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A70068 An ansvver to the speech or decalration [sic] of the great Turk, Sulton Mahomet Which he sent to Leopold Emperor of Germany. And is a defence of the true Christian religion against the said Turks antichristian speech. And a testimony for the Lord Jesus Christ. This was written, by George Fox, five years since, being 1683. And is it now a true prophesie, and fulfilled on the Great Turk Sulan Mahomet? who was removed and put out of his high throne the year 1687. With allowance.; Answer to the speech or declaration of the great Turk, Sulton Mahomet. Fox, George, 1624-1691. 1688 (1688) Wing F1746; ESTC R37826 11,955 18

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AN ANSWER To The Speech or Decalration Of the Great Turk Sulton Mahomet WHICH He sent to Leopold Emperor of Germany AND Is a Defence of the true Christian Religion against the said Turks Antichristian Speech AND A Testimony for the Lord Jesus Christ This was Written by George Fox five Years since being 1683. And is it not now a true Prophesie and fulfilled on the Great Turk Sultan Mahomet who was removed and put out of his high Throne the Year 1687. With Allowance Printed and Sold by A. Sowle at the Three Keys in Nags Head Court in Grace-Church-Street over-against the Conduit 1688. The Speech or Declaration of Sultan Mahomet the great Turk Which he sent to the Emperor of Germany Dated March 25th 1683. from Adrianople just after the Baron Saphonara the Emperor's Ambassador had his last Audience of the Prince Viries wherein the said Ambassador could not comply to the Extravagant Demands of the Turk which caused the said Grand Seignior to transmit the same to his Imperial Majesty which is faithfully translated out of High Dutch. MAHOMET the fourth Son of Emperors and of the Famous and Renowned God Emperor of the Turks King of Greece Macedonia Moldavia Samaria and Hegha King of great and lesser Aegypt King of all the Inhabitants of the Earth and Prince of the Earthly Paradice acknowledged Prince and obedient Son of Mahomet preserver of the Cities of Hungaria Possessor of the Sepulchre of your God Lord of all the Emperors of the World from the rising of the Sun to the going down thereof King of all Kings Lord of the Tree of Life Conqueror of the Malonian Hegley and the City Prokenix the great Persecutor of the Christians and all wicked people joy of the flourishing World Commander and Guardian of your Crucified God Lord of the multitude of the Heathens We Command ye to Greet the Emperor Leopold in case he desire it and you are a Friend to our Majesty whose Power and Will we have extended very far You have for some time past acted to our prejudice and violated our Friendship tho we have not offended you either by War or otherwise yet you have taken secret advice with other Kings and your Councils how to shake off your yoke in which you have proceeded very indiscreetly and thereby you have exposed your people to fear and danger who have nothing to expect now but Death which you have brought upon your selves for I declare I will make my self your Master and pursue you from the East to the West and extend my Majesty to the End of the Earth in the procedure of all which you shall find my Power exerted to your extream prejudice and shall feel the dreadful effects of my Wrath and since you have put your hope in the strength of some Towns and Castles I have given Command to overthrow them and trample under my Horses feet all that is delightful to you leaving no room hereafter to make friendship with me or suffer you any fortified place to remain to put your trust in for I have resolved forth-with to destroy you and your people and to disploy you of the German Empire after my will Leaving in the Empire a remembrance of my dreadful Sword that it may publickly appear that I will establish my Religion therein and pursue your Crucified God whose Wrath I fear not nor his coming to defend or deliver you out of my hands but will condemn your Sacred Priests to the Plough and suffer the Breasts of your wives to be suckt by Dogs and Beasts you will do well to forsake your Religion otherwise I will give Order to Consume you with Fire This is enough to let you understand my will if you will be so wise as to know it An Answer to the Speech or Declaration or the Great Turk c. Sultan Mahomet I Find in a Paper which is said to be thy Declaration directed to Leopold the German Emperor dated the 25. of March 1683. viz. First thou sayst Thou art a Possessor of the Sepulcre of your God to wit the Christians And that thou art a great Persecuter of the Christians Secondly Thou says Thou art Lord of all the Emperors of the World from the Rising of the Sun to the going down thereof Thirdly Thou sayst Thou art King of all Kings and Lord of the Tree of Life Fourthly Thou sayst Thou art Commander and Guardian of your Crucified God to wit the Christians and thou sayst Thou wilt pursue your Crucified God whose Wrath I fear not nor his coming to defend or deliver you out of my hands Now here is Something in answer to the Words of Sultan Mahomet the Emperor of the Turks saying He is a great Persecutor of the Christians But let him take heed for the Great God that made him and Heaven and Earth and the Sea and all things therein who is Lord Creator and Father of all who is above all and through all and beholds all his Words Wayes Thoughts and Actions and all Mens and Womens upon the Earth Neither is there any Creature that is not manifest in Gods Sight But all things are naked and open unto the Eyes of him with whom we have to do who are the true Christians in Scorn called Quakers who do fear serve and worship the Great God that made us who is a consuming Fire to the Wicked and wheresoever Men do turn themselves there the Face of God will meet them his Divinity extends through the whole World Therefore you are to fear his Divine Majesty as you do confess in your Alcoran for the Great God the Creator of all doth know all in the Heavens and in the Earth both what is done in Secreet and Openly and all is naked before him who will reward every Man and Woman according to their words and works whether they be good or evil for God is a consuming Fire to the Wicked and who shall dwell with everlasting burning but the Just and Holy And Mahomet saith in his Alcoran Chap. 3. pag. 34. That Jesus said Who shall sustain the Law of God in my absence and the Apostles answered him we will sustain the Law of God in thy absence and that Jesus shall be a Witness in the day of Judgment against such that obey not his Law c. Now see how you Turks do obey the Law or Command of Jesus for Jesus saith Love yuor Enemies Bless them that Curse you do good to them that hate you pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you that you may be the Children of your Father which is in Heaven Now if the Christians were the Turks Enemies according to the Command and Law of Jesus the Turks are to Love and Bless them that Curse them and to do good to them that hate them and pray for them that despitefully use them and persecute them so then the Turks are not to be Persecutors if they do obey the Command of the Lord Jesus Christ and if they be the Children
his Hands who said All power in Heaven and Earth is given unto me who is set down in Heaven at the right Hand of God and is revealed by his Spirit in his People who knows his Heavenly Voice distinct from the Voice of the Devil and all his Angels and all the natural Mens Voices upon the Earth Christ Jesus his Heavenly Voice is known distinct from them all who is above them all and God and Christ may suffer or permit thee to destroy Hypocrites c. But Jesus Christ saith thou nor no Man is able to pluck his Sheep out of his Hands yea out of his Hand that was crucified and is Risen and Ascended into Heaven and sits at the right Hand of God thou hast no power to pluck his Sheep out of his Hand and therefore thou art not able nor no Man And therefore take heed of striving against him that is too mighty for thee And Sultan Mahomet Emperor of the Turks thou sayest Thou doest not fear the Wrath of their Crucified God to wit the Christians as is said before God cannot be Crucified but Christ Jesus was Crucified according to the Flesh who is Risen and Ascended and sits at the right Hand of God but hear O Turk what his Apostle saith of him When the Lord Jesus Christ shall be Revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels in Flaming Fire taking Vengance on them that know not God and obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ who shall be punished with everlasting Destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his Power when he shall be glorified in his Saints and be admired by all them that believe who shall consume the Wicked with the Spirit of his Mouth and destroy them with the brightness of his coming Hallelujah And therefore let every one that names the name of Jesus depart from Iniquity for he hath born the Iniquities of us all and makes an end of Sin and Redeems us from Iniquity and finishes Transgression who through his Death destroys Death that Sin brought and the Devil the power of Death and so there is no other name amongst Men given under the whole Heaven whereby we must be saved but by the name of Jesus which signifies a Saviour and according to the Prophet A Virgin shall be with Child conceived by the Holy Ghost and shall bring forth a Son and they shall call his name Immanual which by Interpretation is God with us so by his Son Jesus Christ God is with us that God who was Speaker and Teacher of Adam and Eve in Paradice and as long as they kept under his teaching they were happy but when they forsook God's teaching and speaking and hearkened unto the Serpents speaking and teaching and followed it they came into misery and his Posterity but according to the Promise of God to Adam The Seed of the Woman is come to bruise the Serpents Head the destroyer and he namely Christ the Son of God is the Saviour and now in these last Dayes God teaches us and speaks to us by his Son Christ Jesus whom God hath appointed to be heir of all things by whom he made the World the Heavens and the Earth and the Seas and all things therein and so all the Children of the Lord are taught of the Lord and in Righteousness are they Established And there are three which bear Witness or Record in Heaven the Father the Word and the holy Ghost and these are one and there are three which bear Record in Earth the Spirit the Water and the Blood viz. The Blood of Christ which cleanseth from all Sin and the Water which washeth from all filthiness and the Spirit to lead into all Truth and Baptizes to Plung down Sin and Evil and to Circumcise to put off the body of Death and Sins of the Flesh which is come into Man and Woman by Transgression and you must feel this Spirit in your hearts which is a Witness for God who gives it you which will be a witness for you or a witness against you And you must feel the Blood of Christ sprinkle your Consciences from your dead Works that you may serve the living God which Blood will be a witness for you or a witness against you and you must feel the Water of the Word to wash you and cleanse you which will be a Witness for you or a Witness against you so the Spirit of God the blood of Jesus the Water of the Word are three that agree in one that bear Witness or Record in the Earth and there are three which bear Witness or Record in Heaven the Father the Word and the holy Ghost and these three are one he that hath an Ear to hear let him hear By the Offence of one to wit Adam Judgment came upon all Men to Condemnation Even so by the Righteousness of one to wit Christ Jesus the free Gift of God came upon all Men unto Justification of Life For God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son Jesus Christ that whosoever believeth in him should not Perish but have everlasting life And they that do believe in him have everlasting Life John 3.16 Rom. 5.18 Now concerning Gods Son Jesus Christ our Lord he was made of the seed of David according to the Flesh and declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness by the Resurrestion from the Dead Rom. 1.3 4. G. F THE END
of God the Father which is in Heaven But the Emperour of the Turks saith he is a great Persecutor of the Christians and you say in your Alcoran That Jesus shall be a Witness in the day of Judgment against such that obey not his Law Are not your own Words in your Alcoran and the Lord Jesus and the Apostles of Jesus Who should sustain the Law of God in Jesus absence witness against you who are Haters and Persecutors instead of loving Enemies according to the Command or Law of Jesus And therefore as Mahomet saith That Jesus shall be a Witness in the day of Judgment against such as obey not his Law So according to your own Alcoran you Turks and all others that are Persecutors who disobey the Law of Jesus he will be a Witness against you in the day of Judgment yea I say against you Turks and all other Persecutors upon the Earth Secondly Sultan Mahomet Emperor of the Turks saith he is Lord of all the Emperors of the World from the rising of the Sun to the going down thereof King of all Kingr and Lord of the Tree of Life But are there not many Kingdoms and Kings in this Northen part of the World and many Emperors and Heathen Kings in America and also in the East-Indies Hath not the Great Mogul many Kingdoms under him besides Prestor John commonly so called hath not he many Kingdoms under him And doth not the Emperor of the Turks know that these Kingdoms and Empires he is neither King nor Emperor over Yet he saith he is Emperor over all the Earth from the rising of the Sun to the going down thereof Which World he knows is but his own Country and from the rising of the Sun in it to the setting of the Sun in it for the Sun riseth and sets in America and the East-Indies and all other parts of the World where he hath no Rule nor Power and how long he may have Rule and Power Writ five Years since and is he not out of his Throne now and be Emperor in his own Country God knows And therefore it is best for the Emperor of the Terks to be humble and not conceit himself with an high and ambitious Mind that he is King of Kings and Emperor of the World where he is not and where God hath given him no Power least the Almighty God do abase him and take away his Power which he hath given him For Daniel said to Nebuchadnezer the Emperor That he should eat Grass like an Ox c. till he knew that the most high God ruleth in the Kingdoms of Men and giveth them to whom soever he will and his Kingdom should be sure to him after that he knew that the Most High did Rule And therefore the Unchangeable God Man must Fear for Heaven is his Throne and the Earth is his Footstool that Earth that the Turks and all Men stand and walk upon And so from the Face of the Eternal God and his Footstool cannot the Turk nor any other Man or Woman turn themselves but there the Face of God will meet them for Gods Divinity extends throughout all the Earth who inhabits Eternity and dwels with an humble Heart who beholds the Proud and Lofty afar off and brings down the high Looks and abaseth the Pride of Men. Thirdly And again Sultan Mahomet Emperor of the Turks thou sayest thou art Lord of the Tree of Life But the Turkish Emperor must know he is not Lord of the Tree of Life which beareth twelve manner of Fruits and yeildeth her Fruits every Month and the Leaves of the Tree were for the healing of the Nations We do not believe that the Emperor of the Turks hath any such natural Tree in all his Land or Garden that yeildeth twelve manner of Fruits every Month the Leaves of which are for the healing of Nations this Tree of Life the Turks have no Power over and John the Apostle of Christ that kept the Law or Command of Jesus Jesus speak to him and said Blessed are they that do his Commandments that they may have right to the Tree of Life that they may enter through the Gates of the City Namely Heavenly and Holy Jerusalem which descends out of Heaven from God which is not outward Jerusalem in the Land of Canaan as in the Revelations of John the 21 and 22 Chapters And Christ said to John his Apostle He that overcometh I will give him to eat of the Tree of Life Namely he that overcomes the Devil Sin and Unrighteousness whose Name is written in the Book of Life hath right to eat of the Tree of Life But if that the Emperor of the Turks doth not overcome with the Spirit of God and his Power the Devil and his Works Sin and Unrighteousness c. he cannot eat of the Tree of Life therefore he is not like to Lord and to have Power over this Tree of Life which he cannot eat of except with the Power and Spirit of God he overcome the Devil and his Works And concerning the Pure Religion and the False James who was one of the APostles of Christ Jesus saith If any Man seems to be Religious and bridles not his Tongue but deceives his own Heart that Mans Religion is vain Therefore what Religion so ever the Emperor of the Turks set up or profess or any Man or Weman else in the whole World and bridle not their Tongues with Gods Power and Spirit according to the Law or Command of Jesus which he gave to the Apostles their Religion is vain and they do but deceive their own Hearts with their vain Religion from their unbridled Tongues for pure Religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this To Visit the Fatherless and the Widows in their Affliction and to keep themselves Vnspotted from the World. And this is the pure Religion that God and Christ Jesus set up and his Apostles preach't and declared to Men and all the Believers and Converted to God and Christ and that keep their Command did and do walk in this pure Religion Fourthly Sultan Mahomet Emperor of the Turks Thou sayest Thou art Commander of the Christians Crucifyed God and sayest thou wilt Pursue their Crucified God whose Wrath thou fearest not nor his coming to defend or deliver them out of thy Hand Answer These high Words are not spoken in the fear of God for if thou knewest God thou wouldst know his Son Jesus Christ who was made of the Seed of Abraham according to the Flesh and declared to be the Son of God according to the Spirit of Holiness by the Resurrection from the Dead so that thou hast neither Power over his God-head nor his Flesh And Mahomet confesses in his Alcoran That Jesus the Son of Mary is full of Light which is according to Antient Scriptures and of the Gospel to conduct People the right Way with a confirmation of the Old Testament and to guide and instruct the Righteous Now Mahomet
and the Turks who make this Confession in your Alcoran then you must believe the Old Testament and the Gospel of the New concerning Christ Jesus the Son of Mary and of the Seed of David according to the Flesh and that Jesus Christ came according to the promise of God to his Prophets who was Born of the Virgin Mary And Mahomet in his Alcoran confesses That Jesus Christ was not begotten by the will of Man who was conceived of Mary and that she should conceive and bring forth without the touching of Man. I say the Angel of God said to Mary He was conceived by the Holy Ghost and so called the Son of God And Mahomet saith in his Alcoran Page 30. Chap. 33. That John did affirm Christ to be the Messiah and to be the Word of God. Now if the Turks do believe this which Mahomet saith in his Alcoran then you must believe what Christ saith of himself and the Angel of God and what the Apostle saith of him John saith of him In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and God was the Word and all things were made by the Word and without him was not any thing made that was made and in the Word was Life and the Life was the Light of Men and that was the true Light which enlightens every Man that comes into the World. Now here is the Divine Light which is the Life in Christ the Word by which all things were made which enlightens every Man that comes into the World to their Salvation if they believe in the Light and to their Condemnation if they hate the Light And John saith This Word was made Flesh and dwelt amongst us and his Apostles beheld his Glory as the Glory of the only begotten of the Father full of Grace and Truth and of his fulness they did receive Grace for Grace and saith The Law came by Moses but Grace and Truth by Jesus Christ Now whereas the Emperor of the Turks saith That he is Commander and Guardian of the Christians Crucified God. Now in this he is mistaken for the Eternal Incomprehensible Invisible Everlasting God whose Divinity extends throughout the whole Earth who is God in Heaven above and in the Earth beneath to whom all Nations are but as the Drop of a Bucket this is the true Christians God whom they Serve and Worship in his Spirit and Truth which the Jews did not Crucifie nor could they Crucifie and it is Blasphemy for the Jews or any to say That they did Crucifie the true Christians Eternal Invisible God and great Ignorance for any to say That the true Christians God was Crucified or that the Eternal Incomprehensible Immortal God the Creator of all who is the God of the Spirits of all Flesh and the Breath of all Mankind is in his Power so that poor Mortals or Externals should say think or imagine that the Eternal Invisible Everlasting Immortal Incomprehensible God was or can be Crucified which they cannot comprehend which is the true Christians God. But Christ which was made of the Seed of David according to the Flesh who took not upon him the Nature of Angels but the Seed of Abraham He Suffered for us in the Flesh And so as Christ also hath once Suffered for Sins in the Flesh he the Just for the Unjust that Christ might bring us to God so God was not Crucified but Christ being put to Death or Crucified in the Flesh but quickened again in the Spirit and rose again and sits at the right Hand of God this Peter one of the Apostles of Jesus testifieth and the true Christians now believe it and though Christ was Crucified through Weakness that is through the Flesh yet he is alive and liveth by the Power of God 2 Cor. 13. So it is clear that the Eternal and Invisible Incomprehensible God was not nor cannot be Crucified but Christ the Son of God suffered according to the Flesh not in his God-head So Christ dyed for our Sins according to the Scripture of the Old and New Testament For as in Adam all dyed so even in Christ shall all be made alive and that Christ by the Grace of God should taste Death for every Man So it was not the Invisible Eternal Incomprehensible God that was Crucified and Dyed and did taste Death for every Man but Christ according to the Flesh who was manifest to take away our Sin and in him there was no Sin so Christ was manifest to destroy the Works of the Devil and Christ through his Death destroys Death that Sin brought and the Devil the Power of Death And about the ninth hour when Jesus Christ hanged upon the Cross He cryed with a loud Voice saying My God my God why hast thou forsaken me So it is clear the Eternal God did not Dye nor was Crucified but Christ was put to Death in the Flesh this testifies Mathew one of Christs Apostles so he was the one Offering who made an end of all the Offerings among the Jews through the offering up of the Body of Jesus once for all so the Man Christ Jesus offered up himself one Sacrifice for Sins so by that one Offering he hath perfected forever them that are Sanctified so he is the Propitiation Offering and Sacrifice for the Sins of the whole World yea Jesus Christ which was of the Seed of David and so according to the Scripture Christ Dyed for our Sins and he was buried and rose again the third Day according to the Scriptures and after he was risen from the Dead he was seen of the twelve Apostles and again He was seen of above five hundred Brethren at once that were Believers in him and this was after he was Dead Buried and Risen but none of the Princes of the World knew him for had they known Christ they would not have Crucified him but we know now that Christ being raised from the Dead dies no more and Death hath no more Dominion over Christ in that he died unto Sin and for the Sins of the whole World but now he being raised from the Dead he is set at the right Hand of God and therefore Jesus of Nazareth a Man approved of God by Miracles Wonders and Signs which God did by him this Jesus the Son of Mary the Jews with their wicked hands did take Crucified and Slay but it was God who loosed the Pangs of Death because it was not possible that he should be holden of it and though the Jews did Crucifie Jesus Slew him and Hanged him on a Tree yet God hath raised him up the third Day and God hath Exalted him at his right Hand to be a Prince and a Saviour to give Repentance c. and forgiveness of Sins and so Christs Apostles were Witnesses how God raised him from the Dead so you may here see it was not God that was Crucified and Dyed for he raised Christ from the Dead on the third Day and shewed him openly to his Apostles
and they did Eat and Drink with Jesus Christ after that God had raised him up from the Dead and he commanded his Apostles to Preach to the People and testifie that it was he which was ordained of God to be Judge of Quick and Dead and to him give all the Prophets and the Apostles of God witness That though the Name of Jesus whosoever believed in him should receive remission of Sins neither is there Salvation in any other for there is no Name under Heaven given amongst Men whereby we must be saved but by the Name of Jesus of Nazareth whom the Jews Crucified whom God hath raised from the Dead for God said to David That of the Fruit of his Loynes according to the Flesh God would raise up Christ to sit on his Throne And David he seeing this before spoke of the Resurrection of Christ That his Soul was not left in Hell neither did his Flesh see Corruption So though the Jews Crucified him and a Souldier thrust his Speer into his Side and though he was Crucified and hanged on a Tree and Slain Dead and Buried him did God raise up the third Day and he appeared to his Apostles and Disciples and did Eat and Drink with them after he was Risen who were the faithful Witnesses That God raised him up from the Dead who is ascended up into Heaven at the right Hand of God who being the brightness of Gods Glory and the express Image of his Substance and upholding all things by the Word of his Power when he had by himself purged our Sins sat down at the right Hand of the Majesty on High whom the Heavens must receive until the times of restitution of all things which God hath spoken by the Mouth of all his Holy Prophets since the World began and he that descended is the same also that ascended far above all Heavens that he might fill all things who led Captivity Captive and gave Gifts unto Men c. And we have Redemption from Christs Blood even Forgiveness of our Sins who hath delivered us from the Devil the Power of Darkness who is the Seed of the Woman which bruiseth the old Serpents Head which deceived Adam and Eve which God promised to Adam That the Seed of the Woman should bruise the Serpents Head in which Seed viz Christ all Nations are Blessed who is the Image of the invisible God the first born of every Creature for by him were all things Created that are in the Heaven and that are in the Earth visible and invisible whether they be Thrones or Dominions Principalities or Powers all things were created by him and for him and he was before all things and by him all things consists and Christ said in his prayer to his Father This is Eternal Life that they might know thes the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent And Jesus desired of God his Father saying That those whom God hath given him might be with him where he was that they might behold his Glory which God hath given him for he loved him before the foundation of the World therefore saith Christ now O Father Glorifie thou me with thy own self with the Glory which I had with thee before the World was and Christ said to his Discples after he was risen from the Dead All Power in Heaven and in Earth is given unto me and he bid his Disciples go into all the World and Preach the Gospel to every Creature c. And then after the Lord Jesus Christ had spoken to his Disciples he was received up into Heaven and set down at the right Hand of God And now we who are the Believers in Christ Jesus and true Christians we do live unto him and if we dye we dye unto the Lord whether we live or die we are the Lords for this end Christ both died revived and rose that he might be Lord both of the Dead and of the Living and he is Judg both of Quick and Dead who is the only one Mediator betwixt God and Man even the man Christ Jesus who makes intercession to God for his people and is able to save to the utmost all that come to God by him whoever lives to make Intercession for them who is set down at the right Hand of God in Heaven who is the Prince of the Kings of the Earth who said to John I am the first and the last I am he that Liveth and was Dead and behold I am alive for evermore And therefore Sultan Mahomet Emperor of the Turks who saith I will persue your Crucified God wherein he is mistaken it was not the Eternal Incomprehensible God but Christ that was Crucified and Died for his and all mens Sins if the Emperor of the Turks will believe it if not he will die in his Sin And if he thinks to persue Christ that was Crucified he is like unto the Jewes that did crucifie him But Christ is risen from the Dead and is alive and dies no more Death hath no more dominion over him nor hath Mahomet neither and so is alive again lives for evermore and is set down in Heaven at the right Hand of God out of the Jews and Turks reach to persue so is far above their vain Imaginations and Reach and he that hath all power in Heaven and Earth given to him who is the Prince of the Kings of the Earth and King of Kings and Lord of Lords and rules all Nations with a Rod of Iron he is able to daish them to pieces like a Potters Vessel and to abase the Pride of haughty Men and to save and deliver his People out of the hands of the Destroyers for he gives unto his Believers and Follower Eternal Life and Christ who laid down his Life for his Sheep said to the Jews He had power to lay down his Life and he had power to take it up again This Commandment I have received of my Father saith he so it was not God his Father that Dyed and Jesus said His Sheep heard his Voice and followed him and saith he I give unto them Eternal Life and they shall never perish neither shall any Man pluck them out of my Hand and saith Christ my Father that gave them me is greater then all and no Man is able to pluck them out of my Fathers Hand Here the Emperor of the Turks may see that neither he nor the Jewes nor no Man upon the Earth is able to pluck Christs Sheep out of his Hands Jesus Christ saith so who hath all power in Heaven and Earth given to him and is the Prince of the Kings of the Earth and King of Kings and Lord of Lords And your own Alcoran saith that Jesus will be a Witness in the day of Judgment against them that obey not his Law and do not believe in him and here the Emperor may see that Christ is able to defend his Sheep and save them and none is able to pluck them out of