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B11837 A hundred sermons vpo[n] the Apocalips of Iesu Christe reueiled in dede by thangell of the Lorde: but seen or receyued and written by thapostle and Eua[n]gelist. S. Iohn: compiled by the famous and godly learned man, Henry Bullinger, chief pastor of the congregation of Zuryk. Newly set forth and allowed, according to the order appoynted in the Quenes maiesties, iniuntions. Thargument, wurthines, commoditie, and vse of this worke, thou shalt fynd in the preface: after which thou hast a most exact table to leade thee into all the princypall matters conteyned therin.; In Apocalypsim Jesu Christi. English Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; Daus, John. 1561 (1561) STC 4061; ESTC S107053 618,678 759

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was cruelly rent in peaces and troden vnder foote And that for no other cause then for that she woulde not worship the beaste that is that she wold not receyue the superstions and heathen rites of the Romane Empire I meane the false Gods and idolatrie of the Heathen And for that she worshipped one God alone through Chryst and cleaued to him seruid him after his Gospell Here therfore are excepted Constance Constantine Gracian Theodose and other godly and christen princes or Emperours which be not rekened vnder the deuelish beast For an Empire or kingdom of it selfe as S Paule sayeth is of God wherfore yf good men rule and geue not ouer themselues to be ruled of the Deuill they shall verely appertaine to the body of holy church and not to the abominable bodi of the beast In the meane time whilest that olde Rome wold not seriously repēt and tourne to Chryst forsaking theyr false gods and superstitions at the last it was condemned of Chryst by the law of like penaltie For with the same measure that the Romanes met to other nations with the selfe same did other nations measure agayne to Rome Wherfore the Persians Hunnes Frenchemē Alemans west Gothians Vādalles and East Gothians invaded thempire rent the whole Empire in pieces And at the last beseged Rome it self brake in to it toke it spoyled sacked burnt destroyed it And so at the length the Lord Iesus by iust iudgement reuenged the bloud of his seruauntes And Rome lay and yet lyeth in ruine and shall neuer be repared to the aūcient beautie And it behoueth the ruine of it to remayne in token of the veritie and reuengment of Christ Iesus that euen therof al godly may gather the God wyll be most true in thother promeses of Christ also as yet not fulfilled Moreouer the Romane Empire westward laye neglecte without an Emperoure aboue thre hundreth and twentie yeares from Augustulus whom Odacer a Germane oppressed til Charles the great king of Fraunce And in these times of desolation that is of thempire oppressed and extinguished in the west The Bisshop of Rome began by little and little to gather to him no smal power and possessions by the authorytie which he toke vpō him vnder the pretence of Chryst and the Apostles Peter and Paule tyll such time as he began to reygne also The falle of tholde Empire is the rysyng of a new But tholde Popes his predecessours wer not Princes in the Churche ruling vnder pretence of Religion but were ministers of the churche simple pastours and poore And Saint Paule prophecied that of the ruine of the Empire and destruction of the citie Antichrist shulde spryng vp For he sayd only this holdyng now or only thys let that now deteyneth tyll it come to passe that it be taken a waye and then shall that wicked be reuayled He signifye● therfore that Antichrist shuld not reygne com nor appere before tha● olde Romane empire were taken away For this being ouerthrowē that the same See of Rome shulde be erected For Tertullian who lyued a thousand and three huddreth yeres past in hys boke of the resurrection of the fleshe Who sayeth he shall be taken out of the way but the state of Rome whose departing being dispersed in to ten kings shall bryng in Antichrist And. S. Hierom in the .xi. question to Algasia The Romane Empire sayth he which now possesseth al natyons depart and shal be taken away and then shal Antichrist come the welspryng of iniquitie The same authours by Babylon in this boke of S. Iohn The two horned beast vnderstand Roome And Iohn hym selfe in this boke sheweth that the seuen headed and mighty olde empire of Rome being taken away an other beaste shal aryse and that with two hornes that is to witte suche a Prynce whyche shall chalenge to hymselfe a double rule or kingdome fulnes I say of power aswell in thynges spirituall as temporall And this same doth the whole worlde at thys daye acknowledge to be the Byshop of Rome decked with his triple crowne vndoubtedly of the three hornes which accordyng to the prophecie of Daniell Daniel .vii. eyther brought lowe or toke away this base contemned horne and Armed with two keyes signifieng hym to be king and Byshop the most myghty Monarke in matters spiritual temporall Christes vicar in earthe hauyng full power in Heauen and in earth He hym selfe in tymes past caused men to set vp the Image of the beast that is to set vp a new empire after the Image and the Imitation of the olde Romane Empire Whych thing after it was begon in Charles the great a right noble prince and furthermore auaūced and commen from the kings of Fraunce to the Germans which in dede were stoute Godly and worthye Prynces The Byshop of Rome was not ashamed in straunge wise to vexe trouble excomunicate depose and to substitute others in theyr place to styre vp wars in many Realmes at ones and set them together by the eares so long till those kynges did frame themselues after hys wyll and appetyte and wolde fall downe to kisse hys fete And he hym selfe at the length toke vpō him thempire publishing his decrees to the whole world boasted hymselfe to be the Monarche or soule ruler of the world who myght at hys pleasure bothe depose kinges and set them vp in kyngdomes Finally that he was supreme iudg in earth whych may iudg al men but he hym selfe may in nowyse be iudged of any man Therfore lyke as in tholde empire we sequestred from the cōmunion of the beastes all good men which were or liued vnder thempire so in this new also we do alwayes except the graue and witty the good godly men and al religious people which mixed among them not only abyde styll in Chryst but also eyther abhorre and comtemne the beast or to theyr power fight against him The Characte of the beaste Wherby they come not in the accompt of the beast And this two horned beast marketh his worshippers with a Characte And those that refuse thys characte he excommunicateth out of al mens company so that it is lawful for them neither to by nor sel Yea more he condemneth them for hereticks schismaticks for damned and lost creatures If thou confesse thy self now to be a Christian and professe with a syncere and loyall hart the belefe or crede of the Apostles one holy church of Christ and of al saincts and dost not aboue all thinges confesse the Pope to be Chrystes vicar in earth with the fulnes of power and the Romish churche which is the mother of all churches and can not erre thou shalte seme as yet to haue confessed nothyng but shalt be sayed rather to be suspected of heresy and therfore to be more straytely examined This thing can not be dissembled for it is knowen to all men in the whole world But to thintent we shuld not erre in a matter so nedefull to be
here certen Byshoppes ded resiste him emonges whome was Leo Bishoppe of ould Rome There remayne certen Epistles of his to the Emperour of Constantinople to the Byshops of the Easte and to others So was this trouble for that tyme also appeased But streight way an other Byshop of Constantinople blynded wyth Ambition requyred a fresh to haue the supremacie geuen hym Whome Pelagius and Gregory Byshoppes of Rome wythstood And this later so impugned the supremacie of the Patriarch of Constantinople that he sticked not to call him the vauntcurrour of Antichrist which woulde vsurpe the tytle of generall byshop There remayne not a fewe epistles wrytten of this matter in his register Neuerthelesse a fewe yeares after when the Byshoppes of Rome were sore affrayde leeste that dignitie shulde be geuen to the byshoppes of Constantinople Boniface the .3 obteyned of themperour Phocas a parricide that he which was bishop of old Rome might be taken for the vniuersal bishop and Rome for the head of al churches which constitution set vp the Pope in Authoritie Apostolicall that he was nowe taken of the moste parte of the west Bishops for Apostolicall and manie matters brought before him to determine whereby he got the fauour of many Princes chieflie of Fraunce by whose ayde he droue oute of Italie both the Emperour of Grece and kinges of Lumbardie and brought Rome and the beste most florishing partes of Italie vnder his own subiection Thus I saye out of the earth cometh vp the seconde beaste Beaste Furthermore Christe callth the Romish papistrie beaste for that in Auarice Couetousnesse Tyrannie Crueltie and euen in beastlinesse he differeth nothing from the olde beast of whome I haue spoken before Hitherto of the originall of Antichrist or Pope and of the newe Empyre furthermore S. Ihon procedeth to descrybe that second beast lyuelie that we shuld al know and eschewe the same and fyrst he reasoneth of the power of Antichriste The beast had two hornes That other beaste sayeth he had two hornes and he addeth lyke a lambe For of them is spoken in the fifte chapter of this boke And the Lord signifieth the priesthod and kingdome whyche the Popes vsurpe to themselues affyrmynge that power is geuen them in Heauen and in Earth in spirituall matters and temporal For therefore they geue in their Armes two Keyes that is to saie two hornes They boaste that they haue two swoordes Of the which blasphemies he that wyll be fullye instructed let him reade the wordes of the beastes of Boniface .8 in the sixte Decret of maiorit and obediēce One holy agayne Clement .5 second boke of othes finally Gregorie .9 or rather the first boke of Innocent the .3.33 tit de maior obedient All Histories make mention that Boniface the .8 ded in the yeare of our Lorde .1300 institute the first Iubeley and in the same opēly before the people to haue shewed in the way of ostentation the Pontifical and Emperiall maiestie whylest on the one day he appeared in the apparel of a Byshop on the other hauing put on purple robes shewed himselfe to the people like an Emperour They caried before him two swordes And he himself cried lo here are two swordes as though he shoulde poincte with his fingar to the whole worlde that he and certen of his predecessours and all his successours were that two horned beaste What shall we saie that all bishops by him consecrated weare vpon their heades miters or two horned caps Vnlesse therfore we be blynder than was Tyresias we see with our eyes who is that great Antichriste And here we muste obserue that he sayeth not Lyke a lambe● that those ar the hornes of a lambe For Christ kepeth stil both the priesthod and kingdome with the faithful in the church nother doeth he resigne the same to any other he hath appointed no Vycar For he executeth continuallie at the righte hande of the Father the offices both of King and Bishoppe and this all faithfull fele with ioye He sayeth therefore lyke a lambes For the Pope wyll make all men beleue that he hath receiued of Christ Priesthod and Empire that he is Christes Vycar wher he is nothyng lesse He bragth euery where that he is the great shepparde and hath receyued the keyes of the Kingdome of Heauen And that of the very lambe of God in the Apostle Saincte Peter and therefore that all Bishoppes are subiecte to him finallie al Kynges Princes and people He procedeth to shewe moreouer He spake as the Dragon what the talke of Antichriste is what is his doctryne and what is his speach He spake sayeth he as ded the Dragon The Dragon is the Deuyll as before is playnelie shewed Therefore he ascribeth to Antichryste or Popery Diabolicall doctrine or a deuyllysh mouth or toungue We muste see therefore howe the deuyll speaketh that we may so vnderstande rightlie howe Antichriste speaketh In Paradise he so tempereth his talke that he calleth in doubte the certentie and veritie of Gods word and by that occasion placeth his owne worde in steade of the worde of God Is it so sayth the Deuyll hath God forbydden you Genesis .3 vnder perill of your life that ye shoulde not eate of the fruicte of the tree of knowledge of good euil yea rather yf ye eate therof ye shall be made lyke vnto God And after the same sorte Antichriste in his Poperie bringeth the veritie of the Scripture in doubte which by all meanes possible he disfameth as vnperfecte maymed obscure and doubtefull And by and by vpon that occasion he bringeth in his traditions decrees wherewith he maye patch vp that which he contendeth to want in the Scriptures But in his traditions he affirmeth thinges contrary to Gods worde and so disceaueth men And all men knowe that haue any skill of popysh matters that the fyrste and chiefe principle and foundation of Papistrie is that the Scriptures are vnperfecte and obscure and therefore to haue nede of traditions Moreouer the Dragon speaketh openlie against the lawes of God and so doeth the Pope manifestelye God wyll be worshypped alone the Pope addeth to him Sainctes God forbyddeth Idolles and Idolatrie the pope cōmaundeth them playnely God wyll haue his name to be sanctified and his name to be sworne by onely the Pope by dispensing with othes polluteth the name of the Lorde and commaūdeth vs to sweare by the names of Gods God commaūdeth vs to kepe holie the Sabboth daye The Pope bringeth this in contempte setteth forth his owne holy daies and maketh double feastes God commaūdeth vs to honor our parents This doeth the Pope abbrogate and commaundeth to make more of Abbotes and Abbesses God commaundeth thou shalt not kyll thou shalt not commit aduoutrie or steale The Pope graunteth moste ample indulgences and pardons to his soldiours for rash warres made at his wyll and pleasure spoyleth with his sacrileges al churches and he with his mayden priestes fylleth all the world with
that the preaching of the Gospell can not be so oppressed but that it shall rather be preached with great Constancie through out all the worlde And that Rome also shal fal and al the vngodly be pūnished He exhorteth therfore most ernestly that we haue not to do with Antichrist leeste also we be made pertakers of his damnation And to thintent there might waunt nothing that cōcerned a full comforte he addeth that thinge whiche maye chiefly confirme the mindes of al the godly euen in the greatest daungers howe they that die in Christ doe flitte streight wayes from the corporall death vnto lyse euerlastynge Whiche finisshed he tourneth to the description of the punnishement to be taken assuredly of the Antichristians Wherfore if the Bokes of the Gospell and newe Testament be to be estemed for the manifolde description of Christe and of saluation by him obteyned for the faythefull yf they are to be estemed of the comforte and preaching of the gospel this is doubtles a boke most gospel like as that which by a cōtinuall tenour to perillouse thinges annexeth consolation The Lābe standeth on mounte Sion S. Iohn therfore seeth the Lambe standyng vpon Moūte Sion Christ therfore slepeth not he is not ignoraunt of the perilles and conflictes of his churche but he standeth as prepared to ayde and succour his He standeth as a king inuincible whome nother the Dragon nor the olde nor the newe beast hath ouerthrowen For I haue tolde you oftener than ones especially in the .5 chapt that by the Lambe is vnderstande Christ For he is the lambe and price of our redemption vntill the iudgement but than laiyng a parte the office of an intercessour he shall be a moste seuere and also a moste holy iudge And Christ standeth not in the sande as did the Dragon but on a Mounte and that vpon mounte Sion Mounte Sion was a figure of Christes kingdome as appereth playnely in the .2 Psalme and the .2 of Esaye And the kingedome of Christe is the church aswell triumphante as militaunt therefore in the felloweship of Sainctes standeth Christ the ioye and glory of them that are in heauen and the life and helper of them whiche fight as yet in Earth Let vs beleue therfore that in the Antichristiane persecutiōs Christ wil neuer faile his faythfull as he is red neuer to haue fayled the olde Sainctes vnder the olde Romane Empire afflicted For this consolation serueth chiefly for vs which are vexed of Antichrist and serued for them also whiche suffered martirdome vnder the olde Romane Empire Nother is there any doubt but that they cōfirmed themselues herewith in the greatest persecutions With the lambe are 144000. But that same is moste full of consolation that the lambe is not alone but hath with him an hondreth and foure and fourtie thousande that is to saye a most ample church How so euer therfore the beaste rageth and sleyeth the confessours of Christ yet shal there be alwayes a church that shall neuer be plucked vp euen in the Earth He setteth a nombre certen for vncerten and yet certaine and determinate for that the nombre of them that shal be saued shal seme small in comparison of them which shal worshippe the beastes and perisshe Howebeit we vnderstande that the nombre of them shal neuertheles be greatest which shal be the body of the Church vnder their head Christ euen than also what time the Pope with all the limmes of Antichrist shall haue powred out all their furie Of this nombre of the electe I haue spoken in the 7. chapt where the selfe same nombre is set And as the Antichristians beare the marke of Antichrist in the righthande and foreheades so verely the shepe of Christ Thei haue the name of the father in theyr foreheads and which shal be the church the spouse of christ vnder their head Christ shal haue their marke also in their foreheades to witte the name of the father of the Lambe For Eius is to be referred to the Lambe And he speaketh not of an externall marke whiche should be printed on their foreheades but of the marke of their mindes The same is faith the signe of all Gods children And the fayth in the Father and the Sonne whiche are not without the holy ghost And howe shouldest thou beleue that almightie God is thy father vnlesse thou vnderstande the same to be obteined of the sonne This faith therfore is here vnderstande to be a christen not a Iewish or Turkishe fayth whiche yet confesseth God to be the father But sins they haue not the sonne as sayed S. Iohn in his Epistle they nother haue the father Therfore the true membres of the church of Christ the trewe shepe doe beleue that they haue a mercifull father through the sonne by whome they knowe that the father beyng pacified hath geuen all thinges of life and of saluation in his sonne They that seke not for saluation and all goodnes in the only mediatour the sonne of God haue not doubtles the right marke of the children of God in their foreheades At this daye all will be christiās but neglectyng Christ thei depēde wholy of Sainctes Therfore their faith is not the trewe marke of the children of God No they nother knowe the father nor the sonne And therfore they persecute those that cleaue wholy to the father by the sonne And seyng Christ is with his church what nedeth the church a vicar Certēly it can not be the true church whiche hath a vicar of Christe for than it waunteth Christe whom the trewe church can not waunte It was not enough for the Apostle to haue sayed that the church was vnited with Christe vnlesse he had added moreouer with many wordes howe he hath sene the churche affected and how she demeaned her self than verely when the beastes did afflicte her that euen we may learne therof what is the hope of Sainctes in greatest daungers of what sorte it behoueth vs to be in persecutions and temptations He heareth the voice of many waters First he heareth a voice from heauē as the voice of many waters Waters in the Scriptures many times doe signifie people We vnderstande therfore herby that the church shal be populouse and speaking to thintēt to dissemble nothing but frely to professe Christ And therefore he heareth also the sounde of a great thonder For the church getteth from heauen power to preache and shewe forth the Gospell grauely though the worldes bowelles burste And verely of the frāke constaunt preaching of the gospel Iohn and Iames are called with Marke the sonnes of thōder And cōcerning the preachyng of the gospell shall followe more afterwarde He heareth moreouer a melodiouse harmonie of menne singyng to their harpes singing as it were a newe song The which is chiefly referred to the sainctes in heauen singing eternall prayses to God secōdely to the sainctes liuing here yet in earth which also offer vnto God continually prayses thankes geuyng
Romanes into a reprobate minde to do those thinges which God alloweth not And so are the wordes of God prophecied by the Prophets and Apostles on this wise fulfilled Doubtlesse they be the wordes of God and not of men which are red of this matter in Daniell and in all this booke of reuelation The woman is the great citie Finally the Angell expoundeth what is signified by the woman sitting on the beast to wit that great citie of Rome the head and Lady maistresse of the worlde and the Romish church Popery and power stretching oute her selfe and her Kyngdome ouer the Kinges of the Earth Of whom already hath bene spoken enough To God be glorie ¶ He sheweth that Rome shall assuredly fall and addeth the causes of her fall The .lxxvij. Sermon The .18 chapter AND after that I sawe an Angell come down from Heauen hauing greate power and the Earth was lightned with his brightnes and he cryed mightelye with a stronge voyce sayeng she is fallen she is fallen euen great Babilon and is become the habitation of Deuilles and the holde of all vncleane spirites a cage of vncleane and hateful birds for all nations haue dronken of the wyne of the wrath of her whoredome And the kyngs of the earth haue cōmitted fornication with her and her marchauntes are waxed rych of the aboundaunce of her pleasures He pourseweth through out al the .18 chap. the destructiō of olde and new Rome also of Heithennes and Antichristianisme that with a maruelouse plentie euidence of speach euen so that ye would thinke that you sawe al thing presently And he vseth also a most godly order The some of the .18 chapter For first the Angell declareth the destruction of Rome with moste apte wordes Secondly coūsel is geuen to the godly how to behaue themselues in so great daungers Than is added the maner of the desolation that like as Rome hath gredely and cruelly spoyled and destroyed other nations euen so it shal chaunce vnto her also After this a lamentation is made wherein the Princes and marchaūts do mourne for the ruine of Rome where they also resyte the richesse and pleasures of Rome Finally the Apostles and Prophetes reioyce at the moste iust iudgement of God Agayne the Angell of the Lord cast a milstone into the bottome of the sea that so the most certaine vnrecouerable and moste weightie destruction of Rome mighte be signified Wherunto agayne are anexed the causes of so great euilles and the same finished with the prayse and gratulation of all the heauenly dwellers And most luckely doeth he imitate the holy Prophetes of God wherof two in a maner after the same forte S. Ihon imitateth the prophetes do describe the destruction of old Babilon Esaye in the .13.14 .21 chap. And Ieremy in the .50 and .51 And Ezechiell the ouerthrowe of Tirus in the .26.27 and .28 chapt For as the lot and end of all the vngodly is lyke so doeth the canonicall Scripture in painting out their destruction right well agree with it selfe The Apostles moreouer The maiestye of the holy tung although they spake and wrote to the gentyles in greke yet altered they nothing of their naturall phrase of speakyng and euen constrayned straunge tungues to serue the holy and not the Hebrew to serue vnto heathen langages For speakyng greke they obserued the naturall phrase of the Hebrew speach as first diuine and holy And where they coulde speake all langages yet ded they neuer speake and write any foreyne langage so but that in the same the Hebrew phrase might be perceyued The curiositie of the readers in the translations of the Bible Let some therfore beware at this daie that thei be not to deintie cared and followe the puretie of the latine speach so that in expressing the same they fal not in the meane whyle from the simplicitie of the holye tongue and lose not a fewe misteries They that be not froward had rather frame themselues to the holy langage and learne the phrases therof than to subdue the same againste the heare to straunge tongues and cōpell it to serue our delicate eares Moreouer we haue already admonished oftentimes what is the end vse of this treatise concerning the iudgemēts or pūnishments of God For the veritie and iustice of God is cōfirmed the afflicted receiue comfort and the wicked and all Gods enemies are made affrayde c. The vngodly deride the oracles of god But when S. Ihon published these thinges and prophesied of the destruction of Babilon which al men at that time by reason of the late subuersion of Ierusalem and most greuouse captiuitie of the Iewes which had lately chaunced vnder Vespasian ded clerely vnderstand to signifie Rome For right so had Babilon in times past vexed the holy Citie and natiō as nowe had Vespasian the Romane The godly in dede beleued thē to be true that they shulde vndoubtedly come to passe The vngodly as dotages laughed them to scorne The same had their elders done For when the Prophetes also prophesied the subuersion of Niniue Babilon and most mightie Monarchies they semed to them to be mad Notwithstāding euen as they had saied so came it to passe Therfore the faithfull beleue the Oracles of God howe long so euer they be differred which are prophesied to come how vnpossible so euer they appeare vnto the worlde For to God speakyng and willing nothing is harde The Authour of this oracle And going about to shewe the subuersion of Rome he prepareth his hearers and winneth credit to the prophesie whileste before all thinges he sheweth the authour of the Oracle or prophesie the very Angell of God And verely he cōmendeth highly the same Angel to vs to the end we shuld doubt nothinge of the veritie of those thinges which he speaketh For he sayeth howe he came from Heauen Wherupon we gather those things that he bringeth to be diuine and celestial the same is saied to haue great power lest verely we shuld thinke those thinges to be vnpossible which he sayeth shall come to passe For yf the Angel Gods minister be of so great power what may we thinke the Lorde to be which sente the Angel One Angell before the walles of Hierusalem killed an hondreth fourescore and fiue thousande menne of warre One Aungell in a night slewe all the firste borne of Aegipt Therfore seyng the most mightie Angel prophecieth the destruction of olde newe Rome we nede not to doubte but that it shall vtterly perisshe Moreouer the Earth was lightened with the glory that is to saye with the brightenes or light of this Aungell For this prophecie is nother darke nother will it be hidde but chiefly and most clerely preachrd through out the world Wherefore the same Aungell crieth with all his force We muste preach frely clerely agaynste Antichrist and that with a greate voyce For it behoueth these oracles of God wherein is treated of
shall discourse more at large of the distruction of Rome in the .17 chap. Wherfore within the space of .136 yeares Rome came seuen tymes into straungers handes and was sacked most cruelly and fell on the edge of the sworde and was led into captiuitie Councell how the godly shall demeane thēselues in so great euils which hath long stricken with the swoorde and led away all nations prisoners This was the iust iudgement of God And S. Ihon annexeth a doctrine howe the godly shulde behaue thēselues in so greate troubles and aduersities Here that is to wit whilest the Romanes reigne and rage also in those blouddy and cruel alterations and destruction of the Romane Empire the Sainctes shall nede to haue patience or perseueraunce and fayth These two vertues shal kepe the faithfull that they perish not also Of patience the lord speaketh in S. Luke the .21 chapt In your patience shal you possesse your soules Of faith speaketh blessed Iohn and this is the victory that ouercometh the world euen your faith Impatience and incredulitie hath led away many into the deniyng of the faith to idolatrie and to al vngodlines So learne we also how to arme our selues in our dayes against all vngodlines The lord deliuer vs from euill Amen ¶ Of an other beast which cometh vp out of the Earth that is to saye of Antichrist The .lviij. Sermon ANd I behelde an other bea●● c●●●●● vp out of the Earth and he had two hornes like a lambe and he spake as did the Dragon The Apostle S. Paule playnely testifieth What is th ende of this prophecie Rom. 15. such thinges as are written to be written for our learnyng that through the patience consolation of the scriptures we maye haue hope wherfore we must also applie therunto these things present For Christ the lord of all when he foresawe how greatly sathan should by his chosen membres the olde and newe Romane Empire afflicte the church would haue vs dilligently admonished of euery thing to the intent that al afflicted persones should hereof learne patience and conceaue comforte and hope and not be discouraged with the heauy burthen of euilles Like as he hath therfore diligently described the olde Romane Empire and shewed as it were p●yntyng with the fingar what mischief it should worke to the church admonisshed al to haue faith patience right so wil he from hence forth describe poperie or Antichristianisme in the which descriptiō he setteth forth before our eyes what so euer the sainctes shall suffer that beyng warned before they maye abide more manfully persecution and lesse yelde to mischauntes The secōd beaste cometh not forth tyll the first be taken awaye And in goodly order beginneth he to sette forth Antichrist after the Romane Empire torne and taken awaye For Daniel sayeth that a little and small horne shoulde arrise vp emonges the ten hornes and three of those hornes to poole downe plucke of and caste awaye and so to atteyne vnto greate power For he signifieth that the Romane Empire beyng diuided and brought now vnto decaie Antichrist shal arrise whiche should procure to himselfe a newe and countrefet Empire And S. Paule sayeth also that Christe shall not come vnto iudgement till Antichrist haue gone before and that he shall not come nother vnlesse this be firste taken awaye whiche hindereth and letteth that he can not come The whiche S. Hierome and other holy expositours do vnderstande of the Romane Empire 2. Thess 2. whiche muste be plucked vp and taken awaye and that then shall Antichrist arrise But the Maiestie of the Empire was distroyed aboute the yere of our Lorde .480 when Odacer inuaded Rome For from that time by the space of .300 yeres and more ther was no Emperour of the Weste after Augustulus And besides this vnder the Emperour Iustinian Rome was brente and layde waste of Totila Sins the whiche time the Bisshoppes of Rome haue begonne to loke a lofte and to thinke vpon a newe kingedome The secōd beaste of the Earth And therefore the Lorde sayeth that this beaste arriseth of the very earth The kyngedome of our lorde Iesus Christe cometh from heauen and bringeth to heauen Papistrie cometh nother of Christ nor of his doctrine but cometh out of the Earth that is to witte of euill meanes Ambition auarice treason and crueltie What ministers of the churche Christ ordeyned is easely perceyued by the Gospell of Iesu Christ That he forbadde them gouernement supremacie superiorite and maioritie as they terme it appereth of the .18 and .20 chapt of S. Matthew and .22 of Luk● Therefore do the Actes of Apostles and the doctrine of Peter testifie that Peter was a Minister and not Lorde of the Apostles muche lesse Prince of the citie or Empire of Rome For they lye lowde that saye howe Rome and Italy are the Patrimonie of S. Peter geuen him of the Lorde At the first the Apostles and Apostolicall men ministers of churches gouerned the churches equallye neyther ded one take vpon him more preheminence than an other Which thyng I am able to proue by many testimonies of auncient wryters yf nede requyred Aboute the counsell of Nice and a litle before that tyme when churches were greatly multiplied were ordeyned and custumably receyued Metropolitanes instituted in dede by a laudable but yet mannes ordinaunce that is to witte in a certen prouince or head citie was ordeyned a Byshop or Pastor which shoulde haue as it were thē ouersighte of the reste and shoulde serue for the calling of Synodes or assemblees Yet was it than dilligently prouided that he shoulde not be called Primate leeste any manne should thinke himselfe preferred before others in power but in order Nother was the Byshop of Rome at that tyme exalted aboue all others but there were dyuerse Metropolitanes whereof the byshop Rome was one The Niceyue counsell confyrmed that same custome and woulde haue it ratified Socrates in his ecclesiastical Historie the .5 boke the .8 chapt reciteth many Metropolitane churches in Asia S. Hierome to Euagrius and in an epistle to Titus sayeth playnely that in oulde tyme churches were gouerned by the common counsell of priestes or elders and that time Byshops and priestes were all one After by the custome of the church not of the veritie of the Lordes ordinaūce I rehearce Saincte Hieromes wordes Byshops were preferred before priestes yet muste they gouerne churches together And of that same custome Howe the Bisshop of rome came to his supremacie yea rather of the abuse of the custome Antichrist had his beginning For Boniface Bishop of Rome began fyrste to take vppon him dominion ouer the churches of Affricke But he was immediatelye repressed by the sixte Affricane coūcell where at Sainte Austen is red also to haue bene After that began also the Byshop of Cōstantinople to chalenge to himselfe the Supremacie for this cause chiefelie that Constantinople was than the courtelyke Palace and chiefe Citie of the Empyre Howe beit
thousandes naye millions of Martirs through the instigation meanes of the Bishop and churche of Rome haue ben executed with moste extreme and horrible punnisshmentes with in these sixe or fiue hondreth yeres histories make mention What hath ben done and what plentie of mans bloud hath benne shed euen within these .30 yeres whiche our memory doeth attayne to my harte grudgeth to recite Great is this crime also for the whiche Babilon is plagued of God by iuste and moste greuouse tourmentes And ful aptely is here mention made of Martirs that is of the witnesses of Iesu For they that cōfesse the Euangelical doctrine of Christ to be the true absolute doctrine that christ is the only head of the church the only priest and Bisshop mediatour and facrifice and shal not ioyne with all in the meane time that the doctrine of the churche of Rome is also moste perfit to be had in like reuerence with the doctrine of the gospell that the Pope is head of the church militaunt and in earth the true vicar of Christ and pastour generall and that the Sametes in heauen praye for vs and that the masse is a trewe and real sacrifice for the sinnes of the quicke and the dead they are condemned for heretikes and Schismatikes with sworde and fire to be rooted out of the Earth And hitherto reacheth the misterie of the vision by horrible sightes set before our eyes wherein is liuely described both the olde Romane Empire and chiefly the Poperie of Rome with their sinnes and crimes heynouse and full of enormitie Hereafter shall followe an exposition of the vision to the whiche at the laste shall be annexed the punnishement to be taken of Antichriste and the whole Antichristiane Citie But in case ye shall applie all these thinges whiche are spoken of the woman to olde Rome I will not be agaynst it For there was also a religion at Rome whiche consisted in golde and preciouse things Olde Rome had a cuppe of false wisedome wherewith she made dronken and infected al nations She was therefore the mother of abominations and whoredomes as of whome the prouinces learned superstitions c. Howebeit these thinges peculiarly do concerne the Pope Notwithstandyng that olde Rome also was dronken with the bloud of Sainctes c. S. Iohn maruayleth at the sight of the ●east S. Iohn maruaileth excedingly when he saw the womā For Daniel also maruailed till his harte almoste failed him when he sawe that Romish beast as appereth in the .7 chapt of Daniel All godly in a maner maruayle also at this daye when they see so great things graūted or permitted of God to the church of Rome agaynst the pure sincerenes For the prelates of the church are fortunate victoriouse puissaunt and in sauour with al princes bryng to passe what so euer they imagine or liste Happy is he that is not in them offended Reade the .73 Psalme Howe good is God to Israell to them that be right in harte ●h●xposition of the v●sion c. The Aungell as chiefe minister vttereth the misterie to S. Iohn and the whole Churche that is to saye openeth the secrete and true meanynge of the vision by partes moste dilligently And he speaketh in dede of the whole bodie of the beaste notwithstanding that the beaste hath certen thinges peculier and likewise the whore yet the Angel himselfe sayeth I will shewe thee the misterie of the woman and of the beast that beareth her Neuerthelesse this same is also a darke speaking where in the beginning of the exposition he saieth the beast which thou saweste was and is not The Romane Empire was yet whylest Domitian ruled but it was no more such as it had ben before For from the first Monarch Iulius it was as it were by inheritaūce in the house of Caesars vntill Nero. For in him the beaste receaued a deadlie wounde but it was healed and dyuerse Emperours reigned not of any one familie The Empire therefore had ben in the power of one house before but after Nero it was not so Agayne the Romanes possessed the Empyre after Nero. From Nerua which is the .7 after Nero the Empire was deuolted to Traiane vnder whome it was puissaunt and strong Therfore it was and it was not Whereof S. Ihon himselfe will speake a litle after Moreouer the Stories testifie that the Empyre of Rome was extinguisshed and in his place sprang vp an other which is also called the Romane Empire whereof you may say moste truelie it was and is not For that oulde Romane Empire was the most ample and noblest Empire in the world but this newe nowe erected of the Pope is none such but rather an Image of the beaste as I sayed in the .13 chapt a shadowe and a dreame Therfore we doubt nothing but that in this vision is exhibited to vs a type both of the oulde and newe Empire but chieflye of Poperie And nowe he sheweth none other originall of the beaste The originall of the beaste but hellyshe and deuelysh For he sayeth howe he shall come vp oute of the bottomelesse pitte Whereof is spoken before All Empyres verely as witnesseth Daniell in the .2 chapter be of God But in case the gouernours be corrupted the begynnyng or original is referred to the Deuil not of the Empyre in dede but of the corruption Here is added moreouer what ende that vnhappy Empyre is lyke to haue at the last and goeth into perdition For it is cutte vp by the rootes in earth and addicte in an other worlde to payne euerlasting Who be the woorshippers of the beaste But lyke as he shewed in the thirtene chapt who shoulde wonder at that is should honour and worshippe the beaste so here he repeteth the same not the chosen children of God but earthly men and reprobates whose names are not written in the booke of lyfe Whereof we haue spoken before He annexeth an acclamation and here aduerbiallie is a mynd that hath wisedome The Lorde exciteth all the hearers to the dilligent consideration of these things leeste being disceaued we perish They be fooles that maruel at the beastes felicitie victories pōpes maiestie riches and pleasures and submit thēselues to him They be verely wyse that vnderstand the Empyre to be taken awaye and nowe that vnder the shaddowe of an Empyre lurketh Antichriste the Chylde of perdition and man of sinne to be eschewed of al the godlie For these are conuerted to Christe In whome they knowe that they haue all things of lyfe and saluation and to liue in him To him be prayse and glory ¶ The godly vision is yet more playnely declared The .lxxv. Sermon THE seuen heads are seuen mountaynes on which the woman sitteth they are also seuen Kinges Fyue are fallen and one is the other is not come Whē he cometh he must continue a space And the beaste that was and is not is euen the eight and is one of the seuen and shal go into destructiō And
perish they shall ryse agayne to the iudgement whole Aretas also Bishop of Cesaria perceiued this and sayed he reciteth these things to the intent he might declare what the finall and vniuersal resurrection shall be For where many beleuyng not that the same shall be do say that it is by no meanes possible to be in those bodies which haue ben long corrupted and broughte to that poincte that they be not at all this sermon nowe correcting this sayeth Lyke as the bodies when they were not began to be not by a certen chaūce or of themselues but of the four elements namely of Water Fyre Ayre and Earth So also beyng reasonably returned agayne into the same may be of the same cōposed againe c. And for a further declaratiō he addeth agayne Death and hel gaue vp them c. and death and hell gaue vp those which were in them dead For he vnderstādeth by death any kynd of death as though he shulde say death it selfe restoreth to the Iudge iudgement whom soeuer after what sort soeuer he hath dispatched Death therfore is fayned to be as it were a person which holdeth the dead in himselfe or in a prison And hel hath yet but a fewe bodies for some we read to haue gone down to hell quicke but the soules of the wicked The same retourne to their bodies that the whole man may be iudged body and soule Others by hell after the Hebrewe phrase vnderstande a sepulture or graue Agayne is repeted that the whole man shal be iudged body and soule after euery mannes workes Thus much hitheto of the resurrectiō of the dead Of euerlasting damnation wherof in our bokes els wher we haue treated more at large In the laste place followith of euerlastinge damnation and who be properly condemned And Hell sayeth he and death are cast in to the lake of fyre Whereof hath ben spoken before And Hell here signifieth not the place of pūnishmēt but those that are inhabiters of Helle to witte whose soules are yet deteined in hel or appointed thither Death also signifieth those that are deade in sinne and they which from the spirituall or tēporall death go straight way to death euerlasting Wherevpon is immediately annexed This is the second death by the which verely they that are dead to Christe are adicted to perpetual fyre and that lyue to Antichrist and the world Others expounde these thinges hereof that after the iudgemēt the Saincts shal nother be buried any more nor die Which S. Paule affirmeth also out of Osee in the firste to the Corinth the .15 chap. Aretas and Primasius make with vs. For Aretas saieth and he calleth death and hel those that haue cōmitted thinges worthie of punnishment as fulfilling the numbre of the second death And Primasius by these names sayeth he he signifieth the Deuil because he is authour of death and paynes in Hell and also the whole fellowship of Deuylles For this is the same that he spake more playnelye before by the way of preuēting and the Deuil which deceaued them was caste in to the lake of fyre and brimstone And that which he added there more obscurely sayeng and the beaste the false prophet here more playnely So much Primasius And who knoweth not that the membres muste followe the head all vngodly the Deuyll the head of all vngodlynes Whych ar not writtē in the boke of lyfe And moste euidētly he expresseth who properly at the iudgement are addicte to fyre euerlasting they that are nother written nor sound in the boke of lyfe Therefore shall the only faythfull in Christe in whome they are predestinated vnto lyfe euerlasting shall be saued All others of what religion so euer they be or what so euer kynd of lyfe they haue lyued be it neuer so strayte shall perish Others referre these words to such as are lefte a lyue at that daye For we beleue that the son of God shall iudge both the quicke and the dead Doubtles whether they be lyuing or whether they be dead certain it is that no man shall be saued in any other but in the fayth of Iesu Christe all the resydewe shall be damned And this is the finall end of the good and euill To Christe Iesu iudge of all and redemer of the faythfull be prayse and glory for euermore Amen ¶ That the worlde shall be renewed the Saincts glorified and made blessed and what that felicitie shall be and howe certeyne The XCj. Sermon AND I sawe a newe Heauen and a newe Earth The .21 chapter For the first Heauen and the first Earth were vanished away there was no more Sea AND I Ihon sawe that holy Citie newe Hierusalem come downe from God oute of Heauen prepared as a bryde garnished for her husband And I heard a great voice from the seat sayeng beholde the Tabernacle of God is with men and he wil dwel with them AND they shal be his people and God himselfe shall be with them and shal be their God And God shal wipe awai al teares from their eyes And there shall be no more death nother sorrowe nother shal ther be any more payne For the ould thinges are gone And he that sat vpon the seat saide behold I make al things newe And he saied vnto me wryte for these wordes are faythfull and true And he sayed vnto me it is done I admonished you aboute the begynning of the .15 The order chap. of this boke that the fifte parte of this worke began at the .15 chap. and treated of the iudgementes of God righteous and iuste And forasmuch as the iudgementes of God are of two sortes in this that he requyteth the euyll according to their wickednes and rewardeth the good with rewards I sayed howe this place consisted of two parts For first I sayed that S. Ihon most plentifully treated of torments to be inflicted to Antichrist and all vngodly secondly of rewardes especially in the end of the world to be imployde vpon al sainctes For ofte times haue we heard in this boke that the soules seperated from the body are immediatly after the corporall death taken vp in to lyfe euerlaking but that the felicitie of al most complete chaūceth to the faithfull in the ende of the worlde what time the bodies now raised againe receiue the rewards of glory euerlasting And this place is treated through oute al the .21 chap. beginning of the .22 cha And lyke as in the former parte he hath set hel in a maner wyde opē shewed the euerlasting torments as it were to be sene presently so in this later part he vnlocketh after a fort or openeth heauen it selfe that with the eyes of faith we shulde se what hope and glory abydeth for Sainctes And with all is most clerely expoūded the article of our faith ¶ I beleue lyfe euerlasting I beleue lyfe auerlasting And agayne for the more perspecuitie he declareth these things by a visiō Which others
nōbre the seuēth laste Therfore ar al things figured spiritually not carnally to be vnderstand and taken Doubtles the matters are excellēt vnderstand euen after the letter howbeit we must thinke of spiritual matters and greater alwayes than the speach of man can atteine to For we know as taught by the doctrine of the Prophets Apostles to be alwaies true that is said that the eye hath not sene nor the eare hath not hearde nor ascended in to the hart of man those things which god hath prepared for them that loue him 1. Cor. 2 The chiefe articles of this place of the g●orye of the blessed And the chefest poincts of this place be these First he sheweth that the world shal be renewed Secōdly he signifieth that the Saincts shal be glorified blessed And declareth in general what that same fiticitie shal be And incōtinētly he confirmeth these things by many reasons moreouer he describeth the place the courte Palace of the blessed and lykewise the glory and felicitie of Saincts The which in the beginning of the .20 chap. he finisheth vp excedingly wel vnder the figure of a r●uer ●ree of lyfe And lyke as he hath for the most part borowed al his things out of the bokes of prophets the which S. Ihon also with his reuelation lighteneth so hath he also at this present borrowed these out of the .65 and .66 chapt of Esaye And .37 of Ez●chiel and the laste chapters of the same Of the renewyng of the world he speaketh plainely Of the renewyng of the world as doeth also thapostle S. Peter in his later Epistle the .3 chap. that al thinges verely shuld be purged by fire not wholy abolished adnichilated but should doubtles be purified from all corruptiō for Aretas he signifieth not sayeth he thextinguisshing of the creature but a renewyng for the better Therfore sayeth S. Iohn expressely that he sawe a newe heauē a newe earth wherunto he addeth by exposition that the first heauē the first earth are vanisshed awaye to wit they are chaūged in their qualities so that the corruptible thinges are now gone created for corruptible vses For euen so is the Sea no more also doubtles subiecte to corruptiō but chaūged into better S. Austen and his scollar Primasius suppose that the troublesome state of the world signified not seldome in the scriptures by the Sea about th ende of the world shal cease Reade the .17 chap. of the .20 boke De ciuitate dei Expoūding this place he reasoneth likewise at large of this innouatiō of the world in the same .20 boke De ciuitate dei .18 chap. other places I thinke mere in this matter to put awaie al curiositie if any hid thing appere therin that it be reserued vnto that daie in the which we shal see al thinges euidently And I suppose that these things cōcerning the renewyng of heauē earth ar not therfore spokē that so ther shuld any place be prepared for vs which we shuld inhabite again in these inferiours partes vnder heauē for we beleue that we shal flie vp into heauē go mete the lord in the clowdes according to the doctrine of thapostle 1. Thess 4. but for the our mindes are thus confirmed that the faithful shal vndoubtedly be renewed glorified For if heauen and earth made for man be renewed purefied who wil doubte now that men themselues shal be moste chiefely clarified For cōsequently now S. Iohn declareth Sainctes muste be glorified that the Sainctes shall both be renewed glorified placed in blessed seates signifieth yet generally what the glory of saincts shal be After he will declare more at large and seuerally all those thinges moste dilligently For he heareth an Angel sayeng come I wil shewe thee the bryde the wife of the lambe c. The same now figuratiuely he nameth a citie that in dede holy new Hierusalem And a citie signifieth aswel the place habitatiō as them that dwelle in the place I meane the citezens themselues This citie therfore is not only the place of the blessed but also the very cōmunion of sainctes in olde time prefigured in the citie of Hierusalem But he putteth a greate difference betwixte this of our newe and that visible and corporall Hierusalem Hierusalē For he calleth ours holy that other in the lande of Palestine was prophane polluted with the bloud of Christ prophetes and Apostles for the same cause destroyed vtterly Ours is also called newe For the cōmunion of Sainctes shal be renewed at the same daye And therefore by interpretation followeth cōmyng downe from heauen not that the habitation of Sainctes after iudgement shall againe be in earth but that the glory and renewyng shal be graūted from heauen of the diuine maiestie power As also S. Iames is red to haue sayde euery good gifte and euery perfit gifte is from aboue commyng downe from the father of lightes And S. Paule also in the .4 to the Galath sayde that the free church is the heauenly Hierusalē The same in the .1 Corinth the .15 The firste man sayeth he of the earth earthly the seconde man the lord himself from heauē Such as that earthly was suche are they also that be earthly and suche as that heauenly was such are they also that be heauēly And as we haue borne the Image of the earthly mā so shal we beare also the Image of the heauenly Therfore sayed S. Iohn most rightly that the churche of Sainctes commeth downe from heauen to witte frō heauen receauing her glory For againe by a demonstration prepared of God sayeth he as a bryde garnished for her husbande For the Apostle in the .2 to the Corinth the .5 We know sayeth he that yf our earthly mansion of this tabernacle be destroied we haue bildyng of god a mansion not made with hande euerlastyng in heauen And anone he that hath prepared vs for the same is God He remoueth from his sainctes al corruptiō but geueth and teacheth to be purified with al giftes of the body that so they may be garnisshed worthely and maye dwell in the euerlastyng bryde chamber with their brydegrome Christe Wherefore this garnisshynge consisteth in the abolishinge of all corruption and mortalitie and in the gifte of vncorruption immortalitie and glory Of the purefying and deckyng of the bryde speaketh the Apostle S. Paule also in the .5 chapter to the Ephesians And in this worlde beginneth the purgyng and trimmyng and finally at the ende is finisshed most perfitly For than shal the church haue nother spotte nor wrincle al corruption verely wiped awaie and al glory receyued And here learne by the waye that the Sainctes are prepared of God therefore saluation to be of mere grace And he procedeth to declare yet more playnely What shal be the eternall felicitie what the glory shal be whereof in this worke he hath ben occasioned to speake oftener than ones Blessednes chiefely
nor other mo doctrines and to haue no nede of other Reuelations For the churche ys already instructed with a most complete doctrine There is it taught also what we ought to do with corrupte doctrines and teachers And where it is easy to fall into vices this boke doth dilligently and plentifully minister medicines teaching how the churche falling downe maie be set vp and repared againe And here it treateth much of true repentaūce of the fruites of repentaunce of the duties of Saincts or of very good workes Moreouer it exhorteth the afflicted to patience and constantie and to the confession of Christes name withoute feare and to all godlynes many times settyng forth the most ample rewardes of god And also affirming that tourmentes are prepared for the disobedient and reuoltes By this waie meane S. Iohn sheweth to the church how our Lorde Iesus Chryst being in heauen on the righthande of his father in the meane tyme neuerthelesse worketh in the middes of the congregation of his faithful inspiring quickenyng kepyng and gouernyng it And agayne how the church liuing in this world may l●ue notwithstanding in Christ and be quickened of him of whom it dependeth wholye whom only it regardeth and in whom it is preserued And who wyll not acknowledge this handlyng of the matter to be all together Apostolicke and right well grounded in the doctryne of Chryst But in the worke it selfe all and euery thynge shall to vs be muche more euidently declared But where as Christ in the Gospel hath said that the church his welbeloued spouse shulde be exercised with sondry afflictions in the whiche notwithstanding The church is subiect to tēptations persecutions he wolde neuer faile her Nowe in dede frō the right hand of his Father he recompteth moste plentifully and in a most goodly order of all the dollefull destenies of the churche to thintent that whilest the churche is subiecte to sundry euilles she may remember these thinges and coumfort her selfe lest she beyng discouraged with aduersitie she begin to doubte of the good wyll of God towardes vs and fall againe to Idolatrye forsaken into the errours of theyr Fathers and into the slippery pleasures of this worlde but rather that she go forewarde in the Religion of Chryste once receyued that she holde on throughe constante patience to professe Chryste to cleaue vnto him vnseparably that at the length we maye also be ioyned with the same in the heauēly countrey Which is verely the marke and ende of our lyfe the course of all faithful in this miserable world Howebeit Chapter .iiii. wheras in the calamities and persecutions of the faithful and in the felicitie triumphing of the infidels the minde euen of the holyest seruaunt of God is sore moued and greuously tempted before he come to declare the heauy and miserable destenies of the church he setteth foorth vnto them a moste beautifull type or figure of the reuerende holy ▪ and euermore blessed Trinitie wherin is setforthe to be sene of theyes of all men the vnspeakeable wisdome of God power maiestie the iuste gouernement of the same and holy iudgement in all thinges And is also declared that almightie God the father by that Lambe that is by hys sun our onely redemer in the vertu of the holy Gost doth gouern well althinges what soeuer they be eyther in heauen or in earth And also the very destenies of the churche which are written in the boke of his eternal prouidence closed with seuē seales There appereth the Lamb of God The seuen hornes of the Lambe Chap. v. setforth with seuen hornes That is furnished with most ful power aswel princely as priestly the greatest of al and in all the most absolute The Lamb receyueth that boke of the ryght hand of hym that sitteth in the Throne and vndoeth and openeth in order those seuen seales For he receyueth of hys father all power bothe in heauen and in earth And that the Lambe alone openeth those seuen seales it conteyneth a swete mistery and ministreth a singular comfort to the faithfull For where we beleue that the Lābe of God our redemer Iesus Christ doth loue mankind so excedyngly that neyther in heauen nor in earthe maye any thyng be founde that loueth vs more intierly And now see the very same and none other to open the seuen seales Seuen seales which opened sondry calamities issew out by and by into the worlde Who wold double the same to be sent to him for his health since they are sent not without his prouidence and disposition who directeth al thinges for the saluation of his chosen vnto all the which thinges that notable matter is added that al the spirites Angelicall thelders also and all heauenlye creatures worshyp God and the Lambe prayse and commende his righteousnes and for his excedyng good gouernement geue him immortall thankes For therof we miserable mortall men inuironed with synful fleshe ought to learne that we shuld acknowledg also the iustice of God in all hys workes and not mumer at his gouernement and most rightfull iudgmentes but rather to worship God to submit vs vnto him to prayse his righteousnes and geue thankes for his moste holy gouernmente and to crye with the prophet thou art iust O Lorde in all thy wayes Chap. vi and holy in all thy workes These thinges being on this wise promysed and the mindes of the faithfull thus instructed and prepared in the opening of the seuen seales seuerally is accompted and rekned vp what and how greate euils shuld inuade men from the which not somuch as the faithful liuing in this world shuld be free Wares slaughters famine pestilences are recyted and suche other lyke plages Agayne persecutions seditions Gospel or Consolation and a great deale worse then al these the seducyng and distroying of men through corrupt doctryne But because this boke of the Apocalippes is most euangelicall apostolical it mingleth doubtles in all that declaration often tymes ioyfull thinges with sorrowful and comforteth the faithfull excedingly in moste and greatest daungers And therefore in the calamities Chap. vii troubles euils and corruptions declared hitherto the Aungel of God is brought in who marketh the elect of God in theyr foreheades and all they in dede throughe the goodnes and custodye of God are saued from perdition And of these are accompted innumerable thousandes Wherby we learne that the mercy of God is moste ample in sauing of men and that we ought to hope well of the saluation of oure elders We must hope wel of the saluation of oure forefathers wherof though the most part lyued vnder the corrupt tyme of Papistrie yet followeth not thereof theyr saluation to be doubtfull at the least euen for this cause that we see that God had hath his church at all tymes euen when they be most daungerous To haue hys sealed to haue suche as worship hym whiche like as in times paste haue not bowed
which in tymes past the lord Iesus him self by S. Iohn hath prepared for these hard things times by reuealing this Apocalips And in dede these things here haue a singular grace and vertu which ar reuealed to vs of God Neyther shal the aduersary and enemy of Christ be ouerthrowē with any corporal weapons saue only with the sword of Gods word For now it is nedeful that antichrist shuld waxe vile perish in the minds of men that Christ alone might liue again and be glorified for euer And thys my exposition I haue diuided into sermones bothe for that I haue nowe Conefonsor sermones these yeares of a .1555 and .1556 expounded thys boke to the faithful church of Christ which I serue making in a maner these same sermons to the people and also that being requested I wold deliuer som copy to such as wil read and expound the same boke to the churches committed to their credit also Where not withstanding I admonish the readers that they loke not for all thines of thys my work or think that these things are to be rehearsed word for word to theyr auditours For certen thinges which I propounded to the people for the consideration of the time and place I haue not setforth in these my sermons studieng much for breuitie And other thynges namely such as concerne the conferring of tongs and the kind maner of speakyng and such other lyke I rehersed not to the congregation but haue written them here in my sermons to the profit of those that wyl confer these things together more dilligētly It shal be the part of the preacher to haue a respect chiefly to such thynges as make both for the plaines of speache that he may be vnderstand euen of the grossest sort and also for the edifyeng of the audience that he brynge nothyng that shuld little profit Let euery man therfore applye these things to the edifieng of the church where he is hauing consideratiō of the place time and persons Yet alwayes obseruing the true sence of the boke or of Gods words For violēt wrestings and long digressions far from the pourpos deserue no prayse in preachynge or what tyme swaruing ouer muche from the playne sence of the scripture we boult out I wot not what mysteryes The dedicating of the worke And all this work compiled not without my great labour trauel but chiefly by the grace of God to the glory of Iesu Chryste and written to the saluation and confirmation of his afflicted churche I dedicate to you banished men as many of you as comyng or driuē out of Fraunce England Italy other realmes and nations for Iesus Christ and the gospels sake dwel in Germany Swisserland other places where God hath permitted you And also I dedicate this my worke to all you which dispersed in sondry realmes and nations are consecrated only to Christ our Lorde loking for his coming to iudgement In the which we shall vndoubtedly be delyuered at the last frō all euils and then shall be made that long loked for and in al ages and most fortunate restitution most expressely constantly promised both of the prophets and Apostles Actes .iii. And surely your Godly zeale banished brethern which had rather forsake your countrey then the Gospell to want your temporal cōmodities then to be polluted with a religiō estraunged from Christe deserueth no small prayse Iames .i. Math. xxiiij But you haue nede of constancie and wonderfull patience that after you haue ben tried you may receyue the crowne of lyfe which the Lorde hath promised to them which perseuer vnto th ende The heauenly regeneration doeth not so chaunge vs but that some doubtefull trouble some dregges of olde Adam remayne Therfore alwayes the regenerated fele sundry temptations and harde conflicts then especiallye when suche things chaunce as they had leaste looked for The godly therfore had euermore nede of consolation But this booke of the Apocalypse doeth minister the same with greate plentie whiche if you wyll reade ouer diligently you shall finde all things that happen to you that vexe you nowe with painefulnes to haue ben already so prophecied in this boke as they nowe come to passe Whereunto are added oftentymes most comfortable and swete consolations Moreouer ye are not ignoraunte right honorable and dere bretherne what chaūced to oure fathers the holyeste of all others Howe they wandered in mansions vncerten and howe they demeaned them selues in those most paynefull flittings you vnderstande me to speake of Abraham Isaac and Iacob and Ioseph whose peregrinations out of Chaldey into Palestine from thence into Egypt and agayne into Palestine from thence againe into Syria and agayn into Palestine Egypte are well knowen to the whole worlde Nowe what bannishements and perills abode that woorthie seruaūt of God and most excellēt prophet Moses is not vnknowen so much as to those that be ignoraunte in matters of antiquitie Whose faith the vessell of election S. Paule commendynge By faith saith he Moses when he was greate Heb. xij refused to be called the sonne of Pharaos daughter And chose rather to suffer aduersitie with the people of God then to in ioye the pleasures of sinne for a season And estemed the rebuke of Christe greater richesse then the treasures of Egypte for he had respecte vnto the rewarde What shall we saye that our Lorde Iesus Christe hym selfe was constreyned in his infancie to flee into Egypte euen from hys swaddlynge cloutes teachinge his to suffer exile who is red also in the Gospell to haue sayed Foxes haue holes and the byrdes thayre haue nestes But the sonne of man hath not wher on to reste his head Dan. xi Of Antechriste we reade in dede that Daniel prophecied whom who so will acknowledge he will promote him to greate honours and make him the lorde of many and shall distribute the earth for mony Contrarywise we shall heare in the .xii. chapter of this Booke that both Christe and the Churche his spouse suffer greuouse persecutiō of the dragō That Christ is takē vp into heauē a blessed hath opened heauē also for the fartheful And there sheweth a place permanēt countrey to them that haue in maner no habitation in earth From thence he will come to Iudge the quicke and dead and to assumpte vnto hym the faithfull into ioye euerlastynge and to geue them what thyngs so euer he him selfe in the Gospell and the Prrphets and Apostles haue promysed Of the which most ●mple hope this boke of Apocalypse most plentifully and goodly discourseth instructyng all that desyre to heare certayne things and most full of comforte vnto all you therfore exiles and godly throughout the whole worlde desyringe the comynge of Christe our Lorde and iudge of all I offer and cōmende and dedicate this my labour Receyue it with louing minds which I setfoorthe to non other ende but that fleenge Antichriste you shoulde cleaue to Christe alone fixinge
restreining and punishing the wycked And the holy ghost where he is but one Seuen spirites for the seuenfolde that is all maner of grace and giftes manifold is here called as I may say Septenarie or of the seuenth numbre And from the seuen spirites sayth Iohn that is from that spirite whiche is indewed with the seuenfolde grace Those diuerse giftes are after a sorte declared of Esay in the .xi. Chapt. and els where in the scriptures He is sayd to be in the sight of the throne that is before the throne of God ioyned verely in gouernement with the father and the sonne For the throne is many tymes vsurped for the kingdom The holy ghost therfore is of the same glory power and maiestie with God Now is he commen to Christ The description of Christ whom by his properties he describeth moste aboundantly You know that Iesus is the proper name of Christ which Matthew expoundeth a Sauiour Christ is the surname of his office and dignitie as you would say annoynted that is byshop and kyng 1 First he calleth Christ our Lord a faithfull wytnes Christ a faithfull witnes and that out of the .xlix. and .l. chapter of Esay For he was sent of the father to the world out of heauen an Apostle whiche should testifie the wil of God what he wold haue done with men To witte that he would saue the worlde by his sonne Math. 18. 2 Petr. 3 Iohn 3 Math. 7.1 by faith in him which is obedient to the law of God For he must do the will of his father This Christ is a faithfull witnes that is sure constaunt and trewe Of whose doctrine no man ought to doubt No man hath seene God at any tyme The only begotten whiche is in the bosome of the father Math. 17. 2 Pet. 1 he hath reuealed This therfore is the byshop and catholick d●tour of the church Who so euer dissent from him are to 〈◊〉 eschewed Heare him saith the father Christ is the first fruits of thē that ryse 2 He is the first begotten of the dead For he died for o●● sinnes verely and rose again from the dead was made t● first begotten of the dead Lorde conquerour of death I● whom we se that we shall also ryse again in what sorte 〈◊〉 whom the first of the Corinth xv And like as in the first pr●pertie he shaddoweth the humanitie of Christe wherin h● taught also his deitie in that he was the faithfull true ●●tholique byshop and is yet at this day So in the second th● articles of our belefe concerning the death of Christ and h● resurrection are confirmed To these also may be added t● article of the resurrection of the dead Christ is Prince of kynges 3 Christ is prince ouer the kinges of the earth a monar● verely and Lord of all rulers Whiche hath taken a name ●boue all names the Lord of aungels and of all creatures 〈◊〉 whom al things be subiect As thapostle expoūdeth Colos● Philip. 2. And he doeth not abolishe lawes Magistrat● which wil be king of kinges and Lord of lordes For if tha● wer no kings how shuld Christ be king of kings The mo● sacred Emperours Constance Constantine Theodose an● Iustinian knew them selues to be clientes of Christ Tha● kingdom was Christes they to be subiectes These Chri●● acknowledgeth for his by whō he gouerneth those he ha●● redemed with his bloud They that proudly rule ouer the people boast thē selues to be lordes of althings acknowled●● not Christ to be monarch ouer all be starke mad And her● are comprehended such thinges as we confesse in tharticles of our faith that Christ ascended into heauen sitteth on th● right hand of the father that is that he hath receiued high p●wer of al things in heauen and earth Ephe. 1. Act. 2. Christ loued vs. 4 Christ hath loued vs with incōparable loue For he hi● self saith greater loue hath no man than that a man shoul● leaue his life for his frēdes This loue the Apostle amplefiet● in the fift to the Romains And it was exceading great loue 〈◊〉 moued Christ to come downe from heauen and be incarna●● and to redeme vs by his death With a free loue he loue● vs prouoked by no desert of ours For as this same Iohn in his Epistle canonicall speaketh the same of the father In this is charitie not that we haue loued God but that he hath loued vs sent his son a propiciation for our sinnes So is it to be vnderstād of the son the he hath doth bear vs great good will not moued thereto through our loue wherewith we haue imbraced him And of the fre loue to mankinde he gaue him self vnto death washed vs frō our sinnes For streight waies is added by his bloud Christ washeth Where thre thinges seme of vs to be obserued First that Christ washeth purgeth purifieth or clēseth the faithful that most fully not partly He alluded to the washings of the law which he expoūded also For Dauid saith Pourge me with Hysope I shal be made cleane washe me I shal be whiter than snow The same phrase of speache repeteth Esay in the first chap. Micheas also sayth Miche 7. The Lord wil returne wil haue mercy on vs he wil treade vnder fete our iniquities And thou shalt throw into the depth of the Sea al their sinnes And the Lord saith Ezech. 36 I wil cast vpon you cleane waters and you shall be mundified from al your filthines The Lord Christ these thinges accomplishing washeth vs purgeth and clenseth throughly aswell from the falte as the paine He clenseth vs from our sinnes Christ washeth all synnes not from one but from al. The which thing is proued both by former testimonies again in the first second Epistle of S. Iohn Last the maner also of purifiyng is set forth by bloud For without the sheding of bloud no remission was made Therfore through the mediation of death and bloudsheding there was full remissiō of all sinnes obteined for the faithfull He washeth by bloud Hebr. 9 They that bring forth any other maner of forgeuenes of synnes ar iniurious to the death and bloud of the sonne of God And here we may se plainly set forth an article of the Apostolicall crede I beleue the forgeuenes of synnes In the fift place is shewed theffect of our redēption purifiyng For Christ hath brought to passe Theffect of Christs redemptiō in the faithfull that as many of vs as beleue in the father by the son of God shuld be kinges prists to God to his father Aretas the copie of complute reade not kinges but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is kyngdome the which is not red amisse For we be the kingdō of God for bicause God by his spirit not the flesh nor the worlde ought to reigne in vs And when we permitte the gouernment to
the spirit we be the kingdō of God The which thing S. Paul handleth at large in the sixt chap. to the Romains Moreouer we be made kings that is free We be kinges by Christ that we should not serue the deuill th● flesh and the world according to that saying of Zacharie 〈◊〉 being deliuered from the handes of our enemies we migh● serue him without feare in holines and rightuousnes befo●● hym al the daies of our life We be priests And Christe hath consecrated v● priestes with his spirite and bloud that we should offer vp t● God spirituall sacrifices our selues pure prayers and pra●ses 1 Pet. 2 Ro. 12.15 Philip. 4. Hebr. 13 Exod. 19 and almosdedes For that these be spirituall oblation● Peter and Paul do testifie And these thinges toke S. Ioh● out of Exodus For we of the Gentils that haue beleue● haue succeded in the place of the people of Israell reiecti● Christ through incredulitie And these thinges geue a lyg●● to that article of the Crede I beleue the holy catholick church the communion of sainctes For we be as many of vs as b●leue the fellowship of Gods people sanctified through Chris● to the seruice of God Of whome be these thinges hitherto In the sixt place in the discriptiō of Christ he sheweth the glory and rule is dewe vnto God alone through Christ 〈◊〉 the churche for euermore The glory and kingdome is of God We geue glory vnto God wh●● we ascribe to his goodnes our saluation and all goodne● not to our own strength and merites We geue hym ru●● when we acknowledge hym to be Lord head in the churc● workyng by hym selfe not by the sainctes in heauen to wh● he hath graunted power Not by the Pope whom he ha●● constitute Vicar in earth The whole glory rule is Christs Seuenthly in the description followeth the commyng 〈◊〉 Christ vnto iudgemēt Christ will com to iudgement and the maner of his comming F● as a cloude toke him vp from the eyes of the Apostles e● so shall he come in cloudes to iudge the quicke and the dea● The scripture witnessing And he addeth that the eyes of a● men shal se the iudge Math. 24 Act. 1 1 Tessa 4. euen of those which haue peased hym Wherof we gather two thinges first that the iudgemēt sha●be vniuersall Wherin men arrising shall se Christ with th●● owne eies An other thing that Christ shall come to iudg●ment in the same fleshe Iob. 19 in the whiche he was wounded and sticked honge vpon the Crosse was buried and rose again This place is taken out of Zacharie and is cited also in S. Iohns Gospel zacha 13 Iohn 19 And it behoueth that his body be shewed to the whole world full of printes and markes that herof may be iudged the Godly and also the vngodly They that then haue beleued in such a redemer These that then haue reiected and contemned suche a one Of these we vnderstande that is added And they shall wayle for that in dede thei haue neglected their owne saluation Which the wise man discourseth at large Sap. 3.5 Moreouer lest any may should doubt of those thinges that are spoken of the iudgement and of the lamentation of the wycked as S. Peter said Thinges spoken of the iudgement are certain 2 Pet. 3 the contemners and mockers of the iudgement should be he addeth a kynde of a confirmation euen so Amen In them also is expoūded the article of the crede of Christ that shall iudge the quicke and the dead He concludeth this place with these wordes I am Alpha Omega that whiche followeth the beginning and end is omitted in some copies As though that interpretation of that same I am Alpha and Omega crept in out of the margent It is a prouerbe of S. Iohn the Apostle I am Alpha and Omega Heretickes as Basilides and Valentine were wonderfully delighted in letters But against those lettered Heretickes Iohn speaketh plainly by the mouth of Christ I am Alpha and Omega If any thing ought to be ascribed to letters I am al this whole that euerlasting vertue essence and eternitie For the sense is that God is the beginning and ende that is eternall vnspeakeable best and greatest Those things are repeted He that is which was c. Which were expoūded before There is added almightie For hereby is declared the vnitie and maiestie of God of whom the Trinitie was opened also before Hereby also the authoritie of this boke is confirmed the authour wherof is shewed to be that God eternal and almighty To whom be glory ¶ Of the Narration of this boke where also is discoursed of the place and tyme and of the authour of this Reuelation The fourth Sermon I Iohn your brother and companiō in tribulation and in the kingdō patiēce which is in Iesu Christ was in the I le of Pathmos for the word of God testimony of Ies● Christe I was in the spirite on the Sonday and heard behind me a great voice as it ha● bene of a trompe saying I am Alpha and Omega the first and the last That thou see● wryte in a boke and send it to the congregations whiche are in Asia vnto Ephesus an● vnto Smyrna and vnto Pergamos Thyatire and vnto Sardis and vnto Philade●phia and vnto Laodicia Narration The last place of the first sheweth vnto vs a brief narrati● wherin the Apostle S. Iohn declareth the tyme and place this Reuelation and by whose commaundement he wrou● sent the same to the seuen churches in Asia And againe now the third time is the name of Iohn rehea●sed He sawe vndoubtedly that there would be some which to the ende they might take away the vse and fruite of th● boke wold doubt of the authour Against whom he repet●● and reiterateth his name so oft leest we should doubt lac● the great commoditie of so worthy a boke S. Iohn is the brother of the faithful He addeth to his name certen thinges whiche instruct● touching the state of the Apostle and certen profitable ma●ters First he calleth him self a brother namely of those s●● churches and of al ours As where I haue admonished yo● that in the seuenth number are comprised all churches of 〈◊〉 times throughout the whole worlde We are all so many 〈◊〉 beleue the children of one heauenly father And therfore all spiritual brethren in Christ coinheriters with Christ heires of God Which thing S. Paul taught after Christ Rom. 8 Math. 23 And seing our dignitie is so great let vs ones be ashamed of our misdedes least our memory be put out of this moste noble and celestiall familie It is a shame the brother of Christ of S. Iohn all the Apostles should degenerate c. But why haue not they so instantly vrged this brotherhood as the Munkes haue beaten in their forged fraternities the Rosaries of the virgin Mary and of Sainctes Bycause that was fre
contemplation of m●ters diuine and in holy prayers he heard a voice whereof 〈◊〉 wyll speake hereafter But here we are presently taugh● what is the religion of the sonday and how it is mete to o●serue it Finally wordly men are reproued whiche pollut● breake it with prophane workes and affaires Dauid w● time he suffered persecution of Saul lamenteth chiefly t● he might not come to the Lordes tabernacle Our men a●compt it a great felicitie neuer to enter into the felloship Sainctes And to abuse the sonday in gamenyng drinkin● dauncing and worldly businesse By whose commaundement he wrote and sent the Apocalipse These thinges on this wyse declared he cometh at len●● to the reuelation setting forth before the expresse commau●dement of God wherby he was commaunded both to w● the thinges ●euealed also to send thē to the seuen church● of Asia To the maner and maiestie of the reuelatiō that sa● chiefly apperteineth that he heard a voice and that notab● as the sound of a trompet For so we reade it was done the law geuing at the mount Sinay Now is declared who voyce it was and who was the authour of the reuelation Verely the eternall God which calleth hym selfe Alpha ● Omega that is the beginning and the ende Or as it is sa● in Esay first and last Wherof els where Now followeth the commaundement whiche hath ●partes For first the Lord commaundeth S. Iohn to w●● And to wryte suche thinges as he sawe that is to witte 〈◊〉 Apocalipse And that he should wryte nother in the san● nor on the walle but in a boke Verely for the edifiyng● profit of the churche present and of all posteritie After he● also commaunded to sende those writinges to seuen cong●●gations and verely to all the churches of the whole world● al times ages Therfore al these thinges belong to the pro● of congregations and that of al that be haue bene or shal● Thautoritie of the Scripture Here of we learne how great is the authoritie of the s●●turs It was not written nor cōpiled in bokes but by Go● cōmaundment There be notable testimonies of the bok● of Moyses in the .xxxiiii. of Exod. and .xxxi. of Deuter. And to say nothing of the residue of the Propetes is not Ieremy commaunded to wryte his Sermons againe whiche kyng Ioachim had cut in pieces and burnt The scriptures are ours Doubtes S. Peter beareth manifest witnes that the Prophetes receiued the misteries of God to none other ende than thei shuld reueale them to vs Which in dede might only be done by the scriptures Now is Iohn moste apertly commaunded to wryte What wyl we say that he is also commaunded to sende his wrytinges to the congregations Wherof againe we gather that God willeth right well to the congregations and euen to euery one of vs. Let vs beware and take hede that we put not from vs vnworthely so great benefites of God to whō be prayse and glory ¶ THE BEGINNING OF THE worke is made a moste goodly description to vs exhibited of Christe kyng and byshop in glory neuertheles woorkyng in the Churche The fifth Sermon ANd I tourned me that I myght see the voice that spake with me And when I was tourned I sawe seuen golden candelstickes And in the middes of the seuen candelstickes one like vnto the sonne of man clothed with a linnen garmēt ●owne to the grounde and gyrde about the pappes with a golden girdell His head and his eares were whyte as whyte wolle and ●nowe And his eyes were as a flame of fyre ●nd his feete like vnto brasse as though they brent in a fournace and his voice as the sound of many waters And he had in his ryght and seuen Starres and out of his mouthe went out a sharpe two edged sworde and hi● face shone euen as the Sūne in his strength Suche thinges as haue bene treated of hitherto in th●● boke be in stead of the prologue or preface as they terme● Now at last shall the matter it selfe be propoūded to vs. The som of these things vnto the .iiii. Chapter H● therfore followeth the second part of this boke whiche r●cheth to the fourth chapter In the which is Christ describe vnto vs with his catholike churche For first in dede is set ●fore vs the moste sacred Image of Christ our Lord teachi●● what a one he is on the right hande of his father in glor● how he sittyng on the right hand of his father worketh n●uerthelesse in his churche continually neuer absent prese● alwayes Of what sorte moreouer the churche is here● earth is figured in those seuen congregations Here therfo● are shewed the excellent giftes of churches and agayne i● shamefull errours How the Lord Christ confirmeth such● are sliding and ready to fall establisheth those that stande● forteth the weake harted restreyneth the folyshe hardy a● preserueth thinges that are corrupt Finally how faithful ●stours of the churche must worke and trauell with the pe●ple committed to their credit For here is exceadingly w● taught what is the reparing and preseruation of church● Where also a briefe somme of the whole ecclesiastical and 〈◊〉 some doctrine brought in to an abridgement shal be set be● vs. For here is repeted from heauen of Christ in glory 〈◊〉 doctrine of true religion whiche he had set forth more pl●tifully when he was yet here in earth And here most ap● applieth it to churches after consideration of the same And in most goodly order the wordes are knit togethe● as likewyse the whole boke is wrytten with playne wor● and hanging right well together they are disceaued that thi●● it to be lose besomes or broomes vnbounde Iohn heard voice behind him criyng Wherupon he tourned backwa● that he might se the voyce speaking that is to wit hym t● spake For Aretas also admonissheth that there is a trope● the wordes For no man seeth but heareth the voyce A● tourning him to see he sawe a figure of Christ our sauio●● Therfore when the Lorde speaketh let vs tourne also w● all our harte Let vs turne to the lord speaking that we may lykewyse deserue to se the misteries of the kingdom of God for he gladly reuealeth him sel● to suche as tourne and desire heauenly thinges And from those that neglecte the misteries of the kingdome of God al thinges of saluation are hidde Further more S. Iohn exhibiteth to vs the Image of Christ our catholike kyng and high bishop sitting in glory Thimage of Christ is set befor vs. in the whiche description are comprised the chiefest matters of Christ For suche a taste of Christ is here geuen vs as in this world may be of our weake flesh perceiued But we shal se hym at the length in the world to come such as he is in the fulnes of his maiestie wherin shal be ioye life euerlasting But this in this corrupt world is yet graunted to no man So much therfore is permitted vnto vs that liue yet
in thys worlde to be sene as is profitable 1 Iohn 2 and as our infirmitie may perceiue But this same is not litle or nothing but great and large and moste full of spirituall pleasure I meane if we beholde these misteries of God with a faithfull eye and mynde desyrous of Godly matters And doubtles they be thynges certayn and true that here are reuealed vnto vs. For they be reuealed by the very sonne of God Let vs not wysh than to se more or desyre greater thinges than these are But take pleasure in those which Christ hath graunted vs. And let vs knowe for certentie that a wonderful benefite of God is geuen vs in this vision For who would not couet to se Christ in glory sitting on the ryght hand of the father Who desyreth not to knowe what our Sauiour doth in heauen And home being in heauē is neuertheles present with his church in earth But this sacred and holy Image instructeth in all these poinctes all the faithfull of Christe moste fully Howebeit this Image of Christ is not to be set forth with colours synce that colours can not atteine to the maiestie therof but with the ecclesiasticall doctrine whiche hath the promesse of the spirite of Christe And is therfore more euident and only mete for the true expressing therof Let vs also prynt the same Image not vpon any dead table with colours that wyll peryshe and fade but in our hartes through the liuely spirite of God whiche may also kepe it in our myndes neuer to be ●wipt out And such thinges as are spoken in the seconde and third chap. Of this boke are deriued of this description● Christ that the maiestie of the thing might inuite vs to a s●●gular diligence The matter is very playne An aungell represēteth Christ First we are taught who it is whose Image is to vs ex●●bited Not the sonne of man him selfe in his own substaun●● but lyke the sonne of man The sonne of man after the phr● of the Gospell is called Christ hym selfe very God and m● Here he shewed not hym selfe to be sene of Iohn in his ou● substaunce but in the fourme of an Aungell that represent● Christ Whiche thyng is oftener then once founde in th● boke We shal therfore referre all these thinges vnto Chris● not to the Aungell whiche is the minister of Christ in th● mistery And we shall see Christ in his owne substaun●● what tyme our base body shall flitte from hence and bey● reysed from the dead shall be glorified In the meane ty● the soull from the death of the body tyll it ryse agayne sh● clearely haue the fruition of the sight of Christ Wherein 〈◊〉 I sayd before shall be the chief ioye and felicitie We sh● nowe therfore see Christ as it were in a glasse and so muc● as shall suffice vs. The Lorde open to vs the eyes of o●● mynde Where Christ is abiding He telleth moreouer where he sawe Christ in the midd● of seuen candelstickes By and by we shall perceiue that 〈◊〉 the candelstickes must be vnderstande the churches Chri●● is than in the middes of the churche He sitteth verely on● ryght hand of the father and after the proprietie of this ●●mane body he is but in one place and in no mo As S. A●gustin declareth aboundauntly in the .lvii. Epistle to Dor●nus Yet for as muche as he is also very God he is lykew●●● in the myddes of the churche as he promised in the Gosp●● Whersoeuer two or three be gathered in my name Mat. 18.28 the● am in the myddes of them And agayne behold I am w●●● you vnto the worldes ende Therfore by his power diui●● Christ remayneth and worketh in the churche present a● not absent Leaue therfore to inquire what Christ doth 〈◊〉 the ryght hand of his father whether he sitte continually And he is verely in the myddes of the churches fyxed to 〈◊〉 place but shewyng hym selfe indifferently to all egall as helpefull For he neyther accepteth persones nor slepe● He is not paynted he is not Idle nothyng regardyng matters of the churche But is chiefly and only attentiue to the saluation of the same Suche a one he promysed him selfe to be in the .14.15 and .16 of Iohn And seyng Christ is in the myddes of the churche what Vicar moreouer shall he haue Shall he haue that ennemy whiche is directly against hym Christ hath no vicar 2 Tessa 2. For a Vicar is in steade of one absent But Christ is in the middell of the churche present not absent In the text followyng Christ is described moste plentifully many thynges are ascribed vnto him And is declared in what sort Christ is in the mids of the church And first indede is shewed what garment he hath on To wit both priestly princely By the which thing is figured what maner of one Christ is in heauen in earth To wit bishop and king intercessour mediatour sacrifice a moste perfit sanctification iustification a redemer and deliuerer of the faithful to his father euermore working the saluation of his faithfull As S. Paul teacheth Roma 8. Hebr. 7. Poderes Poderes is found amōgst the apparell of Aaron and it is a priestly garment Whereof S. Hierome writeth to Fabiola of the priestly garmēt The second vesture of linnen is a coate downe to the fote of double launde Which Iosephus calleth Bissina And it is called in Hebrew ketheneth in Greke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This cleaueth iust to the body and is so narrowe and strayte sleued that there is no wryncle at al in the garment and came downe to the legges This was verely whyte and cleane Girdel or a belte For the Lorde Christ is an vndefiled Priest Hebre. 7. Neyther weareth he agayne a foule vesture as he did Zachar. 3. Nor a purple as in the .19 of Iohn But a bright one as he that hath obteyned a name aboue all names But his gyrdell or belte is worne of Souldiours and triumphaunt persones And it signifieth in Christ the dignitie roiall For Christ is king delyuerer and redemer of the faythfull His victory is ours He hath ouercome Sathan Helle synne and death But the belte or girdle of Christe is not set in the wonted place to wytte about the loynes For as Aretas hath also admonished ther ar no cōcupiscences to be restrained in Christ Therefore is he not gyrded after the maner of synners but about the pappes or brestes to thintent we should vnderstande by the girding that he is kyng of kynges voyd● of all affections Moste rightuous and holy in iudgements and gouernement But yet in the meane tyme furnyshed fo● the defence of his church as we haue red it written in the 9● Psalme The Lord hath put on strength girded hymself c. Christ might seme to haue girded him selfe not after the maner that priestes or kynges vse for that he hath obteyned 〈◊〉 more excellent priesthod and kyngdome induring for eue● To accomplishe
liuing and was dead wherby he signifieth that he toke the true humane nature The whiche many also at the same time denied In like case as the● be some at this daye whiche do playnely derogate from th● humanitie of Christe Agaynste all suche maner of heresies the Lorde him selfe confesseth that he was dead Wherby it is now manifest that he is very mā as he is also very God of the same essēce with his father in deitie as he is also of the same substaunce with vs in humanitie like vnto vs in all thinges sinne excepted For he toke not the nature of Aungelles but the sede of Abraham And it behoued in dede tha● the sonne of man shuld be incarnate that bothe he might di● shede bloud Hebr. 9. For the Testament in the dead is finally ratified neither is there any remission made without bloud she●ding The Lord therfore dieth and shedeth bloud to the int● he might geue full remissiō of sinnes and confirme the new● Testament Yet euen he that was thought to be dead nowe liueth Christ that was dead liueth and is that same liuing who hauing vāquished death the iii. daye rose againe from the dead and repared life for a●● beleuers and inspireth into them his owne very life And therefore addeth immediatly beholde I am liuing● world without ende For nowe Christ dieth no more death● shal not rule ouer him But rather he is the life of al his fait●full who in rising againe brought agayne life and that life euerlastinge induringe I saye worlde without ende As he him selfe declareth more at large Iohn 5.6.10 chapter And thapostle to the Rom. 4.1 Corinth 15. and 2. Timoth. 1. Moreouer where many were wōte to doubte of this life gotten and repared by Christe the Lorde him selfe confirmeth that he saied by an othe and sayeth Amen As though he should saye this is altogether trewe and vndoubted that I saye Finally he addeth Christ hath the keyes of hell and of death and I haue the keyes of Hell and of death By the whiche woordes againe he comforteth exceadingly and expresseth his power and declareth howe great he is and what we haue of him Here must we speake by the waie of the kepe The ordinary glose saieth very wel he that hath the keyes of any house sayeth he letteth in whome he wil and kepeth backe whom he will from entring in Therfore Christ possesseth the keyes of death hel for that whom he will he deliuereth from perpetual cōdemnation of death And whom he wil The keyes he suffereth to remaine iustely in the same daunger of damnation And verely Esaye in the 22. speaking of Eliachim whome he sayeth shoulde be made Iudge in the courte of Ezechias I wil laye sayeth he the keye of the house of Dauid vpon his shulder whiche shal open and no manne shall shutte shall shutte and no man shal open Therfore are the keyes put in the Scripture for the charge and gouernement of the house Eliachim shall gouerne all thinge in the Courte of Ezechias vprightly What soeuer he shall determine no manne shal infringe that whiche he shall abrogate no manne shall restore Christe therfore a figure of whome Eliachim represented shal him selfe haue also the chiefe gouernment in the house or kingdome of God so that whom he will he may quickē and plucke backe from hel and from damnation And againe whom he liste to condemne he may distroie by his iuste iudgement For he hath most ful power ouer death and hell Ose 13. 1. Cor. 15. For bothe two hath he ouercomen and made weake And these thinges comforte the faithfull moste strongely and reteyne them in all Godly duties And that same is chiefly to be obserued that he sayeth not he had the keyes or shall haue but I haue sayeth he I haue I saye He gaue not his power to the Bishoppe of Rome but hath i● him selfe and will kepe it still for euer And he gaue not to the Apostles ful power of life death of saluation and damnation The keyes of heauen geuē to the Apostles and so vnarmed him selfe but he gaue the keyes of opening and shutting heauen as it were to his Ministers seruitours by the preaching of the Gospell by the whiche he promised life to all that beleued Christ him selfe shoulde geue that life for the truth of the promise To whom so euer they should threaten damnation Christ him selfe shuld condemne for the truth of his woorde We see therfore that the Lord kepeth stil exerciseth the power and his ministers the ministerie by preaching not by absolute power Therfore the Pope is Antichrist The keyes of the bishop of Rome which vsurpeth and taketh vpon him this full power and authoritie in Heauen and in Earth and in the middes of the earth also or beyonde all the earth i● those vnfortunate Ilandes I meane purgatory By the whic● craftie deuise he hath subtilly emptied the purses Coffer● garuers and wine cellers Apoc. 13. of foolish people that swarne from the articles of their beliefe to wit I beleue the forgeuenes o● sinnes the resurrection of the fleshe life euerlasting Th● beaste dare vsurpe the two hornes of the Lambe Daniel 7. namely th● authoritie of King Bishop therfore to hange two keye● vnder his triple Crowne that euen by these Armes all the world maye perceyue that this is very he whiche hauin● subdued three kinges or hornes is cropē vp chalengeth t● him selfe all power in heauen in earth signified by the tw● keies And surely the blindnes of our time is wonderful an● to be lamēted that hauing eyes it seeth yet nothing Let suc● as be wise remēber that Christe hath yet the keyes of deat● and Hell his ministers the denouncyng of life and death Iohn is cōmaunded to write And nowe when he had declared these greate and mos● holesome matters and had comforted the minde of Iohn h● addeth the commaundement write the vision exhibited f●nally write those thinges also whiche muste be done shorte● after this He placeth in the middes and those that be th● is whiche are in dede and trewe and be not false And thes● things are to get authoritie to this boke finally to the who● scripture whiche is reuealed with like truth of the selfe sam● Author And as Iohn is cōmaunded to write without fear● so are we cōmaunded to Preache publish the same boldly though the world be neuer so madde therat He addeth moreouer the exposition that remaineth and sayeth The misterie of the seuen starres c. The reason semeth almost vnpersit Therfore muste we vnderstande this is the mistery or sacrament of the seuen Starres and Candelstickes that it maye be as it were a proposition Sacramēt and that the exposition shoulde folow immediatly the seuen starres are seuen Messengers c. And by Sacrament vnderstande a secret mistery and the very exposition of the mistery As yf you woulde s●●● here is to
He propoūdeth also thexāple of the cōquerour Christ For we must ouercome as he hath ouercomē He in dede ouercame most perfitly we after our litle strēgth fight and ouercome And verely the true victory in vs is the liuely vertu of Christ that is to say by him they ouercom whosoeuer ouercome And like as he hauing ouercome death vanquished the world the deuill ascended into heauen sate on the right hand of the father so he promiseth vs also ouercomming that he wil geue vs the seat of his father not that we sitting on the right hande of God should iudge ouer al flesh beyng made Christes but that beynge made pertakers of euerlasting glory and deliuered from all iudgement we maye appere in glory when he shal come to iudge the quicke and the dead We reade of a like promise made to the disciples Matth. 19. and Luke 22. And so assuredly shall this glory come vnto vs as Christ him selfe did verely ascende into Heauen and sate in the glory celestiall And here we must note a speciall thing that Christ geueth here that thing whiche in the 20. of Matth. he denieth that he can geue to Iames and Iohn that is to sitte in the glory celestiall Therfore this place expoundeth that The diuinitie of Christ For Christ after his deitie geueth that whiche after his humanitie he denieth that he cā geue This place then proueth that Christe is very God geuer of eternall life c. He addeth after his maner an acclamation wherby he applieth this epistle to al congregations and affirmeth it to be inspired of the spirite of Christe Whereof we haue spoken before And we haue treated hitherto of the seconde parte of this worke wherin are declared the moste excellent poinctes of our religion who of what sorte is Christ The sum sittyng in the glory of the father howe he is presente in his churche and gouerneth the same as kynge and priest by his spirite by his worde and Sacraments What also and of what sorte is the church of Christ what is the true and righte doctrine of the churche what opiniōs are wicked What is to be done with erroneouse doctrines and seducers howe the churche fallen and afflicted maye be repared what is true repētaunce and what are the dueties of the godly and many other thinges of like sorte To God the father be prayse thankes geuinge and glory through Iesus Christe our Lorde ¶ The seconde vision is shewed to S. Iohn wherin he seeth God in his Throne with Elders whome he describeth gallauntly The .xxiij. Sermon AFter this I loked and beholde a dore was open in heauen and the first voice whiche I hearde was as it were a trōpet talkyng with me whiche saied come vp hither and I will she we thee thinges whiche muste be fulfilled herafter And immediatly I was in the spirite and beholde a seate was set in heauē and one sate on the seate And he that sate was to loke vpō like a Iasper stone and a Sardine stone and there was a rainebowe aboute the seate in sighte like a Smaragde And about the seate were xxiiii seates And vpon the seates xxiiii Elders sittinge clothed in white raymente and had on theyr heades crownes of Golde The thirde parte of this worke reacheth from the beginning of the 4. chapter vnto the beginning of the 12. chapter And conteyneth a notable vision moste holesome and of muche fruicte The first vision which we hearde expounded in the 3. chap. exhibiteth a figure of Christ and of his church and howe the Lord reigneth in the same how also the church behaueth or oughte to demeane her selfe In the seconde vision S. Iohn declareth howe by a most iuste and most holy gouernement God gouerneth all thynges by Christ which chaunce and are done to the churche in the worlde and of the worlde The argumēt of the seconde vision In these are rehearsed the most sorrowful destenies of the church calamities plages and destructions famines persecutions reuoltinges heresies conflictes and other euilles moste greuouse of the same sorte c. Who also and what and howe iuste God is rightuouse and holy in all his iudgementes here is described That he is Authour of all That God throughe the moste wittie and excellent gouernement of Christe ruleth all thinge that the holy Aungelles also and al creatures do acknoweledge him and geue glory vnto God For so it teacheth vs also in al our doynges Th ende of this visiō and euen in the very greuouse calamities and persecutiōs wherof it shall prophecie moreouer the acknoweledge the prouidence and good wil of God towardes vs and his most iuste gouernement This if we shal do with quiet mindes we shal beare also moste heauy burthens patiently we shall cease with curiouse questions to inquire whye God permitteth Antichrist to spring vp to increase and reigne to oppresse the religion and Sainctes of God Then shal cease also the blasphemouse mutinyng of those which are not affraide to saye God is in dede the Lorde he is almightie he doeth what he will and as he will we are bonde seruauntes and rather worse than bondemen We are forced to beare what so euer he wil laye vpon vs c. As thoughe God were vniuste and after a tirannicall feare terrible and ruled after a carnal lust It is most shameful to thinke thus much more to speake it This vision shal declare that God by his prouidence gouerneth althinges and that the same is iust in al his wayes and holy in al his workes And firste S. Iohn is prepared to receyue this vision A preparatiō to this vision yea and we also are prepared in him For when he had sene the dore in heauen to be wyde open he hearde withall come vp hither c. It is surely a benefite not to be expressed with tonge that the Lorde openeth heauen for vs miserable men mortall and suffereth vs to see what is done therin or what he him selfe doeth there and what his workes or iudgments be towardes men Let no man saye herafter that God doeth in Heauen what thinges he liste not passinge vpon vs that crepe vpon earthe and who also muste suffer that we woulde not For nowe he maketh as it were an accompte of his workes and beyng assured admitteth thee as a looker on of the matter And here he declareth with a godly voice The mīde muste be lifted vp what Iohn shuld do and how he should behaue him self Christ biddeth Iohn ascende into supercelestial places not in body but in minde Therefore muste our minde be lifted vp into the contemplation of Heauenlye thinges and be pourged as muche as maye be from earthely affections that we maye beholde heauenly thinges with an heauenly contemplation What will we saye that the example of Iohn followeth immediatly And incontinently I was in the spirite that is in a spirituall cōtemplation or rauished with the spirite into the faithful consideration of those thinges whiche
whome ye owe feare sayeth he geue feare And to whom you owe honour geue honour In the third place followeth benediction whiche he called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is thankesgeuing and praise For we be commaunded to prayse all the workes of the Lord and to geue thankes for the same Iob is saied to haue blessed or thanked God for the most greuouse affliction that he sent him For he sayed like as it pleased the Lord so hath it bē done the name of the lord be blessed Whilest the beastes do attribute al these things to him that sitteth on the throne by their exāple they teache vs what we should do verely to geue al these singular things vnto god Which if we do al murmuring shall cease disputations cōmenced of searchinge examining the workes of God through out curiositie With the laude and praise of the beastes is ioyned the hymne or songe of the .xxiiii. The songe of the .xxiiii. Elders Elders This is the churche triumphaunt the cōpany of al Sainctes Patrtarches Prophetes Apostles Martirs c. as I declared to you before Mortall men haue not here an example of some one saincte or wise man but of all holy godly wise and worthy menne They haue put of their fleshe and wante affections and errours They be therfore of vncorrupte iudgementes so that there can be no more clere or pure examples ministred to vs. Three or foure thinges are taught vs concernyng these Elders whiche they did or perfourmed not to euery body but to him that sitteth on the throne and liueth for euer euer For so be the titles of God repeted wherof is spokē before We tolde you also that the seates of the Elders were sette rounde about the Throne in whiche they sate clothed with white rayment crowned with crownes of Golde liuynge with him that liueth for euer They first arise out of their seates or chaires The senanatours fall downe before god and fal down 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 falle vpon their knees or on their face before god And in falling or kneling down they shewe a submission or lowlines of mynde that we might learne with great humilitie and reuerence to submitte our soules and bodies to our God submitting I say our selues and all our thinges to his good wyll and pleasure But if the blessed soules now purified and already hauing the fruition of the sight of God fall down before the Lorde What should not a wretched man do miserable mortall and a synner Let hym be ashamed of rebellion and slouthfulnes whiche seeth so great submission in the moste noble and Godly soules of heauenly dwellers Than the sainctes worship The saīcts worship and worship in dede none other but him that sitteth on the seate and liueth for euer the father the sonne and the holy ghost God thre and one euerlasting almighty Therfore let vs also worship this God followyng the example of all sainctes To worship adoration We worship God with externall adoration if we vncouer our heades knele bowe before him In spirite and truth and with inwarde worshypping if we depend wholy of him consecrate vs whole vnto hym and wholy loke vpon him as one the only soul incomprehensible moste wyse beste and greatest moste rightuous and moste mercifull And they that thus fall down before the throne of God and so worship him they do not contende with God about his workes they do not expostulate with God vnpatiently why he doth this and permitteth that Vnto all these thinges is added The saicts cast of their crownes that they plucke of the crownes of their heades cast them away before the throne at the fete of hym that sitteth in the throne This is not only a notable modestie but also an humble humilitie wantinge an example Primasius an expositour of the Apocalypse assigning verely vnto God sayth he whatsoeuer vertue and whatsoeuer dignitie they haue For to hym is attributed rightly whatsoeuer is wonne or gotten Of whome he that ouercometh is ayded Thus saith he They testifie and signifie also that they would not take vpon them any Godly power that they would not reigne they would not as the counsellours of God geue counsell to God or prescribe vnto him the least thing in the worlde But to submitte vnto God all power all rule and the whole gouernment them selues and all others to be gouerned For they haue experience and see no man in the worlde vniuersall in heauen or in earth to be wyser mightier greater that none doeth more faithfully more dilligently more safely and better gouerne all thinges Let vs reste therfore O brethren to the iudgement of sainctes and let vs consent herein with them in all thinges Yea with expresse wordes they testifie why they threwe away their crownes Not that being vnthankefull to God they esteme not highly his giftes But for that they playnly acknowledge al glory to be dew to him alone Therfore they accorde very well with the beastes and all the creatures of God and saiyng an Himne to the high Prince they confesse him to be worthy to receiue glory c. And he said to receiue not that he had it not before But for that it shuld seme a most vnworthy thing if either they or any other creature woulde chalenge vnto them those thinges which apperteine to God alone To receiue glory These thinges apperteine to no creature c. And they commende God highly whom they call their Lorde God Some copies adde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which art holy For thei do agree in all things with the beastes which cried also holy holy holy Lord God omnipotent To the same gaue they also glory honour wherof before So also the elders ascribe to him nowe the selfsame thinges And especially they attribute to God power 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and take it from thē selues Why than doe the Papistes attribute power and operation to the sainctes in heauen Which neuerthelesse here plainly them selues attribute this to God alone Sainctes geue power to God take it not to them selues S. Ihō Peter liuing toke it not in good part that the people semed to attribute to them somwhat of godly power For when they had restored one that halted before the tēple the people were in admiratiō therof they said ye men of Israel what maruel you at this or why loke ye vpon vs 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as though through our owne power or holines we haue brought to passe that this man should walke The God of our fathers hath done this c. But how much lesse shall we now thinke that being deliuered from al corruption they would require any godly power to be geuen or diuine honour attributed c. They adde also or render a reason why they submit both them selues al theirs vnto God attribute to the same glory honor power For thou say thei hast created al things God that creatour
preseruer of al thinges and by Dia thy wil they are were created This glory of God is wōderful vnmeasurable How great say they thou art that al power glory is dewe vnto thee appereth of the making creation of the world vniuersal No man was with thee at the creation therof no mā gaue thee coūsel what or how thou shuldest do no man helped thee thus much Who than shuld approch vnto thee to be partaker in power who shuld glory before thee God maker of al things Thou alone madest al things alone preseruest al alone gouernest al. Thou willest they were made Thou saidest they were created It was enough to haue said it was enough to haue willed And in dede al thinges at this day haue their being through thy wil without any painefulnes trauel of thine Thou gouernest al thing in best most goodly order This testifieth the wonderful course of the stars the plesaunt chaūge of things the most swete plentiful fruites spring of the same Who thā wold not gladly submit both him self al his to thee to thy gouernment who wold not cōmit al his thinges vnto thee Who wold not acknowledge the power glory to be thyne Let vs marke these thinges with attentiue mindes that we may also appere such before God as we sethe sainctes in heauen appere God graunt vs this ¶ Of him that sitteth in throne holdeth the boke in his right hand sealed with .vii. seales What that sealed boke is The .xxvj. Sermon AND I sawe in the right hand of him that sate on the throne a boke written within and on the backe side sealed with seuē seales And I sawe a strong angel preaching with a loud voice who is worthy to open the boke lose the seales therof And no man in heauen nor in earth nother vnder the earth was able to open the boke to ioke theron And I wept much because no man was foūd worthy to open and reade the boke nother to loke theron He now procedeth to describe more fully hym that sitteth on the Throne Of whome he had touched certen and a fewe thinges before In this pece is no smal force of this our matter For now wyll he shewe that whiche in this treatise is principall that all thinges whiche are done in the worlde through God his prouidence are moste iustly and holily gouerned by Christ Whiche thing all the sainctes of God and creatures acknowledging for an exāple to vs that we shuld do the lyke do prayse and celebrate him that liueth for euer And it shall behoue vs to way euery worde synce that in euery one are greate misteries nothing is spoken in vaine And verely that God almighty sitteth in a Throne God sitteth in a throne And by sitting is signified not only the power of iudging rulyng gouerning But also a quiet mynde not troubled with any euill affections after the maner of iudges of this world and great equitie in all thinges Secondly a booke is sene in the right hande of hym that sitteth of the whiche boke we must speake more at large Here appereth an allusion made as ther is in many other places of the scripture to the princes of this worlde whiche haue bokes of the lawes of priuileges of institutes what thing is done and is to be done finally of secretes of actes of condemned and of citezens of lyfe and of death For so is both the boke and bokes assigned to God Moises saith in in the .33 of Exodus Put me out of the boke of lyfe c. In the Psalmes is muche mention of these bokes of God In the Psalm 56.69.139 In the seuenth of Daniel bokes are opened wherof mentiō is made also in the .20 of the Apocalipse We reade in the .3 of Malach. of a boke of remembraunce before God Therfore this boke of God conteineth all the counsels of God al his workes and iudgementes For we shall heare by and by The booke in the right hād of him that sitteth that all thinges that are done in the worlde come out of this boke as it were out of a fountaine or wel spring And thre thinges are chiefly spoken of this boke Firste that it lieth not in the Throne or in the bosome of hym that sitteth or vnder the Throne or that it hangeth before or behinde the Throne But it is in the right hand of God Herby is signified the operation or power of God the same moste iust and moste mightie The booke writtē wtin and without For the boke is not sene in the lefte hande God therfore worketh and conteineth or ministreth all his workes and iudgementes moste holily Secondly that boke is written within and without or on the back side For in the prouidence and iudgementes of God all thinges are conteined both good and euil lucky and vnlucky sharpe and softe swete and sewer visible and inuisible priuie and aparte and all thinges in generall Finally the boke is sealed with seuē seales For it is most strongly closed and fastened The booke sealed with seuē seales For the iudgementes works of God are firme true iust and such as can not be withstād The vse of seales amonges men is diuerse notwithstanding it may be contriued in two poinctes The vse of seales First Seales are set to because of fidelitie truth and rightuousnes And a great deliberation is had in setting to of seales For they are not put to vniust matters vayn or false Therfore seales be tokens of a certentie and testimonies of a right It semeth an vnworthi thing to speake against sealed wrytinges By the seales therfore that are set to the boke of God is signified that the iudgementes and workes of God are moste firme true and iust what so euer are done by his prouidence and ar ordeined by Christ It shal therfore be a shame to finde fault with the iudgementes of God or to speake euill of his workes Againe by seales are secretes kept that they be not sene of euery mā but of them only to whome they are appointed The iudgementes therfore and workes of God are for the moste parte hidde and not open to all men sauing to suche as the Lorde hath appointed namely to the faithfull and obedient Seuē s●●les But there be seuē seales only for that in them the fulnes of times and of thinges to be done in these times throughout the world and churche and of the iudgementes and misteries of God are comprehended Now therfore the opening of the boke The opening of the boke and seales and the vnsealyng therof is nothing els but the reuealing of God his iudgementes and the declaring or vttering of his most secret counselles Finally the moste holy and iust operation dispensation and execution of his will Nothing in that opening is done against the veritie fayth loue and iustice of God Who is worthy to opē the boke and seales therof
And with many wordes and also moste dilligently and goodly is treated here of the openyng of the seales who verely might be thought worthie to open to the churche the secret iudgementes of God and to execute and minister his holy workes that is to saye to whome the kingdome is geuen and gouernement of the diuine prouidēce For an Aungell and that not of the cōmon sorte but a stronge and worthie one with a loude voice crieth to make vs all attentiue and that we shoulde note diligently who he is that shoulde both open the boke and vnloose or vndoe the seales And he holdeth longe in suspence the hearer beholder or reader before he will shewe him to the intent verely to cōmende him to vs exceadingly No man sayeth he in the whole vniuersal world neither emonges the Aungelles sainctes in heauen nor emongs earthly men and vnder the earth was founde whiche coulde eyther open or vnseale the boke To Christ alone belōgeth the kingdome and the power of gouernemēt is taken from others Let vs obserue that there is none that can open the boke and open the seales besides Christ alone Whie than is the administration of thinges attributed or communicated to sainctes none can open to vs the counselles and iudgements of God no man can gouerne those iudgements workes of God that he worketh in the world saue only Christ the lord whie than are so great benefites sought for of Sainctes and be imputed to them if eyther the sicke be restored to helthe or that a mortall man do receiue any other gifte or benefite ▪ many will saye I receyued this in dede of gods benefite but through the meditatiō and power and merite of this or that saincte vnto whome God graunted this that he should rule ouer suche a disease and might heale suche as calle vpon the name of the Saincte or the name of God by the Saincte These are here confuted now by the wordes of the Lord and S. Iohn saying that no man in heauen or in earth is founde whiche coulde open the boke Yet neuerthelesse aboute the Throne sate the xxiiii Elders representinge the Type of all Sainctes in glory not one of al thē was found which could open the boke Therfore be thei a great deale madder which do attribute the gouernement of things in the church to the Pope a most corrupte and filthie man Only Christ receiued al power in Heauen and in Earth as we shall incontinently more fully vnderstande S. Iohn wepeth The weping of S. Iohn for that he vnderstode a weightie matter to consiste in the openinge of this godly boke and yet sawe he no man at al which coulde eyther open or vnseale it Neyther did he as yet fully vnderstande the matter And he bare the figure of them which vnderstande not the iudgementes of God nor know not that al thinges are through God his prouidēce holyly gouerned by Christ For in them nothing els remaineth but mourning and heauines Certenly withoute Christ and his opening wherby he reuealeth to vs the diuine misteries and iudgements no man can rightly iudge of the same For vnlesse we vnderstand the seales to be opened by Christ and that al thinges are done by his order whiche loued vs and gaue him selfe for vs what thinge shall be lefte in vs but sighinge But he rehersed three thinges to open rede and loke vpō No man liuing openeth for that no man is mete for so great a charge saue only the sonne of God No manne readeth or vnderstandeth fully the iudgements of God but the sonne and to whom he hath reuealed so muche as any man hathe No man loketh on it that is to saye can beholde the workes and iudgementes of God but he shal be offended excepte he be indewed with the spirite purified with the same Therefore we must axe grace of him that we maye vnderstande so muche of Gods iudgementes as shal suffice and may iudge wel of the same Aretas Bishop of Cesaria an expositour of this boke neither any sayeth he of those that lacke fleshe nor any of them that are in the fleshe nor yet of suche as are deperted leauing their fleshe behinde them hath receiued a perfit knoweledge of godly matters And by and by after nother only is there any which could open it but also not so much as loke vpō it that is to saye coulde not loke attentiuely on the iudgments of God and so forth And the cōtexte of the whole place proueth sufficiently that S. Iohn speaketh here of the iudgmēts verely but chiefly of the gouernement of thinges The Lord Iesus be glorified for euer Amen ¶ Here is liuely described the Lambe in the throne of God receiuing the boke of the hand of him that sitteth and opening it The .xxvij. Sermon AND one of the Elders sayd vnto me wepe not Beholde the Lion whiche is of the tribe of Iuda the roote of Dauid hath obteyned to open the boke to lowse the seuen seales therof And I behelde and lo in the middes of the seate and of the foure beastes and in the middes of the Elders stode a lābe as though he had bene killed whiche had seuen hornes and seuen eies which are the seuen spirites of God sent into all the worlde and he came toke the boke out of the right hand of him that sate on the Throne By Christ all thinges are gouerned Forasmuch as Iohn had wept that no man was worthy so muche as to loke on the boke of him that sate on the seate muche lesse to open it One of the .xxiiii. Elders comforteth hym His name is not expressed wherfore it semeth to be required both vaynely and curiously Notwithstanding there be some of the expositours which suppose hym to be the patriarch Iacob Verely for that shortly after his oracle or prophecie is recited And so the authour descendeth in a moste goodly order vnto the description also of the sonne of God by whome the celestial father as al the scripture euery where approueth gouerneth al thinges Hitherto hath he described hym that sitteth on the seate and before that the holy ghoste Wherfore these are holsome and moste profitable doctrines for the churche wherby the true faith is confirmed The comfort of this elder and verely the heauenly most Godly doctrine tendeth to this ende that we should vnderstande that all the complaintes weping grudging and the sondry tourmoylinges of our minde can not be quenched appeased quieted vnlesse we see and beleue that to Christ as here is moste playnely and manifestly set forth is geuen of the father al power in heauen and in earthe and therfore to be constituted like as the only redemer so also the head Prince and gouernour of al whiche vnder the seale of fayth and veritie shoulde gouerne all thinges that are by God his prouidence ordeyned and euen now dispiseth them and reuealeth vnto vs so muche of God his iudgmentes as do suffice vs. This if we beleue with a
Whose bloud prohibited the Aungel distroier from the houses and tentes represented the figure of Christ by whose preciouse bloud we are reconciled to God This expositiō of the Paschal lambe S. Peter him self in the .1 Pet. 1. and S. Paull in the .1 to the Corinth 5. haue brought Esaye accordeth with them in the .53 chapter And so expounded by the Apostle S. Philip in the 8. of the Actes Finally S. Iohn Baptist whiche with the fingar stretched out and poinctyng to Christ exclamed beholde the Lambe of God whyche taketh awaye the sinnes of the world Let vs therfore beleue that the same Iesus Christ vnto whom al power is geuē of the father to be our deliuerer our expiation reconciliation innocencie sanctification iustification and euerlastyng saluation as he whom we shal heare in the xiii chapt to haue bē slayne from the beginning of the world for so much as his only death one oblation made from the beginning of the world and continually to the worlds ende doeth sanctifie al those that are sanctified Which the Apostle also affirmeth in the .10 to the Hebrewes Howebeit this lambe or sauiour of the worlde is sayed to stand in the middes of the throne verely for that now he executeth thoffice of a catholicke kinge and priest gouernour beynge alwayes ready and prepared to saue So S. Stephen also in the .7 of the Actes seeth him standing Or els in other places we reade that Christ sitteth on the right hande of the father To the which this place gayne saieth not considering that to sitte is bothe to rest and to reigne Moreouer this our Lambe appereth in the Throne of the diuine maiestie The lamb appeareth as slayne as if he were killed not for that he was not slayne in dede and dead for that same is a little after excessed moste exactely but for that he remayned not in deathe but the thirde daye rose agayne from the dead to th ende he mighte so declare him selfe to be the life and resurrection of the faythful Or verely for that after his humanitie he is red to be slayne after his deitie to be immortall and subiecte to no reproche Wherfore in the old lawe the one of the goates in the 16. of Leuitic is slayne but the other is not killed but by the worke of a man herunto appoynted is led forthe into the deserte Neuertheles there is of the expositours which expounde it thus he is sayed as though he were slaine for asmuche as after S. Chrisostome and S. Austen he hath reserued as yet the seares of the woundes of his death in token of his victory c. Furthermore this lambe Christ Iesus our lord hath .vii. The lābe hath seuen hornes hornes not that in dede he carieth so many hornes like a goate of Iude. An horne as appereth by Daniel and by the songe of Zacharie in the 1. of Luke signifieth power and kingdome The .vii. nombre is the nombre of fulnes It is therfore signified that Christ is indued with al kinde of power diuine humane imperial pontifical roiall briefly moste absolute In the 13. chapt we shal heare that the beaste hath taken to him two hornes as it were of the lambe whereof I shal speake in his place Daniel in the 7. chapt And rule sayeth he was geuen him and honour and kyngedome that al nations and tounges mighte worship him whose rule is an euerlastinge rule which shal not perish nor decaye at any time Now hath he seuen eyes also These he expoundeth and sayeth The lābe hathe .vii. eyes whiche are the .vii. spirites of God sente into the whole worlde I shewed you before that the .vii. spirites are called a seuenfold spirite Here therfore is signified the fulnes of the spirite which the lord powereth out vpon al flesh Here is signified the vniuersal knowledge of the sonne in whose sighte are present what thinges so euer are done in heauen and in earth opēly priuely For the spirite of Christ that vnmeasurable force incomprehensible and most diuine searcheth and pearseth al thinges nothinge is hidde from his eyes whiche viewe the whole world And such is Christ as we haue hearde described hitherto What is the gouernour of all and who openeth the seales whome the Patriarches haue before sayed shoulde come a victour and triumphant cōquerour alone verely inuincible very man of our owne substaūce and also our very brother yet very God neuerthelesse of the same substaunce with the father and the holy ghoste the reconciler redemer and the only saluatiō of the world hath suffered for vs and the same risen agayne from the dead and ascended into heauē hauing al power in heauen and in earth whiche seeth al thinges cōmunicateth his spirite vnto men and is the most faithful keper and defender of al mā kinde This Christ Iesus our lord came and receiued he conueyed not or stale it away but toke that boke of the prouidence diuine of the iudgementes of God of the vniuersal gouernmēt of al things that he might open and lowse the Seales thereof that is to saye that he might reueale to vs that are redemed with his bloud the iudgementes of God and mighte dispose and order al thinges in heauen and in earth Therfore sins we know that the gouernour of al thinges is geuen to vs a redemer Kyng Bishop and our only saluation who will not from hence forth willingly submitte himself to his gouernement And seyng we nowe vnderstande certenly how that vnder the seale of faith and veritie al things are done by Christ who dare hereafter more curiousely inquire of his workes and iudgmentes vnto whose credite and gouernement we should nowe cōmitte althinges Howe the sonne is saied to receiue the boke at his fathers hande in case they were in our power Notwithstanding we shall obserue that the sonne doeth not so receyue these thinges of the father that the father is depriued therof For in the .5 chapt of S. Iohns Gospel the Lorde sayeth my father worketh vnto this time I worke c. Certes the sonne is called the worde mouth and arme of the father c. or that after the humanitie the sonne mighte seme lesse than the father For very godly Aretas where the lambe sayeth he receyued the boke of the right hande of him that sitteth on the Throne it must be vnderstande on the behalfe of his humanitie As also that he was slayne For concernyng his deitie none of all those thinges that maye worthely be spoken or thought of God is seuerally assigned to three persones sauing the maner of bringyng forth of him that begetteth and of him that is begotten and of hym that procedeth c. This description of Christ is singular moste excellent very euangelicall and ful of consolation and therfore is it chiefly to be layde vp in the botome of our hartes Where we finde also that they were disceaued in theyr iudgment which were not affrayde to saye that in this boke besides
the Apostolical maner fewe thinges were taught of Christe and of our redemption Let vs praye vnto the Lorde that he would vouchesafe to illumine our mindes Amen ¶ Here is described adoration and prayse geuyng or an Himne songe vnto Christ of the beasts and Elders The .xxviij. Sermon ANd when he had taken the boke the foure beastes and .xxiiii. Elders fel downe before the lambe hauynge Harpes and golden Vialles ful of odours which are the prayers of Sainctes and they sange a newe songe saiyng Thou arte worthy to take the boke and to open the Seales therof for thou waste killed haste redemed vs by thy bloud out of all kinredes and tongues and people and natiōs and haste made vs vnto our God Kinges and Priestes and we shall reigne on the earth We haue hearde Christ is the true only monarche that the lambe hath receyued the boke of the hande of him that sitteth in the Throne that he might open it and lowse the seales of the same that is we haue vnderstande that Christ is the only and eternall Sauiour and Lorde vnto whome all power is geuen in heauen and earth that he than only and euermore saueth that he reuealeth to vs the misteries and iudgementes of God that he finally gouerneth and disposeth al thinges in the worlde It followeth moreouer how al the creatures of God behaued them selues towardes this sonne of God the monarche and gouernour of al thinges This thing is set forth with a maruelouse figuratiue and plentiful speache in the Tipe of the .iiii. beasts and xxiiii Elders c. Certenly that we might of their gestures wordes and workes vnderstande what it is mete for vs to do in the iudgementes of God For this example is verely manifolde and euen of sixe partes suche as you shall hardely finde propounded in any other matter An exāple manifolde whereby we learne how to behaue oure selues towardes the gouernour of al thīgs And in this matter is of very greate force First in dede we haue hearde in the .iiii. chapt that the foure beastes cried out before the Throne of him that sate holy holy holy lord God omnipotent Seconde we vnderstande that the .xxiiii. Elders fel doune worshipped cast away their crownes and sange an Himne Nowe followeth the thirde degree of this example For as firste the beastes and Elders did these thinges seuerally so now ioyntly with one accorde the beastes and Elders fal downe together before the lābe Let vs therefore fall downe also in all the iudgementes and workes of God before the lambe gouernour of al and let vs worship For although it be not here added and they worshipped yet are they to be vnderstand for this intent to haue fallen downe that they might worship For to fal downe is to worship Whiche thing is also perceiued by this that foloweth The lābe is worshipped For they offer praiers to the lambe that is to witte singe an Himne whiche is a parte of godly worshippinge Morouer it foloweth immediately that euery creature sang an Himne to him that setteth in the Throne and to the lābe c. And verely two thinges especially and diligently S. Iohn treateth in this example For first he painteth out gallauntly the behauiour of the beastes and elders After he annexeth the Himne prayse geuyng or songe And so much as apperteyneth their behauiour Afore al thinges they fal downe before the lambe as euen nowe I sayed Christe is very God to be worshipped with the father in the same glory And this place is of efficacitie enough to proue the deitie of our Sauiour Christe For these thinges ought to be conferred with those whiche are written vpon the same wordes in the .iiii. chapt The .xxiiii. Elders fell downe before him that sitteth in the Throne and worshippe him that liueth for euer and euer And now it is sayed that the selfe same elders haue fallen downe before the lambe wherupon it followeth that he that liueth for euer and the lambe be worshipped with like glory culte and honour And that the sonne is coequall with the father to be worshipped for euer Wherby now is opēly perceyued the abominable and detestable errour of Arius and Seruetus Seruetus renewed the blasphemy of Arrius confuted at this present not only of the beastes but also of the whole cōgregation of Sainctes in heauē Idle men reason subtilly and peruerte wraste gods worde after their wonted giantly boldenes at their pleasure we wil rather followe the examples of all sainctes and creatures in the worlde and will worship the lambe with hym that sitteth in the throne blessed for euermore Agayne there are obiecte to vs the Elders liyng prostrate on the pauement holding in their hādes harpes and vialles Harpes vialles An harpe in the Psalmes and holy historie is an instrument of musicke cōsecrate to prayses diuine Of the vialle of what shape or fashion the cuppe was the writers of vesselles treate muche I vnderstande it to be simply a cuppe or a bolle suche as we reade there were many in the tabernacle and temple appoincted bothe for drinke offeringes and also for swete odours and incense Neuerthelesse these thinges in the holy heauenly dwellers be not to be taken corporally but spiritually after a suffiguration For what the spirite of God vnderstode the reuealer of secrettes S. Iohn him selfe addeth which be the prayers of Sainctes Therfore is signified that Sainctes offer prayers to God whiche are muche more acceptable to him Musicke incense prayer than the swete melodie of Musicall instrumentes is to man or pleasaunt sauour of swete gumes or of incense Aretas the expositour in that they haue Harpes sayeth he it sheweth a concorde and agrement in geuynge God thankes And herof we learne agayne what we should do in the contemplation vnderstanding of the iudgementes and workes of God The lord is to be praysed blessed because he is good and his mercy indureth for euer But if thankes must be geuen to God if his workes and iudgmentes are to be praysed why do certen men expostulate with God blamyng or bringing in suspicion his iudgemētes let vs learne moreouer that Organes and those corporall incenses do no longer become the churche of God Of this place S. Ireney in the 4. boke agaynste heresies The true sacrifice of Christiās in the .33 and .34 chapt sheweth that the prayers and thankes geuyng of Sainctes be the same oblation whiche Malachie prophecied to be offered vp through out the whole worlde And shortely after Tertullian followed the same exposition agyynst the Iewes and in the iiii boke agaynste Marcion whom other doctours of the Churche haue followed But those pleasaunt sophisticall triflers I meane the popisshe diuines do as it were triumph in those thinges yet leade they in the meane time a shadowyng and a most vaine triumphe For they applie these thinges to their sacrifice wherin they fayne them selues vnder the some of bread wine to offer
vp to God the father the body bloud of Christ a propiciatory sacrifice for the quicke and the dead But Ireney and Tertullian speake not of such a sacrifice but of the oblation of prayers which the massemonging Prieste offereth not vp alone but the whole cōgregation of Christ sanctified in his bloud geuynge thankes in the lordes supper to God the father for theyr free redemption These holy fathers neuer knewe the sale Masses of these Chananites Againste praying to sainctes in Heauen Of this same place of S. Iohn the selfe same Papistes go aboute to proue and to establishe the praying to Sainctes in heauen Beholde saye they the Sainctes are sayed to praye openly in heauē But they nede not to praye for them selues and therefore as intercessours and Patrones they praye for their clientes and worshippers in Earth I aunswer that the Sainctes in dede praye in heauen but that you addyng the kinde and maner of praying do expounde it to be intercession patchyng to a piece of your owne do forge and coūtrefet the same and maliciously and falsely do belye it S. Iohn here expoundeth him selfe so that he nedeth not your patchyng For he addeth and they singe a newe songe Yea and he reciteth the whole fourme of this song leeste any mā should corrupte that whiche he had sayed of prayers And that same fourme conteyneth prayse and blessing or thankes geuyng and not intercession or inuocation For certayne it is euen by the doctrine of the Apostle 1. Timoth. 2. and to the Philipp 4. that there be two chiefe kindes of prayer inuocation and prayse or thankes geuyng But the thing it selfe playnly proueth that S. Iohn speaketh here of the latter and not of the first The shadowes of the lawe are expoūded And where as this place expoundeth certen Tipes shadowes or misteries of Gods lawe by the same we maye rather confute the intercession of Sainctes in Heauen for their worshippers For in the lawe is permitted one onlye golden Aultar of incense And the same represented a figure of Christ For one Christe is the mediatour and intercessour betwixt God and man It was not laweful for the people of God to burne incense but vpon this Aultar only It was not laweful for any man to prepare or make for him selfe an odour of those kinde of gumes whereof the diuine incense consisted and to smell to it as appereth in the .30 of Exodus Whie than doe not these vnderstande that prayers belonge to God alone and that the Sainctes in Heauen woulde not smell of suche incense Dauid in the .141 psalm sayeth let my prayer be directed as incense in thy sighte the listynge vp of my handes an euening sacrifice The Deuill desireth to haue suche maner of incenses to be made vnto him As appereth in the .4 of Matth. and in S. Austen of the Citie of God But our heauenly Sainctes are not Deuilles Whie vnderstonde they not that this Aultar of incense standeth nowe in Heauen on the ryght hande of the father and there maketh intercession for vs and that for his sake the father is reconciled to vs and we are accepted of God and that by him alone we muste offer vp our prayers vnto God whiche are els abominable Whie see they not the heauenly Sainctes at this present to attribute al things to the only lambe alone and to chalenge nothyng to them selues Finally that they make no mention of their worshippers but plainely testifie that the only lambe was and is worthie whiche should take the boke c. And the praise or thankes geuing of the heauenly sainctes he hath called a newe songe What is a newe song whiche in the Scriptures is no newe thynge For the Sainctes saye that they will singe in Earth vnto God a newe songe Psalm xxxiii.xcvi.xcviii.cxliiii Esaye .xlij. And newe songes be called these newe balades or verses in meter whyche are made of some newe benefite or noble acte done And because the minde of manne is delighted greately with newe benefites they synge a newe songe whyche with a ioyefull mynde prayse GOD and geue him thankes with theyr inwarde affections Finallye they synge a newe songe whiche wyth purified myndes and renewed with the Spirite doe laude GOD whiche thynge was chiefely geuen to those heauenly Sainctes Whereof we learne agayne howe it behoueth our mindes to be affected and furnisshed in the prayers and prayses of GOD. This same sayeth Aretas I cal a new songe by whose benefite we whiche beyng lighted in al partes of the earth departing from the antiquitie of the lawe written and walkynge in the newnes of life are taught by the holy ghost to singe a geuing of thankes The himne or prayse geuing of the sainctes in heauen To these thynges nowe is added the Himne of Sainctes that we might also haue a fourme howe to prayse God And in the Hymne they singe that al things are subiecte to christ and al thinges ordered by his gouernment that he humbled him selfe to the deathe and was therefore exalted aboue all thinges Now are also the vertues or effectes and wonderful benefites of his death cōmended vnto vs that estemyng the gouernour of his benefites done to vs we maye beleue also that his gouernement shal be holesome for vs and therefore maye submitte our selues to him willingly in faythe and patience Whiche verely is the chiefest ende of those thinges whiche here are treated with so great diligence Christe alone is worthy to open the boke Firste they cōmende the Maiestie and dignitie of Christ that he alone is founde in the whole vniuersal world whiche hath rule ouer al which is the only sauiour of the world the reuealer also of godly misteries and gouernour of all For this is to take and to open the boke whiche we haue nowe oft times repeted Secondly they annexe the cause why this glory should be only of the lambe or sonne of God because saye they thou waste killed And they vnderstande by the lesse the more to witte his whole incarnation and the whole misterie of our redemption death resurrection and ascensiō into heauen and the residewe He therefore is the true and only mediatour of God and men he is the only sauiour as he that alone was incarnate crucified for vs he is the only gouernour whiche by his humilitie deserued to be exalted Philipp 2. And he is a most fitte gouernour of al thinges as of whome al men maye as of their most faithful sauiour and euen their brother hope well what thinges so euer chaunce vnto them through his gouernement c. The vertu effecte of the death of Christe In the meane time they cōmende most highly the vertue or effecte of Christes death For this beynge rightly vnderstande we are more ready to submitte our selues to that gouernour whom we knowe to be our sauiour whiche loueth vs derely and would haue al saued And the chiefest effect of Christes death is redemption Redēption redeminge
includeth captiuitie We were prisoners and seruauntes of sinne of death and very bondeslaues of the deuil and hel And the sonne of God came and toke flesh and shed his bloud for so also is the maner of redemyng vs expressed of the elders and he hath wasshed vs from our sinnes and beyng purified he hath raunsomed vs from the power of death hel sinne and Sathan that nowe we be of God Therfore they saye expressely thou hast redemed vs to God We be therfore of God the deuil hath no more power ouer vs we are the freemen of Christ deliuered through his bloud 1. Peter 1. Hebrewes 9. And for asmuch as we be nowe of God to witte iustified frely by his grace through the bloud of Christ as the apostle sayeth also in the 3. chapt to the Romanes we ought to serue God verely in the newnes of spirite not the flesh and the deuill in the oldenes of the letter and of our fleshe Whiche the same Apostle discourseth more at large in the 6. to the Romanes Whome also he hath redemed they declare by the waye Who are redemed men verely of euery tribe c. In the which rehersal he doeth Imitate Daniel in the 7. chap. and signifieth an vniuersalitie For the lord hath died for al but that al are not made pertakers of this redemptiō it is through their owne faulte For the lord excludeth no man but him only whiche through his owne incredulitie and misbelefe excludeth him selfe Of redēption followeth an other effect of Christes death Righteousnes foloweth iustification and redemptiō for that it maketh men iustified to God kinges and priestes For they that be iustified worke rightuousnes I haue expounded this place concerning the priesthood and kingdom of Christians in the firste chapter where you maye haue it The Sainctes adde moreouer that they shal reygne vpon earth to wit through the vertue of Christ not corporally How sainctes raigne vpon earth as the Millenaries do imagine and the Turkes followyng the same imaginyng corporal thinges in this worlde and ioyes in Paradise terrestriall For the whole scripture promiseth better thinges Neither must the godly be so geuen to corporal thinges that they should hope for nothing aboue corporal matters The Sainctes speake here of the last iudgement wherin it shal appere to the whole world and to al that dwel vpon the earth that the Sainctes which some time semed to the world to haue ben wicked vngodly peacebreakers heretickes and parricides and for the same cause haue ben slaine be iust holy kinges and priestes of God So I saie they shal reigne vpō earth The which thing is declared more at large in the .iii. and .v. chapt of the boke of wisedome Let the Sainctes I saie consider these thinges when they be oppressed of the wicked for the veritie and rightuousnes through the permissiō of Christ gouernour of al in this world let them neuerthelesse glorifie the Lord God and praise him without ceasyng To him be glory for euer ¶ Here is described the commendation and Hymne sayed vnto Christ of the Aungels and al creatures c. The .xxix. Sermon ANd I behelde hearde the voyce of many Aungelles aboute the Throne about the beastes and the elders I hearde thousande thousandes saiyng with a lowde voice worthie is the lambe that was killed to receiue power and riches and wisedome and strength and honour and glory and blessing And all creatures which are in heauen and on the earth and vnder the earth and in the Sea and all that are in them hearde I saiyng blessing honour glory and power be vnto him that sitteth vpon the seate and to the lambe for euer more And the .iiii. beastes sayed Amen And the .xxiiii. Elders fell vpon their faces and worshipped him that liueth for euer more In the fourth place nowe come the Aungels of God also to the Elders and to the beastes The Aungels also prayse Christ I meane to the most excellent creatures of God and together with them prayse with an hymne God and the lambe doubtlesse for an example to vs that as I ofttimes saie and repete we might vnderstand what thing becometh vs also Of Aungels Dauid in .c.iiii. Psalm speaking emōgs other thinges which maketh sayeth he his Aungels spirites Of Aungels and his ministers a flame of fire He testifieth therefore that the Aungels were made or created of God By their substaunce he calleth them spirites by a parable a flame of fire which is pure bryght moste swifte pearsyng and burnyng Therfore after their sorte and meane the Aungelicall spirites be altogether suche whome by their office he calleth ministers Reade 24. sermon folowyng to witte of God and manne For S. Paull also to the Hebr. brynging this same place of Dauid be they not al sayeth he ministring spirites whiche are sent forth into ministerie for them which be heyres of Saluation verely vnderstandyng men These thinges teach vs to iudge rightly of Aungels and that no man should worshippe ministers or any be they neuer so excellent creatures for theyr godly giftes Nother in dede can the Aungels or Sainctes abide them selues to be worshipped Here doubtles they attribute all glory to God and to the Lambe to God three and one that all we should doe the like Here is also declared the place wherin the Aungelles were about the Throne about the beastes and about the Elders Therefore they garded al these places rounde about as it were a garde Daniel in times paste sawe thinges not muche vnlike these in the .7 chapt Certenly they stande like ministers and seruitours ready to do seruice Aungels are sayed also to be about the godly vpon earth to attende vpon the saluation and ministerie of men In the .34 Psalm Dauid singeth he beyng afflicted called vpon the lorde and the Lorde hearde him and from all his troubles he deliuered him The Aungel of the lord pitcheth his tentes about them which feare him the lord he deliuereth thē And not much vnlike things you maye reade in the .91 Psalm And thou shalt here note that those that be afflicted do cal vpō the lord and not the Aungels And that the lord doeth heare and deliuer and for the workyng therof vseth the ministerie of Aungels as his ministers And like as no man that is wel in his witte doeth reuerence cal vpon and worshippe the sonne for that God by the same geueth great benefites to men So no mā honoureth calleth vpon and worshippeth Aungels for that God vseth their ministerie in deliueryng of men The nūbre of Angels Now also he putteth the nōbre of Aungels but a certaine for an vncertayne thousande thousandes for innumerable He alludeth in the meane time to that saying of Daniel in the 7. chapt Thousande Thousandes serued hym and ten hondreth thousande assisted him Of a greate and innumerable armie we are woonte to esteme the power of kinges What than shall we thinke of the power of our God
whiche is the God of hoostes and whome not only innumerable legions of Aungels but all creatures serue And what an excellente prayse is it whiche is songe together of so many blessed spirites For after this the proper duetie or office of Aungelles is touched They singe prayses to God and cōmende the lābe of God and that with a lowde voice It skilleth not greatly wheter with a lowe or an high voyce thou singest prayses to the Lord but for asmuche as they that crye with a lowde voice are for the moste parte sore moued as ouerwhelmed wyth great sorrow or with great gladnes reioysing therfore shall we prayse God with a lowde voyce in case with a stoute spirite and with the inwarde affection of the harte we shal prayse God The Himne of the Angels sayde in the prayse of Christ The aungelical Hymne is now annexed which accordeth in al thynges with the Himnes of the Beastes and Elders For they celebrate the lambe that is to saye the sonne which as he is the sauiour alone so hath he deserued to receyue all power and glory to gouerne al thinges as is sayed before And seuen thinges do the Aungelles attribute to the lābe that is to Iesus Christ our Lord on the right hande of the father First 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 power to witte godly almighty viuificatiue and conseruatiue Of this I spake also before Secōdly 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 richesse For he is riche as the Apostle sayeth for al that cal vpō him Rom. 10. And Primasius Christ him self saieth he is the treasure of al good things c. For schaddais the sufficiencie of al goods of the minde and body And if it be lawful to attribute a prophane worde vnto God he is very Saturne fulfillyng al creatures And sins the Aungelles do so cōmende Christ who woulde thinke that men should so scrape to themselues as though they themselues could fil their owne desires Than they attribute to Christ wisedom to witte godly and great For the sonne is the wisedome of the father Wherof treateth Salomon much By this wisedome cā he rule al things by most agreable and best gouernment Who shall saye Thus it should haue ben done The wisedom of God hath most goodlily wel made al thinges from the beginnyng so that our reason can iustly blame nothing what thing shal we blame than nowe in the vniuersal gouernmēt of Christ They ascribe vnto Christ also strength to execute verely such thinges as he hath most wisely ordeyned finally strength to defende his and to subdewe the aduersaries For he is almightie Such thinges as follow honour glory and thankes geuing are declared before what they be and of what force sauyng that the thing he called first 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he calleth now 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 blessing prayse and geuyng of thankes This Hymne sayed in the praise of Christ Christe is greater thā Aungels the lord of Aungels teacheth that Christ is very God of the same substaunce and coequal with the father greater than Aungels yea the lord of Aungelles whom the aungels themselues also worship as S. Paul in the 1. to the Hebr. hath declared Here than are confuted who so euer preferre Aungels to Christ The heretikes are confuted that are called Aungelical to witte worshippers of Aungels The aungels themselues do here reproue their errour that not without cause they are accompted of S. Austen emongs heretikes Yf richesse glory and honour be dewe to Christ alone and that he excelleth them wherfore are the same cōmunicated to creatures Otherwise we admonish all godly that they thinke highlye of Aungels and acknowledge and maruel at the benefites of God in them and that we loue the same as bretherne and felowes and coinheriters of the same saluation much lesse contemne or blame them Whereof I wil speake more at an other time Hitherto hath he recited the excellent prayses the Panegyrical verses or Himnes of the excellent creatures of God of those Elders in dede especially and generally of al The praise agrement of all creatures to the glory of Christ moreouer of Aungelles also sayed vnto Christ our redemer and prince And yet not with these contented he addeth morouer in the fifth place the agrement and prayse and submission of al the creatures in the world to the intēt that if haply we be not moued with the excellent example of the excellent creatures Elders and Aungelles nowe at the laste we might be abasshed whiche see all creatures of their owne accorde to do their duetie For manne sins he is Lorde of all and all thing were for him created howe I praye you shal he offende more haynousely agaynst God whiche hath made him Lorde ouer all than if by his hardenes ingratitude and maliciousnes he not only doeth not his owne duetie but is rather inferriour to al creatures as he whiche alone contendeth with God and attributeth not to him dewe prayse Therefore doeth this example greatly excite man that he should submitte him selfe vnto God and geue God the whole glory and in no wyse striue with God nor complayne of any thinge But marke I praye you with howe diligent a diuision of thinges he compriseth all creatures excludeth none the Deuill only excepteth what time he raccompteth the creatures that are in Heauen whiche are in Earth which are vnder the Earth and in the Sea finally he addeth and all that be therin Therfore if all thinges created doe celebrate and worshippe him that sitteth in the Throne and the lambe and submitte themselues vnto him is it not a shame yea and a soule shame that manne alone Lord of all should reuolte to the sworne enemie of God the Deuill with him to expostulate with God to taūte and blame and finde faulte with his iudgementes and gouernementes to complaine of his workes and will How al creatures can praise god You maruell I wote well howe al creatures syns many of them be voide of reason and insensible can prayse God Howebeit this figure prosopopeia that is the faynyng of persones is very common with al the prophetes and chiefly with Dauid prayse ye him Sunne and Moone sayeth he praise him ye bright starres Prayse the Lord from the earth ye Dragons and all depe places fire hayle snowe Ise c. And by suche maners of speakyng the Prophetes would incourage and stire vp men to prayse God seyng that creatures whiche haue no life do after their maner prayse God see that you after your maner doe prayse God in Hymnes and spirituall Psalmes And in dede Dauid sheweth a plaine reason whie he commaundeth bodies that haue no life to prayse God let them praise sayeth he the name of the lorde whie because he commaunded and they were created As though he should saie they be his creatures and in that they remayne yet they haue it of him therefore lette them make the name of God gloriouse as of their maker and preseruer And he signified also
the maner of praising where he addeth he hath ordeyned them that they should indure for euer he gaue them an ordenaunce neither is it transgressed As if he should haue sayed Where they neglecte no parte of those things wherunto thei are made but are ready in their place order and time and do their duety exceadingly well do they not preache vnto men the wonderfull wisedome and power of God For in an other Psalme also dauid sayeth the heauens shewe forth the glory of God and the firmament declareth the workes of his handes c. Thus I saye the creatures with out life do praise and cōmende the name of God vnto men what time they are moued worke wonderfully and obediently do the thing were vnto they are appoincted The Hymne of al creatures like as that was of the beasts An Himne sayed vnto Christ of al creatures and Elders and Aungels is here also trimmely described although briefly But where it hath nothing that hath not bē declared before I wil not by oft repetyng and speakyng the same thinges molest and werie the gentle hearers Howbeit that one thing semeth chiefly to be obserued that they ioyne him that sitteth in the throne and the lambe together so acknowledging the sonne to be coequall with the father and they both to be worshipped with like honour and with like praises to be celebrated and cōmended They attribute peculiarly to the lambe Empire or kingdome for that he receiued the boke of the father as is declared before to wit al power and authoritie to gouerne al thinges The foure beastes singe to it Amen A cōs●nt is approued dissente is reproued eyther so confirmyng the Hymne of the creatures or thus declaryng their consent with them To the intent we should with one minde praye together and prayse God blessed for euermore With these are moreouer confuted the dessensions of men The Lord alloweth the concorde and agrement of menne and requireth vtterly especially in prayers and godly prayses For he cōmaundeth in the Gospell to laye downe thyne oblation whiche thou wouldest offer in case thou doest remēbre any discorde betwixt thee and thy brother to goe vnto him and to renewe amitie and than to retourne to thine offeringe which in the prophetes is called an abomination in case it be offered of myndes possessed with rancour and mallice c. Thelders worshippe agayne Finally the elders fal doune agayne and worshippe him that liueth for euer doubtles that by their ofte worshipping al we in earth might be moued vnto obedience For if these thinges be done in heauē of the blessed spirites what I praye you is mete for vs to do here in earth And marke that they are sayed to worship him that liueth for euer who neuerthelesse fell downe firste also before the lambe and before the Throne out of the which the spirite proceded and wherupō sate he that sitteth wherof we gather that the Father the sonne and the holy Ghost are in dede distincte in persones yet these three not to be three Gods but one God liuing for euer A medicine agaynst all heresies And verely this notable vision and treatise maye be in the steade of a moste effectuall remedy agaynst sondry poysons of heresies especially of the Arrians and Seruetanes or rather perdetanes moreouer agaynst diuerse and curiouse disputations and temptations touchyng the workes iudgmentes and prouidence of God Yf we be wise we will obediently submitte our selues to the liuing God with all the creatures and Sainctes of God worshipping him and with the Prophet criyng thou art iust Lord in al thy wayes and holy in al thy workes Thou hast created vs al thinges are thine Thou gouernest al thinges in best order Thou louest man Thou hast geuen vs thy sonne Thou by thy sonne our redemer gouernest al thinges vprightly We worship thee the father the sonne and the holy ghost one very god To thee is dewe the kingdom honour and glory for euer and euer Amen ¶ Two seales are opened and the directe course of Gods worde is and a cruel course of warres against the disobedient The .xxx. Sermon ANd I sawe when the lambe opened one of the seales The .6 chapter and I heard one of the foure beastes saye as it were the voice of thonder come and see And I sawe and beholde a white horse And he that sate on him had a bowe and a crowne was geuen vnto him And he went forth conquering and to ouercome And when he opened the seconde seale I hearde the seconde beast saye come and see And there went out an other horse that was red and power was geuen to him that sate there on to take peace from the earth that they should kill one an other And there was geuen vnto him a great sworde Hitherto hath thapostle prepared the auditours to heare with a quiet minde the iudgementes of God and fatal destenies of the church and patiently to beare all aduersitie and that we should worship him in al thinges and geue glory to his name consequently he expoundeth in a most goodly order the iudgementes of God and destenies of the Church shewyng how the sonne of God gouerneth the ordenaūces of God and his eternall prouidence And this is as it were a Prognostication for all times and Ages vnto the worldes ende A cōtinual prognostecatiō of al times frō the birth of Christ For we shal not thinke that here are rehersed only the actes of one age or two but of al. And first al thynges are generally described by partes afterwarde particularly when we come to the openyng of the seuēth seale The some is the lord sendeth forth the preaching of the trueth into the world which when men refuse and dispise they are distroyed with warres and other calamities innumerable Attentiuenes here is necessarie But before al thinges S. Iohn is excited and in him all we to be attentife And one that is to wit the first of the beastes doeth excite him One of the Sabbat is set for the firste daye in the weke that same is verely the sondaye The voice of the beast is like vnto thonder Wherby is signified that here is treated of greate most weighty matters For most great and terrible thinges followe whiche shake the whole world Therfore let vs not playe the slepy sluggardes let vs not be blinde and deafe Doubtles the sloughtfulnes of our time is such that we little consider the workes of God and what is done in our time The storkes swallowes Turtels and the rest of liuing thinges passe vs which ful wel obserue their time Therfore are we here wel stired vp that we shuld not be slouthful but should marke what thinges are declared and shewed vs of the Lord. The firste seale is opened And when S. Iohn had diligētly marked what was don he seeth the lambe Christ I meane our redemer open one seale that is to saye the first And streight wayes came forth a white
we reade in the .1 of Iob howe Sathan had power geuen him of God agaynst Iob. Vnto blouddy soldiours is geuen a great sword great power to hurte a wonderfull force of fighting As also Nahum expoundeth it Nother is it a rare thinge in the scriptures for Monarkes tirannes and mightie men of warre to be called a sworde For so Ezechiel called Nabuchodonosor and Esaye called Sinacherib king of Assyrians a whetstone And the chiefest rightuousenes is God is of good thī●s the deui●l authour of euill to geue euery man his owne Therfore this place doeth iustely ascribe that which is good vnto God and that whiche is euill to the Deuill But thou sayest if God permitte the same that he doeth not prohibite he doeth He prohibiteth not warre for because iustice wil not suffer him so to doe but he cōmaūdeth him by warre to punish the wicked and to trie the good but in permittyng warres God offendeth nothinge seyng that for moste iuste causes he permitteth the same For they would not imbrace peace offered them by the preachers of the Gospell therfore were they worthy to be intangled with warres The Iewes knew not the daye of Christes visitation therfore were they worthely visited of the Romanes and distroyed And this thing is in the world perpetuall that they that wil not obeye the Gospell muste obeye the Captayne of the warres they that wil not heare christ must heare Antichrist Thou mayest not contende with God whic he doeth this and permitteth that Worship God rather as thou hast ben taught in the .4 and .5 chapt Let vs peruse ouer stories and see and suche warres be not founde wherin men haue slaine themselues with mutuall woundes and haue killed one an other like beastes If you wil reade Herodiane Orosius and other good Historiographers you maye finde that the Romane Emperours haue ben troubled with moste greuouse warres for none other cause than that thei refused peace offered to them by the gospell For none other cause was Rome it selfe at the last taken by the Westgothians of the Eastgothians burnte and distroyed The lord had geuē them Christen Princes but they loued more Idols For Simmachus gouernour of the citie was so bolde to require a restitution of Idolatrie I speake nothing now of Athila nothing of the Persian and Affricane warres And what time there was a wonderful strife emōgs the Bisshoppes about the supremacie the Saracenes sprang vp and became mightie After the Thousande yere beganne the holy warre whiche as it was most bloudy so was it of longest continuance Neuer any suche warre was made in al the world Boniface the .8 instituted firste the yere of Iubiley a moste wicked manne who also did exhibite him selfe to be sene of the people both Pope Emperour But the same yere of a thousand and three hondreth wherin he did these thinges arrose vp in Asia the whippe or scourge of God Ottoman the original of themperours of Turkes which reigne at this daye For so when Salomon buylded places of Idolatrie his enemies sprang vp which wonderfully vexed and afflicted the kingdom of Salomon What warres are made now a dayes and what be the causes of warres al wise men do see We wil not receaue the peaceable gospel It is reason therfore that the Turkissh Armies should inuade vs that we maye both fele Antichrist to be a stoute warriour and maye al abhorre and deteste him But what other thing remayneth here than that beyng conuerted to God through Christ we maye serue the lord in syncere fayth and holy puretie for except we conuerte the are is layde at the tree roote c. ¶ Here is opened the .iii. and .iiii. Seale and is declared what the world shall suffer of honger and Pestilence The .xxxi. Sermon ANd when he opened the thirde Seale I hearde the thirde beaste saie come and see And I behelde and lo a black horse and he that sate on him had a paire of Balaunces in his hande And I hearde a voyce in the middes of the foure beastes say A measure of wheate for a penny and three measures of barley for a peny and oyle and wine see thou hurte not And when he opened the fourth Seale I hearde the voice of the fourth beast saye come and see And I loked and beholde a pale Horse and his name that sate on him was Death and Hell followed after him and power was geuen vnto them ouer the fourth parte of the Earth to kyll with sworde and with honger and with death of the beastes of the Earth Christ exalted aboue all thinges A repetitiō and Lord of all in heauen and in earth openeth the seales of the boke diuine that is to witte disposeth and gouerneth with great rightuousnes the ordenaunces and iudgementes of God and firste in dede he geueth a prosperouse course to the preaching of the gospell sendyng alwayes faythefull ministers preachyng the Gospel of the kyngdome of God peace and concorde But for asmuche as euyll men do contemne the Euangelical peace they are certenly worthy to be molested with cruell warres Therfore the lambe openeth the second seale and there rushe out cruel warres slaughters seditions and robberies Attention But before the thirde Seale is opened the thirde beast resemblyng the countenaunce of man exhorteth vs to take most diligent hede that when we see these thinges come to passe whiche are here spoken of before we shoulde consider from whence they come and for what causes they are sente and that they maye be tourned away by dewe repentaunce Certen referre these thinges absolutely to chaunce and fortune some agayne to the naturall causes of God and the diuine operation no respect had at al Where we knowe that God vseth natural causes after his good wil and pleasure Let vs watch therfore loke and consider and know that the rightuouse God worketh al thinges for the saluation of the chosen and the ouerthrowe of his enemies That blacke horse with his rider shewyng a balaunce in his hande signifieth the vnfortunate or sorrowfull time of scarsetie famine and penurie of al thinges The thirde seale is opened For it is a worthie and a cōdigne punishment that they that do nothing esteme the bread of life nor haue no consideration of the foode of soules but both reiect it themselues and by their tirannical proclamations bringe to passe that it is not receiued of others finally whiche for the bread of life do spoyle the godly of their goodes and most wickedly waste the same in all kinde of riot should be driuen to bie thinges necessary at excessiue prices yea and can not finde things necessarie but should pine for honger We know that the black colour is vsed in mourning and heuinesse The black horse and that when the fleshe and bloud are consumed for wante of meate the skinne groweth blacke and euill fauoured and therefore this horse is blacke The rider of this horse holdeth in his hande a balaunce 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉
for vs. It behoueth vs therefore to gather certen sure saiynges wherwith to comfort our selues as with the moste certayne sentences of God pronounced First that God is trewe and iuste and therfore not to neglecte his but to tender with fatherly care And if he caste vs into any daunger or difficultie the same verely shall tourne the godly to great profit Yf he shal take vs awaye by tourmentes that he deliuereth vs frō euilles from miseries and corruption of this world and rendereth for the same euerlastingnes Secondly it is certen sins that God is iuste and trewe that he will requite the wicked after theyr desertes Agayne if he make menne fortunate in this worlde that the same in dede apperteyneth to their destruction Where he is slowe to punish that is done through Gods long suffering but that God recompenseth this slownes with the weightines of the punisshement in case they be incurable Where as these thinges vndoubtedly are moste certayne what remayneth there but that we shoulde committe our selues and al ours to the Lord our God He knoweth the time and meane wherby to auenge his and to plague his enemies To him be glory for euermore Amen ¶ The sixte seale is opened and the corruptyng of the sincere doctrine is exhibited The .xxxiij. Sermon ANd I sawe when he had opened the sixte seale and beholde there was a greate earth quake And the Sunne was as blacke as a sacke cloth made of heere and the Moone waxed euen as bloud and the starres of Heauen fel vnto the earth euen as a figge tree casteth from her her figges when she is shaken of a mightie winde and Heauen vanished awaye as a scroll when it is rolled together The sixte seale opened of the lambe Corruptīg of the sound doctryne in the church openeth vnto vs generally and setteth forth to be sene of the eyes of all men the corruption of the doctrine in the church with this mourning terrible effecte of the same Nother is there any other thing sayed here in the sixt seale as also in the fiue fourmer seales than that which was prophecied before of the same our lord Iesus Christ in the .24 of Matth. that the Gospell should be preached through out the world and how there should come warres famines pestilences persecutions most greuouse and false prophetes whiche should disceaue men whom also they should drowne in moste greuouse sorrowes Neuerthelesse these thinges must religiousely be expounded For it is not to be thought Chryste is not author of the corrupt doctrine for that the lambe openeth the sixte seale and the Sonne by and by waxeth blacke that Christ is authour of the corrupte euill doctrine For Christ it is that soweth in the fielde good sede the hostile man soweth darnell As the Lord him self expoundeth it Matth. the .13 For Christe teacheth sownde doctrine by the Apostles and sincere preachers which whē it semeth vile to the world and can not please of his iuste iudgement he leaueth the contemners to their affections and as the Apostle S. Paull sayeth 2. Thess 2. he sendeth vpon them the efficacitie of illusion that they may beleue lies and so maye be iudged all whiche had rather beleue a lie than the veritie And the seducing through corrupte doctrine is a more hurteful euill than are the blouddy persecutions Yea and the seducers and false prophetes haue done more hurte to the churche than haue cruell tirauntes Finally men are more greuousely punished what time they are relinquisshed to be seduced of disceauers than when they are obiected to be torne in pecs of their murtherers Therfore is it a most greuouse plague of god and vtterly to be abhorred for the simple veritie dispised to be deliuered to liyng disceauers which after the demerites maye with reuerence be it spoken al to be shite and be pisse thee For where the gospell is purely preached vnto many these men saye I vnderstand not what these men teache vs out of the Gospell but this I can see that the olde haue all to be rayde vs and these newe bothe to be pisse and beshite vs. Therefore shalt thou haue teachers which shal perfourme to thee in dede the same that thou talkest Would God we waunted examples and did not see certen nations which haue here tofore had the free pure preaching of the gospel and now spoiled of al veritie to sigh vnder the pleasure and boldenes of most wicked disceauers whiche treade Gods worde vnder fote and condemne it for heresie and stoppe the mouthes of the wretched people ful of mans dunge This is the punishment of the veritie dispised The deprauatiō of the doctrine in the church And this place maye not be expounded of one certen age sins as yet things are rehearsed in general but of that whole time which reacheth from the age of the Apostles vnto the laste iudgement It conteineth therfore the corrupte doctrine of Valentine Marcion Manichaeus Arius Macedonius Nestorius Eutyches Donatus Pelagius Priscillians and finally of all Heretikes and the mingle mangle of Mahomet composed of the same and chiefly the sophistrie and moste corrupt doctrine of Antichrist and of his ministers But what time the lambe opened the sixte seale there was not hearde now as before the voyce of the Beastes Elders or Martirs but a terrible earthquake An earthquake An Earthquake in the Scriptures doeth signifie a wonderfull commotion of all thinges troubles tumultes and greate alterations And verely greater darkenes arriseth of nothing els than by alteryng of Godly religion and receyuyng of wicked doctrine For so arrise sectes seditions warres You maye see many examples hereof in the story of the auncient people whiche are redde to haue ben greuously shaken so ofte as they haue chaunged theyr religion and kynde of doctrine By this Earthequake therefore is signified that exceadynge great trouble shal arrise herof for that a new and a straunge kinde of doctrine should be brought into the world of men amisse incensed Authours of tumults troubles Here haue you that you maye aunswere vnto them whiche impute to the Gospell and to the Preachers thereof what so euer troubles seditions and commotions be at this daye in the worlde Helias hath ones made aunswere for vs whiche maye serue for all times the place is in the thirde boke of Kinges .18 Chapter I haue not troubled Israell but thou and thy fathers house whiche haste forsaken God c. Hereunto apperteyneth also the story of Ieremie in the .44 Chapter Where al the euilles that than vexed the wicked are imputed to the sinsere doctrine and to the Prophet Ieremie without cause Learne here morouer what to aunswer them whiche saye it is like that God hath permitted his Church so many yeres to lie and rotte in errours c. And the corrupte doctrine is described by partes euen from the toppe to the toe The sunne waxeth darke and the effecte also of the corrupte doctrine is annexed
And firste of all the sunne a planet most bright not only waxeth darke but blacke also And immediatly is added an Image or a parable 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 like an heery sacke which is wouen or made of heere 's or of bristels The sunne lighteth and geueth life to the worlde And thorowe Christ which is the life of the world we are illumined and quickened He casteth abroade from him the bright beames of the Euangelicall veritie And like as Christ is not darkened in him selfe so nother the veritie of the Gospell whiche of nature is with out pollution By reason of the blacke clowdes that ouer ride it the lighte of the Sunne waxeth black and is impeched and of the traditions of men and deprauing of the scripture arriseth darkenes and blackenes in matters of religion The Gospell of it selfe is bright and hole●ome Christ is lighte full redemption helth and life most perfit But when menne had rather seke of others doctrine life and saluation than of Christ and his holesome Gospell moste thicke and grosse darkenesse arrise in the mindes of those menne For there is establisshed an other doctrine rightuousenes intercession redemption saluation and life than that of Christ They that receyue that doctrine A sacke of heere seme to haue put on them a shirte of heere whiche pricketh burneth and vexeth continually For there is no reste quietnes securitie or spirituall pleasure and repaste of corrupte doctrine but only tediousenes Christ pure and sincerely receiued is to man a ioye vnspeakeable and a most bright and ioyefull light After is added that the whole moone not a parte only the moone is as bloud is become blouddy For an image is again annexed as bloud The moone receiueth light of the sunne is subiect to courses or chaunges whilest one while it increaseth an other while decreaseth and signifieth the church The church set vpon the rocke is not vnstable but by reason of the variable fortune is subiecte to moste diuerse chaunces For now the churche triumpheth streight wayes beyng oppressed she mourneth nowe she increaseth in nombre by and by she is diminished And the church is lighted of Christ But whilest the Sunne it selfe is darkened the moone can not chose but be most obscure Bloud Bloud in the scriptures betokeneth great wickednes chiefly Idolatry and false worshipping of God The Lord in the .17 of Leuit. sayeth that he will accompte straunge worshipping for bloud Therfore when faith and knowledge are darkened in Christes churche it can not be chosen but that bloud shal arrise in the vniuersal church that is to witte the corrupte worshipping of God which the Lorde estemeth as murther there must nedes innumerable sinnes and wickednes spring therof For the liuely doctrine of Christ beyng corrupted al thinges must of necessitie be most corrupte and swarme ful of superstitions and iniquities To these is added an other thinge whiche helpeth these thinges that are spoken starres fal from Heauen Starres fall from Heauen vnto the earth Daniel called starres preachers in the .12 chapt As also S. Peter .2 Peter .2 Therfore do the preachers of churches reuolte from the heauenly doctrine of Christ brought and reuealed from heauen and reducyng men to Heauen and keping them in heauenly conuersation And receyue earthly that is the doctrine of men By the which thing it commeth to passe that both the sunne is obscured and the moone is made blouddy Starres shine preachers should set forth to the whole world Christe the trewe light but this haue they neglected beynge addicte to their owne traditions To these is also added an Image The starres fel vpō the yearth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as the figge tree casteth of her figges beyng shaken of a vehemēt winde Here is signified the corruption of preachers and that a great numbre of them For the figge tree was made to bring forth swete fruictes so was the ministerie of the worde ordeined for the saluatiō of men Howbeit the figges did ripe Therfore they remayne grene or vntimely fruictes Wherby is signified that the preachers were not ripe in trewe knowledge of Christ and therfore to be shaken downe with euery winde of doctrine that bothe they haue admitted and set forth earthly things The plentie of false teachers is signified to come in that the vntimely figges fal downe in great plentie Of these thinges nowe followeth an other Heauē v●nisheth awaye and Heauen went awaie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as it were fled out of mens sight and vanisshed awaye Agayne is added an Image or a similitude 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 like a scrolle folden vp or rolled together Heauen in the Gospell signifieth many times the kingdome of God Therefore the kingdom windeth vp it selfe in earth and the church doeth as it were hide her selfe not that at the last there should be no church at al for the churche shal be alwayes vnto the worldes ende but for as much as in the ende of the world the church shal lie hidde neyther shal it be thought to be the trewe churche which is the trewe churche in dede The letters wordes are not wipte out of the boke but are not sene yea rather are hidde when it is rolled vp It is manifest at this daie what S. Iohn ment by this parable For al in a maner iudge that newe starte vp Romish church to be the trewe church which in very dede is not the church of Christ and the church which is the spouse of Christ is iudged to be heretical therfore is the church wrapped vp and as rolled together The Lord vnfolde preserue the same Amē ¶ The effecte of corrupte doctrine is expounded and that the Aungels let that the winde blowe not The .xxxiiij. Sermon ANd al mountaines and Iles were moued out of their places And the Kinges of the earth and the great men and the riche men and the chiefe Captaynes and the mightie men and euery bondeman and euery free man hidde themselues in dennes and in rockes of the hilles and sayed to the hilles and rockes fal vpon vs and hide vs from the presence of him that sitteth on the seate and frō the wrath of the lambe for the great daie of his wrath is come And who can indure it Chapt. 7. And after this sawe I .iiii. Aungels stand on the foure corners of the earth holding the foure windes of the Earth that the windes should not blowe on the earth nother on the See nor on any tree Hilles and Iles are moued out of their place Now followeth the effect of the corrupte doctrine in men And hilles and Ilondes are moued out of their place wherin is also a respecte had to the earthquake as though by the earthquake thei were remoued from their place And mountains and Iles do betoken realmes nations and people so stedfast in faith that as moūtaines and Iles be immouable are not shaken with the stormes of the Sea so these might seme to
spake the Lord in the gospel when they shall saye sayeth he Christ is in the wildernes goe not forth c. And I doubte not but that some simple also at this day for this intent take vpon thē the monastical life but they shall finde also the same that S. Iohn here sayed they should proue and trie by experience Furthermore this place might seme that it should be expounded of the tokens which go before the last iudgement The place is to be expoūded of the laste iudgemēt and of the terrour of the wicked of whom the Lord preached in maner to the same effect in the .21 of Luke But of the laste iudgement shal be spoken more at large and in his place in the .11 and .19 Chapter of this boke and els where And as I do not discōmende that same exposition so seme there nowe to me the generall destenies of the church to be here set together in the which where the corrupte doctrine occupieth not the last place there should nothing be spoken herof in general wherof many thinges in particular shal be spoken in the 8. chapter and others followyng vnlesse this present place should after the same sorte be expounded as it is Furthermore those thinges that followe shall better be ioyned together which shall haue no place in the laste iudgement as the thing it selfe wil proue And the thinges that follow in the 7. Chapt. apperteyne to the exposition of the sixte seale or vnto the treatise thereof And three thinges chiefly it reciteth howe the Aungelles let the windes that they shoulde not blowe an innumerable company to be sealed in the middes of the corrupt doctrine which shuld not perish And what the state of them is which are departed out of this world eyther by martirdom or els beyng either vndefiled with the corruption so ful of enormitie or deliuered pourged from the same which are annexed because of cōsolation For this boke of Apocalipse is wōderful Euangelical most ful not only of prophecies but also of admonitions exhortations and most cōfortable consolations What winde is in the Scriptures First is to be expounded that whiche is spoken of the restreinte of the windes by the Aungels that they should not blowe Winde as also leauē in the scriptures is vsed both in good and euil parte For winde is called vaine and false doctrine and an hope conceyued of erroneouse doctrine As in Osee the .12 and the .5 and .22 of Ieremie So is leauen called the Pharisaicall doctrine and hipocrisie springyng thereof S. Paul in the .4 to the Ephes forbiddeth that we be not caried about with euery winde of doctrine And the holy ghost is shaddowed by winde in the .3 chapt of S. Iohn And in the 2. chapt of the Actes Winde is subtile it pearseth is felte and is not sene greate is the force thereof it doeth refrigerate it drieth gathereth clowdes whiche rayne and make the earth fertile Full rightly therfore by winde is signified the spirite of God and the sounde doctrine whiche is of the spirite of God Therfore is it one winde the spirit of God whiche inspireth and there be foure windes that is to witte many by the corners of Heauen and partes of the earth that is to wit preachers dispersed through out the whole world Therfore the doctrine of the Gospell inspired from all partes of the world bloweth or is preached so that ther be many windes yet all procedyng of one For there is one and the same spirite whiche speaketh by the ministers and geueth them sundry graces .1 Corinth 12. Briefly by the blaste of windes we vnderstand the free preachyng taken out of the holy Scriptures The preachyng of gods word is prohibited Secondely we muste knowe that there be both good and euil Aungels in the Scriptures Aungels as appered before are called ministers And there be good and euill ministers the good inspired of God and the good Aungell and the euil of the euil Aungell And the enemie of the trueth stireth vp men in al places of the world in the Courtes of Kinges in the places of Iudgement in Scholes in Colledges in Cities Townes and Villages whiche may let the free course of Gods worde Therefore the proclamations of Kinges and Bisshoppes flye to and froe are proclamed and set vp prohibiting the readyng of the Bible the preaching of the Gospell c. And to the intent to haue some pretence of their euill doyng they forge that the Bible is corrupte in a thousande places that heresie is learned and taught out of the same Therefore also they prohibite and condemne the Bible and the bokes of the Gospell of the vnworthines of the whiche thing it can not worthely enough be spokē before the church They do the same that in times paste Antiochus Epiphanes Dioclesian and other men of the same sorte are red to haue done The expositours of the Bible in times paste deserued excedyng great prayse nother was there any faythfull that sayed the holy boke to be corrupted for that al translations agreed not emonges themselues We liue therefore at this daye in a time most corrupt and most vnthankefull And the restrainte of reading holy Scripture is the foundation of the corrupte doctrine and of intanglyng the conscience and of dispayre that followeth on the same And by the Earth he vnderstandeth men dwellyng in Earth by the Sea and Iles men of Ilandes and that dwell on the Sea by trees men shadowed euery where in the Scripture by trees For vnlesse the windes blowe the trees florishe not neyther the earth waxeth grene The Prophet sayeth sende forth thy spirite and they shal be created and thou shalt renewe the face of the earth And excepte the worde of God be preached the mindes of men waxe not grene nother are the fruictes of good workes brought forth of men And therfore the Aungelles prohibiting winde are sayed to hurt as in dede there is nothing more pestilent nor perniciouse than the suppressing of the free preachyng of Gods worde The Lorde by his spirite renewe all partes of the worlde Amen ¶ The faithful are sealed to saluatiō which they obteyne by the grace of God in Christ Iesu The .xxxv. Sermon ANd I sawe an other Aungell ascēde from the rising of the sonne which had the seale of the liuing God and he cried with a lowde voyce to the foure Aungelles to whome power was geuen to hurte the earth and the See saying hurte not the earth nother the See nother the trees till we haue sealed the Seruauntes of our God in their forheades And I hearde the numbre of them which were sealed and there were sealed an C. and .xliiii. thousand of al the tribes of the Childrē of Israell Of the tribe of Iuda were sealed .xii. M. of the tribe of Ruben were sealed .xii. M. of the tribe of Gad were sealed xii M. of the tribe of Asser were sealed .xii. M. of the tribe of Neptali were sealed .xii. M.
Of the tribe of Manasses were sealed .xii. M. of the tribe of Simeon were sealed .xii. M. of the tribe of Leui were sealed .xii. M. of the tribe of Isachar were sealed .xii. M. Of the tribe of Zabulon were sealed .xii. M. of the tribe of Ioseph were sealed .xii. M. of the tribe of Beniamin were sealed .xii. M. After this I behelde and lo a great multitude whiche no man coulde numbre of all nations and people and tunges stode before the seate and before the Lambe clothed with lōg white garmentes and Palmes in theyr handes and cried with a lowde voice saying Saluatiō be ascribed to him that sitteth vpon the seate of our God and vnto the lambe And al the Aungels stode in the compasse of the seate and of the elders and of the foure beastes and fel doune before the seate on their faces and worshipped God saying Amē Blessing and glory wisedome and thankes and honour and power and might be vnto our God for euer more Amen We haue hearde bretherne the sixte seale beyng opened A pestilent matter shadowed by fearfull parables that the Sunne was made blacke the Moone blouddy the Starres to haue fallen from Heauen to the Earth and the reste that we haue rehersed by all the whiche was signified the corruption of doctrine A sorrowful and a feareful matter was shaddowed with moste sorrowful and most terrible parables We hearde how there followed in the worlde a most great tourmoile of thinges and with many a most greuouse dispaire and that the windes also were restreyned that they should not blowe But we haue experienced howe greate a griefe it is yea and distruction also to waunte the ayre or winde in so much that with out breathing and cooling men muste nedes wither and be quesomed and choked vp But with so great an euil are thei vexed which are destitute of the preachyng of Gods worde Some man here might saye Whether the whole worlde do peryshe in errours than the whole worlde perissheth in heresies in the Alcorane in Papistrie and other corruptions In what case thinke you than are our forefathers do you thinke they be al damned S. Iohn preuenteth these thinges and with a vision al together Euangelicall that is to wit with a cōsolation moste profitable sheweth that God hath an innumerable multitude of them whiche euen in the middes of those antichristian times or difficulties are made safe and that of the mere grace of God through the intercession of Iesu Christ of whom alone is saluation that is to saye whom alone they that are saued may thanke for their saluatiō We haue at this present what to aunswere to menne of a contrary faction alwayes obiectyng An argument of the example saluation of our elders eyther our Elders are damned altogether it were wicked to condemne all they be saued therefore But they haue not hearde of that our newe doctrine but kepte the olde in the olde therfore shall we also be saued To this we make aunswer that our elders were saued we graūt gladly beleue it also but we adde of the free grace of God as we shal by by more playnly vnderstāde and not by popish superstitiō neyther therfore shalt thou by the same be saued but thou muste also be saued by Christ if thou wilt be saued But rather seyng at this daye through the singular goodnes of God the gospel is preached and is preached euen to thee to the whiche thou shewest thy selfe a rebell thou declarest thy self to be none of the nūbre of gods children Ia. 8.15 which heare the worde of God with ioye and kepe it Neyther shalte thou haue any cloke or pretense wherwith to excuse thy sinne Yf thy forefathers had had the like oportunitie which thou neglectest good God what a space wold they haue runne afore thee Therfore thou both willing and witting speakest against God wilfully throwest thy selfe into distruction Dye therfore through thine owne faulte By the grace of god many ar saued at al times in the most corrupt religion Neither doeth this place only testifie very many to be saued by the grace of God from corruption in the true faith euen than what time in mans iudgement there appere none or very fewe to be faithfull and euen very fewe or none to be saued by reason of the exceading great corruption of euery time We haue also hearde and red in the .3 boke of kinges the .19 chapt that Helias complayning most greuously of the scarsetie of the faithfull vnderstode that God had reserued yet seuē thousand men which had not boughed theyr knees before Baal The lord therefore hath euermore his chosen whiche in the middes of destruction and perdition by grace through Christ are saued Chryste is authour of saluation And the Authour of this saluation and preseruatiō is first declared to be an Aungell ascendyng from the risyng of the sunne to witte the Lord Christ that sunne of rightuousenes rising vp in those most thicke antichristian darknes to those that seke God and lighting them the darkenes driuē away For Christ is the trewe light of al times lighting al so many as be illumined He geueth his people also preachers whiche by the worde maye defende Gods people that they be not distroyed with that comon distruction Of the Seal of the lyuing God For it is diligently expressed that this Aungel had a seale that not a seale only but the seale of God euen of the liuing God For Christ which is the Image of God vnsene that is to say the printe or expresse Image of his substaunce in whom we know as he him self sayeth vnto Philip the father hath a seale which is an instrument wherwith we seale such thinges as we wil haue sealed saued confirmed discerned from that which is counterfet kept safe against disceipte But the Lorde hath no suche seale as we haue in this world but so by a figure is called the spirit of god with whom he inspireth his faithful by whō he geueth also a liuely faith by the word of the liuing eternal God This seale therfore is the seale of the liuing God the spirite of life and liuely faith Ephesi 1 herof thapostle S. Paul speaking we also trust in Christ after the word of trueth hearde the gospell of your saluatiō wherin after ye beleued ye were sealed with the holy spirit of promesse c. These thinges are not diuided For faith is not without the worde nor both these without the holy ghost in the faithful For Christ worketh with mē by a lawfull ministerie by mē inspiring certen that maye teach admonish men vnto whō he geueth his faith spirit sealing theyr mindes Christ therfore doeth prohibite the ministers of Sathan that they in restraining letting the free preaching of Gods worde should not procede to hurte men before the mindes of the chosen be sealed that is to say teacheth how soeuer the veritie
corrupte doctrine of heresies or sectes and troubles euer sins the time of S. Iohn vnto the last iudgemēt It is extended through out the . chapt A consolation euen euāgelical Neuerthelesse before the trompettes come forth for a consolation as it were by a little digression is placed a remedy which the faithful in al ages may vse in that pestiferouse corruption to kepe safe their soules the integritie of the same For many times in this boke are broughte in moste strong consolatiōs in maters of most difficultie For al the .10 chap. shall serue also to this Argument And the remedy that he sheweth is this that we muste flee vnto Christe redemer of of mankynde intercessour propiciatour And that we shall be safe vnder his defence that we muste offer vp to him our prayers continually And verely the Lord in the Gospel reasoninge of the greatest daungers of the Deuill prepared for the company of Apostles and beyng at hand Yet addeth he by and by that whiche mighte comforte their sorrowfull mindes I haue prayed for thee Peter that thy fayth should not faile c. Beholde we are saued in greatest distresse thorow Christes protection that we should not fainte in fayth Howbeit as euery where the Euangelicall and Apostolicall letters do intimate our continual prayers which we offer to God through Christ must be ioyned to our truste in Christ And in fewe wordes the intercession of Christ at the righte hande of God and effecte and maner of the prayer of the faithfull are here set forth to beholde But we shal declare euery thing in order He spake in general vnder the .vi. seale of corrupt doctrine in the seuenth he wil declare the same particularly and most aboūdantly And whileste the seuenth seale was opened there was silence in heauen almost halfe an howre Of this silēce the expositours write diuersely But as I thinke the hearers are excited by this silence to a diligent and attentiue hearyng For silence hath an admiration and an expectation of matters moste weightie Salomon sayeth in the .9 of Ecclesiast the wordes of wise menne are hearde in silence When weightie matters should be proclaymed and set forth the crier is woonte to proclayme silence And in dede they be matters of great importaunce that followe which vnlesse we obserue with great attentiuenes we shal perish in sectes and seductions Those spirituall wickednesses be more daungerouse than corporall perilles And nowe whilest in silence they loke for with an admiraration what should come the last seale beyng opened behold there appere seuen Aungelles trompetters of these we shall speake afterwarde Nowe is placed set forth a remedy to be taken in so great euils as I sayed The whiche A remedie agaynst all kinde of sectes trōperies and troubles to the intent it might be more liuely and maye be printed more depely in our brestes is set forth to be sene with a moste godly vision Before the seate and in the compasse almoste of the seate appereth a golden Aultar And there came an Aungell and standeth at this Aultar the same hath in his hande a golden censer into this the Sainctes put their offeringes He offereth thē before the seate and the smoke of the odoures ascendeth vp from the hande of the Aungel before God Christe is the golden Aultar We sayed in an other place that the golden Aultar of incense was the Lord Christ him selfe whiche is bothe Aultar and sacrifice and priest as S. Paule witnesseth to the Hebre. The same is called an Aungell to witte the same of whome both Esaye maket mention in the .9 Malach. 3. Chapt. and also Malachie saying beholde I sende mine Aungel which shal prepare the waye before me and sodenly the Lorde shall come vnto his temple whom you seke for and the Aungel of the couenaūt whō you desire beholde he cometh saieth the lord of hostes The fourmer Aungell that is to saye messenger or Ambassadour was Iohn Baptiste whiche prepared the waye for the Lord. Marke 1. He to witte the later Aungel came immediately after the preachyng of Iohn and made complete that euerlasting couenaunt The same nowe appereth on the right hande of God in Heauen what christ doeth at the righthand of the father And two thinges of him are vttered Firste that he stode before or in or vpon the Aultar We may here Imagine nothing corporally but we must thincke that by this maner of speakyng is signified the priesthood of Christ He appereth alwayes in the sighte of his father for vs As S. Paull hath taught the .8 to the Romains and .9 Chapter to the Hebrewes He pleadeth therfore the cause of his church before God and is aduocate for the faithfull The same morouer standeth before the Aultar the same standeth in the middes of the seate For he is coequall with the father after his deitie after the which he standeth in the seate and after his humanitie is of the same substaunce with vs according to the which dispensation he is red as Bishop and very man to stande before the Aultar The latter which is to be obserued is this that christ holdeth in his hande a golden censer For he hath taken our very nature without sinne that he might make intercession for vs and offer vp our prayers to God the father Christ offeceth vp our prayers And leeste any man should doubte that he receyueth our prayers and offereth them to God finally that the true office of the Church might also appere offeryng vp al thinges by Christe there is added to him are geuen many odours But to what ende that he might geue them vpō the golden Aultar and that before the seate as though you should saye that he might bring them into the sight of God And because of a further declaration leeste we should not know the trewe odours whiche please God and whiche the faithful offer vnto God through Christ The trewe odoures be the praiers of saintes ones or twise he addeth that those odoures be the prayers of Sainctes And he meaneth by Sainctes not those that dwel in heauen but vs in the earth which are sanctified with the spirit of our God with the bloud of Christ baptisme faith and worde Iohn .13 Philip. 4. And the prayers be inuocatiōs and geuyng of thankes And he saieth expressely of al Sainctes leest any should feare that he and his prayers offered by Christ were excluded Yf thou beleue thou arte holy and thy prayer is of God accepted What the prayers of Sainctes be it appereth in the Lordes prayer which we offer vp to the father in the name words of Christ hallowed be thy name thy kyngedome come and the residewe which all fight with those sectes and corruptiōs of trewe doctrine Ireneus alledgeth this place in the .31 and .32 chapt of the .4 booke And by this meane he calleth Eucharistia whiche is geuing of thankes the sacrifice of Christians For the mainteyners of papistrie do
corrupte that place and vtter it so as though it mente that the prieste should sacrifice the real body of Christ for the quicke and the dead But the holy Bisshop of Lions knew this filthie errour Away with them and their sophistrie whither they are worthie I haue spoke also befor something of the same matter And that it might clerely appere vnto all menne the smoke of the odours ascendeth that the prayers of the faythfull offered to God through Christ are pleasaunt and acceptable ther is added and the smoke of the odoures ascendeth that is to saie the prayers of the faithful were of God accepted Therfore let vs offer dilligently our prayers vnto God through Christ For he heareth vs and deliuereth vs from euill And the scripture many times calleth our prayers an acceptable sacrifice to God The pla●es are in Osee 14. in the .50 Psalme And in many other places In the .141 the prophet sayeth Let my prayer be directed as incense in thy sight the lifting vp of my handes an euenyng sacrifice Primasius expoundyng this place sayed how Christ is sayed to haue taken of the prayers of Sainctes For bycause through him the praiers of al maye come swetely vnto God Hebrew 13 Herof the Apostle by him we offer vp alwayes a sacrifice of prayse vnto God that is to saye the fruicte of lippes confessyng his name Agaynste praiyng of Sainctes Herby is cōfuted the opinion of them which suppose that the Sainctes in heauen be the intercessours of the faithfull which should cōmende their prayers vnto God make the waye open to God For what nede haue they to procure to thēselues other intercessours or aduocates what lacke finde they in Christ or whom maie they preferre or compare with Christ what shal we say that euē at this present the odours are offered vp by the hande of the Aungel The celestial sainctes were present with the Lorde and were sene aboute the seate but which of them taking the censer and gathering the prayers of the faithfull offered them vnto God It tourned Ozias or Asarias the king to displeasure that he toke in hand the censer minding to sacrifice and to execute the priestes office the same would be worse for the heauēly dwellers naye they should not remayne in Heauen in case they toke vpon them the office of the only Bisshoppe c. He filleth the censer with fire sendeth it into the Earth After this we haue heard that Christ filled the censer with fire taken from the Aultar and sent it downe into the Earth By the whiche narration he retourneth agayne to finish the exposition of the trompettes This fire is the grace of the holy ghoste That is put into the censer is taken of the Aultar is sent doune into Earth For Christe toke the fulnes of the spirite as S. Iohn sheweth in the ● and .3 chapt Christ is Aultar and censer Of the Aultar here is takē fire For the holy ghoste is the spirite of the Father and of the Sonne Whom sayeth he I will sende you from my father Him he sente into earth vnder the shape of firie tounges he sendeth him also at this daye into the hartes of the faithfull that he maye inflame them This is the same fire which the Lord in the gospell of Luke sayeth Luke .12 that he will sende into the Earth and would that it should burne Moreouer the effecte of this fire followeth immediately For there were made thonderinges and voices and lightninges and Earthquake By the voices of the Gospell the woundes of sinners are healed and the hartes of men lighted by the illumination of the holy spirite c. Of the whiche thinges we haue spoken also in the .4 chapt and .24 Sermō Of the preaching of the Gospell as Haggeus also prophecied it should come to passe insewed a wonderfull commotion of all nations c Sathan also was stired whiche reysed vp his ministers through out the worlde agaynst holesome preachyng of the Gospell For there sprange vp sectes whome the mayneteyners of the veritie resisted fightynge with them Whereof nowe he wil reason at large The Lord geue grace that these thinges maye bothe be spoken and hearde with much fruicte ¶ Of the seuen Aungelles trompetters and of the trompettes and of the first .ii. and .iii. trompet The .xxxviij. Sermon ANd the seuen Aungels which had the seuen trompettes prepared themselues to blowe The firste Aungell blewe And there was made hayle and fire which were mingled with bloud and they were caste into the Earth and the thirde parte of trees was burnt and all grene grasse was brēt And the second Aungell blewe and as it were a great Mountaine burnyng with fire was caste into the See the third part of the See tourned to bloud and the third parte of creatures whiche had life died and the thirde parte of Shippes were distroyed And the thirde Aungell blewe and there fell a great starre from Heauen burnyng as it were a cresset and it felle into the thirde parte of the Riuers and into the fountaines of waters and the name of the starre is called Worme wood and the thirde parte of the waters was tourned to Worm wood And many menne died of the waters because they were made bitter Our lord Iesus Christ hath kindeled in earth a bright and holesome fire which the Apostles and men Apostolical haue euery foote more and more inflamed But contrary wise sathan seketh to quenche this holesome fire not only to corrupte and depraue this doctrine of saluation but also to abolish it and ouerwhelme it with lies The meaner and maner herof is at this present described and euen paynted out gallauntly to none other ende but that the faithful beyng warned and fully taught might be wel ware of that pestilent infection For the scope or ende of this boke is to preserue the church safe and sounde from corruptions or at leest to repare the same beyng corrupted The seuen Aungelles stande in the sighte of God S. Iohn therefore sawe seuen Aungels stande in the sight of God To stande signifieth to minister and compriseth the faith and diligence of Ministers Seruauntes stande before kinges ready to do seruice and to execute al theyr commaūdementes We reade in the .1 chapter of Iob. The sonnes of God came and stoode before the Lord and Sathan came also into the middes of them The blessed Aungelles are called the children or sonnes of God They come to doe seruice before God Sathan preaseth in emongs them forasmuch as he is also the minister of God for the executiō of those things whiche apperteyne to the wrath and indignation of God agaynst the wicked Al elementes be Gods ministers and finally al the creatures of god For he is the lord of Sabaoth the God of hostes whiche for the saluation and iudgement of men vseth wel and rightly all his creatures euery one accordyng to his nature and disposition For he vseth the ministerie of Aungels
are signified by trees Trees appereth by the .9 chapt where it is sayed they had cōmaundement that they shuld not hurte the grasse of the earth nother any tree sauing only men whiche are not c. After he had sayed saue only those trees which were not marked but he had rather saye men that he might as it were with this keye vnlocke the misterie Nother is it rare to shadowe men in the scriptures by trees floures and grasse as we maye gather of the .1 Psalme the. 40. of Esaye and the .12 chapt of S. Matthew But that latter poincte that al grene grasse was brent muste be fauourably expounded For who can beleue that al men were distroyed by those first heresies we vnderstād therfore that the mindes of the faithful were diuersely afflicted and tourmoyled with those errours and troubles but yet as the Golde tried in the fixe not to be vtterly consumed The secōd trompet The second Aungel soundeth the trompet signifiyng that newe warres are nowe a brewyng and therfore exhorteth that al the godly would defende themselues with weapons And there is cast into the Sea not a Mountaine but as it were a Mountaine burning with fire The sea beareth a figure of the world A burning moūtaine than the which there is nothing more vnstable It is a thing most frequented in the prophetes to call this our world wherin we liue a sea By mountaines are signified kingdomes witnesse Esaye in the .2 chapt Daniel the 2. And Zacharie in the .4 chapt And Christ him selfe in the .7 of Matth. By remouing of hilles or mountaines signifieth any harde thinge and by the opinion of many impossible Nowe therfore springeth vp an heresie and a doctrine in the church as it were a burnyng Mountaine as the which was in dede most furnished and as it semed inuincible We reade that such was the heresie of the Valentinians Valentinians whose secte the holy martir Ireneus teached to be diuided into many Suche was the fury of the Manicheis Manicheis and Montanistes Montanistes They semed to many to burne with the spirite of God and to be whole nothinge els but the spirite and all their oracles to be of the holy ghoste Manichaeus called him selfe the Apostle of Iesu Christ The Montanistes bragged of a newe holy ghost Ther was moste greate plenty of this darnell throughout the vniuersall church Nother was the successe therof small For the thirde parte of the Sea was made bloud The Apostle signifieth the wickednes of sectes For howe vile and impudent were the heretikes called Gnostici the valentinians and Manicheis Ireneus S. Austen and Epiphanius doe testifie And a great part of the creatures in the Sea perisshed And he speaketh of such as haue soules not of fishes in dede but menne Many shippes moreouer were lost to witte Mariners and Ilonde men beyng corrupte with these heresies That time those heresies sprange vp in dede of those Authours which I named but as yet thei be not vtterly extinct corrupte men buddyng vp in a maner at euery time and renewyng the olde errour Wherupō a bitter strife remayneth yet at this daye in the church and we are dayly admonished that we should beware of those corruptions The thirde Aungell bloweth his trompet proclaymyng new warres The third trompet and behold a great Starre fell doune from heauen burning like a cresset and infecteth the thirde parte of riuers and fountaines of waters A burning cresset that starre is called wormwood I tolde you in the .1 Chapter that Starres are called Preachers Bisshoppes and notable men in the churche It signifieth therefore that some notable man should fall awaye from the trewe faith into heresie wherwith he should infecte a great parte of the world in corrupting the Scriptures and sounde doctrine of fayth And these thinges seme to be fulfilled in Paulus Samosatenus Paul Samosatenus and Arrius Arrius This creshet burned horribly and inflamed the whole worlde without recouerie That pestilence denied the deitie of Christe and made the whole Gospel to vs moste bitter For if Christe be not very God how is he a Sauiour King Bishop intercessour mediatour and saluation of the faithful He quenched the light that denied the deitie of Christ Therefore is he called by the name of wormwood The prophet Ieremie vsed the selfe same allegorie or metaphore or allusion in the .9 and .23 chapt And Amos in the .6 where he sayeth that the Iudges haue tourned iudgement into Wormwood The Scripture and doctrine whiche is trimly figured by riuers and fountaines corrupted of the Arrians was to many the occasion of death The Scripture and doctrine of the Gospel is of it selfe mortal to no man but rather liuely to al● corruption maketh it deadly Poyson put in wine maketh the wine deadly the wine of it self killeth no man but rather gladdeth and reioseth al men Reade the Ecclesiastical stories of Eusebius Theodoretus Sozomenus Socrates and others and ye shal perceyue howe aptely S. Iohn hath written all these thinges and how rightly they are al fulfilled No smal parte of that bitternes hath flowed vnto our time whilest that old errour is often times by the instigatiō of the deuil renewed For what that vncleane beaste Michell Seruetus Michell Serueto a spaniarde vomited against the Sonne of God for his impenitent wickednes and continuall plasphemie burnte at Geneua the world knoweth We muste praye therfore to the Lorde that in suche daungerouse conflictes he would kepe vs safe and sounde Amen ¶ The fourth and fifte trompet is expounded of the opening of the botomlesse pitte and of grasse hoppers creping out into the Earth The .xxxix. Sermon ANd the fourth Aungel blewe and the third parte of the sunne was smitten and the thirde parte of the Moone and the thirde parte of starres so that the third parte of thē was darkened And the daye was smitten that the third part of it should not shine and likewise the night And I behelde and hearde an Aungell fliyng thorow the middes of Heauen and saiyng with a lowde voyce wo wo wo to the inhabiters of the Earth because of the voyces to come of the trompe of the thre Aūgels which were yet to blowe The .9 chapter And the fifte Aungel blewe and I sawe a starre fall from Heauen vnto the Earthe And to him was geuē the keye of the botomlesse pitte And he opened the botomles pitte and there arrose a smoke of the pitte as it were the smoke of a greate fornace And the Sunne and the ayre were darkened by the reason of the smoke of the pitte And there came out of the smoke locustes vpō the earth and vnto thē was geuen power as the Scorpions of the Earth haue power And it was sayed vnto them that they should not hurte the grasse of the Earth nother any grene thing nother any tree but only those menne which haue not the seale in theyr forheades and to
them was commaunded that they should not kill them but that they should be vexed fiue monethes and their payne was as the payne that commeth of a Scorpion when he hath stonge a manne And in those dayes shal men seke death and shal not finde it and shall desire to die and death shall flie from them The fourth trompet declareth an hurtful and a long strife The .iiii. trompe whiche arrose in the churche of the doctrine of Pelagius This Pelagius taught that the sinne of Adam hurte him alone and not mankinde and therefore that in the same all men die not That man hath free will so that he maye doe good Nother that he shoulde be free if he nede the helpe of God Which if he hath it he maye the more easely do good The doctrine of pelagius yf he haue it not that he maye yet neuerthelesse worke it by his owne vertue and maye deserue euerlasting life Therefore that our victory is not of the helpe of God but of free will and that remission is not geuen to the penitentes after the grace and mercy of God but after the deserte and workynge of them whiche through repentaunce are worthye of Godes mercy and the residewe whiche Saincte Austen reherseth in the hondreth and sixte Epistle to Boniface that Pelagius had renounced whiche neuerthelesse in an other place he sheweth that the same had taught and retourned to his vomite As in the register of heresie the .88 heresie The same against two epistles of the Pelagiās in the .2 boke 2 chapter to Boniface The Manicheis sayeth he denie that a good man had the beginnyng of euill of free will Whileste fooles eschewe one vice they runne into an other The Pelagians saye also that an euill man hath free will sufficiently to fulfil a good precept The catholicke doctrine reproueth both these and to them sayeth God made man right c. And to these sayeth yf the sonne hath made you free you ate verely free And in the .9 chapt the same Authour Where we saye that the wil of man vnto euil is free to do good that it muste be made free by the grace of God it maketh against the Pelagians And where we saye that the euill whiche was not before is comen of him it is agaynst the Manicheis Moreouer in the .8 chapt Pelagius sayeth that the thing which good is maye soner be accomplisshed if grace helpe therto By the whiche addition that is in adding more easely he signifieth verely that he thinketh thus that although the help of grace waūt he can yet albeit more hardely perfourme that which is good by free will Agayne the same in the .47 Epistle to Valent. Who falle into the errour of the Pelagiās That man saieth he falleth into the errour of the Pelagians whiche supposeth the grace of God to be geuen for any deserte of man whiche grace alone maketh manne free through Iesus Christe our Lorde But agayne he that thinketh when the Lord shal come vnto iudgement that man is not iudged after his workes which might now by reason of his age vse the free choyse of will is neuerthelesse in errour He sayeth in a maner the same thing in the .2 booke the .18 chapt of the merites and remission of sinnes The third part of the sunne of the Moone the starres smitten With this doctrine of Pelagius was stricken that is to saye darkened for so S. Iohn him selfe a little after expoundeth him selfe saying in so much that the third parte of them was obscured c. the thirde parte of the sunne to witte of Christ which is the trewe sunne of rightuousenes For the Pelagians doctrine denied the grace of Christ with mans merite trode vnderfote the merite of Christ Whereby also the thirde parte that is to witte a great parte of the Moone namely the church is red to be smitten and darkened moreouer the thirde parte of starres I meane preachers and ministers wounded hath not taught with such light as became them For stories witnesse that this heresie hath sore infected diuerse partes of the worlde that euen Bisshoppes and learned menne haue followed this noysome errour At Palestine in the Easte was assembled a Sinode of Bisshoppes which droue Pelagius to recant They disputed also at Rome sharpely against the Pelagian doctrine and Counsels were assembled which condemned the same Ther were Sinodes assembled in Affrica and after much reasoning sentence was pronounced against Pelagius For many were dayly taken with this infection For the doctrine is pleasaunt whiche waunteth not euen at this daie his mainteyners and defenders For it semeth godly and for the study of vertue nedeful to affirme free wil and mans merite agayne it appereth to be licentiouse to attribute al thing to Gods grace He addeth Nother daye nor night shone with the third parte therof that nother the daie shone with the thirde parte thereof nother yet the night with his thirde parte For like as grace coulde not be fully perceiued by the doctrine of Pelagius no more coulde sinne And S. Austen in the .2 boke of originall sinne .23.24 chapt sayeth that the Christiane fayth consisteth properly in the cause of two men For by the one we were solde vnder sinne by the other redemed from sinne by the one throwē headlong into death but by the other deliuered vnto life c. And whilest al these thinges are spoken they are spoken to this ende that we might beware of those Heresies And hitherto haue we spoken of the foure trompes and greatest conflictes in the churche there remayne three trompettes which haue now a little preface set before them wherby the mindes of the hearers might be excited And S. Iohn sayeth howe he sawe an Aungell flying thorowe the middes of heauen and hearde him criyng wo wo Wo to the inhabiters of the earth wo to the inhabiters of the Earth and that for those thinges which should chaunce vnto men than when the other three trompettes should be blowen Therfore vnto euery trompet is Ioyned an wo. Whiche we expresse very well in dutche by owe owe owe. For the Grekes saye and S. Iohn wrote in Greke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And it signifieth verely that the times of the fourmer conflictes were sharpe but yet that suche as follow shal be a great deale sharper and crueller For I tolde you in an other place that this vocable wo compriseth the euilles bothe of this life present and also of the life to come aswell of body as of soule Therfore shall the times of Papistrie Mahometrie and of the last iudgement be most daingerouse Som read an Egle for an Angell The complutensian copie hath an Egle where we reade an Aungell fliyng thorow the middes of heauē perauenture because he founde it so in Aretas Yea and the cōmon translation commonly called S. Hieromes hath an Egle for an Aūgell And therfore Primasius readeth it so likewise which semeth to haue followed
the olde translation in all thinges But the Egle is swifte and of moste sharpe sight signifiyng the almightie knowledge of God and expedition vnspeakeable in doyng of thinges The fifte trompe The fifte trompet comprehendeth a moste cruell battell whiche the Pope stired vp in admitting errours into the world yea rather bringyng in settyng forth and defendyng them by his vngratiouse Locustes that eate vp all thinges He lasteth to the worldes ende Of whome he will agayne discourse more plentifully and more properly in the .13 and 14. chapter c. A starre falleth from heauē into the Earth The Original of this euil is referred to the fal of a starre For a starre hath fallen from Heauen to the earth Starres as I shewed you in the beginnyng of this boke aboute the ende of the .1 chapt represente vnto vs the state of Ministers or Bisshoppes For as the starres shine in Heauen so Bisshoppes illumined with heauenly light ought to shine in the church aswell in doctrine as honeste lyfe And hitherto they stande in Heauen so long as they doe theyr duetie they fall to the Earth what time forgetting the heauenly conuersation and doctrine they thinke vpon earthly things speake and followe honoures pleasures and such like corruptions A little after will he cal him an Aungell whome now he calleth a starre Of the churche of Rome The Churche of Rome was notable and pure cōmended also ones by the prayse of the Apostle The same had Bisshoppes that is to saye ministers of the church vnto the emperour Constantine about .32 for the most part very well learned moste holy yet men and moste gloriouse martirs of Christ Againe from the emperour Constantine vnto Gregory the great are accompted Bisshoppes or pastours of the church of Rome about .32 emonges whom there were not a few diligēt enough learned and godly but yet emōges these were founde also whiche blinded with the euill of Ambition began more to incline to seke honours and gloriouse titles than the doctrine of Christ concernyng humilitie and simplicitie and the example of Christ and apostles hath permitted Christ fled when the people would haue chosen and made him king He sayed that kinges should reigne that Apostles and their successours should serue If kings therfore had offered them realmes and riches they should not haue receyued them What certen Bishoppes of Rome practised with the churches of Affricke and how they would haue ruled ouer them the stories doe plainely declare Notwithstanding there were founde emonges the latter Bishops as Pelagius and Gregory surnamed great which greuousely accused the Bishops of Constātinople for that thei went about to establish the church of Constantinople as chiefe of al others in the world and the Bishop thereof vniuersall Nother was Gregory asshamed to saye expressely that he is the vauntcurrour of Antichrist who so euer would couet the name or title of the vniuersal bishop But Boniface the .3 of that name moued nothing herwith required and obteyned of themperour Phocas no long time after the death of Gregory that the church of Rome might be called and taken for the chiefe and head of al churches Bishops of Rome a starte fallē frō heauen Wherby the Bishopes of Rome plucked out of heauen and caste to the earth vtterly began to cleaue vnto earthly thinges to care for earthly thinges yea euen to aspire to the empire and chiefe rule and gouernement Here haue you what starre fell from heauen to the Earth And to this starre he calleth him afterward the Aungel of the botomlesse pitte or Bishop I name one I vnderstande all of that state and succession in that seate was geuen the keye of the botomlesse pitte A keye is geuen to the starre or Aungel Christe verely kepeth the keye of Dauid as I shewed in the .2 chapt of this boke The same gaue to the Apostles the keyes of the kingedome of heauen power to open or to shut heauē that is to wit the ministerie of preaching the Gospell wherby is shewed assuredly promised the forgeuenesse of sinnes and eternall life to beleuers and the reteyning of sinnes certaine damnation is threatened to the vnbeleuers No godly mā doubteth but that these keyes were geuen also vnto Bisshoppes of Rome agayne euery man knoweth that the latter popes would not vse thē lawfully but corrupting the Euangelicall veritie and infecting the lawefull ministerie haue gotten them counterfetted keyes Therfore is geuen to them of the Prince of darkenes the keye of the botomles pitte to witte corrupt and counterfet doctrine and not the Apostolical but apostaticall ministerie wherby as it were from hell set open they haue brought forth outrageouse errours and superstitions and vngodlines of all sortes The popes keyes And I suppose it hath chaunced not with out Gods prouidence that Bisshoppes of Rome are called Clauigers or keye bearers and weare keyes in their Armes But you shall not vnderstande them to be the keyes of the kingdome of heauen but of the botomlesse pitte rather sins he is a teacher of errours and of all abomination Authour moreouer of all warres and dissentions leadyng them euen vnto Hell God is a liuely foūtayne God is in dede the fountaine of perpetuall goodnes and of all veritie whiche opened in Christ by the Apostles in the preachyng of the Gospel refressheth with holesome water al that thirste for eternal saluation Of this foūtaine Esaye maketh mention in the .55 chapt And Ieremie in the .2 chap. The Lorde also in the Gospel after Iohn in the .4 .7 chapt and in diuerse other places The botōlesse pitte Against this liuely fountaine of euerrunnyng waters is set the botomlesse pitte vnsearchable I saye by reason of the mallice of Sathan full of vngodlines abomination and a●● kinde of liyng From hence blubbereth vp into the world by false teachers and ministers of Antichrist what errour and abomination so euer is in the world For Sathan the father of lies spreadeth abroade in the worlde by his instrumentes what darkenes so euer there is The botōles pitte is opened Therfore the starre or Aungel of the botomles pitte that is the Pope or Bishop of Rome openeth the bottomles pitte with a keye and by by ascendeth vp the smoke of the pitte For I haue spoken hitherto of the beginnyng of euill nowe shal follow of the proceding and setting forth of the same The Pope by his corrupt ministerie openeth Hel Smoke out of the botomlesse pitte and not Heauen Out of hell ascendeth or riseth a smoke Smoke in some places of the Scripture is a token of the presence and wrath and vengeaūce of God as where in the time of Esaye a smoke rose in the Temple of Salomon 3. boke of Kinges 8. chapt Esaye 6. In the .19 of Exod. We reade smoke ascended from the moūtaine as out of a fornace You reade in the .18 psalm Smoke wente vp in the wrath of God fire burnte from before his face At
them in the veritie agaynst liyng and reuolting and establisshe them in the same Christ cōmeth abroade and sweareth in the sight of al men solemnely Which thing must be expounded by all circumstaunces For it is a thing of moste weight moste ful of comforte and right holesome and necessarie for al men Christe sweareth There is no doubt but that he alludeth to the laste chapt of Daniel wherin also the Angel of the lord sweareth confirming by a solemne othe that such thinges as haue hitherto ben tolde to the Prophet by prophecie shal be all fulfilled in their times therfore this mightie Angel sweareth now also yea euen Christ him selfe whiche set his fete on the Sea and Lāde For by the state and behauour of the body he sheweth stedfastnes leeste we shoulde doubte any thing of his fayth and veritie whiche sins he is lorde of all standeth moreouer vpon fete not fleshely but of firie pillers Al thinges therfore of Christ be certayne sure and vnmouable He that resteth on him standeth surely he that beleueth his wordes shal not be confounded And it is no newe thing that Christe sweareth For we reade very ofte in the Scripture that God hath sworne We reade in the Gospell that the same Lord Christ hath moste ofte repeted verely I saye vnto you verely verely I saye vnto you Whiche is an othe of one swearyng When Caiaphas adiured the lord in iudgement Christ did not conceale and by holding his peace dissembled but with expresse wordes confessed the veritie Whereof thou mayest learne that the Lord when he forbadde to sweare at al mente not the sacrament of swearyng Which where the bussardely Anabaptistes wil not vnderstande they styre vp wonderful trouble worthie to be put to silence with more seueritie But whie or to what ende othes be made or taken the Apostle out of the lawe in the .22 why othes are taken hath declared at large in the .6 to the Hebrewes to witte that menne waueryng and doubtful might be confirmed and certified and made quiet Doeth any manne doubte whether thou deale faythefully with him God commaundeth to auouch it by a sacrament to the ende al diffidence maye be taken awaye Apostle men sayeth he sweare by him whiche is greater and is to the same an ende of al controuersie in case it be confirmed by a● othe In the whiche consideration God mindyng more aboundantly to shewe vnto the heyres of promission the vnchaungeable stedfastenes of his counsell expresseth an othe Euen so at this present where the diuine prouidence did forsee that vnder the kingedome of Antichrist the hartes of the faythfull should be moste greuousely tempted and that many by reason of the moste prosperouse fortune of Antichrist and all the wicked shoulde be harde harted to beleue Gods promesses and that many The stedfastenes certētie of Gods promesses whiche thing also Daniel in the .11 chapt Prophecied should reuolte to Antichrist it semed to God good to confirme his promesses by an othe and that a solemne othe by his sonne to the intente that suche as will be wise maye thinke if an honeste man and a trewe should cōfirme his promesse to thee by an othe thou woldest thinke it an vnworthie thinge to doubte of his promesses howe much lesse shall it be laweful for thee to doubt of that promesses of the Sonne of God and of all his wordes by a solemne othe confirmed beleue therfore the sonne of God sworne beleue his Gospell moste confirmed although the skye shoulde fall and the Earth gape neuer so wide God can not lie whiche is the veritie and that the eternall veritie whiche nother disceaueth nor is disceaued whiche is mercifull and loueth menne so that he tempereth him selfe also after their capacitie For euen for vs and for our infirmitie he perfourmeth a Sacrament leest he should seme not to satisfie vs in all thinges and that all occasions of incredulitie and reuoltyng to Antichrist and to the filthie worlde might be cutte awaye Nowe come we also to waye the maner or fourme of the othe Two things are here recited the maner of the swearer the maner or fourme of Christe his othe and the solemne wordes of the swearer For he sayeth howe the Angel lifted vp his hande towarde heauen which in dede is the moste auncient rite and holy ceremonie of swearers For we reade the same of Abraham in the .14 of Genes And in the .12 To lift vp handes of Daniel is written of an Aungell which liftyng vp to heauen his right hande his lefte swore We verely holde vp our right hande But where we saye that geuing of voyces we wil holde vp both our handes we signifie that we wil vtterly be of that sentence that we heare there propounded Therefore the holdyng vp of bothe handes doeth signifie a most perfit fidelitie and moste assured confirmation of the thing sworne Certenly in the holy scriptures the lifting vp of the hande is oftener than ones put for an othe Whereof perauenture we Germanes haue borrowed where we say that is to saye thou shalt confirme me this by an othe And in matters most seriouse and graue we are wont to vse some outwarde ceremonie wherby we maye make the wordes and the thing it self as it were more notable graue Wherupon when we praie vnto God we lifte vp our handes And verely an othe is as it were the calling vpō the name of god Wheruppon it is cōmonly accustomed with great feare to perfourme othes For al men arrise and put of their cappes as they were ready to fall on their knees before the sighte of God him selfe When bargayne or contracte is made with wordes the right handes are ioyned together also in token of fidelitie Therefore when we take a solemne othe we lifte vp our hand towarde heauen where we beleue that the Lord sheweth him self gloriouse to the faithful from whom we fele that al good thinges come vnto vs from whēce we perceiue also that vengeaunce doeth fall vpon the periured and contemners of God Hitherto therfore Christ applieth him selfe vnto vs and after the maner of men to the ende that menne maye be made the quieter he lifteth vp his handes vnto heauen Solemne wordes to sweare by him that liueth for euermore And the solemne wordes of the swearer be these he sware by him that liueth for euermore whiche made Heauen and the thinges that are therin c. So reade we of Abrahā in the 14. of Genes I lifte vp my hande to the high lord God possessour of Heauen earth And in the .12 of Daniel He sware by him that liueth for euermore Also in the .4 of Ieremie And thou shalt sweare the Lorde lyueth We say so truly as God lyueth and againe so God helpe me And this is a trew maner of swearing God the creatour is here most plentifullye and most properly expressed and here are all creatures seuerallye expressed He alone is the creatour he alone is
these thinges for a declaration only but for confirmation also For by the oracles of the prophetes the faithful are comforted whose oracles sins they haue neuer failed in any thing nother shall they in the ende disceyue in such things as they had prophecied concernyng the last iudgement And againe we see how great is thautoritie of the auncient scripture and that the vse of it is excellēt in the church euangelicall wherin we see both Christ and his Apostles to confirme all theyr saiynges with prophetical scriptures and also to illumine set forth and declare or demonstrate The testimonies of the prophetes concernyng the last iudgement of the rewarde and punnishmēt of the godly and vngodly of the abolishyng of Antichrist of death and of al corruption are in the .110 Psalme in the .24.26.27 and .46 also in the .7.11 and .12 of Daniel in the .14 of Zacharie .3 and .4 of Malachie and also els where Thapostle hath cited Osee .1 Corinth 15. Therfore let vs lift vp our heades bretherne let vs watch and pray for because our redemption draweth nere Deliuer vs Christ from al euil Amen ¶ S. Iohn deuoureth the booke receyued at the Aungelles hande and prophecieth agayne to the gentiles nations and Kinges The .xlv. Sermon ANd the voice which I hearde frō Heauen spake vnto me agayne and sayed goe and take the little boke which is open in the hande of the Angel which standeth vpō the sea and vpon the earth and I wente vnto the Angel and saied vnto him geue me the litle boke And he sayed vnto me take it and eate it vp it shal make thy bealy bitter but it shal be in thy mouth as swete as hony And I toke the little boke out of the hande of the angel did eate it vp it was in my mouth as swete as hony as sone as I had eaten it my bealy was bitter And he sayed vnto me thou must prophecie againe vnto the heithē and tongues people and to many Kinges This is the .iii. comfort which in this .x. chap. is cōteined The apostolical doctrine is restored against Antichrist For vnder the persone of S. Iohn is shewed here that thapostolical euangelicall doctrine must be restored in the laste times before the iudgemēt against Antichrist Mahomet And he might briefly haue sayed The apostolital doctrine as it was preached of Iohn shal florish again but he had rather expresse the same by a goodly vision at the last to adde a plaine briefe expositiō of the visiō Which is thou must preach againe c. And those things al expositour do expoūde agreably Iohn preacheth agayne first in dede of the persone of Iohn which vnder the Emperour Nerua retourned into Asia from exile by the space of fiue yeres or ther about againe preached the gospel For he liued til the .3 or .4 yere of the reigne of themperour Traiane Secondly of al preachers before the laste iudgement indewed with the spirite and doctrine of S. Iohn and constantly professing Christ against Antichrist Primasius expounding this place the certaine meaning saieth he is directed to S. Iohn whiche must yet beyng deliuered from exile not only bring this reuelation to the knowledge of Christes church but also preach more depely the Gospell to people and nations to tongues and many kinges notwithstanding no man doubteth but that this voice agreeth also to the whole Churche which neuer ought to cease from preachyng c. Thus saieth he The ordinary glose expoundeth these wordes although this be vnderstande of the very person of S. Iohn yet euen herein is vnderstāde that the lord wil haue his church likewise instructed and taught by other preachers also This apperteineth to the consolatiō of the faithful which shal liue in the dayes of Antichrist the residewe Thomas of Aquine also In S. Iohn him self sayeth he other preachers are vnderstande whome the lord in the time of Antichrist will haue to preache instauntly to great small So much sayeth Thomas Before the iudgement cōmeth Enoch agaīst Antichrist Aretas Bisshop of Cesaria an expositour of this boke reciteth of this place of S. Iohn that the opinion of the cōmon people was that S. Iohn with Enoch and Elie shuld come againe into the world before the iudgemēt to wit corporally ernestly and constantly to preache against Antichrist The self same doeth Aretas repete with a more plentiful expositiō where in the .11 chapt He expoundeth the wordes of Iohn concernyng the two witnesses c. Certes where in the .44 of Ecclesi it is writtē that Enoch was trāslated that he might teache the heythen many haue expounded it as though he should corporally retourne that he might teach the gentiles against Antichrist where by the very translation made in times past he teacheth rather the gentiles that there is an other life prepared for the seruaūtes of God that the same is also dewe for the bodies sins that Enoch was translated both in body soule against the opiniō of Epicure and the madde world supposing none other life to remaine after this that the bodies do putrefie and neuer to rise agayne This Enoch semeth to come spiritually to that laste age for that the lorde him self prophecied that a like thing should come vnto it as chaunced before the deluge or flud of Noe. For like as many than beyng carelesse contemned the iudgementes of God nother feared they any perill or hoped for any better life so cometh it to passe also in the last age in the which Enoch constantly preacheth by them which establissh and maineteyne eternall life and the resurrection of bodies agaynst the Epicures Before the iudgement cōmeth Helias agaīst Antichrist Helias in the mounte Thabor appered in glory with our sauiour Christ vnto three chosen Apostles neyther is it to be thought that about the ende of the world he must be thruste out of the heauenly palace and agayne be subiecte to corruption and obiected to the cruell handes of Antichristians which might teare him in peces For like as in the time of our sauiour Christ Helias in vertu and spirite I meane S. Iohn baptiste went before Christ the Lord so also before the iudgement Helias shal preache in them againe which indued with the spirite and vertue of Helias shal cal awaye the mindes of al men from the worshippyng of creatures to the adoration of the eternal and only God Helias cried out howe longe do ye halte one bothe sides yf the Lord be God followe him yf Baal be God followe him And nowe shal the Helianes crie 3. of Kings 18. yf Christ be the perfection of the faythful what nede is there of mans inuentions and constitutions to worke a perfectiō Yf Christ be our iustification satisfaction purificatiō our only mediatour and redemer wherfore are these thinges attributed to mans merites whie are sainctes accōpted intercessours in heauen whie is saluation ascribed to many other stinking things
vnderstand that is to saye al that same time that is rekened frō the fatall yeres .666 wherof is mentioned in the .13 chapt of thapocalipse vntil the last iudgemēt And whie I do expounde a certen time by an vncerten these be the causes First for asmuch as the same nombre of monethes is put here in the .13 chapt And is ascribed to the olde Romane Empire verely that in their tribulations the Sainctes might vnderstand comfort themselues that there is an ende appoincted to their tirāny which is knowen of God and that the Sainctes should no more be sorrowful than if they should be cōstreyned to abide their tiranny a fewe monethes only Otherwise if ye should accompte from the firste yere of Iulius Cesar and bring the course of time vntil that yere wherin Odacer at Rome al emperours of the weste beyng takē awaye was acknowledged for King you shal not finde only three yeres and an half but about fiue hondreth and .xvii. yeres Yf you shal bring the accompte from Iulius to the empire taken awaye and geuen to the pope you shal finde about .767 yeres The later cause for that Daniel the Lorde Christe and the Apostle S. Paule agreablely do saye that the persecution of Antichrist should last vnto the iudgemēt But who shal rekē vnto vs the yeres and dayes of the last iudgement And therefore must the nōbre certayne be expounded by the vncerten and must thinke that al thinges are nombred prefixed in the counsel of god which neuer neglecteth his faithfull To him be glory for euermore Amen ¶ Of the two prophetes fightyng manfully agaynst Antichrist and of their power The .xlvij. Sermon ANd I will geue power to my two witnesses thei shal prophecie a M. cc. and .lx. daies cloted in sacke cloth These are two oliue trees two cādelstickes stādyng before the God of the Earth And if any man wil hurt them fire shal come forth of their mouth deuour their enemies And if any man will hurt thē this wise must he be killed these haue power to shut heauē that it raigne not in the dayes of their propheciyng and haue power ouer waters to tourne them to bloud and to smite the earth with al maner plagues as oftē as they will These thinges apperteyne also to the consolation of the faithful Prophetes are promised For the lord promiseth that he wil sende prophetes that is preachers whiche shall mayneteyne and defende the veritie of the Gospel and glory of Christ assayle Antichrist and distroye his kingdome and auaunce the saluation of the faythfull In the fourmer chapt 8. and .9 was described the fight of Antichrist and heretikes agaynst God his Christ and against his church now at fewe wordes is set agaynst the same the cōtrary fight the army of Christ is munstred Two prophetes And he bringeth forth two Prophetes that is preachers not for that there shal be two only but for that he wil so signifie that the power of Christ in the worlde should be and seme to worldly men small as I shal tel you anone in the meane time he vnderstandeth al faithful preachers and pastours of al times whiche offer themselues to resiste Antichrist and heretikes There be that expounde these thinges of Enoch and Helie which shal come corporally before the iudgemēt Howbeit S. Hierome in the epistle to Marcella doeth referre that opinion to Iewish fables signifiyng that these thinges must de spiritually expounded of those prophetes as are also the most things of this boke And in maner al expositours with great concorde doe interprete all these thinges of these Prophetes spiritually and not corporally after the lettre I suppose that for two causes there be two Prophetes only here rehersed First for that he would allude to the olde Historie or prophecie of Zacharie which is in the .4 chapt It was thought than also to the people of Israel retourned from Babylon that the reparyng of the Tēple was vnpossible for that they had many and mightie aduersaries and they were weake and fewe and their gouernours Zorobabel and Iehosua contemned but through the mightie hande of God and his faithful ayde it came to passe that the power of their aduersaries vanisshed awaye as vayne and they indespite of hell gates buylded vp their Temple right so the Lorde sayeth it shal be in that later age that the ministers most contēptuous and very fewe in nombre shal buylde vp Christ his temple and repare it shake the most mighty power of Antichrist Herunto I suppose belongeth that saiyng of Daniel and when they shal fal they were holpen with smal ayde c. Secondely for this cause chiefly he accompteth only two witnesses for that it is red written in the Lawe in the mouth of two or three witnesses euery worde shal stande It is iudged therfore a full testimony whiche shall be confirmed with the agreable declaration of two Where therfore the lord sayeth that he wil geue two Prophetes it is asmuch to saye as that he wil geue so many ministers as shal suffice which shal both builde vp his church and also plucke downe and rēt a sonder the kingdome of Antichrist There be of the expositours which thinke that by two witnesses are vnderstande two testamētes Howbeit we see that the Lord speaketh here of witnesses not of the thing testified or to be witnessed which neuerthelesse we separate not from the witnesses The Apostles and Apostolicall men are called witnesses euery where in the Gospel and in the .1 Who be witnesses chapt of the Actes of Apostles Witnesses are ordeyned in iudgement that they should faithfully vtter that whiche they haue sene or hearde that they should forge nothing of themselues to the things that should be testified should nother adde or put any thing nor take awaye any thing So likewise are placed of God in the church of God the witnesses of God that is to saye ministers and of them is required that they Imagine nothing of their owne braine nother put to nor take away any thing from Gods worde but simply declare to the church of God the thinges they haue sene in the story of the Gospell and hearde of the prophetes and Apostles Therfore are thei false witnesses nother worthie to be called the witnesses of God and of Christ which bryng not the Gospell They be rather the Popes witnesses whose decrees decretalles they bring forth and beare witnes of them to the folish people Therefore shal those two prophetes be witnesses of Christ and shal bryng witnes for Christ out of the most trewe Scriptures And the beginnyng of them is here referred to God and to his Christ as the original of Antichrist is reduced to the deuil him self The original of prophetes I wil geue sayeth the lord to my two witnesses and they shal prophecie Christ sendeth preachers geueth to them also that they can preach The which is a wonderful comforte For like as
the deuil many times sendeth instructeth and helpeth his false prophetes So Christ leaueth not his church destitute and geueth to this ministers habilitie of teachyng and doyng luckely For in the Gospel also he promysed and sayde I will geue you a mouth and wisedome which they shal not resist so many as be agaynst you These thinges ought to comforte vs in the greuouse consultatiōs trayhisones assaultes of the enemies of the Gospell Christ wil not forsake his ministers so thei be faithful and depende vpon Christ alone The time of the preachyng of the prophetes Now is also declared the time of the preaching of the gospel agaynst Antichrist verely al that time wherin Antichrist shal treade the Temple and holy citie For a thousande two hondreth and .lx. dayes make .xlii. monethes yf you put to euery moneth .xxx. dayes But we hearde before that Antichrist should treade the church .xlii. monethes Agayne therfore is a certaine nōbre put for an vncertaine And here is signified and that with a misterie is here defined the time of daies not of monethes or yeres For though the function of the ministerie be neuer so harde and daungerouse yet so shal God comforte and confirme them that they maye appere a fewe dayes only not monethes or yeres to suffer persecutiō to trauel in this laboriouse worke of the Lord. And where I haue sayed that those nombred dayes are put for an vncertentie of time this hath moued me that by and by in the .12 chapt the same nombre of dayes shall be assigned for the which yet he hath set before for a time and times and halfe a time Whiche appereth playnely to be taken out of the .7 and .12 chapt of Daniel I knowe that the same is expounded of many for three yeres and a halfe that the time should signifie a yere times two yeres and halfe a time half a yere But euery manne maye perceyue that the thing it selfe is repugnaunt to that nombre of yeres if he be at the leeste any thing sene in stories In the .7 of Daniel the other beastes sayeth he gaue ouer their rule and spaces of life were graunted for a time and a time But who will expounde these thinges of two yeres only sins it is euident that the Babilonians Persians and Macedonians reigned many yeres he signifieth therfore that those kingdomes should reigne so long as God would permitte them and geue them power to reigne We saye in Dutche where yet we appoynt no time prefixed In the same chapt of Daniel is put the same phrase of speache that the Sainctes shal be deliuered into the hande of Antichriste for a tyme tymes and halfe a tyme. And in the .12 chapt he sayeth that his Prophecie shal be fulfilled in a time times and halfe a time But who shall beleue that within three yeres and an halfe all those thinges shoulde be accomplisshed which he declared in the whole worke Whie than doe they restrayne the times of Antichrist to three yeres and an halfe especially his persecution whie see they not the destruction of Antichrist and the peace of Sainctes and the daye of iudgement to be the same daye For Daniel sayeth that the beaste should be caste downe hedlong into Hell when the seates be furnisshed And Paul sayeth whome he shal destroye with his comyng and who shall shewe vnto vs the certayne daye of iudgement It is knowen to the father alone Lette them leaue therefore with their supputations to striue with the Gospell It appereth therefore that the Lord by that kinde of speakyng as it were by a riddle to haue diffined no tyme certayne but rather to haue admonisshed the godly of longe sufferyng of patience and constancie and to haue cōmaunded that we should not ouer curiousely searche the instaūt of this time but should rather permitte it to christ him selfe in an other place saiynge It belongeth not to you to knowe times and the momentes of times whiche the father hath reserued in his owne power but watche that when the Lorde shall come he maye finde you watchyng Therefore whether so euer the Lorde shall differre his iudgement a longe shorte or meane tyme be you constaunt So at this present he sayeth howe the ministers of Christe shal preach al that tyme wherein Antichrist shal persecute And verely if thou reade the stories thou shalt finde that the most vertuouse best learned men haue in all ages now for the space of these seuen hondred yeres and more constantly resisted the Popes enterprises their great abominatiōs and craftie iuggelinges and seducinges of monkes and Freres Of the persecutions that thei haue suffered I wil speake herafter The apparel of the prophetes Furthermore also the apparel of these prophetes is shewed that hereof also maye be gathered the maner of doctrine They shal not be clothed in softe or preciouse apparel as veluet sactin or damasne or crimosine ingrayned but in sackecloth And sackecloth as appereth in the Prophetes is for a mournyng garment and for suche as are penitent Therfore like as S. Iohn was coursely appareled Matth. 3.11 and preached repētaunce So shal these also moue vnto repētaunce and amendement of life and perswade men to frugalitie and riot and al vntemperauncie they shal persecute Certenly al good and learned men nowe these seuen hondreth yeres haue required nothing els of the Pope and Clergie and of the people but repentaunce and a reformation for the which they haue had small thanke at their handes But what the apparell of the Antichristianes is there is no man ignoraunt at this daye Certen of it differeth not much from whorishe Consequently he declareth more fully and more at large of what sorte thei shal be and also their ministerie what also shal be the effecte and vertue of their preachyng And the same he setteth forth and declareth with sondry figures taken out of the scriptures The prophetes be oliues and candelstickes And first he alludeth againe to the .4 chapt of Zacha. These be two oliues c. with oyle lightes are nurrisshed oyle therfore signifieth the matter of preachyng or of Sermons For Candelstickes bearyng lightes are preachers shewyng abroade the light of Christ and of his gospell through out the world And that preachyng of light is taken out of the scripture as also the light of a cādel is nurrisshed with oyle Oyle is a tipe of the holy of al holy Wherfore S. Iohn calleth also the holy ghost vnctiō Certes the holy scripture is the inspiration of the holy ghoste Therefore those preachers shall preach Christ out of the scriptures And so preaching the gospell of Christ through the inspiration of the holy ghost they are sayed to stande before the sight of God of the earth that is to saye these be in the protection in the cure and prouidēce of that God by whose prouidence ar gouerned whatsoeuer are in heauen or in earth The prophetes stād before god For he appeareth to haue alluded
out of this life But contrarywise the Lord here pronounceth and declareth euerlasting rewardes to be for them prepared For theyr soules deliuered from their bodies are streight waye taken vppe into heauen and their bodies reysed at the last iudgement ascende into heauē also that there they maie reioyce with Christ for euermore But to the intent that this godly promesse of the euerlastyng and inestimable rewarde might be of more authoritie and credit with al men the Lord propoundeth it not simplely but most gallaūtly decked and ●●rnisshed for he setteth before that a voyce was sente to the prophetes and that from heauen morouer great or lowde For great is the consent of Patriarches Prophetes and Apostles with the very sonne of god in most assured doctrine wherupō we beleue vndoubtedly that those which suffer for the confession of Christ are saued both body and soule And that doctrine was brought frō heauen that there is no place lefte for doubtfulnes There be testimonies in the scriptures both manifest and many as in .26 of Esaye .12 of Daniel .10 and .16 of Matth .14 of Iohn and diuerse others What shuld we saye that at this present is brought an expresse testimony hereof for a voice soundeth from Heauen ouer the afflicted with the tiranny of Antichrist Come vp hither come vp hither That is asmuch to saye as I see the lewdenes and crueltie of the Antichristians to be such that there is no place lefte you in earth They tourmoyle and persecute you as plagues and vnworthie to liue on the earth come ye therefore hither to me into the heauenly palace whither I my selfe came also after the crosse and opprobriouse death We reade in the Gospel that the iudge shall saye to the godly come the blessed of my father c. They wēt vp into heauen in a clowde Furthermore leeste any man should thinke these wordes to be vayne the lord adioyneth by S. Iohn and they ascended into heauen not for that the resurrection is made already but for the vndoubted certentie of the thing he speaketh of the thing to come as if it were paste of the which sorte are founde many lyke phrases euery where in the Prophetes Helias in times past ascēded into heauē both soule and body as we reade in the .4 boke of Kinges the .2 chapt by the same miracle he shewed than also what rewarde the Lorde hath prepared for the faythfull preachers of Gods worde nother is there any other thing here nowe repeted He addeth how they went vp in a clowde For a clowde toke vp Christe our head from the eyes of the disciples and we shal be also taken vp in a clowde to mete the Lord in the ayre as the scripture reciteth in the .1 of the Actes and the .1 to the Thessalonians the .4 chap. Albeit therfore that preachers those which beleue the preachers be excōmunicated of Antichrist through open and shamefull punisshmentes should seme to be sent to the Deuill yet Christ receiueth them deliuered from al euils vnto him into the palace of Heauen Vnto this he addeth an other thing also and their enemies sawe them Their enemies sawe them They saw I saye with an horrible feare for whilest they shall see them whom they haue condēned for gods enemies as the trewe and honorable frendes of God to be in glory therof they shal gather that they themselues shal be deputed into the fellowship of Deuilles Reade herof a plentiful cōmentary in the .3 .5 chapt of the boke of wisedome Albeit therfore that the preachers of the Gospell in this present worlde be iudged and seme and appere before the world as damned yet in that same daye wherin all men shal be assembled so many as euer haue ben be now or shall be vnto al it shal be manifest that these be the most dere frēdes of God and that their cause is best And herewith wil the lorde haue them comforted which are persecuted condemned dispised and spurned for the preachyng of Gods worde By these thinges he prepareth establissheth the mindes of the faithful that thei be not discouraged with the rebukes reuilinges and oppressions of Antichrist and his limmes Finally the Lorde addeth also certen thinges of the miseries of the Antichristians The calamities of the Antichristians wherwith the rightuouse Lord beginneth to punnish them to interrupte their wicked ioyes that at the last in an other world he maye put the same to tourmētes that neuer shal haue ende In that same houre sayeth he the same time doubtles wherin they shall afflicte the prophetes shal be made a great Earthquake the tenth parte of the citie shal fal And the tenth part we vnderstād to be great yet so that the more parte shal remaine in errour As S. Peter prophecied should come to passe in the .2 of Peter the .2 And the Lord him selfe also in the .7 of Matth. And he semeth to recite two euilles which hāge ouer them calamities and reuoltinges For S. Iohn him selfe semeth to adde an exposition and to saye and there were slayne in the Earthquake the names of seuen thousande men And the residewe were affrayed and gaue glory to God of Heauen Therfore I suppose by the Earthquake to be signified excedyng greate alterations Seuē M. men slaine with the earthquake commotions seditions warres slaughters and distructions And he sayed the names of men after the Hebrewe phrase for a nombre of men And he put 7000. a nombre certayne for an vncertayne as where it is sayed to Helias I haue lefte me seuen thousande men which haue not boughed their knees to Baal For if it signifieth a great multitude Likewise he signifieth here also that no smal nombre of Antichristians shal be dispatched out of the waye by slaughter and sondry or all kindes of calamities Agayne he signifieth that the tenth parte of the world that is to saye the adherentes and fauourers of the Romisshe churche shall reuolte not a fewe of them from the same church beyng feared with the preachyng of God his worde and with plagues inflicted to the enemies of God his worde and so they shal forsake the Romisshe churche that they shal geue all glory to the God of Heauen The tenth part of the citie falleth Hitherto being abused with the Romish trifles and sophisticall opinions they haue not geuen all glory wholy to the trewe God creatour of heauen end earth and the inhabiter and geuer of heauen whilest they haue attributed more vnto creatures mens inuentions and to errours than to the veritie and communicated the glory which they owe to God alone vnto sainctes also and to the workes of their handes but now beyng instructed with the preachyng of the gospel they wil depende of God alone and wil ascribe al glory vnto him through Christ Nowe if ye conferre herwith histories not olde for wherunto shoulde I moleste you with a long rehersall but lately made that with in
iudges moreouer oppressours of the poore which afflicte widowes and the fatherles more ouer whiche in vsurie thefte disceiptefulnes extorsion and euill meanes are hurteful to all men and by their vnsatiable couetousenes brede a darth of al thinges Finally which by whoredome and aduoutrie defile breake holy matrimony Laste heretikes distroye the earth suche as infecte men with corrupte doctrine that dwell vpon the Earth into the which numbre come also seditiouse persons and traitours and other wicked men Perdition is not to abolish These shall the Lord distroye with euerlastyng perdition wherby they cease not to be that perish but become muche more miserable whilest they are vexed with tourmētes that neuer shall haue ende Vnthriftes and prodigall persons are sayed to be loste yet in perisshyng thus they cease not to be but procede dayly to be more miserable which is perdition it selfe God openeth Heauen to his that they loke vp to him Furthermore S. Iohn doubteth this doctrine of the re●arde of the godly that whiche before he treated vnder the fourme of a thankeful prayse and a ioyouse triumphyng he propoundeth now consequētly the same as it were to be sene with the eyes by a vision celestiall And gallauntly he endeth this vision with the opening of the Temple which he began with the opening of Heauen For the louing lorde openeth to his seruauntes heauen it selfe to be sene of the eyes of our minde to the ende we should no where doubte of the glory prepared for vs in Heauen nother should saie who hath sene those celestiall thinges that are promised vs For like as the blessed fathers the Prophetes and Apostles haue had very many visions of this sorte effectuall trewe and godly So maye euery one of vs with the eyes of our minde through trewe fayth loke into Heauen it selfe I knowe well that the worldely men passe nothing vpon such visions as of whom the Lord in the Gospell hath sayed the world can not receiue the spirite of trueth for that he seeth him not nother knoweth him Let not vs care for their contempt Let vs see therfore The temple of god open in heauen what is prepared for the seruauntes of God in an other worlde Firste S. Iohn sawe heauen open now in heauen it self he seeth also the very temple of god open to witte to all the godly By the Temple of God he vnderstandeth the secretes of God the inwarde priuie partes of Heauen whereinto he will receyue to the fruition of him selfe al beleuers But in that diuine temple of heauē was sene the Arche of his Testamente Arcke in the Temple For God made a conuenaunte or leage with the faythful that he would be theyr God their fulnes and a most plētiful Sea of al goodnes a most aboundaunt and moste sufficient plentie of all thinges The confirmation testimony and declaration wherof is the Arke of cōuenaunte the very sonne of God in whome dwelleth all fulnes of deitie and in whom we be made perfit For he is the Arke in whom are layde vp al celestial treasours ful of grace and veritie This Arke of good thinges and of eternal felicitie appereth in heauē For the sonne of God is in the throne of God The liberall and bountiful father celestial wil powre out this Arke vpon his children graunting to them through Christ his only sonne all heauenly giftes that we mighte be partakers of al Christes benefites euen to the deitie wherin he excelleth his bretherne Hereby it appereth howe Moses prepared the Arke after the example of the same whiche he sawe in Heauen and the figure whereof was the Arke of the conuenaunt c. Otherwise we shal heare in the .21 chapt of this boke that there is no temple in heauen c. These moste beautiful thinges to be sene and moste pleasaunt to be hearde the sonne of God hath set forth to be sene and hearde of vs. Consequently he addeth that punnishementes are prepared for the wicked and expoūdeth the same also diuersely and propoūdeth the same to be sene Hitherto were made in the worlde lighteninges And lightninges were made voices and thonderinges c. The holy ghost shining to the world and drawing through the doctrine of the veritie mouing and fearing but the madde worlde would not vnderstande no nor so muche as heare the maner and waye of saluatiō therfore the diuine iustice requireth that they should be talked with all in an other langage and therefore by the iuste iudgemente of God are made now lightenings c. And by this heape of wordes he signifieth the horrible punnishement that God will take of the wicked And he appereth to haue alluded to the burnyng of Sodome also to the wordes of the godly Prophet it shall raygne vpon sinners snares of fyre brimestone and spirite of tempeste in the .11 Psalm Therefore is this vision concluded as the story of S. Matthewes Gospell and these shall goe into euerlastyng punnishement and the iuste into life euerlastyng We haue in these eight laste chapters the thirde parte of this boke and an notable abridgement of the Ecclesiasticall storie frō the time of S. Iohn vnto the worldes ende wherwith we are instructed in the trewe fayth and are admonisshed of all perilles and traysons whereby the trewe fayth is assailed to the intent that beyng watcheful we maye beware of all corruption and craftie seducing and may be made safe To God be praise and glory ¶ The description of the churche and of the red Dragon fighting agaynst the Church The .lij. Sermon ANd there appered a great tokē in Heauen a woman clothed with the sunne and the Moone vnder her fete vpō her head a crowne of .xii. starres And she was with childe and cried trauailing in birth payned ready to be deliuered And there appered an other token in heauē and beholde a great red Dragon hauing seuē heades .x. hornes and seuen crownes vpon his heades and his tayle drewe the thirde parte of starres of heauen cast them to the Earth And the dragon stode before the woman which was ready to be deliuered for to deuoure her childe as sone as it were borne And she brought forth a māchilde which should rule all nations with a rodde of yron hyr sonne was taken vp vnto God and to his seate And the woman fled into wildernes where she had a place prepared of God that they shoulde fede her there a thousande two hondreth and .lx. dayes The fourth parte of this boke exhibiteth to vs the thirde vision which others that diuide the seconde into two The order dispositiō of thinges of this boke make the fourth The lord hath often times and much made mention in the seconde vision of the persecution and fight of the faythfull with Antichrist and wicked enemies of God especially in the .6.9 and .11 chapters He procedeth therefore nowe in the thirde vision and that aboundantly to discourse of the same conflicte and
inuadeth not only the auncient churche but euen the very head of the church and redemer Christ howebeit with his furie outrageouse he could nothyng preuayle therefore he shal no more preuaile agaynst his membres Now he retourneth againe to the church and sayeth the church fleeth into wildernes after the dragon could bringe nothing to passe agaynst the sonne of God he wente and made warre agaynst the church and the churche fled into wildernes Certenly Iewrie in the prophetes is compared to a place most frequented the gentiles are called a deserte or wildernes Therefore after Christes ascention the Apostles departyng out of Iewrie repared to the gentiles yea and the Iewes inspired of the red dragon caste out the church out of their limites which was constreined as appereth in the Actes of Apostles to flee vnto the gētiles And where the Lorde hath prepared a place for his churche and the churche was greately augmented emongs the gentiles certenly it was through his grace and by no merite of man whiche prepared the place whiche calleth directeth and kepeth his shepe the same hath disposed and yet doeth dispose for this churche ministers or pastours which may fede it as the rauens did Helias al the time that shal be vnto the worldes ende For as for the nōbre of those daies I discoursed before And by this exposition is signified that the dragon shal fight stoutely against the church so that she shal be cōpelled to flee but how much so euer he shal rage against the churche the lorde God shal yet prepare a place in earth wherin she maye dwell safe and will euer sende pastours to fede He sheweth moreouer that the flight shall not alwayes be reprochable The Lord saue and kepe vs. Amen ¶ The description of the conflicte of Christe and the Church with the Dragon the dragō is ouercome the heauenly dwellers sing prayses The .liij. Sermon ANd there was a great battell in heauē Michaell his Angels fought with the dragon the dragō fought his Angels preuailed not nother was their place foūde any more in heauē And the dragon that olde serpent called the deuil and Sathanas was cast out Which deceaued all the world And he was cast into the Earth his Angels were cast out with him also And I hearde a lowde voice which sayed in Heauen nowe is saluation and strength and the kingdome become our Gods the power is Christes for he is caste downe which accused them before God daie night And thei ouercame him by the bloud of the Lambe and by the worde of their testimony and they loued not their liues vnto the death Therfore reioyce ye heauens and ye that dwell therin Wo vnto the inhabiters of the earth and the sea for the deuill is comen doune vnto you which hath great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time Thapostle hath spoken of the partes of the notable fight worthie battel he hath spoken also of attēptes pourpos of the dragō which verely applieth al his coūsels to this intēt that he may deuoure al godlines that is might distroy it vtterly he hath shewed how he began to moue warre agaynst the church which fled into the wildernes now as it were leauing the womā in the wildernes he semeth to bring forth other soldiours whiche geue battel to the dragon most valeauntly do impugne also discōfit him al his power S. Iohn therfore describeth the singular fight of one most excellent to witte Michaell which ouercame the Dragon and describeth the general fight annexed with that particular For he addeth that al the Angels of Michael fought agaynst the dragon And first is heauē shewed to be the place of the fight or cōflicte For in heauen sayeth he was fought a great battaile The place of conflict And it is euidēt that Sathan was at the beginning of al things cast out of heauē into the earth and therfore that he moueth no warre in heauē nor reiseth any tumulte there For heauē is a place of rest ioye not of debate and contention Therefore this must be attributed to the visiō For the lord hath in heauen by signes represented this battaile to be sene whiche in dede is fought in earth in the middes of the church But here is set forth an image of a notable fight wherby is shewed what hath ben what is yet done in earth I saied euen now that this cōbat was in dede particular but to haue a general fight annexed For Michael fighteth whiche is as captaine of this warre and Michaelles Angelles fight also Who fight which must be wel discerned although that Michaell his Angels make but one parte only On the other side fighteth the dragō as emperour of this warre his angels fight also And these verely make non other partes thā we haue heard before in the beginning of this chapt That the partie of this fight were the church the deuil Neuertheles leest the victory should be attributed to the church not rather to Christ the womā must now be omitted and Michael brought in fighting Whereupon there is in these thinges some difficultie but it shal be easie enough for him that will marke euery thing in order Who is that Michaell captaine of the warre against the Dragon First we must see what that Michael is there is in dede no doubte but that the Angel Michell appered in the vision with an Army of Angels fighting And that on the contrary parte against thē fought the Dragon with an hoste of deuils But for asmuch as we hearde in the beginning that these were tokens they must nedes signifie betoken other thinges I suppose here therefore to be signified Christ the head of his church king protectour with his mēbres Apostles Martirs faithful Nother is it a rare thing that Christ should be figured to vs by Angels but is euen moste accustomed that Angelles are called the ambassadours of God the faithful seruaūtes of Iesus Christ Christ therfore head of the church the faithfull membres of Christ fight against the Dragon yet after a diuerse sort For christ ouercame him alone in the cōbat with out helpe of any creature whilest in temptations he discomfited him at the last also by diyng on the crosse rising agayne from the dead How christ hath fought with the dragō he al to brake his head This is the only trewe singular victory wherby afterwardes are obteyned the victories of Christes mēbres goten of that general fight wherein Christ fighteth not now only hande to hande with the Deuill but all the membres of Christe at all times vnder Christ their Captayne fight against the Deuill and in the vertue or victory of Christ fight and ouercome as we shal heare by and by in the songe of prayse Why Michael is Christ But for great and sondry causes we affirme Christe to be figured and
signified to vs vnder the tipe of Michaell We know by the scriptures as many of vs as be learned that Michael as also Gabriel be the names of good Angels of god Michael signifieth who as God And who I praye you is such as God but in whome thexpresse Image of the fathers substaunce which is the Image inuisible and worde of the father from the beginnyng I meane the very sonne of God Iesus Christ Michael in the .10 .12 chapt of Daniel is president protectour Patrone of the Iewish nation And it is plaine that the people of Israel had from the beginning non other tutour and patrone but Messias him selfe the blessed sede This appereth in the .7 of Esaye were we reade that the lord spared the people of Iuda and the princelicke Citie for Christ In an other place he sayeth moste openly I will defende that citie for my selfe and for my seruaunt Dauid And Dauid is called Christ in the .34 of Ezechiel Christ is therefore in very dede gouernour of his people whiche neuerthelesse in defendyng and deliueryng his vseth the ministerie of Angelles who also attribute nothing to themselues but all glory to God alone Morouer that excellent victory cā not with out offence of godlines be ascribed to Michael the archangel For so omitting our Messias Christ we should cōmende Angels being made worthie to be called Angelical rather than Christians In the lawe was written the sede of the womā shal breake the serpentes head But the lord neuer toke the nature of an Angel but the sede of Abraham and by sinne hath condemned sinne There shal followe anone in the songe Now is saluation and power c. And there is added for the Deuil is cast out And this saluatiō hath Christ alone accomplisshed wherfore it is necessary that Christ the conquerour of Sathan be signified by Michael And the Dragon fought hande to hande agaynst the lord The dragō his Angels fight not only matched with him in the deserte but also neuer ceased to tempte and assayle him so longe as he liued here on earth he stired vp also agaynst him the Phariseis Princes of the people kinges and the Romane gouernour and so at the laste brake the lordes heele This was the greatest fight of the Dragon The same Dragon inspireth now kinges and Princes wicked Priestes and cruel men his Angelles which maye warre vpon the churche And all these verely do persecute and vexe the churche in the power of the red Dragon Stories declare the same to be done before Christes time the same testifie and experiēce proueth the like to be done from the ascension of Christ into Heauen vnto this present daye and vnto the worldes ende Now is also declared with what lucke they fought with what lucke they sought on eyther side to witte most luckely concernyng Christ most vnluckely as touchyng the Deuill or red Dragon And in this fight as also in the songe immediately following is cōteined the whole fruicte of this disputatiō For herof al godly may learne that Sathan our enemie is vnarmed and that Christ in this conflict is on our syde as our Emperour captayne at all tymes by whome all the godly maie easely in all conflictes ouercome Therfore this matter of battel and victory is set by and by after the beginning of the moste daūgerouse battaile wyth Antichriste and Antichristians whych are the broode or tailes and scales of the serpent and champions of the Dragon for a comfort and consolation And the naturall order is here altered which treateth nothyng of the successe of the battaile til he hath set forth al the conflicte before But this battaile shall be continewed hereafter in the reste of the 12. and all the .13 chapter Christ ouer commeth and christianes ouercome also He declareth at thre wordes first the victorie of Chryste secondly of al christians The first is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 they preuayled not they had no strength Doubtles the force of the deuyll is greate if God permitte and clerely greatest in consideration of the iuste iudgement of God as also appeareth in Iob that he is able to slake breake the strongest thinges But the Lorde sayth in the gospel Ihon .14 Math. 16 The Prince of this world came and against me he hath nothing Again in the gospel The gates of Hell shall not preuayle againg her the rocke I meane and secondly againste the church Although therfore the Deuyl make an horrible vprore and cruelly rage against Christ and his church yet is he without force For the vertue of Christe preuayleth The seconde parte is nother was theyr place any more founde in heauen which maner of speach signifieth no other thing than that the reprobate Angell is put from al dignitie glory power moreouer that he hath no more any place in the church or emonges the electe of God not that the deuil should not retourne or should not tempte or renewe warre but because he hath no place parmanent Herunto apperteyneth that the Lord so ofte repeateth in the Gospel and now the Prince of this worlde is caste oute in the .12.14 and .16 chapters of Sainct Ihon. Moreouer by other places of the Scripture it is manifeste that the Deuyll is shut out of heauen And it shall be easie for vs to shutte him oute which being cast out by the sonne of God hath no place in vs vnlesse we our selues geue place to him Which we shoulde not do the Lord admonisheth vs dilligently that we should watch The story is knowen in the .12 of Matth. of the Deuill pourposing to retourne and therfore toke vnto him seuen worse spirites But wherefore doest thou heare him whie doest thou obeye him whome thou seest shut out of Heauen Notwithstanding that herby is signified also that the Deuil was so fully vanquished of Christ that he was also driuen to forsake the place of the battayle For the thirde membre Sathan cast downe to the earth as it were expoundyng the seconde addeth and he was caste to the Earth For they that are throwen to the groūde are iudged to be ouercome Therfore a full victory and perfit conqueste is signified Howbeit he was ones most valeauntly throwen to the Earth Of our lord Iesus Christ in the misterie of our redemption and in the vertue of the same is dayly cast to the Earth of the faithfull And like as the Deuill hath no place permanent in heauen nor in the chosen so verely doeth he inhabite all earthly that is to saye menne sauouring the earth and contemnyng heauenly thinges Yea and we heare that his Angels are cast out with him For the Lord in the gospel of S. Iohn the .16 chapt sayeth In the world you haue afflictiō but be of good there I haue ouercome the worlde And S. Iohn in his Canonical epistle you are of God little children sayeth he 1. Iohn .4 2. Iohn .5 and you haue ouercome them for he is greater that
is in you thā he is that is in the worlde And this is the victory that ouercame the world euen your fayth And by the waye he expoundeth The nature of the deuil is figured by certen wordes what we shoulde vnderstande by the dragon of whō he hath spoken hitherto to wit the olde enemie of man kinde He setteth him foorth with his titles attributinge to him foure names that hereby also we may vnderstande his nature the better and maye beware of that wicked murtherer Firste he calleth him the olde Serpent For at the beginnyng by the Serpent he infected with the poyson of death and sinne our first Parentes and by thē the whole vniuersal world as is to be sene in the .3 of Genes and the .5 to the Romains Therfore I sayed in the beginning of this chapt that he is called a Dragon After he calleth him the Deuill that is to saye a sclaunderer or a false accuser For by and by it followeth which may expoūde this word for the accuser of our bretherne is caste out c. A goodly exāple of this thing is declared in the .1 and .2 chapt of Iob. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifieth to accuse or blame and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is an accusation and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a crime or complaincte Thirdly he calleth him Sathanas in the Hebrewe word to witte an aduersarie for that he is in al things against god and obiecteth him selfe and resisteth men in holy matters yf happely he might hinder or corrupte them Laste he is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 seducer disceauer or he that supplāteth and betrayeth the whole world For this the Lord attributeth to him in the .8 of Iohn for that he hath ben a lier from the beginning and is the father that is the foūtaine and original of al liyng disceipte of errours and seducyng and of al euill For all errours and heresies al deceiptes and all leasinges finally all kinde of euils haue flowed out of this most filthy welspring And who is he that heareth these thinges which wil not abhorre that vile beast they must nedes be starke madde that seke by al meanes to be in fauour with that wicked spirite He should now here consequently annexe the residewe of this fight to witte how the Dragon persecuteth assaulteth the woman and she agayne by fliyng resisteth and ouercometh through Christ But he suspendeth the same narration yet a little while A songe of victory placeth now a songe of victory and triūphe of sainctes in heauen of the Angelles and blessed soules The some wherof is that Christ hath ouercomen that the faithful do ouercome in Christ and therfore muste heauens themselues and al that dwel therin reioyce and singe And I repete that these things are interlased in the daūgerous Antichristian and Romish sight for a cōsolation leest the saincts should in those great daungers by reason of their natural infirmitie be discouraged but callyng vpō the name of Christ should fight manfully when they vnderstande vnder whose banner they fight and with whome they fight verely wyth one ouercomen vnder Christes stādart And when we heare that the Dragons force is broken we shal thinke that the furies of eyther beast aswell the ten horned as the two horned are weakened in the faith of christ This geueth also no smal courage in this conflicte that we see that the Dragon hath no power ouer them that are sprinkled and purified with the bloud of Christ but ouer earthly and worldly men And this triumphe is heauenly For voices are hearde out of heauen singyng a mery note to the intent that the reioycing of the blessed spirites might haue more authoritie grace and efficacitie emonges the pore afflicted Thei al with one voice singe merely that saluatiō power is now made perfit for by the Lordes death and resurrectiō Perfit saluation by Christ God hath wrought power and made perfit the saluatiō promised to the fathers to witte whilest he trode downe the serpentes head abolisshed sinne death and restored life Thus is the kingedome of God in this worlde establisshed in the electe whilest euen by the power of Christ the Prince of this worlde is caste out and ouercome For the cause followeth wherfore we must so reioyce and what vertue and power of Christ hath shewed it selfe or howe saluation is made perfit because sayeth he through Christ the Deuill is cast downe that is to saye ouercome and vāquisshed that he can no more accuse mankinde before the iudgement seate of God Hereunto belongeth that S. Paule wrote Rom. 8. Who shall accuse the electe of God It is God that iustifieth who is he that condemneth It is Christ whiche died yea whiche rose agayne which is also on the right hande of God which maketh intercession for vs. Moreouer the heauenly dwellers do not only preach the victory of Christ but of all the faythfull Christ hath made also the faithfull victours which they obteyne agaynst Sathan in the fayth of Iesu Christ that it maye herof at the leest appere what we should vnderstande before by Michael and by his Angelles And he beateth in dilligently that Christians ouercome not Sathan by their owne merites force or strēgth but by the merite and grace of Christe And they sayeth he to witte the Angelles of Michael ouercame the Dragon by the bloud of the Lambe For in asmuch as the faythful are purified by the bloud of Christe Sathan hath nothing against them but sins they haue the spirite and fayth of Christ they ouercome the Deuill also So in times paste the distroyer had no power ouer those houses whiche were marked with the bloud of the Lambe Exod. 12. And he addeth an other thinge for the which the faithful ouercame for the worde of the testimony of Christ which is the gospel Which because it is inuincible eternal they ouercome all thinges of this worlde who so euer abide in the liuely and eternal word of the veritie And euen in the gospel most trewe the lorde himselfe hath promised that he wil not forsake his and wil fight for thē Therfore must the faithful nedes ouercome To these thinges is added more the effecte of Christes purifiyng They loued not their life more than Christe and therfore haue thei geuen it for Christ vnto death and so haue ouercomen For many are vanquisshed by this one thing that they wil not hasarde their life for Christ For these great benefites of God they exhorte nowe heauens themselues and all the inhabiters of Heauen that is to saye they exhorte one an other to singe a ioyeful songe And that which the heauēly sainctes saye they do here they teach the sainctes in Earth to doe also and instructe of what maner and sorte they ought to be which shal ouercome Sathan in battaile to witte purified by the bloud of Christ cleauing to the testimonie of Iesu Christe and contemners of their own life to whom it
vpon the woman For God neuer fayled his afflicted churche In so much which a man may maruayle at that the earth opened her mouth and swallowed vp the floude powred oute of the serpents mouth This earth dranke vp in oulde time and couered the bloud of Abell And here is signified that the godly abyding persecution haue helpe from whence they loke not for as Dauid in times past is red to be deliuered by the help of the Palestines thinking nothing les than to delyuer Dauid oute of the handes of King Saule but yet whyleste they go aboute an other thing they bring to passe that which semed good to the Lorde which can turne the euil counselles of euil men to the profyte of the godlie And doubtles we see many tymes in the Actes of the Apostles that the earth hath swallowed vp a floude of euylles that is to say that earthly and worldly men doing in the meane tyme an other thing haue procured peace to the church So doeth that Towne clarke or recorder of Ephesus pacifie the multitude of the Ephesians which were all on a roare and worse than madde Lysias the head Captayne taketh away Paule out of the blouddy handes of the Iewes so doth the Centurian defend Paule that he shoulde not be slaine of the souldiours in the shipwreake The ciuile warres begonne immediatelie after the death of Nero gaue peace vnto the church vntyll the Empyre of Domitian But the oulde Serpent that can neuer reste attempteth newe warres For nowe beyng wood madde with the church he goeth to make warre against the remnaunt of the womans seede which verely is to be borne vntyll the iudgement of the church by the worde And so maketh way to the Romayne persecutions which folowed incontinentely after the tyme of Saincte Ihon in the Empyre of Rome and the Antichristiane persecutions reysed after the Empyre subuerted Whereof shall be spoken in the .13 chapt c. the church begetteth Galath 4. Neuerthelesse hereof it appeareth chiefely what Saincte Ihon vnderstandeth by the woman the same verely which engendreth the seede of God The church is called both the Mother and daughter The daughter because she is engendred by the worde preached in the church The mother for that by the worde she bryngeth soorth spirituall chyldren to Chryste For the seede of God and the seede of the woman be all those which kepe the commaundementes of God and haue the testimonie of Iesu Chryste They kepe the commaundementes of God which make much of Gods lawe and frame all parts of theyr lyfe according to the same They kepe not Goddes commaundements which sette nothyng by the lawe or worde of God nother frame theyr lyfe after the same Of this matter is spoken at large in the fourtenth The testimony of Iesu Christ is nothing els but the gospell of Iesu Christ preaching vnto vs the free remissiō of sinnes They haue this which possesse it by fayth And where he sayeth The dragō stādeth on the sea sand that the Dragon stode on the Sea sande it is a preparation to thinges that followe for by by he sayeth how the beast the principall instrument of the dragon came out of the Sea by the deuilles meanes And it hath a consolation that the dragon is sayed to stande on the sande and not on the rocke For it signifieth that the furies of Sathan shall not longe indure agaynst the church and that the kingedome of the Deuill shal be rumouse and fall to decaye whose foundations are layde vpon the sande ¶ He exhibiteth a noble instrumente of the Dragon to be sene the olde Romane Empire which describeth what maner a one it is c. The .lv. Sermon ANd I sawe a beast rise out of the see hauing seuen heades The .13 chapter and ten hornes and vpon his hornes ten crownes and vpon his head the names of blasphemie And the beaste whiche I sawe was like a Cat of the Mountane and his fete were as the fete of a beare and his mouth as a lion And the dragon gaue him his power his seate great authoritie I sawe one of his heades as it were wounded to death his deadly wounde was healed and al the world wōdered at the beast and they worshipped the Dragō which gaue power to the beaste Instrumēts by the whiche the deuil hath wrought worketh S. Iohn procedeth to describe by the reuelatiō of Iesus christ the notable instrumentes of the deuill wherby he hath afflicted the church of Christ with continual most greuouse persecution And he speaketh of the olde and the newe Romane Empire S. Iohn could not without excedyng great daūger vtter much lesse describe those thinges a man not furnished with any mans helpe and therto bannished and driuen into exile For the Romane Empire was takē for godly inuincible most sacred and euerlastyng Neuerthelesse the Apostle both speaketh and writeth hereof in such sorte that it semeth that he can not eschewe the title of a seditious person and offende against the holy maiestie both of the emperour and Empire But what I praye thee woldest thou do God cōmaunding thee so to speake and write The vnpatientnes boldenes of the world against the crewth Math. 21. The world also rageth at this daye when they heare realmes and policies chastised by Gods word for sinne and wickednes cōmitted and lordely enough some Princes set forth proclamations commaundyng that no such thing be hearde any more But the Lord sayeth in the gospell yf these holde their peace stones shall speake signifiyng vtterly that the trueth muste be preached nother that it can be oppressed or quenched with any decrees threatenynges force of Armes or punnishmentes Therfore if they should at this daye kepe silence vnto whom the office of preachyng is committed the lord wil stire vp other preachers which though al the world saye naye wil beare witnesse to the trueth Therfore I would counsell princes that thei vexe not themselues in vayne with those their sondry attēptes agaynst Gods trueth For they shal not preuaile The veritie shal vanquish For he that then furnisshed Iohn agaynste the Romane Empire that time most florisshyng and puissaunt the self same also at this daye reuealyng his trueth to the world nowe broken and waxen olde wil ouercome doubtles Wo to those stifnecked natures which loue to seduce Let al preachers learne by the exāple of the Apostle S. Iohn to vtter frely such things as they haue receiued in commaundement and to feare no man He is greater which is in vs as the same S. Iohn saied in the .1 Iohn 4. than he that is in the world The beast is the Rom. Empire And the beast he calleth the Romane Empire of great authoritie and as it were godly notwithout most weightie cōsiderations For the lorde kepeth still the phrase of the scripture imitatyng Daniel which in the .7 chapt attributeth the name of beaste to the Romane Empire And S. Hierome expoundynge the
they alledged for thēselues but that same rather which God iudgeth and the veritie of the thinge pronounceth and sayeth and they worshipped the Deuill or the Dragon So Paule in the .1 to the Corinth the .10 chapt The thinges sayeth he that the heythen offer vp they offer thē not to God but to Deuilles But this did the gētiles denie But God in this case passeth not vpon the iudgemētes and intentes and denialles of men but pronounceth after his owne iudgement In the .17 of Leuit. He sayeth yf ye offer vnto me oblations otherwise than I haue prescribed ye shal defile your selues with bloud Let now the massemōgyng priestes crie out till they be hoarse againe we offer to the Lorde God not to straunge Goddes yet shal the Lordes sentence stande moste trewe for euer that they transgresse with vnlaweful worshipping no lesse than if thei committed parricidie As also Esaye beareth witnes in .66 chapt The lord god alloweth the sincere obediēce which we shewe vnto his lawes he careth nothing for our inuentions good intentes Thus at this present he sheweth at fewe wordes as the thing is in dede that all idolaters worship the Deuill Yf we would at this daye esteme these things rightly we shuld not so contende as it were for life and landes aboute maineteyning of Images in the church The Lord Iesus light our hartes and mindes to see his trewth ¶ The beaste is worshipped and he blasphemeth the name of God and the Sainctes of God and finally maketh warre with the Sainctes The .lvj. Sermon ANd they worshipped the beaste sayyng who is like vnto the beaste who is able to warre wyth hym And there was geuen to him a mouthe to speake great thinges and blasphemies and power was geuen vnto him to do .xlii. Monethes And he opened his mouth vnto blasphemie against god to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heauen And it was geuen vnto him to make warre with the sainctes to ouercome thē The beaste is worshipped how He sayed that the world worshipped the dragon now he addeth that the same worshippeth the beast Howbeit seyng the beast is the empire some mā might maruel how the empire might be worshipped But we at fewe wordes say how they worshippe the empire which receyue the decrees rites and superstitiouse ordenaunces of thempire and of them depende whole And there were not a fewe at that time who in fauour of the Romane Empire denied the faith of christ and reuoltyng from the churche ioyned themselues in religion and sacrifices to the felloweship of the Empire They in very dede worshipped the beaste Moreouer that thing which is only dewe vnto one God the same did the Romanes attribute to their empire But who so euer ascribeth vnto any thing diuine properties doeth verely deifie and worshippe the same And the properties of god be these to haue no match or pere that he alone is greatest and best immortall eternal most mightie moste inuincible For so saye the Prophetes who is like vnto thee O God in heauen and in earth who is as thou who can resist God But the Romanes did attribute all these thinges to their Emperours and to their empire sayng as S. Iohn also reciteth who is like vnto Rome who is able to warre with it they called their Emperours Goddes best greatest most puissaunt and most inuincible Thempire it self they called eternal Ye may see these thinges yet in most auncient authors and coynes So many therfore as were not asshamed to attribute these thinges to the Romane Princes and kingdome are saied rightly to haue worshipped the beast And what other thing I praye you is done at this daye whilest for the fauour of Emperours Kinges Popes and their realmes the veritie is denied or wrasted after the affections of men These worship the beast also Nowe is geuen also the beaste a mouth speakinge greate thinges and blasphemies A mouth speakyng great thinges Of blasphemies we shall speake more anone But for asmuch as the Romane Empire obteyned greatest victories and helde most gallaunt and solemne triumphes it semeth to haue occasion geuē to boaste proudely of the victories to chalenge those thinges to themselues whiche were in dede wrought through the power of God And doubtlesse there do yet remayne the greatest and moste licentiouse bragges of the Romanes that they are conquerours and lordes of the world But such pride was greuously punnisshed in Nabuchodonozor the King Whereof you maye see in the .4 chapt of Daniel S. Peter affirmeth that God resisteth the proude and geueth grace to the humble God hateth the arrogant and taketh awaye their names frō the Earth And where some man might demaunde How long shal Rome be thus prowde● But what ende shal there be of iniuries pride finally of intollerable arrogātie and blasphemies S. Iohn preuenteth and sayeth and power was geuen him to do that is to worke violence xlii monethes that is to saye so longe time as it semeth good to the Lorde whiche neuertheles although he would haue the time to be to vs vnknowen yet is knowē to him so that the godly maye promise themselues that this euill shall indure but a fewe monethes of this nombre haue I reasoned in the 11. chapt and .xlvi. Sermon And haue shewed in the former places that those nombres were equiualent to wit the thousande two hōdreth and three score dayes the .xlii. monethes the time two times and half a time God therfore admonisshyng vs as it were by a riddle will not haue vs curiousely to inquire after times which he hath kept in his own power it is sufficient to vs that he hath assigned all thinges in their luste limittes Now followeth a plētiful treatise of Romish blasphemies Of the blasphemies of old Rome First he sayeth by a trope he hath opened his mouth wherby he hath signified his boldenes and libertie yea licētiousenes of speakyng For we saye he would not ones open his mouth whē we signifie any mā that wil not speake frākely But the Romanes and companions of the Romish superstition blaspheme God thre manner of wayes For fyrste they blaspheme the holy name of God in this that they do prefer their false Gods and their superstitions to the true God to the true and most holy religion For where they ded admit in the citie of Rome the Gods of al nations and their religions the religion of the only God of Israell they vtterly refused for that they vnderstoode howe he wolde be worshipped alone and by non other rite than that which he himself had prescribed But they had rather reteyne wickedly those their many gods and their religion although most absurde than to commit themselues into the tuition of one and to reseaue a moderate simple religion Authour Aurel. August I raccoumpte not nowe the blasphemouse wordes of them vttered against the true God about that tyme chiefly when Vespasian and Titus triumphed after the Iewysh war
To them afterwarde they framed Idolles that is tokens and memorialles whiche might bryng those heauenly goddes into the memorie of the Earthly dwellers They builded for thē chapelles and churches they instituted priestes holy daies rites and Ceremonies These things are foūde in the bokes of the gentiles in our histories and also in their writinges which haue cōfuted the heythen Idolaters But in the popish kingdome at this day the names beyng only chaunged who can denie that the same culte the same religion naye very superstitiō is not renewed of these thinges I haue treated at large in my booke De origine erroris The Papistes teache that the Sainctes in heauen reigne with God and that to them are subiecte sickenesses artes limmes or membres cities and althinges and muste therfore be called vpon and worshipped Sainctes are expressed and represented by Images to these Images are erected Aultars and churches briefly it is done to them that was done to the Goddes and Idolles of the Heythen Who therefore vnderstandeth not nowe that Antichrist hath procured that the first beaste might be worshipped that is to witte mighte be of force agayne and that the olde Idolatrie and superstitiouse worshippyng might be renewed and frequented Who worship the first beaste vnder the seconde And as we haue red it to be sayed before and they worshipped him all that dwell in Earth whose names are not written in the booke of life of the Lābe so sayeth he also here plainely and he causeth the Earth and the inhabiters of the Earth that is they that seke regarde only earthly thinges to worshippe the firste beaste For all be not polluted with popish Idolatrie For hereunto apperteyneth the noble historie of Leo the thirde Emperour and Gregory the seconde and of other Popes through whose wickednes Idolatrie was agayne brought into the church which I wrote of long sins in my worke De origine erroris Nother with out a misterie is this hereunto annexed Whose deadly wounde is healed whose deadly plague was healed For he semeth to compare together the firste and seconde beaste and to shewe the lickenes of the same And I tolde you howe many menne at the firste were kepte still in the Romanes errours and Idolatrie for that the Goddes by Vespasians meanes were sayed to haue preserued the common welth whiche els with ciuile warres was as it were brought to ruine Finally we reade in stories that the Empire of Rome hath many times receiued deadly woundes but yet by and by through the wisedome and valeauntnes of some noble men the Goddes as they speake so willyng haue ben healed againe In that nōbre are rekened Lucius Septimius Seuerus Valerius Aurelianus C. Aurel. Val. Diocletian c. By whose lucky successe triumphes and victories to the Empire restored many haue ben moued to saye who seeth not that Rome shal be eternal and that the Romane religion is to the Goddes most acceptable and that the Emperours also and publicke weale is indued with a certen deitie and is to be honoured after the same sorte the kyngedome of the Pope or Antichrist hauing tried moste diuerse chaunces hath very ofte escaped out of desperate daungers Force and policie hath afflicted it and also the religion of Henry the .3 Emperour and of his sonne Henry the .4 Fridericke the first and second vexed the popes There were also other mightie Princes whiche inflicted mortall woundes to the See of Rome Agane there were Bishoppes of Rome which with singular craftes haue cured their woundes agayne The woūdes of Antichriste healed of the whiche sorte was Gregory the .7 Vrbane the .2 Paschalis the .2 Calixtus the .2 Alexander the .3 Innocentius the .3 Honorius the .3 Gregory the .9 Clement the .4 .5 Boniface the .8 Iohn the .22 and diuerse others But was not that feate in greatest perill in times paste when three Popes were created at ones whereof one was resident at Rome the seconde went to Auignon in Fraunce and the thirde liued in Spayne But all these three putte downe by the power diligence authoritie and policie of the Emperour Sigismunde and the counsel of Constaūce that deadly wounde was fayre healed in Martin the .5 And this felicitie and restoryng the Popish kingedome perswadeth many effectually that poperie is of God and the popishe religiō to be most certen and trewe as that which hath so ofte ben of mightie princes assayled might in dede be shaken but neuer yet ouerthrowen The acclamation of all the Romishe is knowen the shippe of S. Peter is tossed in dede with stormes but can neuer be drouned But Daniel him self also hath prophecied that this shuld so come to passe saiyng and he shall prosper and shal doe what he will and shall kill the strong and holy people at his pleasure and guyle shal be directed in his hande Whiche thinges they doe not marke whiche are at this daye so much offended with the felicitie of that chayre of pestilence and the beaste therof Therfore like as the dayes of mourning and soden destruction came vpon olde Rome and vtterly destroied both the citie and Empire euen so shal we heare in the .17 and .18 chapt That Babilon shal haue her fatall destenies The Lorde Iesus confirme vs in the faith of Iesus Christe and deliuer vs from the guiles lucky successe and felicitie of that Romish Antichrist Amen ¶ Of the signes of Antichrist and Image of the beaste of him reysed The .lx. Sermon ANd he did great wonders so that he made fyre come downe from heauē into the yearth in the sight of men and deceaued them that dwelt on the earth by the meanes of those signes whiche he had power to do in the sight of the beaste saiyng to them that dwelte on the Earth that they should make an Image vnto the beaste whiche had the wounde of a sworde and did liue And he had power to geue a sprite vnto the image of the beaste and that the image of the beast should speake And should cause that as many as would not worshippe the Image of the beast should be killed He procedeth moste dilligently to describe Antichrist and his kingdome which so greatly impugneth the faith of Christ and afflicteth his church to the intent he mighte be knowen and eschewed of al men He sayeth nowe he shall do great wonders Of trewe miracles by the whiche he vnderstandeth miracles Wherof some be true and some false I call those trewe miracles which are done in dede and are not by any craftie iuggelyng countrefeted and the which allure mē to the veritie and set forth the veritie Of the which sorte out of doubte were the miracles of the Prophetes and Apostles holy Martirs and chiefly of Moses and Christe These do good vnto men hurte not nor emptye pore mens purses yea more they glorifie God and make the treweth to be beleued in drawyng men only vnto God as to the fountayne of all goodnes So Iohn testifieth of the lordes
firste miracle done in Cana of Galiley and sayeth This is the firste token that Iesus did at Cana in Galiley and shewed his glory and his disciples beleued on him This token was trewe and suspected of no iuggelyng it was a benefite bestowed vpō pore folkes newely maried by the same God was glorified His disciples moued herewith and the sprite of God workyng also inwardely beleued on Christ So do all trewe miracles testifie Christ to be helthful and beneficiall therefore alone to be called vpon and worshipped So doe Iohn and Peter interprete the signes or miracle that their thēselues wrought in the .3 of the Actes of Apostles And of such miracles we haue greate plentie in the Euangelicall Apostolicall Ecclesiasticall storie nother haue al those any other ende thā that we must beleue in the sonne of God as which alone geueth life and al good thinges And false signes I calle those that are done through deuelishe crafte or inchauntement Of fals● signes or miracles or by the craftie iuggelyng and subtill sleight of wicked men as be those of witches and inchaunters such as the wise men of Pharao were and Symon Magus and those wherof mention is made in the .13 of Deu●ter Finally suche were the miracles of the Freres brent at Bernes in Swisserlande and greately it is to be feared leest such haue ben the most parte of the miracles of al Mounkes and Eremites Likewise those are called false also whiche although they be done in dede yet beare they witnes to a lie agaynste the trewth confirmyng the Pope to be head of the church that images are to be worshipped that we must pray vnto Sainctes and go a pilgrimage for religion yea rather for superstitions sake that we must worshippe a newe God liynge hidde vnder fourme of Bread and Wine that God muste be honoured with vowes and Monkish conuersatiō and yf there be any other thing of like sorte With suche disceauable signes are filled at this daye all Temples churches and chapelles These haue perswaded much euen wise men and do also at this daye Whiche thing the Lord prophecied should come to passe saiynge there shal arrise false Christes and false Prophetes and shal shewe great signes and wonders that euen if it were possible the elect should be brought into errour And S. Paule also the comyng of Antichriste sayeth he shal be after the workyng of Sathan with al power and signes and liyng wonders and the reste whiche is red in the .2 to the Thessal 2. And we knowe that many Bisshoppes of Rome haue wrought signes but that same is not so excellent but that the Bisshoppe of Rome hath confirmed what miracles so euer haue ben wrought in al Christēdome and augemented the same with his bulles and indulgences Doubtles all had a contrary ende to the miracles of Christ and yet haue for they do not profite men but emptie their purses put men to sondry charges and leade them awaye from the faith of Christ to the faith of Antichrist confirming his religion superstitiō and doctrine Nother doeth he place these his miracles emongs the last of his argumentes what time the simplicitie of the gospell is impugned But if we be wise we will beware of them as of a most present pestilence He maketh fire to come down c heauē And emonges his miracles the lord by S. Iohn reherseth that aboue all thinges he causeth fire to come downe to the Earth and that in the presence of mē And he semeth to haue alluded to the story of Helias wherof we reade in the .4 boke of Kinges the .1 chapt and whereof we mentioned in the .11 chapt We reade that it was no smal miracle in the Actes of the Apostles that al the laiyng on of thapostles handes the holy ghost was geuen Symon Magus also did couet the same grace but he was sore reiected of S. Peter the Apostle as we reade in the .8 chapt of the Actes of Apostles And here is to be obserued as also S. Austen hath admonished in the .15 boke de trinit the .26 chapt that thapostles gaue not the holy ghost for it is God alone that geueth the holy ghost therfore at the prayers of thapostles at the imposition of hādes the holy ghost was geuen from heauē Wherfore S. Iohn Baptiste saied how he baptised with water but that Christ shuld baptise with fire and with holy ghost And by fire is figured the holy ghost The Pope geueth grace But Antichrist the Pope shal make his boaste that he hauing power geuen him frō heauen graunteth the grace of the holy ghost Doubtles in the time of cōsecrating he saieth that he geueth the holy ghost So likewise in auricular cōfessions absolutions they bragge that thei geue full absolutiō of sinnes which in dede is a great miracle Thei laie their hādes vpon the sinner that confesseth and saye howe they absolue him from the payne and crime and that by the power receyued of that moste holy See of Rome Primasius expounding this place It is no maruell sayeth he though that beaste which fainedly vsurpeth to him selfe the name of the Lambe killed and yet liuyng doe fraudulently chalenge to him selfe also this gifte of the holy ghost colourably by Imitatiō and fayne a donation to his ministers as we remembre that Symon Magus coueted but coulde not obteyne Hitherto he There is an other fire also The Pope casteth a thōderbolt at his enemies which Antichrist calleth doune from heauen and casteth and throweth at his enemies to be reuenged on them to wit the darte and thonderbolte of cursing this was terrible to kinges princes people And these haue so much feared the thonderbolte of excōmunication that they haue done graunted many thinges which otherwise no mā shuld haue gote of thē The story is knowē of themperour Henry the .4 For Platina in the life of Gregory the .7 sheweth that this Emperour was excōmunicated by the Pope After he addeth these things of themperour he came spedely to Canosse where the bishop was with Mathilda and by and by laiyng a side his royal robes went bare foted to the gates of the citie and humbly required to be let in His entring denied he toke in good parte notwithstanding that the winter was sharpe and al was frosen harde Remaynyng thre daies in the suburbes of the Towne and continually crauing perdon at the length at request of Mathilda and the Erle of Sauoye the Abbot of Clunies he is absolued Fridericke Barbarouse that he mighte be reconciled to the Pope layed his necke vnder his fete to be troden on full manifeste are the iniuries done of this beaste to other kinges also and people I wil yet tel of one The Venetians besieged Farrare which payeth tribute to the Churche of Rome for the whiche cause they were excommunicated by Clement the .5 Therefore Fraunces Dandalus which was after created Duke wente into Fraunce where that time the Bisshop was
to are perdon for that offence Lōg it was or euer he was admitted to come in the Popes sight At the last he was led with an yrō chaine aboute his necke to the Bisshoppes table lyke a Dogge and there fayne to lie vnder the table emongs the dogges so lōg til the wrath of Clement without all clemencie beyng ouer paste he put out that ignominie from his countrie And was therefore alwayes after called dogge of his owne countriemē for that he had layne like a dogge at the Popes table for to gette absolution This is written in Sabellicus in the ende of the .9 Aeneid the .7 boke The Pope in excommunicatinge vseth tapers or candelles of waxe burning which he throweth downe to the grounde from on highe that euen thereby we might perceyue that it is he that calleth downe the feareful fire from Heauen vpon men in earth And these thinges doeth the beast in the presence of men to wit with great confidence boldenes finally to make mē affrayde and to kepe them in awe For after the same kinde of speaking S. Paule commaundeth also to rebuke a great man offendyng before all men that others maye be affrayed 1. Timoth. 5. He disceaueth by signes Howbeit the Lord addeth the vse and effect of Antichristes wonders to th ende the church might iudge rightly of them and he deceaueth sayeth he the dwellers on the Earth by reason of the miracles c. He shall seduce by these signes or miracles to wit by that grace of the spirite whiche he faineth that he geueth and with those his excommunications wherwith he would seme to caste men downe into hell that dwell vpon Earth that is to saye more geuen to earthly than to heauenly thinges And he shall leade them from the fayth of Christ vnto his tromperies Therefore must we iudge of the tokens and doctrine of Antichrist for that they seduce men Leaue maruelyng therefore howe it hath chaunced that the Pope hath allured to his side so many menne of wisedome and learnyng You haue hearde already by what meanes this is done Therefore be not you alwayes fooles learne take hede and beleue Christe and his Gospell and cleaue thereunto Agayne he sayeth The beaste doeth miracles in the sight of the beaste that power is geuen to the beast verely by the iuste iudgement of God that according to thapostles saiyng they maye be iudged whiche had rather beleue lies than the veritie that he shoulde worke those miracles in the sight of the beaste What is it to worke miracles in the sight of the beaste but to do them in the presence of all men boldely and with out feare euen to feare disceaue the very beast Here therfore nowe we heare of two beastes The beaste that doeth the wonders and that later beaste in whose sight that other fourmer beaste doeth those signes In the .19 chapt Yea it shall followe hereafter that both the beaste and the false Prophet whiche doeth these miracles before the beaste by the whiche he also deceaued the beaste shall be caste bothe into fire euerlasting Who therfore is the former and the two horned beaste but the Pope the very same is the false prophet also And who is the beaste in whose sight the Pope worketh wonders but the Image of the beaste and therfore a beaste also in asmuch as thempire is reysed of the beaste and gouerned by the spirite of the beaste For it followeth that the beast setteth vp an Image of the beaste The beaste setteth vp an Image of the beast and that of the same beaste whiche had the wounde of a sworde and liueth that is to wit of that olde Romane Empire Now therfore is erected a new Romane Empire which neuerthelesse is not called playnely a beaste but the Image of the beast that is to saye an Empire in dede but the which cometh not so nere to the olde by as farre as an Image differeth from the true example For the olde Romane Empire is as it were an example whereof thempire set vp by the Romish Antichrist is only an Image representation shaddowe and as it were a dreame hauyng neuerthelesse some sumilitude of the same Howe the Image of the beaste was set vp I tolde before and shewed out of stories howe the olde Romane Empire was torne and rent in pieces taken quite awaye In times paste the one Emperour gouerned in the Easte at Constantinople the other in the Weste at Rome or at Rauenna But from Augustulus by the space of thre hondreth yeres and more there was no Emperour of the Weste And suche landes as were the Emperours were now possessed of others and the Empire was vtterly loste Therefore about the yere of our lorde eyght hondreth what time Charles the greate Kynge of Fraunce came to Rome vpon Christemas daye Leo the .3 of that name Bisshoppe of Rome setting the Crowne vpon Charles head made him Emperour all the people saiyng with a lowde voice to Charles the Emperour crowned of God be long life and victory These thinges are red in all stories especially in the .4 booke of Auentinus his Cronicles of Bourbonois The beaste sayeth to the inhabiters of the Earth that they shuld make an Image to the beast Agayne when this Empire semed to wauer and to slide and therefore lyke shortely to falle the Bisshoppe of Rome instituted seuen Princes Electours Some referre this ordenaunce to Gregory the .5 whiche was Pope when Otth● was Emperour And some to Gregory the .10 whiche called Rafe of Abspurge to the Empire Whereof shal be more sayed anone But the Lorde by S. Iohn sayeth expressely howe the beast sayed to the inhabiters of the Earth that thei shuld make an Image of the beaste For the Popes haue by speakyng and not by fightyng as appereth in the stories of Bisshoppes of Rome especially of Leo the .3 erected a new Empire For by preachyng perswadyng and practysing they brought the Empire to Kinge Charles Certenly Platina in the life of Leo the .3 The Bisshop sayeth he minding to gratifie by some meane king Charles which had deserued right well of the churche in the churche of S. Peter after solemne seruice done by the voyces and prayers of the people of Rome with a lowde voyce declareth Charles Emperour and crowneth him c. But nowe we muste see more dilligentlie What is properlie the Image of the beaste wherefore the newelie erected empyre is called of the Pope the Image of the oulde beaste And here in dede myghte manye thynges be alledged but I shall recyte of many things onely a fewe Aboue all thinges it is called the Image both for that it is named the Empyre it selfe and wolde be taken for the oulde Empyre where it is in dede a name wythoute the thynge and a vayne tytle wythoute that aunciente power maiestie and glorie For vnlesse the Emperour haue the Kyngdome of his owne by inheritaunce what Kyngdome shal he haue by the name of
Emperour shal he haue Rome shal he haue Italie the oulde seat of the Empyre shal he haue Fraunce Spayne Hongarie Germanie For although Germanie be nowe taken for the seate of the Empyre yet hath shee her owne Princes her owne free Cities and the which inioye their Priuileges although they be called Emperiall Theodorycke of Niem a Germayne and a familiar friende of certen Popes which wrote also the lyues of certen Byshoppes of Rome which were last before the counsell of Constaunce in the thyrde booke the .xliii. chapt of his Stories Of what magnificēce sayeth he the Romaine Empyre is at the leestwyse openlye sene in Germanie For you shal haue there an Archbyshop or a Byshop which hath of yearely reuenewes twyse so much more The pouerty and barenes of the Romayne Empyre as the Kyng of Romaynes receyueth in all his dominions And agayne a temporall Prince that hath more landes than hath the Emperour And so forth Moreouer in the ould Empire ther was some mightie monarke which vsed full Aucthoritie and was honoured of all men as a God in Earth As Caius Domitian Dioclesian and others His Image representeth the Pope Byshoppe and Kynge and as it were a certeine God terristrial the greatest Monarke with fulnesse of power Furthermore Rome or the oulde beaste had a mooste honorable Senate So hath the Byshppe of Rome also a Princelyke Senate of prowde purpled Cardynalles For they bee in maner all Princes The booke of the Romayne gouernementes reciteth the Vicar or Lieutenaunte of the Diocesse of Asia a Diocesse in Greke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is a disposition administration dispēsation gouernemente or iurisdiction the Vycar of the Diocesse of Thracia and of Pontus So was there a noble man president of the gouernementes in Italie He had manye Diocesses vnder And no fewer had the Lieutenaunt of Fraunce And lyke as the Counte of Strasbourgh the Captayne generall of the soldiours at Spires and the General of the soldiours at Woormes ded acknowledge the Duke of Mentz a Proconsull So at this daye the Byshoppes of those Cities are subiectes to the Archebyshoppe of Mentz The Byshoppes therefore seme by the Popes ordinaunce to succede in the place of the Romayne gouernementes Certeinelie you shall see the moste parte of these Byshops called not onely moste reuerend fathers in Christe but also most Noble myghty Dukes and Princes of the Empyre And this is also manifeste that the Emperour of the oulde beaste had his legions the Romaine Egles or enseignes and moste expert and puissaunt Captaynes of warre But the high Bishop and kyng of Rome hath in that Imagerie Empyre obedient children kinges and Princes in Europe not to be dispised Tharmies and power of the Popes sworde whom he may cōmaunde yf nede requyre to stretch foorth the secular power For so thundreth Boniface the .8 in the firste boke de Maior Obedient doubtles sayeth he whosoeuer denieth the temporall sworde to be in the power of Peter he vnderstandeth a misse the worde of the Lorde sayeng put vp thy swoorde into thy sheath howe subtiilie and howe aptelie Therefore are both swords in the power of the church to wit both the spiritual and materiall sword but this must in dede be exercised for the church the other of the church The spirituall by the prieste the materiall by the hande of kinges and soldiours but at the will and patience of the high prieste c. The oulde beaste had his lawes written and published daylie in a maner newe Decretals The Popes therefore after the imitation of the emperiall lawes haue written decretalles and many tymes make newe lawes Yea moreouer they saie howe the voice precepts or cōmaundemēts of the pope are aswel to be receiued taken as the words of our Lord Iesus Christ the son of God and Apostle S. Peter They adde moreouer these things also that we muste stand to the popes determinatiō That where the pope is there is the generall counsell Where the Pope is there is our common countrie He is compelled or reproued of no man althoughe he be called an heretike He hath all lawes in his breast or in the scroll of his breaste he may interprete or expound all thinges The same doth ratifie no sentence and it is in him alone to take away one mans right and geue it to an other He maie take awaye priuileges and at his wyll and pleasure not onely to chaūge bishops but also to depose the emperour himselfe and to declare no sentence of themperour All the world is the Popes diocesse and the pope is the ordinarie of al hauing fulnes of power aswell in spiritual matters as tēporall For he is Lord of Lordes and hath the righte of the King of Kinges ouer all subiects For he hath no pere and is all thinges and aboue all and it is necessarie to saluation to be vnder the byshop of Rome For ther is one consistorie or iudgement seat of God and of the Pope These thynges haue I taken oute of their owne books to witte of their Decretalles and gloses There is a boke of Antony Russell of Aretine of the power of the Pope and the emperour where in you may read innumerable things of the same sort But of these thinges which I haue noted hitherto I suppose it be made playne enough how the Pope which is here also called the false prophete hath sette vp the Image of the beaste Hereunto Ihon addeth an other thyng And he had power to geue a spirite to the Image of the beaste that the empyre thus establyshed and all thynges sette in order the beaste or false prophete doeth moue all that weighte and putteth lyfe into the Image so that it can speake to witte the same that the false prophete hath geuen it to speake For excepte the pope do confyrme the election of the Kyng of Romaines he shall not be thoughte worthie of the name of Emperour .22 quest .5 de forma in the glose thēperour sweareth to the pope as the Client to his Lord. The same maiste thou reade in the firste boke the .9 title de iure iurando in Clementinis Moreouer who seeth not how aswell the Emperour as other Princes are inuironed wyth a cōpanie of Byshoppes whych inspyre them what they shoulde speake or doe and howe they shoulde behaue themselues in all thinges For this cause are sent also the Legates that are called Legati a latere And it is not vnknowen that in all Princes counselles for the moste parte the spirituall haue the chiefe rule They be for the most parte Chancelours Secretaries Ambassadours and what not And their Pope King sayeth openlie howe he ought to iudge al men but to be iudged of no man Yea and his creatures also vsurpe the same vnto themselues Yf ther be any assemblee there the Byshop of Rome commonly ruleth by his spirite and gouerneth the chiefeste matters especiallye matters of religiō For vnlesse the decrees please the fathers
let him busily praie vnto God that if he fele them the lord would confirme them if he fele them not that the Lord would printe them depely in their mindes ¶ The Aungel preacheth the eternall gospel of Christe The .lxiij. Sermon ANd I sawe an Aūgell fliyng in the middes of heauē hauing an euerlastyng Gospell to preache vnto them that sit dwel on the earth and to all nations kinredes and tunges people saiyng with a lowde voice feare God and geue honour to him for the houre of his Iudgement is come and worshippe him that made heauen and earth and the See and the fountaines of water Antichrist desireth nothing so much to be oppressed as the preaching of the Gospell For euen therfore hath he instituted the inquisitours of hereticall prauitie for h● dare calle the Gospel heresie Therfore he burneth the Gospel bokes and preachers of the gospel and euery where restreyneth the readyng of the gospel and Euangelical bokes Wherefore the simple suppose that it can not be but that gospel with all his adherentes should perish vtterly Now therfore in the lordes consolation is brought in a vision of an Angel for he is stil in the vision fliyng in the middes of heauen hauing the euerlasting gospel and preachyng to the world Whereby is signified that the gospell shal be preached vnto men in despite of al the enemies therof And he gathereth a briefe some of such thinges as by the gospell are preached to the worlde Those same appertaine also to the cōforte of the church whiche vnder the olde beaste suffered persecutions for the Gospel We will briefly consider euery thing The angel is a figure of the preachers Firste it is euident euen by the fourmer thinges that by thangel is signified the ministers of the worde and the very ministerie of the gospel Certes the scripture calleth preachers Angelles For so is S. Iohn Baptiste named of the prophet Malachie Wherof is spokē before And the ministers by this honourable title are admonished of puretie of most sincere faith For Angels be gods ministers whō thei only regarde loue and honour whose cōmaundemētes thei execute most faithfully sincerely and dilligētly Such it besemeth preachers to be in their kinde and office And like as Angels cannot be hurte through the treasons and iniuries of men so God defendeth his ministers vntill the houre appointed So is Peter deliuered out of prison in the .12 of thactes So is Paul in Shippewreake c. And he sayeth an other Angell for that he hath brought in already sondry visiōs of diuerse Angels Notwithstanding that other semeth to be put for the firste For he annexeth to this yet two angels moe The first wherof he calleth an other the later the thirde He flieth through the middes of Heauen And this Angell flieth in the middes of heauen By this thinge is signified the lucky course and procedyng of the preachyng of the gospell It is also written in the prophetes his worde runneth swiftely Psalm .19 Dauid compareth the runnyng of the preachyng of the gospell to the course of the sunne ioyefull as a giaunt he runneth his waye i● the vttermost parte of heauens he arriseth and runneth againe to the same neyther can any man stoppe him nor hide him self frō the heate thereof The sunne shineth in all places Therefore shal the preaching be free For as we cā nother plucke backe nor hinder the thinges that are aboue vs in thayre skie so shall we nother plucke downe nor hinder him that flieth in the middes of heauen The wordes and writinges flie they flie farre wide where Nother can the veritie be oppressed God hath geuen to the world Printyng wherby the gospel is preached and runneth farre wide and most swiftely And this Angell hath the euerlastyng gospell The gospell euerlasting Wherin is the greatest cōforte For it signifieth that the veritie shal be in the world inuincible And for many causes is the Gospell called euerlastyng Firste because the veritie is immortall which can not be bounden how so euer the ministers are fettered slayne .2 Timoth. 2. secondely the gospel is eternal for bicause it was shewed to our firste fathers prophecied in the lawe prophetes fulfilled of Christ declared by thapostles by the grace of God brought vnto vs. Yea before al times was predestinated Reade the .1 to the Ephes For euē for this cause is it called euerlasting for asmuch as it apperteineth to vs to our posteritie vnto the worldes ende and not only to our elders And because it is euerlastyng they lie whiche at this daye calle it a newe doctrine or learnyng Papistrie is newe whiche hath his originall what time euery thing was ordeyned c. Moreouer the Apostle sayeth yf I or an Angel from heauē shal preach any other gospell or besides the same that ye haue receyued let him be accursed And we heare expressely that the Aungel had not only the Gospell but that he had preached the gospell The angel preacheth Many in dede haue the gospel but dumme and written in bokes The gospel must be shewed forth and pronounced He declareth also vnto whom the gospel must be vttered and preached to the inhabiters of the earth for it must be cried out to such as are drowned in earthly matters and they muste be reysed out of their slepe And after his maner and imitation of blessed Daniel in the .7 chapt He rekeneth vp nations kinredes tunges and people and thus signifieth that the gospell shal be preached ●●●ough out the whole worlde Whiche thing the lord sayde also should come to passe in the .24 of Matth. and than that the ende should come And we see at this daye that the gospel hath in a maner thondered through out the whole world And here I geue warning leeste any disceaue him self Thapostle in the .1 Timoth. 3. and .1 Coloss that the gospell was preached through out the whole world in his time Howbeit al men had not than receyued it but a fewe Do not therfore Imagine with thy selfe that the Gospel is not preached vnlesse al receyue it There shal no more be made one sheperde one shepefolde They are abused that promise to thēselues before the iudgement a concorde of all nations for that it is writtē that there should be ons one sheperde and one shepefolde For the same was accōplisshed whilest of the Iewisshe Synagoge and dispersion of the gentiles the lord prepared to him selfe one church wherof Christ is head and pastour and Antichrist shal at the length by his laste comyng be abolished Therfore shall he alwayes resiste Christe He preacheth with a lowde voice Furthermore where he seeth heareth this Angell preach the gospel with a lowde voice he meaneth that the preachers shall with great constancie and frankenes also with shrylle voices and most ernestenes preach the gospell agaynst Antichrist And we see at this daye that the more cruelly the faithful are
greued and oppressed the more feruently and lowder they crie and that also they be called clamorouse criers What the Aungell preacheth Moreouer he compriseth in a briefe some what thinges are to be set forth in the preaching of the gospel chiefly in the laste times First he sayeth feare God The feare of God is the beginning of wisedome therfore not to feare God is the beginnyng of foolishenes The feare of God of al errours The feare of God hath nothing comon with the feare of the world The godly man is not affrayed of God as a gilty seruaunt feareth his maister and that more punnisshment than his maister whō he hateth rather For the feare of God hath the reuerēce and loue of God It attributeth to God the supreme Maiestie imbraceth faith and hath a faithful care wherby it awayteth vpon God worshippeth prayseth and professeth the same Doubtles because we more feare men than God we feare more the Pope and the mallice and hatred of him and his therefore do we not execute iustice vprightly nor professe the trewth frankely nother yet set forth the gospel But the lord in the Gospel sayeth feare ye not them which maye kill the body haue no power ouer the soule rather feare ye him which condemneth both body soule to hell fire Certes the feare of God is not only the beginnyng but also the bonde of al vertue Hereafter we shall heare that the feareful shal be caste into hel with the beaste with the false prophet Therfore let God be our feare like as Esaye teacheth in the .8 cha Let vs feare God for our sinnes committed Here fewe are affraide but many are affraide to speake the trueth to mainteyne godlines and to rebuke wickednes Secondely the preachyng of the Gospell comprehendeth the honour of God For he sayeth and geue him honour the honour of God And thou doest not seperate the sonne from the father For he in the .5 of Iohn sayeth thus the father hath geuē al iudgement to the sonne that al shuld honour the sonne as thei honour the father He that honoureth not the sonne honoureth not the father which sent him And in very dede the father cā not be honoured but by the sonne For we honour him when we beleue him to be true receyue Christ the sonne of God as the only rightuousnes perfection of al faithful By faith therfore chiefly we honour God than reuerēcyng him only by faithful obedience walking in his commaundementes S. Iohn in his Canonic he that beleueth not the sonne sayeth he maketh God a liar see howe ye maye highly dishonour God which beleueth not the testimony which God hath testified of his sonne And this is the testimony that God hath geuē to vs eternal life this life is in his sonne He that hath the sonne hath life he that hath not the sonne hath not life We are therefore forbidden els where than in Christ alone to seke life al goodnes But the papistes honour the Pope and his cōstitutions his Sainctes also and honour not God alone They in graue in theyr cuppes Soli deo gloria to God alone be glory but yet in the meane season thei persecute thē whiche will not ascribe the glory dewe to God alone vnto their folish trifles But the Gospell wil crie out that to God alone al glory is dewe Hereunto is added a spurre The iudgemēt of the sonne of God whiche maye pricke them to feare glorifie God for the houre of his iudgement is come The Gospel therefore in the latter dayes shal beate into men the last iudgement This hath a wonderful effecte to obteine of men amendement of life And it is pourposely sayed it is come and not the houre of his iudgement shal come For so is the certentie of his iudgement expressed and we are warned to loke for that same daye euery moment The Apostle vsed the same argument in the .17 chapt of the Actes to them of Athens and to the Corinth the .2 Epist 5. chapt Lette vs remembre O bretherne that strayte iudgement let vs amende our faith and maners and al thinges that agree not with the gospell For certenly we shal die certenly we shal be iudged But then when we shal promise our selues peace shall come sodayne destruction Watche To worship God Finally the Gospell teacheth to worshippe God alone Than doe not the faithfull worshippe Idolles to whome so euer they be erected They worship not the Pope ouerwhelmed with wickednesse much lesse doe they kisse and by kissinge worshippe his vngraciouse and stinkyng fete They worshippe not the God Mauzim of the wafer makers Daniel 11. the God in the boxe which is worshipped in palaces churches as shutte vp in the pixe They worshippe not Sainctes but God alone Therefore lifte vp your hartes vnto heauen and worshippe We haue here in Earth wōderful workes which maie moue vs to worshippe this God alone He is maker of heauen and Earth and of the See Who is greater who is mightier Therefore worshippe him the trewe God Matth. 4. He annexeth here fountaynes of water for that the miracle and benefite of waters is greate For if we consider the originall sprynge substaunce pleasauntenes and commoditie of fountaynes we shal be compelled to wonder God be praysed ¶ An other Angell preacheth that Babilon shall fal and an other diswadeth all men from the felloweshippe of the religion of the beaste The .lxiiij. Sermon ANd there followed an other Aungel saiyng she is fallen she is fallen euen Babylon that greate Citie for she made all nations drinke of the wine of her whoredome And the thirde Angell followed them sayeng with a loude voyce yf any man worship the beast and his Image and receiue his marke in his forehead or on his hand the same shall drinke of the wyne of the wrath of God which is powred in the cup of his wrath And he shal be punished in fyre brimstone before the holy Angels and before the Lambe and the smoke of their tourmente ascendeth vp euermore And thei haue no rest day nor night which worship the beast and his Image and whosoeuer receyued the prynte of his name Here is the patience of Saincts Here ar thei that kepe the cōmaundements and the faith of Iesu For the comfort of the faithful flocke of Christ ❀ The Romysh Churche shall fal is brought forth an other Aungell a type of all godly preachers which preacheth with great constancie that the kyngdome of Anti-Christ shall fall howe soeuer it promiseth to it selfe euerlastingnesse And hereof the Sainctes gather that persecutions shall with all be finisshed with all other abominations through out the worlde For where for the continuall persecutions of the wicked all the Saincts cannot but be maruelouselye sadde They muste nedes verely hereof receyue no small ioye and comforte that they here howe they shall not indure alwayes and here it is sayed that Babilon shall fall
to be loked for in the world to come most dilligently and most certenly he treateth of the state of soules and of the felicitie and blesse of soules which as sone as they die they atchieue assuredly and streightwaye flitting out of this worlde into life euerlasting But they that know these thinges and haue conceaued them by a true faith how thei shal vndoubtedly slitte frō the corporal death into the blessed life it can not be chosen but that they shal more boldely contemne the life present Most certē tables of saluation are to vs exhibited And this holesome doctrine is comprised in three poincts For first he sheweth the certentie therof secōdly he declareth what it is laste he setteth forth and lighteth the same by circūstaunces At the first verely he semeth to allude to the maner accustomably receyued of al nations that such thinges as they wuld haue thought to be certen and vndoubted they would also cōmitte to writing to leaue them vnto posteritie But the certentie veritie or Authoritie of the thing is estemed of thauthours which first haue dispatched any matters emonges thēselues and after haue caused the same to be put in writyng At this present therfore is God shewed to be authour For S. Iohn saieth and I hearde a voice from heauen And by and by addeth ye the spirite sayeth Therefore there is no doubte but that the sonne of God him self hath spoken and reuealed these things Our lord Iesus Christ For him he sawe at the beginning of this reuelation after he seeth diuerse kindes of Aungelles but he seeth not Christ speaking to him But he heareth now his voice from Heauen he heareth the spirite speakyng by whom the lord sayed whilest he was yet cōuersaunt in earth with his disciples that he would treate and speake al thinges in the churche Let vs beleue therefore that the wordes which are here recited by christes doyng to be a celestiall oracle certen and trewe whereof we ought not to doubte And S. Iohn thapostle Euangelist is cōmaūded to write the saiynges of Christ from the heauēly seate Which thing he doeth so at Christes cōmaundement sendeth them vnto al posterie vnto vs also to our ofspring euen to the worldes ende But if tables written by the chaūcelours or secretaries of kinges and Princes beyng notable men deserue credit we maye much more iustely rightly beleue this writing which the sonne of God inditeth from heauen that beloued disciple of Christ the apostle and Euangelist S. Iohn writeth Thou hadst ones a confidence in the Popes bulles they maye well be called bulles sins thei be more vaine than bulles or blabbers in the water sent from the See of Rome wherein thou as one assured didst put ful truste to haue remission of sinnes and blessed life And shalt thou not nowe be accompted madde and out of thy witte in case thou wilt not beleue this heauenly writyng That other was indited by the spirite of Antichrist by the Pope the man of sinne and childe of perdition written of some disceauer infected with Simony and sacrilege which in life and maners was filthines it self But in Iohn is nothing but cleanes puretie integritie and the very sonne of God which prescribeth these things to S. Iohn is the very veritie and life This writing is frely geuen the light of the world lord of heauen and Earth of life death See than how safely thou mayest laine to this heauenly writyng which here is offered geuen thee frely Thou nedest not to disburce for the same one farthing The Pope instituted in the church biyng selling deuelish bargayning about perdōs other things which were plaine disceiptes illusions playne mocheries and open blasphemies therfore accursed for euer as S. Peter also pronoūceth in the .8 of the Actes God him selfe diswadeth al men from such tromperies and bargaines wicked vayne in the .55 chapt of Esaye where he promiseth agayne that he wil geue to the godly al plentie of al good thinges And now let vs heare what the writte is Blessed at the dead whiche die in the lord what S. Iohn is cōmaunded from heauen to put in writing It is a shorte sentēce as also in many places the wisedome of God cōprehēdeth in fewe wordes the true some of blessednes so prouiding for our infirmitie that we nede not to cōplaine that the doctrine were ouer longe which we with our slender vnderstandyng are not able to attayne to The Lord therefore pronounceth them to be blessed whiche die in the Lord then we must see what he vnderstandeth by blessednes and who thei be that die in the lord blessednes is that high felicitie which chaunceth to the faithfull in an other world in the which we shall see God him selfe as he is and haue the fruition of him vnto a ioyefull and neuer lothsomefulnes We shall liue in the same with all the Sainctes for euer and shall haue ioynes that can not be expressed with tunges of men Of the whiche shall followe more afterwarde They shal reste from their labours And more plentifully in the .21 chapt And they dye in the Lorde whiche by faith greffed in Christe layne to him alone depende wholy vpon him only regarde him and desire nothynge els but hym alone For they are sayed to liue in Christe in whome Christ liueth by faith they that liue in Christ do frame their whole life after the will of Christ And they die in the lord chiefly and before all whiche for the confession of the lordes faith suffer death and offer thēselues to tourmentes And not they alone but those also whiche although they die of the sworde of the persecutours yet die when the Lorde calleth them in the trewe christen fayth For these are also blessed as the Lord in S. Iohn verely verely I saye vnto you yf any man kepe my worde he shall not see death for euer Howebeit they die not in the lorde which eyther deny god that they might not be slaine or trust to their owne merites intercessions of Sainctes or to other mens workes be they monkes freres or massemonging priestes and so departe out of this life thinking that thei shal be holpen by other mēs workes To be briefe the veritie of the lord pronoūceth them al blessed and fortunate which departe out of this world in true faith Finally the Lord him self adioyneth a notable declaration of this his briefe sentence For he sette forth the circumstaūce of the time When and how saluation commeth to the dead and the maner of the blessednes For it is wonte to be demaunded what time saluatiō and felicitie happeneth to the dead whether incontinently or after a time that is whether our soules flitte by and by and immediately after the death of the body to the blessed seates or whether they be intercepted for a certen time so that they might be pourged in purgatorie before thei enter into
heauen or whether they be holden with a slepe and loke for the resurrectiō of the bodies to the intent they might than awake and together with their bodies enter into heauen vnto all the which things the celestial oracle aunsweryng forth with sayeth he that is by by cometh vnto soules that same felicitie In the latin copies this place is poincted thus blessed are th● dead which dye in the lorde Forthwith nowe sayeth the spirite that they maye reste from their labours In like maner readeth the Spanish or Complutēsian copie But Aretas and the Greke copies and also the exampler of Paris is thus poincted that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 should be the ende of the sentence as Erasmus noteth After followeth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is yee verely certēly sayeth the spirite The sense is therfore that the faithfull beyng dead shal streight wayes immediately atchieue saluation For 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which word S. Iohn vseth signifieth from the very instaunt from that houre immediately incōtinētly This suffereth no space betwixte but expresseth that which we are wonte to note by the dutch phrase beyng admonisshed therfore by a diuine oracle and confirmed by a writte brought from heauen let vs al be assured that the soules of al faithfull do flitte from the bodily death into life euerlasting These thinges are confirmed and made playne also by other places of Scriptures innumerable I wil chouse out only a certen fewe and those also the testimonies of our sauiour whiche is the light of the worlde and the worde of life In the .3 chapter of S. Iohn he sayeth expressely that the faythfull are so deliuered frō death by his crosse as in times paste by the sight of the brasen Serpent the Israelites were deliuered from the deadly sting of venemouse poison And playne it is that they were deliuered incontinently and most fully In the .5 of Iohn the same sayeth he hath passed from death to life Let this place be waied dilligently and it shal appere the same alone to satisfie in this matter In the .6 of Iohn he sayeth openly and I will reyse him in the laste daye But he reyseth not the bodies only at the laste iudgemente but in euery mans laste daye that is in the death of euery one he preserueth the soules that they should not perish or be tormented c. We haue in the gospel examples moste clere to witte of Lazarus the beggar which was by and by after his death caried vp of thaungelles into the bosome of Abraham and of the thiefe whiche hearde of the lord this daye shalt thou be with me in Paradise and of Stephen saiyng Lord Iesus receyue my spirite but especially of our Sauiour saiyng on the crosse father into thy handes I commende my spirite c. By these are quite ouerthrowen what thinges so euer the monkisshe and Antichristiane doctrine hath buylded of purgatory of trētalles and of the miserable state of soules in an other world Whereof they made a moste shamefull gayne They are also confuted which beleue that soules be mortall moreouer that soules slepe in another world Where they cā not so muche as here in this infirmitie slepe Therefore you wil saie it is madnes to thinke that soules slepe beyng quitte of the burthen of the body But cōcernyng the maner of the blessednes of Sainctes they reste from their labours Blessednes reste frō al labours Saluation therfore is a moste ioyeful tranquillitie Awaye go at ones diseases sickenesses griefes affections sorrowe famine thirste colde briefly all thinges that vexe or trouble men Rest and tranquillitie ioye and blesse come in place And sins the dead reste from theyr labours who can beleue that they be vexed with tormentes but leeste any man should neuer so little doubte herof he annereth a confirmation 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 yee or certenly verely sayeth the spirite the dead shal be quiet from al their griefes Let no mā therfore doubte Theyr workes follow them And he addeth an other thing that the workes of sainctes followe thē that is to saie after that the sainctes be departed hence than are they rewarded in another world if they haue done any thing wel if they haue suffered harde thinges For there is a rewarde prepared for vertues The which the sainctes do hope for and receyue without boasting of their owne deserte and not in contēpte of the merite of Christ For they acknoweledge that God in his sainctes crowneth his owne giftes And this is spoken of the rewarde of workes for the consolatiō of them which suffer many things in this world So sayed the lord in the Gospell your rewarde is plentifull in heauen And the Apostle affirmeth euery where that rewardes are prepared for them that are crucified here with Christ And here let vs marke dilligently that these thinges are spoken also of the spirite of Christe vnder the religion of an othe For the worlde dispiseth religiouse persones suche as suffer for religiō and obiecteth that they lose their labour and coste Cōtrarywise the spirite by an othe auoucheth that rewarde is prepared for vertue Followe them Lette vs marke also this that is sayed theyr workes and not other mens also followe them and are not by others sent after them Let no man therefore disceaue him selfe let no man thinke that after his death there should be sente to him into purgatory by soule priestes a fardell of other mens merites Those are not good workes which ar done by priestes freres besides and against Gods worde but prouocations of Gods wrath And be they not in the gospel shut out of the kingdome of God which runne to others to bye them oyle The Scripture in an other place Lette vs doe good whilest we haue time the time wil come that no man can worke Let vs watch therfore and of faith do good workes in dede ¶ The Iudgement of the Lorde is described vnder the paraboles of haruest and vintage The .lxvi. Sermon ANd I loked and beholde a white clowde and vpon the clowde one sittyng like vnto the Sonne of man hauing on his head a golden crowne and in his hande a sharpe sickle And an other Aungell came out of the Temple criyng with a lowde voyce to him that sat on the clowde Thruste in the sickle and reape for the corne of the Earth is ripe And he that sate on the clowde thruste in his sickle on the Earth and the Earth was reaped And an other Aungell came out of the Temple whiche is in Heauen hauyng also a sharpe sickle And an other Angell came out from the Aultar whiche had power ouer fire and cried with a lowde voyce vnto him that had the sharpe sickle and sayde thruste in thy sharpe sickle and gather the clusters of the Earth for hyr grapes are rype And the Angell thruste in his sickle on the earth and cutte downe the grapes of the vineyarde of the Earth and caste them into the greate wine fatte of the
thursted for bloud drīke blud in so moch that being drowned in their owne blud vp to the chin thei may seme to bath them in their owne bloud And here we must remēbre the horses prepared to battaile of whō we spake in the .9 chap. shal be drowned in euerlasting tormēts Thus thus at the last wil the lord auenge himselfe vpon his enemies Let vs call vpon him and abyde patiently and valeauntly The Lorde graunte vs his grace ¶ The Angels of seuen plagues are brought forth Moreouer the triumph and prayse of Christes holye Maritrs is described The .lxvij. Sermon The .15 Chapter AND I saw an other signe in heauen great and wonderful Seuen Angels hauing the seuen laste plagues For in them is fulfylled the wrath of God And I sawe as it were a glassye sea mingled with fyer and them that had gottē victory of the beast and of his Image and of his marke and of the nombre of his name stand on the glassy Sea hauing the harpes of God and they sung the song of Moses the seruaunt of God and the song of the lambe sayeng great and maruelouse are thy works Lord God almightie iust and true are thy wayes thou King of Sainctee Who shal not fear O Lord and glorifie thy name For thou onely art holy for all gentiles shall come and worshippe before the for thy iudgementes are made manifeste The argument of the fifte parte Vpon occasion of harueste and vintage expounded in the laste parte of the fourmer vision is annexed the fifte parte of this godly worke which represēteth vnto vs the fourth visiō of this worke whiche some make the fifte The same is of the iudgemēts of God it hath two parts wherfore it might also be deuided into mo visiōs but we had rather vse fewer For first he discourseth most largely of the paynes or tourments prepared of God to be executed vpon Antichrist his membres and all the vngodlye here is treated of the iudgement of the whore of Babilon of the destinies and ruine of Rome and the church of Rome of the reioicing and song of saincts of the comming of the iudge vnto iudgement of the payne and euerlasting destruction of all wicked And these are intreated in the . and .20 chap. Than also he reasoneth most excellētly of the reward of saincts and of the euerlasting filicitie thorow out the whole .21 chap. and a good part of the .22 euery where is set open hel it selfe and heauen it selfe And is geuen vs in maner to loke in this fleshe mortall euen into very hell it self into the very palace of Heauen Nother shal you finde any where in all the Scriptures with a continual treatise so plenteouse a disputation of the iudgementes of God of the tormentes of the wicked of the felicitie and ioyes of the godly as in this presente And ful necessarie is this treatise especially in this our last and vngraciouse world A most plētiful dilligent treatise of the iudgemēts of God wherein men neglectyng the spirite of God are become like brute beastes altogether carnall regarde the flesh and wholy depende thereof Happy are al the victoriouse welthie honorable and gloriouse Antichristians miserable are the pore and dispised trewe christians and subiecte to the iniuries persecutions of al men Therfore do the carnall men esteme al thinges of the present fortune and crie it out that their religion and conuersation pleaseth God and the Christiās to displease The godly are here also greuously tempted as they were also in times past reade Psalm 73. and the .1 chapt of Abacucke The vngodly promise themselues that they shal reigne for euer at the length also they contēne the iudgementes of God nother thinke they that euer it wil come to passe that they shal be punnisshed The talke of punnishementes to be diuised of melancholicke persones and to be vttered of mallice and therfore they saye and thinke them not to be regarded but to be mery in this worlde Therefore it behoued the place of Gods iudgementes to be most largely and dilligently decided and to be set as it were before the eyes of the hearers to the ende al might rightly vnderstāde what should be assuredly the ende of good and euill But the punnishmētes of the vngodly are diuerse to witte of this life present and to come And the punnishmentes of this present life are almost innumerable and the tourmentes of the life to come are eternall and vnspeakeable and as there is no comparison betwixte the paincted and trewe fire so is there none betwixte the punnishementes of this present life and that to come But in case men would ernestly beleue that vnspeakeable ioyes and euerlastyng tormentes are prepared of God for good and euill doubtles al would sinne lesse serue God more dilligently But let vs see nowe what is the treatyse of S. Iohn concernyng the same The originall of the doctrine of the iudgementes of God First he sheweth the original of al things that follow not to be earthly but heauenly For he seeth an other token in heauen He saieth an other for that in the .12 chapt we heard that mention was made of an other certen signe And he calleth that a signe or token which signifieth an other thing and therefore not to be considered of it selfe but in asmuche as it bringeth into knoweledge an other certen thinge and that much greater thā it sheweth at the firste sight He calleth this signe that is to witte that same visiō great and maruelouse For the iudgementes of God are greatest and moste wonderful Whilest thei are executed the vngodly maruel which had thought such thinges should neuer haue comen to passe the godly also maruell at the great power of God his moste iuste rightuousnes and his ripenes and faythfulnes in deliuering and sauing his people Than he declareth what signe was shewed him in Heauen and by that celestiall vision he sawe seuen Angels hauyng in seuen cuppes plages That is he perseyued God prepared and furnisshed with power diuine wherewith he both might and would sende plages and condigne punnishementes aswell vpon Antichrist him selfe as vpon his membres and all the vngodly men in Earth for their wickednes committed agaynst God Seuen angelles seuē plages And as we haue many times warned you in this boke the seuēth nombre is the nōbre of fulnes Wherefore God hath ministers enough and enough by whose seruice he maye plague and distroye the vngodly And therefore seuen plagues are all maner of plagues Temporall plagues are aboundantly recited in the 26. of Leuit. and .28 of Deuter. Riche is the Lord and in euerlastyng plagues of most diuerse kindes also For the Scripture in certen places reherseth a gnawyng worme a fyre vnquenchable weping and gnasshing of teth outwarde darkenes and many other of like sorte But these seuen plagues he calleth the laste and immediately sheweth the reason for in them is the wrathe of God
fulfilled For on those laste and most corrupte ages the Lorde wil powre out his plague and that the plagues of his iuste wrath and shall powre them out most fully to the ende and shall execute his ful wrath against the vngodly for euermore Yet now he suspendeth a while that narration begonne of the Angelles masters of the plagues The ioyes triūphes of the godly and placeth or sendeth before the greate ioyes of the blessed Martirs triumphes songe of praise reioycynge and thankes geuynge And this Ioye is interlased here in the treatise of punnishementes for the consolation of the faithful that they should knowe themselues deliuered from punnishmentes And if it fortune whilest the wicked are punnisshed that any displeasure touch thē also as it can not be chosen but the wicked beyng plaged some discōmoditie must also arrise vnto the faithful that thei maye vnderstande yet that the daungers of the discōmodities must with the excellent aboūdaunce of ioyes be recompensed For hereby is signified how the godly reioyce whilest the lord executeth his iustice To be also the chaungeable course of thinges that those that haue ones wepte in the world should now be glad and ioyefull accordyng to the saiyng of our sauiour in the .16 of Iohn Morouer it behoued by the testimony of all Sainctes to be declared to the Sainctes that dwell in Earth that the iudgementes of God be rightouse and true whiche thing vnderstande questions and sondry mutininges agaynst God do cease First he seeth them which ouercame Antichrist and haue had nothing to doe with him as we saye in dutch for this I suppose be signified by that plentiful rehersal of certen membres the declaration wherof is setforth before in heauen not in some dortour or no where as some men gather He sawe I saye in heauen the blessed soules stande vpon a glassy See A glassy See mixed with fire mixed with fire And in an other place I haue tolde you that the See figureth the worlde by reason of the rage and vnstablenes therof Certenly Daniel so taketh in the .7 chapt And it is called glassy because of the frailetie and bricklenes For worldely thinges shine but they are soone broken Whereupon it is sayed that wordely things are as brickel as glasse whiche whilest they shine breake And not with out cause is fire mixed with worldely thinges For the Sainctes whilest they be conuersaunt in Earth fele alwayes in a maner the fire of affliction Whereof spake S. Peter 1. Pet. 4. And they stande vpon a glassy See mingled with fire For cōquerours treade vpon the worlde and vpon al the tourmentes mockeries of the world as triūphyng ouer all worldely thinges The Prophet in the .66 Psalm bringeth in the Sainctes singyng a ioyeful songe vnto God and emonges other things saiyng thou hast brought vs into snares thou hast layde tribulations vpon our backe thou haste set men in our neckes We haue passed through fire and water thou hast brought vs out into a place of reliefe Therefore do there followe alterations in an other world Wherfore Aretas expoūdyng this place the glassy See sayeth he semeth to intimace nothyng els than by the Sea verely the multitude and by the glasse the brightnes by fire the puretie of them which are worthie that blessed life And certenly the same wordes in diuerse respectes maye signifie diuerse thinges and make the sense agreable Hitherto we haue hearde that the sainctes are in heauen where they triumphe ouer the world vanquisshed but nowe we shal heare more clerely what they do in heauen and how they singe vnto the lord a songe of thankes prayses which fully agreeth with the Psalm 66. The harps of God And he attributeth to the blessed martirs harpes as he did to the Elders These he calleth of God as you would saye diuine and celestiall mete to set forth the prayses of God For a celestial Iubeley is signified whereof is spoken in the .5 chapt He addeth moreouer to expresse the musicke and they singe And declareth also the maner of their singyng The songe of Moses the lābe the songe of Moses the seruaunt of God and the songe of the Lambe Therfore this songe of the Sainctes is reioycyng ditty triumphaunt and of thankes geuyng For like as in times paste Marie with the cōpany of virgins Israeliticall at the appoinctement of Moses sange a songe when the Israelites were deliuered out of the bondage of Aegypte and Pharao was drowned in the red Sea with his whole armie whereof you maye reade more in the 14. and .15 chapt of Exod. So the blessed soules in Heauen prayse God whiche hath deliuered them from Sathan Antichrist and the worlde And the songe of the Lābe is the christiane thankes geuing by the which the vertue of Christ and his redemption is praysed of the Sainctes For like as the olde fathers after the eatyng of the Paschalle lambe made a iubiley gaue God thankes So the blessed Sainctes nowe infraunchised with the full libertie of the children of God geue thankes vnto Christ theyr deliuerer Finally reciteth the order and fourme of their songe Kinge of Sainctes God is highly commended herein which is called the Lord God almightie Kynge of Sainctes as for whome the Sainctes warre by whome also they be gouerned and whiche defendeth mayneteyneth and kepeth the Sainctes And he is called holy in whome is no spotte no iniquitie And before all thinges they prayse his workes whiche they call greate and maruelouse These are manifest in Heauen and in Earth They declare the power wisedome iustice of God Therefore they inferre by and by that the wayes that is the considerations of God which he followeth in gouerning and doyng of thinges be trewe and iuste For he disceaueth not he doeth no man wronge Therfore God is iuste in punnishing the Antichristiās and deliueryng his For although he seme to neglecte his yet kepeth he fayth to the godly as a kynge that neuer neglecteth his Now they alledge what it becometh all men in the Earth to do also it is reoson that al men feare thee and glorifie thee in all thinges nother to accuse and murmure at thy iudgementes There is added an other reason for he alone is holy without sinne and with out spotte None of all the creatures hath this Although many gentiles nowe cōtemne God yet shal they ones come and worship shal knowe their owne filthines and the holines and rightuousenes of God For the iustice and iudgement of God whiche are not yet reuealed and therefore are contemned shal be ones reuealed that all the godly of al natiōs may attribute glory to the rightuouse God These thinges verely prepare also the reader and hearer to the treatise nowe followynge concernynge the iudgementes of God and pūnishmentes of the vngodly The lord open the eyes of our mindes that we maye see these thinges with fruicte plentifull ¶ The seuen Angelles are described coming forth to execute the seuen
plagues The .lxviij. Sermon ANd after that I loked beholde the Temple of the Tabernacle of testimony was open in Heauen and the seuen Angelles came out of the Temple whiche had the seuen plagues clothed on pure and bright linnen and hauynge their brestes gyrded with golden girdels And one of the foure beastes gaue vnto the seuen Aungelles seuen golden vialles ful of the wrath of God which liueth for euermore And the tēple was ful of smoke for the glory of God and for his power and no man was able to enter into the Temple till the seuen plagues of the seuen Angelles were fulfilled The fruictes of the treatise of Gods iudgementes He retourneth now to the description of the iudgementes of God from the which he had made a little digressiō This treatise hath much fruicte For the iudgementes of God be the punnishmentes or paynes of the wicked the testimonies of Gods rightuousenes and veritie Againe the godly are herwith confirmed in their hope For they see that one Iote doeth not fall from the wordes and threateninges of God although he be of longe suffering winketh at them long and euen semeth to fauour and to spare the vngodly The godly therefore perceyue that their hope is not vayne They learne also to feare God and to praye continually leeste beyng dronken with the pleasures and felicities of this world they reuolte frō God to vngodlines Finally the wicked are feared with paynes are prouoked to repetaunce which whilest they refuse they fele vndoubtedly plagues as Pharao felte The description of the seuen Aungelles But before the Angelles powre out the cuppes of plages receyued they are most gallaūtly and dilligently described And is shewed from whence they came out that is what is the originall of the iudgementes of God They come out of the temple set open and that out of the temple of the Tabernacle of witnes which is in heauē For Moses sawe a temple on the mounte and that also in heauen after the similitude whereof he was commaunded of God to make the tabernacle of witnes Therefore was the tabernacle of witnes facioned and builte after the shape exhibited and sene in heauen which the blessed Apostle to the Hebrewes calleth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to wit the very example or patron For it was sayed to Moses see that thou makest euery thinge accordyng to the Patron which was shewed thee on the Mounte Which thing Moses did accordingly But such thinges as came forth of the Tabernacle of witnes made in earth semed to the Israelites iuste and holy Herof were ared the oracles and aunswers of God which it was not lawefull to speake agaynst Therfore when we heare nowe that the very iudgementes of God agaynst the wicked world Thangels come forth of the tēple paynes and punnishmentes come out of the trewe temple it selfe the patron I meane and that celestial who should herafter doubte that al the iudgemētes of God wherwith he plageth the vngodly be sacred holy And whilest the vngodly are plaged that we muste thinke nothing els but that a sentence as it were an oracle is comen or pronounced from heauen whiche it is vnlawefull to gayne saye to conclude the diuine iudgementes do procede out of the very tr●ne of God wherefore they can not but be moste holy Otherwise we shal heare in the .21 chapt that there is no temple in heauē These be therfore Tipes and figures not matters trewe and permanent but after they haue signified this for the which they were instituted passyng and fadyng awaye Hereunto also apperteyneth the apparell of Angelles Aungelles clothed in brighte white linē that hereof ●oe maye also esteme the iudgementes of God They are sayed to be clothed in pure lynen or cleane and white or bright 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wherby is signified that the iudgementes of God are vnspotted and bright For we haue hearde that these thinges which S. Iohn sawe were signes Therfore we maye not Imagine carnal thinges in heauenly matters but spiritually to expounde suche thinges as in the signe seme to be as it were corporall The garment in this worlde is chaunged with the state of thinges For they vse white garmentes in victories and triumphes blacke at burialles and mourninges red in battel Here is signified therfore that the iudgementes of God are most pure that God ouercometh and triumpheth ouer the vngodly At the resurrection and ascention of our lord Angelles appered in white garmentes shyning bright to signifie the glory of Christ Now is the very breste girded with a girdel and that in dede with a golden girdell Golde is a token of purenes In the breste is the seate of affections The girdell byndeth moreouer prepareth for the iourney Therefore it betokeneth that the iudgementes of God are prepared and in a readines the same to waunt affections that is to saye not to be pronounced or done of enuie or mallice loue or fauour but to be iuste moderate and vpright One of the beastes geueth vials And one of the beastes gaue vnto the seuen Angels reuengers punnishers seuen bolles the same ful of gods wrath Now although God nedeth not the helpe of creatures nother receiueth any thing of them as waūting any thing yet sins he made not his creatures in vaine doeth thinges in order al creatures doubtles for I sayed in the .4 chapt how by the beastes the vniuersalitie of creatures is signified bestowe their labour agaynst the wicked and what so euer they haue of God and they haue al thinges at his wil and cōmaundement they imploye willyngly and franckely to execute the iudgementes of God Thus fire fallyng from heauen vpon Sodome and the cities aboute it did minister the plage or cup of Gods wrath to the Aungel reuenger So the water ouerwhelmed Pharao and his hoste So the Earth opening swallowed vp the company of Chore Dathan and Abyron c. Thus the Armies of the gentiles imploye themselues to take punnishement of the vngodly The walles of Iericho fall the hayle distroyeth the Chananites Thus God without any difficultie punnisheth his enemies seyng al creatures are ready to ayde and assiste And the viall or cuppe is of golde For againe is signified the iustice equitie of Gods iudgementes And where God is called a reuēger liuyng for euer his eternitie and maiestie is signified whiche neuer the transitorie thinges of this worlde and humane infirmities shall ouercome In the sight of the liuyng God all the wicked shal fall and perish euerlastingly After this the Apostle seeth The temple ful of smoke the temple filled with smoke for the maiestie of God and for his power That smoke is a signe of Gods presence it appereth by many places of the Scripture but chiefly in the .8 chap. of the .3 boke of Kinges Than is it also a token of Gods wrath For Aretas smoke sayeth he is a tokē of Gods wrath according as it is sayed smoke ascended in
aboundauntly which neuerthelesse in the meane season persecute Christes church moste greuousely The Lorde sende peace And nowe where the godly might maruell ¶ God is righteouse in his iudgementes why God so suffereth the worlde to be shaken and tourmoyled with mutuall warres the Angelles preuent the marueling and complainte and shewe not onlie the cause but also praise the iustice of God in these iudgements And he bringeth in two Angels as mete and sufficient witnesses of this businesse Angels gouernoures of things The one he maketh ruler of waters the other speaking out of the aulter He semeth here in to followe Daniell which also in the tenth chapter sayeth that Angelles as gouernours were set to rule ouer Prouinces Not that God doeth not worke and gouerne al things in waters in all elements and Regions but for that he vseth the trauell of Angelles as his ministers But where the Papistes gather hereof that Sainctes rule ouer elements diseases limmes cities and euery part in man it is folish and superstitious and smelling of Idolatrie For the maner of Angelles and of blessed soules is cleane diuerse moreouer the Scripture attributeth vnto them farre other things than it doeth to these Thou shalt read nothing of the blessed soules as hauyng any thyng to do with men here in Earth in the whole Scripture But in sondry places of the Scriptures you shall reade that Angelles are set to be mens kepers and to serue them with dyuers ministeries Agayne ye read not that the godlie haue for this cause geuen any godly honour to the Angelles no we shall heare in this booke howe Saincte Ihon woulde haue worshipped an Angell but was prohibited of the Angell ones or twyse Chap. 19. and .21 Moreouer here the Angell rendreth a reason why the water is tourned into bloude and commendeth here in Gods iustice For turning his talke vnto God thou art inste sayeth he O Lord which arte and which wast c. He pronounceth him righteouse as he that will do no man any wrong and therefore calleth him also holy In the mean time he signifieth his euerlastingnes and that he geueth being vnto all thinges where he sayeth which arte and which waste c. Of this phrase of speache is spoken in the first chapter And the true righteousnes geueth to euery one his Therefore the Angell sayeth Therfore Lord thou arte righteouse and declareste thy righteousnes to the world in that thou hast geuen them bloude to drinke which haue shed the bloude of the Prophetes that is of preachers for preaching of the truth And not their bloud only but haue shed also the bloude of thy holy faythful I meane whom for the true professing of the faithe they haue vexed and at laste slayne Therfore are they worthie that they thēselues shuld agayne drinke the bloude of them and theirs that is shulde fall by mutuall warres tumultes and slaughters verely before recited The Angel speketh oute of the ault●r These thinges are confirmed by an other Aungell which speaketh from th aulter and not without cause from the aulter For we heard before in the .6 chap. that vnder the aulter the soules of them that are killed crie out and say how long is it that thou auengest not our bloud on them c. Therfore nowe is the talke vttered out of the Aultar to the ende we should vnderstāde that God forgetteth not the bloud of his sainctes but reuēgeth it in iuste and dewe season Now here in also cōmended as it were by the waye the omnipotēcie of God that the vngodly maye vnderstande howe in the time of affliction and vengeaunce there shal be no power able to resiste the almightie To him alone be glory Amen The .iiii. and .v. Angelles shed theyr vialles The .lxx. Sermon ANd the fourth Angell powred out his vialle on the Sunne power was geuen to him to vexe menne with heate of fire And the men raged in great heate and spake euill of the name of God whiche had power ouer those plagues and they repented not to geue him glory And the fifte Angell powred out his viall vpon the seate of the beast his kingedome waxed darke they gnewe their tungues for sorrowe and blasphemed the God of heauen for sorrowe payne of their sores and repented not of their dedes The godly esteme not their afflictiōs sent by the iuste iudgement of God as the punnishmētes of sinners The afflictions of the godly and vngodly but as exercises of the fayth how so euer they acknowledge themselues to be iustely afflicted for their sinnes committed yet here they commende neuerthelesse the grace of God conuertyng the punnishementes of sinners into the exercises of fayth To the vngodly punnisshementes are plagues whiche nother they can suffer patiently nor glorify God but rather blaspheme him suppose that they suffer vnworthely Therfore are the plages of god to thē most greuouse where neuerthelesse much more cruel things are for thē prepared to wit that they should suffer in an other worlde euerlastyng damnation Therefore the plagues of this worlde infli●●ed to the vngodly are as it were certen preparatiues and preambles of more greuouse tourmentes Drought the iiii plage The fourth Angel poureth out his viall on the sunne and to the same was geuen power to plague men with heate or fire This plage do many expounde allegorically vnderstandyng by the sunne Christ exhilaratyng the consciences of the faithfull and the fame to be darkened in the mindes of men chosing rather the darkenes of Antichriste than the light of Christ and therefore do the consciences erryng and seduced with errour burne with sondry lustes desperations wherby they be driuē at the length to sondry blasphemies Which exposition as I do not vtterly reiecte so after my iudgemēt the sense shal be more playne yf we vnderstande the fourth plague to be an heate and great drought a barrennes of the Earth and scarsetie of Corne finally an intollerable thurste afflictyng both men and beastes and laste bredyng and ingēdring hoate diseases For so we haue red in the threatenings of the lawe I will geue an heauen of brasse and an earth of yron In the time of Helias for contemnyng and reiectyng the worde of the lord God plaged Israel with a sore drought as you maye see in the .3 boke of Kinges the .17 and .18 chap. Ieremie also describeth the like drought and heate in the .14 chapt Agayne the lorde defended Israell with a pillar of a cloude by the daye and a pillar of fire by night Moreouer we haue hearde heretofore in the Apocalipse the sunne shall not fal vpō them nother any heate And iustely is this world plaged with burnyng heate as the which offendeth greuously burneth with sondry lustes and also by wicked proclamations prohibiteth the coulyng refressyng of Gods worde Theffecte of this plague is greate For the effecte of this plage followeth And mē sayeth he burned with great heate At the first
.5 chapter And verely that same soden commyng of the Lorde exciteth the mindes of vs all and prouoketh to watch leeste we shuld at vnwares be oppressed He adioyneth also immediately a profit prepared for them that watche Happy sayeth he is that man that watcheth He addeth morouer how the godly should demeane themselues in watchyng Kepe thy garm●ntes that thou go not naked Howe they must kepe their garmentes that they be not defiled and take hede moreouer that they walke not naked leeste their filthines be espied Touchyng garmentes I haue spoken moste largely in an other place of this boke He kepeth his garmētes that kepeth his life and conuersation vnspotted of worldely filthines He walketh not naked which putteth on Christ But his shame is sene that sinneth impudently But chiefly is their shame sene whose whoredomes aduoutries and fleshly lustes are knowen and open to the eyes of al menne And here is the state of them to be lamented that are called spirituall and rather in dede to be detested than to be described Blessed are they whose sinnes are couered and happy are they that haue learned to be ashamed Vnhappy are as many as cā not blushe but set such a face of the matter that they glory in their sinnes and wickednes The destructiō of the frogges After this he toucheth at few wordes the destruction both of the legates and also of them that are deceaued of the legates and suche as fight agaynst God and trewe religion for the mayneteyning of the Romisshe maiestie The legates in dede doe assemble menne of their faction vnto battel against the Godly but the lorde hath gathered the same into a place whiche is called in Hebrewe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whiche some interprete the distruction of the Riuer and some the armie of desolation But howe so euer that is the sense semeth easie they are in dede assembled of the legates that they mighte withstande or prohibite the destruction of the Riuer and ruine of Rome But the Lorde shall also assemble the selfe same that in the very same place and worke they maye be destroyed of the Lorde Which finally at the laste iudgement we beleue shall be accomplisshed To the Lord Christ our redemer and reuenger be prayse and glory Amen ¶ The seuenth Aungell powreth out his vialle The .lxxij. Sermon ANd the seuēth Angel powreth out his Viall into the Ayre And there came a great voyce out of Heauen from the seate sayeng it is done And there folowed voyces thonderinges and lightnings and there was a great Earthquake suche as was not synce men were vpon the Earth so mightye an Earthquake and so great And the great Citie was diuided into thre partes And the cities of nations fell And great Babilon came in remēbraunce before God to geue vnto her the cup of wyne of fearcenes of his wrath And euery I le fled awaye and Mountaynes were not founde And there fell a great haile as it had bene talentes out of Heauen vpon the men and the men blasphemed God because of the hayle for it is great and the plague of it was sore The seuenth and last cup poured out into the ayre The laste iudgement of God fygured by the seuēth Angell signifieth the parturbation and alteration of all elementes and the horrible but yet iuste iudgemente of God and fynallye the ende of all thinges paynes euerlasting The thinges be inclosed wyth fyguratyue speaches taken for the moste parte out of the Prophetes and by a priuie comparison brought oute of the holy storie Which is done for this consideration that all thinges might be more full of Maiestie and that euery man shoulde more dilligentelie search for the sence of an excellēt matter which found ones he might kepe and retaine in perfecte memorie And what tyme the Ayre is moued Sore tempestes sondry and horrible tempestes arryse in the ayre And the Lorde Iesus in the gospell after Mathew testifieth that aboute the last comming of Christe the powers of heauen shall be moued And as soone as the cuppe was powred out into the ayer and a great tempest arrysen a voice sounded 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it is done By the which voyce is signified An ende is at hande howe all thinges are at an end euen of the whole world moch more of wicked papistrie And this voice is heard out of the very temple of heauen and trone of God leest we should doubte any thing of the veritie and certentis of the sentence geuen and againe of the vertue and power of him that doeth pronounce it Therfore are they shamefullye disceaued so many as affirme the worlde to be euerlastinge and that they shal reigne alwayes vpon earth and inioy the pleasures therof A voyce from heauen out of the most holy temple of God and euen oute of the moste sincere trone of the Almightie speaketh that it is done For he speaketh of the time to come as though it were paste that we might as certenly knowe that all worldlie and popish thinges shoulde haue an ende as we vndoubtedly knowe the thinges to be done which are already past Let vs therfore watch and put no confidence in the thinges of this worlde which are moste deceiptful All thinges shal fal to decay and come to naught men onely and the blessed spirites remayning through the grace of God the vnhappie also remayning perpetually appointed to perpetuall punnishment by the iustice of God A fygure of Goddes iudgement And lyke as the holy Prophetes ded by fygures set forth the iudgemente of God to be sene of mennes eyes so nowe here the Lord Iesus by Saincte Ihon in a figuratiue speach shaddoweth the terrour of that horrible iudgemente For he sayeth howe ther shal be thonderinges voyces lightninges and thōderbolts an earthquake so terrible that the world hath neuer at any tyme felte the lyke For Saincte Peter also in the ende of his latter epistle reciteth terrible thinges of the laste day and burnyng of all worldlie thinges But the quaking and terrour of mennes myndes shal be yet a great deale more terrible than al these The godly are exempted frome cruell terrours The Lord in S. Mat. gospel Than shal wayle sayeth he all the kinreds of the earth For the vngodly whose cōsciēces are wicked corrupt shall fele those terrours tourmēts vnspekable The godly like as according to the saiēg of our sauiour thei com not into iudgemēt so although that thei also by reason of the infirmitie of the flesh be some what astonied at the sodaine alteration of things and the terrible tearing and crashing of all elementes yet forasmoch as they haue knowen before that the same shulde come to passe and beleue the Sauiour sayeng your redemption draweth nere they gather vp their spirites and comfort themselues in Christ and reioyce in him comming to iudge or condemne the vngodly but to saue the godly And herein is alluded to sondry stories of the holy scriptures
emonges those ten hornes one other little horne should grow vp whiche shoulde strike of three and take their place and reigne wantonly crwelly and wickedly Wherefore the Popes Empire and those sondry kingdomes grewe vp in a maner aboute one and the same time The kings haue one minde He sheweth moreouer what maner of kingdomes those shal be and how they shal demeane thēselues towardes that latter beast namely towarde the church of Rome thei saieth he haue al 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 one opinion they beleue al one thing be of the same religion He speaketh chiefly of the westerne kynges For they al receyue the decrees of the Bishoppe of Rome and honor them as most obedient childrē of the most sacred holy church of Rome They shal deliuer to the beaste 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 their power 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 their authoritie or kyngedome For they submitte themselues to the See of Rome Yf the church of Rome haue nede of an Armie or force of armes the kinges sende their power gladly to hym which the most noble kingdome of Boheme felte about an hondreth yeres sins though it were to no great commoditie and beautifull triumphes of the inuaders Yea morouer they acknowledge thēselues to owe homage and feaultie to the moste holy and supreme Bishop in al the world Hereunto chiesly apperteyneth that which Augustin Stewchus in his boke against Laurence valla concernyng the donation of Constantine in the .94 Section hath written on this wise Gregory the .7 vnto Geusa king of Hungarie we suppose it is not vnknowen to thee sayeth he that the kingdome of Hungarie like as other most noble realmes also ought to be in the state of his owne libertie nother that it ought to be subiecte to any kyng of an other realme saue to the holy and vniuersall mother church of Rome which hath her subiectes not as seruauntes but as children Hereunto addeth Steuchus thou hearest with what gouernement the church ruleth that she maye interteyne her subiectes not as seruauntes but as childrē She putteth not kinges out of their possession but permitteth them to reigne as her sonnes who reignyng she reigneth her selfe also Neuerthelesse she will be knowen for Quene and Lady Quene Lady Thou hearest how al the moste noble realmes be subiecte to the Apostolical See Euen there he sheweth that the moste noble kingdomes of Spaine Fraūce England Denmarke Russelande Croatie Dalmatia Arragonie Sardinia Portugalle Bohemia Sweuia and Norwaye be subiecte tributaries to the church of Rome In the Section .97 He addeth moreouer although the kinges reigned and continued in possession yet are they wonte to acknowledge her as Quene and trewe Lady and gyuer of their kingdomes And in the Sect. 105. The old monumentes of all Popes are full of highe authoritie A mouth verely speaking great thinges whereby they haue with their Empires gouerned the whole worlde hauing the rule and order of al landes which power and authoritie that impudente praiser of the Romishe See is not asshamed to call omnipotent or almightie And doubtles we see at this daye great Ambassades sent to Rome by the westerne kinges newely elected crowned to the intent to kisse the Popes fete or too of Antichrist and to offer dewe obedience as they cal it Therefore did he calle them before not kinges absolutely but as kinges For they acknowledge a superiour and be euen as it were seruauntes or wardes of the seruaunt of seruauntes Of whome he hath made proper verses The vulgare people brought from farre ende of the worlde The seruaunt of seruauntes O Rome is now thy Lorde Hereunto the Apostle addeth a thing yet more greuouse The fight with the lambe These Kinges I meane the confederates of the Pope and obedient children of the Church of Rome indewed with the spirite of the beaste shall fight with the Lambe Whereby is signified the tiranny which kinges and princes and certen other states of the Romane Empire do practise long haue practised agaynst Christ his gospel Concerning the lambe we haue already spokē enough before Iohn Baptist poinctyng with his fingar to Christ sayeth beholde the lambe of God which taketh awaye the sinnes of the world Therfore shal the Romish princes fight not agaynste Christ himselfe for they will be christians but agaynst the Lambe that is the sanctification iustification and satisfaction of Christ For yf any man saye at this daye that the sonne of God is most holy by whome alone sinnes are forgeuen and we are sanctified and saye not also that the Bisshop of Rome is moste holy also whiche purgeth by pardons graunted but shall saye rather that perdons are playne disceiptfulnes and the Pope most vncleane of all he shal doubtles nother be takē for right catholicke nother shal he be spared for confessyng the lambe of God Yf any man shal confesse that iustification is only in the sonne of God alone and that men are iustified by fayth only and not also by our workes and merites he shal be caried to death or to prison nother shal the confession of the lambe of God preuayle him any thing Yf any man shal say that he is fully purged through the only oblation of Christe on the crosse as of a lambe without spotte and sacrificed frō the beginnyng neyther that he nedeth any popish Masses wherby the shauelynges boaste that they make a dayly offering for the sinnes of the quicke and dead whiche in dede is both false and blasphemouse he is streight wayes hurried to prison and from thence drawen to the stake and brente We can not denye but that this is true seyng there be at this daie innumerable exāples of Romishe kinges and princes in this behalfe We shall not nede therefore to fetche our exposition farre of how these kinges which wholy depēde of the Pope shal fight with the lambe I speake here nothinge of others which cleaue whole vnto Christ And therefore for a comforte is consequently annexed and the Lambe shall ouer come them The lābe shall ouercome thē For albeit that Popish kinges and Princes seme to ouercome the Sainctes whom they burne murther and distroye yet Christ liueth for euer the redemption of Christe florissheth As moste godly that good poete hath songe Christ liueth yet and shal do still His trewth eke shall remayne Whilst al that doeth this world fulfill Shall perish and be vayne Kinges perish kingdomes perish or be chaunged but the trewth is neuer chaunged Christ perisheth neuer He adioyneth a most strong reason for he is Lord of Lordes and king of kinges Therfore shal they be made a fote stole for the fete of the Lambe as many as shall striue agaynst him You see agayne whie S. Iohn sayed before they receiue power as kinges For all kinges are vnder Christ whiche excelleth all lordes in the worlde For to him is geuen power in Heauen and in earth Let vs therfore be of bold courage For the lord is Emperour and our
and all maner vessels of moste preciouse wood and of brasse and of Iron and Synamon and odours and oyntmentes and frankensence wyne and oyle and fyne flowre and wheate and cattel and shepe and horses and charets and bodies soules of men And the Apples that thy soule lusted after are departed from the. And al things which wer deinty and had in price are departed from thee and thou shalt fynde them nomore The Marchauntes of these thinges which were waxed rich by her shall stande a farre of for feare of the punnishment of her weping and waylinge and saieng alas alas that great Citie that was clothed in silke and purple and scarlet and decked with golde and preciouse stone and pearles for at one howre so great riches is come to naught And euerye shyppe gouernour and all theye that occupy ships and shipmen which worke in in the sea stode a farre of and cryed when they saw the smoke of her burning and said what citie is lyke vnto this great citie And they caste duste on their heads and cryed wepyng and wayling and saied Alas alas the greate Citie wherein were made rich al that had shyppes in the Sea by the reason of her wares for at one houre is she made desolate A lamentation wayling ouer Rome In the fourth place of this chapter followeth the weping or waylinge or lamentation of Rome brent and destroyed The coppie is plentifull and maruaylouse by an euident Hipotiposis settinge all thinges before our eyes And our Lord God hath alwayes a familier manner that what tyme he wyll euidentelye shewe before and fixe in the heartes of all men the ouerthrowe or destruction of a nation Kingdome or Citie he wyll commaunde his Prophetes to syng an elegie or lamentable song And in such kynde of lamentations is shewed not onely the subuersion but also the causes of destruction and maner of desolation are rehersed the end also or vse is declared leest others be made lyke vnto that nation and become partakers of the destruction We haue manifest examples in the wrytinges of the Prophetes especiallye the lamentations of Ieremye and the whych agree better to this place the dolefull dittie of Tyrus songe of Ezechiell in the .27 and .28 chapters And verely it appeareth that S. Ihon hath borowed many thinges from thence Nother is there any matter here to busy our selues much aboute The some of all is this Rome shall fall and perish vtterlie that there shoulde be nothing lefte eyther of the Empyre or of that See much lesse of the riches and pleasures The which was partlye fulfilled in oulde Rome and partlye shall be fulfilled in the newe at the daye of iudgement Howbeit nother Christ himself Kings and marchātes mourne nor the Apostle is brought in bewayling the subuersion of Babilon but wicked persōnes are induced which are firste to be cōsidered For they be Kynges and Princes of the Earth marchauntes or gouernours of ships or mariners which haue all cōmitted whoredome with this strumpet and by her companye haue bene made rich And verely ould Rome was furnished with the amities of Kynges and agayne the presidentes sent of them to gouerne Prouinces semed euery one to be Kynges and Princes And for asmuche as the riches of Rome were great and all states were wonderfully set a ryot the marchauntes there gote exceading much gaigne Moreouer ther was sayling to Rome oute of the Easte South and Weste I meane out of Syria and Aegipte or Affricke and out of Spayne it selfe and vttermoste partes of the worlde But what tyme Rome beyng destroyed lay ruinouse and the Empyre was rente in pieces they coulde not but lamente whose lucre and pleasure was lost Newe Rome hath also besydes those temporal The marchaunts of new Rome euen peculier marchauntes and Princes of her owne For the prelates of the church be Princes And in the church of Rome all the Sainctes of God knowe howe to occupie the traffique of marchaundyse For what holy thing is not to be boughte in that seat Marchaūdise is practised in forgeuenes of sinnes in pardons and satisfactōs in ecclesiastical benefices in worshipping of Images and Sainctes in masses in burialles in sayeng diriges for the dead and almoste in all spirituall matters Hereof cometh an vnmeasurable gaigne and the greateste occasion of pleasures Other marchaūtes bye their ware very dere the Romish Cananites pay not one denier or farthinge for their wares but sell the same for an vnreasonable price Nother suppose I that euer there was any marchaundise lyke vnto this in all the worlde nor yet a more gaynefull lucre of a thing of naught Erasmus hath also touched these thinges in the prouerbe to aske tribute of a deade man And where as before the day of iudgement the Lorde Christ shall destroy Antichrist with the spirite of his mouth and that gaigne begynneth to be minished we see howe euery where emonges these spirituall marchaunts complaints and grudgynges arryse Than what maner of lamentation and wayling thinke ye that wyll be where the same Lorde by his coming shal vtterly abolish the same Antichrist and they must go in to fyre euerlastinge Agayne we muste somewhat also consider the mourning To mourne of it selfe is no sin For the beste and holyest men haue lamēted their dead and their calamities destructiō of cities and realmes For Abraham mourned The lamētations also of Ieremye remaine ouer the citie of Hierusalē The faithful mourned with a great mourninge for Stephen in the Actes Howebeit in the lamentation they kepte a meane and referred all thinge to the glory of God and saluatiō of foules The vngodly and worldly men do not mourne after this sort They neuer remēber the sines of men for the whiche the righteouse Lorde punnisheth the world nother do they referre the euylles of them and theirs to the glory veritie and iustice of God or amēdment of maners therefore are they not sory that God is offended nor requyre forgeuenes of sinnes but it greueth them that occasion of sinninge is taken from them that their pleasures and lucre is past And nowe wayle Princes marchaūts and mariners not for the fauoure of God loste not of true compassion or loue of their neighbour but for loue of themselues for the losse of earthly things for the destruction of goodly auncient strong and preciouse things but chiefly for their lucre loste and pleasures taken away The Apostle maketh mention of eyther grefe in the seconde to the Corrinthians the .7 chapter And surely this sorrowe and mourning is nothing els but a descriptiō and a shaddowing of a moste certen and greateste destruction and that of men vngodly And ful well and pourposely doeth he set forth the wayling both in the behauiour of the mourners also by their woordes To their gesture apperteyneth that they wepe wayle crye oute and caste dust on their heads To their wordes are referred these thinges wo wo alas alas that great citie c. The whiche
they are glad for the deliueraunce and for the veritie established and confirmed and reioyce not of an hatred they heare towarde the oppressours whom they haue wished lost and destroyed The godly wisshe euermore the wicked to be conuerted and to retourne into fauour with God But whē they see them moued with no repētaunce but obstinately to procede and falle into their owne destruction and that God doeth intercepte them for the saluation of the faythfull and deliueraunce of the godly the godly reioyce at this deliueraunce and prayse the iustice of God Notwithstanding that they had alwayes rather if it mighte haue ben that the loste had otherwise led their life but nowe sins it can be no otherwise through their owne obstinate mallice they speake not against the iudgementes of God but rather commende the same These thinges verely do the sainctes in Earth And the Sainctes in heauen sins they be purified now from all affections their reioycing is altogether most pure so that it were superfluouse to reason curiousely therof But where the heauenly reioyce at the destruction of the wicked we maye easely iudge howe muche they erre whiche truste to the helpe or prayers of Sainctes where neuerthelesse they alter nothing at all of their wicked life It shall be easie also to discusse their doubte and carefulnes which feare leest they should be sory also seyng their bretherne sisters frendes and kinsfolkes cōdemned For the Sainctes do plainely consent to the will of God and extolle the iudgementes of God and reioyce therat and can be sory no more And he biddeth heauē reioyce Reioyce thou heauen as many times in the Psal we reade the like phrase vnlesse you had rather by Heauen vnderstande heauēly dwellers such as we beleue thapostles prophetes to be For at the same time when S. Iohn wrote these thinges all thapostles in a maner were slaine And here is to be knowen that the Romish beast had deuoured that is to saye afflicted slaine not only the sonne of God our lord Iesus Christ but also Iohn the Baptist all the Apostles of God and al the martirs of Christ By the prophetes we vnderstande not only those olde but all the faithful preachers of the gospel For we haue hearde oftener than ones before that the faithful preachers of the worde be called prophetes He annexeth more ouer a reason whie they ought to reioyce for God hath geuen your iudgement of her For in the .6 chapt the soules of Martirs crie vnder the Aultar howe longe Lord auengest thou not our bloud on them that be on Earth nowe therefore they prayse Gods iustice whiche as he than promised that he would auenge so hath he nowe auenged in dede And by this place we learne Sainctes do not pūnishe the wicked that all iudgement is geuen to the sonne and that no Saincte in heauen can iudge or pūnish an euil man on Earth For it is moste false that Sainctes are sayed to punnisshe their enemies S. Anthony with the holy fire Valentine with the fallyng sickenes and other with other diseases God alone as in the .16 chapt is declared at large punnissheth and sendeth and taketh away sickenes And moste certayne it is aswel by this as also by many other places of this boke that God slepeth not but will whē he seeth time reuenge and punnish most certenly The martirs when they should die had cōmitted all their iudgement to the Lorde their God He iudgeth nowe the iudgement of Sainctes of Rome that is after his iuste iudgement taketh punnishment of Rome for that she had with wrōgfull iudgement oppressed the Sainctes In the sixte place of this chapter he retourneth to the description of the subuersion of Babylon And it is a moste clere and euē a certen eyely and euident demonstration by a similitude For takyng vp a greate stone in quantitie like a Milstone he casteth the same into the Sea and makyng a declaration of his so doyng Babilō is drouned in the Sea sayeth thus sodaynely and with such a violence 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 shal Babilon be cast downe c. This place is taken out of the ende of the .51 chapt of Ieremie where you reade in a maner the like thinges worde for worde And here is now brought in a strong Angell leest we shoulde thinke that the force of Rome were happly stronger than that it could be broken But it shal be broken of a strōg Aungell And the thinges that be sodainely drowned appere no more Here is signified therefore that with a sodayne destruction Rome shal falle that there shal no token thereof be lefte that it shal falle without any difficultie it shal be made to plumpe and neuer more be sene And the Lorde in the gospell affirmeth that the crime or sclaunder must be punnished with a Milstone hanged aboute the necke yea and that same not to be punnishment greuous enough although emonges the Syrians it was accompted for vile and shamefull sins the crime deserueth to be punnished with a much more greuouse or crueller paine Wherefore Primasius supposed that here by the waye is signied how Babilon for offences geuen to the worlde should be drowned in the Sea as it were with a milstone tied fast to her necke Doubtles if euer any citie if euer any kingedome were hateful by reason of greatest offences and geuen to the Christians innumerable sclaunders Rome and the Romane Empire and euen the Popishenes of the church hath hurte most by sclaūder and yet hurteth Wherefore it is no doubte but that it hath bē plaged most greuously and shal be yet more punnished of the Lorde Agayne by propheticall and figuratiue speaches he signifieth a notable desolation and that the same place should neuer after be inhabited for euer Such like maners of speaches shall ye finde in the .24 of Esaye and .26 of Ezech. and in diuerse other places Al pleasure sayeth he shal perish especially which was wont to be taken of Musicke All craftes shall be layde downe Briefely there shal be no more any habitation for men The causes of her desolatiō In the seuenth and last place are set forth agayne the causes of this subuersion and that more notable three The first Thy marchauntes were princes of the Earth For they that haue occupied marchandise in the church of Rome and yet do are in a maner princes Of whom I haue spoken before Here is noted therfore their pride auarice and sumptuousenes Aretas he calleth them marchauntes sayeth he whiche tourmoyle and trouble the whole worlde as it were certen fayres c. The seconde for with thine inchauntementes all nations haue ben seduced There is no doubte but that inchauntyng and magicke raigne in Babilon and that there is founde plentie of fortune readers necromanciers and inchaunters yet here appereth chiefly to be signified seducing Idolatrie and impietie or errour of doctrine Suche an inchaunter was Iezabel as appereth in the .4 booke of Kinges the .9 chapt
which practised inchauntementes in very dede and bewitched men with corrupt religion And euen so hath Rome seduced the whole worlde and yet seduceth For the which cause she deserueth most greuouse punnishment The last cause of subuersion for in thee is foūde the bloud Bloud shed can not be whipte awaye nor clensed from them that shede innocent bloud The sheding of bloud And although it be not streight waye required yet will there come a time when it shal be required of God and than is it founde And he maketh mētion of thre sortes of bloud Firste of the bloud of Prophetes of them I meane which haue preached the Gospell and haue ben the fathers of the faithfull Secondely of Sainctes to witte holy martirs Finally of al menne that haue ben slayne in earth to witte dwelling here and there through out the world whom we vnderstande to haue ben dispatched and taken out of the waye by the warres seditions and tiranny of Rome So we reade also in the first oratiō of Ieremie that God straitely requyreth the bloud of his seruauntes spilte Doubtles all shedyng of bloud is greuouse the same excepted which is iustely done of the magistrate yet is one more heynouse than another For he that killeth a preacher of the gospell more greuousely sinneth than he that dispatcheth a priuate person and he whiche for religion sake slayeth a man and maketh a martir sinneth more heynousely than he that killeth a man in the warre Therefore al the bloud shed of Rome after any sort shal be required of Rome is required Thus the lorde spake also of the citie of Hierusalē Matth. 23. The lord Iesus haue mercy on vs loke vpō vs with theyes of his mercie Amen ¶ The reioycinges and Himnes of sainctes are recited for Rome destroyed and all vngodlines taken awaye The .lxxxj. Sermon Chapt. 19. AND after that I hearde the voice of muche people in Heauen saying Alleluya Saluatiō and glory and honour power be ascribed to the Lord our God For true and rightuouse are his iudgemētes because he hath iudged the greate whore whiche did corrupte the earth with her fornication and hath auenged the bloud of his seruauntes of her hande And agayne they sayde Alleluya And the smoke of her ascended for euer more And the .xxiiii. Elders and the foure beastes fell downe and worshipped God that sate on the seate saiyng Amē Alleluya And a voyce came out of the seate saiyng Praise our lord God al ye that are his seruaūtes and ye that feare him both smal and great And I hearde the voice of much people euen as the voice of many waters and as the voice of great thōderinges saiyng Alleluya For our lord God omnipotent raigneth Let vs be glad and reioyce geue honour vnto him for the marriage of the Lambe is come God neuer forsaketh his seruauntes For as much as the Apostle in this boke most plentifully hath described the oppression of Sainctes and the cruell mischeuouse and prowde assaultes of the persecutours of the Gospell whereby they both mocke God and tourment his sainctes whereupon euermore at all times the complainctes euen of the godly men are red to haue risen as though God through his longe sufferyng and great patience should seme to neglecte the oppressed he discourseth also moste at large nowe the reioycinges and prayses of Sainctes wherby thei extolle the veritie and iustice of God neuer neglectyng his and most greuousely punnishing the vngodly persecutours Howebeit they reioyce here chiefely and prayse God for the taking awaye of Antichriste and all vngodlines with him Whiche verely is the first place of this chapter The seconde confirmeth al Sainctes leeste they should doubte any thing of the saluation of the faythfull which he sheweth to be most certayne The thirde place reciteth the sinne of blessed Iohn and the faithfull doctrine of the holy Aungel that we should worshippe no creatures be they neuer so holy In the laste place is described the iudge or reuenger Iesus Christe commyng to iudgement there is moreouer described the perdition or punnishement of al vngodly which the iuste and holy lord taketh of them Which place verely begōne in the .11 chapt of this boke and suspēded hitherto repeted somewhat in the .14 is now at the last finisshed And verely the Iubiley of Sainctes is diuerse plentifull and manifolde ouer the loste and condemned enemies of the godly Firste he heareth a voyce and that a greate of much people in heauen He sheweth therfore in generall that all heauenly the Aungelles not excepted synge prayses to God in heauen Whiche we vnderstande shal be at the laste iudgement all vngodly troden vnder fote And before these thinges be done they are rehersed and described that hereby the godly maye in daungers and tourmētes comforte themselues and maye abide stedfaste in the true sayth beleuynge that they also though nowe oppressed shall singe prayses of thankes to God And verely he hath here compiled the whole Himne saide in the prayse of God the reuenger He placeth formoste Alleluya Alleluya after he annexeth the prayses Saluation and glory c. And Alleluya signifieth prayse ye the Lorde He vseth a most common and of all men beste knowen in the primitiue church For certen Psalmes haue this title Halleluyah For the chaūter so exhorted stired vp the people to praise God So after the same maner now also the saincts as it were cōprising the argument of their songe saye Alleluia And these vocables haue more grace in ours and straunge langages than translated So haue remayned in the churche Osanna Amen Saela Maranatha and diuerse others Whereof also writeth S. Hierome to Marcella and Damasus The himne of sainctes Now followeth the himne saluation and glory honour c. And those thinges they prayse in God ascribe vnto him wholy Whereof I spake in expoundhng the .4 and .5 chapt of this boke Moreouer they prayse God of that whiche in this cause is principall for his iudgementes are iuste true Which saying semeth worthie to be printed moste depely in the hartes of al men as the which in temptations maye not a little erecte them And wherefore the iudgementes of God be iust and true he addeth because he hath iudged the great whore that is to saye taken worthie and condigne punnishment of the greate whore Hitherto the Lorde hath semed to many ouer slowe and to much fauourable to Rome and the Romish church but than shall they see that God is most iust Of the whore is spoken before Yet doeth he repete here agayne her moste heynouse and greatest sinnes Firste corruption through whoredome and inchauntement Whereby is signified seducyng by corrupte and wicked doctrine The later the shedyng of the bloud of holy Martirs Wherof we haue already spokē many times Therefore God punnissheth the corruption of doctrine and crueltie of the Romish churche practised agaynst the sainctes of God The prayses of god to god are
the Lorde himselfe saieth in the gospel no man hath knowen the sonne but the father nother hath any man knowen the father saue the sonne and to whome the son hath pleased to reueale Besydes this we se here vnperfitly and the glory of the diuine maiestie is so great as euen nowe I sayed that mannes capacitie is vnable to conceyue such a glory No man therefore saue God alone knoweth his name 6. The vesture of our Iudge was sprinckled with bloude A blouddie garment Whereby is signified victory and slaughter of his enemies which shall anone be added aboute the ende of the chap. And he toke this note of our iudge out of the .63 chap. of Esay He alludeth to cōquerours returning from battayle whose garments armours are imbrewed with the blud of the slaine And betokeneth the iuste seueritie of the Iudge and greate slaughter of the enemies 7. The name of the iudge is nowe expressed The name of the iudge the worde of God which is vtterly vnknowen to the vngodly And the Iudge is called the worde of God For the son is the word and speach of God the expresse marke of the diuine substaūce in whome the father himselfe is expressed and of whome as of the worde the true messager of the hart we vnderstand the wyll and mynd of the father These holy wordes of the gospell are knowen In the begynnyng was the worde 1. Ihon. Hebre. and the worde was with God c. Therefore Christe the worde was made fleshe the Lorde God and Iudge of all 8. To the Iudge is added an Army not of Angels only The Army of the Iudge is whyte with whom he ofte repeted in the gospell that he wold come vnto iudgement but of al the faithful or saincts which at no time no not here ar sequestred from their head For first at the soūde of the trumpe blowē vp the Archangell the Sainctes arryse and the liuing also with the dead are chaūged and are taken vp to mete Christ in the Ayre Here here in the clowdes and bryghte Ayre appeare with Christe the happye and blessed victours By and by the vngodly ryse also and those that lyued at that day are chaunged with them that ryse agayne to payne and confusiō But they se the Saincts with Christe in heauen and in glory and fele incontinently vnspeakeable tourmentes They come to passe doubtlesse and are fulfilled which thinges are described it the .3 .5 chapt of Wysedome Saincte Ihon therfore sayeth that this Armie is in Heauen not in Earth He sayeth howe they followe Christe For the same sayed the Apostle also in the firste to the Thessalonians the .4 Moreouer he addeth that they wer clothed and appeared not naked and expresseth the kynde of garment They were clothed sayeth he in silke whyte and cleane For sainctes in Christe obtayne righteousenesse and glory are made cleane and are glorified Sanctifieng glorifieng And this sense hath Sainct Ihon himselfe a little before opened to vs sayeng silke is the iustifications of Sainctes 9. Oute of the Iudges mouth procedeth a two edged and sharpe sworde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 A sworde oute of the iudges mouth which cutteth on eyther syde It is not sharpe on one syde and blunte on an other it cutteth on both sydes indifferently Whereby is signified a iust sentēce pronounced of Gods mouth againste the wicked For againste them the sentence of God is a sworde pearsing euen to their heartes Wherefore it is also called sharpt The iudgemente of our iudge is streighte and seuere but yet iuste and righteouse What that sworde is in the gospell is declared verely that heauy and immutable sentence get you hence in to fyre euerlasting Math. 25. Whereupon it foloweth in the words of the Euangelist that with the same he may stryke the heathen to witte that he may damne and put to perpetuall tourmentes all vnbeleuers ¶ He shall rule them with an Iron rod. 10. And he shall rule them with a rod of Iron By the same kynde of speach in a maner he sayeth the same that he sayde before For they that woulde not receyue or acknoweledge with repentaūce the staffe of instruction and discipline postorall shal fynde in iudgement and fele the Iron sceptre wherwith he shall breake them all to shyuers lyke potters vessell Nother shall any power resist or preuayle againste him And this maner of speaking is taken out of the Psalme .110 For Saincte Ihon vseth gladly the wordes of Scripture to the ende to make his booke more cōmendable or more pleasaūt and acceptable 11. He treadeth the wynefatte of the wyne of wrath c. Agayne he sayeth the same that he ded before He nedeth the winefa● but by an other parable nowe vttered the same taken out of the scriptures to witte out of the .63 chapter of Esaye The effecte or some is he wyll powre out his wrath vpon the vngodly and punnyshe them moste extremely with his almightie hande whereunto all things geue place geuing their heads a blow See what is sayed here of in the .14 chapter of this boke 12. Againe is shewed the name of this iudge ¶ King of kings and Lorde of Lordes in the name is maiestie power of all others greatest He hath the name written on his garment and on his thigh By these is declared the true humanitie of Christe after the which he is exalted as the Apostle saieth in the second to the Philippians And to him is geuen a name which is aboue al names Here he is called King of Kinges and Lorde of Lords very God Lord monarke and iudge of all men For so do the other Apostles speake also in the .2 .17 of the Actes And there might seme in this name of the Iudge as it were a cawse to be shewed wherefore he is here appoincted Iudge ouer all Because he is Kyng and Lord of all To whome be glory for euer Amen ¶ The description of the iudgement wherin punnishment is taken of Antichristians and vngodly The .lxxxvi. Sermon AND I sawe an Angel stand in the Sunne and he cryed with a loude voyce sayeng to al the foules that fly by the mids vnder the heauen come gather your selues together vnto the supper of the great God that you may eate the flesh of Kyngs and of high captaynes and the flesh of mightie men and the flesh of horses and of them that sit on them and the fleshe of all free men and bonde men both of small and great And I saw the beast and the Kinges of the Earth and their warriours gathered together to wage battayle against him that sat on the horse and againste his soldiours And the beast was taken and with him that false prophete that wrought miracles before him with which he deceaued them that receyued the beastes marke and them that worshypped his Image These bothe were cast quicke in to a pond of fyre burnyng with brimstone and the
euerlastyng And the description or demonstration of this vision hath these thinges chiefely what the iudge shal be The principall articles of this ●●ace who shal be iudged how they shal be iudged of what sorte shal be the ●●surrection of the dead and of euerlastyng damnation finally who shal be properly damned Which things I shal in order accordyng to the grace that God hath geuen me declare as playnely as I can ¶ What iudge at the last iudgement What maner of iudge there shal be we haue vnderstād before at this presēt he is shadowed by certē notes or markes These thinges agree with the same vision which is described of Daniel in the .7 chapt Where by the waye we see agayne how this boke hath his testimonies of the prophetes of whō it is cōmended to vs like as Iohn also expoundeth to vs the prophets S. Iohn seeth a seate and that white great For the iudge him self sayde that he would come in glory maiestie to witte with great light And we beleue also that his iudgemētes are rightuouse iust white And Aretas an expositour sayeth the seate is great because he sitteth therin of whō the prophet sayde great is the Lord great is his power c. And in the seate as iudge of al that moste rightuouse he sitteth furnisshed with all power vertue For al this signifieth the worde of sittyng They that are to be iudged stāde he sitteth Therfore he calleth him that sitteth as you would say iudge For other name he geueth not But we beleue that al iudgement is geuen to the sonne and that he is appoincted iudge ouer all S. Iohn therfore seeth and also sheweth vs to beholde the Lord Iesus Christ commyng in the clowdes of the ayre a rightuouse mightie iudge S. Paule also in the .2 to Titus calleth him a great God not that there is one great god and an other little God but that the Maiestie of our Lorde Iesu Christ shal at that daye moste euidently be sene and the lord him selfe shal than shewe him selfe to the world with greater glory and power than euer heretofore Frō whose fight heauen fleeth The same shall appere also moste seuere and moste iuste Wherupon S. Iohn sayeth figuratiuely from whose face fled awaye both heauen and Earth For if those thinges whiche haue not sinned dare not come in the iudges sight but seke as it were to saue themselues by Sight where I praye thee shal appere the vngodly sumer And doubtles the prophet Malachie also who sayeth he shal abide the daye of his commyng or who is able to stande when he shal appere So in the sixte chapter we hearde that heauen fled backe and was folden vp like a scrolle that the mountaynes also and Iles flitted and that Kinges and Princes and other men hidde themselues in caues and sayde to the hilles and rockes falle vpō vs hide vs from the face of him that sitteth on the seate and from the wrath of the lambe c. By whiche wordes although be described the effecte of a desperate cōscience out of corrupte doctrine yet the same shall appere chiefely in this iudgement what time the seuere and moste rightuous iudge shall appere A muche like figure is red in the .18 Psalme Where is added and their place was no more fownde it is annexed to amplifie the matter not that Heauen and Earth shal be no where but for so muche as they dare not whiche is spoken by a figure appere in the iudgement of God By al these thinges therfore is signified that the vngodly beyng destitute of all counsell shal not knowe at that daye whither to tourne them or what to doe but trembling and despayryng to be vexed with vnspeakeable tormentes before the seate It might be thought in the meane season that S. Iohn signifieth this also howe heauen and earth should at the cōmyng of the iudge be renewed The whiche also the Apostle S. Peter more playnely expresseth in the .3 chapt of the seconde Epistle whiche neuerthelesse referreth and applieth al those his sayinges to the same sense that we haue touched before For he sayeth seyng than that all these thinges shall be disolued what ought you to be in holy conuersation loking for and hasting the cōmyng of the day of God Aretas of Cesaria the flight of heauen and earth sayeth he signifieth no chaungyng of place for whither should they flee but flight flittyng from corruption to incorruption and the laste cōmyng of the lord vnder the which this mortal body of ours shal putte on immortalitie and the face of the Earth shal be renewed This sayeth he a like phrase of speach is had in the 12. of the Apocalipse of the Angelles caste downe out of heauen nother was their place founde any more in heauen c. Nowe toucheth he also who shall be iudged Who shall be iudged verely the dead For he sayeth and I sawe the dead And shorteth after we shall heare that the dead shal be reysed vp Therfore they shal be iudged that rise from the dead Neuertheles the liuing are not exēpted whome the Apostle sayeth most manifestly shal be iudged in the .4 of the first to he Thess But these he nameth not at this present the dead he nameth for that the resurrectiō of the dead is more hardely beleued more easely beleued that those which remayne in flesh should be iudged at that daye And verely the soules neuer die the bodies die Therfore where it is sayde here that the dead shal be iudged we meane that al those which are dead at that daie shal come in their owne bodies to the iudgement of Christ And al men must be iudged All mē are iudged Wherefore S. Iohn seeth great and smalle that is to witte men of all sortes state sexe and age Kinges and princes are not excepted the common people shall not escape nother children nor olde folkes men nor wemen All these seeth he standyng before the face or iudgement seate of God The gilty or accused or to be accused shal be set before the iudgemente seate of God And S. Paule also testifiyng expressely of this matter we must al sayeth he appere before the iudgement seate of Christe that euery one maye receaue in his body accordyng to that he hath done whether it be good or euil .2 Corinth 5. chapt but after a diuerse maner appere both good euill For the wicked as giltie are brought to be iudged and punnished and that their giltines maye be openly knowē to al creatures The vngodly are iudged not the godly The good for asmuch as they be iustified and quitte haue nowe no more gilte nor crime by reason of Christes satisfaction appere in iudgement with glory ready to iudge the vngodly after their fashiō and maner and not to be iudged of any And this thinge is singular that he sayeth that we shall be iudged in the sighte of God For who
church or to S. Ihon that eyther the church or S. Ihon shulde say And let him that heareth say come Aretas expoūding this place briefely and well by these wordes he insinuateth them saieth he which ar not yet assūpted to the flocke yet ready to heare godly matters and geue their dilligence to knowe the Lorde So much he And doubtelesse the desyre of the godlye is so greate that they couet that all creatures shoulde praye the Lorde to come vnto iudgement as many times we se in the Psalmes the godly to exhorte the Sun and Moone all creatures to praise and speake wel of the Lorde 12. The .12 place of the conclusion conteineth a most large promesse and comforte of Christe ❀ And le● him that is a thyrste come For he promiseth agayne frankelie As thoughe he shulde saie I knowe what thinges the faithfull shall suffer vnder Antichrist what also and howe great crafte the same shall practise All thinges will he sell for money Heauen and Earth and those things also which are not in his power And he shal deceaue many and shal spoyle many And al the godly shall he vexe and oppresse with greuouse persecution Therfore yf I tary long and come not incontinently in asmuch as the wisshes of Sainctes couet the same you that loue and beleue in me flee Antichriste geue not your selues to be spoiled of him loke ye for me haue recourse vnto me He that is a thirst that is he that desyreth an heauenly gyfte or he that is in angwysh or tourmented with cares and sondry euilles let him come to me to me I say let him come I shall fyll him with good thinges delyuer from euyll and wyll comforte him and strengthen him with my spirite in al maner daūgers that he may paciently beare and ouercome all euylles And he semeth to haue borrowed these holsome wordes and most ful of consolation of the doctrine of Esaye which is in the .55 chapter and in the seuenth chap. of Ihon. Hereof are spoken certen thinges aboute the beginning of the .21 chapt Where we re●de ●he Lord to haue saide And to him that is a thirste wil I geue of the well of the water of life frely And he that wille But where he sayeth and he that will he meaneth not as many mistake him that it standeth in our will that we maye be saued For we knowe that the Apostle hath sayde it is not in the wille nor in the rūning but in the mercy of God The Lord of his owne good wil saueth vs yet not withstanding he saueth not the vnwillyng but the willyng But he geueth vs that we maye will accordyng to that saying of thapostle it is God that worketh in vs both to will and to accomplish Primasius by no good giftes sayeth he goyng before he receyueth the water of life frely For what haste thou sayeth the Apostle that thou haste not receyued Therefore haue we receyued of God frely the wil of cōmyng also vnto whome we gaue nothing firste that we should be much lesse that we should of sinners be made rightuouse Thus sayeth he Not withstandyng it might seme to be such a maner of speakyng as is emonges the Germanes which is I make it free for al to come I doe clerely exclude no man I bid al come so and he that will that is to saye come al and receiue water c. To the lorde be glory ¶ Punnishment is decreed to the corrupters of this boke The lord sayeth that he wil certenly come to Iudgement The church wissheth for his commyng The Cj. Sermon I Testifie vnto euery man that heareth the words of the prophecie of this boke if any manne shall adde vnto these thinges God shal adde vnto him the plages that are written in this boke And if any man shal minish of the wordes of the booke of this Prophecie God shal take away his parte out of the boke of life and out of the holy citie and from the thinges which are written in this boke He which testifieth these thinges sayeth be it I come quickely Amen Euē so come lord Iesu The grace of our lorde Iesu Christe be with you al. Amen 13. In the .13 A penaltie for the contemners corrupters of this boke parte of this conclusion is decreed a paine for the contemners of this boke but especially for counterfetter or forgers which as D. Bibliander hath sayde full well godly dare attempte to corrupte or falsefie this godly instrumēt and holy charter of thempire and Bisshopricke of Christ by addyng any thing or takyng awaye or alteryng the trewe meanyng and sense thereof This place is taken out of the common vsage of men For Princes are wonte in th ende of their writynges to establishe the same agaynst deprauers by menacinges and threatenings Antichrist the Ape of our lord Christ about the ende of his Bulles addeth yf any man shall rasshely presume to go agaynst this our cōmaundement or malapertly to infringe the same let him knowe that he shal incurre the indignatiō of Almightie God and the blessed Apostles Peter and Paule and our high displeasure And likewise in keping of treasures and publicke things where daūger is feared they set on writinges and sealyng with waxe For the whiche cause verely where the Lorde was not ignoraunt that there would be some which wold seke to oppresse and abolish this boke he sendeth it wel Armed to all posterities We reade in olde Authours that certen heretikes in the beginnyng of the church toke very muche vpon them in corruptyng of the scriptures yea and that some of them to haue reiected whole bokes of the holy Scripture And Tertullian imputeth the same vnto Marcion whiche also depraued holy bokes Howebeit through the goodnes of God it came to passe that we haue neuerthelesse receyued the holy bookes whole and vncorrupted Whiche thing S. Hierome sheweth playnely in his commentaries vpon Esaye the .3 booke And Erasmus of Roterodam in the Apologie of the newe Testamēt and also in his Apologie agaynst Iames Latomus c. Howebeit the Lorde at this present doeth no newe thing Nothing to bradde●● nothing to be minisshed whilest he commaundeth that nothing shoulde be added or taken awaye For ones or twise he commaunded by Moses Thou shalt adde nothing to my worde nother take frō it any thing And Salomon in the .30 of the Prouerbes cōmaundeth the same But many maruell and finde faulte that he hath threatened so many plages to the corrupters Whie than do not the same mē blame and reproue in S. Paule that he hath in one worde comprised as many plagues and displeasures as S. Ihon hath here recited where he sayde vnto the Galath Although I or an Angel from heauen shal preach vnto you a gospel other than this that we haue preached vnto you let him be an outcaste or accursed And the same wordes againe he doubleth repeteth Wherefore if they graunt that Paule hath herein so little