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A88628 An image of our reforming times: or, Jehu in his proper colours; displayed in some exercitations on 2 Kings 9 and 10 chapters: setting forth the opportunity was given him to do his work in. cause he had committed to him to manage. Also, his policie, zeal, profession, hypocrisie: with his sins, and their aggravations. reason for all this. In all which he is proved to be a particular character of our times: by which, as in a glass, we may see the state and condition we have brought our selves into, by our deviations. Concluding with a word to Jehu, Jehonadah his counsellor, and the despised persecuted people of God. / [Lane, Edward, Col.]. 1654 (1654) Wing L335; Thomason E808_11; ESTC R207527 55,583 61

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and people of the Lord that mourned for the sins of the Land Yea so exemplary they were in their outward holiness and obedience This piece of ●olicie is one of ●he chief recre●tions of our ●ehu's that the Prophet takes up a parable from them to condemn the house of Israel in vers 14. Now Iehu engages these holy men and of what advantage is it to him Verily it 's of exceeding great advantage to him How acceptable is it to the people when the good men of their times are countenanced nourished and exalted Yea doth it not savour of much piety that he will have the good and holy men for his Counsellors Yea they must be the men that must plead for him in case he slip or discover his nakedneses they with the credit of their words with the people must cover all they must trumpet out his excellencies and pray for him and speak of him as if he were the onely Protector and Deliverer of the Lord's people from their great oppressions Yea he is not contented to have the Lords Prophets on his side from whom he had his Commission but good man he must have all good men satisfied or he will not be satisfied not so much as a Iehonadab shall be dissatisfied if he may have his will Iehu was a good and sweet-temper'd man now it 's true he was hot and furious in the field like a Lion in God's work there but is like a Lamb in his Chamber and Palace his words are smoothe as butter and oil he will maintain all good mens liberties though of different opinions and profession they are all alike dear to him O heavenly Iehu that hast such a large heart to hold all good men in it wherewithal shall we honour thee what service sh●●l we do thee We will joyn our selves to thee and make thy hands st●ong to do whatsoever thou de●●est But stay good soule Iehu will turn separatist shortly and let you know when you proceed to the taking away his golden Calves his sins ●ounded on State-pol●cy that he can tell how to separate and divide y●u and keep only those in his favour that will serve his turn although he turn from God 6. And lastly Iehu's policie appears in the matter of the worshippers of Baal Jehu was now at a stand he knew not what to do to root out all the Priests and worshippers of Baal he knew well enough that he could not be secure in his Throne if they continued in the Land and he forsake Baal they would remember their old friend Ahab and avenge his death if by any means they could accomplish it and he might think too that if he performed not the chief ends of God God would remove him himself and some sparks of light of conscience might tell him it was his duty and one chief end why God had anointed him King that he might destroy Baal out of Israel But it was his corrupt and deceitful heart that drew him to play the hypocrite and dissemble Now Jehu's chief motive that carried him on in all his work being his own outward glory and security in it he thought himself not safe unless Baal and his worshippers were destroyed To take courage to himself That this is an exact embleme of this present season a little time will discover and do it openly according to the command of the Lord by the voice of his Prophets his wisdom would not suffer him no that was too dangerous a course that would ruine all but he must deal wisely forsooth use policie and beat the devil with his own staff And what was this good piece of policie but to play the hypocritical dissembler In vers 18. Ahab served Baal a little but Iehu shall serve him much Jehu was acquainted with that Princely Maxime Qui nescit dissimulare nescit regnare He that knows not how to dissemble knows not how to reign Ahab served Baal a little he gave a little encouragement to his worship priests and worshippers small gifts and riches it may be to a favourite or here and there some eminent man he would give largely But I will serve him much I will have all to taste of my fatness and feel of my warmth enjoy the benefit of my good-will to Baal they shall all be the better for me those that could not live on the short commons of their Tythes and Oblations shall now have more In this shameful business Iehu had his Jehonadabs his outwardly-holy men to assist and counsel him but not one Prophet of the Lord appeared in it they were mourning I 'll warrant you for the sins of the Land for that black cloud that was coming over them which at best did foretel no likelihood of going up to Jerusalem to worship without more earthquakes first And now he proclaims a solemn assembly of all those idolatrous worshippers of Baal and he sends thorow all Israel that none might be wanting for he would make a great feast for Baal So that by this he set them on such work as fitted them for slaughter and destruction they must offer sacrifices to Baal put on their vestments be in all their gallantry They must take to themselves their full power not suffer one of the Lords people not one against their op●nion to be among them Oh how zealous a King have we Ahab was not to be compared to him for zeal for our God we shall have happie days we shall see no sorrow we shall never be removed long live Jehu let thy days be as the sand of the sea for number But stay Sir Priest make not your selves drunk in the conceit of your Elysian joys your joy shall be turned into mourning there 's death in the pot though the broth seem never so pleasant your sacrifices shall be dyed in your blood and your Baal shall be bu●ied in your ruines But Jehu did it in subtilty to the intent that he might destroy the worshippers of Baal And thus he destroyed Baal out of Israel Good God! what vicissitudes and changes are here how mutable and uncertain is the heart of man This little world man ruling over the greater makes false deceitful reeling work Come Lord Iesus come quickly and take away this sinful wicked mouldering tottering world and give us new heavens and new earth that thy people may live to sing Hallelujahs to thee for evermore But in the Jehu's Zeal Fourth place Let us view Iehu this mighty man in his zeal O how gloriously zealous is he full of zeal and good works his heart seems on fire for God and his glory not one tittle of the word of the Lord shall fall to the ground he will slay all that belongs to the house of Ahab not leave a man to pass against the wall and as hath been before observed he will deliver the people of God fully from their oppressions and take off every heavie yoke But let us view the particulars wherein his zeal shews it self so
row another Why he had his Iehonadabs with him that had a great reputation and esteem for their holiness and sanctity among the people to plead his cause and tell them His meaning and end was good and that it was a wise course for by this means he prevented further opposition that in all likelihood would be made for many of the people without question did cleave to them and he knew he should finde it a more difficult thing to root out Baal and his Priests then Ahab's posterity Superstition makes the heart more stout and sets upon more hazardous and desperate attempts then love to a King or Prince will and so in the quarrel the blood of some others of the people might be shed which were not appointed to destruction It 's a good and commendable thing to prevent shedding of innocent blood and it 's a course of quick dispatch too drawing them into a snare altogether doing that at once which would otherwise take up a great deal of time trouble and difficulty to do and so in stead of furthering the work of God prevent it and make it longer in the birth by creating new troubles and new disturbances among the people and if there were a failing in the way to the accomplishing that good end why failings are incident to the best of men and nothing can be expected perfect here in this world to come from men Excellently pleaded Iehonadab thou shalt have two Crowns or a flap with a Fox tail when Iehu is setled in his kingdom for thy great and faithful services Thus they skin over the sore that it appears not to every eye Well Iehu but this will not serve thy turn thy hypocrisie will be made evident by and by and God will discover thy nakedness and thou shalt know what it is to sin against and provoke the God of heaven and earth to great jealousie and wrath who hath done so much for thee and exalted thee from the dust to govern his people A full discovery of this man's hypocrisie and apostatizing heart we have in the words we have chosen mainly to insist upon and that by undeniable demonstrations When the peoples expectations were full and high and there wanted nothing but a command or license for their going up to Jerusalem to worship behold the golden Calves stood in the way and hindered Howbeit from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat who made Israel to sin Jehu departed not from after them to wit the golden Calves that were in Bethel and that were in Dan. But Jehu took no heed to walk in the Law of the Lord God of Israel with all his heart for he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam which made Israel to sin Poor Jehu could go no further in stead of going to the true God he runs to his golden Calves and takes up his resting-place there Why because that notwithstanding all his glorious outward appearance he had not the root of the matter in him and his heart not being of a heavenly nature what should he do there or in the ways that lead effectually to it Therefore it was most sutable to him to abide here belowe amidst the vanities of a depraved world Jeroboam's sins that Jehu departed not from That so we may be acquainted with the minde of God in this Scripture it 's necessary for us to enquire and consider First What these sins of Jeroboam are that Jehu departs not from Secondly The aggravations of this mans sins beyond those that went before him Thirdly The reason why Jeroboam and this Jehu would not depart from their sin For the first What those sins of Jeroboam are that Jehu answered not the expectation of God in departing from We shall consider them 1. More generally 2. More particularly First more generally which relate to Jehu more particularly then to Jeroboam ●s not this sin ●ritten in large ●haracters in ●ur foreheads 1. Cleaving to the sins of his fore-fathers He departed not from the sins of Ieroboam the son of Nebat yea though they were such as became national sins through their imposition upon the people yet from them he would not turn and this became a sin c. because his predecessor Ieroboam had set up Political bounds of his kingdom beyond which the people should not go to worship at Jerusalem that so he might secure the kingdom to himself and because there was so much reason of State for it therefore he would run the hazard of the hot displeasure and wrath of God against him rather then venture the loss of his kingdom in his carnal and unbelieving apprehensions Saith he If the Calves be taken away those ancient Political bounds and fortresses of the kingdom then shall the kingdom return to the house of David and I what shall I do How then shall I reap the fruit of my labours and enjoy the purchase of my hardships and dangers that I have run into and blood that I have shed No all will be lost if once I go over this bank and pull down this hedge Indeed Iehu went as far as can be expected for a hypocrite to do he went to the very borders of heaven there was but one thing wanting he could not overcome his worldly interest and live by faith upon God for the disposal of that and so he made this world his god all that provok'd God should go down but that Baasha's and Ahab's sins too but when once Ieroboam's sin came to be medled with that touch'd him to the quick it was of so neer concernment as he thought to his kingdom Do any thing but that I would please God and do his will but I must not lose my kingdome My outward worldly interest is very dear to me I pray spare that Unbelief will carry a man though he be never so outwardly glorious in profession to the greatest precipices of apostatizing danger And is not this the very picture of our times How zealous were we many years for God! and pull'd down all before us that stood in our way we pull'd down and utterly destroyed Ahab and his whole house and left none remaining but now we are gotten to the Calves and alas they are golden ones have a great deal of good gold in them it 's pity to destroy them We pull'd down King and House of Lords yea and Commons too and pull'd down many gross Tyrannies in Worship and Commonwealth yet now how is our heat and zeal cool'd with Iehu's We can go no further Oh if we do we shall bring all things into confusion we say The kingdom will be lost presently And I could wish this gall of bitterness were not at the bottom of many glorious professors hearts saying Lest the son of David come to reign over us The sins of the generation before us we explode but the old sins of the Ancients Ieroboam's sins those inventions they made to maintain their kingdom those foundations that they laid for their children to
An IMAGE OF OUR Reforming Times OR JEHV in his proper Colours Displayed in some EXERCITATIONS on 2 Kings 9 and 10 Chapters Setting forth The Opportunity was given him to do his Work in Cause he had committed to him to manage ALSO His POLICIE ZEAL PROFESSION HYPOCRISIE With his SINS and their Aggravations REASON for all this In all which he is proved to be a particular Character of our Times by which as in a Glass we may see the state and condition we have brought our selves into by our Deviations CONCLUDING WITH A Word to Jehu Jehonadab his Counsellor and the despised persecuted People of God By Col. EDW. LANE of Ham-pinnulo Isai 26.20.21 Come my people enter thou into thy chambers and shut thy doors about thee hide thy self as it were for a little moment until the indignation 〈◊〉 overpast For behold the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity the earth also shall disclose her blood and shall no more cover her slain London Printed for L. Chapman at the Crown in Popes head-alley 1654. A WORD from the PRISON To the Reader UPon request I have read by a running eye the ensuing Treatise in the Copie and I finde it like a good Jewel in a plain Leathern Case Although as B. Iewel once said Against Harding Faults will escape betwixt a man's fingers let him look to it ever so narrowly and be they never so few yet the Sophisters of our Times can tell how to multiply them in their Arithmetick Therefore the Lord Jesus make us watchful and wary who is able to keep us from falling these times and to present us FAULTLESS before the presence of his glory as Iude 24. For it is too too true that Piety doth now dance attendance to Policie and Iehu cul gravior est jactura Regionis quam Religionis is gotten up again by a mad Metempsuchosis upon the Stage in England to act his part Onely in this we are worse then Israel was for we have many Idols which men adore and evils which they harbour Non unum tantùm Vitulum sed multos habemus Not one Calf but many And such as refuse for their conscience sake must suffer persecution as they do and will do But though Israel play the harlot yet let not Iudah offend Ephraim is joyned to idols let him alone And heark hear it is the sound of the seventh Trumpet Rev. 11. for which the Saints are persecuted imprisoned and threatned of their lives at this day and shall the Trumpet give an uncertain sound God forbid O how alike is this Cup to Christs viz. traytor to Caesar enemy to Government therefore Fear not little flock Luk. 22.33 and Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom Matth. 5.10 Open your ears O ply your Oars you that row against the stream lose not one stroke for ye shall reap in due season if ye faint not Nicolas of Ienvile a young man was condemned to die and being set in a Cart his father came with a staff and would have beaten him but the Officers would not suffer him at which the son cries to the Officers to let his father alone saying he had power over him to do in that kinde what he would but Christ was dearer to him then his dearest friend on earth Hence it was that Hierome said that if his father were weeping on his knees before him his mother hung crying on his neck behind him and all his brethren sisters children kinsfolks howling on every side on him he 'd fling them all to the ground despise all his kindred run over his father tread under his mother to run to Christ and his Cause though on the Cross And what shall our bowels be shut up to blessed Jesus and his crucified Cause at this time of day seeing the Rulers Priests and Souldiers have got him up upon the Cross once again and that through the High treason of the Iudas's of these times Therefore up Christians up with the Sword of the Spirit Declare declare the Decree Psal 2.7 March march under Christs banner and bid de●●●●●e to the Apostates and present enemies of King Iesus who sputum lingunt ●lick the very spittle of IEHU The first Battel must he begun by the sword of Christs mouth Rev. 19.15 Isai 11.4 yet they onely shall overcome who love nos their lives unto death Rev. 12.11 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Like sober solid sincere holy humble heavenly-minded New-Nonconformists Thou that art ignorant of our danger in these days mayst do well to learn with a little self-denial as a Scholar 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies that lies along in the dust and peruse this Treatise with an impartial eye whereby I believe thou wilt soon see with Luther that it is Policie doth ruine true Religion and persecute the true seed and remnant at this day But be not troubled at these Trials which are foretold Mat. 24. Let us fear none of these things we must suffer for a short time behold the devil shall cast some of you into prison that ye may be TRIED Be faithful unto death and he will give you the crown of life Rev. 2.10 2 Tim. 4.7 8. So Dan. 11.35 and 12.10 Many shall be purified and made white and tried but the wicked shall do wickedly None of the wicked shall understand but the wise shall understand And Rev. 7.14 These are they which came out of great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Out of PRISON he shall come to Reign Eccles 4.14 O Blessed prison golden priviledges with the Lamb. Such bonds are become our best chains through which our souls are mounting into Christ's Paradise and by which we take many a turn every day in Christ's White-hall where we have our life liberty light and the best air which no man can keep us from where we see our King in his beauty and receive many a sweet visit from him that others have not the happiness of Welcome Cross welcome Crown As Paul says God forbid I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Iesus Christ by whom the world is crucified to me and I unto the world Gal. 6.14 And as Chrysostome says on Eph. 3.1 Non ita beatum Paulum puto quod in coelum raptus quàm quod in carcerem conjectus I hold Paul was not so happy in his rapture as in his captivity Never so happy heavenly holy and translated as in a Prison So we for we are in the Mount and see all the world under us and do daily view the downfal thereof Babylon is falling is falling with all her worldly powers Policies and Abettors New and Old For out of Prison we see it and therefore say it A dreadful day a terrible day a wonderful day of the Lord is coming and yet a little little while and he will avenge the blood of Iezreel upon the
are many voices in the world we may soon be deceived It 's a special character of Christ's sheep That they now his own voice from a strangers voice and a stranger they will not follow Christ is raising his voice and calls aloud to his people to prepare for his coming and gives many signes of his nigh ●pproach And the devil raises his voice too and transforms himself into a glorious angel of light If Moses do strange and wonderful things the Magicians will do so too The cry and voice of the kingdom of Christ is up and begins to rise high and Satan raises many confused voices to stifle that cry that through the noise and din that he makes about the ears of mens souls they may not hear and believe and be saved Therefore now it behoves us to have a great care lest we be deceived to search and try every thing ere we receive it as truth but above all take heed of being offended lest we prove offended at the Truth and so perish for that is that at which we are most apt to be offended If there be one Truth incumbred about with through Antichristian fogs and mists a hundred Errours a thousand to one if we take not great heed we shall pass all those errours with a favourable construction at least and be offended at that one Truth and so stumble and fall foul on it and what follows then PERISHING Wo. As for this Treatise I shall onely say thus much It might have been enlarged and many things further proved and illustrated but I desired brevity for thy accommodation and knowing how well thou lovest thy money I was loth to intrench too much upon thy purse Read it over considerately and compare one thing with another and I suppose thou wilt see a line of truth going thorow it and something that may deserve laying up in our hearts and pondering If we do hearken to the truth in it we may possibly finde the way to get such a frame of heart as may free us from the bitterness of that Cup which the Author of this book fears may be the porton of this generation to drink the dregs of Onely I intreat thee again beware of offences they are the ready way to destruction there 's no hope in that path but that which is perishing And let me adde this That he that takes offence not given is both the giver and the taker of the offence and then what MILL-STONES OF WRATH may he expect to grinde him to powder Now the good Lord teach thee and me to know the voice of Christ the true Shepherd from a strangers voice and follow him alone and fully Farewel An Image of part of our Reforming Times OR JEHV in his proper colours displayed In some EXERCITATIONS on 2 Kings 9 and 10 Chapters 2 Kings 10.29 31. Howbeit from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat who made Israel to sin Jehu departed not from after them to wit the golden calves that were in Bethel and that were in Dan. But Jehu took no heed to walk in the law of the Lord God of Israel with all his heart for he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam which made Israel to sin SOlomon the wisest of men upon his great experience tells us that there is no new thing under the sun Indeed every generation of men are but as new Editions of their forefathers one differs from the other onely in circumstantials Perhaps other faces and shapes but the same flesh and blood the same humours of the body the same faculties and passions of the soul Now there being such sameness and likeness in the fountain there must needs follow the like in the streams Mens actions and ways are as their hearts and affections are Likeness in sin and wickedness brings likeness in afflictions and publishments Times past seem to be a type or figure of the present and the present to be a re-acting or doing over again those things either more clearly or more obscurely that the former times brought forth Vicissitudes and changes are sutable to the mutable nature of Man What one Age doth or builds up another undoes or pulls down a third comes and would reform all if they could tell how yet still it 's but like the hand of a Dyal that goes from One to Twelve and then to One again There is no new thing under the sun Nothing can properly be said to be new but the new creature the works of God and of the Spirit of God are new but the works and ways of men are old at best but new images of old things and all old things must pass away nothing will be durable till all things become new new heavens new earth These three parts of time past present and to come are very nigh of kin they are so like each other that they may well be taken for brethren An indifferent Judgement studying the times past may cast the waters and give a true Judgement of the present and a prudent eye may by the same rule be able to give a shrewd ghess at the times to come especially times nigh or next at hand Those who make Cornelius Tacitus Titus Livius or other Romane Stories their Gospel will tell us that Julius Augustus and Tiberius Caesar's parts are acting over again in the world by other persons and under another Vizard and I could heartily wish that they had not so much ground as they have for their conjecture But the Saints and people of God have a more sure Word of prophecie The good and unerring Word of God and the promise of the Spirit to interpret it It was not for nought that our Lord so sharply reprehended the Scribes and Sadduces for not observing the signes of the times And the men of Issachar are characterized by the holy Ghost for their wisdom having understanding in the times What though they be counted the half-witted men the asses of the times it's no matter seeing they have the holy Spirit to stand by them and encourage them Christ our Lord rode to Hierusalem on an ass and he will again make use of the worlds asses the foolish things of this world when he goes up to his kingdom to the shaking of the earth and the heavens also I say yet not I but Solomon the wise-man saith That the present times are but an Image of times past there is nothing new under the sun Is there any thing whereof it may be said See this is new Eccles 1.9 10. It hath been already of old time which was before us and there is nothing new under the sun Ponder these things in your hearts and you will not wonder nor be prejudiced in your thoughts if I tell you that this story of Jehu is An exact description of part of our Reforming times or of a great part of our times Reformers Howbeit from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat who made Israel to sin Iehu departed not from after
counsels that I should make thee a disolation and the inhabitants thereof an l●ssing therefore ye shall hear the reproach of my people Jer. 11 10 11. They are turned back to the iniquities of their fore-Fathers which refused to hear my words c. therefore thus saith the Lord Behold I will bring evil upon them which they shall not be able to escape and though they shall cry unto me I will not hearken unto them Isai 3.14 15. The Lord will enter into judgement with the ancients of his people and the Princes thereof for ye have eaten up 〈◊〉 vineyard the spoile of the poor is in your ●ou●●s What mean ye tha● ye beat my people to peices and grinde the faces of the poor saith the Lo●d God of hosts Mic. 1.2 ●o to th●m that devise iniquity and work evil upon their beds when the morning is light they practice it because it is in the power of their hand Behold I am against thee Jer. 50.31 32. O thou most proud saith the Lord God of hosts for thy day is come the time that I will visit thee and the most proud shall stumble and fall and none shall raise him up and I will k●nale a fire in his cities and it shall devour all round about him For he bringeth down them that dwell on high Isa 26.5 6. the lofty city he layeth it low he layeth it low even to the ground he bringeth it even to the dust the foot shall tread it down even the feet of the poor and the steps of the needy And I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease ch 13.11 12. and will lay low the haugheiness of the terrible I will make a man more precious then fine gold even a man then the golden wedge of Ophir How is the faithful city become an harlot it was full of judgement ch 1.21 22 23 24. and 3.25 26. and 4 1. righteousness lodged in it but now murderers thy silver is become ●hoss thy wine mixt with water thy Princes are rebellious and companions of thieves every one loveth gifts and followeth after rewards ●●●y judge not the fatherless neither doth the cause of the widow come unto them Therefore thus saith the Lord the Lord of hosts Beware the mighty one of Israel Ah! I will case me of mine adversaries and avenge me of mine ●nemies Thy men shall fall by the sword and thy mighty in the war and her gates shall lament and mourn and she being de●olate London shall sit upon the ground and in that day seven women shall take hold of one man saying we will eat our own bread and wear our own apparel onely let us be called by thy name to take away our reproach ●o unto them that joyne house to house that lay field to field ch 5 8 9. till there be no place that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth In mine ears said the Lord of hosts Of a truth many houses shall be desolate even great and fair without inhabitant ch 30.1.9 10 12 13 27. Wo to the rebellious children saith the Lord that take counsel his not of me and that cover with a covering but not of my Spirit that they may adde sin to sin lying children children that will not hear the law of the Lord which say to the seers See not and to the Prophets Prophesie not unto us right things speak unto us smooth things prophesie deceits Wherefore thus saith the holy one of Israel Because ye dispise this word and trust in oppression and perversness and stay thereon Therefore this iniquity shall be to you as a breach ready to fall swelling out in a high wall whose breaking cometh suddenly at an instant Behold the name of the Lord cometh from far burning with his anger and the burthen thereof is heavy his lips are full of indignation and his tongue as a devouring fire ch 6.9 10 11. And he said Go and tell this people Hear ye indeed but understand not and see ye indeed but perceive not make the heart of this people fat and make their ears heavy and shut their eyes lest they see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and convert and be healed Then said I Lord How long and he answered Vntil the cities be wasted without inhabitant and the houses without man and the land be utterly desolate I will send him against in hypocritical na●ion ch 10.6 and against the people of my wrath will I give him a charge to take the spoile and to take the prey and to tread them down like the mire of the streets And when you spread forth your hands ch 1.15 I will hide mine eyes from you yea when you make many prayers I wll not hear your hands are full of blood Then said the Lord unto me Jer. 15.1 Though Moses and Samuel stood before me yet my minde could not be towards this people cast them out of my sight and let them go forth Behold Isa 59.1 2 3. the Lords hand is not shortned that it cannot save neither his ear heavy that it cannot hear but your iniquities have separated between you and your God and your sins have hid his face from you that he will not hear for your hands are defiled with blood and your fingers with iniquity your lips have spoken lyes your tongue hath muttered perversness Now therefore be ye not mockers Isa 28.22 lest your bands be made strong for I have heard from the Lord of hosts a consumption even determined upon the whole earth I shall close up this discourse with a word to these three parties so neerly concerned in it Jehu Jehonadab and the people of God A word to Prince Jehu First to thou O thou mighty man have I somwhat to say thou hast been curious and lovely in thy apparel and thy face hath shin'd as if thou hadst been on the mount with Christ thy profession hath been so excellent that we have been ravished with thee we never had such hope of the satisfaction of our souls in the free service of our God in the enjoyment of the promised land in going up to Jerusalem to worship in the highest of Gods appointments as we have had in thee and wilt thou now deceive us whither shall we go to complain but to our God who anointed thee whose messenger we took thee to be yea and we are sure thou wast so long as thou didst keep in his way Thou ô Jehu didst run well who hath hindred thee who hath bewitched thee But blessed be God for anointing Jehu to do his work and blessed be God for giving Jehu a heart to do so much of the work as he hath done but what reason can be given why Jehu should play the hypocrite at the lattet end of the day Is this the reason Jehonadab counselled him so to do to take that wise course truely