentelie against the vvicked the children of men doe commit vvickednes daylie vvithout ail feare We haue then to consider in this place for our owne instruction and good admonishement in life what maner of accompting daye this shal be whos remembrance is so much and often commended vnto vs in holie scripture For better conceyuing wherof we shall deuide this chapter into three principal heades or pointes The first wherof shal be of preparatiōs or preābles assigned to goe before this daye The second of thinges that shall passe and be executed at that daye The third of that which is to ensue vpon the sentence gyuen and the iudgement ended CONCERNING THE FIRST it is to be noted that for the more dread and Maiestie of this great daie the eternal wisdome of God hath ordained and reuealed vnto vs that before the comming therof when it approcheth nere thershal most wonderful and horrible preparations signes and tokens appeare in the world The first wherof shal be the garboiles tumultes and commotions of all Nations kingdomes and people vpon earth Which our Saueour hymself described in thes wordes to his Apostles VVhen you shal heare the fame or brute of vvarres and vprores be not afraid for that thes thinges must be and yet presently the ende of the world shal not ensue One nation shal rise against an other and one kingdome shal impugne another ther shal be great earth-quakes pestilence and famine most terrible signes and tokens from heauē Vpon which wordes of our Saueour the blessed father S. Gregorie hath this discourse The last tribulation must haue many tribulations going before it and by thes manifold afflictions precedēt are declared the eternal afflictions that must ensue And therfore Christ said that after warres and vprores the ende should not immediatly folowe for that it behoueth that many transitorie calamities should goe before to denounce vnto vs the endles woes which are to come after Thes warres tumultes and most dreadfull confusions here signified by Christ are specified more plainly in other places of holie writ but especially by Ezechiel Daniel and S. Ihon in his reuelations Wher it is prophetied that a litle before the last general daie of iudgment ther shal be reuealed the man of sinne called Antechrist who after the conquest of many kings kingdomes shal make hym self the Monarch and absolute owner of the world and shal exercise vpon good Christians more barbarous crueltie and shed more innocent blood within the space of three yeares and a half which shal be the terme of his outragious tirannie then al other ennimies of God haue done from the beginning The matter is described most strangely by the Prophete Ezechiel Who after declaration of one most bloodie bataile to be fought by Ierusalem wherin he saieth figuratiuely that the weapons of such as shal be slaine shal be sufficient to make fire for seuen yeares after he adioyneth in the person of God this narration I haue spoken in my zeale and in the fire of my wrath haue I promised that in the last daies when Gog and Magog shal come into the world by thes names are signified the armie of Antechrist ther shal be a great commotion vpon the earth and the fishe of the sea the birdes of the aire the beastes of the field al that crecpeth on the groūd together with al humane generation which liueth vpon the face of the earth shal be in an vprore before my face Hilles shal be ouerturned hedges shal be broken doune euery strong wal shal fal to the ground I wil cal against them the sword from the toppes of al mountaines and euery mans sword shal be bent against his owne brother My iudgment shal be in pestilence and blood and vehement stormes in huge stones that shal fal doune I wil raine fire and brimstone c. And thou sonne of mā tel vnto al the foules birdes of the aire and to al the rauenous beastes of the field assemble your selues make haste come together from al quarters to feede of the sacrifice which I shal prepare vnto you a great sacrifice vpon the mountaines of Israel You shal eate the flesh of stoute champions and shall drincke the blood of Princes You shall feede of their fat vntil you be cloide and you shal drincke their bloode til you be druncke You shal be filled at this my table and al Nations shal see this my iudgement that I haue exercised and in what maner I haue stretched out my potent hād vpon them Thus much hath the word of God and muche more which for breuitie I doe omit of the greate miseries cōfusions that shal be among men some litle time before the daie of iudgment Which time being expired ther shal ensue other preparations in the heauens and eliments of the world much more dreadful then thes Which by Christ hym self and his Saintes are described in this maner At that daie ther shal be signes in the Sunne in the Moone in the starres The sunne shal be darkened the moone shal giue no light the starres shal fal from the skies and al the powers of heauen shal be moued The firmament shal forsake his situation with great violence the elements shal be dissolued with heat and the whole earth with al that is in it shal be consumed with fire The firme land shal moue and leaue her place and shal flie away like a doae the pressures of Nations vpō earth shal be inestimable by reason of thes thinges and through the confusion of hideous noise from the sea and floudes and men shal wither away and drie vp for feare and expectation of the thinges which at that day shal happen to the vniuersal world Thus farre out of the Ghospel But S. Iohn the
dearly beloued disciple of our Saueour setteth out the same more at large according as it was reuealed vnto him i this maner I heard saieth he a voice like the sound of a thunder saing come and see and I did see And beholde a white horse and one that sat vpon him that had a bowe and he went to conquere After which folowed a blacke horse and he that rode vpon him had a paire of balance in his hande After him passed forth a pale horse and he that sat vpon him was called DEATH and HEL folowed behinde him and he had authoritie giuen to him to slea by sword by death and by the beastes of the earth The earth did shake the sunne grewe blacke like a sacke the moone like blood the Starres fel from heauē the skie doubled it self like a folded booke euery hil and Iland was moued from his place the kinges of the earth and princes and tribunes and the riche and stoute hid thē selues in dennes and in the rockes of hilles Then appeared ther seuen Angels with seuen trumpetes and eche one prepared him self to blowe his blast At the first blast came ther haile and fire mixt with blood At the second blast came a whole mountaine of burning fire into the sea and the third part of the sea was made blood At the third blast fel ther a great Starre from heauen named Absinthiū burning like a torch and infected the riuers and fountaines At the fourth blast was stricken doune the third part of the sunne moone Starres an egle flewe into the element crying with a hideous voice woe woe woe to al them that dwel vpon the earth At the fifte blast fel an other starre from heauen which had the keye of the pit of hel he opened the pit and ther arose a smoke as from a great fornace and ther came forth certaine locustes like scorpions who tormented al such as had not the marke of God in their foreheads And at thes daies men shal seeke death and shal not finde it And thes locustes were like barbed horses with Crounes on their heads Their faces like men their heare like women their teeth like lions and the noise of their winges like the noise of many chariotes running together their tales like scorpiōs and their stinges were in their tailes their king was an Angel of hel named Abbadō which signifieth an vtter destroier At the sixt blast of the trumpet were loosed foure Angels tied before then rushed forth an army of horsmen in number twentie hundreth times tē thousand And I sawe the horses and they which sat vpon them had brestplaces of fire and brimstone The heads of thes horses were as lions out of their mouthes came fire smoke and brimstone wherby they slewe the third part of men which had not repented and their strength was in their tales which were like serpentes Then was ther an Angel which putting one foote vpon the sea an other vpon the land did sweare by him that liueth for euer and euer that after the blast of the seuenth trumpet ther should be no more time And so when the seuenth Angel had sounded ther came great voices from heauen saying the kingdome of this world is made to our Lord and his Christ and he shal raigne foreuer And I heard a great voice saying to the seuen Angels goe and poure out seuen cuppes of Godes wrath vpon the earth and so they did And the first brought forth cruel woundes vpō men The lecōd turned the sea into redde blood The third turned the riuers and fountaines into like blood The fourth afflicted men with fire and made them blaspheme God The fifte made them eate their owne tongues for sorowe The sixt dried vp the water And I sawe three foule spirites like frogges issue out of the mouth of a dragon And finally the seuenth cuppe being poured out ther came a mightie voice from the throne of God saying it is dispatched And ther folowed lightenings and thunders and voices and earthquakes such as neuer were since men dwelt vpon the earth Thus farre this Apostle Euange list and prophet S. Iohn And now tel me my good Christiā brother is it possible for any tongue either humane or Angelical to expresse a thing more forceblie thē this is here set doune what mortal hart can chuse but tremble euen at the reading and remembrāce only of thes inspeakable and incomprehensible terrours What maner of daie will that be trowest thou when the heauens shal mourne the whole earth shal shake the sunne and moone loose their light the Starres fal doune the sea and floods forsake their chanels and natural courses al the elementes be dissolued the face of the earth ouerflowed with blood and the vniuersal world on a flaming fire Is it maruaile now if the Scriptures auouch that the iust men and Angels them selues shal be afraid of that daie And then to reason as S. Peter doth if innocency Iustice shal scarsely esteeme them selues secure in that fearful trial what shal become of sinne and iniquitie what shal become I saie of the careles and dissolute Christian when he shal see so infinite a sea of miseries rushe vpon him O that mē would thincke vpon this daie while they haue yet time O that they would awake and prepare them selues by vertuous life to stand secure confident at this woful houre Who is ther now a daye which taketh that care that holy Ierome did who was wont to saie hauing much lesse cause then wee that he did neuer eate nor drincke nor sleepe nor take any other action in hand without the fearful remembrance of this accompting daie And this of the preparations There foloweth the execution of thinges done in that iudgment VVHEN THE FORMER preparations shal be fulfilled and finished and the whole world brought to that pitiful state and plight which I haue described then saieth the Scripture shal the signe of the fonne of man appeare in the skie and al the tribes of the earth shal see him cōming in the cloudes of heauē amiddest al his Angels with much power and glorie in great authoritie and maiestie And ther in a moment in the twinckling of an eye he shal send his Angels with a trūpet with a great crie at midnight they shal gather together his elect from the foure partes of the world euen from heauen to earth Hitherto are the wordes of holie Scripture Wherin is set doune the first act of this dreadful iudgment which is the cōming of the Iudge to his throne and tribunal seate so much the more terrible and ful of maiestie in this his second appearāce by how much more contemptible he was and despised in his first being vpon earth for the worke of our redemption So S. Iohn affirmed that he which was siaine as a lambe should come againe to iudge as a Lion Of which
hartie repentāce and other such means of holie Sacramentes as God hath left for this purpose in his Church he had discharged his conscience of the burden of sinne and made an attonement betwene his soule Saueour O merciful Lord how dangerous is his estate vntil he haue donne it how manie wayes may he fal into thos heauie handes of his eternal iudge wherof S. Paul conceyued horrour in onlie thinking One litle stone falling from the house toppe as he passeth by one slippe of his horse as he rideth one assault of an enimie whē he thinketh not vpon him one poore ague by a surfect or other distēperature one suddaine mischance of a milliō that may fal vnto him is able to bereaue him of this life to cast him into thos termes of euerlasting calamitie wherehence the whole world shal not be able to deliuer him And is not this then a matter to be feared is not this a case to be preuented O how trulie saith the holie scripture blessed is the man vvhich alvvaies is fearful and he that hath a hard hart shal fal into perdition Our Lord God of his mercie gyue vs his holie grace to feare him as we should and to make such accounte of his iudgementes and iustice as by threatning the same he would haue vs to doe for th' auoiding of sinne And thē shal not we delaye the time but shal resolue our selues to serue him whiles he is content to accept of our seruice and to pardon vs al our offences if we would once firmelie make this resolution from our hart AN OTHER CONSIDERATION FOR THE FVRTHER IVSTIFYING OF Gods iudgementes and manifestation of our grieuous offence Taken from the inestimable Maiestie of him vvhom vve offende and of the innumerable benifites vvhich he hath bestovved vpon vs. CHAPT IX ALBEIT the most parte of Christians through their wicked life arriue not to that state when holy Dauid was when he sayed to God thy iudgementes ô Lord are pleasant vnto me as in deed they are to all those that lyue vertuouslie and haue the testimonie of a good conscience yet at leastwise that we maye be inforced to confesse with the same Prophet that the iudgementes of our Lord are true and iustified in them selues I haue thought expedient to adde a reason or two in this chapter wherby it maye appeare how great our offence is in sinnīg against God as we doe and how righteous his iudgemētes iustice are agaist vs for the same AND FIRST OF AL IS to be considered the maiestie of hym against whom we sinne For most certaine it is as I haue noted before that euerie offence is so much the greater and more grieuous by how much greater and more noble the person is against whom it is done and the partie offending more base and vile And in this respect almightie God to terrifie vs from offending hym nameth hym self oftentimes with certaine great and dreadful titles of maiestie as to Abraham I am an omnipotēt Lord. And agayne to Esay heauen is my seate the earth is my footestole And at an other time he cōmaunded Moyses to beare to the people in his name this ambassage harden not your neckes any longer for that your Lord and God is the God of godes and the Lord of lordes a greate God both potent and terrible vvhich accepteth nether person nor bribes First then I saye consider gentle Christian of what an infinite maiestie he is whom thow a poore worme of the earth hast so often and so contemptuously offended ī this lyfe We see in this world that no man dareth to offende openly or say one worde against the maiestie of a temporal Prince within his owne dominions But what is the maiestie of all earthly princes put together if it be compared to the thowsand parte of Gods incomparable inestimable maiestie who with one worde made both heauen and earth and all the creatures therin and with halfe a worde could annihilate and destroie the same againe Whom all the creatures which he made both Angels heauens Starres and elementes doe serue at a becke and dare not once offend vnder vvhom as holy Iob saieth doe croucb and trēble euē they that beare vp susteine the vvorld Onlie a sinner is he which emboldeneth hym self against this maiestie and feareth not to offēd the same whom as the holye Catholique Church doth professe day lie in her preface to the blessed sacrifice the Angels do praise the dominations doe adore the powers do tremble and the highest heauens together with Cherubins and Seraphins thrones and al other multitudes of celestial spirites doe continually praise with hymnes of glorie Remember then deare Christian brother that euerie tyme thou doest commit a capital sinne thou gyuest as it were a blowe in the face to this great God of eternal maiestie whos mansiō as S. Paul describeth is in a light inaccessible such as no man in this vvorld can endure to behold Wherof S. Iohn th' euangelist gyueth good testimonie by his owne experiēce who notwithstādig he were an Apostle and most dearly beloued of his God and maister yet when Christ appeared vnto him after his Resurrection with certaine sparcles only of his dreadful gloric vttering words of most sweet consolation vnto hym he was for al that so astonied oppressed with feare that he fel doune starke dead as him self confesseth vntil the same his Lord and Maister vouchsafed to raise him vp againe The like trial of this inexplicable maiestie had Moyses the familiar friend and trustie seruant of God who after many conferences desiring once in his life to see him whos wordes he had so often heard made humble petition for the same But God answered that no man might see hym and lyue Yet notwithstanding to satisfie his request and to shew him in parte what a terrible and maiesticall God he was he promised Moyses that he should see some part of his glorie how beit he added that it was needfull he shoulde hyde him self in the hole of a rocke be couered with Gods owne handes for his defence whiles he or rather his Angel as diuines doe interprete did passe by in glorie Who being once past God remoued his hande and suffered Moyses to behold the hynder partes only of the Angel which was notwithstanding most terrible and dreadful The same maiestie was reuealed also in some part to Daniel who sawe God as he writeth placed vpon a most glorious throne his apparell vvas as vvhit as snovv bis beare lyke vnto fyne vvoolle bis throne vvas of a flame of fyre and his chariottes vvere a burning furnace a svvift flud of fyre ranne from his face thousand thousandes did serue him and ten thousand hundred thousands did assist him Al this and much more is recorded in holy scripture to admonishe vs therby what a wonderful prince of maiestie he is whom a synner doth offend Which thing that iust and
being only a peece of earth or claye before Now ymagine then of what sea of loue al this proceeded But yet adde further how he hath created all this magnificēt world for the and all the creatures therof to serue thee in this busines the heauens to gouerne the and to geeue the light the earth ayer and water to minister most infinite varietie of creatures for thy behoof and sustenance and of al thes hath made the Lord maister to vse them for thine auaile and benefite in his seruice Which giftes being so manifold and magnificent as they are I appeale to thine owne cōscience good Christian brother how intollerable an ingratitude it is so greatly to dishonour iniurie the giuer as to applie thes giftes to his offence which he bestowed vpon the for his seruice Next after this ensueth the benefite of thy redemption much more excellent and bountiful thē the former the effect wherof is that wheras thou hadst lost al those former giftes and benefites and hadst made thy self guiltie by sinne of eternal punishmēt and damnation wherunto the Angels were now deliuered for their sinne committed before God chose to redeeme the and not the Angels and for satisfying of thine enormous fault vouchsafed to deliuer his owne only soone to the most opprobrious death of the Crosse O Lord God what hart can possibly conceyue the greatnes of this benefite Suppose with thy self gentle Christian for better vnderstanding of this benefite that thou being a poore and abiect person vnder the dominion of some great mightie Emperour hadst with some of his principal Peres committed grieuous crimes against his Emperial Maiestie thou oftentimes and they but once and being both by law conuicted and redie to suster Iustice for the same so singulerly should the Emperours fauour extend it self in thy behalf as deliuerig ouer thos other great princes to execution for their demerites he conceyued a desire to saue and pardon thee And finding no other conuenient meanes in respect of his Iustice how to doe the same should vpon his only sonne and heire of al his Empire laie the paines shame and tormēts of death due vnto thy trespasses Tel me now if being so abiect and cōtemptible a creature thou shouldst receyue so great a grace of a mightie Emperour who had for fewer offences euen in thy sight put to death greate and glorious princes as God did thos principal Angels how wonderfully wouldest thou thincke thy self bound and beholden vnto him for the same But if further this sonne and heire of this noble Monarch refusing to speake one word for thos great princes should not only accept willingly this dishonour and punishment laid vpon him by his father for thy sake but also should offer himself therunto and craue most instantly that he might by his death make satisfaction for thine offences and not only this but also to deriue vnto thee the participatiō of his inheritāce making thee of a bondslaue heire apparant to so Puissant an Emperour coheire to him self could thy hart possibly conceyue so great a benefite were it possible that thy powers of bodie soule should not dissolue in the cogitation of so inspeakable a grace would not thy bowels burst in sunder with the vehemencie of loue towards such a benefactour Or can any mā of reason euer imagine that thou wouldest willingly for a thousand worlds offend any more so gratious a Lord And yet is this benefite of thy redemption deare brother by infinite degrees surpassing both this and al other temporal graces that mans wit can imagine in al and euery circumstance that before hath bene mentioned In the third place doe come to be considered two other benefites named vocation and Iustification The first wherof is that wherby God of his infinite depth of mercies hath called vs from infidelitie to the state of Christians and therby made vs partakers of this our redemption last mentioned which infidels are not For albeit he payed the ransome for al in general yet hath he not imparted the benefite therof to al but to such onlie as best it pleased his diuine goodnes to bestow it vpon After which grace of vocation and our acceptance therof insued immediatlie our iustification wherby we were not onlie set sree from al our sinnes committed before and from al paine and punishement dew to the same but also our soules were beutified and enriched by the infusion of his holie grace inherent accompanied with the vertues theological as faith hope and charitie with the most pretious giftes of the Holie Ghost and by this grace wee were made iust and righteous in the sight of God and entitled to the most blessed inheritance of the kingdome of heauen the worthines of which gift no tongue of man or Angels can expresse After these doe ensue a greate number of benefites together apperteining properly to such as are made the children and true frendes of God euery one wherof in it self is of most infinite price and valew Among which are in the first place to be nombred the holie Sacraments of Christs Church left vnto vs for our comfort and preseruation after we be entred into the bosome therof They being nothing els in deed but certaine sacred cōduits to cōuaie vnto vs the holie grace of God especially thos two which appertaine to al men in general I meane the holy Sacraments of penance and of the blessed bodie and blood of our Sauyour wherof the first is to purge our sowles from sin so often as she falleth the seconde to feede and comforte the same after she is purged The first is as a bathe made of Christs owne pretious bloode to washe and clēse our woundes therein the secōde as a most comfortable and riche garment to couer our soule after she is washed In the first Christ hath left with his spouse the Church al his authoritie which he hath in heauē or earth to remit sinnes in the secōd he hath left him self his owne flesh and bloode to be a pretious foode wherwith to seede and cherish our soule after her sinnes be remitted Besides al thes ther yet remaineth an other benefite which we cal the benefite of Preseruation wherby God hath kept and preserued vs from infinite dangers wherūto many others before vs haue fallen and into which our selues had fallen in like maner if gods-holie hande had not stayed vs as from heresie and infidelitie and manie other greeuous sinnes but especially frō death damnation which longe a goe by our wickednes we deserued to haue bene executed vpon vs. Wherunto maie be annexed also the most singuler benefites of godlie inspirations and admonitions wherby God hath often both knocked inwardlie at the dore of our conscience and warned vs outwardly by so many wayes and meanes as are good bookes good sermons good exhortations good companie good exāple of others a thousand other most merciful means besides which at
greuousnes and horrour which hitherto hath bene declared to be in thes paines and tormentes the holie spirit of God reueileth vnto vs an other condition or qualitie no lesse terrible then the former which is the most seuere straitnes therof without al possibilitie of anie one iote of help aide ease intermission relaxation respiration or comfort This is signified by thos seuere wordes of our Saueour so often times repeated that the daned shal be cast into hel bounden hand and foote that is without al habilitie of resistance or strugling against their tormentes Also by that most dreadful shutting vp of the gate wherof our Saueour spake in such dolful maner when he said clausa est ianua the gate is shut vp and made fast for euer that is to say in hel the gate of al mercie of al pardon of al ease of al intermission of al comfort is shut vp foreuer and that both from heauen from earth from the creator and from al creatures in so much that no consolation is euermore to be hoped for as in the miseries of this life there is alwaies some but extreme desolation for al eternitie This straitnes is likewise most liuelie expressed in that dreadful parable of the riche glutton in hel who was driuen to that necessitie as he desired most pitifullie that Lazarus might dippe the top onlie of his fingar in water therwith to coole his tōgue in the middest of that fire wherein he was tormēted yet could not he obtain it A smal refreshing it semeth that it wold haue bene vnto him if he had obtained his request but yet to shew the straitnesse of the place it was denied vnto him O ye that liue in sinful welth of the world consider but this one example of Gods seueritie and be a fearde This man was in that russe iolitie a litle before as he wolde not gyue the verie crommes of his table to buy heauen and now wolde he gyue a thousand worldes if he had them for one drop of water to coole his tongue Good God what demaund could be lesse then this what request more humble He durst not aske to be deliuered thēce or to haue his torments diminished or to haue a great vessel of water wherwith to refresh his whole bodie but onely so much as would sticke on the top of Lazarus fingar to coole his tongue To what extreme need was this poore man now driuen what a strong imagination had he of the force of one drop of water to what pitiful chaunge was his tongue now come that was accustomed to be so daintelie bathed and diligentlie tended with al kindes of pleasant liquors O that one mā can not take example by an other ô that Ooliba wil not learne to be wise by seing the punishmentes of her elder sister Oolla God reueiled the calamitie of the former inflicted for her wickednes therby to terrifie the latter from the like sinne but for that she profited nothing by that exāple he saieth for so much as thou Ooliba hast walked in the waies of thie sister Oolla this saith God vnto the I wil lay the cup of thie sister vpō the thou shalt drinke it as she did both in depthe and largenes thou shalt drinke it vp euen vnto the verie dregges Thus said the prophet of God then to Hierusalem that would not be warned by the punishemētes of Samaria and thus saith the sonne of God now to al men that wil not be terrified by thes tormētes of the damned Glutton and if al this be true as it must be except the wordes of our Saueour could be false then what wonderful people are we that seing our selues in danger of this intollerable miserie doe not seeke with more diligence to preuent the same In respect of these extremities strait dealings of God in denying al comfort consolation at this day holie scripture sayeth that men shal fal into rage furie and vtter impatience blasphening God cursing the day of their natiuitie with eating their own tongues for griefe and desiring the rockes and mountaines to come and fal on them therby to ende and finish their paines But now if we adde to al this the eternitie and euerlasting continuance of these torments we shal see that it encreaseth the matter beyond al hu nane cogitation For in this world there is no torment so great or affliction so violēt but that time either taketh away or diminisheth the same For either the tormentor or the tormented dieth or some other occasion happeneth wherby the extremitie of the tribulation is mitigated But here no such hope or cōfort may be expected for that as holie writ affirmeth Cruciabuntur in saecula saeculorū in stagne ardente igne sulphure They shal be tormented for euer and euer in a poole that burneth with fire brimstone As long as God is God so long must they burne therin Neither shal the tormentour or the tormented die but both must liue eternallie for the eternal miserie of him that suffereth O sayeth one holie father in a godlie meditation if a sinner damned in hel did know that he had to suffer those torments no more thousand yeres then there be sandes in the sea and grasse leaues on the grounde or no more thousand milliōs of ages then there be creatures in heauē hel and in earth he wold greatlie reioice for that he wolde comfort him self at the least wise with this cogitation that once yet the matter wold haue an ende But now saieth this good man this word Neuer breaketh his hart considering that after a hundred thousand millions of worldes if ther might be so many he hath as farre to his iournies end as he had at the first day of his entrāce into thos torments Consider good Christian what a length one houre wold seme vnto the if thou haddest but to hold thy hand in fire and brimstone onelie during the space thereof or to be stretched on a racke or other torture We finde by experiēce that if a man be grieuouslie sick though he be laid vpon a verie soft bed yet one night seemeth a long time vnto him He turneth and tosseth him self from side to side telling the clock and counting euerie houre as it passeth which seemeth to him a whole day And if a man should saye vnto him that he were to abide that pain but seuen yeres together he wold goe nigh to dispare for griefe Now if one night seeme so long and tediouse to him that lieth on a good soft bedd afflicted onelie with a litle ague what wil the lying in fire and brimstone doe whē he shal know euidentlie that he shal neuer haue ende thereof O deare brother the satietie of continuance is lothsome euen in things that are not euil of them selues If thou shouldest be bound alwaies to eate one onelie meate albeit otherwise of it self it were not ingrate yet would it be displeasant vnto the
sueing vnto sinners for their conuersion it followeth that we should in this third place examine some what more in particuler what certaine assurance his diuine Maiestie geueth of vndoubted pardon and ful remission of their sinnes to al such as vnfainedlie shal resolue them selues to make their refuge vnto him Which thing albeit euerie mā by that which before hath bene treated may sufficientlie conceaue yet for th' importāce of the matter it shal not be amisse in this place also to adde a word or two for more plaine and euidēt demonstration therof And this shal be donne by setting doune both the wordes and deedes that is both the promisses and perfourmāce which almightie God hath vsed and excercised in this behalf to al such as haue offended him whatsoeuer And for the first which are his promises most apparent it is as wel by the thinges which before haue bene discussed as also by the whole course bodie drift of holie scripture that the promises of mercie and pardon which his diuine Maiestie hath made to synners and wherunto by his sacred word he hath in a certaine maner obliged him self are both manifold vehement absolute resolute vniuersal VVho so euer shal depart from his vvicked vvayes and turne vnto me saith almightie God I vvil receaue him Behold the vniuersalitie of al people and persons without excluding any And then further At vvhat day soeuer an impious man shal returne vnto me from his impietie his vvickednes shal not hurt him saith the same L. God of hostes see the vniuersalitie of al times seasons without exceptiō But yet harken what God addeth besides Leaue of to doe peruerselie saith he to the Iewes c. and then doe you come and finde fault vvith me if you can For if your sinnes vvher as red as skarlet they shal be made as vvhite as snovve c. Consider the vniuersalitie of al kind of synnes be they neuer so greeuous so horrible or haynous And finallie God talking to a soule that hath oftentimes fallen most infinitelie offended him he saith thus it is a common receaued speech that if a womā depart from her husbād and doe ioine her self to an other man she may not returne to her first husband againe for that she is defiled and made contaminate And yet wheras thou hast departed from me and hast committed fornication with many other louers doe thou returne vnto me againe and I wil receaue the saith almightie God By which wordes is expressed the fowerth vniuersalitie containing al states qualities and conditions of men how many waies or how oftentimes or how contemptuouslie soeuer they haue committed sinnes against his diuine Maiestie And what may be added now more vnto this was ther euer prince that made so large an offer vnto his subiectes or was ther euer father that gaue so ample and vniuersal promise of pardō vnto his children Who can now mistrust him self to be excluded from this assurance of mercie wherin al sortes of people al kindes of sinnes al times and seasons al states and qualities of sinners are comprehended O most miserable and infortunate man that excludeth him self whom God excludeth not What is ther in this general and vniuersal promises wherof anie man in the world should haue pretence to make any least doubt or question Of the meaning perhapes and intent of him that promiseth O deare brother it is onlie loue and tharitie and consequentlie can not deceaue vs. Of the truth and suertie of his promisses It is infallible and more certaine then heauen and earth put together Of the power that he hath to perfourme his promisse It is infinite and not restrained by any boundes or limitation wherof thē may we doubt or in which of thes three pointes may we not conceaue most singuler consolation heare the comfortable meditation that blessed S. Bernard made vpon thes three particulers which wee haue now mentioned Tria considero saith he in quibus tota spes mea consistit charitatem vocationis veritatem promissionis potestatem redditionis c. That is I doe consider three thinges saith this holie mā wherin al my hope cōsisteth wherby it is made inuincible First the exceeding loue and charitie of him that calleth me to him by repentance secondlie the infallible truth and certaintie of his promise which he maketh to me of pardon and mercie thirdlie the endles power and abilitie he hath to perfourme whatsoeuer he promiseth This is that triple or threefold rope and chaine which holie scripture saith is hardlie broken for that by this rope let donne vnto vs from heauen which is our contrie into this world that is our prison we may ascende and mount vp if we wil euen vnto the sight and possession of Gods eternal kingdom and heauēlie glorie Thus farre that blessed father But now to the second pointe if we consider how faithfullie almightie God hath put in execution thos promises of his from time to time how no one man vpon earth so many ages as the world hath continued was euer yet frustrate of his hope in making his conuersion vnto his Maiestie if he made it from his hart we shal finde further cause for vs to confide For so much as it is not probable or ī reason to be imagined that he which neuer failed in times past wil breake his promise for the time to come especially seing now in Christianitie when we haue this aduantage aboue other former times as S. Iohn doth also note that he who was and is our iudge is become also our aduouocat to pleade our cause Cast backe thine eyes then my louing deare brother and take a vew of al ages times and seasons past and gone Beginne from the first creation of the world and come donneward euen vnto this daye examine indifferentlie whether in al this wide compasse of times persons places most greeuous offences committed against his diuine Maiestie ther were euer yet any one sinner vpon earth that returned vnsay nedlie and was not receaued The sinne of our first parentes was presentelie forgeuen vnto them vpon their first signification of greefe and sorowe for the same And not onlie this but our Saueour also Iesus Christ was promissed to be sent for restoring them and their posteritie to the glorie and felicitie which by their fal they had lost After this vntil the time of Abraham and of the people of Israel as some workes of Gods iustice are recorded in holie writ that were excercised vpon irrepentant offendours so are ther many more celebrated of his mercie and onlie two persons in particuler are mentioned who notwithstanding some sorow which they seemed to haue of their offences were yet reiected the first wherof was the murderer Cain who at the beginning denied his wickednes vnto God and then being conuicted despaired of remission The second was Esau whom S. Paul calleth a profane fornicator who
founde no place of repētāce albeit with teares he sought the same Wherof S. Chrisostome geueth the reason in thes wordes For this cause Esau obtained not pardon for that he did not repente as he should haue done his teares proceeding rather of anger and temptation then of true sorovv When the people of Israel came to be a distinct nation and to be gouerned at Gods appointement how greeuouslie trow you did they offend day lie and almost howerlie his diuine Maiestie And how gratiouslie did his vnspeakable clemencie remitt and pardon their manifold and innumerable sinnes trespasses done agaist him The whole scripture in truth seemeth nothing els but a perpetual narration of Gods incredible patience and infinite mercies towardes them And if I would speake of particuler persons amōg them which he receaued to his fauour after greate and manifold offences committed ther would be no end of that recital Let Manasses that most impious and wicked king be an exāple for al of whos enormous life and most detestable actes whole pages are replenished both in the bookes of kinges and Chronicles and yet afterwardes notwithstanding the same man falling into miserie and calamitie among the Babylonians a fortunate schoole oftentimes for Princes who in their prosperitie are wont to contemne God he begā to be sorowful for his former life and actions and to doe great penance as the scripture saith in the sight of God for the same Wherat his diuine and incomprehēsible mercie was so much moued presentlie as he receaued him to fauour and brought him backe from his prison and fetters to his kingdome and imperial throne of Maiestie The exāple also of the Niniuites is very notable singuler in this behalf against whom almightie God hauing decreed a sentence of death to be executed within a certaine time he commanded Ionas the prophet to goe and denounce that sentēce vnto them But Ionas wel knowing the nature and disposition of God towardes mercie forsaw as afterwardes he signifieth that if he should goe and beare that embassage vnto them and they therupon make change of ther liues his Maiestie would presentlie pardon them and so he should be taken for a false and lying prophet For auoiding which inconuenience he chose rather to flee away by sea to the citie of Tharsis and ther to hide himself But almightie God raised a tempest in that iourney and disposed in such sort as Ionas was cast into the sea and ther receaued and deuoured by a whale from whos belly he was commanded afterwardes to repaire to Niniue and to doe his former message which he perfourmed And the tenour of his message was that within fortie dayes that huge citie of Niniuie should be destroyed Which he hauing denounced vnto them the sequel fel out as Ionas before had suspected For the Niniuites beleeuing the message and betaking them selues to repentance God forgaue them presentlie wherat Ionas was exceedinglie greeued offended complained sweetlie to God of his strāge dealing herin demanding whie he had inforced him to come and preach destruction vnto them knowing wel before hād that he would pardon them But his merciful Lord answered him fullie to this pointe by a certaine accident that fel out wherto Ionas was not able to replie one word For so it chanced that Ionas sitting without the walles of Niniuie vnder an Iuie bush that in one night by Gods appointment was sprōg vp to couer him frō the sunne the same Iuie by Gods ordināce perished vpon the suddaine and was consumed by a worme leauing the poore prophet destitute of that consolation of shadoe which he receaued by it Wherwith he being not a litle disquieted and afflicted God said vnto him thou Ionas art sorowful and much grieued for losse of thine Iuie tree which not withstanding thou diddest not plant nor make to grow nor tookest any labour at al about it But the same grew vp in one night and in one night it perished againe And shal not I then be careful to pardon my greate citie of Niniuie wherin ther be aboue an hundred and twentie thousand innocent people which can not distinguish betwene their right hand and their left This was the answer of almightie God to Ionas for defence of his singuler inclinatiō to mercie in respect that the Niniuites were his owne creatures his owne workmanship and the labours of his own handes as al other people also are Of which kinde of reason and consideration ther haue bene diuers thinges said and declared before for manifestation of Gods infinit mercie And al this that hitherto hath bene spoken is of thinges onlie donne in time of the old testament before the appearance of Christ our Saueour in flesh But now if we looke into the time of grace when God incarnate came him self in person to shew the riches of his endles mercie vnto mortal men vpon earth we shal see more examples without comparison of this exceeding clemencie For that now our Creator and shepheard ouercome as it were with extreme compassion came down into the vale of our miserie with resolution not onlie to offer pardon and forgeuenes to al his sheepe that were a stray and would returne but also to follow seeke them out being found to lay them on his own shoulders and so to beare them backe vnto the fold againe and ther to geue his life and blood for their defence against the wolfe O sweet Lord what greater loue cā be imagined then this what more pregnant signification of inflamed charitie can mans cogitation conceaue or apprehend is it maruaile now if he which descēded vnto vs with this hart and with thes bowels of burning affectiō did set open the gates of al his treasures fauours graces vnto vs Is it maruaile if the holie apostle S. Paul doe saye of this time Superabundauit gratia that grace did ouer abounde and yet further in an other place that Christ being verie God did in a certaine sort impouerish and emptie him self with the most wonderful effusion of mercies and hauoke of heauen which at this time and euer since he hath made Herehence it proceeded that al his delite and pleasure vpon earth was to conuerse with sinners and to geeue them cōfort corage and cōfidence in him Which he did so manifestlie in the sight of al the world as he was very scandalous and offensiue therby to the Scribes and Pharisees and other principal rulers among the Iuish nation Herehence also did proceed thos his most maruailous speeches and strange inuitations of wicked men vnto him as for example at one time among other when he cried out in publique Come vnto me al ye that doe labour and be heauie loden and I vvel refresh you And at an other time going into the temple of Ierusalem vpon a high festiual day when al the people were gathered together he stood vp in the middest of
Humilitie in abasing our selues in the sight of God And so likewise al other vertues belōging to a good Christian are stirred vp exercised confirmed strengthened and established in man by tribulation according to the saying of S. Peter God shal make perfect confirme and establish them vvhich haue suffered a little for his name FINALLY Gods meaning is by laying persecution and affliction vpon vs to make vs perfect Christians that is to say like vnto Christ our captaine whom the prophet calleth Virum dolorum scientem infirmitatem a man of sorowes and one that had tasted of al maner of infirmities therby to receaue the more glory at his returne to heauen and to make more glorious al thos that wil take his parte therin To speake in one word God wold make vs by tribulation to become crucified Christians which is the most honorable title that can be geuen vnto a creature in heauen or earthe Crucified I say and mortified to the vanities of this world to the flesh and to our owne concupiscence and carnal desires but quicke and ful of al liue lie spirit to vertue godlines and deuotion This is the heauenly meaning of our Soueraine Lord and God in sending vs persecution tribulation and affliction in respect whereof holy Iob douteth not to say Blessed is the man that is afflicted by God And Christ him self yet more expresselie Happie are they vvhich suffer persecution If they be happie and blessed therby then is the world no doubt greatlie a vvrie which so much abhorreth the sufficiance therof thē is almightie God but vnthankfully dealt with al by many of his childrē who repine at this happines bestowed vpon them where as indeed they should accept it with ioye and thankes-geuing For proofe and better declaratiō wherof I wil enter now into the third point of this chapter to examine what reasons and causes there be to induce vs to this ioifulnes contentation in tribulation The third part AND FIRST of al for proofe and declaration of this third part the reasons and causes before alleaged of almightie Gods merciful and fatherly meaning in sending vs affliction might be sufficient to comfort and content any Christian mā or woman who taketh delite in Godes holy prouidence towardes them For if God doe send affliction vnto vs for the encrease of our glorie in the life to come for drawing vs frō infectiō of the world for opening our eyes and curing our diseases and for preseruing our soules from sinne hereafter as hath bene shewed in the former part who can be iustly displeased therwith but such as are enemies vnto their owne eternal welfare We see that for the obtaining of bodilie health we are content not onely to admit many bitter and vnpleasant medicines but also if neede require to yeeld willingly some parte of our blood to be taken from vs. And how much more should we do this for the eternal health and saluation of our soules But now further if this medicine haue so many more commodities besides as haue bene declared if it serue here for the punishment of our sinnes due otherwise in an other place in farre greater quantitie and rigour of iustice if it make a trial of our estate and doe draw vs to God if it procure Godes loue towardes vs yeeld matter of ioy by our deliuerāce prouoke vs to thankfulnes embolden and strengthen vs in his seruice and finally if it furnish vs with al vertues and doe make vs like to Christ him self crucified then is there singular great cause why we should take comfort and consolatiō therein for that to come neare and to be like vnto our maister and Sauiour is the greatest dignitie and preeminēce that can be imagined Lastly if Gods eternal wisdom haue so ordained and appointed that this shal be the meares of his seruātes saluatiō the badge and liuerie of his sonne the high way to heauen vnder the standard of his Crosse then ought we not to abhorre thes meanes not to refuse this liuerie not to flie this way but rather with good S. Peter and Iohn to esteeme it a great dignitie to be made worthie of the most blessed participation therof We see that to weare the colours of the prince is thoght aprerogatiue among courtiers in this world but to weare the robe or crowne it self were to great a dignitie for any inferiour subiect to receaue Yet Christ our Lord and king is content to imparte both the one th' other of his vnto vs. And how then ought we I pray you to accept therof And now as I haue said these reasons might be sufficient to comfort and make ioyful al those that are so happie as to be called to suffer affliction and tribulation for Christes cause But yet there want not some more particular considerations besides Wherof the first and most principal is that this matter of persecutiō and affliction commeth not by chance or casualtie or by any certaine general direction of starres and planetes vnto Christians but by the special prouidence and peculiar dispositiō of God as our Sauiour Christ sheweth at large in S. Matthews gospel that is to say this heauenlie medecine or potiō is made for vs by the very hand of almighty God Which Christ signifieth expresly when he saied to his disciples at it were in anger shal I not drinke the cuppe vvhich my Father hath geuen to me That is for as much as mine ownfather hath tempered a potion for me shal I not drinke it as who would saye it were too much ingratitude Secōdlie is to be noted that the verie same hand of God which tempered the cuppe for Christ who was his owne natural sonne hath done the same also for vs according to Christs saying You shal drink of my cuppe to wit of the same cuppe which my Father hath tempered for me Herof it foloweth that with what hart and loue almightie God tempered this cuppe vnto his owne most dearlie beloued sonne with the same he hath tempered it also to vs that is altogether for our good for his glorie Thirdlie is to be considered that this cuppe is tēpered with such special care as Christ sayeth that what trouble or danger soeuer it may seeme to woorke as al purgations for a time doe yet shal not one heare of our head perish by the same Nay further is to be noted that which the prophet sayeth O Lord thou shalt geue vs to drinke in teares in measure That is the cuppe of teares and tribulation shal be so tempered in measure by our heauenlie phisition as no man shal haue aboue his strength The dose of Aloes and other bitter ingredients shal be qualified with manna and sufficient sweetnes of heauēlie consolation God is faithful saieth S. Paul and vvil not suffer you to be tempted aboue your abilitie This is a singular point of comfort and ought alwaies to be in our
of the Protestant magistrate towardes Catholiques in Englād wherwith he supposeth many are staied from comming vnto them but al with as great discretion and foundation as he hath done the former demanding of vs in very good earnest why we should stand so much vpon Limbus Patrum vpon Christes descending into hel vpō real presence freedome of wil and merit of workes vpon traditions preestood and sacrifice vpon worshiping of Saintes and Images mariage of preestes inherent iustice and the fiue Sacramētes that we numbre more then they doe why I saie we should so relie and sticke vpon thes thinges as for their sakes not to ioyne with thē and be Protestantes wheras notwithstanding al thes thinges the Protestātes saith as he saith and ours is al one in substance and we al are members of one true Catholique and Apostolique Churche albeit some of vs be somewhat better members in that Church then others And this last point of the Church therby to allure vs the more he vrgeth very often and earnestly to wit that we are al members of one true Church reprehending greatly his fellow Ministers and brethren who vpon indiscrete Zeale as he saith vrged first this separation and did vvrite in not so sensed a maner as they ought to haue done adding further vve are to iustifie that of departing from the Church ther ought to be no question at al among vs. But what is the cause thinke you of this so greate and suddaine curtesie which now at length M. Buny against al custome of his brethren doth offer vnto vs you shal heare it vttered if you please in his owne wordes for by cons●●●ing so far vvith them saieth he as to graunt that vve are not both of one Church vve bring our selues to needles trouble For that it is greate probabilitie vvith them that so vve make our selues aunsvverable for to finde out a seueral and distinct Church from them from vvhich vve descende vvhich hath continued from the Apostles age to this present els that needes vve must acknovvledge that our Church is sprung vp of late or at least since thers This is his confession which we hauing heard we neede not stande any longer in doubt wherfore he is become so kinde as at length to make vs al of one true Catholique and Apostolique Church with them whom hitherto they haue detested as the Sinagogue of Antechrist Why also M. Buny tooke in hande to write this treatise of pacification to wit for that in deede as he confessed before He novv perceaueth that men held vvith them rather for respect of state and ciuil commodities then of conscience and beleefe Which regarde of temporal commoditie in very truth Gentle reader is the only reason or baite that they can lay before vs at this time wherby to moue vs to come vnto their parte Which respect and motiue notwithstanding our Lord knoweth how bare and brickle a matter it is and how longe or litle while it may endure But this only thing set a side in al other respectes reasons allurementes motiues or considerations which heauen or earth can yeld wherby to stirre a Christian minde to embrace any religion they are al for vs and none for them as perhaps hereafter may be declared more largelie in some special treatisse which by occasion of this may be taken in hand In the meane space let this suffice for answere of so much as M. Buny hath writen in his pacification Of this present edition vvith certaine instructions to the Reader THER remaineth now then gentle reader for the ending of this preface to admonish the only in a worde or two what thou hast in this later edition more then in the former and how thou maist reape the commoditie that is intended and wished to the therin First the whole booke hath bene reuewed and both amplified and bettered in diuers pointes throughout al the chapters that doe remaine as before Secondly the title therof is altered as may appeare in the beginning for that the other booke of Christian exercise since the first edition therof hath bene set foorth a parte by it self Thirdly diuers treatises and chapters haue bene wholy altered especially in the first part wher vpon a purpose of greate breuitie which in the beginning was conceaued but afterwardes could not be held many things were shifted ouer and diuers discourses knit vp with more imperfection then in the second part therof Fourthly sundrie new chapters and treatises haue bene added in this edition And thes partly of mine own liking imagining that the matter might perhappes affect other men as much as it did me among which I may accompt the chapter of examples of true resolution and some other Partely also vpon aduertisement of good and reuerend Catholique preestes that liue in England who finding by their experience in dealing with mens soules as my self also did that this long time of schisme and sectes wherein they heare nothing but weangling and contradictions in matters of courtouersies their life in the meane space running at al libertie without discipline and loding their consciences with infinite burden of sinne hath wroght in mens mindes a certaine contempt and carles insensibilitie in thes affaires esteeming al things to stand vpon probabilitie only of dispute to and fro and so by litle and litle doth bring them also to thinke the same of Christian religion it self imagining that the Iewes Turkes Saracens and other enimies therof being worldly wise men may haue as greate reason perhaps to stande against the same as thes later learned men of oar owae time haue to staud in so many rankes and diuisions of sectes against the Catholique faith and as the old Philosophers pretended to haue against the being of one God him self Thes thinges I saie being so which is alwaies the effect of diuision and heresie thos vertuous and discrete men were of opinion that it should not be amisse in this second edition to adioyne two chapters of the certaintie of one God and of our Christian faith and religion Besides this I was admonished by the writinges of our aduersaries since the publishing of my first edition how they misliked two principal pointes in that booke First that I speake so much of good workes and so litle of faith secondly that I talked so largely of Godes iustice and so breefly of his mercie In both which pointes albeit an indifferent man might haue bene satisfied before and easilie perceaue that the aduersarie doth but picke quarels of calumniation yet to giue more ful contentement in this matter euen vnto our enemies I haue besides that which is spoken els wher and namely in the 2. and 4. chapters touching faith adioyned also a special chapter of the two seueral partes of Christian profession which are beleefe and life And for the second I haue framed a whole new chapter in the begiuning of the second part intituled against dispaire of Godes mercie Thos were
sleepe is wonte to possesse mē Feare came vpon me and trēbling and all my bones were extremely terished At lēgth a spirit past by in my presence wherat the heares of my flesh stoode vp in horrour There stoode before me one whose face I knew not His image was before mine eye I hard his voyce as the sound of a soft ayer Hytherto is described in what maner and order this secret was reueiled but now what said this visiō or spirit thinke you at the last trulie he made a shorte discourse to proue by the fall of th' āgels for their synne that much more qui habitant domos luteas terrenum habeut fundamentum cōsumentur velut a tinea de mane vsquè ad vesperam succidentur They who dwell in houses of morter as all mortall men doe whose bodies are of flesh they which haue their foundation of earth as most folke of this world haue that putt their confidence in thinges of this life they must all consume by litle and litle as tho cloth doth by the mothe at lēgth they must vpon the sudden within lesse space perhappes thē is from morning to night be cut downe and dispatched when they thinke least of it And to shew that herein standeth a point of high secresie I meane to consider ponder well this discourse he maketh his conclusiō in thes wordes immediatlie following quia nullus intelligit in aeternum peribunt And for that few or none of those men before mētioned who haue such earthlie foundatiōs doe vnderstand this pointe aright I meane of their suddaine death cutting of frō this world therfore must they perish eternallie and this is a secrete which few men will belyeue Vir insipiens non cognoscet saith Dauid stultus nō intelliget haec an vnaduised man wil not learne thes thinges nor wil a foole vnderstand them but what thinges it inseweth in the same place how wonderful the workes of god and how deepe his cogitations are aboute sinners who sprynge vp as grasse and florish in this world vt intereant in seculum seculi to th' ende they may perish for euer and euer The prophet Daniel had many visions and straunge reuelatiōs of great and high mysteries but one amongest all other this the least of the most dreadful iudgementes of god vppon synners in th' ende of the world The vision was by the great ryuer Tigris wher as diuers angels were attending about the bankes so vpon the water it self stood one in the likenes of a man of exceeding dreadful maiestie his apparrel being onlie lynninge through which his bodie shyned like pretious stone his eyes like burnig lampes his face like flashinge lightening his armes and legges like brase inflamed and his voice as the shoote of a whole multitude of people that should speake together This was Christ by all interpretation at whose terrible presence when Daniel fel downe dead he was erected againe by an Angel and made strong to abyde the vision and so hauing hearde and seene the most wonderful thinges that ī his booke he recompteth he was bold to aske a question or two for better vnderstanding therof and his first question was hovv long it should bee ere thes most vvōderful things tooke their ende VVherunto the man vpon the water answered by stretching out both his brasen armes to heauen and swearing straūgelie by hym that liued for euer and euer that it should be a tyme and tymes and halfe a tyme. Which answer Daniel not vnderstāding began to question further but he was cutt of with this dispatch Goe thy vvay Daniel for thes speeches are shutt vp and sealed vntil the tyme preordained And yet for his futher instruction it was added in the same place Impie agent impij nec intelligent Wicked men will alwayes doe wickedlie and will not vnderstand thes mysteries albeit we should neuer so much expounde them Wherby as by all the rest that hytherto hath ben alleaged is made apparent that inconsideration negligence carelesse ignorance and lack of vnderstanding in our owne estates and in gods iudgementes proceedinges with iniquitie and synne hath bene a bane and a common perditiō of rechelesse men from tyme to tyme. And if we will turne our eyes to this our age much more shall we see the same to be true For what is the cause think you why at this day we haue so manie of those people whom holie Iob doth call abhominable that drinke vp iniquitie as beastes due vvater that committ all synne all iniustice all turpitude without remorse or scruple of consciēce what is the cause of this I say but lack of consideration lacke of vnderstāding lack of knowledge for as Christ said to Hierusalem touching her destruction si cognouisses tu c. if thou also ó sinful soule diddest know what hangeth ouer thy heade for this carelesse life of thine if thou daughter of Babylon wouldest remember and ponder in thy hart what shal be th' ende of thes thy delightes thou wouldest not lyue so pleasantlie as thou doest Nunc autem abscondita sunt haec ab occuiis tuis But now sayeth Christ thes thinges are hydden from thy ne eyes Not but that thou mayst haue knowen them if thou wouldest but for that thou arte one of them who say to god scientiam viarum tuarum nolum ' we will not haue vnderstanding of thy wayes one of them qui sunt rebelles lumini that are rebellious against the light and illuminatió of gods grace one of thé qui nolūt intelligere vt bene egant that will not vnderstand to doe wel And finallie one of them qui declinant aures ne audiat legem that turne away their eares to th' ende they may not heare gods law quorum oratio est execrabiiis whose not onlie life but also prayer is execrable and detestable in the sight of their maker Truelie nothing in reason can be lesse tollerable in the presence of gods Maiestie then wheras he hath published a law vnto vs with so greate charge to beare it in mynde to ponder in harte to studdie meditate vpon it both day and night at home and abrode at our vpry singe and at our downe lyinge to make it our cogitatió our discourse our talke our excercise our rumination and our delight that we should notwithstanding so contemne the same as to make it no part of our thought but rather to flee the knoledge therof as we see most men of the world doe for not troubling their consciences But the holie Ghost hath layed downe the reason hereof long agoe in these wordes cum sit timida nequitia dat testimoniū condemnationis For that wickednesse in it self is alwayes ' fearfull it gyueth witnesse against it self of damnation when so euer it thinketh of the law of god or of honestie So Felix the
could not be donne by beastes or vnreasonable creatures euē so in the vew and consideration of this world If we cast our eyes vpon the heauens we remaine astonished with the miracles that we behold but who made them we see the skyes of exceedīg huge highenes distinguished with colours and bewtie most admirable adorned with starres and planetes innumerable and thes so qualified with theyr diuers and different and vnequal motiōs as albeit they neuer moue or goe together yet doe they neuer gyue lett or hynderance th' one to th' other nor chāge there course out of order or season Quis enarrabit caelorum rationem concentum caeli quis dormire faciet Who is able to declare the reason of thes heauēs or who can make cease or sleepe the vniforme course of theyr motion saith God to Iob As who would say that because no man or mortal creature can doe this therfore may we imagine of what power and perfection their maker is Which king Dauid had donne when he pronounced caeli enarrant gloriam Dei opera manuum eius annunciat firmamentum The heauens declare the glorie of God and the firmament doth preache the workes of his handes vnto vs. If we pull downe our eyes from heauen to earth we behold the same of an infinite bignesse distinguished with hills and dales woodes pastures couered with all varietie of grasse herbes flowers and leaues moistened with riuers as a bodie with veines inhabited by creatures of innumerable kindes and qualities inriched with inestimable and endeles treasures and yet it self standing or hanging rather with all this weighte and poise in the middest of the ayer as a litle balle without proppe or pillar At which deuise and most wonderful miracle God hym self as it were glorying said vnto Iob. VVhere vvere thou vvhen I layed the foundations of th' earth Tell me if thou haue vnderstanding vvho measured it out or drevv his lyne vpon the same VVheruppon are fastened the pillars of his foundation or vvho layed the first corner stone therof If we looke nether vp nor downe but cast our countenance onlie a side we espie the sea on eche hand of vs that invironeth rounde about the lande A vaste crcature that conteineth more wonders theu mans tongne can expresse A bottemlesse gulfe that without running ouer receaueth all riuers which perpetuallie doe flow A resteles fight turmoile of waters that neuer repose netherday nor night A dreadful raging and furious elemēt that swelleth and roareth threateneth the lade as though it would deuoure it all at once And albeit in situation it be higher then the earth as the philosopher sheweth doe make assaultes daylie towardes the same with most terrible cries and waues mounted euen to the skie yet when it draweth neere to the lande and to his appointed borders it stayeth vpon the suddaine though nothing be there to let it is inforced to recoile backe againe mur muring as it were for that it is not permitted to passe any further Of which restrainte God asketh Iob this question VVho hath shutt vp the sea vvith gates vvhen he breaketh forth in rage as from his mothers vvombe Wherunto no man being able to gyue answer God ansuereth hym self in thes wordes I haue limited hym vvith my boundes I haue set hym both a dove and a barre and haue said vnto hym hytherto shalt thou come and shalt not passe further here shalt thou breake thie svvelling vvaues This in summe is of thinges without vs. But if we should leaue thes and enter to seeke God within our owne selues whether we consider our bodies or our soules or any one parte therof we shall finde so manie straūge thinges or rather so manie seas of miracles and wonders that preach and teach their maker vnto vs as we shall not onlie perceaue and see God most euidentlie but rather as a certaine old heathen hath writen we shall feele and handle hym in his workes Which kinde of speech also S. Paul hym self doubteth not to vse affirming that God hath geuen space to euery man in this life to seeke hym siforte attractent cum aut inueniat if perhappes they would handle hym or finde hym oute Which maner of wordes doe siguifie that by consideration of gods creatures and especiallie of the wonders in man hym self we may come to see and perceaue the Creator so cleerlie that in a sorte we may be said to feele and handle hym So iointelie doe all thinges concurre to the manifestatiō of their maker So manifestelie and effectuallie doe they teach and demonstrate and painte out God vnto vs nothing being so lyttle that declareth not his greatnes nothing so greate which acknowdlegeth not his soueraitie nothing so low that leadeth vs not vp to behold his maiestie nothing so highe that descendeth not to teach vs this veritie It were a labour without ende to goe about in this place to alleage what might he saide in the profe of this principle that there is a God seing there was neuer yet learned man in the world ether Gentile or other that acknowledged and confirmed not the same being dryuen therunto by the manifest euidencie of the truth it selfe If you obiect against me Diagoras Protagoras Theodorus Cyrenensis Bion Borysthines Epicurus and some few others that were open Atheistes denied God I answer that some of thes were vtterly vnlearned and rather sensual beastes then reasonable men and consequentlie might deny any thing according to the saying of holie Dauid the foole said in his hart there is no God Others that had some smacke of learning rather iested at the falshode of their owne Panisme idoles then denied the being of one true God But the most parte of thes mē in deede and such others as in old tymes were accompted Atheistes denyed not God so much in words as in life factes such as S. Paul called Atheistes in his dayes that obeyed their bellies and followed their pleasures in sinne sensualitie not vouchsafing to thinke of God in this life such was the Epicure and manie other are at this daye of his profession but yet as Lactantius well noteth when the same men came to be sober speake of iudgement as at their death or other tyme of distresse and miserie they were as redye to cōfesse God as any other what soeuer But for learned men and people of diseretion sobrietie and iudgement there was neuer yet any were he Iewe or were he Gentile that doubted in this veritie but had meanes of probation to confirme the same as more particulerlie in the rest of this chapter shal be declared Hovv the heathens proued there vvas a God Sect. 2. AMONG the Gētiles or heathē people those men were all wayes of most credite and estimation that professed the loue of wisdome for that respect were termed philosophers Who being deuided into diuers sortes sectes
all others in those first tymes of simplicitie and sinceritie were in parte translated into diuers liguages before the Monarchie of the Persians that is before any storie of the Gentiles were writen as Eusebius out of manie heathen authours declareth NEXT TO the reason of antiquitie is alleaged the manner of wryting authorising cóseruing thes scriptures which is such as greatelie cōfirmeth the certaintie of thinges conteyned therin For first what soeuer is sett downe in these wrytinges was ether taken immediatelie frō the mouth of God as were the propheties and bookes of the law or els collected from tyme to tyme by general consent according as matters miracles sell out as were the booke of iudges the bookes of Kinges and Chronicles and some other that conteine recordes and histories of tymes Which bookes were not gathered by some one priuate man vpon hearsaye or by his owne imagination longe after thinges donne as heathen histories and other prophane recordes monumtes are but they were writen by general agreement in the self same dayes when thinges were in sight and knowledge of all men and so could not be seigned Secondlie when bookes were writen they were not admitted into the canon or authoritie of scriptures that is of gods worde or diuine writinges but vpon great deliberation and most euidēt proof of their vndoubted veritie For ether the whole cōgregatió or Synagoge who had th' approuing here of and among whom commonlie were diuers prophetes did know most certainlie the thinges and miracles to be true as did also the whole people that were recorded in thes writinges conteining histories or els they saw the same confirmed frō God by signes and wonders as in the bookes of their prophetes of their-law gyuer Moises it fell out Thirdlie when anie thing was writen and admitted for scripture the care of cōseruation therof was such and the reuerence of Iewes therunto so great as may easilie assure vs that no corruption or alteration could happen vnto it For first the thig was copied out into twelue Autentical Copies for all the twelue tribes and then againe in euerie tribe ther were so manie Copies made as were particuler synagoges within that tribe All was donne by special Notaries Scribes ouerseers and witnesses The Copies after diligent renewe taken were layde vp by the whole Cōgregatiō in the treasure-howse of the temple vnder diuers lockes and keyes not to be touched but by men appointed nor to be vsed but with singuler reuerence To adde diminish corrupt or alter was present death by the lawes of the Nation And how then was it possible sayeth the Iewe that among thes writinges ether falshode should creepe in or truth once receaued could afterwardes be corrupted It is not possible sayeth he in reason and therfore obserueth he an other thing in this case which ī truth is of verie great consideration to witt that no other Nation vnder heauē did euer so much esteeme their owne writīges that they would offer to die for the same as the Iewes were redieto doe for euerie sentēce and syllable of their scriptures Wherof also it did proceede that in all their miseries and afflictions wherin they were a spectacle to all the world in all their flightes and banishementes to Egipt Babylon Persia Media and other corners of the earth in all their spoiles assaults and deuastations at home they yet euer had special care to conserue these writinges more then their owne lyues and so haue kepte the same without may me or corruptiō more ages together then all Nations in the world haue donne any other monumentes THE THIRD persuasion which is vsed by the Iewe for the veritie of his scriptures is the consideration of the particuler men that wrote them who were such as in reason can not be suspected of decept or falshod For as I haue said the Stories of the Byble were writen from tyme to tyme by publique authoritie and by the testimony of all men that saw and knew the thinges that are rehersed The bookes of propheties were endited by the prophetes them selues who were plaine simple and sincere mē authorized from God by continual miracles and yet so scrupulous and timerous of their owne speeches as they durst say nothing but only our Lord saith this the God of Hostes commaundeth that c. And when they had preached and reade their writinges in the hearinge of all the people they protested that it was not mans worde but gods and that for such they left it in the publique treasurie of their Nation vntill by tracte of tyme th' euent and fulfilling of their propheties should proue thē true as alwayes it did and their owne both liues and deathes declare that they meant no falshode their liues being such as were not subiect to the corruption pride vanitie or ambitiō of this life as other prophane and heathen writers were and their deathes for the most parte offered vp in holie martirdome for defence of that truthe whiche they had preached writen as appeareth in Esay that was sawed in peeces by kīg Manasles in Ieremie that was stoned to death by the common people in Ezechiel that was slayne by the capitaine of the Iewes at Babylō in Amos whose braines were beaten oute by Amasias the wicked idolitrous priaest in Bethel in Micheas whose necke was broken by prince Ioam sonne to kinge Achab in Zacharie that was slaine at th' Aulter and the lyke And this for the Prophetes of later tymes amōg the Iewes But now if we cōsider the first Prophete of all that wrote among that people I meane Moyses that was not only a Prophet but also an Historiographer a Law giuer a Captaine and a Prieste the first that euer reduced that people to a common wealth and the first that putt their actes gestes in writing or rather th' actes and gestes of almightie God towardes them this man I say if we cōsider hym onlie I meane the circūstances of his person the Iewe thiketh this a sufficiēt motiue to make anie mā of reason beleeue what so euer he hath lefte writen in the Bible without further confirmatiō And first for his antiquitie I haue spokē before and the heathēs doe confesse it for miracles donne by hym the greatest ennemies that euer he had in the world that is Appiō in his fowerth booke agaīst Iewes and Porphirie in his fowerthe booke agaīst Christiās d ee acknowledge them and Porphirie adioyneth more for proofe therof that he fownde the same cōfirmed by the storie of one Saconiathō a Gentile who liued as he saith at the same tyme with Moyses But what all those miracles say they were donne by artemagicke not by the power of God as Moyses boasted But thē asketh thē the Iew wher Moises a shepheard could learne so much magick or why could not the Magitians of Pharao whose studie was in that profession from their infancie ether doe the
lyke or at least wise delyuer them selues from the plagues of Egipt whie did they crie oute the fingar of God is here where did you euer heare such workes donne by magicke as Moyses did when he deuided the redde sea when he called into his cāpe so many Quayles vpon the suddayne as sufficed to feede six hundred thousand men besides women and children When he made a rocke to yeld foorth a fountaine whē he caused a dewe to fall frō heauē that nourrished his whole campe for fortie yeares together when he caused the grounde to open and swalloe downe alyue three of the richest noble men of all his armie together with their tabernacles and all other bagges and baggage When he caused a siar to come from heauen and cōsume siftie gentlemen of the former Rebelles adherētes without hurting any one that stoode about them Thes thinges did Moyses and manie other in the sight of all his armie that is in the sight of so manie hundred thousand people amōg which there were diuers his emulators and sworne enimies as by the storie icripture it self appeareth Core Dathan and Abiron with their faction soughte in all thinges to disgrace hym to deminishe his credite and therfore if any one pointe of thes miracles had bene reprouable Moyses would neuer haue durst to putt the same in writinge nor would the people haue stode with hym much lesse haue receaued his writinges for diuine and for gods owne wordes beinge sollicited agaynst hym by so potent meanes had not they knowen all thinges to be most true therin conteined and had seene his straunge miracles and familiaritie with God But he dealt plainelie and simplie in this behalfe he wrote the thinges of his owne doinges which euerie man present did know to be true and of Gods speeches and communicatiōs to hym self he wrote so much as he was commaunded wherof both God and his consciēce did beare hym witnesse He caused the whole to be reade vnto the people and layed vp in their Sacred Arcke and Tabernacle as gods owne writing and couenaunt with that nation He caused all the whole armie to sweare and vowe th' obseruāce therof And thē drawing towards his death he made a most excellēt exhortation vnto them persuading them sincerlie to the seruice of their God and cōfessing his owne infirmities and how for his oftences he was to die before their enterance to the lande of promisse He cōcealed notth ' offēces of his brother Aarō of his Grand-father Leui of his sister Marie and other of his kinred as worldlie princes for their honours are wonte to doe nether did he goe aboute to bring in gouernment after his disceasse any one of his owne sonnes which is greatelie to be obserued notwithstandinge he lefte behynde hym goodlie gentlemen fitt for that roome hym self of power to place them if he had endeuored But he lefte the gouernment to a straūger named Iosue as God had commaunded hym All which thinges sayeth the Iewe doe proue suffiçientelie that Moises was no man of ambition or of worldlie spirit but a true Scruaunt of God and consequētlie that he wrought not by magicke or falshod but by the onlie power of his Lorde and Master and that his writinges are true and of the same authoritie that in his lyfe and death he affirmed them to be that is th' vndoubted worde of almightie God THIS HE confirmeth yet further by a fowerth reason which is the consent and approbatiō of all later writers of the Bible that insued after Moyses For as among prophane writers of worldlie spirite it is a common fashion for hym that followeth to reprehende the former and to hunte after praise by his ancetours disgrace so in thes writers of the Bible it is a most certaine argument that all were guyded by one spirite from God that in continuance of so manie ages thousand yeares no one yet euer impugned th' other but alwayes the later supposing and approuing the former for true doth build therupon as vpon a sure fondatiō So the writinges of Iosue doe confirme and approue the writinges of Moises and the recordes of the Iudges doe reuerence and allowe the booke of Iosue The Storie of kiges chronicles doth referre it self to the storie of iudges One Prophete cōfirmeth other And finallie Christ approueth thē all by the knowē diuisiō of law psalmes ad Prophetes which is a demonstratiō that all their spirites agreed i one And thus hytherto haue bene declared thes fower considerations that are external or without the Bible to witte th' antiquitie and continuāce of the scriptures the maner of their writing and preseruing from corruption The sinceritie vertue and simplicitie of their writers together with their agreement and coherēce in one spirit But now further sayeth the learned Iew if you will but open the booke it self and looke into the texte that which therin is conteined you shall see gods owne hande gods owne characters gods owne signe and seale and subscription to the paper You shall see Gods omnipotencie Gods spirite Gods prouidence no lesse in thes letters of his booke then you beheld the same before in the tables of his creatures Nay much more sayeth he for that thes letters were deuised for declaration of thos tables to th' ende that such as for their blyndnes could not see hym in his creatures might learne at least to reade hym in his scriptures CONSIDER thē first sayeth he the subiecte or argumēt which the scriptures doe handle together with the scope and ende wherto they doe leuell You shall finde that the first is nothing els but th' actes and gestes of one eternal God as before hath bene mentioned and the secōd nothing els but the onlie glorie exaltation of the same great God together with the saluatiō of mankynde vpō earth And shall you finde anie writinges in the world besides that haue so worthie an argument or so highe an Ende Reade all the volumes and Monumentes of the Pagans turne ouer all their authors of what kynde or name or profession soeuer and see what mention they make of thes two thinges I meane of the honour of God of the saluation of man Reade their Philosophers see whether euer they name or pretende thes thinges Reade their Historiographers and marke how manie battails and victories they attribute vnto God They will describe to you oftē the particuler cōmēdatiō of euerie Captaine they will defraude no one souldiar of his praise in the victorie they will attribute much to the wisdome of the general much to his courage much to his watchfulnes much to fortune They will attribute to the place to the wynde to the wether to the shining of the sunne to the raising of the dust in th' enimies eyes to the flying of some litle birde in the ayer and to a thowsand such petie obseruatiōs besides but to God
nothing Where as cōtrarie wise in the scriptures it is in euerie battail recorded God deliuered them into their enimies handes God ouertbrevv them God gaue the victorie Againe consider the lawes and law makers among the Gentiles as Lycurgus Solon Draco Numa and the like and see whether you may finde any one such law or tending to such an ende as this is of the Iewes thou shalt loue thie God vvith all thie hart and vvith al thie soule and shalt loue thy neighbour as thie self Consider in all the Southesayers and Diuiners amōg the Gentiles whether they vsed to say ī their predictions as the prophetes of Israel did Dominus dixit our Lord hath spoken it or els Ego dico I doe speake it Compare their Versifiers and Poetes with those of the scripture and see whether they haue laboured in the praise of men or of God And where as heathen Poetes haue filled vp their bookes as also the most parte of ours at this day with matter of carnal loue marke whether anie of thē euer brake forth into such pangues of spiritual chaste loue as Holie Dauid did whē he said I will loue the my God my strēgth my firmament my refuge my deliuerer my helper my protector and the horne of my saluation And againe in an other verse What haue I desired vpon earth besides thee my flesh and harte haue fainted for thee thou God of my hart thou God that arte my parte and portion euerlasting By all which is euident that as prophane writinges and writers which doe treate of men extoll men seeke the grace of men referre all to the commoditie and good liking of men doe proceede of the spirite of mā are subiecte to those infirmities of falshode errour vanity wherwith man is intangeled in this life so the scriptures which handle matters aboue the compasse of flesh and blood that referre all to God and supernatural endes could not proceede of nature or of humane spirit For that by nature the Iewes were men as the Gentiles were and had their infirmities of flesh blood as th' other had And therfore it must needes be concluded that thes high and supernatural writinges amonge them proceeded from God that specially directed them gaue them lighte of vnderstanding aboue all other nations people in the world NEXT AFTER the argument and Ende of the scriptures the Iew willeth vs to consider the peculier stile and phrase which they vse for that sayeth he it being different from all other maner of writing in the world and vnimitable to man it doth discouer the fingar of God by which it was framed For where as humane writers doc labour much in adorninge their stile and in reducing their wordes to number weight measure and sounde with addition of manie figures and other ornamentes for allurement of the reader the scripture taketh quite an other course and vseth a most maruelous simplicitie therby to accommodate it self to the capacitie of the weakest but yet alwayes carying with it so greate profunditie as the best learned in searche therof shall confesse their owne ignorance For examples sake consider but the verie first wordes of the Bible In the beginning God created heauen and earth and the earth vvas emptie and voide and darkenes vvas vpon the face of the depth and the spirit of God vvas caried vpon the vvaters and God said lett light be made and light vvas made c. What can be more plaine and simple then this narration to instruct the most vnlearned aboute the beginning and creation of the world and yet when learned men come to examine euerie pointe therof how what and where and in what manner when thinges were donne it astonisheth them all to cōsider the difficulties which they finde and the depthe of so infinite inscrutable mysteries Besides this there goeth in the same simplicitie a straunge Maiestie and grauitie of speech declaring sufficientlie from how greate and potent a prince it proceedeth For as great Monarches in their edictes and proclamations are wonte to speake vnto their subiectes not in figures and rhetorical phrases but plainlie breeflie and peremptorilie to shew their authoritie so the scriptures to declare whose edictes they be doe vse the like maner of phrase and stile to all the world without alluring or flattering anie man and without respect of Monarche Emperour prince or potentate Fac hoc viues doe this and thou shalt liue Si peccaueris in me morieris in aeternum if thou sinne against me thou shalt die euerlastingly And albeit as I haue said the scripturs doe vse this simplicitie of speech and doe not admitte that kynde of painted and artificial stile which humane writers dos so much couet yet in persuading instructing mouing of affections and all other effectes whiche speech or writinge can worke there is no comparason a thing most wōderful betwene anie other writinges in the world and thes Wherof I. could alleage manie proofes and examples but that it were to longe Let anie man reade attentiuelie but the first chapter of the prophetie of Esay and cōpare it with anie one parte or parcel of Tullies or of Demostines oratiōs see whether the difference of wordes be as great as the difference of motions Let diuers hymnes and holie psalmes of the scriptures be cōferred with the most pathetical poemes that mans wit hath inuēted and see whether there be anie comparason in styrring and fiaring of affections or no This am I sure that Iosephus the Iew who for glorie of his eloquence had his image of mettal erected by Titus the Emperour ī the market place of Rome wrote the same storie which the scriptures conteine and bestowed much labour and humane cūning therin But yet euen in thos places when he endeuoured most to shew his arte as in the sacrifice of Isaac by his father and in the meeting of Iephte with his onely daughter which by vow he was cōstrained to put to death the scriptures are able to pearse the hart wring owt teares of the reader whom Iosephus will not greatelie moue with his rhetorical narration though otherwise verie learned and artificiallie penned Aristaeus that learned Gētile of whom we haue made mention before who was in special fauour with Ptolomie the second greate Monarche of Egipt aboute 300 yeares before Christes natiuitie and a chief doer in procuring the translation of the Hebrue Bible into the greeke language reported of his owne knowledge to that king two straunge accidentes which had happened in his time which he had vnderstoode of the parties themselues to whom they had happened The first was of Theopompus an eloquent Historiographer who hauing translated certaine thinges out of the Bible and endeuouring to adorne the same with vaine colours of eloquence could not perfourme his desire but was strokē with a suddain maze and gyddines
what eche tribe should attaine after his death by drawinge of lottes Againe the same Moyses forsawe and fortolde in publique hearing of all the people how in tymes to come longe after his death the Iewes should forsake God and for their synnes be cast into manie banishementes and finallie be forsaken and the Gentiles receaued in their roome as in deed it came to passe And whence trow you could he learne this but from God alone In the booke of Iosue there is a curse layed vpō the place where Iericho stoode and vpon what soeuer person should goe about to rebuild the same to wit that in his eldest sonne he should lay the foundations and in his yongest sonne should he builde the gates therof which is to saye that before the foundations were layed and gates builded he should be punished with the death of all his children Which thing was fulfilled almost fiue hundred yeares after in one Hiel who presumed vnder wicked kinge Achab to rebuild Iericho againe and was terrified from the same by the suddaine death of Abiram and Segub his children as the booke of kinges reportech according to the vvorde of our Lord vvhich he had spoken in the hande of Iosue the fonne of Nun And since that tyme to this no man ether Iewe or Gētile hath taken vpon hym to raise againe the said Citie albeit the situation be most pleasant as by relation of Stories and Geographers appeareth In the third booke of kinges it is recorded that when Ieroboam had withdrawen ten tribes from th' obedience of Roboam kinge of Iuda to th' ende they might neuer haue occasion to revnite thē selues againe to Iuda by their goinge to sacrifice in Ierusalem as by the law they were appointed he builded for them a goodlie gorgeous highe Aulter in Bethel and there cōmanded them to doe their deuotions And when he was one day thero present hymself and offering his incense vpon the said Aulter and all the people lookinge on there came a man of God sayeth the scripture and stoode before the Aulter and cried out aloude and spake thes wordes O Aulter Aulter this sayeth our Lorde behold a childe shal be borne of the hovvse of Dauid vvhose name shal be Iosias and he shal sacrifice vpon thee thes idolatrous priestes that novv burne francomsense vpon the and he shal burne the bones of men vpon thee Thus spake that man of God in the presence and hearinge of all the people more then three hundred yeares before Iosias was borne and it was registred prosentelie according to the manner of that tyme which I haue noted before and with the same were registred also the miracles which happened about that fact as that the Aulter clefte in two vpō the mans wordes and Ieroboam extendinge owt his hande to apprehend hym lost presentelie the vse and feeling therof vntill it was restored againe by the said holie mans prayers who notwithstanding for that he disobeyed Gods commandement in his returne and dyd eate with a prophet of Samar a which was forbidden hym he was slaine in his way homeward by a Lion and his bodie was brought backe againe buried in Bethel nigh the said Aulter amongest the sepulchers of those idolatrous preestes of that place but yet with a superscription vpon his tombe conteining his name and what had happened There passed three hundred yeares and Iosias was borne and came to reigne in Iuda And one daye cōming to Bethel to ouerthrow the Aulter and to destroye the sepulchers of those idolitrous priestes that had bene buried i that place whē he began to breake their tombes he fownde by chance the sepulcher of the said man of God with the superscription vpon it By which superscription and by relation of the citizēs of Bethel when he perceaued that it was the sepalcher of hym that had fortolde his byrth his name and his doinges so manie hundred years before he was borne he lett the same stande vntouched as the fowerth booke of kinges doth declare Now consider whether among anie people in the world but onlie amonge the Iewes ther were euer anie such prophetie so certaine so particuler so longe fortolde before the tyme and so exactelie fulfilled But yet the holie scriptures are full of the lyke and tyme permitteth me onlie to touch some few of the principal Esay the prophet is wonderful in fortelling the mysteries and actes of the Messias his natiuitie his life and all the particulers that happened in his passiō In so much that S. Ierome sayeth he may seeme rather to write a storie of deedes past then a prophetie of euentes to come But yet among other thinges it is to be noted that he liuing in a peaceable and prosperous tyme in Iuda when the Iewes were in amitie and greate securitie with the Babyloniās he forsawe and fortolde the destruction of Ierusalem by the said Babylonians and the greeuous captiuitie of Iewes vnder them as also the destruction of Babylon againe by Cyrus kinge of Persia whose expresse name and greatnes he published in writing almost two hundred yeares before he was borne saying in the person of God First to Ezechias king of Iuda that reioysed in the frindshippe he had with Babylon behold the dayes shall come vvhen all that thou and thye fathers haue layed up shall be caried avvay to Babylon and thy children shal be eunuches in the king of Babylons Palace And next to Babylō he said the destruction of Babylon vvhich Esay the sonne of Amos savve c. houle crie for that the day of our Lorde is at hande c. And thirdlie to Cyrus not yet borne who was preordained to destroye the same and to restore the people from banishemēt to rebuild the temple in Ierusalē he sayeth thus I say to Cyrus thou art my shepheard and thou shalt fulfill all my vvill I say to Ierusalem thou shalt be builded againe I say to the temple thou shalt be founded again This sayeth our Lord to my amointed Cyrus I vvill goe before thee vvill humble the glorious people of the earthe in thy presence I vvill breake their brasen gates crushe in peeces their yron barres for my seruant Iacobs sake haue I called thee by thie Name and haue armed the vvher as thou knovvest not me Can anie thing be more clearlie or miraculouslie spoken in the world then to name a heathé not yet borne that should conquerre so stronge a Monarchie as Babylon was at this tyme should builde againe the temple of Ierusalem which others of his owne religiō had destroyed before hym what cause what reason what lykeliehode could be of this yet Esay speaketh it so confidentelie as he sayeth that he savve it and he nameth two witnesses therof that is Vrias and Zacharias that were not borne in manie yeares after saying and I tooke vnto me tvvo faithful vvitnesses Vrias the prieste and Zacharias
he was worshipped as a God in that countrie and called by many Mercurius And that the Ethiopians learned circuncisiō of him which afterward alwayes they retained and so doe vntill this day And as for his miracles donne in Egypt his leading the people thence by the reade sea his liuing with them fortie yeares in the desert the heathen writers agree in al things with the scriptures sauing onely that they recōpt diuers things to the praise of Moyses which he hath not writen of him self adding also his description to witt that he was a longe taule man with a yeolowe bearde and longe heare Wherwith also accordeth Numenius Pythagoricus touching the actes of Moyses whose life he sayeth that he had reade in the auncientest recordes that were to be had But the fornamed Eupolemus goeth yet forwarde pursueth the storie of Iosue of the Iudges of Saul Dauid of Salomō euē vnto the building of the temple which he describeth at large with the particuler letters writē about thatmatter the king of Tyrus which Iosephus sayeth were in his dayes kepte in the recordes of the Tyrīās And with Eupolemꝰ agree Polyhister Hecataeus Abderita that liued serued ī warre with king Alexāder the great and they make mention amongest other thīges of the inestimable riches of Salomō and of the treasures which he did hyde and burie according to the fascion of that tyme in the sepulcher of his father Dauid which to be no fable though not mentioned by the scripture Iosephꝰ well proueth for that Hircanus the highe Priest and kinge of Iurie being besieged in Ierusalem by Antiochus surnamed Pius not manie yeares before Christs natiuitie to redeeme hym self and the cittie and to pay for his peace opened the said sepulcher of Dauid and fecht out of one parte therof three thousand Talentes in redy monie which amounte to six hundred thousand powndes Englishe if we accompt the talentes but at the least size of talentum Haebraicum And as for the thinges which ensued after Salomon as the diuision of the tribes among them selues and their diuers warres afflictions and transmigrations into other cōtries manie heathen writers doe mention and recorde them and among other Herodotus and Diodorus Sieulus And the fornamed Alexander Polyhistor talking of the captiuitie of Babylon sayeth that Ieremie a Prophet tolde Ioachim his kinge what would befall hym and that Nabuchodonosor hearinge therof was moued therby to besiege Ierusalē Of the flight of Senacharib from the siege of Ierusalem how he was killed at his returne home by his owne childrē in the temple according to the prophetie of Esay and storie of the booke of kinges for that he had blasphemed the Lord God of Israel Herodotus witnesseth and that after his death he had a Statua or image of metal erected in his memorie with this inscription in greeke He that beboldeth me lett hym learne to be godlie Conferre Xenophon also in his seuenth booke de Cyropaedia and you shall see hym agree with Daniel in his narrations of Babylon And finallie I will conclude with Iosephus the learned Iewe that wrote imediatelie after Christs ascension and protesteth that the publique writinges of the Syriaus Chaldaeans Phenicians and innumerable hystories of the Graecians are sufficiēt to testifie the antiquitie truth authoritie and certaintie of holie scriptures if there were no other proofe in the world besides The cōclusion of the chapter vvith th' applicatiō Sect. 4. THus farre haue I treatede of the wayes and meanes which haue bene left to the world from the beginninge therby to know vnderstande their Maker In treating which point I haue stayed my self the longer for that it is the groūd foundatiō of all that is or maye be said hereafter It is the first final chiefest principle of all our eternal saluation or damnatiō and of the total weale or woe that must befail vs possesse vs for euer Which grounde and veritie if it be so certaine and euident as before hath bene shewed by all reason and proofe both diuine and humane and that the matter be so testified and proclamed vnto vs by all the creatures of heauen and earth and by the mouth and writing of our Creator hymself as no ignorance or blindnes can excuse the same no slouthfulnes dissemble it no wickednes denie it what remaineth then but to consider with our selues what seruice this God requireth at our hádes what gratitude what duetie what honour for our creation to th' ēde that as we haue proued hym a most bountiful Creator so we may fynde hym a propitious iudge munificent rewarder For it is not probable that his diuine maiestie which hath appointed euerie other creature to some action for his owne glorie as hathe bene declared at large before should leaue mankinde onelie whiche is the worthiest of all the rest without obligation to his seruice In which one pointe not withstanding though neuer so cleare such is the fondnesse of our corrupt nature without gods holie grace fayled thos auncient wise men of the world of whom S. Paul speaketh so much in his epistle to the Romans taking compassion of their case and callinge them fooles and all their great learnīge philosophie meere fondnesse for that vvheras by the meanes before mentioned they came to knovv God they did not seeke to glorifie hym as appertained vnto God not yet did render hym due thankes but vanished avvaye in their cogitations c. That is they tooke no profitt by this knowledge of theirs but applied their cogitations vpon the vanities of this worlde more then vpon the honour and seruice of this their God For whiche cause S. Paul adioyneth presentelie in the same place that forso much as they did thus did not shew foorthe by their lyfe and workes that they had the knowledge of God in deede God deliuered them ouer to a reprobate sense and suffered them to fall into horrible synnes which S. Paul doth name and detest in all that chapter and finallie concludeth that their euerlasting perdition ensued principallie vpon this one pointe that wheras they knevv the iustice of God by all the wayes and argumētes that before haue bene declared yet would they not vnderstand saith he that death was due to all such which liued in wickednes as they did And the same Apostle vpon consideration of thes matters wherin he standeth long for th' importance therof pronounceth in sine this general sentence with great asseueration and vehemencie of spirit that the vvrath of God is reucaled from heauē vpon al impietie and iniustice of thos men vvho holde the knovvledge of God in vnrighteousnes that is who beig indued with the knowledge of God doe liue notwithstanding vnrighteouslie or as he saidbefore doe consume their dayes in vanitie not makīg accompt of the seruice which they doe owe to that God for their Creation and
other benefites Which thinge if S. Paul might trulie saye vnto these Gentiles before his tyme who had onelie natural knowledge and vnderstanding of God that is so much as by his creatures was to be gathered what may or shal be said vnto vs who haue not onelie that light of nature which they had but also the wrytinges ànd lawe of God hymself communicated speciallie vnto the Iewes and aboue that also haue hearde the voyce of his onelie sonne vpon earth and haue receiued the doctrine of his most holie ghospel and yet doe liue as negligentelie manie of vs as did the verie heathens touching good life and vertue Surelie in this case I must denounce against my self that if it be true as it can not be false which this blessed Apostle affirmeth here of thes heathen philosophers that by that litle knowledge they had of God they vvere made inexcusable then by the most iust certaine rule of Christ layed downe in S. Luke cui multum datum est multum quaretur ab eo that of euerie man which hath receiued much a greater accompte shal be taken for the same we are forced to inferre that our accompt shal be greater and our selues much more inexcusable before his diuine maiestie thē the verie Gentiles and heathens are if after all our knowledge and manifest vnderstanding of his Godhead and iustice vve vanishe avvay in our cogitatiōs as they did as most parte of the world at this day are sene to doe that is if we applie our cogitatiōs cares aboute the vaine affaires of this tēporal life and trāsitorie cōmodities which we should bestowe vpō the seruice and honour of this our Lord and Creator OF THE FINAL ENDE AND CAVSE WHIE MAN WAS CREATED BY GOD and placed in this world And of th' obligation he hath therby to attende to th' affaire for vvhich he came hyther CHAPT III. BY the Chapter precedent I nothing doubt gétle reader but if thou haue sene and perused the same thou remainest sufficientlie informed of thy Creator Now followeth it by order of good consequence that we cōsider with some attention for that it standeth vs much vpon what intent purpose God had in creating vs and this world for our sakes and in placing vs therin as Lords of the same By the former considerations we haue learned that as among other creatures nothing made it self so nothig was made for it self nor to serue it self The heauens we see doe serue th' ayer th' ayer serueth th' earth th' earth serueth beastes the beastes serue man and then is the questió whom mā was made to serue For in hym also holdeth the former reason that seig he was not made by hym self it is not likelie that he was made to serue hym selfe If we consult with the scripture herein we finde a general sentence layed downe without exception Vniuersa propter semetipsum operatus est Dominus our Lorde hath made all thinges for hym self And if all the man likewise no doubte who is not the least of the rest which he hath made And hereby it cometh to passe that man can not be said to be free or at his owne appointement or disposition in this world but obliged to perfourme that thing for which he was sent into this habitation Which pointe holie Iob declareth plainelie in a certaine inuectiue that he maketh against such men as were careles and negligent in consideration of this affaire A vaine man sayeth he is lifted vp in pride and thinketh hym self to be borne as free as the colt of a vvilde asse That is he thinketh hym self bound to nothīg subiect to nothīg accōptable for nothing that he doth in this life but onlie borne free to passe his time ī disporte pleasure as a wilde colte in a desert that hath no Master to tame hym Whiche in other words the wise mā vttereth thus He estremeth this life of ours for aplaigame therfore careth not how he liueth or wherin he spéd passe-ouer the tyme. And this of the man whó the scripture calleth Vaine But now for the sooer wise and discrete of whom it is writen the vvay of life is vpon the learned to th' ende they may decline from the lovvest hell they are farre from so greate follie as to imagine that no accompt shall be demanded of our being in this world for that they haue reade that God shall bring into iudgement vvhat so euer is donne for euerie fault that is commytted And the Christian man knoweth further by the mouth and asseueration of his Saue our and Redeemour that he shall be accomptant for euerie idle worde that he misvttereth and finalie there is no man that is ether of reason or conuersant in the writinges and testament of his Creator but remembreth well that among all other irritations wherby the wicked man is said to prouoke Gods patience to indignation none is more often repeated or more greeuouslie taken then that he said in his harte God vvill as ke no accompt With thes men then alone shall be my speeche in this present chapter who haue a desire to discharge well this accompte For attayning wherof trulie I can gyue them no better counsaile instruction or aduise then to doe in this case as a good marchant-factour is wonte to doe when he arriueth in forraine Countries or as a souldiar or Capitaine sent by his prince to some greate exploite is accustomed when he cometh to the place appointed that is to weigh and consider deepolie for what cause he came thither whie he was sent to what ende what to attempte what to prosecute what to perfourme what shal be expected and required at his handes vpon his returne by hym that sent hym thyther For thes cogitations no doubt shall stirre hym vp to attende to that for which he came not to imploy his tyme in impertinent affaires The lyke would I counsail a Christian to putt in vre concerning the case proposed and to demande of hymself betwene God and his conscience why and wherfore and to what endo he was created sent hythe into this worlde what to doe wherin to bestowe his dayes c. And then shal he fynde that for no other cause matter or ende but onlie to serue God in this life and by that seruice to gaine heauen and saluation in the lyfe to come This was the condition of our creation as Moyses well expresseth and this was the consideration of our redeeming fortolde by Zacharie before we were yet redeemed that vve being deliuered foorth of the handes of our enimies should serue God inholines and righteousnes all the dayes of our liues Of this consideration doe ensue two consequentes to be obserued Whereof the first is that seinge our ende and final cause of being in this worlde is to serue God and therby to worke our owne saluation whatsoeuer thinge we doe or bestowe our tyme
in which ether is contrarie or impertinent or not profitable to this ende though it were to gaine kingdomes it is vanitie and lost labour that will turne vs in tyme to griefe and repētance if we change not our course for that it is not the matter for which we came īto this life nor wherof we shal be demanded an accompt except it be to receyue iudgement and punishement for the same Secondlie it followeth of the same consideration that seing our onlīe busines and affaire in this worlde is to serue our Maker and saue our owne soules and that all other earthelie creatures are put here to serue our vses to that onlie ende we should for our partes be indifferent to all thes creatures as to riches or pouertie to health or sicknes to honour or cōtempte to lytle learning or much learning and we should desire onlie so much or litle of either of them as were best for vs to th' attainement of our said ende and Butte pretended that is to tho seruice of God the weale of our soules For who so euer desireth seekthe loueth or vseth thes creatures more thē for this rūnneth from his ende for which he came hyther By this then may a careful Christian take some scanteling of his owne estate with God and make a cōiecture whether he be in the right waye or no. For if he attende onlie or principallie to this ende for which he was set hyther if his cares cogitations studdies endeuours labours talke conuersation and other his actiōs doe runne vpon this matter and that he careth no more for other creatures as honours riches learnig and the lyke thē they are necessarie vnto hym for this ende that he pretēdeth If his dayes life be spent in this studdie of the seruice of God and procuring his owne saluatiō in carefulnes feare and trembling as th' Apostle aduiseth hym then is he doubteles a most happie and blessed man and shall at length attaine to the kingedome which he expecteth But if hē finde hym self in a contrarie case and course that is not to attende in deede to this matter for which onlie he was sent hyther nor to haue in his hart studie this seruice of God and gayning heauen but rather some other vanitie of the world as promotion wealth pleasure sumptuous apparrel gorgeous buildinges beautie fauour of princes or anie other thing els that apparteineth not vnto this ende if he spend his tyme about thes trifles hauing his cares and cogitations his talke and delight more in thes thinges then about th' other greate busines of gayning Gods eternal kingdome for which he was made and placed in this wold Then is he I assure hym in a peri lous waye leading directelie to perditió except he alter and change his course For most certaine it is that who so euer shal not attende vnto the seruice he came for shal neuer attaine therewarde assigned and promissed to that seruice And for that the most parte of all this worlde not onlie of infidels but also Christiās doe rūne amisse in this pointe and doe not take care of that affaire and busines for which alone they were created and placed heere hence it is that Christe and his holie Sainctes bothe before and after his appearance in fleshe haue spoken so hardlie and seuerelie of the verie simal number that shal be saued euen among Christians and haue vttered certaine speeches which seeme verie rigourous to fleshe and blood to such as are most touched therin scarse credibile albeit they must be fulfilled As among other thinges that a louer of this worlde can not be saued that riche men doe enter as hardlie into heauen as a Camel through a Needles eye and the like The reason of which maner of speeches doth stande in this that a riche man or worldling attending with all his industrie to heape riches as the fashion is can not attende nor euer doth to that for which he came into this world and consequentelie can neuer attaine heauen except God worke a miracle and therby doe cause hym to spende oute his riches to the benefyte of his soule as some tymes he doth and so doe lessen the Camel in suche sorte as he may passe the Needles eye Wherof we haue a verie rare example in the Gospel of Zachaeus who beinge a riche man did presentelie vpō th' entering of Christ into his house and muche more as appeareth into his harte resolue hym self to change his former course touchinge riches and at one blowe to begynne withall gaue awaye halfe of all he possessed to the poore and for the rest made proclamation that who soeuer had receaued anie wrong at his handes as comonlie manie doe by them that are riche he should come and receyue fower tymes so much amendes By which almes and restitution he deliuered hym self from the Camels gibbe or bunch on his backe that letted his passage through the Needles eye And this extraor dinarie fauour and grace he receyued by the fortunate presence of his most blessed and bountiful Guest who had signified before in an other place that hym self was able so to drawe the Camel as he should passe the Needles eye for that thinges impossible to man were possible to God But to leaue this and to goe forwarde in our former purpose no mauaile it is if in the world abrode so fewe be saued seing that of thousandes skarse one doth accompt of that busines whiche of all other is the chiefe and principall Consider you the multitude of all sorte of people vpon earthe and see what their trafike and negotiation is see whether they treate this affaire or no see wherin their care and studie and cogitation consisteth How manie thousandes finde you in Christiandome who spende not one houre of fower and twentie nor one halfe daye of fortie in the seruice of God or busines of their soule how infinite haue you that breake their braines aboute worldlie cōmodities and how few that are troubled with this other cogitation how manie finde tyme to eate drinke sleepe disporte decke and trim ne them selues to the vew of others and yet haue no tyme to bestowe in this greatest busines of all other busines how manie passe ouer whole dayes weekes monethes and yeares and finallie their whole liues in haukīg hūting other pastimes without regarde of this importāt affaire how manie miserable women haue you in the world that spend more dayes in one yeare in pricking vp their apparell and adorning their carcasse then they doe houres i prayer for the space of all their life And what alas shall become of this people in th' ende what will they doe or saye at the daye of accompte what excuse will they alleage what waye will they turne them If the marchand-factour which I mentioned before after manie years spent in forraine countries vpon his Masters exspences should returne at length
that they tooke litle pleasure in the wayes they had walked not withstanding they were esteemed most prosperous and happie by men of this world Iosephus the Iewe recompteth two very rare examples of humane felicitie in Herode the first and Agrippa his Cosine wherof th' one by Antonie the Triumuir and th' other by Caligula th' Emperour both of them being otherwise but priuate gentilmen and in great pouertie and miserie when they fled to Rome were exalted vpon the suddaine to vnexpected great fortune and made riche Monarches and glorious Potentates They were indued at seueral tymes with the kingdome and crowne of Iurie that in such ample sorte as neuer any of that Nation after them had the like For which cause they are called in the Hebrue storie for distinctions sake Herode the Great and Agrippa the Great They ruled and commaunded all in their dayes they wanted nether siluer nor gold nor pleasures nor pastimes nor friendes nor flatterers And besides all thes gyftes of fortune they abounded also in ornamentes and excellencie of bodie and witte And all this was increased and made the more admirable by reason of their base low estate before in respect wherof their present fortune was esteemed for a perfect paterne of most absolute felicitie This they enioyed for a certaine space and to assure thē selues of the continuāce they bent all their cares cogitations and studdies to please the humours of the Roman Emperours as their Gods and authours of all their prosperitie and felicitie vpō earth In respect of whose fauours as Iosephus noteth they cared litle to violate their owne religiō of the Iewes or anie thing els that was most Sacred And this forsooth was esteemed of manie a most wise politique prosperous and happie course But what was th' ende and consummation of this their rase First Herode fell sicke of such an incurable and lothesome desease and was tormented in the same with so manie terrours and horrible accusations of his conscience as he pronounced hym self to be the most miserable afflicted creature that euer liued and so calling one daye for a knife to pare an aple would nedes haue mundered hym self with the same if his arme had not bene stayed by them that stoode by And for Agrippa Iosephus reporteth how that vpon a certaine daye which he kept festiual in Caesarea for the honour of Claudius the Roman Emperour when he was in his most extreme pompe and ioylitie in the middest of all his Peeres Nobles and Damosels cōming foorth at an hower appointed all glittering in golde siluer to make an oration vnto the people his voice gesture countenāce and apparel so pleased as the said people began to crie being sollicited ther vnto by some flaterours that it vvas the voyce of God and not of man wherin Agrippa taking pleasure and delectation was stoocken presentlie from heauen with a moste horrible putrifaction of all his bodie wherof he died repeating onlie to his friendes thes wordes in the middest of his tormētes Behold ye mee that doe sente to you a God hovv miserablie I am Inforced to departe from you all Now then would I demaunde of thes two so fortunate men who laying a side all care of God and religion did follow the prefermentes of this world so freshelie and obtained the same so luckelie how they liked of this their course and rase in th' ende Trulie I doubt not but if they were here to answer for them selues they would assure vs that one hower bestowed in the seruice of God and of their saluation would more haue comforted them at that last instant then all their labours toiles which they tooke in their liues for pleasing of Emperours and gathering the grace and good likinge of mortal men Vse then ô Christian vse this experience to thy commoditie vse it to thy instructiō vse it to thy forwarning That which they are now thou shalt be shortlie and of all follies it is the greatest not to profite or flee daungers by th' exāple of others The difference betwene a wise mā and a foole is that th' one prouideth for a mischiefe while tyme serueth th' other would doe whē it is to late If thou mightest feele now the state and case wherin thy poore hart shal be at the last daye for neglecting the thing that of all other it should haue studdied thought vpō most thou wouldest take frō thy meate sleepe and other necessaries to repaire that is past Hytherto thou hast time to refourme thy course if thou please which is no small benefite if all were knowen For in this sense no doubt is it most true which the wise man saith that better it is to be a lyuing dogge then a dead Lyō For that while the daye tyme of this life indureth all thinges amisse may easelie be amēded But the dreadful night of death will ouertake thee shortlie then shall there be no more space of reformation Oh that men would be wise and forsee thinges to come sayeth one prophet The greatest wisdome ī the world deare brother is to looke and attēde to our owne saluation For as the scripture sayeth most trulie he is a vviseman in deede that is vvise to his ovvne soule And of this wisdome it is writen in the verie same booke as spoken by her self In mee is the grace of all life and truth and in mee is the hope of all life and vertue In moral actions and humane wisdome we see that the first and chyefest circumstance is to regarde well and consider the ende And how thē doe we omit the same in this greate affaire of the kingdome of heauen If our ende be heauē what meane we so much to affect our selues to earth if our ende be God whie seeke we so greedilie the worldlie fauour of men if our ende be the saluation and eternitie of our soule why doe we follow vanities and temporalities of this life vvhie spende ye your monie and not in breade sayeth God by Esay vvhie bestovve ye your labour i thinges that vvill not yeld you savuritie If our inheritance be that we should reigne as kinges whie putt we our selues in suche slauerie of creatures if our birth allow vs to feede of bread in our fathers howse whie delighte we in huskes prouyded for the swine But alas we may saye with the wise man in scripture Fascinatio nugacitatis obscurat bona The bewitching of worldlie trifles doth obscure and hyde from vs the things that are good behouesull for our soules ô most daungerous inchantement But what shall this excuse vs no trulie for the same spirite of God hath left recorded Populus non intelligens vapulabit The people that vnderstādeth not shal be beaten for it And an other prophet to the same effect pronounceth This people is not vvise and therefore he that made them shall not pardon them neither
contende This yet maketh the Patriarche Iacob more plaine who prophesing at his death of the comminge of Christ hathe thes wordes the scepter or gouernment shall not be taken from the house of Iuda vntill be come that is to be sent and he shal be the expectation of Nations Which later wordes the fornamed Chaldie paraphrase as also great Onkelos both of singuler authoritie amōgest the Iewes doe interprete thus Donee Christus seu Messias veniat c. vntil Christ or the Messias come which is the hope and expectation of all Nations as well Gentiles as of vs that are Iewes the gouernment shall not ceasse in the house or tribe of Iuda By which sentence of scripture and interpretation of the Iewes thē selues we come to learne besides the promisse for the Messias two cōsequences in this matter against the Iewes of later tymes First that if their Messias must be the hope and expectation as well of Gentiles as of Iewes then can he not be a temporal kinge to destroye the Gentiles as the latter Iewes would haue it but a spiritual king to reigne ouer them and to bring in subiection their spiritual enimies for them I meane the fleshe world and deuil as we Christians doe beloeue Secondlie if the temporal kingdome of the house of Iuda where of Christ must come shall ceasse and be destroyed at the comming of Messias as this scripture auoucheth how then can the Iewes expect yet a temporal king for their Messias as most fondlie they doe But to leaue this controuersie with the later Rabines and to goe forward in declaration of that which we tooke in hand that is to shew howe Christ was fortolde fore-promissed to the Iewes it is to be noted that after the death of Iacob last mentioned there is litle recorded in scripture of the doinges of his people during the fower hundred yeares of their bondoge in Egypt But yet the tradition of that Nation teacheth that as soone as they were deliuered out of Egypt and were in the desert towardes the lande of promisse the three sonnes of Chore called Aser Eleana Abiasaphe of whome there is mention in the sixth chapter of Exodus and other where made diuers songes and Psalmes in the praise and expectation of the Messias to come and that the holie men of that tyme did solace thē selues with singing the same and that king Dauid afterward in the second parte of his Psalmes begining from the 41. vnto the 87. gathered the most parte of those olde songes together as yet they are to be seene in his psalter But Moyses who liued with that people gouerned them in the wildernes had a cleare reuelatiō from God of this Messias in thes wordes I vvill raise vp a Prophet to this people from amongest their brethren euen as thy self and I vvill putt my vvordes in his mouth and he shal speak vnto them all thinges vvhich I shal ordaine vnto him and he that shal refuse to heare the vvordes vvhich he shal speake vnto thē in my name I vvill he reuenged vpon that man Which wordes that they can not be vnderstoode of anie other Prophet that euer liued after Moyses among the Iewes but onlie of Christ it appeareth plainelie by this testimonie of the holye ghoste And were arose not anie other Prophet in Israel like unto Moyses c. After Moyses about fower hundred yeares ensued Dauid whoe for that he was a holie man and the first king of the howse of Iuda out of whose linage the Messias was to come the particulers of this mysterie were more abundantlie and manifestlie reueiled vnto hym then vnto anie other And first for assurance that Christ should be borne of his stocke and linage thes are the wordes of God vnto hym I haue svvorne to Dauid my seruant I vvil prepare thie seed for eternitie and vvill build vp thie seat to all generations Which wordes albeit the later Iewes will applie to king Salomon that was Dauides sonne and in some sense they may so bee for that Salomon was a figure of Christ to come yet properlie thes wordes and his kingdome shal stand for euer and for all eternitie which are so often repeated in this and other places of scripture can not be verified in Salomō whose earthelie kingdome was rent torne in peeces straight after his death by Ieroboam and not longe after as it were extinguished but they must needes be vnderstoode of an eternal king which should come of Dauids seede as must also thes other wordes of God in the psalmes Thou arte my sonne this day haue I begotten the I vvill gyue vnto thee the Gentiles for thine inheritance Which was neuer fulfilled in Salomon nor in anie temporal king of Iurie after hym And muche lesse thes wordes that follow He shall endure vvith the sunne and before the moone from generation to generation There shal rise vp in his dayes peace vntil the moone be taken avvay he shal reigne from sea to sea vnto the endes of the vvorld All kinges shal adore hym and all Nations shal serue hym for that he shal deliuer the pooreman that had no helper he shal saue their soules and deliuer them from vsurie and from iniquitie all tribes of the earth shal be blessed in hym and all Nations shal magnisie hym Thes wordes of Christs eternal kingdome of his enduring to the worlds ende of his vniuersal raigne ouer Iew and Gentile of his adoration by all Nations of his deliuerie of soules from bondage of iniquitie and finallie of his making blessed all tribes of the earth can not possiblie be applied to anie temporal kinge that euer was among the Iewes or euer shal be but onlie to Christ. This promisse made vnto Dauid for Christ to come of his seede is repeated after his death by manie prophetes and confirmed by God as in Ieremie where God vseth thes wordes Behold the dayes come on and I vvill raise vp to Dauid a iust seede and he shal reigne a kinge and shal be vvise and shal doe iudgement and iustice vpon earth And in his dayes shal Iuda be saued and Israel shal dvvel confidentlie this is the name that men shall call hym OVR IVST GOD. All this was spoken of Dauids seede aboue fower hundred yeares after Dauid was dead Whiche proueth manifestlie that the former promisses and speeches were not made to Dauide for Salomon or for anie other temporal kinge of Dauids lyne but for Christ who was called so peculierlie the sonne and seede of Dauid for that Dauid was the first king of the tribe of Iuda and not onelie was Christs Progenitor in flesh but also did beare his Type and Figure in manie other thinges For which cause likewise in the prophet Ezechiel who lyued about the same tyme that Ieremie did the Messias is called by the name of Dauid hym self For this God spake at that tyme vnto Ezechiel I vvil saue my
slocke nor shall they bee anie longer lest to the spoile c. I vvil raise ouer them ONE PASTOR vvhich shall seede them my seruāt DAVID he shal seede them and he shal be their Shepheard Prince and I vvill be their God and vvil make vvith them a conenant of peace c. In which wordes not onlie we that are Christians but the later Iewes also them selues doe confesse in their Thalmud that Messias is called by the name of Dauid for that he shall descende of the seede of Dauide as by reason also it must needes be so for that king Dauid being dead fower hundred yeares before thes wordes were spoken as hath bene noted could not now come againe to feede gods people or gouerne them hym self Esay the prophet who Iyued about a hundred yeares before Ieremie and Ezechiel had maruelous for knowledge of the Meisias and his affaires and describeth hym verie particulerlie beginning i this maner In the later dayes the HILL of gods house shall be prepared vpon the toppe of mountaines and all Nations or Gentiles shal flovve vnto hym And manie people shal say come and lett vs ascende to the HILL of our Lord he shal teach vs his vvayes and vve shall vvalke in his pathes it shall iudge Nations c. Which verie wordes are also repeated in Micheas the prophet and are applied there as also here vnto the Messias and can haue no other meaning by the iudgement of the Iewes and Hebrues themselues And Esay doth prosecute the same matter afterwardes in diuers chapters As for exāple in the sowerth talking of the same Messias which before he calleth the HILL of Gods hovvse he addeth thes wordes In that daye shall the issue of our Lorde be in 〈◊〉 and glorie and the fruite of the earth in 〈◊〉 and exultation to all such as shal be saued of Israel In which wordes he calleth the Messias both the issue of God and the fruite of the earth for that he should be both God and man And in the nynthe chapter he calleth hym by thes termes Admirable Councelour God Stronge Father of the future vvorld and Prince of Peace In the eleuenth chapter he describeth hym most wonderfullie in thes wordes there shall goe soorth a bransh of the stock of Iesse whiche Iesse was Dauids father and out of the roote of that branche there shall mounte up a flovver and the spirite of our lord shall rest upon hym the spirite of vvisdome and of vnderstanding the spirit of councel and sortitude the spirite of knovvledge and pietie he shall not iudge according to the sight of fleshely eyes nor yet condemne according to the hearing of fleshely eares but he shall iudge poore men in iustice and shall dispute in equitie for the mylde men of the earth He shal strike th' earth vvith the rodde of his mouth and vvith the spirite of his lippes shall he flea the vvicked man Iustice shall be the girdle of his loynes faith shall be the bande of his reines c. Hytherto are the wordes of the Prophet wherin nothing trulie can be more plaine and euident then that by the rodde or branche of Iesse is meant the Virgine Marie who directelie descended of the linage of Iesse and by the flovver ascending from this branche must needes be vnderstoode Christ that was borne of her had all those excellences priuileges aboue other mē which Esay in this place assigneth vnto hym Whose further graces yet and speciall diuine properties the same Prophet expresseth more particulerlie in the chapters following wher he sayeth he shall for euer ouerthrovve and destroye death he shal open the eyes of the blinde and th' eares of the deafe he shal not crie nor cōtēde nor shal he accept the person of any man but in truth shal he bring foorth iudgement He shal not be sorrovvful nor turbulēt c. And finallie in the fortie and ninthe chapter he alleageth the wordes of God the father vnto Christ touching his commission in this sorte it is too litle that thou be to me a seruant to raise vp the tribes of Iacob and to conuert vnto me the dregges of Israel Behold I haue appointed thee also for a light vnto the Gentiles that thou he my saluation vnto the vttermost partes of all th' earth And to conclude this matter without alleaging more propheties for the same which in truth are infinite throughout the Bible Daniel that liued in th' ende of the captiuitie of Babylon a litle before Aggaeus Zacharias and Malachias who were the last Prophetes that euer florished amongest the Iewes almost fiue hūdred years before the natiuity of Christ this Daniel I say reporteth of hym self that being in Babylon and hauing fasted worne heare-cloth and prayed longe vnto God there came the Angel Gabriel vnto hym at the tyme of Euening sacrifice and fortolde hym not onlie of the deliuerance of the people of Israel from the captiuitie of Babylon out of hande for that the seuentie yeares of their punishement fortolde by Ieremie were now expired but also he tolde hym further that the tyme of th' vniuersal deliuerance of mankinde from the bondage and captiuitie of sinne was now shortened that after seuentie hebdomades which as shal be shewed after make vp iust the tyme that passed from the rebuilding of the temple of Ierusalem after their deliuerance from Babylon vnto the birth of Christ there should be borne the Saueour of the world and be putt to death for redemption of mankinde The Angels wordes are thes I am come to shevv vnto thee ô Daniel for that thou art a man of goode desires And therfore doe thou marke my speeche vnderstande this vision The seuētie hebdomades are shortened upon thie people and upon thie holie Cittie to th' ende preuarication may be consumed and sinne receyue an ende to th' ende iniquitie maye be blotted out and eternal iustice brought in her place to th' ende visiōs propheties maye be fulfilled and the SAINCTE OF SAINCTES annointed Knovv thou therfore and marke that from the ende of the speeche for rebuilding of Ierusalem vnto Christ the CAPTAINI there shall chebdomades seuen and hebdomades sixtie tvvo and after sixtie tvvo hebdomades Christ shal be putt to death and the people vvhich shall denie hym shall not be his people I might passe on futher to other Prophetes and propheties and make no ende if I would alleage what might be said in this behalfe for that the whole scripture runneth all to this one pointe to fortell and manifest Christ by signes figures parables and propheties and for this cause was it principallie writē But that which is alredie spoken shall be sufficient for our first consideration wherby is seene that among the Iewes from age to age Christ was prophetied and fortolde together with th' eternite of his kingedome that should be spiritual NOVV FOLLOVVETH there a
my eyes sleepe or rest to the temples of my head vntill I find out the place that is appointed for my Lord the tabernacle or house for the God of Iacob And then the mysterie being reueiled vnto hym he sayeth presentely Beholde vve haue heard of it novv in Ephrata or Bethleem vve haue founde it out in the fieldes of vvoode And to shew how he reuerenced the place for that cause he addeth immediatelie vve vvill adore in the place vvher his seete haue stoode Wherby he for prophitieth not onlie th' adoration vsed after in that place vnto Iesus by the Magi or three kinges of th' east but also of all other adoratiō vsed in the same place in the memorie of Iesus by other deuout Christians vntill this daye For which respect Origē sayeth that the place of Bethleem was most famous and renoumed in his dayes For th' Angels appearing to the shepheardes in the night of the Natiuitie there can be no more said but the credite honestie and simplicitie of them that reported it and likelie it is they would neuer feigne a thing that might haue bene refuted by testimonie of the sheapheards them selues if it had bene false Of the name of IESVS gyuen to hym in his circumcision it was to be seene sett downe in a booke that how so euer it were not scripture yet was it extant in the worlde before Christ was borne I meane the fowerth booke of Esdras which hath thes wordes in the person of God the father Beholde the tyme shal come vvhen the signes shall appeare that I haue tolde c. And my sonne IESVS shal be reueiled vvith these vvho are vvith hym c. And after those yeares my sonne CHRIST shall dye and th' earth shall render thos that sleepe therin Rabi Hacadosch also proueth by arte Cabalist out of manie places and textes of scripture that the Messias name at his comming shal be IESVS And among other he addeth this reason that as the name of hym who first brought the Iewes out of bondage into the lande of promisse was Iesus or Iosue which is al one so must his name be Iesus that shall the second tyme deliuer thē from the bondage wherin they are and restore them to their olde aunciēt possession of Iurie which is the chiefe benefite they expect by the Messias Finallie it is not probable that the virgine Marie should feigne this name of her self for that among the Iewes there were manie other names of more honour and estimatiō at that tyme as Abraham Isaac Iacob Moyses and Dauid And therfore if she would haue feigned any it is like shee would haue taken one of thē as soone as this which had not bene the name of anie greate Patriarche THERE followeth the comming of the three Magi or wise men from th' easte of whom Cyprians wordes are it is an olde tradition of the churche that the Magi of th' easte vvere kinges or rather litle Lordes of particuler places Which is to be vnderstood such litle kinges as Iosue slew thirtie in one battaile And it is to be noted that S. Mathew maketh mention of the comming of thes kinges to Hierusalem as of a knowen and publique matter wherof all Ierusalem and Iurie was able to beare hym wituesse For he talketh of their open comming to Ierusalem and of their inquirie for the new borne king of their speech and conference had with Herod as also of Herodes consultation with the Scribes and Pharasies about the place of the Messias birth And finallie he sheweth the most pittiful murder that insued of almost infinite infantes in all the circuite of Bethleem for this matter Which could not be a thinge vnknowen to all Iurie much lesse feigned by S. Mathew for that he should haue gyuen his aduersaries the greatest aduātage in the world if hè had begunne his Ghospell with so notorious and opē an vntruth which might haue bene refuted by infinite persons that were yet a liue Epiphanius is of opinion that thes kinges arriued in Hierusalem two yeares after Christs Natiuitie for that Herod slew all infantes of that age But other hold more probablie that the starre appeared vnto them two yeares before Christs Natiuitie so that they came to Bethleē the thirtienth daye after Christs birth according as the Church doth celebrat th' epiphanie S. Basil thinketh that they were learned men and might by their learning and art magike wherin those countrimen at that tyme were verie skilful vnderstand and feele that the power of their heathē Godes was greatlie deminished and broken They might also be stirred vp with that commō brute and general prophetie spred ouer all th' east in those dayes as both Suetonius and Iosephus doe recorde that oute of Iurie should come an vniuersal Kinge ouer all the vvorld By thes meanes I say and by the prophetie of Balaam left a nonge them from Moyses tyme for he was a Gētile wherby was signified that a starre should rise and declare a greate and mightie king in Israel they might be induced at the sight of this Starre to take so longe a iourney as they did towardes Iurie This Starre as I haue said was fortold by Balaam a heathen Prophete aboue 1500. yeares before it appeared And after Balaam againe it was prophetied by Dauid that kinges of Arabia Saba and other Eastren countries should come and adore Christ and offer both gold and other gystes vnto hym The murder also of those infantes of Bethleem was presignified by Icremie in the weeping of Rachel for thee slaughter of her children which Rachell was buried in Bethleem and for that cause thos infantes were called her children albeit she were dead aboue 2000. yeares before they were slaine and aboue 1500. before Ieremie wrote the prophetie Amongest which infantes Herode also for more assurance slewe an infant of his owne For that as Philo noteth he was descended by his mother of the lyne of Iuda Which crueltie comming to Augustus eares he said as Macrobius reporteth that he had rather bee Herods swyne thē his sonne for that he being a Iewe was forbidden by his religion to kill his swine though not ashamed to kill his sonne The same Starre wherof we speake is mentiōned by diuers heathen writers as by Plinie vnder the name of a Comete for so they termed all extraordinarie Starres which appeared in the later ende of Augustus daies and was farre different from al other that euer appeared And therfore contrary to the nature of thos kind of Starres it was adiudged by the whole college of Southsaiers to portend vniuersal good vnto the earth and for that cause had an image of metal erected to it in Rome and as Plinies wordes are Is Cometa vnus toto orbe colitur that only Comete is worshipped throughout the whole world Origine also writeth of one Chaeremon a Stoike that was much moued with
putt to death vpō a Crosse by the Gentiles The testimonie of Iosephus may suffice for all herein whose wordes are that the principal Ievves ofbis countrie hauing accused and deliuered ouer Iesus to Pilat that vvas Gouernour of Iurie for the Roman Emperour he adiudged hym to the Crosse. The same doe all other Iewes Gentiles recorde and in this they take great offence and scandale that we should attribute diuinitie vnto a man that had suffred on the Crosse. But if we shew that this was th' eternal preordination and appointement of God for sauing of mankinde and that the same was fortolde both to Iewe Gentile from the beginning and so vnderstood also by the Iuishe Doctors of elder tymes then euerie reasonnable man I trow will remaine satisfied and preferre Gods diuine wisdome before mās follie First then consider that when Christ had ended his preaching and wrought so manie miracles as seemed sufficient to his eternal wisdome and when the tyme was come preordained for his passion wherof he tolde publiquelie his disciples before he went vp to Hierusalem of purpose to receyue his death and made a solemne entrie into that Citie vpon an asse which was prophetied of hym by Zacharie manie yeares before Reioyce daughter of Sion Bcholde thie I VST KING SAVEOVR shall come vnto thec vpon an asse And after his abode some dayes in that place he was betrayed and solde by his owne disciple as Dauid beforehande in manie places had foretolde should come to passe Then folowed his apprehension and most seruile abusage by the Iewes wher of it was foreprophitied in his person by Esay I gaue my bodie to them that beate it and my cheekes to them that bussited the same I did not turne my self avvay from them that reproched mee nor yet from them that did spitte in my sace After this barbarous intreatie by the Iewes they deliuered hym ouer to Pilat a Gentile and neuer ceased to solicite and pursue their vnquenshable hatred against him vntil they sawe him on the Crosse. Where also he was vsed in the highest degree of spiteful dealīg Wherof the foresaid Dauid made mention longe before in the person of the Messias when he said they pearsed my handes and seete they deuided among them my apparaile and vpon my vpper Garmente they did caste lottes And aganie of another crueltie he cōplaineth saing they gaue me Gaule to eate and in my 〈◊〉 they refreshed me vvith vinegar And finallie that Christ should die for the sinnes of mankind ys a common principle bothe prefygured and foretolde throughout all the olde scripture Prefigured by the sacrifice of Isaac by the raising vp of the Brasen Serpent and by all other sacrifices that were in that lawe Fortolde not onely by the scriptures before aleadged but also must plainely by Daniel who was tolde by an Angel that after a certaine time by him there apointed vngetur sanctus senctorum The Saint of Saintes shal be anointed occidetur Christus this anointed Saint or Christ shal be put to death Zacharie also about the same time doth not onely fortel his death but also the kinde therof and from what people he should receyue the same for thus he saith in the person of Christ him self The inhabitantes of Icrusalem at that daye shal looke vpon me vvhom they haue Crucisied But if ye will reade the whole storie of Christs passion set downe at large 600 yeares before it fel out I referre you to a narration of Esay who to signifie the straungnes of the case begineth with this preface vvho vvill gyue credit to that vve shal reporte c. And then after a litle he goeth on in thes wordes He shall mount vp as a tvvigge from a drie earth He hath no fourme or beautie vpon him VVe beheld him and ther vvas no countenance in him vve savve him the most contemtible and dispised man in the vvorld A man full of paines and experienced in infirmitie His countenance vvas obscure and despicable and vve made no accompt of him Truly he tooke vpon him self our greefes and did beare our paines VVe accompted him as a leaper as a mā stricken and punished by God But he vvas vvounded for our iniquities and crushed in peaces for our vvickednes The discipline or correction of our peace lieth vpon him and by his vvoundes vve are made vvhole VVe haue all erred gone astraye like sheepe euery man after his ovvne vvayes and God hath layde vpon him the iniquitie of vs all He vvas offred vp for vs because he vvould soe he shal be led le to his slaughter as a sheepe and as a Lambe he shal be silent before his Shearours For the sinnes of my people haue I stricke thyn saith God He hath donne no iniquitie neither vvas there decepte founde in his mouth Yet vvould our Lord crush hym in infirmitie But if he shal gyue his life for sinne then shal he see a long seede or generation and the vvill of our Lord shal be derected in his hād And for so much as his soule hath susteined labour it shal see and be filled And this MY IVST SERVANT in his knovvledge shal Iustifie many and beare their iniquities And I vvil allotte vnto hym verie many people and he shal deuide the spoiles of the stoute for that he hath deliuered his soule vnto death and vvas accompted among the vvicked prayed for his transgressours Thus particularlie as ye see was the death and Passion of Christ foretolde by the Prophettes of Israel to that Nation Now heare ye the prophetie of Sibylla if ye please wherin she foreshewed the same to the Gētiles Thes are her wordes set downe by Lactātius He shal appeare miserable Ignominious and descurmed to the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 may giue hope vnto the miserable Aftervvard he shall come into the handes of most vvicked 〈◊〉 faithlesse men they shal busset hym vvith their sacrilegious fistes and shal spitte vpo hym vvith there vncleane mouthes He shal yeelde his innocent backe to the vvhippe and shal say nothing vvhile he receyueth the stripes to th end he may speake to those that are deade He shal 〈◊〉 Crovvne of thornes and they shal giue hym Gaule to eate and vinegar to drinke And this shal be the hospitalitie he shal finde amonge them What thinge can bee more plainly described then this Neither doe the Auncient Rabbines and teachers among the Iewes dessent from this For that in their Talmud that was gathered aboue 1200. yeares gone the plaine sentēce of diuers are sette downe that their Messias at his comming shal be put to death And as for Rabbi Ionathan Authour of the Chaldaie paraphrase who died a litle before Christ was borne he applieth the whole narration of Esay before recited as needes he must to the murder of the Messias by the Iewe. Whereupon RabbiSimeon that liked the next age after writeth thes
which Plutarch in his forenamed booke doth report that in the later yeares of Tyberius raigne a strange voice and exceeding horrible clamour with hideous cries skriches and houlinges were heard by many in the Greciāsea complaining that the great God PAN was now departed And this Plutarch that was a Gētile affirmeth to haue bene alleaged and proued before th' Emperour Tyberius who maruailed greatly could not by al his diuines and South sayers whom he called to that consultation gather out any reasonable meaning of this wonderful accident But we Christians comparing the time wherin it happened vnto the time of Iesus death and passion and finding the same fully to agree may more then probably persuade our selues that by the death of their great God PAN which signifieth all was imported the ruine and vtter ouerthrow of all the wicked spirites and Idoles vpon earth AND THVS HATH the Deitie of Iesus bene declared and proued by his omnipotent power in subduing infernal enimies Now resteth it for vs to make manifest the same by his like power and diuine iustice shewed vpon diuers of his enimies here on earth whos greatest punishment albeit for the most part he reserueth for the life to come yet sometimes for manifestation of his omnipotēcie as especially it was behoueful i thos first daics of his appearāce in the world he chasteneth thē also euen here on earth in the eye and sight of al men So we read of the most in famous and miserable death of Herode the first surnamed Ascolonita who after his persecution of Christ in his infancie and the slaughter of the infantes in Bethleem for his sake was wearied out by a lothsome life in feare and horrour of his owne wife and children whom after he had most cruelly murdered was enforced also by desperation thorough his inspeakable vexations grieues and torments to offer his owne hand to his owne destructiō if he had not bene staied by friends that stood about After him Archelaus his eldest sonne that was a terrour to Iesus at his returne from Egipt fel also by Gods Iustice into maruailous calamities For first being left as king by his father Augustus would not allow or ratefie that successiō but of a king made him a Tetrarch assigning to him onlie the fourth part of that dominion which his father had before And then againe after nine yeares space tooke that away in like maner with the greatest dishonour he could deuise seazing vpon al his treasure and riches by way of confiscation and condemning his person to perpetual banishment wherin he died most miserablie in Vienna in France Not long after this the second sonne of Herode the first named Herode Antipas Tetrarch of Galiley who put S. Ihon Baptist to death and scorned Iesus before his passion wherat both him self and Herodias his concubine were present was deposed also by Caius th' Emperour being accused by Agrippa his nearest kinseman and most contumeliously sent in exile first to Lions in France and after that to the most desert and inhabitable places of Spaine wher he with Herodias wandered vp and doune in extreme calamitie so long as they liued and finally ended their daies abandonned of al men In which miserie also it is recorded that the daunsing daughter of Herodias who had in her Iolitie demaunded Iohn Baptists Head being on a certaine time enforced to passe ouer a frosen riuer the yse brake and she in her fall had her head cut of by the same yse without hurting the rest of her body to the great admiration of al the lookers on The like euent had an other of Herode familie named Herod Agrippa th' acculer of the fornamed Herod the Tetrarch who in his great glorie and triumphe hauing yut to death S. Iames the brother of S. Ihon Euangelist and imprisoned S. Peter was soone after in a publique assemblie of Princes and Nobles at Caesarea striken from heauen with a most horrible disease wherby his bodie putrified and was eaten with vermine as both S. Luke reporteth and Iosephus confirmeth And the same Iosephus with no small maruaile in hym self declareth that at the verie time when he wrote his storie which was aboute 70 yeares after the death of Herod the first the whole progenie and ofspring kinred and familie of the said Herod which he sayeth was exceeding great by reason he had niene wiues together with many children brothers sisters nephews and kinsefolke were all extinguished in most miserable sorte and gaue a testimonie saith Iosephus to the world of the most vaine confidence that men doe put in humane felicitie And as thes punishements lighted openlie vpon Iesus professed enimies in Iurie So escaped not also the Romans their chastissement I meane such as especiallie had their handes in persecution of hym or of his followers after hym For first of Pontius Pilate that gaue sentence of death against hym we reade that after great disgrace receyued in Iurie he was sent home into Italie and ther by manifold disfauours shewed vnto him by the Emperour his maister sel into such desperation as he slewe him self with his owne handes And secondlie of the very Emperours them selues who liued from Tyberius vnder whom Iesus suffred vnto Constātine the great vnder whom Christian religion tooke dominion ouer the world which contained the space of three hūdreth yeares very few or none escaped the manifest scourges of Gods dreadful iustice shewed vpon them at the knitting vp of their daies For examples sake Tyberius that permitted Christians to liue freely and made a lawe against their molestation as before hath bene shewed died peaceably in his bedde But Caligula that folowed him for his contempt shewed against al diuine power in making him self a God was soone after murdered by the cōspiracie of his dearest friendes Nero also who first of al other beganne persecution against the Christians within fewe monethes after he had put S. Peter and S. Paul to death in Rome hauing murdered in like manner his owne mother brother wife maister was vpon the sudaine from his glorious estate and maiestie throwen doune into such horrible distresse and confusion in the sight of al men as being condemned by the Senate to haue his heade thrust into a pillorie and ther most ignominiously to be whipped to death was cōstrained for auoiding th' execution of that terrible sentence to massacre him self with his owne handes by the assistance of such as were dearest vnto him The like might be shewed in the tragical endes of Galba Otho Vitellius Domitian Commodus Pertinax Iulian Macrinus Antoninus Alexander Maximinus Gordianus Aurelianus Decius Gallus Volutianus Aemilianus Valerianus Galienus Caius Carinus Maximianus Maxentius Licinius and others whos miserable deathes a noble man Councellour wel neare a thousand yeares past did gather against Zosimus a heathen writer to shew therby the pouerful hand of
the truth of our beleefe it would be ouer tedious to lay doune euery particuler waie that might be assigned for discussion therof for that it would bring in the contention of al times aswel auncient as present about cōtrouersies in Christian faith which hath bene impugned from age to age by the seditious instruments of Christs infernal enemie And therfore as well in respecte of the lēgth wherof this place is not capable as also for that of purpose I doe auoide al dealing with matters of controuersie within the cōpasse of this worke I meane only at this time for the comfort of such as are alredy in the right waie and for some light to others who perhaps of simplicitie may walke awrie to let doune with as great breuitie as possibly may be some few general notes or obseruations for their better helpe in this behalfe In which great affaire of our faith and beleefe wherin consisteth as well the ground and foundatiō of our eternal welfare as also the fruite entire vtilitie of Christs comming into this world it is to be considered that God could not of his infinite wisdome forseeing al thigs and times to come nor euer would of his vnspeakable goodnes desiring our saluatiō as he doth leaue vs in this life without most sure certaine and cleare euidencie in this matter and consequētly we must imagine that all our errours cōmitted herein I meane in matters of faith and beleefe among Christians doe proceede rather of finne negligence wilfulnes or inconsideration in our selues then either of difficultie or doubtfulnes in the meanes left vnto vs for discerning the same or of the want of Gods holie assistance to that effect if we would with humilitie accept therof This Esay made plaine when he prophetied of this perspicuitie that is of this most excellent priuilege in Christian religion so many hundred yeares before Christ was borne For after that in diuers chapters he had declared the glorious cōming of Christ in signes and miracles as also the multitude of Gētiles that should imbrace his doctrine together with the ioye and exultation of their cōuersion he forsheweth presentlie the wōderful prouidence of God also in prouidinge for Christians so manifest a waye of directiō for their faith and religion as the most simple and vnlearned man in the world should not be able but of wilfulnes to goe astraye therin His wordes are thes directed to the Gentiles Take comfort and feare not beholde your God shall come and saue you Then shall the eyes of the blinde be opened and the eares of the deafe shal be restored c. And there shal be a path vvaye and it shal be called THE HOLIE WAYE it shal be vnto you so direct a vvay as fooles shall not be able to erre therin By which wordes we see that among other rare benefites that Christes people were to receaue by his comminge this should be one and not the least that after his holie doctrine once published and receyued it should not be easie for the weakest in capacitie or learning that might be whom Esay here noteth by the name of fooles to runne awrie in matters of their beliefe so plaine cleare euidēt should the waye for trial therof be made Here hence it is that S. Paul pronounceth so peremptorilie of a contētious and heretical man that he is damned by the testimenie of his ovvne iudgement or conscience for that he hath abandoned this common direct and publique waye which all men might see and hath deuised particuler pathes and turninges to hymself Herehēce it is that th' auncient fathers of Christe primatiue Church disputinge against the same kynde of people defended alwayes that their errour was of malice and wilful blindnes and not of ignorance applyinge thos wordes of prophetie vnto thē they that savve me rannc out from me That is saith S. Augustine they which sawe and beheld the Catholique Church of Christ which is the plaine waye denoted byEsay and the most eminēt mountaine described by Daniel as also by Esay hymself in an other place expounded by Christ in S. Mathewes Ghospel this Churche saith he wicked heretiques beholding for that no mā can auoide the sight therof but he that most obstinatelie will shut his eyes yet for hatred and malice doe they runne out of the same and doe raise vp heresies and schismes against th' vnitie therof Thus much saith this holie doctour by whose discourse we maye perceyue that the plaine and direct waye mentioned by Esay wherin no simple or ignorant man can erre is the general bodie of Christes visible Church vpon earth planted by his Apostles throughout al countries Nations and cōtinuinge by succession vnto the worldes ende In which Church whosoeuer remaineth beleeueth al thinges that are taught therin cā not possiblie fall into errour of faith For that this church or vniuersal bodie is guided by Christes spirit who is the heade therof and so no waies subiect or withi cōpasse of errour For which cause S. Paul nameth it the pillar and sirmament of truth And the same Church is so manifest and euident and shal be so to the worldes ende as the same learned Doctour and other his equals doe proue that it is more easie to fynde it out then it is to see the Sunne or Moone when it shy neth brightest or to beholde the greatest hill or mountaine in the world For as S. Augustines wordes are albeit particuler hilles in one countrie may be vnknowen in an other as Olympus in Greece may be vnknowen in Affrica and the mountaine Giddaba of Affrike may be vnknowen in Greece yet saith this holie father a mountaine that passeth throughout all Countries and filleth vp the whole world as Daniel prophetied Christes Church should doe can not be but apparent to the sight of al men and consequentlie must needes be knowē of al men but onlie of such as wilfullie doe shut their eyes from sight therof For declaration of which reason argument and discourse of Holy-Fathers being also the discourse of Christ hym self in the Ghospel when he remitteth mē to the visible Church that is placed on an hill it is to be noted that in the time frō Christes ascension vntil the 14. yeare of Neroes raigne who first of the Romane Emperours beganne open persecution against the proceedinges of Christians put to death S. Peter and S. Paul In this time I saie of tolleration vnder the Romane Empire which cōtained the space of 37. yeares Christes Apostles and Disciples had preached and planted one vniforme Ghospell thoroughout all the worlde as both by their actes and gestes recorded as also by the peculier testimonie of S. Paul to the Romanes may appeare Which thing being done most miraculoussie by the power and vertue of their Maister and Bishops pastours and other gouernours being ordained in euery Church and countrie for guiding and directing the same by
O most dreadful separation what would Alexander Caesar Pompeie and other such potentates of the earth giue at that daie to haue but the lowest roome amōg them of the right hand They I saie who had al the roome of this world at their pleasure al dignities vnder their owne commandrie would now make more accompt of the meanest place and corner among Gods elect then of al the pompe and brauerie of ten thousand worldes if they were to liue againe their cogitatiōs at this daie being farre different from that they were vpon earth and their iudgmēts wholy contrary But alas ther is no time of alteration or amendment now They must stand to that which is past and according to their former demeanours they must receyue their doome They haue a Iudge present whose power they can not auoide whos wisdome they can not deceyue whos equitie they can not bowe whos seueritie they can not mollefie whos indignation they can not appease whos determination they can not alter and from whose sentence they can not possiblie appeale O my deare and louing brother no tongue of man beleeue me can expresse what a singuler treasure a good consciēce wil be at this daie when thou shalt see al the Princes and Monarches of this world stand ther naked trembling appalled being vtterly destitute of an answere to the whole multitude of their most secret sinnes displaied openly before their faces An vnspottel conscience I say at this instant shal be a greater consolation then al the dignities or pleasures of a thousand worldes For wealth wil not help the iudge wil take no giftes our owne submission wil not be admitted intreatie of friēdes wil not preuaile intercession of Angels and other Saintes shal haue no place for that their glorie shal be at this daie as the prophete saieth to binde kings in fetters noble princes in yron manacles to execute vpon them the iudgement prescribed Alas what wil al thos delicate and daintie people doe at this instāt who liue now in ease and pleasures and can take no paine in the seruice of God nor abide to heare the naming of this daye what shift I saie wil they finde out ī thos extremities whether wil they tur ne thē whos help wil they craue They shal see al things crie vengeance round about thē al things yeeld them cause of feare and horrour but nothing any one sparcle of hope or consolation Aboue them they shal beholde their Iudge offended with their wickednes beneath them hel open and the cruel fornace redie boiling to recevue them to torment On the right hād shal be their sinnes accusing them on the left hād the Diuels redie to execute Gods eternal sentēce vpon them Within them shal lye their conscience gnawing without them al damned soules bewailing on euery side the whole world burning O merciful Iesus which art to behold this ruful spectacle what a passage shal this be what wil the wretched sinner doe saie or thincke when he shal be enuironed with thes inexplicable miseries how wil his hart susteine thes anguishes what waie wil he take To goe backe is impossible to goe foreward is intollerable to stand ther stil is not permitted what then shal he doe but as thou O Lord with thy sacred mouth hast foretold that he shal drie and wither vp for verie feare seeke death and death shal flie from him crie and beseech the hilles and mountaines to fal doune and couer him and they refusing to doe him that releefe or afford him so great a comfort he shal stand ther as a most desperate forlorne and miserable catise vntil he receyue that dreadful and irreuocable sentēce of thine Goe yee accur sed into euerlasting fire THIS SHALBE THE LAST act and conclusiō of this woful tragedie For so it is recorded by the Iudge him self Then shal the sonne of man saie to thos on his right hand Come yee blessed of my father and possesse the kingdome which is prepared for you from the beginning of the world I was hungrie and you gaue me to eate I was a straūger and you gaue me harbour I was naked and you clothed me I was sicke and you visited me I was in prison and you came to comfort me And to them on his left hand he shal saie Depart from me yee accursed into euerlasting fire prepared for the Deuil and his Angels for I was hungrie and you fedde me not I was a straunger and you harboured me not I was naked and you clothed me not I was sicke and in prison and you visited me not Then shal they saie vnto him O Lord when haue we sene the hungrie thirstie or a straunger or naked or sicke or in prison and did not minister vnto the And he shal answere I tel you for that you haue not done thes thinges to one of thes lesser your brethern you haue not done them to me And then thes wicked shal goe into eternal punishment and the iust into life euerlasting Hitherto are the wordes of Christ him self In which may be noted first that in recounting the causes of thes miserable mens damnation our Saueour alleageth not lacke of beleef or that they were not faithful wherof the reason may be that which him self vttereth in an other place of Infidels saying he that beleeueth not is alredy iudged And S. Paul of an heretique that he is condemned by his ovvne proper iudgmēt Secondly he obiecteth against them not any actual enormous sinnes wherof per haps maie be assigned for a reason which S. Iohn doth insinuate and signifie that such kinde of manifest deadlie sinners are now euidently appertaining to the dominion of Satan Wherfore Christ vrgeth only agaīst thes reprobates certaine omissions of good workes and charitable deeds commended vnto vs by the rule of Christiā perfectiō And for thes he pronounceth against them his most dreadful sentence of euerlasting damnation Which sentence being once passed the Iudges mouth and recevued in the eares of al that infinite assemblie ther present imagine thou my soule what an vniuersal shoute and outcrie will therupon straight ensue the saued reioysing and singing eternal praises in the glorie of their Saueour the damned bewailing blaspheming and cursing the daie of their natiuitie the Angels commending and extolling the equitie of that iudgment against which the parties that are conuicted shal not be able to finde any lest exceptiō Cōsider the intollerable vpbrading of thos most insolent infernal spirites against the miserable condemned soules that are deliuered to their praie with how bitter scoffes and tantes wil they traile them to their torments with what intollerable insultation wil they execute the sentence of God against them Consider the eternal separation that now must be made of Fathers and children of mothers and daughters friendes and companions the one to glorie the other to miserie without any hope euer to heare or see
any more the one the other And that which shall be as great a grief as any of the rest the sonne or daughter going to rest and ioye shal not take pitie of their owne parents or friends that are caried to calamities but rather shall reioice therat for that it redoundeth to Gods glorie for execution of his Iustice O my soule which now art here considering of thes thinges a farre of and thē shalt be present to see them actuallie before thine eyes what a doleful separation wil this be what a fare-wel what a parting whos hart would not breake at that daie to abide this intollerable seuering if a hart could then breake therby make some ende of his paines But so much ease wil not be permitted O yee children and louers of this world wher will al your delights recreations and vanities be at this daie Al your pleasant pastimes al your pride and brauerie in apparel your glistering in gold your sweet sauours of perfumes your honours of cappe and knee your adulation of flatterers your delicate faire and daintie dishes your musike your wanton daliances and pleasant entertainments Wher are all your good friēdes and merie compagniōs accustomed to laugh and disport the time with you Are al now gone O vanitie of vanities now when you haue most need of them they are furthest of from you and the remēbrāce therof shal doe nothing but tormēt you O my deare brethern how soure wil al the pleasures past of this world seeme at that howre How doleful wil the cogitation therof be vnto vs how friuolous a thing wil al our dignities riches offices and other preferments appeare wherin we take such excessiue delight now and doe weary out our spirites for gaining the same And on the contrarie side how ioyful wil that man be at this instant who hath attended to lead a vertuous life in resisting of finne doing good works albeit it were with much paine and contempt in this world Most happie creature shal he be that euer he was borne and ouer-whelmed with al ioye that euer he tooke that path in hād and no tongue but Gods can expresse his happines Wherfore here my louing brother to make an ende and to frame no other cōclusion of al this whole declaratiō but only that which Christ himself doth make vnto vs who being the chief actour that shal deale in this affaire knoweth best of al other what counsail to giue let vs cósider with our selues euē in the very bottō of our hartes how easie a matter it is now in this life with a litle paine and diligéce to auoide the danger of this most dreadful daie For which cause also it is most certaine that the same is foretolde vs and so often vrged in holy write to our remembrance as in like manner so particulerly described by our most merciful iudge Saueour to the ende we should by thes seuere earnest admonishmits be stirred vp to prepare our selues for it So Christ himself doth most euidentlie declare whē after al his former threatniges he cōcludeth in thes most sweete wordes of exhortation Looke about your selues watch and praie for you knowe not whé the time shal be But as I saie to you so I saie to al men be watchful And yet further in an other place he adioineth Attēd vnto your selues that your hartes be not ouercome with eating and drincking with the cares of this life and so that daio ouertake you vpon the suddaine c. Be you therfore watchful and alwayes praye that you may be worthie to escape althes thinges which are to come and to stand confidently before the sonne of mā at that daye Thes are the words and forewarnings of thy Iudge and Saueour vnto thee my soule And what more friendly and fatherly exhortation couldest thou desire Canst thou plead ignorance in this affaire hereafter If thou thincke so heare yet a further admonishment of his chief Apostle The daie of our Lord saieth he shal come as a theef when men thincke not of it In which the heauens and elemēts shal be dissolued and al the earth with her inhabitants shal be consumed with fire Which being so what maner of men ought we to be in holie conuersation and pietie expecting and going on to meet with this daie of our Lord c. In which wordes of S. Peter is diligently to be noted that this meeting with the daie of Iudgment wherunto he exhorteth vs is nothing els but the due examination of our present perilous estate and the speedie amendment of our life to the workes of pietie and holy conuersation which in deed is that onlie soueraine remedie wherof the wise man forwarneth vs when he saieth Prouide a medecine before the maladie and examine thy self before iudgment and so shalt thou finde fauour in the sight of God Wherunto S. Paul wel agreeth saying If vve vvould iudge our selues vve should not be iudged But for that no man entreth into this due iudgemét of himself his life state and actions here of it cōmeth that so few dot preuent this dangerous daie so few prepare themselues so fewe doe accept of the good counsaile of Christ so feweare watchful and so infinite doe fal a sleepe in the ignorance of their owne peril to their remediles destruction and vnauoidable damnation Our blessed Lord giue vs his holie grace to looke better about vs. OF THE NATVRE OF SINNE AND OF THE VNVVORTHINES OF HIM that committeth the same For iustifyinge the seueritie of gods iudgement setdoune and declared in the chapter going before CHAPT VIII TO THE ende that no man may iustly complaine of the seuere accoumpte whiche God is to take of vs at the last daye or of the rigour of his iudgemēt set doune in the chapter before it shal not be amisse to cōsider in this place the cause why God doth shew such seueritie against sinne and sinners as both by that which hath bene saide may appeare that he doth as also by the whole course of holy scripture where in euerie place almost he denounceth his extreme hatred wrath and indignatiō against the same as where it is sayed of hym that he hateth al those that vvorke īiquitie And againe that both the vvicked mā and his vvickednes are hateful in his sight And finallie that the whole life of sinners their thoughts wordes yea and their good actions also are abominations vnto him whiles they liue i sinne And that which yet is more he can not abide nor permit the sinner to praise him or to name his testament with his mouth as the Holie Ghost testifieth and therfore no meruaile if he shew such seueritie against him at the last daye whom he so extremelie hateth abhorreth in this life Of which great hatred there might be manie reasons alleaged as the vndutiful transgressiō cōtēpt of godes cōmandementes the great ingratitude of a sinner in respect of his diuine
noli altum sapere sed time Be not high minded but feare Againe he reasoneth thus vpon the olde and the new lawe He that brake the lawe of Moyses being conuicted by two or three witnesses died for the same without commiseration or mercye how much more greeuous punishment then doth he deserue who breaking the law of Christ by wilfull sinne treadeth the Sonne of God vnder his feete polluteth the bloode of the new testament and reprocheth the holie Ghost In like maner reasoneth S. Peter and S. Iude towching the sinne of Angels and ours If God spared not the Angels when they sinned but did thrust them downe to hell there to be tormented and to be reserued vnto iudgement with eternall chaines vnder darckenes how much lesse will he spare vs And agayne if the Angels which passe vs in power and strength be not able to beare gods horrible iudgement against them what shall we doe And yet further in an other place the same Apostle reasoneth thus if the iust man shal hardlie be saued where shal the wickedman and sinner appeare By al which examples we are instructed how to reason maturely sincerely in our owne cause As for example eche man may truly saie thus vnto hym self if God haue punished so seuerelie one sinne in the Angels in Adam and in others before recited what shall I looke for which haue committed so manie sinnes against hym If God haue damned so manie soules for lesser sinnes then mine are what will he do to me for mine that are farre greater If God haue borne longer with me then he hath done with many other whom he hath cut of without geuing them of repentance what reason is there that he should beare longer with me If Dauill and others after their synnes forgyuen tooke such paines in afflicting them selues for satisfaction of the temporal punishement in this life what punishemēt remaineth for me either here or in the wold to come for satisfaction of so manie sinnes cōmitted If it be true that our Sauvour saith that the waye is harde and the gate narrow wherby men goe into heauen and that they shal aunswere for euerie ydle worde before they enter therein what shal become of me that doe liue so easie a life and doe keepe no accounte at al of my deedes and much lesse of my wordes If good men in olde time did take such paines for their saluation and yet as S. Peter saieth the verie iust were scarcely saued what a state am I in which take no paine at al but doe liue in all kinde of pleasure and worldly contentations Thes argumētes consequentes and conclusions are more true good Christian and would proue more profitable vnto vs if we would excercise our selues therin and therby enter into some cogitation of our owne daungers and into iust feare of Gods seuere iudgementes without flatteringe or deceyuinge our selues For wāt wherof either onlie or principallie the most parte of enormous sinnes from time to time are committed according as holy Dauid most euidentlie declareth when hauing shewed and detested the multitude of sinnes which the world committeth he reduceth al as it were vnto two prin cipal causes Wherof the first is that men deceyue them selues and others by vaine flatterie in deminishing their sinnes of whom he saith they are taken in their ovvne deuises for that they praise the vvicked man in the lustes desires of his ovvne minde The second is for that this deceipt and flatterie is referred commōlie by the vitious man to the driuing of Gods iudgementes out of his memorie to the end he may sinne with lesse feare and scruple For so saith the prophet expresselie The sinner hath exasperated God against him in that he hath said god in the multitude of his vvrath vvil not require an accounte of my doinges But what effect ensueth of this heare the wordes immediatelie folowing he hath not God before his eyes his vvayes are filthie from time to time And what is the cause of al this for that thy iudgementes o Lord are remoued from his sight that is for that he wil not see he wil not behold he wil not heare he wil not consider or beare in mind thy iudgementes ô Lord but wil needes flatter delude and deceyue hym self Herof it commeth that he neuer maketh an end of his filthie life wicked wayes but exasperateth thie iustice o Lord against him vntil it be ouer late to repent or amende Thus said this holie Sainte of wicked sinners but what of him self heare his wordes deare brother and imprint them in thie memorie I haue kept the vvayes of my Lord saith he haue not donne vvickedlie in the sight of my God for that al his iudgements are before my eyes and I haue not tast his iustices from me Beholde the vertuous life of king Dauid beholde the cause therof For that Gods iudgemētes were continuallie before his eyes therfore was his life pure and voide of wickednes or as in other wordes at an other time he expresseth I vvil cōfesse vnto the o Lord in the direction or puritie of my hart for that I haue learned the iudgementes of thie iustice And againe in the same place I haue chosen to vvalke the vvay of truth for that I doe not forget o Lord thy iudgementes that is as a litle after he expoundeth the same for that I doe feare and trēble at thy iudgementes O most excellent effecte of the feare of Gods iudgementes No maruaile though it be called the beginning of al wisdom and the verie dore and entrance to eternal saluation no maruaile if the same holie prophet in the verie same psalme doe pray so hartilie strike through my flesh vvith thy feare ò Lord. S. Paule after he had shewed to the Corinthians that we must al be presented before the tribunal of Christ euerie man to receyue according to his merites he maketh this conclusiō VVe knovving therfore thes thinges deare bretheren doe persuade the feare of our Lord vnto al men And S. Peter hauing made a longe declaration of the Maiestie of God and of Christ now raining in heauen concludeth thus yf then you cal him father vvhich doth iudge euerie man according to his vvorkes vvithout exceptiō of persons doe you liue in feare during the time of this your habitation vpon earth A necessarie lesson no doubt for al men but especiallie for such who by reason of their sinful life doe remaine in displeasure and hatred of almightie God and hourelie doe stand obnoxious as I haue shewed to the seueritie of his most dreadful iudgementes wherinto if once they fal especiallie by departure from this life the matter remaineth remediles for all eternitie insuinge as God him self hath forwarned vs. Which thing being so what man of wisdome would not feare what Christiā that is careful of his owne estate would eate or drinke or take his repose with quiet vntil by
holie man Iob considering and hearing but one word vttered by his friend which in his conceit did sauour of presumption against this God burst forth into thes wordes Whom wilt thou teach my friend wilt thou teach him which hath inspired breath into man which hath stretched out the heauens ouer the vacuitie of this world and hath hanged vp the earth in the aire without staie before whom hel is wide-open and ther is no couering from perdition The pillers of heauen doe tremble and quake at his only fight And if we should heare but the lest whispering of his speech who should be able to abide the thunder of his maiesties greatnes Imagine then novv my louing brother after althes testimonies that thou seest before thy face this great and mightie king sitting in his chaire of maiestie with chariottes of fire vnspeakable light and infinite millions of Angels aboute him Imagine further which also is most trew that thou seest al the creatures in the world stand in his presence and trembling at his maiestie and most carefullie attending to doe that for which he created them as the heauens to moue aboute the Sunne moone and Starres to geeue lighte and influence the earthe to bringe foorth her sustenance and euerie other creature diligently to labour for perfourmance of the dutie assigned vnto him Imagine besides that thou seest al these creatures how bigge or litle soeuer they be to hange and depende onlie of the power and vertue of this God and therby only to stande moue and consist and that there passeth from God to eche creature in the world yea to euerie parte that hath motion or being in the same some beame of his vertue euen as from the sunne we see infinite beames passe into the ayer Consider I say that no one parte of anie creature in the world as the fishe in the sea the grasse on the ground the leaues of trees or the partes of man vpon the face of the earth can grow moue or consist without some litle streame of vertue and power deriued to it continuallie from God So that thou must imagine God to stand as a most glorious and resplendent Sunne in the midle or center of al thinges created and from him to passe foorth innumerable beames and streames of vertue to all the creatures that are either in heauen earth the ayer or waters to euerie parte and particle of the same and that vpon thes beames of his deuine vertue all creatures doe depend in so much as if he should stop or diuert but any one of them al it would destroye and annihilate presentlie some creature or other This I saye if thou shalt consider touching the maiestie of God and the infinite dread that all creatures haue of him except onlie a sinner for the deuils also doe feare him as S. Iames affirmeth thou wilt not meruaile at the seuere iudgemēt appointed for his offence For sure I am that very shame of the world maketh vs to haue more regarde in offending the poorest friende we haue in this life thē a wicked man hath in offending almightie God which is an intollerable contempt of so great a maiestie such a cōtempt in deed as God him self doth account to pro ceede of plaine infidelitie For wheras at a certaine time he had declared his owne great power by the mouth of Ieremie threatened manie punishmentes to the Iewes for their wickednes thei werenothig moued therwith Wherupō he cōmaūded hī to returne againe vnto thē to say thes wordes Heare thou folishe people vvhich hast no hart you that haue eyes and see not eares and heare not And vvil ye not then feare me vvil ye not trēble in my sight vvhich haue sett the sandes for a bounde vnto the sea and haue gyuen him an eternal precept vvhich he shal not breake c. This people hath a faithles hart c. Which is as much as if he had said that this lacke of feare in the Iewes proceeded of their defect of faith For if they had belieued him to be in deed so powerful terrible ful of maiestie as the holie scripture setteth him doune they would haue conceyued more feare in offending him BVT NOVV IF VVE adioine to this contemplation of maiestie an other consideration of his benefites bestowed vpon vs our default wil grow to be far greater For that to iniury him who hath done vs good is a thinge moste detestable euen in nature itself And there was neuer yet so fearce a harte no not among brute beastes but that it might be wonne with curtesie and benefites But much more among reasonable creatures doth beneficence preuaile especiallie if it come from great personages whose loue and friendshippe declared vnto vs but in small gyftes doth greatlie by nde the hartes of the receyuers to loue them againe Consider then deare Christian the infinite good turnes and benefites which thou hast receyued at the handes of this great God therby to winne the to his loue and that thou shouldest leaue of to offende and iniurie him And albeit no tongue created either of man or Angel can expresse the one halfe of thes giftes which thow hast receyued from him or the value therof or the great loue and hartie good will wherwith he bestowed the same vpon the yet for some better helping of thy memorie stirring vp thine affection to be grateful I will repeate certaine generall and principall pointes therof wherunto the rest may be easilie referred First then cal to minde that he hath bestowed vpō thee the benefite of thy creation wherby he made the of nothing to the likenes of hymself and appointed the to so noble an ende as is to serue him in this life and to raigne with him in the life to come hauing furnished thee besides for the better attainmēt therof with the vse seruice and subiection of al his other creatures The greatnes of which benefite may partly be conceyued if thou doe imagine thy self to lacke but any one parte of thy bodie as a legge an arme an eye or the like and that one should freelie euen of pure good wil and loue supplie thy want and gyue the same vnto thee Or if thou wantest but any one of thy senses as that thou were deafe blynde or dumme and some man should restore thy sight hearing or fpeech vnto thee howe wouldest thou esteeme of this benefite how much wouldest thow professe thy self beholdig vnto him for the same And if the gyft of one of these partes onlie would seeme vnto thee so singuler a benefite how greatly oughtest thou to esteeme the free gyfte of so manie partes together Adde now hereunto as I haue sayde that he hath created the to thee lyknes of no other thing but of him self to no other ende but to be his honorable seruante in this world and his compartener in kynglie glorie for all eternitie to come and this he hath done to the
diuers times he hath vsed and doth vse therby to gaine vs and our sowles vnto his eternal kingdome by stirring vs vp to abandon vitious life and to betake ourselues to his holy and swete seruice Al which most rare and excellent benefites being measured either according to their inestimable value in themselues or according to the loue of that harte from which they do proceede or els if we respect the maiestie of the giuer or meanesse of the receyuer ought in reason to moue vs most vehementlie to gratitude towardes so bountiful a benefactour And this gratitude shoulde be to resolue ourselues at length to serue him vnsaynedlie to preferre his fauour before al wordlie or mortal respectes whatsoeuer Or if we can not obtaine so much of ourselues yet at leastwise not to offende him anie more by our sinnes and wickednes There is not so fearse or cruell a nature in the world as I noted before but is mollisied allured and wōne by benefites And stories do make reporte of straunge examples in this kinde euen among brute beastes as of the gratitude of lyons dogges and other like towardes their maisters and benefactours Onliean obstinate sinner is he among all the sauuage creatures that are whom neither benefites can moue nor curtisies can mollifie nor promises can allure nor gyftes can gayne to the faithfull seruice of God his Lord and maister The greatest synner that is in the world if he geeue his seruante but twentie nobles a yeare or his tennant some litle farme to liue vpon if they for this should not serue him at a becke he crieth out of their ingratitude But if they should further malitiouslie seeke to offende him and to ioyne in amitie with his professed enimie how intollerable a matter would this seeme in his conceit And yet him self dealing much more ingratfullie and iniuriouslie with almightie God esteemath it a matter of smal consideration easely pardonable He dealeth I saie far more ingratfullie with God for that he hath receyued a thousand folde for one in respect of all the benefites that one mortal man can gyue vnto an other Seing that of God he hath receyued al in al the bread which he eateth the grounde he treadeth the light he beholdeth the aire he enioyeth and finally what so euer he possesseth ether within or without his bodie as also the minde with al her spiritual endumētes wherof eche one is more worth then ten thousand bodies Of this extreme ingratitude and iniurie God himself is enforced to complaine in diuers places of holy scripture as where he saith they repaied me euil for good And yet much more vehemētlie in an other place he calleth the heauens to witnes of this iniquitie crving out Obstupescite caeli super hoc O you heauens be you astonished at this As if he should saye by a figuratiue kinde of speech goe out of your wittes you heauens with meruaile at this incredibile iniquitie of man to wardes me For so he expoundeth the whole matter more at large in an other place Audite cals auribus percipe terra c. Harken oye heauens and thow earth bende hither thine eares I haue nourished vp children and haue exalted them and now they doe cōtemne me What a lamentable complaint is this of almightie God against most vile and base wormes of the earth But yet he amplifieth this iniquitie more vehemētly by certaine examples and comparisons The oxe saieth he knovveth his ovvner the asse knovveth the manger of his Lord and maister but yet my people knovveth not me VVoe be to this synful nation to this people loden vvith 〈◊〉 to this noughtie seede to vvicked children What complaint can be more vehement then this what threatning can be more dreadfull then this woe comming from the mouth of him which may punishe vs at his pleasure Wherfore deare brother if thou haue grace cease to be vngrateful to God any longer cease to offend him which hath by so many waies preuented the with benefites cease to render euil for good hatred for loue contempt for his father lie affection towardes the. He hath done for the al that he can he hath geeuen the al that thow art yea and in a certaine maner al that he is worth hym self and meaneth besides to make the partaker of al his glorie in the world to come and requireth no more for al this at thy handes but loue and gratitude O my louing brother why wilt thou not yelde vnto him this his desire why wilt thou not doe as much to him as thou woldest haue an other mā to doe to the for lesse then the ten thousand parte of thes benefites which thow hast receyued for I dare bouldly saye if thow haddest gyuen but an almes to a poore man at thy dore thou wooldest thike him bounde to loue the for it al beit besids this ther were nothing in the that greatly might deserue his loue But thy Lord and maister setting a parte al his giftes bestowed vpon the hath infinite causes to drawe thy loue vnto him that is to saye all the causes which any thing in the world hath in it to purchase loue and infinite more besydes For if all the perfections of thinges created both in heauen and in earth that may procure loue were ioyned together in one as al their beautie al their vertue al their wisdome al their sweetnes al their nobilitie al their goodnes and other like excellencies yet thy Lord Sauy our whom thou contemnest surpasseth all thes and that by infinite and infinite degrees for that he is not onlie all thes thinges together but morouer he is verie beautie it self vertue it self wisedome it self sweetenes it self nobilitie it self goodnes it self and the verie fountaine and welspring from which by litles peeces and parcels al thes thinges are deriued vnto his creatures Be a shamed then good Christian of this thine ingratitude to so great so good and so bountifull a Lord and resolue thy self for the tyme to come to amende thy course of life and former behauiour towardes him Say at lēgth with the Prophet hauing considered thine owne ingratitude O Lord pardon me mine offences for they are great in thy sight I know there is nothing ô Lord which doth so much displease the or drie vp the fountaine of thy mercie or so byndeth thy handes frō doinge good as doth ingratitude in the receyuers of thy benefites Wherin hitherto I haue exceeded al others But I haue done it ò Lord in mine ignorance not considering thy infinite giftes bestowed vpon me or what account thou wouldest demaunde againe of the same But now seing thou hast vouchsafed to make me woorthie of this special grace also wherby to see knowe mine owne errour default I hope hereafter by direction of the same grace to shew my self a better childe towardes the. O my God I am vāquished at lēgth with cōsideratiō of thy
her wicked deedes shal beginne exceedingly to feare and tremble and would gladlie flie and leaue her deedes behinde her seekinge to entreate the Angels and to request but one hower space of delaye But that wil not be graunted and her euil workes crying out al together shal speake against her and save we wil not staye behinde or parte from the thou hast done vs and we are thy workes and therfore we wil follow the whether soeuer thou goest yea euen vnto the seate of iudgement This loe is the state of a sinners soule which partinge from his bodie with most horrible feare goeth onwardes to iudgemēt loden with sinnes and with infinite confusion Contrariwise the iust mans soule goeth out of his bodie with greate ioye and comforte the good Angels accompaininge her with exultation Wherefore brethren seinge these thinges are so doe you feare this terrible hower of death now to the ende you maye not feare when you come vnto it Foresee it now that then you maye be secure Thus farre S. Augustine And for that this holie father learned Doctour in Christes Church maketh mentiō in this place of good and euil Angels which are redie at the houre of death to receyue the soules of such as depart out of this life it shal not be from our purpose to note that oftentimes God doth permit the apparitions of Angels both good and euil as also of other saintes to some men lyinge on their death beddes for a tast ether of comforte or sorow touchinge that which shal ensue in the world to come And this is also one singuler priuiledge among other belonging to this passage And concerning the iust I haue shewed before an example out of S. Cyprian and S. Augustine touching one to whome Christ appeared at the hower of his death And S. Gregorie the greate hath diuers like narratiōs to that purpose i the fourth booke of his dialogues As for example sake of one Vrsinus to whom the blessed Apostles S. Peter and S. Paule appeared But as concerning euil spirites and wicked Angels which shewed thē selues vnto diuers sinners at the houre of death and denounced vnto them their eternal damnation and horrible tormentes appointed in hel we haue manie and most terrible exāples recorded in many graue aunciēt writers As among other that recorded by S. Gregorie of one Chrisorius a greate riche man but as ful of sinne as of wealth to whome lying on his death-bed the infernal fiendes in most vglie māner appeared shewing how now he was deliuered into their power and therfore would neuer depart from him vntil he dying left his soule vnto thē to be caried to eternal tormentes The like examples doth venerable Bede recount to haue happened in our countrie about his time And among other of a certaine wicked Courtier in great fauour with king Coenride to whom lying in the panges of death and being now a litle recouered both the good and euil Angels appeared visibly the one laying before him a verie smal booke of his good deedes the other a greate huge volume of his enormous crimes Which after they had caused him to reade by the permissiō of the good Angels they seazed vpō him assignig also vnto him the certaine houre of his departure according as both him selfe confessed openlie to al that came to visit him and as by his horrible desperate death ensuinge at the very hower by them appointed he manifestlie confirmed The like storie recordeth he in the chapter folowing of one whom he knew him self and as both he S. Gregorie and S. Cyprian also doe note al these such other visions were permitted for our sake which doe yet liue and maye take commoditie by the same and not for their good that died whom they nothing at al auailed Which being so deare Christian brother that is this passage of death being so terrible so daungerous yet so ineuitable as it is seing so manie mē doe perish and are ouer whelmed daylie in passing ouer this perilous gulfe as both holie scriptures and auncient fathers doe testifie by examples recordes vnto vs what man of discretion would not learne to be wise by other mens dangers or what reasonable creature would not take heede looke aboute him being warned so manifestlie and apparantlie of his owne peril if thou be a Christian and doest belieue in deede the thinges which Christiā faith doth teach the thē doest thou know an I most certainlic belieue also that of what state age strength dignitie or condition so euer thou be now yet must hy self which now in health mirth doest real this point and thinkest the same litle appertainig vnto thee one of these daies and that perhaps very shortlie after the readinge hereof come to proue al these thinge in thine owne person that is thou must with sorow and griefe beenforced to thy bed and there after al straggliges with the dartes of death thou must yelde thy bodie which thou louest now so dearly to be the baite of wormes and thy soule to the trial of iustice for her doinges in this life IMAGINE THEN my friend euē thou I saye which art so fresh and froelicke at this instant that the ten twentie or two yeres or perhaps two monethes or daies which thou hast yet to liue were now come to an ende and that thou were euen at this present stretched out vpon a bed wearied and worne with dolour and paine thy carnal frindes about the weepinge and howlinge and desiring thie goodes the phisitions departed with their fees as hauing gyuen the ouer and thou lyinge there alone mute and dumme in most pitiful agonie expecting from moment to momēt the last stroke of death to be gyuen vnto the. Tel me in this instāt what would al the pleasures and commodities of the whole earth auaile the what comfort or ease would it be vnto the now to haue bene of honour in this world to haue gathered wealth and purchassed much to haue borne office and enioyed the princes fauour to haue left thy children and kinred in aboundance to haue trodden donne thine enimies to haue stirred much and borne greate swaye in this life what pleasure I saye or benefite would it be to the to haue bene beautiful to haue bene gallant in apparel goodlie in personage glittering in golde would not al thes thinges rather afflict then profit thee at this instant No doubt but now thou shouldest wel see throughlie perceaue the vanitie of thes trifles thou shouldest proue true the saying of the wise man non proderūt diuitie in die vltionis riches wil profit nothing in the day of Gods reuēge That most excellent demaunde of holie Iob would oftentimes offer it self vnto thie remembrāce Quid ad cum pertinet de domo sua post se What hath a man to doe with his house familie or kinred after he is gone what good what comfort shal he take therby VVho vvil
almightie God to frame an other creature farre in nature inferiour vnto this to fil vp the places of such as were fallen and therupō created man of a peece of claye appointing him to liue in this world as a place of entertainmēt trial for a time which place God notwithstanding determined afterward to destroie againe But yet in creating this transitorie world which is but a base cotage in regard of his own eternal habitation cōsider god reader what power what magnificence what Maiestie he hath shewed what heauens how wonderful hath he created what infinit starres and other lights hath he deuised what elements hath he framed and how maruailouslie hath he compacted thē together The seas tossing and tumbling without rest and replenished with infinite sortes of fish the riuers running incessantlie through the earth like veins in mans bodie and yet neuer emptie nor ouerflowing the same the earth it self so furnished with al varietie of creatures as the hundreth part thereof is not vsed nor emploied by man but onelie remaineth to shew the ful hand and strong arme of the Creator And al this as I saied was done in an instant with one word onelie and that for the vse of a smal time in respect of the other future life which is to endure for al eternitie What then may we imagine that the habitation prepared for that eternitie shal be If the cotage of his meanest seruant and that made onelie for a time to beare of as it were a shower of raine be so princelie so gorgeous so magnificēt so Maiestical as we see this world is what must we think that the kings palace it self is appointed for al eternitie for him self and his friends to raigne together We must needes think it to be as great as the power and wisdome of the maker could reach to perfourme that is incomparablie and aboue al measure infinite The greate king Assuerus which raigned in Asia ouer a hundred twentie and seuen prouinces to discouer his power riches vnto his subiects made a feast as the scripture sayeth in his great citie of Susa to al the princes states and potentates of his dominions for a hundred and fourscore dayes together Esay the prophet sayeth that our God and Lord of hosts wil at the last daie make a solemne banquet to al his people vpon the hil and mount of heauen and that a haruest banquet of fat meates and pure wines And this banquet shal be so solemne as the very sonne of God him self chiefe Lord and Patrone of the feast shal be contēt to gird him self and to serue in the same as by his owne wordes he promiseth What maner of banquet then shal this be how magnificent and maiestical especiallie seing it hath not onely to endure a hundred and fower score dayes as that of Assuerus did but more then a hundred and fourscore millions of ages not serued by men as Assuerus feast was but by Angels and by the verie sonne of God him self not to open the power and riches of a hundred tuentie and seuen prouinces but euen of Almightie God the king of kings and Lorde of Lordes whose power riches are without end and greater then al his creatures put together can cōceaue How glorious a banquet shal this be then how triumphant the ioy of this festiual daye how in comprehensible a blisse to be partaker therof O most miserable and foolish children of Adam that are borne to so rare and singular a dignitie and yet can not be brought to cōsider loue or esteeme of the same Other many thinges ther be wherby to coniecture the exceeding greatnes of this reward and felicitie as for example to consider that if God haue geuen so many pleasures and comfortable giftes in this life as we sec innumerable in the world being a place notwithstanding of banishment an habitation of sinners a vale of miserie and appointed only for a time of repenting weeping mourning and bewailing what wil he doe in the life to come to the iust to his friends in the time of ioye mariage of his sonne This was a most forcible consideration with good S. Augustin who in the secret speech of his soule with God said thus O my Lord if thou for this vile bodie of oures hast geuen vs so great and innumerable benefites from the firmament from the ayer from the earth from the sea by light by darkenesse by heate by shadow by dewes by showers by windes by raines by birds by fishes by beasts by trees by multitude of hearbes and varietie of plants and by the ministerie of al thy creatures O swet Lord what maner of things how great how good how innumerable are thos which thou hast prepared for vs in our heauelie Countrie where we shal see thee face to face If thou doe so greate things for vs in our prison what wilt thou geue vs in our palace If thou geuest so many things in this world to good and euil men together what hast thou laid vp for onelie good men in the world to come if thine enemies and friends together are so wel prouided for in this life what shal thy onelie friēds receaue in the life to come if there be so great solaces in these daies of teares what ioye shal there be in that day of mariage if our iaile and prison containe so great matters what shal our Countrie and kingdome doe O my Lord and God thou art a great God and great is the multitude of thy magnificence and svvetnes and as there is no end of thy greatnes nor number of thy mercies nor depth of thie wisdome nor measure of thy benignitie so is there neither end number depth length greatnes or measure of thy rewardes to them that loue thee doe fight for thee Hitherto S. Augustin An other meane wherby to conceaue some parte of this reward in the life to come is to remember and weigh the manifold promisses of almightie God to honour and glorifie al thos that shal loue serue him VVhosoeuer shal honor me saieth he I vvil make him glorious and the prophet Dauid as it were complaineth ioifullie that Gods friends were to much honoured by him Which he might with much more cause haue said if he had liued in the new testament and had heard that promisse of Christ whereof I spake before that his seruants should sit doune banquet and that him self wold serue and minister vnto them in the kingdome of his father What vnderstanding can cōceaue how great this honour shal be But yet in some part it may be gessed by that he saieth that they shal sit in iudgement with him and as S. Paul addeth shal be Iudges not onelie of men but also of Angels It may also be coniectured by the exceeding great honour which he at certaine times hath done to his seruants euen in this life wherin notwithstanding they are
enioye al the varietie of times that delite vs here al the beautie of creatures that allure vs here al the pleasures and ioyes that content vs here In this vision of God sayeth one doctor we shal know we shal loue we shal reioice we shal praise We shal know the verie secrets and iudgements of God which are a depth vvithout bottome As also the causes natures beginnings ofsprings and ends of al creatures We shal loue incomparablie both God for the infinite causes of loue that we see in him and our brethren and companions as much as our selues for that we shal see them as much loued of God as our selues for the same cause for which we are loued whereof ensueth that our ioye shal be without measure both for that we shal haue a particular ioye for euery thing we loue ī God which are infinit and also for that we shal reioice at the felicitie of euerie one of our brethren as much as at our owne and by that meanes we shal haue so many distinct felicities as we shal haue distinct companions in our felicitie which being without number it is no maruaile though Christ sayed goe into the ioye of thy Lord and not let thy Lordes ioye enter into thee for that no one hart created cā receaue the fulnes and greatnes of this ioye And hereof finallie it doth insue that we shal praise God without end or wearines with al our hart with al our strength with al our powers with al our partes according as the scripture sayeth Happie are they that liue in they house ô Lord for they shal praise thee eternallie vvithout end Hitherto this learned doctor Of this most blessed visiō sight possession and fruitiō of almightie God wherunto in heauen th' elect are admitted the learned father S. Augustine writeth thus Our Saueour in the Gospel said vnto his Disciples Happie are the cleane of hart for they shal see God By which wordes we are let to vnderstand that ther is a sight and vision of God which is sufficient of it self to beatifie men and make them happie A visiō which nether eye hath seene in this world nor eare hath heard nor hart conceaued A vision deare brethrē that passeth al the beautie of earthlie things of gold of siluer of woodes of feeldes of sea of ayer of sunne of moone of starres of Angels for that al thes things haue their beautie from thence VVe shal see him face to face saieth his Apostle and vve shal knovv him as vve are knovven That is we shal know the power of the father we shal know the wisdome of the sonne we shal know the goodnes of the Holie Ghost we shal know the indiuisible nature of the most blessed Trinitie And this verie seing of the face of God is the ioye of Angels and of al other saints and celestial spirites in heauen This is the reward of life euerlasting this is the glorie of al blessed Cherubins their euerlasting pleasure their croune of honour their game and goal of felicitie their riche rest their beautiful quietnes their inward and outward consolation their diuine paradise their heauenlie Ierusalem their happines of life their fulnes of blisse their eternal triumphe their pretious peace of God which passeth al vnderstāding This sight of God is the ful beatitude the total glorification of man and Angels to see and behold him I say that made both heauen and earth to see and behold him deare brother that made thee that redemed thee that glorified thee For in seeing him thou shalt know him in knowing him thou shalt loue him in louing him thou shalt possesse him in possessing him thou shalt praise him and in praising him thou shal spend thie whole eternitie For he is the inheritance of his people he is the possession of their felicitie he is the reward of their expectation I vvilbe thy great revvard saieth he to Abraham O Lord thou art great and therfore no marmile if thou be a great reward The sight of thee therfore is al our hiar al our reward al our ioye felicitie that we expect seing thou hast saied that this is life euerlasting to see knovv thee our true God Iesus Christ vvhom thou hast sent Thus vttered S. Augustine his feeling in thes affairs AND NOVV HAVING thus declared the two general partes of heauēlie felicitie the one appertainīg to our soule the other to our bodie it is not hard to esteeme what excesse of ioye both of thē ioined together shal worke vnto vs i vs at the most happie day of our glorificatiō Which the forsaid holie S. Augustine conceaued and expressed in thes most zelous and affectuous wordes O ioye aboue al ioyes passing al ioyes without which there is no ioye when shal I enter into thee when shal I enioye thee to see my God that dwelleth in thee O euerlasting kingdome ô kingdome of al eternitie ô light without end ô peace of God that passeth al vnderstāding wherin the soules of Saintes doe rest with thee ô Lord and euerlasting ioye is vpon their heades and they doe possesse ioye and exultation and al paine and sorovv is fledde from them O how glorious a kingdome is thine ô Lord wherin al Saintes doe raigne with the adorned vvith light as vvith pretious apparel and haue crovvnes of pretious stones vpon their heades O kingdome of euerlasting blisse where thou art present ô Lord the hope of al Saintes and the diademe of their euerlasting glorie replenishing thē with ioy on euerie side by thy blessed sight O Lord in this kingdom of thine there is infinit Ioye and mirth without sadnesse health without sorow life without labour light without darknesse felicitie without abatement al goodnes without euil Here youth florisheth that neuer waxeth old life that knoweth no end beautie that neuer fadeth loue that neuer cooleth health that neuer diminisheth ioye that neuer coaseth Here sorow is neuer felt complaint is neuer heard matter of sadnesse is neuer seene nor euil successe is euer feared For that they possesse thee ò Lord which art the perfectiō and culme of their felicitie Hitherto blessed Augustine And now deare Christian brother if we that liue in thes dayes and doe read thes thīges would enter in deed into thes considerations as this holie man other his like did no doubt but we should be more inflamed with the loue of this heauenlie felicitie prepared for vs then we are and consequentlie should striue more to gaine it then alas we doe And to the ende thou maiest conceaue some more feeling in the matter cōsider but a litle withme what a ioiful day shal that be at thy house when hauing liued in the feare of God atchiued in his seruice the end of thy peregrination thou shalt come by the meanes of death to passe from miserie and labour co life of immortalitie and in
geuē vnto vs against the same they crie with S. Paul that they finde a lavv in their members repugning to the lavv of their minde which is the rebellion of concupiscence left in our flesh by original sinne but they confesse not or cōsider not with the same apostle that the grace of God by Iesus Christ shall deliuer them from the same They remember not the comfortable saying of our Saueour vnto S. Paul in the middest of his greatest temptations Sufficie tibi gratia mea My grace is sufficient to strengthen thee against them al. Thes men I say doe as Helizeus his disciple did who casting his eyes onelie vpō the number of his enemies that is vpon the huge armie of Syrians redie to assault him thought hīself lost vtterly vnable to stand in their sight vntil by the prayers of his master the holie Prophet he was permitted by God to see the Angels that stoode there present to fight on his side and then he wel perceaued that his parte was the stronger So fareth it with the weake and distrustful people who feeling and considering onlie the miseries and infirmities of their own nature wherby day lie strong tentations do rise against them doe account the batail painful and the victorie vnpossible hauing not tasted in deed nor euer proued through their own default and negligence the manifold helpes of heauenlie and spiritual succours which almightie God neuer faileth to send vnto such as are content for his sake to take this cōflict in hand S. Paul had wel tasted that ayde who hauing reckned vp al the hardest incounters and impedimentes that might be he adioineth notwithstanding Sed in his omnibus superamus propter cum qui dilexit nos But we ouercome in al these combates by his assistance that loueth vs. And then falleth he to that most wonderful protestation wherof both heauen earth and hel may stand in admiration that nether death nor life nor Angels nor other thing should be able to seperat him from Christ or to make him abandon his seruice and al this vpon the confidence of spiritual ayd frō his said Saueour wherby he sticked not to auouch that he could doe al things The Prophet Dauid also had proued the force of this assistance when he saide I did runne the vvay of thy commaundementes ô Lord vvhen thoudiddest enlarge my hart This enlargement of hart was by spiritual consolation of internal vnction wherby a mans hart drawen together by anguishe and sorow is opened and enlarged at what time Gods holie grace is powred ito it no otherwise then a drie purse is softened and enlarged by annointing it with oyle Of which diuine oyle and heauenlie comfort when this blessed seruant of God had receaued his part he confessed presentlie that he did not onlie walke the wayes of Gods commandementes with ease but also did runne them ouer with exceeding pleasure Euē as a carte wheele which creketh and complaineth vnder a smal burden when it is drie doth runne on merilie and without al noise when a litle oyle is put vnto it Which thing aptlie expresseth our state and condition who without Gods assistance are able to doe nothing but with the ayde thereof are able to conquere and ouercome al things And surelie I would gladlie aske these men that imagine the way of Gods holy law to be so hard and ful of difficultie how the prophet could say who was a man as we are I haue taken pleasure ô Lord in the vvay of thy commaundementes euen as in al the riches of the vvorld And in an other place That the same commandementes vvere more pleasant and more to be desired then any gold or pretious stone and more svveter thē hony or the hony combe By which wordes he yeeldeth to vertuous life not onely due estimation of honour and value aboue al treasures in the world but also of pleasure delite and sweetnes therby to confound al those that abandone forsake the same vpon idle pretensed and feined difficulties And if king Dauid could say thus much in the old testament and of the old law which notwithstanding was infinitlie more hard thē is the new with how much more reason may we speake it now in the time of grace when not onlie the seruice of God in it self is without al comparison more sweet and easie but also the peculier helpes and assistances of almightie God much more effectual and abundant For further declaratiō wherof I would demand of thee thou poore infortunat Christian that deceauest thie self with thes bugges and fancies of imagined difficulties whie Christ our Saueour came into this world whie tooke he our flesh vpon him whie laboured he and tooke so much paines among vs whie shed he his blood whie praied he to his father so often for vs whie appointed he the Sacramentes as conduites to deriue his most holie grace vnto vs whie sent he the Holie Ghost into the world what signifieth Ghospel or good tidings what meaneth the words Grace Mercie brought with him what importeth the comfortable name of IESVS Is not al this to deliuer vs from sinne from sinne past I say by his only death from sinne present and to come by the same death and by the assistance of his holy grace bestowed on vs more abundantlie then before Was not this one of the prīcipal effectes of Christ his comming as the prophet noted that craggie pathes should be made streight and hard vvayes plaine was not this the cause whie he indued his church with the seuen blessed giftes of the Holie Ghost and with the vertues infused to make the yoke of his seruice sweet the exercise of good life easie the walking in his commandemētes pleasant in such sort as men might now sing in tribulations haue confidence in perils securitie in afflictions and assurance of victorie in al temptations is not this the beginning midle and ende of the Ghospel were not thes the promises of the Prophetes the tydinges of the Euangelistes the preachinges of the Apostles the doctrine beleef and practise of al saincts and finallie is not this verbum abbreuiatum The word of God abbreuiated and made short wherin doe consist al the riches and treasures of our Christian profession But for that this matter is of exceeding great weight to the strēgthening of Christians in their vocation against the temptations of pusilanimitie and deiectiō which are verie ordinarie dāgerous to most mē in the world it shal not be amisse perhappes to treate discusse the same more at large in this place laying doune the particuler meanes and helpes which euerie man hath or may haue in this busines if he want not wil to vse and applie the same to his assistance and commoditie And for that the feeld is large the matters are many which doe appertaine vnto this point I haue thought conuenient for more plainesse and perspicuitie
Effrem that he had so maruailous great consolations after his conuersion as he was often constrained to crie out to God O Lord retire thy hand from me a litle for that my hart is not able to receaue so extreme ioye And the like is writen of S. Bernard who for a certaine time after his conuersiō from the world remained as is it were depriued of his senses by the excessiue consolations he had from God Houbeit if al this can not moue thee but that thou wilt stil remaine in thy distrust heare the testimonie of one whom I am sure thou wilt not for shame discredit especially speaking of his owne experience And this is the holie martyr and doctor S. Cyprian who writing of the verie same matter to a secret frend of his called Donatus confesseth that he was before his conuersion of the same opiniō that thou art now to wit that it was impossible for him to chaunge his maners to sinde such comfort in a vertuous life as after he did being accustomed before to al kinde of loose behauiour Therfore he beginneth his narration to his friend in this sort Accipe quod sentitur antequant discitur c. Take that which is first felte before it be learned and so he foloweth on with a large discourse shewing that he proued now by experience which he could neuer beleeue before his cōuersion albert almightie God had promised the same The like writeth S. Augustine of him selfe in his bookes of confession shewing that his owne passions the deuil wold needes persuade him before his conuersion that he should neuer be able to abyde the austeritie of a vertuous life especiallie touching continencie in the sinnes of the flesh wherin he had liued wantonlie vntil that time it seemed to him vnpossible that he coulde euer abandon the said sinne and liue chaste which notwithstanding he afterwards found both easie pleasant and without al difficultie For which he breaketh into these wordes directed vnto almightie God him self O my Lord let me remēber confesse thy mercies towardes me let my verie bones reioyse and saye vnto thee O lord vvho is like vnto thee thou hast broken my chaines and I vvil sacrifice to thee a sacrifice of thankes geuing Thes chaines which the blessed man mentioneth were the chaines of concupiscence wherby he stoode bounden in captiuitie before his conuersion as he there confesseth but presentlie thervpon he was deliuered of the same by the blessed helpe of Gods most holie grace My counsaile should be therfore vnto thee gentle reader that seing thou hast so many testimonies exāples reasons and promises of this matter thow shouldest at least proue once by thine owne experience whether this thing be true or no especiallie seing it is a matter of so great importance and so worthie thy trial that is to say a matter concerning so neare thy eternal saluation as it doth If a meane felowe should come vnto thee and offer for hazarding of one crowne of golde to make thee a thowsand by Alchimie albeit thou shouldest suspect him for a cousiner yet the hope of gayne being so great and the aduēture of losse so smal thou wouldest goe nigh for once to venture and see the trial And how much more shouldest thow doe it then in this case where by proofe thow canst leese nothing and if thou speede wel thou art sure to gaine as much as Gods kingdome and the euerlasting ioye of heauen is worth And thus much for this first part The. 2. part of this chapter Containing certaine instructions and examples for ouercomming of difficulties ANd now albeit this great affaire be such as I haue declared before and nothing so as the world and Satan doe beare men in hand yet may not I let passe in this place deare Christian brother to admonishe thee of one thing which the ancient Fathers and saintes of God that haue passed ouer this riuer before thee I meane the riuer deuiding betwene Gods seruice and the world doe affirme of their owne experience and that is that as soone as thow takest this worke or resolution in hand thow must expect many great encounters strong impedimentes sharpe contradictions and fearce temptations thow must expect assaultes combates and open warre within thy self This S. Cyprian S. Augustine S. Gregorie and S. Bernard doe affirme vpon their owne prooues This doe Cyril and Origen shew in diuers places at large This dothe Saint Hillarie proue both by reasons and examples This dothe the scripture it self forewarne thee when it saith My sonne vvhen thou art to come to the seruice of God stand fast in iustice and in feare and prepare thy minde vnto temptation And the reason of this is for that the deuil possessing quietlie thy soule before laye stil and sought onelie meanes to cōtent the same by daily suggesting new delites of carnal and worldly pleasures But when he seeth that thow offerest to goe from him he beginneth streight wayes to rage and to moue sedition within thee and to tosse vp and downe bothe heauen and earthe before he wil leese his kingdome in thy soule This is euident by the example of him whom our Sauiour Christ cōming downe from the hil after his transfiguration deliuered from a deafe and dumme spirite For albeit this deuil wolde seeme nether to heare nor speake while he possessed that bodie quietlie yet when Christ commaunded him to goe out he bothe heard and cried out and did so teare and rent that poore bodie before he departed as al the standers by thought in deede that he had bene dead This also in figure was shewed by the storie of Laban who neuer persecuted his sonne in law Iacob vntil he would needes depart from him And yet was this more plainly expressed in the doinges of Pharao who after once he perceaued that the people of Israel meant to departe his kingdome neuer ceassed greeuouslie to afflict them as Moyses testifieth vntil God had vtterlie deliuered them out of his handes with the ruyne and destruction of al their enemies Which euent al holie doctors and saintes in Gods church haue expounded to be a plaine figure of the deliuerie of soules from the tirannie of the deuil And now if thou wouldest haue a liuelie example of al this that I haue sayed before I could alleage thee many but for breuities sake one onelie of S. Augustines conuersion shal suffice testified by him self in his bookes of confession It is a maruailous exāple and containeth many most notable and comfortable pointes And surelie whosoeuer shal but reade the whole at large especialie in his sixth seuenth and eigth bookes of his confessions shal greatlie be moued instructed therby And I beseeche the reader that vnderstandeth the latine tongue to vewe ouer at least but certaine chapiters of the eigth booke where this Saints final conuersion after infinit combates is recounted It were to long to repeate al
thurseday and friday next ensuing they cried Crucifige against him and preferred the life of Barrabas a wicked murderer before his Now my freend if they delt thus with the Saueour of the world which was a better man then euer thou wilt be and did more glorious miracles thē euer thou wilt doe to purchase name and honour with the people why doest thou so labour and beate thy self about this vanitie of vainglorie why doest thou cast thy trauailes into the wind of mens mouthes why doest thou put thy riches in the lippes of mutable men where euery flatterer may robbe the of them hast thou no better a chest to locke them vp in S. Paul was of an other mind when he said I esteeme litle to be iudged of you er of the day of man And he had reason surely For what careth he that runneth at the tilt if the ignorant people that stand by doe geue sentence against him so the Iudges geue it with him If the blind man in the way to Iericho had depended of the liking and approbation of the goers bie he had neuer receaued the benefit of his sight for that they disuaded him from running and crying so vehemently after Christ. It is a miserable thing for a man to be a windemil which grindeth not nor maketh meale but according as the blast endureth If the gale be strong he sourgeth about lustely but if the winde slake he relenteth presently So doe you praise the vainglorious man and ye make him runne if he feele not the gale blow he is out of hart He is like the Babilonians who with a litle sweete musike were made to adore any thing what soeuer The scripture saith most truely as siluer is tried in the fire by blovving to it so is a man tried in the mouth of him that praiseth For as siluer if it be good taketh no hurt therby but if it be euil it goeth al into sume so doth a vaine man by praise and commendation How many haue we seene puffed vp with mennes praises and almost put besides them selues for ioy thereof and yet afterward brought downe with a contrarie winde and driuen ful neare to desperation by cōtempt How many doe we see dailie as the prophet did in his daies commended in their sinnes and blessed in their wickednes How many palpable intolerable flateries doe we heare both vsed and accepted dailie and no mā crieth with good king Dauid avvay vvith this oile and ointment of sinners let it not come vpon my head Is not al this vanitie Is it not madnes as the scripture calleth it The glorious Angels in heauen seeke no honour vnto themselues but al vnto God and thou poore worme of the earth desirest to be glorified The foure and twentie elders in the Apocalips tooke of their crounes and cast them at the seet of the lamb and thou wouldest plucke fortie frō the lamb to thy self is thou couldest O fond creature how truely saieth the prophet homo vanitati similis factus est a man is made like vnto vanitie that is like vnto his owne vanitie as light as the verie vanities them selues which he foloweth And yet the wise man more expressely In vanitate sua appenditur peccator the sinner is weighed in his vanitie that is by the vanitie which he foloweth is seene how light and vaine a sinful man is THE SECOND vanitie that belongeth to Ambition is desire of worldly honour dignitie and promotion And this is a great matter in the sight of a worldly man this is a Iewel of rare price worthie to be bought with any labour trauaile or peril what-soeuer The loue of 〈◊〉 letted the great mē that were Christians in Iewrie from confessing Christ openly The loue of this letted Pilat from deliuering IESVS according as in consciēce he saw he was bound The loue of this letted Agrippa and Festus from making themselues Christians albeit they esteemed Paules doctrine to be true The loue of this letteth infinite men daily from embrasing the meanes of their saluation But alas thes men doe not see the vanitie hereof S. Paul saith not without iust cause Nolite esse pueri sensibus be you not Childrē in vnderstanding It is the fashiō of Children to esteeme more of a painted bable then of a riche Iewel And such is the painted dignitie of this world gotten with much labour maintained with great expenses and lost with intolerable greef and sorow For better conceauing wherof ponder a litle with thy self gentle reader any state of dignitie that thou woldest desire and think how many haue had that before the. Remēber how many mounted vp and how they descended downe againe imagine with thy self which was greater ether the ioy in getting or the sorow in leesing it Where are now al thos emperours thos kings thos princes prelats which reioised so much once at their owne aduancement where are they now I say who talketh or thinketh of them are they not forgotten and cast into their graues long agoe And doe not men boldely walke ouer their heads now whos faces might not be looked on without feare in their life what then haue their dignities done them good It is a wonderful thing to consider the vanitie of this worldly honour It is like a mans owne shadow which the more a man runneth after the more it flieth and when he flieth from it it foloweth him againe and the onely way to catche it is to fal downe to the ground vpō it So we see that thos men which desired honour in this world are now forgotten thos which most fled from it and cast them selues lowest of al mē by humilitie are now most of al honoured honoured I say most euen by the world itself whos enemies they were while they liued For who is honoured more now who is more commended and remembred then S. Paul and his like which so much despised worldly honour in this life as he made lesse accompt therof then of cōmon dūge Most vaine then is the pursute of this worldly honour which nether contenteth the minde nor easeth the pained body nor continueth with the possessour nor leaueth behind it any benefit or cōtentation THE THIRD vanitie that belōgeth to ambition or pride of life is nobilitie of flesh blood a great pearle in the eye of the world but in deed in it self and in the sight of God a meere trifle and vanitie Which holy Iob wel vnderstood whēn he wrote thes wordes I said vnto rottennesse thou art my father and vnto vvormes you are my mother and sisters He that wil behold the gentrie of his auncestours let him looke into their graues and see whether Iob saith truely or no. True nobilitie was neuer begonne but by vertue and therfore as it is a testimony of vertues in the predecessours so ought it to be a spurre to the same
in the successours And he which holdeth the name therof by descēt only without vertue is a meere monster in respect of his auncestours for that he breaketh the limites and nature of nobilitie Of which sort of men God saieth by one prophet They are made abominable euen as the things vvhich they loue their glorie is frō their natiuitie from the bellie and from their cōception It is a miserable vanitie to begge credit of dead men wher as we deserue none our selues to seek vp old titles of honour from our auncestours we being vtterlie vncapable therof by our own base maners and behauiour Christ clearlie confounded this vanitie when being descended him self of the greatest nobilitie and rase of kings that euer was in this world and besides that being also the sonne of God yet called he him self ordinarilie the sonne of man That is to say the sonne of the pore virgin MARIE for otherwise he was no sonne of man and further then this also called hi self a shepheard which in the world is a name of contempt He sought not vp this that old title of honour to furnish his stile withal as our mē doe Nether when he was to make a king first in Israel did he seeke owt the auncientest blood but tooke Saul of the basest tribe of Iewes and after him Dauid the poorest sheepheard of al his brethren And when he came into the world he soght not out the noblest men to make princes of the earth that is to make Apostles but tooke of the poorest simplest therby to cōfound as one of them saieth the folish vanitie of this world in making so great account of the preeminence of a litle flesh and blood in this life THE FOVRTH vanitie that belongeth to ambition or pride of life is worldlie wisdome wherof the Apostle saieth The vvisdom of this vvorld is folie vvith God If it be folie then great vanitie no dowbt to delite and bost so much in it as men doe It is a strange thing to see how contrarie the Iudgmentes of God are to the iudgmentes of men The people of Israel wold needes haue a king as before I haue said and they thought God would haue geuen them presentlie some great mightie prince to rule ouer them but he chose out a poore man that folowed asses vp down the countrie After that when God wold displace this man againe for his sinnes he sent Samuel to anoint one of Isay his sonnes and being come to the house I say brought forth his eldest sonne Eliab a lustie taule felow thinking him in deed most fitte to gouerne but God answered Respect not his countenance nor his taulnes of personage for I haue reiected him nor doe I iudge according to the countenance of man After that I say brought in his second sonne Abinadab and after him Samma and so the rest vntil he had shewed him seuen of his sonnes Al which being refused by Samuel they maruailed much and said there was no more left but onelie a litle read headed boye that kept the sheep called Dauid which Samuel caused to be sent for And as sone as he came in sight God said to Samuel this is the man that I haue chosen When the Messias was promised vnto the Iewes to be a king they imagined presentlie according to their worldlie wisdome that he should be some great prince and therfore they refused Christ that came in pouertie Iames and Iohn being yet but carnal seing the Samaritanes contemptuouslie to refuse Christes disciples sent to them and knowing what Christ was thought streight way that he must in reuēge haue called downe fire from heauen to consume them But Christ rebuked them saying you knovv not of vvhat spirit you are The Apostles preaching the crosse necessitie of suffering to the wise Gētiles and Philosophers were thought presentlie fooles for their labours Festus the Emperours lieutenant hearing Paul to speake so much of abandoning the world and folowing Christ said he was madde Finallie this is the fashion of al worldlie wise men to condemne the wisdome of Christ and of his Saints For so the holie scripture reporteth of their own confession being now in place of torment nos insensati vitam illorum aestimabanins insaniam we fond men esteemed the liues of Saintes as madnes Wherfore this is also great vanitie as I haue said to make such accoumpt of worldlie wisdome which is not onelie called folie but also madnes by holie scripture itself Who would not thinke but that the wise men of this world were the fittest to be chosen to doe Christ seruice in his Church Yet S. Paul saieth non multi sapientes secundum carnem God hath not chosen many wise men according to the flesh Who wold not think but that a worldly wise man might easilie also make a wise Christian yet S. Paul saith no except first he become a foole stultus fiat vt sit sapiens If any man seeme wise amongest you let him become a foole to the end he may be made wise Vaine then of no account is the wisdome of this world except it be subiect to the wisdome of God THE FIFTH vanitie belonginge to pride of life is corporal beautie wherof the wise man saith vaine is beautie and deceauable is the grace of a faire countenance Wherof also king Dauid vnderstode properlie when he said Turne avvaye my eies ō Lord that they beholde not vanitie This is a singular great vanitie dangerous and deceatful but yet greatlie esteemed of the children of men whose propertie is to loue vanitie as the prophet affirmeth and experiēce teacheth Beautie is cōpared by holiemen to a painted snake which is faire without and ful of deadlie poison within If a man did cōsider what infinite ruines and destructiōs haue come by ouer light geuing credit therunto he wolde beware of it And if he remembred what foule drosse lieth vnder a faire skinne he wolde litle be in loue therwith saith one holy father God hath imparted certaine sparcles of beautie vnto his creatures therby to drawe vs to the consideration and loue of his owne beautie wherof the other is but a shadow euen as a man finding a litle issue of water maye seeke out the fountane therby or happening vpon a smal vaine of gold may therby come to the whole mine it self But we like babes delite our selues onelie with the faire couer of the book and neuer doe consider what is writen therin In al faire creatures that man doth beholde he ought to reade this lesson saith one father that if God could make a peece of earth so faire and louelie with imparting vnto it some litle sparke of his beautie how infinite faire is he himself and how worthie of al loue and admiration And how happie shal we be when we shal come to enioye his beautiful presence wherof now al creatures doe take their beautie If
the most barraine places therof as they can tel which haue seene their mines What a base matter is this then for a man to tie his loue vnto God commāded in the ólde law that what soeuer did goe with his breast vpon the ground should be vnto vs in abhomination How much more then a reasonable man that hath glewed his hart and soule vnto a peece of earth VVe came naked into this vvorld and naked vvee must goe soorth againe saieth Iob. The mille whele stirreth much about and beateth it self from daie to daie and yet at the yeres end it is in the same place that it was ī the beginning so riche men let them toile labour what they can yet at their death must they be as poore as at the first daie wherin they were borne When the riche man dieth saith Iob he shal take nothing with him but shal close vp his eies and finde nothing Pouertie shal laie handes vpon him and a tempest shal oppresse him in the night a burning winde shal take him awaie and an hurle winde shal rushe vpon him and shal not spare him it shal binde his handes vpon him and shal hisse ouer him for that it seeth his place wether he must goe The prophet Dauid in like wise forewarneth vs of the same in these wordes Be not afraid vvhen then seest a man made riche and the glorie of his house multiplied For vvhen he dieth he shal take nothing vvith him nor shal his glorie desiend to the place vvhether he goeth he shal passe into the progenies of his aunceslours that is he shal goe to the place where they are who haue liued as he hath done vvorld vvithout end he shal see no more light Al this and much more is spoken by the Holie ghost to signifie the dangerous vanitie of worldlie wealth and the folie of those men who labour so much to procure the same with the eternal peril of their soules If so many phisitions as I haue here alleaged scriptures should agree together that such or such meates were poisonned and perillous I thinke fewe men wold geue the aduenture to eate therof though otherwise in taste they appeared sweet and pleasant How thē cometh it to passe that so manie earnest admonitions of God himself can not staie vs from the loue of this dangerous vanitie Nolite cor apponere saith God by the prophet that is set not your hartes vpon the loue of riches Qui diligit aurum non iustificabitur saith the wise man he that loueth gold shal neuer be iustified I am angrie greatlie vpon riche natiōs saith God by Zacharie Christ saith Amen dico vobis quia diues difficilè intrabit in regnum calorū Truelie I saye vnto you that a riche man shal hardlie get into the kingdome of heauen And againe vvoe be to you riche men for that you haue receaued your consolation in this life Finallie S. Paul saith generallie of al and to al They vvhich vvilbe riche doe fal into temptations and into the snares of Satan and into many vnprofitable and hurtful desires vvhich doe drovvne them in euerlasting destruction and perdition Can any thing in the world be spoken more effectualie to dissuade from the loue of riches than this must not here now al couetous men of the world ether denie God or condemne them selues in their own consciences Let them goe now and excuse them selues by the pretēce of wife children kinsfolke as they are wōt saying they meane nothing els but to prouide for their sufficiencie Doth Christ or S. Paul admit this excuse wher Gods seruice and their own saluation commeth in question ought we so much to loue wife or children or other kinred as to endanger our soules for the same Tel me deare Christian brother what comfort may it be to an afflicted father in hel to remember that by his meanes his wife and children doe liue wealthelie in earth that for his eternal woe they inioy some few years pleasurs No no deare brother this is vanitie a mere deceate of our spiritual enemie For within one moment after we are dead we shal care no more for wife children father mother or brother in this matter thē we shal for a mere straunger and one penie geuen in almes while we liued for Gods sake shal comfort vs more at that daie thē thousandes of poundes bestowed vpon our kinred for the natural loue we beare vnto our own flesh blood The which one poīt would Christ al worldly men could consider and then no doute they would neuer take such care for kinred as they doe especially vpon their death beddes whence presentlie they are to depart to that place where flesh and blood holdeth no more priuilege nor riches haue any power to deliuer but onely such as were wel bestowed in the seruice of God or geuen to the poore for his names sake And this shal be sufficient for this point of riches THE THIRD branche of worldlie vanities is called by S. Iohn concupiscence of the flesh which conteineth al pleasures and carnal recreations of this life as are banquetting laughing playing and such other delites wherwith our flesh is much comforted in this world And albeit in this kind there is a certaine measure to be allowed vnto the godly for the conuenient maintenance of their health as also in riches it is not to be reprehēded yet that al thes worldly solaces are not onely vaine but also daungerous in that excesse and abundance as worldly wealthie men seeke and vse them appeareth plainlie by thes wordes of Christ. VVoe be vnto you vvho novv doe laugh for you shal vvepe VVo be vnto you that novv liue in fil satietie for the time shal come vvhen you shal suffer bungar And againe in S. Iohns gospel speaking to his Apostles and by them to al other he saith you shal ' vvepe morne but the vvorld shal reioise making it a signe distinctiue betwene the good and the badde that the one shal mourne in this life and th' other reioise and make them selues merie The very same doth Iob confirme both of the one th' other sort for of worldlinges he saith that they solace them selues with al kind of musicke and doe passe ouer their dayes in pleasure and in a verie moment doe goe doune into hel But of the godly he saith in his owne persone that they sigh before they eate their bread And in an other place that they feare al their workes knowing that God spareth not him which offendeth The reason whereof the wise man yet further expresseth saying That the vvorkes of good men are in the handes of God and no ma knovveth vvhether he be vvorthie of loue or hatred at Gods handes but al is kept vncertaine for the time to come And old Tobias insinuateth yet an other cause when he saith VVhat ioy can
their last extremety shal cry for help and their crie shal be as sharp to pearse mēs eares as a sword is yet notwithstāding no mā shal heare thē And thou ô Lord which onely canst help them shalt be so farre of from hearing or pitying their case as thou shalt also laugh at their miserie and destruction By al which is signified the great calamitie of such as deferre their conuersion vnto the last day expressed by three circumstances in the former sentence alleaged For first he saith they vvil turne at the euening that is at the houre of death For as the euening is the end of the day and the beginning of night euen so is this time the end of light and the beginning of al darkenes vnto the wicked In which sense Christ said I must vvorke the vvorkes of him that sent me vvhiles the day lasteth for night vvil come on vvhen no man can vvorke more At this time then that is at this euening in this twy light betwene day and darkenes when the pleasant brightnes and heate of al sunne beames is past the brightnes I meane of honour of vainglorie and of worldlie pompe is consumed when the heat of concupiscence of carnal loue of delicate pleasures is quenshed when the beautiful sommer day of this life is ended and the boisterous winter night of death draweth on thē saieth the prophet wil the wicked man beginne of force to turne vnto God then wil he forsooth repent then wil he resolue him self and make his conuersion But what shal this be accepted You haue heard the prophets request to God Non miserearis doe not take mercie on them Not for that the prophet wisheth God to be vnmerciful but for that he wel knew Gods immutable iustice towardes such kinde of men Who 's miserie in this extremitie he expresseth further by saying they shal suffer hungar as dogges which is as if he should haue saied euen as dogges when they are hungrie are rauenous doe seeke by al meanes for meate be it neuer so homelie and wil refuse nothing that is offered but wil deuoure al thos things most gredilie which they contemned whiles their bellies were ful so thes men that would not heare of penance while they were in health wil now admit any thing and make strange of nothing Now I say when they can liue no longer wil they promise any paines what praiers you wil what fasting you please what almes deedes you can desire what austeritie soeuer you can imagine They wil promise it I say vpon conditiō they might now haue life againe vpon condition that the day might be prolonged vnto them albeit if almightie God should graunt them their request in this also as many times he doeth they would performe no one point therof but would be as careles as euer they were before yet for the present you shal see thē as hungrie as dogges saieth the prophet most redie to deuour any thing that may be deuised for their saluation And not contented with this the same prophet addeth yet a further clause of miserie And that is that they shal circuite or runne about the cilic euen as dogges doe when they are hungrie putting in their heades at eucry dore for releef though it be with great danger to be beaten out againe This expresseth an vnspeakable distresse and calamitie of wicked men at the last day when they shal circuite and runne about the whole citie of God both in heauen and earth to seeke help and shal finde none When they shal crie with sighes and grones as pearsing as a sword and yet shal not be heard For whether wil they turne them selues in this distresse vnto their worldly wealth power or riches alas they are gone and the scripture saieth riches shal not profit in the day of reuenge Wil they turne vnto their carnal frends But what comfort can they geue besides onely weeping and comfortles mourning Wil they aske helpe of the Saints in heauen to pray for them in this instant It is good surely so to doe but yet they can not chuse but remember what is writen The sainies shal reioise in glorie exultation shal be in their throtes and tvvo edged svvordes in their handes to take reuenge vpon nations and increpations vpon people to binde kings in fetters and noble men in manacles of iron to execute vpon them the prescript iudgement of God and this is the glorie of al bis saintes Their onely refuge thē must be vnto God who in deed is the onely sure refuge of al but yet in this case the prophet saieth here that he shal not heare them but rather contemne and laugh at their misery Not that he is contrarie to his promise of reccauing a finner at what time soeuer he repēteth and turneth from his sinne but for that this turning at the last day is not commonly true repentance and conuersion for the causes before rehearsed To conclude then this matter of delay what wise man is ther in the world who reading this wil not feare the deferring of his conuersion though it were but for one day Who doeth know whether this shal be the last day or no that euer God wil cal him God saith I called and you refused to come I held out my hand and you vvold not looke tovvardes me and therfore vvil I forsake you in your extremitie He doth not say how many times or how long he did cal and hold out his hand God saith I stand at the dore and knocke but he saith not how often he doth that or how many knockes he geueth Againe he said of wicked Iezabel the faigned prophetesse in the Apocalips I haue geuen her time to due penance and she vvold not and therfore shal she perish but he saieth not how long this time of repentance endured We read of wonderful examples herin HEROD the father had a cal geuen him and that a lowd one when Iohn baptist was sent vnto him and when his hart was so farre touched as he willingly heard him and folowed his counsaile in many thinges as one Euangelist noteth But yet because he deferred the matter and tooke not time when it was offered he was cast of againe and his last doings made worse then his former HEROD tetrarche the sonne had a cal also when he felt that desire to see Christ some miracle done by him but for that he answered not vnto the cal it did him no good but rather much hurt What a great knocke had PILATE geuen him at his hart if he had bene so fortunate as to haue opened the dore presently when he was made to vnderstand the innocencie of Christ as appeareth by washing his handes in testimonie therof and his wife also sent vnto him an admonition about the same No lesse knocke had king AGRIPPA at his dore when he cried out vpon the hearing of S. Paul O Paul thou
apolog 2. tp ad felic That protestātes doe follovv the same spirit of corrupting Luth. in Lipist ad Ioan. Heruagium typogra Argent The nevv brethrens testimonies the one against the other Zuing. li. de Sacra fol. 412. 10. 2. Bez. in resp ad defens Castal Itē in praefat Test. an 1556. Mol in trá Test. noni part 11. fol. 110. Item part 64. 65. 66. 74. 99. M. Bunies particuler dealing in editiō of the booke of resolution B V N. first deuise To MAKE his aduersaries speake like Protestantes S. Augustine taught to speake by M. Buny BVNY second deuise To INSERT parentheses Math. 18. Marc 10. Luc. 19. 2. Tim. 2. Apoc. 2. Eccle. 9. BVN third shift MAROInal annotations of diuers fortes Annotatiōs fonde 2. Annotatiōs absurd Aug. lib. 8 confes cap. 12. Possid in vita Aug. 3. Annotations vvicked Athanas. in vita Anton. Aug lib. 8. cōfes c. 12. Mat. 19. Against S. Antonie Against S. Augustine Against our B. 〈◊〉 die Aug. quest 71. in Exo. con 1. in Psal. 32. Great absurditie impietie of M. Buny Maruelous absurdities M. Bun. the. diuels proctor BVN third snift THEVsting out Impudent dealing in striking out Monkes Apparitiōs of Christ. Purgatorie Apparitiōs of Angels Neremites Satisfactiō Penance Bodily affliction 2. Cor. 12. Resisting of temptatiōs Promisses to Virginitis Christes vvordes thrust out by M. Buny Mat. 11. OF mangling OTHER mens sayings Cyp. lib. de laps l. 5. epist. 9. ad Corn. The measare of penance Hier. ep 27 ad Lustoch Intollerable dealing Ambros. ad virg Laps cap. 8. A consideration vpon the premisses Intollerable pride of beretiques VVhy vve should ioine vvith protestantes VVhy they vvil not ioine vvith vs. Their hurtes in yelding to vs. * So much the more certaine to proceede of grace and of Gods special ordinance for that othervvise men vvould neuer haue receaued thē Note this The cōmodities offered to vs in ioining vvith thē religion The Protostantes protestation Cōmodities by yelding in our ciuil state Intellerable lying flatterie * Hovv doe they prosper at this day in Frāce and Flāders * Note this blessednes The remouing of impediments Of discredit Of hurtes Atheisme Hovv by N. Buny vve are al of one Church Page 108. VVhy protestātes are novv so kinde as to make attonement vvith vs. The only motiue to protestant religion in England 1. The vvhole booke reuevved 2. The title altered 3. Diuers treatisses altered 4. Nevv chapters added and vvhy The greuous temptations of faith that come by heresie The reason of particuler chapters added of nevv An other cause of the amplificatio of tins booke The reason of the methode adioined in the ende The conclusion vvith certaine instructions True treating of demotion only in the Catholique Church VVhy no heretique treateth sincerly of deuotion 2. Tim. 3. 2. Pet. 3. VVhy protestantes of alother sectaries can not teach true pietie Examples bovv protestantes can not teach piesie of life vvithout imparing their doctrine No effect of verme sollovveth vpon the prating of protestants The spirit of the Catholique Church The charitable proceeding of God by Int. prophctes The dāger of inconsideration Esa. 5. The sensual life of the Iuis he 〈◊〉 Esa. 47. The daughter of Babylon forgetteth her ende 4. Reg. 15. 17. The complaint of Ierenue for inconsideration Iere. 12. Esa. 5. The mysterie of incōsideration Iob. 4. Iob. 4. A collectiō to be noted Lack of cōsideratiō cause of eternal destruction Psal. 91. A point that fooles vvill not consuler Dan. 10. A most terrible vision of Daniel vvherī he savv Christ. Dan. 12. A secret Dan. 12. VVilfull ignorance The cause of so much sinne at this day Iob. 15. Luc. 19. Es2 47. Luc. 9. Voluntarie inconsideration Iob. 21. Iob. 23. Pro. 28. Ibid. Dent. 6. 11. Iosue 1. Psal. 118. Eccle. 6. 22. Ecclo 17. The first cause vvhy men slie cōsideratiō Act. 24. Ioseph li. 20 antiq cap. 5. The second cause vvhy men slye cōsideratiō Iere. 7. Ierem. 8. The third cause of incōsideratiō Sap. 15. Eccle. 8. A comparison Iere. 30. 23. In the end ynel men shall vnderstand vvhether they vvill or no. The exāple of the Babyloniās Esa. 47. Esa. 21. Esa. 21. VVe must stand vpon our vvatch Luc. 12. Cōsideratiō the onelie dore to our vvatch Bern. lib. 1. de consid The manie cōmodities of consideration Effectes 〈◊〉 consideratiō Hovv all vertues are stirred vp quickened by consideration Psalm 38. Psal. 76. The exercise of holy men touching consideration Gen. 24. The first three Patriarches Moyses Iosue Deut. 6. 11. Ios. 1. K. Dauid Psalm 38. 62. 118. Psal. 76. K. Salomō Eccle. 6. K EZechias Esa. 58. Esa 26. The consideration that Iob vsed and the seuites therof Iob. 23. Tvvo effectes of consideration Esa. 32. Mich. 6. A consideration vpon the doinges of Iob. Iob. 9. Augustin in lib. cōfess Knovvledg and beleefe in grosse A similitude The importance of cōsideration 1. Tim. 4 The cōclusion of the chapter The miserie of the vvorld Iere. 30. 23. Ephes. 5. Ierem. 7. Th' effect of all the chapters follovvinge Ioh. 17. The vvaye to knovve god in this life Psal. 45. Luc. 10. A common custome in sciences to suppose principles An example in cheualrie In handycraftes In liberal sciences Growndes to be graūted in sciēces In logicke In Moral Philosophie In natural Philosophie In the Mathematiks In Metaphysike In Diuinitie Heb. 11. Tvvo principles in diuiritie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Psal. 4. The cause of this chapter If ther be a God he is a iust revvarder See Lactantius at large in his booke of the vvorkmāshipe of the vvorld The vvorkes of the vvorld doe declare the vvorkman Sap. 13. Rom. 1. A Similitude The Heauens teache God Iob. 28. Psal. 18. The earth teacheth vs God Iob. 38. The Sea shevveth God Aris lib. de mirabilibus Iob. 38. The things in man declare God Iamblicus de Myst. cap. 1. Act. 17. Old Atheistes Laertius lib. 2. 4. de vit philos Psal. 13. 52. Rom. 1. Philip. 3. Lact. lib. 3. institut Philosophers Fovver pri cipal sciences The Mathematique proueth not God THE Natural philosopher The first argument in natural Philosophie Arist. lib. 7. 8. phy Primum mobile Plat. l. 10. de legib Arist. lib. 8. phys cap. 5. An argument taken from the clocke Arist. lib. de mūdo A similitude The second argumēt of natural philosophie Philo. l. de opificio mundi The third argumēt of natural Philosophīe * Vide Plutarch de placitis Philosoph Arist. l. 8. phys l. de Gen. corrup Arist. l. de mundo vide plotin l. de mundo THE Metaphysique and his argumentes The first argumēt in Metaphysique Ut maxia in Metaphysique Arist. li. 2. Metaph. cap. 2. The 2. argument in Metaphysique Multitude Plat. in Parmen Primum Mobile MICRO COSMOS The infiite thinges bat prosede from be soule The 3. argument in Metaphysike Subordination A similitude The 4. argument in Metaphysique Prouidēce *