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A00173 The life or the ecclesiasticall historie of S. Thomas Archbishope of Canterbury; Annales ecclesiastici. English. Selections Baronio, Cesare, 1538-1607.; A. B., fl. 1639. 1639 (1639) STC 1019; ESTC S100557 287,552 468

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sinfull counsell tranformed himselfe into an Angel of light sometimes with a pretēce of exceeding piety otherwhyles with whole boastes of Bishoppes preystes and Religious yet whosoeuer considereth that Alexander was elected by fowerteene Cardinalles and Octauian by three only Three principall approbations of the Romane papacy that Alexander was chosen by all the Bishops Cardinalles Tusculan only excepted That Alexander was consecrated by the Bishop of Ostia and not Octiuian and Alexander established vpon these three principall foundations of the Romane papacy and not Octauian must needes beesides diuers other reasons bee inuincibly perswaded by these that Alexāder was truly preferred by God and his Church ād Octauiā only bolstered out by the Emperour and the world For no Pope can hee chosen without the Bishop of Ostia I should haue wondred that soe many Bishoppes and Prelates gathered together in this vnlawfull conuenticle could soe bee ouerwhelmed in this Aegiptian darknes as they could not see this apparant light had I not knowne the like afterwardes in our owne countrey But thus it is when Bishopes feeding themselues and not theyr flockes run away at the sight of the Wolfe and beetray Godes cause with theyr slauish feare or flattery The reasons alleaged for this theyr wicked sentence against they re supreme spirtuall head were supported with the horrible periury of many eminent Clearkes a thing most detestable in soe holy a function and a great argument against him was that hee refused to bee iudged by these his subiectes a matter contrary to Religion and all rules of gouerment Heereupon these rebells against the Church excōmunicated the Pope out of the Church and imitated in all pointes the actiōs of a true counsell but still grating vpō the old quarrell of the league with Cecill against the Empire so was the world euer predomināt Some also pretended the cause of theyr connyuēce or cōsent to this cōuenticle was for an vniō beetweene the Church and the Empyre which proued on the contrary side the originall of a tedious dissention beetweene them and some wiser then the rest subscribed to the Conuenticle to satisfy the present necessityes of the Empyre with reseruation of theyr sentence to the Churches more serious and further determination The Emperour heereupon not only adored the beaste attributing to his Idoll all honor beelonging to the papacy as kissing his feete The Emperour adoreth Octauian The Emperour persecuteth all Prelates who resiste this scysme Scysmaticks vsurpe Ecclesiastical dignitys Alexander threateneth the Emperour with excommunication The Archbishop of Mountes who first subscribed against Alexander miserablie murdered by his Cittizens Cōrade succeeding the scysmatick in the Archbishoprick of Mounts left all to followe Alexander The Cistercians persecuted for Alexander houlding his styrrop and leading his horse but also proclaymed throughout the Empyre that all the Prelates should accept and reuerence him as Pope threatening banishment for euer to such as refused it And presently ensued the tyme to try the gold in the fire of persecution Now was the corne and chaffe parted For they who preferred theyr soules before theyr worldly substance left theyr countreyes their Churches and all their Ecclesiasticall dignityes which Octauians scysmaticall followers by intrusion inuaded Soe miserable was the face of this deformed Church Neyther was Alexander heerewith discomforted but the more the persecution preuayled the more couragiously hee opposed himselfe against the Emperour for hee prepared to denounce iudgmēt against him frō his Apostolicke throne hee summoned him to appeare and refusing to obey threatened him with the swoard of Excommunication Arnold Archbishop of Mountes beeing the first who absolutely subscribed against Pope Alexander for the Patriache reserued his opinion to the Churches iudgment was the first who susteyned due punishment therefore beeing on the Natiuity of saint Iohn the Baptist next following most cruelly murdered by his owne Cittizēs throwne naked out as a prey for Wolues and dogges and his body after diuers abuses offered it in the end stinking ād scarce to bee knowne by stealth and with great difficulty buryed His next lawfull successor was Conrade the Emperours kinsman who leauing the Emperours scysmaticall faction followed Pope Alexander and for his iust cause endured persecution as alsoe whole Conuentes of the Cistercians who were banished for defence of Alexander But among others was Peeter Archbishop of Tarantasia most to bee admyred who not withstanding hee laboured aboue all others in mayntaining Alexander against Octauian was honored by the Emperour for his singular vertues Thus hee and some others in this ruine of Bishoppes were tryed faythfull in the Churches cause The Archbishop of Tarātasia most cōstant to Alexāder yet honored by Frederick for his sanctity Octauiā on the other side as it is sayd soe basely beehauing himselfe as hee submitted the Papal insignes to the Emperours will and receaued backe from Fredericke his inuesture by the ryng Octauiā receaueth his inuestur frō Fredericke The king of Englād cōstant to Alexāder cōtēneth Octauianes Nuntios The Archbishop of Senō faythfull to Alexander and a great freind of saint Thomas The Cardinall of Pauy fainting in Alexanders cause proued soe to S. Thomas An. 1162. S. Edward King of Englād ād Cōfessor canonized Whereupō miracles were wrought Miracles wrought by the Archbishop of Tarātasia prouing the lawfull election of Alexander The Archbishop of Tarantasia confirmeth the Catholikes in obedience to the Pope in Italy Burgundy Loraygne S Anthel●● Bishop of Billicēs set●eth the Carthusians ād Cistercians in subiectiō to Alexander winning thereby the western Church Frederick rageth Spayne Gaule and Brytaygne acknowledg Alexander Alexander not able to continue in Rome beeing oppressed by Octauian Alexander enforced to flye into France This appeareth in Alexanders Epistle to the Bishop of Lexouy wherin hee seemeth very much to relye vpon the king of Englandes constancy extolling him with extraordinary prayses For king Henry soe much contemned Octauian as hee made a scorne of his Nuntios and letters Lastly there were two thinges contrary to themselues yet concurring in this yeere which hauing relation to the history of S. Thomas are not to bee passed ouer in silence The one that the Archbishop of Senon beeing now most faythfull to Pope Alexander proued afterwardes as faythfull to saint Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury the other that William of Pauy Priest Cardinall of sainct Peeter ad vinculum faynting with silence at the Conuenticle of Pauy in the cause of Alexander was afterwardes as faulty in the cause of sainct Thomas King Henry the second of England acknowledging Alexander the lawfull Pope sent this yeere Embassadours to him for canonizing sainct Edward King of England and Confessor beeing 95. yeers after his death whereupon miracles beeing wrought God did with the power of these two Kinges the one in Heauen the other in earth confirme Alexanders vndoubted tytle and our remote Iland one of the vttermost boundes of the world confessed whom some of his Countreymen yea Cittizens wickedly contradicted Now also
which hee hath granted authority the other to which hee would haue reuerence yeelded hee then who derogateth from the right of the one or the other resisteth Gods ordination Let not then our Soueraigne Lord disdaine to attribute to them vnto whom the highest of all vouchsafeth to attribute calling them often goddes in the holy Scriptures For hee speaketh thus I haue said yee are godes c. And againe I haue appointed thee the God of Pharao Psal 81. Exod. 9. Ibid. 22. And Thou shalt not detract from the Goddes that is to say the Preistes And speaking by Moyses of him who was to sweare hee sayth Bring him to the Goddes Ibidem that is to the Preistes Neither let our king presume to attempt to iudge his iudges For the keyes of the kingdome of heauen are committed not to powers of this earthe but to Preistes And therefore it is written The lippes of the Preist shall haue the custody of knowledge and from his mouth they shall require the lawe 1. Cor. ● beecause hee is the Angel of our Lord. And also Paule sayth Shall wee not iudge Angells how much more men Wee would haue you also suggest into the mynde of our Soueraigne Lord that thing worthie of memory and imitation which wee reade in the Ecclesiasticall history of Constantine the Emperor to whom when there were offered vp in wryting accusations against Bishoppes hee receaued the Schedule of the accusations and calling the accused together hee burned it in their sight saying Yee are Goddes ordayned by the true God goe and determine your causes among your selues in regarde it is vnworthy that wee men should iudge the Goddes O mighty Emperor O discreete Gouernor on the earth not fraudulently vsurping on the authority of others and deseruing in heauen an eternall kingdome Let therefore our Lord the king indeauor to imitate soe greate soe discrete soe happy an Emperor whose memory is with prayses renowned on the earth and likewise accounted eternall and glorious in heauen Otherwise let him feare what our Lord hath threatened in Deutronomy Deut 17. saying What man soeuer shall soe deale in his pride that hee will not heare the preist hee shall dye before the iudge For to this purpose is hee called and to this end the tranquility of his temporall kingdome and that magnificency whereof you put vs in mynde are giuē him from heauen Otherwise the king is not saued by his great power although kingdomes are subiect vnto him and nations doe reuerently obey him And thus far concerning these Now whosoeuer haue ioyned with you in the wryting of these afore recyted letters let them knowe that the same answer wee make you the same wee make to them What remayneth brethren wee admonish intreate and beeseech yee that no scysmes may euer seperate vs but that wee bee in our Lord one harte and one soule and that wee harken to him who sayth In the beehalfe of Iustice contend for thy life and fight for Iustice euen to the very death and God will conquer for thee thyne enemyes Eccles 4. Let vs not forget that seuere iudge beefore whose Tirbunal Throne when wee shall appeare Truth only shall adiudge vs all feare and trust of any earthly power beeing then cleane vanished Soe in our Lord wee bid your brotherhood farewell These were this yeere written the rest shall in the yeeres following appeare in their places But the Bishoppes of England directed letters to Pope Alexander inueighing against this afore recyted Epistle written to them by saint Thomas not that they might any way succor the distressed estate of the Church as neede required but only appeale to his Holines against their Archbishoppe For these are their wordes To their father and Lord the high Bishop Alexander The Epistle of the Bishops of England to the Pope the Bishops of the Prouince of their seuerall Dioceses dispersed in sundry parishes as to their Lord and father remember their bounden seruice of charity and obedience Wee suppose father your excellency is not vnmyndfull how you conuented in your letters lōg since directed by the mediation of our reuerent brethren the Bishoppes of London and Hereforde your deuoute sonne and our most deere and renowned Lord the king of England and how with your fatherly compassion you admonished him for the amendment of some matters which appeared to the eyes of your holines as deseruing reformation in his kingdome who receauing your commandement with due reuerence as it is manifest swelled not in anger The Bishoppes commend their king nor with pryde of mynde contemned to obey you but yeelding thankes for your fatherly chastisement humbled himselfe presently to the Churches examination saying that in euery thing which according to the forme of your Mandat was dilligently expressed to him hee would submit himselfe to the iudgment of the Church of his kingdome and what soeuer they should determine to bee amended hee would reforme by their aduise with à commendable denotion and in a Prince worthie great prayse from this purpose hee flyeth not neither recalleth his mynde from his promise but hee who may sit in thrones who may consider and iudge now moued with the reuerence of diuine feare not as a king but as an obedient sonne is ready to yeelde to iudgment obey the lawfull pronounced sentence and as a Prince bounded with lawes shewe himselfe in all thinges a dutifull childe wherefore it is vnnecessary to enforce with interdictions or threates or the spurres of accursinges the man to satisfaction who subiecteth himselfe allready to the censures of the diuine lawes For his actions withdrawe not themselues from the light nor by any meanes desire to bee shrowded in darknes for this king in faith most Christian in the bandes of wedlocke most honest the conseruer of peace and iustice and one who enlargeth the boundes of the same far and neere incomparably indeauoureth with all his power and thirsteth with a feruent desire that scandalls and sinnes together with their fowle followers may bee taken away and rooted out of his kingdome and that peace and iustice may euer take place and all thinges prosper and flourish vnder him in sweete security and quiet tranquillity The Bishops excuse their king Who finding sometimes the peace of his kingdome not a litle molested with the outragious excesses of some insolent Clearkes with due reuerence to the Clergie referred their offences to the Bishoppes iudges of the Church that one sworde might assist an other and the power spirituall ground and establish in the Clergie the peace which hee ruled and fostred in his people Wherin the zeale of thee party came more to light the Bishops persisting in this setled iudgment that murder or any other like cryme should only bee punished in the Clergie by degradation the king on the other syde beeing of opinion that this punishement did not condignly answer the offence neither was it a sufficient prouision for mayntenance of peace if a Reader or
for that cause his name exalted in the heauenly countrey Soe the Masters our brethren the Cathedrall Monkes now left as Orphans without a father Allmighty God who raysed from the deade the great Pastor of his stocke our Lord Iesus Christ in the bloode of his eternall testament prouyde a man that I may vse the worde of Moyses to bee ouer this multitude Num. 27. For many complayne and indure it most impatiently that Christes coate without seame is now rent beetweene them and the Bishoppes of the Prouince The Scysme raised in the Church of Cāterbury and that not only the Cowe and the Ramme but also the Turtle and the Doue are deuyded and seperated one from an other That Mistrisse of discorde that mother of hatred that presumptious occasion of scandalls that vsurpation I meane of syding and singular election hath presumed to breake in euen to the very professors of Religion so as contemning and casting away the generall counsell of the Bishoppes and Abbottes they haue made a secret and stollen election contrary to customes enemy to lawes condemned by Decrees reproued by practise All others who accompt now this election made by the Monkes to bee to their derogation and disgrace would willingly and with one consent without any diuision or scandall haue conferred their voyces on the person by them named but as this case standeth I feare least this election which God forbid proue his deiection and this attempting of a fayned liberty turne to Christes Church into a matter of thralldome This plague truly and many others doe at this day generally infecte and corrupt the body of the Church Lay-men intrude themselues into the holy Sanctuarys and the stones of the Sanctuaryes are dispersed apparantly in all high streetes Cloysters are now conuerted to Castles and Market-places Religious men to Ethnickes Pastors to Wolues Lillyes to thornes Gould to drosse Corne to Tares Wine to Vinager Oyle to Lees. Let Allmighty God yet cast an eye backe on the face of his Testament neither let him giue ouer to bee troaden vnder foote the Vyne which hee hath planted with his right hand the Church which hee hath purchased with his pretious bloode let him stirre vp the spiritt of Moyses and erect the horne of that Vnicorne that only high Bishoppe and without comparison most vniuersall soe as his hand may execute iudgment that with his horne hee may blowe ouer Siria thunder against Edom send out lightning against the Calfes of Bethel against the Idolls of Egipt against the fatt Cowes of Samaria against the Preistes of Baal against Shepherdes who feede themselues against iudges who enact vniust lawes against dumb dogges which are vnable to barke against the earthen pott of Zacharie against the vessells of the foolish Pastor against the ambition of Simon Magus against the tyranny of the world against the presumption of the Cloyster against deceytfull dealers against oppressors of the poore against disturbers of the Churches peace against the subuerters of fayth Thus wrote Peeter the rest wee refer to their propper place AN. DOM. 1171. Now followeth the yeere of our Lord 1171. with the fourth Indiction When the horrible murder of the most holy Martyr Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury beeing spread farre and neere all the Westerne world was astonished and the sighes of all deuoute people euery where breathed out especially by letters from all partes and those replenished with lamentations and sent to Pope Alexander from sundry persons beeing such and in such sorte as you may well say they were soe many glorious trumppetts and renowned Epithapes to celebrate the funeralls of this most worthie Martyr Among which receaue heere first what the king of France wrote to Pope Alexander To Alexander by the grace of God High Bishop Lewes by the same grace king of the French sendeth salutations with due reuerence The king of Frances letter to the Pope about the death of saint Thomas The childe reuolteth from the lawe of humane pietie who disgracefully abuseth his mother neither are they myndfull of their Creators benefitts who are not moued with sorrowe for the abuses offered to the holy Church whereuppon wee haue now an especiall cause of lamentation and a new cruelty neuer heard of beefore beegetteth a new sorrowe beecause malice rising against the Saint of God hath run her swordes point into the very aple of Christes eye and no lesse cruelly then fowly slaughtered soe great a light of Gods Church Styrre vp therefore some kinde of exquisite iustice and vnsheath saint Peeters sworde for punishing the murder of the Martyr of Canterbury beecause his blood cryeth out for the whole Church not soe much exclayming reuenge for his owne particular as for all And beehould at the Tombe of this Champion as it is reported to vs the diuine glory shyneth with mirackles and God sheweth from heauen where hee resteth on earth who in his quarrell so couragiously fought The bearers of these letters who are beereft of this their father will relate the whole matter to your Holines yeelde therfore a most gentle eare to the testimony of this truth and as well heerin as otherwise beelieue them as you would beelieue our selues God prosper you euer Thus the king The Earle of Bloyes also wrote to the same effect vnto his Holines More ouer the Bishop of Senon then Legate for the Apostolicke Sea sent two Epistles to the Pope about the death of saint Thomas But omitting these as tēding all to one purpose let vs see the rest the messingers I meane sent by the king of England to Rome who offered the vndergoeing of pennance for killing the martyr as also of the diuers and excellent mirackles now beegun to bee published at the Martyrs sepulcher with other things appertayning therunto The Martyr thus killed in the end of the last yeere there was presently great recourse to the Pope lying in Rome of some as you see detesting and complaying of this damnable sacrilege the accusers were pious princes as the king of France the Earle of Bloys and Bishoppes who were Legates especially hee of Senon others excusers beeing an assembly of Bishoppes among whom hee of Lizieux in all their names wrote thus to Pope Alexander At such time as beeing gathered together with our king The assembly of Bishoppes excusing the king of England wee determined to handle great matters concerning both the Church and kingdome a rumor on the suddaine ouerwhelmed vs all in a lamentable confusion of sorrowe concerning our Lord of Canterbury soe far forth as in a moment our calme was turned in to a turbulent tempest our consultations into sighes For by some returning from England wee were assuredly certifyed that some of his enemyes beeing as they say with his sundry and seuere preceedinges against them prouoked to anger and madnes rashly assaulted his person and what without greife wee cannot nay ought not to speake cruelly persisting did strike and murder him This vnhappy reporte came in the end by the