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A76237 A seasonable warning and word of advice to all papists, but most especially to those of the kingdome of France; for them to turn from their idolatry, and gross superstition, and speedily to repent, and hast to meet the Lord by amendment of life, least he come on them, and smite them unawares ... / Charles Baily. Bayley, Charles, 17th century. 1663 (1663) Wing B1473A; ESTC R170471 59,588 68

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A Seasonable Warning AND WORD OF Advice to all Papists BUT Most especially to those of the Kingdome OF FRANCE FOR Them to turn from their Idolatry and gross Superstition and speedily to Repent and hast to meet the Lord by amendment of Life least he come on them and smite them unawares Which is good Counsel from a Friend to your souls and a Lover of that which would make for your eternal welfare CHARLES BAILY LONDON Printed in the Year 1663. A Seasonable Word IN Love to all PAPISTS who are scattered on the face of the Earth and especially to those of the Kingdom of FRANCE OH ye Priests of the Nation my controversie is against you saith the Lord God of Heaven and Earth my fury is kindled against you which you shall never be able to quench saith the Allmighty your Idolatry is a noisomness unto me and your prayers are an abomination in my ears your Crosses and your Crucifixes shall not be able to hide you from my terrible irresistable Judgements which is nigh to be powred forth upon you except you repent Repent before the Decree be sealed against you ye make the people drunk with your abominable Idolatry saith the Lord God therefore will I make you drunk with my fury which shall be powred forth upon you which you shall in no wise escape weeping and howling shall be heard amongst you because you have made the Innocent to weep saith the Lord Your strong security shall become as rotten sticks before me And while ye shall cry peace peace suddain destruction shall come upon you the fire of my jealousie is already kindled in your borders which shall never be put out untill it hath consumed you root and branch saith God Allmighty whose power hath set bounds to the Sea and saith to the proud waves thereof Hitherto shall ye go and no further who will also bind and limit your power so that it shall not passe the determined counsel of my God Though you kick against him and say in your hearts Who is the Lord that we should obey him Know ye he is the same as ever he was in Might in Power in Glory in Majesty in Dominion and in Dread who will make all Nations to tremble before him and will render to every man according to his works an hypocrite shall have a hypocrites portion for he shall not be able to hide from his dreadfull presence nor a false god shall not be a cover for them saith the Lord who will roar out of his holy habitation and for his own names sake will he arise yea like a man of war and none shall be able to stand before him in Judgement an Idolater shall have an Idolaters portion money nor favour shall not be able to plead the cause of any saith the Lord but nakedly shall every one be judged and receive according to the deeds done in the body whether they are good or evil an Hireling Priest shall have an hirelings portion an unbeliever an unbelievers portion and a deceiver a deceivers portion the lyar a lyars portion they shall all be cast into the Lake saith the Lord God where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth for ever The mighty and terrible day of Gods vengeance is come Therefore Awake Awake ye people awake and consider what you are a doing will an Idol save you or an Image deliver you saith the Lord surely nay the Image and the Image-maker shall perish the Idol and the Idolater shall have their reward together In vain shall ye cry when ye would be heard seeing ye refuse to hear when I call upon you saith the Allmighty Your prayers to Mary John and James and to the rest of your imagined Saints shall stand you in no stead at all but on the contrary shall adde to your condemnation seeing you have chosen to your selves other Advocates and Mediators then my Son whom I have given for a Covenant of Light to all Nations that he might be your Salvation to the ends of the Earth Hear and give ear ye dull and uncircumcised in heart and ears Is there any other name given under Heaven for Salvation but His He is the Light of the world and he enlightneth every one that cometh into the world which Light shineth into every one of your Consciences checking and reproving every one of you for sin and evill though never so secret or private can any forgive when by this Light you are condemned Surely nay seeing it is my true and Faithfull Witnesse in every one of you which judgeth righteously between me and you without respect of persons saith the Lord drunkard it condemns thee for thy drunkennesse lyar it condems thee for thy lying swearer for thy swearing glutton for thy gluttony and whatsoever is sin or evil it condemneth in you whether pride presumption hypocrisie or covetousnesse which is idolatry it condemns the evil and justifies the good therefore shall ye be left without excuse in the day of Judgement though ye may buy pardons of men yet will not I pardon you saith the Lord God Except you repent This from the Lord is a Warning to you all therefore while you have time prize it least the day of your visitation passe over your heads unawares and you be left to perish for ever Mark the Word ever and lay it to heart before it be too late therefore be you warned whilest love and mercy is stretched out towards you Priest and People Kings Potentates and Rulers from the least to the greatest for if you refuse and reject this tender visitation of love the dreadful sword of Judgement shall bring you down saith the Lord for the Lord is risen to rule and reign over all Nations and none shall be able to stand before him though the Priest preach for hire and the Judges judge for reward and both take counsel against the innocent and so between Head and Tail the whole Body is bound down under oppression yet a day of restoration is coming and the yoak of oppression and the burden thereof shall be taken off from the necks of the poor and needy that they may look towards me saith the Lord who will assuredly plead the cause of the afflicted and deliver him from the hands of him which is too strong for him These things will the Lord do for his own names sake that he might be known amongst the sons of men for he hath been more a stranger amongst them though he hath created them then the Ox is to the Owner or the Asse to his Masters Crib many have professed him in name but in nature are wholly degenerated from him there is more than cause enough in this unrighteous generation for the righteous to be grieved and his soul dayly vexed to behold the wicked conversation of the Inhabitants of the Earth and none more than they who go under the name of Christians from the head to the foot of them and all this chiefly happens from that cursed
by their cruel usage they be made to conform to their Wills this is evident amongst them insomuch that many of them have been kept many years and not been told the cause why for if they have but a Jealousie of a man he shall hardly escape their hands And now what they have to be spoken against let the moderate Reader seriously consider if there be any thing else but abominable Idolatry in all their Worship even such Idolatry as all the Heathen of old never exceeded As for Example in Rome which is the Fountain from whence all this abomination springs they pourtray the likeness of an Old Man upon a Wall and they call him the Image of God the Father with a Cross before him with the Portraicture of a dead man upon it and the likeness of a Pigeon on the top of it and this in their Imaginations they call the Father Son and Spirit And this being openly tollerated in Rome the bordering Nations are made stark drunk with the same abominations and Idolatry So that if one in love and in pity to their souls speak to reclaim them from their gross darkness they are ready to tear them in pieces though it be plainly manifest that they are of those who have changed the Glory of the Incorruptible God into Images made like unto Corruptible men wherefore God hath given them up to uncleannesse through their lost and corrupt hearts who have changed the Truth of God into a lie and do worship the Image which themselves have made more than the Creator who is God blessed for ever This is such gross darkness as was in Egypt even such as might be felt And in God there is no ancientness of dayes who is a Spirit infinite and eternal who created all things by the Word of his power and upholdeth all things thereby unto this day To whom will ye liken me saith the Lord Heaven is my Throne and the Earth is my Footstool hath not my hand made all these things all things being created in and by the Word of his Power which is Christ Jesus for so is his Name who was glorified by his Father before the World began and is the express Image of his Father whose likeness cannot be made by the hands of men therefore it is horrible Idolatry for you to make the Image of a dead man and say it is the Image of Christ and so bewitch the minds of people with those false conceptions and imaginations woe be to them by whom these things are wrought and upheld for the Vengeance and Indignation of the Lord God is kindled against them for they are the unreasonable Task-Masters of Egypt who keep the Seed in bondage and slavery so that the people cannot come to the knowledge of the true God that him only they might serve honour and obey in all things who is the only King Judg and Lawgiver of his people who sheweth mercy unto all who come unto him in his Sons Name for there is no other Name given under Heaven for Salvation but his And all who are in the praying to Saints are in the wicked Idolatry and do forsake the Fountain of living mercy and have hewed to your selves Cisterns which will hold no Water For the true Voyce saith Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest And saith the Prophet All you which are a thirst come and you which have no money come buy and eat yea come buy Wine and Milk without money and without price Why do ye lay out your money for that which is not bread and your labour for that which satisfieth not Heare and eat that which is good and let your souls delight themselves in fatness Incline your ear and come unto me hear and your souls shall live And I will establish with you my everlasting Covenant even the sure mercies of David Behold I have given him for a Witnesse to the people This is all free even the free gift of God Who hath so loved the World that he hath given his only begotten Son into the World that all through him might believe for whosoever believes in him shall not abide in darkness but shall have the Light of life who is the Way the Truth and the Life who hath enlightned every one who cometh into the World with his true Light and they which turn to the Light wherewith Christ hath enlightned them they come to Christ who is the free Gift of God This likes not the Pope and his Ministers for they make the people pay tenths of all their increase besides Money for Beads Crosses and Crucifixes and Money for pardon for sins and for Masses to be said for them while they are alive and after they are dead and Money for Christening of Children as they call it and Money for Marrying and all that they doe which thing sheweth plainly that his Ministers are not like the Ministers of the Gospel for that was and is a free Ministry and the Ministers thereof ministreth forth freely as they have received and are moved of God freely thereunto So the Pope is not with Christ but against him in all his actions for Tithes were only due to Levi and that from his Brethren yet they were not Levi's but the Lords and was to be put into the store-houses for to relieve the widow the fatherless and the stranger but how the Pope and his Adherents doth this let the wise in heart judge who devour the Tenths and much more upon their lusts as the Nations may witness against them which plainly shews they are neither of the Tribe of Levi nor of the Flock of Christ And the Apostle who was a Minister of the Gospel speaking of Levi said That Priesthood being changed there is made of necessity a change of the Law for the Priesthood being changed it is evident that the Law is disanulled which took them so that this paying of Tithes is but a usurpation of those which crope in in this dark night of Apostacy which Christ foretold us of saying The Night would come wherein no man could work And Paul saw this coming in For I know this saith he that after my departure shall grievous Wolves enter in among you not sparing the Flock And such did come in who taught things they ought not for filthy lucres sake The Pope and his Adherents will plainly appear to be of that stock and spring from that cursed Root and Spirit as his and their fruits will plainly manifest for they who forsook the right way did run on in the way of Balaam for gifts and rewards but they have far exceeded all their Ancestors and will not be content with a gift and reward but rob and take by force where they cannot have it otherwise so far as their power reacheth And this running out of the way and commandement of God is the cause why they profit not the people at all though they creep into houses and lead silly
heart and consider for it is because of sin the Land mourneth and because of sin wrath hath ever come upon the sons of men and think not that ye shall be exempted more then others seeing your abomination exceedeth all the forepast Generations for God spared the old inhabitants of the Land of Canaan no longer then till the measure of their iniquity was filled up And by it do you take warning and turn to the Lord by true repentance least the Angel of his wrath smite you which he is sending forth whose sword is already drawn to smite the inhabitants of the earth Therefore except ye turn to God speedily and bring forth fruits meet for repentance and amendment of life the Sword shall be sheathed in your bowels for God respecteth not the manner nor the person of any man nation or people but all in the particular shall receive according as they have done whether good or evil if they slight the day of their visitation which is freely tendered unto them which is Gods endless mercy and goodness after so long forbearance with them therefore beware least this love be turned to your condemnation by reason of the hardness of your hearts and there be no place found for repentance though with Esau you may seek it with tears for he had a birth-right but he sold it for a mess of pottage a thing of nought so before you is life and death set good and evil chuse you whether one or other I shall be clear of your blood if ye perish who have truly warned you as I was moved of the Lord even to you people of this nation of what sort or degree soever and ye shall one day remember though at present ye may slight it and count it as idle talk yet ye are warned in an acceptable time and in a day of salvation if so be ye accept it And also your observing of dayes and times will not excuse you as I have already said for the Apostle said he was afraid of those which were in those things least he had bestowed labour in vain upon them for his labour was to bring people out of the observation of dayes and times up to him who was before time was who is God over all blessed for evermore And they who are not come hither are in the beggerly Elements and Rudiments which fadeth away for saith Paul Let no man judg you in meats or drinks or new Moons or the Sabbath dayes which things are but shadows of good things to come mark how far the Pope and his Ministers are from this doctrine who commandeth dayes and times to be observed which are neither Types nor Shadows of things to come nor of any thing promised but are their own inventions so that ye are taught for doctrine the Commandments of men and for the peoples Fear towards God is taught the Traditions of men Therefore cease in time from them for wrath is kindled against them and their works who thus lead the people in gross ignorance even to have as many Advocates as there are dayes in the year And your dayes and times ye observe were never commanded of God nor his Servants yea the very day you call the Sabbath is not the day which was commanded the Jewes they being witnesses against you in that thing for it was the seaventh day that was commanded but it is the first day they put you upon to keep and instead of keeping it holy according to the Commandment it is commonly kept the prophanest of all the rest except your other dayes dedicated to dead men and women as the Heathen do to the Sun and Moon for in the ground there is no difference between you in this particular and your keeping these days as you pretend at best is in honour to such such Saints but ye are a shame to Saints and the very name of Christians is evill spoken of through such means for which cause the Lord will assuredly plead with you if ye repent not for the day which all Saints are in is perfect pure holy peace and rest of which the Land of Canaan was a true Type for saith the Apostle He that believeth is entered into rest and hath ceased from his own works as God did from his which Rest is Christ the Saviour of the soul and whosoever comes to enter in will witness my words and out of him there is nothing but grief and vexation of spirit for in me saith Christ ye shall have peace but in the World trouble Peace is the true Rest so where it reigneth in the heart the true rest and Sabbath is known and not until then can an holy day be witnessed Oh come all to the Light which reproveth for sin in the Conscience so will you come to Christ who is the only way and path of peace to all who believe but to the disobedient he is condemnation And this ye shall witness whether ye will hear or forbear for it is the word of the Lord God to you for if your hearts condemn you ye cannot have confidence towards God for God is greater but if your hearts be turned to the Light they come to be purified and then the peace of God which passeth all understanding will reign there so will you come to have confidence towards God as saith the Scripture for if the heart be smitten it is because of transgression and saith my God There is no peace to the wicked but woe and torment shall follow them for ever though they may seek to avoyd it through the cursed delusion of the blind Priests by giving them money for pardons when ye have committed murder or some wicked act and are judged in your selves for by the Light of Christ Jesus in your Consciences are you judged I say to think to get ease ye run to the covetous corrupt wicked men and confess to them giving them money for pardons for sins and money for saying of Masses and the like but know ye assuredly that the Lord God will not pardon you except ye come to confess and forsake your sins ye will never find mercy at the tribunal seat of the righteous Judg of Heaven and Earth neither you nor your Confessors therefore cease from them least you and them perish together which will assuredly come to passe if ye continue in your stubbornness and gainsaying Remember the dreadful end of Dathan Abiram and of Corah who perished in their gainsaying least you come to the same end which is unrecoverable for evermore Let the word ever sink down into your hearts so may you remember the endless time of torments which is prepared for the Devil and his Angels even the man of sin who was a Lyar from the beginning And do but try his Ministers by this and try if they preach not up sin as long as life lasteth and say that man cannot be free therefrom nor put off the body of sin while in this life by which means they strengthen
is an Abomination amongst many even to Turk and Jew even in cheating and cozening swearing and lying and open Abominations which causeth them to blaspheme the name of Christ therefore will the unresistable vengeance of God come irresistably upon you suddenly except you repent and plead no longer antiquity for your Religion seeing it is but of sin and uncleanness in which you openly live as all the heathen and profane ever did yea grosser Idolatry is not to be found amongst the sons of men than is in the Territories and Dominions of Rome this day though ye seek to paint your selves over with the name of God ye do but shew the more to every one that is not wilfully blind that ye are of Mistery Babylon the Mother of Harlots Mark that whose children are such as hold the truth in unrighteousness and have changed the glory of the incorruptible God as much as in you lyeth though his glory cannot be changed into flesh but you have perverted his true worship into a lye and make Images and prostrate your selves before them and yet say it is not Idolatry this is mistery Babylon which is now made manifest Glory Honour and Praise be to the Lord God for ever and let all the faithful say Amen for the secrets of the Whore is laid open with her Abominations and the place of her torment is prepared for her who hath thus made the Nations drunk with the Cup of her fornication out of which the Kings of the earth have been made drunk and not only have compelled the people of their Nations but others which thing will be heavy in the end if they repent not before it be too late for God is a righteous Judge who will render to every one according to their works without respect of persons time or places Therefore be wise O ye Kings be instructed O ye Judges of the Earth and serve the Lord with fear and rejoyce with trembling in your Generation and beware of persecuting of any people for that will unthrone you if ye meddle with the Throne of God which is the Consciences of men and women Therefore let it suffice you that your sword be turned against the evil-doer in the Land so will you be a praise to them that do well and blessed will you be of the Lord if ye put this in effect to wit to suppresse and expel Idolatry lying swearing drunkennesse and whoredome in the Land where ye are Rulers but if ye suffer those things to abound as they do this day in this Nation then know assuredly as the Lord God lives who hath created the Heavens and the Earth ye shall be expelled and those who shall be found more worthy than you shall be exalted in your stead though the Lord may take them from the Sheepfold as he did David and think not to stand because of your greatness and strength or by the multitude of an host Remember Nebuchadnezzar whom the Lord humbled unto the dust and made him to know that the Most High ruleth and reigneth in the Kingdomes of men Therefore ye Rulers of this Nation to you do I speak in particular I say hear and give ear and the words of my mouth shall be the words of truth and life unto you if ye receive them but if ye slight and reject them and will have none of the counsel of the Allmighty which through me is proffer'd freely unto you that ye may be warned from the evil which is to come then know assuredly that blacknesse and darknesse shall be your portion and habitation for ever and Gods dreadful face you shall never see but in judgement therefore I say give over for the Lord is raising to himself a Seed and People in this Nation which shall serve him with fear and trembling and hath purposed to establish them in peace and righteousnesse in this Land that living examples they may be unto all the Inhabitants about them and this hath the Lord determined to do in thee O France Therefore as I said ye Judges Rulers Officers Counsellors and King be ye warned as from the Lord that ye touch them not though you may have many false accusations against them and reports as people not fitting to live upon the earth as the innocent was in all Ages so reported to be as people being destructive to Law Rulers and Government and the like and enemies to the King Oh let this word be turned against these false Accusers and beware of touching the Innocent for for their sakes the Lord will rebuke Kings and he is the same as ever he was And this is a true and faithful warning and prophecy which shall shortly come to passe that when it come you may not be ignorant thereof and be left without excuse Remember Nineveh who at the preaching of Jonas repented and do ye take warning in time Consider and lay it to heart and look through the Nations ye Rulers thereof and weigh the thing seriously in your secret parts whether Nineveh or any other Nation could abound more in abomination than this Nation or that the city of Sodome or the inhabitants of Gomorrah was more in lust pride and fulnesse of bread then Paris surely is nay the like was hardly to be found or paraleld in all generations for pride hypocrisie lust deceit and murder and whatsoever is evill Therefore I say againe Be ye warned and take diligent heed that ye persecute not any whom the Lord is raising up amongst you bringing and sending amongst you to bear witnesse unto or against any thing even against the grievous Idolatry and whoredome which aboundeth amongst you and in all the Land and if ye instead of receiving their testimonies persecute and imprison them or doe them any harm better it were that a milstone were put about your necks and that ye were cast into the midst of the Sea for the Lord will avenge their innocent causes and utterly overturn their oppressors and will rebuke Kings for their sakes yea Potentates Armies Judges and Rulers as he hath done already in the Land of England and he who is mightier then the mightiest is on their parts and will rebuke and tear in pieces their adversaries for the Lord hath long born the iniquities of this Nation and his righteous Spirit hath long been grieved and he hath looked down out of his holy habitation amongst you and beholdeth your state and seeth that none of you so much as consider the cause of the needy and oppressed so as to ease their burthens but every one of you striving to maintain his own lust by cruelty fraud and oppression the like is not to be found in any Nation but the Lord will break the bonds of oppression and the oppressed shall goe free and be set at liberty to Gods endlesse praise for ever The mighty and terrible day of the Lord God is come and is at hand wherein the hearts of all shall be made manifest and accordingly shall every one
against thee then shalt thou grind them to powder And because of this wo wo unto the hypocrite wo unto the swearer who unto the liar wo unto the Adulterer yea wo unto the inhabitants of the earth who shall joyn with the Dragon in war against thee thou shalt command the holy Angels of the Father which shall attend on thee continually to bind and to cast into the pit of utter darkness for evermore out of which there shall be no redemption Therefore be ye warned O ye Kings Judges and Rulers of this Nation and people not to meddle in this matter for as sure as the Lord God liveth who hath created the Heavens and the Earth these things shall surely come to pass and it will be a folly for you to take counsel of the Sorcerers Enchanters and Deviners for no such thing shall be able to prevail against the holy anointed one of the Lord but as I have said through the holy Spirit of the Lord if ye fall not upon him ye will surely be ground to powder and though his coming may be contrary to the expectation of all flesh marvel not at it for it was ever so that the Princes of the world never knew him though never so wise for if they had they would never have crucified him And remember what was written by the Prophet concerning the way of God who had it from the mouth of the Lord saying My wayes are not your wayes nor my thoughts your thoughts but as the Heavens are higher than the Earth so are my wayes higher than yours and my thoughts higher than your thoughts saith the Lord of Hosts Therefore marvel not at the coming and establishing of his only begotten Son in this Nation as he hath purposed in all Nations I say marvel not though it be to the destruction and overturning of all outward glory Therefore if any in whom he is witnessed to live and reign be caused and compelled to come before you and they cannot bow unto you witt Hat or Knee as all manner of flatterers and dissemblers do be ye warned even from the Lord God of life that ye touch not nor hurt them for these things for if ye do know assuredly that God Almighty will avenge their Cause evidently amongst you who shall thus do for God is jealous of his honour and he will not give it unto another and so beware that ye respect not the persons of any in judgment lest the Lord rebuke you for it and everlasting shame and reproach come upon your heads for ever for He which respecteth persons saith the Apostle committeth sin and is convinced by the Law for a Transgressor mark that the righteous Law convinceth him for a transgressour which saith Thou shalt not respect persons in judgment they being such who held not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ the Lord of Glory who respecteth not persons they having their Lord and Master for an example who respected not the person of any man and said How can ye believe who seek honour one of another and seek not the honour which comes from God only So they who seek the honour and they who give it are all one even unbelievers and transgressors for so faith the wise man also It is not good to have respect to persons for for a piece of bread such an one will offend And the thing is evident amongst you from the Priests and people who have mens persons in admiration because of advantage search and see whether any of these things be not so yea or nay with the pure Light of Christ Jesus which shineth in all your Consciences which reproveth for sin and will make all the works of darkness manifest unto you as you diligently heed it and follow it and love it while you have the Light walk in the Light that you may be children of the Light least it be taken from you and given to them which are faithfull Therefore I warn and advise you in the everlasting bowels of love not to slight but prize the day of your visitation for the day-spring from on high hath visited you as I have already said therefore whilst yet a time and day is in your hand improve it that the blessing of the most high God may be upon you and your posterity for ever but if you harden your hearts and reject this counsel and warning of love which is freely tendered unto you then do ye hear the word of the Lord God of Heaven and Earth unto you who will not be mocked thus saith the Lord If you harden your hearts against me my unresistible vengeance shall come upon your life as the unresistible Waves of the Sea when moved with a tempestuous wind which shall even devour and swallow you up at once none shall be able to deliver you out of my hands my fury shall come forth against you like a mighty wind that none knoweth from whence it ariseth which shall scatter break and tear you to pieces This is the Word of the Lord unto you all who is righteous in mercy and judgment and unto them that fear my name saith the Lord and embrace my counsell even to you shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing under his wings and ye shall go forth and grow as Calves of the stall but the proud and those who do wickedly shall be as stubble which is cast into the Oven fully dryed And this is the determined counsel of the Most High concerning all the Nations of the Earth which are respecting of persons Therefore be thou warned O thou Nation of France to whom I have been sent and set as a Sign that thou mayest find mercy after thy long provocation and estrangement from God and that thou may'st with a ready mind and willing heart submit to the Kingdome of his Son which he hath determined to establish in the midst of thee and that thou mayst submit unto his Government for to know him by his Name whose Name is The Mighty God the Prince of Peace upon whose shoulder the Government is 〈◊〉 which all Nations either by constraint or willingly shall submit unto even the true Immanuel God with man whose Scepter is freely held forth that thou Nation of France with all Nations might come under it which if thou dost thine inhabitants shall be blessed but if thou refusest instead of blessing that which is tendered unto you shall be turned into a curse for ever By a true Servant of the living God who suffers imprisonment in Bourg de Ault neer Deppt known by the Name of Charles Baily Given forth in the Year 1661. FINIS
Father is in him for people read and consider as you prize the salvation of your precious souls For the soul that sinneth shall dye as saith the Prophet Likewise your Priests tell you you must honour and invoke the Saints that are dead and get pieces of their bones to carry about you such vanity as this do they feed you with for saith Christ The flesh profiteth nothing but the Spirit quickneth This he spake to them who were looking at his flesh outwardly but did you once come to the Spirit which only profiteth you would come to know the will of God fulfilled in you which is your sanctification and then you will be ashamed to make reliques of one anothers cloaths flesh or bones but will come to know the true Sanctification to be in and by the Word which is Christ for so Christ prayed Sanctifie them by thy word thy word is truth and they who come to know the truth come to know the word in them which sanctifies them through soul and body and this word David knew right well and the vertue thereof who said Thy word have I hid in my mouth that I might not sin against thee And if you once come to the knowledge and power of his word it will keep you also from sinning against God which is the true sanctified state and this is no new Doctrine for Moses the true Servant of the Lord preached the same to the children of Israel saying The word is nigh you even in your mouths and in your hearts Mark the word was nigh them even in them and this was the word of faith the Apostle Paul preached he that comes to the word of faith comes to that which purifies and makes clean and here the sanctification comes to be witnessed in the particular by which means the perfect unity comes to be known and enjoyed with the Saints with Christ in God so here will be no need to invoke one another but all will be asked in the name of Christ the power of God which power will infallibly be heard and answered of God For whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name it shall be given you saith Christ Jesus who is the true Teacher and Shepherd of the soul even of all that come unto him who will teach them how to pray and to whom even God the Judge of all And by this you may sufficiently prove your Pope and Priests Doctrine to be none of Christs but contrary to him which is Antichrist You are also forbidden by them meats and marriage which the Apostle said was a Doctrine of Devils speaking lyes in hypocrisie unto you having their Consciences seared with an hot Iron for they forbid you that which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth for every Creature of God is good if it be received with thanksgiving for it is sanctified by the Word of God and Prayer 1 Tim. 3.4 5. For unto the pure all things are pure For they that come to the purifying come to know all things pure unto them but to the impure nothing is pure their minds and consciences being defiled therefore men knowing this but who comes to the true hope which purifies even as Christ is pure which is a purifying throughout in soul and body in this life yea and gives Dominion over Sin Hell Death and the Devil and he that witnesseth this hope in him needs not a Purgatory to purge him after he is dead for he comes to be purified as Christ is pure as also saith the Scripture This is the true Christian hope whereby he comes to be-purified and made clean as also knowing that God hath created all things for them that fear him but to the impure as I have said nothing is pure unto them though they may lye and say they fast when they only forbear one sort of meat and eat another which will but adde to their condemnation and their Priests which doth teach them to lye will not be able to deliver them but the Teachers and the Teached shall perish together except they repent for the Lake is prepared for the lyar for is it not damnable lying and hypocrisie for men to say they fast when they only forbear one sort of meat and eat another Is not fish flesh Doth not the Apostle call it so And in this your pretended fast you drink Wine and feast your selves without fear whilest some have hardly bread to eat These things are an abomination unto the Lord God of Heaven and Earth for his wrath you shall surely feel for this hypocrisie except you repent though you say you hope to be saved that shall stand you in no stead in the dreadful day of vengeance which is very nigh you For the hypocrites hope shall perish as saith the Scripture and though some of you who are more zealously given than others may fast and hang down your heads like a Bulrush for a day Pharisee-like and give almes to be seen of men which is as though you offered up Swines blood or as the cutting off of a Dogs neck it being in that nature which crucifies the Just in your selves even that which would lead you out of observation of dayes and times up to God which was before time was and untill you come to take diligent heed to this just principle of God in your selves which condemns for all hypocrisie sin and deceit profess what you will it will stand you in no stead ye though you should give all your goods to the poor and your bodies to be burnt it will avail you nothing for it leads all who diligently follow it to do to all men as they would others should do unto them which is the true Christian life in which only all works are accepted with God for it is the fulfilling the Law and the Prophets for the Law was added because of transgression and untill there be a fulfilling of it in you ye are under the curse profess what you will Some may say this is an hard saying who can bear it Did not Christ Redeem us from under the curse of the Law and was not he made manifest for that end I answer to this end was the Son of God made manifest in the flesh to condemn sin in the flesh that the righteousness of the Law might be fulfilled in us and all who come to know the teachings of God in the Spirit know him to fulfill the Law not to abolish or destroy it in as much as it is righteous and layeth hold on nothing but the transgressor to condemnation therefore saith Paul The Ministration of condemnation was glorious in its time and this all the Saints and holy men of God did witness Christ the righteousness of God manifest in them who did all their works in them and for them and by which all boasting was excluded because It is not of him that willeth nor him that runneth but in God that sheweth mercy
will-worship and voluntary humility and nothing to the edifying of the body and so by degrees hath crope in more and more as the dark night of apostacy came in which time Christ Jesus said would come wherein no man could work And also the Apostle saw before his decease as I said before even such a falling away in his time that he said All Asia was turned from him Likewise Peter John and Jude speak of it for John in his Revelation saw all the world wandering after the Beast and none could buy or sell but those who received the mark of the Beast yea such will be the misery of the sons of men who are wandering after him saying Who is able to make war with him And the Harlot rides upon the Beast cloathed with Scarlet with the Cup full of abomination and filthiness in her hand which hath made all Nations drunk Let him which hath wisdome read and understand and consider whether the Pope and Cardinals in Rome doth not wear her Livery without and within yea or nay are they not built upon blood and to this very day are thirsting after it if not what means their Inquisitions and secret places of murder yet they themselves will shew and tell of the place they call by the name of Amphiatar where they say the Christians were put in in former times to be destroyed with wild Beasts though the same they themselves do at this very day even to those who have the least desire after the Lord by which they come to misturst the Idolatrous way they are in and if this be perceived amongst them then presently he or she is termed under the name of an Heritick and then to the Inquisition with them where the wild bruit Beasts set about them to devour them though at first they may flatter and fawn upon them like a Dog and if they see they cannot prevail with them that way it is much if ever they escape their devouring hands and this is not unknown to many but the Lord God of Heaven and Earth is risen to make inquisition for the blood of the slain and it is not the Inquisition which shall be able to conceal it from him for he will rip it open and lay it desolate for ever so that it shall become a hiss and a by-word by all the passers by for it shall be made like their Amphiatar for ever open and free and Gods eternall Glory and Truth shall freely be declared in it with free consent every way and this will the Lord work for his own Gloryes sake and none can prevent the Lords purpose which he hath determined for all the world hath wandered after the Beast and hath given their glory and honour unto him I say notwithstanding all this the Lord will raise up to himself an holy seed which shall make war with him and overcome him his chosen ones have already read the number of his name which is the number of a man and all that rise up and joyn in war with the Beast against them woe woe will be to them for ever The Angels of the Lord are going forth with Commission from the God of Heaven to curse the Earth because of the abominations of the Inhabitants thereof Therefore O ye people be awakened and warned and seriously consider what you are a doing for of a truth woe and vengeance will be powred out upon you in an unresistable manner except ye repent speedily therefore as one who is a follower of the Lamb through tribulations do I warn you in obedience to my King and Law-giver to kisse the Son least he be angry that ye may obtain mercy in this day of love and visitation to the sons of men for the Lord hath certainly determined to reap the earth of all corruption which aboundeth and superaboundeth therein the harvest is fully ripe and long hath the Lord born and forborn and his righteous Spirit hath long been oppressed even as a Cart is pressed which is laden with sheaves therefore will he plead with all flesh with the sword and with fire which none shall be able to withstand therefore be ye warned that your souls may live And though many of them make vows in their own wills to abstain from meats and women this shall stand them in no stead for in words they say they will do this and that but being out of Gods will lust burns in their hearts they not being come to that which would subdue the evill in themselves and these are they which the Apostle speaks of They promise others liberty whilest they themselves are the servants of corruption for of what a man is overcome by the same he is brought in bondage 2 Pet. 2.19 for at best they say they are of such a Saints Order which will avail them nothing they not being sanctified themselves were it so that Saints were of several Orders and Lifes but that 's an absolute lye and a false conception and this is only to blind the minds of the simple-hearted thereby to get the more several Inheritances and fat possessions to themselves by going in several habits and going under several denominations by which policy and deceit where they have been most believed received they have got the fattest and best possessions and notwithstanding go a begging and a roving up and down and take and receive from them who have great families to maintain which thing is grievous to be born in the Land but God will judge for this hypocrisie and deceit and ease the Land of this oppression of a Truth and their lyes and feignedness shall be laid open to every eye for the Saints were not of many Orders but of one only true Order which was truth in the Inward parts which is the root and ground of Religion in which they did not shut up themselves in houses and live in idleness and eat the bread thereof which the poor laboureth hard for and purchaseth by the sweat of their brows and with it these men under a pretence of holiness feed themselves without fear and this is not the order of Saints but of belly-gods for the Apostle writing unto the Saints saith He that will not work let him not eat He being an Example unto them though he laboured in the Gospel above many yea and the care of all the Churches were upon him yet notwithstanding his own hands ministred to his necessities which is a witnesse against the idle drones of this Generation which you take for your Confessors and they pretend to have power to absolve you from your sins and are not cleansed from their own Therefore hear and consider all people who are thus kept in blindnesse and ignorance there is nothing but the pure Holy Spirit of God which is able or can forgive sins for to it only is the power committed and not unto you who live in sins And therefore be awakened out of this horrid delusion for Christ Jesus said to his Apostles Whose
sins ye remit they are remitted they received also a Commission from God to preach the Gospel which none can do without the gift of the Holy Ghost which is only able to forgive save and destroy for though it was said to Peter Thou art Peter and upon this Rock will I build my Church this was not spoken unto him as he was a fleshly man but as he had the revelation of the Holy pure Spirit of God upon which the Church is built for the Church is in God who is the only ground and pillar of truth against which the Gates of Hell can never prevail though they prevailed against Peter after them words were spoken unto him so far as that he denyed his Master so here you that are not stark drunk and poysoned with this conception that the Incorruptible Church of God which is only built with living stones elect and precious Christ Jesus being the chief corner stone is built upon a man which is corrupt for it is evident Peter is dead and some of you say you have his bones amongst you which shews their foundation to be decayed had it been upon his person which never could be but upon his spirit by which he made that good confession That Christ was the Son of God which none can truly do without nor call him Lord. Therefore Pope Cardinals Monks Jesuites and Fryers of all sorts come forth and vindicate your selves and shew your Commission for what you do and from whom you had it for from Peter nor from Christ you are never able to shew you had it neither are you able to vindicate your Doctrine and Practice no further then your Inquisition Law and Prison will reach all which weapons will fail you in the terrible day of vengeance which is coming upon your heads for as you have made the Inhabitants of the earth drink deep of the Cup of Mistery Babylons Harlots you likewise shall be made to drink deep of the Cup of Gods vengeance even the dregs thereof shall be wrung out to you and your nakednesse shall be laid open for every eye to behold it And this is the word of the Lord God to you all which can never be recalled nor passe away unfulfilled upon your heads Therefore Oh ye Inhabitants of the Earth hast hast and repent least ye partake of her plagues for if ye endeavour and strive to uphold her ye shall of a truth partake of her Judgements Again I say be ye warned before it be too late and turn to the Lord by true repentance by forsaking and fasting from sin which if you do there is rich mercy in store for you and plenteous redemption in Christ Jesus who is the Light of the world who hath enlightned every one that cometh into the world with his true Light which reproves for sin and evill in the inward parts and if you believe in it and follow it and give up wholly to be guided by it you will become children of the Light and have an Inheritance with the Saints in the Light for the same which condemns you for sin would also purifie and cleanse you from all sin for it is the blood of the Covenant which is plentifully shed for lost and undone man and untill this be witnessed even a purifying washing and cleansing from sin there is no forgiveness for because of transgression the Law was added this is the truth of God unto you all sent amongst you to no other end but that you might be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth which would make you free and lead you out of the deceit of the deceiver as to be no longer deceived by him For seriously consider what have you from them whom you spend your time and substance about but the sight of a company of Images which they make you make Idols of by prostrating your selves before them which is absolutely against the righteous Law of God the Creator of Heaven and Earth see the Scripture Exodus 20. And thus you are fed as long as you feed them and put in their mouths but if you ever come to cease from feeding their inordinate desires they will soon prepare war against you though they have given you the name of Christians by sprinkling a little water upon you when you were children and knew not what they did and this for filthy lucres sake they fed you with the name of Christians but are wholly out of the nature themselves for the true nature and life of a Christian is pure peaceable and easie to be intreated not rendring evill for evill but alwayes overcoming evil with good doing unto all men as they would all men should do unto them which nature they manifestly shew they are out of By their fruits which is the Mark Christ said ye shall know them For it is very evident that none of them will be put into Prison for any thing pertaining to Religion but they will cause others to be imprisoned which thing Christians never did for their weapons were not carnal but spiritual and mighty through God to the pulling down of the strong holds of the kingdome of the man of sin neither did they wrestle with flesh and blood but with Principalities and Powers and spiritual wickednesse in High places which captivate the creature This was the Christians warfare which the Pope and all his Adherents are out of who swear men to destroy Creatures as long as they live contrary to Christ who came not to destroy mens lives but to save them who saith Swear not at all but the Pope as I said contrary to this swears men to destroy creatures as long as they live and to make away with flesh and blood with carnal weapons But they who smite with the sword shall be smitten with the sword and as they have loved blood blood shall they have to drink and so much the more because they have done it under the pretence of Religion and of the defending of the true Church and Faith which needeth not a carnal weapon to defend it for the true Church is in God therefore the gates of Hell cannot prevail against it let them be open never so wide and likewise the true Faith of Gods Elect gives victory over Sin Hell Death and the Grave and needeth not a Defendor but is able to defend it self and conquer all the powers of darknesse which ariseth up against it so it plainly appeareth they have not the true Faith and Church which must have a carnal weapon to defend it and it being so is the cause they cannot defend themselves without an outward power to uphold them and if once that fail them their kingdome would soon have an end and the true Christians kingdome shall flourish and prosper for their kingdome and dominion is invisible and without end being redeemed out of Kingdomes Tongues and Nations to follow the Lamb through many tribulations to enter into the everlasting Kingdome of their Father which is without end
talent and gift of God let him that readeth understand that his soul may live for untill this be read felt and understood professe what you will the soul lieth in death and misery therefore ye must diligently search and seek this seed in the field which is in the World in you where this precious Pearl lyeth hid that ye may be as the wise Merchant-man who sold all to purchase it so must ye if it ever comes to be yours yea you must dig deep to find it for it lyeth under all the mountaines of sin oppressed like a Cart which is laden with sheaves in you for the field is in you though wide for the field is in the World which is in your hearts and when the precious seed is grown watch and wait least the birds of the aire bereave you of it or else the enemy sow his evill seed in your ground and so choak the good seed and plant of God so that it cannot grow nor prosper for Friends it is truly so that straight is the way which leadeth to life and few there be that find it but broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which goe in thereat for it is the way of sin but the other holinesse and purity without which no man shall see the Lord as the Scripture saith for it is the onely thing which shall stand in stead in the day of account but woe will be unto them which then are or shall be found covered and not with the Holy Spirit of God all other coverings will be to short to cover or save them from the dreadful woe and vengeance which is ready to come upon the inhabitants of the earth for the Lord hath determined to bring Judgement upon the earth that the inhabitants thereof may learn righteousnesse for it is not to be found amongst men but every one is seeking his own way seeking and striving to exalt his own horn by oppression and deceit but the Lord will rebuke many because of these things for oppression shall cease amongst men and the oppressor shall surely be trodden under foot and the meek of the earth shall have the dominion for evermore which is the mind and purpose of the Lord of heaven and earth therefore it shall surely come to passe and woe will be to them who do arise to oppose the Lord in this most glorious work for they shall be beaten to powder for the potsherds may strive with potsherds yet in vain will it be to strive against the Lord and his Holy Anoynted who is come and coming to take the Kingdome whose right it is for ever and ever for all the Kingdomes of the World shall become the Kingdomes of the glorious Son of God Therefore oh ye inhabitants of the earth prepare to meet the Lord and be ye warned that ye joyn not with the power of the oppressor whom God is purposing to overturn and chain down for ever least you perish with him This from the Lord God of heaven and earth is a warning to you all that ye may be warned and left without excuse when the day shall come upon you which is already dawned and hastens apace to shine in its glory whereby all the works of darknesse shall be discovered and made manifest though never so secretly hid as hath been already said It is high time for you to awake out of the deep sleep of ignorance which you have been cast into by the Magicians of Egypt who have long kept your poor souls in spiritual bondage and slavery through their deceit and lyes for their own profit and lucre of which they strive to cast a mist before your eyes telling you of the body of Christ and instead of which they make you worship the works of your own hands which will and doe perish with the using which the body of Christ can never doe inasmuch as it is incorruptible neither did or could see corruption yet notwithstanding your Priests have so far bewitched you as that you your selves commonly confesse that though they be never so wicked yet in the speaking of so many words they make the corruptible bread the very body of Christ and ye are so far inchanted with this lye insomuch that if all within your Dominions do not fall down before this piece of bread and worship you are ready to murder them by which means your fruits shew you are in the spirit of murther and envy envying those which will not own your lye and blasphemy calling earthly bread the Lords body which is held in and by the hands of corruptible men as you your selves are ready to say the Lords soul abhors these things for they are an abominable abomination before him Consider and lay it to heart can the words that proceed out of the mouth of a sinful man make any thing incorruptible nay they cannot seeing it is evident that out of one fountain salt water and sweet cannot be had neither can a bad tree bring forth good fruit as saith Christ neither can your deceivable Priests who thus deceive you doe any such thing as they tell you of neither have they any place in the holy Scripture which speaks of any such practices as those which they deceive you with that is that men should take a piece of bread and say such and such words over it that then it should become the body of Christ and that men should fall down and prostrate themselves before it nay they cannot cause bread to be converted into the body of Christ neither can they convert the body of Christ into bread let them speak what or as many words as they can over it And thus they keep you in bondage as much as in them lyes least you should search and find out their deceit and also from the reading of the Scriptures least their wickednesse should be manifestly discovered though Christ saith Search the Scriptures for they testifie of me but the Pope and his Priests forbid you to read them which sheweth that they are not of his mind who would that all should come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved and not to keep people in darknesse for in the Scriptures it is recorded that the Bereans were more noble than others because that after they had heard the truth declared they went home and searched the Scriptures to see whether those things were so or no yea or nay you may see they were commended for so doing and not forbidden as your Priests doe and the Apostles did bid try all things and hold fast that which is good which is far from forbidding any tryal in and for truth many of your own regular Priests will say themselves that they are forbidden to dispute You may easily be kept in blindnesse and darknesse when many of your own teachers themselves are not permitted to vindicate their own practises and works which they make you thus adore Surely it is high time for you to ponder your wayes
the hands of the wicked so that they cannot turn from their wickedness by preaching up their Masters Kingdome for term of life which thing accomplished the Devil knows he hath them sure enough because it was the sin unto death which the Apostle said should not be prayed for So people Consider the miserable captivity and bondage you are in spending all the dayes of your lives in being taught by these Deceivers and in the end you must die in your sins which is a deplorable state for the Wages of sin is death and as the Tree falls so it lyes saith the Scripture and every one shall receive according to the deeds done in the body for his servants ye are to whom ye obey whether of sin unto death or of righteousnesse unto eternall life So read and consider and be no longer deceived God will not be mocked Such as you sow such shall ye reap and money cannot buy you an immortal possession neither can corruption purchase incorruption as your wicked leaders make you in effect to believe Thus hath the mistery of Iniquity and the man of sin fully wrought and revealed who by all deceiveablenesse of unrighteousnesse deceived the Nations one after this manner and another after that manner but his subtile wiles hath wrought the deepest amongst men under the name of Christians that thereby he might the easier deceive the hearts of the simple who have any desire in them after the true and living God and for these his instruments in this work he hath imposed the most subtile and craftiest men in all generations since the power of his working thereby the more to amaze the people in saying are not these the learned men are not these the Orthodox men and if these do not know how should we know who are illiterate and unlearned every way and by this his deceiveable working hath he possessed the hearts of the people with a lye for the wisdome of the wise men of this world know not the things of God neither can the naturall man discern the things of the Spirit for they are spiritually discerned therefore saith the Apostle Ye see your Calling Brethren how that not many wise men after the flesh not many mighty not many noble are called for God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the mighty and base things of the world and things which are despised hath God chosen yea and things which are not to bring to nought things that are that no flesh might glory in his presence but of him are ye in Christ Jesus who of God hath made him unto us wisdome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption that according as it is written he that glorieth let him glory in the Lord 1 Cor. 1. 26-31 yea and God taketh the wise in their own craft and turneth the wisdome of the wise backward because the foolishnesse of God is wiser then men and the wisdome of man is foolishnesse with God and Christ Jesus also saith I thank thee Father that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them unto babes and sucklings Mark God hath even revealed his secrets unto babes and sucklings in which God doth perfect his praises and this is marvelous in the eyes of many And also the Apostle James saith God hath chosen the poor of this world rich in faith and heirs of the Kingdome Friends this is far from the Romish Doctrine who exalt learning above the Spirit of God in whom is the candle of wisdome and in saying this I doe them no wrong for it appeareth evidently every way doe they not make use of a sort of men which they call Jesuits and Monks whom they esteeme the most to go to and fro abroad in the Nations and by their subtilty any way exalt their own horn through which means much blood hath been shed and grievous disorders amongst many hath been their fruits and effects will be witnesse enough for these things This is far from the example of Christ Jesus who made choyce of simple poor Fisher-men to send forth in his work even such who knew not the letter as saith the Scriptures and the wisdome of the Jews in those dayes had the simple hearted who believed in derision esteemed them accursed because they knew not the Law and asked if any of the Rulers did believe for ye may see preaching of Christ was esteemed a thing very much below them yet through the foolishness of this preaching as it was accounted of by the wisdome of man it pleased the Lord to save many for the Cross of Christ was preached which to the Jews was a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishnesse who sought after wisdome in those dayes but to every one that believed it was the power of God unto salvation as hath been said for he that will be truly wise unto salvation must truly become a fool as saith the Apostle that he may be made wise and saith Christ Except ye be converted and become as little children ye cannot enter into the Kingdome of God And this was witnessed by Paul who according to the learning and wisdome of this world surpassed many in his generation who was brought up at the feet of Gamaliel yet accounted it but dung and drosse that he might win Christ though according to the flesh he might glory above many Where is the wise where is the disputer hath not God appointed the the foolish things to confound them yea verily and shall for ever The little stone which is cut out of the mountain without hands which is spoken of in Daniel shall become a great mountain and cover the whole earth and blessed are they who shall fall upon it that they may be broken for if it fall upon them it will grind them to powder be they never so mighty or never so learned and never so prudent they shall never be able to stand before him Therefore all people submit and come under the banner of his love which is stretched forth over your heads for if you doe not you must come under his iron rod which will dash you to pieces for reign over all he must for ever and evermore though Gog and Magog set themselves in battel against him yea no weapon formed against him shall prosper for their great grength shall be turned into confusion for ever the Lord God of Heaven and Earth hath determined it whose will and purpose none shall be able to prevent though the Heathen may rage and the people imagine a vain thing yet all shall be in vain for God will set his Son upon his holy hill of Sion to reign over all for ever whose right alone it is and for his sake he will rebuke Kings Therefore blessed shall they be who resist not his glorious coming though Satan may have power a while to kill some of his followers and cast others into prison to
of sobriety and patterns of holinesse to others but on the contrary examples of folly and vanity and instead of being husbands to one wife marriage is forbidden amongst them which is a Doctrine of Devils which the Spirit did speak expressely should come and how these men govern their families may be clearly seen by tollerating of whoredome in such an open manner But whoremongers God will judge and all who tollerate and uphold them shall in no wise be cleer thereof for they are not ignorant that the Scripture saith That the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodlinesse and unrighteousnesse of men and notwithstanding are not onely wicked and ungodly themselves but tollerate and take pleasure in them which commit all iniquity with greediness And this is the apparent fruits of that ye call The Holy City where the Whore sitteth at the Chappel dore to be hired of men Oh cursed abomination that such a place should be called A Holy City but this painting wherewith this impudent Harlot is painted shall decay and all Nations shall see her shame and the true Holy City shall be made manifest unto the sons of men let down from Heaven as a Bride adorned for her Husband into which nothing that worketh an abomination or a lye can enter though the Gates thereof are never shut but stand open day and night in which they shall not need the light of the Sun nor the Moon to give them light who walk therein but the Lamb shall be the light thereof and they shall reign for ever and ever But in Rome they must have wax Candles to give them light at noon-day and all manner of abominable works are committed therein even as Sodom and the Inhabitants of Gomorrah whose measure of iniquity never exceeded them This is not written from a spirit of envy or malice but from a simple heart being truly moved of the Lord thereunto that the simple may come to understand and consider what they are a doing and repent and turn to the Lord to worship him in Spirit and in Truth for such onely he hath regard unto and they who refuse such a visitation of love he will surely smite with a Curse which they will in no wise escape Therefore whilest you have time prize it before it be too late for the Lord waiteth to be gracious unto you Oh thou Nation of France though thine iniquities hath surpassed many yet the Lord stands at the door of your hearts and knocks and if any open to him in this the day of his love he will come in and sup with him and make his abode there so will you become a holy habitation and Temple for the Lord to dwell and abide in so ye will not need to go to Rome to fetch pieces of dead mens bones nor Pardons as murderers and all manner of unclean persons do which she receiveth and harboureth as good Christians and will give them Pardons as many as they will and thus is the hands of the wicked strengthned under the name of Peters Successor who was a true witnesse against all sin and uncleannesse whatsoever who did not settle himself in an earthly possession for he was not his own but the Lords who said unto him When thou wast young thou girdedst thy self and went whither thou wouldest but now thou art old another shall gird thee and thou shalt go whither thou wouldest not which is far from the Popes example just as light is from darknesse Oh ye Inhabitants of the Earth my bowels my bowels yearneth towards you and your captivated state my soul pityeth to see how the shadow of death hath overshadowed you by which means you are kept in sore captivity and bondage but the Lord God of my life hath compassion on you and if you do not wilfully count your selves unworthy of his tender compassion by refusing his love he will rend the Vail from off your hearts and will cause the Light of the glorious Gospel to shine therein which will give you the light and knowledge of himself in the face of Jesus Christ that ye may know that glory honour and praise belongeth only unto him not unto man from whom ye are to cease for his breath is in his nostrils and is nothing to be accounted of and make not flesh your arm least instead of a blessing the everlasting curse shame confusion come upon your heads for ever Therefore give up your selves unto the Lord in obeying his Light in all things that you may come to witnesse a sanctified state even in Soul Body and Spirit that holy pure and undefiled Temples your bodies may be for the Lord to take delight to dwell and walk therein which is the end of all Ministrations Types and Shaddows for this ends them all even to witnesse the Immanuel which is by Interpretation God with us or in us and this is the mistery which hath been hid from Ages and Generations even Christ in his people the hope of their glory So read and the Lord give you understanding to know the things which belongs to your peace and everlasting rest which if you turn to the Light of Christ Jesus in you they shall not be hid from your eyes for as it is written The light of the righteous shineth more and more untill it comes to a perfect day So if you turn to the righteous Light which condemneth you for sin then a perfect and true discovery of all things will be made manifest unto you but if you hate the Light and bring not your deeds unto it ye will be as the wicked that walk in darknesse and know not at what they stumble so be wise lest this saying come justly upon your heads as it is written The wonderers shall perish for God is working a work-in these dayes which ye cannot believe though it be told you A warning from the Lord God of Heaven and Earth is this day unto you all whose day is sprung from on high and hath visited the sons of men for he delighteth not in the destruction of any of you but rather desireth that you should turn from your sins and live for our God is a God of mercy and judgement therefore if you turn unto him by true repentance and forsake your sins which is the only true repentance never to be repented of in which you will come to witnesse judgement and mercy to meet together and righteousnesse and peace will embrace each other in you which is the onely happy and blessed state which never can be known or witnessed but by the death of the man of sin for that nature can never come to have peace but horror and judgement for evermore These are words of love and truth unto you all in and through a true lover of all your immortal souls who is ready to sacrifice his life for his vilest enemies even for those who revile persecute and imprison him as he is at this day for the testimony of a
women captive laden with sin and divers lusts and though they are ever learning of their Teachers yet come not to the knowledge of the Truth which would make them free from sin and lust and bring into that life which was before a lie was And this is not the fruit of the Popes Ministers for the furthest they bring people to is to bring them to be zealous to pray to a dead stock or stone which they make like unto men and women and tell them it is the likeness or representation of God and Christ and the Virgin Mary St. John St. Peter and the like and the Mistery of iniquity hath so wrought amongst them that though they manifestly prostrate themselves before them yet they say it is not to them which is darkness unheard of in Generations past And they are not content to commit this abominable Idolatry themselves but would constrain all others to do the like as witness the Protestants in this Nation who are constrained to shun and avoyd the way when one of these their Gods is carryed about else the people are ready to stone them if they do not put off their Hats or bow unto them These things are cause of sadness to the hearts of the righteous to consider therefore God will overturn it and cast it into the pit of confusion from whence it sprang even from Mistery Babylon where the Whore sitteth who hath made all Nations about her drunk with the Cup of her fornication which hath been forced upon people by the power of the Beast through the Inchantments of the false Prophets but their torment is near and hastneth apace to come upon them for the Whore and painted Harlot which rides upon the Beast and the false Prophets which attend her shall be taken and cast into the lake which burns with fire and brimstone for ever These are true and faithfull sayings which shall shortly come to passe and blessed shall all they be in that day which have not received the mark of the Beast in their hands nor in their foreheads for they onely shall live and reign for ever with him whose right it is to reign over all Nations and for his sake will God overturn overturn overturn untill his holy will be accomplished and the Nations shall never see peace more untill that day for the mistery of iniquity hath fully wrought and he that hath let shall be taken out of the way in this the day of Gods Allmighty power in which he will thresh the Mountains to dust and will honour his Saints so that they shall have power to bind Kings in Chains and Nobles in Fetters of Iron who also will turn the wisdom of the wise backwards and will make the Diviners mad and turn the counsels of their Achitophels into foolishness In this day the churl shall no more be called liberall neither shall he that doth wickedly be called good light shall not be put for darkness nor darkness for light without a manifest Woe and Judgment upon him which doth it saith the Lord God Allmighty who hath been as a stranger amongst the sons of men as though he had not created them yea more a stranger and unknown unto the chiefest of men than the Ox is to his Owner or the Asse to his Masters Crib It doth even pierce my heart to consider the wofull degeneration of mankinde who was created in the Image of his Creator and whilest he remained in that holy Image nothing but righteousness was wrought by him and he enjoyed the peace of God in him and in this state there was no oppression but through disobedience he was driven from his maker by giving ear to another Teacher by which means he was lead unto lust and uncleanness and to commit it with greediness yea to drink up iniquity as the Ox drinketh up water so as he naturally did at first obey the will of his Creator by which means he was wholly a Servant unto God bringing forth the works of righteousnesse and holinesse so through disobedience he became a Servant to Satan bringing forth nothing but sin and corruption even to the grieving of his Creator so that it repented him that he had made man yet he bore their iniquity untill the measure thereof was full and then swept them away with the flood of his wrath and from that day hath born and forborn the iniquity of many People and Nations untill this your time even untill the filling up of the largest measure of iniquity that ever yet was known so that righteousness is not to be found in the earth nor in the Inhabitants thereof therefore as sure as the righteous Judge of Heaven and Earth destroyed the old world with the flood of his wrath so will he this by fire which is already kindled in the Nations though at present they perceive it not but it shall overtake them unawares Therefore this is sent as a warning unto this Nation of France that they may take warning thereby and repent least they be consumed by the flame and fire of Gods wrath and indignation which is ready to break forth upon them And now ye people of this Nation seriously consider high and low rich and poor bond and free male and female what ye are a doing and with the light of Christ Jesus wherewith he hath enlightned you search whose works ye are a doing and who it is you obey and whose command you have for the things you do whether from God or from men for assuredly according to the Traditions of men God cannot be worshipped nor served for God is a Spirit And the true Worshippers worship him in Spirit and Truth and by such only is he worshipped therefore cease from all your Task-masters which lay heavy burdens upon you telling you that you must pray to the Virgin Mary and to the Saints saying ten Prayers to her and one to God shewing that they exalt her in their Imaginations above God besides this is clear against the Doctrine of Christ who bid them ask in his name for saith he Whatsoever ye ask my Father in my Name it shall be given you Mark that and take good notice of it for he is the only Mediator between God and man 1 Tim. 2.5 For there is one Mediator between God and man the man Christ Jesus for he is the Mediator of a better Covenant than that which stood in outward meats and observations which is established upon better promises and for this cause he is the Mediator of the New Testament that by means of death for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first Testament that they which are called might enjoy the promise of eternal Inheritance Therefore people are to come to Jesus the Mediator of the new Covenant and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things than that of Abel therefore see that ye refuse not him that speaketh from Heaven who saith What ye ask my Father in my Name it shall be
the strength of the Creature being to stand still bearing his dayly cross and thereby is made subject unto him who is able to save to the utmost all who come unto him in and through Christ the Door Power and Wisdome of God who is the Light of the World Therefore Salvation is not of works but of grace which is freely tendered to all mankind upon the face of the whole earth for the grace of God that bringeth Salvation hath appeared to all men teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present world looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearance of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purifie unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works Tit. 2.11 14. Therefore were your Priests truly in the knowledge of God and his Misteries they would bring you to the knowledge of the Mistery that hath been hid from Ages which without controversie is great to wit God Manifest in the flesh which was Christ in the Saints the Hope of glory and were you rightly instructed you would come to know the riches of the glory of this Mistery Col. 1.27 for it would be your glory also for it was the Saints hope of their glory which hope will perfectly save you and cleanse you from sin and evill and thereby purifie you as Christ is pure for this is the only and true hope which anchors and stays the soul And if you once come to this then their Trade is spoyled but they are as ignorant of it as you your selves but the true Ministers of the New Covenant preached nothing but what themselves were witnesses of therefore saith John That which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have seen with our eyes and looked upon and our hands have handled of the Word of life that they did declare to the people that the people might come to have fellowship with them and their fellowship was with the Father and with his Son because their living and walking was in the Light as God was in the Light 1 Joh. And this is the end of the true Ministers ministry who were Ministers of the Spirit and not of the Letter neither did they boast of other mens sayings made ready to their hands as your Priests do for what they pray preach and speak unto you are other mens works yea the greatest part of your worship which is the Masse and the rest thus they make merchandise of your for dishonest gain made and put in by the will of men and by the will of men are upholden and guarded by a Law that none must speak against their open abominations but the day of the Lord hath overtaken them as a thief in the night and their works of darkness must and will be brought to light let them fence themselves never so wisely and dig as deep as Hell for Counsel yea the day is come and though they should exceed all their fore-fathers in burning and persecution it would but add to their torment for the Sword of the Lord is drawn and will never be sheathed until it hath cut them up root and branch yea the cup of Gods fury is filled even to the brim and they must drink the dregs thereof though they be made and upholden by men yet of a truth men shall not be able to save them for let them daub and flatter never so much to make them a wall or shelter the wall which is daubed and the daubers shall fall together This of a truth is the determination will and counsel of the most high God though bryers and thorns do set themselves against him in battel all shall be in vain for the breath of his mouth shall burn and consume them for ever for he of a truth is arisen before whom all Nations are as the drop of a bucket and as the small dust of the ballance Behold he taketh the Isles as a very little thing yea all Nations before him are as nothing and they are counted to him lesse than nothing and vanity He measureth the waters in the hollow of his hand and meeteth out the Heavens with a span and comprehendeth the dust of the earth in a measure and weigheth the mountains in scales and the hills in a ballance I say even he whose presence fills Heaven and Earth is risen to plead the cause of the Innocent the poor and the needy and to make way for the meek that they only may reign over the works of his hands in his Son who must and shall reign over all for ever and this will he perfect for his own names sake the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it therefore it is a vain thing for men to cloath themselves some in one habit and some in another and one saith he is of such an Order and another sayes he is of such an Order whilest they are all in the order of sin and uncleannesse the root thereof stands firm and untouched within them though they disguise themselves like so many Anticks in severall shapes more like men of unmodest deportment than like men fearing God which doth in no wise consist in such like disguised habits but in a clean heart for The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom which leads to the true understanding of the use of all the creatures of God and how to use them in decency and true order and in the moderation for which end they were created and made even to serve man and man his Creator in fear with a clean heart and pure mind but man being degenerated from this holy life gets into habits and meats by diversities and calls some holyer than other though in the beginning they were all created good as it is written Every creature of God is good and nothing to be refused But these men get into several habits and call them holy as though the wool that came from the sheeps back availed any thing and thus the Pharisees were in dayes past in outward observations of dayes and things and went in long robes esteeming one thing holyer than another for which Christ rebuked them saying Whether is it greater the gift or the Altar which sanctifieth the Gift And likewise in those days being ignorant of that which sanctifieth and maketh clean by which all things comes to be sanctified to the Creature whether meat drink or apparrel through the use of which only they should have had regard to the Giver who regardeth not nor respecteth the person of any man much lesse the cloathing or meats or drinks which desileth not the man but of all Nations He that feareth God and worketh righteousnesse is accepted of him as saith the Scripture But these things the Apostles saw was crept in amongst many in their dayes as Touch not tast not handle not which thing had a fair shew but it was but
the end that the hearts of many be tryed and made manifest yet it shall be but for a season and the righteous their testimonies shall crown them for ever in the sight of all their enemies and this glorious work shall not be carried on by sword nor spear but by my Spirit saith the Lord that no flesh might glory in his presence even with the Sword of the Spirit that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lamb shall his enemies be overcome and put to flight and in his glorious power shall one chase a thousand and ten shall put Nations to flight a people hath the Lord already raised and sanctified for this work before whom the uncircumcised shall never be able to stand against them in battel the Lord hath made them his battle-Ax to cut up the root of corruption and destroy it for ever that the glorious plant of incorruption may take root and grow and spread over the whole earth for ever to the praise and glory of the Eternal God of all glory to whom all praise honour and glory belongeth from all things whether things above or in the earth beneath who will defend and make known his Tabernacle amongst the sons of men and his name shall be dreadful in the earth For he will establish Judges as at the first and Counsellors as at the beginning which shall not judge for rewards but in righteousnesse will they judge without respect of persons in the earth and untill this be accomplished there shall be no peace in the earth nor The will of God cannot be done in Earth as it is in Heaven though your Priests bid you say them words as Christ bid those who had forsaken all to follow him the which state ye never yet came to witnesse as you and your Priests fruits make manifest and bid you say that which they could never witnesse themselves which will be their great condemnation for none can call God Father but they who are born of him and such only forgives enemies as God forgives them and not in word onely but in deed and in truth and whoso saith Father forgive us as we forgive them which trespass against us are in a wofull condition being in the contrary nature biting and devouring one another the Priests suing the People and the People suing the Priests at Law and thus suing one another what forgiveness can you expect from God who desires this that ye may be forgiven as you forgive others the holy will of God is far from being done in you as it is in Heaven who are fighters one with another though ye call one another Christians and the like thus you ask a thing to your own confusion for ever Oh be ye awakened and consider these things and repent for of a truth just judgements will overtake you early unawares and all your talk of prayer will stand you in no stead though you may say them your selves or get others to say them for you as you are instructed in Rome as may be seen in a Book called Raris Sario or Lacorene daela madonae which is the common Book for the lay Peoples instructions in matter and manner of their Worship was there ever such abominable abomination as this that a man may have another to do or say his task of Prayer and it shall be all one as though he had done it himself doth not this make it plainly appear that they are Ministers of darknesse and know not the Spirit which maketh intercession for us and knoweth our wants Doth not the Apostle say He will pray with the Spirit and with Vnderstanding and again Pray alwaies and in every thing give thanks yea Pray alwayes without ceasing And you are ignorant of this pure spirit of prayer and supplication which is the promise of the Lord God unto his people insomuch that you must have a certain task of prayers and that they may be said by any other and as well accepted as though you had said them your selves and in truth it is so for neither of them both is accepted of God this is such gross darkness as might be felt and truly your task-masters are more wicked than ever any in Egypt were and are more unexcusable inasmuch as they professe and pretend to be Christians think you that God accepteth these your vain Repetitions and Oblations nay they are a stink unto him and an abomination unto him for ever for it is onely the sacrifices and prayers of a broken heart which God accepteth even they who have clean hands and pure hearts onely such he accepteth and such he will in no wise despise but taketh dayly care of them knowing their dayly wants and what they stand in need of before they ask and doth also answer their requests because the Spirit maketh intercession for them in and with sighs and groans that cannot be uttered The decree came forth at the beginning of Samuels supplications and was answered while he was yet speaking many at this day witnesse the same thing Glory be unto the Lord for ever who hath powred forth according to his promise the true spirit of grace and supplication upon many in and through which they are accepted of him in prayer but there are such the Apostle James speaks of which ask and receive not because they ask amisse even to spend it upon their lust and such is your prayers as plainly appeareth for ye have no answer from God for after ye have done all your task to the utmost which is laid upon you yet must have Indulgences from men and Pardons from men which if you had answer from God and forgiveness these things would appear unto you abominable and detestable for after all your Pardons you must give money to your Priest to be prayed for after you are dead which sheweth you have not yet received the remission of your sins in this life in and through Christ Jesus who saith Whatsoever ye ask in my name it shall be given whose Ministers preached remission of sins in this life through the man Christ Jesus and said His blood cleansed from all unrighteousnesse even theirs who did confesse their sins and forsake them And Peter saith Ye are not redeemed with corruptible things from your vain conversation as Gold or Silver but by the blood of the Lamb. Mark here the Saints did witnesse redemption from sin in this life for then was it that the Apostle did write unto them and such did not need a Purgatory to be purged in after they were dead neither did there need money to be given for them upon any such account to get them out quickly from thence as though prayers which are purchased by money could any way pacifie God or with-hold the just judgement of God which is due for sin Surely as saith the Prophet they that seek after lying vanities forsake their own mercies for it would have hardly entred into the heart of any man that such things should be believed for
given you therefore cease from asking in any other name Search and read and be no longer deceived for God is come to look for fruit in the earth and every tree which is not found bearing fruit to God shall be cut down and cast into the fire Read the Parable of the Fig-tree and lay it to heart before it be too late and cease from your Taskmasters which tell you a house of stone is a Church contrary to the Scripture which sayes the Church is in God the ground and pillar of truth you may see in this they also deceive you 1 Thess 1.1 For in the true Church nothing that defileth can enter but in yours drunkards lyars and all manner of unclean persons may enter Thus you are deceived by the lying and lightnesse of your Teachers who through covetous practices make Merchandize of your souls for were you truly instituted you would come to know that the Saints bodies are the Temple of the Holy Ghost and their bodies was not for fornication which is openly tollerated amongst you but for the Lord and the Lord for the body therefore you are ignorant of this Doctrine of Paul who said Know ye not that your bodies are the Members of Christ for if you were not ignorant thereof you would be afraid to make them the members of an Harlot For who is joyned to an Harlot is one body for two saith he shall be one flesh Therefore repent and return to God and then you will come to witness your bodyes the Temples of the Holy Ghost which God will put in you and you shall no more be your own for through repentance you will come to know that ye are bought with a price and so will come to glorifie God in your bodies and spirits which then will be Gods as you come to the blood of cleansing as the Saints of old did and so did witnesse God to live and walk in them which was a true Christians state for they were led by the Spirit of God and so became the Sons of God but if any come amongst you now and say they have the Spirit of God in them ye make a mock at them and say they are mad and so are ready to stone them though the true Christians did witnesse the same else they could not have been Christians For it is the life of Christ in the Creature which makes him a Christian through which he comes to witnesse the promise of God to be fulfilled which the Prophet Joel prophesied of saying Thus shall it come to passe afterwards that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesie your old men shall dream dreams your young men shall see visions And also upon your servants and handmaids in those dayes will I poure out my Spirit Therefore I in the Spirit do declare unto you my Countrey men this acceptable day that you may turn from your sins and find mercy that the powring out of the Spirit ye may come to witnesse amongst you which will lead you into all truth and from your deceitfull Teachers so will you come to know the spirit of prophesie as the Saints of old did who were truly sanctified through the blood of the Lamb for saith Paul unto them You may all prophesie one by one which was the true Churches order And againe Your Priests tels you you must look for teaching from them but the Covenant of God is That all his people shall be taught of him For this shall be the Covenant that I will make with the House of Israel After these dayes saith the Lord I will put my Law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts and I will be their God and they shall be my People and they shall no more teach every man his neighbour and every man his brother saying know the Lord for they shall all know me from the least to the greatest of them saith the Lord For I will forgive their iniquities and I will remember their sins no more And all the children of the Covenant come to witnesse this which is their great peace for they that come to witnesse the Anointing need not mans teaching but if this you should come to witnesse your Priests should soon be discovered which is the cause they every way hold you in bondage and blindnesse being Ministers thereof themselves as manifestly appeareth by their fruits for were they Ministers of light they would bring people to the light and so to the true knowledge of God for God is light saith the Apostle God is light saith he and in him is no darknesse at all and if we walk in the light as he is in the light then have we fellowship one with another Mark the Saints fellowship was in the light therefore he that saith He knoweth God and walketh in darknesse is a lyar for he that cometh to the light cometh to know the teachings of God which the everlasting Ministry brings into So here People you may measure your Priests by the Scriptures of truth And again Your Priests tell you you must give money to pray for those which are dead which is an invention of the Devill the deceiver from whence that deceit sprung to make you believe there is a place called Purgatory to be purged in after you are dead which thing is only taught for filthy lucres sake for the Scriptures no where speak of a Purgatory for men to be purged in after they are dead but on the contrary it saith As the Tree falls so it lyes for such as a man soweth such shall he reap therefore the true Ministry was for to bring people to the Spirit of God that so their sowing might be to the Spirit the fruits of which is life everlasting So here they were brought off from the works of the flesh by the vertue of the blood of Christ Jesus and came to be cleansed from all sin for saith Paul When you were servants of sin you were free from righteousness Rom. 6.20 Mark They were made free from sin so here was no need of a Purgatory to be purged from sin after death being made free from sin while in the body as Adam was and as true Christians were who followed Christ through the regeneration even to the witnessing of the new-birth which sinueth not as saith the Scriptures He that is born of God sinneth not neither can he because his seed remaineth in him And as we know that God is righteous so we know that he that doth righteousnesse is born of him and so this is the Christians boldness in the day of Judgement that as he is so are they in this present world so according to Christs words they come to be perfect even as their Father which is in Heaven is perfect And this is a true Christians life to be like Christ to live in him as he doth in the Father such only are Christians who witnesse Christ in them as the