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A71329 Here after foloweth the prymer in Englysshe sette out alonge, after the vse of Sarum. 1538; Book of hours (Salisbury). English Catholic Church. 1538 (1538) STC 16004; ESTC S105507 112,078 275

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archbysshoppe xvj   f saynt Newe bysshoppe xvij xvij g octa of saynt Martyn xviij vj saynt Elizabeth xix   b saynt Edmunde kynge xx xiiij c Presentacyon of our Lady xxj iij d saynt Cecily virgyn and martyr xxij   e saynt Clement bysshop of rome xxiij xj f saynt Grysogony martyr xxiiij xix g 〈…〉 xxv   saynt Lini bysshoppe of Rome xxvj viij b saynt Agricole and vital xxvij   c saynt rufe martyr xxviij xvj d saynt saturne Uigyll xxix v e xxx Decembre The yere by Decembre taketh his ende And so dooth man at thre score and twelue Nature with aege wyll hym on message sēde The tyme is come that he must go hym selue 〈…〉   f saynt Loye bysshoppe i 〈◊〉 g saync lybane ij ij A deposicyon of saynt osmunde iij x b saynt Barbara virgyn iiij   c saynt Sabba abbot v xviij d 〈…〉 vj vij e octaues of saynt andrewe vij   f 〈…〉 viij 〈◊〉 g saynt Cypryan abbot ix iiij saynt Eulalie x   b Damase bysshoppe of Rome xi xij c ¶ 〈…〉 xij i d saynt lucy vyrgyn xiij   e othilie virgyn xiiij ix f saynt valery bysshoppe xv   g ¶ 〈…〉 xv● xvij saynt lazarus bysshoppe xvij vi b saynt Gratian bysshoppe xviij   c saynt venyce virgyn xix xiiij d saynt Iulyan martyr xx iij e 〈…〉 xxi   f xxx martyrs xxij xi g vyctory virgy● xxiij xix Uigyll xxiiij   b 〈…〉 xxv viij c 〈…〉 xxvj   d 〈…〉 xxvij xvi e 〈…〉 xxviij v f 〈…〉 xxix   g ●ranslacyon of saynt Iames xxx xiij saynt Syluester bysshop of Rome xxxi ●Not● the golden nombre that is writen after the sayntes on the ryght hande in the moneth of 〈…〉 and 〈…〉 And the sonday nexte after the goldē nōbre for the yeare shall be 〈…〉 ¶ 〈…〉 ¶ 〈…〉 I Am Sonday mooste honorable The heed of al the weke dayes That day all thynges laborable Ought for to res●e gyue prayse To our Creatour that alwayes wolde haue vs reste after trauayle Man seruaunt and thy beaste he sayes And the other to thyne auayle ¶ 〈…〉 Monday men ought me for to call In whiche good workes ought to begynne Hearynge masse the fyrste dede of all Intendynge for to flee deedly synne This worldly goodes truely to vynne with labour and true exercyse For who of good workes can not blynne To his rewarde shall vynne Paradyse ¶ 〈…〉 I tuesday am also named of Mars Called of goddes armypotent I loue neuer for to be scars Of workes but alwayes dylygent Stryuynge agaynste lyfe indigent Beynge in this worlde or elles where ●o serue our lorde with good intent As of duety we are bounde here ¶ 〈…〉 wednesday sothely is my name A mydes the weke is my beynge wherin all vertues dothe frame By the meanes of good lyuynge I do remembre the heuenly kynge That was solde in my season I do worke with true meanynge Hym for to serue as it is reason ¶ 〈…〉 I am the me●yest of seuen Called thursday verely In my tyme the kynge of heuen Made his souper merely In forme of breade gaue his body To his Apostles as it is ●layne And then washed theyr fete mekely And went to Olyuet mountayne ¶ 〈…〉 Named I am deuoute fryday The whiche careth for no delyte But to mourne fast deale and pray I do set all my hole appetyte To thynke on the Iues dyspyte Howe they dyd Chryste on the tre rent And thynkynge howe I may be quyte At the dredefull Iudgement ¶ 〈…〉 Saterday I am comynge laste Trustynge on the tyme well spent Hauynge euer mynde stedfaste On that lorde that harowed hell That he my synnes wyll expell At the instaunce of his Mother whose goodnesse dothe farre excell whome I serue aboue all other amen The commaundementes of 〈…〉 gyuen by Moyses and expounded by 〈…〉 to our Mother tongue very necessarye and expedyent for Youthe and all other for to lerne and to knowe ¶ 〈…〉 I Am the Lorde thy god whiche haue brought the out of the lande of Egypt and out of the house of bōdage 〈…〉 Thou shalte haue none other goddes ī my syght 〈…〉 Thou shalte make the no grauē Ymage neyther any similitude that is ī heuē aboue or in the earthe beneathe or in the water that is beneath the earthe Se that thou neyther bowe thy selfe to them neyther serue them For I the lorde thy god am a gelouse god vysite the synne of the fathers vpō the chyldrē vnto the thyrde and fourth generacyō of them that hate me and yet shewe mercye to thousandes amōge thē that loue me and kepe my commaundementes 〈…〉 Heare Israell our lorde god is one lorde and thou shalt loue thy lorde god with all thy herte with all thy Soule with all thy mynde and with ali thy strength Thou shalte worshyp thy lorde god hym onely shalte thou serue ¶ 〈…〉 ●Hou shalt not take the name of the lorde thy god in vayne For the Lorde wyll not holde hym gyltlesse that taketh the name of the lorde his god in vayne 〈…〉 ●Ye haue herde howe it was sayde to thē of olde tyme. Thou shalt not forsweare thy selfe but shalte performe thyn othes to the Lorde ●say vnto you sweare not at all neyther by heuē for it is goddes seate nor by the earth for it is his fote stole neyther by Ierusalē for it is the Citye of y e great kynge Neyther shalt thou sweare by thy heade bycause thou canst not make one whyte heare or a blacke But let your communicacyon be yea eya nay naye for what soeuer is more then that commeth of euyll ¶ 〈…〉 ●Emembre the Sabbath daye that thou sanctify it 〈…〉 Syxe dayes mayste thou labour and do all that thou hast to do but the seuenth daye is the Sabbath of the Lorde thy god In it thou shalte do no maner worke neyther thou nor thy sone nor thy doughter neyther thy manseruaunt nor thy mayde seruaunt nor thy catell nor yet the straunger that is within thy gates For in syxe dayes the Lorde made heuen and earth and the see and all that is in them and rested the seuenth day wherfore the Lorde blessed the seuenth daye halowed it 〈…〉 It is lefull to do a good dede on the Sabbath day For the sone of mā is lorde euen of the Sabbath day The Lorde sayth by his prophet 〈…〉 That his sabbath is halowed and kepte when we rest and cease to do our owne wyll to folowe oure owne wayes to speake our owne wordes when we in worde thought and dede fulfyll his well I say not ours and when we suffer hym to do his workes in vs that at the last we may come to that Sabbath and true reste euen eternall lyfe whiche Chryst the Lorde of the sabbath hath opteyned for vs by his blode ¶ 〈…〉 ●Onoure thy Father and thy Mother that thy dayes may be longe in the lande whiche the lorde thy god gyueth the. ●onour
the mynde of Isodore was receyued as a tradicyō of the apostles Howbeit S. Ambrose affyrmeth that it was deryued of an olde custome had amōg the Hebrewes which vsed longe lamētacyon for the dead after theyr departynge as they dyd for Iacob the space of xl dayes and for Moyses xxx But we that are vnder the newe lawe are taught of god by the mouthe of saynt Paule his apostle not to mourne or be sory for them that be departed in the fayth of Chryst but to reioyse as in thē that rest in the slepe of peace for so is it dayly remembred in the Masse vntyll they shall be called vnto the last iudgemēt Neuerthelesse I thynke it very charytable and to procede of a good godly mynde in that we vse any worldely obse●uies about the deade or do pray for thē for sait Augustyn in his Enchiridion sayth It is not to be denyed but that the soules departed are greatly releued by prayer Uvhiche vse is very commēdable for asmoche as it hath contynued in the chrysten churche euyn frō the very infācy therof ¶ 〈…〉 〈…〉 shall please ●…exi quoniam exaudiet ●or he hathe enclyned his eare vnto me all me lyfe I shall calle vpon hym ●he sorowes of deathe haue com●assed me and the perylles of hell haue entangled me ●haue frounde moche trouble and sorowe and haue called vppon the name of the lorde ●lorde delyuer my soule for the lorde is pityfull and ryghteous and our god hath mercy ●he lord p̄serueth the lytle ones I was brought low● and he delyuered me ●urne the my soule ī to reste for the lorde hath done moche for the. ●or he hathe delyuered my soule frō death my ●yes from teares my feete from slydynge ●shal please the lorde in the countre of lyuers orde gyue thē eternall reste and let cōtynuall lyght shyne vnto them 〈…〉 shall please the lorde in the regyon of lyuers 〈…〉 Uvo is me ●d dn̄m cum tribularer 〈…〉 ●Cryed vnto the lorde when I was in trouble and he herde me ●lorde delyuer my soule frō lyenge lyppes and a deceytfull tonge ●hat may be gyuen the or what may be layde agaynst the to a deceytfull tonge ●he sharpe arowes of the myghtye with hotte sparkelynge cooles ●…o is me for my restynge place is prolonged I haue dwelled with the inhabytantes of Cedar my soule was longe in exyle ●was peasyble with them that hated peace when I spake vnto them they assaulted me causeles ●orde gyue them eternall reste let contynuall lyght shyne vnto them 〈…〉 Uvo is me for that my banysshment is prolonged 〈…〉 orde ●euauioculos meos 〈…〉 ●Lyfted vp myne eyes in to the hylles from whense helpe shall come vnto me ●y helpe commeth from the lorde that made heuyn and earth ●e shal not suffre thy foote to slyppe neyther shall he that kepeth the fall in to a slombre ●o he shall neyther fall a slepe nor slombre whiche kepeth Israel ●he lorde kepeth the the lorde is thy defence more then thy ryght hande ●he sonne shall not burne the by day nor the moone by nyght ●he lord kepeth the from all euyll the lorde kepeth euyn thy soule ●he lorde kepeth thy goynge ī and goynge out from this tyme forth and euermore ●orde gyue thē eternall reste and let cōtynuall lyght shyne vnto them 〈…〉 ●he lorde kepeth the from all euyll he kepeth euyn thy soule 〈…〉 ●f thou lorde ●e profundis 〈…〉 ●Rom the deepe places haue I called vnto the o lorde lorde heare my voyce ●et thyne eares be intentyfe to the voyce of my prayer ●f thou lorde wylte loke so straytly vpō synners o lorde who shall abyde it ●ut there is mercy with the and because of thy lawe haue I abyden the o lorde ●y soule hath abyden in his worde my soule hath trusted in the lorde From the mornyng watche vnto nyght let Israel truste in the lorde For with the lorde there is mercy and his redēpcyon is plenteous And he shall redeme Israel for all the iniquities of it Lorde gyue them eternall reste and let contynual lyght shyne vnto them 〈…〉 ●f thou lorde imputest mēs synnes vnto them lorde who shal abyde it 〈…〉 he workes ●onfitebor tibi domine 〈…〉 LOrde I shal make knowlege to the with all my herte for thou hast herde the wordes of my mouthe ●n the syght of aungels I shall synge to the I shall worshyppe the in thy holy temple and shall confesse thy name Upō thy mercy thy trouth for aboue al thyng thou hast magnifyed thy holy name Then soeuer I shall call vpon the heare me thou shalte encrease strength in my soule Let al the kynges of the earth cōfesse the o lord for they haue herde all y e wordes of thy mouthe And let them synge in the wayes of the lorde for great is the glory of the lorde For the lorde is hyghe beholdeth lowe thynges and knoweth hygh thynges a farre If I walke in the myddes of trybulacyon thou wylt reconforte me and vpon the cruelte of myn enemyes thou hast extende thy power and thy ryght hande hath made me saufe ●he lorde shall requyte for me lorde thy mercy is euerlastynge the workes of thyne handes despyce thou not ●orde gyue them eternall reste and let contynuall lyght shyne vnto them 〈…〉 ●orde despyce not the workes of thy handes 〈…〉 Fro the gates of hell 〈…〉 Lorde delyuer theyr soules 〈…〉 herde a voyce ¶ 〈…〉 ●Y soule magnifyeth the lorde ●nd my spirit hath reioysed ī god my sauyour ●or he hathe regarded the humilite of his hādmayden beholde nowe from hensforth shall all generacyons call me blessed ●or he that is myghty hathe done to me great thynges and blessed is his name ●nd his mercy is alwayes on thē that fear hym throughout all generacyons ●e hathe shewed strēgth with his arme he hath scatered them that are proude in the ymagynacyon of theyr hertes ●e hath put downe the myghtye from theyr sea tes and hath exalted them of lowe degree ●e hath fylled the hungre with good thynges and hath sent away the ryche empty ●e hath remembred mercy and hathe holpē his seruaunt Israel ●uyn as he promysed to oure fathers Abraham and to his seede for euer ●orde gyue them eternall reste let contynuall lyght shyne vnto them 〈…〉 haue herde a voyce frō heuyn sayenge Blessyd be the deade whiche dye in the lorde ●orde haue mercy on vs. ●hryste haue mercy on vs. ●orde haue mercy on vs. Our father whiche arte Hayle Mary ●auda aīa mea dn̄z 〈…〉 ●Rayse the lorde my soule I shall laude the lorde durynge my lyfe I shall syng to my god so longe as I lyue ●ruste ye not in prynces nor in the chyldren of men in whome there is no health ●y sou'e shall passe out and shall retourne ī to his countrey in that day shall all theyr cogytacyons perysshe ●lessed is the man whose helper is the god of Iacob whose hope is in our lorde god which made heuyn
parttaker of all that feare the of them that kepe thy commaundementes ●lorde the earth is full of thy mercye teache me thy iustifycacyons ●Hou hast delt gentilly with thy seruaunt good lorde accordynge to thy worde ●eache me goodnes lernynge and knowledge for I haue beleued thy commaundementes ●haue synned before I was humble therfore I haue kepte thy worde ●hou arte good and in thy goodnes teache me thy iustyfycacyons ●he iniquite of proude men is multyplied vpon me but I with all my hole herte shall searche out thy commaundementes ●y hert is congyled lyke mylke I truly haue thought vpon thy commaundementes ●t was good to me that thou dydest brynge me lowe that I myght lerne thy iustifycacyons ●he lawe of thy mouthe is good to me a boue a myllyon of golde or syluer ●Hy hādes haue made me and fourmed me gyue me vnderstandynge that I may lernethy commaundementes ●hey that feare the shall se me shall be glad for I haue trusted moche in thy wordes ●haue knowen lorde that thy iudgementes are equite and ī thy trueth thou haste humiliate me ●et thy mercy be shewed that it may cōfort me accordyng to thy promyse which am thy seruaūt ●et thy mercyes come to me I shal lyue for thy lawe is my meditacyon ●et the proude whiche wrongfully haue done wyckednes vnto me be cōfounded and I truely shall be exercised in thy commaundementes ●et them be conuerted to me whiche feare the and they that knowe thy testymonies ●et my herte be imaculate in thy instifycacyōs that I be not confounded ●Y soule hath faynted in thy health and I haue trusted moche in thy worde ●yne eyes haue faynted in thy promyse sayēge when wylte thou conforte me ●or I am made lyke a bottell ī the smoke I haue not forgoten thy commaundementes ●ow many be the dayes of thy seruaunt when thou wylt gyne iudgement of them that persecute me ●yked men haue shewed to me fables but not as thy lawe ●ll thy commaundementes is trueth wycked men haue persecuted me helpe me ●lmost they had consumed in the earth but I truly haue not forsaken thy commaundementes ●uycken me accordynge to thy mercy I shall kepe the testymonies of thy mouthe ●Lorde thy worde doth remayne ī heuyn euer lastyngly ●hy trueth frō generacyon to generacyon thou hast set the earth and it shall abyde ●y thyne ordinaunce the dayes cōtynue for all thynges obey vnto the ●xcepte thy lawe hadde ben my meditacyon peraduenture I had perysshed in my humylite ●sh all neuer forget thy iustifycacyons for ī thē thou hast quyckened me ●am thyne make me safe for I haue sought out thy iustifycacyons ●ynners haue awayted me to destroye me I haue vnderstande thy testymonies ●haue sene the consumacyon of euery ende thy commaundemente is very large ●Lorde how moche haue I loued thy lawe it is my meditacion all the day longe ●hou hast made me wyse ouer myn enemyes throughe thy cōmaundement for it is to me euer lastynge ●haue perceyued more then all that taught me for thy testymonies were my meditacyon ●haue perceyued more then auncyent men bycause I haue searched thy commaundementes ●haue kepte my feete frō euery euyll way that I myght kepe thy wordes ●haue not declyned from thy iudgementes for bycause thou hast set a lawe to me ●owe swete be thy wordes to my iawes and to my mouthe sweter then hony ●haue taken vnderstādynge of thy cōmaūdemētes therfore haue I hated euery waye of iiquite ●Hy worde is a lāterne vnto my feete and a lyght vnto my patthes ●haue sworne and decreed to ▪ kepe the iudgementes of thy iustyce ●lorde I am brought lowe on euery syde quycked me accordynge to thy worde ●he voluntary thynges of my mouthe o lorde make them acceptable to the and teache me thy iudgementes ●y soule is euer in my handes and I haue not forgoten thy lawe ●inners haue set a snare for me and I haue not erred from thy commaundementes ●haue goten thy testymonies by inherytaunce for euer forbycause they be the ioy of my herte ●nelyne my hert to do thy iustifycacyōs for euer for rewarde ●Haue hated the wycked and haue loued thy lawe ●hou arte my helper and my defēder and I haue trusted moche in thy worde ●ye wycked declyne ye frō me and I shall serthe the cōmaundementes of god ●eceyue me accordynge to thy promyse and I shall lyue nor thou shalte not confounde me otherwyse then I loked for ●elpe me I shall be safe and shal be ocupyed in thy iustyfycacyons euer ●hou hast despysed al that go from thy iudgementes for theyr thoughtes were vniust ●haue reputed all synners of the earthe for offēders therfore I haue loued thy testymonyes ●haue afflycted my flesshe for feare of the for I am aferde of thy iudgementes ●Haue done iustyce and ryghtwysnesse thou shalte not delyuer me to them that calūpniate me ●eceyue thy seruaūt ito goodnes let not proude men calumpniate me ●yne eyes haue fayled in thy healt the worde of thy iustyce ●o to thy seruaūt accordynge to thy mercy and teache me thy iustyfycacyons ●am thy seruaunt gyue me vnderstādynge that I may knowe thy testymonies ●t is tyme to do good lorde for they haue scattered abrode thy lawe ●herfore I haue loued thy commaundementes aboue golde and topase ●nd therofore I was let to all thy cōmaundementes I haue hated euery wycked way ●Lorde meruaylous be thy testymonyes therfore my soule hath serched them ●he declaracyon of thy wordes doth illumyne and gyueth vnderstandynge to the lytleons ●haue opened my mouthe and haue drawē my breath for bycanse I desyred thy cōmaūdemētes ●…oke vpon me and haue mercy vpon me accordynge to the iudgemēt of thē that loue thy name ●yrect my goynges accordynge to thy worde let no iniquite reygne ouer me ●edeme me frō the calumniacyon of mē that I may kepe thy cōmaundementes ●llyghten thy face vpon thy seruaunt and teache me thy iustifycacyons ●yn eyes haue brought forth streames of water bycause they haue not kepte thy lawe ●Yghtuous arte thou lord and iuste are thy iudgementes ●hou hast cōmaūded iustyce in thy testymonies and trueth moost chyefly ●he loue of the caused me consume bycause myne enemyes forgat thy wordes ●hy worde is excedyngly fyred and thy seruaūt loued it 〈◊〉 am yonge and set at nought yet haue I not forgoten thy cōmaundementes ●hy iustyce is euerlastynge thy law is truth ●…rouble and heuines haue intāgled me thy cōmaundementes are my studye ●hy testymonies be gyuen in euerlastyng equite gyue me vnderstandynge and I shall lyue 〈◊〉 Haue called vpō the with all my herte heare me lorde for I shal serch thy lawes I haue cryed vnto the saue me so that I may obserue thy cōmaundementes I haue preuented the tyme and haue cryed for I haue greatly trusted in thy cōmaundementes ●yn eyes haue preuented the daunyng of the day for to study thy worde ●orde heare my voyce accordynge to thy mercy and quycken me accordynge to thy
earth all the partes therof feare the. ●lory be to the father to the sone and to the holy ghoste ●t it was in the begynnyge as it is nowe and euer shall be So be it 〈…〉 enedicite om●a opera domini ¶ ●Rayse ye the lorde all his workes prayse ertolle hym for euer ●e angelles prayse the lorde ye heuens prayse the lorde ●e waters al that are aboue heuen prayse the lorde all the powers of the lorde prayse ye y e lord ●he sonne the moone prayse ye the lorde starres of the fyrmament prayse ye the lorde ●he ravgne and the d●we prayse ye the lorde all the wyndes of god prayse ye the lorde ●●e● and heate magnifye ye the lorde wynter and sommer prayse ye the lorde ●oysture ye hoore frostes prayse ye the lorde frost and colde prayse ye the lorde ●se and ●●owe prayse ye the lorde nyghtes and dayes prayse ye the lorde ●yghte and darkenes prayse ye the lorde lyghtnynge and cloudes laude ye the lorde ●he earth mought prayse the lorde laude and extolle hym for euer ●ylles and mountaynes prayse ye the lorde all that spryngeth vpō the earth laude ye the lorde ●e welles and sprynges prayse the lorde sees flodes prayse ye the lorde ●hale fysshes and all that moue ī the waters prayse ye the lorde all byrdes of the ayre prayse ye the lorde ●ll beastes bothe wylde and tame prayse the lorde ye chyldren of men prayse the lorde ●et Israel prayse the lorde laude hym and ex●oll hym for euer ●epreestes of the lorde prayse the lorde ye serua untes of the lorde prayse the lorde ●espirites and soules of ryghtwysemen prayse the lorde ye holy meke in herte prayse the lorde ●nania Azaria Misael prayse ye the lorde lau de and extolle hym for euer ●lesse we the father the sone w t the holy ghost prayse we hym and serue we hym euermore ●lessed arte thou lorde in the fyrmament of heuyn thou arte prayse worthy gloryous and magnifyed worlde without ende ●audate dn̄m de celis ●Rayse ye the lorde of heuyns prayse ye hym in the hygh places ●rayse ye hym all his aungelles all his powers prayse ye hym ●rayse ye hym Sonne and moone all starres lyght prayse ye hym ●he hyghest of h●uyns prayse ye hym and the waters that are aboue the heuyns let thē prayse the lordes name ●or by his worde all thynges were made by his commaundemen ▪ all thynges were created ●e hath stablysshed them euerlastyngly and in to the worlde of worldes he hath set a lawe that shall not exspyre ●rayse the lorde ye dragons and al depnesses of the earthe ●yer hayle snowe yse stormes of wyndes that do his commaundement ●oūtaynes and all lytell hylles wodde bearyng fruyte and all Cedre trees ●eastes and all maner of Catell serpentes and fethered foules ●ynges of the earth and all people princes and all iudges of the earth ●achelers and maydens olde men and yonge let them prayse the name of the lorde for the name of hym onely is e●alted ●he knowledge of hym is aboue heuyn earth he hathe exalted the horne of his people ●aude be vnto al his sayntes to the sones of Israel to the people approchynge vnto hym ●antate domino ●Yng ye vnto the lorde a new song praysed be he in the congregacyon of sayntes ●et Israel reioyce in hym that made hym and let the sones of syon triumphe in theyr kynge ●et thew prayse his name with daunsynge let them syng vnto hym with tympany and harpe ●or the lorde is well pleased with his people hath exalted the lowly into saluacyon ●ayntes shall triūphe ī glorye they shall make ioye in theyr chambres ●he prayses of god shal be in theyr mouthes two edged swordes in theyr handes ●o do vengeaunce amongest nacyons correccyons amongest people ●…o bynde theyr kynges in fetters and theyr nobles in manacles of yron ●or to execute on them the iudgement wryten this is glory vnto all his sayntes ●audate dn̄m in sanctis 〈◊〉 ●Rayse the lorde in his sayntes prayse hym in the fyrmament of his power ●rayse hym in his strenght prayse hym accordynge to the almyghtynes of his power ●rayse hym with the sounde of a trompet prayse ye hym with harpe and lute ●rayse hym with tympany and daūsynge prayse hym with rebeckes and organs ●rayse hym with clarysymbals wel soundynge prayse hym with symbals of swetnesse let euery spyryte prayse the lorde ●lory be to the father to the sone and to the holye ghoste ●s it was in the begynnynge as it is now and euer shall be So be it 〈…〉 wonderfull exchaunge The creatour of mankynde takynge vpon hym a lyuynge body hath not disdayned to be borne of a virgyn And he beyng made man without seede of man hath commytted vnto vs his godhed 〈…〉 aria virgo semper ●Irgyn Mary reioyce alway whiche hast borne Chryste the maker of heuen erth for out of thy wombe thou hast brought forth the sauyour of the worlde Thankes be to god ¶ 〈…〉 gloriosa femina ●Gloryous floure of womanhed Aboue the starres inthronysed Thyne holy brestes haue nourysshed That lorde that the hath created ●ur health lost by Eues offence Thy godly fruyte doth recompence For vs in heuyn to haue ingredience Thou wast a wyndowe by prouydence ●hou arte the dore of the heuynly kynge And the gate of lyfe resplendysshynge Syns that a virgyn lyfe doth brynge Ye redemed people reioyce and synge ●lory to the lorde of myghtes moost That of a virgyn chaste was bore ●lory to the father and the holy ghost To them be praysyng for euermore So be it ●…od hathe her chosē all other before ●…nd causeth her to dwell with hym for euermore 〈…〉 gloryous mother of god ¶ 〈…〉 ●Lessed be the lorde god of Israel for he hath visyted and redemed his people ●nd hath raysed vp an horne of saluacyon vnto vs in the house of his seruaunt Dauid ●uyn as he promysed by the mouthe of his holy prophetes whiche were syns the worlde began ●hat we shuld be saued from our enemyes and from the handes of all that hate vs. ●o fulfyl the mercy promysed to our fathers to remembre his holy testament ●o perfourme the othe whiche he sware to our father Abraham that he wolde gyue vs. ●hat we delyuered out of the hādes of oure ene myes myght serue hym without feare ●n holynesse and ryghtwysenes before hym all the dayes of our lyfe ●nd thou chylde shalte be called the prophet of the hyeste for thou shalte go before the face of the lorde to prepare his wayes ●o gyue knowledge of saluacyon vnto his people for the remyssyon of theyr synnes ●hrough the tendre mercy of our god wherby the day spryng from an hye hath visyted vs. ●o gyue lyght to them that syt ī darkenes and in the shadowe of death and to guyde our feete in to the way of peace ●lory be to the father to the sone and to the holy ghoste ●s it