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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05025 A brief discouerie of the false church. 1590 Barrow, Henry, 1550?-1593. 1591 (1591) STC 1517; ESTC S111924 311,536 274

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seruice of his Church But that vvere to handle the vvhole platforme and o●…der of Christs Testament the excellencie and perfection wherof but slightly to describe as yt far exceedeth my slender capacitie so not being to this present purpose I haue onlie indeuored to vse such general reasons as might prooue this generall Propositiō That the gouernment and ordinanc●…s that Christ in his Testament hath set downe and apointed vnto his Church are necessare onlie fi●… and perpetuall and that the true Church of Christ can or may no more receaue anie other office●…s gouernment and ordinances then the bodie of a man can receaue other members the members an other order or temperature then that which God hath assigned Which I hope by these places is so manifest as I need stand no longer to inforce the necessitie and onlie fit congruēce therof vnto the bodie members of the church by shewing either the comelines beautie features of the Chucch when yt is thus furnished of these true members and the members thus placed built together ordered and vsed The necessitie of these let common sense and experience in the bas●… patterne of our owne naturall bodie shew how ill we could either admit anie other then those members that God hath apointed thervnto or spare anie of those members●… or haue them kept from their true vse and peculiar function or placed in anie other order or place or knit togethe●… with anie other iointes sinewes or vain●…s then God hath disposed for them But the heauenlie spirituall beautie order congruence and vse of these members thus commixt and contempered ●…et the 4 6. and 7 chapter of Solomons song declare From all which together ●… euerie member apart the vse administration and benefite therof as also from the disorder infinite inconueniences and mischeises that would ensue of the reiecting of this or receauing any other order gouernment administration might infinite and seuerall arguments be drawen to proue the absolute necessitie of the one the v●…ter inhibition vnfitnes of any other But heere now fitly commeth a certaine obi●…ction of the aforesaid D. R. S. ●…o be answered Sa●…th he Yf that outward forme of discipline were of the essence of the Church then where that forme of discipline either was or is not there was and is no Church which is a gross●… absurditie My reasons are Samaria had not that forme of discipline but yt was a famous Church Actes 8. Antiochi●… had not that forme of discipline yet yt was a floorishing Church The greatest part of reformed Churches in Christendome haue not that forme of discipline yet they are accompted holie Churches of all but of the Papistes and 〈◊〉 What his Doctorhood meaneth by these disguised termes of the discipline essence of the Church I vnderstand no●… and therfore wil leaue them where I ●…ind them eschewing according to the Apostles rule such profane inanitie of words and oppositions of science falsly so called which som●… pro●…essing haue erred about the faith But if he by these reasons suppose to haue impugned the necessitie and perpetuity of CHRISTS holie gouernment order wherinto the Apostles built all Churches and which they left vnto all Churches I shal then brief●…ly shew how far he faileth of that purpose and reasoneth quite to a new and diuers question and therfore can therby conclude nothing against this For our qu●…stion heere is not whither the Church may not sometime vpon some necessities b●… without this order or some part therof for a season but whither the Church may receaue anie other forme of gouernment in stead of this So that if he had prooued that the Churches of Samaria and Antiochia had receaued anie other forme of gouernment and order then this Apostolick then had he in deed said somwhat although a particular instance or two may not take away or draw vs from a generall law and perpetuall rule But he trifling about the name of a Church quite forsaking the question would inser from the ambiguitie of the word that because a Church vpon some necessitie●… may for a season be without this 〈◊〉 ord●…r and gouernment therfore they may reiect this an●… take an other according to the pollicies of the time place How diuersly the church is read in the scriptures not heere to stand of the etymologie of the word ecclesia me thinkes this great diuine should not be ignorant how som●…times yt is read for all the Saints in heauen and in earth sometimes for all the Saints dispersed or gathered heere in the whole world som●…times for a companie of faithfull people ioined together in the 〈◊〉 cō●…union of the faith indeuoring to proceed into the order of CHRIST and in the same faithfully to walke together But cōmonly yt is taken for a companie of such faithful thus entered couenant established walking in due order according to the rules of Gods word of which kinde of Church we al this while reason For their church of England is not now vnestablished as Samaria and Antiochia were at these times he speaketh of but yt is established into an order ministerie and gouernment though according to the Popes cannons not according to the Testament of CHRIST So that he might as well haue reaso●…ed from anie of the oth●…r readings of a Church and gained as much scilzt that becausè all the Saints in heauē are called a Church yet they haue not Pastors Teachers c. therfore the Church of CHRIST may be established w tout these as also al the dispersed Saints are called a Church yet haue not this order gouernment therfore c. Samaria Antiochi●… at their first calling to the faith had not this established order and gouernment yet were held famous floorishing Churches therfore the Church may be established into an other forme of order and gouernment then that of CHRISTS Testament this if he conclude not he gaineth nothing this if he conclude I denie his Argument It followeth not because the Church is not alwaies thus established therfore yt ought not to be thus established The Churches of Samaria and Antiochia ●…either can be shewed to haue receiued anie other order or gouernment or to haue neglected this but the contrarie apeareth of Sam●…ria Act. 9. 31. where Luke recordeth that the churches throughout al ●…udea Galile Samaria had peace being built proceeding in the feare of the Lord and were replenished with the comfort of the holy Ghost What thinketh D. S. now was not Samaria built established in this order vnles he can shew that the Apostles built the Churches in anie other order and then frō this place may he also conclude that the Churches in Iudea Galile were not thus built this scripture not secretly shewing that ●…oth they were all built alike that there was but one order of building amongst the Apostles in these wordes being edified or built Me thinks this place also sheweth some letts that sometime may hinder the Churches
wherwith the whole world is now so deeplie delighted wholy carried away nothing els being welcome or acceptable vnto their earthly séses or ytching humorous eares which cānot b●…ooke wholsome doctrine or suffer the wordes of exhortation I haue not desired to speake in the wordes taught by humane wisdome but in the words taught of the Holie Ghost From which where I haue swerued as my vnsanctified lippes no doubt too oftē haue or which wherin I haue abused as fooles knowe not to vse a parable aright I humbly craue the Christian correction rather then the pardon of the reader for yt ought to goe before and shall be more profitable vnto me Great euerie way shal ●…he benefite hereof be both to me to the whole Church I being instructed shal through the grace of God both repent learne to amend my faultes the Church shall reape the fruits of Gods graces much more plentifullie in others which if I may any way stir vp I shal not iudg my labour wholy lost The diffuse and disorderly handling of these points will also no doubt be yrksonne vnto the Reader neither in deed take I anie pleasure therin but let that be partly imputed to the confuse subiect ●…ou know what BABEL signifieth but chieflie to my wāt of skill that knew not how to do yt better I am cōtent to beare that blame so others may reape anie good by the rest If some vnperfect sentēces or superfluous repetitions arise in the reading attribute those to his weakned memorie that is but a litle cherished as also to the incōuenience of the place through the iniquitie of the times where such was the rage of the enimie as he might not keepe one sheade by him whiles he was writinge of an other hauinge also as euill meanes to reuise or retract that he had written so no wōder though manie thinges escaped which might with more dilligence haue beene preuented Let these also be the writers blame deseruedlie which he for thy good thinketh not much to sustaine But now remaineth the verie Argument subiect of this Booke w ch of ●…l other will be most disliked held most odious heinous of all sorts of men who wil neuer endure to heare the magnificence of the false Church wherin they haue so long beene nouri●…hed in so great delight reprooued cast downe So throughlie are they intoxicate vvith the wine of her abhominations and all their senses bownd in the fetters of her fornications that they haue no eies to see eares to heare or hearts to beleeue the truth But especiallie the shipmaisters the marriners merchantmen and all the people that reigne row are caried in this false Church they will neuer indure to see fire cast into her the●… wil neuer indure to suffer losse of their daintie pretious merchādise but rather will raise vp no small tumultes and stirres against the seruantes of God seeking their blood by all subtill violent meanes as we reade in the scriptures their predecessors haue alwaies donne accusing them of treason troubling the state schisme heresie and vvhat not But vnto all the power learning deceipt rage of the false Church vve oppose that litle Booke of Gods vvorde which as the light shall reueale her as the fire consume her as an heauy milstone shall presse her and all her children louers partakers abettors downe to hell which Booke we willinglie receiue as the iudge of al our controuersies knowing that all men shall one day that ere long be iudged by the same by this Booke who so is found in error or transgression let them haue sentence accordinglie Neither let the dreadfull seuere iugments of GOD be lesse feared or esteemed because they are pronounced by a frayle weake man or that man or messenger be hardlier entreated or iudged too seuere because he doth deliuer the message of his Lord. The Lord assuredlie doth ratifie in heauen whatsoeuer he pronounceth heere or earth neither hath anie seruant of GOD power to alter change his maisters wil they cannot loose that he bindeth or lighten his yoke Let then that state people or person that findeth himself greeued at anie thing heere said first inquire the truth therof in the word of GOD so giue credit obedience accordingly for whē the Lion roreth vvho should not feare when the Lord hath spoken vvho should not prophecie Let him that heareth therfore heare and he that leaueth off let him leaue off yet let all know the Lion roreth not in the forest if no pray be present neither the young Lion out of his denne if he be not about to take And when the Lion of the Tribe of IVDA is once raised vp vvho shall then find Argumentes to plead or vveapons of defence yt is a most fearfull thing to fall into the handes of the liuing GOD. Great is the mercie of GOD that bloweth the trumpet and giueth warning before he ●…ring the euill vpon vs yea great is his mercie patience that yet continueth to speake knock and call we hauing so long skorned his messengers despised his words c. Only now let all men in whome is anie feare or loue of GOD anie care of their owne saluation tremble at the word of GOD let them be warned feare●… le●… them ponder their owne waies depart from euill least the finall wrath of God preuent them Let them consider the further they go on i●… error the further they depart from the truth and the harder they shall find yt to returne Let them not be perswaded to continue in euill by the authoritie wisdome pretended learning or holines of anie neither by the numbers and multitudes after they haue once heard or seene the error of their way the Lord keepe all his from presumptuous sinne Long hath that great milstone of the Lordes fearfull iudgmentes beene lift vp on high in the eies of all men ouer this presumptuous confuse BABEL wherin they continue long hath the Lord called commaunded all his people to goe yea to flee out of her Many they see by Gods mightie hand escaped deliuered and marching with the banner of the Gospell displaied before all the inchanters of Egipt PHARAOH his troupes Let the rest no longer ●…empt GOD or be held vnder the dint compasse of this dreadfull milstone by anie perswasions but let them saue their soules out of this accursed false Church with all speed whiles yet grace and time is offred and ioine themselues vnto the faithfull seruantes of CHRIST vnder his conduct Gospell that he may lead them out of the howse of this spirituall bondage into the glori●…us libertie of the sonnes of GOD vnto that desired TZION there together to serue God lead their liues in holines according to Gods owne wil to the comfort assurance of their owne soules the glorie of his name Amen Let the vniust do vniustlie yet and
the filthie do filthilie yet and let the iust do iustice yet and let the holie be sanctified yet Behold I come shortlie and my revvard with me to render vnto euerie one according as his worke shalbe Apoc. 22. 11. 12. SEing we haue receaued a most sure word of the Lord our GOD It behoueth vs to geue heede thervnto as vnto a light that shineth in darke places whiles we trauell in the dangerous wildernes of this world In which word the whole wisdome and conncells of GOD for our direction and instruction in all thinges are fully reuealed vnto vs. So that now we are not to say in our heartes who shall goe vp for vs to heauen and bring yt vs or who shall goe ouer the sea bring yt vs cause vs to heare yt that we may obey yt For loe yt is neere vs euen in our mouth in our heart and set before our eies for to do yt the sound of the Gospell hauing beene long since caried forth through al the Regions of the whole earth So that no nation ●…halbe excused which will not serue obey vnto the Gospell of our Lord IESVS CHRIST which being proclaimed with his owne blessed mouth sealed with his owne heart blood writtē with the pen of the holy Ghost deliuered incommended by his holy Apostles Prophets vnto vs all posterities as his last wil Testament wherunto nothing may be added nothing diminished a●…tered or changed violate or wilfully neglected according to fleshly wisdome or vvorldly pollicie without most heinous transgression sacriledge and impietie For as all degrees of men without respect or exception of any person are bound vnto the same as vnto the Scepter of our soueraigne Lord IESVS CHRIST who is King ouer all blessed for euer Amen so shall all men in particular be iudged by the same of all things done in this mortall life Neither hath any Angel in heauen any mortall man no nor the whole Church power or prerogatiue to alter or neglect the least iote or title therof But GOD hath especially cōmitted these holy oracles to the caref●…l custody of the Church there to be inuiolably preserued as in the side of the Arke purely taught expounded deliuered without corrupting mixing hiding obscuring peruerting wresting there to be precisely obserued with all reuerence and feare without any willing or knowē transgression or swaruing either to the right hand or to the left of the whole Church or any member therof And heervnto is the whole Church and euerie particular member therof both iointly and seuerally bound both because they haue all of them interest in the tree and riuer of life all are bound to the maintenance of the faith which is giuen is cōmon to al Sainctes and because they are all of them the members of CHRIST and togeather his bodie each others mēbers in him Therfore are they so often by the Apostles charged stirred vp to exhort edifie and admoni●…h one an other to stād vpō the watch-towre of their faith to scowte and obserue them diligently which cause diuisions offences cōtrarie to the doctrine which they haue learned to trie the spirites to examine the doctrine whether any man teach otherwise cōsent not vnto the wholsome wordes of our Lord IESVS CHRIST to the doctrine which is according to godlines Many waightie and graue reasons are added to induce them to be the more vigilant 〈◊〉 the doctrine being likened to the light of the eies to the food yea to the life of the foule as also error corruptiō resembled to da●…knes leauen poison c. Moreouer such teachers to false and deceitful workmē blind vnfaithful guides to greeuous rauening wolues to thieues murtherers c. what counterfeit titles ●…heepes clothing soeuer they take and get ynto them yet the holy Ghost speakes euidently euerie where warneth that these builders shal destroie the Temple of God vvhose howse and work●… vve are c. these guides shall seduce mislead vs in the waies of death destruction these thieues and vvolues shal spoile murther vs. Now by how much these goods are spiritual this death of the soule by so much are they more carefully to be auoided shūned eschewed Therfore our sauiour CHRIST his Apostles as they were most vigilant faithful ministers did both preuent and foresee diuers dangers great euils to come so gaue they verie earnest and often warnings hereof vnto the disciples vnto the Churches cōmanding the porter yea euerie seruant of the house to watch to beware to take heed shewing them that manie false CHRISTES should arise many false prophets shewing great signes wōders wherby to deceaue if yt were possible the verie elect He fore told them of Antichristes original increase exaltation how he should be haue himself vvhat hauock he should ke●…p in the Church of God as also of the general defection euen of the verie beginning therof How immediatly after the tribulation of those daies namely the destruction desosatiō of the earthly material 〈◊〉 the Sunne shoud be darkned the moone should not giue her light the starrs should fal from heauen the powers of heauen should be shaken and th●… beau●…ie therof wrapped vp as a scroule that the whole world should be drowned in sensualitie and securitie as in the daies of NOAH because iniquitie shalbe increased faith scarse found vpon the earth at his coming So that if those daies should not be shortned there shoud no flesh be saued Y●…t that al these things must should vndoubtedly come to pass he shewed yt by the nearer thinges namely the destructiō of Ierusalem the temple there c. as also confirmed yt by the truth stedfastnes of his word shewing how the heauen earth should passe away but his wordes should not passe away neither should this generatiō passe vntil al these thinges were fulfilled Of these things the Prophets spake before though more darkly as a far off by diuers types as Isa. 14. 13. 14. Na●…um 3. 4. 5 6 7. Da●… 9. 27 ●…lso Isa. 13. 10. ●…4 4. Ezek. 32. 7. Ioel 2. 31. 3 14. 15. But the Apostles gaue much more euident plaine warning of these things chiefly they that liued longest and came nearest to these times As the Apostle Paul to the Elders of Ephes ' Act. 20. 29. 30. 31. in al his Epistles ple●…tifully the Apostle Peter in his 2. Epistle 2. 3. Chapt. The Apostle Iude Ihon in al his Epistles but especially in that heauenly Book of the Reuelation vvherin he most liuely describeth these thinges euen from the original in seueral visions according to the seueral times y t should ensue vvherin he sheweth the happy estate of the Church whiles Gods glorious throne was in the midst
al the land both great and small rich and poore priest and people in most seruile subiectiō therfore in this estate cannot be held or numbred among Christes faithful seruantes vvhich are fully redeemed by the price of his pretious blood from al these bondages and intanglementes vvhich they by a shew of volun●…arie religion and counterfeit holines vvould impose vpon mens consciences Neither may such be held the seruātes of CHRIST vvhich stand subiect vnto his enimie Antichrist beare his yoke receaue his ministerie vvares c. or vvhich contend not for the maintenance of the true faith for the sincere practise of the Gospel with freedome in al patiēt maner vnto the death suffring rather anie thing then themselues to be defiled with his abhominations How then should this people as they generally stand in the publique estate of this land in this subiection to Antichrist in this idolatry sacriledg al kind of excesse and sinne euen in al degrees without repentance faith obedience knowledg be receaued held or esteemed the redeemed called faithful free obedient louing subiects and people of the Lord or how may CHRISTES true faithful seruantes haue any spirituall communion or fellowship with them in thys estate vvithout open sacriledg most hainous impietie and high profanation of the holy things of God For if into the material temple no profane or polluted person might enter and osfer vntill he had imbraced the faith and beene clensed from his filthines how much more ought this profane ignorant vnholy wicked disobedient rowte be kept out of the Church of CHRIST frō al intermedling with the holy things of GOD which in this estate belong not vnto them But as these vngodly priestes of these times haue entred and do administer vnto this profane people for the lucre of their goodes tithes wages hire so wāt not these Balaams sundrie diuelish shiftes and cauils for the maintenance of their doinges least by this doctrine their portion should be reprooued their vantage for diuining cease as also their sinne and shame be made manifest Amongst an heape of their forged excuses they set this for doctrine in the fore ●…ront THAT vvhere ●… Christian Prince is vvhich mai●…taineth the Gospel and ●…he whole land or estate not resisting this commandement reue●…enceth the word sacramētes there the whole multitude of such ●… land or state are without doubt to be esteemed and iudged a true Church This reason they confirme not with any proofes of the ●…cripture but by M r. CALVINS authoritie who giueth these reasons ●…herof because saith he y●… is certaine the word and sacramentes ●…re not without fruit and that by this meanes vnitie is preserued to ●…he vniuersall Church Touching the person of the Author alledged I gladly acknowledg ●…im a painful and profitable instrument in the thinges he saw and ●…imes he serued in yet not without his manie errors ignorances ●…specially touching the planting gouernment and ordering of the Church of CHRIST And no meruaile for being so newly escaped out of the smoky fornace of poperie he could not so sodeinly see or attaine vnto the perfect beawtie of Sion But seeing my hope is GOD hath pardoned all his errors c. my purpose is not with these wicked men to reuiue and broach them a fresh or make them pre●…identes and by them take boldnes to commit the like or worse of●…ences nor yet to discouer NOAH his shame and nakednes So also concerning matters of faith would I be loth to build vpon or be ●…ressed by the doctrines and examples of men the best wherof we ●…ee to be subiect to their errors and faults For as faith only beleeueth and resteth vpon the holy word of God so are we by the same to examine al the doctrines and doinges of men yea of the vvhole Church and accordingly to approue or refuse the same Touching this doctrine then that a Christian Prince which publisheth and maintaineth the Gospell doth forthwith make all that realme which with open force resisteth not his proceedinges to be held a Church to whome an holy ministerie and sacramentes belong without further more particular and personal trial examination confession c. This doctrine we find by the word of God to be most false corrupt vncleane dangerous pernicious doctrine contrarie to the whole course practise and lawes both of the old newe Testament breaking at once al Christian order corrupting poisoning al Christian communion fellowship sacrilegiously profaning the holy thinges of God First we know that no Prince or mortal man cā make any a member of the Church they may by their godly gouernment greatly help further the Church greatly comfort the faithful aduance the gospel c. But to chuse or refuse to cal or hardē that the eternal and almightie ruler of heauen and earth keepeth in his owne handes and giueth not this power vnto any other This also vve know that whome the Lord hath before al worldes chosen them ●…e wil in his due time and meanes cal by his word and whome he ●…alleth them he sealeth with this seale to depart from iniquitie to beleeue and lay hold of CHRIST IESVS as their alone sauiour to honour and ob●…y him as their annointed King Priest Prophet to submit théselues vnto him in all thinges to be reformed corrected gouerned directed by his most holy vvord vowing their faithful obedience vnto the same as yt shalbe reuealed vnto them By this faith confession profession euerie member of CHRIST from the greatest vnto the least without respect of persons entereth into standeth in the Church In this faith haue all the faithfull congregations in the world and true members of the same bodie fellowship communion each with other and out of this faith haue the true seruantes of GOD no fellowship no communion with any congregation or member how florishing titles or faire shewes soeuer they make heere in the flesh None as hath beene prooued vncircumcised or polluted in flesh might enter into the temple or tast of the passouer or other sacrifices how neere soeuer they were in consanguinitie affinitie or subiection In King DAVIDS time the Edomites Moabites Ammonites Philistims were brought vnder obedience subiection yet were none of them admitted into the temple c. but such as imbraced the faith King HEZEKIAS and IOSIAH two famous godly Kings after they had rightly reformed the corrupt estate admitted none to the passouer but such as purified sanctified themselues according to the law The like we reade of the children of the captiuitie after they had finished the temple set the priests in their order th●… Leuites in their courses c. they ke●…t the passouer together with all such as had seperated themselue●… vnto them from the fiilthines of the heathen of the land to seeke the Lord GOD of Israel These
hidden amongst the opē wicked vngodly as 〈◊〉 few graines of wheate lie in a great heape of chaffe c. Then ●…hich doctrine nothing can be deuised more vncleane corrupt ●…r more vnworthy the Church of CHRIST as breaking all the or●…inances and lawes of GOD at once and vtterly subuerting defi●…ng all Christian communion c. vvhich doctrine as yt is directly ●…ontrarie vnto the whole course of scriptures both for the entrance ●…to the Church and for the order conuersation in the Church 〈◊〉 can no place of scripture be applied to the vpholding and confir●…ation therof without vnsufferable falsifying and violent wrasting ●…e same As for this place Ma●…hew 3. 12. yt no more prooueth this doc●…ine then the others out of Math. 13. for here Mathew rather recor●…eth the conclusion of Ihon the Baptistes sermon doctrine then ●…ny way describeth the estate of the established Church of CHRIST 〈◊〉 the 11. and 12. verses shewing the incomparable excellencie of CHRISTES person and ministerie in respect of his also in the same ●…ewing the diuers effectes of Christes cōming vnto such as looked ●…or him vvho as they vvere of two sortes so had they seuerall suc●…esse The one sort he baptised the other he consumed with fire ●…he one sort he fanned fifted purged fined and preserued as wheat ●…nd siluer the other with the same fanne and fornace he ●…scattered ●…nd burnt vp as chaffe drosse The humble poore of the flock ●…vhich gaue eare to the voice in the wildernes which confessed ●…epented their sinnes and made strait his pathes receaued Ihons ●…aptisme those he receaued fed kept c. but those proud Pha●…isies learned Scribes and carnal Sa●…uceis which thought them●…elues in a perfect estate and despised the councel of God against ●…hemselues and would not be baptised of Ihon those when the ●…ESSIAH also came despised and contemned him and therfore he ●…ut them off in one day yea his day was vnto them darknes and not ●…ght c. But now which way should this fowle vncleane barn-floore thus pestered ouerspred with chaffe be likened almost without bla●…phemie vnto y e holy Church of Christ rightly planted established gouerned according to his holy will testamēt where as hath beene said all the people that enter are receaued there are chosen redeemed called out of the world from amongst the heathen Saintes by calling partakers of the same pretious faith glorious hope humble obedient louing sheepe And therfore is y ● church likened to a sheepfold which is both watched and defended to keepe out the wild beastes the wolfe and litle foxes vnto a garden shut vp welspring inclosed an orchyeard vineyard walled where al the plantes are natural sweet incense trees pomgranate al sweet fruit trees Myrrhe Aloes cynnamon with trees of chief spices Heere entereth no Cananite or profane person but euerie vessel shalbe cleane holy as bowles before the Altar c Furthermore euē in the material temple there were ash-pannes besoms to sweep carry out al dust filth And euen in euerie barn-flore the husbandman hath his flayle his fanne his syue to tresh his wheat out of the eare to purge yt from the chaffe to seuer yt from darnel tares c. which labour if he should slack he should haue no vse of his wheat he should haue no cleane nor wholsome bread And how much more shal our heauenlie husbandman purge his seed his wheat from such reprobate chaffe giddy darnel before he receaue them into one loafe set them at his heauenly table They canot be a newe lump vnto him except they be purged from the old leuen of maliciousnes wickednes The seruantes of God can neither build the Church nor ioine in any spiritual actiō with the profane nor with such counterfeit professors as the Samaritanes nor with such bastardy false seede as that of MOAB of ASHDOD c. There may be no misseline or seedes of diuers kinds sowē in the Lordes ●…ield The God of heauen and earth requireth vnto himself a holy seed he will be sanctified of all that draw neere vnto him for euen our God is a consuming fire How then dare any admit those the Lord shutteth out of his Church or how dare they mingle and ioyneth such reprobate knowen chaffe cockle tares darnel with the Lordes wheate wittingly and wittingly which the Lord with fanne syue purgeth seuereth casteth out of his barn-flore much lesse receaueth not into his granarie But how far is their ignorant rash●…es or rather presumptuous boldnes proceeded which not only receaue into retaine in their Church fellowship these heapes of the wicked opē vnwor●… euen all the profane multitude al sortes of people that are found within their territories and iurisdiction without respect of person but euen thrust them vpon Christ whether he will or no and make him an high Priest Prophet vnto them administring vnto them and their seed the holy thinges of God as baptisme the Lordes supper Is not this to mingle heauen and earth ligh dark●… or ●…hat higher sacriledge can be committed shal these places thus ●…rasted falsified hide diminish their sinns or rather not agra●…ate make manifest their error wickednes By what sober con●…truction or almost cōmon sense can this place Math. 3. be vnder●…tood of the planted and rightly ordered Church of Christ or how ●…ay such a Church be compared to a flore where in a great heape ●…f chaffe a few graines of wheate lie hid and buried we read in the ●…criptures that the righteous shall shine as starrs in the Church of God yet I willingly acknowledge that there can in this life be no wheate so pure which hath not both chaffe branne c. but that ●…n an other sense only I would know of these men that thus grossly ●…iken the Church of God what difference we may put betwixt the ●…orld and their Church In the world in deed the children of God ●…hal for a season be mingled remayn amongst the profane wicked vntil the time of their visitation calling but after they haue once giuen obedience vnto the voice of Christ then forget they forsake their old conuersation companie haue no longer fel●…owship with the vnfruitful workes of darknes but are renned in ●…ighteousnes holines and true knowledg after the image of him that called them out of darknes into his merueilous light c. But to couer cure al this confusion disorder al this sacrilegious profanatiō portsale of the holy thinges of God al other mischeifes enormities amongst thē as also to stop the mouthes to terrifie al such as find fault with reprooue these thinges or depart from amongst them where
in the bozome of their Church c. so if we by the rules of Christs Testamēt duly examine this their flanting ministerie wherof their Church so boasteth I doubt not but that we shal find them as counterfeit prodigious antichristian and rightly fitting to this monstrous confuse bodie of the multitudes this harlot their Church sittet●… on Which ministerie to describe in their coullers were a fitter Argument for a stage play to bring forth these hypocrits out of their dennes and to make them play their partes in the light then for any sober christiā discourse who abhor to raue in their vncleane cages filthy kennels yet that they may the sodainlyer apeare of what so●… they are we the soner haue done with them let vs first cōsider what maner of officers CHRIST hath apointed in the Church of God then how th●…se ought to enter then how to administer and so briefly by these rules examine the ministerie of their Church of England The ministerie apointed vnto the gouernmēt seruice of y e Church of CHRIST we find to be of two sortes Elders Dea●…ons the Elders some of them to giue attendance vnto the publike ministerie of the word sacramētes as the Pastor Teacher the other Elders together with them to giue attendance to the publike order gouernmēt of the Church the Deacons to attend the gathering and distributing the goodes of the Church Now these Officers are first duly proued examined compared by to these rules set downe in the Testament of CHRIST both in apparant graces by the manifestation of the spirit as also in al vnreproueable conuersation witnessed wel aproued vnto that flock of which they are chosen to serue attend This done with praier fasting they are chosen ordenied in the same Congregatiō by publike consent They being thus chosen ordeined by all are now diligently faithsully to execute their office vnto all not preiudicing the libertie of any ●…mbitiously assuming any inordinate authoritie or abusing or neglecting their office neither holding or executing yt in regard or in respect of person but vprightly and indifferently performing yt vnto all men as in the eies of God whose word they purely and sin●…erely teach faithfully precisely obserue to their vttermost knowledg and power If in any thing they transgresse or offend they are as well as any other members liable to the censure of the Church which is to reproue depose or excommunicate them according to the qualitie of the sinne estate of the offenders c. Now to come to the ministerie of the Church of England which is so manifold diuers as I know not how to begin to describe yt But let yt first be diuided into these 3 sorts 1. Reigning or Gouerning 2 Seruing 3 Collegiate 1. Of the reigning gouerning minifters are Arch-Bishops Lord Bishops Arch-Deacons Chancellers Commissaries all of the high Commission as likewise such ciuil Doctors Proctors Registers Scribes Pursuiuantes Sumners as attend vpon their Court●…s of faculties prerogatiue Archies delegates c. 2 Of the seruing sort are Parsons Vickars Curates hireling Lecturers vagrant mercenarie Preachers house priestes Chaplens half-Priestes or catechisers Church-wardens sidemen questmen pa●…ish Clarkes 3 Of the ministerie col●…egiate are Lord Bishops Deanes Sub-Deanes Prebendaries Canons petie Chānons Gospellers Pistellers Singing mē Singing boies Vergiers Sextines This diuisiō I suppose wil wel neere suffice for their officers But now how to diuide or distinguish their offices I know not I am so vnlearned ignorant of such great secrets high misteries Neither yet haue I skil to ●…arshial thē in their degrees of honour which I haue heard say they haue both in the cōmon welth in their schooles as ●…eir Primate their Mettopolitane graces their Palatine Lordbishops 〈◊〉 their Baronny Lordships al which I weene be Peeres of the realme 〈◊〉 estates of the Land Now there are also certayne Doctors of diui●…tie Bachelors of diuinitie which haue many great priuileges ●…ogatiues of the cappe the skatlet gowne the hood the habbite the ●…pet c. the ring the chaire the one of thē being a Kinghts fellow ●…e other an Esquires in any ground in England Also how capable ●…ese are by statute of how many benefices I cannot tell Neither haue I the cunning to deriue their genealogies and pede●…ies as they tooke beginning in the ages succeeding the Apostles in ●…e first 4. or 500. yeres only because I want that deep learning I must ●…ntent my self to goe to that old book of Gods word There in deed ●…emember Reuel 9. that I read of a Sar that fell from heauen vnto the ●…rth which had the key of the bottomles pyt giuen vnto him who ●…hen he had opened that bottomles pyt there arose the smoke of ●…e pyt as the smoke of a great fornace wherwith the Sunne and ●…e aire were darkned Out of which smoke of the said pyt I read 〈◊〉 at al these monstrous armed crowned poisoned Locustes Scor●…ōns issued c. Now as they tooke beginning with Antichris●… vnder ●…eir king 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Apolluon so tooke they increase together with him ●…or when Sathan had enthronized him giuē him his high Cōmissiō 〈◊〉 made him his Lieftenāt general in earth c. then these his Peeres 〈◊〉 c●…ptaines compassed about guarded his throne did miracles ●…efore the Beast deceauing with the effectual power of their errors ●…l such as receaued the Beastes marke or worshipped his image and ●…ried forth his image far an neere and set yt vp in al places where his ●…rson could not be cōpelled al both smal great rich poore 〈◊〉 receiue the Beastes mark worship his image this I read in the 13 ●…f the Reue. Now in the 16. Chapter of the said booke after that y●… vi●…s of Gods wrathful iudgmētes had beene powred out vpō the earth ●…ō the sea vpō the riuers fountaines ef waters vpō the Sunne vpō●…e Throne of the Beast vpon their great riuer Euphrates I read that ●…ese vncleane spirites that came out of the mouth of that Dragon ●…nd out of the mouth of that Beast and out of the mouth of that false ●…rophet ●…hich are y c spirites of Deuils working miracles should goe ●…rth vnto the kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather ●…em vnto the battel of that geat day of God almightie yea and in ●…e 17. of the Reuelation that they should cause these kings those ten ●…ornes to hate the whore to make her desolate and naked to burne ●…e whore with fire euen that faire harlot of whose cup they ha●…●…runke and with whome they had cōmitted fo●…ation so many ●…eares before and to giue their kingdomes power and authoritie vn●…o the Beast vntil the wo●…des of God be accōplished In the 19. 20. ●…hapters of this
loue of God or care of their owne saluatiō might saue their soules frō their murtherous mouthes and follow the deceitful miserable guides no further in the crooked mooueable p●…thes of their inuentions no●… stay any longer in the steppes of that flocke but to come forth from amongst them vnto that true shepheard of ISRAEL which so graciously seeketh calleth them that he may bring them to Zion that Citie of ioy that mountaine of holines that heauenlie inclozed paradise where he feedeth watereth his kiddes with the fruits and water of that ●…ree that riuer of life which so far passeth that earthly garden or parke where ADAM was first plac●…d as that excelled the wildernes of Kadesh or as the heauen passeth the earth or in deed as the true substance the shadow type Which grace that you may find apprehend as yt is the chiefe end of this my present writing so is yt my continual pra●…er vnto the Lord herein resting being assured of this that all CHRISTS sheepe will heare his voice but a false Propher or a stranger they will not heare or follow Such are al these your ministers preachers apparantly proued vnto you to be by all the markes which God in his word hath set down●… to know them by False Prophets they are in that they perswade vnto 1 ●…rror 2 transgressiō 3 idolatrie 4 apostacie Deut. 13. 2. False Prophets they are in that they prophecie vnto this sinfull land in this corrupt estate pe●…ce prosperitie l●…r 28. 8. False Prophe●…s they are in that couer all the ●…inne of the land with the name of the Lord of the church Gospel Sacraments c. Ier. 7. 4. 18. 18. Micah 2. 7. False Prophets they are in that they dawbe the muddy wall of this corrupt apostaticall estate with their vntempered sermo●…s Ezek. 13. 10. c. False Prophets they are in that they prophecie in the name of so many Baalims Baal Bishop Baal Patron those Baalims to whome they stand chaplens Ier. 23. 13. False Prophets they are in that they prophecie for hire sel their cuning Ezek. 13. 4. 19 Mi●…h 2. 11. 3. 11. Math. 10. 8. False Prophets they are in that they handle not the word of God sincerely faithfully but ioine yt to all the wickednes of the lād c. Ier. 23. 28. 29. 1 Thes. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Ezek. 34. 18. False Prophets they are in that they blow not y e trumpet but yeild vnto the enemie are scilenced at their cōmandement Ezek. 33. 6. Isa. 56. 10. Ier. 1. 17. False Prophets they are in y ● they are mē pleasers vailers pillow sowers Ezek. 13. 18. ●…al 1. 10. False Prophets they are in y ● with their sweet tōgu●…s they allure deceaue nourish and hold all the prophane people in idolatrie and sinne Ier. 23. 17. 31 32. Strangers they are from the cōmon welth of 〈◊〉 in that they are not gathered to CHRIST their head but stand members of the fa●…se Church vnder Antichrist Ephes. 2. 12. Mat. 12. 30. Strangers they are in that they execute a strange office vnheard of in the Church or Testament of CHRIST Rom. 12. 7. 8. Strangers in that they are not called of God vnto their office but entred ascended an other way Ioh. 10. 1. ●… c. Heb. 5. 4. Nu. 16. 5. 40. Stragers they are in that they ex●…rcise a counterfait antichristian rouing idolatrous ministrie in the fal●… Church Deut. 32. 17. 2 Chron. 11. 15. Amos. 5. 26. Iude. Strangers in that they haue th●…ir original f●…ō the apostatical chaire of Antichrist which they still guard vphould figh●…g vnder his flag against CHRIST his Gospel the faith●…ull witnesses therof R●…u 9. 3. 12. Reu. 13. 13. 14. 16. 1●… Blind false guides and seducers they are in that they lead the people in the wa●…es of darknes and death promising them liberty reformation c. when they themselues stand bonds●…ruants of corruption Prouer●… 2. 13. c. Math. 15. 14. Hebr. 6. 1. 2 Pet 2. 19. 2 Tim. 3. 6. 7. False builders dece●…tfull work men in that they neither gather vnto nor build vpon the true foundation CHRIST and his word but gather vnto build vpon 〈◊〉 his traditions and so destroy thesoules of al that are built in this their Church 2 Corint 1●… 13. ●… Cori●…t 3. 9. c. Ephes. 2. 20. 21. 22. They are powred out in the error of Bala●…m for wage in that they sel their diuinitie to Gods enemies Iude. 11. The way of Caine they follow in that they murther the faithfull by daily reproches vitupe●…ie and slaunders Iud 11. ●… Ioh. 3. 12. The truth of the●…e things you may read see in the scriptures the proof of al these you may see in their standing doctrines practise duly compared vnto truly examined by the rules of Gods word Now yt r●…maineth that you be warned obey the calling of God disterminate your selues from amōgst them least you despise the grace of God against you●… owne soules and he giue you vp to their delusions Let such as take offen●…e at my sharpe maner of writing against these their esteemed learned preachers before they condemne my spirit 〈◊〉 yt whether these iudgments be the Lords or no. Then let them examine vnpartially whither these men be not vnder the same in such ●…aner as I haue said As for me what am I that I should alter or what is man that he should control●… the Lords iudgment●…s in loosing that which he bindeth or holding in veneration that which he hath in detestation or to giue titles vnto any in their sinne that were to call CHRIST execrable yea to make my self guiltie of the same sin iudgment which the Lord now cōmandeth me to denounce against them Of the affection intent of my heart I make the searcher of al hearts Iudg euen whether I desire not their saluation as mine owne They that iudg the medecine too sharpe me an austere vnskilful physician should do well for the first to examine the ingredients by that heauenly herbal and the whole confection together by the practise of that great physician and his disciples For the ingredients I haue prefixed vnder euerie branche leafe the bough roote where I gathered them For the composition confection I haue desired to follow our Sauiour CHRIST in his conferences where he reproued the priests Scribes Phariseis of his time whiles he liued heere amongst them in the flesh desiring you to pervse the 21. 22. 23. chap. of Ma●… comparing them to the other Euangelistes and vnto zach 11. I haue also followed the Prophets Apostles who alwaies dealt most sharply with the false Prophets and false Teachers of their times how great estimation or shew of learning soeuer they caried and haue le●…t vnto vs perpetuall doctrines to doe the like both to watch discouer auoide false Prophets which shall arise within
by direct scriptures without anie wrasting or peruerting the same Which being done by that time I hope the innocencie of such as seeke this Christian order and communion in sinceritie as also the blasphemie of them that depraue the order accuse the seekers therof shalbe euident to al men I am not ignorant in what a sophistical Saducaical manner this horned Bishop hath propounded his questions quite from the state of the controuersie and drift of his reproches subsequēt The deceit error wherof may be more fitly laid open after this difficult proposition which he and his associates with such tyrannie impugne is prooued God we reade whē he first erected his tabernacle amongst the Isra●… set downe in the mountaine the perfect patterne of al things euē to the least instrument hooke or tape vsed therin as also the whole composition and vse of euerie thing belonging therunto with all the ordinances therof He left nothing to the wil or discretion of Moses whose commendation was that he was found faithful in al his house as a seruant for a testimonie of thinges to be spoken The like vve reade of David in the distribution of the orders and functions of the Priests and Leuites Of Solomon and Zerubabel in the building the material Temple We see I say how perfectlie the Lord set downe y e matter and forme the number assize place order and vse of euerie thing belonging to his Tabernacle and Temple We see vvhat absolute lawes he set downe for euerie thing there to be done how i●…lous he was ouer his sanctuarie and what seuere iudgm●…ntes he shewed vpon them that transgressed the least of his ordinances as the exāples of Nadab Abihu Corath Ely and his sonnes vzza sundrie others the deportation of both the kingdomes with the destruction of the Temple and at length the vtter desolation therof shew And may we suppose that God is lesse carefull prouident absolute ielous ouer this his glorious Temple vvhich consisteth of the bodies and soules of his deare 〈◊〉 Saintes for the structure instrumētes forme order ordinances of this which abideth for euer thē he was of that other vvhich consisted but of stone and wood vvhich was to abide but a time was but a type and shadow of this If we so thinke let the new Testament of our Sauiour CHRIST conuince vs wherin is left vnto vs a most liuelie and expresse patterne for all things with the fit mould wherin euerie thing ought to be formed cast most perfect direct lawes ordinances for the number place order vse direction of al things belonging vnto CHRISTS Church Can anie imagine vnto themselues that God is lesse louing vnto delighted in or ielous ouer this Temple wherof his owne only deere sonne is builder minister head then he was ouer that base earthen Temple for so in respect of the incomparable glorie of this I may call yt wherof MOSES was the builder c. Can anie imagine the ministrie orders ordinances of CHRISTS Church deliuered by the sonne himself ratified cōfirmed by the voice of God from heauen by manie miracles and wonders on earth of lesse congruence necessitie or accompt then those of that Tēple deliuered by Angels or that God hath giuē now greater power or priuiledg to anie mortal creature Prince or minister in this church to neglect alter violate or innouate any of Christs lawes or bring in set vp anie of their owne in this Church then he did then to MOSES DAVID SOLOMON in that Temple If these lawes be of greater force estimation perpetuitie both in regard of the dignitie preeminence of Christ the minister of the things administred of the place I meane the spiritual Temple yet if the word spoken by Angels was sure and euerie transgression disobedience receaued iust recompence of reward If that word might at no hand either in the building reformation or administration euen in the least vilest things as the ashes of the Altar which had their apointed place i●…struments ministers be neglected brokē or innouate by no mortall man of what estate or degree soeuer vpon what occasion or pollitike respect soeuer without some warrant from Gods owne mouth that gaue the Law how shall they escape or where shal they stand that not only neglect violate but despise reproch and innouate the whole established order ordināces that Christ hath set downe in his Testamēt for this his church Shal not this be to make God more louing gracious prouident careful ielous ouer that material Temple that shadow thē he is now ouer this his Church the substance and to prefer the shadow to the substance that Temple to this Church Should not this be to prefer the person Testament of MOSES to the person Testamēt of Christ inasmuch as they make the one to be deliuered and confirmed with a great deale more authoritie maiestie power then the other were yt not to make MOSES more absolute faithfull in his house then Christ in his Church inasmuch as MOSES left a perfect Tabernacle Testament and did see gaue charge that al the ordinances therof should be most precisely kept obserued But Christ belike hath left an vnperfect Church and Testament in as much as he hath not taken full order for the ministerie gouernment orders and ordinances therof yea though he haue in his Testament set downe orders lawes for all these things yet they are not so authentike or irrefragable as those of Moses Princes States may according to their pollicies receaue reiect or innouate these c. Were not this to prefer the ministerie of Leuy those outward ordinances and beggerlie rudiments in dignitie to the sacred ministerie and ordinances of Christ inasmuch as they are made more holie congruent necessarie inuiolable then Christs But the holie Ghost throughout the whole epistle to the Hebrewes handeling this verie subiect conuinceth instructeth and exhorteth the Iewes to leaue al superstitious foreconceaued opinions of their Temple ministerie ordināces wholy with reuerence to embrace behaue themselues in the Church ministerie ordinances of Christ. Herevnto he perswadeth by the incomparable excellencie glorie pr●…eminence perpe●…uitie of Christs person Church ministerie Testament which can neuer be shakē or remoued compared vnto the weakenes basenes impotencie vanitie of MOSES person that Temple ministerie Testamēt which were temporarie caduke to be abolished and to giue place vnto these which they but prefigured wherevnto they led and serued this being the beginning the end of their erection Manie most graue exhortations and weightie charges doth the holie Ghost there giue vnto vs concerning the reuerence feare faithfull holie obedient diligent orderlie constant walking behauiour that we ought to shew in the Church of Christ vnto his word Testamē●… drawing Argumentes both from the vnspeakeable glorie maiestie excellencie beawtie ioy of Christs church a●… also from the terror
law into whose handes they were for a season deliuered c. After these visions Da●…iel was shewed how this presumptuous horne was consumed destroied with y ● fiery streame that proceeded from the ancient of daies and how this vnlawfull dominion was taken from the other beasts and giuen to him that came f●…om heauē and hauing finished the ful redemption of his ●…aints being ascended vp againe and set at the right hand of his Father there was giuen vnto him dominion and glorie and a kingdome that all people nations and tongues should serue him whose dominion is a perpetual dominion that passeth not away his kingdome is ●…euer corrupted Ver. 14. Also Ver 27. What cā be more di●…ect for the perpetuity of the gouernmēt ordinances that Christ hath left apointed in his new Testament for his ch●…rch which whosoeuer presumeth to again●… or violate much more to innouate or change shall he not be vnder the same sinne damnatiō curse with this presumptuous blasphemous horne The Prophet zachariah also in the eleuenth of his prophecie sheweth that all CHRISTS ●…heep are gouerned and kept vnder our cheif shepeheards pastorall staues Beawtie Bands All other are out of his protection deliuered vp in his wrath to be guided by the instruments of foolish idol shepheards whose right arme shalbe without strength and whithered vp their right eie shalbe vtterlie darkened there shall be no light in them Both these shepheards their flockes euen all such as are misled by with them are giuen vp of the Lord to vtter destructiō because they cast the Lords coards from them would not be bound in his bands their soule abhorred the Lord they would not haue him to reigne ouer them therfore his soule abhorred them he gaue them vp to their owne lusts insnared them in their owne pollicies For all the wisdome of all flesh without the Lord is madnes their most exquisite plattes of gouernment which they can deuise vnto themselues are but the instruments of foolish sheepheards to their owne perdition of as manie as are gouerned by them These things are so manifest in that Chapter the true shepheard gouernment sheepe as also the false shephearde gouernmet sheepe with the diuers endes of both being there described the one in y e person of our Sauiour his disciples the other in the Priests rulers phariseis people of the Iewes with their verie maner of reiecting betrai●…ng him so liuelie set downe as none can cauill at the●…e things or mistake them ●…o grosly againe as one of these foolish shepheardes D. SOME hath done taking his chapter to be vnderstood of the estate of the Iewes in zecheri●…hs time the 1●… 13. verse of 〈◊〉 person wages Who if he had but compared this chapter in yt self much more to the discourse of the Prophet precedent subsequent but especially to the euident euent perimplishing in by our Sauiour Christ Math. 21. 23. 24 26. Chapters he would neuer haue iustified tithes by the 12 13 verses of of this eleuenth Chapter of zechariah If any doubt of the interpretatiō of these two staues 〈◊〉 Bands let him consider the allegorie how shepheards vse their staues hookes or rather let him waigh the 7 ver where he shall find that Christ with these staues fed gouerned and defended those sheepe his Father gaue him as also verse 14 the interpretation end of the staffe B●…ndes how there can be no true cōmunion where they are not knit together in the faith order gouernment and loue of Christ. But if he compare this prophecie to the euent fulfilling therof by our Sauiour Christ his Apostles that called al men from the shadowes figures of the Temple vnto the kingdome Church of Christ he shall manifestlie see that this sense in all things accordeth and no other can be made to agree to the words and Argument of this Prophet in this Chapter Note●… might plentifullie be drawen manie waightie Arguments framed from these allegories as also frō the e●…ymologie of these words to shew the excellencie amenitie pleasantnes comlines congruence vtilitie necessity perpetuity of CHRISTS pastorall gouernment of his Church and how disorderly and vnnaturall a thing yt were for the sheepe to disobey especially to controule and teach their shepheard But I hope the iudgments denounced in that chapter for such faultes and the plaine demonstration of the danger error folly horror of all other gouernments and instruments whatsoeuer may suffice to satisfie the godly in this point and to restraine them from such presumption and rebellion either to reiect or to innouate or alter CHRISTS holy gouernment order and ordinances As for the vnperswaded and disobedient I leaue them to their accompt when they shall see him whome they haue perced through come with clowdes and in the meane while will addresse my self to prooue by sundry expresse places of the new Testament y ● the ordinances the Apostles left for the building administration gouernment of the Church are the cōmandements of God perpetual inuiolable to be obserued and not to be willingly neglected or changed vnto the worlds end Our Sauiour CHRIST hauing fini●…hed whatsoeuer was needful here vpon earth to be ●…one in his person either for the worke of our redemption or for the remouing abolishing all the legal shadow●…s ceremonial worship or for the ratifijng his Gospel the gathering plāting establishing his Church hauing chosen apointed and perfectly instructed his Apostles of all things belonging thervnto In the 28 chap. according vnto Mathew Vers. 1●… 19. 20. he vsed this speach vnto them And ●…esus comming spake vnto them saying all authority in heauen in earth is giuen vnto me Go therfore teach ye all the nations baptising them into the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Spirit teaching them to keep all things whatsoeuer I haue commanded you And loe I am with you all daies vntill the consummation of the world Amen Omitting the sundry necessary circumstances and manifold profitable doctrines that might from this scripture be obserued and drawen to hold me to the present purpose we heere may see not only the Apostles personal power and authority but the warrant and dignity of all things they taught or did in this brief of their commission and ministery which we heere see to be deriued from founded vpon our Sauiour CHRISTS sacred person and soueraigne power We heere see whome they were to teach whome to baptise how to baptise how and what to ●…each the baptised and how to leaue such as they had thus taught gathered and instructed In summe we here ●…ee the very maner and order of winning receauing gathering ordering instructing building vp and establishing the Church of CHRIST We heere see all the orders and ordinances which the Apostles practised in and left vnto the Churches by our Sauiou●… owne mo●…th pronounced to be
his Commandements and those per●…etuall such as he will haue to continue and be obserued of all his seruantes vnto the worlds end We see them no●… onlie commāded vnto his Apostles that they should practise and teach them in their time or in time of per●…ecution but he chargeth his Apostles to teach all churches all Christians to keepe and obserue them at all times vntill the consummation and end of the world giuing vnto al his seruantes and churches the same power to practise and obserue all these his comandementes that he gaue vnto his Apostles plighting vpon such their faith and obedience his presence protection vnto them in these wordes And loe I am with you all daies vntill the consummation of the world sealing the truth both of these his commandemetes and ordinances and also of this his couenant and protection vnto all ages with this his authentike seale with this word of all truth Amen So that me thinkes all the blasphemous reproches and cauils of al sortes of enemies vnto the sacred inviolable gouernment and order of our Sauiour CHRIST deliuered and practised by his Apostles in his churches are vtterlie by this one place of scripture if so be there were no more to the same effect taken out of the way both they that denie the continance or necessitie heerof in all ages and places they that would make these Apostolike ordinances but matters of forme not matters of faith or of substance as they speake they being heere confirmed commanded by that Lord of all truth of all power in heauē and in earth Peraduenture that old Saducee that ●…hus sophisticallie hath propounded these questiōs in that 74 leafe of his answere vnto MARTIN will stūble as he ordinarilie doth at the word of God at these wordes al things whatsoeuer I haue cōmanded you collecting that because the Apostles had not as yet receiued the exp●…esse rules commandments for al the things they afterward taught practised that therfore this commandement cannot be vnderstood or applied to such things as they afterward taught and so nothing or litle serueth to the outward forme of gouernment order of the Church Although yt were not hard from this verie place necessarilie to cōfirme the intendement commandement of all the ordinances and rules which the Apostles after taught prescribed vnto the churches euen by that which is heere expressed concerning the ministerie baptisme c. which heere are commanded al churches to be obserued in that manner as the Apostles taught them which ministers sacramēts ministerie could not in and by these churches be had or practised without the obseruation of these rules ordinances as the election probation of such ministers by the flockes where they are to administer c. which were not al that time set downe by the holy Ghost or practised by the Apostles as yet Although I could also shew that our Sauiour Christ had alreadie instructed his Apostles that he had chosen and set a part to that worke of all things belonging to his kingdome Act. 1. 2. and had giuen thē his holie spirit in abundāt measure to this their ministerie which should teach them al things b●…ing al things to their remembrance Ioh. 20. 22. which he had tould thē Yet mine awnswere heere is y t if our sauiour Christ in these wordes Al whatsoeuer ●… haue commanded you had respect onlie vnto such precepts as he had then at that time giuē thē not vnto al other things which he should afterward reueale vnto thē by his holy spirit also yt were both cōtrarie to their commission charge they deliuered which as is saied vvas that they should win gather together build order instruct establish his Church according to the rules cōmandements of his wil Testament which could not at al be done by thē if al these lawes rules were not alike cōfirmed of cōmāded by him as also if these words Al whatsoeuer ●… haue comanded c. should so be restrained yt were to make the other holie lawes ordināces which he afterward shewed to his Apostles they by the same spirit both shewed recorded vnto the churches of Christ of lesse valew and authoritie then those former to make some part of holie scripture more true holy authentical thē other yea yt were vtterlie to abrogate disfrāchize these latter scriptures Furthermore I suppose yt were a hard matter for anie man to dis●…sse set downe what things Christ had at that time taught these Apostles what he had as yet cōcealed So that this cauil can no way put off this most direct and expresse place let me therfore proceed to others The Apostle Paul 1. Tim. 5. 21. chargeth Timothy before God the Lord Iesus Christ the elect Angels that he k●…epe these things without preiudice doing nothing according to inclination c. Also Chap. 6. ver 13. he vseth these wordes vnto him ●… cōmand thee before God that ●…uickneth al things Christ ●…esus that testified before Pontius Pilate that good confession to keepe the commandement without spot vnrebukeable vnt●…l the appearing of our Lord Iesus Christ which in due time that blessed onlie mightie that King of Kings and Lord of Lords shal shew c. Likewise 1 Cor. 14. 37. he hath these wordes If anie mā seeme to be a prophet or spiritua●… let him acknowledg the th●…ngs I write vnto you because they are the cōmādemētes of God but if anie man be ignorāt let him be ignorāt With what greater authoritie or waight of wordes could the Apostle either confirme or incōmend vnto the Church in all ages these cannons ordināces which he in these epistles hath set downe for the building order gouernment of all churches of al the officers people actions of the same to be religiously inviolably kept as the cōmandemēts of that great dreadfull God as the lawes of that our Lord and King vntill his appearing in glorie Who can anie longer doubt that vvil either rest in the manifest testimonies of the holie Ghost giue credite to the resolute affirmations and eare to the vehement charges of the Apostle or that will duly expend either the general scope of these epistles or dulie weigh the manifold rules in particular and the manner of deliuering them that these cannons and ordinances are the absolute lawes and holie commandements of CHRIST for the building and gouernment of his Church so necessarie inviolable perpetuall as without which or with anie other his Church can neither be built nor kept Are not all these p●…rticular rules for the seueral offi●…es persons qualities for their maner of election probation ordination administration c. set downe in way of cōmandement and law with as great authoritie credite reuerēce as anie other part of Christs Testament or Gods word So that the Apostles whole ministerie may with as much right or reason be called into doubt or question as
this Chapter to proue that the Church of Chri●… ought to be built in all things according to the wil of Chrift as he hath set downe in his Testamēt othérwise yt cā neither be said his howse nor y e builders therof or builded therin his faithfull seruantes See how before I wist or would I am drawne into particulars as into a whirlepoole bottomles gulph of knowledg whiles I thought but to haue drawne but a litle water at the brinke in the shallow vessel of my vnderstanding and crazed memory which though they be no way able to breake vp these vnmeasured depthes or orderly to deliuer but that litle God giueth me to see in them yet I doubt not but many infallible Arguments may from this Chapter be drawen without any violence or wresting to proue the necessity perpetuity of that forme order of building gouerning Christs Church which he by his Apostles hath set downe in his Testament Now let me proceed to confirme this Proposition by other reasons drawen from other places of scripture As yt hath beene shewed that there can be no true building without that only true foundation expresse patterne of the Apostles practice in Christs Testament that all other foundations formes buildings builders are deceitful false and wil not abide the fiery trial or stand in Gods sight so if we consider the manner how the holy Ghost instructeth vs in other places vz. 1 Cor. 12. Ep●…es Rom. 12. vve shall there see the cōgruence necessity perpetuity of the order gouernmēt which Christ hath in his Testamēt prescribed We there reade this his Church compared to an ●…umane body which consisting of diue●…s members must of n●…cessitie haue them duly placed and knit together in their ●…ight order srame We reade there that as God createth fashioneth placeth and knitteth together the memb●…rs of this our earthly b●…die without taking coūcel of one or another so in like wisdome power he createth prepareth ordereth disposeth cōmingleth cōtempereth al the members of this his heauenlie bodie according to the rules of his T●…stament by the manifestation of the spirit in euerie one But now ●…uen common sense teacheth how far the wisest man vpon earth is from being able to make vnto mans bodie the least m●…mber therof euen but one haire white or blacke much lesse to knit the members together by iointes sinewes in their due place function How thē can dust and a●…hes imagine to make vnto the spirituall bodie of Chri●… new strāge members knit them as strāgely together by new iointes and synewes We reade in the●…e chapters that the ministers officers appointed by our Sauiour Chri●…t in his Testamēt are the principal mēbers of this publike bodie of the Church his ordināces lawes there set downe the iointes and sinewes wherby the members are fitly knit vnto the whole bodie euen as the curtaines of the tabernacle by their strings and hookes But now as no mortal man can make fashion dispose or knit together these humane members of a naturall bodie so much lesse can he make anie other members serue in the places of the true natural mēbers or by anie meanes place fastē and knit these as by ioints and sinewes vnto and in a mans bodie What vse should a man haue of an eie of glasse a nose of waxe an hand of brasse a foot of wood what congruence coherence proportion sympathie feeling compassion should these haue with the other members what learning or art can knit these by iointes sinewes vaines artures or draw one the same ●…kin ouer them as a couering or fasten yt vnto them as vnto or together with the true and natural members Yf mans wisdome cannot 〈◊〉 this in a frai●…e humane bodie of earth and clay what possibilitie thē is there to bring this to passe in the spiritual bodie of Christ what communion what commixture can there be betwixt heauen earth betwixt light and darknes betwixt spirituall carnal things how thē is yt possible to knit or make agree the earthly darke carnal diuised members and lawes of man to the heauenlie lightsome spiritual bodie of Christ Yea albeit this could be supposed to be brought to passe then which nothing cā be more fonde thē to imagine more wicked then to attempt vvhat kind of strange and monstrous bodie should ●…hey now make vnto Christ by knytting vnto him strange members such as belong not to his bodie Yf an humane bodie should haue growing vnto yt anie other then the true members that belonge vnto a man were not ●…uch a creature to be held a monster and not a man As for example if yt had manie heades in steade of one if yt should haue feete like a Beare a mouth as a Lion the rest like a Leopard c. who that had anie sight or sense could take esteeme this for the natural bodie of a man muchlesse for the comely beawtiful amiable bodie of Christ or of his Bride were not this to be liker vnto the bodie of Antichrist that Beast of that whore that monster what then i●… the presumption reb ellion furi●… of those Prelates that dare enterprise not onlie to cast away the true and naturall members but in the place of them to plant these adulterate monstrous members and that as they would make themselues and others beleeue in the bodie Church of Christ. Againe what an astonishment madnes hath inuaded and possessed these learned reforming Priests that confesse the want of al Christs true members I meane such officers as he hath ordeined for the building and gouerning his Church that complaine likewise of the vnlawfulnes and antichristianitie of these members which now grow vpon this bodie and gouerne the same and yet discerne not themselues to be of these mōstrous antichristian members euen the ministerie mouth of that Beast●… hauing the same orginal shape and forme with them being all come out of one smokie forge c yea and for all this mistake that beastlie bodie of the harlot their Church that beareth groweth vnto and consisteth of these members for that heauenlie bodie that true spowse established Church of Christ as though Christs bodie Christs Church could grow vnto and consist of these false members or be said built and established without the true members What strange paradoxes are these yet are they euen the forwardest positions they can be drawen vnto But we are taught in these scriptures that Christs bodie consisteth not neither can his Church be built with such strange Antichristian mēbers or with anie other then those which he hath there prescribed for the gathering the Saints into one for the worke of the ministerie and for the edification of the bodie of Christ c. From which Scriptures infinitie reasons if we would enter into particulets might be drawen to prooue the necessitie congruence and perpetuitie of these officers ordinances there prescribed to the ministerie gouernment and
passed ouer or punished by some lighter trifling chasticement wilfull murther oftē pardoned theft if yt be aboue 13 pēce punished by death yea this sin is punished not only in the persō of the theefe who that wise King saied if he should steale seuen times may yet liue satisfie with his body or goodes but in the persōs of al such as this their vniust law iudgeth anie way accessarie which extendeth so far as manie honest mē may for this trifle for buynig or receauing part of these stollen goodes be also put to death forfait al the lands goodes they haue wherby their wiues children families are punished also vtterlie vndone And thus by this their pollicie are manie theeues made for one not to speake of al this guiltles blood that is vpon the head of the magistrate Iudg officers Iurie and the whole land by this meanes what should ●… stand to particulate their infinite transgressiōs of Gods lawes euē in their ciuil estate which is in much worse case then manie heathē nations which neuer knew God or his Christ. Al this ariseth of this immunitie from the order gouernment censure of Christ in his Church frō the inordinate authoritie the apostaticall church giueth vnto Princes magistrates they assume vnto themselues so that the saying of the prophet concerning the proude Kings of Babel is now rightly verified in them Thow didst say with thy heart I wll ascend into heauen aboue the star●… of GOD almightie I wil exalt my throne wil sit in the mountaine of the congregation in the sides of the north I wi●…l ascend aboue the heigth of the clowdes I wil make my self equall vnto the most high For see whiles they take power to reiect that holie gouernmēt order officers lawes that Christ our King hath ordeined and apointed to his Church they stretch their hand also presume further to e●…ect a new gouernmēt new orders lawes officers ministry ministratiō c. And what is this but both to reprooue Christs lawes and to reiect his yoke from them also to take Christs offices throne S●…epter from him whome the Lord hath set vpō the throne of Dauid to order stabli●…h yt with iudgment iustice l●…id the key of gouernment vpon his shoulder that what he openeth no man should ●…hut and wh●…t he shutteth no man should open How g●…eat thē is their pride presumptiō y t are so far ●…rō obeijng seing Chri●…s lawes executed as they vtterly abrogate them t●…ke th●…m out of the way set vp their owne idol diuis●…s in the stead of thē So far are they frō taking lawes at him as their King Lord as they giue lawes of him as King Lord. Is not this to denie nay to put an end to his ministerie kingdome to his ministery by taking away y t which he established bringing in a new into the church to his kingdome by abrogating his lawes offices ordinances by bringing in establishing their owne In so much as through y e odious fl●…tery of these their priests some of them haue suffered themselues to be called the supreme head of 〈◊〉 Church in earth as though Christs Church had one head in earth an other in heauē or that Christ were not the head of his Church here in earth also But the wretched Priests would excuse this i●…audible blasphemie with this interpretatiō which yet they expresse not 1. vnder Christ as though Christs Church might haue two heades an vpper an vnder head one aboue an other were not this to make her a monster like their Church which hath m●…nie heads vpō them writtē names of blasphemy as supreme head of the Church primate Bishop metropolitane Bishop Lord Archbishops grace Lord Bish. Archdeacon c. Al which heads but especially that their supreme head of the church may they say make lawes for the church And al this execrable blasphemy they hide vnder the title office of the ciuil magistrate who in deed is Gods blessed ordinance Neither wil these lymmes of y e Deuill be satisfied with any humble acknowledgmēt of y e ciuil powe●… or with anie christiā submissiō vnto th●…●…ame but wil extort by othe an allowance subscriptiō vnto this their vngodly power blasphemous titles antichristian decrees proceedings c. It wil not suffice to confesse that God hath made the ciuil magistrate the keeper of the booke of the law to see both y e tables therof obserued by al persons both in the Church cōmon welth so hath power ouer both church cōmon welth but they must haue this indefinite p●…oposition granted them That a Pri●…ce hath power to make lawes for the Church By which word making is implied or rather as y e general estate both of church cōmō welth shew expressed plainly that they meane that y e Prince may deuise make new lawes for the Church such as are notheard of in that booke of God By lawes they meane any traditions ordinances customes c. which are not prescribed in CHRISTS Testamēt otherwise why should they vse these words or v●…ge that power of making lawes A godly Prince is bound ●…o Gods lawe made the keeper therof not the controler the seruant not the Lord. God hath in that booke made most perfect necessary lawes both for Church cōmon welth he requireth of the King magistrate to see these lawes executed and not to make new He that mak●…th any new lawes taketh vn●…o him the office of God who is the onlie law maker al men of what estate soeuer ar●… but Gods creatures s●…uātes subiectes to his law Moses ●…oshua Samuel Dau●…d 〈◊〉 made no new lawes but reu●…ued executed the olde lawes which God had made These exampl●…s that miserable man high tra●…tor to God his Prince ROBERT SOME citeth to prooue y ● P●…nces may make lawe●… for the church cō●…on welth t●…erby ind●…uoring to 〈◊〉 hold her Ma ● and the honorable Magistrates of this land in this presumptuous breach of al Gods l●…wes in this church cōmon welth by causing thē to rati●…ie publish y e vngodlie decrees which that blasphemous high Commissiō hath made or shal heerafter make vnder this pretext that Christian Princes haue power to make lawes for the Church Whi●…h Commissiō al their proceedings because they cā no way be iustified by the law of God Testimēt of Christ but are directly cōtrarie vnto the same as shal straight way be prooued therfore y ● old lymme of Antichrist that crowned horne of the Beast that T. C. breatheth out of the mouth of the dragō most h●…llish blasphemie against Christs 〈◊〉 thē that dwel in the heauen accusing Christs blessed order māner of gouernmēt of sedition tumults disobedience vnto the ciuil estate as giuing the raines to the p●…oples vnbrideled inordinate appetites which can not be rest●…eined subuerting
holdeth the 7 stars in his owne right hand he is the arch-Bishop and visiter of all Churches shepheardes CHRIST is the head ouer the vniuersall euerie particular bodie of his Church he hath giuen this office to no mortal man in earth they are al but members of some one bodie though diuers in functiō dig●…itie as the eie hand foote c. yet al but mēbers of the bodie to which they serue euerie member being circumscribed within the limites of their place office function One member cānot place displace or cut off an other this ought to be done by the whole bodie as in the name power of their head CHRIST vnto euerie one of which congregations CHRIST hath giuen this his power to be executed according to the rules of his word CHRIST is the Bridegrome he only hath the Bride but the frendes of the Bridegrome they stand and heare and reioice exceedinglie for the Bridegromes voice CHRIST is that slaine liuing Lābe that hath obteined to take y t sealed written Booke out of the right hād of him that sitteth on the throne and to open the same All Elders Angels and the whole host in heauen in earth fall downe on their faces giue glorie to the Lambe CHRIST is the only Lawgiuer vnto his Church and hath giuen mos●… heauenlie perfect lawes in his Testamēt vnto his Church hath sealed his Testament with that his blood so that nothing may be added vnto or taken there from He neuer gaue to anie mortal man power to make new lawes but hath commanded all men faithfullie to keep those lawes which he hath made within the limits of their calling It is onlie the office of the holy Ghost to teach the S●…ints to pray to giue wordes according to the wil of God to fill their mouthes with new ●…onges which they as sweete odors incense day night offer vp vnto God through CHRIST What then and how great is the sinne of these presumptuous shepheardes these blasphemous antichristian Bishops that climbe vp and intrude into the place office and roome of CHRIST that take his spowse from him and al his ministers officers orders and ordinances from her that alter abrogate bring in cast out what and whome they ●…st c. that take the office of the holy Ghost vpon them and not onlie set vp in the Church of God their moulten egiptian calfe cast ●…n y e old mould of the masse booke saue a litle new annuled ingrauen with a few of their owne diuises b●…t thrust this filthv idoll vpon mens con●…ciences as their praiers yea vpon God himself as al the seruice and worship they wil allow him in his Church See whither these be not the vndoubted markes of Antichrist that aduersarie search the prophecies the scriptures whether this be not that verie abhomination of desolatiō lift vp your eyes to the destructiō hauo●…k and wast thes●… aduersaries haue made in the sanctuarie how they roare in the midst of the congregation haue there set vp their bāners signes lift vp their axes vpon al the Lordes plantes broken downe with their malles al the beawtiful sieling carued worke haue cast the Lordes sanctuarie into the fire haue raced yt to the ground haue profaned the dwelling place of his name they are resolued in their hearts to doe violence and to destroy them altogether and haue brought in al maof filthy abhominable thinges into the sanctuarie When they find these thinges in this estate then let him that readeth consider let them that be in the citie and wil saue their soules flee into the mountaine There belongeth no reformation to this estate euen that reformation which these counter fait preachers pretēd is altogether as yl You see what in ordinate antichristian power they still retaine in the priests hādes in al their parishes the pa●…son or minister as they cal him must rule all and be aboue the whole ●…ocke who may controwle him or withstand him in nothing either in doctrine or practise be yt neuer so ill They must complaine to the Synode classes or councel of pri●…ts which synodes classes councels must consist wholy of ministers ●…e people shut out and those haue absolute power ouer al churches persons matters causes to debate define determine decree ratifie di●…anull what they list by permission of the high Court of Parliament which hath supreme power ouer the Church and all councels and causes therof vt supra otherwise vntill by this court these decrees be taken away all churches are burdened and must stand subiect vnto them But let vs now returne to the execution of this mōstrous antichristian power of the BB●… This extendeth euen to al the whole practise worship ministerie orders ordinances iniunctions decrees lawes of their Church alreadie made and heerafter to be made and therfore are infinite and passe any man or creature whatsoeuers setting downe in particular A great labour yt were to recken vp all their consti●…utions and cānons which they haue fetched from I wote not what old councels or rather from th●…ir holie Father the Pope or the heape of their ciuil lawes customes which they haue receaued frō their mo●…er of Rome al which are pleaded iudged sould by these Lords Bishops their chāc●…llors ●…eanes ciuil Doctors Proctors aduccates pleaders brawlers archdeacōs cōmissaries in their Courts of faculties Ar●…s prerog●…tiue delegates in their commissaries court not heere to spake of y e wel head y t euer rūning spring of al mischief their Spanish i●…quisitiō or english high cōmissiō yt deserueth especial mētion by yt ●…lf These lawes they take for y e foūdation of th●…ir church in stead o●… Christs new Testament these courts giue the whole direction vnto and execute all the censures of for this Church whether yt be excōmunication s●…spension or mulct M r. Archdeacon masse Commissary bea●…e no small sway It were long ha●…d to relate the diuers orders processe maners of pleading that belong to these courtes that is no small secret yt is no easie occupation many a mans liuing dependeth theron yt is no small calling to be but a pursuyuāt or cursetor of these courtes I say not so of the parators sumners that belong to the cōmissaries court heere are all things plead●…ble vendible fo●… money but without money heere is no man will open his mouth be the cause neuer so iust For money you may heere haue expedition or delay of iudgmēt with ●…undry shifts euasions which I want skill to vtter For money you may haue priuiledges dispensations licēces to eate fle●…h or to marry at forbidden times as in the holy time of Lent c. priuatly in the night in some secret place sodenly without consent of parents yea without banes as king by what Priest you will also to haue many benefices in sundry other cases wherof these courtes exercise iurisdiction as of
remedy of their saluation for the humbling of their flesh c Yf Kings be subiect to the instruction and admonition of the Church ●…s Dauid Asa I●…oshaphat Ezekiah c. were why should they not also with Vzziah when the running vlcer●… of fretting incurable sinne appeare vppon them be cut off from the how●…e of the Lord and seperate from the cōmunion of the Saints as he was least they defile more make the whole offrings and companie abhominable vnto the Lord. Yf in that materiall Temple where the worship consisted in externall ceremonies no degrees of persons were exempted from the obseruation of the lawes the King himself might not enter with his vncleannes vpon him but as you see was cast out according to the law how much more in this spirituall howse of CHRIST ought they to be subiect to the lawes and iudgments of CHRIST as well yea and rather more then any other To this they obiect because the King is the cheefe supreame gouernor here in earth ouer all persons and causes as well of the Church as of the commō welth vnto whome euery soule must be subiect therfore cannot the whole Church much lesfe any member therof all being his subiects censure iudg or excōmunicate the Prince the placing punishing and deposing of whome only belongeth vnto God by whome Kings r●…igne O how great is the blindnes of these Phariseis that cannot put difference betweene the spirituall iudgments of CHRIST in his Church the temporall or rather corporall iudgments of the magistrate in the cōmon welth but most grossely and wickedly oppose the one against the other Might they not as well reason and vpon the same grounds conclude that the Prince is no member of the Church neither y t the Church hath any cōmunion with him because he is supreme gouernour of the Church and all the Church are his subiects yea doe they not as much whē they giue vnto Princes s●…ch blasphemous titles popi●…h prerogatiues dispensatiōs as SVPREME HEAD OF THE CHVRCH to make lawes for the Church concerning the worship ministery ministration whole gouernment of the Church and those such as are not read of in the booke of God to be exempt from the iurisdiction cēsure of Christ in his church Now which way in this estate can they make the Prince a subiect of Christ or member of his Church whē both in titles power pregatiue they exa●…t Princes into the chaire of Christ or to say as yt is rather into the chaire of Antichrist But to come to this pollitike impediment and intollerable inconuenience that would ensue if Princes should be subiect to the excōm●…nication of y e church then say they he should be subiect to the Church and so subiect to his subiects I denie the sequele of their Argument for this censure is not the censure of the Church so much as of CHRIST in his Church so that though CHRIST vse the ministerie of his Church the Church the ministerie of some most fit memb●…r vnto this action y●…t is y●… still the censure iudgment of CHRIST vnto which euery seruant of CHRIST member of the Church must be subiect So that they might as well reason that the Prince is subiect to the Church c. because he must be subiect to the Gospell which is also the ministerie of the Church The least member of the Church is not subiect to the church neither to follow yt further then yt followeth CHRIST But whiles some without all feare of God haue indeuored to draw and others not doubted to yeild that honour which is due vnto God vnto the persons of men herehence hath al this exaltation of Antichrist pride of the prelac●…e arisen yea these impious collections and blasphemous conclusions against Christs holy ordinances ensued to such a measure and heigth is this sin now growen that they not only cast off Christs yoke them selues but assoile Princes of their allegeance vnto him yea proclaime this most peaceable spiritual censure of CHRIST to be sed●…ious intolle●…able contrary vnto the magistracie c. Then which assertion what can be more heathen barbarous Is yt not to set their state expresly against Christ yea Christ against God cannot these carnal men consider that Christ himself whiles he was heere on earth as also his Apostles were subiect in al lawfull things vnto the ciuile magistrate taught the churches so to be vnto the worlds end yet both CHRIST his Apostles gaue perpetuall often commandements for the diligent vpright vse of this spiritual censure vnto the wo●…lds end Are they so Anabaptisticall to thinke y t there neuer were or should be magistrates of the Church or thinke they that these lawes were made for the church before the magistrates were called to the faith were not Nicodemus Ioseph of Aramathia Sergius Paulus Cornelius Dionisius Erastus c. magistrates and called to the faith yet in their tune was the vse of excommunication inioined and practised No where can they shew in all the Testament of CHRIST any exception or immunity of any one person from this spirituall censure gouernment of CHRIST which is no way contrary vnto the temporal estate ciuil degree of the Prince or magistrate Who though they be excōmunicate yet still retaine their ciuil estate dignity wherin God hath placed them and still are reuerenced and obeied of the whole church as such magistrates whome God hath set ouer them only members of the Church they cannot be held whiles they presumptuously trāsgresse or obstinately disobey CHRISTS voice It is not in the power of the Church to receaue or cast out any member before they see faith or transgression accordingly nor yet hath the Church power to keepe in any member longer then he keepeth the faith walketh orderly So then vntil they can proue that there can be no magistrates but such as are of the church or that this ecclesiastical excommunication is a depriuing deposing of the ciuil magistracy they do but reproch the truth and seduce the magistrate As these spirituall iudgments extend not vnto so the Church that pronounceth executeth the same no way medleth with the office or person of the Prince or magistrate They are taught not to lay violent hands vpon the Lords annointed but to be obedient vnto the death It alwaies hath beene the custome of the Pope his ofspring to encroch both vpon Churches and Princes to assume this antichristian power ouer both into their hāds to bind to loose to curse assoile whome they list Neither can I see the sin of these Antichristian BBs these ympes of the Pope to be lesse in discharging Princes from this holy censure of CHRIST thē●…heir Sires was in tyrannizing oppressing them therwith neither yet how these men can beate downe the tyrannous vsurped power of the Pope when they ass●…me into their owne hands and execute the self same power ouer the whole Church