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A16539 The last battell of the soule in death diuided into eight cof̃erences ... : whereby are shown the diuerse skirmishes that are between the soule of man on his death-bedde, and the enemies of our saluation : carefullie digested for the comfort of the sicke / by Mr. Zachary Boyd, preacher of Gods word at Glasgow. Boyd, Zacharie, 1585?-1653. 1629 (1629) STC 3447; ESTC S881 434,219 1,336

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to the whole world before the comming of Christ Others of the Learned tak these words to be spokē properlie And for to cleare their opinion to bee true they alledge the words of S. Peter as a Commentarie vpon Christs wordes The Heauens shall passe away saith hee with a great noise and the Elements shall melt with feruent heat the Earth also and the works that are therein shal be burnt vp And a little after hee subjoyneth Looking for and hasting vnto the comming of the day of God wherein the heauens beeing on fire shal be dissolued and the Elementes shall melt with feruent heate The sicke Man These bee wonderfull wordes of wonderfull workes yee will bee so good as to make them m●…e cleare The Pastour First it is said That the heauens sh●…l passe away praeteribunt not that they shal be turned to nothing or shall ●…o passe away that they shall bee no more but they shall passe away in that they shall bee changed According to this the Psalmist speaking of the heauens saith That all of them waxe olde as doeth a garment As a vesture shal●… thou change them and they shall bee changed Though in our life-time because it is so shorte wee cannot sensiblie perceiue any decay in the heauenlie influences yet it is certhat taine the heauens are but cretures ordained for the seruice of mā creatures subject to faile weare and waxe olde bee The sicke Man What a change Sir thinke yee that that shall bee The Pastour It shall bee a change altogether for the better All the Elementes shall be melted as mettell into a furnace whereby it is refined After that they are melted they shall bee ●…ast into a new mould for to receiue such a ●…orme as it shall please the most High to giue vnto them I compare all these great creatures of the world as the Heauens and foure Elements to an olde peece of money stamped so long since that hardlie can it bee knowne who●…e superscription is in it all the Letters being worne off with the vsing It is euen so of the Heauens and of the Elements in these latter dayes It is so lōg since they were stamped that the letters of Gods name vpon them are growne dim are not so legible as they were wont to bee But in that last day the Lord shall make the old Heauens and this olde Earth all to melt into a fire and thereafter shall stampe them like a newe stricken Crowne Then hee shall giue them such a temper that they shall neuer waxe olde any more Gods first impression on his creatures hath by sinne beene dimmeded and darkened but this secunda cura the second coyning of these creatures shall be so durable that nothing shall be able to deface it For God then shall bee All in all Then Tempus edax rerum Time that eateth all things yea all times as yeeres moneths days nights houres lik floods shall all runne in into the sea of eternitie where they with all such vnconstant things shall bee swallowed vp in victorie The sicke Man What is that to say That the Heauens shall passe away with a great noise What sort of noise shall that bee The Pastour The worde in the originall is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which the French hath termed auec vn bruit siflant de tempeste that is the roaring of a tempest which commeth with such a thudde that it casteth downe both Trees and Houses making all to shake and also lifting vp dust and straes and all in the aire as with a whirle wind Erasmus termeth it In morem procellae like a Tempest Such a Tempest was neuer heard since the world was founded It shall bee a Tempest which shall shake the worlde of its foundation Aboue and below all shall bee shaken with such a roaring and cracking tempest that no mortall heart can conceiue The Heauens the Earth the Waters the Aire the Sunne the Moone and Starres shall bee so shaken with that tempest as though they were but pickles of dust and caried with a whi●…le wind My minde is in a maze to think vpon the greatnesse of that day My pen while I haue beene writting of it hath fallen out of my hand so haue I beene rauished with admiration of that day O what a day shall that be when all that euer God made shall bee sette on fire The Heauens being sette one fire saith the Apostle shall bee dissolued and the Elements beeing set on fyre shal melt with feruant heate Isaiah saith That the Heauens shall vanish away like smoke What fearfull tempest must that bee which shall put all the worlde into a burning flamme All shall bee sette on fire the Heauens aboue the Earth beneath the waters also must be burnt and melted into that wonderfull furnace By this fire all things must bee purged The sicke Man It would seeme by Scripture that those heauens which are now shall bee altogether abolished The Lord saith in Isaiah Loe I will create new Hea●…ens and a new Earth and the former shall not ●…ee remembered nor come into minde To create a thing is properlie to mak something of nothing What then ●…hall the Heauens and Elements which are now bee red●…cted to nothing The Pastour It is most certaine that they shall not bee put to nothing but according to their earnest expectatiō they shall bee deliuered at the last day from the bondage of corruption into the glorious libertie of the Sonnes of God It is not Gods custome so to reward his old seruants as to put them from their beeing that so hee may bee quite of them As for that which Isaiah saith that he will create new Heauens and newe Earth and that the former shall not be remembered it is not to bee vnderstoode of the last day The Lord by these wordes did onelie declare this to that people that hee would so alter change the state of his Church at the comming of the Messias that it should seeme to dwell into another world The sicke Man I took euer that passage otherwise but I hold that exposition best But behold what S. Iohn saith concerning the Heauens the Earth and the Sea I saw a new Heauen and a new Earth for the first Heauen and the first Earth were passed away and there was no more Sea What is that to say The Pastour The first Heauen and the first Earth are said to haue passed away not that their substāce was no more but as one sayth well because alia ejus videbatur facies it was so changed that men would thinke that it could not bee that cloudie Heauen and clattie Earth which was before The Sea also was no more such as it was before The sicke Man But S. Iohn sath That hee saw a white Throne and One sitting on it from whose face the Heauen and the Earth fledde away and there was found no more
place for them By this it would seeme that they shall bee altogether abolished The Pastour I answere that they shall not be abolished but they are said to flee away from the face of God as most learned Diuines thinke ad declarandum eorum terrorem animum ad fugam paratum for to declare their feare to compeare before the face of so great a Majestie till they be forbished scoured of the roust of their vanity wherevnto they haue beene made subject they thinke shame of their vncleannesse before such eyes of puritie It is said That there was no place found for them not that they wanted a place but because of such a Majestie they did goe about to hide themselues It is well said by a Learned interpreter vpon these words Quorum locus non reperitur illa latent occulta manent whose place is not found they lurke and remaine hidde not that they shall want a place but because no man can find out by searching what shall bee their place By this is onelie declared that till the Heauens and Elements bee reneued they shall in a manner goe and hide themselues from before the face of that heauenlie Majestie as a ragged man who thinking shame to compeare among those who are richlie arrayed withdraweth himselfe vnto some darke corner that hee should not be seene till he be better arrayed After that all shall bee made cleare and cleane by the fire they shall appeare before God in their appointed place The sicke Man Thinke yee that it shall bee a long time before that all can bee refined by that fire as also before that the dead bee raised vp and gathered together The Pastour * All this shall bee done in a moment In the twinkling of an eye the dead shall bee raised and the liuing shall bee changed where euer they bee found whether grinding at the Mile or walking in the fieldes or lying in their beddes they must all compeare either for to bee taken or to be forsaken all other thinges shall bee speedilie dispatched The sicke Man O but he is a great God who by his word keepeth in store the Heauens and Earth which are nowe reseruing them vnto fyre against the day of Iudgement Great must hee bee who shall kindle such a fire Nowe after that this fire shall bee quenched what shall bee done The Pastour After that by the fire the Lord hath cleansed all his creatures from their roust and scoured them from all their drosse hee shall forme them by his word the breath of his mouth As a maker of Glasses by the blast of his mouth formeth as hee pleaseth the soft melted liquour taken out of the fornace But wherevnto can we compare the most High in his most wonderfull workes Thē the Heauens which of before hee had rolled vp like a scrole shall bee vnfolded and put out of their roll and the Earth beeing purified and fined shall bee made a Lodging for righteousnesse according to his promise saith S. Peter Wee looke for new Heauens and new Earth wherein dwelleth righteousnesse The sicke Man What is that to say That righteousnesse dwelleth into the new Heauens and into the newe Earth These words seeme to bee difficile The Pastour The opinions of men are diuerse concerning the sense thereof some thinke that Righteousnesse shall dwell in that new Heauens new Earth vnderstanding by Righteousnesse the righteousnesse of Christ According to this S. Pauls greatest desire was that hee might bee found in Christ Not said hee hauing mine owne righteousnesse which is of the Lawe but that which is of the Faith of Christe the Righteousnesse of God by Faith Others by a Metommie vnderstand that righteousnesse dwelling on the new Earth to bee taken or all faithfull and righteous men who shall be the Citizens of that new Heauen and of that new Earth O if wee knewe the glorie of these new things they would surelie rauish our heartes so that wee would all cry Come Lord Iesus come These new Heauens shall neuer be ouer-cast with clouds there shall bee none ecclipsing of light any more As for the new Earth there shall be no more sweate of browes All toiles and turmoiles shall cease Sinne the cause of all our woe shall bee no more there The most barbarous and barren parte that is now on earth shall bee more pleasant than euer was Paradise for then God shall be All in all All the Earth shal be lik that Holie of holies but without a partition wall In that Holie of holies in Canaan none but one that but once in the yeare might enter But in the new Heauens and newe Earth all the Faithfull shall haue their perpetuall residence where they shall follow the Lambe whither-so-euer it shall please him to goe There shall they for euer bee courting his countenance Fye that men will not liue well for a little space that they may liue with the Lambe for euer among these pleasures for euermore Fye that men for stinking pleasures should losse the comfort of these places wherein nothing but righteousnesse shall bee able to dwell The sicke Man Seeing the heauens and the earth shall bee made new yee thinke that they shall change for the better The Pastour That is most certaine They haue in their owne kinde beene obedient seruantes vnto their God and God shal also glorifie them with a kind of glorie which his Wisedome shall thinke fittest for them The heauens like a garment are waxed olde at Gods seruice God will not cast off his olde seruants but after their seruice he will reward them If their cloths bee worne at his seruice hee will giue them a new coate If their first powers bee shaken he will put new powers into them againe It was truelie said by the father of lyes That none serue God for nought It shall not bee for nought that the Heauens by their motions and the Earth by its birth haue declared the glorie of God omnipotent The sicke Man But is it possible that such creatures haue any knowledge while they serue God that he will reward them at the last day that therby they may bee incouraged at his seruice The Pastour They haue indeede a certaine secret instinct from GOD which worketh in them a sort of longing for the last day which shall bee the day of rewardes the day of their deliuerance In this the Apostle is plaine For saith hee the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestatiō of the Sons of God for the creature was made subject vnto vanitie not willinglie but by reason of him that hath subjected the same in hope because the creature it selfe also shall bee deliuered frō the bondage of corruption into the glorious libertie of the Children of God For this cause the whole creation is said To groane and to
trauell together vntill now The sicke Man O the great secrets of God! I pray you Sir to let me vnderstand these wordes by some breefe exposition First what is that which hee calleth the earnest expectation of the creature which waiteth for the manifestation of the Sonnes of God What creature is that What expectation can that bee The Pastour By the creature are not vnderstood these little creatures as Frogs Flees Midges Beastes Fowles Fishes Such creatures haue none expectation of better things to come for in the world to come there shall bee no vse for them But by the the creature is to bee vnderstood the whole worlde viz. The Heauens and all the Elements as Earth Fire Water Aire which now are all so knit in loue that euery one as it were taketh another into its bosome Because they are so fast coupled together and so neere to other that nothing can come betweene them for this cause as if they were all but one thing they are called in the singular number the creature As for it expectation it is called by the Apostle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a stretched out of the hand In which word the waiting of the world for the comming of the Lord is set out like a woman standing vpon her tip-toes stretching out her head for to see if she can see her husbād comming a farre whom shee looketh longeth for hourelie See howe liuelie the Apostle declareth the secret instinct of the worldes desire for the comming of Christ Iesus In a most powerfull word hee letteth vs see the Heauens and the Earth and all the Elements all as it were a man or a woman standing vpon their tip-toes and holding vp their heads for to see if Iesus bee comming according to his promise All the Faithfull who are the Spouse of Christ groane within them selues sighing till they see their Sauiour in the Cloudes so also this creature hath the owne groanes and sighs till Christ come for its deliuerance And as the Churches desire maketh Her to cry Come Lord Iesus come so in this creature there is a secret instinct and earnest expectation which moueth it in the own language to cry for Christes comming The sicke man What vnderstandeth the Apostle while hee saith That the creature was made subject to vaniue not willinglie but by reason of him that hath subjected the same in hope First how is it said That it is made subject to vanitie Can the Heauens and the Earth bee saide to bee subject to vanitie The Pastour The most Learned thinke that by this subjection of the creature to vanitie is to bee vnderstood ejus fluxa evanida conditio that is a condition subject to change corruption wearing away or waxing olde As for the Earth it is euident as for the Heauens Scripture is plaine They waxe olde as doeth a garment This is the vanitie of these creatures Heere is also another vanitie wherevnto they are subject in that they are made seruants to these that will not serue God whō they serue That the beautifull Sunne should furnish light to these that delight in Spirituall darknesse it is a vanitie and a drudgerie wherevnto the Sun is subject That the Earth should bea●…e and bring foorth fruites for to feede the blacke mouthes that blaspheme its Maker is a great vanitie wherevnto it is made subject The Sea groaneth vnder the Shippes of Pyrats and Robbers See what an vproare was in that Element for Ionahs rebellion So long as he was in that Shippe Gods scourged the winds with his worde of command The windes scourged the Seas the Seas scourged the Shippe wherein Gods Rebell did lye till hee was cast out The Sea euer seethed with the fire of Gods wrath the waues euer tumbled vp and down breaking one vpon another with rushing and roaring till it tooke order with the rebellious man there was no resting for its waues The sicke Man But how is this that it is said that the creature is subject to vanitie but not willinglie It would seeme by that that they obey God but against their will The Pastour The Heauens or Earth properlie haue neither a willing nor a nilling but onelie a secret instinct which is like a will This secret instinct which God hath put into his creature is that Omnis natura conservatrix suiest euerie creature striueth to keepe maintaine it selfe Now while by God it is made subject to such changes weakening and wearing which is against the working of that instinct it is said in Scripture language to bee subject to vanitie but not willinglie Neither for that must wee thinke that the creature in that rebelleth or repineth against God in any wise as if it had a will striuing against Gods will no not But in some measure it may bee saide to haue an instinct like that will of Christ at the drinking of the bitter Cuppe Christs Naturall instinct was that the Cuppe should passe from him and yet for all that his prayer was Not my will but thy will bee done It is euen so in some manner of the instinct of the Heauens and of the Earth They naturallie shrinke from bondage abuse as also they incline to keepe themselues frō corruption and vanitie neither for that is their will contrarie to Gods will Hee who is called a seruant should not care for it But yet if hee may bee made free the Apostles direction is That hee vse it rather The sick man may will life and seeke cure for to preserue his life though Gods will bee that hee die if so bee that he submit vnto Gods will his whole desire as Christ did euen while hee desired the Cuppe to depart which hee knew to haue beene put into his hand for to drinke it A will that is diuerse from Gods will if it bee subacted subjected vnto Gods wil may bee free of sinne So the Heauens and the Earth are subject vnto vanitie but not willinglie because they incline to bee free of the bondage of mans corruption But seeing it is their Lords will that they beare the burden and bee subject to such changes they become subject but withall they are euer groaning and longing for their redemption As a woman in trauell naturallie desireth to be deliuered and yet submitteth her selfe to Gods wil as naturallie these creatures of God haue an instinct to bee deliuered from the burden of their bondage But seeing their instinct or desire to bee made free is not so soone effectuate neither can bee before the world end the Lord their good and kinde Master for to encourage them vnder the burden of their bondage lest they should faint hath giuen vnto them another secret instinct which the Apostle calleth their hope For to cleare this to you in a word There is in this world groaning vnder the corruption of the wicked a certaine instinct like Hope
whereby it looketh for to bee made free from the bondage and burden of this corruption as a woman in trauell is comforted with hope of deliuerance This is that whereat the Apostle pointeth when hee saith that God hath subjected the creature in hope The sicke Man In my judgement vee speake pertinentlie In that difficultie I haue full satisfaction But what is this that is subjoyned vnto the verse following I vnderstand not the words well They are these The creature at last shall bee deliuered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious libertie of the Children of God What is this libertie of the Sons of God or how can the Heauens and the Elements bee said to bee made partakers of that liberty which belongeth to the Children of God I confesse mine ignorance heere in this point I desire to bee instructed The Pastour This is the libertie whereof they shall bee partakers with the Childrē of GOD they shall then haue all their will they shall no more be subject to that whereof they would desire to bee free Not willinglie shall bee no more in them in all their subjection They shall bee no more slaues to serue sinners but shall serue God and his Saintes which is true libertie Thus in so farre as they shall bee free of all that foresaid bondage they are said to be deliuered into the glorious liberty of the Children of God This shall bee a part of the libertie of Gods Sainctes in Heauen not to bee subject to the wicked any more not to wearie nor waxe olde all this shall they haue commond with the creature But O what a glorie shall the Children haue greater than all the creature shall receiue Euen a farre more and exceeding weight of Glorie The sicke Man I will not now inquire concerning that weightie glorie I reserue it to afterward God-willing One thing I desire to know whether or not the Lord shall come downe before the World shall bee refined with fire or if it shall bee after The Pastour In my judgement before that the Lord come down the Heauens shal be new and the earth all shal be new As a Citie before the entrie of a King prepareth all before hand maketh the wayes cleane and causeth sweepe off the streets the dung-hils so all the steertes of the Heauens and of the Aire and of the Earth muste bee made cleane before the comming of the Sonne of man While in the dayes of his flesh hee entered into the Citie of Ierusalem in qualitie of a King riding vpon an Asse-Colt all the streetes were couered with cloathes greene branches of trees so that the foote of his Asse scarclie culd touch the ground all that was there range with the sound of Hosanna Hosanna * Euen so in my judgement when that great Lord shall make his entrie into the world as a King from Heauen the world shall all bee made new it shall look with another face then it doth at this day If our gracious Soueraigne King CHARLES whom I pray the Lord to blesse with a prosperous reigne were comming from Londō for to enter into this Citie we would all cloth our selues in comely apperall we wold receiue him with great applause all shouting GOD SAVE KING CHARLES Would we doe this to a sinfull man Whose breath is in his nostrils What thinke yee then shall these creatures doe whose neckes are yoked vnder the bondage of corruption euer till the Lord IAH our God come downe riding vpon the Skie with sound of libertie for euermore Mine heart here faileth me while I thinke of that great applause and welcome to the world that Christ shall get when hee shall bowe the Heauens and come downe into the Aire Shal he who in the days of his flesh in the dayes of his disgrace was so honoured at his Royall entrie in Ierusalem not bee much more honoured at his Royall entrie into the worlde which is groaning after that houre of his comming as a woman in trauell earning after the houre of her deliuerie At his second comming all his wayes shal be prepared and the Hosanna Hosannahs of Ierusalem shall bee turned into Halleluiah Halleluiah Before Christ came first to appeare among men hee sent a Messenger to prepare his ways The voyce of One crying in the wildernesse Prepare yee the way of the Lord mak his paths straight Euerie valley shall bee filled and euery hill and mountaine shall bee made low and the crooked shall bee made straight the rough ways shal be made smooth Seeing in his humilitie his wayes were prepared before his comming there is greater appearance that before hee come backe to this worlde againe with his millions this new earth and all shall bee prepared It is a disgrace for a Citie to be cleansing streetes while the King is alreadie within the portes It is but rusticke manners to sweepe an house after that an honest man hath entered whereby the dust that is vnder his feete is carried vp to his hat and betweene his shoulders The sicke Man It is your opinion then that all shall bee cleansed with a fire before the Lord come downe The Pastour It is indeed And it seemeth also to haue some ground into Scripture for Christ while hee was declaring in the Gospel the things that should be fall before his comming hauing said That the Sunne and Moone should bee darkened and that Starres should fall from Heauen which declared the change of this world In the next verse hee declareth that after that appeared the signe of the Sonne of man in Heauen The sicke Man According to your discourse it would seeme that before the comming of the Lord at the renewing of this world there shall be a strange stirre among all the Creatures The Pastour That is most certaine and that both aboue and belowe S. Luke saith That there shall bee signes in the Sunne and in the Moone and in the Starres and vpon the Earth Pressura gentiū distresse of Nations with perplexitie the Sea and the waues roaring Mens heartes failing them for feare and for looking after these things which are comming on the Earth for the powers of Heauen shal be shaken Thē shal they see the Sonne of Man comming in a cloud with power and geart glorie The sicke Man All these wordes bee wordes of great weight It would please you to giue mee the intepretation thereof The Pastour In these words the Euangelist letteth vs see howe this bigge olde world shal be broken downe for to bee made new againe Some of the Learned expound these wordes by way of similitude taken from man the little world while as hee is olde and failed the humours of his body like elements are troubled and shaken together His two eyes like the Sunne and Moone are darkened and his other senses like the Starres fall downe and decay His minde and his
day without night heauens without cloudes mirth without mourning joy without sorrow and beautie without blemish All good thinges muste abound there where God shall bee All in all When wee shall bee there our God shall enlighten our minde and shall giue our will its will without controlement Then shall no man say I doe the euill that I would not and doe not the good that I would doe nay but wee shall doe all the good wee would beeing in no wi●…e troubled with the euill wee would not Then shall wee rest from all our labours refreshed vnder the euerlasting shadowes of Christ that most pleasant Apple Tree whose fruite is sweete to the taste Nothing in a word shall bee inlaking that may rejoyce all the senses of our body without all the faculties of our Soules within All the Godlie these blessed Denizens of Heauē shall euer in a Quire sing the praises of the Lambe Halleluiah Halleluiah vpon the loud Cymbals Harpes Organes and Timbrels of God O Lord one day in thy Court is better than a thousand else where said the Psalmest speaking but of the figure of heauen Is it so of the figure of heauē what shall it be thē to be in heauen it selfe euen in these new heauens Let it be but the tenth better according to that one day in Heauen shall bee better by ten thousands times than the best day that euer man did see on earth There is no serenitie below which is not ouer clouded with some dumpes of heauinesse while the flesh is vpon the Soule it shal be sorrowfull Pure sincere joys cannot dwel in the valley of teares in this muddie mortalitie One day aboue is more bright and better than tenne thousand below Is it so of one day in Heauen Mercifull God what shall it be thē of these dayes without number euen of that euerlasting of dayes euen that eternal day of light life libertie cleare without all g●…mie clouds of sicknes of sorrows O for a sight of the light of that countenance a light of continuance which no mistie vapour shal for euer bee able to ecclips O Day neuer to be darkened with a following light O euer fresh pleasures which no sorrow shall bee able to fret waste or weare out O Eternitie Eternitie neuer to haue an end O that faire heritage vnto all these that are there The lines are fallen in pleasant places If wee had heartes to belieue the thoughts of such Glories should waine our heartes from the milkie transitorie trashes below which worldlings dreame to bee an heauen not to bee changed with any such preached pleasures O when shall our Soules get them with the Spouse to these high Mountaines of Myrrhe and hills of frankincense The consideration of this happinesse made Ignatius a Scholer of S. Paul to defie all the tormentes that cruell Burrios could inuent for the tormenting of his bodie Fire Gallowes beasts said he Crushing of my bones quartering of my members breaking of my bodie Let all the torments of Sathā seaze vpon me together I care not for them so that I may enjoye my Lord and his righteousnesse O that all the thoughts of our heartes were made subordinate and contributarie to such spirituall and diuine desires The sicke Man O Lord in the multitude of thy thoughts within mee thy comforts delight my Soule Cōtinue your speach I pray you concerning the beautie of the Heauens within which is the Presence-Chamber of the great King The Pastour S. Iohn describes it with such wordes as men are able to vnderstand or imagine The vnderstanding of man concerning the beautie of a Place reacheth no further than to Gold Glasse Crystall Pearles and precious stones which indeed are nothing but like Coales or drosse in comparison of these heauenlie bodies * Before that the man of God beganne to declare what hee had seene of Heauen hee said that there came vnto him an Angel that carried him away to a great high mountaine shewed him the great Citie the holie Ierusalem a type and figure of Heauen Glorious thinges are spoken of thee O Citie of our God euen of thee Ierusalem Because that Ierusalem was a type and figure of Heauen I shall first speake a little thereof As for the earthlie it was a Citie in Iudea builded as some thinke by Melchisedec Otherwise it was called Salem and Iebus or Iebusi After that it was called Aelia from Aelius Hadrianus the Emperour who builded a part thereof and enuironed Mount Caluarie Christes Sepulchre and Golgotha with a wall This Citie had two parts the vpper part and the lower The vpmost part thereof with the Temple was builded vpon mount Moriah Because in this Citie the Lord had his residence and did shew himselfe more familiarlie than into any other part of the world it was called The perfection of beautie and joye of the whole earth It is written that in circuite compasse it was foure miles In forme it was foure square hauing twelue gates Ioseph recordeth that it was Dauid that first called the Citie Ierusalem In the time of Abraham said hee it was called Solyme Some also say that Homere called it Solyme which in the Hebrew tong saith Ioseph signifieth a Fortresse Thus much concerning the earthlie Ierusalem which now is in bondage with her Children the most cursed Citie in the world since that desperate voyce of blasphemie was heard in it His blood bee vpon vs and vpon our Children The sicke Man That is a fearefull desolation The Pastour Great was that desolation It is called The abomination of desolation a desolation abominable or foresignified by an abomination The sicke man I remember well of these words of that Gospel This I remember that Christ did speake them with a Nota Who so readeth let him vnderstand Often while I did reade these words I found my selfe secretelie accused of negligence in that I tooke paines to vnderstād the saying which Christ desired the Reader to vnderstand I pray you Sir let mee vnderstand the words The Pastour The wordes are these When yee therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the Prophet stand in the holie place who so readeth let him vnderstand Then let them which are in Iudea flie into the mountaines The wordes of Daniel are these And after threescore and two weekes shall Messiah bee cutte off but not for himselfe And the people of the Prince that shall come shall destroy the Citie and the Sanctuarie and the ende thereof shall bee with a floode and vnto the end of the warre desolations are determined And hee shall confirme the Couenant with many for one weeke and in the midst of the weeke hee shall cause the oblation and the sacrifice to cease and for the ouer spre●…ding of abominations hee shall make i●… desolate euen vntill the consummation and that determined shall
when it shall please his Majestie That which is the gift of Gods good pleasure is not a thing which a man may haue whē he pleaseth Youth is lik the time of the stirring of the poole a gracious time if it be wel imployed Christ I knowe may cure a Soule that hath beene sicke of the palsey of sinne eight and thirtie yeeres but that must bee counted a most rare miracle Late repentance is seldome sound But alas though a man were assured that in his olde dayes he should repent truelie of all the folies of his youth how bitter a thing is that which Gods word calleth Repentance A Pagan hauing gotten some little glimpse thereof while he conferred the pleasures of sin with the paines of repentance refused to bargaine for his pleasures saying plainelie Non eme●…im tanti poenitere that hee would not buy repentance so deare Most men in the heat of their sinnes lay about them to finde some pretence for the lessening therof lest they seeme vgelie Oh that youth would bee wise our youth is either a great friend or a great foe vnto our olde age If we get a fill of Gods mercie in the morning of our age wee shall bee glad and rejoyce all our dayes The rememberance of a well spent youth is in olde age lik the casting of the Eagles bill whereby its age is renewed O the siluer coloured gray head of that olde man who from his youth in the maine of his life hath walked in the wayes of righteousnesse Grace frō the Cradle is of great expectation Happie is that youth which is old in grace If yee get grace to your youth yee shall get glorie after age God it is who giueth both grace and glorie which two I may call the euerlasting twinnes conceiued into the breast and bowels of that Mercie that is aboue Take heede my Children In your first dayes striue to bee like the Auncient of dayes A good Conscience well kept in youth is a perpetuall feast for olde age That mans youth is a great friend to his old age who can say with Obadiah I feare the Lord from my youth A well spent youth is a blessed seede time for Heauen A well spent youth is spirituall physicke vnto olde age which of it selfe on Earth is a sicknesse drawing vnto Death As the well spent youth is a friend vnto old age so if it bee euill spent it is a most fearfull foe a foe full of woes woe to him whose old bones are sores with the sins of his youth the Lord hath taken the penne in his hand wherewith after he that hath narrowly searched his wayes hee shall write bitter thinges against him and shall make him possesse the iniquities of his youth * Beware therefore to set your corruption to worke for to giue the Prime of your life vnto pleasures Bee wise in time lest Sathan shely foist in and closelie conuay corruptions into your young and tender heartes by tickling and tempting you to folie It is more easie while it is time to spend well the time than after to redeeme the mispent time Why would yee trouble your olde age with young folies If yee sawe the seede of folie in your youth ye shall vndoubtedly reapesheaues of sorrows in your old age It is a sore troublé to sow in laughter reape in teares In the best man that liueth there is sufficient mater of mourning for his cloudie and rainie yeares The old man hath enough to suffer vnder sicknes though hee had no cumber of his sinnes O how pleasant is the bitter haruest of a foolish youth O folie hath not olde age paines sufficientlie in the bodie though it bee not surcharged with the troubles of the Spirit What wisedome is this to surcharge the weakest age with the heauiest burden Thinke chieflie vpon this seeing the goodnesse of God followeth the whole life of man from his mothers bellie to his buriall it is reason that his whole life as well youth as olde age bee framed for to expresse his thankfulnesse My first and chiefest direction to you is that yee giue to God the first fruites of your age Suffer not sinne in your tender yeeres to get hold haunt in your heartes A godlie Youth hath a speciall promise 〈◊〉 God these that seeke mee earelie 〈◊〉 finde mee This parable was forged in Hell young Saincts old Deuils that is A good Lad will bee an euill man And this is turned ouer againe by the prophane world viz. An euill Lad will bee a good man Nay but an euill Lad is in the way to proue an olde wag-string A young scoffing Ismael will become an olde swaggering reueller Children in Scripture are called Plants If in the Moneth of May a 〈◊〉 bee without leafes or buddes we conceiue little good hope of anie fruites to bee had in the haruest time thereafter will a tree bring foorth fruites before it flourish When flourish time is past without anie blossome shall wee looke for anie fruite for that yeare Learne of the trees to know your seasons Solomon sent the sluggard to Doctour Pismires schoole for to learne wisedome to prouide for the euill day Striue with the trees in your youth to get a spring of grace which may app●…are in the sprout and blossome of dispositions vnto vertues Mu●…ium est ass●…escere a teneris To beginne well or euill is to bee in the midst of the journey Most powerfull are the first impressions lik the loue of women which ordinarlie is greatest towards her first Match the guide of her youth who tulit primos amores hath gorten the prime of her loue It is hard to fall from her first loue See what a liking these who are in Kings Courts will haue to remember of the Cottage or rurall village whereinto they were borne and brought vp The secret draught is so powerfull that hardlie can anie expresse the cause This made a Pagan to say Nescio qua natale solū dulcedine cūctos Ducit immemores non sinit esse sui By this yee may see how by a certaine secret instinct wee euer loue the places where wee haue beene borne brought vp Obserue the lesson of this if yee passe your youth in sin in the pleasures therof hardly shal yee euer forget that company doe what ye can ye shall euer haue a certaine secret loue which your Soule darre not auouch toward that which yee once loued while ye were yong If your sinnes bee your Companions in your vouth they will bee your Counsellers in olde age Rehoboams fall was in this that he took counsell of the young men that were growne vp with him If sinne bee brought vp with you in your youth there is danger that ye take its counsell in your olde age The time of youth is most dangerous for in it the affections
ground for Colewort or Cabbage for to liue vpon saying This will I giue thee for thy life-time But if afterward this Lord should say Fetch mee my good feruant out of his clattie Cottage and bring him to my Palace that he may eate at mine owne Table for euer Tell me if by the change that seruāt hath lost Would that seruant think yee say No Lord I will not come to thy Table for thou hast promised mee this Cottage-house for my life-time What Lord in the Land was euer troubled with such an answere And yet indeede it is so that God doeth with his faithfull seruantes when they die into the midst of their dayes When men are departed from this life it is the Lord that hath sent his messenger Death for to fetch their Soules from their bodies which Scripture calleth Tabernacles of clay vnto his heauenlie Mansions there for to banquet eternallie at his Table with Abraham Isaac and Iacob Now tell mee O man what haue yee lost for to goe from the Earth to the Heauens Is there any thing in this world of such worth that should make you desire to liue for to stay from your God but an houre The sicke Man That which yee say Sir is verie true But how few are these who in this world can gladlie condescend to depart out of this life The life is sweete The Pastour I confesse indeede that euery one hath not attained vnto this high degree of grace as to say with S. Paul I desire to bee dissolued c. Yet all the godlie will subscribe to this that all the faithfull are happie who are dissolued Though euerie man can not wish to die yet euerie man of God will say That Death is better than life Death is a salue which healeth vs of all our sores Is not Death Gods messenger sent for to pull the troubled Soule out of this sinfull world as Gods Angel pulled Lot out of S●…dom Is not our life heere a warfare Are we not here as Daniel was in the Dungeon among Lions Are not vvee here with Ieremie sticking fast into the myrie clay Are not wee heere with Israel into the House of bondage ouerburdened vvith sinne as they vvere vvith bricke Are we not heere with S. Paul vnder the bodie of Death And with Ioseph in the stockes not of tree but of sinne If it were well tolde a man what is heere and what hee may looke for in the life to come if hee had but a graine of grace as great as of Mustard seede hee should easilie discerne vvhereof to make choise Is not our life heere a wind and a vapour of vanitie But which is most of all to be considered Is there not heere a necessitie of sinning laide vpon all the liuing Who should not bee glad to bee fredde and ridde of these sinfull bondes Is not this life continuallie sicke of the filthie flooxe of sinne a most lothsome disease When wee seeke our daylie bread wee must immediatelie subjoyne forgiue vs our sinnes First as wee see heere wee must begge our bread and then pardon What then are wee heere but daylie beggers for the bellie The King must begge his bread from God In the Heauens there shall bee no begging but thanking of God for his benefites Who should for all that he can beg on Earth desire for to liue out of Heauen but one houre Are we not all heere vnder a corruptible burden a burden of corruption vnder which the Soule is pressed as a Cart full of sheaues So long as wee are heere our Soules are laden with sinnes A Soule burdened with such baggage runs on wheeles as it were downe an hill all post haste except that God stay it it shall neuer cease till it arriue in Hell where God shall breake it in sunder by the tempest of his wrath The sicke Man But Death is the wages of sinne who shall not feare The Pastour Indeed Death is such of the owne nature But God in great mercie hath made death to the godlie like the Raine-bow which being naturallie a signe of present raine by Gods Couenant becommeth a perpetuall signe of faire weather to come after that raine As throgh Death Christ wrought our Life so must wee bee killed for to bee made aliue The glorious Resurrection must bee through dust and corruption Our paines must goe before our pleasures and lashes before our laughters After that in come pleasures for euermore If wee had the faith of God wee should not much feare the smart of death which by Christ is made transitus ad vitam a passage vnto Life Let vs once passe thorow this Iordan and behold wee are in an instant in Canaan The sicke Man All that is true Sir No man can controle you yet naturallie all loue Life The Life is sweete The Pastour How sweete is it I pray you Is not our whole Life trouble and wearinesse What is our sleeping our resting our eating our drinking but a seruitude to the flesh Who should not desire to bee rid from such seruile necessities who for to bee free of such bondage should not renounce his deare selfe and all the loue of this irk some life To bee with Christ is it not our best Yea is it not our rest what shame is it for Christians to dote so after this present life who should haue learned to long after the life to come Christ came downe that wee might goe vp If wee desire not to goe vp wee know not wherefore hee came downe Hee came downe to bee a Seruant wee goe vp to bee Lords Hee came downe to bee hungrie wee goe vp to a perpetuall Feast Hee came downe to bee banished where hee had not wherevpon to lay his head we goe vp to dwell in Palaces of pleasures into euerlasting Tabernacles In a word hee came downe to distresse to sorrow to paine to miserie to fight against our enemies Deuils Death and temptations yea hee discended vnto Hell we goe vp to Ioy to Honour to Light to Life to Libertie to our Father to our Friends to our Sauiour and Comforter What shall I say more Euen to vnspeakable Glorie in Paradise with God his Angels What a folie is this that a man should desire to bee depriued of such Comforts for a puffe of breath Bee glad Sir to quite the ranke Onions of Egypt for that heauenlie Manna Sweete like Wafers made with honey The sicke Man If a man could bee fullie perswaded of that which ye say I think that hardlie could hee with-hold himselfe from putting hands into himselfe that so hee might change for the better If all that be why should any desire to stay from God but an houre If I may desire to bee dissolued why may I not dissolue my self The working out of a lawfull desire cannot bee vnlawfull The Pastour
No man liuing Sir may absolutelie desire to be dissolued but vnder condition that it bee for the glorie of God and the Saluation of his owne Soule For two respects a man may desire to be dissolued First for to bee deliuered from the bondage of sinne which the Apostle calleth A bodie of death Secondlie for an earnest desire to bee with his God a man may desire to bee dissolued But for no reason must a man dissolue himselfe that were selfe murther If we may not kill our Neighbour whō we should loue as our selues neither must wee kill our selues who are the rule and square of neighbourlie loue Man in this world is as a set Watch hee must not remoue till it please him by whom hee was set to command him to come Though lawfullie wee may desire death that we may bee deliuered from the bodie of death which is sinne for to bee with Christ which is meekle better for vs yet wee must not cry for death for some triflles of worldlie troubles as Ionah did for the lossing of his leafes Our desire of Death should bee chieflie grounded vpon a desire to bee with Christ and to bee fredde from the spirituall bondage of our sins well is him that can sincerly say from his heart Miserable man that I am who shall deliuer mee from this bodie of death That Soule is happie whose desire is vpon that which is meakle better for it To bee with Christ in Scripture stile is called meakle better What say ye now Sir doeth not your heart grone vnder this burden of sinfull death Doeth not your Soule long to bee out of this bodie for to bee with him where it shall bee meakle better for you The sicke Man I take vp the matter better than I did I see by your reasons that there is no reason wherefore a man should desire to die but for to bee with his Christ and to be deliuered from the bodie of bondage which is a death But alas The Pastour I see you yet Sir into a plunge I heard that word Alas Wherefore say yee Alas Yee looke yet as one who desireth to liue My wordes are not gifted with perswasion yee seeme to be afraide at that word dissolued What aileth you There bee doubtlesse some thing within that troubleth you The sicke Man I am sorie to goe out of this world wherevnto I am chained by diuerse respects In the cutting off of my dayes I will mourne with sicke Hezekiah in the words of his doole I am depriued of the residue of my yeares c. The Pastour I see Sir that yee are taking vp the Lamentations of Hezekiah I will striue to make answere to euerie sentence apart Yee are depriued saye yee of the residue of your yeeres Hee is not depriued that hath changed for the better The residue of your few yeeres shall bee turned into eternitie Hee who seeth many yeeres seeth many miseries and which is worse contracteth many sinnes the cause of all our woe Moreouer what is a residue of life Death is not farre when it is farthest The sicke Man But if I die I shall not see the Lord euen the Lord in the land of the liuing The Pastour This is your ignorance What can man see of the Lord in the land of the liuing What can a sinner see of that great IEHOVAH here What is to bee seene on Earth but the Backe-parts of IEHOVAH Into the Heauens wherevnto yee now approach yee shall see that great and glorious IEHOVAH face to face What are all men on Earth but a number of wormes crawling and creeping vpon a clat or clod of clay But againe what is this that ye call the land of the liuing What is all the Land yee see but a dead lump of earth where the most part of men are dead in their sins Doe not the best part die daylie vnto Sin which death is our best life and yet laden with a bodie of death Can ye now call this earth the Land of the liuing Call me not Nahomi pleasant said Nahomi but call me Marah that is bitter for the Almightie hath dealt verie bitterlie with mee So may the Earth say Call mee not the Land of the liuing No rather call mee a dungeon of death a place for the burying of the dead a place where all must needs die and bee as water spilt vpon the ground which cannot bee gathered vp againe The sicke Man But alas if I die I shall behold men no more with the inhabitants of the world The Pastour This heere is your griefe that death will strik you with a blindnes so that yee shall not bee able to see any more the faces of these whom yee loue best into this world as of Wife Children and of Friends of your old acquaintance This is your d●…lour thē that ye shall see them no more Let such thoughts Sir moue these to mourne who know not Death better than that Pagan who speaking of a slaine man said In eternam clauduntur Lumina noctem That is Death closeth mans eyes for euermore This is most false A true Christian knoweth that though both his eyes should sinke ●…owne into his head or droppe out like blobbes or droppes of water yet that with these same eyes runne into water hee and none othér for him shall see his Redeemer Though after my skin said Iob wormes destroy this bodie yet in my flesh shall I see God whom I shall see for my selfe and mine eyes shall behold and not another Lay this comfort to your heart Though your eyes were eaten out with the wormes if you die in the faith of Iesus yee shall see God and none other for you and that with these same eyes yee now looke vnto mee●… If yee bee perswaded that yee shall see your God in the Heauens in whose face is fulnesse of Ioye yee haue little cause of doole that yee shall no more behold man with the inhabitants of the world What are all the creatures of thi●… World but things that dwell in d●…st The Sainctes and Angels that dwell into these vpper Chambers whose feete are aboue ou●… head are so fa●… in glorie aboue all the glorie of the world as the Heauens are aboue the Earth As Zebah and Zalmunah said of Gideons brethren so may we say of all these that dwell there euerie one of them is like the Sonne of a King What are all the Creatures below but beggerlie things The sicke Man But alas if I die mine age is departed and remoued from me as a Shepheards tent The Pastour What is your doole It is all then that yee must quite your shepheards tent Now poore man What haue yee lost Yee shall change a poore shepheards tent for the most pleasant Palace of your God a life mortall for a life that is eternall
heart Sir bee on your house It is now time to mind the things that are aboue Eye vpon clay and stones What are all the royall Palaces of the world to these statelie houses aboue whereof the floore or pauement glisters with thousands of Starres as with as manie golden nailes o●… twinkling Dya●…onds There the Sun the Moone the two great Iewels of Heauen shall bee vnder your feete which are now aboue our heade What is within no mortall tongue can tell S. Paul saw there some-thing but hee neuer reuealed it neither was it lawfull for him to declare what he had seene This one thing wee may know seeing the out-side of Heauen is so beautifull how pleasant must it bee within Heauen is like the Kinges Daughter whose whole beautie is within There is profite pleasure health wealth honour happinesse beautie blesse In a word there bee thinges that eye neuer saw neither eare heard yea which neuer could enter into the heart of man The sicke Man But alas must I then forsake all my wealth and so leaue all my treasures behind mee The Pastour Such treasures are but traitours though they bee counted gods God said to Magistrats I haue called you gods But hee neuer called gold god To call gold god is Ashdodien language Gods of gold must be forsaken for to goe to the God of Glorie What are all these worldlie thinges whereon naturall men so doe gaze What are they but idoles lying vanities To ouercome the loue of such lyers is the triumph of Trueth If Gods Arke be within our heart such Dagons will fall downe Turne therefore your eyes from such clay and minde the things that are aboue Manie gather riches as hee that earneth wages to put it into a bottomlesse bagge The first lesson of Christianitie is selfe denyall The Sicke Man How is it then Sir that a man must goe through this world for to come to Heauen The Pastour Euen as the Israelites desired to goe through the Land of Sihon the King of the Amorites for to come to Canaan the figure of Heauen Let mee goe through thy Land said Israel Wee will not turne aside into the fieldes nor into the vineyards neither drinke of the waters of the wells wee will goe by the Kings high way vntill wee be past thy Countrey It is so that wee must passe through this world for to come to that heauenlie Canaan we must not turne asid into the faire fields of pleasure nor drink our selues drunke in its vineyards But wee must follow directlie the rule of Gods Law the King of Heauens high way that so we may enter into Canaan What say ye Sir Is it not time to bee resolued The sicke Man Mine heart is pined within mee It is like to breake for sorrow when I looke to my little Children Who shortlie shal be fatherlesse Alas hard shall their estate be when I shall bee away who will take care of them The Pastour That which Christ said to Peter may bee said to you O man of little Faith why hast thou doubted Hath not God promised to shew mercie vnto thousands of these that loue him If the King of this Land should now come himselfe to your bed-stocke and say Iames or Iohn heere I giue to you mine hand befor God and good witnesse that I shall bee a Father to your Children after you and shall so prouide for them that they shall want nothing that may doe them good If yee heard such a man make such promises I thinke that yee should not bee in paine for the estat of your childrē And yet what is a King but a man But so it is that all men are lyares or may lie But God who can not lie hath giuen his Hand and his trueth to the faithfull man yea hath oblished himselfe by an oath and hath taken Heauen and Earth to bee witnesse that hee shall neuer forsake the godlie man nor his seede his promise is to thousands If yee beleeue God to bee true relye vpon his promise Let not the care of Children trouble you any more prepare your selfe for God and let Death bee welcome Put your house to an order in time Discharge your selfe of all worldlie burdens denude your hands and your heart of all temporall affaires that your Soule haue nothing to doe but to waite vpon your God It is not time to bee combered with the world while the whole heart should bee taken vp with heauenlie meditations It is now high time to thinke earnestlie vpon that life wherevnto yee are going by Death It would seeme Sir that yee are not contentas yet for to remoue What can this be that troubleth you shuld not your heart rejoyce to goe vnto your God The sicke Man I finde contrarie draughts within mee Your wordes indeede Sir beginne to worke vpon mine heart and to draw vp my Soule toward the pleasures that are aboue But againe I finde the desires of this life like weightie paisses drawing mee downe to the ground againe This is my regret Alas must I then leaue this world and the light thereof and neuer see it againe any more Shall I beholde man no more with the inhabitants of the worlde Shall I neuer see after this into the Land of the liuing any of all these whom I haue loued so well The Pastour Sir it shall bee your farre best to suffer the loue of Christ swallow vp the loue and all other considerations of worldlie thinges as Moses his serpent swallowed vp the serpents of the Magicians What euer seemeth pleasant into this world vnto the naturall eye it is but by juggling of the senses If we haue the grace of God this grace shall be indeede like as a foure nooked Clauer is in the opinion of some viz a most powerfull meanes against the juggling of the sight If wee could seeke this grace it would let vs see the vanitie of such thinges which beguile the naturall senses The eye of a mans Soule is betimes like the eye of a man come out of a bilious feuer all things seeme to him to bee yellow because of the bile which haue peruerted his sight Sathan can forge temptations like glasse of whatsoeuer colour hee pleaseth wherethorow all things seeme to bee of the colour of his temptations Thorow one glasse a mans owne spouse will seeme to be filthie Thorow another a bordel-whore will seeme to bee pleasant Thorow one the world will seeme to bee glorious thorow another the brightest heauens will seeme to bee but cloudes Thorow one fables will seeme to be Scripture thorow another Scriptures will seeme to bee but fables Thorow one if a man feast as Christ did hee will seeme to bee a glutt●…n thorow another if hee feast with the Baptist hee will seeme to bee a deuill The chiefe gripe of your temptation is in this that
if ye were once dead yee shall beholde man no more with the inhabitants of the world Yee are far beguiled into the sight of the wo●…ld wherewith yee are so rauished Change your Spectacles and all that is below shall seeme to bee of another colour If your Soule could once sore vp towardes Heauen the loue of the Earth and earthlie things would fall from you as did the Mantle of Elias when he was rapt and rauished vp vnto glorie The sicke Man But ye know Sir that it is verie hard not to bee sore grieued to goe out of this world Non amplius visur us neque videndus neither for to see anie more nor yet to bee seene Who without teares can say his adewes to all his joys pleasures and contentments that are here Whē I once shal be caried out of my house yee shall see mee no more Hencefoorth yee and I will speake no more together I departing from you must goe to the place of silence among stinke wormes Who can-without displeasure say to all worldlie joyes farewell The Pastour It is best that ye turne your backe vnto such naughtie things as Hezekiah turned his backe to the stocke and his face to the wall that hee might conferre with his God It is great folie to bee so fond vpon such transitorie trashes What is so pleasant in this world that should allure vs to it Are not all thinges inconstant heere below There is nothing that standeth at a stay but either it is comming in or going out like the Tyde There is no creature but while it beginneth to waxe it also beginneth to waine A child of the age of a day hath lesse time to liue at Eauen than hee had in the morning Since hee came out of the bellie from the morning vnto eauen hee hath made a dayes journey in the way to his graue In ipso ortu vergimus ad occasum Our arising vp is but a course to our fall The degrees of a mans life are as as manie stepp vnto his death All that wee see below is in a continuall whirling from a beginning to an end The course of all the Creatures below is in a trance of transitorie trashes I can but teach you with vvords as Iohn baptized with water It is onelie the Lord vvho can perswade The sicke Man I take delight to heare you I pray God to perswade mee Continue I pray you into that discourse concerning the vanitie and inconstancie of vvo●…ldly things ripe them vp and open them wider that I may see them within the bowels The Pastour The vvisest among men preached Vanitie of vanities and all is vanitie All things are vaine and all things cry vnto vs that wee are vaine So vaine a thing is man The Trees the Herbes the Flowrishes the Fruites the Fishes the Beastes the Spring the Summer the Haruest the Winter the Aire the Water the Earth the Heauens are all appointed teachers by God to tell man of his changing Their line is gone out through all the earth and their words to the end of the world All that haue eyes eares may heare read their doctrine that heere is nothing permanent One creature calleth to another Let vs leaue this World See wee not how vvee melt away by droppes for to bee dryed into dust Moses saith that wee spend our yeares as a tale that is tolde a strange speach for to declare the vanitie of lōg life so much desired while a tale is in telling it seemeth to bee something but when a tale is once told these that haue heard it will in end say That it is but a tale So long as mans life is lasting it is like a tale that is in telling But so soone as Death the end of all commeth it is but like a tale that is tolde Thus as yee see all mans life in Scripture language is called but a tale All the times of our life past present and to come are turned at last into a fuimus wee haue beene Wee that liue now let vs remember our case Ecce tempus nunc futurum quo dicen●… nos fuisse The time shall bee shortlie that man shall say of vs that wee haue beene And thereafter a time shall come that none shall know that euer wee had a beeing Our life is like a sparkle fleeing out of the fire which dyeth out into the flight it failleth before it falleth The sicke Man These bee wordes of great power I finde now some working thereof within mine heart I pray you continue The Pastour Wee haue none abiding heere We all both yong old post swiftlie away to the graue the last bed wherein euerie man must sleepe we are long of comming to But how soone are wee pulled downe Our strength saith Moses is soone cut off and wee flee away Wee are like the Yee which thaweth sooner than it froze This is the Law of all flesh Prince People Poore and Rich all must goe to Golgotha The Preacher saith plainlie There is no discharge in that warre Though a man in the morning bee proude like a Peacocke with lifted vp feathers if Death come before the night come hee must lay downe his head among dead mens Skuls What a thing is this that within an hundreth yeares not one of vs all that are heere shall bee left aliue no not in this great Citie wherein wee liue Are wee not all as water spilt vpon the ground which can not bee gathered vp againe What memorie is now of these tha●… are past And what shall bee said o●… vs when wee are gone It is o●… farre best then to follow our God and to turne our backe vpon all suc●… lying vanities The sicke Man I requeast you Sir not to be wearied Proceede I pray you into tha●… purpose that I may learne what vanitie is into this life which is so much desired The Pastour Mans life into this world is but a Pilgrimage and a race not of great length for man that is borne of a w●…man hath but a short time to liue Iacobs answere to King Pharaohs question concerning his age was few and euill haue my dayes beene What is man saith one but Vermis crasti●… moriturus a worme that will die to morrow Dauid putteth the length of his dayes betweene his little finger his thumbe My life said he is like a span long some get but an inch consider well I pray you Sir seeing it is so what is it then of your life which is but of the length of a span what thogh it were an ell of length Is not Methusalah with his many hundreth yeeres as well in dust as as hee that liued but a day Other haue giuen place to vs and we must also giue place to others To mee to day to thee tomorrow There is no lodging
make answere Oh but I am pressed with an heaui●… hand I feare much my last houre My Soule is sore troubled The Pastour Learne of Christ in his trouble Now said hee is my Soule troubled and what shall I say Father deliue●… mee from this houre But for this cause came I into this houre Father glorifie thy Name As hee did so doe yee Hee fearing the houre was earnest with God in prayer for to bee deliuered from it and yet most humblie submitted himselfe vnto his Fathers will So doe yee If ye feare greatlie that houre pray feruentlie that God deliuer you from it and yet notwithstanding let God haue all his will of you His will shall eu●…r bee your well The Sicke Man But alas my paines are grea●… my breach is like the sea Gods rod vpon mee is torne with stripes and worne to the stomps In my torments I both feare and feele his wrath If hee loued mee would he scourge mee with such scorpions The Pastour Whom God loueth hee chasteneth and scourgeth euerie Sonne whom hee receiueth By this yee see plainelie that hee will receiue none to himselfe but those whom hee is minded to scourge This scourging whereof yee complaine is Gods loue-token telling you that hee is minded for to receiue you Woe ●…o the Childe whom the Father will not correct God commandeth louing Fathers to chastise their children till they cry His command is also that they bee not hindered for their cryes Chasten thy Sonne said God while there is hope and let not thy Soule spare for his crying So long as there is life there is hope While God chasteneth you it is a token that there is hope Woe to that man whom GOD disdaineth to strike It is a sore word when a Father or a Master saith to a Childe I despaire of him there is none hope I giue him ouer will strik him no more It was a fearefull vvord that God said to the rebellious Israelites I will not visite your Daughters when they are harlotes nor your Spouses when they are whoores That is I will correct them no more but let them runne head-long to their owne destruction Woe to him vvhom God vvill not correct Certe tunc magis irascitur Deus cum non irascitur God is most angrie when hee seemeth least to bee angrie The wicked are most fearefullie plagued when God spareth them most Let not therefore your sore paines discourage you but rather comfort you as beeing a speciall token that God will receiue your Soule What reckes what this Carion suffer if so be that God receiue the Soule Shall I not drinke of my Fathers Cup said Christ * To drinke of a Kings cup it vvould bee thought an honour See then vvhat honour is in the affliction of the godlie thereby they drinke of the King of Heauens cup This is also a token of our friendship vvith Christ vvhen wee drinke vvith him of one cuppe Men will not drinke of one cuppe with their enemies Rejoyce then Sir to drink vvith Christ in your Fathers cuppe Though this cuppe bee bitter at the brimme the bottome will haue a pleasant farewell Thinke vvell vpon this Sir and possesse your soule in patience despare neuer of Gods mercie though hee seeme to bee angrie depend vpon him trust into him though hee should slay you In confidence of h●…s Loue rest and sleepe in his bosome hang on him saue his honour by trusting in him If this yee doe I assure you that yee shall dye sweetlie resting into his armes The sicke Man I finde Sir my paines greatlie to increase The Pastour Bee of good comfort If your paines increase God will increase your patience with your paines he is mercyfull and will surelie strengthen you in the weakest houre Gods strength is made perfect in weaknesse In the meane time bee fighting out the good fight manfullie Hold vp your hands with Moses against Amaleke Pray feruentlie to your God that hee would cast into your memorie all the good thinges that euer yee heard or reade wherewith your Soule as with a rempart may bee guarded against the houre of temptations Pray oft-ten with Christ Father deliuer mee from this houre What say yee Sir It appeareth that there bee some thing into your mind yet that vexeth you The sicke Man This Soule of mine is verie loath to depart from this bodie They be of olde acquaintance haplie long shall it be before they meete againe Friendes cannot bee but sorie while they shedde The Pastour That is naturall to all But grace in the Godlie must rule Nature Wee must gladlie leaue all for to goe liue with Christ we must deny our selues for to confesse him we must desire to be dissolued for to bee with him hee who loueth any thing better than him shall not bee found worthie of him Your Soule say ye is sorie to goe from the body What are our bodies for the present but prisons of clay Let them goe to clay till the day of the Resurrection come when those painefull prisons shall bee turned into pleasant Palaces What reckes of an inch of time heere on Earth in respect of eternitie in Heauen Should a mans heart so itch after an inch of Earth that hee would desire to tarrie from Heauen but an houre The Soule must turne its backe vpon the bodie for to turne its face vnto the God of Glorie This is but a childish temptation It is for women children to weepe at the taking of adewes chiefelie while these that depart are going to a better condition of life Because the day draweth towards Euening it is now time for mee to remoue I hope God willing to come againe the Morrow and to visite you that I may minister vnto you some Spirituall comforts In the meane time seeing your minde hath bene so perplexed with carnall temptations concerning Life Lāds Children and Riches Cause read vnto you this night in mine absence the Book of Ecclesiastes from the beginning vnto the end where ye shall see as in a glasse the vanitie of all these things wherewith your Soule now is most enamoured If ye haue time cause also reade vnto you Iob 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Before I goe Sir it shall bee best that I recommend you vnto God by prayer The first Prayer for the sicke Man O LORD in whose hands is the gift of the Spirit of groanes inspire our heartes at this time that with an heauenlie disposition wee may fall downe before thee vpon the knees of our Soules quicken our dead and drowsie heartes to the performance of this duetie of calling vpon thy Name Thou is not close handed to these that seeke thee in sinceritie wee are ashamed O LORD euen wee all who are heere before thee on the Earth thy Foote-stoole wee are ashamed for to face the Heauens the Throne of thy Majestie Our heartes are
so fullie fraughted with all sortes of sins which like most filthie streames flow from the first fountaine or rather puddle of our originall sinne which wee haue from the Loynes of Adam Wee are all infected with this spirituall Leprosie there is nothing that can wash vs and make vs cleane saue onelie the Iordan of the blood of Iesus Besprinkle our consciences O LORD with the vertue of that Blood which cryeth for better things than the blood of Abel Seale vp thy Loue in our heartes by the blood of the Sealed man whom Thou the Father did seale and appoint to bring Life eternall to the world In him thou art well pleased In his Name and for his Loue wee begge thy fauour He himselfe hath tolde vs that what wee shall aske thee in his Name we shall receiue it O Father of mercies remember the promise of thy Sonne In confidence of his Command wee take the boldnesse at this time particularlie to put vp our prayers vnto thee for this thy diseased Seruant toss●…d to and f●…o with diuerse temptations Sathan the enemie of his Saluation the feare of Death the loue of the world and of worldlie things haue set themselues in Battell-array like armies betweene his Soule and the entrie of Heauen They haue maliciouslie ensnared his heart and taken his affections captiues with the immoderate loue of perishing thinges Oh how hath hee beene bewitched with the seeming sweetenesse of such vanities O Thou LORD IESVS the LORD of Life encourage him so with thy liuelie Spirit that he may be bold couragiously to face Death and the Graue Put these interrogations in his mouth O Death where is thy Sting O Graue where is thy victorie Cause thy Spirit whisper in his eare that thou hast put out the life of Death Cast into his rememberance the words wherewith Thou boasted Death and the Graue O Death I will be thy plagues O Graue I will bee thy destruction Let his Soule knowe that the Graue is a Bed of rest for all these that die in the LORD wherein they rest from their labours beeing at ease in peace without any toile or turmoile Worke in his heart a desire to be dissolued for to bee fred from the sinfull bonds of mortality for to goe dwell where hee shall neuer anger the Lord againe Let the Loue of Christ waine his heart from the desire of anie abiding heere O deare IESVS who was both buffeted slaine and buried for to saue man set the print and stampe of thy mercie vpon this Soule Seuer all his thoughts from all that is earthlie whether it bee Life Lands Children Houses or whatsoeuer other thing may allure him for to sojourne heere in a strange Land wherein wee are all strangers from God whom wee cannot see heere but behind Vntye his heart from the loue of this his natiue soile Purge him of this out-bearing humour O LORD flesh and blood will neuer teach a man to renounce his deare selte and such other carnall things wherewith hee is in phantasie The earthlie minde is so lumpish that it wearieth to thinke of thee and of the pleasures of thy Palace A carnall hearte is euer rouing and wandering heere about this worlds businesse Martha is a mother of many Children who trouble themselues about many thinges But few are these that with Marie can fold their heart for to sit downe at the feete of IESVS for to make choise of that best part which should neuer bee taken from them Thou to whō nothing is impossible draw this Soule vnto thee make the bent of his affection to bee vpon thee O great IEHOVAH thou hast heard and seene how carnall temptations haue teared the Soule of thy Seruant this day in the bedde of his languishing Immoderat cares for thinges below haue depriued him of all rest and joyes which he should haue in thee Wee must confesse to thee and from his heart hee acknowledgeth to bee true that his minde hath beene too bent vpon such perishing shadowes which can not bee gripped Such trashes of no worth haue taken too much roome into his heart Hee who is not content to quite all for to come to thee is not worthie of thee But LORD if mans Saluation were grounded vpon the sand of his owne worthinesse such a building could not stand against the winds floodes of temptations But his Saluation shall neuer bee branled because it is builded vpon the euerlasting and most sure Rocke the foundation of thy Church O LORD wee faile all in many things If hitherto this thy Seruant hath not as hee should minded th●… thinges which are aboue but lodged in their place the desire of thinges below now in thy grea●… mercie inlighten his mistie mind●… and bee mercifull to him in th●… thing Make the flesh now to cede and giue place vnto the Spirit Let the heauens come in with the pledges of thy Loue which no mortall armes can fadome Come with thy Spirituall and diuine motions and fill therewith the chambers of his heart where earthlie thoughts had their abode Make his Soule to inuite thy Spirit to come in Saying with Laban Come in thou blessed of the Lord wherefore standest thou without O deare IESVS direct so all his thoughts that hee wearie himselfe no more with the desire of that which sooner or later heee must ●…orgoe Why should thornie cares for dust and clay choake the good motions of thy Spirit Let no such care cumber him any more for foolish fáding commoditie Dissolue this glew by which his heart is tyed to the ground In thy Light let him see Light whereby hee may perceiue how fraile fickle are all such transitorie trashes which beeing too much loued both coole our zeale and clogge our affections so that they can in no wise soare vp toward thee O blessed Sauiour in whom is the very pith sweetest marrow of Gods mercies make thy seruants heere to loue thee aboue all things in heauen or earth Make his heart to say Whom haue I in Heauen but thee Make him to loue thee for thy selfe and not for thine onelie which is but an hyred Loue Put in thine owne hand at the hole of the doore of his heart and let some droppes of the Mirrhe of thy mercie this night fall vpon the handle of the Barre that his Soule beeing affected therewith may runne out of the Chamber of sleepe for to seeke him who loueth his Soule euen his blessed Sauiour the LORD IESVS Bee mercifull to all thine afflicted members in the Church militant fighting vnder the bloodie Banner of the LORD IESVS CHRIST The Church is thy Spouse keep her as the Apple of thine eye make all her members with one minde and one mouth to glorifie thy Name Blesse our gracious Soueraigne the Kings Majestie with thy best blessings Adorne him with spirituall Graces and giftes wherewith hee may please thee in his whole carriage both Ecclesiastice and Ciuill Make Iustice and Iudgement the habitation
knowledge the practise of his passions that which he had before only in contemplatiō is now also knowne vnto him by suffering that which he knew Others say That hee learned obedience by his sufferings that is Re ipsa expertus est quid sit patrem habere cut p●…rendum sit Hee knew by Experience what it was to haue a Father to whom obedience was due Thus Christ while hee learned obedience by his sufferinges hath teached all the faithfull to suffer patientlie As for that which yee said concerning Iob that his afflictions were only blowes of probation of tryall yee deceiue your selfe they were also for his sins Whenfore is the liuing man sorrowfull said Ieremie The answere is peremptorie man suffereth for his sinnes The sicke Man That seemeth not euer to bee true While Christs Disciples saw a man that was blind from his birth they asked Christ saying Master who did sin this man or his parents that hee was borne blind Iesus answered Neither hath this man sinned nor his Parents but that the workes of God should bee made manifest in him Oh that I were that borne blind that I were not afflicted for my sinnes but that the works of Gods mercy might bee manifested in mee The Pastour These words of Christ are not to bee taken so strictlie as though God would lay any affliction vpon a man in whom is no sinne This could not stand with the Iustice of God If Adam his Children had neuer sinned not one of them could haue beene stricken either with blindnesse or deafenesse This blind man then was not afflicted for his sins only or especially or as if he had bene a greater sinner thā others but chieflie this disease came vnto him that the workes of Gods power and mercie might bee made manifest by his cure So Dauid was sore afflicted for his adulterie and murther but chieflie for to stoppe the mouthes of these enemies of God whom hee by his scandle made to blaspheme God as yee see may afflict you for your sinnes and yet not chieflie for them but for to take a tryall of your patience or for to make others feare to sin when they shall perceiue by you how great paines a godlie Soule will suffer before that it can bee well reconciled vnto God againe The sicke Man I confesse Sir that ye speake with the tongue of the Learned But for all that I finde such temptations tumbling within mee that I may compare them to the swelling of Iordan My sinnes alas hudge in greatnesse stand vp like mountaines betweene mee and my God They are so high that they hide Heauen from my Soule What shall I doe Sir If euer yee helped mee helpe mee now with your comforts The Pastour Though these mountaines be high yet yee must clime the mount with Moses if ye would see Canaan So long as Moses was in the valey he could not see the typ of Heauen We must all clime vp the Hill Wee cannot see Christ before wee bee lifted from the Earth Wee are all but men of little stature like Zacheus Wee must therefore vp the tree with him and vp the mount with Moses before wee can see either Christ o●… Canaan that place of promise Ye are sorie for your sinnes But sanat confessio morbi A sinne well confessed is healed But what sinnes be these Sir whose toppes reach so high that they hide the Sunne from you The sicke Man Alas for the sinnes of my Youth my Riot and my Drunkennesse my Chambering my wantonnes my strif and enuy Fye on my Fornications and Adulteries my lying and deceiuing Hypocrisie So I had a lampe of profession I cared not for oyle in it my chiefe care hath euer beene for the outward shell of my duetie but neuer for the Kernell Gods graces in mee haue beene like a pure liquor in a fustie vessell The Pastour I am glad to heare of these buffets of your Conscience such griefe is from grace I know what shall bee the euent euen Repentance neuer to bee repented of But say on The sicke Man This is my greatest griefe that I sinned into the light with Absolom euen in the cleare Sunne shine of the Gospel Now may I well be ranked with these who counted it pleasure to riot in the day time It were more easie for mee to number the sand than my sinnes The Pastour There is no sinne either of omission or commission in the light or in darknesse that can hinder God to bee mercifull to a sinner if the sinner can repent God who is infinit in mercie can forgiue the riots of the day sinnes of knowledge as well as night sinnes which are sins of ignorance There is one sinne of ignorance which shall neuer bee forgiuen euen to despaire of Gods mercie What ignorance is this that any Creature should thinke it selfe more sinfull than God can bee mercifull To make our sinnes to ouerreach his compassions were to make the Center to containe the Circumference If your sinnes bee in number like the sand Gods mercies are without number The greatest number that mans braine can inuent either by telling or by ciphering in comparison of that which is infinite is not so much as a droppe of a Bucket compared to the great Ocean The sicke Man I haue alas beene an impudent sinner who with my sinnes haue buffeted my God on euerie side It were now righteous with God that hee should buffet me with his judgements I slept in sinne and could not bee wakened While Christs Cocke crowed my Soule lay fast asl●…epe Yea while hee crowed againe I had past the third deny all And though I was forewarned I had none hoe in euill doing While God was in my mouth he was farre from mine heart O that bloodie scarlet scrole of so manie iniquities The Pastour As yee reason with your selfe and with mee so let it please you to reason but a little with your God Come now said the Lord let vs reason together Though your sinnes bee as scarlet they shall bee as white as snow though they bee red like crimsin they shall bee as woll There is no sin so red though it were double dyed but the vertue of Christs Blood can cause it cast its colour The sicke Man I haue no Faith to applie anie salue to my sore I heare your explication of Gods mercies But there is none application within mee What better will a man bee that yee set much meate downe before him on the Table if hee cannot eate it The Pastour Manie haue sit downe at Table hauing their appetit so bound vp at the first that they abhorred to see meate yet litle litle haue beene broght on first to taste thereafter to eate a little last of all one piece bringeth on another till they recouer their appetit This is but a disease in
bee shortlie deliuered Hee who is tyred with sin is tyred not to bee a drudge of sin Sinne is not heauie to the Wicked because it is in them as water in its owne element though it bee of weight yet it weigheth not Well is the wearied Soule it hath Christs promise of ease But woe to them who with Laodicea haue neede of no thing For the most part men are drowned in drowsinesse Securitie is farre more dangerous than despaire As was sung of Saul and of Dauid so may bee heere Despaire hath slaine her thousand but Securitie her ten thousand Manie are not wakened till they bee so wakened that their judgement and senses are lost It is a fearefull curse for a man to blesse himselfe while hee should mourne for his sinnes Such as blesse themselues while the Lord pronounceth the wordes of the curse The Lord will not bee mercifull to that man Securitie hath shaken hands with Hell and Death But well is him who feareth alwayes Hee is greatest in Gods sight who is least in his owne eyes The sicke Man But alas Sir my conscience speaketh home that I haue beene a stranger from my God O but I am wearied how shall I bee deliuered from this burden of bondage The Pastour These who are ladened and wearied may heare Christ in his Gospel crying vnto them Come vnto me Goe to him who cryeth so louingly Come Striue aboue all things to get a sight of your Sauiour by the eye of Faith Vrge vpon your heart a deepe meditation of his mercie his merits are able to cure our maladies The sicke Man There is such a mist betweene me and the Messias that it is not possible for me to see him Oh that my eyes were cleared with Gods Eye-salue that I might clearelie be hold him The Pastour The great desire ye haue to see him is a sort of sight All men see not Christ alike All goe not vp to the mount with Peter Iames and Iohn All see not God face to face with Moses All men lay not their head in Christs bosome with his best beloued Disciple Be not discouraged thogh ye cannot winne so neare to Christ as ye would If ye cannot winne to him for to embrace him as Simeon did striue to touch the border of his garmēt behind with the finger of faith and it shall stay the bloody fluxe of your Sinnes Ye sigh for a sight of Christ * A sigh for a sight of him is a sight of him indeed He who wold be found of these that sought him not will bee much more found of these that seeke him and sigh for him Bee of good heart Though for a space your spirituall day be mistie yet at last your drumly sky shal be cleared Christ is not euer absent while hee is not seene The Sunne as we see will be couered with a cloud the Moone will bee vnder wake but incontinent thereafter the cloudes beeing ouer-blowen wee enjoye their brightnesse and their beames What shall bee able to separate a Christian from the Loue of his Christ What then shall be able to mak a Christian soule despaire Shall Damnation No For Christ Gods Saluatiō is ours Shall Hell No For our Christ hath the keyes both of Heauen of Hell Shall the World No For Christ hath ouercome the World Shall the Law No For our Christ hath fulfilled the Law Shall Death No For our Christ is the Way and the Life Shall the Fathers wrath No For Hee hath troden the wine-presse of his wrath for you and for all repenting sinners All Scripture pointeth at him saying This is the way walk ye in it Run Sir to him he shall deliuer you from all your sinnes and from all your feares Striue to curbe your owne corruptions which are so broodie within you The sicke Man I cannot alas bee quite of my sinnes I striue to runne away from them but the faster they follow mee like curre Dogges that are so accustomed to follow their Master they will not bee boasted home againe Where euer I goe with my thoughts aboue or below my sinnes follow hard after mee Though I threaten them thogh I boast them yea betimes intreate them to depart their answere is Wee are thy vvorkes wee will goe with thee This putteth my Soule out of peace and order and thrusteth mee away from the Lord my God I haue beene long seeking and sighing for comforts But as yet I can espye none appearance The Pastour Comforts sought sought and sighed for are not aye seene at the first Elijahs seruant went vp the hill Carmell eight seuerall times to espye some appearance of raine The first seuen times hee could see nothing at the eight hee saw but a little cloud of comfort Behold said hee there ariseth a little cloud out of the sea like a mans hand A little after that the heauens were blake with cloudes and winde and there was a great raine Hold your face Sir a little space with Elijah betweene your knees and cast your selfe downe vpon the Earth as hee did that is fall downe in all humilitie of Soule before your God in prayer That done send vp your prayer the spirituall spye vnto the top of the hill Send it againe and againe euer till it espye some little cloud of comfort If your Soule take paines in prayer till ye perceiue but an hand breadth of mercie at last Gods comfortes shall raine downe in great aboundance vpon your wearied Spirit What shall I say if yee will not bee informed yee cannot bee reformed The sicke Man Indeede that is a pleasant and fit comparison worthie to bee printed with a Note on the margent It hath beene well adapted by you Oh that it could bee as well applyed by mee Oh that the Lord whose loue expelleth feare would strengthen my weake Faith with an hand-breath of his mercie O for such a little cloud of comfort it would lif●… vp mine hands which hang downe and strengthen my weake knees But in steede of such a comfortable cloude I see nothing but cloudes of w●…ath readie to fall and become a deludge of vengeance from my birth I must not dissemble I haue dallied with my God and haue dispised the gratious day of his visitations And now all my comforts resemble to the Eagle that taketh her to her wings and flyeth aloft high into the Skye from my sinfull reach O feare O horrour O the multitude of my transgressions how shall I be quiet The Pastour The best way to be quite of sin that it reigne not in vs is to bend vp our hearts to Christ who is Emmanuel God with vs Thogh all be worthie to bee damned yet there is no condamnation to these that are in Christ Hee is that heaue-offering which wee must euer
in the dumbe choppe of the conscience The Pastour As I perceiue ye are in the storme of temptations As the shippe in a tempest goeth with a low saile So is it good and most sure in the tempest of temptations to take downe the top sailes of our owne worth But yet Sir in your humilitie beware to disprise and set at nought the graces of God that are within you Vertue standeth in the midst As the Publican would not brage vainlie with the Pharisee that he was not like other men so neither would hee desperatlie say with Cain Mine iniquitie is greater than that it may be forgiuen The sicke Man Alas Sir yee know not what weight hangeth vpon mine heart ye are not priuie vnto my secret sinnes which I thinke shame to vtter O these gnawings of my wormish Conscience hardlie can yee imagine what filthie thoughts haue beene into my heart since I came into this world Hitherto they haue all beene hidde from mine eyes But now I thinke that I see all my sinnes set in order before mee My Soule is poisoned with the stinke of such corruptions I abhorre my selfe and what wonder that God abhorre mee The Pastour The more a man abhorreth himselfe God who is milde mercifull loueth him the better It is good for a man to stinke in his owne nose A wicked man may bee well compared to the Latin Cimex French Punaise Tree Lice that stinke most vilelie and yet feele not the stinke of their own breath Laodicea thought her selfe happie and yet God said that he wold spew her out of his mouth Gods thoughtes are not mans thoughts Yee complaine Sir of the filthines of your bygone thoughts it is well done But heere is your comfort Now is that fountaine of God in Zachrie opened to the house of Dauid for sin and for vncleannesse Though through sin yee were lepper in soule as Na●…man was in bodie the Iordan of Christs Blood is able to mak you cleane The precept is not of hard practise Wash and bee cleane belieue and bee saued If yee would haue the Spirit of God to take a Chamber into your heart keepe your hearte cleane Gods house must be a cleane house it must often bee sweept If the dust or dirt of sinne defile the pauement thereof it must first bee watered with the teares of repentance The stoure dust must be laid with holie water then wee must sweepe out all filthinesse with the besome of godlie reuenge This doing Sir God shall delight to dwell in you If Sathan blow at the juniper coales of your sinnes kindled with sparkles of fierie wrath runne with the Bucket of Faith to the Blood of Iesus which is onelie able for to quenche that flamme The sicke Man My cheekes are watered with teares trickling downe both day and night * my moist eyes are soked in this salt brimie water O but they are comfortlesse teares The Pastour God at last shall make them comfortable like the bowle full of dewe which Gideon wrāg out of his Fleece Gods signe of Israels Saluation Haue patience a little Sir and your waterie eyes shall receiue the other dryē signe of the fleece all your teares shall bee dryed and wyped away so that yee shall neuer weepe any more The houre is fast comming that God shall wipe away your teares the waters of your weeping after that there shall bee no more death neither sorrow nor crying nor paine Seeke the Lord while hee may be found and call vpon him while hee is nigh To him alone in Iesus must yee haue all your recourse on him alone must yee relye The sicke Man I wote not where to goe I can neither sitte stand nor lye Mine heart alas is hardened yea hard like the heart of the Leuiathan which is hard like a piece of the nether milstone I thinke that such hardnesse is from the deceitfulnesse of sinne The Pastour It is a sort of softnesse when we feele our owne hardnesse He who hath begun such softning will bring his own work to perfectiō in his appointed houre The seedes of grace are like Corne they are not ripe the first day they are sowen but ripen by degrees From this is that saying Grace requyreth space or in space commeth Grace A reprobate sense is not so neare at anie time as when it is least suspected and most neglected Say in all patience with the Prophet Micah I will beare the indignation of the Lord because I haue sinned against him He will turne againe he will haue compassion vpon you Hee will subdue your iniquities cast them in the depths of the sea Holde vp your heart toward the Father of Lights the giuer of euerie good gift Let your foule flee vp to the Throne of his Grace The sicke Man My Soule is not fit for fleeing to the Heauens It is lik a pulled foule that wanteth the feathers It may well nod with its head and make a mint with the stumpts of its wings but can by no meanes hoise it selfe from the Earth All my comforts are clipped from me Sinnes heauy like milstones are hung about my necke Oh that I were cast into the sea with my sinnes there to be buried for euer farre if it were possible from the presence of my God Since yee came to mee mine heart was not in such a plounge of miserie as it is now There is nothing within me but wrath and woe warring against my Saluation Gods heauie hand hath distressed mine heart wonderfullie My Soule is so besieged with temptations that it may well be called Magor missabib feare round about This I feare that my name bee crossed out of the Booke of Life The Pastour I remember of a wise counsel which a learned Diuine gaue to a man sore assaulted vpon his death-bed with the temptations of the deuil When thou art tempted of Satā said he seest no way to escape euē thē plainly close vp thine eyes and answere nothing to his temptations But commend thy cause to God This said hee is a principall point of wisedome that we must follow in the houre of death That is That we daine not to giue Sathan an answere but say with Michael The Lord rebuke thee Sathan If thy flesh tremble and feare to enter into another life and if it doubt of saluation if thou yeeld to these things thou hurtest thy selfe therfore close thine eyes as before and say with S. Stephen Lord Iesus receiue my Spirit and then certainelie Christ will come vnto thee with all his Angels and bee the guider of thy way At the entrie of the red Sea when Israel enuironed on both sides with mountaines hauing the sea before and the Egyptians behind could see no meanes of escape Then Moses said to Israel The Lord shall fight for you and yee
to Simon Magus seemeth to set before him a certaine possibilitie to be saued a perhaps that the thought of his heart might bee forgiuen him The sicke Man Now it appeareth by all your discourse that the sinne against the holie Ghost is a reuolting from the Trueth with a most wilfull persecuting I thanke God my Soule is free of that But tell mee I pray you may not a man bee free of that most hainous sinne and yet be damned It would appeare that many Reprobates are free of that sinne The Pastour It is most certaine for it is onely the sinne of these who haue knowne the Trueth of Gods word and hath made a fearefull reuolt from it with a persecuting hatred against the same Many who haue liued in a true profession haue denyed God in their life There bee but too manie whose hollow heartes are couered with outwardnesse like a potte-shard ouer laid with siluer drosse The sicke Man Alas that putteth my Soule in terrible feare for this is my conscience in a qualme I haue professed with great shew and that without substance I haue beene one of Satans reuellers hauing a smilling countenance but a bleeding Conscience Gods judgementes haue stayed till my sinnes was rype When the fire is kindled woe to the stubble There is no place now for to escape In Heauen in Earth and in the Sea Gods hand will finde mee out Fye now on all my greatest pleasures the Darlings of account Though I haue not sinned that sinne against the holie Ghost which God cannot forgiue I am guiltie of sinnes which God will neuer forgiue O these eyes of fire ten thousand times brighter than the Sunne what sinne is able to escape them what glistring golden shewes of outwardnesse shall mak you to dazle ye euerlasting eyes The Pastour Man had great neede to bee ware that his tongue walke not without a bit There is no sinne but God can forgiue it if the sinner could repent the Sea of his mercie is bottomles As for that that God will or will not it is too great presumption for mā to define Yee continuallie flit from one temptation to another whereon yee feede like a Flee happing from scab to scab Yee often seeme desirous to shift the comforts of the Spirit for to goe seeke a knot in a rush a difficultie where none is Bee earnest in prayer sigh to God for the assistance of his Spirit that yee may bee capable of comfortes which the Tempter most enuyeth vnto you When the sillie Soule would fainest heare the words of spirituall peace then cryeth he red-warre stirring vp temptations like the fowles that cumbered Abraham when hee should offer sacrifice Take heede to your selfe Sir The Serpent now is more craftie than when hee pointed Adam to another tree for to depriue him of the Tree of life Resigne vp your selfe in all holie obedience to the wil of your God I can neuer perswade you to tak heede to that which I say Betweene a good tongue and a bored holy eare is an happie harmonie such musicke is melodious but a deafe eare maketh a dumbe tongue Beware of the Spirit of giddinesse which maketh the Soule to runne round as it were in a Circle of needlesse doubts The sicke Man I intreat you Sir for patience for I am one of a sorrowfull spirit as Hannah said to Eli a fierie wrath lurketh in my breast which maketh mine heart to grone Pittie mee Sir I pray you for now I am come to the arraignment and am called to the barre like a Crane or a Swallow so doe I chatter The voyce of the Preacher did often glide by my faults But now Gods Spirit speaketh home and setteth all my sinnes in order before mee Now must I end my yeares in the bitternes of my Soule Well may I say with that godlie Matron Call mee not Nahomi that is pleasant But call mee Marah that is bitter for the Almightie hath dealt verie bitter lie with mee The Pastour That which is most bitter is often most holesome Gods course with the godlie is from the bitter to the Sweete When Israel in their progresse had remoued from Mara they came to Elim from a place of bitternesse they came to refreshing fountaines of waters and to pleasant palme trees All this worlde is but a Mara a place of bitternesse Let vs haue patience but for a space till wee ariue in Elim vp into the Heauens where wee shall dwell among most pleasant palmes and drinke of the holesome springes of the well of Life euen pleasures for euermore The Amen the faithfull and true witnes hath promised The sicke Man My troubles are farre from such pleasures I feare that such troubles bee but the fore-runners of a greater tempest This maketh all the bowels of my bellie to wamble The Pastour Nay by the contrarie take them as I haue alreadie said to bee messengers posting before the calme It is good as yee knowe to see euerie season like it selfe The Christian life in this world must bee like the Winter season subject to frosts and to snowes for killing of weedes and of wormes If the earth and mens bodies bee not nipped with cold great are the euil which ensue The earth becommeth barren and mans bodie become sickelie and subject to many diseases It is euen so with the Soule if it remaine not heere in a wintrous estate laide open to the tempests nipping colds of temptations profitable for to mellowe and to rot the fellow ground of the heart there is no great appearance of anie good spirituall haruest But if the winter tempests of afflictions come whereby the weeds and wormes of the conscience are killed then may we looke for a pleantifull haruest of the quiet fruite of righteousnesse God in mercie shall step with his mercifull feete thorow the fieldes of our heart and his steps shall drop fainesse Let such hopes comfort you in this wearisome winter of your afflictions All Gods gloumes are but like winter cloudes or like the louring of the Skye faire weather will bee nixt let such tempests fall but in there owne season Happie is hee whose heart with such boistrous blastes is not swaide awry The Sicke Man O what a longsome winter is this wherein I can not once see the Sun of righteousnesse neither feele the heat of his beames the comforter that should relieue my Soule is farre from mee The Pastour Let not that discourage you Sir heare what Christ himselfe the bottomelesse fountaine of all comforts saith I goe away for a while and yee shall bee sorrowfull but I will come againe and your joye shall none bee able to take away If yee finde Christ to bee absent comfort your selfe with the hope of his returne His absence is but for a little While the day is at
that God can loue you who is so vnworthie to bee loued I thinke it verilie and I am perswaded God I confesse cannot loue sinne in man but hee may loue man in sinne God inuiteth not these whom hee loueth not Come vnto mee saith hee all yee that are wearied Your wearinesse cryeth vnto you that which was said to the blind man Bee of good comfort arise the Master calleth thee an humble confession in the mouth is the speach of contrition in the heart God hath sworne that hee liketh not a sinners death Hee is more glad to finde vs for to helpe vs than we can rejoyce to find him for to be helped by him Who can thinke but hee is glad to finde vs that tooke such paines to seeke vs that not caring for the vnwholesome and noysome night aire came to our doore hauing his head full of dewe and his lockes full of the droppes of the night which is more such was his loue and liking of vs that for to saue our life hee would die a cursed death The last wordes of your complaint are that yee are one who is vnworthie to bee loued * I had rather heare a sinner calling himselfe wretched and vnworthie with the Publican than boasting of his worthinesse with the Pharisee The swelled hydropie words of thankesgiuing that we are not lik other mē are a sure toking of a deadlie incurable disease Man naturallie goeth about to lessen impaire his faultes yea oftē rather than he will cry guiltie hee will fasten his follie by consequent vpon his Maker Adam said The woman which thou gauest me gaue me of the tree made me to eate Many are caried down the muddie streame of ouerweening their owne worth Our greatest worthinesse is in the sense of our own vnworthinesse and in the seeking of Christs worthinesse That man is worthie before God who findeth himselfe vnable to doe that which is worthie and vnwilling to doe that which is vnworthie The verie strife and battell betweene grace and nature in theregenerat is a victorie in Gods eyes A broken imperfectiō if it be sincere without guile is put vp in his merciful count book for a perfectiō indeed such is the mercie of God while we mislike our selues These were the wisest words of Agur in Gods account when hee said I am more fool●…sh than any man S. Paul was neuer more dearelie beloued of God as when hee hating himselfe called himselfe the first of sinners Cast your eyes off your selfe and looke vnto God your strength your stay The Name of the Lord is a strong towre the righteous runneth into it is safe The sicke Man O that I could practise your precepts O that my God would inspire mee with such a blessed and liuelie vigour of his Spirite that might quicken my Soule to euerlasting life O that it would please my God stronglie to refresh mee with the comfort of his countenance But alas out of this most filthy puddle of my heart arise such filthie vapours which so ouer-cloud the Sunne of righteousnesse that I am not able to behold his face while he did shine vpon mee his most bright and vnspotted beames were fullie darkened The more the heate of his word did beate vpon mee the more my conuersation became stinking and loathsome like a carion cast out before the Sunne this I cannot denie at the rememberance thereof I finde my selfe charged afresh vpon the Conscience with terrours and vexations O the dead slubber of securitie wherein I haue sleept vnto this houre my custome euer was to post ouer my sinnes in the lump with a generall slumbert confession There is nothing within me but matter of feare I feele my faith fainting I feare my sinnes I feare the wrath of God I feare the force of Sathan the king of feare I may be well bee called that which Ieremie called Pashur viz. Magor-missabib that is Feare round about yea I not onelie feare but I feele a fearefull wrath My stubburnesse and stonie heart hath brought vpon my Soule Gods brasen hands Now is hee doing to mee that which of olde hee threatned against these that were like mee If yee walke stubbornlie against mee I will walke stubbornlie with you In my youth I was guided by the guise of times my delight was to goe with the droue now I am lost beeing cold dead frozen in the dregges of my vncleannesse The Pastour The force of temptation wringeth such words out of you as thogh yee had none hope at all Your Soule Sir is like the Moone into an ecclipse There bee darknesse and changing of collours for a time because your sinnes like an earth come betweene you and the beames of Christ the Sunne of righteousnesse I haue seene the Moone in her ecclipse for a space as though shee had not beene at all into the heauens but as shee darkened by little and little so after the greatest darknesse was past the light returned by degrees Despaire not Sir of an infinite mercie let not your heart be wasted with wearinesse Though the earth of your sinnes which in comparison of Gods mercie is but a point ouershadow the Soule for a space while it is in this low region the time shall come that God shall mount your Soule aboue the circle of the Starres wherevnto the shadow of such an earth is not able to attaine Thogh God for a space walke stubbornlie with you hee is not stubborn Whē yee shall beginne to walke humblie with your God God shall walke no more stubbornlie with you but shall deliuer you from all your feares Build your selfe vpon your holie Faith The sicke Man I may well say with Iob My stroke is heauier than my groning Whereon can my Faith lay hold God is armed with wrath and Sathan is armed with despight I see nothing for the present but blowes and bloody battels most dreadfull feares teare in pieces mine heart strings sucke out the inmost of mine heart blood The Pastour Though there be many aduersaries yet Christ is with you Make all your boast of him who is the Captaine of your Saluation Hee hath winne the field he hath tread vnder foote principalities and powers and hath ledde Captiuitie captiue Hee whose Faith is founded vpon him shall neuer bee confounded His fresh bleeding wounds are cuer filled with compassions * Though God by our sinnes bee moued to shew some wrath heere is our great comfort There is no condemnation to these that are in Christ Belieue yee not the Scriptures I know yee belieue If Christ bee with vs who shall bee against vs These who thinke that their sinnes ouer-reach Gods mercie make the Centre to compasse about the Circumference Though hee should receiue a world of sinners in the bosome of his mercie it will not for that
workes may easilie ouertoppe all your sins iniquities God will haue man with his narrow bowels of mercie to forgiue his brother seuen times in a day if hee shall returne seuen times in a day saying It repenteth mee If God requireth such mercie of man whose bowels in the widest are not of a span breadth what shall hee doe whose compassions are rouled together into bowels broader than the Sea yea wider than the heauens If ye can repent Sir God can forgiue When man ceaseth to spurne God beginneth to spare The sicke Man I take God to witnesse that I am sorie for my sinnes and so ashamed that with the Publicane I cannot lift vp mine eyes to the heauens I would be content to kisse the ground a thousand times for to get but one kisse of the feete of him who is the on●… lie helpe of the conscience and the health of the countenance I finde myselfe deepe to the Chine in a gulfe of miserie Tell mee truelie Sir I pray you Thinkeyee that if with a mourning heart I confesse my sinnes to God that hee will haue pittie of me I am sore perplexed the deepe thoughts of mine owne guiltinesse strike men with such a set silence that I am not able to vtter my griefe My feare is that I bee of the familie of hell an haire of horrour and vtter woe Be free with mee I pray you Thinkeyee th●…t such an hord of miserie as mine can euer meete with his mercie The Pastour It is great ignorance Sir to thinke that anie miserie of man can ouer reach the infinite power of his pitie and boundlesse compasse of his compassions It were more easie to turne the Sunne from his course than God from shewing mercie to repenting sinners both his Name and Nature is mercie See wee not out of what myres of miserie Gods mercie hath deliuered repenting sinners In Scripture wee may read long Catologes of pardoning sinnes Consider well I pray you thinke deepelie vpon the mercies of your God Look well what hee hath done to others Could the adulterie of Dauid the incest of Lot the drunkennesse of Noah the murther of Simeon Leui the persecutions of Paul the perjurie of Peter or any other like sinne hinder God to be mercifull to the●… so soone as they repented * Wherefore wereall these pardons printed into God Booke but for to tell all ages that no man were hee neuer so sinfull should despaire of the mercie of his God As I liue saith the Lord take no delight into the death of sinners but rather that they should repent and liue These bee his owne words If words beare no weight behold effects God hath so loued the world that hee hath giuen his onelie Sonne that whosoeuer belieueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life This is not a verball loue when a man giueth his best beloued for to die for another God hath not spared his onelie Sonne that by his satisfying sufferings his Iustice beeing payed hee might shew mercie to man his poore vnworthie creature not onelie the Father hath loued the world but also the Sonne out of vnspeakable loue was as desirous to die for man as the Father was to send him This out of his owne mouth hee declared that no loue could ouer-reach his loue No man said hee hath greater loue than this than when a man layeth downe his life for his friend The highest of mans loue is to die for his friend But Christs loue was greater hee died for vs euen when wee were his enemies In another point behold the loue of Christ scarselie saith the Apostle for a righteous mā wil one die yet per aduenture for a good man some would euen dare to die But God commendeth his loue towardes vs in that while wee were yet sinners Christ died for vs Who shall doubt of this loue which the Lord hath registred on earth with the dearest blood of his onelie begotten Sonne There is such a loue in the Father and such a loue in the Sonne and such a loue in the holie Ghost toward the Saluation of man that all the heauens are filled with loue of our well so that at the conuersion of one sinner on earth there is more joy among the Saints and Angels than for fourescore and ninteene righteous who neede not repentance * If Sir yee would haue the heauens to rejoyce cast your selfe into the armes of your God with these words Lord doe with mee what thou wilt though thou shuld slay me yet will I true in thee If yee would see the picture of Gods mercy ye must draw aside the curtaine of all carnall surmises The sicke Man Oh that I might cast my Soule into his Armes But how can I doe this The Lord hath turned his backe on mee shall I cast my selfe into a consuming fire At the first sight of his angry face my Soule will die for feare The Pastour Men often are deceiued So soone as Manoah had seene the Angel hee said to his wife Wee shall surelie die because wee haue seene God But his wife answered more wiselie If the Lord were pleased to kill vs hee would not haue receiued a sacrifice from vs As shee said to him so say I to you If the Lord were pleased to kill you hee would not haue giuen his Sonne in a Sacrifice for you * I is a greater loue token that God hath giuen his Sonne in a Sacrifice for you than that hee should receiue any sacrifice from you It is the Apostles argument that since God hath giuen vnto vs his owne Sonne hee will not refuse vs any other thing that may doe vs good Christ alone is the sinners refuge hee is a Rocke of comfort which cannot bee shaken a Rocke which commandeth all seas of sorrows the pole of our peace Be earnest in prayer with God cry till he hea●…e The sicke Man I am wearied with crying to God my prayers may be called The voyce of my roaring But what shall I say I cry but there is none that maketh answere God hath couered himselfe with a cloude that my prayers should not passe thorow hee hath stopped his eares that my prayer should not bee heard This is a most fearefull blast and blow in his bloo die battell The Pastour Deceiue not your selfe often our prayer framed and followed by the Spirit of grace is heard though the fense of grant bee not yet brought to vs God for causes will let a time goe betweene seeking and finding After this the Angel spake vnto Daniel At the beginning of thy prayer God heard thee and now I am come to tell thee See how a space will interceede betweene Gods hearing of mans prayer and mans knowledge that God hath heard him Though yee as yet know not whither God hath heard you or not yee must not
●…aging yet the Soule hauing peace with God is at last after a litle space made free of all its fear●… is made sensible of that truce atonement euen of that Peace which passeth all vnderstanding The sicke Man I would earnestlie learne of you how a man whose Conscience is troubled may recouer that Peace which once hee had The Pastour The best methode I know is that a man ripe first vp his Conscience and spy what mot of sinne is fallen into his Conscience which is the eye of the Soule The eye beeing hurt will water powre out teares so must the Conscience bee sore grieued for offending of God Secondlie out of this griefe it must sigh before the Lord in feruant prayer first for forgiuenesse chieflie of that sinne which lyeth heauiest vpon the heart Thirdlie and last of all the Soule must sute earnestly for the restoring of that joye After this manner Dauid did proceede in that penetentiall Psalme First of all he was exceedinglie grieued which griefe did burst out in wordes watered with teares Haue mercie vpon mee O God according to thy louing kindnesse c. Thus after hee had cryed for to bee washen purged with Hysope hee cryed that God would restore vnto him the joys of his Saluation Aboue all thinges let such a person bee often groaning to God in prayer for to catch some blinke of Gods reconcealed face in Iesus his bloodie woundes That blood of sprinkling is the onelie Salue for the sores of the Soule To all this let not these helpes bee neglected viz. that such troubled Soules make vse of good Bookes by whose helpe their deuotion may bee roused vp for to remember the dayes of olde My chiefe counsell is that such persons fixe stedfastlie the eye of their Faith vpon Iesus bleeding on the Crosse wherevpon hee payed our ransome and triumphed ouer all the enemies of our Saluation This is the trueth whereof Israel had the typ in the brasen Serpent which healed al the be holders My counsell also is that such troubled persons frequent the Sermons of powerfull Preachers and seeke conference with them whom God hath stamped with a powerfull gift of Teaching and integritie of life men who haue had great experience in the wayes of God and who haue smarted themselues at other times by such fearefull nipping checks men who are not ignorant of the Deuils deuices It is said of Christ himselfe the Orient and Day-spring That in all things it behoued him to bee made like vnto his Brethren that hee might bee a mercifull and faithfull high Priest in things pertaining to God to make reconciliation for the sinnes of the people For in that he himselfe hath suffered being tempted hee is able to succour them that are tempted See how it behoued Christ himselfe for to suffer temptation that hee might bee able to succour vs in our temptations While the troubled sinner is in doing all these dueties he must carefullie watch ouer all his wayes that by no sin either in thought word or deede hee grieue the Spirit of God againe For a new sinne thrust vpon the hearte will make all the closed woundes of the Conscience to gap and to bleed afresh A Soule that is become relaps shall finde God harder to bee intreated than of before not without much adoe shall it get peace that after by any knowne sin it hath quarrelled againe the Spirit of comfort But indeede hee or shee whose Conscience hath beene once well lashed with Gods whip and battered with his blowes had rather run throw a fire than anger the Lord againe At the first appearance of a temptation they will start for feare and with a sigh will cry to God with a trembling voyce O my God how should I thinke this wickednesse let bee to doe it Who knoweth the power of thy wrath According to thy feare so is thine anger Too too many in this Nation affect this sicknesse of Conscience as beeing onelie the disease of the holiest This they will vtter as ye would thinke with bleeding groanes before men while indeede they are but scorning the world sporting wantons laughing vnder a painted maske of miserie Their teares are praeficarum lachrymae teares without trouble water sold for the wind of mans praise They are spots in the Church which make the wayes of God to bee euill spoken of such open a wide doore vnto Atheisme The sicke Man Fye vpon hypocrisie God will not bee scorned there is nothing so secret but at last it shall bee made manifest I am assured that who for to ca●…ch mens applauses faine a mourning for their sinnes the Lord shall suffer them to fall either in some scandalous sinne or other fearefull inconuenient whereby they shal be forced in earnest to mourne to their shame In my judgment there is no such bitter and comfortlesse mourning as is that of these for their manifested sinnes who once did most faine deepe groanes for catching of applauses The Pastour To such may well bee applyed that of the Prophet Thine owne wickednesse shall correct thee thy back-slydings shall reproue thee know therefore and see that it is an euill thing and bitter that thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God and that my feare is not in thee saith the Lord God of Hostes. Let no man sport in secret sinnes were it in a thought for that which hath wings will declare the matter The sicke Man I haue often beene seeking out the reason wherefore the wicked in the world for the most part know not what trouble of Conscience meaneth What thinke yee The Pastour Their heauen is on earth Dauid seeing their peace and prosperitie did beare them at enuie yea so that his feete were almost gone They are not in trouble said hee in trouble like other men neither are they plagued like other men c. Euen at their death he could perceiue no bands of any vehement paines after that the whole space of their life they had enjoyed morethan their heart could wish How euer it bee that they prosper in this world yet certainlie if a man will goe and seeke God in his Sanctuarie there hee shall tell him that hee hath sette them in slipperie places and that when hee awaketh hee shall despise their image There is a hell for them after the heauen of this earth The sicke Man I would gladlie bee instructed of you that I might discerne betweene the true solide Peace of conscience which the godlie enjoye and that senslesse benummednes of the wicked wherein they beeing deceiued cry Peace peace euen while God is putting the fierie lunt vnto the mosine of their sudden destruction Let mee heare of the peace both of the one and other I thinke all men should studie to marke the difference The Pastour The Reprobates who haue their portion in this life will seeme indeede to haue that true Peace of Conscience because
nothing within troubleth them Their peace indeede is nothing but a dead benum nednesse of spirit their Conscience beeing Seared is not capable of feeling I shall giue you two speciall marks whereby yee shall discerne a true Peace and quietnesse of Conscience from the dead benummednes which the wicked haue First a Conscience which hath Gods Peace is awfull of sinne wittinglie and willinglie for a world it would not despite the Spirite of grace But the wicked who is in a false peace flitteth from sinns to sinne as a Flie from scab to scab laying all his burden securelie vpon the broad shoulders of Gods mercie Secondlie the seared dead Conscience of the wicked hath but a part of that which is called Peace Their heartes will bee senslesse of all euill they will haue no warre within no sorrow is there But as they haue no spirituall sorrow for their sinnes committed neither haue they anie spirituall joye for the sense of their sinnes remitted Heere then know the true Peace of God in the Conscience The vnspeakable griefe for sinne is asswaged the fearefull qualmes are calmed the raging and roaring tempests are allayed the swelling seas are fallen and ebbed God is come in the calme not onelie for to wype away the teares of sorrow frō their eyes but also for to fill their mouthes with laughters of joye So not onely are they voyd at last of the sense of most terrible horrors but they are sensible of a joye which will make them to daunce with Dauid before the Arke yea to laude the Lord at a Stake amidst tarrie poudered flames of fire This is that continuall feaste which cheareth the godlie Soule amidst the bloodie bickerings of Sathan and burning persecutions of mercilesse missacrours Let all men try their Peace at this Touchstone if not onely they finde their former paines lessened but also a joye in GOD whereby their Soule is feasted with such contentmēt that for all the gold of Ophir they wold not losse it their estat is doubtlesse happie Who euer hee be that findeth this hee may sing to GOD Glorie be to God in the highest heauens peace on earth and toward my Soule good will The sicke Man Blessed be God who hath inlightened your eyes for the spying out of that remarkable difference betweene the true and false peace of mens Conscience Ineuer heard it so clearelie discussed O but Sathan is euer busie to mar this Peace of the godly who wil not war wage battel vnder his colours I haue seen these who are now godlie before their conuersion to be verie vaine light and wanton sinners while they thus did runne ryote in sinne with the wicked world I haue seene them most mirrie and solacious companie I often wondered to see them dance and sing roare reuell I could see no bands of sorrowes in their life They neuer complained of Satans malice against them But so soone as once they beganne to loue the Preaching of the Worde and to loath the carnall pleasures which once they loued I haue seene them againe so courbed downe with griefe and mainelie crossed as though it had no more beene they Sathan letteth them nor rest neither night nor day The Pastour In that is no wonder Sathan will bee verie loath to trouble his owne So soone as hee hath lulled them asleepe into the credle of securitie he will bee verie carefull that none waken them Out of a counterfeit loue hee will adjure the watch-men by the Roes and by the Hindes that they waken not his beloued till he please Hee will say of him as Christes Disciples said of Lazarus but in another sense If hee sleepe hee shall doe well See how carefull Sathan is for the rest of his owne lest that being wakned they runne away from him This Christ himselfe in the dayes of his flesh made cleare by a similitude When said hee a strong man armed keepeth his Palace his goods are in peace So long as Sathan like a strong armed man keepeth the palace of a wicked mans heart his alone so that none bee welcome but hee hee will let that man bee lest that by troubling and disquieting his peace hee grow sorie and mislike his seruice But if once hee perceiue the Soule to shrinke seeking an occation to bee quite of him hee will put all the powers of hell in armes and vproare and will driue furiouslie lik Iehu for to regaine it againe into his kingdome While a Theefe or a murtherer is in the stockes fast in fetters the Iaylor will bee merrie and will sing besides him as though hee were his friend but if the most secret houre of the night hee heare him knocking off his bolts and perceiue him to haue escaped hee will waken all the citie and pursew him with hue and with cryes Sathan is like the Iaylor a peaceable spirit so long as the Soule is fast in his fetters and clogged with his bolts in a deepe dungeon But if once hee perceiue that the Spirit of Iesus hath as the Angel did to Peter in the prison smot him on the side and raised him vp making all his chaines to fall from him and that the man ariseth vp quicklie and girdeth himselfe and bindeth on his Sandales and casteth his garment about him as Peter did for to runne and follow his God it is a wonder how that cruell Spirit will roare and rage like a Beare bereeued of her whelpes If hee gette a grippe of the poore man hee will cause him roare with gasping groans till God come with an helping hand The sicke Man Indeede Sir yee by your both plaine and learned discourse haue dispelled the mist of many difficulties The last difficultie wherein my Soule did sticke as yee may remember was concerning my Faith which I concluded not to bee because I had no peace of Conscience This did marre and deface all my comforts My ground was from the Apostle whose wordes are That beeing justified by Faith we haue peace toward God I haue heard you declare that a man may haue Faith yet for some space not to bee sensible of that peace O my God let thy mercie be closelie applyed to my Soule strengthen my Faith that I may grippe and apprehend it with a sure and euerlasting hold Oh that my soule might lye downe in that peace that passeth all vnderstanding I am sore troubled with a weake and wauering heart which is yet tossed and swayed to and fro with doubts and difficulties lik a feather in the wind Alas Sir I complaine of the weakenesse of my Faith That Faith must be strōg which is able to draw downe Saluation from the heauens and batter downe strong holds and ouerthrow principalities and powers and conqueare and subdue tame represse and repell our strongest corruptions Let mee see I pray you any partiticulare example of a weake Faith wherby any at any time haue beene
many doe But yet yee must know that hee that made the Time will not bee subject vnto Time the King of Time is Eternall GOD is eternall and hath all Times at his command There is no Time that can hinder him to bee mercifull to a sinner at whatsoeuer time he sha●…l repent For this cause Christ for to let the world see that hee can forgiue when a sinner can repent hee took from the Crosse the Soule of a condemned Theefe and after that hee had absolued it hee carried it to Paradise God hath said That at whatsoeuer time a sinner shall repent that hee will put away his wickednesse out of his rememberance Fra once hee hath said the word hee cannot take his word againe He is constant in all his wayes and therfore neuer saith and vnsaith one thing Hath he said shall hee not doe it If yee can but waite a little ye shall finde all the fiercenesse of his fur●…e to bee turned into the fulnesse of his fauour * Hee who shall seeke him earnestlie shall not receiue an emptie answere There is mercie in heauen for an hell of conscience vpon earth Cast all your cares aside cast your selfe into the armes of your God Cast thy burden vpon the Lord and hee shall sustaine thee Be strong in the Faith of God In hope belieue against hope though for a space your Spirit bee distempered yet still relye vpon the mercie of your God Goe not off this that the Blood of Iesus was shed for you that Christ hath payed your ransome What euer Sathan by his temptations suggest vnto you belieue him not Take my counsell I pray you Sir that I speak the trueth heere I darre take it vpon my Soules Saluation The sicke Man I thank God from mine heart that euer I heard you your words are ful of comfort O how indebted am I to the mercy of my God who hath vnlocked the bowels of his loue towards me At our first meeting I found my selfe inuolued with much miserie and mischief but since I haue heard you I finde I blesse God some stirring of God Spirit within mine heart mine heart before this time hath beene lik that Altar at Athens wherin was ingrauen in great Letters TO THE VNKNOVVNE GOD I heard often of God but I neuer knew him truelie vntill now This is the infancie of my regeneration I haue beene too long a stranger from so good a God My Soule now rejoyceth after many toes and froes I finde mine heart loosed from the cartropes of my sinnes and linked vnto my Sauiour with stronger chaines than of before There bee better motions within than euer I did feele before this houre O thou who is Loue let my Soule bee possest of a sound and constant loue to thy most mercifull Majestie Bring my Soule from the shadow of death to the light of thy countenance O Lord my strength and my Redeemer O Lord of Hostes giue me strength and courage to fight out this Christian fight whereof the victorie is glorious and the reward a Crowne of immortalitie Inspire mine heart with the life of Grace If thy care had not hitherto preserued my Spirit my Soule had long since bene drowned in a sea of sin and sorrow There haue bene such lecks into mine heart that except the Lord in time had pumped it with repentance my Soule long since had made ship-wracke of Faith O how much am I beholden to my God who hath taken longer day with mee than within any others from whom before they were prouided hee hath demanded his due Blessed bee my God who hath made mee free from the frenzie of Spirite by appearing vnto mee in a greater calme The feeling of his wrath past I hope shall be a sauce for to sharpen my blunted loue towardes him in all times to come with vndaunted constancie I perceiue nowe that the day is darkened and that the night approcheth Oh that I might cōtinue conference with you but least I should wearie you from the best of my bowels my deare Pastour I bidde you farewell I looke to morrow for a new conference for with many difficulties mine heart is yet troubled and tossed I requeast you before yee goe to helpe mee with your prayers The Pastour I blesse God who hath begunne to intermingle the sweete honey of some comfortes with the bitter gall of painefull temptations GOD who hath begunne to make you his his Prentice in Grace shall an one mak you a free man in Glorie As Ministers must first sit at Gamaleels feete for to learne before they sit in Moses chaire for to teach so must Christians first bee humbled with temptations on earth before they bee honoured with exaltations into the Heauens Well is the man that is truelie humbled by GOD and made a foole in his owne eyes for hee which thinketh himselfe wise is a foole ipso facto All naturall wisedome without Spirituall humilitie is like ouernights Manna which did no good but mould and fust God by diuers temptations first carnall and after spirituall hath besieged the corruptions of your nature and hath battered downe the strong holds and fortified Castles of your imaginations and reasoning the high thinges which exalt themselues against the knowledge of GOD Before hee leaue you hee shall bring into Captiuitie euerie thought of your heart to the obedience of Christ According to your desire wee shall bend our knees to GOD in prayer that yee may spell his loue out of such a Fatherlie correction and learne in time to stay your selfe vpon his kindnesse and good will A Prayer for the sicke Man O LORD of Mercie whose bowels are turned within thee when thou beholdest the griefe of the godlie Bee heere present for the reliefe of this thy poore distressed Seruant His eyes are stedfastlie fixed vpon Thee as the eyes of the hand maide are fixed vpon the hands of her Mistresse Behold LORD and heare his amazed broken heart braying after thee as an Hart panting after the Riuers of waters Pitie this sillie Soule which is like the drye ground gaping for droppes of Raine Oh LORD his strength is d●…yed vp like a Pot shard his tongue cleaueth vnto his jawes and thou hast brought him into the dust of death Let the sweetest comfortes of thy bleeding bowels bee powred into his broken heart Make the joyfull Light of thy countenance breake foorth vpon his drooping and cloudie Conscience O strengthen his sillie Soule in this heauie houre Pacifie the pangs of his remorse that hee may laye holde vpon the merits and mercies of thy Sonne IESVS Come gracious GOD with thy strength for his succour Sathan a most bitter enemie hath besieged his Soule with most fearefull temptations There is no mischiefe which could bee deuised but hee hath m●…stered it and set it in battell arraye against him While hee had health and youth this enemie
was the chiefe entiser of him vnto sinne by bearing him in hand that it was an easie thing after many sinfull pleasures enjoyed to returne vnto God whose fauour and kindnesse might bee procured by and by without anie labour But now Father while he seeth his day declining the Sun of his life neare its setting of an Entiser hee is become an Accuser striuing by all meanes to cause him make shipwrack vpon the bankes of despare Night and day hee vexeth and teareth his Soule by whispering into his eare most impudent lyes against thy Trueth viz. That hee is so miserable that thou art not able to be mercifull vnto him He suggesteth most craftily that it is in vaine for him to sue to thee for thy grace that there is none hope of mercie left for such a sinner that there is none accesse vnto the Throne of Grace for the prayers of such a miserable wretch and that it is no purpose for him to pray But what LORD thou who art Trueth it selfe wilt thou suffer this father of lyes to trouble still thy Seruant Wilt thou heareanie longer thine infinite mercie thus reproached and reuiled as though thou were not able to pa●…don the faultes of thine owne poore creature What is that to say but that God shall cease to be that God whose mercie is aboue all his workes O LORD most mercifull can the sinfull scarlet rednesse and the Crimsin colour of mans corruptions bee ●…o dyed that it cannot bee washen away with the Blood of thy Lambe O seale vp the sense of thy loue in his heart make thy Spirit to whisper in his eare that mercie is with thee that thou may bee both feared and loued Shall anie thing LORD withhold the heart broken sinner from the Throne of Grace Is not this the voyce of thy Spirit Come vnto mee all ye that are wearied and ladened with sinned Is not thy promise written in thy Booke that thou wilt ease them O most louing Father euen in despite of Sathan and his most despitfull suggestions make his Soule bolde and confident that it may aduenture it selfe to the mercifull Throne of thy Grace Cleare and cleanse his eyes from the Spirituall goare of sin that with Simeon he may see thy Saluation which thou hast prepared before the face of all people O deare IESVS deliuer his Darling from the power of the Dogge Incline thine eares and heare the grieuous groanes of this poore prisoner Make him a prisoner of hope Turne thee now about and refresh his wearied heart with a blinke of thy mercie Shew him the light of thy Countenance and hee shall bee saued Enlarge his heart that thy Graces finding a spacious roome may plentifully harbour in his soule Alas LORD what shall we say if thou shalt say to him I haue no delight in thee Behold heere hee is doe to him as shall seeme good in thine owne eyes Thou hast not forgotten neither can thou forgette but that thy delight is in mercie Where sinne doeth abound shall not there thy Grace abound much more Thou LORD hast often bathed this sillie Soule in most bitter brimie teares Thou hast hid thy selfe from it and it hath beene troubled Now amid the vexations of so many temptations blinke vpon him with a reconcealed face O GOD of Battels in this Bartell of the Soule send downe thy strength for to guarde him against the assaultes of Satan who pursueth him so eagerly with most sharpe and fearefull af●…aultes like a Dogge hunting after a sillie straggling sheepe Though for a space thou suffer him to bee buffeted with a messenger of Sathan yet let him know that thy Grace shall bee sufficient for him Let thy right hand hold him vp and let thy gentlenesse make him great Renew his heart with the power of thy Spirit reinuest him with the image of thine holinesse which once hee lost in Adam Cast his Spirit againe in thine owne mou●…d At last LORD put Sathan to silence let thine owne Spirit speake vnto this Sicke in his inward partes Say vnto his Soule I am thy Saluation Make thy good Spirit of comfort to whisper in his eare that thou a●…t well pleased and that thou hast receiued a ransome Such wordes of mercie will bee a blessed Balme●… wherby thou shalt heale this sorrow beaten Soule stung with a checke and smart for his sinnes Though LORD hee hath but some poore beginnings of Grace in a time wee confesse when thy graces in him should haue beene ripe for that glorie which is now shortly to bee reuealed vnto him yet notwithstanding let it please thee of thy meere mercie to pittie and ●…don Remember thy mercies of old which were neuer wont to break the bruised reede nor to quench the smoaking flaxe If thy great mercie be not his strength and stay he must needs bee ouercome For whom hath hee in Heauen but thee Or who is on earth whom hee can desire besides thee O Thou whom his Soule loueth tell him where thou makest thy flock to rest at Noone in the greatest heate of affliction Seeing he seeketh after thee onelie let him bee refreshed with thy comforts for why should he turne aside by the flockes of thy companions Consider well wee pray thee LORD how bene he hath vexed and d squieted with many fearfull temptations now at last come with thine helping hand come and abate the force and furie of all his enemies whether within or without subdue their raging and reigning power that when the houre of his departing shall come hee may with Simeon depart in peace Stand LORD fast by him forsake him not in this perelous time Let thy Spirit guide and leade him in the Land of righteousnesse Let thy grace be vnto him a Sunne by day a Moone by night Take all impedimentes out of the way bridle so curbe all his vnrulie affections that they may fold vnder thine obedience Suppresse all his carcing heart deuiding cares whyp out of his heart all treacherous temptations Embalme his hearte with the sweetnesse of thy new fresh graces Settle in his Soule that godlie sorrow which cause Repentance neuer to bee repented of This sillie Soule LORD hath beene fearefullie tossed to and froe with the waues of thy wrath Let it please thee to command a calme Settle thou his heart and stablish it with thy free Spirit Mercifull GOD thou knoweth how Sathan hath sought to sift and to winnow him but of thy mercie thou shalt neuer suffer his Faith to faile Build vpon the Rocke which cannot bee shaken Through thy fauour giue him peace in belieuing and joye in the holy Ghost that by the grace and power of thy Spirit hee may finish his course with comfort Let in now be made manifest that his life hath beene hid with Christ in God Thou who hast numbered his haires obserue his griefe his groans pittie the crouding of thy Turtle-Doue Tak thou to heart the
anguish of his Spirit Behold LORD how hee renounceth himselfe desparing of his owne worth Giue him grace to flee to thy promises that as in the fearefull and perelous path of this val●…y of death he looketh for nothing but hell torments and paine for his owne sake so he may assuredlie look for heauens glorie euen pleasures for euermore and that for thy promise sake for thy Names sake for thy Christs sake in whom thy Soule is best pleased Mak the bones which thou hast brused to rejoyce Leaue him neuer to himselfe LORD till thou hast made thy graces now blooming in his heart to become type for thy glorie LORD blesse thy beloued Church which is hated of the world Shee is now pricked with persecutions as a Lillie among the thornes Let this comfort Her in all Her distresses that thou shalt neuer forsake Her But that thorow many tribulations thou shall bring Her vnto Glorie Lord pitie pardon the vnthankful Church of this Land Bind Her vnto Thee by the vnion of Faith and fasten euerie one of our heartes to another by the bond of loue left at last by our misdemeanour thou bee forced to roote vs out of thy good Land as a fruitlesse Nation GOD bee gracious to our dread SOVERAIGNE the Kings Majestie gard His Royall Person from the rage of His enemies Infatuate their plots Mak giddy their braines discouer their enterprises mak Him the Man of thy right Hand Anoint His Head with the blessed drops of the Oyle of thy Grace gladnesse Make Him an humble Homager to IESVS who hath written on His thigh the King of kings LORD giue Him Grace according to His Place Say vnto His Queene Hearken O Daughter cōsider incline thy eare Mak her to forget her own people Fathers House In stead of Her old acquaintance giue her Children whom thou mayest make Princes on the Earth Aboue all thinges we intreate Thee to discharge vpon Her Soule the beames and brightnesse of sauing Knowledge Blesse all the Nobilitie of this Land Make them truelie Noble like the men of Berea who were couragious for the Trueth Make euerie one of vs faithfull in our place calling keep our Soules euer waking waiting for thycomming Preserue vs from slumber of Conscience deadnesse of heart that liuing according to thy law we may be in this wicked world godlie professours like burning shining Lampes for to shew light vnto others We all heere O gracious Father relying vpon thy promised readines to helpe thy little Ones and to listen to their cryes haue powred out our Soules in thy presence wee intreate The from the sinceritie of our inward partes that of thy Fatherlie indulgence it would please Thee to vouchsaf a fauourable audiēce both to these and to all other our most humble and godlie desires and that for IESVS thy deare Sonnes sake To whom with Thee and the Spirit of Grace bee all glorie and honour world without end AMEN Cause read vnto you this Night Psalme 38. Psal. 39. Psal 40 Psal. 41. Psal. 42. Psal. 130. Isa. 38. Isa. 53. Iohn 16. Let the end of euerie day remember you of the ende of your life Thogh euerie day of ourage should be as long as that day of Ioshuah whē at his word the Sunne stood still in Gibeon yet it would be night at last The Lord teach vs to number our dayes that wee may apply our hearts to wisedome and to well doing The grace of Iesus and the peace of his Spirit rest with you and comfort you in all the groanes of your griefe The Lord turne your smoking flax into a burning fire of zeale The God of all mercie and compassion refresh your weake and wounded heart with the softest o●…le of his sauing grace Nothing Sir is vnpossible to your God who of a brui sed Reede can make a pillar of Brasse which the prince of the powers of darknesse shall not be able to shake I intreat the Lord to giue you such Grace that may leade you vnto the face and presence of your GOD Bee more and more earnest with your GOD that hee would inspire your heart with Life Spirite and motion that thereby yee may bee made fitte for that blessed associatiō with Sainctes and Angels far from the crossing checkes of Conscience THE FOVRTH DAYES Conference The Pastour ACcording to your desire Sir I am come againe this morning for to visite you and for also to reape the fruites of yesterdayes conference This is the sweete fruits of a godlie life It hath saith Solomon hope in the end I pray God to blesse you with such an hope whereby in hope against hope yee may cleaue fast vnto your God finde yee the storme of your temptations alayed hath the Spirit of God giuen edge and vigour to these comfortes which yee heard yesterday Haue yee put on a Christian courage with a resolute and contented patience to abid the blessed will of your God The sicke Man Well is the man and blessed yea thrise blessed is hee whose transgressions is forgiuen whose sinne is couered for hee is free from that sting of Conscience that will for euer torment the Soule of the vngodlie All this night I haue beene sore cumbered with manie spirituall temptations as yee haue heard My Soule for a space hath beene wonderfully perplexed The spirit of mā alas is but too ingenious to debar it selfe from glorie It is a wonder how this shuld be in such a glorious Noonetyde of the Gospel hitherto Glorie bee to God yee haue comforted mee much ye haue handled my sores with the soft and smooth hand of a most wise and charitable discretion wiselie haue yee singled out comfortes most expedient for the cure of my Soule Now seeing by your former discourse I haue reaped comfort let mee bee so bold as to intreate you to declare breaflie how a man may know by the workings of the Spirit within whether he be a Reprobate or one of Gods chosen Ones It is no time for me now to bee beguiled Men which looke to die haue neede to looke well what they doe I desire earnestlie to be instructed touching the diuerse workinges of the Spirit into the wicked and the godlie My chiefe desire is to make my Saluation sure The Pastour I shall doe what I can to giue you contentment in that point The matter indeede is not without difficultie But yet the Lord God will doe nothing which hee will not reueale vnto his seruants the Prophets so farre as is needfull for his glorie the well of his People Mine helpe is in the Name of the Lord that made Heauen and Earth The Spirit of God in man hath two sortes of operations One generall another speciall As for the generall common to all men by the Spirit the wicked will say Iesus is the Lord I know Iesus said the Deuill to the sonnes of Sceuah * By this Spirite also the
blot or blow for secret blo●…s they will die also with some formall perfūctory appearance of repentance Others will die in a quiet drousinesse and so poore like Nabal Many a●…ye see may die without any seene sign●… of Gods wrath But in the day of the Lord God shall pull that painted vizard off their face for the discouering of all their abominations and that before the face of all Sainctes and Angels who shall wonder to see all the filthinesse which they in their life could so cunninglie colour and couer with most painefull painting Then mens applause and the worlds praise which they did once vnder the colour of vnhallowed zeale moste eagerlie pursue shall by no meanes auaile them for the righteous Lord with a gloume of his justice shall banish them to the loathsome dungeon of the bottemlesse pit Thus after they haue carried the matter smoothlie for a time by jugling dissimulation at last all their abominations are set in open view The sicke Man I finde my selfe satisfied concerning that doubt of the inlightening of the Wicked who as I see are starke blind grossie and palpablie ignorant in the mysteries of Saluation Now teach mee what this is that he will taste of the heauenlie gift How can vnsanctified mortalitie bee capable of celestiall benefites The Pastour By the heauenlie gift I vnderstand the fauour of God and eternall life The wicked man whose portion is only in this life will taste these things that is betimes hee will finde a certaine sweetnesse in God The most wicked man that is will at one time or other lift vp his eyes to God yea and thinke himselfe much beholden vnto God But all this goodnesse is but lik the morning dew it hath none abiding a sound of feare is euer into the wicked mans eares * As a man may taste poyson and yet not bee the worse because incontinent he spitteth it out againe so a wicked man may taste good things and yet not be the better because that after he hath tasted them hee letteth them not ouer his throat but spitteth them out againe That which hee hath tasted with the one eare he spitteth out at the other care The good words may flow a litle into his braine and rinne into his memorie so that there of hee may prattle like a Paroquet but nothing goeth down to his heart which I may call the stomacke of the Soule If a man should but taste food were it neuer so fitte of it selfe for to feed he shuld not be able to liue thereby It is euen so of the wicked spiritualy They cannot liue by tasting of graces where God hath not opened the heart as hee opened the heart of Lydea there is nothing but a tasted grace Let me yet cleare the matter The wicked will get a taste of heauen as the godlie w●…ll get a taste of hell In this doing I obserue a secret Iustice and a secret mercie of God It is a mercie for the godlie that they taste the bitternesse of wrath heere that they may esteeme the more of heauens glorie heere after The baser our estate be before we he exalted we shal thinke the more of honour whē it commeth What am I said Dauid being but a shepheard that I should marrie a Kings Daughter Who am I said hee and what is my life or my fathers familie in Israel that I should bee Son in law to the King If Dauid had beene a Kings Sonne hee could haue well thought himselfe an equall match for a Kings Daughter But while hee considered his owne base estate and the basenes of his fathers family he thought himselfe so ouermatcht that hee wondered at such honour which made him say Who am I What am I said lamed Mephibosheth that I a d●…ad dogge should sitte at the Table of a King The greater aduersitie a man bee come out of the more sweete is his prosperitie when it cōmeth The tempestuous by past blasts of Winter commend the beautie of the Spring * Bring me a man who is daylie accustomed to good cheare to a Banquet and little shall hee thinke of it because such is his ordinarie fare But O if bread was not sweete to that hunger bitten forlorne when hee came home from his husks * I think that the godly in heauē shall remember of the bitter taste of wrath they felt on earth which shall so rauish them with joy of their chāged estate that no tongue shall bee able to expresse But againe heere is Iustice and wrath for the wicked God in this life giueth vnto them a taste of his sweete thing Some common spirituall confections he putteth into their mouth whereof they find some heauenlie relish I am of this opinion that while they shall be in hell the remembrance of that sweete taste shall neuer goe out of their heart which shall bee a most powerfull meanes for the increasing of their smart What a sting was this vnto the gl●…tton in hell when Abraham said to him Sonne remember that thou in thy life-time receiuedst thy good thinges Yee may see heere that the wicked haue remembrance in hell of what good thinges they haue receiued on earth which is an hell in hell Thus as ye see God in Iustice and and in wrath will let the Wicked heere on earth taste his good thinges for the increase of their woe thereafter By the sweete taste they had of God on earth while they liued they know now in Hell which is a part of their torment what joye the godlie haue in Heauen And againe the godly by that bitter taste of wrath which once they felt on earth shall know which shall wonderfullie increase their joye what torments the wicked suffer in hell from which the Lord in his vnspeakable mercie hath made them free By this as yee perceiue both the godlie the wicked taste here both of Hell of Heauen The godly taste of Hell that Heauen may be to them the sweeter The wicked taste of Heauen that Hell may be to them the sower God loueth not the wicked but hateth them as hee hated Esau For this cause while hee giueth them a taste of his good thinges it is that while they shall bee in easlesse and endlesse torments they may remember how sweete a God they haue despised and how sowre a Sathan they haue serued All these good things which are jointly in the wicked man are but lik faire attyre vpon a leperous bodie or like jewels about the necke of an hanged man Hee hath nothing but the dead portraiture of an Israelite indeede But in all this time while vnder the shewes of godlinesse he is drinking in iniquitie like water a dreadfull sound is in his eares for he knoweth that the day of darknesse is ready at his hand God at last in great wrath shall runne vpon him euen on
discourse hath done you good giue God the praise yet vvould I knowe vvhat all these vvordes hath vvrought in your heart The sicke Man I blesse God for that vvhich I haue heard By Gods Grace I haue catcht some hope of a better life The desires of mine heart beginne to enter the confines of eternitie I find the motions of the Spirit of Grace vvorking into my Soule the great vvorke of Saluation I am now refreshed vvith the sweete streames of spirituall comforts I finde now my Soule lifted vp toward God and I finde the loue of this vvorld falling downe like the Mantle of Elijah I think that I goe novv more sweetlie and swiftlie to my God with a more holie and heauenlie desire than euer I did heeretofore Your comfortes Sir make mee to hyefaster I take this to bee a nevv worke-man-shipe of grace I hope shortlie to be at the vp shot of all my troubles I finde vvithin mine heart some kindled joye vvhich I take to bee the pawne of pleasures for euermore The Spirite of God like a Doue hath brought vnto my Soule a comfort like an Oliue leaue assuring mee in some vveake measure that the floode of Gods vvrath is asswadged vpon my Soule What shal I say The best of Gods blessings are behind Oh that now my Sauiour vvere into the cloudes I had rather die than I should liue for to anger the Lord againe Alas that mine heart hath beene so gleued to the ground like a shell-Snaile fastened on the wall Seeing Sir God hath wrought so well by you in this great worke of my conuersion I intreat you to continue in some good purpose that my minde may still bee kept bended vpon that which is good If yee leaue off to teach mee my minde will but wander in vanitie O Lord worke all my thoughts to holie and heauenlie meditations The Pastour Blessed bee God who hath giuen you such a resolute and contented minde See what yee desire me to speake chieflie of at this time The sicke Man Seeing I am shortlie for to leaue this world and to goe to the Heauens for to take out of mine heart the least roote of regret to quite this world I pray you Sir to say something of the vanitie of this world of the last Iudgement and of the joyes of Heauen where shortlie I hope to bee Let mee heare how I shall losse nothing in the change Striue Sir I pray to kindle and blow vp the dying fire of my deuotion helpe mee to goe from strength to strength till I bee in Zion The Pastour The Lord put such wordes into my mouth which may bee able to winne your Soule vp to Heauen and to weane it from all worldlie pleasures First for to speak but a word in generall cōcerning this world What is it but a peece of earth made barren with Gods curse whose fruites without sweatie labours are but thistles and thornes As for the vanitie of the world seculum speculum This world is a glasse wherin a drumlie eye may see its vanitie Hee who was wisest in it speaking of it after that he was tyred with trying its pleasures preached that it was but vanitie of vanities a verie Idea that is the abstract of vanities which are the abstracts of things that are vaine So according to Solomons Text all that wee account most substantiall is but an abstract of an abstract as if a man shuld dreame that he dreamed which should bee the dreame of a dreame This is like that vanitie which Habak kuke calleth verie vanitie wherein are some few flashes of deceiueable comforts Thus as yee see the life of man in this world is nothing but a fardle of vanities shadowes and dreames a bundle of displeasing pleasures vaine in inside and outside too Our greatest pleasures here are but a mixture of miserie They are soone marred like a mistuned song The flees in the plague of flees were not so thicke in Egypt as vanities are in this world for which the most parte of the world exchange the happinesse of their Soules These who are most glorious in worldly pompe are constrained to say at last with that King in Homer * The great God hath imprisoned mee with cares O happie they who are free of such dangers are secured in cottages of clay After that man hath beene vpon the top of his pompe and is come to the vertical point of his pleasures after which hee hath hunted with great eagernesse of heart Hee must come downe and bee curbed with paines of diuerse diseases distressed till hee bee turned in to dust All his pleasures profites and prefermentes shall slide away like a shadow They shall passe like a Poast passing by like water lift vp with a sife or sand with open fingers As the shippe passeth ouer the waues its trace not beeing able to bee seene on the brim or as the fowle mounting to the Skye piercing the Aire so that no mortall eye can perceiue any token of her passage though the eare heare the noise of her wings so shall it bee of all earthlie things when once the inch of this life being ended our mortall Soule shall bee dislodged out of this clay all earthlie contentments then shall bee like a Bird of whose flight no token can bee found after for a space by the shaking of her wings shee hath parted the aire in a greater heminencie of going In all our greatest pleasures bee lurking sorrowes like serpentes among the grasse which maketh way to a fairing man to steppe backe or start aside Oh that wee were wise What shall I say In this transitorie life we are miserablie blind folded because wee loue not the heauens God letteth vs dote vpon the earth It is righteous with God so to doe Of all this wee must say This is the Lords doing it is marueilous in our eyes Oh that wee could consider in these last dayes of this world there is come vpon the world a plague of vanitie like a plague of flees whereof pride is Beelzebub the master flie which buzzeth in most men womens heads commanding other legions of vanities full of fretting sorrows or of false flattering pleasures wherewith the sillie Soule is fettered The whole life of man is inclosed in Mesopotamia betweene two riuers of teares First wee mourne at our Birth and last others mourne at our Burial Nascimur flentes morimur gementes The whole bounds of our life is inclosed betweene weeping and groaning At the first sight of the light we weepe and last at the closing of our eyes wee gaspe out our life with a groane What shall I say So soone as wee are borne wee are gone like a shadow when it declineth Oh that wee could consider that there is nothing heere which is not mixt with some spyce of vanitie * If wee had eyes to see wee would say What is below in
face and hee beganne also to bee troubled * That is notable which Isaiah saith concerning the King of Babylon who in his fond conceit did reach the hight of heauē as being at league with al contrary powers Thou hast said in thine heart I will ascend into Heauen I will exalt my Throne aboue the Starres of God I will ascend aboue the hight of the Cloudes I will be like the most High What saith God to that It shall not bee so O Lucifer Sonne of the Morning I shall take thee at the trip though thou should soare aboue the Skyes of heauen yet thou shalt bee brought downe to hell to the sides of the pit They that see thee shall narrow lie looke vpon thee and consider thee saying Is this the man that made the earth to tremble that did shake king doms This is the end of all flesh irreuocablie concluded by the KING of Kings decree Dust thou art and vnto dust shalt thou returne The way of greatest Monarches is from the Palace to the Pit Were a man neuer so high in Honour hee must say at last with King Dauid I goe the way of all the Earth If Princes in their pompe could practise Memento mori Selfe-conceit should not bee able to poppe in it selfe with pufts of pride which make many to quarrel with the reprouers Hee is like a Phenix who beeing in Honour can digest a reproofe and finde it good with Hezekiah who while hee was sore threatned said Good is the word of the Lord O how easilie doe faile flattering vvordes cogge in themselues by slie and craftie juggling into the hearts of these that are in high places Tell them that all goeth well and that this vvorld shall last and that in their prosperitie they shall neuer be moued such Preachers will please But if a Ieremiah come in with his woes some Pashur shall not misse him vpon the cheeke Ahab could not abide to heare good Micaiah Wherefore I hate him said hee for hee doeth not prophecie good concerning mee In this vvas all the distemper But vviselie and godlie vvas it replyed by good Iohoshaphat Let not the King say so Well is that King who in his honour reputeth this his greatest Honour to honour him from vvhose Grace he hath his Crowne his praises shall not bee silent vvhile hee shall lye in the place of silence sleeping into slyme The Lord make the praise of our Gracious SOVERAIGNE to sound like that of Iosiah And hee did that which is right in the sight of the Lord and walked in all his wayes and turned not aside to the right hand or to the left AMEN AMEN What shall I say more of the vanitie of Honour and Preferment among men I am assured of this that it is no sure token of Gods loue for euen they that worke wickednesse are set vp Of these oftest is said O they are made euen while they are madde The most naughtie and most vnworthie whose valorous acts and vertuous deads no man can record haue often found a roome where they may drinke in a full cuppe of temporall happinesse many will wonder to see them steppe with a graue and stayed ciuilitie Haue not many seene such in Kings Courtes with great applouse runne vp without any rubbe as it were to the toppe of Tabor where to many who knew them before in a base estate they will seeme to bee transfigured The Lyers and the Flatterers will gather about the Gallant and were it not the feare more of Lyce than of God while hee speaketh they would cry The voyce of God and not of man While hee is thus wise in his greatest pride princelie mounted gallopping vpon the highest hills imperiouslie dominearing reuelling in the world down commeth a thunder-bolt with fierie flashes of a diuine wrath ouer-turning and downe throwing horse man from the steepest of all his Preferments Thus to all at last he becommeth a spectacle of amazement Take vp now our Minion with all his honours which once hee did so eagerlie hunt after The fairest blossomes of his glorie are blasted as with mildew Beholde nowe all his honours rolled in the dust the higher he was mounted the greater is his fall who but Haman to day thryuing in this world and raising vp himselfe a Paramour of a Prince By his outward gliste●…ing hee maketh mens eyes to dazle Now he hath the wind at will and saileth as he pleaseth with flaunting sailes amid his greatest jollitie But tarrie a little looke vp to the weather-cocke The winde is turned the head is where the taile was Haman is disgraced his louers are Apostats no man darre auouch him his honours is taken from him This is his Princes will Caput obnubito arbori infoelici suspendito Couer his face●… And seeing hee was the chiefe of a knot of knaues let him haue the highes●… pin of fiftie cubits high By thus hee becommeth a man of high degree Thus hee to whom once many were glad to hold the basō as to a darling of account proueth at last to bee one of this worlds fooles which care not what bee their end so that their way bee pleasant At last after all such pleasures profites and prefermentes the vngodly man with great shame with a rotten name is grieued and gaul●…d with sorrow Though hee both chaffe and fiet yet of necessitie must hee packe him to the abhorred Regions of Death This is no new thing vnder Heauen and yet alas how few are these that in their carriage can considder that hee that thinketh hee standeth should take good heede lest hee fall Prosperitie striketh most men blind on this eye vntill the current thereof bee cutte or crossed with some disaster While men are exalted hardlie can they dreame of a change Sathan is euer most busie to stickle and stricke the bargaine betweene them Death and Hell and all sorte of disgrace Let vs also say some thing of the Leuites which are the King of Heauens fauorites and if it may be said his best beloued Minions Their Honour is great if with the shining Vrin of sound and solide Doctrine they joyne the Tummim of a good life the Lord alloweth on them double Honour But if either by a foule decay of Grace they bee Loiterers and will not Labour or labour in Doctrine but not in life their double Honour shall bee turned in double disgrace Of all Leuites the Lowne Leuite is the greatest There is nothing but it may bee good for some-thing but vnsauorie Salt is good for nothing While other most haynous sinners shall swimme like Corke on the brimme and vpper swarde of Hell these that haue poysoned these whom they should haue seasoned both with life and doctrine shall lik Egyptian Lead sink downe to the lowest of the Gulfe Thus as ye see Honour in
whomsoeuer if it bee without true Godlinesse is l●…k a faire woman wanting Discretion whom wise Solomō compareth to a jewel of go●…d in a Swynes snowte This all flesh will either subscriue or put their hand to the Pen in token of consent except these that look vpon such outward things with the vnhallowed eye of prophannesse But to leaue all particulars What is all the glorie of Nations If all their glorie and excellencie whatsoeuer were put in one Scale of the Ballence and Vanitie in the other Vanitie should weigh them downe Dauid in his time put them in the weights together after hee had well considered the matter hee gaue out sentence saying Surelie men of low degree are vanitie mē of high degree are a lye if they bee laid in the Ballance they are altogether lighter than Vanitie See howe Vanitie is too heauie a weight for men of low and high degree If ye would mak euen weight out of vanitie must bee sought that which Habakkuke calleth verie vanitie euen Solomons vanitie of vanities Put in that lightest vanitie into the one Scale and men of all degrees in the other then shall the tongue of the Ballance stand euen What then shall wee say of the glorie of all Nations It is well compared by the Prophet vnto the droppe of a Bucket and to the small dust of the Ballance To tell vs that no worldlie thing can be balast in Gods Ballance no more than the lightest dust can bee of weight into a Scale of mans Ballance which is most easilie blowne away with the least blast of breath Great is the vanitie of the greatest From the Throne the King himselfe must come downe by death for to goe sleepe in slyme To Gods God hath said Yee shall die like men Thus as yee see all earthlie Honour for which is so much strife debate all worldly pompe and glory which mē so hungerlie hunt after is but like dust driuen away with a pu●…t of breath Let men in Honour bee in his best estate Man in his best estate is altogether vanitie The whole course of mans life is but a Myne of miserie and a verie fardle of vanities That thereof which is most stable is but a flash and away Let Gods vine trees keepe their wine and his figges their sweetenesse and his Oliues their fatnesse but let the Brambles catch crownes This was the euent and issue of the Parliament of Trees at the crowning of their King Well is the man that may line and lurke Who knoweth the weight of Crownes the lodging of greatest Honours would neuer daine to desire them 3. RICHES Now let vs come to Riches what are they a swift vanitie which with winges flie away like an Eagle I compare the most parte of rich men vnto Spiders which spend their verie bowels in weeuing a web wherewith they may catch a flee What is all the glorie of Riches but like a feast in print all sortes of meat are there all sorts of wine are also there but onelie words lines There is nothing there indeede that can either flake the hunger o●… quench the thi●…st of the wearied man no not after that hee hath laboured night and day might and maine to attaine contentment This world is rich in pr●…ffers but of petit performance Man for a space like a Shippe before the wind are rich laden may glide gladlie ouer the sea of this world with a full saile Hee may get Ladies sailing as wee say and that in a wonderfull quietnesse but a little after such calme Alcedonian dayes are past euen while he is swimming in his wealth blessing himselfe as who but hee vp getteth a tempest and downe commeth a blast beholde a little from the Shore in sight of the Hauen in the hight of his hopes and hee is tumbled head-long downe to the bottome of the Gulfe Let this bee a lesson vnto all not to say with Dauid in his prosperitie I shall neuer bee moued Shall this bee mans felicitie which daylie is in reuerence of Winde and Waue Pyrats and Perrels Certainlie it is none happinesse for man heere to haue this wicked world at will It is Gods custome to giue the fatnesse of the Earth to the men of this World These onlie be the things whereof they haue an assigned liferent vvith that rich man in the Gospel to whom Abraham after his death cryed downe Remember that in thy life-time thou receiuedst thy good things At Abrahams requeast GOD refused not to make Ismael vvealthie in this world Concerning Ismael said the Lord I haue heard thee Loe I haue blessed him and will make him fruitfull and will multiplie him exceedinglie Twelue Princes shall hee beget The bitter teates of prophane Esau were comforted with the fatnesse of the Earth with the dew of heauen from aboue Christ cast first the bagge vnto Iudas and after gaue him a sop for to lette the world know that neither money nor meate are sure tokens of Gods fauour The wicked men of this vvorld are content with such thinges because their heauen is vpon earth they haue their portion in this life As for the Godlie though with Iacob they haue but a staffe in their hand for to goe out the vvay they will bee content if so bee that GOD will giue them bread to eate and clothes to put on * Alas that vvee cannot consider that by such heaped vp treasures men often heape vp to themselues treasures of wrath against the day of wrath Happie they vvho lay vp in store for themselues a good foundation against the time to come that they may obtaine eternall life If vvee could with a fixed and sanctified eye behold all these things for which men doe vnder goe such paines by afflicting their Soules wee should easilie perceiue our earthlinesse vvhen vvee losse such things which we loue and who can keepe them it breaketh the verie heart of all our contentments What are all such thinges I pray you euen while most pleasinglie and plausiblie they are enjoyed to the full in the most fertile plaines of plentie pleasures of this vvorld These vvhose cuppe doeth ouerflow in vvhose coffers are wadges of Gold can best if they vvould declare the vanitie of such transitorie things they know vvith vvhat cumber they are conquered and vvith vvhat care they are kept Nay man keepeth not them but they keepe the minde of man in care Cura facit canos Care changeth haire A peeuish worldling is a warded Wretch entangled with golden fetters his Palace is but a prison of carking cares in scraping together hee taketh pleasure into paine before his end hee cannot perceiue his follie But still he gads by Sea by Land seeking vpon the Sea and vpon the Earth an heauenlie felicitie till at last frustrate of all his hopes hee falleth downe into the Graue with
All his pleasures are out of tune and temper Beholde how this proude and loftie creature is so curbed withered and wrinkled that it hath nothing but the vgelie shape of a creature Thus after as in a dote hee hath tottered some space about at last hee falleth downe to dust and dust ●…neth to the earth as it was That is petere principium Then all his deuises and his discourses all his arguments and his syllogismes for Riches Honour and preferment inferre a conclusion which is but petitio principij a sort of argument scorned by the Learned as beeing an argument declaring the weaknes of the Disputer so after we haue spended our wits with our wordes all our dispute at last is foūd to be but vpō trashes triffles or as wee say de lana caprina At last all commeth to this that wee are in end found to haue beene neither in moode nor figure but onely jangling and cangling and at last returning to that where once wee beganne Thus hee who in his youth stepped statelie vpon the ground who hauing the world at wish was wont to brag it out with the brauest with big darring words after that in his life he hath beene tossed with losses cares and crosses hee lyeth down●… into his greene growing bedde that dust may returne to the earth as it was The Sunne at night seemeth to lye downe in a bed of darknesse but like a Gyant in the morning hee ariseth with force of light But man once dead shall not awake till the heauens bee no more A man in his youth with a prophane seared Conscience may swallow ouer Camels of pleasant profitable sinnes without any paine his heart beeing secured with a slumbe●…ing and superficiall quiet But so soone as the tyme of the rotten Age commeth all the sweetenesse of the sinnes of his youth is turned into gall and worme-wood the Conscience of his by past euill spent life doggeth behind him All the dregges and drosse of dolouis fall downe vpon this tyme Then the mirth of youth is turned into mourning This is the nature of sinne the joye thereof euer endeth into sorrow Who doeth not see how the mirth of youthfull lusts passeth away with the faire blossomes of youth after that commeth old age life the time of the fall of the leafe a time of deadlie diseases After that man in his youth hath drunken at the brimme the clearest pleasures of sinne in his olde sicklie age when hee hath greatest neede of comfort then must hee drinke the doolefull and drumblie dregges of sorrow This is the course of mans pilgrimage in this valey of teares Wee come weeping into this Worlde where vvee walke through troubles and temptations vvhereof except that God bee more mercifull the end shall bee bitternesse brimstone fire Alas for our benummed heart Oh that vvee were sensible of our owne miserie and could weigh what it is to toile into this world a wildernesse of woe What is heere that should tye our heart from the loue of Heauen If vvee would speake with Scripture wee would say that a thousand yeares in Heauen are but like one day on earth and againe if vvee would speake with trueth vve must say that one day on Earth seemeth longer than a thousand yeeres in Heauen Dolour and griefe prolongeth that which is made short by joye and pleasure An houre in a painefull prison is longer than a vveeke in a pleasant Palace Let mee speake a Paradoxe A Child of a day is of a thousand yeares of age older than Methushelah Why A day on Earth is like a thousand yeares in Heauen for length Fye fye on our foolish vanitie that wee cannot consider A Childe of a day may bee content with a day of life and say if hee could speake I am full of dayes yea full of yeares and full of labour I wish to be in heauen wher a thousand yeeres seeme not so long as a day yea where Eternitie it selfe shal neuer seeme to be too lōg Eye vpon too great desire of dayes while wee liue on earth as vvormes vvee creepe on it In death we creepe in it Mans heart on earth is like a tooth in the jaw the deeper roote it hath the more paine it causeth when it is in drawing out with the Turkesse A heart fixed to the earth and nailed to the ground either with pleasure or profite or desire of yeeres cannot be rugged from thence without renting of its filme If mans heart bee sette vpon long life hee shall neuer want the disease of the feaze of disease the messenger of Death A feeble fitte of a feuer will put him in a maze of amazement In a vvorde doe the best hee can all the dayes of his life are but labour and sorrow The best man that liueth so soone as hee beginneth to liue must say with a sigh All the dayes of mine appointed time will I waite till my changing come See I pray you howe the life of man as with loose reines and a laide downe head is euer in a course like a swift Dromedairie posting to a change Beholde Sir howe foolish this world is that gappeth so for many yeares that all that men haue euen to their skinne they would giue it for their life See and consider how the olde man is besieged with dolours and diseases on all sids some set on his eyes some on his eares some on his teeth some on his tongue some on his legges some on his lights and some on his liuer See how all sortes of diseases is like flesh f●…es prey vpon the old man not leauing a free bit of him from the sole of his feete to the crowne of his head See what a gostlie sight it is to beholde such ratling bones couered with a wrinkled skinne Now after that hee hath coughed and spitted on a space some few yeares beeing a burden to himselfe and a cumber vnto others at last hee sickneth and taketh bed and falleth into the hands of Death which holdeth him with fearefull grippes Then Death commeth with a colde sweate ouer-running all his bodie looketh him grimme in the face Then his jaw bones beginne to hang down and his face to grow pale and his cheekes wan Then his eyes water their stringes breake his tongue faltereth his breath shorteneth and smelleth of earth his heart lifteth his throate rattleth his joynts stiffen After that Death hath made a breach with the shot●…es of great artilerie whereby it hath beaten and broken downe all the noble partes of the bodie Death commeth in like a strong man and grippeth so the hearte of the poore man that by diuerses gaspes hee maketh his heart-strings to leape asund●… * That done the ruinous house of man falleth and his Soule leapeth out with his gaspes which in an instant must compeare before its Iudge either
subject vnto changes lik the Moone Crownes haue their composse triumphs haue their tombes All our sweetest thinges in end proue but honied poyson Thus all that yee see heere below is vnconstant The greatest kingdomes are turned about as with whirling wheeles The Kinges vpon its spokes are marked vpon this ditt●… 〈◊〉 Regnabo regno regnam su●… 〈◊〉 sine regno One Prince is lying vpon his backe another hath a spok in his hand climing vp the Wheele The third is vpon the top The fourth is fallen hauing his heeles vp his head down All the things of this world are diuided into foure Either they lye low or they climbe they stand or they are fallen The poore man is lying vpon his backe without any helpe or hope Another is fall of climbing conceits The third beeing there where all would bee euen vpon the toppe the higher hee is mounted the greater is his fall He then falleth that another may stand in his place while hee againe is lifted vp hee must stand with feare and heare Let him that standeth take heede lest hee fall At last also to him the hādwritting commeth foorth that in Gods ballance he is found wanting that therfore his kingdome must bee taking from him Then all the pleasures of his wine of his whoores then all his feasting his mirth and his Musicke is turned into a trembling feuer which maketh all his joyntes to shiuer and his knees to smyte one against another Beholde and consider how the glorie of Kings the gods of this world is brought to destruction Though their heads bee golden their feete are but of clay like Nebuchadnezars image Gods litle stone cut out without hands is able to bruise grinde in powder their Golde Siluer Brasse Yron and Clay for the allaying of the pride of their peacocke feathers Hee can let them see the blacknesse of their feete None of them can stand before the winde of that voyce Returne ye Childrē of men Though their honours which they doe broach with so bold a face were reared aboue the highest cloudes and exalted aboue the starrie Skie yet must they descend at the Euening of their life and make their bed with the beggers in the dust Thus after they haue drunke vp the pleasures of this world as Behemoth the Riuer of Iordan they at last find all to be but vanitie and change When their houre is come they must quite all and make resignation of all into the hands of a new succession for to goe dwell in the Land of darknesse and shadow of death Who knewe the weight of their Crownes they would neuer be so sicke for them as King Ahab was for Nabothes vine yarde If of any man may bee said this is most true of him who is in highest places While his flesh is vpon him hee shall haue paine and his Soule within him shall mourne After that for a space hee hath feasted with Belshazzar and fatted himselfe against the day of slaughter with Wheat Wine and Oyle at last shall hee know but too late that no Feast is continuall but that of a good Conscience * Oh that great men while their minds with Dauid are beastlie would with Dauid goe to the Sanctuarie of God for to learne that if great men be not good men though they were Kinges they are sette in slipperie places Seeing Kings and Kingdomes are but vanitie what is that on earth that is not vaine There is nothing that can stretch to eternitie below In this world all men are strangers in their birth Pilgrimes in their life at last lik combersome guests by death they are thrust out at doores The language of Tabor was that It is good for vs to bee heere But the language of heauē proclaimed that Peter knew not what he said Striue to keepe euer your heart loose from the earth The glassie sea of this vvorld is neuer without tempests Hee that would haue his Soule wained from the loue of this world let him remember but these sixe things 1. What hee is in himselfe 2. What is within him 3. What is aboue him 4. VVhat is beneath him 5. What is before him 6. What is behind him Man in himselfe is but dust and ashes a cage of corruptiō Thrise with one breath is he called Earth earth earth Earth by creation sustentation and corruption saith Bernard Within him is a blind minde a peruerse will and most vile affections yea so that euerie imagination of the thoughts of his hearte are onelie euill continuallie Aboue is a weightie vengeance hanging by a small twined threed of Gods patience Below him is a fierie fornace and the smoking brimstone gulfe of euerlasting burnings Against him Sathan and sinne with their legions posting to and fro so that when one departeth it is but to fetch seuen others worse than himselfe Before him is nothing but miserie volumnes of woes and lamentations Those bee his Day-booke Behind him pale Death followeth with stealing steppes See vvhat a masse of miserie like an hudge armie besetteth and besiegeth the whole course of the life of man till death at last come with the dead stroke and separate the Soule from the lumpish heauinesse of clay Then they that die in the Lord are blessed yea saith the Spirit That they may rest from their labours But because the day is alreadie spent yee shall now carefullie thinke vpon that which hath beene said It was a speciall propertie required in Sacrifices fitte for God that they could chewe the cude I leaue that which ye haue heard vnto your nights meditations I pray God that by his Spirit he would conuoy into the substance of that which your eare hath receiued Before I leaue you let vs all bend our knees vnto God in prayer that it would please his Highnesse to blinke downe vpon you with a reconcealed face His boundlesse and bottomelesse mercies did neuer yet know how to breake a bruised reed or quench a smoaking flaxe Let vs pray A Prayer for the sicke Man O LORD the GOD of the Spirits of all flesh the preseruer of men in whō is both power for to saue and to destroy Thou art the true Teacher of Israel Thou hast the keyes of Heauen of Hell and of the Graue Come and cast the armes of thy mercie about this sorrow-beaten sinner Rejoyce him with the comforts of thy Spirit Inspire him with holy motions and with the life of Grace till hee bee made partaker of the diuine Nature Thou hast alreadie made his heart to melt within him at the sight of his transgressions Thou hast sette all his sinnes in order before him This is out of thy great mercie wherby thou wold not suffer him to freeze in the dregs of his corruptions Now at last LORD after thou hast refined him in the fierie fornace of temptations send him
reason lik heauenlie powers are shaken so at last man like an olde house all decayed falleth downe into his dust As this little worlde decayeth so doeth this great world wherein wee liue all is failing about vs aboue vs till at last the verie voutes of heauen shall bee rent 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with a noyse and shall bee melted with fire and as it were cast into calmes whereout of shall come a new world which shall neuer any more waxe olde The sicke Man That is well said for the generall I perceiue now that the Lord by his infinite power shall spread the Heauens like paper or par●…hment and that they shal be melted like mettall Let me now 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 these wordes of S. Luke as they are written into his Gospel First hee saith Thi●… there shall bee sigues in the Sunne and in the Moone and in the Starres What signes shall these be The Pastour Some of the Learned thinke that these signes shal be 〈◊〉 whereof God from these heauenlie bodies shall make a shew vnto then vpon the earth Some thinke that this is spoken of great and strange ●…clipes that shall go●… before that day Some thinke that there shall bee such a great and glorious light that shall goe before Christes comming that both Sunne and Moone shall bee darkened as the Starres in the morning are darke 〈◊〉 at the rising of the Sun so that they cannot any more bee seene beeing obscured by a ●…ater light Some by an allegorie referre these great ecclipses to great learned men great lights in the Church making defection and Apostasie from the Trueth The sicke Man But S. Matthew sayeth That the Starres shall fall from Heauen The Pastour These words also be diuerslie interpreted Some by these fallen stars vnderstand glorious professours of the truth falling away by Apostasie such Starres are these whom the Dragon is said to draw downe with his taile These bee the words of S. Iohn And there appeared another wonder in Heauen and behold a great red Dragon And his taile drew the third part of the starres of heauen and did cast them to the earth By these starres as a learned man saith well are vnderstood these whose names in outward appearance were written in Heauen lik the Angel of Sardis who had a name to bee liuing and yet was dead Wicked men for a space may blaze like Comets and seeme to bee starres fixed in their orbe and yet at last proue to bee nothing but a bundle of filthie matter like these shote starres that come not from Heauen but from the Aire whereof the Deuill is the prince Others are of the opinion that this bee spoken of the starres of heauen viz. That they shall fall downe The sicke Man But seeing one starre is so many times bigger than the whole Earth as Philosophers esteeme how can they fall Or if they fall whither shall they goe The Pastour One answereth verie well to that that it is verie difficile to pronounce but the day of the Lord shall reueale all In my judgement by the falling of the stars with other such like things is vnderstood the decaying and passing away of the Heauens which shall in that day as S. Peter testifieth passe away with a noyse●… An house while it is olde and readie to bee taken downe will all bee full of cliftes and riftes so that the olde ●…yling that was once fast joyned together with nailes will begin to cling and then to gape the nailes also will become loose and hing out All signes and tokens of an hastie ruine It shall bee euen so of that heauenlie house when it is decayed and neare a fall the stars which are like golden nailes into the ●…yling of the world are said to bee loosed and to fall downe for to declare the falling and ruine of the world Some thinke that the Starres reallie shall fall downe like the leaues of a tree nipped with a winter frost S. Iohn speaking of that strange change and perturbation that shal be both aboue and below before that great day saith That the starres of heauen shall fall downe vnto the earth euen as a figge tree casteth he●… vntimelie figges when shee is a shaken of a mightie wind In these wordes wee see first the infinite power of that Majestie who shall shake the fixed starres out of their firmamēt againe obserue that the starres are said to bee shaken like vntimlie and greene figges and not like figges that as wee say are drop ripe which droppe downe of w●…ll without any violence By this it wold appeare that this world might stand lōger than it shall stand I think that if the Lord shuld suffer the heauens to turne about some hundreth thousands of yeares that then the stars should fall downe to the earth nor like greene figges but like fruite that is ripe at the falling But the Lord as wee see will shake the starres●… ere they bee ripe and that as some thinke for the Elects sake For the Elects sake said Christ these dayes shall bee shortened In the Greeke it is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 decurtabuntur which is to shorten or mutilat I know that the most Learned interpret these wordes of the calamities of the Iewes which God would not suffer to bee distressed for many yeares The sicke Man Mine hearte wonders at these words of the Reuelation concerning the starres which shall fall downe to the earth like vntimelie figges shaken with a mightie winde I thinke your obseruation therevpon verie pleasant The Pastour Indeede Sir the words are wonderfull but the worke shal be more wonderfull For in all appearance the heauens beeing dissolued that is all shaken asunder and the stars shaken loose falling downe to the earth and all the Elements beeing melted together in all appearance Starres Sunne and Moone Clay Water Fire and Aire shall become for aspace like a Chaos a confused lump or masse without forme as they were at the first and that till the God of order hath refined and purified all by his refining fire Some thinke otherwise but the day of the Lord shall reueale all The sicke Man That shall bee a terrible worke Now let mee know what S. Luke vnderstandeth by these words That vpon the earth shall bee distresse of Nations with perplexitie The Pastour That is men of all Nations shall bee so troubled at the sight of such thinges that like a man in a straite they shall not wotte to what hand to turne them euen as Dauid was whē he said I am in a great strait that is perplexity As for that which S. Luke saith of the Sea viz. The sea and the waues roaring by these words hee declareth that the sea shall be all stirred to the bottome so that the●… waters and all shall bee muddie an●… drumblie The word Salum turened heere 〈◊〉 signifieth properlie mare turbatum a raging troubled and
tempestuous Sea All these things that shall appeare are called Fore runners sent before to tell all the Faithfull that when they shall see them that they lift vp their heades and looke vp for to see their Redemption that is neere S Luk compareth the time of all these things that appeare before the Lords comming to the spring time when trees begin to budde When the buds shoote foorth saith hee ye●… know that Summer is at hand So likewise yee when yee see these thinges come to passe●… know that the Kingdome of God is nigh at hand The sicke Man All these fore-said things bee bu●… buds as I see forewarning vs of the Summer season wherein the Lord shall come But what is that which S. Matthew saith that after all these thinges shall appeare the SIGNE of the Sonne of man in Heauen What is that which hee calleth the SIGNE of the Sonne of man in Heauen What SIGNE thinke yee that to bee that shall bee seene in Heauen after that the world shall bee made new The Pastour The interpreters varie much in their opinions concerning this Signe what sort of Signe it should bee Some thinke that it shall bee the signe of the Crosse vpon which the Lord hang This SIGNE as some think shal be seene into the Aire before the comming of the Lord Such a signe as some write was that which Constantine saw in the Aire while he was going to battell against the enemies of Christ With this signe was heard a voyce vttered in these words IN HOC SIGNO VIN●…HS Others thinke that by the SIGNE of the Sonne of man is to bee vnderstood Christ Himselfe who is called The Signe of the Sonne of man as Circumcision in Scripture Language is called The signe of the Circumsion I incline rather to thinke with Beza that that signe shall bee some great Majestie and vnspeakable glorie aboue all compasse of comparison glorious which shall appeare whereby the comming of that Lord shall bee knowne to all not to bee the comming of a creature but of Him who is Lord of all the creatures hauing a name aboue all names The Kings and Princes of the earth while they are among the multitudes of their Subjects by some glistering jewell will be discerned from all the rest or by the great respect that is carried to their persons by these that are about them All sheaues fell down before Iosephs sheaues So all creatures at his approach shall fall downe before him As before Ioseph in his progesse was a cry Abrech how the knee so at the comming of this Lord the Angels in a manner shall cry Abrech At his Name euerie knee in Heauen and Earth and vnder the Earth shal bow Before behind and aboue that Bodie of God both white and ruddie the chiefest among ten thousand shall bee such a glorie and throng of Majestie as shall bee a certaine signe that it can bee none other but the Prince of Eternitie hee being among his most bright and glorious Angels like a Sunne among the Starres The wordes of the Earth cannot beare such a signification as may expresse the glorie of this Signe Mine hearte is without mee while I think vpon the glorie of that Lord whom all cyes shall see that day with his golden Head and bus●… Lockes Christ shall bee clothed in his triumphing apparell with such a brightnesse that the Moone shall be confounded and the Sunne ashamed as these who beeing clothed in course rayment are ashamed to be seene among these who are pasmented with gold In a word at his presence all powers shall shake and all creatures at his b●…cke shall obey The sicke Man After that that Signe shall appeare What thinke yee shall bee done The Pastour When Christ the desire of all Nations shall bee readie to come Hee shall send before him his Angels with a great sound of a Trumpet and they shall gather his dispersed and despised Elect from the foure winds from one end of Heauen to the other S. Paul saith That the Trumpet shall 〈◊〉 and the dead shall arise This shall not bee a brasen Trumpet but a ●…stiall which shall found so shrill with a princelie noise that all the creatures on Earth in Heauen and Hell shall heare it S. Paul hath three notable sayinges concerning the sound that shall bee heard at Christs comming First hee saith That hee shall descend with a shoute Secondlie With the voyce of the Archangel Thirdlie With the Trumpet of God The sicke Man The remembrance of that shout maketh mine eares to tingle and my heart stringes to tremble What a shout thinke ye that that shall bee The Pastour Some thinke that it shall bee a great noyse dinne such as is heard into hudge great assemblies It may bee a shout of victorie or of praise The Angels and millions of Sainctes who sing his praise continuallie cannot keepe silence that day They shal be all about Christ that day shouting for the joy of that desired day The worde shout in the originall is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which properlie signifieth that sounding voice which the Mariners vse to others euerie one for to moue another to row Others thinke it to be like a cry of Souldiers qualis est militaris convasatio while they trusse all their baggage for to remoue The sicke Man For what cause chieflie shall this shout bee To whom shall it bee directed The Pastour It shall bee chieflie for the Glory of God It shall bee directed to the dead who are to bee raised vp by the power of God and by the meanes of his Seruants the Angels who at the raising vp of all creatures shall shout like Mariners heauing vp that which is heauy by force of their armes What Archangel that shall be or what shall bee that voyce One saith verie well Dies Domini revelabit The day of the Lord shall reueale it The Lord prepare vs for it O what a Glorie when Christ shall appeare with hands as gold rings set with the Berill and with a bright Bellie ouer laid with Saphires The sicke Man Is it your judgement that Christ the Iudge of the World shall come downe from Heauen with a great Majestie The Pastour It is certaine of the day of his comming againe may well bee said that which was said of his first comming This is the day which the Lord hath made In that day hee himselfe shall come downe in a Charet of a Cloude as hee ascended into a Cloude All the Glorie of Heauen shall bee seene that day The Father shall bee there in vnspeakable Glorie The Holie Ghost shall bee there with vnspeakable Majestie All the Saintes and Angels shall bee about Him like burning Lampes and glistring Suns The sicke Man What passage of Scripture letteth vs see clearlie the Glorie of his comming to judgement The Pastour That passage of Daniel
is verie formal 〈◊〉 beheld said hee till the Thrones were cost down and the Ancient of dayes did ●…ite ●…base Garn●… was white as snow and the Haire of his Head lik the pure wool 〈◊〉 Throne was like the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and his wheele●… as burning fire A fie●…e streame issued and came foorih from before him tha●… sand thousands ministred vnto him 〈◊〉 ten thousand times 〈◊〉 thousand stood before him S. Iohn faith that the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand and thousand 〈◊〉 thousands Let these brutish 〈◊〉 phemers here by 〈◊〉 way ●…ak a 〈◊〉 son who say That if many be dam●… ned God shall ride with a thinne Court words 〈◊〉 to bee scourged with a thousand hels Away yee barking blasphemers God hath no neede of you nor of your like Hee who could of stones raise vp seede vnto Abraham and make stones to cry Hosanna Hosanna needeth not wāt multitudes of these that will sing his praises But hath he not Angels in Heauen alreadie who are in number tenne thousand times tenne thousand and thousands of thousands But though they were none but himselfe is hee not that great SHADAI God al sufficient who hath neede of none of whome all haue neede If I were hungrie said hee I would not tell thee for the worlde is mine and the fulnesse thereof The sicke Man This would I learne of you viz. If when the Trumpet of the resurrection shall blow these that are then liuing shall die first The Pastour The Scripture saith That they shall bee changed This change which shall bee into the twinkling of an eye shall stand vnto them in steade of death In that is the word fulfilled It is appointed to all men once to die The sicke Man Thinke yee that these that then shal be aliue shall win first to Christ It would seeme that they haue a fore start of these who are rotten in the Graue The Pastour The Scripture is plaine This we say vnto you by the word of the Lord that wee which are aliue and remaine vnto the comming of the Lord shall not preuent them which are asleepe Some gather vpon these wordes that these who are dead shall preuent them who are aliue and shal be sooner at Christ than they viz. That Adam and Eue shall bee with the first and in the first ranke and so that at that Conuention these who first were dead shall preuent them that shall bee aliue But that hath no sure ground in Scripture for though it bee said That these who shall bee aliue shall not preuent these which are asleepe it will not follow that these which are asleepe shall preuent these which are aliue The Apostle himselfe saith That we shall all be caught vp together in the Clouds As for who shall bee formost Dies Domini revelabit The day of the Lord shall declare it The sicke Man I see thē that your opinion is that all flesh that day must arise and compeare before God and that none must be excepted But how is it that the Godlie onelie by Christ are called The Children of the resurrection By that it would appeare that none shall arise but the members of Christ The Pastour It is most certaine that all shall arise All that are in the graue shall heare his voyce and shall come foorth they that haue done good vnto the Resurrection of life and they that haue done euill vnto the resurrection of damnation As for the Godlie indeede properlie they are the Children of the Resurrection because they shall arise willinglie out of their beddes and because by the vertue of Christs Resurrection they shall arise hee being the Head and they the members which must follow after that Head As for the wicked they shal be scourged out of their Graues the force of wrath shall draw them out that as Malefactors they may come heare their doome pronounced against them The sicke Man I heare you say according to Gods worde that all that are in the graues shall heare his voyce and shall come foorth If that bee where shall the little Children that died without Baptisme bee The Romane Church teacheth that such goe to a prison where they shall neuer see the face of God Shall not their bodies come out of their Graues If the Heauens and the Earth passe away what part can they be in where they shall not see Gods face The Pastour Indeede Sir your reason refuteth that errour sufficientlie For certainelie their bodies must come out of their Graues It is not possible but in that day they shall see Christ. Truelie to put such into an euerlasting prison for such a cause were to blame the Lord himselfe of injustice The Lord hath said The sonne shall not beare the iniquitie of the father What if the father by negligence shall neglect to cause baptize his Childe shall the Childe for his fathers negligence be clapped vp into euerlasting prison If that were should not the prouerbe bee true The fathers haue eaten sower grappes and the Childrens teeth are set on edge It was well said by Bernard Non privatio Baptismi sed contemptus damnat That is not the want but the contempt of Baptisme condemneth If any condemnation bee the Father who contemneth and not the Childe who contemneth not shall bee damned S. Ambros speaking of Valentinian who disceased before he culd come to him for to bee baptized said Quem regeneraturus eram amisi sed ille non amisit gratia●… quam poposcit That is I haue lost him whom I was for to regenerate but hee hath not lossed the grace which he sought None but baptizers of Bells will be against this trueth The sicke Man I am well satisfied in that point I wonder much howe men should goe so farre astray Where shall these bodies of little Children bee in the day of the Resurrection if they shall not compeare before Christ the Iudge I thinke this argument can hardlie bee answered vnto Another difficultie heere may be moued concerning Baptisme which the Apostle taketh as an argument to proue the Resurrection What shall they doe saith hee which are baptized for the dead if the dead rise not at all why are they then baptized for the dead The wordes seeme verie difficle The Pastour Indeede Sir they want not difficultie Some interprete the words for the dead That is Vice loco mortuorum The custome was among the Christians as S. Ambros recordeth that if any dyed without Baptisme some of the liuing came to the bed where they were dead or to their Graue and there were baptized for them Chrysostome and Epiphanius declare that this was a custome among the Marcionites which they reproue as a vaine inuention Others interprete these word●… of these who on their death-beds were baptized that thereby all by-gone sinnes might bee purged away Others interprete To be baptized for the
the earth in the Spring to grow greene and the Cornes to come vp at the first with small green points and after to shoote vp to the shot bled after that to come to the Seede that at last beeing cut downe in a white ripenesse it may be lay●…e vp into Girnels Euen so the Gospel like a Sunne shining from the heauens commeth after the colde frostie season of the dead Winter of our Nature and by its Beames warmeth vs and wakeneth vp the seede of grace sowen into our heartes by the good hand of God After that with its heate by little and little it ripeneth these sowne graces at last while wee are ripe and while the graces of God in vs are come to their perfection the Lord sendeth his seruāt Death to cut vs downe with a sickle After that by Death we are cut downe the Lord treasureth vs vp into euerlasting Tabernacles the Girnels of the Prince of Heauen farre from the keene rasors of lying tongues Now seeing the day is f●…r spent here I shall pause leauing that which hath bene said to your nights meditations By that grace of God I shal returne in the morning earelie He that made Peter safelie to walk vpon the swelling waues vphold you so that ye sinke not at the rising of any boisterous blaste of temptation Gods Children in this world are lik these three Children in the fierie furnace though such fire seeme to bee a consuming fyre it shall not bee able so much as to sindge their apparell The sicke Man But before yee goe Sir according to your good former custume by your deuote prayers committe my Soule to the armes of my Sauiour I euer feare that my false heart giue mee the slippe As God hath giuen you a diuine tong so Lord giue me a sanctified eare the sweetest spirituall musick and harmonie of Gods seruice Oh that with Peter I could gird my coate and swimme thorow all the swelling seas of temptations that I might come vnto my Lord. Offer vp I pray you Sir for mee the Christian sacrifice of prayer Resigne my Soule into his mercifull hands Oh that I could with you homage mine heart vnto God in feruent supplications wee are not able as I see to stand a moment in the right way without Gods vnderpropping hand Alas Sir I finde in my prayers great distractions which wonderfullie blunt the edge of my deuotion while my mouth is speaking to God my minde is speaking with follies and phansies If a man speaking vnto a Prince should nowe turne him vnto this man and now to that man would not that Prince at last commaund him silence enjoyning him with all speed to packe him out of his presence as being a man who knoweth not what is matchable to such a Majestie Many a time alas haue I at prayer babled out with my lippes many sauourles words which haue wrought nothing but the sadding and grieuing of Gods Spirit O Lord make this meditation of mine owne vnworthinesse bee like a whet-stone to my prayers that by helpe thereof I may pray better than euer I did before Giue mee grace at all times but speciallie in prayer to keepe watch and ward ouer my thoughts that I neuer let loose the bridle vnto them as most foolishlie often I haue done rushing my Soule ouer head and eares into the myres of earthlie mindednes Now good Lord make mee fresh and nimble in my Spirit for prayer Oh for that Spirit of spirituall groans which maketh intercession for the Sainctes according to the will of God I desire your helpe in prayer The night is noysome I lye downe I say when shall I arise and the night beginne I am full of tossing vnto the dawning of the day The Pastour I rejoyce with my Soule to heare you I know no surer token of Gods Spirit within a man than a ben●…nes to prayer Reprobates with Herod may gladlie heare Preachers But they all in Scripture are branded with this blot They call not vpon God Desire of conference with God is a most sure token of friendship betweene God and man Can two walke together except they bee agreed Can two speake together except they be friendes Hypocrites I knowe will make long prayers which are but lip labour which our Lord calleth much babling But their heartes in their prayers wander from God goe to worldly toyes so that while they are speaking one thing with the mouth their hearts are vpon another subject Thus Scripture calleth A drawing neere to God with the mouth while the heart is farre off * God cannot bee scorned but knoweth howe much is behind though Ananias would seeme to bring all Hee who can pray from his heart by his prayer as with a piercing keye is able to vnlocke the celestiall treasures of God where out of hee will draw comfortable cordials for distressed Soules in their gasping agonies Let vs now bend our knees most humblie before our Maker and worship him both with heart mouth the most pleasant harmonie of a Christian Soule The Lord set all our hearts rightlie on worke For the heart of man in prayer is most bent to play reakes in wandering from God A Prayer for the sicke Man O Great and Omnipoten●… GOD whose Eyes are ten thousand time brighter than the Sunne at Noone Day Our sinnes cannot bee hidde from The●… Faine would wee confesse them but alas for this hardnesse of hear●… Smite O LORD smite these our hearts of yron soften them with the fire of thy Spirit till my sighs sobs they melt within our boweles O●… LORD who shall not feare thee to whom is giuen all power both in heauen and earth When we remember thy last Sessions which shall bee in that great last judiciall day it maketh all the haires of our head to start vp Wee are instructed by thy diuine Word that the fashion figure of this world shall passe away and that all Thrones shall bee remoued that that most Royall glorious Throne may bee erected for the comming of the Son of man O LORD in that great and terrible day all thinges must compeare naked before Thee Then shalt thou bring to light the things which were hidde in darknesse and shalt make manifest the most secret counsels of mens hearts From thy face nothing shall bee able to procure escape Happie shall that Soule be on whom in that day thou shalt bleink with a reconcealed face O gracious GOD whose goodnesse is bottomlesse and greatnesse immeasurable Now speake home to the hearte of thy seruant heere who in his fainting weaknesse hath desired me to powre out this prayer for him All his desires are toward thee stampe vpon his Soule the Image of thy selfe Giue him a pawne and a pledge of thy fauour make him assured that in that day hee shall finde thee a fauourable Iudge who shall cry on him among the rest of thy Children Come
him that is a Being which causeth all beeings From motions men in nature will come to motions till they clime vp to Primus motor the first Mouer On him will they looke as a man in an high Feuer to whome this man that man will say Know yee mee know ye mee The sight of the braine is so dazeled that it is paine much labour but to heare these three words Knowe yee mee Braine sicke Nature can by no meanes know God till the Feuer of nature bee cooled with Grace After that the coole of Grace hath broght a sweate wherwith the Soule is purged from the rotten humours of iniquitie then the Soule becommeth like a man after a Feuer come to himselfe againe According to this it is said o●… the Forlorne that he came to himselfe after that hee was cooled of his foolish Feuer Till we come to our selues by Grace wee shall neuer be able to know the Lord by Nature All that the most wise Pagans culd doe by the whole helpe of Nature was to come from beeing●… to him that is the cause of all beeing and from motion to the first Moue●… But who that Mouer was the feuerof Nature made their braine so giddie that they could not discerne him When all the Clergie of Athe●… into that Famous Colledge of Gre●… had sought out this God to feele 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and finde him they wandred 〈◊〉 and downe in their imagination●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Sodomites about Lots 〈◊〉 no●… beeing able to finde it All their 〈◊〉 knowledge which was but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 could no wi●…e reach vn●…o him For this cause they set vp an 〈◊〉 into their moste learned Citi●… with this in●…tion written into great Letters TO THE 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 * Behold where the true God was vnknowne euen in the Citie where Socrates Plato and Aristotle●… the great lights of Nature had reached publicklie The verticall point●… all their knowledge could I neuer reach vnto the borders nay not vnto the base of the Gospel Behold and see where Science was to be sold in greatest aboundance there was a profession of the ignorance of the true God written vpon their Altar in great Letters for by the greatnesse of the Letters to declare the grosse dulnesse of their ignorance Hee who knoweth not God were hee neuer so learned what can hee speake of Heauen 〈◊〉 What should Heauen it selfe bee without the presence of God but like a Citie laide wast or like an olde Dungeon not inhabited where Iim and Zijm resort As for vs blessed bee God we know that there is a God into the Heauens the sight of whose backe partes made the face of Moses so to shine that no eye vndazeled culd behold him What a Majestie must this bee whose backe-partes printed such a light into the face of a man that no man could behold the face of a sinner stamped with a second impression This is he who as Scripture teacheth dwelleth into an inaccessable light of which a learned Pagan hauing seene some light impression not in the face of Moses but onelie into the face of Nature said a great word Lumen est vmbra Dei Deus est lumen luminis All light which wee see is but a duskie shadow of God But God is the Light of light a liuing Light the Life of light the Sunne that shineth to the world aboue and the Candle of Heauen Christ the Sunne of righteousnesse in Heauen shall bee without any shadow of the Earth which is the cause of ou●… night Hee shal be a Sun which shall shine continuallie both round about and in all the partes of the Heauen for there shall bee no night there For to come thither man should bee content to pluck out his right eye euen his sweetest bosome delights The sicke Man Mine hearte is wained from the loue of the base lump of this Earth I desire to heare some-thing more cōcerning these celestiall buildings which Scripture calleth euerlasting Tabernacles the resting place of all created desires Seeing there after Death wee must sojourne eternallie let mee hea●…e of the Glorie of these heauenlie Mansiōs prepared for Gods most precious jewels O these blessed burnished vauts all beset with diuine Dyamonds Let mee heare a description of that Palace The Pastour The matter is high Our creeping wordes of Babel cannot reach to the ancles of such loftie matters are but of yesterday and know nothing As I know I shall in my stammering tong and mussling speech doe what I can for to allure you to the loue thereof As for the structure furniture and beautie of that Palace of our God it is wonderfull By no skill can any mortall hand chalk them out There is that blessed Bridegroomes chamber garnished with an azured Curtaine which is embrodered and spangled with starres of light as with golden studs whose beautie no mortall tongue is able fullie to expresse Well may wee say and sing of that Citie that which Dauid sang of its figure Glorious thinges are spoken of thee O thou Citie of our God nay let mee rather say of the figured Citie such glorious things are in thee that they cannot bee spoken O thou Citie of our God All the glories we see without are but sparkles of these infinitlie bright blazing perfections which are within euen things which eye neuer sawe eare neuer heard and which cannot enter into the heart of man One said verie well Res verae sunt in mundo invisibili in mundo visibili vmbrae rerum That is In Heauen the invisible world is the substance of thinges indeede but in this visible world on earth is nothing but shadowes of thinges which are lesse than accidents The greatest glorie that wee see in the out-side of the Heauens is but a vaile that couereth the glorie that is within as the Badgers skinnes couered the Arke of glorie and the Tabernacle But because wee are in this world as childrē in the wombe wee cannot conceiue what can bee without this world wee haue made a great conception if wee can conceiue that it cannot bee conceiued wee muse well of Heauen if while wee muse we bee amazed counting all joye pleasure profite and preferment below to be both losse doung in comparison of thinges that are aboue which infinitlie goe beyond all created comprehensions If these who goe downe to the deepes see the wonders of the Lord what wonders shall they see who are in the hights of eternitie What rest can a man looke for till hee bee into the Heauens There the blasts of winds and tempests of tongs terrours of Cōscience are not there the Church the Lords Lillie is no more among the thornes There the heart of man is no more greiued nor ouer clouded with lowring Melancholie all is in peace within All is calme cleare There is
bee powred vpon the desolate These bee the wordes of the Prophet of which Christ said Who so readeth let him vnderstand The meaning is this By this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 abomination of desolation The most learned vnderstād that Romane armie which vnder Vespasian and Titus fearefullie wasted the land of Iudea sacked the Citie of Ierusalem It was said To stand in the holy place that is in the holie Land of Iudea neare vnto Ierusalem the holie Citie In these wordes Christ foretold of the ruine of that Citie according to Daniel who of before had particularlie set downe the time Thus as yee see the Romane armie was called The abomination of desolation that is Abominatio desolans seu vastans abominablie destroying This is more cleare in S. Luke When yee shall see Ierusalem compassed with Armies then know that the desolation thereof is neare When that destroying and abominablie desolating Armie compassed that holie Citie then did the abomination of desolation stand in the holie place Some of the Learned interpret this abomination standing in the holie place to bee that profanation of the Temple Collocata ibi Aquila multis patratis quae per legem non licebant vnde etiam m●…x sequutum est Templi vrbis geni●… excidium By placing therein the Eagle the Romane Ensigne and by doing diuerse other thinges forbidden by the Law wherevpon the desolation of Temple Citie and of Nation did ensue The sicke Man I thinke now that I vnderstād by you that which by reading hitherto I haue not vnderstood What other thing could ensue but an abomination of desolation where the Messiah was cut off If for the blood of Cain vengeance was to be taken on the murtherer seuen-fold for the blood of L●…mech if his brags were true seuentie and seuen fold what vengeance must bee taken vpon the shedders of the Blood of God which not onelie with the blood of Abel did cry vnto God from the ground but also from the heauens wherein the Sun cloathed in doole wrapped for a space in his mourning weede would not looke vpon that creature wherevpon his Master was slaine But for to leaue this Ierusalem which is now abominablie desolate Let me heare something of the spirituall Ierusalem The Pastour The spirituall Ierusalem is called Ierusalem which is aboue also the Citie of the liuing God the heauenlie Ierusalem and also the holie Ierusalem descending out of heauen from God The sicke Man Thinke yee that in all these passages of Scripture Ierusalem bee taken after one sense The Pastour I answere that the spirituall Citie Ierusalem in Scripture is taken two wayes either for the Church below wherein God as in a Citie calleth the Godly to immortalitie and happinesse Or it is taken for the heauens where the Godlie actuallie possesse that which they had heere but in hope In the first sense the Church militant on earth is called Ierusalem aboue and the heauenlie Ierusalem The sicke Man Seeing by that Ierusalem is vnderstood the Church heere below wherfore is it called Ierusalem aboue and the heauenlie Ierusalem I thoght euer that such a Ierusalem did signifie the heauens The Pastour It is called Aboue and heauenlie because all the true Godlie the denizens thereof minde the thinges that are aboue Though their bodies bee heere their heartes are into the Heauens For our conuersation as S. Paule saith is in heauen For this spirituall exaltation of heartes the Church in the New-Testament is called The mountaine of the Lords house established in the top of the mountaines exalted aboue the hill One speaking of this Ierusalem which S. Paul called Ierusalem aboue the mother of vs all noteth quickelie these things In hoc quod dicitur sursum originis altitudo Quod Ierusalem Pacis multitudo Quod mater Foecunditatis amplitudo Quod nostrum omnium Charitatis latitudo It is called Aboue from the highnesse of its Kinred a●…d pedegree It is called Ierusalem from aboundance of peace It is called Free from its great liberties It is called ●… Mother because of its fruitfulnesse It is called the Mother of vs all to teach vs charitie and loue Are wee not all the Children of the Church our Mother Why then as Ioseph said to his brethren See that yee fall not out by the way The sicke Man I haue often heard of Ierusalem that most famous Citie of the Land of Iurie but I could neuer well know wherfore it was so called Bethlehem Bethel Bethauen are easilie known by their significations viz. House of Bread house of God house of wickednesse But as for Ierusalem I vnderstand not its signification The Pastour Learned men are of diuerse opinions concerning the name thereof Some thinke that it bee so called from Iebus which was its name while the Iebusiens dwelt there Hierom thinketh that it is so called from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Greeke word which signifieth holy according to this in Scripture it is called The holie Citie others are of the opinion that Sem the sonne of Noah called it Salem that is Peace and that Abraham called it Iehouah I●…eh The Lord will prouide or see Thus at last Salem Iireh put together by Dauid made Ierusalē that is Vision of Peac while it was called Salem Melchizedech was King thereof called by the Apostle King of Salem The sicke Man Let mee heare a little of the situation of that Citie and of that Land of Canaan The Pastour From Britaine it lyeth toward the South East One calleth it Centrum terrae vmbilicus the Center nauell of the Earth In it were two moūtaines of great renown mount Sion moūt Moria Sion like an halfe Circle as writters record did lye at the South side of Ierusalem On it was builded the strongest Fortresse of the Citie There before Dauid's tyme was the strong Hold of the Iebusites so strong as they thoght that blind lame mē were able to keepe it against whomsoeuer This Mountaine was higher than all the rest Sion signifieth drynesse because the Hill was dry without any myre or dirt As for mount Moriah this was the Hill wherevpon that Temple was builded Then Solomon beganne t●… build the house of the Lord at Ierusalem in mount Moriah The ground wherevpon that statelie House did stand was that threshing floore of Ornan the Iebusite which Dauid wold buy from him for the full price The occasion was this Dauid hauing caused number the people the Lord was exceeding wroth so that in reuenge hee sent out his Angel who killed with the sword of Pestilence threescore and ten thousand men At last Dauid lifting vp his eyes saw the Angel betweene the heauen and the earth with a drawne sword stretched out ouer Ierusalem which hauing seene hee and the Elders of Israel cloathed in sacke cloth fell vpon their faces At
that tyme Ornan with his foure Sons while they were threshing Wheate saw also the Angel and hid themselues Dauid vpō that occasion bought the floore and offered Sacrifices with prayer and God answered him by fyre vpon the Altar of brunt offering and so God was pacified After Dauids death Solomon builded the Temple there It signifieth the feare or doctrine of GOD The sicke Man Let mee heare a little of that glorious Temple The Pastour It was seuen yeares in building The length thereof was threescore cubites and the breadth thereof twentie cubites and the hight thereof thritie cubites all the stones were readie for the wall before they were brought thither So that there was neither Hammer nor Axe nor any toole of yron heard in the House while it was in building Those that write of this Temple diuide it in three parts First toward the West was Sanctum Sanctorum the Holie of holies called also the Oracle This by a vaile was diuided from all the rest At the death of Christ this Vaile was rent from the top to the bottome Before that no man might enter into it but the hig●… Priest that but once in the year●… not without blood There stood the Arke wherein was the Pot of Mannah and Aarons Rod and the Tables of the Couenant The sicke Man While I was a Scholler I heard that passage confronted with another which declareth that neither the Mannah nor the Rod were in the Arke but onelie the Tables The Pastour Indeede it is written that the Mannah was layed vp before the Testimonie or Arke In another place it is plainlie said There was nothing in the Arke saue the two Tables of stone So indeede in that passage of the Epistle to the Hebrewes the Greeke word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifieth juxta beside the A●…ke The second roome of the Temple is called by the Apostle The first That is the first part of the Tabern●…cle Not first in dignitie but in regard of entrie if it bee compared with the Holi●…st or Oracle This part is called Sanctum Sanctuarium 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Sancta which word some of the Learned take to bee corrupt as also 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 In this middle roome was the Candle sticke and the Table of the Shew-bread and the Altar of incense The third parte of the Temple toward the East was the Porch called Atrium Heere stood the Brasen Altar wherevpon the burnt offerings were burnt sub dio vnder the open aire as some think on this altar was kept that fire which came downe from Heauen Heere stood also the Molten sea set vpon twelue Oxen. c. The sicke Man I haue heard concerning mount Sion and mount Moriah and of the holie Temple with great contentment Now I intreat you to let me heare of the mount of Oliues while Christ was nigh vnto the Mount hee sent his Disciples into a Village for to bring him the Asse whereon hee rode thorow Ierusalem the day the little Children cryed Hosanna Hosanna The Pastour Indeede this Mount is well renouned by Christes often resorting vnto it While hee was sitting vpon the mount of Oliues hee taught his Disciples most diuinelie concerning the destruction of Ierusalem and the signes preceeding as also of the end of the world of the signes of his comming to Iudgement It was vpon the mount of Oliues that Christ told Peter that before the Cocke cre●… twise hee should deny him thrise It was to the mount of Oliues that he came out of Ierusalem after his last Supper for Matthew saith That after they had sung an Hymne they went out into the mount of Oliues It was at the descent of the mount of Oliues that Christ said That if men should holde their peace the stones would cry ou●… his praise It was in Gethsemane a valley at the roote of the mount of Oliues where Christ suffered the bloodie agonie While hee there in a colde night did sweate blood there the Disciples slept With himselfe hee tooke a part Peter Iames and Iohn to whom hee said My Soule is exceeding sorrowfull vnto death tarrie yee heere and watch There the Lord fell on the ground praying that if it were possible the houre might passe from him all this befell to our Lord at the roote of the Mount of Oliues At last from the mount of Oliues our Lord ascended vnto Heauen As for the Mount it selfe it is so called because of the Oliue trees which grew there in great aboundance S. Augustine calleth it The mountain●… of vnction because of its great fertilitie Others calleth it the mountaine of health because of diuerse Herbes good for Physicke which growe there Ierom writteth that vpon this mount the red Cow was burnt whose ashes were prepared by the Priest●… for separation and purification This Mount was s●…uate toward the East from Ierusalem some thing more than a mile between it Ierusalem runneth the Brooke Kidron The sicke Man Mine heart is sore wounded to heare of these places which hath bene so renouned by the pen of God I haue heard of Sion of Moria and of the mount of Oliues Now let mee heare of Hermon The Pastour The Hill Hermon is also made glorious by Gods word wherein mention is made thereof The heauens are thine saith the Psalmest the earth also is thine The North and the South thou hast created them Tabor and Hermon shall rejoyce in thy Name Dauid speaking of brotherlie loue and of the communion of the Sainctes compareth it to the oyle that ranne downe vpon the beard of Aaron To this hee subjoyneth As the dew of Hermon and as the dewe that descended vpon the mountaines of Zion In the Song of Solomon mention is made of Shenir and Hermon This Hill hath three names the Iewes call it Hermon the Amorites call it Shenir and the Sydonians call it Sirion Moses by the figure Syncope t●…king out two Letters calleth it Syon From Aroer to Arnon saith he euen vnto mount Syon which is Hermon This Mountaine is thought by some to bee higher than mount Syon that is in Ierusalem It is neare the Iordan not farre from the mountaines of Gilboa where King Saul was slaine Some will it to bee called Hermon from Heren res devota a thing consecrate to God or to an holie vse The sicke Man There is a passage in the Psalme concerning Hermon whereof I know not well the sense O my God saith the Psalmest my Soule is cast downe within mee Therefore will I remember thee from the Land of Iordan and of the Hermonites from the hill of Missar or the little hill The Pastour These wordes want not difficultie In our poesie they are turned after this manner And thus my Soule within mee Lord doeth faint to thinke vpon The Land of Iordan and record the little
with Iaphet in the Church of God Amen The sicke Man I haue heard sufficientlie concerning the earthlie Ierusalem diuerse parts of the holie Land that with griefe of heart because in that Land where God once was well knowne now the enemies of God dominire The cry of Christs Blood is yet still against it so that it hath spewed out the ancient inhabitants Lord make all Nations by its example learne to stand in awe to prouoke so great a Majestie Now let vs come to that Ie●…usalem which is aboue the Palace of the great King where God is seene of his Sainctes face to face In what place of Scripture is mention made of it The Pastour In the two last Chapters of th●… Reuelation that heauenlie Ierusalem is described The sicke Man How can that bee seeing it is said that Iohn saw that heauenlie Ierusalem descending out of heauen from GOD. The Pastou●… As Ierusalem Gods Church heere below is call●…d Ierusalem which is aboue because her heart is in heauen with a great desire to bee there So Ierusalem the triumphing Church aboue may bee said To descend out of heauen because of the great desire they haue to see vs all well heere below Daylie they pray in Heauen for the Sainctes heere fighting on earth vnder the bloodie Banne●… of Christ Iesus They pray fo●… them all in generall which cannot bee without great affection descending from the reflexe of their loue toward our God If by some Angel they heare the report of the conuersion of sinners there is great joy●… in Heauen That good will and affection they beare vnto the Sainctes below in Scripture language is called a descending out of Heauen The sicke Man O but ae I thinke that Citie must be glorious The Pastour No glorie is comparable to that which is there That Citie is called an holie Citie Holinesse is the chiefest beautie that is This was good Moses his prayer Let the beautie of the Lord our God bee vpon vs that is true holinesse This most excellent beautie of the heauens is typified by the most bright glauncing of precious stones Her light saith S. Iohn was like vnto a stone most precious euen like a Iasper stone cleare as Crystall two creatures colour greene and cleare most pleasant for the sight of the eye By all this this Citie had twelue gates and at the gates twelue Angels whom I may well call Coelestes Ianito●…es the blessed doore keepers of Heauen The building of the wall was of Iasper and the Citie was pure Gold like vnto cleare Glasse The foundation stones which are laid in our buildings are but of the commonest sort But all the foundation stones of this Citie vnder whose Vaults wee sojourne here are most precious stones as Iasper Saphir Chaleedonie Emerald Sardonix Sarduis Crysolite Berill Topas Iacinct Amethyste If such glorious stones bee the foundation stones what glorie must bee aboue in the Palace top where is the busking of Beautie As for the gates The twelue gates were twelue Pearles euery seuerall ga●… was of one Pearle Wonderfull gates of wonderfull Iewels for who euer on Earth sawe a Pearle so great as an Apple Behold and wonder how the greatest doore of Heauen should bee of one Pearle As for the streetes of the Citie they were pure gold as it were transparent glasse This Glasse one calleth it Aliquid auro nobilius quod non est inrerum natura That is Some thing more precious excellent than gold which thing is not in this worlde to bee found O mercifull God what stupiditie is this in man that hee cannot so feruentlie loue this God who hath builded for his Soule bodie such a pleasāt Palace where he shal sojourn for euer in most happy immortality O mercifull God what a deadnesse dulnesse is this in our spirits that we cannot but after many reasons arguments be content to remoue from these our sinfull Tabernacles of clay for to goe dwell with our God in his golden Citie Palace of siluer where the Lord for euer shall feast vs with the joyes of his countenance among these purer Spirites his excellent Ones the Angels of glorie The sicke Man It is certainelie a great blindnesse Lord put the eye salue of Grace to our carnall naturalleyes that our sight beeing cleared thereby wee may get some glimpse of these Palaces and Pleasures that are aboue O Lord hoise vp mine heart raise it out of the muck of this earth mak the relish of Heauen to dash out of mine heart all earthlie desires It is marueilous how the Soule of man shuld be such a stranger to heauen When I consider howe the Soule that diuine proportion so noblie furnished with powers of great e●…euation euen of most high contemplation should so deba●…e it selfe among myre and dirt not hauing a face to behold the heauens it putteth mine heart into a wonderfull maze What can a Soule find either in heauen or earth except God alone which is able to satisfie the desires of its so wide Capacitie O the beautie of these celestiall buildinges all Gold and Azure But rather O the beautie of GOD himselfe in whose presence is the greatest glorie of that painted Palace O the beautie of beauties of him whose mercifull presence shuld turne the hels of paine into heauens of pleasures for euermore O let the beautie of the Lord our God bee vpon vs * O what a fickle follie is this for man to losse eternitie of happinesse for the minute of a miserable life in worldlie pleasures wherein is more sensible paine than joye that can bee enjoyed But to follow out our purpose intended concerning heauens glorie I haue Sir alreadie heard of the beautie of that Citie nowe let mee heare of its Boundes None as I thinke shall bee there troubled for want of Elbow-roome The Pastour * O the vnspeakable bounds that bee there S. Iohn saith that it was measured with a golden reede The measure thereof as the word of God testifieth was Twelue thousand furlongs which is more than fifteene hundreth myle Numerus indefinitus pro definito A Citie greater in boundes than who should joyne together in one that great Niniuie Paris Rome London Venise Alexandria Constantenople and that great Alcaire or Babylon a citie containing in circuite foure hundreth foure score furlongs Nay joyne all the Cities of the world together in one and they shall in no way bee comparable vnto this Citie of our God as it is ●…et downe in the Cart of the Reuelation Let a man behold the Cart of the world and in it hee shall easilie couer with his hand all the bounds of Europe But behold how the Heauens in that Cart of God occupie more than fifteene hundreth myles What I pray you is all this Earth in comparison of these heauenlie Mansions but an hand-breadth in
comparison of fifteene hundreth myles What wonder seeing as the most learned Philosophers haue obserued the least fixed conspicuous starre which feemeth to bee but a golden naile fixed into this seiled house containeth the greatnes of the earth eighteene fold Others of the greater sort are esteemed to bee more than an hundreth sold greater than the whole earth It is most certaine that if the whole bodie of the earth were where a star is it should not appeare so great as that little blacke spot that we see into the Moone Nay certainelie though an hundreth Earthes as great as all this were joyned in a cluster or in one masse they should not there appeare so great as a little more in the Sun for seeing a star which is of such a bignesse and such a brightnes seemeth to bee but a sparkle as much of earth as would come to the greatnesse of a starre beeing corpus opacum a bodie darke and duskish shuld not in any way bee able to bee an object for our sight heere below Fye on foolish Atheimse that will not looke vp to the Heauens for to consider what an Arme it can bee which turneth about with a continuall whirling Bodies of such a quantitie The sicke man Oh that wee could vnder value our selues as wee should to acknowledge our stupiditie Hee is not a man indeede but a beas●… that can not say and thinke with that wise Agure Surelie I am more brutish than any man and haue not the vnderstanding of a man The Pastour Oh that wee were wise for wisedome is better than Rubies Oh that wee were wise for the man that wandreth out of the way of vnderstanding shall remaine in the congregation of the dead Wee are such muddie worldlings that wee cannot thinke of that immortalitie of pure and refined pleasures that are aboue The sicke Man But to the purpose Is there not a Temple in Heauen wherein the Sainctes conueene for the seruice of their God The Pastour S. Iohn saith That hee sawe no Temple therein for the Lord God Almightie and the Lambe are the Temple of it The sicke Man I vnderstand not howe the Lord God can bee said to bee the Temple thereof O Lord sette bounds and limi●…s to my curiositie Let the loue of thy selfe haue the preheminence in swaying all my desires A Temple or Church properlie signifie a particular house appointed for Gods seruice for so it is that such an house should not bee in heauen But the Lord himselfe shall bee to all the Sainctes in steede of such an house The Temple is a place properlie for offering vp of sacrifices for instruction of ignorants for comforting of these that are afflicted To declare vnto vs that there shall bee no neede of such thinges the Scripture teacheth that there shall bee no Temple but that the Lord and the Lambe shall bee the Temple that is shall bee in steede of sacrifice instruction comfort joye all other good things vnto his owne so that hee shall bee All in all No created Spirit is able to conceiue wade thorow such mysteries The sicke Man The summe of your discourse as I perceiue is that though that Citie want a Temple God himselfe by his presence shall bee in steede of all thinges which are helpefull vnto vs heere But it would seeme by another place of the Reuelation that in the Heauen there is a Temple There was giuen mee a reede like vnto a rod saith S. Iohn and the Angel stood saying Rise and measure the Temple of God The Pastour By that Temple is to bee vnderstood the Church of God on earth as the most Learned esteeme They also thinke that this Calamus mensorius measuring Reede is the rule of holie Scriptures wherby Sectes Heresies are discerned from the trueth of Religion By this Temple heere I say Wee must vnderstand the Church of Christ according to this it is said to the Faithfull Know yee not that yee are the Temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you The hearts of all the faithful are a Temple which God hath consecrate vnto himselfe for his Spirit to dwell in The sické Man O my God keepe still mine heart in an holie spirituall temper Soften and season it with the dew of thy Grace Inlighten the eyes of my mistie minde that beeing made quicke and nimble they may sharplie discerne and with a liuelie vigour apprehend their blessed object euen God himselfe the Soueraigne felicitie of my Soule O Lord of immortalitie make heauenlie meditations only to lodge into mine heart which may bread therein thoughts of a more noble and spirituall temper then ordinarlie arise and are fostered in earthlie minded men ' who drinke vp iniquitie like water and feede vpon it as the horse Leech vpon corruption The Pastour The Lord giue eare to your desires Oh that wee could consider how our drousie thoughts and dull affections are so glued vnto the vvorld as though Eternitie of happinesse were lodged vpon earth and the short time of pleasures had its residence onelie in the Heauens Such follies and fancies by the subtilitie of Sathan are moulded into vnstable and vnhallowed braines There is a secret influence of folie from the corruption of our Nature whereby except that Gods Grace stand in the gap and debarre it all the wisedome of God shall seeme to bee but follie vnto the Soule of man The sicke Man The Lord giue vs wisedome in all things But to follow our purpose seeing wee are now speaking of that heauenlie Ierusalem I would gladlie heare you declare the differences that are betweene the heauenly and the earthly Ierusalem The Pastour There bee many notable differences worthie our obseruations 1. The earthlie was builded into dust and now it hath the salt of Gods curse sown vpon it The other hath its foundation into the Heauens blessed for euer 2. That which is below had not a gate for euerie Tribe neither were all Israel free Denizens therein But as for the Citie aboue The gates thereof said Ezekiel shall bee after the name of the Tribes of Israel The name of the Citie from that day shall be IEHOVAH SHAMMAH The Lord is there S. Iohn saith That hee saw this Citie enuironed with a wall both great and high with twelue gates and at the gates twelue Angels and names written thereon which are names of the twelue Tribes of the Children of Israel 3 That which was earthlie was abhorred by the Gentiles and at last by them destroyed and now by Turkes possessed and subdued But as for Ierusalem aboue The Nations of them which are saued shall walke in the light of it the Kings of the earth doe bring their honour glorie into it 4 These of the earthlie Ierusalem could not see without the light of the Sunne by day and of the Moone by night It behoued them to haue
fire and Candles in the night time as in any other Citie But to Ierusalem aboue God hath said The Sun shall no more bee thy light by day neither for brightnesse shall the Moone giue light vnto thee But the Lord shall bee vnto thee an euerlasting light and thy God thy Glorie Thy Sunne shall no more goe down neither shall thy Moone with-draw it selfe for the Lord shall bee thine euerlasting Light 5 In the earthly Ierusalem often in place of Iustice was a seat of malice But in the new Ierusalem euill judges shall haue no sitting but the Throne of God and of the Lambe shall bee in it an appointed seat for the righteous Lord who shall lay judgment to the line and righteousnesse to the plummet The sicke Man O but my Soule is going to a pleasant Palace O thou my Soule rejoyce within mee that God hath prepared such pleasures for thee O how ami●…ble are thy Tabernacles O Lord of hostes Mine heart is in heauen Glorious things are spoken of the●… O thou Citie of our God The Pastour It is certaine that mans heart can not conceiue the beautie of these buildings within If the house of God on earth seemed so pleasant to King Dauid that hee counted this the one thing hee would seeke that hee might dwell into it what shall wee thinke or say concerning Gods Palace in the Heauens One thing said hee haue I desired of the Lord that I will seeke after that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the dayes of my life to behold the BEAVTIE of the Lord. Lords mercie what dulnesse and deadnesse of heart is this that wee seeke not after the same should not this be our one thing euen our onelie hearts desire to dwell with God aboue for to behold that BEAVTIE of the Lord these euer g●…eene pleasures in his celestiall arbours There is nothing heere below which can bee sufficient for to expresse the image nay not the shadowe of these things that are aboue In the most glorious creatures which are below as Gold Glasse Crystall Pearles and precious Stones we may see some thinges like shadowes of these glorious thinges aboue But there is no creature heere which can carrie to our imagination the shadow let bee the image of the glorie that is vp into that Holie of holies O but God is wonderfull in counsell and excellent in working But our Soules are so sleepie and sluggish that they cannot consider The fancies and folies of the earth bring vs quite out of conceite with celestiall pleasures Alas in the best of vs the seedes of grace lye buried vnder the thornes shamefullie ouertopped by them The little dramme of goodnesse in our hearts is waighed down with weightie talents of wickednes a mighty streame of earth●…y thoghts and worldlie desires lik a Torrent carieth our Soules down the hill from all heauenlie contemplations The clawing flatterers of our worldly affections whisper vnto vs that it is good for vs to bee heere The sicke Man The Lord subdue the master sinne which like a Ring-leader and head of all wickednesse maketh all our purest conceptions of heauen to be come moodie and drumlie O Lord let thy graces in mee bee presentlie vp in armes for to remoue all such earthlie mindednesse from mine heart by the power of thy diuine Armerouse vp this drousie soule that it may seeke thee afresh by a renewed act of Faith and Repentance Make mine heart to detaste all earthlie pleasures which are but rotten at the heart Kindle in mine heart a loue of thy Palace aboue stirre vp all my desires with a foretaste of the pleasures that are there that finding the comfortable relish thereof I may most willingly desire to be dissolued and to bee with Christ in the heauens for euer O Lord in stead of all meanes both outward inward supplie mee aboundantlie with the presence of thy Spirit Waine my Soule from the loue of the earth that thou may winne it to the loue of the Heauens O happie they who studie to pietie and puritie for no vncleane thing shall bee able to enter into these mansions O Lord let vs not bee like these who after that they haue seemed to disgorge their stomackes most filthilie with the Dogge swallow vp their owne vomit againe O shelter mee and saue me from the vnsoundnesse and vnsettlednesse of a deceitfull heart that I lash not out into the excesse of supperfluitie of wickednesse now while wee are speaking of the heauens make all the loue of the earth hencefoorth to bee cryed downe into my Soule The Pastour Lord heare thou in Heauen I am rejoyced that while we are speaking of the heauens the Spirite of grace furnisheth you with such heauenlie prayers which would hearten any man to runne thorow hell to Heauen except that hee bee of the number of these who thinke it but a tricke to goe to hell The sicke Man I pray you now Sir to continue into that purpose concerning the glorie of Heauen for it affecteth much my Soule Your powerfull speach maketh my minde to stay in a feeling meditation vpon these beauties that are aboue If I heard not such good purpose my mind would either feede vpon dull and fruitlesse melancholie or else should gade and runne ryot in reuellings and in a world of foolish and fond imaginations The thoughts of man cannot runne long without rubor interruption in Spirituall things except that God in mercie both support them outwardlie and sinew them inwardlie by the finger of his Spirit The hearts of men are so light in their gading that moste easilie are they moued to glide ouer the best things and either swinishlie to wallow infilthinesse or furiouslie to follow these whose whole pregnancie of witte is spended vpon trifles Thus mirrilie they passe away that tyme wherein they should redeeme the time that is past I wish that mine heart by your discourse were confined to celestiall meditations Proceede now I pray you where yee left at last The Pastour My speach was that all the most glorious creatures that wee can either see aboue or below are lesse thā shadowes types or figures of things that are within the Heauens In them as in a Glasse we see weaklie the invisible things of God As a man not beeing able to face the Sun beholdeth him in a Basen full of water and yet not without some dazeling of his sight That weakened light will mak his eyes to water and teares to trickle downe If the glory of one of Gods seruants be so glistering in robes of light that no man can behold him but into the glasse of another creature and that also with great paine It is certaine that God must put many moe creatures betweene himselfe and vs that the glorie of his beames beeing weakened by diuerse reflexes from one creature to another man with his weake tender eyes may looke
joyes that are aboue the Heauen of heauens Hee who with penne and inke would set out the greatnes of that glory which is to bee seene within that blessed Building should bee as who would foolishlie tak paines to paint the Sun with a coale In vaine shall a man prease to expresse that which cannot be spokē but into vnspeakable words Words come shorter than thoghts and thoughts come shorter infinitly than the thing it selfe The sicke Man I haue heard with great ioye of the vnspeakable glorie of God himselfe of the beautie of his Princelie Palace I desire now to heare some thing more at large concerning the estate of the Sainctes wherein they shall be when they shall dwell with God after the resurrection The Pastour It is most certaine that they shal be there into a farre better estate than wee can imagine For if Da●…id thought one day in Gods earthly hous●… better th●… a thousand else where what shall it bee when wee shall bee in Heauen the Citie of our GOD whereof God is the House and the Temple The Saincts shal be in such glorie there as that no earthlie tongue can tell If in this world by be holding in a glasse the glorie of the Lord wee are changed into that same Image from glorie to glorie what a change shal bee made when we shall see not Gods Image not in a glasse but himselfe face to face If the sight of his Image in the glasse of his Gospel hath such a working power as to change vs into the same Image heere on earth what a change shall bee made of vs in the Heauens when we shall see God euen as hee is All the godlie Gods warriours then shall liue in peace and rest As their life on earth was a continuall battell so shall their life in Heauen bee a perpetuall triumph Then the winter of their affliction shall bee past The stormes of their miserie shall blowe no more On Earth joyes and sorrowes are combined together In Hell is sorrow without any joye In Heauen shall bee joye without anie sorrow There they all in bleached coats of righteousnes shall blaze brighter than the Sunne God beeing in them shall burne in them as hee did in the Bush They shall burne but not bee consumed While S. Iohn was rauished in the Spirit he behelde a great multitude which no man could number all standing before the Lambes Throne cloathed in white robbes which had beene bleached from their blemish by the blood of the Lambe hauing the testimonie of two Senses he reporteth what hee saw and heard With his eyes hee saw them cloathed with white robes and Palmes in their hands The one was their innocencie the other was their victorie With his eares hee heard the songs of their triumph They cryed said hee with a loude voyce Saluation to our God which sitteth vpon the Throne With them were Angels Elders roūd about the Throne all falling down vpon their face and singing Blessing and glorie and wisedome and thankesgiuing and honour and power and might bee vnto our God for euer and euer Then with vncōquerable comforts shall all Christes crouding Turtles bee loueinglie comforted Then shall all their sighes bee turned into songs Then joyes vnspeakable shall fill all their senses without any surfet Euerie Sense shall receiue more than all mortal hearts can conceiue But which is of all good things the sweetest relish there shall bee such vnspottednesse of life and loue among the Saincts as the heart of man here cannot conceiue Euery one shall rejoyce of anothers wel as much as they shall doe of their own felicitie The enuious man seeds-man of all strife debate shall not be there All selfe-loue which is of a niggardlie nature enuious of the good of others shall be quite away in the place therof shall come such an heauenlie loue that shall make all the joyes of Heauen to be common As was in the primitiue Church so shall bee there but in greater perfection a communitie of goods One shall not say This is mine or that is thine But as wee shall bee all in Christ Christ in vs so shall wee bee all one in another filled one with anothers joye All state of strife then shal be farre away In Ierusalem aboue an euerlasting peace is within her walls and perpetuall prosperitie within her Palaces All the godlie glistering like starres shall rejoyce one into anothers light Euerie one of them by twinkling and be●…kning vnto other with celestiall smiles shall bend all their force for to giue glorie to the Sunne of righteousnesse the fountaine of all their light All Soules there shall bee most wonderfullie beau●…fied with internall externall and eternall happinesse There God onelie shall speake peace vnto his people and vnto his Sainctes who shall neuer returne againe to their folies Mans chiefe contentment in the heauens shal be in loue first with God and then of one with another O these euerlasting streames of contentmentes which shall flowe into these blessed breastes sequestred for euer from all doole and distresse The sicke Man Lord make all these thinges to liue freshlie in our memories My Soule is inflammed with loue to heare of that loue which shall bee betweene God and his Saincts and among the Sainctes themselues Your discourse Sir with a plausible and pleasant insinuation windeth it selfe into the affections of mine heart It hath alreadie winne mine heart to him to whome it most justlie belongeth Blessed bee his Name for euer Seeing yee were speaking of that vnspeakable loue that shal be between God and vs and also among our selues I pray you to say some thing more concerning that matter The Pastour I shall doe what I can brieflie As for God euery Soule shall loue him better than it selfe because it shall then perfectlie know that God hath loued it more than euer it was able to loue it selfe As for all the Saints wee shall loue them equallie with our selues as beeing all members of that mysticall Bodie Then and not till then shall bee the perfect practise of that second great command the summe of the second Table which is to loue our neighbour as our selues If the Soule of this naturall Bodie in the toyle of our pilgrimage hath such a commande ouer our naturall affections that it maketh vs to loue all the members and euerie member to worke equallie well for the good of another O mercifull God what greater loue shall proceede from that Spirite of Loue which shall bee in the Heauens euen the Soule of that mysticall bodie of all the Elect Looke how much grace surpasseth Nature and Glorie surpasseth Grace the Spirit of God which shall animate this bodie shall so much more straitlie make the members thereof to liue in Loue The holier the Soule bee within a man the greater loue concord is betweene his members
But if the Soule be not holie all the members will shortlie discord The one Hand will cut off the other The Hand will wound the Heart or cut the throat and the Mouth will bite the Fingers But O what loue shall bee then among the members when our Sanctification shall bee made so perfect that nothing more can bee added vnto it O what loue peace and concord shall bee there where God who is loue like a more powerfull and noble forme shall in an vnspeakable manner informe all the members of that mysticall bodie Wee all then shall accord to one thing All our wils shall bee according to Gods will And eue●…ie one of our wills with another shall bee like our two eyes whereof the one cannot so soone turne but the other must follow after it for to behold the same object Wee cannot now comprehen●… this For mans reason heere on earth is like a riuen vessell which can not containe the discourse of immortalitie Our mindes are so drossie ●…mpish that they cannot conceiue euerlasting matters Wee speake now of Loue O but Loue now is litle among men we may say of it in this last age as Lot said of Bel●…h Is it not a little one Though it bee little now it shall bee great in these dayes Then shall it defie all sickle and foolish changes In this worlde belowe three graces dwell into the Soule of man like three sisters viz. Faith Hope and Charitie two of them conv●…ye the godlie Soule vnto the doores of Heauen viz. Faith and Hope but Charitie entereth in The Lord openeth his Doore to Loue Faith beeing a substance of things not seene so soone as the Soule commeth to sight it ceaseth to be because there is no such substance there Hope being of things to come so soone as the future is become present it hath no more a doe But Loue entereth in and as fyre posteth vp to fyre so Loue swiftlie flieth to God for God is Loue and for to speake so the verie element of Lou●… Till Loue bee at him it is like a thing out of its element the place of its ●…ost there shall our soules feede on his Loue In such a feeding they shall bee as if they were euer hungrie and as if they were euer satisfied As the heauens hunger is without any laking so is its fulnesse without any loathing On Earth as it is said Voluptates commendat rarior vsus Single vse maketh pleasures the more agreeable But in Heauen the more our Soules shal haue the more they shall desire The more they shall desire the more they shall receiue So by an infinite multiplication joyes and pleasures and contentments shal be heaped vpon godlie Soules for euer like fyre in fuell which suppone the fuell be infinite can neuer die out but day lie increasseth as it were from a sparkle to a flame What shall I say more There shall bee such a fulnesse of all good thinges that no Soule shall bee able to receiue a greater desire of more All shall bee content all shall bee vnspeakablie glorious and made perfect There shall be no blemish into our bodies nor sinne in our Soules Iaacob shall not halt Mephibosheth shall goe straight blind Isaac then shall see Leah shal no more be bleared the deafe shall heare the dumbe shall speak The lame man shall leape as an Hart and the dumbe mans tongue shall sing Then shall these words bee perfectlie performed There shal be no more a pricking briar vnto the house of Israel or any grieuing thorne of all that are round about them Then shall our wearied Soules find aboue the highest circumference of Heauen the Centre of our rest God then shall bee our Sanctuarie in whom we shall haue joye and gladnesse without feare of ending O folie folie folie Why should we for such earthlie toyes losse such celestiall joyes Hee that for so little pleasure losseth that which Christ hath bought with so great paines as said a Father Stultum Christum reputat mercatorem That is Hee thinketh Christ to bee a foolish buyer while indeed he himselfe is a most foolish seller When one day with prophane Esau he shall bitterlie repent his bargane then shall hee know what a pennie-worth hee hath of all his pleasures The sicke Man Alas that men cannot consider O my God master and mortifie all such corruptions within mine heart that they be not able to lay my soule open to Sathans temptations But to proceede in our purpose what thinke yee shall bee the chiefe exercise of Soules in Heauen The Pastour It shal be to sing Psalmes of praise and to follow the Lambe whether soeuer hee goeth from East to West or from South to North. The sicke Man Alas that for this pricke of earth men should doe that which shall debarre them from that Palace of pleasure Our bodies as yee thinke shall not then bee wearied in following the Lambe were it to goe neuer so farre The Pastour O not Then shall our Soules bee refined from the drosse of sinne Then shall wee bee free of all this lumpishnesse of clay caused by sinne wherewith now wee are both cloyed and clogged Our motion then shall bee swifter than the Sunne in his course As with a●…thought our hearts will compasse the Heauens so shall wee goe most swiftlie whether wee desire As by the motion of the Eye wee looke from East to West or as the Sunne beames while he ariseth are suddenlie darted from the one end of Heauen to the other so shall it be of our motion then for we shall bee carried with the infinite power of God which shall not be subject to the Lawes of naturall motions below As for example here can be no motion without resistance All motions whether from aboue or siō below or ouerthwartlie finde enemies by the way opponing themselues to that which is moued as Edom did to the Israelites saying Thou shalt not passe by mee The stronger the opposition bee the motions are the slower Man cannot wade thorow waters so swiftlie as runne thorow the aire vpon the earth because the partie is stronger which is against him all things goe so below but aboue no bodies shall oppose themselues to the Children of God What euer bee aboue all shall goe with them they shall bee like shippes before the winde carried with a mightie gale There is nothing heere like vnto that that shall bee into that celestiall Fabricke But not bee curious to diue into such deepes This is certaine that the Sainctes shall bee carried there with the force of an vnspeakable power and that without anie wearinesse They shall runne saith the Prophet and not bee wearie they shall walke and not faint What can these want who beeing companions of the blessed Angels shall abide with him in whose face is fulnesse of delight There all our pleasures
shall bee so pure that no vncleane inclination shall be able by any juggling feat of conueiance to cogge in it selfe into our heartes any more O the foolishnesse of mans blind and bewitched heart that for a moment of toylesome time should losse that Eternitie of joye The sicke Man Thinke yee that in Heauen wee shall bee of diuerse ages Children men or olde men as wee were here when wee deceased The Pastour It is hard to tell wee must not swerue from the wisedome of Gods word Scripture heere is silent But seeing Heauen is the place of perfection it is probable as some Diuins thinke that in Heauen all shall bee in greatest perfection Seeing say they that infancie is imperfection and olde age is defection none of two are conuenient for bodies that are perfectlie glorified As the Sunne taketh the mid course of Heauen so shall the godlie who shall shine like Sunnes abide in the middest beeweene the Poles of all extremities for there shal be the perfection of Vertue Age Stature Beautie and of all that shall concerne them All shall bee content for all shall drinke their filles out of the Riuer of the vnmixed pleasures perfections of God which neither Man nor Deuill the strength of Hell or length of eternitie shall euer bee able to trouble or make drumlie The sicke Man There is one thing which earnestlie I desire to know viz. Whether or not wee who on earth haue liued together and loued one another shall know each other into Heauen The Pastour It is thought that so shall be and that because of the presence of God in whom is such a Light that by it wee shail see and know these whom wee neuer did see or know on earth When Christ was transfigured vpon mount Tabor down came Moses Elias whō the Apostles had neuer seene of before Though they had neuer seene them before that yet by the light of Christes transfiguration they were so inlightned that they did perfectlie know what they were If the sight of that figured light gaue such a knowledge vnto sinners that they knew these whom they had neuer seene what shall it bee when all obscure figures and also our sins which maketh all good thinges obscure shall bee remoued and God shall bee All in all But though we should all know one another as I thinke indeede we shall all these carnall respectes which are heere as of Father Mother Wife Childrē shall all fall from vs lik the mantle of Elias before wee enter into Heauen for to enjoye these Empyrian pleasures which are so far aboue the fadome and reach of all changable mortalitie Wee thinke much now of such earthlie respectes which are indeede Coagulum hujus vitae the verie curding and joyning together of greatest naturall contentments But seeing all such things are but things of Child-hoode they shall not enter into our thoughtes when wee shall bee perfect men into the Heauens the presence-Chamber of our God When I was a Childe saide S. Paul I spake as a Child I vnderstood as a Child I thought as a Childe But when I became a man I put away childish things So long as a man is into this world if hee be compared with that which hee shall bee hee is but a Child hee vnderstandeth as a childe hee speaketh as a Child and hee thinketh as a Childe All the dearest naturall respects that are heere are but childish things Seeing they are so when we shall come to Heauen where we shall bee perfect men they all shall bee put away I will let you see this in a natural figure In this world we haue that which wee call Child hoode and that which we call the perfection of a man Now tell me I pray you should it be seemelie for a graue Senatour sitting before his Prnce and confering vpon the most weightie matters of the Kingdome to beginne and speak what he did with this Child and that Childe with whom he was wont to ride vpon Reedes Would hee beeing a wise man at such a time beginne to discourse how with these little companions hee builded vnder a bowre little houses into the sand or how in their childish conuentions they made their litle feastes of Pieres Nuts and Apples Would a wise man thinke ye in the presence of his Prince put off the time with such purpose No not When the foolish Child is become a wise man hee speaketh no more as a Childe neither vnderstandeth hee as a Childe neither thinketh he as a Childe Such childish thinges in Heauen shall not so much as once come into his thought for that were to thinke as a Childe That which is now in part shall bee done away at the comming of perfection which shall bee in that Coronation day Because we are heere but children wee cannot now vnderstand the wisedome of the words thoughts that wee shall haue aboue Languages then shall cease One shall not speake English and another French and another Spanish That Babylonish confusion of tongues shall bee taken away and wee all shall speake the Language of the Lambe God then shall speake no more vnto his people with stammering lippes and with another tongue Then shal be no difference of contrie-men or estates whether they were borne in Asia Europe or Affrica There shall it not bee looked to whether they were Kings or Subjects Masters or Seruants bond or free In the Heauens is neither Greeke nor Iewe Circumcision nor vncircumcision Barbarian Scythian bond or free But Christ shall bee All in all What can bee laking vnto man where God shall bee vnto him All in all yea and the Soule of his Soule As the Soule is in the whole man whollie in euerie part so shall the whole diuinity in the heauens informe the whole mysticall bodie and bee in it whollie and that into the least member thereof God beeing All in all Then and not till then we shall bee satisfied aboundantlie with the fatnesse of Gods house and drinke of the Riuers of his pleasures yea and our Soules shall feast themselues by all our senses vpon vnmixed joyes free from the mudde and distemper of all displeasures In a worde our heartes shall bee fastened to our God with such cords of loue which no thing aboue or below shall bee able to vntwine Heere is our journeyes end heere is our resting place from our labours and toilesome trauels Heere is absence of all euill and presence of all that is good Heere the Lambe is the Temple and the Light and the Tree of Life that bringeth foorth fruite euerie moneth euer new joyes without perishing of the olde euer new pleasures without any loathing of the former euer new light without any darkning euer new life without any dying euer new delightes without any dolours euer new Glorie without any grudge euer new mirth with out any mudde of miserie * Bodilie pleasures worke a
drawe the desires of his heart to abide into that P●…lace of pleasures where there is Light without Darknesse Mirth without Sadnesse Health without Sicknesse Wealth without want Beautie without blemish For the sake of thy dea●…e Selfe seale vp into his Soule the assurance of thy loue that in all bol●…nesse through the bleeding bowels of Christes compassions hee may come to the Throne of thy grace frō thence he may enter into glory O LORD the comfort the joye and the glorie of Israel Bee fauourable to thy distressed Sainctes dispersed vpon the Earth Thy Church here below is like a shippe on the sea Though it floate aloft it is fore tossed to and f●…o with wind and with waue thou therin seemeth whiles to sleep Now LORD at last awake in these boisterous blastes Master Master saue vs for wee perish Awake O LORD and rebuke the winds Alas O LORD thou seemeth now to lowre in thy wrath by driuing all our petitions from Thee with a darke and cloudie countenance so that these that trust in Thee are cleane dashed out of countenance while they heare the scorninges of the aduersaries who nowe waste and hauocke thy Vine Arise O LORD as a man of war Awake as one out of sleepe and like a mightie man that shouteth by reason of Wine Smite thou all the enemies in the hinder partes and put them to a perpetuall reproach Take the Cudgell into thine hand and stricke a way these Dogges which follow Thee but for crustes Let vs neuer bee colde or carelesse in the distresse of others but for to assure vs that wee are all members of one Bodie giue vs this pledge of mourning with these that mourne Make vs all to bee grieued for the affliction of Ioseph Blesse our gracious SOVERAIGNE with the Spirit of Wisedome and of Grace Rescue Him from all dangers both bodilie ghostlie Thogh Hee bee a Prince among men yet Hee is thy Subject Thou who by Grace hast made Him to reigne ouer thy people on earth at the end of his appointed time when the dayes of His Reigne shall bee happilie finished exalt Him highlie in the heanens among thy Sainctes and Angels So long as Hee is heere let Him know that it standeth Him fast in hand to bee an Hornager vnto Thee Direct him so in all His cariage that His whole life may bee to all His Subjects an holy patronage of good example Let Him neuer retract nor repeale that vow which Hee made at His Coronation for to maintaine the puritie of thy Gospel and for to bee a louing Father vnto thy people Cloth his enemies with shame but vpon Himselfe make His Crowne to flourish Blesse His Royall Match Make Her to striue stretch all the powers of Her Soule by prayer in searching the sincere knowledge of thy truth LORD in Her carefull search make Her to say at last with the Spouse I haue found him whom my Soule loueth I will not let him goe Thou LORD louest Trueth in the inward partes and therefore so sanctifie Her Hearte that She may day lie thriue in the power of Godlinesse Though all outward meanes should faile Her bee Thou to Her in stead of all meanes aboundantlie supplying Her with the power and presence of thy Spirit Leuell LORD Her Heart directlie to the loue of Christ of him crucified that by a true liuelie Faith in him Shee may shine among the Sainctes in Heauen like one who in a great measure hath beene receiued in Grace on earth Let thy Preastes bee cloathed with righteousnesse Blesse all our Nobles mak them truelie noble not like Ephraim whose righteousnesse was like the morning dew Let them neuer for feede or fauour slinke or shrinke back from the puritie of thy Gospel established in this Land Giue vnto vs all courage for the Trueth that wee may bee bold to resist euen vnto the blood not beeing like these who at the first in an hote and hastie zeale promise faire with Peter but anone at the first womanlie temptation start aside like deceitfull bowes Suffer no sinne to goe current with vs without check Let vs neuer follow the sway of tymes with sewed Cushions vnder our Elbowes LORD abide with vs this night As thou hast drawne the night Curtaine of darknesse vpon the face of the earth so bee thou a pillar of the cloude betweene vs and our enemies Hide our soules from Sathans temptations as by the cloudie pillar thou hid the Israelites from the Egyptians Make vs this night to sleepe softlie and soundlie in thine Armes that our bodies beeing refreshed with sleepe may bee the better enabled to morrow for to sette foorth thy Glorie in the work of our Vocation LORD let these our weake prayers come vp before Thee like Pillars of smoke perfumed with the liuelie sauoure of thy Son To whom with Thee and the Spirit of Grace bee endlesse Glorie and Dominion for euer Now Sir wee haue recommended you God to who is stretching out the Armes of his mercie readie for to receiue your Soule into the bosome of his Loue Make you nowe readie for him for in all appearance ye are not farre from the doores of death Bee vigilant in prayer lest Satan yet put in his leauen into the Spirites dough and so by sowring it make it distastfull to the Lord By a little droppe of filth the pure webbe of the Spirit will become a menstruous cloath The sicke Man The lost Sheepe is found I giue you most heartie thankes for that feruent prayer I pray God that it be heard in the Heauen as Solomon prayed for these that prayed in the Temple which he had builded saying Then heare thou in Heauen Lord graunt that these comforts and contentments bee not deceiuable feelinges and flashings of joye O Lord let not the Spirit of Grace in this new birth recoyle as once Zarah in Thamars wombe Seeing God hath furnished me with a new spirituall strength I wish that I culd imploy it well for the short space that I haue to liue among mortall wightes in this region of corruption O Lord stirre all the streames of mine affections toward thy selfe Wound ward weaken wasle all my delightfull and darling sinnes that my whole joye may rest on Thee command confine all my thoghts to thy selfe that by Faith my Soule may seaze and lay hold on the merits of Christ the celestiall Pearles of price Disburthen my soule of euerie weight that hangeth so fast on lest that thereby it should bee swayed away from Thee I finde mine hearte stirred with a feruent desire to powre out it selfe in prayer before God I pray you all that sit by to joyne your affections with mine into this worke The sicke mans Prayer for himselfe O LORD the Father of mercies and GOD of all Consolation bee present in thy great mercie with mee thy vnworthie seruant into this time of trouble suffer mee earth and ashes to speake
persons in appearance lik shooting starres fall downe in diuerse places with their blazing profession from Heauen vnto Earth a most sure token of a tempest to come Too manie alas shame goodnesse by seeming good like Frogges infro●…kes Vice in the habite of Vertue While inwardlie the heart is rotten nowe or then corruption must burst out into scab scandel Many with their faire profession are like Rowers in a Boat who look one way but goe the cleane contrarie For this cause I intreat thee to studie the substance of godlinesse and not to bee like these whose chiefest care is spended vpon shewes S. Paul speaking of the life of the Godlie saith That it is hidde with Christ in God It is so hidde there that none shall bee able to find it for to steale it away or to take it by force but not so hidde but that it must also appeare in all the effects of godlinesse When God commanded Ezekiel to p●…each vnto the drye bones that they might liue hee ordained for him this Text Thus saith the Lord God come from the foure windes O breath and breath vpon these slaine that they may liue For to apply this where there is a life after slaughter I speake of a spirituall life a life hid in God the●…e must appeare foure effectes from the foure winds From the East the Orient of that life there must bee an arising from sinne From the West there must bee a dying to sinne euen a setting and going downe of wickednesse From the South must come the heat of zeale moisted with showers of teares of true repentance At last from the North must come a chill colde of trembling feare to offend God whereby wee make an end or worke out the worke of our Saluation with feare and trembling These bee the foure partes of godlinesse wherein all Christian Soules must bee carefullie exercised In this is the substance of true godlinesse It is better to bee starke naught than to double our sins by seeming good It is easie to juggle the outward eye of flesh but that inward Eye which seeth our thoughts a farre off nothing shall escape There is not a Crowne of life for carnall liuers Hearken vnto mee mine heart Bee busie in prayer joyne fasting therevnto lest that the high feeding of the flesh make the bodie to kicke against the Soule which is too farre in loue with the bodie Of a pampered bodie may the Soule often say in some measure as Christ said of Iudas He who hath eaten bread at my table hath lift his heele against me All fleshlie pleasures are both vaine and vile They are like blisters which beginne with itching but end in swelling sores Beware of such succred poyson My counsell is that often thou reade the holie Scriptures and particularlie the thirtie one Chapter of the Prouerbes where thrift and godlinesse are joyned together Bee carefull and painefull in thy manag●… Think surely that Idlenesse is the mother of all mischiefe Seeke Gods grace both earnestlie and earelie A little with Gods blessing is a rich heritage An handfull of meale and a little oylein a cruse was sufficient for the Prophet and the Widow of Sarept●… till the famine was past That blessed handfull was better than the best prouided Barne or Girnell in the Land The grace of God is an heritage of greatest and surest rent Vnsanctified prosperitie is but a seeming Sun-shine which vnauoidablie must perish Blessed is the woman who with Marie in some measure is receiued in grace Tak good heed to thine heart watch well ouer thy thoughtes though thoughts be called light the sinne of thought is heauie from the inward thoughts spring and sprout all outward mischiefes As for thine outward carriage meddle not in other mens matters Curious searchers of the life of others are often carelesse correcters of their owne Manie neglecting the hudge beame in their owne ye must needs bee tampering with the little mots that are in others A slacked tongue and a slacke hand keepe other companie An idle woman must bee a pratler when the hand cannot practise the tong must prattle To such it is scorne to preach that for euerie idle word wee must all bee answerable My deare Spouse I must tell thee all that I thinke concerning thy wel for I desire thy Soule to bee knitte with mine into the bundle of life Take good heede to thy selfe these who in this world haue a name to li●…e haue great neede to rule well their life The nearer a bodie bee to a lighted Candle the greater is the shadow thereof so the nearer the bodie of sinne bee to one that is inlightened the greater is the Scandale thereof Put the breadth of thy finger hard neere to the Candle it shall make a shadow greater then all your bodie but the farder it be remoued the lesse it will appeare Remember I pray thee how neare thou art to the Candle of a bright glorious profession a little Mot of euill will bee called a mountaine in thee because thou was my wife and because wee haue liued with good report The wicked are most faine to take the Godlie but tripping in a lesser fault of their infirmities they make bucklers for the defence of their maliciousnesse V●…e my counsell for feare of scandale and for to flee all appearance of euill Hatte the verie garment spotted with the flesh Watch well ouer thy selfe both alone and in companie Striue neuer to seeme to bee that which thou art not indeede Many haue much more than they shew but moe shewe much more than they haue The Religion of the greatest part for all their pretences is but a smoke a shadow a blast or a sound Substance without appearance is better than appearance without substance The Soule which hath but a forme of godlinesse is most deformed in Gods sight Ordinarlie shee who is most farded is most filthie Vices are most vile when they are shrouded and ouer-cast with a countenance of Vertue a vizard of pietie maketh one a monster in Gods eyes There is no such villanie as that which is varnished ouer with colours of godlinesse Sinners may cloake sinne and couer it for a space but they cannot stand long for wickednesse shal be broken as a tree Let therefore thy Faith within appeare in thy life without All the Faithfull should be like the roule of that Booke which Ezekiel saw in a vision which was written within and without If there bee no Letters of life written without there is no liuing Faith within but a dead carion of Faith for Faith without works is dead For this cause flee the foggie lithernesse of the flesh and striue for the fruites of Faith Aboue all be earnest in prayer the preseruer of honestie Heare Gods word with reuerence as good newes from a farre Countrey Let this word be a
straight rule to direct thee in all the cariage of thy life let no worldlie businesse with-draw thee from it while it is preached These who eate their bread with greatest sweate eate not the sweetest bread It is not earlie rising nor late going to bedde that enricheth Though for a time Marthas toyling and troubling her selfe about many thinges seeme to bring much profite it shall bee seene at last that it is the grace of God that enricheth This is most certaine the ●…urest fastning in this world is but loofenes without God in whom alone is the certainty of that which shal neuer perish In all thine affaires in all companies remember that in the secrete closets of thine heart thou haue frequent ejaculations vnto thy God that hee may guide and guard thee while thou shalt encounter with temptations hardlie shall shee bee caught that feareth the snare Sathan with his baites lures is euer waiting for to catch his prey Hee hath three great gunnes three great impoysonners whereby hee wasteth the graces and good names of many viz. The lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life It shall bee thy best to arme thy selfe against these three by holding continually a wakening and jealous eye ouer thy whole conuersation If the euill thought be stiffled so soone as it beginneth to stir into the heart it shall neuer bee able to produce an euill action into the hand For this cause wise Solomon gaue a precept which I may call a spirituall Cordiall which is that aboue all watch and ward men and women should keepe their heartes Manie with Hypocrites may seeme to haue their hands in heauen by giuing almes with the Pharisee while indeede their proude loftie faithlesse heartes are in Hell God looketh not so much to the outward action as to the inward affection The Lord cannot away with the painted superficiall flourishes of holines of these that are false hearted and meerelie formall The Israelite indeede in whose heart is no guile is the Lords delight Studie therefore I intreate thee to the puritie and power of godlinesse Bee carefull to write all these heart precepts vpon the palmes of thine handes lest that vnawares thou bee woefullie caught and ensnared in some scandalous sin whereby thou shalt shame thy profession All mortall feete are feeble and stand in a sliperie ground O what danger is in giuing way to our first sinfull motions while sin is least feared it is most to bee feared Sathan is most dangerous while hee is transformed into an Angel of light Poyson confected with Sucre is moste piercing and deadlie Smiling Ioabs are most cunning in smiting faire alluring tickling temptations oftest preuaile Manie are like the Larke which while it playeth with the feather and stoupeth to the glasse is suddenlie enwrapted in the Fowlers net There is nothing more dangerous than securitie While Peter thought himselfe stronger than all men Sathan was hatching three abominations in his heart which at last brake out first in lyes and last in perjurie stand in awe and sinne not One sin draweth on another lik links in a chaine Wee haue sinned wee will goe vp that is wee haue sinned wee will sin Keepe euer GOD in thy sight and bee humble Bee carefull in all thy cariage to liue in good example Allow not thy selfe in that which is euill flee the folies of this age which is wonderfullie giuen to new guises of decking the bodie most womens hearts are sowred with this leauen Let spirituall joyes be thy jewels the good works of thine hands let them be the gold rings of thy fingers the matter of thy pleasures There is nothing more pleasant than to doe wel For this cause good workes are in that Song of songs called a gathering of Lillies and flourishing of the Vines She who is too curious of the outward decking of the Backe cannot bee carefull of the inward trimming of the heart Fard and foolish vaine fashions of apparell are but Bawds of allurement to vncleannesse Away with these dyed Dames whose beauty is in their Boxe such dawbinges are soone washed off from these painted Iezabels such melting faces are not meete for marterdoome for the cause of Iesus vnder such false faces is no lodging for true and honest hearts In all things striue thou to be sobe●… Beware to out runne thy rank or to out weare the fashions by attyring thy selfe too gorgeouslie Soft appparell is but for Kinges houses What are such Cuts and Cordons Silkes and Satins and other such superfluous vanities wherwith manie aboue their ranke and place are so disguised but infallible tokens of an vnsanctified heart With such follies often are joyned libertine eyes wandering in wanton glaunces Let my counsell please thee Idol not thy bodie with these who habour in their bosome the snake of pride Let thy chiefe care bee to decke the hidden man of the heart A meeke and humble soule is a great ornament in Gods eyes This is Scripture The ornament of a meeke quiet spirit is of great price in the sight of God Shee whose heart is truelie godlie will be most carefull to put on that which most will please the Lords eye Consider well what I say Follow not the fickle fancies of vaine womē whose minds are like the Moone in a continuall change but rather bee a Schooler of these whose wisedome is constantlie contrarie to all new fangled follies Too curious busking is the mother of lusting lookes the Iuy-Bush hung out for to inueigle vnsanctified hearts vnto folie What are these finest silkes the fairest feathers of our pride What are they but wormes worke moathes meate Striue for the power of mortifying grace while the flesh is lusty and at a full sea the Spirit is at vnder euen at a low ebbe The pampering pride of life is the bane and poison of spirituall graces beware of it It is an high treason against the most High it is a sinne which first lifteth vp and after bringeth downe with a shamefull fall that which it hath once lifted vp The heart of man is lik the shell-fish which pride as an Eagle taketh vp into the aire but while it is come to a great hight it anone letteth it fall vpon the rockes of shame and disgrace where after that it hath dashed it in pieces it greedilie deuoureth it Hee who in Heauen could not dwell with Pride will neuer on Earth harbour in that heart wherein it lodgeth Outward counterfeit humilitie may for a time jug gle the eyes of the beholders such a varnished pride is a double abomination O howe detastable vnto God are these who beeing vainlie puft vp in their fleshlie minde haue no lodging for humilitie but into their mouthes And yet who can haue patience to giue ●…are shall at last heare a Sibboleth some
vp nowe to the Heauens Thou hast alreadie past all toyle and turmoyle The way that rests vnto the Kingdome is both smooth euen without anie rubbe of opposition thou shalt enter into immortalitie O the showres of grace and mercie which raine downe vpon vs both Farewell till that desired day of the Resurrection come The Pastour His eyes stirre a little they are full of teares the tribute of Repentance He beginneth to shake he now seemeth to bee wakened out of his traunce I will inquire what his minde is set vpon What meditations are these Sir that yee are vpon Yee seeme to haue beene in some good motion The sicke Man My Soule Sir and my bodie after a blessed agreement haue beene taking their adewes one from another They haue bene blessing each other be●…ause they haue serued God together they looke to bee one day both glorified together A sea of comfortes hath rained downe vpon my Soule from the Heauens in most sweete and pleasant showers The Pastour Surelie that is a worthie exercise Such good motions are plants of God and impressions of his finger Happie are the Soule the bodie that can serue God together with one shoulder At that last day they shall haue a joyefull meeting they two shal be clasped together in loue with such contentmentes as tongues of Angels are not able to expresse But O when the vvicked soule shall returne from hell to take vp its bodie for to carie it to euerlasting torments then shall they curse each other with manie a woe for their Fornications Adulteries Lyes Deceits Ryot Drunkenesse Then would the bodie if it could haue intelligence of the soules comming wish that a rock or a mountaine would fall vpon it for to hide it from the Soule that beeing voyde of life it might bee free of feeling But the decree is come foorth of necessitie they must bee joyned together O but they then shall looke one to another like Lyons Their feede shall receiue none agreement no not They shall neuer agree in anie thing but in this to 〈◊〉 together that their comfortlesse dolours may bee doubled This is a deare pennie-warth so little pleasure for so much paine In that day all the wicked shal bitterlie repent such barganes Now happie is your Soule Sir and your bodie both that are so well resolued to depart Yee are certainelie blessed that euer yee were borne Behold nowe yee rest in hope of the resurrection which shall bee in that great day of Gods generall assemblie when all that euer tooke breath shall compeare before Christ the Iudge of the World for to receiue that which they did in the flesh bee it good bee it euill Now Sir seeing yee are an inrolled Citizen of Heauen and an adopted haire of God vp still with your heart towarde that heauenlie Heritage with sighes and grones beate on still at the doores of Gods mercie God giueth vnto prayer victory against himselfe Nowe the time draweth neere Sir your houre is come to a quarter fight out the good fight fixe the eyes of your Faith vpon the bloodie wounds of Iesus Lay hold on him listen to his voyce ere it bee long yee shall heare these words of joye Come faithfull seruant and enter into thȳ Masters joye O Lord the giuer of grace and of glorie out of the blessed bowels of thy mercie bath and wash this Soule with that arteriall blood which sprang thorow the pierced filme of the heart of his Redeemer At the beginning of this Battell Lord thou did see howe his poore Soule was scorched with the flames of hellish temptations which did burne the verie marrow out of his bones this is thy ordinarie dealing with thine owne Hell on earth is for the heires of Heauen But heauen on earth is the portion of the heires of hell Now Lord from his hell bring him to thine Heauens Mak his Soule more clearelie to look vp toward the blessed bloodie wounds of his Sauiour wherein hee may perceiue the props of his protection Make his Soule now to be fullie possessed with an entire loue to the fairenesse of thy face wherein are pleasures for euermore The sicke Man Lord Iesus make clay againe with thy Spittle for to anointe my dimmed eyes that clearelie with Simeon my Soule may see thy Saluation We in our life receiue but the first impositiō of handes like the man that saw men walking like trees Now Lord at death giue mee the second imposition that I may see thee euen as thou art The Pastour Lord heare thou in Heauen●… Maintaine the life of his loue towards thee Now vvater the seede vvhich thou hast sowne Weede out the tares vvhich Sathan hath sowne Pittie and pardon Lay all his sinnes vpon the Sonne of thy loue Now let his feete be shod for the journey which hee is making to a better place Inspire his Soule with the spirit of grace till his life bee expired Saue him by thy blood which saued thē that spilt it The sicke Man I finde Death besieging my heart with sēsible blowes O bring out my Soule out of this bricke of bondage of the bodie Mine heart stringes are so racked within mee that they are like to breake The hope that is deferred is the fainting of the Soule Lord helpe mee in this heauie houre The Pastour Lord heare thou in heauen and satisfie his hearts desire The sicke Man Pray pray that the Lord vphold mee in the throng of these throes wherewith mine heart is gripped lest I be whollie swallowed vp of despaire The Pastour O Sauiour of mankinde who out of thy meere mercie and loue came vnder the charge of his accounts Mak now answere for him as his Aduocat before that high Tribunall before which his poore Soule is now arraigned to cōpeare Turne all thy wrath in mercie and thy Iustice-seat in a Throne of grace Call home all his wandering thoughtes settle and them vpon thy selfe Maintaine the life of his loue Make death to him a Messenger of mercie and his paines a meane to bring him to thy pleasures O Captaine of his Saluation vnder whose bloodie banner hee hath in his life made warre against the enemies of thy glorie at death ouercome thou all the enemies of his Saluation With thy Trumpets and Lampes terrifie all these merciles Midianites Make them like a wheele as the stubble before the winde Graunt the victorie vnto thy weake Seruant heere that in the Heauens thou may crowne his Soule with glorious garlands of immortalitie Lord heare vs for the sake of thy Sonne vnto whom with thee and the Spirite of Grace bee all glorie and honour Amen Now Sir vp with your heart to the Father of mercies Fight out couragiouslie the fight of Faith Christ now is holding out the Crowne your Saluation is sealed yee neede not feare yee haue your warrant vnder the Broad Seale of the King of Heauen The sicke man O My deare
custome of God as we see to put his dearest Ones to the hardest proofe as wise Builders put the greatest timber and the heart of the Oake to the greatest stresse Manie thinke that Heauen standeth hard by their Bed-side and that a light Lord haue mercie will make the doore of Heauen to goe wide open to the wall no not Through man●…e tribulations we must enter into that Kingdome As Aprill showers goe before the May flowers so must our teares trickle before our Triumphs Wee must smert before we smile and grone before wee glorie All Christian Soules like Christ himselfe must enter by the port of paines vnto the palace of pleasures for euermore No co-reigning without a co-suffering O let vs consider what paines this godlie man hath suffered in this fierie tryall since this Battell beganne O with what difficulties hath hee swimmed thorow so many temptations If the righteous scarcelie bee saued where shall the vngodlie and the sinner appeare O sowre Apple of Adams pride many teeth hast thou set on edge The Sparrow by wandering the Swal low by flying may escape but where sin hath beene once there must also be sorrow before that the sinner can come to joye It is not so easie as manie men thinke to winne in at the doores of heauen as though one Gods-mercy were enough for to doe the turne Before that a man be able to winne in at the straite gate for to enter into his euerlasting rest hee must be buffeted with diuerse temptations and broken with sorrowes till his heart become contrit that is grund bruished small as if it were corne in a Querne There is none entrie into rest for man before that in great griefe hee hath pluckt out his right eye euen his dearest darling best bosome pleasure Hee that would lodge with God in eternitie muste heere lay holde on his Kingdome with an holie violence What wonder that he auen be hard to win seeing with all the infernall powers of darknesse legions of our owne corruptions combined oppose might maine the grouth of Gods graces in our Soules Manie foolishlie in the idle rowings of their braines content with a blush of zeale thinke that Heauen may bee winne with wishes and therefore in their life skippe wantonlie ouer the threatnings of the Law in hope that easilie at death they may catch at the promise of the Gospel But who had seene this holie man of GOD vpon the painefull racke of repentance would count all the perishing pleasures of sinne too deare bought pleasures Sinne at the beginning is like poyson in perfume pleasant at the first but not long after it worketh deadlie except that it be repelled with some stronger Antidote The way to heauen as wee see is not like the way to great ma●…ket Townes easilie discerned by the multitude of footesteppes Our good Friende is nowe in the verie panges of death A patient and Lambe like death is this His life is on his lippe This wearied Traueler is nowe neare the ende of his journey Seeing that the ende of a worke crowneth it let vs conceiue a Prayer whereby wee may lay his Soule into the bosome of his God who shall refresh him with euerlasting comforts O Lord by the vigour of thy Spirit giue wings to our groueling prayers A Prayer for the sicke Man approaching vnto Death O GOD of mercle and of mans Saluation who thinketh nothing too deare for a repēting soule were it to giue it a draught of the heart Blood of thy Sonne wee heere vpon the knees of our hearts humbled againe before the foote-stoole of the the Throne of thy Grace put vp to thee our most humble sute for this thy seruant who is nowe comming to thee His words now faile him but thou Lord wilt neuer faile him In stead of wordes let the crouding sobbes the Turtle finde roome into thine eares Heaue vp his heart to thy mercie seate with the requests of thy Spirit in sighs which cannot bee expressed O charitable Almes giuer open the hand of this Begger and thrust the money of thy mercie into it Seale fast vp in his heart the remission of all his sinnes in the blood of Iesus Burie all his transgressions in Christes Burial Establish thy free Spirit within him Take from him all dulnesse and deadnesse of spirit all secure and hardened thoughts all that may hinder him from comming vnto thee Continue his comfortes begunne Bee thou the ende and the ender of his worke Lorde disapoint Sathan who by his charmes and cunning traines hath gone about both by force fraud to catch this Soule of thy seruant Now Death is approaching To thee belongeth the issues of death Thou killest thou makest aliue thou bringest downe to the graue and againe thou raisest vp Now as euidentlie appeareth thou art for to remoue this thy seruant from the Land of the l●…uing and thy will must bee done Wee could haue wished the continuance of his Christian fellowship with the lengthening and enlarging of his dayes But most humblie wee submitte all our affections vnto thy good pleasure and will O Father of mercies in whose boundlesse bowels are moste pittifull compassions without anie passion shew thy selfe mercifull louing and kinde towardes this Soule which in the dayes of its fleshe hath beene with thee but a stranger and ●… sojourner His Soule now is saying to thee with Iohn his two Disciples Rabbi Master where remaineth thou Answere it as thou answered them louinglie Come and see and after that tak it home to thine own house as Iohn tooke home thy Mother O deare Father of our Sauiour by Nature O our dearest Father by adoption bee fauourable to this thy seruant euen for that blood wherewith thou art passing lie pleased Forget and forgiue all his sinnes whatsoeuer Lay now thy louing Armes about him Claspe him hard to thy bosome and keepe him fast till hee be surelie and softlie placed into the heauens Now Lord thou hast begunne to loofe this Soule out of its prison Let earth goe to earth and his Spirit returne to thee that gaue it Place it into one of these heauenlie Mansions which thy Sonne is gone to prepare for these that are thine Strengthen him now at the last and highest point of his tryall O Great IEHOVAH who neuer hucketh to giue mercie to heart broken sinners let him finde more and more that thy bowels ouerflowing with mercie are readie to receiue him In the bottomelesse sea of thy mercie make his sinnes all to bee choaked and his Soule deliciouslie to be bathed with euerlasting comforts And because Sathan in his last assaults is most furious bee thou most powerfull in him by the vertue of thy Spirite Blunt so the edge of all his temptations that they bee not able any more to wound his Spirit Let thy secret loue bee vnto his Soule lik a Secret or jack in this bloodie battell
whereby he may be shielded from the bloodie blowes of a most cruell aduersarie Put on him Lord the compleate armour of God that hee may bee able to with-stand in this euill houre and hauing done all to stand Before this Battell end make him with stomacke and courage to runne all his enemies throgh with the two edged sword of thy Spirit Haue now Lord a speciall care of him Hemme in all his thoughts within the compasse of thy will Possesse him so with the fulnes of thy presence that in him there be found no roome for any ill motions Furnish him with the supplie of all these graces which thou knowest to bee wanting into him Let thy Spirit make residence in his heart as in an house of God Now Lord while it is time to saue saue the Soule of thy Seruant which is now readie to remoue Open vnto it that euer-flowing fountaine promised to the penitent of the house of Dauid for to tak away sinne and vncleannesse O Fountaine of Grace wash him and wash him throughlie with the blessed Blood of thy satisfaction After that thou hast made him perfectly cleane hold out thy succouring helpful armes vnto this Soule and take it into thy bosome Let it there taste of the honie of thy Compassions In this time of gloummines darknesse of death inlighten his Soule with the light of thy countenance Turne thy face now vnto it Hitherto it could see nothing but the Back-parts of Thee that Great IEHOVAH which bringeth joye but in parte From such parts now bring him vnto the fulnesse Turne thy selfe vnto this Soule that it may fullie see thy face wherein is fulnesse of joye And seeing no man can see thy face liue let this thy Seruant now see thy face and die that after death hee may liue with thee for euer in the Heauens Let neither the loue of life nor the feare of death turne his eyes from the prize of the high calling of God Make him now with a long steppe from the earth to the heauens to step in into immortalitie Now Lord engraue deepelie this Soule into the palmes of thine hands Set it as a seale on thine heart Wrap it within the Mantle of thy mercie war●…e it within the bowels of thy loue lappe it in thy bosome with that vnspeakable joye which Christ hath purchased with vnspeakable paine euen through the bloodie merites of his most bitter passions His wordes now are failed Square thou all his thoughts by the rule of thy Spirit of grace Lord make these our weake prayers to mount vp lik Pillars of smoke parfumed with the mercifull merites of thine onelie Sonne To him with thee his Father and with the Spirit of Grace be all Glorie Praise Power and Dominion for euer AMEN The spirituall Friend O deare Friende whome I haue seene a sorrow beaten sinner Rejoyce now in your Sauiour whose mercies haue beene the Bane of all your sinfull miseries Cleaue still fast vnto your Sauiour Let not him goe whom your soule loueth till ye come to Peniel where yee shall see him face to face The Lord refresh your wearied soule with the soft sweete breath of his Spirit The Lord kned into your heart these spirituall meditations which are of the purest straine O Father of mercies giue vnto this soule a most sure Infef●…ment of heauen by the hand of thy Spirit Make some drops of thy Myrrhe to enter in by some litle creuice of his heart Put in thine hand by the keye hole of the doore that his bowels may bee moued for thee Let such a strength now repare from thee vnto him that the world may see that thy strength is made perfect in weaknesse It shall bee expedient that nowe yee his Pastour in a short prayer recommend him to God againe Behold him now at the last gaspes his eye stringes are broken The water of death trickleth downe ouer his cheekes His life is now drawen to an haire O Lord while bodilie sight and senses faile make spirituall sight and sense succeede in a greater perfection Make a spaite of thy grace with a mightie streame to carrie him to glorie O deare Friend vp with your heart to your God Nowe all your sins shall die with your sicknesse The Rocke of your Saluation Iesus hath shiuered them in pieces There is 〈◊〉 condemnation to these that are in Christ who out of the pangs of loue suffered that paines of hell for mans Redēption His Angels Sir are heere waiting vpon your Soule for to carrie it to pleasures for euermore Yet a little while and loe yee shall bee at the vpshotte of all your woe Yee are nowe vtterlie out of the reach of all the powers of hell euen vpon the borders of euerlasting pleasures vnmixed pleasures which shall turne all your teares into triumphes The Pastour Now Sir Gird vp the loynes of your minde make haste to your God who shortlie shall put into your hād the palme of victorie Sathan is chained vp now for doing you anie more harme The night of your trouble is past Christ that blessed Day spring hath brought a morning mercie vnto your Soule His graces in you hath shined more and more and so shall doe vntill the perfect day euen vntill your Soule carried on Eagles winges reach the hight of Heauen where without teares or tediousnesse are pleasures for euermore Though your tongue now faile you Sir let your heart be busie with God in prayer hee will hearten and encourage you in all the businesse Your taske is at an end Heaue vp your heart to Christ crucified with vs and that with sighes and sobbes the groanings of his owne Spirit Though your bodie now be cold the Spirit of Iesus shall by a free and vitall operation maintaine the heate and vigour of your Soule The Spirit of comfort conueye vnto your soule the warmest blood that euer heated the heart of Iesus Let vs pray The last prayer for the sicke Man in the verie jawes of death O LORD whose mercies are aboue all thy workes it was neuer thy custome to send away a broken heart without comfort Now heare the secret g●…oanes and sighes of thy seruant whose soule is ready in this gasping agonie to come out of its Tabernacle for to cōpeare before thee Thou who hast giuen him thy Son for a ransome giue him thy Spirit for a pledge Furnish him with force for to fight and finish this Battell in victory As thou hast bene at the beginning of his beeing euen the beginner of his beeing so now bee thou the ende at which hee aimes euen the ende of all his woes And seeing hee is now in the narrow throat of death helpe him by thy power till hee hath past this passage Put now into him a fresh li●…e that in a strong vigour hee may runne with the feete of the Hinde till hee come to thee in ete●…nitie Make him now supple and nimble
bagge and baggage of his couetousnesse Shall this man come where God is who neuer walked in his way In all his wayes he did euer goe awry lik a Childe that scribleth without a rule All his good intentions were but like false conceptions which are buried before their birth let me now tread him vnder foote that I may lay him dead straight like a worme O the infamous man whose name doeth goe with a brand vpon it like Cains marke Hee followed Christ for loaues But O when the corne was spent the Rate left the Barne His whole life was but a myre of mischiefe All men can tell that hee was but an vntrustie Pilferer a foole hardie fellon rushing in rebellion against God man If so bee that he was exalted he cared not that God was dishonoured In the pride of life he walked like Nebuchadnezar strouting in his Palace with bragging words boasting of his Babel Gods patience hath long suffered In his sufferings hee hath comforted himselfe in this When I see a conuenient time then will I execute judgement Nowe is the time of execution come Either now or neuer for his sinne is now ripe and readie for the sickle I am wearied with accusing what shall I say His heart was euer swelled with pride By costlie apparell he gaue euill example With his pleasures hee was tyed like a dog in a leach He could neither suffer a Superiour nor comport with à Companion The blue enuie in his heart made him hate to see others thriue besides him The praise of other mens vertues was as who had dispraised himselfe in his face Hee was euer malcontent at Gods graces into others He was like a Swine vnder an Oake feeding and foiling Gods benefites lik Acorns But who euer saw his face lifted vp with thankes to the shaker of the tree Hee was full of peppered sausinesse sporting himselfe with checkes and taunts As hee had a babling tongue to speake euill so had hee a bibulous eare thirstie after false reportes O what filthy dung hilles heapes of sinnes were hoodred in his heart If hee did not any euill it was not for lacke of will like the frozen serpent hee hissed when hee could not hurt but so soone as hee beganne hee lustilie lashed on All his meditations were mould in malice As for his Religion hee vsed his libertie as a cloake of maliciousnesse While hee come to the Church it was but for the fāshion for to shew the frindges of his hypocrisie Hee thought a long Sermon a surfet as Iudas thought the oyle spent that was powred vpon Christ so thought hee all the time alloted to Gods seruice Hee was euer cold in well doing as one of the frozen generation A proude man was he in his own conceit while he found himselfe inlightned with some cāfused glimmerings of light glauncing vpon his heart thorow the deceiuing glasse of a temporarie faith His necke was an yron sinew and his brow brasse In a word all his affections were out of order as bones beside the joynt It were more easie to count the sand than his sinnes of omission and of commission with excesse of riot I seeke but Iustice now his life is neere an ende let Gods vengeance take him at the rebound The Angel Michael That is a bloodie Lybell if all be true that is said by the father of lyes Though his sinnes were thus bloody as thou accuses there is a redeeming Blood in Iesus for his ransome his wounds are the holes of the Rocke of refuge All that accusation is but founded vpon surmise But though hee were guiltie as thou affirmes is there anie sinne so great that God cannot forgiue There is no sinne so red but Christs Blood can make it white Gods word is true sinne dyed in Scarlet-red lik crimsin may by God be made white lik the wooll snow Thou cryeth for Iustice Christs Blood cryeth for mercy which of you two shall best bee heard Sathan But can Gods mercie bee against his justice shall mercie against justice plead for the whitnesse of a Rauen shall a most vile sinner escape damnation shall not Iustice bee his bane Let mee now giue him a knocke with the barre of judgement While hee had strength to walke hee left the narrow path for to goe croude with the wicked in the broad waye Now let him suffer for all his riotes let the doors of heauē be bared in his teeth Gods mercies must not bee against his justice Let mee now giue him a yercke with my whippe The Angel Michael Auoide there is no breach in justice while his sinnes are pardoned for Christ his Lord hath suffered for him he hath satisfied for all his debts at the b●…rre of justice and that to the vtmost farthing When all was payed Christ cryed with a loud voice that heauen and earth might heare Consummatum est that is A●…l is payed the whole worke of mans Redemption is finish●…d This was h●…ard by the deuils themselues not one durst stand vp to say the contrarie Thou c●…yeth for Iustice 〈◊〉 is Iustice heere is Iustice Christ his Cautioner hath payed all his d●…bts It is against Iustice to require one debt to bee twise payed By Iustice then hee must be saued because Christ in great mercie towards him hath made full satisfaction to the Iustice of God His Lords passion is his pardon for the droppes of his Blood his Father hath giuen him in exchange life euerlasting for all repenting sinners what needes him to feare who hath Christ for his Cautioner Sathan Christ would neuer be Cautioner for such a Reprobate goate as hee In wickednesse he hath out-stripped all others he put on Christ like an Hat which goeth off to euery one that wee meete The wine pynt and Tobacca Pype with sneesing pouder prouoking sneuell were his heartes delight His life hath beene a stumbling blocke vnto manie His best vertues were but splendida peccata glistering sinnes His most precious pearles are but of pewter Away with this Child of Belial out vpon him with all his faire wordes all his Religion was but scroofe and scumme Would Christ euer bee Cautioner for such a Banquerupt as hee who all his dayes hath beene a boisterous reueller the chiefe of a knot of knaues The Angel Michael Hee who is not in debt needeth not a Cautioner I came said Christ to call sinners to repentance Though his sins were manie as thou objectes no miserie in man can ouer-reach the mercie of his God Christ in all will bee answerable for him Sathan What hath Christ to doe with this stubburne and steele-necked Bebell who was in his whole conuersation both hote hardie The voyce of his Conscience within was out-cryed all honestie out-faced by his corruptions After y● euill turne was done he had his excuse readie at his fingers ends Thinke ye that Christ will bee Cationer for all men or that all men shall bee saued The
of the Resurrection Let the meditations of Gods mercie and promised fauour rouse vp your Soules from that lumpishnesse and melancholious drowsinesse which may creep in into your hearts in this troublous time Striue to bound and fence your heartes about deligentlie with the thoughts of Gods Fatherlie fauour who shall neuer leaue you fatherlesse Though your father be dead yet God is aliue Now Sir yee who a●…t the elder bee yee the more thankfull to God who hath giuen you the first place Shew good example vnto the yonger Oppresse them not but rather bee a father vnto them By your good counsell striue to make them plyable and frameable to Gods will reuealed in his word As for you who are yonger ones bee not discouraged for often grace maketh the yonger to bee the elder and sinne maketh the elder the yonger So Iacob found the bl●…ssing though Esau was the first borne It is Vertue that maketh the Heire Let your heartes therefore relye vpon the Lord Let him bee the caruer of all your cares If yee depend on him yee shall not want Hee who created the world without matter and preserueth it without meanes is God all sufficient who can easilie finde out meanes for the maintenance of al these that by faith can laye claime to his promise If wealth bee expedient for you the Lord will giue you a large allowance till hee make your Cuppe to ouer flow But if otherwise hee hath appointed to exercise you with pouertie know that he who hath the hearts of all men in his hands can easilie for your comfort stirre vp some who by their liberalitie towards you shall prouide themselues bags vvhich waxe not olde If yee can bend your whole endevour to the seruice of your God hee shall satisfie you with the prouisions of his mercie But if otherwise yee become lewde and prophane haunting euill companie the verie canker and cut-throate of all godlinesse yee shall neuer prosper no not though by a painefull drudgerie ye should draw out the verie life-blood of your hearts It is not earlie rising no●… late going to bedde but Gods blessing that enricheth Now the Lord of grace blesse you mine hearts The Lord teach you to set seale these comforts with prayers patience vpon your hearts And seeing the dayes are now euill euen the dregges of dayes I intreate the most High to graunt you grace hour lie to ren●…w and strengthen your watch that your hearts spirits may be preserued vnblamable and that vntill the day of his most glorious appearance AMEN A diuine and heauenly discourse fit to be read to these that are conueened in the house of mourning that thereby the liuing may be remembered of their mortalitie DEarlie Beloued this our godlie Friend one of Gods excellent Ones is now deceased that peac●…ablie like a Lambe into the armes o●… his God who hath euer lasting lie fast bund his Soule in the bundle of life The death of such is often a fearfull pre●…age of much anger and euill to come His Soule is now glorious in the Heauens like a Starre new created in the Skie It is now liuing the life of God aboue where it is filled with the infusion of that 〈◊〉 which wee haue heere on earth 〈◊〉 by imputation Hee hath now al●… God and all that is in God in ●…speakable perfection beeing in that place where God is all in all At last after sore fighting and bitter bickering as diuerse godlie persons haue seene through the bent browes of an angrie Iudge hee hath seene the yearning and relenting bowels of a louing Father Now after his Battell ended he hath 〈◊〉 the Spirit Clepsydr●… 〈◊〉 his houre glasse is now runne out and his Soule is come to its wished home where it is free from the fetters of flesh Nowe from the ●…hanging turnes of time hee is at last come to Eternitie Thorow many seas of ●…orrows both bitter and brimie hath he sailed before that hee could ariue at that blessed Port. Our hearts cannot be but sorrowfull to bee depriued of such comfortable companie as was ●…is But here i●… our comfort and the matter of our joye hee is well and shall bee so for euer By the mercie of his God hee is now passed ouer th●… knoppes of the mountaines of miserie and thorow the muddie myres of sinfull mortalitie thorow fearefull tryals and troubles euen from the dyets of grace to the dainties of glorie from the Villages of this world vnto euerlasting 〈◊〉 farre aboue the rolling wheele of all changeable pleasures and smarting paines Poore mans life on earth is like a restlesse whirle-gigge whirled about The mouing heauens are the place of our rest and the resting earth is the place of our restlesse motions The way of this life as wee may see is not adorned with Violets and Roses No not It is full of rubs and thornes and pricking whinnes of piercing griefe O with what paines hath his sillie Soule sought vp the sweete streames of Gods mercie 〈◊〉 to the Fountaine it selfe which is 〈◊〉 to the Heauens God in great mercie hath now 〈◊〉 last after manie dolours and bitter bickerings put his Spirit into the ac●… tuall and full possession of his 〈◊〉 all joyes Through fyre and water 〈◊〉 Lord hath broght him out into a 〈◊〉 place Now he is free from the bodie of bondage which did hang so fast 〈◊〉 His Soule is set out of the reach of 〈◊〉 troubles and sublunary toyes Now blessed bee our God hee is no 〈◊〉 lyable to our sinfull mortalitie into this earth a gulfe of corruption God at last hath recompenced his light affliction with an euerlasting weight of glorie O but he hath had a painefull time in his sicknes with manie deepe sigh and heauie groane hath hee beene heard in his feares His face could neuer bee dryed for teares continuallie trickling ouer his cheekes Happie is hee now for all the cloudes of his sinnes haue bene dissolued by the raine of mourn●…full teares where with all Soules must be baptised before that they can be members of the Church Triumphant Now blessed bee God all his teares and his trauels are turned into triumphes If men shedde not ●…eares on earth God cannot wypt them away in heauen All as wee must fight the good fight before ●…hey can catch the Crowne Let vs all learne in him and in ●…his House of mourning to see and con●…der the end of vs all that while wee are liuing wee may lay it to our hearts and make it a matter of our nights meditations Happie and thrise happie is hee that can practise that saying of Iob All the dayes of mine appointed time will I waite till changing come It is good that wee euer bee watchfull vpon our guarde well prepared for our last departure and finall accounts No man can ●…ll how soone hee shall bee arraigned in the great
hardlie thinke of buriall A morning mementomori is not able to waken vs so fast are wee lulled asleepe in carnall securitie euen while the dead Bell soundeth wee forget o●… niortalitie The House of mourning is become an house of drinking of snuffing and of sneuelling with Tobacca Though wee bee warned wee are not wiser In Solomons dayes the liuing in such places laid such thinges to their heart But alas euen while in the thoughts of the gastlie visage of death we are carrying others to the graue our hearts are not molten and liquified for sinne the cause of our mortalitie While wee put our hand to the Beire wee may get some light sudden flashes of deuotion but anone we forget that within a short time as wee doe to others so shall bee done to vs Euen while wee walke with the dead to the Graue wee dreame of immortalitie forgetting our borrowed dayes If there bee any heate of zeale in our hearts how soone is it cooled Mans heart is like water which as the Learned obserue becommeth more cold after the heating than it was before Such heate because it is not naturall and kindlie but forced by fire it cannot continue but must bee foorth-with extinguished Man is like an Horse that naturallie ●…rots though by industrie hee bee broken and made to ●…mble for a space yet euer and anone hee preaseth to goe out of his amble for to enter into his trot While we are at the Beire and the dead corp●… in sight an ambling sorrow for a space may make the bowels of our bellie to wamble But haue wee once turned our backe vpon the Graue and wee anone to the olde trot of our former folies While wee should learne to die wee plant our selues in the face and glorie of the world Wee are so troubled with Marthas many things that wee forget Maries best par●… Many come to their death-bed before that they had euer earnestlie thought of their life They die euen then whē they thought to begin to amend their life Thus as ye see they die deceiued in their delayes they die before they know wherfore they liued Their Sunne setteth while they are entering on the journey The euening of their life is the morning of their task By by base respects their mind●… are caried on the by Foolish fancie●… creepe in by stealth slilie insinuate and winde in themselues into their heartes wherein beeing once fast cogged they keepe the minde musing on vanitie till the Sunne of their life bee set While their time is thus spent they can doe nothing but lament the losse of that which they cannot recouer Vitae summa brevis spem Nos vetat in choare longam A short life is not for long and large projects Poore man is sent vnto this world for a great businesse to bee done in a short time Hee must first of all glorifie his God and in that doing hee must worke out the great worke of his Saluation All the time alloted to this businesse is but threescore and ten yeares or foure score at the most But alas most men sleepe both the morning and noone of their life And yet which is worse euen while they see their Sunne going downe and posting to the west they haue no care to redeeme the time At the comming of death their assigned businesse is scarchlie well begunne Most men are so miserablie muffled that they cannot see the sand of their houre glasse in a continuall course Oh that we were wise to bee forearmed for death whereof wee are forewarned As the Cananitish woman picked comfort out of the reproachful name of Dogge so out of all thinges should wee without daintie nicenesse bee storing vp comforts for to vphold vs in our last and most heauie houre But Oh where is the man who in time is carefull to redeeme his euill idly spent houres O foolish man fye vpon thee shall the sickle follie of an houre cost thee the lose of that glorious immortalitie Wilt thou not thinke in time that grimme Death shall come at last like an armed man for to bereaue thee of thy Soule thou neither can tell how when nor where Happie is that man whose journey time businesse and breath are finished together Happie shall that t●…yst be when these foure shall finish in immortalitie It is good that in time wee set all the powers of our Soule vpon Christ that out of his Sacred person wee may suck the influence of his goodnesse whereby wee may bee saued from the traines treasons of the Deuill He is euer readie to strik fyre with his frezell and his flint if wee will find him tinder Oh that our hearts continuallie could minde things that are aboue All things below are vnconstant as water they sl●…d away but Gods fauour is more fixed than Mount Syon What an heart-scald should this bee vnto vs that wee haue so long neglected this best part not remembering our latter end Let vs now therefore consider in time that wee are all into this world but Tenants at will Prince people great and small all must leaue this Cottage of clay at the first warning Pale Death at its first approach will anone change the copie of their countenance Stat sua cuique dies Euerie mans day is set None can transgresse his appointed houre God absolutelie at Death must bee obeyed None by force or fauour may sit his summonds Wee by the death of others are all lawfullie forewarned to flit remoue All things aboue vs beneath vs about vs cry vnto vs that wee must shortly leaue this world for to goe sleepe in slime No contentment of man below can out-last the date of foure score year●…s O Lord open our eyes that we may see how the sickle figure of this world passeth away Happie and thrise happie is hee who after the bitter and bloodie Battell of this life is with olde Simeon departed in peace As the life of the godlie is gracious so is their death precious This wee learne in Scripture Precious to the Lord is the death of his Sainctes But as for all the wicked who while they liued did justle out of their hearts all feare of God they shall be so wrapped in his wrath that their hearts shall bee slitted with sorrow While the godlie with Elias shall bee princelie carried into Gods royall Coach vnto heauen the wicked Ahab shall be sent into a bloodie Charet vnto hell depriued of all these comforts which they on earth did most eagerlie desire All their princelie pleasures shall be followed with pinching paines Such will boast boldlie before death come but at the slight and light touch of a Feuer or Fluxe they quickelie plucke in their snailes hornes like Ahab lowring in sacke-cloth When sicknesse beginneth to lay siege to their noble parts they weakly waile womanly lament Then know they but too late that
poore life heere is not of single Ioyes But mixt with Gall and worme-woode of annoyes The dint of Winds and waues and stors mie streames Wee must endure before wee reach to Heauens Paines heere wants pause all is but losse and labour A thousand cares Within our hearts doe harbour The life of man on Earth is but a blaste I●… comes with Teares and endeth with a gaspe All that is heere is with a speedie flight On jangling wheeles soone hurled out of sight All that is heere is out of Tune and tast All whirles about but Rest will come at last VVaite still vntill that Day spring from on High Come downe with thousands brighter than the Skie Then mistie Cloudes of sorrowes shall depart When that Aurora shall rejoyce our Heart ANOTHER HEere bubbling Waters Seas of sorrowes dash Heere Waues heere Winds which make the Cloudes to clash Heere Feuers Fyres heere fickle vanities Combined are to bring Calamities To mortall man not sparing young or olde Whose life is like vnto a tale that 's tolde Now happie hee who free from all distresse Rests in the Heauens far from this wildernes A Prayer for the afflicted MY troubled Soule Lord counsell and comfort My Sternelesse-Boate conduct thou to her Port From cloudie cares my muffled Spirit redresse And of mine heart the griefe and groanes represse My Spirit to Thee its Maker high aspires VVho art the Zenith of my best desires Your MAIESTIES most humble obedient Seruant and Oratour M. Zacharie Boyd Preacher of GODS Word at Glasgow Faultes escaped in printing   Faults Corrected 69 feast fast 142 tyred tryed 172 wakened weakened 176 waken weaken 177 spake space 191 lperous leprous 198 Bairnes Barnes 213 Skes Skies 259 againe against 2●…8 desperati desperate 293 frine farre in 307 Tophel Tophet 308 Companiourie Companionrie 332 slubber slumber 332 slumbert slubbert 345 men mee 345 haire heite 355 for with 370 that after after that 376 missacrours mass●…crours 387 directeth directed 405 carcing carking 4●…9 Burriors Burrios 4●…4 mortall immortall 487 his of of his 516 men man 544 reignam regna●…i 563 co●…sation conuersation 597 hand head 602 commond common 603 sterts streetes 609 spread shread 620 found sound 633 wr●…ke worke 649 decritorio decretorio 659 vanished varnished 664 vnwisored vnvizored 669 sacaked the godly sacked at Christs right 672 Christes right hand hand 689 liuing liue 695 whom who in The 2. Volume   Faults Corrected 760 absurbiator absorbeatur 804 hoc haec 807 ac at 851 haruish haruest 960 habour harbour 98●… pleasant vnpleasant 1003 nature mature 1053 hearking heartenin●… 1132 about mee about with mee TEMPVS Prov. 1●… 7 a 1 Sam. 15 23. b 1 Sam. 28 7 c 1 Sam 13 14. d 2 Sam 11 8. e 1 Kin. 3. 9 f 1 Kin 11 9 g 1 Kin 12 14. h 1 Kin. 16 2●… i 2 Kin. 16 31 k 2 Kin. 23 ●… l 2 ●…hr 20 3 * Note * Note * Note Ioh. 1. 47. Reuel 17. 18. Gen. 27 27 Grego Mors ipsa cum venerit vinci●… tur si prius quam veniat semper timeatur Iob. 5. 27 * Note Neh. 13. 17 vers 18 vers 19. vers 20. vers 21. verse 22 * Note 1 Chr. 28. 9 Sicut potentes po●… tenter t●…r menta patientur sic justi●… pr●…mijs fruentur plenius si recte exercue rint potestatē * Note psal 28. 6. Iob. 21. 33 Bonne la mort qui donne la vie Eccles. 12. 3. Isa. 40 6. vers 7. Prou. 31. 30 Beauté sans bonté est comme vin e s●●enté Psal. 45. 14 2 Tim. 1. 8 phi 2. 27. August Nescis qu●… hora 〈◊〉 et mors S●…mper vigila vt quod nescis quando veniet paratum te inveniat quum ve●… nerit Ad hoc forte nescis quando veniet vt semper parat●…s sis Deut. 32. v. 22. * Note Dan. 5. 9. * Note Act 3 7. Iam. 5. 16 * Note * Note Isa. 42. 3. * Note Heb. 12. 12. * Note Prov. 6. 13 * Note * Note * Note 1 Sam. 2. 25 * Note Senec. * Note * Note * Note Revel 6 8 Heb. 3. 15 * Note Isa. 25. ●… * Note Ioh. 11. 11 Ioh. 11. 26 * Note * Note * Note 2 King 2. 11 * Note 2 Sam. 14. 14. Iob. 2 4. * Note * Note 1 Sam. 15 32. * Note 2 King 4 40. 2 Cor. 1. 10 2 Sam. 22 5. vers 6. * Note * Note Iudg. 14. 14. * Note * Note * Note 2 Sam. 14. 14 Luk. 2. 29 * Note * Note 1 King 21 20 * Note * Note Nazian in vita Basil. * Note Ioh. 14. 6. * Note Psal. 23. 4. Psal. 1●…7 * Note Isa. 49. 15 Heb. 12. 18 * Note * Note Psal. 91. 1 * Note * Note * Note Ioh. 11. 11 1 Cor. 15 3 * Note * Note Psal. 102. 24. * Note 1 Cor 15 31. 2 ●…et 1. 14 * Note * Note Isa. 57. 1. * Note * Note * Note Io●… ●… 19. Matth. 8. 11 Philip ●… 23. * Note Gen. 19. 16 * Note D●…n 6. 16 11 Ier. 38. 6. Exod. 20●… 2. Rom. 7. 24 Psal. 105. 18 Iam. 4. 14. * Note Matth. 6. 11 * Note * Note Amos. 2 11 * Note Rom. 6. 23 * Note Gen. 9. 13 * Note Psal 16. 11 * Note * Note * Note Luk. 658 Luk. 16. 9. * Note * Note Isa. 2 22. Gen. 15. 31 * Note Rom. 7. 24 * Note * Note * Note Philip. 1. 23 Iona 4. 8. Rom. 7. 24 * Note Philip. 1. 23 Isa. 38 10. * Note * Note * Note Isa. 38. ●…1 * Note Rom. 7. 24 * Note Ruth 1. 2●… 2 Sam. 14. 14 * Note Virgil. * Note Iob. 19. 26 27. * Note * Note Psal. 16. 11 Isa 26. 18. * Note Iudg. 8. 18 Isa. 38. 12. * Note * Note Psal. 78. 71 * Note Isa. 38. 12. * Note * Note Isa. 38. 12. Isa. 42. 3 * Note Isa. 28. 21 * Note * Note Prou. ●…0 30 * Note Isa. 38. 12. 2 Cor. 12. 9. * Note * Note Iob. 4. 13 14. 15. 16. * Note * Note Isa. 38. 12 * Note * Note Numb 16. 32. Exod. ●…4 21 Luk. 13. 4 Iob. 1. 19. Psal. 81. 12. 1 Sam. 31 4 Matth. 27. 3 2 Sam. 17 23 * Note * Note * Note * Note * Note Psal. 16. 11 * Note * Note 1 Cor. 6. 13. * Note * Note Ioh. 12. 6 Luk. 16. 20 1 Sam. 25 36. vers 37 * Note * Note * Note Eccles. 2. 18. vers 19. 1 King 12 13 * Note * Note * Note * Note Habuk. 2. 6 Philip. 3. 8 * Note * Note * Note * Note * Note Danites Gen. 49. 17 Iudg. 18. 23 vers 25. * Note * Note * Note Prov. 13. 22. * Note 1 King 17 16 * Note * Note * Note Gen. 41. 3 Iudg. 9. 9. * Note Col. 3. 1. Luk. 10. 41 * Note * Note Luk. 10. 41 * Note Luk. 21. 34. * Note *
owne seeing it is said That the Father is he who shall put all things vnder his feete The Pastour The most learned Diuines haue considered that the Apostle there speaketh not of Christ as hee is Filius Dei eternus simpliciter simplie the Sonne of God but as hee is in the fo●…me of a seruant for that cause as is well remarked by the best wits none can affirme that in Christ is Secundaria divinitas a Diuinitie of a baser rancke * This wee must all know that Christ the Sonne the Father beeing but one GOD worke with one and the selfe same power As God the Father and hee are one so what power Christ man hath in subduing his enemies it may bee said to bee from the Father Because the Trinity is such a deepe mysterie as no humane Wit can search it thorow so the actions of the three Persons are such as no man can clearelie discerne them It is much for our shallow-wits to know the borders of Gods ways It is good in Gods mysteries s●…pere ad sobrietatem that our wisedome bee sober and not drunke with a giddie curiosity neither must wee d●…aw to the other extremitie as to flatter our selues in a sluggish dulnesse hauing no care to search the Scriptures with the men of Berea for to knowe that which it hath pleased God to reueale to vs It is good to seeke out carefullie though not curiouslie the knowledge of Gods reuealed will so farre as can make for the comfort of our Soules The sicke Man Certainelie the knowledge of such things is verie needfull for the comfort of these that are for to leaue this world And therefore I who loo●… not for long sojourning heere desire to know the more earnestlie what good things the Lord hath prepared for his owne into that other world The hope of Glorie is like a strong hold against the feare of Death O●… that I were that which I would bee There is now resting only one difficultie in the words of the Apostle which I neuer as yet could well vnderstand It is said That when all things shal be subdued vnto the Father then shall the Sonne also himselfe bee subject vnto him that put all thing●… vnder his feete Is not the Sonne euen now subject vnto the Father If not how is it said That hee shall bee then subject vnto him The Pastour Christ as God is not at all subject vnto the Father but all the Godlie are subject both to Him and to the Father But as man Christ is with vs subject vnto the Father According to this a Father said well Christus in quantum Deus est cum illo nos subjectos habet in quantum sacerdos nobiscum illi subjectus est That is To Christ as God wee are subject as to the Father but as Christ is our Priest hee is with vs subject vnto the Father Moreouer it may bee saide that after the last Iudgement Christ shall bee subject vnto the Father because then all the Faithfull which are his Mysticall bodie shall bee perfectlie subject to the Father Christ the Head of the Church since his incarnation hath in his owne Person bene subject vnto the Father perfectly and so is hee yet But in his mysticall members below there is a miserable rebellion of flesh against the Spirit But when all shall bee gathered together in one Bodie into Glorie thē shall Christ be perfectlie subject vnto God both Quoad naturam suam tum quoad corpus mysticum In his humane Nature and in his mysticall Bodie which are the faithfull When all the Elect with their Head Christ shall be perfectlie subject vnto God then shall Christ bee fullie and finallie subject to the Father This seemeth to bee the true meaning of the wordes This is made cleare by the wordes following viz. That this subjection shall bee that God may bee All in all But this wee must vnderstand that this subjection of Christ and of his mysticall Bodie is not anie disgrace or disparagement to our Head Christ or to vs The trueth is that it is a moste Princelie honour to bee the Prince of Heauens subject It were better to bee the least subject of Heauen than the greatest commander of Hell The seruice of our God is greatest libertie The more perfect this subjection be the greater is our Glorie The subjection of a creature to God is the verie Image of God in the creature Gods Image in Adam was chieflie in his subjection to Gods will which was defaced by his rebellion which is the verie Image of the Deuill The sicke Man Wee are much beholden to our God who in his great mercie hath reuealed vnto vs all these things into his word His word may well bee called A Lanterne vnto our steps a light which enlighteneth the eyes burning clearer thā any Cresset-light warning from dangers The Pastour Indeede Gods word is a word of life and of light It is a sauing word the power of God to Saluation This power is onelie peculiar to the mightie operation of this word There bee in the creatures words and lines of words for to declare vnto man that there is a God that so man may be without excuse Day vnto day vttereth speach and night vnto night sheweth knowledge Their Line is gone out through all the earth and their words to the end of the world But all these wordes and lines are but lines of words concerning the creation All that they can say is but that there is a God a mouer a primum ens a first Be-ere whereby all things haue their beeing But in all these lines of words there is not one word of Christ the Redeemer There is not a day where the Gospel shinneth not that can vtter any speach or shewe any knowledge of that which concerneth mans Saluation wrought with the bloodie sweate of God There is not a word let bee a line in any worke of Nature concerning the great mysterie of Godlinesse Christ manifested in the flesh justified in the Spirit seene of Angels preached vnto the Gentiles beleeued on in the world and receiued vp into glorie The sicke Man O words worthie to bee written with the point of a Dyamond Seeing it is so this should mak vs to esteeme so much the more of the glorious Gospel which is the power of God to saluation of all beleeuers The Pastour The Gospel indeede is like a m●…st rich treasure digged into a fielde for which a man that hath found it will goe and sell all that hee hath that hee may buy that fielde for the treasures cause This Gospel is like a Sunne newly created in the heauens which shineth both day and night both in life and death with most glistring wholesome Beames wherby the vnwholesome cloudie night aire of iniquitie is rarified scattered and dispersed As the Sun in the heauens by its heate maketh al