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A77762 The great doctrines of the gospel of Christ owned, believed and asserted in several declarations or sermons preached in London, by sundry servants of Christ of the society of Christian Quakers. Budd, Thomas, 1648-1699. 1694 (1694) Wing B5358A; ESTC R227790 110,751 214

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Chi●dren So that God's People that are und●● this New Covenant they have access to Go● as Children to a Father they come with a ho● Boldness and Freedom into his Presence Master of a Family hath in his House both Se●vants and Sons and Daughters and yo● know there is a greater Nearness and Affect●on between a Man and his Sons and Daug●ters than between him and his Servants Master of a Family loves his Children bett● than he loves his Servants so on the oth●● hand Children if they be dutiful love the● Parents with a purer Affection with a mo● free kind generous and noble Affection tha● they that are Servants love their Masters The Love of a Servant towards God is me●cenary and for the Reward but the Love o● God's Children is a free and filial Affection they say unto God Lord I love thee for th● self because thou art good and the most exce●lent Being and there is none like or equal ●nto thee in Heaven or on Earth I love thee ●ecause thou hast given me a Heart to love ●ee thou hast made me partake of a Child's Nature thou hast given me the Heart of a Child that I might love thee My Friends the Love of those that are ●ervants is a mercenary Love and their Fear 〈◊〉 a servile Fear a Fear of Punishment The ●ove of God's Children is a filial Love a ●ee and generous Affection a Love whereby ●he Soul is changed and brought under the New Covenant a Love to God for his own ●ake not only for his Blessings and for his Gifts but chiefly and principally for himself ●ot only because they believe that when they ●lie they shall go to Heaven and that because Heaven is a blessed Place and that therefore ●hey are glad they have such a Place to go to but they love God above Heaven who is bet●er to them than Heaven it self and they can ●ay with David Psalm 73.25 Lord whom ●ave I in Heaven but thee and there is none ●pon Earth that I desire besides thee Thirdly Another difference between that common Illumination which is common to all Mankind and that which is special and pecu●iar to those under the New Covenant may ●ppear in his Teaching them God teacheth Sinners saith the Psalmist Good and upright is the Lord therefore will he teach Sinners in the way God by his universal Illumination teacheth Men many things concerning himself and their Du●y to him in a general way but God teacheth his People under the New Covenant by r●vealing and making known to them clear● and distinctly Christ Jesus the Mediator 〈◊〉 the New Covenant God giveth them t●● Light of the Knowledge of the Glory of God 〈◊〉 the Face of Jesus Christ 2 Cor. 4.6 Go● maketh known to his People this great M●stery of Christ as he is the Mediator betwe●● God and them So we read in the Epistle 〈◊〉 the Hebrews Heb. 12.22 But ye are com● unto Mount Zion and to the City of the li●ing God the heavenly Jerusalem and to an i●numerable Company of Angels to the gener●● Assembly and Church of the First-born whic●● are written in Heaven and to God the Judg● of all and the Spirits of just Men made perfect and to Jesus the Mediator of the New C●venant and to the Blood of Sprinkling th● speaketh better things than that of Abel The● is no approaching to God but through th● Man Christ Jesus But you may say How shall they com● unto God by the Man Christ Jesus the Mediator that never saw him with their bodil● Eyes nor never heard him with their Bodil● Ears How then can they come unto Jes●● the Mediator of the New Covenant who they have neither thus heard nor seen Blessed be God that hath given thousand and ten thousands and hundreds of thousand to understand this great Mystery of comin● to God by the Man Christ Jesus whom the never saw with their Bodily Eyes nor hear● with their Bodily Ears The like Objectio● may be made against coming to God who ●annot be seen with bodily Eyes for he is a ●pirit and invisible yet there is a coming to God Heb. 11.6 He that cometh to God must ●elieve that he is We have now no Oppor●unity nor occasion of seeing Christ with bodily Eyes or hearing him with our bodily Ears yet we may come to him by Faith Who worketh this Faith God's blessed Spirit When is it wrought and where and how is it wrought It is wrought in God's ordinary way by Preaching when Christ is preached by those that he hath qualified and fitted by his blessed Spirit when he is thus preached by the Power of his own Holy Spirit Faith is wrought in the Hearts of those that hear not of all for some believe the Gospel and ●ome believe not Thus it hath been all-a-long where-ever the Gospel hath been preached some believe and others do not believe I say the Word of the Gospel as it is preached and complied with it is like Rain and Snow that falls upon the Earth it returneth not in vain but hath a Service though it make not all the Parts of the Earth fruitful all Places are not alike fruitful some remain barren still Thus saith the Lord by the Prophet Isa 55.10 11. For as the Rain cometh down and the Snow from Heaven and returneth not thither but water●eth the Earth and maketh it bring forth and bud that it may give Seed to the Sower and Bread to the Eater so shall my Word be that goeth forth out of my Mouth it shall not return unto me void but it shall accomplish● that which I please and it shall prosper in th● thing whereto I sent it When the Gospel is preached in any Congregation in any City Town Country or Nation it cannot be expected that all should be converted it cannot be expected that the good seed should fall every where in good Ground No it may be one part is good Ground but where the seed is sown according to Christs Parable of the sower Mat. 13.3 4 5. Some seeds fell by the way side and the Fowls came and devoured them up some fell upon stony places where they had not much Earth c. And when the Sun was up they were scorched and because they had not root they withered away and some fell among Thorns and the Thorns sprung up and choked them but others fell into good Ground and brought forth Fruit. Blessed be God that hath taught us this great Mystery of coming unto God by Christ Jesus the Mediatour whom we have not seen with Bodily Eyes nor heard with Bodily Ears VVe have access to God by him and we have access to the Mediatour by his precious Blood and by his Blessed Spirit And Faith is a great mystery it well deserves to be called the mystery of Faith and the mystery of it is this it joyns Believing Souls to God through the Man Christ and to the Man Christ whom they have not seen with Bodily Eyes according to those words
●ou feel his Life Power and Spirit in you to ●ead you in the way of Obedience You may die in Peace and with great Joy and Satisfaction you may die with great Courage and commit your Bodies to the Grave and with ●ulness of Assurance commit your departing Souls to the Lord Jesus to be received into his Bosom and to have an abundant entrance ●nto his everlasting Kingdom All the decea●ed Saints tho' they have a greater Injoyment of God and Christ than we have now or th●●●hey had when tabernacled in a mortal Body ●et they wait and long for the Reward which ●hey shall receive at the Resurrection of the Dead then is the full Possession the joyful Harvest which our Saviour hath told us of When thou makest a Feast invite not thy Friends ●r the Rich that will invite thee again but the Poor and Needy that cannot recompence thee How few make such Feasts This was our Saviours Counsel and Advice Luke 14.12 13. When thou makest a Dinner or a Supper call ●ot thy Friends nor thy Brethren neither thy Kinsmen nor thy rich Neighbours lest they als● bid thee again and Recompence be made to the● But when thou makest a Feast call the Poor the Maimed the Lame and the Blind an● thou shalt be blessed for they cannot recompenc● thee for thou shalt be recompensed at the Resurrection of the Just. When is the Resurrection of the Dead when Men and Women die 〈◊〉 No when a good Man and Woman die they certainly go into Paradice there is a great fruition of the Lord's Presence and o● his Love and Life that they then receive an● enjoy But that is not the Resurrection o● the Dead Many were raised from the Dea● before Christ died but this is not the genera● Resurrection of the Dead And our Saviou● himself raised Lazarus and the Widow's Son this is not the Resurrection of the Dead Bu● now Christ is risen from the Dead saith th● Apostle and become the first Fruits of them tha● sleep 1 Cor. 15.20 tho' some were raised from the Dead before Christ's Death and Resurrection yet none of them went bodily to Heaven but Christ himself As in Adam a● die even so in Christ shall all be made alive but every Man in his own Order Christ th● first Fruits afterwards they that are Christs a● his coming then cometh the end Friends I hope in this manner of Doctri●● my Testimony is acceptable to some I war● you let none despise it I hope in God tha● this Doctrin of the Resurrection is acceptabl● to many if the holy Scriptures have Weigh● and Authority and Credit with you as I hop● they have with all here present then the Faith of the Resurrection of the Dead and the Faith of our own Resurrection and of Christ's Resurrection will be of Credit with you which is such an important Matter that all Preaching is vain without it and our Faith vain without it If you have not a true Belief of the Resurrection of the Dead you are yet in your Sins Pretend what you will of divine Injoyments if you have not a Belief of the Resurrection of the Dead I say you are yet in your Sins and your Faith is vain I prove this from the Testimony of the Holy Ghost 1 Cor. 15.14 But if there be no Resurrection of the Dead then is Christ not risen and if Christ be not risen then is our Preaching vain and your faith is also vain yea and we are found salse Witnesses of God because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ whom he raised not up if so be that the Dead arise not for if the Dead rise not then is not Christ raised and if Christ be not raised your faith is vain ye are yet in your sins 1 Cor. 15.16 17. Some ignorantly imagine that the Apostle Paul speaks of an inward Rising and of the new Birth as the new Birth is a most necessary preparation for a glorious Resurrection that better Resurrection but that is a great Mistake to say the Apostle speaks here of the new Birth for he is speaking of raising the Body out of the Grave He speaks of the same that Christ spake John 5.28 Marvel not at this for the hour is coming in which all that are in the Graves shall ●ear his Voice a●● shall come forth they that have done good un●● the Resurrection of Life and they that ha●● done evil unto the Resurrection of Damnatio● The Resurrection of the Just is a comfortabl● Resurrection but that of the Unjust is 〈◊〉 dreadful Resurrection 2 Cor. 5.10 For 〈◊〉 must all appear before the Judgment-seat Christ that every one may receive the thin● done in his Body according to that he ha● done whether it be good or bad You ma● take notice of those Words of the Apostle 1 Cor. 15.14 If there be no Resurrection 〈◊〉 the Dead then is Christ not risen and if Chri●● be not risen then is our Preaching vain an● your Faith is also vain These Words are linked together like s● many Links making a strong Chain that can not be broken The Resurrection of the Dead both of the Just and Unjust are linked wit● Christ's Resurrection and Christ's Resurrection is linked with the Faith of it and th● Faith of it linked with the Preaching of it they that have not the true Faith of Christ Resurrection and of the Resurrection of th● Dead are yet in their Sins and let them pretend never so much to the Faith of Chri●● within if they have not the Faith of Chri●● without them they are yet in their Sins Take not things upon my Credit but searc● the Scriptures I hope the holy Scriptures hav● Credit Esteem and Authority with you Le● me once more caution you to take thing rightly that you may not mistake me I say that a bare historical Belief of the Resurrection of the Dead or of the Resurrection of Christ will not prove a Man not to be dead ●n his sins but if we do really believe the Resurrection of the Dead and Christ's Resur●ection if we believe these great Truths and ●f our Faith be from an inward Work of the Spirit of God upon our Hearts this Belief will lay a Constraint upon us to live unto Christ that died for us and to have our Hearts in Heaven and our Conversation in Heaven If you are risen with Chrict saith the Apostle then seek those things that are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God and set your Affectons on things above and nor on things on the Earth What are those things above that we are to set our Hearts and Affections upon And what is it to set our Affections upon things above To set our Affections on things above it is to have our Thoughts and Meditations exercised after this manner Lord whom have I in Heaven but thee There is none upon Earth that I desire besides thee Lord my Desire is only unto thee and to the
asked our Saviour and said unto him Art thou the Christ the Son of the Blessed And Jesus said I am And ye shall see the Son of Man sitting on the right Hand of Power and coming in the Clouds of Heaven Then the High-priest rent his Cloths and saith What need we any further Witnesses Ye have heard the Blasphemy what think ye And they all condemned him to be guilty of Death A wonderful thing that Innocence it self should be condemned as Guilty and that the supream and righteous Judge of the World should have such an unrighteous Sentence passed against him and be crucified and slain by those he came to save and that for their sakes endured the pains of Death to purchase for them eternal Life He was made a Curse that they might inherit the Blessing When Pilate would have released Christ they cried Not this Man but Barrabas As they have treated the glorious Head of the Church so they have dealt with his Members this godly Man and the other godly Man have been reproached persecuted and put to Death for the sake of Jesus the Author and Finisher of our Faith the great Captain of our Salvation who was made perfect thro' Sufferings If we suffer with him we shall reign with him at the Day of h●s glorious Appearing and it will be a glorious Appearing indeed to them that look and long for it The new Covenant open'd IN A SERMON Preached by George Keith AT Harp-lane near Towerstreet London Sept. 2d 1694. Jeremiah xxxi 31 c. Behold the Days come saith the Lord That I will make a new Covenant with the House of Israel and with the House of Judah Not according to the Covenant that I made with their Fathers in the Day that I took them by the Hand to bring them out of the Land of Egypt which my Covenant they brake although I was an Husband to them saith the Lord But this shall be the Covenant that I will make with the House of Israel After those Days saith the Lord I will put my Law in their 〈…〉 write it in th●●● Hearts and will be their God and they shall be my People And they shall teach no more every Man his Neighbour and every Man his Brother saying Know the Lord For they shall all know me from the least of them unto the greatest of them saith the Lord for I will forgive their Iniquity and I will remember their Sin no more THERE are diverse great and weighty things needful here to be opened for there are many Persons are very apt to mistake that have not a right Understanding of the Nature of the New Covenant and they make a great jumble and confusion between that common universal Illumination extended to all Mankind even the most barbarous Nations where the Gospel never came by any outward Ministry and that Illumination which is proper and peculiar to the new Covenant The Apostle speaking of the Gentiles to whom Christ was not outwardly preached and where his Name and Fame and the Sound of him was not come he writes thus Rom. 1.20 For the invisible things of him from the Creation of the World are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his Eternal Power and Godhead so that they are without Excuse And again the Apostle speaking of the Dispensation of God that the Gentiles were under who had not a Law outward●● delivered to them Rom. 2.14 15. For when the Gentiles which have not the Law do by Nature the things contained in the Law these having not the Law are a Law unto themselves which shew the Work of the Law written in their Hearts their Conscience also bearing Witness and their Thoughts in the mean while accusing or else excusing one another Here is Writing of the Law upon the Hearts of the Gentiles and to be sure God wrote this Law But with what Pen you may say did he write it You may read in John 1.1 2 3 4. In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was not any thing made that was made In him was Life and the Life was the Light of Men. Here is the Pen God's Light is this Pen God hath written his Law upon the Hearts of all Men both Jews and Gentiles Believers and Unbelievers for both Writings are God's Writings they are written by the Hand of God the Finger of God or with the Spirit of God But you may say What is the difference between these two Writings What is the difference between that Illumination which is common to all Mankind and that which is proper and peculiar to the new Covenant I answer the Differences and Distinctions may be branched forth into divers weighty particulars more than at present I shall have time to mention but I shall speak of some of the chief of them First The Law of God is universally writ●en upon the Hearts of all Men but it doth not make a Change upon them so as to sof●en their Hearts We read of two Sorts of Hearts in the Holy Scripture Hearts of Stone ●nd Hearts of Flesh God hath promised to ●ake away the Heart of Stone and to give ●n Heart of Flesh This universal Law of God is written upon the Hearts of all Men ●pon the Hearts of the Wicked and Disobe●ient Let wicked Men do their worst and ●ndeavour never so much with all their wickedness and filthiness to obliterate and ●lot out the Law of God that is written ●pon their Hearts they cannot do it it remains to judge them and will judge them ●nd leave them without Excuse But the Law ●f the New Covenant is written upon a Heart ●f Flesh It is written upon the Hearts of ●one but those that are the People of God ●hat are true Israelites upon them that are ●ews inwardly in the Spirit not in the Let●er whose Praise is not of Men but of God This is one great difference between that Illumination that is common to all Mankind and ●hat which is proper and peculiar to the new Covenant Secondly The Law of God as he writes ●t upon the Hearts of all Men. It is his Law ●s he is the great Creator and Maker and Lord of Heaven and Earth All ought to be subject to his Law as he is their Maker a● they are obliged to serve him reverence hi● fear him and obey him and hereupon he● every Man and Woman's Teacher Ho● As he is the great Creator and Maker a● Lord of Heaven and Earth And here t● Relation between God and Men and Wom●● is that which is between a Master or Lord a●● a Servant But now the Law of the ne● Covenant it is the Law of a Parent towa●● his Children now this far exceeds the othe● and God's Teachings here are fatherly Teac●ings they are God's Teachings as he is Father to his People and as they are his
Sin of Justification of Peace with God and of eternal Life and Happiness as Christ was held forth in the Promise we lay hold on Christ as his Doctrine is preached As we lay hold on a Man by taking hold of his Cloaths or a Lap or Skirt of his Garment so we lay hold on Christ by the precious things testified of him So that there is a great difference between common Illumination given to all Mankind and that special Illumination which is proper to Believers and whatsoever other Differences there are may be reduced to these three But though the common and special Illumination be differing yet they both come from one Fountain and Root God Christ and the Spirit according to 1 Cor. 12.4 5 6. And the common Illumination is of a saving tendency by way of introduction and preparation to the other But some may put the Question and say Of what Use is this common Illumination if it belong not to the new Covenant then of what use is it to us I answer it is of great use it is of the same use with the Law it is as a School-master to bring us unto Christ to point us unto Christ This common Illumination is like John the Baptist his Ministry and Baptism he was sent before to prepare the Way of the Lord. This common Illumination prepares Men and Women for Christ it will make them sensible that they are miserable Sinners miserable Offenders and Transgressors and that God is angry with them and that they deserve to die and that the Wages of Sin is Death they having sinned Death is their Wages I say this is of great Service to People to be thus far convinced that they are Sinners and that they need an Advocate and Mediator to come between God and them because they have offended him If we had offended a great Man we would be glad for some who had Interest in him and great favour and friendship to speak for us If we had offended the King and committed Treason would not we be glad of some Person that hath a great Interest in the King's favour to intercede for us If the King had a Son would not we be glad that he should mediate for us and interpose between us and the Wrath of the King and turn away his Indignation and make Reconciliation for us Would not we be glad that the King's Son should obtain a Pardon for us and restor● us to the King's favour We have offended the King of Kings and the supream Lord of Heaven and Earth so that we need a great Mediator we need one to make our Peace and purchase Pardon and Salvation for us God hath laid help upon one that is mighty he hath given his dear Son Christ Jesus to be the great Mediator between God and Man to be the great Peace-maker and Reconciler and the Saviour of Sinners But it should not be thought that Christ hath greater tenderness and love for us than God the Father Who so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting Life And now in the next place there is another thing that is weighty upon my Spirit and it is of great concernment and that is to answer this Question Question How doth God do this great Work of putting his Law in our inward Parts and writing his Law in our Hearts Doth he do it without all outward Means Helps and Instruments I answer In God's ordinary way he doth this great VVork by outward Means Helps and Instruments tho' he can do it without them It may suffice us that God hath vouchsafed to us these outward Means and Helps of Instruction in the Preaching of the Gospel and in our Reading of the holy Scriptures It pleaseth the Lord by the mighty working of his 〈…〉 it to go along with the outward Ministry of the VVord and to make impression upon us and to write his Law in our Hearts this Law of the New Covenant This I testify from mine own Experience and I doubt not but divers here can witness the like to have been their Experience that God hath by the mighty power and operation of his holy Spirit accompanying the outward means and helps of Instruction made impression upon them and written his Law upon their Hearts This Law of the New Covenant here expressed in the singular Number is sometimes stiled Laws in the plural Number When it is stiled Law in the singular Number it signifies a Body of divine Laws consisting of many parts I will put my Law in their inward Parts and write it in their Hearts and I will be their God and they shall be my People Now the Laws and Precepts of God which he gave to his People the twelve Tribes of Israel some have computed their number to be above six hundred Laws many of which were typical and ceremonial How do these typical and ceremonial Laws which were given to them bind us that live under the Gospel Do they oblige us now I answer they do not bind us as to the typical and ceremonial part but they bind us as to the spiritual part as they have a spiritual and moral signification as the Law of the Sabbaths and Sacrifices and New Moons c. they bind us not as to the ceremonial part but as they have a spiritual and moral signification in them I shall now proceed to some few things that remain In the new Covenant God hath promised to his People To blot out their Iniquities and to remember their Sins no more The Law of the first Covenant doth not admit of Pardon of Sin The Soul that sinneth shall die but the new Covenant hath Pardon of Sin through the Mediator Christ Jesus upon the account of shedding his Blood for us This is my Blood of the New Testament which is shed for many for the remission of Sins Mat. 26.28 Why doth not he say for Remission of the sins of all He died for all and shed his Blood for all but it is only effectual to those that believe in him Pray observe with me this weighty Matter of Doctrin which is this None hath his Sins blotted out but as he comes to God's Teachings the Father's Teachings but as he comes to be taught of God over and above all Mens Teaching whatsoever every one that is taught of God doth know more of God more of his Love more of his divine Grace more of his Power more of divine Enjoyment those that are taught of God know more of a divine Sweetness and Enjoyment and of Comfort than can be had by the Teachings of Man or in the Bible it self according to that Expression of the Apostle 1 Cor. 2.9 Eye hath not seen nor Ear heard neither have entred into the Heart of Man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him The full fruition of these things is reserved to the World to come but the deep things of God are
the Lord I have found such strength and power given in that the Enemy hath given back When I awake in the morning and come to a Meeting I am in distress till I receive Bread from Heaven and Hony out of the Rock and Consolation from those precious Promises I will cause them to lie down and none shalt make them afraid and they shall have Bread in their own Houses and Water in their own Cisterns The more you wait upon the Lord the more you will find of supply from his heavenly helping-hand certainly God is carrying on the Work of your Redemption till you appear before him in Zion tho' at present it causeth trouble and exercise as it was with the Spouse when she was seeking after her Beloved with desires and breathings Cant. 6.8 I charge you Daughters of Jerusalem if you find my Beloved that ye tell him That I am sick of love To be sick of Love is a groaning mournful Exercise but when thy Saviour ●●mes and opens his Mouth in blessing thou ●ilt be abundantly satisfied as with Marrow ●nd Fatness and sit under his shadow with ●●●t Delight and his Fruit will be sweet un●● thy taste Thus it was with David When thou hidest thy face O God I am troubled and I had fainted unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living One that is earnestly seeking after Christ will speak of his Excellencies as the Spouse did and thereby excite and stir up others to seek him also my Beloved is white and rudy the chiefest of ten thousand his Mouth is most sweet yea he is altogether Lovely This is my Beloved and this is my Friend O Daughters of Jerusalem whither is thy beloved gone they said whither is thy beloved turned aside that we may seek him with thee When thou art seeking after Christ he is not far from thee Rev. 3.20 Behold I stand at the Door and knock if any man hear my Voice and open the Door I will come unto him and will sup with him and he with me Some honest Country men will say one to another where is the Door Christ comes to It is the Door of the Heart What is this knocking of the beloved at the Door How shall I know when he knocks at the Door when the Spouse comes to have acquaintance with her beloved I sleep but my Heart waketh it is the Voice of my beloved that knocketh saying Open to me my Sister my love my dove my undefiled for my Head is filled with dew and m● locks with the drops of the Night My belov●● saith she put in his hand by the hole of 〈◊〉 Door and my Bowels were moved for him I 〈◊〉 up to open to my Beloved and my hands droppe● with myrrh and my fingers with sweet smelling myrrh upon the handles of the lock I opened to my Beloved but my Beloved had withdrawn himself and was gone my Soul failed when he spake When the Lord is pleased to give a tast of his love then after a dark Night of sorrow and affliction the Day will break and the shadows flee away then at the dawning of this blessed Morning Christ will come to the disconsolate enquiring Soul and his reward is with him and his work before him then there shall be joy and gladness and sorrow and sighing shall fly away Then saith the humble Soul I am sensible of the goodness of the Lord sensible of mercy and supporting and preserving power but I am still under trouble and disquietness of mind and I am as David when he cryed out Lord make hast to help me for the Waters are come unto my Soul great distress and trouble are come into my Soul now though I have believed in Christ and obtained mercy and assistance from divine power against my Spiritual Enimies yet I have not kept my watch and my adversary the Devil by his subtilty and wiles hath ensnared me and given me a snap at the Heel and I have relapsed ●nto sin sinned presumptuously nay I am afraid I have sinned the unpardonable sin the 〈◊〉 against the Holy Ghost for I have been enlightened and tasted of the Heavenly gift 〈◊〉 have been made a partaker of the Holy Ghost and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the World to come The Apostle saith It is impossible for such if they fall away to be renewed again by Repentance I am affraid to die for I cannot triumph over Death as the Apostle did and say 1 Cor. 15.55 O Death where is thy sting O Grave where is thy victory the sting of Death is sin the strength of sin is the law but thanks be to God who giveth us the Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ I Answer Notwithstanding all thy doubts and fears thou art still to hope in God who is merciful and gracious forgiving transgression and sin and who hath promised that if we confess and forsake sin we shall find mercy and if we forsake sin and turn from our evil ways he will abundantly pardon Remember for thy encouragment the words of the Apostle 1 John 2.12 My little Children these things write I unto you that ye sin not And if any man sin we have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous and he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole World If thou dost believe in Christ thou wilt be in a capacity to resist the Devil thy grand Enemy and to repel his temptations when he comes as an accuser to make shipwrack of thy Faith consider the tenderness and compassion of Christ toward broken and contrite sinners in 11 Mat. 28. in that sweet invitation Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest And also in that charge he giveth to Peter John 21 15. Simon Son of Jona● lovest thou me He answered Lord thou knowest all things thou knowest that I love thee then saith he feed my Lambs feed my Sheep c. Stephen when they were stoning him to Death did look unto Christ and had strong consolation triumphing over Death and the rage and fury of his Murderers Acts 17.55 He being full of the Holy Ghost looked up stedfastly into Heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing on the Right hand of God and they stoned Stephen calling upon God and saying Lord Jesus receive my Spirit And he kneeled down and cryed with a loud Voice Lord lay not this sin unto their Charge Thus look up unto Jesus when thy Adversary the Devil doth accuse thee and by believing thou wilt overcome him and go on conquering and to conquer till all thy enemies be utterly subdued Believe in the Lord Jesus who hath all Power in Heaven and Earth committed to him who is able to save to the uttermost all that come to God by him and those that come unto him he will in no wise cast out
The Great DOCTRINES OF THE Gospel of Christ Owned Believed and Asserted In several DECLARATIONS OR Sermons Preached in London by Sundry Servants of Christ of the Society of Christian Quakers London Printed for Nath. Crouch at the Bell in the Poultry near Cheap-side 1694. A SERMON Preached by Thomas Budd At Devonshirehouse London June 17th 1694. 1 Tim. 3.16 And without Controversie great is the Mystery of Godliness God was manifest in the Flesh justified in the Spirit seen of Angels preached unto the Gentiles believed on in the World received up into Glory A Great and Glorious Mystery indeed-it is beyond what Man can conceive or apprehend God manifest in the Flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ For in the fulness of Time the Word took Flesh The Word became Flesh The Word took Flesh in the Womb of the Virgin being over-shadowed by the Holy Ghost she conceived with Child and in the appointed Time of the Father she brought forth her First-born into the World and according as the Angel directed his Name was called Jesus for he shall save his People from their Sins And it is said This Child increased in Wisdom and Stature and in Favour with God and Man When he was Twelve Years old he disputed with the Doctors in the Temple in the Temple at Jerusalem He disputed wisely and they greatly admired his Wisdom and when the Time was come that he was to shew himself to Israel and to do the Work that was appointed him of the Father He came to John to be Baptized of him in Jordan but John forbad him saying I have need to be Baptized of thee and comest thou to me And Jesus answering said unto him Suffer it to be so now for thus it becometh us to fulfil all Righteousness Then he suffered him And Jesus when he was Baptized went up streightway out of the Water and lo the Heavens were opened unto him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a Dove and lighting upon him and lo a Voice from Heaven saying This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased And having received the Holy Ghost and being fitted for the Work which he was afterwards to accomplish He was led up of the Spirit into the Wilderness to be tempted of the Devil and when he had fasted Forty Days and Forty Nights he was afterward an hungred And when the Tempter came to him he sai●● If thou be the Son of God command that these Stones be made Bread But Christ resisted the Temptation and told the Devil That Man doth not live by Bread alone but by every Word that proceedeth cut of the Mouth of God And then the Devil not prevailing by this Temptation He taketh him up into the Holy City and setteth him on a Pinacle of the Temple and saith unto him If thou be the Son of God cast thy self down for it is written He shall give his Angels charge concerning thee and in their Hands they shall bear thee up lest at any Time thou dash thy Foot against a Stone And he overcame the Devil in this Temptation also and said unto him It is written again Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God And the Devil taketh him up into an exceeding high Mountain and sheweth him all the Kingdoms of the World and the Glory of them and said All these things will I give thee if thou wilt fall down and worship me Then said Jesus unto him Get thee behind me Satan for it is written Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve Here was a great Temptation indeed how apt are these things to prevail over Mankind The love of Riches Honours and Pleasures of the World but these could not prevail over our blessed Saviour who was the Holy One of God Therefore we that profess to be his Followers should tread in his Steps and follow his Example How can we be his Disciples except we deny our selves and take up his Cross and follow him who is the Captain of our Salvation Who is our High Priest who is ascended into Heaven and entred into the holiest of all made without Hands As the High Priest under the Law he entred into the Holy Place made with Hands not without Blood which he offered for himself and the Sins of the People But Christ being become an High Priest of good Things to come neither by the Blood of Goats and Calves but by his own Blood he entred in once into the Holy Place having obtained Eternal Redemption for us Christ is not entred into the Holy Places made with Hands saith the Apostle which are the Figures of the true but into Heaven it self now to appear in the Presence of God for us nor yet that he should offer himself often as the high Priest entred into the Holy Place every Year with the Blood of others for then must he often have suffered since the Foundation of the World but now once in the End of the World hath he appeared to put away Sin by the Sacrifice of himself Heb. 9.24 And he is able also to save them to the utmost that come unto God by him seeing he ever liveth to make Intercession for them And God the Father hath regard to the prevailing Intercession of his Son him he heareth always and if we pray in Faith and in the Name of Christ our Prayers shall enter into the Ears of the Father as the Father heareth the Son always so he heareth those that believe in him and pray in his Name they are sure to receive the Spirit of Adoption whereby they cry Abba Father Therefore ask in his Name and receive that your Joy may be full you shall receive fulness of Joy that will give Satisfaction to your Souls and you shall receive a double Portion of the Divine Spirit and come with a filial Confidence and humble Boldness to the Throne of Grace and obtain Mercy and find Grace to help in the Time of Need. God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have Everlasting Life John 3.16 They that receive the Dear and Well-beloved Son of God receive him as God's Gift and they that believe in him believe in both his inward and outward Appearance Ye believe in God saith our Saviour to his Disciciples believe also in me John 14.1 So that it is not enough to believe in Christ's Inward Appearance and to look only to the Spiritual Appearance and Operation of the Divine Word of Truth within us but we must look unto Jesus that is the Dispencer of Life and the giver of his Holy Spirit to them that ask him Look unto me and be ye saved all the Ends of the Earth We must look unto him that is the Giver of Grace and the Dispencer of Life and Salvation as the Author and Fountain of it We must believe in Christ the Eternal Word that came down from Heaven that took Flesh and dwelt
his coming down spiritually that we may witness and enjoy a further measure of him and of his spiritual and heavenly Presence and wait for his coming to us O saith David when shall thy Word come unto me How sweet are thy Words unto my taste yea sweeter than Hony to my Mouth He waited that the Word of God might come unto him Send forth thy Light and thy Truth send it forth from thy Zion from above from thy holy Hill from thy Dwelling-place above in Heaven Send forth thy Light and thy Truth that it may guide me to thy holy Habitation thy holy Hill of Zion He waited more and more for it These Words were first of all spoken by Moses Deut. 11.12 For this Commandment which I command thee this Day it is not hidden from thee neither is it afar of It is not in Heaven that thou should say Who shall go up for us to Heaven and bring it unto us that we may hear it and do it Neither is it beyond the Sea that thou shouldest say Who shall go over the Sea for us and bring it unto us That we may hear it and do it But the Word is very nigh unto thee in thy Mouth and in thy Heart that thou maist do it This is the Word of Faith the Word of Life and Reconciliation the powerful Word of God that is within as a Hammer and a Sword and as Fire it breaks and melts the Heart and is helpful to every good Thing The Tribes of Israel had it This Word which I command thee this Day This Word of Righteousness and Salvation every Man and Woman hath it in all Ages and Generations blessed be the Lord it is more abundantly revealed now than in former Ages and Generations yet Moses saith This Commandment which I command you it is not hid from you But this Mystery of Christ was hid from Ages and Generations It is said to be hid because it was not so plentifully revealed as in latter Ages yet it was not so hid always but something of it was known in darkest Times Moses might well say to the Children of Israel It is not hidden from thee neither is it far off It is not in Heaven that thou shouldest say Who shall go up for us to Heaven that is to say to bring down Christ from above to bring him down to appear in a Body of Flesh he was not then come in the Flesh yet was expected in many Ages Moses and all the Holy Prophets and Holy Men of God they were contented with a Spiritual Sight of him they waited and prayed for his Coming yet he was not manifested in the Flesh in their Days and Generation they died in the Faith that Christ should come into the World in the fulness of Time and they obtained Remission of Sins for hi● sake Who hath redeemed us from the Curse of the Law being made a Curse for us and died the accursed Death of the Cross that our Sins might be forgiven and that the Blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles through Jesus Christ that we might receive the Promise of the Spirit through Faith Before the coming of Christ God's Israel of old offered Sacrifices of Rams Bullocks and Goats not that they believed there was any Vertue in the Blood of those Sacrifices to take away Sin but this was a Testimony of their Thankfulness to God And so likewise it helped their Faith as a Symbol to preach Christ to them and their Posterity That in the fulness of Time Christ should descend from Heaven and take a Body of Flesh Gal. 4.4 The Apostle tells us But when the fulness of Time was come God sent forth his Son made of a Woman made under the Law to redeem them that were under the Law that we might receive the Adoption of Sons Rom. 8.3 The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus ●●th made us free from the Law of Sin and D●●th for what the Law could not do in that it was weak through the Flesh God sending his own Son in the lik●nes● of sinful Flesh and for Sin condemned Sin in the Flesh t●●t th●●ighteousness of the Law might be ful●●●● in us who walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit Christ was a Sacrifice for Sin he came to finish Transgression and make an end of Sin and bring in everlasting Righteousness Now it was in the fulness of Time tha● Christ should descend from Heaven and com● in the Form of a Servant and die for ou● Sins and rise again for our Justification Before Christ died and rose again from the Dead this Prophecy of Moses was not fulfilled Who shall go up for us to Heaven and bring down Christ to us or who shall go over the Sea for us and bring it to us before Christ died and rose again from the Dead He wen● over Lakes and Seas Here is a Prophecy given forth by the Spirit of God in Moses hi● Time and now fulfilled Christ went abou● doing good He went about by Land an● by Sea to do good unto People Sometimes he preached aboard a little Ship and sometimes on the Land He travelled both by Sea and Land and went about doing good and heale● all manner of Diseases for God was with him And that was the Time and Age of which Moses gave forth this Prophecy That Christ should die and rise again from the Dead and go over the Seas And the Apostle Paul was guided by the same Spirit when he wrote these Words Rom. 10.6 7. Say not in thy Heart Who shall ascend into Heaven that is to bring down Christ from above or who sha● descend into the Deep that is to bring up Chris● again from the Dead the Word is nigh thee even in thy Mouth and in thine Heart tha● is the Word of Faith which we preach This was declared and fulfilled in the Apostles Days Christ had descended into the lower parts of the Earth died and rose again and was ascended into Heaven This is the Word of Faith that we Preach I shall insist further upon this God willing if I have an Opportunity renewed to me If you have a right Faith and Belief that Christ died for you you will believe it was for us and not for himself he suffered the Death of the Cross he was cut off for our Sins not for his own he shed his precious Blood for our Sins not for his own he offered not a Sacrifice as other Priests did first for his own Sins and then for the Sins of the People for he had no sins of his own If you have fixed your Faith upon this and if you have a living Faith in your Heart i● will open to you and give you the Comfort of it I say It is a Lamentation and may be for a Lamentation that the true Faith of it is so little preached in Christendom Therefore Christendom is as a Wilderness which might have been as the Garden of the Lord.
So Men and Women come to be cleansed ●rom the Defilements of Sin by the power of ● true and living Faith not that Faith which ●s so common in Christendom a traditional ●nd historical Faith What if all Men and Women in England should say They have ●he Faith of Christ within What if all Chri●endom should profess the Light within them ●nd yet live contrary to that Faith and cru●ifie the Lord Jesus Christ afresh with their Covetousness Strife Envy Fighting and ●uch things It is not every Profession of Faith ●f Christ within us or of Christ without us ●at is a true Faith The Enemy of our Souls ●ay creep in at that Door under a Profession of Christ within or the Light within wh● there is neither a true Belief of Christ withi● nor of Christ without many have professe to be taught by the Light within and th● Spirit of Christ within It is not a traditional Faith nor an hist●rical Faith of Christ without or of Chr● within that I preach but that evangelical ●●ving and living Faith by which we come be dead with Christ and buried with hi● and risen with him according to the expre● Testimony of Scripture Rom. 6.3 4. Kn● you not that so many of us as were baptized 〈◊〉 Jesus Christ were baptized into Death th●●●fore we are buried with him by Baptism in Death that like as Christ was raised up fro● the Dead by the glory of the Father even so w● also should walk in newness of Life It is no● meant there of outward Baptism but of more excellent Baptism and you are not risen with Christ before Faith no but throug● the Faith of the operation of God that Powe● that raised Christ from the Dead 1 Col. 2.12 And if you feel not a measure of that Powe● which raised Christ from the Dead to bege● Faith in your Hearts it is impossible yo● should be dead with Christ or risen wit● him Why shall they profess Faith in Christ tha● have it not otherwise than the World hat● it If they have not a true and living Faith which is another kind of Faith than the Worl● hath or Christendom generally hath for the are Strangers to true Faith This true living ●aving Faith is as necessary to be preached at ●his Day as ever it was As to the manner of ●t I do not say It is needful to stand up from Morning to Evening to preach to People in a ●are historical way to convince them that the ●ternal Son of God came in that prepared Bo●● and by his Death was a Sacrifice for our ●edemption and Salvation that is not the ●●ing I labour in I never Laboured a quar●er of an hour much less have I stood up in ● Meeting from Morning to Evening to con●ince People barely from the Letter that C●rist is come But I will tell you what I have laboured for I preach Christ as I am moved and as the Lord is pleased to open my Mouth to speak and I hope he hath opened the Ears and Hearts of People to 〈◊〉 I have laboured to prove That the 〈…〉 of that Faith in Christendom is a false Fa●●● not a Faith of the operation of God I have demonstrated That the Faith that abounds in Christendom is an unprofitable dead Faith their Works do prove it so It is an absurd Doctrin to say That divine Revelation and divine Inspiration is ceased the true Faith comes by divine Revelation inward Revelation and Inspiration and also by outward Preaching and hearing instrumentally in God's ordinary way of working It is the Spirit of God that reveals the Mystery of Faith in our Hearts It s well known how I have laboured and what Books I have written for this Testimony that none have this true sincere Faith but they that have it by i●ward divine Revelation the Mystery of i● must be by Inspiration revealed within them I have laboured with all my Heart to pro● this but a preparatory Work goes before han● John Baptist was sent to prepare the way 〈◊〉 the Lord therefore it is no new Testimon● but it is the ancient Testimony of our Frien● that I have long since heard preached It is th● which answers John's Ministry that is a M●nistration within Before Christ's Ministr●tion the Gospel Ministration there is the M●nistration of the Law within and of Joh● Baptist within and Mount Sinai within Thus I have pressed and preached O my Friends before you come to th● spiritual Sion you must pass by the spiritua● Sinai You must not take up your Rest i● Mount Sinai nor in the Wilderness but yo● must follow the Pillar of a Cloud by Day an● a Pillar of Fire by Night that God leads hi● People by Isa 4.5 6. And the Lord wi● create upon every Dwelling-place of Mount Zion and upon her Assemblies a Cloud and Smoa● by Day and the shining of a flaming Fire by Night for upon all the Glory shall be a Defence And there shall be a Tabernacle for a Shadow in the day-time from the Heat and for a place of Refuge and for a Covert from Storm and from Rain Here is a Cloud not without Christ's refreshing Rain it will shower down heavenly Rain and divine Influences from Heaven upon us and this Cloud shall likewise be as a Fire in a cold Night to warm us with heavenly Heat and Influence So we are not to ●it down at Mount Sinai but to pass through the several Ministrations of both the Law and the Gospel It is not my present Testimony to demonstrate to People these great important and weighty Truths That Christ is God That he is the true Messiah and Saviour of the World and That he is already come God manifest in Flesh I should think it almost needless to demonstrate these things to any but such as are ignorant of them as Jews and Heathens to demonstrate that Christ is outwardly come but it is a most necessary and profitable Labour and God hath blessed it with Success to all that labour in the Power of the Lord to demonstrate to People that it is a living Faith in the crucified Jesus that is absolutely necessary to Salvation to believe in him as he lived in the Body died and rose again and is ascended and is gone to Heaven in the Body The Heavens and the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain him as to his Godhead which fills Heaven and Earth but with respect to his Body he is only in Heaven The Heavens have received his Body until the appointed time of the restitution of all things when he shall come again to judge the World then all Nations shall see him and shall stand before the Son of Man God hath appointed a day wherein he will judge the World by the Man Christ Jesus not by the Light within only tho' he shall judge Men here by the Light within and also hereafter All that are born of Women shall stand before Christ Jesus at his Tribunal the Saints shall behold him
O wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the Body of Death I have formerly been greatly troubled and distressed because I wanted a certainty of the Remission of my sins that are past now I am as much troubled and disquieted and my Soul is cast down within me because I have not Power over my present sins alas I have not power to fight the Lambs Battles and to overcome my Spiritual Enemies when I am engaged in the Holy warfare under the Captain of my Salvation who was made perfect through sufferings and he hath only made a promise to him that overcometh I have not yet obtained the Victory He that overcometh saith Christ the same shall be clothed in white rayment and I will not blot out his Name out of the Book of life but I will confess his Name before my Father and before his Holy Angels Rev. 3.5 12. Him ●hat overcometh will I make a Pillar in the Temple of God and he shall go no more out and I ●ill write upon him the Name of my God and ●he Name of the City of my God which is New Jerusalem which cometh down out of Heaven ●rom my God and I will write upon him my ●ew Name Thou complainest of want of power to overcome thy Spiritual Enimies ●rt thou one that longest to overcome then I ●ope the controversy is at an end do not say ● shall carry this Body of sin and Death to the Grave with me but wait to be made a par●aker of Christs Prayer John 17.15 17. I pray ●ot that thou shouldst take them out of the World ●ut keep them from the evil Sanctify them brough thy Truth thy word is Truth Wait for Sanctification and to receive power according to that antient lesson John 1.12 But as many as received him to them gave he Power to become the Sons of God even to them ●hat believe on his Name Dost thou believe ●hat Christ is endued with all power in Heaven and Earth that he may give power to his People and save them from their sins and to be a defender of their Faith now he is in Heaven as certainly as on the Eearth he offer●d himself a sacrifice upon the Cross and be●ame a Propitiation for the sins of the whole World then doubt not but thou shall have ●ower over thy sins and be more than Conque●our through him that hath loved thee I will tell thee that Lesson which I ha● learned in the School of Christ that is to w●● to be endued with Power from on high an● the desire of thy Soul shall be satisfied and th● waiting will not be in vain when thou wai●est upon God that waiteth to be gracious But thou further complainest I want strengt● where my weakness is and my weakness 〈◊〉 inward I want assistance where my enem● comes to assault me and that is within me Every one that belongs to Christ Jesus is 〈◊〉 some measure made sensible of sin and is waiting to be delivered from it Therefore as said Christ gave his life a Ransom for many to be testified in due time Let me be waiting for Power to become a child of God Thou hast Power thou sayest to stand and to keep thy self from falling thou hast power to keep thy self from Drunkenness an● Uncleanness and other gross sins but dos● thou wait upon the Lord for power over thy Thoughts and dost thou say as it is in the Prophet How long shall these vain Thoughts lodge within me We have a good Lesson from the Apostle in this case Ephes 6.10 Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might pu● on the whole Armour of God that ye may b● able to stand against the wiles of the Devil fo● we wrestle not against flesh and blood but agains● Principalities and Powers against the Rulers o● the darkness of this World against spiritua● Wickedness in high Places O that all the precious Truths that are delivered to you may be mixed with Faith in them that preach it and hear it Wherefore ●e unto you the whole armour of God that ye ●y be able to withstand in the evil day and ●oing done all to stand Stand therefore hav●●g your loins girt about with truth and hav●●g on the breast-plate of righteousness ●d your feet shod with the preparation 〈◊〉 the gospel of peace above all ●n●●●g the shield of Faith wherewith ye shall be ●●le to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked ●●d take the helmet of salvation and the sword 〈◊〉 the spirit which is the word of God pray●●g always with all prayer and supplication in 〈◊〉 spirit Take unto you the sword of the ●●irit that you may put to flight the armies 〈◊〉 the aliens Those strange and troublesome ●●ings those vain thoughts that would alie●ate my heart and my affections from God ●hat sort of weapons must we use Our ●eapons are not carnal but spiritual and mighty ●hrough God for the pulling down of strong ●olds of the man of sin and the bringing into ●aptivity every thought to the obedience of Christ O mind these things in good earnest and ●hey will turn to your spiritual advantage ●f it please the Holy Ghost to touch the Preach●r's Tongue with a coal from the Altar he may ●op a word of exhortation which will be ●●arper than a sword and may pierce thy ●●art Heb. 4.12 The word of God is quick ●nd powerful and sharper than any two-edged ●word piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intenti●● the hearts All Scripture saith the Apos●●● is given by inspiration of God and is profit● for doctrine for reproof for correction for ●●struction in righteousness that the Man of 〈◊〉 may be perfect throughly furnished unto 〈◊〉 good works Some have unadvisedly said That we d● the divine authority of the Holy Scriptur● which we so highly esteem and can say w● the Apostle We are not ashamed of the Gos●●● of Christ for it is the power of God to sal●●tion If any among us shall deny the H● Scriptures to be of Divine Inspiration 〈◊〉 them bear the just reproach of it It is commendation given to the Church in P●●ladelphia Thou hast a little strength and h● kept my word and hast not denied my nam● But now concerning the sword of the spiri● which is the word of God I need not s● much about it unto you you know the wo●● is nigh you in your mouth and in your Heart Many among us have known the word 〈◊〉 God powerful upon our Hearts awakenin● us to consider our eternal State Many yea● years ago People marvelled at us saying What ails this People that they are so nice an● scrupulous and will not do what others do They will not be chearful and merry and g● to Masks and Plays they are cast down an● afflicted and weep and lament and mout● for their sin before the Lord and are greatl●
Man The Sadducees and Atheistical Persons of that age wherein our Saviour appeared that denied a Resurrection of the Body and that there were Spirits Our Saviour for their conviction did many wonderful Works he raised the Dead and cast out evil Spirits and declared himself to be the Son of God with Power in that he cast out Devils from the possessed Persons and made them confess and own his Divinity One of the evil Spirits cried out saying What have I to do with thee Jesus thou Son of the most high God I should be glad if I had time to speak more at large concerning Christs Death and sufferings and Resurrection and Ascension into Heaven and sitting at the right Hand of God and living for ever to make Intercession for us The Apostle Peter declares Acts 2.22 25. Ye Men of Israel hear these words Jesus of Nazareth a Man approved of God among you by miracles wonders and signs which God did by him in the midst of you as ye your selves also know who● God raised up having loosed the pains of Death because it was not possible he should be holden of it The Lord Jesus appeared after his Resurrection to Mary Magdalen at the Sepulcher where she sees two Angels in VVhite sitting the one at the Head the other at the Feet where the Body of Jesus had lain And they said unto her Woman Why Weepest thou she saith unto them because they have taken away my Lord and I know not where they have laid him And when she had thus said she turned her self back and saw Jesus standing and knew not that it was Jesus And he said unto her Woman why Weepest thou Whom seekest thou she supposing him to be the Gardiner said unto him Sir If thou hast born him hence tell me where thou hast laid him and I will take him away Jesus saith unto her Mary She turned her self and saith unto him Rabboni which is to say Master Jesus saith unto her touch me not for I am not yet ascended to my Father but go to my Father and your Father and to my God and your God Mary Magdalen came and told the Disciples That she had seen the Lord and that he had spoken these things unto her Then the same Day at the Evening being the first Day of the Week when the Doors were shut where his Disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews came Jesus and stood in the midst and said Peace be unto you And he shewed them his Hands and his side And the Disciples were glad when they saw the Lord but Thomas was not with them when Jesus came The other Disciples said unto him We have seen the Lord But he said unto them except I see in his Hand the Print of the Nails and put my Finger into the Print of the Nails and thrust my Hand into his side I will not believe And after eight Days his Disciples were within and Thomas with them then came Jesus the Doors being shut and said Peace be unto you Then saith he to Thomas reach hither thy Finger and behold my Hands and reach hither thy Hands and thrust it into my side and be not faithless but believing And Thomas answered and said unto him My Lord and my God Jesus saith unto him Thomas Because thou hast seen me thou hast believed Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed To confirm our belief of these great and wonderful things recorded in the Scripture Luke the Evangelist writes after this manner Forasmuch as many have taken in Hand to set forth in order a Declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us even as they delivered them to us which from the beginning were Eye-Witnesses and Ministers of the World it seemed good unto me also to write unto thee most excellent Theophilus that thou mightest know the certainty of those things wherein thou hast been instructed And that we might not be jealous in reference to any thing concerning Christ crucified and his being dead and buried and his Resurrection and Ascension he appeared again to Saul going to Damascus Suddenly there shined round about him a Light from Heaven And he fell to the Earth and heard a Voice saying Saul Saul why persecutest thou me And he said who art thou Lord And the Lord said I am Jesus whom thou persecutest It is hard for thee to kick against the Pricks And he trembling and astonished said Lord what wilt thou have me to do Friends I shall now draw to a close and God willing if I have opportunities hereafter I shall discharge my Conscience in an enlargement upon these great points of Doctrin which are necessary to be opened to you for building you up in your most holy Faith Keep y●ur selves in the love of God to whom I commit you beseeching him to strengthen you with all Might in the inwarded Man that you may abound in all the Fruits of the Spirir and shew forth the virtues of Christ and be Holy in all manner of conversation and adorn the Doctrin of God our Saviour in all things by patient continuance in well doing For he that endureth to the end shall be saved A SERMON Preached by George Keith At Grace-Church-street October 31. 1694. Gal. 4. 19 My Little Children of whom I travel in Birth again until Christ be formed in you THere is something by way of Testimony upon my Heart at this time which I shall deliver as briefly as the Lord shall be pleased to enable me concerning this great ●nd weighty Matter which is of great con●ernment to all of us in order to our eternal ●elfare and Salvation that every one in par●icular may come to experience Christ formed ●n them This is more than an outward Ptofession Men and Women may make a large Profession of Christ yea of Christ within and ●et be strangers to this great Mystery of ha●ing Christ formed in them It is a thing ●ore than a bare Theory or Speculation or ●hat which some are pleased to Call an Ideal ●●owledg or an Idea of Faith there must be Heart-knowledge and Heart-experience to ●itness this That Christ is formed in us and ●●deed none are fit to speak of this Mystery ●r declare of it unto others but those who ●ave an experimental knowledg and Proof of ●t in their own Particulars They know not ●ow to Preach Christ to others that have ●ot come to witness Christ formed in them ●nd by that Rule many that are called ●reachers and are professed Preachers ought ●o he rejected and denied to be true Ministers ●f Christ if they are strangers to this Mistery ●hough they have high notions of Christ in ●heir Heads and in their Brains from the ●etter of the Scripture and from orher Mens Declarations but if they know not this Mystery of Christ being formed in them they ●e not true Members of Christ if they have ●ot experience of it And therefore it may well enough in part be understood
vital Power and Motions in us As the Soul of Man actuates the Body to bring forth the proper Operations of the natural Life so the divine Life the Life of Christ doth actuate the Soul in all heavenly and spiritual Acts and Operations So that I am for preaching the Light within and Christ within the hope of glory but not so as to draw your Minds from Christ without from what he hath done and suffered for us on Earth and what now he is doing for us in Heaven for as he hath died for us and made his Soul an offering for Sin and satisfied divine Justice and became a Sacrifice to God of a sweet smelling Savour so he liveth for ever in Heaven to make intercession for us So I would not have your minds drawn from the Light within from Christ within by what is preached of Christ without but I would have you make a due improvement both of one and the other which cannot be ●eparated but are always united and joyned ●ogether in a Right Preaching of the Gospel I know the Doctrin of Christ crucified may be perverted and abused by some and the grace of God turned into wantonness but there is no tendency in the Doctrin of Christ without us of what he did and suffered for us there is no tendency in this Doctrin to draw the Minds of any from minding the Work of God within the Seed of God within and Christ within As this Doctrin hath no such tendency so I do appeal to God the searcher of Hearts and the righteous Judg of Heaven and Earth that I have no design nor intention to draw any Man by my Preaching Christ without from Christ within from the Light and Grace of God within us and the enjoyment of God within O! it is the breathing of my Soul to God and my Hearts desire and Prayer that every one of us may feel and enjoy by an inward experience more of the Light and Grace of God within and of Christ within then there would not be such hard thoughts and hard speeches and such rash and uncharitable judging and censuring one another The Lord grant we may learn of Christ who when he was reviled reviled not again and when he suffered he threatned not but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously I have answered one weighty question What it is to have Christ formed in us It is to have a measure of the Divine Nature a measure of the divine Life acting in the Souls of the Lords People Christs Life ruling in the Soul and acting in the Soul as the Soul acts in the Body The Body cannot govern it self but so long as the Soul lives and dwells in the Body and is united to the Body it carries the Body whether it will So when this precious Life of Christ liveth and acteth in the Soul the Soul is subjected to it it ruleth the whole Man it ruleth his Soul more immediately Now another girdeth us and we do not gird our selves and we witness that which our Saviour said to Peter John 21.18 Verily I say unto thee when thou wast young thou girdedst thy self and walkedst whether thou wouldest but when thou shalt be old thou shalt stretch forth thy Hands and another shall gird thee and carry thee whither thou wouldest not When we are come to Christ and when once Christ is formed in us though we followed our own corrupt Wills and Inclinations before then we must be governed by Christ and act according to this noble and divine Principle and say with the Apostle I live yet not I but Christ liveth in me I shall now come very briefly to answer another Question Question 2. By what means is this divine Birth this Spiritual and Divine Life of Christ produced and brought forth in us That which is born of the Flesh is Flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit There is a natural Birth that hath flesh for the Mother of it But there is a divine and supernatural Birth a being born again and born of the Spirit How is this wrought and effected Answer Partly by an outward Ministry of Gods fitting qualifying and sending yet it is far from me to affirm there is an absolute necessity to depend upon an outward Ministry There is a difference between God's ordinary way of forming Christ within us and God's extraordinary Way and Prerogative to do what he pleaseth God can work without Means as well as with Means But in Gods ordinary way he is pleased by the foolishness of Preaching to save them that believe 1 Cor. 1.23 24. We Preach Christ crucified saith the Apostle unto the Jews a stumbling block and unto the Greeks Foolishness but unto shem which are called both Jews and Greeks Christ the Power of God and the Wisdom of God The faithful Ministers of Christ they labour and they spend themselves and are spent in their carrying on the Work of the Gospel for the Salvation of the Souls of their hearers They have a holy labour and travail continually upon them they do not speak words barely from their Brains and from other Men's Lines and things made ready to their Hands but they labour Night and day that Souls may be converted and saved They are as instruments in Christ's Hand for the forming of Christ in the Souls of People the Holy Ghost is the Mother of the New Birth Pray that you may have Faith in the Man Christ Jesus and you shall abundantly partake of his Spirit John 7.37 38 In that last Day the great Day of the Feast Jesus stood and cried saying If any Man Thirst let him come unto me and drink He that believeth on me as the Scripture hath said out of his Belly shall flow Rivers of living Water But this spake he of the Spirit which they that believe on him should receive This Faith in Christ here spoken of doth respect Christ as God and Man not only as God from Eternity but as he is the Son of Man As Moses lifted up the Serpent in the Wilderness even so must the Son of Man be lifted up It is not barely a literal traditional or Historical Faith but a Faith wrought by the mighty Power of God that we witness through the Power of the most High coming upon us and the over-shadowing of the Holy Ghost As it was said to the blessed Virgin the Mother of our Lord Luke 35. The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the Power of the highest shall over-shadow thee therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God We shall feel but in some far inferior manner the Holy Ghost to come upon us and the Power of the highest to Over-shadow us as Christ is formed in us A SERMON Preached by Thomas Budd At Grace-church-street April 11. 1694. I Am under an oppression of Spirit at this time being sensible that there are many that have left their first love and have fallen