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A85143 Light risen out of darkness now in these latter days. Shewing the dark ways and worships of the ministry of Antichrist now in these apostated times, which is perilous, as is foretold of often by the Holy Ghost that spoke through Paul, and now is fulfilled in these latter days, 2 Tim 3. Thus saith the Lord, Arise Sion, and thresh with a sharp threshing instrument, and shine, for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen, and is arising, and Jerusalem shall be a burdensome stone to all nations, now that Christ is unto his people both the light and glory thereof. Wherein something is written in reply to a book that was set forth by the dry and night vines in and about Beverley, who scornfully nicknameth the people of God, in reviling and falsly accusing them, and calleth them Quakers, in and about York-shire. Iuly, 1653. R. F. (Richard Farnworth), d. 1666. 1654 (1654) Wing F490; Thomason E729_5; ESTC R206840 47,191 59

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the Scripture speak to Saints not every man when he saith Christ in you the hope of glory c. Col. 1.27 Herein you would have all to take notice of your ignorance Reply for the next verse will contradict you and so in all you have said yet the very letter of the Scripture will let you see your blindness Well may you be ignorant of the life when you are ignorant of the letter for they that spoke forth the Scriptures they passed from death to life and the in fellowship 〈◊〉 with the Father and the Son and he that hath the Son hath life 1 John but he that hath not the Son manifested in him hath not life but is in death You plainly make it appear here that you are in the letter without life and the letter killeth but the spirit giveth life and you never passed from death to life but are yet in death and sin for to be carnally minded is death and the wages of sin is death and he that commits sin is the servant of sin and lying is of the divel and an abomination to the Lord And here you lye ye proud Priests that say the Apostle did not say to every man That Christ or the light was in them for saith he in ver 28. Christ in you whom we preach he did not only preach Christ in them the hope of glory but he saith we preach that is all the Ministers of the Spirit and we preach Christ in you the mystery that is to be unfolded in you to every man warning every man and teaching every man Col. 1.28 Herein you erre not knowing the Scriptures and the Apostle saith to the Romans That as well as to them God hath given to every man a measure of grace Rom. 12.31 And none shall be condemned for that which they know not but for that which they know and do not obey who saith Obey my voyce for obedience is better then sacrifice And Christ saith That he is the light of the world and enlightens every man that cometh into the world Iohn 1.9 And they that follow him shall have the light of life Iohn 8.12 Herein you shew that you are ignorant of this l ght and so are in darkness and without God in the world living by conceivings and imaginations and you that are ignorant of the light are ignorant of Christ and preaches death the letter without the spirit and your Min stry is for for condemnation 2 Cor. 3. and you are ignorant both of the light life and power but as you would comprehend it by your carnal reason but this cannot be comprehended the light shines in darkness but darkness comprehends it not Iohn 1.5 And whereas you say That Paul spoke to none but Saints Priest in that 2 Cor. 5.26 27. c. I looked ply and could not find so many verses in that Chapter for it hath but 21 verses but notwithstanding I knew that Scripture the life of it if I had never seen letter but as you say he spoke to Saints when he saith we know no man after the flesh and though we have known Christ after the flesh yet henceforth know we him so no more but your knowledge stands in the flesh the lust and the fall and here you steal the Apostles words to apply to your selves and that is the Serpent in you go and make restitution as Zacheus did and let him that stole steal no more Ephes 4 28. And you are discovered you that lives by theft and steals the words of your neighbours to trade withal but the Lord is against you and all such as you are Jer. 23.30 You are of those theeves that Christ speaks of in John 10. That climbs up another way and c mes not in by the door And that makes you to speak you know not what See who the Apostle spoke to in that 2 Cor. 5.10 he saith there That all shall appear and every man give account that he may receive according to the deeds done in the flesh Did he but speak but only to Saints when he saith all and every man See whom he spoke to in ver 14.15 and see if you be not exceeding blind Well may you be ignorant of the life and power that are ignoront of the lett●r which is death and so you living in darkness are ignorant of the l●ght and now you are discovered to be ignoront of the same spirit that spoke forth the Scriptures and so shews forth the spirit of errour and you are in the flesh and know not God who is a consuming fire Heb. 12.29 and like a refiners fire Mal 3.2 3. Your God it imagination and the Lord God Almighty who made Heaven and Earth and is the Father of light him you know not that would limit him by your carnal minds but the carnal mind is death and an enemy to the Cross of Christ Rom. 8.6 Phil. 3.18 19. So are you enemies both to God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ and know you not ye blind that the Grace of God which bringeth salvation hath appeared unto all men Tit. 2.11 12. But is turned by you and such as you are into wantonness who profess God in words as you do but in works deny him Tit. 1.16 who lives in form without either life or power having a form of Godliness denying the power thereof but your folly will appear daily more and more 2 Tim. 3. And that light is your Condemnation But though the Apostle did speak his experience● in the things of God he spoke what he knew made manifest unto him by experience through the divine operation of the holy Spirit But you live in th● fl●sh and are ignorant of the light of God that he did exhort others to be mindful of which light did lead t●em out of darkness and they were all Children of the light and of the day who were obedient to it for their souls were purified in yeilding obedience to the Commands of the Spirit as in 1 Pet. 1.22 And by the word of life they were sanctified washed and cleansed and justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of the Lord and they that are now guided by the Spirit of God are the Sons of God 1 Cor. 6.11 Rom. 8.14 Which you shew your selves to be none of But you are ignorant of the first Principle of Religion that makes a scorn of the light and shew your selves to be children of darkness having your understanding darkened and live in pride scorn and subtilty and turns the grace of God into wantonness children of disobedience which the wrath of God is to The wrath of God is to be revealed in flames of fire upon all the children of disobedience as you are who disobey the truth and know not the light but are in darkness and walk in darkness For darkness hath blinded your eyes who stand in opposition to the Spirit of truth and disobeyeth the Gospel of our Lord Jesus
are sanctified are all of one and he is not ashamed to call them brethren Heb. 2.11 But such as you are he doth deny and against you and your dark Ministery I do testifie that it is of Antichrist and not of Christ who live in darkness and know not God and that is your ignorance and sottishness we are of the light and of the day Ephes 5.13 And are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones and witness the life of the Scriptures Ephes 5.30 And I witness the washings and cleansings with the water of the word as they did that spoke forth the Scriptures which you shew your selves to be ignorant of Ephes 5.26 27. Therefore I thank thee O Father Lord of Heaven and Earth that thou hast hid these things from the wise prudent of the world that the wisdom of the world may appear to be foolishness as it 's said 1 Cor. 1.25 26 27 28. and hast revealed them to us by thy Spirit that thou mayest have the praise 1 Cor. 2.9 10. Behold what manner of love is this that the Father hath bestowed on us that we should be c●lled the Sons of God therefore the world knoweth us not because he knew him not 1 John 3.1 4. You shew that you know him not but are in lying and deceit and flatteries walking in deceit and craftiness shewing forth your subtilties that standeth in opposition against the light and so dishonoureth the Lord Christ and saith that he knows not all things in saying that he doth not discover unbelief and for that end came he into the world to judge and condemn all unbelief and unbelievers For he that believeth not is condemned already John 3.18 And saith For judgement am I come into the world that they that see not might see into the knowledge of the divine mystery and that they which see by their own conceits and imaginations as you do might be made blind to see nothing of them For he is the true light and none sees any divine truth but in him for he is the divine light and in him is no darkness at all And hereby know we that we dwell in him and he in us who is both divine light and divine good and we know it because he hath given us of his spirit 1 John 4.13 14 15 16 17. Herein you are found lyars Seducers and Antichrists that say we believe not in him for that is your condition that know him not that is come a light into the world that whosoever believeth in him may not abide in darkness which light life I witness with all that do believe in the Lord Jesus the light of the world but you that know not this true light that enlighteneth every man to guide you there is you condemnation your Ministry is for condemnation for he that loveth the light and is guided by it that shews him salvat ō but he that walks contrary to the light as you do is in darkness abideth in death are for condemnation Ioh. 3.19 20 21. You do mightily dishonour the Lord that say this light doth not shew all darkness and unbelief Herein you erre not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of truth The Apostle said That God who commanded light to shine out of darkness had shined in their hearts which I bare testimony to through death to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the f●ce of Jesus and that was the doctrine that he preached who had the Heavenly treasure in an Earthen vessel which you are ignorant of 2 Cor. 4.5 6 7. And so you are found to be enemies to Jesus Christ and strangers to the true l ght your ignorance and folly is now made manifest First Christ who is the true light that enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world Ioh. 1.9 doth altogether condemn unbelief and that is your condemnation for we which have the light of life and witness against you that say this light doth not discover unbelief for it hath condemned it and sets us free from it who are redeemed to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ by it which you are ignorant of and so are ignorant of the life of the Scriptures as in Ioh. 19. 8.12 3.19 20 21. Act. 13.47 where Christ is the Covenant of his people as the Lord hath promised by his Servant the Prophet who Prophecying of Christ Sai●h the Lord there I will give thee for a light of the people to enlighten the Gentiles which were unbeleevers that thou mayst be the glory of my People Israel herein you mightily do dishonour the Lord Jesus Christ but they are not Israel that are after the flesh as you are that live in the fall and in darkness and in enmity to God but they are Israel that are after the spirit and walk in the light bringing forth fruits to the Praise and Glory of God and there is your condemnation the light which lighteneth every man that cometh into the world and your ministry is darkness and not light of Antichrist and not of Christ and you are men-pleasers time-servers seducers blind guides Hypocrites and dissemblers and sheweth your envy and subtilty being of the world and in darkness and guided by the spirit of error we are of God he that is of God heareth us and walketh in the light which guideth and leadeth up to the Father of Lights he that is not of God heareth us not hereby know we the spirit of truth and the spirit of error by the touchstone and tryer and light of life 1 Ioh. 4. which is Christ revealed in us as the Apostle did witness Gal. 1. which you are ignorant of and live in form without either light life or power and are servants of sin and your wages are death and destruction tribulation and anguish Repent and blush for shame wo and misery is your portion the mouth of the Lord of H sts hath spoken it who is the righteous Judg of Heaven and Earth the Father of Lights even the Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who is God blessed for ever Yet further they conclude that power accompanies that light to destroy every evil Quest as it appears in them that yeild themselves unto it and watch that their vain minds draw them not forth from abiding in the pure light of Christ c. It were a smal thing Oh all ye that pass by Priests If we and our means should sleep in the dust in everlasting silence and contempt but will not the stones cry out if we hold our peace whilst these deceits seem to lay all upon Christ c. Here you shew your selves to be of the number of Reprobates Reply and know not Christ as in that 2 Cor. 13.5 who yet never knew any thing of Christ the Divine Light and the Divine Power and are of those that Christ speaks of he came to his own and his own received him