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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09595 A sommon to repentance Giuen vnto Christians for a loking glasse, wherin we may behold our owne deformities, and therein and thereby, we are not onely forewarned of our destructions, but we are learned to humble out selues in these dangerous dayes of wickednesse, before the throane of Gods mercy, that wee maye not be preserued from the lake of damnation, in the great and notable day of Christs comming to iudgemente. Published by J.P. student of Cambridge.; Summons for repentance Phillips, John, fl. 1570-1591. 1584 (1584) STC 19875; ESTC S105036 35,560 70

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●…rish and be destroied vnles we repent ●…od therefore whilst we haue time giue 〈◊〉 the grace to conuert 〈◊〉 for 〈◊〉 daie of our visitation is at hand and ●…ot farre off Were the I●…wes the pecu●… and chosen people of God yea vert●… Did they rebell and murmur in the ●…ildernesse against him and doe not 〈◊〉 Gentiles the like had the Iewes a longging after quailes Were they wearie of Manna and doe not the Gentiles gréedilie hunger after Pharo his 〈◊〉 pots Wax they not weary of the 〈◊〉 begin they not the gentils to loath 〈◊〉 euerlasting Manna of y e Gospel Had 〈◊〉 Iewes their desire Let the Gentils take heede by them that God giue them not oner to followe their owne affections Did not manie thousandes of them perish whilest the meat was in their mouthes And shall not he in his iustice destroie and consume vs that longe after 〈◊〉 and are wearie of the truth 〈◊〉 that the remembraunce of these thinges could take déepe roote in our hearts 〈◊〉 that these examples spectakles of 〈◊〉 iustice might suffice to 〈◊〉 our guilty consciences inforce vs to crie out and wéepe bitterlie with the Prophet Dauid for our manifolde sinnes committed against gainst the Lorde our God I woulde 〈◊〉 God that wich Lot we wold go for 〈◊〉 in godlie zeale perfect puritie and 〈◊〉 glenes of hart but it will not be We are wilfull lookers backe with his wife to beastlie Zodoma I would to God that with Lot we woulde faithfullie credite and beleeue that the almightie bath spoken and is fullie determined in his excéeding iustice to bring to passe but with Lots wife we are incredulous we are become turne backs begin to awel in distrust with hir thinking that the maiestie of our God is insufficient to bring to effect y ● thing which prouidently he hath decréed to bring to passe But with Lots wife we do altogither disceue our selues for heauen and earth shall perishe but the worde of the Lorde shall endure for euer Alas there is no one thinge more abhominable vnder the Heauens than is the intertainemente of infidelitie and vnbéeliefe For where this monstrous euill is redsydent there is no hope of salnation no feare of GOD abyding nor no kinde of goodnesse to bee expected for Infydelles and vnbelce●… the LORDE God will iudge This infidelitie flourished in the heart of proude Pharo who regarded not the saieng of the Prophet Moyies but hardened hishart in such condission and estate that neither the messenger of Gods signes and tokens were of him esteemed nor regarded and albeit God sent sondrie and diuers plagues among the Egiptians to make his power knowne yet would not Pharao let go●… the Lordes people such and so great was the infidelitie and increasing contempt of malicious Pharo But God the Lorde of hostes heard the groninges of his peculiar people that were by the cruell Egyptians diuerslie afflicted and with a mightie and out stretched hande he deliuered them from the hands of their enimies and lead them safelie through the red●…e seas wherein Pharo and his host perished Lo here an especiall token of Gods fauor shewen to his people whom in mercie he gratiouslie preserued from danger And an exceding note worthie to be considered of his diuine iustice wherein to the comfort of the faithfull he in the fulnesse of his dis●…pleasure confoundeth there ennimies This in●…idelitie for all the good that the Lorde God had done for his people Israell crept into the very intrales and throughly pearced the harts of them so that they became wilfull contemners of his statutes truce breakers of his couenants forsakers of his lawes and followers of their owne imaginations For they set vp a golden calfe in Horeb and worshipped the same as God This infidelity made bloodthirsty lezabel to fauor conceaue no smal delight in the blasphemous priestes of Baall and to perfecute afflict and put to the edge of the sworde the Lords prophets and those that scared the Lorde but God in his iusti●…e rewarded hir she was throwne from the toppe of an high towre brake hir necke and the 〈◊〉 did eate hir flesh and lapped vp hir bloud according to the saieng of the prophet Thus we sée that mightie is the Lord ou●… God and his iudgements are true This infidelitie made A tha●… ●…ecome a worshipper of straunge gods and to ren●…unce the liuing Go●… of Israell but hir ende was shame and confusion This infidelity made Dauid to distrust in the Lord and to affie him in his owne strength in that he numbered his people but the plague of pestilence tooke awaie threescore and ten thowsand of them in thrée daies This in●…delitie made Nabuchadnezer to erect and set vp a golden image to bé●… worshipped as God himselfe of his people but Sidrack Misaell and Abednego woulde not consent to fall from the Lorde God of hosts neither would they giue the glorie of the Lorde their God to a ●…lthy idoll Nabuchadnezer herewith not a litle displesed cast them into a fierie furnace but the Lord preserued them to their comfort and the confusion of their 〈◊〉 This infidelitie made proude Antiochus to enter into an horrible contempts o●… GOD and his lawe ●…hose people hee ceased not to vexe and afflicte daie and night but hée escaped not 〈◊〉 free the Lorde GOD had a care for his Church preserued his people the foulde of his inheritance and sent his Aungell to correct this Tyraunt as hee was ryding in his Chariote and that in such sorte that the wormes fell foorth of hys fleshe hee béeing alyue And was this all No the fylthy stench of his infection was such and so loathsome and vnsa●…erie in the nostrels of his owne seruauntes that they were vnable to abide his presence A notable example of Gods i●…ste iudgementes This infidelitie made blood thirstie Nero cruell Domisian monstrous Heliogabalus and tyrrannous Tragian to persecute CHRIST in his members to kyll hys Apostles to contemne the 〈◊〉 of his Gospell to worshippe straunge and vnknowne Gods and and to glorie in their owne wickednesses and abhominations but their ende was shame and vtter confusion And I feare me that this monstro●… sinne is not a little fauoured of vs that professe the glorious name of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ for who seeth not that we for the most part of vs are not great ●…aggers of the Gospell of our saluation But where are the fruites that hee expecteth and requireth at our handes Is it sufficient for vs thinke we to talk of Christ with our carnall and fleshlie lips and to denie him in our deedes What greater offence can there be committed or done against the eternall maies●… of God Is it not a grosse kinde of infidelitie thinke we that posesse●…h our 〈◊〉 consciences that we not 〈◊〉 hate to be reformed but herewithal also we s●…orne
for the Lorde ou●… God is a great a mightie and gelou●… God his wisedome is 〈◊〉 and his kingdome hath no ende the scepter o●… his seate is a righteous sc●…pter and his dominion shall indure for euer This our God was and is without beginning and ending and this our God in puritie and holinesse must be worshipped of vs from the beginning of our ●…ais euen to the finishing and ending of our liues for gratious is the Lord our God and his truth shall continue for euer Let vs therefore if we will w●…ship the Lord our God truelie walke before him in innocencie continu●…llie stand in aw●… of his displeasure humble our selues with reuerence before the throne of his grace co●…e before his presence with ioie and 〈◊〉 shew our selues glad in him with psalmes and alwaies and euer let vs speake good of his name ●…r he by his wisedome of nothing hath ●…ade all things the seate of our God is ●…e glorious heauens he sitteth betwene 〈◊〉 Cherubins his chariot is the wings 〈◊〉 the winds and the whole earth is his ●…otstoole and other gods besides this our ●…od there is none his name be blessed ●…aised for euer euer If we will wor●…ip this our God namelie the Father ●…onne holie Ghost three persons in tri●…itie one onlie God we must ●…denor 〈◊〉 cast away far from vs the lothsom lea●…en of the proud pratling Pharasies that ●…asted of their owne righteousnesse and ●…stification and wée must earnestlie ●…ire of God and that vnceasantly with ●…mble and contrite harts that wée may 〈◊〉 made new dough that is that our con●…ences our minds soules may be tho●…wly seasonned with the most pr●…ious ●…me of his grace by the power wherof ●…rough Jesus Christ the comfortable ●…iding of the holy Ghost we may be di●…ed into al truth therin by his proui●…nce we may be so stronglie confirmed ●…at neither the temptations of sathan the sinfull suggestions of the fleshe 〈◊〉 pollicies of his disceaueable minister that are possessed with the spirit of lie●… teaching their owne traditions contr●… rie to Christ neither yet the vaine a●… fading corruptible pleasures of thi●… worlde may be able to preuaile to wit●… drawe vs from the worship of our Go●… but that we may as it becommeth godl●… and true regenerate children perseu●… and go forwarde from vertue to vertu●… and constantlie continue with clea●… harts vndefiled consciences and purifi●… soules in the blood of our sauiour the se●… uice of our God and then he will beco●… our shepherd and we shall be the sh●… of his pasture he will remaine our gra●… ous and louing father and we shal be th●… children of his blessed inheritance th●… which our Christ hath purchased for 〈◊〉 those that beleeue with the prise of h●… hart blood If we will worship God w●… must loue him bicause he is the founta●… of loue and loued vs from the beginni●… euen when we were his enimies F●… what loue could be greater than this 〈◊〉 ●…at he gaue his onelie begotten sonne ●…hrist Iesus to suf●…r for our sakes al the 〈◊〉 that could be deuised to beare 〈◊〉 our sakes being forlorne for our sins ●…he altogither holy innocent the heauy ●…rthen of his fathers displesure ther●… we beleuing stedfastly in him to make 〈◊〉 that were the children of death the ●…ires of life and saluation O inestima●…e loue and aboundant kindnesses gran●…d vs frely without our deserts through ●…ace in Christ Iesus euen when wee ●…ere the children of damnation and the ●…rie fire brands of hell who for this his ●…ceeding loue and grace would be so vn●…nd but to loue him againe that for all ●…ese his bountifull bestowed benefites ●…ueth nothing at our handes but that ●…e loue him as he hath loued vs conti●…allie and that without feining Naie ●…ho forgetteth not this his great loue ●…d recompenseth him that hath loued 〈◊〉 with monstrous ingratitude Who ●…orshippeth him in hart and mind as he commanded nay who prophaneth not ●…s honor and ●…lorie Who is chedient to his blessed wil heauenlie ordinan●… Naie who impugneth not his statutes breaketh not his commandements 〈◊〉 these the fruits of gods glorio●…s 〈◊〉 that he requireth at our hands Do 〈◊〉 we are commanded Do we our 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to ●…oath adorne our selues 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 o●… his holy name or by 〈◊〉 hearing of his heauenly word with 〈◊〉 spirituall Adam Christ Nale do we 〈◊〉 ●…ather deuise to re●…est couer our 〈◊〉 with the transgressions of our olde 〈◊〉 rentes to the co●…demnation of our 〈◊〉 dies and soules eter●…ally Thu●… throu●… the hardnes of our harts that worship●… God with our lips and denie him in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 y ● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and mightie in all abhomination read●… to 〈◊〉 the worke●… of 〈◊〉 leaue the worship ●…f our God to ser●… our 〈◊〉 aduersarie 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Thus our innocent soules the 〈◊〉 rie and tr●…●…age of God is by the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of our ●…dies w●…nded 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to ●…ternall dea●… she mourn●… 〈◊〉 but who rega●… 〈◊〉 soul●… 〈◊〉 The outwa●…de man is gi●…en to pleasure and ease The soule is ●…inched with penurie and paine and ne●…er can haue rest The soule through ●…he actions of the fleshly m●…nded man is ●…isgarnished of the vesture of gods grace ●…hough the man of sinne be pranked vp ●…n menstrous pride The flesh is stout and sturdie the soule is saint and feble The flesh is lustie and healthie poasting ●…fter pleasure The soule is sicke and so●…owfull for want of the feeling of gods ●…race The flesh is affected to all kinds of ●…niquities and therby the soule is dange●…ously wounded with transgression so ●…hat both body and soule is become most ●…onstrous in the eies of the Lorde our God and al bicause we will not learne t●…●…orship him nor to walke in his waies ●…ut who is he y ● considereth these things ●…aie who is not rather delighted to worke wickednes to do euil in the sight ●…f the Lord our God Uerily all haue 〈◊〉 from the highest to the lowest and 〈◊〉 be short God hath from his dwelling ●…lace looked down to the face of the earth and knoweth that there is no goodnesse among the sons of men who hasteth the to shroude himselfe by an earnest deploration of his sinnes vnder the couert of the glorous wings of Gods grace Naie rather who wandereth not wide from his heauenlie veritie and setteth not by the continuance of his euill to heape vp vengeance to himselfe in the daie of wrath who is he that prepareth himselfe to watch and kéepe warde for the coming of Christ in the clouds Nay who is he that slepeth not soundly in the vnclennes of his own hart Who is he that striueth in these dangerous daies of wickednes to vanquish subdue the loathso●… lusts of his owne flesh Naie who is