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A86096 Doctor Hill's funeral-sermon. Or a nevv-yeers-gift to all the clergie. Daynus, the reviving feet fo the witnesses past and to come, to shew the day and yeer of the Lord, and his time accepted. Hesselwood, Henry. 1655 (1655) Wing H1134; Thomason E821_19; ESTC R207661 62,538 65

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walke after the custome of the World I say If thou livest not after the example of Christ thou art a Minister of sinne and thy life doth not teach others then thou maist preach to others and be a cast-away thy self Alas poor fleshly man thou teachest the Letter and yet art ignorant of the truth thou hast set thy self high in a say-Pulpit to speak great things in a seenal way of repetitions speaking many things to please the people Ye be subtil Sophisters men-pleasers and self-seekers that can derive themselves into many formes contrary to the truth of God by setting up Sub-ordination in the place of Ordination to set themselves higher then Christ And in that they are made equal with him for he was made a little lower then the Angel meaning the Angels of your Churches that still keep him upon the Cross and crucifie his power Christ was ordained Minister of God but ye ordained your selves I can give a relation of one within the County of Lincolne a Minster called Mr. Male as I understand doth ordaine Ministers and that some petty Ministers have come many Miles to be ordained of him which is intolerable I wonder his heels are not pictured upwards Thus they may do though not by Lawful means But be you sure all sub-powers must down as things in Heaven and things on Earth and things under the Earth must bow at the name of Jesus He is the Prince of Peace and Prince of Power the Lord shall be exalted in all the Earth and your powers shall come down as low as dry Bones Ye high Priests know this that your state is failable for as you have cryed down the Bishop and his Surplis so now the Witnesses shall cry down with your Pulpits and your Fonts you are spiritual high in your own conceit full of pride sedition and covetousness self-seeking full of envy and bitterness in that ye differ not from the general world yet you can say you are the Ministers of God yet not walk after the example of Christ This that I declare is called your Funeral-Sermon or wind-up for ye shall be eclipsed by the bright appearings of the Lord. This eclipse took its first entrance in the year 1650. which shall cause the greatest earth-quake that ever was since the creation and the power of it shall decline towards the fourth or fifth yeer after 50. here in England Doctors what will ye do when your Tythes fail and your Ministery fails your new-Moons and Sabbaths fail then it shall be to you as the mourning of Hadadrimmon or a destructive time when ye shall have no audience or accommodation of the people for every one shall have a personal power put in them to stand alone without Preachers They shall be so inherently taught of God that the Minister shall say no more to them Know the Lord for they shall all be Prophets inwardly and shall stand by a personal faith as Abraham and Noah did in fulness of Spirit for the Lord saith In the last dayes I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh and my servants and hand-maids shall prophesie When ye Ministers may say We are Vine-dressers and Husbandmen to till the waste Commons for our weekly Sabbaths are changed into one Sabbath once a year we shall go up to worship the Lord and to keep a Feast of Tabernacles which is a true Sabbath according to Christs Resurrection to keep a good conscience which is a Feast in the heart of the Creature and that is the best Sabbath to live in all righteousness every day which is a Sabbath And though the Jew have have lost his new-Moon and thou O Gentile thy new-Moon yet thou shalt remember the Lord and once a year consecrate thy gift to him and keep a new Sabbath by an offering to God in his new Covenant to worship him with all thy substance and then it will appear that thou art one of the new Sabbath Thou must deny thy self-ends and all sinister engagements and so betroth thy self unto God in righteousness to covenant with him according to the new-Sabbath Though the Constellations may fail yet his Sabbath-Ordinance shall stand it shall not be disannulled Heaven and Earth may pass away but not one jot or tittle of his word shall fail For Christ is the word of the Sabbath and in him we shall have rest if we enter into Covenant and that is to acknowledge him by a new Sabbath for in those dayes and at that time saith the Lord I will make with them a new Covenant not according to the old for this shall be the Covenant that I will make never to turn from them or take away the Ordinance of Sabbath from them Yet the Lord saith I hate your Sabbaths because your hands are full of blood As if he should say Ye keep Sabbaths to your selves and transgress my holy day Once a year thou shalt come up to keep a Feast of Tabernacles and all that will not come to the worship of Jerusalem shall have no rain or raigning power in this new Sabbath of rest Silly Priest I question not though thy Sabbath be taken away for Christ is thy eternal Sabbath and thou shalt worship him according to the order of Jerusalem for all your subordinances shall stoop at ordination your Sabbaths shall change into one Sabbath If thou wilt walk in my wayes and do that I command thee this day then thou shalt ride upon the high places of the Earth that is whoever shall Covenant to this new Sabbath shall enjoy all the promises the Lord saith I will dwell in you and ye in me Ministers your Sabbaths are failable therefore they be called your Sabbaths by illusion as if he should say If ye keep a day keep it to me for you observe dayes and do no righteousness therefore your new Moons and Sabbaths shall change and be taken away for I will make a new Covenant with them saith the Lord not according to the old but this shall be my Covenant never to turn from them that truely Covenant to me saying I will betroth thee unto me in mercy and loving kindness and thou shalt know the Lord for my counsel shall stand Doctor the taking away your Sabbath shall cause the Lords Sabbath to shine out more clear for ye have changed my Ordinances Mal. 3. Therefore the Land is cursed with a curse and your moonorital Sabbaths shall change if ye keep one day keep it to me saith the Lord. So that we ought to keep every day as a Sabbath once a year to make out our accompts which is Easter-day and the six dayes before it for every year shall be called as a Sabbath-day and so from year to year ye shall keep my Sabbath Ordinances and live in them that is from year to year ye must come to Jerusalems worship Zachary 14. Christ preached every where and made every day a Sabbath It is not for thee and me to keep a day once
so pure in a heavenly shape but the Priests are as Locusts that shall fall under Armegiddon Euphrates shall dry up Oh Army Army Arme of the Lord their power shall fall under thee Priest thou sayest thy power is a spiritual power yet it is but a civil power and therefore it must down and fall before Sion The overthrow of the Bishops was for calling it a spiritual and for their spiritual courts audacious to think upon full of blasphemies set up by an Antichristial power which now is thrown down as contemptible therefore all your civil Christs must down as your Spiritual Fathers the Bishops have done if you call your power Ecclesiastial it is equal with Christs if you call it Ecclesiastical you must prove it from Christs saying Go teach whose ordination ceased after the Apostles so that your Authority of Oxford and Cambridge is void and cannot stand Ephes 1.4 and 5. He hath chosen us in himself before the foundation of the world was laid he predestinated us to the adoption of children by Christ Jesus but not by your Ministery You see the Saints were first chosen predestinated and called before your Ministery stood up and yet you say you are called to convert souls in the Pulpit You Priests must have a hand in the work of renovation though you are not called yet ye run and are not sent to do such works of wonder for it is he alone that doth abound to us in love in wisdom and in prudency Having made known to us the mystery of his will vers 6. according to his good pleasure which he had purposed in himself and not by your means Ephes 3.4 and 5. God who is rich in all mercy hath quickned us which sheweth that it is not your teaching that can do it and elsewhere he saith By his grace you are saved and not of works Then down with these working teaching Christs that can learn the people salvation for it is the gift of God not of works left any man should boast Ephes 2.9 and 10. For we are his workmanship created to good works which God hath foreordained therefore it is properly and fully the work of God freely to our souls but let no durt-dawbing Priest have any hand in thy conversion for it is Gods work Let no swineherd meddle with such a pearl as if they were outward means of mens salvation He alone is our peace who hath broke down the mid-wall of our reproach having abolished the enmity even the Law of Commandments contained in Ordinances by making in himself of twain one new man for peace that he might reconcile both into one body by his cross having slain the enmity thereby Ephes 2.17 He preached peace to you afar off and to them that are nigh so that by him we have access to the Father and not by the Priests of the second hand which have little skill in the creation of salvation it is a secret work of God Let no man say he can teach but let us all be taught of God Minister and People from the least to the greatest let us all covenant to him with one consent and betroth our selves to him that he may take pleasure in his Spouse and his beloved ones may have pleasure in him the All-teacher and come out from their fained Priests the gods of their Temples that call themselves Ministers of God saying The people must reverence them as Embassadors for the works sake as if God had not power on earth aswell as in heaven he is present in all places by his omnipotency and omnipresence and by his immensity and by his all-seeing eye and by his providence that governeth the whole creation and by his inspiration and foreknowing what shall come to pass he spiritually beholdeth all things he alone hath created the earth then doth he not see and teach all and will bring all rule and power under himself Then lay down ye high Priests and say Ye are all taught of God for he will teach us of his wayes The Law shall go out of Sion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem which shall be Christ preaching from the Mount when the people shall give audience to him and cast off their fained Priests which are but as wood and straw whose stubble shall burn before the fire of his jealousie wangeable shall their power be when God shall give power to his two Witnesses and the Law shall preach out of Sion Revel 14. The everlasting Gospel shall preach to every language and nation when all your wrangling Priests shall be forced to lay down because they can establish nothing in order correspondent to his bright appearing therefore they must lay down and say We have spent our time in vain too long and besotted the simple people and yet we have said We were the ordained Ministers of God though we were destroyers and no builders historians that have preached this or that but what of the new work can we do it is not our talking of Peter and Paul that will serve the turn for God will make a new heaven and a new earth by a new discipline Ecclesiastical and Civil he will make all new to do away your carnal formes every form shall cease to a new formality God will make his latter temple more glorious then all the former All earthly builders shall not be found fit for the work of Gods house every flatterer shall be nonresidensed and cast out according to Gods extent and laid open to the sight of the grand Church to be excluded from the common community shut out of fellowship and society with the unsociable and rebukeable When God shall try Sion and search Jerusalem with lights when he shall purge the Sons of Levi and break the constellations that stand so high and remove the stars out of their places when the moon shall blush and be ashamed and all the stars come under his feet when this discipline that now standeth upon crutches shall be taken away then you may declare the great things of God saying He hath formed a new temple wherein all righteousness shall dwell Old things are become new and all fashions and forms are passed away but onely one which is called the formal Power and Government of Jerusalem and God and our Lord Jesus Christ is our Temple The Lord is our light within us he is our Sabbath the Sun shall not burn us by day neither shall the dark Night overshade thee thou shalt continually walk in the light of the Citie of the great King when thou shalt throw off thy fained lovers I mean thy Priests that erre in darkness and know not the true way for God will surely consume the smoak of Babylon and burn up all darkness before himself that he may dissolve the great blindeness and ignorance of the Priests that there may be light in the City that hath lain so long under darkness suspended from the truth lying under thick darkness Therefore we must all come
defile the Christian Marriage and break your Sabbath-union with Christ to follow Teachers whose breath is in their nostrils and shall down at the testimony and feet of the two Witnesses when all things shall be brought upon record and great Babylon shall come in remembrance and power shall be given to the Saints as Daniel John and Peter declareth Then Doctor look to it for thou shalt be censured by the Church then Kings shall throw down and Lords throw down and Honours throw down and Priests throw down we must all throw down our Crowns and Dignities and stoop to the first dominion Thy kingdom come whose Scepter shall not fade away every pretended Power framed against him shall not prosper If thou callest thy self King it is high conspiracie against the King of heaven so to pollute his holy name for he is that one Lord of the whole earth Now if he be Lord then thy name Lord must down of necessity for God will have his Name known thorow all the earth and before him every knee shall bow Then set not up thy self the greatest climb may have the greatest fall If thy place be never so high amongst men yet it may be but a left-hand-mercy or such a priviledge as will decline and whoever standeth as Lord or King shall fall at the appearing of Christs power And the Prophet Daniel saith They shall fall too that hold them up that is he that giveth the name Lord to a man he shall fall by dishonour for there shall be but one Lord over the earth and his Name one for the name of Baal Monarchy shall be cut out of the earth that assume to themselves such high honour and pollute his holy Name it is an intolerable Witchcraft that shall be cut out of the earth that hath so long deceived the people calling fleshly man Lord and so pollute the name of the holy One of Israel taking his name in vain He is the Lord of the Creation therefore stand up for him and thy liberty O Army Army arm of the Lord stand up for it is given thee That every Power shall perish under thee Army-giddon valley of destruction or a destructive sword shall rise that God will fourbish against all the powers none excepted but his Divine power shall stand that shall govern under him his power shall raign in all places and so far as they keep up the Lords honour they shall stand with prosperity But your honourable-men must fall though they set their names as high as heaven yet they shall come down for the Lord will set on fire the four elements which are not the skies as silly men teach but it is that heavenly power that hath raigned so long and shall now burn at his bright appearing and shall expel all the Witchcraft of the world Secondly the general world must change its course by a more sweet comply of Government and to lay by their outward Idolatry The third element that shall burn is the proud waters Euphrates seven streams of powers shall dry up all the Egyptian powers shall be dissolved and no power shall stand but that of the Son of God The fourth element that shall burn is the Moon and Stars Christ saith Matth. 24. When the light shineth from the east to the west then the power of the Son of man is nigh at hand You know when the Sun appeareth in its brightness the Moon and Stars must give place to that light and it onely raigneth over them so Doctors Ministers and Churches your lights shall go out at his appearing and all your Moonorical powers shall be extinguished and all the Stars called Ministers shall lose their borrowed lights when every one shall acknowledge Christ to be their Minister and live under their own vine So much for the four Elements called the four Constellations which is the Church-power or otherwise called Moon and Stars that shall fail at his bright appearing that the glory of the Son of God may appear from on high and that all may be reconciled to his light declaring him to be King Lord Priest and Prophet the onely called Minister of God before whom every Ministery shall cease onely pleading for truth shall hold with prayer and mourning among all Christians called the great mourning of all the families of the earth every family apart when the brightness of the Son of God appeareth it shall be as the mourning in Hadadrimmon when there shall be trembling and quaking as the Prophets did in their times of danger when there shall be a great shaking that men shall shake Ministers shake and every power shake truely then it behoveth every one to quake and tremble for the Lord will terribly shake the earth the mighty men shall fall the honorable men shall throw down their Honors and shall deny their high Titles of Grace and Worship for all their seenal Witchcrafts shall be cut out of the earth and every Witch that deceiveth the people every Soothsayer shall be found out and every Sorcerer that deceiveth for all things shall be proved upon the Sanctuary thou shalt not worship any graven image which is but an earthly man to fall down and worship before him thou shalt worship God and him alone and not man whose breath is in his nostrils though living in honour yet shall perish as the beasts from his presence as contemptible IT hath always been that wicked Hamans have ruled over the people of God they be called Gog or Haman-Gog that shall be brought under and so low that they shall not act as they have formerly done What have your Pulpittians been all along but as a Gallows to hang up Mordecai's Though I do not say all Ministers are Hamans yet some of that strain have been cruel men called Bishops and for the most part you Priests are much like the generation that fell before Adam so proud that God in his jealousie threw them down They were called the Angels that fell and Royally petype out Ministers that John calleth the Angels of the Churches or the Stars that must fall that have stood so long in the holy place of Christ and now shall be bound down with the world under the name and notion of the worldly kingdom that shall suddenly be bound down for one thousand yeers When Christs power shall raign then Satan and his kingdom shall be bound said to be Haman-Gog that shall have no more power to assail and afflict the people of Christ when the persecuting power is taken off when the Saints shall sit and judge the Ministers which hold up the power of the Beast which stand so high as Lord Speaker to silence the people Ye Ministers are called the abomination sitting in the holy place as Mediators betwixt God and men so high in the place of Christ and therefore Capernaum exalted so high shall come down as lowe as dry bones for Gog and Haman-Gog's bones shall be gathered together and so be buried by the
number of seven yeers that their weapons and power shall have an end Now to accomplish this prophecie look in Ezek. 38. he speaketh of burning their weapons burying of their bones which we hope will be in some short time after 1650. or before 1657. in our Nation We cannot predict the full accomplishment or make out a full discovery of the great designe he hath to do or when it shall fully end yet I hope the time is at hand for a short work will the Lord make upon earth to redeem those dry bones that have been very dry poor Witnesses of Christ killed and troden down by your Priestly power false Christs second-hand Teachers of the letter but can give no spiritual life and yet call your selves Ministers of God you shall fall with great rebuke one witness of Christ shall chase a thousand of you and two witnesses shall put ten thousand of you to flight O down with your false power for Christ Jesus will redeem Israel out of your hands The two Witnesses plead shall bring down your power as lowe as Doctor Hill's bones for the Witnesses shall live without your teachings and shall stand upon their feet a mighty Army O Arm of the Lord every Power shall perish under thee Object Doth Christ need Ministers then where is his power or divine light or spiritual appearances Doth he not appear in all and teach all by a spiritual teaching which is far higher then all fleshly teachers can do I am ashamed to hear your Sorceries to say ye are his Ministers then ye may go and teach him what to do The Heavens preach the Stars preach and the Creatures preach in Psal 14. but what is this to the preaching of God in his power Christ Jesus is in the mount and preacheth to all things John saith he is the Angel fleeing in the midst of heaven and preaching the everlasting Gospel to every kindred language and nation then what need we have so many Preachers When Christ preacheth to all he silenceth the tongues of men and Angels Christ is upon the mount and it cleft asunder shewing that every preaching power shall break and dissolve Now the Angel he preacheth in power Christ Jesus is the Angel of the Covenant therefore let all the earth be silent he will make all quiet before him it is he alone that shall still the rage of the sea and will quiet mens spirits when they shall yield the power of preaching into his hand when Ministers shall strive no more for their own power He is the onely preacher When he stood upon mount Olivet it cleft in sunder so shall every preaching power dissolve before him He is the preacher of light and life but ye Diviners Soothsayers and Flatterers ye call your selvs preachers what need that There is but one preacher he standeth on the mount Christ he shall put all rule and all authority under his feet he leadeth us by his holy Spirit that shall guide us in all truth The Creatures may preach yet not declare forth the invisible power of God for that is proper to Christ alone to preach forth the everlasting Gospel Rev. 14. Therefore stop your mouthes ye Priests for every one shall be taught of God from the greteast to the least even ye high Doctors must come under the teachings of the Son of God he is the Day-star that dawneth from on high If ever thou wilt see life that spiritual life must be from him to transform thee into the likeness of him for the way of all mens teachings shall burn up with their wood and straw and every untempered thing which holds up the abomination that makes desolation And truely Ministers are to blame in this thing of discipline Paul saith Eph. 3.10 that principalities and powers in high places ought to be approved by the Church that is to put forth Queries of Scripture and to quire out every truth by witnesses for every vision shall fail at the beatifical vision Ye sons of Ai must down it is not any visible power that can stand before the invisible nor any created power stand before the Ordained and Created Minister of God Ye sons of Levi must throw down though you have been Legators so long yet now there is an Alligator that teacheth us all things by his bright appearing far higher then you can elevate It is not your literal teachings but it is the invisible teachings of the Son of God that maketh wise to salvation Call not thy self a Minister of Christ for he is a Minister of himself Therefore lay down thy power for he teacheth us in all truth We and our predecessors have been taught by you and such as have called themselves Lord Bishops horrible names and intolerable to call themselves Lords And you Priests call your selvs Ministers of Christ yet you are but of that spawn of Euphrates that shall dry up with thy Lord Bishop Lord of folly Those and such as you be have nuzled up the people to thie day But now God will teach his people to stand and live without your Lordly power Your Bishops are fallen and you must fall under contempt for sitting in the holy place as Ministers or false Christs to deceive and seduce the people Some of you have gone under the notion of Lord Priests great Impropriators of Tythes and Donatives and could license authority and give gifts to men as spiritual Peters that had the keys of Purgatory but not the keys of heaven-gates they could lock and unlock they had all in their own hands as if they had been spiritual Lords of heaven and earth And truely what are ye Ministers and high Doctors If the Bishops were the cedars you are the shrubs that must be pluckt up for your power is like to burn as one of the four Constellations for your heavenly power shall go down with your earthly power and shall be consumed by invisible fire from above The universality of God shall so appear in flesh that men shall refuse your teachings and shall repair to the house of the Lord saying He will teach us of his ways which will put an end to your divided Ministery When God teacheth all shall be silenced Ministers silenced and people silenced and every power silenced in heaven and in earth John saith There was silence in heaven for the space of half an hour which declareth Gods wonderful works When Medeum is in the midst of his power in the top of the mountains your elevated powers shall cleave in sunder and every power shall shake and fall at the presence of Christ the great King Oh faithless generation can ye not stand and live in faithfulness to Christ he teacheth thee and me all things how to live he doth inherently teach every one that will savingly come to God and none can come to the Father but by him all other Teachers are but vain ostentation and failable but God inwardly teacheth Ye high Doctors petty Priests Legators and Merit-mongers
own soul and say no more I am in Christs stead Doctor know that thine is an earthly authority but Christ is a Minister by an heavenly authority Then lay down thy false power You say you are Ministers of God and yet can minister but the outward letter and the letter shall non-residence you and suspend your authority for you are but false Christs Therefore Priest thou must lay down Christ is all thy Lectury he is eggal tyal and substantial You are but egg but he is eggal Therefore lay down and say We are no teachers but pleaders for righteousness mercy and justice and cannot teach the holy Ghost Christ is the altar then go no more to the Scribe nor to any earthly teacher If Christ be truely formed in thee go no more to the Wise-man or the Scribe which be inwardly ravening wolves and yet they come in Christs name which enjoy the tenth part of our Nation called the Tythes and Impropriations which might outwardly redeem the poor the blinde and the lame the fatherless and widow People you look for an outward speaking but the inward speaking is of God It is the holy Ghost that speaketh in thee and me and that is the surest teaching and ten thousand times more good it will do thee then all thy second-hand-teachers that cannot declare a true testimony Then all ye blinde guides that lead the blinde the Lord doth rightly teach Ministers dare not express themselves men dare not express themselves therefore the truth of Christ must needs suffer violence And I finde that these Wise-men and Counsellors are but the Witch of the world Ye Pulpittians there can be no election of Ministers but by Christ in whom he said Go it was in those days a work of election onely of Christ and from Christ an Ordination tolerated by the Son of God but now that power of election is of none effect and let him be what he will if a Minister or Lay-man if he take upon him to ordain or elect any to be Ministers of God or to give any such authority he falsly standerh in Christs place and cometh not in at the door but take Christs Office in their hand and they are not called to it The work of mans Priesthood failed long since for Christ is our high-priest once for all and he standeth a Priest for ever after the Order of Melchizedek He shall purge the sons of Levi that they may bring an offering in righteousness which is to throw down their power at the eternal power and live up to the endless Ministery of Christ and shall say I am no more a Minister of God I am but as other men Mens Priesthoods have been ever held up with money and outward territories but Christ teacheth freely and so did all they that he tolerated and sent All his disciples were without resting-places so are not ye he said The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests but the Son of man hath nowhere to hide his head Which of all the disciples of Christ held up personal proprieties to themselves I am sure amongst them it was not a common thing as it is amongst you for some of our Priests have large inheritances and will rather lose Christ then lose their Parsonages or great possessions of land But Christ did not ordain such disciples but such as were to carry neither scrip nor staff to trust to shewing that proprieties were not given them Learn of me saith Christ if I have nothing what can you expect if I be your example be as I am I tell thee if thou beest never so high a Doctor and eminent for gifts and yet dost buy and sell the creation thou art no Minister of God Therefore lay down thy authority for it is false At the first the Creation was not bought and sold for money it was to stand in its own original and not to be traduced or ingrossed by money and so to be changed from its original None of the Apostles bought or sold the Creation for money as some of our Doctors have done which is utterly unlawful Heaven is the Lords throne and the earth his footstool Now ye abominable Priests that buy and ingross the earth into your hands and tolerate all others so to do can a man buy the Lords throne for money No for it his place of rest neither can ye buy the earth which is his footstool Therefore ye Ministers are buyers and sellers and as money-changers in the Temple of God and for this cause of buying and selling the Creation your Temple is broken in pieces and there shall not be one stone lest upon another that shall not be thrown down So that I clearly finde that Ordination of Priests and Ministers ceased at buying and selling the Creation for then Christ came and put an end to their Ministery and God appears chiefly to us by his Son having him dwelling in us by the gift of the holy Ghost that is the Law and Testimony in us And God hath left power to his two Witnesses to plead for righteousness because there was no truth in the Priests therefore he hath given the two Witnesses power that shall hold to the end DOctor I see nothing but an end of all Traditional preaching for Mediumal preacheth in the mount of his power and requireth setting up thrones and to bring all things before the seat of justice Christ must sit upon his seat and judge the ends of the earth He is said to sit upon twelve thrones that is by an audiencee of twelve voices to vindicate and make out the full truth by Witnesses Then where is your preaching power your grinding in a Mill will cease Ye stand beating the Pulpit but all is in vain for the honourable seat of Justice will exclude all your seenal Witcherasts You have preached long yet no justice mercy nor truth is in our borders But the Prophet Z●chariah saith In those days and at that time many shall be joyned to the Lord which sheweth they shall throw off the Ministeries of men And the Prophet Hosea saith They shall be sowed to the Lord in truth in merc● and loving kindness saith the Lord I will betroth thee unto me That shews that every one should understand and know their Mariage union with Christ and come out from Priest and People It is not enough to say thou art a Christian but thou must prove thy self by an inward Law and testimony with the approbation of the grand Church that is by an inward and outward testimony that shall make them free Heb. 4.9 There remaineth a rest to the people of God and in vers 10. He that is entred into that rest hath ceased from his own works as God did from his This Christian rest is perfection of parts without toyl and legal cate having inward sanctity in the soul which is a sweet Sabbath-rest and I know no other Sabbath You observe days called Sundays outwardly and do not look to the
to prove the truth Two candlesticks and two lights before the people when one mans tongue speaking shall be a lye every singular power shall be dissolved onely Christ shall stand singular over all He set his foot upon the hinder sea and his other foot upon the far sea he cleaveth the mount of Olivet in sunder and will diselevate all your historical power which shall be the beginning of the downfal of your Priestly power for Christ will sit upon it by twelve thrones will dis-throne all that stand so high in the place of ostentation they must come down and plead for truth among their lowe equals for their mount is cleft in sunder from the hinder sea to the far sea There shall no power stand before Christ the new Jerusalem for none shall stand singular in place of speaking but Christ alone and his two anoynted ones Therefore Alphaba it must down with thy all power of preaching in thine own tongue Now Christ doth appear your mount Elevate is cleft in sunder there shall not be one stone left upon another that shall not be thrown down And happy shall be that man that shall take your power and dash it against the wall Zech. 11. 10. I took my staff Beauty and brake it in sunder and it was broke in that day so the sheep that waited upon me knew that I was the word of the Lord. And truely he that brake the staff Beauty wil surely break the staff Bands that your elevated power may fall Christ is the Middinal Sainter or Mediator betwixt two he standeth as a tree of Mustard-seed little in shew yet great and orient in substance and splendorious to all and his name is Branch that is beautiful and shall grow up in the earth He is the tree of life standing in the garden of God and whoever eateth of it shall live for ever He is life eternal to all that thirst after him He is a Medium of comfort to all the oppressed he will in some measure still the rage of the sea Christ the Lord he is all righteousness You may definate but Christ is the definer of truth He is the Centre and stable medium of all things in heaven and in earth He is the fountain that filleth the two conduit-pipes with oyl called The two anoynted ones that stand before the God of the whole earth He filleth every Lamp with oyl Every high hill shall cleave asunder at his presence Who art thou O mountain before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain For every power shall be cleft in sunder before Almiddium the Lord he shall stand upon the sea with his face toward the hinder sea he and his two Witnesses shall stand in power to destroy the Red Dragon and his fury The faithful Witnesses of God shall stand by many two's yet one shall stand in the midst of them which is the tree of life Angelical And if any shall attempt or hurt them fire cometh down from heaven and shall destroy them This Angelical power of Christ with his Saints Evangelical shall strike the hinder parts of Leviathan which is the Dragons tayl so that fire from heaven shall burn up his fury for the jealousie of the Lord is gone forth and shall not return till it hath wrought the full work of God for lo saith the Lord the stone that I have laid before Joshua upon it shall be seven eyes which sheweth the glory of Christ that taketh away the iniquity of the land in one day and that shall be when we make the Lord our Minister then he shall take away our reproach Christ the heavenly Branch shall silence all flesh Men may preach all their days and cannot remove our reproach yet Christ can make our Gospel peace Mans preaching is but carnal policie But Christ is raised out of his place let men and Ministers be silent he hath the key of the bottomless pit he took the dragon bound him Rev. 20. he set a seal upon him that he should deceive the nations no more tell certain yeers expired The time when he was first bound was about 1600 yeers ago or thereabout And God hath shewed himself the more merciful in keeping us from his personal visage for so long since God hath shut him up under chains of darkness and from thence to this day his common appearance hath been hideous to man YE Assyrian Priests it is not your way to save souls it is proper to God alone ye may counsel them or inform them that 's all ye can do for God alone teacheth I will write my Law in their inward parts He spiritually teacheth and infuseth grace in the soul Priests and Levites it was to you for a time but our Ministers for a shorter time if mens Priesthood failed under the Law how much more shall yours be under Christ and as the Priests were cryed down under the Law by the Prophets how much more failable are you under the eternal Priesthood of Christ for all Tythes and Levitical forms of Tythes have ceased since Christ came in the flesh If Aaron the Priest could have no inheritance amongst Israel what benefits can ye expect under the everlasting Gospel Tythes were given at the first by a legal power of men and therefore it was called Legal or Levitical pretending td Gods house or to the righteousness of God till Christ came in the flesh which cut off old Levitical forms by a new Covenant nor according to the old saying I will make a new Covenant with them and write my Law in their inward parts as an eternal Sabbath in the conscience that shall burn up every outward form When Christ appeared in the flesh all Tythes and forms of slavery sure ceased Truly Doctor thou maist say what thou wilt yet I cannot believe thee though thou saist Thou art Christs Disciple yet I say thou art not except thou deniest thy self by a cessation of Tythe-forms for they must all cease there cannot a bit of Levitical Priesthood stand before Christ Jesus the eternal Priest every Priesthood must down for that made the Law a Law and the Divel a Divel Christ Jesus is a free Pastor to all that come unto him and all ye Doctors and Ministers are a generation of Angels must fall calling your selves Ministers of Christ for the Tythe and for the Fleece for money and Glebe-land ye sit as little Bishops gaping under a sunny bank so fat and so proud and no Disciples of Christ in his poverty Therefore Bishop-black shall array himself in Sheeps-clothing among others that be his low equals Christ is the royal Shepherd in the Mount Al-medium preacheth in the Mount and your Ministerial power shall go down he set his foot upon Mount Olivet and it cleft in sunder so shall your elevated power divide in sunder Now Al-medium preacheth in the Mount your Ministerial preaching shall go down your Olivet will cleave in sunder you go to your mercenary mediating houses but Christ is all in
martyrs Come may the Church say Let us eat her up for God hath given her into our hands and Christ shall raign and shall put all authority under his feet IT shall be a peaceable Dominion when Christ shall raign over the Earth by a personal power of Saints that shall fully hold forth the Scepter He shall come to raign in power over the earth till all rule and authority is put under his feet Kings must throw down and stoop to his peaceable Dominion he shall make straight every crooked way his endless Priesthood shall teach when every mouth shall be stopped he giveth peace which the world cannot give he saith Walk in my way I will be your Sun and your light when every form and written declaration shall cease and be no more I would have all men live above the flesh by a heavenly procreation or inclination of doing good and that is perfection indeed for by doing well thou shalt have joy unspeakable which will be as a whole kingdom in thy soul I would have Gods people preach forth restoration and desire to see a full manifestation of things made out as the Lord alone to be all our teacher he is our Protector and not man his Priestly power shall be a peaceable Dominion when Monarchy is put down though Kings and Lord stands in his place and Protectors stand in his place yet who shall stand when he appeareth by a more brighter shining light when all shall be forced to give up their dignities stoop to his peaceable Dominion Isa 66. I will send them to declare my glory among the Gentiles shewing the great day of Jehovah when men shall finally throw down their high titles and then peaceable Dominions shall raign What Priest will plead for my name saith the Lord against them that set themselves so high as Lord and King and set themselves up by earthly enjoyments Therefore God hath raised my Spirit to plead against all the Priests and to lay open their folly that call themselves Seers in Israel and yet keep all things as they were ye have not yet preached the Gospel but denied the Son of God and the power of his resurrection for ye have given his glory to men Therefore as yet ye have not preached the Gospel nor laid your life down as yet for the truth You have declared the History of the Prophets and of Peter and Paul but we have had enough of it without you would preach them out of their Graves But which of you Priests will vindicate life for the eternal Gospel to set Christ upon his throne to say he is King alone and Lord alone and so deny outward honour and acknowledge nothing honourable but the Lord and that is true Gospel thou must tread down all for Christ thou shalt tread upon Scorpions and Serpents and they shall not hurt thee it is the words of our Saviour thou must tread upon Kings Lords and Princes and Nobles and Rulers if thou beest true for Christ he is the everlasting Gospel thou shalt cease from man whose breath is in his nostrils it is the Lord that preacheth peace keepeth all alive fear not man or any power of men formed against the Gospel it shall not prosper when he appeareth Kings must lay down Princes must lay down Protectors must lay down Lords must lay down Magistrates must lay down Priests must lay down thou must lay down and I must lay down the Stars and Constellations shall fail at his appearing the negative voice shall not stand for he will give power to his two witnesses to plead for all truth before a Judgement-seat of the Saints when this Government shall be taken away and changed at his bright appearing when all formed Gospels of men shall be changed to a new Sabbath when men shall be forced to lay down for the Gospel when they shall ascribe to him kingdom power and glory and that is the full end of preaching to set God upon his throne he is the everlasting Gospel of peace and I know no other Gospel but that he should rule above every man in dignity and honor And that Lord man should not pollute his holy name Ye high Doctors may Object saying What is the power of Christ you speak so much of I answer It is the power of God that shall silence the great mens spirits when it shall apear it shall take away their sting as from King and Lord and Bishop that have formerly persecuted the Saints Christ saith All power is given me in heaven and earth and God saith Vengeance is mine I wonder how men dare do as they have formerly done to put an end to some of Gods chosen people by taking away life and free-creation and by silencing some others in prison which is a type of hell and dare not kill them lest heaven and earth should cry out against them as that it hath done long since Ye Ministers go with your hands full of blood by flattering men in their blood-thirsty-way by sowing pillows and cushions under their elbows very loth to tell them the truth from God saying Why do you take away life and free-creation from the creatures of God seeing life and death is in the hands of the Lord then what hath man to do to take away life from any of the creatures of God it is an intolerable thing which of you Priests will ingage for Christ in this cause saying Oh great men I doubt you will sink in the lake of Gods irrecoverable vengeance for vengeance is the Lords and he will give it them to drink for the Soul that sinneth it shall die Let men take heed how they act and see that they act in righteousness better they had never been born then to be bloody persecutors to offend any of those little ones of Christ either by death or imprisonment GOd teacheth us by his Son he is the sure word of prophesie our everlasting Gospel which may reprove the literal teachers that call the Scriptures the Gospel when indeed they are but the writings of men put together as a History but Christ is the eternal mystery Christ Jesus alone is our eternal peace free from failable mixture it is God from the beginning he is the word of life beyond the written word of man so is the eternal decree in paradise and as by a further manifestion of his Son to preach and declare forth all truth far above the writings of men which is not the word of God but mans word spoken in part nd prophesied in part as Paul declareth Therefore the Scripture cannot fully be called the word of God but mens traditions and part of the minde of God they prophesied in part they writ in part they believed in part of the mystery of God but Christ he comes in the volume of the book he is our sure word of prophesie far higher then any Scripture and for that cause Scripture cannot be fully called the word of God except
God hath writ it Christ never pen'd down the mystery he is the final end of perfection The promise was made in him 400 yeers before the local Scripture the promise was before the Law and righteousness came by faith and not by local Scriptures Christ opened the seals in order He is the word from the beginning John 1. The word was at the beginning before the traditions of men were written and shall stand till fulness come which shall then be failable perfection shall put an end to imperfection when mans writing is done away the Son of God is that wisdom from the decree of God to make out his full work and shall stand when all mens Scriptures shall be failable David cryes out in the 19 Psalm saying Who knows the errors of his life so that men and Prophets may be unstable in their judgement All Scriptures were written by the permission of God and men declared of things a far off and could not fully speak of things to come but as they spake in part Heaven and earth shall pass away but not one tittle of Gods word which was his ancient decree from the beginning before men writ the Scriptures his decrees were and his councel shall stand he spake the word and it was done if Scriptures could be the word of God then common Christians might write by inspiration and call it the word of God which that they cannot do for it is but mens declaration yet the Priests say They preach the word of God though they deceive the poor people with the letter men may be very plyant and prophetical as the Prophets were and write many sweet truths yet the decree of God shall stand when written words are failable though they write after their judgements they shall be failable being yet in the flesh for Christ is our sure word of prophesie far above Scripture to declare what the word is first it is God Secondly it is perfection Thirdly it is his councel and decree Fourthly it is spiritual light from above Fifthly it is a word of life that preacheth out from the mouth of God Therefore the written letter is not the word of God but put into them from a spiritual ingenuity or received of God by a spiritual power from above being writ by failable man that hath received in part of that full perfection Christ is the full end of all mystery he preacheth upon the mount hear him with a laudable voice he inwardly teacheth his wisdom is excellent past finding out mens writings and teachings are subject to change but the word of God is the same from the beginning not any thing of God shall fail Mount Sion shall ever stand stable and firm the Lord is unchangeable though mens teachings fail and Scriptures fail and Prophets fail and Priests fail and all outward forms and ceremonies fail though outward Sabbaths fail yet the two witnesses shall not fail the two anointed ones shall stand before the God of the whole earth if Christ and the Spirit dwell in us they shall teach us how to live in all truth though man in his ignorance lieth under the letter and liveth altogether by line and verse the Law being a Schoolmaster or Teacher to him yet when he is redeemed by the Spirit he walketh above the letter knowing himself free incorporated and brought within the precincts of the glorious liberty of the Son of God Christ is the sure word of prophesie far higher then the Scriptures which the Doctors call the word of God and is not but part of the truth but Christ shall endure when all mens writings be as low as Doctor Hill's bones and shall be failable before the great manifestation of the light that shall appear when all shall bend at the Scepter his wisdom teacheth all truth men teach for envy some for pride and some for money and some teach other mens works and yet call it the word of God though they can declare nothing out of the gift but what they have received by learned phrases and much slight the word of the eternal Covenant by adoring the writing and preaching of men which are outward literal and not the word of God but Scriptures of men as Chronicles and Histories and shall be failable I do not deny the good as is in the Scriptures but I adhere to it so far as it answereth to the righteousness of God and so far we ought to walk plyant to the Scriptures as by the example of Christ his rule ought not to be compounded with other mens works but that his fame should be seen alone for by that means the Priests do preach mens praises more then the honor and authority of Christ Now in all your learning I desire you would learn to know Christ the sure word of prophesie which is God alone above the Scriptures and so the Scriptures are but mens traditions laid together chronicled up what good men had declared by history for a memorial or example for us that come after and not to look for spiritual life by the Scriptures for that is the free gift from above by his grace but to look on them for an exhoraation Christ saith In the Scriptures ye think to have eternal life yet he doth not say In them there is eternal life for he is life eternal and he hath done all things well Prophets and Priests and Men may write yet of themselves can establish no truth for Christ is the stable center of all he is Almedium that preacheth in the Mount he is our sure word of prophesie yet he writ no Scripture nor declared himself by letter yet many Scriptures have testified of him he was and is exemplary to all Therefore I would have all men live to the Lord above that which is written of men for what is written but shall be failable or what light can keep its full oriency before the Sun every borrowed light shall be failable I desire men would not hang so much upon the letter Christ Jesus is unfailable he is yesterday to day and for ever Let us set Christ above all literal Scriptures which shall contingently fail when he cometh in power he shall put an end to every work Christ is the prime reality of all true integrity he is the eternal word of life all things live by the decree of God finished in us his promise was above 400 yeers before any Scripture was writ given to Abraham by faith and not by Scripture in that we ought to know somthing above the letter which is the word of faith a sure prophesie it is not the word preached that can redeem us except we have personal holiness in us by a right knowing of God by inspiration otherwise it is unpossible to please God for men may hear Scripture preached and yet not be happilized and Priests may preach and yet cannot save souls Therefore ye high Priests lay down your authority God teacheth from above and will order his affairs above your
sowing Pillows under great Mens Elbows you will speak a little of Covetousness but much less of blood and oppression and little or nothing of devouring one another for that will touch my self or my parsonage O draw the Curtain there see that God is angry with you and telleth you by his Prophet Micah 3. that ye shall move out of your holes and Ezekiel the Prophet saith The people shall be taken from your mouth and Zachary saith I heard a howling of the Shepherds for their glory was spoiled and Malachy saith Ye rob my Store-house therfore the land is cursed with a curse If ye Ministers should preach against all Impropriations as that ye dare not do for losing your Parsonages lose them and lose all for then preaching will cease and there will be many that will remove our Feet from the Pulpit when every truth shall be defined by two or three witnesses what will becom of us Pulpittians it will be to us as the mourning of Hadadrimmon indeed that is the way to bring down the pride of Palestina and Capernaum exalted so high you Pulpitsayons are set so high as Lord speaker who shall controul you yet your power must come down when your Pulpits shall have never a leg yet the two witnesses shall be upon their Feet to plead for equity and justice which ye do not ye preach for your own ends and cannot satisfie truth alwaies full of repetition but nothing of any new work that God will do in the earth If a lay-man should speak higher things then those you declare you would say as Festus said to Paul that he was mad Ye have slandered many good Christians that have been faithful witnesses to Christ and learned the language from the Heavenly University far passing Oxford and Cambridge Truly we have many Doctors in Oxford and Cambridge that enjoy so much that it is intolerable These blind Doctors Doctor up the Common-wealth and deceive the people impropriating to themselves more then Food and Rayment which is contrary to Christs example they be more in shew then in substance getting to themselves high tolerations which are not of Christ whereof you shall lie under his wrath saying How hard a thing is it for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom Yet take to thy self the instruments of a foolish Shepherd Doctor I am as a fool amongst the Doctors I cannot but tell you the truth for God hath raised my spirit he hath encouraged me to speak of your shame and not to be daunted Some Ministers now of late have made themselves Doctors hoping for some of these great places in Oxford and Cambridge which will prove but veynal or a veyne uncurable that runneth it self out by many obstructions or clashings one against another Minister against Minister there is not that Antipathy nor that Universality for some shall preach up their power and some shall preach it down This Eclipse or terrible shaking will hold until the power of your Priesthood fall at the power of the eternal Priest you must throw down your power at Christs Feet for the Holy Ghost shall be all our teacher Ministers your mouthes shall be stopped Micah 3. you shall not divine you shall no more say to the people Know the Lord for they shall all know me from the greatest to the least and that is by spiritual revelation or by an inward knowing which far passeth your learned places your Colledges are filled with many scandalous Ruffinous Fellows and of a ranting Crew very litteral and not knowing the truth translators and usurping the word of the letter to their own turnes setting themselves higher then the teachings of God thinking lay-men inferior to themselves as if God could not raise up Children to Abraham out of those Stones To be taught of God is the best University for all your wit and skill and univesality of tongues cannot make one godly person for every gift and perfect giving is from above God ministreth grace to whom he pleaseth he is the Minister then how canst thou be a Minister for God ministreth to all things then yeild up thy Priesthood to him he is the Fountaine and all the Streames must go to that Fountaine You Doctors are set so high and shall become low more contemptible then the Bishops were for God will set you as a mark to shoot at or as a lost Jerusalem for the Bittern or Owle to sit in for you have kept all things at a distance blinding the people and keeping them under the letter by the hearing of Faith without inward Faith as if salvation were by the letter and full freedom by the speaker They will not let to say they have begotten souls as if salvation were simply from their teachings And thus they silence the people under their bands Ah go go and tell them so that they silence the people and cannot give them spiritual life but keep them at a distance as a Horse in a Mill alwaies going round teaching them repetition and repetition learning and yet not come to the knowledge of truth but Paul saith Prove all things yet hold fast that which is good Then lay your heads together and ye shall finde the Ministers of our time very faulty They call themselves the Ministers of God and sit in Christs place In the name of the Lord we cast you forth and we discarge your false power for Christ is Adminstrator and you are fleshly and litteral and have no more power to preach then another man for Christ is the Minister of God and giveth us spiritual life to heal our infirmities and he is our example to walk by then lay by your covetousness and pride and follow his example set your selves to know God and then you shall find great comfort for it shall stir up the gift which is the best teaching Ministers cannot live themselves and how should they give life to others they are full of guilt and scandal and yet they accompt themselves high Doctors or Ministers of God when indeed ye are not so but deceivers of the people for there is no Minister but Christ alone though ye stand so high in the Pulpits you must come down at the appearing of Christ in his power when all flesh shall bend both things in Heaven and things on the Earth and things under the Earth shall all be dispowered and dis-throned when nothing shall stand but ordination and that is Christ ordayned a Priest and a Minister for ever he alone is our spiritual teacher and you Ministers are worse then Lay-men for taking upon you that title of Ministery and cannot live free from covetousness which is Idolatry and you are idolatrous Priests which deceive the simple Methinks I could stand an hour or two in your idolatrous places to preach as you do but my conscience informeth me otherwise Therefore I lay the Ax to the root of your one-legged Pulpits to cut them down for you Pulpitsayons must come down and set upon your low
equals Why should ye stand higher then Christ and his Apostles that went from place to place discipling and teaching But for shame some of you Doctors could say your Authority is jure Divino which is a base degree hatched in Oxford and Cambridge and maintained by a prelatical power that one alone may be suprem to preach of himself in his own tongue and all the people give audience to hear one infamous man speak by a primus or supream Authority whereof none may speak but be silenced whether it be right or wrong while they declare forth their own Authority which is the first degree of a lying testimony for one tongue cannot fully make a lawful testimony If one Lawyer plead two mens causes he cannot but use partiality neither can any Minister plead Gods cause and mans cause together it must be Christ the Mediator as a Minister between God and us The truths of God ought to be proved by twelve or by two or three faithful witnesses and that is a truth vindicated and proved according to divine justice and not by one mans tongue preaching in a Pulpit which shall suddenly be cut down and Mr. Presbitian shall stand low among his Fellow-equals Babylon placed so high shall come down to the Dust High Doctor thou countest me a foolish Shepherd yet the Lord is with me to shew thee thy folly for that is truth which is proved by witnesses and by the approbation of the Church for your own tongue is a lye though speak in a Pulpit yet ye cannot silence the people for Saint John saith he heard the sound of many voices and his witnesses shall have power which are they that are within the Covenant or such as shall enter into Covenant to the great Jehovah Ye Doctors of Divinity as ye call your selves ye have preached long in your own tongue to keep the World at a distance you have not been builders but destroyers of the House of God and know ye not the offering of his Temple but have set your selves higher then others exalting your selves by your own tongue as if none could talk of God but Priestbitian or Presbitiry Priests Dictators raised from Oxford and Cambridge but without all question Priestinion must down Doctor I acccmpt my self a fool for I am no good Scribe neither have I been at University to learn the stammering tongue and for that we need not much care unless we were to go to Jerusalem to call in the Jews which shall be some of every Nation that shall be the elect gathered from the four Winds when the Harvest shall appear which is now at hand when the Sheep shall divide themselves from the Goats meaning the procreation of the Jews shall come forth and stand upon their Feet then the World shall be at an end meaning it can work its own end no longer therefore it may be said it is at an end when they can no longer tread over the two witnesses but the Saints on earth shall judge and govern them Doctor I am but a Fool or a foolish Shepherd clothed in sackcloth 42 Months from the year 1650. when the sixth Seal opened the mystery to the end of 42 Months which may be properly taken three years and a halfe about 54 or 55. God hath given me to look for great deliverance to the Kingdom of the Church and that Christ shall raign in power here in England which shall be very Oriential to behold far beyond your learned power and you shall not be Doctor speaker alone and cannot know any true way nor live in any stable righteousness for Christ the Minister of God doth administer life and all quickning power which is the substance of all and you cannot do the same therefore lay down your Ministerial power and accompt your selves as other men let others speak and ye speak to them and so judge the truth among your selves and throw down the error of one mans tongue There hath been many Scholars raised from Oxford and Cambridge swearing voluptuous persons and yet tolerated by your degrees and so become Pulpitsayons another sort have been civil men though not sanctified yet raised by the degrees of learning without any Heavenly substance others have been raised very dunces neither good Scholars nor spiritually of God and yet have worne long Canonical Gownes Lawyer-like whose folly was raised from those two Fountaines and much typeth out the Scribes Pharisees very proud and sumptuous as the Raven that setteth her Nest high to be seen and heard afar off then think they we are secure and yet their Nest must come down for the Pulpit-tree having but one Leg and set so high will have a great downfall Why should disciplying be kept in a Corner so high by one tongue as one Mr. Speaker Ye Doctors Diffinators know this that disciplying must come down among your Fellow-equals and shall be carried by the Feet of the Witnesses from Sea to Sea and from one end of the Earth to another Therefore Christ denied himself and would not be Mr. Speaker saying If I speak my own words my testimony is not true there is one that beareth witness with me and that is tolerable O man why should thy tongue bear down all and silence all the people and cannot prove thy self a Minister of God but sitteth as Scribe in Moses Chair Doctor Pulpittian four things I strike at Thy Pride thy Power thy Calling and thy Pulpit First for thy Pride which is unseemly for a Disciple of Christ to be proud by such carnal policy Secondly Thy Power if it be spiritual it is of God but if a carnal power it cannot stand for he will give power to his two faithful Witnesses and not to one though he be never so wise Doctor it is not that Latine tongue that can be good English Isa 33. calleth it the stammering tongue but ye high Priests and Lawyers take any course to hold up your power The Universities and Innes of Court are fine places for the stammering tongue they be not for the simple-hearted Fools shall not come therein and I am the Fool to tell you so The Prophet Zachary saith Behold thy King commeth riding upon an Ass Now in the time Christs power is appearing a man was better to be a Fool or an Ass then a high Doctor when their power is shaking and ready to fall with the rest of their Pulpittians Doctor the third thing I strike at is thy calling Art thou called of God then shew thy assent if it be of God it is not from those two high places but from a heavenly assent Divinalligy of it is from Christ and that is a true calling But I find your calling is from men wich cannot be a Divine calling but hatched by the learned Dictators which is not from the Divine nature neither doth it savour of Canaan but is derived from learned Art and Skill very traditional and when it goeth down we shall have a new Government on the earth
under the teachings of God which will be a stable peaceable Government when we shall strive no more for disciplying Ministers Your power that you hold up is full of many horns of the beasts pushing and persecuting in your thought such as will not come under your bow but God will have a peaceable dominion when your power lies as low as Doctor Hill's bones This is a hard doctrine to you which you have not learned at Oxford and Cambridge yet you must stoop to his dominion Christians and People how have you been deluded in your way and solely conceited in earthly Priests Is not Christ all in all Ye look upon mortal man to teach yet God hath a providence that teacheth and ruleth all things in heaven and in earth Doth he not guide Winter and Summer and every season declareth his wisdom and by his power dark things declare forth the light that the people may know there is an higher Ministery then that of men Doctor Pulpitian know this the more you tie men to your audience the more they shall break off from your tyecal ties and your hearers shall be few in number Further know this When they turn their backs upon you there will be a great consumption of your power as we may call a consumption of the lungs or an endless consuming so that you shall be a hopeless Ministery for Christ is the beginning and end of every work and all truth is from the Father and the Son Christ never resisted the powers but said Give tribute to whom tribute belongeth he further said Give Caesar his due He was circumcised he read the Law he went into the water and was baptized yet all things are failable when he cometh in power then all such customes and forms must be done away though he suffered all after the flesh yet he redeemed all by a spiritual power and shall controverse for every wrong done in the flesh contrary to the will of God Doctor there must be a falling away but not from God but shall bring them neerer to God It shall not be a falling from their Sabbath rest which is the endless Ministery of Christ but it shall be a falling away from your power that the mystery of iniquity may be dissolved or discovered for there must be a great falling away and then you Stars or Ministers called shall fall from your high perfection and shall dissolve before Sion Ministers you shall be much disconsolate at this great falling away when your sheep shall seek a new Shepherd and go to the right Shepherd Christ Jesus when the kingdoms and powers shall be all given into his hand when no man shall say I am a Priest or a Minister of God then you high Doctors may say How are the mighty fallen How be our weapons of spiritual warfare perished and we are counted as low as other men Babylon thy honour is going down thy Temple is rent for there will be a falling away from thee two parts of the people shall fall away and the other two shall be tryed in the fire of his jealousie for God will bring all things upon trial to prove who are sincere and who are not and who will lay down life and all for him and who will not This falling away from you will be a redeeming of the people to Christ by bringing them out from your adulterous power of Ministery which is not of Christ but of men and cannot stand for yours is the Gospel of men and not from above your power is literal and you as so many decoy-ducks that deceive and insnare many others so do you captivate all those that follow you and neglect the principal of all which is Christ Isai 20. and 23. The Lord saith He will make a consumption in the midst of the Land which is now to be observed by this great falling away as by a shaking or quaking of the people of God which sheweth they must fall from your Ministery and be restored to Christ their great Conquerour This Tribe of Christ called the North-Tribe shall grow and prosper until it come to be an invincible Tribe of the Lion of Judah This Lion of the North shall cause all the beasts of the field to quake and a terrible shaking shall be that have disobeyed him This great Conquerour Christ Jesus of the new covenant first appeareth to the Messenger of the covenant and so to the North-country by an alusion to Jeremiah saying As I have scattered them so will I gather them from the North country and from all the countries where they have been scattered Christ alone he shall gather the people he is King of the North-country and of all the countries when his power doth arise it shall be as water in the bowels of the world he shall gather the people he shall sit and rule upon his Throne he is the Lion of the North-sk●…t of the Jews whose power shall go forth This Tribe of the North is the Tribe of Judah to whom every Tribe shall stoop and fall Gen. 49.8 Judah thou art as a Lion thy hand shall he upon the neck of thy enemies Judah thou art as a Lion from the prey and shalt stand up for the Scepter shall not depart from thee nor a lawgiver from between thy feet until Shiloh come and unto thee shall the gathering of the people be So that I finde this Lion of the Tribe of Judah shall gather in all the lost Sheep of Israel to their fold that Christ may separate the Sheep from the Goats which will be a great shaking and falling away from your Ministery When God shall divide your Sichem and deliver his people out of your hands to be taught of Christ and taken from your mouth Then they may joyfully say Our Moon is set and no darkness appeareth The Lord is the light of our Temple The seventh and last part of this Sermon is set forth to declare the peaceable dominion of the Son of righteousness Obj. SOme Priests may say We have fasted we have prayed we have sighed and mourned for the people All this may be yet Christ hath done so before thee for he hath laid his life down and done the work thorowly for all that can believe Then Oh Priest look to thine own soul and take no charge of other mens souls though Noah Daniel and Job should pray for others yet they can have an answer but for their own souls for Christ is the end of all happiness and salvation he is the end of war look upon Sion the City of solemnisie to see Jerusalem a quiet habitation a peaceable dominion When the people see the Ministiners shall be ashamed when the Lord of Hostes shall raigne in Mount Sion and sit before his ancient glory to judge when Christ shall sit upon his throne by a Government called Mount Sion by an Auditory of twenty four or some twelves in other places to declare and effect condigne justice to all according as God shall
About some short time before his end he was appointed to preach as he had formerly done and went up into the Pulpit and God gave him time to declare forth his text and being inraged against some good people that were not of his judgement fitted himself with words against those that were not of his belief and suddenly after he had mentioned the words of his text something as it were twinged him as if he had been stung Lamented saying He was stricken and so left off his preaching-discousre a sad thing to think upon I doubt many of your Priests are so taken with discontent now God appeareth unto all flesh yet they think no flesh like their flesh as when God giveth gifts to men below them they envy them and preach against them calling them opinionus-men as if none be of the heavenly privy-counsel but they of the black guard I mean Priests and Legators Literal historian Priests I must tell the truth I am inwardly called and sent to do it I fear no flesh nor the person of any man I must do my message from God though I die SInce the time of Adams fall the world hath been quartered out by the name of four beasts as a time and times and half a time lying under the rage of Antichristian power contrary to the everlasting Gospel three times past that the sinful kingdom hath ruled over the kingdom of the Gospel by a beastlike power and now is the fourth Monarchy which we lie under a dispensation called the fourth beast or Monarchy wherein the beast and false Priest shall be taken together and shall uphold their power together by a comply as if they cure the wound and make the world to wonder but they shall be taken by an extent from God for in this fourth Monarchy the time shall divide within the time though they may ware out the Saints for a time yet God will give the power of Monarchy into their hands though God may suffer for a time and times yet Daniel saith Judgement shall sit to take away and consume their power Dan. 7.26 So that this fourth beast shall magnifie himself above other gods of the earth and shall lift himself up in honors by blood and shall extol his name as high as the God of Gods but time shall divide within his time and judgement shall sit and he shall be taken with the Priests and the false Christs and shall be censured for blasphemy against the God of Gods taking to themselves such high titles as Lord and King Isa 2. The Lord shall be King of the earth and shall rule many strong Nations Isa 2.17 The haughtiness of man shall be bowed down and the Lord alone shall be exalted Isa 4.18 In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinckling ornaments Isa 9. Behold the children that the Lord hath given me are for signes wonders in Israel when they shall say Seek unto them that have familar spirits The Lord saith Shall not a people seek to their God they have changed the Ordinances trangressed and broke the everlasting Covenant Therefore the Priests shall fall by heaps and their power will lie as low as Doctor Hill's bones for the fifth Monarchial power shall put down their power and Priesthood I cannot fully declare my self in this great mystery of God preaching in flesh Therefore I confine my self to end with much grief and sorrow desiring to see truth magnified and all error trod down that the Lord may be all our fort ALl that love the appearing of Christs power come out from the suttle delusions destructive to Christ and betroth your selves to him that ye may be free from the seducings of men so miserable and sottish by their great conspiracy against Christ by their whitchcrafts and whoredoms God will judge them that seek to wise men and counsellors and not to the Lord which is the principal and so make men their teachers but all Christian propriety is called of the Israel of God And I can call none Christians till they fall off from beastion and covenant to Christ in the new Covenant and that is utterly to fall from their beastly power he is a Christian that lives up to Christ without going to wisemen for councel The counsel of the Priests have alwaies seduced the people Solomon speaking of the wisdom of Christ questioneth all things saying Where is wisdom It is not in me it cannot be found in the creature wisdom was before the creation The sea and the deeps give up saying It is not in me So that we may pertinently finde that Christ teacheth all wisdom by the power of God and he that wanteth wisdom let him ask of God that shall give him all things Then throw off thy beastion wise men and counsellors that keep thee from the Covenant of peace and cause thee to deny thy marriage-union with Christ Christ is the Husband of the Church then why do you seek to fained lovers Beastion durt-dawbers that seek all wit art and skill to hold up their trade to secerate the people from the way of Christ and see the blinde lead the blinde Thou must be a great professor yet be thou what thou wilt I cannot call thee a Christian until thou dost quake and fall from all thy wise men and seducing councellors I mean from all thy Pulpitian Priests fully to come unto Christ for there must be a falling away from the Priests that the mystery of iniquity may be discovered and every beastly power dissolved Some of your Presbyterian Priests are so fat and yet full of frailty very unconstant and unstable for the truth but Christ is our never fading hopes Then look not so low upon men below Christ having little or no percility in them not living power in themselves then how shall they teach others to live Let us go out to the fountain for Christ is our immortality he is the beginning and end of wisdom he teacheth in heaven and in earth Then stop your mouths you beastians that ye may may become Christians laying down all your bewitched forms that contradict the truth of Christ MAn is not born to live to himself neither can he cross providences The winde bloweth where it will so God guideth the stern of all things by a living providence surmounting every pretended thing My cross is my outward loss if God will have it so I am unfortunate to the world God raised me up and immediately cast me down which caused my soul not to look upon any outward interest or self-seeking hopes below Christ my Protector for God is all in all to me his intent hath been all along to drive me out of all earthly freedom which proved hard and difficult to my thoughts That I of necessity must throw up all worldly interest to be least in the world if I did not I could not be a faithful Disciple or a witness to Christ Nature considered what a hard thing it would be
to forsake wife and children and calling too yet I must do it and that is my cross to follow my Saviour in his example and not to be led by false Christs or such as you call Ministers of God And for that I stand up which doth anatomize my life And as John lost his life for Christ so I lay down my life for him daily I know my self truly called to it night and day I can have no rest the Lord is with me continually moving me in the work of the new Creation and to go out a Disciple in the power of Eliah a Messenger to call in the Jews If any one would take up my place he cannot perform it neither can I deny it or put it off Therefore let all godly souls mourn with me for I shall be sure of a solitary life as an Anatomy shall I die and the end of my pilgrimage is not known and thus I give up all yet I advise not every one to do so but to walk up to that calling that God hath called them to I say Judgement must sit and the Saints must judge the ends of the earth for God is the beginning and the end of every work I speak as killed yet alive and though I die daily yet I live and my cross doth anatomize my life when I see the unstableness and brevity of life so changeable are all things under Christ his brightness putteth out every light he appeareth as the Sun Let all be silenced BAbylon shall down with all her merchandizes Gods people are commanded to depart out of her the world doth lament her miserable condition saying Alas alas and cannot help her and being thus taken in the same snare with her that they can do no less but mourn with her saying How is our condition changed and we brought low that were so high exalted The clamation is saying It is not your greatness but your goodness that God esteems which causeth her to mourn seeing her wants saying How art thou fallen from God in the world and art become odious in his sight destitute and art become the habitation of Divels and all unclean spirits saying We have recreated our selves in the world and sent gifts one to another in vain for in a moment our condition is changed and we left miserable and desolate cut off in our hopes our iniquities have reached to heaven and God is angry Alas poor Babylon how are we fallen our Idolatry it is all disclosed And thus Babylon must fall in all her practices of oppression and covetousness and from every unlawful act when all scoffers and jeerers shall be brought under this sad calumny of hell in the world which may then cause them to say We be ashamed of our smoak that ascendeth up to heaven and we justly see our burning saying Alas alas for in a moment it is come upon us when all prophane persons shall be laid out in the open view of Gods Church under the judgement of a community bar'd out from the inward temple being left under a dark and a fearful dispensation How may this terrifie the hearts of all unbelievers when judgement is inflicted upon them when they shall be shut out from the holy community of Saints burning under the fire of Gods jealousie and contempt hopeless and helpless I pity your condition all ye Merchants of the world for your earthly treasures shall burn and your sorrows shall come unawares and ye must fall at his appearing and all the dark corners of the earth shall be made manifest and discovered by his kingdom Alas poor Babylon we cannot hide our decayes upon Gods discovery it is not our curiosity that can keep us but if we be wicked we must fall for God will search Jerusalem with torches and much more you that disobey him he will prove all your works and what is within us and whether we be Hypocrites or Christians to know whether we be royal for him or no otherwise we must burn and fall in her idolatry and so be shut out of the land of the living and lie in eternal despair This Babylon shall fall first at the preaching of the kingdom Secondly it shall penetrate and fall at the discovery of the outward court Thirdly it must fall at the building of the inward temple Fourthly it shall finally fall after the little book is opened and the everlasting Gospel preached to shake both heaven and earth meaning the godly and the wicked There is a threefold shaking first of nations to bring them all into one which is to his kingdom for all the kingdomes of the earth must become the kingdom of our Lord and yeild to his golden scepter Secondly there must be a great shaking of heaven or the heavenly people Ministers others to drive them of their own bottoms so that every Christian way shall be broken to pieces and this burning from above shall cashire all your opinions that godliness may be one and all differences cease that Christ may be one and his name one and his nation one to him That unity may swallow up all differences that they may serve him with one heart in love and under one consent The third shaking is the earth or earthly mindes of men thus carried away from God And therefore they be called Babylon which shall endure a terrible shaking when the third part of the earth shall fall which is Sodom when God shall give up all her doings of cruelty to his holy ones This shaking shall shake down all her power and pride and all her domineering fashions which shall cause her to say Alas whither are we fallen now our condition is changed and we brought under our underlings when our pompe shall be turned into emptiness and our wordly joy into mourning it shall then shew apparently that thou art fallen and so soon as God calleth out his own people from out of thee in that very moment and hour thou shalt burn and consume till thou shalt be found no more O Babylon how soon will thy judgement come What city was like this and cry when they see her burning with spiritual fire for in a moment our great riches are come to nothing they that were made rich by her shall stand afar off and see her burning and dare not controverse for her nor hold up their hand to defend her but shall cry Alas alas such is our condition hopeless and helpless This shall be her condition when Sion raigneth and God shall sever the one from the other by a refining power Here is a use of trial to all your consciences to know and try your selves whether ye be of Canaan or not if thou beest not thou must burn with Babylon for God will burn up all idolatry he will consume the wicked from off the earth Therefore rejoyce over her ye holy ones come to the feast of the Lord to eat her flesh and burn her with fire for in her was found the blood of the