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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A85892 The glorious excellencie of the spirit of adoption; or, Of the spirit of the sonne of God, derived to the sonnes of God. Wherein are many precious truths held forth, which are presented to all the children of truth, who are and shall be sanctified through the truth. / By M.G. minister of the Gospell. M. G. 1645 (1645) Wing G47; Thomason E1175_1; ESTC R5770 40,603 110

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light of the Spirit in the light of the Lord and as in the day being children of the light bring all your actions into the light and let them all be according to the light Let the light of the Spirit in the Word bee the rule of all your actions and of all your holy performances in every thing you doe search the Scriptures whither it be so or no try all things by the light of the Spirit and hold fast that which is good Take up nothing upon trust from others but be sure to have a light from the Spirit for what you doe And 3. As you are alway to be viewing the Lord Iesus and to walke in the light of the Spirit you are so also to walke in the Spirit as to walke in the puritie of the Spirit bringing forth the fruits of the Spirit Let your conversation be as in heaven while you are upon earth walke in the Spirit and be fruitfull in every good word and worke quench not the Spirit but be fervent in spirit serving the Lord. Let all your desires be to be ever in the performance of all holy duties Let it be your meate and drinke to be instant in prayer to Pray continually to Pray without ceasing to be continually offering up spiritual sacrifices to your God in the Spirit to hate the garment spotted by the flesh to contemn and despise the worlds vanities love not the world nor the things thereof as they are in themselves but set your affections upon the things which are above Thus Saints walke you in the spirit that a sweete frame and disposition alwayes may appeare in you in doing good unto all loving your enemies blessing them that curse you doing good unto them that despightfully use you and if it be possible live peaceable with all men walke inoffensively towards them that are without and those within yeeld to all men their due be subject to the higher powers even the powers that are ordained of God both Kings and Magistrates as farre as the word warrants being subject to the ordinances of men for the Lords sake so farre as they are not contrary to the minde of God and yeeld tribute to whom tribute is due honour to whom honour and feare to whom feare is due Be of a meeke and quiet spirit in every passage of your conversation Let the love of the brethren be in you abundantly be as ready to do a brother good as to do thy selfe good in honour preferring one another simpathising with the condition of others and rejoyce with them that do rejoyce and weepe with them that weepe being tender hearted and bearing one another burdens forgiving one another even as God for Christs sake forgave you and though there may be differences in judgement among brethren yet let there be a union in affection Considering that there are severall degrees of light given out to severall saints some have higher measures of light then others have And what if thou hast more light then thy brother do not despise him because he is more ignorant for what hast thou that thou hast not received but consider that though he be now other wayes minded God shall reveale it to such a one in his owne time and besides it may be thy brother which seems to be much inferiour to thee in some things may exceede thee in the knowledge of the misteries of Christ in some particulars And againe though thy brother seeme to be in darkenesse unto thee in some particulars yet it may be it is through thy ignorance that dost not see that light that doth appeare to him and though it doth not now appeare unto thee yet it may appeare though now it seeme an errour to thee Therefore in the meane time though you differ in iudgment yet be one in afectition and be followers of God as deere Chidren and walke in love as Christ also hath loued us and hath given himselfe for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweete smelling Sauour remember how the Lord Jesus hath saide hereby shall men know that you are my disciples if you love one another Oh therfore let the spirit of love sweetly appear in you and dwell in love And let also humblenesse and lowlynesse of minde appeare in you and condesend to men of low estate and so walke in the frvtes of holynesse in the spirit that it may apeere to all that the Spirit of God and of glory resteth upon you and in the Apostles words whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are of good report whatsoever things are lovely thinke one these things for the spirit is powered upon you now saies the Apostle 1. Cor. 3.17 18. the Lord is that Spirit and where the spirit of the lord is there is libertie and therefore you all with open face beholding as in a glasse the glory of the Lord are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord. Lastly the last exhortation to the Saints is to walke in the joyes of the Spirit The Spirit is your comforter and have you the comforter why the● should you be sad why should thy heart be troubled banish therefore 〈◊〉 sinfull sorrow and sadnesse from your hearts you that are saints Reioyce in the Lord ye righteous and let all the Children of Zion be joyfull in their kings yea reioyce evermore and againe I say reioyce your God hath given you the comforter for this very end therefore be filled with joy in the Holy ghost Indeed had you not the spirit you might be commanded to rejoyce long enough yet never be able to rejoyce but now the Comforter is come now the Spirit is given unto thee What wantest thou now to make thee joyfull doth he not take of the things of the father and of Christ and show it unto thee doth he not reveal to thee even the bosome thoughts of thy God No man hath feene or can reveale the Father but the sonne which came from the bosome of the Father and he by his spirit reveales the thoughts of the love of your God vnto you from all eternity ye and the exceeding love where with he hath loved you he reveales the glorious designes of God in the Lord Jesus for thee and the vnsearchable riches of his grace And if so how comes it to passe that you that are Saints some of you are so disquieted and sadded in your spirits Walking as though you had still the spirit of bondage which we have not now received and your hearts are so filled with sorrow Certainly this is not the minde of your God This is not a fruite of the Spirit but of the flesh for the fruits of the Spirit are love joy peace c. But these distempering sadnesses and feares come from the flesh as you may observe it in your selves when you give way to the flesh and live below and not a bove in the spirit as to the pleasures of the world and upon creature comforts sorrow hath seazed upon you and your hearts have bin fild with feare for fear sorrow is natural to the flesh but you have the Spirit therfore reioyce ever more walking a bove the flesh alwaies hearken you to the sweet voice of the Spirit and be you alwaies singing and making melodie in your hearts to the Lord being fild with joy unspeakable and full of glory Which the Lord 〈◊〉 these times of horror and feare to 〈◊〉 godly men giue in abundantly vn●● all them that love our Lord Jesus Chri●● and his apearing and coming Now vnto the King Immortall all Invisible and the onely wise God be honour and glory for ever and ever AMEN FJNJS
condition r. condition l. 29. f. wait r. weight p. 68. l. 6. f. ceifest r. chiefest l. 22. dele into l. 26. f. livig r. living p. 69. l. 2. f. befre r. before l. 9. f. free r. freed l. 12. dele by the. p. 17. l. 15 f. was justified r. was not justified p. 73. l. 19. dele by p. 62. l. 7. dele mis p. 63. l. 4. f. course r. curse l. 20. for man crucified r. man is crucified l. 26. f. Goost r. Ghost l. 29. f. trough r. through THE GLORIOVS Excellencies of the Spirit of Adoption Rom. 8.2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Iesus hath made me free from the law of sin and Death THis blessed Apostle not inferiour unto any of the rest of the Apostles seems to bee carried up alwaies into Heaven as once hee was while hee was upon earth so that hee tryumphs over all things as having the victorie and is not moved nor in the least troubled for any of the sufferings he underwent in the body but glories in tribulation and despises the world for he is crucified to it and is as having nothing yet possessing all things Pe●s●●ution and Prosperity Penurie and Plentie are alike welcome to him no Mutation and Change of sublunarie things can trouble his spirit in a word his whole Conversation is in Heaven though his person be one earth and no wonder for he is fild with the Heavenly manifestations the sweete discoveries and the glorious makings out of the minde of God and Christ through the Spirit unto him as appears in all his Epistles and especially in this wherein hee holds forth the glorious Misteries of the Gospell which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men as he him selfe saies Ephesians 3.5 but now is made knowne unto the Apostles and Prophets through the Spirit Of which misterieis this Text holds forth a very blessed one where he tells us that the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made him all the Saints free from the Law of sin and death Now in the words heere are two things contained a Proposition and a supposition Something by way of proposall and something by way of supposall The proposition is this that the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath set the Saints free The supposition is this that the law of sin and death had brought us into bondage from which this Spirit of life in Christ hath set us free in which these two things are to be taken notice of First the ground or cause or foundation of our freedome and that is the law of the spirit Secondly The method or way by which we are set free and that is as the spirit its selfe workes in Christ he doth not say that the spirit of life in us hath set us free but the spirit of life in Christ hath set us free from the law of sin and death And here there might be many profitable observations drawn from the words but I shall sum up all in one but before I fall upon it there are three queries arising from some difficulties in the words to be answered 1. Quere 1 How the spirit may be said to be a law or what is meant by the law of the spirit 2. Queree 2 How the spirit of life is in Christ 3. Queree 3 What is meant by the law of sin and death from which the law of the spirit of life in Christ hath set us free But first if the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ doth set us free from the law of sin and death then it seemes the spirit hath a law for as there was a law given by God in the hand of Moses the Mediatour in the Olde testament so there is a law in the new Testament The law of the Spirit which it seemes is the more powerfull and glorious law The law that brings blessednesse and joy unto a Saint for its this law that brings life whereas the other brings death for the Spirit must bring life through its owne law Queree 1 But then the Queerie is How the Spirit may be said to be a law or to have law Answ To which I answer The law of spirit may bee Considered in these three things 1. In the Authoritie of the Spirit 2. In the operations or workings of the Spirit 3. In the guidance of the spirit 1. Consider we the Authoritie of the Spirit that royall and giorious authoritie that the Spirit hath Now the spirit hath a double autority 1. As it comes from God 2. As it is equall with God in the first sence the spirit and the Law are one but in the second the spirit and the law differs But I say the first part or peece of the Authoritie of the Spirit is this that it comes forth from the Father and the Son and is sent forth from the Father the Son by way of embassage so our Saviour saies I will send the Comforter He is a messenger sent from the Father and the Sonne and so hath mighty Authority Hitherto the father works and I worke but if the Father workes hee workes by the Spirit and so if the Son workes he workes by the same spirit It s the same Spirit comes from them both And thus the Spirit hath Authority and thus the law hath also authority I meane the Law given of God by Moses for the law hath all its Anthority as it comes from God and as it is sent sorth by God so the law hath true authority and in this Consideration they both agree the spirit and the law both have Authority as they come from God but then 2. The spirit hath another Authority which the law simply considered hath not that is this the spirit hath authority in its self and from its selfe for the Spirit hath as great authority as him that sent him God is the Spirit the Spirit is God and the Spirit comming from the bosome of God is God himselfe and the Spirit hath equall Authority with the Father and the Son and hath power to work out of his own pleasure and out of his owne will So saies the Scripture The winde bloweth where it listeth so is every man that is borne of the Spirit The winde is sometimes in the East sometime in the West no man commands it hither or thither no man bids it goe here or there but it goes where it will It is even so with the spirit He hath authority to lay hold of one man and not another to chuse this man and to give life to that person and so suffer another to lie under death and miserie for the spirit hath that prerogative wherin he is not onely as a messenger but is equall with the Father and the Son And so the royall Authoritie of the Spirit exceedingly surpasses the law though the law have also authority from God but then 2. The Spirit may be said to have a law or