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A93757 Six several sermons preached on Isaiah, 38. I. Wherein that great duty of setting our body and soul in order, for we shall die, is at large opened and explained Wherein also many divine truths are made known relating to the same matter; and now published, because of the exceeding importance and concernment of this subject unto all people whatsoever. Stafford, Richard, 1663-1703. 1696 (1696) Wing S5135; ESTC R230779 115,810 178

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us even from our Cradle unto our Tomb so that it is no false Doct●i●● to affirm That all People even the most Young and Healthy are sick unto Death The Spirit of God did say thus of Hezekiah even when he had Fifteen Years longer to live as appears by the sequel of that Story and so the same holds true of all Mankind severally Though perhaps some among them may have the same period of time twice thrice or four times over for perhaps some of them especially Children may have thirty forty five or sixty Years to live longer yet even at this very Moment they are all sick unto Death A proportionable number of strokes with an Hatchet will cut down the biggest Tree that did ever grow on the Earth And although one stroke is given now and then another the Tree is all the while a cutting down Even so each Day and Night every Rising and Setting of the Sun are two strokes of this Hatchet which as Time is always in flux and succession continues to be still cutting down the Tree of our Life To pursue this same similitude again though it be to another matter yet it is to the same subject still as to our own Death and Mortality As it is written But every man in his own order 1 Cor. 15. 23. so I have often thought that as God is the Lord of Life he taketh away one and leaveth another in his own Order which his own Order is not to us discernable because that no respect or difference is had to Age for the oldest doth not most commonly go first the Good or Evil the Godliness or Ungodliness of the Person that one lives longer than another But the case of us all dying Creatures as we are under the Everliving and Almighty God is just like so many Trees growing in a Wood or Coppee As to which the Owner or Proprietor sends his Bayliff or Orders his Workmen to cut down one and then another according as each is marked out and according as he hath use and occasion either for a tender Plant or a well-grown Timber Tree for Building or an old Tree for the Fire even so the G●eat God over all doth give Command and Commission to such a Disease or outward Accident which herein may be compared unto his Hatchet or Instrument to go and cut down such a Man or Woman Stripling Boy Girl Infant of Days according as his Almighty Wisdom sees and knows best either cut him down quite or shake him for it is evi●ently seen that he sends sickness to this Person when another is well which sickness proves Mortal to some and not to others for there is a sickness which he sends and is unto Death Again there is a sickness which is not unto Death but unto the Glory of God in sparing Sinners so long and to the Benefit of them if they did make a right 〈◊〉 thereof which again is but a Reprieve and short Respite for at last comes the Sickness or Accident which is indeed unto Death The Lord God of Heaven who knows all things knows which of the Trees growing in this or that part of his Wood as are the several Cities Towns and Villages throughout the Earth are marked out for the very next to be cut down Though we do not know it before yet 〈…〉 afterwards Just like as at every Funeral we kno●●●ot then which of the Company that Accompanies the Bier will be carried next upon it themselves but this is seen and known afterwards The Word of Instruction which doth arise from this Consideration and Apprehension is this As when Jesus Christ said to his Disciples Verily one of you shall betray me And they were exceeding sorrowful and began every one of them to say Lord Is it I Mat. 26. 21 22. so we may even now hear the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ God our Creator speaking unto us from Heaven on this wise Verily I say unto you that all of ye shall die but one of you in particular shall die before the rest God now speaketh thus from Heaven unto every Neighbourhood and Assembly of People and we should be hereupon not so much exceeding sorrowful as exceeding careful to live in trembling Psal 2. 11. and pass the time of our sojourning here in fear For we should every one of us begin to fear and provide in such a manner as if it was certainly I my self that must die the very first and next of any one in this Parish or Neighbourhood It is godly discretion so to live each and every Day as if it should be certainly our last and so it is here the same godly Discretion and Soul-saving Wisdom to reckon upon our selves as the Man that shall die the very next for it is an essential part of Wisdom to think the worst and put the case at the worst and to provide beforehand against the worst that shall or can possibly happen for in both these instances we are never the nearer Death for thus doing but only better provided and prepared for it We should so live now we are sick unto Death in the sence afore-explained as if we were indeed sick unto Death in the common meaning and acceptation of the Word We should so live every Day now we carry the Seeds of Corruption and Mortality about with us as we would live if the Plague were upon us and the Blue Spots and Tokens did appear on our Skin which do always and certainly presage a very near approaching Death The Reason whereof is this Because that every Day must come into account and we must be judged for the Thoughts Words a●d Actions of every Day after Years of Discretion and we are come to the Knowledge of Good and Evil. I shall be Judged and must give Account for what I did when I was but Sixteen Twenty or Twenty-five Years old as now when I am more than Thirty and so I shall be called in question at the Judgment-seat of Christ for what I do now as for what I shall do in the last Month Week and Day of my Life so that the Consequence is Natural and Necessary I ought now as much to walk in all Holy Conversation and Godliness and to efchew Evil and do Good as much and all one as if it was the last Month Week and Day of my Life for I shall be equally judged for one as for the other The end of our Redemption is That we might serve God without fear in Righteousness and Holiness before him all the days of our Life And although there is much talking in the World of Preparation for Death and of providing for our latter end as if it was then time enough to be godly when we grow sickly or old In no wise God forbid for it will go evil with that Soul which hath not been godly before Yet in the Scriptures which were given to make us wise unto salva●ion which is a Perfect and All-sufficient Rule of Life
their own Lusts But herein they do greatly err for if they would have the Lord to be their God he will be the Lord their God in all things or otherwise he will not accept of such for Servants And if People would willingly really and unfeign●dly have Christ formed within them they must have Christ formed within them throughout or not at all There was a little Type and Signification of this in what is w●itten Now the Coat of Jesus was without Seam wo●en f●om the top throughout John 19. 23. The end of all our Preaching is to get Christ formed within you for that is a seeing the Lord 's Christ before we see Death and then we shall neither fear Death nor yet can Death possibly hurt us But it was needful thus to explain it that Christ must be formed within us ●hroughout and not in part only For otherwise it may be a shew and representation of Christ within but it is not Christ indeed no more than a● unshapen lump of Flesh is a real Child or no more than a Leg or an Arm is the whole Man or than any part is the whole The Works of God are always perfect and compleat at the last although at first they may be only in beginning growth and increase And so it may be in the Creation of the New Spiritual Divine and Christ-like Na●●re as is the forming and making of the Bod●ly ●art of u● Where in t●uth at the very first of all the ●●●stance is imperfect and all the Members in con●●●uan●e are fashioned when as yet there was none of them as a●●ears by the Progr●ssion of an Embryo to a real Infant or Child And as the Carpenter or Carver now taketh any common piece of Wood and stretcheth out the Rule he marketh it out with a line he fitteth it unto the Planes and he worketh it out with a Compass and maketh it after the Figure of a Man according to the Beauty of a Man that it may remain in his House Isa 41. 13. The Spirit of God doth describe it on this wise and so the same God our Creator our Strength and our Redeemer For thou also hast wrought all our Works in us Isa 26. 12. Or as it is in the Margent there for us He takes near upon the same Method and Order in the Souls of Men in forming and fashioning them fit for himself Provided always That we be Workers together therewith and so we receive not the Grace of God in vain that whilst God is a working all our works in us or for us we be sure our selves also to work together with him and under him So as to comply with and f●rward those good Motions and Thoughts he puts and infuses into our Souls from time to time so as to obey and do according to them For upon our doing or not doing of this doth depend and turn the Salvation or Destruction of Men. If we would thus give up our selves wholly and throughly and continually to follow the Guidings and Leadings of our God he would at length so order and effect the matter unt●l every Thought in us should be brought into Captivity unto the Obedience of Christ By what words of Truth one single Thought 〈◊〉 brought into Captivity another is also by the same or like words of Truth which God doth infuse or lay before the Soul And so it would go on and successively till every Thought is brought into Captivity unto the Obedience of Christ Mark here how it is said every Thought and not some Thoughts only For less than this God will not accept of and until this be done in him ●r her no Man or Woman can be certain of their own Salvation or make their Calling and Election sure From hence we may see by the way how vastly different from and above are God's Thoughts over Mens Thoughts For according to the Judgment and Estimate of the World they are good Christians and good People who are good only in some things and now and then do a few good deeds But let the same People talk what they will in Slanders and Reproaches and false Sayings let them speak Vanity every one unto his Neighbour or with flattering Lips or a double Heart there is no great notice taken of this Do we not this very day see with our Eyes and hear with our Ears that the Strain and Course of the World goes on near at this rate And then farther as to Thoughts here the Heart of every Man is deep It is Universally imagined that Thoughts are free and let them have but a fair outside Religious Conversation for the Multitude and Generations of People have been outward Worshippers of God all along they shall pass well enough in the esteem of the World Although in their Heart they work wickedness and their Thoughts are Thoughts of Iniquity Isa 59. 7. which is thinking things that are not equal But in opposition and contradistinction to all this God is not as Man but above Man For my thoughts are not your thoughts neither your ways my ways saith the Lord for as the Heavens are higher than the Earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts His Word at present much more will his future Judgment and Retribution for this is grounded upon the other takes notice and cognizance of every Thought 2 Cor. 10. 5. And if this Word of God be continually Preached and made known to the Heart and Conscience it will not let it rest and be at quiet until every Thought is brought into Captivity unto the Obedience of Christ His Word which is a Discerner of the Thoughts and Intents of the Heart doth more mind what is within than what is without the Man O Jerusalem wash thine Heart from wickedness that thou mayest be clean how long shall thy vain Thoughts lodge within thee Jer. 4. 14. Hence it appears that it is not sufficient barely to stop the hand or cease from the outward act of wickedness but the Heart is to be washed from it before we can be saved Again how very few among the called Christians do make a Conscience of vain Thoughts Or to whom vain Thoughts are a grief and a burden so as to crush and not give way unto them when they are so But they abstain from them as much as ever they can And they do not only say so with a parcel of customary words for there is a fashionable kind of Religious talk when they do not feel the same inwardly but they do not sensibly find it so in them And then they are meer complainers only O my leanness O the Vanity and Corruption of my Heart Or such like but they stand still and do not mend nor endeavour to get rid of those vain Thoughts As God understandeth our Thoughts afar off and hath appointed his Word as a Rule and Regulator thereof so there is not a word in my Tongue but lo Lord thou knowest it altogether
taught it unto us by that common knowledge which he hath given unto us as his reasonable Creatures But yet God willing more abundantly to acqnaint us with a lesson of so very great Importance as indeed it is to every one of us And seeing that the same hath a much further meaning and requiring than to order the Disposition of our Lands Houses Money and Goods For it hath a much more Noble even a Spiritual Sence and Signification to set our Souls which dwell in this Earthly House of the Body in order for we shall dye or yet more properly we shall leave these Habitations of Clay Therefore I say that God hath ordered the same for further security and to bring it yet more to our Knowledge and Remembrance to be written in his Statute Book the Bible as also we may find the same Engraven in the Word that is nigh us even in our Heart for we may also perceive a still Voice speaking from thence Set thine House in order for thou shalt dye and not live Isaiah the Prophet the Son of Amos came unto him and said From hence we may also consider How God who at sundry Times and in divers Manners spake in time past unto the Fathers by the Prophets hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son For in those days it was not so much Isaiah but God himself who spake this by Isaiah unto Hezekiah To which agree those words of our Saviour unto his Apostles and Disciples For'tis not yē that speak but the Spirit of my Father which speaketh in you Mat. 10. 20 And so God spake by Moses David Job and by all the Prophets But now he speaks by Christ who is the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God in whom all the others do meet and concenter Searching what or what manner of Time the Spirit of Christ wh●●h was in them did signify 1 Pet. 1. 11. The Spirit of Christ in them In whom Why In the Prophets mentioned in the foregoing Verse Whose Spirit did actuate them all just like as the Soul doth actuate the Body Although Christ was than in Heaven and they were here on Earth in their several Generations long before God did send his Son in the fulness of Time for to become Flesh The Spirit of God and of Christ are near one and the same and so God and the Word of God are one and the same according to that common Maxim Nothing is in God but what is God himself So that we are not to look upon those words which we find written in the Bible as the words of Moses Samuel Job David and the Prophets or those in the New Testament as the words of the Evangelists and Apostles who yet did write and speak them but we should consider of it higher and further as the word of God and Christ which God and Christ spake by them As when we send a Letter to one at a Hundred Miles distance whom we have known or heard of we do by that same Letter speak to him in effect yea and as much to their knowledge and understanding as if we were in the same Room together and we did talk to them face to face So I have often thought that the Scriptures are as the Letter or Epistle of the Most High God which is sent unto us the Inhabitants of this Earth for hereby God doth speak unto us from Heaven the Habitation of his Holiness which is more than a Thousand or a Million of Miles distance from us all one as if we heard outwardly his Voice which in that sence no Man hath seen God at any time nor heard his Voice or as if the Lord did dwell Visibly amongst us which he doth not Is it so Yes verily Then this is a mighty Argument and terrible Consideration against those who refuse to Read or Hear the Word of God See that ye refuse not him that speaketh for if they escaped not who refused him that spake on Earth much more shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from Heaven Heb. 12. 25. It was the Angel on Mount Sinah and Moses and the Prophets that spake on the Earth but it is Christ the Son of God that now speaketh from Heaven For though Jesus Christ is long since ascended on High and Sits on the Right Hand of the Father yet he speaketh to us from Heaven even now in his Word and in the Preaching and Ministry thereof For as Moses of old time hath in every City them that Preach him being Read in the Synagogues every Sabbath Day Even so now Christ hath those who continually Preach him as Moses had ● by how much he is not only greater than Moses but even greater than the very Angels of God And who will not hear the Ministers of Christ who preach him or who Preach the Word of God for whosoever Preacheth the Word of God Preacheth Christ in as much as Christ is the Word of God Neither would such be perswaded if Christ should come once again into the World after the same manner as he did which will not be so for his next coming will be unto Judgment which Will be in Glory and in Power and in flaming Fire taking Vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ But in the mean while he hath gave the Word and there are those who Preach it He hath sent forth Labourers into his Harvest with full Power and Commission He that heareth you heareth me and he that despiseth you despiseth him that sent me Luke 10. 16. Even the Great God himself who made the World and all things therein What do ye think will become of those who despise God As they who despise his Word either preached or spoken written or printed do despise God himself Why God hath fortold us what will become of such They that despise me shall be lightly esteemed 1 Sam. 2. 30. This is not all neither for God will answer requite and punish them in very like manner They shall go forth and look upon the Carkasses of the Men that have Transgressed against Me and they shall be an abhorring unto all Flesh Isa 66. 24. Observe here the slighting kind of Phrase Carkasses the Holy Ghost makes use of That such little despicable and vile Beings who even in the midst of Life are but Men and Women in Carkasses Notwithstanding some have Jolly and Red looks A●e inclosed in their own Fat according to the Psalmi●●'s Phrase or are arrayed in fine Cloaths should ever behave themselves contemptuous or disdainful towards a most Excellent Infinite and Glorious Majesty as the Invisible God is If there should come any Letter to me or any order concerning me under the Great Seal of England with the Royal Signet and Arms and I would not Read nor look into it nor hear what it was but take and stamp it under my Feet or Burn
and Tear it or throw it into the Dirt upon the Ground All this and such like would be a contempt and affront to the Kings Person Even so every Divine Word and Truth whether it be Preached Spoken Written or Printed doth Bear the Image and Superscription of the Invisible God the great King of all the Earth So that of necessity a contempt and despising of the one is a contempt despising of the other also He that despiseth the Word or Ministers of God despiseth God himself Saith the Lord of Hosts unto you O Priests that despise my Name and ye say wherein have we Despised thy Name Mat. 1. 6. The Priests do there say Wherein have we despised thy Name And as they ask the Question in Mat. 25. 44. When saw we thee an Hungred or a Thirst or a Stranger and did not Minister unto thee So the doleful herd that vast Multitude of cast a-ways and forlorn Souls who shall be condemned a● the last Day will be apt to think or say wherein did lye and consist the great Evil-deserving and malignity of Sin that for that they must go away into Everlasting Punishment and Misery They will perceive it somewhat more than we can now apprehend or assign the reason thereof in these Days of our Flesh Though even th●n ●●ey will not perceive it throughly and to the utmost ti●l God shall discover and convict them of it more and more by the Pains and Torments he shall inflict on them for otherwise such thoughts would not arise in their Hearts neither would they ask such a Question But this may be most surely gathered and understood in the mean while as from the place afore-quoted in Isa 66. 24. The reason is therein infolded and assigned why the Carkasses of some Men shall be exposed to publick view because They have Transgressed against the Lord. So the like may be understood from Dan. 12. 2. 1 Sam. 2. 30. And by Mark 8. 38. The reason why some there shall awake to shame and Everlasting contempt is because they were ashamed of God and of Christ and of his Word in this Adulterous and Sinful Generation So they did despise God and despise his Word in this Rebellious and Sinful World whilst they were in the Days of their Flesh and in this Life before they did drop into the Dust of the Earth and therefore it is that now they shall rise up to Everlasting shame and contempt As in those Days when Hezekiah was sick unto Death Isaiah the Son of Amos came unto him Aand as Paul went in unto the Jews and Reasoned unto them out of the Scriptures So I do hereby denounce unto all such who shall Hear or Read these Lines whether ye have Pale Ruddy or Healthful Looks yet all ye are sick unto Death Thus saith the Lord Set your House in Order for ye shall dye and not live What God doth speak at sundry Times and in divers Manners in time past by the Prophets and in these last Days by his Son who is the Word and by his Ministers He doth also even now speak the very same by his Spirit within the Hearts and Consciences of each Man and Woman And so I put ye all to it that hear the Lord speaking by me his Creature unto ●e his Creatures this Day Do ye not Or can ye not at this very moment perceive a still Voice from within ye severally which exactly answers unto and witnesses the very same as is the Message of the Lord God unto ye Set your Houses in order for ye shall die and not live Besides the sure Word of Prophecy for this is spoken of somewhat to come hereafter Whereunto ye do well that ye take heed as unto a Light that shineth in a dark place there is also and moreover the day dawn and the day-star arising in your hearts Both which Lights do agree one to the other and do serve to one and the same end viz. to lead guid● and direct us to Heaven that Place where is 〈…〉 of Life in thy Light shall we see Light 〈◊〉 it is ●●●ewhere written Th● Sword without the Terrour within which do both conspire and tend to a Third 〈…〉 Destruction So contrariwise it stands in 〈…〉 as pertaining to the Salvation of Man Ther● 〈◊〉 the Word without and also the Word within like Ezekiel's Roll in Chap. 2. written within and without So there is also the Law of God written in the inward parts and also in the Leaves of the Bible Engraven in Tables of Stone and also in Table● 〈◊〉 the Heart both which do agree in one and in o●●dience to both is Man's Life and Salvation What God hath joined together let no man put asunder What God hath ordered to be written and made known both ways let no Man conceive without the other The right understanding and consideration of this would prevent lest under pretence of having more Veneration for the Word within they have the l●ss Esteem for the outward written Word As again by minding only the outward written Word they do not give so much heed to the Dictates of the Spirit and of the Word from within which again some Superficial Nominal and Outward Worshippers do err in as to the other hand whereas Truth lies in the middle between both extreams and the right manner of Acting is to give heed and have equal regard unto them both What the Everliving God doth say that we dying Creatures should immediately obey And such who are indeed his Saints and People do assemble for no other purpose but to sit Deut. 33. 3. and hear all things that are commanded from God and made known from his Word for to hear and do them Deut. 5. 27. and they do hereby avouch themselves unto him to be their God and then God will reciprocally avouch them to be his People Set 〈…〉 u●to all the words which I testifie among you this aay which 〈◊〉 shall command your Children to observe to ●o all the words of this Law For it is not a vain thing for 〈…〉 ●●●ause it is your Life and through this thing ye shall pr●lo● 〈…〉 days in the Land whither ye go over Jordan to possess 〈◊〉 Deut. 32. 46 47. It is yo ur Life hereby ye will be taught and instructed that tho' ye die ye may live again and what ye must do to inherit and partake of the Blessing which the Lord h●th commanded even life for evermore Psal 133. 3. For as the Sons of Isaac were to do somewhat for their Father before they received his Blessing Even so we Creatures must do somewhat for God our Creator and Father sor so he is to all that shew themselves obedient Children before he actually confers and bestows the Blessing which he hath already pronounced and made known signified by that word The Lord hath command●d even Life for evermore Through this thing viz. Universal Obedience and observing all the words of his Law ye shall prolong yo●r
in continued Practice unto the day of our several Deaths in reference to the God of Israel hitherto and in the foregoing part of my Life I have served God a little and I have done a little good but for what now remains I will serve God much and labour whatever I can to do much good for it will be only of the number of those that have done good that will rise unto the Resurrection of Life This one thing to remember and practice to observe and do is Benefit and Use enough for your coming to hear this Sermon But I am sensible beforehand of all the Exhortation that hath or can be used as to this matter that this will be the effect of hearing this and of all other Sermons As it was in reference to Paul's Preaching And some believed the things which were spoken and some believed not Acts 28. 24. So some of ye will obey and do according to the things that have been spoken others again will not obey and do thereafter Some of ye will hear and endeavour to remember by pondering these things in your Heart after ye are gone from hence as Mary laid up the sayings of Jesus in her Heart there be those again who will hear with one Ear and let it out with another that it shall go off and be with them as a flash and a noise and as the Wind that passeth away Even so it will be at the end of things and as to all the Generations and Persons of Mankind of all Countrey and Places It is appointed to all to die This of necessity and force Some of them did set their Houses in order that is their Souls in a readiness and meetness before they died Others again did not set their Houses in order before they died but they were careless and negligent as to that till indeed Death came upon them He that feared the Word of the Lord amongst the Servants of Pharaoh made his Servants and his Cattel flee into the Houses which were hereby preserved and he that regarded not in the Margent here it is set not his Heart unto the Word of the Lord left his Servants and his Cattel in the Field Exod. 9. 20 21. which were therefore destroyed Even so it is here he or they among the Inhabitants of the Earth that feared the Word of the Lord obeyed the Exhortation in our Text and did set their Houses in order before they died and those will be saved and preserved for though they die they shall live again But such of the Inhabitants of the Earth as did not regard nor set their Heart unto the Word of the Lord the Exhortation and Command in our Text. They did neglect to set their Houses or their Souls in Order before they died even these Souls shall perish and be destroyed for though they shall never cease to be but they also shall live again yet it shall be only to receive and partake of Pain Punishment and Misery SERMON II. Isaiah 38. 1. Set thine House in Order for thou shalt die and not live IN which words Two Things are to be considered First A Duty enjoin●d Set thine House in order Secondly The Reason added and annexed For thou shalt die and not live As to the first As when David was old and stricken in Years and the Time drew nigh that he should die he gives charge and takes care who of his Children should succeed him in the Kingdom over Isra●l as may be seen in the first and second Chapters of the first Book of Kings which was a great and weighty Concern So from that good and godly Example as also from the common Practice and Usage of the World we learn that it is both lawful and commendable yea it is the certain Duty as well as it is the Wisdom of each one according to his Station and outward Circumstances to give charge and take care concerning the Righteous Distribution and Disposition of those Houses and Lands Money or Goods to his Children and others to whom of Right it doth belong as Sons Daughters Kinsfolks Poor and such like For as touching this the Word and Law of God hath Commanded and Directed Children are not to lay up for their Parents but Parents for their Children He that provideth not for his own and especially for those of his own House hath denied the Faith and is worse than an Infidel Neither will this be sufficient available or acceptable with God to be Righteous unto all others and to be Unrighteous unto his own Children For we may Read in Romans 1. 32. That those who are without Natural affection are there Ranked among the vilest and worst of Men. But contrariwise As a good Man will guide his Affairs with discretion Psal 112. 5. in the midst of and throughout his Life so more especially he will do the same towards and before his Death Even by so ordering his Matters by a Righteous Equitable Equal and Impartial Distribution of his Goods amongst them As to give them no just Occasion for them to s●eak evil of him nor yet for his Adversaries to speak Reproachfully and to prevent before-hand Law-sui●s Quarrelling Hatred between Brothers and Sisters Kinsfolks and Neighbours and such like As we often know and hear that these last evil things and inconveniencies do too commonly happen for want of People thus setting their Houses in order before they die To set the House in order is spoken by way of Me●onomy that is to set the Things contained in the House in order and that is Goods as also Parchment Writings and Evidences c●ncerning Lands as we Read that Jeremiah did Seal and Subscribe unto them when he made the purchase But this Phrase of the Holy Ghost hath a further meaning than all this even a Spiritual Sence and Signification therefore I now proceed to explain and handle it in that Threefold sence and meaning which the words will naturally bear without any forced or violent Construction made upon them As Man is usually considered in a Threefold Capacity outward Estate Body and Soul of which two last he is made up and constituted but the first is a thing appendant extrinsical and belonging to him So to set his House in order doth denote these three things 1st To set his outward Estate in order 2dly To set his Body in order 3dly To set his Soul in order for this is the most Principal thing That all these are severally meant included and intended when the Holy Ghost spake thus by Isaiah unto Hezekiah Set thine House in order will appear from other places of Scripture which was given by Inspiration from God as also from the very Nature and Reason of things It hath been observed that it is a Man's Prudence to make his last Will and Testament in the midst of Life and Health and to keep it always ready by him For the Party is never the nearer Death for so doing but only more ready and prepared for it For in
these things that bringeth out their Host by number He calleth them all by Nam●s by the greatness of his might for that He is strong in Power not one faileth And so as He hath Created all these things and bringeth out their Host by number And as the Heavens and the Earth were finished by him and all the Host of them Gen. 2. 1. He is prope●●y and truly in this great noble and comprehensive Sence Lord of the Hosts of his whole Creation which being many are properly stiled Hosts in the Plural number to denote and set forth their Multitude Now compare that Army we read of in Scripture of a thousand thousand 2 Chron. 14. 14. which was the greatest that we read of in common History for Xerxes had as many with the Hosts of the whole Creation of God either for bigness or Multitude and even they seem as a small Multitude of Grashoppers It is He that sitte●h upon the Ci●cle of the Earth and the Inhabitants thereof are as Grashoppers that stretcheth out the Heavens as a Curtain and spreadeth them out as a Tent to dwell in His divinely inspired Prophet hereby intimating that the vast Bo●y of the Heavens which is ten thousand Times bigger than the Earth with the whole Circumference Longitude and Latitude of it is no more in comparison to the infinitely exceeding greatness of God himself then the Heavens does exceed in bigness the Curtains of any common Bed or any usual Shepherds Tent. The making of any thing doth give an absolute Right and Property in the thing it self to the maker thereof And in this Sence God is Lord of all even of the Heavens and the Earth and all the Host of them inasmuch as He Created them and all things contained therein It is now called the King's Army and the King's Host because that the King's Money pays them whereby they are holpen unto and furnished with Food and Clothes But as the Lord saith All Souls are mine So all Armies and Hosts are his because he Created and gave Being to the Horse and his Rider and to all the several Creatures that are therein He maketh Grass to grow for the Horses Corn and Wooll for the Men. And as David saith The Earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof Psal 24. 1. The Silver is mine and the Gold is mine saith the Lord of Hosts Hag. 2. 8. Observe how fitly that Character The Lo●● of Hosts succeeds after all the former Though here again it may be observed that the Rebellion and Disobedience of Mankind will endeavour to thwart him herein for by their good will his peculiar Children and Servants shall have the ●east share therein by the violent Spoiling Grasping and Oppression of others But now to return again into the way of our Discourse As a King or a General doth go forth to view their respective Armies and they order their Men to be drawn forth and to stand in Battel Array that out of them they might Detach and Pick out some Chosen Men for such a particular Action or Enterprize they send them about Even so The Lord looketh from Heaven he beholdeth all the Sons of Men from the place of his Habitation he looketh upon all the Inhabitants of the Earth And now he calls out one to Death and then again he calls another and then a third and so on The Stars in their Courses fought against Sisera And as they above are seen and observed to be in their Courses so it is expected and commanded by the Lord of Hosts that all the Inhabitants of the Earth should stand and be in their Order For as the Soldiers in an Army know not what particular Man the General will Detach and take out next Even so we the Inhabitants of the Earth know not which of us the Lord our God will call out next by his Trumpeter or Messenger Death But this we certainly know that we shall be called out every one of us one time or another When the General or Captain calls for a Man and he is not to be found in his Order and Place woe be to that Man for he thereupon undergoes some Reproof Punishment or he is shot to death And so in like manner if our Souls are not set in Order before and when God calls and requires them out from our Bodies woe be unto those Souls for the Reproof Threatning and Punishment of God will befal them Thus much is signified and to be understood from what is written And when the King came in to see the Guests he saw there a Man which had not on a Wedding-Garment And he saith unto him Friend how camest thou in hither not having on a Wedding-Garment And he was speechless Then said the King to the Servants bind him hand and foot and cast him into outer darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth From all this Parable or rather Similitude afore rehearsed whereby our condition here in this dying Body in reference to the ever-living God over all is truly set forth and shewn unto us we learn that to set our Souls in Order is to get them in a readiness or in a S●ate of watching or waiting an expectation against our Lord's coming and calling us not knowing when it will be and that we be sure to keep in our proper Place and Station in our Course and Order he hath set us to be a doing and finishing his Work which he hath employed us about That as the Son of Man left to every Man his Work and Commanded the Porter to watch Mark 13. 34. so we may have the Blessing promised and pronounced that when he cometh he may find us so doing Another sence and signification of setting in Order is taken from what Paul writes to Titus 1. 5. For this cause left I thee in Crete that thou shouldest set in order the things that were wanting In the Margent there it is left undone From hence it will appear inasmuch as this Scripture was given forth by the same Spirit that the meaning of the Spirit when he Commanded to set our Houses in Order or as hath been interpreted the Soul the Inhabitant of this House in Order is to set in Order the things that are wanting or what are left undone That is I suppose and gather to fill up and supply what is wanting and to do what is yet left undone I do believe that this is the principal meaning of the Holy Ghost in the Text. For that of setting the Soul in a readiness is included in this For if there is nothing wanting in the Soul then it is in its proper Order Station or Place If there be nothing left undone then certainly she is upon doing and finishing the Work which the Lord God of Heaven hath given and committed unto her for to do And now set your Thoughts O Man to work and upon the search As Paul did for this Cause leave Titus in Crete that he should set in Order the
SIX SEVERAL SERMONS Preached on Isaiah 38. 1. WHEREIN THAT GREAT DUTY OF Setting our BODY and SOUL in Order For we shall Die is at large opened and Explained Wherein also many DIVINE TRUTHS ARE Made known relating to the same Matter And now Published because of the exceeding Importance and Concernment of this Subject unto all People whatsoever For Man also knoweth not his time as the Fishes are taken in an evil Net and as the Birds that are caught in the Snare so are the Sons of Men snared in the evil time when it falleth suddenly upon them Eccles 9. 12. For Precept must be upon Precept Precept upon Precept Line upon Line Line upon Line here a little and there a little Isa 28. 9. London Printed and are to be sold by Ralph Simpson at the Harp in St. Paul's Church-Yard 1696. TO THE READER IF I were to Judge of all others by my self I should think that all People of whatever Age or Condition of Life should earnestly catch at and be very desirous to look into and read all Books concerning Death and Mortality if perhaps they might light upon any thing therein which may either mitigate or lessen that fear of Death which even in the midst of and throughout their Life is sensible in all Mens minds Which same fear hath Torment and doth afflict them But more especially if they may find any thing in their reading of this kind which may Teach Instruct and Direct them what they must do to be Happy after Death and to make sure of it all one as it is desired to live comfortably and happy before Death for if People are so very much concerned as we see they are what they s●all eat and what they shall drink and wherewithal they shall be clothed for this short time because these things are present and sensible they should also take care beforehand nay they must and will unavoidably think when the end is come the end is come Ezek. 7. 6. which is doubled because the thing is established by God and for the certainty thereof whether it shall go well or ill with them throughout all Eternity for then these things will be present and sensible also And it being the highest Wisdom to do those things whilst living especially since those things are to be only done in our Life-time I must work the Works of him that sent me whilst it is day the night cometh when no Man can work which we shall wish and desire we had done when we come to die this should influence and actually persuade People even in the midst of their Youth Health and Vigour when they are Lusty and Strong yea throughout all their Life here on Earth to be continually employed about this one thing needful of setting their Soul in Order against the time it shall go out of this Body and to make sure that when their Earthly House of this Tabernacle shall be dissolved they may have a Building of God not made with Hands Eternal in the Heavens This is the difference between the Godly and Sinners between Wise Men and Fools the Godly and Wise do only those things in time besore it be too late or the Door is shut which the Sinners and Fools do at last bethink themselves and wish it is the part of Fools to say I never thought it would come to this when it is too late and the time is over and past As Christ said the People of Nineveh will rise up in Judgment against the People of this Generation and condemn them So I testifie in this my day that the Heathen may rise up in Judgment against the People of this Generation and condemn them For they especially the wiser sort some of them defining Wisdom to be a Meditation of Death did search and enquire diligently and think continually what should become of them after Death albeit they knew nothing certainly concerning Immortality and future Life but they had only a little glimmering and conjecture thereof And yet this did put them upon the practice of Moral Virtue and the doing of Good Actions that thereby they might be Happy after Death But now in this Christian Countrey there is a most clear Gospel-Light and Revelation concerning it yet to most People herein Death is like a Damp which puts out all their Lights of Pleasure and through Satan's acting with all deceivableness in them that perish the greatest part of Men and Women do concern themselves but very little about it But notwithstanding their Supineness and Negligence which is the miscarriage of the whole Wo●ld the Children of God the Heirs of Life and Immortality in all their several Generations and Countries were always and all along even in the midst of Life Health and Prosperity great Meditators of Dea●h O that I my self might be of their number but as some little Hope and Evidence thereof I did always as for my part even from my Tender Years think very much of Death and what would follow thereon I now call to remembrance my Thought and searching of Heart which was in the days of old when I was but a Stripling I did then Commune with mine own Heart and my Spirit made diligent search What will bec●me of me after that this Body of mine which I carry about me is laid in the Earth For I did ●ind then that my Spirit would live and abide elsewhere as truly God hath shewn this unto me from within my self ever since I was a Child and had the least Knowledge of Good and Evil that there was another Life and a succeeding State which People should enter upon and go into after they were gone off from this Earth I was all along for the greater part and I am still as verily persuaded and ascertained of it as I am sure of this Life which I now live or that I now write down these words And thereupon revolving and pondering many things in my mind how that all here is but vain little and passing away as a Shadow and doth not signifie much afterwards f●in would I be Happy and Safe as to that succeeding and Eternal State of things into which my Soul must be launched forth out of this Body Accordingly I have made it my business to read all Books and Sermons that I could light upon which treat of this matter But especially I have searched and enquired diligently into the Scriptures in the which we think that we have Eternal Life But we know assuredly that the way to Eternal Life is taught and shewed therein And I desire that what things I have in the following pages brought forth out of that Treasury of Heavenl● Truths may be published for the Benefit and Instruction of others For I do not write these things out mine own Head nor yet from mine own Imagination and Invention but only from the Scriptur●s which are given to make us wise unto Salvation and what is rightly inferred from Truth is Truth likewise And although this
days in the L●n● whither ye go over Jordan to possess it This is sufficient prolonging ones days to a witness to live the length of a whole Eternity or to live for evermore In the Land that is the new Heavens and new Earth where dwelleth Righteousness After we are gone over Jordan hereby is typified and signified the River of this Li●e for to possess it For indeed the very truth of the matter stands on this wise if we shall be rendred meet and found worthy As Jesus the Prince of Life did say when he heard that Lazarus was sick This sickness is not unto Death When indeed it was a sickness unto Death for Lazarus died of that sickness But Christ the Way the Truth and the Life spake on this wise knowing in himself what he would do even raise Lazarus to Life again And so it was for the Glory of God that God might be glorified thereby Even so in very like manner the words of our Text may be read and reversed Set your House in order for thou shalt live and not die For the Soul which is we our selves doth not die when it goes out of this Body but only leaves this earthly House and departs from this Body and changes its place of Abode and Habitation I remember that I was very much pleased and transported within my self because I find from out of the S●r●ptures of T●uth and mine own Spirit witnessing the same what I have Read in Cicero and Zenophon Heathen Authors where Cyrus and Cato and Scipio are brought in speaking to this purpose and effect Saith Cyrus It could never be perswaded to me that these Souls of ours when they go out of this Body do die or perish For most certainly they live unto God the Father of Spirits For my part I do as firmly b●lieve and am as verily perswaded of all this as that I now write these Lines or as I am assured that I now live and breath It hath b●●n aforesaid That even in the midst of Life Health and Vigour every one of us was sick unto Death because that we did all along carry about with us in the Body the Seeds of Corruption and Mortality Which holds true as to the Flesh and outward part of us But as to our Souls we are not sick unto Death but alive unto 〈◊〉 in the Apostle's Phras● or alive unto Everlasting Life if we have the Seeds of Grace and Holiness in our Souls which are indeed the Principles of Life and Immortality abiding within us To this agrees the meaning of the Holy Ghost in several places of Scripture particularly in the Gospel of John Saith Jesus Christ Ye will not come unto me that ye might have life John 5. 40. For the Bread of God is he that cometh down from Heaven and giveth life unto the world I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly Whosoever drinketh of the Water that I shall give him shall never thirst but the Water that I shall give him shall be a Well of Water springing up into Everlasting life John 4. 14. He that believeth on me as the Scripture hath said out of his Belly shall flow Rivers of living Water John 7. 38. These two last Scriptures com● directly to our present purpose For it being here said In him a Well of Water springing up unto everlasting life and here it is said That it shall flow out of his Belly and by what the Scripture elsewhere saith that such an one hath in him everlasting life all this shews and confirms that the Saints and Servants of the Most High God by having Grace and Holiness and the new Life ingraffed in them they have also thereby even whilst their Souls inhabit in this weak vile and dying Body here on Earth the Seeds and Principles of Immortality and Eternal Life so that they shall never see Death that is Death Eternal and when their Souls go out of these Bodies they do not die but live And so it is found true in them what Seneca saith who herein spake much more like a Christian than like an Heathen for Flesh and Blood could not reveal these things unto him but God his Creator saith he That day which some fear to be their last he means the Day of Death is indeed the Birth-day of Immortali●y For in truth the Souls of the Righteous are then Born and brought forth into another World into an in●●ni●ely better and more enduring s●ate The Vngodly are not so It is otherwise with the Wicked and the Children of Disobedience or the Children of Perdition as the Scripture Phrases them For wh●t is the greatest Happiness to the Righteous is the beginning of Sorrows unto these The Day of Death is either the best or worst of all the foregoing Days even according as the foregoing Life hath been Good or Evil Godly or Ungodly for the Souls of these Miserable Creatures do also live and exist and they are sensible also Yet according to the meaning of the Holy Ghost especially in many places of the Revelations and also according to the desire and feeling of the Creatures themselves it is Death and not Life or rather worse than Life to abide in Torment Pain and Misery And therefore it is so of●en called the second Death or Death The Soul that sinneth it shall die Turn you turn you why will ye die Not that the Souls of them will ever cease to be in no wise But they will be in such a wretched condition that Death would be better than Life According as it is written In those days shall men seek to die and death shall flee from them As it is here explained these two manner of ways this is the Order Decree and Appointment of God our Creator upon all the Reasonable Inhabitants of the Earth who are commonly called or known by the Name of Men and Women It is appointed for all once to die but after that the Judgment and then they are to rise and live again For the hour is coming in the which all that are in the Graves shall hear his voice And shall come forth They that have done good unto the Resurrection of Life and they that have done evil unto the Resurrection of Damnation S●eing then that all these things must so be yea and they shall so be what manner of Persons ought ye to be in all Holy Conversation and Godliness Looking for and endeavouring whatever we can in this short space between during the few and evil days remaining of our Pilgrimage that we may rise unto the Resurrection of Life Most People have done some little good in the foregoing part of their Life according to their Station and Capacity their Condition and Employment in the World But as it was said Ahab served Baal a little but Jehu shall serve him much So let every one of us make the like Inference and Reasoning and to take up the same Resolution as to put it
also Self●Righteousness denoted by this Phrase of the Holy Ghost our Righteousness are the two p●i●cipal Garments and so must be done of whatever is like unto them which the Soul must be stripped of before she goes out of the Body that she may be set in Order and to the intent that she may be found comely meet and acceptable in the ●ight of God when this Spirit of ours is to return to the God that gave it It is commonly and truly said That it is a great thing to die And so indeed it will appear notwithstanding that the most and generality of People who are in the broad way that leadeth unto Destruction make no more of it than barely to undergo it when it comes as if there was no more than to yield up the Ghost and surrender up their Breath when they can no longe●●old it in In truth there is no great matter to die as People usually die to slip and descend down into Hell But to die as indeed we ought to die sed Revocare Gradum superasque ascendere ad Auras hi● labor hoc opus ●st that we may ascend up above and be received up into the Mansions above here is labour and work here is matter enough for all our life foregoing let us do and endeavour and labour as much as ever we can If I should here go about to describe what it is to strip off these Garments spotted with the Flesh to put away the unclean thing and to renounce all our self-Righteousness I am apt to think that I shall pencil and set it forth in higher Perfections and Attainments than People will reach and arrive unto And yet let me say what I can concerning it even according to the Ability and Knowledge God hath given me it will come ●●● short of what is the meaning and requiring of God concerning it whereby also it will be seen Thy Word is very pure therefore thy Servant loveth it Psal 119. 140. The consequent to which is to hate yea and strip off the Garment spotted by the Flesh Some may here be apt to say such a State of Holiness Christianity and fear of the Lord is too wonderful for me it is high I cannot attain to it If none will go to Heaven but such Precise Mortified and Self-denying People Lord have mercy upon us For what will become of us Notwithstanding this or the like imagination and saying so frequent in the Mouths of People when they hear strict and hard sayings drop from the Preachers Mouth who can bear them Yet I say and testifie again there is no making our Calling and Election sure Heaven is such a great and lasting Good that we can never make too sure of it and Hell is so sore and abiding an Evil that nothing can be done too much to avoid it without coming up to these Perfections and Excellencies and higher degrees of Grace and Knowledge of Holiness and Innocency which the Scriptures do any where speak of or set forth And truly we should purchase to our selves a good degree and great proficiency in the Christian life and in the Faith which is in Christ Jesus if we have already used the Office of a Deacon well 2 Tim. 3. 13. That is if we did learn and behave our selves well enough in the lower Forms of Christ's School as to be still coming up and making towards the higher yea the top and highest of all As indeed the very top and highest pitch of Christianity and Faith attainable here on this Earth is set forth by those kinds of words that lie before us of hating even the Garment spotted by the Flesh of laying aside every weighs and the sin that doth so easily beset us of resisting unto Blood stirring against sin Shew me any stricter Gospel Precepts or higher Advancements towards the likeness of God and of Christ For this is certain the more like unto God any one becomes the more he doth love Good and the more he doth hate Evil. Ye that love the Lord hate Evil Psal 97. 10. Now this is an hating of Evil with a perf●ct hatred when we do not only hate loath and have indignation against Evil but we hate every thing that is in the least stained tinctured and spotted with the Evil. Nay yet further this is true hating of Evil when although the Flesh is not simply and absolutely evil yet it being the Ground or Soil where this Evil the Poysonous Herb grows and springs up we do not only hate the Poysonous Herb it self but even the very Ground that bears it and round about for its sake W●e● in our Thoughts and Soul the Ground is by us accursed for its sake That although no Man hates his own Flesh but loves and cherisheth it as the Scripture witnesseth and God would have it so in the State of Innocency yet because of the Body of Sin dwelling therein and because that Evil and Corruption doth root settle and spread it self fo●th there we hate our own Flesh therefore and could almost destroy it which we must not neither though here we are Commanded also Mortifie your Members which are on the Earth If ●hy righ● Hand offend thee cut it off if thy right Eye offend ●●ee pluck it out And even we are to loath and detest those Members which have been yielded Servants to ●nclean●ess and to Iniquity unto Iniquity The Flesh lusteth and striveth against the Spirit and the Spirit against the Flesh as may be seen in the seventh and eighth Chapter to the Romans For when we were in the Flesh the motions of sins which were by the Law did work in our Members and by the like consequence of that of 〈◊〉 of hating even the Ga●ment spotted by the Flesh we ●ught to hate our Members because of the motions of ●●s in them to bring forth Fruit unto death But now we are delivered from the Law that being dead wherein we ●●e held that we should serve in the n●wness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the Letter Rom. 7. 5 6. For they that are after the Flesh do mind the things of the Flesh but they that are after the Spirit do mind the things of the Spirit Because the carnal mind is enmity against God for it is not subject to the Law of God neither indeed ●an be So then they that are in the Flesh cannot please God There is no need of citing more places of Scripture these being sufficient and express to the purpose to shew that the Flesh is distinct contrary and opposite unto the Spirit And also the reason of not only hating but even stripping off the Garment spotted by the Flesh to set the Soul in Order before she goes out of the Body will easily appear By the way it is not proper nor yet a true expression to say that the Soul doth die when it goes out of the Body for indeed it doth not die but depart But this is certain and evident that when
we have a cunning Adversary to deal withal the Devil and his Legions for they are many and He will not bring them all forth at once for it is now seen that by our conquering one Sin or Lust by the help of our God it is somewhat like cut●ing off Hydra's Head another presently springs up and s●cceeds in the Room thereof And so it is odds that when Dominion is got over one Sin even the Sin that doth so easily beset us another Sin will succeed and easily beset us also Here we are to do with that as we did with the first and so on if twenty or more should succeed one after another For this is our business and our whole Life was therefore given and lent us on this Earth to be at perpetual War against Sin in all the several kinds and sorts thereof and so to wound one kind and then another that it shall not be able to ●ise This verily is hard Work for here to instance in Lust in the Time of Youth Health and Streng●h it may be wounded and mortified for a Time but it will be apt to rise again And so to beat them as small a Dust before the Wind to cast them out as the Dirt in the Stre●ts This is sooner said then done as to all the Sins and motions of Sins and Lusts that are in our Members Neither is this a Work of one day or two for we are many that have transgressed in this thing Ezra 10. 14. It is a Work of Months and Years yea of all our Life long for we have many Enemies to deal withal and it is a long Time before we can conquer one as it should be even so to wound it that it shall not be able to rise The Method of God's working by his Grac● in the Souls of Men in driving out the Canaanites from thence is By little and little By little and little I will drive them out from ●●●ore thee until thou be increased and inherit the Land ●●od 23. 30. And so it is elsewhere written The L●●d shall increase you more and more Psalm 115. 14. Which He doth so of his Saints and Servants till they i●he●it the Land that is enter into Heaven which is t●e best Land of Inheritance In Exod. 23. 29. it is said I will not drive them out before thee in one Year lest the Land become desolate and the Beast of the Field multiply against thee So it may be r●asoned and supposed that God will not fit us quite for Heaven in one Year lest it should be said we live all the other Years here on Earth to no purpose Lest that Ig●orant Beast of the Field Pride and Boasting multiply in the Soul and it become desolate of the Graces of Humility and working out our Salvation with f●ar and trembling I have re●d of an Heathen who came to a Christian Man to learn a Lesson of good Instruction and saith He when I have learned that I will come again and accordingly a Lesson of Instruction was given unto him which was this I said that I will take heed to my ways that I sin not with my Tongue Psalm 39. 1. it was no less then seventeen Years before He came again for He had not throughly learned so as to practice this Lesson sooner But one half of this is enough for us to learn and practice not only in s●ve●teen but in seventy Years which is all the Life of Man The half I mean is this I will take heed to my way● this little is more then many People will observe if they were to live to the days of Methusaleh And if I should Preach unto ye seventy Years I could not recommend unto ye a better and more useful Word of Instruction than that ye would once unfeignedly resolve and do accordingly to take heed to your ways that ye sin not neither with your Tongue Heart or Hand neither in Thought Word or Deed nor with any Member that ye have Let this be the Doctrine and Use the Drift and Design the Application and Benefit of all this whole foregoing Sermon Remember and carry this Word away with ye I beseech ye Take heed to your ways that ye sin not And I would to God that some of ye would come to me or send Word to me where-ever I am whither it be a Month or Year or seven Years hence if God in whose Hand our Breath is should suffer us to live so long or even in the Place of departed Souls for they may Remember Luke 16. 25. what they were in such a Place and at such a Time put in mind of and exhorted unto by such an ones Ministry and then and there tell me that you have learned throughly and practised continually that short Word of Instruction to take heed to your ways that ye sin not And then indeed if ye do so ye will be my Beloved my Hope my Joy my Crown in the Lord. I have no greater Pleasure tha● that ye walk in the Truth I have no greater Comfort in the World and satisfaction of my Preaching than that notwithstanding all those several inconveniencies and loss which attend me for it but these I matter not ye obey the Word which is preached and made known unto ye The summ of our whole Dis●ourse and Word of Exho●tation from the foregoing Sermon is to this purpose and Effect Though I am no Prophet neither am I a Prophet's Son as to pretend unto immediate and extraordinary Revelations from God for to know more of his Secret than others for I am as one of ye although perhaps I have had a little better Education and I have given my self up more wholly unto spiritual things than such as follow after Worldly Trades and Employments yet this I gather from the sure Word of Prophesie as also from the common Observation of things that after all my Preaching unto ye till my Strength fails on this Subject or rather ●●til no more Words do recur to my Mind concerning it yet I foresee and foretel that several of ye perhaps one or a ve●y few may I am not sure of that neither will not lay aside every weight and the Sin that doth so easily beset ye and ye will not resist unto Blood striving against Sin Yet nevertheless the Scripture cannot be broken That hath commanded and directed ye all yea and my self likewise to do so This I teach and affirm constantly For I gather it from out of the same Scriptures that until all this be done throughly effectually and constantly there will be something even what is Essential Principal and Necessary wanting in our Souls and so they will not be set in order before we die As it is written The Scripture foreseeing that God would justifie the Heathen through Faith preach●d before the Gospel unto Abraham In thee shall all Nations be bl●ssed Even so in like manner the Scripture which is very Pure and Holy and was given to make us wise unto
or as a Garment which will wax old and wear away or like a Watch o● any other Motion only to continue so long and no longer even whilst the Pulse beats and whilst the Springs and Wheels of Life within do continue in Motion and Circulation I have often thought and admired within my self how the ever-living God unto whom all Flesh shall come doth summon and call for us severally through th● Postern-door and Gate of Death And when I have enquired and my Heart hath searched diligently out of the Scriptures of Truth what will become of us when we come to die searching what or what manner of thing it is to die truly the best and most intelligible account that I can give of it is this I find in the ●criptures that it is always expressed by these five or six manner of words Dying Deceasing Departing Yielding up the Ghost Gathering to his Fathers Falling asleep All which tend to one and near the same signification and so it doth if there be any other Phrase or Form of speech to express Death by And it came to pass as her Soul was in departing for she died Gen. 35. 8. which was spoken of Rachel And so when Elijah was to raise the Widows dead Son He streched himself upon the Child three times and cried unto the Lord and said O Lord my God I pray thee let this Child's Soul come into him again 1 Kings 17. 21. In the Margent there it is into his inward parts Besides these two plain and express Scriptures which do prove and confirm the matter in hand to this give all the Prophets and Scripture witness That Death is nothing else but a going out or departue of the Soul from the Body When the Soul or Ghost or Spirit is yielded up and committed and returns to that God who gave it And when the Holy Ghost Phraseth it by falling asleep thereby it would set forth that little pain or difficulty which is therein For they die in like manner and make no more of it than when we take our ordinary rest by sleep in our Beds This is commonly the Portion and distinguishing Character of the Godly and Righteous that they go out of this Body with Peace of Conscience and Peace towards God in which same sence that saying of the Disciples is true Lord if he sleepeth he shall do well Which will be so as to the future State if it be real Sleep and perfect Peace and not the Slumberings only of false Presumption But then as in Sleep we do not speak or act as when we are awake nor yet do we think clearly for Dreaming is but a kind of confused Imagination inasmuch as Death also doth take away the use of those faculties which in sleep are only suspended for a time therefore because that in this respect and for this reason it hath some resemblance and likeness to sleep the Spirit of God doth sometimes so compare and call it In Death the Soul is actually gone out of the Body but in sleep it seemeth only to lie a little more still Again the Body is as the House or Tenement but the Soul is the Inhabitant or Tenant thereof and as when that leaves it there is nothing seen but bare Walls and not any thing that hath life within So the Body is evidently seen to be but a meer Trunk Carcase or Lump of Clay when the Soul which is the life and did give it Beauty and ruddy colour which also doth vanish with it is gone out and departed from it Lord now lettest thou thy Servant depart in Peace according to thy Word Luke 2. 29. This one Scripture s●ews forth and confirms all those two or three Truths ●fore-spoken of The blessedness and desirableness of ●eparting in Peace that is Peace towards God Hereby again Death is shewn to be and is properly called a departure According to thy Word Hereby is shewn fo●th and gathered that the Soul is only Tenant at Will to the Great Landlord of Heaven and Earth wh●n she inhabits here in one of his little Houses or Cottages viz. the Body here on Earth And it is as much as if God should say to her at first Soul I allow thee to inhabit such an exact time in that little Tenement of Clay and when that time is expired thou must come out of it again But now The S●cret of the Lord is with them that fear him Psal 25. 14. It sometimes happens that the Godly and Righteous do perceive and guess about the time God will have them to live here on this Earth It was revealed by the Holy Ghost to Simeon that he should not see Death before he had seen the Lord's Christ And so besides ●he example of Jacob Moses and Aaron and others Registred in the Book of the Lord I have read and heard of several of the Saints and Servants of God who have had it revealed unto them a considerable time before in their foregoing life near about what time and at what year of life they should die which hath accordingly so came to pass I my self have had a forebode for several years past that I should die about the three and thirtieth or the three and thirtieth year and an half of my life God knows whether it will be so And when the time draws nigh that Israel and so they that are of Israel must die they do with a willing mind resign and offer up their Soul unto God as in a readiness a little before that time comes Which is a thing pl●asing and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour the God of the Spirits of all Flesh as we see by the example and good temper of this Simeon who was Just and Devout waiting for the Consolation of Israel And so we should wait beforehand for the Consolation which God will give unto his Servants if we do indeed serve him after that we are passed through this Vale of Tears and World of Misery It was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost that he should not see Death It is very proper and pertinent to the matter in hand to open and explain this manner of Speech of seeing Death The Infidel Ungodly Ig●orant or Brutish Person may at first look upon it as a nonsensical and false kind of saying to see Death For Death closes and destroys the Eye sight that it can see nothing at all But to answer him Thou Fool that which tho● sowest is not quickened except it die Thou Ignorant Person I do here say and affirm then it is that we see most of all when Death hath destroyed all our Opticks and power of seeing and our Eyes are sunk into our Head I will prove and demonstrate it from this very Similitude of Things Do not we see more when we have the full and whole sight of a thing than when we look at or upon it only through a Crevice Hole or Chink Do not they see more who are at full liberty in
the open Air and clear Sun-shine than they who only peep or look through the Grate or little Window of a dark Prison Yes they do in both instances Even so the Soul when she was in the Prison of the Body bring my Soul out of Prison Psal 142. 7. saith the Psalmist it only then looks through two little holes under the Eye-lids But when this Soul is brought out of Prison as it is by Death and Dissolution of the Body when the Chains and Fetters of Flesh are knocked off then the Soul is sight all over and throughout and nothing at all hinders her sight as from the place of her Habitation At present it looks through the two Windows or Casements of the Body like the Mother of Sisera looking out at a window Judges 5. 28. for as when we look through a Perspective-Glass the Perspective-Glass of it self is blind and sees nothi●g at all Even so the Eye sees nothing at all but only the Soul sees through the Eye Again when the Perspective-Glass is spoiled we can see nothing through it Even so when the Optick Nerves are out of order the Soul doth not s●e outward things through it but is like a light shut up in a dark Lanthorn From whence that fleshly part of us called the Eye may be properly stiled the Perspective-Glass of the Soul But at best here in the Body it only looks through a hole or two and then it sees only the surface and outside of things But after it is gone from the Body it is all sight and all light and then it will see through and into each Object Now we see through a Glass darkly For so is at present all the material and visible Creation of God in comparison to the immate●ial and invisible Creation For as it is written Vpon all the Glory shall be a defence Isa 4. 5. In the Margent it is a covering The Holy Ghost here alludes that where things are very Fine Beautiful Comely Costly Clean here it is usual to put something over them for a Defence or Covering to preserve the Glory thereof from sullying as the custom is at this day to do over very fine Clothes Beds Tapistry Hangings rich Velvet Chairs or such like So I have several times thought and I do really believe for so much may be gathered from the Scriptures of Truth that we shall indeed s●e and find it so that all this outward visible Creation though indeed it doth seem very Beautiful and Glorious is but as a Defence or Covering cast over the much yet greater Glory of the inward invisible imma●erial Creation of God And furthermore all the Glory of this present Creation is to be done away to usher in and make room for the yet much greater Glory of the future Creation of God And then it shall be truly returned and said Even that which was made Glorious as so is the present visible Creation We may in the Spring time observe the exceeding Beauty of Blossoms and Flowers Why Solomon in all his Glory was not arrayed likeone of these had no Glory in this by reason of the Glo●y that excelleth For if that ●hich was done away is Glorious as indeed it was much more that which remaineth is Glorious 2 Cor. 3. 10 11. For behold I create new Heavens and new Earth and the former shall not ●e remembered nor come into mind Isa 65. 17. For these new Heavens and new Earth shall be so exceedingly more Glor●ous that the present Heavens and the present Earth have no Glory he would tell a falshood that should say so for they are indeed Glorious in this respect by reason of the Glory that excelleth And so as much as future Glory doth exceed present G●ory so even now the inward Glory The King's Daughter is all Glorious within doth exceed ou●ward Glory Nothing but such an inward thing as the Soul● can see discern or apprehend what inward Glory is Which again she cannot so much see know and apprehend whilst she is in the Body as she will when she is out of the Body then she will see Face to Face And inasmuch as seeing Face to Face is more than seeing through a Glass darkly by certain and necessary consequence the Soul will see more in her separated state in the invisible World than now she doth whilst she is in the Body here on Earth So that marvel no more at what was aforesaid we shall see much more when these Eyes of ours are sunk into our Heads than ever we did when we had even the best and clearest use of them I will open my Mouth in a Parable I will utter dark sayings of old one whereof hath been here explained We shall see much yea infinitely more when dead than ever we did whilst living Yea and we shall see Death it self What kind of sight is this Now we commonly behold Death Paint●d or Pictured upon the Walls of Churches or upon the side of Tomb-stones like a Skeleton of dry Bones with a Glass and Spade in his Hand Whereby we living are taught and instructed that the Glass of our Time is always running and that the Sexton will dig a Grave for us as he hath done for others But away with these Pictures for as they have been properly called ignorant and unlearned Mens Books so if People abide in them and go no further they are likely to remain ignorant and unlearned still not knowing of things throughly as they ought and may be known for they do teach and in●truct but only in half and in the outside of a thing That Picture or Representation of Death aforemen●ioned doth only shew and set forth the Alterations Changes and wh●t will befal the Body which is only the Shell or Husk of the Man But to see such a Pi●●●●e or to conceive thereof in our mind and go no further is not a seeing Death as it was appointed that old Simeon should see it For to see the thing it self when it approaches nigh and is actually come is no more than only this as if you should see one go out of an House to another Place or as we see and feel our selves when we are upon going and moving from one place to another Even so Death is no more than a going or moving from out of this World into another World or rather in more Propriety and Truth of Expression into another room of the same House For it is not another World but another part of this World the Earth being but the least even not so much as the ten thousandth part of the Creation of God We can better understand than we can see what I am now going to speak of For when the Breath of Man goeth forth in his Death 't is not so visible as smoke that ascendeth up Nay as long as it sends forth Breath it lives It rather seems to sink into and perish in the Body as may be perceived after those struggles and endeavours to fetch Breath or
admission into Heaven And by what follows in the next verse Except your Righteousness shall exceed the Right●ousness of the Scribes and Pharisees ye shall in no case enter into the Kingdom of Heaven From hence there is real grounds of fear for it may be truly understood and gathered that such who break one of the least Comma●dments of Christ and teach Men so shall not only be called l●ast in the Kingdom of Heaven but they shall in no case enter into the Kingdom of Heaven because that the Righteousness of this kind of People doth not exceed the Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees inasmuch as these also do exactly the very same as the Scribes and Pharisees did viz. break some of the Commandments of God and teach Men so Only with this somewhat better diversity for the Pharisees did Tythe Anise Mint and Cummin but neglected the weighter matters of the Law Mercy Judgment Faith and the Love of God these ought they to have done and not to leave the other undone But several of the better sort of those called Christians may perhaps observe the weightier matters of the Law and neglect some of the lesser Commandments whereas indeed and in truth from the like Reasoning of Christ it may be understood that these ought to be done and observed also as we●● as the others I take God to Record this day who is greater than our Hearts and knoweth all things that all along throughout my Preaching and Writing in all my Books and Sermons as himself will witness herein for me at the last day of Judgment I have taught and affirmed constantly and so I do again repeat and confirm it this day That all the Commandments of God and of Christ ought to obeyed and observed and not one ●ay not the least of them ought in any wise to be broken Far be it from me to teach Men so nor yet to intimate or allow or give the least way unto it See Mark 7. 9 10 11 12 13. Though for this very things sake because I have declared and testified the Will and Commandment of God to be on that wise as he saith by his Proph●t I will be a swift Witness against false Swearers and against them that turn aside the Stranger from his Right Mal. 3. 8. For this cause my Books and Ministry hath been rejected by the Corrupt and Ig●orant Multitude of this World As it is written He that is unjust let him be unjust still and he that is filthy let him be filthy still Rev. 22. 11. So if they go on still in their refusal to hear or receive that part of God's Word which is committed to my Ministration and in their other Stubbornness and Reproaches for their Lips have spoken lies their Tongue hath muttered Perversness Isa 59. 13. I shall sooner convince them out of the Law take it in the whole together and not by piece-meal only to be Sinners and Transgressors herein then they can convince me of having dealt falfly in God's Covenant neither have we dealt falsly in thy Covenant neither have our steps declined from thy way Psal 44. 17. The very nature of a Covenant stands on this wise to observe all the several sorts thereof Suppose we enter into a Bond to perform Covenants and there are for instance six Covenants mentioned in an Indenture If one of them is broken and not performed and the Bond is put in suit thereupon it will be in no wise a good Pl●a in Law for the Covenanter to say and alledge that ●e hath observed the o●her five And so when God comes to enter into Judgment and to call People to an Account when he shall call to the Heavens above and to the Earth that he may judge his People Gather my Saints together unto me those that have made a Covenant with me by Sacrifice Psal 5. 6. How they have kept his Ten Commandments from their Youth up or all the days and years they were on this E●rth for so far his Judgment will examine and reach back as his ●oregoing Statutes Laws and Judgments did enjoyn Deut. 12. 1. Luke 1. 74 75. Then God will not accept of it as sufficient if some should say Lord I have kept nine of them others eight others six others perhaps obeyed none at all from the Heart And so it is of all the other Commandments of God which are written any where else in the Bible whether of the Old o● New Testament they ought to be observed all one i● being God's S●atute Book whereby he governs over the Nations of the Earth all one as the Acts of Parliament of this Nation are kept and done accordingly Now as when one is Arraign'd for Murder Felony or any other Capital Crime it will not avail and save him if he should plead and say for himself that he had obeyed and kept all the Laws of England besides The same holds true as to the present Account and future Judgment of God For whosoever shall keep the whole Law and yet offend in one point he is guilty of all For he that said do not not commit Adu●tery said also do not Kill now if thou commit no Adultery yet if thou Kill thou art become a Transgressor against the Law So he that s●id do not worship Idols nor graven Images said also do not swear vainly or falsly He said also do not Covet and do no Wrong So that if a Man swears vainly or falsly or if he Covets and doth Wrong although he doth not worship Idols nor graven Images he is become a Transgressor of the Law So it may be reasoned concerning the keeping of some and neglecting or transgressing of others run them changeably throughout all the Ten Commandments The Author of the Epistle to the Hebrews especially in the eight and ninth Chapters Reasons very much from the nature of Covenants and Testaments Which as himself P●raseth it serveth ●nto the example and shadow of Heavenly things and it is else where expresly said as pertaining to this That though it be another Man's Covenant yet no Man addeth nor diminisheth from it Even so it is as to God's Covenant unto Man If we would indeed have the Benefit and precious Promises belonging to the Covenant we must not in the performing and fulfilling the same on our parts we are to add nothing to it nor yet should we diminish or take any thing from it The Covenant of God is the Word and Law of God for so it is called in sundry places of Scripture and the Word and Law of God is God himself and Christ himself ●o that herein the saying is true Take all or take none Is Christ divided 1 Cor. 3 13. Or can God be divided It is impossible as to both Ye cannot serve God and Mammon Although many foolish deceived People and outward Worshippers who serve divers Lusts and Pleasures would vainly imagine and think to divide their service one half for God and another half for the World or
Hearts and Consciences of such as are unconcerned and not partakers of the wrong here is the same Law For as God hath made the Hearts of the Inhabitants of the Earth alike Psalm 33. 14. So their Consciences are near alike until they become byassed and dipt in the same Sin and Guilt He that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much Luke 16. 10. So it may be truly reasoned what is unjust in a less Matter is unjust also in a greater Matter And whereas it is further on If ye have not been faithful in that which is another Mans who shall give you that which is your own ver 12. from this same Similitude of words it may be again truly reasoned that he which gives Alms of Goods unjustly gotten he gives away another Man's and not his own And so he that takes or grasps more of lands or goods than of Right or Equity do belong to him he also gives that which is not his own but another Man's Do not your Hearts and Consciences assent that these things are so And so when the Lord cometh to judge the World with Righteousness and the People with his Truth Psal 96. 13. and the People with Equity Psal 98. 9. He will lay open many such like things as these from out of the whole Scriptures of Truth and applicable to all the doings of the Children of Men considered whether in Nations Families or single Persons Whatever mistakes in matters of Religion Men frame now unto themselves or whatever wrong imaginations they take up and receive into their Minds by which they are acted and do act for the Heart of every one of them is deep yet in all this Man may be and is deceived but God cannot be deceived The Lord will recompence to each one according to his Righteousness and according to the cleanness of his hands in his eye-sight By the way it is one thing to have ones hands clean in the sight of Man and another to be clean in the sight of God With the Vpright Man thou w●lt shew thy self Vpright now Uprightness signifies standing bolt upright without inclining or leaning or stooping or bending any way with the Pure thou wilt shew thy self Pure and with the Froward thou wilt shew the self Froward Psal 18. 24 26. As Cicero the Eloquent Orator did say Nihil tam absurdum est quod non dixerit aliquis Philosophorum holds true as to the Mulitude of the called Religious and outward Worshippers There is nothing so absurd but what some seeming Religious People have imagined or spoken or what some outward Worshippers or others have not practised So strangely and miserably hath Satan deceived and be-fooled poor Mankind both in the general and also in their several individual Persons Whereas Religion as it lies in the Book of the Lord especially the great things of the Law of God and the things to be done by us is the most reasonable and conceivable thing in the World But if we look upon it as it is in the Lives and Manners of Men it is altogether as perplext and we do not know what to make of it To hear all their several Notions and Sayings concerning it to see their Divisions for the Divisions of Reuben there was great thought and searching of heart to behold and observe how one is for this thing another for that some are for one part of the Word of God and others for another but few do care to take it whole as it lies all together And then farther to conceive of and see that infinite multi●ude and changes for it is rather so than any great variety of all the several Thoughts Words and Actions of all the numerous Inhabitants of the Earth which differ from one another as their several Faces though it be all made of the same Lump and Clay What shall we say as to all Why we are here in the Wilderness and under the Cloud We are in a Confusion Perplexity and in the dark until we come into the Sanctuary and see the end of those Men. Until we get out from the Multitude and go into our Chamber and are still and take up the Book of the Lord and read and that will set us right again Which will teach us in thy wa● O Lord and lead us in a plain Path Psal 27. 11. Thy Word is Lamp unto my Feet and a Light unto my Path Psal 119. 103. and will be a sure Guide through this Earth towards Heaven As the Prophet Micah saith For all People will walk every one in the name of his God and we will walk in the name of the Lord our God for ever and ever Micah 4. 6. So I have several times thought within my self as I have beheld and observed People some going to the Church some to such and such Meeting Houses called by their several distingui●hed names some to the Mass House others to the Jewish Synagogue And so if you conceive and in mind go over beyond the Seas and run throughout the several Sects and Sorts in Christendom And then there are divers sorts amongst the Mahometans Jews Proselites Gentiles Greeks Abyssines and of all Countries of the habitable parts of the Earth I have read that in some places they Worship Devils or Demons All these vast medly of Religions doth confirm the truth of this short Word of the Prophet All People will walk every one in the name of his God For who Worship the Devil they make the Devil their God But will all these Worshippers be saved No. Will then some few of all these sorts be saved It is hard to affirm that also For certainly they that Wor● ship Devils or Demons will not be saved And inasmuch as all they are cursed and will be consounded who Worship Graven Images Stocks Sticks or Stones And Idolaters shall no● I●herit the Kingdom of God 1 Cor. 6. 9. but shall have their part in the Lake which burneth with Fire and B●imstone Rev. 21. 8. So that Idolatrous Worshippers who are knowing or who may be knowing and who continue therein shall not be saved It doth not belong to any Mortal Creature to determine who shall be saved or who shall be damned B●t yet in our Preaching and Ministry we may make use of the Scripture words which say of one and of the other He that believeth and is Baptized shall be saved and he that believeth not shall be dam●ed Mark 16. 20. All Judgment is the Lord's For he is Judge himself and he shall make a right Decision among his People And before him shall be gathered all Nations and he shall separate them one from another as a Shepherd divideth his Sheep from the Goats They seem to run too hastily and to stick too much in the words of the outward Letter who at once damn all the Heathen World from that one saying of Peter Neither is there Salvation in any other for there is none other name under Heaven given among Men
whilst we are thus continually dying on this Earth we shall thus wait till our change shall come The word of Instruction which doth arise from hence is that we should endeavour to be as like God and as like Christ as ever we can in all his Communicable Attributes and Perfections for so far as we are partakers of his Holiness or of his Image and Likeness here we shall be assuredly partakers of his Happiness and Blessedness hereafter Thou shalt die and not live There is no need to insist much or enlarge further upon that Subject Death is common to all for who knows not this already Who knows not also that we do continually from time to time haste and approach nearer and nearer unto it As also who knows not that we are in a World of Transitory Perishing and Dying things but Faith teaches and instructs that all this is in order to that which shall remain See Isa 66. 22. and is Eternal and Life for evermore Accordingly we find and feel within our selves although we are subject to Mortality yet thoughts and desires after Immortality Which same thoughts and desires can never be in vain but there is also a real Object of Immortality though as yet it is unseen to whom the same do relate There doth arise in us afaintness and anguish at the thorough consideration of the perishing nature of things which is sensible and may be perceived For as when it was told Saul To morrow thou shalt be with me that is in the state of the dead then Saul fell straitway all along on the Earth and was sore afraid because of the words of Samuel and there was no strength in him So it is at the thorough apprehension and knowledge of this thing of perishing Corruption and Mortality we become as of no strength free among the dead and we have less strength at the thoughts before hand that Death at length will take all strength from us Because that things by their perishing do seem to be vain therefore doth arise vexation of Spirit and we could wish it were otherwise and not so Yea that it is not so we have assured hopes It is usually now reckoned an enhancement of misery when we know better and yet we cannot have and enjoy it For if one had never known ●or conceived of the worth or goodness of such a thing the disappointment for missing thereof would not have been so vexatious And so here it is God having implanted in all Men whatsoever some knowledge and expectation of enduring Eternal and satisfactory things the ungodly have a little glimpse or glimmering thereof by natural Understanding like him that was born blind who saw Men as Trees but the Godly have a full Light and Sight thereof by Faith now here when every thing seems to perish and pass away and not a satisfie fully there doth arise Anguish Vexation and secret Thought in the Creature towards the Creator as if we were only tantalized that is put near what we cannot obtain or put in expectation of what is not at all But it is not so with us For only the matter is thus God doth all things in his own order The thing is true though the time appointed for it is long God d●●● in the life that now is and on this Earth give us onl● his Perishing Transitory and Imperfect good things The things that I have given them shall pass away from them Jer. 8. 13. Which are on this respect suitable to our condition here for that also is Perishing Imperfect Transitory and passing away But his Abiding Eternal Pesrect and Satisfactory things O I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness Psal 17. 15. these he hath reserved and will give unto such of the reasonable Inhabitants thereof as shall be found meet and worthy after they are gone and removed off from this Earth in the future State Distribution and Restitution of all things For we have all things here in part and by way of taste and earnest But when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shall be done away Now here on this Earth is sensibly and evidently seen Cursing Vexation and Re●uke in what People set their hand unto for to do Deut. 28. 20. And the Lord gives to some a trembling heart and a failing of eyes and sorrow of mind ver 67. Neither is this only the Portion of the Children of Disobedience but even as a precious Saint and Servant of God could say My Fl●sh and my Heart faileth but God is the strength of my Heart and my Portion for ever It is sensibly seen that in Declining or Old Age or under languishing and pining sickness from day even to night wilt thon make an end of me Isa 38. 12. when the Flesh is withered like a stick it being shriveled away and there is little more than skin and bones when like Barzillai it cannot taste what we eat or drink nor hear any more the voice of singing Men and Women when sence can no longer relish but it is as it were benummed and dead as to all Creature-Comforts when the Arm of Flesh is withered Cursed is he that trusteth in the Arm of Flesh and its poor helps fail then also the heart doth evidently fail away with the Flesh and the anguish of Spirit doth so break forth that the Spirit it self which did heretofore sustain a man's infirmities can no longer pacifie and speak true and solid comfort but then as when the People talked of stoning David because the Soul of all the People was vexed and it is before said That he and his People lift up their Voice and wept until they had no more power to weep but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God 1 Sam. 30. 4. 5. 6. So when all these things fail and slide away from us in which was our Comfort and Well being as to this World and when con●rariwise the Rain descends and the Floods come and the Winds blow and beat up●n our House And dangerous Diseases Poverty the Consumption of Age and the Seeds of Mortality like those ill-natured People to D●vid do rhreaten to stone us Nay they will certainly do it at length and try to make us miserable and utterly destroy and make an end of us if either of them is possible Here if we can encourage our selves in the Lord our God or say not with good words or Scripture Phrases only but by way of saving and feeling ●ruth God is the strength of my Heart and my Portion for ever So that we may be provided against the time now when our Flesh and our Heart shall fail till they come to an utter end as to the things of this World O then it is well with us and happy shall it be We know that now the manner and practice of the World is that where o●e is only a Rack-renter or Tenant at Will of a good Bargain if the Landlord is resolved to put him
out at such a time here it is his Wisdom and Business in the mean while to seek out and provide for himself another good Bargain or way of Livelyhood that he may be at no loss or disappointment This is but what is usually done every day Why all we Inhabitants of the Earth are Tenants at will or Rack-renters God having let out to us Husbandmen this his Vineyard of the Earth and he sits above afar off and out of sight and he sends his Servants to us Husbandmen that he might receive from the Husbandmen of the Fr●it of the ●ineyard Mark 12. 1. But alas Most of them do not make so good returns thereof as he expects to the great Landlord of Heaven and Earth and we must be ●●●ned out for here we are not suffered to continue by ●eason of Death Is it not then our Business and Wisdom all the mean while that we are on this Earth that we may be received up into the Heavens above This leads to the second point heretofore proposed to be spoken unto and that is to shew what mighty force Reasoning and Exhortation is in this Consideration Thou shal● die and not live to the intent that we may set all our Worldly concerns Body and Soul in ●rder because that we shall die and not live The whole that Man desires and would have is Happiness and Salvation for if there be any other good thing which he would have or doth wish for it is all comprehended under this word to be Happy and to be made sure of it One defines Happiness to be a gathering or heaping together of all good things Now if one had all the Happiness which this World can give all the Plenty and Variety in each thing the Blessings of Solomon Understanding in the first place and then Riches and Honour and length of Days even what may seem good for the Sons of Men and whatever his Eyes desired I kept not from them I with-held not my Heart from any Joy besides that it is all Vanity and Vexation of Spirit For it doth not at the very time give the Heart and Soul a full and sincere satisfaction for all those good things put together do not yield it at the very instant of Enjoyment But then farther the Spirit is vexed that if they did fully thoroughly and sincerely satisfie her for the time as they do not that she must be at length taken away from all these things And she being an Immortal Essence no●●ing but what is Immortal and Eternal also will indeed content and satisfie her For in her very Thought that can be no Happiness which hath an end For she knows that her self though she began to be will have no end and therefore she craves earnestly and groans within her self and travaileth in pain like unto that Speech of Rachel Give me Children or else I die give me a Happiness abiding as long as my self and commensurate to me or else I had rather die cease to be and return unto my first nothing But this is impossible from the Decree of God who whatever he doth in this kind he doth it for ever and it shall therefore continue in being as long as himself is God which is for ever and ever As Jesus Christ the Lover and Saviour of Souls did once say My Kingdom is not of this World for then would my Servants fight for me So the Soul may truly say my Happiness is not of this World for then would my Servants my Faculties and Powers seek for it here But the former part is evident for the two reasons afore assigned because the utmost Happiness of this World is neither satisfactory nor yet enduring And the Soul would fain have that which is both And therefore it is not worth while to give Command or Direction to my Servants my Powers and Faculties my Reason and Understanding to be wholly employed in seeking after them For indeed we should be no otherwise employed about them at all but only in subserviency and subordination to the greater things to come The time would fail me to mention all those manifold Scriptures which do most discover the Nature of things of any Book of the World For who can better know the very Nature and Order of things than the Word it self which made and established them which contain this very same Reasoning and Exhortation that the Soul is not to have her Happiness in this World but to seek for it in God and what he will do for her in the World to come let us instance in two or three for by the Mouth of two or three Witnesses shall every word be established The first to manifest and shew forth this same Truth is Heb. 13. 14. For here we have no continuing City but we seek one to com● From which words it may be truly reasoned and inferred for here we have no continuing Happiness but we seek one to come And then if we consider Mich 2. 10. to which this place of the Hebrews hath reference Arise ye and depart for this is not your rest Both these Scriptures put together confirm these two Reasons wherefore Man's Happiness is not of this World because that in the Hebrews saith it is not his Rest for all the things of this World do not give truerest and full content to the Soul Again another parallel place to this is Deut. 12. 9. For ye are not yet come to the Rest and to the Inheritance which the Lord your God giveth you Which though it was spoken as to the Land of Canaan as a less Type and Signification of Heaven and of that Rest which remaineth to the People of God yet from this same place it may be surely gathered and inferred that it hath relation principally to that Rest which is to be had only on the other side of the Grave and that Inheritance I●corruptible Undefiled that fadeth not away reserved in the Heavens for them which God giveth only unto his People And we are not as yet come to that Rest neither shall we ever arrive to that Rest as long as we are on this Earth As to this the inference is Natural and Reasonable seeing that we cannot have Rest here let us seek for Rest elsewhere For we may sensibly observe that our Spirits are always restless or dissatisfied about one thing or another The Wicked are like the troubled Sea which cannot rest whose Waters cast up mire and dirt and their restlesness is because of Sin and Guilt The Godly also are restless because as Job saith The Wicked cease not from troubling them And also we are restless because People are not so good as they should be Because as yet it doth not go so well with the concernments of God and his Truth so as to reform and bring the corrupt World into Subjection and Obedience to him as we would have it and because through that abundant Opposition of Satan we cannot bring our good devices to pass and for
such-like good reasons As also because we are here troubled in the Flesh as Paul speaketh For indeed Carnal things will not give Rest and as for Spiritual things which is indeed Life and Peace and would give Rest these now we have only in part and in imperfect measure and we apprehend them by Faith Therefore seeing that we cannot have Rest on this Earth the Exhortation speaks on this wise let us seek diligently and endeavour earnestly to get to Heaven for there we shall be sure of Rest Concerning which dyi●g Ja●ob spoke sweetly and he saw that Rest was good and the Land that it was pleasant Hereby it may be k●own that Rest is good and pleasant by the irksomness of its contrary restlesness To this purport our Saviour Jesus Christ speaks advises and directs which I intend as the second great Scripture to confirm the aforesaid Reasoning Observation and Truth And I say unto you make unto your selves Friends of the Mammon of unrighteousness that when you fail they may receive you into everlasting Habitations Luke 16. 9 The whole eight verses immediately foregoing are worthy to be read out at length and from that Epiphonema which is added at the summing up of and conclusion of this Parable or Rehearsal for probably it was a real and true story The Children of this World are in their Generation wiser than the Children of Light I have often thought from these very words that if People would do as much for Heaven as we evidently see they do for the World none would ever miss thereof Or at least such would not miss thereof who do but as much towards it as Worldlings now usually and commonly do for the things of this World and it is reckoned their Wisdom Carefulness and Commendation so to do Which indeed it is if they do not set their Hea●t and Affection too much upon it And chiefly if in their Prosecution and Acquisition thereof they make use only of those means and things which are lawful and right and no others As the Heavens are bigger and higher than the Earth which is more than ten thousand fold in both instances again as Eternity is longer than time which is more in comparison than the whole computation of Man's life at Seventy years is more than the twinkling of an Eye so much is Heaven of more worth than the Earth And proportionably there is so much the more Reason why People should seek after Heaven than Earth and do more for Heaven than any do now for the Things of this World Besides the abundant and forcible Exhortation which flows from all this yet this other unanswerable Argument lies against all the Ungodly and Unbelievers Ignorant and Slothful Persons in the World they must all unavoidably go off from this Earth and whither they will or refuse be taken off utterly from tne things of this Earth and then whose will be the things which they have provided If they answer their Children and Executors But then I would put them in mind further that they have immortal Souls and returning Bodies Souls which do live the very next moment after that their Breath goes out of their Body which also must be raised again after they have been corrupted in the Dust of the Earth And what Care and Provision is taken beforehand as to both of these Did they whilst they had them make to themselves Friends of the Mammon of Unrighteousness that when they themselves failed or against the Time when themselves should fail these might receive them into Everlasting Habitations But the most Men and Women will be found not to have done so much But rather it will be fulfilled as to the Multitude and the much greater part of the several Generations and Countreys what God speaks by the Prophet They that depart from me shall be written in the Earth Jer. 17. 13. which is a sad Story as will appear when we come to open the meaning and significancy thereof Though perhaps several Muck-worms and Earthly-minded Men think that it will not be ill with them if this only shall be their doom because that they love the Earth so well that they could be contented and not fear to have their Names written in it I have read the Relation of a very Warlike and Victorious King in his Time who after many Battels and Conquests and being very prosperous and successful therein from this Example judge none Happy or Safe before their end but consider the Proverb All is well that ends well And make no Judgment or Conclusion concerning Providence until the whole train course and upshot thereof is over He at length goes to make War with Tomyris Queen of the Eastern Countrey and like that great Captain Sisera who fell by the hands of a Woman according to the doubtful and uncertain Events of War He was overthrown and slain by her and her Army And after he was killed she commanded his Head to be cut off and to be cast into a large Vessel full of Blood for the dead Head to swim therein with uttering this apposite saying thereon Now Cyrus satisfie thy self with Blood which thou hast so long thirsted after Not much unlike those sayings in Scripture He that taketh the Sword shall perish with the Sword As their Sword hath shed Blood so give them Blood to drink But that aforementioned was a sore Proverb and a severe taunting Expression to be used to a Dead-mans Head swimming in a Vessel of Blood Note hence by the way how that the Judgments and Threatnings of God are herein fulfill●d Thou shalt become an Astonishment a Proverb and a By-word and an Hissing Deut. 28. 37. and Jer. 24. 9. and 25. 9 for Tomyris spake this according to the Knowledge which God had given unto her as his Creature In like manner God may at the last day of Judgment use a like kind of saying to the Men of this World and to the Men of this Earth in your Life-time heretofore ye did Love Thirst after and greedily desire the Things of this Earth and now ye shall have enough of the Earth and make your most of it for your Names shall be written in the Earth There seems to be no great matter in this for where is the Hurt Inconvenience Pain or Loss in all this I will soon tell ye from ou● of the Scriptures of Truth as also I do hereby give warning hear this and tremble all ye covetous Persons Muck-worms and Earthly-minded Men we read expresly in 2 Pet. 3. 10. The Earth also and the Works that are therein shall be burnt up then by Consequence all those People whose Names shall be found written in the Earth shall be burnt up also together with the Earth and the Works that are therein as indeed another Scripture doth come in and confirm and give Attestation unto the same And whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the Lake of Fire Now again it is certain that whose
Names shall be written in the Earth they will not be found written in the Book of Life nor in Heaven but their Names shall be blotted out from under Heaven and noted down with a black Coal here on this Earth So that of Necessity they shall be cast into the Lake of Fire and be burnt up they being the Chaff of the Creation of God with unquenchable Fire As saith the Wise man Envy thou not the Glory of a Sinner for thou knowest not what shall be hi● end So I now preach unto ye do not envy the Riches fine Estate or Plenty of a Man of this World or a Man of this Earth who makes the World and the good things of the Earth his main End and principal Business for it appears from the Scriptures of Truth what will be their End namely when the Earth and the Works that are therein shall be burnt up themselves whose Names shall be written in the Earth Many of whom now call their Lands after their own Names Psalm 89. 11. shall be burnt up also together with it with unquenchable Fire For my ●art I had rather have my Name written in the Book of ●he Living and be written with the Righteous though by Persecution and Oppression I should be stripped of all than to have my Name written in the Earth although I might be Lord Proprietor and Owner of several thousand Acres of good Land And so would ye also if ye have a true Faith and Knowledge in the revealed Decrees and Dispensations of God and in the Things pertaining to his Kingdom Though withal it is to be understood as the same may be truly gathered from out of the same Scriptures of Truth none will be condemned at the last day meerly or only because He was Rich in this World and so it is contrariwise none will be saved meerly or only because He was Poor in this World But People will be saved or condemned according as they have done Good or Evil and according as their Deeds done in the Body were Righteous or Unrighteous Just or Unjust Equal or Unequal True or False Acts of Duty and Obedience or Acts of Sin or according as they do most set their Heart and Affections upon God or the Things of this World I have heard a Man speaking on this Wise As long as my Possessions Goods and Estate will serve my Time it is well enough Which seems to be a fit Expression for one who hath his Portion in this Life And truly this is the mistake the Men of the World go upon for this makes them so eager and desirous in compassing and obtaining them whether by lawful or unlawful means whether by right or wrong Omission of Duty or Commission of Sin For they imagine and say that the good things of this Life will serve for their Time But in this they do greatly err for as aforesaid themselves have immortal Souls and immortal Spirits which exist and live the very first hour after they are dislodged from the Body And seeing that the World passeth away and the Lust and Fashion thereof It is hence manifest and clear that they do not neither will they serve their Time For our Time or the Time of our selves which is our Souls is to last as long as God himself and to run parallel with the longest Line of Eternity even until Time shall be no more but we are thence launched forth into the vast and infinite Ocean of forever and ever Tell them therefore thus saith the Lord God I will make this Proverb to cease and they shall no more use it as a Proverb in Israel but say unto them the days are at hand and the Effect of every Vision Ezek. 12. 23. So when the Earth shall be full of the Knowledge of the Lord which also includes the Knowledge of the Things pertaining to his Kingdom as the Waters cover the Sea there shall be no more used this kind of saying in the Mouths of People that the things of the Earth or the things of this World will serve their Time so as to last as long as themselves shall last and endure for the one are perishing and corruptible but themselves that is their Souls are Immortal and Incorruptible Indeed in this Sence they might and should serve their Time by using and receiving them to the Glory of God and according to the Bounds Rules and Directions of his Law that they might be for the Benefit and not hurt of the owners as the Wise Man intimates and according to this Counsel and Command of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Make to your selves Friends of the Mammon of Unrighteousness that when ye fail they may receive you into Everlasting Habitations Rich People should most of all much consider of this so that themselves may be hereby influenced and perswaded for to do accordingly For these sensibly know what a Comfort and Conveniency it is to have an Affluence and Plenty of the good things of the Earth ready to their hand without their being forced to drudge and labour for them They should herein Eye the Providence and Dispensation of God as also apprehand how that they are herein liable to higher and stricter accounts to make unto him for more Talents and Priviledges received from him But then chiefly they should lay deeply to Heart that though they now have such an advantage of Worldly Prosperity As they find the Comfort and acceptable Relish thereof is it not then desirable to continue so And therefore they should take Care and give Diligence that against this fails for Rich People must dye and when they die they can carry nothing away with them the forty-ninth Psalm is apposite and pertinent to them to be provided of an Happiness in the highest Heavens for evermore Aristotle an Heathen could say whose saying herein will rise up in Judgment against them Rich People have the most Reason to serve God of any because God hath been so good and bountiful unto them This is an Argument which the Holy Ghost makes use of in Scripture from God's Kindness and Love that they should keep in the way of his Commandments and not turn aside from them But contrariwise is it not seen that Jeshurun waxed fat and kicked that the Rich and Substantial and Chief of the People are the greatest despisers of God because they are full and lack nothing Do they not blaspheme that worthy Name by the which ye are called Do they not make a Mock and Jest and Light of the Power of Godliness and Serious Religion Though themselves partly for Fashion sake and partly for Conscience-sake may just observe the form and out-side thereof Do we not perceive them to be ashamed of the Words of Christ and of the Gospel in this adulterous and sinful Generation Yea they are ashamed and do disdain to come into th● Place where God's Word is preached in the plainness simplicity and meanness thereof My Brethren these things ought not so
And so the Lord Guides and Commands the Ministry of his Word Comfort ye comfort ye my People saith your God speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem To be Sons of Consolation to some and to be Sons of Thunder unto others To speak such a suitable word to all the several and promis●uous Hearers that all may learn and all may be comforted Some may be convinced some converted some strengthened and builded up according to the several needs of his People and according to the several great ends for which he in Wisdom appointed the Ministry and Preaching of the Word As the Apostle Paul saith to the Thessalonians But a● touching Brotherly Love ye need not that I write unto you for ye your selves are taught of God to love one another So I need not draw any more Practical Uses and Inferences from Isa 38. 1. because that as Isaiah the Son of Amos came unto Hezekiah and said unto him Thus sai●h the Lord Thou shalt die and not live So the same God the Creator of all Generations and Persons of Mankind speaketh unto them in his written Word in his Spirit in their Hearts and Consciences and by his Ministers for by all these ways they are taught of God to set their Souls in Order against the time they shall go out of the Body Which will time after time opportunity after opportunity morning after morning morning after morning he wakene●h me and all this will furnish ye with Practical Uses and Inferences enough on this Subject For all these ways God will teach you what shall be profitable for ye to know and give an inferring what ye have to do And so I have done with this Text telling ye withal that all your remaining business throughout your Life here on Earth and whatever other Sermons or Word of Exhortation and Instruction ye may ever hear or read if it is managed aright it is all to the same end and purpose that ye may set your Souls in Order for ye shall die that is they shall go out of the Body Do ye therefore so live and set your whole Body Soul and Spirit in Order that when ye die ye may live again in Happiness and Bliss and not in Misery and Punishment even that your Spirits may be severally saved in the day of the Lord Jesus Amen saith my Soul come Lord Jesus come quickly FINIS Practical Books Written and Published by Richard Stafford OF Happiness Wherein it is fully and particularly manifested That the greatest Happiness of this Life consisteth in the Fear of God and keeping his Commandments in oppo●●tion to the Pleasures of Sin or the pretended conveniency of Disobedience Rules and Directions for the prevention of and Recovery out of Sickness A Discourse against Partial Obedience Or that dangerous Deceit so universal amongst them who call themselves Christians of keeping some of the Commandments of God and neglecting others Some Thoughts of the Life to Come With a brief account of the state of Religion as it is now in the World The great Benefits of Christ to all that Believe on and Obey him Being a Treatise on Hebrews 2. 15. Wherein it is shewed and made known how People may be freed and delivered from that slavish fear of Death whereby they are subject to Bondage throughout their Life-time And also how they may be saved and preserved from the Evil and Danger of Death when it shall approach nigh and come actually upon them An earnest Call to all the Inhabitants of the Earth to Turn immediately to the Lord their God An Exhortation unto all Dissenters however they are distinguished or named to return into the Communion of the Ch●●ch of England Six several Se●mons Preached on Isaiah 38. 1. wherein that great Duty of setting our Body and Soul in order for we shall die is at large opened and explained